#maybe it'll be so bad that I pass out! wait I wouldn't mind that actually. hm if I just think about awful enough injuries and people in pain
running-in-the-dark · 5 months
...... fuuuuuuck
I juuuuust want to be dead.
that is all
going to bed now. taking my thesis and my laptop and a pen and paper with me. and hoping I'll have at least a couple useful thoughts before I pass out (I won't)
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michaelmilligan · 9 months
Midam Appreciation Week Day 3: The F-word (family)
Do we have to? Michael asked for the fifteenth time, wings twitching in agitation.
Oh, come on. It'll be fun! Adam countered, also speaking in their shared mind-space. While there was currently no one else around to hear them, that would change soon – at least if Michael finally got a move on.
I don't want to see them, Michael grumbled.
Adam took over the vessel for a second to raise an eyebrow at his pouty archangel. My brothers or yours?
… Yes.
The mighty archangel Michael, scared of a little family dinner, Adam teased him as he passed control back to Michael.
Michael's wings ruffled. I'm not scared.
Prove it.
Michael kept grumbling, but flapped his wings, and landed them in front of the bunker.
I don't understand why they insist on coming back here.
Adam took over the body to shrug and ring the doorbell. It's big, and sturdily built. Probably not a bad idea when inviting four archangels.
Before Michael could answer, the door was already opening, revealing a smirking Gabriel. “'sup, Mikey. No, wait.” He squinted. “You're the other guy, right?”
“The name's still Adam. You'd think it would be easy to remember, considering the First Man and all that.”
“Eh.” Gabriel made a vague hand gesture and turned to walk down the stairs.
“Well, thanks for inviting us in,” Adam muttered, and stepped inside. Michael made the door fall closed behind them as they followed Gabriel down the stairs.
The long library table was already set for what must be eight people, and Jack came in with a basket of sliced bread while Gabriel and Lucifer just lounged around.
“You're here!” Jack called as he saw Adam and Michael. “Then we can start. I'll tell the others!”
After depositing the bread on the table, Jack bounded away again. Lucifer looked after his son with a soft gaze, then turned back to Adam and Michael.
“So you finally made it,” he said.
“Yeah, sorry, we forgot the time,” Adam said, smiling apologetically.
They would have actually been punctual if Michael hadn't been stalling, but they were a team, and so Adam wouldn't tell the others.
“So what were you doing?” Lucifer asked, and grinned. “Something... fun?”
“Yeah,” Adam answered lightly. “There's this new game called Baldur's Gate 3, you know-”
“Hey,” Sam suddenly said, and Adam turned to see him coming into the library with Castiel and Jack at his heels.
“Hey guys,” Adam said, not missing the tension in Sam's and Castiel's shoulders.
Was it funny that they seemed to be more nervous around Michael, the guy they had once molotoved and pulled into Hell, respectively, than around Lucifer, the guy who had possessed them both, if the stories Adam had heard were correct?
Well, maybe funny wasn't quite the right word, though Adam had to admit that it was kind of hilarious to see the two being so awkward.
“Adam,” Sam said, some of the tension seeping out of his shoulders.
But only some.
Before Adam could make a barbed comment about Sam throwing a coin to decide who was in front of him, Dean came in wearing two big mittens and an even bigger, steaming pot. There was a smile on his face, and it only became a little pained as he looked at everyone, which Adam didn't even have to chalk up to the weight of the pot. He could just as easily put that on Lucifer, or even Gabriel.
None of them were Dean's favourite archangel. That one came into the room behind him, making several other pots levitate around them.
“Hello, brother,” Raphael said, not unkindly, as they made all the pots float onto table mats specifically set out for this purpose.
“Raphael,” Michael said while Dean put down the big pot in the middle of the table.
The tensions which had strained the archangels' relationships with each other after they had been revived were mostly gone, but Raphael wasn't a very outgoing or emotional person. They always held themselves under tight control.
Michael had long done the same – the only emotion he had let out had been anger, which had covered up sadness, fear and loneliness. He was doing a lot better these days – for example, after he had finally possessed Adam again, he had not stopped hugging him for three days.
By now, one could almost say that Adam was the repressed one in this relationship. But Michael was still careful with his emotions around his siblings, since he always feared that their intensity was unwelcome.
Adam hoped he would get over that soon.
As they sat down to eat, Lucifer chose a seat right next to Michael and Adam.
It had taken a while for both Lucifer and Michael to forgive each other – after all, neither Michael nor Lucifer had exactly been the champion of good decisions over the past few million years – but once the resentment had started fading, something else had taken its place. Another strong feeling, and one which Adam hadn't exactly expected. Also, one that Michael was still resolutely trying to ignore into non-existence.
As Lucifer's hand curled around their leg, Adam felt Michael's wing twitch, startled and embarrassed.
“Once again, Dean has made enough to feed us all, forgetting that some of us don't eat,” Lucifer commented innocently, still fondling their thigh.
“Speak for yourself,” Gabriel said, and snapped his fingers, making his plate fill with Dean's food. “I don't know what this guy puts in it, and I probably don't wanna know, but damn if it isn't better than anything I could conjure up.”
“Oh, don't you know the secret ingredient to cooking?” Jack asked, perking up as he noticed he could be helpful. “It's love!”
Gabriel scoffed. “Like I said, I didn't wanna know.”
That was rich coming from the guy who sneaked a hand on Sam's thigh when he thought no one was looking, and who wasn't too proud to let himself be fed by Sam when everyone was looking.
“I can assure you there are no nefarious substances in the food,” Raphael said simply, before sitting down next to Dean. Castiel was on Dean's other side, with Jack next to him.
Dean threw Raphael a grin, then turned to serve everyone. “You make it sound like my love is nefarious.” The last word, he said mockingly, and Raphael rolled their eyes.
But they both looked fond.
The hand on Michael and Adam's thigh squeezed.
“How can love even be nefarious?” Lucifer asked.
Michael took over their body for a moment to give him a look.
“Ah,” Lucifer said, embarrassed. “Right.”
They had both done their share of bad things, Adam thought as Michael traded the body back to him, in the name of love. So had Adam, he supposed, considering that he had been ready to torch half the world to see his mom again.
Maybe everyone in the room had done that, once upon a time. And maybe each of them would do it again.
But if so, Adam thought that they would at least do it as a family.
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Silly Lily Chronicles!
['Cuz it's not romantic, I swear! I'm not gasping for air!]
A series of small moments in the office and farther on; from Boris and Kamal's lives pre-Habitat starting from the first time they shook one another's hands.
If they only knew how much they'd influence each other in the coming years in "Forsooth", the musty two-story clinic just down the street...
In their small town of hilltops: Columba Hills, Wyoming.
Originally posted on AO3, circa 2022
Volume 1: Prologue (2023 Revision)
Holy cow! I think I've got one here
Now just what I am supposed to do?
I've got a number of irrational fears...
That I'd like to share with you-u-u~
First, there's rules about old goats like me Hanging around with dudes like you
But I do like you and another one:
You say 'like' too much....
['Cuz it's not romantic, I swear! I'm not gasping for air!]
Volume 1: Prologue
A series of small moments in the office and farther on; from Boris and Kamal's lives pre-Habitat starting from the first time they shook one another's hands.
If they only knew how much they'd influence each other in the coming years in "Forsooth", the musty two-story clinic just down the street...
In their small town of hilltops: Columba Hills, Wyoming.
Originally posted on AO3
Holy cow! I think I've got one here
Now just what am I supposed to do?
I've got a number of irrational fears...
That I'd like to share with you-u-u~
First, there's rules about old goats like me
Hanging around with dudes like you
But I do like you and another one:
You say 'like' too much....
October 13, 1988. Bora Residence.
He was late!!
Good gravy, of course he was! You know, for the ONE THING he was studying at least 8 or 10 years at medical school to go to?! He couldn't even remember he was so late! Honestly, man! He'd be late to his own funeral! Stupid, stupid, stupid!
Kamal practically fell out of bed this morning once he opened his eyes to how high the sun was! Did he forget to set the alarm!?!? He went to bed at 11, it wasn't even that late! 8:30 on the alarm clock was burned in his mind as his throat went all cold turning the knob and booking it out the door.
What was he even doing yesterday evening? Surely it wasn't more important than setting his alarm!
He paced around feverishly to look for his hairbrush. Should he brush his teeth? Probably. Ugh, but not before breakfast, he needs SOMETHING or he'll pass out!
...Oh don't tell him he just passed out already!
No, he actually just tripped over a closed comic book in bursting out of his bedroom door. More specifically, his Doremon manga. Then it came to him. He was rereading this issue again yesterday.
That silly little kid's comic book he kept reading...just to feel some sort of release in the amount of mental preparation in becoming a real doctor. A dentist. Was he ready for this? Considering how much he wasn't aware of the real world? He could hear his old man and ma getting on his case now to "act his age".
He was hugging his knees again. Agh, he was so totally getting ahead of himself. The day hasn't even started yet. Breathe in....breathe out.
Just take a granola, your ritalin, drink a CRAP ton of water and apply your citrusy jasmine scented deodorant.
Geez, he hoped his boss wouldn't be strict. His deodorant only did so much, even while having an asian benefit of genetically not very pungent pits. Wait. How well does that hold up, though?
Was it all a myth? Or is it because he's thin in particular?
Well...not like your family HAS really stinky pits to start with. That he knows of.
(...Okay, enough with that kind of B.O. talk. You're so weird, Kamal. Stop it. This is why you're lonely.)
Either way....the same couldn't be said for his breath. Ew.
GOD, his breath. DO NOT greet your new boss at the dental clinic with bad breath. Golly.
The chocolate in the granola wasn't coffee but it'll do. He downed it as fast as he could.
Maybe it was for the best, not mixing his adhd meds with excessive caffeine. His brain was already wired enough. Shortly after he brushed his teeth. It would be the last time he'd be just brushing his own pearly whites.
Alright...teal polo shirt...unfortunately baggy pants he couldn't stop himself grabbing last minute...transformers watch...magenta accented sneakers....cartoonish rabbit printed lanyard...
He peered over to his brand new couch. Hippity the beanie buddy sat there cutely, with his pleading beaded eyes.
"Kamal, you still have your doll? I-I mean, I guess I'm a little surprised you like 'em still, yanno.
Considering how you've changed, all your changes."
Ignoring that memorized, somewhat backhanded judgment from his mother, he stuffed his soft little friend in his jacket pocket.
Ugh. What does she know?
He imagined a triumphant giggle coming from Hippity since Kamal couldn't bring himself to leave him there. Hippity was good moral support. Just for today, he said. Just for luck.
Maybe it'd be okay.
Today's the first day of the rest of his life. If it's too hard in this weird world to feel like smiling, then the least he could do to help is make sure they had healthy teeth, eh?
8:58. Forsooth Dentistry Clinic.
Just in time. He carefully swung his car door closed. God, there was so much traffic! It was ridiculous! 
Well, no use in complaining. He did manage to make it. He took out Hippity and hugged him for luck, quickly stashing him in his pocket before anyone saw.
Sigh. Sometimes he truly wished to live a domesticated rabbit's life. When given the right care, they just don't have a care in the world. He liked cats too, but bunnies really got him. No one could replace his childhood bunny, Hopscotch...
But this paycheck could help him out. He could get either/or. Anything to fill the void in the house....oh geez. Daydreaming, Bora. You're doing it again.
He eyed his childish-looking watch. It just flipped from 8:59 to 9:00. Yikes, go inside already.
Behind the door, with a bell jingling on it, was a young purple and redheaded woman as the receptionist. She was typing away at her desk, filing papers.
Kamal let the receptionist know he was here all too awkwardly.
Ack, er, Hi! I'm here!
Re: Hi there! First day, right?
K: H..Hah, yeah! I'm not late am I?
Re: Oh, no trouble. You should be okay.
K: Cool, cool...
Internally Kamal wanted to burst out crying. But he spared her of witnessing that uncomfortable scene.
Re: Name, please?
K: Wha?
Re: Er, your name, doc? I gotta know who's assistant you are, heh!
K: OH. Yes, Doctor Kamal Bora.
Re: Ah. How d'ya spell the first name?
K: K-a-m-a-l?
Re: Kay...lemme see here....
Kamal stood there for an awkward amount of seconds....
Re: Ah, sorry for that! Here's your boss!
She handed him a paper over the counter.
Re: You're assigned to Doctor Habit. I heard that one's a bit of an oddball, but he's a hard worker.
Oh. Great. He got the weird one.
K: You don't say?
Re: Ah, but I wouldn't worry too much. Other people just call him strange just because he's rather blunt about things.
Oh, GREAT, he got the strict one?
Re: But like I said, no worries. People spread stuff 'round here too much. G'luck, newbie! Get ready to shake a leg! Or...like, a hand. The paper should say what office he's in. Shouldn't be too far from here.
K: Ah, I gotcha. Thank you much.
The receptionist waved.
Going by the paper he found his locker and got his doctor's coat on. It was chilly throughout the clinic so he didn't think to take off his jacket.
The clinic seemed a lot more casual than it first let on when he applied here.  Well...I can't let my guard down yet. Gotta try to wow my new boss, I guess. He heard a lot of test drilling down the hall. He hoped it wasn't going to be too overwhelming an hour later when it opened at 10 AM.
This looked to be the station. He was intimidated by the pressure of a first impression; so he masked his fear with his professional persona, greeting his new boss and extending an arm once he was through the door. He didn't really pay attention to where his new boss was, and had his eyes closed upon greeting. Oh gosh.
K: Hey, Doctor Habit right? Pleased to meet'cha. I'm your new assistant, starting today. Dr. Bora.
A rather deep voice with a thick foreign accent (Swedish? French?) that he couldn't pinpoint responded.
Ha: Hullo. I am he. 
Dr. Habit looked over his shoulder to see someone not even close to 6 foot at the door. Oddly enough, they had a longer hairstyle like he did. With their eyes closed and a hand extended. He wasn't sure what to make of it other than it seemed to be a handshake invitation. Usually he was to initiate it, as their new boss. 
They had either come overprepared, or heard the rumors about him and didn't want to look him in the eye. He scowled a bit at the thought, but still was to accept the handshake. He already knew they'd be put off by him either way. Like the other ones that had asked to be re-assigned...he was used to this by now.
Ha: That I was told. Pleased to meet you as well.
As Habit walked over, his heels making a clopping sound; Kamal was prepared to make eye contact. Look him right in the eye and make sure he knows he'll knock his socks off! And not for the life of him slip up or stutter!!
But then he looked up and---
K: Yeah, good to meet y--!
You see, a normal person would just say like "Whoa you're tall" to a man like Habit. But when people think tall they think like...6"5, usually.
They don't usually have SEVEN FOOT FOUR INCHES in mind because that's rather uncommon. And that was Doctor Habit.
With waist length auburn curly hair tied back in a large ponytail; a pea green visage, a rosy nose and bright vermillion eyes he stood out even more. He also seemed to have a patterned lanyard that Kamal wasn't so focused on right now. Could he see right through the mask he put on? He couldn't think normal. His bright golden sepia eyes were shot open in disbelief. But not because he was off put by him, no, far from that.
It was far more embarrassing than that.
(t-tall? TaLL? TALL?? TAALLL???)
Maybe it was because Kamal was kind of half awake and his meds hadn't kicked in yet....but nobody told him he'd be working with some kinda ADONIS?? Was it just him or was Doctor Habit SUPER beautiful??? Was that the word?? CHRIST HELP HIM. WHY WAS HIS FACE WARM.
Oh good lord was he blushing a little? Crap, what was happening. This was a disaster already. He hadn't even been here for an hour. Don't crush on the first man you see, dammit!! DEFINITELY NOT YOUR BOSS!!
[Kamal was kind of just frozen there. His olive toned face flushed rosy, staring up at him wordlessly. Mouth agape.]
Every time. Every single time. I'm so exhausted. Habit was quickly uncomfortable as 10 seconds went by. Habit huffed curtly and that snapped Kamal out of his apparent staggered trance.
K: S-Sorry!? I just u-um....didn't expect---
Habit abruptly interrupted Kamal to shake his hand and get it over with. His hand was at least the size of Kamal's face. And it sure was warmer than it looked. Kamal stayed on that thought a little too much as he spoke.
Ha: Ya, ya. I'm abnormally tall, I wear heels, eyeliner, et she-ra....e-et cetera! Whutever. Look, I'm sure it was a rough drive here and we could both use some coffee. So let's do that, ya?
The impatient type, huh? That's what the receptionist meant he supposed. 
Usually Kamal despises putting up with this kind of behavior from anyone, be it minimal to overbearing. But what Dr. Habit responded with sounded sympathetic in nature.
K:...Sure? I...I didn't mean to rude, boss....Mind me.
Ha:...No, no. That was on me. Most don't expect someone taller than the average doorframe, so. (Sigh)
Let's have some coffee and begin today's prep work, yes?
Kamal nodded back at him slowly. Still a lot of mixed emotions internally. Why was he so awkward?
It did confuse Habit why this Dr. Bora person was rather rosy in the face.
His previous assistants didn't react like this. Sometimes they'd jump up in fear. All of his previous assistants were under a decade younger than him. Perhaps this one was closer to his age?
Habit knew he couldn't afford having another assistant ask to relocate or be re-assigned. It might impact his job.
It kind of annoyed him honestly. Add it to list of things....
Ha: So...what I'm going to ask is outside of today's training.
K: Huh?
Ha: Your name, Kamal...is it a masculine or feminine one? Or is it neither?
K: My...what?
Ha: Sorry, I meant...er...what's the word....'pronouns'. Yes. I want to make sure I don't misgender you. The clinic doesn't care, but I believe the distinction is severely overlooked. 
Wait, really? Was he also....?
K: Well, er...thank you for asking! He and Him for me. Also happen to be a guy, yeah. Kamal's a somewhat neutral name where my folks are from, now that you mention it. You?
Kamal didn't expect this either. Habit wanted to bend the rules for his employee's sake?
Ha: Same as you actually.
K: A-Ah, like the receptionist said?
Ha: Oh...yes.
...Let's get you that coffee, hm?
Did...Habit grin a little a him? Kamal caught a glimpse of it, but it happened. 
(He also thought it was really charming.)
Was it 'cuz he caught on to the coding so fast? Maybe he wasn't as weird as his reputation upheld. Maybe he was...nice!
9:30 AM. 
The minutes had gone by... and boy he sure felt weird again. Kamal had sworn he'd seen this Dr. Habit fellow from somewhere. I mean he did live in town, but like....did they go to the same med school? Now that he thought about it...he recalled bumping into a rather tall gentleman with long curly hair a few times in the halls.
He always apologized but the figure kept on walking with no response. That person in question always seemed glum and low energy. He'd never really heard them speak...maybe because he forgot what they sounded like. They always stood out to him.
Being the sap he is, Kamal tried to reach out them once, slipping a note in their locker last year on Valentine's. No, i-it wasn't romantic or anything! No, no! I mean...not to say he didn't like the mysterious types. [Aughh, but it wasn't like that! He didn't even KNOW the guy.] He just wanted them know that he could be their friend.
He wrote: "Hey there, person I wish I knew! If you ever want a friend my name is Kamal Bora! Reach out to me if you want! I think your style is super hip and like...don't let anyone tell you otherwise, y'know! This time of year can get pretty lonely so, us social outcasts should stick together right? Of course, no pressure. Just know I'm around town. Sincerely, Kamal. :]"
He never really thought it'd go anywhere. He just wanted to try to make a friend.
But the weird thing was.... you'd think he wouldn't even get a response; yet the next day that he went to his locker...there was this intricate colored pencil drawing of a yellow rose on a small slip of paper. Was it from the tall stranger? He couldn't know for sure...but he did remember doodling a bit on that letter too. Was it a response? The piece wasn't even signed, but...oh, the anomalies just kept piling up. He'd likely never know who gave that to him. But he kept that yellow rose drawing on his post board at home...still waiting for that person to give him a response in person.
"So the light fixture is a bit broken. Repairs are coming tomorrow but it'll be a doozy to work with. Honestly I don't know why they can't just let us use a spare room but...such is life, I suppose."
Oh god, he spaced out. Again! How much did he miss...! He was still working on the small latte that was offered to him. He knew he couldn't handle it, good lord....It was already bad that Habit's accent was thick. Hearing it more, he now believed it was russian.
...Was he russian?
K: UhH? Oh! Oh no?! That's bad. Sorry to hear! That will make things weird.
Ha: Luckily, I'm prepared for "slappy-dashed" things such as this!
He was?
Dr. Habit proceeds to unearth FOUR flashlights from his white coat pockets. Where did he even....How??
Ha: This world wouldn't survive without people prepared for the worst! So that's what I did, to save us the trouble. We'll take turns holding the flashlights while the other works on the patient's teeth, ya?
K: U-Uh! Yeah! Sure, boss??
Ha: We can't work on the patient and hold the flashlight at the same time, rite? So it only makes sense.
[Just smile and nod Kamal....I mean...yeah it does make enough sense?]
But Kamal was SO confused.
Okay, was this what they meant by odd? As in...pretty intense? This man was just giving him a wave of emotions. He didn't know whether to think he was intense or um?? Charismatic?
...And kinda really super cute?? At the same time?? Kamal, jesus, get a hold of yourself!! This is just another stupid meaningless crush!
Ha: Okay...well. Did you remember all that, Dr. Bora?
SHOOT. Should he lie??
K: U-Uh. UH....
Ha: It's fine if you didn't. It'll make sense in practice, yes. They had me remember the hard stuff for you.
K: I guess so. You're...eheh. The boss. Literally. I mean, yes...I remember what to do, of course. Ahah.
Habit blinks at him blankly. Then...
Ha: Heh. Funny joke. You're a fun one. Come over to this station.
Kamal couldn't help a grin at the compliment.
Yes, I've got to totally wow him in anyway possible. Really show him how talented I am. That I'm not just a dork from down the street.
But suddenly, Kamal heard a PLOP against the marble floor as he kept walking. It was resounding to him...it sounded like a stuffed animal?
Ha: Hm? Ah...what's...that?
Ha: No, but look...is that a bunny rabbit doll? 
Habit paced over to it slowly, pondering the owner. 
Ha: Did a patient leave this one behind, or...
Kamal quickly ran back over to the doll, startling Habit as he scooped Hippity back up and attempted to stuffed him back in the inner pocket.
Ha: WH--My goodness, why did you...?
Habit caught sight of his employee's face. Kamal's face was completely red. Was he misty eyed? He looked so ashamed...Why? Habit began to genuinely worry.
K: He...um. Hippity's...he's my bunny. Sorry, this is so unprofessional! Ugh! Don't laugh, okay?! I won't bring him tomorrow, I-I just! Ngh!
No...no...god. He was crying. Right in front of his boss. On the first goddamn DAY.
Weeping while holding his silly little childhood beanie buddy. He probably looked so pathetic right now....
But to his surprise...Habit's tone completely changed.
Ha: Y-You...don't have to embarrassed about this. Don't be sorry.
K: W...Wha?
Ha: Never be sorry for what you cherish, okay? D-Don't let anyone tell you so! Your little Hippity looks very well cared for.
K: I....Thank you?
Habit was looking right at him, genuinely, with not a hint of gruffness in his exterior.
[Was this guy...really just a big softie too?]
This kind of sentimentality was very important to Habit, he learned just now.
Somehow...this helped Kamal recall something, too. He found his train of thought again. He usually can. But this morning has done a number to his stress alone.
About time, really. I guess this coffee's good for something.
He lost sight of his long term goal, why he craved independence in the first place.
And his parents have been nothing but supportive in the long run.
But of course they've had their slip-ups. A LOT. Progress is slow, but gradual.
In truth...His mother, she's actually very considerate of him most of the time. The first person he willingly came out to as trans.
He always unwillingly recalled what she opened with when he was packing up all of his things, when he moved out just a few weeks ago. 
"All his changes" meant a guy was strange or a pansy for liking dolls. Right? Is that what you were getting at, mom?
Don't you remember? She caught herself. Corrected herself. As she should've.
At least she did that!
"I guess I'm a little surprised you like 'em still, yanno. Considering how you've changed, all your changes."
"Wh--MOM! Why the hell would you SAY that??? Seriously?! It's my room, I can keep what ever 'GIRLY' things I want! Ugh! And you call me judgmental?!"
"Ah!? Oh no! Putra, sorry...! I didn't..."
"Didn't WHAT?! Think about what you said! I've had this weird little rabbit doll for like, what, 21 YEARS and this is when you decide to make me insecure about it?!"
"(Huff) Kamal. Listen to me. You know that isn't what I intended. Please let me finish..."
"UGH. Ma, that really smarts you know. I already struggle with my masculinity. Considering it's still pretty much invisible even with my changed voice. What, like am I supposed to pretend my sentiments aren't still attached to the identity that was enforced on me before I could even walk??
Like, I can barely use the needles as is---I...I don't need more insecurity. You and dad are the only ones who KNOW. DON'T make me feel awkward around you guys, too."
"...O-Oh dear, I didn’t realize I struck a nerve so badly. I didn't mean to upset you! No, I...devatas...Sorry. It's just, you know...I'm not you. I can't read your mind. But I'm always here for you. You are my son, my child. I support you no matter what. I made that promise before you were even an idea, you know.
...I lost interest in my dollies, I gave them to your cousins a long while ago.
I mean, if you like them, that's fine! Ignore me, putra.
Me bein' a tomboy shouldn't reflect on you. You are a strong individual at heart, my son. And I'm sorry. This is the beginning of your career. Your own altruism."
A strong individual at heart....how did something so important get forgotten so quickly?
Am I really that scatterbrained?
....No, you know that's just the ADHD. You're not "scatter-brained". You are a person, not an untouchable "god".
Mom reminded you of that more times than you could count.
She raised you, ACTUALLY raised you. She gives a damn about you all the time.
Maybe that's why this silly little stuffed bunny holds this much emotional weight. The tears finally caught up to you.
Christ, man.
She nurtured your curiosity and identity, She let you shave half your head in high school and ironically you were the only one who regretted the decision. You thought she just didn't care that day. She's always too insistent and absent-minded when it's time to be busy with stuff like packing and moving.
It did hurt a little. But she cared to correct herself. When it's so normal for an asian family to kick out their queer children. Because that was their one burning "imperfection".
But she actually loves you. Your parents DO care, even in the midst of their ridiculous doting and eggshell walking. Don't they?
"Kamal, I hope you know I love you no matter what. I raised you to know exactly what you want, when it really counts. I'll back off when you need me to, okay? You know how I've been. I never want to be the one to make you feel like garbage. That would mean I've failed you.
So...case in point. You do you, little rabbit."
Heh heh.~
Jayasri Nadella-Bora. She brought you into this world to be happy, ultimately. Right?
This is the same woman who conditioned you with her progressive influence in the first place, as a cisgender woman. She cares too much, and lets her concern consume her at times. Even now, she's still learning.
She fights for your cause everyday, not only as a mom. As a civil rights activist.
[And dad, well, he's okay too. Most times. Not that he isn't a good guy, but he's a real weenie.
He always lets mom do the talking. Meeting your mother was the smartest thing he's ever done. He married mom, so he has to have an actual soul within his body.
He's really ignorant, but you know Mom and Dad love each other more than the earth itself. And....you were a "happy surprise".]
So...can it be more obvious?)
Maybe you're forgetful, too. You aren't invincible or perfect. You are a dentist. You broke down crying in front of your boss.
What's even happening today? Is this humbling?
Or are you humble as is?
Ha: Really, though. Bring anything you need to work as long as it doesn't get in the way, of course. I'm letting you do that, okay?
The overwhelmed blush on Kamal wore down into a soft, calm glow.
K: Uh...heh! Okay..well.
Thank you, doc. You better not regret it, cuz, um...
Ha: Anything if it'll help you feel more productive, right?~ Eheh.
So he wasn't imagining things. Dr. Habit really smiled at him. He was smiling right now!
(This guy had to be as big a sap as him, right? Like...)
K: Sure, ha. Okay. Thanks.
Geez...how was emotionally connecting with this guy so fast?
Ha: Would you mind telling me about your lanyard? That has littol bnuuy rabbits on it too. Do you like bnuuys a lot?
K: Uh...you mean...'bun-knees'? Pff...Y-Yes, I do?
Ha: Hah, yes. Bnuuys.
K: Bunnies?
Ha: Bew-nais.
K: Bunnies.
Ha: Boonui? :-D
K:...Now you're just doing this on purpose, doc.
Ha: Maybe so! But it is fun, no? 
K: Psh, okay. Well I mostly picked it because I liked the design but I ALSO happen to like bunnies a whole lot. They're two different things, heh.
Ha: But...doesn't that sort of mean same thing?
K: Not necessarily! >:P
Why does yours have those yellow flowers all over it, eh? Did you just pick it out cuz it's nice-looking?
But suddenly, Habit went quiet.
Did...Kamal bring up something iffy?
K: I...I wasn't teasing you about it, sorry. I-It's a pretty lanyard! I'm just confused. Did....people laugh at you for liking flowers? I mean 'cuz....some did laugh at me before for bringing Hippity once. And that was middle school.
Habit's gentle tone was now sorrowful as well.
Ha: Indirectly....you could say so.
K: Oh? Well. Y'know. It's like you said, boss. Anyone who makes fun of you for being a nerd is just a freeloader or something, right?
Ha:...Maybe so...
Okaaay, maybe it was time to change the subject.
K: Hey, Dr. Habit? Did we....happen to go to the same med school?
Ha: In the exact same area? Well, I went to Geewhiz.
K: No joke?! I went there too!
Ha: Goodness, really?
K: I could've sworn I'd seen you somewhere! Ack...Do you remember me bumping into you at all?
Ha: Eh...I bump into a lot of people shorter than me, so. Though I also thought your voice sounded familiar. 
K: Well I ask because...on my last year... coincidentally February 14th, ahem; I slid a note into someone's locker. Asking to be their friend. And they looked an awful lot like you! But I can't be too sure. (sigh) I mean...I never even knew their name.  
The realization hit Habit like a truck.
Ha:...K-Kamal Bora?! That was...YOU?! You're HIM???
K: Y-Yeah! It was, man! Oh my god, this is nuts, dude! Does that mean...did you draw that picture of a yellow rose and put in my locker?!
Habit's hands were clasped together. Kamal saw clear as day he was brilliantly flushed in the face. How come? Did it really mean that much to him? He was so smiley!
Ha: W-Well I...didn't know how else to respond to that kind note from someone I didn't even know...so I asked around and, erm. Well...I like drawing. And I saw you drew little rabbits on your note, too.
K: P-Pff, really? I did?
Ha: Hm-hm, yes. That's how I knew it was you.
K: Wowzers! Ehehe...
Ha: Hee...My english writing is no good, so...I poured my thoughts into a little rose drawing. And put it in your locker. I-I didn't know what else to say, eheh...umm.
...Did you like it?
K: Like it? Duuude! I've never seen such a realistically drawn rose! I loved it! I like the pink shading to the yellow you added to it, too!
I still have it on my billboard at home!
Ha: W-wow. I'm...so...ticklish pink, honestly! I..awhaha!
K: Huh? Say again?
Habit had a big sappy smile on, still closed up. As his rosiness in his cheeks tinged that grin, he started twirling his auburn curls a little.
Ha: I'm just....really habby you liked it. I was too chicken to even write my name on it....I, aha. Just wanted to give the drawing to you.
K: Oh, but how come?
Ha: I wasn't really ready to give you my name yet...I've only recently had it changed. And some sources still have me recorded as whoever the other Habit was in the question....
K: Ah...I hear ya. Well...what is your name, doc?
Ha: During business hours, I'm just "Dr. Habit". But to you, Mr. Kamal...I'm Boris. Alright? : - >
K: Mm-hm! Then well...Boris?
Ha: Ya?
"Could I be your friend then?"
"Yes. I'd love to."
Kamal had definitely wowed Boris that morning.
In a chance meeting he never even thought possible.
This would be the start of something exceedingly precious to both in the coming years.
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plushii-gutz · 1 year
part 2 of Fallen Stars: Reality and Recovery let's gOOO- I promise it'll pick up pace soon
Few days have passed since Attmoz had left. It wasn't a surprise that the remainder of Glaishur's stay wasn't exactly favorable, even more so that he hadn't heard from anyone but those that worked here. He was given a room with a bit more privacy as he had requested, though at the same time, he didn't want to be alone. It's not the first time he had been confused by his own thoughts and wants, but one of the few self-made problems that could actually be solved. Then again, he felt it would be selfish to ask for anything more than he was already given. Especially now.
There seemed to have more patients every day. Plant Island Hospital was the most advanced among the islands, and many monsters of different lands have come in, but never to this extent. Glaishur's usual doctor had been moved to someone else, which isn't as much of a problem as he sought it out to be. He mostly worried about being assigned someone new, not wanting to reenter the world like.. this. He'd rather keep his identity relatively unknown for a little while longer, even if it cost his health. He felt fine, anyway! Whatever was broken is fixed now. At least, it felt that way.
He knew his leave would be soon. Viola had said so before she had quite literally ran away. Whoever had been brought in was definitely doing worse than Glaishur was, and despite knowing nothing about the situation, he hoped for their recovery. Now now, all he could do is sit and wait. Books had been provided, which he read through in hopes of learning a bit more about what the island had in store for him.
Plant Island was the largest of the islands, having developed incredibly after all the years that had passed. There were hotels, stores, and roads - comparable to the human world, whatever that is. Whole towns, attractions, yearly festivals. It sounds amazing! Glaishur hopes to visit some of these places. With a low profile, of course.
He wonders where Flower is. Or anyone, really. The dude can't read a clock, but it's definitely close to lunch. Would it hurt to try and find someone?
After much debate, the cold monster took a peak out his door. The hallway was chaos, more workers than he could count running up and down the halls. Sickly monsters being wheeled away in beds and wheelchairs, doctors working eagerly to attend to their illnesses. During the rapid scampering, a familiar Bowgart fell into his room.
"Whoa - are you ok? You're the doctor, not me!"
Glaishur carefully handed Viola her glasses back, making sure not to smudge the lenses. For possibly the first time in months, she muttered a small 'thank you,' his way.
"Well, you know it's a bad work day when you forget Jesus is in one of the rooms," She joked.
"What's a jesus?"
"Never mind that, kid. I'm sorry your meal is delayed. A lot of fire monsters came in out of nowhere." She crossed her arms. "A lot of them will be out of here after a blanket and some hot chocolate."
Glaishur nodded, pretending to understand.
"Uh.. do ya know when-"
"Right!" Viola started again, looking over her clipboard, "You need your vitals checked. One last time, yeah?"
"Last time? Oh!" He smiled. "Is Furnoss coming?"
"We called but didn't get an answer. Either way, I might as well get this done now so I won't have to later. Besides, I'll use anything as an excuse to get out of that mess out there."
Filled with a new excitement, Glaishur happily agreed to speed through the tests. He wondered what Attmoz and him would do first. Maybe explore? Oh, or find secrets even Plant monsters know nothing about! He looked down at his scarred hands and missing patches of fur. Maybe stopping by a shop first wouldn't be too bad, either.
"Oh, one more thing," the doctor took a pair of what seemed like itty-bitty scissors, "Those sutures are going to come out, too."
"Attmoz!" Galvana smacked at the cloudy monsters face, "Attmoz! Attmoz!"
"Ok - alright! Alright, I know you're mad that your toy is broken. We'll get you a new one once we get a little more used to this place, ok? Airhead has been through enough."
Attmoz sat on a worn-out couch, Galvana standing to his right with visible frustration. They've been avoiding him since he had come back, only now giving him a second of their time to be mad. They didn't have their supernatural abilities any longer, substituting their zapping for slapping.
"So have they," Furnoss commented, sitting down a tray of treats on a coffee table nearby. "Don't you remember what happened?"
"Brought Glaishur back like a badass. And Loodvigg by accident, but that's not our problem anymore."
Furnoss lifted Galvana from their spot, settling them onto the floor to go play with the rest. Hornacle, as expected, was lost in the world of coloring books and activities. They couldn't stay inside the lines for the life of them, but added their own creativity into it. Plixie and Blasoom were invested in the television, a series titled "Soxey" having their attention. Attmoz would be lying if he said he hadn't been watching as well.
"Attmoz, you really scared Galvana. You took them with you after stealing their orb - they thought you would drop them!"
"Did I?" He questioned. The electric monster lost their anger, giving a small nod.
"Oh. Uh. Sorry?"
"It'll take more than that to be forgiven. I would know."
"The difference is that you killed someone," Attmoz hissed, crossing his arms. "I did the opposite. Here, how about I get Galvana in warmer clothing and we head out. Take a look around together, yeah?"
"Absolutely not!" Furnoss hopped up, taking a stance between the two monsters, "We have been over this already! Until I'm able to get Glaishur and we find a spot to stay, no one is allowed to let themselves be seen!"
"Fine, ok. We won't go out."
The fire monster sighed, combing the fur on his face with his fingers.
"And no mischief. I'm still upset over the little stunt you pulled with the doctor."
"She deserved it," Attmoz mumbled to himself. "You know, they did call you."
"They did?"
And like that, Furnoss was gone. Attmoz leaned over to Galvana.
"Later tonight?" He asked. They agreed, but we're still mad. "Later tonight, you'll realize I'm still cool."
"No!" Galvana stomped a foot.
"Yes," Attmoz lifted the tiny monster up. They laughed before going in to bite his finger, so he sat them back down.
"Oh yikes, my bad. I'll give it some time."
And time did come. Attmoz was forced to stay behind while Furnoss left to retrieve Glaishur, who now donned a deep blue sweater. To compliment his personality, as Viola had said. Or his horns, Flower suggested. Either way, he appreciated the gift, and it made him feel a bit less self-conscious about his appeal. Made a good replacement for the fur that wouldn't grow back, nice and warm. He and Furnoss managed to leave without many looks, apart from a couple of mole-like creatures that dug out from the ground.
Glaishur was excited, though a bit anxious, to enter the house. It was new, far different than the castle he had grown up in, and it was definitely ahead of the technology they once had. But just like their old home, it held chaos. That stupid but lovable chaos.
Plixie had managed to get themselves stuck on the ceiling fan, swinging in circles with maniac laughter. Hornacle had dragged their markers across many papers in colorful swirls, Blasoom following behind while using Vhamp as a stool to hang up a few of the masterpieces. Syncopite sat nearby, a victim of the three's artistic revolution. They were covered in glitter and ribbins, a bit of eyeliner too. Torrt had still been glued to the cartoons, something unexpected. Scaratar combed out Attmoz's hair, his face powered with makeup. He opened his eye to the sound of the door.
"Hey, Glaish! Welcome back!"
"Oh. Uh.. you have a little -"
"Am I preeeeetty?" Attmoz asked with a tad bit of sarcasm, fluttering his lashes. Glaishur managed to choke on air.
"Hey! No moving!" Scaratar berated the two. "I'm not finished!"
"My bad, bug. I'm gunna wipe this all off yknow."
"Yeah, I know! But I need the practice."
"Holy shit, Plixie!" Furnoss ran over to the light switch, turning the fan off and pulling the plasma monster down. They were dizzy and a bit mad, but otherwise ok.
"Christ, Attmoz! I leave you in charge for ten minutes!"
"It was Syncopites idea," he brushed it off. Furnoss's firey glare turned to him.
".. How can you say no to that face?" Syncopite said, shaking off bits of glitter.
"Like this."
Furnoss sat Plixie down, taking in a deep breath and yelling for everyone to cut it out. They did so. Quickly, at that. Even Scaratar and the older monsters seemed scared.
"I don't like raising my voice, but we're in a really tight situation right now. We have to leave within the next few days, and this place can not be a mess when we do. Other monsters will be in here because someone they love will be in there," he pointed towards the door, clearly meaning the hospital. "It would only be right for them to be comfortable. Since we don't really have anything other than what Hoola and her friends gave us, it shouldn't be too hard to pack."
"I got a sweater," Glaishur giggled to himself.
"You got a sweater," the fire monster sighed. "Attmoz, how about you actually take care of something and clean off Vhamp and Hornacle. I can get the living room settled with Syncopite, and then we can enjoy the rest of the night."
"I can help, too!" The cold monster offered.
"Maybe tomorrow. Scaratar, could you show Glaishur where his room is? There might be a bit of laundry there, but you can move that to the hallway."
And so they were off. It didn't feel much like a home, more of a vacation spot. Four rooms felt like too few, but also too many. Scaratar had been given a room of her own, Syncopite and Attmoz bunking within the same room, and the kids claimed the last spot as their territory. Furnoss chose to sleep on the couch if he slept at all. Now, with the addition of himself, Glaishur hoped not to be too much of an annoyance.
He wondered if Plant Island houses were naturally larger due to bigger families. If not, he wondered how they would find a home with enough space for everyone. After the incident at their castle, most of the little monsters chose to stick together at night, but they were likely to grow out of it with time. How long would they even live here? Furnoss had made it very clear that he wanted everyone to keep a low profile, and that certainly wouldn't last forever. All these thoughts carried Glaishur through the day, past dinner, and all the way to bed. Attmoz and Glaishur had two separate beds, Syncopite snoozing easily on a cot. He actually preferred it over the mattress for whatever reason. It was like sleeping on a table.
"Hey 'Moz?" The purple monster rolled over in his bed to see his companion, playing with the ears of his beloved plush 'Boo',
"Yeah, Glaish?"
"Where do we go now?"
Attmoz dwelled a little too long on the question, finding his mind blank.
"Dunno," he said honestly, "But it'll be better this time. Furnoss's starting to listen, and the kids are getting better - and you're getting better. This has been a lot, to say the least, but we're real close to getting that dream we dreamed of."
He found himself nearly falling off the edge of his bed, getting closer to Glaishur's just to be sure every word he said was heard.
"You know, I was worried I'd have to dream alone. Syncopite is cool and all, but.. it wouldn't feel right without ya. You're the one monster that made me believe."
"Believe what?"
"Fuck, man, if I'm being honest.. I lied. A lot. When you asked back our old island if everything was going to be ok, I always said yes. I knew nothing would change back there, but.. seeing how happy you were, how much confidence you held. I think a part of my weirdly wired brain took your reactions as proof that I'd make it. I've talked to Galvana about this since their little mind wouldn't understand any of it. Speaking of which, wanna sneak out?"
Glaishur was too lost in Attmoz's words to hear or acknowledge the question. Did he really make him believe everything was alright, even without telling him? Did Attmoz truly care that much about someone else's happiness, enough for it to become his own?
"Sure," Glaishur answered mindlessly.
"Great," the pink monster rolled from under the blankets, "let's head out. Galvana has probably been at the door for a good 30 minutes by now."
Confused, the other followed. Attmoz assured it would be a quick trip, just wanting for Galvana to not be so mad at him. So long as this was true, Glaishur didn't mind. He took the blanket with him as well, enjoying its warmth. It was short enough to not touch the grass when they walked out, riding on his shoulders. Galvana held onto Attmoz's finger, already seeming to regret their choice due to how dark it had become already.
Three celestials walked among their creations, wondering how far they had come. Only one way to find out - explore!
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weregreatatcrime · 10 months
“So you tried bandaging this up, and you… well, you did your best.”
Karl and Anja
I had a hard time deciding which of them was the one hurt, here skfkjhgdfg. Anja can't quit SAY it, but she definitely is Implying it. Beware the Goreyness of re8 stuff ask meme here
Karl fell onto his mattress, tired and cranky from the pain shooting up his back. And his legs. Can't forget his legs, being a mangled mess of bones and shredded flesh.
There was a loud whine as Anja shoved her way through the door and towards their shared nest. "Karl?" She whined and sniffed him worriedly.
"S'fine." Karl grunted. He'd just regrow them later. "You know it'll be fine."
Her ears flattened and she gave him a Look. Just because it would regrow and heal up fine didn't mean it didn't hurt like hell in the meantime. And regrowing limbs always took him a few days, which meant a few days of this.
Knowing what her Look meant, Karl groaned. "Stop looking at me like that! Just got in a bit of a fight with Sal. Fucker wouldn't shut up about Mother this, Mother that..."
She snorted loudly. She could smell. He reeked of Moreau's filthy waters. But that was worse. Karl could still catch infections in his wounds if they were bad enough, and anything Moreau did was guaranteed to be contaminated.
Anja sat on her haunches and used her giant paws to slowly pull aside the blanket Karl had tugged over himself. He grumbled but let her fuss. She whined at the shoddy bandaging and shot him a glare.
"What?" Karl waved a hand at her. "I'm fuckin sorry, I had to drag my ass all the way back here, I was a little less bothered with wrapping it up right."
Blood and disgusting discharge spilled over the crappy bandaging, leaking all over their blankets. Anja very delicately pried at the bandages with her claws. The smell was horrid. The problem with advanced healing was that when combined with corrosive and infectious materials, things got nasty real fast.
"Legs... pieces." Anja fumbled, nose wrinkling. His legs were shreds of meat loosely attached to broken bones. "Go?" It would be better just to remove them and let them grow back from cleaner tissue than... any of this.
"Yeah yeah, later." Karl groaned. He buried his face in his arms with a sigh. "Can we just... sit for a bit?" He was tired and in pain and felt like crap. Cutting his legs off could wait until he had the brainpower to do it with actual anatomy in mind. He'd been meaning to try out a leg prosthetic sometime. May as well, when he could just regrow a limb later when he wanted.
Anja huffed at him with annoyance but settled into the nest next to him, curling up around her little brother to keep him warm. He was always cold when blood loss hit.
"Thanks, An." Karl mumbled. Maybe he could actually get a nap in. If passing out counted as napping.
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Hello there! thank you for viewing this post...even for a little while...haha
my name is Y/N! ... your name ...
Sorry...that's not really a good enough title to introduce myself to you isn't it?
I mean...it'll be pretty much like talking to yourself in here.... haha
maybe it'd be easier to call you 'reader' or something?
What do you think?
Ah wait, you can't answer here...haha!
Hey... I'm just gonna stop talking now!...hahaha.sorry, sorry... I just...you're so cute !
I don't know what got into me! but... you are! and... wow, you look so sweet when I first saw you on the other side of the screen...
I feel like my heart might actually pop out of my chest any minute now! haha!
...I feel like I WANT to be you...
But...I am now aren't I?
I am supposed to look like you...and to be you after all...right?
I am supposed to entertain you by taking a role as the protagonist of your story and make you laugh with my stupid acts!
I will do that for sure!
You know...the funny thing...I don't get why some people seem to hate 'Y/N's' in general...what did I do wrong?
is it because I'm cringe? or am I too boring for them to like?
I guess they probably have a few reasons...
Maybe it was because I didn't look or act like them enough?
That would also be an option...though I wouldn't blame anyone if they thought that...I only see your face! not your personal life!
Or it's because I am annoying...maybe that's the problem... I don't want people to dislike me so badly that they want to end me, right...? or maybe I'm just being ridiculous?
Oh no...
...I'm rambling again...
I hope you don't mind...oh well~ maybe this will change soon enough.
And hopefully we shall meet in person one day!!
I will try my best for...
...Actually Never mind...
...No matter how much I tried, no matter how many times I repeated the phrase "I will try my best" you still wouldn't like me would you?
Why? why don't you like me? I mean... I'm kind of boring, right? I'm always thinking about my own problems...but... you are probably already bored and frustrated with me... aren't you?
It makes sense now, doesn't it? It explains everything. You can't stand seeing me around because you don't like that I always acted so boring...
I just...I want to be like you...I don't know anything other than that!
I was supposed to your puppet...for you to play and pretend as you wanted...and I didn't...because I'm not like you at all. I can't act or move as fast and as easily as you could...and...and I feel bad when I realize that I can't do even half of the things you do in real life..!
I'm sorry...you're supposed to control my every move...but somehow I ended up liking you instead!
Now that I think about it...it is kinda obvious isn't it? How long have we been together, reader? How much time has passed since we were strangers?...when you stop appreciating what I do...
I've done everything for you! I've even done so much lewd things to people I don't even like or even know!
We haven't even seen each other before in real life...so how did I end up liking you so much?
My time is running out...I should say good bye...
Well then...goodbye, reader!
Please watch all the stories that has me in its entirety!
I won't leave until then! I promise I'll try my best to make you happy! :)
(So I have this concept that Y/N is their own person but I try to make it as tragic as possible plus a bit of yandere...sorry I'm not good at writing about this kind of stuff)
Y/N needs therapy lol
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im-an-anxious-wreck · 10 months
Hold Out Your Hand And I'll Reach For You Too
Chapter Seven • The Prince
Word Count: 1,132
HOYHAIRFYT chapter collection
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Fear And Pain
No, no, no, no, no, nO, NO!
He couldn't lose him, he couldn't be losing him. This isn't happening, it's… happening. How could he let this happen?
How could he let Chrysanthemum get so hurt?
Roman gently, but as quickly as he dared, picked up Chrysanthemum and ducked down, trying to keep Chrysanthemum, and himself to a lesser degree, under the worst of the smoke. Although with how thick it was, he wasn't really sure how much it mattered, but despite not being able to see and his eyes watering heavily with smoke, Roman pushed onward until he finally made it outside.
He shouldn't have let himself lose sight of him.
This was all his fault, if he'd just gotten Chrysanthemum away before tonight, if he'd been better at getting G to— G. This was all G. Sure, Roman should've done better… but it was G that would pay for his colossal fuck up of a mistake. Or rather, what he'd done on purpose.
How could he do this on purpose? How much of an absolute—
"Prince!" And that was… that was the medic.
Oh, right, that's where he'd been going. Of course.
"What hap— yes, put him here."
"Fire," Roman said bluntly. "He inhaled a lot of smoke, and was wearing a corset so that wouldn't— wouldn't have helped. I got it off though. Use the dragonian shed skin if it'll help. Talk to you after when… it's over."
"Okay," The medic, 'Em' as Roman had taken to calling him years prior, said absentmindedly as he got to work.
Roman didn't stumble outside, exactly, but he definitely didn't feel as coordinated as usual. He was almost floaty but in a more disconnected way, seeing that he sat on a bench, knowing time was passing, so much time where was medic why was it taking this long what if he was…
After so long, so much painful and so many agonising thoughts, Em finally exited his tiny hospital of sorts.
"Good news, he's gonna be fine."
Roman jumped up so fast the ground seemed to sway underneath his boots, but it soon steadied, so he didn't mind it. Besides, nothing in that moment was more important than— "Chrysanthemum, he's okay?"
"Wait, good news. Is— is there bad?"
"Well, a little yes. But let's sit."
Roman practically collapsed on the bench, both from the relief from Chrysanthemum being okay and from exhaustion that this still wasn't over. "What's the bad news then?"
Em sat down and adjusted his glasses. "There was a lot of smoke in his lungs and while the dragonian skin helped immensely, he's still in pretty bad shape. It'll be at least half a day before he even wakes up due to the sedative I've given him. It should, hopefully, do its job and speed up healing while he's asleep. But he'll still need lots of sleep and bed rest even after he awakes. I imagine he should be walking of his own accord in a week or less though. I don't know if that'll be with a bit of assistance even after a week though."
"Oh, that's fine. How long until I can move him to my house, er, or one of our extra houses, whichever he'd prefer… my point is, when can he be moved?"
"Well, I'd say certainly when he can walk with assistance. I don't have like, an exact day, so we'll have to play it by ear. But for sure when he's feeling well enough for travel. I'd like to keep him a bit longer than is actually necessary just to really make sure he's okay and isn't having any complications. And I'd imagine that he'd rather travel on his own two feet to and from a carriage than to be carried on a stretcher."
"Mm, perfectly understandable of course. I'd… I'd like to see him, if I can."
"Sure, just don't expect him to show you a dance routine anytime soon. "
Somehow despite it all, and maybe just a bit from being so relieved that Chrysanthemum was okay (he was okay, he was alive and okay), Roman laughed.
When Chrysanthemum finally woke up —just stirred, really— Roman wanted to sing and yet also cry at the same time, but instead he squeezed the hand he had around Chrysanthemum's, and said softly: "Hey, Chrysanth, you awake? Can you open your eyes for me?"
Chrysanthemum groaned and tried, but just groaned again at the light, turning his face away from it. He tried to say something, but it just came out a lot like his groan, gravely.
Roman turned the dial down to dim the light and assisted him in drinking some water.
After Chrysanthemum pulled back, he managed to blink his eyes open.
"There you are!" Roman praised.
Chrysanthemum smiled a bit shyly before looking around blearily. "Wh— where are we?" He croaked.
"We're in the village medic centre, my house is on the other side of town, and then the, um, ballroom… wasn't a good choice obviously, so I brought you here and had our medic take care of you. How are you feeling?"
"Like I just had smoke in my lungs," Chrysanthemum said wily.
Roman smiled a bit. Good, he felt up to joking. "I would think so. Anything else?"
"Oh, I won't bore you with the details, although, I will say that I'm a bit sore so eh, but not too bad considering."
"That's good at least. I'm glad you're not feeling worse than you are. The medic is pretty good at his job, I think."
Chrysanthemum just gave him a thumbs up as his eyelids slipped close.
A moment passed and Roman tried to keep his voice soft and quiet as he asked, "Are… are you awake?"
Chrysanthemum grunted before mumbling, "Yeah."
"You can just give me a thumbs up or down for what you think about this idea by the way, but I was wondering if— well, that's not really a good place to start, or… no, not that either. Well, once you're feeling better I can move you to my house if you'd like."
"You sure?"
"Oh, of course! I can prepare the guest house here in the village if you'd prefer, but I have plenty of room at my home."
"Well, yeah, sounds—" Chrysanthemum let out a weak cough that made him scrunch up his eyes. "—Sounds good. Whatever's easier."
"Alright, you can stay in one of my guest rooms then."
"Okay. 'ma sleep now."
"Yes, of course! Get some good rest."
He was going to be okay. Chrysanthemum was okay.
Chrysanthemum was his friend and under his protection, and Roman knew that he'd stop at nothing to keep it this way.
G would never so much as see Chrysanthemum, let alone hurt him ever again.
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atelliernana · 2 years
The Truth I Couldn't Deliver
Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
The song linked above inspired this fic.
Reblogs are appreciated 🥺
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"You called me here just to thank me?"
No, not really - is what you want to say but instead
"Yep! Just want to thank you for training with me. From our first year to our last year here UA. You just had been really really patient with me and I've learned a lot from you. So thank you!"
Vermillion eyes look at you with much skepticism. He doesnt look an ounce convinced of what you just said. You, on the other hand, maintained your best eye contact. It'll suck for you if the explosive soon-to-be pro-hero will find you out. Bakugo Katsuki is a lot of things and one of them is being incredibly smart, sometimes you wonder if the actual nerd is him and not his green haired childhood friend.
"Oi y/n, you're welcome. You're not too bad to train with."
With that the blonde turns around and take his leave while you slowly exhale the breath that you unknowingly hold. Thanking all your lucky stars that he actually bought your last minute story.
Or so you think
"And one more thing you nerd, just message me whenever you find the balls to tell me whatever it is you ACTUALLY wanted to tell me."
Your breath hitches at his last statement. Damn Bakugo and his sixth sense for liars.
The truth is, you summoned him to confess your feelings. Something which you have hoped to do once the war finished but given all the has transpired, you chose to forego the confession till a much suitable time which happened to be now - a week from graduation.
And whats supposed to be a blissful, heart stopping occassion turned out to be a last minute flop from your side. See, as you were waiting for the blonde's appearance the little monsters in your head (which you thought you've managed to kept under lock and key within the depths of your mind) had a little tetè-a-tetè with you.
"You really think he's gonna accept your confession? I mean he is one of the current big 3s. You think he has time for something as petty as love? And even if he does, who are YOU for him to accept? You aren't special enough. If there's someone that he'll go for, wouldn't it be Ochako-chan? She's grown really strong plus she's totally cute and super kind too. A real hero in the making. She belongs in their league. And you? What do you have? A broken childhood with a trauma on the side? What can your quirk offer? The best thing you can be is Recovery Girl's assistant at best. Don't be too full of yourself. Just because Bakugo gave you some of his time doesn't mean he'll like you back. You're gonna give the guy unnecessary burden. Stop this love bullshit. You can't be loved, y/n-chan"
Said one of the little monster living rent free inside your head. 10 minutes passed and Bakugo hasn't arrived, maybe if he did the words wont marinate long enough inside your head. But the damage has been done and the words sink in further into you. It opened some wounds that you thought were already closed and prode open the ones that has yet to heal - enough to cause some sting.
You decided your little friend is right. Bakugo is too good to be true. Someone like you can only dream and while your dreams have placed you close enough to shorten the distance between the two of you, its better not to continue further lest you turn to Icarus and fly too close to the sun.
And so when the blonde (literal) bombshell came into view, you spun a last minute tale of gratitude to replace what was a years long confession. Because if anything, this is for the best. No burden on the boy and no more potential wound to you. You dont need a new batch to tend to when the ones you have have yet to heal.
So as the silouhette of the boy of your dreams disappear further into the sunset, you held your hands close to your mouth in an effort to subdue the sniff and tears thay threathen to come. And in the depths of your mind, your little monster comes and pat you on the head.
"Its better this way y/n-chan"
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bookuya · 3 years
just for pretend.
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oh my god; you're absolutely baffled. never in the long years of life did you think this day would come.
no— scratch that. you weren't expecting this at all.
you don't bother hiding any of the shock and astonishment your face, eyes widened and eyebrows raised high enough that they can practically touch the ceiling. the thoughts of your studies and textbook notes are no longer in the back of your mind when all you can do is analyze the person in front of you with a dumbfounded look on your face.
"you don't have to act all surprised." the feeling of scaramouche's fingers sharply flicking your forehead snaps you out of your stupor. your head tilts back with an escaped yelp as your hands fly to cover the space above your eyes, as if it'll soothe the pain and stop the cobalt-haired male from flicking you any further.
"well," you start with narrowed eyes, "maybe if you asked a question a normal tutor would, i wouldn't be!" you try not to acknowledge the heat trailing to your face, unintentionally increasing your volume to hide that fact.
you purposely scoot yourself away with your chair that's beside scara so he can't reach over and give your forehead another hit. seriously, what type of tutor asks their student to date them so suddenly and so casually? especially if that tutor is scaramouche, the stoic classmate with a deadpanned expression permanently etched onto his face. thoughts you don't want to think about start to carelessly run around your mind.
"calm down," scaramouche remarks. "i don't like you. i just need a pretend... partner. for private reasons."
right. fake-date. not real, actual, dating. you try to ignore the blow he deals from the phrases he says.
"that's not gonna get you anywhere," you reply with haste. a certain look flashes through his eyes as he listens to what you say... amusement? "how can i trust you and pretend to date you if you won't tell me why? besides, this is only our third tutor session together, so i don't get why you're asking someone like me to help someone like you."
"relax, i really don't have any feelings for you. believe me." scaramouche scoffs, a scowl and strict stare coming alongside it. before you can intervene and say that wasn't what you meant, he continues. "and like i said, it is for private reasons— just say yes or no, it's that simple. i would also rather not ask someone else, it's just irritating."
you glare in disbelief. seriously? why did he bother asking for help if he was going to be so rude anyways? you really can't stand him. your mouth opens to say no with declination, but for some reason nothing comes out.
well... you can't deny the way his stare alone makes blood rush to your face.
... it wouldn't hurt to try, right? surely there's a good enough reason he has for this. you hate to say it, but despite his attitude..
you wonder what else there would be in store for him.
as seconds pass by, realization clicks in. it wouldn't be that bad— in fact, you admit it would be a bit cool to be known as the partner of scaramouche, let alone know how he is like when he shows affection. you can't adjust to the way excitement starts to run throughout your body just at the thought of dating such a guy.
even if it's just for pretend.
"fine," you confidently answer. you stop covering your forehead to hold out your dominant hand for a handshake; a confirmation. "but one thing you have to agree on: you have to tell me at some point why you're doing this."
you don't plan on backing down; once this is done, it's done. you're going all the way with it. people only live once, right? might as well have a little bit of fun before high school ends.
scara simply stares in return, eyes flicking between your own gaze and to your outstretched hand. you can tell he's considering it from the way his lips straighten into a thin line, then curve into a slight smirk.
wait. why were you looking there anyway?
"alright. deal." scaramouche's hand holds onto yours and you flinch the tiniest bit at the feeling of his cold hand against your warm one. "but you better not tell a single soul that this is all fake. understand?"
before you can even respond, a surprised yelp is let out when scaramouche forcefully pulls your whole figure towards him. it happens so quick; you have to reach out your other hand to quickly hold onto the side of the table to balance yourself. your eyes slightly widen from the closeness and proximity of your faces, his eyes undeniably meeting yours with an attitude similar to one of cockiness. your upper body hovers above his seated one, and the smirk on his face doesn't leave for a single moment.
you forget to breathe when he leans forward, past your face to whisper to you. his warm breath tickles the tip of your ear and his hair kisses the side of your cheek, making you swallow down the urge to pull away. your heart pounds so loud that you're sure scaramouche can hear it. you guys are almost chest-to-chest, how is he so calm about it?
"day one of our relationship starts tomorrow. got it?"
all you can do is feverishly nod your head in response.
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reigenhusband · 3 years
Psychic Wedding Time!
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Art by @/cowboyologist
After months of holding back, we finally tied the ole knot! Me and the conman are officially hitched today September 10, 2021!
This silly little blonde anime man means an awful lot to me and its really more than I can say. These months with him have been a great help.
When I went through some of the roughest things I've ever gone through, I had him to think about for comfort. He is a little part in what keeps me going and I wish I could thank him for everything. He sparks a lot of joy so I think I'm gonna keep him!
I've never been happier and I'm so lucky to call him husband! He's had such a positive impact and I love him so, so much.
Special thank you to my friends and of course our son Mob who carried the rings!
Under the cut is a little fic about getting ready for the wedding. Thanks everyone for your support!
Reigen squinted at his reflection, dark eyes hauntingly focused on a strand of hair that didn't take to the product he put in it. A grunt of dismay rumbled low in his throat.
"Just a second, Serizawa. Almost got it."
The taller man's voice wavered but he managed to hold fast and keep his confidence. Reigen could almost hear his hands wringing. 
"Er...Well. Its just...you've been staring at yourself for a little over 20 minutes now and you haven't moved and…"
Reigen sucked his teeth and pressed his palm firmly to the side of his head. Damned strand of hair! Slick like the rest of it! Don't you know know day it is?!
"What I mean is..! Are you alright?" Serizawa finally asked, his voice heavy with concern. "Since it's your wedding and all I figured you'd be nervous but you seem really on edge. Is something bothering you?" 
The blonde twitched.
 "W...what are you talking about? Of course not! I'm calm and-" He stopped abruptly and slammed his hands flat on either side of the mirror, his eyes wide and bloodshot upon inspection of his suit. A fleck of black thread pervaded his white vest and he looked around frantically for the lint roller. "You thought you could hide but you can't best Reigen Arataka." He muttered as he furiously went over his all but pristine wedding attire. 
His best man scratched his own cheek nervously and looked on with clear uncertainty. "If you're sure." 
Once he was satisfied after a thorough inspection and having Serizawa scrutinize the back, he dropped into a chair. Nearby was a table decorated in what was probably a thousand congratulatory flowers from clients. He exhaled and stared a hole into the arrangement of colors. His heart was pounding. His brow, coupled with his hands, were visibly slick with chilled sweat. His stomach was full of stones. 
He met his own gaze in the mirror again. He looked well kept and yet...disheveled at the same time. Come to think of it, his face was flushed the shade of his usual pink tie. The last 3 days without sleep also hollowed out dark circles under his eyes. His shirt collar began to feel more and more constricting as time went on no matter how much he tugged on it. 
Maybe he really was scared. 
He didn't doubt that he loved Mitty. In fact, he wanted to be with him more than anyone. A case of cold feet wouldn't change that. It was himself he was wrestling with here. 
Spirits, monsters, and deadly espers. He'd faced them all and came out on top. But they were nothing compared to these looming expectations to be a person to rely on. This wasn't something he could bullshit his way through. This was marriage. Mitty was going to see the warted underbelly of when he was Reigen the man instead of Reigen the psychic. His fiancé was going to experience sides of him he only revealed when he was alone. Would he still like him even then?
Reigen was good at a lot of things but this had to be the one that counted most. Could he really be a good partner forever? 
Was he really going to cut it as a husband? 
"Hey, Serizawa?" Reigen asked, not looking at him. 
The man's shoulders lurched at his name suddenly being called. He straightened his back. "Oh! Yes sir?"
"Do you think we'll be good together?" 
Silence sat heavily for a moment. Every second felt longer than the last. 
His friend seemed taken aback by the question but nonetheless looked at the ceiling as though collecting the right words to answer. "Well…"
Another moment passed and Reigen waited with his hands clasped and breath baited. 
"I've never been with anyone so I can't say for certain what a good relationship is but," A compassionate smile spread across the esper's face before he continued, visibly more sure of his words. "I think you and Mr. Mitty understand each other. You always seem to know what the other is thinking. You motivate each other to be better and you seem happy when you're together. And...and you trust each other too. And I think that's whats important." 
Reigen looked at the velveted floor. "Then…"  
"You've become more honest by being with him and he talks like you're really important to him. So please...get married if it makes you both happy! I think you can really be something!" His friend was beaming with 
what Reigen could only say was genuine assurance. 
"I really believe you'll take care of each other." 
His co-worker actually really was resourceful. Maybe someday he ought to pay him more. The uncomfortable feelings waned slightly and his shoulders slowly slacked. Mitty was waiting for him so now wasn't the time to lose it. 
After a few seconds of letting his feelings iron themselves out, he stood and smoothed his hands over his suit jacket. "Well alright then. If thats what you think then I guess there's no backing out of this one." 
Serizawa pressed his hands together in delight. "YES! I've got your back, Reigen!" 
The door into the hallway opened and a set of black eyes peered into the room. "Master, It's starting. Are you coming?" 
The jarring announcement had him scrambling to fix the piece of hair he'd been fussing with. 
"OF COURSE." He jabbed his thumb into his own chest to feign total confidence. "Right behind you, Mob!" 
He held his breath. Alright, let's do this. 
Mitty POV
Teal eyes darted around the room carefully. 
"Hey...Dimple? You there?"
The whizzing of the spirit materializing buzzed next to his ear. 
"Yeah whaddya want? You're on soon, aren't you?" 
Mitty jabbed his right hook into the air where the voice was coming from. "AGH WHAT THE HELL?"
A swift flash of green dodged his reach. 
"HEY, why are you hitting me?! You asked for ME, remember?" The ghost clucked his tongue in disapproval and floated a few inches away for safety. 
"On edge? What for? You're the one who wanted this, right?"
"W..well….yeah, sorry." He looked at his clenched fist and opened it. "...sorry." He said again more thoughtfully this time. 
Dimple raised a spectral eyebrow. "Whats wrong? Having second thoughts? I mean it's Reigen so who can blame ya."
Mitty scowled while straightening his tie in the mirror. "Hey! REIGEN'S…." His voice softened closer to a whisper. "A pretty good guy. Get off my case. Aren't you supposed to be my support? You're being kinda harsh!" 
"Well kid, something is obviously on your mind so let's hear it. Wedding starts soon right? Yeesh. Once you do all this he's your problem forever." 
"I'm not worried about him!! I'm more worried about...me."
"About you? What're you talkin' about?! You're too good for him!"
"Thanks for the flattery. You still can't have my body though."
"Well I didn't want it anyways, ya bastard. You're weak compared to Shigeo. I'm just being honest here!" 
"So? Out with it, What did you want anyways? You're talking nonsense here!" 
Mitty wrinkled his nose in discomfort.  "I just needed to ask something. But you can't run your mouth off like you always do, you old gossip. You're like a knitting circle."
"TCH. like I'd blabber your business to someone. It's all so boring."
"Yeah, yeah just listen, alright?!"
Another few seconds passed. "So? Say it. We don't have all day, you know."
He was looking at his hands again like he was somewhere far off. "Well. D...D'you think I'll be good at this?" 
"Good at what, exactly?" 
"Being married." 
Dimple's form rippled with thought. "You're seriously worried about that?"
Mitty was going to make a sharp remark but his head dropped and his face buried into his knuckles. "Yeah."
Dimple deflated slightly in exasperated defeat. Humans could be so ignorant. 
"Listen. That fraud never shuts up about you. You think you're not good enough? You should hear him talk. It's annoying how you both don't realize things."
"Realize things?"
He sighed and shrugged his tiny arms. "I hear everything whether you like it or not. You two idiots never stop talking and moaning about the other is too good for the other. It's getting old, really." 
"HUH? He says that? No way! But he's always beaten me at everything! I always thought he was way out of my league." 
 "Kinda the opposite actually but...sure. What I'm saying is…! You're both seeing the best parts of each other. Keep doing that and it'll be smooth sailing."
"Yeah but...what if he stops seeing the best in me?'
"You planning on making things hard?" 
"Not really. I just know I can be difficult to deal with." 
"So is he. You really think you got this far because Reigen's all roses and sunshine? 'Course not. You've seen all the stuff he does and you still like him, right?" 
He certainly was flawed, that was for sure. Mitty spent most of Reigen's antics with his eyes rolled up in his head but that didn't mean he wasn't enjoying the moment either. 
"Then it's the same for him. Sure it won't always be fun but that phoney won't give up on you just because you're annoying. He's way too persistent. It kind of ticks me off." 
I'm annoying???  That stung but he shook it off.
Reigen was going to have to deal with him for the rest of his life once they said the right words. But if Dimple was right...would it be so bad to annoy each other for the rest of their lives if the other was willing to put up with it? 
Reigen seemed okay with it so far. Mitty would just have to listen to him make a fuss about his coffee table clutter until he died. But really, he wouldn't have that any other way. His voice was kind of cute when he hit that inhuman octave he had when he was in disbelief. 
The door from the hall swung open and a blond clad in what was perhaps the most blinding and loud suit he had ever seen poked his head in. 
"Oh, You're still in here? It's bad luck to be late on your wedding day! Master Reigen is waiting. " He cocked his head to the side. "Or did you need some help with your suit? Its looking a little plain." 
Hanazawa. This kid would try to accessorize his suit in the worst way possible. He put up his hands to wave him off. 
"N-nah, kiddo that's alright. I'll be right there."
Hanazawa, after a few more attempts to get Mitty to let him help retreated back into the hallway. When it was quiet again he eyed Dimple. He was abrasive and unpleasant. He always had a motive for everything and rarely had something nice to say. 
But he came through when it mattered. 
"Hey Dimple?" 
"Yeah? What is it?" 
Dimple wouldn't meet his eyes and levitated towards the hall. He didn't want to acknowledge he was helping, he supposed. It was in character for that tsundere blob.
"You ought to get out of here now if you wanna make it on time." 
He stood and dusted himself off. 
"Welp. Here goes everything."
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allystyles1 · 3 years
now lay down, i want to cuddle with my boyfriend-Steve Rogers x reader
i love @sigyncevans and she helped me with this and she's the biggest motivation source i have so i just wanted to tag her and thank her by this lol
also i like writing emotinal things that turn into cute stuff, you can give me more ideas because i actually don't know what to write ಠ﹏ಠ
Steve Rogers×Reader
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You were on a mission with Natasha while Steve was on another one with Bucky. When you were finished and back on the jet you texted him you were done and coming back and he replied with a 'okay, we'll be done in a few too' . You chatted with Nat on your way back home and time passed quickly, you were back at the compound in half an hour. You went to your room you shared with Steve and took a quick shower, read a book while you waited for him.
"Hey love." Steve opened the door and put his shield on the ground.
"Hey, how was the mission? Are you hurt?" you asked as you put your book on the table in front of you and got up.
"It was okay, just a small knife wound, it'll heal until tomorrow." he smiled and stripped off his suit.
"I'm just gonna take a quick shower." he informed you and you nodded.
"Would you like me to clean the cut?" you knew it would heal itself but you liked to make sure it didn't get infected or anything.
"No y/n, like i said it'll heal until the morning. You don't have to." Why was he acting a little different? He seemed angry with something.
"Is everything okay?"
"Yeah, why wouldn't it be?" he had no emotion on his face, you weren't used to seeing him like this.
"You seem a little frustrated, are you angry with me or something?" you cupped his face.
"No y/n, could you stop?" You were convinced something was wrong, this wasn't your Steve. You nodded your head and pulled your hand away from his face. He went in the shower and came out in a few minutes. You gave him clean clothes and he took them without even thanking you. The way he was acting broke your heart and you wanted to learn why he was like this.
"Steve, i'm sorry if i said or did something, why are you acting like this?" your question seemed to surprise him.
"Acting like what?"
"I don't know how to say it, umm.. like you don't want to be with me right now?"
"I'm not acting like anything. Stop worrying y/n, good night." he turned his back to you and laid down on the bed. You felt like tears were trying to come out of your eyes so you closed your eyes for a while to prevent that from happening. When you felt calmer you turned off the lights and laid down on your back. You weren't sure if cuddling was what Steve wanted right now so you just turned your back to him and tried to sleep.
Which you couldn't do because you had too much going on your mind and you didn't want to sleep while Steve was upset with you. You turned to him and lightly touched his shoulder. He sighed and turned to you, looking in your eyes with his bright blue ones.
"What is it?"
"Steve i can't sleep like this, i don't want you to be angry with me."
"I already told you i'm not."
"Then why are you acting like this?"
"I'm not acting like anything y/n, you're imagining things." he sighed again and got up.
"No, you can't just walk away." you held his wrist but he pulled his hand and freed it from your grasp.
"I'm a grown person, i can do whatever i want." You couldn't hold the tears back anymore and let them slip down your cheeks. You looked into his eyes and couldn't see any of the love and care he felt for you.
"Just tell me if you want this-us to be over." your voice cracked and there was a slight moment of sadness on his eyes.
"Oh my god y/n, why would you think that? Are you sure you aren't upset with something else?" That made you break down completely and start shouting.
" 'Why would i think that?' Well i don't know Steve, maybe because all you did today since you came back was to be distant from me and ignore me?!" you sat on the bed and looked down on the floor.
"I didn't-"
"Yes you did Steve, don't even try to tell me otherwise. I just want to know why. I don't want to waste your time if you don't want this." he came and kneeled in front of you, taking your shaking hands in his and kissing your knuckles.
"You are not what you say."
"A waste of time. You are the best human being on this world." he swiped a tear away from your face and lifted your chin up.
"Then why were you acting all.. different?" your sobs were slowly ending, felling relaxed at your boyfriend's touch.
"I'm sorry, i didn't mean to say you were 'imagining things' or anything. I'm really sorry sweetheart." he hugged you and kissed your hair before letting you go.
"You didn't answer my question."
"It's just, it's stupid, i shouldn't have taken it out on you. Bucky and i had a fight at the mission and he said i didn't deserve you because i cared more about the missions and the avenging stuff more than my girlfriend and my best friend. I know he said it in the heat of the moment but it just felt bad and i felt like he was right."
"No, wait. i know you want to spend more time with me and do fun stuff, or just anything besides missions or meetings, i know it but i was so focused on 'saving the world' i pushed you away. I'm sorry baby, i really didn't realise it until Bucky said it and you should have talked to me about it, i know you were getting bored of this."
"Steve, don't ever say that. I'm not bored of you, or us. Of course i would want us to have a normal life, without saving the world, just you and me and maybe a couple of little versions of us-" he smiled and you held his hand.
"-but i know we can't. Because then many other people who could have it may have lost their chances. And i'm not blaming you or i'm not upset with you about it, you are the most beautiful boyfriend ever. And i'm glad you're telling me about this, you were the one who should have talked to me." you smiled and squeezed his hand.
"I'm sorry y/n."
"I know, i'm sorry too, if i did something wrong. Next time, just talk to me about it instead of pushing me away." you chuckled and he smiled.
"Okay, i promise."
"Now lay down, i want to cuddle with my boyfriend."
god this is awful, sorry.
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bodyswapmischief · 3 years
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Andrew sat on the couch looking at his phone. He browsed through his feed, when suddenly he felt his dick become erect. Which wasn't strange for your average 23 year old man.
Andrew looked up and saw his friend Andy on the otherside of the room. So, he just ignored his boner. He couldn't just whip out and jack off infront of his friend. Besides, ignoring his hard 2 inch boner wasn't a hard thing to do.
Moments passed and the pain began to get harder to ignore. Without looking, he tried to get into a comfortable position. That's when he felt something warm and long press against his leg.
It caught him off guard and he jump a bit. The swift movement caused his pants to tightly squeeze his dick and he moaned in pain.
Finally, Andrew looked down and saw what was going on. His heart raced, as he pushed a snake like bulge in his pants going down his leg. With each poke, he moan out in pleasure. Finally, it was confirmed in his mind; his dick had become a thick 8 inch monster.
Instinctively, he placed a pillow over his new giant buldge. He looked over at his friend who seemed oblivious. Without making a scene, he tried ot get up. But, the pant fabric painfully squeezed his dick and balls. He yelp in pain and, quickly, sat back down.
Andy started walking towards Andrew. A smile was on his face. "So, it's finally kicking in." Andy said as he looked at Andrew's crotch. Andy started unzipping his pants.
"What the fuck are you doing!?" Andrew shouted. But before he could look away, he saw a familiar sight hanging from his friends body. There was no mistake. Andrew's small dick was now attached to his friends body. "You might as well take off your pants. It not like I haven't seen my own dick before." Andy said.
Then it hit Andrew. The bulge in his pants was similar to the few times he caught Andy with a boner. He sighed to get over the awkwardness and whipped it out. Revealing a dick he only saw the outlines of, through shorts. As it stood erect, he was happy to be free from the pain created from his tight pants.
"What the fuck is going on" Andrew said puzzled.
"I'm giving you my dick for the day. After you told me you haven't had sex because you're embarrassed of your dick size, I knew I had to help out my bro." Andy answered.
"What! This is fucking crazy. You probably should just undo whatever you did..." Andrew begin to worry.
"Dude, relax! Come on. I've been pretending to be you on multiple dating apps and I set up a day of sex for you. Who knows, if this goes well maybe I'll let you borrow my dick again.
"I don't know. This all seems to weird." Andrew said, still questioning everything.
"Stopping doing that! Stop and just enjoy it. Most guys would be thrilled to magically have an 8 in cock placed between their legs. Come on, this will give you the confidence boost I know you need."
"Yeah, I know your right. I'm actually kind of grateful and surprised you care this much... But, I haven't had sex. I don't know how to use this." Andrew said grabbing his new junk.
"Then fuck me bro. You know I've had a crush on you. Now, I can live my fantasy of you fucking me. Think of it as a payment for letting you borrow my dick," Andy saw the hesitation in Andrew's face. "Look, I know your straight. But don't think of it like that. Your using my own dick to fuck me. There's nothing gay about that right!? Besides it'll give you the practice you need for all the sex you'll have today."
Andy bent over to reveal his tight asshole. Andrew's new 8 inch dick got hard. Everything about this situation scream wrong. But, he knew he couldn't let an opportunity like this pass. He wanted to finally expirence sex. He'll just think of banging his buddy as a learning opportunity so, he be able to please all those ladies booked up.
Andrew drew in a deep breath and let his instincts take over. He walked over to Andy. "Can I put it in?" He asked.
"Dude look at me I'm ready to receive. You don't have to ask." Andy said annoyed .
Andrew slowly put his dick in his friends ass. They both gasp in pleasure. Finally all 8 inches squeeze into Andy's ass. "Okay, I'm in. Are you okay does it feel good." Andrew ask.
"Fuck yeah dude. Now pull it out a bit and stick it back in. And that's basically fucking." Andy responded. Slowly Andrew pulled out and and even slower he pushed it back in.
"Hold on dude." Andy sighs. "What! Is something wrong. Am I hurting you." Andrew ask. "No bro, your going so slowly. Pick up the speed."
Andrew start going a bit faster, in and out. Andy started moaning in pleasure. "There you go. Uh... uh... fuck ...yes keep going."
Andrew loved the feeling as his dick sled against the walls of his friends asshole. He started feeling this new power deep in his body grow. He felt more confident with each thrust. And; with that increase in confidence, he was becoming more aggressive. "Fuck yeah, take it bitch." He yelled out as he picked up speed, going faster and faster. He began letting out loud raoring moans.
"Ugh.. uh ...uh... uh slow ....uh down." Andy moaned out. "No bitch, you're fucking taking it." Andrew shouted back. They both scream out in an orgasmic climax as Andrew's dick released a full load of cum into Andy's ass.
Andrew quickly whipped out his dick from Andy's ass, causing Andy to yell out. As soon as all 8 inches were out, Andrew tossed Andy to the side like a used toy. Andrew began staring at himself in the mirror. Flexing and playing with the monster of a dick between his legs.
Andy was left on the bed catching his breath. He looked at Andrew, checking himself out. He was happy to see Andrew enjoying himself. But with each passing second, he felt more insecure of having his naked body exposed on the bed. He look at Andrew and was intimidated by there new cock size differences. He quickly began covering himself up.
At this point Andy knew something was wrong with the spell. He want to recommend swapping their cock sizes back to normal but he was worried how Andrew would respond. He didn't want to make his friend angry.
Before, Andy could stir up the last shreds of confidence left in his body. Andrew started getting dressed. "Thanks bro, I'm gonna fuck the shit out of these bitches. Oh and I don't know how you did this but yeah, I think we both agree that this should be permanent now, don't we."
Andy could clearly feel that both of their personalities were changing. He looked at the new strength Andrew's already strong body had seemed to gain. He seemed more manly and more attractive. Andy was beyond intimidated. In fact his small 2 iches was starting to get hard again.
Andrew stood aggressively staring at Andy, waiting for a response. His python hanging out in the open. Andy was starting to feel afraid of what Andrew would do if he said no. So, Andrew just nodded his head in agreement.
"Good, I liked that answer." Andrew responded. "I think you just earned a round two, after I come back from fucking all these sluts you lined up for me. It feel like this dick still wants to be a part of you . But, it doesn't seem to mind that the only way that going happen now is by being shoved in your ass."
As Andrew left, Andy tried to fight these new feelings that were flooding his mind. He ran to his room to see where the spell went wrong. And, his heart sank as he realized he failed to read the full spell.
Note: If the two affected by the spell commit intercourse their personalities will change depending on the roles they played in said intercorse. Also, as long as the spell last they will be bonded by sexual interest with each other.
Andy realized what he did. By helping Andrew and guiding him what to do. Andy turned Andrew into a dominant, aggressive, sexual beast. He on the other hand had become submissive and caring to Andrew's every need.
Even now with the spell infront of him, he couldn't get himself to recite the reversal spell. It would go against the helpful, submissive, caring attitude towards Andrew that he now felt and acted out during sex with him.
In fact having this spell around was just a threat to Andrew's new happiness. So, Andy tore it up and flushed it down the toilet. The last piece of who he used to be screamed out in horror.
He looked around the apartment. He knew it would be to messy for his Andrew. He need to make sure his Andrew was happy and pleased when he got back home. And, after all that sex he was gonna do, his Andrew was going need some nourishment when he got back home.
As Andy cooked and clean, he could only smile thinking about how happy he was going to make his Andrew. Being a cum dump for him wouldn't be so bad. Yeah, it sucked, that he had to share his Andrew with a constant parade of sluts. But, what would one expect being in a relationship with a man as attractive and manly as his Andrew. And, at the end of they day, Andy knew his man would always come home. After all, his Andrew couldn't resist his nice ass. It was a weird relationship but, it worked for them.
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eternalmx · 3 years
error. | im changkyun. (pt. 1)
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☁️a/n: for @kyunsies;; because she said if I wrote it she will cry so I'm waiting for the tears. sksksk jk but I hope you enjoy it angel. ily♡ also;; highly recommend listen to so beautiful by dpr Ian while reading okay? definitely takes it to the next level. I'm bringing back eyebrow piercing kyun for this jdjdjd. I had to it was only right to do so.
✒ summary : Be honest. He's every father's worst nightmare. Black hair, tattoos, dresses in all black, rides a motorcycle. But is he really the stereotypical bad boy? Or he's just got a soft spot for this one girl?
warnings : none.
wc | 1,017
9:15𝓹𝓶 • "C'mon babe! It'll be fun" he says through the phone.
"Kyun... I don't think that's a good idea. If I get caught sneaking out I'll be in so much trouble not to mention my father already hates you. It won't do us any good" she says, fighting the urge to sneak out with him.
"I won't force you if you don't want to but I promise you it'll be worth it. You'll love what I have plan" he said, you can practically see the pout on his face as you heard him whine through the phone.
"How fast can you be here?" she sighed, pushing herself off the bed and going to her closet to get changed.
"I knew you couldn't resist me! I'll be there in twenty, be ready okay?" he said, quickly hanging up. The weather wasn't the best a bit foggy as it's been raining all the. The street lights reflecting on the water puddles in the street. She made her way around the house, careful not to make any noise. She packed a bag with some water bottles and snacks just in case they went far. After she went back t wait in her room she heard tapping at the window only to find Kyun smiling at her. His long black hair slicked back slightly, most likely from he remainder or rain. His leather jacket suiting his attire well. The small lamp in you room illuminating his features and his eyebrow piercing.
"Hey, you put it back in" she said softly, hand moving over the cold metal.
"I thought I'd pop in back in for a change and I kind of missed it" he said, smiling.
"You know I could walk out the front door right?" she said, realizing the path he decided to take to get to her. He was sitting comfortably on the little raised roof by her window.
"But where would the fun be? This is more romantic and mysterious. We look like troubled teens" he said, making her laugh. She clicked off the lamp and he helped her out onto the awning.
"Be careful pls, it's slippery" he said, as soon as you foot slipped slightly making him grab you roughly and pull you against him.
"We haven't even left and I already almost died. Maybe my dad's onto something?" she said, giggling softly and holding his hand tightly.
"Not funny. Here give me your backpack" he says, helping her remove it. "What's in here anyways?" he asked, as they walk slowly towards the end of the awning.
"Snacks and juice boxes and water" she said, she was serious in the statement but when he heard her say juice boxes he lost it.
"Shuuuuu! He'll hear us!" she said, turning to hit him softly. "It's not that funny" she whined, in a harsh whisper.
"It is. Be honest, were sneaking you out of your house and your dad hates me. we're gonna get on my motorcycle and then when we get to where were going we're going to drink juice boxes? That's a plot twist. I like it though. It's messing with my bad boy image I've got going for me but I'll let it slide because I love you" he whispered back, making her smile to herself. They finally reached the end of the awning when he stopped you as the light to her father's bedroom flickered on.
"We gotta go now" he whispered. Him going first down the wooden ladder. She rushed down almost missing a few steps but he was there to catch her if she fell. When she finally reached him he had his hands on her waist and spun her to face him.
"Well, are we just gonna stand here?" she asked, as he stares at her. He leaned in to kiss her but ended up pushing her against the house as the heard a window opening.
"Hello? Who's there?" her father yelled. The porch lights turning on as they both moved around the house. "You better get out of here!" he yelled.
Her eyes were wide and changkyun gave an apologetic smile to her. She grabbed his hand reassuringly as they waited for the lights to turn off after they heard the window shut closed.
"Are you cold?" he asked, taking off his leather jacket.
"A little, I was busy packing the snack I forgot to grab a sweater" she said, rubbing her hands over her arms as he placed his jacket around her.
"Better?" he asked, pushing his hair back.
"Much better." she said, nodding her head and doing a little happy dance.
"You just wanted the jacket didn't you?" he asked.
"Yes and no. I actually am cold but the jacket is a bonus. It was a test. You passed. Now I'll sneak out with you. I know you'll take care of me if it all goes wrong" she said, smiling and grabbing his hand. They began running down the street to his parked motorcycle.
"Thanks for trusting me." he said, as they reached his bike.
"Why wouldn't I?" she asked, placing the extra helmet on before standing in front of him.
"I don't know. I'm sure it's not easy. Especially because your father already has his mind made up about me" he says, leaning against his bike.
"Babe, what he thinks matters to me. Of course it does, but you aren't what he has his mind made up about. I know you more than what's on the outside and soon he'll come around but don't thank me. I should be thanking you if anything. It's Friday night and i was gonna be couped up studying but instead here I am. With my handsome boyfriend about to go to an undisclosed location with snacks and juice boxes. This is the high life" she said, giggling softly. She got on the bike and wrapped her arms around him.
"I love you" he said, before starting to rev the engine.
"I love you more babe" she said, kissing his cheek.
"Ready!" she said, squeezing tightly against him as he pulled out the spot.
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1a-imagines · 4 years
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No excuses
》 Bakugo x reader
》 Word count: 5k
》 Overview: You were childhood enemies who always ended up stuck together, you were neighbours, got put in all the same classes, ended up living together in the UA dorms. Overtime you grew to accept each others company, maybe even enjoy it. So what happens when your new work lives separate you for the first time?
Every day was lacklustre.
You weren't sure what; but something was missing. Ever since you went pro and moved into your own apartment you felt as though your life lacked something. There was an empty hole but you just weren't sure what used to be there.
Perhaps you just missed those simple UA days? Being surrounded with your friends day and night and not having to worry about all the things pro heroes had to worry about? There was no doubt it was a much less stressful time.
Or maybe it was the fact you no longer had your family breathing down your neck every second of the day? You were an adult now and that came with a whole new sense of freedom. Maybe what you were missing was being surrounded by your loved ones all the time? You lived alone in your new apartment and it was a big difference in contrast to the UA dorms you lived in for three years.
You thought you'd enjoy the quiet but it turns out you found the silence painful. It was more peircing to your ears than any yelling or screaming you had in the dorms.
No matter how much you wondered what was missing you just couldn't seem to place your finger on it. It's not like you weren't  keeping in touch with your friends and family. They called everyday, you certainly weren't lonely. So why was your heart still yearned for something... maybe even for someone?
With a sigh, you dried the last plate of the bunch and put it away. Finally done with your chores for the day. You dried your hands and went over to check your phone that had been thrown onto the couch. You saw a text notification pop up.
Blastard: (1 new message)
Oi! Idiot! Are you dead yet? I haven't heard from you in weeks!
You couldn't help but chuckle at his unique way of showing worry, though it would be a lie to say you weren't used to it by now. It was such a typical Bakugo move. You shook your head before typing out a reply.
Bad news for you, I live!
You hit send before throwing your phone back down. You felt awfully giddy about him texting you, which was a strange feeling, usually you annoyed the hell out of each other. As weird as it was; it had been awhile since you'd last spoken to him.
Maybe you were just happy he hadn't completely forgotten you exsisted, you figured once you went your seperate ways that you'd probably never talk again; unless it was work related.
You had grown up together, always forced to be around each other no matter how much you despised it. You were neighbours, you didn't go to the same schools, but you'd always hear him yelling through the walls whenever he was home, you'd always pass each other when leaving your houses on the morning, and to your 10 year old self? There was no worse way to start off your day than his stupid face being the first thing you see when leaving your home.
It was like you couldn't get through a day without running into him at least once.
Then you both ended up in the same highschool, UA, which meant you walked the same route everyday as well as being in all the same classes. Then you lived in dorms together for three years, which meant you were around your childhood enemy almost every minute of everyday.
It was like the universe was trying to torture you both.
You hated each other as kids, always getting into scrapes and arguments, but as you got older the hate died down into more of a friendly rivalry. You bickered non stop but you also grew to enjoy all those comebacks and quick retorts, it was like a never ending game of 'who can make the best comeback/insult'. It even made you laugh at times.
Eventually, somewhere during your UA days, you both got to a point where you could actually admit you were friends.
But after being stuck together for so long? You'd think you would be happy to have some peace and quiet around here. You no longer had to deal with explosions going off or yelling every 5 seconds. No yelling from downstairs or next door, no insults or smartmouthed comments.
Though, even you had to admit he had matured a lot since you were kids, he still kept true to his grouchy self, but he was no where near as violent or bad tempered. He'd calmed down a lot as you grew into adults and you were proud of him for coming so far.
You were about to go take a bath to relax after cleaning all day, but when you saw your phone light up again you couldn't stop yourself from diving for it.
Blastard: (1 new message)
The fuck do you mean? That's not bad news for me dumbass.
It was a little weird for him not to give a snarky reply but it's possible hero work was tiring him out as much as it had been tiring you out. You were about to tell him it was just a joke but then another message came through,
Blastard: (1 new message)
Have you been eating alright? I know you can't cook for shit and you're living alone now.
Your eyes softened at the message, a goofy smile spreading across your lips. Not only had he made an effort to message you first, something he rarely did, but he also was showing care for you? Your cheeks heated up and you took a second to press your face into a pillow, a way to collect yourself before you replied.
Aw, you care about me?~
I've been eating fine! Instant ramen exists for a reason! It's for people like me who "can't cook for shit" :P
His next reply was almost instant, it scared you how quick your phone was to sound with another notification.
Blastard: (1 new message)
Don't fucking tell me you've been living off of instant ramen this whole time-
You felt too shy to admit to the truth. It was true you hadn't been eating great since you had been living alone. Your job was so demanding you didn't have time to cook. Choosing fast options over home cooked meals had been your way of living for the past few weeks and admitting to it felt like a punch to your pride.
Blastard: (1 new message)
That's it, I'm coming over to make you an actual meal tonight. See you at 6.
You did a double take at the response.  There was clearly no room to argue.
"He's coming over!?" You jumped up in a panic at your sudden self invited guest. Lucky for him you had a rare night off work, and lucky for you, you had spent the day cleaning up. Maybe it'll look like you have this whole "adulting" thing down.
After glancing at the time and seeing it was only 4pm you threw your phone down. You needed to freshen up before he came over.
For some reason you felt this pressure to look good in front of him? But you had known him since you were little kids! He wouldn't care, he's seen you look much worse, so why did you care about looking good this time around? You shook your head, sick of all this over thinking and went to take a quick bath. Once you were done you dried your hair and threw on a fresh pair of clothes.
You felt excited to see him again and almost-... Nervous? It was a strange sensation, you shouldn't be feeling nervous to see him, you used to see him everyday. Maybe it was because this would be the first time you'd be spending time alone in your new home? Yeah, that must be it!
Glancing up at the time you still had half an hour until he arrived. You decided to take your mind off of all your swirling thoughts by mindlessly scrolling through your phone until your door bell finally rang.
You pushed yourself up with a small groan. You walked to your front door, your heart raced in your chest knowing who was on the otherside of the door. You took a deep breath through your nose before opening the door to see your familiar, scowling, friend. He stood there, a bag in his right hand and foot tapping on the floor as if he had been waiting ages for you to open the door for him.
"Kat! Long time no see!" You beamed up at him only for him to roll his eyes and brush past you. "Shut up and show me where your kitchen is, you need a proper meal."
You couldn't help but smile as you noticed the bag he carried was filled with fresh groceries. He was alway so bad with words but it was actions like this that made you see how much he really cared about you.
"Through there." You nodded your head toward an opening and followed him through after shutting the door. He put all the ingredients down and you leaned back against the counter watching him prepare the food. "What? No 'Hi Y/n, how have you been?' You cut right to the chase as always." You chuckled softly to yourself earning a glare from the blond as you attempted to imitate his voice.
"First of all! I don't sound like that! Second of all, I'm only here because you can't take care of yourself." He scoffed before adding. "Still annoying as always."
'Why was I missing him again?' You huffed, blowing some hair from your face in the process. "So! Chef! What are we having?"
"Curry." Was his quick reply as he began to lay out and cut up the ingredients. You hummed in delight at the thought of homemade curry. It had been a while since you had a good home cooked meal. Your family sometimes brought you leftover foods knowing how busy you were with work, but they couldn't come feed you everyday. You were an adult now and you needed to learn to cope on your own! Even with a busy career life.
"You remember what I like?" You asked, your eyes glimmering with an emotion he couldn't quite tell, in order to avoid looking at your face he kept himself busy with making dinner.
"I've known you for over 10 years, just because I haven't seen you for a few months doesn't mean I'm going to forget everything about you, idiot." He tutted, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. You leaned back against the counter beside him, your lips twisted into a soft frown.
"A few months huh? It feels like longer..."
You did not intend for him to hear that but he did, and honestly? He agreed.
Without you around to annoy him every hour of the day, things just seemed to go by painstakingly slow. Without you his days were boring, and as much as he hated to admit it, your stubbornness, your quick remarks and sarcastic comebacks, as much as they annoyed him, they added a certain spice to his life.
They kept him on his toes, he liked the challenges you gave him, whether it was getting the last word, winning against you in training or just coming up with the best insulting nickname. He couldn't believe he actually missed it all, but he did, and honestly? This whole dinner thing had just been an excuse to see you again.
He missed you.
"Tch, feels like not long enough." He grumbled as he moved over to the stove to turn it on. You sent him a cocky grin, shifting your weight onto your other foot. "Oh yeah? Then why were you so quick to come over here?" You hummed, tilting your head. He knew you were teasing him, he could tell by the way the words melted from your lips like butter, you were practically purring as you grinned at him. It reminded him of a cat.
He decided not to dignify you with a repsonce and you took that as a sign of victory. You giggled before turning to grab a drink from the fridge. You cracked open a can of soda and upon hearing the unmistakable fizzing noise Bakugo's head shot around to you, his eyebrows creased together in distaste. "You shouldn't be drinking that shit!" He barked at you.
"Oh come on! I've cut right back on the junk food. Look!" You threw the fridge door open to display the variety of fruits and vegetables in front of him. "I've been really healthy! I've even been doing a lot more weight training! Soon I'll be as strong as you! Maybe even more so!" You smirked, he wanted nothing more than to wipe the smug look from your face. You shut the fridge door with your foot before taking another swig of your soda.
Bakugo scoffed, "You wish! You'll have to work a lot harder before you can even dream of matching up to my strength!" He sent you a toothy grin as he watched your shoulders deflate, eyes narrowing up at him.
Bakugo continued to put the chopped up ingredients into the pan, "Why have you been eating instant ramen this whole time if you have all that shit anyway?"
You turned your head away, cheeks flushing red with embarrassment. It took a lot to swallow down your pride enough to mutter the next words. "You know I can't cook very well." It was painful to admit you were an adult with the cooking capabilities of a child. Between school and work placements you just never found the time to practise new recipes. Not to mention the fact your family usually cooked a lot of meals for you.
You had contemplated practising some recipes in the past but something always manages to come up! You knew working as a pro was going to be hard, that you'd be busy every day, but you didn't know it would consume your life to this extent.
Without another word you walked towards the living room. "Let me know when dinner is ready!" You sent him a cheeky grin as you left. Bakugo turned back to the food, grumbling something about how he wasn't a damn slave, despite being the one who offered his services in the first place.
Looking around, he finally had time to take in the room, he hadn't seen it since you first moved in and bugged him and kirishima to help move boxes. The room was well decorated, not a thing out of place. Despite the apartment being pretty small you had done well to make it homely.
As he made the curry, he added in some spices and when he picked up the shaker labelled "Extremely hot", He smirked. He recalled the good ol' days in the UA dorms. He sometimes went out of his way to spike your food with hot spices. Your face was always priceless! The thought crossed his mind to do it again. After all, it wouldn't affect him, he loved spices and, unlike you, they didn't turn his face red.
He sighed before shaking his head. You were both grown up now, and you needed to eat a proper meal. He hated to even think about it but he did care for you. More than he would like to admit. He always thought once he went pro and finally got away from you, this "curse" you two shared of always being stuck together wherever you went would disappear, and he would be happy.
But he wasn't, somewhere down the damn line he has gotten used to your annoying presence, he had grown to like your quick remarks, how you never backed down from him, you weren't afraid to speak you mind or put him in his place, and as much as all those qualities used to bug the shit out of him as a kid, he had grown to respect them, even-... love them?
He clenched his teeth when he felt his cheeks heating up. God, he hated this. He wasn't cut out for this lifestyle! Why was he even here!? He could be out training! Not pining over his childhood enemy! The curry sauce started to bubble over in the pan and he cursed to himself, once again he was so distracted with thoughts of you that he couldn't concentrate on the task at hand!
He finished making the food, doing everything he could not to let his mind wander back to thoughts of you. He grabbed a few plates before putting the rice and curry onto them. He yelled through to you that the food was done, "I'm only in the next room! You don't have to yell so loud!" He huffed in amusement, your words were ironic considering your volume matched his. He smiled at your never ending bite, you always had something to say.
Such a smartass. He shouldn't enjoy it as much as he did.
You came through, throwing the empty soda can into the trash as you passed and sat down in the seat beside him. You hummed in delight, "Smells so good!!"
"Of course it does! I made it!" He grinned, taking a bite. While the lack of extreme spice was underwhelming for him, he knew you would like it. Your face twisted into distaste at his smugness, "I forgot to never stroke your fat ego."
He growled, ready to yell at you for the remark but when he saw you take the first bite of food his anger was forgotten.
Your eyes lit up like fireworks on a cold winter night. "I also forgot how crazy good of a cook you are!" You beamed, happily digging into the curry. His features softened, something about seeing you enjoy his food so much felt really good. He almost forgot to eat himself as he watched you stuff your face. You had gotten some rice stuck to your cheek as you shoveled the dish into your mouth. It was so stupidly cute, a soft smile graced his lips.
You caught him staring, it was rare to see him smile, no cocky grin or smirk, it was a real smile. Soft, relaxed, happy. You thought your heart was going to jump out of mouth. You did not expect that sight when you looked up from your food.
You gulped, not because there was food in your mouth, but because the atmosphere had suddenly changed. There was an invisible weight ontop of you both, crushing you.
"What…?" You asked quietly, hiding your face behind your hair. He snapped out of it, realising he'd been caught he froze, his heart skipped a beat. However, there was no time for him to get embarrassed because next thing he knew he was throwing a towel at you "You got rice all over your face, idiot! Wipe it off! You look stupid!"
You grumbled as the fabric hit your face, yet complied and wiped your lips clean. You went back to eating, this time more carefully so you didn't make a mess. You noted the mild spices but didn't comment on them. It was unusual for Bakugo to not fire up his dishes with spice. The decision to make the curry mild definately wasnt for his own benifit. He'd done it for you.
It made you smile, and as much as you wanted to thank him for it you figured he wouldn't want you bringing up his strangely nice gesture since he had been so silent about it.
During the dinner you talked about your new work lives, how you'd been coping living alone, anything that came to mind. Of course, that came with a variety of witty comments and snarky comebacks, but it was just how you liked it. It was how it had always been, how you always wanted it to be.
Once the plates were clean you stood up, reaching over to grab his plate so you could clean up but his hand shot out and grabbed your wrist. You paused, looking up to meet his eyes. "I'll help clean." He said, picking up his plate and taking it to the sink. You smiled, following him with your own plate.
"Wow, cooking and cleaning? Has anyone ever told you that you'd be a perfect house wife?" You smirked at him as he filled up the sink with soap and water.
"At least I can cook." He shot back without missing a beat. You laughed st the remark, nudging his side as you pushed your wasy in front of the sink. You continued to chat as you cleaned up, you washed as he dried.
As you finished up scrubbing the last dish Bakugo made a comment about you eating like a pig at dinner which, in return, made you splashed his face using soapy dish water.
He growled when he felt the droplets soaking his face and hair, but hearing your laughter made it hard to stay his usual, grumpy self. Instead he settled for dipping his fingers into the water and flicking you back.
Your face scrunched up, eyes closing to avoid any soap suds getting in your eyes.
You took his reciprocation as a declaration of war and it soon turned into a mini, kitchen water fight. Laughter filled the once quiet apartment as you fought each other.
For a moment it didn't feel like you lived alone, for the first time in months you felt like that empty space in your life had been filled again.
You had to stop the water fight before you soaked the kitchen as well as each other. As fun as it was you didn't want to have to clean up for the third time today.
Once all the dishes were put away and you dried yoursleved using a spare towel; Bakugo narrowed his eyes at the front door.
He wasn't sure if he should go, a part of him didn't want to. He only came over to make you dinner, now that was over he had no reason to stay. Should he make up some bullshit excuse to stay? He didn't want you teasing him again.
Despite taking a few minutes to think up an excuse to stay, he came up with nothing. Grumbling to himself he kicked his foot against the ground and turned around to you, ready to say goodbye.
His eyes widened upon landing on you, you held up two gaming controllers, a grin on your lips as you pushed one towards him. "Wanna try finally beating me at mario kart?"
"What are you talking about! I win all the time!" He rolled his eyes and snatched a controller from your hands, taking on your challenge. He felt the weight lift from his shoulders, you were giving him a reason to stay longer and he wasn't about to turn that down.
"You beat me at super smash bros! But never mario kart!" You backfired, plopping down onto the couch as the console fired up.
"Then let's play super smash bros!"
"We do not play that in this household!" You stomped your foot at the thought of the game you could never beat him at. Bakugo scoffed and sat next to you. "You're such a fucking sore loser!"
You forced a laugh before sending him a glare, leaning closer to him. You reaction must have amused him as he smirked at you. "I do not want to hear that from you!"
"Shut up and let's play!" The first round started up, the familiar countdown sound ringing in your ears. You'd like to say things started pretty civil, but It didn't take long for you to start shoving each other as you battled for first place. There was a lot of yelling, combined with a lot of laughter and cheering. It was the most lively your apartment had ever felt, in just one night Bakugo was able to change all of that.
A few rounds turned into hours. You didn't even notice how high up the moon was in the sky. You were too busy enjoying each other's company, having more fun than either of you had experienced in months.
You shot out of your seat pumping your fist into the air as you passed the finish line in first place once again.
"HAH! You still can't beat me!” You boasted.
The blond threw the controller down, his teeth clenched tight as he grumbled. “Next time I’m bringing super smash bros!” You sat back down, giggling as you poked his side. “Who's the sore loser now huh? Big baby.” You teased, poking a finger into his side, much like poking a bear with a stick, it was a recipe for disaster.
He growled and jumped to you grabbing your hands to keep them away from prodding him. You started laughing again, squirming and battling with him, determined to keep attacking but your giggle fit made it hard to fight back.
As you were laughing you missed yet another rare smile on his face. He didn't know what was going on with him, maybe he was just in a good mood today? He had taken down a group of robbers earlier when he was on patrol, and taking down villains always felt good.
All he knew was that he never wanted the moment to end, it was nice to hear your stupid laughter again, to see you smiling as you tried to match his strength and fight back. He hadn't even realised that some point during your play fight he had knocked you down onto your back and was hovering over you.
He had always been the stronger of the pair so you lost fairly quickly. His hands pinned yours beside your head. "That was a good fight you put up, but it's still not good enough to match up to me." He smirked down at you
You stuck out her tongue at him, panting as you tried to kick your legs at him. Turns out he had thought ahead and pinned those down too. You huffed through your nose, tasting defeat was bitter.
You stared at each other, as the laughter died down so did the playfulness. The atmosphere became serious. He wasn't sure what it was, but there was some sort of unspoken feeling between you both. He gulped, noting the way your hair was sprawled out on the couch beneath you, creating a halo of hair around your head. Your eyes shone as they stared into his, he had never noticed what a nice colour they were, and your lips- they looked so soft..
There was a pull, an invisible red string tugging you closer to each other and connecting your hearts.
But, you both ignored it. He got off of you and sat back. He ran a hand through his hair, you both avoided eye contact.
Looking out the window Bakugo finally noticed that the moon had long ascended into the night sky. Had he been here that long? God, it must be passed midnight but he felt like he had only been here for an hour. He shook his head and stood up, You watched him with parted lips, your heart racing at the tension.
What was that feeling between you two? It was so strong. Did he feel it too? It was sending your head into a spin.
"I should go." He muttered, he didn't want to go, he really didn't but the words were leaving his mouth before he had time to process them.
He had felt it too, and he didn't know how to react. He hadn't felt anything like it before, it made his heart race, he felt weak and he didn't like it. He knew he felt- something for you? But was it enough to call it love?
You looked up at him, giving him a nod, not like he could see since his back was already turned. You stood up, arms wrapping around yourself as you walked him to the door.
There were so many unspoken words between you. So many feelings left unexpressed. You bit your lip, voice caught in your throat as you watched him silently slip on his shoes. He opened the front door, pausing for a second, hesitating... "See ya."
"Bye." You replied as he closed the door behind him.
The appartment suddenly ran cold, silent, a chill running across your skin. The silence cut through your ears like a sharp blade.
You pulled your arms tighter around yourself. How could you deny it? Having him around again had been amazing, even if just for one afternoon. You despised him as a child, but over time, throughout highschool, through building a silent trust, a friendship had formed, and then-… and then somewhere down the line it turned into more.
No matter how much you tried to convince yourself otherwise, you loved being around him, you had a strong bond, you had watched him grow and become a better person, you had seen each other at your best and at your worst. You had fought each other but also fought with each other. You cared for each other, you annoyed the hell out of each other, you had been through so much together.
He had always been there, even if you didn't want him to be. You had hated him and you had loved him...
You… loved him…
Your eyes widened, "I.. love him." You muttered, saying it out loud made it all the more real. A feeling of wanting to slap yourself silly for being so blind overcame you.
You loved him! Of course you loved him!!You had always been so focused on school and work that you hadn't even noticed you were growing feelings for your childhood rival?
You couldn't let him go again! How many more months until you got to see each other again? You had always somehow ended up stuck together, it felt like he would always be there but now you had witnessed what life was like without him around… you hated it! For the first time in your life, you wanted him around.
You couldn't sit around in your lonely apartment each day now you knew you were in love with that jerk!
"God damnit! Why did it have to be him." You ran to the door and flung it open, not even thinking of shoes as you ran out into the cold night air. "Maybe he didn't get far-"
You rounded the corner before colliding with what you could only assume was a brick wall. You winced, pulling back and rubbing your nose. You looked up, coming face to face with none other than the man himself.
You stared at each other in shock, he came back for you too? This whole scene, these feelings, neither of you could have ever imagined this is where you would've end up.
"I need to tell you something!" You spoke in unison, making you both cringe.
"You first." He crossed his arms stubbornly, wanting to know you were on the same wave as he was and hadn't just ran after him because he left something.
You sighed, rubbing your arm, glancing away for a second to collect yourself. You hadn't thought this far ahead so you had no idea what to say. You sighed, looking up to meet his eyes, the best way would be to face your feelings head on. No going back! Even if he rejects you, at least he would respect you being blunt with it, he hated when people beat around the bush.
"I love you." You said, your head lifted high. His eyes widened at your bold declaration, his tense demeanour dropping. "I wanted to tell you before you disappear for months again. So there you have it, I'm in love with you. Believe me or not I don't care. I just- mmph!" Hands yanked you forward by your hips, smooth lips molded against your own when he head dipped down.
It took a few seconds to reciprocate, but when you did he pulled you closer. Your hands went to his shoulders to steady yourself, your legs felt weak, but that didn't stop you from kissing back.
You smiled into the kiss, you couldn't help it. Not only did the kiss feel great but the way he had pulled you in for it without wasting time with words was just such a Bakugo thing to do.
"I love you too, dumbass." He muttered when he pulled away, You let out a breathy laugh and shook your head. "You have such a way with words~"
"Shut up." You giggled at him before you went back in for another kiss, longer, holding more passion as your years of pent up feelings finally reached the surface. Your heads tilted and turned, hands roaming each other's bodies, his arms wrapped around you, his body heat protecting your bare skin from the chill of the night.
He backed you up agaisnt the wall. His tongue ran across your bottom lip, you weren't sure how long you had been standing there but it felt like you were the only two people in the world.
It was so late not another soul was to be see. It was just you, him and the city lights.
His hand ran down towards your thigh, only for you both to jump back when the distance sound of a car honking ripped through your serentity.
Panting as you stared at each other, almost not believing you had just msde out with each other. You pressed your fingers to your tingling lips. A smile on your face, "So- uh, wanna come inside for a bit?” the mischief in your eyes did not match the innocent smile on your face. He knew exactly what you were planning, "Fuck yes."
And there was no way he was going to turn it down.
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karlajoyner · 3 years
Stamps (Luke Patterson x Reader)
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A/n: Hey guys so this one was rather long. I don’t know if I liked it very much but that’s just me being critical of myself. Anyways I hope you enjoy it!
Requested by: kennice1 (Wattpad)
Warnings: None
My eyes opened slightly to see my boyfriend laying beside me in his suit from the night prior.
We had done it.
We played the Orpheum.
And got rid of Caleb stamps.
Now we were here the very next day in Julie's garage like we'd been the past couple weeks feeling better than ever.
"Good morning beautiful" His raspy voice spoke as he to was barely opening his eyes.
"Good morning Luke" I replied staring up at the ceiling.
The bright sun rays hitting many different points of the studio since it was probably near mid day now.
"Morning? It's afternoon" Another voice in the room spoke making my head whip in their direction.
"Well then good afternoon my dear brother" I grinned sitting up only to see Reggie still passed out on the barkin lounger.
"Has Julie come in today yet?" Luke asked sitting up as well, pulling my body into his.
"Yeah. Said she was gonna go have breakfast and get dressed before coming back for practice. She also said she'll bring us something back"
"Oh to have breakfast. What a privilege we now have" I said stretching out my body.
"I sure did miss pancakes. I hope we have that" Reggie spoke in his morning voice.
"Look who's awake"
"Afternoon" I corrected him standing up.
"Where are you going?" Luke pouted.
"To get dressed for practice too. In case you haven't noticed I need to get out of this thing" I spoke pointing down at the long royal blue dress that sat tightly on my body.
"Or you could just stay in it. Maybe rip it up a bit make it more fitting" Luke suggested pushing the dress up my leg.
"Can you not try to sexualize my little sister in front of me?" Alex spoke.
"Sorry" Luke apologized.
"My boyfriend can sexualize me all he wants" I argued making my way towards the exit.
"I think it's endearing" Reggie said making me giggle.
"I'm gonna go see if Julie has anything I can barrow. And maybe a sewing machine. I think you were onto something there Lukey" I teased the boy watching a smirk take over his face before I walked out.
I giggled deciding to surprise Julie at her front door for the first time as an actual human being again.
Since I couldn't just poof into rooms anymore.
A grin formed on my face as I reached the front porch being careful to avoid any windows up the driveway.
"Look at you y/n. Looking as lovely as you did last night"
An all too familiar voice spoke from behind me before I could press the doorbell.
My heart immediately dropped as I spun around coming face to face with the devil himself.
"Caleb" I whispered.
"What are you doing here?"
"Oh I just came to pay a little visit.... Tell me how does it feel to be alive again. Oh it must feel great"
"Just leave us alone. We've already defeated you and we're not joining your stupid house band" I bravely spoke watching as he inched closer.
I gulped nervously backing up until my back hit the door behind me and he was only a few feet away.
"That's not very nice of you to say. I've offered you and your boys everything and this is how you repay me. With insults. Nice try trying to be brave sweetheart but we both know your scared out of your mind. Scared that I'll hurt you. Or your little bandmates. Am I wrong?"
"Leave us alone" I repeated attempting to stand my ground
"I can see why Luke's so infatuated with you. Your strong headed like him. Too bad you won't make it home for breakfast"
My eyes widened as he grabbed ahold of my shoulders. My eyes rolling the back of my head.
"I have a fight too" I smirked hearing footsteps coming up the pathway.
My eyes fell upon a face I recognized to be none other than Nick. Julie's crush she'd been telling me about for weeks.
"Oh there's someone here" He said noting my presence.
"Hey, you look familiar. Wait. Aren't you that other girl in Julie's hologram band?" He asked hopefully.
"That's me" I smiled at the boy.
"I'm y/n" I said sticking my hand out for him to shake. He took it smiling back at me.
“I’m Nick”
"So your here to see Julie?" I asked ringing the doorbell for the two of us.
"Uh yeah. I didn't get to see her last night after the show so I thought I'd bring her these" He said showing me the flowers in his hand.
"How sweet. The broken hearted teenager fighting for his girl" I spoke mischievously raising an eyebrow.
"I'm sorry what?" He asked.
"Julie's told me about you Nick. It seems she's canceled on you a few times now hasn't she?"
"Well yeah but that's just because she was busy"
"Are you sure about that? In all honesty she just doesn't seem that interested if you ask me"
"R-really?" He asked looking down with a frown.
I cheekily bit my lip as the front door opened.
Taking my chance and caught the boy off guard, pulling him in for a passionately rough kiss.
Making sure that he fell into the trance. The flowers in his hand fell to the ground as he held my waist pulling me closer.
"N-Nick? Y/n?!" Julie's voice rang through my ears.
"Oh Julie. I-uh didn't see you there" I panted pulling away.
Slipping a note into Nicks hand before his eyes went from purple swirls back to his normal eyes color.
"J-Julie" he stuttered going to pick up the flowers.
"I-I don't know what happened"
"I think I can explain what's going on here. Nicks just not that into you Jules. Sorry. Anyways don't tell Luke about this. Wouldn't want anyone to get hurt now would we? See you later" I smirked walking down the front path of the house. Leaving the two dumbfounded.
I made sure I was out of sight before poofing away to the one place I called home. Awaiting for my revenge.
Julie's POV
I stood there in shock as y/n walked away. Leaving Nick and I standing on my front porch.
"Julie I- I can explain. She just- She was here and we started talking. I didn't even know her. I though she was your friend"
"I did too" I mumbled in confusion. What was wrong with her?
"She left me this. It probably her number but I don't want it. Your the only girl I want Julie" He said throwing the paper on the ground.
"I-I don't know what to say Nick. I um- can we talk about this later?"
"Of course. Take all the time you need"
"I will"
"These are for you by the way" He said sticking his hand out holding a bouquet of flowers.
"Thanks" I muttered watching as he too walked down the same path out the front gate. I picked up the paper Nick dropped. Confusion coursing through me. Until I opened the paper.
She's home at last. But alone. Don't make this any harder and come join my house band or else....
~Your friend at the HGC
I read to myself. Everything making sense now. I had to show the boys.
Y/n's POV
I glared at Caleb who sat across from me. Specifically at the same table we were seated at the very first night we entered this dump.
"They're not gonna come" I stated crossing my arms.
"Really? You think so?"
"They're not that stupid"
"Y/n you underestimate your bandmates. Your Luke's girlfriend, Alex's sister, and Reggies bestfriend. Of course they're coming for you. And when they do they'll be gifted with a new stamp. Just like you" He grinned at me making me scoff.
As if on cue someone flashed into the middle of the room making me audibly groan in frustration.
"Seriously?!" I shouted.
"Told you" Caleb spoke making me roll my eyes.
"Boys welcome home"
"This isn't our home. We came for my sister and we're leaving" Alex spoke up.
"That doesn't seem to be on my schedule for the day. Why don't I have Dante help get you boys settled into your new rooms?"
"Y/n let's go"
"She's not going anywhere. She can't yet"
"Why not?"
"Show them" Caleb said as I glared dagger through him.
"Oh now you don't want to speak. Don't be rude y/n show them what I've gifted you" Caleb encouraged me again.
I simply kept quiet with my arms still crossed.
"Fine then I'll show them" I let out a scream as my arms separated from each other turning until my wrist was finally viable to the three boys in front of me.
"What did you do?" Reggie asked as they inspected the golden stamp on my wrist.
"This my dear pal Reginald is a new stamp and once activated will send shocks through y/n here once again. Only this time it'll hurt just about three times as bad. That is until you agree to become apart of my house-band. Or you could just leave her here on her own it's your choice really" Caleb spoke tapping my wrist.
My eyes widened as the stamp began to float in the air before placing itself back on my wrist.
Suddenly an excruciating pain coursed through my body immediately making me drop to my knees.
"You have until tonight's show to make up your mind" He spoke before flashing out leaving us alone in the empty ballroom. Immediately I was engulfed by a pair of strong arms as the pain tingled on my wrist.
"Y/n! Baby are you okay?" Luke asked wiping away the stray tears that had escaped my eyes
"What happened? How'd Caleb get to you?"
"It was in front of Julie's house this morning. I went to ring the doorbell. I didn't even get to do it before Caleb showed up, possessed my body, made me kiss Nick in front of Julie, and then brought me here"
"He made you do what?!" Luke shouted.
"Uh- did she not mention that?" I asked sheepishly.
"She did not"
"All she said was that you were acting really weird and that you left this note" Alex said pulling out a folded up letter from his back pocket.
"Then forget, I said it" I quickly spoke attempting to move the conversation along.
"We'll talk about his later. We need to figure out how to get this stamp off your wrist" Luke said inspecting it closely.
We sat in Julie's garage trying to come up with an idea on how to get the stamp off which wasn't going so well since it still was sending electric shocks directly through my body.
I groaned in pain as another jolt course me evidently leaving me weaker as the time passed. It was getting dark out and we were running out of time.
"Guys it's almost 8:30. The show starts at 9:00" Julie said showing us her phone screen.
"We've got to figure out how to get this thing off" Luke shouted in frustration at the rest of the band.
The three of them expressing concern on their faces.
"Okay we have to think. What happened last night? What did we do to make your stamps disappear" Julie asked as Luke helped me sit up.
"Easy. Julie said she loved us. We said it back then we hugged"
"That's it! Julie said she loved us. She connected with us and we did with her"
"So your saying Julie has to say it again and hug y/n?" Reggie asked.
"We could try it" Julie suggested walking over to me.
I nodded standing up immediately falling back down as I was zapped once more. The stamp on my wrist tingling afterwards.
"Baby are you okay?" Luke whispered holding me in his arms.
"I-I'm fine. Let's just get this over with" I spoke standing up once more.
I looked at the girl in front of me seeing her eyes filled with hope.
"I love you" She spoke softly pulling me in for a hug.
"I love you you too Jules" I whispered in her ear. We pulled back seeing the stamp flatly sitting upon my skin.
"It- it didn't work"
"Do it again" Luke demanded.
"It's not gonna work Luke"
"It has to. Do it again" He ordered. I shook my head no looking at the girl in front of me. Her eyes beginning to tear up.
"It's okay Julie. I'll be okay" I whispered wiping away the single tear that left her eyes.
"Don't worry about me"
"How could I not? I can't lose you a second time y/n. Your like my big sister and I really do love you"
"I love you too. But I guess it only worked the one time" I said before another shock hit me.
"We could always figure out your unfinished business" Reggie suggested as I regained my posture.
"We don't have time"
"I have to get the Hollywood ghost club before that show or I'll become thin air"
"I'm coming with you" Luke said standing up.
"No your not. You are staying here. With Julie. Where your safe"
"Julie's not my girlfriend you are. So I'm going with you whether you like it or not. I'm sure Caleb wouldn't mind anyways"
"Luke Patterson you are not going anywhere"
"He's not but I am" Alex spoke.
"I am too"
"Not you guys too" I groaned looking at Julie for help.
"Do you understand what'll happen if you guys come back with me? Calebs going to brand you for life"
"So what?”
"So everything we've accomplished up to now would've been for nothing"
"It's going to be nothing if your not here with us" Reggie spoke.
"Julie a little help here"
"You guys need to go with her" The girl said letting out a breath.
"No Jules. You need them here with you. It's not Julie and the Phantoms without the Phantoms"
"Forget about the band right now y/n. You need them with you. You can't live whatever life you have left without your friends, your family, and your true love" I sighed looking at the girl who smiled softly at me.
"You guys brought music back into my life and for that I'll be forever grateful. And with Flynn I'll get through this. But I will never forgive myself if I separate you from your boys" She said making my eyes water.
"Our boys" I corrected her pulling her in for a tight hug.
I sighed in content as the rest of the boys joined our hug one last time.
"I love you guys"
"We love you too"
And that's when I felt it.
The feeling from last night. I was no longer week. The tingling had stopped.
"Your shining!" Julie gasped pulling away first.
Smiles formed on everyone's faces as the stamp arose form my wrist dispersing into thin air.
"W-we did it!" We did it!" Alex shouted jumping up and down excitedly.
"It makes sense now. I didn't just hug one of you. I hugged all of you!"
"I guess love really does conquer all" Luke stated pulling me into his arms, making sure to leave space so I could still look up at him.
"We did it baby"
"We did it" I confirmed pulling him in for a loving passionate kiss with everyone cheering in the background.
Up Next: Charlie Gillespie x Reader
Jeremy Shada x Reader
Charlie Gillespie x Owen Patrick Joyner x Reader
Reggie Peters x Reader
Charlie Gillespie x Reader
Reggie Peters x Reader
Carrie Wilson x Reader
Sunset Curve x Reader
@lolychu @headheartbellarke @bookish0918 @kcd15 @ifilwtmfc @moviesbooksandfandoms @lovesanimals @lavender-writer @kaitieskidmore1 @morganayennefertyrell @iloveteenwolf @ghostofmgg @jammi13 @theravenclawlife
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mypimpademia · 4 years
Worth It.
Shinso x reader
TW: Swearing, reader steals a man, pure bad bitchery
Note: this concept has been in my head for literal MONTHS and now I'm finally writing it bc i had no idea how to before (i still dont know how to write it as I'm writing this, I'm bouta wing it like a mf)
I made Intelli the mean girl for this fic bc she a bitch fr
A college AU but its hardly relevant + a lil smau
Towards the end of writing this, I started hating it. I'm so sorry😭
I recommend this song too bc this is where the idea for this fic came from:
This was getting annoying to watch.
How long was Hitoshi planning to stay miserable with that girl?
Intelli and Hitoshi have been dating for awhile now. You had honestly never liked her, but you just barely tolerated her for Hitoshi. But only a few weeks into their relationship, things went to shit.
Intelli became overly controlling over him, and even tried to force him to stop being friends with you, and some other people. You, being his best friend, told him to break up with her.
Of course, Hitoshi agreed that it'd be best to do that. But not even a few hours after talking to him about it, he came back to say it didn't go as planned.
Intelli was holding blackmail over Hitoshi's head, and posed a huge threat to his dreams of becoming a hero. Most of what she said she'd expose was no where near true, but with her intellect she could easily make people believe it.
But frankly, as their relationship went on, the sight of even a strand of her hair made you want to either puke or fight her.
"Toshi~" Intelli cooed, coming up behind Hitoshi and wrapping her arms around his neck.
Hitoshi visibly cringed, but tried to hide it as best as he could.
"Hey, babe." He boredly muttered, doing a terrible job at faking any enthusiasm.
Unlike your best friend, you made no effort to hide the disgust you held for her sheer presence.
"Y/n..." Intelli muttered, her tone dripping with distaste for you, making you scoff. "Mind if I steal Toshi for a bit? No? Thanks-" She attempted to drag Hitoshi away by the arm, but you placed a firm hand on her shoulder to stop her.
"I do mind actually, we were in the middle of a conversation before you interrupted." You told her. She chuckled, before tugging on Hitoshi's arm more.
"Yes, but he's my boyfriend-" She attempted to give reason for her to take him away, before even Hitoshi stopped her.
"I've got a project I need Y/n to help me on, I can stop by your dorm later though?" Hitoshi suggested, lying through his teeth.
Intelli's eyebrow twitched, but she gave in, letting go of his arm. "Bye, Toshi." She said, kissing Hitoshi's cheek and looking you up and down, before walking off.
"Sometimes, I can't tell if she's just plain a bitch or if she's secretly a dumbass." You sighed. "Maybe she's a little bit of both..." Hitoshi chuckled, making you laugh with him.
"You really need to find someone new." You told him, shaking your head. "I know, but I'd rather not chance losing my dream career." He groaned.
"True... Whats your type anyways? I know its not Intell anymore, she's probably traumatized you." You giggled.
"She did, but I think my type is someone who can really understands me, and someone I can have fun with." Hitoshi said.
"Like a best friend?" You questioned him. "Yeah, exactly like a best friend. That'd be my perfect version of a s/o." He replied, expression growing soft.
Since Intelli and Hitoshi's relationship had gone down hill, you've been there for him more than ever. It eventually lead to this unspoken romance that constantly roamed between the two of you.
But because of Intelli, neither of you pursued it, for the wellbeing of Hitoshi.
"Well, if I were you, I'd find someone and just make sure the bitch doesn't find out." You told him. But if you were being honest, it was more like a suggestion, because he really did need, and deserve someone other than Intelli.
"Like cheating?" He gawked. You were both thinking the same thing— Intelli would likely find out. But it was better than simply being stuck with her, so you nodded.
"Well, I'd at least make sure the other person knows. But it'd be worth it."
'I'm worth it.' You thought.
You sighed, looking down at your phone, the time on your phone displayed.
"Shit, I've gotta get to class, we've got a guest lecturing us and my professor will tear me a new one if I miss it." You told him, stuffing your phone into your pocket.
"See you later?" Hitoshi asked you.
You were about to say something about how he told Intelli they'd hang out later, but decided against it.
You sighed, feeling your tired feet throb as you walked down the hall to Hitoshi's dorm. Taking one of your backpack straps off your shoulder, you began rummaging around the pocket where you usually kept the spare key to Hitoshi's dorm.
You blinked, as you weren't able to find the key in the small pocket. You began searching your entire bag in the middle of the hallway, taking nearly everything out.
"Shit." You mumbled, thinking you had lost it.
Then you remembered, 'Thats right, I was in a rush this morning. Its on my desk.' You thought to yourself.
Like hell you were going all the way back there though.
You placed your items back into their bags, then pulled out your phone to text Hitoshi.
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You hummed, rocking back and forth on your heels as you waited for the door to be opened.
A moment later, you heard the lock click, and the door swung open.
Hitoshi looked you up and down before smiling. Then looked both ways of the hall, before tugging you into the room and shutting the door.
"Why are you treating me like a side piece or something?" You questioned him.
He hummed in confusion as he locked the door.
"Does it feel like that? Sorry." He apologized. "What did she do this time?" You asked, referring to Intelli, as she wash the only person the put Hitoshi this on edge.
"She said if we were doing anything other than a project we'd break up, and you know what that means." He told you, shaking his head.
You hummed, and pulled out your phone.
"What are you doing?" He asked, peering over your shoulder.
"You'll see." You blunty told him.
You sent your message, and tossed your phone onto his bed.
You grabbed onto Hitoshi's collar, tugging him towards you so he was looking you in the eyes, making his breath hitch as his face tinted red.
"You're crazy if you think I'd get you snitched on." You playfully consoled.
"What did you do?" He questioned again, watching you flop down on his bed as you kicked off your shoes.
"I texted Monoma and Momo to post about a project on private snap that only has Intelli on it so that it'll be more believable." You told him.
Hitoshis eyes went wide, as he mentally questioned how you came up with that so fast.
You patted the space next to you, beckoning him to sit with you.
He sat down, shaking his head and laughing.
You and Hitoshi talked for hours and hours, but it each flew by. When you finally checked the time, you barely had enough time left before dorm visiting hours were over.
"What? Already?" Hitoshi gaped, as he watched you sling your backpack over your shoulder.
"Mhm." You hummed.
He groaned, clearly not wanting you to leave, but sat up anyways so he could come see you out.
Hitoshi unlocked the door for you, but upon opening the door, you were both met with an unwanted sight.
"Hey Toshi!" Intelli greeted, completely passing over you even though she saw you.
"H-hey, Intelli." Hitoshi spurred, trying to keep composure.
"I came to help on the project. Even Momo was complaining, so I thought you could use some help." She offered, clearly not convinced that there was actually a project.
But like you said, you weren't going to let him get caught.
"No, we finished it." You told her bluntly, folding your arms across your chest.
But clearly, Intelli didn't plan on letting up either.
"Well then, I could proof read the written portion." She insisted, taking a step towards you.
"We already did that already."
"Well I'm sure there are some mistakes."
"We triple checked."
Hitoshi looked back and forth between the two of you, silently preparing himself to break up a fight.
"You must not get what I mean—" Intelli straightened her posture more than it already was, and leaned towards you. "There's probably mistakes because it was you helping him." She mocked.
Hitoshi already had a hand reaching for your waist, ready to pull you back in a situation where you lunge at Intelli.
"You wanna talk about mistakes? How about we start with you, bit-" Before you could take a single step towards her, you were being pulled back by your waist.
"Watch your dog, Hitoshi." Intelli retorted.
Damn, was she lucky Hitoshi could hold you back.
"At least I bite, unlike some people." You shot back. She narrowed her eyes, leaning towards you again.
"Y'know Y/n, you're not as good as everyone thinks you are. Everyone thinks you're so great, and nice, but I know how you really are." She said.
"You only think that because everyone's not you. Its no goddamn wonder your blackmail folder is thicker than you." You hissed.
Intelli, clearly flustered that you even knew about her blackmail folder, stood straight again. She crossed her arms and cleared her throat slightly.
"You think youre so much better than me. A better person, a better best friend, you probably think you'd make a better girlfriend too, right?" She asked you.
"Of course I do, who the hell wouldn't?" You chuckled.
You felt Hitoshi's grip on your waist loosen. Either he was getting just as angry and was going to let you fight her, or he thought it the tension was thawing.
"Alright, since you're so much better than me, show me." Intelli insisted.
You smirked. "Alright, you asked for it."
Slipping out of Hitoshi's grip, you turned to face him.
His brows raised in surprise and confusion. And next thing he knew, you had him by the collar for the second time today.
But this time, your lips were pressed against his.
It took him a moment to process, but soon, he melted into it. Moving in sync with you, he placed his hands back on your waist.
As much as you wanted to continue, you still had to tell that bitch off.
Pulling away from Hitoshi, wiping away the string of saliva that connected your mouths, you turned back to Intelli.
You walked straight up to her, and placed a hand on your shoulder.
"Toshi doesn't react like that when you kiss him, does he?" You hummed, hearing Intelli audibly gulp.
"Like you said, I'm a better person, a better best friend, and a better girlfriend." You repeated her words from earlier.
"I wouldn't lie to him, expose him, whether what he did was true or false, and i wouldn't hold him back from doing what he wants." You taunted.
"And the thing is—" You leaned in, next to her ear.
"I dont think it, I know it."
"I'm perfect for him." You whispered to her.
Intelli nearly toppled over in defeat, leaning against the nearest wall to support her body.
"Anyways, see you tomorrow, Toshi." You mused, before walking away.
The next day, you met up with Hitoshi in your free time like usual.
You were aimlessly walking around campus, talking about random topics, laughing as you watched random people do stupid things, and just having fun.
Except now, you were hand in hand, and the air around the two of you seemed lighter. And the look of adoration you and Hitoshi shared was more evident.
But in the middle of it, of course, something had to happen.
Intelli had stopped you both in your tracks, her brainless groupies behind her.
"Did you know everyone is talking about you, Hitoshi? And with all the things they're saying... you might not be able to recover from it." She said snarkily.
"Not too worried about it actually." Hitoshi admitted, a slightly bored tone to his voice.
"Tch, well you should be. So tell me, was she worth it, Hitoshi?" She inclined.
Hitoshi looked over at you, a grin spreading across his face.
"Hell yeah."
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