#maybe just some odd events and vampires
angabby-zzz · 11 months
Daphne is the person danny would be like “thank god i finally found a normal person in this group (or town)” about only to find out shes just as if not more into the weirdness of the place as everyone else is
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moremousewrites · 2 months
Disarm Pt 2
Pairing: Astarion/Tav (GN)
Request link
Summary: After the group discovered your secret relationship with Astarion, you have to go and face the entire party. While enduring their teasing, Astarion feels the need to intervene
Tags: fluff, bullying, blood mention
A/N: thank you for requesting a part 2! This was really fun to write
After finally cracking open the heavily guarded treasure chest and taking its contents, your party decided it was time to return to camp. You were exhausted from the events that occurred leading up to that moment and desperately needed to rest. When you arrived at camp, you noticed Karlach and Shadowheart had been exchanging looks, like they had something planned. 
At camp, you changed into clothes that weren't caked with dirt and blood and met everyone around the campfire for dinner. An odd feeling like being watched follows you and you look at your companions who are all staring at you. 
You realized the entire camp has already been told about your secret rendezvous with Astarion. “News travels fast, I see” you said, annoyance clearly written on your face. Everyone turned to look at the sky or some very interesting patches of grass, you scowled to yourself as you sat by the fire. It wasn't that you were trying to hide your relationship with Astarion, per se. It just felt like announcing it would complicate things. Especially if this was just supposed to be a fling, now that everyone knew it just felt very official and real. 
Karlach sat next to you, gesturing nudging you with her elbow. “Not sitting with your lover? Did we make you shy?” She joked. 
You rolled your eyes but smiled at her. She was hard to be mad at. “Alright get it out of your system, after tonight I don't want to hear another word” you said to her, not realizing that the entire camp was ready to throw in their two gold pieces.
Wyll was the first, surprisingly. “Do you need a two-person coffin to cuddle?”
Then Shadowheart. “Have you always had a thing for the undead or just vampires?” You looked up at Astarion, eyes pleading for help. He looked furious but kept it behind an exaggerated smile. He made his way over, cautiously trying to avoid attention.
“How courteous of you to join us, Astarion. We wouldn't want you to be left out” Gale chimed in, chuckling to himself. 
Astarion sat next to you, opposite of Karlach. “Are all your lives so boring you've become invested in ours?” he spat behind that smile that just barely faltered.
“Aww, look at that, Tav. He said ‘our lives’. You two are so cute!” Karlach said, sincerity pouring into her voice. This must actually be entertaining for them.
You almost buried your face in your hands when you felt Astarion grab your hand in support. Maybe to hold himself together. 
“Chk! I didn't not realize you would play with your food, Astarion,” Lae'zel scoffed. Astarion's grip on your hand tightened. “If you ever decide you want a more worthy lay, my bedroll remains available” she directed the offer at you and you were just about ready to snap at all of them.
Astarion, however, beat you to the punch and stood up, pulling you with him. “Alright that's enough! You've had your fun, time to grow up” his smile completely dropped, now. 
You both walked away from the party, wolf whistling ensued. Once you were out of view from the camp, Astarion let go of your hand and scratched the back of his neck. 
“Are you alright? I didn't think it'd go like that” you asked, shifting on your feet.
Astarion looked at you, seeming to snap out of some deep thought. “Oh, yes. I just didn't want to share your attention with that juvenile crowd” he waved them off, regaining his composure. 
You shrugged your shoulders, still put off by your companion's reactions. “At least we know we were right to keep things quiet about us” you said, a bit glum. You weren't sure if Astarion would want to continue seeing you now that you were under scrutiny.
Astarion smiled at you, his features softening. “Us?” He asked, raising a brow. 
You felt the heat rise to your face again, worried you'd misspoke. “I mean, how we were- are! You know what I mean” you tried to explain. “If you still want to, that is. I don't mean to presume” Astarion's smirk grew and you looked away from him, overwhelmed.
Astarion brushed his fingers against yours, silently asking to hold your hand. You laced your fingers in his. “I'd like that” he said, running his thumb against yours. 
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agustdiv1ne · 11 months
hi!! congrats on 3k <3
for the event, could i request taehyun + twilight + fluff/smut
tysm! and congrats again!!
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pairing: kang taehyun x fem!reader
genre: fantasy/supernatural, fluff, smut
wc: 2.8k
details + warnings: mdni, vampire!taehyun + human!mc are not representative of any particular characters they're just vibing in the twilightsphere, taehyun (looks-wise,,) + mc are in their early twenties, sex in the great outdoors, dom!tae, sub!mc, mc is kind of a masochist LOL, light spanking (f receiving), praise, thigh riding, face sitting, tae calls mc: baby
note: thank you nonnie!! i hope you enjoy :))
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you maybe, kind of, sort of hate the town that is forks, washington.
forks, in your honest opinion, is...painfully gray. clouds constantly hide the sun from view. it is almost always raining. fog is the norm, not the exception. the real cherry on top is how the town is blocked in and divvied up by expanses of creepy trees of which you have no desire to step even a single toe into. it's dreary, it's boring, it's weird — and it's just all too fucking gray.
you wonder what your life would be like if you had left while you could, if you had uprooted your life and attended college in some state far, far away, if you had gotten a degree and become a teacher or an artist or even some bigshot lawyer. maybe you wouldn't be wasting the years of your youth in your parents' little diner. maybe you wouldn't be stuck with the indelible expectation that said diner will be yours one day, hanging dark and heavy over your head like the storm clouds that loom over your house ninety-nine percent of the year.
then again, if you had left, you would never have met taehyun.
he moved into town when you were nineteen, an age at which you were hard-headed and bitter because everyone else your age had already moved on to bigger and better things while you were abysmally stuck like a tire in mud. you felt abandoned, alone, and you saw yourself in him because he, too, seemed to have no one else.
at the same time, you also thought he was a little strange — stoic, reserved, out at odd hours of the night — but you couldn't really judge, lest you sound like a raging hypocrite. you remember the first time that you saw him: it was well after midnight, you had just closed the the diner, and the streets were eerily empty — yet there he stood, across the street, turned away towards the tree line. he seemed to have been watching something in the woods, but as soon as he picked up on the crunch of your shoes against the gravel parking lot and saw you behind him, he fled, gone as quick as lightning. you almost thought that he was a figment of your imagination, that you were finally losing it after your nearly lethal consumption of caffeine that night.
however, after that incident, he began to show up during your shifts, sitting in the far corner of the small space for hours, answering your questions with curt nods and quiet hums. very real, very much not a hallucination. he never ordered anything other than a water, and his eyes often stayed trained on the woods that lay just outside the windows. watching, waiting (for what, you didn't know, but you didn't really care to find out). though the fact that he never once ordered something — not even a basket of fries, or a milkshake — irritated you to no end, but you bit your tongue like a good waitress had to and allowed him to sit there. not many people stopped by at such late hours, anyway, and maybe his presence cured some of your loneliness; he wasn't good company, by any means, but company nonetheless.
one particular night, a few months after he began to come in, things simply weren't going your way. if the argument between you and your parents before your night shift started wasn't enough, you burned your forearm when you accidentally spilled a pot of coffee and slipped and fell onto the unforgiving linoleum floors while carrying two plates of food. by the time he showed up, you were in the middle of a full-blown mental breakdown and could barely hold back tears as you greeted him at his normal booth.
“are you okay?” he had asked, his eyebrows furrowed, betraying his typically apathetic expression. in response, you burst into tears, apologizing as you attempted to run to the back, but he stopped you, his ice-cold fingers looped around your wrist. the sensation sent shivers straight down your spine, something that you can still vividly remember. you whipped around to face him. his wide, carob eyes cut through you with an intensity that you’d never experienced before. “sit. with me, i mean.”
“i-i’m working,” you choked out. 
his lips formed a flat line. “no one else is here.”
“fine,” you mumbled, taking a seat on the other side of the booth. he had let you vent about everything and anything that plagued you, silent while he listened. the words he spoke once you finally exhausted yourself stick in your mind to this very day.
“it’s never too late to start carving your own path, y’know. you’re young, you have time.”
things changed after that night. a friendship bloomed, then a relationship began after about six months of knowing each other. things changed again, however, growing strange once you did begin dating. he made constant excuses as to why he couldn't sleep over and why you couldn't come over to his place; he didn't touch you often; and the weirdest of all his habits: he never, ever went anywhere near your neck, whether it be with his hands or his lips. loneliness and the acrid feeling of being unwanted returned in full force, nipping at each and every nerve within your body.
sick of it all, you eventually confronted him about it during a picnic date in a large clearing one evening. naturally, when your boyfriend admitted to you that he's a vampire — in the middle of the woods — and showed you his sparkling fucking skin, you were freaked the hell out. yet, in the end, it didn't scare you away, especially once he said that he only ever fed from animals he'd find in the woods. you cared for him just as much as he cared for you — human or not, you decided that you loved him either way.
(also, he'd always seemed a little off, other. maybe you were a little satisfied to know that you were right, but you'd never admit to that.)
nearly two years have passed since then, and while your feelings about forks haven't changed in the slightest, taehyun brings an ironic sense of life to the dismal little town.
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“you’re staring.”
you feel your face heat up at your boyfriend’s words, your gaze immediately diverting away. you were not staring, no way. though he moves to find your eyes again, you maneuver out of his hold, now glaring at a spot on his shoulder. “no, i wasn’t.”
“aaand your heart rate just picked up.”
“you’re so unfair,” you hiss. “just— just keep your stupid vampire senses to yourself!”
he laughs, the sound light and melodic, as he attempts to wrap his arms around you again. you've turned away from him, arms crossed over your chest and in a state of faux despondency. he knows just how to press your buttons; the fact that he can pick up on each and every minute change of your heart rate and scent will forever be something that gets to you. you can't hide anything from him, and both of you know it.
you feel like you spend every waking hour with taehyun nowadays. if you're not working, you're with him doing fuck all just to spend time with each other, but even in the most mundane moments, boredom never becomes an issue. even right now, as you lay together in this small clearing in the forest, simply talking and staring up at the pewter clouds, everything feels...right? complete? you think that's the word that you should use — like the final piece being placed into a puzzle.
“c’mon, you can’t stay mad at me,” he goads. he blows into your ear afterward to make you flinch, earning a yelp in response. “you just make it so easy to tease you.”
“yeah, yeah. make fun of the defenseless human,” you sigh, turning back around to face him with pursed lips, delivering a firm poke to his forehead. “you’re lucky that you’re pretty.”
if he had said anything similar to you a couple years ago, you would've likely stormed off and ignored him for hours. you're not proud of how you once acted, but at least you've grown softer around the edges over the years. kinder, less resentful. and rather than tear your walls down, he scaled them slowly and met you at the top, took them apart brick by incorporeal brick as the trust between you grew, gentle and never prying.
one of his eyebrows raises. ���pretty, hm? is that all i am to you?”
pretending to think, you tap your chin, your eyes shifting up towards the sky. you've grown softer, no doubt, but your witty edge refuses to disappear. how else could you keep up with him?
you make eye contact with him again, finding an expectant glint in them. you can barely bite back the smirk fighting to pull at your lips. “hmm...yeah, i think that’s about it.”
“you are such a brat, my god,” he groans, head falling against your chest. “is your life goal just to rile me up?”
“honestly? yeah. it’s just so easy to tease you,” you throw his earlier jeer straight back into his face, but the words are soon followed by a series of shrieks as he pushes you onto your stomach, unfazed by your feeble attempts to break away from his inhumanly strong hold. a hand leaves your wriggling waist to deliver a light slap to your ass. it’s careful, barely there. he knows how much more fragile you are compared to him, after all. the last thing he’d want to do is hurt you. 
what he doesn't account for is the way you'd moan at the sensation.
a tense silence overtakes the air around you, the only noises remaining being the rustle of trees and the chirping of birds. you've all but buried your head into your arms. although your current position renders him unable to catch your flustered expression, your scent — fuck, your scent has changed, something heady and sweet and it's almost as if he can taste the lust and need rolling off of your form. your blood rushes faster beneath your skin, the erratic ba-bump of your heart loud in his ears. he pushes his base instincts down; he's better than this. he can't hurt you — he won't.
“you— did you like that?” he carefully asks, a gentle hand pressing into the middle of your spine. it’s not often you find each other in spontaneous intimate moments, mostly due to his fear of losing control, but your trust in him is immutable. in the span of two years, he has not once hurt you — but you still find yourself shaking your head in denial, the embarrassing heat gracing your cheeks keeping you from looking at him. he won’t hurt you, you know that, but that doesn’t change just how mortifying this moment is. you and him haven’t explored this part of your sexuality yet, the hidden side of you that enjoys a little pain amongst all the pleasure. it’s something that you’ve barely touched upon yourself.
taehyun, on the other hand, isn't satisfied with your answer. a morbid curiosity eats at his nerves, and he can't help himself from gathering you into his lap so that you straddle his hips. you are wearing a thick pair of jeans today, but it's not enough to prevent your scent from overwhelming his senses further due to your spread apart thighs. he steels himself, trying not to press the pads of his fingers into your hips too hard. you still refuse to look at him, your head hanging low and bottom lip tucked beneath your teeth. he brings a hand to your chin, tilting your head up. your eyes divert to his shoulder under his intense gaze.
“look at me, baby,” he orders softly. he watches a shudder run through you before you listen to him. the muscles of your throat contract as you gulp, though his expression remains neutral, his fingers squeezing your chin. “i’m going to ask you one more time: did you like that? did it feel good?”
inhale, exhale, nod.
his lips purse. “words, baby.”
“y-yes,” you whisper, weak and breathy, like you don’t want to admit it to yourself either. it earns you a quiet “good girl” and his thumb brushing over your lower lip. 
taehyun stares at you for a moment before he asks, “do you trust me?”
of course you do, and you tell him just that, pulling a smile from him. “i want you to take your jeans and panties off for me, okay?”
you nod, rolling off his lap with shaky limbs and removing everything below your waist. the chilly air nips at your bare skin.
he takes no time in maneuvering you back onto his lap, legs straddling only one of his thighs now. you send him a questioning glance, with which he responds by rubbing soothing circles against your bare hips beneath your oversized sweater.
“get yourself off on my thigh,” he encourages. he doesn’t trust himself to be inside of you right now — he’s barely keeping it together as it is — but that won’t stop him from making you feel good.
you're silent as you take an experimental roll of your hips. the friction of your clit against the rough fabric of his jeans causes your mouth to fall open. you press your hands against his chest, grinding down again. and again. and again. the picnic blanket below you digs into your knees. taehyun grabs your hips a little tighter, beginning to help you move your hips faster, pressing you down harder. his grip is nearly bruising, but the ache that it brings renders you speechless, unable to speak besides the quiet gasps that you let out. quickly, you grow lost in the pleasure, the delicious friction against your clit growing more intense as the seconds tick by.
smack! taehyun brings a hand down against the swell of your ass, much harder than the teasing one he gave you earlier. you jolt on top of him with a loud moan, clenching around nothing. “tae— fuck!”
“yeah? what is it, baby?” he coos, slapping his palm down again. he’s barely breathing, monitoring your expression to make sure he’s not hurting you too much. but all he finds is pure, unadulterated pleasure, your head thrown back and your eyes fluttering as your movements grow more desperate. his head grows fuzzy at your strengthening scent.
“gonna— ‘m gonna cum, please,” you whine, nails now digging into his chest. you look like pure sin, with your flustered face and heaving chest and your glazed over eyes straight into his. “please please please—”
he can't take it anymore.
suddenly, your body careens through the air before you can even process it, your thighs now cushioning taehyun's face while he fully lays back. he gives you no time to complain of your ruined orgasm, his lips suckling your clit while his tongue circles the weeping bud. your hands grab at his hair, pressing down. there's no way that you can hurt him, so you allow yourself to grind down on his face like you did his thigh, using his face as your own personal toy. he gropes your ass all the while, pushing you further down against him until you smother him, ravaging you whole. you can no longer hold in your moans, and they only serve to spur him on. one of his razor-sharp teeth slides against your lower lips, and that's enough for your high to wash over you, your vision flashing white while you quake above him. he holds you up with strong hands, continuing to tongue at your clit until you're pushing his head away.
“tae, stop,” you beg while he cleans you up, ignoring your heightened sensitivity. “tae.”
“fine, fine,” he mumbles once he pulls his mouth away from your center. “can’t help it, you taste good.”
“quit being embarrassing,” you groan, your submissive tendencies all but gone. you struggle to lift yourself off of him and wiggle your jeans back on. he ends up helping you, patting your ass when you’re all done. you slap his chest, but you lean up and press your lips to his anyway. pulling away, you slide a hand under his sweatshirt. above, beams of sunlight break through the thick clouds, illuminating his skin. biting back a smirk, you rub a thumb over his cheek where it shines. 
“take me home,” you purr. “we’re not done yet.”
you're careening through the woods moments later.
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3k event masterlist | masterlist
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© to agustdiv1ne. do not copy, repost, steal, and/or translate.
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thetrollock · 2 months
Dark!fem vampire x fem reader
synopsis: you're unaware of how obsessed Alvara is with you until it's far too late...
word count: 15.1k
content warnings: dark ish content, yandere, unhealthy relationship, brief violence
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LIFE HADN’T ALWAYS been this way. You hadn’t always been running from Alvara, the wretched woman who had been pursuing you for centuries. You were a normal girl once but that was hundreds and hundreds of years ago and life had drastically changed since then becoming something that was nothing like the life you’d lived before. Life was so much easier back then, joyful even, it felt like you had a purpose, it used to be about living but now it was just surviving, and you weren’t sure how much more of this could you take. You got up from her chair and trudged towards your window sitting upon the ledge staring at the moon and the sparkles in the sky wishing you were amongst them because maybe, just maybe, you wouldn't be so lonely. You began to think about how simple life used to be and how on earth did you get into this mess in the first place.
❥ ❥ ❥
In a time long ago, you were a simple middle class woman working at a flower shop arranging and caring for flowers, you enjoyed your job and all the beautiful flowers you were able to care for and make into arrangements daily besides, it did help that you had some lovely loyal customers. Over the years, you had become quite popular within not only your area, but also further field due to the exposure from the royal family who often commissioned you for flowers with every event they held, big or small. But that might've been due to your friendship with the First Prince, Leonidas. A friendship like this was fairly uncommon as people of your social status and his own didn’t tend to mix. You had both become friends a few years ago when Leonidas had been running away from his duties and, as any upstanding citizen would, you hid him in your shop whilst everything blew over, treating him like a normal human being rather than someone to be worshipped. Since then, your friendship had blossomed and bloomed with the prince coming to your humble little shop at least once a week under the guise of buying flowers.
Humming mindlessly, you arranged and prepared flowers and bouquets for customers in a monotonous fashion, completely lost in the abyss of your mind, as you were making up the bouquet, you wondered what your beloved customer would prefer, “Miss Belmont, do you want the pink roses or the pink camellias with your bouquet?”
The older women didn't even get the chance to reply as a powerful honeyed voice interrupted, announcing herself, “Good morning, I want a bouquet of wolf’s bane flowers with whatever else you believe fits.”
You jumped slightly from her position, not expecting the interruption, you twisted around to look at the woman who had just entered your shop, you blinked owlishly before reminding yourself to smile. The woman herself was rather tall and stood proudly, her lips were plush, and pink formed in a stiff polite smile that felt odd and honestly quite disturbing. You swore her eyes were staring into your soul and you couldn’t help but stare back, her eyes were just... mesmerizing. They were such an icy blue that they reminded you of pure molten silver contrasting against darkness of the outer rings of her pupils. Her gaze was sharp and intimidating and you found yourself thinking that you never wanted to look away. Although this woman was absolutely stunning, breathtakingly so, you wondered if she ever caught the sun considering how pale her skin was, it was almost as if she’d never seen a lick of sunlight in her entire life. The only colour in her face where her lips and the pink colour decorating her eyelids, the darker colours contrasting against her pale skin tone making all of her features that much more pronounced.
The woman’s perfectly shaped eyebrow arched upwards as if asking why you hadn’t answered her yet, your shook your head slightly before plastering a blinding smile on your face.
“I am terribly sorry, my lady, I apologize for staring, I will get to you in a minute but as you can see, I am currently serving another customer so if you could give me a few minutes, I will get right to you.” She apologized trying to be as respectful as possible, she hoped this woman would be understanding enough and not like some of the other stuck-up nobles she had to deal with on a daily basis.
The tall woman chuckled coldly before looking down at you with a carefully restrained smile that screamed impatience and slight annoyance, “I do not think you understand who I am, I expect you to serve me right now, it is quite clear that I am much more important than this woman.” She sneered gesturing rudely to the poor old woman standing next to her.
“Excuse me, my lady, but I do not appreciate you using that tone whilst talking about my customers, this is my shop and so we will follow my rules. I will decide who I serve when I serve, so I suggest you either wait a few minutes or you find a new place to buy some flowers.” Although you were thoroughly intimidated by this clearly powerful woman, you kept your voice firm and steady, you'd learnt years ago that being a pushover never got you anywhere. Respect is everything. Besides, you weren't all that worried about this woman trying to sabotage your career, after all you had the royal family on your side.
The woman tilted her head slightly in surprise her lips pursed in an ‘O’ shape and her icy eyes showed amusement, it was quite clear that she was taken aback by your statement, she’d probably never really had someone below her in the social chain stand up to her before. But there was a first time for everything you supposed suppressing your proud smile.
“As I was saying Miss Belmont, would you rather the pink roses or the pink camellias?” The older woman smiled gratefully and told you her preference thanking you for your kindness.
“It is no problem at all, you are a loyal customer after all.” You replied with a sweet smile saved only for your favourite customers.
With that, you turned around and walked into the back room to retrieve the flowers before arranging them and cutting the stems until everything fit together perfectly. You wrapped up the flowers with brown paper, as requested, and tied it up with Miss Belmont’s preferred colour of ribbon which you had, of course, memorized more than a few bouquets ago. You handed the flowers to the older woman with a bright smile after receiving the cash and a hefty tip.
“I hope they are up to your standards; I will see you next week!” You waved after Miss Belmont; she was one of your favourite customers after all. You then turned to the pale woman who had indeed decided to wait those few minutes. “Now, my lady, you said you wanted wolf’s bane, right?”
“Yes, I did, I expect you to also choose some others to go along with it.” She replied stiffly, her arms crossed against her chest defensively unconsciously pushing her chest up making you look away awkwardly; you hadn’t meant to look but it’s kind of hard when they’re right in your direct line of sight.
Humming your favourite tune, you made your way into the backroom where you kept a wide array of flowers, you picked up flowers as you walked past them knowing they go well with wolf’s bane. Thinking as you went along you began to reflect on many of you noble customers and how they believed that money solves all problems in such a stuck-up manner. But you knew not everyone was like that Leonidas was a prime example of a good person who had a fair amount of wealth. It was hard to come across those kinds of people, all you wanted was basic respect from people that’s all, it shouldn’t matter your place in society. You huffed as you made your way back into the front room where the woman was standing who was now staring at you again with that deep, intense stare. The stupid stare that felt like she was looking deep into your soul. It made you uncomfortable and if you were honest with yourself, you really didn’t like it even if this woman was one of the most beautiful people you had ever had the pleasure of laying your eyes on. You hoped this would be a onetime thing and that this woman wouldn’t come back again because not only was she unnerving but she was also extremely rude.
As you were arranging wrapping up the flowers, you decided to make this encounter a lot less awkward, “did you know that that wolf’s bane is scientifically known as Aconite, quite different isn’t it?” You didn’t even look up to observe the woman’s facial expression in favour of avoiding the icy stare she held.
“I did not know that, but I suppose you learn new things every day. What is your name, woman?” She asked, her voice almost emotionless but within your line of work you had become pretty good at sensing others’ emotions and could tell that she was amused by your attempt of conversation.
“I am Name.” You replied shortly not all that interested in this woman’s name especially as she has rudely referred to you as woman.
The woman continued to stare at you as if she were expecting the question back, “you know, Name, it is common courtesy to ask someone their name after they so kindly asked for yours first. My name is Alvara if you were wondering, Lady Alvara of the house Fox.”
“My apologies, Lady Fox, I simply forgot to ask you back, I hope you can forgive me.” However, despite your apology you were not sorry, you just wanted to be over with this transaction and say what you knew the woman wanted to hear. “I hope you like your bouquet, wolf's bane is fairly odd choice, but it is a rather beautiful flower. I must advise you to be careful with it though, if you come across any dogs or wolves as it can be extremely poisonous to them, and I really do not wish for any of them to die.”
“I know they are poisonous, but I must admit you have done a good job arranging them they look beautiful, thank you.” Her tone was rather blunt, but you appreciated the compliment none the less.
“Thank you, I am glad you like them!” Although you weren't overly fond of the woman, you didn’t think there was any harm in being nice to her, especially as it looked like Alvara planned on coming back, something you weren't particularly pleased with but maybe she would warm up to you the more you interacted…? Well, you sure hoped you would.
Alvara placed the money on the counter with a smile that seemed less forced, “Expect to see me back, Name.”
And with that she was gone.
❥ ❥ ❥
AFTER THAT DAY Alvara had stayed true to her words coming into your humble shop a couple of times a week, a lot of more often than you were expecting to be honest. Alvara had become a lot more comfortable with you, her stiffness disappearing and icy look her eyes melting to a look of joy and amusement when she came to get flowers. Although your first impressions of the tall women were not very pleasant, you found that you could tolerate and be kind to her and despite Alvara’s cold exterior she warmed up to you fairly quickly often entering your flower shop with a flourish and a genuine smile.
Brushing the hair from your eyes you began to sweep the leaves and flower stems to the side of your shop planning to pick it all up at the end of the day and with a reputation like your own, you had to keep the place looking at least half decent. People expected it of you considering the royal family often bought arrangements from you for their balls and important events, courtesy of Leonidas.
You walked back behind the counter cleaning up your workspace putting the ribbons back where they belonged and tidying up the brown paper you often used to wrap the bouquets up in. It began to creep closer to the end of day when you would finally close your shop and get some much needed rest. You stretched hearing your body crack in ways it probably shouldn’t, but you were broken from your momentary worry when the telltale sound of a bell resounded.
“Hello my dear Florist!” It was Alvara. You should’ve known, the pale almost sickly looking woman liked coming in at times when she knew you were quiet because she was impatient and didn’t like sharing you attention.
“Good evening Lady Fox, what are you here for today?” You replied without the usual pep in your tone trying to not let your fatigue show, you really didn’t want to deal with Alvara’s flirting tonight, actually you just didn’t want to deal with Alvara. Despite the fact that you had kind of gotten used to her, her presence was draining and there was still that lingering feeling of discomfort when you were around her.
Alvara frowned softly noticing the change in her favourite florist’s behaviour, “are you okay, Name? You better not have been working yourself too hard, you silly girl, I told you to take care of yourself.”
“Of course, I am okay, seriously my lady, I am fine. So please, do not worry about me.” You sighed forcing a sweet smile. “Now, what do you want?”
Nothing was said between them for a while with Alvara staring at you intently her frown deepening, she was not pleased by your response she could tell something was up and although she knew she should respect your boundaries she couldn’t find it within herself to care, the tall woman knew that she knew better, she’d been alive longer than her for starters. Alvara felt an intense need to protect you and she wanted to help you with your ailment, no matter how big or small, she didn’t even care if you wanted her help or not because she would find out either way. Alvara didn’t mind using force to get her way, she was a forceful woman after all, you had to be to get into the position she was in without any man by her side and still having all of the respect from the men around her. She was a powerful woman, and she knew it.
“I do not believe you, Name, you better tell me right now, or I will make you.” Her friendly disposition from earlier disappearing to reveal a hard unwavering stubborn expression, you sighed you knew Alvara wasn’t going to budge on her stance.
“Do you really want to know?” You did not want to talk to the noble woman about your true feelings but if it meant she would leave you alone then you supposed you could tell her.
She nodded staring at you with those firm icy eyes, you felt a shiver go down your spine not being able to bear looking into her uncomfortable gaze for another second.
“Please do not be angry with me for I am simply being honest with you." You took a deep breath preparing yourself for the worst, "I am confused by you, you are so hot and cold, one moment I cannot look you in the eyes because it feels as if you are looking straight through me with such a cold stare that I physically feel shivers run down my spine. Then the next moment you are sweet and, dare I say, happy and I am somewhat free to keep eye contact with you. You are so kind with me but with everyone else you treat them as if they are dirt below your shoes!” You exclaimed eyebrows furrowed and your face pinched in an expression of distress and confusion.
“I do not understand why you have decided to treat me any different. You have changed so drastically since that first day we met, you were so cold then, rude even! I just don’t understand the sudden attitude change.” You were quieter now no longer throwing your hands around violently to get your point across. You stared at your hands fiddling with the rings adorning them, you couldn't bare to look Alvara in the face after spilling all of your feelings to her.
Alvara continued to stare at the smaller woman before her running a hand through her long hair, “I see, you are confused by me, correct?”
You looked up with a bashful expression nodding softly, an expression that made Alvara’s heart do somersaults, she knew that if her heart could still beat it would be threatening to jump out of her chest.
“Well let me clear things up for you then, I like you a lot, Name, more than I should and I think you are an incredibly interesting and beautiful person, you have interested me, and my interest is no easy feat. My respect and kindness are not something I give out freely, you have to earn it and random people I come across do not deserve it simply because they have not proven to me that they do. I would also like to apologize for my stare I do not mean to be so cold, it must be a habit, I have to keep my reputation after all and as a woman as powerful as myself being kind doesn’t always help gain you respect from men. I like to scare them into submission.” She giggled explaining the reason for her cold stare, trying to lighten the rather gloomy mood.
You laughed hesitantly, “thank you for clearing that up for me, my lady.”
“I wish you would lighten up Name, I want for us to be friends, maybe even more in the future.” She smirked moving closer towards you , eyes flicking down to your lips.
Your face began to grow hot as your eyes widened, you were not expecting such a confession from Alvara, “Anyway! What kind of flowers do you want? That is the reason you are here, right?”
“Indeed, it is, dear, you can choose whatever you want, something that is easy for you to arrange.” She requested resting her cheek on her hand staring at you with eyes dripping in adoration.
You smiled turning around to the back room shutting the door behind you and pushing your back against the closed door, what the hell had just happened in there? You decided to take a breather closing your eyes for a few seconds before pushing yourself off of the door and towards were you kept your hyacinths, deciding on gathering a bunch of the purple ones, you loved hyacinths they were such beautiful flowers and looked just as pretty by themselves as they did with other flowers.
You had just about fit the bunch of flowers under one arm as you opened the door to the front room taking a deep breath and making your way over to the wrapping paper where you arranged them and tried to ignore Alvara’s piercing gaze blazing holes into your busied form. You hummed lightly trying to distract yourself as you wrapped up the flowers.
“Here you go, Lady Fox, I hope you like them, they are hyacinths in case you did not know.” You smiled softly hoping to shoo the woman out of your shop and get some much needed rest away from everyone.
“I love it Name, especially since you arranged it for me, they are beautiful.” She stated staring straight at you, it almost felt as if Alvara was complimenting you instead of the flowers she held in her arms.
You rounded the front desk until you were standing next to the pale woman, “I am glad, now I need to close up shop, so I will see you next time you come in to get some flowers.” Speaking to Alvara made you realize how short you were compared to the taller woman, your cheeks flushed again, goddamn your stupid brain, even though you found her unnerving you couldn’t look past how attracted to her you were. It was undeniable that Alvara was beautiful it was just a shame that she made you feel so uncomfortable, the kind of uncomfortable where you felt like Alvara was watching your every move. Like a predator stalking prey, it put you on edge.
You smiled at her trying shoo the woman towards the exit but Alvara was having none of simply standing in the doorway before looking down at you, her little florist, “I hope you know that I was completely honest with you earlier, I like you a lot, more than I should. I would also like you to know that I intend for us to become friends, you do not mind that, do you?”
The way Alvara spoke to you sent a shiver down your spine, the tone of voice she used was sickly sweet and even the way she asked to be friends with you felt predatory, it felt wrong and your gut instinct told you to shove her out of your shop and never speak to her again. Your brain screamed, RUN, RUN, RUN. But you couldn’t find it in yourself to do anything but nod and agree, it felt as if something awful would happen if you didn’t just go along with it and if you were honest, the fatigue was really getting to you and you just wanted to be rid of Alvara’s heavy presence.
“Good, I am glad we are on the same page. I will see you soon, Name. Make sure you take care of yourself.” She rested her hand on your cheek in an affectionate way that you had not really experienced before, it was when you started leaning into the touch that you realised how touch starved you must be to be comforted by the touch of someone who did the complete opposite.
You pulled away ushering her towards the outside world, “have a good evening, my lady.”
“You too, Name, call me by name next time, alright?” Alvara looked over shoulder and made her way out of your humble shop not even giving you a chance to reply.
Pushing down the urge to slam to door in relief, you took a deep breath to collect yourself before sweeping things up quickly and half arseing your usual cleaning routine.
By the time you got home you were practically dragging yourself to bed resisting the tantalizing temptation of sleeping on the floor, eventually you made your way to bed where you fell in a heap.
Finally, peace.
❥ ❥ ❥
ALTHOUGH YOU HAD to wake up early pretty much every morning, you would never get used to the blinding sun from your windows waking you up; it was something that you truly hated, often times wishing you could stay in bed but alas your shop couldn’t open itself. Pulling yourself from bed you began to get ready for the day, you slid on her dress and stretched yawning as you did so feeling the bones in her back crack as it always did, you mulled over the strange sounds your back made until there was a loud rap at the door of your cottage. You rushed over and opened your door with a sweet smile that you usually only pulled out at work.
“Hello Ma'am, I have an important announcement from the Royal Family regarding the Spring Equinox, would you like me to read it out to you?” He asked politely standing stiffly, he seemed slightly awkward as if it was his first time bringing letters to people especially ones from the Royal Family.
“No, it is quite alright, I can read it myself, thank you though!” You smiled softly bringing your hand out to retrieve the letter, he handed it to you with a smile clearly comforted by your simple kindness.
Closing your door you opened the letter carefully sliding out the fancy parchment paper reading the beautiful cursive writing:
To Name Lastname,
The Royal Family requests that you make the flower arrangements for the upcoming ball…
You skimmed over the rest of the letter, reading the requirements of what you were expected to prepare, thinking of the number of flowers you would need to order if you were to do this on time, placing the letter in your leather satchel you made quick work of your journey to your shop.
After opening up shop you busied yourself with orders and customers, wrapping up bouquets and arrangements until the door slammed open rather aggressively and there stood Leonidas in all his glory. He grinned at you with his signature smile looking as jovial as ever taking long strides towards where you were currently putting out pre-arranged flowers.   
“Good morning my dear Name!” He greeted, you always wondered how he was always such a pleasant person with a personality like sunshine incarnate and whilst you knew him as being an extremely bubbly and excitable man others knew him as the picture perfect prince of the Iridesiah. He was loved by everyone, nobles and working class people alike, he treated everyone with the same level of respect and that in return earned them his respect.
“Good morning to you too Leonidas, anything you were looking for in particular?” You asked politely continuing with putting out the pre-arranged bouquets.
“Oh, nothing much really,” he replied nonchalantly, “do you want some help with that?” Although he’d asked Leonidas had already started picking up the arrangements casually walking over to the right places.
You sighed shaking your head, “you really should not be helping, you are a prince you should not be doing work like this.”
The dark haired prince laughed looking back at you, “this is not even hard labour, it is literally nothing and besides it is not like you are forcing me to do anything, I enjoy helping you out.” The bright coloured bouquets were put onto display carefully as to not mess up the arrangement, you were quite the perfectionist after all.
Leonidas stared at you for a moment as you were focused on making everything perfect, he knew how hard you had worked to keep the reputation of the shop as high as it was and by just looking at your concentrated face, he remembered what he came to tell you.
“Name, I remembered what I wanted to tell you.” He blurted out, cursing himself for it he was a prince for Christ’s sake he should be used to talking by now.
Looking over at him with a relaxed expression, you smiled as if asking him to continue what he was going to say, it was a soft smile that seemed so genuine and free quite unlike the fake smiles he was surrounded with on a day to day basis. It was a nice change, a welcomed change.
“Ah yes well, you probably received the letter this morning if I am correct, but I wanted to personally invite you to the Equinox Ball. I just feel that since you are making the arrangements you should come and you are my friend after all, so I would very much appreciate it if you were there.” He rambled, words just kept tumbling from his tongue and he wasn’t quite sure why, maybe he was nervous? That’s what he assumed it was, but he found it rather strange that a human was making him feel this way, but he brushed it off simply choosing to smile bashfully at you instead.
Your mouth fell open into a soft ‘o’ shape, you would’ve dropped the flowers if it weren’t for Leonidas who caught them quickly before they hit the ground, you took a second to compose yourself blinking blankly for a few seconds.
“Oh dear! I am ever so sorry about this!” You exclaimed, a flustered look on your face avoiding eye contact with the prince in front you, “I was just very shocked that you invited me, I did not realize commoners were allowed to attend.”
He chuckled at your flustered countenance, “well there is an exception for you.”
“Me?” He laughed at your response and the incredulous expression that indicated how very confused by his actions you were, which greatly amused the young prince.
“Yes, you, and before you start worrying about what you are going to wear and such, I have already arranged it for you, I want you to enjoy yourself whilst you are there and not worry what you look like.” He reassured sending you that famous smile that brought men and women alike to their knees.
“You may even find a partner.” He teased subtly his smile changing to a stupid goofy grin, one that never failed to make you laugh. You tilted your head at him trying to scold him quietly with an unimpressed expression but failed miserably after falling into a fit of giggles.
Still laughing you grinned at him with an equally goofy smile, “you know I’m not interested in finding a partner just yet, my shop is my priority.”
His smile grew softer, he knew that your answer to the question of finding a partner has always been that your shop was your priority but at least he knew you would be attending the ball. Leonidas was just glad you had agreed and whilst you may not believe it, he treasured your friendship greatly.
“It seems my time is up Name, if I do not go back soon, they will send a search party out for me and I am not sure if I want to deal with that today. I also wanted to mention that when you bring the flowers to the place on the morning of the Equinox, I will meet you at the front and personally take you to the room you will be staying in. So, make sure to pack a bag of things you think you will need, is that okay?” He asked, he knew you would panic if he didn’t tell you what was going to happen, you liked being able to plan.
You nodded excitedly a huge grin stuck to your pretty face, “thank you so much! I cannot wait!”
With that he gave a parting smile and made his way out of your shop with a ding.
❥ ❥ ❥
IT WAS FINALLY the day; the day of the Spring Equinox Ball and you weren't quite sure if you were terrified or excited perhaps it was a bit of both. You had packaged up all of the arrangements the day before ready to be loaded onto a cart you’d borrowed from your kind neighbour; you liked to be prepared in situations like this so you'd already sent some of the larger pieces off since they were a bit trickier to transport.
As you readied to leave you picked up your trust leather satchel filled with everything you might possibly need. You began to think of what kind of dress Leonidas had decided on and yet you weren't worried, you knew you would love it especially because he’d picked it out. He had pretty good style he was a prince after all, so she trusted him on that front especially considering the fact she knew that he often helped his sister pick dresses for ball's quite like this. You had learned a lot about him that day, you smiled thinking back on it seeing how far your friendship had come since the day you first met when you hid him in your shop away from prying eyes.
It didn’t take long for you to reach your shop where your neighbour was already waiting outside sitting atop his cart accompanied by his two horses, “Good morning, young lady!”
“Good morning Henry! Thank you for agreeing to help me transport this all to the palace, I know it is quite a big job, so I apologize in advance.” You said bashfully turning towards the shop where you unlocked the multiple locks on the door.
“It is no problem at all! In fact, I would say it is an honour, it is not every day a man gets to say he went to the royal palace!” He exclaimed ruffling his hair as if it were nervous reaction before putting his cap back on.
You smiled in response as he jumped off the cart seat and walked towards you as you both began loading the boxes carefully onto the back of the cart until there was nothing left, securing the cart safely as you did so. Before you departed you made sure to add a quick sign to the window stating that the shop would not be open for the next two days, you hopped back onto the cart and went on your merry way through town chatting pleasantly with Henry.
It was safe to say that the palace was a particularly splendid sight one that never failed to amaze you no matter how many times you saw it, you especially liked the woods that surrounded it, to you, it only added to its mystical charm.
Once you had arrived the footmen began unloading the boxes, “please be careful with them, they are rather fragile!” You warned.
They simply smiled at you, “we know, my lady.”
You felt yourself stiffen in embarrassment, you weren't used to being referred as ‘my lady’, you could hear Leonidas laughing at. He walked down the stairs with the air of elegance and regality, “thank you, Henry for helping Name get here, it is greatly appreciated.”
Henry blushed a bright red and avoided the gaze of the prince, “why thank you, your highness! I- I will be on my way!” He spluttered, still reeling from shock at the fact that the Prince of Iridesiah knew his name.
Leonidas turned his gaze back to you, throwing a teasing smile your way, “you are early, my lady.”
You glared at your friend trying to mask the fact that you were embarrassed and yet failing miserably, “a lady must always be prepared.” You countered with a sarcastic smile.
He laughed jovially at your quick quip, “come on now I am sure you are wondering where your room is and what you will be wearing, I can assure you that you will be the bell of the ball. My younger sister even helped me pick out your dress, I believe she has come by your shop a few times in disguise, she’s dramatic like that.”
“She has come to my shop before??” You asked in disbelief, how had you not recognized her, one of the most beautiful and intelligent women in all of Iridesiah.
“How on earth did I not notice?”
Leonidas turned to you with an amused smile, “did you forget, my sister is as smart as she is beautiful.”
And with that the Prince turned on his heel beckoning you to follow him up the grand marble staircase of the palace, you’d never actually been this far inside of the palace, and you found yourself awestruck at the beauty and artistry of its architecture. The paintings depicting scenes from famous battles and monumental moments in history, it was stunning, and knowing you had the luxury to be in the vicinity of artwork that would surely be known throughout history was truly a delight. It shocked you how stunning the artwork was on the ceiling, on the ceiling of all places! You supposed it was to showcase their riches being able to put something in such a place as the ceiling, a strange thing to do you thought. The candelabras holding the soft yellowy light only helped add to the mystical, expensive atmosphere, you didn't think you would ever get used to being in such an expensive place.
“Are you coming, Name? we don’t have all day.” You were broken form your stupor by the unmistaken teasing voice of Leonidas.
“Ah, terribly sorry!” You apologized picking up your skirt and running up the stairs to catch up to your friend.
The two of you walked side by side down the hallways with the soft light of the candelabras to guide the way until you finally made it to your destination.
Leonidas opened the door and gestured for you to walk in, “so this is room where you will be staying the night and this lovely lady right here is Tiana, she will be helping with your hair and makeup to get ready for the ball. One of the footmen who you have met before, his name is Tom if I remember correctly, will be escorting you and showing you the way to the ball. I look forward to seeing you in that dress, try to enjoy yourself tonight.”
“Thank you, Leo, I really appreciate you doing this for me.” You thanked sending him a sincere smile.
With his hand on the door, he turned to look at your smaller form, “you need not thank me, it is what friends are for, is it not?” You did not even get the chance to reply for he had already left the room and disappeared into the confusing corridors.
With a huff you turned to Tiana with a smile, “I suppose we should get to know each other, I am Name, but you probably already knew that.” You ended with a light frown realizing your mistake in introducing yourself.
Tiana chuckled lightly, “yes, I did already know that my lady, but it is nice for you to introduce yourself regardless. Anyway, it is probably smart if we start getting you ready, I have prepared you a bath. Do you need any assistance?”
“No thank you, it is quite alright, I will be quick!” You smiled before being ushered into the bathroom where you closed the door and began to strip off your garments and dipped into the warm water of the bath letting out a sigh as you felt your tense muscles relax. Although the feeling of the warm water cascading down your back and hair was soothing, you knew you couldn’t enjoy it for any longer than necessary; you had to get ready after all and lord knows how long that would take.
You wrapped yourself in a fluffy towel and started to rummage around in your bag to find your undergarments before making your way out of the large bathroom and into the main room to find Tiana setting up hair products and makeup on the vanity.
The small woman’s head popped up as she heard the door open with a smile, “perfect, you came out just in time! Take a seat, let us get started on your hair, is there anything you want in particular?”
“No, do whatever you want, I am sure it will look amazing.” A huge smile grew on Tiana’s face as she clapped her hands excitedly and went to find the products, she needed to make this transformation possible. She began by adding many different products to her hair that you had never even head of and styled and dried your hair into a style she thought appropriate.
Tiana smiled as she looked at her handywork before starting on your makeup, she gathered her brushes as she brushed some kind of skin coloured liquid underneath your eyes and atop other imperfections you may or may not have had, blending it in until it looked like flawless skin. She picked up various other tools ranging in sizes colours and shape and began to paint with you as her blank canvas. Tiana added the finished touches and took a step back to admire her hard work.
“You look absolutely stunning my lady, you actually look like a fairy with this ethereal look you have going on.” She praised holding her cheeks as she stared at her handywork.
You stared at the person staring back at you in the mirror, gingerly touching your face noticing your skin glowing and eyelashes longer and darker, your eyebrows more tamed and shaped, and the glossy colour on your lips.
“Thank you so much Tiana! I look like a new woman, a beautiful one at that!” You exclaimed, smiling brightly at the blushing maid.
“Oh, I haven’t done much my lady, I just enhanced the beauty that was already there.” She stated smiling back, staring into the captivating eyes of the woman before her, Tiana quickly turned on her feet to open the closet door across the room. “Ah let us not dilly dally any longer and get you into this beautiful dress, I am sure you are just itching to see it!”
The closet doors swung open to reveal a gorgeous flowy peach coloured dress, Tiana gathered the fabric in her arms as she made her way over the vanity where you stood, “shall we get you into this dress then? I must admit I cannot wait to see you in it.”
You looked away in embarrassment at such an honest compliment and allowed her to help you put on the garment. When you were all fitted into the dress you looked into the mirror in awe as you saw how the fabric draped and fell perfectly over your body, it was elegant and beautiful something fit for a princess or at least someone with too much money to spare. It fit like a glove, and you weren't sure if you’d ever felt so beautiful in your entire life. You looked like an ethereal being with the way the tulle like fabric fell from the bodice and sleeves of her arms to meet at her wrists. Her hands smoothed over the bodice enjoying the feeling of the fabric beneath her fingertips and the texture of the flower embroidery spanning the bodice.
The two of you stood in awe until Tiana broke the silence, “oh my goodness me! You look absolutely stunning; dare I say like a goddess! You are surely going to steal the show tonight, my lady, there is no doubt you will be the bell of the ball. The royal siblings did a great job in picking out this dress.”
There was a pause before Tiana realised that she had been rambling as a blush rose to her cheeks, “a-anyway! We have to add the finishing touches before Tom gets here, you cannot be late!”
She hurried around the room picking up miscellaneous items and presenting them to you and asking you whether you liked them or not until you ended up deciding on a simple pearl choker necklace with matching earrings and some simple heeled shoes.
There was a knock at the door to reveal the tall footman, Tom, “good evening my lady, my name is Tom, and I am to be escorting you to the ball.”
Just as you were about to leave Tiana shouted at you to stop as she ran over to you with a beautiful flower crown with soft coloured carnations and hydrangeas to match the dress and a ribbon keeping it all attached.
“This will look beautiful on you my lady, may I put it on for you?” She asked with a sheepish smile.
“Of course, Tiana, I just wanted to say thank you for making me look so beautiful I really appreciate it.” You thanked with grateful smile to which the smaller woman placed the crown atop your head, careful not mess up her previous handy work before standing back with a pleased smile.
“Perfect! Listen to the Prince's words, try to enjoy yourself.” You thanked Tiana again as you turned away to follow her escort.
He offered his arm and off they went down the corridor towards the music and loud chatter, you just hoped you were prepared enough for the onslaught of rich nobles and royal families.
❥ ❥ ❥
YOU HAD NEVER been this nervous in your life, you felt like a baby deer on ice trying not to lose your footing not to mention the fact that you weren't used to walking in shoes like the ones you had been given. Your fists clenched into the fabric of Tom’s jacket in a way of grounding yourself; you’d never been to any ball as extravagant as this one, it was expensive, it was fancy, and it was full of important people. Important people that could ruin your life if you even so much as spoke to them wrong. You had no idea how you were supposed to act, you'd never had any sort of etiquette lessons, and you’d never needed them either! All you had going for you was that you might look the part and that hopefully you could just get away with just standing in a corner by yourself, preferably a corner where the food was, without having to interact with anyone whom you might offend.
“My Lady, are you feeling alright? You look quite nervous, is there anything I can do to help?” Came the comforting voice of the man accompanying you.
“Ah, thank you for asking but I am just nervous, I worry about offending people and not being fancy enough for everyone around here, they all have so much money and I am just a florist. I do not know how I am supposed to act, and it just makes me a bit nervous is all, I am not even quite sure why I agreed to come here anyway, it is not really my kind of thing. But I am here, and I might as well get on with it.” She rambled clenching and unclenching her fist in Tom’s jacket, gesturing wildly with her free arm ending with a sigh.
He stopped in front of the massive door leading to the ballroom and turned you to face him, “I understand you are nervous, my lady but, you must not worry so much, not all of the nobles and the rich who are attending this ball are crazy and obsessed with etiquette, some of them are rather humble people. You should just be yourself; you are a beautiful woman with an excellent personality to match, they will like you I can assure you of that, just flash them that smile of yours and you should be fine.”
You looked up at him with a big smile, his impromptu speech had comforted you immensely, you threw your arms around him and hugged him, “thank you so much Tom! You are ever so kind, thank you again for making me feel better I really do appreciate it, hopefully after tonight I will see you some time soon. You could come to my flower shop, bouquets and plants would be on the house.”
He laughed at your sudden change of energy, “I will take you up on your offer, my lady, now let us get going as I am sure you do not want to be late.”
With that the massive mahogany doors were pushed open to reveal the ballroom packed with people wither dancing or chattering away. Name was blown away everyone looked amazing, the women wearing dresses of beautiful bright colours and that fit them in a way that showed of all of their assets; the men looking smart and sophisticated in their suits and formal wear. Everyone was dressed differently, and they all looked absolutely stunning, Name couldn’t help but feel slightly self-conscious but reminded herself, fake it till you make it.
Tom’s breath was warm on your ear as he whispered his parting words, “this is where we part ways, my lady, I will around if you need me. Enjoy yourself.”
It wasn’t long before you were alone again, trying not to look too out of place as you stood rather awkwardly in the corner of the room, so much for being sociable. You leaned against the wall and observed everyone around her, they were all clearly having fun and wore expensive clothes but what did you expect they were all nobles. You shook your head, you needed to stop being so judgmental, besides you were also wearing expensive clothes, you might even be able to fit in considering the garment you were wearing. However, there was one thing you noticed, nobody was really wearing any light pale colours like yourself, the room was filled with brightly coloured fabrics and fabrics so dark they rivalled even the darkest of nights. Nothing like anything you were wearing, you cursed Leonidas for making you stand out, you supposed it must be so he could easily spot you.
At that point you were in a world of her own and although you were looking at your surroundings, you weren't at all focused on it until you were broken from your panicked thoughts by a honeyed voice you knew all too well, Alvara.
“What a surprise seeing you here my dear, I did not realise they invited people who are not of noble stature.” You did not mean to stare but in that moment Alvara radiated power and beauty in fact she was the epitome of it, and you were completely and utterly mesmerised. Her dress was jet black and contrasted against her pale almost white looking skin, the dress was floor length and fit her body like a glove, the deep V of the dress was bold maybe even scandalous, but she was Alvara Fox, and she could do whatever she wanted. Decorating her neck was an intricate gold choker with smaller chains attached to it falling from her neck and across her shoulder and collarbone to attach to the gold shoulder pads giving her a more structed look. She looked powerful, strong, confident and although you hated to admit it, you found her extremely attractive in that moment.
“What is with all of this staring my love? Do you like what you see?” She teased hoping to see that face you always made when you got flustered.
“I- uh, I deeply apologise my lady! I did not mean to star you just look... really nice tonight.” You hoped you did not sound as bashful as you felt and avoided eye contact with the stunning woman stood before you.
Alvara let out a loud laugh, a brilliant smile gracing her perfect face, “you are simply adorable! I am glad you think I look nice; I happen to think you look ravishing.”
You felt your face grow hot as you tried not to let your flustered expression show, “uh, I think I just heard somebody say my name, I will- I will speak to you later.”
You quickly turned on your heel and sped away trying to avoid any more conversations with your beautiful but pesky customer, all you wanted to do was eat and be ignored the entire time, but Alvara had different plans as she gripped your wrist in a tight grip pulling you back, so you fell into her cold embrace.  
“Whoever is calling your name can wait. I am much more important than they are besides, I thought I told you to refer to me as Alvara, especially if we are to be lovers one day.” At this declaration your mouth fell open into an ‘o’ shape not expecting such a bold statement even if you probably should have seen it coming considering the last conversation you had with the infamous Alvara Fox.
“Lovers? “You spluttered, “but I have never agreed to such a thing-!”
A slender finger was placed upon your lips silencing her, “you do not have to agree to anything, my love, we will be lovers one day. Mark my words. Why should we wait, I am a rather impatient woman and you of all people should know, be mine?”
You looked up at the taller woman and saw the twisted adoration in her eyes, those beautiful soulless eyes holding only an iciness that sent shivers down your spine, everything was telling you to say no, to reject this woman. Despite the love, or some sick version of it, that her eyes displayed you knew something was not right, something was very inhuman about Alvara and quite frankly, it scared you. You had come to the conclusion that realised that although you found her attractive you knew a relationship with her would never work because you would always feel like the prey and her the predator.  
Name diverted her eyes hating the eye contact she had just been subjected to before taking a deep breath and pushing herself out of the strangely cold woman’s embrace, “I am terribly sorry My Lady, but I cannot except your offer. I am not looking for any sort of relationship in that sense, I want to focus on my shop and my career, hopefully you will understand.” As she turned away from Alvara she grabbed her wrist once again eyes swirling with determination and annoyance holding an expression which struck fear into Name’s heart.
“I thought I told you to call me Alvara.”
“I apologise, but no I will not. You are my customer, and we will have a professional relationship, now if you don’t mind, I’m going to eat some cake.” You smiled politely shaking your wrist out of Alvara’s firm grasp and walking away confidently feeling very proud for finally standing up for yourself.
Holding a fancy plate of cake and a fork in your other hand, you escaped to the massive windows overlooking a beautiful landscape that you knew was there but couldn’t see because of the darkness that had prevailed. Yet despite not being able to see much you continued to stare out the window eating your cake imagining what could be there completely lost in thought, you placed the now empty plate on a nearby table and went back to your previous station situated at the windows. You were playing with the sleeve of your dress staring out into the dark abyss when a horrible feeling washed over you, like something absolutely awful was going to happen, you suddenly regretted eating all that cake as found yourself unable to pull yourself away from the window until you saw something, something awfully similar to a pair of red eyes…
And, in that moment, all chaos broke loose.
A piercing scream escaped your throat as the massive windows shattered by the brute force of something crashing through it, the glass left cuts all over your exposed skin as you lay in a heap.
People were screaming, shouting, doing anything they could to get out of the room safely. You lay there in a daze as you wondered if those really were red eyes you saw until you felt a crushing weight atop of you, your eyes lazily blinked open to see a man… or what you thought was a man grinning down at her with a sleazy look on his face.
“You smell reaaaal nice, I could just eat you up!” You stared at him in horror as he laughed like he’d made a hilarious joke, and it was in that moment that you realised his eyes were red and not a figment of her imagination.
“What- what are you?”
“Your worst nightmare, sweetheart.” He continued to laugh as you began to struggle in his unmoving grip, panic tightening like a noose around your throat, “no use in struggling, you are going to die anyway, angelface.” He continued to laugh maniacally as he leaned down to nose around your neck as if he were looking for something.
Tears began to fill your eyes as you continued to fruitlessly struggle until there was a blinding pain in your neck, you screamed once again this time filled with pure agonising pain. It felt like he was tearing at your neck and draining all the blood and energy from your body. You writhed in pain it was the kind of pain that was searing hot and although it was in one spot, you could feel it in your entire body, it was unbearable. You screamed as much as your voice would allow, fighting back as much as you could, trying to rid the burning sensation, scratching and clawing at anything you could. You could feel yourself growing weak, and you knew you didn’t have much time left. But if one thing was for sure, it was that you were not a quitter, and you weren't going to go down without a fight.
Just when you thought your time had come the crushing weight of the man on top of you was lifted off. You cracked open your eyes to see Alvara, she looked positively feral snarling at the man.
Everything was fuzzy and you couldn’t comprehend what was happening with everything sounding like it was underwater, the pain in your neck had become a dull ache at this point. You were trying so hard to keep your eyes open, but everything hurt, everything was just too much.
“Name!” a familiar voice shouted, “Name do not dare close your eyes, okay? Eyes on me.” He sounded desperate and you opened your eyes again to see Leonidas to which you smiled to the best of your abilities, but it probably looked more like a grimace.
You moved a shaky hand to touch the wound at your neck but was stopped by your friend, “don’t touch it, you’ll make it worse.” You knew he said something afterwards, but you couldn’t hear it. Your eyes began to close as the cold grasping at your mind whispered for you to welcome the darkness as you heard distant shouts for you to open your eyes.
Leonidas swore as he saw the damage done to you, blood was everywhere, it still wet all over your neck and shoulders. It took all of his strength to not to lap up the blood on your neck, but he has self-control unlike those other vampires who didn’t even deserve the title of vampire. He breathed in heavily trying to keep his composure as he gathered your limp body in his strong arms not even bothering to check on anyone else as he ran out of the room taking you to safety, he just hoped he had gotten there in time.
Meanwhile, Alvara was torturing the man who had dared lay a finger on her future wife, she was straddling the man punching at his face again and again blood painting her fist a beautiful shade of red, leaving the man a bloody mess and yet he continued to laugh.
“You sure are a feral one.” He continued to laugh coughing up blood as he did so.
“If you think this is feral you haven’t seen anything yet, you may think I am going to kill you but no, I will keep you alive and bring to you to the cusp of death just to do it all over again." she laughed humorously not breaking eye contact with the man below her.
"I am going to remove your teeth one by one, cut every inch of body. I'm going to burn your fucking flesh off I might even cut your tongue off. And that is not even beginning to scrape the surface of what I am going to do you.” She snarled; her eyes wild showing the true meaning of feral. He stared at her his laughter stopping as he truly understood what kind of situation he was in, he messed with the wrong vampire, and he would pay for it with his life.
❥ ❥ ❥
PAIN. BLINDING PAIN. Why did everything hurt so much, why was everything so overwhelming? Opening your eyes hurt, everything was so bright, it was as if your eyesight had miraculously improved to a scary degree. There was a strong flowery scent wafting through the air, it made you cough and your eyes water, why was it so strong and why was it affecting you so much? Something was very, very wrong and you could hardly remember what had happened the previous night not to mention the fact that you were in a bed that you had never seen before.
What the hell happened last night?
With all these questions and the fogginess in your brain, you pushed your weak body up into a sitting position instantly feeling a pain in your shoulder and neck. You hadn’t realised how weak you felt until your hand was shakily reaching for the junction between your shoulder and neck, there was a thick gauzy bandage over the area and just ghosting your fingers over it hurt like hell.
Your head shot up at the sound of your name, it was Leonidas, you instantly relaxed and a soft smile found its way to your face.
The prince rushed towards you checking over your entire body in a frantic frenzy, “you should not be sitting up, Name, you lost a lot of blood last night.” He pushed you back gently, so she rested against the mass of pillows behind her, a soft frown marring his usual smiley exterior.
“Yes… what happened last night Leon? I can hardly remember a thing; my brain is just so foggy.” You rubbed at your head hoping it would help you remember something, anything, but all it did was trigger a shock of pain through your shoulder.
He looked sad, terribly, terribly sad.
“I am not sure if you are ready to hear it.” He said solemnly.
“I want to know, Leon, please just tell me. I will only worry more if I have no idea what happened to me.”
He avoided eye contact looking at everything in the room but you as if he was mentally preparing himself for what he was about to explain, it made you worry even more seeing your usually composed friend look so anxious making your mind wander to the worst possible case scenario.
Leonidas took a deep breath and finally looked at you, “Okay, what I am about to tell you is going to sound absolutely insane, but you have to hear me out, do you understand?” You looked at him intently and nodded.
“Well starting off with what happened last night, you were attacked which I am sure is quite obvious, but you were attacked by a group of individuals who…” he paused for a moment as if trying to think of what to say next, “disagree with the crown and my family. Which I suppose does not explain much but I promise I will get there.”
He adjusted himself and sat closer to you and it was in that moment that you knew he was going to get to the crazy part of the situation in which he feared the kind of reaction you might have.
“I am sure you have heard of vampires before and how they are nothing but stories to keep children from going out late at night. But to put it bluntly, vampires are not just a myth or a story, they are real beings that live among us in society.”
“Are you serious? You have got to be joking, how would I not know about this if it is even true that is, I mean surely you are just messing with me, right… right?” Your words coming out of your mouth in a rapid pace, voice trembling as you looked at your friend with wide eyes full of even more questions at this massive revelation that you didn’t even entirely believe.
Leonidas took a deep breath looking at you with pity for he knew this was hard to believe,
“Sadly, I am not joking, I wish I was but, Vampires have been around for a very long time well before you and me. They helped create the system we live in today and to keep the humans who live in and around the towns safe from other creatures that wish them harm. The Royal family are the oldest vampire family in all of Iridesiah and we were tasked with taking care of our fellow vampire and human counterparts thousands and thousands of years ago. What I am saying is that I am a vampire, my entire family are, as well as pretty much the entire court. Which I know must sound crazy and a lot to take in and I sincerely apologize that this has happened to you Name, all I wanted was for you to live your life in peace without knowing.”
You gaped at your friend processing all of the information you had just been given, it was almost too much for your scrambled brain, “so you are a vampire? What- what about the people that attacked me, are they humans, vampires or whatever else they possibly could be?”
“Yes, I am a vampire and the man from that group who attacked you was also a vampire, we call his specific type a rogue as they don’t believe in protecting humans and think that the monarchy should be abolished so they can take over in our place.” He explained.
“I was bitten by that- that rogue...? Does that- does that mean I am going to become a vampire?” Tears welled up in your eyes threatening to fall down your face, what did this mean for you and your flower shop?
Leonidas put his hand atop your own and directed a soft look your way, “you were bitten by the rogue, yes, but we are not sure whether you will turn yet or not, your case is different to anything we have ever seen before and even our best doctors are not quite sure what is happening. I know must be horrible to hear but you are in good hands I can assure you and I will be here every step of the way; I promise.”
At his words the dam holding your tears back finally broke as your body shook with soul wrenching sobs, to which Leonidas immediately got up from his position beside your bed and pulled you into his embrace letting you cry it out.
❥ ❥ ❥
THEY STILL DIDN’T know what actually happened to you, just that you weren’t a vampire, but that you weren’t a human either. They ended up deciding that you were a hybrid of vampire and human where whilst you did need blood to survive, you didn’t have to rely on it and could eat normal food and gain nutrients from it unlike actual vampires.
Lost in your own thoughts arranging flowers and unpacking supplies you hadn’t even noticed a new presence in the shop.
“Hello there, darling Name.”
You nearly jumped out of your skin at the sensual voice you knew all too well, “Alvara! Oh, my goodness, you scared the life out of me.” You placed your hand on your chest hoping to calm your racing heart, you huffed trying to fix your frazzled composure.
“So, what exactly brings you here? Flowers or just companionship?” You teased, hand on hip as you sent a smile Alvara’s way.
She looked a bit thrown by the teasing of your usually flustered self, but she quickly caught her composure and smirked back, “since when did you get so flirtatious, my darling? I like it.” The sensual tone and intense gaze made you immediately melt, you turned away quickly pressing your cool hands against your face hoping to cool it down.
Alvara let out a melodious giggle at her darling’s reaction, “but to answer your previous question, I am here for a bit of both, I require some colourful flowers, I trust you to pick out something nice. Besides I have missed our little conversations and more importantly, I have missed you.”
“Oh, that is rather sweet of you to say, uh yes…” You lost your train of thought as you got lost in Alvara’s icy blue eyes and although they unnerved you to an alarming extent, you couldn’t deny how beautiful they were or how there was such an intense pull to her like a moth to a flame.
You snapped back into your thoughts with a shake of your head “anyway! I suppose I should get those flowers for you then.”
Although you tried not to act awkward and flustered Alvara just seemed bring it out of you whenever she opened her pretty pink lips. Why did this woman have such a hold over you, but why did she also scare you? You wondered what it was about Alvara that made you feel this way. You took a deep breath and tried to focus on choosing the perfect set of flowers humming as you walked about the back of the store picking and choosing things as you did, creating an image of how you were going to arrange them in your head.
You came back into the front room trying to avoid eye contact with Alvara for the time being, giving yourself a mental pep talk as you arranged and tied them all up. You huffed proudly looking at your handywork before picking it up and finally looking up to see the amused smirk of Alvara.
“I hope it’s colourful enough for you, I added all of my favourites, so I do hope you like it.” You rambled out with a bashful smile painted across your face.
Alvara leaned forward, so that her hands were pressed up upon the bench that separated them not breaking eye contact for a second. “You really are the cutest little thing I have ever had the pleasure of setting eyes on, my dear Name.” You stood there stiffly, not being able to break your gaze from that intense stare of the vampire in front of you, trying to stutter out a curt and hopefully not awkward thank you.
Alvara finally broke the eye contact with an amused shake of her head, stepping away from the counter and finally allowing you to breathe again.
“I have a proposal; one I have made before but that is beside the point. I do hope that you agree to it, for your sake and mine.” The underlying threat sent a shiver down your spine the kind of shiver that reminded you of the time you first met, goosebumps rose upon your skin as Alvara made slow purposeful steps towards you. “I am sure that you have noticed my fondness for you, my darling, I believe I have made it quite obvious and although I do realize that you have rejected me before I am not the kind of woman who takes no for an answer especially when it concerns something that I want. So, I would like to propose the idea of you being mine. Which I know is quite blunt, but you see, I have been alone for a very long time, most of my existence in fact and whilst I have chosen the life of solitude I long for a partner whom I can spend the rest of my life with.”
You wanted to move, to get away, but your limbs would not comply, it was as if Alvara’s icy cold stare had you frozen, the anticipation of the woman approaching you had the hair on the back of your neck rising. It wasn’t long before you were face to face, closer than you would’ve liked. Alvara smiled as she laid her cold hand atop your face stroking it in such a loving way it startled you.
“I know that you are aware of my power within the kingdom and that I am a ruthless woman but do not let that scare you, my darling, because I can assure you that I would be the most generous lover, a lover who would protect and treasure you, treat you exactly how deserve to be treated. So, I ask you again, be mine?” Her voice held such a sense of power and conviction that it made you want to agree, but you were hesitant, something was telling you that something was not quite right here, as it always had. There was a danger, a warning, in her words. It was possessive and quite frankly terrifying, a feeling that you often felt around the ice-cold woman, nothing of a warmth and security that you associated with love.
The fear snapped you out of your frozen stupor as you pulled Alvara’s hand off of your cheek and took a step back, creating a much-needed distance between them. “I am terribly sorry, Alvara, but I just cannot accept your invitation. You are a lovely woman, and anyone would be lucky to have you as a partner, but I am not your person, I am not your future lover. I have told you before that I am not interested and, sadly, that has not changed. I am simply just not interested in any kind of relationship; my flower shop means too much to me and I would much rather focus on that. I hope you understand, but I think you need to leave now.”
A dark shadow fell across the woman’s face, your blood went cold as you saw the change of expression and suddenly you felt that you were in great danger.
“You really are a funny one, Name, you really think that you can say no to me, I told you I do not take no for an answer. You will accept me because if I can’t have you no one can.” Her voice was level and calm, but it did not hide the cold anger it held as she closed the distance between you.  “That little speech of yours will not deter me, my love, I always get what I want.” Alvara tugged you closer to her as a strong arm curled around your waist and a hand gripping the back of your neck as she pulled her darling into an aggressive yet passionate kiss. You tried in vain to pull away from the bruising kiss, but Alvara would not budge instead deepening the kiss much to your dismay biting the lips of your aggressor in hopes of pulling the leech off of you.
Alvara pulled away, blood smeared on her bottom lip as she laughed cruelly, “you really are full of surprises, oh god I love it when you squirm in my arms.” She giggled intensely as she licked away the blood on her lips keeping that dreaded eye contact with the object of her twisted affections.
“Get out of my fucking shop.” You heaved, huffing with unrestrained anger.
She put her hands up in mock surrender, “now, now, darling, I think you should take a deep breath.”
“Shut up, just shut up.”
“Mm, I like this feisty side of you, Name.” She purred, starting to take a step closer to but you decided enough was enough and armed yourself with a sturdy wooden bat.
“I will not say it again, get out of my fucking shop.” Your voice was hard and red hot with anger.
Alvara hung her head and chuckled quietly, “I will leave but only because you asked me so nicely.”
You did not reply instead choosing to stare the vampire down, not putting your weapon down until Alvara had left and that you were sure you were safe. The wooden bat fell to the ground with loud clutter as the dams broke and loud sobs fell from your lips, you covered your mouth and cried and cried. Emotions of anger, fear and disgust clouding your mind. You found yourself curled on the floor hugging your body close in a way to comfort your broken psyche, you really should’ve listened to yourself when you thought that Alvara was bad news, but it was too late now.
❥ ❥ ❥
THAT DAY WAS only the start of your personal hell. After what felt like years of torment from a particularly icy woman you had decided to move away from Iridesiah and although Leonidas had told you he could protect you, you both knew that Alvara was a powerful woman, she had said so herself, and that she would not go down so easily.
You had taken to moving around every 10 years or so which in grand scheme of how long a vampire lives for, is a very short of time. All you wanted was a simple peaceful life where you could have a flower shop quite like the one, you had before all of this madness, and so the cycle of running and hiding began.
It was starting to become tiring this whole running thing, you had no place to call home, no constant in your life because of that god forsaken woman. Yet despite this you always managed to get away, again and again, you slipped through the cracks. Although you were constantly being hunted, long ago you had decided that you wouldn’t let that stop you from doing what you wanted and going where you wanted. You were your own person, and you wouldn’t let Alvara dictate her life, not now and hopefully not ever.
Looking out the window, you observed the miles and miles of lush green that surrounded your temporary abode, it was most certainly your favourite place you’d ever lived, surrounded by nature and flowers was where you belonged. Sure, you missed the company of others, but you couldn’t have any sort of partner, platonic or not, for you did not want to subject them to this life, a life where their every waking moment could be their last. You’d learnt that the hard way, when Alvara said if she couldn’t have you no one could, she sure as hell meant it.
You sipped from your mug of piping hot tea curling up into a ball as you thought about the past, about the woman who claimed to love you.
It had been a long time since you’d been around so many people, it was a slightly odd feeling but one that you found that you’d missed. The loud chatter of people all around you was comforting, you were truly enjoying yourself, listening to the street music and dancing around with the locals, it had been a long time since you’d felt peace like this. If only every day you could be surrounded by people who held such warmth and kindness to them, the rich scent of food only added to your sense of peace and comfort.
Walking around the market stalls and trying new food, talking to new people, and looking at all they had to offer felt like a dream, it was truly the best day you’d had in a long time, if only it could last forever. But alas, that was not the way things were planned, they never stayed peaceful for long, not when a certain someone was watching your every move.  
“That necklace would look so pretty around your throat, my dear.”
Your whole body went stiff. Every fibre of your being screamed for help, screamed for you to run, for you to get away from the very person whose body was wrapped around your own, pulling you away from the crowd and into an isolated alleyway.
Alvara placed a kissed upon your neck hugging your smaller body to her own, “you have no idea how much I’ve missed you, your body, your scent, everything about you.” Her face was buried into your neck, placing kisses all upon your neck and shoulder, laving her tongue over the supple skin.
That very action caused you to break out of her terrified stupor, you jerked your elbow back into Alvara, catching her off guard so that her tight grip around your waist loosened, and you were free to escape.
You gasped for air as you felt life being breathed back into your veins, you felt the need to run, to escape, it was the only thing on your mind, a one-track thought.
You raced through the streets, stumbling, and pushing past people left, right and centre, you didn’t have time to feel sorry for the people you were pushing past, for you could not be caught by Alvara. A woman so determined, so ruthless, that if you were ever truly caught, you would never have the chance to escape again. You knew Alvara was hot on your tail, she was a general for a reason.
You came to set of stone steps, you didn’t know where they led but you didn't have the luxury of time to think or plan or anything for that matter all you could do was run and hope for an escape route to appear. The adrenaline was starting to wear off and you didn’t know how much longer you could run for, you hoped that these stairs would lead to an escape one where Alvara could not follow.
Vines and trees pulled at your clothes tearing your skirt and shirt in the process, drawing your precious blood, you heard a snarl behind you that was unmistakably Alvara’s, you forced your tired limbs to move faster with the mantra of don’t look back, don’t look back, running through your head. Escape was the only option, you could do it, you’d done it before, this time wasn’t any different. Yet the cold grip of fear had set it’s sights on you and you couldn’t help but wonder if this time would be different, what if Alvara managed to catch you this time because surely she wouldn’t let you go, she’d been chasing you for this long why would she stop now.
You tried not to let these thoughts take control you had to focus on getting away, on getting home, or rather the place you’d fortified to keep yourself safe from Alvara. Until you came to a stumbling holt, beholding the cliff face with such a drop you felt her stomach churning at the sight alone. A dead end, the only way you could get away would be to jump, a terrifying feat but one you would make to escape the woman coming up behind you.
“There’s nowhere left to go Name. Give up won’t you, I’m beginning to tire of our little game.” Her voice was raised and slightly breathless from the earlier pursuit.
You laughed but there was nothing humourless about this situation, “you think this is a game, this is my life, Alvara, and you won’t let me live it because of your sick fucking fantasies. Accept that I will never be yours, just accept it.” Your voice trembling with barely restrained anger, tears began to well up in your eyes, emotions you didn’t like to feel taking over your body.
“Just- just let me go, Alvara, for the love of God please. Just let me have peace.” Tears fell from your eyes, you were just so tired, voice wobbling with defeat.
“You know I can’t do that Name, dear, you were mine the moment I set eyes on you and my belongings, my possessions, I never let them go. I would never let you go; you mean so much to me-” She moved closer, hoping to catch you off guard.
“That’s fucking bullshit! You don’t love me, you don’t care about me, you just want to own me, and I won’t let you.” You let herself fall backwards, down the side of the cliff and into the deep blue abyss.  
You heard Alvara scream your Name but all you could do was smile, you were successful, you were free, but there was that lingering thought at the back of your mind asking yourself how long you had left? How long could you really keep running?
Today would be a risky day, that much was clear, but you hadn’t seen Leonidas in hundreds of years, and you missed your friend dearly, it had been hard to see each other due to Leonidas’ kingship and your own predicament with Alvara.
You hummed a tune as you dolled yourself up for the event ahead, you arranged your hair and such, pulling on a beautiful silky dress to match. You smoothed the beautiful fabric enjoying the feeling beneath your fingertips, you didn’t know what would happen tonight but all you could hope for was peace, it was the only thing you had ever wanted. You slipped some shoes on and grabbed your bag before making your way out of your beloved home and into the unknown.
❥ ❥ ❥
YOU GRINNED, ENJOYING the company of the people around, enjoying the company of others, a feat you didn’t have the opportunity to enjoy often. The music, the chatter, the noise, it was beautiful, and you felt herself bask in it, you had missed this.
You turned at the warm voice, a voice you had dearly missed, “Leo!” You threw yourself into his welcoming embrace not caring about others who would surely judge you for such a careless action especially one regarding the King of Iridesiah.
“Name, I have truly missed your company, it's wonderful to see you again. How has life been treating you?” He asked pulling away from their tight embrace, hands resting on your arms.
You smiled softly, yet despite its softness it held an overwhelming sadness to it, “you know it’s the same old, same old, running and hiding. But don’t worry about me I can handle it; I’ve handled it for the last few hundred years.”   
His eyes mirrored the sadness in her smile, “I wish I could do more for you Name, I really do, but it really isn’t so simple. If I were to try and protect you, she would overthrow me and that would have disastrous consequences.”
“Oh Leo, of course, I know this, I know you cannot do anything to help. I’m sorry for bringing it up, we should be happy, we should treasure our limited time together.” You wiped the brewing tears from your eyes not letting a single drop fall, this was supposed to be a happy reunion, you should be enjoying yourself.
Leonidas smiled at you placing a comforting hand on your cheek, allowing you to nuzzle into his palm enjoying the moment of affection. “I know something that will cheer you up, how about we get you some cake?” You smiled a beaming smile at the offer, as the two of you talked for hours over cake and other delicacies that were on offer, but soon he would have to leave your side and be the King again, he promised to return later on the evening and left you with a parting hug.
You ended up venturing on towards the ballroom deciding on dancing to the beautiful jazz being played, moving your body to the rhythm letting it take over, relinquishing control to the beautiful symphony.
That was until your peace, your enjoyment was cut short. You felt the cold presence of a woman you knew all too well, her muscled arms snaked their way around your waist, constricting your movement.
“Fancy seeing you here, my dear. Rather bold of you to turn up to an event like this, knowing that I would be here.” She giggled, tracing soft circles onto your exposed flesh, the very flesh she dreamed of biting into.
“I didn’t come here for you, Alvara.” Your voice barely above a whisper.
Alvara spun her darling around, keeping her arm firmly wrapped around your waist, faces mere millimetres from each other, “god I love the way you say my name.” Her voice was desperate and breathy, it was so strange to hear her sound so vulnerable.
She moved her lips towards to your ear, “I would give anything to hear you moan it.”
Your eyes widened by the bold statement, ears burning with embarrassment, you were used to Alvara’s cold nature not this desire-stricken woman before her. It almost seemed as if a dam had broken, as if Alvara had finally had enough, enough of their so-called game.
“Let me go Alvara.” You felt so defeated, so useless, so hopeless. You didn’t know how much longer you could handle these feelings.
She placed her hand upon your face, “you know I cannot do that my darling; you are mine; you will always be mine. I have loved you for hundreds of years and that love has never wavered, in fact, how does the saying go? Absence makes the heart grow fonder.”
Tears dripped down your face, revealing a scared darling doe behind, “you don’t love me, you wouldn’t be hurting me if you truly loved me.”
Alvara gripped your face harshly bringing your faces closer together with a snarl, “don’t you dare question my love for you.” Your eyes locked eyes for a few intense seconds before she loosened her grip and wiped the fallen tears away from your face.
“Aren’t you tired? Why must you keep running my dear, when you can just give in. I can give you the love that you desire, I can show you the world's greatest pleasures, I am a generous lover my darling Name. You would want for nothing under my care, you would have a home, a lover, a partner. You would no longer be alone. You don’t have to run anymore, Name. Please, be mine?” She caressed her darling’s face trying to convince you to finally give up and fall into her awaiting grasp.
“Just say yes, that’s all you have to do, Name.”
You stared up into her eyes, lips trembling as you fought to keep your composure. It had been so long since you went on the run, what even was the reason why she couldn’t even learn to love Alvara? You could hardly even put your finger on the exact reason, did you even have a reason? Was it even worth all this pain fighting against a woman who would never quit, a woman who would never stop chasing you even if it was to the ends of the earth? Would it be so bad to give into Alvara? Would it really be that bad? You would finally have peace, a home, a constant in your life.
“Okay.” Your voice was soft, defeated and broken down.
A huge grin grew upon Alvara’s face, “Oh Name, I’m so glad you’ve finally come around. I have been waiting for this moment for too long, you have made the right choice that I can assure you. Let’s go home, I shall take great care of you, I promise.”
With her arm still around your waist she guided you toward the exit, you looked back hesitating for a moment as your met eyes with Leonidas, his own eyes widened filled with shock, fear, worry, but he could do nothing. Even though he was the king, holding all that power still wasn't enough, he couldn’t even save his best friend from the greatest monster of all.
“Come, my dear, we must make up for lost time.”
And with that your fate was sealed, you just hoped it would be peaceful.
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Hi! Just read this fic (https://archiveofourown.org/works/33748141) and the post that inspired it (https://ladycrimsonandblack.tumblr.com/post/658164849325604866/brawltogethernow-brawltogethernow-tama-gives), and was wondering if you knew any other fics where Luffy is a Fae or a Changeling or just not really human? Thanks!
Hello ! Sorry this took us a while, as it seems there are very few fics that fall under that category, but here's what we've got for you:
The closest that comes to mind is :
Wild Wind At Dressrosa by khepiari (M)
[Mod notes: I am personally recommending this one as it is set in a world of magical realism. Luffy is not explicitly a magical creature, but there is certainly a certain magic and mystery surrounding him, which gives this story a whole air of surrealness and fairy tales.]
Doflamingo has troubles- to govern Dressrosa, collect taxes for the King, a womanizing Secretary, a stupid Brother, an angry Wife and a Rebelling Son who is romancing the Biggest Troublemaker- a Wayfaring Godless Curio-Shopkeeper, who is storming the calm streets of Dressrosa. Law's heart is hell-bent to unite with the Wild Wind called Monkey D Luffy- a tale of food, books, friendship and love.
The Moonwitch And His Dumb Werewolf (also) by khepiari (T)
A.U., Fantasy. Happy Ending. Three Part. LawLu (Switch Couple) When his village gets burned down and family captured by the bounty hunters, a young werewolf pup, Luffy, finds himself in the protection of a witch boy named Law and his father Corazon. As the war ravages, the magical creatures must unite to fight their biggest enemies; humans.
Perfect Completion by quackquackcey (E)
Water sprite Luffy curiously happens upon a gathering of vampires and falls at first sight for a certain golden-eyed vampire…but will his feelings be returned?~
A Crown of Flowers by @hyperbolicreverie (M)
The Wild is a mirror, a magic realm of possibility parallel to the mundane one, and people like Luffy, changelings who've made a devil's bargain for power, walk the line between worlds daily. When Luffy makes a mad dash to rescue his brother from certain death, he sets off a chain of events that makes the very foundations of that realm shudder. Soon, he's got several other people along for the ride, and the situation quickly spirals out of control. There's something the people in power aren't saying, and it might be the key to all the strange events that keep happening around them. Luffy just wants adventure and fun and freedom. Law just wants to be left alone to live his life. Kid wants to never be beholden to someone else again. And Ace just wants some goddamn agency for once. But there are other entities in the Wild with agendas of their own, and they don't care about what others want at all.
How To Snare A Life by xairylle (E)
Accidentally ensnaring a parasitic sexual demon and being his host wasn't exactly how Law wanted to end his night or his life for that matter. LawLu/LuLaw.
A Fleeting Moment (When the Sun Can Kiss the Moon) by purplehairedwonder (T)
Once upon a time, the Sun fell in love with the Moon.
[We also recommend checking the #Sun God Luffy tag for godly Luffy material.
And finally, not Fae Luffy, but we'd like to recommend Fae Law]
To Give You My Name by cosmicatta (M)
Trafalgar Law, last of the faes, had committed a fatal mistake 15 years ago: he had given Doflamingo his full name. Now, even after having escaped, the looming threat of his ownership still follows Law everyhwere he goes. He can only try to survive as a runaway, hoping to, someday, find a way to cut the invisible string tying him to his former captor. Until he meets Luffy. He’s just a regular human. But maybe that’s all Law needs.
And, ofc, the one you recommended:
waters of the wild by ladycrimsonandblack (T)
Even to his nakama, Luffy sometimes appears just a little bit too odd. (Or: Five times a Straw Hat notices something strange about Luffy, and the one time someone knows what's going on.)
We're also happy to tell you that your ask prompted some of our writers to give Fae Luffy a shot, so expect some new fics under that tag soon enough.
-Mod Gigi
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some modern girl falls into middle earth concepts (the hobbit & lotr)
reader has a gold tooth or two, obvs the company is interested but what happens when thorin gets that gold sickness lmfao
reader has hella tattoos/piercings/body mods (tatted eyeballs, pointed ears, split tongue, fangs, etc) and explains the process to the company (maybe dwalin gets the hots). this is, of course, after the company finds out reader is in fact human and not some odd race they've never heard of
black or native american reader (bc u know how dwarves & elves are with hair)
reader who speaks norwegian and has studied norwegian history (bc why not) and likes to draw comparisons between scandinavian culture and dwarven culture (idk why lmao)
italian reader (bc food)
reader with dai yueqin-length hair (aka if its not up its a tripping hazard to everyone)
reader who's a part of the sca
deaf!reader (maybe bifur's sign language is similar to asl and they end up becoming friends)
blind!reader (reader likes touching faces, im just imagining reader touching one of the dwarves' faces and being like "oh wow ur very handsome", maybe reader likes bigger noses, bigger ears, longer hair, and beards bc they feel interesting as opposed to a clean-shaven face and smaller features)
reader with a beard fetish (*everyone looks at nori and his glorious beard*)
stoner reader who, after falling into middle earth, found themselves constantly stoned stupid due to eating a brownie before the fall (and by some weird magical thing, their body is now "glitched").
alternatively, stoner reader who had seeds on them before they fell.
metalhead reader (specifically eddie munson-style...so thrasher obsessed with dnd).
crackfic idea: introducing the dwarves to diggy hole (lmao)
reader, who's obsessed with stories, tells the company a different story from their home world each night (like a story about a young viking managing to train the most ferocious dragon (how to train your dragon)). later, reader ends up retelling snow white and the seven dwarves.
some sort of bl2 x hobbit crossover (reader's a siren but not from the borderlands universe, and in this case their magic is more like pony magic from mlp friendship is magic or bonnies magic from vampire diaries). they dont get any markings or anything until they "leech" the gold sickness from thorin (which, in turn, affects the reader by making their powers more awesome). obvs there's some limitations (they lose the ability to fully control their limbs and are pretty much wheelchair-bound for a few months). reader is pretty much a demigod (probably just as powerful if not maybe a little less powerful than gandalf).
reader fell into middle earth a couple thousand years ago but due to some weird aging thing and middle earth time working differently than modern earth time they age differently. they've become some minor witch or wizard.
reader "scent marks/chins" to show love (like a rabbit)
reader whos part of modern royalty from our world (and enjoys middle earth more than anything bc they don't have to be "propper" all the time, maybe their more of a princess diana royal)
speaking of princess diana: reader gushes over princess diana
post botfa: fem!reader flirts with dis (lol)
reader pretends to by psychic (like in psych) but in reality they've read every book part of the lotr/hobbit universe and know everything (maybe they understand some of their languages as well, not enough to be fluent but enough to pick out certain words)
reader grew up DEEP in the mountains of west virginia (and likes to sing country roads at random points, though they change some of the lyrics bc they don't have the crayons nor willpower to explain a radio)
reader knows "big bad john" and "the cajun queen" by jimmy dean by heart
reader quietly singing jolene after the events of mirkwood
reader lives life by the kenny rogers song "the gambler"
most of the songs the reader knows are either by dolly parton or kenny rogers (or any other artist similar like reba)
reader casually talks about the horrors of our world like its the most normal thing (ww2, systematic racism, the truth of thanksgiving, climate change, 2020, the patriarchy and how they treat women, etc)...everyone looks horrified
reader writes hozier-style songs
reader is the biggest fucking flirt (but by that, i mean they'll flirt with trees...not just ents, no, trees...and rocks)
reader, a seemingly innocent-looking woman, was a deathmetal vocalist in our world
reader has a thing for watching blacksmiths and metalsmiths (i used to like watching forged in fire until i realized they were a bunch of sexists)
reader has the deepest southern accent-
reader is a little insecure only to find out that everything society deems gross and unsightly in our world is hella attractive to dwarves (body hair, extra weight, etc)
reader has abandonment issues and is terrified the company or fellowship are gonna abandon them at any point
reader introduces the company/fellowship to truth or dare, reader get's dared to tell the group their biggest secret, they pull out their childhood stuffed animal from their bag and introduce the group to said stuffed animal. reader thinks the group will laugh at them. the fellowship finds it endearing. the company also finds it endearing (esp dori, bifur, and bofur).
reader goes on a tangent about frontal lobes for a solid 15 minutes straight with no stopping bc of that one hyperfixation they had a few years back.
reader with chronic pain. they never talk about it but something goes wrong, reader and (we'll say dwalin) switch bodies. the pain is so bad dwalin is keeling over and after they get switched back everyone has a little more respect for reader than before. ("what do you mean tHIS IS NORMAL EVERYDAY PAIN? YOU MEAN TO TELL ME THIS FLARES UP AND GETS WORSE??? THIS ISNT EVEN THE WORST OF IT???" reader shrugs "eh u get used to it after living with it for ur entire life")
reader doesn't like wearing shoes, but has feet as strong as a hobbits so its fine
everyone's explaining what folktale they tell children in different cultures when asked where babies come from. the dwarves talk about being born of rocks, hobbits talk about being born in gardens, the human reader tells the story of the stork
idk i kinda wanna mix some of these together
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oddballwriter · 8 months
Dwelling in the Night, Part Four: Just Know I'm Not the Sinister Type
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Series Masterlist
Pt. 1 Pt. 2 Pt. 3
Summary: Life, and un-life, goes on. Stevan and you get closer, despite your better judgment, and actually reach the level of friends. It's actually quite nice when you don't think about everything that might come when time keeps going on, leaving only one of you untouched. Meanwhile, an eventful night of hunting happens for you. One with what you thought was a close call that involved you not killing someone tonight out of sympathy. But unfortunately, for you, you don't have as keen of eyes as you think you do.  
Warnings: Reader is a vampire, so there's the usual vampire stuff like drinking blood and biting. Reader gets a little bit edgy and emo, not going to lie to you, because I gave them some backstory to their vampirism. Reader actually attacks someone, but doesn't kill them. It's revealed that reader can to mind control and memory altering as a vampire power however, it is used on someone else. So if you have issues with mind control stuff be aware of that. Cliffhanger ending. 
Author’s Snip: Vampire Y/N lover come and get your juice. *places a blood bag on the table* Wow! I'm actually doing something that advances the plot instead of whatever part 3 was. But yeah. We may be having plots merging 👀.
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy! And don’t be afraid to request.
Word Count: 1974
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It had been a while since the meat incident. About a month or two. The boys, although a bit creeped out by the idea of some stranger breaking into their place and just eating the raw meat in their fridge, seemed to let it go.
You also let it slip by, opting to pretend to yourself that you never did that in the first place. Both too ashamed about it, even though you weren't actually caught, and also because of the fact that Moon Knight technically broke into your place through your open window making you think that he saw you crawl in through Steven's window and back.
To you, what Steven didn't know wouldn't hurt him. It was only one time and it was out of desperation to satisfy the hunger that exists inside you before it took its hold of you and you made an even bigger mess of things.
Over these past few months, you and Steven grew closer. You would actually spend time in each other's flats from time to time. In his, you would spend time talking about various things like some literature since he had an abundance of books, but one thing you loved was when he'd tell you everything there is to know about Egypt and all of its history and mythos. It was amusing to you, hearing him ramble on and on about... well... everything. It's not like you knew anything about the place. You may be old but you aren't ancient Egypt old so hearing all of this from one person was nice. But then again maybe it was because Steven was the only thing close to a friend you have here, other than Moon Knight when you bump into him in the alleys.
Steven liked your flat too, surprisingly. So far you had spun the story that you were a person who liked to collect vintage things and also had a small interest in the macabre, as a means to explain the coffin you had 'as a coffee table'.
In truth, your coffin coffee table that you 'got from a funeral home somewhere' was actually yours and you were meant to be sealed in it, in your original home. But you came back just before they could nail it shut back in your family mausoleum. Your collection of vintage was always yours and has never once been in a thrift or antique store. Some were things from when you were alive. Most others were things you collected through the years afterward. The bed frame and mattress, plates, cups, utensils, and other normal things that you've never actually used but bought so that in case someone comes to your flat they wouldn't find it odd and start to question things, which might lead to your discovery.
Steven didn't need to know that though. Instead, he just oggled at them all and occasionally asked about a few things. There was one item that he just had to ask about though.
"Who's this?" he questioned, pointing at a photo. It was of you back when you were alive. It was old, barely still together, and in grainy black and white with the tint of age changing the white. You went for the easy answer, "It's a great relative all the way back in the day.".
"They look an awful lot like you, don't they?" Steven comments with a little smile. "Yeah. I get that a lot." you respond, "It happens. Sometimes decedents look a lot like the older generations." you comment, to which Steven nods, taking the lie.
But you can only lie so much.
"What exactly brings you here? If you don't mind me asking." Steven questions.
I was starting to be found out and the hunters showed up trying to hunt me, so I needed to flee.
"I just wanted to move somewhere new. Get a fresh start." you simply answered.
"Do you have family here?" is what Steven asks next.
It wouldn't really matter. The family tree's grown on without you. Any family you used to have are all dead now, leaving descendants that either remember you as a dearly departed that was taken too soon or have never even heard of you.
"No." you answer simply, again.
Steven gives you a sympathetic glance at that answer. "That's a bit lonely, isn't it? Being here all by yourself." Steven comments.
"I have you." is what you say, not thinking before saying it. Steven blushes a bit at the answer with a shocked look crossing is soft eyes for a moment before smiling. "Well, I'm glad that I can be someone to keep you company." he says.
"Yeah," you mutter smiling back. But there's a little bit of pain plucking at your heartstrings deep down.
You've never really had a friend before, at least not after you came back from the dead. You had a few when living. You had a lot of things that you couldn't come back for after returning. Your way of 'life' was now just staying out of sight or under the radar. Taking what you could and fleeing when you were caught. Learning how to control any weird powers and abilities you gained all by yourself.
You made acquaintance over these years in the few places you've been, but you never really made bonds since it was a matter of time till you needed to leave again. That, and also to save the sight of watching time take its course on them while you stayed frozen and outside of its reach like always.
In all honesty, you tried to push Steven away or keep him at the same distance as you did everyone else, but somehow he just managed to squeeze right in by being your kindly, and dorky, neighbor. You tried to shake off the feeling of dread for the day you may need to leave or see time reach him too. For now, he's just Steven.
Another night of hunting and another night of putting on the clothes that helped you blend in with the shadows of the alleys that you stalked. Sure it was dirty to kill off criminals but it had its benefits to society if you looked at it from a certain angle, and also because bloody banks are more of a hassle than this.
You locked on a target. A mugger that's been making the rounds around this alley path that some would use as a shortcut to get places quicker. But during the night it was dangerous. It had a lot of pockets from the old infrastructure that criminals could hide in waiting to ponce on someone passing by. But that could also spin their own doom when it came to you hunting them. This guy was using the technique too. Using a spot made for dumping trash and scraps for the collectors in the morning. It was big enough for the both of you.
He didn't see you in the shadows, watching him and his movements from your spot. You both listened for the sound of anyone coming, both waiting for the moment to strike. You hear heels clacking on the stone floor, coming closer, and it seems like he hears them too as he settles himself into place. You don't feel like witnessing a poor woman be ambushed and so you go for the shot anyway. You already know what he's planning on doing so might as well do it like he still did it.
You grab the back of his shirt and pull him towards you. But he instinctively elbows you causing you to bite his arm instead of his neck. He recoils, you lunge, and you both scuffle down onto the ground. He's actually pretty strong, but you've wrestled with some criminals before and at some point they end up losing.
But in the scuffle, he grabs something from the ground close to the wall and hits you across the face with it. And it hurts. It burns. You coil back and hold your face, emit something between a scream, growl, and hiss. A noise that you don't make too often. You feel bits of wood and splinters on the stinging skin. He's hit you with a piece of spare plywood that was left to be collected.
Great. Out of all of the things he could have hit you with, it's the one thing that actually hurts.
You come back to your senses when you see him try to run. But you can't let him go. He's most likely seen your face since you don't wear a mask, if he gets away he can identify you to someone, and that spells out trouble for you. Even if it seems a bit twisted, you can't let that happen, no matter the cost. So you get up and give chase.
The mugger runs in the direction of more alleys instead of the streets in a desperate means to just get away from you and not thinking properly out of fear. This place would be a maze to him, but not to you. You can smell the blood from your bite on his arm, drawing a straightforward path right to him. You hear him calling out for help as he runs. You can tell he's scared, it makes you feel guilty for what you'd need to do when you caught him but it was the only way in your eyes.
Or was there.
You have some of his blood, you have a little influence over him. If you could just catch up with him, you could maybe keep him from identifying you to the police or someone without killing him.
You manage to find him and now tail him. You want to catch up to him but he's at a distance advantage and you're close to the end of the alleyways, he could make it out before you get to him. It's now or never.
You focus on his blood in your mouth and shout "Stop!" at him, and he does. You want to sign in relief but you could lose your already weak hold. You quickly walk towards him and face him, looking him in the eyes. He looks panicked by the fact that he can't move anything. You ignore it and focus again as you look deep into his eyes, then feel the connection be made for your influence.
You even out your voice, "You don't remember my face." you say.
"You don't remember being chased by anyone." you add.
It always feels a bit jarring when the people you do this with just calm down and enter in the trance-like state they get into when you do this. His eyes and muscles relax entirely, he even drops the plywood he's still holding that you didn't notice before.
"You were... just taking the shortcut through the alley. You don't remember getting bitten by anyone or anything either." you add on as a means to cover up any tracks that would be left in his memory.
You keep the connection as you back away into the shadows, being concealed again and unseen by him and anyone else, and then cut it loose.
The man snaps out of it, looking around confused, most likely confused how he got here and then being shocked at the injury on his arm. He holds the wound as he walks away and out of the alley.
You relax, having managed to nail the mercy even though you had so little to use. "Holy shit." you mutter as you slip down a hatch to the city sewers below to head home.
"Holy shit..." an unseen man mutters to himself processing the scene he just saw right before him.
And here he thought that his jokes about you were just jokes to mess with the others.
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Heart of the Ocean 💙 | Teen Wolf Miniseries Part 2
Takes place in between 3A & 3B of Teen Wolf
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Teen Wolf Masterlist | read part 1 here
Characters & Pairings: Hale/McCall Pack x vampire!reader (female/platonic), eventual Peter Hale x reader (romantic), reader x male!oc ( past romance) & reader x supernatural!reader (platonic). Characters in this imagine: Scott McCall, Stiles Stilinski, Lydia Martin, Allison Argent, Isaac Lahey, Derek Hale, Peter Hale, Chris Argent, Alan Deaton.
Content Warnings: light angst, profanity, references of historical event disaster, mentions of death, blood, and murder | female!reader (she/her) | ws: 6.4k
Requested 📨 yes/no (rules for requests)
Premise: with the riddle solved the pack now have to face the truth their English teacher is not who they thought she was. To find out who’s responsible for the chaos in Beacon Hills they have no choice but to confront Y/n about her identity and nature. Even if it could cost them their lives.
*tick* *tick* *tick*
Scott’s eyes were on the clock, flickering over to Stiles who wore an expression similar to his. Filled with unease and wondering if what they were about to do was a mistake. The minutes were ticking away as the school day approached its end. Glancing to Allison and Lydia in the front of the classroom he could see in their neck and shoulders how tense they were, Allison nervously chewing on the tip of her pen. All throughout the lecture none could stay focused. Not when the person teaching had a harrowing secret they were about to confront.
How would she react? Better yet, how were they going to even breach the subject.
Scott could see them fucking everything up in the blink of the eye. He couldn’t help but recall Peter’s warning from the night before. “Vampires can be hostile creatures—especially if they haven’t fed for a while. They can go maybe….weeks without drinking blood before they start to lose their control. Considering Loretta—or should I say, Y/n, has been in Beacon Hills a few months I can only assume she is getting her blood by some other means than preying on its citizens. Still, approach her with caution if you decide to confront her. If I was a 130 year old vampire who was a wealthy socialite that survived one of the most famous shipwrecks in history and was being hunted by my creator…well let’s just say I wouldn’t let you leave still breathing.”
The more the seconds ticked by the more Scott was regretting the plan. After much debate the pack wanted to get to the bottom of everything quickly and that meant confronting Miss. Andrews at school. Which was very unnerving. Discovering she was a vampire only made her more intimidating after already establishing herself as someone who came off as unapproachable. Though they had few interactions, Scott found Miss. Andrews to possess an aura that reads, ‘better to wonder in silence rather than search for answers.’ Appearing no older than the age of thirty, sometimes she’d say words or phrases that made her seem much older.
Thankfully their English section was the last period of the day. Isaac wasn’t in the class but he had Miss. Andrews that morning and kept his eyes out for the necklace, however, he was unable to tell if the woman was wearing it.
The Heart of the Ocean.
What led them to her.
If she was wearing the necklace it had to have been beneath her high collared shirt that was paired with a black blazer and dress pants. Now knowing what they know, they realized Miss. Andrews always wore clothing that was sophisticated and concealed her neck area. Whether it be a turtleneck or a collared shirt, they wondered why they hadn’t found it odd before. California was hot even in the early months of the year—especially in April as they approached summer.
Peter’s words echoed in Scott’s mind, “Vampires are cold-blooded creatures. The warm weather has little effect on them and though the glimmer acts as a camouflage to other supernatural creatures it doesn’t change their nature. They’ll be cold to the touch. Faster than the speed of sound. Stronger the older they are. And some even have little gifts that separate them from others.”
“Abilities. Very rare among their kind but those who possess them are more enhanced in every aspect than others. I’ve heard stories about one who can read minds. An old…acquaintance, of mine said he once encountered a vampire who could compel anyone to do anything for them. Let’s hope neither your killer or his little creation have any talents. Otherwise your odds of coming out of this in one piece are going to be very low.”
The hairs stood on the back of Scott’s neck when Loretta…Y/n… passed him as she walked in between the aisle of desks. It was like his senses were trying to warn him despite his others unable to detect she was not human.
“What people fail to understand about Romeo and Juliet…” Loretta moves between Lydia and Allison, missing how both girls tense up. “Is that it is not a romance despite having a prominent theme of love thorough out the play. To be considered a romance it must have what you would call, ‘a happily ever after,’…” Turning to face the class, Loretta leans her back against the desk with her arms crossed over her chest. Scott almost perches up, straining his ears to see if he could pick up movement around her neck.
Her eyes scan across the room, lingering on Scott and Stiles when they quickly look away, “Specifically for the protagonist—or protagonists in this setting. Romeo and Juliet die at the end of the play, therefore there is no happy ending. Yes, their families end up putting past their differences due to the loss of their loved ones. But the protagonists did not get to ride off into the sunset and live out their lives in peace. So the more appropriate term for the play would be a tragedy. A genre focused on human suffering and sorrowful events that happen to the protagonist. And as we have learned these past weeks, Shakespeare was known for his tragedies. Romeo and Juliet is just one of his many—Macbeth, Othello, Julius Caesar to name a few.”
There were only two minutes remaining in the class. Scott tapped his pen against the book anxiously, eyes back on the clock as Siltes sent him another look. Isaac’s scent soon filled his nostrils, indicating he was outside the door. And glancing over her shoulder, Allison gave a slight nod of, ‘it’s gonna be okay,’ to try and ease his nerves.
“Tragedies can be inspired by an array of things,” Loretta moved her arms so her hands were clasped in front of her. Again, Scott couldn’t help but listen for the rustling of jewelry. All he got was a usually steady pacing of her heart. If that even was her heart.
“Personal lives and historical events.” Lydia and Alice glance at each other as do Scott and Stiles. “They dive into the catharsis of their audience. Bringing pleasure through pain because we as humans—,” the teens share another look, “cannot help but find a sense of enjoyment in seeing the main character fail. Witness their downfall. Does that say something about us in how we view others?” The question was rhetoric, Loretta watching the students think in silence before shrugging. “That is for you to decide.”
*ring* *ring* *ring*
In a hurry students gather their belongings and make their way out the door. For the four teenagers planning to stay they are slow in their movements.
“Don’t forget tomorrow’s quiz is on Act five,” Loretta shouted lightly, pushing off from the desk only to walk around it. “Then we will begin our unit on Poe so be sure to have your textbooks with you.” As Loretta starts to erase the chalkboard the teens draw to the back door of the class to make it look like they're leaving but really they stop once Isaac enters. Then with a nod, “let’s do this,” they make their way back into the classroom.
Reaching the front row of the desks, the sound of Stiles bumping into a chair catches the woman’s attention, turning to face the group with perplexed eyes making them freeze like deer in headlights.
“Well hello,” Loretta places the eraser down, surprised to see five of her students behind her. “Wasn’t expecting you all to stay after the period ended. Everything alright?” She connects eyes with all, sensing their distress.
Scott is the first to speak, “We’re sorry to bother you when you’re busy, Miss. Andrews,” he felt his heart pick when he nearly addressed her by her real name. “We were just wondering if you could help us with something.”
“Is it about tomorrow’s quiz?” Loretta is calm, collected, and shows no signs of nervousness. “Because unfortunately if that’s the case I can’t—.”
“It’s about our history project,” Allison cuts in, causing the boys to give her a look that read ‘what are you doing?’ She gives a smile when Loretta tilts her head.
“Are you asking me to read over your report? Check for any grammatical errors? That I can do for you if you have a rough draft.”
“No,” Lydia rubs her neck, watching Loretta take a piece of chalk in her hand while bidding a glance at her lesson plans on the desk. Lydia licks her bottom lip, “more like we would like some advice if we have the facts right on it.” Loretta makes a sound between a laugh and scoff.
“I think you’re better suited asking your history teacher,” she raises her brow at them. Her heartbeat is steady against Scott’s ears, the werewolf catching Isaac’s eyes to see he heard the same. “I’m afraid my knowledge on whatever the topic of your project is will be limited compared to your teacher.”
“Actually,” Scott swallows, “We think you’re the best person there is to help us.”
Lorretta makes another sound, smirking lightly like the teens were humoring her, “Oh really?” Chalk in hand she faces the board to begin writing Friday’s plan. “Why is that?”
“Because it’s about Titanic.”
Instantly they watch her hand stop mid air, clutching the chalk in a grip they’re afraid it was going to snap in half. In fact, it did break in half. Not even two seconds after the words leave Scott’s mouth, however, her hand remains in the air. A slight tremor replacing the chalk as it clunks to the tile floor.
Silence fills the room as all time stops. Loretta was paralyzed where she stood. Back facing the group where they couldn’t see her face. But considering she was frozen like a statue, it wasn’t difficult to assume she had the same expression they did when they saw her picture the night before.
Scott takes a hesitant step closer, tone cautions as he mutters, “Y/n.” Her low gasp fills his ears, physically reacting to the name. Behind him the others tense, Isaac consciously moving closer to Scott as Stiles pushes the girls back. They all wait for her next move.
Slowly her hand comes down, head dipping slightly, “How do you know?” The question sounded like Y/n knew this day would come. That in a town where supernatural beings resided she was bound to be discovered but hoped it would be some time before she did.
The teens couldn’t hold back the shudder when Y/n faced them. Her eyes lacked any color. Pitch black like onyx and void of friendlessness. It made them wonder if she was wearing contacts or the glimmer had seeped away to show what her real eyes were. They prayed for the former, for Peter had mentioned when a vampire was hungry their eyes would darken.
Her jaw clenched and Scott instantly straightened to prepare for any sudden attack. She was stronger than him—he knew just from Peter’s warnings. While he had Isaac and Allison armed with a silver dagger, they were no match for a 130 year old vampire who could move faster than they could blink. And if she had abilities….they were straight fucked.
Instead Y/n’s voice went low, repeating her question, “How. Do. You. Know.”
Scott gulped, finding his voice, “Stiles,” with his hand out he motioned for riddle. Stiles fumbles through the front pocket of his backpack, finding the paper and passing it over as Y/n stares the entire time. Carefully the alpha drops the riddle onto the desk, using his fingers to slide it towards her and watches as she picks it up. They are silent the entire time Y/n reads the written words, her mouth tightening as though she recognized the handwriting the moment her eyes met the first line.
Her eyes then close when she finishes the final verse. “He’s found me,” she doesn’t need their confirmation, “it’s been him all along.” Him all along referencing the murders. “I should’ve known.” Her eyes open and lock on Scott, “When did he leave you this?”
“Last night.”
“U-uh Derek Hale’s loft.”
“Hale,” Y/n whispers, the name familiar on her tongue. “Thalia’s son.”
“You know them?” Stiles was flabbergasted. “Y-you know what they are.”
“Of course I do,” Y/n sounded offended, causing the teen to wince. “I’ve been alive 130 years. I knew of the Hale pack when Thalia's grandparents were the leaders.” There’s a pause as her gaze moves to Scott, “And I know Scott is an Alpha. Isaac is a beta. Allison is a hunter—part of the renowned Argent family,” there was a hint of distaste behind Y/n’s tone causing Allison to stiffen. Y/n rests her eyes on the redhead before ending with Siles, “and Lydia is a banshee. But you are the only human, Mr. Stilinski. Which might I say is quite the surprise.”
Stiles scratches his neck, “R-really?”
“Yes. Usually humans don’t last long with supernaturals. Would’ve thought you’d be a beta by now—seeing that your best friend is an alpha.” Seeing his friends become uncomfortable with the assumption, Scott switches the subject.
“Next week is the anniversary of Titanic sinking,” her expression instantly changed. “You were there.”
“I was,” it came no louder than a whisper, a distant look within her eye indicating Titanic was still a painful memory for the woman. “And you know then—from this,” she holds up the riddle, “What I am? What I do?”
Each of them nod, “we do.” They still couldn’t wrap their heads around it. That their English teacher, of all people, was an immortal who was aboard Titanic.
“And you’re not running for the hills,” she hums, not sure whether to find them idiotic or courageous. “How interesting.”
“Well when you live in a town like Beacon Hills…you try to get used to it,” Stiles shrugs, a little terrified when Y/n’s expression reads that of, ‘you think you’ve seen it all? You have no idea what else is out there.’
“This is how we found you….” Lydia removes the printed article with the picture of Y/n wearing the necklace. Handing it to the woman, Lydia sees her face soften, eyes lingering on the pictures of her with Theodore and Benjamin.
“Forgot this existed honestly,” Y/n mutters, finger brushing over the image. “It’s the only picture we ever took as a family. And this one,” she points to the one of only her, “this was the first and last time I had a portrait done.” A hand comes up to her neck area, all eyes following the movement where they watch her remove the Heart of the Ocean from beneath the material. It was more exquisite in person than they imagined. A stunning blue diamond in the shape of a heart surrounded by white diamonds and all along the chain.
No wonder she kept it hidden. Anyone would’ve been drawn by the beauty of the jewelry if they were to see it. Then of course there was the tiny fact it was worth 350 million dollars and the link to her past.
Y/n lets out a pained chuckle, “I’m impressed you managed to piece it together. So quickly might I add.” Her finger runs along the surface of the diamond, “but then again, Heart of the Ocean is not something you hear everyday.”
“It’s the source of your glimmer, isn’t it?”
Y/n narrows her eyes at Scott’s question, “How do you know about the glimmer?”
Stiles is the one to answer, “Derek’s uncle seems to know everything about supernatural creatures. He was the one who figured out you and your creator were vampires. Then he explained how you were able to pass as human—why they wouldn’t be able to pick up on your scent.”
“He said vampires will sometimes wear enchanted jewelry,” Allison’s gaze went back to the necklace, flicking back to Y/n who had straightened her posture, “That Druid’s can make it so you’re not affected by the sun and give off a human scent. He suspected the Heart of the Ocean was it for you.”
Once again Y/n appeared impressed, “well he was right. Which is unfortunate for me,” she mutters almost annoyed, eyes going back to reread the riddle. Scott leans more against the desk.
“We need to know who is doing this, Y/n—Loretta, if that’s what you prefer,” he corrects when her hand flexes. “And why. He gave us this riddle to find you and now that we have we have no idea what’s gonna happen next. Do you have any clue why he’s doing this?”
Y/n let out a loud exhale—prompting Scott to remember it was for show since vampires didn’t need to breathe. Having to put up the facade of being human for so long likely had the mannerisms come naturea. The riddle drops onto the table. “His name is Sebastian Lavigne. Don’t bother trying to find him on the records of passengers aboard that night—,” Stiles’ hand pauses as he jots down the name. “Sebastian didn’t have a ticket. He was a stowaway who snuck aboard when the ship docked in France. Disguised himself as a crew member so he wouldn’t get caught.” She paused to sigh again, “Quite frankly I’m not even sure if that’s his real name—he’s likely going by another alias.”
“Kinda like you?”
Y/n made a face at Stiles’s question, but answered nonetheless. “If you haven’t noticed, Mr. Stilinski, I do not age. If we stay in a place too long people start to suspect, therefore we have to move consistently and with that comes an identity change. But I always knew him by Sebastian though to the public he went by a different name. And so did I,” she glances at photos of her. “I couldn’t go by my real name after Titanic because of who my family was and everyone thought I was dead. Then of course the fact I was now a blood-sucking creature.
“Sebastian is a deceitful man. And this riddle—,” a finger aggressively hits the paper a few times, “is just one of his many games. He knows exactly where I am and only did this to mess with you. Probably because he knows you’re onto him. He wanted you to figure out what he was. Leading you to me…it was to warn me he’s coming.”
Lydia tenses, feeling a wave of dread course through her, “why is wanting to find you?” Y/n crosses her arms over her chest, glaring at the floor.
“Because he’s angry I left him. That I broke away from him. Vampires are usually nomadic—hardly ever join up together. Kinda like how werewolves have packs to make them stronger, well….a group of vampires would decimate anything that stood in their way. Sebastian’s a man who desires power,” Y/n rubs her hand on her forearm. “And together we were powerful—especially with our gifts.”
“Gifts?” Scott’s heart skipped, thinking of Peter’s warning. “You both have gifts?”
“Yes,” Y/n didn’t sound proud of it. “Sebastian can compel you to do anything—you’ve heard of him,” Y/n’s shoulders slumped at their reaction.
Stiles flexes his hand, unease in his voice, “Peter told us about a vampire like that. Said he knew someone who encountered them. Is he the only one who can?” Y/n’s nod of confirmation only increases their anxiety.
“As far as I know, yes he is. His gift is powerful, but it only works close range. Meaning in order to be affected you have to be directly in front of him. Sebastian has to stare into one’s eyes to compel them,” Y/n glances to her feet again, “but once he does they have no choice but to do what he says. And combined with mine…..” she shudders, making them frown. “No one could stand a chance against us.”
“What can you do?” Allison asks, a little unsure if she even wanted to know.
“Make you see anything I want. Whether it be tapping into your memory or my own, I can conjure illusions. Illusions derived from your greatest fear causing you to become incapacitated,” everyone’s demeanor became that of concern. “As you can imagine it came in handy when traveling with Sebastian—especially against our enemies,” Y/n comes around the desk so she’s closer to the group, “or more like his enemies since it was always him who had to instigate conflict.”
Lydia’s eyes draw in suspicion, “Why’d you leave him?” It was the question everyone wanted the answer to. And Y/n didn’t appear happy to answer it.
“He’d been keeping things from me. During my time with Sebastian he liked to isolate me—keep me from interacting with others of our kind. He didn’t want me to know I could feed without preying on humans. Or about glimmer which is why I spent most of my days locked in doors and only came out at night. He kept me from my son,” her lips tightened, “I understood why at the time…but then I found out his motives.”
The air thickened in the classroom.
“Things that could have made my fate turn out different than what it was,” her voice turned cold, eyes darkening even more. “Yes, he pulled me from the water that night…but he didn’t have to turn me into this to save me. There was another way and he chose to turn me for what I was worth to him. So when I found out decades later the truth—that he had turned me for his own selfish gain. Robbing me of the life I could have had with my son and family…”
Y/n’s hand moves to the jewelry on her neck, “I found the closest Druid I could find and had them enchant this. That way he’d lose my scent and be unable to track me.” Her hand comes back down with a sigh, “But somehow he always manages to be a step ahead of things.”
“How long ago did you escape him?” Scott wonders aloud.
“Forty years ago.”
Stiles’s jaw drops, “He’s been hunting you for four decades?”
“Likely so. With me he was more powerful. With me he was more rich,” Y/n explained, tone bitter with each word. “Shortly after we returned to New York he compelled me into robbing my own home. The amount we stole still hasn’t run dry—at least not for me,” a tinge of a smirk indicated Y/n left him with nothing when she escaped. “So I wouldn’t put it past him for devoting this many years to find me. But it’s not to get me into his good graces, no, he wants to punish me. And the best way to punish me is to play games like this,” lightning fast her hand grasps the riddle and crutches it between her fingers. “To cause chaos and hurt innocent people because he knows how much I hated it when we did. The murders. Leaving you this riddle. He won’t stop even after he’s got what he wants.”
Scott’s shoulders drop slightly, “And what does he want?”
“To kill me. Scott,” Y/n’s words send a shiver along his body. “I’ve made a life of myself without him—one where I try everyday to make up for the things I did with him. Preying on humans. Torturing the minds of those Sebastian hated. He wants me to feel that shame and regret before he finishes the job. Because that’s what he does, however, now that he’s brought you all into his game there’s not going to be an end until he’s satisfied. Once he’s through with me you will become his prime source of entertainment. Or, he’ll see you as a benefit and want to corrupt you. Just like he did to me.”
Silence fills the room as the teens take in the new information. All deep in thought wondering what to do or say next. The reality of Sebastian’s cruel nature and games proves beyond their expertise. They weren’t sure exactly how to go about it. Finding Y/n was the first step, but from what she’s told them it would not be enough.
He’ll still kill. He might even target them next—especially if they refuse whatever offer he could be planning. Y/n didn’t have to go into detail that Scott’s status as a True Alpha with a pack of unlikely allies would be something Sebastian would want to control.
And with his gift of compelling….
“We need to know what he looks like,” Scott’s the first to speak. Determination fills his gaze, “He’s got the advantage right now—a-and if he’s glimmered like you then he’s probably been passing as human.” He turns to Y/n, pleading with her for help. “You said you can show illusions. Ones that can be from your memory—can you show one with him?” The sound she responds with is one of defeat.
“He compelled me, shortly after he turned me, to erase his image from my memory because he was paranoid about us running into vampires who could read minds or Druids who could make me tap into my subconscious.” Everyone deflated at the news, but then Y/n perked up causing them to do the same. “But….he when did, he only said, ‘from this moment on.’”
Scott took a step closer, eyes full of hope, “What does that mean?”
“It means I can show you,” Y/n’s voice is low and tainted with slight dread. “I can show you the night he turned me. The night Titanic sank.”
Later that evening the pack gathered at Deaton’s clinic. It was just after sunset, around 8pm and some were starting to become impatient.
“Is she coming?” Peter grunted from where he stood leaning against a wall. “Or was this all a distraction.”
“She’s gonna be here,” Scott insisted, eyes narrowed slightly. Truth be told he was starting to worry. Y/n had promised she’d be at the clinic by nightfall but had yet to show.
“Well the clock is ticking,” Stiles fiddled with his fingers nervously.
Allison looks at the man beside her, who was checking to see if his gun was loaded with the proper bullets. “You know you didn’t have to come, dad.” Chris raises a brow, putting the safety on and placing the weapon back in its holster.
“And leave you and your friends alone with a gifted vampire who’s the reasons a psychotic one is causing hell around town? Not a chance.”
“Have you ever hunted one before?” Her voice drops to a whisper, though it doesn’t do much for those with enhanced hearing. Derek, Peter, Scott, and Isaac heard the question loud and clear.
Chris shakes his head, “No. They’re rare and not many are in America—but your great-grandfather came into contact with one in the fifties. Left us with what to do if we ever dealt with one.”
Allison gives her father a look of warning, “You can’t hurt her, dad.”
“If she gives me a reason to, I will.”
“She won’t,” she presses, aware Scott and Derek had their eyes on them. The former looked anxious.
“You don’t know how unpredictable and manipulative vampires are, Allison. None of you do.”
“She’s been in Beacon Hills for months. We asked her how she gets her blood and she said she’s been taking bags from the ER—not feeding on the town’s people,” the teen pleads, surprised with herself for defending Y/n so easily. Maybe it was the fact the vampire had been robbed of her life that made Allison sympathize. Or because she could feel the anger and fury Y/n had for her creator that she believed Y/n would stop at nothing to take him down. “And she hasn’t given any reason for us to believe she’s been working with Sebastian. She hates him, dad.” Chris doesn’t appear convinced.
“She was with him for sixty years—.”
“And she’s been without him for forty,” Allison cuts him off, promptly ending the argument. Another minute passes before all freeze at the sound of Deaton’s door chime ringing. Motioning with a hand, the doctor enters the lobby where he is met with a woman wearing a tan trench coat and boots. She spun around when she heard him approach, allowing Deaton to see the stunning jewelry around her neck. Instantly he felt the magic running through it.
“You’re the Druid,” were the first words from her mouth. “Scott told me about you.” Deaton offers a small smile.
“You must be Y/n,” when she visibly reacted to the name he apologized, “I’m sorry, would you prefer to be called—.” Her hand lifts to stop him.
“No, no. It’s fine—I’m just getting used to hearing that name again. It’s been so long since anyone other than ....” She trails off, not wanting to say his name. Deaton understands with a light nod, moving to open the gate.
“You don’t have to explain. Please, come in.”
“Did Scott inform you what to prepare?” She asks as she passes, receiving a nod from the man.
“Yes. I’m quite familiar with its effects—but I made sure to not make it too strong.” Leading Y/n into the back room, she stills at the sight of those she didn’t recognize, namely the man beside Allison and the two leaning against the wall. Everyone straightens when she arrives and her eyes go straight to Scott.
“You didn’t say we’d have guests.” Her tone is weary, making Scott move closer to show her it was okay.
“That’s Derek Hale and his uncle Peter,” a finger points to the two, glaring when he notices Peter’s eyes linger on Y/n’s figure. While he couldn’t blame him given Y/n’s striking beauty there were more important matters at the moment. “He’s the one who helped us figure out what you were.” He hears the woman make a sound similar to ‘hmph’, causing Peter to smirk and give a mock wave. Scott rolls his eyes, motioning to Chris, “And that’s Allison’s father, Chris Argent.”
Y/n’s expression tightens, appearing slightly uncomfortable with the lineup. Four werewolves, two hunters, a Druid, and a banshee? Vampires were strong creatures but even they could become intimidated. “Quite the party we have going on then.”
Stiles clears his throat to appease the tension, “uh what took you so long?” The question snaps Y/n out of the intense staring contest going on between her, Peter, and Chris. She removes her gloves to place them in her pocket.
“Well considering I’ve been out of practice I needed a pick me up to ensure my power would be at its best,” lips curl up, almost menacing which has Chris inch his hand closer to the holster. She sees the gesture and raises a brow in challenge, “Don’t worry, hunter. I didn’t sink my teeth into anything other than a donation bag.” She pays no mind to his glare, instead removing the Heart of the Ocean from her neck.
When Y/n does this a new smell enters the room right as the unusual steady pacing of her heart stops beating. The aroma is overbearing with vanilla and lavender—even for those without an enhanced sense of smell. For the werewolves, they perked up as they had never smelled anything so delightful.
“You smell that?” Y/n closes her eyes as she drops the necklace into the other pocket.
“Yeah.” Scott takes another waff of the scent, turning to her only to draw back in surprise when she opens her eyes to reveal deep red eyes replacing the color they once were. The lights from above almost made them glow. “Woah.” From behind Scott the others react to the changes of Y/n’s appearance.
Stiles and Isaac had to do a double take to make sure what he was seeing was real. Lydia and Allison shared a glance, both shuddering when Y/n made eye contact with them. Chris straightens his posture again, only amusing the vampire and Peter appears rather intrigued.
“Vampires have to lure their prey somehow,” She starts to explain. “It’s stronger for you wolves, but even you who are not are drawn by it. Makes you want to get closer, huh?” Y/n steps away, moving towards Deaton who reappears after going to the back closet to retrieve an object resembling a goblet.
“I can’t hear your heart anymore,” Scott’s tone is laced with confusion at the sudden decrease of heartbeats in the room.
“You never did. It was an illusion from the glimmer—so any creature I come into contact with would think I’m human. My heart stopped the night I turned,” the smirk she wore fell to a tight frown, “it won’t ever beat again.”
An eerie silence fills the room, her words lingering in the air. No doubt causing suspicion now that they were aware Y/n could lie and they would have no way of knowing. She could’ve been lying about everything honestly. Now they were left to wonder if any of what she said before was true.
But why would she lie? She’s made it awfully clear of her resentment for Sebastian.
The attention goes to Y/n as she removes the scalpel from Deaton’s tray and raises it to her palm. “W-what—what are you doing?” Stiles nearly gags when the skin breaks and a dark liquid like blood flows from the wound. It spills into the goblet, where a smell that could only be described as death replaces the once vanilla aroma. Deaton begins stirring the substance with a spoon while Y/n explains.
“As I’ve mentioned…” The cut disappeared without a trace not a second after Y/n lifted her hand away from the goblet. “I haven't used my power in ages—and while I fed earlier it may not be enough for it to be at its full potential. So to do this I need to remove any mental barriers from your mind.”
“And we have to drink your blood for it to work,” Peter rolls his eyes at how ironic it sounds, “how fitting.”
Y/n narrows her eyes at the man, “If you’re worried about it becoming a vampire you need not to worry. There’s no venom—that only comes from a bite. Sound familiar?” The air becomes thick and Scott moves between the two when Peter's eyes flash blue.
“What’s it going to do, Y/n?”
The vampire takes the goblet from Deaton, passing it to the teenager first, “Open your mind. To do so my blood is mixed with decade old sap from the Nematon and a rare form of wolfsbane. You’ll feel some discomfort,” she points out when all the wolves instantly become hesitant at the mention of wolfsbane, “but it won’t kill you. I need your mental state to be vulnerable. Ignore the smell—I know it’s revolting but it’ll taste like dry, bitter wine.”
Scott stares at the goblet before taking it in his hands. Inside the contents was a dark liquid with a smell that made him want to gag. He couldn’t help but ask Deaton, “You’re sure about this?”
“I’ve never worked with this before but I know someone who has. It’s potent but short lasting and won’t affect you once it’s out of your system in a few hours.” Deaton gives a look of assurance, “You might feel a pressure in your head that’s like a headache.”
Y/n adds on to the vet, “that’s so show your mental walls are dropping. But like your emissary said it’s temporary. Allowing me enough time to show you my memories in the form of illusions. But I must warn you all,” she pauses to glance at each of them. “My illusions are like vivid dreams. Where it feels real. Your body will remain paralyzed here, but your mind will be somewhere else. Not only will you see what I have to show you,” Y/n’s entire demeanor becomes serious once more. “You’ll be able to hear everything. Feel everything. The sun's rays. The cool breeze. The freezing waters…..It will be as though you’re experiencing it in real time.”
There’s a pause, letting the reality sink in on what the vampire was implying. “My question is….are all of you wishing to see what I have to show you? Now is the time to step out if you’re having second thoughts.” When no one objects, despite all looking relatively nervous, Y/n clasps her hands in front her. “Well, Scott, start us off.”
“We all have to drink it?” Stiles cringes when he’s passed the cup, Scott letting out a gag after the taste hits his tongue. Y/n smirks as she nods.
“Unless you would like to sit this out, Stiles, then yes.” Groaning, the teen plugs his nose and takes a swig before handing it to Isaac. Even after taking several gulps of water the awful taste of iron and wood remained.
One by one each person took their turn of downing the potion, with Deaton as the last one to do so. Within seconds it took effect, the most notable sign being the headache forming. Then a light feeling started to swirl all along their body. Like they were on cloud 9.
“Is this what it’s supposed to feel like?” Derek moaned, squinting when the light suddenly started to become brighter.
“You’ll get used to it in a moment,” Y/n’s closes her eyes, taking a deep breath despite not needing one. It was mostly to calm her nerves as she allowed the memory dug deep within her mind to surface. A moment later the warmth of the sun hit her skin. The smell of fresh paint and sea salt filling her nose. And the sound of a ship's whistle and people shouting echoed in her ears.
The others gasped, making Y/n open her eyes where she found them all, mouth agape and eyes bulging as though they couldn’t believe what they were seeing, staring at whatever was behind her. And when she turned around, Y/n’s lips curled up into a sad smile.
Seeing the ship of dreams again after decades filled her with an emotion she couldn’t describe—she couldn’t imagine what the pack were thinking. Probably wondering if it was a dream and they’d wake up any second. The memory was as clear as the day it was made—everything around them was exactly like it was that bright sunny Wednesday afternoon.
It was like they traveled back in time to April 10th, 1912.
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cathchicken · 7 months
I love Mavis so much please share more about her 👀 (if you feel comfortable doing so ofc)
Sorta like the other candy sphinxes, she has mild psychic powers, like telekinesis in a short range. Instead of being able to read minds, she has occasional “visions” of future events. They’re very weak though and she can’t control them. Sorta like random fuzzy deja vu things. She only really realizes the potential of these when she’s and adult, and is somewhat reluctant to tell her moms about them. PB finds out eventually, but promises not to try to force her to do anything.
She also has a little bit of Marcy’s vampire powers… she can shapeshift a little bit, like grow slightly larger, make her claws and teeth longer, or just look more scary. That’s pretty much it though
Mavis, once she’s matured, is pretty much immortal like her parents. I mentioned on Twitter I think that she takes up KKW’s position in his real estate job once he passes, but she only hangs around for about 3 ish decades. It’s around the time Simon enters his last few months that sort of “Wakes her up”. She seemingly frivolously hands down her position to an intern (she had a vision that he’d do great) and decides to set out on her own adventure and attempt to make sense of the current reoccurring visions… some understandable ones like her parents, oddly more to Simons story, and some weird guy named Prismo..??? Odd. Maybe she’ll meet him one day.
I saw some people on Twitter say she’s be friends with Sweet Pea, and they’re absolutely right. I feel like if she’d grow up with anyone, it’d be him. Maybe they’re even still buddies 1000+
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eventinelysplayground · 4 months
Near Eternity.
This is the epilogue for my previous fic A Little Nudge, it was also the highest voted NSFW for my recent badly described WIP Poll. I pull a bit from Leonardo's route as well as his proposal and wedding events but as always don't have to have read them to enjoy this fic. Mitsuki wakes up after Leonardo bit her craving not blood but something else. WC approx 2065, this fic is NSFW so minors DNI. Thanks again to @yanderepuck and @fang-and-feather for putting the idea for these fics in my head and to @onegianthotmess for being interested in the idea and then loving the drama I wrote 😄.
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I guess it's true what they say, your life really does flash before your eyes when you die.
The memories all played through her mind like a dream or movie of her life working their way up until that fateful afternoon.
Did you know, it's the second largest painting in the Louvre?
Pardon, Monsieur?
I knew it. This earring belongs to you.
That first kiss.
Don't try and stop me, vampire! I'm not going to become your next meal!
…You're not hearing me.
That first night of passion.
If you're going to grow even better at my side, what am I supposed to do?
You're the genius. You could start by kissing me though. I liked that a lot. In fact…I want more.
The day he proposed.
I'll say it one more time. Are you prepared to stay with me forever? … Are you prepared for me to love you for the rest of your life? And are you prepared to marry me?
Their wedding day.
But I feel like meeting you was a miracle. The odds that you and I would have ever met were astronomical, and yet here we are together. So I don't mind asking God for a little help…
And every day in between or since right up until the night of the ball.
I bet it was those eyes of yours.
Pardon me?
I was just musing what would have attracted Leonardo to you first.
Are you a friend of Leonardo's?
An 'old' friend, yes. I must say I was a bit surprised when I heard Leonardo got married. I suppose though it's not like it's for eternity or anything, really it's a much bigger deal for you than him.
You don't need to say anything, not to that anyways. Comte introduced the two of did he not?
Yes he did.
By accident surely?
I suppose you could say that.
I didn't think it would have been by design. He's not really that generous, regardless I must thank him later. Have you always made a habit out of staring at people as you are me?
I'm terribly sorry, I didn't mean to.
It's fine, such emotion in your eyes. A man could have quite a bit of fun with you, and with that scent of yours…Tell me something, just how happy are you with a man like him? I'm certain there are other men, some even in this room that would do anything to make you happy for near eternity.
I'm very happy with Leonardo.
Well if you're happy just being a distrazione momentanea who is anyone to tell you differently.
Excuse me?
Ahh Leonardo…
That memory was so lifelike and it engaged all her senses from the music playing to the familiar scent of Leonardo's cigarillos clinging to his clothes.
Maybe because this all happened just before his bite? I know lately it's been harder for him to maintain control, he's been raking his fangs over me so often now. If I'm being honest with myself I was sad each time it ended in nothing, I wonder when exactly I stopped being afraid of it and started wanting it?
Mitsukis thoughts were interrupted by the last of her memories and they were even stronger yet, like she had been brought right back to those moments.
The way he kissed her, the feel of her silk dress being pulled off her body. The warmth from Leonardo's hands as he touched her, the softness of his lips on her thigh and the skillful touch of his fingers inside her. She was feeling every bit of it all over again, her senses overloading her with the vivid sensations but the most intense of all was the memory of his bite. The pain followed by waves of pleasure and a surging heat, it had been blissful and even just its memory was reigniting the fire within her for him as she opened her eyes.
Mitsuki blinked and looked around Leonardo's room which was bathed in the rich colors of sunset. At some point he had dressed her in one of his shirts and she took a deep breath of his familiar scent.
Just how long was I out for?
“A few days now, you looked so peaceful. I wasn't expecting that.”
Mitsuki turned towards Leonardo's voice as it answered her unasked question. His voice was strained and she knew he had been worrying about her all this time so she gave him the biggest smile she could as she sat up.
“I've been waiting to see that smile.”
“I didn't mean to make you wait so long.”
Mitsuki gave Leonardo a playful pout and he chuckled, reaching out to cup her cheek. As soon as she felt his touch a current of pleasure ran through her and she couldn't help but gasp.
“What's wrong cara mia?”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes I'm fi-”
Mitsuki bit her lip, halting her words. Leonardo had moved his hand from her cheek down her neck and out along her shoulder leaving a burning heat in its wake.
His name fell from her lips like a desperate plea, he hesitated only a moment before leaning in and kissing her gently. When they pulled away from each other she saw him searching her gaze. Whatever he was looking for he found it quickly because his eyes lit with a sudden fire and he pulled her to him for another kiss.
This kiss was fierce, consuming and he nipped at her bottom lip with his teeth causing her to let out a moan. As soon as her lips were parted his tongue pushed its way in claiming every inch of her mouth as its own. She grasped at his chest for balance as she greedily returned his kiss, her tongue twining around his as she increased the pressure from her lips.
Their kisses came to a halt only long enough for Leonardo to lift Mitsuki into his lap. Once she was settled he slowly ran his rough hands under the shirt she was wearing. They trailed slowly over her hips for a moment before one hand traveled down firmly grabbing her ass while the other traveled up her stomach to her breast, his thumb running over her nipple until it hardened beneath him.
Soon their storm of kisses broke again and she used the opportunity to slowly strip off the shirt she was wearing. Normally she was shy but not now, she held his fiery gaze not wanting to look away. Kisses rained down upon her neck and collarbone and she wrapped her arms around his neck. He moved his lips lower leaving red marks in his path until he reached the swell of her breast where he'd bitten her.
He paused momentarily bringing his other hand up and running his fingers along where his bite marks would have been just days ago. He tenderly kissed the spot as his hands massaged her breasts. She arched into his touch and let out a soft moan as he rolled one nipple between his fingers. She was quickly becoming undone and tightened her grip around his neck.
She felt like clay he was molding into whatever form he desired. He kept fondling her breasts and teasing her hard nipples between his fingers until she was on the edge from that alone and she rubbed herself against his thigh desperate for any friction. Her relief was short lived though as Leonardo grabbed her waist and held her still as soon as he felt her moving. He kissed her nipping at her lips with his fangs and she whimpered at the echo of the intense pleasure she had felt when he bit her. He deepened their kiss as one hand slid down between her thighs running his fingers over her wet core.
His fingers trailed along her core and inner thighs coming oh so close yet oh so far to where she wanted them most. She tried to move her hips to guide his fingers but his one hand still held firm on her hip keeping her in place. The combination of overstimulation to her breasts and lips and lack of it where she wanted it most was driving her mad. She also felt a severe burning in her throat and before she knew it she was biting Leonardo's lower lip with her fangs. The taste of his blood was sweet but she had barely begun to drink before she found herself tossed onto the bed.
“Careful with those cara mia, we're both already at our limits.”
Mitsuki watched Leonardo strip as he spoke and once he was done he was pulling Mitsuki back onto his lap.He captured her lips in a passionate kiss and she licked the remnants of his blood from his lip. His hands no longer held her still instead they roamed over her body coaxing and teasing cries of pleasure from her lips. One hand came to rest on her back while the other once again slid over her soaking wet core, his fingers running over her sensitive nub made her buck into his touch.
Their kisses continued as he moved his skilled fingers slowly away from her nub and into her warmth. His fingers danced inside her as his thumb applied pressure to her most sensitive spot. She bucked more into his touch as she felt her climax coming closer. The wet noises his fingers made as they moved were drowned out by her muffled cries from being brought to the edge once more. After all the teasing she knew there was only one way to get her release.
She was panting heavily into their kisses and Leonardo knew exactly what her body craved. He slowed down his movements before slowly withdrawing his fingers from her heat and bringing them up to his lips. They were dripping wet from her and he licked them clean as she lowered herself onto his hard cock, the long awaited sensation of him inside her was almost too much and still not enough at the same time. He brought his now clean fingers to her lips and she sucked on them hard while taking her fangs across them. Leonardo let out a low groan before he pulled his fingers back and sealed her lips in a fevered kiss.
She moved herself up and down his length slowly at first as they kissed but when that didn't provide the relief she wanted she picked up her pace. She was moving quicker now and sliding him further in with each movement. His hips joined her rhythm and before long every part of their bodies was in sync. He thrust as deep into her as he could get while he pinched her nipples and his fangs nipped at her lips. Their kiss broke and he thrusted even faster, harder as she cried out his name and her walls tightened around his throbbing cock.
Her head fell forward onto his shoulder and she placed a hand on his chest to steady herself and that's when she felt his heart beat. His heart had always beat differently to hers as if marking the differences between them but now his heart was beating in time with hers. She lifted her head up and looked into those eyes she loved so much as she took one of his hands and placed it over her own heart. After a moment Leonardo's eyes went wide and he smiled at her as he toppled them backwards onto the sheets.
They held each other and talked for a while Leonardo filling her in on what had taken place.
“So was the whole mansion in on Comtes plan then?”
“Seems like it. Listen Cara Mia, Comte may know how to push me but in the end it was my choice and I never want you to think otherwise. Even without his meddling it was-.”
“I know Leonardo. Our love has changed from how it used to be, it's so much deeper now.”
Mitsuki felt Leonardo's lips brush against her forehead and she turned in his arms to look up at him.
“What am I supposed to do with you?”
“You're the genius. You have near eternity to figure it out now though, but... you could start with a kiss.”
Mitsuki smiled up at Leonardo as their lips came together in a sweet kiss, their hearts continuing to beat together.
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wombywoo · 5 days
for your OCs: 👕 1 & 12; 🌥 14; 🎲 2 & 7; 🤝 2; and 💓 1 from the most recent ask game <3
sorry if this is too much, i'm just very interested in them
thanks so much, seriously I don't mind at all 😭it means so much that people are interested 🙏
1 has been answered~
12. Has your character gone through major stylistic or physical changes?
Quinn--well, there was the emo phase, lol. I think every teenage boy in the 2000s sported that unfortunate haircut, but it was time to let it go in the adult years, god bless 🙏As for personal style, he's pretty basic; not much to change when he's wearing standard-issue stuff most of the time. Maybe Vincent can help spruce him up though 👀
Vince has gone through multiple style changes over the years. He likes to stay up to date with trends, so he goes through an overhaul every decade. I'd say currently, he's sticking to more of an old-fashioned look, mayhaps out of nostalgia. But yeah--he does like to experiment with his look 💅 Helps that he looks good in everything ✨
🌤️Weather and Nature
14. Does your character prefer hot or cold weather?
Vincent definitely prefers cold weather (for obvious reasons ☀️💥) but if he layers up with vampire sunblock and a shady hat, he doesn't mind the warmer seasons. Quinn doesn't really have a preference for either--he hates extremes, and prefers something in the middle
🎲 Hobbies and Activities
2. Does your character have a secret hobby?
Vincent has had an ongoing DnD campaign at his house with his buddies for over 30 years (no, Quinn does not know about this.....yet)
Quinn has been actively trying to paint with mixed results. Some of his 'works' are absolutely terrible, others are terrible but in a way that looks pretentiously artful (almost always accidental)
7. What is a talent that your character is proud of?
Vincent has quite a nice singing voice, but he's a lil shy about singing with an audience (he's still proud of it, as his mother was fond of listening to him when he was younger).
Quinn....has no gag reflex, lmao
🤝Community and Relationships
2. What is your character's favorite kind of social event?
Vincent looooves a good dinner party, bonus points if there's a theme! ✨(oh wow I bet he'd through the best murder mystery parties...)
Quinn prefers the pub or club scene, the darker the better. He's not overly social, but get a few drinks in him and his flirtiness awakens
💓Mind, Body and Soul
What is a habit your character has that others might find cute?
Quinn has his fiddling with his ears thing that Vince is secretly obsessed with 🥺 He also tends to scrunch up when he's sleeping into a little ball, even in odd places (makes him look like a kid, Vincent has told him)
Vincent tends to sniff things pretty intensely. Quinn's hair, his skin, his clothes. Kind of like an elongated sigh; a deep inhale and a slow exhale. He almost always sniffs a food item before using it in a recipe and Quinn once asked him if he could 'smell the quality of the ingredient' which he swears he can!! 😤
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blackhakumen · 4 months
Mini Fanfic #1177: The Rascal And Me (Guilty Gear Strive)
Nagoriyuki, a mysterious, noble samurai, has been traveling on foot for as long as he can remember with one goal in mind: to keep his vampiric side under complete control while finding inner peace within himself.
The journey so far isn't without It shares of the unexpected Turns of events however: Ranging from encountering new faces, going toe-to-toe against a few formidable opponents, and to work under the likes of Happy Chaos and I-No against his will. It was more or less a hectic ride for him to endure for sure, but it certainly wasn't anything he couldn't handle on his own.
But instead of continuing his lonesome path of the unknown, he is now currently located at the Ajatar Hunting Ground, sitting next to the sleeping young woman named Elphelt Valentine.
Nagoriyuki: (Well, Nagoriyuki, this is far from the worst predicament you've gotten yourself dragged into, but it is still just as much troublesome as you hoped it wouldn't be. Why on the Greenest part of Earth do you always managed to run into that rascal of a woman, let alone having her drag you into this "marriage" nonsense she always speak so highly of)
Nagoriyuki let's out a relaxed Sigh.
Nagoriyuki: (But I suppose it can't somewhat be helped. The power of Love could make even the most simplest of beings, do crazy things, at least from what I've heard.)
Nagoriyuki looks down at Elphelt still sleeping and hugging onto his lap.
Nagoriyuki: (Though, I'll admit, she does look rather peaceful when she sleeps. Almost adorable even.) (Eyes Starts to Widened Before Groan and Shaking his Head a Bit) (What am I even saying right now? This woman has been chasing me nonstop since the first time we've met, claiming she wants to "marry" me, and yet here I am thinking she's cute? What sort of madness is this!?)
'Bit of Silence'
Nagoriyuki: (Takes a Deep Breath) (Then again, she's far from being one of the craziest faces I've encounter thus far, hell, i even ended up becoming friends with one of them somehow. And I suppose she doesn't mean any ill-will on the things she do.....But why me of all of people? I'm fond of romance as much as the next being in the world, but I wouldn't exactly call myself the most interesting man on the planet, or as young folks would say...."A catch". Am I that attractive to her? Is there some sort of charming aura she sees in me that I don't? Or maybe-)
Before the vampire ssmurai could finish asking himself a few more questions within his deepened thoughts, the soft sound of yawning suddenly catches his attention as he looks down to see Elphelt Valentine stretching her arm up and wiping her eye a bit, finally waking herself up.
Elphelt: Good morning, Nagi dear~
Nagoriyuki: (Raises an Eyebrow in Confusion) (Nagi?) (Clears His Throat Before Going Back to his Stoic State) It's the afternoon actually.
Elphelt: (Giggles Softly) Oho, right!~ Silly me~ (Softly Knock on Top of Her Head While Sticking her Tongue Out)
Nagoriyuki: Your oddness has no bounds today, woman. ('Sigh') So, I take it that nap yours helped you feel better now?
Elphelt: (Happily Nodded) Yep!~ Feeling more energize than ever before! (Hugs Nagoriyuki's Arm) And I have you to thank, for that my sweet darling~
Nagoriyuki: What for? All I ever did was watch over you.
Elphelt: (Giggles Softly) That's exactly what I'm thanking you for, silly!~ You took the time out of your schedule to look after me when I started getting tuckered out. Even after I.....(Starts Frowning a Bit) annoyed you....
Nagoriyuki: (Notices the Change of Mood in Elphelt's Face and Tone) Is something matter?
Elphelt: ('Sigh') It's nothing too major. (Looks Up at the Blurle Skies) I just feel bad for bothering you with my usual marriage shenanigans again. I'm sorry....
Nagoriyuki: (So I assumed correctly....) (Simply Nodded) It's fine, but i must ask.
Elphelt: (Turns Back to the Samurai) Hm?
Nagoriyuki: What is it about the concept of marriage that intrigues you to begin with?
Elphelt: (Eyes Immediately Begins to Sparkle as She Smiles Excitedly by the Question Given to Her) Oh my gosh, where to even start!?~ The sweet, touching proposal from sides, the wedding plannings, the preparations amd main event of the wedding itself, years of developing a small or large family among themselves while building your very own legacy for your younglings to protect and nurture in the distant future....(Clasps her Hands Together Lovingly) And whenever it's time to your bodies and souls to pass and lay rest, you and your destined love one will get to live the rest of eternity in the astral planes of afterlife!~ (Happily Squeals While Flailing her Arms Up in Down)
Nagoriyuki: (Felt a Sweatdrop Coming Down his Forehead) Right......(Such a thorough answer indeed.....) And what possesses you to be interested in me of all people? I wouldn't exactly call myself the most romantic man this world has to offer-
Elphelt: (Angrily Points at Nagoriyuki) BLASPHEMY!! YOU'RE 100% ROMANTIC AND HUSBAND MATERIAL!!
Nagoriyuki: (Taken Aback by Elphelt's Suddenly Outburst) H-How so?
Elphelt: Isn't it obvious? You're strong, patient, well mannered, a sweetheart when you want tobbe, and ohh so handsome~ I dunno about anyone that cares, to me, all of these wonderful qualities proves that YOU SIR!! Are you Mighty Full Package!!!
Nagoriyuki: (Grabs his Chin While Thinking) "Full Package".......Don't you mean "A Catch"?
Elphelt: Full Package, Catch, their the same as tomatoes and tomaatoes- (Grab Onto Nagoriyuki's Shoulders) THE POINT IS! You're an amazing man in my eyes, Nagoriyuki! And it makes me so happy to know that I've fallen head over heels for you~
Nagoriyuki: (Eyes Begins to Widened and Starts Blushing For the Very First Time in Ages) I.....see ('Clears Throat') Well, as flattering as all of this is, have you ever considered on taking the first steps in this romance ritual of ours? We still have yet to know anything about one another and-.
Elphelt: (Eyes Begins to Widened at The Realization) That's right.....We barely know each other at all!
Nagoriyuki: (Raises an Eyebrow in Confusion) That's.....Exactly what I just said-
Elphelt: (Quickly Shushes Nagoriyuki By Gently Placing her Finger on his Lips) I know, honey, let me start analyzing for a bit, 'kay?
Nagoriyuki let's out a single groan before letting the self proclaimed Rascal dwell in her own thoughts process.
Elphelt: (Crosses her Arms While Walking Around in a Mini Circle) Now, as wonderful as romance is in concept, being in a committed relationship takes time, effort, support, and a whole lot of communication between two parties involved. It'll take a while.....(Stops Walking and Turns to the Samurai With a Determined Smile on her Face) BUT! If we take the time to give our newly found relationship an honest, nurturing shot, then maybe, JUST MAYBE, eventually, it could be strong an healthy enough for one of us to propose, get married....(Clasps her Hands While her Eyes Starts Sparkling Again) We could have a fulfilling future ahead of us~ (Immediately Comes Back to Reality Before Giving Nagoriyuki a Sheepish Smile) I-If that's okay with you, of course.
Nagoriyuki: (Stares at the Young Woman For a Brief Second Before Giving her a Single Nod) Hm. Very well. I'll accept this ordeal, only if you agree to keep this in a slower pace. Or at least slow enough for to understand this completely.
Elphelt: (Happily Gives Nagoriyuki a Thumbs Up) You got yourself a deal, 'hon!~
Nagoriyuki: (Simply Nodded Again) Good. Thank you, um.....What's your name again?
Elphelt: Elphelt Valentine!~ Lover of all romance, weddings, and metal rock mus- ('GAAAAAASPS') WAIT!
Nagoriyuki: (Taken Aback by Elphelt's Suddenly Outburst Again) What is it?
Elphelt: Nagi, what time is it?
Nagoriyuki: (Looks Up at the Ray of Light Slowly Moving on the Sundial in the Mid Distance) Well.....According to this sundial, I believe the current time is around.....4:33 central-
Elphelt: (Eyes Widened as She Place her Hands onto Both her Cheeks in Pure Horror) 4:33!? MY REHEARSAL WITH MY BAND STARTS IN A FEW MINUTES!!
Nagoriyuki: Right. I forgot you starred in a band of some kind.....
Elphelt: (Happily Nodded) Yep! The Speothos Venaticus!~ A lovely rock group that is formed by some of the most talented, gnarlious musicians known to- (Starts Getting Frantic Again) Ohhhhh WHAT am I doing explaining all of this!? I have to get outta here before our band manager freaks out again-
Nagoriyuki: Halt! Before you take your leave, I suggest you take this with you. (Gives Elphelt a Mini Shaped Box)
Elphelt: (Gasps at the Box in Question) A Bento Lunch Box?~
Nagoriyuki: (Simply Nodded) Correct. Right after you took your nap, I took it upon myself to make a quick detour around town and make you lunch, just in case you get close to starvation.
Elphelt: (Eyes Starts Soarkling Yet Again) You're too good for meeeeee!~
Nagoriyuki: (Sighs While Rolling his Eyes) Yes, yes, how romantic and kind of me to do so. Now, off to your rehearsals now.
Elphelt: (Immediately Gets Herself Back on Track) Right! On my way! But before I do that.......
Nagoriyuki: ('Groans a Bit) For God's sake, woman, what reason do ypu have for delaying your travels now-
Before the vampire ssmurai could finish his sentence, the cheerful rockstar softly lowers his head down close to her and plants a soft kiss on his forehead, leaving him more flustered than previously.
Nagoriyuki: What did you.....
Elphelt: (Giggles Softly) Just giving my cute boyfriend a goodbye kiss before I take my leave~
Nagoriyuki: (Stares at Elphelt For a Brief Second Before Turning Away a Bit) Honestly, woman. I'm a samurai warrior. I am far from being as cute as you are- I-I mean- ('Sighs in Defeat') Forget I say anything.
Elphelt: (Giggles Some More) Okay, whatever you say~ (Gives Nagoriyuki a More Sincere Smile) But seriously though, listen, I know this whole romance and relationship thing is new for the both of us right now to get used to for now, but please just give it chance, Nagi dear, I promise the journey itself will be worth both our while yours especially-
Nagoriyuki: Nagoriyuki.
Elphelt: Hm?
Nagoriyuki: My name. It's Nagoriyuki, just in....case you were wondering.
Elphelt: (Stares at her Boyfriend For a Brief Second Before Smiling Brightly) What lovely name you got there, my dear darling-
Nagoriyuki: Rehearsal?
Elphelt finally zips herself out of here, leaving the samurai to lonesome once more.
Nagoriyuki: (Takes a Very Deep Breath Before Taking a Sip of his Cup of Tea) What am I going to do with that adorably obnoxious rascal.....
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not-krys · 6 months
WIP Wednesday: Sugar and Spice and ...?-NSFW
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Final WIP Wednesday for 2023! Whoo! Ending on a strong note, I think!
This little nugget was inspired by both my disappointment in the Bride of the Vampire Event and the (more satisfying to me personally) Home Sweet Home Event and I sort of put the two together, with a spicy twist. Maybe later on I'll try to explore more of this universe bc I like this AU and would like to do some more in the future, but for now, this is what I've got thus far.
Notes: Raw, unedited writing, unfinished (cuts off at the last part bc I ran out of steam), threesome relationship, afab reader addressed with feminine pronouns (she, her, etc), pregnant reader, breeding, use of French and Italian when I know neither language so some usage is bound to be wrong, I've tried my best with language blogs and machine translation, Comte and Leo flirting (yes, that is a warning).
Have a good rest of the year and I hope to see all you lovelies in 2024!
"Hey, Comte." Leonardo said to him one morning, "let's make a bet."
"Hmm. What kind of bet?"
"Who do you think [Name]'s kid will resemble more, you or me?"
Comte set down the newspaper he was reading, his fingers steepling.
"We've had her so many times since that first time, it's up to fate as to who her body accepted at this point. Assuming one of us didn't cheat and had some extra time with her, it should be about equal."
"Cheat? Definitely didn't do that a time or two. Nope."
"Of course, you didn't. Just as much as I didn't as well."
"Of course not."
The knowing smiles they gave each other conveyed neither their innocence or their guilt.
"Well, I was the first to take her, so the odds are in my favor." Comte smirked.
"Still haven't forgiven you for that, you know."
"You stole her first kiss. You know better than anyone that I wouldn't let a transgression like that stand for long."
"Heh, didn't peg you for the petty jealous type."
Comte sipped some of his morning tea, a floral scent wafting in the air.
"We share a wonderful, beautiful wife now, Leonardo." he paused, "but seeing her with another man, even if it's you… it seems my claws come out on their own." 
Leonardo laughed.
"The feeling's mutual. Cara mia loves both of us, but can't help but want to pull her into my arms and whisk her away when you're being sweet on her."
"Try it and I really will sink my claws into you."
"Attaccati al cazzo, bastardo."
"En fait," Comte shrugged with a smirk. "je préfère baiser ma femme que toi."
Leonardo growled, reaching out across the table.
"Oh, good morning, you two!" a voice called out in the doorway, a sweet scent tickling the noses of the two vampires. Leonardo pulled his hand back.
"Bonjour, ma cherie." Comte said with a smile, holding his hand out towards you.
"Ciao, bella." Leonardo said, standing up.
Once you were close enough to take his hand, Comte kissed your fingers reverently while Leonardo wrapped an arm around your shoulders, his lips taking a gentle nip at your cheek. You giggled.
"How are you feeling?" Comte asked, still holding onto your hand.
"Better, thank you. Still a little tired though."
"It's to be expected." Comte reached out his free hand, brushing your hair back with his long, graceful fingers. "but you do have a healthy glow about you. That's a good sign."
Leonardo's large hand also slid down your form, pressing it just under your belly, as if weighing it against his palm. "Hmm, still flat."
"It's barely been four months." You said.
"And here I was hoping you'd be stealing my clothes by now. Well, more than you already do."
"No, there's some change. I'm sure of it." Comte interjected, also putting his hand on your belly, as if measuring you like Leonardo had.
"It's okay, Comte," you said gently, "it's still early so you don't have to-"
"I can see it, cherie." Comte reassured you with a smile. "in fact, I think I can see it right… here!"
Without further warning, his fingers danced on your belly, making you laugh and try to step back.
"H-hey! That tickles!"
You had forgotten, however, that Leonardo still held your shoulders.
"Actually, Comte's right." he grinned mischievously, "I think I did feel a little something… here!"
His fingers-rough, calloused, and warm- tickled under your belly, making you laugh harder.
"No fair! You're ganging up on me!"
"Maybe you'll grow faster if we tickle you enough," Leonardo teased.
"That's not how that works-!"
Leonardo's fingers had sank down further, the thin linen of your nightgown the only thing between you and his digits. He smirked.
"Forget something, cara mia?"
You looked away, biting your lip.
"…It was your fault." You said. "Both of you."
It was Comte's turn to smirk.
"We did make a mess of you last night, didn't we?"
The twin bite marks on your neck sung, making you shift against Leonardo's fingers. You shuddered at the memory.
"Couldn't help ourselves." said Leonardo, rubbing his index finger up and down. "Hearing you scream so sweetly…"
"Melting under our touch," Comte reached up for your jaw, caressing it. "Every part of you flushed and glowing."
His fingers traced a line down your body, feather-like touches falling down your collarbone, between your breasts, staying once they found your stomach again.
"So full of our seed.  Seeing it drip between your legs…"
You shifted against Leonardo's fingers again, feeling a dampness against your nightgown.
"You're remembering it, aren't you, cara mia?" Leonardo whispered in your ear, his voice low and husky.  "How it felt to be so full of us."
You shuddered, taking in a sharp breath to try and calm yourself, but failed, feeling Leonardo nuzzle your neck. Comte then stood up, leaning in closer to you, kissing your jaw gingerly, trailing with his lips until he found yours. When he released you with a pop, your lips felt swollen and pink.
"I think she needs a reminder, Leonardo. It's been ages, after all."
"A top-off so soon?" Leonardo chuckled, "Insatiable, aren't you? Only been a couple of hours."
"I think myself more of a generous gentleman, thank you." He reached down for his pants and unbuttoned himself with practiced ease. When he was done, he pulled your skirt up around your waist and kissed your cheek.
"Ready for me, cherie?"
You bit your lip, but nodded. He kissed your forehead this time, lining his hips with yours, his tip gliding on one pass before plunging into you hard and fast. You shuddered and moaned, grabbing onto his shoulders. Leonardo growled low in your ear, making Comte chuckle.
"Learn some patience, will you? You'll get your turn."
"Oh yeah?"
Leonardo tilted your head towards him, stealing your lips and inserting his tongue, teasing your tongue and teeth. His other hand cupped your breast, rolling and massaging the nipple between his rough fingers. You moaned against his lips, the volume muffled. Comte frowned, his hands sliding down your hips, pulling you closer to him. He then reached for your other breast, lifting it and teased the underside with his tongue. A whine escaped between your lips, trapped by Leonardo's, but it was enough to make Comte smirk.
"Do you feel good, cherie?" he asked, "Do we make you feel good?"
Leonardo released your lips, wet strings trailing between you as you both panted for air. Once he was sure you caught your breath, Comte thrust into you again, the full volume of your scream like music to his ears. Leonardo held you securely, peppering kisses along your neck.
"Almost there, mon cœur. "
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steddie-thirst · 2 years
She Bites | Eddie Munson X (Vampire) Fem!Reader 18+ |
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Summary: You show up on Eddie's porch and he eagerly takes you in. Things after the events in the Upside Down were not the same and you had a newfound taste for all parts of Eddie.
Eddie hadn't seen you - His girl - after a life or death battle for the future of Hawkins in the Upside Down. During the plan which had gone in every other direction but the right one had ended up with you nearly dying. He blamed himself and part of was his fault - You'd gotten bit - something that never should of happened. He never forgave himself for it, letting you run back into the swarm. All to save him. So when you show up on his doorstep; Eddie finds it a little hard to breathe, chest tightening a crushing pressure against his lungs. "B-Belle?"
"Hi, Eddie." A small smile graces your lips. Eddie felt like he was falling in love with you all over again. A usually talkative Eddie Munson is quiet at a complete loss for words as his girlfriend stands before him. Though it felt so weird thinking you were still 'his girl' considering the absence between then and now. Gone for a whole month, but now she was here. It seemed so - Odd. "Is now not a good time?"
Despite his mild concern he answers with a half smile, "Yeah - Shit - Just a little shocked to see you, baby." Eddie admits stepping to his left, away from the doorframe, allowing you to pass by him with ease. He does take a note of how you purposefully pressed closer to him whilst walking in. Ass grazing his crotch, just barely as you passed. Eddie was able to feel it through the thin material of his pajama pants, almost embarrassed about how his cock jumped in his boxers. Fuck he missed you. Missed all parts of you, but ignored it. Shutting the door with a slam clicking both locks into place. "So, what brings you back here? You know... it's been what--" He shrugs thinking it over, "A month maybe?" He huffed completely baffled as to why it's only now that you are showing up..
"Just needed you. Always made me feel so much better, Eddie." You watch him plop down on the couch, admiring the way his legs sat spread out probably due to his height compared to smaller and old couch. Inviting you it almost seemed like. Seemingly have caught him on one of his off days the brunette had his shaggy hair pulled back and fastened into a bun. Plaid pajama pants, an old Dio shirt with the sleeves trimmed off showing off view of his tattoos and biceps adding a nice touch to his look.
"Yeah? Why don't you come tell me about it?" Eddie pats his thigh and your eyes flit to his before trailing back down to his lap. Slowly striding across the room towards Eddie, when you were close enough his hands reached out to cup the back of your thighs pulling them over his lap. Your ass placed directly over his crotch and your face buried in between his shoulder and jaw.
"I missed this.." You sigh blissfully. Palms open and resting over his chest able to feel his every inhale and exhale. Eddie chuckles, able to feel it through your own body. You could feel, smell, and touch everything.
"I'm sure you know this already, but." He grins. "I fuckin' missed you too baby." Eddie shifts in place on the couch and you giggle.
"Oh, I know. Things just changed after Vecna, I've changed." Eddie can hear every word as you whisper against his skin, feeling your lips press to the most sensitive part of his neck. His hands fly to your waist a hushed groan leaving him.
"B-Baby, come on." He almost whines. Your tongue grazes the skin, feeling, tasting, wanting to have his blood on your lips. Drinking to satisfy the fire deep within you. Turns out being bitten by otherworldly bats turns you into a blood-sucking vampire. Sexy, right?
So very wrong. It terrified you at first. Eating and eating until nothing could curb the taste for blood. You needed it to survive and after taking out some potentially uninteresting people, you wanted Eddie to join you, be yours, feel how good it is to be dead but so alive.
"Don't be so scared, Eds. I'm not gonna bite you-" He's shaking but let's out a quiet breath of relief and you chuckle, "At least not yet."
"Sweetheart, what are you-"
Your hand slides up his chest and over his lips, "Shh, Eddie, let me show you." He's a whimpering mess beneath you. Eddie can feel your tongue against his skin warm, wet, and truly erotic. Always used to being in control beforehand, but now things were different. Hands eagerly touching and caressing, but now he was unsure fingers loose around your waist barely even touching touching.
"B-Baby.." He whines. Throat bobbing as he begs awakening something deep inside you, a sort of primal urge to make him do it again.
"You need something, cutie? Use those big boy words." Your mouth parts slightly fangs resting on the curve of his neck right where his vein lays, enjoying the gentle feeling of every pump of blood that rushed through him.
Eddie whimpers feeling the sharp points pressed against his neck and you smirk. Knowing full well how this was effecting him. "Baby, I-I.. need you. Needed you every night since then." His voice is whiny almost like a horny teenager. Cute.
"I know. Just need a girl to take care of you right, big boy. Need me so bad huh?" You ask grinding your hips down onto him, dragging your fangs down to his exposed collarbone.
"F-Fuck yes.." He groans bucking his up into your own earning a small pinch to his skin making him cry out.
"Keep calm, baby boy. Mommy will take care of everything."
@yaspillz @st-ls @munsonloverblog @off-phelia @strangerthingsstories5255 @fujiihime @shyposttree @damon-loves-pie @fanficfanatic204 @positivevibesnlif3 @beebslebobs @seratoninsickness @k0urti @thatlonelypieceoftoast @marianita195 @bbarnes04 @phantomxoxo @wittlewowa @buchanansbaby @rollergirlworld @allithewriter @555stargirl555 @gothguitargal @eddiemunsons-missingnipple
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violet-yimlat · 7 months
A bit about me! I meant to do this for a while but Procrastination!
Hi I’m Violent I mean Violent I mean Violent I mean Violet I mean Violent I mean Violet Morningstar (but more on that later). I’m 16 and my birthday is in October. I have ADHD and Autism. I’m Asexual. My Myers-Briggs type is INTP and my Eneagram is four. I’m a Libra, but that means literally nothing.
I’m female, I use She and It pronouns, and I identify as a demon. I use the demonkin and fallen angelkin labels.
And now it’s later. I have quite an odd family life because, like several others here on Tumblr I have been adopted by @morningbloodystar because that just seems to be what he does.
So that’s my dad. Which makes @chloe-decker-lapd my sort of mom.
My irl mom is also on Tumblr. I won’t @ her, but in the event of an actual emergency, she’s cakeomatic.
My siblings, the best and only internet siblings (and exclusively online friends) I’ve ever had in order of age are;
@ask-eric-the-disposable-demon Eric Morningstar. I’m pretty sure that he’s closest in age to our dad (like, how big are the age gaps between angels anyway?) but whatever, he’s our brother. He can turn into a rabbit and multiply like them too (when did you guys get the “multiplying like rabbits” joke in Zootropolis?)
@e-w-w-morningstar Eddie W.W Morningstar, who is sometimes a termite and crawled out of the ground in the 18 something-somethings. He has several children including @jessica-woodson-morningstar , my favourite niece.
@janeway-lover Abby Morningstar. She’s “the sensible one”, and apparently she’s cool with that. Big sister energy. One of these days, she’s going to end up saving all of our asses. @urielwiththegoodhair’s partner. SIMPS.
@helphowdoiusethis Jay Morningstar. God of glitter, Quing of ducklings (almost wrote dicklings lol) and somehow an ancient entity of stardust with a traumatic backstory while also being about a year older than me.
Me. I accidentally turned into a demon. And now a cursed book called “Evil Wizardry for Beginners” won’t leave me alone. My familiar is @barrythebabyturnip.
@echosghoast Echo Morningstar. Chaos sibling supreme. The younger sibling I never had, and much less annoying than the one I actually do. Can’t wait to commit a crime with you lol.
@hivemindofevilbats Hive. Literally vampire bats.
@adam-n-dog Adam Young. Nearly caused the apocalypse that one time. Great at naming dogs. He has a dog named Dog. Good boy! Good hellhound!
Last but certainly not least, @three-surnames Trixie Espinosa Decker Morningstar. Awesome little sister? Yes. In complete denial about the nature of reality? Also yes.
Also more siblings?
@angel-and-the-serpent @fallen-starmaker @vans-ghost
Then there are my other relatives.
@the-almighty-lucifer Dad from another reality who’s decided that he’s our uncle.
@one-coming-is-enough The aforementioned Uncle J.
@god-in-the-basement said she’d be our weird aunt but I guess she’s our great aunt?
@g00brielandbeez my uncle and how do we feel about Titi? In Spanish tia and tio are aunt and uncle so that’s the combination and it works.
I’m going to list some fandoms I’m in now;
Good Omens
Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel
Heaven’s Design Team
Certain literature like Paradise Lost, Dante’s Inferno and Lucifer (as in the 17th century Dutch play)
Obey Me!
Yes, I’m into theology. And mythology. I’m an atheistic Satanist btw.
I like reading, listening to music and drawing, but I haven’t felt very inspired lately. I also like identity theft cosplay.
Well, those are the facts about me, and if none of them make you hate me, then maybe we should hang out sometime!
Always up for shenanigans.
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sleepynenes · 1 year
Tell me about the AU 🔫
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[claps hands] SPACE AU! title pending so i call it that for now but it follows the crew of a ship called the SW4G0N, aka grian, scar, pearl, mumbo and cub!
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• the crew started as just grian and scar, two former classmates who studied together at a spacing academy and graduated together and did odd jobs on a smaller little spaceship called the P4RR0T! and then through. a complicated series of events they end up on the base of one Herr Doc Monster, sort of the head of a galactic corporation sort of thing (details pending), and. they blow up some important stuff of his. and he’s really pissed off and ends up blowing up the P4RR0T and now there is a massive bounty on their heads from doc and they acquire their second ship, the SW4G0N (the name is a whole story in and of itself)
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• next up is pearl! a personal fav of mine, she’s psychic and a fishy alien who can be out of water but just needs to stay hydrated, i still havent figured out how the crew pick her up but she’s the third member that joins and she’s one of the many things keeping the crew together, using her psychic abilities to her aid she’s probably the most powerful crew member but she’s just so sweet and trying her best
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• the three of them go to vegas and pick up mumbo! a droid who realizes hey. he doesnt have to listen to commands or wait for someone to tell him what to do! he can do what he wants! and he’s kinda bumbling but he’s trying his best and basically has heelies for feet he’s really lovely
and finally. cub
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• cub’s a brain slug in a body of a scientist (also cub) but like. original cub was kind of an asshole and kind of wanted because he worked for an organization and maybe he ran away with some secrets but brain slug cub is Entirely unaware and is experiencing pretty much everything for the first time and trying so hard to act like a normal human. the crew finds out pretty quickly (he becomes besties w pearl due to psychic communication being easier at first while he was learning how to really Speak) but he’s really just. he’s trying his best ya know?
there’s many other characters too! and the crew accumulates SO many bounties on their heads and so many people are after them, including and not limited to: doc, ren false and gem (all mercenaries hired by him), wels and hels (space vampires they managed to piss off), team zit (they accidentally scammed them), bdubs and etho (bdubs is like a space priest and once again. they manage to piss them off) and more to come!
there’s a lot more details and specifics to go into but ill only rlly go into those if people have like. specific questions andkfnfk and that’s the au for now!
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