#there are twins with dumb bows and familial issues
harvestmoth · 2 years
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something something familiar
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amethystroselilith · 3 years
Please Help Aether (Chilumi Crack One Shot)
This dumb af fic is dedicated to @jojosbizarredepression and is inspired by our convo and their adorable hcs!
I know I said fluffy crack, but the fluff disappeared... Might make my usual fluff one shots with Lumi coddling Childe though not gonna lie cause it sounds cute af
SUMMARY: A crack one-shot featuring dumb Chilumi and a suffering Aether who just wanna watch sunsets and drink wine
Can also be read in ao3: here
Aether knows that time...
The time that scares every big brother…
The time where their sweet little sister falls in love with a questionable man.
Aether already had that small feeling when he and his sister woke up in this world that they now call home.
The feeling intensified when they met the Cavalry Captain, Kaeya. The man hadn’t even been shy for flirting with his sister in front of him, immediately kissing her hand after the twins landed from luring Dvalin away from the city.
Aether immediately dislikes him, fearing that this flamboyant captain will break his sister’s heart.
So like every respectable big brother in Aether’s book, he keeps ratting him out on Jean and Amber, to keep him away from his sister.
Then there comes Master Diluc, who fits the category of being one of the most wanted bachelors; handsome, rich, and mysterious. At least that’s what Aether thinks based on their travels to different worlds.
Aether does not like Diluc at first, he seems to be a bit too cold and distant, he doesn't want his beloved sister to feel unloved. Though as time went on, Aether sees that he’s worthy of his sister.
The way he protects her, coming by her side as enemies run up to her, tending to her wounds when she gets hit or falls, and not to mention he’s rich.
When they get married, he’s going to live in luxury too, right? He’s family after all.
Aether was ready to give his approval if the redhead would ask him for his sister’s hand.
It was all going so smoothly and Aether can already imagine life; on their day offs, he will be sitting in front of the winery, watching the sunset as he drinks Dandelion Wine and enjoying the breeze.
So how come he’s inside a cell right now, arguing with his sister while said sister is protecting a certain ginger-haired fucker that had them ended there.
“Lumi, I swear to god, he’s so dead,” Aether said as he tries to climb over the geo constructs Lumine had set to separate him from her dear lover.
Said dear lover just stuck his tongue out at him when Lumine knocked him off with her anemo powers.
“Leave him alone, Aeth! Childe’s a victim here!” Lumine protested, keeping a close eye on her brother.
“Victim?! He almost murdered someone! That’s why we’re here, inside a fucking cell!” Aether argued with a groan.
Going to Liyue was a mistake…
He just wanted a little bit of an adventure with his sister before her hypothetical marriage with Diluc, and now his sister is dating a psychopath.
“Almost.” Childe rolled his eyes, “He tried to rob me, I had to defend myself!”
“Of course, baby, we know this. Their justice system is fucked up.” Lumine cooed, stroking his cheeks softly, making him purr and lean on her touch.
Aether gave them a look of disbelief, “You summoned a fucking whale in the middle of the city!”
“Yeah, but no one died,” Childe argued.
“You destroyed a huge part of the city...”
“And no one died.”
“We’re in jail because of you.”
“Ningguang is a bit harsh don’t you think?” Lumine huffed, “He was being robbed, how could she allow that kind of scam stall here?”
Aether sighed, “Lumi, we both travelled a shit ton of worlds before, carnival-like games are scammy as fuck and yet you still fell for Shitou’s words.”
“He outsmarted us,” Childe argued.
“...Yeah, I guess it wasn’t hard to do…” he murmured to himself but the couple didn’t miss it.
“Are you saying my baby is stupid?” Lumine gasped as she pulled Childe close to her chest as if to comfort him.
“Well, I’m not saying he’s smart.” Aether deadpanned.
“I’ll have you know, my baby is a master of different kinds of weapons.” Lumine huffed, “Isn’t that right, love?”
“Yeah, I’m almost close to mastering the bow,” Childe said proudly as he nuzzles to the blonde’s chest.
“By using your hydro blades?” Aether rolled his eyes.
“I use the bow too when they’re not available!” Childe huffed.
“And using your hand to throw the last arrow,” Aether added.
“What can I say? I love to improvise.” Childe grinned proudly.
“I know, baby, I’m so proud of you.” Lumine praised as she hugged him closer.
Aether didn’t know stupidity was contagious, and now he has to deal with this all his life? Well, not really since he and Lumine were immortal and Childe isn’t.
He grabbed Lumine’s wrist, horrified to find out the mark that symbolises Lumine had shared her immortality with someone.
“Lumine, my dear beloved sister,” Aether’s eye twitched, “...who did you share your immortality with?”
Lumine beamed, “Why with my precious baby of course!” she said as she hugged Childe tighter, the ginger getting suffocated by her chest, he wouldn’t mind dying there, but he wouldn’t thanks to the mark he has on his wrist given by his lover.
Aether stepped back, “Lumi, you’re supposed to talk to me about this!”
“Oh, really? I don’t remember being consulted when you shared your immortality with your stupid pet fish!”
“How dare you!” Aether gasped, offended with her bad mouthing his precious fish when they were toddlers, “You have some audacity to call Bubbles stupid when you’re dating this idiot!”
“He’s not the idiot who wasted his immortality with a fish though!” Lumine hissed, “At least I can bring my baby with me to different worlds!”
“That’s so rich coming from you when you were about to share yours with your pet cat!” Aether called out.
Childe tensed pulling away from Lumine, “You said you never thought of sharing your immortality until you met me?”
“Baby, we haven’t met that time,” Lumine frowned.
“Doesn’t matter! You should’ve known you were going to meet me, I can’t believe you loved someone before me!” he sulked in his corner, rejecting Lumine’s inviting arms.
Aether raised his eyebrow, this is the first time Childe refused her, usually, his face would dive right in between her cleavage like the perverted bastard he is.
“But Childe I think that was you!” Lumine suddenly announced.
It immediately caught Childe’s attention, while Aether had never been so confused.
“Me?” Childe tilted his head in confusion.
“Oh my god, I just realised it, the cat has orange fur, blue eyes, and he would also tilt his head in confusion!” Lumine gasped, eyes wide in realisation, “And guess what I used to call that cat?”
“Oh my god.”
Aether loved his twin, he really does, but he wished he could turn back time, figure out what mistake he had done to deserve his sister falling for an idiot.
He bit back his tongue to avoid calling out Lumine’s bluff, the cat’s fur was black and white with greenish-yellow eyes, and his name was Mittens.
“We really are soulmates.” Childe sighed happily as he went back into Lumine’s arms, “I can’t believe I was a cat in my previous life.”
Aether sighed, he’s too tired to deal with them so he let them be and walked to the bars, hoping to see any guards that could take him to a different cell.
A door opened followed by footsteps.
“Zhongli!” Aether smiled in relief, “Oh my god, please tell me you can help us.” he begged.
Zhongli smiled revealing a key, “Don’t worry, you are no longer prisoners.”
The three gasped excitedly as Zhongli opened the cell.
“How’d you convince Ningguang? She was so pissed.” Aether asked curiously.
After taking a sip of her afternoon tea, Ningguang feels a little sleepy. It didn’t take long until she fell asleep on her desk.
“Ningguang, Tianquan of Liyue Qixing.”
“Who’s there?” She tried to shield the blinding light, trying to see the mysterious figure.
“It’s me, the Geo Archon.”
Ningguang gasped, “My Lord, you have appeared in my dreams again.”
“I would like-”
“Yes, I accept,” Ningguang said excitedly.
“I accept to be the next Geo Archon.” she repeated, “That’s why you’re here, right?”
“Uh… no…”
“Oh… I was ready to produce my own money, that kinda sucks, but okay I guess...”
“Anyway, I heard you sent the travellers and the Fatui to jail...”
“Yes, they destroyed half of the city, My Lord.”
“Yeah, well about that, you should let them free.”
“...They destroyed half of the city…”
“Yeah, but like no one died.”
“...The reconstruction is going to be expensive, plus helping those merchants who lost their stalls…”
“Bad things will happen if they stay in that cell…”
“What will happen?”
“Just really bad things, believe me, you don’t want to deal with that. Trust me, I’m Morax.”
“I… Well, yeah seems legit, I’ll set them free by your words, My Lord.”
“Ah, also there’s this fine gentleman from Wangsheng Funeral Parlor that’s having some rumours surrounding him about his debt. That is totally not true and everyone who says so is a liar.”
“I shall dispel the issue.”
“Also give him the key to free the prisoners.”
“As you wish.”
“Okay, cool, cool. Thanks, bye now.”
“Damn, Zhongli, will you be my best man at my future wedding?” Childe said in awe after Zhongli tells his story.
“Remove seafood in the menu.”
“Eh, we can talk about it.”
“Will you also do the honours of being an uncle to our future children?” Lumine asked.
“I can babysit for a high pay rate.”
“Fair enough, we’re planning 20 or more children.”
Aether fainted, the thought of dealing with that amount of mini Childes far too overwhelming and scary.
Please send him help...
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razorblade180 · 3 years
Twin Snowflakes part 25: Date Night pt2
Atlas, city of dreams. It was a name post people overlooked and even more scoffed at. Still, it was a little hard not to believe the title from the way it looked; especially with the hundreds of lights illuminating the snow covered city. Veronica was no stranger to Atlas at night but she still couldn’t help but marvel at the sights passing by her window. They were almost as charming as the boy sitting next to her in the backseat, almost. Her mind still couldn’t believe this was happening. Veronica was going on a dinner date with Nick. How did that happen!? Well...she knew how it happened but it was still crazy! The situation wasn’t ideal but Veronica wasn’t exactly upset about it. Not in the way she had shown earlier. Veronica simply wished this event happened as a result of her efforts more than Valerie’s mistakes. Then again, all’s fair in love and war. If Valerie was going to be childish enough to hurt Nick, then that was all the more reason for Veronica not to pull her punches in winning him over. Not that she ever did, for the most part.
She looked over at Nick to see him sinking into his seat, eyes closed and body relaxed. “He must be more exhausted than he let on. She thought, listening to his breathing. He must’ve sensed Veronica’s gaze on him because his eyes opened seconds later. He caught the girl off guard by turning to her and smiling gently.
“Something on my face?” He asked.
His voice was a little deeper than before because of his short rest. The change made Veronica a little timid. “Uhh no. Hehe, your face is fine!” She uttered terribly. A snicker from Winter upfront made Veronica turn a little red. Her ears fell down as she realized how dumb that sounded. “I mean there’s nothing on it. That’s what I…yeah.” She really wanted to stop talking.
Nick sat up straight and rubbed his eyes. “Sorry I drifted a bit. I took a nap when I got home but I guess I was a little more spent than I realized.”
“No worries. A smooth ride puts me to sleep all the time. If you don’t mind me asking, where did you go? Back at the manor your mom said you went to go talk to someone?”
“Oh, that…” he looked in the rear view mirror to look at Winter, who looked back at with a smile.
“The lady asked you a question. Don’t mind me. It honestly isn’t as big of a deal as you think Nicholas. No need to tiptoe around it with your mother, uncle, and I. We’re adults after all.”
“I know. I just...I don’t know, feel a little guilty if I wasn’t careful about it.”
“You are just fine.” Winter reassured him. “To answer your question Veronica, Nicholas likes to visit his grandparents' graves to pay respects and ponder.”
Her ears perked up. This was news to her. Well, not entirely. She had known Nick liked to pray. He’s done it for as long as she could remember. Anytime things were rough or really important, Nicholas could be found giving a small payer. It was only later did she put together that the habit must’ve been formed during his sister’s time in the hospital. Though not religious in the slightest, Veronica could understand praying in a situation like that, but for his grandparents…?
“That’s a little strange, considering you never met either and one of them wasn’t exactly…” She wanted to pick her words carefully but it was hard not to call Jacques a piece of shit. “Let’s just call your grandfather a not so good influence.”
“Heh, that’s certainly putting it lightly.” Nick chuckled, “I guess I do it because...I’m a hit afraid. For me, I can’t imagine anything worse than passing away and the people left behind, the world, it just forgets about you; as if you had no impact on life. I wouldn’t wish that fate on even my enemies. Also, my grandfather’s wrongdoings in a weird way made my mom the person she’d be to have me and Summer.” He smiled at his own weird logic. “Gotta at least be thankful for that, right?”
His reasonings were flawed in some manner but completely understandable to Veronica. “Same rules apply to your grandmother?”
“More or less. I know it’s a little odd.”
“Yeah but it’s also very much a thing you’d do. Always trying to bring someone peace, it’s like your day job at this point.”
Nick shrugged. “Can’t argue with that.”
Winter began pulling over to the curbside, finally reaching their destination. A well known set down restaurant called Blended, known for its many different cuisines that specialized in ingredients that involved purée styled cooking; hence the name. Winter watched Nick get out of the car to escort Veronica, only for the girl to playfully roll her eyes as she got out of the car by herself.
“Well at least she’s consistent with her spunky attitude.” Winter thought, actually approving of the act. “You two be safe. Nick, don’t give your mother a heart attack.”
“How would I? This is just dinner, not a battlefield.”
“Knowing you, anything could happen.” She gave a little smirk before leaving them to ponder that diss.
Nick was both flattered and insulted. “Anyways…” he held his arm out which Veronica happily grabbed. The two went off to make their reservation. Tonight was going to be nice. Like Nick said, it’s just dinner. What could happen? The inside of the restaurant blew Veronica away. Elegant marble tile, pearl white cloths over the table, mood lighting,crystal chandeliers scattered about like if they were as cheap as lightbulbs, and the most divine scents imaginable. They had only entered the front door and yet her nose could pick out an array of ingredients in the kitchen. Veronica hadn’t seen the menu but she already knew there was gonna be a steak in front of her before this night was over.
“You know my opinion of Atlas might actually go up depending on this food?”
Nick chuckled at her comment and went towards the counter where a blonde woman in a waitress outfit stood at the ready. “Hello. Schnee, reservation for two. The usual spot please.”
“Why of course Mr. Sch-” the waitresses eyes quickly caught attention to Nicholas’s plus one. “Umm, Mr.Schnee? You know we actually may have a table on the private upper level if you like?” She said with a smile, maintaining eye contact with him.
“No thank you. Too close to the smoking area. I’ll take my normal table, the one by the window.” He said calmly. Nick took a moment to look at her name tag. He hadn’t seen this one before. “Sophia, that’s a nice name.”
Worry crept up on the corners of the waitress’s smile. “If smoke is the issue then may I recommend-”
“Sophia.” He said again. “Is there a reason in particular that I can’t have my window seat?”
“Well...it’s...just….” she fidgeted her hands, doing her best to not look at Veronica and cause a scene. “.....Right this way sir.” Sophia grabbed two menus and quickly went to lead them before Veronica put a hand on the menus. “M-Ma’am?” She stuttered.
Veronica wanted a good look at her but the waitress would barely meet her eyes. All Veronica could get was a side glance and a worked up heartbeat. “Nick, what do you usually drink?”
“Uhhh apple cider?”
Veronica took the menus out of Sophia’s hands. “Cool. Sophia, he’ll have that and I’d like water. Seeing how it’s a usual spot we’re going, Nick could just lead me himself. Thank you. Nick, if you would?” Veronica said, grabbing his arm.
“Okaaaay?” Nick didn’t question her orders. He grabbed the menus from her and walked through the restaurant. It was past the time most ate, but several clanging plates nearby told him there were a few late customers; about three people every five tables or so. Seeing them was easy even with dim lighting, but that also meant they saw him. A few looked up before continuing their meals while others stared for a couple seconds, forcing him to awkwardly wave as he went by.
“Sorry, usually it’s emptier by now. I come at this time to avoid drawing attention of people who always got a thing or too to say about the Schnees”
“Or the company they keep…” Veronica added. Their table was on the right side a little more than half way towards the back, right next to a window that showed the snowy streets and dazzling lights. A real winter wonderland sight. No wonder Nick liked this spot. She finally sat down. “By any chance do you know the owner of the restaurant?”
“Dyle, what about him?” He opened his menu and began reading.
“That waitress felt like she was on the verge of a panic attack. She really didn’t want us sitting here too. Care to guess why?” Veronica reached over and pressed the menu down with a finger, making sure that Nick saw her ears wiggle. “This is why I wanted a bow.”
“Point taken, but I remember saying screw anyway that has a problem with you. I’ve never known Dyle to have a problem with faunus by the way.”
“Was that because he showed that he didn’t or because you just weren’t paying attention?” Vee noticed the waitress walk over. Sophia once again avoided her gaze, in favor of Nick’s. She also made sure to place Veronica’s water on the table but handed the cider to Nick directly.
“Ready to order?” She asked.
Nick had noticed the treatment of the drinks and had been aware of the eye contact. He only wanted a little time to think about everything as a whole. He didn’t have Veronica’s hearing but he did notice the paleness of her skin. “Are you well?”
“You’re pale. Sick, or spooked by anything?”
“Oh, I’m fine…” The woman fidgeted. “Excuse me, I’ll be right back.” Sophia quickly left the table.
At the same time, Veronica took a sip of Nick’s cider. “Well at least this place has good drinks. Be sure to ask for a second. I’d ask myself but you know, playing things safe around our jumpy friend.”
“Yeah….” Nick flipped through another page. “So there’s either one of two things happening right now. One, our waitress is scared of you, or-”
“A certain somebody wouldn’t want her serving us. Me, is what I should actually say. Gee, I wonder who?”
Nick couldn’t deny this was odd. “Again, point taken. However, it would be weird how many times Dyle has served my family, who actively promotes faunus rights. We’ve held meetings with your mother here before and other faunus.”
Vee always loved Nick’s simple logic, but boy was it not doing him any favors tonight. “Lesson time, my dear knight. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt of you not thinking critically with how tired you are at the moment.” Vee propped her arm on the table and rested her head in her palm. “We aren’t our parents. We’re just their brats. Adults know better than to pick on the pups when they’re around their source of income. Also, how many of those meetings were in perfect view from the street?”
Nick paused for a moment, then looked at the view. “.....None.” He closed his eyes, mentally kicking himself. “They’re up top and away from prying eyes.
“Out of sight, out of mind. Out of the way of any potential customers who may think twice of entering. Translation, private seating is a sweet way of saying it’s embarrassing to have you front and center.”
“Veronica, I didn’t-”
“Mr. Schnee!” A jolly voice called.
The teens looked to the side to see a husky redheaded man in a chef’s uniform and a hat as big as his handlebar mustache.
“Dyle.” Nick said, noticing Sophia turning ghost white a few feet behind him.
“How is the young heir on this fine night!? Craving our pastries again I bet! Oh ho ho ho!” The man patted his stomach at his one witty remark. His olive colored eyes shifted to Veronica. “My, my, where are my manners!? I’m Head Chef Dyle! Clearly Nicholas forgot his manners too for not introducing his partner in crime this lovely night. Though I guess there’s little need whenever you have credibility among the higher class? That and those lilac eyes, I’ve served a few times in the form of one fiery huntress who loves my steak! I assume your-”
“Yes, I’m her kid. To what do we owe the pleasure of the head chef himself coming to greet us?” Veronica said, hiding her attitude with fake jolliness.
“One of my little worker bees had told me one of my favorite customers was here yet again. Imagine my surprise to see him without his typical plus one. I tell you, that Valerie sure can eat until I feel a hole in my wallet! Ho! Ho! Ha! I crack myself up. Have you met her.”
“Occasionally. Sports art my thing. More of a cooking contest watcher myself. When I realized I get to try your steak I nearly jumped for joy!”
“Why thank you! Nicholas my boy, you sure bring a surprise each and every time, but you should know better. A table in the back near this drafty window at this time of year, and at night! Up your game. I’d be more than happy to let you two enjoy the comfiest seat in the building. Nothing sets the tone like the second floor. I can get you a private table right this second!”
If that wasn’t a slap in the face, then Nick didn’t know what was. Has this really gone over his head? Nick wanted to believe this was a classic case of misunderstanding, yet that felt inn accurate the longer Veronica looked at him. There was no anger, only a reserved look that poorly hid the fact she was uncomfortable. Nick stopped feeling sorry for himself, choosing to do what his family did best; put on the face that commanded respect. The face of Atlas’s most powerful family.
“Dyle?” Nick spoke, dragging out the chef’s name like a sigh of boredom. Nick focused one the menu in his hands while giving the man an occasional glance with only his eyes. “Do you know why I come here? I’ll give you a hint.” He tapped on the window.
“Nope.” Nick said firmly, closing his menu. “It’s the view and the respect I believed this place had for its customers. All of its customers, but tonight is making me think I believed wrong. You’ve never been this insistent whenever Valerie and I ate here. I gotta say I’m a bit concerned. Between your behavior and our waitress, I can’t help but feel like this has everything to do with my lovely date and her perfect features.”
“Perfect.” Veronica thought, bashfully folding her ears.
“Dyle, am I correct to reevaluate my beliefs in this restaurant. No lying now. I want your honest answer.”
The jolly man wasn’t feeling so jolly anymore. Dyle’s smile turned into grimace teeth and panicked eyes. “N-No! it’s just...just!” He looked around and through the window for any watchful eyes. “It’s business. Your family should understand th-”
“My family is no longer in the business of just caring about good business. Fail to understand that and you won’t have to worry about yours.” Nick stood up and finally looked at the giant of a man as best he could. He could see it, the resentment and frustration building within the chef. By all means who wouldn’t be upset when against a member of the most dangerous family name, blatantly throwing power around like if it actually earned. Nick understood the look. If Whitley taught him anything, it was that look does nothing but keep the hate alive. Flex power, but wield it generously.
“Dyle, I will choose to believe you are in fact a good man.”
“W-What?” He said, caught off guard by the tone shift.
“If this is strictly business then we’ll treat it like so. Now there isn’t any scenario where I don’t get what I want, but I’m more than happy to get what we all want. The first thing is you apologizing to Veronica. After that you will tell all your staff to refrain from enforcing whatever faunus rules you have given them; followed by creating the best steaks you can ever create for this table. Your work won’t be done though. I do expect a dessert that will blow our mind. It is only after creating such a grand meal with your hands that you can rest easy knowing that it will have a fairly generous contribution to its stability. Indefinitely.”
“You’re...going to invest here?”
Nick sat back down. “That depends on you. A pretty decent offer I’d say. Equality and a good meal in an exchange for financial stability. Is that good with you Veronica?”
“Hmmmm, I say we should sweeten our pot. An easy fix with an official change in this place's mission statement as a public service. One that states on paper that this restaurant is for all. This isn’t a compromise.”
Nick smiled. “You heard the lady. Is it a deal?”
Dyle stood, confused by the offer. By all means it was not expected or heard of. “So this is how a Schnee conducts business now?”
“This is how I do business.”
“Hmph! Then I guess it’s fortunate you have deep enough pockets to back it up.” The man removed his chef’s hat and bowed. “Please excuse my blatant disrespect, Mrs. Belladonna.”
“Apology not accepted, but a deal is a deal and who am I to not capitalize on it for my people? Just keep your end of the bargain and I’m satisfied.”
“Ma’am.” Dyle rose from his bow, swiftly exiting to the kitchen. Veronica took a sigh of relief. Finally the man was gone. Any longer and she would’ve said something worth being glared at.
“Sorry about all of this.” Nick said with a guilty look. “Didn’t expect this level of confrontation tonight. Here I was thinking I was taking you to a stress free spot in Atlas.”
“I don’t see why you’re apologizing. After all, you are the one who told me not to hide my ears. Screw what others think, remember?” Veronica gave him a comforting smile before getting another sip of his cider. “The occasional loudmouth or prejudiced jerk is nothing new. Still… thanks for sticking up for me. It’s usually me being the mouthpiece for others or myself. It’s nice not taking the lead.”
Nick propped his head up on his right hand “Glad to be of service.”
“I can see that. How’d you know the waitress was being forced and not racist herself?”
“I’ve never met my grandfather, but his handy work I’m too familiar with.” Nick said, staring out the window.
Veronica could tell she had walked onto a sensitive subject. Between him trying to avoid talking about the grave in front of his family, it was easy to understand what he meant. She wouldn’t press the issue any further. Now wasn’t the time to get heavy. “You know if you keep looking out the window like that, I might just faint from your handsomeness.”
Nick’s face turned red. He whipped his head around to see his date smirking at him. “Oh why you gotta tease me like that!? It’s embarrassing.”
Veronica could only giggle as the flustered boy did his best to hide his face. “That’s more like it. Just keep smiling for me. That’s all I need.”
While a dinner date had begun in the city, a house breakout had started half an hour later. Schnee Manor had gone quiet. Dinner had ended long ago and all adults had retired to their room. Summer couldn’t ask for more. The young huntress in training double checked her supplies before making the great escape. Black wig? check. Favorite pair of ripped jeans with a nice leather jacket; check and check. She put her guitar case on her back and looked in the mirror.
“And mom said no good would come from mentioning Bleiss? Well...I am sneaking out, so I guess she had a point.” Summer left her room and began carefully walking through the halls with her boots in hand. Can’t be too careful. Even the finest houses can creak. Thanks to Nick being out, the alarm wasn’t on. Escaping would be cake walk. All she had to do was pick an exit that wouldn’t be seen or heard. Pesky cameras and windows made that a bit more of a challenge.
“Mom and dad and probably still catching up with Blake and Yang, so I should probably leave through the-”
“Beautiful night for an escape.”
Summer whipped her head around to see Blake looking at her, arms folded and smiling. Summer’s face went pale. “Es-Escape!? Me!? No...I was just….”
Blake raised her eyebrow. “Just…?”
“Esssscaping- yeah I was escaping.” Summer held her head down in defeat. She really needed to get better under pressure. “How did you know?”
“I heard the sound of glyphs earlier when you said you were eating. Multiple glyphs, launching something outside and around the house. You know it might’ve been less suspicious if you decided to grab whatever you needed, and haul it back to your room normally? No way Yang or I would know if it’s out of the ordinary.”
“Hindsight isn’t always 20/20. Plus I like plans. This one appears to be a bust though.”
“Not exactly. I won’t tell if you won’t.” Blake winked.
Summer’s eyes went wide. “Wait, what? You’re okay with me sneaking out.”
“It won’t earn me any warm feelings with Weiss but it’s clear to everyone in and out of this house that you need an outlet. I do have some conditions however.”
Summer squinted. Now she knew where Veronica got her deal making skills from. “I’m listening.”
“First, cut your parents some slack and go to school every day until after the tournament. I heard you’ll fail otherwise.”
“Ugh, why does everyone want me to- okay, fine. I was planning on it anyway. Next one?”
“Please try and be Veronica’s friend.”
“I’m sorry, did you ask me the impossible?” Summer said, making Blake frown. “What!? It’s the truth. Friendship is a two way street and both lanes are closed.
“Listen, I know my daughter hasn’t been the nicest to you, and I know what I’m asking is completely selfish. However, I’m asking anyway. Maybe if she had actual friends to open up to, then things wouldn’t be so bad for her.” Blake sighed.
“Are you trying to tell me Mrs. Fashion designer with perfect skin doesn’t have a line of people trying to rub elbows with her?”
“Hehe, you’d be surprised… Besides, I figured you would know first hand people like that aren’t exactly friend material, Mrs. Teen Idol.”
Summer bit her lip. “Fair point, got me there.” She folded her arms and began tapping her foot. Blake meant well, but it really felt like she was asking Summer to move a mountain. Especially after the forest incident. “Really twisting my arm here.”
“Could you at least make a strong attempt? You both will be spending more time together after all.”
“Hmmm, fine.”
Blake squinted, “Strong attempt, Summer.”
“I heard you.” Summer turned her head away like the snooty rich girl regular folk saw her as. “Is that all?”
“One more thing.” Blake walked up to the young girl and placed her hands on Summer’s shoulders. “Never forget you’re not alone.”
“.....Yes ma’am. Thanks, I mean it.”
Blake rubbed Summer’s head. She’s grown since the last time they met, yet still oh so small. Not to mention a bit frail. Summer may have looked like her mother but Blake could see how much more gentle she was in comparison. Not that Weiss wasn’t a softie in her own right, but she also had an uncompromising defiance. Blake didn’t see that in Summer. Her defiance by all means could be compromised. With any luck and help, it wouldn’t be. “Okay, I’ve held you hostage long enough. Have fun and be safe. I’ll feel guilty otherwise.”
“Don’t worry. I’ll be at my home away from home. If I don’t get lost in the music then I’ll definitely be back before midnight.”
“And if you do get lost in the music?”
“Make sure the bathroom window in the third hall downstairs is unlocked. Sneaking is easier at ground level. Bye now.”
Summer gave Blake a hug then rushed off out of sight. Blake couldn’t help but sigh. “Oh boy, maybe I’m the softie?”
“H-huh!?” The boy shook himself out of his daze. Veronica chewed another slice of steak while giving Nick a look of concern. Nick quickly tried to snap back to reality. “Something wrong with steak?”
“Oh something is definitely wrong, but not with the steak.” Veronica took a sip of her third cup of cider. “Maybe you can tell me what’s wrong? Nick you’ve been spacing out more and more ever since we got our entrees. Is a twin thing happening that I’m not aware of?”
“What? Oh, no, no it’s nothing like that. Sorry I’m just more out of it than I thought tonight.
Veronica nodded. “I see. Well… I guess that’s what happens when your crush hurts your feelings.” She watched Nick’s face turn from shock to guilt in no time at all. “You know it’s fine to talk about it right?”
“No it’s not. This is supposed to be a date and what kind of jerk complains about relationship stuff in front of somebody who has feelings for them? It’s not exactly dating etiquette.”
“Oh absolutely. Just thinking about another woman while there’s one in front of you is a real low blow. Frankly I am a bit bruised by it.”
“That’s why-” his words were silenced by the sweet taste of steak Veronica placed in his mouth.
“Let me finish while you chew on that, kay? Yeah my poor little pride is a bit bruised, but it’s not like I don’t already know where I stand when it comes to Valerie; much like how I know you’ve been doing well to try and set that aside. However, I’m here to tell you that’s flawed thinking. At least when you’re dealing with me. I’d much rather you talk about it with me than mentally check out whenever we’re together. So seeing how this dinner date is already far from conventional, let’s not beat around the bush a talk about the girl on your mind.”
Even though she was clearly being nice, Nick couldn’t help but feel like even more of a jerk! “It’s- it’s okay, really. We don’t have to make a big deal out of-”
“Ten minutes.”
Veronica pulled out her scroll and set a timer. “It was your bright idea to have a ten minute unfiltered grace period between us. I’m calling in your ten minutes sucker. Deny it and I’ll never agree to doing it like you want.” She hit the timer. “Now spill your guts.”
His own system, used against him. Nick wasn’t sure if he should be happy Veronica remembered it, or upset. “Well played. Fine I’ll talk. Yes, Valerie has me lost in thought.”
“About what?”
“About a lot of things.”
“Nah uh, it’s something specific that has you upset. Might as well come clean now.”
“You’re really not gonna make this easy huh?”
“Nope! Tough love is tough, now speak.” Veronica smiled.
“Sigh, Val...made it seem like I was embarrassing to be around. That I stick my nose into everything. It’s not just her too. Summer said something similar to me butting in as well. The entire thing has been bugging me. Am I really that annoying to them?” Nick slouched in his chair. “Have been pushing them away?”
Veronica clicked her tongue. He opened up faster than she expected. “While I can’t speak much about you being embarrassing since I don’t think you are by any means; I can totally say you do make it your mission to be a helping hand in every situation. So yeah, you do butt in.”
The waitress came back and Veronica quickly gathered their dirty dishes to give to the actually nice woman. “All that being said, that’s nothing new Nick. You’ve always been like that. I’d say it’s actually one of your better qualities.”
“It is?” He said confused.
“Mmmhmm. I’ve never minded it at the very least. There’s a comfort in knowing there’s a helping hand in your corner. Plus it’s not like you blatantly ignore any request telling you to stop. You did give Valerie space when she asked for it after all. As for your sister, she’s all talk. I can tell just from reviewing footage and our short trip to the forest that Summer is quick to depend on you. If you ask me, she’s more annoyed at herself for that than she is at you.”
“I doubt it. They both gave me that same look of frustration. Especially Valerie. One minute she wants to be included whenever I’m in trouble but the next she’s telling me to take a hike. It’s pissing me off.” Nick rubbed his hand through his hair and let out a sigh. This entire thing felt like a complex math equation he didn’t know how to solve.
Veronica could tell by the look on his face how conflicted this made him. How conflicted Valerie made him. Needless to say, she was a bit envious. “Why do you love her so much?” She asked bluntly.
Nick’s face turned red. “Uhhh what?”
“I’m just trying to understand what makes her special. After all, Nicholas Schnee could have a girlfriend everyday of the week, yet he fawns over one. The same one since kindergarten. It can’t only because you’ve known each other for so long. What makes her special in your eyes?” Veronica knew she was practically asking to get hurt but she had to know. What was it that made Valerie different from her?
“D...Do I really have to answer that? It’s kinda sudden.”
“The clock has five more minutes on it and you have a girl willing to listen to gush over another girl. Money can’t buy you a scenario this sweet. Fess up.”
Nick took a long sip of his cider before taking an even longer breath. It would’ve been nice if he could do this for five minutes straight but that would be asking for too much. The only way out was through.
“It’s not the most complicated reason if you’re wondering. Growing up the way I have has had numerous blessings I won’t begin to look down on. Family, money, influence; all of that has been a joy. That being said, I didn’t really revel in being who I am as a Schnee until maybe four or five years ago. Everything I did or everywhere I went, a person would always watch what I would do. Nick is gonna go far. Oh he’s great at that, perhaps he’ll go pro? That sort of thing. Ice skating was just a hobby at first. I did it because it was relaxing and mom liked skating with me. I never paid attention if I was actually good at the moves I tried.”
“But...the people did?” Veronica asked, receiving a nod.
“I didn’t think much of it. I was only around seven perhaps? It actually made me happy. So what if a few people liked my routine? I was on the ice for fun and happened to win a medal. But then, as I kept on skating, a pressure started to form. More eyes started watching me. Waiting for the next medal, talking my skill up, muttering rumors about the contests I didn’t participate in, shaking their heads at my failures…they weren’t looking at me. Only my achievements and shortcomings. Ice skating stopped being fun, again. Mom was always quick to tell me to never pay them mind and eventually convinced me to take a break from it altogether. I could never skate again and she’d be perfectly fine with that.”
“Of course. She shared that with you as an outlet, not a sport. I think she knows better than anyone how cruel it is to make a child participate in performances just because they’re good at it.”
“Yeah, hehe, she really has the perfect playbook of what not to do with a child. It would be cool if it wasn't also sad. Anyways, the break was well needed. People eventually stopped talking and I skated in private. By then I’ve taken up some early combat stuff. Nothing serious. Fencing, a few things a bit more in the huntsman category but for more of sparring and building blocks of it all. Valerie had taken notice one day and got the biggest smile. Finally we can do some real horse playing! She shouted and cheered. Next thing I knew I was being driven to the gym with a hyperactive twelve year old who may have been a little too eager to hit her best friend.” He chuckled.
“And they say I’m feisty. So what? Did she hit you so hard you thought it was cool?” Veronica teased.
“N-Well it was cool, but that wasn’t the linchpin! We were having fun sparring. I was having fun. Learning how she did and showing me the ropes everyday was a blast, until one day I did something really cool I guess. Cool enough that people noticed; and kept noticing. People started talking again about what this might possibly mean for me and began watching my practices. I remember starting to feel the overwhelming stress build up again. It was frustrating thinking that this thing I do for me was about to be taken for the people again. I wanted to cry on the spot. Next thing I knew, Valerie had gotten on this platform to make herself taller and kindly told everyone that they were interrupting our training. To my surprise, they left. It only hit then that I’ve been so caught up in trying to avoid them or please, that I never once tried telling everyone to leave me alone. I asked Valerie how she could easily tell people that also expect so much from her to leave because they were in way. Why would I ever care about their input? I do what I want for me. They’re just along for the ride. S-”
BZZZ! BZZZ! BZZZ! Ten minutes had finally gone by. Veronica clicked her tongue. She reached to shut her alarm off when Nick reached for her scroll.
“It’s only right to finish a story this far in. Not much left anyways.” Nick shut the alarm off to continue. “As I was saying, Soon after that is when I began getting back into ice skating and really started participating for myself; figuring out my agenda in all things I did. Especially tournaments. That’s the gist of it. Like I said, silly.”
“No, I get. Valerie gave you back your enjoyment of your hobbies. Helped make a new lease on life. How could that not be a big deal? If anything it makes me irritated that you have such nice reasoning.” Veronica poked her lips out in a dramatically pouty way before turning head to the window. “Guess I should’ve figured as much. She did to you what you did for me. No wonder you like her. Still, I’m not phoning things in yet. Especially if those are the words she told you.” Veronica stopped herself from clenching the table cloth. “That hypocrite. Not caring about their input my ass…” Veronica let out a little chuckle. That was certainly informative. “Thank you for your honesty.”
“Yeah don’t thank me yet.” Nick put thirteen minutes on the timer and smiled. “I believe it’s your turn?”
Veronica’s pleased expression quickly turned to panic. “Wait, what!?”
“Why do you like me?” He asked without mercy. The flush on Vee’s cheeks was redder than wine. “Y-You can’t just ask a girl why they like you!”
“Oh but you can ask me about my romantic feelings without question.” Vee nodded shameless.
“Yep that pretty much sums it up. Besides it’s not like I asked about your feelings towards me. That’s embarrassing as hell.” Veronica watched Nick purse his lips and gave her a look that screamed “seriously?” It was enough to make her start combing her fingers through her hair and look at the coconut cream pie slice that the waitress somehow managed to put under her nose without detection. “I...specifics are bothersome to explain. Just understand that...Nick, you’ve…” she could feel her heart pound in her own ears. “You’ve given me a lot of strength, hope actually. In ways I can’t begin to explain. I’m grateful; dare I say blessed.”
Those words truly shocked him. It wasn’t everyday a term like that came from Vee’s lips. “Blessed huh? That’s a big deal coming from a nonbeliever like yourself.”
“And despite knowing that you still tell me how you pray for me. Not that I particularly mind that I’m in your thoughts regularly. Also it’s rude to just straight up say nonbeliever. I have beliefs. Now the feelings associated and to what the beliefs are is a different story. Thank you for the prayers nonetheless though.”
“Maybe one day you’ll pray for me, hehe.”
Veronica smirked. “I doubt any deity would heed the words. I’ll keep the praying business to the faithful.”
“Fair enough.” Nick took a scoop of ice cream off his fudge brownie and looked at the timer. “Seeing how you’re a bit resistant to tell me why you feel the way you do towards me, can you at least be frank with me by telling me why you’re so adamant about not getting along with Valerie or Summer?”
Very slumped over. “Of all the questions, you’re set on detective work?”
“This timer thing isn’t even meant for interrogation. I offered this as a way to vent without consequences but you’re the one who wanted to play twenty questions.” He finally took a bite of dessert. “Tough it out” He said, a warm smile on his face from the flavor.
“Sigh, guess I have no right to complain. I wouldn’t say I have any real personal grievances towards them, even though I have a few unpleasant memories of your sister harassing me when we were little.”
“We were five.”
“Well I was six and a hurt tail is still a hurt tail, but I digress. Those two, they’re not the kind of people I find myself liking very much. Summer always wraps individuals into her pity party by acting like she’s making a genuine effort, and then Valerie, sigh, there’s not a thing about her that doesn’t make me want to hit her. I know you like her and wouldn’t say she’s a bad natured person, but…” Veronica held her tongue before she overstepped. These were still Nick’s loved ones.
Nick on the other hand wasn’t satisfied. “Say it, what’s on your mind. Zero consequences remember?”
“You say that but it’s not like we’ll magically forget what we’ve said in this last twenty six minutes.”
“No, but I trust you won’t hold my words and secrets against me. Do you trust me? Good or bad, this is meant to clear the air. I’d be a hypocrite to not let you speak your mind after asking you to.” It was a bit brash but Nick reached for Vee’s hand and held it.
Veronica felt her own breathing slow down at the sight of Nick’s reassuring smile. Her eyes went to her pie to avoid his gaze. He was too disarming for his own good. It made her feel guilty for doubting, as well as relying on him the way she did.
“Valerie isn’t a good friend, not you and I, not your sister for that matter. Yeah she might help out because she’s a good person but she’s far too self centered in my opinion. I mean just take tonight for example. You’ve made plans with her that fell apart because everything you two do are on her own terms. What friend gets upset that another saved them in a training exercise, or uses a pet name that the other person doesn’t like!?”
Nick raised his eyebrow. “Pet name?”
“Summer hates to be called Princess, right? That could be a thing with me personally but with the way she gets so pissed about it I would think Valerie using it would be annoying. Yet she does it anyway. Like how she’s quick to try to act like she’s above something when she clearly isn’t. I-”
“Vee? My hand…” Nick winced, his hand being squeezed like a stress ball.”
“Crap…” Veronica immediately loosened up to look at it. Thankfully her nails didn’t dig into him but she did make his hand red. Veronica gently begins rubbing it in some pointless attempt to relieve the pain. “Sorry I… I shouldn’t lose my temper like that. Ugh I know better too. Maybe steak was a bad idea after all?”
Nick watched as Veronica became fixated on the light injury. Her ears had fallen down and the anger she had while speaking had vanished entirely. All she could do was rub his hand. “It’s fine, honest. I don’t even feel pain anymore.”
“You shouldn’t have felt pain at all. This is the second time I’ve hurt you.”
“Well...I did actively walk into a fight the first time. Faunus reasons or not, a person should expect to get whaled on a bit when breaking a fight up.”
Veronica knew Nick was trying to be nice and there was truth to his words. That still didn’t make her feel much better. “I guess there’s one thing Valerie and I have in common. We get you hurt for needless reasons that could be avoided.”
“Hey, I know she makes you happy and I shouldn’t really try to persuade you to feel otherwise, but… I can’t help but feel like… if you were to ever allow it one day if you’ll look my way, because…Nick, I think I can make you even happier.” She gently held his hand with her trembling ones.
Nick couldn’t see her eyes but could see how the blush took over her. She wasn’t the only one. How could he not feel embarrassed when Veronica Belladonna, the most brazen girl he knew, was now currently holding his hand sheepishly while her tail swayed side to side. Thank goodness he had set a timer beforehand. The buzzer finally went off and Veronica snapped out of her trance, letting go. Rather than speak further, her pie became the scapegoat, getting devoured without interruption. Nick wanted to say something but even the work up to speaking made her face redder by the second. Besides, the timer hit zero. He had to respect the rules he made. A lot was learned within a short time.
“It’s been some time since we had a talk like that. Thanks, Veronica. I feel like I know you even better than before.”
“Just...eat your dessert, please?” She said, embarrassed beyond belief. How could she say something so compromising like that!? Claiming to make him happier than Valerie was bolder than she meant to be.
The rest of dinner was pretty quiet. Both of them couldn’t think of any light topics to discuss after prying into feelings. It wasn’t awkward to speak but felt more, inappropriate, so to speak. Both desserts were finished and the chef had passed his taste test. Nick would keep his end of the bargain. However, the generous tip he usually left for all workers involved was purposely missing. The chef had lost the privilege entirely. The waitress would be in for a shock the next time she checked her savings. No need to punish those in the crossfire after all. Veronica and Nick left without saying a word to anybody.
The two of them walked down the sidewalk in the season's chill embrace. Veronica felt the chill winds creep down her thin dress. It felt colder than in the forest. Not even a single person or car was on the street! Nothing but an ever forming winter wonderland!
“Eugh! I know walking home was my idea but maybe I should’ve thought ahead?”
Nick chuckled. “Maybe so?” He took his dress coat off and draped it over her shoulders. “Better?”
“Yeah but you just got over being sick. You can’t afford to catch another cold.”
“Relax, I got sick because of stress. Temperatures like this are nothing to anybody who lives here. The cold is nothing in the face of a real Atlesian. It’s in our blood!”
“And central heating is in your budget. Speaking of which, shouldn’t that be on full blast in the winter!? I mean my goosebumps have goosebumps.” Veronica shivered.
Nick smiled. “I’m glad you asked!” He took Veronica’s hand and quickly rushed over to a building with an awning for them to be under. “There’s a reason I picked a reservation for today. It’s the night manual resets happen.”
“Manual resets?”
Nick nodded. “Yep! You’re right about it being super cold. The lack of people is a dead giveaway.”
“What’s up with that? I thought Atlas was a city that never slept? It’s like a ghost town now. Nothing but….actually…” Veronica looked around the streets, lamps, and every building. There were noticeable less lights. A far cry from the dazzling show she saw earlier through the window. “The heating system, it’s off.”
“Not entirely. A majority of buildings still have them on but yes, external heating vents get temporarily shut off and rebooted. It’s common in the winter since they have to run constantly. You didn’t think it was weird that it was snowing so steadily?”
“Now that you mention it, I guess it is. Everything was already covered in snow so I didn’t notice.”
“Most snow melts on contact but there’s no getting past it during the cold season. Heater or not heater, you’re gonna see snow fall.”
Veronica breathed on her hands to warm them up. “So why come out when the heaters are off if you can see snow whenever?”
“Because I’m not here for the snow. There’s only one thing Atlas gets to really witness whenever the heaters come back on, because the reboot forces the heaters to come back on at full blast.”
“What would-” Before she could finish, Veronica witnessed it first hand; the sudden burst of heat that washed over her body as the orange glow of heaters returned to pale white city. The previous atmospheric silence had been broken. Pit pat pit pat pit pat pit. The familiar brought Veronica’s attention to the streets. Right before eyes like magic, suddenly and seamless, the winter wonderland turned into rain. Lots of rain.
Any and all snowflakes melted before pitter pattering on the pavement. Rain was nothing new to her and neither was Atlas at night for that matter, but a rainy night lights in the city of Atlas? That was a different story entirely. It was if she was in a new kingdom altogether, the way the lights shimmered on the water in the air and on the ground. Atlas somehow went from looking like a snow globe, to a chandelier.
“Woah~” Veronica was floored. She extended her hand out. The feeling of frigid rain contrasted against the warm so much it made her jolt. “Ah! Man that has a bite to it!” She laughed.Veronica stepped out from the awning.
Nick, shocked by her actions, quickly grabbed her hand. “Hey, your dress!” He shouted with agency. Veronica did not bother with his words. Instead she pulled Nick into the rain with her as she laughed.
“Hahaha! What’s a little water!? I love the rain!! Between the heaters and a pour like this, I’d say this is more refreshing than the showers back home.” Veronica’s grin widened. She took hold of Nick’s hands and began swaying. “Come on, dance with me!”
Nick let himself get strung along into Vee’s antics. He caught her guard by pulling the two of them into a ballroom stance and began to waltz.
Veronica’s ears wiggled. “Oooo look at you Mr. Casanova, taking the lead like that.”
“You’re pretty upbeat for a cat in the rain.” He teased.
“Jokes on you, panthers love water, and people from Menagerie love the ocean. I do have a surfboard after all.” She leaned back to que Nick to support her back. Veronica dramatically stuck her leg out to do an over the top dip before Nick brought her back up, pulling her close.
“Nice moves.”
“You’re not the only one who has to learn etiquette. Gotta stay on my toes for the public too. Pretty easy with a tail for balance.”
Nick chuckled. He waltzed his cheeky date back over to the awning near a heater as she continued to laugh. “I could’ve sworn minutes ago you didn’t want me getting sick?”
“Well someone bragged about being one with the cold.”
“I didn’t say all that now. I’m surprised someone complaining about the cold gets excited to dance in the rain.”
“Yeah well…” Veronica moves even closer to Nick, until there’s virtually no space between them. “I feel pretty warm right now.” She said, looking up into his eyes. Maybe it was the heater, the cold rain, or the warmth from his arms now wrapping around her, but it made Veronica warm to the point of feeling dazed. It couldn’t just be her. Not when Nick’s face was its own shade of red. The two let the sound of rain surround them yet again. The smile Veronica had slowly shifted into an expression of longing. She was so close to him right now. Closer than she’s ever felt. His warmth, his cologne, his lips…; Veronica’s body couldn’t help but lean forward. Right...until…
Beep! beep! The sound of a car horn made both jump out of their skin. They looked to the street to see their waitress waving joyfully.
“Thanks for the tip!” She said emotionally as she drove off.
The surprise brought Veronica back to her senses to see Nick’s face flushed and embarrassed. As well as conflicted. Like how he was back at Penny’s lab. Veronica felt the weight of her actions hit her like a tank and quickly took a step back.
“Sorry! Silly me, hehe. Here I was telling you that I wouldn’t be too forward or force anything, then I pull this! Talk about embarrassing huh?!” There wasn’t a bone in her body that didn’t want to find a hole to hide in. How could she get lost in emotion again!?
Nick frowned. “Ver-”
“It’s fine! Totally my bad.” She could feel her own heart start to race from her recklessness. “Tonight has been nice. We should probably start heading back before-”
Nick took Veronica’s arm and shut her up by kissing her cheek before wrapping his arms around her tightly. Her body went a little stiff before eventually hugging him back.
“No date is complete without a little intimacy, right.” Nick said, doing his best to kill the tension. “Sorry things got weird. I should’ve spoken up. It’s not like I would’ve been upset.” He admitted. “I just...you know. But I hope this is okay at least?”
Rejection is nothing new. Veronica was ready for the sting. However, Nick’s words didn’t sting at all. In fact, Veronica could only find herself hiding her face in his shirt, enjoying this comfort. Her heart stopped racing and she felt calmer than she had all night. This wasn’t rejection. Not by a long shot. A to be continued perhaps?
“This is perfect.” She said, holding her crush closer. “Stay just like this for your date. At least for a few more moments.”
Nick smiled. “As you wish.”
Veronica may not have Nick’s attention like how Valerie does, but at this moment, Veronica had Nick focused on her and her alone. He was hers right now. Veronica couldn’t ask for more. This definitely was an unconventional date, clumsy and hardly what anyone would call romantic. Veronica would cherish it all the same.
While the sweet sound of rain soothed one duo, another couldn’t hear it all, it being completely drowned out by applause with bubbling excitement. Tonight may be one of the coldest nights for Atlas, but for a warehouse in Mantle filled with young adults, passion burned in the form of a young woman in black about to conquer the stage with her guitar and vocals. Summer was ready to vent. While Eliza carefully observed from afar.
If she wasn’t here then she might not have believed it. With those clothes and confidence, Eliza was sure she was watching a stranger.“Summer Schnee, you and your brother are one surprise after another.”
The singer grabbed a microphone and looked out to the many eyes ready to cut loose. “ALRIGHT EVERYBODY LET’S MAKE SOME NOISE!”
Summer screamed, receiving nothing less than twice the excitement back. No time was wasted in playing how she played less. Tonight was her night. Problems could wait until tomorrow.
19 notes · View notes
Top 10 favorite things about TFS?
Bold of you to assume I can narrow it down to just 10 things, but I’ll try my best. 
Here’s a list of things I LOVE about The Final Season of TWDG, starting from #10 and working my way down to #1.
10. Rosie is best girl and doesn’t die 
Listen, okay? If you give me a game with a doggo companion that I bond with only to have said doggo die for dramatic effect... you automatically lose 2 outta 5 stars on your rating. Case in point: Season 2.
However, tfs knew not to kill Rosie off for dramatic effect, knew it’d be cheap. Plus, Rosie is a sweetheart and I love that she helps Clementine come to terms with her past trauma with dogs and genuinely bonds with her. Rosie is best girl. 
9. Over the shoulder camera/controls 
They’re the best of the series, having come a LONG way since S1. Like, look... Don’t get me wrong. S1 isn’t unplayable or anything, far from it, but they’re not the greatest either. They’re pretty wonky at times, the fixed camera can get annoying when you’re moving around, and sometimes button presses don’t register. It’s definitely something I have to get used to whenever I go back and replay the entire series, and like I said, it’s not the worst controls in the world... but oh man, compared to TFS?
Have you ever played S1 and then jumped straight into TFS just to get a direct comparison of the two? Because I have and it’s jarring how much smoother, accurate, and overall better everything is in TFS.
Just... props, guys. Thank you for the over-the-shoulder, movable camera, thank you for the polished button prompts, and thank you for a run button that has Clementine go into a nice jog rather than a comical run or, eh... does nothing [lookin’ at you ANF... Javi slow].
It’s just so effortless to play. The most trouble I ever have is with doors but that’s a given- Doors make no goddamn sense in this series and I’ve given up trying to learn their secrets. Oh, and speaking of more improvements! 
The shooting mechanic in this game is leaps better than in S1. Y’all remember the Motor-Inn shootout? The one that was such a frustrating pain in the ass?? So much death and anger...
I still die sometimes when shooting the walkers with the bow, especially the ones that are on fire, but it’s nothing compared to the shooting mechanic in S1, so the biggest THANK YOU for that one. It’s actually enjoyable to shoot stuff this time around.
8. Collectibles 
You as Clementine get to pick up various collectibles to decorate her and AJ’s dorm with and it’s great. One of my favorite bits about this game is seeing Clementine wake up in this empty, lifeless room, and see it get brighter and brighter with every collectible you place throughout the game until you reach the final scene with AJ where the room is just FULL of life and personality. Like... it’s officially theirs. It’s such a good feeling! 
And the devs totally didn’t have to add the collectible system in, but I’m so thankful they did. I’m one of those people who gets every single collectible every single time I play. 
7. Ericson’s Boarding School for Troubled Youth
Y’know, I honestly can’t think of a better place for Clementine and AJ to end up than Ericson’s Boarding School for Troubled Youth. It’s awesome, I love it, what a great idea. I also love the sense of wonder when we step outside for the first time and see the inside of Ericson, as well as the others, walking around. Like even Clementine is taken back by it.
Because of course it makes sense for Clementine to end up in a school surrounded by people closer to her age rather than with a group of dumbass adults like in the past three games.
Here it feels like they’re all about on the same level. There’s no older person here belittling Clementine because “she’s just a child and doesn’t get it,” they’re just people, y’know? Hell, if anything, Clementine’s now the most experienced one!
The school’s great! I wouldn’t change a thing about TFS taking place here. The environments are beautiful and I love exploring the world. 
6. Marlon as an antagonistic character/final confrontation 
I have an entire Marlon character discussion/study so I won’t put too much time into this one, but I will say that I love Marlon’s part in tfs. I love him as a surprise antagonistic character, I love how chill he is in the beginning, I love the final confrontation at the end of ep1... I just really like Marlon, y’know?
Ray Chase gives a damn near perfect performance as Marlon, so much so that I wish he survived past ep1 just so that I could hear more of his acting. Marlon himself in an interesting look at a leader character hiding his shame and guilt while trying to maintain control over everyone [including himself] around him, only to be broken down when he’s found out. 
5. James 
I know people tend to be pretty split on James, but I personally really like his role in tfs. I love that they included a character who was apart of the Whisperers, and hell, if anything I’d like to know MORE about James’ past with them. 
I just find him and his whole “walkers are sort of people? kinda?” beliefs. Again, I know some people get annoyed with him because of his beliefs but I think he adds an interesting spin on the whole thing, y’know? Though I do love what a bitch he is if you don’t agree with him hahaha
James is a bitch and I love him, okay? I love his dumb walker mask, I love his dumb boyband hair, I love his whispery voice, and I love his backstory with the Whisperers and Charlie. I love this he’s trying so hard to be this pacifist that he ends up doing the literal thing he said he doesn’t want to do-- hurt people. Y’know... like attempting to kidnap AJ and threatening to break Clementine’s leg in the caves if he’s alive. 
Which, by the way, that whole cave scene is a thing. It’s wild and I love it but not for the reasons the devs probably wanted. Like... it’s a little hilarious? I know it’s not supposed to be! But I can’t take James seriously when he’s walkin’ around his hands on his hips all huffy and puffy, okay? It’s just wild. 
Anyway, I love James and wouldn’t get rid of him. Hell, I’m still waiting for my James with the Whisperers mini-series, Skybound. 
4. Ericson Crew
There isn’t a single character from Ericson that I don’t like, or that I’d get rid of, which is rare with these games. Thinking back to the previous games, there’s always at least one person I could do without or that I didn’t like. I adore all of them!
The Ericson crew just feels closer than previous groups. For starters, they’re way more likable than most in our previous groups. Even when there’s tension [and boy is there tension at points] you still get the sense that they don’t hate each other, unlike in our previous groups. They do in fact love each other as a family and will do what they can to protect one another.
Plus, they’re all interesting. They’re troubled youth and I love all of them! 
Aasim keeps a daily journal where he chronicles everything in hopes of learning from past mistakes to prevent future ones, he’s damn good with a bow, and he’s got a neat little soul patch on his chin.  
Ruby is the tiny yet fiery medic of the group who adamantly believes in manners yet used to chase teachers around with pitchforks. 
Brody is caught up in the twin mess with Marlon but she’s also shown to want an escape, a road trip where she and her friends can go see the beach, but she also suffers with anxiety and panic attacks and isn’t afraid to knock Marlon on his ass or swear at Clementine. 
Mitch is a grumpy, tall boy who looks after Willy like a brother, knows how to make bombs out of manure and propane, and used to fight his neighbors because they didn’t like his face. 
Omar is a sassy chef who has to have every ingredient just right otherwise he’s salty for a week and he can take a bullet to the leg like a champ. 
Willy’s a goober who can climb trees like you wouldn’t believe and he made a bomb of his own in Mitch’s honor that completely wrecked the delta’s ship. 
Tenn is a soft, naïve boy who draws and reads but isn’t afraid to stab a walker bitch if he has to. 
Violet was sent to the school after witnessing her grandmother’s dead, she used to date Minerva who is now “dead,” has abandonment issues,  tries to give off the appearance of a grumpy grump but like once she’s comfortable with you she’ll tell you her life story and do romantic shit like dancing and painting you a pin. 
Louis was sent to Ericson because he was a rich brat who broke up his parents marriage because they wouldn’t let him take singing lessons and has felt like garbage ever since, using humor to cope and push people away, and keeps the façade on until someone’s willing to see past it in which he’ll finally bare his soul to you, name a song he wrote after you, and do everything in his power to keep you and everyone else safe over himself. 
I just... Love ‘em all. 
3. Clementine and AJ’s dynamic 
To think that they almost killed AJ off, or kept him a minor character. That would’ve been a shame and an absolute waste because Clementine and AJ’s dynamic is super fucking good in tfs. 
It’s actually a little baffling that AJ’s as good as he is, from his writing to his voice acting, he’s just great. And his relationship with Clementine is definitely one of my favorites to come from this game. It’s not perfect, but I don’t want perfect. 
I love that AJ looks to Clem for guidance and I love the way our choices affect him, even when it’s a case of the bridge scene. Hate the bridge scene knowing that I gotta sacrifice a character I care about for another I love, but I can’t deny that I love how that choice is made. After everything, do you trust AJ or not? 
Plus, their conversations are so well done, their chemistry is through the roof, and I wouldn’t change it. 
Oh, and the barn scene? Gets me every time, even though I already know everything’s fine and gonna work out. Still gets me. 
2. Clementine is Bisexual
I’ve talked about this in the past, but lemme just say that I love the fact that Clementine is canonically bisexual. 
Doesn’t matter if you’re dating Louis, Violet, or no one, Clementine is still bisexual. The game confirms it through it’s text/subtext and Clementine’s actions that we don’t have control over, and the devs confirmed it. She ain’t straight, she ain’t a lesbian, she is bisexual. 
I can’t express how happy that makes me. Just... 💗💜💙
And with her being bisexual comes her two great love interests: Louis and Violet. They’re amazing, and such an improvement over the previous game’s attempt at love interests... ahem, y’know... Kate.
1. Louis as a character/his relationship with Clementine 
I mean... c’mon. Y’all knew what #1 was gonna be. Do I even need to explain? This entire blog is just me gushing about Louis/clouis. 
Look, Louis is my favorite non-playable character across the entire series. Hell, even when you factor in playable characters, he’s STILL my absolute favorite. Like, even outside of his relationship with Clementine, I find him to be such a compelling character by himself. 
Like I mentioned above, he came from a stupid rich family who gave him everything he ever wanted, but when his father wouldn’t let him take singing lessons, he literally worked for over a year to break up his parents marriage because “you get to be happy or you get to be rich, can’t be both.” 
He gets sent to Ericson where the apocalypse happens, he never gets to make up with his parents, and he ends up using jokes and piano as a coping mechanism to deal with everything, falls into a cycle of being unreliable and the butt of the joke, and lives one day at a time without much thought for the future. 
He puts on the happy jokester persona to push people away from knowing the real him and rarely shares much about himself. Hell, when Clementine does hunting and decides to take care of the walker with him, he actually does let down the wall for a minute to share his view on “this moment” before looking away like “Oof, shared too much-- HEY, GO CHECK ON AASIM :D I’LL BE OVER HERE :D FIXING THE TRAP :D and adjusting the wall ahem--” 
It’s so interesting because you’d think that he’d be more open about his past with Marlon or the twins or whatever [like Violet is] but no, he doesn’t tell you shit about his past until EPISODE 3 and you have to work to get that story. 
I just... I just love him. Could talk about and analyze his character for hours. And I love his relationship with Clementine. It’s just so good. The piano scene where they finally admit their feelings for one another?? That shit has my entire heart. Their entire relationship is my favorite. What else is there to say? 
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paddingtonfan69 · 3 years
I might have a small list. But I'll just ask one for now
Bowser from TBH
Why I like them —
I am such a sucker for a grumpy exterior/soft interior hooo boy that’s that good shit. And Bowser is like the perfect encapsulation of that, reluctantly caring about these dumb teens when he is just trying to exist in this world and do his damn job but secretly loving being a mentor-type, hell yeah! also he is SO fucking funny, like Kadeem Hardison’s delivery is truly god-tier!
Why I don’t —
Man’s got some trust issues which, you know, understandable, but still a bit self-sabotage-y. 
Favorite episode —
I’m gonna say 1x09, for at first the silly antics of him and Terrence but then my favorite Bowser scene, hands down, which is him missing his big moment to be a famous bounty hunter because he answers the phone for Blair because she is THAT important to him! Come on! That’s IT! My heart! 
Favorite season —
Favorite line —
so many BANGERS to choose from but I gotta go with “a horse on the force is a cop” I think that whole bit is like truly the funnies exchange of dialogue I’ve seen in a WHILE comedy gold babyyy
Favorite outfit —
Less of one outfit and more of two separate accessories that both do it for me - that yogurtopia visor, and also his little glasses 
Yolanda! (but could also see an unhinged enemies to loves with Terrence?? or both??? look, there’s a whole world of possibilities, I just want him happy.)
Brotp —
The Brunette One
Headcanon —
I’d like to think that whenever he watches like a crime movie or an action movie, he is like “this isn’t realistic” so because of that, his favorite genre of movie are like rom coms from the 80s and 90s and, at one point, he tries to bond with the girls over this and they’re like “those movies are old, bud” and he is a little embarrassed, but also makes them watch, like Runaway Bride. 
Unpopular opinion —
Are there unpopular opinions about Bowser? I feel like he is universally beloved as he SHOULD BE. I guess just that we should talk about him more! Myself included! 
A wish —
Mostly just his happiness! I hope he stays in touch with the twins as they age and is part of a weird little family.  
An oh-god-please-don’t-ever-happen —
Becoming a cop again lol
5 words to best describe them —
Reluctant sweetheart father figure, king
My nickname for them —
Love a bows, love a bowsie just for the fact that he himself would hate it
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1/3 of the Reality Stone fragments remained with its host, Ripley Ryan, in the hospital. Determined to finish what they started, the Black Widow and Winter Soldier headed to the Intensive Care Unit along with a team of mutants who were sent by Wanda Maximoff to cast a reality binding spell. Once their goal was achieved, there was nothing standing between them and Zemo at the Town Hall.
These events come AFTER the INN and MUSEUM and before the TOWN HALL.
BUCKY BARNES: Bucky pushed through the hospital doors with both hands, metal clinking against the acrylic outer shell and double paned panels. He was hot on Natasha's heels, having made a pitstop for the both of them at the museum before the rest of the crew could cause too much of an issue. When he caught up to her just before she hit the stairwell, he slid her a twin set of guns and then readjusted the strap to his AR. "Sure we can't just shoot first and ask questions later?"
NATASHA ROMANOFF: Although not in her suit, Natasha had clicked on the two Widow’s Bites that Barnes had taken from the Museum. The two guns were a gift from a poor S.H.I.E.L.D. agent who was now weaponless, but Natasha accepted them from James all the same. “You want to risk shooting the wrong person?” Checking how much ammo she had, the Widow shook her head. “Personal mission. Maybe bad form, but family first.” Knowing that Taskmaster was in the building - and still sore from their last run in  - Natasha quietly pushed the door open and raised her gun while she rounded the corner, coming face to face with a crying girl in scrubs. “Too easy.”
BUCKY BARNES: Bucky clicked his tongue at that. "Fuck form. I would've taken more, but I know how much Barton is attached to his bow." he was only mildly joking, using it as a way to fill the space so he didn't spiral into his own mind. "Think we should've accepted back up?" And now he really was joking, mirroring Nat with his own weapon. He stopped short when they came around the corner and he instinctively tightened his grip on his gun. "It's never that easy."
NATASHA ROMANOFF: Eyes rolling, Natasha quickly checked over her shoulder. “Easy to say when it fits the situation,” she hummed. “We do have back-up. Bobbi’s here and changing. She’s got the codes. Psylocke is somewhere looking for her friends. Apparently, Wanda is helping the mutants.” Whatever helped them through. Lowering her gun slightly, Natasha glanced from the sniffling young adult to the name tag she wore. “Hey, Astrid. Sad day at the hospital?”
YELENA BELOVA: Caught up in her own moping, ‘Astrid’ started at the sound of the woman’s voice and sat up as she quickly wiped at her eyes. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry. No. I mean -- yes. It’s a hospital. But our patients usually are cured. Just bad dating experiences. Dumb, I know.” She nudged her magazine closed. “Are you here to visit someone?”
BUCKY BARNES: "Bad dating experiences?" he couldn't keep the question out of his tone, the laughable disbelief. He cocked the gun single handedly before dropping it back in his grip. "In fact we are. Wanna tell me who it is you're crying over?"
YELENA BELOVA: Although his tone was a little snide, the brunette didn’t notice. It was lonely at the front desk if she wasn’t making rounds and her friends were fine but the recent dumping had taken a toll. “His name is Jim. He’s a nice guy. Was a nice guy. We went on a few dates and he went all two-faced. Completely ghosted me. That was three days ago.”
NATASHA ROMANOFF: Natasha wracked her brain. “Helmut,” she swore under her breath. “Astrid, have you talked to ‘Jim’ since?”
BUCKY BARNES: Bucky just...blinked at her. Then, all of a sudden he barked a laugh, shaking his head. "How mad would you be if I took out all of S.H.I.E.L.D.?" he asked, voice lower, only for Nat to hear. "Yeah, 'Strid, we just wanna talk to him. He's like family, you get it."
YELENA BELOVA: Finally really taking the guns in consideration, Astrid slowly stood and reached around her scrubs for her buzzer. “I should call Chris. He’s head of Hospital security and he can help you figure out where you’re headed.”
BUCKY BARNES: That wasn’t really part of the plan. “Yel-Astrid, Jim’s a little more important right now.” With a sigh, Bucky aimed the AR, barrel directed at ‘Astrid’. “We don’t need head of security.” A red dot appeared at the center of her scrubs, the buzz of the scope a sound only he could hear. “Just give Jim a call, yeah?”
YELENA BELOVA: “He’s not gonna answer,” she huffed as her eyes welled up again. “I just told you -- he’s not interested in me. I think it’s my thighs. It has to be.” Nearly crosseyed, she stared at the light on her scrubs and the demanding man. Fumbling for her phone, Astrid dialed with shaking fingers. Ring. Ring. Voicemail. “See? Thighs.”
BUCKY BARNES: Bucky clicked off the scope, the red light disappearing before he lowered his gun. ”I’m just gonna hit her. You good with that?” he asked Natasha.
NATASHA ROMANOFF: Watching the entire exchange, Natasha had shouldered past Yelena at one point to rummage through the cabinets behind the desk. They needed as much info about the Database as possible, and there a possibility some of Ripley’s medical records were there. At Bucky’s question, she glanced up. Yelena would be pissed, but the two of them had come for a reason. “Only if you’re done hearing about Jim.”
BUCKY BARNES: “Ha ha.” Bucky came over, keeping Astrid’s eyes on him as he came around the desk. “Hey, ‘Strid-“ he employed the same method he had used on the Wyngarde sister, slamming the side of his gun into her temple just hard enough to shake around some loose change. “You have great thighs.”
NATASHA ROMANOFF: “Oof.” Natasha exhaled as the gun connected with her sisters temple. Deftly moving to catch Yelena and ease her to the ground, the spy crouched down and inspected the welt that was already growing. It still didn’t look like Yelena, but she had stopped crying. “You could have been a little bit more graceful, but I’ll take it. Grab her.” Natasha rose. “We’re not leaving her for Taskmaster to find.” Best to let him think ‘Astrid’ had just abandoned her post or was doing her rounds. The S.H.I.EL.D. pager Bobbi had given her buzzed in her hand and Natasha pocketed it. “We’ve got a room. Intensive care unit, Room 8-1. You know, I always said Clint married up.” Grabbing Astrid’s badge for good measure, Natasha clicked the safety off on her gun. “Let’s go.”
KWANNON: Elsewhere, Psylocke and Laura had waited quietly in the shade of the building. The telepathic signal being emitted led the newly arrived X-Men to the hospital. Raven head tipped to the side, Psylocke held a hand out to gesture that Magik, Synch and Nico should enter the hospital. The door swung closed between them, faces flushing from recycled air. “Intensive Care Unit is the top floor. You know what to do?”
BUCKY BARNES: "Graceful?" it came out more as a scoff and Bucky crouched down, adjusting the AR to lay flat against his back again so he could sling Yelena's fake body over his shoulder. She hung limply, swaying back and forth when he stood. "When have you ever known me to be graceful." he said just as he twisted around, narrowly clipping Yelena's head on the edge of the counter. "ICU? What are the chances he'll be in a coma and I can just smother him."
EVERETT THOMAS: Synch followed Magik and the other witch into the hospital, trying his best not to let himself get too wrapped up in everything around him. This whole thing was pretty messed up of SHIELD, but his main focus was Laura. Even if she didn’t remember any of it, he still felt bonded to her in ways he could barely describe. And making sure she was safe was definitely high on his priorities. “Yeah, we’ve got it.” He responded to Kwannon, making sure to keep on high alert as he scanned their surroundings.
NATASHA ROMANOFF: The sneakers that she had worn as Lulu Gordon were more for show than actual practical use, and the treads were nearly nonexistent. Nat couldn’t actually remember working out in Pleasant Hill, just posing on her yoga mat for selfies instead. It was hard not to slide around with no traction but she pushed open a door to another stairwell and held it open for Bucky, watching to make sure he didn’t smack Yelena’s head into the wall. “You would have failed the Red Room,” she hummed. Presentation begets perfection, after all. Natasha had been the best. Yelena had been better. “Zemo’s at Town Hall. That’s not why we’re here. Ripley’s intubated upstairs. They’re making a play for the Infinity Stone. Did you read your file?” Stopping abruptly, Natasha flattened herself against the wall by the doorway of the next level. She could hear footsteps in the hall, and that felt deliberate in the quiet hospital. Gesturing with her chin towards the door, Nat pushed it open and raised her gun. She moved quickly to turn but still found her face connecting with a fist.
BUCKY BARNES: "I didn't care to read pages and pages of documents beyond who was who and what they were capable of." Which was a delicate way of saying, 'did you really think I would?'. Somewhere along the way of climbing flights, Bucky stashed Yelena's unconscious body in a medical supplies closet, knowing that she wouldn't wake up for a while and that he needed both hands. As soon as they both went into alert, hands moved too fast for Nat to dodge and him to barely skid to a stop and back up, gun immediately raising. He fired off a few rounds, the spray of bullets disoriented in the ambush.
NATASHA ROMANOFF: Wiping blood off her nose, Natasha dropped her gun and kicked it to the side. Bullets never tended to work with Taskmaster. She’d keep it for backup. He had his shield and a collapsed bow. Claws in his gloves. Basically, he was as tricked out as ever. “Still sore about last time?” The ( former ) redhead squared her shoulders back. “Zemo can’t be offering you enough for this.” But he was silent, like always, and a moment later the two were locked in hand to hand combat.
ILLYANA RASPUTINA: Sword pulled off of her back, Illyana cast a wary look around the hall. “I hate hospitals,” she muttered. Wanda’s spell was complicated but she had drilled it into the sorceress and witch. “It would be easier if we could teleport out after, but apparently we have to walk. No mutant left behind.” Lorna, Gabby, Rogue.
LAURA KINNEY: As the mutants made their way through the hospital, Laura paused and narrowed her eyes. There were more people in the hospital than their should have been. “Take the back.” She instructed Kwannon. “James Barnes is moving to the southern wing.”
BUCKY BARNES: Bucky dropped the gun, the strap catching on his shoulder before it banged against his hip. It was only Taskmaster, the asshole with the psuedo copycat style and a piss poor attitude. "Less talking-" he kicked at Taskmaster, just hard enough to diverge his attention and have him focused on both of them. "Glad I dropped our nice office secretary off, huh."
NATASHA ROMANOFF: He had got in three good hits but Natasha was at four. “Nursing student,” she huffed as she dodged a kick. “This is a dead end. He won’t quit. It’s called a distraction.”
EVERETT THOMAS: Everett followed closely behind, trying his best to keep close to Laura without making her feel like he was suffocating her. He didn’t want to make things weird in any way, but God was it hard. “Hey uh, are you okay?”
BUCKY BARNES: "So in all those times you've fought him, you never figured out a way to beat him?" They parried some more, moving this way and that. "I'm not going to leave you here to get your pretty yoga instructor face punched in."
BOBBI MORSE: One of the doctor’s personal offices had always been stocked for agents -- as a safety precaution. It was working well in their favor. Her locker held a spare uniform and set of staves that she gratefully hooked into their holsters before grabbing three disruptors. One went onto her own neck and her body shuddered in relief as her appearance twisted back to its regular self. She broke out in a sprint until she found Barnes and Romanoff, and Bobbi tossed them each a chip before kicking off the wall to strike Taskmaster with a baton. As she should have predicted, his bow separated into staves of his own. “What’re you guys still doing down here?”
NATASHA ROMANOFF: If she hadn’t been focused on not getting slashed in half with a sword, Natasha would have rolled her eyes. “It keeps evolving. More new heroes, more moves. We haven’t killed each other yet.” The elastic she had tied her hair up with was falling out, but then Bobbi was there. Nat caught the small chip and quickly fastened it on the back of her neck. There was a second before her body was her own once more, clothed in the uniform she had entered the town with. Even though she was lacking any of her weapons other than the Widow’s Bite, it felt good to see her own hands again. “How about my normal face getting punched in?”
BUCKY BARNES: "That isn't obvious?" Bucky said, arms coming up to cover his face when Taskmaster slammed a fist down. Jumping back, he caught the chip, using what he knew from the file to revert his appearance back into something a little bulkier, steadier, familiar. "It's not exactly easy to get to the reality stone harboring mad woman when there's 600 tons of body armor in the way."
LAURA KINNEY: Lips twitching, Laura pivoted on one heel. “I look like a cheerleader.” She had gone to pep rallies with pom-poms and enthusiasm. The whole nine yards. The worst part was that she had fun, on some level. That pretty much summed up how she was. “I want them to cast the spell so we can get out of here. No more Vaults, no more Pleasant Hill’s.”
BOBBI MORSE: “I have complete and total faith in this woman.” Bobbi held a hand to her temple to  stop her vision from swimming after a hit. “But we need to keep moving. Nat, you said you’re old friends. I don’t want to ruin the reunion.” When the redhead nodded, Bobbi arched a brow at Bucky before running into the nearest stairwell and taking the stairs two at a time.
EVERETT THOMAS: Everett couldn’t help his soft chuckle at the cheerleader comment as he nodded at her. “I mean, it’s not a bad look. Definitely not you, though.” He pointed out, nodding solemnly at her next words. But unfortunately, they were X-Men and this was probably not going to be the last Pleasant Hill. Or Vault. Before he could say much else, a scalpel flew through the air and stuck onto the wall next to them, revealing Bullseye standing down the hall. “Shit..”
VIVIAN VISION: Vivian followed alongside the mutants as they made their way through the hospital, careful to be attentive to their surroundings. As they all rounded the corner, a scalpel was flung through the air, nearly hitting Viv in the face as it struck the wall and they were face to face with Bullseye. “We need to divide. We can’t let him keep us from the stone. Magik, Nico, I can phase us into her room? I think we’re close.”
BUCKY BARNES: "Shitty reunion." he looked over at Nat, only falling back from Taskmaster when he saw the confirmation in her steady gaze. Breaking off, he followed Bobbi up the stairs, finding no other obstacles before hitting a floor with double doors that read: Authorized Personnel Only: Intensive Care Unit. He slowed, weapon coming back around to rest in his grip. "They powered a whole town by putting a girl into a coma." he said it with a mix of disbelief and frustration. "S.H.I.E.L.D. isn't exactly convincing me they shouldn't become a government section lost to time." The room was empty when they entered, the doors clattering behind them. He wasn't sure keeping quiet had any point anymore. Gun poised, he scanned the empty beds, not even noticing the low beep of the monitor and the occupied bed because his eyes landed on Yelena, seated and scanning through...something. "Didn't I leave you in a broom closet?" he said a little breathlessly, grip tightening on the weapon.
YELENA BELOVA: Was she mad? Yes. At Bucky and Natasha? No. At S.H.I.EL.D.? Of course. At Zemo, at the situation. Yelena had been pissed when she came to in a broom closet, tossed to the side like a basic cleaning supply. She remembered Astrid Massey, but her face wasn’t her own. Bullseye had met her in the hallway. He had given her the device Zemo was passing around to his teammates, the disrupter returning her to her former form. As Benjamin headed down the  hallway to meet the ‘heroes’, Yelena moved to the ICU and found the Database. The codes were already unlocked from whatever doctor had run away mid scan from the intruders, and when the door opened Yelena glanced back over her shoulder. “Seemed more fun out here. I saw Taskmaster downstairs, but this was a better opportunity. They never let me up here. Now I know why.”
BUCKY BARNES: “Natasha is handling it.” Bucky remarked, lowering his weapon just a little bit. “I know what you’re doing, and it sucks to say this, but it isn’t helping. We can handle the database later, we need to deal with Ripley now.” he spoke pointedly at her, knowing that any form of coddling or soft spoken words didn’t apply here. Not that it ever did. Bucky could never imagine babying Yelena in any situation. “Just trust me on this.”
VIVIAN VISION: Vivian quickly grabbed onto Magik and Nico, not wasting any time as she phased the three of them past Bullseye and through to Ripley’s hospital room.
LAURA KINNEY: At his comment, the arch of a brow broke Laura’s deadpan. “Debatable taste.” She commented offhandedly. At the sight of Bullseye she crouched, lunging towards him without claws. Kwannon could follow Viv and the spellcasters. Laura had no problem being a distraction.
YELENA BELOVA: “Natasha is getting her ass handed to her. Again.” The sisters had a messy history with Taskmaster. She hit a key and the code flashed red, the page turning to a simple box for an access code. “We have to shut down the Database.” Yelena straightened up to look at him, her own gun holstered. “We can’t let them do this anymore.”
BUCKY BARNES: Bucky worked through the tic in his jaw, leveling his voice. By now, his nerves were frayed. “Do you Yelena?” he lowered the gun even more until the barrel was pointed at the floor. “Do you trust me?”
YELENA BELOVA: For a long moment, she just stared. Did she? It wasn’t easily answered. “I want to.” Yelena replied honestly. A finger hovered above the key before she moved, body tightening and constricting as she fell.
BOBBI MORSE: Running behind due to having to disable to alarms on the floor, Bobbi skidded to a stop as she lowered her stun gun. “--She was going to hit the key, right?”
YELENA BELOVA: “Fuck. You.” Yelena hissed from the ground, fingers digging into the tile as she tried to pull herself up. She wasn’t going to hit the key.
BUCKY BARNES: “Seriously?” he hissed, the metal plates clamping into place audibly as he tightened his grip. “Seriously, Bobbi?” he was pissed, clearly. “No wonder you’re a fucking S.H.I.E.L.D. agent.” Bucky snatched the stun gun from Bobbi’s grip on his way past her, throwing it to the ground and stomping on it until it was in a bunch of little pieces before he finished his walk to Yelena. “She wasn’t going to hit the fucking key.” he crouched down, helping Yelena back to her feet. “What’s next? You want to hit Ripley too? Do you more good.”
BOBBI MORSE: “Oh, c’mon.” Bobbi muttered as she had the stun gun ripped away and trampled. It wasn’t like that would have been helpful for defense or anything. “Tell me she’s not a flight risk.” Dark eyes narrowed. “I’d love to hit Ripley. Hopefully wake her up. That goddamn stone is fragmenting and destabilizing the town. If it collapses we all may be written out off reality. No happy reunion with your girlfriend then, huh?”
YELENA BELOVA: Yelena just spit towards Bobbi’s feet as James help her up, holding on to his arm even when she was upright.
BUCKY BARNES: “You think you’re the one to call that?” he shot over his shoulder, fully standing now. “Being written out of reality wouldn’t be the worst thing to happen to me this year.” he turned his attention to Yelena, looking her over but he didn’t ask her if she were okay. “You make an awful nurse, you know that?”
ILLYANA RASPUTINA: Phasing in along with Viv and Nico, Illyana stepped around the broken black shards of a weapon. “Now this is where the party is.” She laughed slightly. Making her way to the bed, dark lined eyes narrowed at the woman. Tugging the hospital gown to the side, the red glow of the Stone was flickering under the white bandages. “They said you would have another fragment. We need two.”
BOBBI MORSE: “I think I’m deepest in the shit and have used the Database before, so I made a snap judgement call. It’s not like I shot her. We talked it out.” Bobbi didn’t flinch at the spit. “Maybe not for you, but there’s a lot of other people here.”
YELENA BELOVA: “Nursing student.” Yelena muttered. “The scrubs were ugly.”
RIRI WILLIAMS: She had smashed in the window of the wrong room during her entry, but Riri found the right one after checking for heat signatures. “You have a second fragment now.” The suit’s chamber opened to expose the Reality Stone shard. “Zemo’s got the third.”
BUCKY BARNES: “They were pretty ugly.” he agreed quietly, face pinched lightly at the edges. His head whipped sharply around at Riri’s entrance, completely ignoring Bobbi at this point. “So we go get Zemo.” he took a breath. “Finally.”
ILLYANA RASPUTIN: As the armored teen guided the Stone back to its host, Magik looked to Nico. “Are you ready?” It wasn’t really a question. With eyes glowing blue, she held a hand out over the chest of Ripley. “I’m going to be very unhappy if she chooses to smite us.”
NICO MINORU: Nico looked down at the incubated woman, trying her best not to be intimidated by the thought of all that could go wrong as she adjusted her grip on her staff and nodded. She looked towards Riri as she entered the room and smiled in relief at the sight of another stone. “Okay, yeah. Ready.” She agreed as she gripped her staff and held her other hand over Ripley to follow Magik. “Stabilize.” The staff emitted a glow as she focused herself onto the spell.
YELENA BELOVA: “Jim. What a nice young man.” Yelena scoffed. She paused, softening slightly as she turned to face Bucky fully. “Thank you.” Her tone was composed of genuine relief. Rising up to reach his face, Yelena pressed a chaste kiss to his lips. “I do trust you.”
BOBBI MORSE: Determined to focus on the spell, Bobbi’s face twitched at Yelena and Bucky. Worse than high schoolers.
ILLYANA RASPUTIN: Drawing on Limbo, Illyana closed her eyes when she heard Nico’s staff and began chanting. Confirma. Stabiliendum. Solidatur. Est una tribus, tribus fit unum. Dormammu limbo ex angulis eminebant de profundis et frugibus suis circum nos, ut tecum una. As she repeated Wanda’s words, the red began to glow and overtake the room. It burned so brightly that it overtook the space and ate everything else out entirely.
BUCKY BARNES: With his ungloved hand, bucky cupped the side of Yelena’s face. “I know.” he heard Illyana and Nico behind him but he didn’t look. He had a gut feeling where this was going and he was just…relieved to see Yelena again. It tugged somewhere deep in his chest, making him oddly angry all over again. He was exhausted, frustrated, but relieved. “Also, please don’t ever mention Jim again.” he said on what sounded like a breathy laugh. “C’mere.” Even though they didn’t do this, Bucky pulled Yelena in close, arms wrapping around her small frame.
NICO MINORU: Confirma. Stabiliendum. Solidatur. Est una tribus, tribus fit unum. Dormanmu limbo ex angulis emine ant de profundis et frugibus suis circum nos, ut tecum una. Nico repeated alongside Magik, closing her eyes as the red glow overtook the entire room. Based on that, she hoped it was working. And she also hoped that they wouldn’t kill Ripley in the process.
YELENA BELOVA: Folding into him, Yelena stared at the two spellcasters. She hated magic. She hated how small it made her feel. She didn’t like Ripley either, but they all deserved better than this. “He was a victim too, at first.” The light was too bright then and Yelena had no choice but to avert her eyes.
RIPLEY RYAN: Every memory. Every life. Every backstory. The Town Database was comprehensive and the woman whose energy fueled it remembered every detail. For the first time since they had managed to restrain her, the stirrings of magic gave way to an elevated form of consciousness. Eyes and mouth open, red poured from them until reality was rattled by a burst of energy. Across the town, those left reverted to how they had looked before being changed. Faces returned and scarlet gave way to familiar bodies and clothes. When the wave washed over the hospital, it faded to reveal a blonde in a hospital gown standing in front of the mangled computer system. “I’m going to kill someone.”
LAURA KINNEY: The fight with Bullseye had ended, but Laura followed the scent of blood towards where the Black Widow and Taskmaster had fought. Natasha was fine, her adversary fleeing towards Zemo and the Town hall. When the redhead said she would follow him, Laura had left her to get to the ICU. Without her claws the fight had been a little different than she preferred, but not all of the blood on her was her own. By the time she got there, the room was awash in red. The force of the energy impact threw Laura against the wall, but when she straightened and came to, her cheerleading uniform was gone. The yellow and blue of her Wolverine suit had returned and when she flexed her hands she felt the adamantium.
BOBBI MORSE: Ripley looked mad, but Bobbi couldn’t blame her. She had every right to be. “That’s valid.” She limbed to her feet. “But can we raincheck? Your Stone -- it fractured. From what was being done. We got you a piece on it, but Zemo has a shard at Town Hall. Do I need to tell you how badly this could go?”
RIPLEY RYAN: Of course she didn’t need to. Ripley could feel Pleasant Hill destabilizing and reality growing thin. It Zemo accomplished his goals, he’d be taking her down. It was hard to live with a stone in your chest. it would be impossible to be fragmented. Even then, she could feel the other part calling out. Raising a hand, Ripley looked at the group. TOWN HALL. With that, the hospital was empty as they vanished in a flash of crimson.
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jilljoycearts · 4 years
Feel free to skip a few I'm overenthusiastic thinking of trios in Enderal
9. Snug, marry, kill
-> The Forgotten Stories Trio
Tharaêl, Dijaam, Esme
-> The Main platonic and/or romantic Relationships (imho)
Tharaêl, Jespar, Calia
-> Easy peasy maybe? The Emissaries besides the Prophetess (asking you about Siri feels wrong lol)
Tealor, Coarek, Yuslan
-> Iconic Vendors
Fresh and Tasty Bread, huh no I just place them out for you to look at, my wares it is you want to see I promise you they bring you glee
-> Dust pit adversaries (I want to write Tharaêl again because technically true hngpf)
The Twins (double trouble with two handed hammerss), Tamas Sha'Gar (first fight with the 4 people free for all, he was the one with bow and fire arrows), Raga Shadowclaw (lycanthrope)
-> more "cuddle once, have as a pet, abandon (give to a loving person to take care of)"
Whirlwind (Donkey), Standard Brown horse (not Svart), Cuthbert (the dead (& kinky) mini pig of Maxus Tabaccus, the summoned form not alive one of him)
-> The Big Baddies
The Father, Daddy, Ketaron Dal'Geyss (Rynéus' Father)
I'm a big indecisive softy so I couldn't answer any of those. Last one clearly indicates a certain **theme** in the game 🤔
Long ask - long answer! Like, very long.  The following is based on my personal opinions, visions of characters, marriage, human behaviour etc etc, and I’m fine if you disagree with me. Also, warning - adult topics.
Okay, the input info: 
- I think for myself, not for my prophetess (what I am: mid twenties female who values personal space in a relationship the most).  - I don’t turn it into modern au.  - This is “fuck/marry/kill”, not “snug/marry/kill” (I believe it’s implied, but still, ADULT TOPICS AHEAD) - For me(for this game) marriage is a combo of the first of our wonderful three-positions list, the lack of wish to implement the third and commitment. If optimistic – even fruitful coexistence. I keep in mind marriage is stability and all. - “Kill” is mostly “off the table” for those characters I can’t see fitting for any of the first two positions. That doesn’t mean I want to kill them, except I specifically state so. 
1. Tharaêl, Jespar, Calia Starting with the hardest one.I’m telling bye to Calia, alas. She’s too lawful, and I’d be very grey morality-wise if put to their realities. Besides, she has these sub vibes and I agree with opinions she might be very dom when it comes to intimacy, but her whole sadness aura is not for me. I don’t want to deal with it if I don’t have to.  Jespar: we know what he thinks of any relationship - “as long as I feel like it - I’m here for it, else - adiós” and it’s pretty common for our world, but as we’re in a medieval and religious community, I believe open relationship is not common at all. I am thinking about marriage possibilities here, yes. He wouldn’t like the idea – it involves commitment. And I assume he’s the closest to me personality-wise, so we could be close friends, but I *want* commitment. Whether the relationship hits low or we’re doing pretty good – I want my spouse to be with me. Jespar is known for running away when things get bad. So yeah, he stays just for one night. And it seems I have to marry Tharael. Well… He’s very ESTJ, but I don’t mind if he takes care of, welp, everything. Pros: his understanding of “family” is quite classic to our world as well. Remember what he says in the Refuge - “no one will have to mourn me - no widow, no children, no friends”. So in his head he tried to fit the roles of a husband and a father(still can’t see how he’s capable of it, but he definitely gave it some thinking). Family for him = wife and kids. He acknowledges and accepts the commitment. Besides, he seems to be very responsible and reliable. He also tries to be rational, sometimes he even manages. And, as I see the Rhalata as a military formation, having spent 8 years there, he is very straightforward and strict/precise/exact (pick the right word). If something’s being said – rarely hidden context is implied. It makes communication much easier. Cons: he is explosive and I have strong suspicions he might be of jealous type. It is manageable, though. Especially if you set a list of rules together what is acceptable and what needs further explanations. He’s used to living following rules, so give him new ones and he’ll feel more confident. But careful, as it may play against you. Been there done that. Rules are cool as long as they’re acceptably flexible and you’re not trying to find how to cheat and break them. 
But out of these three, he is the husband material, at least for me. I’m not mentioning any intimacy above, as it would break the game for Tharael at all. But if elaborating – I don’t even know how you would drag him to your bedroom when he’s aware what he is and absolutely not aware what this new “shell” may produce as kids, if it is capable of it at all. So I politely ignore this fact. (In my otp it works as I headcanon the prophet can’t have children)
2. Tharaêl, Dijaam, Esme Why I would marry Esme: she *is* commitment. She cares a lot for a person she’s close to. She cares even after their relationship is not a thing anymore. I love this personality trait, and I’d like to see it in a potential spouse. I’m not sure what kind of relationship she prefers tho, if it’s open like Jespar wants them to be, I start doubting and think of picking Tharael again(not telling Tharael doesn’t care as much; in fact, he cares more). If not an open relationship – Esme is “lighter” than him, but also much more naive. But it’s okay, I can be oversuspicious for the both of us. So, marry Esme. And sorry, Dijaam, I have to kill you as I like Tharael more 🤷🏻‍♀️ 
3. Tealor, Coarek, Yuslan Ah, tricky. Yuslan once had a family – he’s capable of it, they were happy, so I’d pick him for marriage. I know how Qyranian people handle families and marriage, and poly relationships are definitely not my thing, but what he had was very “classy”, so I’m good.Tealor failed to have a family. He barely tried at all. Taranor – the lore never mentioned anything about any love interests. I guess not much difference here picking who to fuck and who to kill. I just pick what looks better, so… kill Tealor.
4. “Iconic Vendors Fresh and Tasty Bread, huh no I just place them out for you to look at, my wares it is you want to see I promise you they bring you glee” I barely trade in the game, I hoard everything😅 I know the first one is Marita, the second phrase is not unique to just one character and the last one I simply can’t remember. But I don’t want to do anything with the mean trader, so I kill him. Marita will be my friend.
5. “Dust pit adversaries (I want to write Tharaêl again because technically true hngpf)The Twins (double trouble with two handed hammerss), Tamas Sha'Gar (first fight with the 4 people free for all, he was the one with bow and fire arrows), Raga Shadowclaw (lycanthrope)” Ehhhh we don’t have any personalities here, so I can’t really pick anyone. KILL ALL! 
6. “more "cuddle once, have as a pet, abandon (give to a loving person to take care of)"Whirlwind (Donkey), Standard Brown horse (not Svart), Cuthbert (the dead (& kinky) mini pig of Maxus Tabaccus, the summoned form not alive one of him)” I’m keeping the ghost pig as it’s somewhat intelligent, doesn’t need food and grooming and takes care of itself in general. If given the choice, I wouldn’t pick anything. Commitment, commitment… As for the other two hoofed frens, no difference really. I’d patpat both, but I don’t want to own a pet.
7. The Father, Daddy, Ketaron Dal'Geyss (Rynéus' Father) Ahh yess daddy issues :D It’s actually simple for me. Daddy I would kill. Huge no. No-no-no. Firstly, he’s a father figure (and you associate yourself with the prophet), so no “snug”, no marriage, no anything. Kill him and that’s all. Ketaron I have to pick for just one night as I don’t see it possible for me to survive under the same roof with this shitty person… So I marry the Father. Nothing physical and it won’t be much I would have to contribute to this relationship but it would be interesting to learn new things, at least. Still, I can see it as “I don’t bother you with your business, you don’t bother me, we just coexist without hate and sometimes I ask dumb questions” That’s all. And no, I won’t try to change anything about the Father. I’d better prefer to avoid any contacts. Serious questions here, being put into a position of spouse would make me shave my head or not 🤔 
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rosesandspades713 · 5 years
a quick rundown of all my player characters from various campaigns over the years
Elsinore (D&D 5e, 2016): Alcoholic lesbian elf with some degree of undiagnosed PTSD. Beast master Ranger. Charisma of 6, so probably hasn’t taken a shower in thirty years
Rhiannon mac Nessa (D&D 5e, 2017): Human. Hunter Ranger. The only good-aligned character in the party. Had a cool-ass magic bow, but unfortunately died in the final battle of the campaign
SeeTac (Shadowrun 5e, 2018-2019): Nearly 8 foot tall ork. Street samurai. Pure of heart, dumb of ass. Literally conceived in order to protect an already existing NPC. My precious baby
Vesper (Shadowrun 5e, 2019-present): Alcoholic lesbian elf with some degree of undiagnosed PTSD (yes, again). Sniper. Unlike Elsinore, may actually make progress in dealing with her problems. Someday.
Mercy Morris (D&D 5e, 2020-2021):  Half-elf adopted by a family of dwarves at a young age. Swashbuckler Rogue. Based almost entirely off of Miguel and Tulio from The Road to El Dorado. As close to a bard as the low-magic setting of the campaign would allow.
Eleanor Casten (D&D 5e, 2020): Variant human. Storm Sorcerer. Had the noble background and was a brat. Got a magic item that turned into a giant fortress. We called it her Tantrum Tower.
Saoirse Vale (D&D 5e, 2021-present): Kalashtar. Path of Wild Magic Barbarian. One half of a set of identical twins, which she has Issues about. An archaeologist by trade, and currently attuned to a cursed axe.
Inara Dael (D&D 5e, 2021-present): Drow. College of Spirits Bard once we actually get to level 3. Likes: spooky things, her friends, bartending at the tavern the party runs. Dislikes: Jarlaxle Baenre (if you know, you know).
Pyrope (Shadowrun 5e, 202?-): Human mage. Has an affinity for fire and a disdain for applying herself. Really just a major bitch. She’s going to be so much fun.
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growingingreenwood · 5 years
So I checked out your stories and I LOVE THEM!!!!!!! Your 'Little Moments' chapters are all so amazingly written, unique, and well captured. I'm also going through your other stories and am now waiting eagerly for the next chapter of "Effects of War" but now I want to know more about Avaleina cause she's the only Legolas x OC I've ever liked.
Oh my god??? Wow thanks!!!! Im so glac you like her, I need more people to SO like here we go guys 🤷‍♀️
• She was one of 5 elflings who had both parents die when Amon Lang fell. The same night that Legolas lost his mother.
• They come to be known as the "Orphans of Greenwood," and most grow to become the most fierce and most intimidating of Greenwoods army. Burning rage and revenge are incredibly good motivators.
• Thranduil ended up basically making a dormitory for all of them inside the Mountian, since all the elflings were too tramatuized and unwilling to be adopted to another family.
• I always thought that Thranduil was the type of father who was fully invested on all of his sons friends lives, and he has more than enough lecturing and love to go around so he kept a super close eye in them all.
• So the orphans were raised by an assortment of well meaning and over protective staff and a King.
• Anyway Legolas was super good friends with all of them, and grew up with all of them but he was particularly close to two of them. Farlen and Avaleina.
• But especially especially Avaleina
• Thranduil can keep his crown and Greenwood because these two have their own domain because they are the King & Queen of friends to lovers but slowburn af
• If you look up "Commitment Issues" in a Silvan dictionary it'll just be a drawing of Legolas. He saw and felt what losing his mother was like, and he see's everyday how much his father still hurts over missing her.
• So he decided when he was like 10 that he would never fall in love. No sir. No love for him. That was too painful, and he wanted nothing to do with it, losing friends was enough.
• If you catch only one of them doing something dumb, dangerous or against the rules then you better keep looking cause you best believe the other one is lurking nearby.
• They're absolutely ridiculous togeather sometimes cause they have so many inside jokes and energy and theyre so hecking comfortable around eachother, and they both can be really loud without meaning to be out of excitement.
• Ava knew she was in love with Legolas wwwaaayyyy before he knew he was in love with her. But she didn't say anything cause she knew him and she knew it would freak out.
• Meanwhile Thranduil and Galion were watching from a distance taking bets on how long it would take them to get togeather.
• When they did FINALLY get togeather Legolas was also the King of trying to break it off several times but then changing his mind for various reasons. (Near death experiences, his father/Galion talking him out of it, jealousy, Ava just absolutely not taking ANY of his shit, ect)
• They kept everything Super Super Secret (even from their own people.) And while Thranduil noticed the change, he never asked and they never outright told him. Occasionally, he would make passing veiled comments that he was fully aware of their secret and they never denied anything.
• They never once said "I love you," to eachother That Way until after the war.
• Because Love Is Dangerous And Bad And We Do Not Love Here.
• Instead; They would ask one another to marry them, when nobody else could hear OR "We're going to die doing this." "At least you'll finally meet my Nana."
• He made her engagment rings out of random object literally all of the time. She has a whole box fill of them.
• Sometimes ribbons, bow strings, grass blades, flower petteles, strips of tree back. Anything. Everything.
• They were both on a team called the Amarth which translates to "Doom" which was essentially the Navy Seal team of Greenwood. This made them even more disturbingly close cause TRAUAMA BONDING ANYONE
• If they're on the same patrol in the forest they usually sleep next to eachother, or one sleep while the other keeps watch. At home, she usually sneaks into his room and crawls into bed in the middle of the night so that they can sleep togeather. Cause they both sleep significantly better with the other one around.
• Legolas didn't say a single thing about her to anyone during the quest just in case little ears of the enemy overhear and tell those working with the darkness in Greenwood how important she was.
• He was terrified the entire time that she would meet the same fate as his mother. Or that she would be kidnapped and used against his father. Or worse. Kidnapped for the sake of it.
• So he didn't say anything until after he got home, and she almost punched him in the face for joining the fellowship.
• She goes to Ilithein with him but also does quite a but of traveling with him and Gimli
• Gimli adores her. Absolutely adores her.
• Not only because he pretty much legally has to love anybody Legolas does, but also because of how Legolas is whenever she's around. Like. He thought Legolas was annoyingly happy during the quest?? That's nothing compared to being reunited with your lifelong best friend after surviving a war both of you had just assumed would painfully kill the both of you, and then get to enjoy a newly peaceful word togeather the likes of which neither had ever experienced AND be publicly affectionate????
• Nothing beats that. Nothing.
• He leaves for Valinor before her because of his Sea longing, she stays until the very very last of the Greenwood elves are ready to sail. And then a bit longer than that cause she goes with the Twins to find Maglor and make him sail west with them.
• She and Legolas get married twice. Once it middle earth so all their mortal friends can be there and then once in Aman once all if their family has come back to life.
• He might as well have: "If she's on the other side of the world and the only way I can reach her is to cut the earth in half with a dull spoon, i would be there in 3 days," tatood in his face
• And she should have : "If you day or do literally one single thing to hurt him after everything he's done I'm going to hurt you until Eru himself regrets making you," in hers.
• They're the biggest fucking dorks in the WORLD who I just want to run around singing and making jokes and be togeather and I love them very much.
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popatochisssp · 6 years
Skeletons Masterpost
The number of posts I’ve made about headcanons and such is starting to get a little long, so I feel like this might be useful! ;3
I’ll be adding to this as I do more things and try to keep it relatively up-to-date with all the stuff I’ve written, headcanons and actual fic alike.
Under the cut because it got pretty long!
Sans (Undertale)
Random Headcanons: 1
A-Z Ask Game: 1 | 2
Sans is a basic bitch
Stuff he enjoys in bed * 
Pokemon team
...Well, one of you is gonna have to change.
Love in a Ball-Pit
Papyrus (Undertale)
Random Headcanons: 1
A-Z Ask Game: 1
Stuff he enjoys in bed *
Pokemon team
Get Dunked On
Sky (Underswap Sans)
Random Headcanons: 1 | 2
A-Z Ask Game: 1 | 2 | 3
With a s/o who’s never been in a relationship before
On marking his partner *
Stuff he enjoys in bed * 
Pokemon team
His cautious opinion of humans
Would he ever Judge his s/o?
Best Worst Day Ever
Paps (Underswap Papyrus)
Random Headcanons: 1 | 2 | 3
A-Z Ask Game: 1 | 2 | 3
With a s/o who wears thigh-highs
Paps is not a basic bitch... but he IS a college cryptid (or maybe a Victorian gentleman...)
Stuff he enjoys in bed * 
With a dyslexic s/o
With a friend who unintentionally plays on his daddy kink
Pokemon team
You’ve Goat to Be Kidding
Jasper (Underfell Sans)
Random Headcanons: 1 | 2
A-Z Ask Game: 1
With an artist s/o who wants him to pose for them
Jasper is a crunchy marshmallow
With a s/o who wants to dom him in the bedroom
With a s/o who wants to kiss and nuzzle his forehead
Stuff he enjoys in bed *
Feelings on collaring (but also, on collars with a s/o)
Pokemon team
The baby pictures he keeps of his bro
With a s/o who wants to flatter/fluster/pamper him
On knitting
Bad to the Bone
Pyre (Underfell Papyrus)
Random Headcanons: 1 | 2 | 3
A-Z Ask Game: 1 | 2
With an artist s/o who wants him to pose for them
Stuff he enjoys in bed *
Feelings on collaring (but also, on collars with a s/o)
Pokemon team
Theatrical romance
Better Than Expected
Family First (Platonic)
As You Like It
Mal (Swapfell Sans)
Random Headcanons: 1 | 2
A-Z Ask Game: 1 | 2 | 3
What is Swapfell Indigo?
How to start winning his trust
On marking his partner *
Stuff he enjoys in bed *
With a s/o who doesn’t want to wear a collar......or wants to wear it as a bracelet instead? Or maybe a big bow? (Would he wear a bow collar...?)
Adapting to the surface
Pokemon team
If someone were to try and boop him (Being booped by a s/o specifically)
With a self-negative s/o
With a s/o who’s scared of rough stuff in bed *
With a s/o who doesn’t like fancy styles of clothes
Mal and his Princess
Aftercare best practices *
Mission Impossible
Dirty Laundry (plus The Hamper [WIP] for extras)
Rus (Swapfell Papyrus)
Random Headcanons: 1 | 2 | 3
A-Z Ask Game: 1
What is Swapfell Indigo?
With a very small, very affectionate s/o
With a s/o who hasn’t had the best life
With a diabetic s/o who cannot accept sweets from him
Stuff he enjoys in bed * (and if his s/o is kinda subby, too)
How his s/o’s first period around him might’ve gone
Why he’s a little more vulnerable when he comes from a Kill or Be Killed universe
His feelings on collaring (and if not being able to beat Mal is an obstacle...) Or if his s/o wants to wear a big bow as a collar?
Adapting to the surface
Pokemon team
With an argumentative s/o
Resisting a Rest
Snuggle Therapy
Dirty Laundry (plus The Hamper [WIP] for extras)
Slate (Horrortale Sans)
Random Headcanons: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
A-Z Ask Game: 1 | 2 | 3
On fixing the hole in his skull
Making it work with a small normal-sized s/o
With a s/o trying to wear his clothes
Why is he so big?
With a s/o who wants to dress up fancy to go on a casual date
With a s/o recovering from anorexia
With a s/o who wants to kiss his hands
Stuff he enjoys in bed *
A meet-cute
Pokemon team
If his Phantump discovered some...memories...
With an adopted sibling in college who’s working too hard
With a s/o who has as much LV as he does
Is he a sadist?
Using his poor memory to trick/prank him
Can he see out of both eyes?
Skull damage
Fur a Good Time, Call... (plus Snips & Snails for extras)
Papy (Horrortale Papyrus)
Random Headcanons: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
A-Z Ask Game: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
With a s/o who struggles with anxiety/depression
Making it work with a small normal-sized s/o
With a s/o trying to wear his clothes 
With a s/o who likes to be picked up
Why is he so big?
With a s/o recovering from anorexia
With a loving, domestic s/o
Stuff he enjoys in bed *
Pokemon team
With a s/o who isn’t intimidated by/likes his height
Trauma/coping from the Underground
A Modest Proposal
Ash (Undergloom Sans)
Random Headcanons: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
What is Undergloom?
Stuff he enjoys in bed *
Pokemon team
Undergloom Sandbox (worldbuilding, meta, flash-drabbles)
Yrus (Undergloom Papyrus)
Random Headcanons: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
What is Undergloom?
Stuff he enjoys in bed *
Pokemon team
Undergloom Sandbox (worldbuilding, meta, flash-drabbles)
Brick (Horrorfell Sans)
Random Headcanons: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
What is Horrorfell?
His ideal s/o
With someone struggling to learn sign who wants to communicate through text/writing
His feelings on his lost voice
Refusal to rely on text-to-speech
Reaction time
Swearing in sign
Acrylic vs wool
On knitting
Stuff he enjoys in bed *
His relationship with his brother
Surface wildlife
Telling his s/o about the Underground
Skull damage
Pokemon team
Tangles (WIP)
King (Horrorfell Papyrus)
Random Headcanons: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
What is Horrorfell?
Who took the blame for all the dead humans? Well...
On King’s prosthetic leg
How to befriend/get close to him
Stuff he enjoys in bed *
His relationship with his brother
Surface wildlife
Telling his s/o about the Underground
Pokemon team
Sunny (G!Sans)
Random Headcanons: 1
What is Gastertale?
Stuff he enjoys in bed *
Pokemon team
Aster (G!Papyrus)
Random Headcanons: 1
What is Gastertale?
Stuff he enjoys in bed *
Pokemon team
Merc (Horrorswap Sans)
Random Headcanons: 1
What is Horrorswap?
No, not ALL the way pink
Though that would be cool
Does his personality change post-pink?
Stuff he enjoys in bed *
Making up with his brother
Pokemon team
His ideal s/o
Ell (Horrorswap Papyrus)
Random Headcanons: 1
What is Horrorswap?
Not pink, but blurple is nice too
Stuff he enjoys in bed *
Making up with his brother
Pokemon team
Pitch (Horrorswapfell Sans)
Random Headcanons: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
What is Horrorswapfell?
HSF!Dirty Laundry
Blind jokes
Stuff he enjoys in bed *
Making up with his brother
Skull damage
There’s a snake in his face
Pokemon team
Nemo (Horrorswapfell Papyrus)
Random Headcanons: 1 | 2
What is Horrorswapfell?
HSF!Dirty Laundry
Stuff he enjoys in bed *
Making up with his brother
Pokemon team
All the Skeles...
Where their nicknames came from (Part 2, Part 3)
The not-so-secret G!bros... [NO LONGER ACCURATE] THIS is the one you want!
Sending flowers to their s/o
With a s/o who has narcolepsy
Who can use shortcuts?
With a transgender s/o: 1 | 2
With an asexual s/o
With a s/o who has chronic pain (active skeles, and the lazybones)
Where to run into a Sans for the first time
Cats vs Dogs Opinions
With a s/o who’s having a birthmark surgery
With a cute, yet intelligent scientist s/o
With a shy, easily flustered s/o
With a s/o who has self-harm scars
Favorite Youtubers
With a ticklish s/o
With a s/o who cries a lot
With a s/o who dyed their hair to match their magic
With a s/o who has a degenerative condition
Worst traits in a relationship (and the Silver Lining!)
Best traits in a relationship
Halloween: 1 | 2
With a death metal vocalist s/o
With an s/o who is a dragon
Astrological signs
Chinese Zodiac animal
Opinions on puns: 1 | 2
4/20 Blaze It
Accidentally walking in on their crush changing
Unique tastes in music
Meme literacy
With someone being aggressive toward their s/o
With a s/o who’s loud when excited and then self-conscious
Relative heights
...but if their heights were static and they had a relatively tall s/o
Boobs or butts? *  (Tumblr is dumb, here’s the exact same link)
With a monster s/o without eyes
With an s/o who sings about them
Who confesses first?
How does monster pregnancy work?
With a s/o who wants to be poly
With a bilingual s/o
With a monster s/o who’s the strong, silent type
Proposing to their s/o: Sanses | Papyri
Favorite Disney movies
With a s/o who has the power of KR
Beverage of choice
With an affectionate s/o after a wisdom teeth removal
With a crying s/o after a wisdom teeth removal
Can skeletons squish?
Body insecurities when with a human s/o
With a s/o scared of getting married and having kids
The brothers’ relationships with each other
On scary movies and a scaredy cat s/o
As adopted siblings to a teen/young adult human
Biggest pet peeves
With a s/o who has curly, fluffy hair
With a s/o that used to have an eating disorder
With a s/o who draws on themselves with sharpie
With a s/o having their period (And more on the HT boys specifically) (Plus an update with the new skeles)
With a s/o who has low self-esteem
With a s/o who has body-image issues
With a s/o having a bad day, and how to help on their bad days
What and who is The Judge? (Plus the new skeles)
With their pregnant s/o who forgot to tell them it was twins
Can monsters get sick?
With a s/o whose pet just died
With a s/o who draws them as superheroes
With a s/o who has projective chromesthesia
What jobs do they have on the surface?
Making their s/o gigglesnort for the first time
What kind of huggers are they?
Accidentally hurting their s/o in an argument... (but don’t panic because...)
With a pregnant s/o (and if he was the pregnant one)
With an accidentally pregnant s/o
With their brother’s s/o
Lingerie preferences * (Tumblr is dumb, here’s the exact same link, and here’s another link for the new skeles update)
With a s/o who can lift them
Dresses they might pick out for their s/o (or suits they might pick for their s/o)
With a s/o who wants to learn a new skill for them
What kind of kissers are they?
How they feel about Valentine hearts (and if their s/o decided to tease them...)
What kind of sweets they’d get their sweetie for Valentines Day
What kind of cuddlers are they?
Feelings on petnames (and favorites to use) PLUS the reverse: (pet names they like to be called!)
Sharing a s/o with their brother...?
What kind of lovers are they? (And what if it’s their s/o’s first time?) *
Awareness of RESETs
Modern Stats
With a s/o who’s a criminal
As Pokémon
With a s/o who’s scared/anxious about pregnancy and childbirth
How fast do they move in a relationship?
How are they at aftercare?
How do they feel about being edged? Sanses | Papyri *
The Sanses stats
To a s/o who attempted suicide
With a s/o who secretly plays the guitar
How to get him riled up in public *
How they’re like when drunk/tipsy (and their drinks of choice!)
With a s/o who has split personalities
With a s/o who has a big secret in their past
The loud skeles with a s/o who gets bad headaches
Annoying Dog across AUs
With a s/o that snores
With a s/o who doesn’t like attention in bed and wants to take care of him instead *
On tattoos and other body-mods
Lifespans and aging
Feelings on public displays of affection
With a short-tempered s/o
All the Sanses are scientists!
As candies/sweet treats
Misc Underswap Alphyne headcanons
Preferred condiments/toppings
On Vocaloids
With a stoic crush who looks at them affectionately (UF, SF, HT)
With a shy s/o getting the courage to hold their hand for the first time
With a s/o who gets into a lot of trouble
With a sensitive s/o (UF & SF)
With an artistically-minded s/o
Thoughts on seeing their kid for the first time
With a s/o crying because they’re so happy
Prominent scars and injuries (UF, SF, HT)
Favorite cats & toys in Neko Atsume
Kinds of flowers they’d surprise their s/o with
Favorite foods
Who would win in a Pokemon tournament (or would they prefer a contest?)
What do they feed their Pokemon?
What are they like as yanderes?
With a s/o who wants to go to a Pride celebration
Hogwarts houses (and the new skeles update)
With a s/o who’s cut family members out of their life
When they’ll be comfortable with “I love you” with a s/o
Soft hands vs rough hands
With a s/o whose depression causes dissociation
The Nightmare Before Christmas
Nuzzling habits
A s/o trying to climb them (Papyri | Sanses)
Trying to surprise-kiss a tall skele
Knowledge of flower-language
How the upbeat skeles handle bad feelings
Opinions on humans
Cats & Dogs they might own
Talking during movies
The active skeles with a lazy s/o
Tics and habits
Baby Shark
Spooky Scary Skeletons
Which starter Pokemon would they pick?
Younger brothers’ first words
Age gap between the older and younger brothers
Area 51
On killing (UF, SF, HT)
Babybones Papyri bringing home a bad grade
Gaming habits
Being called ‘husband’ by a friend
Feelings on Pokemon (the game)
Can the innocent, sweet, naive skeletons take care of themselves?
Languages they might be interested to learn
On cursing
How they handle separation from their brother
Ideal honeymoons
Wild West AU
Surface integration for ‘fell ‘verses
Minor deity AU
Buying menstruation supplies for their s/o
Speech patterns across AUs (plus the new skeles)
Mood/stimboard vibes (plus UG and HF)
What animal would they be
As kinds of cake
Halloween costumes (new skeles only)
Frisk’s role in Swapfell
On eye-lights and the shapes they make
So no additional humans died in HS and HSF?
Spit or swallow *
What would the skeles be like if they were gay?
On the intrusion of skull orifices
Hope for the Holidays (Sans & Papyrus bonding, no Reader)
Bag of Bones (drabble collection)
Working Out the Kinks (Kinktober 2018) * NSFW, not for minors!
Make Your Mark (Soulmate AU, and here’s the Symbolism Guide)
Flotsam and Jetsam (Mermay inspired, WIP)
Not So Spooky Scary (Halloween costume drabbles)
Choose Your Adventure (Holiday Edition)
Kinktober 2: Electric Boogaloo (Kinktober 2019, WIP) * NSFW, not for minors!
Soul Searching (w/skeletons 1-14)
Sweet Treats (drabble collection, WIP, w/all 20 skeletons)
305 notes · View notes
mythicamagic · 6 years
Swimming in Silk ~ A Sesskag fanfic
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Training in front of her, engaging her in conversation and now lending her his clothes…Kagome is starting to suspect that Sesshoumaru is trying to gain her attention. NOW COMPLETE!
Chapter Three - here    Chapter Five - here
Chapter Two - here        Chapter Four - here
Sesskag - Romance, Humour and some drama
Rated M
He was doing it again.
Kagome slightly frowned, and adjusted her grip on the novel in her hands, forcing her attention to stay on the words that had previously held her so engrossed.
Sesshoumaru moved once more.
She chewed the inside of her cheek, chancing a glance.
As expected, the Daiyoukai stood some distance away, poised and silent in a deadly stance, Bakusaiga drawn.
She sighed.
Sesshoumaru swung the sharp blade to the side in a wide arch, moving and turning his body gracefully. Lean muscle shifted. The hair at the back of her neck pricked as his energy flared to life, caressing the air of the clearing.
Kagome shut the book and stood. Turning on her heel with a distracted shake of her head, Kagome ignored her heated cheeks and grabbed her pack. She then set off in the opposite direction purposefully.
Of all the things she’d expected to deal with when deciding to stay in the past, this was not one of them.
Sesshoumaru had first taken to training in front of her bewildered eyes two weeks ago. Whenever she left the village for some reason- and whenever he happened to be visiting Rin, she stumbled onto him training.
Kagome splashed her face with water from a stream, feeling out of sorts. Stupid.
It was only Sesshoumaru. Demon Lord, Enemy, Ally, and now…Clearing Companion.
Yet some days later, when she was out gathering herbs, Kagome chanced a glance up, wiping sweat from her forehead- and found him in the clearing, as if he’d always been there and she was the one intruding.
It happened too often to be a coincidence, but no answers were forthcoming from the taciturn demon. She watched, staring at his back as he moved, bathed in the strong sunlight. His posture straight, movements quiet as his youki coiled out along the blade. Kagome could feel it even from where she knelt, and she pressed down her own powers, which fizzled to life on her skin in response.
“Sesshoumaru.” She tried.
He turned slightly, some silver strands of hair falling forward to caress his cheek. Kagome felt her fingers twitch with the ridiculous urge to push it back behind his pointed ear.
“What is it, Miko?”
“Well, it’s just…there’s a lot of clearings around here, right?” She asked, before wincing. Now she just felt rude. It wasn’t like he was doing anything wrong, and if she asked him to leave, didn’t that imply that she felt uncomfortable in his presence?
He continued to shift position, bringing the sword down in a swift motion and then straightening again. “Indeed.”
Kagome bit her lip. No, she couldn’t say anything. The Daiyoukai was a pretty standoffish guy. She didn’t want to discourage him from approaching her. She enjoyed their little talks when she sometimes brewed tea and watched over Rin. Maybe this was just how he showed he was comfortable around her? She didn’t train around her friends…with her shirt off…but maybe full blooded demons did that.
“Do you have a point?” His deep baritone comes again, making her lift her eyes to his. Kagome blushed slightly, feeling like she’d been caught staring.
“N-no. Uh…but I did notice that you do a lot of basic forms when training. Is the fancy footwork just a heat of the moment battle thing?” She asks, lips lifting at the corners slightly. Teasing felt better, safer. She didn’t want to feel like she was ogling Inuyasha’s brother. Her ex’s brother, she reminded herself with a mental wince.
Sesshoumaru raised a brow. “Fancy?”
“Yeah,” she smiled, standing. “You know…”
Holding her arm out in front of her and mimicking a sword swing, she turned and swiftly spun on her heel in a circle. When she faced forward again, he tilted his chin up slightly.
“You realise you are mocking a centuries old technique and recreating it improperly?” The demon uttered flatly.
“I’m not mocking- the part missing is where your fancy move lops off five heads at once.” Kagome snorted.
His eyes glittered proudly at that, making her smile wider. He did love his dark humour.
Demons, she inwardly rolled her eyes.
“Hn, this one practices the ‘fancy footwork’ as well. However…ignoring the basics would be folly.”
“How so?”
He turned to face forward, face unreadable. “Paying attention to the simplest and smallest details helps to gauge a picture of the whole.”
Kagome blinked and shifted, lifting the basket of herbs and holding it against her hip. She caught sight of the scar on his left arm, the ring of marks below his bicep where the new limb had filled the void where only a stump had been. She nodded slowly.
“That’s cool, but…” she trailed off. Do you need to do that shirtless?
He moved again, and this time she could have sworn she spied a bead of sweat run down from his collarbone to his chest- and at that point Kagome swiftly turned. “I-I think I hear Kaede calling me! I’ll talk to you again later!” She squeaked, hurrying away.
A few days later, Kaede asked her to run an errand. Kagome would have to leave Edo and set out for another village, to deliver some medicinal herbs. It was only a five hour walk, but the older woman’s back had been playing up. Kagome was happy to accept, and soon steadied a pack on her shoulder along with her trusty bow. It had been awhile since it had been used in self defence, but she’d practised every so often on targets.
Exiting the hut, she ruffled Rin’s hair in passing, who grinned up at her, clad in a new kimono. “Safe trip, Kagome!”
“Yes, have a safe journey, my lady.” Cut in a new voice, and Kagome looked up to see Miroku outside his hut, holding one of his twins. Kagome smiled and nodded.
“I won’t be long. Tell Inuyasha if he comes back before I do that- I’m totally fine going to the next village on my own.”
Miroku chuckled. “Sango and I will inform him, but you know how he is.”
Kagome rolled her eyes and continued on, waving as she departed the village. Though she spoke of Inuyasha fondly, they’d certainly felt a strain in their friendship even after their decision to break up. He’d been running more errands than she had outside the village, though he always returned.
Six months had passed since she’d decided to stay in the Feudal Era. The awkwardness of her choice was not lost on her. Since her amicable breakup with Inuyasha, she had no solid reason for turning her back on her Modern Day life. She still visited her family, but those three years she’d spent in higher education felt so far away.
It was then she remembered her mother’s words after she’d told her she was staying.
‘We knew you’d fallen in love with the past a long time ago.’
After reaching the village and delivering the medicine without issue, Kagome had noticed several children outside the hut. The village was slightly smaller and more remote than Edo, so it was easy to spot them pointing at the river. Kagome made her way closer and blinked, seeing a young boy sitting on a rock in the middle of the water, the current mild as it lapped around his tiny island.
“What’s he doing?” Kagome asked one of the older boys, who glanced up at her.
“The dumb-ass was climbing on a branch from one of those overhanging trees and it snapped- so he fell in and now he’s stuck there.”
“Can’t he swim?”
The boy shook his head, looking at her as though she were an alien. “None of us can.”
Kagome’s brows drew together and she sighed, rolling her sleeves up as she pushed through the mini crowd. Without preamble she dived into the water with a small splash, making the children gasp and gather closer to where she’d disappeared under the surface.
Unbeknownst to all, golden eyes watched the spectacle unfold from the shade of the trees. The Daiyoukai shifted as Kagome broke the surface of the water near the boy and held her arms out to him, smiling encouragingly as she tread water. Sesshoumaru stayed rooted in place until she swam back to the other side with the boy in tow, who clung to her fiercely.
Under an hour later she found him reclining against a tree, having sensed him. Kagome was utterly unsurprised by it, for some reason. When he did not look up at her, Kagome brushed some hair away from her face.
“You know, a few of the children in the village can’t swim.” She casually informed him as Sesshoumaru hummed noncommittally. Kagome shifted her pack on her bare shoulder. “So, I’m going to teach them how to swim.”
This time, he did look up. Kagome smiled as his eyes widened.
She’d decided to get some small form of payback by getting dressed into her swimsuit. If she was going to be swimming she wanted to do it properly this time, and she hadn’t been able to resist getting changed before seeing him. I can’t go shirtless but I can do this.
Her swim suit hugged her form, and had some splashes of red hibiscus flower patterns on it. The straps were thin on her shoulders, but apart from that, she felt it was modest. When he still said nothing, she started to ramble. “I’m not exactly qualified to do this but I taught Sota how to swim, how much different could it be?”
Sesshoumaru hummed, shifting his arm that was draped over his bent knee. “There will be several children to teach, not just one. And there’s the unfamiliarity of this village.”
Kagome was busy waving off those words when he threw in- “not to mention the wives that will hate you.”
She froze and shot him a look. “What do you mean? I’m doing a good thing. Knowing how to swim is really important.”
“Your intentions are noble, but they will not like your attire…” he cast a look at her swimsuit again, gaze dragging down her body from head to toe this time with lingering attention.
Despite herself, Kagome blushed and gestured to it. “T-this is really modest compared to some bathing suits!”
“They might not agree.”
Kagome huffed and crossed her arms, ire rising to combine with her embarrassment. How come he got to strut around training, and yet one look from him unsettled her? “You’re being ridiculous. You’ll see.”
He watched her stomp off with a flat look, before his gaze naturally slid down her retreating form. Her ‘bathing suit’ left little to the imagination. His lips parted enough to expose the hint of a fang as he exhaled slowly.
Not long later, he heard tell-tale soggy stomping approaching. Kagome appeared from around a tree, arms crossed and red faced as she stood in her wet swim suit. Sesshoumaru directed his gaze to the tops of the trees and seemed to stare at the horizon determinedly.
“Don’t you say a word.” Kagome muttered, trudging forward as she attempted to ring the water from her hair. Droplets landed on the forest floor softly.
“Take it you were dismissed?” He says anyway, making her growl.
“I’m just trying to help! But nooo.” She kicked a stone and winced, whimpering and holding her foot. “As soon as I dropped the towel it was like I’d ran naked through their village. And when I tried to show swimming techniques the mothers accused me of being a water demon. I’m no Kappa.” Kagome griped.
She barely noticed Sesshoumaru move, until it became apparent he’d undone the secures of his armour. He then lifted it off him and set it down, before reaching for his white and red hankimono, tugging at the folds of clothing. Kagome’s face grew warmer as she quickly held up her hands. “What are you doing? I-if you need to train again, you could turn around to get shirtless.”
Not that it would make a difference, he’d still be shirtless in her prensence and oh god don’t ogle-
Kagome swiftly turned around as he took off the outer layer of clothing. She jumped when she felt him nudge her arm, and the miko turned, expecting to see his bare chest. Instead, he’d kept his hanjuban on, the crisp white under-layer looking as pristine as the material he now held.
She looked down at his hand, seeing his trademark red honey-comb design staring back at her. Was he…seriously offering it to her?
Kagome quickly put one hand on his striped wrist. “What are you doing?” She asked in a weaker voice, confused.
“You can wear this. If you so choose.” He stated, pushing the soft clothing into her hands. She stared at him, noting he looked strange without the billowing white and red sleeves, more approachable and unguarded. Blue eyes fell to the fabric she held, thumb rubbing it. Such fine silks in her hands felt wrong. She didn’t think she’d ever held something so expensive and fine before. They were usually barred from human touch in a museum. He expected her to wear it?
Kagome opened her mouth to refuse, thinking she’d damage it- but the intentness of his steady gaze brought her up short. Somehow, it felt as though he were offering more than just clothing, though it was lost on her what that was. Yet she felt it’s weight all the same.
“I’ll be swimming in it…” she says instead, hoping he’d take it back. She didn’t want to confront that look, or the weight.
“This Sesshoumaru is aware.”
Kagome faltered, cheeks burning. Her traitorous heart fluttered as though she were still a school girl. “I don’t know how to…” she unfolded it and then quickly held it up when the fabric nearly brushed the floor.
The Daiyoukai eased closer, retaking the clothing from her- long fingers skimming hers as he stepped around her. Kagome hesitantly lifted her arm, feeling as though she were naked in his presence now as he slid it into the sleeve. She kept her eyes fixed forward as she felt the weight of the sleeves, the warmth of the newly used silks settle around her shoulders.
Her lips pressed together, feeling his breath fanning against the side of her head as he lent in close to tuck the fabric in, his hand brushing her bare collarbone as he closed the parting at the front. He brought out a smaller cloth than his sash, but it did the job as he secured it around her waist to keep the fabric in place. All the while her heart had graduated from fluttering and was now majoring in hammering inside her rib-cage.
They were platonic. Friends. Platonic friends. Kagome tried to remember this as he lent back slightly and she tilted her head up- underestimating his proximity and the intensity of his gold eyes.
“Done,” he said, not touching her now. And yet her skin thrummed as though reaching back for him, and something hooked low in her stomach at just the thought of it; waiting for him to move.
Some of his silver hair tickled her cheek as she stayed still, looking up at him, nodding slowly. “Thank you.” She murmured, breathing out and stepping away the moment she thought he moved an inch closer.
She lifted her arm, noticing the sleeves had been tied back at her elbows to allow for movement, and his attention to detail left her touched. More so, the fineness of the material had her looking up at him again with true gratitude now, rather than awe. “Really. This is…I don’t know why you’re doing it, but I feel like royalty in this.”
“Are you so certain…you do not know why I’m doing it?” He muttered, and it sang straight down her spine.
Kagome’s eyes widened and she mentally stepped back even as she remained perfectly still. His voice combined with the look in his eyes sent her off kilter. All this time there had been a safety-net- that Sesshoumaru disliked humans, so of course he wouldn’t look at her that way.
Only he was. Right then. In a way that was unmistakable to pass off as something else.
“These clothes are really important to you, so I-I promise I’ll being them back as soon as I’m done, okay?” She shakily murmured instead, and felt her body wilt the moment disappointment skittered over his expression- to be replaced with his usual passive and non-emotive face. Gone were the burning embers.
Kagome took a few steps back, smile hurting on her face as she waved and turned. “Be back at sunset if those puritan wives don’t come chasing me back with pitchforks!” She says, quickly heading away and feeling his eyes on her back until she was out of sight.
The moment a decent amount of distance had been created between them, Kagome put her hand on her chest and stopped dead, breathing out. Emotion burst within her- all for him, which she viciously tried to temper. Those vague desires he’d elicited in her over the weeks with his training felt tame compared to whatever that had just been. Maybe he’d been building to this, or perhaps it had just been an accident.
Kagome reluctantly pushed herself forward, padding to a nearby river and looking at her reflection. The white and red garb stood out starkly against her black hair, and she touched at her thigh, were the material ended. It was almost like…when a boyfriend lent his girl a shirt to wear.
Only not many girls got to experience this kind of material. She passed an experimental hand over it, comparing it to Inuyasha’s robe of the fire-rat. Much like the wearer, Inuyasha’s had felt coarser, but reliable. Sesshoumaru’s felt like touching cool water.
She mentally winces when she remembers calling him 'big brother’ last year, shortly after her return to the past. What the hell was she doing? And why couldn’t she stop thinking that she really- really wanted to lift the material to her nose and smell it?
Kagome pressed her hands to her eyes and groaned, before trudging off in the direction of the village.
Kenta splashed happily as he kicked his legs, thoroughly soaking Kagome, yet she laughed it off, grinning. She supported him under his stomach as they moved through the water, the seven year old wanting to take off like a jet and swim on his own, but Kagome was reluctant to let him go. She wished she had water wings, and without them, her mini class had to rely on planks of wood or their protective mothers for support in the water.
The mothers weren’t as dismissively hostile with her now, in fact the moment she’d stepped foot in-front of them in Sesshoumaru’s garb, they had clammed up but been slightly more respectful of her. Kagome had felt mild irritation and sighed, but ultimately waved it off. However, the implications were not lost on her. The villagers would probably think they were lovers.
Her damned cheeks heated again, and she grit her teeth. Why didn’t that bother him? He couldn’t just look at her like that out of the blue! And didn’t his reputation matter to him? What if a big deal demon saw her and started spreading gossip that they were an item?
Kagome sighed as she straightened and helped the boy to the river bank. Knowing Sesshoumaru, he wouldn’t care about that kind of thing. He seemed so secure in everything he chose to do, she sort of envied him.
Kenta took his mothers hand and waved at her as he padded away. Kagome smiled and returned it, as many more of the village children started to leave.
“Thank you Kagome!~” Chirped a young girl.
“You’re welcome Megumi. Keep practising your paddle and remember to try and kick your legs under the water next time.” Kagome giggled, waving the children off. Some of the mothers nodded to her as they departed, and Kagome was left to herself by the river.
She held her arms, feeling a slight chill as she turned, bending to pick up the make-shift floats out of the water. The cool silk was now plastered to her, but somehow it felt comforting.
That exercise had been kind of successful, she thought. For a first lesson anyway. She’d have to keep visiting the village, but maybe she could teach some children of Edo how to swim too. Kagome briefly wondered if that would affect time too much- before the sound of several pairs of footsteps made her turn.
Two men stood on the river bank, one holding a fishing net, the other had his arm hidden behind his back- probably holding a knife. Kagome stepped back into the ankle deep water of the shore cautiously. “Hey, uh…can I help you?” She asked carefully. Crap, she’d left her bow and other things with Sesshoumaru.
“Sure can. You can strip for us honey.” The burlier one grinned, looking at her keenly as she bristled.
“Excuse me?” She gritted out.
The leaner man with the net shifted. “It’s not what you think. We just want what you’re wearing. That’s demon clothing. Fetches a high price, especially tailor made- give it over and we won’t have to hurt ya.”
Kagome’s eyes widened. “Don’t you know who this belongs to? He’d kill you if you guys even touched it. No way- gah!” She jumped back as the big one swiped at her with the previously concealed knife. It was bigger than she’d figured, resembling a machete.
“Hand it over, damn it!” He growled, this time trying to grab her as Kagome ducked under his arm and ran up the river bank, sprinting as hard as she could. Hearing their shouts and footsteps behind her, Kagome left the river to run up a steep incline, fairly certain it would lead her back to the path towards Sesshoumaru, when something hit the back of her legs.
She gave a yelp as her chin met the earth, and Kagome rolled down the hill some- before getting to her feet again and not looking behind her to see how close they were. When reaching the top of the hill however, she found herself overlooking the deeper part of the river, and turned to see the men gaining on her. The lean one threw the fish net up, and Kagome grit her teeth, squirming as it fell over her head.
“Get this off!” She yelled, finding that she was getting herself tangled searching for a way to get free.
“You can strip under there girly or we’ll remove ya clothes for ya.” One of them grunted.
“I can’t give this to you! It’s important to him.” Kagome staggered back, eyes wide as they approached her again.
Not thinking anything of it and acting purely on impulse, Kagome turned and jumped from the height- falling towards the river. She met the water soon enough, being plunged into the depths. She kicked her legs and managed to reach the surface despite the fishnet, but the current pulled her further downstream. Coughing, Kagome barely noticed that she’d lost sight of the men as she tried to keep afloat, feeling the net get tangled around her legs.
Kagome felt herself stop as some sort of force held her in the water. Looking back behind her, she found that the net had gotten caught in some branches from an overhanging bush. She let out her breath and eased down under the water, trying to find a way out while she had the chance. It was with difficulty but relief that Kagome eventually got herself free, sliding out of the net parting and swimming to the river bank, exhaustedly pulling herself ashore.
Coughing, she pushed her wet hair back from her face and sat for a moment to catch her breath. She then patted herself down with shaky hands. No injuries was a plus. Kagome almost congratulated herself when she felt it.
A tear.
She quickly checked her right side at her hip. A very large tear.
It arched up around her stomach, the fine material sliced in a clean cut. She couldn’t believe she hadn’t noticed it. Her skin was neatly exposed, but Kagome hardly cared about that. Instead, her heart raced as she pulled the two separate pieces together.
“Oh no…” She murmured, brows pulling together. She’d…promised to take good care of it. It didn’t take a genius to see that the clothing meant a lot to him. It bore his crest, and he always kept it immaculate. In battle he moved with his 'fancy footwork’ as though trying not to spill an ounce of blood on it. Inuyasha had sometimes torn it, sure…but even if it were easily mended she couldn’t shake the feeling that she’d broken her word.
Kagome’s shoulders began to shake and her cheeks grew warm. She then grew even more upset that she was getting upset.
Her vision had gone blurry by the time something large and warm fell onto her head gently, and Kagome started. She raised her head, a few tears falling as she saw blurry white in-front of her. Her breathing hitched as she smelled his scent even without lifting the material to her nose, and Kagome stifled a sob. “I’m sorry.”
“Why are you crying?” He muttered, his warmth drawing closer- until Kagome pressed herself willingly forward into his chest and gripped his clothing tightly. She let out a ramble of words that were meant to explain herself, but all Sesshoumaru could probably hear were the blubberings of a woman-child.
Kagome felt his warm palm stroke the top of her head as she cried. She slowly fell quiet because of that soothing touch, sort of wanting to stay there like that longer. He was gentle and calm in the storm of her emotions.
She soon opened her eyes, rubbing at her cheeks as she pulled away slightly.
“I never cry.” Kagome mumbled. “Sorry, that was awkward, huh?”
She looked at him then and noticed his dark expression as he stared at the tear.“A clean cut from a blade.” Sesshoumaru uttered, lifting his gaze to hers. “You were attacked,” he stated. It was not a question.
Kagome sighed and put her hand on her side. “Two guys. They’re probably long gone now.”
His youki spilled out and curled around him, the atmosphere turning heavy with displeasure. He was angry, she realised. Very angry.
“I could try and mend the tear,” she tried to quell the energy snapping in the air. “It probably won’t be as clean a stitch but-” Kagome’s breath caught as he grasped the front of the clothing, tugging her in close as a snarl hissed out from clenched teeth.
“This one does not care about the clothing. It is you, foolish girl, that this one will be shedding blood for.”
Kagome’s eyes widened. The formless emotion within her that went beyond friendship swelled and scattered her thought process. She didn’t want him to shed blood for her, but when he finally released her she was unable to form the words to stop him.
He set her pack and bow down, before leaping into the air with a crackle of stifling energy that scorched the grass he’d been standing on.
Of all times, Kagome felt something click into place then, watching him fly with such palpable rage. Anger…for her.
A few days passed after Kagome’s trip and after returning back to Edo, everything had fallen back into the way it had been before. Sesshoumaru had said nothing when he’d returned back to her on that river bank with his claws bloody, and neither of them had brought it up. Dissatisfaction gnawed at his insides, but the demon ignored it as he bid farewell to Rin after visiting her. He could not move the miko's attention toward him by force, it wouldn't work.
As he left the village and made his way up the hill, Sesshoumaru’s ears pricked as a soft 'thunk’ sound caught his attention. The faint tremble of a bow string had him moving even before he scented her, and he crested the hill in mere moments, walking on into the forest. He passed by arrows buried into targets on tree trunks, and slowed to admire them. The targets were in a myriad of places, up high in the branches or in trees further off, all of the arrows crammed onto different bulls-eyes with reiki curling around the quivers.
Something gradually built and took hold of Sesshoumaru. The holy powers in the air caused the gold of his eyes to brighten unnautually, and it was only a breath later that he lay eyes on her.
She stood, bow drawn and back arched in a way that made his claws twitch at his sides. Kagome let another arrow fly and it hit the target with a louder 'thunk’ though this one missed the bulls-eye slightly. She breathed out and straightened, meeting his gaze, and he somehow knew his presence had affected her.
“I thought I’d pay you back for all those times you trained in front of me.” She murmured as he stepped closer. “Though, I’m not half naked.”
“This one would not protest if you were.” He uttered, midsummer night eyes darkening in time with her blush.
Kagome turned to face him fully, pointing at him accusingly. “I figured it out, you know. All this time, you were peacocking!”
This caused him to stop and tilt his head slightly. Kagome nodded furiously. “Don’t try and deny it. You were showing off your powers and strength.”
“Yes.” He admitted bluntly, eyes narrowing in thought. “Why call it that though?”
“Male peacocks do this thing where they display all their features, fanning them out. They do it because…uh, because…” Kagome trailed off, blushing as she glanced away.
“It is part of a courtship ritual to attract a mate.” Sesshoumaru finished for her, stepping closer as his eyes warmed. He raised his head then, looking at the targets around them. “You did not need to do this. Your feats with the Shikon no tama proved your strength.”
“Pot kettle black, buddy.” Kagome muttered, sighing and looking up at him as her cheeks continued to burn. “I know how strong you are. You didn’t need to train in-front of me to prove that.”
Her heart hammered in her chest as he brought his hand up, sliding it into her hair behind her ear. “It was more than that, true you’ve seen this one’s strength, but dedication must also be exhibited.”
Kagome leaned into his hand slightly as she swallowed. “I knew that about you too, since you’ve taken care of Rin.” Her hands tentatively rose to rest on his chest, thankful his armour was missing. She felt his warmth and the silk under her palms as she smoothed one hand higher, brushing it over the red and white honeycomb design on his shoulder. “It’s not like you to be self-conscious of your abilities.” She murmured.
Sesshoumaru growled lowly. “It was not a lack of belief in my abilities, merely, it is tradition to show you will be provided for. And this one will take no half measures when trying to court you.”
The breath rushed out of her lungs in a rush. He really said it, and so easily too.
“You really…want that?” She asked quieter.
The hand in her hair pulled away to raise her chin, until she stared up at burning gold. “Do not insult us both by questioning my intentions when this one has already given an answer.” He mutters, mouth pressed into a thin, grim line.
Kagome made to say something when that mouth suddenly pressed against hers, making her squeak. His lips made her heart jolt, and she stood frozen- breathless for a moment, before she leaned slightly into him and kissed back.
He shuddered slightly at the feel of her soft mouth parting as the kiss became more heated and explorative. Lightning crashed down her veins. Her hand smoothed up to cradle the side of his face- thumb accidentally brushing his stripes. Teeth nipped at her lower lip in response and she boldly let her tongue brush against his, experimentally touching his fang- retreating at the sharpness of it. He chuckled slightly against her mouth, as she pressed more into him, finding he tasted like something inexplicable but familiar. Like the taste of the air on a warm summer night.
He pulled back enough to look her dead in the eye. “What do you want, Kagome?” He muttered, their breaths intermingling and coming in warm puffs against their mouths.
Kagome looked at him, her cheeks rosy and lips still slightly parted to maddeningly tempt him. When her thumb brushed his markings again- he almost called her cruel, until she smiled.
“I set up all these targets for you, silly. When I figured out what you’d been doing all this time, I wanted to show off my feathers too, so to speak.” She grinned, before quieting slightly. “We need to work on our communication skills though, you do things the demon way and I don’t always know what you mean by it, so yeah, we need to talk more.”
She leaned up on her tip toes then and brushed her lips against his cheek. “But I do…want you. I want to get to know you more. 'Paying attention to the smallest details helps to gauge a picture of the whole’, right? So, show me-” his mouth on hers cut her off again and he swallowed her muffled words.
Kagome smiled against his mouth as she felt his arms slide around her waist. It would take a little time to get used to the newness of it. His reserved air was completely gone, and the determined, firm lips against hers perhaps should have intimidated her, but Kagome only encouraged it.
As she willingly embraced the demon, she felt herself become wrapped in warm silken robes.
End ~
(A second chapter has been written if you’d like more ^^ read it - here )
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adelmortescryche · 7 years
YOI Cloud Mari AU (Evil Author’s Day I)
AN: Heya, here’s my first post for EAD, if a day late! For those who aren’t familiar with EAD, Evil Author’s Day gives authors the opportunity to post WIPs guiltfree, with no promises attached. Meaning there’s no set date on when I plan to fully post or complete these fics, though they are WIPs.
This is the 1st of three. And the shortest one: 1, 2, 3
Warnings/Tags: Victuuri, Crossover between KHR (Katekyo Hitman Reborn) and YOI (Yuri!!! On Ice), Tsuna and Yuuri are snarky bros, Mari is a Queen and Glorious, All Bow Down Before Her, Tsuna’s mild smiles are liable to incite homicide, Massive Canon Divergence for KHR, Minor Canon Divergence for YOI
Summary: That one in which Katsuki Mari is Tsuna’s Cloud Guardian. This... Changes things.
Yuuri’s in the middle of fending off a rather enthusiastic kiss from his fiancé, laughing all the while, when he hears his name being called out. The call makes him attempt to straighten himself out immediately - it might be nearing the end of the banquet, but that didn’t give him justifiable cause to be rude to any prospective sponsors, right? He didn’t make any move to back away from Victor, though. Because they’d both decided that any sponsors who found their relationship distasteful were safer vetted out right from the beginning.
When he actually turns around to see who, exactly, had called out to him, though, the face is enough of a shock that he goes still for a moment long enough that Victor gets alarmed.
“Yuuri?” He asked, while giving the brunet who’d approached them a cool glance.
Yuuri shook himself, and gave Victor a strained smile.
“It’s fine, just-”
“Unexpected.” the other man said, and gave a tiny smile when it earned him a harder look from Victor.
It made a laugh erupt from the back of Yuuri’s throat, harsh enough to hurt. Much to Victor’s alarm.
“That’s one way of putting it. What exactly are you doing here, Tsuna?”
Tsuna, for his part, continued to give that tiny, gentle smile. It made Yuuri want to catch him by the shoulders and shake him till it disappeared, because the other man was a lying liar who lied - and lied especially well when he had soft smiles on his face.
“I did say I’d come by sometime. Are you still that much against me sponsoring you?”
“Yes,” Yuuri replied, his voice rising over the confused sound that Victor made. “And don’t even try to act hurt, it’s not like you didn’t know the answer to that question well before you asked it.”
“Wow, savage, Yuuri,” Phichit murmured, having drawn closer to where Yuuri and Tsuna’s altercation was taking place. When Yuuri looked up to shoot him an exasperated loo, it was to find that he’d drawn a lot more attention that he’d expected to the corner he and Victor had been hiding in. Or, at least, had been attempting to hide in, before Tsuna interrupted them.
Yuuri wasn’t even all that surprised, when he saw how curious both Phichit and Chris looked. Yuri might have looked curious, too, if it weren’t for how his face was screwed up in it’s usual expression of social discomfort and distaste.
“I would never,” Tsuna said, sounding unnervingly coy, and bringing Yuuri’s attention back to him.
“I’m sure you wouldn’t.” Yuuri countered snidely, startling a laugh out of Victor, who seemed to have traded his confusion in for something far more inquisitive. It drew Tsuna’s gaze to him, and Yuuri could only watch with discomfort as the brunet’s eyes lit up with delight.
“Oh, where are my manners, I’m-”
“He doesn’t need to be introduced to you, Tsuna, turn around and walk away,” Yuuri cut in, irate, his ire only worsening when it drew more laughter from the other man.
“Okay, clearly you’re someone I should already know, if you make my best bud this irritable. Spill. Who are you?” Phichit said cheerfully, grin sharp and eyes bright. The words made Yuuri stiffen, because he knew how Phichit could get if he thought he needed to defend a friend. Or Yuuri in particular.
The words also made Victor perk up, though, a charming smile spilling across his face.
“I have to agree. I haven’t seen my Yuuri speak out against anyone so vehemently before. I have to assume that you’re acquainted, at the very least?”
The possessive in his words made Yuuri feel like his heart was fluttering inside his chest, but he sobered up uncomfortably quickly when he noticed just how amused the same words made Tsuna.
“Well,” the brunet began, before Yuuri cut him off with a snort.
“Unfortunately, yes.”
“Why, Yuu-kun, that almost sounds like you don’t like me. I’m hurt.” He threw back, raising a hand up to his chest in affront, tone believable enough if one weren’t to see the impish grin on his face. Yuuri rolled his eyes, and made himself step away from Victor’s side, no matter how much he’d prefer not to.
“You’re not convincing anyone, Tsu-kun. Get over yourself.”
Obviously that got him another one of Tsuna’s irrepressible smiles. It made him sigh, just that bit more irritated, but he forced himself to sweep his gaze across the room behind the other man. He’d let their jousting run for long enough without taking care of certain measures. His shift in attitude must have been obvious enough to Tsuna, because he lost his teasing edge rather abruptly.
Not the soft smiles, though. Because he was a lying liar who lied.
“There’s no way you’re here alone. Where are they?” Yuuri had to ask, finally, once he’d lost neay 30 seconds to his sweep. There was no way he could have missed any of Tsuna’s guardians for that long. Possibly the pair of pineapple twins, but the rest…
“Not here,” Tsuna responded immediately, though not without throwing him a mildly amused glance. He could always tell when Yuuri had been thinking nasty thoughts, even when they’d been kids and Yuuri was a lot less inclined to be mean. “I managed to convince them that I’d be safe enough with you here.”
“…I knew you were a maniac, but this is pushing it. Really, Tsuna-”
Victor cleared his throat pointedly, making both of them blink and look back at him. The serious look on his face made Yuuri stiffen, while Tsuna gave a low whistle. Yuuri ignored the other man’s reaction, instead staring his fiance down for a long moment. Before sighing, again, and turning back to Tsuna.
“It might make sense if leave, if you’re actually here for a reason. If you’re just here to play at offering me a sponsorship, though…”
“I’m not playing at anything, Yuuri, I just wish you’d believe me when I say that.” Tsuna muttered, looking away from Victor and back at him, but Yuuri’s eyes only narrowed at his words. Because he hadn’t actually denied that he was in Barcelona on some other business.
“…do you need me to accompany you somewhere? You do remember what Mari told Reborn about stuff like that, right?”
“I remember, I remember,” Tsuna said hurriedly, wincing a little, and making Yuuri smile, amused in spite of himself. “No, I don’t need you to accompany me anywhere. I just needed to talk to you.”
“Okay. Talk.”
The exasperation in his voice made Yuuri snort with laughter, glancing back at Victor, and stiffening when he noticed the way Victor was looking at the two of them. Tsuna apparently noticed it, too, because he made a soft, cooing noice that made Tsuna want to strangle him. Just a little. Phichit didn’t look any better than Victor did, to be honest, and it made Yuuri want to sigh, possibly sag into the ground, because this was why he didn’t want Tsuna to get involved with his life.
The young Don of the Vongola Family somehow made things more complicated just by the sheer power of his existence. Life had been so much easier when he moved back to Hasetsu with his sister after finishing school.
And then he’d moved away and left Hasetsu behind to train, and that just made life easier. Because Tsuna had cheerfully ignored him for the next few years without any real issue. Outside of getting a text message every once in a while, warning him that Tsuna wanted to sponsor his skating, he’d had no real reason to think back to the sheer insanity of his middle school years at any point.
Until now, at any rate.
“…fine. Lead on, Macduff.” He said, bland, making Chris and Phichit both choke back surprised snickers.
Victor didn’t react at all, and that was what hurt the most.
 “I met someone.”
 Yuuri glanced up from his notes, surprised. Mari-nee rubbed the back of her neck, looking awkward.
“Is this a good met someone or a bad met someone where I need to find some way to hide a body because that someone was dumb enough to try and hurt you?” He asked dubiously, because he knew his sister.
Predictably, she gave a snort of laughter, setting her school bag down by the battered floor couch they managed to get a hold of when they’d first moved into the apartment Mari had found for them. And then proceeding to throw herself on to it, making Yuuri grunt, lifting his pen away from paper to ensure his assignment didn’t get messed up.
"Probably a good met someone, little bro. I’m not sure."
“…well, as long as it’s not a dating good met someone, because that’d just mean I’d have to find some way to bleach my brain. Pronto.” Yuuri said, making her shoulders shake with ill hidden laughter.
"Why’re you always so defensive, Yuuri. I just said I met someone. Can I finish explaining before you jump down my throat?"
“Sure. Be my guest. But I’m not the one telling Mom and Minako-sensei anything if you castrated someone for knocking you up,” he said leerily, which just made her laugh harder, biting out a choked gross  at some point, and making him lot less suspicious about the direction the conversation was going to take.
“He reminds me a bit of you, actually. And before you screech, he isn’t a potential boyfriend. Just… He’s really sweet, and he’s going through a bit of a rough patch, and I think I can help him out. Just a bit.”
“…Mari-nee, this is how scams start, you know that right.”
Yuuri yelped when she got the crook of her elbow around his throat, dragging him back into her and grinding her knuckles into the top of his head violently.
“At least meet him before you come to any conclusions, brat. He got me out of some trouble, too, so he can’t be all bad, right?”
And that was how he’d met Sawada Tsunayoshi for the first time. In a café the next day, with his older sister, expecting to walk into a meeting with a stereotypical  Yankee or someone from a biker gang. With leather, piercings and either bleached hair or a pompadour.
He knew Mari very, very well, after all.
What he found instead was a short, stuttering kid who was probably the same age he was, with enough hair piled on his head to make it look like a big rat’s nest or a tiny hill, and a smile that somehow managed to light up the entire room and every dark corner of Yuuri’s black, shrivelled heart.
“Mari-nee was really kind to me,” he said earnestly, over the shakes and food they’d both ordered, while Mari stepped out to grab a smoke outside the café. “I was getting chased by these scary guys, and she stepped in and whacked them over the heads with a pipe.”
“Mari-nee does that a lot.” Yuuri agreed, bemused.
“She was so cool!” The other guy said, eyes glittering, hands coming up in little fists in front of him, and Yuuri choked on his next bite of waffles and cream, only snickering harder when Tsuna got confused.
Only a little confused, clearly, because Yuuri could see the flush high on his cheeks. Yeah, the guy clearly knew just how much of a fanboy he was being. Not that Yuuri could blame him, Mari-nee was awesome. Yuuri’d been where Tsuna was right now enough times that he could get exactly where he was coming from. The sight of Mari, with her pinned up and freshly bleached hair, dead pan expression on her face, swinging a pipe at some idiot hell-bent on bullying him, was still one of the sweetest memories Yuuri had of elementary school.
It had gotten her kicked out of the the escalator school she’d been in in Hasetsu, but she’d just shrugged, said it was worth it, and said she had friends out towards Tokyo who could get her into a school there. Much to their parents bemusement, though both their mom and dad had vocally been on her side all the way. Not about the pipe, no, but when Kenji’s dad had tried to get Mari arrested, their dad had shut him up because Kenji’d been Mari’s classmate and had come after Yuuri just because he was her younger brother. Looking back on it, Yuuri had no idea how the heck his dad had won that argument, but he had.
That said, Yuuri barely remembers how he managed to convince his parents to let him join Mari in Tokyo. Mari might have had more of a part in successfully convincing them, by the end of it, but however they’d done it, Yuuri had found himself enrolled in a school in a much bigger town far enough away from Hasetsu that it felt like he’d left home for another country. And for all that he understood the language, the absence of the easy cadence of Saga- ben in the background was unnerving. About the only good thing about the move was that Mari had managed to connect him to a good coach in the city, meaning his training hadn’t been stunted. If anything, a well experienced and more professional coach meant his training was going a whole lot better than it ever had been in Hasetsu.
“Mari-nee,” he said, cutting Tsuna off in the middle of his gushing, “said that you’re in some kind of trouble. And that she wants to help you. What exactly was she talking about?”
…there are very few things he’s openly grateful for in his life, but, honestly? Mari was definitely one of them. And for all that this guy seemed a whole lot nicer than what he’d been steeling himself to face, it didn’t mean that he was willing to blindly entrust his sister to him.
Mari could kick his ass and tell him to butt out of her business, but she was his sister damnit. And even if she  could take care of herself a lot better than Yuuri could ever take care of her…
…okay. The kid’s eyes had gone orange in his head. Yuuri blinked once, twice, then shoved back hard enough that he nearly knocked himself out on the head rest of his seat in the booth.
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