#me gently: juri don't
AITA for correcting harmless misinformation?
I'm 20, my friends in this story are in their 30's-50's, genders irrelevant. Occasionally one of them will post something neat they saw on social media (facebook usually) and about half the time it'll be relatively harmlessly, but inaccurately, captioned. Examples include:
- that one picture of river outflow meeting the sea [captioned as "the line where the pacific and atlantic oceans meet"],
-some silly unsourced posts about X holiday being Secretly Wiccan Until The Christians Stole It (it wasn't. lot more complicated and nuanced than that!)
- very well done digital art of "rainbow galaxy visible from earth"
I don't want my friends to be tricked! They're all very smart people, just a little credulous sometimes when they're online (aren't we all?). I try to gently correct the information (ex. "this is actually art by [artist]!") and end it by giving a reason I'm still glad they brought it up (ex: "It's SO well done, though - absolutely gorgeous and really sparks my imagination!").
Thing is, none of the stuff they've posted is, like... particularly harmful misinfo so far? It's just people being Wrong, albeit sometimes intentionally, on the Internet. People are allowed to be Wrong on the internet.
Am I being a buzzkill for not just keeping my mouth shut? Am I letting my urge to be Correct overpower me? Should I just let people enjoy things? I'm scared I'm being rude to my friends, when all they want is to show the groupchat something cool they saw and thought we'd like! I'm not really sure what the social Rules are for something like this, and so I ask the jury:
Am I an asshole, folks?
(if mod's ok with it) please hit me in the comments with your favorite fake social media post. i really like the digitally altered red peacock footage
What are these acronyms?
Okay I was gonna leave mine in the tags--it's the blue watermelon photoshop that resurfaces every so often, claiming to be real and with some esoteric description about its flavor--but then I googled it to make sure I was remembering it right and found this absolute gem of an amazon listing:
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Look at these extremely real and extant fruits that definitely aren't the same image over and over
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abiiors · 6 months
i have had a massive migraine for over four days now and all i want is ross taking care of me 😩😩😩
oh no baby, i'm so sorry :( hope you feel better soon ♡
i've never experienced a migraine before (or only experienced it once, jury's out) so i'm basing this off of google
you blink and try to readjust your blurry vision, then smile at ross when you catch him frowning at you. you're fine. everything is fine. it's just a migraine--you've had those before and you'll live, there's no need to make him worry when he's hanging out with his family after so long.
"you good, love?" his sister asks as she passes by and you give her a tight-lipped smile and a nod. the nod turns out to be a mistake though as the pounding in your head increases instantly.
"m'good! just tired."
fortunately, she seems satisfied by the answer, quickly diverting her attention back to her kids. (who laugh and cheer loudly at that moment and make you regret your entire existence) you knew this was going to be a long day when you woke up this morning, you just didn't expect to fight the urge to vomit all over his mother's backyard at 10 am.
what you don't know, however, is how ross watches you from the other side of the backyard, pausing halfway through a play fight with his nephews.
he knows all the subtle signs--the way you wince at the sunlight, the slight furrow in your brow, and the way you hold your temples and massage them when you think no one's looking. but ross sees it all. and so he sets the baby down and makes his way to you.
"you doing okay?" the suspicion on his face is evident and you try to keep your voice neutral.
"i'm fine, babe. go have fun!"
still, the scrutiny in his eyes stays and you try to give him a bright smile which turns out to be a fucking mistake.
smiling so wide makes the ache compound tenfold. the sun in the sky is so strong, so bright. honestly, it feels like everything out in the world is intent on harming you. and the children shriek again loudly.
you can't help yourself then. you scrunch your eyes shut and stumble forward only for ross to catch you.
"woah... what--"
"i'm fine, i promise, ross," you sigh knowing this facade is useless. "it's just a migraine..."
"just a migraine?" through your blurred vision you see him raise an eyebrow. "baby, you look so pale. why didn't you say something?"
"didn't want to take you away from your family, babe," you pout and the incessant pounding reaches a new high. "fuck, the painkillers i took are useless!"
"you're coming with me," ross insists, "come on. let's go back to our room. there's blackout curtains there."
"no, absolutely no buts. we are here for three more days, baby. spending some of that time taking care of you isn't going to be a big deal."
even though his tone is scolding, his voice is incredibly soft and gentle. you know he's trying to keep his volume to a minimum and as much as it makes you feel guilty to take him away from his nephews and nieces, you do really want to be taken care of.
"there we go," he says softly only you get back to the room and get in bed. the black-out curtains mercifully do a wonderful job of blocking every last ray of sunlight.
as a cherry on top, you feel his fingers on your scalp, massaging gently.
"you need to tell me these things, okay?" he says, pressing small kisses on your temple as ross pulls you into his chest. "i want to take care of you, especially when you're not feeling well. that's never going to be a burden for me."
"i know, i... you're right, i should have." you wince as another wave of pain hits and your stomach churns with nausea.
"alright no more speaking now. you let me know if you need anything else but i need you to sleep okay? the painkillers should kick in soon."
his fingers continue to play with your hair and massage your scalp, occasionally coming down to trace the shape of your brows, and over your forehead, and down your nose. it's more soothing than anything else. it's soothing enough to lull you to sleep.
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petriwriting · 1 day
Vero Amore - Theodore Nott X Reader (Part 4)
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Summary: Theodore is on trial for being associated with voldemort due to his father and family history, His odds arent looking so good. Luckily for him you are called to the stand to testify on his behalf, and you just might be the key to his innocence.
Fluff, established previous relationship, Exbf!Theo, Older!Theo and others. Post hogwarts.
Previous part here
The prosecution had painted Theodore as a greedy criminal, despite his previously spotless record. It was all about the chatter, and breaking away from the path his father had paved for him would have proven to be difficult. You were ushered back to your seat, away from the center of the courtroom. a mixture of skeptical and sympathetic faces passed you by, if these people wanted a love story, they got one. there was not a single ounce of dishonesty in either you or Theodore, or any of his witnesses'.
During closing arguments, Your escort gave an impassioned plea about Theodore's outstanding character and the complete lack of real evidence against him. The prosecution tried its best to poke holes, but their arguments rang hollow after everything. and it was now in the hands of the jury, you hoped and prayed they would be forgiving. After just an hour of deliberation, the jury returned with a verdict of not guilty on all charges and accounts. You finally let out the breath that felt like you had been holding for months. His life and reputation had been salvaged, he was no longer tied to his past. and he would not have to be sent away to suffer for his fathers wrongdoings. you were overjoyed, elated to be able to see him one day do all of the things he always dreamt of. Once the court was dismissed, you scurried over to Theodore to embrace him, he picked you up into the embrace, holding you closely with a huge breath of relief and fresh air. Blaise appeared, he had been sitting quietly somewhere in the courtroom, though you hadn't noticed. "I told you it wouldn't be so bad." he assured Theodore with a stern pat on the back. Theodore was practically in tears, happiness. "I'm so shocked," Theodore says, the courtroom is now being emptied. you are all being ushered to leave.
As the three of you continue forward into the lobby, Theodore lets out a heavy sigh. He says your name, gently. "I'm so happy you are here," he begins. "Thank you, so much. I am indebted to you." he says. You smile softly. "You don't have to thank me," you say. "I'm glad I could be here." you say. 
After a sentimental moment between the two of you, Blaise is quick to leave. "I do have to get work now, but I'll leave you two to have a more proper reunion." he says. "It was great to see you again," you say politely. Blaise was never super close to you, although you were cordial since he was friends with theo. "Thanks, for everything. We'll celebrate at my place later, yeah?" he says, Blaise nods, and then is off. 
"I don't suppose you have plans after this?" Theodore asks you as you both walk, exiting the ministry building spilling onto the busy street. "No, actually, my calendar is clear for the day." you explain. "Would you like to come to my place? we can catch up- I'd just like to properly thank you for being there today." he says, his hands reaching for his pockets. "That sounds really nice actually." you agree. 
Before too long you are at Theo's small flat. It's messy and lived in. "Sorry it's a mess." he says. "But it's home." for someone that grew up a pureblood slytherin who was well off financially, it was quite modest. "It's fine. I don't mind it." you say, sitting at the kitchen island. Theo is standing on the other side. "Would you like a drink?" he offers. "sure" you say. Although you are both happy that he is now a free man, there is still a slight tension from spending so many years apart after school. you are both attempting to make up for the lost years. Theo offers you a glass with some tea, your favorite kind. He's incredibly thoughtful. "What happened to your father?" you ask, after some contemplation. "After the war, he realized he would be prosecuted. He attempted to flee to America, but he was caught and he passed shortly after." Theo says. 
"I'm sorry to hear that." you say. "It's alright, I don't miss him. but he's the only family I ever had." he says sadly. "That isn't true," you retort. "You have draco, pansy, and blaise." you thought. "and me." you say softly. Theodore gives a grateful smile. there's a special exchange between you. His mother passed away when he was young and his father was awful...  "The past few years have been rough," he sighs, running his fingers through his hair. "with the trial dragging on for so long, and with everyone busy moving on with their lives I always felt like I was stuck back in time... It's been really lonely." he says. "Sometimes I think back," you begin. "and I remember all the things we did, all the fun we had. Laughter, Tears, all of it. I'm sad it's gone now, but I'm grateful that it happened. Those are my best memories." you admit. "Seeing us in those memories kind of changed me." Theodore admits, biting his lip slightly. there is uncertainty. "What do you mean?" you question."I just meant that," he begins, but he back tracks, his hands resting on the counter behind him as he leaned back, his arms stiff. "I've been really lonely and part of that has to do with missing you." he exclaims. "For a long time I absolutely hated myself for leaving you there like that without an explanation, knowing that I ruined one of the best things I've ever had in my life. For a while I couldn't get out of bed, It was so heavy. But I asked you here today so that I could just let you know I'm sorry for that." His head is low, he's ashamed of himself. "Theodore, you don't have to apologize for that." He shook his head. "I do when I've thought about it almost everyday for years." he manages to say softly. "We all did things we aren't proud of, there was a war happening," you say. "That doesn't matter, but I am sorry," he says. 
You shift in your seat, taking a sip of your tea and placing the cup on the counter. you swing your feet over the edge, and you are now standing in front of Theodore. "I know that you had to do that," you comfort. "You had no other choice to survive. and that's okay." you comfort the man in front of you. "And by the way, I thought about you too. a lot. an embarrassing amount. But I wanted you to grow, even if that meant leaving me to do so." you say. Theodore is speechless, he feels like the same teenager he was all those years ago, scared to say anything. so he didn't, he pulled himself forward to place a gentle kiss on your lips. 
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Black Out - a Baby Lasagna fanfic
Who: Baby Lasagna / Marko Purisic Request: pls could you do one where marko faints after a big performance? maybe he goes a bit too far in the performance and the reader is there as first aid? Requested by: anonymous Word count: 1217 Warnings: contains descriptions of fainting / passing out.
If you want me to write more Baby Lasagna fics, you can always make a request through my Ask Box. For more information on my Baby Lasagna fics, please see this masterpost.
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Marko knew what was about to happen to him the moment his performance in this final Dress Rehearsal for the Eurovision Song Contest was coming to an end.
He had given this performance, the one the juries from all countries would be basing their points on, more than his all. He had sung, danced and pranced around as if his life depended on it, and Marko realized in the back of his mind that he had pushed himself over every limit he had. He would surely be paying a price for it...
And indeed.
As soon as he struck the final pose of his performance, he felt the world spinning around him. Every muscle in his body either trembled with fatigue or felt like jelly. Marko knew he had gone too far. And even though it had been worth it, he knew he would end up on the floor sooner or later.
With the last of his strength, Marko managed to walk off the stage in somewhat of a straight line. If anything, he wasn't going to collapse in front of the judges and an entire arena filled with people.
He stumbled into the security of backstage. Just one step out of view from the audience was when his muscles refused to cooperate with him any longer.
Marko just registered sagging, almost gracefully, to his knees. He felt so dizzy now, like all the blood had drained from his face, and black spots were blurring his vision. He tried with all his might to hang onto consciousness, but the battle was already lost.
Not a second later, the world around him went dark, and Marko toppled sideways and fainted completely.
Marko wasn't sure how long he had been out for. There was a flurry of things happening around him when he regained consciousness somewhat. He couldn't see it, because he wasn't quite able to open his eyes yet, but he heard it. There were hurried footsteps, alarmed voices, and items being moved around.
Amidst the chaos, there was one act of comfort and peace: someone slowly rubbing circles between his shoulder blades.
Marko marginally opened his eyes. He was lying on his side on the floor, exactly where he vaguely remembered going down. His head rested on something soft, possibly a jacket or a vest which served as makeshift pillow. He felt sore from his fall, and was sure he'd earned himself a few bruises.
Marko found his wrist in someone else's hand, with fingers pressed gently against the pulse point, and discovered someone was sitting on the floor with him.
He opened his eyes a little further, shifting his head slightly to be able to look up at the person sitting next to him: you. Marko recognized you. He had seen you all week here backstage as part of the medical team that was always on standby for the contestants and the audience.
Marko stirred, rearranging his body somewhat, as a soft groan rolled off his lips, which caught your attention.
"Marko?" You moved your hand from his back to his shoulder, and leaned in a little closer to him. "Can you hear me? Are you back with me?" Marko nodded minutely. "I think so." His voice was flat and lifeless, but at least he was responding. "Don't move just yet," you soothed, "lie still for a little bit longer." Marko hummed softly in reply. He didn't feel even nearly ready yet to get back up, and he was glad you apparently saw it, too.
"I do need to ask you a few routine questions." You spoke softly. "Is that alright with you?" "Yeah." The word was a breath off Marko's lips, but you heard it. "Can you tell me where you are?" You started. "Arena," Marko mumbled back. "Day of the week?" You continued. "Friday." It cost Marko some difficulty to speak, but he managed to give you the right answers.
You gave him a little breather before you asked your next question. "Are you experiencing any chest pains or shortness of breath?" You asked calmly. Marko slowly shook his head. "No." You hadn't quite expected him to. You still had your fingers pressed against his wrist to feel a steady pulse, and his breathing looked calm and regular as well. "Any injuries?" You had already done a quick check on him just now, but had not been able to see anything that worried you. "No," he answered softly.
Marko shifted his legs a little. He gradually looked more lucid, and had his eyes open. A grimace crossed over his face as he stirred. You had seen it. "Painful?" "Yeah. Bit sore from going down, I guess." Marko's voice became clearer, and the words came easier to him again. "What happened to me?" "You fainted. Probably because of overexertion, possibly overheating." You were confident on your diagnosis. "I saw your performance. It rocked. Maybe a bit too much." You added with a chuckle. A small smile played on Marko's lips. "Too much of the good thing, huh?" "Definitely." You smiled. "Combined with having done that already about a dozen times this week, and the fact that this arena is not exactly cold, I guess it all became a bit too much. Seriously, though, I have no reason to assume anything more worrisome is going on." "That's a relief." Marko visibly relaxed a bit with that knowledge.
You gave Marko another few minutes to lay down. By now you could almost have a normal conversation with him again, even though he looked absolutely spent. You gently let go of Marko's wrist, trusting he would be fine. "Would you like to try to sit up?" You asked. "Yes, please," Marko nodded.
He moved as if in slow-motion. Clearly, he wasn't entirely trusting his own body yet, being very gentle in case it would betray him again. You, too, sat ready to catch him for if he would faint again.
Marko slowly propped himself up on one elbow, before carefully using his arms to push himself into a sitting position. He took it slowly, but he seemed alright. "You good?" You eyed him attentively. "I'm good." Marko's voice sounded tired, but his posture held a little confidence in himself again. He ran both his hands through his hair and blew out a deep breath.
"Here." You handed him a bottle of water. "Thanks." Marko gratefully accepted it from you. "What do I need to do now?" "Rest," you answered straight away. "Plenty of rest, and make sure to stay hydrated. So cancel whatever plans you have for the rest of the day, go back to your hotel and take it easy."
The apprehension was clear on Marko's face and you easily recognized the most burning question on his mind. "You'll be alright to perform in the final tomorrow," you eased him with a wink. Marko chuckled in relief. "You had me worried there for a second."
You rose to your feet and helped Marko get up, too. He looked steady again, and you were confident he would be perfectly alright after a good night's sleep. "Just take it easy for a little while, and I'm sure you'll be able to give another amazing performance tomorrow," you assured him. Marko smiled gratefully, reassured. "Thank you, and I certainly will."
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morningglory-sims · 3 months
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These Chills Didn't Come From the Cold...
#Lizkio - That is allllll ❤️
Previous Story Post/Next Story Post
Transcript below the cut:
2 Months Ago
📍 Ski Hill Cabins, Yakimatsu, Mt. Komorebi
Text from Akio Hayashi:
Hey, hope you've had a good week. Juri told me your team placed 2nd overall in competition.
Congrats to you and the girls! Miss you and hope to see you soon.
[ELIZABETH] *whispers to herself* Oh, Akio! I-I miss him too... Wow, me missing a man? He's just being a good friend.
Why would he want me as much as I want him?
[ELIZABETH] *whispers to herself as she texts* "Hey you"... No, that sounds too desperate! Uh, just "Hey"
*knock knock*
[ELIZABETH] Shit, I hope the girls are okay in their cabins.
[???] Hello?
[AKIO] I have a delivery for uh, an Elizabeth O'Shaughnessy!
[ELIZABETH] *from behind the door*...Akio? Is that you? 
[AKIO] Hey, Lizzy. *pulls Elizabeth in for a hug*
[ELIZABETH] Akio! *shivers in Akio's arms* Let's get inside.
[AKIO] Why is it so cold in your cabin? Juri said she had heating in her cabin [ELIZABETH] It does exist, it just doesn't work so I got this tiny space heater...
[AKIO| Pfff, that's shit. *Wraps arm around Elizabeth* Maybe this will help.
[ELIZABETH] *Scoots closer to Akio, gets cozy*
[AKIO] Better?
[AKIO] Good! So champ, how are you feeling about competition this past week?
[ELIZABETH] For my first competition as a teacher, really great! 2nd overall is a huge accomplishment.
The girls are the real champs though, and I'm proud of them. Eiko placing first for solos was so well-deserved!
[AKIO] That's amazing! They do have an exceptional teacher.
[ELIZABETH] *blushes, burries head in neck* Akiiiiooo!
[AKIO] *mocks her playfully* Liiiiiizzzzy!
[ELIZABETH] Yeah, I did. But over the past 2 months you've shown me otherwise!
[AKIO] Oh? What changed?
[ELIZABETH] You're one of the kindest and most giving people I know. You care for people is by being assertive and being there for them. Some may not understand that.
[AKIO] *softly* Do you really believe that?
[ELIZABETH] *fidgets with Akio’s hoodie string* I really do.
[AKIO] *blushes, grins* 
[AKIO] Lizzy, I-
[AKIO] *kisses Elizabeth*
[ELIZABETH] *smiles into the kiss, places hand on Akio's cheek*
[AKIO] *gently pushes Elizabeth to lie on the couch*
[ELIZABETH] *breaks the kiss* Akio wait... 'm really tired, cold and not in the mood for anything past this. Can we just go to bed and cuddle? I don't want you to leave.
[AKIO] *gently strokes Elizabeth's hand on his cheek* Absolutely.
[ELIZABETH] *gives Akio a quick kiss* Thank you for understanding.
[AKIO] | got you, always.
[AKIO] You've had a long week. Let's get snuggly, yeah? *picks Elizabeth up, grins at her*
[ELIZABETH] Yes, please!
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lesbehonestsstuff · 15 days
Chapter 21
Summary: Alex and Casey are called to the precinct where they find Olivia trying to get a little girl to open up.
Warnings: Usual SVU things
Chapter 21/?
Alright people like I said before I have never written smut before so this is a first. Its short and I'm really nervous about posting this so please be nice 🙃
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The rain drummed softly on the windows of their suite, a gentle Caribbean storm casting a serene ambiance over the island. They had decided to go to Aruba, opting to spend some time relaxing on the beach and away from the hectic life of New York. Alex had just tucked Niki into bed after an exhausting day of playing in the waves. She closed the door quietly behind her, the soft click almost drowned out by the rain, and made her way to the master bedroom.
Casey stood by the window, her silhouette illuminated by the occasional flash of lightning. She looked out at the rain, her posture still a bit tense, despite the few days they had already spent relaxing.
Alex approached her quietly, her footsteps soft on the wooden floor. She slipped her arms around Casey from behind, resting her chin on her wife's shoulder. "Well, Niki's out like a light," she whispered, her breath warm against Casey's neck.
Casey leaned back into Alex's embrace, her body relaxing into the familiar comfort. "What are you thinking about?" Alex asked softly, pressing a kiss to Casey's shoulder.
"I'm glad we came here," Casey replied, her voice barely above a whisper, carrying an undertone of lingering sadness that Alex desperately wanted to go away despite knowing it didn’t work like that.
"Yeah?" Alex murmured, her hands gently stroking Casey's arms. During the day, Casey tried her best to be cheery and happy, adamant not to let their daughter see her fall apart, but in these quiet moments when she was only with Alex, her mask slipped, and the weight of the emotions she hid came out again.
"Laying around all day on the beach doing nothing feels nice," Casey said, a hint of a smile in her voice, though it didn't quite reach her eyes yet. Therapy was helping, but in Casey's opinion, it wasn’t working fast enough.
Alex's hands moved to Casey's waist, holding her a little tighter, giving her a little squeeze to ground her. "You’re so beautiful, you know that?" she said softly, her lips brushing against Casey's ear.
Casey shook her head slightly. "I don't feel very beautiful right now."
Alex turned Casey around to face her, their eyes meeting. "You, my love, are so beautiful. Let me show you," she said, her voice filled with love and determination.
Casey glanced towards the door, a trace of worry in her eyes. "But Niki—”
"Is exhausted from playing in the waves all day. She’s not going to be up until tomorrow," Alex reassured her, brushing a strand of hair from Casey's face with tender care.
Casey hesitated for a moment before nodding slightly. "I want to show you how much I love you. I want to make you feel good," Alex whispered, her hands moving to the hem of Casey's shirt, slowly lifting it up. "You’re incredible.” She kissed her shoulder. “So smart.” Her neck. “And so, so incredibly gorgeous." And her mouth, trying to show her wife just how much she loved every part of her.
"Alex..." Casey's voice wavered, a mix of emotion and vulnerability.
"Hey, it’s true. Jury’s out," Alex said with a soft smile. She gently pulled Casey's shirt over her head, her fingers grazing Casey's skin, leaving a trail of goosebumps as she went. Alex's touch was delicate, almost reverent, as if she were handling something precious and fragile.
She leaned in, capturing Casey's lips again, her hands moving with deliberate care. One hand slid up Casey's back, tracing the curve of her spine, while the other caressed her cheek, thumb brushing away a tear that had escaped. The rain continued to fall outside, creating a soothing backdrop to their intimate moment.
Alex's touch was gentle yet assured, her love for Casey evident in every move. She traced the lines of Casey's body with her fingertips, walking them both until Casey's legs hit the bed and then slowly lowering her to it. "You're amazing, Casey. Even when you don't see it, I do. Every day."
Casey's breath hitched, her eyes closing as she leaned into Alex's touch, absorbing the warmth and the affirmation. "I want to believe you," she whispered.
"I’ll keep telling you every day until you do," Alex replied, her voice a soft promise. She continued to undress Casey slowly, her movements filled with love and care. Each touch, each kiss carefully placed, a reassurance that she was there, that Casey was loved, cherished, and seen.
Once Casey was undressed, Alex followed suit, discarding the top and shorts she had been wearing and crawling on top of her wife. She traced her hands down Casey’s sides, leaving a trail of kisses from her neck down to her breasts. Once there, she took her time kissing and sucking lightly at the pale skin, running her tongue over her wife’s nipples, enjoying the way they perked up at her touch.
Casey writhed and panted underneath her, her hand going to the back of Alex’s head, tracing her fingers into blonde hair, pulling her even closer. Satisfied with how Casey was reacting, she started to kiss her way down her stomach until her mouth reached soft red curls.
“Please, Alex,” Casey choked out, her hips raising a little as she desperately tried to get Alex where she needed her.
Alex looked up at her and smiled. “What do you need, baby?”
“You — your mouth, please.”
Alex placed one last kiss on Casey’s hip and finally traced her tongue over her folds, making Casey let out a loud moan when her tongue traced over her clit, circling it a few times before she brought her fingers and gently slipped one inside, thrusting it gently in and out until Casey was begging for more. Instead of taking her hand down to Alex’s hair, Casey lay her hand down on the bed, searching for Alex’s. They intertwined their fingers, Casey’s hand squeezing Alex’s for support.
When she felt she was ready and not intending to overwhelm or rush things, Alex let another finger slip inside, curling them both until she found her wife’s sweet spot, thrusting a bit faster and pressing against it until Casey was fisting the sheets around her with the hand not holding Alex’s.
Alex’s mouth worked diligently, sucking and licking her clit until she felt her wife tighten around her, her hips moving up to meet Alex’s thrusts. Right when Casey’s thighs were starting to tremble, Alex moved up, her fingers continuing their movements as she fiercely captured her wife’s mouth, Casey moaning as she tasted herself on Alex’s lips.
Her thumb finding Casey’s clit once more, she reached in close, whispering in Casey’s ear, “Let go for me, baby.” That was all it took for Casey to come undone, her body trembling from the force of her orgasm as she panted and moaned for Alex.
Alex slowed her movements, gently guiding Casey through her orgasm. “That’s it, my love,” she rasped out, placing soft kisses all over her neck. Once she was down from her high, Alex pulled her fingers out, and Casey pulled Alex back into another kiss, trying to calm her breathing and feeling the tension she had harbored in her body melt away.
Alex eventually rolled over, laying on her back and pulling Casey into her arms. The room was filled with a comfortable silence once both of them had caught their breaths, only interrupted by the soft pattering of rain against the window. Casey lay her head on Alex’s chest, listening to the steady rhythm of her heartbeat.
Casey's breath was soft and warm against Alex's skin, her body relaxing completely for the first time in days. Alex shifted slightly, her fingers wandering from Casey's back to her shoulders, then down her arm, tracing the delicate lines and curves of her muscles.
Her touch was light as she mapped the familiar terrain of Casey's skin. She traced the freckles scattered across Casey's shoulders and back, each one a tiny part of the woman she loved. She moved one of her hands to Casey's face, her thumb brushing softly over her cheek. She paused to kiss the corner of Casey's mouth, eliciting a smile from her wife.
"Thank you," Casey murmured, making Alex's hand pause its gentle movements.
"For what?" Alex asked softly.
Casey shifted slightly, lifting her head to meet Alex's eyes. "For everything," she said. "For being here, for always being here. For loving me, even when I feel like I don't deserve it."
Alex's heart ached at the honesty in Casey's words. "You deserve all the love in the world.”
As the rain continued falling against their window, they lay content in each other's arms, grateful they had managed to get away, even if it was for a little while.
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welldonebeca · 5 months
Uncertain Ground (5)
WC: 900+ words Warnings: 1970s, angst, fluff. Hurt/Comfort.
If you like my work, consider buying me a coffee or subscribing to my Patreon. It’s just $2 a month and I promise you won’t regret it.
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Abby kicked off her shoes in the dressing room, walking back to the bathroom to wash her makeup off, splashing her face with some cool water to calm down a little, finally realising what had happened.
Aside from the situation between Ben and Crimson, things had gone well, and that was one of the reasons her mind was running and running.
Ben, and Crimson.
And she wasn’t feeling any jealousy, not this time.
Something else was brewing inside her.
The past few months had felt like a dream coming true, and a nightmare all at once.
Ben felt like he was her prince in shining armour, but seeing him like this, seeing what he could turn into - something cruel, a cold man who would snap so quickly not even a hero like Crimson Countess could defend herself fast enough.
What was she doing?
Where had she gotten herself into?
How long until it was at Abby he was snapping at?
Until her neck was the one he was squeezing while people watched and no one stopped him?
She fought not to cry at the thought. Abby couldn’t be in that position again, not after she had made her life better.
She wouldn’t let anyone harm her again.
“Sweetheart?” she heard.
Abby nearly jumped out of her skin, looking up the mirror to find Ben inside her dressing room.
She moved to continue to wash her face, not wanting to give him attention yet. They always powdered her skin so much.
Still, Ben walked to the bathroom and leaned onto the doorframe, watching her.
“It’s a lovely song,” he remarked.
She stepped away from the sink, grabbing a towel to dry her face.
“I’m glad you like it.”
Ben continued to watch her and smiled charmingly.
“You should come with me to the after party,” he suggested. “Carson has the best drinks-”
“No, thank you,” she hung it back up. “I think I’ll just head home, I don’t want to step on any more toes.”
He shrugged on his spot.
“If this is about Countess, she isn’t coming,” he assured her.
She couldn’t care less about Countess right now.
“Ben,” she exhaled. “We need to talk about what happened.”
He stopped, staring at her in shock, and he shook his head.
“Sweetheart, you don’t understand,” he corrected her. “I was protecting you!”
Ben walked to her and grabbed her shoulders, standing in front of her, and took a hand to raise her chin to make her look at his face.
"I didn't want her to hurt you,” he continued.  “The things she was saying, and I know she was going to say... you shouldn't hear that!”
Abby had heard a lot from people. She was born a black woman during segregation, a little curse word from a racist white woman wouldn’t be the worst she had to face when trying to make a name for herself.
“This isn’t it and you know,” she interrupted him. “What about the bank, Ben? What’s your reasoning behind your actions there, uh?”
He stared at her, looking confused.
“What?” Ben asked. “Are you still thinking about that? They were criminals!”
She pushed his hands away from her.
“That doesn’t give you the right to be judge, jury and executioner!”
Ben frowned, eyeing her up and down.
“Why are you doing this?” he asked. I thought you loved me?”
The question threw her out of her train of thought.
“Jesus Christ, Ben,” she took her hands to her hair.  “Loving you don't mean blindly following whatever you say.”
She swallowed down, stepping back from him and walking down her dressing room.
Abby loved him! She didn’t want to lose him.
“You scare me,” she confessed. “The things you do… I don’t understand them.”
Ben walked to her again, taking her hand and making her face him again.
“You have nothing to fear from me,” he promised her. “It’s everyone else you should be scared of.”
He caressed her cheek gently, and Abby continued to watch him, not knowing what to say.
“No weak man can compare to me,” he smiled a little. “To the way I feel for you and the things I do for you… they can never love you like I do.”
Her eyes widened in surprise.
He loved her?
“We are strong and powerful, and even more together,” he reminded her. “Don’t you know that?”
Abby sighed and took a hand to his, squeezing it.
“Just promise me you won’t hurt anyone else because of me,” she asked him. “Please. I am strong too, I can protect myself.”
Ben stared at her with frowned eyebrows, clearly debating with himself for a long moment, before finally leaning in and kissing her lips.
“Alright,” he hummed, resting his forehead on hers. “You win.”
Abby smiled and relaxed, kissing him a little more, and Ben moved his hands down, squeezing her waist as he pulled away.
“What do you say we skip the party and just head to my place?” he suggested.
She perked up.
His place?
She had never been there.
“What do you say, baby,” he purred. “Do you want to come to my humble abode?”
Abby worried. What if someone followed them, the paparazzi were unbearable with some people!
“Are you sure?” she asked. “What if-”
Ben kissed her again, interrupting her before she could finish her question.
“You’ve worried enough for the night,” he assured her. “I’ll deal with everything else.”
“Uncertain Grounds” was fully posted on my Patreon on 2022. If you like Soldier Boy and other Jensen Ackles characters, and like the idea of having early access to my work, consider checking it out. It’s just $2 a month and I promise you won’t regret it. (link takes you to the public masterlist)
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pasta-in-the-pudding · 10 months
TW self harm
I found out from Killian's creator that Killian self-juries himself. If you're comfortable with writing this, culd you write sum non graphic hurt/comfort fluff of y/n finding it he hurts himself then comforts him and cheers him up until he's happy and smiling again? If ur not comfortable writing the topic, I apologize and u can just ignore and delete my ask
Ty and have a good day I love the way u write the creeps♥️
Awww thank you <33
TW: Mentions of self harm!
Thank you so much for requesting!!
Helping Killian through a depressive state
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Killian struggles heavily with his mental health. This is widely unknown by most creeps. He is seen by most as a cold, emotionally detached individual. But you knew him.
You knew the way his eye twitched when he's tired. You knew the way he furrowed his brows when he's focused. You knew the way he grinds his teeth when he's annoyed.
And it's these little things that help you read him. It took a while, but after learning all of his little quirks and traits, you are able to take one look at him and practically see what he's thinking written above his head in bold letters.
Today, he was even more distant than usual. More cold. More detatched. You studied him carefully throughout the day, trying your hardest to at least get him to talk to you, but it was no use. When he got home from work, he didn't greet you with a mumbled "I'm home." And a sweet kiss to your nose as he usually does. Instead, he went straight upstairs to his bedroom.
After hearing the door close gently, you get up from the couch you were sitting on, and look up the stairway. Dark, hollow, empty. You begin to walk up the stairs, calling out to killian softly. There was no response. And as you reach the top, you see the glow of the light from his lamp. You open the door and call out to him once more.
"Killian? Darling?" You say softly. You see a slight movement from the bed. You walk over to him and press a hand to his shoulder, which receives a flinch in response. That's no good. You take your hand away and tilt your head. "Are you ok?" You whisper.
It is silent for a moment, before slowly, the blankets are pulled down to reveal bloody cuts along his arms. You gasp and get off the bed, coming to kneel at the edge. There are new tears that trickle down his face as he stares at you blankly, awaiting your response. You wipe the tears from his cheeks as you observe the wounds. "Oh, angel..." you whisper. "Im sorry" he whispers back.
You stand and pull him into your arms, coming to lay back down on the bed with him in your lap. You cradle him, and shush him. "No, no. Don't ever be sorry, baby" you mutter to him. "I'm sorry i wasn't there when you needed me"
He shakes his head and holds his arms. "It hurts so bad." He whispers to you. "I know angel, I know. Come on. Let's get you cleaned up."
You help him stand and begin helping him clean his wounds and bandage them. He is silent during the whole process, and you are too. You have him wrapped up in a blanket sitting on the couch before you speak again. You are cooking him some food as he stares blankly at the floor. You look at him with a worried look before opeing your mouth to talk. "Hey, I'm here for you, you know? It's not like I'm gonna dissapear the second you need me."
He smiles to himself and looks up at you. "Thanks." You cup his cheeks and kiss him sweetly. "If we need to work something out, so that you're able to feel comfortable asking for help, thats ok" you whisper to him with a smile. He nods. "I think I'd like that" he responds, kissing you back.
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liminalpebble · 7 months
Eddie's Education: Chapter 26
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Minors DNI
Chapter 26
Leia's eyes flicked open to the familiar sight of Eddie's lamp-lit bedroom. She rose up gently, rustling the sheets. The whisper of sound caught Eddie's attention. In no time he was setting his instrument down and rushing into her outstretched arms.
He whispered, as if afraid to break the aura of fragile quiet peace surrounding them. “Hey Princess, there you are,” he said holding her face and meeting her dark eyes with his own. She smiled gently. “Here I am...I think.” She paused biting her lip, and taking a deep grounding breath. “You were playing Joy Division?”
Eddie was caught off guard by her line of questioning and chuckled as he said, “Yeah, Love Will Tear Us Apart. It sure as shit seems appropriate today, doesn't it?”
She gave a little shrug of agreement, then said, “But you don't even like Joy Division.”
“Not particularly,” he said scooting closer to lay his head in the cradle of her crossed legs, looking up at her, “but you do.”
“Yeah,” she said absently stroking her hand idly through his curls and around the angle of his jaw, enjoying a peace so deep she could pretend it wasn't surrounded on all sides by damnation and death. “You're so beautiful, Eddie Munson, do you know that? A beautiful man so sweet he learned to play songs he doesn't even like for me.”
His dark eyes sparkled with pride and his lips parted irresistibly into a smile. He sat up moving closer to her, whispering between kisses from his soft lips, “anything for you, Princess, always.”
Her heart ached like a bruise, hearing that, and her throat tightened with shame. She said in a brittle, broken voice, “I'm no princess. I'm...I'm a monster now. You deserve so much better than me.”
“Hey..no...no...no. Leia. You're the best...my incredible girl. That wasn't your fault. Look at me. It was him, okay. He's playing mind games. Using you. You're not a killer. I think I was a lot more willing to kill Sam than you ever were and no one would blame you for wanting to. But you're so good...”
She whimpered. “I'm not, Eddie. I'm not good, but I wanted to be. There's just been so much pain...in my life...in your life...in the world. I just can't stand the idea of causing any more of it, not when I could be kind instead. It's not my place to be anyone's judge or jury...or...or executioner. But I was. I don't know who I am anymore.”
Eddie held her face and looked deeply into her eyes. “That's still who you are...kind and good and smart and brave and tenacious. He didn't take that from you. You were given a horrible, impossible, choice and you chose to save me. You're my hero, Princess. You're my hero,” he said in a tone of awe and he clung to her for dear life.
They were both out of words, so their bodies' found each other in touch and smell and taste, throwing themselves into it like a lifeboat. Neither of them said anything to initiate it. They didn't need to ask if they needed each other. They didn't need to mention that it might be the last time they could have each other like this. Each of them knew the stakes and that this was the calm before the most violent of storms. They left the obvious dread in a snowdrift of the unspoken as they reached for each other.
Finally finding words again, Eddie begged, “Please please stay with me,” between hungry desperate kisses to her hot cheeks, to the salty skin where their tears had combined. “For now...forever...just be here. Don't let me go. Don't let go” he muttered as he sat up against the headboard and pulled her into his lap to straddle him. Her legs were bare under her dress and cold to the touch, so he did his best to warm them with his hands, stroking up and down the curve of her thighs, the flowing line of her calf, memorizing the landscape of her body. He kissed along her shoulders as she slid her dress down. He ran his lips and teeth along the ridges of her clavicle. He pulled her closer still by her waist, resting his head against her naked breasts, seeking her heartbeat as he kissed. Eddie heard it, felt it, felt her, warm and strong and alive and all for him. The pulse quickened and so did her breath, as his exploring hands gathered heat further and further up her legs until his touch warmed her core.
Leia felt herself turn molten under Eddie's sure hands and care; thawed out from her fear. As he found his way inside her, she arched into where his hands rested firmly against the curve of her spine, supporting her. Leia gasped at the fullness of him within her; the radiant warmth.
“Does it hurt?” Eddie asked, easing back slightly.
She held his face, met his eyes. Using his own words, she answered, “Sometimes...but not now. For now...nothing..hurts.”
When they joined the others at the fire pit, both in Eddie's clothes and recently showered, the others tactfully pretended not to notice. That was why they had left them alone, after all. It was surreal; seeing all of them preparing piles of weapons while the rest of the world still sat with family in their living rooms, dozing from turkey dinners. Eddie spotted headlights as Robin, Nancy and Steve pulled up. Leia ran up to hug Robin, saying “Thank you so much. I'm glad you knew what to do.”
Robin winked and said, “I have pretty good intuition.” She handed Leia a bag of several daggers, swords and scimitars, and two small antique-looking books.
Eddie frowned in confusion. “What the hell? Did you run into a few knights along the way, Jesus Christ.”
Leia blushed and hurried to explain, “Uh...well. In the vaudeville shows in Chicago. I had this specialty...tricks with swords and knives and stuff. It's kind of silly but...”
Eddie put his finger to her mouth and said, “Silly!? Baby, are you kidding? That's so fucking hot. I've never been so turned on in my life! Shit!”
Nancy squinted and grimaced in distaste. “Eddie! Gross!” she scolded, but Steve just chuckled.
Leia reached for the two books Robin handed her reverently and nodded, saying a quiet, “Thank you.”
“And what's this?” Eddie asked as Leia held them out to him.
“They're my favorite books...old editions of The Haunting of Hill House and The Silmarillion. I want...” Her voice hitched slightly, “I want you to have them in case I...”
Eddie swallowed hard, blinking away the mist gathering at his tear ducts. “Don't....don't say it,” he pleaded as he gathered her in for a hug.
“I was going to give them to you anyway, if that makes you feel better. I wrote notes in the front of each one, right after we started dating. I had so much to say, but it's never easy for me to say it. I was just waiting for the right place and moment.” She looked around at the barren earth and the piles of weapons, and smiled wryly. “I guess this is neither, really, but when is it ever perfect?”
Eddie gave a cocksure crooked grin, and stroked her cheek. “Anytime you're here, Princess.”
Less then half an hour later Eddie's trailer was dark and quiet as the grave. Inside El floated in the makeshift sensory deprivation tank to access the psychic realm and sink deeper and deeper into it, searching for Vecna. Mike knelt beside her in the pitch black silence, holding her hand.
Dustin had taken the lead with everyone else, addressing the group as the heavy blanket of night settled over them and the bonfire still blazed at the center. Knights of the Round Table, Dustin thought.
“So...the plan...we all wait at Steve's parents' house. When Vecna opens that gate, you wait until he's vulnerable and deep into the psychic realm, then you go in guns a-blazing and drag that fucker's body out. We kill him once and for all out here so he can't use the power of the upside-down to come back.”
“What about us?” Eddie asked as he held Leia's hand, though he already knew and dreaded the answer. He needed to hear it spoken aloud to make it real for him. Being a dungeon master meant he was smart about strategy. He knew where this had to go.
Dustin sighed. “You're not gonna like this Eddie.”
He smiled weakly. “Just spit it out, shrimp.”
“He wants Leia. Right after he opens that rift he's going to try to latch onto her mind, and compel her body to walk through it while he's in her head. We have to let her go to him.”
Eddie wiggled his head vehemently. “NO...no...fucking...way.”
“Eddie,” Leia said quietly. “It's my decision and I've already made it. This is our only shot at him. I can't begin to understand why this monster is fixated on me, but we need to use it. I'm ready.”
Eddie's eyes scanned her up and down. She had changed into a pair of his jeans and his sturdiest leather jacket as armor. A sword hung from her waist in its scabbard and she carried several throwing knives in a bandoleer across her chest. He smiled. She looked like Eowyn the sword-maiden, she looked like a knight, a heroine, a valkyrie. He was so proud of her, and realized suddenly and completely that he couldn't protect her any better than she could protect herself.
“If it's your choice, sweetheart. I'll be with the cavalry when the time comes,” he said, lifting the sword he'd chosen.
“We all will,” Robin said, and the others nodded.
“Thank you,” Leia said quietly, meeting each of their eyes in turn. “Thank you for taking me in like this...for accepting me. It means so much.”
She took a deep breath and said, “Let's go.”
Vecna dug his enormous clawed hand one last time into the strange ruddy material of the upside-down. The narrow crevice to their world which he had deliberately labored over, rend by rend, for so long was finally completely open. He gave a hideous smile, imagining his reward for his hard work; the girl.
Now...she is fascinating, he thought. He had been bored for so long and she would be such a great diversion from this tedium. He thought of Leia and himself as opposite sides of the same evolutionary coin, both off the bell curve in their respective directions. When she saw an injured creature her first impulse was to save it, no matter how ugly, broken, evil or dangerous; his was to crush it. They were equally natural impulses taken to rare extremes; a perfectly merciless predator and a perfectly compassionate prey. The symmetry of it pleased him, and the challenge of breaking her would be so gratifying...difficult but gratifying
I'm simply fulfilling my nature. My purpose. And the humans...I am liberating them from their arbitrary lives and the rules that cage them. She will be free from their rules and oppression. What a gift I offer her!
Also, the monster was incredibly lonely after all these decades (though he would never admit it to himself). He believed (when he was alive, when he was just Henry) that killing, freeing humans from their pitiful lives and collecting them within his mind for all time, would solve that ache. He reasoned that he would never feel alone again. Yet, all that remained was the howling din of those souls ricocheting around his mind; no real companionship.
However, this girl had an impressive capacity for pain, and for a quiet empathy reaching so deeply that she allowed it to tear her apart from the inside. Leia had been the companion of a hungry monster before and, he decided, she would be again and she would be delicious. Vecna looked forward to the many many years he would feed off of her, corrupt her, slowly, intimately.
His mutilated muscles ached and burned, even more than usual, even in the restorative bath of energetic liquid, but the thought of his plan and its bounty gave him motivation to see it through. Henry let out a sigh of relief as he settled into his throne weaving himself into the shadowy roots and branches of the upside-down. He sank...down, down, down in his mind, past the screaming wordless chorus of his victims, and found her easily; alive among ghosts. Her consciousness hovered like smoldering incense in the ether, sweet, complex, and pulsing with warm vitality.
He saw her. This time she was waiting for him, standing patiently before him in his mind's palace of swirling debris, rot, and preternatural red illumination.
“Hello, Henry,” Leia said, nervousness hidden, but hovering over the corners of her voice.
“Hello, pet,” he said morphing into his human appearance, tall and fair like a fallen angel, but his eyes were as cold as steel.
“My name is Leia, Henry. If you're going to trap me forever, I would at least appreciate you using my name to show me some respect.”
“My apologies,” he said smoothly, with a polite little nod. “I didn't mean it as an insult. Just a term of...affection.”
He walked closer and held her face in his cold hand, examining her like a specimen. “But you don't really expect me to believe that you're just offering yourself to me on a silver platter. I know what your little army is planning. As we speak, I'm pulling your physical body to me. Once it's here, they'll come charging.”
He grazed his long fingers over the bandoleer of knives, then the edge of the blade hanging at her waist. She didn't flinch; didn't avert her eyes as he stared and took a step closer. “And what is all this? Are you the general? Leading the charge? Joan of Arc?”. He chuckled in a dark mocking tone.
“No,” she said coolly, “Just a humble scout.”
“More like bait,” he said and snapped his prefect white teeth mere centimeters from her face. He smiled, satisfied that he had finally made her flinch.
Once she recovered, she shrugged. “Possibly. I'm ready to give myself up if it comes to that. Of course, I'm hoping it won't, but if it means even a little more safety for them in the long run, I'll accept it.
“Oh, there it is,” he said raising a finger in a eureka! Gesture.
“That self-immolating compassion. See, generally I despise seeing it in most humans. Usually its ultimately selfish...a martyrdom complex...a need to be loved for their suffering. But you...your different. You really mean it. No...strings...attached.”
“Is that so unusual?”
“It is.”
She sighed, “Okay Henry. You wanted me here and here I am. So what now?”
“Have a seat,” he said gesturing a hand, as vines sprung up from the earth wrapping around her arms and legs, forcing her into a seat next to him; a horrible thorny throne for a captive queen.
He chuckled as she yelped. “You're so cute when you're surprised. Let's watch what your friends are up to, shall we? This will be such fun.”
“I thought you said, no strings attached,” she huffed out, wiggling against the vines.
“Oh not for me, darling, and not for anyone else benefiting from your kindness. All the strings, all that tangled mess, will always lead only to you,” he explained as he stroked one long gnarled finger against her immobilized arm. “You're all wound up.”
@sweetsigyn @veemoon @elegantkoalapaper @itsfreakingbats @little-wormwood @hellfirenacht
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rinwellisathing · 6 days
Paint The Lines, Cut The Flesh: Part 8
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“Wouldn't wanna be you right now, princess. Ketheric's in a mood and Orin's is worse...Tryin' to keep the Tyrant from finding out my brainfucked little brother is alive and all.” Jackal clicked his tongue and shook his head. “Nope, would not want to be you.” Minthara glared at him and returned to pacing the floor, head lowered in thought. “Be quiet, jaluk.” She snapped. “Your years outside of Menzoberranzan do not excuse your disrespect.” Beneath the mask of anger, however, Jackal could sense her fear. It emanated from her like a trapped animal and it was wonderful. “So you keep saying, but all this time you ain't never raised a blade to me or sneaked me none of your poisons...Why is that, oh great matriarch?” The ranger feigned a bow, that taunting sneer never leaving his face as he watched her sweat. Minthara had no answer. The task before her was daunting and it consumed her. She knew the penalty for failure, but what she did not know was which Chosen would be her judge, jury, and execution. More to the point, who would be worse? Orin, who was dangerous, who was insane, who had tormented her near to breaking? Or Ketheric, who was so coldly calm about all of this, whose mind had only one focus, who she knew very well her report was nothing but an annoyance to. Neither outcome seemed good and though she inwardly chastised herself for it, she wished Gabraela was here. The tiefling's presence might have at least strengthened her, or...though she hated to hope, felt physically ill at the idea of relying on someone, the Bhaalist might speak in her defense.
“Hello? You gonna maim me, your highness? Like ya keep threatening?” Jackal's voice snapped Minthara from her disjointed thoughts and she realized she'd let herself collapse to the ground on her knees, like a puppet with its strings cut. Unbecoming in front of such a vulgar thing such as him. She rose to her feet and struck him hard across the face, sending him sprawling.
“Don't you dare speak to me in such a casual tone again, iblith, or I will tear you apart.” She hissed, red eyes burning into him as she glared down at him. Her expression faltered when she realized he was laughing. It began as a wheezing chuckle, and then became a rattling cackle like a sickly gnoll. “Oh....you still think I'm 'fraid of you, princess....” He clicked his tongue again. “That is pretty amusing....yes it is. Well....we'll see who's laughin when they judge your progress, we will...Oh yes, oh yes we will.” He grinned, the corners of his desiccated mouth tearing a bit, blackened blood staining his teeth. “I know what happens when you displease them chosen...oh yes I do...”
Sentry noticed Rolan by himself at the bar and started towards him, only to feel a hand softly touch his shoulder before he could move closer. Looking behind him, Astarion stood, glancing tentatively at him. He relaxed and turned to give the elf his full attention. “Hey...something wrong?” He asked gently. “Well, you remember those scars on my back...the ones you were kind enough not to call attention to our first night together?” He frowned, head lowered, voice soft. “Yeah...Look...I could tell you what they said if I saw them again a little longer, but I didn't want to be intrusive....” Sentry admitted. “I mean....you know how it is, you fuck someone one time and they think they know everything about you...I didn't want you to feel like I thought that about you...I don't like it when people do it to me, anyway...so...” The paladin admitted softly, looking away. Astarion actually smiled a bit at that. Sentry saw before he covered up the expression with a more serious one. “Yes, well...I appreciate that...but as it happens...I DO want to know what they say...and while I'm sure as tiefling, your infernal is flawless, I believe another source might be able to detect any other 'interesting' aspects about it...One we just so happen to have stumbled upon yet again if you'll look just to your left.” He nodded in the direction and as Sentry turned his gaze, he tensed, eyes narrowing as he saw that damned Cambion back in human form playing lanceboard with a young Tiefling girl at a small table.
“Him? Really?” Sentry balked. “Astarion, please...no good is going to come of that, trust me.” “Hmmph, spoken like a true paladin. And here I thought you were a more daring sort.” The elf rolled his eyes. “Come on. Help me out just once more? It'll be worth your while.” He pressed a hand to the paladin's chest, running his hand down his armored stomach. Sentry tensed and grabbed his wrist gently, pulling his hand away. “No.” He frowned. “I'll do it if you want, but you don't need to trade for it like that. Not if you don't want to. No more of that. It makes me feel...it makes me feel sick to think you're only doing it so I'll help you....you don't have to. You're important to me, so I'll help you. Simple as that....Even if it means dealing with him...”
Astarion frowned for a moment, looking Sentry over, examining his face warily for any sign he was lying. Gods, he could almost laugh at how serious and how much like the ideal of a paladin Sentry looked right now. Sentry, who fucked more freely than a worker at Sharess' Caress. Sentry who reveled in blood and violence, Sentry who allowed himself to be flogged by a follower of his god's greatest enemy because it 'sounded fun', looking like an honest to goodness knight in shining armor. Between Sentry and Wyll it was like all of Astarion's childhood fantasies had come back to mock him and truthfully he wasn't sure whether to laugh or cry. “Huh...well, wonderful then. Shall we?” He simply said as he nodded towards the table. Sentry nodded his agreement and approached, noting that Jaina and Wyll had returned and were approaching as well. Sentry noticed Mol was in a pretty tight spot in the game she and Raphael were playing, he had never been very good at lanceboard himself, but he remembered that beautiful elven woman from the memories the noblestalk had returned to him sitting at a table with the tall, stoic female tiefling and playing. Sentry turned as though to speak to his companions and made a few clumsy steps back towards the table, giving an exaggerated exclamation as his hips bumped the board, knocking the pieces astray and earning a glare from Raphael.
“Oh, sorry, you two...Took a couple knocks to the head in the last fight and then I was drinking a bit, you know, to soothe the pain.” He gave an annoyingly fake smile that caused Raphael's brow to furrow further and the corner of his mouth to turn in a snarl. “Oh, no trouble at all, Sentry. Good to see you again.” Mol gave a catlike grin. “This one's just mad cause he's just lost.” She taunted, claiming one of Raphael's pieces before getting up from the chair and sauntering off, quite pleased with herself.
“Mmm..and now that she's won, she's got a taste for it...” Raphael smirked, standing and examining his nails. Jaina and Sentry both visibly tensed, expressions darkening as they watched Raphael's eyes follow Mol. Both Wyll and Astarion noticed that Jaina looked perhaps more murderous than Sentry did at the next words that Raphael spoke. “A blushing apple, waiting to be plucked...” He smirked, eyes still on the young tiefling girl as she returned to her friends. Wyll could smell the petrichor of a coming storm as Jaina's fists clenched. He also noted Sentry was barely holding back the feral rage he'd seen come over him in battle before. “You're disgusting.” Jaina spat. “She's only a child.” “Oh come now....you and dear Mr. Ojeda should know you're still my favorite clients...” The cambion smirked. “Clients nothing. I'd put you through the fucking wall if we didn't have a question for you...” Sentry took an intimidating step forward, but Raphael only laughed at his bravado. “Oh yes, and trying to intimidate me is such a wonderful way to gain my assistance, Mr. Ojeda. Didn't your mother teach you better?” He smirked, stepping neatly past Sentry and approaching Astarion. “So, the wayward vampire spawn wants to bargain? I know what you want, boy, but you'll need to do something for me first....I'll be in touch.”
“Wait! I...” Astarion reached out as Raphael disappeared. He grimaced. “Of course that bastard can't deal with me outright about anything....Of course he has to toy with me...what did I expect?” Sentry glared in the direction Raphael had disappeared in and then turned towards Astarion with a gentle expression. “Whatever he wants, I'll help you. I already promised I would....We're in this together, like you said before.” He smiled softly. “I...” Astarion frowned and lowered his head, looking away with sigh. “Thank you...” ---- Sentry knew he couldn't put it off any longer and he slowly approached the table the high harper was sitting at waiting for him. Jaina followed as well and they both noted that Karlach was tagging along, barely hiding her excitement as seeing Jaheira in person. Sentry supposed he could see where she was coming from. The half-elf was regal and beautiful in a wild and frightening way. Certainly not his type, but he could appreciate a fine vintage. “So, I've heard you referred to as 'Mr. Ojeda'...Tell me, child...Any relation to Commander Ojeda from The Open Hand Temple in Rivington?” Jaheira asked as she poured some wine, passing a cup to Sentry and a cup to Jaina then keeping one for herself. “Yeah...she was my mum...She took me in and raised me...You knew her?” Sentry asked, wide eyed as he took a drink from his cup without a moment's thought. “I did. She was a wonderful woman and a good friend. Could drink me under the table and had a sense of humor I've rarely seen since.” The druid smiled fondly. Then she looked to Jaina. “And you, there is no denying you're Jonah Thalassia's daughter. I would recognize a Thalassia anywhere after traveling aboard Jonah's creaking old ghost ship.” “My father's ship is extremely well kept, thank you very much.” Jaina narrowed her eyes and pouted, sniffing uncertainly at the wine. “Also, there's klauthgrass in this...do you really still distrust us?” “Ha...Clever girl....I can assure you it will not affect the taste of the wine.” Jaheira chuckled, giving Jaina an appreciative smile. “What's klauthgrass?” Sentry blinked, looking down at his half drunk glass. “Think of it as a truth serum of sorts...but with only one ingredient.” Jaina replied. “Relax, it's not going to hurt you.” Still, she didn't drink from hers, until she looked back and noticed Karlach giving her a pleading look, wide eyed and clearly begging her not to make an enemy of Jaheira. Jaina sighed and took a sip. “Fine, I've got nothing to hide anyway...”
Jaheira nodded. “That is good...So...you've been infected by a mindflayer tadpole, has it affected you at all? Made you do anything odd?” “Not really...I can communicate with the others in my head but there doesn't seem to be much else to it...” Jaina replied after thinking for a moment. “I mean...same...the other stuff is, I'm pretty sure, a curse I had way before the tadpole.” Sentry shrugged. “I see...You and your friends may be the help we need to defeat the cult of The Absolute. You can pass as True Souls, but you are not controlled by your parasites as they are...They will see you as allies and that allows you to get close to them.” Jaheira frowned and inhaled deeply. “The cult at Moonrise Tower is being led by a man I thought long dead...When my Harpers and I met him on the rode, we cut him down again, only for him to shrug off the blow that should have been fatal like it was nothing...I need you to find out the source of his immortality and relieve him of it...”
Something inside Sentry stirred at the mention of that, his eyes dilating like a predator on the hunt and a strange smile crossing his face. His mind didn't register why, but his body felt excitement at the idea of destroying this general. “We'll do it!” “Although if you have any further leads or assistance, that would be deeply appreciated.” Jaina added, folding her arms across her chest. “Of course. You are not the only advantage we have. A priestess of Selune resides here at the inn, she can help you further. Speak to her upstairs before you head out.” Jaheira replied. --- As Jaina and Sentry left the high harper, Wyll approached them, motioning them over. “Counselor Florrick and the remaining Flaming Fist guards were here as well. They've gone to Baldur's Gate to seek assistance...But...apparently there's been some developments in my father's absence.” “Oh?” Jaina asked. “In our favor, or?” “I'm not quite sure...she mentioned a 'Lord Gortash' and his Steel Watch...the thing is, the Gortash I knew of was a small time political advisor and arms dealer...it seems strange he should rise to power like this...” Wyll looked troubled, more so when he noticed Karlach and Sentry's reactions to the name. A look of pain and fury crossed Karlach's face, meanwhile, Sentry's eyes widened and a look of confusion crossed his. He winced in pain as he fought to remember why that name was so familiar, why hearing it made his stomach flutter and his heart race.
“Are you two alright?” Jaina blinked, looking at the two of them with concern. “Karlach, you're burning up...” Her hand seemed to crystalize a moment and she rested it on Karlach's shoulder, the cold ice allowing her to soothingly touch her friend at least for a moment. Karlach inhaled deeply and bit her lip. “The friend I told you about, the one who fucked me over and sold me to Zariel...That's him. Enver Gortash.” She spat, lowering her head. Jaina noticed tears evaporate in the corners of Karlach's eyes. “You know...with the tieflings all here, I'll bet Dammon made it too...Let's go find him, hmm?” She offered, nodding for Karlach to follow her. Wyll and Sentry watched the two of them leave and Wyll turned to face the paladin. “Are YOU alright? You reacted strangely to that name as well...” Sentry blinked, surprised at being asked, but he simply sighed and scratched his head. “I don't know...It was strange, and now that's happened twice, my body just reacted when my mind isn't sure why...First hearing about killing that Ketheric guy, and then just hearing this lord's name...It's got to have something to do with my past, right?” Wyll regarded Sentry thoughtfully, folding his arms and tilting his head in thought. “You know, father often warned that the past can haunt you like a ghost if you aren't careful. I think this certainly seems like what you're going through. But don't worry, you have all of us to help you through it and once we reach the city, it seems we'll find some answers.” Sentry nodded. “Thanks, Wyll. I appreciate it. I dunno if I had friends before, but I'm glad I can call you one now.” “I'm sure you had friends, Sentry, a charming fellow like you?” Wyll laughed, patting Sentry's arm. “Hells, for all we know, perhaps WE even played together as children if you grew up in Baldur's Gate.” Sentry thought for a moment, the vaguest outlines of groups of boys from the temple and the lower city running about together in the sprawling park. “Maybe we did.” He smiled.
--- Sentry decided to step out a moment to breathe. That name still tumbled about in his brain. Enver Gortash. Lord Gortash. He wasn't sure if it was right or not, but his mind was beginning to thread together a connection and he fumbled in his pack, pulling out his sketchbook and flipping to the latest drawing of the dark haired man with the eyes that were deep emerald and not black. Enver Gortash. It seemed right to connect the name with this face.
A prickle ran up Sentry's spine and he turned quickly to see another familiar face. “Ah, my Malevolent Master! It has been some time since your last atrocity....We must remedy that, you know how you get when these creative ruts hit.” The fiend clucked his tongue disapprovingly and gave a nasty little grin. “But, luckily we have been granted an opportunity, haven't we?” His red eyes flicked up towards the gentle moonlight surrounding the inn. “What do you mean?” Sentry asked, snapping his sketchbook closed and following Fel's gaze with his own mismatched eyes. “That dear little cleric protects this entire place with her loathsome goddess' holy magic...” Fel practically spat the words. “But if she were to perish...The Shadow Curse would swallow this whole place...Oh, think of the slaughter, O Putrid Princeling.” “I....I can't do that...The tieflings...they...and...and my friends...” Sentry shook his head rapidly. Fel wagged a finger and shook his head. “Oh no, no, no, my Devilish Dauphin, we've been through these rebellious phases before and your great father has been oh so tolerant of your whims, the paladin training, that ill-suited paramor you took before your tragic incident, but you are a man now, my liege, it is time you claimed your birthright.” Sentry looked up at the barrier and then to the balcony. The woman who stood there was so beautiful, so serene looking. His chest clenched and he felt the urge to go up there and push her, to watch that beautiful pale hair slowly turn red with blood from her broken skull when it cracked on the stones. Swiftly, he shook it off. “I....I can't.” Fel sighed with disappointment and doffed his hat, holding it between his hands. “Well, my Odious Oligarch, you may wish to reconsider....if you fail to kill the pretty priestess, then your father will require a replacement....” Sentry felt his sketchbook slip from his hands, falling open to the latest page. A half finished sketch of a handsome elvish man with sharp features and a tumble of fine white curls. Fel looked down at the drawing and then to Sentry. “He is so afraid, so, so afraid of everyone besides you, whom he ought to be most afraid of...”Fel smirked. “You could do so much better, milord.”
Sentry shook his head, stepping back. “No...I'm not going to hurt him, he trusts me...” He felt his stomach twist in knots as he looked down at the half finished drawing. “Your clever mind is penning the tragedy as we speak! Oh, you always were such an artist, dear boy...and you did so love your copper dreadfuls...” Fel smiled fondly at Sentry. “ Your repressed urge yearns to kill.” Sentry sank to his knees, trying to control his breathing. What did Kroger always say? Tap the back of your neck, count your breathing out. He laid his hands against the base of his skull and began to breathe. “And kill you will...” Fel circled Sentry, eyes never leaving him. “Tonight, the moment you close your eyes, your favorite person will be brutalized.” Sentry closed his eyes tightly, his soothing breathing interrupted by a dry heave. Oh gods...Did he love Astarion? Fuck. Fuck. Fuck....Of course he did...the drawing...the way he'd been the one to calm him when he'd been lost in the memory. “I'm.....I'm not gonna hurt him...” “Oh, my dear boy...we all kill what we love most in time...” Fel patted Sentry's shoulder with a smirk. “You like him for more than his looks...But he'll never believe that...” Fel's eyes cast on the careful lines of the drawing, beautiful but unflinchingly accurate, the signs of trauma, of sleepless nights and years of torture and starvation had not been shied away from. Astarion's portrait, though unfinished, was perfect in its imperfection. “Why not make him a pretty corpse?” Sentry's veins went to ice as something in the back of his mind told him he could still enjoy that, that a pretty corpse was a wonderful thing, a thing he had enjoyed before and why not again? Besides, this Lord Gortash clearly had his heart, there wasn't room for any usurper no matter how much he had in common with Sentry, no matter how well he understood. Sentry shook his head as though shaking away the thoughts. “No. I'm not going to betray him. I made a promise.” “But how poetic to replace that promise with a confession of love as the light leaves his eyes...You've loved so many similar stories, after all...” Fel grinned wickedly, his breath hot against Sentry's ear as he spoke. “It is my duty to ensure you are making the right decisions, master...So you see...your choices are set before you: Kill the priestess....or kill your lover. I trust you will make your father proud.” ---
Meanwhile, at the forge near the stables, Karlach was practically shaking with excitement as she felt her body begin to cool down for the first time in a long time. “I....I can finally touch someone?” “Yes, but...the bit of bad news I mentioned...”Dammon reminded her softly, his expression somewhat mournful. “Forget about that for now! I can finally feel another person's skin against mine! I could just hug someone!” She spun around, laughing happily. Jaina smiled fondly and leapt into Karlach's arms, squeezing her tightly. “Congratulations, Karlach! How does it feel?” The taller tiefling gasped in surprise at first, but soon smiled warmly, nuzzling against Jaina's soft golden hair and inhaling the delicate scent of sea air and water blooming flowers. Was there a hint of lilac as well? “It feels...good.” Karlach whispered softly. “Thanks, Jaina.” “Of course, I'd never leave you lonely like that. You're important to me, Karlach. You're important to all of our friends.” Jaina gave another tight squeeze, letting Karlach decide when to let go. Gods knew she needed it after so long in literal hell.
It took a while, but Karlach finally set Jaina down with a gentle smile. She'd heard Dammon the first time, she knew what he was going to tell her again, that it was return to Avernus or die, but she could die happy. She'd held Jaina in her arms, she'd breathed in her comforting scent, and she knew Jaina and Wyll could be happy together. No point in confessing your love to someone just to risk them choosing you and mourning you when they could live a life of adventure with the heroic and handsome Blade of Frontiers. More than that, Wyll was a good friend and a good man, he and Jaina deserved eachother. “We'll find a way to fix your heart, Karlach.” Jaina said softly, taking her hand and squeezing it. “we aren't going to give up on you no matter what.” ---
Sentry made his way slowly back into the inn, heading towards the stairs. His expression was dazed and his steps shaky and uncertain. A small calloused hand touched his shoulder. “You look a bit worse for wear...Could you use some company?” Shadowheart looked up at him with a mixture of concern and that bit of judgment that never seemed far from her mind. “Yeah, honestly I could.” Sentry nodded as he made room for her to walk beside him as the two ascended the stairs together. “Hey...uhm.....does it...y'know...seem like I have a thing for Astarion?” Shadowheart stifled an unflattering guffaw of laughter. “Let's see, the one you're always most protective of in battle? The one you always offer your neck to no matter how you're feeling? The one you've been staring at across camp drawing a portrait of ever since he complained about his lack of reflection? No, couldn't be. Perish the thought.” “I've been doing all that? Really?” Sentry blushed, scratching the back of his neck. His gaze cast downward. “Yeah...yeah I guess I have...”
“If it's any consolation, I think he cares for you as much as he can for anyone but himself. He seems to trust you, which I've noticed is rare for him.” She continued as the two made their way to the large double doors of the suite that housed the cleric. Shadowheart wrinkled her nose and scoffed. “Ugh...Selunite magic...I can't believe we have to put up with it just to keep from dying...” “Well, I have to admit, it's a bit less painful than what Ilmater has to offer, so I'll take it.” Sentry shrugged. “We can always get you one of those little masks the deep gnomes wear when they're mining in toxic caverns.” He teased as he pushed open the doors and the two entered a large but surprisingly sparse and humble bedroom. On the balcony, that gentle, beautiful woman Sentry had seen before stood in prayer at an altar to the Moon Maiden, sending soft motes of pale light into the sky to support the barrier. “Well, I suppose we should talk to her, Jaheira did say she could help us.” Shadowheart rolled her eyes and gestured for Sentry to step forward. His blood ran cold, hesitant to get too close to her, knowing all too well it would be a battle for dominance between him and his urge. “Well, why me? You're the cleric here, you talk to her!” “Really, Sentry? You'd really make me talk to a Selunite?” Shadowheart gave him a reproachful look, a hand dramatically pressed over her heart. He folded his arms across his chest, raising an eyebrow. “ You act like you'll combust the moment you lock eyes with her. Maybe you'll even find you have something in common, she's a half-elf too. And aren't your goddesses sisters?”
Shadowheart fixed Sentry with a cold glare and stared him dead in the eyes. “I can't believe you would bring that up.” She whispered. “FINE.” Sentry sighed, gulping and taking a step forward towards the priestess. His hands twitched and he could feel a cold sweat on his brow. Fight the urge, keep it down. If anything happens to her, your friends are in danger, you can do this...”Um...ma'am?” The priestess turned, her pale eyes ringed with dark makeup which was smeared as though she'd been crying, She gave a charming smile and inclined her head politely to Sentry. “So you're the hero everyone is talking about. The True Soul who can't be controlled by the tadpole.” She mused, looking him over. “Yes, that's...that's me...I'm Sentry Ojeda...Pleased to meet you, miss?” “Isobel, a simple cleric of Selune. But I suppose Jaheira already told you that.” Isobel shook Sentry's hand. “Oh, and this is my companion Shadowheart.” Sentry nodded back to his companion, who still stood a good distance back, glaring at Isobel. “I promise, she's much friendlier than she looks.” “Not to a Selunite, however.” Shadowheart muttered. “Hmm...Well don't worry, Sharran, the feeling is quite mutual.” Isobel replied wryly with a teasing little smile. Her expression fell into a frown, however, as she turned back towards the balcony. “Wait...what's that sound?”
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Summer Wedding part 2 Part 1 here
Dont post or publish anywhere in qny form REBLOGS and COMMENTs are APPRECIATED! Im new at this
Ari trying to figure out how to fix things. But being a schmuck. Sammy is Ari's friend who is a doctor field medic from Red Sea Diving Resort. A jury is a final for college students who are musicians.
Ari was sitting on the floor with his back up qgainst the wooden pannels that lined the walls. His face was still red and remnents from the tears remained on his face while new ones threatened to follow the same trails.
"Sammy you should have heard her,
She called herself worthless peice of shit for making me cry.  Her saying how much she hates herself. How much she loves me. Almost three hours of just straight sobs and wailing."
"Ari what did you do ?"
"Nothing? Is she safe you don't think she'-"
"No. She just wants me."
"She was crying all night beating herself up and you just sat there and listened. Why didn't you go to her?"
"Because," he sighed "She deserves someone who can be here more im away I'm-"
"Always be coming home to her.
"And I didn't do nothing uh anything.......I made her dinner."
"What happened did you guys just sit in silence?"
"Well she ate her sandwich in her room."
"Did she just leave to go to her room or did you ask her."
"To be specific I put the food infront of her door. With a note to please eat. I knocked"
"Ah leaving food at her door  when she's held up there like a prisioner."
"She's  not."
"Has she left the room?"
"No. But she was crying a lot. Then when I was sure she was sleeping."
"Don't say it Ari."
"I needed to get clothes."
"You. That's. Don't even try and claim it was surveillance. To make sure she was ok."
"No I and didn't kiss her.  Well not really.  I did what I always do when I get in late and she's  sleeping I always give her a small kiss  on her head. I did that and gently moved the hair out of her face and  she always gets a migraine if she sleeps in a pony tail so I took the pony tail out and I smoothed out her hair. I mean its not like I was stroaking her hair an hour. Only a few minutes to try and comfort her. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I let her get a migriane on top of everything else. It's nothing she isn't ok with like I said I do it all the time and I really did need to change."
"Ari I'm saying this as a friend and as a doctor your doctor you  need help. She needs help. Either appologize and say I dont want to break up or ill tell Ethan-"
"Tell Ethan to put me behind a desk.  I don't care. I cannot let her just beat herself up like that. I'm soothing her the only way I know how. And she wants me back."
"This is just increasingly disturbing did that not occur to you."
"I know but  I just she looked so miserable. Pathetic. Like a lost puppy you know and just still so beautiful the way her hair laid just so and I just couldn't stand there. I love her to much to hear those wimpers in her sleep I had to sooth her."
"Wow. Ok lets just deconstruct that whole paragraph. You decided to touch your ex's hair, who YOU broke up with by the way, while she was unconscious because you felt bad. Did I miss anything?"
"She also looked too beauti-"
"Ari. You do know how  weird that sounds right? Even if it Too beautiful? Why did you break up with her?"
"She knows I do it."
"When you were two-geh-ther. You aren't."
"So that goes out the window everything we had?"
"But she was so upset I didnt know how else to help."
Sammy sighed.
"If I need to I can-"
"It was so quiet this morning she's usually singing preparing for her jury she's  so stressed about that. They made her do a german peice she has so much trouble-"
"The prononciation just trips her up every time."
"Oh god I hope she didn't strain her voice. She has her Jury soon. Shes been so panicky with thr german they're having her do. I've been helping her with her German. Oh god." Ari stood up in a panic her hasn't  felt since the day Maya was born. He frantically he went into and through Items in the kitchen nd how fast he filled the kettle and turned on the stove before diving into the cabinets.
"Did I pick up that  tea she uses? She could probably use that."
"It's not weird if I make her tea right?. I know how she takes it. She could probably use god where did I put that shit? Ok I know I just saw that honey she uses too. Sh-"
"What Sam-Oh what here is. Thank god.-"
"Ari- god I'm going to have to bring both of you seditives."
"She has 3 teas left. I should  get more right? Her throat must be so gone. Can you come over tomorrow and take a look she cant hurt jt. Please."
"If be more than haply to but Ar-
"Thank you." Ari sighs.
"But Ar-"
"You have no idea how hard this has been for her-"
"Ari SHUT IT. Listen to yourself. YOU do realize you're the one making it hard. This is not a mission  I mean she sounded +broken when you spoke about her crying and you're freaking out because she might not have enough tea but you're refusing after you already became creep of the month, to go to her. Or I'll  show up and comitt both of you to a mental ward. Do you hear yourself? You're still in love with her."
Ari got the tea before it got too hot and poured some milk and honey in, mixing it together. Ari then put the tea bag in the cup and as he was pouring the hot water over all three."
"Ari you need to talk to her."
"I am"
"Oh thank god."
"I'm bringing her tea."
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Okay so based on the street fighter series.
Street fighter x our oc rivals scenes.
Kaito vs Dalahim
*Dalshim is floating by with Kaito walking by with his cane only for Kaito to stop turn and wave his cane under Dalshim he then gently taps the monks shoulder.*
Dalshim:hello fellow spiritual travler. May I help you?
Dalshim:I see. Well you see the world differently then I do. It is intriguing all the same.
Dalshim:I had read your mind. You and I draw power from the same source.
Kaito:*holds up cane and motions to the ground*
Dalshim:this is yoga. Would you like a presentation?
Dalshim:very well. In return I would be honored if you showed me your skills.
Dearil vs Rufus
Rufus:*Running up to Dearil* KEN MASTERS!!! I found you! You think with that sickly geezer disguise I'll be thrown off? Take any disguise you want! I'll find you!
Dearil:I'm sorry. Who are you?
Dearil:who is this Ken Masters?
Rufus:don't you try to trick me! For that I'll rip you apart then glue you back together and pull you apart all over again!
Dearil:*wondering how he got himself in this situation as Rufus rambles on and on*
Bun vs Juri
Bun:*walking down the road taking a swig of green tea in a can* "!?" *ducks as Juri kicks at him from behind.*
Juri:well hello newbie. you seem tasty~
Bun:the hell?
Juri:*licks her lips as her eye glows with her getting into a fighting stance* I bet you taste delicious.
Bun:I'm taken. Seriously why do I get the crazy girls?
Juri:this will be fun. Hope i don't break my new toy too easily.
Bun:*puts his mask on with his own glowing eye.* careful. I'm not above hitting a crazy woman.
Sakura:*Running down the street* IM LATE! IM LATE!
Tsugu:*running the other way with a chocolate crosont in her mouth* CRAP! CRAP! SAYO IS GOING TO KILL ME!
*Both girls run into each other hard enough to shake the camera*
Sakura:ow....sorry..*sees Tsugus uniform* huh? Wait I've seen that uniform! You go to Haneoka Girls' High School!
Tsugu:*Sees Sakura's bag* Tamagawa Minami High School? Wait! Sayo told me about you! You must be their sport star!
Sakura:Wait that ribbon. You're afterglow's keyboardist! I've heard a lot about you! Say how about we have a little duel? It'd be great warmup for our future high school martial art tournament!
Tsugu:uh..arggg..fine. I'll do my best! *looks at book* sorry I'll be late Sayo.
Garou vs Sagat
Garou:So this is Thailand's champion? Hehe perfect.
Sagat:what are you doing young man?
Garou:I've been in this martial art tournament for some time and so far Noone is worth my time. But I've heard about you. So how about it? You and me go a round?
Sagat:you speak like you only want power but I can sense something more in you. Very well. I shall take you up on your offer.
*Sagat does a battle roar as Garou chuckles in a fighting stance*
Garou:Hahahaha! YAHOO!
Saito vs E Honda
*Saito is watching as Honda approaches*
Honda:so you're the one thats been going around beating the other sumo wrestlers? Seem a bit on the smaller side. Kiruyu was it?
Saito:agreed. But I didn't fight the others out of a lust for battle. It was just a disagreement out of hand.
Honda:out of hand? You whooped them good! Hahaha I have to see your skills!
Saito:*sighs* how about this? I win you tell your organization to leave my sumo friend alone. You win and I'll cook you up my dragon spice bento?
Honda:hmm so a meal and a good battle? I can't turn this down!
Mai vs Akuma
Akuma:*walking up to Mai growling sensing her.* you. You seem like a worthy foe! You have truly transcended your humanity! Let this be a legendary battle!
Mai:*with a lollipop in her mouth* so this is Akuma? I've heard a lot about you. Honestly I was worried I'd spend my time here chasing you and Ryu around. *breaks the loli in her mouth and spits the stick out.*
Akuma:come then! Approach me!
Mai:*cracks knuckles* You better not disappoint Boy!
Paradox vs Zangeif
*Paradox walks by growling and complaining*
Paradox:fragging club. I knocked him out! Why did they try to jib me! It's not my fault the weakling couldn't take a punch!
Zangeif:you! Comrade!
Paradox:*Grumbling showing the size difference between the two.* what?
Zangeif:I had heard of your victory! It was bad victory. You look down muscle buddy! Fighting and exercise is a good thing to do when down or sad! I shall fight you now!
Paradox:*tilting head before laughing* oh this is golden! I wonder if you'll keep smiling after this fight!
Pico vs guile
Guile:*Practicing sonic boom only to notice Pico behind him* hey. Who are you?
Pico:classified. Must say that move doesn't seem half bad.
Guile:what!? That makes you more suspicious! Who do you work for?
Pico:*Sighing seeing Guile pointing at him* told you. It's my business not yours.
Guile:fine then I'll have to detain you!
Pico:Good luck.
Naruko vs Ibiki
*Both ninjas rush and jump with one jumping across trees and the other running across rooftops with them landing infrot of each other after they both narrowly avoiding each others Kunai and shruiken sneak attacks*
Ibiiki:konograukari? I don't know those ninjas were operating these days.
Naruko:not entirely. But our families live on in others. But your clan dosent seem poised to take this path of adaptation.
Ibiiki:what was that?
Naruko:foolish little children like you need to be reminded what being a ninja means.
Ibiiki:rrrreeeeggg! I show you!
Naruko:fine but don't go crying to those boys you like to see so much when I beat you.
Sunblood vs Bison
Sunblood:*Walking down a road eating a rather large apple* hhmm not bad. Bit tart for my taste.
*He then whips around at high speed grabbing Bisons fist and stareing him down*
Sunblood:so this is Psycho power? Must say. Not impressed.
*he then backs up after bison teleports only yo get a fully eaten apple core hit him in the face making him groan*
Bision:your technology and abilities intrigue me. Half them over and I'll maybe let you live.
Sunblood:*Swallows the mouthful of apple and then pulls out a banana which he starts eating.* how about this deal? You let me keep what I've in all good morality taken away from you and that failed side hustle you call S.I.N. and I don't send you and that prototype doll into whatever part of the afterlife you'd call home. Caphese?
Bison:bold words for a senile dead man!
Sunblood:*eats the banana in one bite and pushes a button in his wrist communicator.* your funeral.
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prodigiousvisions · 3 months
❛❛ The only April Fool was me, for not texting you ' I love you ' before I left my apartment this morning ! ❜❜ Momo proceeds to gently cry against Yuki's shoulder. [ appears in your inbox with stupid & stupider ( me & momo ) ]
it's april fools somewhere. (accepting) | it will not let me @ u rn yasu
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Confusion wrinkles at bleary eyes, freshly open to the waking world as a hand runs through his hair in an attempt to process the situation. Days of respite were few and far between for the duo. Despite this, leave it to Yuki to capitalize on it in one of the worst ways possible: overwork to compose a more personal piece. Sleep deprivation was inevitable. Yuki stirs back to life while sitting up more properly on the couch he had taken his temporary death on as Momo pleads his case toward a nonexistent judge, jury, and executioner. Had Momo forgotten to text him such a thing?
Yuki wouldn't have known either way - for he was deep in his exhaustion-induced sleep until Momo burst through the door of his own apartment.
"It's fine. I don't need a written reminder of something you tell me every day," The idol mumbles softly, moving his hand to comfort his partner with a soft ruffle of his hair. Besides, he didn't have any inkling of an idea of where his phone was, nor what day it was until Momo mentioned it. "I love you always. Every day of the year. Even the you that has surely whipped up some sort of tricks for our juniors today. Won't you tell me about it?"
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morningglory-sims · 3 months
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The Awkward Moments of A New Relationship 💞
Nothing like having your sister walk in on you making out with her ballet teacher - especially after tense first impressions! 🤪
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Transcript below the cut:
2 Months Ago
Akio's Apartment, Mt. Komorebi
[AKIO] *thinking* Damn, how did I get so lucky with a woman like Lizzy? And how the hell am I going to navigate introducing her to my family?
[AKIO] Isao and Suzume will adore her, hopefully they can meet her without dad. 
Shockingly, not worried about Juri -
[ELIZABETH] Akio? Are you outside?
[AKIO] Be right in, just finishing up my smoke.
[ELIZABETH] Morning, babe.
[AKIO] Hey, beautiful. Did you sleep okay?
[ELIZABETH] Mhmmm, all things considered...
[AKIO] "All things considered" being exploring each other? Well, I thoroughly enjoyed it...
[AKIO] *gently pushes her back into the front of the fridge* And I could tell you enjoyed it too, huh princess?
[ELIZABETH] *chuckles* So am I princess to you?
[AKIO] Are you going to answer my question?
[ELIZABETH] Are you going to answer MY question?
[AKIO] *tsk* Elizabeth Grace, the woman you are. Do I need to remind you of last night?
[ELIZABETH] Your princess may need one!
[AKIO] Anything for you, love.
*Juri walks through front door*
[JURI] Akio? I'm home early. Eiko woke up with food poisoning. Can't say I recommend that pizza place, so let's not get that for movie night.
[JURI] Are you -
[JURI] Akio? Is that...
[JURI] Miss Elizabeth??
[AKIO] O-oh Juri, you're early.
[ELIZABETH] *nervously* H-hi Juri, good to see you!
[AKIO] Is everything okay, Juri?
[JURI] I'm home early because Eiko got food poisoning, but I'm good - just surprised to see you with my ballet teacher.. But surprised in a good way! I had a feeling about you two after the ski trip...
[ELIZABETH] *sighs, deeply relieved*
[AKIO] ...That obvious?
[JURI] Bro, when you like someone, it's so obvious. You're a romantic softie who yearns! Anyway, you two have fun with whatever that was... See you on Thursday, Miss Elizabeth!
[ELIZABETH] See you Thursday, Juri!
*Juri runs upstairs*
[ELIZABETH] I thought I was going to DIE! My heart sank to my stomach. I don't think she expected to see her brother and ballet teacher making out.
[ELIZABETH] You handled that well, babe.
[AKIO] Sadly, I do have to work tonight. Let's shower and get you home.
[ELIZABETH] I understand, babe. I'm glad I get to know the romantic softie side of you.
[AKIO] *smiles softly* Thank you for bringing it out in me and reminding me it exists.
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blackhakumen · 1 year
Mini Fanfic #1068: Past My Prime? (Super Smash Bros Ultimate)
11:34 a.m. Outside of Shy Guy's LaCafé.......
Luigi: (Carefully Walks an Exhausted, Back Pain Ridding Chun-Li to her Side of the Table) That's it. Take it nice and slow.....We're almost there....(Quickly Rushes Towards the Chair and Pull it Away From The Table for Chun-Li to Sit On) Here you go!
Chun-Li: You're too kind.....
Despite the small, yet noticeable groaning escaping out of her mouth, Chun-Li let's Luigi help her slowly sit down at her on chair before she was gently pushed towards the table the duo has chosen to go to, letting out a heavily sigh of relief and relaxation.
Chun-Li: Finally!....We made it here in one piece. (Winces a Bit in Pain Before Using One Hand to Rub her Back) For the most part that.....(Smiles Softly at Luigi) Thanks for helping me get there, Luigi. You really didn't have go out of your way to do that for me.
Luigi: (Smiles Back at Chun-Li as He Sits Down on the Other Side of the Table) Think nothing of it. The last thing I want is for you is to walk around with an aching back. (Frowns a Bit in Worry) Our training exercise must've done a real number on you at the last second of your stretch , didn't it?
Chun-Li: (Rolls her Eyes) Tell me about it.....I've stretched after a workout multiple times before and none of them ended with an aching back pain before. (Crosses her Arms While Sighing) I wonder what's up with that?
????: Maybe it's your poor back telling you how much you've past your prime.
The duo turn their heads towards a young, rebellious looking woman taking a purple lollipop out from her mouth before giving Chun-Li an evil like smirk on her face, which in turn causes Luigi to get startled a little.
????: Grandma~
Chun-Li: (Sighs While Pinching her Nose at a Familiar Face in Front of Her) What do you want, Juri? Besides being a nuisance as usual...
Juri: (Rest her Arm on the Top of Luigi's Head) Ohh nothing of the sorts~ I've been hitting around town as of late and just sp happen to notice this string bean here is taking you to your table. (Smirks Starts Growing Wider) You don't need me to buy you an elderly cane to help you walk now, do ya, old lady?
Chun-Li: (Starts Gritting her Teeth at Juri) I'll do fine without it thanks..... And the string bean you're referring to is Luigi. Show him some respect!
Luigi: (Nervous Waves at Juri) H-Hello.....
Juri: (Scoffs While Rolling her Eyes) Please. (Playfully Twists One Side of Luigi's Mustache Around Much to His Displeasure) As if I would ever show any kindness towards a Player 2 loser like him.
Luigi: My name is Luigi actually-
Juri: Yeah, who cares? You're nothing but a wimpy crybaby of a sidekick. Always have, always will.
Chun-Li: Would you just leave us alone already!!!?
Juri: (Finally Gets her Arm Off of Luigi's Head as She Holds Both her Hands Up Nonchalantly) Alright, alright, don't get your buns twisted. I'll take my presence elsewhere. (Finally Takes her Leave Before Stopping Mid Second) But lemme know if you need some medicine picked up from the pharmacy. (Turns Back to Chun-Li With the Same Evil Smirk) We don't want your poor old bones to give up on ya, now don't we?~
Juri let's out an evil laugh before walking off for real this time, leaving Chun-Li fuming with unadulterated rage before quickly deciding to do the sensible thing and takes a deep breath to calm herself down.
Chun-Li: Today is your day, Chun-Li. Don't let the brat ruin it for you. (Turbs Back to Luigi) Are you okay, Luigi?
Luigi: (Gives Chun-Li a Reassuring Smile as He Fixes Up his Mustache) Yeah, I'll be fine. I've been called a lot worse in the past few years, so it's not all bad.
Bowser: (Walks by the Table Wearing a Green Shirt that Says 'Green Mario' and a Poorly Drawn Face of Luigi Sitting Below) Nice bod you got there, Green Mario. Bwhahahahaha!
Luigi: (Immediately Puts on a Deadpinned Look on his Face) Nevermind. My day is starting to get ruined now.
Chun-Li: What is up with people calling you Green Mario all the time?
Luigi: (Sighs While Facepalming Himself) I don't knoooow......This has been going on for years now! (Sadly Twiddling his Fingers in Front if him on the Table) I guess they find it hard to believe that someone as wimpy and cowardly as myself could ever live up to Mario's success and glory no matter how hard I try.....(Notices Chun-Li is Still Staring at Him With Worry in her Eyes) B-But it's fine! I've been called that a million times now that I should be used to it by now. (Chuckles a Bit Awkwardly Before Looking Sighing and Looking Down a the Table)
Chun-Li: You know, Sammy told me all the times you saved your brother from getting kidnapped from the ghosts, despite being terrified of them. (Smiles a Little) I think that's pretty brave of you.
Luigi: (Looks Up at Chun-Li For a Brief Second Before Slowly Smiling Back at Her) Thanks. It's a miracle I was able to save him unscathed....But I'd do anything for my bro. And for everyone I care about.
Chun-Li: (Smiles Brightly) That's great to hear. (Chuckles a Bit) I wouldn't last a second being in the same room with a ghost floating in front of me.
Luigi: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Surprise) You're scared of them too?
Chun-Li: Oh big time! One time, my father, bless his soul, told me this really spooky story about an evil ghost spirit of a young woman who was killed inside an abandoned mansion for thousands of years, consume and torments the souls of every tourist and travelers who dares to walk in unannounced. Not even the children are safe from it's wrath.
Luigi: (Shivers a Bit in Fear) S-S-So is she's a vengeful spirit of sorts?
Chun-Li: Kind of? Father never really gone into detail on who or what killed her that day. And honestly.......(Grimamce at the Thought) I-I-I don't think I ever want to find that out.......
Luigi: Me too. (Starts Clearing his Throat) S-So anyways, who was that woman who came by here just now?
Chun-Li: Juri Han. The former member of an evil organization known as S.I.N. and one of the biggest pains in the neck since Bison.....
Luigi: She caused you that much trouble, huh?
Chun-Li: Yeeeup. I mean, she causes trouble for the Interpol as well, but she always has to find SOME WAY to mess me, even stupid crap like this! (Crosses her Arms in Annoyance) It's really starting to get old right now........
Luigi: ......You know, if it makes you feel any better....(Notices Chun-Li Slowly Turning Back to Him Before Putting on a Soft Smile on his Face) I think you really good for your age. And your legwork looks so amazing and graceful see in action too. I can definitely why Samus has fallen for in the first place.
Chun-Li: (Smiles Back at Luigi as With Small Blushes on her Cheeks) Xièxiè. Father always says to make sure to look your best before leaving the house. And I pretty sure I wouldn't be who I am today if it weren't for him and Gen taking the time and effort to discipline and teaching me everything I need to know how to fight in general.
Luigi: Do you still miss your father sometimes, Chun-Li?
Chun-Li: Almost everyday. But I can't keep dwelling on his absence forever. (Smiles Brightly) I have you guys to worry about after all.
Shy Guy Waiter: (Walks By Carrying a Plate of Macaroons and Coffee Mugs on his Tray Before Placing Them all Down One by One on.the Table) Your orders, ma'am and sir.
Chun-Li: (Raises an Eyebrow in Confusion) We didn't order anything ye- (Suddenly Gasps Loudly at What is in Front of Her) Is that really me on my latte!?~
Shy Guy Waiter: (Happily Nodded) Yep. We custom made it ourselves. (Points at Luigi Behind Him) You can thank him for having that ordered for you. (Makes his Way Back to the Café With His Tray Under his Armpit)
Chun-Li: (Turns Back to Luigi With Sparkle in her Eyes) Weegie......You really did this for me?~
Luigi: (Happily Nodded) That's right! (Smiles Sheepishly While Rubbing the Back of his Head Back and Forth) Samus wanted me to treat you somewhere nice for your birthday today, so I decided to call the café to have our latte ready for us before we left gym together. Also......
Luigi takes out a small envelope from his workout pants' pocket before giving it to the birthday girl in front of him and letting out a small chuckle.
Luigi: Surprise!
Chun-Li: (Tears the top of the Envelope Open, Revealing a Coupon Inside Before Picking it Up and Reading it) You got me a birthday special coupon for Koopa Troops' Springhouse?
Luigi: (Smiles Brightly) Yep. It's one of the many birthday presents we got for you this year. Plus, given how tired out you are roght now, you deserve a day at the spa for once. (Felt a Buzz on the Side of his Hip Before Taking his Phone Out From his Other Pocket and Reads the Text Give ln to Him) Ooh! Speaking of Samus, she texted me just now and says that her and Daisy will be on their way to meet us there after we leave here. (Starts Reading the Text Again) And to also prepare yourself. We have a pretty long day ahead of ourselves afterwards.
Chun-Li: We're having our first Double Date today?~
Luigi: Pretty much. I hope it's alright with you.
Chun-Li: (Smiles Very Brightly) Are you kidding? I couldn't think of more perfect than this!~ Thank you so much!~ I'd hug you if my back wasn't killing me right now.
Luigi: I got it!
Luigi gets up from his seat and makes his way towards Chun-Li's side of the table to hug her.
Luigi: There you go. One hug for the birthday girl~
Chun-Li: (Heart Begins to Melt in Pure Happiness as She Hugs Luigi Back) You really are the sweetest~
Luigi: Just doing what I can to help is all. Happy Birthday, Chun-Li.
Happy Birthday to the Strongest Woman in the World!!
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cheeto-flavoured-pasta · 11 months
Incorrect Quotes Tag Game
OK, so I was tagged by @canadjester to do this game and I’m very excited. I have too many quotes for this, so I’m gonna have to narrow it down to a few per WIP (I made quotes for about 3 of my WIPs, I think.)
[Rules: Use this site to make random quotes for your OCs.]
1: APS
I haven’t said too much about APS on this blog, so this is less about the characters and more about the quotes.
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*Pretty accurate for Michael, he’s a chaotic dude. Also, these next few are gonna be text-written.
*Iris teaching Michael how to drive and taking Talia along for the ride.* Iris: That’s a pot hole! To the left! Michael: Take it back now y’all *drives into pothole* Talia, sticking her face into the front over the center console: Cha cha real smooth. Michael: That’s not how the song goes… Iris, crying and gripping the handle: Please just take me home… Michael: Country roads. Talia: Take me home. Michael: To the place- Both: -I belong! Both: WEST VIRGINIA- Iris, crying harder: what the hell *A teeny bit OOC for one of the characters but it works
Talia: Hello, my name is Failure, and you're watching my life crumble into pieces. Talia:  *waves her finger and sings like she’s in a Disney Channel intro* 
Talia: Be right back, gonna hit the toilet for a quick power sob.
Cassian: If I stay in bed I'll be warm. If I get in the shower, I'll also be warm. But the distance between the bed and shower? No. That is not warm. 
Cassian: Dracula had it right - sleep all day, live alone in a castle, and explode into bats to get out of all social situations. 
Talia, holding up her class notes: And then this doodle of a burrito because when I first read Aristotle, I thought it was pronounced like “Chipotle”.  Talia, in shock: Wait a minute, is it “Chip-o-tottle”?  Caster: *facepalms*
Marie, seeing a banana on the car seat: What the HELL??  Marie, buckling the banana up: Buckle UP, it’s the LAW! 
Alexander, washing the dishes: Who the fuck used this pan?? Alexander: Oh. I the fuck used this pan. Kazu: It was you the fuck. Alexander: It was me the fuck... Terrence: Who cooks rice in a pan? Kazu: Him the fuck.
2: Don't Leave (current side-WIP)
I at least have one excerpt of Don't Leave (yes, that's a shameless plug) so at least you could know some of the characters this way; y'all aren't just watching random people say random quotes...
June: Jamie, what are you doing? Jamie: Making chocolate pudding. June: It is four in the morning, why must you make chocolate pudding?  Jamie: Because I've lost control of my life.  Jamie: Here's your pudding, Kaguya.  Kaguya: Oh that's fine, I'm not hungry anymore. 
Kaguya: Last night I found out Jamie is a sleep talker. June: Oh, really?  Kaguya: "The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell." Right in my ear at 3 in the morning. 
3: Devil On My Shoulder
Krish: Okay happy campers! If you were a fruit what would you be and why?  Hector: I'd be a tomato because no one accepts me as part of the group.  Krish: ...  Hector: ...  Krish: OKAY HAPPY CAMPERS- 
Hector, sniffling: Calm down, I’m probably not sick. It might just be allergies.  Krish: Okay, tell me this: are you like, really tired?  Hector: I have depression, what do you think? 
Aaaand for the last one:
Hector: Krish, you're testifying in an aggravated assault case tomorrow, and the D.A. is worried about how you'll present yourself on the stand.  Krish: Why? I'm fine on the stand!  FLASHBACK to Testimony #1: Krish: Look, I'll make this real simple so even these dumdums can understand.  Krish, to the jury: MAN DID CRIME.  FLASHBACK to Testimony #2: Krish: I'm sorry, could you make her stop doing that weird thing with her face?  Defense Attorney, next to the crying defendant: ...Crying? FLASHBACK to Testimony #3: Krish: And when this is over, I'm gonna find you and I'm gonna break those little fingers.  Judge: Could the witness please stop threatening the stenographer? 
And that’s all, folks. Gently tagging @poetinprose, @hallwriteblr, and @ryns-ramblings ^ - ^
I’ve had too much fun with this
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