#maybe nancy telling mike all the good things about eddie and why she can see mike likes him so much??? or just her presence grounding mike
apocalyptic-byler · 1 year
just thinking about nancy comforting mike after he learned about eddies death
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tartarusknight · 2 years
Eddie Joins the Family
Eddie didn’t think that he would get a big family when he pulled Dustin, Mike, and Lucas into Hellfire. He didn’t think it would happen but it did. One day, after school he’s stopped short at the sound of his name. He stopped and glanced back to see a redheaded girl. She looked familiar but he couldn’t place her. She had a skateboard under her arm and a determined look on her face. “You’re Eddie Munson right?”
Eddie frowned, “I don’t sell to kids.”
Her nose wrinkled, “ew. I’m Max, Lucas’s girl- we’re friends.” She stumbles a little and his eyebrow raised. 
She rolled her shoulders back, “can you give me a ride home? I missed the bus and we’re neighbors. I can give you embarrassing stories of any of the boys,” she waves her hand but he can see her nerves. 
“Sure,” he shrugged and she brightened. However, she was definitely trying to hide her emotions. “Our chariot awaits, milady.” He opened the door for her a swept his hand towards his shitty van. However, it didn’t stop there. Suddenly he was driving her more and more. Even though she didn’t even join his club! Okay, but she was quickly becoming one of his favorite freshman anyways. 
But Max wasn’t the only one. One day he ran into Nancy Wheeler and she actually stopped him. “Eddie, right?” Her eyes were hard and he shifted nervously. He gave her a small nod and she cleared her throat. “Mike’s really looking up to you lately.”
Eddie grimaced, “he could’ve picked someone better.”
She nods in agreement which stings only a little. He knew it was true. “You’re going to meet me twice a week. Give me your schedule.” She ordered and he stood there dumbfounded. “It wasn’t an option, come on.” She waved her hand. 
So he took a moment and wrote it all down before handing it over. She frowned, maybe at his shitty hand writing or the way it was kind of jumbled. “We have study hall the same hour. I’ll get a pass and I’ll meet you.”
“Uh, why?”
Her glare was terrifying, “because if he’s going to look up to you than you can give him a good example. I’m not going to let you keep failing all your classes and show him what it’s okay.” She snapped and Eddie wasn’t sure if he’s ever been this shocked before. “Understand?”
“Aye, aye, captain.” He gave her a weak salute before she turned and walked off. 
Then suddenly he and Nancy were working together often and in the few classes they shared she offered to be paired with him. It was freaky and his friends were just as weirded out as he was. But he had to admit that as they met after school a few times, that maybe, just maybe they were becoming friends. It wasn’t confirmed until one day she was painting his nails as he rambled about an idea he had for a campaign. Except she wasn’t just listening, she was giving him tips and helping him develop it even better. 
And with Nancy came Karen Wheeler. The woman would give him baked goods and thank him for all he was doing with Mike. It was weird but she made amazing cookies so he dealt with it and fucking Ted who didn’t deserve Karen. However, it got even worse when he made a comment that he mostly cooked for himself and his uncle since Wayne worked the worst hours. That had him in the kitchen with Sue Sinclair, Claudia Henderson, and you guessed it, Karen Wheeler. 
The three moms taught him all their tips and tricks, telling him he could impress any girl with his new skills. He didn’t say he wasn’t interested in any girls. Instead, he grinned and took all the information he could. It became a weekly thing and he got all the good gossip that wasn’t high school bullshit. And he gave them all the high school bullshit they wanted. 
And suddenly he became a babysitter for his younger friends. The freshman were annoyed at the development and Eddie got paid to hang out with them so he was fine with it. It didn’t happen often, since apparently Eddie was the back up babysitter. He didn’t care... that much, he was just curious. But being the back up babysitter gave him Erica Sinclair who quickly became his arch enemy and favorite. They didn’t do much but when he was in charge of her they would argue back and forth before retiring to painting mini figures with music playing in the background. 
However, that wasn’t even the end of it. Because suddenly Dustin was introducing him to Robin Buckley. Apparently Dustin had been trying to get her and their friend together but since they didn’t seem to get their act together, Dustin believed him and Robin would work together. Eddie and Robin took one look at each other and saw the fruitiness of the other. Which gave him a friend to talk about all the shit he dealt with that no one else did. No one else but Robin. 
Robin was a beauty and became one of his closest friends. They often spent time at his trailer and she started eating lunch with him and Hellfire. Of course Dustin was being a little bitch about it but Eddie and Robin claimed their were completely platonic. Which had the young members echoing, “with a capital P.” 
That one comment brought in the last of the party that remained in Hawkins, Steve Harrington. Steve was someone he knew from school but this Steve wasn’t what he expected. The first interaction after all the bragging the rest of the party did for him didn’t match up with his old vision. Eddie was leaving Hellfire and noticed Robin standing next to the man, waiting for the kids. “Eddie!” Robin waved like he wasn’t walking towards her already. 
He grinned, “hey Buckley, fancy meeting you here.” Then he glanced over at Steve and god dammit, he was still as pretty as he had been back in high school. 
“Harrington,” he drawled and watched Steve’s face grow pink. Which was curious...
Steve smiled and it wasn’t a smile Eddie had seen on him before, not really. This looked completely real and a little dopey. “Hey, Munson, I heard I’m missing out on the Munson friendship train.” He tilted his head a little and his hair flopped. The kids were already getting into Steve’s car but neither Steve nor Robin looked to be in a rush to leave. 
Eddie laughed a little awkwardly, “Yeah man. You don’t know what you’re missing.” He waved at himself and watched Steve’s eyes drop to follow his hands up and down his body. Which was... it was... Eddie didn’t really understand what he was feeling. 
He cleared his throat, “welp, enjoy driving these gremlins home.” He waved at the back seat. However, when he looked at Steve the dude look upset at the idea. Which was weird because he’s been told over and over how much Steve loved the kids. He waved and jogged off to avoid anymore of that. 
But that wasn’t the last he saw Steve. No, in fact, suddenly Steve always picked them up. Nancy no longer took time out of her schedule nor did any of the parents. And when Eddie went to his weekly dinner session with the moms they all laughed and said Steve was a good babysitter, always so caring about their time and kids. 
And well... Eddie didn’t hate it. Not one bit as Steve got there about 30 minutes early each time and watched the end of the session. Then he’d help Eddie clean up and they’d talk until they parted ways. Some times Robin was with him and most of those nights they’d meet him at the trailer after dropping the kids off with a movie for the three of them. Except soon, Steve would stop with or without Robin. 
Eddie loved and hated his time with Steve. Because the more time they saw each other, the more Eddie fell for the straight boy. He was done falling for straight boys so it pissed him off. But it didn’t stop him from putting his legs in Steve’s lap during a movie. Or letting Steve play with his hair. Or letting Steve kiss-
Okay the kissing was knew. And Eddie wasn’t sure of anything anymore. Not when during Grease Steve got up from the couch to sing and dance along. Eddie had laughed and when he was pulled to his feet, he stumbled into Steve’s chest. It was just the two of them but even if they had been in a crowded room, Eddie was sure the only thing he would’ve seen would’ve been Steve. 
Steve had cupped his face and smiled, “You’re the one that I want, o o oo honey. The one I need,” Steve had sung so soft and Eddie blinked at him, shocked. “Eddie,” Steve whispered as he leaned in closer. “Can I kiss you?” Eddie had made some noise that he’ll never claim and nodded frantically. Steve kissed like it was a sport that he never got less than gold in. Eddie pressed in and they moved in sync. 
And when they dropped next to each other in Eddie’s bed. Eddie didn’t think Steve might be as straight as he previously thought. “You know,” Steve started after they both regained their breath. “All I heard for weeks was Eddie this, Eddie that. Suddenly even the moms were in love with you. And it was so god damn annoying. Cause I knew they were all right. I remembered you from school, how free and open you were. When Dustin and the others mentioned you befriending them I knew they’d be okay. But I was jealous.”
Eddie looked over at him, “You were jealous? Of me?”
Steve snorted and Eddie didn’t think it was fair that even that was endearing. “Of you, of them. I don’t know... but I saw my shot and I took it.” He shrugged and Eddie raised an eyebrow. “Dude, you were like my gay awakening! I serious!” Steve had a big smile on his face and Eddie grinned back. 
“Really? Little ol’ Eddie Munson was King Steve’s awakening?”
Steve smacked him and rolled so he leaned over Eddie, “yeah. You were.”
They grinned at each other, “so you were checking me out when you first picked up the kids.”
“Hell yeah I was,” Steve winked and it was so dorky. He was flushed pink but still trying to stay confident. “To be honest, I lied when we started talking.” Eddie raised an eyebrow, insincerity rising up in him. But then Steve flushed more, “I didn’t want to join the Munson friendship train. I wanted to see what you’d be like as my boyfriend.” Steve wiggled his eyebrows and Eddie couldn’t stop the laugh.
“Yeah?” He flipped them so he was on top of Steve. Steve looked pleased as he did so. “Get ready, big boy. I’ll show you what you’re missing.” He promised and kissed him just because he could. 
Steve broke it though, “so, you, Eddie Munson agree to go on a date with me?”
Eddie rolled his eyes, “yes. I Eddie Munson, will date you, Steve Harrington. You can pick me up tomorrow at 7.”
And Eddie would swear that Steve’s eyes fucking twinkled. “It’s a date.”
So, yeah bringing Dustin, Lucas, and Mike into Hellfire was one of the best decisions he’s ever made. Maybe one day he’ll thank them for giving him the best year he’s ever had. 
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estrellami-1 · 1 year
If I Should Stay
Part 1 | . . . | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
Steve slides down the wall as soon as he’s in the bathroom, hands going to his hair, gripping hard as he tries to remember how to breathe.
“Steve?” Robin says. “The door’s locked, it’s just us. What’s going on?”
“I don’t know if I can do this, Robs, I look at her and all I see is bullshit, and I know she’s got questions, and fuck, she probably thinks I’m cheating on her, which I’d never do, but she- and Jonathan-”
“Whoa,” Robin says, grabbing his hands. “Deep breaths, Steve-o, we’re gonna make it through this. I will absolutely flirt with Nancy if it helps on the accusation front. I told Eddie the kids like D&D, so hopefully…” she trails off, listening, and they both smirk when they hear Eddie, already in character. “That didn’t take long.”
“He’s a good guy,” Steve says. “And they’re good kids. Mostly.”
Robin snorts. “Mostly,” she agrees. “Listen, why don’t you break up with Nancy? Nothing else happens between the two of you, right? So we tell everyone what’s going on, you pull Nancy aside—I’ll come for moral support if you want—and explain what happens and tell her you can’t see her anymore.”
“You don’t think it’ll mess with the whole timeline thing?”
“Steve. Buddy. We’re telling a group of twelve-year-olds about something that happens four years in the future. The timeline’s well and truly fucked. You weren’t happy with her, not after Barb, right? Because the stories you told me painted you as being miserable.”
Steve sighs. Reclaims one of his hands to run it through his hair. “Yeah.”
“Okay then. And hey,” she says, moving to sit next to him. “Maybe if you break up with her now, you can do something about your crush on a certain someone.”
“Robs, c’mon,” he complains. “Even if I did, what happens after? When we go back to ‘87? Are there three years of memories I don’t have? Do we break up before you and I go back, and pick it up again four years later? And what if we fail and he dies anyways? What then, Robin?”
She leans her head on his shoulder with a sigh. “I dunno, Dingus. But hey, I’m here.”
He offers her a half-smile before laying his head on hers. “Yeah. You are.”
A knock on the door startles them. “Uh, Steve?” It’s Nancy. She sounds oddly apprehensive. “Eddie’s doing a great job at keeping the kids occupied, but we’d all like to know what’s going on.”
Steve sighs and pushes his face into Robin’s hair for a second before turning back to the door to answer. “Yeah. We’ll be right there.”
Nancy doesn’t answer. The first time around, it was something Steve had found endearing. She didn’t have time to waste on meaningless words. Now, it irks him a little bit.
“C’mon,” Robin says gently. “You can fall apart again after, but there’s no use catastrophizing over something that hasn’t happened yet.”
He quirks his mouth up at her. “Right, ‘cause you’ve never been dramatic a day in your life.”
She rolls her eyes. “I’m a band kid, Steven, of course I’m dramatic.” She begins to smirk. “Besides, not like you mind when it’s-”
“Okay,” he says, but they’re both smiling as he unlocks the door.
They go downstairs and he smiles at the sight of everyone on the couch, enraptured, as Eddie’s crouched on the coffee table, eyes wide, monologuing. Steve casts his eyes around, taking everyone in, and starts to frown. “Where’s El?”
Nancy’s the first to break out of the reverie. She looks around, brows furrowed, then slaps at Mike’s arm until he slaps back. “What?”
“Where’s El?”
“She’s right- oh.” Saucer-wide eyes turn to Nancy. “I don’t know.”
Permanent Taglist: @justforthedead89 @ilovecupcakesandtea @madigoround @bookbinderbitch @suddenlyinlove @nburkhardt @artiststarme @paintsplatteredandimperfect @i-less-than-three-you @alyelf @quarble @messrs-weasley @littlewildflowerkitten @vankaar @starman-jpg @bornonthesavage @steddie-there @goodolefashionedloverboi @andienotannie @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @platinum-sunset @just-ladyme @steddiestains @swimmingbirdrunningrock @imhereforthelolzdontyellatme @martinskis-lydias @notaqueenakhaleesi @sleepyboosstuff @bestwifehaver @m-owo-n @thatonebadideapanda @finalmoondragon @velocitytimes2 @callmeanythjing @ajeff855 @ilikeititspretty @knitsforthetrail @sillysparrow @that-one-corvid @ace-is-bored @local-writers-corner @harpymoth @weirdandabsurd42
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Fic Taglist: @blondlanfear @do-you-want-something-more @little-gae-shit
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alcalystrasz · 6 months
Here's the list of all my theories about Stranger Things 5 (not in order):
-Robin dies -> either to sacrifice herself (for Vickie or Steve) or she gets killed by Vecna.
-Max dies -> she doesn't wake up of her coma (episode 6 or 7, preferably after Robin's death).
=> After everyone starts to lose hope, they all get the courage to read her letters and they get determined to avenge her and the other deaths (even from previous seasons, such as Barbara for Nancy).
-Jonathan dies -> by saving Nancy or Will.
=> causes an emotional damage to Will, losing his big brother, the only one who knew about who he was.
-Mike and Eleven break up because Mike wants them to be just friends.
-Mike finally tells Will he's in love with him (episode 6 or 7, preferably after Max's death).
-Mike and Will go in the Upside Down (no reason in my mind right now, except it could be to find something).
=> They find Eddie alive (not dead because or the following reason: it's impossible to get killed in the Upside Down if you're not killed by Vecna himself -> Barb was killed by Vecna in the Upside Down since we see her in the pool she died, trapped like Chrissy, Vecna's mother etc. This could explain why Vecna didn't die when Nancy, Steve and Robin tried in S4). ((This theory is the least possible one in my mind, just so you know)) => he really dies though in the end.
Then, mostly everyone becomes a target of Vecna. Here's the list and the causes (why are they a target) and the characters that saves them (in order):
-Dustin is a target -> cause: Eddie's death, as he feels guilt for letting him go back in the Upside Down without him -> Steve or Lucas saves him because of their strong friendship.
-Lucas is a target -> cause: He feels guilt for not saving Max before Vecna takes her -> Max (if she doesn't die) or Erica saves him.
*Robin dies at this moment before the others gets targeted*
-Steve is a target -> cause: He feels guilt because he couldn't save Robin from the hands of Vecna -> Nancy saves him.
-Nancy is a target -> cause: She feels guilt because of Barbara and Steve being a target, but mostly of Barb -> Jonathan saves her by dying = she feels a second guilt and Steve feels guilt too.
*Jonathan dies at this moment*
-Will is a target -> cause: Vecna shows him his old memories (with his mom, Jonathan, Mike and the Party), but mostly bad memories to show him how his life is miserable. He asks Will to join him but refuses -> The music "Should I Stay or Should I Go" gets a door to open (just like Max when "Running up That Hill" started), and Mike's voice gets Will to escape Vecna's lair. He crushes his left eye before escaping (foreshadowing from Eddie during the DnD campaign in S4).
-Mike is a target (endgame, mostly end of episode 7 or beginning of episode 8) -> El saves him by fighting with Vecna but she still doesn't kill him. She gets hurt because he got stronger.
Now, the most crazy theory:
-Everyone finds a plan: Time travel.
=> They think, if the time in the Upside Down stopped the day Will got into the U.D, maybe he's the key of the U.D. Why? Maybe Vecna gave him this "power" because they're alike (sensitive, lonely, and good drawer). So they think if Will goes back inside, they can come back to the day he got kidnapped by Vecna and kill him when he was less strong.
And the Endgame theories (so episode 8 or end of episode 7):
-The Party finally gets back together and are going to be the leaders of the last episode.
-Eleven saves Hawkins by killing Vecna.
=> Parallel with the first season: Eleven gets Vecna on the wall, being ready to kill him but before that, she turns her head to Mike or the Party and says "Goodbye" one last time just like in the final of season 1. She then kills Vecna inside of the U.D creating a sort of supernova (because she erases him like the Demogorgon in s1, but since she did that outside of the U.D and she teleported them in it, and this time she's inside, this world can't support it and it makes a sort of supernova). This causes the U.D to get closed forever and Eleven dies, closing the possibility of interacting with the U.D from the real world.
That's it!! Tell me what you guys think about this, it's the main theories in big lines, some things a more precise obviously.
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threewaywithdelusion · 10 months
Flirting with Danger (Robin & Eddie & Steve snippet)
“Hey, Eddie? Why do you flirt with Steve so much?”
Eddie froze. Eddie was always in motion, so it was strange to see him still. Eddie thought he ran, but that wasn’t true. He deflected, he made himself larger than life, turned parts of himself that he was confident about into a target. Unless he was really, really afraid. Then he froze. 
Robin understood his other habits. She babbled when she was nervous. She preferred being teased for talking too much or for being a klutz than the other things she was worried people noticed about her. 
But Robin had never used outrageously flirting with Steve as a tactic. She’d made fun of him, sure, but it had been hilarious watching The Hair strike out with literally every single girl who’d ever walked into Scoops Ahoy. 
What Eddie was doing was different. 
Robin forged on, her mouth running ahead of her brain, as usual. “Cause, like, I get it. He’s pretty and all and he makes some really funny faces when you do that. But he doesn’t really reciprocate so I would have stopped by now if I were you, but who knows, I’ve never even been on a date so maybe my problem is that I give in early. Oh my god. Maybe you’re actually doing this right.”
Eddie raised his hands in a wide gesture. “Woah, Buckley, chill. And lower your voice.”
Robin looked around. They were still alone, the only ones in Steve’s living room. But she understood why Eddie was afraid of this conversation being overheard, even if she thought anyone with eyeballs must have realized he was hitting on Steve by now. Except maybe Mike Wheeler, who was blind to just about everything, and Dustin, who was still determined to set Steve up with either Robin or Nancy, and Lucas, who was still distracted with his girlfriend’s recovery. 
Okay, maybe not everyone had noticed. 
“Sorry,” Robin said. “But come on, you can tell me.”
Eddie looked around again, then leaned in dramatically. “Okay, this is going to sound stupid, but. I don’t know how well you knew Steve a few years ago.”
“Not well. We had Mrs. Click’s class together two years ago, but besides that our paths never really crossed.”
“Yeah,” Eddie said. “Well Steve and I didn’t exactly run in the same circles, but we ran in overlapping ones. I was a junior when he was a sophomore, and then we were seniors together. And I’ve been dealing to the basketball jocks for years, so I saw him around at parties and shit. And he was… very different than he is now.”
“You don’t have to tell me that Steve was an asshole. I know that.” Robin eyed Eddie, confused on what this had to do with all the flirting. Was Eddie just irresistibly into people who did hardcore self-improvement? “He knows that too, by the way.”
“I guess,” Eddie said. “I mean, he seems to. But that kind of evolution? It’s basically unbelievable, right. Like, if I wrote some DnD campaign where someone started out as a villain like that and turned into the hero, no one would buy it.”
Robin was taken aback.
Hold up. This wasn’t lovestruck gushing. The only person allowed to insult Steve like that was Robin. Maybe Dustin on a good day. 
“He wasn’t a villain,” Robin said heatedly. “He was an asshole and an idiot, but he was no worse than every other jock who goes to our school and he was a hell of a lot better than a lot of them, even then.”
Eddie’s face turned dark. “You didn’t hear the shit he said.”
No, she hadn’t. She’d overheard sometimes, when he’d called some kid or another a freak or a nerd, but she’d had no reason to hang around Steve back when they’d both been in high school. She was thankful for that sometimes. She knew Steve was different now and that he regretted the things he’d said and done in the past. But it was easier to forgive him when she didn’t know exactly what he was guilty of. 
“He can’t have been worse than Billy Hargrove. Or Jason Carver.”
Eddie scoffed. “Yeah, cause being better than Billy Hargrove or the guy who convinced the whole town I was in a satanic cult and then tried to murder me is a real selling point. What a high bar.”
He leaned in closer to her. “He was a bully, Robin. He made life awful for kids like me. Like those kids in there.” He jabbed a finger at the kitchen, where Steve was teaching The Party how to cook. “The nerds, the geeks, the outcasts, the queers. And I guess you and I and those kids are proof that he doesn’t care about the bullshit high school social hierarchy anymore. But there are some things people still hold against you out here in the real world.”
Robin scoffed. “So you’re trying to prove that Steve — Steve who fights monsters from another dimension off with a baseball bat and babysits a bunch of fifteen-year-old nerds — is still the guy you knew?” Robin fought to keep her volume down when she wanted to scream. “Cause Steve is the best person I know. He’s brave and selfless and so fucking kind, like good from the bottom of his soul, and he’s a little vain and a little slow but he isn’t anything worse than that. And fuck you for thinking that kind of thing about my best friend.”
Eddie shook his head slowly. “I’m not denying he’s good to you, Robin. But in this little group, our fucking lives depend on each other. So excuse me for trying to find out if he’s good to people like me.”
Robin only had time to blink before Eddie continued.
“I know flirting with him is insane and maybe a little suicidal. But I just want to know how far I can push him before he snaps. If he’s gonna say some shit or hit someone for acting queer, I’d rather it be me than W- one of those kids. And I’d rather know before I’m trusting him to have my back in a fight against a monster that preys on our fucking fears and traumas.”
Robin stared at Eddie for a long moment. She couldn’t believe that she and Steve had both been wrong. Eddie hadn’t been genuinely flirting with Steve, but he also hadn’t been using Steve as a safe option. Hell, Steve had been so far off it would have been laughable if it wasn’t so sad.
Robin remembered when she’d come out to Steve, stinking of vomit and high out of her mind and just as afraid as she’d been in the secret Russian bunker. 
She understood why Eddie was afraid. She probably would have been too, if she didn’t know Steve like she did. If the drugs hadn’t loosened her tongue and allowed her to tell Steve a secret she’d never shared with anyone else. 
There was only one thing she could think to do. 
“Steve!” Robin called. 
A moment later Steve came running through the doorway, a kitchen knife in his hand. He visibly relaxed when he saw that Robin and Eddie were just sitting on the couch and not being attacked by monsters from the Upside Down. 
“Robin! How many times have we talked about this? If you just scream for me, I’m going to assume something is trying to eat you.”
Robin snorted. “You say that, but you called me in a panic when you ran out of hairspray before a date and you started with the words ‘Robin, this is an emergency. I need your help.’”
Steve dragged a hand over his mouth. “I- okay, I did. But-“
“Anyway,” Robin cut him off. “I wanted to tell you earlier, but all your little ducklings were crowded around you learning how to use a stove.”
“Tell me what?” Steve asked. 
Robin grinned. She pulled a little slip of paper from her pocket and waved it out towards Steve. “Vickie’s digits.”
Steve’s eyebrows shot up in a slightly offensive look of shock. “Holy shit, Robin, you actually managed to get her number?”
He shot a glance at Eddie, probably wondering why Robin was choosing to have this conversation in front of Eddie Munson. 
Robin ignored the look and smirked. “Vickie was complaining about how she hasn’t seen a movie in ages, since the mall burned down. I told her that I work at the video store and that my very platonic best friend has a giant tv we could borrow if she wanted the full experience. And that we could make popcorn and eat candy and do all the things teenagers are supposed to do in movie theaters. And she said ‘everything?” all suggestive and I almost died! And I told her everything, so I need to steal your house and I need you not to be in it.”
Steve sputtered. “You totally stole my line. Oh my god. You said you didn’t want my dating advice, and then you stole my exact pickup line! And my house!”
Robin rolled her eyes. “What’s yours is mine, Dingus. Even your cheesy pickup lines.”
Steve grinned, looking proud. 
Robin beamed back at him. She loved that she could go to Steve, that he was her biggest cheerleader when it came to her love life. That he had never once, from the moment he had learned she was gay, made her feel strange or freakish or different for liking girls. She’d tested him, maybe, a little. In the beginning. When she’d started with innocuous little comments about Molly Ringwald looking generally pretty in the Breakfast Club or the cute girl at Family Video having a nice smile. Steve hadn’t blinked, which had given her the courage to say more, to comment on actress’s collarbones or chests or thighs, to talk about her crushes growing up, to call dibs on customers and be pleasantly surprised when Steve refused to flirt with the girls Robin had chosen, even if they were hopelessly straight and even if they flirted with him first. 
Robin had never trusted anyone the way she trusted Steve, with every part of herself, knowing that there was nothing she could show him that would make him love her less. 
Eddie was staring between them, dark eyes wide in shock and disbelief. 
“Wait,” Eddie said, waving his arms wildly. He pointed at Robin. “You are a lesbian?”
Robin nodded. “Yep! 100% all into the ladies.”
She knew Eddie was safe. There had been rumors about him being gay for years and she’d just watched him spend the past several weeks flirting with Steve Harrington of all people. He’d all but just told her he was queer. But it was still terrifying. She’d only ever told Steve, and she’d been high on Russian truth serum then. 
Robin’s heart was pounding so hard she could hear it in her ears. Her hands were trembling. 
Steve, bless his head of beautiful hair, realized at that moment that Eddie hadn’t already known about Robin. He walked closer very quickly, putting himself between Robin and Eddie as best as he could while he was standing and they were both sitting on the couch. 
It was a sweet gesture, especially from a man who had lost every fight he’d ever been in. 
“And you,” Eddie said, swinging to point his finger at Steve, jabbing it into his stomach, “knew about this?”
Robin could only see the side of Steve’s face, but he was watching Eddie with a hard look. “If you have a problem, you and I can take this outside.”
Eddie’s jaw dropped. He looked from Steve, to Robin, then back to Steve. 
Steve didn’t move. 
“Holy shit,” Eddie said, more to himself than anything. 
Steve tensed. 
“I don’t have a problem,” Eddie said, leaning back against the couch in an artful slouch. He turned to look at Robin, trying to hide his wide-eyed surprise behind a casual look. “Damn Robin, good for you, finding love in the apocalypse. While the rest of us suffer the woes of portals to hell and the perils of monster attacks, you’ve actually gone and found yourself true love.”
Robin smiled. “Or a movie date. You know. One of the two.”
Steve was looking between the two of them, his brow furrowed in that adorable look of confusion that he got sometimes. 
“I don’t understand anything that just happened here,” he said. 
Robin snorted. She was about to tell Steve that he should mind his business when Eddie said, still in that fake-casual tone, “I’m gay.”
Steve blinked, his eyebrows raising slightly. He looked taken aback. “Um, yeah.” He glanced at Robin, then back to Eddie. “I know I’m not the sharpest bulb in the box, but I’m really good at reading people. Especially when they’re flirting. Flirting is my specialty. You were really obvious, man.”
Eddie’s dark eyes were wide as he watched Steve. 
Steve pushed his hair back nervously. “Was I not supposed to know that?”
Slowly, a grin grew on Eddie’s face. “No, that makes sense. I was just making sure we were on the same page.”
Steve started frowning again. “About…? Oh. Wait. Is this- are you trying to ask me out? Because, I’m flattered dude, but I’m not- I mean. I like girls. A girl. Who doesn’t like me back, but, you know, the heart wants what it wants and all that shit.”
Eddie shot Robin an incredulous look. She gave him a close-lipped smile and a nod. 
Yeah, dude. Her best friend was awesome. 
“No, Steve,” Eddie said. “I’m not trying to ask you out. The last person I wanted to date got murdered by a super-powered psychopath right in front of me and it was quite traumatizing, so I think I’m taking a break from all that dating-slash-falling-in-love stuff for a while.”
Steve’s face scrunched up as he thought for a long moment. “Patrick?”
Robin snorted, feeling hopelessly fond. 
Eddie looked stupefied. “Chrissy, Steve. Remember Chrissy? Who was beautiful and sweet and not actually trying to murder me for starting a cult?”
“But… Chrissy’s a girl?” 
“I like both, man,” Eddie said.
“Oh,” Steve said. Then a second later, “That’s a thing?”
Eddie laughed. He had a look in his eye, like he still couldn’t quite believe Steve was taking this so well but he was grateful for every second of it. 
“Like Bowie,” Robin tried to explain. “He likes both.”
Eddie snapped his fingers and pointed at Robin. “Exactly. Bowie’s metal as fuck.”
Steve looked like he was about to say something when Dustin’s voice came from the kitchen “Steve! Come tell Mike he’s doing it wrong!”
“I’m not doing it wrong! The pasta’s supposed to look like that.”
“No pasta is ever supposed to look like that,” Erica’s voice sounded loudly over the rest. “What? Just the facts!”
“My mom’s pasta looks like that.” That was Will. 
Then Dustin again. “Thanks for proving my point, dude. Steve!”
Steve was smiling softly as the kids all roared for his approval. 
“Go help your kids, Dingus,” Robin said. “And know that I’m not eating anything made by Mike or Dustin.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Steve said. “I’ll make you something else. Eddie?”
Eddie grinned. “Nah man, I’m with you. It’s our job to eat whatever the little shits made and pretend it’s good, right?”
Steve grimaced. “Yeah.”
He left, muttering about being the goddamn babysitter under his breath. 
Robin turned to Eddie, eyebrows up, expectant. 
“Alright, fine! I believe I owe the Lady my apologies,” Eddie said. “I didn’t mean to malign your best friend’s honor and besmirch his good name.”
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broke-art-girl · 6 months
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Ngl Might write an Older Brother AU with Timothèe Chalamet, Natalia Dyer, and Finn Wolfhard. I never felt that "Holly Wheeler" was very crucial to the Stranger Things storyline so I'ma ditch her and replace her with "Robertt "Rob" Wheeler" (find it on AO3 Here)
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"Robertt "Rob" Wheeler" Headcanons:
× How old is he? ×
• He's the eldest in the group. He's older than Steve and Nancy anyway. Eddie's age. Robert was born in January of '65, with Nancy being born in November of '67, and Mike in April of '71,
× What kind of screen time does he have? ×
•Season One: He wouldn't show up much because he would be off studying for finals. But he would warn Nancy about hanging out with Steve after telling her he saw Steve sneaking out while he was out smoking.
•Season Two: he would have minimal screen time because he's in college.
•Season Three: He would have a bit of screen time, this would be the season he learns about the upside down. He would be helping with the Russians and would comfort El about Hopper.
•Season Four: He would have a lot of screen time.
He would totally be there to stand up for Hellfire Club. (Plot twist + flash back) He was once a member. After all, that's how Mike got into D&D.
He and Eddie used to be good friends. Eddie missed Robbie after he got held back the first time, then he got held back again and Robertt moved on to high school, leaving him in junior high.
Once he learns Eddie's in trouble he rushed to help. When Eddie dies, he takes it HARD. Maybe just as hard as Dustin. When he show comes to a close in the field of flowers, you can barely see will hugging him as he cries in the background. From the conversation Will had with Jonathan you can assume Robertt had a thing for Eddie, because why would Will be hugging Robertt and not Nancy or Mike??
•Season Five: He would have the screen time of a main character, he's helping fight, he's in the upside down, he's protecting his siblings, avenging Eddie. He might even sacrifice himself to save them if it comes down to it in the bitter end. It would be worth it. And he finally understands why Eddie did it, and he's happy to finally see in again.
× What are his personality traits? ×
• Shy to a fault but will sit next to someone just to let them know he cares. Loves to give gifts and make things. Mike often gets him to make the party Christmas gifts.
• Likes to cook and read. His favorite food is vegetarian soup (yes he's vegetarian and yes he gets picked on for it) and his favorite book/play is Romeo and Juliet.
• Will help his siblings with homework, or just do it for them if they ask nicely.
• He's kind of like Steve in the way that you can talk to him about anything, and he's sort of a babysitter/ cab driver, he was more trusted with Mike when he was younger but now Mrs. Wheeler just doesn't care.
× How did he become friends with everyone? ×
• Became friends with Mike and Nancy because their siblings.
• Became friends with Dustin, Lucus, and Will after he showed Mike what D&D was. After he went off for college, Mike took over the dungeon master position, using his big brothers old books.
• Became friends with Jonathan through him waiting for Will to quit playing D&D at their house.
• Became friends with Robin and Steve after Steve yelled "Rob?!" And both Robin and Robertt said "Yeah?!"
• Became friends with Max through a love for skateboarding.
• Became friends with Eleven back when she was hiding out in the basement. He knew Eleven was down there the whole time. He would go down there after work and see her sitting there... He would talk to her through the day to pass the time, distract his parents from seeing her, and tell mike he was an idiot. Of course he wouldn't elaborate on why Mike was an idiot, but he figured he knew why.
• Became friends with Eddie when they were kids through D&D. Back when his hair was buzzed and he didn't have those sweet old tatties yet.
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Image source: here
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ronanceautistic · 4 months
i haven’t talked enough about the hot mess that is the Wheeler family /Ednancy siblings in my headcanon. So like. hear me out see if you vibe.
Karen dated Al Munson in high school, slightly older guy who already has an infant son. No one approved of this. So Karen felt pressure to settle down with a good, wealthy man and so broke up with him and dated Ted. Little while later, finds out she’s pregnant, either of them could be the father. She knows the kid will have a good life with Ted - money, good home, etc. So she doesn’t stir the pot. Tells Ted she’s pregnant, says it’s absolutely his and lies and says she never went all the way with Al.
Anyways. By the time Nancy is three or four god Karen can tell. She can tell she was absolutely wrong on her guess of who the father was and she just hopes Ted is none the wiser. And he isn’t! He doesn’t think twice, and as far as she is concerned it doesn’t really matter, right? If Ted doesn’t know, and Al isn’t around, and Nancy knows nothing but Ted being her dad, then it shouldn’t matter.
But Ted’s mom can tell, too. She’s the controlling, interfering type that knew from the off that Karen had a rebellious background and never approved of her dating Ted. She always did the sly poking questions whilst Karen is pregnant, and as far as she’s concerned Nancy is without a doubt not related to her.
Nancy doesn’t care about her grandparents for a long time. But then Mike is born, and her grandma loves Mike, and she becomes very aware that her grandma does not like her. She doesn’t know why, but she shrugs it off. They don’t live in Hawkins, she only has to see them once or twice a year. It’s whatever.
Shortly after S4 (everyone lives, no one dies, vecna is gone) is the Fourth of July. Extended family coming over for the holiday. Nancys got some unresolved trauma and honestly anger issues from spring break, couple that with the anniversary effect for S3 playing on her, it’s safe to say she’s not in her best state of mind. Maybe it’s harder to put on the quiet and polite Nancy act she gives around grandparents, Maybe she starts fighting with Karen, or sneaking out late, or lashing out at seemingly random things.
Mike comes home, unfortunately being driven home by none other than Eddie Munson. Eddie, being the charmer he is (and much to Karen’s horror) introduces himself by full name to Teds mom. And oh my god the look on Teds moms face when she realises her grandson is best friends with his ‘sisters’ actual brother. Karen shoos the boys away quickly, and practically begs Teds mom to not say anything.
The grandparents need a place to sleep. The Wheelers don’t have a guest room, and since no one on Earth should be forced to endure Mike Wheelers bedroom, Nancys room is the designated “guest room” and Nancy sleeps in the basement or on the couch or in Hollys room. Anyways. Nancy realises entirely too late that she left her guns in her room and literally just has to pray that they’re in a good enough hiding spot until she can move them tomorrow morning. They’re not.
Anyways next morning, Nancys new attitude + the gun she found + Eddie being the way he is, Teds mom is convinced Nancy is going down a bad path. Karen scoffs at this, but Teds mom keeps pushing, and it ends up breaking out into a full blown fight, Teds mom says would it surprise you? With who her father is, and evidently, who her brother is? That kid is a Munson through and through.
Karen did not know Nancy was home. And that is how Nancy finds out she is not actually a Wheeler. the end thank you for reading my bedtime story.
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twistedsiren86 · 2 years
Growing Pains
Based off of the idea that Steve Harrington in fact is a human being who doesn’t heal overnight, and actually has lifelong ailments from all the times he’s been beaten up. While also being Steddie :P
Steve's eyes close as he tries to keep his composure. The kids are making one hell of a racket, and it was causing the ringing in his right ear to worsen. Steve has gotten used to the constant ringing, it's been going on ever since he and Robin got caught by the Russians while working at Scoops Ahoy. Steve had not been new to taking a beating, and maybe that's why a switch flipped inside his head that day.
The ringing wasn’t the only thing ailing Steve Harrington.
Glasses should've come after Billy Hargrove pummeled his face to hell and back, although Steve firmly pushed that idea away until he could no longer read the kids' homework sheets without squinting and bringing the paper an inch from his face.
Now the spunkier kids tease him. They call him grandpa and offer an arm to walk him across the street. Dustin always asks how many fingers he’s holding up and Steve’s in a very Eddie Munson fashion, shoots Dustin the middle finger. The less daring kids try to be helpful, but it just makes Steve feel like a lacking parental figure.
To his dismay, he’ll laugh with Dustin, Mike, and Lucas when they tease him. And he always thanks El and Will. And well, Max is practically his child since her mother isn’t responsible for her anymore, so Max gets all the free passes.
Behind it all, Steve hates that he's so worn down already. Hell, he's in his early twenties, he shouldn't need glasses to read the paper, or earplugs on the Fourth of July.
Steve knows that he caused this all on himself. Or, at least that's what he tells himself. He should've gone to a doctor sooner, he should've fought harder, he should've-
Steve thinks he should've, would've, could've a lot. He thinks about all his mistakes and all of his downfalls. He thinks of all the failed plans, the 'oh shit' moments, the inevitable backfires. The times he's put the kids in harm's way, or when his friends follow him into the line of fire because they look at Steve as a beacon. He is, well, was their compass within the madness.
And sure, they have scars. Max wears glasses now too. But he makes sure hers are cool. The boys know better than to pick on Max. She’ll quite literally kick their asses for it. Eddie's scars are worse than Steve's. Took Eddie over a year to let anyone see him without a shirt. Dustin's ankle still hurts him when the weather changes. Lucas has a scar above his eyebrow, courtesy of Jason Carver. Those who don’t have physical scars have mental ones. They all have their little reminders of the chaos.
The adults in Steve's life don't tease him, no they do something much worse. Scratch that… They do things that are very nice, kind, and caring. And it makes Steve feel weak and broken. Robin always raises her voice an octave or two when speaking directly to Steve. Nancy make sure she talks slower around Steve so he can follow her lips if he misses a word. Jon holds his photographs a little too close for Steve’s liking, but in the name of being helpful. It's all very kind, and painstakingly annoying.
Eddie is the only adult who doesn't. Well, Eddie has his ways of sneaking in those helpful little tidbits without Steve noticing. The curly headed man is talented in his ways.
Eddie only ever sits on Steve's left side, which Steve never picks up on. With Steve’s good ear closes to him, Eddie doesn't have to raise his voice. Eddie also leans way farther into Steve's personal space than the others as it is, so he doesn't make a big deal of showing Steve something up close when he doesn't have his glasses on. And Eddie makes sure to never hand Steve something on his right side, as Steve's peripheral vision in his right eye is basically nonexistent.
Eddie doesn't make Steve feel broken or less than.
Eddie calls Steve pretty, knowing that the scarring around Steve’s right eye and the glasses took away his Harrington confidence. And Eddie always makes sure Steve eats. Even if he’s sworn off red meat for the rest of his life. Eddie cleans Steve's glasses with his bandanas when they get smudged from roughhousing with the kids, and reminds Steve to take his vitamins in the morning
Eddie is so casual about all the little things, so it never gives Steve a sick feeling in his stomach. Instead he gets little spurts of butterflies swarming in his abdomen.
Eddie kisses Steve’s cheek all the way up to the crescent shaped scars along his orbital bone on the days Steve feels down on himself. The metal head got good in the kitchen after moving into the Harrington residence, Steve didn’t eat much, cooked even less, so Eddie took on the role of chef.
Eddie also barks at the kids when they’re going a little to hard on his favorite person. Of course, Eddie is all bark and zero bite so they don’t listen. But Steve appreciates him trying.
And on the Fourth of July when Steve Harrington is stuck wearing earplugs, Eddie wraps his arms around Steve and squeezes him as the fireworks explode. The vibrations from it lingering in their chests.
Eddie never makes Steve feel weak or infirm.
No, Eddie makes him feel... loved.
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coming out <3
fandom: stranger things (2016)
ship: pre-byler
notable tags: coming out, genderfluid mike wheeler, not actually unrequited love, queer will byers, bisexual mike wheeler, modern au, implied bad parent ted, trans male will byers, brief mention of ronance, mike wheeler & el hopper friendship, they're besties
“Hey. Are you busy?” Mike asks, standing in the doorway to Will’s room. She is fidgeting with her hands and looking everywhere but at Will. She’s nervous, and it shows in her words. “I wanted to talk to you.”
They see Will turn towards them out of the corner of their eye. “Yeah? What’s up?”
Mike swallows and walks further into the room, to where Will is sitting at his desk. Mike wants to chicken out; maybe this isn’t as important as he thought it was, but something is keeping him rooted to the spot he’s standing. Something is telling him to do it. “Um-”
Besides, why not now?
Will sets down the pencil in his hand and turns his body towards her, probably to pay more attention. The thought makes her blush. Will Byers is paying attention to her! Only her! She knows he won't like her that way because he’s gay, but she can’t help but wonder differently, daydream differently.
“I- I know you’re trans, and I- I think I am, too? Not all the time, but some?” They stare at the wall behind Will, trying to keep themself composed. Now is not the time to be crying.
Will tilts his head, eyes shining. “Okay. Do you have a new name? What pronouns are you using?” he asks gently, and the urge to cry gets stronger from how nice he’s being, which Mike knows is normal. Him being nice, not crying.
“Mike is still good. I don’t want to change my name right now,” he replies, eyes finally moving to meet Will’s as the corners of his lips quirk up into a suppressed smile. He knows there’s no way this could have gone bad, knowing Will’s nature and background, but there were still some doubts.
She knows it would be worse if she came out to her family. Holly probably, maybe, isn’t old enough to understand. Her mom, she doesn’t know what her reaction would be. Nancy would be the best about it since last Mike heard, Robin isn’t cis either.
Then there’s their father. Ted Wheeler. The pinnacle of straight, white, and cis in their family. They’d rather die than have their father know about their changes in identity. At least he wouldn’t be misgendering them if they still go by he and him pronouns.
“And I want to try she, they, and he. If you wouldn’t mind? Any of them are fine right now.” He rocks back on his feet before rocking forward and back again a few times. Will gives him a smile.
“Sorry if I’m asking too many questions, but does anyone else know? Do you want anyone else to know?”
Mike bites her lip, looking away from him. Does she want the party to know? Will Lucas, Dustin, and Max be okay with it? What about Steve, Eddie, Hopper, and Joyce? What about Jane? Jane is one of her closest friends, and she can't help but be nervous at the idea of telling her, too. "I don't know."
Will holds out a hand. "You don't have to decide right now. You can come out whenever you want to, if you want to."
They take his hand, not suppressing their grin anymore. They pull Will up and wrap their arms around him. "Thank you."
"For what?"
"Just… everything," Mike breathes, still hugging Will to his chest as tight as Will will let him.
She really doesn't want to let go, but then he's pulling back, so she does too. “Thank you,” she says again.
Will just smiles.
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thaliasandy · 2 years
Hellcheer headcanon:
Eddie comes back home to Hawkins for Christmas after being on tour for 3 years.
While Corroded Coffin gained more and more popularity and they made so much money that Eddie could afford to buy his uncle a nice house in the fancy area of Hawkins, (after quite a bit of protesting from Wayne because he wants Eddie to spend his money on other things)
Life hadn't been exactly kind or generous to Chrissy.
She eventually managed to move into her own apartment, away from her toxic mother. She had 2 jobs just to get by and she didn't have much time for friendships or relationships.
But when she met Nancy at the grocery store the other day she'd invited her to the Christmas party she and Jonathan held at their place every year. She'd named a couple of people who'd be there that she might know: Robin, Steve, Nancy's brother Mike and his girlfriend El, Dustin, Max and Lucas, (she remembered him being on the Basketball team) ...and Eddie.
The main reason Chrissy had agreed to come to the party in the first place was seeing Eddie again but now, sitting in the dark, in her parked car in front of Nancy's and Jonathan's home, she felt like a creep.
She got out of the car and tried to look into one of the windows but couldn't see much from where she stood;
It looked cozy, the people inside looked like they were having fun... it looked absolutely overwhelming to Chrissy and just as she was about to go back to her car she saw a glimpse of him.
He was still just as cool as she remembered him, with his long hair and his leather jacket and the confident, almost cocky attitude...then, when he turned to the side she saw it, the little girl in his arms, with curly brown hair almost the same colour as his, he lifted her in the air, making her laugh.
...And suddenly Chrissy felt like someone had punched her.
Eddie Munson had a daughter and probably a wife too. Why wouldn't he have a family?! He was the sweetest man she'd ever met.
She felt incredibly stupid for thinking she'd show up and he'd magically fall in love with her, when they hadn't spoken a word in years and even back then all they had in common was the shared trauma of being stuck together for a couple of days and almost dying in some nightmare-ish alternate dimension.
He probably didn't even remember her, hadn't wasted a single thought on the ditzy cheerleader who wanted to buy drugs from him.
Like on autopilot she walked the few steps back to her car.
She quickly and as discreetly as possible wiped away the tears that she'd failed to hold back.
"It's really you! Good to see you!"
He did a little jog towards her, his arms spread out for a hug.
"Eddie!" She squeaked when he embraced her almost lifting her off the ground.
Maybe he hadn't forgotten her after all...probably hard to fully forget the girl whose boyfriend wanted to murder you when all you did was trying to help her.
He was warm and he smelled good and Chrissy wanted nothing more than to nuzzle her face deeper in the crook of his neck and never let go of him until she realized she was behaving like a weirdo...
"You look beautiful."
She brushed her hands along the front of the crimson velvet dress she wore under her unbuttoned coat, trying to flatten imaginary creases.
She knew she'd gained a couple of pounds since she started going to therapy and was recovering but, even only illuminated by the street lights, the soft smile on his lips and the way his gentle brown eyes looked at her, told her his compliment was genuine, not just an empty statement to fill the awkward silence.
"Thank you...So do you."
"Yeah well..."
He chuckled, almost bashfully running his fingers through his hair.
"Come on let get inside."
He reached for her hand but she stood there petrified.
"What's wrong?"
She couldn't tell him the truth, that meeting his wife and their toddler would probably shatter her heart into a million pieces.
"Oh...um...I don't think I can go inside, I wanted to but... I get overwhelmed pretty easily by so many people..."
It wasn't a complete lie.
He nodded, looking sad.
"Yeah...me too sometimes...ever since, you know. I had a couple of panic attacks backstage before concerts...fun stuff."
He rolled his eyes and slightly shook his head and Chrissy wanted to hug him again.
"Hey, how about you're my date for tonight! For old times' sake; The freak and the cheerleader! And neither of us has to go in there alone."
He smiled at her and she tried so hard not to cry. Of course he was just joking but she couldn't stop thinking about walking in there with his arm around her shoulder, smiling, laughing at his silly jokes, having a wonderful time and then going home with him by the end of the night...
"You're not a freak, you're a rockstar now and I...I'm not a cheerleader anymore."
...'I'm a freaking mess' she added in her head.
"Oh fuck, you're probably happily married now and I say shit like that! Sorry, that was a stupid idea."
"I'm not...Your wife probably wouldn't like that either though."
"I'm single! "
He interjected energetically.
" You're...a single dad? Must be difficult..."
"Dad?! I'm definitely not a dad..."
He caught her eyes absentmindedly drifting in the direction of the window behind him.
"Oh! That's Lucy! When was the last time you saw my uncle?"
"I don't know...Graduation day, i guess. Why?"
"Wayne has a wife and a little daughter now...she's almost 2, I guess the old man made good use of the privacy he got as soon as he had the trailer to himself. Do you wanna meet them?."
"She's your cousin?..."
He nodded and leaned against her car, smirking at how her expression suddenly changed.
"...The offer still stands, princess." He extended his hand to her in an almost theatrical way.
"Do you want to be my date? ...We don't have to stay long and we can leave if it gets too much for you."
Chrissy felt like she was losing her mind, Eddie Munson not only turned out to be single after all, he asked her to be his date and was an absolute sweetheart, he also hinted at leaving the party with her.
"I'd love to."
She smiled as she took his hand and let him lead her to the house.
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cursedevermore · 2 years
Two Plus Two (Part Two)
(Previously on Two Plus Two: Steddie and Ronance foursome, Dustin walks in on them the next morning and runs off because he thinks Steve and Robin finally started dating)
“Guys you’re never gonna believe this!” Dustin yells, out of breath from biking as fast as possible to Mike’s basement where he is pacing around in front of his friends. “So I ride over to Steve’s house and find Eddie’s van in the driveway which is weird because they never hang out, I don’t even think they like each other.”
“What are you talking about? Steve is over Eddie’s trailer all the time,” Max says, wearing a confused look.
“What?” Dustin stares at her.
“Yeah, it’s kind of annoying actually-”
“They never told me they hang- ugh, anyway, Steve says Ed is there to fix a pool thing which makes no sense, and then Robin walks in and starts complaining about a hickey Steve left on her neck and then they freak out because I guess they've been trying to hide their relationship even though I called it last year-”
“Move it along, Dustin!” Lucas interrupts.
“-But then the real curve ball comes in when I hear Nancy talking up the stairs!”
“My sister?” Mike questions.
“Yes! And I see her wearing Eddie’s tee shirt!”
“My Nancy? Wearing Eddie Munsons shirt?”
“You’re right, I don't believe you.” Mike says.
“I’m telling the truth! I saw your sister there, wearing Eddie Munsons shirt.”
“Nancy Wheeler?”
“Yes- shut up Mike! And then she tried to deny it and eventually huffed off like she does. And then Steve and Robin are frazzled and did I tell you that Steve had on Robin’s shirt and Robbie had on his sweater? Crazy, right?”
“Steve and Robin?” Max and El share confused looks.
“Eddie and your sister?” Lucas over to Mike.
“Eddie and my… Honestly, I can’t complain. He’s better than Steve-” Mike starts.
“How is Eddie better than Steve?” Will asks.
“Just because you’re in love with Harrington-”
“No I’m-”
“Don’t even try to deny-”
“Screw you, Wheeler!”
“Hey! Stop it, you guys!” Max yells.
“Isn’t Nancy still dating Johnathan?” El asks.
“Apparently not!” Dustin exclams.
“Johnathan said something about them going on a break before college, I don’t really know,” Will says.
“But… Steve and Robin?” El questions.
“Yeah, that doesn’t add up,” Max says. “Just because you borrow each other's clothes doesn’t mean you’re dating.”
“Doesn’t it? I mean, they are really good friends. They work together, he drives her to school every day. They hang out all the time.” Lucas reasons.
“He gave her a hickey!” Will says.
“Okay, but if he and Robin are dating, why is Steve hanging out with Eddie like every night?” Max counters.
“Maybe Robin doesn’t want her parents to know about Steve?” Lucas says.
“No, Robin’s mom loves Steve,” Dustin answers. “She wanted them to go to prom together, but they plan on blowing it off to go to the lake with the other four.”
“Wait, Dustin, did you even see Eddie at the house?” Mike asks.
“No, but Steve said he was outside fixing something-”
“That was a lie, remember? Cause Nancy was wearing Eddie’s shirt!” Will reminds him.
“Maybe it doesn’t mean anything, maybe she was just borrowing a spare shirt?” Mike poses.
“Okay, but why wouldn't she borrow one of Steve’s shirts? She was at his house.” Dustin responds.
Their conspiring continues on throughout the morning. Mike suggests they wait until Nancy comes home and they can bombard her about dating Eddie behind their backs.
“Okay it's a school night, she has to come home at some point today!” Mike exclams.
“Um, you guys, is this really any of our business?” El squeaks out.
“Friends don’t lie!” Mike argues.
“Yeah but I mean, they didn’t really lie about anything,” Lucas adds.
“Maybe they just want their privacy?” Max reasons. The group looked around at each other, questioning their actions.
“Maybe Johnathan and Argyle know something!” Will lights up. He calls around and to find out from his mom that his brother and Argyle were hanging out at the park.
The party found Johnathan and Argyle sitting on the top of a picnic table at the county park. They swarmed the table immediately.
“I don’t know, you guys,” Jonathan says, after the kids chaotically share their story with them. “I seriously doubt Nancy and Robin are with Eddie and Steve.”
“Yeah, little bros. I mean Nancy's kinda… ‘woah’ and Eddie’s kinda ‘eak’,” explains Argyle. Jonathan nods in agreement. “And Robin and Steve are both ‘yaow’s, and two ‘yaow’s can’t be together, you know what I mean?”
“No, dude, no one ever has any clue what you mean.” Mike dryly says.
“I understand.” El places her hand over Argyle’s. “But what about a ‘woah’ and a ‘yaow’?
“No way Steve and Nancy are back together!” Max says.
“Why would me and Steve be back together?” A voice questions from behind them. The kids turn to find Nancy, Robin, Steve, and Eddie carrying two pizza boxes and walking towards the group.
Read the rest here!
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marypsue · 2 years
Ahh hello!! I went down the rabbit hole of all the age swap snippets and they are the moment!! I love the Steve and Nancy as divorced due to grief (even if the subject has changed, thematically we know they’re least compatible while mourning) Also Jonathan being Will’s dad and will being the loner!! I’m very curious what Steve’s relationship with the Byers will end dip being. It’s obvious that Nancy and Jonathan have *E~Motions* for each other and probably some history but I wonder about Steve. Maybe he was too busy being socially acceptable and being with carol? Also the plot twist of Terry becoming a larger part of the plot??? And Joyce and Karen bonding over loss!!! But also Dad!Steve but without Upside Down Development is very intriguing and hilarious to me.
Also for the final everyone has power AU, I wanted to ask if you could share some hints! Also this is just a personal thing but I really dislike how much a certain character from s4 has overtaken the fandom and was wondering if you planned to feature them heavily . ( I will still read, I just want prepare myself lol)
Anon, hello! If you celebrated a holiday this past week, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did mine. I’m thrilled that the ageswap AU sucked you in. Hopefully the final version will do the same. :D
I feel like, the thing with Steve and Nancy is, when they’re under stress (and also sort of just in general), Steve needs people, and Nancy needs something to *do*. If they were married and had to go through the illness and loss of a child, Nancy would want to Do Something About It, and there’d be nothing for her to do, which is why she eventually cracks under the strain and ends up where we see her at the beginning of the AU. And Steve isn’t much help because he wants her to just sit still for a minute and be with him, and their needs conflict, and then there’s the whole canon angle of ‘you’re trying to pretend like nothing happened’/’well, you can’t let it go’, and there are two other kids involved, and...well. It ended...badly. But. I will get into that. In the fic. Which I am totally working on. Shoosh. 
And yes, Steve’s spending most of this fic trying very, very hard to be a Good Parent to a kid he absolutely does not understand and who is very badly hurt by his family’s past, and who also happens to be Mike. Hilarity will ensue. 
As for former heroes who quit too late, I can say up front that Eddie and Chrissy will be appearing in minor roles (and also I’m including Fred, even if in name only, because I get attached to bit-part minor characters everybody forgets about). None of them are getting a bigger role than Heather had in season three in canon (they’re also not taking her canonical role, so that’s not a spoiler!). Think small, but potentially significant. 
I don’t want to say too much about the plot yet, because I want it to be a bit of a ~mystery~. But I can tell you that Jonathan and Robin are going to get to have a nice long talk about Keeping Other People’s Secrets, that Max and El and Will are all going to bounce off of each other in different directions regarding blended families, and that Joyce and Hopper ferrying Alexei around is still happening but is going to look quite a bit different. Also, Goth Girl Samantha Stone is going to be there, because I love her. 
And I can promise stupid little ice cream parlour sailor uniforms. 
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estrellami-1 · 8 months
If I Should Stay
Part 1 | . . . | Part 52 | Part 53 | Part 54
After everyone’s finished eating and the dishes are washed, Steve calls the rest of the Party.
They assemble at his house within the hour, and he has the dubious honor of standing in front of them with Robin as they go over the plan one last time.
It’s determined there will be three groups: the ones who stay above, the ones who cause a distraction in the Upside Down, and the ones who go in for the killing blow.
El, Will, Barb, and Jonathan stay above. Eddie, Dustin, Lucas, and Mike are named the Distraction Team, leaving Steve, Alli, Nancy, and Robin to walk into the belly of the beast.
Or it would, if Steve hadn’t forgotten about the adults. “You weren’t here last time!” He tries to defend himself.
Wayne volunteers himself to stay with the Distraction Team, and no one thinks to challenge him. “Hopper, you stay above,” Steve pleads. “And Joyce-”
“I’m a damn good shot,” she nods, fire in her eyes. “And he made this personal.”
Steve smiles hopefully. “That’s what I’d hoped you’d say.”
“Well,” Wayne says, checking his shotgun. “What’re we waitin’ for? Him t’be ready?”
“Maybe we could wait five minutes,” Eddie murmurs to his uncle, catching Steve’s eye.
Wayne looks Steve over, then nods and jerks his chin off to the side. “Hop to it, then.”
“Steve? A minute?” Eddie asks, but Steve’s already moving.
They make their way down a hallway and into an empty room, and once the door is shut, Steve stares at Eddie. “Well?”
“Well,” Eddie parrots, chuckling nervously. “I never thought anything like this would happen. And I don’t mean…” he waves his hand off to the side, encompassing everyone waiting in the living room. “I always knew I was gonna die in an unbelievable way.”
“Don’t-” Steve starts harshly, then shakes his head and turns away. “Please,” he says softer. “Don’t.”
“I’m sorry,” Eddie murmurs. “Bad phrasing. I don’t think I’m going to die. I don’t plan on it. In fact I’d rather like to live and see where this goes, since this is what I never saw coming.” He takes a small step forward. Two. Holds his hands out. “You and me. What are the odds, really?”
Steve chuckles, lets himself take Eddie’s hands. “You’re better at the math than I am.”
“Well then, I’ll tell you the odds: next to impossible. Yet somehow you saw me, decided you wanted me, and really, who am I to defy that? Who am I to not let myself have the one thing I never thought I could?”
“You’re talking circles around me,” Steve admits. “I think I get the gist of what you’re saying, but I’m confused.”
Eddie giggles. “It’s alright, I confused myself. Let me lay it out, as plainly as I can: I never thought I’d get to have this. You. But I do. And I’m going to do whatever I can to make sure we all make it out of this intact.” He gently tugs Steve’s hands, leading him closer. “And I really wanted to kiss you again. Just in case.”
Steve grins, rolls his eyes, and cups Eddie’s face. “Why didn’t you just say so?” He asks, and kisses Eddie soundly.
When they pull apart, Eddie blinks a few times before breaking out into a grin. “Damn. I’d tell you to kiss Vecna like that, and he’d do whatever you want, but then I’d have to kill him anyways.”
Steve makes a face. “That’s an image I never wanted in my head, thanks so much.”
Eddie giggles. “Can I make it up to you?” He murmurs, pushing closer in another kiss, softer and slower, less a goodbye than a thousand beginnings at once.
When they pull apart the second time, Steve looks at him for a solid minute before tearing his gaze and hands away. “Okay,” he says, blushing high in his cheeks. Even his ears feel red. “We’d better go before I get started on that dessert I mentioned earlier.”
Eddie’s silenced for a moment. “I mean,” he starts, “I wouldn’t be opposed.”
Steve grins. “After,” he says. “Extra incentive.”
“Y-yeah, okay,” Eddie nods, and follows Steve out to the living room.
His uncle immediately fastens him with a look, and he responds by shrugging and nudging their shoulders together when he sits down next to him. “After,” he murmurs in explanation. He feels a little cowed by the amount of afters he’s amassing, but it’s comforting, all the same: it means there will be an after for him, when everything is said and done.
Permanent Taglist: @justforthedead89 @ilovecupcakesandtea @madigoround @bookbinderbitch @suddenlyinlove @nburkhardt @artiststarme @paintsplatteredandimperfect @i-less-than-three-you @alyelf @quarble @messrs-weasley @littlewildflowerkitten @vankaar @starman-jpg @bornonthesavage @steddie-there @goodolefashionedloverboi @mischivarien @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @platinum-sunset @just-ladyme @steddiestains @swimmingbirdrunningrock @imhereforthelolzdontyellatme @martinskis-lydias @notaqueenakhaleesi @sleepyboosstuff @bestwifehaver @m-owo-n @thatonebadideapanda @finalmoondragon @velocitytimes2 @callmeanythjing @ajeff855 @ilikeititspretty @knitsforthetrail @sillysparrow @that-one-corvid @ace-is-bored @inadequatecowboy @harpymoth @weirdandabsurd42
Fic Taglist: @blondlanfear @do-you-want-something-more @str4wb3rry-guy @paperbackribs @ninjapirateunicorns @bisexualdisastersworld @hiscrimsonangel @lolawonsstuff @xo-r4e @thedragonsaunt @l0st-strawberry
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worksby-gabriella · 2 years
Overbearing, Protective, Dick Head Older Brothers
Pairin: Eddie Munson x Harrington!reader
Summary: Y/N is Steve's younger sister, and dating Eddie Munson. She believes to have been hiding her and Eddie's relationship well but that's obviously not true. It seems to her all her close friends know besides her older brother... until he eventually does.
Warning: cursing, talk of religion, terrible title, bad summarizing 😬 I think that's it.
Request for: @floralentry
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“Okay, so I was thinking.” I start to say as I walk next to Eddie on our way to the cafeteria.  
 “Oh, well that’s never good.”  
 I laugh with non-existent humor, “Very funny, asshole.”  
 As the cafeteria starts to come into view, I feel Eddie rest his hand on my lower back and nuzzle his face into my neck, or at least try to before I gently push him off.  
 “Eddie, not here.” I say giggling.  
 “Why? I don’t know about you, Y/N, but I don't see any over-bearing, protective, dick head, older brothers around.” He pretends to glance around as he starts to open the cafeteria door for me.  
 “Hey, don’t say that! He just cares, is all, maybe a little too much but it’s still something. And you’re right, Steve isn’t around but someone might tell him.”  
  “Oh yeah? Like who?” We’re entering the lunch line, when I start to get cautious of who’s around.
 “I feel like you’ve forgotten no one knows about us, Eds. And even if they did Mike, Lucas, Dusty, Max, and Robin could still snitch. Remember he used to be King Steve? You’d be surprised whose loyalty still stands.” I lower my voice just slightly, and add dramatic air quotes to the words, “King Steve.”
 “Come 'on do you honestly think they don’t already know? If there’s one thing, I’ve learned this past year it’s that those kids aren’t stupid. I mean, it’s not like they would rat us out even if they did know.”  
 I grab my lunch tray and look behind me to see Eddie following me as I walk over to a lunch table that Mike, Lucas, Dustin, and Max are occupying. Robin is usually also at the table; some people might find it a little weird that seniors sit with some dorky freshmen at lunch but after about a month we got used to the stares.
 “Why is it that you don’t want Steve to know again?” Eddie starts to walk a step ahead of me, and turns toward me, walking backwards.  
 “First of all, you’re going to trip. Second of all, he’s been through a lot, he’s got a ton on his mind, and lastly, you guys aren't exactly two peas in a pod.”  
 “Bullshit! You’ve been through a lot too. Listen, Harrington’s a big boy I’m sure he can handle some surprising news.”  
 I pull out a chair next to Max with my foot and Eddie sits next to me, “We’ll talk about it later.” I tell him.  
 I see Eddie glance around the table, which causes me to also glance at our friends around us. I find myself turning to see them already looking at me, and well, Eddie.  
 I smile awkwardly and try to search for something to say to distract them from me and Eddie, when I catch a glimpse of Robin walking with her lunch tray. I wave my hand at her so she can see where we are sitting.  
 They all break their focus from me and Eddie when Robin, she plops down across from me, “You guys won't believe the day I’ve had!”  
 Robin starts ranting, and I try to open my can of coke, but I find myself struggling a bit.  
 “Fuck.” I’m getting frustrated when Eddie pulls the can from my hand and pops it open the first try.  
 “Language, sweetheart.” He says, handing me my soda and winking at me.  
  I push my tray a little bit forward since I have no plans on eating any of it and open my backpack.
 “So, you never told me what you were thinking about.” Eddie’s voice is hushed and his mouth is slightly tilted to my ear.  
 “hmph, yeah. I was thinking we should go see a drive-in movie for our date tonight. I never would’ve thought about it but Nancy was telling me about when she went with Johnathan before he moved.”  
 “Ah, I like that idea, Y/N. What movie would we be seeing?”  
 I finally found what I was looking for in my backpack, when I start explaining, “I was pretty set on watching Pretty in Pink, it came out a couple months ago but I never got the chance to see it-”  
 I pause mid-sentence and waver a sandwich bag with two chocolate chip cookies in front of Eddies face, “want one?”  
 He nods so I hand him one and continue on, “But they also have The Nightmare on Elm Street if you don't want to watch some girly chick flic.”  
 I watch as Eddie takes a glance over at everyone in the corner of his eye and smugly places his hand on my thigh. I freeze in place, still eating my cookie however, when Eddie says, "No, no, it’s all good. I’m fine with seeing Pretty in Pink.”
 “Are you sure? I know how much you like Nightmare on Elm Street.” I tell him, raising my brows.  
 “I’m positive. Besides, as long as I’m with you, I don't care what we do.”  
 “You’re too sweet, Eds.”  
 In a matter of milliseconds, Eddie sweeps both of my legs over his lap, and uses his arm to pull me closer, putting his nose in my neck and pretending to smell me. I’m still sitting in my chair but Eddie’s hair is tickling me so I start to squeal and laugh, trying to push him away from my neck. I throw my head back giggling when Eddie finally stops and tells me, “Nope. That’s all you, Y/N.”  
 I’m catching my breath when I can practically feel eyes burning into my soul so I look up to see Mike, Dustin, Lucas, Max, and Robin staring at us. I straighten faster than I ever had, smoothing down my hair and dusting of my shirt. Eddie is looking down, with a shy smile on his face, pink is blooming all over his cheeks. I clear my throat when Robin starts, “Were you guys even listening?”  
 “Of cour-” I try to cover up our mess.
 “Jesus!” Max is looking away, rubbing her temples with her hand.
 “For Christ sakes! Get a room!”  
 “Could you be any more obvious!”  
 “Just friends, my ass.”  
  “It’s not what it looks like. We’re seriously, just friends.” I try to explain, desperately looking at Eddie.  
 “Uh yeah... Like we didn’t just hear you guys plan out your stupid cheesy date night.” Dustin states, giving us both an incredulous look.
And then I hear Mike burst out laughing, holding onto Lucas's shoulder for support, "As long as I'm with you my sweet baby." His voice is dropping a couple octaves as he mocks Eddie, pretending to coo in Lucas's ear.
I crumple up my napkin and hurdle it at Mikes head, as Eddie comes back at Mike and Dustin, "hey, hey, Mikey Man and Dusty Bun, don't be jealous just ‘cus your little Scarlet Witch and your Amish homesteader live states away from you."
 As soon as I realize that Eddie has practically admitted our secret ardor, my eyes widen as big as saucers, “Eddie!”  
The table starts to chuckle as Mike and Dustin look away rolling their eyes and Dustin says, “She’s Mormon you idiot.”  
"Aw, you guys. I actually think they're really cute. It’s adorable really.” Robin is smiling from ear to ear.
 “Ha well, you have to hand it to us, we’ve been doing a pretty great job at hiding it.” I point out proudly.  
 Everyone besides Eddie goes into a fit of laughter, “Uh- What?” I’m completely oblivious to whatever it is that I said to make them laugh.
 Max stops, trying to catch her breath, “Ha, you can’t honestly think that we didn’t know about you guys.”
 Eddie raises his brows at me as if to say, “I told you so,” My jaw falls open as I ask, “How long have you guys known?”
 Mike rolls his eyes, “Please we’ve all known since the week after spring break.”  
 “Uh- you’ve got to be kidding me. That’s what when we started dating.” I say, finding this unbelievable.
 Dustin and Lucas scoffs, “yeah, we know.”
 Eddie rubs his hand up and down my thigh, in a much more innocent manner than before, trying to give me a piece of solace. I didn’t think to mention Steve because no one else did. I mean they’re not stupid, it isn’t like they would’ve told Steve either way, right?
 “Have fun on your date tonight though.” Lucas says right when the bell rings.  
 Me and Eddie are the first to get up, and as we’re turning our back to them, we hear Mike, Dustin, and Max start moaning in a high-pitched manner, “oh ah oh, Eddie. Oh my god, Eddie!”  
 I whip my head around so fast, in time to see Robin chuck her soda can at them, “Hey! Shut up you little pervs!”  
 I hide my face in Eddies, neck groaning in embarrassment, and he seems to find this amusing because he just chuckles.  
 “It isn’t funny, Eds.” I give him a light shove on the chest.
  “Sure, it isn’t, sweetheart.” Eddie tells me, pressing his lips to my forehead.  
 I give Eddie a quick goodbye kiss on the lips and open the passenger side door to his van, as we had just gotten back from our date, and he was dropping me off at my house. I was fulling expecting Eddie to stay in his van and watch me walk to the front door and then drive away, so when he also gets out of the van, I give him a questioning look, “What’re you doing?”  
 “Can I come in?” He asks me, I figured he’s asking because it’s quite late and my parents are home. Steve was probably asleep or out anyway.  
 I grab his wrist to look at his watch, to see it’s about to be eleven, so I nod and say, “Yeah, Steve is most likely sleeping or out with Robin. We’ll have to be quiet though.”  
 I’m jumbling with my keys at the front door, and finally open it only to see that the kitchen and living room light is on. I thought that maybe I felt the lights on so I continue leading Eddie to the living room. As we’re nearing the room, I hear laughter and snorting. The realization hits me that Steve is home and apparently has friends over.  
 “Fuck!” I whisper yell, pushing me and Eddie against the wall, where we can’t be seen.
 “You’re really starting to take a liking to that word, Y/N.” Eddie tells me, smirking.
 I roll my eyes at him, “Steve’s home.”
 “Oh really? I thought it was the boogeyman. Who is he even with? It’s not like he has friends.”  
   I elbow him when I hear a familiar voice, “Man! You should’ve seen their faces when we told them that we knew!”  
 My eyes widen with horror as I turn to Eddie, still against the wall in the hall, “Shut up. It’s Dustin.”  
 I hear more familiar voices. Mike, Lucas, Dustin, Max and Robin are laughing while sixteen candles plays on the T.V.  
 “Who’s faces?” Steve asks them.
 “Y/N’s and Eddie’s.” Max answers.  
  I can only imagine Steve’s confused, crooked smile as he asks, “W-Wait... What is it that you knew?”  
  “That they’re dating, dingus.” Robin answers.
  “What?!? What do you mean that they’re dating, Robin?” Steve asks scoffing.  
  “I’m taking it that you didn't know...”  
  I grab ahold of Eddie’s hand and tug him after me as I try to silently walk back to the foyer and tip toe up the stairs but I see Steve round the corner, and stand there with his arms crossed. I swear he looks just like our dad that one night he caught me and Steve sneaking back into the house.  
 “Y/N get your ass down here right now! It’s too late, I already saw you.”  
 My shoulder’s slump in defeat and I’m practically pouting like a child as I walk back down the stairs, leaving Eddie on the steps.  
 I walk past Steve and into the living room as he stands, taking the stillness of a statue.  
 “You too Eddie.” He says in a stern voice.  
 I can see from the corner of my eye that he looks hesitant to do as Steve tells him but I just roll my eyes and motion with my head for him to follow me.  
 I do a once over at the little traitors in my living room and tilt my head so they know I was irritated with them.  
 “So.” Steve starts.  
  “What Steve?” I ask, my tone harsh and short.
 “Hey. Don’t take that tone up with me young lady.” His finger is pointing down at me like a father scolding his angsty teen. I hear Lucas and Mike try to hold in their laughs behind me, I bet this is funny too them, seeing an eighteen-year-old get a stern talking too by her nineteen-year-old brother.  
 “God Steve, you’re not dad, you’re barely a year older than me. You act I’m seeing some forty-year-old, it’s just Eddie.” I say scoffing, motioning my hand to Eddie at that last part.  
 “Just Eddie? You've been lying to my face, to mom’s, to dad’s for almost two months now. You stay out late; I hardly see you on the weekends anymore. Don’t you see what he's doing to you? At first, I didn't understand, fuck, I didn’t even notice but now it’s perfectly clear. He’s not good for you, Y/N.” Steve says, his voice raising. I could almost swear I heard a crack in his voice.  
 I see Robin get up from the corner of my eye, motioning for the rest of them to follow her, they exit the room, and go to the kitchen. Eddie stays but tries to make it look like he's picking at his clothes. I feel bad because obviously he's in an awkward position right now.  
 “You’ve got to be kidding me. This is why I lied to you, because I knew you’d react badly. I knew you didn’t like Eddie, still, even after all he's done for Dustin and during Vecna. I have a boyfriend, Steve. So what? Am I not allowed to spend time with him? Why is it that I have to be at arm's length at all times? The only thing Eddie has ever done for me was be there. I’ve changed, for the better. Weren't you the one always telling me I should get out more, interact with people, experience things?” My voice matches Steve’s, going up multiple octaves.
 “Why?” He asks.  
 “What do you mean?” I sound frustrated and it’s because I am.  
 “Why didn't you tell me? We tell each other everything, Y/N.” He’s rubbing his temples and I’m having a hard time deciphering what he’s making out of all of this.  
 “Steve... for one, I know you and Eddie had never been the best of friends, and I didn’t want you to worry. You’ve been through so much.” I tell him, grabbing at his hand.  
 Steve pulls me into a sudden hug, “Y/N, you’re my sister. My baby sister. I’m always gonna worry about you. You’re right, me and Eddie tolerate each other, but I don't hate him. All I want is for you to be safe and happy, you’ve been through so much too. If Eddie’s making you happy then I can deal.” He says into my hair.  
 I sniffle and blink away tears, “He does make me happy, Steve.”  
 Me and Steve jolt up when we hear a deep voice clear his throat, “Eddie.” Steve says, his voice and manner returning to normal.  
 “Ha. Steve...” Eddie says cautiously, a nervous smile on his face.  
 Steve reaches his hand out to Eddie and Eddie takes it, they pull closer together as Steve pats his back and says, “hurt my sister Munson, and it’ll be the last things you do.”  
 “Steve.” I say laughing, shaking my head as Eddie walks over to me, “I wouldn't dream of it.”  
 We all start to walk over to the kitchen with everyone else.
 “Oh, and by the way Steve, I’m not a baby, I’m eighteen.”  
 “Yeah? Well, you sure act like one.” Steve answers.  
 “Says the one getting all sappy back there.”  
 I feel Eddie’s hand slide off my shoulder and go to my lower back, resting right above my butt, he must have forgotten that my brother was behind us because he gets startled when Steve sternly says, “Hands, Munson.”  
 I laugh as Steve furrows his brows and Eddie laughs nervously once again when we enter the kitchen.  
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staygoldwriting · 2 years
Candy Grams
Summary: Valentine’s Day is coming up, and Eddie isn’t buying into it 
Warnings: fake gagging, pouty Eddie, mentions of Lord of the Rings characters; otherwise, it’s my usual fluff :)
Word count: ~1.5k
A/N: The reader is in high school, a member of Hellfire, and 18! This also avoids the ST4 plotline because we need happiness, haha! I hope you enjoy this fic 🤗
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As the cheerleaders and their sporty boyfriends kissed and cuddled with each other in the lunchroom, Eddie made fake gagging noises.
“Valentine’s Day,” he groaned. “The worst day of the year. And it’s not even here yet!” he yelled, spreading his arms. 
“Yeah, if it’s this bad today, think how bad it’ll be on Friday,” Mike tried to add. Eddie glared at him, making Mike double over and concentrate on his sandwich. 
“I know Valentine’s Day is a drag, Eddie, but maybe you’ll be surprised this year!” Dustin tried to encourage. “It’s also a good day to show love to your friends--”
More groans from Eddie.
“Or, subjects?” Dustin shrugged. Eddie chuckled in spite of himself.
“Oh, Henderson, the spell of love truly has a tight grip on you,” he squinted, landing a heavy hand on Dustin’s shoulder. “I feel bad for you.”
“Suzie’s great, and I think one day, you’ll find your Suzie! Just wait!” 
“Ugh, Dustin, why are you talking about Suzie again?” you complained as you arrived at the table. You sat next to him, taking his extra chocolate milk. “This is payment,” you said, waving it in front of him.
“I’ll accept,” he smiled. “And we were just talking about Valentine’s Day and how Eddie’s going to find his own Suzie one day.”
“Eddie, why not celebrate your friends?” you asked, taking a bite of your sandwich. “That’s what I do every year.”
“I don’t have any friends,” Eddie pouted. You reached across Dustin to poke Eddie.
“Hey! I’m your friend,” you said seriously. 
“Yeah yeah,” Eddie sighed. 
He looked in the opposite direction, not wanting to meet your eyes. Your posture sunk, and you poked at your macaroni. Dustin saw you and nudged you a bit, making you smile, but you still felt sad. You always wanted to share your love with others, especially Eddie, but he always pushed you away. You didn’t know why, but it never stopped you before. Maybe it was time you ought to stop.
“I’m gonna go,” you said slowly. “I have to talk to Mrs. Jacobs about something.”
You got up quietly as Dustin opened his mouth to protest, but you held a silent hand up. He cocked his head to the side in sadness as you shook your head, telling him not to worry. Gathering your lunch, you walked towards the cafeteria doors.
You looked to see Chrissy Cunningham bob in your direction, a chipper and cheery smile across her face. You stopped, smiling at her.
“Hi, Chrissy. What’s up?”
“Well, I wanted to say hi and ask if you’re okay cuz you kinda look glum,” she said and you nodded, crinkling your nose. She clicked her tongue and gave you a hug, which you accepted. As she pulled away, she reached into her backpack to grab a little clipboard.
“The other thing I wanted to mention is that I’m helping sell candy grams for this year’s student government Valentine’s Day fundraiser. Do you wanna buy any?”
“Um, yeah, sure,” you smiled softly.
“Okay, great! Just let me know who you want to send one to and if you want to add a message. They’re only a dollar.” 
“Sounds good!” you said as you pulled out a ten dollar bill. “I usually buy for the whole Hellfire Club… can you send one to Dustin Henderson, Mike Wheeler, and Lucas Sinclair, freshman class? And then one to Gareth Williams, Sebastian Brown, and Jeff Thompson in senior class, and all of them with the message, ‘Happy Valentine’s Day, my favorite freak’? It’s an inside joke,” you explained as Chrissy laughed awkwardly.
“I understand!” she chirped. “Anyone else?”
“Well, you of course,” you smiled brightly, and Chrissy returned it. 
“Aw, thank you!” she said. 
“Oh! And Nancy Wheeler and Robin Buckley, please. Can you write ‘You’re my favorite Wheeler’ on Nancy’s and ‘I go buck wild for you’ on Robin’s?”
“Haha, sure!” Chrissy giggled. “Looks like you have one dollar left! Do you want one for Eddie?”
You looked over at Eddie, who was still pouting. You looked back at Chrissy, who saw your lovesick look and quietly nodded. She touched your arm lightly.
“Get back to me.”
Valentine’s Day had finally come, and as you arrived at school, you saw extravagant displays of love (and unfortunately, PDA). Walking through the halls, your eyes were drawn to shiny heart balloons and pink streamers, and the couples who had obviously been waiting for this day forever. 
Classes proceeded as normal. The teachers weren’t big fans of the theatrics, so Valentine exchanges happened only at the beginning of class. No candy could be consumed, and definitely no couples could sit and stare at each other instead of doing their work. As the day dragged on, the couples became sappier, and you were exhausted. You were at least looking forward to lunch with the anti-romantic Eddie. You didn’t want any more frills.
As you walked into the cafeteria, the boys waved you over. Their smiling faces made you feel happy, remembering how much you love celebrating this day with your friends. You sat down between Dustin and Eddie, and the former pulled a little pink bag out of his backpack.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Y/N!” he beamed, handing you the gift.
“Aw, Dustin! Thank you so much,” you said, giving him a hug. You opened the bag to see a handmade card, some fresh cookies, no doubt made by Mrs. Henderson, and a little teddy bear holding a heart with “You’re my bear-st friend!” embroidered on it. 
“I hope you like it,” he said. “My mom made snickerdoodles for everyone.”
“It’s all amazing, thanks again Dustin,” you smiled. 
You looked over at Eddie, who was quietly eating one of his cookies. You nudged him with your elbow. 
“Hey,” you said quietly.
“Hey,” he breathed quickly, bouncing his knee.
“You okay?” you asked, concerned. “Today’s a lot, I know.”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine,” he said, turning away from you. 
The same sinking feeling you had on Monday returned. You were thinking about leaving, but, as if on cue, Chrissy floated in, smiling brightly. She had a gaggle of cheerleaders behind her, all with baskets full of candy grams.
“Candy gram delivery!” she sang, holding up her basket.
The cheerleaders split up and began distributing the candy grams. Most of them went by table, their baskets likely organized by cliques. Chrissy skipped over to your table.
“Hi you guys!” she beamed. “Happy Valentine’s Day!”
All of the boys except Eddie, who just nodded in her general direction, smiled and wished Chrissy a Happy Valentine’s Day. You gave her a small hug and a card you made her.
“Thanks, Y/N! Okay, here we go,” she said, going through her basket. 
“Gareth, here you go, and Lucas you have two! Sebastian and Jeff, here you go, Mike you have five!” she giggled as Mike read a mix of “love, Mom” and “love, Nancy” on his, along with your candy gram. 
“Dustin, you have the record! A Miss Suzie Bingham sent you ten via air mail,” she smiled, dumping a pile in front of him, “and one from Y/N.”
“How did she know?” Dustin asked to no one in particular, then turned to you with a knowing look. You winked at him, and he smiled widely.
“Thanks, Y/N!”
“Of course, you know I believe in love, sometimes,” you chuckled, hugging him.
“Y/N, you have four,” Chrissy said, handing you a candy gram from herself, Robin, Nancy, and Lucas, all with sweet messages. 
“Thanks, Lucas,” you smiled, which he returned. “Thanks, Chrissy!” 
Chrissy giggled. “Thank you for mine! Oh! Wait a minute!” she said, reaching into her basket. “Looks like you have one more,” she smirked. 
She handed you the last candy gram.
To Y/N, the Arwen to my Aragorn.
Your breath hitched as Chrissy looked in her basket again, handing one last candy gram to Eddie. As she turned to walk away, she winked dramatically and flipped her hair, traveling to the next table.
Eddie shoved the candy gram into his bag, face reddening.
“Aren’t you going to look to see who it’s from?” Mike asked.
“I know it’s from Y/N,” he grumbled. “Same message as the rest of yours,” he sighed, pushing his tray away.
“It’s not,” you said quietly, making him look at you. 
“You didn’t send me a candy gram?”
“No, I did. It’s not the same message though,” you said, looking into his eyes. “Read it. Please.”
He reached back in and grabbed the candy gram, looking at the message. 
To Eddie, my Evenstar.
He touched the message lightly with his fingers and breathed deeply. You felt your heartbeat quicken. He set it down and reached for your hand, but then hesitated, reaching for your face instead and cupping your cheek, kissing you softly on the lips. 
“I’m sorry,” he said, now looking sad. “I… I didn’t think you felt the same way. That’s why I was so bitter. Chrissy wasn’t even supposed to give you the candy gram, I told her to scrap it. Now I guess I know why she didn’t,” he chuckled. You smiled and leaned in to kiss him again.
“I’m glad she did. Will you be my Valentine?”
“Absolutely, my queen.”
✨ I hope you enjoyed this little story!
Taglist: @alphashadows @tillkummer @mlle-ayka @fanficfanatic204 @gttrgrrl @klaine-92 @aurumbelis @onlyangel-444 @beep-beep-sherlock @morishitoshi @onceuponathreetwoone @toomanybandstocare @underthebatcape @steves-robin @zeldaknight @fieldofsecretss @prettyinpunk85​ @igotbasicdrag @gothicfaires @thatonecurlygirl​ @luvthatlovestolove @loliakeoghan23 @dearelliewrites @mslunawinchester​ @efvyqrs​ @simonsbluee​ @inkedaztec​ @dumplinshee​
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ab-cee-d · 2 years
Dear Eddie
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Byers!Reader (she/her)
Warnings: angsty at first but happy ending, S4 Vol2 spoilers!
A/n: the duffer brothers made me mad with Vol 2 so i fixed it :)
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“Dear Eddie,
It’s been almost a year since you’ve been gone. I remember being angry at first. I felt like you left be behind and I swear for a moment I hated you. I hated you for leaving me alone to deal with all of this by myself. It felt like you got the easy way out. You didn’t have to live in a world without the most important person in it.
I guess...I didn’t really understand until after the funeral. You weren’t ever very popular but especially not after Chrissy died. We all knew it wouldn’t be a big turn out but I guess we figured some people would show up and either protest or pretend to care like they did for Barb and Billy. But it was just us, Hellfire, Steve, Robin, Nancy, and Wayne. I actually got Will and Jonathan to come too, I think that you would have loved them. You never had it easy in Hawkins or at school- they never accepted you. I didn’t understand why you would die for the people who hated you until the funeral. I think that you wanted to prove yourself because no matter how much you pretended like you didn’t care I know that you did- just a little. You didn’t run, you proved yourself, if not to them then to yourself.
I don’t even know if you can hear this, you aren’t even in the grave, but I really hope you can. All I’ve been able to think about for the last few months is that I never got to tell you that I loved you. I should have told you at the boathouse, or at skull rock, or in the RV outside war zone. I think that you knew, but I wish I would have told you because in my head if you knew that I loved you, that I believed in you, then you wouldn’t have needed to prove yourself. Maybe it wouldn’t have mattered.
I’m sorry that I haven’t come to visit you more, and when I have I haven’t said very much. Whenever I come to visit all I can think of is how you’re still in there, how we had to leave you behind, how we had to bury an empty casket. Most of the time I just try to pretend like you’re still here. I had to come today though because tonight we’re going to fight him again. So either I’ll be back in a few days... or I’ll see you in hell.”
You folded up the sheet of paper and stuffed it into your back pocket with a sniffle. Picking up the handful of trash and dead flowers from the last time you visited him and stood to your feet.
“I love you Eddie.” You whispered as you dragged your fingertips across the cold stone before making your way back to the road. You threw everything away before getting into the passengers seat of the car that was waiting for you.
“You good?” Steve watched you as you shuffled around in your seat.
“Yeah Steve.” You sighed heavily and stared out the window. “I’m alright.”
“Okay then,” He said as he started the car. “Showtime.”
The fight against Vecna started at Victor Creels house before it led into the upside down. The team split into two groups: Team Vecna which consisted of Eleven, Hopper, Joyce, Murray, Mike, and Lucas then Team Demobats which was made up of you, Will, Jonathan, Nancy, Robin, Steve, and Dustin. It was too hard to fight Vecna with the Demobats on you so the plan was to lure them elsewhere while the others took on Vecna. The whole thing gave you Deja vu.
So now here you were in the woods behind your house the six of you surrounding ‘Castle Byers’ like a fortress. Back to back with Dustin using your makeshift weapons to strike at anything that flew too close. There were hundreds of them, thousands, and just as you thought that maybe your plan wasn’t going to work- they stopped. The red sky started to fade into blue, the screeching of the bats morphed into birds chirping, and just like that you were in Hawkins again. The real Hawkins.
“Oh my god.” Robin huffed. “I though we were gonna die.”
“W-what happened?” Dustin looked around frantically.
“I think... I think whatever El did...” Will began.
“It worked!” Nancy shouted ecstatically. Now everyone was jumping up and down, hugging each other, crying. But you stood completely still.
“Y/n?” Jonathan put his hand on your arm to get your attention. “What’s wrong?”
Everyone was looking at you now, concern and confusion on their faces.
“Castle Byers” Is all that you could muster up. Will followed your eyeline to the makeshift fort and he understood now too.
“What about it?” Steve asked.
“I destroyed it last year.” Will muttered.
You turned fast on your feet running toward the house, everyone shouting and running after you.
“More running?” Robin groaned. “Where are we going?”
“Look here!” You pointed to a tree at the edge of the tree line between the woods and your house. In the trunk of the tree there were scores that marked you and your siblings heights over the years. “This tree fell down during a storm in 1983... the one during the search party for Will.”
“Wait a minute...” Nancy mumbled, all the pieces falling together in her head. “The upside down was stuck on November 6, 1983.-”
“Did we go back in time?” Dustin said with a huge smile. “That is so cool.”
Everyone was too stunned for a moment, unsure what to do next.
“Steve.” You finally piped up. “I need you to drive me somewhere.”
“Where do you need to go right now?-” Then it clicked in his head. “Oh my god. Oh my god! Okay, okay, lets go.” He shouted frantically.
“I have to go find Barb.” Nancy said in a somewhat stunned state.
You, Steve, Robin, and Dustin got into your moms station wagon while Nancy, Will and Jonathan took off towards the Holland’s in Jonathan's Ford. During the ride to Forrest Hills Trailer Park the clear blue sky turned grey and stormy just like the night that Will went missing. Your heart pounded in your chest, anxiety wracking through you as Steve pulled rapidly into the trailer park tires screeching. Even if he was there, what would you say?
“Stop!” You shouted suddenly. Steve hit the break quickly sending you and Dustin into the seats in front of you.
“Why am I stopping!” He shouted but you didn’t answer. You simply stepped out into the rain, feeling the overwhelming need to process everything by yourself for a moment.
“Should we go get her?” Dustin asked the others.
“Can you even imagine what she’s going through right now?” Robin questioned. “Give her a minute.”
You walked a little further into the trailer park, now situated between what would eventually be Max’s trailer and the Munson’s. Normally you would have thought about Max. How right now she might be in sunny California instead of a cold hospital bed. You didn’t get the chance to think any of that because when you looked at the Munson’s trailer you saw a figure passing by the window that led to Eddie’s bedroom. He was pacing back and forth past the window shuffling through a few cassettes in his hands. It was like the universe was taunting you. He was so close, so gorgeous, so alive. And he didn’t even know you. He knew your name and he knew that you were a junior in his senior English class but he didn’t know you. He wasn’t yours.
You couldn’t tell if you were crying or if it was just the rain, maybe both. All you had to do was knock on the door but you couldn’t do it. Instead you found yourself sitting at a park bench, in the rain, back facing the trailer.
For almost a year this was all that you wanted. And now here he was, he was in his first senior year, he had only started hellfire club a few months ago. You couldn’t help but chuckle at the fact that The Last in Line, and The Trooper, Master of Puppets, and most of the music he loved hadn’t even come out yet.
Even if you did muster up the courage to knock on his door, what would you say? You knew that this was the year when he started to like you. Maybe you would just ask him out, pretend like everything was totally normal. Maybe you would tell him the truth. Hey Eddie, this is gonna sound crazy but I’m from the future and in the future we’re together and madly in love but you d-
“Why is Y/n Byers on a bench in the middle of a trailer park during a storm?” A voice boomed behind you. You turned around in your seat quickly, a surprised yelp leaving your mouth. There he was. Stood out in the middle of the rain, his hair, his shirt, his jeans getting absolutely soaked for a girl that he didn’t even know knew his name. He chuckled a little as he stared at you with a confused smile. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you-”
“Eddie, do you wanna go out with me sometime?” You cut him off, the words fell from your lips before you even got the chance to think about it. He chuckled a little, surely confused.
“How about first you come inside and get dried off.” He offered.
“Yeah,” You shuddered a little from the cold rain. “That sounds nice.”
a/n legend says steve, robin, and dustin are still in the car waiting. anyways please interact if you enjoyed :)
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