#maybe i want to believe these are all different personas or whatever (NOT SAYING THAT!! being so clear right now i do not believe that
shalpilot · 25 days
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naeverse · 6 months
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🐩staring: NerdMiguel x QueenBee Reader
💗 preview: “Damn, sounds like you want a lapdog.” Peter chuckled, returning to your conversation as MJ followed suit in his laughter, which only made your smile broaden.
“It does…doesn't it?
🌸Summary: You, Queen Bee, have been desiring a little assistant for a while—someone who can fetch you things, do your work, assist you in any way possible, and just make life much easier. However, after witnessing a surprising occurrence with one of the lamest students on campus, Miguel O'Hara, you believe you've found just that, and maybe something even better...
💗rating. 18+ explicit I SMUT I
🐩tw/cw. Blackmail, Caught in the act, College AU,  Demeaning, Desperation, Dirty talk, Dominance, Handjob, Masturbation, Orgasm Denial, Overstimulation, Ownership, Public Masturbation, Power Differences, Praising, Public, Sex toys, Vibrator, etc…
🌸Word count: 9k
(*All rights reserved. DO NOT repost/translate/copy any of my work.*)
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Small, quiet whimpers escaped the lips of the burly man to your left. His head lowered in an attempt to hide as he diligently tackled your college work. His large, left hand trembled while he solved long math equations, expressions, logarithms, and whatever else the packet held. You shifted your gaze from the four-eyed male to two others seated at your booth.
Peter B. Parker, the captain of the football team and the golden boy of the school, sat across from you, alongside his girlfriend, Mary Jane Watson, or MJ, who was the editor of the college newspaper. They cuddled up against each other, with MJ on his chest and his arm wrapped around her.
The two were considered your "friends" at the university, forming the famous clique that instilled fear and envy in the entire student body. However, between the adored football jock and the news girl, you, on the other hand, were a much bigger deal. 
Everyone knew your name, and if they didn't, you were seen as an utter disgrace due to your cluelessness.
You were known as the university's queen bee.
Everyone loved or hated you; you didn't care. Any attention was welcome. You were the leader of the notorious sorority house of baddies, with a rich family that could drop and sue anyone with the drop of a hat. You could control the student body in masses with just a word, and had everyone, even the staff, wrapped around your pretty, manicured finger. 
Whatever you said went, and don't you fucking dare think otherwise; you'd be an idiot to challenge the queen. Having the ability to turn any person into a complete nobody, withering away in debts and charges, kept everyone in their place.
But you wouldn't exactly say Peter and MJ were your friends, just students at college who possessed a certain kind of power that was highly useful to have in your corner.
Peter and his kind, sweet persona solidified bonds with other universities and the dean themselves. He was the face of your campus and was hella popular.
MJ headed the media, and whatever she said or wrote in the newspaper or the college blog was believed by everyone on campus, even if it was false.
Not that anyone would know...
Peter, MJ, and you were at the top of the food chain at your university; no one else mattered and was worth the time.
So why the hell was this lowlife sitting at your booth?
Miguel O'Hara, known as the nerdiest of the nerds on your college campus, sat beside you at your usual booth in Mama's diner, your clique's hangout spot.
To be fair, you didn't classify Miguel as such; more of a loner because he didn't look like a nerd. His body was covered in bulging muscles that contrasted greatly with his quiet persona. He had a towering height that rose above most of the football team, and he got attention from girls.
Or, well...
Girls gave him attention, not like the guy minded them.
He kept to himself, always having his nose stuck in a book. To make him even more of a dork, he worked at the school library. Due to his elusive nature and  how hard he was to categorize, the loner had gained a distasteful reputation; many students on campus hated him as a result. 
Was he a jock due to his bulging muscles, a bad boy due to his mysteriousness and constant desire for solitude, or was he a nerd for always being found reading, and whenever he spoke, only intellectual things came out?
He was a tricky case.
And not one you cared about until today…
You never would have paid the introverted male any attention if it weren't for you, this morning, stumbling into the library in search of someone to do your homework. Instead of finding a lowlife in waiting, you found something much better…
You found Miguel in his office, located at the far back of the library, moaning and jerking off under his desk. To make matters worse, AirPods adorned his ears, blocking out any awareness of your presence. You even leaned over his shoulder to discover that he was clearly watching porn.
He was definitely an amateur...
But a needy little thing he was...
The sight before you was an honest gold mine, something that would be perfect for MJ to post on the school blog as you captured a video of the surprising occurrence.
It was hard to fathom how much his reputation, if he had one, would plummet once the entire school got a look at this. But then, being the cunning queen you were, you had a better idea for that video…
You decided to use it as a means to have an around-the-clock assistant that would come running at your every beck and call, at any given time. It was a great idea, especially with the lowlife not being unpleasant to the eyes. 
So now here he was, being a good little puppy for you and doing your homework, except...
It didn't seem like your associates were too pleased with your puppy’s presence.
You met Peter's gaze, his amber eyes furrowed in confusion as he glanced from you to the muscular loner and back again. "Okay, why the hell is he here?" he finally asked after a while of just staring at the two of you. A smirk spread across your lips at his question. "I believe you have eyes, Peter. He's doing my homework," you simply said with a sly grin, continuing your subtle movements under the table, which only made the geek clench his pencil even more.
Peter and MJ recognized that look on you, that sneaky smile you wore whenever you were up to no good. But this time, they couldn't quite put a finger on what it was and how it involved the four-eyed freak.
MJ looked between you and Miguel as well, her cherry lips pursing. "Why here, though?" she asked, her head still resting against Peter's chest. "Most of the time when we meet at Mama's diner, we gossip, we talk about deep stuff. We can't do that with him here," she acknowledged, motioning to Miguel in the corner, who seemed very focused on solving a long ass math problem.
You couldn't help but look over at him as well, taking in the sight of his heavy breathing and faintly red cheeks, before looking back at your associates, who still wore expressions of confusion and discomfort. You huffed, giving them a fake pout. “Come on, Miguel won't utter a single word to anyone...
Now, would you?”
You asked, turning to look at the large Latino, his amber orbs covered with a pair of black eyeglasses as he remained silent, adamantly trying to avoid eye contact. You scowled, giving him a tight squeeze, followed by a deep stroke making him jolt. His eyes briefly rolled, his mouth stammering, trying to find his words. “No… I won't.” He said so low and deep you had to lean in to hear him.
You could visibly see him struggling, beads of sweat trickling down his forehead as he tried painstakingly to control his breathing. You grinned, watching him return to work on your math packet like a good little puppy. “See? He can be trusted.” You explained with a smile, continuing your tantalizing play on the nerd, which only made the Latino male suck in a breath and grip his pencil tighter.
You swore you thought the wooden tool would snap in two any second now…
“Fine, but what made you want to bring him of all people?” Peter asked next, turning your gaze onto him. “He holds no power at our Uni. He’s useless to us.” He said with a chuckle, running his fingers through his girlfriend's red hair. You chuckled at his belief that the four-eyed male was ‘useless’; 
Currently, he was everything but…
“You know how much I wanted my own little assistant for some time.” You replied with a smirk, tracing Miguel under the table, feeling your fingers begin to become further coated in his essence. “As in someone who can fetch me things, do my work,
Satisfy my every need…”
You abruptly squeezed Miguel once more, a sudden audible groan passing his lips, gaining everyone's attention. Peter and MJ glanced over at Miguel with raised eyebrows before just brushing it off as the geek having one of his weird moments. 
Subtly, you shot the dweeb a glare, making his ears redden and clear his throat. He flicked his pencil around in his thick fingers, beginning to erase a mistake he made due to your harsh grip before you turned back to your associates with a nonchalant smile.
“Damn, sounds like you want a lapdog.” Peter chuckled, returning to your conversation as MJ followed suit in his laughter, which only made your smile broaden.
“It does…doesn't it?”
You whispered, glancing over at Miguel, who was trying not to acknowledge your gaze, seeming to be very interested in the ways of Calculus II. 
“Aww… Peter, you know me so well.” You thought with a small grin, continuing to stroke the trembling male. You could feel the dweeb strain underneath his black jeans, enjoying how greatly he was trying to hide his pleasure. With your thumb, you brushed over his sensitive tip, making him whimper loudly, despite his effort to suppress it by biting his lip.
You shot him another stern look, slightly relieved to hear a groan of annoyance from MJ at the same time. At her outburst, it drew your attention over to her to see she was looking over at the workers in Mama's diner who were diligently working in the kitchen area of the diner. “Gosh, we've been sitting here for 20 minutes, and our order still isn't here.” She whined, crossing her arms over her chest like a pouty child in the grocery store. 
“Come on, baby, it should be out in a little bit,” Peter whispered, trying to comfort her. You couldn’t help rolling your eyes at her dramatics. MJ always did this to get attention, Peter’s attention in particular, who you’ve noticed was staring at you a lot more than usual upon entering Mama’s diner today.
You met MJ’s blue eyes, giving her a tight-lipped smile. “Actually, why don't you two go check it out? See what's the hold-up?” You proposed, glancing over at Miguel to see his defined Adam's apple bob at your words, his nervousness only exciting you further.
Oblivious to your proposal and the fact that you, the queen, said it, Peter and MJ nodded and slid out of the booth. You watched in the corner of your eye as they walked away from your table and towards the front of the diner. 
‘Now the fun can begin…’
You thought, a wicked grin spreading across your glossy lips. With them gone, you wanted nothing more than to have some fun with your new puppy. You turned in your seat to finally make eye contact with the panting male, and you couldn’t help but snicker at the sight.
The dweeb’s coffee-brown curls were plastered to his sweaty forehead, his amber orbs hooded behind his glasses while his grip on his pencil was slowly loosening. Breathy moans escaped his parted lips as his hips thrust softly into your hand, his eyes rolling with each of his movements.
Upon the two leaving the table, it seemed the nerd had completely dropped his facade, showing just how needy he was.
You laughed, glancing down to see the mess he was making in his black jeans. A small wet patch gradually soaked the zipper and crotch of the denim. “I knew you didn't finish in the library.” You teased, continuing to stroke him. He grunted, shifting in the booth to better angle himself into your clenched palm. “I couldn't…You interrupted me.” He replied hoarsely, making you raise an eyebrow. You abruptly gripped his cock at his response, making him whine.
“I interrupted you?”
You scoffed, not believing the balls on this nerd. “You have more mouth than I thought, Miguel O'Hara.” You hissed, releasing him and drawing down his pants, exposing his huge member fully. His hooded eyes instantly snapped open, deep pants passing his lips. “What are you—what are you doing? Someone could see.” He exclaimed through stammers, his amber eyes blown in a mixture of lust and worry as they looked all around in fear of someone being near.
You rolled your eyes at the nerd’s empty concerns. Your clique's favorite booth was positioned in the back of the diner, completely secluded. Of course, you’ll take precautions; you wouldn’t want someone to capture the sight of you having fun with a loser like him, so the idiot was fine.
Not that you cared at the moment...
“I honestly don't know what you're so worried about. You didn't seem concerned about someone seeing you when you were jerking off this morning.” You taunted, earning an angry growl from him, his cock twitching a little at that recollection. “Mierda, I didn't know anyone was there. The library is always empty in the mornings.” He said in a low voice, his tone rough and holding so much spite in it.
You couldn't help but chuckle at his anger, as if he could do anything about it. His massive body was stuck on the inside of your booth, his well-endowed cock and balls out on display.
He was completely vulnerable to you…
Your eyes trailed him, taking him in slowly, and to your surprise, you found yourself licking your lips at the sight.
Even though the dork was a lowly peasant at your school, carrying his stupid little textbooks and allowing the jocks to beat on him when he had the muscles and height to beat their asses ten-fold.
He had an impressive cock…
It was fully erect, sticking straight up into the air with a small patch of dark brown, coarse hair sitting atop his dark shaft, trailing an irresistible line up under his beige sweater. His cock was long, girthy, and definitely above average, with a brown, angry tip dripping with precum, begging to be tasted and played with.
During your moment of ogling, his large, veiny hand hastily covered the oddly magnificent sight, snapping you from your trance. You glared up at him, taking in his flushed cheeks, coffee-brown curls that hung over his framed eyes, and his attempt to cover his enormity between his legs with his hand.
“Move.” You sternly said, your tone showing just how annoyed and furious you were. You crossed your arms over your white-clad chest, awaiting the loser to obey, but surprisingly, he did no such thing. Miguel simply clenched his jaw, averted his gaze from you, not at all listening to the order you’ve just given him.
Your glossy lips pulled into a snarl, not remembering the last time someone would dare be defiant towards you, but it seemed this nerd, loner, whatever the hell he classified as, was something different…
He knew who you were, yet he was disobeying you, talking back, and worst of all…
Not submitting.
You’ve met many infuriating individuals, but he had to take the cake.
Your jaw clenched, trying to keep your composure and remind yourself that you needed him around because you were a hair's breadth from reaching into your bag and grabbing your phone to do the unthinkable. You cleared your throat, sliding so close to him that you could feel the heat of his bare, thick thighs against yours under the short, expensive pink skirt you adorned.
You brushed a strand of his coffee-brown hair behind his ear, noticing how he flinched slightly before leaning in close.
 “Move your hand, or I'll make sure to send that little video of you jerking off to MJ. I think she’ll enjoy posting that onto her little blog for the whole college to see.”
You whispered into his ear, the threat striking the nerd greatly. A wave of satisfaction rushed through your being when he turned to face you, his amber eyes narrowed in rage, but a hint of fear evident in them as well. “You wouldn't,” he said, calling your bluff in a rough, breathless voice which only made you laugh.
“You must really be living under a rock on campus if you think I’m bluffing,” you chuckled darkly as the nerd gulped. “Now…” you began, glancing down at his shielded hand over what you desired. “Unless you want the entire college to know how much of a needy little puppy you are, you will move your damn hand and allow me to do whatever I please.” You sternly said, looking down at his trembling hand and then up at him.
You found it utterly adorable how he tried to keep your hardened gaze, but he would learn that when you want something, you’ll get it no matter what.
He cursed softly, running a frustrated hand through his messy coffee-brown curls. He captured his bottom lip in his teeth and reluctantly moved his hands, placing them on either side of him on the booth’s cushions. You smirked at his obedience. “Good boy,” you praised in a teasing voice, patting his head like the doggy he was; however, he yanked away. You scoffed at his defiance.
‘It seems my puppy needs more training. No worries; he’ll submit if he likes it or not.’
You thought, casting your eyes down to meet his painfully hard and erect cock. Biting your lip, you wrapped a hand around his base, feeling how brick and sticky it was in your palm.
But before granting your puppy the sweet release he desired, he had a lesson to learn…
You harshly gripped his shaft, earning a loud groan to escape his throat. “I'm very pissed at you. Want to know why?” You asked, squeezing his cock even more, making him hiss. He clutched the cushion of the booth in his large hands, clenching his jaw once more. “Why?” He said through gritted teeth.
"Why? You nearly got us caught with those outbursts, idiot," you spat, finding a rhythm and stroking him roughly under the table. His abundant precum allowed you to smoothly run your fist along him. He groaned, his head falling back against the booth.
"Maybe... you should f-fucking stop then," he said through pants, which only made you giggle. "Oh, I'm just finishing what you started in the library, puppy," you said with a fake pout.
"And here I thought you liked getting off in public places."
Miguel moaned softly at your words, his cock twitching in your hand in response. You raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Oh? Don't tell me that's the truth," you teased with a soft chuckle, knowing you'll surely have some fun with that hidden kink of his in the future.
However, no response was heard from him, defending nor agreeing with your proposal; only the occasional low moans and groans escaped his lips. You snarled, pressing your thumb into the crown of his tip, eliciting a rewarding jolt and a Spanish curse to fall from his lips.
"If you won't respond to that, then answer this," you hissed, nose scrunched up in disgust as you continued your stroking. "You act all big and tough when you're alone with me, yet you curl up into a little ball when others are around," you stated with a smirk. "Why is that?"
"Because you don't fucking scare me," he said angrily with a steady voice. You scoffed in amusement, your eyes roaming over his bulging muscles through the sleeves of his beige sweater—the fabric appearing strained. "And others do?" you retorted with a snicker, causing him to growl in annoyance and look away. "It's not like that."
"Oh yeah, then what is it?" you inquired, purposely quickening your pace on his shaft, stroking him faster and pressing your palm into his length, the desire to see him lose control driving you. He whined and whimpered uncontrollably, his large hand landing on your thigh, gripping it tightly through your skirt, urging you to slow down.
You sighed heavily; Miguel was so frustrating. The dweeb's mouth constantly spoke of defiance and disrespect, while his body contradicted him each time—his hips steadily moved in sync with your palm, and his member twitched in your hand. It seemed even he was confused about what he wanted, but being the sweet master you were, you'd assist him in discovering his true desires.
But first, he had to be taught to fix his attitude because he was really pissing you off.
You brushed the pad of your thumb over his tip, intensifying his pleasure with every jerk of your hand. "I don't like your attitude with me," you said angrily, smacking his hand off your thigh and grabbing his chin.
You roughly turned him to look at you, his eyes dazed behind his black glasses, and his lips parted. "I hold the power of your entire reputation in my hands. I can get your big ass kicked out of this damn college just by showing the dean that video of you," you warned, looking at his face in complete rage.
"Do you fucking understand me!?" you exclaimed, your nails piercing into the underside of his chin. Your eyes glared daggers at him as you continued to slide your hand up and down his trembling shaft.
He clenched his jaw, nostrils flaring as his hand landed on your wrist, deep groans continuing to pass his lips at your movement. "Y-yes, fuck," he moaned, biting his lip. "Yes to what?" you demanded, seeking clarity. With your thumb, you caressed in small circles around the crown of his tip, a smirk spreading across your glossy lips when his grip on your wrist tightened. "Yes, I-I... understand," he said, his deep voice sounding rather airy and breathless.
"Good boy," you whispered, tilting your head at him and glancing down to see more pre-cum sprouting from his tip, dripping down his shaft and coating your hand. Miguel growled. "What do you even want from me?" he asked through trembles of pleasure, his cock twitching in your fist. Your smirk broadened, turning your attention from his cock to the four-eyed male, his chin still resting between your manicured fingers.
"You heard that conversation between Peter, MJ, and me, did you not?" you inquired with a raised eyebrow, making him heave a trembling sigh. "Lapdog, right? That's what you want?" 
"Indeed," you chuckled, releasing him. He whimpered, his thighs quivering, as heavy pants passed his lips. He rubbed his chin, pressing his backside into the leather cushions and breathing heavily. You reached over him, grabbing a few napkins from its container to clean your hands, feeling Miguel's eyes on you all the while.
When you met his gaze, you weren't surprised to see the sight of anger and irritation, but what did surprise you was the hint of curiosity found in his intense gaze.
'Was the dork interested in being your puppy?'
"Why?" he finally asked after catching his breath. You laughed, turning to him with a wicked grin. "The better question is... 
Why not?"
You replied with a snicker. Miguel rolled his eyes and sighed once more. "And you want me to be your damn lapdog?" he asked, full of spite and rage, his amber eyes appeared redder than usual, but it didn't faze you. "Yes, or that video goes out to everyone," you said with a grin, your eyes lingering along his body. "And I think everyone would be rather shocked to see what you've been hiding under all that ugly clothing," you chuckled, motioning down at his massive and still very hard cock.
He snarled, looking away from you and out the window beside him. A silence fell upon the two of you as you simply took him in—his defined cheekbones, broad nose, thick neck, and massive body covered in a hideous beige sweater, black jeans, and white Converse.
'Goodness, this is going to be fun. The most fun I've probably had in years.'
You thought, faking a pout and leaning towards him to press your plush lips against his ear. He jumped slightly at your closeness, making you giggle as you ran a hand over his chest, tracing his defined pecs and abs through his sweater.
"Come on, puppy. Don't be so mad; you might even enjoy it."
You teased, and to your anticipation, his cock throbbed in response. He groaned lowly, your chest covered in a white crop top pressing into his arm. "It’s not like I have a damn choice," he retorted, his voice still resonating with fury. 
"Well… get used to it."
You uttered, licking a stripe across his sharp jawline and enjoying how he shuddered at the feeling. You then pulled away, his amber eyes following you like the needy puppy he was.
"Now, every doggy needs a collar," you uttered with a smile, causing him to scowl. "I’m not wearing a damn collar."
"So quick to assume, puppy," you laughed, only seeming to enrage the geek even more. "Stop calling me that," he growled, causing you to sigh, finding it rather annoying how he still believed he held some type of control here. 
He'll learn sooner or later.
"You’ll grow to love it, puppy," you emphasized, turning from his faltering glare to rummage in your $500 Prada bag, fishing out a toy you purchased just for your little doggy. When you acquired it, you turned to him, twirling the dark blue and red crystallized ring in your fingers. Miguel's eyes followed it, his chest heaving in confusion and disdain, but his cock pulsated in desire and curiosity.
He could scowl and glare at you all he wanted, but his body gave him away, every single time.
“What the fuck is that?” He snapped, once he regained his composure, his amber eyes looking from the ring to you through his black eyeglasses. You chuckled, running your fingers along the ring. “After our little run-in at the library this morning, I bought my new puppy something special.” You explained, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion. The geek looked perplexed for the first time.
 It was a cute look on him…
“Oh, don’t worry, it’ll be fun. I promise...” You giggled, glancing down at his dark cock, still twitching in desire. You then held your hand out to him, the large ring resting in your palm.
“Now…show me how much of a good doggy you can be and put this on…”
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“Ugh, they are saying it's another 20 minutes.” MJ groaned, climbing into the booth right after Peter. You heaved a sigh in irritation; Mama's diner was never this backed up. It was rather annoying to think you all would have to wait just for three measly milkshakes.
“So, what’s the two of you been doing? He looks like he’s about to fucking faint.” Peter joked, glancing over at Miguel, whose bronze face was covered in beads of sweat. His amber eyes trained on the packet of math work once more. You chuckled, shrugging your shoulders. “I don’t know. The math problem must be stressing him out.” You said with a smile, subtly glancing over at your phone that rested beside you on the booth, the vibrator app pulled up on the screen that was already at level 2.
The ring that you had bought for your new puppy was nestled around the base of his cock, right over his balls, stimulating both of his sensitive areas. You gave him the benefit of the doubt to cover himself; you weren’t a total meanie.
You just needed him to know his place, as it seemed he kept forgetting.
So you decided to seat him in front of two of the most popular students at your college with a pulsating vibrator around his cock. 
What better way for him to learn...?
"Okay…" MJ trailed off, brushing off the situation as nothing. "Umm, what even is his name?" She asked, talking about Miguel as if he wasn't even there. At her inquiry, you turned to your puppy, giving him a soft pat on the head. "Tell her your name," you said sweetly, noticing the subtle glare from him. "Miguel," he responded in a gruff voice without looking up from the packet.
"Your full name," you added with a smirk, wishing to further annoy him. The dweeb’s jaw clenched at your persistence. "Miguel O’Hara," he growled, hastily returning to solving question 24 of your math packet. MJ looked between the two of you, taking in the interaction before leaning across the table, her blue eyes set on you.
“Seriously, what are you up to with him?” 
She asked in a hushed tone like no one at the table could hear her as her red eyebrows furrowed in concern. You scoffed, not believing that she would dare to ask you such a thing.
“Why the hell are you questioning anything that I do?” You spat angrily. “The fucking dweeb is just doing my damn homework,” you said, your eyes glaring into hers.
Perhaps, the load of hair upon MJ's head was the cause of her forgetfulness. Regardless of the culprit, the redhead better keep in mind how much you love fixing her mistakes and kicking her back into line if she oversteps.
You've done it to so many others, she'll be no different…
“Hey, hey, settle down,” Peter said, trying to calm the situation between the two of you. The tension in the air was so thick, it could be sliced with a spoon, let alone a knife.
“There's nothing wrong with what Y/N is doing,” Peter said, placing a hand on MJ’s shoulder and pulling her back towards his chest. MJ sighed, giving you an apologetic look. “Yeah, I’m sorry.” You rolled your eyes, dismissing her as you met Peter’s eyes that also looked between Miguel and you. “Although, I must say…” He began, and to your surprise, settled his amber eyes onto Miguel.
You smirked, loving to see how the aroused geek would handle this, your eyes trained on him. Miguel, noticing the lack of conversation, hesitantly looked up to be met with six eyes staring back at him.
“How the hell are you so…massive?” Peter asked with a chuckle. “You don’t do shit except read, play chess, or whatever else you nerds do.” Peter jested, causing everyone, except Miguel, to laugh. Your eyes were trained on Miguel as he glanced over at you and back at Peter before clearing his throat. “Genetics.” He mumbled, returning back to writing out the parametric formula to solve the equations he was on.
Peter’s eyebrows furrowed, the introverted male’s words not seeming to have reached his ears. “What did you say? Speak up, man.” He laughed, causing Miguel to clench his jaw once more. His pencil halted upon the paper as he casted his amber eyes up to the jock. “Genetics. That's all it is.” He repeated in a louder tone.
“So, you are telling me, you do not work out?” MJ asked in surprise and awe, her blue eyes roaming over his body. You were certain she was checking your new puppy out.
You growled, oddly, shooting a glare at her.
You didn’t know what was with her today, but MJ was working your last nerve.
MJ, thankfully, shut up after your look, but your puppy answered anyway. “A little,” he replied, twirling the pencil in his thick fingers nervously. You couldn’t help but gaze at him—his massive musculature snug under his beige sweater that seemed to hug him in all the right places.
His biceps bulging, his hardened pecs defined, and you could even sneak a peek at his abdominal muscles pressing against the warm fabric. You bit your lip, the desire to get him out of that ugly sweater filling your being until you shook off the thought.
The damn dweeb was making you forget your title and your reputation…
But you couldn’t lie. 
The geek was exceeding your expectations…
Not only was he impressive for being at the very bottom of the student hierarchy and having the ability to make you feel all hot and bothered, but despite his cock being heavily stimulated by the vibrating ring, his voice didn't waver or falter.
Your puppy was tougher than you thought…
‘We’ll see about that.’
With a click of your phone, you raised the vibrations from a mere 2 to a 5. Instantly at the change, Miguel jolted in his seat. You watched with a look of pure innocence on your face as Peter’s eyebrows furrowed.
He snickered, eyeing the glasses-wearing male across from him at the table. “Man, you are weird as heck, but I’ll let it slide,” he said with a smile, glancing over at you, his eyes full of admiration. “If the queen here can put up with your presence, which is rare,” Peter snickered, “I’ll be willing to open a spot on the team to see how you do,” he proposed, which shocked you.
It was hard to get on Peter’s football team, yet he was practically giving it to Miguel, the most disliked male at school, on a silver platter.
You couldn’t help but feel a little angry at that, slowly becoming a bit possessive over your new puppy.
But thankfully, Miguel said the words for you. “I-I’m not interested,” he uttered, clearing his throat and clenching the pencil tightly in his large hand. You smirked, watching Peter’s eyebrows rise in shock. He glanced over at MJ, who had become quiet after your glare.
“This dude is really turning down my offer, babe,” he said, nudging MJ, who snapped out of her trance to turn her blue eyes onto Miguel. “That’s unfortunate.”
“Actually…” you said, instantly drawing their eyes on you. “It’s better if he didn’t. I’ll lose my new lapdog, and we wouldn’t want that… Isn’t that right?” You asked, running your manicured fingers through Miguel’s coffee-brown hair. You watched his jaw clench and a subtle blush spread across his lips.
Seems as if he's starting to like the name or you claiming him…
Indeed, Miguel was a naughty one…
Peter’s stunned expression instantly changed at your words. He cleared his throat, giving you a nod. “Of course, but the offer still stands,” he offered once more, looking over at you as he said it.
You gave him a small smile before MJ sat up in her chair with a grin, the color restoring back into her being after you rightfully snuffed it out. “Since the workers are taking so long, let’s play a game. Never Have I Ever, anyone?!” she exclaimed, a smile adorning her cherry lips.
You grinned, liking the idea, before a thought came to your head, causing you to heave a sigh. “Normally drinks are involved. We don’t have any,” you commented, instantly MJ reached into the pocket of Peter’s red and blue varsity jacket, pulling out his metal flask. His eyes widened in shock before he laughed, shaking his head. “Damn, I thought you didn’t know about that.”
“I know everything, baby.” MJ giggled, placing the metal flask in the center of the table. You smirked, glancing over at Miguel, who had his arms crossed upon the table, his head lowered over the math packet. He was panting, and his thighs were trembling next to your own. He wasn’t writing anything as he seemed like he was just sitting there.
But you knew what your needy puppy was up to…
He was enjoying himself, relishing in the sensation from the vibrator ring you had bought him. You couldn’t help but smile at the sight.
While Peter and MJ discussed the rules of the game, you leaned in close to Miguel, pressing your glossy lips against his ear. “Are you enjoying your little toy, puppy?” you inquired, causing him to suck in a breath. “Ay cono, turn it off,” he panted, whispering to you in desperation. He turned his hooded eyes onto you, and you met his gaze with a sly grin. “Why? You like it,” you whispered back with a small giggle, watching his ears redden and a vein bulge from his forehead as he tried to suppress his anger.
“So no, it’s not coming off anytime soon,” you told him. “Now, you'll play this game with us and finish my work later.”
“I don’t want to fucking play,” he growled, making your forced smile falter. You subtly reached over to your phone, turning the vibrations up from level 5 to 7. Miguel's voice caught in his throat, his hand landing on your thigh once more. You could even faintly hear the buzzing in his jeans that was slowly making the geek lose his composure.
His large palm covered your smooth skin as he gripped it tightly while he quivered. He cursed under his breath, beginning to softly pat your thigh to call a truce. You watched him with a smirk, loving how he was writhing and squirming in his seat, knowing you were the sole cause of it. “I-I’ll play,” he whined, lowering his head to hide, his amber eyes on you over his arm. You smiled, lowering it back to a mere 5.
‘Don’t piss me off,’ you mouthed, turning back to Peter and MJ to find they were, thankfully, still talking. 
You didn’t want to hear what any of them had to say when it came to Miguel and you, especially from MJ.
“The dweeb is going to play too,” you said, hastily gaining everyone’s attention. “Awesome, do you want to go around as ages? Whoever is the youngest goes first?” MJ suggested. “I think the oldest should go first,” you said with a wicked grin, knowing everyone would choose the latter since you, the queen bee, said so.
If your intuition was correct, which it always was, you sensed Miguel was older than the rest of you. His demeanor and rough look showed his maturity, and you couldn’t help but become a little aroused at the assumption.
“Fine. I’m 23,” MJ said, glancing over at Peter next. “25,” he replied, soon looking at you. “24,” you smiled before finally setting your eyes on the trembling male. His amber eyes shifted from all of your eager gazes. He cleared his throat, tanned cheeks a soft red. “26.” His voice, like usual, was deep and rather low, but you heard his answer loud and clear.
You were right...
The muscular geek was not only a disobedient lowlife, but he was older than you. ‘How fun?’ you thought, looking him up and down beside you. It made everything even sweeter.
“Well, you go first,” Peter said, motioning to Miguel with his head, his dark brown hair swaying with his slight movement. The dweeb gulped, merely sitting there for a while. It was for so long that you pondered if he had even played the common game before until he finally spoke.
“Never have I ever fallen asleep during a movie,” he muttered, keeping his gaze on the table.
'Of course, a boring one, like I thought.’ You groaned, nudging his arm. “Come on, that shit blows,” you said with an eye roll. “We want something steamy, hot…” You whispered, reaching over to caress his thigh under the table. He gulped, clenching his jaw and landing his large, calloused hand on yours to cease your movement. “Fine…” he said, turning to look at you in particular.
“Never have I ever walked in on someone without knocking.”
Miguel asked with a sly grin that surprised you greatly, and left you angry as hell. You growled, hearing Peter and MJ begin to discuss their answers. “Gosh, I walked in on one of the guys with their girlfriends in the locker room,” Peter sighed as MJ didn’t have an unfortunate occurrence happen to her, but not like you cared about either of them at the moment.
You glared at Miguel, his taunting smirk and stupid glasses adorning his face, the desire to slap them both off overwhelming your being.
You turned to see Peter already taking a swig of the metal flask, a grimace on his face after the drink. “Shit, I knew I shouldn’t have chosen the strong stuff,” he commented, glancing up at you. “Now, what about the Queen bee? Walked in on one of those baddies at your sorority house?” He inquired with a chuckle. You looked over at Miguel, his eyes narrowing as he watched you take the flask, gulping down a large mouthful of the liquor.
As Peter said, the shit was strong, and it took everything in you not to cough, suppressing the urge by clearing your throat. “No…” You replied, placing the flask back on the table and subtly looking over at Miguel before meeting your two associates' curious gazes. “Then what happened then?” MJ asked, deeply intrigued.
“Well, I walked in on someone jerking off.”
You noticed beside you, Miguel’s entire body became rigid on the booth; his hand squeezed yours under the table in a rather desperate way. He was begging you with the slight touch to cease any further words.
How cute…
You smirked at the feeling, loving how you had the dweeb filled with anxiety and nervousness about whether you'll spill his deep secret or not.
But you're only a bitch when you want to be…
“That’s all you get, though.” You laughed, causing cries of frustration to erupt, although you didn’t miss the sigh of relief that passed Miguel’s lips even though he was the one who called your bluff and dug his own grave.
“First round, and it seems Queen Bee and I are tied on who’s paying for our order.” Peter laughed, causing you to roll your eyes. “If it ever gets here,” MJ added with a groan.
“Even more of a reason to continue playing,” Peter said with a smirk. “But it seems as if it’s my turn, being 25 and all.” He said, sitting back against the cushions of the booth, humming in thought. “Ah, got one.” He commented with a grin.
“Never had I ever used a mirror during romantic intercourse.” He asked, his amber eyes looking around the table.
Of course, being the fun queen bee you were, you took the flask. “I mean, if you haven’t, you are missing out.” You grinned, taking another swig of the strong liquor, feeling the satisfying sting in the back of your throat when you placed the container back on the table. You could feel the heat radiating from Miguel’s body at the mention of you doing something so naughty.
You wouldn’t mind doing something like that with him only when he was ready…
A small blush spread across MJ’s cheeks at the erotic question. “I’ve always wanted to do it.” She said, bringing a smile to Peter's lips. He snaked an arm around her, caressing her arm as he spoke in a sultry and seductive voice. “Oh really? We can always try it after-
“Oh my gosh. Get a fucking room already.” You interrupted with a snicker, eyeing the two lovebirds. “Okay, okay,” MJ said with a giggle, eyes turning to Miguel who hastily dismissed it with a head shake.
Of course, the fucking dweeb doesn’t know how to have fun.
With you, he’ll know nothing else; you’ll make sure of it.
“Well, it’s your turn now,” MJ smiled. Finally, it was your turn, instantly thinking of a proposition that could really reveal some deep secrets about Miguel.
Something he's been hiding…
You sat back in your seat, pondering your answer when your eyes met Miguel. Just the sight of the massive male was making your brain sprout with ideas. Who knew how helpful he could be with just his mere presence?
Why not reward him for the assistance?
Subtly, you sat up, turning the vibrations up to a 7 while starting your round.
“Never have I ever had a sexual encounter in a public place and secretly liked it.”
You proposed, glancing over at Miguel, who was losing it. He gritted his teeth, lowering his head to try to hide his fluttering eyes and heavy pants, but your associates’ words surprised you. “Gosh, both of us,” you heard them say, drawing your attention from your puppy.
“Yeah, we did a vibrator challenge on each other, and we went to a mall,” Peter said with a smile and a head shake. “It wasn’t enjoyable with the many people around at the sudden bursts of pleasure, but overall…it was fun,” MJ added, snuggling into Peter’s chest.
You slowly nodded, retaining the idea for further use and glancing back at Miguel, who was shaking. You felt his hand on your thigh once more and soon his soft pats, as if he was a wrestler trying to tap out of the ring.
But you weren’t a merciful referee; he could endure it a little longer…
You leaned in close to him, pretending to reach down to pick up the pencil that had accidentally rolled off the table due to his squirming. “Lift your head and play the damn game,” you spat harshly into his ear as he frantically shook his head. “Fuck, I-I can’t,” he whined breathlessly. “Mierda, I’m close. I-I can’t,” he repeated, only making you smirk.
“Be a good puppy, hold it, and play the game, or I’ll raise it to the highest level,” you told him sternly, your fingers finding the pencil in the leather cushions. You soon rose, a smile on your lips as you placed the wooden tool onto the table. “Miguel, how about you?” you inquired in a sweet voice, the lovebirds finishing their swigs of the flask. “Done anything fun in public and secretly enjoyed it?” you asked, curious about how he'd answer and respond.
Like a good doggy, he lifted his head as you commanded. His dark, hazy eyes looked between the three of you before simply reaching over and taking a swig of the flask.
“Fucking hell!? The nerd knows fun!” Peter commented with a laugh, while the rest of you looked on in astonishment. Miguel placed the flask down, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. “Explain,” you urged, nudging him with a kick under the table. He jolted, shooting you a subtle glare, causing you to raise an eyebrow, reaching over for your phone when Miguel gave you a gentle squeeze of desperation. “Okay…” he began, exhaling and trying to regain his composure while holding back his release and being heavily stimulated.
“I was getting a-a handjob under the table…i-in a diner similar to this,” he said, making you smile, knowing exactly what he was referring to. “T-The girl was fucking rude and mean, but h-had skilled hands. Very skilled hands.” He gulped, avoiding your eyes while he spoke. “But t-that’s pretty much it. I liked it...Who wouldn't," Miguel said, looking down at his lap and leaving the table speechless.
You didn’t know whether to be flattered, angry at his description of you, or apathetic. A burning desire in your gut to simply drag him to the bathroom of Mama’s diner and see just how good his cock would feel inside of you.
But overall, the geek had surprised you with his answer, this being the only time he had spoken his mind and said his true thoughts since he sat down at this fucking booth.
“Damn, sounds hot,” MJ said, making you turn your attention from your loyal puppy to her. “Wish I had the guts like that rude girl you described. I could never.” She said lowly, bringing a wave of pride over you. Her compliment only fueled your already replete ego.
After the steamy encounter that Miguel explained to the group, it was now MJ’s turn. However, just when she was about to speak, her phone pinged with a message. She glanced down at the glowing screen, her eyebrows instantly furrowing. “Oh my gosh, babe, we have to go. I’m needed at the university.” She quaked, turning her blue eyes upon you. “I’m so sorry to pause the game and leave so early.” She apologized, hastily standing up from the booth alongside her ride, and boyfriend, Peter.
“I can only assume it's for the newspaper, so I’ll let it slide,” you told her as she thanked you, swiftly scurrying past and exiting Mama’s diner. Peter watched with a chuckle, tucking his hands into his red varsity jacket, standing beside you at the table.
“Well, I guess we’ll be seeing you around, Queen Bee,” he smirked, suddenly taking your hand and placing a kiss on your knuckles. You raised an eyebrow, a smile forming upon your glossy lips. Prior to pulling away, he held his soft lips upon your skin for a moment longer and gave your knuckles an affectionate caress with his thumb, meeting your eyes. “Call me anytime.” He whispered, giving you his signature charming smile and wink that made every person on campus faint and die on the spot before leaving behind his girlfriend.
You couldn’t lie; you were a little shocked at Peter’s forwardness.
You’ve noticed his interest in the great Queen Bee—who isn’t—but he had a girlfriend, and unfortunately for him…
You don’t like to share…
Many whiny groans and the sound of loud buzzing brought you from your thoughts as you turned to look at Miguel in the corner to see something even more astonishing than Peter’s previous advances.
Miguel was panting, breathing heavily with his head pressed against the back of the leather booth. His black denims were drawn down, revealing his strained cock and the beautiful red and blue vibrator ring around his base. His eyes rolled uncontrollably behind his glasses, his mouth agape while he rambled in a blend of Spanish and English.
You could only make out the English phrases and words he uttered, which mostly were pleas and begs, all desiring one thing and one thing only.
“Please—ay cono. Let me cum. Please, let me cum."
He implored incessantly, his words so full of need and desperation. You could tell he was slowly losing it; the pleasure was blinding him, and he was only at level 7. You were hoping to try the highest level on him, but maybe another time…
You didn’t want to completely ruin your new puppy…
You leaned towards him, running a finger over his sticky tip, tracing patterns across it. He whined and squirmed in his seat at your touch. “Aww, you want to stop playing already? I wanted to try level 10.” You told him with a fake pout. He frantically shook his head, gasps of air passing his parted lips. “Goodness, no. Please, I-I can’t take any more.” He begged so perfectly that you almost allowed him to.
“I’ll let you cum on one condition,” you proposed, taking his chin in your fingers and turning him to meet your eyes. His eyes fluttered, his hands found your wrist, grabbing on tightly to stabilize himself. His face was flushed, his defined cheeks a rosy red, and his forehead covered with beads of sweat. He looked adorable, practically begging you with his hooded doe eyes to allow him to cum. You smirked, caressing his chin.
“Tell me you are my little puppy and sweeten the deal with a cute little bark.”
You giggled, eliciting a growl that came out more like a groan. “A-Are you serious?” he panted, making your smile only broaden. “Very, and I’ll only raise the level of the vibrator if you don’t,” you said with a grin, loving the look of defeat that covered his face. “Shit,” he cursed, looking away.
“No, eyes on me.”
You sternly said, hastily yanking his chin back towards you. He clenched his jaw, making eye contact with you once more. His amber orbs were full of anger, but his desire to be relieved of the vibrator and finally be granted his satisfying release led him to speak what you wanted.
“I-I’m your… l-little… 
He uttered reluctantly through shaky moans as you waited patiently for the best part of his whole confession. He growled, shaking his head. “I’m not barking.”
You huffed, giving him a stern look. “Do I have to threaten you again about that video? How about I take that little vibrator and give it to the dean instead?” you said with an evil grin. “It has your… essence all over it. Wouldn’t be hard to discover it’s yours.” You cackled. He scowled, gazing up at you through breathy moans. “You are s-such a bitch.”
“Are you sure? You are looking more like a bitch than me right now,” you spat with a laugh, piercing your nails into his chin. “Now be my good little puppy and bark.” You demanded once more, eyes trained on his furious and flushed face.
You watched Miguel resist you as hard as he could. He put up such a fight, remaining silent to disobey for a good while, but just like any wild dog, they break, they snap...
They submit.
So, it didn’t take long before the most satisfying sounds filled your ears.
A wave of satisfaction overcame you, akin to taking a refreshing sip of a chocolate milkshake on a hot day. Your glossy lips pulled into a smile, feeling completely overjoyed as you stared at your official new lapdog. “Gosh, I’m going to have so much fun with you,” you promised, caressing his chin affectionately. Miguel’s eyebrows rose in surprise, and his entire face turned red; even his cock frantically throbbed around the pulsating ring.
Like a dog wagging his tail, he seemed to like that idea very much...
You wrapped a hand around his shaft, stroking him at a fast pace while the ring continued to buzz against him. “Be a good boy and cum for me,” you whispered. “Make me proud, puppy,” you told him, kissing along his jawline and earning a loud groan to erupt from his throat. His hips left the seat, meeting your fist with each thrust upwards. “Oh yes. Fuck,” he cried through closed eyes.
The leather booth began to creak loudly at his frenzied movement, his cock sliding in and out of your palm, completely slick with his precum. You could feel how powerful the vibrations were on his sensitive shaft whilst he continued to fuck your fist.
“Shit, shit, I’m cumming,” he groaned, before a loud guttural, deep moan erupted from deep within his chest, his thick, muscular thighs quivering. Veins bulge along the underside of his abdomen upon his climax, and with one final thrust into your hand, he shot his white, creamy load.
And the four-eyed male just kept impressing you over and over again.
His release seemed to be endless. More and more of his seed dripped from his slit, coating your hand and the buzzing toy. The vibrating ring and your fisting only seemed to milk him completely, causing him to whimper and whine uncontrollably, continuing to paint his shaft, your hand, his beige sweater, and the leather seats in his essence.
When he was finished, you took in the huge mess he’d made with a grin. “Look at what you’ve done,” you purred, grabbing a few napkins to clean your hands. Miguel didn’t respond, only babbling softly, his words unintelligible.
You laughed at his thoroughly satisfied expression, finding it utterly adorable how fucked-out he looked. You relieved him of the vibrator, turning it off and removing it from his swollen shaft, the toy completely coated with his sticky fluids. 
You smirked, eyeing the white-coated ring; it was so enticing that you couldn't help but bring the toy to your mouth to give it a taste. Like savoring the sweetness of honey on a wand, you ran your tongue along the vobrator, humming in ecstasy.
Your eyes fluttered at the taste. His seed was different—something you couldn't quite put into words, but an essence you'd definitely want more of in the future, something you had to taste straight from the source.
After sucking the ring clean, you placed it into your bag and slid closer to Miguel. His eyes were still closed, his chest heaving up and down while his body spasmed—small tremors spreading through his massive being.
You turned his face towards you, a finger resting under his chin. His eyes fluttered open to meet your satisfied gaze. “I’m happy you enjoyed yourself, puppy,” you whispered, an airy chuckle passing his lips at your words. “I had no choice… 
So I might as well enjoy it,” 
He muttered breathlessly, his response made you even prouder. Your little puppy was understanding the game—the fun. You couldn’t help but love the dork even more.
You leaned closer to him, your nose brushing against his. 
“Finally… you are starting to get it,” you uttered, pressing a rough and searing kiss to his mouth. Miguel, completely exhausted and shocked, instantly lost the fight, giving you control.
You devoured his mouth hungrily, his plush lips feeling just right and tasting even better as your tongue entered his parted lips. He groaned, kissing you back, but not enough to dominate nor challenge you, which you adored so much.
You kissed him until you were satisfied, sucking his lips until they were pink and swollen, and tasting his mouth with your tongue. You then pulled away from his enticing lips, both of you panting heavily. You looked him over with a smirk, patting his head and running your manicured fingers through his coffee-brown hair, and to your satisfaction, he didn’t pull away—either from weariness or pure enjoyment, it seemed your puppy had accepted his role. 
But you couldn’t be so sure…
You smiled, sliding out of the booth and picking up your $500 Prada bag from the seat. His amber eyes were full of confusion as he looked you over. You met your adorable lapdog’s gaze, standing before him in your lavish clothes—a white crop top, pink Gucci jacket, skirt, and heels.
You gave him a sly grin, slinging your purse over your shoulder. “Clean yourself up and have my homework done by 10. 
I want you at my sorority house tonight,” 
You smirked, watching his tanned cheeks turn a deep red. Your eyes took him in one last time, taking in his little mess, his flustered and stunned expression, softened cock, massive body, and those dorky glasses.
 All of that and so much more was yours now.
All yours…
“See you then,” you giggled, blowing him a kiss, and turning on your pink high heels, leaving the dork flabbergasted.
You swung open the door of Mama’s diner, stepping out onto the sidewalk and into the bustling streets of Nueva York. You put on your pink heart-shaped shades, the evening sun beaming upon your face, as an unshakeable smile adorned your glossy lips.
You were excited, no, delighted. 
You had discovered something better than a measly assistant that you had desired before. 
You had a permanent peasant, a puppy who was none other than the outcast of your college—the student at the bottom of the student hierarchy and hated by all was officially yours. 
And you couldn’t wait to have so much more fun with your little bitch boy, Miguel O’Hara.
Your new lapdog...
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A/N: I enjoyed writing this soo much!! 😆
I hope u guys enjoyed it as well, I'm thinking of writing a Part 2 but...idk 🤔😏
But hope u guys liked!! 💗💗
P.S: Part 3 of 'A Fate Worse Than Death' would be up next week, my apologies, I just had to write this one. 😌
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wheelerpilled · 5 months
'forced conformity is killing the kids'
Mike Wheeler ST5 Theory/analysis
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So we've all seen the new BTS of Finn Wolfhard on the set of Stranger Things dropped and OH MY GOD. THE DUALITY FROM LAST SEASON.
I have to TRY write about it ATLEAST...because wow I have a lot of potential thoughts, sorry it's once again unstructured, messy, and repetitive but stay with me please!!!!!!!!!!
I've seen ALOT of people happy we're getting s1-2 Mike hair back but guys .....it's not a good thing!!!!!!!!!! Mike is going THROUGH IT.
In Season 4 it's acknowledged that Mike is finally coming into his own a bit, Eddie says he was wearing 'whatever his mom bought him' when he first came to highschool, but in episode 1 when we see him for the first time in S4, he's clearly been influenced by Eddie and has figured out what style he likes and what he's interested in, he's in a DND club, he's comfortable being known as an uncool nerd, he's growing his hair out (yes I DO believe it's because he idolised Eddie, I have more to say about that in a second)
basically: his hair and his outfits, aswell as pretty much the way he acts in Hawkins (NOT California- he goes back to pretending to be something else) in S4 represents the ideology non-conformity and his sense freedom in this new persona
he doesn't feel lost in highschool anymore, he's doing what he likes with his friends (DnD) and he's proudly wearing his hellfire shirt around school/Hawkins, basically, he's accepting that it's okay to enjoy 'different' things that aren't considered the norm, and it makes him happy, he feels comfortable!
But now in Season 5, from the pictures we've seen, it looks like he's fully reverted back into his shell, I guess I understand why tbh I don't blame him:
he comes back to Hawkins after everything and everyone believes he's in a satanic cult- townspeople probably treat him badly and Jason's team mates probably blame Eddie and the rest of hellfire for Jason's 'disappearance' (death). They directly connect him with all the horrible things that have happened to Hawkins as of late
...which is probably what the BTS of them walking towards Mike are about, they probably keep harassing him no matter how he acts and Mike just wants them to leave him alone, let's face it:
High school has probably gone full circle back to middle school for Mike and he's getting bullied/mistreated again. So he feels his only option is to remove himself from Hellfire and become 'normal'.
Hellfire might maybe even be blamed for the gates being opened. Last we heard, the townspeople were hunting down Eddie and the rest of hellfire, and the graffiti on Eddie's grave in the S5 pics shows that he's still very much hated.
Mike probably got harassed by multiple people who don't believe Eddie's dead, or believe Mike was in on it and are out looking for him, or think Hellfire contributed to some satanic ritual causing the 'earthquake' and thus Mike is also a target and it's dangerous for him.
So I think part of the style change and haircut is due to THAT, he doesn't wear his hellfire shirt anymore because he doesn't want any affiliation with the club.
As Finn Wolfhard has said in previous interviews 'mikes just trying to act as normal as possible' so by seperating himself from Eddie/Hellfire and becoming more conventionally 'normal' he won't be treated like an outcast.
He won't be assaulted, bullied, blamed, or worse if he conforms. He has a greater chance of everything becoming better/easier while living in Hawkins if he does this, he might have even given up DnD aswell- so yeah he's gonna be pretty MISERABLE in season 5
Alot of people wanted to see his reaction to Eddie's death, I think we'll definitely be seeing the lingering after effects of it, and alot of Mike's arc will kick off because of the aftermath of the vilification of Hellfire.
Only few people know that Eddie died to try protect Hawkins, Eddie was a role model for Dustin and Mike, but they're grieving him in COMPLETELY different ways
Dustin decides to honour him by taking up a similar style and proudly wearing his hellfire shirt, and is also probably trying to sway the town's opinion on Eddie and prove him innocent.
....But Mike seemingly decides that he DOESNT want to end up like Eddie anymore: dead and hated, known as a satanic freak.
Someone he idolised is now deceased, he doesn't know how to properly handle that fact, it's intimidating that someone he looked up to do much could be so hated, and in turn has caused the reaction from Mike that is basically 'if my idol is treated as such a horrible outcast, and I wanted to follow in his footsteps, where would that leave me?' he's feeling lost and hopeless, especially with the state Hawkins is in, so he probably decides the best thing to do is just blend in. Be normal.
It probably scares him that even merely his interest in DnD and all these other factors immediately make him a target, as far as townspeople believe- Mike is one of the kids who was close with a brutal serial killer, they probably think he's just as 'messed up as Eddie the freak was' for staying friends with someone who'd do such horrible things
I think Mike just wants to hide as much as he can right now, he has ALOT on his plate and doesn't need the rest of the town out to get him.
so if anyone asks: he'll probably say things like 'I didn't really know Eddie! I would never join a cult like that, I didn't know!' or something to try seperate his name from the hellfire club.
Mike will end up picking protecting himself and hiding his true identity and values/traits rather then living exposed and vulnerable; yet true to what he actually believes is right....And that is the opposite of what Dustin is doing,
Dustin is a proud hellfire member and friend of Eddie, he's picking what he thinks is right over self-preservation from the town, he's still wearing his battered shirt, now HE'S the one growing his hair out, he still adores Eddie and misses him (so does Mike probably, but he feels he CANT outwardly publicly show support or stand up for him)
I do wonder if this will cause some sort of tension between Dustin and Mike, because Dustin is doing the opposite and becoming more like Eddie instead of distancing himself from the hellfire name, he might feel betrayed that Mike 'gave up' on Hellfire, and maybe accuse him of not even caring about Eddie or his death?? Idk!!!!!!!!!! I feel like Dustin will also be going through it this season 😭😭😭
I do also think Mike will try to be clinging alot to El this season (I mean, before they inevitably break up which I believe will probably happen kinda early on if it actually happens at all)
this is also because just the idea of having a girlfriend corresponds to his idea of conformity and being 'normal'. He just wants to be a normal guy, his life is nothing out for the ordinary, he's not interested in satanic things like dnd and hellfire, he's just a normal person. A normal person who is PROBABLY a target of Vecna in season 5 😓
I believe his arc for this season will be trying to breakout of these notions of conformity in exchange for things he actually likes and is interested in, we saw him sort of branching out in season 4, but I think THIS time it's happening for real, and he'll end up fully embracing his own views and interests after some sort of emotional arc-which will also probably be part of the M*lev*n break up (not censored because I'm against them/hate them I just don't wanna clog the tag for others 😭😭) OR set off by the breakup
Throughout season 1 he was told he liked El, or others assumed it, so I think he assumed it aswell, they just never broke up because El ALSO thinks having a boyfriend is normal and expected, and because Mike was the boy she was closest to she assumed it was romantic feelings (and he kissed her in S1 which probably contributed to her assuming they were romantic feelings)
Alot of the people around her are also in relationships, and she watched alot of TV with happy romantic couples so she thinks it's more normal to HAVE a boyfriend then to NOT have one, I think Mike and El kinda stayed together because they think they're SUPPOSED to by these social standards,
They obviously care about each other alot, and mistook it as reasons to just stay together, she wants to be a normal girl because only being a superhero isnt good for her, she needs to be 'Jane Hopper' and not '011'. I do think she definitely needs to be single for awhile and find herself, even if her and Mike are to be endgame, she NEEDS at least some time to gain some experiences outside of living her life as a superhero, (Mike also needs character development outside of being 'Els Boyfriend's)
Which is why it was vital that her time with max in S3 existed, so El could realise her value and that there is a life outside having a boyfriend- I think Mike needs a similar moment aswell, a wake-up call of sorts where he can take a step back and consider maybe rather than letting society dictate his actions, he makes decisions for what he wants for himself ('we make our own rules')
If m*lev*n is endgame then sure that's great for them, but I genuinely don't know what big character arc could be in store for Mike that doesn't involve a breakup and themes of non-conforming, it doesn't even have to involve Byler endgame at all (although I AM a byler truther)
I think Mike learning that it's okay to let go of that romantic relationship if he doesn't feel that way anymore is a big step for his character, or atleast taking a break so he can work on himself, anything along those lines of actual development on himself rather then on his relationship- El and Mike have been romantically paired from the start, he needs to learn that it's OKAY to breakup with someone if thats what he feels is right, (side note: I DO believe El would/will be the one to breakup with him 😭)
I don't think he realises that he'll be able to stay friends with El, it's not 'shes my girlfriend or else she'll hate me for breaking up with her. No other options'
he doesn't want to lose her because he cares about her but he can't find a way to balance that romantic relationship alongside his other friendships. So I think for his character to develop they have to breakup, even temporarily, but obviously that's only my opinion if M*lev*n is endgame then oh well, it's endgame, but I think they would be a really awesome platonic duo and I'd like their relationship alot more if it was that way
I think later in the season he'll realise that living this way not actually what he wants, and he doesn't want to give up who he is, or pretend to be something he's not- because he IS a nerd who likes DnD, and he does support Eddie, he cared alot about him because he idolised him, and i think season 5 is about him learning that that's okay and he doesn't have to feel so much pressure to conform by societal standards, bro needs a better grief process, forced conformity GOT HIS ASS 😭😭😭
What I'm trying to say is: all of this, and his new look is a safety net of sorts, he's still pretending to be something he's not because he feels he HAS to, otherwise it's dangerous for him in Hawkins because of hellfires reputation, but he's also acting this way because of other factors that I haven't really thought through yet LMAO
I believe season 5 will probably be him accepting those things about himself and embracing it, maybe also undoing his emotional repression along the way, I guess I would describe it as coming of age and I think if it's handled well it could be really beautiful in a way
Sorry that was long and repetitive but uhhhhhhhhhhhh yeah..........anyways Mike Wheeler ily keep ur head up king please don't die in S5‼️‼️ stay safe‼️‼️
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idekforfun · 1 year
Comfort ... JJk
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Summary: After scoring an invite to JHope's album release party, Yazmine isn't expecting anything more than to stick to the sidelines and enjoy the free drinks and music. Little did she know what her ever growing relationship with the rapper would lead her to.
Pairing: Idol!Jungkook x OC
Genre: Fluff, slight angst, strangers to lovers, ongoing series
Word count: 2.7k
The only thing I am able to think of as my eyes scatter across the room of popular faces is "the amount of talent in this room is enough to swallow me whole". I’m overwhelmed with anxiety and I can't seem to remember how I was ever able to suppress it. I'm finding it increasingly hard to hide behind my extrovert persona, the one that is a lie, a huge lie in fact.
 I realized I had been lost in my head when the sound of loud clapping brought me back to the real world. I barely catch the very end of Hoseok's speech, something along the lines of "Thank you for supporting me", and "enjoy the food and music" then he gives a bow and walks down the stairs where he is immediately pulled into conversation. Oh, I can't even imagine the anxiety he must be feeling. I could simply stick to a corner and hide in the shadows, whereas he has to socialize with everyone out of obligation.
Socializing. For some reason I forgot that I'd have to do that. I've been able to avoid it thus-far having arrived minutes before the actual album started playing. Now, everywhere I looked someone was talking to someone else. I realized I couldn't just stand here alone forever. I examine the room for someone I know, even better someone I have interviewed because I'll take any familiarity I can at this point. This whole ordeal is making me question my job because how am I able to meet celebrities on the daily, and here I am stressing about having to socialize at a party.
I was too in my head again, so I didn't realize someone had been calling my name until I felt a few taps on my shoulder. When I turn around, I was met with no other than Jessi, thank god. We have met on more than one occasion, and she has a weird ability of making people extremely comfortable, something I am immensely thankful for right now.
"Yaz!" She pulls me into a hug. It actually does well to soothe me. "I didn't know you were coming."
"I didn't know either," I pulled back from the hug with a gentle smile. "Actually, I was kind of surprised."
"Why, are you and J-hope not close?" she questioned.
"I mean, I had him on the show and we got on really well. We've also messaged a lot, too." I know I sound hesitant speaking, as if I'm not sure of the words I am saying. It is kind of hard to believe that Hoseok would want a friendship with me of all people, let alone be close.
"Oh, he definitely adores you, we even talked about you once," she has a sparkle in her eye as she talks and for some reason, I feel obliged to believe her. "Also, he was one of the best episodes on your show by far."
She is right about that. It has been my most viewed interview by a pretty wide margin. Part of me knows it’s due to the fact that he is J-hope of BTS, obviously, but it was also such a good video. All my interviews follow a simple formula. I bring the guest on and we engage in whatever activity they enjoy, in Hoseok’s case dancing. It brings a different level of intimacy that you can’t get from simply sitting across from one another and reading questions from a card. The conversation always flows naturally, and it’s all so genuine. On top of that, even I can admit that Hoseok and I just clicked. Our personalities complimented each other well. So much that we even continued to develop our relationship through messaging, and now I am attending his album release party which is a very important step in his solo career. Maybe we are closer than I allowed myself to believe.
“Yeah, it was pretty great actually.” I could see her eyes light up at my slight self-indulgence. Maybe I should give myself more credit.
We both turn our heads at the call of Jessi’s name from across the room. She gives me another smile and hug and tells me that she’ll find me later. I am left alone again but it’s not as bad as before. The anxiety has decreased significantly, which made my apparent hunger more noticeable. Hoseok did say to enjoy the food so I might as well. The snack table was filled with delicious finger food. As I was reaching my hand to grab a bite of some expensive looking cheese on a toothpick someone called my name. I turned around to find none other than Hoseok’s bright smile.
“So, I see you made it!” He pulled me into a hug. Not the ‘barely touch you because this is a little uncomfortable hug”, but a “I feel like we’ve known each other for years hug’.
“Hoseok, you’re incredible. The album is amazing, the release party is amazing, your outfit is amazing!” We pulled away from the hug and I could see a feint blush on his cheeks hidden well in the dimly lit room. “I’m serious, you may be the coolest person I know.”
“Yahhh, you’re boosting my ego too much.” He said while smiling shyly.
“You also may be the humblest person I know so I actually don’t think that is possible.” He smiled at me again and I swear I saw a glimpse of the actual sun in him.
“Do you know anyone here?”
“A few people, mostly through the grapevine.” He could sense my hesitancy right away, I could tell.          
“Come, I’ll introduce you to my friends.” He said as he gestured to the general direction behind him where his so-called friends were. Knowing him, his friends could be some ultra-famous idols that have better things to do than interacting with me. I could slowly feel the anxiety creep back up my spine, and my heartbeat slowly increased.
“I don’t really want to be a bother,” he looked down at me with squinted eyes and a tilted head. “I promise it’s okay, I like being alone and these appetizers are calling my name.”
He chuckled at me in disbelief, as if that was an insane thing to say in a room full of celebrities. I guess you could say a part of me is forgetting that they are just normal people too, so I shouldn’t be feeling this intimidated by them. At the same time, I’ve seen celebrities get starstruck over other celebrities, so they really aren’t just normal people and I am going to tell myself that my feelings are valid.
“C’mon, you’re never a bother. You’re my friend and I want my friends to meet you” he said reassuringly. I guess that answers my earlier internal debate. After 2 seconds of contemplation, I let myself believe him, and I signaled for him to lead the way. He lit up and tugged on my wrist so I could follow him.
I don’t know who I was expecting him to introduce me to, but for some reason his members stupidly did not come to mind. Three of the seven members of BTS were sitting on the stage together, and their heads all turned to Hoseok and I as we approached them. Despite all my inner turmoil, I take pride in my ability to pretend that I am confident and unfazed by everything. That is how I’ve done so well in my career while dealing with anxiety, but as the three idols studied us as we approached them, I could tell that mainting my persona would be more difficult than usual. I know them of course, because who doesn’t these days, but seeing them in person simply beats videos and pictures. They really were beautiful men.
“Yazmine this is Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook. Guys this is Yazmine.” Hoseok introduced while gesturing to each of them.
“Hi guys its so great to meet you.” I said with a smile. Jungkook and Taehyung who were sitting raised themselves up to give me a bow as well as Jimin who was already standing as I shook my hands at them. “Oh! there’s no need for that we can be casual.”
“Sorry, it’s a habit,” Jimin said with a smile. “After all these years it feels kind of strange not to be formal.”
“That’s how I feel except opposite. Getting used to being formal was a challenge and I sometimes still forget the strict customs.” I explained.
“Sorry if this comes across as rude but you’re not Korean? You’re Korean is really good!” Taehyung questioned.
“It’s not rude at all! I am half Korean from my mom and my dad is middle eastern,” as I was explaining, someone summoned Hoseok over to them and he gave my arm a firm squeeze in parting as he nodded to his members insinuating his departure. “I was raised in the US till age 12 and I’ve been back and forth since then.” I explained as they nodded in understanding. It was endearing how intently they were listening to me, and for some reason I felt oddly at ease with the three. My eyes wandered over to Jungkook’s as I finished my explanation, and as they met he quicky looked away.
“Your interview with Hobi Hyung was amazing by the way,” Jimin said. In the moment I don’t think I even processed that Park Jimin watches my show, I’d have to do that later. “The idea is so new and exciting. I hope that you’ll invite me once I start my solo schedule.” There was a sly smirk on his face. I wondered if it would be inappropriate to tell him I would probably jump off a bus if he asked me to, but I decided to keep that to myself in the end.
“I’ll see what I could do.” I joked back. Out of the corner of my eye I saw someone new approaching us and I turned my head to find Seokjin. I was now surrounded by four members of the group and I am surprised I’ve held my composure for this long.
“Hello,” he says timidly with a subtle bow. “Sorry to interrupt, I just wanted to say bye to these three. I’m Jin.”
Just when I thought these men couldn’t get any better, he introduces himself as if I wouldn’t already know who he is. I gave a bow back and smiled at his humility, “I’m Yazmine, it’s nice to meet you.”
“Hey Jungkook, this must be exciting for you.” At the mention of the youngest members name, I turned to look at him and caught his wide eyes and small headshake towards Jin that I was clearly not meant to see as his eyes shifted to me. “He loves your videos. One time he made me watch three episodes of your trying new things series.”
“Hyung!” Jungkook cried out. Obviously I was not supposed to be filled in on this information, but my heart couldn’t help but beat a little faster at this new discovery.
“Oh, did he now?” I questioned with a smirk. Jungkook’s face twinged a subtle pink that was barely noticeable in the dimly lit room, but noticeable, nonetheless.
“Oh yeah, Jungkookie is always sending us clips from your videos,” Jimin teased. Taehyung started nodding his head enthusiastically and decided he also wanted to join in on teasing the youngest.
“You should have seen his reaction when he found out Hobi Hyung was making an appearance, he was so jeal-”
            “Okay that’s enough.” Jungkook interrupted with an annoyed expression. Despite how much I was enjoying this, I also felt a little bad for him, and I’m sure he’s been at the center of their teasing all these years.
            “Well, I really appreciate the support, and it means a lot coming from you especially.” I reassured him. He gave me a shy small in return.
            “Well it was nice to meet you Yazmine, I am sure we’ll run into each other again,” Jin said with a warm smile. “Before I leave Hobi wants a picture with all of us.” He said while gesturing to the other members. They all nodded in agreement.
            As they all turned to follow Jin, Jimin turned to me and nudged my arm with his. “Don’t go too far, we’ll be back soon.”
“I’ll be here.” I reassured. I definitely wasn’t comfortable enough to talk with anyone else here, and their welcoming energy was definitely more than enough for me. Jimin and Taehyung followed Jin, while I noticed Jungkook lingering a bit. I could tell he had something on his mind that he wanted to say.
            “Isn’t it a bit early for Jin to be leaving?” I questioned. This was my best attempt at making him comfortable enough to tell me what was on his mind.
            “This isn’t really Jin Hyungs scene, he doesn’t really know many people and he gets nervous meeting them too.” Jungkook explained. I almost did not catch the end of what he was saying because I was too distracted by his eyes. They really do sparkle just like everyone says.
            “Wow, if that’s how Jin feels then I really am hopeless.” I said in shock. If a literal bts member was having trouble socializing, I was doomed.
            “Not completely hopeless, you have us now.” He said with the most endearing smile I have ever seen. There was also something about how he said “You have us now”, as if he was insinuating that I would be in their lives longer than just a casual conversation at a party. I know it’s probably my delusion speaking, but it’s a nice thought to comfort me.  “By the way I really do enjoy your videos a lot. I guess it’s kinda embarrassingly obvious now that I am a fan.” He said with a little more confidence while referring to the teasing from his Hyungs.
            “If it makes you feel better, I have 3 older brothers, so I know how it feels. Also, I am slightly embarrassed because of how many stupid things you’ve probably seen me do. It’s actually all coming back now.” I laughed. I started internally second guessing every decision I made for my videos because Jeon fucking Jungkook watches them, and I pray that he has not seen the bird calling video.
            “What, like the bird calling video?” He says with a chuckle. This is not happening right now.
            “I am actually going to ignore what you just said for mental health reasons.” He lets out a boyish laugh at that and I swear I’ve never heard something more adorable in my life. I would honestly embarrass myself 100 times over if it meant that I could make him laugh.
            We both turn our heads at the call of his name and see the members waving him over for the pictures.
            “I’m sorry I don’t want to leave you alone…” He says hesitantly.
            “No, don’t worry about it,” I said. “I’ll just be here trying not to embarrass myself.”
            “I won’t take long so we can be embarrassing together.” He said in a teasing tone. My eyes couldn’t help but widen. I’m either crazy, or he just flirted with me. I could hear his giggle as he turned to walk away while I stood there stunned. The butterflies in my stomach were going crazy as I watched him join the others. Seeing them interact with each other was so special. They looked so happy and comfortable. It was hard not to be slightly envious of their relationship. I can’t remember the last time I had a connection like that with someone, and I could tell it was rare. My eyes naturally wander over to Jungkook as he wrapped his arm around Hoseok. I could see his eyes glistening even from here with joy and contempt. His eyes meet mine and I find myself unable to look away even though I know I’ve been caught staring. His eyes crinkle at the corners as we look at each other, waiting to see who will break eye contact first. My gaze wanders across his nose and cheeks as my face heats up. I force my eyes to meet his one final time and I turn away with a light feeling looming over me.
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lollytea · 2 years
any huntlow miraculous au ideas ??
Disclaimer: I have not watched miraculous in nearly four years. I do not know what is going on in that show anymore and at this point I'm too afraid to ask.
However the reason I did start watching it for a time was because I was intrigued by the concept. I liked this idea of different facets of your personality only on display depending on the identity you're presenting and how mixed up that can get when it's a romance between two people who know each other with and without the mask and how the relationships shift depending on that. It's very basic superhero trope stuff but idk it scratches the little part of my brain that's obsessed with psychology and messy convoluted character dynamics. So the idea of doing something like that with huntlow DOES sound cool. But I have no concrete ideas.
Me personally I don't like doing AUs with huntlow unless it keeps them in the Boiling Isles setting and it keeps their respective backgrounds as GG and half-a-witch Willow. So I'm not big on Human AUs. So I wouldn't think too much about a typical miraculous AU myself. I'll leave that to other people to have their fun with. I love the miraculous AU art they do 💕
Okay okay okay. So what if we start off with the idea of Willow having a celebrity crush on the Golden Guard. Remember that AU? So lets say its pre-season 1. So Willow is still in the abomination track and is kinda a shrinking violet. So the Golden Guard happened to rescue her once and now she's all smitten over how cool and confident he is.
Anyway, Willow is forbidden from doing plant magic. However Willow loves to do plant magic. So her solution to this is to do plant magic in secret. One thing leads to another and now she sneaks out of the house every night and uses her magic to assist civilians in need. She's never really had a chance to let loose with her powers before. It makes her feel so cool and strong. Plus she really does empathize with how it feels to be vulnerable so she likes to help when she can. So she's developed a little bit of a superhero-ish alter ego.
The aesthetic of this is just making me go insane. Like the plant based superhero costume Willow would fashion for herself. It'd be so dorky and over-the-top. Im seeing shit like a poofy little dress, a skirt made out of giant flower petals, boots made of leaves, vines snaking all over her limbs. Fairycore vibes. I also really like the idea of using her magic to spread a cluster of tiny flowers around her eyes in the shape of a domino mask.
She calls herself "Force of Nature" (or "Force" for short.) And honestly, the name suits the person she becomes. When she's taking on this identity, Willow's full chaotic side comes out. She's got a big personality. She's ruthless, she's talkative, she's mischievous, she's everything that's always been bubbling under her surface. I wanna say she even takes a little inspiration from the trademark Golden Guard dazzle.
Now Hunter is the Golden Guard and he believes it's his duty to help and protect people of the Boiling Isles. However, he begins to notice that Belos is constantly preventing him from doing so. Hunter keeps getting sent on tedious tasks to collect ingredients for his uncle's experiments or deal with business matters or WHATEVER. There is a distinct lack of helping going on here. And everytime he tries to respectfully point it out, Belos insists that the work Hunter does is important. Admittedly, Hunter is beginning to get a little frustrated. He certainly doesn't want to believe that his uncle is wrong (His uncle is never wrong.) Buuuuut maybe his uncle just isn't seeing the big picture correctly. Maybe he just needs a little convincing.
So this is when Hunter commits himself to sneaking out of the castle at night and helping all the people that the Golden Guard was too busy to help. If he used his GG persona, word would get around and he'd be in trouble for disobeying. So Hunter opts to carry out these deeds unmasked. He might have a special outfit for the occasion but his full face is on display. Doing these things has nothing to do with building Hunter's confidence, it's just to do what's right.
He keeps a journal where he documents all the good he's done while carrying out this secret job and intends to hand it over to Belos once it's full so his uncle will finally understand. The mental gymnastics are insane here. Deep down, Hunter knows Belos would kill him if he ever found out and he's taking this secret to his grave. But the journal helps him feel less disobedient so we'll let him have this.
Anyway of course Willow and Hunter eventually cross paths and decide to work together for the greater good. A friendship is formed and it does not take long before Hunter falls head over heels for Force of Nature. And because he's so transparently himself with none of his Golden Guard swag, he's a shy blushy mess around her. It doesn't help that she's one of the only people besides Belos to call him by name.
(He didn't tell her his name at first. It only slipped out after he developed a crush and he found that he had a really hard time saying no to her.)
Meanwhile Willow is very fond of Hunter. However, I feel like she's kinda blocked herself off from entertaining the idea that she might have feelings for him because of her crush on the Golden Guard. It's a very idealized crush and she's built it up so much in her head that it subconsciously prevents her from even thinking about anyone else in a romantic light. But I think some feelings for Hunter might be sneaking up on her without her noticing.
Anyway Willow has hung around Bonesborough often enough that she knows the exact times the Golden Guard shows up for patrol. She slinks around the areas where he's known to meet with people and discuss business. She'll wander around town on weekends just for the off chance of spotting him. However, though she's brave enough to march right up and say hello, she really hasn't a clue how to talk to him like a normal person so all that comes out is word vomit. (Again, this is pre-season 1 Willow. A bit of a nervous wreck.) Anyway she's stopped to "talk" with him enough times that he remembers who she is now. So that's a start!
On Hunter's end, there's this one schoolgirl who he usually meets in town and she's a massive stroke to his ego. She's clearly starstruck with him and he's eating it up. He's constantly playing up the GG persona for her to the point that it's almost flirtatious. He doesn't really notice that he's doing this and doesn't understand that she might take that the wrong way. Hunter doesn't have any strong opinions about Willow Park. She's sweet, she's a little awkward and he humors her whenever they meet. But he doesn't really form a deep friendship with her for quite a while because it can be very difficult to make connections when you're playing a character.
Anyway. There's a basic premise for your consideration. Hijinks ensue and whatnot.
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mediocre-quill-ink · 9 months
Pt 5
Content: Gavin is pissed but what's new?
Connor and I walked into the station, his hand resting on the small of my back. I tried to take in deep breaths as I waltzed through the doors, preying I didn't look as nervous as I felt. I needed to look calm, relaxed, maybe even cocky.
I tried to straighten my posture a little bit, throwing on a subtle, fake, but confident smile as I fought the urge to look at gavin.
Not yet, don't aknowlage him yet. Pretend it's just me and connor.
I felt a few sets of eyes on us as we made our way to our separate desks. Not the whole office, thank God. But it was enough to raise my anxiety. Connor gave me a soft kiss on the cheek, whispering, "Are you okay so far?" I nodded subtly in return and leaned away, making his way to his desk.
I sat down at my desk, being sure to keep my calm, This-is-totally-normal persona as I let out a slow, tense sigh.
I glanced at connor, giving him a staged longing stare, which he returned with a wink. I smiled, then looked back at my desk
Then I finally let myself look at the gavins desk. He was leaning back in his chair, arms crossed and just staring at connor. He looked upset. I smirked a little.
Good. He's mad.
I mean, when is he not mad, but there's a certain energy to it that just feels different. I can't quite place what it was, but whatever it is, I like it.
Lick it up because you're getting more of this bullshit gavin.
Hw slowly slid his attention twords me, and I smoothed down the pride into neutral, but happy look. Play it cool.
Gavin stared at me, and I stared back, putting on a happy go lucky persona, but it was hard to hide the almost sadistic joy in my eyes. The way he looked at us both was a kind of anger I haven't quite seen out of him.
Most kinds were loud and explosive and violent, but this was seathing, boiling, sharp, quiet, and hot, kind of anger. I liked it.
He gave connor a final look before returning his attention to his computer.
I let the satisfied smile return to my face once he looked away. For once, I felt powerful over him. Not a force of friction he had to fight against, but a power now held over him. He could snap back all he wanted with other circumstances, but now all he can do is watch.
Oh I'm going to have fun with this one.
I checked the clock, break time. I let out a sigh. Thank God.
I got up from my desk, making my way to the breakroom. Gavins desk was empty, It looked like he was already elsewhere. I positioned myself at one of the sleek white tables, leaning over it and scrolling on my phone. I'm checking for texts, looking through youtube feed, notifications on all my socials... everything looked normal in my notifications, I saved a bunch of youtube videos to watch later...
In the corner of my eye, I saw Connor walking into the breakroom. "Good afternoon, sweetheart." He greeted with a little smile. I looked up at him, smiling back and laughing a little. "Hi, connor." He stood next to me at the sleek white table, wrapping his hand around my waist. It forced a blush onto my cheeks. "Oh my god, connor." I whispered a nervous chuckle, "gavins not here, we don't have to do this kind of stuff."
He leaned in slightly, whispering, "I know, I'll stop if it makes you uncomfortable, but I had a thought." I glanced from my phone back to him for a moment,"and that is?" Connor tilted his head slightly, saying, "we don't have to display romantic behavior often out of his presence, but doing it every now and then would make our story more believable. After all, we are in an office of detectives even if they don't care, some suspicion would eventually crop up."
I nodded, tilting my head slightly. "True."
"I assure you, we won't have to do it often... or at all if it's outside your comfort zone." Connor whispered. "It's just a suggestion."
"No, you're right." I noted. Connor replied, "If you're not comfortable, we don't have to." I nodded and said, "No, I know. But you're right." I leaned in a kissed his cheek softly.
Connor stiffened a little bit, and I laughed. He quickly smiled and said, "Sorry, you caught me off guard." He laughed a little.
I tisked, looking back at my phone and smiling.
This definitely still felt weird. Being held like this by my friend but also, weirdly it felt... nice? Like... comforting I guess. Weird.
"Did you see the way gavin looked at us when we walked in?" I smiled. "I did." He nodded. "He looked so pissed. God, that was a funny look."
"When is he not mad?" Connor added. "Ah, true. But it was different. Usually, his anger is explosive, popping, sharp. But this is different. It's quiet and simmering and blunt. It's weird but a nice change of pace." He was silent for a moment, nodding before asking. "Why do you like making him angry so much? Believe me, I'm not fond of him myself, but it seems feeding into his anger only makes things worse. Have you considered talking to him about your issues?"
"Does he seem like the kind of person who would have a conversion?" My tone was light and joking, but we both knew he wasn't the most communitive person, "I remember... when we met... I tried talking stuff out with him, but it just didn't work. Eventually he ticked me off more and more, and I just gave up and started arguing with him. I fight back because I'm sick of his asshat behavior, I don't like him getting away with everything. Let me revel in pissing that jack ass off."
Connor was silent for a moment before saying, "understood."
"Sorry." I sighed, "I didn't mean to get a little aggressive there." I turned off my phone, sighing.
"There's no need to apologize." Connor spoke softly."I understand what you're saying, I just think, if possible, you should consider talking to him some time in the future."
"I'll consider it." I mumbled.
"And speaking of whom."
Just as connor said that, Gavin appeared in the corner of my vision, he walked twords the breakroom before stopping in his tracks when he saw us. The moment of hesitation was short but he continued to drag his feet into the breakroom, walking past us without so much as throwing a second glance.
It was strange not his usual cocky strut, an eye roll, or so much as a "hey." His silence was unnerving and out of character. Connor and I threw brief glances to each other as Gavin stood by the coffee machine, pouring himself a cup, then reaching into the mini fridge for his caramel creamer.
The mask of cigarettes was still fresh on his clothes, some snow flakes melting on his shoulders. He looked... tolerable?
I wasn't sure how else to put it but it made my chest tighten looking at him for some reason. Like I couldn't breathe. Why was it that in that moment I didn't want to punch him?
"The fuck are you staring at?" He grumbled.
Never mind.
"Sorry." I stumbled out, averting my gaze to the mini-fridge instead.
There was a long moment of silence where Gavin was just stirring the creamer into his coffee. longer than he should, to be honest. He stood stiffly, and after a few beats, he spoke awkwardly "so. How long have you two been together?"
"A couple of months." I replied almost instantly.
Gavin slowly turned around, resting his elbows on the counter behind him.
"Really?" He asked almost sarcastically.
Connor squeezed my waist softly. When he did that gavins eyes narrowed for a moment before looking into his coffee. "it's true. We started dating a few months ago." Connor added.
Gavin just nodded, stirring his coffee mindlessly. "Hm." Was all he added, his jaw shifting for a moment.
There was a moment of silence, an uncomfortable waight in the air as I heard the plastic spoon stir in the paper cup. Connor remained still next to me as if nothing was wrong.
"How long did you want to keep this little secret from me?" Gavin asked, a quiet, sharp tone to his voice.
"It's not a secret. I just didn't think it was any of your business." I spoke slowly, clenching my jaw a little. "I don't expect you to tell me about your life."
His brows flicked for a moment. He just nodded. "Good to know." He spoke quietly.
He looked up from his cup, staring at connor for a moment, "what do you get out of this."
Connor remained still beside me, his hand still resting on my waist as he spoke, "I don't gain anything out of this relationship aside from happiness. I don't wish to gain anything. I'm grateful for the relationship I have."
I wanted to gag. It's very sappy, but I smiled softly, leaning against him a little.
Gavin just rolled his eyes "god. What a fucking joke."
I blinked for a moment. "Excuse me?"
"Listen, I normally wouldn't give to shits about your romantic life. Or anything about your life for that matter. But an android? You really are pathetic, aren't you? Did his fancy little emotion imitator really trick you that much? It can't feel. It's just a bunch of code."
I squeezed my hand shut for a moment. I wasn't in the mood for an argument. We've discussed this once or twice in the past, and it never ends well. "What does it matter to you?"
"It matters to me because where the place humanity is going is fucking depressing. I can't just accept this is the way humanity is." He added, getting a little angrier "besides, this guy's an asshole. It's more of a smartass than other tin cans. And that's saying something."
"Are you done?" I asked in a low tone, trying to keep myself from snapping.
Gavin shifted his jaw, looking to his left.
"Just fuck off. This is pathetic to see." He mumbled, popping a lid on his coffee and walking out of the room.
I glanced at connor, my eyebrows shooting up. I didn't even know what to say.
"So is your plan working?" Connor asked softly.
I took a moment to consider. Whether or not he believed it was a little unclear to me but I'd think so. And he certainly seemed pissed which, for once, was nice to see.
"Yeah. Yeah, I'd think so."
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pinkandpurple360 · 5 months
I dunno... I'm not saying you don't make good points but fizz during "2 minutes notice", (a number where he was free to say whatever he wanted, act however he wanted, literally ripping off his costume to destroy his perfect brand image) still acted quite raunchy and sexual. Shaking his ass, smacking his ass, sensually stroking his stomach, all with a huge smirk on his face. If the lust act was a total ruse, I don't think he'd be doing any of that?
I mean yeah and that was one of the points though. Did it not come across. It feels like he kept switching between “I don’t like being sexualised” to doing it without even being asked to. Earlier in the episode he’s acting very differently saying he doesn’t like the dolls and he admits to mammon that he doesn’t want fans looking at him in that way. But he loves it at lust? Viv also said the performance at Ozzies isn’t the real him the baby girl persona at Ozzies home is. Even though….we see that he uses charm to hide things from Oz and cute faces to get his way. And with blitzø he’s much less performative because he doesn’t need to be charming, but the other extreme is true, he is putting on his nastiest front to protect himself against someone he thinks is out to get him.
Again this is why I wish we could see him talk to someone from his past who always knew him in the “back stage” someone who he trusts and who he doesn’t try to charm/scare away. But who? 🙁
And then?? When he’s on stage again you’re right, it’s the exact same cheeky persona we’re used to. Thank goodness. The usual Fizz. But he said it’s the last time ? 🥲 is it real or is it fake? There’s even a throw away line against the doll things but at the same time he’s fine with being all lusty on stage which is ok but…aren’t we building towards the fact that he doesn’t want to be sexualised by his audience anymore..?
Then, surprisingly Asmodeus the sin of lust apparently, I keep forgetting that part, makes an unhappy face at that strip part, which he later changes his face again to a smile of adoration, and I can’t figure out what that’s about. Is it supposed to be saying that theyll be very exclusive private and monogamous from now on? Is Ozzie less ok with this image than Fizz is? Because we’re led to believe when fizz is at Ozzies, doing this exact thing he’s truly himself…but Viv just said he isn’t?? Since when has seeing fizz perform that way made Oz uncomfortable can these characters be consistent for five seconds ?
Also I’m sorry but “keep that guy far away from me” way back in Ozzies wasn’t the foreshadowing masterpiece everyone claims it is. A fan having four of the things he just advertised doesn’t mean he hates the product and doesn’t want anyone sexualising him except for Ozzie. That means the stage persona doesn’t have any authenticity behind it. Also, the in universe “fandom” immediately goes from sexualising fizz to sexualising “fizzarozzie” the pairing. The fact these same fans who made him uncomfortable and bought the dolls all knew he was with Oz the whole time isn’t actually wholesome at all? Maybe include fans of the dolls crying or something? There’s always some stans who get upset at a reveal like that, while others are happy. The audience should have at least been a mixed bag.
Also maybe I’m going off topic but the fandom insert was a…strange choice,, the definition of fan-service, unless what they’re maybe trying to do is build up to make commentary on how fans of celebs, shipping real life people that are dating, makes a celebrity couple uncomfortable and pressured to share more of their personal lives than they want to. And to create a “couple persona” just for the cameras. That’s not something I see touched on much and it’s kinda Bojacky sorta. Just imagine the two of them being interviewed by the press then it’s accidentally revealed that they were talking to Oz and a fizzbot, while the actual fizz is in the Bahamas.
Basically fizz is juggling personalities and id like if he could, yknow, pick one. Kinda like Loona, Stolas, and apparently, Millie in that regard.
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georgiapeach30513 · 7 months
This may now be a controversial opinion (lol) but I definitely think CE got hotter as he got older. Especially when he became a dad in defending Jacob. He looked so naturally fine in that era of 2019-to even 2022. I wasn’t a fan of younger versions of him because it was too frat boy hs jock looking. But Steve era and onwards = chefs kiss. Until maybe this last year. I felt like summer of 2022 something was already starting to crack for him publicly - people were saying he didn’t seem so happy to be at the premiers and there was all this dumb Deuxmoi BS and I felt like his repeated mentions of the industry and what it makes you do was his way of crying out for help or frustration. I don’t think he was just making it up to be dramatic because Jennifer Lawrence and Michelle yeoh in particular have also alluded to the woes of the industry. Jen especially was more open about it and it was after the Harvey W stuff.
I also feel like there’s been a serious (sometimes unfair) projection and fantasy of him by fanfiction writers and fans who want to be like “husband CE or husband his characters” so they were expecting him to thrive into his looks and persona once he settled down and got married. They were expecting husband and father era and domestic settle down era CE. So far - whatever this is that’s happening isn’t apparently showcasing it (or at least, not publicly) so fans and former fans are extra disappointed because a part of their fantasy has been burst. I do get it and I do understand it but I also don’t think it’s fair. It’s his life to live and he can’t just please everyone and look a certain way and just because he doesn’t look great in a photo doesn’t mean he got too much Botox or is drug addicted or etc. also - he JUST “got married.” Like two months ago. who knows what the future will look like. I’m just tired of all these negative comments but these same negative nancies won’t just buzz off and leave these spaces either.
However…I do think if he’s with the right person or married the right person - you’d definitely see a difference. You’d see a more genuine smile and glow because I do think that’s what happened for Tom Hiddleston. While I really enjoy his personality, I personally don’t think Tom is my idea of handsome and his hairline isn’t great - but he looks genuinely and candidly happy with his partner. Those out in the wild pics don’t lie.
I know lots of ppl disliked Jenny Slate for CE, but publicly I felt like the candids ppl got of him while with her - he actually looked happy. Similar IMO to how Tom looks with Zawe. They actually looked good together and TBH if she was who he married I really think you’d get more legit sightings of them living their lives and less trolling anons and blurry photos. His looks and persona didn’t fade drastically while he dated her and didn’t fade while he dated his other public exes. I know some people on here who hated the Jenny era will disagree but 100% if you compared photos and public behavior he definitely seemed more free and comfortable to be out with her, seen with her, etc.
Right now tho…something deeper is happening. Who knows what. But something isn’t right. It feels like a marvel Skrull has taken over CE and the real or previous him is either gone or just trapped in another lost dimension.
Again - this could all just be projection. IDK
Can I just say, because I don’t think there’s anything further to add that you could see his care for Jenny written all over his face.
I have been a longtime fan of his, I don’t always believe his words. I believe his actions.
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silviakundera · 5 months
Lighter and Princess ep 3
Ah, this is where reality finally gives us a wave and departs completely. Young ML the super genius master-hacker freshman that builds an extra special genius virus in like 30 minutes while the FL watches, interfering with school property, and the entire IT department and then his professor marvel at his brilliance, not at all threatened or irritated or threatening disciplinary action. And we were doing so well.
Gotta say, I think FL isn't entirely wrong when labelling ML a poser. He's authentically not socialable and contrary, but he's trying it on a bit too hard like kids do PLUS he obviously isn't as disinterested in her as he's trying to front. She's a very pretty girl and he could simply ignore her. But he takes multiple actions to get her notice, after that 1st fateful cafetaria mistake.
Gao's fixation on ML seems suspicious and creepy but tbh that might be just my bias since I know in the future/present he's sketchy.
Episode 4
yeaaaaah he's so into her. Oh you're way too cool and counter culture to be interested in pretty girls. Everyone believes you.
I love how fried his hair looks. That's really the look of a university kid who just bleached his hair in the bathroom. And the long sleeves striped shirt under the black tshirt 👌. Kudos to the stylist.
Zhu Yun the FL and these over achiever students starting to get on my nerves now. I'm not even distracted by FL's luminous beauty because I'm buying into her student persona too well and it's not my type.
ML flipping the script and pretending (?) to hit on her at the school assembly whatever was pretty ballsy of him. Sometimes he tries so hard to be 'different' that he's actually not much more original than these other kids (just mimicking a different role) and it's endearing but a lil dorky to my 40-something self. But other times he's actually got the spirit and I'm feeling his sullen & mischevious magnetism. The type of kid I would have hung out with at that age.
lolololol pretending so hard not to care but if she had gone for it you know he would have dated her.
The invest in the band girl scene from the flashbacks! Kinda exciting to fit a piece together. Don't really know what their connection is, maybe I missed it. but nice to see him relaxed and smiling without putting on an act for once. idk maybe there really isn't a backstory. I tended to know a lot of the other counterculture people in my district, at least enough to say hi to. why not?
Episode 5
I'm so done with the past RETURN ME TO HOT GRADUATE FL 😭😭😭😭😭
I did like the lil scene with Future Villain Gao and FL where she really rejects Gao's reasoning of quitting to save face and not get humiliated. Being like, nah that's fine if we're the only 2 people and no one else wants to join us. See, that's actually dgaf i do what i want energy and you can see why she is ML's type. Oddly reminiscent of the Thousand Autumns otp - demonic sect leader realizes that the uber good, incorruptible cultivator is actually just as unbending and iconoclastic as he is... It's just that they are standing for different things.
dear asian drama writers, we truly madly deeply do NOT require female extras to dramatically fawn over a male character to indicate they are desirable. Just write them that way!! This shit is too ridiculous and knocks me out of the story.
tbh Gao may be Potentially Evil but ML Li Xun is insufferable when he starts pontificating about what a special programmer snowflake he is.
lmao I wonder if any instinctive part of him feels uneasy that he's the one in the crowd. She's comparatively going against the grain.
but kids, you obviously like each other. making all these excuses to hang out all night together smh. Just give it up and kiss.
THE PIG KEY MOMENTO from the future. another piece slots in!
I see, so mom makes every decision for FL. That's why she's so stubbornly rebellious against ML's percieved takeover of their class. She's instinctively rebelling against his leadership. She's reacting against him acting as the authority on comp sci and dicating the 'right' way to learn and be a programmer -- become she can't rebel against her mother.
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theghostbunnie · 1 year
Hey, I just want you to know I really like your work! It's beautiful and really creative, and I think you understand these characters to a T, cause your headcanons are extremely in character.
Speaking of which: do you have any headcanons for David and Gwen, both individually and as friends?
AAAAAAAAAAAA TYSM THAT'S SO SWEET 💖💖💖💖 I tried to awnser this the other day but realized I was multiple paragraphs into a character analysis and not HCs (if any of you guys left me an ask and I haven't awnsered it yet I still always appreciate it I probably just plan to draw something for it or haven't got the time rn)
When David says something like "before nature took me against her bosom I was in clown school in france" (I'm not kidding he says bosom lmaooo) but he knew he loved nature at age 10, so either he was there before age 10 or the nature not yet embracing him bit meant he was withheld from it. Either his mother sent him there (cannonicaly doesn't have a dad) or he had the WEIRDEST college "figure yourself out, experiment" phase and I'm guessing the latter. He had a sudden spark of a new special interest and wanted to try pursuing it but his clowning instructor(?) scared him out of it after awhile.
I HC David wanted to be a clown bc he loved all the family friendly etiquette rules especially, ontop of the obvious making people happy and entertained.
David cannonicaly loves the zodiac signs and allthat and potential hot take but that man is a Sagittarius ♐.
David is stubborn and I feel this is an obvious fact about him but I wanna go further in depth with a HC that sometimes if he doesn't like something he won't just be in a general ol denial about it, he will full heartedly actually believe hisown truth instead.
Maybe not a "David as an individual" HC but I like to believe he respects, and likes QM's company alot! (When the man isn't being *too* off-putting) like when he's telling that ghost story about respecting your elders we see a cabin with a framed picture of silhouettes that look like QM were related to them and even the book in the story has that octopus God on it. So I assumed that was actually a real place somewhere in the woods David saw at one point/QM took him to. Either during his time as an employee or a camper himself. Also Quarter Master seems *at times* to be annoyed at David. Not like body language or facial exspressions I just get that vibe from his attitude and phrasing. He lied when he told him "fighting animals is apart of his culture" to get him to leave him alone about it I just know it.
Gwen is an anime watching "otaku" or atleast had a phase and has probably watched unheard of semi f*tish series that only lasted 10-12 episodes with really long title names. Genuinely rewatching the show so much of her screentime is hating her job in different ways or reading, writing, or playing VR 🌽. Or being a hopeless romantic. (She could've stayed with Graggle but only liked him for her monster f*tish and to romanticize herself as this YA novel MC)
She definitely LOVES x reader fics and takes on a slightly new persona in her fantasies.
I HC her with a bit of stage fright and her love for music being casual instead of a passion, that ontop of wanting to make something for herself is why she didn't piggyback off her dad's career and go into music. His career did atleast pay for whatever degree she wanted to persue (how she was able to get so many) and her fear of wasted potential is what made her have so many to begin with.
She partially willingly puts herself into positions where she gets burnt out to the point she's gotten kinda used to it.
So that's kinda why she can call it out early in David and tell him when he needs to have a break in that one EP.
David offering Gwen to read one of her stories she writes to the campers leads me to either believe he doesn't know what she writes is 🌽 or that and she also shares her sfw writing with him to get his opinion. (Which is nearly always positive but I feel like people forget David has his moments even if HE'S unaware of em) like "This chapter is excellent, Gwen!! Gosh, I'm just on the edge of my seat!! And there's only half the grammar mistakes of last time! :DD" and he fully means that as a compliment.
David also definitely got Gwen into astrology. She only cares about learning facts about her own, finding out the birthdays of celebrity and fictional characters and then seeing if they're compatible. Woman with identity issues? Eats it up.
They both loved Bob Ross before they met and it was one of the first things they bonded over as they were becoming friends. I HC Gwen was chipper at the job at the very first bit but it QUICKLY wore her down, David going off that first impression kept his excited team-loving liking of her, where as Gwen as she got to know him over those first weeks grew really annoyed with him as a coworker, but once getting to know him further than that the friendship started to become mutual.
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lightcreators · 1 month
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Feelings were a domain in which sadly for everyone he had no measure --- for little experience of something called an emotion could be experienced within his persona. For sure, inside another time period, back when he was envious of all the noblesse realm could brought upon people meanwhile he was an outcast, when he was searching hopelessly acceptance somewhere and blamed circumstances concerning his birth who locked an entire world to his doorsteps, he had partial remembrances to have experienced that same state. Though, memories stayed very away, within that distance when he couldn’t catch them, in which even smaller recollections left him emotionless at best. Maybe, during that time, fragments of his heart could have been saved --- or maybe always had been damned to becoming a silent executioner of the world who found no real interest into it for deciding, all by himself, to deciding how the clock should turn, regardless if it was against all laws. Did it was matter by the end of the day? Did his actions will troubling whatever sleep he might have? Did he would express apologies within his bored consideration of the world he was living? No. Question wasn’t directly asked, but did he was troubled concerning Lacie? Did he had these deranging emotions of guilt about what he repeatedly exposed to him, meanwhile he refused to believe someday he would lose her to some Abyss and was fated of disappearance? He didn’t have to listen to the Will of the Abyss. Actually, he didn’t cared about the Abyss’s needs, whatever how off world dimension it remained screaming of loneliness, when determination remained to giving that dimension all wrong in one manner of another. Taking revenge in same manner eventually he managed to achieve it in middle of noblesse spheres.
Though, within sympathetic smile he was expressing, inside manipulative move to bring reassurance, casual brightness resonated an couple of seconds … before somewhere boredom of the mask seemed to briefly expose, when green eyes illuminated with seriousness. Internally, a mocking condescending sigh was swallowed back as easily it was come. ❝ You have people who care about your well-being you know. How sad your expression must be, fulfilled inside your thoughts, and must of course to be perceived by people around you. ❞  Meanwhile he was talking, he was remembering himself all always serious his father’s look had been towards him, how heaviness between them each other was echoing each instant. How he had been embraced by the nice sentiment of hatred in middle of balls, and various noble reunions, when every time his smile sparked with more illumination, when every time he was swallowing back negative emotions wrapped his own being. How impression of victory he gained concerning his own life had been robbed by the light of his existence. Oh, so many people within nobles were worried each time his expression diverged of usual brightness, or even remained uncomfortable by his somewhere lack of consideration by remaining smiling even in serious conversations … It was so pleasant. It was nice flattery. All these women thinking he could be a private prince charming … All the nobles anchoring themselves towards how illuminated he sensed to be. They were boring. ❝ I have experienced what you’re currently experiencing right now, and I can be your shoulders in the darkness if you want~❞  It was the closeness of the truth he will allow himself to say. ❝ People will notice how different you are, hence you need a valuable fire’s candle for avoid anything tarnish your family name. ❞ 
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craske · 2 months
I don't want to sound pretentious when i say all this (and this ended up being really long??), but i really do think you don't need to uphold your online presence so consciously, or even at all. There's nothing wrong with being "inactive" because trying to show up for everything is some sick standard social media made up. Maybe it might be difficult to uphold an idgaf personality, but i can say from my experience it could be better to try a little bit at a time. I can say that they really do mean it when you can have quiet admirers, from my experience all the more. Maybe they're too shy to put silly tags when they reblog or just put a like on your post. And I don't think you have to worry too much about sticking to one piece of media and be afraid the people following you won't like you anymore for posting different content. At most, I just believe they won't really care enough to unfollow you or stop engaging entirely. The most important thing to me is that you stick around doing the things you actually want to do, even if you're just showing up every month or so, or black out for a year or more. Because the people who do care will be overjoyed to see you whatever you post or share, especially when you come back after a long time. It really is discouraging when you don't see that actively, maybe because we're so used to seeing numbers that relate to our worth. But i like to imagine we're waving at each other from a distance or smiling through a window, as horrid as online landscapes can be nowadays. I know i'm running my mouth here but i just wanted to share my experience because i um. 🙋 also think youre really cool and awesome and i love whatever work you do and the fact you share it is an amazing thing enough i feel privelaged and youre humor is funny and whatever new stuff you post is just introducing me to things i'll also think is cool down the line and i really do wish i can share my appericiation more and evolve from being a quiet admirer /inhales/ 👍 i would say this is a sort of love letter from the gas station but i also mean it as kai 👋 i hope you're doing well in uni or that it gets better soon or in whatever it is youre doing now. and whether or not youre online, i hope youre doing the things you enjoy 🫶
okay i needed some time to figure out how to respond to this ask because theres a lot (in a /pos way dont worry) so ill start off with saying that i really really and i do mean it Really appreciate what you said here. Especially lately, ive been struggling with being active online outside of small spaces where there are just me and a few other people. might be me feeling overwhelmed when i say something into the void with a high chance of no response, though i wont fault anyone for that. i myself know interaction is scary so i do get it. ever since i started using the internet ive stuck to my small online bubbles so yeah interaction kind of intimidating online
and though i agree it does feel discouraging to sometimes see no feedback or much of a reaction, i try not to be bummed out about it myself because im also a silent admirer of many artists online. so like ive said before i do understand that sometimes people are shy and dont interact directly and theres no pressure really to change that. just the idea that there are people that like what i make is really nice, even though i suffer from the same issue that maaany other artists have and i need to actively remind myself of that.
about sticking to one fandom its a very recent but big issue to me because ive been DEEP in the persona pit for like 4 years, and i certainly built an audience around that. i know there will always be people that stick around no matter what but despite that theres always that nagging feeling that maaybe things will crumble. obviously thats not true but human mind fucking SUCKS
as the final note ill say it again that your message means a lot to me and i thank you a lot for it <333 im soo flattered by your words and they made my past two days, thank you soo much
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seijorhi · 1 year
hello, hope you’re doing okay? remember to take breaks and drink water. also, just the mention of breaking point made me go reread it. the hold that fic has on me is crazy fr.
i was wondering, if reader’s innate feelings about her soulmates were strong enough that she ended up falling for the twins plan to make her jealous, and presumably confronted them, do you think they would maintain the same type of antagonistic relationship? like even if they finally entered a 'real' relationship, would the twins have continued to put up a persona of not really caring about being soulmates, maybe to further manipulate her into being compliant for them at the threat of them leaving or smth? or would they mostly just give it up since their plan already worked? ty <3
The kind of tragic thing about breaking point is that they had every chance to try and fix the relationship between them, but instead they consistently made it worse
If the reader did feel jealous (which she did – it is a two way bond whether she wants to admit it or not) it would still take a hell of a lot for her to go and confront them over it. Their relationship at that point is soured to the point that she believes they want nothing to do with her aside from occasionally trying to make her miserable. She’d be more likely to go and lick her wounds and wallow in misery by herself than risk making herself a target for more mockery by admitting she’s hurt over the fact they don’t want her.
However, for the sake of the argument, let’s say she did confront them, or they found her all upset or whatever, and the truth came out. They’re never going to be sweet and sappy, too much has happened for them just to flip a switch and change everything about their personalities. That being said, they take it seriously. Possessiveness kicks into overdrive – they have their soulmate, and after all this effort, they’re gonna keep her.
So instead of all the bullying, their toxicity comes through in different ways. They’re never gonna be too far from the reader, controlling who she talks to, what she does, who she’s friends with. They’re still assholes, but now that she’s let them in, she’s gonna have a hell of a time trying to get rid of them once the dust settles and that new soulmate shine starts to wear thin.
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louisisalarrie · 4 months
wow thank you so much for your succinct summary of their personas and the stunt histories, that was a great recap. You touched on a few other points Louis vs S!mon and the reason for bbg in the first place and then dragging out until today (I personally think it’s a combination of the consequence of Harry’s fame - to keep Louis as far away from him as possible but also some legal repercussions for Louis if it would end - I don’t think that whoever set up this stunt thought it through) . Also related to stunts what were/are your thoughts on the Olivia tattoo? I just can’t imagine what he traded this one for?
Hello anon! Thank you for the kind words, and welcome to the show.
I 100% agree that the bbg stunt was not entirely thought out, and it went further than any of them were actually planning for. Maybe B threatened to out Harry and Louis unless they kept the stunt going and therefore giving her more money? Maybe careers got in the way, promo, whatever… either way, it’s a horribly planned and thought out stunt which I very much wish was over. But yes, very poorly planned, some hiccups, and now here we still are. The s*mon vs Louis dynamic is very interesting. I might go through and add my thoughts to that one day.
Ahhh and the Olivia tattoo. Wow. That certainly is a weird one, huh? I don’t think even the solo harries were prepared for that. But, let’s run through it a bit, as there are a couple of theories to touch on and a few points I wanna make:
Okay… so. The tattoo was another nail in the coffin for a lot of larries, because we just couldn’t believe Harry would do that for the sake of a stunt (particularly one that was so damn obviously PR that some solos believed it was too). We didn’t think he’d take it that far, and it was hard to keep pushing and believing when something that massive and permanent happens. However, we speculated on a few different theories, and some of them kind of add up, and some of them don’t.
I want to start by saying that in all my time, I have truly not seen any form of body modification clauses in a contract re: stunting. That goes too far into a human rights issue and ethics (what little are left) and the legality just doesn’t hold up. There is maybe 0.01% of me could believe that any clause could lean towards “hey, if you get an Olivia tattoo, we’ll give you a big payout and end the stunt earlier than it’s meant to”. Which leads me to my first point, is that I believe Harry chose to get this on his own accord. This isn’t a tattoo he was forced into getting.
Now, if he actually initiated it and said something similar to the above to his team and was like “I’ll get an Olivia tattoo if we just end this god awful stunt and I can spend more time with Louis/choose my stunts and outings” or whatever it may be, it would be an interesting agreement, and his team would probably go for it. The timeline of when we first see his tattoo (May 2022) and him and OW breaking up (November 2022) is 6 months apart. Maybe it was meant to go for longer. Maybe he did initiate it and get something out of it, im not sure. But, this kind of theory could be plausible, which I know you’re probably thinking “um, even if he did get something out of it, why tf would he put that god awful woman’s name on his leg” and I guess this theory could hold up to a lot of us because we have tattoos (I’ve seen similar commentary from others about this topic that have tattoos, so stay with me here, it’s okay not to have any or to have them and not feel the same way I/some of us do).
Okay… I have a bunch of tattoos. Harry has a bunch of tattoos. Louis has a bunch of tattoos. So many folks around the world have plenty of tattoos and we don’t all feel the same about them. However, I’ve had many conversations and found a somewhat general consensus from people who are moderately to heavily tattooed that after you get your first few (which are often times extremely meaningful to begin with), you kind of just forget they’re there? Idk, it’s hard to explain if you don’t kind of experience it, but sometimes I’ll forget about them and then someone asks me about one and I’m like “oh lol” and it’s because we see them every day. They become a part of you. When you look in the mirror you don’t really recognise them individually anymore. You’re just looking at you.
So in saying that, as we know Harry and Louis are heavily tattooed and a lot of their tattoos obviously mean a lot to them and to each other, they also do have some stupid ones. Harry has “big” on his big toe and Louis has a bunch of little sketches on his arm that are pretty funny. They don’t take all of their tattoos seriously. Just the ones that matter. And I find getting tattoos that don’t really mean anything like it’s just a stupid little cartoon outline of a cow with cowboy boots on that you think is cute, is easier when you have more tattoos. My first ones were absolutely meaningful and then I started loving getting them as each of them became a moment, a memory, and a time I was in. A part of my life, no matter if it was a good moment, a tattoo to remember something I overcame, or a stupid little drawing that made me happy, ya know? (Sorry this has gone too far deep into tattoos in general but I just wanted to note that I think Harry and Louis probably feel similarly to me about them based off their artwork.)
Anyway, my point is, is that that theory could stand. It definitely could. I’m not sure he would bargain for that, but hey, he might have.
Another one is more towards the song “Olivia” by one d, which Harry wrote with Julian and John. Harry said that the song “could be a place, it could be a person, or it could be a feeling”. There was also speculation that that song was called Olivia because it’s a way to say “I love ya” without actually saying it, which was obviously then connected to larry. So, there’s also the idea he got it tattooed for that reason, and hey, two birds one stone if he did the bargaining above too.
Anyway, Louis has(?) the E tattoo (it disappears and comes back in photos, sometimes it’s smudged, I’m just confused with that one) and that’s meant to be for someone he’s been with for yeaaaaars. But he has big massive matching tattoos with his actual buddy bro pal lover, and nothing for F. Harry has an “Olivia” tattoo for whatever reason, which if it was me, I’d probably have gotten it covered up by now if it actually was for my ex gf, but it is what it is. And let’s remember that Harry and Louis have a hell of a lot of big statement matching tattoos and that’s what matters.
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pop-punklouis · 2 years
Here is where I’m conflicted I suppose. If I’m to believe this video could be a form of mockery at his public image and the press, which I can total see….he still actively plays a role in his own persona he mocks, he has played along with it a lot more in the last few than he did at the start of his solo career. I mean who knows what control if any he has over his image, but he still has played a big part in whatever he is mocking in the video. I don’t dislike it btw I just find it ironic , because when he was in 1D I completely understood why those PR stunts existed and the machine behind 1D. But now in 2022 when he’s so successful he doesn’t even need stunts, he still is participating in this version of Harry Styles ™️.
this is….. a very narrow and black & white way of thinking? being out and gay in hollywood still isn’t just some easy or simple thing to do even if it looks like it is from the outside? even if it’s harry styles™️?especially with a brand of his size that they’ve cultivated partly by this womanizer image. the harry styles machine is not much different than the 1D machine in power and invested money. you don’t know what he does or doesn’t have a say in, and even if he does have more control or say in his closet now why is that a bad thing? why is it so hard for you to understand that he is navigating his closet the best way he can— whether that’s through his own decisions or what he feels he can control through his creative projects. this feels almost entitled in a way, because it’s as if you’re judging the way he’s handling this closet which is personal to him and no one but him knows the best way to navigate it for his own well-being. he might be playing into harry styles™️ to you but have you thought about the fact that might be the easiest way for him to go about his life right now? his career right now? why does that bother you so much? this is his life not yours. this is his sexuality not yours. perhaps he doesn’t want to give that part of himself to public consumption bc his entire life has been stripped of him and put on display. maybe this part of him he wants to keep safe and secure— he wants it to be private and to belong to him and not those he doesn’t know. maybe he physically can’t do much more? maybe what you project onto him isn’t what he wants or can feasibly do right now? just because he isn’t in one direction anymore and it’s 2022 doesn’t mean he still can’t be closeted. and it feels dismissive of him and his journey to expect something else from him. mocking his public image and the world of celebrity in his work isn’t new for him, and i believe it’s one of the only channels that he can really express himself truthfully. and for you to be frustrated that he is still doing things or engaging in things that promote a certain image, that’s on you. it isn’t on him. i genuinely believe he’s doing the best he can with what he has, and that’s all that should matter bc we know very, very little about anything else. and you don’t have to like it or even understand it, but that doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with how he’s choosing to navigate his queer experience and closet at his platform.
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So I was originally going to write this myself, maybe I will idk yet, BUT NO ONE ELSE HAS DONE THIS YET SO-
Yandere! Garrett Goyle?
That bombastic gameshow host is apparently one of the worst in Nevada, despite being a G03LM who are usually depicted as kind and not sadistic.
Your thoughts? :)
mmmm Goyleeeeeeee. he's fun. I think he's fun to write for lmao. But thoughts for him? too many. So here's a set of my funky headcannons. He feels a lot different from the usual Nevada yandere too which is interesting
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Garret Goyle General Headcannons
GENRE - Romantic / Platonic
Trigger Warnings - Manipulation, Gaslighting, Kidnapping, exploitation, mental abuse
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Makes comments and talks a lot about. Similar to how some hosts already do like " Oh, my partner's not gonna like that " basically hinting he's got someone when in reality, You aren't yet aware of his obsession nor that you're the one who he's got a little infatuation.
I can imagine it being something similar to a reverse parasocial relationship at first aka basically meaning he's the one watching and forming a bond with you while you have no idea who the fuck he is. especially if you just, don't have access to a tv.
It might go down smoother if you are a fan of the show. From the looks of it, I think one of the main appeals apart from the mindless murder rampage is that of Garret Goyle himself. He has a way with words like no other in Nevada and is clearly very good at his job if there has been multiple seasons. ( I can establish this w/ the calendar. ) so if you're a fan of the show, you're a fan of him. If you're a fan of him, Maybe you can make it work.
Probably tries to get you involved in the show. He WANTS the world to know yours his and he, yours. It's only right that everyone gets to know just how lucky you are to be with him! He'll be holding you close, trying to bounce jokes off you - whether you respond to him or not
I mean don't respond though - Because then you're just reinforcing his fantasies with you. Giving him hope that you'll bend to his will and go along with whatever he tells you. Reaffirming his delusions.
He's a lot smarter than he looks, A lot more crafty than the average G0L3M. As well as being able to get to a lot more resources. He's crafty, collected and knows how to put on an act which can lull you into a false sense of security despite being kidnapped and held with him against your will
We're also changing his name to Garret " Gaslight " Goyle because he'll do a lot of this. He wants you to question everything, including yourself, but not him. He's the one thing you can always trust to be right. He needs you to believe that he is the only thing you've got. He's got a silver tongue and he knows how to weave a compelling narrative: So he knows how to make not only believable, but sound like something you do want to believe. A pretty lie.
He'll definitely manipulate you into a relationship with him, Even if your aware of his intentions and at first, outright say no. It's hard to resist his way of wording things so there's still the possibility he can sweet talk you still. He compliments you and just makes you feel wanted. How could you say no?
If for whatever reason you do say no and continue to do so, He'll play it off. Everything is fine. Until he fucking abducts you. If you won't come with him willingly, He isn't afraid to use force. Lots of people would feel lucky in your position. Getting to be with THE Garret Goyle! So why don't you just let him take care of you.
Will record you a lot. I mean like a lot. Not for anyone in particular outside himself to watch though - Maybe he has a place he uploads them and Tricky some fans are all about your relationship with him - Like your the greatest pairing known to man, an otp if you will. Even if you're scared and crying: This is Nevada after all.
Will poke and make fun of any misery your feeling as if he was still on the show. Everything is free range and it's hard to establish when he is and isn't off camera because his persona is... well him.
This might cause you to become super paranoid because without a way to distinguish what you presumed to be an act, You can also not establish when the two of you are on and off camera. This means you are constantly on your toes about it and can be pretty psychologically damning under the right circumstances.
Say the wrong thing? ESPEICALLY on camera? He will punish you. He'd never hurt you physically himself but he's mentally and verbally hurt you, . Might even let the viewers vote on what happens and then he'll gaslight you into believing it's all your fault you had to get punished. You think this would happen if you behaved?
I feel like he'd treat you like a glorified house pet almost and he's the owner who's constantly posting and documenting what you do, Kinda like the scenarios with family channels on YouTube except arguably worse. Part of him just wanting to watch you, save the recordings for later. The other to exploit you to possibly cause more interest in the show.
He also makes merch for you two, to show you how many people support your relationship! I mean. Seeing all those people with shirts with your and his face on him will obviously not affect your mental state badly. He wants you to understand that he wants it, everyone else wants it so why don't you want it?
Try to escape him? He'll turn it into a game everyone in Nevada can enjoy, fun for the whole family! You've run off and the aim of the game is to catch you. He's even spread info that you'll do anything ( which includes pretending he's kidnapped you, for the nicer folks of Nevada ) to win! You're slippery! Sly! And all his! which is why he needs you back!
Also makes sure whoever does is rewarded handsomely. He can afford it and it's even more of a incentive to bring you back. Although, Doesn't care what they do really - as long as your back with him. Although any harm may result in a small deduction of the prize
He'll then probably gaslight you into believing that you never left. It was all a hallucination or wild daydream - Any injury sustained was something you caused by yourself. He wouldn't harm you so why would you be hurt? He also makes sure to tell his staff to do the same - If they are able to communicate for you.
Overall he's very hard to outsmart and even harder to escape from permanently thanks to his influence. He'll make sure you can only rely on him and him alone while also showing both you and the world just who you belong too. Not fun.
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