#mc x rohan
Pride Plans
Winnie was just trying to hook her brother up.
She didn’t expect to crush on his best mate.
Talia x MC, Rohan x Jake
Talia was just trying to find her best mate. It shouldn’t have been hard. Even in a crowd as big as this waiting for the parade to start, it shouldn’t have been hard. How do you miss a man that’s over six foot tall and built like a Greek God??
Her gaze became glued on another figure, not who she was looking for, but who complains they didn’t find the Greek God when they stumble upon the Goddess? Talia was used to people being stunned by her beauty- she wasn’t narcissistic about it, but she did know she looked good. But right now, she felt like she was stunned, stuck in place as she took in the way this woman looked.
The stranger wasn’t moving with an exacting confidence she would expect, more like a self consciousness she was trying to hide by pretending. Her denim shorts showed her tanned legs, and her crop top nearly made Talia’s mouth water- the yellow and pink and blue of it telling her that maybe the stranger was looking for someone like her. The words scrawled across it made her laugh, ‘My brother told that girl bi bi bi’. Her chestnut hair tumbled in a loose braid over her shoulder, her chocolate eyes taking in everything they could as she kept pointing out things to the man beside her-
The man.
The man Talia had been looking for.
And he was walking next to Talia’s new goddess.
When Jake caught sight of her, still poised on top of a float for the parade the riders had been gracious enough to let her search from, he raced over, hoisting her off and into his arms for a cuddle, “Tals! I almost thought I’d never find you.”
“Y-yeah,” she shook her head, trying to clear out the daze, “We should’ve coordinated better, actually planned on a spot more specific than the start of the route.”
He chuckled, releasing her from his grasp, “Guess neither of us took into account how many people would be here.” Talia’s gaze was sucked back over to the woman from before, standing just behind her best mate with an amused look in her dark eyes- eyes that looked disarmingly familiar this close. Jake turned, gesturing to her, “Talia, please meet my sister, Winslow.”
Talia’s eyes bugged out, making the woman in question giggle, “Call me Winnie. Jakey likes to be a scrub and use my full name.”
Jake rolled his eyes with a grin, “Whatever you say, Win. This is Talia, my-“
“Your ex you stayed friends with after a failed first date, I remember,” she waved him waved with a cheeky smile, “Seriously though, Jake? You let that go?”
Talia snorted, entirely catching the way Winnie seemed to be checking her out, “It wasn’t him,” she offered with a smirk, “It was the poetry.”
“Oh, I see.” Winnie nodded seriously, like that explained everything.
Jake held up his hands, “And you wonder why I didn’t introduce you sooner. Can you let a man breathe?”
Winnie rolled her eyes before offering him a mischievous smile, “I actually have someone meeting us, too. Should be here any minute.”
“My best mate.”
Jake was a very tanned man, but Talia watched some of that color seep away, “Oh, please tell me you didn’t-“
“Winnie!” A cheerful voice called out, turning she saw a darker skinned man jostling through the crowd with a grin on his face, “There’s my beauty!”
“Rohan-“ Winnie sighed, but he cut her off.
“Oh, sorry, I was talking about Jake.” The man winked, watching the flush erupt in Jake’s face, Talia felt giddy.
“This is Rohan?”
Jake took a deep breath, “Talia, please. Not a word.”
“No words needed,” She smirked, giving the other two a wink. Her attire matched nearly with Jake and Rohan, at least in a color scheme of blue and pink and purple. Rohan had forgone a shirt, body paint smearing the colors across his torso. Talia noticed the way Jake’s eyes kept creeping back over to look at him, no matter how much he tried to stop it.
Falling back a step behind them as they started the walk along the parade route, Talia leaned over to Winnie, “So, Jake clearly fancies the pants off Rohan. What’s the hold up?”
Winnie snorted, waving away the guys’s attention when they turned around, “Glad you noticed. You know that girl Cherry he had been seeing?”
Talia gestured to the scrawl on her shirt with a nod, “He said she was being snakey, wouldn’t go into specifics.”
Winnie pursed her lips, “I liked Cherry at first. Then she started flirting with my ex right under Jake’s nose. Me and the ex were heading to splitsville so bang on, scrubber, and all that- but she had also started seeing Rohan. Rohan had no idea she was seeing Jake. My brother had liked him before meeting Cherry, but because he’s my best mate Jakey didn’t wanna make a move.” She sighed, watching them wistfully, “Jake’s too pure for his own good. He tried to move on with Cherry and it bit him in the arse. I’m hoping to convince them to give it a go.”
“I’m in.” Talia nodded decisively. She had never liked Cherry, knew she was up to no good and constantly blaming it on a naturally flirty personality. “But how do we do it?”
Winnie grinned, “That’s where a few favors come into play.” She send a text from her phone, and Talia watched ahead of them as a large man checked his own cell- only to step back and stumble right into Rohan, sending him tumbling into Jake who instinctively caught him in his big arms.
“Sorry about that fellas!” The big man smiled, “Sometimes I forget how much space I take up.”
The redheaded man next to him offered his own smile, “Come on, Tai, leave the gorgeous couple alone.”
Her brother and best mate both blushed at the statement, glancing at each other and away when their eyes met, but Jake chose to shuffle over to a booth, looking at the pins they had for sale. Winnie smirked, shooting a thumbs up to the couple, “Onto the next attempt.”
The larger man leaned over when they were in earshot, “Win, I love the whole plan here, but what happens if it fails?”
“Ciaran knows.”
The redheaded man in question gave a nervous smile tinged in amusement, “She’s gonna lock them in a closet.”
Tai laughed loudly, shooing the women away to keep following them before Talia could even comment, so she directed it to Winnie, “Wouldn’t that be easier than subtle hints?”
“Maybe,” She confirmed with a devious look in her eye, “But I have hope they aren’t that dense. Besides- you know the funniest thing about the plan?”
Talia quirked a brow, eyeing her curiously, “What?”
Winnie’s eyes sparkled in the sun as she leaned closer, “Jake and Rohan have already met everyone involved. But they literally forget everyone else when they’re together.”
Talia would argue that she absolutely did not cackle while hearing that, but she would be lying.
As the walk dragged on, they ‘stumbled’ upon Arjun and Elijah, who were taking Polaroid shots of couples out together. They posed Jake and Rohan before either could correct them, as planned. And Winnie and Talia, not as planned.
Yasmín appeared with her guitar, singing love ballads as AJ threw glitter and flowers over them.
Youcef and his girlfriend, both dressed like they were about to walk a Pride runway instead of a parade, who fixed matching make up specials in everyone’s respective flag colors.
The plan should’ve been going off without a hitch.
And it was, following her brother and best mate, Winnie almost felt like a third wheel- especially since the boys obviously forgot they came together. Had it not been for Talia she absolutely would have been.
Talia, who dragged her to a face paint booth while Jake distracted Rohan at a food cart.
Talia, who was the exact picture of beauty and grace Winnie had always fawned over, even in heels baking in the London sun.
Talia, who was the embodiment of everything Winnie had ever wanted when she met her exes, humor and intellect firmly making their presence known under her gorgeous looks.
Talia, who watched eagerly whenever Winnie’s friends appeared to help match make their best mates.
Talia, who was her brother’s ex.
Winnie was fighting a losing battle, trying to maintain her focus on her brother’s love life even though the Amazon beauty next to her made it painstakingly difficult.
That was the hitch in the plan.
Winnie hadn’t expected Jake to invite Talia when she asked him to go, though looking back she really should have. Any time Jake had any event or plans and he was allowed to bring someone, he always took Winnie or Talia if he didn’t have an actual date- so it was nearly an unspoken agreement that he’d be bringing her today.
“You know I see what you’ve been up to, yeah?” Winnie snapped out of her head to see Jake nearly looming over her, glancing she could see Talia pointing something out to Rohan at a stall down the path.
“I’d hope you see it,” She muttered petulantly, “I’ve called in a lot of favors to show you that you need to be together.” Jake’s brow furrowed, a question in his eyes, and Winnie indignantly smacked his arms, “Are you daft!? What the bloody hell did you think I was up to?”
Jake rubbed the spit she hit, looking far more sheepish, “Well, your objective was achieved. I kissed him while you were off in your own world.”
She pouted, “Well, what did you think I was doing?”
“I was talking about Talia,” he gestured over to them, holding up bi pride shirts to each other, before looking back and smirking as Winnie’s cheeks filled.
“I have no idea what you mean.” She muttered, looking away and crossing her arms over her chest like she needed to protect herself.
Jake was the last person she’d ever need protection from.
He pursed his lips though, nodding, “Well, on the off chance I’m not wrong-“
“And you are.”
“-you should know that she’s interested, I can tell. I think you’re both nervous to make a move because of me, but consider this my blessing being granted.” He squeezed her shoulder, and looking up she saw the warmth she knew she’d find in his gaze, “Talia and I- we weren’t right for love. But I know her well enough now, and I’ve known you forever. The two of you, I can see that going well.”
“God, you’re such a melt.” Winnie scoffed jokingly, giving him a grateful smile.
Now she just needed to make a move.
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loveislandthegame · 6 months
my overall thoughts on season 7, writing edition: what in the world ? 😭 i cannot believe i thought this season was gonna be good. i’ll be joining rohan & S2 MC in the circus, since FB made me look like a damn clown. i don't even know where to begin
being a casa girl had so much potential, and it was something that a lot of players actually wanted, even before FB started doing these themed seasons. they really fumbled the bag here
i enjoyed casa amor. the guys were all unique, had their own dialogue, and it was cool to see their pre-established relationships (alex being the villa dad, bryson and rafa being partners in chaos, the beef between bryson & joyo) then we arrived in the villa, and it all went downhill from there:
everybody became an empty husk, so they could be forced into interchangeable roles: uma’s partner, bonnie’s partner, OG LI’s ex, loved up couple (summer/joyo or #rafne) to name a few. FB’s lazy asses ruined their own characters . why is alex, the supposed level-headed & mature one, being petty & childish af in my playthrough? 😭
MC literally had no thoughts, head empty. we barely participated in any of the challenges and games. it felt like we didn't do anything besides "get pulled for a chat" by your LI or the girls
the LI personality merge in this season was the worst it has ever been. all they do is agree with whatever you say, or tell you how great you are (gone are the days of LIs having their own interests, & getting extra dialogue because of that, like levi with artist MCs)
same problem as the most recent seasons, where MC doesn’t have friendships. she has a forced bestie, then potential LIs that sit around waiting for you to pick them, choose them, love them (they immediately disappear if you don’t pick them)
the plot made no sense at all. being a casa girl means we miss out on the first half of the season, but there were many different ways they could've shown what happened before we arrived (it couldve been something as simple as MC watching the show at home or during the jeep ride to the villa. lol) the timeline was inconsistent, so much important information was paywalled, and i’m pretty sure FB was just making shit up as they went along, since the drama with stephen and OG LI's ex genuinely came out of nowhere . he wasn’t previously mentioned in the beach hut, casa amor, nothing . his only purpose was to make the OG girl look bad.
speaking of the OG girls, what a disappointment . before we got to the villa, i honestly thought they were hinting at estelle and/or willow being LIs . even if they were forced to be our rival, they still could’ve had an interesting character arc . it would've been a lot more fun if she was like allegra, rather than OG LI's equivalent of suresh
i was gonna write, "why tf did she even make it to the finale?" but the answer is obvious : for the gem scenes. every damn volume, it's pay diamonds to upstage her, pay diamonds to clapback, pay diamonds so “your man” doesn't turn his head 🙄 it's already stupid enough, but it makes even less sense if you're not pursuing your OG LI
which leads me to the biggest problem of this season, the lack of branching. you're given the illusion of choice, everything leads to the same outcome . i didn't think it could get any worse, until i saw what happens when you choose the money . does your LI storm off? nope. they make you do the treasure hunt anyways...to win you back ??😭 MC should've called security on their ass
s7 had a promising start but ended up being a flop. it was better than s5, but that's really not saying much . i wish FB would just take their time—s1 and 2 had a whole year long gap between them. but it's clear that rushed seasons are gonna be the norm, season 8 is dropping in february . capitalism ruins everything luv x
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alitgblog · 18 days
litg characters I'd cast in romcoms
When Harry Met Sally: Seb as Harry!! Then Genevieve as his ex, Tom as MC's (Sally's) ex, Nicky as Seb's best friend, Elladine as MC's best friend
I actually have this all sorted how this would work out but my post got deleted 😭
Notting Hill: Jin as Hugh Grant's character (forgot his name lol) because in my head he's history nerd so like just imagine him in cozy sweaters okay. He's got that wacky roommate whose name I have also forgotten and naturally if we had to pick from S8, Liam, but I also think Jamal would be a fun pick (make the roommate less wacky and more just fun and wild though). The other version of this is Jake as as the main character with his roommate Tim.
Legally Blonde (and I'm going based off the musical): Literally only here because I know I can cast the lawyers, like clearly Suresh as Warner (and oh lean heavily on the implication that he cheated on MC while they were dating) and Blake or Marisol as Vivienne (I like her being cut throat but still looking for love). I'd really like Hari as Emmett because they have a backstory of working hard for their dream and would have a fun banter with the main character without being overly cheery and also is very competitive when needs to be although may be an underdog, but lowkey could also be anyone that has the very grounded boy next door vibe so like Tyler, Rohan, Jake, James, and Lewie are also good picks imo. The other sorority girls needs to include Chelsea, Thabi, basically any of MC's besties (...minus Amelia). It's hard to think of anyone as Paulette because she's an older character and everyone in the game is pretty young but we can further my Angie x Cora agenda and have it be Angie talking about her lost love and then in comes the hot deliverywoman, Cora. She also has like sage advice vibes when she's in the villa sometimes so I think that works.
She's All That: Gary as the main guy. Eddie as his shitty best friend. I don't know why but this came so quickly to me I'm not sure I'd even have to explain but like Gary gives off cool guy / player vibes but I'd also see him absolutely get into or at least support whatever weird artsy stuff his girlfriend is into and have a character arc and all that.
While You Were Sleeping: the OG "I fell in love with your brother while you were away" story, so clearly Ozzy as Peter, Marshall as the brother, Grace as the girl Ozzy's actually dating
How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days: Because I've already said Gary for a different romcom, I'm inclined to have the suave ladies man esque character be Will or Youcef. I also think an evolved Suresh or Finn or Mason or Levi could work. Often I forget about her but I think Lulu would be a fun whatever Kathryn Hahn's character's name is.
A Cinderella Story (the Hilary Duff version): I think the fandom's go to "I don't wanna do what my dad says" character may be Lucas but I want to give Oliver a chance as the sweet lead even though I remember nothing about his backstory in game. MC's best friend can be someone a little dorky and the only person coming to mind right now is Felix.
Ten Things I Hate About You: Again, a reformed Finn could've been so good. Instead, we're going for mysterious and brooding so I think Joyo is a good choice for Patrick. Then to continue the streak of me remembering S7 characters, I think Raf could be a good Cameron because he's got that innocence and silliness that works. Then we need the friend that gives Raf an explanation of how things work and I could see that going to Andy because he's a little silly and dorky but mostly pretty confident (slightly different vibe from the character but that's fine). Other option, Bruno. In the movie, I believe he also ends up with Kat's best friend, who I just remember being very confident and alternative vibes so I think Najuma, Cora, Bella, or Lottie for her. We also need Kat's sister Bianca, and that could be easy and I say it's Amelia, or we could pick a tolerable option like Bea. There's also the guy Bianca initially has a crush on, and dare I say we pick Toby?? Just a character that's full of nothing. Or it could just be someone pretty like Levi or someone rich and an asshole like Miles or Jasper. All I remember about Bianca's bestie is that she backstabs her at the end and since fusebox hates women that could be a number of characters but my pick is Sophie or Erikah.
I could go on forever so I must I choose to stop now before I get carried away 🤣
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ariendiel · 11 months
I have an agenda. Levi x Mason enemies-to-lovers
Ohhhhh, I love it when you have an agenda as I just know something good will come from it 👀
Levi x Mason Relationship (EtL) headcanons
Okay, but they'd initially become enemies over MC right? Both of them being into her, chasing her etc. It's just too good to not utilise Cherry gate and the other S1 drama for this.
But they're more focused on each other than MC, which of course they don't realise. Everyone else are totally watching them argue in the gym while being shirtless and sweaty all 👀🍿 though (especially Talia and Tim, Jake and Rohan are busy with their own thing).
They're the perfect example of the "two bros chillin' in a hot tub 5 feet apart cause they're not gay" meme, because they spend all their time together even when they 'hate' each other and totally aren't just dealing with heaps of sexual tension through anger and denial.
In this headcanon, MC gets with Jake or Talia, and they're both left looking at each other all "what now" and finally start opening up to each other.
I love to imagine them realising how much they have in common, and how much they've actually bonded without realising it. Maybe they share a hug that goes on just a bit longer than it should? Maybe there's prolonged eye contact? Hands almost touching? I want this to be a ✨slow burn✨
Denial, denial, denial until the end of the show. Maybe they get drunk once it's all over, maybe they have a last fight that ends in the most passionate kiss? I'm not sure, but with these two I think it'd be strong passion and a sense of despair over it, because who doesn't love seeing two macho men giving in to their feelings of love?
Friendships and relationships headcanons masterpost
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litgwritersroom · 2 years
How would a threeshome with Talia, Jake and Mc would be?
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S1 | Talia x MC x Jake | 4300 words | @mrsbsmooth
This is, with zero exaggeration, a play by play of how a threesome with Jake Wilson would go. 🔥
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Zoe had just finished pouring the Cab Sav into the decanter when she heard the front door swing open. It was followed by the jingle of Talia’s keys, followed by the characteristic ‘Hiii!’ as she stepped through it. 
“Hi baby!” She called back.
“You’ll never guess what disgusting trash I found in the gutter outside.”
Zoe chuckled. “I don’t mind whatever it is. As long as you didn’t bring Jake Wilson over again. I fucking hate that guy. He’s so annoying. And he has a really ugly face. And his consommé is cloudy as fuck.”
She bit her lip, waiting for the response, and she heard some soft, muffled footsteps behind her. But she squealed as someone tickled her in the ribs with such force that she collapsed to the floor. 
“Say what you like about my face but I won’t have you disrespect my consommé!”
She screamed as he continued tickling her until she felt like she was going to pee herself. 
“Stop, stop” she giggled, and he joined her on the ground, wrapping his arms around her to greet her, hugging her tightly. She wrapped her arms around him in return, squeezing him tightly as they rolled around in a huge bear hug. 
“Get off the floor, you two!” Talia chuckled. 
“Why? If I know Zo, it’s cleaner than any other room in the house.”
Talia went to respond, but shrugged, smiling widely at Jake, shaking her head at how well he knew them. 
The wine was open and flowing, and they had three bottles poured and airing. These annual visits had become one of the highlights of her year. She and Talia absolutely adored Jake. There were no hard feelings between any of them as to how things had ended up, despite the fact that both Talia and Zoe had kissed and been coupled up with Jake in the villa before finally ending up with each other. 
“How are you holding up?” Talia asked. “Are we going to get the full story now?”
Jake’s face fell a little. “Urgh, I feel like I’ve told the story so many times.”
“Not to us, though!” Zoe fluttered her eyelashes at him.
Jake smiled at her and launched into the story of how he and Rohan had broken up, and how awful it had been to watch him move all his stuff out. 
“But it’s been seven months now. I’m alright, Tals. Really, I am.”
“You don’t look it,” Zoe said. 
Jake chuckled. “Is that another joke about my face?”
Zoe beamed at him. “No. Despite what I said before, you’re as disgustingly handsome as ever. I just meant I can see you’re sad.
“Well,” Jake said, sipping his wine. “Good thing I can drown my sorrows here, then. And don’t think I didn’t notice that this is the Penfolds you said you were saving.”
Zoe stood, pouring the rest of the wine from the first decanter into his glass, and moving to fetch another. She kissed his head as she walked by, ruffling his hair. 
“Only the best for you, darling.”
The three of them got progressively drunker, and Talia started quizzing Jake on his sex life.
“So when was your last date?”
“About four months ago” He cringed as Talia gasped. 
“Did you fuck them?”
Jake furrowed his brow. “No! You know I don’t on the first date.”
“Urgh, that’s right, you’re a prude.”
“I don’t know." Zoe laughed "Not many prudes I know have been in a five-way”
Jake groaned. “I keep telling you, it was an accident.”
“Wish I had accidents like that”
“What, fucking four men at once?” Jake laughed.
“Mmmmmmm,” Zoe said. “No offence Tals.”
“Some taken. Unless I’m invited.”
“Oh, always, baby. You can come too, Jakey.”
Talia laughed. “We would have the single best-looking threesome ever.”
“Would also be the first time I’d been outnumbered” Jake chuckled heartily. 
Zoe watched the corner of Talia’s mouth twitch slightly. “You’ve never been in a threesome with two girls?”
Oh god. Zoe laughed to herself. Be careful Jake. You don’t know what you’re dealing with here. 
Zoe and Talia had… a thing. An arrangement. Some people might call it a kink. 
They absolutely loved being a guy’s first two-girl threesome. It was, without a doubt, the biggest ego-boost a girl could have. Every single time, the man would be so nervous that they’d do nothing but gush over how beautiful they both were. And usually come way, way, too quickly, leaving Talia and Zoe to get each other off while he watched, muttering about it being the best day of his life. Some people would think it was weird, but they loved it. It was a little narcissistic, sure. But hey, no kink shaming.
So if Jake hadn’t had one… god. Zoe almost chuckled to herself. How fun it would be to watch the overwhelmed look on his face. He would be in for it. Zoe almost couldn’t believe they’d never thought to ask him.
Jake shook his head, casually. “Whenever I’ve been with girls, it’s either been just the two of us, or I’m the other guy.”
Zoe’s eyes locked with Talia’s, and they read each other’s faces perfectly. 
Well, well, well. 
Zoe bit her lip, and she and Talia both looked at Jake at the same time. His face fell from his trademark dimpled smile into a look of slight hesitation. 
“I don’t know if I like the look you’re giving me right now.”
“You don’t?” Zoe whispered, pulling Talia into a passionate kiss. 
As they broke apart, Jake was raising an eyebrow at her. “Is that supposed to turn me on or something? I’ve seen you kiss before.”
Talia nodded at her, and Zoe stood. She faced Jake, and his eyes immediately locked to her. He watched her as she walked toward him slowly, his fingers slowly tightening on his wine glass. She reached him, bending down, and took it from him, taking a big sip from it. Her lipstick immediately stained the side of his glass, and he watched as she placed it on the table beside her, out of the way. 
Zoe placed her knees on either side of him, straddling him, and draped her arms around his neck. “You didn’t like the look I was giving you before.” Zoe whispered. 
He didn’t say anything, just looked at her, his eyes flicking downward briefly at the fabric covering her breasts. 
“Is it better up close?”
Jake, again, said nothing. But he nodded. 
Zoe growled her approval, and leaned in, pressing her wine-soaked lips to his. She reached for his hands, bringing them up to the sides of her thighs, and he inhaled sharply as she slid them up onto her ass. 
“Zo…” he whispered, his eyes darting to Talia as he broke the kiss. “Come on, this isn't fair”
She kissed him again, running her fingers through his hair. He groaned softly into her, and she returned the moan into his lips as he let his fingers brush over her ass. Zoe moved her lips away from his, letting her lips and tongue trace up his jawline, and down his neck. His breath caught as she hit a few sweet spots along the way, and she felt him pulling her hips slightly toward his.
She kissed him deeply again, and his arms wrapped fully around her, pulling her further and further onto him. She let her legs spread further, and groaned softly into his lips as she felt herself pressing against what was now a quite hard bulge in his jeans. 
Zoe broke the kiss, looking over at Talia, who was watching with casual interest, sipping her wine. “He’s enjoying this, baby”
She accentuated her meaning by rolling her hips against Jake’s, and he breathed a shy laugh. She’d already messed up his hair a little, strands of it falling down over his really stupidly handsome face. 
“So am I” Talia cooed. “You look hot when you’re flustered, Jake”
Jake swallowed hard, but didn’t even have a chance to respond. He hadn’t yet unwrapped his arms from around Zoe, and she turned his face with her finger, kissing him again. She could feel his fingers twitching at the waistband of her jumper, and she shuffled slightly, silently telling him to go ahead. He lifted it, pulling it over her head. As she leaned back, he reached up and took her hair out of its messy bun, as well, sending it tumbling down over her tshirt. It was chilly without her jumper, but she knew he’d be enjoying the show, as her nipples would be completely exposed through the thin fabric. She wasn’t wearing a bra if she could help it. And Jake clearly appreciated it.
He groaned as he spotted them, bringing his lips to them, gently rolling his lips around them through the flimsy material. Zoe gasped at how good it felt, and Jake’s eyes darted upwards, closing a little as he silently enjoyed the sound she’d made.
“Go on, Zo” Talia commanded. “Take his off.”
He pulled back, and Zoe let her hand trace down his chest, down the beautiful soft cashmere, slowing as it moved lower and lower. She didn’t break eye contact for even a second, and she watched his lip quiver slightly as she lifted the front of his jumper, untucked his shirt, and traced her fingers along the skin just above his waistband. She slipped one finger just underneath the fabric. Not enough to touch anything. Just enough to let him know she was going to soon. Making him think about which of the girls in front of him would have their hand wrapped around his cock first.
“Jesus Christ, Zo” he whispered. His voice was already soaked with need.
Zoe pulled his jumper over his head, and started on the buttons of his shirt. She knew what Jake looked like with his shirt off, but something about having the buttons underneath her fingers was exciting as all hell. As she undid them, she revealed more and more of his chest hair, and he could do nothing except watch her face as she did so. Eventually, she had them all undone, and she flung it open, leaning down and kissing the same line up his jaw, and down his neck, continuing her kisses down to his collarbone. 
“My turn” Talia said. Zoe could tell from the demanding tone of her voice that she was very keen to take a bite of Jake. 
Zoe stood, obediently, and moved over to Talia, kissing her passionately, pulling her jumper over her head as well, but not stopping there. She pulled Talia’s tank top off, revealing the black, lacy bra she had underneath it. Talia took Zoe’s place on Jake’s lap, cupping his face and kissing him deeply. Jake moaned, almost in surprise at Talia’s confidence. 
They always started off this way. Zoe’s subtle sensuality. The way she’d almost imperceptibly press herself against them. The soft fullness of her lips. She had them rock hard and half naked before they even realised it had progressed past kissing. And then Talia’s aggression. The way she’d bite their lip. Her fingernails digging into their skin. The contrast always drove them wild. And it set the stage for the rest of the night.
Zoe reached for her wine glass, sipping it gently, as she relaxed on the other couch, watching Jake’s hands make their way further up the sides of Talia’s leggings. And then, his arm shifted, and his hand traced over the top of her thigh, before coming to rest between her legs. Talia inhaled sharply as he pressed his fingers to her through the fabric. 
Zoe bit her lip as Talia swallowed, hard. Jake was watching her as he moved his fingers against her. He pulled back for a moment, lifting his hand, and angled it towards Talia’s flat stomach. He slipped it inside the waistband of her leggings, the stretchy fabric straining as he pulled it down, his hand disappearing between Talia’s legs. Zoe watched for the moment she knew only too well, and felt a pulse run through her as he connected with where Talia wanted him, as she moaned into the kiss. Zoe slipped her hand under her skirt, running it up the length of her stockings, slipping it into her underwear. 
As if he could sense her watching, Jake looked over. He pulled away from the kiss with Talia, and locked eyes with her. 
“Is this actually going to happen?” He asked.
Zoe nodded at him, biting her lip.
“Right then. Come here” he demanded.
Zoe looked at Talia. This wasn’t how this usually went?
“No, don’t look at her. Look at me”. 
A rush of heat went through Zoe’s legs. Oh, god damn.
She stood, walking over to him obediently. 
“Kneel on the couch”. 
She did as she was told, kneeling on the other side of Jake. He immediately brought his other hand to her, slipping his fingers inside her underwear, and pressing them to her clit. She inhaled sharply, and her lips parted at the sensation of him making gentle circles against her; a kind of expertise and familiarity she’d never felt from a man before. 
“Now. Which one of you ladies is going to tell me the ground rules?”
“Talia won’t suck your dick. And I don’t do butt stuff.” She blurted it out before she even knew what she was saying.
The corner of Jake’s mouth twitched in a smile, and he slipped his fingers lower, pressing two of them inside her. Her mouth fell open, and she found herself already rocking against his hand, urging him deeper.
“Good girl, Zoe. It’s your mouth I wanted anyway.” He whispered, approvingly. “Now Talia.” He looked up at her. “I’ve already got my fingers inside Zoe. Take your leggings off.”
Talia glanced at Zoe, who was still almost fully dressed, but complied. She stepped backward off Jake, and pulled off her leggings, Zoe’s eyes drinking in her delicious curves in the matching underwear to her bra. Jake motioned her back over. 
“Take Zoe’s shirt off.”
Talia walked up behind her, wrapping her arms around her waist, and pulled her tshirt over her head, exposing her to Jake.
“Good. Now come here”. 
He patted his lap again, and Talia wordlessly resumed her position, as Jake immediately dropped his hand back between her legs. Matching the aggression she’d shown him earlier, he pulled Talia’s underwear aside, and slipped his fingers inside her with zero hesitation. Talia honest to god whimpered at the sensation. 
Never in the three years they’d been together had she seen Talia let someone take control like this. 
What the fuck was going on?
Jake instructed them to go into the bedroom, and that he was going to his car to get condoms, and that by the time he got back, he expected them to both be naked, and standing beside the bed. They barely spoke a word to each other, walking upstairs, and stripping off immediately, standing beside the bed, as he’d said. When he came back up, Zoe had almost expected him to praise them, but he didn’t. He just looked at Talia. 
“Get on your back”. 
She climbed onto the bed, and lay down. He reached over, grabbing her hips, and pulled her to the side of the bed. 
“Zoe, on her face, please.”
Zoe was kneeling over Talia’s face, and Talia smiled up at her, pressing a kiss to her thigh. Zoe bit her lip, and smiled back, before Talia pulled at her thighs, bringing her down hard.
“Do not,” Jake said, sternly. “And I mean this, Zoe. Do not come.”
Zoe turned slightly to look at him, and he looked more serious than she’d ever seen him. She nodded. But it was going to be difficult, because Talia’s eyes narrowed as if she was planning on defying Jake, just to see what he would do. 
But Talia barely got a chance to fuck around and find out, because her eyes almost instantly rolled back in her head. Zoe turned, straining to see what he was doing to her, but all she could see was Jake’s face buried between Talia’s legs. Whatever he was doing must been something pretty fucking special, because Talia was gripping her thighs so tightly she knew she’d have bruises for a week. 
The feeling of Talia’s moans into her, as she writhed between her legs at whatever Jake was doing, was sending Zoe skyrocketing closer to coming. She could see on Talia’s face that she was close, and she whispered. 
“Jake, she’s about to come.”
He moaned into her, and Talia practically lurched off the bed underneath her as she came. Zoe had to pull back slightly, Talia’s tongue moving wildly against her in such a way that made her shudder. 
“Zoe, off the bed and on your knees.”
Zoe moved off Talia, and went to move off the bed, but she had to stop when her eye caught sight of it. 
Jesus. Fucking. Christ.
Zoe had fucked a lot of people over the years. Including a lot of men. Her numbers were higher than most guys. 
But never, in her 26 years… dear god.
She fell to her knees almost in shock, but before she could even say anything to Talia, Jake had his hands in her hair, his giant fucking cock halfway down her throat. Zoe was absolutely drooling, both literally and metaphorically at the size of it. He had a fistful of Zoe’s hair, moving her mouth on and off him. She tilted her head back slightly, and his entire length slid down her throat.
“That’s it, Zoe. Good girl.”
Sweet, quiet, gentlemanly Jake. The secret top with the giant cock.
How the fuck was this dude single?
She moaned around his cock as she watched him start to fuck Talia again with his fingers. Talia was still coming down from her last one, but he was so fucking good at what he was doing that he was already building her again. Zoe pulled back a little, enthusiastically working her mouth over Jake, as she watched Talia absolutely convulsing, nearing the edge again. 
She lifted her pace, swirling her tongue around the tip of Jake’s cock, and she felt a rush of excitement as it temporarily made him lose his focus, his eyes fluttering shut, and his lips parting with a heavy breath. His hand threaded back into her hair, and he pulled her off him, the sharp pain as he pulled her hair making her gasp. 
He looked down at her, a slight smirk on his face, holding her steady while he made Talia come again like it was the easiest thing he’d ever done.
And that was how it continued. Jake making Talia come over and over, while never once letting Zoe come. She was getting so frustrated. Her heart was racing, and her breath was heavy, as she watched Talia come again, this time around his cock. She was a complete and utter mess, her cheeks completely flushed, lips chapped, and her entire body shaking. Talia clearly couldn’t concentrate on going down on Zoe, which was probably just as well, because Zo was so badly aching for Jake to fuck her she could barely stand it. 
Talia was completely whimpering, as Jake reached his hand around her hips, fucking her again, building and building and building her. Talia pulled her mouth away from Zoe, looking like she had zero energy left in her body. 
“Jake, please” Talia whimpered “Jake, I can’t”
Almost as if they were the magic words, he pulled out of her, flipping her onto her back. He pulled Zoe toward him, and pressed the tip of his cock to her centre. 
Zoe was practically on the verge of coming just at the anticipation of him fucking her. He was so fucking huge, and he was going to feel so good.
“Touch yourself” he said. 
Zoe dropped her hand, and he grabbed her wrist. 
“Not you. Talia.”
Talia whimpered. “I can’t”
“You can, and you will. Zoe’s not coming until you come again”
He pressed ever-so-slightly into her, just far enough to have her entire body shaking, but just short of where she desperately needed him to be.
“Jake, I can’t”
Zoe dropped her head back, looking at Talia. “Talia, please. Please. Please. I need it.”
Talia’s mouth almost fell open, and she dropped her fingers lower, touching herself, and as a reward, Jake slid further into Zoe.
Zoe’s mouth fell open “Oh my god, yes, Talia please, yes, keep going.”
Talia’s eyes flickered to Jake briefly, but immediately dropped down to Zoe’s face, which she was sure had never looked so fucking desperate for Talia to come. 
Talia lifted her pace, faster and faster, as Jake slowly stretched Zoe further and further, holding her legs open as he filled her completely, but he was yet to even thrust into her. He was reading her body with meticulous precision, knowing how delicate of a precipice he was dangling her off. Had been dangling her off. He’d been building her, torturing her, making her wait. It was like a mental game. Jake was reading her body so expertly that she knew that he’d be making her come at precisely the same time as Talia, so the closer Talia built, the closer she knew she was to being finally, finally allowed to come. 
“I’m getting close” Talia whimpered
Even when she was fucking Talia herself, Zoe had never heard the words sound sweeter.
Zoe’s head whipped around to Jake, pure desperation on her face, and he looked down at her, absolute composure and control on his face. The smallest twitch of a smile pulled at the corner of his mouth, and he drew his hips back, and thrust. 
Zoe practically levitated at the sensation of him, her hands grasping at the sheets below her as she heard the telltale groaning of Talia about to come beside her. Jake’s thrusts built faster and faster, and Zoe’s hips were lifted completely off the bed, her legs spread as wide as they would go, begging for Jake to…
“I’m coming” Talia whispered.
Zoe wasn’t sure what Jake did, or how long he did it for, but he did something. Changed an angle, held her a certain way… but he did something. Because Zoe’s entire body collapsed under him. Her back arched so sharply it might've broken. The back of her head pressed so hard into the bed as she threw it back that she thought she’d fall through it. Her fingers pulled at the sheets beneath her with such force she might’ve ripped them. Her entire body was shaking. Convulsing. Every muscle from the arches of her feet to the base of her neck was completely electrified as she came so fucking hard she thought she would pass out. The noise that escaped her lips was animalistic, a groaning cry so loud it might’ve hurt her voice. But still, Jake kept fucking her. The deep thrusts kept coming and coming, sending her off the edge over and over and over again, her muscles cramping and begging for it to stop, but the rest of her begging for it not to, to never move, to let her keep coming over and over and over.
When she finally reached the downward spiral of her peak, Jake pulled out of her, dragging her off the bed and down to her knees again. He practically ripped the condom off him, and she opened her mouth in anticipation. She was still fucking pulsing from how hard she’d come, her body a withering mess of twitching muscles and shaking joints, and she was filled with an overwhelming desire to make him feel the same. He grabbed her hair, and she took all of him, her hands on the back of his thighs, pulling him toward her to feel him inside her throat. His breath was ragged, his chest dripping with sweat, as he fucked her mouth with just as much control and precision as he had the rest of her. The thought of him fucking her made her moan, and he gasped at the vibration of her throat around him, when his rhythm finally, finally started to falter. She dug her fingernails into the back of his legs, and looked up at him, looking directly into his eyes as his fluttered closed, his mouth open, watching as he finally lost his composure. Her mouth. Her mouth did that.
She’d never felt more alive. More beautiful. More desirable than she did while she watched him come down her throat. 
God he looked beautiful when he came. 
He bucked a few final thrusts into her mouth before her lips felt the telltale pulses of him coming deep down into her throat. She held her breath, letting him linger in her throat for a moment while she swallowed over and over, her throat massaging him, drawing him out, prolonging it as long as she could for him. 
He pulled out of her, and she took a deep, overdue breath, and he gently lifted her onto the bed beside a still whimpering Talia. He shuffled in between them, lying down on the bed, and wrapped one arm under each of them, pulling them closer into him. 
This had not at all gone to plan. 
They were supposed to be the ones leaving him a broken mess of cum and sweat.
With the last rumblings of energy she had in her spent body, Zoe looked up at him. 
He smiled at her, already completely recovered. 
How in the ever living fuck did he already look so fucking composed?
Talia was practically asleep on his shoulder, so he settled in looking at Zoe, stroking her hair with the kind of gentle softness she would have expected from him.
And the last thing Zoe felt was him pressing his lips softly to her forehead, as he sighed happily.
“Thanks girls, I always wondered what that would be like!”
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0shewrites0 · 2 years
about me |
Hi, I’m Rae! This blog is all about LITG (and maybe a little TVD & RC sometimes too) 🤍
ao3 name |
The reason behind that?
fav islanders of seasons 1-8 |
🦋 S1// Levi, Tim & Rohan
🦋 S2// Lucas, Kassam, Carl & Gary
🦋 S3// Seb, Harry & Ciaran
🦋 S4// Will, Oliver & Youcef
🦋 S6// Lewie, Toby
🦋 S7// Alex, Joyo
🦋 S8// Jin, Kyle
chat to your fav LI’s | overview
💬 There are Bobby, Bruno, Gary, Lucas, Will, Oliver and many more (to come)!
💬 a little tutorial on how it works
fanfics | LITG
📝 Lucas x Sienna - I’m Yours (completed)
📝 Kassam x Aaliyah - Seamless (completed)
📝 Eddie x Liv - if not today, maybe tomorrow (HIATUS)
📝 Lucas x MC - A Fine Line Between Hate And Love (one shot about Elisa entering the Villa on Day 20)
📝 Lucas x MC/Lucas x Blake - crossroads (completed)
📝 Toby x MC - It was meant to be you (s6 finale rewrite / one shot)
📝 Alex x MC - liquid gold (s7 villa fic, ongoing)
📝 Alex x MC - a thief and a liar (s7 Christmas AU two chapter fic)
📝 Jin x MC - rainbow (s8 one shot, part I of Tempting Fate, vol I)
📝 Jin x MC - cotton candy clouds (s8 one shot, part II of Tempting Fate, vol I)
fanfics | RC
📝 Malbonte x MC (HS/HS2) - Dead of Night (ongoing)
📝 Amen x Evthys (SCN) - his neferut (one shot)
prompts |
🍀 All Your Lies - prompt: Lie Detector Test || Kassam x Aaliyah
🍀 Too Many Maybe’s - prompt: the recoupling where Eddie doesn’t want to waste his time with MC 😭 || Eddie x MC
🍀 A Bite Of Your Love - prompt: monthly prompt competition on r/LITGFanFiction on Reddit || Youcef x MC
🍀 One More Chance - prompt: the one that got away / returning!Lucas (part of the litg s2 tumblr gift exchange) || Lucas x MC
🍀 The Heart Wants What It Wants - prompt: rewriting Operation Nope || Gary x MC
🍀 Of moss irises and monochrome worlds - prompt: all things Christmas || Ciaran x MC (part of the litg discord Christmas gift exchange)
🍀 Like salt and pepper - prompt: friends to lovers || Tai x MC (part of the monthly prompt competition on Reddit r/LITGFanFiction)
🍀 burgundy in my veins - prompt: mermaid AU / soulmates || Rohan x MC (part of the litgff discord trope roulette)
🍀 the ghost of you - prompt: write something for Oliver (anon ask) || Oliver x MC (READ THE TAGS ON AO3!!)
asks & requests |
📩 What life with Kassam would look like
📩 Song lyrics/quotes that remind me of I’m Yours and Seamless
📩 Would Will (s4) and Lucas get along?
📩 Does Lucas deserve to be cheated on by MC with r!Henrik?
📩 Suresh & Hazeem’s last names
📩 Lucas dating an insecure girl - what would that look like?
📩 Yandere Lucas ??
📩 Henrik as the best man at Lucas’s wedding 🥹
📩 what’s up with Lucas’s disaster recoupling speech and is he worse than Rahim?
📩 Would Lucas date someone who’s into pastel goth aesthetic?
📩 Lucas x MC diagnosed with ADHD
📩 yandere!Lucas x MC
📩 yandere!Klaus Mikaelson x human fem reader hc’s
📩 yandere!Klaus Mikaelson x reader pregnant w/ Hope
📩 21st century non-hybrid yandere!Klaus Mikaelson
📩 request: Tai x MC - Like salt and pepper
📩 request: Oliver x MC - the ghost of you
more fun stuff |
✨ Kassam’s moodboard & face claim
✨ Aaliyah’s moodboard
✨ Aaliyah & Kassam - art
✨ I’m Yours moodboard (Lucas x Sienna)
✨ theory: Why Lucas brings back Blake
✨ moodboard: crossroads (Raven)
✨ Lucas’s 🌶️ scenes
✨ Lucas being his protective self 🥺
✨ moodboard: Eddie Harris
✨ moodboard: Olivia Machado (if not today, maybe tomorrow)
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crimswnred · 11 months
Tim anon again. I love him! Also love your take on the Jen x Tim breakup!
Under the assumption of a slowburn friends to lovers for MC x Tim after the show.
Do you have HC’s for both how Tim’s & MC’s friends & family react to the show.
Who likes them with what person concerning couplings and who do you think might have already seen the chemistry between them and thought they would couple up or wanted them to get together.
uh, I love this!!
(I rambled a lot lol so this got bigger than it should! I hope it makes sense 😭)
let's assume MC was on a Levi/Mason route for this, ok? so, I'm guessing MC's family and friends don't really like Levi/Mason. not only because they cheated but also because they were stringing both MC and Jen/Allegra along.
do they think of Tim as a good option right off the bat? nah, I don't think so. saying the rap crew keep in touch, I think Jake would be everyone's first pick for MC — I mean, he has a nice career, is super sweet and he's also mature.
however, as their feelings for each other grow, is kinda hard not to root for Tim and MC. especially because Tim is incredibly charismatic and really supportive of MC. he gets on well with her friends, ofc, and he even finds a way to charm her dad. everyone genuinely likes him and when they get together it's just natural.
I think Tim's family likes Jen. I mean, she's nice and a very sweet girl, even though she can come across as s snob sometimes. I don't think they really get in the middle of his relationships, they're just happy he's happy. however, when he starts to demean himself because of her, that's when they start telling him things aren't ok.
based on Tim's first impression of Jen — about her basically being a brat —, I think his friends don't like her at all. they totally call her stuff behind her back like princess money or whatever. they rather to hang out with someone who's not a stuck up.
I can see Tim's mum and friends loving MC! they just love the whole rap crew — Jake, Rohan, Talia, MC. she definitely fits way better to his real life than Jen. and if they watched the show, they WILL BE teasing both of them ALL THE TIME.
as for the LI crew... well, Rohan is clueless. no, like, he really didn't know they had feelings for each other and he is SHOCKED when they start dating.
Jake knows. he absolutely knows. even before re-watching the show, he just knew. he witnessed the longing stares, the almost picking each other at the recoupling moments. how they were always hanging out by the daybeds and joking around. he may or may not have a bet going with Talia about who confesses their feelings first.
and Talia knows too. because, and I don't know if you guys remember this, but MC tells her she would couple up with Tim (if you, like, chooses the option, of course). and she's not stupid. she picked up every single flirting moment, Tim's disappointed face when MC says in the lie detector she doesn't have any other crushes in the Villa.
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queen-of-boops · 8 months
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Day 12: Mirror Sex
Pairing: Rohan x Male MC
Word Count: 2,277
Read on ao3 here.
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justtuesdays · 2 years
oc + li as buzzfeed boyfriend post
after seeing what davi, my season v mc, has to go through (what i have to go through) here are some my other oc’s and their li’s relationships as boyfriend post from buzzfeed. because davi needs to know that love exist (meaning me). basically a *insert any li not season v name* wouldn’t treat mc like this post.
season i — renny x tim
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season i — santana x rohan
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season ii — seven x lucas
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season ii — persie x carl (persie as the artist)
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season ii — rylin x bobby
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season ii — alix x kassam (in the fbi au)
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season ii — tallis x kelly (tallis as the guy)
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season ii — aviel x jonathan (from lovelink)
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season ii — arel x dicky (dicky as in gary’s friend)
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season iv — tallis x bruno (mermaid au)
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willkimurashat · 1 year
So, my friends invited me over to watch the PG rated hit family film Cats (2019). Can we have a moment of silence for my forever lost innocence please? … Thank you. Anyway, so now that I’m greatly disturbed and utterly horrified, here’s a LITG x Cats crossover absolutely no one asked for lmao
Casting LITG islanders as characters from Cats (not necessarily from 2019 version because wtf was that)
Marisol/Camilo as Munkustrap
Imposing, energetic, courageous. Leader and protector of the Jellicle cats tribe. Responsible and brave. Narrator and story-teller.
S5 MC as Victoria
Young, inhibited, inquisitive. Naive and kind-hearted, abandoned by previous owners. Longs to be wanted and loved.
Chelsea/Thabi as Jennyanydots
Motherly, contended, controlling. Lazying around during the day, running the household during the night. Cheerful and good-humored with bossy side.
Priya and Bobby/Iona and Najuma as Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer
Mischievous, rambunctious, ne’er-do-well. Fun-loving criminal duo, generally well-received by other cats. Notorious partners in crime.
Lexi/Cherry as Grizzabella
Proud, hurt, indomitable. Once a glamorous star, now exiled and disgraced. Sad and wistful, despised by the Jellicle cats, longs for forgiveness.
Lottie/Suresh as Macavity
Hypnotic, jealous, dangerous. Malevolent criminal mastermind, eludes the police and strikes fear in other Jellicle cats.
Angie/Lulu as Old Deutoronomy
Wise, commanding, spiritual. Kind and just leader of the Jellicle cats, beloved by everyone. An ancient cat with psychic powers and spiritual connection with Heavyside layer.
Mason/Rafi/Finn as Rum Tum Tugger
Vain, perverse, inconsequent. Charismatic, self-obsessed show-off. Rock star with wild anarchic energy and comedic sexuality.
Kat as Bombalurina
Generous, voluptuous, frank. Self-confident and very direct about feelings. Extremely flirtatious and the center of attention.
Rohan/Henrik/Alfie as Mr. Mistoffelees
Competitive, neat, electric. Mysterious and clever conjuring cat. Up to mischief or performing amusing magic tricks.
Bruno/Tai as Skimbleshunks
Caring, bright, self-regarding. Protector of the kittens when danger is near. Jolly and cheerful, remembered by his signature gigantic smile and bright personality.
Will as Gus the Theatrical Cat
Wistful, imaginative, frail. Fragile and feeble old cat, reminiscing about his days of being an actor. Initially vague and a little confused, but becomes more confident and outspoken.
Jake/Tom as Bustopher Jones
Foppish, gluttonous, dapper. Genial and cheerful, enjoys life to the fullest. Particularly interested in fine dining and cuisine at gentlemen’s clubs. Leaves swiftly at first sign of trouble.
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mango-dragonfruit · 3 years
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Does my MC want to kiss Rohan during Spin the Bottle? ABSOLUTELY!
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My Brother’s Keeper
Rohan x MC
Foster just wants to care for her autistic brother. Her parents are so sure she needs them to set her up to find someone that will love her that way. Too bad they don’t understand her or her brother.
@justtuesdays @csmicletters @rebelrayne
I hope I did this justice 😭
Foster had been described a lot of ways by people in her life.
Her mates described her as protective, softhearted, witty, sharp tongued. She was who they turned to when they needed someone to listen.
Her parents called her hardworking, social, driven, compassionate. She was who they turned to when they needed help.
Her exes complained she was closed off, too narrow focused, stubborn, a type A personality. They would say she never let herself rely on them.
Her exes and her parents had one thought in common- they believed she used her little brother as an excuse, a shield to keep away intimacy and vulnerability, a way to keep people- and romantic prospects- from getting too close.
Her mates had a different line of thinking. They believed that Stevie was more Foster’s final test for a companion. Not out of a place of malice, or even awareness. None of them thought Foster had any idea she did it, but if someone wanted to be in her life and they thought Stevie was a problem or obstacle in the way, then they were never around long enough to matter.
Because Stevie is autistic.
He had needs special to him that had to be met, and Foster was never nervous or agitated about meeting those needs. Their parents tried, they really did. But she was twelve when he was born and sort of just became his person. Like he was a baby duck and imprinted on her. When she was old enough and got a job that required her to relocate, her parents couldn’t handle the meltdowns he’d have not seeing her every day. So she offered, filed the paperwork when they agreed, and became his guardian.
Foster’s mates had been taken aback when they had visited her flat and her younger brother was suddenly taking up residence in the second bedroom, but her best mate wasn’t. Rohan had been the only one she told before the paperwork was filed, and he had volunteered to assist in moving Stevie’s belongings. None of them were bothered, they had met Stevie several times and adored him. Even when he struggled, they were understanding. Her mates understood that she was his lifeline, the only other person he was ever comfortable around was Rohan- they joked it was the hazard of knowing Foster as long as he had.
Their parents would visit, video call, phone them- they tried to make sure Stevie knew that he was still their son, whether they understood him or not. For him it was just part of the routine Foster helped him establish.
But their mum and dad were also convinced that she would never end up married if Stevie always depended on her- they didn’t pay attention to the fact that she didn’t care what they wanted for her. Convinced it was the only way she’d end up happy, her parents decided they needed to set her up. And what better place than their cousin’s wedding? He was a good man, marrying a well-to-do woman. They were sure that her friend would be perfect.
Foster hadn’t wanted to go. Not only did Stevie have trouble with traveling, but she didn’t care for their cousin.
Or more specifically, she didn’t care for his bride.
Lucas was a gentleman through and through, he never pressured her or got annoyed for choosing to care for Stevie and take his comfort into account rather than to go out and have fun. But his bride-to-be had always made it known that she didn’t care for children, especially those that could misbehave. Foster’s parents never saw an issue with her, only seeing her at family events where she had her best face on, but Hope never went near anyone under fifteen.
Where Lucas never flinched at hearing or seeing Stevie stim, Foster had seen his fiancé glare silently in her seat. She wasn’t sure what the woman would do if he couldn’t stay quiet during the big day. Regardless of her parents wishes, she was going to stay home. Lucas and Rohan had convinced her that it would be okay, Lucas would help her where he could, and Rohan would take care of things at home for them.
So she prepared. Stevie’s headphones were put in his bag, the spare set put in hers. Stevie rechecked the bags she packed three times, once each day leading to their departure. Foster watched as he did his best to remain calm as they started the drive, they had gone over everything they needed to know, and Rohan was taking care of the plants Stevie cared for every day.
Waking up at the hotel Lucas had booked for them, Foster sighed to herself. Stevie didn’t like new places- he had thrown the pillowcase off his pillow, he didn’t like the way it felt. His bag was emptied, his things set in the closest relative places they would be at home. But he was awake, he wasn’t unhappy, and he let her help him prepare for the wedding.
They sat near the back though they were early, she knew he didn’t appreciate crowds, and she would much rather be at home with Rohan than to watch her stuffy aunt and uncle parade her cousin around, but she didn’t get a choice. Nearly as soon as they sat down, a man occupied the seat next to her, essentially ignoring the large number of empty seats. “You must be Foster.”
She blinked, glad he at least chose to sit on her side away from her brother, but confused how he knew her name, “I am. If you’re looking for Lucas-“
“No,” the man grinned, he almost looked like it was the most natural thing in the world for him to do, but it was obviously strained after a moment when she didn’t seem to recognize him through his posturing, “I’m Reese. Your mum wanted us to meet.”
She cringed internally, remembering how her parents demanded she give him a better chance than she had her exes. They kept emphasizing she couldn’t stay single forever. If only they knew, “Right. Good to meet you.” As more people filled the room, she became more aware of Stevie shifting uncomfortably next to her, so she directed her attention to him. Ensuring his noise cancelling headphones were in place, she turned back but Reese was gone. She couldn’t dwell on it as the wedding began, she had to focus to keep him calm.
But the room was crowded.
Stevie’s clothes made him itchy.
The seven or eight year old girl of the couple next to him kept trying to take his comfort toy- a stuffed triceratops Foster had bought him as a toddler.
She tried to calm him down, muttering lowly as to not disturb the others in attendance as she helped him count out the windows, focus on the patterns he could observe as he usually did to relax-
But then the girl finally slipped his toy from his hands, and Stevie had let out an instinctual yell as it slid from his grasp.
Foster didn’t think twice, snatching the dinosaur back and letting him tug it into his chest, eyes narrowed when the couple tried to glare her way at the disturbance.
The minister had halted his speech, all eyes in the room shifting to look at the two of them and she wished they would stop. Stevie hated having eyes on him. Lucas, bless her cousin, cleared his throat and insisted that they continue, but his bride had other plans.
“Not until that’s over.” Hope snapped, sneering at the groom, “I told you I wasn’t a fan of kids attending fancy things, they don’t care.”
Lucas pulled back like she’d slapped him, repulsion clear on his face, “Stevie is doing his best.”
“Sure, whatever.” She pursed her lips, “You promised me this would go off without a hitch, it was the only reason I let you invite them.”
Several of the guests were still turning to look at Foster as Stevie began to rock in his seat, she finally got him to look at her, “Want to go outside? We can watch the clouds.”
He didn’t nod exactly, but he jumped to his feet with his toy still clutched to his chest, and she followed him out, shooting Lucas an apologetic look as they went.
She hadn’t been sure how the rest of the ceremony went, finding a field for Stevie to lie in with a clear view of the fluff drifting over their heads. Eventually people started drifting out of the church, some glaring at them as they went, but some seemed to be shooting grateful looks their way. She noticed the former must’ve been from Hope’s side, while the latter she recognized from Lucas’s side. Their parents emerged eventually, both nearly red faced as they started to stomp their way over, but Lucas flew past them and scooped Foster into a hug, “Bloody hell, thank you so much.”
She blinked, entirely unsure what she was being thanked for, “For interrupting your wedding?”
“For giving me the reason to cancel my wedding.”
“I’m sorry- what??” Her eyes widened, disbelief flooding her features as he smiled far too largely for the news he shared.
Lucas just shook his head, “You know I don’t want kids, neither does Hope, and I thought that was a good sign for us. But she actually just can’t stand to be around children- especially any like Stevie, and I love the little guy too much to marry someone that talks about him the way she was.”
She nodded, still not understanding exactly what happened, “So what now?”
Lucas shrugged, “Reception is still paid for. We go have a drink and dance- I’ve got a room set up for Stevie in the hall we rented. Standard things he likes- food specified for him, those history channel shows on the Telly he loves on dvd.”
Foster had just finished listening to a forty five minute ramble on the intricacies or pro wrestling when she felt a tug on her sleeve, turning to see Stevie, “Every day at three o clock.”
“What?” Reese cocked his head, somehow looking annoyed that someone was stealing his limelight, “What does he mean every day at three o clock?”
She shushed the man beside her, redirecting all her attention to her younger brother, “Were you supposed to do something today at three?”
“Every day at three o clock.” The boy fidgeted, glancing around like he was looking for something, “Every day at three o clock! It’s nearly three- I’m gonna be late!”
“I understand.” She offered firmly, but softly, understanding without the strength to scare him, “I know you don’t like questions, but you need to help me understand what happens every day at three o clock.” She had schedule memorized, but Lucas had talked her into a drink, and then she needed two or three more to deal with Reese’s non stop ego talk.
“Cat. Every day at three o clock. I need to feed the cat- the cat is always there! I need to feed the cat.”
She smiled, hands hovering in front of her to show she wouldn’t touch him, before she gave him a gentle reminder, “Someone is feeding the cat, remember? We wouldn’t let that poor stray starve just because you aren’t home.” Pulling out her phone, she realized the time was two fifty eight as she opened a video call, the flat they shared immediately coming into view, “Hey, Rohan! You know what time it is, right?”
The dark haired man’s beaming smile didn’t fade as he laughed at the check up call, “I am opening the cat food right this second,” he flipped the camera to show the can opener latched onto a half opened can of wet cat food, a familiar dish sitting next to it, “I have the bowl Stevie bought for him, I’m going to put it exactly two feet away from the wall centered behind the rubbish bin under the fire escape. Stevie, you are welcome to stay on the call and watch it happen.” He didn’t ask if he wanted to watch the simple action of a cat being fed. He gave him the option, open ended, and left it up to Stevie to decide.
Neither were surprised when he didn’t take the phone, but watched with an intensity as Rohan put the food into the bowl and began carrying it outside. She resisted the urge to reach out, as she would for anyone else, when his shoulders started to rock forward and back, the time was two fifty nine. At exactly three o clock, they watched as he set the bowl under the fire escape, centered behind the rubbish bin, measured and marked two feet from the wall. And they saw the stray cat edge out from behind forgotten scrap piles in the alley, cautiously approaching the man he didn’t know, before recognizing the bowl and hurrying forward. “Thanks, love.”
“Thank you.” Stevie echoed.
“No problem, little dude. Enjoy your day, if you want to call again at seven, I’ll be here to water the plants. Swear, I’m following the schedule to a T. You can catch me up on the big day.”
As soon as the call ended, Stevie was directing himself back out of the crowded room they were in, and she watched him meander down the corridor to the room Lucas had set up for him.
Only for an annoyed voice to cut into her attention, “Love?” Reese scoffed, “Bit familiar to address a friend, innit?”
Foster snorted, “Maybe, but how else do you address the person you’ve been dating for two years?”
Reese was gobsmacked, staring at her like she’d grown two heads, “Wha-“
She waved her hand, “Yeah, yeah, my parents wanted to set us up. But it’s not because of me being single, it’s because they refuse to acknowledge that my boyfriend understands my brother and loves him as much as I do. They think I need to find someone that loves me despite Stevie. Not including him. And that’s where we differ.” She shrugged stifling a laugh as the man stomped away. She didn’t feel the need to explain, even though she would when prompted. Lucas understood, because he loved Stevie just as much. Her mates understood, because again they loved Stevie just as much. But Rohan had always been her best mate. Despite the feelings she had spent years smothering inside, she never let them bubble to the surface until she had seen it one day.
Stevie had been having a terrible day. They needed to take the tram because her car had died, people kept getting too close and bumping into him, his dinosaur had gotten wet when someone spilled juice on it at the café they had stopped at for lunch, the waitress had given him mango slices instead of apple slices and he bit into it without looking as he counted the tiles in the ceiling. He hated the texture of mangos, too slimey. She wasn’t sure what she could do, what could be done.
And then Rohan had gotten the text about it, showing up at her flat without her ever uttering the request. He distracted Stevie with the DVR’d episodes of How the States Got Their Shapes he’d recorded for them to watch together, giving Foster time to wash his triceratops and prepare food that he would eat. And when she finally made it back to the living room, she saw Stevie- eyes still focused on the tv- reaching and gently resting his hand on top of Rohan’s. She had nearly dropped the plate, surprised to see him touching anyone else. Rohan had stiffened, imperceptible to Stevie, and glanced back at her with nearly teary eyes.
That was when she knew.
Because yes, admittedly she used Stevie’s attachment to her as a shield, a test, but not to keep people away.
But to keep him protected.
Foster always knew that she would go to the ends of the Earth for Stevie, so anyone that wanted to be in her life needed to be able to be in his.
Rohan had been in her life nearly as long as Stevie had, ten years compared to his twelve, and he treated her brother like his own. He helped her find everything she needed for guardianship, he would babysit during the seldom times she needed to go to the office for work, and he learned the boy’s schedule by heart so that he could help him get through the day.
So when he made a move that night, after Stevie had fallen asleep holding his hand, Rohan had originally only given her a hug and promised to always be there when she needed a shoulder to lean on.
Somehow the lines got blurred in that talk and they ended up confessing to each other in the same breath, but she would never look back.
Because Rohan was exactly what she wanted, exactly what her brother needed, and everything in between.
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honey-girlie · 4 years
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magicmanii · 2 years
Masterlist + rules
Fandoms I will write for:
Twisted wonderland
Moriarty the patriot
Genshin impact
JoJo's Bizzare Adventure
Characters I'll write for :
Genshin: Aether, Albedo, Venti, Xiao, Zhongli, Childe, Thoma, Ayato, kazuha, Itto, Scaramouche, Tighnari, Heizou.
Genshin characters that I'll only write teenage readers for: Chongyun, Xingqiu Bennett, Razor.
Genshin characters that I'll only write platonically for: Every other character that I haven't mentioned yet.
Twisted wonderland characters I'll write for:
Kalim Al-Asim, Ace, Riddle, jade, Rook, jamil, vil, epel, idia, malleus, silver, sebek, lilia, deuce, cater, Trey, leona, jack, ruggie, azul, Floyd.
Twisted wonderland characters I'll only write platonically for: Ortho, Sam, Crowley, Divus.
Moriarty the patriot characters I'll write for: Sherlock, Liam, Louis, Albert, Bond.
Moriarty the patriot characters I'll only write platonically for: everyone else I didn't mention (minus Miss Money Penny).
Jojo characters I'll write for: Jonathan, Dio, Kars, Wamuu, Esidisi, Jotaro (part 3,4,6), Polnareff (part 3,5), Kakyoin, Avdol, Josuke, Koichi, Okuyasu, Tonio, Rohan, Giorno, Fugo, Narancia, Mista, Bruno, Abbacchio, Risotto, Weather report, Anasui.
Jojo characters I'll write only platonically for: Holly, Jolyne, Ermes, F.F., Trish.
Rules: No NSFW I am a minor, so NSFW blogs dni, I will Not write for fem aligned readers ex: She/her, She/they. Limited to three characters per request.
Reader can be gender neutral, use any neopronouns (that's not offensive), Or can just be male!
Be mindful that I'm still learning and that my writing may not be the best, so be patient with me :D
Genshin impact:
Bennett and Razor with a chaotic reader who just got their vision (platonic)
Albedo x platonic! Student! Reader
Twisted wonderland:
Obey me:
Beelzebub x Mc with CVS (Cyclical vomiting syndrome).
Moriarty the patriot:
I hope you have a good day!!!
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ravenadottir · 2 years
Hi i hope you are doing well !!
Can you give us some jake x mc jealous headcanons ? (And can you pls recommend some jake fanfics please 😭😭)
anon! i'm doing great, thank you!
i don't know any fics about jake but i can definitely ask for help!!
GUYS, HELP? leave in the comments, please.
ok, now onto the headcanons!
while in the villa:
💔 jake watching two boys fighting over the girl he likes without having the right to say anything.
💔 the anger he felt when he saw levi/mason after the cherrygate, "you don't know how lucky you are and you're wasting your chance, idiot."
💔 the moment he realized mc had sex with someone else during the date she couldn't take him, even though they were coupled up.
💔 having to give her up because he was scared and watching someone else sharing the bed with her.
💔 trying to make mc jealous by saying cherry's name when someone asked him which girl he would couple up.
💔 having to endure cutesy comments the other boys made about her when coupled up.
💔 hanging on to that one kiss he shared in the pool after the recoupling.
💔 jake hates the reunion, he can see the other guys fawning all over mc.
💔 watching back he can't help but sigh deeply and close his hands into fists because he hates the intimate moments mc had with levi/mason.
💔 i reckon jake is the type to roll up his sleeves when he's uncomfortable with something. i can see him walking around the kitchen during tense moments and rolling up his sleeves to dissipate the anger
💔 i'm pretty sure he probably got jealous of rohan at first, the way that boy came in and said "yeah, no, it's gotta be mc for me and no one else".
💔 i can also see jake as the type who would push a guy onto someone else so they don't have funny thoughts, like reese. he definitely had a lot of participation on the erikah+reese combo!
💔 last but not least, here are some gestures/mannerisms he does when jealous/angry:
scratching his chin/bottom lip with his thumb
clearing his throat
sighing while licking his bottom lip
rubbing his eyes while exhaling loudly
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crimswnred · 2 years
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all of my fics | updated March 16th, 2024.
chaptered stories
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□ "Baby, kiss it better" bobby x oc | on hiatus.
Bobby McKenzie had a massive crush on one of his friends, Barbara Jones. It was silly, unwanted and a pain in his arse but when they kissed for the first time, it was everything. The biggest problem? Barbara had a boyfriend, a cool and suave pilot who everyone seemed to think was perfect, and everything just gets worse when Bobby and Barbara have to plan a wedding together.
playlists: bobby goes to church / depressed bimbo
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□ "Paris' To-Do List" oc x everyone | on hiatus.
After ending a 3-year-long and boring relationship, Paris is ready to taste the pleasures of the world and tick some boxes on her Bucket List. A story about a reformed good girl. 32 chapters, 31 items on her list. Written for Kinktober.
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□ "The View Between Villages" oc x seb | in progress
After losing her job over reasons she would rather never speak about again, Marissa Sarabi moved back to her old parent's house at Graycott, where her now-married sister lives with her family.She expects days of peace and quiet away from the big city she used to live in, but her sister has other plans. She takes Marissa to help out in an old friend's record store but Sebastian looks way more grumpy and melancholic than she remembers.
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□ "Paris, France" oc x youcef| in progress
All that she wants after her breakup is to have fun and focus on her career. But when Sullivian Investments chooses her to be the face of their fashion take-over, feelings Paris doesn't understand start to surface.
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□ "The Dangers of Being Too Cool" oc x bobby | in progress
5 months after breaking their two-year relationship, Lisbon Evan's ex-boyfriend, Lucas, announces his engagement. Devastated and confused, Lisbon ends up lying she's dating the well-known and very popular hospital caterer, Bobby McKenzie. Luckily for her, he has his reasons to join her in a fake relationship.
■ "Mirror" valentina x oc
Hollywood and its drama have been cruel to Valentina, who just recently managed to successfully reach stardom. She's sure her most recent scandal will be the end of her career. But things are not as they seem. Written for the February Femslash Gift Exchange.
■ Stuck With You rohan x jake
It's 2020 and Rohan wakes up in his quarantine routine.
■ bad idea, right?! levi x oc (kinda?)
When Maddie gets a text from her ex-boyfriend at one of those frat parties, things escalate pretty quickly. But don't worry, Maddie just sees him as a friend (the biggest lie she ever told).
r/LITGfanfic monthly prompt
■ "gold rush" kassam x oc
I don't like a gold rush. I don't like that you make me anticipate my face in a red flush. I don't like that anyone would die to feel your touch. Everybody wants you, and everybody wonders what it would be like to love you. I walk past you, there's a quick brush, and I don't like this slow motion, double vision in a rose blush moment. I don't like that falling feels like flying to my bones crush. No, I don't like this gold rush.
litg writers' room blog
a blog where my bffs (i-boop-you, MrsBSmooth, tammyisobsessedwith and ellegreenwxy) and I work with asked prompts/submissions for your favourite islanders ♡ check it out if you wanna read something for your favourite LI.
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■ "All's Fair in Casa Amor" oc x bobby | complete
A canon rewrite set during Casa Amor. A Bobby and MC fic if MC had been a Casa Girl instead of in the original lineup.
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□ "Love Island, Actually" multiple pairings | on hiatus.
The LITG Cast set in a Love, Actually fic. Five stories, five MC's, all about love, centred around Christmas. The Bride, the Mistress, the Runaway, the Maid of Honour, and the Divorcee.
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