#maybe i'll do one for one piece verse eventually
darqx · 23 days
If you didnt come to party [get the hell out of this club]
In which there's some links to old art - I've been getting a number of asks that are already technically answered so that's just what I'm gonna be doing if i can even remember what RAD they originally came from lol.
❗️For commonly asked qs please see my BTD FAQ
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Yes he can speak at least two demon languages (commons and a more specialised one).
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Not really cos the ichor will eventually disappear if it's not in contact with Rire for a while lol. You ever wonder how someone could mysteriously drown whilst not being around anything they could have drowned in? Yeah.
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I have drawn several such instances a long time ago. But it's not really Rire flirting with Ren it's more him being like...subtly condescending to Ren since Ren's submissive level is not very interesting to him |D
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I...think you may have possibly mistaken me saying Rire might cry if he was in severe pain to mean that's the only time he could cry XD; To answer your q, yes Rire can cry from emotions - the point is he would choose not to (esp in public) as that would be a weakness.
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🤔 You could probably get away with the same dress design but in black, tbh (if it was Lady Rire). Since the outfit design is 1930s/1940s based Rire's equivalent would be like...a 3 piece suit with a long overcoat/trench coat.
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Got you covered bro [from a suit meme I did before]
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Rire has a very long life span, but he's not immortal XD;
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Tbh I don't really have thoughts about any of other peoples headcanons. Like I'm generally quite neutral towards headcanons because I primarily deal with the canon; the extent of my thoughts would be like "hm i wonder how they came up with that" lol.
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This is actually in my FAQ :d but good of you to check for permission! If it's your own artwork then yes it is ok to make fanmerch of Rire. Similarly Gato allows fanmerch of her BTD and TPOF characs as long as it's your own art you are selling (and not like, our art/someone else's fanart that they didn't give permission to turn into merch).
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It would be in Cain's best interest not to.
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Cain is literally saying Olé Olé because i happened to be listening to this song at the time.
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I can barely keep up with my ask box as myself let alone do it while pretending to be a charac lol, so no 😅 You can find a bunch of the most common qs in the FAQ pages though.
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No and not really - though he is a bit more sensitive to light compared to a human as he has much better night vision than a human. He may also be able to see more colours than humans 🤔
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There is technically no "stereotypical" demon in my 'verse, there's a bunch of different species each with their own looks/powers, so if he was another species then he'd have their physical characteristics. Rire's species is considered "plain" because outwardly they can pass more easily as a human than say; Izm's species (who have a really noticeable Glasgow smile-esque mouth as one of their physical features).
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Yes he was born a demon...to his demon parents...|D;
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He's the king of his sector and his sector is pretty well-to-do, I think you can draw your own conclusions from that lol.
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Maybe, depends on what the human in question does with that.
Your second q has two answers depending on what context I answer them in, so I'll reply in the BTD context keeping in mind a charac like EP's Cain :d Basically yes Rire would be able to sense them like he does other demons. It's not a specific sense of "THIS CHARAC IS AN ANGEL" but more like "this charac is not human" and depending on what else he gets from it a "in your best interests to not engage".
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Something big with long black fur and yellow eyes, maybe like a Norwegian Forest Cat or a Maine Coon.
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solarwynd · 11 days
Jimin really is the new BTS. Actually no, he's the old BTS. Jungkook is new BTS, in the sense that he's a perfect representation of everything that went wrong with BTS starting with Dynamite (and he's actually worse). But Jimin is that old BTS that made people fans in the first place. Cause no one became a fan because of the english songs. Yes, people discovered the group through those songs since they were playing everywhere, but all that did was introduce people to BTS and make them check what else they had to offer. And what they had to offer was what made people fans. If the rest of BTS's music was the same as the english trilogy people wouldn't have stuck around.
Armys have this thing where they pretend like someone liking BTS but not liking most of the members as soloists is a crazy, unfathomable thing. But as someone who likes BTS as a group and, despite being continously uninterested, continues to give the members at least a few listens whenever they released something, I can tell you that what BTS offers with their music and performances is not being offered by any other member expect Jimin. There's definitely pieces of the group in all their individual carrers, but it's either not enough or it's not the good pieces (like with Jungkook).
Cause what do people love about BTS? It's their songs, those songs that were a good balance of being people's taste (so more pop leaning or if a different genre than at least something exciting) while still being of good quality and having enough depth for fans that like thinking about and discussing the meaning of songs. It's also their performances of those songs (which, of course, first requires having those good songs), is having full intricate choreographies and a lot of energy on stage.
When you think of all of that – easy to like but not basic and shallow songs with impressive performances – then what members of the group are offering that? Go down the list, one through seven, and tell me if any other member expect for Jimin has all that? I'm not asking if any other members has something good to offer, I'm asking if they have the specific things that made fans became fans in the first place. Let's see:
Rapline: Armys aren't rap fans. Rap enjoyers? Maybe. But rap fans? No. They like rap enough to have a few verses of it every song, but not enough for it to be the whole songs, the whole album. And the attempts rapline have made with genres other than rap have somehow been even less armys's taste. Their performances are also lacking. It's fine if you wanna see someone just rap, but armys want dancing too. J-hope really could've had something here but for some reason he refuses to actually dance to his solo songs.
Jin: Now, to be fair, we haven't really seen what he has to offer as a soloist, so he could surprise me. But is he likely to? Probably not. He'll probably have an album made up of mostly ballads and no dancing.
Taehyung: His music is boring. I'm sorry, but even his fans lowkey don't care about it. Also, they can scream all they want about him being a danceline member but I have yet to see him actually make use of that position. Taehyung's appeal is his looks and that's all.
Jungkook: Mister Dynamite himself.
Continuing with the rest of my accidently sent incomplete ask. I think I was talking about Jungkook? He's doing what BTS was doing with the english songs. That stuff is definitely popular I'll admit, but does it make for a good foundation for a whole carrer? Cause BTS could get aware with it since they already had that foundation, but Jungkook doesn't. You can't have your entire discography be Dynamites, Butters and, god forbid, PTD's. Fans are gonna get sick of it eventually. I mean armys already did after PTD, three songs in and they were ready for it to be over and for BTS to go back to how they used to be before 2020. Jungkook is currently getting away with it because it's just one solo album that gives armys the records they like while they wait for BTS (what they're actually fans of) to come back. But if he wants an actual solo carrer, he's gonna have to step up eventually. So as you can see. None of them are really offering what fans want. So why should people who became fans of BTS for those specific reasons be forced to be fans of the other members as soloists when they're not giving them what they want. I'm not a fan of people out of obligation, I'm a fan because I genuinely enjoy things. And Jimin is the only one whose solo work I genuinely enjoy. Sorry not sorry 🤷
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sybilius · 11 months
Okay, I don't think anyone that I've seen so far has written meta on this exact metaphor that's obsessing me in Same as Cash. So there's two layers of story going on here. On the action front, we're seeing (through someone else's eyes) Jenny debate with herself about holding on to her car:
You were still attached to your Civic sedan Although the brakes always needed repair You were headed out to buy some supplies You could smell the threat of rain in the air I can only see the scene second-hand I can only try to understand How a small amount of pressure in the right place Breaks the strongest link in the chain
So that's a pretty concrete story -- Jenny loves her car, but her car is falling apart a little. Then we get the chorus:
In your car with your head in your hands At the far end of the Walmart parking lot Trying not to buckle under the strain
Okay, so Jenny's not doing well! She's carving out time for herself in the car, head in hands, at the parking lot for supplies. Then we get to the verse about the car salesman:
Every single night after prime time Loud enough to hear in your sleep The salesman from the lot half a mile from here Yelling down the hood of his Jeep I'll take anything that the others won't I can see the value where others don't Just a small amount of pressure in the right place Two fingers to the temporal vein
I bolded the text because -- honestly, it feels bold when it's sung, doesn't it? This is where the story makes it clear what Jenny is about, what her raison d'etre is. She wants to take in those who are forsaken, she can see value in them when no one else can. We get another hit of the chorus, and then:
Striking a bargain with the imp in your brain Prepared to take another knock for the short gain But you can ask any veteran running back Eventually your joints complain
Okay, so this was the one I really really wanted to talk about because I think it's maybe some of the most clever wordplay ever, and also one of the most apt pieces of writing about the perils of taking on other's pain as your main response to most problems in life. The "striking a bargain with the imp in your brain" -- it feels like the narrator is aware, that Jenny is making a short-term deal (selling her car) because she's worried about supplies they need.
But there's also the layer on which taking on more strays -- more people, more community, more pain that she doesn't have capacity for -- that's also a short-gain distraction. I don't know how to explain this to people who haven't been there, but other people's pain can be addictive. It can genuinely feel like, okay, listening to your problems for a minute, giving you what you need -- that's vicariously giving me what I need.
That's why the line "prepared to take another knock for the short gain" is so goddamn clever. It's a knock, as in a blow to Jenny's self to sell her car off for the Kawasaki. But the literal knock of someone else at her door who needs shelter is calling to her, for the short gain of vicarious relief (instead of having to face up to her own needs).
Anyways. Jenny's house of hard knocks. that's the post thank you for coming to my ted talk <3
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sunchasingstar · 1 year
Okay so I was reading a sunseeker fic (surprising I know lmao) and usually I relate Conan Gray to Regulus but Yours by Conan fit so well w this fic’s James that I’m honestly in tears.
I'm somebody you call when you're alone
I'm somebody you use, but never own
I'm somebody you touch, but never hold
And you're somebody I'll never really know
I know I'm not the one you really love
I guess that's why I've never given up
'Cause I could give you all you want, the stars and the sun
But still, I'm not enough
So this verse. James and Regulus have been having a something in secret, not technically a relationship but not not one, James doesn’t really know how Regulus actually feels about James and so he’s insecure sometimes. Especially because for months Regulus has been colder than he used to be. It seems once they’re done doing what they do (👀) in the Room, Regulus doesn’t stick around for long, and obviously James begins to notice it and it begins to fester in his brain like an infection; Regulus doesn’t like him anymore, he’s done something wrong, he’s not enough again. But James could never bring it up because what if it meant that he loses Regulus? He loses his star? No, he doesn’t say anything, but the hurt grows. So yeah while he knows Regulus probably doesn’t love him like James loves him, that Regulus is sticking around because it was the only way to get James to leave him alone, that Regulus doesn’t need or want him, he stays because while Regulus doesn’t feel that, James does
Oh-oh, all I really wanted was that look in your eyes
Like you already know that I'm the love of your life
Like you already know you're never sayin' goodbye
But I'm not yours
I'm not yours, I'm not yours
I want more, I want more
But I'm not yours
And I can't change your mind
But you're still mine
So tell me that it's time for me to go
'Cause you know I can't do it on my own
James finally boils over, his emotions slip thru the cracks of his mask and he hurts. He hurts so much that he feels it decaying his ribs, etching its way through his chest. Still, he could never end it himself. Eventually, eventually, Regulus sees that he’s hurting James but instead of realizing it was because James couldn’t tell he even cared for him, Regulus thinks it’s something else. So, he lets him go.
The only thing that's harder than sleepin' alone
Is sleepin' with your ghost
I should've known that it was dumb love
15 dozen roses
All the things that I've done for you not to notice
Can't believe I chose you over all my best friends
What the fuck did I do in the end?
Just to not be yours
No matter what James does, it always feels like he’s missing a piece of himself, that’s he’s being haunted by a lover that’s not even dead, by a love that may never have even existed in the first place. When did his dorm room become so cold? And when did his single size bed become so empty and large? How can he sleep when he can feel the weight of the heartbreak and guilt because fuck how could he choose Regulus over his best friend? Why doesn’t he regret it, he should regret it, but James could never regret getting to bask in the shine of his star, even if his star doesn’t want him and maybe never did.
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azems-familiar · 2 months
Omg this isn't even related to the ask game but the ask you just answered 😭 sorry bout that, I suddenly thought of more questions now.
Also THANK YOU SO MUCH to you and Davi for churning out so many writings these past few weeks holy crap, I've loved reading every one of them. Yall are spoiling us /pos
Okie question time: surviving Ancients building a New Amaurot?? Yes pls??? But also how do they survive???? I'm so glad Hyth and Elidibus are there though, they're unabashedly my favourites aside from G'raha and Emet Selch. I was also wondering if you guys have any plans on writing smth about how, after the Final Days, Emet, G'raha and Corrain (and maybe Lelesu) work to find some way to return to the first? This curiosity probably stemmed from you guys giving Lyna interactions with Uncle Emet, I could not stop smiling at those.
Thanks so much again!! Keep up the great work XD
okay SO. as to how each of the ancients survives is different; Hyth is the easiest, because in canon on Ultima Thule he and Emet choose to leave instead of using Hydaelyn's magicks to become corporeal again. so he just chooses to stay instead. Elidibus we're saving in the last tier of pandaemonium; between the last lingering fragments of Hydaelyn's gift and Emet's own magic. it will still take him a long time to recover and piece himself back together, but he will. Lahabrea is harder, but we've decided to go with a fan theory that his soul is stuck in Estinien's lance alongside Nidhogg, so once Hyth (who has the best soulsight) gets a look at it they're going to borrow the lance and just yoink him free. his multiple years stuck in a spear alongside an extremely angry dragon watching All That go down have chilled him out and forced him to think on his actions some, though that doesn't mean it'll be smooth sailing all the way through once he's freed.
as for returning to the First, right now we have this on our outline:
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i'm headcanoning that the Ascians are capable of traversing the rift physically (even if that's not necessarily quite lore accurate, it's a little bit wibbly) and so Emet is able to take G'raha with him. the others will have to wait until Y'shtola finds a way across on her own, but i expect Elidibus will be willing to help her with that... we will see.
there are several plot points that since it's obviously setting up for future expansions and things, we're kind of waiting to see what the game does with them (like some of the stuff dawntrail introduced). of course we'll probably invent our own stuff eventually if we get to that point in writing and the game still hasn't given us any answers, but since this particular verse is sort of our "canon" we are trying to keep it as game-adjacent as possible so that we don't have to. do tons of wild work for it and it ends up not being related to the current stories being told at all.
i'll tag @sunderedazem in case there's anything he wants to add here, but thank you!! really glad to hear how much you're enjoying things. and the Emet and Lyna interactions are something we both super enjoy too - i actually have a half-done promptfic sitting around that's more of it, i just have to settle down and work on it. though unless something really changes the next thing to be posted will probably be the next bit of Ascian Azem :)
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nihilnothings · 1 year
I just recently noticed the similarities between Aqua and Akane's relationship to Hikaru and Ai
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This isn't really a new profound theory as I found it on some obscure part of the Internet but I'd like to share some light on it because I just noticed it all of a sudden.
Ruby is usually the go to when people describe someone similar as Ai, after all she is a spitting image of her but blonde, has that similar charisma that draws in people to her, and eventually in traditional Hoshino fashion uses lies as a means to an end.
However, Ruby isn't the only one with similarities to Ai, Aqua too is also similar to his mother, at least when it comes to some aspect of his love life lol but even if they aren't physically similar Aqua too has similarities with his mother, in which they use lies as an expression of their love (The difference being Ai yearns for love while Aqua feels like he doesn't deserved to be loved) wouldn't be her son at all if they don't share anything in common after all!
The parallels so far are mostly on how their love lives are similar:
Both are entertainers who got entangled with Lala Lai Theatre Troupe members for a specific goal in mind
Eventually they started to get romantically involved with one another
They both then experienced a fallout for different reasons (Aqua can't bring himself to have Akane be involved for her safety while Ai started falling out due to the pregnancy, though further details might reveal more on their fallout because ain't no way it's just because of that)
They then started to oppose each other (Akane is actively planning to stop Aqua from self-destructing while REDACTED for reasons unknown went back to murdering again and killed his lover)
That's where the similarities end and where the differences start within this parallel.
In the case of Ai she was the older one, while in the case of Aqua he was the younger one lol (if we don't include his past life that is)
REDACTED opposes Ai but his motives are out of malice (unless Ai did something so bad to him that warrants murder and more murders following that, he is an evil piece of crap for ruining the lives of his children and many others), Akane opposes Aqua but her motives are pure, which is to save him from self-destructing (I personally don't think Akane wants Aqua to not chase after REDACTED as someone as smart as she is knows how dangerous he is, she's probably trying to stop him from destroying himself and find a much "healthier" way to stop him.)
The romance between Ai and REDACTED ended in a very bitter note to the point of Ai getting murdered by him. The fate of Aqua and Akane is still uncertain.
Aqua who is compared to "Ai" is the "bad guy" while Akane who is REDACTED is the "good guy" opposite to how REDACTED and Ai was, though further details of their relationship might shed more light on how they are.
Now the question stand, do these parallels mean anything? Maybe or maybe not, I just found the observation to pique my interest and considering I can't predict the current journey of the story, I'll leave all of this as me speculating.
If it were true though, I suppose these parallels are a way for the author to allude the trajectory of how their relationship might go. A lot of dark things are currently happening within the OnK-verse but I don't see this series to have a downer end, it'll probably be a light after dark ending where after all the shit that the characters have been through, they all will live knowing that they've won against their struggles.
Using this Tokyo Blade panel as a complement to this observation, I suppose if Ai and REDACTED's relationship concluded in a horrible note (but at least Ai managed to die knowing she was capable of "real love) then Aqua and Akane might succeed where their predecessors failed, by making amends and loving for real.
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cecilyv · 27 days
I’m asking you and your co-author this. I’m obsessed with your Buck/Tommy series. It’s one of the most well thought out and consistent pieces of fiction I’ve read in a while. I love your characterization of Tommy, and while we don’t know for sure yet that it will match how they move forward with the character in canon, it reads so true to what we’ve been given so far.
(Side note: I find that characters like Tommy are where fandom THRIVES because fanfic is inherently speculative so a character with bits of established history but with a lot unknown allows for rampant speculation from authors and fans. Like we have enough to have a blueprint for characterization but otherwise there is an immense amount of freedom for fandom to do whatever they want without it feeling “out of character” yet. I think it’s one of the many reasons Buck/Tommy became so popular so quickly. Their story is a blank slate.)
Y’all have built a relationship in that verse that is so real, and part of that is moments of tension that naturally happen between to grown people who are different. So you’ve shown us multiple times where Tommy is somewhat avoidant when he feels in a mood (when he goes to the gym in the 2nd fic, or when he gets snippy and buck leaves for the book store in fic 4, etc) and each time Buck has sort of been left to “read the room” so to speak and they’ve worked it out in a super realistic way.
I guess I wonder if you think that’s an aspect of their relationship they’ll eventually discuss head on or if it’s just something about each other they learn to live with. I can see it going both ways, it wouldn’t be unfair of Buck to snap at Tommy if it continues to happen and ask that Tommy just tell him when he needs space instead of getting snippy. But I also think it’s something he could just eventually know what to look for and give him that space w/o any conflict or being asked. Alternatively I don’t think it would be unfair of Tommy to outright say that he needs space sometimes and be irritated if that’s not given, but I also can see him just figuring out what he needs to do for himself in those times and figure out a way to avoid being snippy until he can get some space naturally (you already showed he does a decent job at that in fic 4 obviously)
Anyway as a chronic introvert and someone who requires a lot of alone time to feel centered and good I found those moments particularly interesting and would love to hear any thoughts to have on that point of friction between these two. Or any thoughts on them at all. I think I could read about your version of these characters for days and not get board lol.
Hey Nony! 
Thank you so much for the kind words. We really appreciate it and love our versions of Buck & Tommy from What Binds, too. 
Now for your question: 
@liminalmemories21 : It's an interesting question. I mean, I think to a certain extent they just learn to read each other better -- Buck figures out that Tommy leaving isn't 'leaving,' it's walking away to get space.  Tommy maybe learns when Buck is going to feel insecure and says "I'll be back in an hour," or "I have my phone, text me if you need me" -- just something that says he's coming back, and that he just needs a minute.
Cecily: I think it’s a lot of Buck realizing that Tommy's not leaving and he’s not mad; that’s not even really about him. Tommy can’t really voice what’s happening, say what he needs, but he does learn to say, “I’m going to the garage” or “heading to the gym” as he walks out of the room. Buck also starts to naturally give him space, like if they’ve both been home on the same 48, he tells Tommy he’s taking Dug for coffee or just disappears himself into the living room, headphones on while he boots up a game and Chris is on the other side. 
@liminalmemories21: Yeah, basically. Also, I think the longer Buck has Tommy, the more Tommy stays, the more sure he is that he'll recognize a big fight vs a little fight.  And that just takes time.  It's not something you can learn overnight, or believe down in your bones just because someone says so.
So there you go! And a sneak peek into how we hash out arguments between them on the back end. 
Thanks for the question! 
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mapplestrudel · 2 years
Tigaane - Touches
Pairing: Paz Vizsla x Reader
Summary: Space cuddles in the dark. Face reveal (but not really.) ((because it is dark.))
Rating: General Audiences
Additional Tags: Earthling!Reader, Fluff, Non-Sexual Intimacy, self-indulgent semi self-insert, there's hugs and scritches and they're very comfortable with each other, part of the Mando'a for Beginners!verse
Wordcount: 1.6k
Cross-posted to AO3 (link in the comments).
(Chapter 2: on tumblr and also on AO3)
You sit on your side of the sleeping compartment of the little spaceship Paz had… "acquired" a while ago. The room holds nothing more than a double sized cot where both of you fit in comfortably, and some shelves on the wall, and after an initial hesistance you found that co-sleeping and cuddling while zipping through hyperspace was something you both were looking forward to.
You have your headlight on, a hand carved crochet hook in your hand, and you just fasten off another square that you want to attach to a blanket-to-be - as the door opens and the door frame fills with the equally wide frame of your companion.
"Course all set," he grumbles. "If all goes well, we'll have a quiet eight hour trip ahead."
"And if not?"
"Oh you know. The usual. Suffocating and freezing to death in the vast and empty void of space."
You raise an eyebrow. "You think you're funny, Paz Vizsla, but I'll be laughing the loudest if this really happens one day."
He chuckles in response. "Won't hear it, Laar'ika," - he stretches with a groan and several joints pop into place - "Space is not only dead cold and dead empty. It is also dead silent."
You roll your eyes and smirk. "You're an insufferable big blue tin can man sitting in a tiny rusty tin can sham, you know that."
"I do!" he exclaims cheerfully. "And the only thing to make it sufferable is that you're on board, too."
You huff and laugh and switch off your light as he stretches again and starts taking off his beskar'gam. Now the only thing you see is the dim glow of the HUD in his buy'ce, and not for the first time you wonder how he sees you with it - and how he looks without it.
He follows his routine - taking off a piece of his armour, wiping it with a damp cloth, inside and out, and then placing it gently under the bed. You sit in the dark and listen, and by now you can recognize the parts by sound. Or maybe it's the never changing order in which he takes them off. It's probably both.
First thing to leave is the utility belt.
Then left boot, and right boot.
Left shin guard, right shin guard.
Left thigh guard, right thigh guard.
Left side, right side. Like a clockwork.
It's mesmerizing.
Eventually the last metal clonks gently as he puts it on the ground, flak vest and flight suit also rustle into their nightly place on two hangers for some air running through them during resting time.
You chew on the inside of your mouth, unable to keep the curiosity at bay but also unsure of how to approach the matter.
"Do you think…-"
"Sometimes, yeah." He chuckles.
"No di'kut, I wanna ask you something."
"Ask then." He sits down beside you against the wall, reaches up, and takes a soda can from the shelf, opening it with a cold crack.
"But you can always say no," you insist.
He takes a long swig, swallows and "ahhh"s the content sound of quenched thirst.
"You know I love to say no."
"I know.. but maybe… eek!" A surprised squeak escapes you as something cold taps your knee twice. You reach to take the offered can and a sip from it. It gives you the courage you needed, and you try again.
"Can.. Could I…Would you…? like… Ugh! Look! I know we're kinda working with a loophole here already, sitting in pitchblack and all, and I don't know if there's any more wiggle room. But if there is, can I… can.. See, I just… really wanna touch your face? Kinda like seeing it with my hand?"
He doesn't answer immediately, and you sit in the dark without the slightest indicator of what he's thinking, and it's a little torture, if you're being honest. And just as you're about to accept his neverending scorn that this bold question inevitably will result in, he clears his throat, takes the can from your hand and empties it in one go. Apparently he needs the courage, too.
"You wanna see my face?" he rumbles tentatively
"Well, technically we're not even talking about "seeing". Just… feeling it."
"Right now?"
"If.. if that's okay? or, you know, never… whenever you like. Or not! it's your ch-"
- "Okay."
Truth be told, he had longed for your touch ever since the Cave Incident, just never managed to work up the courage to ask. And what would he have said anyway? "Excuse me friend from another galaxy, please touch here." No. Nononono. Better to marinate in his own yearning. That is much better, right?
His thoughts get interrupted by your movement as you shift around to look at him (or at least in his general direction).
"Are you sure? I don't want you to get into trouble just because of a silly aruetii and her curiosity."
He also shifts around to sit opposite of you and gently takes your hands, completely enclosing them with his.
"You're not silly, Laar'ika, far from it. And you've proven more than once that there's a mando heart beating in that chest of yours."
He is so soft and earnest that it leaves you speech- and breathless so you just blink stupidly into the darkness.
He lifts your hands up to his lips and presses a very gentle kiss on them. A hot and cold shiver runs down your spine and all you can do is hope that your breathing starts up soon again or you will faint and this moment will end rather abruptly.
With a soft "Ke'haa'tayli" he places your hands on his cheeks.
Your mind spins and you start to see black dots in the darkness and finally you remember to breathe.
You exhale and breathe in and the fresh air into your brain breaks your stupor so you can scoot closer, and end up sitting cross-legged between his opened legs.
You know these scruffy cheeks, you've cupped them before, but never ventured further. Now you relish in running your hands over the scruff of a round chin and jawline and his cheeks that are soft and round, and as you slowly feel your way up you notice the wrinkles and laugh lines around the eyes. His eyes are shut but the lashes flutter involuntarily is you gently travel over the eyelids and eyebrows.
He scoots closer, leans into your touch, tension leaving him with a little sigh.
You go further up, fanning your finger across his forehead. There's more wrinkles there but they soften under your touch. Once more your fingers glide across the forehead, brushing into his hairline. There's a cowlick there, a few stubborn strands standing up despite the constant pressure of his buy'ce and the flight suit's hood.
You scritch, and he can't help a groan, and then you travel back down again to the ears to trace them. Then back over the cheeks to his nose, and you find that it is somewhat crooked, like it was broken a few times. A scar spreads horizontally over the bridge. You massage it with gentle circles before stroking over the eyebrows again a few times.
Paz sighs again, and relaxes even more into your discovering touches. Brain empty, there's only you, enveloped by velvet darkness and the spaceship's hum.
His hands find purchase at your sides, digging into your supple hips as if he wanted to make sure you don't suddenly float away and disappear. As if he anchored himself to stop his spinning head.
At last he can muster a croaked whisper.
"What do you see?"
You smile and scoot forward and gently bonk your forehead to his. "A handsome face with a history."
He laughs. "I'd debate the handsome, but…"
"Oh that's entirely /not/ up for debate, mister!"
"Mh-mh. Don't talk yourself down. That's what you told me. And this includes you, too."
There's not much room left between you but it's still too much, so he wraps you up into his arms, pulls you closer and you detangle your legs and wrap them around him.
He rests his head on your shoulder and you lean yours against his and revel in his warmth and his faint smell of gun oil, blaster residue and lanolin (from the woolly flightsuit), tied together by the soap made by the covert's own soap works into what has become your favourite smell of comfort.
You hear his heartbeat, his calm breathing. The hum of the hyperdrive reminds you of the deadly cold outside, but right now you couldn't care less because if you do crash somehow this very instant, you'd die happy, content and calm.
You start running your fingers through his hair, gently scritching the scalp with your fingernails. Paz can't help a groan escape, and you are not sure if that one was a content or a pained one, so you stop.
"You okay?" you whisper.
Another groan is the answer, but he nods into your shoulder, so you continue your ministrations of slow, languid scritchy circles across his head.
After a while you notice he's completely slack, snoring into your shoulder. You chuckle to yourself, carding through his tousled hair with a small, affectionate smile.
You would have continued like that for a little longer, but he's getting too heavy, just hanging on your shoulder like that, so you try to lower him down as carefully as you can. You search for and pull up his blanket and tuck him in. Then you get your own blanket and place yourself behind him. For now, you're the big spoon, and you use it to your advantage to press a little kiss to the back of his head.
"Jate ca, ner ori'kebiin di'kut," you whisper. "Sleep well."
Soon you drift off into sleep yourself undisturbed, warm, and content.
Translations and pronunciations (if available) from www.mandoa.org, and The Total Guide to Mandalorian Language by Tal'jair Rusk:
Tigaane - made up from: tigaanur -- [tee-gah-NOOR] - to touch. The "-e" is the plural suffix.
Laar'ika from laar -- [lar] -- song. "-ika" is the diminutive suffix, making this "Little Song"
beskar'gam -- [BES-kahr-GAM] -- armour
buy'ce -- [BOO-chay, BOO-shay] -- helmet
di'kut -- [DEE-koot] -- idiot, useless individual, waste of space (lit. someone who forgets to put their pants on). But, like, it's affectionate here, okay? xD
aruetii -- [ah-roo-AY-tee] -- traitor, foreigner, outsider. obviously used here in the sense of "foreigner, outsider".
Ke'haa'tayli from: haa'taylir -- [har-tie-LEER] -- see, look. Prefix "ke-" turns a statement into a command.
"Jate ca, ner ori'kebiin di'kut": Good night, my big blue idiot from: jate -- [JAH-tay] -- good ca -- [kah] -- night ner -- [nair] -- my, mine ori' -- [OH-ree] -- big, very (used as a prefix) kebiin -- [keh-BEEN] -- blue
[Also, for the record: All Mandos smell a little bit like sheep because the flightsuits are made of Special Space Wool that saves them from smelling like hell after spending basically their entire time enclosed in a tin can.]
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seariii · 9 months
We only watched one episode today
Aaah... Episode 7, and It's the first time they translate the opening and ending. The opening is literally their story, and the ending made me tear up a bit, it had pretty feelings, but has such pretty meaning...
The ending made me feel... Happy.... It reminded me of my best friend... There is one song that could describe us, is Metronome, it's last verse says "in a life after this... We'll meet again", and the lyrics of the first ending of Frieren feel like that... "I'll walk this path again, even if you are no longer here It feels like you are beside me" or something like that.... "Wanting to understand the reason of my tears"... Idk something about the ending felt familiar to me... There was a time the bestie and I stopped talking, won't go into detail as to why, but it was a long long time. I thought for sure I was never to speak or see him again... And it really does feel like it was another life, different to this one with how much we've both changed.... When we talked again, I remember I told a friend, crying, that I felt the connection, like two puzzle pieces fitting exactly with each other, but I was sad that we were gonna stop talking... To my surprise, we didn't stop talking.... And our bond is even stronger than it was back in the day... We are platonic soulmates... It's nice to have someone like that when I thought I never would
Regarding what happened in the anime, it's fun to see them implementing that, the way she acted made me feel she had seen it first hand and then I was right. And the way the demons use words to manipulate is a trope I always enjoy. "I want my mom" cries, while they aren't capable of familial bonds, while they are lying just to make the other person lower their weapon, while they take advantage of their child-like form and eventually strike....
Then again, the demon in the memories, maybe I'm wrong, but felt like she wasn't trying to do something wrong... Felt like she truly thought that would bring peace of mind to the woman who lost her child. She apparently didn't have feelings nor empathy, so her logic said that. "It seems I made a mistake" were her words... I wonder if the man said anything to her that made her think of that option.... But maybe I'm just projecting, and maybe she just wasn't a nice person.... I guess we will see how they write the next episode
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meimi-haneoka · 1 year
(I think Tumblr ate my ask about this last week, so I'm trying this again, sorry!) Are there any songs you associate with the latest Clear Card chapters? I was in a Madoka Magica soundtrack kick when Chapter 74 was released, so I couldn't help but think that the lyrics to Connect and Magia (the anime OP and ED, respectively) give off vibes that seemingly fit this part of Clear Card. Which is weird, because CCS and PMMM are vastly different in tone.
So sorry anon!! No, your ask wasn't eaten by tumblr, I was simply taking too long to reply because these days have been kinda crazy on my end!!
So I'll be replying immediately to this one!!
OOOOHHH Connect and Magia!! Do you know that I used to listen to Magia by Kalafina ever since the earliest chapters of Clear Card? Especially after the anime showed that Kaito was able to rewind time and supposedly had an agenda of his own , I instinctively started to associate this song with Clear Card. Maybe because things were getting darker and the mentions of magic associations and magical clans also added an even more esoteric flavor to the story, but yeah, I've been listening to it for a long time. I also listened to some BGMs from Madoka's anime (I just love Yuki Kajiura and Kalafina!!). And then, the more the story progressed, the more I realized that especially Magia was.....simply perfect in its lyrics.
I mean, I can't really even quote a particular verse from it because all of it seems so fitting for the development, especially for Kaito's situation.
I guess this part in particular
Someday, you will also wish for great power For the sake of someone else, I suppose. In the night when love captured your heart, Yet unknown words are born.
If I can go on without losing my way, I don't mind if my heart is broken to pieces. I want a spell That can let me fight against The sorrow that is always in front of my eyes.
really screams Kaito's predicament to me. Sometimes it's from his POV, sometimes it's somebody talking to him (I can feel Akiho in there), but yeah. We are on the same wavelength, anon!
Aside from Madoka Magica's Magia, I have tons of songs I associate with Clear Card, the more the story goes on. Not only, I also have songs for moments that I imagine will eventually come ahead.
For the current development I have "Mayoizuki" by Onoken feat. Misaki (for Akiho's situation, how she's longing for someone but can't really remember who), "Kogoesouna kisetsu kara" by Aimer (again, Akiho and Kaito's situation), "You are my sister" by Anohni and The Johnsons (Sakura and Akiho ❤️) while for the upcoming events I have "I found the love" by KOKIA (I imagine Akiho and Sakura singing this in a duet ❤️), "Daijina mono wa mabuta no ura" by KOKIA (in case Kaito is in a state of unconsciousness or he isn't himself, this would be like a song to wake him up) and "blame's on me" by Alexander Stewart (Kaito's regret once he understands what he really did 💔). I have many many more, but yeah these are the most played ones in my spotify 😆
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capricioussun · 8 months
How about I talk abt Dos a little since I so rarely do despite the fact I think of him often.
So, I've identified him as being from "glitchfell", but tbth I should really...change that. And just identify him as Glitched!Fell Papyrus or something, since his AU was actually destroyed a while ago. (Or maybe I can think up an alternate version where is wasn't destroyed but just super fucked up, which would actually be neat wait hold on I'll do that-)
Anyway. It was actually Dos that destroyed it! Entirely unintentionally but eh, whadya gunna do about it right? /j the scientist seriously messed up in the process of trying to make him, and when he shattered, permanently fractured Dos' code, which makes him, well, glitchy! Due to that, the DT, and part of his soul being attached to the void, it's near impossible for him to die or be killed despite how messed up he is, so inevitably, during a severe episode of destabilization when he was about tween-age, he tore a hole in his AU as he was violently glitched from it, which caused its immediate collapse shortly after.
The glitches are exacerbated by stress – the more unstable he is mentally, the more he is physically. So once he came to in a different Fell type AU, in a lot of pain and disorientation, it wasn't long before he glitched again. Thankfully, he doesn't usually collapse entire verses like his own, since his own code isn't part of the whole, but still, he can damage a universes code if the glitch is severe enough.
The following years were rough, since he usually found himself in Fell verses as his code most closely aligned with theirs and made the connection easier. He couldn't develop any bonds as he'd usually wind up glitching out of the verse soon anyway, on top of how difficult it generally is to forge good ones in a Fell universe in the first place. He bounced around a lot, slowing as he got older and gained better control of himself and his emotional state. But still, his soul was too unstable to ever fully control via just free will.
From that point, his story can split off into several different iterations I've explored. The most explored one is where he gets captured by a character called "The Collector" who seeks out strange or unique beings across the multiverse to keep or sell/rent. He’s absolutely abhorrent, and if he exists in a story then so does "The Council" (the guys Void works with), so at least he’s not just wreaking havoc willy nilly, but still. He’s incredibly smart and capable and somehow manages to always slip between fingers, so they've never caught him.
In that iteration, Dos is one of his favored "pieces", so he only rents him, even going as far as doing his own experiments to see what makes him tick. Due to the fact he travels outside proper universes via pocket dimensions, the constant changing of hands (and a glitch proof collar), and a cocktail of drugs to keep him relaxed enough not to damage himself too much, Dos can't escape, willingly or not.
Although, by that point, he doesn't. He’s hurt a great number of monsters and universes because of his inability to control the glitching, so despite how horrid the living conditions are, he thinks it's better that way, where he can't accidentally hurt anyone anymore.
Again, in this iteration, usually he's eventually freed, amongst a group of a few other "pieces", by members or allies of the council, including none other than Void himself. Sometimes depending on what I'm vibing with, they've met before, but sometimes they haven't, which can determine how long it takes for Dos to accept their help.
Thankfully, they've got quite a number of smart cookies on their team, and can eventually make a device and medication that Dos can take to help manage his glitching. That, on top of shuffling every so often between a few different AUs, keeps him from having serious episodes.
Those are the implications at the end of that Patch and Void fic btw!! That version of HT is one of the first verses Void asks to "provide a safe space" for Dos during recovery.
Speaking of, Void can also manually negate Dos' episodes, which is what leads to their eventual partnership! By that point, he’s become quite a good friend to Dos, and helped him a lot both physically and mentally. It also helps Dos recover to help Void help others, on top of learning more practical, common skills he never had the chance to before since he was so young when everything got so out of control.
All in all, he’s sooo messed up, but with time, he reorients quite well! He’s a big sweetie, even if he’s also kind of tsundere abt it ahdjjskskf
And for some reason, I associate him strongly with otters the end <3
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daz4i · 1 year
ok ok I'm doing the silly and. talking abt my writing and showing parts of it and you gotta promise not to judge me and even if you find it cringe keep it to yourself pls be nice to me i am very sensitive!!!!!! anyway.
(tw for general depressing shit, mentions of death and implied csa near the end) (also this got so long I'm so sorry)
so the latest song(?) i wrote is called קלף טאקי בשולחן פוקר which is a reference to a local meme lol. i think i mentioned it before but if you missed it, it roughly translates to "uno card at a poker table". i think you can already guess what the topic of the song is. i actually wrote it after months of not writing anything and it felt like some of the grime on my brain was scrubbed off god bless
i have a file of a bunch of lines i come up with and don't know where to put yet and some of them are actually lifted from vent posts i make here and. this song was the first time i used smth from that file!! yippee!!!!
anyway i am not posting the whole thing bc my rhyming is. not good but I'll post some of my favorite parts in it i think. starting with
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the lines the song opens with! originally it was called "unfit" (this word will come later too) but i wanted to get silly with it, hence the meme reference
speaking of references, that second line is one, to "avalanche" by bring me the horizon. great depression song go listen to it if you haven't yet. i kept thinking abt that line while writing and eventually i went "sure why not, may as well pay a tiny homage to one of my fav bands ever"
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these are the opening lines of the second verse^
ik the length of the first one is a bit much compared to others and esp the first verse (see above), but this is one of the lines i grabbed from the aforementioned collection file and i was too attached to it to change it. i feel like once there's music and shit it might solve this
anyway i feel like here it's clearer what the topic actually is (the chorus also helps, but we'll get to that later) - having to be fake and pretending to be someone else in order for people to like you. the song wasn't originally supposed to be abt that but ngl most of what i write eventually comes to this lol (i think i have at least 3 other pieces about this oof <- joker kinnie)
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this one!!!!! is a reference!!!!! to a play i liked as a teen and used a monologue from multiple times in acting school (everyone in the class loved the way i did it and asked me to keep using it in stuff and who am i to say no), dentity crisis by christopher durang!! it's about, well, identity crises lol, and eventually the main character loses herself trying to make sense of the people around her and the chaos of her life so naturally it felt like a fitting reference to make, esp with the whole theater theme
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this is the. i wanna say bridge but idk all the right terminology oof. like the part before the final chorus+outro.
i think you might've picked up by now that this is a bit of a silly, somewhat sarcastic song on some level, hence the improv line lmao
when i hear this part in my head it's very dramatic, lots of belting like a broadway showstopper, mixed with some. almost spoken, yet still sing-song-y lines
and here the whole theater motif really picks up the pace too. honestly this one appears in a lot of my writing for obvious reasons, but it's especially fitting when the song is literally about pretending to be someone else in order to be loved
the game thing peeks its head in the first chorus which we will get into in a sec, but either way i think it goes hand in hand. games are often abt getting into the shoes of another character yknow? and there's a whole play on the word, well, play lol. and how it's both for games and for acting (in my first language we straight up don't have another word like "act". it's just the same as play and that's it. so maybe it works better in my head for that reason idk!)
music wise i imagine in the last 2~ lines the beat starts to slow down, the notes become a bit higher, every syllable is drawn out for a bit longer, and in "stops" there's a short pause before the final chorus comes in. speaking of!
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yeah showing each of them separately would've been a bit too cringey even for me. i don't think they're good as standalones BUT i like them together paralleling each other. it's smth i like to do in almost every song i write tbh, and very often i switch between "i" "you" and "we" as the song keeps going, to sort of draw the listener/reader in and let them become a part of the "narrative" if they want to and relate to it hehe. kind of make them (and me) feel less alone in this feeling
second chorus talking abt masks is once again smth i put in a lot of what i write (<- joker kinnie. again) askflglg sorry for not being original it will happen again 👍 but what can i say, it's relevant to the topic!!
in the last one i tried adding some sense of urgency. a reminder that this comes after the build up of the bridge, so it'll either be more intense or more quiet. haven't decided yet.
"maybe one day I'll fit" goes with the original "unfit" idea. bc at the end of the day this is what it's all about yknow? gotta make up a humansona and constantly roleplay as it to get through.
and through that "maybe one day" sentiment I'll slide into the outro. it's less sung than it is spoken sing-songly and dramatically to the beat (speaking of, i imagine a slight key change by now, as well as the music itself becoming more chaotic and intense and messy for this part), so i didn't bother much with rhyming or a steady pace heh
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i mean. can it really be something i wrote without at least one reference to death and/or being a slut (<- dazai kinnie).
actually ironically "better die as myself than be loved as a character" might be my favorite line in the whole thing bc. well as i said the song is sarcastic. in its essence it's about being TIRED of pretending to be someone else. it's about how it's not something you actually want, you only want its benefits. but eventually, at the end of the song, you're just too tired to keep it up. all shows have to end eventually. and, this connects back to the first chorus - "maybe one day I'll be myself", kind of implying this one day might be in death, since all of life is pretending (only good vibes and fun on this blog ♡)
but. not dead yet. and i still want the benefits. so better find an alternative! nobody needs to know who you are if you've got tits they can touch! - is what i learned growing up and as a teen it never failed me lol.
so, the song ends with finally taking off the mask, but. taking off everything else in the process as well. all for being wanted, or the pretense of being loved, because that's the only thing that matters 👌
and that's it! i apologize for being depressing and for how long it got, but i hope you liked it anyway uwu
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inkovert · 10 months
Nine People You Want To Get To Know Better
Thanks to @freedominique for the tag! You sound like a pretty cool person :^) Impressed that you're casually reading about Foucault
Current Book I'm Reading: bro...the amount of books I've picked up and stopped reading in the past 3 months 😮‍💨 I don't know if I even deserve to claim I'm currently reading anything. But if I must give an answer, I'm currently buddy reading The Spear Cuts Through Water by Simon Jimenez with one of my friends. She chose the book and the reviews were off the charts and promised an unforgettable reading experience so I had to pick it up. And from the first few pages I read Simon didn't come to play. The prose is so beautiful that every time I try to read it it just has me itching to put the book down and write (anyone else have that issue??). So yeah. Haven't got that far with it even though I went out and bought a physical copy of the damn thing because listening to it via audiobook was doing it a disservice. I've also been listening to the second book in the Aristotle and Dante series by Benjamin Alire Sáenz. My friend recommended the books to me because I was looking for something lighthearted to read and it has not disappointed.
Last Song I Listened To: Okay hear me out. I'll give my honest answer if I'm answering the question literally but there's a reason for it. It was a song by Eminem but I can't remember which one bc I went down a rabbit hole of listening to some of his songs (maybe Do Rae Mi (Haile's Revenge?)). But it's because I went down a rabbit hole this afternoon of watching videos of different rappers naming their top 5 rappers out of curiosity and then ended up on a video about how black rappers in the industry view Eminem....so yeah. I haven't been listening to him regularly, just today bc of that (though he is a legend and has a lot of dope songs).
Currently Watching: Honestly, I'm not a huge TV person, I'm slowly coming to realize. I don't have an interest in watching any new shows that come out. Honestly, if I'm watching TV it's either a movie or something anime-related. I just finished watching Your Lie in April yesterday (beautiful anime from the animation to the storytelling). And I'm currently watching (and have been for the last 2 years) One Piece (only on ep 976 so haven't caught up just yet 😮‍💨).
Current Fic I'm Reading: Not a fic reader, sorry!
Next On My Watch List: hmm...oh! Across the Spider-verse. I rewatched the first movie a couple weeks ago so I could prepare myself to watch the new one once it hit Netflix, but looking at the run time of the movie is a little daunting. I know it's a masterpiece though and I'll get to it eventually!
Current Obsession: 🤔 One Piece? My WIP? Sleeping? Dismantling the patriarchy? Who knows.
Tagging: @that-chibi-writer @pertinax--loculos @words-after-midnight @wordsacrossemptypages @avrablake No pressure!
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abysscronica · 2 years
Hi! This is the Law x Birdie anon once again! I am so looking forward to them interacting, you have no idea🤩😭👀 buuut, I guess I was also wondering if after Captive events had already happened, would it be possible for birdie to fall for Law assuming they spent a lot of time together in Wano or would pairings x birdie pretty much be in alt universes? Which now has me curious if there was a One Piece multi-verse, how would birdie feel about her other selves? Do you think they could eventually get along like the Spidermen 😂😂😂
Mm, that's a good question... but I think I'll have to go for the alternative universe for a birdie x Law. Even if she spent her whole time in Wano with him as allies, collaborating, even if he's impossibly hot and attractive... at this point I really don't see her falling for anyone else but Kid.
See, one of the characteristics of birdie is that unfortunately she doesn't pay attention to the people around her if she's not forced too. We saw it before with Aokiji, she was only fixating with him and she failed to see all the potential bonds around her in the Marines (Koby, Helmeppo, Tashigi, Isuka, Tsuru...). Now in Wano, she's focusing on finding the Kid Pirates, so Law would be an appreciated ally, sure, but hardly anything more. Even if she doesn't meet Kid at all for the rest of the story and only spends time with Law, her feelings won't be swayed. It would take a long time of healing by herself and a subsequent encounter with Law to maybe make her looking at him differently.
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b-lysia · 4 months
🖤 Just an egirl who thinks she's Socrates, doing; "⛓️💋🗡️🐦‍⬛🕸️🌹💦 Socialist Feminism." Welcome to another eye in the storm that is our world today.
THERE'S POEMS HERE, AND maybe music eventually. (I've gotta figure out a more serviceable mic set up, because blanket over my head and mic ain't it)
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My professional nouns are: Fae/faer/faers or she/her if you're boring. I'm pretty, so while we live under Patriarchy, either one is just as accurate.
🗡️ #oddwords original poetry tag. Most stuff will get the normal tags anyway so it can breach containment and the like, but this tag is mine and I like it because it's cool.
🗡️ #egirl philosopher hottakes and "not essays." If I do proper research for anything or reference other writers I'll make more of a to do about it, but you can expect mostly just 2-3 paragraph "think pieces" here. This tag will still take you to a few posts, but I remembered that I made this blog FOR poetry, maybe lyrics & covers, not for political ranting. So don't expect to see much more of that here. But you can always read the old ones to get a better idea of what sorta bitch I am.
🗡️ #echoes is for when my voice is in a post. I might perform a poem, spit, or sing, idk.
There's no reblog tag because they're too rare here.
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this is a cute picture of me I'm not changing it I look so sassy and unbothered even tho I tottally am, look at how much fucking blending I did with my lipstick, even tho my eyeliner is falling apart
Disclaimers n such under the cut 🗡️
I occasionally touch on "heavy/dark" topics in my prose, because it's rare I find myself inspired to pen a verse over something "happy." I write poetry to share my heart as just as much as I shroud it, so they'll frequently be layered under flowery prose, but I'm not censoring myself anymore than tumblr demands I do. If you're the type of person who needs a profanity filter unironically, you should probably work on that, but I'm not shrinking my space for you.
Positions/Major ideas and things to assume from me (so far):
I am a "lesbian(link)," an atheist(link), and I vibe with gender abolition and the performance theory of gender over the misuse of idpol. Saying that to say- I see gender as merely the qualia of patriarchy, and thus both inseperable from it, and detestable. But if we must use a form of gender at all, let its basis be founded in one's actions, not nebulous misunderstandings of biology or vibes.
TLDR: Trans people are my friends not radfems. Experience death by radical personal growth through introspection, or via a burnt pastry shower if this bothers you. I don't care which.
That's all. Thanks for reading 💋
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countlessrealities · 10 months
Send a " ⭐ " and I will list muses I would be interested in throwing at yours, or potential muse combinations if you are also a multi.
Send a ⭐ and I'll tell you which muses I'd be interested in throwing at yours || Always accepting !
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Rick & Morty: Obviously xD 'Cause there won't be a day when I don't shove these two in my RP partners' faces (sorry not sorry). Morty is canonically a SW fan (or well, he has always wanted a lightsaber xD), so he would have a blast in that sort of universe. Ofc, I won't go all meta, as in he and Rick knowing about the events of the saga and stuff (unless you want me to). They'll know the basics (which means the pieces of lore that everyone inside the Empire knows about), but not the specifics. Rick and Luke would definitely butt heads, and Rick might even get a little jealous because Morty is definitely going to be all starry-eyed at Luke x3
Summer: She can be fitted in the above scenario, but I also have a verse for her where she joins Space Beth's rebel squad and I think it would be interesting to see that version of her meeting Luke!
A-991 Rick: I think he and Luke would get along because their personalities are similar under some points of view, even if AR is way more chaotic than Luke. The guy could use someone to ground him a little, ngl >.>
Mercenary Rick: He's my Rick OC from outside the Curve, which means that I can have his original dimension being any universe I want. I'd be really happy to have him living in the SW verse and maybe he could eventually run into Luke while he's rebuilding the Jedi order?
Evil Rick & Evil Morty: the potential ideas here are two. One, Evil Morty meeting Luke after he left the Curve, and I'd love building a mentorship sort of relationship (that kid needs a positive adult figure in his life real bad). Two, I saw that you have a dark/Sith Luke verse, and I think that it would be interesting for him to meet my Evil duo!
I'm also definitely not against giving my other muses a SW verse, if you're interested in any of them!
I defaulted to my RnM muses here because 1. I already know you're interested in them, 2. they are the easiest to do crossovers with and 3. they are my most active muses. But anyone else who tickles your fancy is up for grabs 😎
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