#maybe i’ll make something tonight if i can actually make some form of time to
star-cant-think · 1 year
happy 4/13 to my two (2) followers (and only one of them likes homestuck) i have no post planned but i feel the need to say it anyway
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rninies · 8 months
✮ sleeping over - gojo satoru
synopsis: gojo satoru finally convinces you to stay over his place.
warnings: fluff, gn!reader, pouty gojo, reader loves teasing him — wc: 698
notes: new fic after idk how many days yipee hey people
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satoru dislikes staying at home sometimes. it’s not about how fancy his house is or even how comfortable it is. no, it’s about not having you in the house. he loves your company a lot and is always so dependent on you. he loves hugging you, kissing you, touching you — satoru loves your presence so much that he feels like he can’t live without you (it’s such an exaggeration you say to him when he says that to you).
“y/n, baby, honey,” satoru whines. he wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you back down onto his lap as you are about to stand up. “are you going to stay over tonight?”
“…mm, maybe next time,” you reply, and satoru groans.
“you always say next time, though.” satoru pouts, resting his chin on your shoulder. “come on. just this once. we’ve been dating for four months now! it’s gotta happen someday.” the way he tightens his grip on your waist is a silent beg for you to stay. “please?”
you sigh, finally giving in. “okay, fine.” satoru gasps, happy. “but you will be taking care of dinner tonight.”
“okay!” satoru says in excitement. “what do you want? sushi? pizza? pasta? say anything and you’ll get it!”
you stifled a laugh. “hm, you can just make anything you want. i don’t mind.”
“okay. i’ll make us some kitsune udon.” satoru says. you nod in agreement.
satoru lets go of you, allowing you to move away from him. he takes the ingredients out and starts cooking. you silently admire satoru from the couch, looking at him cutting up the ingredients, boiling the water, and waiting for the udon to finish. as soon as he finishes, he sets the two bowls down on the table, clapping his hands in satisfaction.
“dinner’s ready!” satoru exclaims. you stand up, the smell of kitsune udon filling your nose. “mm, it smells amazing, toru!”
“of course it does.” satoru smugly says. “i’m the best cook after all. the best one you’ll ever meet in the entire world.”
“pft-” you giggled. “yeah, okay whatever you say, master chef satoru.” satoru frowns, not taking the insult (as he would call it) very well. however, instead of refuting you, he sits down at the left side of the table, far from you, and starts eating quietly. “why are you sitting so far away from me?”
“no reason why.” satoru shrugs, continuing to eat his udon. “why? you got a problem with that?”
you suppress the smile from forming on your face, knowing the reason behind this. “no. just wondering why.”
satoru frowns once more, upset at the lack of reaction. he stands up and sits next to you, slamming his bowl on the table, and spilling a little bit of the soup. “i can never get to you can i?”
“nope.” you say, popping the ‘p’. “you’re just too cute when you’re mad.”
“i hate you,” satoru mumbles. “i hate you with my every soul. i regret inviting you to stay over.”
“yeah, okay,” you say, finishing your udon. “wanna watch a movie after this?”
“yes.” satoru replies immediately. you both finish your meal, satoru immediately takes your bowl to wash it. “you can go pick the movie. if you pick the same barbie movie-”
“i am definitely watching barbie: princess charm school,” you say and rush to the couch. satoru chases after you and the both of you grab the remote, fighting over it. “hey-! come on, give me the remote, toru!”
“no way! i am not watching that movie for the tenth time this week and it’s only tuesday!” satoru says. “let me watch something i’ve been wanting to watch already! come on, let’s watch horror!”
“no way!” you exclaim, pulling the remote harder. “you know how much i hate horror! you’re the one who asked me to pick the movie for tonight so you better let me watch barbie!”
satoru pulls the remote back and it actually leaves your hand, making you lose your balance. you gasp, trying to catch your balance but you fail. satoru quickly catches you and the both of you fall on the couch. unsurprisingly, you fall on top of satoru, to which he is very happy about. “hey.” he says with a smile on his face.
“don’t say anything.” you frowned, though you were in a really comfortable position. “don’t move, actually. i’m really comfortable.”
“what?” satoru laughs. “at least let me be comfortable.” he holds you gently as he moves back to the couch. “there. and since i’m a nice host, i’ll let you watch barbie.”
“really? yeay!” your eyes sparkled happily. you grab the remote and play it. “just admit you like this movie. it’s a fun one!”
“yeah, sure.” satoru’s eyes are on you, watching the pretty smile on your face widen as the introduction to the movie starts. “i do like it.”
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taglist: @planetnini @xintre @kyoghurts @sad-darksoul (send an ask to be added!) <3
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vroomvroomcircuit · 7 months
Avocado Allergy
Summary: Max and his girlfriend are learnign to understand each other's love language
Warnings: mentions of an ex cheating, slight mentions of emotional abuse and manipulation as well as love bombing, but there is also a whole lotta fluff to make up for it
Wordcount: 2.1k
______________________ It’s quiet. A drastic change to the noise that happened mere hours earlier.
But Max relishes in that. After feeling like he is on top of the world with a first place trophy in his hands, he loves feeling grounded again. Especially through her.
(Y/N) head lays on his lap while she reads. Both sitting on the couch that the hotel room offers. Upon checking in they joked about trying not to think about what that piece of furniture has already seen.
Max massages her scalp, concentrating on how her eyes move from line to line, taking in the words that will lead her to a whole story eventually.
In this moment, Max feels at peace.
A peace he never thought he would reach.
A peace, where his thoughts are not full of self-deprecation.
A peace, where he feels enough. Secure. Without a worry.
He presses a kiss to his girlfriend’s forehead. “Will you read to me?” His soft voice cuts pleasantly through the silence. (Y/N) smiles and nods, clears her throat and starts to read the words on the pages in front of her out loud.
A peace, they both thought they would never be able to reach. And yet, they are still here. Basking in each other’s presence like it’s their form of ambrosia. Like it’s the only way that makes them invincible to what the world has against them in its pocket.
To get there, to this point, a whole process of understanding each other had to take place first.
It all started during the early days of their relationship.
“I’ll take you out for dinner tonight. Do you want to go for a shopping trip with Victoria for a new dress? You can take my credit card with you.” Max offers as he appears next to his girlfriend on the sofa.
Confused, she takes her eyes off the article she was reading in some magazine that had been laid out on the coffee table. “Is there a special occasion we go out for?”
(Y/N) thinks for herself a few moments. There is not an anniversary approaching. Neither is any of their birthdays. Or a big accomplishment.
So the question is: What did Max do? What will he be apologizing for?
“No reason except for me wanting to have an amazing date night with my even more amazing girlfriend. I just want us to have a good time.” This makes her even more suspicious.
“Oh,” (Y/N) answers, “Sounds like a good idea. But I don’t feel like going out shopping today.”
In reality, she does not want to get a special dress for a night out, just to get told that he cheated on her or that he totaled her car or something similar in that dress. The young woman does not want such negative energy clinging to a piece of fabric that is supposed to be special.
Max presses a kiss to her cheek before getting up again. “No problem, whatever you put on, you’ll be the most beautiful woman. I love you!” Off he goes, probably doing some Max-Verstappen-stuff.
His compliments and love exclamation in combination makes (Y/N) even more nervous for the upcoming dinner. He must have fucked up royally.
Several horror scenarios are going through her mind over and over again while (Y/N) is getting ready.
Did he actually cheat? Would she take him back after a confession like that?
Or maybe he hates her family and wants to tell her that he doesn’t want to spend any more time with them. That she has to decide between him and her family. Can she make that decision again? Would she make the right one this time?
“You look breathtaking.” Max’s eyes begin to sparkle, similar to the eyes of a child upon entering a toy store.
Can this face, the one of a man admiring the current love of his life like she is the most beautiful sight he has ever been blessed enough to put his eyes on, belong to the same person, that will isolate her from her family and friends? That cheats on her and acts like it was her fault for not being there for him 24/7?
For an average person the answer is simple: No, Max is the guy who nearly brought her bridal style to the emergency room because of her period cramps. He is the same one that ran to the store and back in record time to get some ice for the toe she stubbed on a chair leg.
For (Y/N) the answer is also just as simple: Maybe. Because her previous boyfriend also had a pretty face and said I love you. He also went to expensive restaurants and extravagant short trips with her. He took (Y/N) out for designer shopping trips, making her whole family say that she made the right decision by falling in love with that guy.
The same guy, who cheated on her with a close friend and got her some unimportant, but apparently expensive purse. That man, that followed her to the bathroom, giving her compliment after compliment, to make up for all the dates he canceled.
Maybe, they are not the same to the naked eye. But no one really knows what broods under the skin of any person, right?
“What’s going through your pretty head?” Max asks, putting his hand on her thigh while using the other one for the steering wheel. (Y/N) tries to shake his concern off, simply answering with “Oh, nothing much. Just something about work, you know?” But this man never lets up until he gets to the bottom of a problem. “Tell me about it. If it’s bothering you, it can’t be nothing.”
“Why are you taking me out for dinner? What did you do to try and make up for it? Is it in a public space because I can’t make a scene there?” If he wouldn’t have to watch the road, Max would have gotten whiplash by how fast he looked at his girlfriend. “Um, no? I really just want to take you out because you deserve an amazing night out. I genuinely just want to give you a memorable night. But I can turn around and we order something in. I don’t wanna pressure you into doing anything. I know that we can have just as much of a fun night on our couch watching that one show you have been raving about.”
It takes a few minutes for (Y/N) to comprehend what he said. “So, you will not tell me something bad you did? You actually take me out for no reason, no ulterior motive here?” Max caresses her thigh with his hand. “My only motive is wanting to spend some quality time with you.”
And so they did. The couple has a really romantic evening, sharing jokes and laughs over food and candle light, tugged away in a private corner of Max’s chosen restaurant.
This was the first, but unfortunately not the last time (Y/N) has accused the Dutch of having done something horrible.
Whenever he does a grand gesture, gifting her a very nice bracelet or bringing her to a place she has dreamed to see, it is followed by her asking what kind of crime against their relationship code he committed.
It’s starting to take a strain on both of them. “I don’t know what to do”, he vents to his mother over the telephone. “I love her and only her, but (Y/N) somehow has this twisted image of me that I cheated on her or have done something else wrong and want to apologize for that by taking her on vacation or so. I feel like she doesn’t trust me at all!”
The frustration is detectable in his voice. His mother feels bad for her son. “Have you asked her why she suspects something is off? Maybe you gave her a reason for not having her whole trust?” Max thinks about it. He has never really asked. He doesn’t know why.
“I think I’m losing him.” (Y/N) cries to her best friend. They both sit on her couch in her best friend’s apartment. “I’m accusing him of all these things I know that he would never do to me. But whenever he gifts me something expensive I immediately think of my ex and how he did that too, followed by him telling me he totaled my car or made out with some other woman at a party the night before again.”
Her friend looks at (Y/N) with sympathy. “He love bombed you and distorted your whole love map by doing that. You need to tell Max what he did to you. And you both need to work on understanding what the other person needs in order to feel comfortable in the relationship.”
Having been pep talked to, both find the other person in their shared four walls as soon as possible. They sit down and talk about what they need. They open up to each other and try to find compromises.
Later that night, they lie together in bed, cuddled up while some random movie plays in the background to fill the silence. “I have never felt so safe in a relationship than I do ever since we got together” (Y/N) mumbles, drawing shapes and numbers on his arm with her fingers. “I have never been able to be so true to myself while being romantically involved with someone else.”
Max’s heart starts hurting again. While (Y/N) told him about how much her previous boyfriend manipulated her over and over again, trying to win her over with both grand gestures and verbal threats. He gets it, her getting upset over him trying to be the best boyfriend by reading every wish from her lips.
They both learn to understand each other’s love languages. Max loves to spend quality time and by bringing his girlfriend everywhere with him where she could be present, may it be a simple interview where she sits in the background or the big vacation he had planned for the two. (Y/N) is more a lover of the small gestures. A flower there, holding the edge of a table when the other retrieves the fork that has fallen down during dinner here.
Rediscovering how they can love their soulmate best, it feels like diving into a new part of their relationship. They start to feel a deeper connection, a new level to finding each other. It gets to a point where (Y/N) confidently can say she knows Max like the back of her hand. She is better versed in his voice and tone indication than in her favorite songs.
They are out eating at a nice restaurant with a few of the drivers and their partners. It is a nice evening after the intense race weekend they just endured.
“Can I have some of yours?” Max refers to the pasta dish (Y/N) ordered. “Of course”, she smiles and pushes her plate towards him. Max takes a good bite from it, praising his girlfriend’s choice for her dinner. “Can I try yours?” She asks, eyeing his burger. “No.” Max answers shortly after having already taken a bite of his dish.
Lando chokes on his sip of water he just tried to drink. “No? But she just let you try her food. Why don’t you share?” But Max continues to chew his bite, taking his sweet time before answering.
“Do you want me to kill my girlfriend? Because it’s a sure way to do so by letting her have a bite of my burger, since it has avocado on it and she is allergic to that.”
(Y/N) just melts immediately at that. She mentioned her allergy to avocados once in passing to Max while he was making them sandwiches. But he still remembered it, even after it never had come up ever since.
Maybe it’s really not the big things that make you fall in love with a person. Maybe it’s the attention, the eye for the little things, that can make the greater difference.
And maybe this attention is what led to Max not proposing to her in front of a ferris wheel under the light of fireworks but rather in the kitchen of their shared home over a home cooked meal, asking for her hand in marriage on one knee while being shrouded in solitude.
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concretecultist · 3 months
Muscle Memory
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summary: “Falling out of love is the saddest thing two people can do to one another. It just means that they have grown too comfortable enough to not make an effort to try,”
pairing: introvert!reader x noah sebastian
warnings: angst, lots of crying, heartbreak
word count: ~5k
lightly inspired by ‘The Greatest’ by Billie Eilish
A/N: i don’t know if i want to make this into a part two or leave it open ended! let me know what you think and please be sure to comment and reblog if you enjoyed 🥰
Things just aren’t what they used to be.
Falling in love was scary enough but knowing the one you love is falling out of love with you is even scarier.
It started with the missed date nights.
“Baby, I’m sorry. I got stuck at the studio with Jolly,”
Then it was the barely there kisses. Each night before bed, you’d give each other three kisses, one for each word in the phrase ‘I love you’
But now you’re lucky if you even get one.
The sex that was once passionate isn’t even there. He’d come home from tour and there was no sexual tension, you’d tease him and he’d brush you off.
You’d cook dinner for the two of you but he’d come home with take out and the guys following in tow without letting you know beforehand, luckily, Folio and Jolly had an appetite so your food never went to waste.
But tonight, tonight was the final straw.
“I love you,” you said to him as you set his plate in front of him. It took him a few seconds, as if he was finding the courage to say the words that at one point, slipped out to easily.
“Love you too,”
And that’s when you knew. You knew that once the ‘I’ was no longer there, it was done. After four years, the love that burned bright, completely untamable, has been reduced to embers and there was no saving it. There was no lighter fluid, no extra wood and no match to bring that fire back to life.
It was gone.
“It’s all just muscle memory at this point… isn’t it?,”
Noah finished chewing before frowning at you.
You could tell he knew what you were referring to but he loved to play clueless. Now is not the time for that though.
“Just… saying ‘love you’? You fell out of love a long time ago but stayed to soften the blow,” you whisper as you pick at your food.
Noah ran a hand over his face and sighed, “Y/N, no. That’s not-,”
“You can be honest with me. I’ll be a little hurt but I already know,” you smile sadly as you glance at him, “I already know,”
“I tried to make it work,” he says lowly, saying the words as if his teeth are barbed wire, as if it’s hurting him to say this, “I still am,”
“When was the last time you touched me?,” you couldn’t even look at him when you asked that question, “All the times I waited for you to want me naked and you just… looked at me as if there was nothing enticing about me,”
“That’s not how it was, at all and you know that, with tour and everything my mind has been all over the place,”
“You still could’ve given me some form of passion, Noah! Not just sex! Flowers, a fucking chocolate bar because it’s my favorite and you passed by it in the store. Something, something to make me believe you actually cared!,”
“I do!,”
“I can’t tell!,” you had to keep yourself from raising your voice, “I just wanted what I gave you. I waited and I waited and I waited. I thought that maybe it was the burnout, that you being home and resting would fix it but it’s been like this for MONTHS and I’m tired of feeling you pulling away so please, just rip off the fucking bandaid already,”
“Y/N please don’t do this. Not now. I said I was trying,” even now, his voice is void of any emotion. How do you claim to try but it can’t even be heard. Why doesn’t he care enough to fight for you harder right now.
Right now he’s throwing weak punches as his defense, he’s barely trying. It’s over.
“I know I probably won’t ever be the one for you,” you tightened your lips, trying to keep yourself from spilling the words but you need to say it, “But you were it for me and I don’t think I’ll ever fall in love again,”
The words rush out like projectile vomit, you couldn’t stop it. You didn’t want to make it seem like you were begging but you figured if this is it, then to get it all out, right?
“Life will never be the same. I won’t be able to listen to certain songs, eat certain foods, watch shows, visit certain cities because they’ll all remind me of you and it’s going to kill me,” you twirl your fork in the mess of noodles on your plate, finding it more intriguing than this conversation, “I was so… desperate to make it better. To be better so that you would still love me but nothing was ever good enough. You may have thought that you were good at hiding it but… I could feel you slipping away from me and it’s crushing me,”
“Baby, please don’t do this,”
“Don’t call me that”
He had some nerve. For months it’s been ‘Y/N this, Y/N that’ but now he wants to pull the “Baby” card? He’s just driving the sword deeper into your chest and he can’t feel remorse. He can’t shed a tear because he’s the cause of all the blood. You sit before him, chest open as you give him your last breath. You deserved to say your piece before he does his finishing move.
“I’m sorry,” he swallowed thickly, following suit in picking at the food on his plate. He never wanted it to come to this. He always thought you were the one but with the rising fame, he was finding it hard to juggle. He started paying more attention to the band than feeding the energy into your relationship. He stopped trying and that’s what started all of this.
“There’s nothing to be sorry for. These things happen,” you sniffle and wipe your cheeks, forking some of your dinner in your mouth to hopefully subdue the churning you feel in your gut, but all it did was make you want to regurgitate it all, “I can be out by the end of the week,”
“You don’t have to do that,” he scoffed as if what you were saying was absurd. Did he really expect you to stick around?
“You don’t understand,” you tilt your head, finally looking at him. Eyes skimming over every feature of his, that way you’d never forget it, “You could offer me this place and I still wouldn’t take it. There’s too many memories. It would just eat at me,”
Maybe you’d live out in the woods. Away from society. You didn’t like the outside world much anyway. And with you losing Noah, there was no point. Solitude was your safety blanket, always forced to find solace in your own company, it’s been a long time since it’s come to that, but, right now you just wanted the ground to swallow you whole.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t keep you happy,”
“Y/N, please,” Noah sighs, “It’s not like that at all,”
“Look me in the eyes and tell me you love me,” your throat clenches around the words, “Look me in my eyes and tell me that I still make you as happy as the day you met me! That I’m not utterly alone in this world. That it doesn’t feel like an elephant is on your shoulders when you come home all because you don’t have the balls to tell me there’s nothing here anymore,”
“Oh c’mon!! You’re blowing this out of proportion! This can work just give me time,”
“Say it, Noah” fists banging on the table causing the silverware to clank loudly against the glass plates, “Do you or do you not love me? It’s simple!,”
You watched the way his jaw clenched and his eyes hardened.
He couldn’t even say it.
“You don’t love me anymore and you can’t even be a man and say it?!,”
“What good is it gonna do, Y/N?!,” he shouted over you. Frustration filling his eyes as he sends you a look of annoyance.
There it goes.
The confirmation without it being explicit.
This wasn’t your Noah anymore.
“I hate to see the fact that you’re hurting right now, why would I make it worse?! You think I want to be having this conversation? You think I want to see you shattering all while trying to keep it together? I never wanted to hurt you,”
“I just need to hear you say it so I can go about my life,” you whimper, you know it’s going to hurt like hell, but you need to hear it, “I need to hear it so I can cut the cord, Noah,”
The silence from him is heavy. This is the least he could do. If he couldn’t love you the way you needed then so be it, but he could at least do this last thing for you.
“If you ever cared about me then you owe me this much. If this is it then you need to fucking say it so that I can start healing! This is on you! Fucking say i-,”
“I love you but not like I used to,” he cuts you off, words rushing out as if they burned his tongue to speak, wearing a look of shame in his face, shaking his head and for a second.. he kind of looks heartbroken.
“I thought I could get around it, thought that if I just gave myself time that I could regenerate the love I felt, but I don’t know how. I started to feel less guilt when I missed date nights, I stayed late at the studio so that I wouldn’t have to see the sad, longing look in your eyes. I’m not who I was when I got into this. I don’t know who I am and I need time to figure it out,”
The air is stripped from your lungs and while you were begging him to say it, it didn’t burn any less. It felt like you were on display for him, bare and vulnerable and he just kept taking a hot fire poker, marking you, tainting you for anyone else.
“Th-thank you,” you nod, eyes filling with tears, his face becoming distorted, “Thank you, Noah, for your candor,”
“Can we just eat in peace?,” you cleared your throat, smiling so sadly, you’ve never been so dejected. You were embarrassed by the tears on your face as you sipped your water.
“I just want to end this night on a good note. So let’s just eat quietly. I’ll do the dishes and go to bed,”
All he could do was nod. Your requests for him were always simple and even with your heart breaking because of him, you wanted one last meal with him, one last peaceful souvenir.
Your dinner was finished in silence and you followed through with what you said. You did the dishes, you cleaned up, but, before you went to bed, you roamed the house for a bit, wanting to take it all in before this place became only a memory.
The living room, where you two had your first kiss. The lamp with the broken lampshade that you two never replaced because it added “character”, you two broke it while watching Michael Jackson’s Thriller music video, trying to learn the dance.
The coffee table that you two fought over the instructions about (you were the one reading them correctly), there’s pictures of you two on the walls but you had to do yourself and him a favor by just taking them down and trashing them.
Which leads you to the kitchen… where he taught you his secret method to dicing potatoes. The place where you two held a cooking contest, with your friends as the audience after watching a few episodes of ‘Beat Bobby Flay’, this was the place where you two sat and got two spoons to eat out of a singular tub of ice cream when you guys couldn’t sleep.
Then the dining room… my God. All the holidays in there, familial dishes displayed on the table as you two hosted parties with your friends. All the laughs, all the card games and fights over if you could put a draw 2 over a draw 4 in UNO (Nicholas says you can’t but… you say otherwise)
Then the bathrooms… you helped him paint them all, running around the house screaming after you flicked paint, getting it in his hair and he sprinted after you trying to get you back. All the decorative seasonal hand towels you gawked over in Home Goods that he only got because you laid it on thick with how “cuuuuuute they would compliment the seasonal shower curtain” that you also talked him into getting.
The porch, where you two would wake up before sunrise, he makes your tea, you make his coffee and swap cups when you two went to sit on the porch swing and just listen to the birds as they wake up. The porch that you two were so excited to decorate for Halloween and Christmas each year.
Then the backyard. Memories flash before your eyes of slip and slide you guys pulled out every summer. The barbecues you had every chance you got. Noah feeling like the cool dad on the grill and you were the sweet mom everyone loved and thanked while passing around your famous freshly squeezed lemonade with Davis always asking what your secret is and your reply always being ‘if I tell ya, I might have to kill ya’ but… now that things were ending… you suppose you could tell him that the secret is agave nectar, a pinch of salt and some sparkling water.
Then you have the basement where you’d have to pull him off the game when it got late but he talked you into playing a round, even though you weren’t the best.
Or the attic, where you guys stored things for the future… a future together that was no longer in the cards for you.
And finally the bedroom.
The first place he told you he loved you. The intimacy that happened here. The funny recollection of Noah bumping his head on the headboard in the middle of having sex and both of you had to take a break because you were laughing too hard. The movie marathons that happened in here. The competitions you two held at who could solve the murder mysteries first (he says you’re tied, but you know you’re winning by at least 3), all the late night talks, the cuddles, the stolen kisses, the tickles.
How?… how do you move on from that? How do you go about your life as if you didn’t devote yourself to this singular person for years? How do you go back to a life without him? And your friends are mutual friends so you know you’ll have to give them up.
Why does it have to be such a lonely road.
This is why falling in love is scary… you don’t get how people start over. It felt like your world was ending, things weren’t always like this. He’d surprised you with your favorite flowers, take you on trips, do karaoke. There was a time where he couldn’t keep his hands off of you. Always walked down the baby aisles to look at the clothes, always texted and called when he was away. He brought you out of your shell but now, now you must retreat back in.
What could you have done? You weren’t going to beg him to love you but what was his final straw? As much as you hate this, you can’t hate him, you can’t blame him for falling out of love it happens to people all the time.
But yeah, the woods sound nice. You’ve always told yourself if love never worked out, it would be a secluded life. A garden to tend to, hunting, you wouldn’t have to bump into very many reminders as the reminders in your mind were enough. So, through the tears and aching chest, you get to packing and searching.
You weren’t sure if you were ever going to be okay. But outside of loving him, being alone was muscle memory…
You’ll make do.
*A Year Later*
A life in the woods wasn’t so bad. Your fruits, vegetables, and herbs were flourishing, your gourds were thriving. You had some chickens for eggs and for things you didn’t have, you always traveled on foot to the farmers market on the outskirts.
Life out here was simple but it was far from easy just yet.
Your last night at the house, Noah tried to talk it out once more but you’d told him the damage is done.
“Just give me time to get back to who I was,” he’d said.
But you didn’t have time. You didn’t need him to be who he once was because you know there are different versions someone grows to be, meaning you have to learn to love every new edition of them. You put in the effort to love every version of him but unfortunately, his idea of love just didn’t evolve with him, leaving you high and dry.
There were nights where you still called for him in the midst of your cries but then there were days where it was easier to swallow. You’d genuinely secluded yourself. No social media. You had cut off any communication with everyone, they didn’t deserve the cold shoulder and ghosting but they have to understand… you had no place in their circle anymore and it wouldn’t feel right.
If you stayed in contact with them you wouldn’t have healed, not even the slightest bit. You’d always want to ask about him, you would always hope that they would tell you that he misses you. You couldn’t do that to yourself.
There’s times where you still want to call him, see what he’s up to, but instead of sending messages or making the mistake of calling him. You write letters that will never be sent. Telling him of all that you’ve endured over the past year.
So you write and write and write as a form of closure to move on with your life.
It was a light morning. You woke up before sunrise as you always do, cup of earl grey in your hands as you sit in your rocking chair, taking in the view of the squirrels running, the birds chirping and the beetles flying by.
Things still weren’t easy but you were keeping your head above water.
A sweet noise pulls you from your thoughts and you set your mug down on the side table, it was practically empty at this point but you’d make a mental note to get it later.
You make your way through the quiet, cool cabin, hearing the noise louder. Your gown brushing against your calves with each step.
As you make your way into your room, a part of you still longs to see pictures of you and him hanging on the walls as if you were back at the house. Micro-dosing delusion here and there wasn’t too big of a deal. You were still healing after all.
Your body carries you closer to your bed and the white cradle that was attached.
Peaking your head over to see a pair of little hazel eyes looking up at you in adoration.
“Hi, baby girl,” you coo softly, lifting her up and hearing her little grunts as she stretches, “Always an early bird just like your mama, huh?,”
You bounce her in your arms as you make your way to the kitchen to pull a brick of breast milk out of the freezer.
“I had my tea and you’ll have your morning beverage shortly,”
You don’t know why you talked to her as if she could understand you, but you enjoyed it. She was calm when you talked, so you figured she liked it.
You take your time to wrap her up into your chest so you could have her close with free arms as you craft her bottle.
“This would be a lot easier if I had help huh?,” you tighten the straps so she’s snug and secure while you’re both also comfortable, “But, It’s just you and me, Sunshine,”
Noelle was short of three months old so all she really did was shine her eyes at you and smile.
“But we’re gonna be okay!,” you cheer, testing her milk on your wrist, deeming it just the right temperature before taking her to the couch to feed her.
She had Noah’s nose, his eye shape, she even had his Cupid’s bow above her top lip, she had your cheeks, your hair and your frown of concentration. She was perfect and even if you were alone you were going to be the best damn parent you could be.
A part of you knows you should have told him when you found out but… you figured he’d be too busy to take care of a baby. He still had so much time on the road, he wouldn’t give that up.
So… it was just you and Noelle, you two against the world.
She babbles as you adjust your wrap to angle her properly to feed her.
“You are my sunshine,” you sing, smiling so proudly to yourself. You’d never expected to find yourself in this position but she was your reason to keep going. To not give up.
“And no one will take my sunshine away,”
After feeding her and cleaning up the cabin, you decided to head to the farmer’s market for some fresh meat and honey.
Noelle was in her stroller enjoying the smooth ride on the path. It was only a 10 minute walk and it was a great time to look at the pretty leaves and listen to what the wind has to say as it whisks past you.
When you hear all the laughing and chatter is when you know you’re close to the market. You’re a regular so although you’ve come to enjoy the lack of human interaction, you love seeing the smile on the faces of the vendors you shop with.
When you’re off the path, you see how packed it is and get overwhelmed.
“We got this, Sunshine,” you sigh to her, smiling and booping her nose, “Your mama did this to herself really, made herself damn near agoraphobic- oh shoot, shouldn’t cuss in front of you. Don’t store that in your subconscious anywhere!,”
All she could do was smile at you, not understanding a single word you said.
“Meat, oat milk, and fresh honey. That’s it! Should be easy right?,”
You stroll to the milk truck and wave at the elderly woman in the window,
“Hey there, Y/N!,”
“Hi, Ms. Ernie!,” smiling brightly. Ms. Ernie was a sweetheart and always special made oat milk for you. She doesn’t sell it much but she makes sure to keep it on hand just for you.
“How are you and your little Plum?,” she’s always called Noelle that, when you found out you were pregnant with her she was about the size of a plum, and when you met Ms. Ernie she could tell you had a lot on your mind, so, she sat and talked with you and gave you your first gallon of milk on the house, it was a nice glass bottle with her logo on it that you now use as a vase for flowers.
“Can’t complain! She’s growing up so fast!,”
“It’s my milks doing!,” she pointed and winked, “It’s making mama strong which is making her strong,”
“You got me there. I gotta admit it,” you joked with her. It was always like this. She was like a grandma to you and the conversations were always wholesome.
After purchasing your milk she throws in a small container.
“I’m making yogurt now! It’s got that oat milk ya like so let me know what ya think! And don’t be a stranger, come into town and have some dinner sometime,”
You verbalized how grateful you were for her kindness and took her up on her offer. It did get a little overwhelming trying to cook dinner and take care of an infant all on your own while also tending to a garden and a chicken coop.
You bid your goodbyes and make your way to the local honey tent.
“Hey, Y/N!,” a young man waved
“Hi, Reid!,”
“And hello little miss sunshine!,” he peaked his head around the stroller, as soon as your daughter sees him she squeals and kicks her feet, she loves Reid. He tickles her and chuckles before standing up and waving his hand to his table.
“What are we having today? We’ve got some new flavors; Orange Blossom, Blueberry Blossom, Lavender- we even got them in sticks so you can try before you buy,” he trails off.
“Can I get my normal wildflower aaaand I’ll try the orange blossom,” you point the sample sized container.
Reid bags everything up nicely for you and you watch him throw a few of the new flavor sticks in the bag before you pay.
“Enjoy, Y/N!,”
Once you give your goodbyes to Reid, you’re on your way to the next truck. Phyllis and her husband, Dan, greet you just as they always do and you order your meats and cuts the way you like them and are all set to head back home. You’re almost to the path when you realize there’s one more thing you needed.
“Shoot, Sunshine. I need bread!,” You turn yourself around to see where the bread truck is and bump into an unsuspecting soul. Neither of you paying attention.
“Oh goodness! I’m so sorry,” you apologize profusely, helping him pick up his bag of goods.
You stop what you’re doing. You recognize that voice anywhere. After years of being near it and talking with him, it was unmistakable. You slowly raise your head to make eye contact with him.
“M-Matt?,” you hand him his fallen apple and step in front of your stroller, obscuring his view of Noelle.
“What are you- where have you been? We’ve been worried sick,”
“I can’t talk to you,” You reply with a shaky tone, “I can’t handle it right now. Just act like you never saw me,”
He frowns at your words, disheartened at how you could seem so scared of him. Not physically but mentally, emotionally even. You were doing so well and now… here is a physical reminder of your past life.
Birthing Noelle was different because while she did have features of her father, she was a reminder of the future and what is to come but seeing Matt right now pushed you all the way back to where you were emotionally a year ago.
He notices the stroller behind you but before he can get a word out, you’re cutting him off.
“No,” you grit through your teeth, “No! Don’t even,” you point at him
“Does he know?,”
“I don’t owe any of you anything,”
“She looks just like him, Y/N”
“Stop it!,” you hold your hand up to quiet him, “I have been through hell and back trying to heal. I don’t need this right now. Go about your day, you didn’t see me, you didn’t see anything!,”
“He deserves to know,”
“I can’t let him back in my life. If he finds out, he will be around and I won’t get better! He’ll take her away from me,”
“It’s not about you or him. If he has a baby, he deserves to know and she deserves a dad. He wouldn’t take her from you, he wouldn’t do that,”
“I can’t take that chance, Matt. He broke up with me, he fell out of love because tour and the fame was too much. How do you expect him to juggle being a father when he couldn’t even juggle being a boyfriend! If you tell him and he comes after me, I will NEVER forgive you!,”
“What’s going on?,” you turn to your left and see Reid coming to stand between you and Matt, “Is he bothering you?,”
“We’re friends,” Matt defends himself. This is getting a lot bigger than what you needed right now.
“Yeah? Well it doesn’t seem that way. So if you could, please leave. She looks uncomfortable,”
“Y/N, please,” he begged. He hadn’t seen nor heard from you in over a year, all of you were a family and it’s been hard to process for all of them how you were there one day then gone without a trace.
“You should go, Matt,” you hide behind Reid and wait until he leaves. He stood there waiting to see if you’d change your mind but when you didn’t, he got the hint and went on his way.
“I’ll wait till he’s gone then I’ll have Morgan watch the tent, I’ll walk you home,”
“Thank you,” your voice was barely above a whisper, you wipe your tears and you turn around to crouch down in front of Noelle, making sure she’s okay, she’s half asleep, usually you’re back at the cabin by now to put her down for a nap but this little scuffle pushed it back.
“Is there anything you need before we leave? I saw you turn back around like you forgot something,”
“I… I needed bread,”
“What kind?,”
“Pumpernickel and sourdough,”
“I’ll be right back,”
“Reid, you don’t have to,”
“I got it,” he rests a hand on your shoulders to calm you down. A lot happen just now, it made sense why your nerves would be all over the place
You decided not to protest as he was already on his way over to the bread truck. You look back to Noelle and see she’s finally out like a light just that quick.
Matt’s words began echoing in your mind as you stare at her. Why couldn’t today have just been like any other day? What are the fucking odds that he ends up at this market in particular? You know he loves them but there’s one closer to the city that’s his favorite. Why’d he have to come out to the countryside?
Was this a coincidence or was it somehow planned? You know for sure he’s going to tell Noah, that’s his best friend and you don’t know how to handle any of it. They don’t know where you live but now you’re worried they’ll come out here looking for you, which means you’ll have to ask Reid to do a weekly pick up and drop off. You know he won’t mind but you hate asking for help.
He deserves to know
It’s like tinnitus now. Just an irritating ringing in your ears that won’t go away.
But as you stare at your daughter, you realize she was an embodiment of the bright rays that peaked through the cloud that rained over your head for months. She was your sunshine.
And no one would take your sunshine away.
Let me know if you want a part two or if I should leave it open ended like this? 👀
Be sure to comment and reblog! Much love!
tags: @lma1986
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youatemylollipop · 6 months
I saw that you write for mha. Can you write first time (nsfw) touya x reader? Thx 🥰
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Synopsis: You're tired of being the only one lacking experience in the s*x department, so when Touya suddenly suggests that you accompany him to a party, you decide to take him up on the offer. Who would have thought that this would lead to a steamy session with your childhood friend in his car?
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Characters: Touya Todoroki X Female Reader
WARNING: Childhood friends to lovers, college and no quirks au. First time, loss of virginity, kinda(?) soft dom! Touya, he's an asshole but has low-key a soft spot for the reader, explicit sexual content, oral sex (m.receiving), dirty talk, Touya calls reader slut a couple of times, MDNI!!
Word Count: 10.5K
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“What’s the farthest you've gone with a girl?” You suddenly ask, tilting your head curiously as you turn to face him as he drives the car. 
Touya raises an eyebrow as he glances at you. He's quiet for a few moments before responding in a more casual tone. 
"As in, how many girls have I dated or...? Are you asking if I've... You know... Done the naughty?" 
“Yes,” you confirm blatantly. “I meant the naughty.” 
Touya sighs and looks ahead again, a slight blush on his cheeks. “How’d I know that’s where you were going to go with that question…”
His tone is teasing but there’s a hint of irritation there. He slows down slightly and pulls over to the side of the road, putting the car in park before giving you a look from the corner of his eye. 
“And why do you even care?”
“So…?” You trailed off, ignoring his question as you eye him with a scrutinizing gaze, waiting for him to say openly that yes, he’s had sex.
Touya groans and rubs his eyes, already feeling this conversation becoming annoying. Though that’s probably more because of who it’s coming from and less because of the actual subject matter. 
“Yes, alright…”
He finally caves. You’re like a child that’s curious and has a lot of questions about things they maybe shouldn’t be so curious about. Maybe it’s your own childishness rubbing off on him.
“Yes. I have.”
“So you’ve done the deed?” You continue to ask, just to make sure—and maybe just to annoy him. 
“You’ve gone all the way? Like actually putting your sword in someone else’s cave?” The way you’re describing it makes him roll his eyes and look away, the blush on his cheeks deepening just a bit. 
“Goddamnit… Yes. I have.” Now he just looks amused by the ridiculous way in which you’re asking this question.
“Ok.” Was all you said, before turning your attention back to the window.
He raises an eyebrow at that. Something’s bugging him slightly. Why is there suddenly so much interest in this? He doesn’t mind talking about his sex life, especially since it’s you he’s talking to. Though you’re kind of… weird about it. 
“Why do you even care so much?”
“Because I’ve never done it,” you admit, turning to look out the window, sounding very much like a sulking brat. “I’ve never done anything like that with a guy.”
Touya turns his head to look at you, an eyebrow raised. He had a small hunch that was what you were gonna say though it still took him by surprise. When he speaks, his voice is calm but a bit teasing. 
“Sounds like somebody’s salty that they haven’t done it yet.”
You huff, pouting at his attitude. “Yes I’m salty! Who’s gonna be willing to date a 19 year old college student that’s got zero experience? I haven’t even had my first kiss yet,” you complain with the same bratty attitude. 
“Show me some sympathy, asshole.”
Even though he’s clearly trying not to, Touya snickers. He can’t seem to help the slight smirk that has formed on his lips. You’re so cute when you’re being a pouty brat like this. 
“You say that as if it’s the end of your existence, or as if it’ll never happen. You are being overdramatic, you know that right?”
“I hope that I’ll meet someone at the party tonight,” you continue, ignoring him. “You’re friends are going to be there, right? Do you think I can kiss one of them?”
That gets the reaction he was hoping for. Touya turns to you, giving you a raised eyebrow as his lips curl into a smirk. “Oh? You want to kiss one of my friends?” 
He’s quiet for another moment before smirking a bit and speaking again. “What about me? Maybe you could kiss me instead?”
“You’re not being funny,” you roll your eyes, not taking him seriously. “I just want to get it over with, I hope that at least one of them is hot enough.”
Touya lets out a small laugh at that as he looks away from you, the smirk on his lips growing into a small grin. Damn, you’re being a brat but for some reason it’s kind of hot. 
“Oh come on, surely I’m hot enough. You should kiss me instead.”
You were about to retort until something clicked in your mind. “Wait, are you for real?”
Touya raises his eyebrow a bit, his grin widening as he notices the shift in your attitude from petulant brat to actually thinking about it. He shrugs as his lips turn into a smirk, looking back at you for a brief moment before looking back at the road again.
"Sure, I'm for real. Why shouldn't I be?"
“Won’t it be, I don’t know—weird?” You ask with furrowed eyebrows.
“What do you mean by ‘weird’? I mean we’ve known each other since we were kids. What’s weird about us kissing?” He keeps smirking and speaks playfully, not seeming to take the concept too seriously. Of course he is, but he’s not making it too obvious. 
You eye him skeptically for a brief moment before deciding to let it go. “Alright, if you say so.”
He can’t help the satisfied grin that comes across his lips. It was probably a bit easier than expected to convince you. After all, the two of you have been so close since you were kids.
“You gonna kiss me or what?”
You let out a half amused snort before unbuckling your seatbelt and crawling over to him so that you were now seated on his lap, with your legs spread out on either side of his hips. There is a mix of excitement and nervousness in your actions as you lick your lips, wrapping your arms loosely around his neck. 
“So, am I just supposed to lean in?” You ask.
Touya just lets out a small hum as he takes his seat belt off as well, watching as you crawl over to him and sit on his lap. For a moment, he says nothing, a smirk still on his lips as he gazes at you. Finally, he speaks with a more confident and teasing tone. 
“Yeah. Just lean in… Make sure to aim for my lips, though. Don’t miss.” 
You roll your eyes at his so called ‘instructions’, but do as he says anyways. The action is slow and once you get extremely close to his face you hesitate for a moment. 
“Tell me if I do something wrong,” you mumble out before finally going in for the kill, closing your eyes as your lips finally touch. 
As soon as he sees the motion coming, he meets you in the middle, closing his eyes as your lips finally brush against each other’s as well. For a moment all Touya can do is sigh softly, your scent filling his nostrils, his fingers tightening around your waist as his face heats up. 
Finally he speaks again. His voice is slightly breathless. “That’s not bad, but go again…with a bit more passion this time.”
You adjust yourself on his lap to sit more comfortably before speaking. “Uhm, can you show me how?”
Touya snickers at that. You really haven’t done this before, have you? He thinks to himself amusedly. 
“Sure… I’ll show you…”
Finally his hands start to move, slowly wrapping around you before one hand reaches the back of your head. Leaning forward slightly, as his other hand presses you down a bit more, he leans in and takes control of the kiss. 
It turns into a deeper kiss, as his hands work on your body. The movements of his mouth against yours are more precise now, his tongue beginning to explore the depths of your mouth with confidence.
His grip becomes slightly tighter, his hands digging slightly into you as his arms almost seem to constrict you from the back. His lips are demanding, moving against yours with pressure. He pulls you in ever so slightly and then lets you go, repeating the same motion over and over again, trying to show you how to kiss and how to get into it.
You pull away after a while, feeling slightly breathless as you try to calm yourself from that kiss. “Whoa.”
Touya lets you go as he lets out a soft chuckle. He lets his hands stay where they are, still wrapped around your waist as he looks at you with a grin. After a bit he speaks up again, speaking casually as he leans back in the seat. 
“Not bad… But here.” 
His body moves again, this time more slowly, as he brings you back in as he presses you against his lips again. He moves his hands to grab the nape of your neck, pulling you forward and making the kiss even deeper than before. The ravenette holds you there for another moment before finally letting you go again, speaking with a confident tone. 
“There,” a hand runs through your hair as he leans back in the seat a bit. Touya looks at you with a soft smirk on his lips. 
“See? Like that,” he speaks before adding teasingly. “Are you sure you haven’t kissed before?”
Your cheeks are flushed as you pant softly, trying to regain some form of composure. “That was—“ you gulp, letting out a shaky breath. “Awesome.”
Touya chuckles at your reaction, the soft smirk still on his lips. His body relaxes a bit as he leans back in the seat again. The way you react and your inexperience is almost adorable. But it’s also a lot of fun. 
“I can show you more than just how to kiss if you want…” He says, teasing you a little.
“Really?” You breathe out as your panting slowly calms down. 
“I can feel you, down there.” You mutter softly, gesturing towards his obvious bulge.
Touya lets out a quiet chuckle in response. He moves one hand slowly to your rear, letting it rest on your backside. With the other hand he plays with a lock of your hair before speaking in a teasing, raspy voice.
“Oh… You can feel that, can you?”
“Yeah…” You mumble with a mix of shyness and eagerness. “Can I see it?”
Touya laughs as he feels his body heating up once again. He keeps his hand on your rear and shifts his body closer so that you’re basically straddling him. Your thighs are pressed right up against his waist and his other hand reaches up to the side of your face.
“Are you sure you want to see it?”
“Please…?” You add, lips jutting out as you do so.
Touya lets out a soft sigh, his breath hitched a bit. Your bratty pout is both annoying and cute at the same time. “Such an impatient brat…” 
His tone is still teasing but he finally lets out a small sigh. With his hand still on the side of your face, his other hand reaches down to unbuckle his belt, undoing it slowly. All you can hear is the subtle sound of a zipper being undone and pants unzipped as his hand disappears from your side. He lets out a brief grumble before speaking again, his tone still being teasing. 
“So, you really want to see it, huh…” 
Still not taking his hand away, he gently pushes your head down. There may be no mistaking it as he gently pushes you even closer, your face only a few inches away from what was earlier tucked into his jeans and now out in the open.
Touya looks down at you from above, that snarky smirk remaining on his face as he watches you from this angle. There’s no denying the fact that you’re adorable when you look up at him like that. He’s only half joking when he calls you a little brat… And yet something about the way you act and the things you say makes him want to have you all to himself. It’s something he’d never admit out loud however.
He waits for a response, but there’s none yet. The corner of his lips starts to twitch as a smirk forms, knowing full well why you’re staying quiet. Finally your gaze moves lower, and your lips part as you stare. Touya keeps your head in place with a firm grip on your head as your gaze remains glued on that spot. 
You swallow thickly as you gaze at his size with awe. “Can I touch it?”
Touya lets out a breath, he can’t help but feel a little bit amused. Your eyes are so fixed, it’s adorable. Finally he lets your head go once more, giving you the freedom to do whatever you want. 
“Go ahead… I won’t stop you.”
Touya tilts his head up again to look at you from above. He lets out a small chuckle as he finally sees your hands move to the front of his pants. When you touch it, his body reacts with a subtle twitch from the sudden sensation. You can almost feel him shiver in your grip.
Touya looks down at you again, a devious smirk forming on his lips as your hand squeezes his shaft experimentally. He sighs softly and his lips curve up into a sly, suggestive smile. He’s just enjoying the sight of you right now, watching the look of curiosity on your face as you take in his size.
Touya lets his lips curl up into an even wider smug grin as your hand starts to move faster. His hips rock forward ever so slightly with the motion of your hand. Another small gasp comes from his lips and he leans back in the seat with his eyes closed.
“Am I doing this right?” You ask curiously.
With a slight nod, he whispers softly. “Mhm… You just keep doing what you’re doing.” 
Just touching him is driving him insane… It feels so good, he’s enjoying every moment of it. His breathing grows even heavier now as a raspy moan escapes his lips in response to the light brushing of your fingertips. He shifts once again, spreading his legs further to give you more room to work with. 
He lets his gaze fall on you again, watching you take his piece of flesh in your hand like this. His lips curve up into a smirk as he speaks softly for the first time in a while.
“Do you really have no experience?” He asks teasingly. 
You gulp audibly, feeling the heat between your legs grow as you continue your experimental touches. “I wanna taste it.” 
You mumble breathlessly before peering up at him, licking your lips as you feel your mouth watering at the thought. “Can I?”
That takes him by surprise. As soon as you speak up he opens his eyes once more, looking at you and noticing the breathlessness in your voice. The way you gulp and the way your body reacts to his touch tells him everything he needs to know. Though he lets out a soft, smug laugh when you ask that last question. 
“I don’t see why not…” 
He pauses briefly, giving you a teasing grin before adding, ”Just don’t disappoint me.”
He spreads his legs even more. After a moment, when he’s satisfied that there’s plenty of room for you to work with, he simply nods once again, allowing you to do as you please. You’re slow and hesitant in your movements as you bring it closer to your mouth, starting off by licking it experimentally. 
“Mm…” Touya lets out a raspy moan of satisfaction as he notices you’re slowly and timidly moving. He can’t deny that it’s very erotic. But it’s also extremely cute. Your hesitation is almost as cute as your eagerness. He stays silent for a few more seconds, wanting to see how you feel as you give it a little lick. 
Yet another moan escapes his lips again as your tongue rubs over him. You can feel him shiver slightly as he feels the sensation, his body moving in response to your tease. He closes his eyes and leans back the best he can with the little room he has left, his lips curling up into a small smirk. 
“Keep going…” You feel your mouth water as you suddenly swallow as much of the length as you can fit in one go.
You’ve gone too far, and now his reactions are becoming even more intense. His throaty mumbles turn into loud groans as his entire body starts trembling. He shifts once again, pressing his back against the back of the seat as he tries his best to keep quiet. He's struggling to maintain any sort of control over himself, but with every suck you give him, his willpower weakens a little bit.
With a satisfied grunt, he finally finds some degree of control as he lets out another small moan and leans back once again. “God… So good…”
He moves one hand upwards, gripping onto the seat as his other hand shifts to the back of your head. You can hear your name escape his mouth as he lets out another small moan.
And just like that, you feel his hands shift. His one hand grips your head lightly as he gently takes control and moves. The slight change in motion is almost imperceptible but you do notice that he holds his breath for a moment as you lick him. It takes him a few seconds to recover as he lets out a loud moan. He lets go of your head and his fingers bury themselves in your hair as he shifts in his seat. 
You can feel his grip tighten and a small shiver runs through your body as his hand moves your head up and back down again, this time with a bit more force.
“R-right there… Fuck, don’t stop… Mm…” Touya lets out quiet but clearly noticeable groans as your mouth works its magic. You gag slightly as the sudden force makes you choke slightly on his length, which urges you to send him a bratty glare despite low-key enjoying it.
Touya lets out a raspy chuckle at your glare, a smugness in his expression as he looks at you. The pressure he’s applying is steady but gentle enough not to hurt you or make you choke too hard. 
"You're enjoying that, huh..." He lets out a small grunt and a muffled moan as you keep moving your head up and down. His hand keeps a firm grip on your hair, keeping you in place.
Touya keeps this up for a few more moments, his breathing getting heavier as your mouth works up and down repeatedly. He starts to growl softly, trying to hold back a little. This is just as much of a pleasure for him as it is for you. His grip tightens once more as his growls get louder. The grip is still not rough but firm enough to make sure you don’t slip up while working on him.
Touya’s body finally gets to that point, making him let out a loud moan as his grip around your head tightens some more. His hand on the side of your face moves up to the back, making sure you stay in position as he pushes you further and further. His eyes are closed as he relaxes a bit more against his seat.
Touya lets out another breath as he finally speaks with a raspy voice. “Keep going… Don’t stop… Fuck don’t stop…”
He lets out a raspy moan as your mouth continues to work on him as he tilts his head back a bit. His fingers dig into your hair as he pushes you back down, not letting your head move away from him. The grip on your head becomes tighter and more demanding as he holds you down.
“You really are good at this…” His hands grip your head tightly, letting you feel just how much he’s enjoying this as he lets out a few more sounds. He tries his best to be as quiet as possible since you’re in a parking lot, but it’s becoming harder and harder to not get too loud. As his grip on your head tightens even more, his moans become increasingly louder. He feels like he’s losing himself…
You pull away, taking a shuddering breath as you look up at him with glassy eyes and shiny lips, panting lightly. “Tou-chan, I want you.” 
Touya’s eyes flutter open for a moment as he feels you stop with the sudden movement. Seeing the effects of your ‘experiments’ on you is quite exciting for him as his breath hitches and his heart rate picks up drastically. The grip on your head tightens again as he sees you squirm slightly.
Touya grunts in affirmation as his voice remains raspy, a smugness written all over his face. “I want you too, you little pervert.”
“Sorry…” You pant before a small cheeky grin grazes your features as you had completely forgotten about your previous unsureness. “You just taste so good.”
Touya chuckles softly at your comment, he can’t help it. You’ve clearly changed your mindset after that little ‘testing’ and now you’re a lot more eager. He tilts his head up again, taking in the view of your glassy eyes as you pant faintly, your lips shiny with saliva. The grip on your head remains firm this time though, not moving even slightly as he keeps his gaze on yours.
“You really think so?”
“Yeah,” you pant out, gulping audibly as you nod shakily.
Touya grunts softly as he sees you nod. His gaze shifts down in between your closed thighs for a minute, your wetness clearly evident on your skirt as he shifts in his seat again. The ravenette finally looks up at your face, that smugness back on his lips as he speaks again.
"How much do you want me…? Don't hold back..."
“So much that I want you to be my first,” you suddenly blurt out in the heat of the moment.
“I’ve liked you for years,” you admitted with a small, flushed smile. “It doesn’t matter if we go back to being just friends afterwards, but I really want you to be my first.”
That takes Touya off-guard for a moment, his body momentarily freezing in place from your words. You don't know how long he's waited to hear those words from you. Eventually he exhales and sighs softly with a soft grin. Touya looks down at you again, that smug look never leaving his features. 
"You want me that badly, huh..." He moves closer to you once again, his lips literally within an inch from your own.
“More than anything,” you mumble softly.
Touya smiles at that, that smugness still on his face, but it's mixed with a soft look, showing his adoration for you. The ravenette grins at your words, you sound so cute when you get all steamy like this. It’s something he has been fantasizing about for a while, and it looks like you’ve finally come around.
Touya leans forward the rest of the way and presses his lips fully against yours, the force behind it a bit more this time, as his hand moves to your rear again, giving your buttocks a small squeeze. His other hand grips your neck tighter, keeping you in place as it moves to your hair. Touya leans into it, and this time, he doesn't let you break away. His lips start to move against yours once more.
“I love you,” you mumble breathlessly between hot and steamy kisses.
Touya freezes up for a time as you let out those words. His lips part from yours as he looks down at you. He blinks a bit and slowly takes in what you just said. It makes his heart skip a beat.
After a few seconds, he lets out a small chuckle though it sounds more like a breathless gasp. His grip around you tightens once more as his reply comes out in a raspy, but soft voice.
“I love you too… I love you so much…”
“Please take me,” you speak sweetly with a small pout.
The way you say those words makes your cheeks go red immediately. You can pretty much see the effect these words had on him. You finally confessed to him. You admitted your feelings and told him you want this as much as he does. Touya is speechless, he didn't expect this to end that way, but it definitely did in the best way possible.
He reaches up to your cheek with one hand, rubbing gently over it as he looks down at you with a flirtatious smirk. “Heh… Is that a request or a demand?” 
Touya smirks at your pout, his thumb rubbing on your cheek as he looks at you. You can tell from his tone, he’s enjoying himself. Your response makes him want to tease you even more now.
“I want you inside of me,” you mumble impatiently, your lips jutting out even more.
That’s what he wanted to hear…
He lets out a breath, this is the kind of dirty talk he’s always enjoyed. The way you describe your own needs is hot and definitely makes him desire you more. He lets out a quiet laugh before he responds, the way he spoke was not the same as it used to be before your confession.
“Is that so, now…” Touya’s grip on your rear tightens slightly as he rubs gently on your ass.
With a small smirk, he immediately pulls you towards him, causing your bodies to press tightly against one another as his lips finally make contact with yours. He begins to slowly move his tongue into your mouth. Your kiss slowly grows more intense as he moves his tongue around, exploring your mouth as he holds you close to him.
The sudden switch from your hesitant behavior to this… It’s pretty surprising. With a soft laugh, he pulls away again, his lips curling into a playful grin. 
“That's what you’re asking me for, huh?” He lets out another chuckle as he leans his head close to your shoulder, whispering softly directly into your ear.
You pout slightly, “Quit teasing me.”
“You want me to quit teasing you?” He leans back so that he can look at you again once more as he tilts his head up while speaking with a smug tone.
“Is this adorable brat asking me to stop?” Touya’s grip on you remains tight as he stares at you for a moment. The look on his face says just how much he enjoys playing with you.
“Stop being so mean,” you whine, looking at him with puppy eyes. “Pretty please with a cherry on top.”
“Awww…~” Touya lets out a quiet chuckle as you beg him with those puppy eyes and that whiny tone. Touya can’t resist that look. He finds it so damn adorable. You’re so easy for him to tease.
He keeps his grip on your body tight as he moves his face even closer to yours. You can feel his breath brushing against your neck as he leans against you and whispers his next words.
“That’s not how you beg, you brat…”
“Will you please fuck me?” You beg with wide glassy eyes, batting your lashes to appear cuter. “I need to feel you inside me—to feel that big fat cock rearrange my insides to the point nobody else could ever please me as much as you could.”
Those words coming out of your mouth, and that soft, desperate tone… It drives the ravenette crazy. A loud moan escapes him as he hears you say those words. His grip on your body tightens even more as he lets you go for a moment, to catch his breath. 
Your words are such a turn-on for him. The way you just spoke right now is one he’d only hear in porn, you speak with such filthy language. He swallows thickly as he takes in the effect of your dirty talk. It's so blunt and crude, but so damn hot. That playful begging and your soft, vulnerable tone, it’s quite the combination as he stares at you with a smug smile on his face.
Touya's smile grows wider, almost to the point of being teasingly malicious as he stares you right in the eyes. Your body is so soft, so vulnerable and that tone just makes him want to take you right here and now. His grip around your waist tightens once more as he speaks again, this time with a sinister grin. 
“That’s exactly what I wanted to hear, you naughty little slut…”
“Just be gentle,” you whisper breathlessly.
The way he was talking with you—in such a degrading manner at that—was making you feel extremely hot. Yet you couldn’t help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness as you realized that you’re actually about to lose your virginity to your childhood friend/crush.
Your mix of emotions is one that makes him want to take you even harder, to show you how much he wants you. To show you how much he’s desired this for years. 
The ravenette lets out an amused laugh as he hears you ask him to go slowly for you, to be gentle. Oh, that’s rich… But he doesn’t voice his thoughts just yet as he leans up against you again, his eyes staring right into yours as he slowly speaks with a teasing tone.
“Who’s saying you deserve that?”
You pout, tilting your head slightly to the side to make yourself even cuter and more fragile. “Pretty please…?” 
There was a childish lilt in your voice as your lips jutted out even more. “Didn’t you say that you love me too?”
You're doing this on purpose… You have to, there’s no way you’re not. The playful pout and the way you tilt your head to the side, there is no way it’s not on purpose. The way you ask for him to go slow with such a soft tone and the sudden mention of his confession… You’re making him soften up on purpose. You want a nice, soft gesture from him? You’re trying to make that happen. 
Touya sighs softly, knowing full well he’ll cave under the pressure. His lips curl into a teasing smile as his gaze narrows at you. “Am I supposed to say yes to that just because I love you?”
He continues to look at you as he lets out a breath, not yet revealing what his answer will be. Does he intend to go easy or will he just pound you and tear you apart? That's for you to wait for. But you can tell by the grin on his face that you've already gotten through to him. Despite the knowledge, you still nodded affirmatively while flashing him a sickeningly sweet smile to get your way. 
“Very well, you naughty little brat... I’ll go slow for you, since you asked me so nicely…” His reply comes out in a soft tone, with a smirk. He relaxes his shoulders as he stares at you with a smug look, but the moment has finally gotten to him. The way you have to ask him to be gentle makes it feel like you trust him after all.
He runs his tongue on your cheeks once more as he finally leans up against you, taking his time doing this. His tongue slowly makes its way down your neck, causing you to shiver and squirm as he continues licking and kissing your skin. The effect this had on you is quite visible as you breathe heavier and moan quietly.
Touya lets out a soft laugh as he hears you whimper and moan. The way you squirm as his tongue and lips move down your skin...is so damn hot. He slowly reaches his hand on your thigh now, getting even closer to your soft, juicy center.
Touya’s hand moves up to your thigh as it rests close to your wetness. As his tongue and mouth continues to move down your skin, he presses lightly against your thigh for a bit before moving even closer, using his thumb to trace circles around your wetness. The tease makes your whole body move, your mouth opening silently as you start to moan quietly.
“So wet already?” He asks you with a quiet laugh and a teasing smirk.
“I’m just horny,” you complain in a whining tone. “And whose fault is that?”
“My fault? Is that so now?” Touya laughs out, finding this to be both amusing and a bit arousing at the same time. His hand continues to play with your wetness as he traces circles around your thigh and inner thighs, his thumb brushing against your clothed clit briefly before moving upwards again.
“Just one more thing…” Touya smirks as leans in closer, his breath still hot and damp on your neck. His lips once again brush against your ear as he whispers softly once more. 
“Keep your eyes closed when it happens…”
“Okay…” You breathe out, complying to his wishes.
Touya leans back once again, his hands loosening around your waist. He adjusts himself in his seat a little bit before beginning to move his hand back up your thighs, moving over your dress and slowly starting to unbutton it. 
Eventually, after slowly unbuttoning your dress, he reaches the bottom of it. His fingers wrap around the side of your hip as he shifts once again and pulls you closer to him. His other hand slowly makes its way up your thigh as he grabs onto your waist. 
He starts to slowly lift your dress up, pulling it over your thighs and leaving it all bunched up in his hands. His cerulean blue eyes flick down at the sight of you under the dress, slowly revealing it all to him. He finally lays his eyes upon what he’s been waiting for. Your pale, slender thighs and soft smooth skin… The small mound of your womanhood. His eyes practically glowing as they wander to the lace fabric of your panties and back up to your face once again. 
The ravenette’s hand moves over the lace of your panties, gently rubbing at them with his fingers as he watches your cute, flushed face. He’s seen this many times before now, but never has it been this tantalizing… 
“I want to see you,” you mumble softly with a tiny pout, but still keep your eyes closed as he had told you. “Please, let me see you.”
“Hmm… You want to see me, huh?” He chuckles softly as he hears your request. He keeps rubbing his hand over your underwear again, slowly rubbing through your silky skin as he whispers softly once more. 
“But for now, keep your eyes shut… I’ll let you see me soon enough…” You let out a whine, but comply nonetheless.
Touya chuckles softly, his eyes wandering down to your body as his hands continue to slowly rub at your underwear with his fingers. He wants you to focus solely on the feeling of his fingers slowly going through your lace underwear… The slow and steady movement of his fingers as it rubs against your skin. Slowly giving your sensitive parts the heat and attention they crave. 
“So sensitive…” Touya growls as his fingers continue to explore through the thin fabric of your panties. When he notices just how sensitive you are, he begins to apply a bit more pressure as he rubs his fingers over you. 
He keeps this up for a little longer, pressing his fingers against that one spot, the pressure gradually increasing as time goes on. Soon, he can feel the slightest trace of your juices beginning to flow as your breathing becomes a little heavy.
“Mm… Looks like someone’s definitely enjoying this.” Touya chuckles in amusement as his fingers continue to rub at your sensitive spot. He can’t help but bite his lip as he hears your breaths pick up. The sight of you getting wet and excited from his touch is more than enough to get his blood flowing. 
He moves his hands away with a small smirk, his tongue briefly flicking out to lick his lips as he watches you. You let out yet another whine at the loss of contact. Touya laughs once again as your whine grabs his attention. 
“So, you really want more, huh?” Touya's deep voice echoes inside the car as he finally breaks his silence as he leans back towards your neck, taking another glance at the sensitive spot he just made so damp. “I’ll give you more then… Just let me do something first…”
After taking a glance at your damp spot again, he finally decides on giving his fingers a break for now. He slides his hands back down your thighs as he looks back at you once again, noticing that your eyelids are twitching. 
“Tou-chan,” you breathe out in a whining tone. With a raspy laugh, he leans in next to your ear again. His breath is still hot and damp against your skin as the tip of his tongue flickers out once more. 
“Yes?” He murmurs as his cerulean gaze narrows towards you once more, a little grin on his lips as he leans close to you again. This time his voice is even lower and more husky than before. His tongue flickers out one last time to brush against your cheek as it trails down to your neck again, where he begins to nibble on it.
“Just take them off,” you squirm in his grasp, opening your eyes despite not being allowed to do so yet. “I feel so empty.”
“You shouldn’t have opened them… You know that, right?” Touya’s voice is deeper, a bit more sinister but you can still hear the teasing tone. He speaks calmly but firmly, despite you now going against his wishes. You might be in trouble. 
“So you want me to just rip them off and take you right now~?” Touya’s voice has become much more rough. The way he looks at you, you know that all he wants to do is to just break you, to tear you apart and break every single self-control you have to make you beg and whimper for him to stop.
But he knows that you’re too inexperienced for that yet. 
“Opening your eyes like that without me letting you… This is going to have consequences, you know, little brat…”
Touya adds with a teasing smirk, but he’s immediately heeding your words and moves to take your panties off. He slides them lower and lower before taking them away completely. His hands move to the side as he takes a look at you, your face becoming flustered when he takes a look at your beautiful body. Once they’re finally out of the way, your soft folds become visible to his eyes. 
“So...this is what you meant by empty, huh?” Touya’s deep voice echoes inside the car as he gets a look at your body once again. His breath is still hot and damp as his gaze flicks to your folds. “Pretty sensitive aren’t we...? Hm?”
Touya’s fingers move in closer slowly as he traces circles around your slickness once more, this time putting more pressure than before as he begins to rub and play with you.
You tug on his shirt impatiently as you demand, “Take it off.”
“A very impatient little brat you are, huh…” Touya chuckles softly, taking note of the way you tug at his shirt, his teasing and flirty mood changing a bit as his eyes narrow against you.
He doesn’t speak much as he reaches up and pulls it over his head. The moment his bare chest is visible your body seems to be heating up. The air is thick with heat and desire as he finally lets out a breath. 
Your fingers trace his toned chest as you shamelessly ogle him. “You’re so pretty,” you mumble out breathlessly.
Touya gives you a playful smack against the side of your neck as he glances down at you, his tone and expression changing a bit as your hands trace his toned chest. His eyes widening as you compliment him, cheeks becoming a bit red as he glances at you.
“Pretty, am I? You think I’m pretty?” It’s clear that you’ve hit his weak spot as he tries his best to hide his blush.
“Like a piece of poetry,” you breathe out softly.
“Shut it…” Touya’s reply comes out as a playful tone as he gives you another light smack this time across your cheek, but the moment you compliment him his attitude changes a bit.
Touya lets out a breath as he glances elsewhere, not knowing what to say in response to that. You can tell that you caught him off guard with your words of appreciation. He wasn’t used to being complimented like that by anyone, certainly not by the person he had been crushing on since childhood. His cheeks remain a bit red for a reason. 
You position yourself over his bare shaft, gripping his shoulders tightly. “I’m on birth control so…” You trail off, waiting for him to help you.
“So that means…” Touya’s voice trails into a soft and teasing moan as he hears you say those last words. His voice becomes lower and even more husky as he grabs on to your hips, his cerulean eyes once again glance up at your body. His hand moves to your hip as he stares up at you, pupils dilated as he watches you move over his shaft.
“So you want this to be raw…?” Touya’s voice becomes somewhat teasing once again as he looks at you, giving you a playful smirk as he looks between your legs.
He doesn't speak another word as he leans in and bites your shoulder gently before letting out a breath. His hips grind against yours briefly as he gets more riled up with each passing minute.
You swallow thickly, getting equally nervous and excited. “So, am I just supposed to slide down or…?” You ask hesitantly, unsure on how to continue.
“It’s pretty self explanatory, don’t you think?” His voice grows deeper and more hoarse. The ravenette’s hands move to your thighs as he grips onto them, his eyes glancing straight ahead as he moves back against the vehicle’s fabric seats. His mouth moves up to your neck again as he plays with your body even more. His legs shift slightly as he moves himself into a better position. 
That’s your cue to move up to him once more. He’s done pretty much everything to set the scene for you. His hands slowly grip your body as he shifts your hips so it’s easier to enter. He wraps his arms around you and kisses you tenderly on the mouth. 
“Now you know…” Touya smirks against your mouth as he pushes himself against you, causing his tip to graze your folds. His breath is hot and wet as he moves his hips against you again. He moves further back against the car seat before pressing himself against you again, his body making contact with your slickness but not fully inside of you yet.
The sensation of his tip touching your folds makes your body tense. You take a shuddering breath as you let him guide you, the grip on Touya’s shoulders tightening significantly from the intrusion. Biting your bottom lip softly as you did your best to relax your body in order to make the experience less painful and more pleasant.
"S’tight, doll." Touya lets out a rough moan as you tense up, cursing under his breath and keeping his hips still to help you cope with the pain. It takes him a bit longer to notice that you're gripping his shoulders, but as he does he just chuckles gently as he kisses your neck once again.
He begins to slowly move himself against you again, rubbing his tip against your folds as he begins to move deeper slowly.
“W-wait a bit,” you mumble shakely, making Touya stop his movements immediately as soon as you tell him to. The ravenette lets out a small grunt as you halt him for a bit, gritting his teeth as he holds himself still, his grip tight but steady around you. 
“Mm? What’s wrong, doll?” He whispers softly in your ear as he tries to assure you and keep you calm.
“S-sorry…” You flush in embarrassment, tensing your body and trying your best to relax as he tries to inch himself in deeper. Legs shaking and trembling a little as you keep them wide open.. “It’s just hard to relax.”
“Hm… So you’re tense, are you?” Touya chuckles as he speaks in a teasing and flirty tone, though he’s still being cautious and slow as he doesn’t want to hurt you in any way. He wants your first experience with him to be a pleasant one, but that seems to be somewhat difficult at this moment. 
He leans his head on top of yours and whispers softly to you once again. “Relax for me, doll… Just focus on breathing…” Touya’s whisper comes out in a soothing and tender tone. You take a deep breath before slowly sliding further down. 
“There we go… Good girl…” Touya’s voice changes into a soft and tender one once again as his hands let go of your thighs and grasp onto both of your hips, helping you ease your way down into him. His cerulean eyes are fixated on you the entire time as you feel him slide inside of you, inch by inch, slowly and gently.
“Mm… There we go…” Touya’s voice mutters out softly as you slowly take his whole length inside of you, his breath catching in his throat as he feels you fully wrapped around him. 
His body is still for a moment, but his breathing begins to quicken as he feels you adjust yourself to his movements. Another shiver travels down his spine as he feels the wetness inside of you, feeling the intensity as he pushes himself deeper. His fingers move down to grip your hips as he slowly starts to move his hips against yours.
Touya’s breathing becomes even faster as he lets your body adjust to his movements, slowly beginning to thrust deep, his hand now gripping your hips firmly as he moves in and out of you slowly and rhythmically. His other hand gently runs through your hair as he moans out softly. 
“Mm… You’re so tight…” He says with a deep and husky voice as he glances down at you.
Touya’s pace begins to speed up slowly as his breathing grows heavier with each passing minute. He leans down towards you, biting your skin as his hips begin to grind against yours, his thrusts becoming faster and faster. His cerulean gaze glares into yours once more as he watches your body and the way he makes you moan every time he thrust harder and deeper.
“Mm…” Touya’s voice is a bit more hoarse as he moves quickly now, his breathing heavy as you feel yourself filled and stretched out even further. His cerulean gaze meets yours again as his fingers grip yours tightly, his thrusts faster and faster now. 
“Such a tight little hole…” He mutters out breathlessly once again.
“Full,” you moan out. “F-feel so f-full…” You let out a gasp, “S-so big..!”
“Mm~ You really feel me, huh…?” Touya chuckles softly as his fingers grip yours tight. He begins to press his thumbs into your wrists as he thrusts deeper into you and pulls you closer to him. His movements are faster now his breath becomes short and shallow. Each of his thrusts becomes harder and harder as his cerulean eyes glaze over as he moves you closer to the edge. His lips curl up into a small smirk as he watches your reactions closely.
You let out a startled gasp at the change in pace, nuzzling your face into the crook of his neck. “Th-there! Please keep hitting there,” you moan.
“Oh~ You like that spot, don’t you?” He smirks playfully as he hears you tell him to hit that spot. His thrusts grow rougher, more intense, as he hits your G-spot exactly where you need it. He grips your body even tighter as you feel yourself about to reach your climax. A light sweat begins to coat his body as his cerulean eyes grow glazed, all the while you the tip of his shaft touch that one spot inside of you that makes you moan out.
You nodded shakily, unable to pronounce any words as you kept moaning softly into his neck. He could tell just how good you were feeling as your body was literally reacting to his motions. 
“Mm~ You like that, huh…” His voice grumbles as he moves even quicker inside of you, his thrusts growing even faster as he hits all those sensitive spots.
“Such a good girl… All mine…” He whispers softly before biting your neck once again, leaving a small mark.
Touya lets a breath escape from his mouth, his body shaking a bit as he gets even closer to climax. He grips into your hips tighter than ever before as his body grows tense with each passing moment.
“Y-yes! ‘m all yours!” You moan, gripping his shoulders so tightly as if your life depended on it as you tried to meet his thrusts. “P-please don’t stop! You make me feel so good!”
“Oh~ Such a needy girl…” 
Touya’s lips curve up into a smug smirk as he feels you start to move against him, your body moving in the same rhythm as his own, making it much easier for the two of you to climax. He begins to move his hips even quicker, his breath beginning to quicken as he approaches the precipice. With each passing thrust he felt a bit of himself build up inside of you. He lets out a deep grumbling that tells you exactly how close he is.
“S-so good!” You moan out breathlessly, biting your bottom lip softly as you try to keep up with his pace. You pull away from his neck, breathing heavily as you face him. “K-kiss me, please.”
His lips curve up into a playful grin. “Oh… Are you begging me, doll…?~”
You find that his grip has loosened up just a bit as he holds onto you more loosely now. His free arm moves up to stroke your face as he leans back slightly. Touya then stares into your eyes once more as his cerulean gaze meets yours. His lips curl up into a mischievous smirk once more.
He lets out a breath as he locks his lips on yours, tasting you as his other hand strokes your cheek gently. His caresses move down to your neck once again, rubbing the spot he marked before softly as you continue to make out. The ravenette moves his hips against yours as he’s continuously hitting your G-spot. He bites your lower lip once more as his tongue gently explores your mouth.
The ravenette then lets out a breath as he parts his lips from yours, his breath quickening as he stares at you once again. “God… You’re such a needy little slut… Your tightness is sending me over the edge…” He grips your hips as he thrusts deeper and hits your spot once more, his body twitching as he approaches climax. 
“So c-close-“ you sobbed, tears trailing down your flushed cheeks from the overstimulation, clawing at his back uncontrollably. “N-need to cum…!” 
“A needy girl like you, so quick and so desperate…” His voice is a soft whisper as he begins to thrust even harder now. His cerulean eyes glaze over as he smirks and bites your bottom lip as you clawed at his back. His body twitches and quivers slightly as he feels you getting into a frenzy.
His hand strokes your cheek slowly as he feels your body tense up even more. He lets out a rough groan as your nails start to dig deeper into his shoulders as you claw at his skin. “C’mon, sweetheart…c’mon… Just a bit more…”
A soft shudder runs down his spine as his hips thrust into you deeply. He feels you tightening around his shaft, indicating that you are approaching your climax. “Fuck, almost there… Just a little bit more…”
“Feeling it?” He whispers softly, his arms wrap around your body tightly as he grips the back of your neck and pulls you back into another kiss. All you can do is moan into his mouth as he keeps hitting that one spot. 
He breaks the kiss again after a little bit, breathing heavily as he looks at you once again. He sees your body react to his movements and how your body trembles and quivers with each moment. His grip tightens around you as he whispers softly, 
“Ready?” He rasps out as he keeps hitting the spot consistently, not bothering to change up his routine or increase the pace even. He waits for your answer, still not moving his hips faster despite how much you’re clearly enjoying it. 
“F-for what…?” You ask confusedly.
He can’t help but grin slightly as he sees how confused you are. How clueless and lost into the moment of pleasure you are. His eyes shift to your mouth briefly as he asks you softly: 
“To finish…” He says it just vague enough that it can be taken as anything but he keeps slowly moving and hitting that exact spot as he waits for you to understand what he means. Your mouth forms into an ‘oh’ shape in realization as you let out a moan. He lets out an amused laugh as you moan and realize what he meant.
”Yes!” You moan out. “So close, Tou-chan! Please don’t stop!”
His body tenses even more and he groans as he feels your grip tighten around his shoulders. He kisses your neck even more as he moves with both of your movements, slowly taking you back and forth between his own pace and your own rhythm. He whispers softly as his body continues to grow hotter with your sounds.
“You feel so fucking good…” His voice is still calm but he’s growing more and more breathless with each minute and moment you keep pressing against him and moving against him. He can feel himself getting close.
Touya lets out a raspy groan as he continues to kiss your neck and keeps up with your movements. He picks up the pace even faster as it feels like you’re reaching your peak. His grip becomes tighter as he continues to drive himself into you. 
“A-almost—fuck… Keep it up…”
He closes his eyes for a few seconds, taking deep breaths as he tries to gain control over just how much his body is reacting. After a bit, he opens his eyes again and presses his body into you. His breath has gone back to being steadier and slower, but he still holds you firmly and keeps moving slowly, but firmly. He kisses your neck again as he whispers softly to you. 
“How you feelin’…?”
“Like I’m about to burst…” You gasp out.
He moans roughly as he watches you writhe and squirm under his grip. He sighs softly as he speeds up slightly, your response and movements make him want to speed up even more, but he ignores the urge of letting himself go all out.
“Don’t let go just yet…” He rasps out, his voice already beginning to become breathy as he moves more and more into you, his grip keeping you firmly in his hold as his movements become faster. “Hold it in for a bit longer.”
He can feel you tensing and quivering under his grip as he feels your body starting to twitch more and more. His grip around your waist is still firm and his body heat grows with each moment as he speeds up again. He keeps his pace for just a little bit longer before he grips your waist tighter with his one arm while he lets go of your back with his free hand. He leans forwards and meets your mouth once again, taking control of the kiss with his tongue.
His body relaxes a little bit while he’s kissing you as his body heat grows hotter and hotter. His grip is tight around you as he keeps pushing and pushing you even more. He can feel your body starting to tense and quiver even more as you grip his back and waist tightly. He can see how much you’re struggling to hold it in, and just when it looks like you’re reaching your peak, he pulls back slightly and whispers into your ear, his breath coming out quick and sharp.
Touya’s voice sounds breathless and breathy when he whispers to you, he feels the tip of his tongue slowly rubbing your ear as it teases you, his grip on your waist and back becoming even tighter as he keeps pushing into you more.
“Almost…” Touya breathes out sharply, pulling his waist away from you slightly. The ravenette breaks the kiss and licks your ear one more time before pulling back even further. His cerulean blue eyes watch you squirm even more as your body tests your limits. He sees your twitching, quivering and tense body as he grips the front of your thighs and squeezes them as he whispers softly to you. 
You moan out loudly as you finally reach your peak. Your body explodes in pleasure as pleasure spreads throughout it, flooding your senses as you twitch strongly and your body quivers more. Your tight grip on his body finally lets go as you squirm underneath his grip. 
“T-Tou-chan!” It’s more of a cry then it is a moan of pleasure. He pushes deeper into you, finally reaching his climax as he grunts softly. 
“Goddamn…” He lets out a final groan as he relaxes once he finally reaches his own peak. He leans in and kisses you one more time before pulling out, breathing heavily.
The ravenette leans back as he lets a breath escape from his mouth. His cerulean gaze meets yours once more as he glances down at you with a small smirk on his face.
“Did you enjoy that, doll…? Was I too rough with you?” He whispers softly, his hand rubs your thigh gently.
“A bit…” You pant softly, cheeks flushed as you snuggled against him. “But I…liked it.”
“Hm… You liked it…?” He lets out a low, husky chuckle as he leans his body back against the car door, his body tired yet satisfied now. “I guess you like it rough, don’t you…? You little naughty girl…”
You let out a soft, tired giggle at his implication. “Can’t believe I lost my virginity in a car that’s parked near a party with my childhood best friend turned boyfriend.”
“Is it weird to say that I find that a bit hot…?” He whispers softly back to you as he glances at you once more with a sly smirk on his face. 
You let out an amused snort, “You’re such a horndog.”
“And you aren’t…?~” Touya smirked playfully as he teased you again, causing you to bite your bottom lip as you found yourself unable to find a retort. 
“You’re not wrong.” 
The ravenette chuckles softly once more as he glances at you again, his cerulean eyes glancing at you with a more teasing and flirtatious look to them. His hand moves back to stroke across your cheek as he leans back against the car door himself. 
“I’m going to take it that you really enjoyed it…” He says as he teases you some more as he chuckles once more. “You feel tired…?” 
“A bit.” You mumble softly, nuzzling your face against his chest comfortably. “But I don’t wanna sleep naked in your car.”
“Hm…” The ravenette ponders your request for a moment as he looks at you, deciding if he should grant it to you or not. “We can skip the party and…”
He lets a breath escape from his mouth before he gives you a playful smirk. “Just go back to my place. Sounds good?”
“Sounds nice,” you mumbled contentedly. “But next time there’s a party, we have sex only afterwards.”
“Good to know, doll…” Touya smirks in amusement. He then pulls his pants back up and fixes his other clothes before he looks back at you. “Need any help fixing up yours…?”
“Yup,” you nodded, stretching out your hands before grabbing your panties, pulling them on slowly before putting on your bra. 
“Can you help me with the dress?” You ask, tilting your head slightly.
Touya’s lips curved up into a small, playful grin as he watched you put on your own panties and your bra first. “Sure,” he says with a nonchalant shrug. 
He wraps his arms around you from behind as he helps you put your dress on again, helping you with the straps on the back of your dress before helping you zip your dress up again. His lips tilt into an amused smirk as he chuckles a bit. “It looks good on your body, I have to say…”
“I just remembered that you didn’t compliment me when you saw me in it,” you huffed as you heard his comment.
He lets out a deep chuckle as he finally helps with you putting your dress back on completely. After that he pulls his arm back and sighs softly. A teasing smirk still stays plastered on his lips. “I was probably too focused on how much I wanted to take it off of you…”
“But, now that you mention it… It does look good. It compliments you very well,” Touya says with a bit of an aloof tone. His smirk widens even more as he adds to it with, “It really does hug your body… Quite the good sight~”
You let out an amused snort, “Have I ever mentioned that you’re an asshole?” 
Touya lets out a snicker before whispering softly in your ear as he leans forward and nuzzles your neck once more. “And yet here you are, falling for me…” You pout with your usual bratty attitude as he says this with a smug smirk, looking soft and playful as he teases you. He chuckles and nods his head as he turns on the engine.
“Now, let’s get out of here so I can finally fuck you in every position that I’ve imagined, but couldn’t, since we were friends.” 
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honkytonk-hangman · 2 years
In Sickness...
Jake Seresin x Aviator!Reader
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Summary: Jake feels his pulse jump and his stomach fly when he talks to or about you. Obviously, this must mean he's gravely ill.
Notes: mentions of a cheating boyfriend, jake convinced he's sick when really he is in loooveeee
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“Hey, Hangman, can I talk to you for a minute?”
Jake, despite his usual goal of doing everything in his power to get on Phoenix’s nerves, finds himself ignoring the need to be quite annoying. His antics aside, he knew his fellow aviator well enough by now to recognise when she was up for his shit, and when she absolutely wasn’t.
That doesn’t mean he’s not going to be a little bit of a douchebag, though.
“Give me a second, Trace, I’ll need to start my timer.” he makes a show of observing his watch and starting a countdown from sixty seconds. Phoenix ignores him, and in place of possibly giving him a dead arm, she instead comes to a stop in front of him, her arms crossing over her chest in a way that was just a Natasha Thing, and not actually a sign of closed body language-thing
“You’re going to be at Mav and Penny’s later, right?” she asks, even though he knows he’s never given the impression of having any other plans, and she knows it. Jake simply nods, still pretending to count down.
“Right. Well… maybe take it easy on Cricket tonight, okay?” Phoenix asks him, her voice soft and quiet in a manner that makes Jake mess up his countdown, and subsequently drop his wrist and the bit entirely.
“I’m under the impression that I always take it easy on my favourite member of the orthopteran insect family,” he poses, and it's not untrue. He didn’t snipe with Cricket like he did with the others, mostly because she never sniped back, so trying to maintain a faux adversarial relationship would just be boring. No, Cricket was far sweeter and more wholesome than literally anyone he’d ever met, like Elle Woods had a lovechild with Barbie, and instead of banter, he’d found it irresistible and perpetually rewarding to tease her about her Certified Disney Princess status.
(Jake will never let her forget the time a small child at the beach approached her to ask if she was a mermaid, and that wasn’t even the only instance he’d witnessed something like that happening.)
 Phoenix shifts uncomfortably in front of him and purses her lips.
“Look, just… give her a break tonight,” she pushes. Jake frowns even deeper, his own mood becoming solemn now.
“What's wrong? Is she alright?” the questions leave his mouth before he can really consider perhaps only asking one, to keep some semblance of cool. Phoenix dances from foot to foot again and nods, but then quickly makes the universal noise, gesture and expression of ‘well, no, actually’.
“She, uh, broke up with her boyfriend a few days ago.” Nat reveals, and oddly, it's the last thing Jake was expecting to hear, and the last thing he’d expect her to divulge to him.
“Oh.” he says, a little unsure of what else to say. Blinking rapidly, Phoenix starts nodding again, this time in a sort of commiserating manner, as if they often gossiped.
“Yeah, she came home to find the prick was fucking one of his colleagues…” She all but spits the words. Her hands form fists where they’re still tucking into her folded arms.
“She's actually really torn up about it, but you know Cricket. She’s not very good at not being positive, you know? So she’s just bottling it up, and I figured, maybe your usual game with her might not be so lighthearted right now. You know she would never tell you if you actually hurt her feelings, so…” Phoenix manages to catch herself before she descends into a full on ramble.
In all the years he’d known her, Jake had only ever witnessed Phoenix fully ramble once, several years ago back in Lemoore, when she and Halo had downed eight shots in ten minutes, and she then proceeded to give him a thirty minute TEDTalk about how cockroaches were basically just incredibly simple AI machines, interrupted every so often when she dozed off against his shoulder, only to pick right back up like nothing had happened.
Pushing the memory aside, Jake takes in her words slowly before at last he releases a deep breath.
He actually finds himself a little taken aback by the sheer depth of anger that lances through him at the thought of Cricket being treated like that. Nobody deserves to be cheated on, but Cricket was simply someone that Jake doesn’t believe anything bad should ever happen to. Around the same time he comes to this conclusion, Jake also becomes aware that as his anger simmers down, he’s struck with the need to seek out his squadmate, and comfort her, something which, if Jake is honest with himself, is not something he has much experience with. He was much more likely to offer space to someone in need, so this sudden urge causes his brow to furrow.
Jake chooses to compartmentalise this oddness for now, but makes a mental note for later to figure out when exactly he’d developed such a strong fondness for Cricket, and more importantly, how exactly that had happened without him knowing.
For now, Jake just gives Pheonix a level nod, and what he hopes is an expression she takes to mean he understands. He then tries to get a hold of his rogue fondness and leashes it with what he thinks is a brotherly, friendly reaction, a more normal reaction for him to have towards his squadmate.
“Does she want him punched or something?” he asks, feeling as though anything more would reveal too much of his scattered, fond thoughts. Jake purses his lips when he realises that ‘fondness’ was quickly becoming an understatement he’ll have to address at some point.
Phoenix's lips curve into a genuine smile, and she chortles softly, shaking her head.
“Well, you’ll have to get in line if she does. I’ve got first dibs.” she states, cracking her knuckles and then her neck, making Jake snort, and shrug, glad to know that perhaps he wasn't the only one suddenly feeling protective.
“I’m sure we could come up with a wrestlemania-worthy finishing move, a la The Hardy Boys to sort him out.” Jake chortles, imagining he and Nat in matching championship belts, and ignoring her raised eyebrow. He knows from that one movement alone that she is filing this information about him away to whip out like a trap card, but compared to the other information she might have gleaned from his reaction to the situation, he doesn’t care so much.
(Besides, Jake felt no shame about his love for Attitude-Era WWE, and if he ever gets the chance to repay her for the thirty minutes of cockroach facts he could have lived his whole life without needing to know, well, now he knew exactly what his topic of choice would be.)
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Four hours later, Jake, for some reason, cannot stop thinking about his conversation with Phoenix. He tried chalking it up to the fact that it was an unusual request she’d made of him, but he knows that is bull. Jake is far too invested all of a sudden in your personal life, in your feelings, in a way that honestly, he never has been before. Or at least, has never realised before, because the more Jake lingers on the idea that you were cheated on, he has to confront the fact that these feelings might just have been there all along, and that actually, your happiness and wellbeing are extremely important to him.
He keeps his distance when you arrive with Halo at Penny and Mav’s, but he eyes you hawkishly anyway, uncaring if he’s obvious about it or not. He wants to believe that if he hadn’t known, he’d have spotted your much more reserved demeanour immediately, but honestly, he's not really sure of anything now when it comes to you. Jake isn’t sure if Phoenix spoke to the others, if he was just the last to know, but there is an air of tenderness in the way the others greet you, which wasn't entirely unusual in itself, yet the softness is palpable even from where he sits on the other side of the yard.
He watches you put on a good show, smiling sweetly at Penny as she rushes over to say hello, but the moment you dont think others are paying attention, your features fall and Jake decides that it is basically unacceptable for you to look that sad ever again.
When you disappear through the backdoor, to put the share platter you’ve bought into the fridge he assumes, Jake doesn’t even excuse himself from the conversation he’s supposedly in before he’s beelining for the house. Behind him, he can vaguely hear Javy and Payback protest, but he doesn’t pay them any mind.
Jake steps through the sliding back doors quietly, closing the door behind him and shutting out the rest of the barbeque, if only for a few minutes. He moves softly through the small back room and towards the kitchen, once more surprised to find out just how pleased he is when you turn to look at him right away. That was new… or was it? Jake thinks perhaps he should stop trying to figure things out.
“Hey! Jake!” you greet cheerfully, and he’s comforted a little that your smile reaches your eyes.
“I didn’t catch you this afternoon, so I didn't get to find out your fruit platter preference, but Javy told me anything but pineapple–” you launch right away into friendly conversation, and oddly, this small normality brings him comfort too, after his afternoon of quiet worry. Jake nods at your words as you continue explaining your fruit platter, and if he hadn't other things on his mind, he would have voiced his amusement at the fact you’d somehow managed to cut or arrange all the fruits into the shape of jets.
Anger bubbles in him once again, at the idea that anybody would do anything to cause you to be upset. You, who cuts fruit into themed shapes, and who makes sure to ask every member of the team their food preferences, and who, he’s almost certain, has made the yoghurt dip you're currently unwrapping completely from scratch just for this casual get together.
How could any sane person know you, know how sweet and caring and fundamentally, altogether good you are, and still choose to do something that would hurt you?
More importantly, how could a man be with you and want anyone else?
Jake takes a step forward and fixes you with what he hopes is not an expression that reflects his inner anger, but gives off something more like softness. He’s not sure he’s ever really had a serious conversation with you before, especially not one that wasn't about work, so he’s surprised how natural it feels to show you something more genuine than his usual playful amusement.
“Are you alright?” he hears himself ask you, almost regretting it when your expression drops immediately, and you look away from him, back to your fruit platter which you now seem to be pointless rearranging just so you don't have to look at him. You attempt to wave him off after a few moments, plastering a smile on and scrunching your nose as you continue to not look at him.
“I’m okay. Really. Things weren’t right for a while, so it’s sort of a relief, really.”
Jake thinks that maybe in a few months time, those words might actually be believable, but Phoenix was right. You were such a naturally happy and uplifting person, it’s clear to Jake that you were struggling to let yourself be sad or angry about it all.
You seem to be expecting him to speak, because you glance back at him several times before you seem to really get a look at his face, at which point you stop messing with your platter and turn to face him properly.
“Thank you for asking, though, I… I really appreciate that,” you murmur, wringing your hands together, before realising what you’re doing and smoothing them out over your sundress instead. Jake feels his pulse speed up. Or maybe it slows, he’s not sure, he just knows that his heart beat becomes irregular, and before he knows what he's doing, he’s stepping even closer towards you.
“Cricket,” he begins, a frown beginning to crease his brow, which your eyes flicker to consciously, as if you were concerned about his feelings. “Just say the word, and his nose will be irreparably broken. For the rest of his life he’ll be telling people it's an old football injury. Maybe he’ll even need surgery to fix it enough that it’s even remotely normal again,” Jake watches your eyes widen and blink as he speaks, but he makes sure to keep any trace of humour from his voice, so you properly understand just how serious he’s being. “Hell, it doesn't even need to be his nose. I’ll break his collarbone, I've heard that's the most painful in the long run…”
When you let out a soft sound halfway between a laugh and a sigh, Jake almost thinks he needs to rephrase his offer, but your soft smile and the almost shy look you shoot at him before you drop your gaze for a moment assures him you understood that he wasn’t joking, even a little.
“Sometimes…” you purse your lips and frown, struggling to find the right words, but you begin wringing your hands slowly again and the movement seems to lend you some confidence. “Sometimes I really wish I could be more like Phoenix… or, more like anybody else, really–” Jake has to physically clamp his mouth shut to stop himself protesting that point and let you talk.
“Sometimes, I wish I was someone who would take you up on that offer. I… I feel like I should want to want that… but I don’t…” you trail off and sigh again, but this time, the exhale seems to take a weight off your chest, like simply admitting these feelings out loud was what you really needed.
You look back up at him properly, and smile again. Jake thinks his pulse has stopped altogether now, and begins to seriously consider reporting to medical first thing Monday morning.
“But, I promise that if I ever change my mind about the severe breaking of certain bones, I’ll know exactly who to talk to.” Your smile widens just slightly, a little mischievous almost, like even just joking about it was very cheeky of you. Jake on the other hand, just believes it to be the only correct course of action.
He opens his mouth to respond, but you begin talking again, dropping your fidgeting hands to hang more relaxed at your sides.
“A lot of my life I haven’t really been surrounded by people who’ve looked out for me, or folks who I can really trust… and I know we’re not really friends, more like work friends, but–” you suddenly cut yourself off and shake your head with a little chortle.
“It doesn’t matter, ignore me–”
“–We’re friends.” Jake can’t stop himself from protesting this time. You blink at him like this is surprising to you. “We are friends, Cricket… I know I–” Jake cuts himself off like you had just done and grinds his teeth a little. This was not a conversation he went around having very often, if ever, at all. “You know I wouldn’t poke fun at you if I didn’t care. I wouldn’t do it if I didn’t think we were friends,” he says, hoping his words didn’t give away exactly how much he cared. You seem to search his face, but you’re nodding, as if he was the one who needed assuring in this situation.
Jake starts to wonder then if he was actually becoming seriously ill, and all of his reaction to this afternoon has just been one big fugue episode. That idea is genuinely more believable to him at this moment, that Jake is really, actually currently unconscious in the on base hospital, with a skyrocketing fever and some other terrible things, than all of this sudden personal change and inner realisation happening so naturally and smoothly and without him having a say in it.
But then you’re smiling at him again, bright and genuine and all thoughts of climbing fevers and sudden illness evaporate. As sad as it sounds, Jake would never dream of you smiling at him like that, the sight so affecting and sweet that he could never come up with on his own. However, he does conclude he’ll probably be seeing it a lot in his dreams from now on. He thinks this should cause panic in him, he should not be planning to dream about one of his squad mates smiling at him, but unsurprisingly to him now, panic is the furthest thing he feels about it.
“Well, I just know that I’m not always good at asserting myself, but I know that you guys… you guys will do it for me.” You give a little shrug. Jake feels a little shame then, that he’s worked with you for several months now and has not once picked up on the fact that you were completely aware of your own tendency to be a bit of a pushover.
It dawns on him that every time he teased you for being ‘too nice’, and every time you laughed or shook your head in amusement, the real joke was on him. It’s a joke that Jake doesn't find particularly funny right now. He’s not sure he ever will.
“Sorry, I’m being so dramatic and grim!” you say suddenly, and this time your mood change isn’t fake or put on. Jake shakes his head at you, and at last feels some of his regular programming begin to seep back in. He chooses to make a show of leaning back against the counter and carefully crosses his arms over his broad chest in a way that he knows looks incredibly sexy (Javy has assured him), a small smirk slowly spreading over his features.
“Cricket,” he drawls out slowly, somewhat relieved that he feels more himself again. You double take as you look back up at him from where you’ve started fiddling with your fruit platter again, your eyes blinking rapidly as you now quickly try to avoid his whole side of the room. Jake’s grin grows ever so slightly when he has your attention, even if you seem too nervous to look at him now.
Unlike most of the women Jake had worked with, you didn't seem to try to, or perhaps you simply were unable to, hide the effect Jake had on you, how he could so easily make you flustered. It's not something he’s totally unfamiliar with, after all, plenty of women around the Hard Deck were the exact same, but the fact that you aren't some civilian looking to get laid, and are in fact one of the best aviators he knows, makes it all the sweeter.
(Jake had once tried to reconcile the way you handled yourself in the air, with the way you were at all other times, but he could never quite do the maths on it, so it was better for his brain if he didn't think about it at all.)
Honestly, Jake knows his getting a reaction out of you is an act of self ego-stroking, but he loved making a spectacle of himself, just to watch how you would sputter and go all mushy, and if he’s even more honest, a big part of his enjoyment lay in the thought that perhaps, he was doing you a favour, giving you something to think about, boyfriend be damned. He supposes he doesn’t need to worry about that being a problem anymore.
Jake then pauses then, and wonders when exactly you having a boyfriend had become a ‘problem’, a threat to him specifically, because the more he thinks about the idea now (hypothetical as it is), the more his skin starts to itch under his shirt.
Perhaps he was getting sick after all.
“Yes, Jake?” you ask, still avoiding looking his way, and trying to use a tone of voice that was either exasperated or ignorant, but your slightly higher pitch gives you away.
“You didn’t say that I was your friend, too,” he faux complains, watches you shake your head a little, but fail completely at keeping the smile off of your face.
With your platter now deemed ready, you pick it up and turn toward him, holding it out for him to take. Jake, without thought, does so.
“You are my friend, too, Jake,” you tell him, far more sincerely this time, and Jake feels his pulse do that odd thing again. He swallows thickly, and nods, before you direct him out the back door.
For the rest of the afternoon, Jake can’t help but hover, never moving too far away from where you are, and when he doesn’t have an excuse to linger close to you, he always keeps one eye directed your way.
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dira333 · 7 months
What's in a scarf - Matsukawa x Reader
A/N: Roommates to lovers, Miscommunication, Angst to Fluff
Requested by @notsochillnerd
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The girl is pretty, with soft blond hair and chocolate brown eyes that are now peering up at you.
“Hi?” You ask, stomach swirling with emotion. What is she doing here? Who is she? And, more importantly, who is she to Mattsun?
“Hi,” she chirps, holding out her hand, “I’m Yachi Hitoka.”
Your voice wavers a little when you tell her your name, but if she notices, she doesn’t point it out.
“Do you- uh, are you waiting- do you want something to drink, or?”
“Mattsun should be out any second,” there’s a blush forming on her cheeks as she speaks. Your stomach drops. They must be close if she’s referring to him by his nickname as well. But, doesn’t almost everyone?
“Ah, well, I guess… Do you want some coffee?” You step into the kitchen just to get away from her and the implications of her. You’re still wearing your coat, but you don’t want to go back out where she’s standing. 
You make coffee, more so to distract yourself than to offer her. 
If only Mattsun would reappear from wherever he’s vanished too. 
The universe grants you this wish much too readily for how deaf it has been to your begging in the last months. 
You can hear the front door open, can hear Mattsun’s voice before you see him, or before he sees you.
“There you go, Hitoka-chan,” His voice is warm and filled with affection. When you turn to look at them, your stomach flips. Mattsun’s tying a scarf around the girl’s neck, the color a familiar turquoise. It’s the one he brought back from Seijoh, a custom-made accessory everyone bought. It had been a whim of the Captain in his third year and he’s insanely protective of the piece. To see it wrapped around some other girl's neck makes you choke. You turn back to your coffee, wishing with all your might that it trickles down faster. You need to get out of here.
“Oh,” Mattsun’s voice changes. If it had been warm like a cup of tea before, it’s now smooth and deep and sweet, like drinking molten chocolate. He calls your name. 
“Oh, hey.” You turn around. His brows shoot up at the sight of your forced smile… Or maybe it’s the furrow of your brows that sets him off.
He’s next to you in two big steps. “You okay?” He asks and you nod instead of shaking your head. 
You’re not okay. But he’s got a pretty girl waiting for him, a girl he willingly gives his scarf to, a girl that’s prettier and daintier and just not you.
“I’m fine, just tired. Are you going out?”
“Are you sure?” His hand moves but you step back before he can touch you. Something flickers over his face but you don’t dare to follow it. You turn back to the coffeemaker, fill the drink into your travel mug, and straighten again, presenting it to him like the solution to all of your problems.
“Well, I’ll be going. See you around. Yachi-chan,” You nod in her direction as you rush out of the apartment. 
Actually, you had planned to stay home. You had been dreaming of a cozy evening on the couch all day, the thought of a movie night cuddled up with Mattsun the most heavenly thing. But this isn’t going to be happening. Not tonight, and not in a while, it seems.
And isn’t that just pathetic?
That you can’t even begin to unravel yourself from him, that your mind doesn’t allow the thought of “Not him!” but instead clings to the possibility of “Not now!”?
“Are you sure you’re not just overreacting?” Your older sister asks an hour later.
You’re sitting on a park bench outside of the library. This one has the best view, even more so now that the sun is beginning to set and below you, the city turns into a canvas of twinkling lights.
“I’m not overreacting!” You defend yourself immediately. “You know how much this scarf means to him.”
“Yeah, but it’s not the only one in existence. It could be Makki’s or belong to one of the other guys that were on his team.”
“But she was so pretty-” You begin, only to be interrupted by her sigh.
“Haven’t I told you enough times already that you don’t have to worry about that? You’re the only one who thinks you look like a troll.”
“I don’t think I look like a troll.”
“Listen,” your sister’s voice suddenly gets that specific tone that tells you to listen up and behave and you straighten without really wanting to, “You need to go back and talk to him. And if I’m wrong in this, which I am not, you can have that dress of mine you always want to borrow.”
“For real?”
“For real.”
The apartment is quiet when you enter. 
A quick check confirms your suspicion, Mattsun isn’t home. 
You busy yourself with doing the laundry and even get rid of a fat spider hiding next to the washing machine. As you take a picture of your confirmed kill, a habit you’ve grown into ever since you moved in with Mattsun, you can’t help but feel the sadness crawl into your bones again.
It’s comfortable, sharing a flat with him. He’s clean, organized and he always pays his bills on time. The only thing he brings home - besides discounted flowers from the funeral home - is Makki and you’ve long grown used to their humor, awful Karaoke session, and the occasional bout of drunken weirdness.
You send the picture anyway, even though you should have let it live. It would serve Mattsun right to stumble across it in the dead of night. 
But still… How can one not fall in love with him? That’s a question you still have not found an answer to.
You resume your task, get back to folding the clean laundry, still warm from the dryer.
Something turquoise peaks out of the mess and you tug at it, half expecting it to be Mattsun’s old team jersey.
But it’s not.
It’s a scarf.
His scarf, you confirm. His mother stitched his first name into it because he kept coming home with more than one, never knowing which one was his.
Your heart stumbles as your mind tries its best to catch on.
If this is his scarf, then….
You must have fallen asleep, drained from feeling too many emotions in one single day. You blink against the dim light coming from the kitchen only to realize that there’s a warm hand cradling your cheek.
“Mattsun?” You ask and he hums low in his throat. 
“Hey,” He mumbles, dragging his fingers through your hair, “Are you feeling well?”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” you try to push yourself up but he settles heavy on your legs, keeping you down. 
“Stay, please?” 
“I can barely see you,” you point out. 
He laughs and maybe it’s the lack of vision that enhances your senses, makes his voice trickle over your skin like the touch of a feather. 
“Maybe that’s for the best.”
You huff and cuddle back into the pillows. The Couch lacks the abundance of your bed, but it’s good enough. Something soft is curled around your right arm and you nuzzle into it, recognizing its telltale turquoise color a little too late.
“Ohmygod,” you gasp, trying to untangle yourself from the scarf as quickly as you can, “I’m so sorry.”
“No, it’s okay,” Mattsun’s hand is warm on your wrist. “It looked cute how you cuddled with it.”
Heat envelopes your face and you press your face into the scarf to hide from him. 
You’re the master of lying to yourself, of letting insecurity overwhelm you, but even you have to acknowledge that this looks like more than friends.
It feels like more than friends too, has felt like that for months now.
Mattsun’s hand is on your back now, rubbing lazy circles into your skin. He seems to be comfortable sitting on your legs and maybe it’s that, this comfortableness and the fact that you can’t get away, that has you address what needs to be said.
“Do you like Yachi-chan?”
“She’s nice,” he tells you quietly, “A little shy but she’s good for Kentaro.”
“Mhm,” his hand stops for a second, “Did you not know-?”
You bite your lip, glad he can’t possibly see your face right now. But his voice is too soft when he speaks on. Either he’s able to see right through the thick fabric of his scarf or he knows you to well.
“Did you think I was dating Hitoka?”
His hand leaves your back. His weight leaves your legs. You try to swallow but only meet resistance. 
Suddenly the room is flooded with brightness. You flinch back and blink into the light.
Mattsun’s in the door, hand still on the switch.
“I want you to see my face when I tell you this,” he declares with determination. “I’m in love with you.”
Your heart stops for a beat, only to resume it’s work with double the speed.
“Are you sure?”
“Absolutely!” There’s a boyish grin on his face now as he kneels down in front of the couch and pulls your hands out from under the scarf. “Who else will kill all the spiders for me?”
“You’re an idiot!” You scoff, unable to hide your own grin now. 
“But you love me, right?” He asks, peering up at you. “Right?”
You nod, unable to speak. But Mattsun understands anyway.
He eases the scarf from your hands and wraps it around your neck, pulling you close by the ends until there’s nothing but a breath keeping you apart.
“I’d love it if you kissed me now,” he teases.
So you do.
my Kofi if you want to tip me
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ja3hwa · 8 months
♡ 𝐖𝐚𝐬 𝐈𝐭 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐀 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐏𝐭.𝟓 | 𝐊.𝐇𝐉 ♡
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【Synopsis】 : Fear was clouding both you and Hongjoong's judgement, leading you to question whether Hongjoong actually likes you the way you do him or not. Would a confession fix everything? Or would it cause a rift between the two of you?
『Word count』 :  1.21k
-> Genre: Smut. Angsty but Fluffy. Romance. DBF.
Pairing: Dilf!Hongjoong x Park!Reader 
[Warnings] : Making out. Mentions of sex. Hongjoong can keep his hands to himself. Crying, heartbreak. Fear and insecurities. Lots of sappy cheesy romance novel stuff. Slight miscommunication trope. What can i say, i live to cause chaos. Hehe. Also, I love to point out that i love Seonghwa very much, and any i say about him doesn't mean anything.
Note: I know, I know. You were probably hoping for the first time, hehe. But no, Daddy Joong and Angel needed to have a heart to heart first. Haha. And I wanted the smut to be in one part, and it's gonna be a long one, hehe. Enjoy this for now, my beautiful babies. ♡♡♡
Masterlist | Navigation | Part Four | Buy Me A Ko-Fi
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The dinner felt like something out of a romance novel or movie. Everything was perfect, down to the last bite of your dessert. The way the chocolate melted on your tongue and the whipped cream spilled down your throat, dripping down your chin. Hongjoong had to bite back a groan at the way your eyes rolled back in pleasure. You found out that Hongjoong owns the restaurant, which caught you by complete surprise, given he didn’t know the first thing about cooking. He had spoken about how he was originally going to be a bar, but his mother mentioned she would have loved to own a restaurant with opened windows, grand red couches, and welcoming smiles. His dream quickly became something to resemble his mother. He wanted her to know how much he loved her, even when he was being his cold stand-off self. She helped a lot in his life, and he missed her every day.
He parked outside your apartment, and the silence continued. Only the soft pitter-patter of rain hitting the windshield. You didn’t want to get out of the car. You didn’t want the night to end, and as he turned to look at you in the eyes, you knew he didn’t want it to end either. “Why don’t you come up…. Coffee maybe…”
Your heart was racing, feeling all your nerves shaking at you. You needed to push yourself, push him. Show him you could be assertive… mature. He sighed, biting his bottom lip while looking back to the dark wet street in front of the car. He had conflicting feelings like his mind was splitting into two. You felt your heart breaking with each breath, with each silent second. “I don’t think that is a good idea…”
“Why?!” You said that way too quickly than you’d like, knuckles turning white as you clench the fabric of your dress in between your fingers. He just sighed again, making your heart shatter slowly. He raked his hand through his hair, searching for the right words to say without causing a miscommunication or pain.
“If I go up there, then I won't come back down.” His words made you hold a breath. Did he mean that? Was he worried about having sex with you? Be with you? You quickly responded with a simple ‘so’ which probably made you sound like an upset, desperate teenager, but you didn’t care, needing to hear him out. “I don’t think it’s a good idea. Not yet. Your father is uhh…”
There it was. The cruel reminder of who you were to him. His best friend's daughter. Just some silly little girl that he was fooling around with. You sagged completely into your chair, trying to balance the weight forming on your chest. You felt like you couldn’t breathe like you were suffocating in the small vehicle. No matter how hard you fight or how much he tries to forget, your relationship will be constantly based on what your father thinks. Your father's feelings. Not yours.
 “I see…” You finally spoke. “Well, I’ll see you later than Hongjoong. Tonight was lovely…really lovely.” You got out before he could say another word. But you knew he was calling your name, trying to get you to hear his reasoning. Why he say what he said. The rain that was lightly spitting when you were in the restaurant was now bucketing down. You tried to get to the door of your building as quickly as possible, but a firm grip of your wrist stopped you. You turned to see a soaking Hongjoong, looking desperate and…regretful.
“I want to be with you. Don’t you ever think otherwise.” He yelled over the rain, your eyes growing wide as he put his left hand on your cheek, stroking your wet skin with his thumb. “I suck at voicing my thoughts. Please…please don’t think I don’t want you angel. You are the only thing in my life that makes me want to live again.”
You could feel your throat closing and your heart racing. Tears were falling along with the rain, ruining your make-up. He inched close, letting you feel his breath on your skin. Then you closed the gap, letting him lock his lips against yours. He kissed you more passionately, unlike the lust-filled kisses you’ve shared with him. He kissed you like you were the only person left in the world. He kisses you like he needs it to breathe. He needed you more than he could ever explain. But fuck, if he wasn’t going to try to show you exactly how he feels, with every kiss, every soft touch and every whisper of sweet nothings in your ear. He wasn’t afraid of your father. He wasn’t afraid of what his other friends might think. He was going to shout from the rooftop how much he has fallen in love with you, and he was going to make sure you knew he meant every word.
“I think I’ve fallen in love with you.” You whispered, your tears turning into a sob. Your fingers were tangled in his wet shirt, fearing he’d disappear if you let go. And then he smiled, he laughed. His nose rubbing against yours, he whispered back…
“I’m definitely in love with you, angel. I’ve been in love with you the moment you step out of your car in that fucking perfect little dress.” He groaned kissing you again. He swallowed your giggles as you both felt a euphoric feeling like no other. It was like a switch went off. The last puzzle piece fell into place and nothing else outside your little bubble mattered. His plans to make your first time was about to go out the fucking window….
“If you don’t get back in my car right now, I’ll drag you into it.” His words were dark, tainting on your lips. It was like a drug you’d never get enough of. Quickly, without slipping, you got back into his expensive car, your hand never leaving his thigh as he drove and your lips suckling on his neck. Hongjoong was glad it was almost two in the morning, and no one was on the road. Otherwise, he would've most likely hit someone with how fast he was going. He made it back to his apartment in no time, and without another moment to spear, he dragged you towards the elevator by your hand. Fingers entangled with yours.. he pinned you against the wall in a feverish kiss, holding the back of your neck, guiding your mouth with his. This was not what he wanted your first time to be like. But god, did he need every second of it.
The way his hand crept up your dress, crawling at your hips. Feeling your frilly panties along his fingertips. His tongue raked down your hot skin, suckling a bright red mark on your neck. He was going to litter you with his marks, every part of your beautiful untouched body. Taint it like you were made for him. He was going to fuck you like it was the last thing he was ever going to do. Because you deserved every treatment he gave you.
No matter what your father was going to think. He’d deal with the prick afterwards.
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forest-hashira · 4 days
Naked in Osaka
hi friends! this is my submission for @pixelcafe-network's "challenge friday" that they do every other week! the prompt this week was a random song selected by shuffle, and my assigned song was "Naked In Manhattan" by Chappell Roan, and after a bit of debate (& some help from friends), i decided to go with shoko for this fic. it's a quick thing, but it was fun! i hope to write more for female characters in the future, and this was a good jumping off point 💜
read on ao3 | wc: ~2.6k | cw: gender neutral reader (no pronouns used, but implied fem reader based on song lyrics), alcohol consumption, making out, implied smut at the end (kinda?), implied first sapphic experience (thus the pride divider), shoko calls reader "cute", minor background stsg
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“Please leave your message after the tone.” Beep.
“Hey Sho, I know you just landed, and I know you're probably busy, but I would love to see you, so call me when you can.” 
You sighed softly to yourself as you ended the call, tucking your cellphone into your pocket. It wasn’t exactly a surprise that you’d gotten Shoko’s voicemail – she’d been out of the country on a trip and had only just gotten back – but it was still a bit of a disappointment. You hadn’t been able to see her much since you’d graduated from Jujutsu High together, since you’d moved to Osaka just a few weeks later. She was good about returning your calls and texts, so you tried not to think about it too much.
Despite how infrequently you got to see your friend in person, she never really left your thoughts. In fact, you probably thought about her more than was normal. The two of you had been pretty close in school, spending a lot of your time together, especially when Gojo and Geto were off on missions or otherwise wrapped up in each other. You’d been friends with the boys too, of course, but your one on one time with Shoko was where you formed all your best memories of your school years. Around third year was when you realized your fondness for the other girl may have been more than just platonic, but you never allowed yourself to dwell on it or bring it up to Shoko, telling yourself it was no different than the way the boys felt or acted around each other, so there couldn’t be anything weird about it.
Then again, the boys had gone on to start dating after graduation, and last you’d heard they’d gotten engaged, so… Maybe it was worth revisiting those feelings again.
The sound of your phone ringing pulled you out of your thoughts, and when you saw Shoko’s contact picture – a slightly blurry selfie she’d sent you nearly a year ago while she was out getting drinks with her friends in Tokyo, her cheeks a little flushed and a soft smile tugging at her lips – on the screen, you felt your cheeks begin to burn, as if you’d been caught doing something you shouldn’t.
“What are you doing tonight?” Shoko asked, and you couldn’t help but smile. Your conversations with her never really seemed to stop or start; instead, it was more like you’d been having one long conversation with her from the day you’d met.
“Nothing,” you told her, idly beginning to pace your room. “What’s up?”
“Figured I’d come see you if you were free. That okay?”
You bit your lip for a moment, suddenly feeling very flustered. “I-I, uh… Yeah! Yeah, that’s fine. That sounds great, actually.” It was obvious even to you that you were stumbling over your words, and you cringed slightly at how weird you sounded.
Shoko only chuckled quietly at you. “Careful,” she teased, “if you act too excited you might give me a bigger head than Gojo.”
That made you laugh. “As if that could ever happen.”
“You’re right,” she agreed, her words airy with laughter. “Does that udon place down the street from you still do carryout?”
“Yeah, as far as I know.”
“Cool. I’ll cover dinner if you’ll cover drinks.”
“Wine or sake?”
“Surprise me.”
She hung up without saying goodbye, though that wasn’t unusual. You glanced at the time, and though you knew you had a few hours before she’d be there even if she’d already been on the train when she called you, you already felt like you were running out of time for all the things you needed to do before she arrived. 
After a few moments of internal scrambling, you figured out a rough order of operations: popping into the liquor store to grab Shoko’s favorite wine, then a mad dash to make your apartment presentable, then finally a shower before she arrived. The trip to the store didn’t take very long, and you tucked the two bottles of wine you’d grabbed into your freezer to chill while you cleaned and got ready. 
Thankfully, your apartment wasn’t as much of a mess as you’d convinced yourself it was, so cleaning it didn’t take long at all, and you were able to hop in the shower within an hour of getting off the phone. The last thing you wanted was to smell when you saw your friend for the first time in over a year, and you knew you were sweating from nerves. It was ridiculous to be nervous about seeing her, you knew that, but this time felt different, somehow. Maybe it was because you’d been wondering earlier that day if you really did have feelings for Shoko.
Whatever the reason was, you were desperate not to smell like nervous sweats.
After thoroughly scrubbing yourself with your best-smelling body wash, you hurried to your bedroom to get dressed. Overwhelmed with options, you threw on some underwear and paced your room, feeling like a nervous teenager.
It’s just Shoko, you reminded yourself, sitting down on your rug. She’s not gonna care what you’re wearing as long as you’re wearing something. A soft groan escaped you then, and you flopped onto your back and covered your face with your hands.
Your pity party came to an abrupt end when your phone chimed. Pushing yourself up just enough to grab it from your bed, you saw a text from Shoko, letting you know her train was about to arrive, and that she’d be at your apartment in half an hour at most. 
The message made your heart flip in your chest. How long have I been laying here? How long was I in the shower?? Instead of letting her in on your internal panic, you shot back a simple “see you soon!” text, then leapt up from the floor, scrambling to find clothes that were comfortable but also somewhat presentable. Eventually you settled on a pair of pajama shorts and a loose t-shirt, then stepped into the bathroom to make sure your hair wasn’t a complete disaster.
You’d only just finished putting your hair out of your face in a way you were satisfied with when you heard a knock at the door. Heart skipping a beat again, you took a deep breath to steady yourself, then hurried to answer the door.
Shoko stood there with a small smile on her face, an overnight bag slung over her shoulder and the takeout in her other hand. “Long time no see,” she greeted, stepping inside as you moved aside. “Is it cool if I go change real quick?” She set the takeout on your table as she spoke, then turned to you and arched a brow slightly.
“Yeah, of course. I’ll get the drinks out and everything while you do that.”
Her smile widened the tiniest bit. “Perfect.”
She made her way to your bathroom with her overnight bag, and as she shut the door, you pulled a bottle of wine from the freezer and two glasses from the cabinet. They weren’t fancy, and they didn’t match, but you told yourself it was better than drinking out of plastic cups.
Once the glasses were out, you opened the bottle, pouring a fair amount into each of the glasses, though one had a bit more; Shoko’s tolerance had always been a bit higher than yours, so you were sure she would want to drink more than you did to make sure you had the same buzz. 
You had just started pulling the takeout from the bag when Shoko came back from getting changed, and your heart fluttered a bit when you saw her. She wore a tank top with a big picture of Gudetama in the middle and a pair of yellow shorts to match. It reminded you of the pajama sets Gojo had gotten everyone when you were in high school – Cinnamoroll for himself, Kuromi for Geto, Badtz-Maru for Shoko, and Keroppi for you – though you knew it wasn’t the same set from back then, since she wore a different character now. 
“You’re staring,” Shoko teased, bumping you lightly with her hip once she was standing beside you. “Do I really look that hot in my pajamas?”
Though her words left you feeling more than a little flustered, you just scoffed at her and rolled your eyes. “They remind me of the ones Gojo got us when we were in school, that’s all.” 
“He got me these ones, too,” she said with a small chuckle. “They were for my birthday last year.”
“Why’d he pick a different character than the one he picked when we were in school?”
“He said the penguin reminds him too much of Megumi now,” she said with a shrug, and you both laughed. You could see the resemblance too, though; both had the spiky black hair and the deadpan expression, and imagining Gojo telling the boy that nearly made you die laughing all over again, but you kept it to yourself for the moment.
Just as comfortable in your home as she was in her own, Shoko opened a few of your kitchen drawers, grabbing soup spoons and chopsticks for the both of you. “We should watch a movie while we eat.”
“What do you want to watch?” you asked curiously, carrying the takeout to your living room and setting it on your coffee table.
“What was that American movie we watched all the time in school?” she asked, following after you with the utensils and wine. “It was about those high school girls who wore pink.”
“Mean Girls?”
“Yeah, Mean Girls!” she grinned, setting everything down before sitting on the floor, gesturing for you to join her. “God, I don’t know how we never got sick of that movie.”
“Because Regina George was hot,” you replied without thinking about it.
The words drew a laugh from her, and she bumped you with her shoulder. “Glad I’m not the only one who thinks so.”
A small, relieved chuckle left you at her teasing words. “I’m sure we could stream it somewhere if you wanna watch it again.”
“Please, I could use a good throwback.” She took a long sip from her glass, then opened the lid on her bowl of udon.
With a nod, you grabbed the remote for your TV, sipping from your own glass as you flipped through various streaming services looking for the movie. Eventually you found it, not even caring that you had to pay to watch it; it was worth it to have a night in with your friend, especially when you knew it would make her laugh and smile more.
Once the movie had started, you finally got into your own food. You smiled when you saw that Shoko had gotten your order perfect without even asking. She’d memorized it in school, but it made butterflies flutter in your stomach a bit to know that she’d never forgotten it, even after so much time apart.
For the most part it was quiet as you watched the movie, only the soft sounds of occasional slurping and the faint clinging noise of glass on glass when Shoko topped up your wine glasses. Every once in a while, one of you would make a small comment or joke, or you’d quote the lines along with the movie before bursting out laughing. It felt like being back in school, huddled in one of your dorm beds, sharing drinks from a flask shoko had managed to sneak on campus.
At some point, you set your glass down after finishing the contents. It had been your second glass – or maybe your second? Shoko had topped you up enough times that it was hard to be sure – and was enough to have everything feeling a little fuzzy around the edges. Leaning back against your couch, you turned your head towards the other woman, smiling to yourself as you watched her, rather than the movie.
She’s so pretty… even prettier than when we were in school. When did she get so pretty?
“I’ve always been this pretty.”
Shoko’s words startled you a bit, and though it took your brain a moment to catch up, you realized she was responding to your thoughts. Only… you must have said all of them out loud, rather than just in your head. The realization had your face burning with embarrassment. “Oh my god, Sho, I—”
“It’s okay,” she assured you with a smile. She settled into the same position as you, turning to face you a bit. “‘M glad you think I’m pretty. Always thought you were cute, too.”
The whole world came to a screeching halt around you. “…You did?”
“Yeah,” she said easily, brushing her hair out of her eyes. Her words weren’t slurred, but you could see that her movements were loosened a bit from the wine. “Thought you knew that.”
“No, I… How would I have known? You never said anything.”
“I saw the way you looked at me. Thought you’d only look at me like that if you knew.”
You blinked, confused, and more than a little worried. “…How did I look at you?”
Her expression softened at that. “The same way I caught Gojo staring at Geto when Geto wasn’t looking, before they got together.”
The words sent a mixture of shame and hope swirling around your tipsy mind, and before you could really contemplate your next move, you heard yourself asking, “Can I kiss you?”
Shoko’s cheeks flushed a bit, and she nodded, shifting closer and wrapping her arm around your waist. Your eyes widened as she came into your space, and when you felt her breath on your lips, your own finally started cooperating with you again.
“I’ve never kissed a girl before.”
“I’ll teach you,” was Shoko’s only response before she kissed you. She was surprisingly warm, and it only took a second for your eyes to slip shut and for you to melt into her, returning her kiss eagerly. As she kissed you, everything else in the world faded away, the only sensation you were aware of was the feeling of her lips on yours.
It didn’t take long for her to press in closer, tilting her head a bit to deepen the kiss. Stumbling and a bit inexperienced, you did your best to move with her. She held you closer with the arm around your waist, her free hand coming up to cup your cheek, guiding your movements the tiniest bit. Time slowed and stretched out, the moment between you endless in the best possible way. You weren’t entirely sure when her tongue came into the mix, but next thing you knew you were parting your lips to let her in. 
A small sound escaped you as she deepened the kiss further, turning slightly to press you both into the couch a bit more. Still struggling to keep up because of the alcohol in your bloodstream, the movement threw you off a bit. Reluctantly, you pulled away for a moment, needing desperately to catch your breath. 
Shoko smiled down at you as you panted, faces only inches apart. “How was that for your first kiss with a girl?”
“I really wanna kiss you again.”
She laughed softly. “Is kissing all you wanna do tonight?” She arched a brow curiously, her thumb tracing your bottom lip lightly. 
“I don’t know how to do anything else,” you breathed, “but I'd love to learn.”
“Looks like I've got some teaching to do, then. Lesson one: kissing with tongue.” She leaned in again, capturing your lips in another passionate kiss. You were more than willing to let her take the lead, though; there was no one else you’d rather have teach you everything, anyways.
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taglist: @mitsuristoleme @redlikerozez @oceaneyesinla @pixelcafe-network @peachsukii
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@lu-dao-writes @roselleviennesstuff @hayatoseyepatch
join my taglist!
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hiraeth-sonder · 5 months
Indulgent Solicitude - Paraíso
Boothill x Reader
Maybe love really can happen in a bar, albeit something has to go wrong somewhere, right?
//The things that damned cowboy is doing to me needs to be studied. Lyric excerpts are from Virgen by Adolescent's Orquesta
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¿Cómo evitarlo? Tú corres por mis venas
Eres la rosa más bella, mi alma es toda tuya
‿︵‿︵‿୨ ୧‿︵‿︵‿
“Why, hello there.”
A man’s voice fills your ears above the sound of idle chatter and soft music playing from the old record player. Playfully liliting, a smile comes across your painted lips as you bring your glass to drink from. You pretend to not notice, ensuring you savour each and every drop of liquid that passes through your lips. The last remnants of your drink remain upon your tongue when you finally deign to face him, meeting steel grey eyes and dark brows quirked up in mettle. 
“Hello there yourself,” You hum, eyes trailing his as he approaches you by the bar.
He grins as he positions himself by you, your legs crossed on the bar chair with his form by your side. Under the moody lighting, it brought a warm glow to his complexion, mellowing the usually harsh glint of cold metal. There was a roguish aura to him, something that told you that you wouldn’t quite like to get on his bad side yet you couldn’t help yourself, never could when it came to situations like this. 
A low rasp tinges his voice, one that makes your breath quicken, just the slightest, “Mind if I buy you a drink?”
Less of a question but more of a rhetorical offer, a few credits are clasped between two lithe fingers even before you could respond. Your eyes shift to the shelf behind the bartender, not quite finding anything that piques your fancy. You decide you’d let him pick, just to see whether he knows you as much as he thinks he does.
“Knock yourself out.”
He calls for the bartender and orders some drink you can’t quite make out, but based on his confident poise, you can only assume it's something that’ll fit at least one of your tastes. There’s a tired glint in his eyes, but he doesn’t complain and gets to making whatever it is that is meant to please you. Your companion only leans against the bar as he cocks his head, sharp teeth peeking from behind that smirk of his. 
“So what’s a pretty thing like yourself doing all on ya own?”
“Just looking to burn some time,” Smiling, you bring your drink to your lips as though to hide your amusement, “What about you?”
“Well, I thought I might be leaving with you tonight,” Your companion murmurs with an equally amused smile, a kind of mirth in his eyes. 
A genuine laugh seems just to tumble out, you only lean closer towards him with a teasing mutter, “Buy me a few more drinks and I’ll consider it.”
The two of you share a knowing look, and he wraps an arm around the back of your chair, the smell of the bar clinging to him, warm and boozy. Though it seemed that to others, what was clearly comfortable banter and intimacy had come across as unwanted soliciting, for footsteps tapping against wooden floorboards sound ever closer from behind you. 
There is a tap against your shoulder, then a somewhat nasally voice reaches your ears, “Excuse me ms, is this man bothering you?”
You barely glance past the man’s way, not bothering to give him more than the curtest moment of your attention, “Not at all.”
“Are you sure?” The man affirms, face scrunched in mock concern as he steps closer and closer, far too much for you liking and certainly quite visible on your face. He gestures towards your companion, “I’m certain a fine lady such as yourself would prefer the company of someone less… brash.”
At this, the ranger actually quirks his brow in vexation, pulling you closer towards him as you match his pique. His voice lowers, “Got a problem with me flirting with my partner?”
The conversation doesn’t even die down, merely continuing as this random stranger suddenly notices not only your bosom body language, but the (empty) holster on his thigh. When combined with your obvious scowl, there’s little room to argue.
“O-of course not, you two have a good evening,” He raises his hands in surrender, backing away before scurrying off with his tail between his legs. 
The moment he leaves, you turn to Boothill as you try your best to not burst out in laughter. With the way that guy was looking, he almost looked like he was going to absolutely shit his pants. 
“That’s twenty-one to five.”
He rolls his eyes, albeit with the overfond quirk of his lips, it's a bit hard to take his disappointment seriously. “Maybe if you weren’t so amazingly gorgeous, I wouldn’t keep losing.”
“Your censor,” You very helpfully point out. 
“Y’know what I mean.”
From behind the bar, the bartender only rolls his eyes. This isn’t the first time some unlucky idiot tried making their own advances, and it sure won’t be the last. Just what kind of couple pretends to not know each other at a bar and makes bets based on whether one of them will be ‘saved’? If it weren’t for the fact that two of you bring in good business and were actually decent customers, he’d have you kicked out by the third time you pulled this stunt.
‿︵‿︵‿୨ ୧‿︵‿︵‿
Olvida eso, de verdad te lo pido
Es que yo soy tuyo, cuerpo y alma, cuerpo y mente
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age-of-greta · 3 months
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The Sun
The Sun presents a feeling of optimism and fulfillment. It represents the dawn which follows the darkest of nights.
Author’s note: wow hi!!! It’s been a minute! Life has been busy, but I have been thinking of this fic for a while. This one is entirely spontaneous and will have no posting schedule. Just as soon and I can get it written it will be out. I hope you guys enjoy :)
Pairing: Josh x reader and Jake x reader
Warnings: cursing, angst, adult themes, alcoholic consumption, smoking
Word count: 10.1 k
“I can’t fucking stand you! Matter of fact, I hate you!” You scream, your voice raw with emotion.
He lets out a laugh. “Yeah, right back at you Sugar.”
You’re boiling inside. Filled with rage, sadness, and anger. You can’t decide which emotion is the most prominent at the moment. You blink away the hot tears that have formed in your eyes. You feel the sting of them rolling down your cheeks.
“I’m fucking done. We are done. It’s over.” You say, with still a hint of anger, but at least you weren’t screaming this time.
He stares at you for a moment. Blank expression, impossible to read. You think maybe for 0.1 seconds you see a hint of sorrow in his eyes, but with him that would be impossible.
Eventually he scoffs at you. “Fine by me.”
He stays for a few moments with his eyes lingering on you.
“Get the fuck out!” You shout, while tears spill down your face.
Then he’s out the door as fast as it started. Leaving you there in a puddle of your own tears and rage.
Nothing had ever made you feel this way before. You were unsure how you would ever feel normal again. But there was one thing that you were entirely sure of- you fucking hated Jake Kiszka.
Teal is so tacky. It’s one of the tackiest colors to exist, you had decided. That's what you were doing at this very moment staring at a teal handbag that you would like to set on fire. It was sitting on a bar next to an equally tacky girl. You realized how insane you felt, but you needed to do something to distract your mind from the truth. Tonight was your third date with a guy named Aiden. He was fine, there was nothing wrong with him. He was attractive, ambitious, successful, and nice. But a part of you knew you were already so bored with him. You never knew how to pick a good guy. Which is why you tried your best to give Aiden a fair shake. Nonetheless, here you were sitting at a booth only thinking of a teal purse. You had decided to meet for drinks after work. You wore a hot pink blazer with a white tank turtleneck and a matching hot pink skirt, that might have been a little too short for work. You wore white tall boots, with gold jewelry. Your hair was done in loose curls and you had on a full face of makeup. This wasn’t your normal attire to work, but you knew you had a date tonight. Out of the corner of your eye you see Aiden pop in. You breathe in and prepare yourself. He’s in a nice gray suit. He always looks nice.
“Hey! So sorry I’m late. Traffic was awful.” Aiden says, reaching down to hug you.
You hug him back. “Oh no you’re fine! I just got here myself. How was your day?”
He smiles at you. “It was great actually. I had a really big pitch that I think went well for me. But I’m happier now that I’m here with you. How was your day?”
You make sure to smile at that, even if it did make you cringe a little. “Well that’s great. My day was good. Rather mundane I suppose, but work feels like that everyday.”
He chuckles. “You’re right about that. Ready for some drinks? A martini right?”
You nod your head. “Yes please.”
“Great. I’ll be right back. You look beautiful by the way.” He says with a smile before he heads over to the bar.
You take a moment to breathe in a little. Aiden was so nice. You had already decided that you would go on another date with him when he would inevitably ask later. You picked at your nails while you waited for your date and drink. You eyed the door constantly, that wasn’t a good sign. It was somewhat stuffy inside, but maybe that was in your head. You were just finding something to complain about. You had been like that for a while. Anytime a man would show interest you bounced. The truth is you were looking for someone to set your soul on fire. You craved a love so deep, that even the ocean would be jealous.
Instead you got guys like Aiden. Again, nothing wrong with him. But he didn’t ignite you. You knew who was to blame, but you hated to even think of him. So you chose to do this same routine over and over. Dating- then never speaking again. It’s not like you necessarily needed a man in your life, you were perfectly content with your life as is. But you wanted excitement again. Maybe if you gave Aiden a chance he could be that for you. Though you doubted it. You continued to eye the door. It wasn’t really busy, but every now and then someone would walk in. Mostly people in suits off to commence nefarious activities, then wake up and do it all again tomorrow. That life never spoke to you, but here you were smack dab in the middle of it. Funny how life works.
You fiddled around with your nails some more, damn you needed to get them done. You glanced up and thought your eyes were playing tricks on you.
Then he spoke.
Immediately you felt chills run down your spine. There’s a voice you hadn’t heard in years. There’s no way. You creep your head around the corner and see four very familiar faces. Your blood runs cold and your face becomes incredibly pale. Holy shit.
You whip your head back into your booth trying to stay out of their line of sight. What were they doing here? Why were they here? What?
Just then Aiden returns and hands you your martini. He frowns at you when he sees your face. “Hey, is everything okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
You blink a few times and nod your head. “I’m um- I’m fine.”
He sits back down across from you and takes your hand. “Are you sure?”
Just then that voice rings from right behind you. Now it’s closer.
“Oh shit. Well hey Sugar.”
You turn around and Jake is standing over you with a shit eating grin plastered on his face. You’re absolutely shocked and horrified. You try to speak but nothing comes out.
“I thought I heard your voice.” He flicks his eyes over to Aiden and extends his hand. “Hi. Jake Kiszka.”
Aiden gives him a strange look, but eventually extends his hand and says “Aiden.”
Finally you are able to muster up the courage to speak. “Jake.” You say calmly. “What are you doing here?”
He smirks at you. “I could ask you the same thing, Sugar. We were out scouting bars. We just moved here and I’ve got to say, you were the last person I was expecting to see tonight.”
You furrowed your brows while your voice goes up an octave higher. “What? You just moved here? Like from Michigan?”
Then the rest of them make their way over. You see Sam, Danny, and your old friend Josh.
Aiden clears his throat, clearly sensing your tension. “How do you guys know each other?”
Jake flicks his eyes to you and gives a wide smile. “Old friends.”
Aiden huffs a little at that. “Okay. Well looks like you have some catching up to do, with your old friends. I’ll call you tomorrow? I’d love to plan something if you’re free Saturday.”
You look back over at Aiden and nod your head.
He excuses himself and slides out of the booth.
“Bye Aiden! Lovely meeting you!” Jake yells out.
The other three are now approaching the table.
“Holy shit!” Sam exclaims when he sees you.
“Oh, hi Sam.”
Then you’re standing up and Sam hugs you, then Danny’s hugging you. Then you see Josh.
“Hi.” He says, standing there with his arms around his back. “Long time no see.”
You are unsure of what to say to that. “Hi Josh.”
“So, can we join you or what?” Jake asks.
You let out a breath and then motion your hand for them to all sit in your booth.
Jake scoots in right next to you. Immediately you feel the need to down your whole martini so you do.
“Whew. Damn Sugar. You okay?” Jake asks, nudging you.
You nod. “Yeah. Just wasn’t expecting such a-“ You pause. “Reunion.”
Josh smiles at you. “I can tell. Well don’t fret if it’s unpleasant for you. It’s just temporary. We are here with a new label working on an album. They decided to rent a house out to us for the next few months.”
You feel bad all of a sudden. You loved Josh. You and he had been friends for years. That was until you started dating Jake. You see, you and Josh had been friends after meeting in a coffee shop in Detroit. You had grown close with all of them, but Josh was your best friend. You two were practically inseparable. You pretty much did everything together. Then, one night you and Jake hooked up and the rest was history. It was hard on Josh. But you were too enamored by Jake to quit. You both had fallen fast and hard. Taking things way too fast, but it felt euphoric. Jake was like a drug. The highs were so high. But the lows were so low. You and Jake were only together for around 10 months. It was a toxic and crazy relationship. The only thing you and Jake were ever good at was sex. To this day no one made you come as hard as he had. But Jake acted like a selfish child. You two spent more time arguing than anything else. When you had broken up you had cut off all contact with all of them. You couldn’t bear it any longer. Josh had tried to reach out to you, but you ignored it. You wanted to forget Jake had ever existed- and that meant cutting off all people who reminded you of him. Then, you had moved to Nashville and gone on with life. You hadn’t seen or spoken to any of them since the break up.
“No it’s not that it’s unpleasant at all. Just unexpected. I never pegged you guys to settle down in… Nashville.” You said, trying to give a convincing smile.
Jake chimes in. “Settle down? We aren’t necessarily doing that. It’s temporary. I fear domesticity.”
You scoff. “Yep. I know.”
Jake laughs at you. “Good one.”
Josh changes the subject. “So what are you up to these days?”
You shift your gaze to Josh. “Well nothing as exciting as you guys. I work at a marketing firm and I have a Beta fish.”
Josh smiles at you. “That does sound exciting. Marketing huh? I can totally see it.”
You nod. “Congratulations to you all by the way on your success.”
“Thank you! We’ve been trying. It’s been a while since the garage band days.” Sam says.
“Yeah. It seems as if we’ve all grown up.” You say, still trying to push back negative feelings.
“Sam, Josh, you guys wanna go get drinks?” Danny asks, obviously trying to give you and Jake a moment to speak.
They both agree and follow Danny to the bar.
“I’ll take a whiskey on the rocks!” Jake yells to them and Sam gives him a thumbs up.
Then it’s just you two alone again. You turn around to face Jake. He’s still wearing that same smirk.
“You know Sugar, I’m digging the pink. You look good.”
You try not to let those words affect you. “Thanks.” You reply flatly.
“So, Aiden?” Jake asks.
You take a sip of the other martini on the table. “What about him?”
Jake hums. “Doesn’t really scream to me your type.”
“Oh yeah? Well what is my type?” You poke.
“Me.” Jake says and grins ear to ear.
You swig the martini again. “Funny.”
“C’mon Sugar. Lighten up. We’re just two old friends catching up.”
You pinch your face up and look at him. “Oh is that what we are?”
Jake smirks at you. “Okay well you know- ex lovers, future lovers. It’s all the same.”
You roll your eyes at him. He was always so full of charm which drove you crazy.
The other three returned with drinks in hand.
“So what are we getting up to tonight? It feels just like old times now.” Sam says with a bright smile.
You start to shut that down. “Count me out unfortunately. I have to work in the morning.”
It gets a little quiet.
“Well what are you doing this weekend?” Josh asks.
“I have pilates, but other than that I guess I’m free.” You reply.
“Does Aiden know that?” Jake teases.
You roll your eyes again.
“We have a show we’re doing this weekend. Would love if you could come and see us play after all this time.” Josh adds.
You pause for a minute, contemplating your options. But you didn’t want to seem so abrasive to Josh, you really did feel bad for ghosting him the way that you did. “Yeah, that sounds fun. I’ll be there.”
Josh smiles at you. “Great.”
“We can have a pass up front for you. Then I guess maybe uh Jake could text you the details?” Sam says cautiously.
Jake chuckles. “I’m blocked.”
Sam falls quiet, fearing maybe he had stirred something up between the two of you.
You try to lighten the situation. “Oh yeah? How do you know that?”
Jake shrugged. “I’ve reached out here and there. It’s never gone through.”
You clear your throat. “Josh? Do you still have my number? If not I can text you.”
“I’ve still got it.” Josh says lightly.
You half smile. “Great. Now if you’ll excuse me I’m going to slip out of here. It was truly great seeing you guys.”
“Care if I walk you out?” Josh asks.
You weren’t really expecting that.
“Oh yeah sure.” You reply.
You smile and nod everyone else off and Jake has that same smirk on his face.
“See ya soon Sugar.” Jake says, eyeing you up and down.
“Jake.” Is all you say with a nod.
Then you and Josh are walking out of the bar. It’s definitely awkward and there’s so much to be said, but you’re so unsure where to start.
“I’m just right here.” You say motioning over towards your car. “Thank you for walking me.”
Josh gives you a small smile. “So if I text you are you actually going to respond?”
“Josh I-“ You start.
He holds his hand up to you. “I’m only teasing. I know it was a weird situation.”
There was the sweet and understanding Josh he had always been. “It was. But there was still no excuse for me to do what I did to you.”
Josh shakes his head. “Consider it water under the bridge.”
You give a small sigh of relief. “Thank you.”
“I’ll see you Saturday?” Josh questions.
You nod. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
Josh smiles. “Good.”
“Hug?” You say extending your arms out.
Josh obliged and stepped in and hugged you. It felt like comfort. You smiled into his shirt. When you both let each other go. Josh was reciprocating that smile.
“I’m glad I ran into you tonight. Get home safe.”
“Me too. Bye Josh.”
Then he stood outside and watched you pull out, waving you off.
Your head was running a million miles an hour. What just happened? You felt like you wanted to vomit, half bile, half rainbows. All you knew was that now you had to prepare for a Saturday with your ex-boyfriend, old best friend, and their band.
Saturday had rolled around quicker than you had anticipated. You huffed as you threw your pilates bag into your car. In a way you were ready to work out all of the anxiousness and frustration you felt. Your pilates studio wasn’t too far from your townhouse. It was in an upscale little plaza next to a smoothie shop, which you would definitely be taking advantage of after. Once you arrived you checked into your class and rolled out your mat. You took a few deep breaths and adjusted your attire. You wore a rather loud pair of green leggings that fit you like tights, and a white sports bra top. You unlaced your white sneakers, letting your bare feet hit the mat. You felt grounded, drained of negative energy. Pilates was always an outlet for your stress, better that than alcohol.
After an intense session you felt reborn. You rolled up your mat and hit the locker room, splashing cold water on your face. You took your hair down and watched it cascade down your shoulders, it had gotten so long. You dried your face with a clean towel and wiped the sweat from your hairline. You rolled on some deodorant and you were vibrating with excitement at the thought of the peanut butter banana protein smoothie you were about to inhale. After dropping off your items in your car you walked with some pep in your step to the entrance of the smoothie cafe only to be met with confusion.
He saw you through the door as soon as you saw him, his face lighting up with a smile as he got up to meet you at the door.
“Hey Sug. What a pleasant surprise.” He greeted, as you stepped in.
“Are you stalking me?” You ask, half serious.
He lets out a chuckle. “You wish. No, Josh and I are here meeting with our social media manager. She wanted smoothies, but I’ve got to say I was hoping this pilates studio next door was the one you frequented.”
You glance around him and see Josh at the table giving you a wave while a blonde girl scrolled through a laptop.
“So why this smoothie place? Did you search for one closest to a pilates studio?” You ask in an accusatory tone.
“You overestimate me Sug. This was just the closest one to our house.” He replies coolly.
“Closest?” You ask with pinched brows.
“Yeah. Our house is somewhat secluded I guess. It’s a few miles behind that block of townhomes.”
“Motherfucker.” You whisper.
Jake looks at you strangely. “What?”
”Nothing.” You say dismissively.
He cracks that annoyingly perfect smile at you. “Don’t tell me you live close to there?”
You glance up at him, always finding it hard to lie to him “I do.”
”Well I’ll be damned. What does fate have in store for us Sug?” He asks through a smirk.
You scoff at him. He was ridiculous.
“Let me at least buy you a smoothie and you can come join us.” Jake offers.
You make a face at him. “I don’t need you to buy my smoothie Jake.”
He cracks a smile at you and places his hand on your lower back ushering you towards the ordering station. “I know you don’t need me to. But I want to. Y’know good karma and all.”
You scoff. “It would take a lot more than a smoothie to give you good karma.”
He lets out a small laugh. “You’re right.”
You two order and stand by the counter while you’re waiting on all of the smoothies. He had ordered one for him, Josh, and the laptop girl too.
You try to tune Jake out but you can feel his eyes burning into you.
“What?” You ask, looking over at him.
“Ah nothing. I thought pink was your color, but it might be green.” He suggests with a smirk, while nodding his head towards your tight green leggings that are practically painted on you.
You roll your eyes but feel your face flushing red. Thankfully, they call your order number up and you grab your smoothie and Josh’s while Jake waits for whatever else he ordered. You walk towards the booth and are greeted with a smiley Josh. You decide to slide in next to him, the blonde girl barely looks up from her computer.
“Ah I thought that was you. I didn’t know you would be joining us this morning?” Josh questions, almost as if he would believe that you and Jake had planned this.
You lightly laughed at that notion. “Yeah me either. My pilates studio is next door. I come here religiously for these protein shakes.”
“Pilates and protein? What happened to my beer and mac & cheese girl?” He teases with a bright smile.
You huff a laugh, but before you can respond Jake comes buzzing over to the table. “Here ya go Dev.” Jake says, sliding over to the blonde girl who was so wrapped up in her computer. However, that’s not the case anymore.
She flashes a smile to Jake. “Oh thank you Jake.” She says, her voice thick with sweetness.
Oh she likes him. You can tell by the way her eyes light up when she sees him. You get it, you really do. But why is it bothering you?
Josh clears his throat. “Okay, well maybe proper introductions are in order here? Devan this is y/n. We all go way back.”
Jake snickers at that. “Yeah, way back.”
You flick a brief look of judgment at Jake, but you notice your heart rate quicken.
“Yes… and this is Devan, she is our newly hired social media coordinator. She’s brilliant. I figured you two might have some common ground with your marketing career?” Josh offers.
Devan meets your eyes. She’s pretty. Moderately short dirty blonde hair with platinum highlights, blue eyes lined perfectly with black eyeliner and encased in black rimmed large eye glasses. You weren’t sure if they were for seeing or fashion, but they looked great on her. She was trendy in a business casual way. Very much a Nashville girl.
You flashed her a smile. “It’s nice to meet you, Devan.”
She offers you a tight lipped smile before averting her eyes back to her computer. “Mhm likewise.”
Oh. You would completely understand her demeanor had she behaved like this the whole time. Work is work. However, she lit up like a Christmas tree for Jake. So you were led to believe that you and her would not be making each other friendship bracelets anytime soon.
“Jake, can you tell me what you think of this filter?” Devan asks in that sickeningly sweet voice again.
Jake glances up at you slightly with a grin and scoots closer to Devan. He brushes his hand with hers as he scrolls on the mousepad and you see her cheeks dust with pink. “Oh wow. Devan this is beautiful. We really are so lucky to have hired you.” He says nudging her shoulder. “Josh, look at this.”
Jake spins the computer around and you glance at the photo. It’s a fucking black and white picture with grain. You now know Jake is trying to put on an act since you’re here.
Josh purses his lips. “Yeah… absolutely. Looks great.”
He has always been so kind.
Your attention is diverted when your phone starts to vibrate on the table.
Aiden Rodgers flashes upon your screen and Jake sees it before you do.
“Sorry guys. I’m going to get out of here and take this call.” You look over directly to Josh. “I’ll see you later?”
Josh gives you a polite smile. “Yeah of course.”
You grab your phone that’s still lighting up the table and glance up at Jake before shuffling out of the booth.
“See you tonight. Do feel free to bring Aiden, Sug.” Jake says with a sly smile.
You make a face at him. Why did he always manage to get under your skin? As you walked off you took a deep breath and answered your phone.
Lunch with Aiden went perfectly well. You had fibbed a little and said that you had a family thing come up for the evening, so Aiden offered lunch. He took you to a cute little patio restaurant where you indulged in a salmon and goat cheese salad with a lemon blueberry mojito. He was funny and charming. But you couldn’t help but let your mind drift elsewhere while he was speaking. You sent Aiden off with a hug and a promise to call him soon. Now you sat in your living room nursing a wine cooler contemplating what you would even wear tonight. What is the attire for attending your rockstar ex-boyfriend’s concert? Part of you wanted to bail on the whole night and not even go, but you couldn’t do that to Josh. Despite all of the shit with Jake, Josh was always there for you. It was about time you showed some reciprocation after all this time.
You groaned and peeled yourself off of your couch. There was a laundry list of things that needed to be done before tonight and you had better get started. Your phone buzzed whilst you were in the middle of an everything shower. When you climbed out you check it immediately to see a text from Josh:
After party tonight at our house. Would love for you to come and you’re more than welcome to stay. Pack a swimsuit!
You felt a swirl of emotions hit you. You missed them and you knew going would be fun. But were you ready to be around Jake for longer than 10 minutes? You dried off and tried to do anything but contemplate how the night might play out. Once you had completed all of your skincare, you threw your hair up to dry in a turban towel and picked through your closet. You fingered through your dresses, business casual blouses, and blazers. Nothing spoke to you. Then, it hit you.
Jake had said he loved you in pink and green, but you still remember the way he trembled when you wore black. You tried to reason with yourself that the sole reason you were choosing your outfit was not based on him, but you were drawing blanks.
Once you applied sultry makeup and put bouncing curls in your hair you were ready to get dressed. You picked up your lingerie-esk black see through cami adorned with lace. It was entirely sheer except for the front. You decided to pair it with a longer silk black skirt with a high slit and black strappy heels. Once, you were dressed, you accessorized and sprayed yourself with a perfume that made you smell like a walking dessert. You might have taken a liquid shot of courage before you got into your Uber to head to the venue.
There was a line of fans outside and you smiled to yourself knowing that their dream was coming to fruition. You clicked your heels on the pavement up towards the box office, carrying your small duffle bag and gave them your name. You were given a lanyard and entrance to the side door where a rather muscular man led you down empty hallways. He smiled and attempted to strike a flirty conversation with you while taking your bag to carry it, but you were already bored of him as he droned on about how important he was. Finally you had made it to a lounge area where you saw Danny rummaging through the fridge with Sam hot on his heels. You laughed to yourself at a memory that had come to mind seeing the scene before you. Josh had always called them tweedle dee and tweedle dumb in the most endearing way. Where there was one the other surely would be in tow.
“Y/n! Hey! You look hot!” Sam yelled, rather loudly as soon as he noticed your presence.
“I believe this is where I leave you ma’am.” Muscles said, sitting your bag down on a chair. “If you require my assistance later or need help getting to your seat, here’s my number.”
You politely accepted his small slip of paper and tried to pretend like you didn’t see his wink.
“You made it!” Josh stated enthusiastically heading your way.
You wrapped him in a warm embrace. “I’m done dodging you.”
He smiled at those words. “Promise?”
”Pinky.” You said, extending your finger out towards him.
This was something you and Josh had done in the past. The most serious of vows, your pinky promises.
You saw his heart swell at your action, happy to have his best friend back. That was short lived when you felt a cloud come into the room. You could sense his eyes on you.
“Want a drink?” Josh asked, nodding towards the small wet bar.
“Just a vodka soda please.”
As one twin left you, another approached. Jake didn’t say a word as he took you in with his eyes. Scanning you up and down no doubtably undressing you with his eyes. You tried not to let that affect you.
He nodded towards you. “Sugar. You look… just wow. Takes me back to a different time.”
Your face slightly reddens at his admission. You expected more of a sleazy conversation from Jake rather than an unintentional trip down memory lane.
The mood shifts entirely when Josh comes back with a vodka soda and two limes.
“You remembered.” You say to Josh with a smile, gesturing towards the extra lime.
“Of course. How could I forget?” He replies with a grin.
Jake clears his throat. “Well glad you could make it. We have a hell of a show tonight and I assume you’ll be at our house later of course for the party?”
You give a quick glance to Josh, who is looking at you hopefully. “Yep. I’ll be there.”
Jake flashes you a mischievous grin. “Excellent. Enjoy yourself tonight Sug.” Then he heads off to converse with one of his technicians.
“Rather brooding isn’t he?” Josh jabs.
You snicker at that. “I’ll say.”
Josh turns towards you and places a hand on your back. “I’m glad you’re here. I’ve missed you.”
A wave of guilt mixed with sentimentality rushes through your veins. You loved Josh. No matter what happened with Jake, he was still that beautiful shining beacon of light for you. It was then you had decided to focus on him rather than concern yourself with whatever Jake may do. “I missed you too Josh, so much.”
“Alright everyone! Openers are about to go on. I need you all dressed and ready to shoot some social media content in ten!”
You glance across the room and see Devan with an iPad in hand. She was wearing a similar stylish business casual outfit like she had previously worn. When she finally looked up from her screen she noticed you immediately and gave a harsh face. It was brief, but you had caught it.
“Devan can we push this back a little? Y/n just got here and I’d like to show her around.” Josh asks.
Devan makes a face a Josh before tapping furiously on her tablet. “Eh sorry no can do Josh. The best I could do is an additional fifteen minutes but that will cut into Danny’s tik tok later. Besides, we need to make sure we are staying somewhat confidential with our filming so that nothing gets leaked.”
You felt a pit form in your stomach. She didn’t want you around and you were intruding on their work.
“Uh Devan she’s basically family.” Sam chimes in. “She wouldn’t dare leak anything.”
“No, it’s fine!” You try to say as nonchalant as possible. “I wanted to catch some of the opening act anyway. You guys go and get dressed and do your thing.”
Josh gives you a sad look, but eventually nods on.
“I’ll call that security guard to come fetch you. Oh! Jake! I need your feedback on something.” Devan says, hurrying over towards Jake who looks at you with raised brows.
“One sec Dev. Gonna walk y/n to her seat.” He says, shuffling past her.
He walks up to you with a pleased smile and sticks his arm out. “Shall we?”
You give him a pointed look and huff before grabbing his arm. “Break a leg.” You say to Josh with a smile.
He gives you a half hearted smile back and nods. You wondered why his mood had seemed to change, but Jake’s voice quickly snapped you out of your thoughts.
You hum. “I supposed. Eager to see how much you’ve all changed.”
Jake chews on his cheeks before he speaks. “I guess we all have… changed quite a bit. Grew up a little.”
You laugh. “Oh, have you? That seems far-fetched for some of you.”
He huffs a laugh back. “You’re talking about Sam right?”
“Oh most definitely.” You snicker, but can’t hide the smile that creeps out. “You didn’t have to walk me, you know. I can manage.”
“And leave that meathead to try and sweep you off your feet? No way Sugar, I’m the only one who can do that. Besides, these halls can be empty. No one around. Private really.” He retorts with a shit eating grin.
There he is. You roll your eyes. “Oh Jake, you really always have been ever so charming.”
“You flatter me. But in all honesty it can be difficult to navigate around backstage. When we first started playing at bigger venues I would get lost just trying to find somewhere to smoke a fucking cigarette.”
“Cigarettes? That’s a nasty little habit.” You say with faux disapproval.
He turns towards you and sets his eyes on yours. “Quite. Sometimes the things that can hurt you the most are what you want more than anything. You crave it.”
You feel your heartbeat quicken at that statement. Your chest starts to blaze with an indescribable feeling, but before you can respond you’re interrupted.
“VIP guest? I’ll usher her over to side stage.” A crew member says approaching you and Jake.
Jake clears his throat and nods at the man. “Yep, thank you.”
Then he turns away and heads in the opposite direction without looking back at you. You felt your brain spinning as you blinked to come back to reality. You were taken to your seat where you were surprisingly close to the stage. You weren’t necessarily in seats, but had a foldout chair side stage on the floor. Your mind drifted to what they might play and if Jake played with as much passion as he used to. When you two had dated you were mesmerized watching him play. His dedication, his intensity, the way his body swayed around that guitar, the facial expressions, the sweat, his…hands. Stop. You couldn’t think that way. That time was over. You have moved on. You were over Jake. Right? You hated him. Didn’t you? You massaged your temples and requested a drink from a crew member. When it arrived you nursed the burning liquid in attempt to suppress whatever in the hell your psyche was feeling. You tried to concentrate on the openers, but before you knew it their set was over and you were left thinking what the next setlist might be. Since you went no contact, you did not go out of your way to search for them or their music. You only know the early days. The early days. Would they play it? Your song? They used to play it all the time. A catchy song written drunkenly by Jake and Josh one night when they were younger, but you were the driven force behind its publication. They played it all the time. It was a great jam song, but no one knew Jake had dedicated it to you. Anxiousness swirled in your stomach as you anticipated the mere minutes before they would take to the stage. You had to admit there was quite a turn out. They had fans and not just casual ones either. A part of you felt proud while another solem that you had missed the build up to this moment.
The lights dimmed and cheering ensued. Then you heard those familiar chords billow through the speaker. It couldn’t be. Your song? They started with your song? Josh’s wailing fills the venue and Jake’s fingers move at lightning speed to match his twin. Highway Tune. Your song.
So sweet. So fine. So nice. Oh my.
Jake used to jokingly say this to you all the time. Your body betrayed you as you swayed to that ever so familiar sound, the build up to the catchiest little riff that has haunted you for years. For a moment Jake’s eyes meet yours and a bright smile appears on his face followed by a wink. He knew what he was doing. The song comes to a close and you hold your breath in anticipation to see if they do it. Danny beats the skin off of his drums, Sam plucks wildly at his bass, Jake strums and struts, you see Josh take a breath and then look at you before the close out.
You were reeling after the last two hours of whatever that was. A rush of conflicting emotions assaults all of your senses as you make your way backstage. Starting off with your song and then you heard a song that made a pit form in your stomach. You’re The One. Was that about you? Timeline wise it would make sense. You wouldn’t dare ask in fear of being embarrassed if it wasn’t about you. But you had a gut feeling that it was.
All of a sudden they all rush back into the green room high off adrenaline.
“So, what did you think?” Danny asks, grabbing a towel to wipe the sweat from his chest.
“You guys were phenomenal. Seriously, I was blown away.”
Danny smiles, clearly pleased with your answer while Sam pulls you into his side for a hug.
“Feels so nostalgic in here huh?”
You let out a small laugh. “Sure does Sammy.”
“Nostalgia for sure Sug.” Jake says, pressing a freshly poured glass of some dark liquid to his lips. His eyes are intense as they study you, trying to see if there’s any falter behind you.
You breath out when you see Josh and take the opportunity to get you out of this weird eye contact that you have with Jake. “Josh! Oh my god, your voice! You were absolutely amazing. So grown up now.”
He smiles sweetly at you. “You’re too kind. It’s been a work in progress for a while.”
“I can tell. I always knew you were talented but I just- wow.”
He blushes slightly at that.
“Yeah yeah enough of the love fest. Can we please go home and start drinking?” Sam says in a faux annoyed tone while sending you a wink.
“Don’t have to ask me twice. Wanna ride with me Sug?” Jake asks looking towards you with raised eyebrows
You swallow thickly at that. “I’ll hang back with Josh. Gotta find my bags anyway.”
“Suit yourself.”
“Josh!” You say in a fit of giggles as he matches your laughs.
“What? It’s true! He absolutely looked like he was snorting steroids.”
You and Josh had left the venue and were headed back to the house. You thought you would be anxious, but neither you nor Josh had shut up or quit laughing. It all felt so natural, just like it once did.
“We’re just around this corner here.” He says, whipping his jeep to the left.
“Josh.” You start. “I have a confession.”
He raises his eyebrows at you. “Yeah?”
“See those trees back there? Just to the right of that little park?”
He quints and nods.
“I live back there.”
His mouth falls open. “No shit?”
You laugh and nod. “I’m so serious! I live in one of those townhomes. That’s why I was so weirded out when I ran into you guys at the smoothie cafe.”
Josh grins and taps the steering wheel. “Hell. Small world. Who would have thought?”
“It’s the universe bringing us back together Joshy.” You say playfully giving his arm a light tap.
His grin turns into a full on smile at that. “I’ll hold you to that.”
When you arrived Josh grabbed your bag and ushered you inside. The house was quite big, definitely bigger than your townhome. There was loud music blasting inside and a slew of bodies which didn’t look familiar to you.
“Wanna take this to my room?” Josh yells over the music.
You nod and grab his hand as he leads you up the stairs.
“Shit it’s loud down there. I’m going to fix that when we get back there. I don’t wear earpieces to protect my ears on stage only to have it ruined at a shitty house party.” Josh says, as he shuts his door.
His room is so very Josh. There’s a white plush king bed in the center, perfectly made. A John Denver poster hangs on a blank wall with a few plants scattered around. But your favorite feature is a small reading nook that Josh has made out of his relatively small windowsill.
“Josh, this is so cute.” You say, running your fingers through his books. You two had always been avid readers and you were delighted to see his new found fame hadn’t changed him.
He gives you a bashful grin. “I guess. I just need a space that’s just for me. Somewhere to escape from the normal insanity that is my life.”
You shrug at him. “Understandable. The reason I chose the townhome I’m in is solely because of a clawfoot tub in my bathroom. I will sit in that thing for hours after a long day at work.”
“You still stay in there long enough to be a mermaid?”
You nod and smile. Josh use to always call you a mermaid because of your extensive baths.
“Ready to head down? I’ve got to kill this music before we get the damn cops called on us.”
You agree and follow him down the stairs. He introduces you to a few dozen people who you couldn’t possibly remember before taking two tequila shots. He throws you a seltzers and a leaves you with a promise to return as soon as he gets the music turned down. You sip on your drink as you can feel the two shots of tequila already working it’s way into your system. You took the time to walk around the house and explore. Careful to avoid any unwanted interactions. You finally found yourself in a small corner of the living room observing some vinyl that was hanging. It seems their collection had almost doubled since you last saw it.
You weren’t alone for long when you felt his presence near you. It was magnetic the way you two had always gravitated towards one another and you knew he was fighting that pull just as much as you had.
“Enjoying yourself Sugar?” Jake asks, leaning in closer than necessary so you can hear him. Immediately you can smell the booze on him. Was he trying to drink away the feelings he felt just like you were?
“Having a splendid time Jacob. Thank you.” You reply, cordially.
He laughs and presses his back up to the wall, observing the party with you. “Why do I always find you in a corner by yourself? You should be out there mingling and mixing.” He teases.
You scoff. “We all aren’t social butterflies like you I suppose.”
Jake turns back and leans in closer to you. “Don’t play coy with me Sug. Don’t forget, I know you. You are very personable. Dare I say charming even?”
You take this opportunity to poke back at him. “Charming? I think I use my charm a little bit differently than you.”
He clicks his tongue and brings his glass up to his lips. “Whatever do you mean?”
“I use my charm simply in a way that any human would; for the purpose of social interaction. Right? You use your charm to try and get panties to drop. So why are you lecturing me? You need to get out there and mix and mingle instead of standing in this corner.”
Jake studies you as you speak and takes a step even closer. He stares directly in your eyes, his slightly red and half-lidded. “Fair, but there’s only one person here that I want to try that charm out with.”
You tried not to flinch at his words, but that hit you like a bullet train. “Yeah?”
He leaned down, bracing himself on the wall. “Yeah.” He whispers into your neck. His hot breath fanning on a sweet spot that caused goosebumps to form everywhere. “And I can only get to her in this corner. Unless of course she would like to accompany me upstairs? We could do a lot of mixing and mingling up there.”
You feel a rush in your chest as Jake’s eyes bounce from your eyes to your lips.
Oh but his lips.
Slightly wet from nursing his drink, but so perfectly plump and pink. You tried to remember how they felt when they used to graze every inch of your skin. That thought alone sent shivers down your spine. You felt frozen in time as your heart was thudding. Maybe it was the alcohol in your system or maybe it was the burning sensation of lust coursing through your veins, but you were going to kiss him. No you were going to fuck him. You didn’t care, all of your inhibitions had long flown out the window. You stared back at him intently and fluttered your eyes tilting your head forward. He leaned in slowly and parted his lips. You followed suit. His nose brushed yours and electricity shot down your spine. This was it.
You both spun around to see Josh heading your way. Jake huffed a few curse words under his breath as you instinctively took a step back.
Josh makes his way over to you and runs his fingers through his hair. “Thank god I found you. That redhead is looking for you. She’s been following me around for the last few minutes. Something about plans you had?”
Your stomach sinks slightly at that and you feel embarrassed that it did. Of course he has little flings or hell even multiple girlfriends.
Jake cocks his head at his twin and narrows his eyes at him. Almost like he cannot believe what he just said. There’s a long pause of silence between the two of them, neither breaking eye contact from the other.
Finally, Jake lets out a huff and glances back at you before walking off.
You were now beyond grateful that Josh cockblocked you.
“Such a sour puss. You ready to go swimming?” Josh asks you with a grin.
You match his. “Absolutely.”
You stared at yourself in the mirror feeling a little self conscious as you took in your body in the black bikini. Jake hadn’t seen your body in a while. Not since you had become more womanly and of course the months of pilates classes. You knew you looked attractive, sure but you still had those voices inside your head criticizing every imperfection. You massaged your temples to get out of your own head and threw on a large Nirvana t-shirt with some leather flip flops before leaving Josh’s bathroom.
“Ready?” He asked you, sitting patiently in his windowsill. “I got us towels.”
You let out a small laugh. “Thank you. Yes, let's go.”
You and Josh descend the stairs and head outside. There’s a decent amount of people there. You don’t scan around looking for Jake, instead keeping your eyes on Josh as he plops your towels down on a chair. He’s wearing light orange swim trunks that match his tan perfectly. It’s just now that you realize how fit he looks. He has really filled out since you last saw him.
You take off your t-shirt and slide off your flip flops, placing them all on the chair. When you glance up your eyes meet Jake’s. He’s staring at you, mouth slightly agape. He’s in the pool, with a fair skinned girl with red hair laughing and straddling him. Her arms are on his shoulders and instantly jealousy creeps down your spine. Why were you jealous? You couldn’t say, but you were. You peeled your eyes away from Jake and headed towards Josh, who was at the cooler fetching you drinks.
“Hot tub?” You ask him walking up behind him.
“Oh yeah sure-“ He turns around and his eyes scan your body. He’s not being nonchalant about it and when he catches himself his face dusts red and he clears his throat. “Yeah hot tub it is.”
You and Josh pad your way to the hot tub, opposite to where Jake and the red head were. You see Sam sitting in there animatedly speaking to Danny. You giggle because you can tell he’s intoxicated.
“Wow wow wow!” Sam whistles wildly at you two approaching. “Josh, you look incredible!”
Josh laughs at his brothers antics while taking your hand to help you climb into the hot tub. The warm water goes from slightly uncomfortable to pleasant the more you sink down in it. You crack your watermelon tequila seltzer and cheers with Josh as you get settled, opting to share a jet together.
“Sammy boy, how much have you had to drink tonight?” Josh pokes.
He throws his hand up at you two. “I lost count. I’m just trying to celebrate! Enjoy the lovely night with lovely people!”
Danny groaned at the end of that sentence and handed Sam a bottle of water. “Drink this.”
“Ah! The gang’s all back together. Where’s Jake? I’m surprised he peeled himself away from you.” Sam giggles. “He was eye fucking you all night on that stage.”
It got quiet.
“He’s in the pool.” Danny offers, bluntly.
Sam cranes his head around to look for his older brother. “Oh. Shit. Is that one Holly or Katie?”
“Holly.” Josh interjects. “Katie is the other one.”
Other one.
Sam sucks in his cheeks and turns towards you. “Sorry. I know that might be awkward for you. It’s nothing serious.”
You let out a laugh. “It’s okay Sam. It doesn't bother me.” You lie. “That was a long time ago.”
“Sam, no one was thinking that. You’re the one making things weird.” Danny says through a laugh.
Sam lets out a breath. “Pshhhhhh. Nope. Come on we all remember how they used to-“
“Sam!” Josh snaps, somewhat abruptly. “Let it be. Can we not traumatize her again?”
You play it off. “It’s fine I promise. But tell me about this house? It’s insane! You guys are living here for how long?”
Josh faces you. “It is. I’m very grateful they gave us such a big place to write this album. We used to go in the smallest cabins in the woods and hold up for weeks. But I think we should be here for at least a good six to nine months.”
You swallow at that. How would you be around them or him for that long? “Wow. Sounds like you guys will be busy then.”
Danny rolls his eyes. “We would be if we could stay on topic.”
You smile at that. “Not much has changed, has it?”
Sam sips his water. “Not even a little bit.”
Eventually the party had died down and the crowd began to disperse. Danny and Sam were on cleanup duty while you and Josh both quickly took a rinse shower and put dry clothes back on. You were done first, so you decided to head back down wearing gray sweat shorts with a white cropped tank. Your hair was slightly damp and had curled up significantly.
“Need any help?” You ask Sam as you see him throwing cups on a trash bag.
“That would be great.” He offers with a big smile.
You get to work and grab a bottle of cleaning solution with paper towels and being spraying and wiping down the sticky surfaces, while Sam finishes picking up trash and begins to sweep.
“You’re too sweet, you know that? I’ve always thought so.”
You giggle at his drunk confessional. “Thank you Sammy. So are you.”
He shrugs. “I guess. I’m sorry if I made you upset earlier. I’m just glad to see that you don’t have an achy Jakey heart.”
You can’t help but laugh at that one. “It’s okay, really. I’m a big girl.”
Sam grins at you. “I know you are. But for what it’s worth, he hasn’t really been the same since- you know. Despite how he acts it really fucked him up. He never said a word to indicate it, but we could all tell. I’m sure you heard that song tonight. He would absolutely kill me for saying all of this to you right now, but I feel like you should know it. If for nothing but closure. Fuck, I know I’m drunk and I’m oversharing here.”
You feel like the wind has been sucked out of you. A pool of emotions you absolutely cannot identify swirl in you. Does Jake have feelings for you? After all this time? That song? Were you right?
You’re interrupted abruptly by Josh climbing down the stairs. “Sammy, why do you have our guest working?”
Sam clears his throat, trying to drop all of the conversation that had just occurred between you two. “She volunteered because she is kind. Unlike a certain diva I know.”
“Please. Jake and I have the next clean up- that was the agreement.”
Sam rolls his eyes. “Yeah yeah. Help me take this trash out.”
Josh gives you a head nod as he grabs two bags of trash and walks with Sam towards the door.
Then you’re left in your own thoughts, absentmindedly putting away things that you have no idea where they go.
“So who are you?”
You whip your head around to see redhead approaching you. She’s still in her neon pink bikini tracking pools of water on the floors Sam had just cleaned.
You try not to narrow your eyes at her as you tell her your name. “Old friend of theirs.”
She takes in what you say. “Hm, old friend? I don’t think I’ve ever heard them talk about you.”
You’re a bit taken back by her nastiness. “And you are?”
“Holly.” She says with a smile. “Jake’s good friend. Thank you for helping clean up and all, but the party’s over. I think we’ll get it from here.”
Okay now you narrow your eyes at her. She doesn’t know you and you have a good inkling she doesn’t know how much of good friends you and Jake used to be. “Appreciate your tip and all, but I’m staying here tonight.”
She makes a face at you. “What are you taking the couch or something?”
“No.” Josh’s voice peaks from behind you. “Not that’s it’s any of your concern, but she’s staying with me.”
She drops a considerable amount of attitude with Josh in the room. “Oh! No, yeah I just didn’t know.”
She heads back outside as Josh scoffs. “Don’t worry about her.”
You flash him a smile. “What? She seems so friendly.”
He nudges your shoulder. “You have no idea.”
You and Josh had decided to go outside to make sure everything else was done before you had retired to bed. You found Jake sitting in a chair with redhead practically on top of him. His eyes found yours when you stepped outside, but you looked away quickly and refused to look back.
“Is Sam making a fucking fire?” Josh asks through a laugh.
Danny walks by and places his hand on Josh’s shoulder. “Indeed he is. Something about old times sake and a card game?”
A smile spreads across your face. “Rummy? That’s what we used to all play when we were high out of our minds.”
“Bingo!” Sam yells from a distance. “And you’re in luck baby because look what I have!” He holds up a sandwich bag full of joints.
You shake your head and smile at Josh. “Oh my god.”
He throws his arm around you. “Are you up for this?”
You think about it for a second. Contemplating being around Jake and redhead even longer. You didn’t want to be a buzzkill though, so you bit your lip and nodded your head.
You all eventually gathered around the table. You seated yourself next to Josh and Sam, trying to steer away from Jake. It was to no use when he sat down directly in front of you. His eyes bore into yours, but again you wouldn’t look at him.
“Wanna shuffle Sug?” Jake asks you, attempting to hand the cards in your direction.
You can see redhead squish her face up at the pet name.
“Sure.” You take the cards and begin to shuffle them around before dealing.
Sam lights up and starts to pass the joints around. You collect your cards and take a joint from Josh, watching him take a drag. You bring the joint to your lips and take a small hit, not wanting to do too much for the night. The smoke fills your lungs and you feel that light sensation rush to your head. You close your eyes and exhale, deciding to take another puff before passing it back to Sam. It’s not long until all of you are red eyed and smiley. The first few games were won by you and Danny, then the cards got tossed to the side stories began to flow. At this point the cotton mouth began to set it.
“Gonna go grab a bottle of water. Want one?” You turn to Josh.
He gives you a smile. “Please.”
You head towards the house and go to the bathroom first, relieving your bladder. You wash your hands and stare at the mirror, trying to fix the slight black smudge under your eyes. You were tired and ready to call it a night. Once you headed back into the kitchen you were startled by a body standing there.
“Fuck! Jake, you scared me.”
He laughs. “Sorry Sugar. Just wanted to come and check on you.”
“I’m fine.”
“You are.” His voice was like velvet. He was always somehow more attractive when he was stoned.
“Careful Jake. Don’t want your friend out there to hear.” You say nonchalantly, grabbing two bottles of water.
Jake gives you a devilish grin and steps closer. Backing you up into the countertops. “Oh come on now Sugar. Just say the words and she’s gone.”
You look up at him, studying that beautiful face. “I’m good actually.”
You shimmy out from underneath him heading back outside to Josh. You let out a deep breath before returning to the group.
“Thanks love.” Josh says, taking the bottle from you.
Jake returns to the group not uttering a word.
“I’m tired.” You announce to Josh.
“Yeah me too.” Redhead states. “Jake can we go to bed babe?”
You glance up at him. He looks at you with raised eyebrows, almost asking you. You avoid his glance and he mutters a “yeah” towards her. It sort of felt like a stab to your gut, but you wouldn’t give it any attention.
“Good night guys!” Redhead yells, toting Jake’s arm all the way inside.
You and Josh helped put the fire out before heading back inside.
“What a damn day.” Josh jokes, handing you toothpaste to put on your toothbrush.
You huff a laugh. “Tell me about it. Also I’m freezing, why is it so cold in here?”
“Daniel insists we keep the house at a crisp 68. Michigan blood isn’t used to this Tennessee heat.”
You snicker. “You would all boil if you came to my place.”
“You’ve adapted well I see.”
You shrug. “I’ve always preferred to be closer to The Sun I guess. Makes me happy.”
Josh smiles at you. “I know what you mean.”
You both brush your teeth side by side. A part of it felt so domestic, like it was something that you two had done every night forever. You chalk it off to being high and climb into bed with your once best friend.
You snuggled down into his plush sheets and both crack a few jokes before drifting off to sleep. Somehow, Josh’s arm found it’s way wrapped around you. You were no longer freezing; you were now warm.
Both inside and out.
Thank you for reading :)
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a-kaash-me-outside · 2 years
the walls are thin - ch5
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in which atsumu is your college neighbor with whom you share a wall. previous | ch5 | next [masterlist]
// overly attentive and completely different than you ever expected him to be ~ ᴀᴛsᴜᴍᴜ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ~ 7955 ᴡᴏʀᴅs
a look into this chapter: oops, 18+ minors dni eventual smut, masturbation, incessant flirting (as always), msby besties, oh we're doing this already?, feelings are confusing but developing, drinking, frustrating a bit sorry abt that, she/her pronouns
send an ask and i’ll add ya to the taglist! ~ ♡ ʀᴇʙʟᴏɢs ᴀɴᴅ ɪɴᴛᴇʀᴀᴄᴛɪᴏɴs ᴍᴇᴀɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴏʀʟᴅ ♡
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“i miss you,” he complains. you’d think you’d have gotten used to that phrase coming out of his mouth by now, but you can still feel your skin tingle. you roll your eyes nonetheless. 
“it’s not even been a full day,” you retort. 
he mulls over this for a minute before deciding that you’re wrong, “not true.”
“i think it is,” you say, “but even if it has been a full day, that’s kinda…,” you trail off, “pathetic?” 
he laughs, the pang in your heart telling you that maybe it isn’t so pathetic to miss somebody after not seeing them for a few tens of hours. you smile at him, eyes moving away from his gaze after just a few seconds. 
“i miss you too, maki,” you reciprocate. 
“not so pathetic after all,” he points at you through the phone. 
you purse your lips to the side, thoughtful, “no, still pathetic i think, just from both sides.”
“yea, fair,” he says, flipping over in his bed, lying on his side, messy hair against his pillow in a way that you’ve seen in person a few too many times. he called you this morning before the two of you had even gotten out of bed. “so, what did you even do last night without me?”
“well, i was planning on staying in and spending all weekend by myself,” you start, “but i actually went over to atsumu’s last night.”
“you? hung out with atsumu? on a friday night? what kinda things did you have to do for that to happen?” he asks, one eyebrow raised. 
“nothing,” you sneer at him, “he’s the one that suggested it actually.”
“yea, and how did that go?” he asks, tiny tinge of jealousy hidden behind the sarcasm at the end of the sentence.
“weirdly good. i thought he might try to make a move or something, but we just kinda hung out,” you explain, maybe omitting the parts where you fell asleep on his chest and told him that you think about him all the time. 
“and what are you up to tonight?” all of the questions that he keeps asking about your weekend are making you miss him even more, because the answer is nothing but you wish the answer was hanging out with maki.
you sigh dramatically, “well, you guys left me, so i’m having lunch with atsumu, but i’m on my own tonight. which isn’t bad actually, going to just spend some time alone, get caught up on assignments, whatever.”
“i’d probably be having more fun with you,” he admits.
“what? not going good over there?” you ask.
“no, it’s a blast. i’ve missed these guys and it’s been super fucking fun. last night, hajime convinced oikawa to jump in the lake with him and because oikawa was really drunk, he did it, but hajime didn’t jump with him and oikawa was really pissed. swear to god he almost drowned. it was really great,” maki laughs at the thought and then responds to your concerned look, “he didn’t drown, yn, calm down, it was funny.”
“and i’ve got to catch up with people that i haven’t seen since high school,” maki shrugs, pausing, “but i mean, they’re not you.”
you’re about to react, some form of i get that coming out of your mouth as there is a harsh knock on maki’s door. “come in,” maki answers. 
from off screen, you hear oikawa mumble something. it’s quiet. you’re not sure you could’ve made it out if you hadn’t previously spent so much time with oikawa. “hajime wants to go to the diner to get food, get dressed.” 
“alright, alright, i’m just gonna say bye to yn,” maki says, sitting up in his bed. 
there’s a loud squeak of the mattress as oikawa jumps on the bed, you assume. “yn! how is everything back there? making it by without us?”
“it’s been one day, guys,” you groan, jokingly. “but it’s good. i’m good.”
“yn hung out with atsumu last night,” maki says. it sounds like a tattle. 
oikawa tilts his head to the side, “last night?” he’s sporting a devious smile as he pounces on maki, both hands covering maki’s ears as he says hushed, “and how did it go?”
a blush rises to your cheeks at the whole spectacle. maki is trying to push oikawa off of him and oikawa, surely used to testing iwaizumi in the same ways, is able to hold his ground. “good, it went good!” you reply in a laugh.
“and? did anything happen?” 
“no! stop it!” you say, watching as maki finally throws oikawa off of him. 
“okay! okay!” oikawa has both of his hands up in defeat, sliding off of the bed and walking towards the door. “10 minutes, maki, we’re leaving in 10.” the door closes off screen.
maki shakes his head, slightly out of breath, “i gotta go, but i’ll talk to you later, okay? i’ll text you.”
you nod. “and i’ll see you sunday?” you ask.
he tilts his head, questioning, “it hasn’t even been a full day. kinda pathetic.”
“fine,” you say, calling his bluff.
“no! i’ll see you sunday, loser,” he says quickly, “god, let me make fun of you for being obsessed with me once in a while.”
you can’t stop smiling. “alright, alright. see you sunday, maki. can’t wait.”
“can’t wait,” he repeats and then hangs up.
&lt; 11:21 pm < have a good day ♡
> maki ♡ / 11:21 pm > you too ♡
you’ve forgone yours and atsumu’s lawn blanket set up as per his request, which you weren’t really expecting. after the events of last night, you assumed he might want to have the space to be close to you. maybe not. 
you didn’t ask questions, just chose a familiar picnic table and sat on the side that you knew you could watch atsumu approach from. 
and you do, eyes on him as he walks towards you. he cuts through the lawn, deviating from the concrete path, throwing a smile your way when he recognizes that you’re watching him. 
“yknow it’s almost getting too cold to keep sitting out here,” you say as he approaches, gesturing to your spot on the lawn. your spot. you cross your arms over one another, shivering slightly. fall is settling in, the semester more over than it is started.
he walks around to your side of the bench and sits beside you. you’re not sure if he’s doing this on purpose, making you feel this flustered. when he takes his jacket off, the same one that you met him in, the same one that was hanging on the back of his chair last night, and presents it in front of you, you know that he must be doing this on purpose. 
“are you really giving me your jacket right now?” you ask, mind screaming at you to just grab it. “we’re not in a cheesy rom-com.”
“are ya cold or not?” he asks, extending it a bit further. 
“yes,” you mutter, grabbing it from him and sliding it on. “thank you, tsumu.” you’re enveloped with him, soft fabric infused with his clean scent, and you’re not sure you’re going to give this back, so you hope it’s not that important to him. “it’s cute that your accent comes out when you’re short,” you point out. 
“shuddup,” he says, shaking his head. you scooch over closer to him, legs pressed together. he throws his arm around your shoulder, picks at your lunch, and you’re very aware at how much of a couple you look like right now. it’s quiet, peaceful.
he breaks the silence with a sentence that you’re confused by how he thought it was a good idea, “don’t be mad.”
you immediately face him, expression contorted into confusion and maybe a bit of anger for no reason other than what else are you supposed to feel when someone prefaces with that?
he explains, “i’ve been thinking about what you said last night and-“
you jump at the loud voice and nickname. you can’t locate the source so you swivel your head. you search for whoever is calling for atsumu while he continues to explain, “so maybe i told my friends that i think they could meet you and we were getting lunch today.”
“bo, come on, you said you’d be chill,” another voice, a different voice, says. 
“and maybe they didn’t even let me explain, just said they would be there and maybe were a bit too enthusiastic about it?” he shrugs.
you spot the source now, the same buff man from the selfie smiling at you wide and waving excessively. you offer a small wave back. 
“me? meet your friends?” you ask, shocked. you obviously were about to meet his friends. they were crossing the lawn as you spoke. 
“i meant it last night, i just didn’t know you wanted to meet them,” atsumu says plainly. “and if it’s important to you, then it’s important to me.” ba-bump. 
you nod, because you’re certain that if you tried to speak, your words would come out jumbled. 
the two men take a seat across from you. the man with black and white hair beams, “it’s so great to meet you finally. we told him, said she’d probably love to meet us, but i think he’s just been embarrassed about us or something.”
“yn, this is bokuto,” atsumu introduces you. 
“and i’m sakusa,” the man with black hair and curly hair says, introducing himself. 
“it’s really great to meet you both,” you offer.
“hinata is going to be so sad he missed this,” bokuto says, “missing out on finally meeting the girl tsum tsum’s been talking about for weeeeeeks.”
“that’s enough,” atsumu says, shaking his head as he uses his free hand to shake it in front of bokuto. 
“bo’s right,” sakusa reasons, “atsumu does talk about you a lot.”
“guys, see, this is exactly why i didn’t want you to meet her, god,” atsumu says, clearly embarrassed, not used to being on defense around you, not like this. 
bokuto and sakusa are just smiling. 
“she deserves to know,” sakusa reasons, gesturing towards you. 
“yea, i deserve to know,” you speak up. there’s a prideful smile on sakusa’s face.
“never letting you guys interact again,” atsumu shakes his head, scrapes his fingers against your hip in a way that almost makes you jump. you can hear the lightness in his voice and when you turn to look at him, you can see the smallest warm smile. 
“so how do you guys know tsumu?” you ask, nickname slipping out just on instinct. 
neither of them tease you for it explicitly, but they do exchange a knowing look. if you were closer to them you could decipher the hidden meaning of she said it. she said the name. 
“volleyball,” bokuto says, “we all met at volleyball. atsumu is our setter. but also now our best bud.”
“yknow, i don’t think i’ve actually ever asked anything about your volleyball stuff,” you say to atsumu, putting your hand on his knee. you’ve always just talked about it vaguely, no real details. 
“but he's the volleyball guy,” sakusa smirks. 
“no-,” atsumu says.
“yeah! that’s what that guy called you? right?” bokuto asks. atsumu is about to interrupt again, a last-ditch plea on his face, but bokuto doesn’t notice or chooses to ignore it, “maki.” your best friend’s name comes out of this stranger’s mouth in a mocking tone and oh my god atsumu talks shit about maki to his teammates/close friends.
there are a million ways you could react to this statement, stammering and stumbling over your words as you land on a sharp laugh. “i- you-,” you can’t stop laughing, “is that? does atsumu-.” you really can’t talk. 
“what?!” atsumu asks as if he has any room to be the one questioning you.
“you just,” tears are forming at the corners of your eyes as you lean into his shoulder, forehead against his jacketless skin, “fuckin- it got to you that badly?” you turn your attention towards bokuto, “is that how he said it?” 
bokuto, ever the betrayer of atsumu, nods his head. 
“quit it,” atsumu says, less shocked and embarrassed now, your laughter infecting him. “that’s how he said it.” there’s a smile behind the words, soft laughter coming along with it. when you don’t stop laughing for another few seconds, and then a few more, atsumu wraps his arms around you, smothering him in his strong arms. “yer being ridiculous.”
you push away from him and in between your fits of simmering down laughter, subsiding for only a few seconds at a time before picking back up again, you catch the smile on sakusa’s face that says so clearly that you can tell without knowing him at all, so this is why he can’t stop talking about you.
once you’ve finally composed yourself, you turn to sakusa and bokuto, “and you guys play?”
“we both play outside hitter,” sakusa explains, looking like he’s about to elaborate a bit further, but atsumu interrupts.
“since i’m the setter, that means that i’m kinda like the brains of the operation.”
“oh, fuck off, miya,” sakusa says, rolling his eyes. 
you laugh, “i know what a setter does.”
“how? we’ve never talked about it?”
“well, no, but i’ve seen maki play plenty of times,” you note, “oikawa’s a setter. maki and iwa play outside hitter. you didn’t know they played too?”
“oh my god, they’re both the volleyball guys,” sakusa comments, leaning back in his seat like he’s just had the biggest epiphany. 
“fuck off, omi,” atsumu sneers and then turns his attention back to you, “you never told me.”
you put your hands up, “i don’t know! i guess it just never came up.”
bokuto reaches out his arm, grabbing your forearm excitedly. “well, one day you’ll have to come watch us play, yn,” he says, smiling brightly at you. 
“i would really love that, actually. tsumu’s never invited me to one of his games before, so,” you say, shrugging. honestly, it had never been a thought on your mind before, a lot of things hadn’t been on your mind before, but now that you’re sitting here with his very fun friends, you really want to be a part of it all. a part of this side of his life, not the one that you’ve created and pulled him into, lunches and tiny meet ups and dragging him to the grocery store and having him babysit your plants, but whatever this is that’s making your chest feel so light. 
“or let you meet us,” sakusa chimes in. 
“yea, for good fuckin’ reason,” atsumu quips back.
“well, consider yourself officially invited to our next game,” bokuto nods, “here, give me your number and we can-.”
“no way,” atsumu interjects. 
you’re already reaching into your bag, pulling out your phone, ready to punch in bokuto’s phone number. 
“i really don’t need you guys to have more ways to talk shit about me,” atsumu says, but there’s no malice in the words. 
“i wasn’t going to talk shit about you, tsum tsum,” bokuto rolls his eyes, offering out his hand for you to drop your phone into. atsumu is skeptical as he lets you give your phone over to bokuto. as soon as his fingers curl around the phone, bokuto finishes his thought, “but there are plenty of cute photos of you that i have that don’t seem very fair for yn not to have.”
atsumu lunges forward to grab the phone out of bokuto’s hand, but bokuto pulls it back quickly. “bokkun, i swear to god,” atsumu says, standing up as best he can while still being inside of the bench. bokuto is already two steps ahead, springing from his seat, nearly hitting sakusa as he does. 
“watch it,” sakusa warns. 
bokuto is gone, running away as he presses buttons on your phone. atsumu is much more careful on his side, makes sure to unravel from you before stepping out of his seat. “i’m not kidding!” despite the head start bokuto acquired, atsumu is already almost on his heels. bokuto is laughing, head thrown back as he messes with your phone. 
sakusa takes this moment of chaos to talk to you directly. his voice pulls you out of this awestruck daze watching atsumu jump on bokuto’s back. “i can see why he talks about you all the time,” sakusa says lowly across the table as bokuto runs in circles with atsumu on his back as if he weighs nothing at all.
you’re feeling a bit more confident at this sentence, a bit more easily yourself, so you let it slip as you turn to face sakusa, joking as you say, “what? i’ve proven how cool i am in this tiny lunch?”
sakusa chuckles, breathy, before nodding affirmingly, “not exactly what i meant, but yes, that too.” he pauses, contemplating if the thing he’s about to say next is pushing a boundary, saying too much, figuring out how to phrase it before it actually comes out of his mouth. “i meant more that i understand why he talks about you all the time.”
you’re quiet, tilting your head curiously. 
he doesn’t let you sit on your thoughts, finishes his sentence right as bokuto and atsumu are running back towards the table, “because he’s really into you.”
you don’t get to respond, interrupted by bokuto hiding on one side of you, finishing whatever he’s doing on his phone before thrusting the phone back into your hands. he sticks his tongue out at atsumu and atsumu narrows his eyes. “atsumu’s just worried that he’s going to fuck up at our game when you’re there.”
this is all so cute, the bantering and the things that bokuto is saying, but you have so many fucking questions. you want them to run back over there for hours so that you can have a long, in-depth conversation with sakusa about what exactly he fucking means. 
you don’t want to seem unresponsive or like you can’t keep up, so you reply, “maybe i’ll bring maki along and he can show off like he always does.” you almost regret it, but sakusa and bokuto start laughing just like you were laughing earlier and bokuto is slamming his fist on the table and atsumu doesn’t look hurt at all, he looks amiable. 
you turn your head towards atsumu, the laughter allowing you cover to speak just for him, “or i’ll just go and cheer you on. if you’ll have me there.” atsumu gives you a short, affectionate nod. 
sakusa and bokuto leave about a half hour (that’s spent mostly making fun of atsumu the entire time) after that, saying that they’ll see you again soon, they’re sure, and waving as they leave. as soon as they’re out of earshot, atsumu lets out a huge breath. 
“i told you,” he says, shaking his head, body finally relaxed in a way that makes you realized he was tense the entire time. “i told you that they were fucking weird.”
“they’re not weird, they’re sweet,” you say back. there is a certain peacefulness now that you assume only exists because of the huge absence of noise. it’s not better, just more familiar. you slot your fingers into atsumu’s, holding onto his forearm with your other hand. 
“yea, if you’re not on the other side of all of their bullshit,” atsumu shakes his head. 
“maybe if you didn’t talk about me so much,” you tease.
“don’t let it go to your head,” he says, lifting his arm that you don’t have a hold of and tapping on your forehead. you press your forehead into him, laughing. 
the two of you sit together for another few hours, pulling work out of your bags that neither of you really focus on. you mostly spend the time cracking jokes at the other’s expense or for the other to laugh at and finding new ways to get tangled into each other on a picnic table bench until it’s time to leave.
“i’ll see you sometime tomorrow, yeah?” you ask, moving around school work and responsibilities and seeing maki in your head to make room for atsumu in your day.
he leans forward, presses the quickest, smallest kiss into the side of your cheek, “obviously.” as he leaves, the warmth stays, on your cheek and down your chest, through your fingers and toes. partially because of the kiss, sure, but mostly because of the hoodie he’s entrusted in your care. 
you are both so excited for and dreading your night alone.  you are excited because it’s been awhile since you’ve just had some time in your room by yourself. you are welcoming the extra time to catch up on assignments and take a shower and not do anything else that requires thinking. 
you are, however, despite all of this, mostly filled with dread. saturday night is a staple miya atsumu hookup night. last week it was fine, the week before that, sure, whatever, but after last night, the thought of atsumu hooking up with some random girl that he found out at a party is bringing back a familiarly upset stomach. if you hadn’t had spent the night last night as you did, a taboo listening session might even have been in the stars tonight, would have been maybe really welcomed. 
but now you’ve slept in his bed. you’ve been in his arms. you’ve been on the other side of the wall. there are memories attached to this vision of him now. when you close your eyes, you can see his room so clearly. if you had to think about them in his bed, the one that you felt safe cuddled next to him in, the one where he told you about all of his childhood friends, if you had to think of her on his pillow instead of you? 
you take a deep breath, closing your eyes. you will have a great night all by yourself even if that means sleeping on the farside of your room and using your noise canceling headphones at full volume.
the later it gets into the night, the more antsy you’re getting. hours are ticking by and you have never been this productive in your life, assignment after assignment finished just to stop yourself from thinking for longer than a few seconds. you won’t have to worry about school work for the next few weeks. 
it’s nearly 1 am by the time that you’ve finished all of the work that you possibly can, which, in hindsight, was such a horrible idea. finishing all of your work before the 1-3 am time of the night? 
well, maybe if you’re just not in your room when he gets back, you can just put your headphones on and not have to think about it at all tonight. you grab a change of clothes, your towel, all of your bathroom essentials, and make your way to dorm showers at the other end of the hall. 
your shower takes much longer than it should because you make sure that it does, but somewhere along the way you must have pissed someone off, something from your past must be coming back to haunt you because instead of timing it perfectly to miss him completely, you’ve timed it perfectly to catch him completely. 
he’s all dressed up, hair perfectly done in a way that begs to be messed up, stupidly cute outfit, something plain but looks insanely good on him, enough cologne to fill the entire hallway, and, only when he sees you walking down the hallway, a huge smile on his face. 
you feel extremely underdressed, walking up to him. partially on account of the fact that you are wearing a huge tshirt, underwear, and absolutely nothing else. you don’t know if he’s already been drinking, if he doesn’t notice, or if he doesn’t care, but his eyes follow down your body slowly. 
every single moment in your life has happened because of a culmination of things; this is just a fact. everything that has happened in your life up until this moment has built up to this moment, that’s how living works. you knew this. 
but god you wish you could see a chart, could zoom in on every single point that had a hand in this moment and alter them in some sort of way that wouldn’t have caused you to say what comes out of your mouth. 
you look down at your phone screen, checking the time. “woah, you hung out with me on friday and no company tonight?” you ask as you step around him and in front of your door. why would you say that. 
you know why, vaguely, not completely. you’re not completely sure why you chose to essentially divulge the biggest secret you’re harbored of your entire college career in one sentence, but you know that it had something to do with how flustered you were in that moment, how good atsumu looks in front of you, and maybe the fact that it’s all you’ve been able to think about tonight.
it slips out, really, no barrier of judgment. you guys have been friends for too long. the quips and the teasing come so naturally now that you can’t help it. 
this is the first time that you’re admitting this to him. your heart is pounding as you wait for him to respond. he’s not responding quick enough. you hope that he just doesn’t clock it, doesn’t understand the implications of the joke.
he furrows his eyebrows together, stopping completely, “what?”
your body is burning. how do you backtrack from this. where do you go from here.
when you don’t answer immediately, his mind starts filling in the blanks, and he starts asking more questions, “company?”
“yea, like,” you clear your throat, shifting your towel under your arm, “y’know saturday nights and company.”
he turns to face you completely and you feel like this is your first time meeting him. you feel small, tiny, chest aching because of the violence of your heart. even more so when you see the embarrassment creeping onto his face. “how would you know if i have company?”
this is it. the fucking moment. it’s been over 4 months. the two of you have lived next to each other for nearly an entire semester. you went 2 months without even knowing him, 1 month with fixing all of your previously conceived notions, and this past month falling for him and it’s all about to go crashing down because of a stupid joke you’ve made. 
“you weren’t exactly subtle about it,” you answer and you’re amazed at how your voice is actually audible. 
a lot of things click for atsumu in that moment, you can see it on his face. 
“you heard that?” he asks, quietly stunned.
“all of it,” you answer.
it’s quiet for a moment. you can’t even hear the hum of the lights or the beat of your own heart as you wait for his reaction to the admission. 
“fuck,” atsumu says, palm smoothing over his face, “god, i can’t recover from that at all can i? holy shit.” he doesn’t ask why you didn’t tell him. he doesn’t look put off or uncomfortable. “holy shit. okay. well, fuck.”
you’re about to apologize when he shakes his head, fingers pushing through his hair. you can’t exactly read whatever emotion is there, maybe panic? you can’t get a good read because it’s gone soon thereafter. 
“no,” he says slowly, “i don’t have company tonight. was going to go out and drink with some friends, but i left my ID in my room.” he gestures to the keys in his hand, knuckles white around them. “you still alone this weekend?”
you nod, not really knowing what to do, where to go from here still. he’s not being weird. he’s trying to resume conversation with you, but something feels off. you want to say, “yea, i said i’d be alone all weekend, don’t you listen?” but any joke that comes to you feels too harsh, too out of place, terrified that it’ll end up an admission of something else.
“do you want-,” he begins to ask, but you shake your head so hard that you’re convinced you shake water droplets out of your hair and onto him. 
“no, no, are you kidding? i look like this,” you gesture down.
atsumu looks like he’s about to say something, but nothing comes out. fuck. you’ve really ruined things now. 
“go out with your friends,” you say, nodding your head down to the elevators. 
“we don’t have to go out,” atsumu adds.
“i’m not keeping you in on the weekend again,” you say, shifting your weight. “seriously, i’m okay alone tonight, you go on out.”
“do you want to drink?” he asks, persistent as always.
“tsumu, i told you, i’m not going out tonight,” you say. the nickname is muscle memory at this point and you’re glad that at least you have some sort of remnants of a few minutes ago. 
“just, here, we can drink here,” he gestures to his dorm room. you feel like a fucking freshman again. “if you don’t want to drink, that’s cool. i just-” he hesitates. it looks more difficult than it ever has, but he steps towards you and brushes a strand of hair out of your face. “it feels weird for the first time between us and i don’t think i can leave if you’re not feeling okay,” he finishes, overly attentive and completely different than you ever expected him to be, and you feel so horrible.
“tsumu-,” you start, but he isn’t having any of it.
“i’m serious.”
“one drink,” you say, “and then you go out with your friends.”
the thing about one drink is that nobody really has one drink. 
or, rather, you do at first and then you have another because the guy that you’re really into is in front of you, telling joke after joke trying to make you feel better about your relationship because you’ve just admitted that you’ve heard him having sex all semester.
and unfortunately for you and your self-deprecation, the guy that you’re really into is really good at making you feel better, not just with jokes and compliments, but with soft touches and genuine smiles. 
“i can’t believe you’re staying in with me when you look like that,” you say, shaking your head. you didn’t even have time to change, are still in the same post-shower outfit that you were before. 
“come on, you look better than i do,” he says, shaking his head, taking a sip of his drink and gesturing to you with his cup.
you’re sitting on his floor because the bed was a bit much after the painful conversation you had in the hallway. he’s sitting in front of you, back against his desk, as he sets his drink on the floor beside him. you let yourself flush, accept his compliment if only to fasttrack back to how it felt between the two of you before. 
the thing about more than one drink is that nobody really chooses a stopping point, not when the awkwardness has faded and the guy that you’re really into continues to stay the night with you. and definitely not when said guy has taken root next to you, pressed up against you completely. 
“fuck,” he shakes his head out of nowhere. he doesn’t even give you an opportunity to ask what, just repeats himself, louder, “fuck.”
“what?” you ask, turning to look at him, but not moving a single inch away from him.
“i can’t believe you heard all of that,” he says, shaking his head against the side of the bed. he laughs lightly, unbelievably. “that’s really just so embarrassing.”
for the first time tonight, at the mere mention of it, you don’t want to crawl into your room and cry. you’re not sure what exactly it is (it’s the alcohol), but you laugh with him, light at first, and then growing until you’re shaking your head. it is actually kinda funny. 
“it was funny at first, honestly,” you tell him, “i was like oh my god?? and then it progressively got, yknow, not as funny when i had morning classes and exams.”
“is that why we didn’t meet for the first two months of living next to each other?” he asks, turning his head to look at you. and he does, look at you, stares into your eyes with the amount of focus that someone as drunk as the two of you should not have been able to do.
“not really, more like a gift from god,” you say.
“hey,” he whines.
“yea, that night we met i was coming back from maki’s because i couldn’t take it anymore,” you admit to him. you can see the embarrassment settle in even heavier than before, a remorse coming alongside it. after all this time, you really didn’t mean for him to feel bad about it. “you don’t have to be embarrassed.”
“i mean, that’s so- i can’t believe-,” he stammers. you’re not used to seeing him like this and you understand why he had to have at least one drink with you before going out, because right now atsumu is feeling exactly how you felt out in the hallway and all you want to do is fix that.
even if it is at your own expense. 
“it’s fine, really, it’s fine,” you say, “it was funny at first, and then annoying, but i mean, eventually-” don’t you fucking dare “eventually it was good for me too.” stop fucking talking.
now he looks really confused and if you don’t explain no fucking stop he’s going to be even more weirded out. 
“well, i just mean, like,” you shrug, “like eventually i started to enjoy it.” shut the fuck up. 
he chooses his next words carefully, or as carefully as he can when the room is slightly moving. “like how?”
don’t say a fucking word. “like listening,” you admit. even in your drunken state, your stomach does flips. 
his face still has tiny elements of confusion, but most of it morphs into something much needier than that. “to me?”
you nod, movements barely noticeable but they’re making your head spin. the air is still, room quiet save for both of your quickened breathing. then, the only thing you can see is his hand, moving so slowly that you assume he’s afraid he’ll scare you off. he reaches across you, cups your cheek and pulls you to face him. when you’re looking at him, he doesn’t move his hand. 
he leans in towards you and you don’t know if it’s the alcohol in your body or the fact that an hour ago you were terrified that you would never be able to be in this room again, but you lean forward to meet him. he stops, just shy of your lips, talking so low that you can feel the vibrations against your lips. “and doing what?” he asks.
the whimper comes from your throat, lips tightly shut so it doesn’t have a chance to escape you. you lean forward further, pressing your forehead against his as his hand slides down your cheek to your jaw, fingers spanning your neck, curling softly so that his nails drag against your sensitive skin. you can feel it in your entire body. 
he lowers his head, nudges your chin with his nose, pushing your head further into his hand, exposing your neck. “can i?” he asks, breath tickling as he speaks. you’re not sure if he realistically thought you would deny him right now of anything that he wanted, really. you nod softly, not wanting to break out of his grasp.
the first thing that you feel are his teeth, scraping against the softness of your neck. and then you feel his lips closing around the skin. you close your eyes, no point in keeping your eyes trained on the ceiling, anyway. atsumu licks a strip up your neck before moving down again. he uses his free hand to pull at the neckline of your shirt, exposing your collarbones. he wraps his lips around the bone, sucking repetitively until you’re positive that there’s purplish marks wherever he picks his head up from.
his moves his hand from your jaw, trust you to keep the position that he’s moved you into, and you do. he rewards you for this, both hands smoothing down your body, following your curves, digging into them as he pleases, latheing his tongue over the same spots on your neck and chest. 
“tsumu,” you whine, not really sure for what, but just for more. his hands are on your thighs now, his fingernails pressing harshly into the fats of them before sliding upwards underneath the hem of your shirt. he can feel your skin in his hands now, can’t get enough of it as he moves his hands everywhere and anywhere he can. 
when he gets to your chest, takes both of your perfectly soft tits into his hand, you hear him stifle a grunt. he moves one hand quickly, grabbing at your hip, sliding down from your waist, pulling you towards him, facing towards him so that he can feel you again, so that he can play with your tits better. his touch is harsher this time, more desperate, more purposeful as he goes straight for your tits, no longer ghosting over your skin, but aching for your heavy tits to be in his hands. 
god, he can only imagine what they fucking look like all pretty and bouncing for him. fuck he needs to see them.
he pulls away from you, sits up from against the bed, moves in front of you. he’s on his knees, towering above you in your seated position. you’re looking up into his eyes, whimpers falling from your quivering lips. he cups your face again. you’re ready. you’re completely ready to recall every little thing that you have heard over the past month. you know atsumu, you know exactly what he likes, and you’re going to blow his fucking mind. 
knock knock knock.
just before his lips can touch yours, there’s a pounding knock on his door. 
“no fucking way,” atsumu says under his breath. 
“miya atsumu, get your ass out here now or i’m breaking down the fucking door.” knock knock knock knock knock knock. it's almost scary until you hear laughter from the hallway, snickering at first and then boisterous. 
“come on, i don’t even interrupt,” you say to atsumu, looking towards the door. 
knock knock knock knock knock knock. “we know you’re in there.”
“they’re not going to leave it alone until i answer,” he says, defeated, “i have to answer and then- then i’ll be right back and-.”
“atsumu, you have 10 seconds and i’m gonna start ramming,” the voice says.
atsumu scurries up from the floor, walking quickly over to the door as you adjust yourself, smoothing out your oversized tshirt and patting your hair. “what?” he hisses as he cracks the door open. the person on the other side of the door pushes it open completely. 
“we’re going out,” one voice says.
“another night,” atsumu says, the door already closing.
“i’m not leaving without you,” another voice replies, not pushing the door back open. 
“and i’m not leaving,” atsumu says, and you can tell he’s getting impatient now. 
from your spot on the floor, you recognize one of them as a guy from one of the photos. dark hair, carefree attitude. suna? you can’t remember exactly if you’ve gotten the name right. you’re surprised that you’ve even noticed the person at all. you don’t recognize any of the other two guys that are with him.
one of them, not suna, makes eye contact with you for the tiniest fraction of a second, “you literally have any other day to hookup with some chick.” you wonder if he thinks they’re being quiet. your cheeks burn. you want to be back in your room now. 
“it’s not like that,” ba-bump, he says, trying to quiet them a bit or at least just bringing his own volume down. 
“doesn’t matter,” one of them says.
“i didn’t want to spoil it, but,” suna says, “samu’s here.”
atsumu gets quiet for a second, really mulling over the weight of everything that’s happening, at the two sides that are pulling him in different directions. “samu’s here?”
“yeah, he was supposed to be here earlier, but his train got in super late and so he just got here and he wants to go out because it’s a saturday night. it was supposed to be a surprise or whatever, but you’re not listening to me, your best friend, and just leaving now. so that’s what you get,” suna spews.
“but i-,” atsumu says, instinctively looking back towards you. the look that you’re wearing almost makes him stay. “fuck.” he slams the door on the trio of guys and you are so grateful. you finally feel like you can breathe, can relax just the tiniest bit. he walks back over to you. “i’ve gotta-.”
you push yourself up from off of the ground, stumbling a little bit as atsumu helps you back onto your feet. “you don’t have to explain yourself, tsumu, go hang out with your friends.”
“if samu wasn’t here, i wouldn’t-.”
“i know,” you say. and it’s the truth. you 100% fully believe him with all of your heart. 
“you could go out with us,” he offers.
you’re not sure that you could handle being referred to as some chick all night or atsumu’s side piece or looked at like you’d never be looked at again. you weren’t ready for a miya atsumu night out and definitely not when you’re already feeling it as much as you are. you shake your head. “you go and have fun, see your brother.”
he looks so torn, so frantic as he tries to think out the rest of his night, how to get drunk you back to your dorm without having to expose you to the people in the hallway. “i’m probably going to stay with rin and samu tonight anyway. do you want to just stay here and maybe,” he hesitates, the knocking starts again, “you can meet my brother in the morning?”
“really?” you ask. 
knock knock knock knock. “it’s literally so getting so fucking late. hurry your ass up.”
atsumu helps you into his bed in not exactly the way he wanted to help you into bed tonight. “yes,” he answers, pulling the blankets over you, the softness of them so familiar. “and samu will love you and you will love him unfortunately.” atsumu reaches down and kisses your cheek. somehow it has you more flustered than anything that’s happened tonight. “tomorrow, okay?”
you nod. 
he moves quickly after he’s noticed how content you are, throwing on his shoes, grabbing his ID from his desk, muttering under his breath things that you’re not sure are meant for you. fucking kidding me now? gonna beat the shit out of him for fucking i can’t fucking. 
“goodnight, yn,” he says, reaching for the door, but not opening until you’ve said it back.
“goodnight, tsumu.”
you hear a click of the door, your eyes closing softly. and then you hear the voices. 
“you’re seriously leaving her in there?”
“guys- seriously,” atsumu says, trying to stop the questions about what was happening in the room before they showed up.
“why’re you leavin’ a one night stand in your-”
“i said it wasn’t fucking like that. leave it,” atsumu says through gritted teeth. you hear the lock click.
“no fucking way. that was fucking her wasnt it?” suna asks.
“stop, she can fucking hear you, the walls are thin,” atsumu snaps. 
you listen for the footsteps as they get quieter and quieter until you can’t hear any at all. you know you should be tired. you are tired, but you’re also in atsumu’s bed all alone. your eyelids are heavy and your breathing is slow and-
you reach your hand down between your legs. 
with the scenes that are playing in your mind, you’re almost sure you could make yourself come with one tiny finger. you spread your lips apart with two fingers, sliding your middle finger down your drenched slit. you push the tip of your finger against your hole, head tilting back messily into his pillow. 
he barely did anything to you at all, felt you up and kissed your neck, and you are soaking wet. your mind won’t stop wandering at where the night could have taken you if you weren’t interrupted. how deep he would be inside of you right now if you hadn’t been interrupted. at that thought, you plunge your fingers inside of you, moaning at how good they feel, but they’re not enough.
you’re missing your dildo, your fingers can’t reach deep enough, not even as you shove another finger in and circle your hips on them. you make the mistake of kneading at your tit, but it only leaves you missing the feeling of his huge hands grabbing at them. you’re feeling so fucking needy. it’s not enough that you’re doing this in his bed, you need to be doing it for him. you roll your hips against your fingers.
your clit rubs against the rough texture of the blanket and you almost come on the spot. “fuck,” you say aloud. you take your other hand on the outside of the blanket and push the fabric in between your legs, circling your hips against it. “mm fuck, tsumu.”
the blanket feels so good against you. he’s slept underneath these blankets, has probably jacked off to the thought of you underneath these blankets “fuck!” you say louder. you know exactly how loud you’re being, but you also know that no one that you care about is around to hear them. 
your hands search around the bed. you don’t have time to feel any regret. it feels so good, you’re chasing this high, so fucking close. your skin feels like it’s crawling, aching. you fucking need this. you throw the blanket off of you, take your panties off and throw them across the room somewhere that you’re sure you will regret when you have to get them in the morning, but you need to feel it completely against your swollen lips and pretty clit. 
you take the pillow that’s underneath your head and shove it between your legs. you press down on the soft pillow as hard as you can to get as much friction as you can as you fuck your clit into fabric that smells so fucking much like atsumu. you’re drenched, sloppy against his pillow but you can’t stop. your fingers grip into the cushion, his name falling off of your tongue like an unheard prayer. 
“please, so close, so close,” you say, thrusting your hips against the pillowcase faster. you’re going to come. you’re going to fucking come on the pillow that he’s going to sleep on. “oh my fucking god,” you cry and you let yourself go, flooding as you come against his pillow. you can feel the mess that you’ve made smearing against the textured fabric.you can’t move. your bones feel like they’ve been replaced with bricks, but you need to see it. you pull the pillow up, your eyes instantly drawn to the large wet spot right in the center. fuck. you throb, so painfully empty. “fuck,” you mutter to yourself and put the pillow back between your legs, “not enough.”
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k-n0-x · 5 months
༺ ♱✮♱ ¨:·Something Stupid- Chapter 5·:¨ ♱✮♱ ༻
A/N- Hello everyone! Sorry this chapter took sooooo long to get out. I compensated in making it a bit longer than the usual chapters. I hope y’all enjoy :3
Enjoy <3
“Well, did you enjoy that Emily?” You ask Emily as you both pass through the portal, and onto your porch.
“Yes! I finally get what you mean when you say Charlie and I are alike,”
“Sweetie, you are carbon copies of each other, it’s not that hard to come to that conclusion ,”   You smile, and jump when you remember something. 
“By the way, Sinners can be redeemed! I did some digging around a couple of days ago, but I forgot to tell you,” 
For a moment, Emily becomes silent, letting the news sink in. 
Shs squeals. 
“Oh this is amazing! That means that-” 
“That what, Emily?”
The voice of the Elder Seraphim makes you jump out of your skin. 
“Hi, Sera, uhm just, er,” You lose face in front of Sera, but she is more looking at Emily than you. 
“Where exactly have the two of you been? Emily I was looking all around for you today,”
“Oh she was just hanging out with me at my house today-”
“I didn't see you around at all today,” Adam pops up behind you.
Ah yes, him. 
“Were you not out all day today?” You counter. 
“Enough! I already knew that Emily was in Hell with you,”
Your mouth agape, you make an attempt to form a plausible excuse. 
“I uh, just wanted to help out with the aftermath of the extermination and I just invited Emily along, please don't punish her, I really pushed her into it,”  You grimace. Surely there’s going to be a berating headed your way.
Emily gives you a confused look, and you return it with a warning one. 
“Whatever for? It's not like it works anyway,” Sera, despite spewing her bullshit, has her head up high. 
The latter remark makes you stick out your chin, with a defensive attitude. 
“Uh, yes it does, actually,” You smile innocently.
Sera’s face pales. 
“What, what do you mean? Obviously, sinners do not have the capacity to be redeemed,”
“Yeah, the big shot’s right. Those little, dare I say, cunts have already fucked up their one chance, why give them another?”
Your ‘husband’ sides with the Seraphim, but Emily stays beside you. 
“Well why not discuss this in court then?” Your eyes, almost manic glares into the ones of the first man. 
“Wha- What the fuck man? You can't do that-Right Sera, she just can't-”
“No, she can… When do you want to hold the meeting?” She turns to you. 
“Perhaps the day after the next? So that we'll have time to prepare,”
“.... Very well. Emily, let's go,”
Em stays back a bit and mutters, “Whatever happens, I’m on your side. I’ll try to help in anyway I can,”
“You don’t have to,” you mumble back.
“Emily! Let’s go,” Sera hisses. The two Seraphims leave the patio of your home.
“Why the fuck does this matter to you so much bitch?” Adam points an accusing finger at you, which you slap away.
“Oh, I don't know, maybe I want to uphold true Heavenly values? You of all people should know that,” You hiss back. 
“Uh, no. Sinners can't be redeemed, now stop preaching all this dumb bullshit, and get ready, because you're going down, bitch,” 
You bite your tongue, because God forbid you send him into a frenzy. You don’t have the time or energy for his tantrum right now.
“Well, I'm going to bed bitch, God, I am so handsome, and cool and amazing,” Adam sashays to the bedroom, irritating you so. 
You pave a path to the living room.
You look at the couch.
You are not planning on sleeping on the same bed as Adam tonight. 
Or the next, for that matter.
You flop on the couch like a tired dog, and doze off. 
You’re in a desolate landscape. It's familiar. 
Oh yeah, you've been here before. 
Adjacent to you is the pedestal with the glowing ball. 
“Yeah, I’m not doing that again,” You step away from the monument and bump into something.
Or rather, someone.
“Sera? What are you- hey!” The Seraphim suddenly pushes you without warning, cascading you down into a dark pit.
Dark pit… This has happened before.
What the fuck is going on?
Despite your confusion you flap your wings in the darkness, but as soon as you get to the top of the hole again, some force drags you down. 
You look towards the surface, and see exterminators grinning (quite ironically) devilishly at the sight of your downfall
You spiral into the abyss, and the familiar heat appears. 
You hit the ground with a thud, and jump out of your couch, sun rays peeking through the curtains.
What was that dream? That's the second time today that you had a dream such as this. 
What's that glowing ball about?
Why, in the second dream, Sera pushed you into that hole?
Why couldn't you fly? 
Why, did you fall? 
Also, what is up with the ground at the bottom of the pothole?
It was so different from the  empty landscape at the surface, with its red hot coals.
You rub your eyes with your trembling hands. It felt so real, as if your hands are suffering the aftermath of being burnt on the scorching stones.
There's no point crying about it now. 
Time to become your own attorney.
“So, let me get this straight. There's a court meeting tomorrow and you need Charlie  to be there. On short notice?!” Vaggie groans and rubs her temples. 
“This is the perfect recipe for disaster,” 
“Yah, honestly you fumbled this one toots,” Angel adds, absentmindedly scrolling through his phone.
“Vaggie, this isn't so bad. At least now we have solid evidence. Who knows? We actually have a fighting chance,” Charlie gives her girlfriend a comforting hug from behind. 
“I know it's short notice, and I'm sorry I'm asking for a lot, but it could help you guys immensely,” You ramble on. 
“Maybe we can sit down and look all of this over. I’ve brought some documents with me, and after possibly I could snatch Sir Pentious to go to the court meeting as well,” You start naming things like a list so fast, the words that leave your mouth are almost unintelligible. 
“Hey, maybe you should sit down. Seems like you're getting the jitters. Oh Charlie! Maybe you should brew a pot of tea, hmm?” Lucifer puts a hand on your shoulder and guides you to the couch. 
“Sorry for getting worked up about all of this, and all, I just have a lot on my plate,” you rub the head of Kiki, calming down to the vibrations of the cat's purrs.
“Yeah I could tell,” The demon holds your shaky hand gently, as if it was made of glass. 
“See, you're shaking. I'm assuming the hearing isn't the only reason you're so anxious,” 
You sigh. 
“Really, I'm fine. Don't worry about it,” You smile, and squeeze his hand.
The King slightly reddens at the touch.
Charlie enters the room with piping hot cups of tea with Vaggie, who was holding a tin of biscuits. Charlie squints at the sight of you and her dad holding hands. Instinctively, you pull away casually.
“Okay, so,” You begin to take out some papers from your bag and place them on the table. 
“Recently, St. Peter gave me receipts of who has entered Heaven in the recent weeks. Even though we know that Sir Pentious is in Heaven, we should still try to match up the dates of when he entered, and the day of extermination,” 
“It'll be good hard cold evidence, especially if we get a grab of Pentious himself…” you bite your lip. 
“We’d probably have to look around for more information… Would either of you know anything?” You turn to the three. 
Lucifer scratches his head for a moment. 
“Hmm, nothing that I could think of-” 
“I believe I could make an attempt to ask Rosie and the other Overlords, they like to be keeping an eye on everything that goes on in Hell,” The familiar nails-on-a-chalkboard voice makes you jump out of your seat, almost spilling the cups of tea on the table. 
Geez, can Alastor abstain himself from giving you a jumpscare just to make his entrance?
“Yeah, that'd be amazing! We really need all hands on deck for this,” Charlie answers for you.
“Thanks Alastor. You're so kind,” You add, just out of habit. 
“It’s no problem my dear. Anything to help out a friend,” 
Friend? Alastor isn't an enemy to you, but you barely have shared any proper conversation to consider him your friend. 
That title he used for you seemed, off, like he doesn't regard you as a friend. 
But why-? 
“Yeah, thanks for your kind offer Alastor, but I'm quite confident that us three have it covered. So can you please remove yourself from here? We need to concentrate,” Lucifer pipes up from beside you, a thin layer of rage decorating his tone. 
“Uhm, some extra help doesn't hurt anyone Dad, right Y/N?” 
It feels like everyone in the room is looking at you for your input. 
Thankfully, your saving grace, Niffty turns the attention to her.
“Why are all the bad boys becoming good boys?! Ugh! So lame,” She groans as she uses a brush to sweep stray crumbs from the floor.
Using this window of opportunity, you change the subject. 
“Okay, now regarding Sir Pentious, I should probably call him now…” 
“I still have the card you gave me!” Charlie takes out the card from her breast pocket, crusted with dry slime and lint.
“You keep that thing on you?” Vaggie cringes.
“Yes, and?” Charlie dials the number on the card. 
Briing rring
You hold your breath as each silent second drags on. 
“Hello? Who isss thiss?” A voice rings from the other end. 
“Sir Pentious, is that you?!” The Princess replies. 
“Charlie? Iss that you?” The voice counters. 
“Oh hi!! So as much as I want to catch up with you, I have a teeny tiny favour to ask of you…”
“Ahh, I don't know Charlie. Thiss iss a very important matter, I don't know if I could handle it,”
“Pentious, by helping us, we could be achieving big! We need to either go big or go home! I know it's a lot of you, but, pretty please?”
A crackled sigh. 
“Oh alright…”
“Aaaa thank you so much Pentious! I'd give you a hug, but, you know… Ah bye bye!”
Charlie drops the call. 
“Seems like everything's in order now. I'll see you guys tomorrow?” You stand up from the couch. 
“Yes, and Y/N?”
You turn to the Princess. 
“Yes Charlie?”
She hesitates. 
“....Thank you again, for all of this,”
“Charlie, again, it's really no problem, okay? It's literally the least I can do,” You give Charlie a hug. 
It's all you can do. 
“We are gathered here today to re-determine if sinners are able to redeem themselves via Charlie Morningstar’s Hazbin Hotel,” The Seraphim’s voice bellows from above. 
Cherubs and winners are below you, Charlie is by your side, and Emily is beside Sera, on edge.
“The plaintiff is Y/N, and the defendant is Adam, the first man. Y/N, I bring the floor to you,”
You take a deep breath and take out your notes. 
“Well, your Honour, I have receipts which show that a sinner has entered Heaven in recent weeks,” You thrust out the piece of paper, which Sera draws towards her. 
“He goes by the name ‘Sir Pentious’,” Your voice puts on a nonchalant tone, but it feels like your heart is about to stop. 
Sera reads over the piece of paper, her face as though she swallowed a particularly sour lemon. 
“Uhhhh, I call bullshit. I mean come onnnnnn,” Adam groans. 
“I mean, do you know how easy it is for her to just print that out. Don't tell me you're actually believing this?” He smirks, and gets a snicker from Lute beside him.
“Uhm actually,”Sir Peter pipes up from the stands. 
“I actually gave her that paper a while ago, if that can vouch for anything-”
“Shut up Pete,” Adam spits. 
“Order!” Sera’s feathers ruffle, and she tucks them back down.
“Unless the defendant shows indubitable evidence, I’m afraid the verdict still stands,”
“Sera no!” Emily cries.
“Emily, this is an official court meeting, one of which you aren’t apart of. If you can’t keep quiet, you would have to leave the courtroom,”
You bite your nail. You really didn’t want to pull out your winning card this early…
“May I call a witness?”
“You may,”
“Well I call Sir Pentious as my witness,” You nod towards where the cacophony of angels were.
“Well your Honour…” He hisses, his tail wagging as though alert. 
“I used to be a sinner, ass you may already know. During the lasst extermination, I wass killed in the battle… Then before I knew it, I wass up here in Heaven. That's all,” Pentious looks up at you, and you give a thumbs up along with a smile. 
“Any quesstions?” 
“No, you may sit down,” Sera starts, but a cherub pipes up from the audience. 
“What does he mean by “as you already know”? I for one didn't know about that,” 
Multiple angels, winners and Heavenborn alike, all murmur in agreement. Emily then bursts out,
“I'll tell you this. It's because Sera and I knew when Sir Pentious entered Heaven. Rather than going through the pearly gates, he appeared amongst the two of us.” 
And all Hell, (or Heaven) breaks loose.
“Silence! This meeting is adjourned,” Sera’s ringing voice brings the noise of the  populated stadium to a halt.
“Adjourned? What, why?” Charlie inadvertently voices your thoughts.
“My reasoning will not be objected,” Sera dodges the question.
“This meeting will be continued within twenty minutes,”
“Charlie, what do we do? Sera clearly doesn’t want to budge, and God knows what lies Adam is feeding her,” you  pace up and down, words leaving your mouth as quick as lightning.
“Uhh don’t panic,” Charlie puts her hands up defensively. 
“She hasn’t made a decision yet, we could- erh” She stumbles over her words,  and fumbles a small yellow item out of her pocket and puts it in your hand.
“My dad said to give it to you if you got worked up- uhm,” Charlie steps backward a bit to give you some space. 
You look at the object in your hand, which took the shape of a duck that was decorated with the signature white hat, and an apple cane in its flank.
You squeeze it and it produces a familiar tune. Your eyes widen as you remember that it was the melody  you complimented just the other day. 
At the time, it was just obligatory praise, but you were absolutely smitten by the fact that Lucifer has taken it seriously.
The dedication, into making something like this, for you is…
Really Charming. 
“Uhhh, Are you alright?” The Princess taps her foot anxiously, waiting for your answer.
“Oh yeah!” You look up, cheeks warming.
“I really love it. Tell him as such,” your stupid face breaks into a smile despite everything.
“I will. He’d be pretty happy hearing that, especially from you,” she gives you a playful nudge.
“You know… He likes you. Like- a lot,” 
Your eyes brighten, and Charlie squeals at the sight.
“Oh, I knew it was reciprocal!” She brings you into a massive bear hug.
“Charlie- I-,”
“Oh, sorry,” She lets go.
“I was squeezing too hard, wasn’t I?”
“No, no it’s not that. It’s that well- you know I’m married,” An gravelly sigh leaves your lips.
“I think we would be better as friends,” Your throat is scratchy. Why is this so hard to say? 
“Oh,” was her reaction, only enhancing your guilt even more. She looked so remorseful, you wanted to hug her so badly and say that you were lying.
And you were.
“Excuse me?” A cherub taps your shoulder.
“The court meeting is about to resume,”
As you enter back on your podium, you see Adam whispering something into Sera’s ear. He looks at you and makes a rude gesture, which you reciprocate.
“Enough! The court is back in session. Now, I bring the defendant to speak,” 
“Ehhh yeah, anyway my point still stands. I don’t think we want some sinners cavorting around , making trouble,”
 His statement just irritates you. How could he just say something like that?
“How do you know that? Pentious has been here for a while, and I doubt he has been making any disturbance,” are you picking the low hanging fruit? Yes. Is it helping your case? Also yes.
“Uhhhh yeah, but what’s the guarantee that others won’t? Geez, you’re so gullible,” He snorts like the pig he is.
“The defendant has a point. I feel like I’ve come to a conclusion, and it still hasn’t changed from the last session. Lute, please see Princess Charlie Morningstar out. Everyone else is  dismissed,”
All the spectators leave. Sir Pentious looks back and gives you a consoling wave before taking his leave.
Lute flies over to your podium and a portal opens behind Charlie.
“What? No!” You and Emily shout in unison. The General roughly grabs the princess by the arm and drags her through the threshold.
 Horns protrude from Charlie’s head, trying to resist the Angel’s force. More exterminators appear, almost magically and with one final push, the Demon princess is hauled through the portal.
“Charlie, NO!” You outstretch your hand, but it’s too late. The gateway closed with a whoosh sound.
“Now, was that really necessary?” You stare daggers at Sera, Lute and Adam.
“It had to be done,” was her response.
“Also, Sera, you said you wanted to talk to Y/n about something,” The first man’s tone is sinister, and is putting you on edge. 
“Oh, yes. Thank you for the reminder. Well, Mrs. Y/N, I ban you from travelling to Hell without a permit,”
“What, why?!” Your heart is in your throat.
“Uhh, coz I don’t want you there. D'you know how bad it'll look on me if I can’t control my wife?!” 
Sera puts her fingers between her eyes.
“Ahem, what Adam is trying to say is that, you clearly aren’t thinking of the consequences all of this may have. Imagine the state of Heaven if we just let any riff-raff in,”
You let out a short breath in shock. That was it. Game over.
“Y/N, WAIT!-” Emily tries to fly to your podium
She was met with a slammed door in her face.
Word count- 3,111
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meanwaffle · 20 days
Comforting Ruby (Diluc x Alcoholic!Reader)
Echoes of the Night (Chapter 1)
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☆ Tags/warnings: alcohol abuse, rivals to lovers fic, bartender diluc
☆ Notes: I wrote this back in april! I kinda retired fic writing, but I want to get back into it because it was always a hobby that made me happy.
I have chapter 3 of my adachi fic half way written as well for anyone waiting for that! super excited to share that and this! :) thank you for taking the time to read!
The dimly lit bar echoed with the sounds of clinking glasses and hushed murmurs from patrons scattered throughout the building. Some were there to share a dinner with their family, and others were loud with celebration. Yet, in this atmosphere of joy, you found yourself the odd one out.
The purpose of coming to the bar tonight had long left you, drowned in the constant noise and the swirling currents of conversations around you. The air hung heavy with the scent of various liquors, wines, and as you sat amidst the lively crowd, all you could do was let your thoughts attempt to bubble into something coherent before completely vanishing.
“ Ughhh .” you groaned under your breath. How did this happen? You were so drunk you couldn’t remember what was even in your drink, let alone how you managed to finish it all plus several others.
Empty beer mugs were stacked haphazardly around you, evidence to the hours you had spent here. Your thoughts were jumbled and slurred and any attempt to make sense of them ended with an expected failure. “I want more.” The words stumbled out on their own. “I want to order something sweet.”
Charles, who was only a few steps away, turned to face you. The friendly, familiar bartender smiled at you, followed by a firm head shake. "No can do, little lady." With a quick denial, he started to gather the glasses cluttered around you. "Yer already sloshed beyond limit. "
“ Charles !”
“None of that whining. I would have cut you off earlier if I wasn’t swamped tonight. I’m gonna have to find someone to bring ya home.” He glanced around. “and I gotta start getting ready to close. Closing early tonight! Big plans—.”
Despite his words being clearly spoken, you found it increasingly difficult to clearly hear him. The subtle movement of his lips became a blur, and strangely enough, the more you blankly stared at him, the more you forgot what he looked like. The sounds coming out of his mouth seemed to fall on deaf ears as your attention drifted into an abstract haze.
You allowed your head to fall back into the empty air. The corners of your mouth quivered feebly, attempting to form a smile that refused to come to light. Suddenly, your body convulsed as your head involuntarily fell forward and vomit forced its way out of your throat and into some sort of rustic bucket in front of you. The acrid taste of bile and alcohol lingered in your mouth, making you gag even more. Your breath was heavy and you gulped harshly to suppress the desire to puke more.
You were confused, drunk, sick, and you wanted to ask why the bar was across the room when you were sitting there not even two seconds ago. Did you move yourself or did someone move you? Maybe you were teleporting.
As the wave of nausea passed, you lifted your head, opening your eyes to a blurry world. Shapes and colors swirled around you, and you could hear fragments of sentences from other voices. Your head felt like it was spinning out of control, and the sounds around you were distorted and garbled. Then, for just a moment, all the different lines and textures and colors of reality lined back up together to form visuals you could actually understand.
Three individuals you couldn’t make out stood in the empty bar. ‘When did everyone leave?’, you wondered. The bucket in front of you is filled with the remnants of your previous meal, or lack thereof. All of them were talking and still you couldn’t make out any of the voices.
“ I’ll go home by myself,” It came out as more of a sob. One of the figures, someone you knew yet couldn’t recognize, was swift to stand by your side and rub your back. The compassion you could feel from them reminded you of your mother which made you break into another drunken sob. They quietly spoke sweet words you couldn’t stop yourself from ignoring. “I’m– no , I'm fine!” Stumbling through the thick haze of inebriation. Whatever they were trying to tell you wasn’t important enough for you to retain the information. More words tumbled their way out of your throat, but you were none the wiser to what was being said.
Their voices continued to speak, but moments were slipping away from you. Everything around you felt like scattered fragments of a dream. A dream you were enjoying.
The shrill sound of bells forced you awake.
You bolted upright unintentionally. The unstable bed shook, creating a wobble which tossed you off the side of the bed and straight onto the floor. Strings of curses escaped your lips, but you gathered yourself and sat on the edge of the bed; burying your head into the rough flesh of your palms.
The events from the previous night were blurry. Fragments of memories were somewhat understandable; only due to the burning shame in your chest and pounding headache. You remember going to the bar and throwing up, afterwards you ran out to go home... then... bricks. Lots of bricks. What was that about, you wondered?
“Oh my god…” you mumbled.
You glanced up and came face to face with today’s chaotic appearance. Your hair was messy enough to represent a rat’s nest. And geez, you didn’t want to even mention the sorry state of your eyes. The unfashionable black circles were darker than usual, creating a sharp glare. If a child saw you, it wouldn’t be unreasonable for them to scream, "Mommy, there's a raccoon trying to impersonate a human again!"
This was a daily thing. Looking in your mirror and pointing out any flaw you can find. Some people might argue it's not good for your mental well-being, but for you, it was a comforting routine. It brought some order into your life, something you could rely on.
You'd even think of ways to fix yourself. A haircut could sort out the messy hair, and maybe some skincare advice from Marjorie could help with those tired-looking eyes.
Yep, with just a little touch up you could really sparkle. Similarly to the ruby ring on your dresser.
A ring?
There, on the dresser, a vibrant ruby ring laid, catching the light and dazzling in your gaze. The gem alone was huge, but the gold accents made your mouth fall open! Confusion set in like a fog. That can’t be right; for you knew you could never own, let alone afford, such an extravagant ring.
You attempted to think back and decode your blurry memories to figure out how this ring even got here, but you knew it would be a failed effort. You can’t even remember how you got home!
You were left with one giant question. How did this ring end up here?
Oh goodness… you could only pray you haven't accidentally turned into a mugger. If getting blackout drunk transformed you into a thief, your drinking would be developing into a real problem and that wasn't the case! You never drink by yourself so that means you're perfectly fine.
Surely, there was a reasonable explanation. Perhaps you struck someone's fancy and they gifted you this ring as an attempt to capture your favor?
You glanced back over at the mirror. Nope, you've unquestionably sunk to the station of a mere thief.
With your sole concern being speed, you swiftly dressed and tidied up your hair as best as you could. There was only one thing you could do; return to the scene of the crime and figure out step by step what events led to the ring to end up in your home. And god forbid, if you did end up stealing the ring, you were prepared to humble yourself and plead with them not to press charges.
You wouldn’t be able to survive in jail! They don't allow prisoners to go to the bar!
As you power walked back towards Angel’s Share, suppressing the anxiety of facing the consequences of the previous night, one name dominated your thoughts: Mr. Six-Fingered Jose. He was an excellent friend, a genuinely kind soul who continues to uplift you despite your obvious flaws. The best part is, he sings at the bar almost every night. Surely, he must have seen you last night at Angel’s Share and can give you some sort of summary of what occurred.
Best case scenario, Jose can confirm that the only crime committed last night was the embarrassing display you can only assume you provided.
Worst case scenario, he already contacted the authorities and is currently giving them your description.
The building came into view and you swallowed any lingering anxiety as you walked inside. And if Jose doesn't have any information to help, Charles absolutely should. “You’re fine,” you thought to yourself, “one conversation and all this worry will go away.”
The tavern's warm wooden exterior came as a surprise. You were used to the cluttered atmosphere during the evening. The knights dragging their buddies in and out of the bar, the inside flooded with loud singing and lots of beer.
Potted flowers hanged along the windowsills and families seemed to be enjoying a meal together out in the sun. The sight put a thought in your head you never had about the establishment before.
How peaceful. Why would anyone drink at home when they can come here?
As you stepped inside, the interior was flooded with natural light, revealing more patrons eating, chatting and spending quality time in a social setting. The scent of brewing tea and the hum of conversation filled the air, much different from your usual visits. Amidst the lively day-time experience, there was a disappointing absence. The spot by the door, where Jose usually performed, was empty. You blinked a few times, your gaze transfixed, similar to a hydro slime caught in the blinding glare of a sudden fire. A dreadful feeling of idiocy crept up your spine as it dawned on you that the only lead you had wasn’t at the tavern because Jose only plays here at night!
You were so concerned with the sudden appearance of your, or whoever's, ring, that you didn’t take into account the time of day. Jose doesn’t waste his days confining his performances to the tavern alone. He wasn’t like you, he had a life beyond this place, other audiences to impress, and possibly more enjoyable company elsewhere.
Well, the simple choice would have been to walk out and continue your obligation of figuring out the events of last night. But you walked all this way! Surely, it’s alright to stay for a brief moment. A glass of wine is a must, especially in a troubled situation such as this one.
The bar was empty, but that didn’t surprise you. It was always quiet when you first arrived, with people trickling in as the night went on. Besides, it wasn’t like you came here earlier for the sole purpose to drink. You just had a good reason to come here and a good reason to drink.
A sense of shame welled up inside you, with the rational part of your mind warning against the terrible idea of drinking this early, especially after last night which possibly involved theft. But still, your heart rate was skyrocketing and you felt your breaths getting choppy. This ring was making you anxious.
“Just one glass is okay, it'll make the hangover more bearable” you justified to yourself, “and you’re in a stressful situation. It’ll chill you out."
Plus, while drinking you can speak to Charles. You vividly remember him cutting you off, so he might have an answer and you won’t even need to bother Jose with more of your troubles, so going to the bar is actually a great idea. The glass of wine is icing on the cake.
“Now may I ask why you’re here so early?” The words spilled from lips you didn’t know. With an air of sophistication and directness; it was obvious this wasn’t Charles. You had been so in your head about last night causing you to overlook the fact that an unrecognizable figure now occupied Charles's customary spot and, worst of all, was wearing his uniform.
...What intense eyes.
It was the first thing you noticed from the striking figure; deep, fierce ruby eyes. Matching red hair was tied neatly into a bun, adding some flair to his proper appearance. Chiseled facial features, followed by a strong jawline and high cheekbones, you could gather that he was a younger man.
And yet, the allure of his looks was overshadowed by the rude intentions the young man brought forth with his words. His furrowed eyebrows, on top of a glare not so subtly hidden, presented the first ever unwelcoming attitude you witnessed in this establishment.
“Excuse me?”
“It’s noon.” The unnamed bartender pointed his finger towards a clock, not even bothering to look in its direction. He was too busy gazing ahead, seemingly scanning something. Perhaps other customers.
You didn't know how to respond. This rando’s audacity actually had you stunned! What was he implying here? You mean, he could be busy tending to other odd jobs before the flow of bar-goers hits and is annoyed you interrupted that, after all he did seem distracted, but with that glare? No, he's absolutely shaming you for drinking wine this early.
You wanted to scream at him, get over it! Making drinks is the main part of the job and you should be ready to do it whenever! Even Charles, who has kicked you out a few times and cut you off more times then you can count, always maintained his professionalism within the job.
“And…? The bar is open at noon isn't it...?” You fired back, heat creeping up your spine and igniting an intense warmth in your cheeks. You haven’t even ordered yet. Glancing around, you spoke with a bit of huff in your tone. “Is Charles around?”
With a raised eyebrow, he responded “He is not.”
“Where is he?”
“How come you’re asking?” The red headed man stopped the minimal cleaning he was tending to, leaning onto one elbow against the bar and giving you his full attention. “Did you come here to speak to him?”
It was as if you were in an integration seat. “Well, no, I was looking for Jose. Not that it’s any of your business.” With a sigh, you avert his gaze. Eye contact makes you nervous. "But, if you must know, he isn’t here so I thought I'd speak to Charles. Glass of red wine, please.”
The red-headed man crossed his arms, his gaze unwavering and filled with suspicion. Frustration lingered as you tried to understand why this guy would be here instead of Charles. He lacks social manners! Why would they hire him? You didn’t even know they were hiring!
"Why do you need to talk to Charles if you were originally looking for Jose?" he inquired.
Letting out an over dramatic sigh, you sank back in your barstool. “None of your business.” your eyes wandered to the enticing array of wines displayed on a shelf behind the bar. “Just get me a glass of red wine, please .”
The bartender clicked his tongue disapprovingly. "Your attitude wasn’t this unpleasant last night."
"Attitude?" You began to raise your voice. Your body was halfway off the stool, preparing to create a scene. However, when the eyes of nosy customers bore into you, transforming your surroundings into a sea of awkward silence. You couldn't help but cringe at yourself as you shifted back into your seat, realizing your impulses always find new ways to embarrass yourself.
The bartender, with an eyebrow furrowed, was still looking at you as if he was waiting for a response.
“Wait, huh?” Your head tilted sideways, “You said last night?”
“You mean, you saw me last, last night?”
“…Yes.” His lips pressed together in a straight line. “Remember? We talked lots about–”
“Oh my god!” Jumping out of your stool, unintentionally creating the scene you just narrowly avoided, but that was no longer a concern. There was a break in the case! “We were here, right? At Angel's Share?”
"I guess you could say that…" His nose scrunched up.
"You guess?!" More eyes focused on you. Embarrassed but trying to stay cool, you cleared your throat, sat back in your seat, and lowered your voice. "Sorry, I meant—what do you mean by 'you guess'? Did you see me leave the bar?"
His expression tightened. It was strange—every part of his face was tense, from his stiff lips to his furrowed eyebrows. "…You were there. Don’t you remember?"
Why was he acting so weird? If he actually saw you last night, it shouldn't surprise him that you blacked out. "You saw me last night, but didn't notice how drunk I was? Of course I don't remember."
His eyes shifted, but he didn’t say a word.
Your demeanor transformed into a gentle plea for the answer. Initially, the bartender regarded you with a puzzled expression, as if you were speaking an ancient language, confused on why this interaction was taking place.
“It was painfully obvious you were drunk." He finally spoke. "But... to forget the entire night is unthinkable.”
"Well, news flash, liquor can do crazy stuff like that," you snapped, your voice sharper than intended. "Aren't you supposed to be a bartender? Shouldn't this be common for you?"
"This is my first day." He cocked his head to the side. "Surely, you would have seen me before if I was regularly working."
Yikes. You fell silent. After all, what could you possibly say in response to that? He got you good with that one.
If only Charles was here. You hated eye contact, yet here you were, locked in a silent stare with him. It felt like the final round of a staring contest, with a billion mora on the line. First, you wake up realizing you might’ve stolen a ring expensive enough to get you jail time, and now you have to deal with this… "aggravating roach."
"Did you say something?" "Yeah, I said, where's the wine I ordered?" You huffed. "Since Charles and Jose aren't here, and you aren't adding
You expected another snappy response, but instead, his face finally softened. Maybe if he kept it that way, the wrinkles on his forehead would ease up too. “…You were here past closing last night…” His tone wasn’t harsh. "I was here to talk with Charles about business. When I arrived, the place was supposed to be cleared out, but there you were. Head in a bucket. Jose was rubbing your back."
"….hm." He glanced to the side. "Jose walked you home."
Your smile transformed into a frown, the disappointment hitting hard. You had hoped for more—some crucial detail. Instead, all you got was a shrug and a nod, and the vague confirmation that Angel's Share was not the place the ring was snatched. Unless, of course, you pickpocket someone without anyone noticing, but that's absurd. How could you sneakily take a ring, drunk as hell, without anyone noticing? Especially when you were escorted home. The weight of the ring in your pocket felt heavier now, a reminder that you needed to figure out what the hell happened before there were any serious consequences.
He nodded, then turned his back to you, probably getting back to work. But who cared about his job? Certainly not you—what kind of bartender doesn't bring the wine after being asked twice? Whatever. That wasn't the goal right now.
Frantically, you reached into your pocket and pulled out the ruby ring, holding it delicately between your thumb and finger. You leaned forward, showing it to the aggravating roach. “Do you know whose ring this is?”
He glanced back for just a moment. “....It’s yours...?” The bell rang, notifying him that more customers walked inside. He turned over to the side, no longer looking at the ring.
Well isn't he unhelpful? Just loud and wrong. You parted your lips to speak, but then quickly shut them. Even if you knew it wasn’t a good idea to reveal to a stranger that you could possibly be a thief, especially one who asks so many questions for no reason. He absolutely seems like the type to report you to the Knights of Favinous! And yet, he was so quick to answer. It must be embarrassing for him to be so confident in an incorrect answer, but you can’t even point that out without exposing yourself. What a shame, that would have been good payback for earlier.
“That’s was a strange question,” he added, disrupting your thoughts. His attention was back on to you. “Do you not like it now that you’re sober?”
Is he implying you bought it when you were drunk last night? Funny, like you or him could ever afford such a ring. This is at least six months of your old salary.
You tried to think of a reasonable response. “It was… uh, lent… yeah, it was lent to me and I need to return it.” shaky reasoning, though it was all you had, “I’m just having some problems remembering… the wine... where's the wine I ordered?”
The man's lips tightened into a thin line before he pivoted and reached for a bottle of red wine. With no words, he poured the crimson liquid you had been yearning for into a glass. With an indifferent gesture, he placed it in front of you, not even granting you a glance anymore. "Jose performs near the Favonius Cathedral during the day, if you still want to talk to him.
"I'm well aware!" you retorted, quickly and untruthful, but he had already moved on to attend to another patron.
With shame, you brought the glass to your lips, allowing the robust flavor to momentarily distract you from the unsettling realization that this jerk seemed to know your friend better than you.
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bellewintersroe · 1 year
Sebastian Vettel x RBDesignEngingeer! Reader.
Set in 2013 during the GP, Jennifer is fresh out of uni and has made a name for herself within the F1 world. She joins Redbull-Renault as one of their engineer designers and easily fits into the team, forming friendships easily. Most of all, she captures the attention of three time world champion, Sebastian Vettel.
Part 7 omg time for some angst, let’s just say Sebastian doesn’t know how to handle his jealousy so well and it’s obvious when Jen has a conversation with his rival Lewis Hamilton… here’s the LINK to part 6.
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Hungary, July 2013.
“Look at you!” Sebastian face lit up as I laughed out loud, amused at the fact I was in his oversized Red Bull uniform. “You’re like a pint sized driver! I love it!” His eyes scanned me up as down as I couldn’t help but snicker. “Let me take a picture!” Sebastian pulled out his I phone, clicking several pictures of me. Others crowded around, amused at my outfit change. We were just having a bit of fun, even Christian and the bigger managers were finding it funny that I was practically drowned out in his jumpsuit. “She looks better than I do.” Seb then commented, standing up off the edge he was perched upon. “And I’m gonna steal her for myself.” He teased, wrapping both arms around my waist and lifting me off the floor. He practically took off as I held onto his shoulders, bouncing around.
Sebastian was giggling to himself, smiling and grinning wildly like a child who’d just stolen a handful of sweets from the shop. “Where are you taking me?” I asked I amusement, feeling him momentarily put me down and pick me up in a more bridal style manner the moment we got through the garage doors. “It’s a surprise.”
“Wow, so romantic.” I giggled as he smiled back to me, carrying me towards his car. “How do you get in?” “I’ll put you in.” He gently spoke, slipping my legs into the Red Bull as I felt a momentary feeling of horror that I was sat in something that costs millions. “I love it!” Sebastian clapped as I froze, holding my hands out. Gaining a burst of excitement, I started pretending to turn the wheel making car noises. Sebastian snapped more pictures of me as I giggled excitedly. I’d worked around these cars for years, never once had I actually been in one. “I think I could drive one of these.” I confidently nodded, Seb leaning against the car with a smirk. “Oh yeah?”
“Yeah.” “You need a helmet first.” Sebastian pointed out as I pretended to press on all the buttons. “Fuck the helmet. I won’t be crashing.”
“Of course…” He played along as I looked up to him with a smirk, playfully rolling my eyes. “I can’t even drive in the first place.” “You can’t?!” He exclaimed. “No, I failed my test twice then gave up when I went to uni.” I glanced around the car, slowly pushing myself out. “It’s a bit dangerous with nothing in front of you, no?” I pointed back to the front bit. “Maybe… that’s why we have our helmets.” He knocked on my head playfully. I sat back down, analysing the car. “What do you think we need?” He asked, resting his his chin on his palm, on the side of the car. “Something for protection, that won’t obstruct the view. I dunno, I don’t know how many people would like something there.” I looked back, watching him attempt to see the same thing I was. “Would it be safer?”
“Yes.” “Then I agree with you.” I stood up once again, allowing him to help me out as I thanked him softly. “Do you want to come out for a few drinks tonight?” “Yeah, sure, who’s going?” I began unzipping the suit seeing as I was growing a little warm in Sebastian’s jumpsuit. “Uh- I can ask around…” he slowly spoke, giving me a funny look. “Okay!” It wasn’t until after that conversation did I realise what he was asking me. Did he mean drinks just him and me? Did I ruin that? On my way out I was deep in thought, not looking where I was going when I thumped into somebody’s shoulder, my phone going flying across the floor. “Oh! I’m so sorry!” The stranger spoke, running over to pick up my phone. Except, it was no stranger, it was Lewis fucking Hamilton. My breath hitched, “no, no, I’m sorry, I should’ve been looking where I was going!” I exclaimed.
“That makes two of us then.” He handed my phone back over. “Thank you.” I awkwardly laughed. “You’re Jennifer, right? You work at-“ he pointed towards the Red Bull garages. “Red Bull, right?”
“Yeah, yeah, I do. It’s Lewis isn’t it?” I laughed, glancing back to see Sebastian looking over slightly. I offered him a quick smile before turning back to poor Lewis who I’d just barged into. “Yeah.” He laughed gently, showing me a row of his really white teeth. He definitely was a pretty boy.
“I was always a Mercedes fan growing fan growing up, don’t tell anybody.” I admitted. “Oh really?” Amusement lit up on his face. “Maybe you’ll have to come find a job in our garages.” He nodded back to the other one as I choked out a small laugh, surprised.
“Noo, I couldn’t do that.” He was smiling at me, in a way that seemed almost flirtatious, I couldn’t tell. “I’m just messing with you, it’s nice to meet you anyway, I’ll see you around.” He patted my arm. “You too.” I politely spoke before we moved back into our own directions. When I turned back up to the Red Bull garage, Sebastian had a frown on his face, as soon as he saw me look back he disappeared. Something about it didn’t sit right with me, but I continued making my way back to the hotel. I wasn’t sure why he looked so pissed off, or why exactly he was watching, I know Lewis was one of his biggest competitions, but we were just having a conversation? That evening I took all night to get ready, texting Loretta who had decided to come out for a couple drinks as well. I was walking around in my towel, taking breaks in between each makeup step. That’s when I noticed a door in between my hotel room and somebody else’s. Maybe nobody was in there? I curiously spun the lock, causing it to fling open. I gasped in a panic and it revealed no other than Sebastian laid on his bed watching TV. He had an immediate look of surprise on his face, not even moving as his eyes widened, taking in my towel cladded state. “Oh, hello.” He began laughing as nervous laughter racked through me. I love how he didn’t even question the fact I’d opened the door between our bedrooms.
“Hi- I got curious and started twisting it, I didn’t even realise it would open!” I quickly spoke as Sebastian shrugged. “I knew it was you, could hear you singing in the shower.” Great. “Oh- I’ll go now anyway, sorry.” “No, no it’s fine. Leave it open, I could do with the company.” “Company listening to me get ready for the next hour.” I teased as he smirked towards me. God, the way he was looking at me like he wanted to devour me. He nodded gently as I offered him another smile. “Okay. Fun.”
When I was ready he was wandering around my room, smelling my perfumes, watching the TV. “I saw you talking to Lewis earlier…” he pondered whilst looking through the several perfume bottles I had. Part of me thought he wasn’t actually interested in them, he just wanted to look occupied whilst bringing Lewis up. “Oh yeah?” I glanced back to him in the mirror whilst I topped up my lipgloss. “Mmmmh.” He hummed, smiling to himself. “I almost took him out, didn’t see him.” I giggled.
“He is quite… small I suppose.” I spluttered out a laugh. “What’s that supposed to mean?” I spun around, leaning against the dressing table with an amused smile.
“Nothing- you look beautiful.” He was quick to shake it off, the comment going straight to my cheeks that blushed a vibrant colour. “Thank you.” I giggled turning down to the floor. “Still, why is Lewis small?” I probed sensing he was feeling a little jealousy. “No reason.” Seb snickered, fixing his hair slightly in the mirror besides me. I made eye contact, smirking and glancing him up and down before spraying myself with 4 different perfumes. Excessive, but I couldn’t decide which one I preferred. Hannah and James knocked on my door, joining us as both Seb and I spilled out the room earning some weird looks. Nobody said anything but I knew exactly what they were thinking. The club was booming, the music was loud and the drinks were flowing too easily. I’d been drinking a lethal cocktail of alcohol, buzzing to be in the party atmosphere with all my friends.
“Was he flirting with you?” A voice questioned, I turned around to see Sebastian, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Who?” I spoke into his ear. “Lewis.” I playfully rolled my eyes, shaking my head.
“No, I don’t think so, why?!” “No reason.” He smirked. “You’re jealous.” With a bit of Dutch courage I poked his chest, “never.” Sebastian’s hand was grazing over my hip as I spoke to him, rubbing his shoulder. His head tilted to the side, smiling down to me with a knowing expression. “You are.” I firmed as it was his turn to roll his eyes. “No need to be jealous.” I shrugged, hand sliding off him. “No?” He asked. “No.” I firmed smiling back up to him. There was a singular second before I felt a hand on the back of my head, pushing both mine and Sebastian’s faces together. James. Way to ruin it! I sighed, taking myself back to the bar to retrieve another drink, stealing one more glimpse to Sebastian who was chatting a way to a bunch of mechanics. Maybe a little more alcohol would help me make a bolder move…
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justmeinadaze · 8 months
Ghost in the Machine Part 4 (Eddie X You)
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Warnings: Daddy Rockstar Eddie X Sub Fem Stripper Reader, SMUT, spanking, minimal degrading, strip teasing, FLUFF, they like each other, ANGST, Some of the negatives of Eddie's rockstar lifestyle spills into their relationship and reader has to put Eddie in his place, utilization of the handcuffs, Eddie talks about his last relationship and why it ended.
Word Count: 5704
Series Here
You grin as you watch Corroded Coffin in the recording booth working on their new track. Eddie seemed to almost go into a trance when his fingers moved across the strings and it added to the enigma that was this particular metalhead. You had your arrangement now for a couple of months and true to your word you were trying to be more open with him. In turn he told you more about his childhood and your heart always broke for him the more he expanded on his relationship with his father. 
Today he had suggested you come see him and the band record. Everyone he introduced you to was extremely polite and didn’t pry into your relationship with him or your personal life in general. 
“Good job you guys. Hey, Ed, that riff really does work better. Good suggestion.” Eddie gave him a thumbs up as the man behind the glass smiled. “Alright boys. You’re free for the evening.”
“Hey Wes. Is it ok if I stay behind?”
“Of course, Eddie. Just shut everything down when you’re done.”, he chuckles.
After everyone leaves, he beckons you with his finger to come into the recording booth with a big, tooth filled grin. 
“That was amazing.”
“Thank you. What did you think of my skills? Think it can get us bumped to number 4 at least on the billboard charts?”, he teases.
“Oh, at least. What do you hear in here?”, you ask as you pick up his headphones. 
Eddie grins as he sits on the stool beside you and plays some notes on his guitar that you hear clear as day through the little speakers in your ears. 
“In there they play some of the stuff we’ve already recorded and I play against it.”
“That’s cool. How did you get to be so good? Just a lot of practice?”
“Mhmm and alone time in high school.”, he chuckles as he holds his guitar out towards you. “Do you want to play?”
“Oh, Eddie. I’ll break it.”, you giggle. 
“You won’t break it, sweetheart. Come here.” Tugging on your sleeve, he moves you between his legs and helps place the straps on your shoulder. “There we go. Now just put your hands here.”
Long removing the headphones, his chin was resting by your ear as he gave you instructions in a low gravelly tone that had you biting your bottom lip.
“Good. Good girl.” He gently guides your fingers along the strings and to your surprise a melody actually forms making you smile at him with pride. “Do you recognize it?”
“I keep a close watch on this heart of mine I keep my eyes wide open all the time I keep the ends out for the tie that binds Because you're mine I walk the line.”
Eddie grins as he nods and sings with you. 
“I find it very, very easy to be true I find myself alone when each day is through Yes, I'll admit I'm a fool for you Because you're mine I walk the line.”
“My uncle used to play that record all the time.” Lifting your palm, you grip his chin and bring his lips to yours. “I wish you didn’t have to work tonight.”
“I know. Maybe tomorrow we can go see a movie or something.”
“We can watch something on our big ass tv.”, he chuckles but it tapers off when he sees that look he’s become all too familiar with on your face. “I know, baby, I know. I just—”
“You’re trying to protect me.”
“You saw the pictures with Ashley. I don’t want you to have to go through that.”
“Eddie, I feel like I’ve gotten better at being more open with you.”
“You have, sweetheart.”
“So, you know what I’m about to say scares the hell out of me.” Eddie exhales as he prepares for the worst. “I like you. I like you a lot. I…I want this…”, you gesture between the two of you. “…to be something more than just an arrangement. But we can’t do any of that if we’re stuck inside all the time.”
He tugs you into his arms and kisses the top of your head. 
“I like you a lot to. We’ll figure this out, Y/N. I promise. I want you to be a part of my world but that includes all that other bullshit.”
“Did good tonight, honey.”, the bartender at the strip club smiled at you as he slid over a shot that you eagerly knocked back. 
“Thanks Luis. Would you mind walking me to my car?”
“Not a problem. Let me get Jace to cover real quick. It will just be a moment.”
Nodding, you lean against the bar as you wait, turning your head to find a gentleman at the end of it staring at you. 
“He’s right. You danced very well.”
“Um, thank you. I’m glad you enjoyed it.”
“I did. I enjoyed the song choice to. I’ve always wondered how strippers choose what songs they move to.”
“Oh, I just look through the inventory and select from there. The owner has a whole Spotify playlist set up so we can practice at home.”
“That’s pretty cool. Does he have any Corroded Coffin on there?”
Your head jerks towards him giving him your full attention. 
“I mean, you can’t exactly dance to their type of music. Mosh maybe but…”, you giggle trying to hide your nerves at his line of questioning. 
“I’m a huge fan of their work especially Eddie Munson. He’s a phenomenal guitarist but a bit of bad boy. I heard he’s been seeing someone new.”
“Who are you?”
The man smiles as he rises from his chair and extends his hand out to you which you promptly reject. 
“I’m Casey Reed, a journalist for a very esteemed website. Supposedly, you or “the mystery woman” his fans have been calling you, were seen leaving his recording studio a few times and a police report we obtained said he at your house a couple of months ago. Is he just a friend or…”
“Why don’t you fuck off and mind your own business?”
“So…not just a friend then?”
“Y/N, is this guy bothering you?”, Luis asks as he comes around the bar. 
“Not anymore. I’m ready to leave now.”
“Miss Y/L/N. Here’s my card. Call me if you feel like telling the truth or want to get ahead of this. At some point everyone will find out and even he knows that.”
Eddie charges into the news outlet’s building and kicks open the man’s office door before slamming his palms down on the desk. 
“Fuck. Off. Casey.”, he growled. “You cause enough damage for me and my friends. Leave this girl alone!”
Security skids in but the journalist waves them off assuring them he’s got this covered. 
“Well shit. She must be special since out of all the women you’ve been with you bothered to come all the way down here to defend her.” Casey leans forward on his own hands matching Eddie’s stance. “Or is there something about her history that could cause some problems? To be fair though, it wouldn’t be too out of the ordinary for a bad boy rockstar like you to date an erotic dancer.”, he chuckles. “You know, Eddie, I like you. I really do but did you really think you could just keep her hidden? People were going to find out about her eventually.”
“She’s nothing, alright. She’s just…an acquaintance. Please, Casey. Leave her be.”
“Hey, Eddie. I thought I wasn’t seeing you till—”
“We need to talk.”, the metalhead cuts you off as he barges into your home.
“Is everything okay?”
“Look, um, some things are going to change over the next few months and I need you to be aware of them.” Scanning his manic demeanor, you nod as you fold your arms and lean against the back of your couch as you wait for him to continue. “I talked to my agent about Casey Reed and we’re going to kill any stories he may be preparing to write about us. That being said… I have to be seen going out with someone else.”
Your eyes widen as your lips form in a sarcastic pout. 
“Ok, yeah no, I completely understand. Any ideas who the lucky lady will be?”
His jaw clenches as he avoids your gaze. “Ashley Morris offered since the media already thinks we’re dating.”
Eddie’s eyes find yours again when he hears your giggle turn into a full-blown laugh. 
“And if I may ask, rockstar, are you asking me if you can do this or are you telling me?”
“Y/N…this is better for everyone—”
“No, this is what’s best for you.”, you growl. “Did you do this with your last girlfriend? The one you had for 4 years. How did she feel about you pretending to date a model?!”
“Just admit it, Eddie Munson. You’re embarrassed of me and the press it would give you being seen with a stripper! You know you really should think about acting because you genuinely had me believe you didn’t care about my profession.”
He stood there with a stoic expression as you continued to shout at him. 
“Whatever. Go enjoy your time with your model. Text me whenever you want to fuck me again because I guess that’s all I’m good for.”, you hiss. 
Without saying a word, he stomped passed you and slammed your front door.
“On today’s top story in entertainment news, Corroded Coffin’s guitarist Eddie Munson was arrested last night for disorderly conduct after being found drunk outside of bar in downtown LA and starting fights with a few of the patrons.” 
You sighed as you turned off your tv and got up to start getting ready for work. It had been a week since you heard from him and you missed him so much. There hadn’t been any new stories or reports about you or even Ashley; just Eddie constantly getting in trouble. 
You thought about calling and checking in but what he said had really hurt you. You understood that being a stripper was a taboo in today’s society but you thought you made him understand that you did this to survive and he made you believe he didn’t care.
Obviously, he did if he was willing to go through such extremes to pretend he was dating someone else entirely. 
The sound of your phone ringing brought you back to the moment as you answered for the number you didn’t recognize. 
“Y/N? Hey. I don’t know if you remember me but this is Gareth, Eddie’s friend and bandmate.”
“Yeah, hey Gareth. Everything ok?”
“Um, not really. I’m not sure if you keep up with the news but he’s starting to get out of control. I mean, more so than normal. When he drinks, he babbles about you. We were wondering if maybe you could come talk to him and possibly knock some sense into him. We don’t know what else to do. Our last resort is calling his uncle but Wayne will probably kill him.”, he chuckles. 
“Gareth, I…I don’t know…”
“Please, Y/N. We’re really worried about him. It’s getting to the point where…fuck…we may have to consider finding a new guitarist—”
“No! No, no. Please don’t do that yet.”
You knew how much playing music and his band meant to Eddie. He had given you tidbits here and there about how hard they had worked as a group and how this was always his dream for as long as he could remember. It would destroy him to have them take that away.
“I’ll be there in 10.”
“Ed?”, Jeff called as he knocks on his friend’s door. When he doesn’t answer the man carefully slides it open and you both see Eddie drunkenly passed out on his bed. 
“I got it from here, Jeff. Thank you.”
The boy nods leaving you to your own devices and as you close the door you sigh as you take in his surroundings. The room was trashed; his clothes strewn around all over the place as beer cans littered the area around his mattress and on his dresser. A carton of cigarettes, now half empty, rested near an ashtray on the floor beside his guitar which was leaning against his nightstand.
Remembering something he told you that second night you were together, you went on the hunt till you found the handcuffs you were looking for in one of his drawers. Careful to not wake him, you reach for his wrists, lifting them above his head, and confining him to his headboard. As you leaned back, your eyes scanned over his sleeping face. Even now, he seemed incredibly upset as his eyebrows knitted together. 
Sighing, you threw your jacket to the side as you headed for his bathroom and filled the small cup near the sink with cold water. With one final cursory glance, you exhale as you step into your hardened headspace saved for clients or customers who liked it a bit rougher towards themselves and tossed the contents of the glass right into Eddie’s face.
“Jesus fucking Christ!”, he gasped as his head shot forward. He tried to sit up but was yanked back down by the handcuffs around him. “What…what the fuck is going on?!”
“I don’t know, Eddie. You tell me. What the fuck is going on?”
“Y/N? What the hell are you doing here?” You roll your eyes and disappear into his bathroom, coming back with a long stride as you throw water at him again. “FUCKING GOD DAMNIT! Stop it!”
“What is going on with you, Eddie Munson? According to your friends, you’re causing problems, you didn’t show up for a recording session, and you got arrested yesterday.”
“Let. Me. Go.”, he growls as his angry eyes try to intimidate you. 
“Or what, little boy?” You watched as his growl turned into a full furious grunt as he pulled at the cuffs trying to break free. “You think I’m afraid of you, rockstar? I’ve been through scarier shit with way more intimidating people. Now…if you want out, you have to answer my questions.”
“Fuck you, you fucking whore! You think you tell me what to do?! I can do whatever the fuck I want. Ugh!” He flinched as you splashed him again. 
“You know you sound a lot like my ex. Fucker used to say shit like that all the time but I never had the luxury of catching him of guard and handcuffing him with his own handcuffs to his own bed.” He starts to calm a bit as his eyes find yours. “Eddie, what’s going on?”
“You won’t believe me.”
“Try me.”
The metalhead huffs as he looks away, glaring towards the wall. 
“I didn’t like hearing you say that all you were good for to me was sex.”
“I mean—”
“No. I didn’t like it because I didn’t like that I had made you feel that way especially since it’s not even close to true.” Eddie listens as you move around his room only looking your way again when he feels you sit beside him. Popping open the top of the water bottle you pulled from his mini fridge, you brought it to his lips allowing him to chug some of the liquid before taking it back. “I’m not embarrassed of you, Y/N.”
“I know what it’s like to have those cameras invade your life and the damage it can cause. It’s…It’s part of the reason my ex and I broke up, the serious one.”
“Do you need more water?”
The man blinks before glancing down and shaking his head. “No, thank you.”
Grabbing a nearby towel, you quickly run it through his hair and down his face, drying any liquid you found along his skin. 
“A journalist like Casey did a background check on my girlfriend at the time and showed up unexpectedly at her parent’s house. They pretended to be a friend and got a lot of personal information about both of us. She was so embarrassed…even more so when some of the things they wrote about…got her fired from her job.”
“I offered to take care of her and her family but her last straw was when they published a video online of me and one of my other friend’s leaving a bar. It wasn’t the picture but the story which had the host saying something like, ‘Guitarist of Corroded Coffin seen leaving with playmate Allison Anders. Maybe Eddie Munson has finally found someone more his speed. Can’t imagine how vanilla his current sex life must be now with his current small town unemployed girlfriend.’”
“Why didn’t you do the pretend girlfriend plan you thought up with me?”
“She disappeared before we could come up with any plan. I woke up the next morning and she was gone, leaving me a note and everything. I made sure after that all the papers and tv hosts understood I was the scumbag. I made it seem like I cheated on her constantly and broke her fucking heart so paparazzi and fans would leave her alone.” 
The man’s gaze shifted up to lock eyes with you, the intensity within them causing you to falter a bit. 
“And I would do it again. Y/N, I won’t let them do the same thing to you especially after everything you’ve told me you’ve been through. I’ll look like the bad guy to keep you safe.”
“How martyring of you, Mr. Munson.” He growls and you match him as you square your shoulders displaying confidence. “I know I may not seem strong but I am, Eddie. Believe it or not I can handle assholes like Casey Reed. I told you I struggle with releasing control and allowing people to take care of me. That’s because I’ve done it practically my whole life. Just because I allow you to control me doesn’t mean it erased everything I learned. I can still take care of myself and you as well sometimes if you’ll let me.”
His jaw tightens as he absorbs what you were saying before finally nodding. 
“You have to stop behaving like a five-year-old. I don’t want you to lose everything you worked so hard for because you feel out of control. Remember what you tell me? I need you to be open with me, Eddie. We can figure this out together.”
“Yes, ma’am.”, he exhales as he nods again. Grasping his chin between your fingers, you lean forward to kiss his lips. “Hey, wait. What about me?”, he whines when you stand and head for the door.
“I’ll let Jeff know we’re done and he can release you.”
The following evening you went to work fully diving into your strong, protective mentality as you danced and did your set. As Luis walked you out that night, you both paused when you saw a cigarette smoking Eddie leaning against your car.
As soon as he notices, he closes the distance, extending his hand as he introduces himself. 
“Can you take it from here, Y/N?”
“Yeah, babe. Thank you.” Luis nods before jogging back inside. “I see Jeff decided to set you free.”
“After some begging and admissions of how he’s way cooler than I’ll ever be, yes he did.” He grins when you softly smile. “I was wondering if you would like to have dinner with me. There’s a 24 hour diner around the corner here. I was thinking we could walk since it’s actually not a thousand degrees for once.”
“Are you sure, rockstar? What if people see us together?”
“Then they see us together… Honestly, I don’t really care about you. I just want that delicious bacon, egg, and sausage sandwich thing they have over there.”
Your smile grows as you gesture with your head towards the sidewalk and he begins to follow beside you. 
“I’ve never tried it.”
“Oh, sweetheart, you’re missing out. It kind of reminds me of something my uncle used to make for me before school when I was growing up.”
“Yeah? I was always in a rush so I would just grab a Pop tart or an Eggo.”
Eddie laughs as the back of his hand brushes against your own. 
“Same especially since I slept till the very last second! But my uncle works overnight at the plant in our town so he would make it as like a quick meal before bed and left one for me on the counter near my lunch box.”
“He sounds like a good man.” 
Your fingers intertwine with his and he sighs through his nose with relief as he beams down you.
“He is. Wayne comes to the shows especially when we are in Indiana so hopefully you’ll meet him sometime soon.”
“It’s good right? Told you!”, he boasts after watching you take a bite of the sandwich he recommended. 
“Okay, okay. Calm down, Mr. Munson.”, you giggle.
Eddie’s eyes scan over you as he takes a sip from the coffee in his cup. 
“I know you’re strong.” Your eyebrows knit together before he explains. “You said you may not seem strong but you are. That me taking care of you doesn’t erase that. I know how strong you are. It’s one of the many things that attracted me to you.”
“Hm. Because you like putting a tough girl in her place?”
“No. Because I like knowing that even though you can take care of yourself, you trust me enough to let go. As you noticed…sometimes I struggle doing the same…but that has nothing to do with me thinking you’re weak or something like that. I’m just—”
“I guess you could say that.”, he grins. 
“I can understand that. The few times you did let go you lost your parents and then the woman you love.”
“Jesus Christ. Where did you get your psychology degree, princess?”
“At the college of life, Mr. Munson.”, you laugh and his grin grows. 
“Excuse me.” You both turn your head at the sound of a voice and look up to meet the eyes of a young man standing next to your table with a baby swaddled into his chest. “I’m sorry to bother you while you’re eating. I was wondering if I could have your autograph Mr. Munson for my son here.”
“Yeah, sure. What’s his name?”
“Stephen with a ph.”
“That’s cool. I have a close friend in Indiana named Steven with a V.”
“Is little man having trouble sleeping?”, you ask.
“Yeah. Since my wife spends all day with him, I look out for him at night. Since he’s got a good loud set of lungs on him, I take him for a drive which is how we discovered Corroded Coffin. One of your songs came on the radio and he stopped crying instantly. He loves the guitar solos.”
“Maybe you have a little rockstar in the making here.” The dad smiles down at you and extends his hand for you to shake. “Hey, um, here. Give this to your wife. I’ve had this in my bag forever but I never use it. I imagine a new mom would love some pampering.” The gentleman beams at you when you hand him a card for a free full spa day.
“Thank you both so much. It was such a pleasure meeting you!”
Eddie shakes his hand and you two watch him as he runs excitedly to his car. 
“Well, aren’t you just an angel.”
“You’d be surprised how many dancers are struggling mothers. I know what it’s like for them just needing a time out and day for themselves.”
“Oh, you cleaned. I feel special.”, you tease as your eyes look around his straightened-up room. 
“Yeah. Some girl came over and threw water on half my stuff so…”, he shrugs before smirking in your direction. 
“I’m sure you deserved it.” Grinning, you lay down on his bed and he follows your lead, jumping on to the mattress by your side. Your lips reach up to quickly find his. “I missed you.”
Softly smiling, his palm caresses your face as he leans down to kiss you again. 
“I missed you to. I’m really sorry, baby girl. You know, you should feel special because no one has ever gotten the drop on me to get these cuffs around my wrists.”, Eddie chuckles.
“It’s not hard when you’re passed out drunk.”, you tease. 
“Will you let me make it up to you, sweetheart?”, he coos as he rubs the tip of his nose along yours and down your cheek to your ear. “Will you let Daddy make you feel good?”
“Hm. I don’t know, Daddy.”, you tease. “You did disappear on me. You broke the rules.”
“Do as I say not as I do, baby.”, he smiles, kissing your cheek. “But, no, I hear what you’re saying. You think I need some form of punishment. What do you think, hm? A spanking?” Eddie sticks out his tongue, wiggling his eyebrows playfully and melts as he listens to you laugh.
Pushing on his chest, you sit up and guide him to stand in front of you. 
“I think you should show me some of your moves, honey.”
“You want me to strip for you? Sweetheart, that’s more of a punishment for you because once you see my moves, you’re never going to want to leave.” You cackle, biting your bottom lip as he grinds his hips in the air. “Well, I need a song right? Pick one.”
Browsing through his collection, a mischievous grin paints your face when you find something and press play. Listening for a moment, he smirks at your choice before nodding as he sways his body to the music. 
“I made another mistake, thought I could change Thought I could make it out Promises break, need to hear you say You're gonna keep it now.”
The skin between the tears in his jeans touch yours as he places himself directly in front of you, looking down at you with that intensity that makes you blush. Continuing to slowly move side to side, he gradually descends onto his knees as his palms glide up and down your thighs, opening them wide as he stays between them. 
“I miss the way you say my name The way you bend, the way you break Your makeup running down your face The way you touch, the way you taste.”
Tossing away his shirt, you can’t help but scan his upper torso with your eyes hungrily. The way his guitar pick chain hung around his neck with his bare chest drove you crazy. Licking his lips, he rose to his feet, thrusting slightly as you rolled your eyes playfully. Taking a hold of your wrists, he guided your hands along is body, grazing the bulge in his pants ever so slightly before letting you go and backing away, his eyes never leaving yours. 
“When the curtains call the time Will we both go home alive? It wasn't hard to realize Love's the death of peace of mind.”
The image of his slanted, cocky smile as he unbuckled his belt will forever be burned into your brain but that was nothing compared to the sight of him taking off his belt in one go around his forearm and tossing it to the side. People never understood there was always a type of dominance that came with stripping. Most men when you danced saw an innocent little girl that they wanted to “control and take care of”. Truth was on that stage you had all the power. YOU commanded attention and control what they saw physically and emotionally. 
As Eddie stood there for a moment with his muscular arms at his side, his tattoos accentuating his chest, and his pants hanging low enough to show you the slight V into the waistband of boxers, you wondered if he was now aware of it to.
“I miss the way you say my name The way you bend, the way you break Your makeup running down your face The way you fuck, the way you taste.”
Unbuttoning his pants, he pushed them and his boxers down, kicking them to the side. Dropping to the floor, he crawled to you, stopping when he reached your feet, and at an agonizingly slow pace, placed soft kisses up your leg, to the inside of your thigh. Cutting him off, your fingers take hold of his chin and tilt his face so you can lean your forehead against his. 
As soon as the song ends, the energy in the room feels like it explodes as your lips crash to his and push him back against the floor. 
With a hastened, passionate energy, Eddie practically ripped your clothes off your body as you continued to grind your hips while you kissed his lips. A heavy exhale fanned your face as you took his cock in your hand and ran his mushroom tip through your dripping folds. Cupping your cheeks in his palms, he held on to you as you gradually began taking him in. 
“You got it, baby. T-Take your time.”
“D-Don’t want to take my time.”, you groan as you roll your lower half trying to push him deeper. 
“You want Daddy’s help?” When all you do is nod, his palm comes down hard on your behind. “Let’s try that again. Do you want my help?”
“Y-Yes, yes, Daddy, please. I need your help. Need you to fuck me.”
Wrapping his arms around you, Eddie holds you tightly to him with one hand firmly gripping the back of your neck and the other on your lower back. Bracing his feet, he trusts roughly up into your cunt, hitting that spongey spot inside of you hard. 
“Fuck! Just like that! Please.”
“Just like that, pretty girl? Mmm—fuck—I missed you so much, Y/N.”
While your lips and tongue mingled with his, he continued pumping into you at a steady rhythm that had Eddie swallowing each and every delicious moan. 
“I want…I want…” 
Your eyes opened as the normally confident rockstar stumbled over his words.
“What, Daddy? Huh? What do you want from me?”
As he pushed you two up into a sitting position, your hands clung to the base of his neck as you rolled your waist meeting each one of his thrusts with one of your own.
“You have me.”
Eddie’s need filled eyes opened, abruptly meeting your own as he yanked you closer till his mouth was hovering just under your own.
“I want you to be mine. I want everyone to know you’re my girl. Shit. I want to show you off and treat you the way you deserve. I-I want to fucking spoil you and keep you safe. I want YOU.”
Your mouth fell open in a silent moan as you hugged him to your chest, trembling against him as you came. 
“Fuck, baby girl. Feels so fucking good when you cum.”
After flipping you on to your back, he chased his high till you heard him grunt next to your ear and felt his release spill inside of you. 
You don’t remember when you fell asleep but when you opened your eyes the next morning, you were greeted to the sound of a softly breathing Eddie beside you as he continued to sleep. He had placed one of his arms under your head to use as a pillow while his other was tossed casually over your stomach. 
You assumed he didn’t want to disturb you and since you both were too far on the floor from the bed, he covered your top half with his jacket and both yours and his lower halves with a small throw blanket.
A knock on his door did nothing to rouse the rockstar from sleep making you giggle as you verbally allowed the person entry. 
“Oh, shit. Um, sorry, Y/N.”
“No, Jeff, it’s ok.”, you beam up at him causing him to blush a bit as he smiles back.
“Hey, Ed. Munson. EDDIE!”
Rolling his eyes, his friend reaches for the pack of cigarettes on the dresser and tosses it at the guitarist, hitting him square in the head.
“Jesus Christ. The fuck, man?! What do you want?!”
“Good afternoon, Edward. Manager wants to meet with you in an hour.”
“Ok…tell him I’ll be there in four.”
“I’ll get him up, honey, thank you.”
Jeff smiles gratefully your way as he leaves and closes the door. Rolling on to his back, Eddie groans as he blindly pulls a cigarette out of the pack and searches for his lighter. After finding one in his jacket pocket, you light it for him and he grins sleepily as he tilts his head towards it before exhaling smoke away from your face.
Cuddling closer to him, his free hand begins playing with your hair as your fingers gently trace down his chest along his stomach.
“Does he want to talk to you about me?”
“Your manager.”
“Hm probably…Or scold me again for getting trouble.”
“Should I come with you then?” At your question, his eyes fully open as he cranes his neck to look at you. “I mean…if I’m your girl right? I imagine there’s things I need to know or maybe things they want to talk about when it comes to my job.”
Tossing away his half-finished cigarette, Eddie excitedly takes you in his arms and rolls on top of you as you jokingly groan at action. 
“Say it again. Please. Say you’re my girl.”, he begs as he pushes up on his elbows and caresses your cheeks with his thumbs.
“I’m yours, Eddie. It’s been a while since I’ve been in a relationship but…I trust you.”
His smile widens as he leans down to kiss your lips and presses his face into your neck as you laugh, hugging him to you.
“You’re safe with me, baby. I promise.”
“Okay, okay. Get up and get dressed! You have a meeting with your manager.”
“Pfft, fuck him. I haven’t seen you in a week. I’m spending the day with my girlfriend.”
@mynameismothra @hideoutside @micheledawn1975
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