#maybe play a game of catch cause while their father wasnt there for them at least theyve got their older sister around now
harvestmoth · 2 years
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something something familiar
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aestheticsuwu · 4 years
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🛋 I Wish I Didn't Care All The Time 🛋
F.W.B AU! Klarker
Clark Barker x Jack Kline
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Many people have many opinions on F.W.B , but one opinion that is mainly seen and heard is that at the end it tends to blow up at your face .
Jack wasn't one to get involve into some shit that he will regret . On the other hand , his best friend Clark has done some shit that have gotten both of them in trouble .
Keep in mind half the time Jack wouldn't be involved and he somehow get caught red handed . He blames it all on Clark , well that's his excuse cause he doesn't want to get the wrath of his parents .
Sure he can ignore the raven man and hang with his other friends and live a simple , relaxing life . The problem is that Jack doesn't quite have other friends . He just has his older sister Claire . And her friends only talk to him out of pity .
He met Clark in high school when the guy tried to convince him to do the class project all by himself . From then on they sorta clicked , they were inseparable.  Many people thought they were dating .
He wasn't blind , his friend was attractive and by all the times Clark had told him he was hot . He could see why people thought that they were a couple , the latter was quite touchy .
And it wasn't like it never crossed his mind , but the thing was Clark is basically fuck boy . He doesn't do relationships , the only thing he can commit is to drugs,  food , and music .
On the other hand he didn't have a problem with commitment issues , but all his relationships just never seem to work out . The problem mainly being Clark , that's what his exes would tell him .
" Fuck them , they dont know what their missing out , And being honest she was annoying . " 
That was always his response , pointing out what he didn't like about the person .
" you don't like no one " it was like a relative
thing . He wasn't lying when he mentioned about his failed attempt at love .
" I like you , don't I " Rolling his eyes , as the raven haired holds him close . All he can do is take in the somehow soothing smell of cigarettes and cologne .
Being in college is frustrating , mainly being filled overload with homework , essays , projects , and you can't forget anxiety . Jack was just overwhelmed , he just wanted to go home to his dad's and listen to them bicker . Have a fight with Claire about anything , help his father with his garden and watch the bees .
He wants to spend time with his uncle Sam maybe playing football , even he's terribly bad at it . Laugh with his aunt Eileen,  when Sam and Dean get competitive over who's actually winning .  he just wants to be with his family .
Thank God break is coming soon , if not he would've exploded . When he mentions it to Clark,  he just say he's probably frustrated because  he hasn't gotten any action . He usually just throws his pillow at him .
..... ...... .....
It wasn't the first time he seen his friend drunk , it was after all was a constant thing he would do . Watching as his friend struggle to take of his jacket and stumbling to go lay down , it wasn't no surprise when he had fell down . He also couldn't help but laugh along with Clark.
" seems like you had a fun night , here let me help you " Helping him stand up , he starts to remove his jacket .
" Fuck yeah I did , you should've have gone . You could've released some of your pent up frustration . "  Clark spoke as he looked at the blonde .
" can you not , just be glad you did . God you reek of ciggaretes . I don't know when your gonna learn when to stop smoking .
Hold on I'm gonna help you change , please try not to fall . "
removing the other boy shirt , he walks to the drawer taking out what he needs . returning to the now slighty naked drunk .
" I missed you "
" i missed you too . you should lay down.  " turning around to lay down , he was stopped .
" can you lay with me tonight . please . "
 Clark asked still holding on to his wrist . as they both layed down , he didn't know why his heart was beating so fast . Maybe it was the way his friend was looking at him or how all he can think of how was to kiss him . But there was that warning bell
going off his mind warning him to not cross the line . but by the time he was gonna acknowledge it , Clark had started kissing him .
He wasn't the one to be blamed , if you were being kissed by the same person who was incredibly a good kisser you would also ignore all the warning signs .
His lips tasted like beer and cigarettes.  Clothes were thrown across the room . Darker hands roamed gently across soft pale skin , Holding him down firmly . As he racked his nails down the ravens back from the pleasure he was receiving.  And he should've known everything wouldn't be the same after that night .
.... .... ....
The morning after , Jack got his ass up from the bed and quickly left as he could . Scared he had to face him . cursing himself for being so weak , he shouldve have stopped . He knew he should go back to his dorm and got talk to Clark,  but it didn't mean he couldn't avoid it for a few more hours .
walking in the dorm , he expected to see the latter in the room but he was nowhere to be seen . So he sat down and waited . minutes after minutes then  turned to hours . Might as well get started with his paper that was due this week .
It was dark when he heard the door open . looking up from his computer , watching as Clark walk in . Obviously ignoring him , he went straight to bathroom . They didn't spoke at all , just Jack watching him change . but he didn't once look at him .
Right he was about to step out , he just quickly spoke and left .
" I'm going out , don't wait up "
The silence didn't quite helped him feel better .It made him feel like shit , it just made it worse when he started to cry .
.... .... ....
All he can see was darkness , he kept glancing at the clock . The time was just there mocking him as if it knew he was waiting for someone that might not come . checking again it was still 2 : 00 AM like it was two seconds ago .So he just turned on the lights .
Coming to the conclusion that the raven haired  was probably in someone else's bed . He gets out of bed  to turn off the lights , the door opens .
" your awake , I thought you were asleep already ."  a surprised look coming across his face .
" I was going to , I was just ......... " silence overtook the conversation .  they just standed for a good minute until Clark spoke but didn't even look at his direction .
" alright . night . "
Shame crept up in his skin , he knew he should've kept his mouth shut . but the words just tumbled out his mouth .
" you had fun ? I mean by looks of it . "
finishing getting undress , he responds by shrugging . not being able to stand the cold shoulder , he tries again but unfortunately that's when his tears started to come in .
"  Jack ,  are you crying ? "
startled by the voice , he looks up. He didn't even notice when his friend came closer.  He latches on to the older boy ,not wanting the other to leave him . feeling Clark hold him tight and giving him a kiss on his temple made him calm down .
Later that night they talked and both agreed it was an  amazing beautiful mistake but both knew it would affect their friendship . So they agreed to move on , keep going with their life's. 
Unfortunately , Clark haven't been able to sleep with anyone else after night. It seemed nobody was good enough for him . It just seemed pointless , and he doesn't want to remember when he try to have sex but he couldn't get it up .
So it lead him to masturbating and smoking . But he couldn't do it because he didn't have time to do so . And it seemed both him and Jack were playing a game that they didn't even know the rules to .
All broke loose when he saw a guy try to give Jack his number in front of him . HE was just boiling and it was like the blonde knew what it was doing to him . He started flirting back with that dumbass .
When they both got back to the dorm , they locked the door .
The next day they both went to find the guy and jack had to explain to the guy he wasnt interested , not because what had happen in that same day .
And if Clark had a smug smirk all day nobody mentioned it
.... ....
They agreed on a Friend with benefits agreement . There were rules that had to be followed so at the end their friendship wouldnt get ruined .
* 1 . Don't tell anyone
* 2 . once feelings start to form they had to call it quits
* 3 . They're aren't allowed to sleep with anyone else 
( Jack agreed with that one right away , he wasn't trying to catch a disease or something . well that's what he kept telling himself .)
* 4 . They can stop whenever the other doesn't want to continue .
* 5 . Always ask consent !
Jack was really proud he came up with that , even if Clark retorted
" I think when your all over me it should be more clear that you want me to F- "
covering his mouth he ends the conversation to point out their first time .
 " you were the one that had  asked me the first time .:
And well they couldn't quite finish the list , because one kiss lead to another and well how can you blame Clark when the blonde was smiling at him like that .
When both come to the conclusion that had fallen way before they had come to the point they were . The blonde tries to show the other , how maybe they didn't have to be just friends . While the other pretends , it all just distraction like playing a board game .
Even if it broke Clark's heart having to remind himself , it was just that and nothing more .
...... ..... .....
there should be more klarker fic
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Meeting and Dating Sticks
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(My gif)(requested by anonymous)
- As a kid, you spent ever summer visiting your grandma and grandpas farm. It was the highlight of your year but there was something there that you wished you could avoid... Sticks.
- Ever since you were little the farmhands son would harass you, always trying to scare you, tease you, push you around. He infuriated you growing up and was the one thing you couldn’t stand about visiting your grandparents.
- He was also one of the first things that came to mind when your parents asked if you’d be willing to stay with them for a while as they packed up your old house. You’d be moving to the countryside not too far away from the farm as soon as they sold it.
- You figured that Sticks had to have grown up by then, you hadn’t seen him for over a year and who were you to turn down staying with your grandparents. You were... partly right.
- Stanley and Sticks picked you up from the bus station allowing you to get your first good look at the country boy “all grown up”. He’d gotten handsome was your first thought but the sentiment was lost the instant he opened his mouth.
“So the city slicker returns.”
- Immediately, you knew this prolonged visit wasnt going to be as peaceful as you thought it would. During your car ride, Sticks was relatively calm but after you got to the farm and were done settling in...the games began.
- Throughout the week, you were met with pranks, teasing, and all different annoyances. It seemed like Sticks genuinely just enjoyed seeing you get all worked up, and boy did you hate him for it. The thing you wanted most in the world was to wipe that smile off his face. But then things changed, well, not completely.
- It was a normal day, you’d been wandering around the farm trying to find something to do when you heard something in the barn. You figured something had fell over so you went inside to pick it up and maybe hang out in the straw for a while. When you went inside there was nothing seemingly out of place so you just went about hopping on the straw and exploring the bales.
- That was when Sticks popped out, scaring you half to death and laughing loudly as you shrieked. You yelled at him angrily, pushing him down while also managing to take yourself with him as you lost your footing. You ended up halfway on top of him and half poked by the straw.
- His laughter calmed as you realized his hands were on your sides, catching you before you crashed onto him. He didn’t seem all too fazed, aggravatingly content with your current situation. You quickly stumbled your way up and out of the barn, your cheeks burning hot as you made your escape.
- It was with abject horror that you realized you were falling for him. Slowly but surely you were noticing the redeemable qualities about him and disgusting yourself with those very same thoughts. Although you had to admit, he’d dialed down his pranks after the barn incident. You weren’t sure what it meant but you hoped it was good.
- Every now and again you’d catch his eyes on you, it felt as though he knew your secret and it bothered you to no end but you couldn’t risk confronting him. You couldn’t let him have a chance at embarrassing you even further. So you let him watch you and minded your business, keeping your distance as you tried to forget what your mind was pushing you to think about.
- It was a week or so later, you were walking by the cornfield when all of a sudden you were pulled in through the stalks. You shrieked but immediately clamped your mouth shut as you saw who it was. Guess who. He grinned even as you slapped his chest.
“What was that for!” You yelped, adjusting yourself as your heart attempted to slow itself down.
“I wanted to show you something.” He told you.
“And scare me half to death.” You glared
“Oh, don’t be a baby,” he scoffed amusedly. “Close your eyes.”
“Then how will I see what you want to show me.” You rebutted.
“Just close them, alright?” He said and you could have sworn he was nervous.
- So you closed them and waited. You were about to open them again to ask what he was trying to pull when something warm pressed against your lips. Your eyes flashed open as he quickly pulled away, watching you warily as he awaited your response. You weren’t sure what to say so you said nothing and began to walk down the trail between the corn.
- He called after you, hightailing it to catch up. Once he was at your side he apologized for everything, even the kiss, awkwardly stuttering his way through a confession of his feelings as you continued to walk. He pleaded with you not to tell anyone, telling you again that he was “real sorry for even trying”.
“Don’t be,” you finally said, taking a glance at him before hesitantly kissing his cheek and disappearing through the corn. You didn’t see it but the instant you were gone he jumped around, hidden behind the stalks with a massive grin on his face.
- Your first actual date was in the barn, he surprised you with a little set up in the loft. A soft blanket, food, music playing through a busted up radio; you had to admit, it was adorable. The two of you shared a real kiss and just like that the city slicker and the country boy were an item.
- You probably keep your relationship a secret from your parents and grandparents for a little while. You aren’t sure how they’ll react so you figure you’ll just see what happens between you two first, no sense making waves when you aren’t gonna surf.
- Theres not a lot of pda in your relationship mostly because he doesn’t want to get in trouble with your folks.
- He probably really likes cuddling but refuses to admit it because he’s a tough farm boy.
- Comparing accents and what you call things when you’re bored.
- He’s a fan of metal bands so you spend a lot of your time listening to them yourself.
- Every now and again he’ll ask you to help him cut his hair. You’ll sit on his bathroom sink and trim it while he rests his head in your lap.
- Sitting next to him for meals and secretly, purposefully brushing each other’s hands when passing food. Once in a while he’ll reach over and hold your hand under the table.
- Sticks kind of grew up differently than most kids. Where others were allowed to just be kids, he had to be grown up and much more responsible. Because of that, you’ll sometimes catch him acting like your father, telling you to do, or not to do, this or that.
- He’s always willing to help but usually teases that you owe him whenever he does.
- Anytime you walk away his eyes follow you until you’re out of view. Sometimes it’s subtle glances, other times not so much.
- Sharing looks with each other when things get weird.
- Accepting his father and his odd sayings wholeheartedly.
- His dad loves you almost as much as he does, platonically of course.
- Old habits die hard, right? He still likes scaring you but definitely doesn’t do it quite as much as he used to. He also likes telling you scary stories rather than trying to jumpscare you all the time.
- A part of him likes telling you ghost stories because they put you on edge and let him be your knight in shining armor, holding you close whenever you actually get scared.
- You’ve gotten used to his teasing by now so his incessant need to “occasionally” make your blood boil doesn’t affect you too much anymore.
- Teasingly stealing his gloves or hat when he’s not looking in retaliation.
- Resting in the straw together, you can’t remember how many times the two of you have fallen asleep in the barn.
- Whenever you’re ready to leave he tenderly picks pieces of it out of your hair, giving you a little smile as you peck him on the lips in return.
- Helping him with his pranks if they seem harmless enough.
- Occasionally helping him with his work so that he doesn’t kill himself trying to do everything by himself.
- Sometimes when you visit him while he’s working he’ll just start explaining what he’s doing or how something works. You never knew you could learn so much from just deciding to see your boyfriend.
- Kissing in the corn fields.
- Sneaking into his house late at night.
- Always stands behind your chair whenever you’re sitting. He does it so much that it feels weird not having his presence behind you whenever you’re somewhere without him.
- He always stands up for you no matter who he’s defending you from.
- He’s very protective, always keeping an eye on you or keeping you close. Whenever you’re encountering something he doesn’t like he’ll keep you behind him so that he can defend you if need be.
- Hes really good at comforting you whenever you’re worried, sad or scared; more so when he isn’t the direct cause of it.
- Eating pie together.
- Watching the stars or clouds (depending on the time of day). You lay your head against his arm as the two of you lie on your backs in one of the many open fields around the farm.
- Going on long walks together.
- Your grandparents probably don’t like the idea of you going off on your own so they made a rule that if you want to go somewhere in town you need to bring Sticks along completely unaware of the irony.
- Piggy back rides.
- Really likes getting kisses on the cheek. There’s just something so nice about it especially if you just do it out of nowhere.
- He probably still, jokingly, calls you “city slicker” but when he’s actually trying to use a pet name he’ll just say hon, darlin, missy or some kind of name that means something in your relationship.
- He probably built you a tire swing at some point so the two of you visit that and play around on it when he isn’t working.
- He likes listening to you read or talk while he does menial tasks. It makes his day a little less boring and let’s him appreciate how nice your voice is.
- He picks you little wild flowers he finds while working. Sometimes they end up a little wilted before he can give them to you but you appreciate the gesture.
- It’s pretty easy to get him worked up so fights happen... I wouldn’t say often but certainly not rarely. He’ll raise his voice but never quite yells at you, he just can’t bring himself to do it no matter how mad he gets in the moment.
- It doesn’t take long for the two of you to make up. Most of your fights are petty arguments just...louder. You’ll both apologize and hug and that will be the end of it.
- Sticks isn’t a very jealous person but he has his moments. Whenever he does get jealous the main reason behind it is his own insecurities. He can’t help but think it would be easier for you to date anyone but him. You wouldn’t have to deal with evil scarecrows or strange dads or dumb farmboys that don’t even work on their own farm.
- You always reassure him that you don’t want anyone else but him. He’s the only farmboy, the only boy at all, that you could ever love.
- He likes you, the real you, odd quirks and all. In fact, he finds the strange things about you kind of endearing in a way. It gives him more to learn about you and love.
- Even though he doesn’t say it very often, he really does love you. He never realized someone could make him as happy as you do. You really changed his life for the better.
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killrockabill · 4 years
azula redemptive
so this isnt a full redemption more of a setting her on the path. azula is a character i kind of identify with. i grew up in a chaotic environment and learned to “play the game” manipulate lie and occasionally throw people under the bus. at first it was just a way to get through life but then it kinda just became who i was. i have gone to counseling etc but still occasionally wonder if my feelings are real or if theyre just what theyre supposed to be. i was lucky to have people in my life. my uncle irohs but she didnt seem to. here it is.
Azula was never the type for brooding, that was more zuzu’s territory. Tonight was different. She was tired. It had been a few years since the avatar ended one hundred year war.  she had barely kept track of the actual amount of time. In the time since however; she had not grown complacent. she couldn’t. 
Zuzu had become the fire lord and seemed to be decent enough at it. At least he was capable of not destroying the fire nation with incompetence. While they were never close there was a hint of something in her that could almost be considered pride. No. Pride was the wrong word the feeling was more that of acknowledgment. He and the avatar won and that was the end of that story. 
For a time azula was unsure of her place in the universe. She had lived her life to be the true heir, to be ozai. He was a wrathful and petty god and she was his disciple. 
“ Why was that again?” She pondered. “Well what else could i be? Zuzu?” She knew she was smarter than that.
Zuko was soft and too stupid to play the game, so she used him. Every misstep, every weakness was a way to save herself from being him. Did she ever feel bad about it? Perhaps a long time ago, not that it mattered. You do something long enough you get used to it and when you get good at it you start to enjoy it. Every maneuver, every manipulation was a victory and nobody played the game like her. 
“My shadow lord” a shaky voice called from behind. The cult of ozai must have sent him. They had been useful to be sure, but she hated that name. It reminded her of the darkness within her, the same darkness her mother saw. 
“Yes?” Azula spoke finally in an exasperated tone. “What is it? i have no use of any of you right now.”
“F-forgive me. I-I have come to warn you.” he stuttered as though he were shaken by the earth itself. 
“You? Warn me? I may not be the fire lord anymore, but i am still one of the most powerful firebenders of this generation. What could be coming that I need worry?!” That was a bit more intense than she intended, but anyone who knew her knew it was her default state.
“N-nothing that i'm sure you cannot handle, b-but as your loyal servant it’s my duty. The ozai followers t-they doubt your intentions. They believe you don't intend to restore ozai to power.”
That was a fair thought seeing as she had no intention of restoring ozai to power. She had used them to challenge zuko and make him grow into the strong leader the fire nation needed. He was soft on enemies, azula being a perfect example, and not wary of friends that could turn on him as they do. 
“Hmph, well I suppose i owe you thanks. Tonight you will leave and discard any sign of joining the movement. Live a life well or not it doesn't matter to me” she hated being in debt to someone. Azula could manage some over privileged fanatics, but knowing she’ll have to get her hands a bit dirty is nice.
“M-my lady i-i-i apologize i meant no offense.  please i-“ 
Azula cut him off. “ you misunderstand. Tonight there’s going to be a … discussion, between the rest of the group. Take this and go do whatever it is you people do.” She flipped a gold piece. She couldn't be bothered to remember if he was one of the wealthy members and what's one gold piece. It was his duty to her to report and that should be rewarded. Flies and honey; perhaps if she did that back then those two. NO we are not going there azula scolded herself. Focus.
The man was still sitting there mouth agape like a fool. Was he processing what just happened? Regretting exposing his comrades? If he betrays her and lets them know she's coming she will live up to the darkness that earned her the title shadow lord. 
“I don’t know what you are waiting for, but go. I have an appointment.”  Azula walked past him. Ordinarily any threat of a stanger betraying her and leading her to a trap would be subdued by their fear of her. Azula learned that was not a guarantee the hard way. Her shoulder aches like an old woman from ty lee’s strike. That wasn’t what azula had heard about chi blocking, but maybe this hit was deeper. 
“FOCUS” azula chided herself “her of all people.  Yes, I did use fear to keep them in line but I was good to her. I tried at least. There weren’t many who’s tears could get to me. Fuck, enough. You need to deal with these fools”
Azula had reached the door to where the cult of ozai held their meeting. A Modest wooded shack near where Azula was. It benefited them to be out of the way and not get attention. Azula paused and thought “alright put on the scary eyes” before making her entrance. You could hear the conversation screech to a halt.
“My lady! Welcome, what brings you? New plans rid us of your brother?” One finally broke the silence. The fool that was their leader before azula had seized control. 
The gaul to pretend like they werent just talking about turning on her. Did they know who they were dealing with? She was no longer princess azula daughter of ozai; she was the god now. 
“Its come to my attention that some of us feel breaking my father, ozai out of prison. Let me clear ozai was a fool who bit off more than he could chew trying to conquer the world. He’s weak now spoiled by everyone's fear of him he lost to a child.”
“You speak out of turn little girl. You wouldn’t be so brave as to say that in his presence!” One of them burst out. 
“Ah, yes the withered old man that has been in shackles for how many years?” Azula genuinely could not remember anymore. “I am a prodigy trained by the finest benders this nation has to offer. The bender that conquered ba sing se. Even with his bending he lost to an avatar that I beat. “ 
Azula wasn’t bragging. This was the fight. Subduing them without having to lift a finger. What happens when azula needs to lift a finger? Well, let's say azula would oblige in earnest. She could tell most of them had already seemed to understand. Any of them try something it’ll end one way. She’d won the fight before they could even try; perhaps she should write a book azula mused. “Azulas art of war”. 
The only one not to flinch was their leader. His smile from when he greeted her did not waiver. He must have something in mind, as he would have no way of defeating her in single combat.
“My princess, perhaps you’re right there is something unclear about our partnership.” He started, as calm as can be. “ you are a talented bender to be sure, but without your father’s backing you’re simply an unstable little girl. Your usefulness is only in name and furthering our reputation.” 
Usefulness? This commoner did not just reference her as a prop in their machinations. This was when azula began to get heated, literally. Around her the air began to warm until the air around her blurred like that of the air around an open flame. The room had become unbearably hot for the others, but azula the dragon she was, could handle much more.
Azula let out a sigh. “Unstable?!? Lets be clear you work for me! Not the other way around. I have seen and done more in life let alone for the fire nation than you will in what is about to become a shortened life!” 
Parts of azula began to catch fire as her rage seethed. Zuzu may have been a lame turtle duck of a brother, but he did show her the usefulness of adapting different bending styles. The fire on her crawled across her body into a sphere in her hands. Though the leader had prepared for a direct strike; azula had something else prepared. She slammed her hand on the floor and allowed the fire ball to be pressed on the ground exploding out in a circle around her. 
The cabin had caught fire and many of the cultists were sent flying into the walls and scattered like the insects they were. Azula had practiced that move for some time and understood why strong earth benders would use an impact like strike like that. It was an effective way to combine offence and defense, and not to mention oddly satisfying. 
Azula may have been willing to kill if necessary but leaving them broken was the better choice. She snuffed out the fire leaving the smoke cloud to cover her exit. That should be a clear message to anyone. Princess azula is done.
Fire lord zuko did not need his shadow lord anymore. Azula hated to admit zuko had become a passable fire lord. The land prospered, and while zuko is about peace hes is firmer on asserting influence in world. The fire nation is still a force to be reckoned with and she was as influential in it as the avatar or that slob of an uncle. There wasn’t much to do here. Azula wasnt sure what the next move was, but there were things that needed to be drawn before action could be taken. 
The palace at the fire nation capital. It was much like she remembered less a gaudy statue of her father. The way the paths lead by lantern fire flowed like a living flame. It was soft enough to have a cozy warmth like that of the hearth. If she missed anything the most of the old princess lifebit was how home loosened tension. This unfortunately was not a vacation.
Her brother liked to sit near the water where the woman and him sat. Only two kyoshi to guard him, I suppose if azula was an average attacker that would do. Azula could already feel the exhaustion this is going to come from this
She waited seated at the spot he typically stops at. 
“AZULA” ah that raspy broody voice is never, not funny. He growls like a cub caught without a mother. “What are you doing here?! Trying to cause more trouble for me to clean up? Trying to take the throne?
“Oh zuzu all I’m doing is sitting here. Come I wish to speak to you, as civilly as possible. I’ll even allow one of your fangirls chi block my arms.
A laugh broke the tension “that's even funnier the second time around azula” that cheery pitch could only be one person. Azula perked up in her seat.
“Ty lee, im glad you’re here too. Wait that sounded ominous. I mean the sight of you is pleasant.” Not exactly how she thought things would go they were supposed to be separate. “Well that’s best anyway it’d make the noodle arm treatment feel less awkward when it’s someone you know.” 
“Hey that makes this easy”  with two jabs azulas arms and therefore lightning wre off the table.  “I just want you to know. I am still scared of you, but that fear makes me want to stop it.”
“Ah-um ty lee… i don’t expect you to and ill understand if you say no but i'd like to speak with you after.” Azulas voice was gentle when it reached ty lee.
Ty lee paused to glance back. She was shaken at the thought. Of course she would be what else should she be? Happy? She said it herself she was scared of azula and you cant have friends with that or they betray you. 
“Lets try this one first.”
Azula was impressed at how ty lee could not only give a non answer and still leave someone hopeful. After the war, thinking through things during training sessions, azula had a new perspective on ty lee. Azula never doubted her prowess for a second, but being such a skilled people reader and least suspect of manipulation. She was everything azula was not and then some. Where azula scanned for weakness ty lee scanned the person. Where azula would use fear to bend to her will ty lee was playing the long game with positive reinforcement. Azula needed her to know that and more.
“There.” Zuko barked. “Now state your business.”
“Zuzu, you’re not meant for impressions, that was the worst ���father’ i've ever heard. I'm leaving the capital and maybe even the fire nation. “
“Why?” Zuko was confused, what would be her next move. other nations aren’t helpless and its not like Zuko would leave them to her.
“What is there for me here? Zuko, youre the fire lord ive made my peace with that. You were too soft when you first got the throne, and while not all of my actions were always so benevolent; after a while it was about keeping you on alert dealing with the changing world. Making sure you had fangs. Father, ozai, had beat you to submission for so long and only at the end of the war did you begin standing.
“You think you were helping me? Training me in some insane way?!” Azula knew he’d be this way.
“Heavy lies the crown on the head of the ruler zuko. I should know i had it for a couple hours and lost my mind.” Azula chuckled at the memory. A foolish child who had nobody left to manipulate and nobody she trusted, of course shed crack. “You don't have to believe me. Im not sure I believe me. If i couldn't be the fire lord, I'd help mold him, I thought. You're still too soft with other nations in my opinion but you can manage. You’ve proven that.”
“And why tell me instead of just going?” Zuko had began to calm down, perhaps the avatar was rubbing off on him.
“The very reason i had to have my arms chi blocked. You fear me. Sure, you could fend me off with your friends but you know i am not something you would want to face. Now you know you dont have to look over your shoulder, at least not for me.”
“You expect me to believe that?” Zuko lowered his tone. If azula were plotting it could’ve worked here.
“No. I expect the next few weeks you’ll be on high alert. You’ll be upping security in cities and in constant communication with smaller settlements. Most importantly, you will be training. You Want to know that if we cross blazes, you will win. That is why i am leaving that response to an unseen threat? Exactly as a fire lord should be.” He won't look at it practically, at this point what is there for azula to be here. the only reason to keep this up is to take that throne, the one that broke her, it may be rightfully hers but she was not rightfully its. It was owed to her but she was not owed to it.
“Listen zuko, we’ve both seen ozai for what he is. The man who needed his teenage daughter to take ba sing se because he never could. The shortest reigning fire lord who faced an avatar that had only one year of training on the day he was at his peak. He called you a loser, and always asserted dominance because that was the only way to get people to not see the pathetic incompetent man with good enough luck to have me. Looking at you now he missed an opportunity at a useful tool.”
“People aren’t tools azula.” The father talk began to itch at zukos emotional scabs. 
“That was the way of the house, and you never learned that. You were too blind or stupid to think ‘whats the right answer’. That is why i was favored. Not luck, i played the game. Not unlike my friend ty lee, there did with me. She saw me.” It appears that azula had some scabs still too. She felt like her skin was raw and each word was hard to spit out.
“It doesnt matter” she took a breath “it would shame the fire nation anyway having to change leaders every few years. Just take my words and do what you will with them.”  Azula was done, this had already been more a spectacle than she cared for. 
“Ok, now what you stroll out the front door? We should take you in. That’d interrupt your trip. What now?”
“Oh zuzu, you are so on guard still. Good. I’ve an exit lined up out if the way so nobody questions my presence. If you take me in? Why? So i can escape THEN leave? Just extra steps. I dont mind waiting however. I think we both got something from this conversation.”
The air was warm. Unseasonably warm, its him. Azula wondered if this was coincidence or if he made hes own version of her technique. Now azula was tense. Impressive brother, but these are your options. 
Finally, a high pitched intervention. “Uhum, fire lord zuko she also wanted to have a talk with me too. Maybe while you think about what to do with her I can see what she wants to say.” 
“Are you sure? If she tries something.” Big brother of the year hm. Hopefully mai watches her back azula mused. 
“Zuko im a big girl. Plus you’ll be in holler distance. Just keep an eye out.” Ty lee turned to azula. “Im going to sit next to you now, and if you try to bend at me or kick me i will be very upset.” There it was. Azula looked in awe at how she managed to channel a determined child while making it clear there will be consequences for any transgressions. Azula truly was a fool like her father before her, failing to see what’s right in front of her.
“Hi azula. You wanted to talk?” She tried to keep the pep but ty lee couldn’t help but be nervous. Azula was one Of the most dangerous people in the fire nation. 
“I did. Thank you. Even though you know there’s a chance i could actually be up to something leading to you or something or someone you care about because all youve ever seen from me is wrath. So, thank you.”
“Ppft, im sorry azula I really am and you’re right i wasnt sure but that awkward rambling reminded me of that day at the beach.”
“ARE YOU MOCKING ME?! I came here and let you chi block me. Do yoy you know what this feels like? Limp noodles where my arms should be.”
“No, no, azula i swear it just shows there's still some of the good in you. Your aura is less vlack more a...deep watertribe navy blue. Theres also the temper still i see” ty lee tried not to give azula a reason to get heated. 
“Oh. I see. Well regardless of the context tgat was rude”
“Yes it was, sorry.” She gave azula the eyes that always got to her. 
“Its fine. I may have also been a tiny bit intense there.” Azula hated this. She was a prodigy. Which meant apologies and social interaction were unnecessary. 
“Ok. Lets try again. ‘Now state your business’” imitating zukos growl of a voice. It got a genuine laugh iut of azula. It had been a while since she laughed at all. 
“How do you do that? Just lull people into a state of placation and lowering their guards.” Azula regrouped.
“Its not a trick like you said. Well, mostly not. I do watch people and learn what i can, but its so i dont do anything to start upsetting people. And the rest is just i have a calming aura” 
“So you’re just a pure sweet roll in this terrible world?” Azula was proud. She made a quip that didnt sound threatening. That practice wasnt for nothing at least.
“I dont know about that. All I do know is that if we try the world doesn’t have to be terrible.  You’ve changed azula. I can see it. Not just your aura either. You meant at least half of what you said i can feel it.”
“Half? That's more generous than i would be in your shoes. I appreciate that and would love to girl talk i think time’s coming so ill jump to it. I want you to know the same as zuzu. I dont have plans for revenge for the prison. I also wanted to say… im sorry. You may have noticed my opinion of my father has changed and as his heir, his duplicate its making me think i need to redefine me. Clearly our way didnt work. I held you and mai by a leash and when it came down to it who do you side with the leash wearer or holder. I’m sorry it happened that way and what it’s probably done since, but there it is. 
Ty lee remained silent.
“I don’t expect you to forgive me or even believe me. I just thought, you of all people deserved that much even from a monster like me.” The silence coming from ty lee was worse than any words she could have said. Each second of waiting for any kind of reply was tourture. Ty lee was never the silent type, so as expected she probably won’t accept it. That's fine azula didnt need her to; she didn’t need her or anyone for that matter. Beasts dont always have packs, especially the most vicious ones. 
Ty lee stood up and took a few paces. Azula watched and simply thought ‘there she goes. She may be giving azula an out as a courtesy, ehich is more than she expected.
“You're not a monster.”  Ty lee's silence finally broke. Her tone was quiet and somber. 
“Youre not a good person. Youre Probably one of the worst friends I’ve had, but we were friends. I dont know how much to believe you, but you’ve apologized for hurting my feelings before in more casual moments. The time away may be good for you. I tell you what, I’ll accept your apology for the both of us. I’ll know i gave you one last shred of trust and if how things ended truly bothered you it can stop now.”
Azula was stunned. She shouldn’t have been. That reaction was as textbook as azula threatening a subordinate. Azula should be a little more at peace now, but she isnt. It hurts. Here was a kind strong woman who managed to make something of herself and azula was nothing anymore. A vagrant who couldn’t do what she was raised to do for a few hours. Kindness and compassion were underused thongs for azula but clearly they’re good for something. 
“Ty lee” azula choked on the words. How pathetic. How embarrassing. On the verge of tears because she was not a monster to ty lee. 
“ thank you ty lee. I didnt and still don’t deserve your friendship, but i think you did something to me. I dont know what, but something. You may go if you wish. I think i want to wait and see what zuko has to say”
“I’ll put in a good word for you. You called him ‘zuko’ most of the time you talked to him. You're a bit confusing right now but I think that might be a good thing.”
“Ha, oh ty lee you have too much faith in people. I could still be the monster in your closet. Don't ever change that.” Azula needed everything in her to not cry, not in front of them. Not again. Never again
Ty lee turned back to face azula. “And you have too little faith. That's ok though, i may not need to change but I really hope you are.” She smile md at azula. It was a soft smile like the glow of a candle in the night and just as warm. How she could manage a real smile towards azula was beyond her. It was beautiful and it had a way of crushing azula. 
Ty lee was gone. Not far, as zuko still had to be in the garden somewhere. Azula was glad for that she could breath and focus on the next hurdle. Getting out with noodle arms would be difficult but not impossible. They were so put at ease about the arms they didnt think of any attacks she could do with her legs. If it came down to it she would set enough of a blaze to keep them occupied and run to her escape location. 
Zuko and the others returned. He had a stoney look on his face more grim than broody. Azula cant be surprised its bad news, but it was less than ideal. Ty lee stood next to him. Had she kept her word and gave her a chance? Or was that just to encourage me to stay. She had been bitten once and was twice as shy nowadays.
“Ty lee mentioned your talk went well. Im glad you didnt try to kick or bite her.”
“Zuzu, what do you take me for a platypus bear or something?”
“Or something” zuko remarked. It was a fair enough jab azula decided. 
“She told me you seem lost in the world. If this is true, we can help. Theres the beach house so you dont have to interact with people unless you want to. We can get you treated like someone in our family should be. You can help us do good for a change.”
“Where do you people get this faith?! I do not intend on being a ward or high end prisoner. I do not belong here, and cannot promise you I’ll be what you want. For all we know i'll turn on you like i have a dozen times over.” Azula could not tell if he really was that foolish or if she should be offended at the patronizing proposition. “No, if im to become something, someone, else it has to be away from here.
Zuko stood silent for a moment. “Very well, but i want you to know that any action against a fire nation citizen is an action on me. the way you and i have been going for years seems to only have one end so i hope you mean all of this. You may go on the condition a kyoshi warrior shadows you for a while.”
“The ones in the elaborate dresses, white, make up and golden fans? Im sure theyll be like a shadow in the night. Though I suppose it could be worse. If i get left alone they will be left alone, just so we’re clear.” Azula hated being followed, but if its just for a while she can put up with it. 
“They’ll watch and see if you're just up to old tricks. You'll get a head start and they'll catch up so you won't be sure they are present. If they determine youre no longer a threat they will leave you.”
“Interesting proposal Zuko spoken like a benevolent leader. I accept.” Azula stood up, and was a little off balance because of the arms but they began to come back to her. “I… suppose that's it then brother. I’ll do you a favor and make it so my way in cannot be used again. We may not see eachother again, so farewell. remember, you are the dragon not some toothless herbivore. Dont embarrass us.” There was an awkward melancholy to azulas voice. They were never siblings in the traditional sense and she did try to kill him. A lot. Still, it’ll be sad to not get under his skin anymore even just a little. 
“Goodbye azula. I hope you find whatever you’re looking for. If all of this is true my offer will stand.” 
Azula had nothing to say. She couldn’t. She fully intends to be gone, and yet he leaves the door open? It’s embarrassing, its offensive, and somehow its cruel. Azula living the rest of her days in a place designed to make her complacent? No. She may not want the throne but she will not be a pet.” 
Azula nodded and walked away. He was as good a brother as you could get in this family and she was as bad a sister as you could get in this family. That bridge is burned whether he realizes or not. 
Now all that was left for azula was to decide where to go. That entire exchange left her raw and exhausted. Zuko may have had a point, the beach wasn’t far and a small coma would be nice. A stop off there get some nation neutral clothes and see where the wind take her. It was as good a plan as any for now. 
When she finally reached the shore and looked up the stairs to the childhood beach house the exhaustion set in. How long had it been since she slept? More than 24 hours to be sure. Azula dropped to her knees and felt the sand beneath her. Soft, like ty lee's smile. 
“No.” Azula dismissed. Now was not the time to reminisce. This sand was once a rock. It could have been a rock that punctured war ships sinking them to their doom, or a smaller rock cutting the food of an unwitting beach goers foot. Azula was that rock. Was she being worn down into sand? Was that ok? Everything in this world wears down, so why not her? If she could be half of what this sand was, pleasant soft and comforting perhaps that wouldn't be so bad.
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currentfandomkick · 5 years
Bio! Dad Strange Part 10, Mr. J finds Robin
Realized it might be easier to add titles so people know whats going on in these
Marinette was glad she had red hoodie, er, Jay back. He helped her escape her overprotective rouges, and aas the only one she could rant to about JL members without worrying about secret identities.
They may also be plotting to get their Hero Stalker out of the batfam—apparently Dick was a dick to Jason and chances of him changing with Tim were slim.
Speaking of, he didnt pick up lastnight and there havent been Robin sightings lately. Though, she is a but distracted trying to manage Jay’s murder rampages. Zsasz was helping with those and the Sirens pointed him to targets that deserved it, mostly traffickers and cartels.
The Council said that at this rate, he’d be her bodyguard or a new member. She didnt know what that meant for him besides staying beside her, when she worked as ‘Harley’s Niece’ (thank you puzzles for that) but otherwise she was kept away as Pixie Pop (too easy to id her) and Jill was just her father’s daughter taking to his patients and keeping certain Rogues from plotting mass murder (Uncle Jerome, Penguin, Riddler) or terrorist attacks (mostly Scarecrow but sometimes Ivy, Dent and Mr. Freeze)
But it bugged her, Robin being missing. She mentioned it to Rose, who said her flowers hadn’t seen him at all. As Tim or Robin.
She sent out a rouge and RKC search city-wide. Jay helps, as Red Hood (helmet was better but no, hood. Even though he isnt wearing one and is still in the awful outfit they met in).
Red Hood has managed to get a following on the streets and made a no kids rule for everything. All kids found were given to Uncle Oswald or his ‘son’ Marteen (late twenties) for recovery phsycially. Mentall Harley had her own picks for help on therapy, social and psychological sides.
The RKC was thriving since that system was installed.
But Robin was missing two days in. Mr. J was still back and too quiet and damnit!
Marinette skipped her treatments. Gotham is loud and she knows it but she has to do something. Jay is in his gear and she puts on her knock-Harley outfit and stocks up on knives, stungun, bolas and rubber bullet guns on her hips or legs.
She doesnt think about the fact that the red and black makes it look like her and Red Hood are trying to match with the the different red and black he’s wearing. Her makeup covers her face again—done up like a mime with a few contour tricks now.
She sneaks out and patrols on the rooftop, one of Robin’s usual routes. Maybe they just need to talk in person.
Then she catches something that sounds like her Hero Stalker when he was frustrated and tired and oh god that was screaming in there.
She moved. hit Rose’s tracker flower hard enough to leave a distress trail as she ran.
Jay ran after her, following her twists and turns.
She wished she skipped her treatments sooner. Could fly off to help but she hadnt and she cursed herself for this.
At 10 she found Mr. J torturing her friend in a warehouse.
“Stalker,” she whispered. Becuase that’s who he was first, the hero stalker that loved Batman and Robin (Robin-Jay, a small voice corrected her) for helping his city and were kind and caring and nice when his home was cold.
Robin and Mr. J didn’t hear. She knew that words were being said but she couldnt process them. Shock, Harley talked about that a lot after last summer.
A camera was recording. The sick fuck, he wanted to show this to someone.
She grabbed her bolas and threw them at Mr. J’s head.
He went down, hard. Jay handled him, but Marinette only cared about getting her friend off that table.
There was an oversized ray gun lointed at them while she fiddled witht he restraints, picking the locks.
She heard the whirling in it and kicked it in another direction.
It threw lightning. What the hell. What the hell—where was Batman. Why wasnt he keeping her friend safe. Why did he fail to keep Jay safe. Why—why does he get to put kids in danger?
Marinette felt sick. She got an exhausted Tim out and carried him.
She felt Harley run a hand through her hair as she refused to let her friend go.
She didnt know when the others got there, but they were.
Never alone, never go in alone. Always call the family and they will show. Never fight alone—the Council drilled this into her for years. Why was Hero Stalker-Robin alone? Did Batman forget how dangerous Gotham can be?
Zsasz was there with Jay, something Jay being “too nice” about needing to kill him painfully and permanently this time—“properly put him down this time.”
Her mind was a mess. She went to her Father on autopilot, carrying Tim over the rooftops. He clung to her. She’s ten and he’s twelve clinging to her as support. Where’s his team, his backup. Where’s Batman or Batgirl or Nightwing or the newb—Spoiler?
Why was Tim clinging to her and her team when his should be there. When his fights hers. Why were his enemies there and Batman—no, Bruce, his dad. Why wasn’t his Dad there for him. Why?
Father’s assisant helped fix Tim, their ability is to augment healing after Father puts them back together. Any attempt to move his mask was met by her breaking their wrist.
He had enough to worry about. No identity reveals on top of this nightmare, not on her watch.
She didn’t leave him that night. Refused to sleep too.
When he came to the next day, Jay was with a despondent Marinette.
“Going Kronos route,” Jay. Jay was tlaking about that monster. “He said I didnt have to see that.” Jayw as looking at her weird.
Marinette nodded, hoping it was the last time for real Jerimah would die. She lost track of how many times he’d been killed.
“Dad, he’s gotta be worried...” Tim, why the hell aren’t you thinking for yourself? Marinette wants to shake him, to keep him there and never let Bruce see him again.
Jay is debating it too, she can feel it. “I don’t know, he replaced me pretty quick.”
She wants to hit her brother. Becuase she knows he’s hurting but Jay can you chill for a but—he knew Hero Stalker befor ehe became Robin. He kenw what Tim’s life was like before Bruce. And Tim has been through enough, especially for now, hasn’t he?
“I, Ja—” so his first name started with a J. He was Jason Todd Wayne. Red Hoodie was Jason Todd Wayne and Robin and now James Smith. A lot of o’s until now, she noted (distract to aviod processing an overwhelming situation.)
“Its Red Hood. That kid died.”
“Hoodie...” she wanted to hug him or hit him or something. She doesn’t know. It hurts and doesnt at once.
Jay put an hand on her shoulder.
She knew he meant it. That Robin was killed by negilence from what he’d told her and she could peice together. The batfam picked Dick who left over him—a new Robin with no idea what was going on and how to Wayne and was being bullied by the rich kids and teachers in the ways that Jason couldn’t fight against. And when he finally lashed out—started being abit more violent—they put distance and then he went to find someone that might want him, his birth mother. That person sold him out to Mr. J. He died trying to protect his birth mom who wanted him dead.
She wanted cry but her eyes weren’t working. Still in shock then.
“I’m taking you back home if you want, but you have to stop being Robin like this. You can still do detective stuff but you need backup when you patrol or do a bust ir anything. You’re thirteen, not twenty.”
Tim didn’t make eyecontact. “I, he needs me.”
Marinette wanted to throttle Bruce. Badly.
“I get that.”
Harley only got better when Ivy stepped in. Jerome only recovers as long as Marinette keeps talking to him, the Sirens are slowly adopting him so she has more free time. Zsasz does what she says, and when she said no more taking hits unless they broke an RKC rule—attacking kids, abuse (any kind), murder that isn’t justifiable (see Dent for clarification), and active enablers of systematic abuse (dirty cops and their ‘albi’ partner, the false alibi givers too—Rose and Ivy’s plants were happy to testify the truth of anyone’s lcoation at any time).
Hell, if it wasnt for Frost and Ghoul and Puzzles, she doubted their fathers would even be considering backing off of crime. As it stands, Riddler is now running a youtube let’s play and working on game design as her and puzzles constant request. The other two were slowly moving off of crime and more into science again.
Her father would still be.. she didnt want to know how he’d escalate. But there were rumors of an alter around... she’d handle that tomorrow. Today was making sure Tim understood boundaries.
“But that doesnt mean you die for him. Do you hear me?”
Tim wasn’t looking at her then, looking at Jay instead.
“How are you even...”
“I dont talk about it.”
Tim nodded, slowly turning back to Marinette. “I, uh...”
Jay shook his head. “He wont get it pixie.”
“I,” Marinette sighed. Everything in her hurt and she didn’t know why. She wasnt injured. “He can try. Just, please Jay?”
Jay ruffled her hair. “Talk to him then you’re getting some z’s got it?”
Marinette nodded, feeling Jay leave. Probably to talk to Father about this. Maybe the Council.
“T—Robin.” He turned to her then. “Please, don’t die. If its life or death situation, please dont be the one to die. Don’t pull an idiot move and martyr yourself fighting a war. Focus on the causes, find the root issue and kick its butt. If anyone can, its you.”
Tim blinked slowly at her.
Marinette sighed. “Get some rest. Everyone knows if the touch your mask Jay’s got free reign.”
She went home and let Harley gove her Ivy’s knockout tea.
“Hun, how...”
“He doesn’t even realize how screwed up it is. I, he can’t becuase he came from such shit parents and...”
Harley raised an eyebrow at her word choice, and decided certain people would get a talk. Lter, when her neice didnt look like she couls blow up at any minute.
Marinette wanted to scream and kick and fight but thst won’t help her friend.
“...how bad.”
“His birth parents left him alone enough for him to stalk vilgantes and rogues and get pics. They didnt even notice.”
Harley took a deep breath. “I’m giving him a burner. If he’s in deep, he can message us. I can talk to him but we both know that not how Waynes work.”
Marinette rubbed her temples. She suspected Harley knew but... “Do they know?”
“Only me, Selina and Jerome for now. Ivy suspects. Want it to stay our secret?”
Marinette nodded.
Harley patted her head. “Get some sleep. You have a Bat to chew out tonight.”
Marinette walked Tim to Batman, escorted by Jerome and Harley.
Jerome was pissed, she noted.
“Batsy, care to explain why my neice and us were the ones to find your bird?”
Batman didn’t look good. His skin was tired. Hopefully from searching for his son, right?
Batman was silent.
Tim ran into his arms, crying.
Marinette could feel Jerome ready to punch Batman. She held him back.
“Give him a minute, please.”
Jerome narrowed his eyes, but nodded.
Batman idly noted the interaction. Apparently this girl... clown-mime? She had sway over Joker and Harley. And found his son.
He didnt know how to thank them, or what to do with that.
“Er, Mr. Batman?” The girl sounded different then. More than a tonal shift.
“I, you need to fix your team. This is the second time this happened to one of your sons.”
Batman tensed at that.
“It was Mr. J again. I, one of my uncles and my brother are handling him. This is the third summer he’s tried killing a kid.”
That had both looking at her. “He,” Marinette was smaller then, almost... scared.
Batman seemed to catch what she was trying to say.
“He kidnapped my girl here with hatter, killed Hatter infront kf her, and held her for a week while deciding how to kill her until she escaped and called us.”
Batman stared at Marinette then, something clicking enough to make him pale.
“He targets kids. The, the RKC are claiming jurisdiction on him and claiming his body to prevent future revivals,” Marinette got out, shaking slightly. She hated thinking about that week. It took day with the green crystals and week after to recover phsyically.
Batman didnt say anything, waiting for her to talk. Not the adults—he put together she’s incharge.
It was unnerving.
Tim was looking ar her too. They both knew she knew a lot. He wanted to see what she’d do with that knowledge.
She hated to dissapoint him, but Oswald and Marteen and Fish told her to make sure negotations go her way by any means necessary.
“I, Robin is either to be supervised or partnered during all patrols, put on a team somewhere else where he gets that support or be removed from fieldwork and he needs a new alias for his safety.”
Robin, not Tim, stiffened. “You’re not the boss of me!”
“If these conditions aren’t met, then i...”
Harley stepped forward then. “Then me or Jokes will blab about who’s under the mask. If its bad enough, then my mini-me will let out four other leaguer’s identities and their sidekicks. She’s pretty smart, even panicked when she found out i knew how much she knew.”
Marinette was paler under the makeup. She knew
This was the best plan for sucess but it made her feel sick.
Batman put Tim behind him.
“How does she—”
Marinette winced at the tone.
Batman froze at her reaction. He didnt like it when kids were scared of him.
She was shaking when she spoke. “Paterns and friends with their obsessions and me with mine and a few photoshop jokes and it just...” she trailed off, curling in in herself and eyes on the ground.
Bad move but she, she cant look at people right now. Maybe Jay but not the man who pushed her brother into a palce where he was vulenerable, not one who failed to get two of his sons away from Mr. J.
“You, you should have a meeting or something on secret identities becuase i have to keep a lot of them now. Becuase, becuase you guys are bad at them and blocking JL news did nothing to stop figuring out Arrow with his archery style and Superman’s only works with general disbelief and acting and Wonderwoman should vary how she carries herself or something and uh, yeah, Flash was more a senses thing and uh, i just...”
She was fiddling. With her ropes. When did she start doing that?
“I’ll talk to the league.” Batman was watching her carefully. Too carefully.
“Just, just think things through, okay? Tag team patrols if he stays and new costume—i made him by knowing him before... maybe a different role on the team? I, i don’t know just...”
Marientte squeezed the rope. Oh, those were tears starting up. “please keep him safe.”
She didnt see their reactions. She heard Jay coming over, in his helmet.
“Pixie, time to go.” It was Jay that lifted her up. She was lighter then? Did her worry screw with her treatment processing again? She didnt know. Or maybe she was just light to him?
She let him take her the long way, to the RKC.
She cried with Rose’s plants growing over her and Jay into him. Rose kept Ghoul from going to kill someone by getting him to help her make crepes for Marinette.
It was an absymal attempt. But it got her to laugh.
Frost gave her an ice sculpture and told them he’d be taking her to his summer classes in Central for a few.
The JL have a meeting. No one likes what Batman tells them.
“You’re telling us Harley Quinn—who took you down on her own twice—she has a neice that knows not only your team’s identities, but mine, Supes, Wonder Woman and Flash’s?” Arrow summized.
Batman sighed. “Yes.”
The League was silent for a moment.
Flash was the one to break it. “You wouldnt happen to have any pictures of Harley in casual clothing would you?”
Everyone turned to him, various looks of confusion, rage and disgust.
Batman put a picture of Harley with the Sirens up, one where she forgot her make-up during a ‘shopping spree’ in the Sirens early days.
“Yeah, i think she’s this girl, Jill i think, her aunt. The kid was wicked smart when i met her at the Flash muesum last year, and knew more than she should about acfive police cases. I think she’s our mystery girl, Pixie.”
“That’s what Red Hood was calling her before taking her away.”
The league burst into chaos then.
“We need to find her”
“Get the security feeds from the Flash muesum last summer.”
“Theyre deleted already.”
“Databases for american girls named variations of Jill born between XXXX and XXXX”
“Wait, alias, maybe?”
The Flash was patroling his city when she spotted her. Pixie. At central city university.
“Hey there kiddo.”
The girl jumped a bit, turning to see him. Earplugs. sensory issues?
“Uh, hello?” Th girl looked around, like she was expecting someone else. “Are you looking for someone?”
“Kind of. Maybe you can help?”
That got the girl’s attention, sitting up straighter and her eyes sharper. Definately the girl Batman said she was. He put his league comm on, hoping the others would hear.
“There’s this case I’m working on, but the lead scientist is stuck on. I heard from a certain reporter you’re pretty good at forensic science, think you can help with a bit of bio?”
Marinette blinked a few times, but nodded. “Kind of. Im not allowed in labs yet so i mostly just look at data and figure out what patterns fit it best. My father doesnt want me to get too involved with biology or medicine since mom has a science ban.”
Red flag. Restrictive learning is a red flag. Possible abusive or toxic home. Procede with caution.
“Well that’s good. Give me one sec, the lead on this isnt getting it done.”
flash came back in less than a second, holding a file. “Can you look this over and tell me what happened?”
“The kid was moved through multiple locations while injured. He, he couldnt fight back since there’s no defensive wounds, but restraint bruising, looks like metal since its uniform... i, mr. flash, they have a lot of injuries, but some are old and defensive so in bad fighting situations a lot too.”
Marinette handed him back the file.
“Thank you. The forensic guy is taking forever.”
That had the girl, Jill? Looking at him again, this time curious. He hoped the league turned on his camera to see her reactions. Get her into their database.
“Who is it?”
“Barry Allen.”
Marinette couldnt help it, Barry (not flash, Barry who is hiding being a meta and still speaking out) is her personal hero. Him and Harley, but still. “He’s really cool!”
Okay, she can’t hide her fangirl side.
Flash raised an eyebrow. “Not really. Always late, sloppy attire, testimonies are eh.”
Marinette was mad then—why cant Flash let his alter be amazing!
“He’s late becuase he’s known to stay up late working on other cases when he isnt paid to and doesnt have to. And appearances and organizational skills arent what matters—his expertise is and he’s one of best with getting everyone what they need in time for case-building. So what if his reports are hard to read sometimes? He explains it in personso everyone gets what happened, which is very important and a lot of people are super bad at. And—and he advocates for meta rights and for their ability and circumstances taken into consideration during sentencing—none of the others even try to remind people of that and that a lot of metas dont chose their powers and it gets overwhelming and scary and then one instictive reaction later and people get hurt when you didnt want to react at all.”
Flash felt something kick him in the chest then. The girl is meta. Ear plugs. Possibly hurt somone by accident.
“If its okay, can i ask what your ability is?”
Marinette froze. “I. If anyone finds out, I lose Maman and Papa and Father and everyone.”
Flash froze at that. “What do you mean you lose everyone.”
“I, I’m visiting family for the summer. I live in France.” She didnt want to say more than that for location. “Being meta there is bad. Automatic life sentence with no trial bad.”
Flash sat down, putting an arm around her. This, this was not what he was expecting.
“My powers get worse in the summer. If I slip here, most of my family can handle it. Nothing bad happens. If i slip at home with Maman and Papa, i... if anyone knew then i’d be taken away whether they wanted it or not.”
“Where would you end up?” He had to know how bad it was.
“Living zombie in correction centers. Then jail-jail when you’re 18 until you die... no trial. Being meta is a crime there. And, and mr. Allen doesnt think that way at all. He keep saying you need to contextualize power and abilities and intents and if you defend yourself and you’re meta you go jail...”
Flash stayed silent, letting her continue.
“Maman screamed a lot when i hit this stalker in france. He was following me and other kids from school with a bat, saying he’d teach us all lessons. We got away but he kept trying to get us. I snapped one time and he was mostly fine, nothing permanent but Maman was so angry at me for almost getting caught becuase it was on tape and i was a little kid and little kids run, they dont fight.
“My powers didnt show though—Father made a treatment to keep them from that. No one suspects stickers... but she’s still scared its enough for a rep to come and check me for meta abilities and that she’ll lose me again.
Marinette twisted at that. “I, uh, probably would be dead if Father didnt find a treatment for me as a baby. Its how i got my abilities, but if theyre ever neutralized completely, i’d be dead. So we have to curb them... Maman forgets i need them and almost threw out my supply once. She forgets that i’m not normal until things like a student stalker happen and i hit the guy with his bat and then she remembers and gets scared i’ll be taken and its just...”
Flash decided he was adopting her, somehow. Smart and powered and in need of help.
There would be an intervention in France soon.
“Sounds like a lot of pressure, especially for someone your age.”
Marinette didnt make eye contact. “I have to. If i dont then there’s a dot in the open and thats a possible pattern and someone might connect it to the ones i couldnt stop. And Father and me are good at connecting dots and finding possibilities.”
Flash wanted to scream at the League then, he ahd a feeling they only added to her stress.
“He, he says we’re hardwired to find patterns and possibilities. But i shouldnt catch as many as i do. My teachers keep saying i need to slow down and dial it back and stop catching on so fast and blurting things out but i just...”
Marinette was fiddling with her hair then, it was down enough to.
“Sounds like you’re a real smart kid.”
“Smart kids don’t get caught.” She needed to be smarter, untraceable.
Flash thought she meant the Justice League wasn’t smart. And if the girl was reluctant to let him bring them in just yet...
“Do you at least have someone you can talk to about this?”
“My Auntie Quinn and Rose. Rose doesnt like you though.”
“Oh? Who made her mad at us? Was is Arrow?” He already knew but he wanted to know why.
“Batman. He, uh gave her to someone who, and i quote, ‘should never be allowed to have a sentiment child that is not a plant’ when she was found by him. She’s younger than me but she looks older, and isnt allowed outside of her house.”
Flash heard a low thump from his comm. oh, Batman knew who it was alright.
“I, uh, do you need help with another case?”
Flash smiled at her. She needed a distraction from what she just said.
“Back in a flash!” Once he was back in starr labs he turned on his audio. “Who was it?”
“Poison Ivy’s daughter. Cadmus, not Ivy, created her apparently.”
Flash swore as he grabbed a differnt file. Potential speedster case he hadn’t gotten around to.
“Here ya go kiddo,” Flash grinned at her.
Marinette nodded her head and looked over the file.
“Something doesn’t add up... there!” She pointed at one of the photographs. “See?”
Flash leaned in to get a better look.
“It looks like the speedster marks but that would only work if the speedster was messing with spacetime continum! But there’s no evidence of that so Occam’s razor, its a lightning meta!”
Flash looked over the picture and it did add up. Especially the lack of certain streaking patterns.
“They were probably teleporting since theres no drag or streaks, just one epicenter,” Marinette continued.
Flash decided that the League would be visiting Paris, and he’d be personally fixing the meta policies. And that the girl, Jill, she’d be in the League. She lectured Batman and Robin on safety and seemed to be focused on helping them in their weaker spots as heroes... mainly identity maintenance. And she likes science and is good at it—perfect to add a science-centric member to the League as she grows up.
That’s the end of this summer. Next time we do marinette meeting Tikki and becoming Ladybug. That should take a few posts until we get back to gotham.
Let me know if you want a JL handling looking for Marinette as Princess (the kiddie kyptonian) and Jill (who Flash found and is presumed to be Harley’s neice). Im happy to if there’s interest.
Reminder, there will be many a miraculous swap and the Ladybug parts will diverge from cannon as 1) i changed a lot of characters, 2) charater dynamics are altered too and 3) i’m changing when students came in and how Adiren ended up in school.
Also, see my kwami posts for how the kwami are in this AU as they are not the same as cannon and it will be a bit obvious.
@dast218 @ilovefluffbutsmutisalsogreat @weird-pale-blonde-person @emeraldpuffguide @mystery-5-5
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tumblunni · 6 years
Okay seriously but dr maddiman's story is SO SAD
His wife literally left him on april fools day!!! And he sat there waiting at the door and crying until midnight just in case it was a joke and she came back
And we dont even know WHEN he died! His journals just slowly peter off into nothing after the depressing divorce day. Just "i need to work i need to work" and talking about how he doesnt take care of himself now he has nobody to live for and how he doesnt even remember why he's working anynore but he's scared if he stops working he'll remember that his family left him. And he doesnt know how to cook and he just makes shitty gruel out of whatever was left in the fridge after his wife left and he doesnt ever buy any more groceries and uhh.. Well.. At some point he died. He basically committed suicide by sheer denial. The goddamn diary about being unable to cook trails off into just repeating "tasty gruel" over and over in increasingly gnarled handwriting. And in japanese the word for gruel was a pun on another rather infamous depressing scienceman's last journal in resident evil. So while the dub wrote it out in full sentences instead the original was kinda like... Incoherant rambling of a guy who died mid sentence. Thats what the reference would immediately communicate to anyobe who'd played RE...
And man its just SO SAD cos even before he basically killed himself with unhealthy coping mechanisms, he ruined his own life with the same problem. He became distant from his wife and child because he loved them so much but he didnt know how to communicate it and he just ran away from all of his problems. He buried himself in his work to avoid facing the fact he was having relationship issues with his wife, which obviously just made it worse. And his whole work in the first place was from a stupid idea that he could "keep everyone i love safe if i take over the world". Like the idea of actually telling them he loved them and talking about his worries was SO IMPOSSIBLE that he jumped to an even more impossible solution as something easier! And then its so depressing cos oh man these diaries are like a constant stream of jokes about how this man is destroying himself from overwork and like seriously it was so bad that they had to censor a few of them in the dub. For example one about how he hadnt changed out of his lab coat in over two weeks so his wife mistook his laundry for nuclear waste and tried to friggin dispose of his boxers with a long stick and a flamethrower! Which the dub somehow thought was too gross even tho half of all yokai are just gross jokes lol. BUT SERIOUSLY They try and write it all comical at first but all this comical stuff causes realistic consequences of a rift between him and his family AND ALSO his health failing with every damn page you turn like holy fuckin shit. You cant blame his wife for leaving him, she didnt know he really did love her and was just running away from talking about his problems. God she must have suffered so much trying to raise the kid alone and not knowing WHY he seemed to leave her entirely and hate her more and more each day. And its implied that maddiman's research started getting all fanatical and supernatural even before he became a monster, and he wasnt even seeing regular patients at the hospital and like.. Doing his job... Receiving money of any sort. So man at some point yeah the poor lady would have to make the right choice to leave for the sake of their kid. It sounds like she tried so damn hard to get him to open up and just goddamn come home!!!
Yknow not just in the literal sense where his shambling undead self is STILL SICK FROM HOW HE DIED and LITERALLY WEARS HIS HEART ON HIS SLEEVE NOW
Oh god i just realized that maybe his inspiriting power is "heart swap" not because literally he's an evil scientist who wants to cut you up, but because HE WISHES HE COULD HAVE SHOWN HIS HEART TO HIS FAMILY WHEN HE HAD THE CHANCE!!!!!#!!!
Is that he did!!! He did try!! He did make the right choice!! He just kept running away for so long that when he decided to step up and be a good husband and father it was already too late. :(
He did decide to abandon his fanatical nonsense and just go home and show them he loves them. He closed up work early and bought a bunch of gifts for his family and came home hoping to surprise them and... Was surprised. At an empty house. And a note saying she'd already gone. On fuckin APRIL FOOLS DAY OF ALL DAMN DAYS so he SAT THERE SURROUNDED BY THE PRESENTS CRYING FOR HOURS HOPING IT WAS JUST A JOKE
And he just fell back even harder into his self harming conflict avoidance behaviours. He didnt try and call her and apologise, he didnt even go home ever again. He probably left the same bag of presents there on the table gathering dust even when he was dead. He just went back to work and kept working so hard that he didnt notice when he fell asleep and never woke up.
And thats why in the first game he seemed so much more evil but he was confirmed redeemable in future games and got all this heart destroying heartwarming bullshit beautiful goddamn writing AND ALSO THREE BABY TURTLES TO HUG. He just fuckin ran away from his problems so hard that he forgot he was ever human!! And he was stuck so much in this 'i must complete my ultimate science at any cost' mindset that he forgot why it was even important. And he was willing to make any damn sacrifices for something he didnt know was already useless cos HIS WIFE AND KID ARE PROBABLY DEAD NOW ANYWAY *sob*
Oh and then yokai watch 3 confirmed that yes at least his kid is indeed dead anyway. You can catch his yokai form too and HE BECAME A DOCTOR JUST LIKE HIS GODDAMN DAD!!!! They made up fpr not ever letting us have a playable maddiman by giving us a new yokai scienceman and HEY WHY NOT HAVE THE SADDEST POSSIBLE EXPLANATION FOR THAT!!!! And in the quest that finaly confirms their connection HA HA WHAT WOULD BE THE WORST POSSIBLE TEASE WE COULD GIVE THE PLAYERS? Hey looks like Cliff inherited his dad's neuroses so instead of going to meet him he runs away from his problems. And thats just the end. The closest they get to reuniting is dr son guy leaving his dad a can of his favourite soda before he runs away. This was in the last set of dlc for the game and will probably never get a better conclusion unless the two of them return in a future game but the original anime series has ended now and the next game looks like its gonna be this alternate universe thing instead. Sigh!
Why is "sad science dad" always my fave character in everything ever and why is dr maddiman such the best
Im cry my heart out. Quite literally. LIKE POOR GODDAMN DR MADDIMANNNNNN
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musubiki · 6 years
Got any hcs for white? Her starter, her journey, etc? And like. Fws hcs?? 👀👀👀
K HERE WE GO MY SECOND FAVORITE GIRL EVER(this is gonna be long bc. i like them too)
white chose tepig as her starter. this is actually a GREAT match because Gus is really rash and hasty and stubborn fist fighter just like her
white has never lost a battle. that was her goal it was never really to become champion or anything (she didnt care for all the responsibility that came with it) her goal was to be undefeated. which did not bode well for cheren, who wanted to be champion, and lost every battle against her
“well this is discouraging”
she really loves bianca!!! and cheren!!!!! she has the least patience and sense out of the three. cheren has to keep her grounded so she doesnt do weird shit
white is physically the strongest out of the protags. its mysterious. she als o has the best hair 
when she first meets N he is. a creep. im sorry. even i see it like that when you first meet him hes weird. when she first hears the team plasma speech in the first town, shes like boiling already. why would anyone listen to the knights of the round table?! this is weird. she kicks N’s ass first battle.
her problem from here on out and throughout the journey is that. she was the opposite of N. she thought that everyone treated their pokemon nicely and no one could ever hurt a pokemon. she learned she was wrong fairly quickly, and tried to fix and embrace reality instead of N, who tried to change the world all at once.
this is why shes the hero of truth and hes the hero of ideals. 
i dont have a lot of solid hc interactions between them (mostly bc i havent played in a while jfklas i abandoned my boy) but throughout their journey they. actually talk. and argue. and they both equally learn things from each other. and despite him being kinda weird (she thinks) shes actually kinda concerned for him
he makes her think about things she wouldnt otherwise. not just the fate of pokemon but about the future and the whole world. because of him she actually has this moment, where she has all of her current team out. and she realises that she is, like what he says and just makes her pokemon fight. of course and loves and cares for them, and she just. asks them real solemly like. “Do you guys even want to fight? Like do you even like being here?” 
and she already decided that if any of them didn’t want to be there, she would let them go.
luckily, her whole team is full of pokemon just like her and they enjoy the fights, and the adventure, and spending time with her, and shes thrilled. after this she asks pokemon she catches that she wants to keep if they wanna stay with her
i love N a lot ok. whenever N talks to white she always says something that surprises him and makes him look at the world differently. eventually he finds himself actually seeking her out and deliberatly looking for chances to run into her. he gains a lot of respect for her. whenever he talks to her he takes his hat off and nervoulsy kinda. holds it in his hands and shes kinda “?”
when she first finds out hes king. of team plasma. shes pissed. shes ready to TIP TH DAMN CART THING IN THE FERRISHWEEL AND HAVE A FIGHT RIGHT THERE. HES TELLING HER TO CALM DOWN AND SHES LIKE HOW DID YOU EXPECT ME TO REACT??????????????
shes angry bc hes the king of this. horrible orginization. and as far as shes seen all they do is steal and abuse pokemon. the next few times she talks to him he tells her that theyre nothing like that, and that they only look after pokemon
this is actually true. some of the grunts fully believe in the true cause. but most of them follow ghetsis. and N has no idea that his grunts are actually abusing and stealing (i keep thinking about the dreamyard because that scene was what the fuck????a re you doing????)
she begins to realize this. that he has no idea. and that he actually believes in this cause. and as she gets to know him she realises he is. the purest person. and he has no idea. and she feels kinda bad bc she was kinda mean to him before, but hes still plasma so shes confused about how she should treat him because he always treats her and her pokemon pretty nicely. 
N is actually a very nice and gentle soul. he’ll put up a fight for sure, but especially towards white hes the sgtwytwytws weetest thing im sorry i have a soft spot for him. lowkey he wants her approval.
if youve ever seen miraculous ladybug, i imagine N to be kind of like adrien(without the chat side to him) like hes just. nice. and gentle and. cute.
i hc that they have way more interactions than the game gives you
the best thing theyve ever had together was this celebration in Iccirus city (similar to like…the 4th of july kinda thing..) and whites pretty alone. cherena and bianca are off doing Arceus knows what and shes like. alone. and she finds N outside the city with some pokemon. 
so she goes and talks to him. questions why hes out here all alone in like, the cold. shouldnt you be with your family or something? its a holiday. and she caught him off gaurd and he immedatly like stands up and hes kinda happy to see her. he doesnt question why but hes. happy. when shes around. 
he tells her his father never really cared for these kinds of celebrations anyway, and that he usually spends these kinds of days alone. he doesnt think this is a big deal but whites kinda,.. lonely too. so she proposes “Listen, no one should be alone today. And I don’t really have anyone to hang out with either, so what do you say we just, forget about the sworn enemies thing for the night and go have some fun or something” 
and hes. surprised. here she goes again. always saying something new and pleasent and hes. like beaming hes so cutnhejfje so he agrees. 
and this turns into. a pretty great night for them both actually. like they actually get along great when theyre not arguing about the future of unova. they play a lot of booth games and. 
hdj white loses at one of those ball tossing games(she usually loses and then harasses the booth guy with “Booo its rigged” but she just likes to have fun) and N. is determined. he fuckin. calculates wind direction and all this weird shit and gets. a record high score and shes like how the fuck did you do that. he smiles and answers its all in the wrist. 
he gets her some stuffed animal thing. shes like this is the best day ever shes thrilled. they go and get food and like by the end of the night theyre actually. like friends. and she didnt think this would happen but she actually likes hanging out with him. at some point she wins a seashell necklace that she wears for the timeskip outfit
so theyre sitting there at the edge of the festival whatever eating caramel popcorn and ice cream and hot dogs laughing and telling stories about weird people theyve met and crazy things theyve done.
and they talk about his family. and why hes with plasma in the first place. and where her parents are. and why they believe in the things that they say and do. it turns out theyre both orphans. the only difference between them is that hes alone
at some point (i forget how this comes up) he asks white if theyre friends. she pauses for a while because she doesnt know how to answer it. yes, she thinks, when she’s with him like this. when she forgets that hes leading a region-wide organization aiming to seperate people and pokemon. but she settles with a yes, and jokingly adds that if they were destined to be mortal enemies they could hang out more, and he smiles
she spots a pair of plasma grunts, looks like theyre doing some shady things, but her head flashes back to the conversations shes had with N. he doesnt know what his grunts do. so she tells him to stay there and she’ll be back. hes kind of confused and worried, so he follows her from a distance.
she follows the grunts into a cave/grotto/area. yep, here they are abusing some poor purrloins or something, trying to get something that ghetsis claims he needs. she has her stountland right beside her and angrily questions what they think theyre doing. 
when they snarkily and confidently answer that they do whatever they want, she asks why theyre even a part of team plasma at all if theyre gonna treat pokemon like this. she tells them to go join team rocket if theyre looking for business like that. N is outside listening to all of this
they say something like “You think this about money?” and she asks what else and they answer “This is about power. We don’t give a damn about freeing pokemon for justice! When all the pokemon are gone plasma will reign supreme!!” 
she clutches her pokeball. shes pissed. not just because, these fuckers got issues, but because they are deliberatly. disobeying N, and everything he stands for. so she tells them to get out of there before they end up regretting it. they laugh and tell her they dont even listen to their own King, why would they listen to her.
(white is a huge badass by the way. shes the more hardcore and probably coolest protag)
then N steps in and they. fall silent. and they are terrified. the stutter and stammer about how it was all a misunderstanding, and it wasnt their fault, and they didnt mean it, and every excuse they could come up with but N. is kind of like leaf in this sense because he is. angry. but his anger comes off cold and heartless and man he is cool.
so they, because they know theyre screwed already, decide that they wont take this shit anymore and challenge them to a fight. figure if they manage to beat N, maybe they could rule plasma instead. (this is my excuse to get N and White to double battle) and they rock. theyre the perfect tag team. truely the two sides of the same coin
when theyre defeated. N forces them to release their pokemon and they run away, never to show their faces to plasma again. They stand there in silence for a while, and N asks “Why did you tell me not to stay there?”
shes quiet for a while before answering “Because…you believe in what you do” and “I didn’t want you to see the worst of what was going on.” 
he thanks her for her concern, and tells her not to think like that, because now he finally sees what shes been trying to tell him about plasma, and maybe he can do something about it now that he knows. ignorance is never bliss, he adds, and she knows hes right. she just didnt want him to be hurt, she thinks
she asks what hes going to do, and he answers he’d try to weed out whatever corruption was in plasma. he hopes what the grunts say wasnt true, and that this was just a small mutiny, not rooting from the very top.
FYI SHES NOT SUPPORTING PLASMA at this point she still hates plasmas ass for doing what they do, but shes seen now the way some trainers treat their pokemon (in and out of plasma) and she thinks that if this cause was done right, it would help the world a lot
unfortunaly N is a fool lol and wants to liberate ALLLL THE DAMN POKEMON. 
ofc after this. ghetsis goes and. poisons his mind again with how shes a fool and shes trying to manipulate you and why would you doubt your own father. and right after this N. becomes the hero of ideals and they become worse enemies than theyve ever been. she becomes the hero of truth and he smiles because suddenly. everything makes sense. why hes always so happy to be around her. why it feels like she completes him despite all their differences and he. loves her he just doesnt know it 
and she knows for a fact that ghetsis is behind all of this but because N is the king, she has to go through him first. 
and she really cares for N. she actually ends up realising after he leaves that yeah, she pretty much loved him. and she hates his ass for leaving. so she goes to chase him down because cheesy as it is, these two are literally soulmates. they both acknowledge that meeting and growing with the other has made them better and stronger people and white refuses to let that go.
(i love their story and dynamic)
i dont have a set reuniting scene for them yet, the only one i have is.,.,. a part of that other story im lowkey working on..,.,. but she slaps him thats for sure LOL. hes like a puppy hes so happy to see her again hes like “White!!” and shes. PISSED. she has tears in her eyes and CATCH THESE HANDS. leaf and green are probably there and theyre like WHOA WHAT
green actually relates to white bc of this bc yeah, i waited for like 3 years for the love of my life too
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kaywinette · 7 years
To celebrate the beginning of summer break, Kenny, Lee, Katjaa, Duck, and Clementine all head to the waterpark for a day of fun! Another adoable request from @mettatonlover858 i love these requests so much omg thank youuuu!!!
Lee was quick to regret his decision of sitting in the back with the kids so Katjaa didnt have to. Duck and Clementine were relentless in trying to bother each other, and Lee was in the middle of it. To keep the kids entertained for the ride Katjaa had brought some coloring books and markers for them, which was immediately proven to be a bad idea. Duck accidentally ended up coloring off of his book and onto his swim trunks, and not wanting to be the only one with an orange marker, he reached over Lees lap to color on some of Clementines dress. In retaliation, Clementine tried to jump and attack the older boy. Small hands reaching for the boy's throat before Lees able to catch her.
Lee always found it amusing how Clementine was an angel and sweet to everyone she meets, but when shes around Duck, she turns into a monster. Guess the older boy just knows how to push her buttons. The entire car ride Lee is keeping the kids from attacking each other, much to their disappointment.
"Lee, are you sure you don't want to sit in the front on the way back? I'm sure I can handle the kids just fine," Katjaa offers for the thousandth time.
"Trust me, I'm fine. Really, its a piece of cake," Lee smiles at the woman as Ducks hand fly's past to grab and tug at one of the buns on top of Clementine's head. The girl screams and also reaches past lee to try and grab a handful of Ducks buzzed hair before Lee is separating the two once again.
After what felt like hours, they arrive at the popular water park. Duck and Lee get out one door, before Lee's head to Clementine's side to help try and fix her hair best he could. It's not like he did a good job at styling her hair in the first place though, since what was supposed to be two buns on top of her head turned out to just be two pigtails on top of her head with stray curls flying in every direction. But either way, Lee thought the girl looked adorable.
"Clementine darling, come here so I can put some sunscreen on you," Katjaa calls from behind the truck. Once Lee does what he could for her hair, he sends her over.
"We're raising a couple of monsters, Lee," Kenny laughs as he gets out of the front seat, securing his cap on his head as he shuts the door. Walking over to his friend as Lee rolls his eyes.
"Maybe. The thing is, Clementine only acts this way around Duck," Lee shakes his head, crossing his arms.
"It's cause she wants to prove to him that he ain't any stronger than him just cause he's older," Kenny explains with a shrug, watching as Clementine sticks her tongue out at the older boy while Katjaa rubs sunscreen into her cheeks.
"Okay, now you Ducky," Katjaa says, turning to her son who quickly begins to protest.
"Mooooom, 'm not gonna burn. I dont need any sunscreen!" The boy whines, even going so far to stomp his foot in a mini tantrum, hands balled into fists at his sides. Katjaa starts to insist that he does before Kenny stops her.
"Naw Kat. If the boy says he ain't gonna burn, then he ain't gonna burn." Kenny smirks, nodding towards his son who grins triumphantly up at his mother.
"Fine...fine. Let's just get in the water. It's hot out here." Katjaa says, pulling the bag of towels onto her shoulder before heading towards the entrance to the water park. Duck immeditiatly begins to run off across the parking lot, much to the horror of his parents, and wanting to catch up, Clem begins to run too before Lee coughs, catching the girls attention.
"Sorry Lee," The girl mumbles, waiting for Lee to catch up to her. He takes her hand before they continue towards the entrance, where Duck was already waiting.
"Kenneth Junior! Never do that again!" Katjaa scolds once shes close enough to the boy, very gently slapping her sons shoulder. Duck whines and rubs his shoulder while Katjaa continues to scold him. Slowly but surely, the two families find themselves finding a spot on the sand the waterpark has played out.
Lee helps Clmeneint out of her coverup dress, making sure to place it somewhere safe, so it's not all sandy when Clem puts it on again.
"Oh, Clementine! That is a very pretty swimsuit," Katjaa compliments and Clementine looks down at her own swimsuit. It was a sort of two piece where the top was long, reaching just above Clementine belly button, and the bottoms were a sort of skirt/short combination. Clementine thought it was pretty too.
"Thank you!" The girl happily smiles at the mother before Duck is racing past her and into the wave pool. "Duck! Wait up!" Clementine whines before chasing after her friend.
"When I saw it, I knew I had to buy it," Lee smirked, standing up straight again. The swimsuit was white, and had little cut oranges spread all over it. Katjaa rolls her eyes at that and laughs softly.
"Well, you have very good taste then." She compliments, but Lee shakes his head.
"Carley actually picked it out first. She couldn't stop laughing when she showed it to us. Clem wasnt too amused by the joke, but she thought it was pretty cute nonthe less"Lee shrugs, smiling at the memory from a few days ago.
"Its a shame she couldn't make it, I would have loved to catch up with her some." Katjaa sighs as she sits on a beach hair.
"Carleys pretty upset about it as well, but she said she promises to make it up to us, whatever that means." Lee chuckles before Clementine and Duck are calling for him and Kenny, yelling at them to come play. The two fathers share an already tired look before heading towards the wave pool where the two kids were trying to drown each other.
Once the adults were close enough, Duck popped out from under the water where Clementine was holding him, spitting some water out of his mouth before speaking.
"Dad! Can we play chicken? Pleeeaasseee?" The boy begs, grabbing and tugging on his fathers hands, as if bothering him would get him to agree. Kenny looks around, trying to see if he can find any rules against the game before shrugging.
"Sure, why not. Lee? What do you say?" Kenny asks, turning to look at his friend.
"CHicken? Whats that?" Lee asks, standing at the edge of the wave pool, the water just barley covering his feet.
"Its a game where we put our kids on our shoulders, and basically they just try to knock eachother off. Duck thinks its the best game." Kenny rolls his eyes, and Lee just laughs a little.
"Alright fine. Sounds fun." He nods, and looks at Clementine, "What about you sweet pea?" He asks. Clementine seems to hesitate for a few moments before slowly nodding. "Okay then, its settled!" Lee smiles as Duck cheers. The four wade deeper into the water, stopping when the water reaches just above Lees hips. Kenny and Lee then both lift the children onto their shoulders before Kenny starts to go over the rules.
"Okay, so me and Lee cant interfere, thats rule number one. Rule number two is no punching, biting, or slapping, but pushing. And rule number three is try not to kick me or Lee in the face for the love of god." Kenny finishes and Duck starts to wiggle up on his fathers shoulders, eager to get the game started with. "Okay jesus Duck, calm down. We can start in three..." Kenny starts to countdown.
At one, Lee and Kenny both step close to eachother as the children try to push eachother away. Lee struggles to keep his balance as Duck shoves Clem backwards, but hes able to keep the two up and above water. Eventually, Clem gives one good push that sends the father and son underwater.
"You cheated!" Duck sputters once he resurfaces.
"Prove it," Clementine calls, still sitting up on Lees shoulders.
"Let's go again." Duck demands, not wanting to lose to a girl, especially not Clementine.
"Fine! I'll just win again." Clementine grins, and Duck gets back on Kennys shoulders. And just like Clem predicted, she wins again. Before Duck can remand a rematch, Lee is taking Clem off his shoulders.
"Okay, I think we're done. You came too close to kicking me in the nose Duck." Lee says, making Duck pout. "Why dont we go to the slides?" Lee offers, and suddenly the kids aren't so disappointed in the ending of their game. "Ken, why don't you go keep Katjaa some company while I take the kids to the slides?" Lee offers, and Kenny nods, patting Lees back.
"Good luck Lee. Try not to lose them." Kenny jokes before going to sit with his wife. Lee quickly ussures the kids to the slides. Once at the top, Duck was the first to go down all by himself, but Clementine is a little more hesitant.
"Can't you go down with me?" She asks, turning to frown up at the adult.
"Sorry Clem, but the rules say one at a time," Lee explains before Clementine is turning toward the lifeguard on duty.
"Please! Just this once can he come down with me! I'm not brave enough to go down on my own yet." The girl pleads, even pulling her puppy eyes at the redheaded woman. The woman seems to hesitate, glancing at the little girl and the rule sign before sighing.
"You know what, I won't tell nobody if you dont," The woman bends down to the girls height, giving her a smile, which Clementine returns.
"Thank you..." Clementine pauses to read the womans nametag, "Bonnie!" After thanking the woman, Clementine pulls lee to the slide. She sits in his lap, and they wait until Bonnie gives them a thumbs up before they slide down.
Clementine screams out of joy the entire way down, and even Lee lets out a chuckle as they slow down at the end. Once its over, Clementine gets up and holds out her hands to help Lee up as well.
"Took you guys long enough!" Duck calls before sprinting off toward another water ride.
"Duck!! Wait!" Clementine calls, running after him quickly, "Lee, cmon!" Clementine yells at the adult, making him laugh and calmly walk after the two children.
The families spend another couple of hours in the sun and water, occasionally switching the kids off so the one who had been watching them could rest for a bit. Eventually, the kids stopped running around, and were much too tired to do anything else. So they decide to head home. Lee helps Clem back into her coverup, and Katjaa forces Duck to put back on his T-shirt, which he complains immensely about, especially now that his shoulders and face are red and hot with sunburns.
Katjaa carries her son back to the car, while Lee and Clementine walk hand in hand. Lee gets in the middle of the backseat while Katjaa sets Duck down next to him. He helps Clem in and helps her buckle up before leaning back in the seat. Kenny gets in the drivers seat, and Katjaa into the passenger side, before they're driving home. It doesn't take long for the two kids to pass out, using both of Lee's shoulders as pillows. Soon enough, Lee feels himself nodding off from the long and exciting day.
Lee gently rests his head on top of Clementines, letting his eyes slowly shut, planning to just take a quick break, but quickly ends up falling asleep as well.
When Katjaa notices the three sleeping beauties in the backseat, she immediately takes out her camera to snap a picture while laughing softly.
"Carley is going to love this." The woman smiles as she turns back in her seat, looking over the amazing picture with a smile.
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brianyololau · 4 years
May 5th, 2020
A dad. A father figure. Someone who is your guardian, mentor, friend, and loves you for who you are, I never had that kind of dad. Seeing it now, my dad showed no emotion. I never saw him laugh. I never saw him smile, not even around me. I don’t have any memories at the beach with him. There were no days where he would take me to the park right outside my house and play catch with me. I had the most emotionally unavailable father. 
I remember he gave me a light up plastic sword/baton once which I assume he found in a client’s car. Other than that, I remember having to beg for each toy. 
My favorite toy that my mom bought for me were two lightsabers: a red and green one. I saw it at Walmart one day and told her I wanted it. She secretly bought it for me for Christmas. Though, I eventually found out when I looked into the trunk of her SUV one time while she hid it from me. She said it was supposed to be a surprise, but I fucked it up by looking lol. 
I bought my mom a gift for Mother’s Day too. It was a plastic ring from the book fair back in 2nd grade. Not sure if I stole it or not. I didn’t get any allowance so I probably did HAHA. She found it hiding in a crayon box one day and confronted me about it thinking I found a boo. I was like nooooo that was supposed to be a surprise for u foo
Back to my dad. He lectured me a lot. told me to be like this be like that. do this do that, but he never explained how. never asked how was school. never tried to be there while I was struggling. In fact, he didnt even wanna sign my fucking club application papers. Dude thought leadership was a joke and sports was unnecessary. Hypocrite. He used to spend hours in the evening swimming and sitting in the sauna while my mom had to take care of me WITH a baby in her stomach. That’s cap. I was told all he did was work, gym, eat, and sleep. 
My dad worked from home. How tf did he not make ANY time for me? In fact, I saw my dad more than my mom on the weekdays... 
Why didn’t he try to claim me after the divorce for months? Why was he never a real man to my mom? Did he not realize the importance of this? 
And now, when I visit him, I see a swing, toys everywhere, and a hanging rope ladder installed in his garage. I never had that.
I remember sitting outside of Target every day after middle school waiting hours for him to pick me up. He never called to let me know when he was coming. He never called to ask about my week. It felt like he was doing the bare minimum. Yet, I still considered him as a father to me. Why did I idolize him in the first place? He taught me nothing, but he put me through schooling and took care of me. He cooked sandwiches for me, but that was it. Though I appreciate him fulfilling his duty in keeping me alive and educated, HE WASNT THERE FOR ANYTHING ELSE.
He didn’t show up to my graduation. So, what if you don’t fuck with my family? I’m your own son gdi and your excuse was work? He never wanted to hear about my extracurriculars. He never talked to me when I was in his custody. He never said I love you son. I knew my grandma more than I knew him. He never shortened his gym days when my mom was pregnant and had me. He never did the house work for her,cooked, planned vacations,taught me how to ride a bike, or took me outside the house. We live right next to a park for fuck’s sake. What’s the excuse for that? Dad didn’t have time cause he was working 24/7? That’s fucking BULLSHIT. He valued his gym time more than his father and son time. Thats a fact. 
Now that I think about it, my mom tried to play the playstation with me once. It was a racing game. She couldn’t play for shit but at least she tried. She spent a whole day with me to go through an entire kindergarten workbook. I saw a loving mother in her. She did everything for me. And she still does. Typing this made me remember parts of my childhood where she was there for me. My mom stayed for me. My dad planned to leave. Maybe there were secrets kept from me by both sides, but I sure as hell know now who loved me more when the love grew thin. 
The point of this entry was to see if I could recall and reflect on my childhood with my dad. I wanted to see if after this, I would choose to accept or reject him as a father figure in my life until now.
I choose to reject.
but, I will still care for and respect him like he did to me. 
Who did I choose to look up to as people I could strive to grow for as a kid?
Cau Vu, Cau Long, Chu Khai, Chu Quy, Catherine, Ben, Aaron, David, Amma, Mo Anh, Chi No, Michael, Shirley, Tracie, Tammi, Apac, my dad, and my mom.
Who do I choose to grow for now?
My mom, Crystal, Chu Quy, Grandpa, Grandma, Cau Long, Eric, Andy, Dony, Isaiah, Catherine, Ben, Aaron, Amma, my birds lol, Cau Bao, my little brother, and most importantly, myself. 
This whole process was a good way for me to find a form of self love. I went back into my past to reflect on how I was treated in order to see for myself who was truly there and opened their arms to me. The only person missing in this equation was my dad. That’s why I choose to reject him as a real man and a father figure during my childhood.
I realized that growing up, I barely had support in front of me, but I pushed believing that through hard work and achieving, I’d get to a good college after hs, choose a good career, and graduate with stellar experiences.
Boy, did that work out lol
However, I had massive support behind me. I have a mom who loves me unconditionally and will sacrifice anything for me, no matter how hard she has it. I have uncles who believe in me and made me smile as a kid. They still give me cash every year. I have Amma, who loves me unconditionally as well and still asks me if I’m hungry even today every single damn time I come over. What a G. I have a fucking badass grandpa who told me the day he sees my career take off is the day he will have lived long enough. He even collects every single plastic and glass recyclable to help earn some money and gives it all to me. I have a grandma who believes I have a good heart and the strength to succeed.
In fact, now that I think about it, when I changed my major and couldn’t bring myself to find purpose in life, my grandma was the only person who observed me each day for weeks and walked into my room one day and told me don’t be sad son, This isn’t like you. Don’t be sad. She might’ve been a one of the reasons why I decided to wake up one day and do something about it. 
I have an uncle named Cau Long who will always gives me guidance when I ask for it. Sometimes when I don’t lol. I have another uncle named Cau Vu who still treats me like his own. I have cousins who remind me what it’s like to grow up as a kid and motivate me to be a good role model to them. I have Chu Quy, who accepts me like his own son. I have Crystal, nah gay as fuck. I have cousins from a different family who always find a way to keep in touch and bond together. I have friends who want the best for me and will support me no matter what. I have a little brother who looks over my back. And I have everything in me to know that nothing, not even a shortcoming or toxic energy from others will stop me from being my own fucking man.
“There is no nobility in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.” - Ernest Hemingway
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hxveidoneenough · 7 years
Not Expecting That (Connor Murphy x Reader) Pt.2
Pairing: Connor Murphy x Reader
Prompt: Continuation of Not Expecting That, an au where Connor is going to be a father woooo
Word Count: I have no idea
Warning: Cursing and not proofread
A/N: Should I make a third part? Like with the baby actually there?? Idk I might
“Hey (Y/N), h-how are you doing?” Evan asked you quietly as he stood at the door to the guest room that had been transformed in your room. After you had finally told your parents, they didn’t take it well and kicked you out. Connor had tried to convince his parents to let you move in with them, but they declined and ended up grounding Connor because of his actions. So you turned to Jared for a place to stay, and he managed to talk Evans mom into letting you stay with them.
“I’m okay, thank you Evan, You said as you pushed yourself up out of your bed. It had been about 4 months of living with Evan and the two of you had grown fairly close.
Currently, you were 6 months pregnant with baby Murphy. Connor’s parents had freaked out when they were told about being grandparents by their son who was only just a senior. So your contact with Connor had been little to none outside of text conversations.
“And the uh, the baby?” Evan asked, glancing down at your stomach that was half hanging out of the shirt you were wearing.
“I uh, I think they’re okay,” You chuckled quietly, running your hands over your stomach slowly. Evan gave you a small smile, nodding his head.
“Do you have an appointment today?”
You nodded your head. Today was the day that you figured out what the baby was, and Evan and Jared had managed to talk Connor’s parents into letting him come to at least doctors appointment. They werent happy with it, but they let him come nonetheless.
“Is uh, is Connor p-picking you up or do you uh, need a ride?” Evan asked quietly.
You glanced over at your phone, hitting the home button to be met with notifications, one text from Connor specifically catching your eye. You chuckled, turning back towards Evan.
“Apparently we have to pick up Connor because Zoe took the car and both his parents left without telling him,” You said, glancing up at Evan, “Is that okay?”
“Oh, yeah, uh of course!” Evan nodded his head quickly and you couldn’t help but laugh as you waddled over the man. Evan smiled at you, before the two of you exited the house.
The drive to the Murphy household, as always with Evan, was quiet and full of Evan apologizing for slamming on his breaks on accident. You had gotten used to it at this point, but he never stopped apologizing for it.
Evan parked across the street from the Murphy house hold, and Connor came out the door not even a second later. He slammed the front door shut, stomping over towards the car. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes as you glanced over at Evan.
“I apologize ahead of time for him.”
“I understand.” Evan said as he jumped at Connor pulling the car door open and throwing his bag into the back seat before he climbed in. It was silent for a few moments after Connor climbed in, but he soon broke it.
“Are you going to fucking drive, Hansen?” Connor asked, and you turned around in your seat, glaring at him. In the 6, almost 7 months that you had been dealing with Connor, you had learned that you didn’t put with his attitude nearly as much as you did before getting pregnant.
“Apologize.” You said, and Connor shook his head, his arms crossed over his chest.
“No, I didn’t do anything.”
“You don’t get to have an attitude with Evan when he’s being nice enough to take us to the appointment. Now, apologize.”
His arms were still crossed across his chest when he mumbled out an apology. You turned back around in your seat, smiling. After that, Evan started off towards the doctor office.
The car was parked as you got out of your seat, glancing back through the window to talk to Evan.
“Are you sure you dont mind staying and waiting?” You asked softly, but Evan shook his head.
“No, I uh, I don’t mind.” He said, smiling at you. You nodded your head and stood back up, heading towards the inside of the doctors office. Connor was walking beside of you, his longs legs allowing him to walk beside you even though he was technically walking slower than you were. You didn’t complain though, having tried to keep the arguing to a minimum when possible.
When the two of you entered the office, Connor went and found two seats while you signed yourself in. After you were done, you walked over and sat down beside of the Murphy, pulling your phone out to play on it with.
Connor had done the same, scrolling though his apps. He had opened up his gallery app, when you noticed that there was an album titled ‘Baby Murphy’ and the cover photo was a picture of you with your shirt pulled up. You giggled quietly, and Connor glanced over at you.
“The fuck are you laughing at?” He asked, and you shrugged as you opened your gallery app and showed him that the two of you had matching album names. Connor let a small laugh pass his lips as he nodded his head. “Great minds think alike, I guess.”
You nodded your head as you leaned your head on his shoulder. His eyes slowly glanced down at you, and a small smile tugged on his lips as he leaned his head down on yours. The two of you sat there, scrolling through apps and playing games while waiting for the appointment and when your name was called, you both jumped.
“(Y/F/N)(Y/L/N).” The nurse called out, and you slowly stood up, stretching your arms behind your body. Connor stood behind you while you stretched, before he walked with you to the room. The nurse shut the door behind of her, saying she would be right back as you laid down on the bed.
You pulled your shirt up so that your entire stomach showed, and Connor couldn’t help the small smile that formed over his lips as he glanced at the bump. While he never really talked about it, you knew that Connor was at least a little happy about the situation that the two of you were in. You couldn’t help it, you were too.
Maybe your hatred for the Murphy boy had dissapeared as the two of you went further into this situation. You knew that you were going to be in each other’s lives forever, so you decided that hating him wasn’t something you wanted to do.
The doctor came in a few moments later, a smile on her face as she sat down beside you. The conversation was short as she placed the gel on your stomach, causing a small squeak to pass your lips. Uncharacteristically to Connor, he let a laugh escape his lips.
“It wasnt funny the first time we did this, it’s not funny now Murphy.” You said, playfully glaring at you. He chuckled, but his eyes focused on the monitor behind you as the doctor placed the machine on your stomach and started to move it around. The baby’s heart beat was the first thing that you noticed, and you let a small smile play on your lips.
“And there…” The doctor said as she moved the machine around a little until the baby’s siloute was noticeable, “Is baby Murphy.”
Connor, as ever time that you went to a doctor’s appointment, leaned forward in his chair to get a better view of the baby on the screen. The tough exterior that Connor put up melted to the ground as he looked at ultrasound.
The doctor continued to move the machine around until she was able to find the angle that she was looing for. She paused the screen and went to typing on her computer, smiling as she turned back to Connor and you. She pointed at the screen, the two of your eyes following her finger as she did.
"So, per usual, baby Murphy is being a little stubborn, but I was able to work with her so that we can actually see the sex today.” She said.
“Did you say her?” Connor asked, tilting his head slightly. The doctor nodded her head as she smiled at him.
“Yes! From what I can tell, you two are going to be having a little girl,” The doctor said, “Congrats.”
The doctor continued to print off the pictures and wipe the gel off of your stomach. You stood up and pulled your shirt back down, thanking the doctor for the visit and exiting the office with Connor.
You had Evan drop you off at the Murphy household with Connor. You smiled as you entered the household and were met with Zoe sitting on the couch, her legs crossed and her cellphone in her hand. When you walked inside, Zoe smiled at you as she glanced up from her phone.
“Hey (Y/N), how are you?”
“I’m okay. You?”
“Good! How is my niece or nephew?”
“Niece, and good! The doctor said everything looked okay, so that’s good.” You said as Larry entered the room. The man glanced over at you, not bothering to hide the eye roll as he glanced towards your stomach. You were well aware that Larry was especially against the fact that you and Connor had decided to keep the baby, but you were also aware that you really didn’t care what Larry Murphy had to say about you.
“(Y/N).” Larry said, nodding his head in your direction as a greeting. You nodded back at him, as Connor grabbed your hand and started to pull you up to his room. The two of you made it about half way up the stairs when Larry’s voice rang out.
“Connor, remember what I told you this morning.” He said as he walked into the kitchen. You gave Connor a confused look, but he continued to pull you into his room. Once you made it inside, you shut the door behind you and turned so that you could see Connor, who had thrown himself down on the bed. His head was buried in the pillow, and you slowly sat down beside of him.
“Hey, what did your dad mean?” You asked quietly, placing your hand on the small of his back, rubbing small circles. Connor let out a loud sigh as he turned his head so that he could see you better.
“Do you think I’m going to be a good dad?” He asked, seeming more vulnerable that he ever had before. You gave him a confused look as you nodded your head.
“Of course I d-”
“Or do you think I’ll just fuck up the baby, like me?” Connor asked, staring at the wall in front of him. “My fucking problems are just going to rub off on her and goddamn, I don’t fucking want her to feel like this ever. But with a dad like me, who fucking wouldn’t?!” He said, his voice slowly getting louder the longer his rant went on.
Your hand slipped under his hoodie and shirt so that you had your hand on his bare skin, your thumb rubbing small circles on his soft skin.
“Connor,” You started, “The fact that you’re worried at all about how she feels or about if you’re going to be an okay dad at all, proves that you’re going to be the best dad you can be.” You said softly, and Connor let out a loud sigh.
“I’m sorry, my dad just knows how to get the fuck under my skin. He keeps fucking telling me that the baby deserves a better father than me, and that she’ll be better off with someone who isn’t as fucked up as me. But I just… I really fucking hate the idea of someone else raising my child. Like, fuck that shit.” Connor said, and you nodded your head.
Connor glanced up at you before he reached out and pulled you down on the bed beside of him. You let a squeak pass your lips as your fell on your side, glancing over at the Murphy boy. His hair was laying messily behind him, a few strains of it covering his face. His eyes glanced over your face as yours were trailing over his.
“No one ever said that parenting was going to be easy, Connor. But, I honestly believe that you and I will figure this out. Even if we weren’t expecting this. Parents, they fuck up. No one is a perfect parent and we’re not going to be an exception to that. But, I have no doubt in my mind that we’ll figure this out.” You said, giving him a gently smile.
Connor gave you the smallest of smiles as he nodded, placing his hands on your stomach. His eyes trailed from you, down to the bump. But your eyes, they never left him as you watched him smile, lean down and talk quietly to the baby, The hard outside layer that Connor had always fell down when it came to the baby. And you absolutely loved it.
You had started this experience hating Connor Murphy. Having hatred sex with him while a little tipsy. But over these last few months, you had slowly grown to love Connor. You wouldn’t want to be put into this position with anyone else at this point. Sometimes, the biggest surprises are the ones that change your life the most.
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loveaddiicted · 7 years
@falsepsychiic @powcriisms
Hannah Jane Mckenzie was born on December 25th,1990 to Daniel and Caroline "Carly" Mckenzie. She was the couples second child joining their 2 year old daughter Maggie. Early on in Hannah's life things were great. But when she turned 4 and Maggie was 6 things started to get rough at their house. Daniel lost his job and began to drink heavily, eventually the booze wasnt enough and he started to abuse prescription pills.
Due to the drinking and the drugs he became violent and began to beat Carly frequently. She shielded the children best she could from it. But he would go after them as well after he'd taken care of her. Friends of the family wanted Carly to leave him and take the kids but she kept telling herself everytime that it wouldnt happen again. Hannah was becoming more and more isolated due to the events at home and soon her teachers started noticing her behavior. Also the bruises that seemed to keep reappearing in the same places over and over.
The beating and the fright continued for the next 10 years until one fateful night things all changed. Maggie who was 16 had come home to find her father beating her mother and had enough. She wasnt an overly strong girl but she had a lot of pent up rage causing her to plow right into him both falling to the floor. Carly had purchased a gun a year earlier in case of a break in due to the poor neighborhood in Miami that they lived in. Somehow Daniel had gotten a hold of it and when Maggie and Daniel fell to the floor the gun fell with them landing nearby. Thankfully the gun hadnt fired. But when she saw him going for it Maggie wrestled with her father for the gun. They struggled for 5 minutes before he got a hold on it. He was forcing it downward as if he might shoot her and she was trying to get it away from her. Somehow--accidentally or otherwise the gun was fired.
Carly had been knocked out a few moments earlier when she had attempted to knock him off of Maggie. But came to when the shot went off, She screamed bloody murder when she had looked up and spotted her daughter with a gunshot wound to the chest. She went to help her--to grab the phone but Daniel wasnt having any of that. Instead he grabbed her by the throat and held her against the wall. Meanwhile, 14 year old Hannah had heard a loud noise from the basment where she had been hiding away reading "The Wizard of Oz". She had loved the book since she was a small child because in Oz everyone seemed to have a happy ending even if real life didnt mirror that.
Hannah made her way upstairs and opened the door half-way peering out and seeing her father in one of his rages attacking her mother. She looked around and spotted her sister on the floor. She wasnt moving and was pale as a ghost. She managed to get over there and felt for a pulse having learned from her mother who used to be a paramedic. She didnt feel one and she wasnt breathing--Maggie was dead. Enraged by her sister's brutal shooting in her own living room Hannah had reached her breaking point. She started beating, kicking, smacking her father trying to get him to let her mother go. He wasnt letting up though.
Hannah was determined not to lose her mother too--having already lost the only other person she trusted to the maniac who had helped create them both. She started screaming and went to the door opening it crying out murder as loudly as she could. Daniel snapped hearing her ranting to the entire neighborhood that he'd murdered someone and he let Carly go. She was trying to catch her breath when Daniel made his way to Hannah. Hannah turned around and saw nothing but hate in his eyes. "You son of a bitch" She said as she kicked him in the stomach making him lose his balance. She hadnt been one to use profanity--ever but right now she didnt care. She didnt feel like herself. She made her way to her mother to try to help her up.
But moments later she was face down on the ground being pulled back towards him. No. He wasnt going to win this time. Hannah tried to stop being pulled by grabbing onto a chair but it didnt do any good thanks to his drunkeness and high that seemed to have not worn off. She managed to shake her foot from his grasp long enough to kick him in the face sending him backwards. She crawled for the gun that was next to Maggie's dead body. Hannah then grabbed it right as he was coming towards her. She didnt want to shoot anyone. She just wanted to live;She was too young to die. He tried to wrestle the gun out of her hands but she wasnt about to let it go. Hannah and Daniel struggled for a few moments longer before a shot rang out much like the one that had been fired not long ago killing Maggie. But this time it was Daniel who was shot and he had landed on top of her presumably dead. "Mom! Mom!" she cried out. "Help--Help" She pleaded near hysteria. Carly managed to get over there even though she was battered and broken--and had just lost a child. She pushed the dead father of her children off of her daughter and Hannah dropped the gun on the floor and latched onto her sobbing uncontrollably.
The police arrived thirty minutes later and started to process the scene. After it was determined that Hannah had no choice with the gun and that it was actually in self-defense the case was closed. Maggie was cremated and they spread her ashes out over the ocean because Maggie had always loved the ocean and its many animals. She had always said she someday wanted to work at Sea World with the dolphins and whales. After the funeral Hannah and Carly left Florida behind them feeling too many bad memories would be there to even think of having a life. They moved to Vegas and Carly ended up getting a job as a showgirl leaving her paramedic past behind her finding that it was easier to make a living off her looks than her brains. Hannah was still closed off and became so utterly depressed by her failure to save everyone in her family--meaning Maggie that she picked up a habit for cocaine.
Hannahs habit soon became expensive and she picked up a job during the day to pay for it. Carly was so preoccupied with her job and with the exhaustion that came with it she had no idea what was going on. Hannah's grades began to slip and she slowly but surely became addicted. She couldnt even think clearly anymore. But someone from her school noticed a 15 year old with a habit and called Carly to alert her sending Carly into a panic. She wasnt about to lose her only remaining daughter to drugs. At first Carly tried reasoning with Hannah that it wasnt her fault. She tried to explain things happen for a reason and that her older sister wouldnt want her living like this.
But Hannah wouldnt hear of it and locked herself in her room. She did some cocaine but it turned out to be too much and she ended up overdosing. Carly broke down the door when she didnt hear anything and took her straight to the ER. No more playing games, Carly checked her into rehab. She was going to kick her habit if it took every penny Carly had to her name not that that was a terrible lot. It took Hannah an entire year but by her 16th birthday she had gotten clean. She was still depressed though and Carly didnt know how to deal with it. While Hannah had been gone Carly had started seeing someone and it'd gotten serious. In fact she'd married the guy.
Hannah was now reeling because she returned home to find that she had a new stepfather, a step-sister, and no longer any reminder of her life before. It felt as if her sister had been completely wiped from their lives--the pictures, the home movies all seemed to be gone somewhere. Hannah realized Carly couldnt remember Maggie or she would never be happy. But Hannah did remember and at first she started acting out against her new step-sister and her newfound little family.
She did however bring up her grades. Hannah decided that the best way to honor Maggie would be to make something of herself. So she kept on the straight and narrow--getting Straight A's once again, joining the cheerleading squad. She even started dating a guy which she thought was going well until he turned out to be just as violent as her father had. She ended the relationship with him. But he didnt seem to catch that hint. He began sending disturbing packages, black roses, and other things including notes. He'd park his car in her driveway and honk his horn repeatedly for hours straight till they called the police.Soon it stopped--He just stopped. Hannah had a normal life for a month or two. One night when her step-sister was at her mom's and her mother had gone out with her stepfather for the night..something happened. Hannah had ordered pizza and rented some movies. She was intending on staying in and just vegging out--maybe study for her chem final. She heard a knock at the door and froze in place seeing it was her ex-- her stalker. She tried to close the door on him but he wouldnt let her. He punched her in the face knocking her off balance and sending her backwards.
He chloroformed her and tied her up in the basement taunting her with a sharp knife. Hannah knew whatever had been holding him together had snapped once and for all. She didnt want to die--not then and not that way. She played along with his little games and when she accidentally said the wrong thing he gagged her and the knife fell and made a small cut on her arm. No one knew she was home alone--and no one knew she was in trouble. A Girl from next door came and knocked on the door needing to borrow some milk for her moms coffee because she was too lazy to run out herself. When no one answered she thought it odd knowing theyd never been the type to all go out at once. She peered in through the window and saw blood on the floor.
She ran home and called 911. But didnt wait for the police to arrive before she picked the lock on the door and went inside. "Hannah? Hannah?" She called out. She made her way to the basement and found the guy pratically beating her to a bloody pulp. She managed to knock him over the head with something and he fell to the ground. She untied Hannah and got her upstairs locking the basement door and waiting for the Police. it was from then on that Hannah realized she was going to live her life to fullest because she didnt know when her day would be up. Hannah's life calmed down for a long time before it turned ugly again. She had a great family, and friends, and she'd developed a crush on someone unbeknowst to them. But someone from her father's shady past wanted revenge because of something that happened years ago. He kidnapped Hannah on her way home from school and took her to an abandoned warehouse.
He proceeded to tell her how this was all her father's fault and how she was going to die for his mistakes. Hannah tried to explain that he was dead and that all that killing her would do is cause more problems but he didnt seem to want to hear it. When Hannah didnt come home from school her step-sister got worried. She in turn told her mother and from there it was figured out she was missing. It was hours before the crazy maniac decided whether to do anything one way or the other. Hannah was scared out of her mind. She did not want to die. She hated that it was always her fighting for her life. It seemed unfair.
Eventually Hannah attempted to jump him but he knocked her back down. Everytime she tried something he became more and more agitated until finally he snapped. He shot her in the leg. It seemed like it took forever for the police to find her and when they did she had bled half to death. Hannah was taken to the ER and they stopped the bleeding. But she had to be on crutches for the remainder of her junior year and half of the summer.
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tellytantra · 5 years
The Fight ~Part 1 Was it so serious a fight? He didn't know. Until he realized it was, when she went packing to her dad's house in pretext of caring for an ill father. They had these ideological clashes since the start. Not that they were unaware but may be he should have restrained from speaking such an indifferent and hurtful words. It wasn't disrespectful but sure it was mean to say her than he liked it when she just didn't talk about her ideologies or their life would be so much better had it been just about them discussing their mundane stuff or just being friendly playing and goofing around like they are now. She is really clever. She made it genuinely seem that she was really worried for her ill father recovering from a minor surgery. While she was, he knew that wasn't the only reason. He knew it. He was prude to apologize as if he was right about his ideologies. While he still thought he was, her last words before leaving the house sure pricked him inside "Ek doosre ki nazariya ko izzat Dena bhi mohabbat hi hota hai Kabir. Mujhe laga tum thoda kache ho. Par pata nahi tha main galti Kar rahi thi"  She was utterly disappointed that she was loved by him only if she was that Zara without her ideologies and principles. That doesn't comprise love for her? Does it? That meant he has never loved her for the Zara she has always been. May be he loved that begum Zara who showered love and trust in him without questioning or suggesting anything he did. Those things she had suggested had been out of her own will, never once he asked her opinion himself. She was too much blinded by the love for this man to realize this. In the recent turn of events there has been visible change in how he changed with her compared to rigid initial days. He had started to open up, be more comfortable, smile and laugh a little, may be try small pranks with her in the closet of their room. She felt he was falling in love. What she missed is that he still is that right person who would prefer to love a woman as a whole, only if she wouldn't clash with his ideologies. The moment he gets uncomfortable or defensive he stopped seeing things they had achieved as a whole and expressed his displeasure that he wasn't ready to accept this. This was not healthy, she thought. Perhaps they need some time off each other to introspect what they really want in this relationship to make it work. She can't keep clashing with him and choose to hurt her self respect at the cost of the love. She thought she figured out this man. But he seems to be never ending mystery. Perhaps she needs time alone to figure this thing out. She had successfully fought the urge to call him or message him for 50 th time of the day. He doesn't care, she thought with the pain. There had been no message or call from him ever since she left in the morning. Fighting tears of self pity, she moved to living room leaving the phone behind in the bedroom, to meet Reema. After a light dinner, he settled in his room for the day. Complete silence. No tinkling anklets, no fragrance of lillies, no endless meaningless banters, no freaky games of love. Absolute silence. As he sat staring at the drapes above the bed, his phone blinked. Excited that it may be her, he grabbed it up. No luck. It wasn't her. 2 version of texting complexities ran in his mind; Maybe I should text her if she is doing fine? Or she couldn't even text me if she reached there and her father is doing fine?Ok they may be at loggerheads but he needs to enquire about her father. That's the basic courtesy of a son-in-law. He convinced himself. The call was as disappointing as her abrupt departure after their fight. It is really silly of her to go to her parents house after there is a fight. He thought with a slight annoyance. Like the logical reasons be the last thought in his mind, his mind was torn between the prejudice as well thoughts of missing her equally. Her last ideology clash sure strained his sensitive nerve a little which caused him to spurt more than necessary bitterness at her. But she brought that upon them. She spoke as if her intrepretation of holy Quran was the best. As if woman are being deprived of any opportunity as mentioned in holy Quran. She didn't think his old fashioned debate made sense. There is a reason women weren't allowed to pray in masjid. But no, she would bring facts of quran with every annecdote and argue with him till he had flared at her. What is she made of? She can rile him up like no one, but she can also calm him down like no one. Just days back rukshar conspiracy finally settled. And things were back to being bloomy and beautiful between them. No she had to get this heated argument at this time.Lost in thoughts with a half drafted text message, Kabir sat still. After about an hour long inner monologues, he dialed up her number. There was a sober tone. He enquired everyone's well being, her father's recovery. There was a nudging question in the mind to ask when she is planning to return. But that would make him seem too desperate, his pride argued in his mind. From the likes of her conversational tone, she was pissed off. Like really really pissed off.The call ended in abrupt 2 mins. Writer: Karmic World The Fight ~ Part 2 One, two .. days passed .. still not even a message from her! As long as his ideologies are being worshipped, she being not there or there wouldn't matter an inch to him, thought Zara! Though he had acknowledged that he is in love, she'd always remain a second priority compared to his principles and ideas, pained thoughts crossed her mind Her mohabbat would just take a back seat if it were for her ideologies, he had an agonizing thought. Thoughts of their private nikaah flashed vividly, in his mind. Her face was sparkling and eyes twinkling as if they'd compete with the stars. As they sat enchanted, lost in each others eyes, in a surreal magnetic charisma, she uttered those magical words with heart brimming in love "Qubool hai" He was staring at the empty skies. Why does he have to be in a position to choose between two most important things in his life. His usool is as important to him as her. But when did she silently crept up to the most discreet place, he didn't know. Before he was aware, she was the integral part of his life as much as his Ibaadat and Usool. He hated situations in which he'd to choose one over another. As much as he ignored, avoided or side stepped such situations, his wife being the inquisitive one somehow props up such situations. Her opinions are perhaps right, from a woman's POV. But he refused to believe that his old-school principles and beliefs are irrelevant, either. May be it's tough to follow in these modern times, but one must have conviction to do that. Perhaps she could demonstrate a little understanding on the part that she is gonna coexist with his usool and nazariya and not try to prove him wrong or feel the need to change him, always. But is he ready to lose.her for the principles which formed the very foundation of his entire life, he wasnt sure. Kabir Ahmed would have been so.sure of it months back. But now, he has involuntarily got used with her presence and the love, that's something he can't negotiate even when he was forced to divorce her at gun point.  He turned towards her side of bed and traced her side with his hands.  " Tumhe aise nahi karna chahiye tha. Tumhaari jalbaazi aur zid ko iss baar main jeethne nahi doonga. Chahe uskeliye kitna kuch sehna pade" he swore in his mind. But no matter what, he couldn't prevent an innate feeling of emptiness.  He had been looking forward to celebrating this eid with her, alot. So was she. But never did they expect things would take an awry turn.  She was lying down with a heavy heart and a disturbed mind. Has she done the right thing? Her conscience stayed clear she did. But why would Kabir treat her this way for that? Can't he understand that she fought for the right things, always? So all that mohabbat was subject to terms and conditions unlike hers. While they fought for the opposite parties, she never let that cloud her relationship Dynamics. She never got angry on him as a wife. But for him, it's one and the same. He can't see her as a board member and a wife separately. She never wronged him as a wife. But still he had to hurl those hurtful words. Tears escaped her eyes thinking about how she had been foolish to even think about unrequited love. Theirs had been a political marriage and will always remain one, she thought with a bitter mind!! Unable to sleep after tossing and turning for almost 4 hours, he pulled her pillow closer. It had the distinct smell of the "iktar". Oddly comforting enough, he held the pillow closer to him and snuggled into sleep.  Still 2 more days passed, except for his brief meeting with her at the shariah board, he never got to hear anything from her. Even in the board, she refrained from talking to him. At the end of the meeting, their refreshments sponsored from one of the member had arrived. He had silently passed it to her through one of them. It was her favourite food, he knew. When she relished it with slightly excited face, he had a slight smile on his face.  Dark clouds had already formed when they were about to leave. He walked up to the car with stolen glances at her. She was very careful in avoiding him. Realizing that she is ignoring him, his heart twitched a little. It had started to rain. She was standing under the canopy waiting to catch an auto while he watched all this drama clutching the steering wheel, restlessly. His ego wouldn't let him go and offer to help, but the frantic romantic heart wouldn't stop falling in awe of the droplets of rain in her face. His hands wanted to trace the droplets in their own pattern and may be pull her closer by waist and may be stare at her lusicous lips and may be smell her hair and may be.. Kabir squeezed his eyes. He is crazy!!!  She was well aware he had been waiting in his car. Somehow her heart jumped thinking it was because of her, but lingering hurt applied much necessary caution. She wanted to get a Rick and move out of this place before getting vulnerable at her weakening self.  Getting more frantic with every passing minute, he finally stopped his car beside her offering to drop her at her home. She had no other choice since the rains we're getting stronger and her abbu had called her thrice already. Throughout the ride, there was a controlled heavy silence. As he dropped her home, she thanked him and asked him to come in as a courtesy. When he refused with a bleak response, she never bothered to insist but simply walked away.  He let out a deep sigh, as he watched her walk away as if he mattered no more. This started to hurt more than he thought. The pain of being ignored after being showered unrequited love was too much for him to bear. He thought he was fighting her in this case, it now seemed he is fighting his own self more!!! Zara wondered at the late night message from him!! How come he is awake and more so concerned enough to send her a message? A skeptical thought crossed her mind. It was a picture. The picture of him feeding her favourite pigeon that regularly visited their patio space.  "Tumhe doondh Raha tha" A glittering smile adorned her face!! *** Fight ~ Conclusion She shouldn't ve done it! His heart rattled restlessly!   Whatever be, she shouldn't have testified against him! She could've avoided just like his ammi did. If she thought this relationship was any better than her individual achievement, she could've found alternatives. But she didn't. Shariah board isn't going to compel anyone to testify. She came out of her own accord. She could be Qazi's daughter but she is his wife, before all that. The fact that Zara considered her duties and priorities vested to society in fighting deep rooted principles of the society more than him or her marriage only proved one single thing. He never mattered to her. If there was a choice between him and her nazariya, she chose the principles, he thought with a bitterness. What he missed was that if he was in her place, he might have done the same thing, for him his usool and mazab are the prime reasons which he weaved his life around with.  This relationship has no future, he thought with contempt. There has been a constant clash of nazariya's right from the beginning of their marriage. In fact they were well aware theirs was a political one for various reasons. But the in between period has been so good and transformative, that they had forgotten the primary reason why this marriage was arranged in the first place and they were trailing in the valley of love and adulation for each other binded by their feelings for one another. But now, the fog has lifted, the reality came biting in it's harsh form. Kabir realized the truth that this marriage is going to remain like this no matter how much they are going to stay in a make believe state that they are also a couple in love. Their marriage was a forced one, the one between a diabolical opposites and also between the ones who are very strong headed when it came to their principles, rules and interpretations of Islam.  Islam! It's their biggest similarity yet the biggest difference! The interpretations of "The holy Quran" and "Allah's" rasool are going to be the  foundation yet the biggest point of conflict between them. Being individuals brought up in these deep rooted ideologies and religious perspectives, none of them were willing to compromise on that. Even at the  cost of their own marriage Should they consider separation? He thought! But he isn't any spineless coward to use the "Triple talaq" as his ultimate weapon against Zara. That he considered as against Allah and his rasool. A talaq isn't easy. It isn't easy for the individuals as much as the family which united them in the first place for their own political reasons. The implications of the talaq in his family would be bad since no one had ever taken the talaaq route in his family no matter how big the difference of opinions are. Their family has a rich heritage and he was sure Zara's family had such reputations too. Her father being the Qazi of  Lucknow sure had earned a very good reputation. It isn't a proud one to consider in his family too. Moreover it took two to marry, so divorce is also an amicable decision between 2 individuals. He can't decide for both of them. On top of all  that, he himself wasn't sure if could deal with a permanent seperation from her. The proceedings of the day sure left a bad taste in his mouth as far their relationship dynamics are considered.  But that doesn't mean he isn't human. His heart can't erase the lovable memories etched in time and move on. The emotional implications of a permanent seperation is too much to handle at this point. Perhaps he should just rest it and deal with this in a different way. *** Kabir stormed into Zara's house. Everyone of their household were present in  the living room and he hesitated for the moment. He couldn't help but feel frustrated yet a little happy the way her face bloomed on seeing him in her house. Her face is like any mirror. Clearly anticipation running high, she looked at him with all the hope and love that she could probably nurture in her heart. For instance Kabir thought if she was the same person who testified hours before against him. How can a person stay cold and warm towards the one they love? Isn't love supposed to be impulsive one that messed with the feelings and rationale. If that isn't what kind of love is that? Is that a love of compulsion or a convenience? Not wanting to think on either of that lines, he sought privacy to clear things with her. While in her room, Zara hugged him immediately, asking him for forgiveness for testifying against him. He distanced her a little. Her eyes glistening in moisture, reflected the disappointment and hope together. Unable to handle the sheer volume of intensity of having to lend more disappointment, he turned away but started in a clear tone "Zara jo kuch bhi hua, wo hum sudhar nahi sakthe. Par mujhe bahut dukh hai ki, iss masle ki wajah se tune humhaari rishthe ko nazar andaaz ki. Jo wada tune shariah board mein ki, humhaari rishthe ke liye, wo wada nahi nibhah paayi. Humhaari rishthe hi aise hai. Humhaari aur tumhaari nazariya kabhi mil nahi sakthi par abhi tak uski bhoj itna bhari nahi thi. Aaj sabki saamne humhaara rishtha ek tamaasha ban gaya, sirf aur sirf humhaari nazariya ki tashan ki wajah se. Kabhi kabhi main sochtha hoon, ki kya humhe iske aage saath mein rehna chahiye? Par talaq humhaari dono families ki upar bahut bhari pad sakthi hai. Toh, jo nikaah humhe humhaari khandaan ke liye kiye hai, wo aise hi rehne dete. Bas humse aur kuch umeed nahi tumse. Humhaari marriage ek contract hai. Contracts mein jasbaat nahi hote. Toh maine faisla liya hai ki, tum humhaari saath aao aur jaise humhe contract sign kiya poore duniya ki saamne, wo nikaah ki contract, uski hisaab se tum humhaari ghar mein bahu banke jeeyo aur jo tumhe sahi lage, pasand lage, karo. Bas ghar aur gharwalon ki izzat aur jazbaat ko dyaan rakho. Par iske aage iss nikaah ki aur wajah nahi hai aur hum tumse kuch aur expectations nahi rakhenge. Hum partners hai. Toh batao, kya meri decision tumhe Qubool hai?" Silent long tears slid down her cheeks and fell on the floor. Back in her mind she knew the implications of testifying against him. He was emotional and impulsive, she knew him pretty well. She being the one who feared the implications of issue on their relationship while demanding a promise from him, it was pretty unfortunate that fate took such a bad turn and she was stuck in a position to break it herself. Somewhere in her mind, she knew that she broke that delicate pieces of the relationship over the nest of love but situations were equally trying. Perhaps he was right with this decision. She couldn't keep the promise of their relationship, neither she could prove to be a good wife with this issue which had spiralled beyond her control. But she is fighting for a greater good and somewhere in her heart she knew that "Allah" is by her side. By the almighty's powers, Zara prayed she be granted one more opportunity to build that broken trust and relationship in both of their hearts.+ "Qubool Hai" Her voice echoed low from the broken tresses of her heart!
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