#me making ocs: what if digitigrade
worsesart · 1 year
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two more!! including alternate outfits for Time Warp. now i'm done redoing references (because i don't feel like any i missed need updating. and the ones i might do don't have references yet so they don't count as being redone)
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cy-cyborg · 11 months
Hi, I was wondering what sort of leg prosthetic would work well in a fight? I'm designing a magical girl OC with a prosthetic leg and want to incorporate a rather more pink and sparkly one into her magical girl form. I know you can get blades for running, but would those be better than a normal prosthetic for running and leaping around while bonking monsters with a magic stick?
Hey there, I think I remember seeing your question on my old account right? I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you!
So a blade probably wouldn't be ideal, but a hybrid might.
Blade prosthetics are very good for running, but are absolutely terrible for literally everything else, including standing or walking. Essentially, blade prosthetics are modeled off of digitigrade legs. For the non-furries on my page, digitigrade legs are what cats and dogs have on their back legs where it bends at the knee, then bends back the other way at a second joint before their feet.
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[ID 1: A pair of black running blade prosthetics with yellow edges. Their wearer is out of frame but we can see they are running along a track. /end ID] [ID 2: A photo of a cheetah from the side. In the photo we can clearly see the structure of its legs, as described above. /End ID]
This is actually their ankle, and their "foot" is their toes. This arrangement makes these animals really fast and nimble, but it comes at the cost of lower balance. That's not an issue when you have another two legs to help keep you steady, but when you put that onto a human we start having issues. This is why if you watch any races where the competitors are using these prosthetics, they almost always fall over, especially the double leg amputees. Essentially, the shape and springiness of a blade gives you a massive speed advantage (so much so that amputee runner Oscar Pistorius had to be given disadvantages in order to compete in the Olympics with able-bodied runners) but it essentially moves the ankle joint and heel - the one our brains automatically know to weight bare through - up off the ground. The closest an able bodied person could get to the feeling of running on a blade would be to wear a pair of stilleto heels with the heal removed, and a spring on the bottom.
Hybrid feet though are a combination of blade feet and the regular feet amputees usually get. They are like tiny blades, but they usually have a foot-shell on the outside so you don't see it. These hybrid feet give you some of the extra padding and suspension you'd get from a running blade (which makes running/jumping etc more comfortable) as well as a bit of a speed boost, though not as much as the big ones, and they don't come at the cost of your balance, which you'r character will need when fighting.
Ossur's Flex foot range are a good one to look at for refeance, I used them when I was doing martial arts, as do a few friends of mine who are still doing it. This is a link to their website, it's got pictures of what they look like both internally and when people are using them, and I beleive theirs a booklet you can download on the page as well if you want to read into them a bit more. This isn't the only one of course, but it's the one I've used before:
I'm planning to do a breakdown in a little bit more detail about the different types of prosthetic feet and what they're good for eventually, but for what you described, I think this is what would work best.
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ratking-pkmn · 1 year
From what we see of it in game, would Absol be a feliform carnivore or a caniform carnivore? Or would it be omnivorous? Because I've been writing my Absol OC, Juniper, as being very similar to canids but other places seem to place them as feliforms?
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You gave me quite the first question! Absol is a guy who's inspirational origins aren't as obvious as some other quadrupedal mammalian pokemon. More info under the cut so I don't clutter anyone's dash :)
Content Warning: Real life animal bones. Discussion of anatomy in depth. Beware.
So, this is a bit of a complicated question to sort out. Is Absol a feliform or a caniform? The answer is... Well, neither? Maybe both?
Ultimately pokemon may be inspired by real life animals, but they have an entirely different biological evolutionary tree than ours do- meaning our assumptions about their wild behavior and skeletal systems are all just that: assumptions.
That said we can make observations based off of their anatomy. However, due to these being Pokemon, their skeletons are not available to inspect, neither are their muscles or organs, but I can give it a shot just from eyeballin' em.
So, what's the difference between a Feliform and a Caniform? Well....the answer to that is in the skull, specifically in the anatomy of the bones of the inner ear. On Absol we don't have that information. But there is general traits that can be assigned to both suborders of animals. Let's list a few so we can get it out of the way.
Please remember these are generalizations, so there are some exceptions to these!
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(Images credit to Wikimedia Commons)
Caniforms: longer snouts, more teeth, less specialized teeth, non-retractable claws, usually plantigrade, almost always terrestrial. Feliforms: shorter snouts, less teeth, highly specialized teeth, retractable claws, many are arboreal/semi-arboreal, and they're usually digitigrade.
Soo.... What about about Absol?
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Well, oh balls, that's a mixed bag.... No problem! Let's use the anatomy to come to our own conclusions. Well its weight of 103 Lbs (47kg) and its height of 3'11" (1.3m) at the tip of its scythe tells us that it is a "medium" sized animal. Very scientific, I know. Medium.
So a medium sized quadrupedal animal that thrives in temperate and cold climates with thick fur and a prominent mane. Parts of its body, specifically the tail and the snout/face, are completely hairless. It has thick, long claws that are unable to be retracted or hidden. It has a large "scythe" which it can use for both offensively and defensively, as it can be used to defend the vulnerable back of the neck area where otherwise the animal would not be able to reach. Its mouth is small, and it has relatively small teeth. This animal is also lithe and slim and has slender legs that would allow it to run well.
How can this be interpreted? Well, let's try this: Due to its size and having developed a defensive horn, it is likely not at the top of the food chain- most big predators don't exactly develop over-the-top extra weapons for fun.
Second thing, what about its diet? Well, I would suggest it's definitely a carnivore. I mean, all animals are omnivores technically, but I would fit Absol into the hypercarnivore tier, with over 95% of its diet being made up of meat. With the size of its claws, it's likely its adept at digging, so it may sample on roots and tubers in a pinch. As for its behavior, due to its size and fur patterns, as for its process of finding food, I'd suggest an opportunist hunter/scavenger.
It can hunt, but generally will avoid doing so if possible. It's much more to try and sniff out an already deceased meal than grapple down one yourself. When it does hunt, it would go for smaller prey animals, rodent-like pokemon, small bird pokemon, and other small mammals. If it happens upon a larger carcass, due to its small mouth it will more than likely use its claws to shred the meat into smaller more manageable bites it can tear off. In personality, I suspect Absol leans heavily into the feliform stereotype; it is solitary and generally quite unfriendly and skittish by nature. Due to its size, it is instinctually hyper-aware of being preyed upon by larger animals, and that includes humans. As for the sounds it makes, it probably sounds a bit like a bobcat or cougar. Growls, hisses, and more horrifically, almost human-like screeching when cornered/threatened. Bobcat noises linky.
So..... there's no actually SIMPLE answer to "is it a feliform or a caniform?" oops. But I at least hope this helps ;;
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cervicrazed · 5 months
da WHOLE HOG for bambi + whichever of your newer ocs pairs best with her ;]
Hell yeah, let's do it!!
I can already tell this'll be a long one so have a page break to save yourself some dash space
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^This is Bambi! ^This is Jak L!
✨- How did you come up with the OC’s name?
Bambi -> you actually gave Bambi her name if I remember right!! I think the logic was Wilton Rader (deer motif) + Walt (Disney) = Bambi
It was funny & fit so well that I didn't bother looking for any other names after that
Jak L. -> When I was making her originally all I knew was that I wanted a pitch black head & red eyes - the tall ears were a last minute addition that made her look like Anubis to me so....well, i just couldn't resist the pull of the pun
🌼 - How old are they? (Or approximate age range)
Bambi -> It kinds depends? I jump around her timeline a lot when i draw her so here's a good rule a thumb; if her hair is in pigtails, she's meant to be no older than 10, long ponytail caps at 16, and her shorter, shoulder length cut means she's 17-19
Jak L. -> Around 18 or 19 - a little older than Bambi to up her 'cool factor' in her eyes. They meet during Bambi's first attempt to go to (Human) school
🌺- Do they have any love interest(s)?
Bambi -> Crushing hard on Jak but trying to play it cool. She's the poster child for a rebellious teen and Bambi is mesmerized by her confidence and defiance
Jak L. -> Not too keen on relationships after getting cursed by her ex during a messy breakup (she doesn't like to talk about it) Bambi's adoration is not lost on her, but she worries the curse may intervene if she gets too close
🍕 - What is their favorite food?
Bambi -> She absolutely loooovees Lake Trout. There's an abundance of them near her childhood home, so her dads cooked it for dinner often. She used to get sick of it but on long trips it's nice to be reminded of home.
Jak L. -> It used to be a lemon butter chicken thighs, but Jak's curse won't let her eat 'anything that bleeds.' She's found Chicken of the Woods to be a decent replacement, but it's just not the same.
💼 - What do they do for a living?
Bambi -> Money isn't really used outside of Human settlements, but Bambi will run errands for her uncle Warren in exchange for magical items she can sell or use. Due to the nature of his work, the 'simple errands' have a habit of becoming day long quests instead.
Jak L. -> Works part time as a babysitter for human/monster couples. Part of this job includes helping deliver the child to the other parent's home, as neither is allowed to live in the other's community. The journey can be dangerous, but she knows the trail like the back of her hand - meaning her fare can cost as much as she likes.
🎹 - Do they have any hobbies?
Bambi -> Loves wrestling and will never say no if challenged. The scruffier the struggle the more fun she has ((she also enjoys a bit of whittling due to her dad's influence but will never admit that to him))
Jak L. -> Secretly enjoys climbing up trees to write poetry. She feels her poems are too soft and melancholic for the mysterious punk rebel persona she's trying to sculpt, so no one's ever read em :(
🎯 -What do they do best?
Bambi -> Despite wrestling being her favorite pastime, Bambi is best at parkour! The Jek taught her how to take advantage of her digitigrade legs to give her a better boost in agility
Jak L. -> Jak is convinced she's the best at everything she does, but her true passion lies in lyrical prose.
🥊 -What do they love to do? What do they hate to do?
Bambi -> Other than wrestling, Bambi loves to fish! She doesn't use a rod or bait, preferring to catch them with her own hands and teeth (not always a successful method, but it's endlessly fun for her)
She hates feeling caged in or restricted, something she and Wilton argue about often.
Jak L. -> Despite how she makes it seem, Jak loves teaching and watching over the children she's put in charge of. She likes giving them the time to explore, vent, and whatever else they want but rarely have the freedom to do.
She hates authority in all it's forms, holding a strong belief that anyone in a position of power will abuse it. It's just a matter of when.
❤️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
Bambi -> She'd been around 12 years old, on a visit with Wilton into a human settlement so they could sell his carvings. She caught one of the older boys trying to set fire to their stand and tackled him. She walked away with a few scratches while he limped away with a broken nose. Her father was displeased sure, but that was nothing compared to the pride she felt at winning her first brawl.
Jak L. -> A month or two after meeting Bambi, she had introduced her to her uncle; a necromancer. Jak had always wanted to learn magic but had never found a teacher patient enough to show her. It took the whole day to master but the Lich Doctor taught her how to heal minor cuts and scrapes. It may have only been a simple spell but it meant the world to her.
✂️ - What is one of your OC’s worst memories?
Bambi -> Wilton had gotten sick and stayed worryingly ill for weeks; it didn't seem like he'd get any better. Bambi offered to get the Lich Doctor to help but he was adamantly against it, resulting in a nasty argument and Bambi leaving anyway. By the time she returned, her dad had already passed. Sure, her uncle assured her that he could reincarnate him, but it didn't change the fact that her last words to him had been "I hate you"
Jak L. -> Jak had hidden herself in her favorite tree, happily writing poems no one would ever see. Her ex didn't like the thought of her keeping secrets from them, leading to a shouting match and a frenzied fight over the pages. Once read, he misinterpreted her poems as an admission to cheating; burning her work and cursing her to never be loved again. She's been looking for a way to break it ever since.
🧊 - Is their current design the first one?
Bambi -> Not at all really. The only thing left over from her first design is her yellow flannel - it's her signature character color! she looks weird without it now!!
Jak L. -> Yeah, I made Jak in January so there hasn't been a lot of (if any) evolution in her design (yet)
🍀 - What originally inspired the OC?
Bambi -> Originally I wanted to make a non-canon fankid for Wilton & Walt / The Jek to explore what they'd be like as parents. I based her personality off a little girl I saw aggressively splashing in rain puddles and laughing evilly. the rest is history
Jak L. -> Design practice! She wasn't going to be an OC at first, just an exercise in character design but when I finished I liked the potential too much for her to just be a one off.
🌂 - What genre do they belong in?
Bambi -> YA fantasy but preferably one that has more fucked up freaky little creatures ((like the spiderwick chronicles))
Jak L. -> Whatever genre Rebel Without a Cause was ((add in a fantasy or horror element so she can keep her face))
💚 - What is your OC’s gender identity and sexuality?
Bambi -> Demigirl + Lesbian! ❤️🧡🤍🩷💜
Jak L. -> Transfemme + Bisexual! ❤️💜💙
🙌 - How many sibling does your OC have?
Bambi -> she tried really hard to get her dads to grow a new sibling but Wilton wouldn't have it (Bambi suspects Walt planted one anyway, but has no proof)
Jak L. -> She's unsure if she has any siblings. Maybe she does, maybe she doesn't. Jak doesn't know and doesn't care to find out.
🍎 - What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like?
Bambi -> Loving but a bit strained. Her parents' over-protectiveness kept her from exploring anything beyond the river mill for years and their secrecy prevented her from learning anything about their pasts. She wishes they'd respect her autonomy and not keep so many secrets from her
Jak L. -> Cold and distant. All she knows about them is that they left her behind and disappeared. She doesn't know if they died, but she wouldn't be upset if they did. As far as she's concerned, her father is the sun and her mother the moon
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC?
Bambi -> all the potential pathways I could take her character! Her storyline isn't set in stone like some of my other OCs so I have a lot of fun putting her in Situations™
Jak L. -> her design for sure. She's incredibly fun to draw, especially her locs & baggy t-shirt
✏️ - How often do you draw/write about the OC?
Bambi -> Getting back in the habit of drawing her again now that I've gotten over my second-hand embarrassed ab sharing my stuff. I've definitely got more notes about her than I do drawings
Jak L. -> Only very recently started fleshing her out via notes/short stories. It's been fun getting to know what her personality is going to be like
💎 - Do you ever see yourself killing off the OC?
Bambi -> I don't think I've ever thought ab killing Bambi off, not even in an angsty one-off. She's got too much of a story to tell to cut it short like that
Jak L. -> kinda? But not really dedicated to it just yet. She's too new for me to want to get rid of so quickly.
💀 - Does your OC have any phobias?
Bambi -> She'll claim she doesn't, but she's absolutely Claustrophobic
Jak L. -> Not exactly Pyrophobic since she can be around campfires or a fireplace well enough, but she will refuse to interact with it in any way that doesn't involve putting it out
🍩 -Who is your OC’s arch-nemesis or rival?
Bambi -> The Big Secret her family has been hiding from her ((she hasn't really met Him yet))
Jak L. -> Jak sees every established institution as her arch nemesis
🎓 - How long have you had the OC?
Bambi -> oh man it's been a loongg while....I think since 2017 or 2018? That makes her about 7 or 8 years old....wow...
Jak L. -> Jak is about 4 months old ‼️
🍥 - What age were you when you created the OC?
Bambi -> I was probably 16 or 17 when I first sketched her up
Jak L. -> Can confidently confirm that I was 22 when Jak popped onto my canvas
Phew! You made it to the end! Thanks!
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nkgrimmie · 10 months
pinned post time
hi i'm grimmie but you can also call me linnl if you want
i need tone indicators so please remember, as i have gotten into conflicts directly due to not realising the tone of something, it's okay if you forget i'll probably just ask you what the tone if it was, don't feel bad
i'm probably mostly gonna be posting AVA/M and RW stuff, but i might also post HK or CJ content on occasion (if i post at all, that is)
i'll probably have an irregular posting schedule, since, y'know y'know school, job, all that (i may also post at odd hours, who knows)
i'm also pretty slow when it comes to art of humanoids, especially if it's before i've figured out their designs, so i'll probably be posting more shorthand designs, actual stick figures, and animals, sorry ^^'
you can message me if you like, i'm too scared to do it myself but will probably respond if you go first
also fyi i tend to speak in a very... strange way so if i seem cryptic or don't make any sense whatsoever just ask me what i mean and i'll clarify
more things under the cut
Do not interact if:
You're a conservative/right-winger
You're LGBTQ+phobic (including if you believe there's only two genders)
You're a MAP, zoo, pro-shipper/com-shipper, and a loli/shota
You're against kinning, AUs, shipping, or OC x canon (I'm not much of a shipper, but it does still happen)
You purposefully cause arguments, fights, etc.
You get mad at people for being sensitive
You don't respect other people's trauma
Everyone else, including otherkins and therians, are okay to interact, I promise :) /gen
Little things about me
I absolutely LOVE when people explore what happens directly after story events, such as moments after MT attacked those fair workers, or after HMS reaches wholeness! I don't see people explore things like those a lot, and it always makes me so excited when I do!
I love love LOVE it when people go into depth about the anatomies of seemingly-human or human-esque beings! Like giving HMS non-human traits or giving stick figures anatomical differences from humans, like digitigrade legs or sharp teeth!
I also really like isekais!! Especially HK isekais :3 (if you were around in the HK AO3 community a year or two ago, you would know why)
My fav characters for AVA/M are: c!Alan, MT, Victim, and TCO
My fav characters for RW are: The Gourmand, LTTM, and 5P
My fav character for CCCC is: every character except Heart
Tags will be made and shown here as needed :3
I hope you enjoy being on my page! And if not, that's okay too!
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skunkes · 1 year
i have to take less chibis this april because im so burnt out on em and im wondering what to do with the extra time if i manage to finish em early...do i do more sketch/bust comms if possible? Should i try to do a ref sheet comm?
I still dk if i CAN do ref sheets...i might have to remake cow al's as practice bc along with not knowing how to price em I also dont know what to include in them (full body? Sure...back view? Thats kinda hard for me depending on character esp if theyre digitigrade... Busts? Outfits?? Hair styles? Idk what to include for a Standard One)
Im getting a fun idea though which is Neopets Paintbrush Comms where I draw yur oc as if they were painted with a paintbrush (selected from a small group of em id have to curate to make sure someone doesnt attack me with the hardest concept LOL) because that valentines paintbrush skunker was soooooo fun
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sycamorality · 1 year
oh please bro anything about the ancients. i love learning about people's ancients its the best for real. whaddo they look like?? any societal norms or ideas on governing/social tiers??? and if youve thought about it or an event like this even fits into your headcanon events what do u think the mass ascension/disappearance of the ancients was like?
i've already rambled abunch about them; you can find them all here, a good 2.2k words worth of rambling.
they're a little creature to me. the best example i have is pearls collapsing within stained grounds, but they are an echo, and a kid, so they don't have their mask. digitigrade legs, tails, snouts (maybe even beak-like heads or even just beaks if i end up vibing with some more avian-esque designs), even wings in a few cases (though those would mostly be genemods - which also means yeah they could have feathers 'n fur 'n whatnot, but some wings could certainly be "natural"). they have funky patterns because i can so i will (and also because it's based off of this and this mural from in-game). think stripes, swirly stripes, rosettes, rings, y'name it. they probably have it. they also have lotsa colors, probably either darker or lighter and less saturated; some higher circle members probably have vibrant colors, depends. they can be little creature guys. as a treat. (except for you vigil you can like- get echoed a second time or something)
societal norms? docked tails, cropped ears, clipped wings (if applicable), unless you're higher circle or in a community that doesn't particularly care about it or are just a lucky lower/middle circle member. full masks always on for middle/higher circle in public and during important events. most higher circles probably had feeding tubes. speaking of social tiers, this post right here has my thoughts on them. can go into detail about anything if prompted; this goes for anything i've already said.
i think the mass ascension was by force, considering a majority (~99.5% for my own headcanon) lived atop iterator superstructures by now due to the lethal rains, and the higher circles Definently held the most power, which meant they got the say in it and it was agreed globally that "hey everybody's ascending". there were certainly outliers that didn't ascend (void knows i've got a few ocs like that, looking at you eclipse) due to a multitude of reasons. either because they were outcasts living on the ground, forgotten and left behind, or straight up hid to stay and not be force-ascended. most of the ones that didn't want to ascend did get caught and just- straight up dunked in a vat of void fluid by force, it was very strict and they made sure everybody ascended by checking id drones and wrote down records. though, if they only checked id drones, there's of course be the ones without any or ones that malfunction and weren't counted.
its 5am this might be a little incoherent and not make much sense oops
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lazarguy · 1 year
I've had this set up for like.. atleast a month so far, the reference drawn [even if i'm not proud of how the legs turned out in retrospect but I mean hey, it could have been a worse attempt at drawing both Mewtwo legs and digitigrade legs, right?], the google doc on them made, an entire playlist on youtube for em [which I will actually make viewable to friends once I get a pfp that i'm proud enough of to make a channel with lol], EVERYTHING
But like.. idk what made me take so long to actually make this! Especially since I was so excited to present the oc into this thing, so why mull over it any further! Time to present this damn Mewtwo oc already! Just read down below to see the reference on them since I don't wanna bloat the post further
Say hello to Oblitus! Just an amnesiac fellow and such! [I really should have drawn alt outfits of their attire lol]
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Also.. doc here, since I mentioned it up above lol, this is basically a doc I have on everything for Oblitus so far, lore, personality, hobbies they can get, so on and so forth, even stuff before they became a PMD oc!.. With some unexplained info since me and a friend do rps together with our ocs and all, but I did get their lore presented! If you have any questions, ask in an ask box, dm me, or just ask me on stuff in general, character or not! I'm even chill with people asking about the rp stuff :D
Read that all or read what you wanted to at your own pace? Glad to hear! Then I'll clear some stuff up down below here!
Their hands look how they do in the art [with the fingertips and such] and they got fluff on their tail only because of the merging with a human bodypart thing, it changed their body structure reallly slightly to have more humanoid looking hands than... whatever Mewtwo's got going on with their paws and such, and their tail fluff too! Which is sorta like human hair in all but the structure and stuff, which acts more like fluff.
Oh, and their eyes don't glow when they use psychic abilities yet, that's really only when they get emotionally overwhelmed/unstable, mentally distressed/unstable, or pushing themselves as much as they can due to a situation of distress and all... or if their amnesia wears off through remembering enough or experiencing enough familiar feelings on memories to remember stuff and such
They did/do have some.. well, troubles with using the full strength of their psychic abilities due to forgetting all of them from how severe the amnesia is, but they can get them back by just remembering how to use them, and getting back to being more used to em! [I swear I could explain more properly if asked specifics lol]
ANYWAYS, RAMBLING HOUR OVER! I hope anyone who gets through this absolute slog of a post thinks Oblitus is cool, and I would love to hear your thoughts on em! It's my first time actually presenting an oc into Tumblr, so i'm kinda nervous about it, but here's to hoping it all goes well!
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michaelsoft-binbows · 6 months
creating avery
Quite a while ago, probably over a year before posting this, I asked a friend of mine, to create a fursona for me. We had briefly discussed this beforehand, realizing that we were both furries but never knew for the longest time. The creative process for (at the time) him was rather straightforward, with little creative input from me besides the colors and species. This was fine by me because I trusted him as an artist, and at the time, I was ecstatic with the result.
I would pick the base species, a few bigger details and the colors, with the rest going to my friend to make. Picking dragon to me was an obvious choice, I've loved dragons since forever, and I always tended to play as scalie type characters in games. Then colour scheme was more to not stand out too much, if you love your oc's/fursona's to have blinding neon hair, more power to you! But I just couldn't. With the end result being finished after a couple of weeks of occasional work, the dragon, who would much later be known as Avery was initially brought forward. I loved some of the design elements, especially at the time, the digitigrade legs, the yellow highlights, the larger paws, and the two tone colors were all things I really liked, and the hair pretty closely mirrored myself IRL, so I felt like I could really embody this character.
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Unfortunately I am no longer on speaking terms with the original artist for Avery, it was a lot of my anger and emotion that made me lash out to them, and I ended up pushing away a good chunk of the friends I had left. I don't regret it, I needed to get away for my mental health, but I do miss them all a lot. I wonder what they'd think of me now lol, I've changed quite a bit.
addendum - we are talking again after a long time, what funny timing the universe has addendum 2 electric boogaloo - i probably should have included his twitter acc in the original post, but the artists page is https://twitter.com/NeptunicFrog
Anyway, another time, I'll talk about Avery's newer design, that I feel embodies the kind of person (or dragon :p) I am aspiring to be, so I have a long road ahead before I get there. To anyone who reads, however few, thanks for your time. stay safe <3
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Playing now: Rises the Moon
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Name: Thule
Kanji: トゥーリ (Touuri)
Nickname(s): Skunk Dolphin (Floyd), Monsieur Stargazer (Rook) 
Dorm: Diasomnia 
Grade: Third
Class: 3-A
Birthday: 06 of March
Age: ???
Star Sign: Pisces
Height: 1,54 m (5’0 feet)
Dominant Hand: Tail Right
Homeland: Faeland
Club: Science Club
Best Subject: Astrology
Pet Peeves: Showing his eyes.
Favorite Food: Smores
Least Favorite Food: Raw Meat
Talent: Outdoor Survival
Hobbies: Camping, Stargazing.
Unique Magic: [Star Chaser] Thule returns in his original form,with longer horns and a pair of bat-like wings. In this form he is able to “absorb” offensive enemy spells,charging him and/or dissipating the spell in the ambient like a living lightning rod. 
Spells still cause him damage but it is “cutted” in half. Making weaker spells almost null than stronger ones.
Thule is slightly chubby, with pale skin dotted with small scars and freckles. From his back and upper arms to his digitigrade legs is covered of grayish fur with odd darker swirls. His hair is fluffy and messy, with his white and grayish bangs covering his truly green eyes. Sometimes he decorates his tiny horns with silver horn-jewelry. He looks similar to an opossum because of his tail and ears.
Anything cozy in natural tones or star/moon themed. He wears fingerless wool gloves, sweaters and big scarf almost all the time.
Quiet and reserved, Thule can appear as a gruff and distant fae. However behind this exterior he shows a more kind and an almost child-like curiosity. He is distrustful of strangers but he is an extremely loyal friend to have.
Thule’s first memories are when he lived alone and survived in the Faelands forest as a child. Without any idea of who or what he was, until one day in a tough winter he is found by an Animal Pixie called Faun. Faun would take care of the strange fae and adopt him as his child. 
He grew up around the other pixies, always feeling… different and distant of them. He was a fae for sure, if not he wouldn’t have been alive after all this time, but definitely not a pixie or some other type of light fae…
After this realization, he is convinced by his “papa” to join Night Raven College, a place where he could study and improve his magic in ways that the Faeland’s “schools” couldn’t.
He is twisted from the Neverland Beast, AKA Gruff
His dad is twisted from , ofc, fawn! He works in nightraven so he can still take care of his son. His main focus is animal handling.
Thule’s main study field in science club is astronomy and astrology.
He has some “beast/animal” like mannerisms, some of them include: Walking/Running in his four “legs”, sniffing things/people who smell nice, snarl and others.
He likes to climb people he likes and stay in their backs, like a thule backpack! 
Rook is one of the people that indulges this the most-
Thule just likes to hear people rambling about things to him, he is just happy with them talking to him
Rook’s first nickname for him was “Monsieur Opossum” 
Thule is one of my oldest twst ocs-
Bonus: A Thule that I made in heroforge:
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Credits to @cecilebutcher that inspired me to make this character sheet! Their character sheet is so gorgeous and complete-
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cajunfoxnight · 2 years
what are your thoughts on floragato and Meowscarada's designs?
Honestly I love them! I had my concerns at first since TPC seemed very adamant to not show us the starter's evolutions, and I figured that Sprigatito was going to end up on two legs. While it would have been cool to get some kind of feral flower big cat, I am not at all upset with the direction it ended up going. I immediately loved Floragato when I saw the leaks- I love the Fennekin line to this was already speaking to me in terms of my ~aesthetics~. When I saw the first teaser leaks of Meowscarda I wasnt surprised, and all though hesitant, still trying to be optimistic. When I saw the full picture of it and saw that it kept digitigrade legs ngl I felt a sense of relief. I think thats something that both Inceniroar and Cinderace lacked and what over all just... ruined their designs. They looked too human, and not in the "a person wearing a fursuit" kind of human. More like.. bad team mascot kind of way (which I guess does make more sense for Cinderace.. but still) When I saw a clip of Meowscarda doing its signature move, Flower Trick, I fell in love because I loved how flashy it was! And also seeing it moving looked a lot better than what I expected. I still had some favoritism towards Floragato, but having been using Meowscarda in my game my view on that has shifted. And now that I have gone and made my own oc of it, I like it even more. So yeah all in all, 10/10, I am very happy with them!
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soulventure91 · 4 months
sun, see-no-evil, and pistol for whoever sounds fun to answer about today 😤😤
emoji asks!! | hmmm let's do a Zen I should have some art of my sassy half-dragon death cleric comin in today :3
☀️ SUN - are they a morning person? what is the first thing they do in the morning? HA Zen is absolutely not a morning person. She is the sort of street urchin where "morning" is around 6-7pm because that's when the taverns in Neverwinter are starting to crowd up so she can do some lightfingering to earn some breakfast. (We determined this in her last session where Zen managed to roll really well in Wave Echo Cave to suss out what time we'd finished a long rest - it's the late-night-morning lmao) For the actual morning, if Zen is somehow awake with the sun, stretches and hot beverage with lots of caffeine. Zen's stretches will mostly be her dragon leggies and toesies (digitigrade feets ftw) as well as her tail. Hot bev, preferably coffee (some milk/cream, no sugar). If food is available Zen will tend to eat pretty light - pastry and some fruit!
🙈 SEE-NO-EVIL - whats a side of your oc that they don’t want to show other people? Zen is very careful to not show the jadedness of being a 65-yo youngster and street urchin; being a half-dragon, she ages very differently from everyone else around her. For example, Zen joined the party via Harper agent and priestess of Tymora Sister Garaele - Garaele and Zen have known each other since Zen was very young, and Garaele is a legitimately old elf. Zen remembers when she was not that old. Zen also doesn't parade about what domain her divine powers are derived from; Tymora is her divine patron yes, and the goddess of luck can be very fickle. Yes, Zen is a terrifying cleric! But being a death cleric of Tymora has all kinds of 'wait what' waiting to happen. Zen plays it off as maintaining balance: putting down undead, preserving the living, but also reversing those fates if need be. Fate can be as "blind" as justice, after all.
🔫 PISTOL - do they trust people easily? how easily will they turn their back to someone? have they been backstabbed before? will they betray someone if given an ultimatum? HM. I think Zen will pretend to trust easily around strangers; that way she can watch them, get a read on them, and settle in on her own terms. Turning on them would probably be easier than it seems: blatantly selfish behavior (not "are you suuuure you can't give us some extra coin for what we did/went through?" but "if you don't pay me more right now i'll raze your business") or somethin really morally Off is gonna be a no-no for Zen. Of course there's also her divine aspect; if she does something to piss off Tymora Zen knows she gambled really bad and will course-correct as necessary. With street life in Neverwinter, I wouldn't be surprised if Zen's been betrayed before; that's just something you have to live with living on the street. Even though Zen does have a safe place to go (there's a dragonborn sorcerer in the city that keeps an eye on Zen as able), she prefers looking out for herself and will typically act accordingly. Doing the betraying is much more uncomfortable for Zen. A few circumstances have to come through to even make that a viable possibility for her. The ultimatum would have to be a 'death of the few to preserve the lives of the many', and even then Zen would try to find a way around it - all the way down to asking Tymora to get around it. Zen is a balance-keeper, true, but sometimes the price for that balance is way too high for her to consider.
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karaoke-bomber · 2 years
43 and 44 for the oc ask thing?
43. Do you have any certain type when you create your OCs? Do you tend to favour some certain traits or looks? It’s time to confess
when it comes to design, changes constantly depending on media i'm into, but i think i enjoy bipedal digitigrade characters (like mispi), characters with spotty markings and/or freckles. because of bomberman, i currently really like characters with no visible mouth and nose. also, big, thick, triangular lashes are very much my thing right now.
OH I JUST REMEMBERED i love characters with magical powers i eat that shit UP
as for personality, i like kindhearted, goofy and slightly chaotic characters, or melancholic, self-reserved and quiet characters. i think. it's hard to put what i like into words, sorry
44. Something you like about your OCs in general
i uhh. well, i guess they make me happy, and i like that about them
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potatos-messy-mind · 2 years
Sooooooo this is my current LMK OC. Yes, he is a shadowpeach baby. He was drawn by sleepybunnynsfw/rossleroo, on twitter/DA as a commission. I did not draw these myself, I want to make that VERY clear.
Im shinylaticariomasi on tiktok, so if you see anything to do with Tao there, that's me. No one stole his design.
Meet Tao Yin, one of two 'universal glitches' in the world. What do i mean by this? Well i'm still working out the kinks in his backstory so i guess yall will have to wait.
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Some small tidbits of info about him:
he's blind, but created a spell based on gold vision to see like regular people, but also uses echolocation if the spell cant be used.
most of the strange parts of him (crystal antlers. 4 ears, axolotl gill-looking sensors, an extra set of arms and slightly digitigrade legs) come from Mac's DNA.
His clothing purposefully has a mix of colors from both Wukong and Macaque's clothes
He has toe beans
Wukong calls him bubbles or any similar word due to his spots/vitaligo.
He's a sweetheart that doesnt like violence, but make him angry enough and daddy Wukong's anger comes out to play.
He does have a kaiju form, but doesnt like using it.
Doesnt use a staff, instead uses 4 chinese chain whips. And if you piss him off enough they become Dadao swords.
If anyone wants to know more, i'd be happy to share. ^^
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jasperflickerstone · 2 years
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HI My name is Jasper and I am in need of money, so I am offering some art in exchange!
$3 USD for simple, less detailed drawings (I specialize in cats but can draw other animals as well. Lineless/blob drawings are up for negotiation!)
* $5 USD for headshots of animals and anthros
* $7 USD for full-bodies of animals and anthros
$1 to $2 USD will be added for shading on all pieces depending on level if detail!
* Prices for headshots and full-bodies of animals/anthros apply to humans as well, should you request one!
I specialize in cats and anthro animals (specifically plantigrade, but I can also do digitigrade)! If you would like something different, don't be afraid to ask and I will do my best to make something you will enjoy!
Payment through Venmo is required! Must be in U.S. Dollars!
I will show you a sketch of your commission and, if approved, I will ask for half of the payment before continuing! If you approve of the final piece, I will ask for the rest of the payment before removing the watermark. This is to ensure that I am paid. *
* If I am forced to drop a commission I will refund you if I have been paid!
I will screenshot and keep a record of business conversations and transactions for safety and to callback to (for taxes, book-keeping, etc.)
Please provide references of OCs/characters/etc with flat colors!
Though not necessary, a description of what you want is helpful. This could be as much as a stickman drawing depicting posing or simple shapes. A description of the mood or personality of a subject can also be helpful! Reference photos (stock images) are also welcome.
!! I will not draw pornography or anything provocative. However I am open to drawing nudity !!
Please do consider commissioning me, as I can use the money! Contact me here at @flickerstone ! I am open to discussing terms.
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officiallytox · 3 years
. Uh hi.. I.. I have oc offering to be judged.. pls be nice.
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owo i wasn't aware this is a service i even provided! but since i'm here, it's judging time!
my first judgement is that this is a very small picture and difficult to see the details.
second, i'm going to assume all three are different forms of the same character.
i think they're very cute! the design of the clothes reminds me of. leiderhosen? i think it's spelled? the german... man i don't even know if it's german. but you get me.
i like the colors, and i like the belly part with the buttons.
the human design is very cute and unassuming, you'd have no idea they were a dragon. they'd fit in to any crowd.
the anthro version is very fun, i'm a sucker for digitigrade ocs, love me them peets. i don't know what you've got going on with the tail there, looks like some kind of kelp fin at the tip, but i dig it. it's unique. i like the branching antlers, too.
as for the dragon, you woo me with your galaxy themed colors. i love this funky imperial looking fellow. hold on, let me make a dragon on fr.
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Imperial Female Lightning Bright Eyes Eldritch Starmap Caribbean Constellation Tomato Runes
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