#maze's masterlist
ellestinyshittyposts · 7 months
I won.
Newt x Reader (TMZ)
summary - Newt and you had a argument, and now he's ignoring you.
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The sun was beating hard on your skin and sweat trailed down your forehead. You stopped digging the soil with your shovel and look up, scanning around the glade for a certain blonde haired boy.
Your eyes finally catch sight of him, his blonde sandy hair ruffled as the sun beamed at his hair, making his hair shine like gold and his shirt covered in mud.
He stood alone, picking some strawberries. You could tell from the way he pick the strawberries that he was still upset about the argument you had earlier.
You decided to take the opportunity to speak to him privately, away from the Gladers.
You put your shovel down, ditching your gardening duties and walk to Newt's direction.
As you approach him, he glances to see who it is, once he realizes it's you, he stops and turns himself around and stared at you long in the eyes.
he broke eye contact without a word as he looks at you up and down with his dark chocolate brown eyes which longed to be with you again.
He returns his gaze back to the strawberries and wipes his sweat of his forehead with his hand, not saying anything to you as if you weren't there.
"Feeling a little hot, Newt?"
You say jokingly and lean your back on the tree less than a meter away from him. He tries his best to concentrate on picking the strawberries.
"I'll shower later" he answered.
He kept his gaze at the ground, not wanting to look at you.
still sulking.
"can i help?" you asked him
instead of answering your question, he accidentally picked the strawberries too hard, making the stems break and fall.
You knew he would give up if you keep on doing this a little more.
so you did. you take a few steps closer to him.
Newt side glance at you a few times, watching every of your movement and clenches his jaw, resisting the longing feeling, wanting to talk to you, kiss you and touch you which weighed heavy on his shoulders.
"why don't you take a break? you've been picking strawberries all day" you try to reason out.
"No, Frypan wants the strawberries ready today to make strawberries jam"
"I'm sure the strawberries can wait for a little newtie" You say encouraging him.
He stops picking the strawberries and sighed. Newt finally answered your question, pretending to sound uninterested.
"y/n, please not now, I'm busy" looking at you with his deep brown eyes.
but you ignore him and walked closer to him until he can feel your breathe on him.
Your hand snakes it's way to his shoulder and you pulled him closer to you, and whispered in his ear.
"please newt, i want to talk to you" you both looked into each other's eyes, holding eye contact.
his eyes widened and he swallowed hard as he broke eye contact, refusing to look you in the eye.
Silence hanged in the air and for the first time in minutes he had made eye contact with you again.
His face was so stern for the next few seconds and then he suddenly sighed.
he finally gave in.
"You're right, the strawberries can wait" He smiled a little at you as he brush his thumb to your cheek and pulled you closer to him.
what happened next was a blur, he was on you in a second. Lips connected with yours as he backed you up into the tree you were leaning on earlier.
You had won.
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petrichor-idyllic · 1 year
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↳ Minho has always been cocky and self-assured. That is until a girl arrives in the Glade. A girl he's had some interesting dreams about.
Contains suggestive content and spice.
↳ Just some headcanons about our favourite Runner.
Contains suggestive content and spice.
↳ Minho finally agrees to teach you how to fight after weeks of pestering him. Though, things take an unexpected turn.
Contains suggestive content and spice.
↳ After you narrowly escape the vicious actions of another Glader who couldn't take no for an answer, you find refuge in Minho's hut - and his arms.
Contains references to sexual assault but there's nothing explicit.
↳ After the Greenie Day celebrations leave you a little bit intoxicated, Minho takes care of you and keeps you safe.
↳ You're training to be a Runner and, as the Keeper, Minho is made to look after you. Though, things take a dramatic turn as Minho is forced to save your life.
□ PART 1 | ■ PART 2
↳ Somehow, you end up giving your best friend a massage. Things go about as well as expected.
Basically porn with plot. 18+
↳ You miss out on the Bonfire to stay to help Minho with the Maps. Unfortunately, he's a little distracted.
Contains suggestive content and spice.
↳ Joining the group from the scorch, the Gladers take a blow after losing Newt to the Crank Palace. So, you help cheer Minho up.
Book-based fic. Contains suggestive content and spice.
↳ You try to spend as much time with your boyfriend as you can. So, when he finishes his long day of running the Maze, you decide to join him in the shower.
More porn with very little plot. 18+
↳ Despite your feelings for one another, you and Minho have decided it's best to stay friends. But, after you nearly lose him to the clutches of the Maze, and he says some choice words to Gally - you decide enough is enough.
Book based fic. Some suggestive themes.
↳ Minho has always had you by his side. He doesn't know how he'd cope without you. Well, now he might have to learn how.
Bro, you die. Rip.
○ PART 1 | □ PART 2
↳ You are an undercover agent for The Right Arm working behind enemy lines in WCKD's headquarters. Your simple intel gig ends up being the least of your problems as you're suddenly put on the front lines of a rescue mission. It doesn't help that the boy you're pretending to keep prisoner is pretty cute.
↳ You're obsessed with your boyfriend. It's just so hard to keep your hands off of him - even when he's working.
Contains suggestive content and spice.
↳ Despite never seeing Minho before, you swear you recognise him. That's why you're always staring. Well, and the man is fine. Now in your place of refuge, the Safe Haven provides you with a home, and a new sense of freedom. A bit of flirting can't hurt, right?
Contains suggestive content and spice.
↳ You were immediately attracted to Minho when you met him in the Scorch. Now, after six months and many losses, you're reunited.
↳ Your dream of becoming a Runner is crushed time and time again. But that doesn't stop you from running out into the Maze to help Minho and Alby. Though, that doesn't mean you're the only one willing to risk your life to protect those you care about.
↳ A friendly game of capture the flag turns heated thanks to yours and Minho's competitive spirit.
Contains suggestive content and spice.
↳ Soft, sweet and caring; you're the mother of the Glade.
↳ Your's and Minho's first time.
Some fluffy smut. 18+.
↳ Minho has a crush on you. You're oblivious. He's losing his mind.
↳ You're from Group B. Meeting someone in the middle of a prison break is one hell of an introduction.
↳ High school AU. Minho is popular and sporty. You're quiet and smart. It's a stereotypical high-school romance, except Minho is the one tripping over himself for you. And, well, you don't believe him.
Contains suggestive content and spice. Minho won't accept your rejection.
↳ Everyone in the Glade is sick of watching you and Minho dance around your feelings for each other. So, they decide to do something about it. Well, they attempt to, at least.
↳ Song fic based off of "Die for You" by The Weekend.
○ PART 1 | ○ PART 2 | ○ PART 3
↳ You were put in a Maze all on your own, with nothing but your dog. The isolation is one thing, but what'll happen when you finally escape?
↳ Minho is used to being the tough guy; but he doesn't know how to react when he meets someone tougher than him.
↳ You're from one of the many alternative Mazes - and yours happened to be full of water. Though, you only realise how weird your Maze was when you reach the Safe Haven, and meet a certain Runner, who feels weirdly familiar.
↳ You're a new Runner, and a disobedient one. So, when you get stung, Minho is left to play saviour. And doctor. Though, as he looks after you, he starts to think you might not be so bad.
↳ Getting bitten by a crank is never fun. But, you're from a Maze, so, you'll be fine... right?
↳ In an attempt to comfort Chuck, you confess an embarrassing secret about something you did back when you were crushing on Minho and before you started dating. Unfortunately, your boyfriend isn't as heavy of a sleeper as you originally thought.
Contains mild suggestive content and spice.
↳ Now in the Safe Haven, the sexual tension between you and Minho has turned into a twisted game of restraint. Though, it's hard not to break when you finally catch a glimpse of Minho's lightning scars.
Contains suggestive themes and spice.
↳ You can't stop staring at Minho's arms.
Contains suggestive content and spice.
↳ The first time you ever met Minho in the WICKED facility, and the corrupt childhood you briefly spent together before things take a wrong turn.
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thecapybara526 · 8 months
Series : The Mazer Runner
Pairing : Newt x reader
Note: I've had this idea in my head for a bit and when I saw a maze runner tiktok with this song, I had to incorporate it someone how. I think it explains the core three so well. please enjoy! Also please listen to “Solider, Poet, King” by Reno Loves you! I’ll tell you when!
Summary: The creators send a box with a greanie every month but this month a box with a guitar and music sheets come in. Y/n somehow knows how to play and read music. A special bonfire will be held after Newt hears Y/n sing and play. At the bonfire Newt gets super jealous when one of the boys decides to dance with you especially since he’s been pinning over you since you arrived. Lots of Minho meddling to get you two together.
Themes: angst, Jealousy, fluff, pinning,
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You were running down the last straight away of the maze with Minho. You smiled to see some of your fellow gladers waiting for you to arrive. Particularly one…but you knew he'd be there, I mean he always is.
Your lungs burned and your legs ached, running the maze was tough but there was something about being out there that felt right to you. Especially with one of your closest friends Minho, you knew nothing would happen to you and you wouldn't let anything happen to him.
“Why does It have to be so hot today” Minho moaned as the two arrived at the doors of the maze that were starting to close.
“Minho baby, it’s always hot.” You laughed starting to slow down.
“Yea..well today more than usual.” He winked at you and you shoved him. You and Minho always flirted but it was never serious. After countless hours in the maze together you had both shared your most inner thoughts and more importantly your feelings for a certain second in command.
You had never outright said it but Minho figured it out. The way you got a bit nervous when he was around, how you unconsciously looked around for him when he wasn't around. Not only that but when you weren't running the maze with Minho you were with him.
Newt was there at the maze doors, he always is. He always just brushes it off that as second in command he should make sure the runners come back and conveniently everytime he makes his rounds of the glade is when the runners come back.
Newt knew the real reason he was there though, you. Since the moment you came up in the box and looked at him with those y/e/c eyes, he was a goner. He knew he'd protect you, and be whatever you needed, even if he wanted to be more than friends. He couldn't risk it though, he couldn't risk losing you or making things awkward.
You were his best mate, together you had formed an unbreakable bond. You could tell each other everything, well minus your feelings for each other. You were the person he wanted to see when he was sad, when he needed comfort, and just all the time in general. When you were together you made him feel as if he could stay in the maze forever as long as he had you by his side.
Minho’s comment made Newt’s stomach turn, he watched as you shoved Minho, and he couldn't help but feel a pinch of jealousy. You never flirted with him, then again he wasn’t sure if he did. Although the first time he called you love it was an accident and after he realized it had made you blush he kept saying it.
“How was the maze today love” he said trying to drag your attention away from Minho.
You looked up to see Newt looking at you, you smiled softly, love, you loved when he said that to you.
“Uh, you know the usual. Ran around, gathered some info.” you placed your hands on your hips still catching your breath.
“Fantastic, well I’m going to continue my rou-”
Newt was cut off by the sound of the box coming up. You all looked at each other and started to walk over. A new grennie was coming up.
You had been in the glade for over a year now, at first it was frightening. Waking up, breathing hard having no idea where you were. The sun blinding you and it was so hot your skin was already slick with sweat. The scariest part wasn't that you couldn't remember anything but the amount of boys staring down at you.
You had shoved yourself into one of the corners, when one of the boys had jumped in.
“It’s okay, I'm not going to hurt you. You're safe” the boy’s voice was smooth with an accent, somehow it felt like your heart rate slowed down a little. That was until your looked up at all the boys again.
“Where am I? Why can't I-” you started to freak out again.
He reached out a hand, “just take my hand and I'll explain everything, okay?” he smiled. Slowly and hesitantly you took his hand but from looking into the sincerity of those brown eyes you knew you'd be alright.
Now it was someone else’s turn to feel everything you had once felt, you couldn't say you were jealous. The poor kid was shaking like a leaf, not only that but Gally wasn’t too kind either.
“Alright, let's unload this box and get moving people” Gally yelled out to everyone, collective groans echoed through the air.
“Well come on, love.” Newt reached a hand up to you from inside the box helping you down.
“Thank you” you turned away from him heading towards a box so he couldn't see that his gesture made you blush.
As you helped hand boxes to gladers above, you noticed a smaller box, one you hadn't seen before. You grabbed it and handed it to Minho.
“Hey, keep that one aside for me please” you said
“Why do you get to keep it?” Minho shook the box, “what if I want it” he smirked
“Minho, if Y/n wants the box, she gets it.” Newt shot Minho a look. Minho smirked again but this time in amusement. He loved to play this game, a game called make his second in command want to kill him.
“Careful Newt…You're making it sound like Y/n gets special treatment. I wish you were as sweet to me as you are to her..” he watched carefully as Newt’s face became red. You wanted to kill Minho, he always says the dumbest things, Newt was just being nice.
Before you Newt could open his mouth, you spoke. “Yea? Well maybe if you helped out in the gardens a little Newt would be nicer.” you climbed out of the box.
“Y-Yes, Y/n’s right” Newt was still flustered, he snuck a glance at you. You didn't seem fazed at all, you grabbed your box and walked away.
“What the bloody hell was that” Newt glared at Minho.
“Hey, I'm just trying to help you” Minho threw his hands up innocently. “Put yourself out of this misery and just confess already.”
“There is nothing to confess. Y/n and I are best mates. That is all.” Newt huffed out a breath, “sneaking” a glance at you walking away. Minho rolled his eyes, hopeless. You two were hopeless.
Once you found an area in shade, you sat down and opened the box. A guitar was in it, at least from your vague memory that's what you think it was. It had to be. You continued pulling things out and a sheet of music caught your eye. As your eyes skimmed it you realized you could read it. As you flipped the page you found more but with words.
“Soldier, Poet, King” you whispered to yourself, a song? (play first 30 seconds of song)
You propped the music up against the tree and settled the guitar in your lap. You strummed the strings following the sheet, it took you some time but you felt a tune starting to come together.
You took a deep breath and decided to try to put it all together. You began to softly sing the lyrics, you were so focused on making sure it was right you didn’t hear a certain blonde boy sneaking up on you.
Newt was in awe, he was confused when he saw your h/c ponytail facing the tree with something in your lap, he had come to find you hoping to walk to dinner together. When he came to investigate he wasn't expecting to hear the soft strumming and what had to be the sweetest voice he had ever heard, memories or not.
He listened as you sang but the sound of a twig breaking called him out. You turned around startled but you smiled when you saw him.
“Newt, you startled me”
“I’m sorry about that, please don’t stop. It sounded lovely.” he smiled down at you.
You blushed and turned away, you didn't think he'd heard you singing. When you turned up to look at him again you made sure you weren't blushing anymore.
“Ah, thank you. It’s not very good but-”
“No, no. It's good, you're good..at that” Newt wanted to slam his head into the tree. With you looking up at him, he couldn't focus, you were just too pretty.
You smiled and stood up packing up the guitar and music sheets. Newt lifted the box for you as the two of you walked.
“You should play at the bonfire.” he glanced to his side.
Immediately you wanted to say no. You didn't want everyone looking at you, what if they thought it was bad or if you mess up. You only just started to learn.
Newt noticed your hesitance, “you don't have to of course but I would really like to hear the full thing.”
And just like that you knew you were going to have to play at the bonfire. If you Newt wanted to hear it, how could you say no?
“Okay. I will. For you.” you smiled at him, then started to panic realizing the “for you” part was said out loud and not just in your head. Newt’s heart started to beat faster. For him?
“Y- You did help me secure the box from Minho! Yes, the least I could do is play it for you.” you tried to cover up your slip-up. Let's just say it worked because Newt’s heart started to slow down again and maybe it cracked a little.
“Fantastic” he gave you a tight-lipped smile and opened the door for you to enter the cookhouse. Newt watches as you walk in thanking him, he took a deep breath shaking his head and walked in after you.
You had been practicing all of last night after dinner and throughout the day today after coming back from the maze. The bonfire was tonight and you were nervous. Nervous about messing up the cords or lyrics but most importantly scared to mess up in front of Newt. You knew even if you did he would probably pretend like it didn't happen because he was sweet like that but still.
“You think if you sing to the walls maybe they will let us out?” you heard Minho’s voice behind you. You groan.
“Minho! You just ruined an almost perfect rehearsal.” you put the guitar down and turned to the dark haired boy.
“How was I supposed to know it was almost perfect.” Mingo sat down next to you.
“You just are, this needs to be perfect.” you huffed running your hands through your hair.
“Perfect for everyone, or just perfect for Newt?” he grinned at you, picking up a sheet of music.
“Perfect for everyone.” you snatched the sheet out of his hand and put it back.
“You know he likes you right? Newt is one of my best friends and I'm not trying to out him but you guys need to stop torturing each other.” Minho was getting fed up with this dance you two were playing. He was tired of seeing his two best friends tear themselves apart over each other when they literally feel the same way.
Especially Newt, Minho notices the way he looks at you. His gaze was always so soft, it kinda made Minho’s heart ache. You could break the rules or murder someone and Newt would still think you were perfect.
“And you need to stop saying that and getting my hopes up. Listen Minho, I've accepted that all we will ever be is friends.”
“But Y/n-”
“What was that?” you slapped a hand on his mouth, “sorry can't hear you” you chuckled
From the corner of his eye, Minho could see Newt watching the two of you. If telling the both of you won’t do anything maybe it was time to be more aggressive he thought. Minho quickly removed the guitar from your lap and jumped on.
“Min-!” you erupted into giggles, “what are you do-” he then started to tickle you
“Sorry? I can't hear you, what was that?” he continued his attack until one hard knee to his stomach knocked over. You both laid on the grass laughing, Minho picked up his head and glanced over at Newt. The expression on that boys face that pricless.
Newt watched when Minho jumped on you, he first took a step forward dropping his tool ready to arrive at your defense but the sound of you laughing stopped him. He took a deep breath and picked up the tool again squeezing his fist around it.
He tried to fight the jealousy eating at his chest but he couldn't. He wished it was him rolling around with you in the grass and then he blushed imagining it. He looked up again to see you leaning over Minho, eyes firey playfully yelling at him. The feeling threatened to overtake him again but he was being silly. It was just Minho, he knew how Newt felt about you, it was fine. Newt shook his head and continued his work.
The glade was buzzing because of the bonfire. It was the best time, everyone got to relax and drink some of Gally’s awful but effective drink. After Minho left you were able to practice more and focused on the parts you struggled with. The sun was dropping and the darker it got the more nervous you became
The bonfire was in full effect. Everyone was yelling, wrestling, and overall just having a good time. About half way through the night you finally came out from hiding and walked toward Minho and Newt.
“Finally ready?” Minho laughed and started to raise his glass.
You snatched his full glass out of his hand and before he could protest you chugged it. With a hiss, you handed Minho back his drink. Newt and Minho’s jaws dropped, you weren't opposed to drinking and there were nights Newt had to carry you back to your hammock. But you chugging? That meant you really must be nervous and getting very drunk tonight, which was the plan.
“Y/n-” before Newt could finish his sentence you finished his almost empty drink.
“Okay. Now I'm ready.” you grinned and grabbed your guitar and music sheets. You walked over to Alby and whispered to him.
“Everyone! Tonight Y/n has a special surprise for us!”
Everyone cheered, already drunk but also excited to see what you were up to. Newt clapped and felt a wave of nerves pass through him. He wasn't even performing but he just wanted you to do well.
“This came up in the box the other day…and I realized I knew how to play. So I hope you guys enjoy!” you yelled, the liquor definitely playing a part in your confidence. (start the song)
You started the strum the guitar and you looked up when Minho started to clap on beat like you practiced. Everyone started to clap and your adrenaline soared. You started to sing, at first, it was quiet just the clapping, you looked up, did you sound bad? Your eyes caught Newts.
He had this look in his eyes you couldn't decipher but he nodded at you and gave you a small smile, encouraging you to keep going.
Finally it seemed like the boys broke out of the trance and starting cheering loudly. You started moving around singing to boys in front of you and the longer you sang the more passionate you got. Even making them sing the chorus, “oh lei, oh lai, oh lord” echoed throughout the glade.
Minho laughed clenching his stomach, “oh god, the liquor is hitting her hard.” and he was right Newt looked back at you and were jumping around now hair everywhere.
You had finally made your way toward Minho and Newt. Singing at Minho and dancing around him, when the Poet part came up you stood right in front of Newt looking him straight in the eye. Nest held your gaze completely mesmerized by you. Hair everywhere, a light sheen of sweat on your chest, and the fire dancing across your skin. When you grinned at him Newt felt his heart stop. He felt like every fiber of his body was awake, in that moment he wanted nothing more than to pull you in and kiss you until you were breathless.
You were pulled away by Frypan as he picked you up to put you on his shoulder. You yelled in delight and with another swig of your drink, you played the song again from the top. Cheers of delight filled the air and the clapping to keep the beat continued.
Nest smiled and also took a sip of his drink. You looked so happy, so he was happy. He couldn't take his eyes off you, you looked so beautiful. It made his heart ache, he just wanted to hold you, he wanted you to see him as more. He took a bigger swig of his drink this time.
“She’s great” Minho turned to Newt
“Are we surprised?” Nest chucked and tore his gaze off you.
“How do you feel about your special serenade” Minho’s eyebrows raised, curious to see how Newt would deny this.
“She sang to everyone it wasn't just me..” he fiddled with his drink, focused on the amber liquid.
“Mhmm, but not the Poet part… just you.” this made Newt’s eyes snap to Minho. He was right, it was just him, he shook his head. No no no.
“We're just friends Minho, she doesn't care for me like and I-” from the corner of his eye Newt could see the new greenie taking your hand. Minho smirked this has gotten interesting.
“What is he doing,” Nest spoke flatly drink clenched in his hands.
“Mm, don't know maybe dancing. Either way, you're right, you're just friends. Maybe Y/n and the Greenie are a good match” Newt's eyes flared to Minho. Minho couldn't contain his laugh.
Maybe it was the liquor or maybe it was seeing the greenie with his hands on your hips but something in Newt snapped.
After Fry put you down you placed your guitar down, and you looked to see Minho and Newt talking. He wasn't even looking at you, your drunk thoughts were getting the best of you. Maybe Minho was wrong, Newt only saw you as a friend. The greenie came up to you and you locked arms with him spinning around laughing. It was innocent, until you started to get too dizzy and needed to stop. He placed his hands on your hips.
“Are you okay?” you could feel if thumb stroking your side. Before you could respond, someone pulled his hands off.
Newt didn't know what came over him but by the time he realized what he was doing he had pushed you behind him and was holding one of the greenie’s wrists.
“Let’s try to keep our hands to ourselves greenie.”
The greenie’s eyes widened, he shook his head and scrambled away from his second in command. You were in shock, what had gotten into Newt.
“W-what was that?” you furrowed your brows, he turned to look at you, he looked mad. Did you make Newt upset?
“D-did I upset you? I'm sor-” you stammered
“No love, it's- come on” he grabbed your wrist and started to gently but firmly pull you away from the crowd. Leaving the gladers who were too drunk to realize their lead singer was being swept away.
After he felt like you were far enough Newt dropped your wrist and ran a hand threw his hair. What was he doing? How was he going to explain this, he let his jealousy get the best of him. He couldn't stand the way the greenie looked at you, he had every right to look at you that way. You were gorgeous and Newt had no real claim over you. But you were still his.
After a couple seconds of silence your patience was running thin, the liquor not helping.
“Newt? Hellooo” you sighed waiting for answers
He spun around to face you, you were standing there looking up at him, hair pulled to one side.
“I- uh.. Listen love-” you cut him off
“Newt. I'm so confused and I swear it's not just Gally’s drink. What the hell was that, one minute I’m dancing and the next you're hauling me over here?”
“Y/n I know it's o—” you cut him off again. Rambling.
“No. No this is not okay. You can't just sweep me off without an explanation”
You were upset now, upset at how handsome he was and how badly you wanted to be with him. You just wanted this ache to go away. Not only that but the mix singles were driving you crazy. Sometimes you felt like there could be more and other times it felt like it was set in stone that you’d only ever be friends.
“I can't do this anymore Newt.”
This made Newt’s blood run cold. What did you mean by that? Do this? He started to breath a little harder, did he really just mess up this bad. You two hadn't even begun a romantic relationship and he already screwed up. He grabbed your biceps that were at your sides.
“Y/n I’m sorry I didn't mean to upset you”
“Well guess what I am. I-” tears filled your eyes, you didn't want to cry but everything was feeling like too much.
Newt's heart was breaking, as soon your eyes filled with tears he swore he heard a crack in his heart. You tried to scramble out of his grasp but he held you tight. His hands moved to your face steadying you.
“Y/n I love you.”
This made you go completely still. Anger disappearing and relief flooding you. He loved you.
“I’m sorry it took this long for me to say it and that it had to come out this way but I love you. I’ve loved you since the moment you came up from that box.”
His eyes desperately searched your face looking for any sign. A sign that maybe just maybe you loved him too.
You sagged against him, your head landing on his chest, your face still cradled in his hands. He held you, confused, holding his breath waiting for an answer. Finally, what had felt like years you pulled away and looked up at him. Your hands balled up against his chest.
“Newt, I love you too.”
He felt a tear slip down onto his hand, you were crying but smiling. He looked down at your lips and then back at your eyes. You nodded your head slightly giving him permission.
Softy, he pressed his lips against yours. He pulled away smiling, you grabbed a fist full of his shirt and pulled him in again wrapping the other hand around his neck. His hands left your face and slipped down to your waist pull you closer.
“Love, you have no idea how many times I've dreamed of this,” he whispered against your mouth a small smile creeping on his lips.
You grinned as he pulled you back in for another deep kiss. You made a sound that only made him pull you closer. He couldn’t believe it, the girl he was pinning over was finally in his arms.
You felt like your head was spinning, being in Newt’s arms just felt so right. Hell you didn’t know where he learned to kiss like this but you were breathless.
“Love?” Newt spoke softy like if he spoke too loudly the trance you we’re both in might break.
“Newt” you whispered
“As much as I’m enjoying this, you’re drunk, I’m a bit drunk” he pressed his forehead against yours.
He was right. You were drunk but there wasn’t anything about this that you didn’t want. Your cheeks burned, looking around and seeing that although the two of you were alone, the bonfire wasn’t too far away. You kissed his nose, then both his cheeks.
“You’re too sweet, you know that?” You ran both your hands through his hair your forearms against his shoulders
“Only for you remember?” He winked
“Does this mean I get special treatment?” You raised an eyebrow. He grabbed your forearms and pulled you in close.
“Don’t tell Minho but you’ve always gotten special treatment.”
You laughed and pushed off him, reaching out a hand. He grabbed it and the two of you walked back to the bonfire. Immediately Minho noticed you two especially you two holding hands. He decided to keep it to himself though, pretending to not notice. Tonight was about you two.
When everyone noticed you were back they begged to play the song again. Who were you to deny them? You began to play again, looking to Newt when you sang about the Poet. It was for him. He clapped along never taking his eyes off you. How could he?
Right before the last chorus Minho grabbed the guitar from you.
“Go dance.” He pushed you toward Newt and practically jumped into his arms.
He picked you up by your waist and spun you around. Everyone kept clapping keeping the beat as Newt placed you back down and danced with you. You spun around then dipped you, you couldn’t believe when he kissed you in front of everyone. Cheers erupted.
“Newt you shank!” Galley yelled
“Sorry lads” Newt smirked
When he brought you back up you collapsed against his chest. From exhaustion, liquor and laughing, when you saw Minho looking at the two of you, you grinned at him. He shook us head and shrugged as if saying “I told you so”
That night you and Newt walked back to your hammocks holding your hand, creeping around drunken asleep boys.
“Goodnight Y/n” he pressed a kiss to lips gently
“Goodnight Newt.” You laid down and he laid down in his hammock next to yours. You tried to fight sleep but the night caught up to you.
Newt watched as you slept, he couldn’t believe it. The ache in his chest was still there but it was different. Instead of being empty it was full so full that it ached. He knew as he watched you sleep before his eyes shut that he would always be by your side. No matter what.
The end :)
I hope you guys enjoyed, it’s lowkey long and I haven’t revised it. If you see any errors please let me know and make sure you comment for more!
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nomoreusername · 28 days
Maze Runner Masterlist (1)
🌸 is fluff
🥀 is angst
🌷 is platonic love
🪷 is hurt/comfort
🏵️ is none
Breathe 🪷
When your fear of losing Minho forever causes a panic attack Thomas helps you calm down.
The Best Greenie 🌸
When a new Greenie comes up you realize this one might be worth keeping around.
Good Night 🌸
You and Thomas have never seen eye to eye, but one shared night in the pit may change that.
Beautiful Moments 🌸
After you fall asleep on Thomas's shoulder he's thankful that life is still full of beautiful moments.
Jealous Boy 🌸
After becoming close with Aris, Thomas's jealousy finally shows up.
Distance Makes The Heart Grow Fonder 🌸
After getting to see when you were separated in WCKD Thomas realizes how he actually feels.
Letter From Heaven 🌸🥀
Mute 🌸
As someone who struggles with selective mutism, you are surprised when Newt still more than wants to know you.
Sorry I Almost Shot You 🌸
When Newt and the group end up in the Safe Haven, they get quite a surprise and a weird start to a friendship.
Attention 🌸🥀
When you and Newt end up in the pit together, you do everything you can to get him to notice you.
It's Not Goodbye 🪷
After finding out you're not immune, you are ready to get rid of yourself only to be caught by Newt.
Daisy's 🌸🥀🪷
You'll never forget the boy you love, even after he dies.
My Glue 🪷
When your brother is killed in the maze Newt is still by your side to support you.
Helpful 🌸
After spending all day with Newt you say something that proves you may return his feelings.
Bless You 🌸
After crawling through the vents you end up meeting a cute British boy.
Stars 🌸
After a long day, you take Newt stargazing.
In My Heart 🪷🥀
When survivors guilt hits you extra hard one night Newt comforts you.
Next Time Then 🌸
After standing up up for Newt, he visits you in the slammer.
Denial 🥀
After you don't come out of the Maze Newt keeps telling himself that you're coming back.
The Perfect Loss 🌸🪷
After years of being in competition with Minho, one loss changes everything about it.
Faith 🌸
After everyone keeps doubting your abilities, Minho is right there to defend you.
Better 🪷
When Minho realizes you're struggling with an eating disorder he encourages you to get help.
Different Sides 🥀
After Thomas comes to the Glade and everyone picks sides you and Minho discover how different you actually are.
Just a Pretty Face (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4) 🌸
After years of trying to be better than the other, one dare from Minho himself shows the reason behind it all.
Irresistible 🌸
When Minho goes to check on you while you're sleeping, you say something that lets him know the feelings are mutual.
Consequences 🥀
After you get stung, Minho feels responsible for not saving you.
Good Liar 🌷🥀
When someone thinks you're Gally's girlfriend, you cover up the truth with jokes.
Dibs 🌷🪷
When Gally asks why you never greet the Greenie's you talk about what it's like being the only girl.
The First Tears (Part 1, Part 2) 🥀🌸
After an argument with Gally leads to a breakup, you both have to decide between vulnerability and each other, or walls and false strength.
Captain Gally (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4) 🌸
As Gally and your rivalry continues he does something that changes it.
Hidden Burns 🪷
As you think you're hiding your problems fine Gally quickly proves otherwise.
Alone 🥀
When you storm out after an argument, Gally figures out just how truthful your words are.
Care For You 🌸
After Gally doubts how much you really care about him, you say something in your sleep that shows the truth.
Nightmares 🪷
When you suffer with more nightmares you go to Aris for comfort.
Interesting Things To Say 🌸
After escaping the Glade, you end up meeting a boy the exact opposite of you.
Camp Buddy 🌸
When you meet Aris at summer camp, you end up as more than friends.
Worth a Shot 🌸
After all your friends know your feelings for Aris, they help set you two up.
Come Back To Me 🌸
After realizing you could lose Aris, you tell him how to feel.
A Stone and Bruises 🪷
When Aris walks in on you hurting yourself he cleans you up and comforts you.
An Introverts Dreamboy 🌸
After Aris helps you come up with a plan to avoid people, you realize how you feel.
Scars 🪷
Even though you do everything to hide what WCKD used to do to you, Aris finds out and comforts you.
Bird Boy 🌸
After someone tries to use your special nickname for Aris you shut them down.
Two Hearts 🥀
Despite being with you it's clear Aris has someone else on his mind.
It's Always Been You 🌸
When a new group arrives at WCKD Aris's behavior is definitely off when one of them starts flirting with you.
A Letter Never Sent 🥀
Aris writes a letter to tell you how he feels before something could happen to you.
What You Deserve (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3) 🥀🪷
After the betrayal with Teresa Aris spills darker secrets than you could have imagined.
Unspoken Rules 🌷
Out in the Scorch, the new guy learns the unspoken rules of friendship
Well Played 🏵️
After the betrayal you turn the tables around to show what that word really means.
Not So Invisible 🌸
After thinking his constant hate for Valentine's Day would never show up you do one small thing that changes his entire perspective.
Pretty Things (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5) 🌸🥀🪷
A drunken kiss with Aris will either lead to a ruined friendship or something more.
A Few More Seconds (Part 1, Part 2) 🥀🌸
When Aris sees you with another guy's jacket you end up having to search for him to find out what he's avoiding you.
The Bare Minimum 🪷
As other girls keep giving Aris a rough time you do everything you can to comfort him.
Fluff Alphabet
Not My Choice 🥀
The more she thinks about what she has to do, the more Teresa wishes she was allowed another choice.
Never a Burden 🌸
After you feel ashamed for needing help sleeping, Teresa promises you could never be a burden.
The Girl In a Coma 🌸
After spending years in the Glade as the only girl another one finally comes up.
The L Word 🥀
When Frypan points out how you're acting towards Thomas and Teresa, you accidentally mention a certain word.
One Sided Love 🥀
After Minho insists you and Teresa are in love, you see how one-sided the feeling is.
Let Her Go (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4) 🌸🥀
When she sees you after years of being separated old feelings arise for both of you.
Good For Her 🌸
You and Brenda are getting serious but don't know how to tell Jorge.
Excuses 🌸
After realizing you're in love with your best friend you try to avoid Brenda at all costs.
Don't Touch Her 🌸
After almost losing Brenda to the Flare you realize how deep your feelings run.
Things We Won't Admit 🌸🥀
When a new group keeps teasing Brenda and you about being together, you both deny the feelings she knows may be there.
My Sunshine 🌸
After Sonya gets captured by WCKD you stop at nothing to get your sunshine back.
Home 🪷🥀
While Sonya is finding herself missing her old home you're right there to support her, no matter what that means.
Real 🪷
After Sonya comforts you about your doubts you fall asleep on her lap.
Love Makes Us Impulsive 🌸🪷
When you start a fight because someone insulted Sonya she makes you think about why.
Forgotten 🥀
Just as everything is finally going right with Harriet you stumble upon a secret that destroys everything.
"Friends" 🌸🥀
While sitting with Aris and Sonya by the bonfire, they point that you and Harriet do not seem like just friends.
Sleep Tight 🌸
After you can't sleep, Harriet finds out a little more than she bargained for when she helps out.
Special 🌸
Harriet admits that she's stressed being a leader, along with one other thing.
Ivy Trio (All Platonic)
Puppy 🌷🌸
After finding a puppy in the Scorch Thomas, Minho, and Newt try to convince you to keep it.
What They'd Be Like Drunk 🏵️
Drunk Texts 🌸
How They Go Christmas Shopping 🌸
What They'd Get You For Christmas 🌸
Their Favorite Place To Kiss You 🌸
2nd List
Masterlist 2
Ship Masterlist
Random Posts
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berystraw · 4 months
The Masterlist—
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Note: Everything I write is strictly fictional and for entertainment. Any names mentioned that pertain to any person in real life is only coincidental. Read at your own risk! Requests are open!
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The Inheritance Games
Grayson Hawthorne Stories are now in stock!
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Jameson Hawthorne
Coming Soon
Nash Hawthorne
Coming Soon
Xander Hawthorne
Coming Soon
Libby Grambs
Coming Soon
Avery Grambs
Coming Soon
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The Maze Runner
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
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Percy Jackson and The Olympians
Percy Jackson Stories are now in stock!
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Annabeth Chase
Coming Soon
Grover Underwood
Coming Soon
Luke Castellan Stories are now in stock!
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Clarisse La Rue
Coming Soon
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Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Coming Soon
George Weasley
Coming Soon
Fred Weasley
Coming Soon
Theodore Nott
Coming Soon
Mattheo Riddle
Coming Soon
Tom Riddle
Coming Soon
Lorenzo Berkshire
Coming Soon
Hermione Granger
Coming Soon
Ron Weasley
Coming Soon
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Shatter Me
Aaron Warner
Coming Soon
Kenji Kishimoto
Coming Soon
Juliette Ferreras
Coming Soon
Nazeera Ibrahim
Coming Soon
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The Umbrella Academy
Five Hargreeves
Coming Soon
149 notes · View notes
untilnextchapter · 11 months
Masterlist of Masterlist: By Fandom (N-Z)
More Masterlists by Fandom : Here
Peter Parker & Tom Holland
@bruh--wtf -> Masterlist
@cutetomholland -> Masterlist
@just-jordie-things -> Masterlist
@ptergwen -> Masterlist
@thyme-in-a-bubble -> Masterlist
@waitimcomingtoo -> Masterlist
@blog-of-a-multitude-of-fandoms -> Masterlist
@dreaming-about-fanfictions -> Masterlist
@imagines-all-day-everyday -> Masterlist
@impala-dreamer -> Masterlist
@justkending -> Masterlist
@luci-in-trenchcoats -> Masterlist
@ofstarsandvibranium -> Masterlist
@undiscovered-horizon -> Masterlist
Teen Wolf
@atlas-of-a-human-soul -> Masterlist
@bruh--wtf -> Masterlist
@heliads -> Masterlist
@just-jordie-things -> Masterlist
@specialagentlokitty -> Masterlist
The 100
@bruh--wtf -> Masterlist
@imagines-all-day-everyday -> Masterlist
@s1ater -> Masterlist
The Last Kingdom
@for-bebbanburg -> Masterlist
@halfmylife -> Masterlist
@mommytauriel -> Masterlist
@morosemagick -> Masterlist
The Maze Runner
@blog-of-a-multitude-of-fandoms -> Masterlist
@bruh--wtfwtf -> Masterlist
@heliads -> Masterlist
@s1ater -> Masterlist
The Sandman
@dreaming-about-fanfictions -> Masterlist
@endlessdreamqueen3 -> Masterlist
@sinner-as-saint -> Masterlist
@undiscovered-horizon -> Masterlist
Video Games
@beneathstarryskies -> Masterlist & Masterlist (VII)
@final-fantasy-imagines -> Masterlist (VII, X, X-2, XIII, XIII-2)
367 notes · View notes
aphroditelovesu · 9 months
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Historical Characters
💕 Yan!Alexander the Great w/His Twins!Children (Platonic)
💕 Yan!Alexander the Great, Yan!Julius Caesar, Yan!Napoleon Bonaparte and Yan!Henry VII w/Cheating!Wife (Romantic)
💕 Yandere Napoleon Bonaparte and Yandere Marquis de Lafayette w/Wife!Reader (Romantic)
💕 Yandere Alexander the Great and Yandere Mehmed the Conqueror (Romantic)
💕 Reader Love Letter for Julius Caesar (Romantic)
💕 Yan!Julius Caesar to Yan!Cleopatra
💕 Yandere Mehmed the Conqueror (Romantic)
💕 Yandere Pompey the Great (Romantic)
💕 Yandere Catherine of Aragon (Platonic)
💕 Yandere Catherine of Aragon w/Brother!Reader (Platonic)
💕 Yandere Baldwin IV (Romantic)
💕 Yandere Elizabeth I w/Lover Male!Reader (Romantic)
💕 Yandere Edward Seymour w/Pregnant!Reader (Romantic)
A Court of Thorns and Roses
💕 Yandere Helion (Romantic)
💕 Yandere Bat Boys w/Cheating!Mate
💕 Yandere Nesta Archeron, Yandere Amarantha and Yandere Lucien Vanserra (Romantic)
Greek Mythology
💕 Yan!Apollo w/Cheating!Wife (Romantic)
💕 Yandere!Cheating Hermes
💕 Yandere Hephaestus w/Pregnant!Reader (Romantic)
💕 Yandere Achilles (Romantic)
💕 Yandere Eros w/Soulmate!Reader (Romantic)
💕 Yandere Dionysus (Romantic)
💕 Yandere Persephone (Romantic)
💕 Yandere Athena
💕 Yandere King George III w/Pregnant!Reader (Romantic)
💕 Yandere Anthony Bridgerton w/Pregnant!Reader (Romantic)
💕 Yandere Simon Basset (Romantic)
💕 Yandere Edmund Bridgerton w/Mistress!Reader (Romantic)
Percy Jackson
💕 Yandere Percy Jackson | Prompts 3, 4, 12, 26
💕 Yandere Annabeth Chase (Romantic)
💕 Yandere Percy Jackson w/Daughter of Aphrodite!Reader (Romantic)
💕 Yandere Jason Grace w/Nymph!Reader (Romantic)
💕 Yandere Will Solace (Romantic)
💕 Yandere Piper McLean (Romantic)
💕 Yandere Nico di Angelo (Platonic)
💕 Yandere Gamora (Romantic)
The Originals/The Vampire Diaries
💕 Yandere Elijah Mikaelson (Romantic)
💕 Yandere Elijah Mikaelson (Angst)
💕 Yandere Damon Salvatore (Romantic)
💕 Yandere Wednesday Addams (Romantic)
Miraculous Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir
💕 Yandere Cat Blanc (Romantic)
💕 Yandere Nick Nelson (Romantic)
💕 Yandere Charlie Spring and Nick Nelson (Romantic)
A Song of Ice and Fire
💕 Yandere Cersei Lannister w/Male!Reader Lannister
💕 Yandere Laenor Velaryon (Platonic)
💕 Yandere Maegor the Cruel (Romantic)
💕 Yandere Jaehaerys I Targaryen (Romantic)
💕 Yandere Rhaena Targaryen/Black Bride (Romantic)
💕 Yandere Maegor the Cruel w/Pregnant!Reader (Romantic)
Harry Potter
💕 Yandere Tom Riddle (Romantic)
💕 Yandere Jimin (Romantic)
Egyptian Mythology
💕 Yandere Seth and Yandere Horus (Romantic)
💕 Yandere Horus w/Princess of Egypt!Reader (Romantic)
The Hunger Games
💕 Yandere Peeta Mellark (Romantic)
💕 Yandere Jeong Gu-Won (Romantic) || My Demon
💕 Yandere Vlad Dracula Tepes, Yandere Trevor Belmont and Yandere Alucard (Romantic)
💕 Yandere Vlad Dracula Tepes (Romantic)
💕 Yandere Prince Charming/Kit (Romantic)
💕 Yandere Prince Charming/Kit after Midnight (Romantic)
One Piece
💕 Vinsmoke Sanji (Romantic)
Attack on Titan
💕 Yandere Levi Ackerman (Romantic)
💕 Yandere Hannibal Lecter w/Wife!Reader (Romantic)
Maze Runner
💕 Yandere Thomas (Romantic)
247 notes · View notes
newtkive · 5 months
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M.LIST. ✦  𓈒 ❛ pixels [ newt x reader - modern text au ]
summary: in which two online friends navigate a romance through a minecraft groupchat with their stupid friends
newt, the quiet, stoic boy, and y/n, the bubbly girl both curse the world for keeping them apart, but at least they can send each other cute emojis and hope the other doesn’t notice their blossoming feelings.
→ warnings ! : crude language, sexual language, sexual situations (eventually), bad memes, mention of suic1de
➥ # . ch. 1 - the gc birth
➥ # . ch. 2 - drama queen core
➥ # . ch. 3 - infamous minecraft night
➥ # . ch. 4 - agoraphobia and burger king on 5th street
109 notes · View notes
|The Rejected|
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»»»It was just another day in the Glade, another Box day bringing a new greenie.
Nothing should've been any different than usual, so... Why did it become like this?«««
Gally•Fic (ftm reader)
!ooc!gally (I apologise), movieverse/bookverse/canon divergence!
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Chapter•One | Chapter•Two | Chapter•Three | Chapter•Four | Chapter•Five | Chapter•Six | Chapter•Seven | Chapter•Eight | Chapter•Nine | Chapter•Ten | Chapter•Eleven | Chapter•Twelve | Chapter•Thirteen | Chapter•Fourteen | Chapter•Fifteen | Chapter•Sixteen | Chapter•Seventeen | Chapter•Eighteen | Chapter•Nineteen | Chapter•Twenty | Chapter•Twenty•One | Chapter•Twenty•Two | Chapter•Twenty•Three | Chapter•Twenty•Four | Chapter•Twenty•Five | Chapter•Twenty•Six | Chapter•Twenty•Seven | Chapter•Twenty•Eight | Chapter•Twenty•Nine | Chapter•Thirty | Chapter•Thirty•One | Chapter•Thirty•Two |Chapter•Thirty•Three | Chapter•Thirty•Four |Chapter•Thirty•Five | Chapter•Thirty•Six |Chapter•Thirty•Seven | Chapter•Thirty•Eight |Chapter•Thirty•Nine | Chapter•Fourty | End of Season 1 |
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(x oc version)
(x reader)
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!all characters are aged up 18-21!
!english is not my first language so sorry if stuff gets confusing!
!contains transphobia, misogyny, sexism, homophobia, violence, misgendering (using she/her)!
220 notes · View notes
riordanness · 9 months
— main masterlist ->
here is my main masterlist for all of my fics on this site!
i will obviously be trying to get this updated every time i post a new fic <3
disclaimer,, i haven’t posted very many fanfics on tumblr yet, so some of these masterlists are currently empty.
enjoy!! 🤍
(coming soon!) masterlist.
percy jackson masterlist
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— percy jackson
pick up lines
my tears ricochet
wildest dreams
mi amor
things percy would say to me if he was real
i wish you would
— walker scobell
slow motion, double vision
— leo valdez
— percabeth
the way i loved you
— jason grace
start of something new
today was a fairytale
— luke castellan
— carter kane
— will solace
he was sunshine
the summer i turned pretty masterlist
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— conrad fisher
pretty things
— jeremiah fisher
outer banks masterlist
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— rafe cameron
— jj maybank
once upon a time masterlist
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— peter pan
— killian jones
better than revenge
spider-man/peter parker masterlist
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— peter parker
coffee… at midnight
he isn’t you
peter parker headcannons
— tom holland
heaven knows
the chronicles of narnia masterlist
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— edmund pevensie
just a man
— peter pevensie
the maze runner masterlist
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— newt
would’ve, could’ve, should’ve
say don’t go
— minho
— thomas
cars masterlist
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— lightning mcqueen
follow the sparks, i’ll drive
miscellaneous masterlist
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— peeta mellark
tolerate it
— coriolanus snow
— finnick o’dair
— rodrick heffley
— hiccup haddock
bad blood
out of the woods
— ravi singh
you are in love
dear reader
timothée chalamet masterlist
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— willy wonka
sweet nothing
nightmare dressed like a daydream
safe and sound
electric touch
for a moment
all i’ve ever wanted
— timothée chalamet
chocolate like this
— laurie laurence
champagne problems
i think he knows
— nic sheff
161 notes · View notes
skiiyoomin · 9 months
I feel like there isn't enough for Newt from The Maze Runner Series. Could you please write for him?
I´m sooo sorry I took so long to answer but it´s finally here!! (ive been having huge writers block so i hope this is good enough) I totally think there's not enough tmr ff!! we have to revive the fandom 🥹
my friends helped think of the story so props to them!! :D
Content: slight violence? swearing, gn reader! oblivious reader
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Summary: You were a Runner who had the unfortunate luck of getting bitten by a Griever. You had assumed your death, but when you woke up, you were in a completely different Glade, surrounded by completely different people, by boys.
✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:
ღFrom afar | Newt
Your feet pounded on the hard ground, your heavy pants echoing through the hard rock walls. You turned your head back every so often, the sound of screeching of metal on rock not much further behind you, forcing you to quicken your pace.
A mere few minutes ago, you were peacefully resting on one of the many walls inside the maze, you were unaware of the Griever close by until it was too late. You could have run straight back to the Glade, but you couldn't risk letting the Griever close to the doors and putting in danger the rest of the girls.
Your lungs burned, terribly so, but you didn't stop. You couldn't. It all backfired when you turned the corner and found yourself in a dead end. You heard the roar of the Griever too close for comfort and without thinking, you ran straight to the end wall, grabbing onto one of the many vines and pulling yourself upward.
You looked down when you deemed yourself to be high enough, a mistake really, because in a flash, the Griever snapped the vine you were holding onto. The fall felt like it went by in slow motion, and in those few seconds, you quickly assumed your death. You felt a sharp sting on your side. Did the Griever sting you? Well, you were a goner anyway, what did it matter. Your vision began to blur, black spots engulfing your sight until all you saw was pitch black, and then, unconsciousness.
Minho ran around the maze, seeing nothing out of the ordinary, as per usual. When he turned a corner, his feet abruptly stopped.
"What the..."
A few steps in front of him laid a body, a female body. As he slowly stepped closer, he immediately took note of your sickly looking skin. His eyes landed on a spot on your arm, or rather a bite. There were dark protruding veins going up your arm, the sight bad enough to make anyone grimace.
That's when Minho snapped out of it and came to a quick realizations. You were stung by a Griever. But how did you get here? Where did you come from? Who are you?
Despite the thousands of questions flying through his mind, he knew if he didn't take you back to the Glade you'd be a goner. He gently lifted you in his arms and raced back as fast as he could.
As expected, he got a lot of stares and was asked many questions he simply could not answer.
"For the last time Alby, I don't know. I found her laying on the ground, what was i supposed to do, leave her there?"
Under all the sudden chaos, Newt, a natural diplomat in these situations, was uncharacteristically quiet. He simply did not know how to feel about any of it.
Eventually you recovered, gave your side of the story to Alby and began your new life in a new place. Undoubtedly it was hard. Recovering from the sting was a process filled with agony and confusing thoughts. Settling down in a place full of boys whose horomones skyrocketed was just as hard. Despite the uncomfortableness of it all, you began to befriend the right people and soon enough you had gained your place as a Runner.
Through all of this, Newt had made sure to stay far far away from you, watching you without making a move.
"You're gonna scare her off if you keep looking at her so much"
Frypans voice had startled him out of his daze, his eyes moving from you to him in bewilderment.
"What are you on about"
Frypan shrugs at this "You keep staring at her, if you like her that much you should just talk to her"
Now he was bewildered for sure, like you?? How is that even possible. He debated in his mind, Frypans words leaving him in a confused state. He was sure he didn't like you, yet why is your smile so heart warming, your hair looks especially nice today too.
Crap, maybe he does like you after all.
Little did he know, you were having a similar conversation in one of the many tables.
"He totally makes eyes at you, I don't know what you're talking about!"
Minho exclaims, rather loudly at that, making you slap your hands over his mouth to shut him up.
"Shut it you slinthead, he's gonna hear if you talk so loud"
Minho simply rolls his eyes before saying "Good, maybe that'll have you make a move"
You scoff "He probably doesn't even like me, he barely talks to me!!
And just like that, you were both in a never ending spiral of confusion and overthinking thoughts. And obviously, everyone noticed, with how obvious you two were how could they not?
And obviously Minho decided the best thing to do was to set up a plan.....for everyones sake.
Your days had started off normal. You got to work, went out to the Maze, came back and jotted down what you had seen. Nothing out of the ordinary.
As you were finishing up in the Map Room, Minho had bursted in, making you jump and look at him in surprise.
"I need you to help me, come quick"
Without much of a question, you followed him until you reached the Homestead. As you walked up the stairs, you stopped in front of a small unfamiliar room. Minho pushed open the door, holding on to the door knob and waving his hand, motioning you to walk inside. Before you even realized what was going on, he had slammed the door shut, locking you inside the room.
You whirled around to face the door, a look of perplexion on your face. You heard Minhos loud voice boom from the other side
"I´m not letting you out until you talk to each other!!"
If possible, your confusion only grew as you mumbled "Each other?"
"He means us"
You heard a voice from behind, the British accent all too familiar. Turning around, you were met with the sight of Newt sitting on the floor with an unimpressed look on his face. You felt the all too familiar feeling of your heart hammering in your chest. Taking a deep breathe, you sigh shakily as you sit down beside him.
You rest your head on the wall behind you, your thoughts wandering and your brows furrowing more and more.
"What do you think he meant by talking to each other?"
Newt glanced at you for a second, then, unexpectedly, he leaned forward and placed his thumb between your brows, gently rubbing the area until your frown completely disappeared.
"I don´t know but what I do know is that you´re gonna get wrinkles if you frown so much"
In a dazed like motion, he traced his thumb over your brow and down your temple until his entire hand was cupping your cheek. Your cheeks flushed under his hand, wide eyes staring deep into his brown ones.
However, as soon as the moment was there it was gone just as quickly as Newt backed away, apologies flying his mouth.
Your hands moved before you could even process what you were doing. You cupped his face in your hands, forcing him to look at you.
"Stop apologizing you idiot! I don´t mind..."
You mumbled the last part in embarrasement, your eyes trained on the floor underneath you. The feeling of his rough calloused hands pulling yours away from his cheeks made your eyes shoot back up at him in surprise. You thought he would push you away, instead, he pulled you close until your head was resting on his shoulder, his long arms wrapping around your waist.
"Then...do you mind if I do this?"
When he felt you shake your head, he breathed out a sigh of relief, his tense muscles relaxing, letting you nuzzle your face deeper against the crook of his neck. You were in that position for what felt like ages when Newt called out your name. Moving your head so you could look at him better, he took this as a sign to continue.
"I- I don´t know how to say this without making it awkward, but...well I always get this feeling around you, like my hearts going to fly out of my chest...or how I get all jittery"
As he rambles, you push your head back to fully look at him, your cheeks flaring up at his words.
"What I´m trying to say is I really really like you"
In a flash, you had cupped his face with your hands and slammed your lips to his. Whatever words he had were gone once he felt your soft lips on his. When air called, you pulled away, breathing deeply.
"I like you too Newt"
You´ve never seen someone smile as much as he did in that moment, dazzling smile taking your breath away. This time it was him who leaned in for a kiss, deeper this time and full of passion.
If you had known it would be like this you would have kissed him long long ago. Guess you have Minho to thank now.
"You think he asked her out already?" Asked Minho.
"They´ve been in there for a while that´s for sure" Was Albys reply.
"Do you think they´re-"
"DON´T finish that sentence Minho"
"I don´t think I would´ve wanted to know anyway" He says with a grimace.
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il0veaphr0dite · 3 months
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.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.✫ .・。.
:*:・゚☆[🦋- Fluff] [🫂- Angst] [🔷- Spice] [🐳- Smut] ☆ 。・:*:
• - fem!reader | <> - masc!reader
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.✫ .・。.
⇛ Minho is stuck in the maze with the maze with Thomas and Alby and you are worried.
⇛ Just some Minho headcanons.
⇛ You and Minho are best friends but blossom into something more.
⇛ You and Minho are dating and he proposes to you.
⇛ Minho came back from the maze early for some alone time with you.
⇛ Minho’s friends realize he pays a little extra attention.
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obriengf · 3 months
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Thomas Masterlist - OBRIENGF
NSFW marked with *** | Other masterlists HERE
Fic Recs for Thomas ♡
Fics :
Blurbs :
Headcanons :
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The Maze Runner Masterlist
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The Maze Trials: A Gally Fanfiction (SMUT)(29 Chapters)
The Trials of Emi (SMUT)(21 Chapters)
Roles Reversed (Angst/Fluff)(One Shot)
“Flowers can totally be manly.” / “Just kiss me you idiot!” (SMUT)(One Shot)
Safe Haven Feels (SMUT)(One Shot)
Stress Relief (SMUT)(One Shot)
Always (Fluff)(One Shot)
Don’t Make Him Angry (SMUT)(One Shot)
Home (Fluff)(One Shot)
Fueled by Anger (Angst/Fluff)(One Shot)
Bonfire Play (SMUT)(One Shot)
“Stop doing that!” (Fluff)(One Shot)
Shower Sex (SMUT)(One Shot)
Main Masterlist
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nottsbabydoll · 14 days
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→ star wars.
→ harry potter.
→ challengers.
→ the maze runner.
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→ the 100.
→ outer banks.
→ teen wolf.
→ supernatural.
→ the walking dead.
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→ drew starkey.
→ dylan o’brien.
→ hayden christensen.
→ vinnie hacker.
→ matt sturniolo. + chris sturniolo.
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→ wwe.
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→ first to fall. (IN PROGRESS)
→ damaged. (IN PROGRESS)
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please keep in mind that this blog does contain 18+ content
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sehnsuchts-trunken · 4 months
Maze Runner Masterlist
as always, if you actually want to read everything i've written for maze runner on this blog, including match ups and all, click here
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Still Alive
Aren’t You Lucky
Headcanons #1
Headcanons #2
Pinch Me
Headcanons #1
Chronic Pain Headcanons
If Newt Had Survived Headcanons
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