#maybe it works like rock paper scissors on who can keep each other in check 😭
willosword · 8 months
the more i think about the vees the more i love their whole concept, especially after learning about the rift between them and the older overlords. three comparatively young/arrogant upstarts who each think they're the backbone of their little team constantly working and flying by the seat of their pants and scrambling to stay relevant while keeping each other in check because if any one of the trio crumbles the rest will topple down with them. a precarious balancing act
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just-mya-writing · 2 years
SP Boys Playing...
Mario kart
Don't ask me what time it currently is
Final exams were coming up
And you and your friends weren't prepared whatsoever
Except Kyle
Cartman: "fuckin Kyle"
So, since Kyle is such a sweetheart, he decided to help all of you study
The group all went over to his house for like, a study group date or whatever
Stan brought note cards
You found and brought some dried out highlighters
Kenny brought a rat
Cartman brought mario kart
"goddammit cartman"
Not only did he bring a game to the group study date
He brought
The fucking
Mario Kart 64
Yeah, fuck mario kart super deluxe ultra 360 number 4 no cheese extra sauce
It's all about them blocky graphics baybeee!
Kyle does have a nintendo 64
He got it for Ike but the kid took one look at it and decided he'd rather play with his Xbox whatever
But he's only got, like, donkey kong, super mario, that game where you talk to pikachu, and some water ski game
So in walks Cartman with a lil strut and two controllers along with Mario kart
"Absolutely not," Kyle immediately says
"But Kaaaaaahlllllll" he groans, pleading with the taller boy
Kyle stands firm
"We're all here to study, no distractions"
"C'mon Kyle" you started, getting up from place on the couch and completely abandoning your tic tac toe game with Stan
"Just let him set it all up while we study, we could play a little bit when we take breaks?"
"Breaks are super important when studying," Stan agreed, walking up behind you and placing a hand on your shoulder
"Yeah!" Kenny chirped, already on the floor setting the system up
It was four against one and Kyle didn't stand a chance against all of you
He agreed that you'd all play during the 30 minute breaks between study sessions
Unfortunately for Kyle, it took all but five minutes before you started to mentally check out
He was telling you something about writing down what you know and then highlighting what you don't remember
Or was it reading your work and re-writing?
What were you supposed to highlight again?
Kyle noticed your eyes glossing over as you stopped paying attention
Kenny was already disassociating
Kyle decided it was time to take a break
Since there were only four controllers, one of you was going to have to sit out and take the controller from whoever loses
Rock paper scissors to decide who sits out first round
Cartman loses
Demands a second third forth chance
Maybe he'd win if he didn't main rock
Grumbles about how he's "the one who brought the damn game" and should be playing while you're all picking your characters
Kyle picks Luigi
Kenny picks Princess Peach
You pick Toad
Stan was torn on who to choose
Eventually picks Donkey Kong just because everyone keeps on making "monke" jokes
"Hehe...mm, monke"
"He's a fucking gorilla"
Cartman is pissed no one chose Wario
Who cares, y'all can finally play
bad idea
Bad Idea
It was a very bad idea to play Mario Kart with your friends
You really should've known it was a bad start when Stan, player numbero uno, decided to ignore your opinions and pick the special cup
Aka the one with rainbow road, which is totally fun. Super fun. Everyone loves rainbow road.
It's. Fine.
But D.K.'s Jungle is first
Stan swears that since this course is named after his character he's pretty much guaranteed to win
The game starts and...
You stare in immense disappointment as your toad stays in place since you started too early
Kenny smashes into you to add insult to injury
You're in dead last
Stan and Kyle fight each other for first while Kenny sits comfortably in forth after missing one of the mystery items boxes
You collect one for yourself, hoping for a bullet to bring you towards the boys
You get green shells
It's fine.
Your toad speeds by, trying to catch up as Kyle hits Stan with a red shell
"Oh fuck off Kyle"
"How's that guaranteed win going for you, huh?"
Kenny, meanwhile, practically gets pushed off course by the bowser character and is being hit by coconuts
You get 3 bananas to try and get yourself out from 7th place
Cartman is the most backseat gamer to ever backseat game
"Keep your bananas dumbass! It's basically a shield for shells!"
Wario passes from behind you with a star, putting you back in 8th place
"Gee Eric, I'm so glad I've got my banana shield"
"Not my fault you're the slowest fucking Toad I've ever seen"
"Fuck. Kyle, do you just have a never-ending supply of shells up your ass?"
Kenny laughs as Stan falls into the water
The second he is brought to dry land, Kenny uses his thunder bolt
Both of you laugh as Kenny then proceeds to run him and Yoshi over
"Fuck you, Kenny"
You finally climb to 6th place as Kyle flies against the finish line
Groaning as you grab a single mushroom, you get yourself there eventually as well
Your scowl looks like a smile compared to the look Stan is giving Kenny
"I was going to win! I totally had it till your lightning"
Kenny's laughing
"Yeah right, no way you were gonna past Kyle after going for a swim" Kenny smirked
"Hey, maybe your monkey will do better in yoshi valley" Kyle teased, bumping Stan's shoulder as the next round started up
Cartman pokes your arm
"I believe the loser gives up their controller...and you ate ass the whole game"
You protectively gripped the controller
"Wait, no gimmie another chance"
Cartman screeches
You ignore him
The next round starts up and this time you don't screw up and actually get the speed boost
You get yourself up to forth place, just behind your friends as you all get an item
Gaining three mushrooms, you immediately use them to get up to second place just to get attacked by a barage of shells by the two behind you
"Oh come. On you guys!" You complain, watching toad helplessly tumble around
"No mercy!" the princess Kenny exclaims, running you over
"Stop doing that!" You glare at Kenny
"Stop being so cute" he counters
You mumble under your breath, trying to focus on getting an item
You get a blue shell
Biting your lip to hide your excitement, you wait for the perfect opportunity to use it, watching the boys and yoshi battling for first place
"Psst," Cartman leans forward, whispering in your ear as you lean back, both of you refusing to look away from the game
"Why aren't you using your shell?" He uncharacteristically asked softly
"I'm waiting for the perfect moment" you whispered back, ignoring Stan and Kyle bickering as they keep pushing each other off the track
"Hmm...got it...I'll let you know when the best opportunity is" Cartman concluded, leaning back
You look away from the TV to stare at him, raising an eyebrow
He met your eye, whispering a 'trust me' you're almost unsure if you actually heard
You could laugh
Still, you still didn't use it as the final lap was coming to an end
5th place was nice...
The finish line nearly in sight, Kyle inched by Stan, his star he used dying down
You felt Cartman pat your arm
Without hesitating, you used the blue shell
The deadly shell automatically targeted Kyle, looming over him
"Dude! Which one of you used a blue shell?"
Kyle tried to avoid it by breaking, but it was too late
Him and Stan both got demolished by the blue shell
You try to contain your laughter as both boys begin making an uproar, watching yoshi take first place and cross the finish line the
Kenny, the one who adores making you suffer, finally decides to leave you alone and uses his hoard of red shells to bombard Stan and Kyle
Donkey Kong and Luigi are still tumbling around as you pass them, gaining you a respectable third place, Kenny already cheering over his second place win
Cartman, meanwhile, was on the floor laughing as the two losing boys voiced their concerns
"You fucking bastards!"
"I was this close, this close to winning"
Their verbal insults just made you even more proud
"Sorry dude, alls fair in love and war," you shrugged, laughing as one of them chucked a balled up paper at your chest
The combined laughter and angry screeching completely covered the sound of the alarm Kyle had set to signify that the break was over
Who cares
Kyle the loser begrudgingly gave his controller to the still laughing Cartman
The study session has completely turned into a gaming one
But no one really cared, even as verbal insults and jokes were constantly being made
Everyone was having fun. It was such an enjoyable experience that no matter what happened in the game you all managed to let it motivate you to do better and laugh harder. You couldn't remember a better
Cartman just hit you with a green shell
And you fell off the damn boardwalk
Kenny ran you over
Now Stan is laughing
You hate Mario Kart
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Okay, okay, but what about Tim losing the coin toss when he becomes a regular in on Jay and Alex's fun. He feels a pit in his stomach like dread, but really, it's lust and anticipation.
He's practically shaking when it rolls around, trying his best to be quiet and keep low, but he underestimates how clever Alex and Jay are when they work together, circling him like animals hunting their prey.
They pounce on him, and he's slammed into a tree. The bark scratches his skin, but he loves it. The pain is somehow incredible, and he thinks he's losing his mind.
Jay presses his knife to Tim's chest and leaves just the thinnest cut that has the man gasping into the air when Alex cuts it off with a hand at his throat, warning him that this is just the beginning.
holding this ask in my grimy little hands . petting it . probably groping it inappropriately but only out of love
didnt mean to take so long to get to this but what can u do. cut to keep everybodys dash pretty and somewhat sfw
tim's been pretty lucky the first few times they've done this.
they added in a couple rounds of rock-paper-scissors when he admitted he'd be alright with ending up on the bottom, so there's something to eliminate one of them off the bat- best two out of three, where the winner is safe and the other two flip a coin. tim doesn't even have to pick a side for the coin toss for a while, and even then he's almost convinced himself in the back of his brain somewhere that maybe it's never coming, because he picks right every time, regardless of which of them he's up against. (in the front of his brain, much louder, some other part of him- the part that paid attention in prob and stat, evidently- is reminding him that, according to the math, every upcoming boys' trip is extremely fucking likely to be the one where he finally plays victim.) they keep accusing him of rigging it- he keeps insisting (truthfully) he would have to be a mindreader or fucking magneto to cheat at these, and maybe alex should stop throwing paper so much if he actually wants to win.
he's pretty sure they're conspiring against him, when he finally does lose, but that's probably pride talking. it's down to him or alex, and tim lets him call it, because he's a gentleman, because it doesn't matter to him, he's never been nervous before, why would he be? go ahead, jay, flip the thing. he couldn't care less. (tim's shaking, sweating, his heart wild and fluttery. he doesn't even want to look. alex calls as it's in the air- heads- and when it clatters to the floor he can tell from jay's shit-eating grin before he even sees the quarter that tonight's the night.)
jay draws up a little chart for him on a sheet of notebook paper, a vertical list (tim skims it- bondage, photo/video, edging- somehow he both was and wasn't expecting this. the words look perversely innocuous in jay's tidy handwriting) with boxes to check off beside each topic labelled yes / no / maybe; jay tells him to finish filling it out within the hour, ask any questions he has between now and then. tim's holding in the urge to start ripping bits off to calm his nerves. settles for twirling the pen around in his hand when he's thinking about his answers. alex wandered off somewhere after jay set him up with his new homework- tim's only asked after him once, because jay told him not to worry about things that don't concern him in a tone that left no room for argument and made tim blush a little just for how simply he'd been dismissed. made him duck his head and start filling out jay's paper with a new focus, going down the line and squirming with each checkmark he writes. it's an embarrassing amount of yeses. cutting got a maybe, as did impact play after he'd asked jay what it meant, but if tim's honest with himself, he's really only scared of how he'll react, nervous he'll look stupid in front of these two beautiful creatures who seem to have an affinity and understanding for pain he can only admire from the outside. still, he draws those checks closer to the 'yes' column than he needs to, can't tell if he's hoping or dreading they'll notice.
jay tells him to go home when he's done, put on something he doesn't mind getting dirty. park outside the woods, leave his important shit in his car, hide the keys somewhere jay and alex would think to look but not somewhere obvious. (jay insists on it. apparently they've both lost their keys in the woods doing this. tim figures it's probably best to have the least amount of jingly shit on him anyway.) he's supposed to call one of them after he gets there, but jay says they'll give him a head start. noticably does not specify how long that'll be, so when tim hangs up and shuts his phone in the car (pre-locked, keys buried in a shallow hole marked with rocks, he's not dicking around) all of the day's anticipation swells at once into one wave of panic as it sets in that he is entirely out of the loop for what's currently on its way. hell, he's watched alex check his watch two minutes after hanging up with jay, telling him he's got plenty of time to get his shit in order and find a place to hide bc alex is in the middle of something or other, and smack his pocket for his car keys, ask tim if he's ready to get going. the head start could've absolutely been bullshit. would make more sense if it was.
needless to say he's a nervous wreck by the time he starts hearing jay's voice at the edge of the treeline calling his name, giddy and sing-song like they're playing hide and seek or something, tii-im! ohh, timothyyy! there's no point hiding, you should know that! and he does, he should really know better by now, and still he tries. tucks himself into the space where two trees are growing together, presses his hand over his mouth, tries not to let anything rustle. he can hear jay, breaking twigs and calling for him every so often, and it's not long before he's close enough tim can see him, just-barely. his flashlight's off, so it's only the moon reflecting on his skin, standing predator-still and staring out into the trees somewhere to tim's right. he doesn't say anything. tim doesn't know how long they're like that, only that he's breathing through his nose as shallowly as he can manage, only that he hasn't moved except to shake everywhere like a frightened deer. he's light-headed when jay finally shakes his head as if to clear it and turns to leave, his heart thudding in his ears, and maybe that's why he doesn't consider the possibility jay was bluffing with that little performance until he's taken a step and it's already too late.
and tim's played this game before, he knows he's lost as soon as it becomes a matter of running, two-on-one, knows he's fucked when jay stops and turns his head like a dog scenting something, his eyes lost to shadow but most certainly fixed on tim.
he manages to dodge them, somehow, puts up a good fight for a while, but he's losing speed the longer they're out here and the two of them seem like they're always in sync, always one on his heels if not the other- he crashes through the underbrush, jay hot on his trail, into what he thinks is a decent spot to catch his breath and is actually the place where alex was waiting for him to run past. "made it easier for me, actually," alex pants, as they're grappling in the dirt, "thanks for that," and he's strong, stronger than he looks, and tim's out of breath already, starting to get tired, and even when he does wriggle out of alex's grasp and get loose he only makes it a few dozen feet, maybe, before he's getting shoved against a tree so hard it knocks the wind out of him, jay's arm across his chest, his body hot and trembling with exertion where it presses into tim's. he's grinning, panting, wheezes when he starts to snicker and tells tim he's impressed, actually, he hadn't thought it would take this long.
tim's first mistake is hesitating, getting overcome with the sudden helplessness of being caught, jay's flustering proximity- it means alex has time to catch up to them, pull tim's wrists behind his back and give him his first taste of true restraint, a length of rope and a knot that's done before tim has finished realizing what's happening. it's not until jay's kissing him, slick and filthy and forceful, and alex is tugging at his hair, dragging his nails down his neck, popping the buttons off his shirt, that tim begins to get it. there's nothing he can do anymore.
still, he's proud of how calm he is at first. how coherent he stays when they're both on him, keeping up the smartassery as they're opening his shirt to play with his tits, kissing his neck and sucking hard enough to bruise- "you're such a mouthy little bitch," jay says, pinches harder at his nipple, and maybe tim's second mistake is grinning against the pain and doubling down, panting, "yeah, do something about it," because the look that goes between them sends a chill through his veins.
it's silent for a moment, and then jay laughs, throws his head back and everything, the wild hyena-cackle tim's only ever heard in these woods, makes a show of leaning on alex's shoulder and wiping his eyes and wheezing. tim wants to tell him to slap his fuckin' knee while he's at it, that he hopes jay chokes. wants to say anything that would make him feel like a respectable prey-animal, at least, a victim with some dignity. doesn't get the chance before alex is whispering something in jay's ear, leaned into his orbit like they're the only people in the world. (they're still both fucking looking at him. maybe the touching was easier. jay nods at something alex says, looks to him and then back- the touching was easier. tim wants to scream.)
"we wanted to ask you about something," jay says, "or i guess i did," and he reaches in his pocket and flicks out his little silver switchblade and the ice in tim's blood is back, tenfold, as the two of them close in on him. "so when you said 'maybe'..."
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phanfictioncatalogue · 2 months
Fics With Titles That Start With R (3) Masterlist
part one, part two
Rabu Hoteru (ao3) - justiceshorts
Summary: In which Dan and Phil stay at a love hotel whilst their in Japan.
rainbow, proud (ao3) - Tarredion
Summary: Phil really wants the corgi shirt, but Dan thinks he has enough already
rat and relaxation time (ao3) - possumdnp
Summary: Dan and Phil wake up on the first day of their holiday.
Reach for the Stars (ao3) - KaytheJay
Summary: Dan is a lawyer who went to New York when he forced himself to take a break from work. He thinks it is a pointless trip until he runs into his favorite YouTuber from back in the day.
Reaching for the Floor (ao3) - uglyhowell
Summary: Dan’s a horny teenager whose boyfriend lives hours away. Or, in which Phil teaches Dan the wonders of Skype sex.
read between the lines (i will if you will) (ao3) - Ablissa
Phil ^_^ (5:31 PM) Dan?
danisNOTonfire xD i swear im really not. come check. (5:31 PM) yeah?
Phil ^_^ (5:32 PM) I think I’m in love with you I just I can’t wait to meet you – Skype conversations between Dan and Phil, leading up to their first meeting. 2009!Phan. Prepare for fluff.
Ready Player Two (ao3) - jonsaremembers
Summary: Their paths diverge for a time.
Reasons why Phil’s body is a fail - slightlydizzier
Summary: Phil didn’t exactly draw the best numbers in the gene pool lottery, and here are a few reasons why.
rebrand (ao3) - dan-whoell (infiniteseriesofhalfways)
Summary: Phil makes some changes and meets a boy named Dan.
Regenboog (ao3) - waveydnp
Summary: In a hotel room in Amsterdam, Dan and Phil celebrate pride in their own way.
Relax, Recharge & Arrange a Terrarium (ao3) - cafephan
Summary: It’s a much needed day off from tour. The two of them enjoy some well deserved private time, and Dan considers whether his new terrarium decor is a little much.
Release Your Inhibitions - pedestriansquirrel
Summary:  All of these unconventional ways of showing affection seemed to work quite well for the both of them, until something about their relationship changed.This change was displayed in the tiniest glint of silver from the chain Phil wore around his neck that, unknown to anyone else, contained a gift, a gift that was given after Dan had proposed in mid-October.
Réponds à Ma Tendresse (ao3) - Blorbiron
Summary: Dan is visiting, and that’s Phil’s absolute favorite thing ever- which is kind of sad, maybe, for someone he’s known for like two months, but he can’t be bothered to care. Because Dan’s sitting right on his bed, close enough to touch, and cackling whenever Phil dies in Crash Bandicoot. Which is a lot.
Revenge is Sweet (ao3) - danteasers
Summary: Phil’s girlfriend breaks up with him, and to make her jealous Dan and Phil go to some extremes that make them question their feelings about each other.
Risk and Reward (ao3) - domisnotonfire
Summary: This work is inspired by Appetite & Defiance by jestbee and is supposed to be a continuation of that series, read that first or this one won't make sense. All credits for the idea of this fic and any original characters goes to them.
Road Trip (ao3) - danteasers
Summary: Dan and Phil go on a road trip in America where they massively fail at doing stuff.
Road Trip Disasters - doomedhowell
Summary: Dan and Phil decide to do a road trip in America, and unfortunately, things keep going wrong. Now, they found themselves stuck in the middle of Texas where it’s summer and the heat is unbearable.
robot in the dorms (ao3) - itsmyusualphannie (itsmyusualweeb)
Summary: dan goes to university in florida and meets his roommate phil. after a few months, and despite dan’s facade of disinterest, he begins to actually like phil and his nerdy ways. the robot that phil designs doesn’t help.
Robots and Railroads (ao3) - niveuos
Summary: Dan is a robot, and Phil loves Dan. But how can Dan love him in return when his heart is made of metal and gold?
rock, paper, scissors (ao3) - possumdnp
Summary: Dan and Phil play rock, paper, scissors to decide what to do in bed (because sometimes, it's the fairest way to make a decision).
Romance Is Boring (ao3) - mothinaweb
Summary: Dan is a lonely 28 year old man who one day stumbles upon a silly little man named Phil in a coffee shop. They become part of each others lives and their relationship grows, and Dan finds more and more that he can’t ignore what he’s feeling anymore. Or rather, what he’s not feeling.
(Or, Dan is aromantic, Phil is not.)
Room For Two (ao3) - dip_and_pip_trash
Summary: Tour is great but sometimes it’s nice to actually share a bed with the person you love.
routine (ao3) - qrovers
Summary: The scene is as follows: The dining room is empty except for Dan, who sits in front of his computer about to upload We’re All Doomed. There is the lingering smell of fries and dips. Dan is in his pajamas, the Minecraft ones Phil always manages to hog. By the side of his desk, a full cup of cocoa has since lost its steam. It’s also from Phil. “To relax you,” he said.
Dan knows he just made two by accident.
run as far as your dark brown eyes can see (ao3) - chickenfree
Summary: Dan’s laughing, pleased with his own joke about being an awkward child, about misfit war wounds, which Phil will obviously relate to.
(Or: the many times Phil has been surprised, and the one thing that didn't surprise him at all.)
Running Now I Close My Eyes- daniactuallysnuffledthatpopcorn
Summary:  Bad days don’t care where you are or what you’re doing. This time, Dan is hit by one on a trip to Florida with the in-laws. Fortunately, Phil is always right there with him.
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writethelifeyouwant · 3 years
Always With The Scissors
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Pairing: Sam Winchester x Reader / Dean Winchester x Reader / Sam x Dean Rating: 18+ Tags: sloppy seconds, voyeurism, angst, objectification of women, slut shaming, dirty talk, cum play, pining!Dean Word Count: 2.9k  Created for: @spnkinkbingo​ - Objectification | @negans-lucille-tblr​ - Man Crush Monday: Sam and Dean / Two for Tuesdays: Smangst / Sinful Sunday: Sloppy Seconds  A/N: Super big congratulations of 7,000 followers!! You deserve every single one and many many more ❤️
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Dean has a very specific kink. He knows it makes him sound a little creepy... okay, a lot creepy – okay, he is actually a full-on creep – but he never cums harder than he does when he's inside a girl his little brother's just fucked. And it’s not that his brother has awesome taste in girls and Dean is just jealous and wants in on the fun too. It’s not even that he has a big kink for sloppy seconds. It had never appealed to him before they started playing this sick sort of game they’ve been playing since Sam decided he was over Jess enough to start sleeping around again (he knew Sam was nowhere near ready for another relationship).
Dean remembers eyeing up a petite little thing at the bar once and then noticing Sam checking her out not too long after. Ever the gracious big brother, and not creepily concerned with Sam’s sex life, Dean figured he’d bow out and let Sam take the swing at this one — but then Sam caught Dean looking at her too, and tried to back down to let Dean have at it. Dean couldn’t have that. So he suggested the ploy that got them where they are now, they play Rock Paper Scissors for the chance to shoot their shot; Dean always loses Rock Paper Scissors.
The part of the night they hadn’t anticipated was the girl they’d been ogling spotting them playing a game for the chance to fuck her, and suggesting that they don’t need to choose, they can just take turns. That had been the game changer.
Listening to Sam fuck her stupid through the wall of the motel room is seriously hot, and Dean has to fight to keep his hand out of his pants the whole time he sits waiting, hearing Sam grunt out filth that he never imagined he’d hear from his little brother’s mouth. And when Sam lopes back through the adjoining door between their rooms with sex ruffled hair and a smirk, with a quick aside of ‘She’s all yours’ before he ducks into the bathroom for a shower, Dean swears he feels his knees go weak.
Quick as he can, he makes his way into the ‘sex room’ as he decided to call it in his head, and found the girl laying in the centre of the bed, legs draped open, playing with the cum leaking out of her pussy. Dean has to grab himself through his jeans, scared he’ll come on the spot if he doesn’t cut himself off.
“You gonna fuck me or what, big boy?” The girl leers at him, and Dean strips down like he’s being timed and slots himself between her thighs and pushes home in one go. He finishes embarrassingly quickly, with Sam’s cum sloshing around his dick and leaking into his mouth where the girl had painted it on like lip gloss. He devours every drop.
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Dean catches Sam’s eye from across the bar and nods towards the girl he’s picked out as a target. It’s a college bar, so Sam does the approach, seeing as he's the one who looks like he could still fit in here. Dean drops himself in a chair and watches Sam work, proudly — he’s the one who taught the kind everything he knows after all. He watches as Sam charms her easily, gets her a drink, asks if she wants to come sit down and motions to the table Dean’s sitting at.
“Dean, this is Y/N,” Sam introduces her, smoothly pulling out a chair for her and pushing it back to the table — a true gentleman. “Y/N, this is my brother, Dean.”
“Hey there,” Y/N smiles at him easily, and Dean can tell they’ve picked someone up for a good time.
“Hey yourself, sweetheart,” Dean gives her a wink and leans in closer. “So, Sammy tell you how we’re hoping this night’s gonna go?”
“He did,” Y/N nods and shoots a smirk at Sam, who reciprocates, and Dean feels his guts churning. “Said the back seat of your car was real comfy too,” she grins mischievously.
“Sam even puts a blanket down most of the time, real class act,” Dean laughs, gulping down more of his drink.
“Wow,” Y/N is sarcastically amazed, “you fellas know how to treat a lady right,” she sounds bitter but Dean can tell she’s joking. She wouldn’t have followed Sam over here in the first place if she wasn’t.
“We try our best,” Sam grins at her charmingly, and Dean can see Y/N melt a little looking at his baby bro’s eyes — he can’t blame her.
Several drinks later, Y/N starts getting handsy with both of them, and Sam suggests they think about moving their little party of three outside. They show Y/N out to the car, Dean opens the back door with a flourish and she slides gracefully inside, glancing back out with a hungry look in her eyes. “So, who’s joining me?” she flutters her lashes seductively, like we need any convincing, Dean thinks to himself.
“Sammy,” Dean grunts, making a ‘come here’ motion with his hands and then holding one out flat and the other on top in a fist in preparation. Sam sidles over to Dean, gait smug, like he already knows he’s gonna win and get first crack at Y/N — which of course he is, because that’s how Dean likes it. He holds up his hands in a mirror of Dean’s, and eyes not leaving each others’ they both beat their fists against their palms. 1, 2, 3.
“Ooh,” Sam hisses in mock sympathy when they look down and see Sam’s ‘rock’ beats Dean’s ‘scissors’. “Always with the scissors, Dean,” Sam gives him a condescending pat on the shoulder, like he doesn’t know what Dean’s doing, and maybe he doesn’t, Dean thinks. Maybe Sam truly doesn’t realise how fucked up I am.
Dean turns to head back into the bar as Sam slides himself into the backseat next to Y/N, but he stops in his tracks when she calls out the window — “Sure you don’t wanna watch, handsome?” Dean freezes, the possibility of actually getting to see Sam fuck this girl, not just imagine it, is more intoxicating than the drinks he’s downed tonight. To actually see Sam, stripped and vulnerable, losing himself inside some cunt… Dean had never even considered that as a possibility before, but now that the thought is in his mind he needs it, craves it. He spins on his heel, looking back at Sam, inwardly praying that his little brother will be gracious enough to grant him this one thing.
“I don’t mind,” Sam smirks, eyes darting back to Y/N and raking down her body. “If she wants you to watch her get used like a little fucktoy, she can have that.” Dean is back by the car in a heartbeat. Sam pulls the back door shut as Y/N climbs on his lap and starts kissing him, while Dean checks around furtively and slides into the front.
Y/N moans start to fill the small space of the car’s interior as she grinds enthusiastically down onto Sam. Dean watches Sam run his hands down her back and up under the hem of her skirt.  He wishes Sam would take her skirt off so he could see Sam’s hands on her ass, see his  fingers tearing into the lace panties that Dean had gotten a glimpse of when she slid into the backseat earlier on. They pull apart and Y/N pushes Sam’s shirt up and over his head, messing up his hair, before she runs her fingers through it and holds on tight, earning a pleased groan from Sam. Dean catalogues that knowledge for later use – not that he thinks he’ll be in a position to test it out on Sam, but it will be a nice detail to add to his tragic imaginary Sam, the one that knows how sick he is and doesn’t care.
Sam’s hands sneak up the back of Y/N’s top and Dean watches as he removes her bra with practiced ease, and he nods to himself – respect. Sam must be feeling her up now because his arms have disappeared to her front and she’s letting out some pretty little whimpers and arching into his chest. Y/N pulls her top off, then reaches for Sam’s jeans, undoing the belt, button and zip quick as she can. Sam pushes her off him and she sprawls to the side, facing Dean now, and her eyes seek him out.
Her chest is heaving, her breasts shuddering with each rise and fall of her chest, and Dean spends a moment taking in her body, appreciating the curves, before he notices her hands have snuck beneath her skirt and she’s clearly touching herself while she watches him. Dean flushes, reaching down to adjust himself in his jeans. “Enjoying the show?” she winks at him, and Dean nods wordlessly.
“Get back over here, and let’s give him a real show,” Sam grabs Y/N and drags her back onto his lap, still facing Dean. She straddles him and rubs herself over his crotch. Sam snakes his arms around her waist and pulls up the front of her skirt, so Dean can see Sam’s cock thrusting between her thighs, against the glistening satin and lace panties she’s wearing. Dean feels his dick leap in his jeans, and he reaches down to adjust himself again before he decides to just give in and let down his zip, pushing his hand inside his boxers to fist himself out of the material. “Wanna see me fuck her?” Sam grunts, eyes flicking up to catch Dean staring at their grinding hips.
Dean feels his cock leak across his fingers at Sam’s words. “Fuck yes,” he groans, stroking himself harder. “Fucking give it to ‘er Sammy.”
“Want me to give it to you sweetheart?” Sam breathes against Y/N’s neck, tucking her hair tenderly behind her ear and nipping at her earlobe. She squeezes her eyes shut and whimpers, Sam’s way with words clearly affecting her. “Gonna be a good little slut and take my cock? Let me use you up and then hand you over to my brother to finish you off?”
“Fuck, Sam please, please, just use me,” she pulls her panties to the side and tries to get Sam to slip inside her but she can’t quite find the angle, and she whines, desperate and frustrated.
“Wow, for someone who just wants to be a set of holes you sure are needy,” Sam growls and gets his cock in the right place and pulls her down his shaft slowly. “Thought you told me inside you’d let me do whatever I want to you, and you wouldn’t put up a fuss?”
“Just fucking fuck me already, please Sam,” Y/N is begging, grinding down onto Sam’s cock like a whore.  
Sam finally stops teasing her and follows through on his promise to use her. One of his hands comes up to wrap around her throat while he uses his other arm to keep her body pressed close against his, and he punches his hips into her hard, without abandon. Dean nearly chokes every time he catches a glimpse of Sam’s cock, bare and shiny with her slick, before he pushes back into her. It’s better than he could have imagined, watching Sam actually rail into a pussy instead of just hearing it through some flimsy drywall. It’s much easier to picture what Sam would look like fucking into him now that he’s seeing this.
“She feel good Sammy?” Dean is horrified to hear how strained his voice is when he speaks. He sounds like a goddamn girl with how fucking breathy he is.
“Uh huh,” Sam fucks into her quicker, like Dean’s question has spurred him on. “So wet, can feel her soaking into my thighs,” he moans. Dean refuses to let out the whimper that’s trying to escape his throat. “Gonna be even wetter for you,” Sam continues, leering up at Dean through his lashes, chin looped over Y/N’s shoulder. “She’s gonna be all messy when I’m done with her. But you like ‘em like that dontcha? Like ‘em strung out and used up?”
“Fuck,” Dean does almost whimper.
“Oh god,” Y/N whines, dropping her hips down in earnest against every one of Sam’s thrusts, and she snakes a hand down her front to start rubbing over her clit.
“Oh you wanna cum, do you? Think you earned that yet?” Sam bites against Y/N’s neck and bats her hand away from her core. “I think you’re gonna have to do a bit more before you get to cum. Gotta let me cum in you first, huh? Then you’re gonna be a good little cocksleeve for my big brother to get off in, and then, maybe, if you’ve been a good girl, we’ll make you cum.”
“Fucking hell,” she moans heavily, dropping her head back onto Sam’s shoulder. “C’mon then fuck me, want your cum inside me, please,” she whines, voice piercing in the small space.
“Yeah, that’s what Dean wants too,” Sam smirks, but he’s not looking at Dean now, he’s got his eyes closed tight and his head buried against Y/N’s shoulder. Dean thanks fuck for that, because when he heard Sam say that he knows Dean wants him to cum inside Y/N, Dean thought he was going to die of embarrasment. Obviously he wanted that, and in the back of his mind he knew Sam must know that he likes fucking the girls second, but they’d never talked about it. What did Sam think about the fact that Dean got off on fucking his little brother’s cum back into whatever warm body they’d picked out that day? He must be okay with it because they keep doing it.
Dean’s existential crisis is cut short when he hears the tell tale gasp and cut off whine that means Sam is cumming, and he looks up just in time to catch the  pure fucking bliss on his little brother’s face. His eyes flick down to where Sam and Y/N are joined and he watches, mesmerised, as Sam pulls out, his cock laced with the white of his release.
“Open your mouth, bitch,” Sam grunts, and shoves Y/N off his lap and onto her hands and knees so she can suck the cum back off his cock. Dean’s breath catches in his throat, desperately hoping she doesn’t swallow.
When she pulls off of Sam with a wet sound her mouth stays open and Dean can see the cum slipping from her lips. He reaches over the seat impulsively and grabs her hair, yanking her towards him and slamming their mouths together. Dean sucks her tongue into his mouth like he wants to bite it off, and he can’t keep in the moan that bubbles up from his chest when he tastes the bitter edge of Sam’s spunk on his tongue.
“C’mere,” Dean grunts against Y/N’s lips, dragging her over the top of the seat. It’s not graceful, it’s not attractive or sexy, it’s born of the intense desperation Dean has to feel something hot and wet around his dick, and when he pushes into Y/N’s cunt he knows he’s not going to win any records for stamina tonight. She’s tight, but it’s an easy fuck because she’s so so wet. Dean can feel Sam’s cum squeezing out of her every time he fucks in, pushing the creamy liquid out around his dick and grinding it into his jeans. They’re going to be ruined but he doesn’t give a fuck because this feeling is always worth it.
Y/N’s head is buried in the crook of his neck and Dean’s forehead is smashed into her shoulder as they cling to each other. Dean jumps when he feels hands on his shoulders, because the fingers are facing the wrong way for them to be hers – they’re Sam’s. He leans across Dean to kiss Y/N roughly, then yanks her head back by her hair, holding her out in front of Dean so they can watch her tits bounce while Dean fucks into her mercilessly.
“What d’ya think Dean, do we let her cum?” Y/N whines at the words and Dean can hear Sam smirking. “You’re gonna cum anyways aren’t you, you fucking slut. Gonna squeeze his cock real good for me? That’ll make you a real fuckin’ whore won’t it, going home with two guys’ loads in that pussy, huh?”
Sam’s taunts are cruel and mocking and fucking hot and Dean has never had to listen to Sam’s dirty talk while he was actually fucking something and he can’t handle it. He stills inside Y/N, gasping as he pumps his release inside her, mixes it up with Sam’s. Y/N is shaking around him and Dean thinks she must have cum too but honestly he’s so far gone he can’t even tell.
When Y/N climbs back over the seat to find her clothes, Dean stays put, still trying to catch his breath. He hears Sam open the door and walk her out, back to the bar. He shakes himself from his reverie and rushes to tuck himself back into his boxers. His jeans feel sticky, and they probably are ruined but he still doesn’t care. It was absolutely worth it.
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We’re All Mads Here: @vulgar-library​ @tintentrinkerin​ @negans-lucille-tblr​ @fandomfic-galore​ @petitgateau911​ @schaefchenherde​ @kickingitwithkirk​ @little-diable​ @laxe-chester67​ @kassyscarlett @austin-winchester67​
All SPN: @cemini-winchester @akshi8278 @stoneyggirl @deandreamernp @lyarr24 @lovealways-j 
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purpleyellow · 3 years
The audacity
Seventeen 14th member
Hayun’s masterlist
“Seventeen won’t take bs when it comes to Hayun”
Requested by: two (2) anons    
cw: offensive language
a/n: Feel free to share your thoughts with me. Requests are open! 💙
(to my brazilians around, this gif is svt’s version of ninguem solta a mão de ninguem)
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The arrival of dancers made the practice room even more crowded and noisy than usual. It was one of the few times Seventeen worked with an outside dance team, and they happened to have a lot of new faces around, who needed time to figure out the staging and how things were working so far.
After they ran through the choreography a couple of times, the choreographer called in a break, allowing the huge group to instantly clear the middle space and separate themselves into small circles of conversations.
Seungcheol, Jeonghan, and Joshua instantly met each other and began chatting about dinner plans and whatnot. Slowly approaching Jun and Wonwoo, the oldest filled them in on what they're deciding until he starts searching for someone.
“So, we could order it on the next break and have someone grab it for us. Anyway, did anyone see Hayun?”
“Making friends, as usual,” Wonwoo comments, pointing at the other corner of the room where the girl was surrounded by four dancers.
“Hayun-ah” The leader waves her over and waits as she jogs to his side “We're talking about dinner, what do you think about-”
“Oh, those guys were talking about this new restaurant that opened downtown, I was thinking of tagging along with them” She points back at the group and watches as her members nod “But I can cancel, of course”
“No, go ahead. It's just a meal” Joshua goes to wave her off when Seungkwan approaches them with crossed arms.
“Yeah. Just a meal. Until she's suddenly ditching us during the holidays and moving out with her new friends” The boy pouts, turning his face away from the group. Hayun reaches up to ruffle his hair before landing a soft slap.
“Says the dude who is friends with half of the entertainment industry” Ignoring his eye roll, she turns back to the rest of their little huddle “Well, if nobody else will feel betrayed”
“I was kidding” Seungkwan whines and Scoups pushes her away from them “Stop being dramatic and go do your mingling”
Going back to the group of dancers, Hayun resumes chatting with them for a couple of minutes before the break is over.
After more hours of running over every tiny detail for the stage, the rehearsal finally ends and the scattering of people begins. Hayun takes a couple of minutes talking about minor adjustments with the members and just checking up on them before searching for the four friends she had made that evening.
“Hey, how do you guys plan on heading there?” She asks, taking a sip from her water bottle and missing the glances between the two boys and two girls.
“Actually, we might have to do it another day,” The girl closest to her says and flips a hair strand off of Hayun's shoulder. “We got pretty tired from this last session”
“And work tomorrow it's going to start pretty early, you know. It's best to let this go for today,” The boy nods to her before pulling out his phone from his pocket and slightly turning away from the idol.
“Yeah, I get it. That's okay, we'll reschedule it then” Hayun smiles and gives them a thumbs up “I'll head to the dorms, then. Have a good rest, and tomorrow we'll talk more”.
Sending her some quick waves and small smiles, the four dancers waited for Hayun to turn around before sharing an annoyed look and sighing.
The practice room slowly grows empty, only leaving Wonwoo and Vernon who lost an incredible game of rock, paper, scissors, and had to stay behind to clean up everything. Finally turning off the lights, the two boys head out into the hallway and spot a group of four people standing by the entrance.
“Aren't those the people Hayun was talking to earlier,” Vernon asks quietly before a voice from the group reaches them.
“Why is this damn cab taking so long? We should have let that airhead tag along”.
“Agreed. She would have talked our ears off, but at least we would have made it to the club already”.
Sharing a look, the two idols stop walking and listen closely to understand if the dancers are talking about what the boys think they're talking about.
“That was so stupid. Why would you invite her in the first place? She's so annoying”.
“I mean, having an idol considering you a friend would be fun, right? Especially with the Christmas season coming up. Can you imagine the gifts she would buy us?”
“Yeah, dude. We wouldn't even need to worry about paying for stuff anymore. Just have Hayun tag along anywhere and, boom, no more tabs to pay.”
“But also, no more functioning eardrums”
“No, you have a point. She seems like she'd give us her credit card password on the third time we hung out. Not to mention, looking at her position in contrast with ours. You don't even have to befriend her, but be on her good side, and she'll make sure to give us more gigs within Pledis”.
Standing frozen, Wonwoo and Vernon listened to everything they were saying and shared looks of disbelief. Having enough of it, the oldest cleared his throat and slung his bag, making it hit his own back with enough force to make a thumping sound.
“Let's go, Vernon,” He ignored the four people standing before them with wide eyes and resumed walking. Once shoulder to shoulder with one of the dancers, Wonwoo stopped again and said while looking ahead, “Next time, be careful of whom you're talking about”.
Vernon, on the other hand, made eye contact with each dancer before raising one eyebrow and following the oldest. After closing the car door, he groaned annoyed, “Can you believe they had… ”
“… the fucking audacity” Jeonghan places his cup on the table, face showcasing utter disgust after Wonwoo told him what they had listened before leaving the Pledis building.
“Show me who those people are again tomorrow. I'll make sure they never step inside our practice room, ever again,” Hoshi points out.
“Is there a way of not having them tomorrow? I'm afraid Scoups Hyung might commit murder” Dokyeom brought attention to the leader standing on the corner of the kitchen.
Looking like he was plotting an illegal act, Seungcheol scoffs and pushed himself away from the cabinets. “The bare minimum you would expect from someone is that they can be professional. I swear, those people are getting an earful for talking about Hayun within a billion-meter ratio from where I work”.
“It's best to let it rest until tomorrow's performance is done. After we'll probably never see them again, so there's not much point causing any visible disturbance.” Laying a hand on the leader's arm, Woozi tried to make some sort of sense, but all it did was cause Scoups to roll his eyes.
“We can't just act like nothing happened”
“We also can't change anything about the choreography until then” Hoshi butts in and takes a breath trying not to jump in the 'let's hunt them down' train.
“They already know Wonwoo and Vernon heard them trash-talking her, so I'm not letting them have it easy tomorrow.” Jeonghan rolls his eyes and pointed to both Woozi and Hoshi, “I'm speaking my mind the first moment I see those sons of bitches, you're free to wait until the show's over”.
“About that, I don't think we should tell Hayun what happened” Joshua, who had been quiet the entire time, speaks, drawing attention to him. “Not until, as you said, the show is over, and we won't see them again. You know that she's probably going to get disappointed about it”.
“And you expect her to not go running to meet her new 'friends' once we arrive at the venue?” Wonwoo raises an eyebrow, but Mingyu shakes his head and backs the older up.
“We just have to keep her entertained around us. Fill in Dino, Seungkwan, and Myungho later, and have them help with making sure the group doesn't run into her”.
Raising his hand, Vernon casually mumbles “Maybe don't tell Seungkwan, he won't be able to hide his feelings about the whole thing”
“Myungho won't either” Jun comments and the room falls silent at the sound of the remaining members chatting and approaching the kitchen.
“Wow, you make a meeting and forget to call in the main characters” Hayun laughs walking through the room and opening the fridge for a beer “So, when's the food arriving?”
Hayun is sitting on the makeup chair, casually watching Scoups and Jeonghan whispering to each other from the mirror's reflection, when a hand lands on her shoulder and another holds out a smoothie for her.
“Whatcha thinking about?” Joshua sits on the chair next to her while Mingyu punctures the drink's lid with a straw.
Without taking her eyes off the mirror, she nods with her head to it. “Those two are up to something”
“Scoups and Jeonghan Hyung? Nah, they're always like that. Sharing secrets and stuff,” Mingyu giggles, shoving the straw inside her mouth and shifting to stand in front of the mirror. “Cute nail polish, when did you have time to get it done?”
“Oh, these are acrylics. This lady was just putting them on” Hayun falls into his trap and began analyzing the design with some occasional comments from the boys.
Peace has seemingly set inside the dressing room, yet it doesn't last long until Dino's loud “Uh?” caught the attention of the members, who turned to see what he and Vernon were doing.
Trying to shut the youngest up, Vernon makes it very obvious to the guys that he had just filled Dino in with the “frenemies” situation. Most of them try to brush it off and not bring more attention to it. Seungkwan, however, approaches them by, very loudly, asking what's up.
“What are you talking about?” He boringly fixes up his outfit. Vernon can feel the burning eyes of Jeonghan on his skull as he tries to deviate the conversation to another topic.
“Did you go see catering already? I heard they had a coffee machine”.
“Wait. Does he not know what happened?” Dino fails to read the room properly and instigates the older boy.
“What happened? Why is everyone sharing secrets all of a sudden? Is the thing you're discussing why Scoups Hyung seems ready to jump someone”.
The timing of events can't be worse, as the makeup artist taps Hayun's shoulder to let her know they were done. Within seconds, the girl gets up and turns to where the three youngest were standing.
“What's with the gossiping? Did Vernon lose his airpods again?” She brushes away from Joshua as he tried to hold her in place and waves off Mingyu when, in a panic, he suggests they should check out the pigeons outside.
“What? No! I mean, yeah! How unfortunate, isn't it?” Vernon jumps around his answers and tries looking for anyone willing to help him out.
“Just tell her about it” Approaching them from the door, Jeonghan, now without the leader's company, shrugs his shoulders, making Hayun raise an eyebrow.
“Jeonghan, at least wait until the day is over,” Joshua speaks through his teeth and the boy rolls his eyes.
“Well, she already knows something is up, and to be fair I don't know what good hiding this will bring. At least, if she feels like doing something about it, she'll have the chance right now”.
“Do something about it? Hadn't we agreed that the best is to wait until the performance is over and just never see them again?”
“What even are you talking about?” Hayun shuts them both up and Jeonghan and Joshua turned to her with annoyed expressions, “Don't even look at me like that. You're the ones mentioning me as if I'm not in the room”.
Placing a hand on her shoulder, Joshua tilts his head a little and speaks softly, “Trust me for a moment here, it's best if you brush it aside. Until later at least, and then we can settle it as you wish”.
“Wha- Just spill it out for fucks sake. I'm going to combust if you don't tell me right now whatever this all means,” Hayun puffs, punching his shoulder. Just as Joshua opens his mouth to say the same thing again, Jeonghan beats him and shoves himself in front of the girl.
“Do you recall those dancers you were planning to go out with yesterday? Yeah, well, turns out they're all little shits who were trash-talking you, and just overall talking crap, yesterday”
“Jeonghan” Joshua repressed the older who does nothing but wave him off.
“Doesn't matter what they said because you're nothing of it, and-” Adverting his eyes for a second, Jeonghan stares to the side, where half of Scoups' body is waving for him through the door. “And, and, you're amazing and all of that. So now go rest your awesome self while I go teach those punks a lesson”.
Zooming past her, Jeonghan runs to the door, where the leader is already back outside. Hoshi, Jun, Woozi, and DK, scream for him before also going out of the door. A very lost, Seungkwan, simultaneously tries to get Vernon to tell him what exactly the dancer said before while shouting for the older to wait for him to also speak his mind.
“I didn't want you to know about this before the performance, but-”
“Whatever, let's make sure nobody dies today” Hayun rolls her eyes and turns around, Wonwoo running from where he was watching everything and holding her by the shoulder.
“Do you want us to go fix that up? It's okay to give them the cold shoulder or just go off if you want to” Nodding, she keeps silent and walks out, bringing the rest of the guys behind her.
The8, who also had just found out about the situation, whispers to Vernon, “Can you believe they had the audacity?”
“I know, right?” The youngest whisper-yelled at him as they made it to the hallway and assessed the situation.
“The next time you even think about opening your mouth to talk about her-” Scoups had his finger pointing at the tallest dancer -who ironically had a few centimeters on him-, while the rest of the members stood next to him nodding and calmly listening to what the leader was saying.
“Oppa, just drop it,” Hayun shouts, walking past them and holding his shoulder.
Annoyingly, Scoups rolled his eyes and turned to her, “What do you mean, drop it?” Thinking for a second, he blinked and turned even more bothered, “Who even told you about this?”
The leader looked around until he found Mingyu, offending the tall guy who made an X in front of his body.
“Doesn't matter who told me. Let's just not lose time doing this” Brushing past him, Hayun now faced the dancers “Look, I'll teach you something right now, so grab it or drop it okay? I don't give a shit that you don't like me, or whatever, but at least be professional because all this situation did was teach me that none of you care about your careers. It's pretty clear by the angry puppy beside me that you just lost any chance of growing inside our brand, so keep this as a lesson and respect the artists you're working with. Also, once we're on stage put on a smile, so my fans won't be able to sense your shit”
“It should be pretty clear by what she said but you definitely don't have a chance to work with any Pledis artist again” Hoshi came from the end of the hallway alongside their manager and choreographer. The latter nodded and added.
“For the sake of the performance, you should all go back to your dressing rooms. You all said whatever was on your mind, so try to refocus during the last few minutes you have”.
“I didn't get to say what was on my mind” While the group was dispersing, DK mumbles on the side and Jun snorts.
“You had a chance, but all you did was stare at them and scowl until Scoups Hyung took the lead”
“I don't care about who said and who didn't say what they wanted” Hayun rolled her eyes, turning to the boys as they arrived in the room. Clasping her hands together, she brings them to her face and smiles, “You all care about me”.
“The fact you still doubted about it after years hurts me” Dokyeom held his chest and frowned, the girl laughs and goes to hug him.
“Group hug?” Seungkwan says uncertainly and Hoshi nods, dragging Woozi with him, “Group hug!”
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shivada-jade · 3 years
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characters: aether, lumine mentions: venti, xiao, kazuha, barbara, azhdaha warning(s): swearing because lumine and aether are siblings
notes: i've been lACKING these idol au's so im gonna write more idol au's because i nEEED it
You were seven when you were introduced to the twins. Coming from a foreign land, you struggled with the language they spoke in, but they were patient with you and taught you their language and much more. The twins were multilingual and explained it was from their frequent traveling and relatives from different places.
You and the twins were close, but Lumine spent more time with you, making Aether whine a lot. He would always poke sticks at you and hide your legendary, full art Pokemon cards to catch both Lumine's and your attention. It does work, but Lumine's mad.
"Aether!" She'd scream with a lisp because of a missing tooth. "Stop doing that!"
Oh, but Aether is a sibling, meaning he'd play the 'innocent' card. "Stop doing what? What am I doing?"
In the end, you'd always have to call their parents when they fist fight at the sand pit. "Aether and Lumine's mom! They're fighting again!"
"Again?" The tall blonde sighed. "Thanks for telling me, hon."
After a good scolding, Aether and Lumine would be totally okay the next minute like nothing happened. You were used to their banter and rightfully took your Pokemon cards back. Lumine stuck a tongue out, blowing a raspberry at Aether when he turned his back, grabbing three large sticks.
"Fight me!" He cried with glee, giving one stick to his sister and one to you. "I will be the grand king of the sand pit!"
You vaguely remember the rest. Maybe you lost the 'sword duel,' or maybe you didn't, but what you did remember was this tall kid playing with his cat and eating the sand. Forget the kid, the only thing you remember is his cat's name called Azhdaha.
Your hands close your story book. You would never admit to your friends, but Lumine and Aether that you still read fantasy. The other kids in the neighbourhood would laugh saying what you were reading is a kid's story.
"So what if it's a kid's story? If you like it, read it," Lumine says aggressively while Aether opens the door for both of you.
"Lumi's right. They think they're all grown up, but they're kids too," he closes the door behind him, waving goodbye to your grandma rocking on the porch. "What's the story about anyway?"
You walk ahead, leading the two to a local mall. Every week, Aether, Lumine and yourself would spend Fridays and Saturdays together.
You and Lumine often joke how Aether doesn't do 'Saturdays are for the boys.' To which, Aether would scoff and reply with, "Boys who say that are stupid, not all but most. Saturdays are for spending time with people you care about. I don't care if they think I'm weak."
You step foot in the bus, tapping the card to pay for your admission. The twins, walk behind, doing the same and sitting next to you on the bus.
"It's called 'Songs of a Siren.' It's cool, you should check it out." You say, scooting a bit closer to the side so Lumine could have more pace to sit. The bus is packed. Teenagers littered inside, only a few adults were there including the bus driver. "Let's leave. Teenagers stink."
"...But you are one."
After the next stop, you push yourself through the crowd, trying to exit. Lumine pushes people, muttering a few 'excuse us' while dragging her brother. Your feet land on the concrete sidewalk and you finally breathe freely.
You see the twins finally get off the bus and tilt your head, "Let's go, the mall isn't gonna wait for us."
Entering the mall, the first thing you pass by is a clothes shop. You and Aether share a look, quietly doing rock-paper-scissors behind Lumine who's beaming to go inside.
Aether chooses paper.
You droop to the floor because you're dramatic, knowing that once you go in the shop, you'll be the one carrying Lumine's purchases.
"Alright, Lumine," you say sighing. "Let's go shop."
You see Aether in your peripheral vision, pumping his fist laughing a quiet, "Yes!" when Lumine takes out her wallet.
"I know you did rock-paper-scissors." She counts the bills from her wallet, "But I'm buying for Aether which means even if you carry the things I buy, Aether's gonna have it much worse because he will be trying on everything I tell him to wear." She grins, settling with a black debit card.
After hearing this, Aether tries to walk in another shop to avoid dressing up for Lumine, but his sister quickly catches on and pulls him by the ear and walks in the clothes shop.
"Let's go!" She says to you, "These clothes won't shop themselves!"
"This one?"
"No, you look like grandpa in that outfit."
"Well what if I like looking like grandpa, huh? What are you gonna do about it?"
"Some people can pull off the sexy grandpa look. You're not 'some people.'" Lumine pulls out another outfit from the rack. "Try this one," she laughs, seeing Aether's horrified face and pushes him in the dressing area.
This is the ninth clothes shop you three go to, and you were starting to feel bad for Aether who had to wear every outfit Lumine wanted him to wear.
"Lumi," you say calmly, having trouble holding five shopping bags on each arm. She's on a shopping spree and you wonder how she gets all the money to buy these things. "That should be enough shopping for the day. I'm hungry."
The blonde lifts a hand. "Hold on a second," she smiles before banging on the changeroom door, "AETHER LET ME SEE THE FIT."
You can hear the loud sigh from the other side of the door as it slowly opens. He only peeks his head out, shyly mumbling, "This is embarrassing. I don't want to walk out like this."
Lumine rolls her eyes and pulls the door open, revealing Aether in a white dress shirt and dark pants.
Aether lifts an arm, inspecting the design. "It's a bit..." he pauses, thinking of a way to not offend his sister. "It's not my style." His eyes seek for your help to back him up, but you couldn't. The style on him looks so ethereal to him, and Lumine has the same idea.
His twin ran up to an aisle and picked out two accessories: a silk cloth and a floral pin. Lumine shushes Aether who tried to punch her.
"Shut up Aether, you'll look great." She pins the black rose onto the front of his shirt and ties the silk cloth around his neck. She steps a few steps back, making a rectangle shape to symbolize a picture frame and elbows you lightly. "He looks okay for once."
Okay is underwhelming, but to describe Aether better, he looks celestial. The warm studio lights hug every angle of Aether from head to toe. His golden eyes seem to brighten more and the outfit only accentuates his physical traits more.
From the corner of your eye you spot a tall-ish man who has been wandering past the same aisle but never picking anything up. He wears ordinary clothes- a T-shirt and jeans (rather stylishly), but you know from his incoming aura he's more than just an ordinary person.
You tap Lumine discreetly while still holding onto her shopping bags and tilt your head towards the man.
Aether, who keeps picking on the cloth around his neck goes frigid when the strange man walks up to him.
"Hey kid," he says cooly. He looks Aether up and down, lifting his shades to see clearer, and pulls out a small business card from his pocket. "You look like idol material. Ever thought about being a part of a boyband?"
Out of politeness, Aether takes the card and laughs nervously, "Not really" He looks at Lumine and you for help, but you two pretend to not know him when he turns to you.
The man shoves his hands in his pocket, blowing a bubblegum and popping it. His hair slightly tousles when he turns, waving a hand.
"If you ever do decide if you wanna be an idol, auditions are held next week at 10AM," he saunters off. "If they ask who recruited you, tell them a man by the name of Valentin did."
His lavender irises looks back once more before leaving the store, "The people from Teyvat Entertainment are introduced by my very hands. Don't disappoint me."
The automatic sliding doors open for him and he waves the store greeter a goodbye.
You see Aether's eyes scanning over he card Valentin gave. His lashes flutter quickly, signaling you and Lumine he was either shocked, or confused.
Lumine grabbed the paper, a habit she picked up due to being a twin and having to share everything with Aether who won't share. Her lips part, showing the card to you.
Teyvat Entertainment.
A company who created the world's famous DCKZ and the idol, Barbara. Teyvat Ent. has one of the youngest, top rookies of the year because of a group called TVT Dream. A company with many celebrities' and the business card is legit.
A store worker no older than your age meekly walks up to the three of you and asks, "Hey, uh. Are you ready to purchase your clothes?"
Aether shoves Lumine (don't worry she shoves him 10x harder) on the stairs while you watch from a safe distance.
You wave hello to their mom before waltzing into their home like you did many other times. You were their third child in their mom's eyes.
You slam the twins' room open and lay yourself on the bottom bunk of their bunkbed. "So do you wanna check Teyvat Entertainment?"
You fish out your phone from your pocket and hand signal for Aether and Lumine to come close to see. Your phone turns on, showing the lock screen of the twins in their embarrassing toddler moments then unlock it. Quietly laughing at the twins who have their faces beet red from the photograph.
"Why do you have that pic? DELETE IT."
"Did mom give that to you..."
You ignore them, opening up Google and typing in the Teyvat Ent. website and search their contacts. You ask Aether for the business card, comparing the two numbers side by side, and Valentin is indeed one of the scouts for the company.
You shut your phone off, hugging the two siblings together tightly. "Whether Aether decides he wants to be an idol or not, we'll still be the best of friends."
Lumine grins, squishing your cheeks, taking a closer look at you. "Well, duh. Are you scared we'll fall apart? No, if anything you should be scared we're never going to leave you alone even if you're 60 and married."
You pinch her cheeks and start to say something until you hear sniffles and coughing. You turn to Aether who was hiding his tears.
"Shut up, I'm not crying." He harshly wipes away the water falling from his eyes, "When I go famous, I'm going to give you my autograph so you can sell it and eventually get 20 cars and houses."
You were a teen when the dark-haired Valentin scouted Aether to be a trainee in Teyvat Ent.
You note that without Aether, their home is extremely quiet. It's odd not seeing Lumine scream at Aether for taking her hair clips. It's odd not seeing Lumine aggressively pull on the colourful flower hairclips on Aether's hair, just to get the clips back. It's so odd not seeing Aether is general.
Lumine scrolls through her phone, looking for furniture to add to her new apartment she shares with you. The only thing in the newly bought apartment is three mattresses, three plates, and three cups, just in case Aether visits. Though, Aether visiting is rare. His visits only happen during December for Christmas, but even then he had not visited. It's been two years since you and Lumine last saw him.
You stare at your last sent messages to the blonde boy.
▶ hEY. (threatening)
▶ take care okay? lumine's worrying all the time for ur health bc she keeps watching yt vids on how idols over-do themselves from training
haha thanks for telling me
are you sure it's not you who's worrying 🧐🤧
the last thing lumi sent to me was "FUCK YOU"
▶ well the last thing you sent to her was "U BUTT"
▶ and she took that seriously
are you siding with her?
▶ yes
oh okay, frick you too seen three months ago
Your feet pad against the wooden tiles, grabbing a glass of water while scrolling through twitter. You lift the glass to your lips and almost choke from the water you drink.
You click the link on the phone with the title "Debuting boy band already claiming the hearts of many! Please welcome 4nemo!" Four boys stand in the picture, one being Aether.
You place your glass to the sink and run to Lumine, sitting next to her and who her your phone. She reads it over and visibly shakes. You swear she was about to cry until she takes the phone from your hand and starts throwing it, "AETHER THAT BITCH. HE DEBUTES AND SAYS NOTHING."
You're mortified and pull your friend away from your phone, "THAT'S A NEW PHONE, STOP." You push her away and run to your device, clicking on the link.
"One, two, three! Hello we are," Aether, the familiar blonde says.
His group members follow after him. "4nemo!" They say in chorus. One by one they start introducing themselves.
"Hi I'm Aether!"
"Kazuha," one says with a raise of a hand.
An energetic member steps up with a grin, "And I'm Barbisabeto!"
"He's Barbatos, forgive him." Teal undertones make it's way to the camera, "Hello, I'm Xiao.
The one with twin braids step up, mischievously grinning. "Please take care of us and support us during our journey through the music industry."
His teal eyes squint behind the camera, whispering to the member behind him. "Psst, Xiao. I can't read I'm blind."
Xiao rolls his eyes and steps up, slightly bowing, "Please support our debuting group, we will see you in our music videos."
But Lumine and you never paid attention to what they were saying. Both of you just started crying insults of endearment to Aether because he looks so... different. His face had mature and he's a real idol now.
Reality sinks in.
Now that Aether had a growing fanbase, it's going to be harder to contact him.
"Lumine, how are we going to talk to him now?"
Lumine ponders a bit, resting her chin on her hand before smirking. "Let's create an Aether hate page."
"Yes, let's do it."
After a quick recording of Lumine and yourself, you posted the video online, and soon enough, it goes viral.
Lumine laughs, replaying the video.
"This one's for the boys with the booming system," You say monotonously in front of the camera like what you said was a speech instead of a song. "Top down, AC with the cooler system."
Lumine comes on screen, flipping her middle finger at the camera. "When he come up in the club, he be blazin' up. This one is actually not for the boys with the booming system. This is for the BITCH, AETHER WITH THE BLONDE BRAID. Look at you with your ugly ass smile," She speaks in one breath and it amazes you. "Make sure you get millions of hits or it's all for nothing. Oh Aether's an ass."
The screen shows your hand scooping the phone up and waving good bye with Lumine still dissing Aether.
You nudge Lumine, showing a comment written at the bottom of the video, covering a laugh.
"who's aether?"
"huh??! aether?"
"lOL Why Does The Person On The Left Look Like Aether?"
"OH 4NEMO DABUTE. SHUTUP YOU ANTI. THEY'RE GORGEOUS. YOU'RE THE ONE UFLY" ➡ "ahisfdh you obvi didnt watch the whole video. she said "make sure get millions of hits"
Lumine grins, commenting at the people calling her ugly and Aether way better looking. "Lol, IKR. the one on the left is trying too hard to look like Aether. it's like shes tryna be a twin or smthn"
Though, because of your viral "hate" video, 4nemo's popularity sky rockets because of the unknown 'Aether' of the group.
Aether watches the video on the news channel, because that's how popular the video got. He looks at his manager, "Can I send a hate video back?"
"Aether, no."
But the winds are troublesome as the ocean, because a boy with teal tips on his hair snatched the managers phone, running and giving it to Aether. "AETHER. DO IT RIGHT NOW."
It was a shock to you seeing people follow your twitter account.
"LUMI, [NAME], IM SRRY I LOST MY PHONE AND DIDNT WANNA TELL ANY1 OR THEYLL GROUND ME," said the tweet, tagging you in comments.
Lumine doesn't have twitter, so when she looks over your shoulder seeing the tweet with her name on, she grabs the phone and locks herself in the bathroom, "R U FR AETHER?U DIDNT REPLY TO MY HAPPY BDAY. WE SHARE A BDAY DUMBASS"
She calmly unlocks the door, giving your phone back casually while you whine, "Lumine! This is twitter! They're gonna cancel me!"
"I'll cancel them back."
Ding! You receive a post with you name under the comments again.
hello, i have to apologize for our member stealing the manager's phone to tweet that. i swear that kid's the most responsible, but he's been triggered. #kazuha
You quickly type back, under the hashtag 'kazuha.'
"@/4nemo sorry uh thats one of ur members twin & shes mad that aether never gave her a bday present when she gave 1 to him #kazuha"
notes: psst here's where i got aether's outfit inspo when they were outfit changing at the mall
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ilikekidsshows · 3 years
Thanks for answering my ask regarding Ladybug!Adrien it's definitely informative to know that they both smart and strategic in different way. Mari's strategic is definitely screams her control freak nature and I remember she freaked out when it didn't work accordingly in Gigantitan lmao. And I know this probably a repeated question but I'm curious about what do you think of this scenario where Ladybug and Chat Noir fight each other fair and square (eg no brainwash) who would come out as a winner?
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Surprisingly, this has not been asked before. I got asked who was stronger, physically (unsurprisingly, they have different muscle groups as their primary ones). 'Gamer 2.0' already showed us that, if no brainwashing was involved, Ladybug would win the match by Cat Noir throwing the match. Like, even in a forced situation where a fight would have to happen, Cat Noir would go easy on Ladybug. He couldn't bring himself to fight her if he was in his right mind.
However, I understand that this is a copout answer so, in the spirit of the ask, I’ll try to imagine the characters in a scenario where they’d be forced to try through some means. Capabilities-wise, I say their respective strengths and weaknesses would make them hypothetically evenly matched.
Cat Noir's fighting style is straightforward and focuses a lot on close-quarters damage. In superhero media, grappler-style fighters like Ladybug have an advantage in these situations, so she could make him hit the floor pretty easily in a battle of pure physical strength. However, we saw in 'Cat Blanc' that she can't hit him hard enough to keep him down, although she could have been so emotionally compromised that it influenced her results. The battle perimetres would be big in deciding whether or not she'd be the ultimate victor. A fighting tournament style match with rules like downing limits and ring-outs? She'd win. Hands down. Easily. If the match was until the opponent couldn’t go on anymore? Not as sure, but she'd give one heck of a show and Cat Noir would have to work for every hit he'd get in.
Superpowers-wise, the situation is the opposite, in a situation where the two had more control over their powers. The power to create versus the power to destroy. It's like the Black Cat is designed to be the Ladybug's counter. Cataclysm even seems to take less effort than creation, due to every item needing to be so carefully considered, so Cat Noir could exhaust Ladybug in a battle of pure magic.
So, since an actual fight would have them using both skillsets, it would come down to chance, with them being pretty evenly matched. The biggest factor is whether or not Ladybug would get room to make a plan, because that's almost a guaranteed win, while in a no-holds-barred one-on-one Cat Noir's tactical prowess would get to shine.
Actually, let me go on a purely hypothetical slightly related tangent.
Isn't it strange that the Ladybug and Black Cat are stated to be equals, yet only the Ladybug can counter Akumas and Sentimonsters? But the Miraculous are all part of a set. Maybe the Black Cat is meant to counter the Ladybug. Checks and balances. Rock, paper, scissors. The Butterfly and Peacock fight from the shadows and the Black Cat can't get to them or destroy their creations. The Ladybug can purify the creations of the Butterfly and the Peacock. The Black Cat can overwhelm the Ladybug. However, this is only true if Cataclysm would work on a Lucky Charm. I don’t see why it wouldn’t, since Lucky Charms aren’t beings like Sentimonsters or Akumas.
Of course that's a pure hypothetical, and it doesn't consider the other Miraculous powers, but the others seem a bit too specialized and not as powerful as these four, except maybe the Bee if my theory of Subjection also developing mind control is true.
Anyway, Ladybug and Cat Noir have different capabilities that makes it so a fight between them wouldn’t have a clear victor from a theoretical standpoint. Ladybug’s magic is more versatile, but Cataclysm seems to specifically be its weakness. Similarly Cat Noir is strong, but Ladybug is dangerously clever.
If it happened in the show, though, Ladybug would win because she’s the main character and the creators are already concerned with some fans preferring Cat Noir to be the main lead and not being fine with her being the leader of the team. Showing her losing to Cat Noir would just make those fans louder, even if it was made explicit that the fight could have gone either way.
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yungidreamer · 4 years
Moving Day
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Moving in together is just the start of making a life together... 
word count 9.3k
Pairing: Yunho, Mingi, unnamed fem character, established poly relationship
Content warnings: brief mentions of semi public sexual contact, making out, oral sex (m/m and m/f), descriptions of sexual frustration, loss of virginity, protected sex, cuddly aftercare, lots of confessions of love and just general lovey dovey stuff.
“Honey, where are these boxes supposed to go?” Her father asked, carrying a large cardboard box marked Bedroom on the side. 
“Uhhhh, my room is the second door on the right after the bathroom.” She answered, poking her head out of the kitchen. She had been the first one to arrive on move-in day at the new place she was renting with Yunho and Mingi near the university they had all gotten into together as they had promised when they started applying.
“This one?” Her father shouted down the hall. “It's huge. Why are you getting this one?”
“What do you mean?” She asked, coming down the hall to join him in the room.
“I don’t know…” He shifted uncomfortably. “Why not put both of the boys in here and make one of the others into an office or a study or something?”
“Uh well,” she began. “I won the paper, scissors, rock competition and, yeah, I think everyone wants their own room. You know...in case they want to bring over...a friend…”
“Okay, okay, nevermind, I never asked,” her father threw up his hands, wanting to completely avoid such a topic, as she had suspected he would. In truth, the arrangement she and her two boys had come to was a little bit more complicated. Yes, everyone had their own room, a place to keep their stuff, a place to get away and be alone, but her room was ‘their room.’ It was a place for movie nights, cuddling, and hopefully, now that they would be away from prying eyes and parental observation in general, maybe something more.
They had known each other now for a little more than a year. A little more than a year since they met at summer camp and started down their journey to being best friends and a little bit more. That week had been magical, but the year since had been even better. As hard as it was finding as much time as she had wanted to spend with them between a part time job, school, and getting into college with them, the stolen moments they had shared had only brought them closer. Every holiday they found time to get together, exchange gifts, and talk about what was happening in their lives.
They had decided to only apply to colleges that they could all go to together and promised to only go to one that they all were admitted into. Thankfully, in part due to their hard work and dedicated studying for finals and national exams, they had all gotten into the top school they had wanted. Their parents were all proud, even if they didn’t quite know what to make of this little clique their children seemed to have suddenly formed over a week away at summer camp.
Now they were all moving in together to a house they had found for rent not far from campus. Her father had tried to say no. He didn’t want his daughter moving in with two boys. She had spent a month arguing with him and giving her best persuasive arguments for the lower cost than dorms, the safety of the neighborhood, and pointing out how she would be less likely to end up at some rowdy parties living with them rather than some unknown strangers in an on campus dorm. He had given up eventually, once her mother had ganged up on him with her, kindly pointing out the archaic and sexist idea that the lovely boys, her sweet and smart friends, were just predators looking to pounce on anything with boobs. 
Though he still grumbled now and again, here he was, moving boxes into a house she was going to share with her friends. Really, he liked them. They were good kids, it was just...he didn’t get it. They both looked at his daughter in a way that reminded him of how he looked at his wife, who had been his high school sweetheart. When he had first met them, he was sure, sure, that Yunho boy was trying to get in and date his daughter. Then he had been sure it was Mingi. But nothing ever came of it, no matter how many times he asked if she was dating someone.
No daddy, I’m not dating one of them, she always demurred, you know I adore both of them and could never choose. After a year, it seemed like she was being honest. They were almost always together, all three of them. They did everything together. They studied together, they hung out together, they celebrated together, and now they were going to school together. At least they were as good of influences as he could have wanted.
Before too long, the boys and their families came and the house was bustling with activity as everyone tried to get everything in the house and unpacked before all the parents all had to drive the two hours back home. Yunho’s mother concentrated on the kitchen, worried that, if she didn’t make sure that they had all the dishes, all the pans, and all the appliances they could possibly need unpacked, her precious baby would starve. Admittedly, over the last year her son had grown three inches and become a bottomless pit when it came to food. He was growing still and everything that he put in his mouth just seemed to be going into the width of his shoulders and his height.
Mingi’s parents focused on his things and his room, grumbling just a bit that he hadn’t gotten the largest room no matter how many times his son rolled his eyes and told him that he liked his room and didn’t mind sharing a bathroom with Yunho and letting her have the master bedroom and her own bathroom. He understood the bathroom, he would say every time, but maybe if they offered to pay a little more of the rent, the big room could be his.
“Dad, seriously,” Mingi grumbled, putting the last of his clothes into the drawers. “It’s fine for her to have it. Yunho and I have the consoles in the living room and she can have a little extra space to get some quiet.” His father grumbled, but let it go, finishing the last of their unpacking in no time. With everyone satisfied, and pizzas ordered for the new college students on the credit card of Mingi’s father, all the parents said their goodbyes, promising to visit in a few weeks, and piled into their cars  for the trip home. They stood in the yard, waving them off, a little sad, but mostly relieved to finally see them go.
When the taillights of the last car disappeared around the corner the trio dashed inside their new house and closed the door. A thrill went through them at the knowledge they finally had the privacy to be themselves. The moment that Yunho closed the front door behind him, he grabbed Mingi, trapping him between his body and the door and pressed his lips to the other boy’s, pressing him into a hungry kiss he had been wanting to give him all day.
Mingi was surprised by the bold move, but quickly caught on, kissing him back hungrily as his hands moved to hold Yunho around his ribs. Yunho pulled back after a moment, disconnecting his lips but pressing his forehead to Mingi’s as he caught his breath. “I’ve been wanting to do that half the day. Wanted to rub it in your father’s face. His stupid snippy comments every five minutes, about everything. How did you do it all these years?”
“You get used to it eventually,” Mingi shrugged, running his hand along Yunho’s waist, pulling his hips against him. “I barely hear it anymore to be honest. God, can you imagine his face if he ever saw you kiss me?”
“I don’t know if he would die or try to kill one of you,” She said from across the room, where she had flopped tiredly on the couch. “But I am pretty sure someone will be bleeding when he finally figures it out.”
“I don’t know if it scares me or makes me happy that you think we’ll last long enough he’ll have to figure it out at some point,” Mingi gave a nervous laugh. Over the last year there had been a couple of close calls with their parents when they hadn’t been careful enough. Once when Yunho’s mom had come home from work early to find the two boys cuddling on the couch while they waited for her to come over after school. Mingi had immediately rolled off and they had played it off as roughhousing together, hoping that they were hiding the blushes and slight arousal they were both experiencing just as the result of wrestling. Just be careful, his mother had said, don’t hurt each other. I don’t know why boys have to be so rough with each other. She had sighed as she left the room, shaking her head. They had been more careful after that. They almost never went to Mingi’s house given his dad’s general attitude. Her house was alright, but her father had an annoying habit of dropping in to check on them a lot. But finally, finally, they had a place they could be themselves.
“Come here,” she invited, patting the couch next to her. “I want to see my boys for real.” They both bounded over, eager to see her and touch her without the fear of eyes on them. Yunho flopped into the seat next to her and Mingi literally crawled onto her lap, looming over her small frame as he took her face in his hands, holding it as he drew her into a deep and passionate kiss.
“Fuck, you taste good,” he groaned against her mouth. “It feels like it's been forever since I could kiss you.”
“I think it’s been more than a month,” she decided, taking half a second to think when the last time she had been able to get out with them.
“Why did your family have to take that vacation?” He pouted, touching her like his hands had been hungering for the feel of her.
“Because I was moving away for college,” she laughed. “My mom acted a little like I was going to basically disappear when I moved out. She wanted us to have some quality family time. But my dad spent a quarter of the time grumbling about me moving in with you two and my brother wished he was anywhere but with all of us uncool people. But no, it was fun and I am glad I got to spend some time with them, even if I missed you both.”
“I missed you, too,” Yunho said, turning in his seat to face her with his iconic shy smile. It always made a little knot in her stomach whenever she saw it. He was so beautiful when he smiled. It was like it lit him up from the inside.
“C’meer,” she reached for him, asking him to come over without making Mingi move off her lap. Yunho leaned in and gave her a slow, patient kiss, showing that he had missed her too, just in a different way.
“When is the pizza going to be here,” Yunho asked, hoping someone had been listening when Mingi’s father had said he had ordered it for them so they wouldn’t have to cook tonight.
“Can’t be long now,” she said, looking at her phone. “He must have ordered it about half an hour ago and it was from that ‘under an hour or its free’ chain. You that hungry?”
“No,” Yunho answered. “Well, I mean, I am hungry, but someone has to answer the door when it comes so I can’t do what I want to spend my evening doing until it comes.”
“You have plans?” Mingi teased, his hand reaching out to caress the other boy’s cheek as he teased him.
“Like you haven’t spent the last month thinking about what you wanted to do on the first night you had alone with us,” Yunho laughed.
“I did but you already heard about it every time we went for a drive to kill time this summer,” Mingi admitted, feeling a little like he should apologize for the hours the other boy had had to listen to him fantasize out loud while they waited for her to call.
“Is that what you guys were always doing when I would call?” She let out a cackle at herself for never putting it together. “I wondered why I never had to call you both on any of the nights. Where did you go while you waited for me to call and say good night?”
“Different places,” Yunho shrugged. “We went to the Sonic near the hospital a couple of times, got something to eat and just listened to the radio while we waited. A few times we just parked somewhere at a beach. More than once we were still just driving while we talked to you.”
“My poor boys,” she sighed sympathetically. The car was the only place they could find privacy to talk. To her, to each other. 
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At some point during the third week of her being gone, they had pulled over in a deserted parking lot near the shore of one of the lakes to wait for her to call. The summer sunset had been beautiful and they had ended up in a full make out session, in part because Mingi couldn’t keep his hands to himself most evenings. As soon as the car door was closed and Yunho was pulling away from Mingi’s parents’ place, he would feel a hand creep up along his thigh until he dropped one hand off the steering wheel to interlace his fingers with the other boy. He wasn’t even sure Mingi realized he was doing it at some point, he just needed the comfort of something solid to assure him Yunho was really there.
That evening was the second time they had given in to the desperate tension that had been building over the summer with too much time and not enough to occupy themselves. In the almost year they had been together, they hadn’t really gone much beyond kissing. In part because they had no safe place to go further, in part because with all the obligations of their senior year, finding time to even meet up had become increasingly hard. But this summer, with money from part time jobs and the freedom of near independence, they had the time and the means and spent all the time they could manage, out of their houses and in each other’s company. 
Hidden from view from most passers by, the boys had moved to the big back seat of Yunho’s old classic car so they could sit together and kill the hour they were probably going to be waiting for her to call. It had started innocently enough with Mingi leaning in for just one more light kiss. He couldn’t help it. He had been listening to what Yunho said, he really had, then suddenly he noticed how lovely Yunho’s lips looked when he talked. Those perfect Cupid’s bows moving so pleasantly as the words he no longer really heard spilled out. His lips met the other boy’s, eating the last of the words. He still tasted a little like the cherry Slurpee they had gotten at the start of the evening. He was so delicious.
Shifting in his seat, Mingi had ended up half facing Yunho with one hand holding his head and the other desperately fumbing at the other boy’s waistband to get inside and touch him. Yunho had given in, helping him undo his jean shorts before pulling Mingi’s basketball shorts down enough to give him the access he needed to fondle him back. It hadn’t taken long for both of them cum, letting go of some of the tension they were both carrying all the time these days.
They cleaned up, making sure they weren’t leaving any evidence of their activities in the car for a parent to find. The car smelled like sex and the dampness of the nature that lined the shore as Mingi leaned back to rest his head against Yunho’s chest as he lounged between his leg.
“Do...do you think we’ll have to take turns?” Mingi asked quietly, playing with the finger on one of Yunho’s hands.
“Take turns?” He asked the other boy, completely lost as to what he was talking about.
“When we live together,” Mingi started, letting out a sigh. “Do you think we’ll have to take turns being with our girl or...like can we really do it together, all three of us?”
“Okay, I know you watch porn,” Yunho snickered. “I am sure you know it is totally possible for two guys and a girl to do things together.”
“I’m not stupid,” Mingi protested, dropping both of his hands into his lap. “But like, do you really see yourself fucking our girl like they do in ‘Gang Bang Boys 5’?”
“Point taken,” Yunho admitted, resting his chin on the top of Mingi’s head.
“Besides,” Mingi fidgeted again. “I don’t think she’s slept with anyone before. What if it hurts or what if we do something wrong? Do you really think she’ll want to be with two people the first time?”
“I don’t know, love,” he admitted, slightly ashamed that none of this had occurred to him. Leave it to Mingi to have clearly fantasized himself into a little bit of a panic.
“If she lets us choose, can you go first?” Mingi mumbled the question in the quiet of the car.
“You want me to do the deed, huh?” Yunho teased, hugging him to his chest.
“I’m not always that careful when I...what if I hurt her?” He finished with a sigh.
“You won’t, not any more than I would,” Yunho assured him. “We’ll do whatever works. We don’t even know if she’s ready to be with us like that. Maybe it will just be the two of us sneaking off to jerk each other off so we don’t bother her.”
“It’s okay if she’s not ready,” Mingi agreed. “But I don’t want to be sneaking around. Do you think she would be disappointed in us for doing this without her?”
“No,” Yunho scolded. 
“You sure?” Mingi asked.
“You want to confess when she calls, ask if she’s okay with it?” Yunho offered.
“Maybe,” Mingi admitted, not sure if he felt like an idiot for needing to do it or not. 
When she called that night, Mingi blurted out what they had done when she asked how they were doing. She met the confession with a laugh and asked if making out in the back of a car was as fun and iconic as the movies always made it look. The teasing assured Mingi that she wasn’t upset they had done something without her and let Yunho segue into the topic of room sharing to see if they really were all on the same page. They had talked about her room being the shared room they would all stay in together but hadn’t actually talked about whether they were really ready to be together in that way.
“We have our own rooms, too,” Yunho pointed out. “We can stay there for a while and see when things feel right.”
“Do you want to wait?” She asked after a pause.
“I would gladly drive us the three hundred miles to wherever you are right now to answer that question by making love to you tonight,” Yunho answered, only slightly hyperbolically.
“The only thing that has made the bickering between my dad and my little brother bearable for the past three weeks has been thinking about how each day, I am that much closer to going to bed every night in your arms.” She told them earnestly.
“You know that doesn’t mean we have to do everything right away, though, right?” Yunho pressed.
“I’m not saying you have to throw me against the wall the first chance you get,” She gave them a low chuckle. “But I started birth control a month and a half ago and you two aren’t the only ones who have been suffering from this stupid tension. God I wish I was in the backseat with you two right now.”
“We wish you were here too,” Mingi finally piped up, sending the phone a longing look.
“Okay I have to go,” she told them. “I’ll call you again tomorrow, okay? And take care of each other for me...however you want. Bye.”
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A knock sounded at the door and Yunho sent a prayer of thanks to whatever it was in the universe that loved him just a little as he hopped up to accept the pizzas that had thankfully already arrived. He accepted the three large boxes of pizza and thanked the delivery person, passing them the fiver he happened to have on him and closed the door. He set them down on the coffee table and walked over to the end of the couch where Mingi was still smothering her with affection and knelt down on the couch beside them.
“I’m not that hungry right now,” Yunho told them both. “It feels like I have been waiting to be alone with you two. Can we…”
“Spend a little quality time in our room? See where we end up?” she finished for him. Yunho nodded and Mingi slid himself off the couch, eagerly skipping down the hall. Yunho drew her into his arms and honeymoon carried her into the bedroom, playfully tossing her into the middle of the bed. 
Pulling herself up, she knelt on the bed and patted either side, inviting the boys to join her on either side. Mingi crawled into the bed and wrapped his arms around her waist. 
“Yunho, can you do me a favor and bring that box to me?” She pointed to a plain white box that had been left unpacked in the corner. He placed the box near her and stretched out on the open side of the bed. She muttered to herself as she opened the top and rustled around in the box, obviously looking for something.
“You have no idea how many times I had to hide this box today to stop mom and dad from trying to unpack it,” she let out a nervous laugh. “Ah-ha!” She cleared her throat, pulling out what she had been looking for in the box. It was a headband with a large white bow attached to the center of it. Placing it on her head, she dove back into the box. Yunho bit his lip to keep from bursting out laughing. She was making herself their present.
“I don’t know what to take out,” she sighed, giving the box a hard quizzical look. “Okay this--” she plopped a tube of something onto the bed. “These...I got two different sizes…” she tossed a couple of small boxes down next to it. “Maybe this one too...it's flavored…” she pulled out a smaller tube and, with a last sift through the box, she closed the top and moved it to the foot of the bed. “Please close your eyes.”
Both boys looked at each other and gave little shrugs. Mingi let her go and stretched out on his side of the bed, closing his eyes as requested. Yunho did the same, also putting his arm over his eyes to prevent himself from peeking. They felt the bed move and heard the rustling of clothes and the sound of the box being lifted. Her weight briefly moved off the bed before coming back to where she started.
“Alright, you can open your eyes,” she declared. The bow was still placed nicely on her head but nothing else she had on was the same. She was kneeling in the center of the bed, stripped down to a sheer white mesh balconette and panty set, decorated with colorful embroidered flowers. She looked beautiful...and a little nervous. Mingi couldn’t help but stare, his eyes sticking on the sight of the pretty pink nipples he could just make out through the fabric. Yunho’s eyes skated over every surface and curve, trying to take it all in. The silence stretched and she couldn’t help but feel the nervous energy in her swell as she waited for one of them to say something.
“You look so pretty,” Mingi breathed, sitting up. “All this, is this just for us?”
“I’ve been thinking about tonight for a while and I wanted everything to be perfect,” she explained. “Tonight I get to be with the two people I love the most. I want to give you my everything. Welcome home.”
Mingi pulled her into his lap, tucking his head against her shoulder as he held her near. “We have a home.” His voice was grateful and contented. Yunho’s heart skipped a beat in his chest. He so loved to see them both looking so happy. His eyes flicked to the things she had pulled out of the box, still lying on the bed. Water based lube, pineapple flavored lube, and two boxes of condoms. He smiled at himself as he moved them off the bed and onto the bedside table to get them out of the way but keep them within reach. His hands went to the hem of his shirt, starting to pull it over his head when he heard her soft, wait. He half turned in his seat on the edge of the bed to find her crawling up behind him.
“Stand up for me,” She instructed, giving his neck a quick kiss. Yunho stood up beside the bed, turning to face her and the bed, keen to know what she had in mind. “I want to unwrap you,” she gave him a teasing grin. Her hands went to the hem of his black t-shirt. It was an old favorite of his, worn enough to be as soft as flannel and a little more grey than black. She slid it off over his head and tossed it near the foot of the bed. Taking a moment, she admired his bare chest, decorated only by the short but thick silver chain and pendant. It was solid and lean, covered in gorgeous light brown skin. She loved the shade of it, just the right shade, somewhere between light toast and milk tea. His skin always made her hungry, both of them did, and maybe that is why food always came to mind when she thought to describe them.
Her hands trailed down his chest and ribs, exploring his body slightly as her hands moved to the waist of his black jeans. He had worn his favorite e-boy look today, complete with studded belt and wallet chain. Her hands undid his belt and popped the button before carefully pushing the jeans and his underwear down his hips and past the curve of his lovely ass so they could drop and he could step out of them. It was the first time she had gotten to see him in all his glory and it was...beautiful. From the breadth of his shoulders which had filled out over the last year, to the soft ripple of muscles in his chest and stomach, to his narrow hips and thick muscular thighs, it was all so much better than she had imagined. And he was...big. All she could think was, thank goodness she got the magnums. Yunho noticed her stare and put his hands in front of himself, a pink spread over his cheeks and the tips of his ears. Her gaze lifted to his face again and she pulled it to her so she could give him a kiss.
“Sorry, I was staring,” she said after the kiss. “You’re just so tempting.”
“No,” He shook his head. “I just, I can’t tell what you’re thinking.”
“Come lie down,” she moved back to give him space and he crawled into the bed. “Mingi, baby, can I…” The other boy looked a little startled to have the attention on him again but nodded, scooting off the side of the bed and waited. “Do you want to help me?” She directed the question to Yunho who eagerly nodded at the invitation. Her hands went to Mingi’s face, pulling it to her for a kiss. He looked nervous but excited, just not sure what it was he was supposed to be doing.
“Me next?” Yunho gave him a big grin as mingi pulled back from his kiss with her. Mingi nodded and angled himself to meet the lips of the nude boy who was kneeling beside her. Their kiss turned hungry and Yunho hooked his fingers in the belt loops of the other boy, bringing his hips forward to press against his own. As she watched their lips clash, she felt a thrill of anticipation. They pulled apart panting and the moment had only added to the obvious and growing arousal Yunho was sporting.
She reached for the hem of his shirt to pull it over his head while Yunho unbuttoned and lowered his jeans. She tossed the shirt away and let Mingi step out of his jeans. Yunho pulled at Mingi, urging him onto the bed with him.
“Do you still want me to go first?” Yunho squeezed the other boy’s hand. Mingi nodded sheepishly.
“You talked about this?” she suppressed a laugh, but couldn’t stop herself from letting out a choked giggle.
“Just...since it is your first time, too,” Yunho explained. “We wanted to be careful, to make sure that it's good for you.”
“Thank you for worrying,” She soothed, reaching out to both of them. “I know that my boys are going to take care of me so well. Come and lay with me, please.” Mingi crawled to her and pulled her back to lay against the mound of pillows piled against the headboard. He kissed her cheek, taking the bow off her head as he did, he wrapped an arm around her waist. Yunho came up beside her and slipped a finger into the waistband of her panties.
“Can I take these off?” He asked, pulling at them lightly. She nodded and lifted her hips to allow him to slide them off.
Mingi’s hand moved to the mound of her breast and gave it a testing squeeze. Her pink nipple showed through the sheer fabric and his mouth watered to taste it. “I want to see you...all of you.” His hand played with the strap of the bra and she sat up to unhook the bra and slip it off herself. Mingi reached up and stilled her hand, unhooking it himself and sliding the straps down her arms.
She laid back down again, her hands moving to cover herself automatically. Yunho’s hands moved to cover hers, drawing them off her to let them see her. “No love, we’ve been waiting so long, let us see you.”
“You’re so beautiful,” Mingi fawned, his hand traveling down along the plane of her stomach to the curve of her hips. His fingers paused over a small mole on one side of her stomach, wanting to commit the detail to his memory. He leaned over, taking her lips in a timid kiss as his fingers splayed over her stomach, exploring her body through touch. He broke the kiss, letting his lips move lower to nibble at the line of her collarbone. Slowly he moved lower, tasting his way to her nipple which he teased with a soft flick of his tongue. The soft intake of breath, half gasp, half moan, emboldened him and he opened his mouth, suckling the soft flesh.
“Mingi, yes, that feels good,” she encouraged, her hand resting on his shoulder. His large hand gripped her rib cage, feeling the speed of her breathing increase. Yunho felt himself grow harder as he watched patiently. He wanted Mingi to explore her without self consciousness. Over the month she had been gone he had talked a hundred times about things he wanted to do, ways he wanted to touch her, fantasies about the pleasure he wanted to bring her. Mingi wanted this moment with both of them. He wanted to let go of the frustration of having to hide his affections, his closeness to the people he loved. Finally, he could touch them without fear of judging eyes and in more than just stolen moments.
Mingi pulled back, his eyes wandering over her body again. “Can...can I touch you?”
“You already are,” she teased. “But if you are asking for permission, you can touch me anywhere.” Mingi blushed and moved further down, looking up at the other boy for his permission as well. Yunho nodded, reclining along her on the other side. He watched as Mingi’s fingers traveled along the line where her stomach and legs met, following it towards the junction of her thighs. His light, testing touch sent a shiver through her.
“Good?” He questioned.
“Yeah, good,” she nodded, her hands reaching to touch both of the boys to ground herself. Her nerves danced with a nearly painful anticipation. Mingi slipped his hand between her thighs, gently parting them as he moved to be level with her pussy. He laid down between her spread thighs, kissing up along the smooth skin of one side he moved closer, but stopped just short of touching her there. He ran one finger along the slit.
“You’re already getting wet,” he commented, using her thighs to draw her closer.
“Is our girl ready already?” Yunho asked him, running a hand over her stomach, feeling it twitch as the other boy touched her.
“Not yet,” Mingi ran the tip of his tongue along the slit. She gasped at the sensation, curling her hips up and away from him involuntarily.
“Hold her hips,” Yunho suggested, sliding an arm under the pillow under her head as he held her closer. Mingi nodded, hooking both arms under her hips to hold her still. He repeated the teasing motion of his tongue drawing a strangled moan from her again.
“Say if it’s not good or if it’s too much,” Yunho murmured into her hair as he held her, feeling her nod in reply. His arm wrapped her torso, holding her as close as he could without getting in the way of what Mingi was doing for her. She moaned as Mingi’s mouth explored her more fully. “Does he make you feel good?” He whispered as he heard her breath catch. “Tell him how good he makes you feel, babe.”
“So g-good,” she keened. “Fuck, Mingi, please. Don’t stop. It feels so good.” The sounds coming from between her legs filled the room alongside her pants and broken gasps has he hit a particularly good spot.
“Are you close?” Yunho soothed her, stroking her hair softly.
“I don’t know,” she said honestly. “I haven’t really… when I did it by myself it didn’t feel like this.” He could feel her tensing, her hands gripping the sheets beneath them.
“Relax, love,” Yunho kissed her temple just as Mingi slid his tongue inside her, his nose brushing against her sensitive clit. She jumped under their collective touch, the sensations feeling overwhelming. From his spot between her legs, Mingi watched them both as he licked and tasted her. Her face was a mask of pleasure as Yunho held her, softly talking her through the pleasure. He felt a surge of confidence. He made her feel that; he gave her that pleasure. As painfully hard as he was, nothing could have made him feel better than seeing her break under the touch of his tongue. Her body moved against him and he tested sucking the small bud with the suction of his soft lips locked around it. Her toes curled and her thighs gripped his head and suddenly she let out a choked yelp. He continued to suck it for another second before flicking it with the tip of his tongue as she squirmed under him.
“Wait, wait,” She whimpered finally and Mingi pulled back, seeing a tear escape the corner of her eye.
“Was that bad? Too much?” He came to his knees between her thighs, drawing in a little on himself.
“No baby, it was so good,” she reached for him as the overwhelming sensation faded to a warmth that filled her body. “Please, I need to touch you.” Mingi crawled up beside her, holding her as she came down from her high.
When her breathing had returned to normal they both loosened the grip of their arms around her and looked at the peaceful expression that had taken the place of the intense look that had been there a moment ago.
“Was that enough for today?” Yunho asked, propping himself up on his elbow as he brushed some hair from her face.
“I don’t want to stop,” she shook her head. “I want someone inside me.”
“Okay,” Yunho nodded, giving her a kiss. He rolled to the side and reached for the bedside table where he had put the lube and the condoms earlier. Sitting up on the side of the bed he opened one of the packages, ribbed for her pleasure, and ripped open one of the little foil packets.
“Can I try putting it on you?” She asked from behind him, having pulled herself up onto her elbows.
“Sure,” he nodded and handed her the opened packet.
“Can you lie down for me,” she prompted, scooting closer to Mingi to leave more room for him. He stretched out on the bed on his back, carefully watching as she pulled out the small rolled bit of latex. “Okay...pinch the tip and roll it down.” She said to herself as she positioned it on the head of his penis. Yunho bit his lip to keep from moaning at the sensation of her rolling it all the way down his length. His eyes widened as she moved to straddle his hips.
“Hold one one second,” he stopped her and reached for the bottle of lube on the table. Clicking open the top and squeezing some of the gel-like liquid onto his hand, he spread it on his length and wiped the last of it onto her. Tossing it aside, he helped her guide his length to her entrance. 
“Let’s go slow,” Yunho’s voice was tight. “We aren’t in a hurry. Here, put your hands up here by my shoulders.”
“Okay,” she leaned forward and let his hands guide her down. The head slid into her easily and she let herself move lower on him until a slight stinging made her hips stutter.
“You okay?” He asked, unclenching his jaw and letting his head drop back to the pillows as he looked up to her face.
“Yeah, it just feels...weird,” she let herself sink down a little more, then waited for the burning to subside, joking, “There is a lot of you.”
“Sorry, love,” he gave a breathy chuckle. “I can’t really change that.”
“I know,” She scrunched up her face as she moved down a bit more.
“How are you feeling?” Yunho’s thumbs stroked the soft skin of her stomach and hips as he held himself still.
“I’m good.” She exhaled before joking, “Is that all of you?”
He looked down to where their bodies met before nodding. Turning his head, he looked at Mingi who was laying on his back on his side of the bed. He ran one hand lightly over his length as he stared at the pair beside him, his eyes drawn magnetically to where they were connected.
“Mingi,” Yunho breathed, one hand going to reach for him. “Can you help our girl move?”
“How?” Mingi asked, sitting up. “What can I do?”
“Get behind her, I think,” He replied, trying not to move. “Hold her and guide her hips when she is ready to move. And touch her, make sure our girl cums again.”
Mingi nodded, fitting his long body against her back, his thighs cradling her from behind. One long arm reached down to hold himself up and the other engulfed her, holding her to his chest. He kissed her temple, his eyes meeting Yunho as he did. “You’re doing so good,” He told them both. “You ready to move?”
She nodded, lifting her hips experimentally. Stopping half way, she slowly let herself sink down again, sighing at the pleasant sensation. Mingi’s hand moved down to feel where her body enveloped Yunho, using two fingers to frame his cock, feeling it move in and out as they rocked in unison. Together they slid almost to the tip, sinking down with a collective groan.
“Touch her for me,” Yunho panted. “I’m not going to last very long. She feels so good. God, I knew she would...but it’s even better than I had imagined.”
“You want to feel her squeeze your cock?” Mingi teased, his fingers going to brush her clit as they continued to move.
“Yes,” Yunho confessed, his hands gripping Mingi’s thighs. “I want to cum inside her. I want to make her ours forever. Make her feel so good, no one else could ever compare.”
“You want to make her feel how much you love her,” Mingi tempted.
“God yes,” Yunho admitted, arching slightly off the bed.
“Then move,” Mingi commanded. “I’ve got our girl. Show her how you want her.” Mingi leaned them both forward so that Yunho could move enough to buck his hips up. His hips snapped up, drawing a gasp from her. Her thighs quivered as the boys worked together to pleasure her. Yunho’s eyes went to her face, searching it for any sign of pain or discomfort. Finding none, he let go of the last ounce of control he had been clinging to. He could feel Mingi’s fingers work between them, sending waves of pleasure through her that made her twitch around him.
Just when he thought he wouldn’t last long enough, he felt her crumble. Her walls fluttered then milked him as she let out a breathy keen, half collapsing on him. He thanked the universe and stopped his struggle to last. With a few last stuttering thrusts, he emptied himself into her, with only the thin layer of the condom between them.
Mingi watched the look of bliss bloom on Yunho’s face and kissed the damp temple of the girl between them. He was still painfully hard but he was quite sure that the surge of satisfaction he felt at that moment could not be topped. He pulled her limp body up to lean against him as he held her, murmuring comforting words of encouragement and love.
“Do you want to lie down?” Mingi asked, petting her cheek softly. She nodded, allowing him to lift her off Yunho and lay her down on the bed beside him. Mingi continued holding her, one hand stroking down her side as he praised her, told her she was so beautiful and wonderful. She relaxed into his arms and let her eyes close.
Beside them, Yunho let his breathing return to normal before sitting up to slide the messy condom off his softening length. He blushed at the sight of the pink streaks that were present, glancing over at her relaxed form and wondering if she really was alright. He tossed the condom away in the trash before padding back to the bed. Mingi looked so sweet curled around her, but Yunho couldn’t help but notice his straining erection pressed against her hip. His mouth watered at the sight.
Those couple of stolen moments they had shared in the car that summer had left Yunho with a desire to taste the beautiful length he had caught brief glances of as they chased their pleasure in the backseat of the car, always with one eye out to make sure they weren’t caught by someone.
She lay between them nearly asleep, barely noticing when Yunho pulled her closer to his side, tucking her up into the pillows with a kiss to her forehead.
“On your back, love,” He ordered lowly to Mingi. The other boy acquiesced, rolling over, carefully drawing his arm out from under her so that he wouldn’t disturb her. Yunho crawled over to the other side of the bed and began kissing his way up the other boys legs as he looked hungrily up the planes of his body. Mingi held his breath watching Yunho devour him with his eyes. His cock twitched against his stomach as the other boy neared it, placing kisses along the v where his thighs and stomach met.
“Wha...what are you doing?” Mingi asked as Yunho parted his thighs to recline between them.
“I’m going to taste you,” Yunho explained with a playful smile on his Cupid’s bow lips.
“You don’t have to,” Mingi gave him a shy look, still a little afraid deep down that the other boy didn’t really love him, not like that at least.
“I want to,” Yunho assured him. “I’ve wanted to feel you in my mouth since that first night in the back seat.”
“Really?” Mingi’s voice was flavored with a hint of disbelief.
“Didn’t you ever think of it?” Yunho ran his fingers lightly over the underside, drawing a sharp intake of breath from him.
“Yeah but, I didn’t think you’d want…” Mingi blushed, trailing off.
“You didn’t think I wanted you?” Yunho chastened. “Then what did you think?”
“I don’t know,” He mumbled, looking away. “I was there and, I guess…I guess I’m better than nothing.”
“Better than nothing?” Yunho repeated in disbelief. “I love you, Mingi. I love you and your laugh and your smile. I love how you make me feel so happy when you are there. I love your kisses and I love your hands on me. I love your body and your face. I want you, I want all of this with you.
“This summer was hard because she was gone,” He continued. “But it wasn’t hard because she was gone, it was hard because we all weren’t together. It would have been the same if you had been missing or, I hope, if I had been. What we have isn’t bad or wrong or second best. It's part of something bigger that fills a little hole in my heart I didn’t know was there until I met you two.”
“Really?” Mingi said a second time, wanting more than anything to believe him.
“Can I taste you?” He asked this time. “Can I show you that I want you, too?”
“Yeah,” Mingi agreed, lacing his fingers in the messy brown locks of the other boy. The long fingers of one hand encircled the base of his cock, angling it so that he could better reach it. With his eyes locked with Mingi, Yunho pressed a kiss to the underside of his head. Mingi whimpered and could only watch as Yunho’s pretty Cupid’s bow lips parted to take it in his mouth. The warm wet of his mouth encircled him and it felt like paradise. 
Yunho broke eye contact as he pushed his mouth down the length until it filled his mouth. He pulled back to just the tip and swirled his tongue around it like it was the sweetest candy. With his free hand, he fondled the balls hanging so tightly against his body. Mingi moaned, closing his eyes and throwing his head back.
Pulling himself higher, Yunho propped himself up, his hands caressing and holding the trim waist of the other boy. He reveled in the soft velvety skin as it stroked against his tongue and along the roof of his mouth. He drew himself off taking a few steadying breaths, he angled himself to take as much as he could into his mouth. Like Yunho himself, Mingi was not a small boy and Yunho met his limit before he managed to take all of him. Mingi gasped, eyes widening as he watched the other boy sink down on him. His stomach clenched and he had to keep himself from bucking up as he felt his tip hit the softness of the back of Yunho’s throat.
Yunho drew back, lines of slick drool covering the stiff line of Mingi’s cock as he did. He stroked the length as he paused to catch his breath before going back, again working his mouth down as far as he could. Yunho let out a low moan, stroking the flat of his tongue against the underside of Mingi’s member as he moved his head up and down.
“Yunho,” Mingi breathed as the other boy pulled back again.
“Hmmm?” Yunho looked up at him, running the pat of his thumb over the slit on the tip.
“I’m getting close,” Mingi shook his head, hands reaching for the soft mop of Yunho’s hair.
“Good,” He grinned back. Yunho took him back in his mouth bobbing as quickly as he could, careful not to graze his teeth along the thick length as he moved. Mingi felt waves of pleasure clench his stomach and curl his toes, he twitched and gasped. His hands clutched for something to steady him. They tangled in the sheets and in Yunho’s hair, feeling his head move with the waves of pleasure.
Yunho took a deep breath through his nose and watched Mingi’s face screw up into a mask of mindless pleasure. He wanted to see him as he finally let go. Sliding down again, this time he ignored the discomfort when it brushed the back of his throat. It made him gag slightly, drool pooling in his mouth. But he pushed past it, letting his cock slide back into his throat. Mingi, overwhelmed by the feel, lost control and bucked his hips up, driving himself all the way into Yunho’s mouth as his orgasm hit him.
“Sorry sorry sorry sorry,” he stuttered as he felt his cock twitch as it emptied down Yunho’s throat. Yunho blinked away the blur of tears that had come along with the triggering of his gag reflex. It was all worth it for the look he could still make out on the other boy's face and to feel the warm gushes of his cum run down his throat.
“It’s okay,” Yunho croaked, his throat slightly irritated by Mingi’s repeated intrusions. “That was as good as my fantasies.”
“Thank you,” Mingi leaned forward, tilting Yunho’s face so that he could kiss him. “If we do that again, I promise I’ll try to be more careful.”
“Don’t apologize,” Yunho gave a dark chuckle. “I like that I can make you lose control like that.”
“I’d say you are mean, but…” Mingi’s face split into a joyful smile. “You’re too sweet.”
“I think we should clean up and get our girl cleaned up a little,” Yunho suggested, looking at her sleeping form curled up beside them. Mingi nodded, sliding off the bed onto wobbly legs and heading to the large master bath attached to the room. He waddled in and turned on the shower, letting the water warm up. Yunho came in behind him, arms filled with a still groggy girl.
“Go ahead and hop in the shower,” Yunho suggested. “I think our girl is going to need a bath.”
“Is she okay,” Mingi asked, worried that they had made her so tired.
“How about it babe,” Yunho asked her, sitting both of them on the edge of the large porcelain bathtub. “You okay?”
“Mmm,” she nodded. “I’m tired...maybe hungry now.”
“Let’s get you in the bath and then I will bring you some pizza,” Yunho offered. “If you wash up, you can get in the tub with our girl, help her clean up.” He tempted the other boy, in part because he didn’t want to leave her alone in the water as sleepy as she was, but also wanting to give Mingi a few moments with her. Mingi nodded happily and stepped in under the warm water.
Yunho started to fill the tub before he leaned over to search the drawers near the sink to look for something to clip her hair up to keep it out of the water. He found a claw clip and twisted her ponytail into a messy bun.
“There, perfect,” he declared, tweaking her nose and making her giggle. Mingi stepped out of the shower, his hair a damp mess. He padded over to the filling tub and stretched out in the water, opening his arms to accept her small form. Yunho carefully laid her in Mingi’s lap, stepping back as he enveloped her in his long arms and buried his face in the crook of her neck. Yunho stepped into the shower to wash off quickly, letting the warm stream of water relax his muscles and wash away the stickiness of the sweat that had coated his skin. He smiled at the happy murmurs and chuckles that reached his ears from the other two. They were just quiet enough to obscure what was said, but the happiness was evident in their tone, nonetheless. He turned off the shower, clean and refreshed, tousled his hair with a towel and dried himself off before stepping out.
Yunho slipped out of the room while Mingi was still holding her, rocking tenderly, as he held her against his chest. She smiled up at him, pressing a light kiss against his cheek, lifting her foot to break the surface of the water, watching the ripples skate over it’s stillness. 
“Are you okay, really?” Mingi asked quietly, bending his knees slightly to make a better seat for her on his lap.
She nodded, threading her fingers through his where they rested on her stomach. “Thank you for tonight. It was better than I had hoped.”
“It didn’t hurt?” He pressed, unable to forget some of the boastful stories he had overheard in places like locker rooms when guys bragged to stroke their egos with each other.
“No, it didn’t hurt,” she promised. “But now my thighs are sore. I think I used muscles I didn’t know I had. I’m gonna need some practice to get them in shape.”
“Next time, maybe I can...you know,” He couldn’t finish his sentence. She could feel his face warm as he blushed.
“Maybe next time you can…” She teased, letting the pause carry. “Make love to me? Fuck? Screw me? Fornicate?” Behind her he giggled, squeezing her more tightly against him.
“Yeah,” he confirmed. “I was just afraid I was going to do it wrong; that I would hurt you.”
“You would never,” she assured him. “Not my precious Mingles.”
“I love you two so much more than I can ever say,” he confessed, his voice tight with emotion. “I don’t know what I would do if you ever left me.”
“You’re stuck with us,” she promised. “You could run to the ends of the earth and we would come to find you.”
Mingi could only hold her as he swallowed past the prickle of tears and the lump in his throat. Yunho stood outside the door, holding one of the boxes of pizza, listening to her reassure the other boy, his heart swelling at her words. He couldn’t have put it better. He would go to the ends of the earth and back for them. No, they were his world and he would do anything just to make them smile.
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a-simp-20 · 3 years
Ok, either Kuina teaching Chishiya how to roller skate or Chishiya teaching Kuina how to roller skate 💖
Roller skating Besties [Pre-borderland AU]
[AIB Masterlist]
Characters: Chishiya Shuntaro,Kuina Hikari, Takeru Danma, Aguni Morizono, Arisu Ryohei (briefly,he's there! Just wait~)
Summary: Chishiya is at his college,studying medical health care and other med student things,Kuina came to visit him and asked him if they could hang out together.
Warning!: none
Genre: Fluff,Crack. just two besties roller skating :3
Word count: 2.1K
Tag's: @niragis-right-hand-rabbit hope you like it girl!
I'm sorry this took so long!, I had to write other fics and the request on my wattpad account 😖
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It's a normal day in medical school,Chishiya is at his college's lab studying on things with the other people who are in the same class as him. This time their learning about how to: Cut open a person's chest/stomach for surgeries only 101-.
I'm serious "Now beneath this white sheet,there is a dummy that you need to cut open with this small knife here..but we're not in to that step yet,the first step is to..get use to the smell of someone's corpse...without your medical masks on" His professor said,as he take's out his hand to all of them,signaling to hand their masks over to him. Everyone reached into their pockets and took out their masks,handing them over to the professor.
"Everyone ready?" The professor asked,everyone shook their head confidently while Chishiya just smirks. The professor took off the white sheet that was covering the dummy now not covering it.The smell of a corpse was fresh coming from the dummy,everyone puked and some of them holding their breath and passing out as Chishiya closes his eyes calmly as he inhaled the scent of the corpse,smirking like the Cheshire he is "Everyone failed...except for you Chishiya,you passed..now cut it open" His professor said smirking back at him "Gladly professor~" He said,as he grabbed the knife and went to the dummy.
He stood right next to it "Where do you want me to cut it open professor?" He asked,looking at his professor "The most scent able part...the stomach" His professor replied. Chishiya nodding as he brought his left hand up to the dummy's chest as his right hand cuts open the stomach of it, the scent of the dummy's stomach now filling the air, everyone once again puked and passed out in the floor and holding their breath,Chishiya? No he inhaled the scent again "Good job Chishiya!, I'm very proud that ONE of my students will TRULY become a doctor" His professor said,mentioning to the other students who failed.
It is now lunch time,Chishiya sitting in the cafeteria alone eating his vegetables...specifically peas. He got out his phone,seeing a bunch of text messages from Arisu and four from Kuina. He read through the text's that were from Arisu. Arisu was talking about a medical game that he just brought that included doctor's injecting some needles into zombies to cure them back into human, Chishiya just chuckled and went into Kuina's messages.
QUEEN-Na: Hey! Hey Chishiya!,ya still in school?
QUEEN-Na: guess you are. So I was hoping maybe we could go like hang out together??,Oh! Maybe we could go to a cat Cafe.
QUEEN-Na: and after we go to the cat Cafe...wait for ittt.....WE'RE GOING ROLLER SKATING BESTIE!
Doctor Cheshire: after I finish my peas we'll go.
QUEEN-Na: HECK YEAH!,I knew it you could agree!
Doctor Cheshire: yes yes now I want to enjoy peas,thank you very much.
After the chat ended Chishiya continued to chew on his peas,while looking at the window that was beside his table where he ate..he then realized...he didn't know how to skate-.
He just shrugs the thought off of his mind as he continues to eat his peas.
Chishiya waited for Kuina outside his college. Kuina told him that she's going to pick him up with her car, so he waited with his hand's inside the pockets of his white jacket that the zipper was loose and revealed his black and white striped shirt,he wore black jeans and a backpack that had cat ears on them...that was given by Kuina of course for his birthday. He heard a honk of a car. He looks up to see the girl inside the car on the right driver's seat, Chishiya smirks as he walked towards her car and got in the passenger seat that is right next to her "Welcome aboard Doctor Cheshire" Kuina said smiling at him starting the car "Thank you for welcoming me..Miss Sexy butterfly girl" Chishiya said as he turned on the radio to hear some music.
Kuina began to drive "So what did you learn this time?" "Why do you want to know?,are you my mom now?" He asked,looking at her by the corner of his eyes "As if!, she's a cruel Bish! You don't deserve to be forced to do anything ya know?"
Kuina said,keeping her eyes on the road "Yeah..we're going to the cat cafe first right?" He asked her. Kuina just smiles and nods "Yup! After that we're roller skating" She said with a wide grin on her face now. Chishiya just lay's his head back into his chair as he closed his eyes.
They both finally made it to the Cat Cafe. Kuina shaking Chishiya's body lightly "We're here doc" She said sarcastically "I can see that clearly sexy butterfly" He said, looking at the Cat Cafe through the passenger's seat window "Well,time to get out!" She said,getting out of her car. Chishiya following her as they both got into the Cat Cafe to be greeted by so many cats "Look at all these little cuties!" Kuina squealed, as she grabbed a yellow munchkin cat "Look how teensy his leggies are!!" She said, holding the cat up to Chishiya's face "Are you mocking me?" Chishiya asked "Mocking?, how am I mocking you! Look at him!!! He's so cute!!!" She chirps again.
They both finally found a place to sit and ordered their food and drinks "So Chishi, do you know how to skate?" Kuina asked him while petting the yellow munchkin cat that's on her lap "Well..for someone like me that is likely to have a GOOD childhood...no" He said stroking a cat that was laying right next to him,showing it's belly demanding belly rubs which Chishiya did do.
The cat meows and purred at his touch "True,true..Oh! Maybe I could teach you how to!?" Kuina said excitedly "Sure..i would love to" Chishiya said, as the waiter put their two puddings on the table and one iced coffee for kuina. Chishiya got himself a black coffee which he is now sipping calmly while still stroking the cat beside him.
They chatted for awhile. Saying about how their doing and how work is going for Kuina and how college was going for Chishiya "Everyone didn't like the smell of the dummy..me? I liked it. I felt really at ease when I inhaled the scent of the fake corpse-" "Now you're making me want barf.. But at least it sound cool" Kuina said cutting Chishiya's sentence while sipping at her iced coffee "How is work at the shop going for you?" "Well,customer's come by and go. Buy some clothes ask if there any available size's for it, they buy it and leave" Kuina explains, swaying her spoon while explaining "Like always then?"Chishiya asked and she nods.
After the chat, they played rock papers scissors to see who would pay for their meal. Apparently, Kuina won and Chishiya lost, but Chishiya didn't care because he is wealth of money thanks to his dad. They both got out of the Cafe and went inside Kuina's car again "Next stop!, the mall!" Kuina said starting the car "So the roller skating rink is at the mall?" Chishiya asked "Yup!, I can't find any that was close in this city and your college,only the mall" She said while driving"That sucks...i hate the mall" Chishiya replies "Why?, because you don't like people surrounding you while you're walking?" Kuina asked "More like I don't like places that are crowded by..peasants.." Chishiya continues as he had a Cheshire like smirk on his face "That's the same thing but in Chishiya language" Kuina said while chuckling.
They both made it at the mall. Kuina parks her car and gets out,Chishiya following. They got into the big building "I haven't seen the mall since...last month" Chishiya said, while looking at the ceiling of the mall "What!?,you haven't gone to the mall that much before...never mind I just remembered on what you said in the car" She said. Both of them spend their time keeping each other company, both of them walking side by side. They didn't go straight to the roller skating rink no, they stopped at a hat shop that was in the mall, checking out some of the cool hats in the shop "These are some hats" Kuina said, grabbing a top hat and putting it on Chishiya's head "You look good with a top hat Chishiya" Kuina comments "Thank you..and yes I do love top hats. I really want one ever since when I was kid..my father won't let me have on cause-" "Let's not talk about that old man of yours right now, we're here in a hat shop. You live alone in an elegant apartment by yourself, you could buy the top hat if you want to!" "And the young woman is correct!" Someone said after Kuina finished her sentence "Allow me to introduce Myself, I'm Danma Takeru..also known as Hatter and the owner of this fine shop you may say" Hatter said, grinning widely "Nice hat you got there Mister Hatter" Kuina said, pointing at his hat "Why thank you!, my father gave it to me" He replies with a smile.
The shops bell rings, revealing a tall buff man with no hair. He looks like a tired dad "Ah! Mori Chan!, welcome" Hatter greets the man "This my friend, is Aguni Morizono. He's my best friend!" Hatter explains with a grin. Chishiya and Kuina nodding "So what brings the both of you here at the mall?" Aguni asked "We're here to roller skate!,and I'm teaching this kid how to do it properly" Kuina said, mentioning to Chishiya "Well that sounds fun!, maybe we could join in? It's okay if you don't want us to be there" "Sure..as long as you don't get too close to me" Chishiya finally spoke "Great!, what do you think Aguni? Would you like to?" Aguni nods "Sure" He said.
After that the four of them said their good bye's, Hatter and Aguni said that they will catch up when their both done taking care of the shop "Those two were nice" Kuina smiles as she looks down at Chishiya that was still wearing the top hat on his head, Hatter gave it to him  for free. Hatter heard Chishiya's story of life and felt horrible so he decided to just give the natural blonde headed cat a gift, which was the Top hat that he likes so much.
"Ah!, and here we are!" Kuina said. Chishiya looking up to see a sign that had roller skates on it "Let's go in" Kuina said, as she opens the door "After you" Kuina mentioning to the open door for Chishiya to enter. Chishiya did enter and Kuina did the same.
The room inside was filled with neon lights and...peasants Chishiya say's. Everyone was on the rink, laughing and having fun "Doesn't this look great?" Kuina looking down at Chishiya that had a disgusted look on his face "Look at all of these peasants" Chishiya say's pointing at one of them "C'mon now, don't get your Cat attitude out!, let's go" Kuina grabbed Chishiya's hand and dragged him to the main counter.
They both got in the locker room to pick out their roller skates that were their foot size "Chishiya!,look at this one!" Kuina said excitedly. Chishiya looks at her and saw that she's holding two pair of roller skates that is black and had cat faces all over it "Huh..interesting" Chishiya said, while grabbing the roller skates that Kuina held "I knew it you would like them" Kuina grins as she grabbed a pair of blue roller skates that had white and yellow and pink flowers on them. They both put on their roller skates as they walked to the rink.
Kuina holding Chishiya's hand, guiding him to the rink. They both stepped in, Chishiya wobbling a bit "Keep your balance, it's okay. I told you I'll teach you right?" Kuina grabbed Chishiya's hand as she started to move. She let's go Chishiya's hand,leaving Chishiya at his will "okay, the first thing you have to do is walking. Just like normal" Chishiya took Kuina's advice and started taking little steps "Like this?" "Yes!, keep going...aaaand stop. Okay the next step is to balance yourself, don't panic and stay completely calm" Chishiya stayed still, balancing himself "Good! Just like that, now push your upper body to the front while lifting up your right feet and dragging it" Chishiya then did exactly that...and he did it "I- I can't believe I'm roller skating" He said, skating across the rink until he fell on his butt. Kuina trying so badly to hold her laughter as she went towards him to help him get up to his feet.
Chishiya grabbing his top hat and cleaned the dust out of it as he put's it on top of his head again "I hate this." Chishiya mumbles as he stood up again "Oh come on!, you just fell like..once" Kuina crossing her arms, looking down at the short blonde figure that was wearing a top head "Fine..i'll try again" He grumbles, Kuina smiling widely while cheering "Heck yeah!" She said as they both continued skating.
The end-
[Meanwhile Hatter and Aguni]
The two men are now skating happily together with happy faces "Isn't this fun Mori?" Hatter said, smiling at his friend that is skating behind him "Quiet so" "Oh come on!, I don't see a smile on your face" Hatter said pointing at Aguni's emotionless face "No..i am happy..this is my happy face" He said "Well whatever you say" After that Hatter didn't looked where he was going and bumped into a ln angry Chishiya.
The end~
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emilycollins00 · 3 years
Two faces of the same coin
Pairing: Tenma x ghost-looking! reader. Part 2
Part 1
Here we go! Enjoy! 💕
You were used to people reacting a certain way when seeing you since you were young.
Be it your pale skin, eyebags or voice, you ended up not taking it too personally as you grew up. After all it was a general statement you didn't have the best sleeping pattern, and that your hair and posture needed to be worked on. Still, you enjoy peaceful time alone -no glances or scared whispers- although you had to admit this boy had broken a record.
After even frightening you from the intense shriek that came out of his throat, in a poor attempt to run away from you he had stumbled and crashed into a chair so hard you were now wincing as he fell to the harsh floor.
Ouch. Concerned, you approached the groaning teen in pain. “Are you-?” Tenma didn't let you even finish. Violently shaking he turned his back on you, curling into a ball.
“This is not real, this is not real, this is not...!"
He kept mentioning words like curse and death in between, and you could only stare back trying to process what was happening. "Sorry If I scared you. I was-”
“I won't say anything!" he kept on pleading, refusing to open his eyes "I really-REALLY don't taste good please just let me leave!!"
It wasn’t working. You decided to get up from the floor, which only made Tenma pale even more at the sound of something moving.
“I won’t, uh- do anything.” you hesitated. “You, uh, hurt your head right?”
The loud and repetitive pleads died slowly on his lips, and as he opened one eye to glance your way he might have as well. Pale face, somber looks… you both stood in silence in the empty room for a while, you waiting patiently.
He seemed to find again his voice, or at least enough for you to hear. You brushed the dust off you as he flinched at the sudden movement, still on guard.
"I'm, uh- I'm not a ghost." You took out your student card, your name and student photo -equally terrifying some would say. "See?"
An uncomfortable silence filled the air.
Tenma stares at you for a long moment. One could practically see the wheels turning in his head, trying to keep up. And then, just as quickly as he had paled, the color red made way to his face.
Right. Great answer.
You tilted your head while putting the student card back in your pocket. Maybe he hit his head harder than it looked? “So... what are you doing here? Not that you can't, I guess. I also like it here even though we are not supposed to but- you know. You surprised me a bit too."
Tenma's eyebrows knitted together as he slowly stood up from the floor, not understanding what you were saying. The adrenaline rush was leaving him and could feel himself starting to calm down a little, finally letting his guards down.
“What do you mean. I-Isn’t a library a normal place to work?”
“Yeah. This is the old building though. The new one is on the opposite side..."
You waited patiently watching how Tenma breathed in once again, crimson becoming more and more intense as seconds passed. You had never seen anyone behave like that and he hoped the ground could swallow him about right now. “I... I knew that! I knew that I was just looking around because uh- I’ve never seen this place before!”
“It is rusty.”
More awkward silence from you both. Tenma looked at you and at his pile of books. You looked at them too in reflex, not understanding why a student could have so much book carrying around. "Sumeragi... Tenma?"
"Don't look!" said leader troupe was quick to hide his name, though he was well aware it didn't matter at this point. He tried to avoid your gaze. Shit. Shit, shit, shit last thing he needed today. "Just- don't tell anyone. I'm serious!"
Without sparing another second glance at you and still feeling his face burning, he took everything and left.
His forehead hurt.
One week later
“Why do we have to do this every time?”
“Come on! Don’t tell me you’re afraid to lose?"
“I am not afraid to lose." Tenma frowned at the other two members of mankai. The three were sitting under the shade of a tree in the courtyard, something they took as a routine whenever they didn’t use the cafeteria. Background laughs and conversations could be heard from students around the patio, enjoying their free time before the bell rang and called them back again to their respective classes. He huffed. "This is stupid."
"Got it!" Taichi moved around his arm dramatically "Ready…? Rock, paper, scissors!”
Three hands presented their results with different reactions altogether.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.”
“Aw yeah, paper is the best! It's your turn to go buy drinks Ten-chan!”
“I wanna strawberry juice.”
“Soda for me!”
“Tsk,” Tenma squinted his eyes at his hand and sighed, getting up and dusting away grass from his uniform, taking their coins. “Fine. Strawberry juice and a Green tea.”
“H-hold on, I said soda!”
“I’ll get going.”
“Ten-chan I was joking please!!”
It had been a few days after the library incident and so far, he hadn't heard any weird rumor of him- to which he counted it as a big safe considering the situation. Weird, but safe.
“Oh come on.”
After buying Taichi’s and Juza’s drinks, Tenma kept shoving his hand into his pockets, cursing at his emptiness. He was sure he had brought his wallet with him to school… maybe he left it in his room after all? A sigh left his lips, wondering how long would his bad luck last.
Until his exams passed maybe? He hoped not. He had managed to get Tsumugi to teach him at night after a few days of begging his homeroom teacher, revising together all concepts that Tenma couldn't seem to grasp. It had been embarrassing to let him check all his late school results, but at the end of the day it was Tsumugi. And well, Tsumugi was fine. Unlike Itaru, he was always-
“Excuse me.”
Tenma covered his mouth at the close sound of the eerie voice. A shiver definitely running from the last strands of hair until his very own toenails.
Yeah, finding you blinking at him- too close for his taste- took all the strength he had to not scream in public. He stepped back from you. his heart practically on his throat. “W-what are you doing!?”
“Ah, sorry. Thought talking louder would be better. Didn't mean to scare you”
“UH?! I-I wasn’t scared! I-uh, I was just surprised!" Even in plain daylight of the hall in comparison to the sinister darkness of the old library room, Tenma still felt like he was talking to a- Well.
A ghost.
You took a step back away from him too, pointing your forehead “You don't have a bump anymore.”
He touched his own forehead unconsciously. Right, Igawa had made a fuss about it when he saw it. Thanks to Omi’s ointment though it was already almost not existent though. He always worried too much.
“I’m glad.”
"Uh, thanks."
Very much opposite to your physical appearance, your voice while husky and kinda odd, was calm. It made Tenma feel weird, though it was probably because you kept staring at him. Why didn’t you go away?
“Are you... a fan? Do you want like, an autograph or something?”
You pointed behind him. "I was just waiting for my turn.”
His cheeks grew warm self-consciously, moving so you could insert your coins.
“I’m guessing you couldn't find more coins for three drinks,” You suddenly commented looking at the drinks in his hands. Ignoring his confused face, you crouched down and picked the drink, turning to him. "You complained kinda loud so... here. Not sure if you'll like it but I think it's good."
"What? I don't need it."
“It’s fine. Take it as an apology." you shrugged offhandedly. You placed it on top of his other drinks and turned once again to the machine. "It was my fault I scared you anyway.”
Tenma stared at your hunched figure while you got another drink. "Then," you waved your hand slightly and left the place quietly to who knows where.
He didn't even manage to wave back. What had just happened?
“Oh man...”
“Tenma-kun, are you okay?”
Students' whispers made him come back to his senses, losing sight of the path you had walked out. “What?”
“Did that person say anything weird to you? You know, like threaten you or something.” they pointed to where you left
“Uh- no.”
Some sighed relieved while others stared at the machine, as if you might have cursed- somehow.
Tenma frowned. It was true it hadn't been the smoothest conversation, but saying you might have tried to do something to him felt wrong. "Why do you all say that?"
"Ah? Mmm well..."
"Just look at them I guess."
"Yeah I don't know man. Gives me the creeps whenever they walk around. As if our school wasn't already scary inducing."
"Whoah, that's so mean."
"Are you saying you don't think it's true?"
"Tenma-kun, if you have time want to come have lunch with us? We..."
As they kept talking, Tenma looked down, the drink you had bought in his hand; Chocolate milkshake.
"It was my fault I scared you anyway.”
Later on
“Stupid old library...” he found himself growling for the umpteenth time "Should have just leave it be."
Another week had passed before he found the courage and once again, adventured himself around the old halls, carrying one chocolate drink.
I must have gone crazy.
Tenma just didn’t wanna be in debt with anyone. Yeah, that was it. Even if you scared the soul out of him, he had somewhat gotten the sense that you weren’t all bad -although your memories still left him trembling- and if there was something he hated more than anything, it was people making assumptions of others. He learned it from Mankai. Especially from his own troupe.
“Are you lost again?”
However old habits are hard to break.
“Dammit! Do you always need to talk like that?!"
"It's my voice, can't help it." You two had found each other at the corner of the hall. Tenma wasn't sure if this counted as good or bad. "…Do you need help to find the new library? I can draw you a map if you want me to”
“I-I was just about to do it, I don’t need-!”
“Ah- you should be careful not to crash on a chair again. Some are really old“
He placed the two drinks on the table making you blink, not sure how to react.
The awkward silence stretched, and Tenma felt his own cheeks heat up. "D-don't misunderstand, I just don't like to be indebted and I really didn't need that drink last time okay?"
A few seconds pass by. And then. Then he hears your laugh.
“You’re a really nice guy you know.”
His stomach jumps and doesn’t say anything for a while. Embarrassing. He felt his face was going to light on fire. He tried to focus his attention on something else- Not that he enjoyed it. The place itself wasn't comfortable looking.
“...Why do you hide here anyway? It doesn’t help with, well,” he didn't finish the sentence, feeling it sounded wrong -even though it was kinda true.
“I wouldn't say I hide" You hummed mindlessly while opening the drink, giving it a go before turning your attention back to him "I found it a few months ago while looking for a place to study. People overreact when they see me, so I’ve been coming here. I think it’s a pretty chill place myself.”
Tenma stared at you. At your dark eye bags and messy hair. You could definitely get a role in any horror movie you might want for sure. Yet there you were, happily drinking a chocolate milkshake in the old side of your very own high school.
“...You are weird.”
You laughed again. “For someone who’s supposed to be scared but still frequents the same place, I’d say the same about you.”
When I said it was gonna be a long request I meant it.
Have a wonderful day! 💕
Part 3 soon!
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christ-h0le · 3 years
The Weight of Gold
Summary: Imagine if S.Coups was Robin Hood and he takes a nap in the woods but in the woods there were bad boiz.
Genre: Fantasy
Words: 1.5K
Part 1 of TBA
This is for the #caratcreatorwriter event with some buds (new friends). Thank you @seungkwns for hosting, and thank you @coupsnim for being my partner. Please look at their blogs as they are better than me.~
With heavy eyelids our hose-clad protagonist laid down his head to rest. The still and peaceful sounds of the lush woods were too enchanting to ignore. As the wind rustled through the leaves of the Sherwood Forest S.Coups slept.
A simple carpenter's life kept him safe. Like the sturdiness of the nails and wood he worked with, his job gave him security and sureness. Once out in the forest he was a different man. He could finally be a man unshackled from a world where worth was weighed in coins, and if you didn't have enough...
Sherwood Forest offered him a sanctuary. It was a place where possibilities were endless. Around one weathered rock he could be free. Behind that gnarled oak he could live at peace. Life could be different in the woods. The calluses on his hands didn't have to be used to keep him a productive member of society. Instead, they could help him climb the tallest of trees where he could feel the wind rushing through his shaggy brown hair.
It was always hard for him to get a good night's sleep within the bleak walls of town. At night while laying in bed he'd stare at the ceiling with unsleeping eyes. His ears would pick up his own doubts bouncing off the masonry. Thoughts of his humdrum existence would infiltrate the time he could finally escape. Luckily when the daylight shined there was hope that even in the mud-baked village he could be happy. His hard work would pay off. He could live free. With no taxes to pay he could afford an extra loaf of bread. He would have enough money to take a day off of his grueling work and enjoy a good drink with some friends. Tax collectors wouldn't have that happen. Just last week he witnessed a collector, Kwon Soonyoung dressed in expensive furs, push down his neighbour after they refused to give up forty percent of their earnings. Forty percent! It was despicable the way the rich treated the poor and it was obvious that they skimmed the top before giving them to the king. How else could they afford striped animal furs otherwise? Their guilty pockets were lined with the sweat of the villagers. With his sweat. Maybe without the expectation of that heavy levy S.Coups would rest easy in his bed at home.
In the Forest Seungchol slept. Even at midday he could sleep easily under the leafy canopy and the foliage-filtered sunlight danced on our hero, devoid of all worry. How quickly did the peacefulness of nature disarm him? It took only a few minutes of his eyes being closed before our main character was fully and deeply asleep. His shoulders relaxed and his body sunk lower into his leafy bed. With a steady breath and a relaxed face he slept peacefully and soundly. Better than any sleep he could hope to have in his own bed.
The sun moved across the sky but S.Coups did not stir. In the distance a robin called out to its mate but Seungchol did not wake. Bees bobbed from flower to flower, dizzy with nectar but he kept sleeping. Not a single fear crossed his unbothered face. The only thing on our peaceful protagonist that changed were the shadows as minutes and hours passed. Without the worry of Soonyoung demanding his hard-earned wage he could sleep without fear.
There was more to fear in the woods than tax collectors. Though the Sherwood Forest brought Seungchol peace and tranquility it was filled with the unknown. Behind each mossy stone there was the chance of an angry boar, a crazed hunter, or greedy brigands coming and fucking up his beauty sleep. There was the chance he was the second guest to that bed of leaves. With no ceiling to stare at, unknown eyes could instead look at him. Where the only noise was the breathing of S.Coups how could one not stop and listen? In the woods one was not always safe and this soft man with not a single worry on his beautiful face, was definitely not safe.
A flock of fowl fluttered up into the sky as a branch snapped. People were drawing near. The glow of a torch was growing ever brighter as the strangers made their way through the dense brush of the woods. Handsome faces appeared through the foliage, ruggedly sexy but harsh in the glow cast by the fire they carried. Then they saw him sleeping there all peaceful-like. With closed eyes Seungchol didn’t stand a chance to see the equally sexy, and equally hose-clad men draw near. S.Coup’s was too busy staring at the back of his eyelids to see all the shenanigans. It was obvious they were planning something by the way they were whispering and nodding to one another; a plan that was devious at its best and horrific at its worst. With light steps a handful of the group crept up, the soft earth cushioning the sounds of their steps. They closed the distance between them with care, not wanting to wake our sleeping carpenter ahead of schedule.
However the time would have to come when both parties’ fates would forever be intertwined. Our mysterious brigands couldn’t be quiet for much longer. With only a few steps between them and their target one of them made his move. His hands reached forward; one palm covering the inevitable shout that tried to escape S.Coup’s throat, the other hand brandished a short knife which he held to the now very awake man’s neck.
“If one word comes out of that pretty mouth of yours I’ll cut you down faster than you can blink.” said the man. By the way he held the knife, S.Coups was convinced he’d be able to follow through. Not that he could say anything at all with his mouth covered up. He could only nod his head to show he understood and pray that harm wouldn’t fall upon him.
He was wide awake and took stock of the situation.
Seven men surrounded him in total and each man bared a weapon. Most held knives but one man at the back had a bow with an arrow notched, another could be seen with a hatchet. Being woken up this was worse than rude, It was terrifying.
S.Coups couldn’t focus on the others for too long as there was a more pressing issue. That issue was a cold piece of sharpened metal pushed firmly against his throat and the man who held it there. His wide eyes looked up at him and saw a beautiful man staring back. The villain had a long and straight nose and a freckle under one of his eyes. If he wasn’t being held up, S.Coups would think he was handsome.
The firm hand that held him silent softened and withdrew but the eyes of his captor kept him pinned to the forest floor.
“Now.” DK started, moving to a standing position. His partners changed formation and circled S.Coups. “Give us all your money and we’ll let you live.”
This day DK, sometimes called Dokyeom or Seokmin by his friends, stood tall and proud, happy to be leading his crew to victory in apprehending their target. He commanded the band of merry men only by name; the rest of the crew was capable in their own rights and if anything, they all shared responsibility in the group. Truthfully the only reason DK was leader was because he had won a bout of rock, paper, scissors. Luck was with his back then as well as now. They were about to get paid.
“You heard what I said. Give us all your money.” he said kicking Seungchol, laughing all the while. His pals laughed along with him, joining in on the fun.
When you lived in the woods poor and with very little food it felt nice to have power over someone sometimes. Kicking people wasn’t everyone’s definition of fun, but being able to afford a warm meal and a brew under a roof was worth doing some deplorable things every now and then. They looked at the man on the ground expectantly, they were all ready for money.
“I don’t have anything,” Seungchol said, covering his face with his hands for protection from their kicks. “Check my coin pouch if you don’t believe me.” He didn’t want any trouble. He might be able to outrun the average man, or win against one person in a fight, but against seven he stood no chance. All he wanted was to get away out of the dark woods and back to his gloomy, but safe, bed.
DK pocketed his knife, and leaned forward to search S.Coups. “You’d better not be tricking me,” he said harshly. With no pay in hand DK wouldn’t be kind, but even less so if he was being lied to. If there was one thing worth less than a broke person, it was a liar. The crew he was with was permanently broke but they all had trust for one another, and that was a beautiful thing; a group of criminals with no monies that called each other friends.
With no consideration for comfort, Seokmin roughly searched S.Coups, looking for any traces of wealth on his person. It didn’t take long for his hands to find the coin pouch. It didn’t take a genius to see that it was empty. “So, our victim was telling the truth,” DK thought. With a sigh, Dokyeom stood up and turned to his crew.
“Guess this guy ain’t very cash money. Looks like we’ve got to kill him now.”
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internalsealpanic · 4 years
Dick Grayson x Mercenary Reader HCs Part 1
a/n: This is basically a Dick Grayson/ Reader thingy that has been stuck in my head for months but I haven’t plotted out an actual fic for. Basically, I have the relationship mapped out in my head but I have no scenarios. I was hoping someone could suggest a plot I can play with. This part is mostly platonic with hints of a future relationship. This is pretty much in a weird version of canon running around in my head. 
You’re Deathstroke’s apprentice. (This version is the version from the Knights and Dragons movie so he isn't a complete and utter asshole. Look, I just really like that version.) Let's just say you had more moxie than self preservation. It also helps that you’re a meta with a pretty unique power. Anything drawn on your skin turns into a physical object. (You basically have a bunch of permanent markers on you in addition to your usual equipment.)
Dick doesn't like you because of your profession but has a grudging respect for your skill. You think Dick is annoying for getting in the way but you understand that he's just trying to do his best to help the city in his own useless way.
You and Dick never set out to be friends. You honestly had no clue when this even started. Maybe it was because you keep accidentally saving each other or maybe because you two have a lot to bond over such as murdered parents and emotionally inept mentors. 
When it actually started: You, in full  costume, recognize your least favourite bird and see that he's crying and that he not only has an ugly bruise in his face but also a bunch of other injuries. you simply sit with him and throw your arms around him letting your muscles relax as if to tell him ‘it's ok and that you’ve got him’. You let him cry into your shoulder. You understand that you have a little more in common than he's willing to admit. You use one of your motion tattoo wings as a cover from the rain and the other to keep Dick warm. When Dick finally calms down enough to think, he's jarred by how nice you are acting. your general demeanor loosened at this point you let your offense show and the very petulant look on your face draws a tired laugh out of Dick. your angry look melts to give way to something resembling relief. You stay there for a while not speaking before Dick decides he needs to leave. Without a fuss you let him go.
After that, instead of fighting each other during encounters, you two kind of just sit together and start talking about what happened since your last encounter. Or you two play rock, paper, scissors to see who ‘won’. 
Dick realizes that your personality is hilariously incompatible with your chosen profession. You rant about how Slade lectures you about learning how to lie better and when they tested how bad you were at it Dick was sure Alfred would politely word it as wooden. you had good control over your body language but you had a look caught between pain and annoyance etched on your face. 
Mini scenario: 
Dick is really stressed out with school and vigilanteing and with Bruce that he just starts wandering around Gotham. 
It was a bad idea. Wandering around Gotham is generally a bad idea especially if your head isn't on straight but there is something relaxing about just wandering around. 
Dick ends up at one of Gotham's old movie theatres. One of those businesses that you're pretty sure is a front for something because you can't wrap your head around how they could possibly still be in business. 
Then there you were a foot from the ticketing windows. His mind instantly recognizes you. You, in turn, recognize him instantly. 
When neither of you launch into an attack, you decide to watch a movie together. After bickering for 15 minutes about what movie you should watch, you decide on a coin toss. Because you won, Dick was subjected to your love of terrible movies. 
You go out for burgers afterwards and joke about the movie. You complain about the bad acting and the ridiculous story line. You even come up with how they should have done it.
Your lunch was spent outside in the parking lot of the burger joint. 
You walk around some more after you explain that you haven't been to this part of Gotham and Dick gives you a mini tour. 
You talk about a mix of mundane teenager things and some complaints about their occupations.
You check your watch and explain that you need to go to the grocery store for ingredients. 
Dick goes with you just because. He won't admit that he's having a lot of fun.
Being teenagers they fuck around. Being exceptionally athletic and intelligent teenagers you fuck around entertainingly. 
At first, you play 'the price is right' because Dick wants to prove he isn't a spoiled rich kid. He doesn't prove jack. You don't do much better but it's on the opposite end. 
You get bored and frustrated so you start a scavenger hunt much to the terror of the other customers. How would you feel about 2 terrors zooming around screaming about butter and backflipping over you?
Dick is busy gloating about his victory when the store gets robbed. Dick can't do anything because right now he is a rich boy extraordinaire and should not be capable of fighting. you on the other hand is sore from losing and just yeets a can into one of the robbers faces. 
Everyone's attention pans to your as you ready to lob another can at them. The robbers run leaving their unconscious friend on the floor bleeding. 
You still pay for the can but ask Dick to get another one. 
 Walking down the street, Dick notices how many take out places are on the way and asks why you don't just eat from there. you simply tell him you like home cooking more. He notes that for next time. 
You exchange phone numbers so you can plan a next time. 
The next time they hang out you both bring homemade snacks to sneak into the theater.
They start hanging out in civvies and do really mundane civilian stuff you want to try and that Dick doesn't get to do enough. 
You become a sort of hub of normality for Dick. He can talk to you about all the weird stuff without worrying about your not getting it or your judging him while also doing the most mind numbingly human things. 
What do they usually talk about:
Casual nerdy stuff
Weird history shit you reads about
Vigilante stuff
Funny henchman stories from the perspective of a vigilante and a higher level henchman
Sometimes they talk about trauma but they only vaguely mention it
They debate over dumb things like whether there's too much variety in cereal. Guess who's on which side. 
Sometimes they discuss fighting techniques. 
Dick teaches you Romani and about the Romani culture
You sometimes explains various myths and superstitions from your own culture
Dick sometimes talks about school and galas and you end up making fun of weird rich people. They also end up making fun of the various rich people who hire you.
You'll talk about almost everything with each other
You bring him to one of your safe houses for a home cooked meal after he tells you how he lives off of cereal. You were horrified. 
The Titans, Batman, and Alfred get really suspicious about Dick's new civilian friend. 
Slade gets suspicious of you frequently visiting certain cities. 
Somehow they figure out that you are the wraith. 
They all lecture Dick about it. 
Slade just finds the whole thing amusing and debates on whether he can actually convince you to give up some of Grayson's secrets. 
I just love the image of them casually hanging out in civvies with Batman questioning Dick's life decisions and what your has been influenced by his relationship with Catwoman while Deathstroke and Wintergreen are just quietly amused by the situation at some point they were worried about you discussing merc stuff but neither talk about current business unless it's safe to. 
Wintergreen isn't particularly worried since Grayson is a good kid. Wintergreen once joked that you should convince him to join their side. You said that Dick didn't have the right personality to be a merc. The irony of this was completely lost on your. 
You spending a ton of your hard earned mercenary money to win a stuffed toy that you think little Rose would want. Dick making fun of you for not getting it then he ends up spending too much money but he eventually gets it. You and Dick pass by a shop and you see the exact same stuffed toy in the shop window for a sixteenth of the fortune you spent at the arcade. Good news though, Rose still has the stuffed toy. 
 Both of you being petty at dance dance revolution. 
When you rant to each other in less than private areas, you rapidly switch languages.
Unbeknownst to Slade, Dick actually knows a bunch of his safe houses and unbeknownst to Dick, those are Deathstroke's safe houses.  You are technically not lying when you say it's yours. 
You have a silent pact not to blow each other's covers unless they deem it completely necessary (when people's lives are at stake). The only person who knows this pact is Jason and they have bought his silence. 
You will both go out of their way to help each other out of a bind. 
Sometimes when Bruce and Alfred are out of town and the stars align to have you visiting for a job, you end up helping Dick babysit. Jason gets confused and defensive at first. You have dealt with distrustful youngins. Neither Rose nor Joey wanted anything to do with you at first. You, however, grew up wanting siblings so you tried your darndest to look after them and it is really fucking hard to not let this munchkin grown on you. 
When you're old enough to hit the club they often go drinking together. You once tried to have you wingman for Dick. Using the ‘fantastic’ negotiating skills you got from mercenary work, you ended up getting the number for yourself. You once told Rose and Joey about it and both of them made lighthearted jokes about it. 
Dick gets confronted by Slade at sword point and asks what his intentions are with his kid (He honestly isn't at all serious but he likes how scared Dick got because the man is terrifying.)
Dick also gets interrogated by Joey and Rose because, you know, this is their big sister. 
You often insist on family dinners at least once every 2 weeks with your siblings, sometimes with their mom (Adeline is kind of not ok with you and Rose being present but is trying her best for Joey's sake), sometimes with their dad, occasionally with their uncle Wintergreen. 
You usually just casually call Slade 'pops'  and you drawls 'dad' when you’re pissed and 'papa' when you’re emotional. You try your damndest to only call him Slade or Deathstroke on the field but sometimes you slip up and calls him pops in the field
You have batnapped each batkid at least once. Batnapping meaning seeing a baby bat and throwing them over your shoulder when you’re pretty sure they’re going to get killed. This isn’t limited to kids. You still do this when they’re adults. The image of you throwing Dick over your shoulder when you two were tiny gives me life but you throwing Dick and/or Jason over your shoulder when they’re huge has me cackling.  
You basically accidentally become a de facto big sister/ mom friend to the batkids purely through your friendship with Dick.
Images from this scenario I can’t get out of my head:
Teaching Dick how to cook. He just ends up going to your place for a meal though. 
Running around during a rain storm huddled under a jacket with Dick because neither of you checked the weather
Casual affection you two share because you’re both tactile people. Casual affection as in just sitting on the couch in each other’s space, bumping shoulders to communicate, leaning on each other, hugging each other when greeting each other, and all that good stuff. 
Thanks for reading! I’m really sorry for the grammar and disorganization. 
If you guys are interested in the more bickering dialogue heavy part 2 either comment here or send an ask or pm me. *shrugs* This is just really self indulgent on my part. 
@birdy-bat-writes (I will stop tagging you when you run out of good ideas for me.)
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thebestofoneshots · 4 years
Pairing: Dean x reader
Prompt: In which you and Dean can’t help but want to be around each other and find little excuses to do so. Also reaserchung for a case and watching TV together.
Warnings: Located on early season 12, there are some mild spoilers to S2 of The Walking Dead but nothing serious.
A/N: This is fluff, just a bunch of fluff because I needed some Dean fluff real bad
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You laid on your stomach with your feet crossed, knees glued to the headboard of Dean’s bed as you read the digital book you’d found a few days back. Dean sat beside you resting his back on the headboard reading as well, he held a book in his hands. You were both listening to some soft rock as you continued your research to trap Lucifer on the cage.
Hours passed, Sammy had gone to check up on a possible case and promised to call if it was something of your kind of thing, meanwhile you, and Dean decided to go to his room since the library chairs were hurting your backs from so much reading.
You took a deep breath and sighed before moving on to the next page of archangel lore, and you thought the economy readings back at uni had been boring.
“Hey!” You heard him exclaim excited from behind. “I think I’ve got something! Check this out.” He handed you the book and leaned towards you as you read.
You closed the computer and grabbed the book from his hands, reading from the point he told you to start.
As you read about the tools God had used to lock Lucifer on the cage you felt a small finger pressing near your shoulder. It made you raise an eyebrow and turn your eyes towards him but continued reading when you noted no further movement, a few minutes later you felt it again. You ignored it just the same. And it just kept happening. He’d press his finger on different sides of your back, and rather than being annoying to you, it was pleasant, almost like a massage. You almost dragged your eyes in the words longer just to avoid finishing fast and lose the gentleness of his touch. You were only friends so, these kinds of tokens of affection weren’t all that common.
After a few pages and a few minutes of heaven, he stopped and leaned even closer “So?”
“So what?” You asked confused, you were still a little numb and distracted, his touch had an effect you were not expecting, even if you liked it.
“You think it’s going to work?”
You were about to ask ‘what was going to work?’ until it dawned on you that he was talking about the reading you’d barely payed attention to “I mean, I think it could work, it’s not such a long shot.” You were as ambiguous as possible with your answer.
“Right?, I’ll send the pictures of the book to Cas, he’ll know something about it.”
You nodded and passed him the book, you tried to open the computer again but your will power was out of sight “I cannot, for the life of me, continue reading this! It’s the most boring piece of lore I’ve found in my life! It’s like the writer thought of the most boring way to write something and decided to double the boringness at the end.”
Dean chuckled “then stop for a bit, let’s see what Cas has to say about what we found, take a break.”
“Awesome! If anyone asks, you said I could stop,” You chimed grabbing the computer on your hands, you did NOT want to stand up, even if it was minimal, you enjoyed the company and without the reading, you had no excuse to stay in the same place as Dean.
“Do you want to watch something?” He asked then.
You were about to jump like a little girl in excitement but managed to keep your composure “sounds nice, why not?”
You opened Netflix on your computer, trying to find something to watch “Hey, walking dead seems fun,” he motioned towards the screen.
“Hmmm, I don’t really like zombies.”
“Wait, what? I’ve seen you hunt dozens!”
“Yeah, we’ve hunt zombies, but our zombies are not like those zombies, you don’t get bitten and turn into one because of a scary invisible virus that kills you and turns you into a blob of walking, hungry, brainless meat. And there are also no zombie apocalypses where all the people you love die.”
“Wait a minute! Are you scared of zombies?” He teased.
“That’s ridiculous! I hunt zombies,” you defended yourself.
“You ARE scared,” he continued “I’d never thought they say would come where I would find something that scares (Y/F/N).”
“Shut up! Winchester,” you grunted "I’m not scared, and I can prove it!" You sneered as you clicked on the little icon to play the first episode of the show you’d been dreading to watch for years.
He had a little smirk on his face as you did it, he knew you were scared, but he also didn’t mind being the only one there to comfort you, in case the zombies were too much.
As the episode started you had your left hand, the one on the other side of him, clenching the bedsheets expecting a jump scare on every scene. By the end of the episode, you’d gotten around to it, since you’d seen jump scares weren’t all that common on the show you managed to relax a bit.
"You’re not as tense anymore," he acknowledged.
"I don’t know what you’re talking about, Winchester, I was never tense," you responded playing dumb.
He rolled his eyes but you both continued watching the show. By episode three of your little binge-watch the computer showed the classic 5% battery left which meant you had like a minute before it turned off.
"Shit," you mumbled, you still didn’t want to stand up, so you looked around the room to see if by any chance you’d brought the charger, which you had, only it was close to the plug, on the far side of his little concrete shelf. You gave him a look. He denied with his head. You breathed again and positioned your hands on the classic rock, paper scissors start.
"Seriously? princess?" He asked, you knew, he meant it in an annoying way, but even then your stomach fluttered.
"Do I look like I’m joking?"
He let a breath out and positions his hands too. rock, paper, scissors, you both the said in your heads, both choose rock. You stared at each other for a second before trying again, rock, paper, scissors, now you were both papers. You got the same answer two more times. "This is the one!" He said. You nodded, rock, paper, scissors and he crushed your scissors with his rock.
"Son of a bitch!" You mumbled.
"Language, princess!"
You made a face at him and looked at the cord again. You really, really didn’t want to stand up. So it occurred to you, maybe if...
You nodded to yourself and kneeled on the bed, using your hand on his nightstand to stabilize yourself, you basically crossed Dean with half of your body and extended your arm as far as possible to get the cable. That was the easy part, the cable wasn’t nearly as far. But the plug, that was another story.
Meanwhile, Dean sat there, sipping hard trying to ignore the fact that your ass was just inches away from his face. He tried, boy he tried not to check you out, you had been friends for the longest time, and while he had checked you out before (when he’d met you for the first time), he’d avoided that now that you’d grown closer. But you were wearing yoga pants, he could not resist yoga pants. As he was dumbfounded looking at your ass you continued trying to get the cable to the plug, causing you to stretch even further, giving Dean an even better view.
Eventually, you managed to connect the cable, and as you tuned to rejoice in your success the book on the shelf you were using as support gave in, and you started falling face-first to the ground.
Luckily, Dean who was very attentive of your movements at that point, managed to grab you by the hips and pull you in, causing your chest to collide with his, faces inches away from each other "It’s alright, I’ve got you." You could feel the warmth of his breath on your face, you breathed carefully, swallowing hard at the closeness.
“Umm... thanks, I uh... wasn’t expecting to fall,” You mumbled.
“No problem, that’s what friends are for,” he smiled, you stared at his mesmerizing green eyes for a little too long before realizing you were still on top of him.
“I... am... I’m going back to my place,” you whispered rolling off of him and sitting on your side.
“Hey listen, if you don’t want to continue watching the zombies, it’s perfectly fine for me, all right?”
“What? Are you scared now? princess?” Was your only reply.
He chuckled slightly and you both continued watching the show.
As the second episode of season two came to an end you were both in awe “Shit Carl!” You mumbled.
Dean, was also very tense beside you, Carl couldn’t die, he was one of the main characters. You kept telling yourselves that throughout the next episode. At some point even, both of you started holding hands, in reassurance to each other.
You wanted to continue watching but both of you were falling asleep “maybe we should call it a night?” He asked.
You nodded, and you headed to your room, it was just beside his, but you’d miss his warmth either way.
“Good night, princess,” he smirked.
“Good night,” you replied rolling your eyes “ass,” you smiled and closed his door as you left.
He let a breath out as he saw you walk out and placed the computer on his nightstand. He’d miss you laying by his side, both of you fell asleep soon after, wishing you were still together.
Dean woke up a few hours later to pee, and he heard you as he was coming back to his room, he knocked first but after no answer he opened the door and entered your room, you were asleep, but not peacefully, although quietly you mumbled words, “get away from me”, “nooooooo” and “Dean!” were only some of them.
“Hey!” He motioned towards you, he sat beside your bed and gently moved your shoulder, you were still trapped in your own nightmare “hey! princess! Wake Up!” He motioned again.
Still, no answer from you, after the third try you abruptly opened your eyes, your breath hitched and your eyes watery “Dean!” You smiled as you saw him. You quickly pulled him into a hug “Oh, you’re all right, you’re perfectly fine!” you whispered as you pushed him even closer to you, by now he’d returned the unexpected hug and made circles on you back with his palm.
“I’m fine princess, you were the one moaning about zombies” he teased.
You answered with a light hit in the shoulder “I wasn’t dreaming about zombies!”
“Yeah, sure, whatever you say, princess,” he cooed, you wanted to argue, you really did but was it really a better thing for him to know what you really were dreaming of? Losing him to Lucifer. So you just rolled your eyes and let him have this one. “We can always stop watching it.”
“You wish! I have to know what happens to Carl,” you replied.
As the two of you stopped embracing each other you suggested “maybe we can watch a bit more? I’ll put it on my phone, just so we can get sleepy again.”
“Sounds like a plan,” he smiled as he motioned for you to move so he could fit in the bed. He took off his robe, setting it in the side and accommodated himself underneath the covers. Your bed was smaller than his, so you were even closer that you’d been in his room with the computer.
“Your pijamas are extremely soft” you said as he fumbled around inside the bed to get comfortable, you’d feel his muscles flexing underneath his pants and shirt as they touched your bare skin, you only had a pair of shorts and a short sleeve pijama top.
He frowened, and gave you a side eye, he had no clue how to respond “thanks?”
“I’ll steal it from you one of these days,” you said feeling the hem of his sleeve “it’s stupid soft.”
The idea of you wearing his shirt made him shiver in his mind, but he had to keep up the aparences “you can’t have my shirt!”
“I wasn’t asking for it Dean,” you smirked.
You gave each other a defiant look and then you put play on the episode that patently waited for you two on the screen of your phone.
You were attentively watching the episode when you heard a light snore, you turned towards Dean but he was fast asleep. You smiled slightly and denied with your head. Placing your phone on the nightstand and letting a breath out. You’d have to wake up the Winchester now, but just when you were about to motion him to wake, you felt his hand pulling you down from where you sat and towards him.
“Stop moving princess, I’m comfortable,” you heard him mumble in between his sleep. He pulled you in and snuggled against you, making you completely trapped with his arm and a few seconds later, his leg was also on top of yours, leaving you looking at the ceiling, without being able to move.
You took a deep breath and decided you’d just enjoy the moment instead. Falling asleep just a few minutes later, with his warmth comforting you this one night.
A/N: hope you enjoyed this little thing, opinions and feedback are always apreciated, much love -Rose.
Find more Dean Fluff here
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mistaeq · 4 years
Hello! May I please request headcanons for what camping with Joseph and Caesar be like? Especially if they're both crushing on reader? Thanks!
Joseph Joestar & Caesar Antonio Zeppeli: Camping with them
TW // none
Oh god. Oh dear. Dora wrote an actual request. Dora wrote an actual fucking work. Yes I did. I missed writing longer stuff. Hope I haven't lost my ability,,, Thank you for your request, dear! ♡ enjoy~
Camping with both Joseph Joestar and Caesar Antonio Zeppeli crushing on the reader. Neutral!reader
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Joseph is the one who suggests camping first. In his mind, it would have been cool, just him and you, in front of a warm fire, or maybe alone, in a tent... he even thought about confessing during camping.
When Caesar learns you're gonna go camping together, just you and Joseph, he's kinda upset. JoJo knows about his massive crush on you, why in the world would he invite you to spend some nights in camping alone? Without even asking, he just decides he's gonna tag along. Screw the gentleman side.
The young Joestar has decided: this is gonna be war. He knows Caesar has a crush on you, but he had been crushing on you too, why should he be the one giving up? The blonde guy always gets plenty of partners, not that Joseph's not popular too, but damn, if Caesar wants a partner, he can have anyone he wants. But not you, come on!
"Uhm... y/n?" Joseph would ask. "I'm kinda into saying goodbyes to pretty/handsome/stunning babes, can you pretend I'm going away for a long trip and you're telling me you're gonna wait for me? Yes- yes, I know you're gonna come with us, I was just wondering if you could pretend for a second..." dork.
After fighting over who would have driven the car with an intense and breathtaking Rock, Paper, Scissors session, Caesar won, jumping on the drivers' seat with a clear smug grin on his face, Joseph grunting something under his breath as he sat on the passenger's one.
What Joseph actually grunted was "You didn't even have to come with us..."
You must admit you aren't oblivious, about their crushes on you. On the contrary, you are aware of it, since they're being pretty obvious, and enjoy seeing them bickering with each other about every little stupid thing, just to impress you.
During the trip on the car, the driver actually changes. Caesar was being too busy trying to impress you by shooting bubbles out of his finger, for them to disappear in the air over your heads. Pretty romantic, not gonna lie, if it wasn't that he almost ran over three people and bumped against a wall, saying he totally did it on purpose.
With a victorious smirk on his mouth, Joseph switches seats with the young blonde Zeppeli, who's now pouting with his arms crossed in front of his chest, but giggling when you tickle his neck to get a reaction from him.
Please. Someone get Joseph to stop singing. He's not bad, and sometimes he changes lyrics in some funny stuff, but after more than a hour of just hearing the Joestar singing, you feel like your eardrums are gonna explode. You appreciate him for this too, though. He's the soul of the party.
Let's enjoy some good advertising spots while Caesar and Joseph fight over which area of the wood you should choose to place your tent and light up your fire.
[Thank you for we're close to 500 !! Please hug me I crave love.]
End of advertising spots. In the end, you're the one who chooses where you're gonna set up your camping equipment, and suddenly the both of them fully agree with you, even if you purposely suggested an area that they had discarded from the start. How can two guys be so effortlessly obvious? You giggle, without them noticing.
Time to divide the tasks! Joseph is way more muscular than Caesar, this is why he's the one who's gonna set up the tents. Or at least, the tents he wants to set up. Obviously he had gotten rid of your tent someway, so that now there were only two tents, and you had to sleep in someone else's - hopefully his - tent.
Caesar had started setting up the fire with an old lighter and some wood laying around, while you took care of looking for some stronger wood, so that the flame wouldn't die during the night. You didn't want to be alone with a single one of them, this is why you left them alone to go looking for wood.
When it's time to eat the packed meals Suzie Q prepared for you before you left, both the boys offer you your favourite thing from their plates. You never accept, first of all because you don't want to play with their feelings, since it's clear that they're trying to prove who you prefer. Second of all, because you know Suzie knows her thing, and if she packed such different stuff for every single one of you, it probably means that food can be healthy in different ways for your bodies.
"Ho capito! I understood you got rid of y/n's tent for them to sleep with you, but they'll be so angry at you for this, they'll only want to sleep with me." the blonde italian boy would say, pointing his tapered finger against the american one.
You slept in Caesar's tent. Alone. You forced Joseph and Caesar to sleep together. The worst night of their lives. Won't guarantee the brown-haired didn't try to suffocate the blonde with the blanket.
Joseph won't be able to sleep at night, not just because of his companion's presence, but also because of the terrifying night sounds. Oh god. He's pretty sure a lion is gonna attack the three of you as soon as possible. You tried to explain several times, there's no lions in Italy, unless you're visiting a zoo.
Still, you found him calling you out of your tent at three AM, saying he wanted to protect you from the beasts that were approaching your area. You completely understood he just wanted to be comforted and protected himself, but you tried not to expose him too much, to keep his dignity up. You find no harm in a man being scared of something, but maybe he did, for his own reputation.
The following morning, Caesar woke up to you checking on the fire after you went to look for wood, and Joseph sleeping in your tent, understanding JoJo hadn't slept, not even a second, because of his fear. Why did he suggest going camping, if he's so afraid of sleeping in the wild, though...
The italian boy helped you reviving the flame with the wood you had found, but noticed your ankle was hurt. "You should have woken me up, signorina/o..." he says, in a scolding but almost playful tone. "I told you not to wander around when nobody's awake. What if your wound was worse and you got lost in the wood without being able to reach for us?"
Luckily, after some interesting hours of chaos, [see bonus scene at the end] the boys gently - and together, surprisingly - put you back into the car, and without fighting, decided Joseph would have driven. Caesar asked him only for the condition of not singing.
As soon as you got back home, the boys got scolded by Suzie Q herself, who blamed them of not being able to take proper care of her dearest friend - you -, and helped you to get inside the house to medicate your ankle properly.
"Why not getting the two of them?" this is the sentence that echoed into your mind for the rest of the night, a sentence Lisa Lisa had told you, when you talked to her about your feelings towards Caesar and her son. Getting the two of them, huh?
You had hurt your ankle, stumbling on a tree's root which was coming too much out from the ground. This is why, Caesar offered to help you and go get wood in your place, and you couldn't really choose whether to say yes or no. Even Joseph accepted Caesar helping you. Just because now he got to be alone with you until the Zeppeli boy was away, of course. You noticed it when he got closer to you, already blushing and clearing his voice.
"So... looks like we're alone, now." he mumbled, sitting next to you in front of the fire. It was pretty clear that he wanted to say something, and was being pretty bad at hiding it. Still, you nodded.
"Looks like it." You giggled, trying not to meet his gaze. Deep down, you wanted him to confess the same way you didn't. Because you knew you would have felt the same if Caesar was in his place. Why did this have to be so complicated?
"Look, I know Caesar tagged along and ruined everything, but I actually had invited you because I need to tell you something." Joseph finally admitted, fidgeting with a flower he had picked before. It's not like he had picked it thinking about giving it to you, but since he already had a flower in his hands, he thought this would have been a good start.
"Y-yes...?" you asked. You tried to keep it seriously, but lowkey failed, since you had noticed Caesar was probably around, and he had come back. You understood because of the giant, full of water bubble floating behind Joseph's back. Oh dear. Oh god. What was he gonna do?
If felt kinda wild, to know two guys were ready to fight this much for you. And not two random guys, but Joseph Joestar and Caesar Zeppeli... damn, couldn't they crush on you in different times? This sounded so difficult to deal with. But it still left that good feeling about being appreciated so much.
"I... y/n, this is what I wanted to tell you. It's that I actually lov- hhgg-!" you stared at him in shock, as the giant bubble wrapped around his head, stopping him from breathing and to confess anything more. You can't hide you admire people who can master it, but hamon is terrifying sometimes.
Without saying a single word, you turned around to look for Caesar, as he came out from behind a tree, some good branches to be burnt under his armpit.
"Come on, free him. I'm pretty sure he won't say it, now that you're here." you said. You were happy he stopped Joseph from confessing, but on the other hand, you would have wanted him to tell you. Or Caesar to tell you, as well.
"But what if I said it instead?" the italian boy asked, pulling your leg on his lap to check on your ankle. As he didn't want to embarrass you even more than Joseph, he suddenly changed the topic. "I remember some tricks with bandages an old nonna taught me. I'll take care of this, okay?" well, this was... fine? Surely better than a straight confession.
"Mhmhkay." you mumbled, as he released his hamon to let Joseph breathe. The english boy furiously turned towards Caesar, who shrugged unbothered.
"It'll take a while for him to be able to attack me back. I messed up his breath's pace. No decent hamon." he explained, as you laughed, hearing Joseph's distressed noises in the background.
This really would have been a camping to remember.
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fullmetalmeg · 4 years
Nurseyweek2021 Wednesday: Romance
I’m not jealous of Chowder and Farms. I’m not, okay? They’re just so sickeningly sweet together that it makes me feel lonely. Especially around Valentine’s Day. 
The weekend before my birthday is Frog Night. But since we have a game that night, Chowder asked to postpone Frog Night, in honor of taking out his girlfriend on a date. Who was I to object? Charmer is great and Chowder is a great boyfriend. It’s just, y’know, lonely. 
Dex turned to me on the couch, “Hey Nursey, since Chowder and Farms are going out on a date, do you want to get dinner together that day? We could keep working on being civil with each other and whatnot.” 
“Oh chill, sure.”
“Meet in the living room at 7 tomorrow?” 
“Sounds good.” And we went our separate ways. Dex down to the basement and I back up the creaky steps. 
The next day, Charmer Ditch Day, was normal until six that night. I had class until eleven and we all had practice until four. At six, I heard the door close and someone shout for Dex to not be late. Why was Dex leaving now? We agreed on seven, right? 
Didn’t matter, I got dressed after a shower, slipping into jeans and the sweater-button up combo everyone calls my ‘English Professor’ look. It was comfy, and stylish. You really can’t blame me. 
It approached seven and I headed downstairs to wait for Dex. As I slipped my shoes on, there was a knock at the door. With a raised eyebrow, I opened the door to a redder than normal Dex. A Dex who was holding a bouquet of flowers. 
“What’cha got there?”
“Flowers.” The red on his ears darkened. 
“For who?”
“Oh, ‘Swawesome. Let me go put them in the kitchen. I’m pretty sure Bitty has a vase somewhere.” I walked away from the door and placed them on the counter next to the sink. I walked back to the door and grabbed my coat. “Ready when you are.” And smiled up at him as I did a pocket-pat-down to make sure I had everything.
“Hope you’re in the mood for Italian.”
“Dexy, I’m always in the mood for Italian.” I said with a laugh.
We had a good time at the restaurant. I definitely ate too much alfredo and too many breadsticks. But I wasn’t alone. Dex and I laughed a lot and stole more than one bite off each other's plates. And I will not admit nor deny that we did rock paper scissors for the last breadstick. 
Dex insisted on paying, going as far as swiping the check from the edge of the table and not letting me even look at it. Like, what the fuck? After handing the check to our waitress, he smiled a lopsided grin at me. One that if I was standing would make my knees feel like jelly. 
“Wanna get out of here?” 
I laughed again, “And go where Dexilicious?’
“I don’t know, just walk around, chill, maybe get fro-yo?”
“Did the William Poindexter just say the word chill? Unironically?”
“I don’t know, guess you’ll have to stick around and find out.” The waitress returned with the final check and Dex’s card. 
I scooched out of my chair, “Shall we?”
Standing next to the table, I put my arm out to wait for Dex to link his around my elbow. When he did, I smiled and pulled him towards the door. 
Outside we braved the cold, arms linked together. We walked at a steady pace, just strolling downtown. 
“Are you too full for Fro-yo?” 
I gasped, “Never!” 
We got fro-yo. It was delicious. The company I had wasn’t half bad either.
When we finished we headed back to the Haus. Our arms were still linked together as we walked up onto the porch. As I went to open the door, Dex held me back. 
“Derek, can I kiss you?” He was blushing, more than he had all night. And he wasn’t looking me in the eye.
“Oh! This was a date!” I’m so oblivious, oh my god. 
Dex’s eyes shot up and laughter bubbled out of his mouth. “Yes, it was.” 
Still giggling, “Yes Will, I would very much like for you to kiss me.”
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