#mc underrated in their own show
thedemises · 8 months
there's no denying in the fact that even once you've also thought dazai was the main character of bsd cuz of the amount of content there is of him in the fanbase
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himejoshiangels · 9 months
being black in fandom isn't for the faint of heart bcs u gtta deal w the same racist patterns over and over again to no end and no matter where u go they'll be there and you'll get called crazy for pointing them out
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circesastro · 29 days
Circe’s Astro Observation #1
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Note: I am not professional astrologer so please take these observations with a grain of salt. These are just my own observations, ideas, thoughts and theories. This is just for entertainment purposes.
**All photos are from Pinterest**
✿ Cancer risings celebrities are often being linked with the "mother" reputation. Ex: Angelina Jolie, and Ateez's Seonghwa
✿ Aries Mars with Capricorn tend to either be super organized or impulsive/hasty. But one thing about these individuals, they will always get things DONE 😤.
✿ If you observe k-pop idols' mars signs, it shows their dance style. Ex: Aespa's Karina is a Taurus Mars who dances in a very elegant and sensual way and keeps her energy consistent. Stray Kids's Hyunjin has an Aries Mars and he has a burst of energy that occurs throughout the performance but tend to get tired more easily. Another example of Aries Mars and Taurus Mars is NCT Dream's Jeno and NCT Dream's Jisung.
✿ Men with Earth sun, tend to come from wealthy families too...
✿ What is it with Scorpios with tattoos?
✿ I've seen so many gorgeous Aries placement woman that are underrated when it comes to beauty posts. Ex: Rihanna, Angelina Jolie, Bae Irene, Madison Beer, Audrey Hepburn...the list goes on and on
✿ People with Pluto/Lilith/Scorpio in 4th house tend to have complicated relationship with their mother
✿ Question, what is it with cap moons having bad relationship with their mother?
✿ Also Cap Moon mother tend to be workaholic
✿ Libra Mars and their anger issues...
✿ Since we're on the topic of Libra Mars, can we talk about how many libra mars there are in the C-Entertainment industry? Like everytime I look up a c-celebrity a Libra mars pop up. Its a requirement at this point 😭. Actually detrimental mars in general is dominating the C-Entertainment industry. Ex: Xiao Zhan, Wang Yibo, Dylan Wang, Zhao Liying, Yang Yang, etc are all libra mars just to list a few and then there's Bai Lu (Cancer Mars), Angelababy (Taurus Mars), the list goes on and on and on.
✿ Virgo MC tend to get nitpicked by the public so much that their names are always mentioned. Ex: Kim Kardashian, Blackpink's Jennie, Taylor Swift, etc.
✿ A lot of idols tend to have 11th house placements (Ex: Seventeen's Hoshi, S.Coups and Dino have 11th house stellium, Twice's Nayeon have Sun in 11th, Verivery's Yongseung also have 11th house stellium.)
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astrosamara · 18 days
Astrology Observations #3
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🩵Venus in 8th tend to not date until later in life because love and relationships are serious to them. When they do get into a relationship, it can end up transforming them entirely. Saturn aspecting Venus can cause even further delays in romance.
🩵Mars in Leo rarely show their anger. It's not that they don't get angry, but they feel much too proud to let others know they're angry. I feel like people would assume all fire mars are quick and prone to anger, but I've rarely seen Mars in Leo get angry.
🩵I've met so many Sagittarius risings that have lived incredibly difficult lives with dark pasts. This usually surprises me since they're ruled by Jupiter. I wonder if it has something to do with their Scorpio 12th house?
🩵Sun in 7th are very non-confrontational people. They tend to be people pleasers who prefer being passive in conflict. They can struggle a lot with caring about what others think and because of that, they can struggle with expressing themselves genuinely and without fear of judgement.
🩵Pluto in your chart can show where you'll experience the greatest transformation in your life. I have Pluto in the 9th and higher education, spirituality, and traveling have deeply impacted my life the most. With Pluto energy though, this transformation tends to come through very dark and challenging periods.
🩵Pisces placements can spend so much time alone and not be bothered at all. In fact, their alone time is sacred to them. They're the type to get happy when plans are canceled.
🩵8th house stelliums are prone to heavy depression throughout their life due to how tapped in they are to the darker aspects of life. There's an unavoidable intensity and deepness to them. This familiarity with darkness can build this incredible resilience to get them through anything life throws their way. A lot of people with this stellium are drawn to spirituality as well, due to this interest in what is "hidden" from us.
🩵Capricorn placements are so blunt and their dry humor is my favorite. They have this no bullshit tell it how I see it energy to them that my Scorpio self loves. Capricorn humor is so underrated imo.
🩵Gemini moons and especially suns seem to know so many people and have so many connections. I feel like they're just naturally friendly and sociable. Even if they're introverted, they have this natural talent for communicating with others.
🩵Aquarius women have an otherworldly beauty to them. They look like beautiful mythical creatures. Their appearance is so unique and captivating. They also tend to have a style that stands out from the crowd in some way.
🩵Sagittarius MC/Jupiter in 10th dream of a career that can provide them freedom and opportunity. They're not meant for a traditional career at all and if they do have this type of career, it can really affect them negatively. Traveling can be prominent with this placement.
🩵Jupiter in 2nd/8th can have a lot of success with money in this lifetime. This is the creating generational wealth placement. Ofc with any placement, the sign it's in and aspects to Jupiter can be a stronger indicator of how this money comes in and how challenging the process is.
🩵Scorpio and Aquarius placements hate authority and restriction. They want to live their life their own way without anyone telling them what to do. They're the true rebels of the zodiac.
🩵Jupiter conjunct Ascendant/Jupiter in 1st can feel naturally lucky. They seem to get out of issues easily and have a very abundant and optimistic approach to life, even during times they feel like they've hit rock bottom. They don't linger in pessimism for too long because they see the bigger picture easier than most.
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epickiya722 · 2 months
Can, I ask, why do you think Yuuji is one of the character that is so underated in JJK? He is the mc, but many people (in fandom) treat him like a side character? At first, I don't think so, but I love many shounen, and somehow Yuuji is one of the mc that is underated in their own story....
Sorry if I'm wrong, just I love Yuuji and want him to get the spotlight he deserve....
I wouldn't say you're wrong, Anon! In fact, I would say he is an underrated character. Yes, fairly popular, but when it comes to how the fandom treats him compared to characters like Gojo, Yuji is Underrated.
I feel exactly how you feel about Yuji. To me, he is the best JJK character. Oh, yeah, I'm being bias, whatever, but it's how I feel.
My guess as to why the fandom treats him like a side character because Yuji isn't like how most older gen MCs are written, let alone the others of the cast.
Let's be real, when the mid-late 2010s rolled around, how fandoms started to treat the new age MCs is opposite of their treatment of other MCs. It's because they're a different formula and honestly, I feel like folks who bash on Yuji and others like Tanjiro and Izuku, just don't want to try something different.
They're used to the MCs who speedruns their training and powerups and suffer little to no drawbacks, "trauma, what trauma" and want to be the best because they got an ego and pride they don't want hurt.
Today's MCs? Pain, not afraid to show a range of emotions, training? Oh, they get the hang of it but still a lot to learn and watch out! They have the scars to prove that they almost lost an arm!
Now focusing on Yuji, as I said he's not like other JJK characters.
He's not overpowered, but he's not weak either. He's a bit of a goof and he's says he's an idiot, but he actually isn't all dumb he makes himself out to be. He's not flashy, but he has amazing moments where he gets to show off.
He has a goal to get strong, not being he wants to be the top or anything. He just wants to help people.
He has a sad backstory, but it's only until later we realize how messed up it is and even still we don't have his reaction to realizing those messed up bits. Yuji was raised by his grandfather and he states he is a loner. But unlike how we see with most characters, Yuji is relatively fine with that. He brushes off knowing about his parents, unlike most MCs who would literally beg for answers. He's a loner, but he's not a loser. Note how people around him in his hometown treats him. They gave him a nickname to reflect his impressive physical prowess that amazes them and yet, he doesn't care for the popularity.
Yuji has this balance to him where he's both spontaneous but also pretty chill. A lot of the cast outshines Yuji because they are more showy than Yuji, even calm characters.
Unlike Gojo and even Yuta, Yuji is literally what you call the audience surrogate. Through him, we learn about the Jujutsu world while experiencing (growth).
From the start of their stories (referring to JJK 0 and Gojo's Past Arc), both Gojo and Yuta are established as powerful sorcerers from the start. Yuta may have had inexperienced but he was still recognized as a powerful kid. Both are born lucky with having such powers. The most Yuta and Gojo really develop and change is their personalities and attitudes towards certain ideas. That's it. They don't even have to do anything and immediately their auras show who they are.
In contrast to Yuji, how is he recognized?
As just Sukuna's vessel. Most of the time, he is literally called that. When he's recognized by his strength and abilities it's when he actively has to fight. Then it's like "oh, so he does have capabilities". Yuji actually has to show he can be just as capable as the others because when people first look at him it's "Sukuna's vessel" or back in Sendai it's "Tiger of West Middle".
It's not "Yuji".
Hell, he'll even be compared to Maki. It's not "Maki's like Yuji". No, it's "Yuji is like Maki". Megumi is the first character to do this. Maki is unique enough that if someone, in this case Yuji, displays a similarity to her, she is the template.
However, for Yuji, while he's unique it's almost like it's not enough to be acknowledged until he has to show them. Like, he has to prove something when he actually doesn't care to do that. Yuji doesn't care to get stronger than the next person, especially at this point. If anything, he seems to be the only one from the very start recognize that none of this is a test of strength when people are dying. Note how he acts during a fight. Every major to majorly minor character has displayed some sort of enjoyment out of a fight or fights to show they're not weak.
Not a single time has Yuji ever even smiled. Look back at all the fights and you will see that he hasn't done such a thing. He fights not because it's a game. He fights because he has to and only that.
And it's not like it gets better for him because he later identifies himself as "a cog". It's like Yuji never really had his own identity.
He's the odd one out.
It's how I think some of the fandom sees him. Without an identity, without recognizable traits. Hell, go on any post that praises Yuji and Yuji alone and there's gonna be a hater to bring up another character.
To some, I feel like Yuji only exists to them to hate on. Only a tool to bring in their praising of other characters to put him down as if that's all he's worthy of. It's a damn shame, too, that people actually feel the need to bring down a character to build their faves. Oh, feel like your fave can't stand on their own and show their greatness?
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he-calls-me-kitten · 11 months
I literally love ur blog sm! Do u think u can do just really soft sex with Satan after a long day at rad? If not that's fine but have a great day/night love!
Awww this is so adorable! Soft sex is so underrated honestly and it being with Satan?? The wrathful Avatar being gentle just for you? Oof my heart-
Thank you for the ask, love! So sorry for the extreme delay - it's such a lovely idea!
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"You look like you've had quite a day." Satan smiled as you entered his room and plopped yourself down on his bed, next to him.
"Ugh don't ask." You groaned as he chuckled and put his arms around you. He didn't need to ask, you'd tell him anyway.
"So Levi and Mammon flooded the classroom because of a stupid bet of who can hold their breath under water the longest. Fyi it should have been Levi cause he's literally a water snake in his demon form but he forgot to transform and it ended on a tie."
Satan facepalmed. Must he call these imbeciles his 'brothers'? "I'm guessing that lead to a tie-breaker." He said, running his fingers through your hair.
"Yes and Beel and Asmo got involved. It was a duo challenge now of who is a better team player! And as you can guess Asmo and Beel kept getting distracted and it ended up being a solo effort by Mammon and Levi. Which again... wait for it... ended in a TIE. But now guess who is the new tie-breaker?"
"Oh no, MC..."
"Oh yes MC! I had to run 3 laps with each of them in a weird relay race! I've had it with today!" You say, hiding your face in his pillow. His scent was always so relaxing.
"Well thank you for still coming to see me after all that." Satan smiles, rubbing soothing circles on your back. "Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?"
You peeked up and looked at his softened gaze. In times like these, he never denies even your most ridiculous requests.
"Hold me tight." You said and watched color rush to his cheeks. You turned towards him as he eased his arms around you, with your neck buried in his neck.
"I can do a little more than that...if you'd like." He said as he pressed a kiss to the side of your head. The way his fingers inched under your top, asking for permission replenished all the energy you lost through the day.
"I'd like that."
Satan pressed a kiss against your mouth just as you uttered the words. Your lips opened on their own, letting his tongue slip in and entice moans from you.
Patient yet passionate you couldn't understand how he did it, you were just happy to be on the receiving end. From your lips to cheeks, right down to your neck - he marked his love on you little by little.
"You... you're really beautiful..." Satan paused after he'd pulled your tshirt off. You blushed under his intense gaze as you pulled his green sweater off him and hugged him, hiding your face in his shoulder.
He groaned deliciously at the contact between your bare skins, bucking his groin into your hips almost involuntarily. Fingers hooking into your waistband, he pulled off your shorts next.
"S-Satan...need more ...please..." No his fingers wouldn't be enough. He was pleased really, he didn't know how long he could have held back anymore. He took off his pants and showed you exactly how much he wanted you.
"You're so ready for me, kitten... So good for me..." He whispered and kissed your cheeks as you screamed in pleasure at his thrusts.
You don't know how long it went on but you know you had the best sleep right after.
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astrobydalia · 2 years
More observations pt. 13
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Work by astrobydalia
Mercury is such an underrated planet. It literally shows under which lens we process information and communicate ourselves as well as what our mind is constantly focused on, and since we use our minds and communicate all the time, this planet really plays out in your personality a lot more than you think
Speaking of, the two mercurial signs (Gemini and Virgo) represent two types of communication:
Gemini -> is all about collecting and exploring information and ideas. Rules oral speech or spoken communication that is much more spontaneous and open to variations, casual/informal language
Virgo -> is all about organizing and classifying information. Rules written communication and grammar which is more deliberate and nuanced and sets the standard for an adequate expression
Scorpio Sun/Moon women are usually very extroverted or outspoken, they're usually not afraid to speak their mind at all
Is it just me or Cancer Sun women ALWAYS embody the Cancer stereotype 😭 Like they really take pride (Sun) in being vulnerable, caring and emotionally driven or somewhat emo (Cancer)
Venus/Mars in the 2nd house people aren't really wealthy from what I've seen. Yes they are hustlers and do attract money easily but they're also big spenders so they're really not good at budgeting and actually struggle with long-term wealth. I've seen many people with this placement struggling financially or barely surviving day by day not because they don't have money but because they don't know how to spent it and forget that they have to set some money aside to pay bills.
With that being said, that's why I've seen 8th housers/Plutonians (including Pluto in the 2nd house) being far more wealthy and powerful than Venusians/2nd housers because 2nd house is about making money to obtain your own resources but 8th house is all about making money by knowing how to invest your resources and assets. That's why it's always Scorpio/8th house placements who have their own business
I’m on a mission to understand why there’s so much Venusian influence in the charts of philosophers: Taurus and Libra placements (specially Taurus Moon) including Venus influence in the MC
I haven't met a single Cardinal Mars that wasn't super workaholic
Leo North Node people need to learn to be more courageous in this lifetime and be brave enough to stand out. They have a tendency to be kinda cowardly and conform to peer pressure
When underdeveloped, people with Sun in the 12th house or Sun-Neptune aspects or Neptune in the 5th house actually have a HUGE ego and literally put themselves in a pedestal. Because they don’t have a solid sense of self they end up sustaining their identity on a very idolized image of themselves, and because they feel misunderstood they end up thinking they are more elevated or special. They usually feel very entitled to status because of this
Aries Lilith people are so petty and passive aggressive for no reason... Females with this placement live in a constant competition with other women and easily feel threatened by other women
Leo Mercury won't hesitate to interrupt or change topics in a conversation if they don't care what you're talking about
To be honest, people with Neptune in an earth sign/house are better off with having their own business or being their own boss bc people that they work for/work with tent to deceive them or exploit them and they most likely have being victim of fraud at some point of their life (they could fraud others too). Another reason why I think this is a good placement for entrepreneurs it's bc these natives have the ability to materialize (earth) what they imagine (Neptune)
Sagittarius Moons really are blind to/don't care about social norms and politeness. On one hand this can make them effortlessly funny and chill but other times they often come across as entitled assholes
Leo Moons 🤝 gatekeeping. The way they claim things genuinely makes it feel like ITS JUST THEIRS
People with Neptune in the 1st house usually come across as dumb, impressionable or gullible to others, this 'dumb blonde' image sort of like Cat from Victorious or Phoebe from Friends. Even when they proof to be very smart, they are never seen as particularly intellectual and women with this placement are seen as trophy wives. These natives are treated like they’re just a Barbie doll sitting there 😃🧍🏽‍♀️
Even though Virgo rules protocol (following stablished rules), I've seen that Virgo placements particularly Virgo Mars like doing things THEIR OWN way because they are very confident they know how to do it better. They don't mind breaking or adjusting some rules if they genuinely believe that their way of doing something is better
Aquarius are known to be trend-setters, but it's actually Aries placements who people are always trying to copy
Natives with Taurus/Venus/Ceres in the 4th house or their 4th house ruler falling in Taurus/2nd house probably grew up in the suburbs, a village, a farm, the outskirts of town or surrounded by nature or far from the big city.
Any sort of Neptune/Pisces/12th house influence in the 4th house is giving Bruno from Encanto. These natives often have very big families that are present in their lives but they still feel very distant from them in some way, they secretly felt very alienated growing up like they were almost a invisible or they feel like their family doesn't really know who they are. I've noticed many times these natives usually follow a very different path and their family ends up idolizing them for it, they basically become a 'legend' or something 'otherworldly' compared to the rest of their family
I just have to point out how earth mercuries are the BEST writers. They are so good at picking up beautiful details and choosing just the right words to illustrate something. I have seen so many poets, song-writters and novelist with this placement it's amazing
This won't apply to everyone but the people I've seen with mayor Capricorn, Scorpio and Pisces energy in their chart (either through house, planet or sign) always ended up really needing psychological help for some reason.
^^Another thing I've noticed in people with mayor Capricorn, Scorpio and Pisces energy is that they are the most prone to getting themselves into really shady business like getting involved with/attracting the wrong people or even having experiences with dark entities
Virgo Moons are the definition of understanding the assignment
Earth signs in the big 3 🤝 self-earned success
Gemini placements 🤝 talking back/having the last word
I’ve actually noticed that Scorpio/8th house Mercury actually LOVE it when you ask them questions specially if you're asking them for advice or their opinion. Doesn’t mean they will spill their guts (they definitely won’t), but they really like it when others trust them to dive into any sort of conversation and they like it when you trust them with your problems and insecurities. I swear if you wanna catch the attention of these natives just say “can I ask/tell you something?” in a very confidential tone and they will often reply with “oh yes please you can tell me ANYTHING”
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Women with Moon opposite/square Venus have a very complicated relationship with motherhood. They may not want kids but if they do, two things can happen when they have them: First scenario is they become the type of woman that loses herself in motherhood (Moon) and feels guilty for taking care of herself and indulging (Venus), in which case they could guilty-trip their children, "I gave myself up to take care of you" sort of thing (underdeveloped Moon energy). Second scenario is she doesn’t want to give up her self-care and ends up becoming a neglectful mother, she will love her kids and give them all they want (Venus) but she's not nurturing (Moon), in such cases the mother is superficial and treats the child as a possession (underdeveloped Venus energy). I've very often seen that in both cases women with this aspect end up taking the role of an older sister/friend rather than a mother to their children and they may have also had trouble conceiving
One time I was ranting to my friend about how much I hate septum piercings because “why would you wanna look like a bull or sum ox??” and right on that second I realized: Taurus placements💡
I've seen so many Taurus Suns who are atheists. They're so focused on grounded reality that they find it hard (almost absurd) to believe in a transcendental reality or if they believe in it they think it's not possible to reach it. They seem to be hyper-aware that the only moving force of life is nature itself and nothing more
One last note on Taurus placements, they're usually not the type to cut people off easily, but I've actually noticed there are two main reasons why they would actually cut you off:
1) if you bring drama and too much trouble into their life. They are patient to a fault and can keep the wrong people around them for a bit too long but when you break their patience it's genuinely OVER for you and they won't look back. They're Venusian after all so what they really want is to chill and have peace around them
2) if you bring any form of change or newness into their life. Taurus placements like things staying the same bc it gives them sense of peace and stability, so they will run away from anyone who challenges this or wants to change their perspective of things in some way. It's like they want to stay in their own bubble and will not want anyone to burst it in any way.
Aries placements are hit or miss. They are either emotionally immature, selfish and superficial or the most chill, LOYAL and overall the most elite people to have in your life
Every single time North Node has transited Taurus there has been an economic crisis of some sort or issues with resources and nature. We're seeing it right now or for example this this transit also took place during the the Great Depression
I've noticed Gemini Mars folks are bad bitches like wow they really don't play
I've seen many people with Neptune in the 7th house being quite selfish and not the most empathetic tbh. If underdeveloped they could have a tendency to alienate or depersonalize others because they see them as some sort of caricatures
Air moons or Moon in an air house had mothers/families that never made a big deal out of their emotional issues or needs, they may have been like "I'll just get you a therapist and problem solved you'll see" or "it's okay don't worry we'll just do this and you'll be fine", etc. That's why these natives tend to rationalize their emotions
I have to say that Moon in the 4th house are some of the most emotionally intelligent people I've ever met but please you guys need to leave the past in the past 😭 These natives have a tendency to ruminate a little TOO much to the point where is damaging their emotional well-being and personal development
Cancer risings deep down think of themselves as smarter due to Gemini in their 12th house. They are open to hearing new ideas and perspectives but ultimately they believe they have the last word
I've noticed this pattern in Scorpio/8th house Mars where they have this strong tendency to be incredibly invasive and can easily walk all over your boundaries. They’re the type to really rush relationships or eat half of your food when you offered them just a bite (lol dumb example but you get the idea)
Natives with South Node in an earth sign (specially Taurus and Capricorn) are the most likely to get caught up in hustle culture. In this lifetime they might be forced to sacrifice their ambitions in some way to focus more on their own sanity, fulfillment and emotional well-being
Libra placements 🤝 being homosexual, being called homosexual by others or toying with homosexuality
Mutable risings 🤝 self-deception and self-gaslight, can easily convince themselves of whatever and believe their own lies
Honestly, never underestimate water mars people (water sign/house). They are very sneaky when facing problems and never come forward with their real intentions so they’re the type to show results and surprise everyone with their achievements. I've noticed that when they set a goal instead of pursuing it directly themselves they manipulate the situation and work bts until things fall into place for them. You’ll never see them fail because they just sneak away as soon as they realize they can’t win and they will be very good at hiding when they’re struggling
Aquarius placements seriously don't get enough credit for how psychic they can be actually! Most people that I've seen that had a talent to accurately predict the future had Aquarius placements (namely sun/moon/mercury), they really are ahead of their time
This may sound super obvious but I've noticed that my fave people to follow on social media always have their personal planets falling in my 11th house
Neptune/Pisces in the angels 🤝 seeing themselves as the main character and seeing their life as a movie or sum to cope with the fact that they feel out of control of their life/themselves. These natives are the best story-tellers imo bc they romanticize their life so much that they will describe even the most boring and mundane shit like it's the scene of a movie (they be reaching sometimes with the things they say but hey at least it's entertaining)
Chiron can also represent how we hurt others the most by projecting our deepest hurts and insecurities
People with Moon in the 5th/4th house have fixation with children and usually want to be parents with all their heart. On the other hand I've noticed natives with Sun in the 5th/4th house are not that fond of the idea of having children because they want to continue being a child themselves, but if they want kids they may like the idea of being the cool or fun parent
I’ve noticed that saturnian influence on the Moon is far more emotionally devastating than plutonic influence. I don’t mean to minimize Pluto’s power at all, but let’s not forget that this planet rules death and rebirth so when Pluto is influencing the moon emotional pain will be intense but the person comes out of it renewed. Saturn on the other hand rules permanence and Saturn brings that type of emotional pain that you never really get over you just learn to live with it overtime
Aquarius Sun+Capricorn Venus combo how does it feel to be the cool and popular kid?
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work by astrobydalia
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missy-0-piink · 7 months
Y’all honestly need to give more love to atsushi bc he’s underrated in his OWN SHOW.
“But he’s a boring mc-“ Nuh Uh
He’s literally connected to the book somehow, his ability can literally rip other abilities to shreds,
Plus the theories on how he ended up in the orphanage and how much else he doesn’t even know happened to him bc he somehow forgot LITERALLY GETTING TORTURED BY SHIBUSAWA.
(My hc is that the headmaster definitely forced atsushi to be a cannibal-)
Like, his character is genuinely so interesting, and he’s one of the most mysterious characters in the show.
Same w Byakko. Like, an entirely sentient ability? Hello?
Plus all the shit w the headmaster?
And yet people say he’s boring… 😐
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
atla gaang hot takes
Aang is objectively the best male character in the franchise and the reason he gets so much hate is because of the violent racism against asians who aren't japanese,korean or chinese and therefore not 'aesthetic' or 'dream s/os'
Katara is neither a mom friend nor a snooty perfect prep nor a homohobic cishet girl.She's a victim of adultification and parentification,an autistic trans bisexy queen who likes her girls masc and her guys fem(Toph and Aang)and the definition of 'teenage anarchist' who only gets called a conformist because people erase her activism and direct action because she's a punk femme instead of a male edgelord and they think girls can only be rebels if it's to cater to men
Sokka is not stupid but a goofy goober and is the smartest character in the whole show and the only reason he gets called a himbo is tropeified racism.Also he owes Katara money for his treatment of her be so fr,he was a misogynist until he was 15 and she had to deal with him
Toph is a transmasc girl as seen by her getting overjoyed at her Ember Island Players sounding like a guy and it is SO unserious to pit her and Katara against eachother over Aang like they wouldn't all be a happy sapphic polycule(Aang is genderfluid tyvm)
While not her fault,Suki is easily the blandest Atla girl by a longshot and her popularity coming from Katara haters screams colorism from the Ba Sing Se rooftops.Also Zukki is not very good polyam rep unless it's tgirl Zuko,i could not care less about an mlm couple that stands on it's own with a girl slapped on but not really being part of the dynamic,MAKE HER A GIRLKISSER ABOUT IT!!!!
'Zuko was never evil' is factually incorrect and a very liberal take because it absolves him of responsibility that HE was the first person to hold himself accountable for by growing the fuck up and unlearning propaganda and giving the people he had privilege over reperations and it's not the writers fault y'all are fence sitters because of some dumbass crush over a guy who'd never even look in your general direction since you infantalize the shit out of him
And not technically Gaang members but they are in my heart so they get bonuses:Jet was more right than any yt boy you thirst after,Azula being so sexualized in canon is a result of the fetishization of underaged east asian girls,Mai is a lil angel compared to Zuko and you only demonize her because you can't accept unconventional women and Ty Lee is highly underrated and the best non-mc on the show-Autistic tgirl swag methinks
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mogspawner · 4 months
Deceit. (smp)
It is not Sunday but Im making this post to show what kind of content I'd be bringing to my blog! Please follow if it interests you because I will do a series like this every week! Submissions of your own smp's / personal favorites allowed under conditions!
Need some more Minecraft series to get into? A completed story hosted by Legundo for your viewing pleasure, watched this series when it released and truthfully its incredibly underrated. I will go in to describe this for you!
No warnings needed!
"May I interest you in an egg, in this trying time? "
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In the words of our good man Legundo, himself: "Welcome to Deceit. Hardcore players meeting together in a world for a game of 'Survival' and 'Social Deduction.'"
This hardcore-based server is centered around two lives which each player has, their First life is your gentle run-of-the-mill Minecraft experience with friends.
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Well, Mogspawner, you must be saying to yourself right now as you read this blog. What happens when you lose your first life?
You are onto your last life and given a role. (3)
Crafter(4): Survival route, aimed at continuing to stay alive in the endgame. Uniting with others of your shared role.
Traitor(3): Traitors are pretty self explanatory, they are the infiltrators to the Crafters and seek to dish out justice and mayhem alongside their traitor friends to remain the last standing team.
The Killer(1): The killer has a single role. Total annihilation. No side should be left standing when you are done with them, and oh boy are the possibilities endless.
The goal is for the Crafters to survive, the Traitors to kill or the Killer to try and win the game at all costs. Seems pretty fun, right? Wrong. Each player will do their best to lie, cheat and deceit their way to victory. Who comes out on top? Who survives after all's said and done. Find out on Deceit!
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Let's meet our players!
Here I am going to list links to all the content creators involved Youtube channels. When it comes to getting into series, its always important to pace yourself and I will give some insights on which perspectives you should watch for your own catered experience! Spoiler free, of course.
Legundo: Legundo is a sure choice to pick if you like a little bit more seriousness. If you go in for lore, dramatic re-telling's and story rich interactions. This is the perspective for you! Legundo has participated in both season of Deceit!
Switchbackmongo: If you find yourself rather introverted and awkward Mongo is the person to watch! There a couple cinematics and plenty of jokes to sit back and enjoy. Mongo has been on both season of Deceit!
Taneesha: Personal favorite. Most hardcore players know Taneesha for her general aloofness and playful behavior, if you find yourself the type of person to leave floating tree's just to annoy your friends this is the perspective for you! Has participated in both season of Deceit.
Loony: Personal favorite. Favor yourself a little chaotic POV? This is the one! Loony has a share of getting into plenty of shenanigans while also giving it a good old MC playthrough feel. Loony participated in both season of deceit.
There are plenty of other content creators who do not have their playlist public, active or made into videos. The content you receive in other views is what is provided but I will list them here instead: Skyes, Pezcat, DavisWho, PainDomination, alongside characters from season two!
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Fancy yourself a completionist? Here is a link to every single video in Lore order. I specifically adore Fixxit's perspective in season 2, but thats just me!
See you later, swompers!
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thesovereignsring-if · 8 months
Granted this is anecdotal, but I recently was looking at the choicescript forum for Infamous, another IF that gets a lot of weird, obsessive hate for not being a power fantasy. The people obsessed with hating on Infamous seem to think there's been a wave of "doormat MCs" recently. The less harsh and hateful way to put that is there are less power fantasy IFs coming out right now. I don't know how true that framing is given the people that assert it, but if is true, then hopefully the needless stupid hate sent your way will die down when there's a wave of IFs considered acceptable by these dorks, and we can have our fun with our overly protective brothers and scheming ROs in peace.
Infamous has always been an IF game I've been wanting to read, but I never have the time or chance to do so. I'm currently going through 13League's Superstition right now ( Im only on Season 1 sob), unfortunately I read slowly, but hearing this just bumped it up the list on IFs to read lmaoo!!
It saddens me when authors get blasted for having 'doormat' or 'useless MCs' when its MC (or characters in general) who are victim (and are still victims) and a large part of their journey is grieving, overcoming grief, healing or being trapped in an unhealthy mindset/mental block. Yes I guess, it's fun to have the MC who bottles up everything inside and pretends everything okay and can punch and kick and insult their way as a show of dominance- but there's an underrated beauty in characters who are resilient in the face great adversity, who still choose to be kind and gentle despite being kicked down. It's easy to dip into the deep end, it's harder to stay afloat and trying to find the right balance is hard. Anyway I'm rambling, I'll always stand by authors to make their MCs as they please!! If everyone had the same narrative-dominating MC, we'd be no better than the current oversaturated power-fantasy isekai market lool.
For my own mental health, I don't go looking at any sort of forums/reddit on Interactive Fiction simply out of paranoia and imposter syndrome loooool. So I'm pretty clueless to any and all drama in the IF community. I don't think my poor heart could take it!!! I am a hermit to the core `(*>﹏<*)′ All the messages I get from tumblr and Itch are more than enough for me, so I'm always grateful for whatever shows up, even if the inbox overflows and swallows me whole haha.
I wrote this story because I needed loving, protective older siblings that aren't dead or missing in the narrative! I want healthy family dynamics I can destroy!! Sieghardt and Alberich were written for me!! I will die before I give them up!! 😡😡😡
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best-underrated-anime · 8 months
Best Underrated Anime Group C Round 1: #C8 vs #C1
#C8: Government employee and his white cat boss
Chen Shi, a young man from the countryside, journeys to the capital in search of his missing older brother, whose existence he only knew about upon his mother’s death. He knows neither name nor face of his brother, and after finally arriving at the capital, he runs out of money as well. One thing led to another, and he finds himself employed at Dali Court, where he works for Vice Minister Li Bing, a large white cat.
On the other hand, Li Bing is of royal blood who was imprisoned because of his family’s treason and now has to work in the government to atone for the crime. As for why he is in cat form? That’s for you to find out.
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#C1: Friendship over nostalgia for the past, and moving forward
The main girl works at a diner and misses being able to run. Main guy is the boss at the diner and misses writing.
Titles, propagandas, trailers, and poll under the cut!
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#C8: White Cat Legend 2020 (Dali si Rizhi)
Season 1 is light and hilarious, featuring the adventures of Chen Shi and his colleagues at Dali Court. The show has a very colorful cast, and whether they’re on the side of the protagonists or against them, you will find loving them all the same.
And that leads me to another thing I like about this show—nothing is black and white. There are no characters who are “evil” just for the sake of it. Even the most hateful villain has his story. And it’s never clear whose side the characters are on. Enemies may become friends, and friends may become enemies.
Season 2 is more on political intrigue, and it presents us the conflict from two perspectives—from the commoner Chen Shi and from the noble Li Bing—showing us how the same problem can mean differently to people of different classes.
The animation is also top-notch, and the OST is amazing. But the fight scenes are definitely my favorite! They’re so smooth and dynamic, and I keep rewatching them. It’s based on a web comic with a very simple style, but the donghua (Chinese anime) really went far and beyond that.
There’s comedy, drama, action, mystery, hot guys, and cats (both actual and demonic)—so what’s not to love?
Trigger Warnings: Animal Cruelty or Death, Cannibalism, Graphic Depictions of Cruelty/Violence/Gore
I’m not sure if it counts as cannibalism, but there’s a cat demon who appears in human form, and he eats humans (it’s not shown explicitly, though). Oh, he also eats animals raw (again, not explicitly)—that’s why there’s an animal cruelty/death tag. The violence isn’t really graphic, but there’s blood and sword fighting, especially in season 2
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#C1: After the Rain (Koi wa Ameagari no You ni)
It feels like a lot of folks didn’t give this a fair chance because they thought it would be an age gap romance, when it really is more about friendship between the MCs. Don’t be turned off by the opening. It’s cute, but all from MG’s POV. The art is pretty, and Aimer’s “Ref: rain” is one of my favourite songs now, besides it being a beautiful ending theme. Depending on how old you are, you might relate more with one MC over the other.
Trigger Warnings: One-sided age gap. Depending your views, MC's friendship with her boss could be uncomfortable
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If you’re reblogging and adding your own propaganda, please tag me @best-underrated-anime so that I’ll be sure to see it.
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Inner joke here and noticed that Twisted Wonderland are based on charaters of story books but not as is and bit more of a background and include world building ( Stand strong with the fact that Twisted Wonderland is not a otome game and mc is anyone )
And seeing Crewel daughter being in the princess school got me thinking, what if his daughter is not a princess in traditional means but a fairy godmother with helping them and asking what lessons they learn as it's remind me of an underrated story of a cat who give magical trinkets they crafted with what materials they have and no matter who is good or bad the cat always told that " Only used it to help and to help others " after a warning
It's a story if you are good person and try to be good there always a rainbow in a heat raining day, and if you a bad person who used it for selfish means that there always something to bite them back
So a godmother who only help a little and let the people figure everything out on their own
Talk about Godmother privilege !!!
Everybody at your school has a godmother or godfather
That follows their princess around and guides them to being a proper princess
Even when you take time off to hang out with your father at NightRaven she’s assigned to watch over you at all times to promote your princess training of course
“Now (Y/n) you have a choice to either try to encourage him in his endevaours or not. It is up to you to make the decision to be the best princ-”
“I’ll test him. Having him prove to me he truly is a man.”
“Wait but uh-!”
“Now shoo shoo I must work without your squabbling
She’s probably the typical perfect assignment fairy godmother 
Her charges are always the highest of the high and the best of the best
You…are different for her
You just have different results
“You know what! I’m done bowin' ta yer will e’rytime you wanna change me!”
“Yes, Epel let this animosity fuel you! Show me you can be a man!”
“Watch me, girl! I’m going to blow you away with how much of a man I am.”
“I’m watching. Now show me how a man would express such feelings.
“In any way I see fit!”
She just watched on in confused stupor
“I..guess that works..?”
I can see her usually being relied on more and finding you a complete enigma
Your mean-girl-esque style is unconventional but so far you’ve helped everyone you wanted to 
And who is she to deny someone so pure of heart
“What on Earth are you teaching my child?!”
“You heard me! You float around here and I see my daughter watching men undress-”
“-I can hardly believe your the best in your field encouraging that she even speak to those hounds!”
“Fools all of them at the board for tainting my little girl with lessons about those lesser than her!? UGH!”
I can see him not liking her
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takibikaen · 10 months
My top 5 Bleach women and why I love them: Part 1
(Some of this based on what makes them awesome, or how they're written. Also, this is Part 1 of the entire post, so it'll only show the first 3 characters, due to Tumblr's limit on how many links/media I can use.)
5/5. Ikumi Unagiya \~ Owner of Unagiya Shop
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It’s an unique choice since she doesn’t get that much screen time compared to the others but I really think she’s got a fun personalty and somewhat of a good adult character in a shonen manga that doesn’t have many adults that’ll be there for the MC on an emotional level.
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In the Fullbringer arc, she’s one of the only adults in Ichigo’s life who tries to be there for him even with her unawareness of shinigami and hollows. Ikumi still reminds him that he is a kid and he should be able to rely on her, and I think it’s really profound that she says this but Ichigo hasn’t ever really believed in that for most of his life.
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Another underrated moment is her getting Ginjo to stop subtly upsetting Ichigo and made him leave her shop. Ginjo wasn’t even a villain at this point but Ikumi still knew the questions he was saying about Ichigo’s dad and his family were screwing with Ichigo’s mind. Maybe I’m giving her too much credit for being a reliable adult for a shonen manga, however it still puts her in my list.
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Even in the TYBW arc, she’s still there to be a form of stability to Ichigo who goes through hell before visiting her. Her personality between a dependable, intuitive adult and a stubborn woman who kidnaps teenage employees in broad daylight is what stands out to me as a character.
4/5. Tier Harribel \~ Tres Espada
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Her whole look with the jacket and the hollow mask is honestly pretty cool to see in the series and her serious, calm personality is nice to see among the Espada. Plus her motif as the ‘Espada of Sacrifice’ adds a whole new layer of her concern for her Fraccion, like Nel who was the former 3rd. Her sword release is also dope, “Tiburon”.
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In the Arcancar arc, she only gets one main fight (which she got done dirty on) and then gets betrayed by Aizen, but at least I have to appreciate the moments throughout the arc that build her character.
Again, it’s really rare here to see an Arcancar care about their own considering the whole process of Hollows devouring each other from Menos Grande - Adgjunchas - Vasto Lordes. Plus, having the balls to go up to Head-Captain Yamamoto and say you’ll avenge your subordinates is pretty insane.
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There is no world without sacrifice. Are you unaware? We are in a sea of blood, ashes floating in hell crying the name of a fading world. - Bleach Vol. 42
The series could have used her more outside of the Arcancar arc but in TYBW arc, she was the ruler of Hueco Mundo and saved Nel & friends from Yhwach. However, they forgot about her for the rest of the TYBW arc which I’m hoping the anime will fix, maybe adding a scene. In the timeskip, she’s adjusted to the role of it all and looks OP af, I personally love this look on her.
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Appearance-wise, it’s obvious how stunning how she is honestly.
I used to think “Harribel” was her first name but Tier is actually her first name.
https://twitter.com/jessjessdraws - Artist who drew the Harribel sketch on bottom right panel.
3/5. Unohana Retsu \~ Squad 4 Captain and First Kenpachi
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Almost every Bleach fan loves Unohana but besides the obvious mommy vibe she gives, I really appreciate the dual traits she's had. I really love how she’s a healing captain whose committed to the Gotei 13, and how it’s revealed later that she was one of the original Gotei 13 and the First Kenpachi. The way she holds herself from the beginning of her debut to her death, she always been caring to those she healed and worked with but held a intimidating demeanor around her.
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Battle is everything - Bleach Vol. 59
Kubo’s character design is something that took me a while to realize there’s certain symbolism in it. Unohana’s mainstream design is much more meaningful when you find out the core of her character and how she started. The braid she puts her hair in resembles chains that Unohana put on herself to hide away her past of immense bloodlust as the First Kenpachi like the scar on her chest.
At the core of her character, fighting is everything to her considering the environment she’s grown in. The Soul Society and Yamamoto has harnessed her strength and killing prowess for the sake of protecting their interests. One of the themes of Bleach is the “The Heart” where many characters and groups have revolved around the belief of what the heart means to them. Unohana’s role in TYBW shows how her heart is centered around fighting and how her sin is the foundation of her persona as the kindhearted, healing Captain of Squad 4.
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I always heard criticism about how Unohana got centered around Kenpachi and got killed for Kenpachi’s development, but I point to the overall themes of the story and how shinigami like Unohana who had to fight harshly to survive in the Rukon district. They often centered or associated themselves around another person who brings a feeling, emotion or sensation within them, that drives them to do actions in a story.
Learning healing kido to extend a fight for who knows how long is a pretty unique concept for the whole medical character trope. It’s so riveting to me that even through healing others, Unohana was helping the other shinigami live on for another fight which is something Kenpachi advocated to Ikkaku, besides doing her job. In her final battle, she was doing that not for Kenpachi but for the sake of the Soul Society’s survival. Thus, her heart and purpose might be with Kenpachi now, but she found meaning outside of her original role for centuries, and briefly enjoyed peace from being a fighter of bloodlust until the Wandenreich arrived.
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@Mak_ai_ on Twitter is the artist who made the Unohana art with grey-black backgrounds and @srkbom108 on Twitter made the Unohana art that has red backgrounds to it. Check them out!
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Bottom left art by @joranz1204 on Twitter and bottom right art by @Mak_ai_ on Twitter
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Made by @rakusakugk on Twitter. Sorry about the whole art dump in this answer but I couldn’t help it lol, there’s just so much good Unohana art on the Internet, also I own none of the fan art here.
Hope you enjoyed it so far! Here's Part 2 of the post!
My top 5 Bleach women and why I love them: Part 2
Also, talking about her themes
Check me out on Quora: https://www.quora.com/profile/Kirun-Uzumaki
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sweetcafa · 1 year
Hey would you mind if you could do a Vtsom headcanon? Which character does like to be hug and able to give hug as affection to Y/N or Mc? (I don't know exactly how to describe it)
Ofc! I was surprised that I got a Vtsom request so soon since it’s pretty underrated. But ofc we love to hug some of these charters. Take ‘em to therapy while we’re at it 😔For the sake of it we will be doing are main 3 bois. 👹👌🏻
Order up!
Hug rating headcanons
Fandom: VTSOM
Vincent Edgeworth
Victor Blake
Draco Edgeworth
Theme: fluff
Vincent Edgeworth
.This man sucks tbh 🫡
.He dose not seem to be a very affectionate person at first
. Or at least was never given that much physical attention in his life
. But if you normally show affection like hugs or cuddling he might try and sneak in a hug
.mostly his hugs can be stiff but once he gets use to it
.you might as well drop what you’re doing
. His hugs become really warm and you just melt
. One time you got scared when he hugged you from the back
. But when you felt his arms around your waist while his head was laying on your shoulder
. You never felt safer
.Its a 50/50 if his hugs are really affectionate
.But he normally gets stunned when you give him a hug
.He will just stand there one arm rapped around you while the other lays on your head
“good day love. I wouldn’t mind if you rest with me. I don’t want you overworking yourself. Not when I am here to take care of you.”
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Draco Edgeworth
Slightly better then his brother 7/10
.Even tho like his brother he didn’t really get that much physically attention
. He is slightly more open to these type of things
.tho the main problem is that his normally to busy to give you hugs
. A quick hug or peck on the cheek is the best you can do
. So it’s normally you giving him the hugs
.But it’s really sweet when he hugs you
.like when he comes back home after leaving all day
. You were right there sitting on the couch reading.
. He walked over siting beside you
.Before you could of ask how he was-
. He wrapped his hands over your shoulders resting his face over your own
. He pulled you close hugging you there for over a minute or so before saying something
“I missed you love..can we stay like this for a little more.?”
“Of course Draco. You can rest all you want. Before you went back to reading. The silence was peaceful.”
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Victor Blake
The best mf 9/10
.He is the one to hug you.
. His love language is definitely Physical touch
. He loves to hug you before picking you up bridesmaid style.
. It becomes a daily thing for him to hug whenever he can
. Tho he can be slightly flustered when you are the one hugging him
.Normal front face hugging and back hugging is what he dose
. Even those hugs when you run up and jump into his arms while he holds your thighs so you don’t fall
.one if not the most affectionate guy you have met
. It was a normal early morning . You were walking around the house looking for Victor
.And to your lovely surprised he was standing near the counter with lazy eyes and coffee
.You walked over wrapping around him while your still sleepy self, laying your head on to his chest
. You heard him place his coffee down
.Wrapping his hands on your neck. His arms lazying hanging beside your head. using your Shoulders as support
. Placing his head onto of your own resting his head and eyes
“Still sleepy? No worries love you can stay here with me. You and I can stay like this for as long as you want.”
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Yipeee order is complete 👹. I hope anyone reading this enjoyed the headcannon. Even tho I am new at this I am open to ideas on how to make my writing better. But it was nice doing something wholesome for such a dark game.Hope you enjoy the little drawings. I am planning on using those for most if not all fanfics 🫡. I need to keep drawing since I have zero ideas.💟
Have a good day/night.
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reinekes-fox · 5 months
Aaron.. I'm back and I have a rant. Sooo...
1. I take back my statement of chase being a Tsundere if anyone gives off Tsundere vibes it's our resident swan. Omg Elrond can be a prick yet runs away when he kisses you, but also is so sweet. I died at him sharing MCs bullshit punishment and secretly flipping people off. He's such a complex character. The whole talk in the woods showed alot more depth than I thought he had. It's wild going from him being a literal nightmare to such a sweetheart that even chase points it out. I think he is my fav RO. You made me do a complete switch with him. 😍
2. Poly route took me by surprise completely. Chase is honestly just a goddamn cheeky brat.
3. The demo ends after that currently? When deciding what you want to do with your free time?
4. If playing as a peacock and romancing marten's we haven't met them yet right? I didn't miss more shit???
Like I said before I utterly fell back inlove with this. You are very talented. I've always wondered why the bird theme tho?
The whole concept for this game is wild. Not just the inner workings of a cult, dealing with indoctrination as a YA and trying to navigate your own feelings and identity within that. But adding another supernatural Fantasy layer ontop of it is BRILLIANT. It gave me flashbacks of watching the anime A promises neverland for the first time. Because I got taken completely by surprise.
I haven't done any of the female ROs routes. I mightttt but I also want to check out your other games too. You are very much underrated. And thank you for listening to my very long rant i am writing at 5am. 🤣
I am glad you like Elrond :) he turned out so different from Estelle alone lol. I have the feeling that Falkenflug saw the other digging into their backgrounds and decided he wanted that too... but unlike the others he managed to bring a power shovel (I have such a great scene planned for the next update with Falkenflug!)
I hope I will do those both chaotics justice!
Yeah thats it for now!
You can find out their true name and get together with them, without ever meeting them!
The bird theme is a small homage to my favourite book of all times, which was the major inspiration for my Grey Swans, but I made it dark and depressing and dystopian because yeah I love drama and Angst. (To be perfectly honest I dont even like birds that much)
Songbirds of Valnon by L.S. Baird. Its gay, and wholesome, the aesethetic is on point.
Oh I bet it is wild! However I hope not too wild.
Oh, Astoria will be very disappointed! But its not like they will go anywhere, so take your time! (Plus I also have to say that recently my other WIPs are not really being worked in the same way as BoaR)
And never apologise for ranting about my stuff, this shit gives me live and motivation!
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