#me and Mom didn’t like that
angeltreasure · 5 months
I went to an early Mass with Mom for the blessing of the throats. We had a priest I’ve never seen before who is about to retire in a year or two, that did an unusual style of the Mass (taking the to explain the readings before they were read and about Saint Blaise when the deacon read a different reading than he was prepared for). I thought he was interesting and even had a sense of humor!—- That joy went all out of me and Mom when he apologized at the end of Mass saying he should have given us a heads up for his Holy Communion line because he does not give out Holy Communion on the tongue because more sins are committed on the tongue. 🤦🏽‍♀️
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lygma-nygma · 2 months
Being a batfam fan is funny because people will make a post like “here’s my headcanon-“ and it’s just something that’s directly canon to the story then post about major canon events and get everything wrong.
#this post was inspired by me remembering the experience of reading death in the family#after only knowing the fanbase version and realizing oh none of that shit happened okay#like girl you don’t understand it’s so bad#Jason wasn’t even fired as Robin#He’s not accused of murdering anyone by Bruce#He’s not trying to prove himself at all he’s just looking for his mom#The reason Bruce didn’t go after him right away is because he was tracking down a goddamn nuke the Joker stole#Then after he finds it and handles the problem he helps Jason track down moms 2 and 3#Also Jason died in like 20 minutes?? even less??#He died in less time than it took his mother to smoke a cigarette#Bruce literally went ‘wait here I’ll be right back’ and was gone for less time than a trip to the grocery store#and then you go into the Jason Todd tag and they act like Bruce pulled the damn trigger on him#Like besties I don’t know how to tell you this he basically did everything right he possibly could have#Even him benching Jason from Robin temporarily happens so that he can get Jason into therapy about his trauma#Like the whole point is that neither of them did anything wrong bad shit just sometimes happens#That’s the tragedy. The drama.#Bruce couldn’t have made better choices in the position he was in and Jason was never going to make different ones#It was inevitable#Anyway rant over please read death in the family before I lose my mind#batfam#batman#jason todd#tim drake#dick grayson#damian wayne#bruce wayne
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turtleblogatlast · 1 year
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[ cw: disassociation / (well kinda??) ]
AU starts here!
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Casey grew up idolizing his Leonardo. For all the differences that version has with this Leo, it’s not hard to spot the similarities. It doesn’t mean he likes to notice, especially on such a young face.
Leo, for his part, is just trying to keep himself together.
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tariah23 · 4 months
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rongzhi · 8 months
Gender performance is my dad deciding to grow a mustache at age 50 and keeping it for as long as I’ve known him because “dads should have mustaches”
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darlingod · 4 months
The folks who laughed at Jude, for saying she was the Queen, once she came back a few months later and was indeed their mf Queen:
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mysicklove · 6 months
Sorry but my mind now solely thinks about your big brother au.
Reader and Sukuna were probably fucking menaces when they were young teenagers. Him, Reader and Uruame were probably so much fun lol
defff, but i think reader was more of a goodie two shoes. not by much, but sukuna was…crazy. you guys were friends through it all, but he had the BIGGEST crush on you though all throughout high school, and you only started to finally give him a chance just after you graduated. and finally when he gets you all to himself, he has to share you with his clingy brother 🙄
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asurrogateblog · 6 days
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did y’all know that in the 70’s bands could put records on the back of cereal boxes as a promotional gimmick and the records would actually work if you cut them out and played them
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heavencasteel420 · 24 days
It is amazing to me that the show has a character who:
Explicitly says “my father forced me to kill and I was good at it, but I hated it”;
Makes multiple efforts to walk away from a fight where his opponent is doing the absolute most to provoke him and, upon finally snapping, handily beats him;
Stabs a dude with a pair of scissors in self-defense and immediately looks horrified at himself; and
Can stomach all kinds of gross and scary shit unless it involves harm coming to his little brother, whom he obviously has a lot of baggage about protecting.
And a not-insignificant number of people are like “his neurosis is that he feels bad about not being a fighter or a badass.”
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seraphicalsuccubus · 5 months
my mother has been treating my middle sibling so fucking poorly recently that I flat out just offered to take them with me when I move out of state so they would at least have the option to leave the abusive environment they’re in right now and won’t feel as smothered and manipulated anymore.
and they actually said they want to come with me. they want a little time to save up and prepare so I’ll have to come back and get them later on, but I don’t care about that. as long as they’re safe and protected and out of harms way, which I know they will be with me, that’s all that matters.
this kid deserves to be taken care of and loved by someone who genuinely cares about them and their mental health and well-being. and if my mother can’t fucking manage that, then I guess I’m mom now. I’ll never let this kid feel unloved and trapped somewhere like they do right now.
they will always have my unconditional love and support. and they know that. I won’t just sit by idly and be complicit in their abuse. I’m just going to quietly take them away from all this shit so they never have to be treated this way by the people they’ve called ‘family’ ever again.
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asukiess · 9 months
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new person, same old mistakes
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bowandbrush · 3 months
I walked into Goodwill.
walked out with a pair of genuine Sai
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doodoocumfart · 7 months
Cant stop thinking abt Marcia. about the wake and the funeral, how gross everyone treated her from start to bitter end. And she went out of her way to be kind to shiv in her very last scene, and while she is so WOW for taking the high road…..that would NOT have been me.
But I guess that hurt shiv the most lmao. she was fully braced for some cutting remark and Marcia doesn’t give it to her. Cuz Marcia is done. Shiv cannot comprehend why she chooses to be gentle and empathetic for once because she is so full of resentment and she assumes Marcia is the same. She expects Marcia to be an enemy, it’s easy. It’s something that’s safe and it’s that mentality her own father leans into to provide false loyalty in the episode vaulter. But Marcia only sees her as a broken sad child forever chasing a man whose approval was on a whim. She isn’t even worth contempt. And shiv doesn’t know if she should be angry sad or confused.
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isthataraccoon · 8 days
so im legitimately sobbing my eyes out right now because someone wrote a kanej fic where kaz died and inej moved on, married someone else, and had a kid with that person and shes telling kaz’s grave about her life and it WRECKED me whoever you are that wrote it I absolutely hate you and also you are one of the most talented writers I’ve ever seen 😭😭😭😭😭
edit: it was called end of a decade, start of an age by moonbeanies on AO3
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abernathyvalois · 10 months
the craziest part about being queer and closeted is that you don’t even know how exhausting it is until it hits in the most random situations
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brackenfur · 2 months
it makes me soooo sad but i feel like this is how alderheart/sparkpelt + lionblaze/jayfeather think abt squirrelflight sometimes :((((((
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