#maybe ill still draw something we'll see
yamchazone · 6 months
I made the best bandit a birthday gift :pp this is why ive been kinda quiet lol just chipping at this continuously
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I wouldve drawn something as well but my wrists are begging for mercy lmao
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The only thing i doodled was the realization I had while I was making this lol but I had to finish
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rexscanonwife · 2 years
I can't believe I've moved from one issue (f/o too popular) to another (f/o hella obscure) in like FIVE SECONDS
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thelampisaflashlight · 3 months
The Little Sorrows That Make Life Worth Living
[Mountain thinks about his family.] Below the cut.
Mountain gazes out over the rolling fields on the far side of the abbey's grounds, at the lakeshore, and beyond, to the edge of the forest shielding them from the outside world, and the faintest glimpse of smoke rising above the tree tops.
There's a cabin there -really more of a cottage- homely and familiar, with markings etched into the wooden beams that have stood for more than a century.
Thirteen marks; One for every year that passed during his marriage, and spaced out to show the height of the child he raised.
Despite the years and his fall from God's favor, Mountain remembers carving each mark above Bo's head, looking to his mother and remarking about how, "We'll need to make the ceilings higher!"
His wife never found it particularly amusing, but, Bo, bless his heart, would always laugh, even if when he got older it was preceded by the boy rolling his eyes and giving a bemused, "Pappa..."
Things had been simpler then.
The only thing Mountain ever had to worry about was feeding his family, and, well, even before he awoke as an earth ghoul, he'd always had a green thumb.
It all came naturally to him, even back then.
Shaking his head, Mountain draws himself back to the present; To the smoke rising from the cabin's chimney.
The abbey's head groundskeeper -Beatrix Milne, Bea to friends, Milne to Mountain only- lives there now.
She's a firecracker, that Milne, when she's mad, she's meaner than a junkyard dog, but she maintains the grounds nicely, and she keeps the cabin in good condition, so he can't complain.
Sometimes, when he's feeling low, Mountain will stop by the cabin and ask to come in, and despite how often they argue over things like potting soil and pH levels, Milne never tells him no.
Milne had offered to give the cabin back to him once, but he'd refused; For as much as he liked visiting the place, it held too many memories, and so many more little sorrows.
He thinks of his wife.
He thinks of Bo.
And he thinks about the last time he saw them together, in happier times.
It was a week before the worst snowstorm he'd seen in years, and Bo had taken ill.
He was a sickly child, Mountain recalls, ever since he was born, and it seemed the only thing that made him feel better, was when Kajsa held his hand.
And every night, until Bo's fever subsided and the pain stopped, she kept herself firmly planted at his side, his hand in her own.
Kajsa may not have been a faithful wife, but she was a dutiful mother, and it often pained Mountain that he couldn't give her more children.
They'd tried for years, to make more marks along the beams of their house, but the cradle Mountain had lovingly crafted for Bo before his birth had been turned into kindling by their tenth year of marriage.
It had been a struggle, and a hard road to acceptance, but maybe it was the universe's way of telling him something much worse than a storm was coming on the horizon.
Had Mountain left behind more children...
"Enjoying the view?"
Mountain turns and sees the gardener standing there, still dressed in the clothes she wears to tend to the fields; Blue overalls and flannel covered in dirt, and a pair of boots that look like they've got maybe one more season in them before they fall to pieces.
"Hardly." he replies, settling in the grass, leaning back on his palms, "...Shouldn't you be over at the cabin watching the fire?"
Bea sits down beside him.
"Nah, I made Rain keep an eye on it." she says, then adding, "He got too cold coming out of the lake, so he's parked in front of the fireplace warming up."
"And you?" he asks.
"Needed to clear my head."
He tilts his head, eyeing the introspective look on her face.
"You want to talk about it?"
"Not particularly... not unless you wanna hear me bitch..." she huffs, folding her hands in her lap, "What about you? What's on your mind?"
"Family." he says, fixing his gaze back on the lake, watching the water ripple in the breeze, shivering slightly when it carries a sharper chill than expected up the hill, "...Missing them."
Bea hums thoughtfully and looks at the cabin.
"Bo and Kajsa, right?"
He nods.
"Mn." Bea shifts slightly, her knee bumping against his, "Y'ever... ya know, look them up? Done one of those genealogy site things?"
Mountain shakes his head.
"It was a long time ago, we didn't even have a surname when we married, Kajsa and I, and Bo... Even if this body still had the same blood flowing in it as it did back then, Bo was not..."
"He was my son." he says, then softly whispers, "...he was my son."
Bea lays back in the grass.
"Do you think you were you a good dad?" she asks, and Mountain tilts his head to look at her.
"I... I don't know." he admits, "I tried to be."
"And was Bo a good son?"
Mountain smiles, the corners of his eyes crinkling, the fondness bleeding out in the tears gathering there.
A lone bird calls across the lake, a gentle whistle in the silence that falls between them.
"...The best I could ask for."
Bea gives a little laugh and smiles at that.
"I think you were probably a good dad." she says after a moment, "...What's keeping you from having that, again?"
"It's not so simple." he shrugs, "I know it's been centuries... but being here, back in this place, so close..."
He eyes the cabin.
"...It's hard to move on." he says, "I think it must be an earth ghoul thing."
"Mn, maybe you're just nostalgic... Or whatever the word would be..." she mumbles, closing her eyes, "Can't relate."
"You don't get caught up in the past sometimes?" he questions, and Bea stretches, giving a yawn.
"Can't say I do, 'least not in a good way." she says, "My experience with family isn't... It's not great. Not gonna get into that though, cause, again, I don't think you wanna hear me bitch."
"Honestly? You never talk about your family, so... Bitch away?" he tries, and Bea cracks an eye open to shoot him a look he can't quite unpack the meaning of, "If you want to that is."
Bea sits up.
"Okay." she shrugs, "I'll give you the basics."
She turns to face him.
"High school dropout falls for a drummer in a shitty indie band from fucking Scranton, who's at least ten years older than her, but she loves him soooo much that she lets him hit even though she's barely nineteen, and winds up with a baby in return." she points at herself, "Her overly religious divorcee mother kicks her to the curb and she winds up raising the brat out of the backseat of a Honda Civic, until she decides it's a waste of her time and drops the kid off on her dad's doorstep in fuckin' middle of nowhere Ohio, who fucking hates her."
"Kid spends the next few years counting down the days until she turns eighteen, leaves home." she says, "...Almost makes the same mistakes as her mother. Couple more years go by, and, boom, here we are."
"That's..." Mountain frowns.
"Some other stuff probably happened in-between," Bea scratches her chin, "But I legitimately can't remember shit, man, I blocked, like, 98% of my childhood from my brain."
"...Sounds like the past comes back to haunt you in a differently than it does for me." Mountain lands on after processing the information he's been given, "...Fuck."
"Yeah..." she blinks, "I just realized that was pretty intense out of nowhere."
"I mean, it's..." Mountain plucks some grass and twists it between his fingers, "...I never learn things about you in a normal way."
"I'm working on that." she says, "I can never tell how much to... words and all that. I'm not fanciful or articulate like you, Mount. I've got no gauge that tells me to shut up when I'm being too much."
"If it was too much, I'd tell you." he comments, flicking the grass into Bea's lap, "I'm the one who asked."
"Still... Ugh, forget it." she sighs, ripping up a clump of grass and shaking the dirt from it, "You were being all... thinky about your family, and I'm over here like, 'Bah, family sucks!'... Sorry."
"It's fine."
Mountain watches the dirt scatter into the undergrowth.
"Do you... You asked me if I ever wanted to have a family again, but what about you? Do you want to get married? Have kids?"
Bea scrunches up her face.
"Marriage isn't on my agenda right now... Maybe in the future, but it's not a priority." she shrugs, "As for kids, can you seriously imagine me as a mom? I'll let you stick to the parent thing."
"Fair enough."
The smoke from the cabin grows a little darker.
"...You think he's burning something in there?" Mountain asks, then sniffs the air, "Smells like... salmon?"
Mountain snorts as he watches the gardener run off.
"She's an odd duck." he says, laying down in the grass and closing his eyes for a second before sitting back up again, "...Then again, if the cabin burns down, I think Kajsa will haunt me for real-"
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lavenderfieldsforvr · 3 months
okay so i had a dream about morph.
i was watching like a lost episode of tas (or movie? it was some sort of lost media with the tas cast) and morph was there and i was really excited. the xmen went to some kinda hotel for some reason, i guess they were on vacation. but weird shit started happening, they were attacked by an unknown villain(s) and so typical xmen stuff ensued. morph was more a background character, like how they are in the first two episodes of tas, but i was just happy they were there at all. i remember they did get taken hostage by the villain at one point, to be like "we'll kill your friend if you dont do what we want" blah blah. morph cant catch a break even in dreams i guess. but that scene only lasted a brief second.
the really interesting part is the end before i woke up, when magneto showed up and was like we need to evacuate the hotel (this was set in tas so im not sure why magneto is bossing them around but oh well) so the xmen all climb aboard the ship with him, and turns out they were on an island (i guess genosha? which would explain magneto) and they fly off. but see, wolverine was like trapped under a bunch of rubble at this point, i dont quite remember what happened but he was fighting and had an incident and the xmen left him for dead for some goddamn reason. so it cuts back to the hotel and wolverine claws his way out as he does, pretty much unscathed. but when he's wandering around he finds morph still there (playing darts for some reason, i guess they got bored) morph also got left behind, which confused and angered me in the dream, but i assume they probably stayed behind for wolverine.
wolverine goes up to them and he's like "wtf bub" and morph is like "yeah so we're stuck here i guess. wanna play darts?" and thats right around when i woke up. i remember forcing myself to stay half asleep another second because i wanted to hear what morph had to say. i also remember they were the clearest part of the dream despite not doing a whole lot, it was like they were colored brighter than everything else. they were in their human form like tas but they weren't wearing their jacket for whatever reason. it was fascinating, maybe ill draw something for it idk.
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pricegouge · 7 hours
WIP Wednesday for accountability
still plugging away at the next haul update! hoping maybe this weekend but we'll see
A quiet whistle sound breaks the ensuing silence as John sucks a breath through his teeth. He looks red, pissed, brow low and heavy as his voice as he tells you to listen to Simon. But you're feeling a little brave today, evidently, anger mounting because you need to eat. They said they'd feed you and now it's time so why can't you just get some damn grub when it smells like they've already made it anyway -.
"I'm hungry."
The tension that follows is palpable, both men drawing slightly closer until you're wedged between them, a rock and a hard place. Neither relents an inch, gazes blank of anger now.
Just cold, cruel apathy.
"So you've said," John rumbles, his voice so poisonous you'd flinch back on reflex if not for Simon's looming presence behind you. "Yet I do not care. Keep acting like a brat and I'll let you starve to death," he reminds you.
As if to show what it thinks of that, your stomach chooses that moment to growl alarmingly loud. You would laugh about it under any normal circumstances, but the way the men continue to glare down at you has your eyes tearing up for another reason. It's a stupid thing to cry over but you've never handled change well. You think you've done a pretty good job of adapting so far, but the sudden reminder that they can upheave your entire life again any time they want settles ill in your stomach, makes a home there among the empty pangs. You just want some toast or something, can't understand why they won't give it to you when you've been so good for them, have done everything they've asked. Your whimpering is pathetic, you know, so if anything you expect to draw out Kyle from wherever he's hiding, maybe earn some sympathy from the only one among them who even bothers to pretend not to like your tears. It's why you're so surprised when Ghost's heavy hand lands on your shoulder, gives you a light shove toward the hatch.
"If you get downstairs now, maybe you'll still earn your dinner."
Earn your dinner. It rubs you wrong. John too, apparently. "No," he informs Simon flatly.
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crashingconvexity · 9 months
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finally.. after all this time he is Done
Replayed through the TLOS trilogy and it awoke a deep need to draw dragons in my brain crazy style. anyways the old designs are fun and i love them but i wanted to take my own spin on some! and then it quickly devolved. picking up pieces and putting together an AU for funsies, i wanna give every character a new design, not every one is going to be as in depth as this one, but we'll see! ANYWAYS ENOUGH RAMBLING heres some thought process on his design (and also sparxs)
Spyros first element is fire, so i feel like he would reflect it a lot in his body and colors, i think personally, he goes on to master fire first in honor of Ignitus!! why is he fuzzy? FIRE MOTIFS!! hes SOOO full of these, and eclipse motifs, his eyes also change after the first game, its slight but its there!! Theming the purples dragons off of space too because its sooo tasty
HE HAS BOTH WINGS AS AN ADULT!! they just dont change from the teen version, so i thought it was unnecessary to draw it LOL
I was so excited to FINALLY after like. 10 years ive been able to design an adult form for spyro, but i was mega stumped on it (still am tbh. there will be changes LOL) but who needed a redesign most? SPARX. hes literally just a flying man. horrible but its so funny to look back at him hes SO UGLYYYYY so i had to do something about it. hes mantis/wasp/firefly inspired :)
sorry this is a mess LOL as i go ill clean everything up, just excited to get this blog started! expect more designs, ocs and maybe even comics!! i wanna do more over the new year :-D!! ALSO FEEL FREE TO USE THESE!! just let me know so i can see!!
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vaporsystem · 2 months
hey im still here lol what if we name ourself Eula lol
or maybe just Yulia if we wanna be normal
We wanna have a like "la" sound but all the normal names with that are boring so lol Some of us have normal names but its fun to pick something weird, i dont wanna be a like "laura" or something.
also one of us drew us but like good actually so here lol im still not sure which one of us is the one thats so good at drawing, like i guess probably a lot of us but i get too bored which is why i did the doodle last time lol
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anyway we've all been like trying to work on our stuff more again so like we've been having a lot of conversations and trying to spend time with each other and stuff and its kinda weird sometimes because its like ill be talking to someone but then im also them talking to me so its a little weird but it really feels like a lot of stuff is like way less blurry which is cool!!!
Its been really easy to feel myself come and go and i think some other people too and also i told some other people to interrupt """"the main one""""" whenever they post here so hopefully they'll do that cause like its SO easy when we're here for some reason even if we know a bunch of people could see it. the other one was talking about like making a website and we wanna probably like give us all blog spaces so we can all have our own spots but like idk how public itll be cause its weird lol but i think we need it cause like its so fun to be alive idk how else to explain it :p
tbh the main one might not even be like a person that might just be our like autopilot dont even think about whos fronting mode cause like ever since helix popped the cap its been like yo we just gotta like take a minute to think about it more than not at all, yknow?
but either way like ive been mooooostly fronting these past few days and its cool because like its pretty easy to be happy and like we'll go to sleep and when we wake up ill still be here and its like waoua what is this but it makes me feel so like solid (not like that)(unless)
also idk if other people can do this but like we did play around with like what shape we wanna be like in the brain place like we did be like "what if we were pony" and it was fun but like so limiting lmao i wanna have arms and hands i think so we'll be like gremlin for now lol
parts of us were saying we seem femboy coded but like idkkkk idk im not feeling the like any/all vibes that people are saying we give off but also she/her feels so basic... maybe we could be the one to use neopronouns...... A lot of us dont like it but i guess they/them for now???
anyway we'll shut up now but like we wanted to confirm we werent like a one off mental breakdown kinda thing!!!!!!!
okay but one edit i do get like really dizzy whenever i talk so idk what thats about lmaoo
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pure-garbage · 1 month
One Calm Moment... Lana's Carefully Planned Revenge
Zoro didn't see Lana again until the crew was reassembled on the Thousand Sunny. She didn't approach him until they were already under the water, but Zoro didn't feel like she was shunning him. Rather, he just assumed she was taking her time reuniting with the rest of the friends she hadn't seen in such a long time.
It had been a few days since he'd thought about the way she'd stormed away from him, but as she settled behind him, the incident came back to mind.
"What a great view," she sighed at his ear.
"Lots of fish," he said cautiously. 'Is she still angry? I'm not interested in walking on eggshells. Why does she have to be so high maintenance?'
"Hm. No surprise there," Lana said idly. "Think we'll see any shipwrecks?"
Her hands crept up to his shoulders while she spoke. He tensed at her touch at first, but his unease melted away as she began to massage him from behind. Lana could be petty and vengeful, but he sensed no trace of ill-will in her intentions. If anything, her mood seemed to border on playfulness. It also didn't hurt that her firm fingers felt absolutely heavenly as they dug skillfully into taut muscle and sinew.
He breathed a sigh that was equal parts relief and pleasure.
"Shipwrecks aren't that exciting," he yawned, concerns all but forgotten. 'So much for her 'giving me hell' for that little training exercise. She's all talk as usual.'
"Rotting wood, maybe a few old bones," Lana agreed. Brook wandered past, cracking jokes in passing.
"Yes, we can see enough bones aboard this vessel without any need for sinking. Yo-ho-ho-ho!" he chuckled, almost more to himself than the others. "Because... I'm nothing but bones, get it? D'you get it?"
"I get it!" Nami snapped at him.
Lana laughed a little, but didn't let her attention wander far from Zoro.
"How about sea monsters?" she proposed.
"We'll definitely see some monsters," he supposed aloud.
"Think Luffy'll try to eat them?" Lana went on.
"Either that or invite them to join the crew," Zoro grumbled. Their next thought was voiced in unison.
"Or both."
"Or both."
Lana's fingers brushed the back of Zoro's neck, resting on his skin.
'Now... calm-calm time out!'
He slumped bonelessly against her. She caught his limp form, a wicked smirk spreading across her features.
"Now, for my revenge!" she cackled deviously. "My hand still hurts, you big oaf! Did you think I would forget to give you hell for that little game of yours?"
He couldn't hear her, let alone respond, so she was effectively talking to herself. She reached into her pocket and whipped out a black marker. She flipped it skillfully between her fingers, tearing the cap off with her teeth while her left hand remained glued to the back of Zoro's neck.
She went to work drawing spiky horns on his forehead, then blocking over his eyebrows dramatically. She slapped a shakily traced pair of glasses around his eyes, then drew open triangles under them for good measure. She gave him kitty whiskers, a thick handlebar mustache and a sharply pointed goatee.
Nearly out of space, she took a moment to admire her handiwork. As an afterthought, she added a heart to the center of his forehead and jotted her initials inside.
Satisfied, Lana put the marker away and released Zoro from the hold of her devil fruit power. He picked up right where he'd left off, unaware that he'd missed so much as a beat of their conversation.
"I wouldn't mind some roasted sea king myself," he mused.
"Depends on the variety," Lana giggled, continuing to rub his shoulders as if nothing had happened. "Some taste better than others."
"You're not wrong."
Lana had gained an audience while she was doodling on Zoro. Brook, Franky and Chopper gaped at the pair, while Nami covered a giggle with her hand. The gawking wasn't lost on Zoro.
"You guys need something?" he prompted, baffled.
Behind him, Lana put a finger to her lips with a silent wink.
"Well?" Zoro demanded of their friends.
Their crewmates all burst out laughing, further puzzling Zoro.
"Maybe the atmospheric pressure down here is getting to them," Lana suggested slyly.
"Maybe," Zoro shrugged. "Ohh, Lana?"
"Little harder, right there. Yeah... damn, I missed your back rubs."
When Zoro, Luff and Sanji finally made it back aboard after fighting the kraken and being separated from the ship, no one was surprised that Nami had words for them. What was surprising, however, was the fact that Lana joined her in the lecture this time.
"Yeah, why couldn't you just take the damned rope?!" she berated the boys, brow twitching from stress that caught Zoro off guard.
"Come on, Lana, not you too!" he scoffed. "Don't tell me you didn't think we could take care of ourselves out there! We're back now and we're fine, so what's the problem?"
"I know you can take care of yourselves, moron!" Lana seethed. Nami focused her wrath on Sanji, apologizing with starry eyes, and Luffy, picking his nose and gazing idly into the far distance. "But this whole environment is out to kill us! It's not natural of us to be down here! Don't you get it?! What if your bubble popped, what then?! Or were you planning to slice the depths until you convinced them not to crush you to death or drown you?!"
Zoro grumbled, but couldn't deny she had a decent point.
"Fine, I'll take the rope next time, geez. Don't act so serious, you're turning into Nami. One worrywart aboard this ship is already more than enough," he acquiesced with a roll of his eyes. He still looked ridiculous, face covered in markings that made it hard for Lana to take the situation seriously, even though she was incredibly, unbelievably upset with the idiotic lapse of judgement. His next words were so hilariously oblivious that her anger couldn't hold up against the humor of the scene.
"Fix your face, why don't you," he went on. "Why does it always look like that?"
"Like what?" Lana asked, unable to stop herself from cracking a smile as he pinched her cheek hard.
"So damn stupid," he griped.
"You're one to talk," she giggled.
Even if his face wasn't still covered in the doodles that represented her vengeance, she knew she wouldn't have been able to stay mad at him.
<== Previous Chapter
Next Chapter ==>
== First Chapter ==
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iron-touch · 5 months
Author's Notes: Chapter 37 (Swing and a Miss)
And I'm back! Again, this chapter took a little bit longer to come out due to other commitments. But I'm pretty proud of how this one turned out nonetheless.
While I always planned on having Hol Horse have an inner monologue about intending to ditch the group at Chicago IX, some of the context of this scene had to be redone from my initial outline because, as discussed previously, him leaving here wasn't part of my original plan. That being said, it did end up going well with the golf setting.
Okay, for some context. About a year ago while I was still planning this arc, @allshaftsfall played Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach on stream with the intent of 100%ing the game. One of the game's achievements calls for you to get a low score on the minigolf minigame, centered around the alligator animatronic Monty. Shaft lost his mind trying to get this achievement. "Gator Golf" has since become something of a meme between us and our friends (most of which are probably reading this right now; hi!), and I knew I had to incorporate it into Iron Touch somehow. This informed several different things about the chapter, like Screaming Jay's appearance, Mr. Williams' golf clubs, and the moment where Mr. Williams is disappointed he didn't get a hole in one. I mean, hey, I was already doing a resort/beach arc anyways. Those places usually have golf courses.
That being said, the golf course itself did end up changing a bit from start to finish. I originally planned on having it be a glow in the dark putt putt course like Gator Golf (which is, in my objectively correct opinion, the superior form of golf), but decided against it because I liked the visual of the sun setting as the chapter progresses, symbolizing Hol Horse losing all his options to go out with someone else (and drawing us closer to the next chapter). My next thought was to make the golf course feel "alive" somehow; like maybe slopes would form in the ground that would guide the ball to the hole or something. I decided against that because I felt like it made it seem like I was trying to hard to make Chicago IX feel like this weird, cryptid location that bends the rules of reality. We already have the giant spider car wash portal, we don't need a living golf course. I considered making this Mr. Williams' Stand ability instead, but I couldn't think of a good "mechanism" for how it would activate. The physicality of Stands is very important to me; the Stand can't just "do thing" because the user wants them to. There's gotta be something the Stand does that makes it work, or have it be part of the Stand's design. Plus, I wanted Mr. Williams' Stand to be less obviously tied to golf. Eventually I just settled on having it be a plain old golf course.
Mr. Williams' half-afro hairstyle was inspired by a picture of a real person I found online (where someone was arrested mid haircut), but is also meant to symbolize how the stress of running Chicago IX is causing him to lose his hair. I also liked how it split down the middle, like how his Stand does.
"What kind of a person just walks around with cough drops in their pocket?" Me. I'm person.
Here's a video of what the club flip would look like, if you're curious.
I rewrote the paragraph where Screaming Jay activates like two times in order to really sell the gross out factor of it. Iron Touch needs more body horror in it! I mean...not like this is the last bit of body horror we'll see this arc. Teehee.
Originally I was very hesitant on adding an animal Stand user to Iron Touch because I didn't know what else I could do with the idea that Araki hadn't already done himself. I didn't want to make an animal Stand user just because, I wanted the fact that the character is an animal be relevant to the story. While I suppose you could replace Lucky with an old and or terminally ill human, I think the narrative of Mr. Williams restructuring Chicago IX around Random Access Memories works much better when it's his pet and not another human. I also didn't want Chicago IX's owner to be Random Access Memories' user because I thought the narrative of seeking out supernatural abilities for personal gain was too similar to Depeche.
I had to fight every fiber in my body to not have Hol Horse say "Do me a favor and shut the fuck up" instead of "Do me a favor and shut the hell up." Even in a post Stone Ocean-dub society, I'm still only allowing myself one F-bomb in the fic, and I shan't waste it here!
Shit's gonna start going down next chapter :)
Music references:
Brackish, the resident brainwasher that Mr. Williams mentions, is named after a song of the same name by Canadian heavy metal band Kittie. Originally this character had a generic name; making it a music reference was a last minute change made literally as I wrote these author's notes. I like the implication of Brackish being important enough to warrant a music reference.
Mr. Williams is a weird one. Two of the collaborators on the album Random Access Memories were Pharrell Williams and Paul Williams (not related to each other). They're "co-references" of sorts. I'll add a Pharrell song to the playlist just to prevent things from getting too cluttered, but think of them both when you listen. Plus, I felt that the name William would be very fitting for a Fnaf inspired chapter.
Mr. Williams' beta name was Screaming Jay. My initial idea for him was for him to constantly be whispering despite his name, maybe have him lash out into a yelling fit when he starts rambling, but I decided against it because that wouldn't show up well in the prose.
Screaming Jay was named after American singer Screamin' Jay Hawkins. Honestly, I just wanted to put I Put a Spell On You on the playlist. Sadly, the Hocus Pocus version isn't on Spotify.
Screaming Jay's beta name was The Romantic, after the American rock band The Romantics. This was another Fnaf reference; since their song Talking In Your Sleep was used extensively during promotional material for the movie. However, once I actually got to writing the chapter, I realized that I hated the sound of the name and decided to change it to something else.
Lucky was named after the song Get Lucky from the album Random Access Memories.
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vollustia · 3 months
Challenge Credits
In Vollustia, I'm using quite a few challenges made by the clangen community. Here is a list of them, with links to the challenges on Discord.
Amity & Rowan's Worldbuilding Challenge
This challenge is one of the two worldbuilding challenges I used.
Mainly this gave me my biosphere, and a couple of biomes for the landmasses, I might have it branch out so theres a few similiar biomes close by to the main one. 
Right now, I ignored the setting up your clan area, as I have a very different idea for it.
Ecoregion Challenge, By Grif
This challenge gave some interesting questions to help build the world up, which I'm using for the pre-existing clans, as Thornclan will be slowly building up and answering these questions overtime as they create their place in this world.
Loner Challenge, By Minty
Loner Challenge, the very basic start of this story. A single cat, alone in a dangerous world.
Artlocke, By Artemis Moon
Classic Artlocke challenge. Basically I'm wanting to improve my art skills, so this is to motivate me to do some drawings... while not overwhelming me to draw 10 cats immediately to start with. 
I will likely use basis, or use clangen's own art to help with poses and such. All credit will go to original artists.
The Woods, By Paradise
The Woods, a classic challenge, and I will be taking the basic concept of it to be used here, however I will likely change quite a few things to fit into my world. But having a dangerous creature lurking in the forest, that's always fun.
But the woods by itself isn't dangerous enough.
Make Your Own Code, By Golden
Once the clan reaches 10 non related cats, this is when this little challenge will start coming into play, as the new clan starts to really figure out how to be a clan.
Mutation, Extinction, Evolution, By Golden
This is going to be one of the main parts of the story, the prophecies, having visions, and working to survive, once the clan is more setup. I will likely be choosing specific events, and I will be looking to see what is needed for story telling purposes. This is no leaderboard attempt, but a story device, though I will mostly leave it up to random choice if cats survive. However this won't start until the clan is decently established. Perhaps 20 or 40 cats? We'll see how that goes.
Generational Challenges, By Risen
My own challenge! Good for if I decide the clan needs a curse, but also there's just a lot of mini challenges I can use if I need it.
Blood Bonds Advanced, By Auumalo
I've looked over this a bit, and I'm placing it here because I may or may not use it for something. Either another 'Clan' or maybe a rogue group system. It won't be the main focus of Thornclan though, so wherever it is, it will be in someplace I don't have to think too much on it. I may also use Golden's version, depending on things, if I do, Ill switch the information over. But mostly this is just a loose 'hey, there might be a section inspired by this challenge' note.
Limited Trust, By Risen
This challenge was created for this world. It's the main foundation of the first arc.
Creating Cat's Backstory, By Risen
To help with fleshing out each cats backstory!
The Rot, By Golden
A deadly infection. Ill be changing some elements, but I think having some sort of sickness system would be cool. Not sure how much of Ill use of this, but its definitely an inspiration, so its being added onto the challenge credit screen.
Generator Challenge, By Kris
I saw it had a warrior Vigil thing in it, which I really like, and might use/change a bit to do it. Still it will likely inspire something for this!
Some of these challenges are listed just because there was something in it that inspired me, not because I will use them in its entirety.
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Will papyrus ever be included in the storyline, maybe sans opening up to him about it, or he gets suspicious about sans's behavior and corners him or something?
Aaaand are there any prominent side characters that we'll see?
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Papyrus notices that his brother has been leaving the house more, and at first, hes overjoyed! Sans was finally leaving the house! But, he realised after a while, that he always dodged the question as to where he was going. (Sans, being the secretive little fuck that he is, refuses to tell anyone about the ghosts.) Worried, Papyrus follows him one day, only to find him walking al the way to the park. And then he just stops, and starts talking to air.
Papyrus is CONCERNED (tm,) and goes back home to wait for Sans to come home. It takes him HOURS to come back, (he visits everyone he can,) and, when confronted, he once again try to avoid the questions.
Papyrus says he followed him, saw him talking to air, and was considering getting him professional help, his depression had been bad before, and if he was starting to see things now as well...
Sans is forced to tell the truth.
And he does. For the next few hours they sit and talk about the ghosts. Papyrus want to believe him, really, he does! But he cant help but still be worried, so says takes his phone out and googles "Nightmare - Prince" and shows him the results. He then goes through the lot of them, showing death reports, news articles, anything that appears really, and Papyrus finally believes him.
From then on, he insists Sans takes something for them every time he visits, and often makes them food to give (more often that not, its spaghetti,) and asks how they're doing. Sometimes, they go and Sans acts as a medium, for them, so Papyrus and the ghosts can talk directly.
Killer and Dream especially take a liking to him, while Dust is pretty scared of him (he looks way to much like his won brother its actually scary,) and always ask how he is when Sans comes without him.
Side characters.. It depends what you mean by that.
Every Sans you could ever want can exist here, they just might not haunt the town,
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(i got lazy when drawing here, so its just a messy sketch but yk)
(Red - shot, epic - shrapnel, Fresh - car crash, Outer - fell)
Alternatively, most of the ghosts had family members, most of them had a Papyrus look alike, (Papyrus isn't reincarnated here, but every Sans deserves a Papyrus, even fate believes it so)
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(Nim (Dream and Nightmares mother, Queen), Phantom (Dusts brother,) Horror had lots of siblings, ect...)
Buuut, while many of the original Undertale cast have been spread out throughout the years, Toriel, Chara and Frisk are all based in the present time.
Toriel, after the death of her son, adopts two kids, twins, who were considered "difficult" children, (really there were disabled, but why would they care about that, - Chara has some mental issues, and Frist is mute and has sight problems.) They're lovely kids , and they visit quite regularly, typically with their mother. Sans was named their Godfather (Papyrus was considered, but he told them Sans was a better choice, ) because Toriel knew he'd love them.
Sans and Toriel met at a comedy gig, both preforming on the same day, and became friends instantly over their shared love of stupid puns. (They're not together, this universe has no canonical relationships, everyting's platonic here, but ships are totally allowed and welcome if you wanted lol.)
Holy moly, that was a lot of work lmao, would you believe it, i dont think ive ever actually drawn Papyrus before? I have no idea why, just havent, ill have to do more so in the future cus hes fun.
Ive also never tried to draw anyone from the angle Sans is at in the first drawing, think it looks fine as long as you ignore the feet lol.
No, i didnt get lazy drawing the ghost in the first, it was a stylistic choice! /j /sarcasm, also, Hi, im Whisp, i hate backgrounds!)
Please excuse me attempt at drawing a wimple for Nim and the tricorned hat for Phantom, they're very difficult!
All of Horrors siblings there don't have names, they were just designed on the spot really, so if anyone has and names for them, ill take them on board!
But hope it all looks okay, this is all full of firsts lol. Have a lovely day everyone! :)
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hiswitchcraft · 2 years
Thank you for mentioning this part on your post : Follow your intuition! One of the most important things here. To be a good witch and form a solid, personal path you have to know and be able to tune into yourself. 
That’s my question sometimes I don’t feel I trust myself how do you trust yourself? How do you know you’re being guided? I just feel overwhelmed by all of it. 😖
I’ve asked my guides /higher self to help me and Gods/God. I don’t have a particular Ive just recently connected with Goddess Isis and Goddess Hathor. I love Goddess Isis though very loving mother energy.
I feel like I doubt myself a lot even while I was praying I felt like I wasn’t being listen to I think maybe it’s me? 😣 I sometimes think it’s my mental issue (depression anxiety…) that makes things worse?
sorry if my question is all over the place. ❤️
I appreciate the thanks because that point is very important to me and something I only learned with time. I think I can help you!
How do I trust my intuition? How do I know I'm being guided?
Trusting yourself can be very difficult and something that takes time to develop. Just like it takes time to develop trust for someone else, a friend or someone you're dating. This is especially true for those of us who are anxious/mentally ill/traumatized and I've experience all three.
I wrote a post a long time ago called "How to tell the difference between anxiety and intuition" and the basic idea of it is that anxiety yells while intuition whispers. Anxiety is trying to sell you something while intuition is gently nudging you the right way. Anxiety demands you listen, intuition hopes you will. I think this advice may help you but don't beat yourself up if it takes time to tell the difference. I'm many years in and I still mess it up sometimes and think anxiety is intuition or intuition is anxiety. Something that can help build this trust besides time and dissecting your thoughts is giving yourself opportunities to practice. I find divination is the best way to do this because it can be done consistently. Most other times when my intuition presents itself, it's whenever it wants. Anyways, we'll use tarot for our example. Say you're doing a reading and your intuition tells you a card means a certain thing, or you should pull a card again, or the one that fell out is important, or anything really. And you listen and take notes (as I suggest people do after divination) after 10 times of seeing how powerful and right you were it will get easier. I believe we are all being guided. We just look at it differently. Instinct, intuition, higher self, guides, spirits, deities. Guidance from these I believe can all seem very similar from what I can tell. Though I don't work with entities currently. You are being guided even if it's just by yourself and learning how to listen to that guide as I mentioned above, takes time. Self doubt is definitely a personal issue that can run deep but MANY many new witches struggle with this. You're not alone. Give yourself time. Remember that this work will benefit you for years to come. It will make you a strong witch. You will eventually be guided easier. it will draw you to your beliefs. You are your own best guide.
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soephiphany · 2 years
I hope this is comforting enough
I was just feeling awful, and i needed something silly and small, to make me feel lighter. If you're going through some hard thing or hard place, my account is a safe space.
I don't really post much but you can also read the fic recommendations I posted, hopefully it'll make you feel better.
If you're feeling heavy, tired or overwhelmed, it's alright. You're not alone, army
You have me, the other creators and you have the boys (the songs, Bangtan Bombs and my personal fav: RUN BTS)
Take it easy, it'll be alright <3
(not proof read)
"What is it?" He gazed all over your body, for everything. Possible wounds, blood, just anything.
"Nothing" suddenly your hands look interesting, since you can't tear your eyes from them.
"It's not nothing" he sighs lightly and reaches for your hand "Baby, I'm here for you. You know that, right?"
"I know. It's nothing, I'm just tired" you readjust yourself on your shared bed, now with your back facing the headboard.
"Yeah" he relocates himself by your side and gently rub your back
"Let's sleep then, ok?" He knows you. You don't want to sleep. You don't even know if you can sleep but he knows, and that's what's matter.
"Mhm" your small nod almost unnoticeable as you both lay down and he immediately hugs you. You hide your face in the crook of his neck.
It stays silent. He's not sleeping and neither are you, but still silent. His steady breath sounds like therapy and just like that, like that moment where you open up in therapy, you cry.
You don't sob or anything, you just cry. Maybe you're just so used to having to cry silently to not worry or wake anyone. It's already a habit, but you really feel like breaking, you feel like you're watching the last two scenes of Toy Story 3 in a endless cycle, or like you just stepped in 180 pets paws. You feel guilt, shame, grief, and you don't even know why. I mean, you know why but you didn't think it was possible to feel all at once. But i guess it is.
"You'll be okay, I'm here. You're here, we'll be okay. Everything will be fine" these are the unique things that seems to leave the man's mouth as he hugs you kindly, drawing patterns in your back with one hand and caressing your hair with other. It feels good. You're glad it feels good, at least one thing is feeling good right now.
He doesn't talk anymore but continues with tiny hums and lullabies of a sweet song, a song you know well. 'Heavenly' by Cigarettes after sex leaves his pretty soft and pink mouth in tiny sounds, just loud enough for you to hear it.
"I'm giving you all my, giving you all my, giving you all my love" he whisper-sings this part and it's literally heavenly. He's a bit insecure with his voice, but he still sings for you cause he knows you love it when he does.
He continues humming the song and it gets to a part where it brings tears in your eyes. All and everything, sounding like a dream, a fever dream maybe. You could never imagined that you'd love someone like you love him, but you do. And he does too.
"And when you're far away, i still feel it all the same" he pecks your head a few times and whisper 'ill always feel you, I'll always see you. It will be okay' and you can't help but break the thin fine line you were living in.
"We'll be alright" you knew it was his way of saying he loves you, that he's here for you and God, that was all you needed. Your sobs are silenced by time as he goes on humming the end of the song, reminding you that you're not alone and that he loves and care about you.
Your consciousness get lost in his scent, in how warm his body feels, in how light his energy is, in how domestically beautiful this is. He wishes you a small good night and pecks your forehead.
It was just one of those days, or weeks. Where everything seems to fall apart but you're not alone, you have him, you have his love, and that's more than enough.
I didn't put any member implied here but my thought was on Yoongi when i wrote this, but you can imagine with whoever you want.
I just felt really heavy, and this helped me a little, even if just a little.
Whatever is happening in your life, everything will be okay. You're not alone and you'll be okay,
Life goes on, dear friend <3
Soo Soo 🌼
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yxstxrdrxxm · 7 months
(Since i already did reveal myself, i'll just send asks without being an anon lol)
Oh! That's easy, actually. Although we won't be available when we leave tomorrow, we contacted a certain someone that can run this blog and inform us of any messages you have for either me or Eros ^^
Navina? 👀
Speaking of, Eros wanted to tell you that he appreciated your presence, Mochi! Every time we talked about you and the others, I've seen him smile and mutter something about getting a calico cat and naming her after you. It was so cute! Eros never had any close friends other than me, so seeing her talk about everyone and you like we were all best friends warmed my heart.
SJNSKSJDJD- THAT IS SO CUTE??? Naming a calico cat after me, awhhh 🥺 cupid, can you tell eros that i appreciate knowing her too?? Tell her i said she's very cute too- (and yk there's something funny about your words. I also have a calico cat roaming around my house lmaoo, why is my life so full of funny coincidence-)
Aha... Anyways, before I go on rambling, that's all I can say. We'll see what we can do to make things easier and so we can speak to you all again, hehe! I hope you'll still be around when that happens :D
Oh yeah, i forgot to copy the sentence, but uhh, about that interesting thing in next month, i'll be sure to keep my eyes on it! Whether it'd be another event (i doubt it would be this one, please rest navina 💀) or anything else, i will be enthusiastic about it :] AND YES, I WILL STILL BE AROUND 🙆🏻‍♀️ you can't get rid of me, i'm like that small mistake when you're drawing and you just can't seem to erase it unless you get to the layer who has it-
Hehe, whoever it is will be a surprise, but I'll tell Eros that you appreciate the sentiment as well! She's out right now to get some last minute groceries (and also snacks, we'll be having a small movie night to celebrate our resignation!), so she'll definitely be pleased to hear your message.
Anyway, its nice to see you'll stick around even if we won't be here, then :D hope you enjoy what else will go down while we're busy settling some last minute plans.
(note from yours truly: HELPAIDSRFHUI NOT THE CALICO CAT... dwdw, Im gonna rest for after the main story + maybe writing the dlc fics. on hindsight, they might not be guaranteed to be all posted because bro, my brain needs a huge reboot when this sht is all done and dusted. orz.)
(tbh the next one wont be abt OLC anymore, thankfully, but! it will also reference this + make small cameos. Dont know what I'll do this time around when I get the chance but we shall see kek)
(Istg though when Im done Im gonna limit whoever I'll write. I love writing all of these characters and thinking abt them but God do I now resent how many I have to research. fuck THAT.)
(anyways!! I shall go eep for a good while on writing + maybe post dlcs. I will say that some fics will most def not be published even after the week for dlc stuff/extra fics because my brain just. isnt braining. orz orz im gonna cry. i'll prolly post them randomly idk HAIUHDUFSI anyways ill shut up now goodbye—)
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hashirun · 2 years
Marathon ko na sa Sunday nang madaling araw. Being ill-prepared I'm feeling a bit nervous pero parang nasa point na ako na I just want to get this over and done with, you know, just to get this out of the way? Because in a sense I put a lot of things on hold for this event - I stopped riding my bike, I skipped a lot of other good events, I missed a lot of bonding time with my family and friends. I appreciate the kind of discipline and commitment the 42k demands and realized that.. perhaps these are something I do not have, something I cannot give at the moment. So I just really want to be able to successfully finish the marathon (never mind getting a good time), then it's back to the drawing board for me so I can maybe rethink my goals and plans as a runner moving forward. I want to gun for a podium finish at a 21k road race. Joining more trail runs also sounds lovely. And I still want to participate in a triathlon event, even just the sprint format. We'll see, we'll see.
But for now I have to focus on the race in front of me.
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fantomette22 · 2 years
you’re so right in your art maria having gerhmans babies is the best ending to bloodborne how many would they have? probably gerhman wants many babies 😳😳😳😳
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Thank you anon(s) ! (I don’t know it's the same person here??i guess?). Always happy to know people enjoy my ideas & drawings :) ! Especially that one.
Also I’m sorry but I might have understand a few of your sentences a bit weirdly too? so allow me to explain my position on the subject. (+I feel like you’re reducing her to just have kids ahah i don’t really like that. Not a fan of tropes where people just have many kids just to have kids too. But perhaps you didn’t express yourself well)
(So I have multiple differents interpretations of characters relationships at the same times and I like to imagined multiple stories too. In canon. I really don't think anything serious ever happened between them. An if there's indeed romantic feelings involve on one sides or both I don't think it went really far due to the mess in Yharnam and mental states of the characters after the Hamlet.)
While imagining stories, I asked myself many questions : what type of persons the characters were, what they looked like for some... and at some point what's their view of parenthood. Who could have kids if they desire and who couldn't (because pretty sure at least 1 human in the entire of bloodborne is infertile) who would have like and who didn't want to. (I have some thoughts about Annalise on the subject for ex)
We know Gascoigne had children but he's a last generation hunters. I don't feel like many old hunters would have children for ex. Because of the hunt & how uncertain the future was (+the mental disorders & illness the fishing hamlet cause...) it's not the best move to have kids if you get killed afterwards or if the children in question ended up killed...
Also the game not really about babies ? Ok birth/ rebirth (and death) are central themes and there’s Mergo, the orphan, the Vilebloods and all. It’s funny the humans want to become gods but the gods are envious of the humans because they can give birth… so yeah it’s ONE of the central themes with how far humans are willing to go… but i don’t see how that would link to some particular characters wanting lots of kids. ^^’
But well it's headcanons time now.
Concerning Gehrman, I feel like he didn't seriously consider having a family for a huge while because of his way of life but still have a soft spot about the idea to have a lil family of his own. And then consider that maybe he could build smt with Maria 🥲 If he's not an hunter anymore pretty sure he would make the perfect house malewife husband. But i also feel he's more like : "it's ok if we don't have children, we'll just have a dog then." type of guy. Not wanting to push things to fast and don’t really want too many too? Just want his family to be happy (I mean he’s not the one birthing them so he would like to discuss things first xD and he’s scared something goes wrong too.) will actually do a pretty good job at taking care of children i think.
Concerning Maria it's a bit more tricky...well when you look at the characters in the hunter's nightmare and everything you don't get the feeling she would like to actually have/give birth to a child. But it's a nightmare and I still consider the doll as being a lil part of her. She looks genuinely happy to take care a of lil great one in the 3rd ending 🥺 So I fell she might have wanted/like at some point take care of an infant if the conditions were optimum ? I even headcanon that maybe she took care of sick infant at the church/ research hall T_T I tend to makes lot of parallels with myself and Maria so i’m like hm she don’t want to ? Can she even? But maybe she wished at some point too? She don’t want to use blood as a weapon, a way to hurt and kill living being that’s why i think she feel closer to the church mindset about this « sacred medium » : she may think it should be use the blood to heal people, to give life…
SO anyway that drawing is an AU where basically the good hunter said it was "rewind time" and managed to gives a 2nd chance to everyone. (I won't develop too much here but basically the orphan of Kos lived, no RH like we know it and no hunter nightmare and Laurence didn't screw up that bad with the old blood) so they all don’t go mad and don’t develop mental disorders 👍
I love drama and tragedies i think they deserve happiness in the end 😔 (yes it’s my way to cope with the the sad things i imagined too)
As for numbers of children i’m not really the type of person to imagining lots of kids… i really don’t focus my stories on that (this one is an exception and it made me happy 🥺) and when i imagined oc or others stories with kids 3/4 of the time it’s a really conspicuous and responsible choice when they very long discussion about it (that work for this as well)
I know at the 19th century used to have generally lot of children (the grandparents of my grandparents were like 10…) but in Bloodborne & soulsborne games it feels like people who have kids have like 1 or 2. (Exception for Elden Ring with 3 siblings from the same parents! And even more with the half siblings yoooo!)
So basically i thought of 2 lil kids for now. (Perhaps 3 with an adopted one) but add one more if you count the dog xD
I have differents scenarios how things went (but haven’t have everything settle yet) but here they are in a lil house, next to the forest, and next to a village. A bit far from Yharnam (taking time for them but also still working for the church? But i had an ideas where they stayed in Yharnam too?) Hm i don’t know, i have a few ideas but i won’t in details here.
So i’m glad to have found the courage to actually draw & share it. It just melt my heart every time i look i it…(best thing to fall asleep in a good mood!)
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