#me being really sick of this shhh on a friday morning
smoreboi · 2 years
my family makes a lot of threats, but they never actually do anything and it’s hilarious now that I have some more distance between us. Like,, I’m not going to sever ties because I need college money and healthcare and my mom took my money from graduation and instead of actually taking me to the bank and getting me a card she just put it in her own account and is slowly giving me an “allowance” of my own money each month, and then judging me for how I’m using it (to buy skeletons that I can marry or parent, in case you’re wondering) saying that I’m not being responsible with it, which I’m not because allowances as an 18yo IS a joke, just stop fear mongering me from getting a job and give me my money and I’ll go ahead and take it seriously. So yeah, I’m not going to sever ties. But I’m sick of the threats. Parents said they highly considered kicking me out and making me pay for everything when I told them that I went behind their back and got myself a single in the queer housing on my campus and was going to be a not girl in college whether they approve or not, but they didn’t do it. Like, where’s the passion? If you’re gonna be a bigot, BE THE FUCKING BIGOT. Don’t just threaten me like that, this is mental abuse.
Grandma said if I transition before she dies she’ll take me to my great grandfather’s grave, make me confess my “sins” to him (he was a Lutheran preacher, and confession isn’t typically part of Lutheran practice as far as I’m aware as someone raised Lutheran, so I don’t know why she needed to add this bit), and then shoot me on his grave, but like,, if she’s right about everything, I’d be going to heaven only if it weren’t for the snail worship. As far as I’m aware as someone raised Lutheran, Jesus died for the sins of the people, all the sins of the people, and thus as long as someone believes this to be true, no matter their sins in life or their actions in correlation with a church, they will go to heaven. Me being trans isn’t taking me to hell, me worshiping three snails as a joke because the placebo affect of performing ritual prayer to them has only positively affected my life is what’s sending me to hell! So do it! You’re coming down with me, because love thy neighbor and don’t murder are two big rules in your religion. Some dude climbed a mountain about that shhh or something. Stop making my mind swarm your house with spiders only I can see as a warning sign that it isn’t a safe place for me and just do it.
earlier in life, parents threatened to send me to a mental hospital because I was your typical undiagnosed mentally ill angsty teen who didn’t talk to them and hung out with other undiagnosed mentally ill angsty teens, but they never actually did. I would probably have gotten at least some kind of brain care there, and they’d have kept me away from sharp objects! But noooooo, we stigmatize mental illness and then use it as a threat to our child every time it acts up slightly or might be bisexual. first, DONT FUCKING DO THAT and second, ACTUALLY LET YOUR CHILD RECEIVE MENTAL HEALTH TREATMENT WHEN IT ASKS AND STOP JUST USING IT AS A THREAT WHENEVER IT HAS A FRIEND WITH PARENTS BELOW YOUR WAGE BRACKET!! You bigoted fucks, just do it and get it over with
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mongooseblues · 2 years
Not One Single Pneumonia
Plush-soft, plotless Cal/Rafie. Sickfic but not snzfic (my apologies). Occurs pretty early in their relationship, Cal’s Spanish is still elementary. A chest infection that spirals out of a cold he technically caught from Rafie. (Quick reminder of what they look like bc I almost forgot how much I love this image.)
- — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - —
There’s always seemed to him something vaguely... presumptuous, almost, about sitting on these examination tables at doctor’s offices. A bit like assuming a position on a bed when you didn’t strictly need to be laying down.
The RN introduced himself but Cal was too preoccupied trying not to cough too much to have caught his name when he’d said it. He scribbles against a clipboard as Cal speaks.
“It was a cold last week but now I’m feeling worse. Um, obviously the coughing. It’s been keeping me from falling asleep, or it wakes me up. I feel as if I’m perpetually a little out of breath, because it’s kind of preventing me from being able to breathe in very deeply? I’ve also been feverish for the past few days.”
When his blood pressure is taken he mentally notes that it’s high for him, and as his vitals are relayed he realizes how pervasively whatever this is has affected him. He is unspeakably tired. When he’d looked in the mirror this morning and saw the intensity of the shadows around his eyes, he was reminded of a semester-long bout of very bad insomnia and Malik once saying, “Cal you look like a sad little raccoon.” He said it to himself this morning.
He shivers again as the nurse takes his temperature, announces it as “One oh two point nine. You said you’ve been feverish for multiple days now?”
“Yes, since maybe… Thursday or Friday, I think. I’m not sure how high it was then, it tends to climb at night, I wasn’t really keeping track of my temperature. The fever in and of itself actually escaped my concern, because I tend to spike a high fever whenever I’m sick at all. I get them routinely with colds and such.”
“I see, okay.”
“Um…” Cal says, having trouble remembering the question, or whether there ever was one. “I’m rambling, but anyway, I passed the point where I felt like—” he has to stop speaking to start coughing again, desperately into his elbow, wearing a sweater he’d normally not wear in public because there’s a rather large saffron-colored stain on the sleeve, which he’s reminded of as he huddles into it until he can stop, finally recovering with a markedly softer voice, hardly above a whisper. “Excuse me. Um… I meant to say that I feel like I got to the point where I should have been beginning to feel better and instead I started feeling worse.”
The RN notices Cal’s hand continues to return to his chest and asks, “Are you experiencing chest pain?”
“Uh, yes, when I cough. Or… inhale—Yeah, I should have mentioned that, it slipped my mind.”
“The person who came in with you, can he speak for you? I can see you’re having trouble speaking and I don’t want you to have to repeat all that for the doctor. Would you want me to invite him back here?”
“Oh, that’s really kind of you… yes, he’s my partner and I would really appreciate that,” Cal says, quietly and with some difficulty, and he might go on further but the nurse cuts him off.
“Alright, I’ll go get him. Save your breath, Mr. Chowdhury, you’ll need it.”
“Thank you so much.”
Rafie appears in the doorway a couple minutes later and Cal could swear the man is glowing as he stands there, a knight in shining armor come to save him from the task of repeating his symptoms.
“It was so nice of him to—”
“Shhh, papi chulo,” Rafael says, trailing a hand over Cal’s mouth. “The nurse said tell you to stop talking.”
* * *
Their trip to the CVS by their place must be endured immediately afterwards, and a simple chore has perhaps never felt quite as unendurable to Cal, who is so woozy as he stands there in the pharmacy line with Rafael that he’s swaying precariously on his feet, and says, “Oh shit,” just as Rafael’s arm tightens around him.
“Whoa, papi… let me pick up your medicines. I’m going to bring you back to the car and you can wait there.”
He does not have the energy or the desire to protest, just squints at Rafie with a dopey smile as he leads him back to the parking lot.
In the car Cal pulls out his phone and zones out for a couple minutes as he scrolls up and down on the Mayoclinic page for viral pneumonia.
He’s read this already, what he should do is call Deepa, that would be a smart thing to do right now, because he’s running out of energy to make arrangements, and potentially running out of voice to give explanations. It rings thrice before she picks up, during which time Cal has settled his cheek against the window, an action he doesn’t feel fully in control of, and maybe he wasn’t expecting her to answer because when she does he startles like he’s jerking awake from almost-sleep, sitting fully up, vaguely dizzy from the sudden movement.
“Hi Deepa, sorry to call you out of the blue like this, but I’m still not feeling well enough to hold class and in fact I uh, just got out of urgent care with a diagnosis of pneumonia. I’m—”
“Oh no, Dr. Chowdhury! Are you okay??”
“Yeah to be—” he begins, with an inadvisably deep inhale that jettisons him into a rough fit, pressing the phone into his shoulder as his sweater weathers another series of productive coughs, taking a wheezy inhale as he catches his breath. There’s a voice he’s used to using, in professional contexts, and he realizes now for the first time it puts more strain on his vocal chords than his non-professional speaking voice does.
“Aww you sound awful.”
“Oh I know,” he says, with an approximation of a laugh that rattles in his chest and ends in an almost cough he manages to subdue. “To be clear I should be able to bounce back from this in maybe a week or so. But I’ll be totally honest with you, Deepa; right now I don’t even feel up to composing an email. I was going to ask if you could send one out on my behalf to cancel class and just explain what’s going on. Ask students to email you instead of me if they need anything.”
“Of course, absolutely. I’ll talk to the other TAs but I think let’s plan for this week at least? And you can just let me know how you’re feeling over the weekend in case you need more time and maybe we can regroup then,” she says.
“Yes, absolutely, that’s perfect. You have no idea how much of a weight off my shoulders—” he says, before he has to cough more, returning to her afterward with a winded, “Gosh I’m sorry, I hardly have the breath necessary to properly thank you.”
“It’s okay Dr. Chowdhury, it’s really no problem at all.”
“I’ll let you know in a few days how I’m feeling and hopefully by then I’ll have a better plan of what I’m gonna do about missing as much material as this will be,” Cal says, as Rafael returns, sliding back into the driver’s seat and handing Cal a brown paper bag.
“Okay sounds good. Feel better! Take as much time as you need, we’ll figure it out.”
“Thank you so much.”
He hangs up and looks into the bag in his lap, fishes out three prescription bottles with directions he stares at. He can’t remember exactly what his doctor had said about dosages and times.
“That was your TA?”
“Myeah,” Cal says, articulate, rubbing at his eyes.
“She's gonna take care of things for you?”
“She is, yes.”
“Bien,” Rafie says, gathering Cal’s face in his hands and guiding him away from his halfhearted attempt to parse prescription information. “It’s okay I wrote it down—the way the doctor said to take everything. You took care of work. We got your medicine. All you have to do now is rest, mi amor, okay? It’s the only thing left on the checklist.”
The gently authoritative touch is comforting and the sense of mortal dread he’s carried around since yesterday is loosening and the light is streaming through the window and backlighting his boyfriend beautifully and Cal feels like he might cry.
“What’s wrong?”
Cal shakes his head, feeling his eyes well. “You’re so sweet that was the prettiest thing to say,” he manages, the combination of emotion and throat pain making his voice more of a squeak than anything else.
“Ohoho papiii,” Rafie chuckles, thumbing a single quick tear from Cal’s cheek.
“I’m sorry, wow,” Cal laughs hoarsely, and then needs to pull away to cough into his shoulder. “God I’m a whole train wreck today.”
“Maybe a little train wreck, it’s okay,” Rafie says, smoothing back Cal’s hair as he sniffles and wipes at his face with a sleeve.
“Okay, I’m okay,” he decides.
“Let’s get you home.”
* * *
Later Cal huddles beneath both a kantha quilt and the comforter from the bed, head in Rafie’s lap on the couch as he sleeps through multiple episodes of a plot-heavy Spanish crime drama he’ll now have no hope of following moving forward, in an oseltamivir and high-strength pain-reliever sponsored daze that barely brings down his fever but does at least lessen the pain in his lungs and throat and back from the endless coughing, and allows him a couple hours of the deep sleep he desperately needs.
He coughs himself awake finally, half-conscious but still aware of the comforting feeling of Rafael’s hand on his shoulder, holding him with a firmness that makes him feel both secure and very weak in comparison. By accident he issues a rare moan.
Rafie takes note, coos a low, soft, “Pobrecito…”
Cal shifts so he’s on his back, shivers when his limbs make contact with places of the blanket that aren’t already heated through with his febrile warmth. He blinks slowly, hesitantly breaching the surface of being officially awake. Mumbles that he doesn’t remember falling asleep, realizes he’s said this in the only one out of three languages he could have used that Rafael doesn’t speak, but he doesn’t have the energy to even think about translating it, so when Rafie responds, “Hmm?” he just shakes his head.
Rafie brushes sleep-tousled hair out of the way to lay a large palm across Cal’s forehead and whistles as if impressed by his findings. “You must have been feeling even worse than I realized, mi amor.”
“Mm?” He blinks, trying to latch on properly to what’s being said rather than letting it wash over him like the sounds from the television.
“Pneumonia, papi. In both of your lungs.”
“Yeah it’s kinda crazy,” he agrees. “Never had double pneumonia before. Never had single pneumonia before. Not one single pneumonia. Momentous occasion for me.”
“You’re a little loopy right now aren’t you?”
Cal laughs, a phlegm-ridden, chesty sound that makes him start back up with the coughing again. ‘I would love something that just knocks me out completely,’ he’d chimed in, as the doctor was writing prescriptions, and the drug cocktail obliged. It’s definitely affecting him rather strongly and he’s unsure which phenomena are from what exactly because he’s unfamiliar with the treatment and the illness alike. 
Rafael says, “Ohh no, you can’t even laugh. Does it hurt? Your lungs?”
“Not unless I breathe,” he smiles.
For a while he just lies there as Rafie cradles a hot cheek with a comparatively cool palm, or lightly strokes a hand over his aching chest, both of which Cal recognizes as comfort targeted at the very source of pain. If he had the breath to do so he’d tell Rafael how nice his hands are, how much he likes their calloused toughness, how strong and steadying they feel to him right now, and he’s fond and fortunate and when combined with his fever he somehow feels lovesick for the person kind enough to be holding him even as he does so. 
“You’ve been so good to me,” he rasps, feeling a need to touch Rafie’s face in return but as he currently possesses the world’s heaviest arms he’s only able to reach as high as Rafie’s chest to cling limply to his shirt like a dying man.
“Papi chulo,” Rafael says fondly, running a hand through Cal’s hair, and Cal turns his head slightly like a cat trying to provide a better angle to be pet. “You were very good to me when I was sick, it’s only fair I should be good to you.”
“Yeah but you weren’t this sick, I didn’t have to take you to urgent care. Or carry you to the car.”
“I didn’t carry you.”
“You basically did,” he struggles to say, before bringing up a crooked arm and launching into a fit of harsh, wet coughing that he tries to cut short because it actively hurts, but he gets stuck in a loop of gasping inhales that prompt still more productive spasms and it feels bottomless enough to go on forever if he isn’t careful. It has him sitting up by the end of it, petering out slowly, Rafael’s hands on his shoulder blades as he pants as shallowly as he can to catch his breath and Rafael quietly mutters a reassuring, “Bien, bien, está bien.”
He is passed a glass of water and he nods his thanks, hand shaking so badly as he holds it that he has to bring up the other hand to help.
“Hey, you should try to not talk so much, okay?” Rafie says, as Cal dizzily sinks his weight back into him, settling his head in Rafie’s lap again, cheeks feeling weird and tingly from the effort of coughing and the fact that his face is throbbing with fever.
“I know, I just want you to know it means a lot to me,” Cal says carefully, searching Rafael’s eyes, weighing the words with importance and probably helped by how slowly he has to say them.
Rafie succumbs to a gradual smile that almost looks like it pains him and says, as if in marvel, “Que linda tu actitud.”
While Cal hasn’t heard this specific phrase before, he can ascertain its general meaning as being an appreciation of his attitude, and he entertains an unfocused thought he sometimes has when he watches subtitled cinema, or provides someone an approximated translation from Hindi to English or vice versa — about how reordering a sentence never seemed to keep its sentiment intact. The way Rafie said it was all the translation needed.
He offers a half smile, and a quiet, “Gracias,” which is the last thing he says before Rafael shushes him, and as if this brief bout of wakefulness was something strenuous and energy-depleting, he falls asleep again for another blissfully uninterrupted, unknowable amount of time.
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sweetyyhippyy · 3 years
Alone at Last. Spencer Reid x Female Reader. Part 2.
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(Not my gif)
Summary: A few months after *part 1*. Spencer and his wife take advantage of an empty house while the kids are at school. 
TW: Mentions of taking a pregnancy test. Sex with the possibility of getting caught. Oral sex (female receiving). Fingering. Calling Spencer “sir”. Almost getting caught during sex. Mirror sex. Hair pulling. Dirty talk. Praising. Breeding. Creampie.
Word Count: 2.6k
 She picked up the white stick from the counter, frowning at the word “NEGATIVE” that was displayed on the screen.
With a heavy sigh she threw the plastic stick away in the trash, washing her hands and going out to start her morning. Her kids still had at least 45 more minutes before they had to get up which was long enough to get their breakfast cooking.
Spencer was away on a case out of state, which meant that getting both of the kids up, fed, and to school was all up to her.
As she went down the stairs she could hear shuffling going on in the kitchen and the smell of fresh brewing coffee. She peeked around the corner hesitant at first, until she recognized the back of her husband’s head.
“You’re home!” She cheers quietly, wrapping her arms around his waist and hugging him from behind.
“I wanted to surprise you and the kids. I got in about an hour ago.” He quickly turns around and takes his wife’s face in his hands, kissing her softly. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too.” She responds, resting her head against his chest. “I um… took a test this morning.” She starts.
She looks up at Spencer and bites her bottom lip, looking displeased.
“Oh honey, I’m sorry.” Spencer says, rubbing her lower back in comfort.
“It’s been months that we’ve been trying. We didn’t have this much trouble getting pregnant with Jason and Valerie.”
“Well, with them we were younger.”
“Are you saying I’m old?” She asks, not being able to contain the laugh that was on her face.
Spencer’s eyes widen, realizing his mistake right away. “No! No! No, I’m just saying that you just turned 33 so it’s going to be harder to get pregnant. We were both in our early 20s when we had Jason.”
She sighs and nods her head. “I know. I just… I want a baby now.”
Spencer kisses her forehead and brings her in for another hug. “We’ll have another, sweetheart. But in the meantime, we get to make the baby and I know you enjoy doing that.” He whispers.
“Spencer Reid, it is 5:30 in the morning are you really trying to do this now?”
“I am.” He backs his wife against the counter and lifts her up, making her sit against the countertop.
“Spencer! We eat and cook on this counter!”
“And I’m about to eat too.”
She can’t help but laugh, covering her face with her hands and Spencer wastes no time with pulling her shorts down her hips and instantly licking a long stripe up her pussy. “Fuck!” She moans quietly, her fingers intertwining his hair. “I-I know you like doing that, and-fuck- I love when you eat me out too.” She gets lost in her train of thought as Spencer flicks his tongue back and forth against her clit, making her whole body go weak. “Oh my god!” She whisper yells. “We don’t have time for this if you’re going to fuck me.”
Spencer gives a few more licks before coming up and meeting her face to face.
“Come here.” She says, kissing his lips harshly.
Spencer took advantage of the fact his wife’s legs were open, taking his fingers and slicking his fingers up and down her folds, touching the wetness and slipping his fingers in.
“Spencer!” She whines, her head falling back.
Spencer kisses her neck, lightly nipping at the skin, making her yelp a little too loudly.
She covers her mouth with her hand, stifling a laugh.
“Shhh, so loud.” Spencer teases, a smile on his face.
“We have maybe 20 more minutes before the kids need to be up. We need to hurry this along.”
“Oh, so romantic baby.” Spencer says with sarcasm laced in his voice.
She hops off the counter and turns her back to him, bending over the counter. “I’m all about the romance.” She smirks, letting her shorts fall down around her ankles.
Spencer quickly fishes his cock from the zipper, stroking himself a few times before guiding himself in, a throaty groan coming from him. “Fuck baby, so wet.”
“You know you can just look at me and I get wet.” She whispers, clinging onto a clean dishrag on the counter.
Spencer kept a nice steady pace as he gripped both sides of her hips, railing into her. “You take me so well, baby.”
His wife hums in response, letting out a string of broken sobs, careful not to moan too loudly. “Baby, harder and please! I need more.”
Spencer gives her ass one harsh slap, making her yelp again. “You think you can take my cock going harder into you?” He asks, grabbing the ponytail that was going down her back and yanks it back.
“Yes sir! Yes I can take it!”
Spencer fucks into her harder, holding both of her shoulders for balance. “Sir? That’s the route you wanna go, darling?”
Just as she’s about to answer they hear a door open from upstairs followed by footsteps.
“Shit! No!” She cusses as Spencer reluctantly pulls out and helps his wife pick her shorts up and fixes them for her.
Spencer turns around to situate himself, trying to hide the evidence of what they were just doing.
She grabs the disinfectant spray and a paper towel, wiping the counter off as their son makes his way down the stairs. “Hi sweetheart.” She calls out to him.
He continues to rub the sleep out of his eyes until he sees his dad. “Dad! You’re home!” He runs to him, Spencer embracing him for a hug.
“Hey buddy.” Spencer says, holding his first born.
“Is your sister awake?” She asks Jason.
“I don’t know. I had to wake up because I heard sounds and didn’t know what it was. And then I had to go to the bathroom.”
Spencer and his wife make eye contact, his wife trying to hide the smile on her face.
“I’m going to go upstairs and wake her.”
“I’ll start on some eggs and pancakes for you guys, what do you think bud?”
She watches as Jason looks up at Spencer and nods his head, hearing him ask if he could help which made her heart feel full.
As she climbs upstairs she can feel the dull aching between her legs, something the both of them were going to have to take care of once the kids were at school.
“But mommy, daddy’s home! Why can’t we stay home?” Valerie asks from the back seat.
“Because you guys have to go to school. Daddy will be home when school is done.”
“But we missed him!”
“Honey, I know. I missed him too, but you guys have school, and I have work so I can’t hang out with daddy either.”
A slight lie. She did have work, but the kids didn’t need to know she took a “sick” day.
She looks back in the rear view mirror, both of her kids with a matching pout on their faces, ones that also matched Spencer’s pout. “Listen, if we go to school today, and you guys have a good day, maybe I’ll bust you guys out early on Friday and we can all go somewhere fun for the weekend. Does that sound like a plan?”
“Where are we going to go?” Jason asks.
“I don’t know, we can all talk about it as a family if you guys have a good day at school today. Can we do that?”
“Okay mommy!” Valerie says loudly, a smile on her face.
“Okay.” Jason says with not as much enthusiasm as his sister.
She pulls up to the parent drop off line at school, hearing both of the kids undoing their seat belts and gathering their stuff up. “Have a good day babies, I love you.”
Both kids give her a kiss on the cheek before scooting out the car door and walking hand and hand with each other to the school.
She makes her way up to their bedroom, ready to pick up where she and Spencer left off this morning, only to find him fast asleep under the sheets, soft little snores filling the room. She can’t help but smile at how adorable he looked hugging one of her pillows into his chest. Slowly she closes the door and goes back downstairs to clean the mess from breakfast and start some of Spencer’s laundry from his go bag.
After a few hours of cleaning up the kitchen and catching up on some laundry, she was beyond ready for a shower. She heads upstairs, quietly gathering new clothes while Spencer slept.
When she steps out of the shower she spots Spencer leaning against the sink, making her slightly jump. “You scared me.” She says, grabbing the towel and drying herself off.
“Come here.” He says, motioning her over with his hands.
She cocks her eyebrow at him and walks over to him, the towel pressed against the bottom of her face as she tries to dry it off.
“I need you.” He says, pressing her against himself.
“Yeah? Are we going to pick up where we left off this morning?” She asks, wrapping both of her arms around his neck and pulling him closer.
His body buzzed at the feeling of how wet and warm her body was against his. “Do you remember where we left off?”
“You’re the one with an eidetic memory. Why don’t you tell me? Or better yet, show me where we were… sir.” She smirks.
Spencer turns her around, her back facing him while facing the mirror. “You want me to show you, baby?” He whispers in her ear, his fingers dipping in between her legs.
“Fuck!” She moans, gripping his forearm.
“Look at that, just out of the shower and you’re already wet for me.” He growls, nipping at her neck. His fingers quickly rub at her clit, feeling how hard he was getting as he heard her moaning and felt her ass pressed against his crotch.
“Spencer, fuck me please. Please baby, please.” She was desperate to feel him inside her again after this morning.
“Yeah, baby.” He groans, taking his sweatpants off to his ankles and sliding himself in painfully slow.
Both of them moan as he doesn’t miss a beat with thrusting into her in a good steady rhythm.
“Fuck that’s so good sir.” She says, looking back at him in the mirror.
Spencer takes a fistful of her hair and holds her head up, forcing her to look back at herself. “Look at you. You like looking at me fuck you? You like that, baby?” He grunts out, giving her ass a smack.
“Yes! Yes I love it! I fucking love it!” She moans back, holding the counter of the sink so she didn’t fall over. She loved watching Spencer look at her through the mirror and seeing how his mouth fell open while he railed into her, hunger in his eyes.
Spencer pulls back, turning his wife around and taking her face in his hands and kissing her harshly.
She wraps her arms around his neck while he lifts her up to sit on the counter, pulling back from the kiss. She opens her legs and smiles as  Spencer slides back in and instantly begins snapping his hips back and forth. Her own hips meet his thrusts, making her whimper as her bottoms her out. “Keep going sir!”
“Yeah baby. You’re doing such a good job taking my fucking cock baby. Such a good girl.” He says into her mouth, kissing her again. “Come here.” Spencer pulls her off the counter and brings her over to the edge of the tub, sitting on it.
She climbs onto his lap, sliding onto his cock with a pathetic whimper. She rests her forehead on his as she begins to grind herself against him, biting her lip.
Spencer grabs onto her ass and helps her fuck herself on him. He stares into her eyes, seeing her slowly fall apart on top of him. He pulls her damp hair back from her face, holding it at the back of her head. “That’s my girl. Yeah, you like fucking me don’t you?
“Yes!” She breathes out heavily. “Yes I fucking love it! Fuck you’re so deep in me sir.”
“That way I can cum deep inside you and put a baby in you. You want my baby inside you?”
“Yes I want you to give me a baby!” She almost yells, her voice echoing through the room.
Spencer kisses her lips, letting her hair go and letting it flow down her back. “You’re going to cum, aren’t you little one? You’re going to cum for me?”
She nods her head and bites her bottom lip again.
“Up. Let me fuck you.”
She stands up and sits back on the counter, massaging her clit as Spencer slides back into her.
His fingers replace hers and continues the circles. “Does that feel good? Do you like that?” He asks.
“Mmhmm! Don’t stop, please!”
“I’m not going to stop, sweetheart. I love seeing you fall apart all because I’m touching you.” He whispers, thrusting and massaging her.
She puts her hand on the back of Spencer’s neck and pulls his head closer to hers, kissing him deeply as her body begins to tingle.
It doesn’t take much more for her to fall apart against his cock and fingers, moans getting trapped between their lips.
Spencer pulls back, letting her moans fill the room while he still massages her. “I know baby, I know that felt so good.”
Between her clenching around his cock and hearing  her desperate and broken moans, Spencer could feel himself start to lose his composure. He swipes his thumb across her bottom lip as he touches her face lovingly. His hands didn’t leave his wife’s boobs as they bounced in his line of sight. “I’m going to cum, sweetheart.” He groans, sitting his eyes tight.
“Yeah baby. Cum inside me! Fill me up and make me feel good.” She coos.
He manages 2 more thrusts before shooting ropes inside his wife before stalling his movements. Deep throaty moans and grunts coming from him as he calms down.
She holds his body against hers, kissing his shoulder. “That was so good.” She half laughs.
Spencer pulls out slowly, kissing her lips as he does. “Come lay with me in bed.” Spencer says, helping her off the counter and taking her to their bed.
She cuddles into his side, nuzzling her head into his neck. “I love you Spence.”
“I love you too baby.” He responds, kissing her head. “Are you okay?”
“Mmhmm. Perfect.”
“Not too rough?”
She laughs and kisses his cheek. “Baby no. Just because we have kids doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy rough sex. Do you remember how we used to go at it before we had kids? It’s amazing how we didn’t have kids sooner.”
Spencer laughs. “Yeah we would probably have a whole sports team worth of kids at this point.”
“Can we take a nap?” She asks.
“Of course. And I’ll pick the kids up from school so that you don’t have to get out of bed.”
She grabs the bed sheets and covers both of them up, nuzzling closer to him. “I have such a good husband and father of my kids.”
Spencer puts his arm around her and rubs her shoulder until he hears her softly snoring next to him.
9 months later, Spencer would have two new babies to take care of alongside his wife: identical twin baby girls. Their house now up to 6.
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hops-hunny · 4 years
Felix Felicis
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Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Hufflepuff! Reader
Word Count: 2.3k
Request: “Can you do Draco x Hufflepuff reader fluff where they’re cuddling together and all he wants to do is make her laugh because she failed an exam earlier that day so he’s trying to do everything he can to cheer her up and overall it’s just super fluffy? Thank you have a great day❤️❤️”
Summary: After (Y/N) has a rather unfortunate week, Draco does everything in his power to change that. In a way, he was (Y/n)’s own little Felix Felicis.
A/N: This was my first request so I was a bit nervous writing it! I enjoyed every bit though, this was a very cute request. I hope it was everything you wanted and more anon <3
If (Y/n) didn't know any better, she would've claimed that the world had it out for her. And after the week she had, who would have blamed her? On Monday in potions, she had stirred the wrong way causing a reaction that made her eyebrows disappear(thank god for makeup). On Tuesday, she had slipped and fallen in the great hall which caused a chorus of laughter from every house, including her fellow Hufflepuffs. Wednesday, well, nothing happened. She felt relieved. She had answered a question correctly in DADA, had a free period that overlapped with her friends, and had taken an exam in potions which in her opinion was very easy! Her stroke of bad luck was no more! She was ecstatic...until Thursday came around. If she had thought the rest of the week was bad, then Thursday was absolutely fucking dreadful. Her day started off fine, she woke up, got dressed, and put on her favorite perfume. She didn’t use it often, only when she expected the day to be amazing 
That hopeful feeling of luck was short lived and ended by the time she got to the great hall. The Weasley twins had rigged a prank on the wrong person which resulted in her face being stained blue, when she got to her first class her seat was taken by someone else which she didn’t have a problem with. That was until she noticed the only seat left was near Fletcher Digby, who was known for his noticeable...odor that was...to put it nicely, absolutely putrid. By the end of her day, she had gathered up a broken shoe, a run in her stockings, a rip in her blouse, and the blue tint to her face had somehow gotten worse - which she later found out was sweat activated. (Y/n) was usually very optimistic. Even during the cloudiest of days or saddest of times she was always there to offer encouraging words and a smile. If a fellow Hufflepuff was sick, she’d often bake them something with the house elves or give them the last of her sweets from Honeydukes. She even did this for people in other houses as well, a ‘Get Well Soon!’ card attached along with it. That’s what her boyfriend, Draco, loved about her.
She was his light in all the darkness, the candle to his flame. When she came into his life, she taught him many things. His love for her was deep and pure and anyone would be a fool not to notice. That’s why Draco was concerned when he started to see her throughout the week less and less. During the school day, they didn’t have any classes together but even then he’d always wave or smile to her during hallpassing. He’d leave a kiss on her forehead in the great hall before heading to his own table and waited for her after her last class of the day on Friday. So when Draco found himself waiting a lot longer than usual outside of the potion’s room he grew concerned. He pushed past a few students entering the room. His smile dropped when there was no one left in the room but Fletcher Digby. Come to think of it, had he seen her at all today? He assumed she came to the great hall late but now that he thought about it, he hadn’t seen her leave with her friends. There were no quick pecks during hallpassing, winks when they saw each other. He quickly strode the halls, looking for her. He was worried, it wasn’t like (y/n) to just miss a day of class with no warning or explanation prior. 
“Hannah, have you seen (Y/n)? I haven’t seen her all day and I'm growing quite worried.” He said pulling the Hufflepuff off to the side. If anyone were to know where she was, surely her roommate would. The girl took a moment to think. 
“Hm, no. I haven’t seen her since this morning. Before I left the dorm, she was still sleeping. She was really distraught last night so I’m not surprised she decided to stay in. However, I do admit that is completely unlike her.” She offered him a sympathetic smile as he thanked her before heading in the direction of the girls dormitory.
He knocked on the door, finding it to not be locked as it popped open. He walked in only to find that her bed was empty. The only person to be found was Luna, who was holding (Y/n)’s favorite stuffed giraffe (one he had given to her as a present once). She hadn’t noticed him yet but wasn’t phased when he let out a sharp, “What are you doing with that?” she simply turned around and offered him a soft grin.
“Hello Draco, (Y/n) asked me to bring this to her. She was having a terribly bad case of wrackspurts today. One of the worst cases I’ve seen really. So she went where she usually does when she has a bad day although, I think you should bring it to her now that you’re here. Also give her this, it’s a good luck charm I made for her. It should get rid of the wrackspurts and bring luck along with it.” She spoke, handing him the stuffed giraffe and a necklace with a peculiar charm made of tiger’s eye. He looked at it for a sec before taking it, offering her a nod before heading off where he knew you’d be.
You sat cross legged on the old, comfy couch, drinking the cup of chamomile and lavender tea Hagrid had brought to you. You had grown quite close to the gentle giant throughout your years at Hogwarts. During your first year, you were having an awful day, not as bad as the week you were currently going through but still quite a bad one. You were homesick and missed your family dearly. Your housemates tried to cheer you up with treats and kind words and although you appreciated them dearly, nothing could stop the tears from flowing. That’s when Luna came in, she brought you straight to Hagrid’s hut and explained your dilemma. He welcomed you both in, brewing you tea and offering whatever treats he had. Soon enough, your tears stopped. Hagrid’s hut slowly started to become your home away from home as he offered it to you whenever you liked without asking any questions if you weren’t willing to talk.
Usually, you’d slowly start to tell him what was wrong but today was one of those silent days. Many would expect Hagrid to be absolutely horrid with emotions but, he had like a 6th sense when it came to them. He decided to leave you alone for a few hours, tending to his duties. When he came back, he had gotten you your favorite dessert from the house elves. They were always more than willing to send and make you things because of how kind and helpful you were to them. You sipped at your tea as you softly pet Fang’s head which was resting in your lap. You and Fang’s heads both perked up as you heard a knock at the door. Hagrid walked to the door to see who it was.
“Ah, I figured I would see ya sometime soon.” he said, stepping to the side to let whoever it was in. Draco stepped into the small hut, closing the door as he came to sit near you on the couch. You instantly threw yourself into his arms which in turn, caused him to wrap his arms around you tightly, placing a kiss on the top of your head as he stroked your back. Hagrid took that as his sign to leave, taking the large dog with him. Draco let you cry a bit, his heart breaking at the noises.
“I’ve been looking for you everywhere, love. Are you alright? Luna told me to give you these.” He said as he handed the girl her giraffe. She hugged it tightly as he put the charm around her neck. She sat between her lover’s legs sighing. He held her close as she described her day, his heart aching from all that she had to deal with and his mind cursing him for not realizing sooner.
“And on top of all of that, I failed my potions exam! That wouldn’t have been bad if I hadn’t gone on blabbing to all my friends how well I thought I did on the bloody thing. I just feel like the world has it out for me.” She said looking up at him. He nodded in understanding. He had stayed quiet as she had vent to him, just providing the listening ear she needed. That’s when he got a few ideas. He smiled before standing up, stretching his hand out for the girl to grab.
“Come with me. I’ve got an idea! Quickly, we mustn’t be caught.” He said eagerly as he stared at her. She hesitantly grabbed his hand, setting Georgie, her giraffe, on the couch before she was swiftly dragged out of the hut. Draco pulled his girlfriend along, running as she tried to keep up due to the fact her legs were much shorter.
“Where are we going, Dray?” She asked which prompted a quick “shhh!!” from Draco. They both ran across the grounds of the school, hand in hand as to not be caught. (Y/n) had no idea where he was taking her but she thought anything would be better than moping around the rest of the day. They both tried to contain the wild giggles coming from their mouths as they headed in the direction of Hogsmeade.
As they finally made it, they both still had smiles on their faces at the rush they had gotten from sneaking off. Draco had tied his tie around the girl’s eyes leading her in the way of whatever wild idea it was that he had. “What if we get caught? Someone is bound to see us.” she said, her face forming a frown at the thought of being caught.
“Oh hush darling, we’ll be fine. Besides if we do happen to get caught in some trouble, I’m sure my father won’t mind bailing us out.” He said, finally removing her blindfold. She opened her eyes to see...Madam Puddifoots? She gave him a strange look. “We’re here to get a laugh out of the things that happen in here, sweets. Trust me, you’ll see. Act natural.” He took her hand, leading her to a small booth. 
Soon enough, she saw and heard what he meant. The sight of all the couples with their peculiar behaviors was quite a laugh. They saw one couple come in with matching crochet sweaters with each others faces on it, another referred to each other as each others “snuggle-boop-kitty-fuzy-wuzzykins”and only that each time they spoke to each other. But along with the odd, mushy, and gushy couples came a few odd breakups too. One man tried to propose by reciting an “original poem” which turned out to be stolen, causing his boyfriend to dump scalding hot tea on his head. Another guy forgot he scheduled dates with 4 different girls at the same spot, on the same day..didn’t end well for him. A few employees had to carry him out on a stretcher as the girls all exchanged numbers.
By the time they were back on their way to the castle, (Y/n) was already in a better mood. She held an ice cream cone in one hand, and Draco’s hand in her other. They both paused coming to the same realization. Although it was easy to sneak out, how would they sneak back in? The couple locked eyes at the same time before Draco picked her up, tossing her over his shoulder. (Y/n) made sure her ice cream didn’t fall as her boyfriend sprinted in the shadows, using a passageway she had never seen before to get back into the castle. Once inside, they both held in their giggles, quieting their breathing from the run back to the castle as they made their way to his dorm. By then she had long finished her ice cream as he tossed her on his bed, throwing himself down next to her shortly after. (Y/n) rolled over towards Draco to find him already facing her. The pair sat in silence for a moment before both losing composure. They began to laugh hysterically, to the point where a tear or two was shed. After their little laughing fit, Draco sat up, pulling his girlfriend on top of him. She turned, straddling him as she placed a soft kiss on his lips before resting her head on his shoulder.
“I just wanted to say thank you Draco. Not even just for today but for being there whenever I need you. This was honestly one of the worst weeks of my life but if I’m honest, I’d go through it all again to have another evening like the one we just had.” She said as she nuzzled in deeper, taking in the scent of expensive cologne and cinnamon. Her lover was taken back by her words. She was the only one who made him feel like that. Her words meant more to him than anything in the world. He tightened his grip on her, holding her close to him.
“I’d do it all again and more just to see you happy. Why don’t we make this a regular thing of ours, hm? Every friday, we’ll sneak outside the castle and do whatever we want, indulging to our hearts can’t handle it anymore? Even if not, everyday with you is an adventure, sneaky trips or not.” He said. Draco meant what he said full heartedly, everyday she managed to make his life an adventure, learning new things about himself that he didn’t know were there. It was like he was a canvas and she was the painter, each day, each moment, a different stroke of color on his heart.
Perhaps it was Luna’s good luck charm or perhaps it was them, but from then on out each day seemed luckier than the last when he had his girl on his arm.
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s-creations · 3 years
In Sickness, In Health Chapter 4 - Chicken Pox
Fandom: DuckTales 2017 / The Three Caballeros           Rating: General Audience           Relationships/Pairings:  José Carioca/Donald Duck/Panchito Pistoles     Additional Tags: getting sick, being cared for, mental health, injury, sore throat, common cold, chicken pox, broken bones, whooping cough, taking care of others.
Part of a Series Called: We’re the Three- Sorry, Six Caballeros!
Author’s Note: I just want everyone to be aware...as I was writing/posting this, I have over 30 bug bites on my legs at this moment... This was an interesting story to write with itchy legs. XD
Huey knew something was wrong when he couldn’t enjoy his favorite meal one night. Something Donald took notice of as well. 
“Are you feeling alright Huey?” The older duck asked.
“I’m not feeling very hungry… I guess.” Huey held still as a hand was placed on his forehead.
“Hmm… You’re feeling a little warm. Alright, let me give you some aspirin and you’re going straight to bed.”
“But, it’s Friday! I haven’t finished my homework.”
“Suck up.” Louie muttered. Wincing when he caught José’s disapproving look.
“I’m sure a good night's sleep, you’ll feel better. Good enough to finish your homework in no time.” Panchito attempted to appease the stressed duckling.
“...Are you sure?”
“Absolutely! You’ll wake up feeling great.”
It was the first time Huey realized that adults could be wrong. Because he woke up early the next morning, before the sun was even up, feeling worse. 
He thought his skin was on fire. Itchy and irritating, Huey’s first instinct was to furiously scratch at his skin. Only to immediately regret it. Feeling like the fire had turned into an inferno on his skin. He was unaware he was screaming until Donald was attempting to calm him down, pulling the duckling down from the top bunk. Everywhere he was being touched hurt, Huey letting out a weak sob that being held found no comfort. 
“Chicken pox.” Donald whispered frantically. 
“I’m already calling the ER to see if someone can see him.” Panchito commented. Phone pressed against his ear as he skillfully wrapped Huey in a thick blanket. Which somehow comforted Huey as the pressure seemed to help. But caused him to panic slightly when he couldn’t move all that well. 
It was a quick conversation between the roaster and whomever was on the other end. Panchito, Donald, and Huey piling into the car. The duckling rested on Panchito’s lap while Donald drove. José and the two remaining ducklings standing on the porch. Worried as they watched the car drive off. 
For Huey, the drive was a bit of a blur. Drifting in and out of sleep. Waking only when a part of the irritated skin had something brushed against it, the burn flaring up again. He was only aware when they arrived at the hospital when the bright lights hit his face. Even being in a well lit area, the duckling was having difficulty paying attention. He heard the doctor say something about treatment and having to be separated from everyone for a few days, if not a week. 
“Do you have any ideas where he would have caught this?” The doctor had asked.
“Someone from school?” Donald gave a weak reply. 
“But no one else has called in.” Panchito whispered worriedly.
“We will send an email to his principal and I would recommend you do the same. But, the most I can advise is that he gets plenty of rest, warm baths with the medication, and ointment every morning. Clean his sheets, as well as his brothers. And have Huey sleep away from them. Have all adults had the illness?”
Both adults answered with a nod. 
“Then you all can be around Huey. But I would keep it to one so as to not raise points of contact.” 
They were soon leaving. The adults talk while Huey is on the verge of falling asleep again. 
“The couch would work.” Panchito offered.
“What about the bath? Our bathroom is the only one with a tub. Moving Huey could cause the other two to catch it.”
“Huey gets our room. José can sleep with the other two and you can sleep on the couch. I can stay with Huey.”
“Do you really trust the four of us to the kitchen?” Panchito smiled weakly. 
“I think it’s a risk we’re gonna have to take.” 
“How about I stay with Huey? I had to help a few younger cousins when they caught it. And this pequeño bebé seems about as rambunctious as them.”
Donald frowned as they climbed into the car. “Are you sure? What about your job?”
“I have a few days off, it’ll be fine.”
Huey fell back asleep as the car started up and they drove off. 
If the duckling thought the illness was bad, then the medicine was down right annoying. The powder used in the bath water smells strong and leaves his skin dry. Then the ointment that would be applied would stick his feathers together. As well as his clothing. Even then, Huey would have hours in which his skin would be on fire and he couldn’t do anything about it. All reaching a point where the duckling had to wear oven mitts so he wouldn’t unconsciously scratch. 
Huey had been placed in the adult’s bedroom with Panchito acting as his caretaker. Having placed another t.v. into the room, with a stack of the duckling’s favorite movies next to it. Donald had also gone to the library to check out what he could. But nothing could keep the crawling skin from Huey. Every time he started to relax, his skin would flare up and it took everything not to scream again. Either in pain or frustration.
After a few afternoons of this system, Huey was close to breaking. Everything about this was driving him absolutely crazy!
“Alright, lunch is ready.” Panchito walked back over to the bed. Carrying the tray of food over that had just been passed through to Donald. 
“‘M not hungry.” Huey replied weakly. Laying flat on his back and staring up at the ceiling. 
“Uncle Donald made your favorite. Grilled cheese with carrot sticks. Yum!” The rooster paused hearing a small sniff coming from the duckling. “Hey, hey, what’s wrong?”
“I hate this! I’m itchy, I’m sticky, my skin hurts and I’m hot! I don’t want to do this anymore!” Huey sobbed, arms flapping. The oven mitt covered arms making a hard ‘flump’ against the bed. 
Panchito immediately picked the crying duckling up and cradled him close. “Shhh… Shhh… You’re going to be okay. I know you’re uncomfortable, I know it’s itchy. But you’ve been doing a great job and I’m so proud of you…”
“I don’t like it…”
“I know…”
Huey was surprised when Panchito moved back towards the door with the duckling still in his arms. Sticking his head out and calling, “Donald?”
“Can you get me an ice pack?”
“Oh, sure. Give me a second.”
While they waited, Panchito hummed softly while swaying slowly. Huey relaxing, eyes closing slightly as his head laid on the rooster’s shoulder. Who paused when Donald’s hand stuck in, ice back in hand. Which Panchito took and moved back to the bed. Gently laying down with Huey resting on his chest. The duckling was about to question what was happening when the ice pack was gently rubbed over the inflamed back. 
It was immediately relaxing. Huey smiled weakly, eyes closing as he further melted into the red feathered chest. Falling asleep the easiest he had in the past few days.
Huey was absolutely relieved when the bumps and itchy skin finally disappeared. Getting a clean bill of health from the doctor’s office. 
“I don’t know Huey. You were really making a fashion statement with those oven mitts.” Louis smirked. Taking Huey’s playful punch easily. 
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Peter was scared
@keep-a-bucket-full-of-stars asked:  Ohhhh can you do one for the line: “Peter was scared.”?? Please?? Congratulations on 300 followers hon, you’re amazing!
Thank you so much! Here’s your story ❤️💙❤️
Read on Ao3!
300 Follower Celebration!
Irondad Taglist: @phahbiyah @keep-a-bucket-full-of-stars @clevermuffinalmondpeach
Let me know if you want to be added or removed from the taglist!
Peter was scared. Not quite like “crushed by a building” scared, or “I have a history test tomorrow” scared, or even “maybe that wasn’t the best decision” scared, but a bit of all three and then some, mixing around in his stomach with all the terrified nausea in there. 
And all just because he would be spending the weekend at the Avengers Compound for the first time. Well, that wasn’t the only reason, but he didn’t want to think about the other one yet. Aunt May was going to be out of town for a few days, and as soon as Peter had casually mentioned this to his mentor Tony Stark, Tony had all but insisted that he stay at the compound until she got back. 
So here he was, sitting the backseat of a car headed for Upstate New York. And wishing more than anything that he wasn’t. 
Alright, maybe not more than anything, Peter reasoned, watching the world outside flash by. I do wish I was bulletproof. What’s the point of superpowers without bullet-immunity? Or at least a way to make it really easy to avoid it. Like superspeed. But it’s fine, I can stick to walls and have super strength. Basically really stubborn wallpaper.
Peter spent the rest of the ride thinking about nothing in particular until he saw the large white building looming on the horizon, and he felt his stomach do a nervous backflip and his heart start to pound. And it only got worse when he saw Tony waiting for him, his hands shoved in his pockets and a smirk on his face. 
“Hey there Underoos!” he said as Peter got out, lugging his backpack and a duffel bag with his clothes and toothbrush.
“Hey Mr. Stark!” Peter said, doing his best to mask the anxiety making him want to grimace rather than grin. Tony didn’t seem to notice, and Peter breathed a mental sigh of relief.
“Here lemme help you with that.” Tony held out a hand to take Peter’s backpack, but Peter held it just out of his reach. 
“You sure?” he said with a smirk, knowing Tony would take the bait. “It’s really heavy.” As he suspected, Tony rolled his eyes and gave him an exasperated glare. 
“I’m gonna pretend you didn’t say that. Gimme,” he said, making grabby-hands at the strap of Peter’s backpack. Peter slid it off his shoulder and held it out to Tony. As soon as he let it go Tony had to scramble to keep it from hitting the pavement, ending up with both arms wrapped around his backpack. 
“Jesus--What the hell is in this thing!?” he said, struggling to get one of the straps over his shoulder. “Did you bring some tech in here with you or something?”
“Nope, that’s just my computer and my homework. And it’s actually a bit lighter than usual, I took out all my chemistry and calculus homework since I did it already,” Peter said. The look on Tony’s face made him burst into laughter, easing the knot of anxiety in his chest a bit. 
“Jeez, how do normal, non-spider kids do this?” he muttered as they made their way to the front doors, hunching over slightly, and almost making Peter feel bad for not carrying it himself. Almost. He was literally asking for it. 
“Well it definitely wasn’t a fun time back when I was a string bean with asthma. I had to use my inhaler any time I had to walk more than a block with that thing. Aunt May used to meet me outside our apartment building so she could carry it up the steps for me,” Peter said with a laugh, opening the door and holding it, letting Tony walk through and promptly drop the backpack on the nearest chair. When he stood up straight again Peter heard his back crack and giggled at the frown on Tony’s face. 
“That’s it. I’m making a drone to carry your stuff for you. Cuz that--” he pointed to the offending bag, “--is bullshit.”
“I have super strength, it’s not really heavy anymore,” Peter said with another snort of laughter. “It would be better to somehow convince my teachers I don’t really need five hours of homework every night.”
“Friday, remind me to figure out how much money it would take for a teacher to be bribed into giving less homework,” Tony said as they walked to the elevator. 
“Done Boss. Would you like to put in an order for pizza to be delivered for dinner?”
“You know me so well, Fri.”
The rest of the day passed pretty well, and Peter was distracted from his lingering worries by the gadgets in Tony’s lab and by the pizza and movies they watched together. But when Tony looked at his watch and told Peter he had to go to bed, he felt his heart sink. 
“Wh--It’s not that late--”
“It’s ten o’clock kid, and even superteens need sleep. Plus I think your Aunt would kill me if I let you stay up any longer,” Tony said, picking up the empty pizza boxes and putting them in the trash before switching off the TV. 
“Well, she doesn’t have to know--”
“As tempting as that is, you really should sleep. Believe me kid, you need rest to function, and I don’t wanna have to deal with a grumpy spider in the morning,” he said with a kindhearted smile. 
Peter barely had the willpower to make himself smile back. Tony gave him a hug before sending him off to his room. Peter got changed into his pajamas, feeling dread rise in his throat like bile with each passing second. He cracked open his door before shutting off the light, taking a small comfort in the fact that Tony would be staying up a little longer. He climbed into bed and did his best to fall asleep before the light in the hall went out. 
Peter’s eyes opened without his permission. He’d been asleep, and then quite suddenly, he wasn’t. But the effect of waking up was almost instantaneous. 
He couldn’t even see his blankets in front of his face, the darkness was so thick. It was surrounding his arms like heavy ink, filling his lungs with black ashes and crushing him, crushing him like a ton of concrete. He tried to calm himself, to ground himself with something, but he couldn’t see, and the panic was making his fingers feel numb, and seemed to stuff his ears with cotton. 
He threw himself out of bed, stumbling and feeling his bedside table for his phone, but when he couldn’t find it he felt the walls for a light switch. He wanted to cry when he finally felt his fingers graze the small switch, and he flicked it on. 
Nothing happened. 
“No, no no no no--” Peter whimpered, flicking it up and down and up and down, before feeling for the door still resting ajar. He stumbled into the hallway, and even though the windows provided a tiny amount of light, it was too cloudy outside to help much at all. Peter tried the hall lights, then the kitchen, then the living room, feeling tears tumble down his face as they all gave the same, terrifying result as the one in his room. 
“Please, please please please work, please--”
Peter jumped so hard he almost crushed the switch he was frantically flicking. He turned, and there was Tony, his arc reactor glowing bright through his thin pajama shirt, providing the light Peter had been desperately looking for. Peter had to stop himself from flinging his arms around his mentor. 
“Wh-Why don’t any of the lights work?” Peter said, his voice trembling from fear and tears. 
“There was a storm--the thunder really didn’t wake you? It knocked out the power,” Tony said. 
“N-No, I… I have really loud neighbors.” Peter sniffed, wiping his eyes. “I-I’m s-sorry I woke you up. I d-didn’t mean to.”
“It’s fine, I was just in my room reading anyway--Woah, wait are you crying?” Tony said as he came close enough for his metal heart to light up Peter’s face. Peter started wiping the tears away more quickly, ducking his face a little. 
“Oh, uh, no it’s ok, I’m--”
“Oh Peter,” Tony said softly, laying a hand on Peter’s cheek and wiping a stray tear from his eye. “What happened? Did you have a nightmare?”
“N-no,” Peter said, feeling his face grow hot. 
“Are you sick? Are you hungry? Did you get hurt out on patrol? Peter you gotta tell me when these things happen--”
“No, no no no, it’s not anything like that,” Peter said. “It’s just… it’s stupid. It’s really really stupid.”
“Hey, don’t talk like that,” Tony said gently, pushing curls out of Peter’s shining eyes. “Whatever it is, it scared you, and you don’t have to be ashamed of being scared. Just tell me what happened kiddo.”
Peter ducked his head and squeezed his eyes shut, wringing his hands for a few seconds before he spoke. 
“I-I’m scared of the dark!” he blurted. “I-I woke up and the light in the hall was off and it was so dark it-it felt like I was suffocating, and I couldn’t even see my blankets or find my phone and then the lights wouldn’t work and--” Peter broke off with a sob, burying his face in his hands. “It didn’t used to be like this! I used to be able to sleep fine! But now whenever I’m in the dark by myself I feel like there’s something crushing me, like I’m being buried alive by a bunch of concrete and bricks and dust--”
Peter started crying even harder now, the tears falling so fast and his chest growing far too tight to speak any more. Luckily, it seems he didn’t have to, because Tony circled his arms around him, pulling him tightly to his chest so that Peter's head laid right beside his arc reactor. He ran his fingers through Peter’s hair while his other hand rubbed his back as Peter slowly regained composure. When his sobs had reduced to small hiccups and sniffs, Tony spoke. 
“There you go. You’re all spent huh? I haven’t seen you cry like that in a little while,” he murmured, starting to slowly rock them both side to side. 
“I--I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to--”
“Shhh, it’s okay. I don’t care about the crying, it’s okay to cry, remember? And it’s not stupid to be scared of the dark. You’ve been through a lot Pete, and you’re still just a kid. It makes sense that you’re scared of the dark. It’s okay to be scared,” he said, still speaking in that soft, calm voice that made Peter’s shoulders relax. 
“It’s just… kind of annoying,” Peter mumbled. “I know I’m safe, but when I wake up in the middle of the night like that I’m all like, disoriented and freaking out and too tired to get my thoughts in a logical row.”
“What do you usually do when this happens? Does your Aunt know about this?”
“Aunt-Aunt May knows, and I… I, um…” Peter trailed off, feeling his face turn bright red. Tony chuckled, causing Peter’s head to shake slightly on his chest. 
“I won’t judge you kiddo. Just tell me,” he said. Peter bit his lip and avoided Tony’s eyes. 
“I um… I have a nightlight,” he said. “It uh… it looks like your arc reactor.”
“Does it now? So even little toddler Peter liked Iron Man, did he?”
“No--I mean yeah, I did when I was little too, but um, my nightlight from when I was little broke a long time ago. Aunt May bought that for me after the first time I freaked out in the middle of the night,” Peter said. 
“Huh. Why the Iron Man light?”
“It’s not an Iron Man light. It’s a Mr. Stark light,” Peter said. Tony had to think about what he was saying for a moment before he got it.
“Ohhh, I’m your nightlight?”
“I… I keep you safe? I stop the uh, the crushing feeling?”
“So, why didn’t you bring your, heh, your Mr. Stark light with you? Did you forget it?”
“No, I just… I didn’t want you to make fun of me,” Peter mumbled, squeezing his eyes shut.
“Oh kid… I’m sorry,” Tony said, resting his chin on Peter’s head. 
“Huh? For what?” Peter said, opening his eyes in surprise when Tony hugged him a little closer.
“I clearly haven’t done a great job of making sure you know I wouldn’t make fun of you for something like that. I would never make fun of your fears kiddo, even if I did think they were silly. I’m sorry I didn’t make that clear earlier,” Tony said. 
“Oh. Um, it’s alright, it’s fine,” Peter said, not entirely sure what else to say, and absentmindedly tracing his finger around the edge of Tony’s heart. 
“Heh, it’s not really, but I see what you’re trying to say,” Tony said with a small smile. “Well, since we can’t exactly go out and get your Mr. Stark light right now, why don’t you have the real thing for tonight?”
Peter blinked, then lifted his head off Tony’s chest, staring up at him in confusion. 
“What do you mean?”
“You want to sleep in my room tonight kiddo? I’ll be your light, I’ll make sure the dark doesn’t get you,” Tony said.
“A-Are you sure? I don’t wanna intrude or--”
“I’m offering, Spiderling, it’s not intruding if I offer.”
After a moment Peter smiled and nodded, and the two headed to Tony’s room. Tony was sure to grab Peter an extra blanket to help with his thermoregulation, and then they both slid under the covers. 
“Goodnight kiddo,” Tony said, being sure his arc reactor wasn’t hidden beneath the covers. 
“‘Night Mr. Stark,” Peter said with a yawn. “Thanks for being my nightlight.”
Tony smiled, warmth growing in his chest. 
“Of course Peter. If there was only one thing I could use this heart for, I’d want it to always be your light in the dark.”
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bellakitse · 4 years
Master post - 30 days of Tarlos
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30 Tarlos One-shots - Master Post
{thanks to @insidious-intent​ for the gif. ❤}
Complete Series on AO3
Day 1 - I’ll be here for you - 1.5K
“I can’t believe you came here instead of going home,” TK whispers when the kiss ends, his green eyes shining bright with affection and a little amusement. “You really didn’t have to.”
When TK can't sleep, Carlos comes to be with him at the firehouse.
Day 2 - Sunshine Smile Today - 1.3K
Marjan lets out a giggle that she tries to cover with her hand, it’s high-pitched and adorable and makes TK grin. He turns his head to look back at the boys still in the middle of their challenge; his smile grows when he catches Carlos’ eyes, grinning at him as he pulls himself up again.
“He’s gorgeous,” Marjan continues, agreeing with him. “But what’s really great about him is how happy he makes you. It’s such a difference.”
Marjan notices how happy TK is compared to before.
Day 3 - The Last of the Romantics - 1.5K
Michelle has a history of setting Carlos up with the worse guys possible, she swears this time it's different.
* “Tell me about him,” he says resigned, knowing he’s been played by the way Michelle instantly perks up.
“He’s one of the new members at the 126,” she starts with a grin. “And Carlos, he’s so pretty.”
Day 4 - A Witness to their Love - 1.7K
Owen doesn’t call attention to himself for a moment as TK and Carlos get lost in each other. His heart squeezes tight as he watches. His son looks happier than he can remember in the longest time.
Owen is a witness to his son falling in love.
Day 5 - lost in every inch of you - 2.3K
“What, baby?” Carlos questions when he stops. “What do you need?”
“You?” he says in a question, licking his lips.
TK comes home after a long shift, needing to touch his boyfriend.
Day 6 - A Change in Title - 1.2K
“You just called me your boyfriend,” he says as he starts to smile.
TK’s eyes widen, his words seem just now to be catching up with him, and there is the start of a pretty blush on his face. “Uh –“
While out with Carlos, TK hides from someone he rescued, it starts a conversation and ends in a change of status between them.
Day 7 - of chicken flautas and intimidating mothers - 1.8K
“I know we saw each other just last night, but I already missed you.”
Carlos' heart flutters at TK’s words and touch, but he can’t forget the tiny force to be reckoned with, not forty feet away. “That’s really sweet, and I feel exactly the same way,” he continues. “But my mom is here, and she’s watching us – no, don’t look around!”
It’s the annual first responders’ cookout and Carlos is about to introduce his boyfriend to his mother.
Day 8 - Let's Start with Breakfast - 2.1K
“Hi, you must be TK,” he says, turning around to face him fully, and TK doesn’t know where to look – that beautiful face with a head full of curls he wants to sink his hands into, or the perfectly chiseled chest that reminds TK of studying about Michelangelo’s David in his art studies course. “I’m Carlos.”
TK wakes up in his friend's apartment and meets his new roommate, Carlos.
Day 9 - Midnight Talk about Boys - 1.8K
Marjan watches as whatever the other person on the phone – obviously someone TK is seeing – talks to him, whatever the other man is saying makes TK all but melt into the cushions of the couch as he leans back and stares dreamily at the ceiling.
When Marjan can't sleep, she finds TK in the common area talking lovingly to someone on the phone.
Day 10 - Let's Go to the Mall - 2.4K
While at the mall, TK finds a little girl crying because she can't find her mother and uncle. Imagine TK's surprise when her uncle turns out to be his boyfriend.
Day 11 - The Forever Tamales - 4.0K
“Marriage Tamales?” he asks, confused, his heart ticking upward as the sisters nod and smirk at him and Carlos.
They start to explain the significance of the special dish. Every word they utter makes his heart race as he tries to come to terms with the fact that Carlos made him a dish so important to his family.
* A companion piece to 'The Marriage Tamales' from TK's POV
Day 12 - Stumbling a Step - 2.2K
The drive to work is quiet, out of the corner of his eye he sees Carlos grip the steering wheel a little harder as the car comes to a stop in front of the firehouse.
“I have a long shift today,” he says, his tone stiff. “I won’t be home until after midnight.”
TK looks over at his boyfriend; it’s the first thing Carlos has said since their shout out the night before.
A fight with Carlos leaves TK in a foul mood. Judd sets him straight.
Day 13 - chicken soup and mashed potatoes - 1.4K
Carlos wakes up with a pounding headache as his alarm goes off. The tickle in his throat he had the night before now feels like knives; it hurts to swallow.
When Carlos is sick, TK is there to take care of him.
Day 14 - Cuervo Confessions - 1.2K
“What’s so pretty about TK, Carlos?” she asks, her blue eyes twinkling when Carlos lights up at the question.
Drunk Carlos is adorably in love with his boyfriend and has no filter.
Day 15 - Pancakes and Coffee Syrup - 2.1K
Opening the bathroom door again, he stops, freezing like a deer caught in the headlights when he finds his boyfriend’s father standing just outside the bathroom. From the way he’s dressed, it’s obvious he’s just come home from the overnight TK told him he was on.
“Good morning, Carlos,” he greets him calmly. Like this is a regular occurrence for them to run into each other outside his bathroom, and instead, not the first time ever that Carlos has spent the night in his house.
Carlos spends the night at the Strand household, Owen makes him breakfast in the morning.
Day 16 - We begin on a Tuesday - 1.8K - Part 1 of Days that Matter series
When the 126 have a spot to fill in their crew, Judd recommends his buddy Carlos Reyes from the 121.
Firefighter Carlos AU!
Day 17 - on Wednesday we fell - 2.1K - Part 2 of Days that Matter series
Carlos has been part of the 126 for three months now, every day TK falls for him a little more. After a nightmare, TK can't hold back his feelings anymore.
Day 18 - I was born Thursday's Child - 2.5K - Part 3 of Days that Matter series
“It’s Carlos, sir,” Judd gets out quickly, and TK feels an ice-cold fear run up his spine at the urgency he hears in his friend’s voice. “He was a step behind me, the floor caved, and he went through into the basement.”
Carlos gets hurt on a call.
Day 19 - Friday, I'm in Love - 1.1K -  Part 4 of Days that Matter series
Eight months after Carlos' accident, TK and he are more in love than ever. They also have some news for their family.
Day 20 - Meddle, meddle, meddle - 1.8K
Carlos is having a few drinks with his sisters when the conversation turns to his love life. When they dare him to pick up someone at the bar, Carlos knows exactly who to go for.
* “Fine,” he says, already standing up, he points at the man at the bar. “I’ll play your game, not only am I getting his number, I’m not coming back to the table, I’m going home with him.”
Day 21 - That Green Colored Thing - 1.8K
TK Strand is not jealous.
Just because Carlos has been across the bar for the last fifteen minutes, talking to some handsome idiot who doesn’t seem to understand the concept of personal space and is so close to Carlos, they might as well be glued together doesn’t mean he’s jealous.
Day 22 - Midnight Solace - 1.3K
When not being able to sleep triggers a panic attack, Carlos is there to help TK through it.
Day 23 - We were meant for one another, come a little closer - 3.0K
TK stares at him, mouth open, and Carlos can’t help but stare back as his heart pounds loudly in his ears. He feels naked, like every feeling he’s been hiding from TK for so long is now on the surface for him to see.
Carlos and TK are best friends and roommates. When TK comes home from a failed date, it reveals long-time hidden feelings.
Day 24 - Worth it - 1.0K
They get called to a standoff situation in a laboratory building downtown. TK is in the middle of helping create a perimeter with Paul when he hears a familiar voice over the radio and realizes with a sense of dread that it’s not just Austin Police that is inside, but it’s also his boyfriend of five months, Carlos.
When Carlos is in a dangerous situation TK can't hold back.
Day 25 - Sealed with a Kiss - 2.3K
Carlos is in the middle of finishing the last of his daily reports when the first text comes in, followed quickly by a second.
‘What time are you coming home, baby?’
‘I miss you.’
'I’m waiting in bed…for you.’
TK is a menace, Carlos loves him anyway.
Day 26 - Super Papa - 1.5K
Luca looks at him with wide eyes. “Papa a hero?” he asks, probably remembering what the reporter had called his father.
“Papa is a big hero,” he answers his boy.
TK watches Carlos on the news with their son.
Day 27 - Stating Intentions - 1.5K
“TK, if you don’t stop fidgeting, I am going to tie you to the flag pole and leave you there.”
TK worries in the kitchen of the firehouse while Carlos and his dad talk in his office, it distracts Paul from his cooking with his fidgeting.
Day 28 - One for the Pro column - 1.7K
While at the gym, TK runs into Carlos, the officer he danced with two weeks ago and hasn't been able to stop thinking about since.
Day 29 - Future Tamales - 1.9K
TK visits Carlos' mom to ask her a very important question and to ask for a special recipe.
The final part to 'The Marriage Tamales'
Day 30 - TK’s perfect and simple morning - 1.3K
TK Strand-Reyes wakes up to his bed slightly shaking, and soft little boy giggles followed by an amused ‘shhh’ from his husband.
Luca and Carlos make TK breakfast after he had an accident at work.
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ironmansuuucks · 4 years
Hello! uh is it alright if I requested a lil something something?? um! The reader coming home really really drunk after a girls night out and they basically can’t function properly, so Dewey helps take off makeup and clothes and what not and getting them ready for bed??? If you don’t want to write it or is overwhelmed by asks, I completely understand dude, no pressure I just really love your writing a lot xxx
this was one of my favourite requests oh my gosh...
dewey finn x reader
Thank you for this lovely request and for your beautiful words💜 I wasn’t loving this one until I wrote the ending and it pulled it all together hehe and now I love it and i hope you do to @large-unit 💜💜
As always, @thewolfisapartofmysoul always amazes me with her beautiful aesthetics, thank u so much for this one my angel💜
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As usual, Friday nights out with the girls had been messy. This Friday had been messier than normal, and you knew your limits, but tonight you well and truly exceeded them. Normally you attempted to try and stick to one drink, be it wine or vodka, or rum, but tonight you thought you were clever and decided to mix everything. “Rookie mistake” you could practically hear Dewey’s condescending voice.
You tried to be as quiet as possible when you opened the door to the apartment you shared with your boyfriend, Dewey Finn. Your sweet sweet Dewey Finn. In your drunken state you were mumbling to yourself “shh-hh, gotta be quiet shhh”. But your actions rejected these mutterings.
The door seemed to be louder than ever as you closed it, your hand bag hitting the tiled floor with a bang. “shhhh” you told it, holding your finger up to your mouth looking down at the door, then the bag.
Your mind was in a frenzy, with the world spinning faster than normal, your legs giving way as you slumped against the door.
“baby, is that you?” Dewey called from the living room, a little concerned. Dewey would never sleep until you were home when you went out. He was too worried about you and kept his phone next to him all night in case his girl needed him.
He wandered out into the kitchen to see if it was you. “babe?” he turned the corner and seen you sitting on the floor, leaning against he door. He couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle at your punch-drunk and dazed being.
“shh-hh, Dewey’s slee-ping” you shushed him, your eyes closed and head against he door.
“well, someone’s had too much to drink.. again…” he plodded over to you snickering, plopping himself on the floor in front of your feet.
Dewey began to unlace your doc martens, but you pulled back before he could. “hey! I-I have a-a boyfriend” you slurred, pointing your finger, warning him.
“no shit” Dewey snorted, a smile brushed his lips as he grabbed your foot and held it tighter, managing to undo your laces.
You peeled open your eyes and frantically moved your sweaty hair out of your face, lighting up when you notice Dewey sitting in front of you, fighting with your boots. A smile quickly spread across your face as you flung your arms out “baaaa-aaabe! You’re here!” you bellowed, excited to see your boyfriend and his cute messy, tired face and hair.
“yeah I most certainly am.. now how did you get home this time my angel?” Dewey’s protective boyfriend side always came out when you stumbled through the door yourself, worried you had been left to walk home alone.
You twisted your mouth to the side, looking up for inspiration, confused. Everything was a bit fuzzy. Well, really fuzzy.
“uuuuuuh…..” you tried your best to remember.
Dewey pulled your first boot off and quickly got to work on the second. He sat with his legs open, at either side of your leg and pulled your foot towards him a little, making you slide along the floor, and down the door a bit. He briefly looked up at you trying to remember and smirked, before looking back down at your triple noted laces.
“was it maybe.. a car… maybe with Stacey… and Aimee?” he quizzed, eager to find out to settle his mind.
You knitted your eyebrows for a second before slightly remembering singing Galway Girl on the ride home with your friends. “oh! Yesyesyesyeys we were sing-ing uhhh Galloway Guy or something…”
Dewey nodded his head knowingly, “so it was Jason that picked you up... that’s fine.” Jason was Aimee’s boyfriend, and the one that normally picked you guys up on Fridays. It tended to alternate between Jason and Dewey.
After pulling off your second boot and tossing them to the side, Dewey pulled himself up, shaking his head and sniggering at the state you were in. Your hair was everywhere, one of your eyelashes was pretty much hanging off, not to mention the slight smudge of your lip gloss. His eyes wandered down and noticed the stain that tainted your red body suit. You had pretty much spilled an entire VBL down yourself and almost had a fight with the guy who knocked you and made you spill it.
He stood over you and grabbed your hands to pull you up.
“C’mon you..” he tried to pull but you resisted and slid further down the door. “nooooo” you whined, throwing your head back. Dewey rolled his eyes playfully, sighing at you. He pulled your arms up, but you went limp and let your head flop backwards. “leave me he-re I’m too tiiirreeed” you moaned.
“y/n, come on… you’re gonna hurt yourself!”. You pulled against him in protest “just leave me heeeerre”.
Eventually Dewey just picked you up, ignoring your drunken protests, and carried you to your bedroom, sitting you on the edge of the bed. He pointed his finger at you as you swayed a little, eyes half-lidded, smiling up at him.
“stay” he warned, smirking at you. He was trying not to laugh too much, because he knew that if he laughed and provoked you then he would have no hope in hell at settling you down for sleep.
You pointed your finger back at him, narrowing your eyes, still slightly swaying. “or what?”. You smirked.
Dewey turned around and searched for the baby wipes in the dimly lit bedroom. “you don’t… wanna find out…” he joked.
Dewey came and sat on the bed next to you, his hands finding your face and turning it to look at him softly. He smiled at your features. Your tired eyes and slumped form. He wouldn’t change any of this for the world.
“look at that face…” he squeezed your cheeks lightly, making you giggle. “I can tell you who won’t be laughing in the morning…” he raised one of his eyebrows, suppressing a laugh, knowing how moody you were gonna be in a matter of hours.
You continued to look at him in awe, he was the most beautiful man in the world to you. His sleepy eyes, and flushed face making you fall in love all over again. Dewey looked into your sparkling eyes and blushed a little at the way you looked at him. He kissed you quickly on your lips before taking a make up wipe out of the pack.
“first things first… lets get these contraptions off your beautiful face…” he gently took off your fake eyelashes one by one, setting them on your nightstand, knowing you would wear them again. He was so thoughtful, how did you get so lucky?
“mmmm I love you…” you hummed, leaning into kiss him, but you just fell against him instead. Dewey grinned, and shook his head, “ohhhh I can’t wait to see you in the morning”. “you- you’re just so beautiful” you continued humming into his chest. “and so cosy.. and you smell like cinnamon…” you trailed off as you started to slip into sleep.
Dewey put his hands under your arms and lifted you up. “make up and pyjamas and then you can sleep my darling”. You simply hummed in response, your eyes closed, slowly drifting.
Dewey ran the baby wipe across your face a few times, getting off as much as he could before he stood you up and started to get you undressed. All he could smell was whatever you had been drinking. H couldn’t quite put his finger on what the aroma was. “y/n what the hell were you drinking?” he muttered, unbuttoning your skirt.
“mmm lil bit of everything darling” you nonchalantly replied.
Dewey raised his eyebrows, his mouth moving to a shocked pose and looked up at you; he was crouching down, attempting to unbutton your body suit.
“uh, oh.. rookie mistake” he smirked. You simply rolled your eyes.
“im fi-“ you brought your hand up to your mouth, vomit threatening to spill. Dewey flinched a little. “if you’re gonna be sick you gotta tell me.”
You breathed in through your nose deeply and swallowed. “I’m- I’m fine.”
Finally he unbuttoned your body suit and started to lift it above your head. He had seen you like this too many times, nothing phased him anymore.
“Dewey Finn… don’t ya think you should take me to dinner first?” you flirted a little.
“oh ha ha, I’ve never heard that one before… only every freaking Friday night” he snorted.
As usual, Dewey already had your pyjamas sitting on your bed, waiting for you coming home, and he’d set up some pain killers and water on the bed side table just before you got home.
Eventually, he managed to get you pyjamas on and he had grabbed a bobble to tie your hair up. As he was softly pulling your hair into a low pony tail you sighed.. on the verge of tears.
“why am I such a mess” you sobbed a little.
Dewey shook his head and smiled, you always got like this at the end of the night; a little bit weepy and feeling sorry for yourself. You were fine really, just drunk.
“you’re not a mess baby.. you’re… a spicy disaster” he chuckled to himself. As he pulled back the bed sheets for you. You sobbed harder “why are you so mean to me”.
You got into bed, stepping over the bucket placed at your feet in case you woke up needing to puke.
Dewey continued to laugh under his breath, smirking. “I’m sorry my love…” he turned off the side light and climbed into bed next to you.
“I’m sorry, I’ll take you to McDonald’s tomorrow for chicken nuggets to make up for it… deal?” he scooted over to you, pulling you into him.
“mmm deal… I love chicken nuggets…” you managed before you drifted off to sleep in his arms.
“yeah I know you do..” he wiped the stray hairs from your face as he kissed your forehead.
“and I love you.. my spicy little chicken nugget”.
tags: @thewolfisapartofmysoul @paxenera​ @heknowshisherbs​ @missihart23​ @geminiacally​ @go-commander-kim​ @gegehaddock​ @baby-beej​ @sadpuppetshows​ @hoodoo12​ @large-unit​ @thats-specific​ @vicunaburger​ @stranger-strings​ @bugdrinkss​ @ssheinaa​ @demonwifey​ @beetle-herbs​
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thebonerpit · 4 years
all i want is a room with a view [fic]
all i want is a room with a view
Teenker/Keenker, 3780 words. TW: non-consensual voyeurism. Read it on AO3 here!
This was 100% inspired by a nff video that I used to have linked here but I’m taking it out because maybe that’s stopping my post from showing up in tag searches?? Anyway if you want the link I will post it, just send an ask, because the dude looks so much like older Harley it’s insane. And he has a gorgeous dick.
“Tony’s inappropriate feelings for Harley and Peter lead him to spying on them via cameras in their rooms. He sees a whole lot more than he expected.”
Tony had been thinking about this for weeks. Mulling it over in his head, weighing the pros and cons… and funnily enough, not once did he question the morality of the whole thing. That, he knew. He knew it was wrong but he was going to do it anyway because… well, because he wanted to. Because he could. And because he knew this was the closest he was ever going to get to these two beautiful boys.
Harley and Peter had been staying at the complex for about two months now. It was summer, so both of them were out of school and were desperate to get as much time in the labs as possible. Of course no one objected, and Bruce in particular was very pleased to have both of them around to bounce ideas off of. They each had their own room, both already making the spaces their own. They were usually in an equal state of mess although Peter was slightly more organized. He put up a Star Wars poster and had turned one corner into a mini chem lab for his ongoing experiments. Harley on the other hand was much more spartan in his decorating but his desk was constantly littered with mechanical parts and there were grease stains smudging the perfect white walls. He had apologized for the first one but Tony honestly wouldn’t have it any other way. He loved them, mess and all, and he would let them do whatever the hell they wanted if it meant they would stay.
He knew all this detail about their rooms because, well, frankly, he was spying on them. Never while they were in there, but he already had cameras set up in those rooms when they were empty and… he was curious. A few times he opened the feed and caught glimpses of them, working or reading or doing some other innocent activity, but he quickly shut it off. He didn’t want to invade their privacy like that.
Until he did.
It was a few weeks into summer when the staring started. He’d look up from his work to catch Peter’s glassy eyes fixed on him only to hurriedly look back down at his own project, blushing furiously. Harley was less subtle – as usual – and held Tony’s gaze for a few moments before smiling and looking away. At first he thought they were up to something, that he was going to get pranked, but nothing ever came of it. They did it to each other, too, but their gazes were much more knowing, so Tony could only assume there was something between them they didn’t want him to know about.
The first time he actively checked on them while he knew they were present was when he saw Harley sneaking into Peter’s room as he was up getting a glass of water one night. He tip-toed back to his bedroom and pulled up the feed, some dark anticipation throbbing in his stomach. But it seemed perfectly innocent. Harley was on Peter’s desk chair and Peter was on his bed, and they were just talking. Nothing nefarious. Nothing… sexual. It was sick how disappointed he felt.
But after that he just couldn’t stop. He watched Peter on his computer, looking up cute animal videos and laughing sweetly to himself. He watched Harley reading. He watched them both together, sitting on Harley’s bed, eating pizza and marathoning Stranger Things. He even turned the sound on occasionally, just to hear them laugh. It was like an addiction. But somehow, up until this point, he hadn’t seen anything remotely scandalous. Harley was shirtless once but it was just because he spilled coffee all over himself like an idiot.
“Maybe my timing is off,” Tony muttered to himself as he tinkered with the engine of his ’65 Porsche 911.
“What was that?” Harley called from the next table over.
“Nothing! Just talking to myself. As usual. Whenever I ask either of you a question you just respond with memes,” he snapped, which of course got the two of them going and away from the subject he definitely should not have been thinking about in the first place. But he might have had something. He never tried the mornings (or more realistically for these two, afternoons). Tony set an alarm for the next day, more pleased with himself than he should have been, and went back to work.
+ + + + +
He checked in on Peter first. When he opened the camera all he could see were tufts of brown hair peeking out under the edge of his massive comforter all bundled up around his body like a cocoon. Tony chuckled softly and shook his head.
“FRI, crank up the heat in Peter’s room a little, would you?”
Tony liked to keep the a/c low but even though Peter’s crazy high metabolism should keep him warm, he was always bundled up in hoodies and socks and obviously he needed some more heat while he slept. Tony smiled fondly at the image before switching over to Harley.
The contrast was shockingly stark. Harley had no sheets on at all and was lying face-down on the bed, clad only in a pair of very snug, red boxer-briefs. His tight, round ass was perfectly on display and Tony bit his lip as Harley shifted and the muscles clenched. This was more like it. Harley was obviously just waking up, his phone chirping an alarm at him as he squirmed a little bit, stretching his legs out and groaning softly into the pillow before flipping over to turn it off.
Tony was greeted by a significant bulge which he barely had time to appreciate before Harley was palming it and arching into his own touch.
“Mmmm,” he moaned quietly, biting his lip as he squeezed a bit harder.
Tony was completely captivated. This was exactly what he was hoping for, and as Harley slipped a hand into his underwear Tony did the same. How he was going to look him in the eye again later that day he had no idea, but he could barely even process that thought right now. All he could think about was how good he looked, how soft and sleep-warmed, and fucking shit how big his cock was. Tony was stunned when Harley finally pulled his briefs down his legs and grasped his dick with one hand. It was thick and long and flushed red, and Tony’s mouth literally watered at the sight. He had always imagined being on top in any scenario involving the boys but god, what he wouldn’t do to get that dick in his mouth or his ass…
Harley stroked himself slowly, pausing every so often to spit in his palm. He seemed unhurried and relaxed, just enjoying the pleasure of a lazy morning handjob. His other hand wandered up and down his chest, flicking at his nipples or scratching lightly against his stomach. A few times he reached up to tug at his mop of sleep-mussed dirty blonde hair and Tony felt his own hand tighten, wishing he could touch him like that, too. Harley kept his eyes closed for the most part but a few times he blinked and seemed to focus directly on the camera lens. The first time it happened Tony tensed up, his hand ready to cut the feed, but it must have been a coincidence because Harley just kept going like before.
His noises started to get louder as he sped up his strokes and he reached down with his other hand to cup his heavy sac, tugging at it gently. Tony could see his hips start to jerk, and from the look on his face he was about five seconds from coming all over himself, so Tony sped up to match him. Unfortunately, before they could get there, both of them wrenched their hands away as Harley’s door flung open and Peter waltzed inside.
“Hey Harls, wanna go get brunch before we—”
He stopped dead in his tracks and stared at the boy laid out on the bed. Harley stopped touching himself but made no effort to cover up, so he was completely naked and incredibly hard.
“Oh my god. Oh my GOD, I’m so sorry, fuck, I’ll… I just…”
Peter flushed bright pink but for some reason made no effort to turn and leave, which is probably exactly what Tony would have done if he walked in on his friend jerking off. Unless of course he was attracted to that specific friend and… oh. OH.
Harley seemed to come to the same realization and a slow, lazy smile crept across his face.
“Hey Pete,” he said, his voice scratchy with sleep and from the moans that were escaping earlier.
“I… I didn’t mean…” Peter’s voice was quiet, and he couldn’t tear his gaze away from Harley’s cock.
“I know. But you did sorta interrupt me. So, now that you’re here…”
Peter blinked at him owlishly.
“Come on. I know we always talk about how fucking hot Tony is-“ excuse me WHAT “-but I’ve seen the way you look at me, too.”
Tony was reeling from the bomb that Harley so casually dropped. They talked about him? How had he never heard–?
“Shhh, Harley! We agreed, never in here! FRI hears everything.”
Ah-ha. Smart boys.
“Not really thinkin’ straight right now, Pete,” Harley said with a shrug. “If you don’t want to you can go, I promise I won’t make it weird, but—”
“NO! Uh. No. I…” Peter squirmed and bit his lip before he started slowly walking over to the bed.
Tony couldn’t believe his eyes. Was this really happening? He was half-tempted to ask FRIDAY if he was in a coma or hallucinating or maybe dead.
Peter was dressed in an oversized hoodie that Harley started to tug off as soon as he got close enough. They managed to get it off after a bit of a struggle, leaving him in tiny little sleep shorts that Tony had never seen before.
“Fuck, you’re gorgeous, baby,” Harley said, grabbing at Peter’s waist and pulling him down for a wet kiss. Tony could hear everything, every slick filthy sound, and his dick which had softened briefly from the shock was now rock hard again.
“Really?” Peter whispered.
“You’re tellin’ me you haven’t picked up on ANY of the hints I’ve been droppin’? Christ, my flirting game is rusty.”
“I just… didn’t think…”
“Yeah, I know. It’s part of what I like so much about you. Innocent little flower,” Harley teased, kissing Peter on the nose and making him scrunch his face up.
“Oh my god Harley, I’m not that innocent!”
“Yeah? Prove it.”
Peter got a look on his face that Tony had definitely seen before, usually when either he or Harley challenged him to some task in the lab. Determination. Stubbornness. Boldness. He huffed out a little noise before pushing Harley back down on the bed, crawling down his body, and licking a thick, wet stripe up the length of his cock. Harley’s whole body jerked at the sensation and Peter looked up with a sly smile before taking the tip into his mouth and sucking.
“Fuckkkk, that’s it baby,” Harley groaned, throwing his head back against the pillow and scrabbling blindly for Peter’s hair to tug on which earned him a disapproving noise.
“Nuh-uh,” Peter tutted, pulling off him with a soft ‘pop’. “You want that, you have to look at me.”
Harley propped himself up on his elbows, one eyebrow raised, as he stared down at Peter who was pressing soft kisses all along his length.
“Is this better, princess?” he teased. Peter flushed a little but nodded as he took him back in his mouth. Harley dug one elbow into the mattress and with his other hand he curled his fingers back into Peter’s hair, pulling gently. Tony watched, completely mesmerized, as Peter got about halfway down his cock before he gagged and had to back off. There was no way the kid was going to get that thing all the way down his throat but god it was beautiful to watch him try. His lips were swollen pink from the abuse, spit-slick and oh so kissable. And Harley was a sight himself, obviously already on the edge from touching himself for so long but trying not to come too soon, his body tense and shiny with sweat.
“Oh god, Pete, your mouth…”
Peter hummed around Harley’s throbbing cock which made the older boy yelp and yank him off by the hair.
“Want more,” Peter whined, trying to take it in his mouth again, but Harley wouldn’t let him. He must be so close, Tony thought, palming his own cock just to get some relief. Usually he prided himself on being able to last however long his partner needed but fuck, he didn’t know how much more he could take. Thankfully, Harley seemed to be in the same position. He dragged Peter up into another searing kiss.
“Too close,” he murmured against Peter’s lips, “wanna come inside this sweet little ass. ‘S that ok?”
Peter nodded vigorously. “I’ve got lube in my room, I can—”
“In the drawer, over there,” Harley interrupted, pointing to his desk. Peter clambered off him so quickly he almost tripped and Harley laughed, but there was no malice in it. Tony got an exceptional view of Peter’s ass as he bent over to rummage through the drawer and could only image how Harley was going to fit his cock in there. Peter was already opening the bottle and squeezing lube on his fingers as he climbed back into Harley’s lap.
“You’re not gonna let me do that for you?”
“Not now. I know how much I need,” Peter said as he reached back to slide two fingers inside him, moaning as he pressed them as deep as he could.
“Well at least let me enjoy the show,” Harley said with a smirk, tapping at Peter’s hip until he squirmed around awkwardly to face the other direction in his lap. Harley groaned and squeezed at his pert little cheeks, spreading them apart while Peter fingered himself open. Tony watched his slick fingers move faster and faster and moaned out loud when Peter added a third, the high-resolution cameras picking up the perfect pink of his hole as it stretched around his thin digits. Harley threw his head back for a moment, eyes catching the camera again, and Tony could have sworn he smirked at it, but he was soon distracted by Harley slipping one of his fingers in alongside Peter’s.
“Ahhh!” Peter gasped, his hips shuddering as he sank down on their hands.
“You have gorgeous fingers babe, but it wasn’t gonna be enough. Come on, press in a little more, that’s it…”
It was only a few more minutes until Peter was whining and pulling at Harley’s wrist with his other hand until he slid his fingers out, letting Peter turn back around and position himself over his cock. Tony almost wished he had stayed the other way just so he could see every inch of it press inside, but this way he got to see his beautiful face. He’d have to invest in some mirrors for their rooms for the future… or maybe more cameras.
“You sure you’re ready?”
“Yeah, yes, please, want it,” Peter begged. Harley held his hips still with one hand and reached down to line himself up with the other. Tony could see the exact moment the head pressed past Peter’s tight muscle as his eyes flew open and he let out a choked-off gasp.
“Harleyyyyyy,” Peter whined, squirming his hips as Harley pushed up into him, getting those last few inches inside. He looked completely overwhelmed, his chest heaving and tears streaking down his cheeks.
“Aw look at you sweetheart, such a little crybaby, huh?”
“Am not,” Peter sniffed, slapping Harley on the chest which made the other boy laugh.
“Thought you said you wanted more?”
“I do! Fuck, Harls, it’s so big, feel so full…”
“Yeah? You like that big fat cock inside you?”
Peter blushed but he nodded fiercely, and he must have squeezed around him because Harley gasped and gripped his hips even tighter.
“Fuck yeah, just like that. Such a little slut,” Harley growled, jerking his hips up and jostling Peter forward. He braced himself with his hands on either side of Harley’s head and moaned as his flushed cock rubbed against Harley’s stomach. “You ready, baby?”
Peter nodded and leaned down to mouth wet kisses against Harley’s neck.
“P-please, move,” he whispered.
Harley started slow, fucking up into him with long, deep thrusts that jostled Peter’s whole body against his own. They tried to kiss but it was too messy, mouths barely connecting as Peter tried to meet Harley’s movements. It was uncoordinated, both of them trying to do what felt the best, and somehow Tony found that way sexier than if they immediately started fucking like porn stars. Peter whined with frustration as Harley kept knocking him out of his rhythm.
“Nnn, stop, lemme… fuck,” he groaned, as Harley grabbed his hips so tightly Tony could see the skin turn white and bucked up into him as deep as he could go.
“So fussy,” Harley rasped. “You wanna take control, hm?”
A flush of embarrassment creeped across Peter’s chest. He was like this even in the lab when they were all working together and he got excited about something, forgetting his sweet demeanour and ordering Harley and Tony around until he realized what he was doing. Tony usually just smirked and gave him a jaunty little salute but he would never tell him how hot it was. He was still shy about it, but obviously his need for pleasure won out and he pried Harley’s hands off of him, pressing them into the mattress.
Peter leaned back to grip Harley’s thighs as he worked his hips, slamming down against Harley, his dick jumping with every movement. Harley propped himself up on his elbows to watch this little display, a sexy smirk playing across his mouth as Peter rode him.
“God, look at you… so fucking gorgeous, baby,” he purred. “You close? Gonna come on my cock like a good boy?”
Tony groaned out loud at that. Fuck, Harley had an absolutely filthy mouth and he somehow knew exactly what to say to make Tony impossibly turned on.
Peter could only nod and whimper, and after a few more enthusiastic bounces he ground his hips down as much as he could, moving them in short little jerks to rub Harley deep against his insides. He must have been pressing right against his prostate because it didn’t take long for him to come with a high-pitched whine, shooting all over himself and Harley. Tony nearly came with him, just from the expression on his sweet face: eyes squeezed shut, mouth open, cheeks flushed… it was pure sin. Peter’s dick was still jumping and leaking when Harley grabbed his waist again and pulled him down for a kiss.
“That’s it, so good for me Pete,” Harley cooed, rubbing up and down his back and he shifted underneath him so he could plant his feet against the mattress. “I’m close too, baby, can I…?”
Peter nodded into his neck, fingers winding into Harley’s sweat-drenched hair, and he wiggled his hips a little just for good measure. Harley let out a grunt as he started fucking up into Peter’s pliant body in short little jerks. Tony matched Harley’s thrusts with his own hand, trying to imagine how tight and hot Peter must feel, how he opened for Harley’s huge cock so beautifully…
“Gonna come, gonna fill you up, so fuckin’ sweet darlin’, fuck!”
Tony got another gorgeous view of Peter’s face as Harley came deep inside him and he snapped his head up with a gasp and a lazy, fucked-out smile, practically drooling as Harley shuddered through his orgasm underneath him. It pushed Tony over the edge and he came moments after Harley, muffling his shout with one hand and making an absolute mess of his stomach. He came like he had been edging himself for hours and had to take a moment to slow his breathing before he could even look at the camera again. These boys were literally going to kill him. His heart could only take so much.
Which is why he nearly full-on passed out when Harley twisted his head around to look directly in the camera with a devilish smile on his face.
“Hi Tony. Did you like the show?”
Peter’s head jerked up again, his eyes wide as he looked to the door where he must have expected to see Tony standing.
“Wh-what, Harley, what are you—”
He followed Harley’s gaze to where the camera was, almost completely hidden unless you were looking for it, and he nearly choked.
“Oh my god,” he groaned, hiding in Harley’s neck as Harley chuckled, rubbing his back to comfort him.
“Don’t worry your pretty little head, sweetheart. He’s wanted this since we got here. Got my phone all set up to notify me when you’re watchin’ the feed of my room,” Harley said.
That little shit.
“Figured I’d just give you a solo show today but then Pete here turned up and… well… happy early birthday I guess.”
Peter was still hiding, but he whispered something to Harley, so quiet the camera didn’t pick up the audio. Harley reached down and pulled his face up with a gentle finger under his chin and nodded. It must have reassured him enough to look up at the camera again although he was still bright red. He bit his lip as he raised himself off Harley’s softening cock, letting it slip out. Tony could see a pool of wetness where Harley’s come was dripping out of him and he groaned.
“I feel so empty already,” Peter said quietly, still staring at the camera. “Maybe you can help me with that, Mr. Stark?”
Harley laughed softly as he sat up enough to press a kiss to Peter’s abs and grab his phone from his night table, and then he cut the camera feed. Tony was left staring at his reflection in the blank screen. His softening cock was hanging out of his pants, stomach covered in cooling come, and his face was red from exertion. He was an absolute mess, but he had never felt so aroused.
“Be careful what you wish for, Peter,” he murmured to himself with a smile, cleaning himself up and already planning his next move.
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The Stag and The Doe Chapter Seven
Here is an excpert from Chapter 7! Read the entire story on Ao3
Chapter Seven: We Gotta Get Back to Hogwarts
Lily, James, and the gang head back for their final year at Hogwarts.
"Where is she?" James asked to no one in particular. It was 10:45 a.m., and the Head Girl had yet to show up to catch the Hogwarts Express. James must have searched the entire train three times, and he had yet to find a trace of her.
"Relax, mate," Sirius said casually. "I'm sure she's just late. She'll be here."
"Lily Evans, late?" James asked incredulously. "Lily Evans has never been late a day in her life."
"She's not late yet, Prongs," Remus pointed out. Remus Lupin, always the voice of reason. And the only Marauder that could ever keep a calm head under pressure. He was arguably their most important member with that skill.
"Yes, but she's cutting it awfully close," James said while pacing their compartment.
"Maybe it's to avoid looking at your ugly face," Peter joked. Everyone but James laughed.
James gave Sirius a look that read I can't deal with this right now.
"Yeah, not a good time, Wormtail," Sirius said to Peter. Sirius grabbed James firmly by the shoulders. "Look, Prongs, I love you, but you have got to calm the fuck down. Lily Evans will walk through that door any minute, is this really how you want her to see you when she does?"
"You're right," James took a deep breath. "She'll be here. Thanks, Padfoot."
Sirius smiled at James and brought him in for a hug. "Anytime, Prongs."
"Well, well, well, doesn't this look cozy," a voice came drawling from the compartment door.
James and Sirius broke apart and whipped around to find the source of the voice. Standing in the doorway, leaning against the doorframe, arms crossed, and hip cocked, was none other than Lily Evans.
James's heart skipped a beat when he saw her standing there. He didn't have much time to admire her, because a second later, Marlene McKinnon was bounding into the room.
"Hello, boys! Miss us?!" Marlene yelled while jumping at Sirius. He caught her at the last second; she was being unusually clumsy. Sirius turned to look at James with a face that clearly read, What the fuck? James just shrugged. Marlene was weird sometimes.
"For fuck's sake, Marlene," Lily snapped. "Not so bloody loud."
James took a moment to admire Lily. She was wearing jeans and a t-shirt that was snug across her chest, her hair was knotted in a bun on the top of her head, and she had a pair of large sunglasses on. James thought she looked rather tired. Something is wrong, James thought. Lily Evans was always the picture of put together. Maybe she's sick?
"Sirius, darling, it's been too long," Marlene cried. She gave him a loud, wet kiss on the cheek.
"Good to see you too, McKinnon," Sirius said, confused. He looked around helplessly at the rest of the group.
"Remus!" Marlene yelled shrilly. James noticed Lily wince, and her fingers immediately started massaging her temple.
Marlene planted another wet kiss to Remus's cheek before moving on and greeting Peter in the same fashion. She stopped when she got to James.
"James Potter! I won't kiss you because I don't want someone to get jealous," she whispered loudly while pointing at Lily.
Lily rolled her eyes. "Ignore her. She’s still drunk from last night."
"Wait, last night?" James looked at Marlene. Her hair looked like she had just rolled out of bed, she had dark streaks under her eyes and running down her face, and now that she was close enough, James noticed she reeked of alcohol. "You're drunk?"
Marlene started giggling. "Shhh, don't tell Lily."
"I think it's a little late for that," Remus said. "Marlene, why don't you come sit next to me?"
He gently tugged her down onto the bench, and she flopped down next to him. "Lily and I went out in Muggle London last night."
"Muggle London?" Remus asked. "How did you even get served? Aren't you underaged for a Muggle? I thought the drinking age was eighteen?"
"Oh, Remus, you're cute," Lily smiled at him. "You'd be surprised what a pretty smile and low-cut top can get you."
"That's my girl," Sirius said with a wink. "Pray tell, Lilykins, what else did you get, you little vixen?"
"I got three boys' felfyphone numbers," Marlene said proudly.
"Telephone numbers," Lily corrected. She started to drag two large trunks in. "No, Mar, don't help. I'll get your bloody bags."
"Let me get them," James said, stepping forward and grabbing one of the bags from Lily.
"Thanks," she smiled at him gratefully. Together they started bringing in the girls' trunks.
"Three phone numbers, eh, McKinnon?" Sirius said with a wink. "Not bad. How about you, Evans. How many numbers did you get?"
"None," Lily answered while she helped James left their trunks up to the luggage rack. "Who would look me while the beautiful and radiant Marlene McKinnon in the room? Isn't that right, Mar?"
"I would," James murmured. He didn't know if anyone had heard him. But Lily looked at him and shot him a grateful smile. Her smile quickly disappeared, though, and she once again looked almost ill. "You okay, Lily?"
James could see a blush starting to appear on her cheeks, even with her large sunglasses covering most of her face.
"I'm fine," Lily snapped. "You would be in a foul mood, too, if you had to deal with a drunk Marlene trying to get onto the platform."
James chuckled. "I don't envy you, that's for sure. You guys must have gone pretty hard last night if she's still drunk."
"Don't even get me started. We switched to scotch pretty early on and were out until three this morning." Lily and James had finished with the trunks and sat down next to each other on the bench. "I'm exhausted."
"Lily!" Sirius yelled, scandalized. "Do my ears deceive me? You were drinking scotch?"
Lily winced when Sirius yelled her name. "Bloody hell, Sirius. Can everyone please stop fucking yelling!"
Everyone looked at her for a moment. "Are you hungover?" Sirius asked.
Lily just groaned and put her head in her hands. "Please, just whisper, alright?"
"You are, aren't you, Evans?" Sirius looked like Christmas had come early, and he certainly did not whisper.
"Yes, alright. I'm completely hungover," Lily admitted. "Happy?"
"Yes, actually I am," Sirius smiled. "Poor Lily can't handle her scotch. Let me guess, you drink it on the rocks, too. Nice and watered down for you, eh?"
Lily glanced up, pushed her sunglasses to the top of her head, and sent her classic Evans glare at Sirius. "Do we look like little boys to you? We are women, Black. We drink our scotch neat."
James, Peter, and Remus howled with laughter. Sirius glared right back at Lily. "I would drink you under the table, Evans."
Lily stood up with her hands clenched tightly to her side. "I would like to see you try, Black."
"Name the time and place, dear," Sirius said lazily.
"Friday night. Gryffindor Common Room." Lily said through clenched teeth.
Sirius stood up as well, holding his hand out to Lily. "Deal."
They shook hands while they continued to glare at each other. James knew it was unfortunate timing, but he was extremely turned on by this side of Lily.
"Well, that should be interesting," Remus said.
"I want in!" Marlene yelled suddenly.
Lily winced again. "Dammit, Marlene, keep it down!"
"I'll take that action, McKinnon," Peter said. They shook on it as well.
Bloody hell, James thought, this is going to be a disaster.
Lily closed her eyes and massaged her temples again. "Remus, we should get going. The prefect meeting is about to start."
Remus, Lily, and James made their way to the door. "Where do you think you're going, Potter?" Lily asked.
"To the prefect meeting," James answered simply.
"Which is for prefects only," Lily said.
"Right, and the Head Boy," James had been waiting all summer to surprise Lily with this.
"You? You're Head Boy?" Lily asked, shocked.
"Afraid so," James answered while running his hand through his hair nervously.
"Don't worry, Evans," Sirius said. "We were all surprised as well. I mean, who in their right ruddy mind would make James Potter Head Boy?"
James shot him a look. Sirius knew James was nervous about being Head Boy. James had thought about writing several letters to Dumbledore and McGonagall to ask them why the hell they had made him Head Boy. Remus had to talk him down from doing it.
"Actually, I think it makes perfect sense," Lily smiled sweetly at James.
"You do?" Sirius asked.
"You do?" James repeated.
"Sure," Lily shrugged. "I mean you're a great leader, students really look up to, and you finally stopped being such a prat last year. I think you'll be brilliant."
James beamed at her. He had been so worried all summer over what her reaction might be. He knew they had been getting on much better lately, but he still worried that she considered him too much of a git to be any good at the job. Hell, even James thought that. But hearing her say he'd be brilliant erased all doubt from his mind. Lily believes in me, James thought. I can do this! Hearing her say that was all the validation James needed. Who gives a fuck what everyone else thinks?
"Shall we go, Head Boy?" Lily asked with a sly smile.
"Let's, Head Girl," James smiled back. Lily dropped her sunglasses back onto her face, and they set off towards the Prefect Compartment.
Read the rest of the chapter here.
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taronfanfic · 5 years
Fast Forward
A/N: This series will contain themes that some readers may find upsetting. It links on from my past series Rewind which can be found under my Masterlist. It’s not vial that you’ve read Rewind first, but it may help. 
Chapter 1
Boyfriend and Girlfriend. It was official. Officially official too, and you’d never felt happier. Not a day went by without you smiling or laughing because of Taron. Not a day went by without you kissing him either, and it was pretty rare for gaps between sex to last longer than 48 hours. For a while you lived between each other’s flats with items of clothing slowly migrating between wardrobes. When you got sick of sharing a toothbrush you bought new ones and settled on having two each. If one kitchen became empty of food, you’d simply switch flats until you’d eaten the second kitchen bare. Generally, the weekends were spent at Taron’s and the weeknights at yours. It made your friends jealous that you had the best of both worlds, being close enough to essentially live together, but still have separate places if you wanted some space. Not that you ever wanted space, but it was calming to know it was an option.
It was 8 months in that the first serious chat happened. You suggested actually moving in together, picking a flat and combining all your possessions so you could halve your rent and put the saved money towards a deposit on a house. The excitement radiated from Taron. He jumped at the idea and told you he was moving in to your flat, no questions asked. You fucked all through the night in loved up bliss, dreaming out loud about finding the perfect home to settle down in. You really didn’t think things could get any better.
You also never expected them to get worse. But who does?
It was late one Friday night when your phone started to ring. You had your head resting comfortably in Taron’s lap with your legs curled up against the other end of the sofa as you watched TV together, catching up on the drama from Love Island.
“Who is it?” You grumbled as Taron shifted beneath you to reach your phone from the coffee table.
“Your mum.” He replied as he lowered the screen in front of your face.
“Just silence it, I’ll call her back tomorrow.” He muted the call and handed over your phone, too lazy to reach forward and place it back on the table. The comfortable silence returned as you went back to watching TV, feeling Taron’s fingertips rubbing softly up and down your arm as a couple on screen finally admitted to liking each other. You felt your phone start to vibrate again in your palm and it was your mum calling for the second time.
“Urgh, what does she want?” You moaned as you sat up from Taron and walked across to the kitchen area to answer it this time.
“Hey Mum, I was going to call you back tomorrow as it’s late and we’re heading to bed soon.” Taron cast a glance back at you over his shoulder and smiled softly at the idea of going to bed. “What? Slow down, what’s happened?” His smile switched to a frown as he tried to piece together half a conversation to work out what was going on. “Shit. That’s not good. So what happens now… No, no, Mum. It’ll be okay, he’ll be fine, he’s in the best place. Just stay calm because there’s nothing you can do and stressing yourself out isn’t going to help is it?”
By now Taron was on his feet and standing on the opposite side of the breakfast bar, trying to listen closely to what your mum was saying too.
“It’s all going to be fine, look I’ll get the first train up tomorrow and stay for the weekend. Can you pick me up from the station when I get there?... no, of course, don’t worry I can get a taxi. It’s fine. I’ll be there as soon as I can, Mum… I need to get some things together now, so text me if anything changes, yeah? Good, okay. I’ll see you soon. It’s going to be fine.”
You ended the call and immediately closed your eyes as you felt the optimism you’d shared with your Mum drain from your body. As the first few tears ran down your cheeks you felt Taron’s hands upon your shoulders and his body moving in closely behind yours.
“What’s happened?” He asked softly as he pulled you in against his chest and wrapped his arms around you tightly.
“My Dad’s been rushed into hospital.” You paused to take a shaky breath and felt Taron’s lips pressing a kiss to your temple.
“He’ll be okay.”
You shook your head.
“No one knows that yet. He’s been taken for scans.”
“Did your Mum say what had actually happened?”
“He was in a lot of pain, was being sick and then collapsed.” You stated simply, repeating the words your Mum had said to you just moments before. It was then that the shock finally hit you and you felt your legs weaken beneath you. “Oh god.”
“Hey, hey hey, shhh it’s alright.” Taron supported more of your weight as you turned around in his arms and buried your head into his shoulder as you started to sob. “Y/N, it’s going to be absolutely fine. He’s in the hospital with the doctors looking after him, they’ll work out what’s wrong and how to treat it and he’ll be back on his feet in no time at all.”
“But what if he’s not?”
“He will be.” Taron continued to try and soothe you, running his hands softly up and down your back.
“You don’t know that.”
“No, but I don’t know what else to say. I just want you to be okay and I know I can’t take the fear away right now.”
“My Mum’s on her own.” Your eyes shot up to Taron’s as you thought of her sitting on her own in the hospital waiting for any news. She’d be feeling exactly the same as you, if not worse, and had no one there to give her a hug.
“I’m sure she can ring a friend if she needs to, and it won’t be for much longer as we’ll be there tomorrow.”
“We?” You questioned as Taron’s arms dropped from around you.
“Yeah, I’ll come with you.”
“No, Taron. You don’t need to do that.” You shook your head as you walked away from him and through to the bedroom so you could start to pull a few things together into a bag.
“Y/N.” He pleaded after you.
“Please, not tonight.” You already felt deflated, defeated and just didn’t have the energy to explain yourself properly as you cast a glance back to him from the bedroom doorway. He saw your shoulders drop as you sighed, and he gave you a simple nod of understanding back.
Thinking straight wasn’t easy, but you’d grabbed all the main essentials you thought you’d need and bundled them into your rucksack ready for the morning. You were sat in bed booking your train ticket as Taron completed his nightly routine in silence and then joined you, still not having said a word.
“Please don’t be weird.”
“I’m not.” He replied softly as he opened himself up for you to cuddle in against his side. “I was just giving you some time to think, to let it sink in.”
“Sorry. Everything feels strange right now.”
“It’s alright, it’s bound to. It will all be okay though.”
“I hope so.” You sighed again as you shuffled down the bed and let your head rest softly against his chest. “I love you.”
“I love you too. More than anything.” He kissed the top of your head and it felt like the most comforting thing in the world. There was a feeling in your gut that the next few weeks, or months, weren’t going to be easy; things weren’t going to go smoothly. But for once in your life you had someone by your side to soften the blow. Someone who could look after you and pick you back up when it felt like you were falling to pieces. You had Taron and he made you feel strong, capable and safe.
Taglist: @egerton-sweetie  @amanda-tallmadge @lizziespidiepridie @leanimal90 @anantheminmyheart22 @aynsleywalker @bohemianrhapsody86 @butterfliesslugswormsandothershi @manners-maketh-taron @livingincompletesilence @marvelmakeuplover @ohsosmutty @misspygmypie  @manners-maketh-a-kingsman @courtmr @baileythepenguin @thomaslefteyebrow @witchymarvelspacecase @samanthasmileys @nellietara @i-cant-remember-my-old-login @wheresmylightinthedark @kurtis-conner @hoe4dior @toky-9101 @mayaslifeinabox @fluentlyspeakingtreason @yallyallblanchett @whiskeylipsx @emmaelizabeth2014​
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hardladyheart · 4 years
Robby (Bucky Barnes)
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Living in the Avenger’s Tower was a dream come true, especially since you had no power to speak of. You had moved to New York city a couple of months ago and needed to stay somewhere until you got back on your feet; thankfully you were friends with a certain red-headed assassin who spoke to everyone about it. They all agreed, some happier than others since you are a female, and you’ve been there ever since. Tony even hooked you up with a job that had a very pretty penny of a salary.
Obviously living there was an absolute blast (no pun intended), but there were some things you missed and a major one was your alone time. You enjoyed everyone’s company, but sometimes you missed when you could just stay in bed and read. Now when you even try to do that, Friday is constantly asking you questions from the group, wondering if there is something wrong or if you’re sick, etc.
Now the only way you could have any time to yourself without the interruptions was when you snuck out on a cool night and went for a walk, a night like this. A light breeze touched your skin as you walked down a well-lit street, most of the lights out in the homes on your left. That wasn’t a surprise since it was around two in the morning and it was mostly quiet except for maybe a dog or cat and sometimes a lone vehicle passing by.
You let out a sigh, sticking your right hand in your pocket to pull out your cell, hitting a side button to turn the screen on. A message was still waiting for you, but you knew it couldn’t be anything good. The sender was bad news and you really weren’t in the mood to deal with him. That message was the reason you were out so late at night, trying to figure out if you should listen to it or just delete it.
“You never called me back, you know,” a voice you dreaded said from beside you.
You stopped and looked at the familiar man beside you, his fake blond hair falling in his -at the moment- sad brown eyes with a frown gracing his full lips. Seeing him again brought back emotions that you had hoped were dead. “I didn’t know I was supposed to, Robby,” you told him truthfully.
“I always want you to call me back, preferably right after I call you unless you pick up.” A rough hand grabbed yours and it took all you could do not to pull away. Both of you were silent for a while, even after you turned back the way you came, his hand still holding yours. “So where are we going to now?”
“I’m heading home since I have work in the morning.” You were proud of yourself that your voice didn’t break. Goosebumps covered your arms as his skin touched yours, making it hard to concentrate on what you were doing. “How did you find me?”
Robby’s hand glided up your arm to just below where your arm creased for your elbow. He touched the scar gently, which was unlike him. “I always know where you are; that’s what this was for.”
You couldn’t take him touching you anymore and you jerked your arm away. The hard glint in his eyes made an appearance before he hid it again. Robby was keeping himself in check, for now. You took a deep breath, hoping to calm yourself, but you could only smell his cologne which almost felt suffocating.
“I think we should go to my hotel, talk some things over and decide what to do with our relationship.” Robby went to grab your hand again but you pulled away.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea. Listen, Robby, I’m gonna go home, by myself, and you should probably head back to your hotel room and then go home.”
The smirk he gave you made your blood run cold. “It sounded like you were just disobeying me AND telling me what to do, but I must be mistaken. You know what happens when you tell me what to do.” Robby yanked your arm, pulling you into a semi-dark alley.
Shoving you against a brick wall behind you, you couldn’t help but whimper, knowing full well what he could do. If it wasn’t going to be him hitting you, then it was going to be much worse. Your ex checked your pockets, taking out everything and throwing it on the ground, including your phone.
“What’s going on,” another familiar voice asked from the opening of the alley. You watched as Robby turned to look at the man. Dark hair to his shoulders, a chiseled jaw covered in shadow, clothes dark and metal arm glinting from the nearby street light.
“None of your business man, just talking to my girl,” Robby said with a tone that was filled with authority.
As your hero smirked, you took your chance and placed a foot behind Robby’s knee, pushing him and making him fall to the ground. Your ex grunted at the impact and before he could get up, you kicked him in the ribs before placing your foot on his neck and slowly applied pressure. “Robby, we are over, you got it. I may not scare you, but just remember this the next time you come after me, I live with the Avengers.”
You moved the foot on his neck and he coughed as he scrambled up. Robby almost tripped as he rounded the corner and ran off, making you chuckle darkly. You knew how you’d feel once the adrenaline was gone, but right now you felt awesome.
Bucky stared at you before he also cracked a smile; walking up to you. “Did he hurt you?” His hands caressed your face as he looked to see if you were bleeding or anything. You closed your eyes at the feel of his skin against yours, something you’ve always wanted.
Catching what you were doing you cleared your throat and stepped back from him, his hands falling to his sides and a look of disappointment flashed across his face. “No, but he would have. How did you know where I was?”
“Friday told me, thought you shouldn’t be out at night by yourself.” No way was Bucky going to tell you that he had ordered Friday to always tell him if you were going somewhere.
“Oh, okay, well I’m glad she did.” You could feel yourself getting back to normal and new everything would hit you soon. “We should probably get home.”
Bucky only nodded and walked beside you as you both headed back to the tower. The walk was silent, but you could feel his blue eyes on you every now and then, making you shiver, but not from the cold.
Your floor was first in the trip on the elevator; as you were getting off and telling him thank you one more time, you held the door for a moment. “Would you mind staying with me tonight? I know it’s dumb but I don’t want to be alone.”
Bucky didn’t hesitate, “It isn’t dumb, it’s understandable; I’ll stay.”
You grabbed his metal hand and pulled him with you to your bedroom, telling him you’d be right back. After you changed in the bathroom to your comfortable long sleeve and long pj bottoms, you went back into your bedroom. Bucky stood without a word and you climbed into bed before he began to leave.
“Wait, Bucky, please stay,” you hated that you sounded to pathetic. But you figured you needed him there.
Bucky nodded and slid into bed beside you, his body stiffening when you reached over him to turn off the light. You both laid there in darkness, one waiting for the other to sleep while the other trying to figure out what to do.
It wasn’t long for Bucky’s breathing to change, and you knew he wouldn’t be able to stay awake for long even if he wanted to. This was your chance; you moved up slightly, you hand moving some of his soft hair away from his face.
Bucky’s eyes flew open as he was about to attack whoever was touching him, but then he relaxed at remembering where he was. “What’re you doin,” he asked with a slur.
“Shhh,” you whispered before you placed your lips on his in a soft kiss. You felt him stiffen but as you stayed where you were, he kissed you back, his metal arm wrapping around your waist as his other hand lifted to touch your cheek.
His lips were soft and you couldn’t help but nip at them lightly which he rewarded with a growl, pulling you closer to him. With a jolt of realization, the soldier stopped and pulled away, even if he didn’t want to. “We can’t do this.” He told you as he went to get up.
“Why not?” Your look of rejection breaking his heart.
“I don’t want you to do this as a thank you for tonight or because you feel you need to. I’m not going to use you for that.” Bucky’s voice was stern, letting her know he meant that.
“It isn’t because of tonight, James, but because of every night.” You went quiet for a second, his blue eyes gazing at you with confusion. “I’ve been attracted to you since the second week I got here, but I was too afraid. After Robby, I didn’t think anyone would want me so I didn’t do anything about it. I felt that since you were here tonight that maybe I could at least kiss you once even if you thought it was only for being there earlier.” You hadn’t realized you were going to spill, but it was too late now.
Bucky ran a hand through his hair with a sigh before turning his back towards you. You didn’t know if he was going to leave and never speak to you again or if he was going to tell you no, so you just waited. Bucky finally broke the silence with an almost amused sounding question, “Only the second week?” Bucky turned to look at you with a smile before crawling back into bed with you and kissing you.
The next morning you felt a hand on your cheek as lips kissed a line down your nose and to your mouth. You smiled and kissed him, your fingers playing in his hair. Nothing happened last night, but at the same time, everything happened. You finally had the courage to fight off your ex and tell your crush you wanted him. There was no need for sex when his kisses were everything you ever needed.
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mikauzoran · 5 years
Adrienette Drabble: Daisy Chapter Thirty-Two: Game
There’s a Daisy Chapter Thirty-Two: Game
(It’s baaaaaaaack. ^.^)
“It’s good to know that you haven’t lost your skill,” Kagami remarked condescendingly as she removed her mask to reveal a sly, fox-like smile. “I had been concerned.”
“I mean, I did go for a run on Monday,” Adrien snorted, wiping the sweat from his brow with the back of his hand. “It’s not like years of training are going to instantly evaporate just because I spend a few days moping in bed.”
Kagami clicked her tongue reproachfully. “My mother would disown me for neglecting my art like that.”
“I’m sick.” Adrien shrugged dismissively.
“In my family, mental illness is viewed as weakness and inferiority,” she countered ruefully. “Be grateful your father is so lenient and understanding.”
“Yeah,” Adrien sighed, relenting as he rested his mask against his hip. “He’s really stepped up lately. I am grateful. A couple years ago when I asked to see a therapist, he told me it would be disgraceful to talk about private family matters with ‘one of those charlatans’, and when I started having panic attacks, he insisted that I was just fatigued from all the work…. He’s come a long way.”
Kagami nodded, beginning to pack up her equipment.
“…Do you think I’m weak?” Adrien wondered.
Kagami paused, her head tipping slightly as she considered her response. “…I think it takes a very strong person to admit to their weaknesses.” She looked at him over her shoulder. “I think you’re admirable.”
A pleased blush slowly rose in Adrien’s cheeks. “Thank you. I admire you too, Kagami.”
She waved away his compliment. “Flatterer. I’m commandeering a guest room to shower and change. You should do likewise, and, then, as a reward for your fencing skills not deteriorating despite your negligence, I will allow you to take me to lunch.”
Adrien frowned. “I thought you said that I couldn’t pay for your meals unless it was a date.”
Kagami shrugged. “Those were the old rules, and they have outlived their usefulness. I no longer have any delusions about the two of us ever being a couple, Adrien. You’re sweet, and I’m glad of your friendship, but now that I’ve gotten to know you better, I can see plainly that we’re not meant to be.”
“O-Oh.” Adrien shifted uncomfortably. “…Did I do something wrong?”
Kagami shook her head. “I did. I decided who you were without really knowing, without consulting you. I acted on assumptions and incomplete data. I apologize.”
Adrien opened his mouth to apologize in turn, but Kagami cut him off: “Whatever you’re about to say is superfluous. If you’re about to tell me all is forgiven, it’s unnecessary because I know you forgive me. You forgive so easily, Adrien—too easily. If you’re about to apologize and try to take some of the blame onto yourself, that too is unnecessary because, like I said before, you are not the one in the wrong.”
Adrien smiled softly at his friend, silently thanking her. “If you say so,” he replied aloud. “…Do you like Chinese food?”
Kagami raised a skeptical eyebrow. “I would not be opposed to trying Chinese food if that’s what you really want, Adrien, but we can’t tell my mother. She doesn’t approve of commoner food.”
His soft smile morphed into a mischievous grin. “You can just say I took you to La Bauhinia or Shang Palace at the Shangri-La.”
Kagami rolled her eyes. “Devious boy. Go shower.”
 Wednesday evening, several hours after Kagami’s departure, Gabriel stood in the doorway as Adrien finished a spirited rendition of Bohemian Rhapsody on the piano and Plagg crooned along.
“Your playing has improved in these past few weeks,” he observed, clapping reservedly.
Adrien gave a start and turned on the bench to smile sheepishly. “It’s more incentive to practice when you’re playing something you want to be playing—no offense to Ravel.” He ran a hand through his hair.
“And yet you were playing Ravel’s Une Barque sur l’Ocean the other day,” Gabriel hummed.
Adrien shrugged and tried not to blush. “That one’s been stuck in my head for some reason.”
Plagg snickered.
Adrien swatted halfheartedly at the kwami.
Gabriel nodded, ignoring the interaction. “Do you like Queen?”
Adrien shrugged again. “Select Queen songs. Bohemian Rhapsody and The Show Must Go On. There was a lot of Queen music featured in the show Elise and I watched yesterday, so…”
“I’m the one who requested Bohemian Rhapsody,” Plagg spoke up from where he was lounging on the piano. “I like Queen. Did you need something, Gabriel? If not, you should come over and play a piece with us.”
“Maybe later,” Gabriel excused himself, actually intending to make time to play with them at a later date. “Monsieur Lahiffe is in the foyer. I told him you did not wish to see him. He asked to appeal the matter with you. Are you still upset with him?”
Adrien held out a hand palm down and wiggled it. “I think I’m going to be hurt about this for a long time, even if I’m not actively upset. Right now I’m playing hard to get and seeing what he comes up with as far as grand gestures to win my forgiveness. He snuck into my room the other day, and that was kind of impressive.”
Gabriel frowned. “How did a teenage boy get past our security system?”
Adrien waved away Gabriel’s concern. “Magic. Don’t worry about it.”
Gabriel doubled down in the concern department. “Wait. Actual magic, or is that just a figure of speech?”
“The magic of friendship,” Adrien clarified, getting to his feet. “Let’s go hear what Monsieur Lahiffe has to say for himself.”
Gabriel reluctantly followed his son, hanging back to observe the confrontation.
Nino was waiting in the foyer at the bottom of the stairs. When he saw Adrien up and dressed, he smiled. “Hey, Mec. Looking good.”
“Flattery isn’t going to get you into my bedroom, Nino,” Adrien snickered, stopping at the top of the stairs and crossing his arms. “You know, I’ve always wanted to do this to somebody else,” Adrien hummed, looking down imperiously at his friend.
“Dreams really do come true sometimes,” Nino snorted, not enjoying being in Adrien’s usual position.
“This is kind of a power trip,” Adrien mused, standing more erect. “…So I hear you asked to appeal your case?”
“Yeah,” Nino sighed. “Dude, call your dad off.”
“Nope,” Adrien chuckled. “I’m taking the high road and trying to suck it up and be mature about so many other things in my life right now. You get to deal with the childish temper tantrum.”
Nino inhaled deeply and slowly let it out. “Lucky me.”
Adrien bit his lip. “…How’s Marinette?”
Nino smiled sadly. “Hanging in there. Throwing herself into her work at the moment. Inside, she’s a mess, but she’s putting her game face on and going out there and getting things done.”
Adrien nodded, unsure how to feel about that. Part of him wanted her to be a complete and utter wreck. Part of him didn’t want his Lady, his Princess to feel anything like the pain he was going through.
“You should write me a sonnet to prove your undying friendship,” Adrien remarked offhandedly, turning to head back to his room.
“How about a limerick?” Nino bartered.
“Am I only worth a limerick?” Adrien pouted, passing his father and slipping back into his sanctuary/cage.
Ten minutes later, Carapace opened Adrien’s window.
“You came prepared this time,” Adrien chuckled as he plugged a second controller into the game console.
Nino sighed as his transformation dropped. “Dude, you’re worth this.”
Adrien paused, letting the words warm his chest while simultaneously trying not to let on. He looked up expectantly at Nino. “So, where’s my limerick?”
 Thursday, Wayem came over to play through Adrien’s collection of board games.
“You know, I haven’t even played three quarters of these,” Adrien muttered, getting down a copy of The Settlers of Catan.
“How come?” Wayem looked back over the couch to arch an eyebrow at his friend.
Adrien shrugged, coming and setting the game down on the coffee table. “I’ve never had enough players for most of them. My father has only relented in allowing people over the past month or two. Before that, I had no one to play them with.”
Besides Plagg, put Plagg was hard to convince to play and often had to be bribed to participate and take the game seriously.
“Some of them I was able to play multiple roles myself, but…with strategy games or games like Cluedo, for example, looking at another player’s cards is cheating, and it’s difficult to plot and scheme against yourself. I mean, it can be done, but…it’s really not as much fun to screw yourself over.”
“I need to take you to a board game café,” Wayem realized.
Adrien blinked. “That’s a thing?”
Wayem winced. “Next week we’re getting some of the others together and going to Dernier Bar avant la Fin du Monde. I’ll bring some of my friends too. You’ll love it. Do you think your dad would let you go?”
“I think he could be convinced, especially if Elise goes. He’s somehow gotten it into his head that she’s a responsible adult,” Adrien chuckled.
Wayem cracked up. “Does he know she smuggles in Pop-Tarts?”
“Shhh!” Adrien shushed urgently through laughter, frantically waving his hands. “The walls have ears around this place.”
Wayem shook his head, looking down at the assortment of games on the table before them. “So what do you want to play first? Is there one in particular that you’ve always wanted to play but’ve never gotten to?”
Adrien bit his lip, scanning the lineup. Tentatively, he picked up the box of a game that neither Plagg nor his father would ever deign to play with him. “Exploding Kittens?” he asked hesitantly, peridot eyes wide and overflowing with hope.
Wayem applauded. “Good choice!”
 Friday, mid-morning, Chloé, Kagami, and Elise came parading into Adrien’s room without warning.
Adrien jerked up from where he was lying on his stomach on the couch reading volume two of Seven Days. He hastily snapped the manga closed and shoved it under the couch before his friends could see.
Plagg, who had phased into the couch at the sound of the door opening, snickered at Adrien’s expense.
“Guys,” Adrien whined in frustration. “A little privacy? Could you please knock?”
“Your father said we could show ourselves in,” Chloé snorted. “Why? Were you looking at porn or something?”
Adrien’s already rosy cheeks exploded in a flood of scarlet. “No! I was just researching!”
“Oh?” Chloé snickered as she approached. “And what’s that?”
“Something personal. Relationship stuff,” Adrien huffed.
Kagami and Elise looked on sympathetically, knowing from experience that Chloé would not back down until she was satisfied with the answer she received.
Chloé bent behind the couch and felt underneath.
“Chloé!” Adrien squeaked, ducking down and reaching for the book.
Her hand found it first, and Adrien was left to blush in horror as his oldest friend began to flip through.
“It’s a comic book,” Chloé observed, looking disappointed. “There’s not even any nudity. Why were you so embarrassed to be caught reading this?”
“No reason. Give it back?” Adrien asked hopefully, holding out his hand with a nervous smile.
Chloé turned to Kagami, and Adrien’s heart sank. “What language is this in? Can you read it?”
Kagami blinked as the book was thrust into her hands. “…It’s Japanese.” She flipped through perfunctorily, and her eyes widened just a touch. She closed the book.
“It’s just a teenage love story. He’s being overly sensitive,” Kagami reported, her tone of voice informing the others that this was the final verdict as she strode over to the couch and handed the book back to Adrien who was a blush personified.
He took the manga without meeting Kagami’s eye. “Thank you,” he mumbled.
With a sigh, Kagami switched to Japanese. “You’re researching relationships between men?”
Adrien shrank, replying in a small voice in Japanese, “I am.”
Kagami pursed her lips. “I’ve heard that these kind of manga are not realistic representations of same-sex partnerships. They’re mostly for the entertainment of women. You probably shouldn’t base your expectations on them.”
Adrien returned to French with a bashful smile. “That’s kind of a relief. Thanks.”
Kagami gave a decisive nod. “Friends,” she tested the word out on her tongue. “Friends look out for one another.”
Chloé turned to Elise. “What just happened?”
Elise chuckled. “I don’t speak Japanese, Lemon Drop, but I’m guessing they had a friendship-solidifying moment.”
Chloé snorted. “When do I get to have a friendship-solidifying moment with Kagami?”
Elise shrugged. “Not with Adrien?”
Chloé waved Elise away. “The friendship between Adri-chou and me is like bedrock.”
Adrien’s bedroom door opened once more to admit an annoyed-looking Gabriel Agreste. “I’ve just been arguing with Monsieur Lahiffe about his admittance. Adrien, would you care to weigh in on the matter?”
Adrien pursed his lips. He slipped the manga back under the couch and stood. “He can come in since there are others. Keep giving him a hard time when he comes alone until further notice.”
“Very well,” Gabriel sighed, turning to call over his shoulder. “Monsieur Lahiffe? You’ve been given a special dispensation.”
Nino trotted up the stairs and eagerly made his way into Adrien’s room, announcing, “I wrote you a limerick.”
Adrien blinked. “For real?”
Nino nodded. “It’s rubbish, but it technically fits the definition of ‘limerick’. I’m not a poet, Mec.”
“I know you’re not,” Adrien snickered. “That’s why I asked you to write me a sonnet.”
Nino frowned deeply. “Is this like that story you told me about the moon chick who sent her suitors out to fulfill impossible requests?”
“Kaguya-hime?” Kagami cocked an eyebrow at Adrien who shrugged.
“The main difference is that Kaguya-hime meant for her suitors to fail,” Adrien explained. “I’ll be very pleased if Nino succeeds in winning my forgiveness.” He turned to Nino expectantly as Adrien took a seat on the piano bench, crossing one knee over the other. “Limerick?”
Nino cleared his throat.
“There was a young man named Agreste whose best friend was a real pest. The friend was a snake. He made a mistake, and their friendship was put to the test.
 “I told you it was rubbish,” Nino concluded. “But there’s your limerick.”
Adrien and the girls applauded politely.
“I’ll take it,” Adrien decreed, looking pleased.
Elise chuckled. “Candy Floss, you’re being mean torturing him like this.”
“And torturing us by extension,” Chloé snorted. “That was painful to listen to.”
“He did his best,” Kagami allowed.
“I’m not being mean,” Adrien protested with a pout. “I’m practicing holding a grudge with someone who I know won’t hate me for it, someone I know I won’t lose just because we have a fight. My therapist said it was unhealthy to avoid conflict by disregarding my own feelings and always folding like I do just because I’m terrified people won’t like me and will leave me if I stand up for myself. I’m practicing engaging in conflict in a safe environment,” he explained.
“He’s fine,” Nino assured, waving the girls off. “I can take it. Our friendship is stronger than this, so don’t worry about it. …Anyway, as a bonus, I wrote a haiku,” Nino informed, lightening the topic of conversation once more. “Do you want to hear that too, or have you had enough of my poetic buffoonery?”
“I’m game,” Adrien decided, making Chloé audibly groan.
Nino stood up straighter. “I feel deep sadness and regret for hurting you my beloved friend.
 “How’s that?” Nino shifted his weight from foot to foot.
“Now, that was sweet,” Elise cooed.
“The syllables were correct,” Kagami remarked.
“Too sappy,” Chloé sighed.
It took Adrien a moment to formulate his response. “You took the time to come up with that for me?”
Nino replied with a wide-armed, what-else-was-I-supposed-to-do shrug. “I thought you’d appreciate it, even though I suck at poetry…I mean, since I can’t even begin to write a sonnet for you.”
Adrien pushed himself up off the piano bench and tackled Nino in a crushing hug. “You have no idea how much I appreciate you putting this much effort in…you thinking I’m worth it.”
Nino smiled tiredly, returning the hug. “Of course you’re worth it, Mec.”
“Bleh,” Chloé grumbled. “The bromance.”
“I think their friendship is beautiful,” Kagami remarked, coming to stand between Chloé and Elise.
Chloé gazed sidelong at Kagami. “…I guess there are some nice things about it…. Would you want to have a bromance?—Hypothetically.”
“I think it would be nice to be that close to someone,” Kagami affirmed with a wistful smile.
Chloé made a mental note.
“Does this mean that all’s forgiven?” Nino wondered as he and Adrien pulled apart.
Adrien laughed, smacking Nino on the arm playfully. “Hell no. You stabbed me in the back. You’re going to be groveling for a loooong time.”
Nino’s face fell, but he took the news in stride. “Yeah. Okay, Mec. I get it.”
“I love you,” Adrien sang, winking as he made a little heart with his hands.
“I freaking love you too, you sadist,” Nino muttered, giving Adrien a shove that was half playful, half letting out some of his frustration.
“Okay!” Elise announced, calling the meeting to order. “Nino was going to show us how to play Dungeons and Dragons today, if that works for everyone?”
 “Princess Celestia of Monte Carlo steps in a bog, and a Rodent of Unusual Size bites her ankle,” Nino reported.
Chloé let out a bark of indignation as she rolled her die. “…Two.”
The entire party winced collectively.
“It tears your dress,” Nino informed her.
Chloé shrieked.
“I’ll try to kill it with my arrows,” Adrien proposed, rolling his die. “…Six?” He looked up uncertainly at Nino.
Nino shook his head. “Princess Luna of the Night Elves fires an arrow and wounds the beast but misses the vital organs. Now the Rodent is angry.”
“Crap,” Adrien sighed. “Sorry, Princess Celestia.”
“You tried, Princess Luna,” Chloé assured, patting him on the knee. “It was a good shot.”
“A lot better than when you accidentally impaled my medicine bag when we were fighting the orcs,” Elise sighed. “Can I heal her?”
“I would wait until we defeat the monster and can get her to safety. Dungeon Master, I’m going to attack the Rodent,” Kagami announced, rolling her die. “…Twenty.”
The group collectively gasped. 
Elise let out a low whistle.
“Damn,” Nino chuckled. “Musashi the Warrior from the East makes sushi out of the Rodent, gallantly pulls Princess Celestia from the bog, and carries her in his arms out of the Fire Swamp.”
“My hero!” Chloé sighed, clasping Kagami’s hands in her own.
Kagami smiled shyly, a pleased blush colouring her cheeks.
“Why does Musashi always get the girls?” Adrien grumbled.
“Is Princess Luna interested in girls?” Elise teased.
“Princess Luna is lonely and confused and thinks other people are pretty in general,” Adrien reported with a toss of his head. “She is keeping her options open.”
“I’m going to heal Princess Celestia now that we’re out of the Fire Swamp,” Elise chuckled. “Musashi, if you and the princess could please stop gazing longingly into one another’s eyes for a sec?”
“If we must,” Kagami giggled, enjoying the theatrics.
Elise rolled her die. “Twelve!”
Nino nodded. “Princess Celestia is fully healed.”
“What about my dress?” Chloé demanded. “The Rodent ripped it, right?”
Nino’s brow crinkled in a bemused frown. “Who do you think Elise is, Ladybug?”
“Why not?” Elise urged. “Everett has been training with monks on the tops of mountains for the past forty years. Why can’t he heal the dress?”
Nino considered briefly before giving up. “Okay. Whatever. Roll for the dress.”
“Thirteen,” Elise chuckled, pleased with herself.
“The dress is good as new,” Nino decreed.
“Good because that dress is made out of spun gold,” Chloé snorted. “My daddy had it commissioned specially for my sixteenth birthday.”
“It’s not very practical for adventuring, Chlo,” Adrien remarked. “Maybe you should go shopping when we reach the next village.”
Chloé gave a snort. “Like your chainmail bikini is any more practical?”
“It’s not a bikini,” Adrien whined. “It’s a halter top. Why would anyone go adventuring in a chainmail bikini? I’m wearing actual pants.”
Gabriel cleared his throat from the doorway. “Sorry to interrupt your campaign, but, Adrien, your phone is…I believe the phrase is ‘blowing up’, and I thought you might want to know so that you could have the option of answering.”
Adrien’s eyes widened as he got up off the bed where they were all seated and reached to take the phone from his father. “…Marinette?” he inquired in a small voice, half filled with dread, half with hope.
Gabriel shook his head. “Luka Couffaine.”
Adrien fumbled the phone but managed to catch it before it could hit the floor. “L-Luka?”
“Isn’t that Marinette’s boyfriend?” Kagami whispered to Chloé.
“Why is he texting you?” Chloé arched an eyebrow curiously.
Gabriel frowned. “I did not mean to invade your privacy, but the phone kept buzzing, and I thought it might be important. That does not appear to be the case, but…I took pity on Monsieur Couffaine when I happened to glimpse some of the messages. It made me appreciate the fact that they didn’t have texting when I was young. That way I couldn’t text stupidity that I later regretted to your mother. All the inane things I said to her had to be said out loud, and I find that that dramatically cut down on their number. Monsieur Couffaine is not so lucky. Perhaps you could put him out of his misery?” Gabriel suggested. “If you wish. If not, I can take back the mobile.”
“What does he say?” Nino wondered, confused by this development.
Adrien looked down at his screen to find nearly twenty new messages from Luka.
They started out casually enough for two people who hadn’t texted in two years with, “hey how r u doing”, “this is luka by the way”, and “i hope this is still your number”.
Things quickly snowballed after that: “i was worried about u”, “im sorry i didnt know about what was going on”, “i hope youre ok”.
“Why are you blushing?” Chloé demanded.
“I’m not blushing,” Adrien grumbled defensively. “He was texting because he was worried about me. It’s sweet of him. I appreciate it.”
The downward spiral in the texts continued: 
“sorry im so stupid of course youre not ok”
“im sorry i hurt u”
“im really really sorry”
“for a lot of things”
“sorry if u dont want to hear from me”
Adrien’s heart clenched. He’d been wondering the same thing: Luka had expressed interest in renewing their friendship at Chloé’s graduation party, but would Luka even want to hear from Adrien after finding out about the complicated mess between Adrien and Luka’s girlfriend?
“i couldnt stop thinking about u”
Adrien’s heart fluttered.
“sorry for texting u in the first place”
“i miss u angel”
It had been a long time since Adrien had last heard that nickname. It brought back all kinds of memories from the summer he had spent sneaking out of the Agreste Mansion and practically living on the Couffaine houseboat. The guitar lessons with Luka, cooking with Rose, asking the Capitaine’s advice and listening to her wild stories, trading snark for snark with the surprisingly witty Juleka…movies and giving each other hell…teasing relentlessly, snuggling when Adrien was feeling down or unwanted or just because…talking late into the night and early into the morning…whispers in the dark, secrets and laughter and finally feeling like his feet had touched down on something solid. Feeling like he belonged. Feeling like a part of a family. Five months of happiness…until Gabriel had found out and ripped it away.
“god i wish it were possible to unsend things”, Luka’s text barrage continued regretfully.
“just ignore me”
“please please ignore me”
“im so sorry for bothering u”
“please take care of yourself”
The last message made Adrien smile. Luka still cared. Somehow, despite the ugly relationship drama with Marinette, despite the way things had ended between Luka and Adrien two years prior with Gabriel’s threats, Luka still wanted Adrien back in his life.
“What’s he say, Mec?” Nino cautiously inquired.
The flickering emotions on Adrien’s face made Nino uneasy. Surprise, delight, a pleased blush, a nervous smile, conflict, guilt, apprehension, an intrigued look, a charmed smile. The fact that Adrien was having so many varied, complex reactions to texts from the boyfriend of the girl Adrien was in love with did not bode well. Adrien was making the face he usually wore when he had his very worst ideas.
Adrien shrugged, waving dismissively. “He just wanted to check in on me, but he wasn’t sure I’d want to hear from him.”
Adrien’s thumbs started moving in a blur as he typed, “Hi, Orpheus. <3”. He figured his old nickname for Luka would quickly dispel the musician’s anxiety.
 “Can’t talk right now. I have company over.” he explained and then added, “Thanks for worrying about me.” with a broad smile, a warmth building in his chest that he hadn’t felt in what seemed like a long time…since things with Marinette imploded…since he’d lost his Lady.
“What are you grinning about?” Chloé accused, feeling like she was being left out of a joke.
“Nothing,” Adrien insisted, looking up from his phone. “It’s just nice to be worried about by people you thought hated you. I’m just…I’m happy he doesn’t hate me and still wants to be friends. We used to be close, so…it’s like when you and I reconnected, Chlo. This feels like I’m getting something I lost back. I’m happy.”
Gabriel pointedly looked away. He understood Adrien’s longing for his old friend and Plagg’s reasoning that the boy could be good for Adrien, but Gabriel was still against his son renewing an acquaintanceship with the Couffaine boy who had been such a bad influence in the past, especially now with the further complication of the boy’s relationship with the girl Adrien was in love with.
Adrien turned to his father. “I think I’m okay to keep my phone now. Thanks so much for babysitting it.”
Gabriel frowned down at his son. “You’re sure?”
Adrien nodded. “In case Luka texts me back. I’ll let you know if I change my mind and need you to take it away again if it proves to be too much of a temptation.”
Gabriel opened his mouth to respond, but a tremendous jolt cut him off, rocking the house and nearly knocking both Gabriel and Adrien off of their feet.
Car alarms started to scream.
Nino cursed.
“An earthquake?” Elise wondered aloud, voice high and wavering.
“Akuma,” Adrien breathed, running to the window.
“That’s impossible!” Gabriel argued, a step behind his son. “I didn’t—I mean…Papillon has been dormant for nearly two months!”
“There!” Nino pointed, coming to stand at Adrien’s side, one hand on Adrien’s shoulder.
“That’s a sentimonster,” Gabriel gasped, mind whirling. “Why would…? Why is…? Why?!”
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Need You Now
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Part X (of X) Defying Gravity - (Part I) (Part II) (Part III) (Part IV) (Part V) (Part VI) (Part VII) (Part VIII) (Part IX) 
Pairing - Peter Parker x Reader
Summary - Being Tony Stark’s daughter isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. For one, I didn’t want to be in the first place. My normal life was just fine, thank you. Two, there are freaking superheroes all over where I now live. There’s never any privacy. Three, everyone expects me to be this amazing genius and go to this fancy school and do incredible things. I just want to watch Star Wars and write Harry Potter fanfiction. Also, I hate Math.
A/N - This is it guys! There might be some little drabbles in the future, but for now, this is the end of this series. I want to thank you guys for sticking around and all your kind comments and actions. You are all amazing, and I hope you enjoy this last chapter.
Warnings - You might get a tooth ache from the sweetness. 
Christmas at the Avengers Compound was something else. It started with a 7:00 a.m. wake up call. “Are you kidding me?” I groaned into my very comfortable pillow when FRIDAY informed me that Tony was requesting everyone’s presence in the Common Area to exchange gifts and have breakfast. 
I debated changing out of my pajamas, Peter’s midtown sweatshirt that he had left here the other night, and some plaid boxer shorts, but I decided if I was going to be forced awake this early, I was going to be damn comfortable. So I slipped my boot that was still helping my foot heal on and grabbed my fuzzy blanket before heading to the sitting room. 
When I got there, only Happy and Pepper were the only ones sitting around. I sent them a sleepy smile and a, “Merry Christmas”, before curling up on the corner of the closest couch. Within seconds of closing my eyes though, a loud voice interrupted my almost slumber. 
“Merry Christmas everyone!” 
I peeked an eye open at him. “Did you even go to sleep?” I grumbled at Tony. 
“No, he didn’t,” Pepper answered, rolling her eyes. 
“Dad . . .” I said in a disapproving voice. I had been trying to encourage him to sleep more. Of course, it was doing almost no good. 
“It’s so strange to hear someone refer to Tony as, ‘Dad’.” A new voice said. 
I opened both eyes curiously only to find Dad’s best friend, Rhodey. I grinned widely, getting up and running over to give him a hug. Rhodey had been one of the first people I met after my mom died. He had been more welcoming than Tony, and we had gotten along really well. Unfortunately, he had then gotten called away on a mission, and I hadn’t seen him in a while. “Tony didn’t tell me you were back.” 
“Just got in last night. After you’d gone to bed apparently.” 
“I was sent to bed actually.” I said, glaring at Tony. He had spouted off some nonsense about how I had to get to bed, or Santa wouldn’t come. I had gone, but only to have some privacy when I called Peter and talked to him until three in the morning. 
“And look, Santa actually showed!” Tony said, throwing an arm around my shoulders. 
“You do know I’m not five right?” I asked him, raising my eyebrows. 
“Don’t all kids want to wake up early to see what Santa Claus brought them?” Tony asked, leading me back to the couch I had recently vacated. 
I looked at Pepper and Happy. “He does know that Santa doesn’t exist, right?” I asked as I plopped down on the couch. 
“I think so,” Pepper replied through a yawn while Happy just shrugged. 
“Present time!” Tony yelled, diving into the pile. 
It was actually a pretty fun morning once Rhodey had passed the coffee around. Everybody passed around presents and joked with each other. Happy got me some brass knuckles, but when I opened Pepper’s present, I couldn’t help but gasp. 
Inside was a picture of a sleek car, shiny and hot rod red. Next to the picture was a set of keys. “Is this . . .” 
“It’s a vibranium car, extremely safe and bullet proof. I tried to get Tony to budge on the color, but -”
“No! I mean - I - I actually love the color. Pepper, oh my God, thank you so much.” I ran over to her, throwing my arms tightly around her neck. 
“Hey! I helped with that,” said a disgruntled voice. 
I laughed, running over to hug Tony as well, smiling when he hugged me back easily.
“We can go driving once you’re actually able to.” He said, tapping my boot. 
“I can’t wait. Now I can finally stop having Happy drive me everywhere.” I said. 
“Hey!” Happy said, sounding offended. 
The last gift was also for me and also made me want to cry. The first thing I noticed was a new bracelet just like I asked. The second though . . . “Is that . . .” 
“Your mom and me. It took me a while to find it, but I did. Thought you might want it.” Tony said. 
It was one of those photo booth photos, four of them. The first one, my Mom had her arms around Tony’s neck. Next, they were both kissing, huge smiles on both of their faces. The third was of them sticking their tongues out with silly faces, and in the last one, Tony was kissing my Mom’s cheek with a huge smile. 
“I . . . thank you,” I said quietly, unable to come up with anything else to express just how much this meant. I had spent so long trying to picture the two of them together and now . . . My mom looked happy. Not starstruck how most people did, she didn’t have the admiration that Peter did, or the love that Tony and Pepper had. She looked happy and honestly . . . that was enough for me. 
“Mr. Stark, Mr. Parker has arrived.” FRIDAY’s voice echoed through the room. 
“Thanks FRIDAY. Hey! Sit back down, kid. You’re supposed to be taking it easy.” Tony instructed when I jumped up. 
I rolled my eyes. “I need to go change. Unless you want Peter to help me with that?” I asked with a little smirk. 
His response was quick and expected. “Nope! Go, go change.” Tony said, waving me off. 
I quickly hurried upstairs, well as quickly as I could without the full use of my left foot. Apparently one of the guys on the scholastic decathlon team had actually managed to create their own ice skating rink and did so every year. It had become a tradition for the team to skate there on Christmas. Not that I was actually going to be able to skate, but I didn’t care. It meant extra time with Peter. I slipped on some super warm leggings, and a long white sleeved shirt with a white sweater on top of it. Finally, I grabbed a denim jacket. I took a look in the mirror deciding my hair looked okay, and I went back to the sitting room. 
As soon as the elevator doors opened, I saw Peter, and a wide grin formed on my face. He was all bundled up in some nice fitting jeans and a blue sweater with a plaid shirt underneath. As soon as the doors opened, he had turned around himself, my smile echoed on his own face. 
“Merry Christmas,” he said. 
“Merry Christmas,” I replied when I reached him, kissing his cheek softly. 
His cheeks went a little red from my show of affection, but he pulled me closer, wrapping an arm around me. “You ready to go?” He asked. 
“Yep. Happy, are you still okay with driving us?” I asked, wrapping my own arm around Peter’s middle, resting my head on his shoulder. He was just so warm and comfortable I couldn’t help but cuddle right into him. 
“Yeah, yeah, if you two will stop all that lovey-dovey stuff.” Happy grumbled. 
“Remember the rule! No having sex!” Tony yelled as we started to leave. 
“Oh my God,” I groaned. “Bye Rhodey, bye Pepper, bye Dad!” 
“Bye Mr. Rhodes, Ms. Potts, Mr. Stark!” Petter called as I pulled him away.
Peter helped me to the car, always keeping an arm around me to help keep me from falling in my boot. In no time at all I was I sliding into the car, Peter following. I barely had time to press the button to lift the screen between the front and back seats before Peter was kissing me. 
I giggled a little against his lips at his eagerness, but tugged him closer by his hair, my fingers twirling his soft curls. Every time I kissed Peter it felt like the first time. My heart continued to pound, a tingling sensation filled my stomach, and I felt so, so happy. It was sweet, and it was addictive, and I didn’t want it to stop. 
“Merry Christmas,” Peter mumbled, pulling back to press kisses all over my face. 
I giggled again, “you already said that, Parker.” 
His face heated up as he pulled back to look at me. “Did I?” 
“But it’s okay, I really don’t care what you’re saying as long as you’re kissing me.” I teased him, tugging on his hair playfully. 
I smirked at his reaction, watching as his eyes closed briefly before they opened once my words caught up with him. “Wait, what do you mean you -”
A full laugh burst from my lips, my hands sliding from his hair down to grip his sweatshirt. “Shhh . . .” I whispered, tugging him down to meet his lips in another kiss. 
“So you just wiggled out of the ropes, knocked out a bad guy, and then got stabbed? That’s sick.” Ned said, looking at me in amazement. 
“Dude! She got stabbed!” Peter said indignantly. 
“Not that part obviously! But the rest is way cool.” Ned said. 
I shook my head at them, a fond smile on my lips. “I don’t know, Spiderman busting through the window and saving me was pretty awesome.” I told them, winking at Peter. 
“Yeah, but he has super powers, and you don’t.” Ned disagreed. 
“Dude!” Peter said angrily. 
I laughed at their interaction. “He still saved my life, Ned, I’ve got to give it to the boyfriend here.” 
“Boyfriend?” Peter repeated, the very definition of a stupid grin on his face. 
My face flushed, my whole body warming up with how happy he looked. “Aren’t you?” I asked with a raised eyebrow. 
“Yeah!” He answered excitedly before he realized how he sounded and corrected himself. “I mean - yeah - yeah, I’m cool with that. Being your boyfriend and all.” He said, clearing his throat while he once again attempted to appear casual. 
“Dude, so not cool.” Ned said, patting his shoulder. 
“Agreed,” I said, tugging his beanie down over his ears. “Now, you two get skating so I can live vicariously through you.” I said with a little pout as I looked down at my boot. 
A startled yelp left my lips as Peter quickly lifted me in the air as if I weighed nothing, and he sat me down on the cement wall that enclosed the homemade rink. “You can see better here.” Peter said, shrugging his shoulders. 
I rolled my eyes, but grinned after him as Peter and Ned took off on their skates. It was no surprise to me that with growing up in Queens and his spider reflexes, he was an excellent skater. I watched as he effortlessly moved around the rink, occasionally doing goofy tricks to make me giggle. 
The rest of the team seemed to be having a good time as well, most of them chatting and giggling with each other, besides Michelle who was skating around with a book in her hands. Then there was Flash, being rude, but harmless as usual. Well, until he tripped Peter only a few feet from me, making him hit the ice hard. 
“Watch where you’re going, Penis Parker!” He called through his laughter as he skated past him. 
I glared at the back of his head before turning back to Peter. “You okay, Pete?” 
He carefully stood up and skated over to me. I spread my legs so he could stand between them. “Yeah, I’m fine. Just annoyed.” 
I bit my lip, brushing my thumb against his cheek. The fact that this boy, who could easily take down Flash with a flick of his wrist, didn’t do so because he knew it wouldn’t be fair, was just so incredible to me. I definitely didn’t deserve such an amazing boy in my life. Just because he was going to play fair though, doesn’t mean I had to. 
“What are you -” Peter started to ask as he watched me gather snow into my mittens. 
“Ready,” I rolled the snow into a nice ball, “aim . . .” My eyes found Flash, skating around the rink, his back to us. “Fire.” I launched the snowball and watched in satisfaction as it hit him on the back of the head, startling him so much he stumbled forward onto the ice face first. 
Peter looked up at me like I was the best thing he had ever seen. “You’re amazing.” He said in awe. 
“Who the hell threw that?!” Flash yelled after finally getting to his feet. 
“Hey, you protect me from the big bullies. Least I can do is protect you from the small ones.” I said, resting my hands on his shoulders. 
“Whoever that was, you probably broke my nose, so expect a hospital bill!” Flash shouted, covering his nose. We could still see some droplets of blood leaking from it though. 
Peter had to bury his face in my stomach to hide his laughter. 
“Hey,” I looked up to find Michelle skating past me. “Nice aim.” She said with an approving nod. 
Surprised, I smiled softly at her. “Thanks, Michelle.” 
“MJ,” she corrected before she continued her lap. 
I raised my eyebrows in confusion at Peter. “What just -”
“I think she likes you.” Peter said with a grin. 
“Well, if pelting Flash with snowballs makes people like me, pass me some more snow!” I joked. 
Peter just laughed, tugging me closer. 
After another half hour or so of skating, May picked us up for Christmas dinner at their apartment. We all gathered around the table in the living room, talking and laughing about some of our favorite Christmas memories. Once we had stuffed ourselves, we retired to the living room to watch, to mine and Aunt May’s pleasure, and Peter’s annoyance, some Christmas movies. That annoyance seemed to fade somewhat when he realized that watching movies meant he could cuddle me on the couch. 
Before we had even finished the second movie my eyes were drifting shut. I was trying to stay awake, but with the dim lights, being warm and cozy in Peter’s arms, and the way his fingers were gently tracing up and down my side, I had never been more comfortable. 
I wasn’t the only one either. Peter kept yawning, nuzzling into my neck and closing his eyes. 
Thankfully, after the second movie finally ended, May shut the TV off and stood up. “Okay sleepyheads. Come on, I promised your Dad separate rooms.” 
I pouted as Peter tightened his grip on me. “Come on, Aunt May, we won’t do anything.” Peter tried to argue. 
“I know you won’t do anything because you’ll be in separate rooms. Now come on, Y/N. You can sleep on Peter’s bed.” 
I nodded, not wanting to argue, and sat up, pressing a quick kiss to Peter’s forehead before following May into Peter’s room. Once she was gone, I slipped out of my layers and took a t-shirt out of Peter’s drawer, deciding to skip putting my leggings back on before crawling into the now familiar bed. 
While earlier I had been exhausted, I now found myself wide awake, cold and alone in Peter’s bed. I sighed and began to play with my phone. It wasn’t twenty minutes later that I got a message from Peter. 
Are you still awake? 
I smiled before typing out a response. Of course I am. You’re not here. :( 
After that, I waited and was not disappointed. By the time I had caught up on my tumblr, Peter was crawling across the top of the ceiling. I giggled as he plopped down on top of me, situating himself comfortably between my legs. “You know you look like a monster in a horror movie when you do that.” I informed him, sliding my hands up his chest and into his hair. I could not keep my fingers out of those soft curls. 
“I do not!” He said with a pout before pausing for a moment. “Wait, do I?” 
“You kinda do, almost like a spider or something.” I teased. 
He crinkled his nose at me. “Oh, you’re going to pay for that.” 
“I am, huh?” I smirked. 
“You are,” he replied, and without another word, he began tickling my sides. 
I squealed, squirming under his touch and doing my best to move away. He didn’t relent though, peppering my face with kisses as he continued tickling me. 
“Shh . . . You’re going to wake up Aunt May.” Peter teased after a particularly loud giggle left my lips. 
“Well then, stop tickling me!” I whined, my hands moving to his shoulders in an attempt to push him away, “or else she’ll make you leave.” 
Peter sighed before his hands moved safely to either side of my head. “I guess you’re right.” He rolled over on his side, a little smile on his face as he looked at me, one of his hands trailing down my side. “Is that my shirt?” 
“Sorry, one of the drawbacks of having a girlfriend.” I reached up and brushed some curls back from his forehead. “I get to steal all your clothes.” 
“It’s okay. Looks better on you anyway.” He replied, pulling me flush against his chest. 
I tossed a leg over his hip, and I didn’t miss the shudder that passed through him as he felt the bare skin of my thigh against the small sliver of skin that had appeared when his shirt rode up. “Parker, you forgot something.” I said. 
“Hmm . . . What?” Peter said, pulling his attention away from my leg and looking back at me, the tips of his ears slightly pink. 
“I haven’t got to give you your Christmas present yet.” I told him, leaning over to nuzzle my nose against his.
Peter’s eyes widened in recognition as he quickly reached across me to open a drawer in his bedside table. “Oh! Right!” He handed me a small package. “It’s not much but . . .” 
I unwrapped the box and opened it to find a leather bracelet with a metal Resistance pin in the middle of it. “Peter did you make this?” I asked in amazement. “This is so awesome!” I said, continuing to admire the small details he had added in. 
Peter’s grin was blinding as he slipped it on my wrist. “Yeah, that’s not all though.” I raised my eyebrows and then jumped as a web shot out of it, sticking a water bottle to his wall. “I know Mr. Stark made you that super cool bracelet, but there’s no such thing as too much protection, right?” Peter asked, slipping his fingers through my own. 
“Definitely not,” I agreed, bringing our hands to my lips so I could press a kiss to his hand. “I feel like my gift is terrible now after this super thoughtful one.” I told him, biting my lip. 
“I’m sure it’s not.” Peter said as I leaned over into my bag and pulled out a little button. 
“Watch right there,” I said, pointing to an empty spot by his closet. 
“Okay . . .” 
I watched his face as I pressed the button and grinned at his reaction when a backpack suddenly appeared. “Obviously Tony helped a lot, but this way you won’t be losing your backpack anymore. You can use this button to return it to normal or Karen can.” I told him. 
His grin grew so wide I thought he might be in danger of hurting his face. “That’s so awesome.” 
“You really think so? I know its not romantic or anything, but to be fair we only really got together like two weeks ago, and I was already planning this -”
His fingers threaded in my hair and suddenly he was kissing me. He was kissing me hard and more thoroughly than he ever had, and I couldn’t help but whimper at the sensation, using my thigh to bring him even closer. I was sure I was going to run out of breath, and die happy doing so, when he pulled away, nuzzling my nose with his own. “It’s one of the best gifts ever, Y/N.” 
“Well, please, feel free to keep showing your appreciation.” I mumbled breathlessly.
Peter laughed, carefully turning me on my back so he could lay partially on top of me, finding his favorite spot to lay his head, right on my shoulder so he could press soft kisses against my neck. 
I let out a sigh of contentment, running my fingers through his hair. “You know if May finds you in here you’ll be so grounded.” 
“Worth it,” he mumbled, tightening his arms around me. 
A rush of affection filled my chest for Peter at that moment as I reflected on everything that got us here. The sadness, the craziness, the danger . . . it all led to this moment. “You know, I think I might be falling in love with you, Peter Parker.” I whispered. 
There was no hesitation in his voice as he sleepily responded, “I love you too.” 
With a gentle kiss to the top of his head, I happily fell into a deep sleep in my superhero, my protector, my Peter’s arms. 
Need You Now Tag List: 
@broadwaytrash101 @captainmommaoftwogirls @depressed-octopods (won’t let me tag you) @iamwarrenspeace @itchabellybutton (won’t let me tag you) @its-nikki-bitch @little-fangirls-blog @krazyk99 @obsessedmaggiemay @thelegendaryovtlaw @whatdafricklefrackle @yourwonderbelle
General Tag List: 
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Heartbeats in the Quiet
Summary: It was usually just a cold, but this felt like the flu. Future Fic One-Shot of our favorite couple being their worry-wart selves. Nancy would be an amazing doctor.
Pairing: Mileven
Can also be read on AO3 here
December 9, 1994
Jane ‘El’ Wheeler (née Hopper) was worried.
That wasn’t anything new, Mike liked to tease her about being such a worry wart over everything. He understood that it stemmed from her days in the lab, of always feeling the pressure to please, so even though he teased, he also reassured. Mike was her God send and she still thanked her lucky stars every morning that he found her in the woods.
But El was worried more than usual. Winter seemed to have come early this and it felt like there weren’t enough layers or hot coffee and cocoa in the world to keep her from freezing. Even now as she sat bundle on their couch in their small one bedroom apartment with her favorite Christmas movie on and the biggest mug they owned filled to the brim with steaming hot Ovaltine clutched in her small hands, she was shivering.
She had even resorted to dragging their portable radiator from the bedroom out into the living area and putting it on the highest setting, something Mike was sure to be slightly annoyed at when he came home.
She had left her job as a speech therapist at the local elementary school early today, which worked out in her favor since she didn’t need to see anyone after noon on Fridays, which is what today happened to be.
For the past few days she had been waking up to nausea and puking out whatever they had eaten the night before, which given the time of year wasn’t completely strange, but she usually got the flu around mid-January.
Probably this stupid weather, she thought crossly, watching as George told Mary that he would give her the moon. El had always hated the cold, after everything she had experienced as a child, no one could blame her. But El adored Christmas. Their friends and family all laughed at her enthusiasm for the holiday, but they loved watching how giddy it made her.
This of course is why catching the flu this early was causing her to be downright miserable. She was used to the occasional sniffles that she had because of the weather changing drastically, but the flu tended to put her out of commission for days, a feeling that she loathed.
Her head snapped to the door as she heard keys rattling from the outside. She reached out with her mind to quickly unlock and open the door to see a stunned Mike on the other side, his hand looking like it was just about to put the key into the door.
He blinked in surprise as he saw his wife of 3 years curled up in the middle of their sofa with a blanket wrapped over her head and several others around her body, looking miserable as all get out.
“El, baby, are you ok? Why is it a sauna in here?” The heat of the room finally hit him as he quickly took off his outer layers all the way down to his undershirt as he stepped into the apartment, kicking the door closed behind him. He had no clue how she wasn’t dying from heat stroke. Once he was untangled from his clothes he strode around the couch, hands reaching out for her face to see if her temperature was off.
She let out a shriek as his hands made contact with her skin, “Mike! They’re freezing! Stop!”
He quickly pulled his hands away and held them close to the radiator. He took notice of how high it was set before turning back to the shivering woman next to him. “El, sweetheart, are you feeling ok? You look miserable.”
His words triggered something in her as tears started pouring down her cheeks and sobs to break from her lips. Panic overtook the young man as he scrambled to think of what he had done to set her off.
“I’m ugly?” she whimpered. The logic part of her brain was trying to tell her to get a grip, that she was overreacting, but the emotional part was all out of wack.
“What?! Baby?! Why are you crying?!” Mike was cradling her face and wiping her tears away as best he could but she just kept on sobbing.
“Be-because George would have given Mary the moon, a-and then you came home and I’ve missed you so much, and then you put your freezing hands o-on me, and then you said I look mi-miserable which means you think I’m ugly! And I’ve been feeling like crap every morning, and my boobs h-hurt and my whole body hurts, and I think I’m getting the flu early this year w-which isn’t fair because I love Christmas!” her blubbering rant ended when her sobs became too much and all Mike could think to do was pulling his tiny wife, blankets and all, into his lap after setting down her mug on the coffee table.
“Baby, shhh, it’s ok. You’ve seen this movie a million times and haven’t cry at it in years,” her sobs seemed to only increase as she took his statement as him pointing out a flaw. “Shit, baby, I’m sorry! That came out wrong. But I think you’re the most beautiful woman in the entire universe, I just thought you were looking sick, which you just said you feel like you might be!” His hands were running up and down her back trying to calm her as best he could. “If you’re getting the flu, we can go to the doctor and get medicine! I’ll nurse you back to health as fast I can so we can still enjoy all our Christmas traditions. It’ll be ok, I promise.”
Her sobs had slowed, finally quieting, and her tears had ceased as she tucked herself into her favorite place, under his chin. “I'm just so exhausted and ready for this to be over. And I already called Dr. Denebrough’s office, they said they can't get me in until Monday,” he could hear the pout in her voice.
“We could go to Nancy. I'm sure she could squeeze us in,” Mike offered as El simply snorted in response, still wiping her damp cheeks.
“Nancy is a ob-gyn, Mike. Besides, it's already 3:30, I doubt she's going to want us to come in this close to the practice closing.”
“El, it's Nancy were talking about, she loves you. Even more than she loves me! And besides, she'd be able to write you a prescription at least.”
El let out a sigh but knew that when Mike was determined to help, he was like a dog with a bone. Plus, he was probably right, and it would be wonderful to get better and be back to her happy holiday-joy-infused self as soon as possible.
“Fine,” she conceded while rolling off Mike's lap and back onto the couch so he could call his sister.
“Hey Miss Dawn, it's Mike Wheeler... Yeah, we're doing good. Hey, is my sister free right now by chance? Ok great!” Mike knew he always had speed through the greeting with the elderly receptionist that worked at the practice Nancy was established at. He was put on hold for a few minutes while they tracked her down for him.
“Hey Nance! Yeah, yeah, everything is good, well with me at least... Woah! Calm down, she's ok, she's on the couch... Look, she's actually why I'm calling... What? No! We talked about this, Nance,” he said the last part under his breath so El couldn't hear over the sounds of It's A Wonderful Life.
Nancy had freaked on the other end asking if El was pregnant, which was something that was actually a very hard spot for the couple. They had found out about three years ago that the chance of El ever getting pregnant were less than 0.01% because of what she had endured in the lab.
Dr. Brenner had been honest and upfront about it, refusing to sugar coat any of it, but none of it would have made the facts hurt any less.
The time right after had been the worst point their relationship had ever reached. After going through the counseling, however, they had become stronger than ever before. They had even started tossing around the idea of maybe adoption or fostering within the last few months.
“Look, El’s just feeling sick and we want to see if it's the flu or maybe something else because she's been feeling pretty crappy and our usually family doctor can't get her in till Monday... You're free?.. And you really don't mind?.. Great, you're the best, sis... Yeah, yeah, I'm not repeating that. See you in a bit.”
As he hung up the phone, he had already layering all his clothes back on and checking on his wife who was not too happy about having to leave their cozy apartment for the bitter Indiana weather. He handed her her boots and held her pile of blankets that she deemed mandatory to bring along as she tied up the strings.
Once they were piled into the car, El wrapped in blankets with the car’s heat on high and vents pointing all at her, they drove quickly to Nancy’s practice on the edge of South Bend. Thankfully for them they only lived a short 20 minutes away instead of the hour that Hawkins was.
They bustled inside with a quick “Hello” to Dawn as Nancy ushered them back into an examine room, a nurse quickly following behind.
“Ok, El, just to make sure we hit all our bases here, I’m just going to have to go through the usual routine,” Nancy told the younger woman as the nurse stood by with a clipboard, poised to take down all the stats. El agreed, hoping they could figure out if it really was the flu or hopefully something a lot less serious to calm her incessantly worrying mind.
So after all the height, weight, blood pressure, and temperature taking, El was already feeling even more tired than she had started out.
“So, you say that you’re feeling cold? Even with a heater and blankets?” Nancy was looking down at the clipboard while scribbling notes once the nurse had left. El nodded, words feeling like too much work. “That’s a little odd. I can’t fully rule out the flu quite yet, but you’re not showing any signs of a fever or cold. In fact, your body temperature is quite literally on the dot of normal.” Nancy’s eyes were slightly concerned, wishing she could find an easy solution for her sister-in-law. “I’d like to do a blood test, if you are ok with it. I know it’s not your favorite,” she stroked El’s arm as her eyes grew a bit panicked at the thought, “but it’ll be by far the most accurate way without getting too intrusive to try and see what might be wrong.”
When El finally conceded, squeezing all feeling out of Mike’s hand, Nancy called out to Jackie, the nurse, to bring in the blood test kit. When all was said and done, with an averted panic attack thanks to Mike, Nancy made sure to put a special rush request on the results to in the lab.
“It usually takes two hours for the results to come back, but I’m hoping with how slow today has been that maybe they’ll be able to get it done sooner,” Nancy wrote some more notes on the sheets before looking up to El biting her bottom lip. Mike was staring at his wife in worry, wishing there was something, anything to make her feel ok.
“What have you been feeling lately? Tell me exactly, don’t leave anything out,” Nancy was hoping that maybe she would be able to narrow down what could possibly be affecting one of her favorite people.
“Well,” El glanced at Mike who nodded reassuringly. “I’ve been waking up feeling nauseous for what feels like a few weeks now, but have only started throwing up this past week. And it hasn’t just been in the morning, sometimes my lunch smells weird which makes me nauseous. I’m always so tired and my body is sore, which might be from the vomiting but I feel like I’ve been hit by a truck. My boobs especially, but it’s probably from my period coming. They’re always super tender,” El could see all the concern clouding Mike’s eyes since she hadn’t been telling him everything.
“And she’s been feeling like she’s freezing,” Mike added on for good measure.
Once Nancy had written it all down, she looked back over her notes, and then leaned forward, resting her elbows on her knees and her face in her hands. She was wary of asking what she wanted to ask, but in her line of work, she felt it was something she needed to to cover all her bases.
“El, sweetheart,” she started out gently. “Just to check all my boxes, I need to ask. When did you have your last period?”
El was startled at the question since Nancy knew about her condition. But as El thought about it  more, she couldn’t think of writing on the calendar for the month of November when it started. She was meticulous about making sure to note it down, ever since she had started at 14 and Joyce told her to. Mike would make sure, but they had gotten so busy after Halloween this year with all the festivities, decorating, and prep for Thanksgiving and Christmas, she hadn’t even thought about it.
She worriedly looked to Mike to see if maybe he remembered, but he was slowly shaking his head, eyes wide as he looked back at her.
“I-I can’t, I can’t remember,” her worry was increasing tenfold, hoping desperately that wouldn’t mean that there was something more serious going on. “It might, it might have been the end of September. That’s when I remember for sure having it.”
Nancy sat thinking seriously for a few minutes, trying to consider everything. She knew how devastating the news of her brother and the love of his life being very unlikely to conceive was to them, especially taking into consideration of El’s and Mike’s love of kids. She really didn’t want to jump to any conclusions, but she was desperately hoping for them.
“You know what? How about you guys go for dinner? I want to look through some stuff and it will give me enough time for your blood test results to come back,” Nancy suggested. She knew that El’s symptoms could actually apply to quite a few different things, especially her feeling cold being thrown into the loop, and wanted enough time to look through the medical books she kept in her office as well as be able to consult the results to be sure.
Mike and El were uneasy at the suggestion with so much uncertainty up in the air, but eventually they agreed and went on their way to a cafe just down the road from Nancy’s office, Mike doing his best to reassure his wife who he knew was internalizing everything.
Nancy was spending her time running through her books, not being able to place every single symptom of El’s into one thing. An hour since sending the blood work to the lab, a lab tech appeared at her door, a file folder in his hands.
Nancy quickly glanced over the sheet, her eyes growing wider as what it was trying to tell her sunk in, tears overtaking her as the reality of the news she was going to have to deliver hit her. She was just drying her eyes as Jackie stuck her head in to let the young ob-gyn know that her brother and sister-in-law had returned.
“Thanks Jackie. Can you show them into the exam room? Oh, and one more thing,” Jackie nodded in response to Nancy’s request as Nancy finished pulling herself together and made sure she had everything in order before she had to give them the life changing news.
She made her way back to the room were El and Mike were waiting for her. The minute she entered their eyes snapped to her, begging her to tell them good news. She gave a tight, small smile as she asked El to lay on the exam table.
“So I have the results from the blood test back-”
“And?” Mike demanded, cutting her off.
She held her hand up to keep him from attacking her, “And there is one last test, or rather check, I would like to do to just to be one hundred percent sure. Given, it might actually not show me anything this early in your condition,” El ears perked at ‘condition’ as every worst case scenario shot through her mind.
“Whatever you have to do, do it. I need to know,” El cut of any more explanation Nancy might have continued to give as Mike gripped her hand hard.
“If you wouldn’t mind unbuttoning your pants and pulling your shirt up a bit,” Nancy asked as she wheeled over the machine that had a small screen with keyboard and wand that had already been prepped for her by Jackie.
Mike’s eyebrows disappeared into his hairline at his sister’s request as he also took in the machine. “Why, Nance? And isn’t that an ultrasound machine?”
“Well, yes. But ultrasound machines can be used for a great many things, not just to check if you’re pregnant,” she tried reassuring the young couple. “It’s less radiation and time than an x-ray, plus it’ll give me a chance to search for what I’m looking for.” Mike quirked an eyebrow at her but her face gave nothing away.
El, who was lying prone at an angle on the table, had already complied with Nancy’s request, willing to do anything her sister-in-law asked of her, as long as they could find out what was wrong.
“I’ll need to spread this gel so that the wand can pick up a picture. It will be cold, is that ok?” Nancy looked at her to make sure she had her consent and El nodded back. After the sharp intake of breath at first contact, Mike wrapped his arms around his love the best he could while staying out of the way.
The whole damn room is cold, he thought bitterly, hoping this wouldn’t take too long. His hands covered El’s as she reached up for them, trying to keep her as warm as possible.
Nancy had been fiddling around with the wand for a few minutes, slowly swiping it slowly across El’s abdomen by her pant line. After clicking a few buttons here and there, she donned a pair of headphones. At Mike’s questioning gaze Nancy gave a stern, “I just need you to trust me and let me do my job.”
After another minute or so, she slipped them off, giving the two people in front of her a small smile. “I’m not sure how to tell you this, but I think I first need to show you.”
Both Mike and El looked at her and each other completely lost as to what Nancy was trying to tell them. In their confusion, Nancy had replaced the wand to a certain area of El’s stomach before flipping a switch on the ultrasound machine, letting a loud whooshing sound flood the room.
“What is that?” bewilderment still prevailing through Mike. Nancy just smiled and turned the screen to them, pointing at a miniscule dot on the screen.
“It’s a heartbeat,” her smile growing wider as their confusion only grew.
“But my heart’s up here,” El was holding her hand over her chest.
Nancy moved the wand from El’s lower belly to over her heart, the sound changing to a low, steady heartbeat, slower than before. “That’s actually your heartbeat, El. This,” she moved the wand back to its original position, the swooshing, galloping sound playing through the speakers once more, “is a different heartbeat.”
As the reality of what she was saying to them finally seemed to sink in, El’s hand tightened on Mike’s, cutting off circulation. Mike, however, didn’t even register the feeling as his whole body seemed numbed, the shock overriding his nervous system.
“It’s still really early, you’re looking at about 10 weeks or so, so it’s imperative that you listen to your body and be careful about this. The first trimester is usually the highest chance of a miscarriage, but with you El, I’d be careful the whole time. I would say your coldness might have something to do with all your heat being pulled to your core to keep this little one safe and warm. It is a bit unusual, so I would definitely check in with Dr. Brenner soon, but congratulations! You guys are going to have a baby!” Nancy couldn’t contain the giant smile and small squeal of excitement over the thought of these two deserving souls getting something they had hung up as being impossible.
“Oh my god,” Mike finally managed to choke out just as sobs started coming from El’s direction. As his eyes turned to her, his heart felt like it was going to explode as massive amounts of fear and panic overtook him at his wife’s tears. He folded her into his arms, “Baby, it’s going to be ok. We’ll figure it out, we’ll make sure we’re safe. Everything is going to be ok.”
“I c-can’t believe it!” she was wailing. And while she knew that she should probably calm down to make sure her husband knew that she wasn’t upset, all her brain could think of was that there was a precious life growing inside of her and that it was made up of her and Mike.
Knowing there was no way for her to get words of reassurance out, she lifted her lips to Mike’s as she threaded her fingers through his inky locks, pouring everything she was feeling into the kiss.
When they finally pulled apart, Mike rested his forehead on hers, eyes staring into her chocolate browns, thumbs wiping away her tear tracks. “You’re absolutely amazing, baby. I love you so much, Ellie. We’ll make sure we do everything right and that we’re careful to make sure this little one is safe and warm and happy,” one of his hands dropped to stroke her lower belly which was still covered in the gel; he could care less.
Tears still in her eyes, she gripped him fiercely, “Thank you, Mike. Thank you for saving me and continue to save me. Thank you for being my miracle.”
“Thank you for being mine.”
As they drove home that night, Mike going well under the speed limit and El gave a small eyeroll, they thought back to everything they had gone through and ahead to everything they were about to go through. They knew it was going to be a very difficult journey and that no matter what they did or how they prepared, there would be something unexpected.
In this moment, however, with all the doubts and worries, they felt the one thing they didn’t realize they hadn’t felt for a while now...Hope.
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a-proud-fangirl · 7 years
Truth or Dare and Something More
For Royai week day 3 - Catalyst
Summary: The Mustang unit goes drinking one Friday evening. Who knows what might happen during a game of truth or dare? (FFN)
Rating: M
Word count: 3,195
A/N: Okay the events in this story are somehow based on real events (e.g. drunk!Riza = me when I’m drunk). And this is another Royai + Team Mustang story bc aren’t they squad goals? Anyway, please leave a review! It’ll make me happy :)
The team usually hang out at Madame Christmas’ bar every first Friday of the month. They drink and drink until dawn comes. Before, Riza does not involve herself in the boys’ antics. Roy guessed that she grew tired of Jean calling her at three in the morning to pick up Roy so she began staying at the bar while the boys drank. Usually, she helps Madame Christmas in handling the bar, or she catches up stories with Vanessa and the other girls. But that Friday evening…
“Give me more of those!” Riza shouted at Jean, who was pouring her another shot.
Kain looked worried for his superior officer. “Take it easy, Lieutenant Hawkeye. You will-” But his words were interrupted by the lieutenant. She moved closer to Kain and hugged him as she covered his mouth. “Shhh, little Kain. Hush, hush, hush!” She began rocking him back and forth, and the sergeant major’s face went read as a tomato. “Everything will be alriiiiiiight,” Riza said in a singsong manner.
Falman, who was also drunk, cannot stop laughing. “I am now in love with drunken Hawkeye! She’s the complete opposite of sober Hawkeye! Why do we not get to witness this every month? That’s sad, sad, sad, and sad.” He banged his fist on the table, causing some of the drinks to spill.
Roy looked at Riza and he smiled softly. “That’s the reason why she usually does not drink – she gets drunk easily.” He must be staring at her for a long time, as he heard Jean whistle. The smoker gave Roy a knowing smile.
“Wh-why are you looking at me like Jean?!” Roy sputtered. His stammering caused Jean to grin widely. “As if you didn’t know how Riza acts when she’s drunk.”
“Well, Roy, how do you know that I know what a drunken Riza looks like?” Jean raised his eyebrow and smirked.
“You go out drinking with her and Rebecca sometimes,” Roy replied as he drank his beer, and Jean’s eyes widened.
“You go out with Rebecca?! How come you didn’t tell me that, Jean?”  Breda exclaimed. Jean pointed a finger at Roy. “Hey, man. That’s foul!”
Roy rolled his eyes and sniggered. “And that’s one point for me.”
“Why are you all so noisy?!” Riza removed her arms from Kain and sat straight, spilling some of her drink on Roy’s shirt. “I can’t enjoy the peace and quiet.”
“Let’s make this interesting!” Breda suddenly said. All eyes were on him. “Let’s play-”
Falman groaned. “Oh no, not truth or dare.”
“TRUTH OR DARE!” Breda stood up with his fists in the air. “Hey, Vanessa! More drinks here please!” He said as Vanessa laid new bottles of beer on the table.
“Come on guys, it’ll be fuuuuuun!” Jean exclaimed upon seeing the sullen faces of Roy, Falman, and Kain. Only Riza looked as excited as he and Breda were. Roy had a very bad feeling about this.
“Alright, same rules apply,” Breda sat down and cleared his throat. “Since I suggested this game, I will be the first one to spin the bottle and ask truth or dare. If you guys choose truth two times in a row, your next turn has to be a dare. If you don’t do what is being asked, there will be a penalty. And lastly, what goes on at this table stay at this table. Not a word of this to someone else.”
“WEEEEEEEEE! Okay!” Riza placed her arms around Roy and Kain. “Why do you guys look sad? Let’s be happy!”
Falman heaved a sigh. “Fine, fine. Let’s get to it.”
Jean high-fived him. “See? That’s the spirit! How about you two?” He glanced at Roy and Kain, who were still trapped in Riza’s arms. “Sure,” Roy said, and Kain gave a thumbs-up.
“Yes! Let’s begin.” Breda grabbed one empty bottle on the floor and placed it on the center of the table. He spun the bottle, and it was really going fast until it finally stopped. The bottle pointed at Falman.
“Truth or dare?” Breda immediately asked.
“Uh,” Falman started to speak. “I’ll choose truth.”
Breda looked at the ceiling, as if it would provide him the question he would ask. Then his eyes brightened, and he placed his gaze back at Falman. “How do you feel about sex in groups?”
Riza started laughing, “It sounds interesting!” she shouted, and Roy had to cover her mouth. “Quiet down, Ri. You’re not the one being asked.” She was so drunk; he wanted to take her home. Also, the feeling that something will happen in this truth or dare game still hasn’t left the pit of his stomach.
Falman looks like he’s going to be sick. “HELL NO DUDE,” he exclaimed. “What shocked me the most is Riza’s interest in it,” Kain said.
“She’s drunk! She does not know what she’s saying,” Roy immediately said in defense.
Jean grabbed some nuts on the bowl and threw it at Breda. “What kind of stupid question is that?! Why are you thinking about group sex? Do you want the six of us to-”
“What the fuck, dude? Stop it right there,” Breda threw some nuts back at him
“Truth or dare should probe people. Like, get to know more embarrassing stories and facts we didn’t know. Find out some juicy stuff,” Jean wiggled his eyes at Roy and Riza, with the colonel wrapping his arm around Riza and her somehow leaning on him. Roy wanted to get out of there, but Riza keeps on drinking.
“Come on, Jean. My question was fine. Falman, you’re next.” Breda said. Falman sighed, relieved that he got an easy question, and reached to spin the bottle. This time, it pointed at Jean.
“Ohhh. Now this is interesting,” Roy suddenly sat up straight, and Riza followed suit. “Yes, because Jean is a very interesting person. Especially when he’s with-”
“Oh, so now suddenly you’re sober, Ri?” Jean cut her off. Roy laughed at the sight of him squirming on his seat.
“Truth or dare?” Falman asked. They wished that Jean would answer truth, but he replied otherwise.
“I have this gut feeling that you guys wanted me to answer truth, but on offense I trust my gut feeling,” Jean explained. “Dare.”
Kain shrugged. “Well we could still get the truth from a dare,” he pointed out.
Roy’s face lit up. “Hey, Falman. Make that dare about Rebecca Catalina.”
Jean’s face became as pale as snow. Riza chuckled. “You know, you’re cute whenever Rebecca comes up in conversations. Your face goes from normal to oh shit,” The four men roared with laughter as Riza was able to imitate him, while Jean began sulking in his seat. “You like her, don’t you?”
“And I thought we’re friends,” Jean sighed in defeat.
“I won’t tell heeeeeeer,” Riza chided him. “Come on, don’t you trust me?”
Jean shook his head. “The drunk you? No.”
Falman began to smirk, and Roy had a feeling this dare would be really, really fun. “Okay, then. I dare you to call Rebecca right now and tell her that you like her.” The remaining people in the table guffawed as Jean slammed his head on the table. “I am raising my white flag in defeat,” Jean said. “I’d rather do the penalty.”
“What? No!” Falman exclaimed. “It’s so easy, there’s the phone near you – you can easily reach it – dial her number, and tell her what you feel for her.”
“It’s in the rules, right?” Jean pleaded. “There’s a penalty when you won’t do the dare.”
“Yeah,” Roy agreed. “But sometimes my friend,” he leaned closer to the table. “You have to break the rules.”
Jean groaned. “This is so unfair! I hate all five of you.”
“You’ll love us when you two get together,” Kain added. “Now, do it.”
Riza stood up and tried to walk to the phone, but she failed. Roy was immediately on his feet. “Where are you going, Ri?” he asked.
“I should be the one who will dial Rebecca’s number - to be sure that Jean wouldn’t dial a random phone number and pretend.” With Roy’s help, she was able to go to the phone. Riza handed the phone to Jean after dialing Rebecca’s number.
The five people tried their hardest to stifle their laughter. Jean gave them the middle finger. His eyes suddenly widened. Rebecca must’ve answered.
“Uh. Hi, Becca. It’s me,” Jean stammered. The rest of them leaned forward to hear their conversation. “I just wanted to say that, uh,” he took a deep breath. “I’ve been falling in like with you for months, okay? Bye!” Jean slammed the phone back and placed a hand near his chest. He looked like he ran a marathon.
“I am so, so proud of you,” Breda moved towards Jean to give him a bear hug, but Jean pushed him away.
Kain looked confused. “You said the last part so fast; I didn’t understand some of the words.”
“He said I’ve been falling in like with you for months, okay? Bye!” Riza explained as she and Roy returned to their seat. “Falling in like? What’s that supposed to mean?” she pondered as she took another swig on her mug.
“Isn’t it obvious, Ri?” Jean reached for the bottle. “Okay, my turn!” He spun the bottle, and when it came to a stop Jean stood up and waved his arms in victory. “Oh, the time for my sweet revenge has finally come!”
The bottle pointed at Riza. Roy covered his face with his two hands. He had a feeling that what Jean would ask of Riza is something related to him as well.
“Yay! It’s my turn!” Riza cheered as she moved forward and placed her elbows on top of the table. “Truth!” she said with confidence.
It was now Roy’s turn to be become as pale as snow. He tapped his fingers on the table as the four men huddled and had a hushed discussion. Riza pointed the men as she whispered in Roy’s ear. “They looked like idiots,” then she shrugged and grabbed her mug, but Roy was fast enough to get it from her.
“You’ve been drinking too much, Ri,” Roy said. “I should get you home.”
But before Riza could protest Breda cleared his throat. “That won’t happen under my watch,” he said; they were finished discussing their “plan”.
“So, Riza,” Jean started to speak. “When was the last time you and Roy kissed?”
Riza blushed and gave them all a small smile. Roy found it cute, even though he knew that there was no answer to that question because they never kissed. Riza’s answer surprised him.
“Weeeellll we only kissed once. It was after the time Roy and Maes had a drink, about two to three months ago,” she said bluntly. His eyes widened and mouth formed a wide O. The four men were looking at both of them with eyebrows raised.
Kain was the first to speak. “You didn’t know?” Before Roy had the chance to reply, she spoke again. “He was drunk. Maes called me to bring him back to his apartment. Then when he arrived he kissed me as a “gesture of thanks” in his own words. Afterwards he puked on my shirt.”
The men began to laugh loudly, but Roy sat there trying to recall when that happened. Oh shit, he thought. He finally remembered. It was what Maes called as the “best night ever” because that was when Roy was drunkest. He didn’t remember the kiss, thought. Dammit! He cursed in his mind. Out of all the things he cannot recall.
“It was the best kiss I ever had, even though I hate Roy for puking on my shirt,” Riza continued as she faced him and began hitting his chest. “I hate you for vomiting on my brand new shirt! I could shoot you, but I won’t because you are a good kisser.” Then she smiled sweetly. All of her words were slurred, but he understood every word she said. He envied drunken Roy for having a chance to kiss her.
Jean nudged Breda’s arm. “See, that’s how you ask questions.” He had an evil grin at his face. “And because there’s one guy here who said that sometimes, you have to break the rules…”
Roy groaned, placing his head between his hands. Karma is really a bitch.
“Let’s give Roy his dare!” Jean exclaimed, and the men cheered.
“Woohoo!” cheered Riza as she yawned. “I can’t wait to see what Roy will do.”
Jean cleared his throat. “Settle down boys. Oh, and girl. Roy Mustang, I dare you to,” Jean looked at Kain. “Drumroll, please!” He did what he was told.
“I dare you to kiss Riza Hawkeye for five seconds.”
What kind of dare was that?! “Foul! Foul! Foul!” Roy shouted. Riza was quiet during the whole noise; her droopy eyes show that she already feels sleepy.
“No, it isn’t foul,” Breda said. “Come on, Roy. We are the only ones here at the bar. And we all know that Madame Christmas and the girls knew about the sexual tension between you two.”
“Ooohhh, sexual tension,” Riza murmured as she took a gulp from her beer.
Roy heaved a sigh. “Can I opt to do the penalty instead?” Why did he bother to ask? He knew what the answer would be anyway.
“No!” shouted the four men. Vanessa and the other girls stopped cleaning the bar to watch. “Come on, Roy. We know you wanted this for years.” Vanessa said.
Even Madame Christmas, who was about to head upstairs, tried to convince Roy to do the dare. “I’m going to bed girls, make sure that the bar is clean. Oh, and tell me tomorrow how Roy-boy’s dare went!”
Roy squeaked. “Not you too, Aunt Chris.”
“Why don’t you want to do it?” Jean asked. “If this is about the anti-fraternization law, let me remind you again that nobody sees us! You both are with the company of your friends.”
Roy shook his head. “No, it’s not just that. I have reasons,” he started counting in his hand as he explained. “First, I don’t want people watching,” hearing that made Vanessa and the girls leave. “Last, your first kiss with someone should be special.”
“But it isn’t your first kiss,” Kain rebutted. “Riza said that you two already kissed months ago.”
“Yeah, we did,” Riza murmured.
Roy shrugged. “I’m drunk when that happened, meaning I don’t remember the kiss,” he pointed his thumb at Riza. “She’s drunk now! She won’t remember any of this tomorrow. When we kiss, I want her to remember.”
“Fair point,” Kain said.
As the four men were about to have another one of their hushed discussions, Riza suddenly shouted. “Oh for heaven’s sake.” She pulled Roy close to her and kissed him.
Roy cannot comprehend what was happening. Her lips were soft and inviting. Despite being drunk, she was a good kisser. What more if she was sober? As he was about to deepen the kiss, she pulled away. He missed the feeling of her lips on his right away.
Riza laughed. “Are you guys happy now?” she asked the men. “He did the dare! He-” Riza turned green, and a split second after she began vomiting on Roy’s shirt before passing out.
“Are you alright?” Jean asked him.
Roy stood up and carried Riza. “Yeah, we’ll go ahead. I have to bring her back to her apartment.”
Days have passed, and he cannot stop thinking about it.
Roy didn’t really mind the vomiting part – he thought of it as his way of making up for all those times she brought him home. He was still thinking about the kiss they shared, and he is sure that she didn’t remember it. The next Monday she acted like nothing happened last Friday night, that she wasn’t drunk, that she didn’t play truth or dare, or that they didn’t kiss. A part of him was glad she didn’t remember what happened, but still he cannot deny that a part of him hopes that she remembers the kiss.
Later that afternoon, they both found themselves alone in the office. The rest of the team went home. Awkward silence filled the room, and in that moment Roy felt the ghost of her lips on his. He absentmindedly touched his lips, wishing that there would be another moment wherein he could kiss her again.
He heard Riza clear her throat. “So, Colonel,” she started to say. He looked at her from his desk; she was looking at the papers on her desk, but her hands were clasped together. “Lieutenant Havoc told me about the events last Friday night.”
Roy raised one eyebrow as he heard her take a deep breath. “I’m really sorry, Sir. I wasn’t aware of my behavior. I’ll never do it again.” She looked at him and her face was stoic, but Roy can see in her eyes that she was somehow embarrassed.
Riza clearly did not expect him to laugh. “Why are you being funny, Lieutenant? You look cute when you’re nervous.” He laughed until his stomach hurt, hitting the top of the table with his hands.
“I am not making you laugh, Sir.” Riza rolled her eyes. “Can you please acknowledge the fact that I am apologizing for my inappropriate behavior?”
There were tears in his eyes as he began to speak, traces of laughter evident in his voice. “Are you forgetting that I know how you act whenever you get drunk? So your actions do not offend me in any way – I somehow expected those antics to happen.”
“B-but Jean said we, uh, we…” Riza averted her gaze to the floor. Her cheeks began to redden. Roy finds it amusing, but he feels like he too was blushing.
“We kissed?” he asked her. What a very awkward conversation. She nodded. “Yeah, we did. I also found out that it was our second time. Why didn’t you tell me?”
Riza already found the courage to face him again. “What would you do if I told you then, Colonel?”
“Ask you if you want to do it again?” Roy sounded like he was confident, but deep down he was trembling. “Properly, this time. I want us to have our proper first kiss.”
There’s something in Riza’s eyes that makes him want to walk straight to her desk and bring his lips to hers. The way she looks at him makes him feel weak and small but he loved the feeling. “You’re confident, aren’t you Roy?” She asked.
“For you, I am.” He gave her a small smile. Time seemed to stop for a moment. Their eyes were locked on each other – yearning and love for one another and evident in their gazes but none of them acknowledged it out loud. It wasn’t the right time.
Riza broke off the eye contact. “As much I want to, Sir, not today. There will be a right time for it.”
He hates how she was always right. And as she left the office to head home, he can’t help but wish that the right time will soon come.
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