#maybe this will actually help me move on.. idk a girl can dream..
tears-of-boredom · 2 years
What is the gender when you're afab but you feel like if you were amab you'd be so jealous of guys who do girly things and dress up all pretty and shit, and you would want to be one of them.
Tbh maybe its just that I think my face structure isnt right for that femboy aesthethic. I want to do cute makeup looks in the guy way. I want to wear make up and be called a girl(derogatory) for it.
I want to be amab. Not even a cisman. I want to have been sociliased as "a boy" for my whole life. I don't think that would change my gender in any way, i just would probably feel more comfortable in my own body.
Maybe i would trust my emotions more and not chuck everything up to "girl hormones". Maybe I'd be able to build muscle and feel more confident in my abilities.
I'd rather get misgendered as a boy than a girl.
I'd rather have my attraction to men be interpreted as gay than straight.
I'd rather have my sadness be looked at as hot than weird and pityful.
I want to be considered cool for just wearing earrings.
I don't think I want to grow up with an autism diagnosis though. I don't think my mom would handle it right.
I want to not have to do so much work to look intimidatingly relaxed. I want to not mask around every person.
I almost dont want to have my current autism diagnosis. I feel like in a way it stops people from realising that i just dont have motivation for life, and that I dont avoid school on purpose because of sensory issues or something. I've answered in my life time only 2 of those doctor certified "are you depressed" quizzes. Maybe 5 years ago I just lied my ass off because I "didnt want my mom to think i was depressed", i was so adamant that that wasnt depression. Then maybe 4 years ago i answered one kinda truthfully, saying that i had thought about suicide. I explained to the therapist that it was just in passing, "everybody thinks about killing themselves once in a while". The questionnaire had weirdly specific answers so i didnt put an X further. I think I was aware that my suicidal thoughts were more than passing, but i had this thing -and still do- where no matter what, i refused to call myself depressed. Others had it worse. I didn't even feel like a burden on my family! I didn't even want to harm myself!...Partly I think its because before that,ni had gone through a brief "not like other girls/I'm 14 and this is deep" phase, where i would unironically send those "I'm broken" pictures to people, and I hoped for something tragic to happen to me so i could justify being so angsty. So when i had gotten over that, it left this doubt about my own emotions, after i realised that I hadnt actually been that "broken" or "depressed". It felt like every negative emotion was just willingly made by me, to be that "tragic thing" to justify my angst. I think I wanted to feel sad because I had stopped talking to most of my friends, thinking them too "other girls" like. And i still judged them often, for really just existing as girls and having friends. Maybe i was just jealous how easy they made friendships look. My last word to this E guy was calling him gay. Me and my friend, L, had built this high ground where we predicted what would become of our classmates in the future, and we were so sure that this one guy, who was friends with most of the girls, was gonna come out as gay..in hindsight it was pretty homophobic, but we just saw it as a fact, because we thought we were so much smarter than everybody else. We were going to be the loners that just read books all the time. Self-fulfilling prophecy i guess.
In kindergarten i made friends with these two friends, and then I started complaining to friend K about the other, E, and I started trying to push E out of the friend group and have K all by myself. I didn't realise what I was doing. Then in elementary school, we moved, I went to a school full of strangers that all had been in kindergarten together. First grade I spent just being normal, maybe a bit unaware of other's physical boundaries. In 2nd grade I had a lot of friends, but I was closest to these two, N and L, who were also friends. I did the same thing. I complained about N to L, and a few other people as well. I wasn't fully aware of what I was doing, but I was aware of the jealousy I always felt when the two would spend time together without me. I got agitated over anything N did. We still stayed friends, I think at the end of grade 3 we hugged for the last time. I was succesfull and by 4th grade I had L all to myself. We mostly read beside each other during breaks. I remember wanting a deeper relationship with her, wanting to be able to talk about the many thoughts about shooting myself I had. She wasn't the type to really get deep, at least not with me. We spoke a bit still at the start of 7th grade, clearly farther apart. My school absences broke off the last of our relationship, since neither of us really liked to text or call.
This has been a self-held therapy session for me. Sorry for wasting your time if you actually read through this.
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bunnibaby-love · 13 days
I don’t know if your taking requests, but if you are can I please get Step-dad Zayne and like thigh grinding with a lil daddy kink. Idk I love him 🙁
🍒 Zayne x
F!Reader 🍒
♡ nsfw + stepcest + thigh grind + daddy kink
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It's past twelve o'clock yet you still can't fall asleep. Recently, you're having.....strange dreams. Maybe it wasn't so strange for a young girl like you to have dirty dreams but the man in your dreams is your mom's new husband, your step father Zayne
Not only Zayne is captivating handsome man, he's also a renowned doctor. Althought stoic, he's still charming to everybody else
You tried to ignore these strange dreams of yours but later fall on your dark fantasies. You watched porn with the male resembling him while touching yourself or using the favority toy of yours.
You got suprised when a cold hand touch your shoulder and open your eyes to look behind you "It's past your bedtime. Why are you still up?" There, Zayne loosing up his tie
"....Homework..." you averted your red cheeks from him and continue to look again at your textbook. It's getting harder to look at him with guilt but also desire
"You had whole week to do that and now you're procastinating again" he hold up a firm demeanour but still sat beside you "Let me help you with that so you could rest already"
Your eyes widen when he position himself behind you while both of you are sitting at floor in the living room. Zayne is smart and patient to taught you the lesson you're stuck. His teaching will be easier to understand if only you could ignore his groin against your soft ass.
You can barely take it anymore as you try to innocently play it off as just moving but actually grinding more to feel him. You cannot wait to finish this boring lesson so you could finally released yourself on your bedroom
Zayne suddenly gripped your waist and subtly smirk on your ear "Behave Y/N" you gripped your pen and bow your head deeper on your notebook when you realize he caught your actions
"Ah!" Zayne maneauver your body and sat you on his lap "Daddy?" you look up to him with those bambi eyes of yours
"I really like when you call me that..." His cold hand cupped your cheek "Tell me darling about the dream you we're having these past few nights?....or whatever you're doing on your room after dinner?" Your eyes widen when yoi realize he heard your gasp and moan and definitely the way you call out his name
"I'm sorry daddy...i know it's wrong...it's not my fault! my brain is just getting fuzzy..." You fiddle with your fingers while apologizing from your naughty behaviour
"I'm not mad" He chuckled and settle you on his right thigh "Tell me about what's on the little head of yours hmm? tell me and i'll let you ride my thigh"
"Are you...? Here? Really? Are you testing me? I'm really sorry just don't tell me to mom-- eak!" he grind his thigh against your clothed core
"Your mother isn't here. She's on a sudden trip and yes i am serious" He stand up while carrying you to sat on couch "I'm very tired and stressed from my work sweetheart, i would appreciate it if you could relieve my stress"
You can't take it anymore plus you're already busted anyways better just take it. You started to hump on his thigh "I..i dreamed about you touching me..."
"Where?" He fixes his glasses to look at you intently
"Everywhere...like my chest" He trace his index finger against your clothed chest and slowly unbotton your pajama top while you're holding you're breath
He began to slowly plant kisses and nip on your chest, slowly starting to move lower and lower down your body. His hand on your back began to slowly move down to your waist again, lightly caressing the skin where it touched.
"Continue baby..." he assist your waist for a bit so you could grind more while he leaves kisses from your collarbone to your bud "You're so pretty and yet so naughty"
"Daddy im coming. .ah.....ah...ahh..." you didn't wait for his approval as you released all over his slacks. "M'sorry..." you pout and hide your face on his neck
You jolted up when his cold finger gaze on your clit "She wants more doesn't she? Well darling we have the whole night to ourself"
Althought embrassed still you smile on his shoulder and heared his belt unbuckle
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weird-is-life · 9 months
hii I have a rockstar!remus request where the reader is a massive fan of the Marauders band and she got front row seats (idk what instrument u prefer to have remus play but guitarist!remus lives in my head rent free) and he sees her in the crowd and when it's his guitar solo he just locks eyes with her and doesn't look away and then winks at her when he's done<3
Hiii ty for this cute request! Hope you like it and lovelies if you have some more request for rockstar!remus feel free to send them my way, warnings: fluff, mentions of concerts, (0.5k)
You've been a fan of The Marauders basically since they've started playing. But this is your first time at their concert, where you can actually see their faces in real life, not just through those huge TV screens.
You're standing in the front row, giddy as one can be. It all feels like some kind of fever dream being this close to the stage.
And something that makes it even better, it's that right in front of you is the bassist of the band, Remus Lupin.
He's definitely your favourite member of the band. With his soft face, kind looking eyes, devilish smile, wild hair, he's the perfect definition of a rockstar and that's basically why every single girl or a boy melts at the sight of him.
But even tho, you really love him, you aren't one of the girls, that will go crazy at the sight of him.
It's because you know, there's no fucking chance, that he'd ever look at you and think ' oh that girl is really cute, lemme ask her out'. You know, that's not happening, like ever, so you settle for enjoying the moment of just seeing him so close.
But something weird keeps happening during the show. Remus seems to be looking at you every now and then, or at least you think he is. Maybe you're just going crazy.
You try to not think of it, not wanting to be delusional. But when one of Remus's bass solos come on, you know for sure, you're ot imagining it.
Remus's is definitely looking at you. Like he doesn't break the eye contact the entire solo and it makes your cheeks go on fire.
You even look around you to make sure, he's not looking at somebody behind you. He's not.
And his smirking isn't helping the situation, like at all and by the time the solo is over, your cheeks are red as a tomato and a shy smile is stuck on your face.
What makes it even worse for you is when he winks at you at the end of it. You have to actually hold on to the railing just so you don't loose your stability, suddenly feeling like some silly fangirl.
And that handsome bastard just chuckles at your stunned, sheepish face.
For the rest of the concert, you try your best to calm down and to bring your stupid hopes down. It feels impossible tho.
And finally, the last song ends and you can go to your hotel room to take a cold shower to get rid of the permanent flushed cheeks.
But your hope of doing that dissappears just as quickly as it came, because one of the bodyguards hands you a folded paper. It's written in a messy handwriting, that you don't recognise, but you easily guess who's it from.
Thank you for being a great view for me, dove. Your dance moves and smile made my evening, hell the entire week probably. So thank you. See you soon hopefully ;)
Love, R.L.
Bravely, you scribble your phone number with a short note on the other side of the paper and quickly run out of there. Cheeky smile now paints your face as you make your way to the hotel and surprisingly, when your phone vibrates with a notification, you know it's him, it's from Remus.
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ddejavvu · 2 years
This came to me in a dream but reader doing an acupressure move on Aaron’s hand whenever he’s too frowny and tense that makes him see stars and basically drift up to nirvana and all the tightness in his body release and the first time they do it he’d be so confused like why do you want my hand??? but okay here take I- 🤨🤨😐😦😧🤤😵‍💫
Bonus points bc the team would be like YOU CAN TURN OFF HIS OSCAR-THE-GROUCH MODE??? NEVER LEAVE THIS TEAM.
Just wanted to share idk what part of my uncultured brain spawned acupressure theory this evening but I’ll take it 🤠<3
Aaron's grumpy again. Most of the time he is, at least within the confines of his work hours. It's hard to smile when you're looking for abducted teenagers, but if he frowns any harder, he'll get stuck that way.
"There has to be something we're missing," He presses, narrowed eyes surveying the crime scene photos, "This level of violence is extreme, there's no need for this much overkill."
"Maybe he's fascinated with the blood," Reid suggests, hands coming up to aid in his explanation, "Y'know, some serial killers only kill for blood. There's various reasons for it, maybe they collect it, maybe they drink it, maybe they have some event in their past that makes it significant to them, but whatever it is, the killing isn't what they need, the blood is."
"Well these are teenage girls," Derek sighs, "Maybe the unsub lost a girlfriend or a sister in a pretty bloody way? Like a shooting, or a car accident or something?"
The table falls silent, each profiler extrapolating possibilities. You're halfway to reaching a possible conclusion, a suggestion about hunting on your tongue, but you see Aaron's fingers brush together, and it distracts you. He does it when he's anxious, and you're noticing it more and more lately.
You reach for his hand instead of speaking. You'll help later, when Aaron isn't suffering like this. Your fingers brush against his skin as you take his palm into your grip, and he looks at you from the side of his eye disapprovingly.
"Y/N," He murmurs, but no attempt at keeping his voice silent masks it from the other silent members of the team, "Now isn't the time for personal-" You squeeze at a tender spot on his hand methodically, "Relations..."
His face relaxes, wrinkles and ridges ebbing away as his eyes flutter shut involuntarily. You grin as wide as possible while sitting in front of bloody crime scene photos, happy you're able to provide even momentary relief.
"What was that?" Aaron looks at you, half suspicious and half dazed.
"Acupressure," You announce proudly, "It helps, doesn't it?"
"Yes," Aaron nods, running his fingers over the patch of skin that you'd pressed on, "It does."
"Where'd you learn that?" Rossi leans across the table.
"I was getting migraines from stress," You admit, "It helps to calm me down."
"Well, you're more of a magician than Spencer, Y/L/N," Derek grins, "You just melted that frown right off his face."
"Actually, acupressure isn't magic." Spencer starts, and he pointedly ignores the sighs that echo around the room, "It's a pseudoscience that originates from Chinese alternative medicine, and it works by targeting pressure points in your body that are supposedly linked to your 'life energy'. There've been several studies surrounding it which produced varying positive results, the most remarkable of which have documented illnesses actually being cured." He blinks once, twice after finishing, lips curving up into a half-smile that pudges his cheeks where they end.
"Well, uh, card tricks aren't magic either," Prentiss is the first to speak, "So I guess none of us are wizard-ready."
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dilfjjk05 · 10 months
Just a Nanami Thought....
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Thinking about how Nanami simply loves to please you.
Kento Nanami. The man of literally everyone's dreams. He's your man. He's walking perfection. Gentle, Loving, Kind, Always putting others before him, Loyal, Respectful and the list never ends.
But one thing about this man, he NEVER fails to please you, wether it's in day to day life or in the bedroom. He priorities your pleasure over his. Always.
Speaking of which. After a tiring day, you are sitting on Nanami's lap, going on and on about how annoying work has been lately and how much you hate your co worker.
Of course, Nanami is listing to his favorite girl who's complaining but his hands are down to your waist, softly massaging it, not that you mind of course. As your complaints continue, his hands slowly start moving up to your dress shirt, gently unbuttoning it.
"Nami, why are you up in my boobies while im here complaining" she pouts. how adorable, he thinks.
"keep complaining until you feel better baby, I'm listening to it all, just gonna help you feel better okay my love?" he says with a soft smile on his face.
"but Nami, my birth control is over and I don't have any right now, so we can make love" she says looking a bit sorry, feeling like she ruined the mood. it's not like Nanami doesn't use protection but she is just paranoid, which is natural. Nanami being the best boyfriend he is, makes sure they use condoms as well as birth control. just to be extra safe.
"No worries darling, it's completely fine. If we can't make love right now, how about I please you instead, hm? will you like that my love?"
"but what about you nami?"
"don't worry about me darling, I just want to please my love right now" then he leans in closer and whispers "and maybe you could give me a head as a "thank you" later?"
"mhmpmh! okay" she mumbles, blushing softly.
and that's what it takes, to find yourself whimpering and sobbing of pleasure in his arms. His fingers deep into your cunt, a thumb gently rubbing on your clit. Soft whispers of praises in your ears.
"You're doing amazing my love, relax and enjoy, You're so pretty like this, falling apart in my arms" he whispers before gently nibbling on your ear.
" 'm close nami, please please please"
"let go my love. give it to me" he says looking straight into your eyes. That's all it takes, for you to cum all over his fingers, holding onto his shoulders tightly, eyes closed in pure bliss.
"mhm delicious, like always" he says as he licks his fingers clean and runs his free hand through your hair.
"How about we have a nice relaxing bubble bath together and then I'll get you some of your favorite ice cream? sounds good?"
and all you can do is nod and rest yourself in his arms.
this is my first time ever writing a smut that I actually post so idk how I feel about this, please let me know what you think about this 🤓🫶🏻
✎ Requests are open⇢ ˗ˏˋcheck pinnedˎˊ˗
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alwaysbelikethis · 1 year
Rosé x Fem!Reader
TW: Mention of S^icide. Please if you're sensitive do not read such stuff idk why i started writing with this... if you struggle pls contact with anyone or even me. Such stories of mentioned can trigger the person, beware.
Contains +18 content
“Rosie!! Wake up” whisper yelled i.
It was around 2-3 am and the sound woke one of the lovers with panic.
“Rosie!! Wake up! There’s a sound coming from downstairs!!”
“Ah..” “ that must be washing machine, i started it before..” rosie on the other hand having a hard time to wake up, or to care according to y/n.
“For god sake i- did you have to do that in the middle of the night? We have all day…”
Girl complained but only would echo into the room and get back to herself while her girlfriend already fall back to dream… what was the point?
You see, long time couples sometimes cannot stand each other. Sometimes everything is so still where you were expecting to be all fun and happy. Which is kind of true though. They are happy time to time and would scream to each other the other time.
Rosé is organized person, she’s structured and right on time with everything. She has already planned her next week meal. And y/n is more different and complicated than that. She wants to watch a movie right now and she would and you wouldn’t catch what’s her next move. You, me, bed now and bang bang bangity bang? No, Rosie cannot be active after dinner for 1 hour. Y/N has learnt to wait.
She has learnt a lot to fit in rosé’s life. She fit in just right that it’s her world that Y/N lives in it. Who was she before she moved in? Everything seems alright at some point but is it? Y/N went back to sleep wondering all the answers.
Next morning Y/N woke up like she was just born. Rosé already came back from her morning run and left the curtains full open for her girlfriend to have all the sun light of the morning. Vitamin D at it’s full potential, however Y/N is not.
“Did you have breakfast?”
She startled her girlfriend who was changing and didn’t know she woke up.
“Jeez… how long have you been awake?”
“Just enough to admire all the muscle show you put on” there, Y/N is smiling full even her eyes are not quite open.
“I had breakfast before i left, its actually almost my lunch time”
“You can join my brunch, my lady”
“You take hour to get up, i’ll probably catch you on your brunchinner”
“Is that supposed to be brunch and dinner mix?”
“I’m not good with words just.. you got it”
Y/N smiled and gave up having a meal with her girlfriend cuz she feels like she’s an affair between her girlfriend and her schedule. However rosé has no idea what those small things mean to her gf and she get things on her way.
Saturday and sunday had passed and monday morning Y/N left for work early. Rosie has all the time to clean places alone.
Bzzzz bzzzz (its supposed to be phone ringing)
“Yeah?..” “okay i’ll check it on the website itself” rosé grabbed your computer to mail files to Y/N because her irresponsible ass forgot.
Alright… google… search bar… search history.
‘Why my girlfriend is not the same?’
‘What can i do to make my gf happy?’
‘S***ide help support’
Rosé stared at the screen for 5 min at least until Y/N called her again.
“Rosie can you please be quick this is urgent just send me already”
“I- okay. I’ll send now”
Rosé has started to contemplate everything after the first shock. She never realised? But Y/N has been with her for years. They maybe don’t wake together and have breakfast together or dinner or make out or… did they being back to friends? What kind of relationship was that? How could she not tell rosé?? How could she- rosé went through all of it until another phone ring from you wake her up.
“Rosie im asking a favour what are you doing? I’m gonna get fired and i’m having all the panic for god sake its just a file! Please!!”
“I’m sending it now” Now rosé sounds so small that Y/N thought it was about her voice tone.
“Okay i got it thank you, look i’m sorry if it was harsh, i got panicked and all and you know my boss with this goddamn presentstion everytime like it’s-“
“Come home when you get off from work”
“Okay… are you really that hurt? Look i’m sor-“
“No it’s all okay, just, for dinner”
“Oh who are you and what did you do to my gf? Because i….“
Rosé is still shocked how Y/N is trying to be silly, funny, all laugh like she’s on holiday at clouds floating around lightly. Rosé cut it short and hung up the phone. She was actually dripping tears.
She cried good. How long has it been since they drifted apart this much? Was she neglecting her much? Was she in her world too much to see the girl sleeping next to her every night?
Questions took a new turn and it was rosé this time. For how long? ….
rosé realised it’s been 2 and a half hours since she was thinking everything and every detail. She decided to get up and plan a delightful night for Y/N. Her favourite food and quality time. They both could use that.
Then around afternoon, she heard the car engine coming from the front while she was staring at rhe blank. She got up immediately to welcome you at the door. She’s not sure what to do with all the overwhelming information she got today but she had one goal, to make you happy tonight. So she waited for Y/N to open the door and suprise her.
“Jeez!!!!! Rosie! What are you doing? Are you about to go out? You scared me”
“Gosh you scared me too, just wanted to suprise you and give a hug. I missed my gf!”
“Seriously what got into you?? Did you watch titanic again and got into your romantic era? It ain’t like you”
And rosé hugged her gf so tightly. She never realised how precious this small thing is.
“Woah baby, did something happen to you?”
“No… I just wanted to appriciate you. Get change and we’ll have dinner, okay?”
“Okay baby, thank you, this is so sweet of you! I’ll be right back. I love you!”
I love you.
I love you.
What was the last time they use that? What if something happened to her and would she remember the last time they actually appriciate this love? She has to shake herself, she can’t loose it all now. It’s ‘her’ night.
“Woah today you saved my life you know? Idk how did i forget my laptop at home. I’m getting old, babygirl”
Did she? Save her life? Cuz she faced the exact opposite fact today. She actually made rosé really happy but rosé blamed herself for not appriciating it.
They ate all the food and rosé listen Y/N talk about her day. And she listen to her appriciating rosé’s effort on tonight and how happy she makes her. She has to learn to return this love.
“I thought you were going out with that outfit, did you wear this for tonight only?” Rosé knows how to make Y/N crazy with skirt and high heel combination even though it’s silly to wear them around the house, she wanted Y/N to get in the mood
“Only for you, Y/N girl”
“You look, like you could kill 5 people from heart attack from directly looking at you”
Rosé took Y/N’s hand and pull her in closer. Lips on lips and its like the last day on earth. Hands on each other like it’s the first touch.
“Ah, okay sorry, we can stop here since we had just dinner and you plan your sex time according to that for some reason. You’re such a weir-“
“Get on my tigh.”
“Wha- like sit? We can get to the couch, i think survivor is playing tonight”
Gosh, how long they have been apart from each other for her to think anything but sex from rosé.
“Y/N shut up and take your underwear off and sit on my tigh.”
“I’m waiting.”
Y/N has no idea what happened to her gf but she’s loving it. Rosé took the charge and take off her underwear. Y/N sits on rosé’s thigh which was between her legs. Rosé pushed her knee up to cause pressure on Y/N’s sweet spot.
“Ah… rosé…”
Rosé is impatient and almost annoyed with her gf questioning everything so she grabbed her bum and make her. “Shit rosé i-“ then rosé didn’t give her chance to talk and put her fingers on her mouth. Finally when Y/N lost her sanity and grind by herself on rosé, other hand of her went to grab Y/N’s throat.
“Make a mess” the suction of her fingers turn into bites and that’s where rosé knows Y/N’s body is full of tension. She then released her body on rosé and she hold her. She hold her tight. “Sorry i kinda make a mess on your legs but i-“
“God sake Y/N because i told you so, you talk too much” she grabbed her like a baby and carried her to the bed. You see, rosé may seem like self-centered but she’s the most selfess with her gf. She just sometimes forget how to hold each other. Y/N, already passed out on bed, makes rosé stare at her long enough. She curled up next to her and cannot control her tears. Emotions are too overwhelming and she has not digested any of it. Where would she go to relieve all of it? Who she talk to? Confront Y/N? The night flies away with thoughts…
After days went by, Y/N woke up to the saturday morning with her girlfriends’ arm all around her. She has no idea why rosé cling into her all week out of nowhere. She’s not complaining but she cannot stop wondering why. Just a week ago, rosé seemed like she would avoid her at all cost. But today, they were truely invincible.
“Good morning”
“Morning love”
“I love you”
“I love you too”
You see, rosé couldn’t confront her mostly because she didn’t think she would able to handle it. Who can? Instead she tried to give her all. Everything. Although it didn’t take much to things get back to their abnormal normality.
“Yes, love?”
“I’m off to work, take care okay?” She peck a kiss
“Okay love, you too!”
She was about to leave but she came back to rosé and give her a passionate kiss this time but rosé already turn back to take the ringing phone
“I love you”
Rosé nodded with her while greeting the person on the phone
And she left. Little did she know Y/N wasn’t off to work that day.
Y/N won’t be able to off to work any day, ever.
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tex-now · 5 months
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thank you to THESE people who have supplied me with ideas (@wodimewoahtime and @the-one-that-weeps you guys are great)
will be having a "theme" for each group to make things easier on myself because coming up with an individual theme for everyone is a nightmare. These are just some ideas, and I have more ideas than others for certain groups
WxS: Myths and mystical creatures, card deck, or a marching band.
I'm iffy on the card deck idea because well. World Link. All aces. I don't wanna just steal everything from canon. But if I go through with it... Tsukasa is the joker, Rui is the king, Nene is the queen, and Emu is the Jack (I think that's what it is).
For myths and legends tsukasa would be either a pegasus or a phoenix or even a dragon, Nene would be a mermaid, Emu would be a fairy, and rui would be a wizard/alchemist.
For marching band, Emu would play the tube or trumpet, Nene would play the flute, and rui and tsukasa are the conductor and the drum player I'm not sure which one goes where. This idea is the most cohesive but idk what powers I would give them other than. Music. This idea would actually be based off of the Let Your Song Resonate Throughout the SEKAI event rather than their own event cards.
N:25: Tarot cards. Tarot cards. Tarot cards. Lower save me.
Mizuki is obviously The Reverse Hermit and Kanade is The Reversed Hanged Man, but Mafuyu and Ena are the ones i have to do on my own.
For Mafuyu I'm thinking either Reversed Empress or Reversed Hierophant. Honestly both of them could be incorporated because they represent her during different stages of her development. Maybe if there ends up being like. An evolution of ones costumes. She could look more like the Reversed Empress at the beginning and then end up looking more like Reversed Hierophant at the end. just an idea
I'm looking at Reversed Chariot or Reversed Strength Ena. BUT I'm not 100% sure these represent her character well, so if anyone has anything to say about my choice here then go for it.
MMJ: Tokyo Mew M- I mean animal magical girls. Haruka could be a penguin, shizuku a dove, airi a cat, and maybe squirrel Minori? I need help with Minori. Maybe lamb Minori. Idc that lambs are associated with kohane she's a hamster that's the end of it. Also this is def gonna take from both their DREAM PLACE and Ai No Material outfits.
ANOTHER IDEA!!! their theme could be "gemstones" and they could take from their jewelery box set. Minori is sunstone, Haruka is aquamarine, Shizuku is jade, and Airi is spinel. These gems are all just from the project sekai Jewelery Box card game I think it is?
VBS: Okay so this one is most likely gonna be the most diverse out of all of them. Their theme is seasons. Kohane is spring (because spring baby), An is summer (she just gives off those vibes + her fiery spirit, Akito is fall because of the fact that his name normally gets mistaken for "fall" (look it up its on the wiki) and toya is winter (because mirai).
Akito is going to be based on his Kashika card (I think I can do something with the red strings) An is going to be based on her Machi card, Kohane is going to be based off of her Flyer Card (ty hoc) and her Beat Eater card (big ol hammer), and toya will be based off of his mirai and maybe Valentine's Day cards. Maybe. All of them are most likely going to take elements from blender.
L/N: Times of day. Was originally going to do this with VBS, but I moved it to Leoni.
I'm not too sure about the order but for now I will say that honami is morning, saki is midday, shiho is evening, and ichika is night.
All of them are going to be taking elements from the From Tokyo set, saki especially. Honami is going also use elements from her fea card (if I find a way to incorporate it), Shiho will take from her Draw Your Bow card (idk I like the outfit) and ichika I'm undecided on but she'll either take from her Stage of SEKAI card or her Made To Order card..
That's it
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moonstruckme · 4 months
Oh babe I read your post about graduation and life after. I FEEL YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!! I’m graduating Friday and I pursued a film degree in a city with little to no opportunities for that industry. Don’t know why I did that. Sorry to my parents who sacrificed a lot to put me through school. Moving to a bigger city is not an option bc I can’t afford it. Might be moving back in with my parents might not be. Everyone is asking whats next for me. Girl idk. I’m stressed I’m anxious. I hate it here. The real world sucks and I just want to skip over all this character building stuff and get to the part of my life where I’m happy with a career and can actually afford groceries. Sometimes I wish my dreams weren’t as big.
Hi gorgeous! First of all, I'm so sorry you feel that way. I promise your degree has value whether you feel like you can get a job out of it right away or not, and I won't pretend to know how your parents feel but I doubt they would have sacrified anything if they didn't feel your education was worthwhile. Graduating from college is a big deal nonetheless ! We both know I'm struggling with this too but I have some pieces of advice that have been given to me and I've found helpful if you want them <3
Obviously, "almost no one works in something related to their degree" is a really disheartening thing to hear, and I bet you've been hearing it (like I have) a lot lately. But what I think the people who say that are trying to convey is that there is no shame in just doing a job that makes some money (and preferably also makes you happy), and sometimes that financial security can help you pursue your dreams with a bit more surety since you're no longer trying to find a way to eat at the same time.
A few months ago, I talked to my mom about how guilty I feel about potentially not being able to get a job relevant to my degree after she helped put me through college, and while I know not all parents feel the same way about this, I think she made some great points. She said that college is about learning how to think, and your education and the experiences you've had in college will always be valuable no matter what job you end up with. And did you have a good time? Did you like learning all those things you did about film? Did you meet some cool friends, or get to talk about your interests with people who get it? If so, none of it was wasted.
It's so, so easy to feel pressure from others when you're trying to figure out your life post-grad, but in my experience most of that pressure is really internal. People ask what's next for you because they're interested, not becuase they have any one specific path in mind, and the vast majority of the time if you seem happy, they're happy. If you're not happy, fuck it! Then your priority should probably be getting to a place where you are happy, and those conversations really don't matter when you've got bigger fish to fry.
Last thing, but as someone also struggling to re-orient herself in her life plan, I've been taking a lot of time to figure out my priorities. I kind of got stuck in this idea of what my life was going to be, and once that seemed less certain I started questioning what I wanted if I didn't have to do that. I'm making a pinterest board (always my first course of action haha), and it's helped me figure out that whatever I do, I want to be around nature and books, and to live in a mid-size city. Figuring out what I need to be happy has really put things into perspective for me, and I'm sorry I don't mean to assume we're in the exact same mental state but I just want to give you all the stuff that's been working for me in case any of it fits into your situation too.
You can still use your passion in film while working another job, or use that job to save to move to a larger city, or maybe even reflect and find that you're content keeping the film thing as a hobby and there's something else you enjoy doing for a career (I know how heartbreaking that can sound when you love something, but that's how writing has turned out for me so I just wanted to put it out there--feel free to reject it of course). For me, trying to open my mind to all the possibilities and re-evaluate what I want from the next few years has been super scary but also kind of exciting, and I hope that whatever happens for you you're able to find happiness in the big and little things. Wishing you all the best my love!
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Rise of the TMNT headcanons because I feel uhhhsodk emotions or something
Warnings: anxiety , gore mention, trauma/PTSD mentions, kidnapping, yelling mentions, claustrophobia mention, if I missed any please lmk ‼️‼️
Donatello ( my favorite hands fucking down )
LOVES "it's always sunny in Philadelphia" and relates to Dennis wayyy too much
( also made a joke about how splinter is frank and he was actually cool with it )
Likes those HYPERBOP and songs like that
At 5am and raph is waking up for the day and he finds Donnie in his room fully awake
"Ive been up for 3 days everything is haunted everybody's evi-"
He also likes twentyone pilots
House of gold, taking my time on my ride, and car radio are his favorites
Actually hates monster ( like the drink ) but he has a can in his room from 2020 that he just poured out for decoration
( honestly I can't even really hate on it I think 2020 just ruined it LMAO )
Has no blankets. Sleeps with a single sheet and a unwashed unsheeted pillow.
Is one of those people that people mistake for way older
Yokai thinks he's at least 18-20 and get so freaked out finding out he's actually just 14
( he loves the attention )
He actually likes HOMESTUCK 😭
( this is based on my friend who likes Homestuck and they remind me of Donatello to some degree )
Has a fan that hasn't had a break since 2016
Maybe longer
Has seasonal depression
He likes to be with April or doing something during the winter because of it to distract himself
April and raph are good with helping him
Leo knows but he knows to just stay out of his way and leave him the fuck alone
And Mikey hasn't really been told because Donnie feels like he's burdening people with his problems ( he didn't even want Leo to know but he just caught on )
He even feels guilty for dragging April and raph into it
Him and Mikey LOVE LOVE LOVED spiderverse
( Donnie got the movie illegally before it even came out )
This mother fucker definitely fell to his knees for spider punk im so sorry
This same mother fucker also probably loved Danganronpa...
He doesn't really like southpark but some episodes get to him
Actually probably has purple injected into his veins
"yeah my veins bruise in the blink of an eye and I can't move my body sometimes but so what? It was worth it??"
hates on dream so hard....
ALL OF THE BOYS WATCHED IT ( maybe not raph tho actually )
He actually made discord ( idk if I'm even joking or not )
Would this be a good time to add a picture of what I think human Donnie would look like?
Uhhh yeah
Yeah I think so
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Ok next
Just fyi this shit is gonna be so angsty
It will dip I promise
He can't get enough of those "drake the type" memes
But also low-key he is drake
Has a hello kitty clock in his room that actually works for him
He was that annoying ass kid who would say "I can scream like a girl" and then scream to the top of their fucking lungs
The ADHD was tooo muuchhh
So he just basically climbs walls who cares
He's on the ceiling? What's new.
Ok so spieerpunk had don to his knees but Leo was all for Miguel
" NOOOO MY SPIDER PAPIIIII- " *splinter right fucking there*
Daddy issues just crawling out of all of their skin ANYWAYS
Can't draw for shit but loves art
The way he words things makes him sound like a complete gaslighter but he's just stupid
"?? I don't gaslight?? HUH no seriously what did I do?"
The Mario movie possessed him for a while tbh
even hours after him returning from the prison realm he was dissociating so bad he was crying to feel something
Just a few weeks later, he isn't better yet by any means he's just ok enough to function
Someone dropped a plate or something ( I probably need to rewatch the scene before I make headcanons for it LMAO ) or dropped a pot, something loud
And he practically went down with it
He fell to the floor and stayed there for a bit
He didn't cry or say anything
Then Mikey tapped his shoulder and he fucking SNAPPED
He will never forgive himself
*rubs my hands in evilness*
He could feel the same AIR as the prison realm at times
He smelt the same scent
Raph, draxum, and Casey had to sleep in the same room for a while so they would hear him
But sometimes he didn't loudly jerk himself awake
Sometimes it played through and he woke up and didn't make a peep
Sometimes they knew and sometimes they didn't
Most of the time one of them would just wake up because of instinct and see him just frozen
Can't handle gore now
He used to but can't anymore
It reminds him of 1
The kraang
And 2
Seeing his brothers eye all fucked up like that was too much
There were times he didn't even know who he was anymore
He was scared to leave his room for a while and felt such bad guilt for it
While they're out on a mission and Leo's just curled up in his room blowing up raphs phone
Raph wishes he could say something like "oh how the tables have turned" but this isn't what he wanted at all
Uhh ok sudden switch up
Him and Don and Mikey listen to Will Wood
Mixed with late 90s to early 2000s
Him if he was a hummmaannn
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+ maybe some scars on his back
Blind in his one eye and low-key has bad eyesight in his other one
He can still see decently but it's pretty much fucked
He likes squishmellows but he knows Mikey LOVES them so if he buys/ finds one, he'll give it to Mikey
He's more of a "childhood stuff animal nostalgia" anyways
Doesn't like to cuss but if he's REALLY scared, he'll let a loud and quick "FUCK -" slip out of his mouth
Or if he's angry hell mumble "this bitch-" or something like that
He feels like he's not doing enough as a brother but genuinely forgets that he needs to take care of himself
Not physically but more so emotionally
He beats himself up when making a mistake even if it was out of kindness
He doesn't think things all the way through and just immediately jumps to "I wanna help people!"
And ends up making a bigger mess so he feels like a bad person
( people have reassured him he's not but he plays back how people get mad at him when he messes up and he doesn't know how to forgive himself if someone got THAT mad at him )
He sometimes just gets this burst of love and just hugs one of his siblings or friends
I think he doesn't develop feelings easily ( infact it's kinda hard for him to, not in a bad way )but one time there was a yokai, about his size, and they really enjoyed each other
He didn't tell anyone but he got her number and they still talk and he might have small feelings for her
The reason he hates being alone because it's a PTSD thing ( that only got worse after the kraang thing )
( he was alone and in danger for most of the movie, the only reason he wasn't freaking out because he knew if he did he was fucked )
And he got possessed before he could even lose his shit
But basically I think he got kidnapped by a hunter and held him captive ( either chained, or in a cage ) for 2 days before splinter found him
( yes they searched for him for 2 days )
The hunter would shoot his gun next to the cage ( or restraints ) he was in to purposely mess with him
And if he cried he would get in his face and start yelling until raph forced himself to stop crying because of fear
It was traumatic
Splinter has his own trauma from losing his fucking kid for 2 days, but it still fucks with raph badly
He still remembers it so vividly that it feels like it had only happened a week ago
So add that in top of the kraang doing what they did to him.....
He was only holding it together for Leo tbh
He can't go to certain areas or he'll start to hear the hunter yelling in his face again, like a hallucination
It's gotten a little bit better over time but the kraang set him so far back
He was also already claustrophobic, but if anyone tries to hold him down now he just immediately throws them off
And hard
Anything that really reminds him too much of the past he just starts freaking out
So he doesn't like to be alone :)
I could do a separate post for this maybe
But moving on
Any early 2000s song from anyone or any 2000 themed song is his SHIT
They did a karaoke night and he did Brittany spears ( yes I know that's like late 90s but yk THAT CATEGORY )
He put on a blonde wig tho and was actually kinda feeling it at some point
He LOVES walking around at night
Just strolling
He loves food. He eats everything
There is nothing he won't eat
He just loves everything
I forgot his scar sadly but here 😔‼️💔
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( the nose piercing is fake he's too scared to get one HELP )
This lil shit STEALS
And I sleeps fine at night with all of it in his room.
he loves cartoons
Adult cartoons, children cartoons
If it's animated he wants it injected into his spinal fluid
His music taste is everything
But he really likes indie / indie rock songs
Has all of his art and drawings hung up on his walls
There's maybe one or.two posters he actually bought the rest is his art
Loves spiderverse but he couldn't even enjoy it because he kept looking at Leo crazy with this out of pocket comments
"I wanna pick him up like a baby lion and wash him and feed him milk and release him back into the wild"
"*deadpan* Leo. What the actual hell."
Draxums favorite. Only Mikey knows he's his favorite. If anyone asks drax who his favorite is he says he hates everyone equally and looks over at Mikey
Speaking of drax I think they're vent buddies
Drax vents to him Mikey vents to drax
Drax was very helpful with all of them during the time they were all fucked up from kraang
He even got them into therapy but I'm gonna make a draxum section because I love him ( I lied he's my favorite character, then Donnie)
( God I love drax and Mikey so much let me go on a rant rq )
Apart of draxs training he could definitely pass as a licensed therapist
So if really anyone has some sort of mental thing going on he's there
Even for Leo ( even tho Leo didn't really want his help, that quickly changed tho, again I'll just put this in his section✨ )
But Mikey has these really bad panic attacks that even his brothers don't know about
Only splinter and drax
Splinter is there to comfort him and drax is there to let him talk about it
Mikey doesn't want his brothers to know because he's technically the "therapist" so splinter and drax will never tell anyone
Watched MSA just to make fun of it
Also says cringe shit because he thinks it's funny like Leo
"GYATTTTT....... Y'all know I'm joking right-"
Loves Lilo and stitch
Has an art Instagram with over 1000 followers
He ate the spiciest chip and then asked for another
Loves spooky month
Fought leo for that damn hello kitty clock
Then stole it
" I'm in your walls :3"
He ate a like 2 handfuls of orbeez when he was 5 before splinter caught him
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YES I absolutely believe he could qualify as a therapist and he absolutely uses that to his advantage
Leo was still "ish" about draxum but he became a lot more appreciative of him during the times that raph and Casey couldn't be there ( like missions )
He even took time out of work to be there
If he called? He's already almost there
He absolutely a mom IDC he even has the messy mom bun
Mikey calls him dad and that's part of the reason he's his favorite
"honey, it was ruined when she bought it *snaps*" ( I'm sorry ) ( I have to draw this now)
Like all the blankets
The resting bitch face is so real
He has to be leaping for joy happy to maintain a happy face
Goes to Donnies room and tells him to lay his ass down ( he doesnt )
Sends millennial memes to the boys....
*insert a cat smashing on a piano* he's wheezing.
Him and Mikey paint together sometimes
Because he can actually paint super fucking good
Scars all around his body
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Thats all ill probably make more for April and Casey and splinter
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westleywithatea · 10 months
Lost a fanfic
Word Count: 1200+
There was a The Sandman fanfic on AO3 that I had read long ago. I neglected to record or even look at the title and author of the story. And now i lost it. But i want to return and reread it. Or check if it updated.  Help me find it.
I first read it in maybe february or March 2023. I don't know when it was first published or updated. I didn't checked the date. I neglected to. It’s a bad habit where i read a bunch of short fics in a single night, not care for title, and focus more on word and chapter count. Because “i wanted something short.” 
This habit carries over in my YT watching habits and is equally bad. Something to do with attention span and stuff. 
Whenever I return to the site to find it, i fail. The tags and filters fail me. Somehow, it always brings me to less than x number of fics. When I am absolutely sure that there are more than x number of fics with the tags/characters/filters I'm looking for. Maybe because some writers neglected or selectively chooses some tags. 
Idk. the filters weren't helping me. 
Lets see what I can remember about the fanfic and tags and characters. Spoilers below:
I vaguely recall a “angst with happy ending” tag. Im pretty sure the rating was E for explicit. There were some rather graphic scenes. Was it graphic? What if it was actually M for Mature?? 
Idr other tags/ warnings. WIP story. Idr word count and chapter count. 3 chapters? ??
Lucienne and Death makes appearances. Some original characters. Idr order of scenes and chapters. 
Dream arrives to the old tavern but it’s in ruins. Abandoned. He explores and finds a box. It’s a bit stuck but he finds a note. A letter. With holes and missing words. Some other things might’ve been in the box but prolly stolen? A stick inside the box to hold in place. The letter is really old and fragile. It does contain some instructions on where and how to find him. (later revealed to be really outdated) 
He walks to the The New Inn. idr if he steps inside or not. But maybe he did. Maybe he didn't but later. He orders a drink. Wine? Poor employee girl didn't know what to do with gold coins and gets sand blown into her face too many times. Too many times and so much dreamsand that she has to take a break or something and ask another employee to take over. Morpheus rereads the letter over and over.  Accidentally tears it in anger, but catches himself. Makes a mental note ot have it laminated. Dream tries to talk to the owner of the inn. There’s a picture and a plaque. Something about fake name and reall name. Drunk Hob revealed his real name and it became an “inside joke.” But nothing much else. Dream is sad. 
He walks around the neighborhood. And a school campus. He gets recognized by someone. She recognized him from somewhere. Asked if he knew Robert/Hob Gadling/ fake name. Prof Gadling talked about his stranger a lot. She was a student/ student teacher under his mentorship. Or something. She kept close contact with him for while. Even when he left the university and went traveling. Even when she got her degrees and became a professor. But some point stopped. 
Idr her name. 
She invited Dream to coffee to talk. She shared / showed things on her phone. Didn't work out. 
Sad moment where Dream finds out that she and Robert had sent each other so many emails while he only has one letter. He admits that he is someone who is hard to contact. 
She mentioned visiting his old house. There was a large framed painting of him. Thats how she recognized dream. He never sat for a picture. “You’re telling me he got it commissioned?” 
Dream tried visiting the old house. Hob had moved out. New family moved in. let him borrowed a phone. Landline? Im pretty sure theres some humor of him not knowing how to operate the phone. 
Meanwhile, Death visits  a museum of ancient Egyptian stuff. Hob is there looking at a statue of Anubis. He asked if they always looked like that. Death responds, sometimes. Startles him. He didn't see or hear her arrive. They meet and talk. She explains (and apologizes) that she is responsible for his immortality. And her brother is his stranger. He laughed. I think. He asked questions. No answers. Sad sad. 
He was about to ask another question but gets distracted by a school trip group of students. Death slips away. Hob gets frustrated. 
Hob gone traveling alot .
Some point Dream tries contacting Death. Asked if hob's well / alive. Yes. 
Btw, death arrived wearing a different outfit and holding a snake. But she later changes to typical tank top and jeans. Brings the snake back wherever it was previously. 
She takes Dream to a cliff?? Unless this from a diff fanfic. Idk. but they talked at the cliff over the ocean. Idr the conversations. 
Dream visits hob’s dreams. 
We see Hob entering his old house with arms full of wine and food. Dream is disguised as a raven. It’s raining. Robert sees the raven and tells “it” to leave to somewhere safe and dry. Get out of rain and get dry.  Hob  knocks on his front door after struggling to get his keys. Opens. Enter. We see lots of shoes and coats. Dream the Raven sneaks into the house.
We meet the (former) boyfriend who is an “older” man. They laugh, joke, kiss, and talked. Ex BF asked when will Hob ask the question. What question? Marriage. Ex explained: grandfather and father got dementia at age 50. And he’s turning 50 in a few years. They fight. Sad. 
Scene shifts. The painting is visible now. Obvious on the wall. Raven disguise disappear. Dream walked up the stairs to a door slightly ajar. He spies inside and sees a copy of himself. Sorta. Whatever Hob imagines his stranger would’ve looked like if nude. Description of Hob’s version of Dream is different from the real Dream in body shape. 
Hob is (smut scene) bottom to Dream’s top. 
Lovely description of what Morpheus would’ve done in 1000 yrs ago, 100 yrs ago, 10 yrs ago, now. (Not those exact numbers or era. Idr. ) In a few sentences. Maybe it was 3. Morpheus stays and observes. Pervert. 
Hob asked Morpheus if he will stay after he wakes up. He responds, yes. (cries) 
Real Morpheus quietly leaves. The voices in the bedroom are still very loud. 
Out of the water, Lucienne arrives with an umbrella. It’s raining hard. 
They visit the library and look thru Hob’s books. Lucienne silently screams at every accidental dog-ear and mishandle of pages. I would too. Hob has entries: wha’ts teh point of dreaming anymore. And stuff. Sad stuff. Angry stuff. 
Morpheus in frustration. Throws book at wall. Book breaks and falls apart. Lucienne is hurt. Me too. He says something to her, angry. She tells him “then you must leave my library” and snaps her fingers. Forces him out and slams the doors. She picks up the book and carefully rearranges the pages and binding. Sets aside in a book press. “You’re a good book.” Awww
And that was the ending. No more updates at that date and time. 
Story obviously WIP. 
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The secret identities of the heroes... revealed!!
Do you want to know the secret identities of the hero coaches? Well, you're in luck...
Warning: this is absurdly long so I'm putting in a cut
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Okay, I know I already talk about this one a lot, but I'm going down a list here so I had to include it. Y'all are lucky this blog didn't exist yet when I put this together, it was genuinely all I talked about for roughly two months straight.
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After a couple decades of doing dutiful hero work, Kem moved to Sun Horizon with his fiancee Lillesol, fulfilling their lifelong dream of retiring to where everything was slower, quieter, and warmer. (That's why it doesn't really look like him - he's significantly older in Baby Zouk, but the fun lighthearted attitude and the pool-themed powers/dancing on a beach parallel would match up!)
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I can explain, listen - the lobster is a mascot suit, for a restaurant, and his day job is dressing up and entertaining people. Think like...if Red Lobster had Chuck E Cheese style characters. It started as a summer job for him in high school, and the cool hairdo is what inspired him to make big hair his gimmick. It's just goofy enough to work for Just Dance logic, okay? He fought a giant spaghetti monster canonically, anything goes.
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Dahlia's avatar quote is "art is more comforting than ice cream - it helps me break free!". Which seems like odd phrasing...until you remember that Break Free is the name of another routine. The hair and makeup stylings look suspiciously similar too, so I will insist on this forever idc this is one of those ones where Ubi could break into my house and tell me I'm wrong and I still wouldn't believe it
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Brown hair and cheesy 80s music? Yeah, that's Mister Overload all right. Better not to ask who the girls he was with in Careless Whisper alt were - even heroes can find themselves in situations...
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Curly dark hair, left is of course significantly brighter but she still wears a bold blue color and they're from the same game and...y'know you're just gonna have to trust me on this one.
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Do you ever just...call something as a joke, but then it kinda sticks? Yeah...I was going down the list of blonde coaches, put this together as a joke, but then it actually started to click with me and now I'm obsessed with the concept. Send help
Bonus: the "neutral" coaches!
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It's the heart locket that does it for me. I know the purple hair isn't quite the same shade, but that is her.
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They just have a similar attitude of being a badass, and Super Bass has lighter greenish streaks in the hair too even if it's hard to see...but more importantly the idea that she and Eteria had some big spat that Rosaria was just sitting on the sidelines of just casually watching with a bucket of popcorn is just too funny, I'm sorry.
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Rosaria's hair is light with dark at the bottom, and Stop Drop Roll P1's hair is the opposite. But it's still similar enough that I noticed like "hey, wait a dang minute"...
These two aren't really confirmed to be on either side either and if anything are more likely to be sketchy, but it feels weird to leave them out when I know stuff so
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It's the hair, it's the red hair. But it's also the fact that Happier Than Ever canonically knows Dahlia, who as I mentioned earlier is like totally Break Free, so maybe they met because they worked together on something.
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Idk, I'm probably not the first person to notice the similarity, but two pilots in the Danceverses that are goofballs and wear pink? Nope, more likely to be the same person.
And this is just straight up "the two heroes are the same hero" but close enough
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Their color palettes are almost completely identical. Just looking at them side by side, it seems obvious to me that there's a correlation.
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sohmiya · 1 year
oc tag game
thank you @sussoro for tagging me!! this was so fun 🩷 tagging @wayhavenots @pierceaugust + anyone who wants to do it!! no pressure <3
FAVOURITE OC: emory chan from merry crisis. also because the qiu brainrot is currently taking over my entire being but yeah. despite the pride emory feels in making her dream as a musician happen, she carries the guilt from knowing it’s not exactly what her parents want for her. she’s the typical eldest daughter who acts as a third parent. another favorite is maya quimby from golden. i wrote a whole list of facts about her a while back so idk what else to say but that’s My Girl. she’s so so special to me <3
NEWEST OC: althea solis from take two. she’s vv underdeveloped right now but in the take two universe, she’s an only child. in an au, she has an older sister named athalia <3
OLDEST OC: sutton hart from midnight hours. before she became an iaos hunter, she was a detective in wayhaven. she’s very ambitious and curious. she’s definitely one of those people who have bucket lists and actually plans to do the things on her list. she felt like wayhaven is too small for her dreams so she left and now she’s in new york
MEANEST OC: cloe hoffman from infamous. idk if i should call her mean but she’s bratty and she complains a lot LMAO literally orion’s nightmare. cloe loves the spotlight and isn’t too bothered being part of the drama as long as attention is on her. because bad publicity is still publicity 🤷🏻‍♀️ she hasn’t done much self-reflection so she’s not yet aware that it stems from her parents not giving her enough attention when she was young. i think once she gains enough self-awareness, she’ll realize that it’s actually her thinking “they didn’t notice me when i was a good kid. maybe they’ll notice me now”
SOFTEST OC: piper ellis from midnight hours. another former detective from wayhaven. she’s a huge disney fan. she keeps tickets (plane, concerts, movies, amusement parks, etc) and pins them on a cork board alongside polaroid pictures. she’s introverted, soft spoken and sooo shy. she’s so easily flustered that she makes nikolas look like the biggest flirt 😭 also kirsten adler from golden. she’s sentimental and timid but less introverted than piper. she’s just self-conscious because she knows that one wrong move and the media will twist it into something that can ruin her dad’s image. she talks nonstop once you bring up something she’s extremely passionate about <3
MOST ALOOF/STANDOFFISH OC: lira kinsley from golden. she’s not a snob but she’s tired of people buttering her up for connections. when she’s moody, she straight up tells the person “my dad’s right there.” she’s selective of who she lets in to her social circle
DUMBEST (AFFECTIONATE) OC: riley cromwell from college tennis. she’s not dumb but clown blood flows in her veins <3 she can be unapologetically cringe lololol one dumb thing i’d say she does is barely controlling her junk food intake and justifying it with “i play tennis a lot. it’s fine”
SMARTEST OC: annika munroe from arcadia city. not because she’s a genius whatsoever. she just reads a lot and constantly tries to stay informed. also because she loves it when people argue with her and the looks on their faces when she ends up being right. she used to be one of my wayhaven detectives as well.
OC I’D BE FRIENDS WITH: sutton. but also because i can put her in any if i play and she’ll end up being friends with someone there 😭 she’s loving, nurturing and thoughtful and she’s very expressive about it. i think it’s also due to having dated immortals (first, nate. now, kian. she likes old men ig) that really put into perspective how short her life is and how quickly time passes. she’s trying to learn how to not overextend herself but sometimes she just can’t help it. being affectionate comes naturally for her
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hypervoxel · 6 months
hiya, for your ask game: 🍬🍄❄️🧩. love to stalk your blog by the way <3
🍬 ⇢ post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
Gotta be honest, once I get into a fandom I will leave the main tags as soon as I find my niche and a group of blogs to follow and a few Discord servers to join, and not venture out into the main fandom again. Idk what's popular. I have complained about many takes, but I am also very forgetful so.... Uh, Vox is asexual, Alastor is actually a terrible person (affectionate), Valentino absolutely has a tragic backstory (and is still so evil <3 ), Velvette is literally The Worst and kinda a pick-me girl (I love her), Charlie doesn't understand how to help people and it is detrimental to the people she's trying to help (I also love her). Carmilla is so ridiculous and I don't understand shipping her with Velvette. I don't get Husk (derogatory, but only slightly and mostly in a 'I don't think his writing was consistent, and he was used - as many characters on this series were - as more of a plot device than a complete character in his own right. His dialogue was thrown in to tell-not-show aspects of other characters in a way that felt inorganic to me, which turned me off of his character almost completely' way). Boom, there, so many unpopular opinions <3
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
Velvette is so connected to phones and apps and things of that modern tech nature. Therefore: Velvette also broadcasts and recieves radio waves, but only those in the Bluetooth spectrum. She can AirDrop memes onto Vox's face (or, in canon, call his TV head directly, bypassing his phone). Vox is so absolutely not replacing the quiet ease he and Alastor used to share with their similar thinking/perceiving/broadcasting methods (it's alll radio waves) with Velvette. Totally. Totally. His past relationships would never~ cloud how he treats her.
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
Well first of all Me I'm writing it!! So incredibly slowly and badly, but I am writing it nonetheless 😤 I actually have two or three or a dozen ideal dream ideas rattling around in my brain. Obviously, my beloved Damaged Nerve where I throw 20 ideas I enjoy together into one fic (or at least talk about doing that bc. I am always getting distracted instead of updating it). Service shark Vark!!! The VoxVal non-consenual consensual non-consent (it makes sense to me)! Velvette!! Vox killing angels with his bare hands! And getting an arm and half his head cut off (he gets better immediately bc he is all easily replaceable parts)! Charlie and Vaggie watching a Sinner attacking Exorcists right before Charlie was supposed to present her rehabilitation project and having to defend ideas, which is suddenly made even more difficult for her because now it looks like Overlords are planning to fight back against the Exterminations, and he didn't win but neither did the angels, so maybe Hell can fight back against Heaven (wasn't that why the Exterminations happen? Because Heaven is afraid of them uprising? Well, maybe they should be afraid...) Vaggie fallen angel feelings (those were her sisters and she's so bitter about them and she's so scared for them)! The timeline of Exterminations being moved up and Vox getting blamed for it! (Sinners who were previously excited about what he did turn against him bc of the backlash from Heaven and from other Sinners.) Carmilla hating the Vees! Inane and uniformed, smug wannabes! (She still killed an Exorcist for real tho, and Vox only wounded the ones he fought. She thinks she's better than him because she fought to protect the people she loves. Vox literally also did that, except it wasn't people it was a shark. She'd hate that too.) VoxVal horrible terrible no good very unhealthy relationship! VoxValVel also horrible relationship <3 They love each other, they can't live without each other <3 None of them are allowed to leave this ship, even when it's sinking <3 Vox won't lose a partner again; no one else can leave him like Alastor did.
But right now I've been working on a Vox & The Vees-centric rape recovery (or, well, there's not much recovery happening yet. It is just a long and drawn out breakdown where they madly scramble to resecure their power and influence and become more powerful so no one can ever hurt any of them again, and become so codependent) fic and it is everything to me and I do not have it really plotted out, I just have so many Thoughts and vaguely connected scenes for it that I bother people on discord with (hi to any people on discord reading this. Thank u for listening <3 )
Also I am (thanks to your ask about Vox's biology from earlier), daydreaming about a fic I have lovingly named Planned Obsolescence (tho I'm gonna have to make sure no one's taken that title yet) about Vox upgrading himself and upgrading himself and upgrading himself and he can never stay satisfied because the world marches on and he has to march with it, he can't be left behind because he needs to be the one innovating and leading. And upgrading himself.
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
Look I'm looking for things that are so specific that if a fic looks like it might be somewhat about what I want, I'll read it. I will click away if you call Alastor a w*ndigo tho.
Wait I thought of something else and then this next part got long and it's also about rape, so I'm throwing it behind a read more
Also!! Holy fuck I just remembered but I've run into it twice now. The Implication that rape is worse when it happens to someone who is already sex repulsed. Like specifically in these scenarios the rape was not a punishment not an attempt at corrective rape. Like, that I would get, actually, if the motivation itself was a hate crime, which adds a whole other dimension to worry about. But, no. That wasn't. I can't even articulate the poor taste it left in my mouth, it's just. Why would you make a character more horrified to learn their friend was raped after they also learned that their friend is ace? "He never would have wanted it-" hello?????? Yeah! That's why it's called rape????
(But also - while I do absolutely love reading about sex repulsed aro/ace characters (lol they're so me) - oftentimes a big part of what I am looking for in a story about rape recovery is a character struggling with the fact that their body did "enjoy" the physical sensation. That sex is supposed to happen with someone you love/are attracted to/trust, and this was a perversion of it, and it fucks up how you view future sexual relationships.) (And like, the physical sensation being pleasurable while your mind feels only disgust and repulsed is. An aspect that I feel like many can relate to, not only sex repulsed aces. Unless I'm projecting??) (Of course, recovery from the perspective of a character who was sex repulsed and remains so is also so so good.) (In general, it's a topic that needs to be portrayed with a kind of nuance and understanding that is often hard for an author to find the right words for. I'm sure I've even written thing poorly here, and inevitably said something that will be hurtful to a person with a different perspective than my own. Sorry! But such is the reality of everyone being individuals, unfortunately. The things that bring some people comfort will cause other people distress.)
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byers-bowlcut · 2 years
Rewatched the snowball dance scene, and I realized they gave the better lines of ‘Every Breath You Take’ to Lumax as opposed to M*leven LOL 😭 though honestly, the whole song kinda reads as unromantic and stalkerish 
Anyway here’s a breakdown of what I mean exactly: 
The first M*leven scene is when El walks in and they see each other — ♫ “Every bond you break, every step you take, I’ll be watching you. Every single day, every word you say...” ♫ — (music quiets, and they start talking) 
The “every bond you break” part is interesting to me. They’re taking steps closer to each other yes, but what bonds are they ‘breaking’? Well maybe it’s the fact that Mike JUST pushed Will to dance with some random girl. And in season 3 we see Mike’s bond with Will/the party, and El’s bond with Hopper both take a hit due to M*leven’s unhealthy relationship. That might be a reach idk, but I think it’s interesting to think about regardless. 
So now they walk to the dance floor after talking. And Mike proceeds to show El ‘how to dance’ by putting her hand on his shoulders. The music starts increasing in volume again — ♫ “Every move you make” ♫
This fits well with Mike showing her how to move along to the music. 
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And now they’re just dancing. — ♫ “My poor heart aches, with every step you take” ♫
This is not a very happy line. Interesting how they inserted M*leven here as it would’ve worked with Dustin/Nancy, or Will/the girl since Will wasn’t happy about that, and Nancy wasn’t who Dustin ACTUALLY wanted to dance with, so it’s a somewhat bittersweet thing.
What’s ALSO interesting is how it cuts to Dustin/Nancy dancing right after Mike teaches El how to dance. It reminded me of what happened like 1 minute ago on screen between Dustin/Nancy during the song ‘Time after time’. The wheelers do be giving dancing lessons. Is it meant to romantic? I don’t think so.  
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Another shot of Mike and El dancing — ♫ “I dream at night, I can only (see your face)” ♫ 
‘See your face’ is in brackets cause it cuts to Lumax here, so the phrase isn’t actually finished with M*leven. But yeah, this is the only line that can really be interpreted as “romantic” with these two. But honestly I think it’s about how Mike kept thinking he was imagining El’s face or feeling her presence for a whole year, and it made him feel like he was going insane cause he couldn’t tell if she was alive or dead.
Now like I said earlier, it cuts to Lumax, and shows their kiss scene — ♫ I look around and it’s you I can’t replace. ♫
Literally the most normal romantic line in this whole song.  
Right after they kiss, lumax also hug — ♫ I feel so cold, and I long for your embrace ♫
The embrace part coincides with their hug. Also a fairly normal and romantic line.
Cuts back to M*leven. Now it’s their kiss scene — ♫ I keep crying, baby baby please ♫
Now this is what inspired me to make this whole post in the first place. LIKE WHAT? LMAO
For their only kiss in season 2... the huge Snowball moment that was said to happen since season 1... AND THAT’S THE BACKTRACK THEY USED?!? All after Lumax got a line about not being able to replace each other, and embracing. Help 😭😭😭
And I’m gonna say this is likely intentional. Why? Cause it’s an important moment! You can see in this post, how even the less important scenes have lyrics that sorta match it playing in the background. So why would that not apply for the most highlighted scene of the snowball?? SO YEAH, the lyrics are telling us that a part of Mike may be unhappy here, even when dancing with and kissing El. Aka the start of Mike’s repressed homosexual arc. how exciting. 
Bonus: My poor baby, pls save him
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lostinalem · 4 months
I’m too shy to dm but I Am asking you about your fallout OCs, as your bio said ^__^
HELLO I AM GOIGN TO KISE YOU THABK U FOR ASKING ‼️‼️‼️‼️ sorry it took me so long to respond (I had to figure out how to draw them all... phew) and there are sooooo many more BUT these are the ones I actually care about rn (cause all I've been playing is fnv) ok now buckle up because it's a lot 💀
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Andy (she/her) is my favvvvvv fallout oc. she's one of four player characters from the fallout dnd campaign I'm in !! I've posted about her like once maybe twice before but she's the loml cringefail rodeo girl and I would do ANYTHING for her. she cannot do social interactions to save her life and I swear all the odds are rigged against her it's so funny. the coolest thing though is she made her own GIANT Giddyup Buttercup to ride!! she grew up in a little rodeo-centered town in Oregon so that was kind of her thing to like. fit in. cause she never really had any friends, so she's like "well, if i can't be liked, then I'll make myself useful" but it didn't really work so when she was old enough she left to hopefully be helpful in other places instead :3 (which is where the campaign comes in in Washington but I can yap about that some other time)
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I also lovvveeee Sal (any pronouns) he's an ichthyologist who grew up in southeastern Alaska. while he was out fishing though, he came across a seemingly abandoned cruise ship and decided to board, only to find there were quite a few inhabitants (ghouls, humans, ferals) already! they end up staying and making their home there for a few years, expanding their fish research and setting up trade with their hometown, but everything changed when they found the platinum chip in an old boot they fished up :0 at first, nobody really knew what it was, but this wasn't Sal's first time dealing with pre-war tech and word spread pretty quickly, so soon enough she had her answer LOL and that's what brought her to the Mojave as "the courier" !
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Suzette (they/them) is a vault dweller, chronic overthinker, easy to anger, polyglot that doesn't actually like to talk that much, and also "the courier." something in me makes it impossible to make a normal oc they just have to be quirky as hell man 😭😭 not that I'm gonna stop of course. anyway I'm not a religious guy so I'm not the best when it comes to the Bible, but I based their vault off of the Tower of Babel. basically every level of the vault houses a different culture and language! they're all strictly separated though, and Vault-Tec manipulates from the shadows like always, distorting communication, fabricating languages, subliminal messages too or something idk but the point is that they don't work together. the little polyglot over here tho wanted to change that, but they were ostracized for their efforts, eventually leading to them getting kicked out :( out in the wasteland, they then started courier work because they saw it as an opportunity to use their linguistic skills for good, travelling the wasteland, connecting different cultures, learning more languages, yadda yadda they've got terrible fashion btw 2000's inspiration just for the fun of it :)
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okkkk soooo Esme (she/her) is Benny's bride :3 she grew up in Goodsprings (idk her relationship to the others specifically) but she always had dreams for a bigger life, something more exciting and glamorous, so she moved closer to the Strip in her mid 20's. she spent a few years on there, getting a job somewhere idk I really haven't thought her through all that much but the point is that she bumps into Benny and falls madly in love. to win his affection, she gets her hands on the platinum chip somehow and uses it as leverage to get him to marry her. they're promptly married in Goodsprings, but while the newlyweds are alone, he kills her and flees the scene with the chip. when she recovers, she's still confusingly in love with Benny, leading her to return to the Strip and find Benny again and get caught up in all the politics idk I think it's fun
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... they r supposed to be identical twins except I cannot draw the same person twice for the LIFE of me so just imagine ok hehe Red (right, he/him) is technically the courier, BUT he was disabled in the Divide, so now Beck (left, also he/him) usually carries out his deliveries for him. most people wouldn't be able to really tell them apart, so it's not a problem—until Benny shoots Beck in the head. now, Red is usually very friendly and outgoing, but when the "death" of his brother reaches him, he changes. the need for revenge consumes him. Beck, on the other hand, wakes up with NO memory of his past. in fact, due to the delivery note on him, he thinks *he's* Red. unfortunately, everyone else also thinks they're the same person and it gets really confusing and really silly. and also really sad.
If u read all this, hi :3 which one do u think is the coolest?
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lordbhreanna · 1 year
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I need to YELL about this because I am feeling not just the BG3 brainrot, but the Tav/Dream Visitor brainrot happening.
Some Act 2 spoilers and stuff about the DV's real identity. And a lot of fangirling and nonsensical squealing.
Let me preface this by saying that I did get spoiled about the DV's identity. I know he's a mindflayer, and The Emperor at that. I don't know anything else about why he's inside the Astral Prism, what his title entails, or how he got the dirt of Vlaakith or anything about his role in the story with the Absolute cult and such.
And me being me, that makes me ship them *EVEN MORE*. Seriously, the dynamic between them speaks to me in a way I can't describe yet, I find it so fascinating and I can't put into words why yet. Maybe it's the "he's in your head and visits you in dreams, and seems to have chosen you in a way", the phenomenal performance, the small bits of intimacy. But IDK, there are just a lot of checked boxes.
Also Larian letting you choose his appearance??? Galactic brain move!!! Brilliant, geniuses!! It works perfectly because it allows for you, the player, be swayed more easily because your DV directly caters to you and what you may find attractive/trusting.
One thing I find very compelling about the relationship is that the shadow of doubt is ever present, but he truly comes off as an honest ally that is trying to help you. It's probably gonna be something along the lines of Solas Dragonage, in that he's keeping a big secret from you and "lying" but not overtly, and whatever he's planned it's NOT GOOD and it involves a certain deal of treachery, but it does seem that he... cares? Genuinely? AM I FOOLING MYSELF?
But seriously, when you meet him in the Astral Plane he sounds so sad believing you have accepted Vlaakith's orders and are going to kill him 😩
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Is this the face of a oniric presence in your brain that it's just manipulating you? (This might come back to me in the ass later on). It broke me a little.
I am so looking forward to more interactions. I know they are fewer than actual companions, because I have seen some fans asking Larian for more, and even though I have still a long way to finish my first playthrough, I hope they listen!!
Seriously, there is so much untapped potential here!!!
I am loving every minute of the Astarion romance, and I love him as a character, and how everything is unfolding, and he checks a LOT of boxes on what I like in a romance story/character development - but... I think I'm gonna be partially a mindflayer girl by the end of this game because I won't be strong enough not to smooch the Emperor, tentacles and all, when the option shows up.
The fact that he's monster romance material sparkled with a lot of interesting dynamic is just too appealing and I am weak. We're not given this chance that often.
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I am also expecting this to be a minor ship in the fandom, which... I'll be honest, may drive me more to do fanart/fic when I finish the game. I hope so, at least, because I need that hyperfixation kick to get more creative.
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