#me n my sister felt so cool when we went there with my parents like oh we know english we'll do the communication
navramanan · 2 years
I have said this before several times but i miss andalucia man
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ericshoney · 21 days
Secret Sister ~ Chapter six
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Summary: After spending much needed time with your family, you invite your adopted parents over for a big family dinner.
Warnings: possible swearing, nicknames, mention of adoption, crying, slight angst, fluff
You were in the kitchen with MaryLou, helping her cook. The two of you had some music playing softly, laughing and joking as you made plenty of food for your family. Tonight you were having a massive dinner with your birth family and adoptive parents.
"Hmm, it smells good in here!" Nick shouted as he walked in, throwing his arms around you and your mum.
"Because it's real food, sweetie." Your mum replied.
"Mum we don't live on take out." Nick responded.
You laughed as your mum mumbled a response. He heard Chris calling for him so he ran off seeing what he wanted. You smiled as you continued cooking with your mum.
"I hope I've made enough." She mentioned as all the food was placed out. You laughed slightly, seeing the kitchen island and counters covered in trays of food.
"I'm sure you did, mum." You answered, making her smile.
Just then, there was a knock at the door. You ran to get it opening it to see your adopted parents, Jacky and Luke.
"Hi sweetie!" Jacky called, pulling you into a hug.
"Hey, come in." You said, making them smile.
"Guys Jacky and Luke are here!" You shouted.
Nick, Matt, Chris and Justin all came from various places in the house, introducing themselves, as your parents came over to join in.
"How are you guys?" Jimmy asked.
"We've been well, how about yourselves?" Luke responded.
Both sets of your parents continued their conversation before heading to the kitchen to talk. You sat with your brothers chilling before dinner.
"So, I don't wanna sound rude or anything, but like, did you call them mum and dad?" Chris asked you.
"Not rude, bro. I know when I was really young I did and when I was told I was adopted I still did, but sometimes would use their names." You answered.
"I guess you can say the same for us. Sometimes we call mum and dad, MaryLou and Jimmy." Nick responded.
You nodded as you started talking about random stuff, Chris shouting loudly as Nick tried to tell him to be quiet.
Meanwhile, in the kitchen, all four parents were chatting. MaryLou and Jimmy, slightly in shock by what they've just been told.
"Are you both serious?" MaryLou questioned.
"Of course we are. Y/n is a daughter to us and we love her, but seeing how she is with you and your sons, we can't take that away from her anymore. What do you both say?" Jacky replied.
"If you are both sure, we'd love to." Jimmy answered.
"Amazing, we'll tell them over dinner." Luke responded.
"Which is now. Kids come eat!" You mum shouted.
The five of you went to the kitchen and grabbed a plate, getting some food, all of you sitting around and chatting. Laughing as jokes were exchanged.
"Honey, there's something we want to talk about." Jacky called.
"What is it?" You asked.
"Well, seeing how well you're getting on with everyone and how happy you are and don't want to take that away from you." She began.
"What we're trying to say is, if you want, you can stay here. Be with your family." Luke continued.
"For real?" You asked.
"For real, sweetheart." Jacky said.
"Is that cool?" You asked, looking at MaryLou and Jimmy.
"Honey it's more than cool. We'd love to have you back." MaryLou responded.
You smiled wide as your brothers all cheered, happy to have you home permanently. But there was a sudden pang in your chest as you looked at Jacky and Luke. Why did you suddenly feel guilty?
"Can....Can we talk for a minute please?" You asked, looking at the two.
Jacky and Luke nodded, leaving the table with you, heading outside to the back garden. You felt the tears in your eyes, but held them back.
"What's wrong, darling?" Luke asked.
"I....I guess I just feel bad. I know that's my blood family there, but you guys raised me." You admitted.
"Oh honey, we fully understand. We just want you to be happy and from what MaryLou has told us, it was like you were never gone. Your brothers love having you back and couldn't imagine you going again." Jacky replied, hugging you tightly.
"You're always more than welcome to visit us." Luke added, joining the hug.
You nodded as you all went back inside, joining your family to eat again. You smiled as Matt made a joke, making everyone laugh and knew, this was your home.
@lgbtq-girl @mattsfavbigtitties @onelesslonelygirlbieber6 @riowritesitall @sturniolo-fann
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thetiredasthmatic · 1 year
Welcome Home, Y/n.
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Synop: You were tired of your family life, tired of having only once time to enjoy yourself. So when the opportunity permits, you choose to go Home.
A/n: please take it easy on me..I lowkey think this sucks but I hope you like it 😭
Your mother never allowed you to have access to media, whether it be your own cell phone to have contact with your friends, or a T.V. to enjoy yourself.
Your brother(24) and sister(26) were only allowed to have that stuff as your mother would routinely tell you(19) that you didn’t deserve it. That it would rotten your brain and that she was the only thing you needed to listen to.
It was a culture shock each time you went over to your best friend's house, (the few times your mother allowed it.) She always showed you knew things, like her many game systems, her favorite t.v shows and her favorite websites to visit.
(F/n) felt bad for you, so she wanted to show you what all you missed out in your younger years.
Today was one of those days.
“Y/n! You like old cartoons, right??”
She asked excitedly, and the question made you tilt your head in confusion.
She held a devious grin on her face as she reached under her bed to pull out an old box.
"I found this while at my grandma's! She doesn't know I have it, but I did some research on it, and apparently, it's an old cartoon from the 70s!" She says happily before pulling out some of the old merchandise.
You could see from the worn-out name on the box that it was called Welcome Home, and from what you could tell, it was a puppet show similar to Sesame Street or the Muppets.
You reached your hand in the box to pull out what seemed to be like a concept book. When you opened the book, you were enamored with the colorful characters and the cute designs.
Your eyes immediately drifted to a blue pompadour having puppet, it's deep eyes looking back at you, almost like they were staring right at you.
Or through you…
"Cool right? We can watch some episodes online actually!" You watched as your bestie set up her laptop.
"There's a restoration project going on and the first few episodes have been released!" (F/n) giggles in excitement as she moves things around in her room.
Your eyes were glued to the screen as the color puppets roared to life on the screen.
"Hello Neighbor~, Welcome back to the Neighborhood!" The blue haired one, that your friend called Wally Darling.
Apparently according to her ramblings he was the main puppet in the neighborhood. He liked painting, apples and you assumed eye contact. Or maybe that was just how he looked.
"Ooo~ You like Wally don't you Y/n?"
"F/n…shush. I just think he has a cool design."
F/n let out a gremlin like giggle as she explained the plot of each episode as you watched. Each time you felt like Wally's eyes were only on you.
Like everytime he was on screen, supposedly talking to another one of his neighbors, his eyes would be staring right back at your.
F/n explained it away as that just being his character, but you felt otherwise but decided to be quiet about it.
Either way you found a grin making its way on your face as the puppet talked on the screen. The kindness that they showed each other and the way they treated each other as family….
It made you a bit sad.
Damn even a puppet show had a better life than you did.
Despite you not wanting to make your parents upset. Your best friend made you take her laptop with you.
It was small and looked like a notebook. She knew how your home life was, and she wanted you to be able to have fun.
So here you were, back at home, up in your room, on the laptop she had given you.
You decided to do your own research on the puppet show and found a website attached to it!
You smiled brightly as you decided to search through, learning more and more about the characters, the show, and the whole restoration project.
You even found yourself doodling the characters, especially Wally.
It was just something about the main puppet that had you drawn to him. He was a charmer, a little mischievous and really adorable to you.
You could've sworn he was talking to your through the website.
Everytime you came across an image of Wally, it seems like his eyes would drift from the direction they were originally to look at you.
'You're looking for me?'
'You're so pretty neighbor'
'Won't you come home?..'
Were some of the messages you got as you browsed the website and you felt like eyes were boring into you. Even when you finally finished and closed your laptop for the day. You still felt the eyes on you.
But it was more comforting that the eyes of your family.
You were the youngest of three. It was seen as the failure of the family due to your anxiety and depression.
It often keeps you from doing tasks or having normal friendships, and instead of getting you help, your mother babies you and treats you like a child.
Preventing you from having friends or trying to better yourself. Always holding your siblings in a higher regard.
It's probably why you felt more comfort in a damn children's t.v. show than your own family.
"You're so much more welcoming than my home…" you muttered and sighed. You flopped back on your bed and stared up at your ceiling.
"I wish I could join the neighborhood…maybe then someone will treat me nicely.. "
You felt like someone was intensely staring at you as those words left your lips, though your room was completely dark.
You then heard the footsteps of your mother coming down the hall. You hurriedly pushed the laptop under your pillow and made it look like you were asleep.
You hated that you weren't allowed to do the things your siblings did.
You were infantilized, and all you wanted was freedom. Freedom to do as you pleased, freedom and a loving family that treated you as equal…
You wanted a place where you could truly be yourself, not hiding behind some facade you were forced to live behind.
You sighed as you felt yourself drifting off into sleep, a soft monotonous voice heard lulling you to sleep.
"Come home darling…"
"I'll be waiting for you…"
You yawned as the sunlight beamed on your face. You rubbed your eyes before going to get out of bed only to fall out of it.
You expected to hit your hard floor but landed on a fluffy rug.
This made you shoot up in confusion before you realized you were not in your own home.
You heard footsteps coming towards the room you were in and you were frozen in your spot on the floor as you saw the door open.
"Neighbor…are you alright in here? I heard a thud?"
You stared in disbelief as your eyes locked with the dark ones of Wally Darling.
You blinked and rubbed your eyes again, even pinching yourself to see if you were dreaming. When you felt the sharp pain of your pinch, your eyes widened in realization.
Wally was standing in the doorway, staring down at you watching your every move.
"Are you alright, Neighbor?" Wally asked again and You quickly got up and went to hug Wally tightly.
The male froze and nearly went limp in your arms, not knowing what to do.
This is not what he expected at all! He was expecting someone who was scared, angry, and wanted to leave.
Instead He had you in his arms, thanking him and excitedly rambling on about what you were going to do.
To say he was confused was a severe understatement.
He had taken an interest in you as soon as he saw you beside F/n. He listened in to your conversations and learned as much as he could about you.
He knew your favorite color, he knew about your home life, he knew about your love for cartoons and colorful things.
Wally learned a lot in that short span of time.
So when your friend offered her laptop for you to take home. Wally took that as an opportunity to invite you home. He just wasn't expecting someone so eager to join him I'm the neighborhood.
He heard you ask to join the neighborhood, and Wally was practically beaming with joy.
He was so excited to finally have a neighbor who wanted to stay!
You let the male go, smiling and thanking him. Pulling him along excitedly to go and meet the other neighbors.
You were an enigma to him.
Hes had many neighbors come and go, many of them failing to see the greatness that he saw in this little humble town.
But you.
You were excited to make new friends, excited to start a new.
You were excited to finally have a chance to be you.
And Wally wanted to be by your side as it happened.
"Well, let us go meet the others, shall we?"
Im sorry if this is trash, i just wanted to try my hand at writing for Welcome Home 😭
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starlightsuffered · 1 month
My Boyfriend’s Sister’s Boyfriend 
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Warnings - drinking, thinking of cheating, bad relationship, toxic friend, mentions of transphobia
I walked into the pub. My boyfriend, Dillon, was at my side. We'd been dating a little over a year and it was.....okay. Fine, nice, whatever you want to say. By this time I'd convinced myself "the spark" didn't really exist. You ended up with someone who met most of your desires, and you went with it. That night, my opinion changed.
Dillon was an old family friend. His parents and mine had been thick as thieves. When they'd had kids, they encouraged us to be friends. I'd actually had a crush on him when we'd been young, then we'd gone into a phase of hardly talking. Eventually, he joined my school, and he'd asked me out years after we graduated. I'd been so surprised I said yes, even though I wasn't that attracted to him. Ever since then, it'd been easier to just be with him. I didn't want to ruin the relationship between our families.
I was going to be meeting Dillon's sister's new boyfriend. I wasn't the biggest fan of his sister. She was the type to say things she knew would bug you, just to get a reaction. I wasn't one who was able to hide my feelings well.
Dillon hated most social outings. I wasn't the biggest fan either, but we hadn't been out together in ages. I was sick of going to his house to watch marvel movies, and eat fudge.
Dillon was talking to me about some vague computer part he'd ordered. I tried to listen, I really did, but I just didn't get that kind of stuff. I would have been more willing to try if he didn't openly mock nearly all my hobbies. He didn't understand why it bothered me. I never did the same to him.
"Oh there she is," Dillon waved to his sister, but I couldn't pay attention to her. Beside her was the most gorgeous creature I'd ever seen. He was tall, with curly dark hair. His form was slender, just like I preferred, with soft pale skin and hazel eyes. I was transfixed by him. I followed his every movement as he walked along with his girlfriend.
That's when he looked up. When our eyes met, it was like the world stopped turning for a minute. There it was, that spark, the thing I'd stopped believing in. It seemed he felt it too because he had stopped in his tracks. He was no longer following his girlfriend, he was staring at me. Neither of us were moving, I wasn't even sure if I was breathing. How was this happening?
"He looks like a stoner," Dillon said, breaking me from my reverie.
"He does not," I snapped, oddly protective of this man I didn't know. "You be nice!" I ordered.
"Alright, alright," he rolled his eyes.
When I turned back around, they were in front of us. My mouth hung open in shock. He was even more breathtaking up close.
"Hey y/n, hey Dillion," Julie said. Julie was his sister. Their relationship confused me. They acted like they literally couldn't stand one another, yet they always made time for one another.
"Hi," I said, giving her a small hug.
"Well, this is my boyfriend," she said. "Timothée."
I now knew his name.
"Hi, I'm Y/N," I said, sticking out my hand for him to shake. When we touched, it was like an electric spark snapped between us. This was bad, this was really bad.
"What a lovely name," he said.
"Timothée is part French," Julie said, and it took every part of me not to grind my teeth. She had said it to bug me. I'd always been the one interested in England, and France. No, I didn't have a monopoly on those things, but they way she said it, I could tell she meant to make me jealous.
"That's so cool," I told him, and I could practically feel my eyes sparkling every time I looked at him.
"Je n'ai jamais vu quelqu'un avec des yeux aussi beaux que les vôtres," Timothée said to me. I didn't know what he'd said, but it still made me blush.
"I once failed a Spanish test in highschool six times," Dillon announced. It took a lot of strength not to roll my eyes. Dillion had to be the best at everything, even if he was the worst at it, he had to be the best at being the worst. I could tell he'd felt threatened by Timothée's bilingual abilities.
"This is my brother, Dillon," Julie said blandly.
"Nice to meet you," Timothée said politely.
We all found a place to sit and chat. I couldn't get over how beautiful Timothée was. He was equally as charming. He talked with his hands, and seemed so genuinely kind.
"So what do you do for work Timothée?" I asked. I had tried my hardest to focus equally on every member of the group, but it wasn't working well. For some reason I wanted to know absolutely everything about him.
"I'm in a performing arts college at the moment. I hope to one day become an actor. I work for a school as an elementary soccer coach," he explained. I could have melted right there on the spot. An aspiring actor, who worked with children. Could he be anymore precious?
"I bet they all love you," I chuckled.
"Why do you say that?" Dillon snapped. He'd been brooding all night. I didn't exactly blame him.
"Babe, I literally work with kids. I know personality types they like," I told him.
"So you're a teacher then?" Timothée asked.
"Yes, but I'm an aspiring author," I smiled, he seemed to like what he heard, but Julie had to butt in.
"All her stuff is so angsty, I can barely stomach it," She said. This wasn't true on her end. She didn't mind angst, for God's sake her favorite show was Supernatural.
"Well, it's just what gets me creative," I said, looking at my feet. I was very sensitive about my writing.
"Hey, pain, and angst have fueled some of the most beautiful art. Look at Starry Night by Van Gogh. He was in an asylum when he painted that," Timothée countered.
"That's my favorite painting," I said eagerly.
"That's my cue," Dillion said. "If we are going to be talking about art and mental illness, I'm headed home."
"Alright, see you later," Julie waved. He looked angry that I wasn't accompanying him, but I was having a good time. Plus, he was the one being grouchy.
We ordered more drinks. I threw mine back, wondering if I could blame my fascination with Timothée on alcohol later.
"If you could play any character, in anything, who would you choose?" I asked. I always loved asking this of aspiring actors.
"I think I'd like to play Laurie from Little Women. He has a lot of depth, and quite the character development," Timothée answered. It was a good answer.
"If you could have originated any character in literature, who would it be?" He asked, and I blushed.
"My answer is stupid," I said.
"I bet it isn't," he urged.
"Regulus Black from the Harry Potter series. I think he's so nuanced. You never even meet him, yet his story is so viscerally moving."
There was something akin to fondness in Timothée's eyes as he looked at me. His smile was bright. I felt as though we were kindred souls at the moment.
"I don't think that answer is stupid at all," he said. "Not one little bit."
"Can't believe your saying that y/n," Julie drawled. "She's a transphobe, and you're all over that LGBT stuff."
She had finally riled up into a reaction. I glared at her. She was also "all over" that LGBT stuff, we were both openly bisexual. She was only being flippant to bother me.
"Unfortunately, bad people can create good things. I don't support her financially anymore, or engage with any of the new stuff. Also if by "LGBT stuff" you mean peoples rights, yes I am all over that."
"I don't know, some of her arguments make sense," Julie said, and that was a huge mistake. She'd forgotten we weren't alone. It wasn't just me to take the bait.
"That's a disgusting opinion," Timothée said in horror. She flipped immediately.
"It was just a joke. I was being sarcastic," She promised. Timothée seemed to relax at that, but I rolled my eyes.
Just then Julie's phone rang. She picked it up and looked panicked after a moment.
"I've got to go!" She said hurriedly grabbing her things.
"What's wrong?" Timothée asked.
"My apartment is flooding," She explained and rushed out. She left Timothée and I there alone.
"I suppose you want to leave now?" I asked.
"No, I'm having a great time," Timothée said, knocking back a drink.
"Me too," I smiled, and he chuckled. We continued to talk, and drink. Eventually, the two of us were a bit tipsy.
"Hey, I want to dance," Timothée said. I looked around with a giggle.
"We're in a pub," I said.
"I know a club really close to here, wanna join me?"
My stomach was doing flips. I nodded eagerly. He stood up shakily and held out his hand for me. I took it, even though the thought of touching him led me into treaturous thoughts.
We giggled as he led me across the street into the bustling club. It was loud, and smelled of cologne and liquor. It was a pretty nice place all things considered.
"Let's dance," he said, pulling me into the crowd. I felt like I would follow him anywhere. We were moving to the beat of the music. As I watched him, I felt the horrible urge to pull him in for a kiss. He was so close to me, mouth hanging open so I could feel his breath on me.
"I need to go," I said quickly. I needed to get away from him. His orbit was too alluring, I was sure to be sucked into it.
"Yeah, yeah, me too," he said, but he hadn't moved.
"It was really nice getting to meet you," I said earnestly.
"I feel the same way," he nodded, and I couldn't help but look for a deeper meaning in the words. Shit, I REALLY needed to get out of here.
I said my goodbye hurriedly, not able to resist much longer. I called an Uber that took me back to my apartment. Once home, I sat down on the couch, putting my head in my hands. What was happening? My world had been upturned.
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kylos-starlight · 6 months
Something to me; 💜🧡
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Ship: Phillip x Kaden
Words: 1,768
cw: Mentions of parental abandonment and just general shitty parental behavior doesn't go into heavy detail.(Its my reality hhh so this is scary for me to post) One little suggestive joke but nothing detailed or anything just a quick way to make Kaden smile dlfjds
Summary: A jokester is really good at being heartfelt and sweet.
If you're not a self shipper please dni, nothing against ya. I have anxiety lol || self shippers are encouraged and welcome 2RB <3
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The breeze was warm but cooled in the night air, crickets chirped their little tunes and fireflies lit up the backyard. The only other sounds were soft sniffles every once in a while. to anyone else this was the perfect night, it was warm, there wasn't a single cloud in the sky, and stars twinkled high above but to Kaden this night felt incredibly heavy.
Kaden jumped a little, quickly bringing their hands up to wipe their tears as they looked behind them to the best of their ability, They were sitting in the backyard at the patio table. "What are you doing awake?" Kaden asked as Phillip approached them.
"Seeing why the grass out back was sniffling, obviously" He teased with a grin. "Why're you crying out back at 3AM?" He asked, the teasing tone replaced with a more serious concerned tone.
"I wasn't crying." Kaden sighed as Phillip took a seat next to them and without warning he reached over, swiping his thumb across Kaden's cheek only to find it damp.
"Uh-huh. Clearly." Phillip chuckled softly which caused Kaden to smile in response. "So what were you not crying about?" He asked once more, leaning back in his chair.
"Not so sure I'm ready to talk about it right now" Kaden sighed.
Usually when it came to someone being emotional Phillip always seemed to freeze up or get confused about whether he should press the person or just go away and leave them alone. The only one he was ever really able to talk to was his sister Wendy but oddly enough it was also incredibly easy to talk to Kaden too.
"If I leave you be are you going to cry again?" Phillip raised a brow and Kaden sighed heavily, there were already more tears.
"N-No" They tried to say confidently but it came out weak and a bit broken as their voice cracked.
"Okaaaaay" Phillip sighed softly as he shifted his chair closer to Kaden. "Just say whatever is on your mind. I won't judge."
"I lied to your sister--" Kaden swallowed thickly.
"How so? uh oh, you're actually a serial killer and I'm the first to go." Phillip grinned and earned a small chuckle from Kaden which only made Phillip smile.
"No, you're safe." Kaden shook their head to which Phillip placed his hand over his chest and breathed out a little 'oh thank god'
"I said I had family here but we weren't really on speaking terms-" Kaden shifted a little in their chair.
"annnnnd you don't have family here?" He asked, leaning forward in his chair a little.
"I do but….they aren't family…I mean they are but.." Kaden inhaled deeply as they tried to think of how to word it. "I was never their family." Kaden glanced up at Phillip. "I don't want to unload all this on you…"
"No no I want you too" Phillip reached out, placing his hand on the back of Kaden's chair. "unload all over me"
Kaden raised a brow and Philip flashed them a grin to which Kaden laughed and rolled their eyes. "Gross."
"Just tell me. I bet you'll feel better" Phillip hummed softly. If there was one thing that Phillip knew how to do it was making people feel better when they weren't feeling the greatest, Kaden noticed he was like them in that sense. He could easily be a goof just like them.
"Fine, you bug" Kaden teased and Phillip smiled. "I guess I'll start by saying I wasn't brought into this world with the intent of being cared for and raised. My dad's ex found out he was with my mom and she went off on him and her, basically told my mom that my dad was sterile and his words were "wanna bet" and nine months later here I was, a few years after that he left." Kaden sighed heavily.
Phillip was now grasping the weight of the situation, he was still holding the chair that Kaden was sitting on, his thumb brushed against their back when they spoke and he shook his head. "If you're too uncomfortable to continue it's okay."
"No… it's okay…I might feel better." Kaden echoed his previous words. "I always had other people taking care of me and by taking care of me I mean leaving me to my own devices while they either got high off their asses or drunk. Amongst other terrible things-" Kaden rolled their eyes. "Mom was never around and treated me more like a paycheck than anything which was evident when I became a teenager. I stopped going to school because I had a huge bully issue to the point where I was literally afraid to go to school, my bully was very violent"
Kaden felt Phillip gently place his entire hand on their back and he hesitantly rubbed their back, he knew if they felt uncomfortable with him doing it he'd stop but he was happy that Kaden didn't even mention it, Kaden felt very comforted in that moment.
"Long story short my mom stopped getting government checks for me, once she realized she wasn't getting any money she booted me out on my ass. I was 16- I've been struggling to find my place ever since. One bad relationship after another. I tried giving my mother multiple chances and failed.." Kaden's throat went dry.
"Then I get invited here by your sister and while you guys all seem to be at each other's throats half the time I can tell that you all care about each other very much, despite your differences you're still a family and you spoke about your childhoods and what you all did and it was nothing like what I experienced and I don't know I feel…robbed and cheated. Why am I here? To win a bet?" Kaden's eyes glassed over before tears rolled down their cheeks. "I feel like I was an error, put into a world that I wasn't supposed to be in. I'm nothing and I am no one, I have no place and I don't fit in. Being here just reiterated it for me"
"Hey…hey hey" Phillip got off his chair and knelt down in front of Kaden, he was quick to take their hands into his, and he looked at them, his expression softening as he wiped away their tears. "That was a lot of heavy things you just said and I'm not always the best at words but Kaden, you are something, you're not a no one, I see how you've interacted with me and my family and you leave an impression on them that most people don't and no doubt anyone you've ever met…Everyone you've ever spoken to, I'm sure they know who you are in some way. Might not be well it might just be that person with the dark blue hair but..in some way, people remember you" Phillip gently squeezed Kaden's hand, reminding them he was there for them.
Kaden lifted their head to look at him and Phillip cupped their face as he wiped their tears away. Their eyes flicked up to meet his.
"You've at the very least made quite the impression on me." Phillip dropped his arms to rest his hands on Kaden's knees, he remained squatted down in front of them. "You're something to me." He gave a little shrug. "Call me an idiot for feeling like this but ever since you showed up I haven't had a moment of peace up here" he pointed to his head. "You're infectious." He said with a small smile. "My family thinks I'm a royal fuck up, while I can't relate to you completely and what you went through, I do understand the feeling of standing on the outside looking in on something you wish you had"
Kaden almost didn't know what to say, they were shocked. They didn't think Phillip was like this, for someone who doesn't always know what to say he really does talk from the heart and it was damn near perfect what he said, they felt a wave of relief wash over them and they felt a comfort they had never really felt before. "If it's any consolation…I don't think you're a royal fuck up.." Kaden gave him a soft smile.
Phillip stood to his feet, grabbing Kaden's hands, yanking them to their feet, Kaden nearly stumbled forward but was caught by Phillip who enveloped them into a tight hug. Kaden couldn't speak, their eyes went wide as they felt themselves pressed against his chest, their arms trapped between his body and their own as his arms wrapped around them.
"And you my dear are something, you're something and someone and you fit perfectly. Right here." Phillip rocked with them slightly to get his point across, Kaden felt a flush cross their cheeks as they looked up at him with a confused expression on their face.
Phillip looked down at them and grinned "You heard me" He chuckled, leaning his head down to kiss their forehead. "Not saying slap a label on it or anything but I would really like to spend more of my time with you." Phillip hummed as he pulled away enough to look at Kaden.
Kaden smiled sweetly, their heart felt like it was pounding out of their chest. "I'd really like that."
"Ohohohooo my sister is going to haaaaate me~" Phillip nearly giggled and Kaden laughed softly. Phillip dipped his head down a little to better look at Kaden, his arms slipping to their upper arms. "You feeling better?"
"Yes." Kaden nodded.
"You sure? I'm not going to hear the grass crying in an hour from now?" He grinned.
"I'm okay, promise." Kaden giggled.
"Good~ I'm gonna go to bed now then, you try and get some sleep too okay?"
"I'll try my best~"
Phillip pulled Kaden forward slightly only to dip his head down and kiss Kaden's cheek with a "MUUAH" sound. "Goodnight sweetie, see you in the morning" He grinned and let them go.
"It…It is morning though?" Kaden flushed darkly and laughed.
"Oh shit.." Phillip said, looking at the sky that was slowly getting brighter. "Okay then" Phillip grabbed Kaden's hand, gently tugging them along back into the house. "We'll have a quick nap and then I'll make coffee…lots and lots of coffee.."
It would turn out that Kaden and Phillip didn't actually wake up until his sister found both of them snuggled up on the couch sleeping in the living room. Nothing says good afternoon like a blood curdling "Nooooooo!!"
Tagging: @ama-ships || @heatobrienswife || @kylars-princess || @lysandreslittlechatot || @dragonsmooch
SCARY SCARY VERY SCARY! I'm not used to being open about my past so this is SCAAARRYYYYYY
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writingwithciara · 8 months
Just Friends ~Jack Avery~
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summary: jack doesn't like that he & the girl he's loved for years are never going to be more than just friends
word count: 1.7k
pairings: jack avery x reader
notes: based off THIS song. & yes, I still listen to the jonas brothers because they’re incredible af. italics are song lyrics. [this has been in my drafts for so long]
there she goes again, the girl i'm in love with, it's cool we're just friends
Jack stood against the set of lockers as he watched y/n grab her belongings. He would do anything to prove how much he loved her, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. Their friendship was fairly new to him & he didn't want to scare her off, since he had waited almost 8 years to finally build up the nerve to talk to her.
"Hey, Jack, what are you doing after school today?" she asked him.
"N-nothing. Why?"
"My mom wants me to babysit my sister but I already made plans with Marcus. She said I could go on my date if I found a suitable replacement." y/n looked up at him with pleading eyes. "Will you do it, please?"
"Yeah, sure. Just, uh, don't stay out too late."
"I won't. Thank you so much, Jack. I owe you one." she smiled and walked down the hall to meet up with Marcus.
Marcus Devonshire. Jack envied him, not only because he had y/n, but because he was too nice to hate. Not one person in school had a bad thing to say about Marcus, and it absolutely irritated Jack.
"Yo, earth to Jack." a hand waved in front of his face & he zoned back in, not realizing he had actually zoned out. He looked up to see his best friend standing in front of him.
"I'm sorry. What?"
"I asked if you had plans after school."
"Yeah, I actually do."
"Really? What are you even doing?"
"I'm babysitting y/n's sister so she can go on her date with Marcus."
"That girl has you wrapped around her finger. It's been, what, 8 years of pining? When will you give up that idea?"
"Because, Gavin, she's been the object of my affection for 8 years & I'm working on a plan to get her to fall in love with me."
"It's never gonna work." Gavin rolled his eyes. In reality, he really wanted Jack & y/n to get together but he felt that if he added more wood to the fire, Jack would mess something up.
Later that night, Jack walked up to y/n's house and knocked. When she answered the door, Jack suddenly forgot what he was doing there.
"Hey, Jack. You're early."
"I know. I had nothing else to do so I thought I'd come over & maybe we could hang out a little before you go on your date."
"Okay, sure. That sounds like fun." she opened the door more and let him in. They walked through her house and went into the back room.
"So, where is Marcus taking you tonight?"
"Just to dinner and a movie. Our anniversary is this weekend but he's going out of town with his parents so we're celebrating tonight."
"Anniversary, huh? How long?"
"2 years." she looked up at him and smiled.
"He's a pretty lucky guy, you know."
"You really think so?"
"Of course." he looked at her quickly before turning his attention back to the tv screen. "I guess you're pretty lucky too. He's probably the nicest person I've ever met."
"Yeah, he really is." she looked at her phone. "Will you help me pick out an outfit for tonight?"
"Y-yeah sure. Why not."
"Perfect." she stood up and walked into her room. Jack followed and took a quick look around. He had only been in her room 2 times before & this time it just felt different. "Okay, since it's a simple dinner and movie, which of these do you think fits the tone better?"
Jack looked over at her as she held the outfits up to her body. "I like the white ripped jeans with the purple crop top & black jacket. But the sundress and the jean jacket look good too. If you want to impress him, the jeans and the crop top combo should do the trick."
"Alright. Yeah. That looks perfect. Thanks, Jack."
"No problem. He smiled as she headed into her bathroom to change. Jack looked around her room again and took in all the trophies she won in the past. Most of them were for gymnastics but the last few were from cheerleading competitions. She always had multiple scholastic awards placed on her walls and shelf. It was like she was the female version of Marcus, proving they were perfect together.
"Okay. I really like this outfit." she walked out of the bathroom and spun around to show Jack.
"Looks cute, y/n."
"Thank you for all your help tonight, Jack." she looked at him and smiled. "There's one more thing I need your help for. You can say no if you want."
"What is it?"
"Do you know how to do a french braid?"
"Yeah. I actually do." he chuckled. "Kind of a benefit of having so many sisters."
"Will you do my hair into a french braid? I never get it right." she went over to her vanity and sat down. Without hesitation, Jack stood behind her and began working on her hair.
They say the most intimate thing you can do with your significant other is wash their hair and even though he wasn't washing it, and she wasn't his significant other, Jack had never felt more intimate with anyone before.
"There. All done." he placed the tie on the end of the braid and let her admire his work.
"Wow. This is incredible." she turned to him and hugged him. "The whole outfit is tied together now. Thank you. I owe you."
"That's two things you owe me now." he held up two fingers and laughed. "Pay me back whenever you want to."
"It'll be soon, I promise." she smiled. "So what are yours and April's plans for Valentine's Day?"
"April? Oh no. We're not together."
"Really? I just thought you were since you're with her more than you're with Gavin."
"Nope. I am very much single." he chuckled. "Plus, she's Gavin's sister and that would be weird."
"Hmm, I might know someone you could date."
"Really? Who?"
"My friend Lexi. She lives two towns over and hasn't had a steady boyfriend in a while. She's pretty & I think you two would make a very attractive couple."
"As much as I appreciate the offer, I have my eyes set on someone already?"
"Oh, really? Does she go to our school?"
"Yes she does." he looked up at her and smiled as she tried to think of who it could be.
"Jessica Lambert?"
"Marissa Robinson?"
"No. I can't tell you who it is because you know her & she has a boyfriend so if word got out that I liked her, her boyfriend would kill me."
"Oh, please? Your secret will be safe with me, I promise."
"No can do. Sorry. Only Gavin knows and that's the way it's going to stay."
"You're no fun." y/n faked a pout and looked at her phone. "Marcus is on his way. Let's go downstairs." Jack followed her back down to the living room. "Since Delia isn't home yet, you can just chill here. But I'll be back around 10:30, I promise." y/n took one last look at him before stepping outside & getting into Marcus' car. Delia walked in a few minutes after y/n left and she smiled when she saw Jack waiting for her. Their mom informed him that she'd be out all night, and then she left.
A few hours later, Delia was asleep & Jack was alone again. He checked his phone constantly to see what time it was.
10:45 pm & y/n still wasn't home. Jack began to worry. At 11, he decided he should try to call her. Just as he pulled up her contact, his phone started ringing & her picture flashed across his screen. He answered before it rang again.
"Hey. Where are you? Are you okay?"
"Yeah. I'm fine. I was just calling to tell you I'd be home in half an hour."
"Okay. Why so late?"
"We just, uh, lost track of time. I'll tell you more when I get home, alright?"
"Alright. Please be safe." he hung up before he could hear her response. 11:30 rolled around and y/n slowly walked into the house. She nearly screamed when she saw Jack.
"Jesus, Avery. Give a girl some warning, would ya?"
"Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you."
"It's alright." she smiled and walked into the living room. "How was your night?"
"Surprisingly fun. Delia and I played hide-and-seek for a while & then we drew some pictures."
"Did she get you to play dolls with her?
"Yeah. And it was fun."
"Wow. She's got you wrapped around her finger, doesn't she?"
"It sure seems that way, huh?" he chuckled and looked at her. "I guess that's just something you two have in common."
"Hmm, what do you mean?"
"You know I'd do anything for you, right? Like, there's no request too silly or stupid that I wouldn't do for you."
"Oh, right." she looked at him. "Yeah, you're in love with me."
"What? No I'm not."
"You can't lie to me, you know."
"Okay, fine." Jack sighed and looked at her. "You're my friend but sometimes, I wish you were more than that. No, I take that back. It's not just sometimes, it's all the time. Every single day for the last 8 years. It's been torture for me to see you with Marcus & it's so much harder because he's literally the best person ever. I hate it. I hate that he got you first. I hate that he's so nice. Most importantly, I hate that I can't hate him. It's just not fair."
"Jack, why didn't you tell me? Things would be so different than they are now."
"I know. And I'm sorry I had to tell you tonight. I just felt that I needed to let it out, since it's been locked inside for 8 freaking years." he stood up and walked towards the door. "It's cool that we're just friends."
taglist: @worldlxvlys​
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emilymaxximoff · 2 years
Souls Don't Meet on Accident; Rafe Cameron X Fem!Reader; Part 1 
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CW: Angst, Language, Fluff, Violence, Mentions of Parental Abuse, Drugs, Mentions of Sexual Activity, 18+ Minors DNI
Description: Life sucks lately and your boyfriend Rafe Cameron has done some pretty messed up things. Despite this you still love him and will do anything to help him. As his life continues to crumble you prove that despite all the shit you have to go through, sometimes people are just meant to find each other.
Word count: 2268
A/N: Sorry this is a bit hard to follow at first. I kinda got ahead of myself but I still like it so here we are. The first interaction with Rafe is just a flashback to how you met and shit cause it made me happy to think about. It gets pretty dark so please beware. Enjoy this long ass piece and it would mean a lot if you reposted if you enjoy. I work for a long time on this one and I liked how it turned out. Love ya!
The Outer Banks was hot and sticky. Living your whole life on the cut ensured you hardly ever had air conditioning but becoming friends with Sarah Cameron gave you access to air conditioning whenever you were at her house and it was amazing. You savored those moments you spent not sweating like a pig but the place you treasured most on these days was John B's house. Even the beautiful Sarah Cameron chose to stay there, despite her cool house in the luxurious Figure Eight. All your friends stayed there and lounged on the sun porch drinking and laughing. It was moments like these that made you forget all the chaos of your life. How you and the other pouges had found a treasure map. How you hadn't spoke to your parents in weeks. How no one had seen Big John in months. But it couldn't get one thing off your mind. Rafe Cameron.
You had known him for a long time ever since you and Sarah had become best friends during freshman year of high school. You had been smitten but you knew his reputation but that didn't mean you couldn't be friends. You still had your crush and it only got worse the more you hung out with him alone more and more. Eventually you noticed how he stopped talking to girls and you saw less and less of the old playboy Rafe you had known before. You brushed it off until the day you overheard the conversation he had with Topper about his lack of prowess.
"Come on man, what is going on with you? She wants to fuck and she's so your type. This doesn't sound very much like the fuckboy I know and love." Topper told Rafe one evening outside the Cameron pool.
"I just don't want to. Not in the mood." he mumbled back in response.
"Ok dude, this isn't like you. Why haven't you slept with anyone in like 6 months?" Topper pushed.
You furrowed your brows as you listened from the open door leading into the kitchen. You didn't mean to start listening when you came down to get some drinks for you and Sarah but you couldn't help it. Rafe had always slept around and you had no idea it had been that long since he had sex.
"I just," Rafe started and paused. "I kinda got my eye on someone. She cool and beautiful and she makes me want to be better."
"Who the fuck you talking about man. The only girl you're not related to that you give the time of day is Y/N." Topper said right before he burst out, putting two and two together. "Oh My God! You wanna fuck your sisters best friend!"
A hand went up to your mouth, surpassing a gasp. He felt the same and you couldn't believe it. You didn't want to betray Sarah but you wanted to walk out there right then and kiss his pink lips.
"Fuck dude. Don't put it like that. It's more than that and you make it sound so bad. And just a reminder you're fucking my sister." Rafe retorted.
"Hey no. I love Sarah that's not fair." Topper said.
"I mean..."
"Omg you love her. Holy shit." Topper said louder then he mean to.
"Bro shut up. Keep your voice down, but yeah I think so." Rafe mumbled.
You sprinted quietly up the stairs back to Sarah's room. You tired to push what you had heard out of your head but you couldn't stop thinking about it. Your stomach had butterflies and you wanted Rafe to come sweep you off your feet so badly.
About 20 minutes after that Sarah got a text that she smiled and laughed at. Before you could ask what she was laughing at, she quickly sprung off her bed to change her clothes.
"What's so funny? Why are you getting up?" you giggled.
"Oh nothing, just going out with Topper." she smiled.
"Ok I guess?" you said looking at Sarah with confusion. "I guess I'll go home then."
"No!" she quickly blurted. "Stay here. I'll be back in a couple hours."
"Ok fine I guess." You were so confused but you just went with the flow and laid back on her bed watching her grab her purse and rush out her door before she turned back to make one more comment.
"Hey Y/N. I just wanna say I love you and your are my family and do whatever makes you happy." she laughed before running down the stairs.
"Love you too dork." you yelled after her before taking a deep breath and picking up your phone to scroll through social media.
Things were quiet for a bit before you heard a knock on Sarah's door. The door creaked open before you could answer and there stood the beautiful Rafe Cameron.
"Hey Rafe what's up?" you asked, confused as to why he was in her room.
"Hey Y/N. I just like- I wanted to talk about something." he said stumbling over his words and looking at the ground nervously.
You sat up straight, crossing your legs and putting your phone down next to you. "Yeah what's up."
"How much of that conversation did you hear earlier and before you deny it, Topper saw you run up the stairs." he said sitting down on the edge of the bed.
"Oh ummm I'm sorry I didn't mean to eavesdrop. It's just the door was open and I came down to get drinks and so I'm sorry" you said, embarrassed by your actions.
"But like how much did you hear."
"I'm assuming most of it." you admitted. "I heard everything after that girl wanting to fuck you. I'm not judging though. I get it. It's complicated."
"Shit-" he said under his breath. "So how do you feel about all of that?"
"You're Sarah's brother." you responded.
"That's not what I asked. Also I got the go ahead from her to talk to you about this."
"Is that what the surprise date with Topper was about?" you chuckled.
"Yeah it was. You still are avoiding my question." he said, looking up at you with puppy dog eyes that made your heart melt.
"Ok. If Sarah gave you the go ahead, I do feel the same. At least based on what you said. I have for a while but I thought you didn't really date and all that plus Sarah and I just didn't wanna ruin how close we are. I'd be lying though if I didn't say I've had butterflies ever since I accidentally heard your conversation." you gave a shy smile at the end.
"Sarah is fine with it. I promise no bridges burned there. Plus she is in love with my best friend so it's only fair that I'm in love with her best friend." he smirked.
"So you actually did mean it?"
Rafe didn't answer with words to that question. Every word that he could ever say would never get across how much he loved you. He instead kissed you like he had never kissed anyone before. It was gentle but passionate and it filled you with happiness and warmth. You both struggled to get closer and closer, not wanting to be apart anymore. He pulled you onto his lap and continued to kiss you, barely pulling away to catch his breath. He picked you up and walked down he hallway to his room. That was the first time you slept with Rafe but it would not be the last.
Over the next year you would continue to date and fall deeper and deeper in love but recently he had been haunted by his past. He had to deal with Barry and his relapses. His dad had been even worse, ridiculing him and beating him. It affected him greatly and he often came to your house on the cut, somewhere he never thought he'd go, to escape his dad and to hold you close because right now you were the only one who cared. All your friends hated him for the awful things he had done. Everyone saw him as a monster but you just saw him as broken and in need of help. You couldn't leave him. You loved him and time and time again you would continue to forgive him but now your relationship had to be kept on the down low to prevent all your friends from leaving you. You weren't lying per say but more just not talking about him as much.
Your thoughts about your lover boy were promptly interrupted when Sarah's face fell and she looked at you with dread. You looked back at her with confusion and worry before she got up from her seat next to John B to grab you and walk out front.
"Sarah what's going on?" you said stopping to turn facing her.
"Rose just texted me Rafe SOS." she whispered in your ear. Even though we were across the yard, she didn't want the rest of the pouges to hear.
"What?" you asked, panicked.
"I don't want to go there without you but I have to leave. If things are bad, you might be the only one that can get through to him. We have to go now." she said pulling you towards her car. "Guys! I'm gonna take Y/N and go home! My dad needs me!" she called back.
"Bye guys!" you called back, trying to sound calm.
You both waved as you pulled out of the driveway, acting collected and pretending as if nothing was wrong. You felt tears stream down your face. You were scared for Rafe. You wondered what Ward had done or if he was back on drugs. Rafe would never hurt you but he sure as hell would hurt others if he was pushed far enough. He might even be hurt himself.
You pulled up to the Cameron house and everything seemed normal at first but as you walked inside you saw the disarray the foyer was in. The wall had a hole in it and glasses were broken with a table turned over. Fuck.
Rose rushed over and immediately rushed over and explained what had happened. Rafe and his dad had gotten into a fight and it was nasty. After the fact Rafe had rushed upstairs to his room and they had heard yelling and sobbing through the door. With that you rushed up the stairs towards his room, stepping over debris. You knocked on his door gently but opened it up without waiting for a response. At that moment a mug came flying towards the door, hitting the wall next to your head, shattering into tiny pieces.
You gasped and flinched. It had scared you but when you looked over and saw Rafe staring at you with tears streaming down his face, you could tell he regretted it. He looked at you, regretting all his actions and he started crying even harder.
"Y/N?" he whispered before breaking down and whimpering "I'm sorry." over and over again.
You made your way over to him, wrapping him in a hug and telling him that it was ok. At your touch he crumpled, falling onto his knees and sobbing into your chest. You fell with him, rubbing his back and kissing the top of his head. He finally gained enough composure after what felt like forever to speak to you in real sentences.
"I'm so sorry Y/N. Please you have to forgive me. I was trying to do the right thing."
"Hey Rafe it's ok I promise. Whatever you did it's ok."
"I was doing what I thought he wanted and it wasn't enough. Nothing I ever do will be enough. He just hates me."
"Rafe it's ok. You are enough he just can't see it. Please believe me. I love you. Please tell me what you did."
"I can't say it."
"Rafe you need to tell me what happened."
"I- I tried to get into business with Barry so I could bribe the cops to be on my dad's side."
"Wait..." you looked at him with fear excepting the worst. "Why were you at Barry's place in the first place?"
"I- I was getting more coke." Rafe muttered, knowing he had fucked up again.
You gulped and pulled back, letting your grip slightly falter, knowing he probably still had drugs in his system. It scared you but you tried to stay strong. You knew that even now he wouldn't hurt you. You were glad you came because he would have hurt someone else.
"Y/N I'm sorry. Please I swear to God it's the last time. Please forgive me. Please don't leave. I-"
"Where's the rest of it." you cut him off.
"I know you didn't use everything you bought. Where is the rest of it Rafe? I need you to tell me."
He looked at you with pleading eyes, begging for forgiveness. "Top dresser drawer on the left side."
"Ok." You got up and went for the drawer. You grabbed the baggie out from under the stack go shirts in the drawer and headed towards Rafe's attached bathroom. Rafe followed you like a puppy as you open up the bag to pour the rest of the white powder down the toilet, ensuring it was ruined.
"Y/N what are you doing?"
"Tossing it. I'm not letting you have any more. You're done. I know I don't have money right now but if you're worried about that I'll find a way to get some." you stopped and turned to him, tears clouding your eyes and streaming down your face. "I love you. I can't let you keep doing this to yourself." Your voice was breaking and you poured the powder down the toilet and flushed it down the drain, throwing in the bag as well as it went down.
"I'm sorry Y/N. Please I know you're mad but I love you please don't leave. I swear I'll do better next time. I can't live without you."
"I'm not leaving Rafe. I promise I'm not going anywhere." you told him, grabbing his face again. He leaned into your hand and kissed it. You used your thumb to wipe away some of his tears. "I am gonna go talk to Sarah real quick though and then I'll be be back."
You let go of Rafe and he sighed as he nodded his head. You headed towards the door and opened it up slowly, stepping over the broken pottery. You walked down the hallway, shaking, unable to hold yourself together anymore. You slipped into Sarah's room and saw her pacing back and forth.
"Y/N! Oh my God are you ok? What happened? Did he do something to you?" she said rushing over and pulling you into a hug.
"No Sarah, he didn't do anything to me I promise. I just came to tell you what was going on." you said keeping your sobs quiet and hugging her back.
"So what's going on?" she asked
"Rafe tried to make a deal with Barry and Ward beat the shit out of him. I'm gonna stay here and take care of him."
"Wait if he was at Barry's does that mean..." Sarah trailed off.
You bit you lip as tears rolled down your face again and quietly shook your head. "Oh Y/N" she said as she pulled you into another hug and you sobbed loudly this time. "Can I do anything to help?"
"I don't think so Sarah. I do want to ask if I can borrow some shorts though. Rafe's bottoms are always way too big." you sniffed.
"Yeah of course." she said searching through her drawer to find her comfiest pair to try to make you feel better.
"Yeah Y/N?" Sarah responded, turning. around and handing you her fluffy pajama shorts.
"I can't live with myself if he gets hurt. I can't lose him. I love him and I don't want to live like this forever."
"I know Y/N. All you can do is try and if something happens, that's not on you."
"Thanks for the shorts Sarah." you said turning around and looking back one more time before exiting. "And thank you for being there for me and telling me that he needed me. I couldn't do this without you."
You closed the door and walked towards Rafe's room once more. You stepped in his room, once again avoiding the porcelain on the floor, and moving to meet Rafe who had already gotten up again to move closer to you. You gave him a warm hug before telling him to get in bed while you changed your shorts and pulled a shirt out of his top left drawer. You moved onto the bed and held the crying boy till he fell asleep in your arms and you fell asleep crying and holding him back.
Part 2 will be up super soon. I want to do a long series so let me know if that would be something y'all would like and I'd love to hear what you'd like it to be about.
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cloveroctobers · 2 years
TOMMY MILLER — spring prompts 🦋
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A/N: originally this was supposed to be for Joel — and I jumped on the Pedro train a little late my apologies but I can’t lie and say I’m not a bigger whore/softie for Tommy / Gabriel (this goes for the game version too!) so :) here goes nothing and if we flop, this never existed lmao! Only trying my best to write fluff for the upcoming spring season so let’s cheers to that! Happy first day of spring people!
WARNINGS: age adjustments for this piece + age-gap. Mostly following the live action ages according to their wiki except for Ellie! I aged her up some as this takes place before the events of part ii 😥 Joel is still 56, Tommy is 50, Ellie is 17, and “she” is 35…and would be a year older than Sarah. I know some might find that weird and usually I don’t write storylines around a age-gap but here we are! Tommy and “she” met during the time of the virus. So don’t drag me too much if you’re on the offense, thanks.
Using prompts from this list and numbers: 2.) listening to the birds when they wake up + 6.) new beginnings + 12.) rolling down the window of the car. + 28.) adopting puppy/kitten.
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He’s still asleep while she’s on the balcony, hunched over the banister watching the town gradually come to life to start their daily routines. Being part of the main committee had its benefits, meaning one would start the day whenever they wished, which allowed her more time to just enjoy the little moments.
The air is touching spring, allowing livelihood to begin sprouting again. She breathes in the brisk air, pacing herself as the air still clings to the biting of its bitter sister while whipping by, reminding her that her asthma would not be leaving for the season just yet. The tree to the right of the house has lost one of its branches, which now lays on the roof of the house, due to the last winter storm which pushed its way through Wyoming with a foot of snow two weeks ago.
She’s not going to ask Tommy again to remove it, she’ll take it upon herself to get it down with some others later. She’s aware that he’s got a lot on his plate with Joel and Ellie back in town…along with this weighing secret Joel’s keeping from Ellie.
A sigh escapes her lips, eyes closing as she feels the brightness of the sun starting to rise behind the foggy skies. She knows if she keeps them closed a little longer, she’ll receive a morning song with the sunrise. The sun is a nice contrast against the cool but dry air in Jackson but it always brings a sense of peace.
The chirping is just enough for a small smile to split onto the corners of her lips and she listens, enjoying the sweet song the birds sing. She was never much of a bird person due to her grandmother having all sorts back in her hometown in Connecticut. She was raised mostly by her grandmother in a town that lacked diversity, since her parents prioritized work rather than spend time with her and her little brother. Sure she understood this now in her adulthood that her parents faced many challenges in their work field but as a child, of course you just wanted your parents around.
To care.
And whenever they were around, she gave them hell about it until her younger brother quickly became upset. He was on the spectrum and sensitive but just wanted everyone to get along. He loved talking about clouds and had dreams of venturing off to Iceland one day. She was thankful he got to experience it before the world officially went to shit.
Now here she stood listening to birds sing, despite being pecked, chased, and shit on by birds for what felt like her whole life and the sun was shining beneath the gray. Perhaps that was symbolism for new journeys along the way—if she bothered to look deeper at this but now was not the time for overthinking.
She did that enough on a daily basis.
“Hey, you didn’t wake me for the sunrise?” A Texas drawl called out from behind.
She turns slightly, facing the screen door to see Tommy with his head poking out beneath the door, dark hair frizzy, and slits in his eyes. He’s not much of a morning person out of the two of them and will usually need five to twenty minutes more before getting up.
He needed the sleep.
She steps to him then, wrapped in her blanket and getting a better view of the freckles that always appear sprinkled on his face whenever the light hits his skin.
“It’s okay,” she softly says, “there’s always tomorrow.”
He hums as his brown eyes peeks over her head and sniffs at the air, “c’mon in, baby. Who knows how long you’ve been out here and I don’t want anything to start acting up on you and I’m not nearby.”
“I’m fine,” she argues, making a show as she deeply inhales and puffs out a breath as she exhales, fighting back a cough, “airs not too bad.”
Tommy gives her a look, alerting her that he doesn’t believe any of the words she’s saying to him. He knows she can get lost in nature for hours, making him think it reminds her of her old home.
He suggests, “Let’s go for a morning drive for a bit before we really start the day, huh?”
“I’d like that.” She smiles at the man who mirrors it back, “we haven’t done that in awhile.”
The pair lived in the most active part of Jackson, right in the heart of the western town where most of the houses were almost on top of each other. There wasn’t much that got pass this part of Jackson and it only made sense since she and Tommy helped keep this town running. Surely she preferred the more secluded parts, which is what she was grew up with but to be married to someone so extroverted changed that.
“Yeah, we sure haven’t. Let me get dressed.” Tommy says with a nudge of his head, inviting her back into their home.
She nods at him, glancing over her shoulder in the doorway as he exits, sending another smile to the birds before closing the door.
Tommy’s driving in the pale yellow Camaro he picked up from his last scouting trip, it’s his new toy that she teases him about since he’s kicked her Chevy SUV to the curb. She’s laying with her arm resting against the door, cheek pressed into her balled up arm, with her black faux fur blanket still wrapped around her and Tommy’s got one hand resting on her thigh.
He’s shuffling between keeping his hands on the steering wheel, steering with his knees and twisting his arm all kinds of ways to get a cassette into the radio slot. The dirt road is empty and full of green hills along with loops that remind her of the path that leads to Ellie and Dina’s home. This part of Jackson feels familiar and like what she’s used to but she knows she doesn’t have to feel alone.
A soft beat begins to play through the car just as she’s rolling down the window. Tommy lightly shakes his head at his wife, who welcomes some of the air through the crack and receives that there seems to be something on her mind. Lately it seems like he’s been so busy with not only the community but rebuilding his relationship with Joel and his additional niece Ellie—although they’ve been back for about two years now, it did not go unnoticed that there’s been something on his wife’s mind.
Surely he was going to get to the bottom of it on this drive.
“What do you know about this?” Tommy quizzed, taking his hand off her thigh briefly to twist the volume knob, before placing his warmth back on her sweats.
She snorts as she listens to the lyrics of the 80s jam, a little shocked it wasn’t Pixies or some rock song this time. However she believed Tommy always picked songs that fit the mood.
…In time you will see
That love won't let you down
You said that you loved me
Said hurt only came to pass me
It sounded so convincing
That I gave it half a chance
And learned the ways of love, my baby
There is so much love inside me
And all that I have
I give my all to you
All, all my love, baby.
She joked, “Did this one play at your prom, old man?”
Tommy scoffed, “i was nine when this came out in 1982 so nice try but even then, I knew good music when I daggone hear it.”
There was a fifteen year age gap between her and Tommy but that’s never been a issue given the circumstances of life now and probably wouldn’t be much of a issue if things were different. However she couldn’t be certain if the infection didn’t cross the globe if their paths would even align. She had southern roots thanks to her maternal and paternal grandparents yet she’s only ever visited Georgia to see her paternal grandparents, cousins, and friends she’s made out there.
Georgia was a long way from Texas.
“Look at you listening to love songs at just a little baby…I’m starting to not believe the whole never been in love until I met you line.” She sat up then, head resting against the headrest while playfully peeking at Tommy, ready to get him riled up.
Tommy shook his head, “I told you before, pre-Tommy was a whole ‘nother person, all about fun moments and keeping those memories strictly as that…temporary. I didn’t like to be attached although I knew I was very capable of loving someone.”
His past relationships did not matter to her. It never did because a new life was happening now, with her and their relationship most likely wouldn’t exist because they lived on different sides of the map. She trusted him to be a good partner and she equally wanted to be the same. The love or lust before was not a factor on both ends because Jackson was about redemption and growing forward.
If they couldn’t see that with each other then there was no need to continue on with this commitment. However she liked sparking this compassion from Tommy just for a sense of not only laughs but perhaps a bit of reassurance?
“I love you.” She slipped a hand around the back of his neck, lightly caressing the warm skin beneath his jacket.
Tommy glanced over at her then, pure light in his dark eyes as a smile quirked up beneath his facial hair, “I love you too…with all of this love.”
“Oh gosh, the corny is killing me. Make it stop!” She gagged at Tommy’s singing while he laughed at her, putting the car in park.
It was his turn to face her, gripping her jaw to place a kiss on her temple. Soon she unbuckled herself from the seat so she could sit in Tommy’s lap who welcomed her with open arms. Together they sat, his arms locked around her waist and her head tucked in between his neck and shoulder.
To be held by the one you love, what more could she ask for?
She could fall back to sleep in the comfort of Tommy’s arms just then. The prickle of his beard against her brow bone, the firmness of his hands secured around her frame, his steady breathing, her light grip from underneath his bicep, and his scent of white musk and eucalyptus was enough for her this morning.
Sometimes people just need to be held by the right person.
Tommy was ready for her to fall asleep. It’s not like it was uncommon for her to rest against him and as much as she claimed he needed rest, he wanted her to take care of herself just like she took care of him. The flutter of her eyelashes fought against the closing of her lids that it made Tommy grin, silently encouraging her to just let go but one thing about his baby, she was a fighter which provided a nice contrast against her dainty appearance.
Her glossy grayish-brown eyes popped back open, eyes gazing out at the scenery while Tommy quickly shifted his eyes elsewhere so he wouldn’t get called out for staring. He followed her line of sight and immediately wanted to reach for what was in the backseat.
“What’s that?” She asked, sitting up as she put more strain on one eye than the other.
It was confirmed by one of the new nurses that she was losing her sight in one eye quite quickly. It was mostly caused by a injury with a clicker that sent her through a glass window face-first but blindness was also hereditary on her mother’s side. Who truly knows what life continues to throw at you? In whatever way, it was not something she dwelled on.
Tommy nodded as he pulled his shotgun up and over the console, “uh huh, I see it.”
She was out the door before he could get the safety off and that sent his heart rate spiking.
Her feet stomped over the rising grass, ignoring Tommy’s hushed calls as she slowly approached the animal. It had height to it, straggly mixture of grey and black hair with a heavy bone structure.
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“Honey, I don’t know what’re you’re thinkin’ but you can’t just run up on dogs like that! We don’t even know if it’s infected.” Tommy stated as he took stealthy steps behind the braided woman.
She slipped a hand into her pocket, holding the  thermometer up in the air to silently answer the man’s question who couldn’t help but to deeply scowl.
Squatting down she kept some distance between her and the dog who put it’s head down, sniffing in her direction. Her hand slipped into another pocket, reaching for something green before she lightly tossed it in the dog’s direction. Carefully the dog stepped forward to bite into the green bean, allowing her to slowly get closer to aim the thermometer and get a temperature reading.
“He’s clear.”
Tommy still circled around, gun slightly lowered but not completely as he watched her smile at the dog.
“It’s still a ugly lookin’ thing.”
She scolded Tommy, “don’t talk about him like that! He actually might think you’re the ugly one here.”
‘That’s not possible.’ Tommy thought to himself.
Rubbing his back, she cooed at the animal, “he didn’t mean it boy, he’s just being mean because I didn’t signal that I was coming to introduce myself to you.”
Tommy couldn’t help but to shake his head in disapproval, taking a moment to survey the area to make sure the unattractive animal didn’t lead any unwanted attention. When he turned back, she was still petting him, this time the dog was licking at her hands and seemed to be enjoying his pets as he sat.
“…this isn’t your first time meeting?” Tommy guessed.
She sighed, “no. Joel’s grumpy ass scared him off last time with the horses when we patrolled. You have no idea how bad I wanted to kick his ass…at least you’re being better about this…besides the whole verbal bullying you just afflicted on him.”
“I wasn’t bullyin’,” Tommy started, “I just wanted you to be careful.”
“Yeah and you took it out on someone who didn’t deserve it.”
Tommy sighed, “I—I never took you as a dog person anyway. I would have thought cats.”
“Are you gonna get me a cat for my birthday?”
“Probably not, honey. They’re kinda creepy.”
‘Creepier than people turning into walking funguses? I think the fuck not!’ She thought.
“Then we’re taking him home!” She beamed as she rubbed behind his ears, “hear that?! We’re gonna get you home, bathe you, feed you, and you’ll fit in with the rest back at home, I’m sure of it. And if you don’t, you’ll stay with us.”
“The hell he will.”
The sharp look she sent the curly haired man was enough to get him to clear his throat and almost straighten up. It’s not like Tommy didn’t care for dogs, hell, he was thinking of getting one before Sarah came into the picture—not that he was comparing his niece to a got damn dog! Fuck, he knew she was probably sending him a mean mug from up above right now. It’s just that the loneliness he faced at his own townhome in Austin was erased when life granted him with a niece.
Sarah was his just as she was his brother’s.
Now his wife wanted to bring a dog (as if they didn’t have enough in the community) into their life and it seemed like she already had a connection with it, that Joel didn’t tell him about at all! He could also argue that his own wife didn’t tell him she was forming a bond elsewhere.
The laughter that sounded from her as she got to her feet, facing him with a smile that reached her shining eyes made his heart swell.
Happiness was all he wanted her to have. He was happy if she was happy and he felt himself breaking.
“What if it’s got fleas?”
“Hello…veterinarian school?”
Which was true, she knew what to do and since the community was well-off to take care of everyone and everything, She had what she needed if any of the animals got sick.
“Right…Dr. Dolittle here.”
“Was that a jab, Tommy?” She pointed at the man who immediately shook his head in defense.
“Not really.” He shrugged his shoulders innocently before continuing, “I’m not afraid to say I was in the theaters when that one came out for Sarah…although I love a good comedy family film.”
That’s funny, that’s when she knew she wanted to work with animals after seeing that film. Unfortunately she couldn’t hear the actual voices of the animals she worked with but she still knew how to communicate with them. She can only imagine tommy taking the time to spend with his niece and that brought a smile to her lips.
“So you’ll love him?”
“…I can try?”
She patted the dog’s back, “see it only took some convincing. We just have to find you a name and it’ll have to flow nicely with your sibling.”
A frown dug in between Tommy’s brows at the end of her sentence. It slipped so easily from her lips that Tommy was unsure if he heard her right. She was getting ready to turn and head back to the car with the dog in at her side but Tommy steps towards them.
“What was that?”
“Hm?” She took her attention away from the dog who began wagging it’s tail.
“That last part of the sentence. About the dog having the same sound as it’s..sibling? Meaning what? the other dogs?” Tommy pried.
She tapped on her chin then, pretending to think about it, “I’m thinking Silas for him and Milo, Tyrus, or Linus for this one.”
Tommy watched with wide eyes as a hand rested against her clothed belly.
“A-Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”
“Maybe…what’re you thinking?”
“You’re pregnant, honey?”
“Uh huh. You’ve got two extra babies now.”
Tommy wanted to curl into a ball of happiness hearing this news. He never thought he would be a dad way back then and he certainly didn’t think now…especially with the way things were and she hasn’t had much of a cycle in years. Of course there were discussions of what ifs but it’s not like they were deliberately trying.
His put the safety on and slung the gun around to his back. He exhaled, his hands raised in air before gripping at his hair in astonishment.
“We’re gonna be somebody’s mommy and daddy?”
“Damn straight.”
“Hell yeah we are!” Tommy grinned as he reached forward to lift her up by the waist, gently spinning her in the air before he quickly put her back on her feet, “shit, are you having any nausea? did I just cause it?”
“No love, we’re okay. Just fatigue sometimes. I’m about thirteen weeks according to Rosita’s ultrasound.” She breathed with a smile, flicking her hair back.
“Thirteen weeks?! Holy shit! He’s gonna be here in no time…wait Linus? There’s no way we’re naming our kid Linus—that’s out.”
“Okay let’s talk about it,” she laughed, “walk with me.”
“It’s clear we have a lot to talk about!” Tommy slipped an arm around her waist, peeking down at her baggy clothing as they made their way back to the car.
He halted as she started to give him the details and glanced back at the dog who had its head down but stayed put. He whistled at the animal with a nudge of head, “c’mon, dog! You’re comin’ with us.”
“Silas.” She whispered up at Tommy.
Tommy corrected himself, “Silas! Let’s go home.”
Silas perked up and trotted after the couple, hopping into the backseat as Tommy intently focused on her, their hands clasped together as he held them to his lips, ready for their new beginning.
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Continue along with my spring anthology prompts here.
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elvendria · 2 years
NOTICING YOU - e.m x fem reader Part Three
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tw: Reader is a cynic who doesn't believe in love, Claudia Henderson isn't the best :/ (is that a trigger? idk.), big sister acts like a parent, smoking, insomniac (??kinda if you squint??), swearing, jealous!Eddie (if you squint), pet names
word count: 4710
part one part two part three part four part five part six part seven
"So, were you able to get through to someone to get your car fixed?" Mom asked. I told her the conversation I had over the phone with Eddie and explained that he'd be here first thing in the morning to collect the car and take it to the shop. 
"First thing? But they're always swamped with cars on a Saturday. I thought you wouldn't get seen till Sunday, Monday at the latest." Mom said. 
"Same here," I attempted to stifle a yawn but failed. "I've to be up early so uh... goodnight." I turned around and walked away.
I was never close with Mom, and then things kicked off with Dad. 
I guess it was then I realised I wasn't as close with either of my parents as I had thought.
I padded down the hall towards Dustin's room in my bare feet, the feeling of the cool wood underneath my feet relaxing me with each step. I passed by my room to see Tews sitting on my bed cleaning herself. I hate that cat and I have no idea why my mom loves it so much. 
That's not to say all cats are bad, I just don't like this particular cat. 
Knocking on Dustin's bedroom, I waited to hear him say "It's open," before opening it slightly and sticking my head around the door. 
"Goodnight boys," I smiled at them, all gathered around together talking about god knows what.
 Mike, Will and Lucas will always feel like little brothers to me, I've known them so long. It felt weird seeing them as a trio, and a part of me missed seeing Will around the place. I hope he's happy in California. 
"Night Y/n!" 
"Thanks for letting us stay over!"
"Sleep. Soon." I said pointedly, "Just because you're in high school now does not mean you are to be up all night. You'll just end up being super tired tomorrow."
"But can't we just have-" Dustin started. 
"Dustin the last time you had coffee you went nuts. Not happening again under my watch." I said, leaving the room
"Technically we're under Mom's watch," He mumbled back defeatedly. 
I stuck my head back around the door, giving him a look that blatantly said 'Really? Moms' watch? Have you ever even met our mother?' before he groaned causing me to laugh as I exited the room. 
Sometimes I love to play the authoritative big sister card just to mess with him, it can really piss him off. 
I didn't know how what time 'first thing' was, I'm grateful and all but couldn't he be a bit more specific? Either way, I was going to need to get to sleep so I could wake up early. I set my alarm for 7:30 am, which isn't even a time that should exist on a Saturday morning, so I could get up and be ready for when he calls. I had switched off the handbrake and managed to push the car till it was outside my house. Could've done with Robin's freakishly strong arms but she had her Family Video shift, plus I'm fairly sure I earned a few muscles of my own. 
Changing into a pair of old biker shorts and an oversized misfits t-shirt, I crawled into my bed and lay on my side, willing sleep to come, but my head was so full of thoughts it was like there was no switching it off. I lay like that until I could hear everyone in bed, and the faint sound of my mother's snoring echoed through the halls. 
When I was certain that she was asleep, I snuck out of the house and sat on the swing bench on our porch, curling my knees up to my chest underneath my shirt and resting my head on them. 
There was something about the nighttime, the way the town went silent. As a kid, I used to believe that because it was so quiet, everyone would be able to hear the slightest noise you make. On nights like these, I sometimes wonder the same thing. 
Except now I know about science and the speed of sound, so the idea is a complete fantasy. 
Sitting on the bench, lighting up a cigarette from my stash that kept my hands slightly warm. I looked out at the sky, not seeing a single star. Not seeing anything but the faint glow of the street lamps from down the road. There was a faint breeze that wrapped around my ankles now and again, but other than that it was a warm night, unusually warm for October. 
I sat there until I could see orange streaks beginning to paint the sky. So much for trying to get some sleep. I unfolded myself from the swing and walked to my room, careful not to wake anyone. Checking my alarm clock, I saw that it was 7 am. I could try and get a 30-minute nap in but knowing me, I'd sleep past my alarm. 
I took a shower, scrubbing the smell of the night air off my skin. I wanted to stay in the shower, to feel the steam rise around me, but I didn't have the time. I turned off the water, wrapped my hair and body in a towel, and then made my way to my room to start getting ready. 
I debated drying my hair but decided I wasn't in the mood to deal with the frizz today (I never am). Pulling on a low-cropped white shirt, black ripped jeans and combat boots, I got changed and grabbed some cereal before sitting on the couch and reading. By the time Eddie pulled up, my hair was almost dry but still damp in places. 
The doorbell rang and I looked at my mother, not surprised to find her fawning over that stupid cat once again. I got up and answered the door, a part of me freaking out before remembering why he was here.
"Hi," I said quietly, fear washing over me as I suddenly realised this was my first time talking to Eddie, face to face. 
"Hey," he replied equally as sheepish. Was something wrong? Had I done something?
His eyes moved down towards my exposed waistline, and I desperately wanted to grab a hoodie to cover up.
He must've found the shitty brown carpet very fascinating because he couldn't seem to look away from it. "So the truck is parked out front, I've hooked your car up to it and everything, I just need you to come down to the shop to fill out some stuff." He told me. I figured I'd have to go to the mechanics at some stage today, I just didn't think it would be so soon.
"Do you want a coffee or something before we go?" I pointed my thumb towards the kitchen, the mannerisms that my grandmother drilled into me coming into play again. He looked up, our eyes holding each other and suddenly I felt like there was a magnetic in each of his eyes, drawing me in closer. 
From where we were standing you could see beside the kitchen, where my mom was sitting there, talking to Tews like it was a human baby. 
"Uhm, maybe some other time?" He said, suppressing a grin.
"Yeah sure," 
Had I just 'yeah sure' d the idea of coffee with Eddie Munson? 
"I'll grab my mom's car keys, just hang on two seconds." I turned towards the living room where my Mom was sitting, combing the cat with an old comb of mine. 
"Um, there's room up the front of the truck if you want to ride up there with me?" He asked me, "It might be a bit easier." 
I turned one more time to look at my mother, who was now singing lullabies to this freaky cat before agreeing.
God, I miss Mews. Now that was a cat who did not like to be coddled.
Just as I was about to pull the door behind me, my mother called out. "Remember you're trying on dresses for homecoming this afternoon! We'd better hurry or all the good ones will be sold out!" 
My heart dropped and I wanted to strangle her. I prayed to whoever was up there that Eddie hadn't heard her.
I threw my book bag over my shoulder, I never liked to leave home without it. He opened the car door for me and waited till I was in okay before running to check that everything was hooked up properly. While I was waiting for him, I sat noticing all the little details in it. Things like his pack of cigarettes and a lighter, or a few jumbled-up mix-tapes sitting in the glove box and in the pockets on the driver-side door. A black bandana was thrown across the dashboard, most likely the one that Eddie carries around all the time. 
What surprised me most was the pack of hair ties hidden underneath his rolling papers. Although I guess when you have as much hair as he does and work as a mechanic, tying it up is more of an occupational precaution.
He opened his door and threw off his coat before jumping in. He grabbed a hair tie and pulled his hair back, and I tried my hardest not to look as every muscle in his arm flexed. Made all the more visible by his grey muscle shirt, his tattoos on full display.
"Buckled up?" He asked me, I nodded as I closed the seat belt around myself. He did the same and then started up the car. He drove with one hand on the wheel and another on the gear stick, right next to my knee. Every so often there'd be a bump in the road and his knuckles would graze against my jeans or my exposed knee, sending off shocks from where he touched me. 
The silence was deafening, the only noise coming from the metal music on his radio. It was a bunch of different bands which made me think it was a mix-tape. I was going to say something, compliment the music, but Eddie beat me to the punch before I could open my mouth. 
"So, you're going to homecoming?" His eyes were fixed straight ahead on the road. There was a tone to his words that I couldn't quite decipher, almost nervous.
"Um. Yeah," I fidgeted with my hands in my lap. "last year and all that, figured I'd see what all the fuss was about while I still can."
"And uh," His grip on the steering wheel tightened, his eyes unwavering from the road ahead, "and do you have a date?"
My chest tightened and I suddenly felt like I couldn't breathe given the thickness of the air around us. 
"No, it's just me and Robin," I said lowering my head, suddenly very fascinated by my hands, "We'll probably both just sit on the bleachers till 10 pm before figuring out some way home."
"Good," he muttered quietly, almost as if he didn't want me to hear him. I had so many questions, but a few stuck out in my mind. 
 Was he happy I wasn't bringing a date? Or that I wouldn't be dancing?
"Are you going?" Why had I asked that? 
"No, it's uh," He chuckled slightly, "Not really my scene,"
I don't know why my blood felt cold and my heart sank as he said this, but they did. 
 Master of Puppets by Metallica came on, and I started tapping my foot quietly, letting the questions and feelings fade with every strum of the guitar. Dad hated this song, but I always thought it was a good one. Hearing it again after so long caused goosebumps to make their way across my skin.
"Come Crawling Faster,"
I thought I was singing under my breath, but that last line came out louder than expected. I sat there and prayed he hadn't heard me. 
"Obey Your Master," He sang back, a smirk plastered on his face. 
His voice sent tingles down my spine and makes the hair on my arms stand upright, leaving me with goosebumps all over my skin. He was so close to me that I was almost certain he could feel the tension rising within me. 
He looked like he was going to say something, but then we turned onto the gravel path leading up to the mechanics, and the moment was gone.
Why does he make me feel like this, it's not like I have a crush on him or anything. Crushes are for girls in middle school and people with their heads in the clouds.
Maybe it was just because he was helping me out with the car. Yeah, people find plumbers and firefighters hot all the time, it's just because they're providing a service. 
Not that I find Eddie hot. I mean he is very attractive, and when he stretches his arms it makes me feel all weird inside, but I am most certainly not attracted to Eddie. 
The truck came to a halt outside the workshop. Eddie jumped out of the truck and rushed around to my side just as I was opening the door. 
"Here, it's a bit of a step-down. I'll give you a hand." He said. I swung both of my feet out as he held the back of my arm with his large hand, and I would've been fine. 
But I'm me, and I have to fill my daily awkward quota.
I started to climb down, my back to Eddie as I side-stepped out of the van, the coldness of his rings sending mini shockwaves from where he held my arm and wrist when my ankle went from under me, making me fall sideways. 
I squinted my eyes, sure that I was going to hit the pavement. An absolute goner that was going to end up in the hospital before dying of pure embarrassment. But the ground never came to meet me. 
Instead, I was pulled tight against something, a pair of arms wrapped around my back and legs. It felt like all the breath had left my body, and a strong smell of cigarettes and sandalwood filled my nose. 
I opened my eyes as Eddie gripped me to his chest, looking down at me as he held me bridal style. I felt my breath hitch in my throat as his dark orbs explored my face. 
I don't know if he did it on purpose or not, but he rubbed his finger in circles across my knee where his hand gripped my leg. The air felt electric, almost as if it could shock us both if we moved. His arm was on my back and I was glad it wasn't a few inches lower.
I was almost certain his dark eyes flickered down to my lips and lingered for a second, before quickly returning to look me in the eye. 
We looked at each other in silence. I felt his hot breath fan my face and caught the smell of mint.  I was almost certain he was going to say something, but he just cleared his throat.
"Are you okay?" He said at the same time as me. 
"Oh uh. I'm okay." I stammered through my words, "Thank you." 
We looked at each other again, and a small part of me didn't want him to put me down, but that idea was quickly erased from my mind when Eddie cleared his throat again, gradually lowering me till I was on my feet. I could tell that the awkwardness I was feeling was mutual as we both shuffled our feet.
The workshop was on the other side of town, it was a long walk home without the car, and I didn't want to trouble Eddie with driving me home. But it was like he was reading my mind because the next thing he said was, 
"You should come in and sit down," He motioned to the desk and chair beside him, piled high with paperwork. "It's supposed to rain on and off all day. I'll drive you home after I take a look at this baby." He unhooks the car from the truck before pushing it into the shop.
"Oh, thanks. You don't have to." I replied, moving towards the desk and placing down my book bag,  desperate to keep the nerves out of my voice.
"My pleasure." He smiled.
 He bent into the driver's side, fiddling for something. 
"Oh, there's a knack for popping the hood,  here I can-" I started, but before I could finish he had done it, a small grin tugging at the corner of his mouth. 
Eddie looked at me, and suddenly the concrete floor became very interesting, "Just a bit of pressure and some elbow grease should do the trick." He says, climbing back out of the car. 
He opens up the hood and takes a look as I sit down and place my bag on my lap. I want to ask if he minds me doing homework, but I don't want to look like I'm ignoring him or being rude.  
"Ok so, " he started, and I suddenly felt a drop in my stomach. What if my baby was fucked, and I could never drive her again? What if all she was good for anymore was spare parts? I was so worked up about never being able to drive my girl again that I completely forgot about the guy inspecting her. 
My freak out must've been clear on my face because Eddie's face became very soft and gentle, 
"Hey, hey, hey, don't worry, it's only a faulty spark plug and wire casings. You're alignments a bit off and your transmission is failing, but it's nothing I can't fix for you. There are some other things here and there that I'll need to get some parts for, and no offence but your car is an older model so it might take a while to get them all." He gave me a small smile, easing my nerves slightly. Eddie sounded like he knew what he was doing, so clearly he did. Right? 
"I'll be honest, none of that makes sense," I said, as he walks around and pulls out the chair for me. He's surprisingly chivalrous, opening car doors and pulling out chairs. I don't know what I expected him to be like, but it wasn't this. "I don't think she's ever been looked at after Dad renovated her." I sat in the chair and wonder why I ever thought my dad was a reliable person as Eddie walks into what I assume is a storage closet. 
"Here," he says, handing me a radio and a box of tapes that were just around, "Pick out some music, I wanna see what you choose." He had put the car on a lift earlier and was in the process of raising her, a skateboard and toolbox beside him. Once he was happy she was at a reasonable height he dropped to his knees beside the board, then flipped himself over so he was lying flat against it, using it to push himself under the car. 
I was flicking through the mix tapes he had when one stood out to me. Dad used to play it for Dustin as a kid, which in hindsight seems a bit weird but at the time it made him laugh and dance like crazy. 
Rock You Like A Hurricane by Scorpions started to echo around the building, and I hesitantly pulled out my economics textbook and attempted to try and understand this nonsense they tried to teach us, while Eddie just silently bopped his foot along to the tempo. 
Silence passed between us as I attempted to do homework and Eddie tried to fix my car, the only sound surrounding us being the music from Eddie's radio. Once homework was completed I started on a piano lesson plan for Joanna Kelly, a girl who lived down the street from us, I gave her parents a discount given how nice they were to myself and Dustin growing up. 
When that was over, I slyly pulled out a math notebook and began to work out my expenses. Eddie could try and sugarcoat it as much as he wants, but I knew this service wasn't going to be cheap. I mean, needing to get replacement parts? It's got to cost at least $2000+, which is definitely more than I make teaching kids how to play twinkle twinkle and three blind mice. I'd landed a job over the summer at the Hawkins Hypnotic Record Store, but only as a way to save up for college.
Now I'll have to apply for scholarships if I want any hope of getting into somewhere decent. That meant taking on more extracurriculars and writing a killer college essay. 
Ms Kelly had advertised on the intercom the other week about finding someone to help out in the front office for extra credit. Looks like I was going to be taking her up on it.
 I'm barely going to have time to breathe let alone sleep. 
Listening to Eddie banging and crashing around the car had me nervous, but only a small bit. Eddie knew what he was doing, his uncle didn't seem like the kind of guy to give Eddie a job based on familial connections. 
Suddenly Eddie comes flying out from under the car, grease and oil covering his face and sweat glistening along his arms, his tattoos practically shining. 
I was so wrapped up in my own thoughts about how much this was going to cost me that I didn't even notice him talking to me. 
"Hey, Y/n?" He asked with a touch of confusion, "Hellooo?" 
My head snapped to look at him, his voice bringing me to my senses.
"Sorry, I was lost in my own mind. Worrying about stuff y'know?"
He rubbed the grease off his face with a cloth and a soft grin, his eyes closed. I took this moment to examine him a bit further. He looked like he had strong arms, and his tattoos were kinda impressive and cool. I heard he paid his friend a 3 months supply of weed, and they did them with a pin and some type of ink. 
But I don't know if any of that is real.
"What does a pretty girl like you have to be worrying about?" 
Pretty girl.
The words bounced around my stomach before settling between my thighs. I squeezed them together as if on instinct, the words rolling over my skin like waves.
I remained silent, not too sure how to answer that, my mind was blank as I tried to ignore the sudden throbbing I felt.
A few moments pass by and Eddie sits up and looks at me, his hair coming loose from the hair tie.
"Hey, could you pass me the wrench? It's on the counter over there, it's the one with the round-"
"I know what a wrench looks like Eddie, I'll grab it now," I said shuffling around to the counter to look for it, silently loving the way his name felt on my tongue
5, maybe 6 minutes pass, and I've no luck. I had handed him a wrench, but apparently, it wasn't the right wrench. So now I was back staring at a workspace full of stupid tools with stupid names. 
I hadn't even heard Eddie come up behind me until I felt his breath. 
"Here, let me help" He spoke softly, "It's the least I can do,"
I wanted to tell him that he was fixing my car, and it was the least I  could do to find the stupid wrench when suddenly his hand was on my waist as he moved to step beside me. His fingertips brushed off me like tiny flames searing into the exposed skin, and I knew what was coming next.
I tried to resist it, believe me. But I can't help it. I've never been able to, it's my number one weakness. I pulled my bottom lip between my teeth as I braced myself.
His fingers trailed along the base of my back. I managed to suppress the moan, but that was about it. Like always I arched my back and jerked sideways in a fit of the most unattractive laughs you can picture. 
Eddie didn't have to pull his hand away, I had already squirmed from his grip as he looked at me stunned. A toothy grin formed on his face as he crossed his arms. 
"What was that?" He said laughing slightly.
Looking at him laugh made me laugh more. It was like someone flipped my giddy switch. I turned to the countertop and bent over on it, determined to catch my breath with my hands clasped behind my head. 
"Oh god," I said breathlessly, "I'm sorry, I just have a really ticklish back."
I couldn't see his face, but when he spoke he whispered, 
"Heh, yeah," He said lowly, "That's definitely a first. I'll try not and accidentally tickle you in the future." I felt like he was grinning, but I was too embarrassed now to even look him in the eye. 
I nearly made a potential sex noise in front of Eddie Munson. 
After a bit of silence, I hear him say "Found it, it was a torque wrench I was looking for, sorry for the confusion."
His voice had become very soft, and once again we were wrapped in silence, only now it wasn't uncomfortable.
As the day went on, and while I was fretting over how I was going to pay for my car and most of the house bills, a few people came in to drop off their cars, barely exchanging words with the guy classed as the town freak. Eddie didn't look too bothered as they tossed him their keys before turning on their heel and walking away, but something told me deep down it annoyed him.
But what could I do? I doubt he'd want any consolation from me, he barely knows me. 
"Well, from the looks of things, the repairs shouldn't take more than 3 to 4 weeks. Maybe 5." He told me, which downhearted me slightly, I mean a whole month without my car? Maybe more? That was a whole month getting the bus to school, adding an extra touch of hell onto the day. 
"Oh, okay. Would you be able to give me a rough idea of the price? It's ok if you can't, I really appreciate you doing this for me." I gave him a slight smile and watched curiously as he looked to the ground and walked behind the counter. He almost looked nervous. 
"It's not going to be cheap, as you probably guessed, but luckily for you," He released a breath that sounded like he had been holding onto it for a while, resting his fist underneath his face "Flattery works with me." 
I gave a small chuckle, relieved that he was easing the tension. 
"I'll write up a docket next time you're here, we can sort something out then." He said calmly, moving to sit back in his chair. Meanwhile, my heart had started beating a mile a minute. 
"Next time I'm here?" I asked curiously
"Yeah, next time you're free and I'm working on your car. It's kind of nice to have someone around who appreciates good music," He was flipping through papers on the countertop, and I was praying he didn't look up anytime soon and see the mixture of surprise and confusion on my face. He looked at the clock on the wall behind him and I saw that I had spent the whole day here, and it was almost 9 pm. 
"C'mon it's getting late. Plus now you definitely can't walk home, it's too dark. My car is parked out front, I'll give you a lift." He pulled his keys off the rack and threw on his jacket that he took in from the back of the van earlier. 
"Um, thanks. Means a lot." And suddenly I was back to tripping over my words in front of him. 
He likes having me around?
He appreciates my music taste? 
Edward Munson, what are you doing to me?
part one part two part three part four part five part six part seven
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The True Meaning of Family - Chapter 5
Summary: A found family Supernatural AU. Ophelia Humphries is an English 19-year-old who is just trying to finish her online history degree when she receives a letter from two brothers she never knew she had.
A/N: So, chapter 5 is here. Once again a HUGE thank you for reading, any and all interactions mean so much to me. If you didn't see the previous chapters, you can find the master list here. Let me know what you guys think!
Ophelia flicked the kettle on and it began to boil. She took four mugs off the mug tree and started to fill them. A scoop of coffee with no sugar for Sam and Dean, tea with two scoops of sugar for Ophelia and hot chocolate for Sandra.
Sandra never could quite make hot chocolate like Ophelia, she either made it too sweet or too bitter, Ophelia had picked up the skill from her grandma when she was still alive.
The Winchester boys stood in the hallway, away from Ophelia and her mum.
“Do you think she’ll come now that her mom is on her own?” Dean asked in a whispered voice.
“I’m not sure, I think she might consider it now that Sandra isn’t in any real danger from Brad.” Sam said in an equally quiet voice.
“I’m not sure Sammy, she’s comfortable here and she seemed unsure when we were talking before.” Dean replied.
“Guys!” Ophelia called out from the kitchen “Your coffee is getting cold!”
“We'll talk about it more in the morning. It’s been a hard day for her.” Sam said heading towards the kitchen.
They all sat at the oak table drinking their hot drinks in almost silence until Ophelia spoke up.
“Mum, are you okay on your own in this big house?” Ophelia asked. She cradled the mug of tea in her hands, seeking what little warmth it had left.
“Don’t be silly ‘Phelia, you can move back in and then I won’t be on my own.” Sandra replied with a smile on her face. The smile was bright, relaxed and lit up her face.
Ophelia looked deep into the cooling tea, swerling the last of liquid in the bottom of her mug. She chewed the inside of her lip and narrowed her brows.
Dean noticed the look of contemplation on Ophelia’s face, she shared the same thinking face as Sam. He smiled slightly at the similarity.
“Yeah, I could move back in…” Ophelia paused.
“What’s wrong ‘Phelia?” Sandra asked puzzled.
“You see mum, I don’t think I want to come home. I love you so much but I need to leave home and act like a normal person my own age.”
Sandra’s face dropped with sadness.
“I’m almost twenty, and a lot of the time people are living on their own or at least away from their parents. All my friends from school moved to their university towns and now live with friends.”
“What are you saying, Ophelia?” Sandra asked.
“Sam and Dean have asked me to move to America with them and I think I want to go.” She blurted out. Her face flushed red at the outburst.
Sam and Dean looked startled by the sudden announcement.
“Are you sure you don’t want to think about it a little more kiddo?” Dean asked.
“Yeah, Dean’s right Ophelia, we have only just met and we offered you to come live with us because you were practically homeless.”
“So you… you weren't being serious?” Ophelia’s excitement trailed off.
“Of course we meant it and we’re still being serious but you shouldn’t rush into this. We said we’d be here for you when you made the decision, but we talked about this about two hours ago. Sleep on it kiddo.” Dean reassured his little sister.
Ophelia felt stupid at what she had said, maybe her brothers had been right, maybe she did need to think about it. She glanced at her mother. She noticed the hurt on Sandra’s face.
“I understand Ophelia, I really do. When I went to art school I loved being away from your grandparents. I think Sam and Dean are right. Sleep on the thought.” Sandra said with a touch of a whisper.
The girl nodded. She moved around the table and gave Sandra a hug goodnight. Dean patted her on the back when she passed and Sam gave a weak wave goodnight.
Ophelia slipped into bed, her room had changed more since she was last here. All of her personality had been removed. She didn’t want to live here, it didn't feel welcoming, it would never feel the same in this room.
If she lived in America with Sam and Dean she could start again. It would be good for her to move away and be her own person.
She snuggled down into the soft warm covers and drifted to sleep.
Sam woke to the smell of food cooking. He got dressed and ready before heading down to the kitchen. He was greeted by Dean and Sandra.
“Has Ophelia made an appearance?” Sam asked.
“No, not yet. It is still early though, you know how young people are.” Sandra replied. Her tone was not her usual one. “Do you know what,” she said, “I really wish you had run it by me before offering a spot in your home to her.” Sandra sighed as if she had been holding the comment in for some time.
“She was living out of her car Sandra.” Dean replied slowly.
“I didn’t know that. I thought she was staying with friends.”
“She said yesterday that all her friends had gone to university.” Sam replied sleepily.
Sandra moved bacon in the pan absent mindedly contemplating what the boys had said. Ophelia had no friends in the town, she had been living in her car and in random hotels… This hurt Sandra as much as you’d expect when a mother is told that her child was homeless.
Realising the bacon was on the verge of burning, Sandra placed the strips into the soft homemade bread that had been the night before. She handed both boys sandwiches.
Ophelia awoke to the sun streaming into the room, in the chaos of the night before she had forgotten to close the blinds.
She reached into her suitcase and pulled out a rust coloured short sleeved shirt and a pair of light blue denim mom jeans. Once dressed she found an old black belt that had a silver buckle and a small silver chain necklace that had a charm of a star with sun rays around it. Ophelia grabbed her phone and left her room.
She heard soft talking in the kitchen and quietly approached.
“She’s still a child, I don’t want her doing anything that might put her in harm's way. I don’t want to lose my little girl like I lost your father.” She heard her mother say.
“She’s an adult Sandra, she has been making decisions for herself for the past six months and is doing well. She’s enjoying school and getting good grades. She can do that from anywhere.” Sam replied.
“And besides, we’re not going to let her get into any danger. She will be safe at the bunker.” Dean added.
“I will be watching over her while the boys are away. You have my word Ms Humphries.” Ophelia didn’t recognise the third voice immediately but quickly realised it was Cas.
She stood in the doorway of the kitchen waiting to be noticed.
“You know it’s rude to talk about someone while they’re about.” Ophelia said with a slight smile.
After the morning greetings and an awkward silence Ophelia spoke up.
“I’m sorry for what I said last night. I shouldn’t have been so blunt about it.”
“Don’t be sorry sweetheart. I should have realised you would want to spend more time with the boys. If that means going to America then I have to trust that’s the best place for you.” Sandra replied.
Ophelia reached out for her mother’s hand and squeezed it tightly.
After some time, Ophelia and her mother had come to an agreement. She could go to America with the boys on a trial period. If Ophelia didn’t like it or wanted to come home for any reason then that was okay. After six months they would talk again about the situation and see if Ophelia and the boys want to make the move a permanent thing.
“Once you come into this life Ophelia it’s really hard to leave. Are you sure this is what you want?” Sam asked. This was the first time Dean had seen Sam act like a big brother. Dean had always seen Sam as his baby brother despite being much taller than him. Seeing how he interacted with Ophelia made Dean smile.
“This is what I want Sam. I can always come home to mum if it gets too much. Anyway, I’m a Winchester, it’s in my blood.” Ophelia replied. She had a girlish grin on her face that highlighted just how young she was compared to her brothers.
“Like we said, you’re not going to be going out into the field straight away. Hopefully never…” Dean glanced at Sandra in reassurance before continuing “When we are away, Cas will keep an eye on you. Don’t worry about it.”
“Wait - how am I going to get to America with all my stuff?” Ophelia asked.
“Oh, Cas will take us back and then come back for you. We can take a few of your things if they don’t fit in your bags. We tend to travel light so no need to bring everything.” Dean said.
Ophelia looked at Cas and smiled, the angel looked older than her brothers but that made sense as he was an angel and has been around since the beginning of time, but he looked so human to her. His eyes were sunken and his skin wrinkled.
The angel noticed Ophelia staring at him and noticed she was confused about his vessel. “I asked my vessel if I could inhabit his body. He was a true believer in god. I do not get to pick how he ages Ophelia.” Cas said with a flat tone.
“Uhh… I’m sorry? How did you know..? I didn’t say anything…” Ophelia replied with a defensive tone.
“Don’t worry kiddo, he can read minds.” Dean said with reassurance.
“Oh that’s pretty neat.” Ophelia acknowledged with a smile.
The makeshift family talked the rest of the morning about what sort of things Ophelia would be doing. Research and finding cases would be the main thing, they all thought that this would be enough work for her without impacting her university work.
Her car would have to stay with Sandra but as she technically wouldn’t be legal in America she wouldn’t be able to drive anyway.
“I feel kind of guilty at the thought of being illegal in America. Millions of people get sent back to war zones or unstable governments because they want a better life… But I’ll get away with it because I have Cas to just pop me into some secret bunker.”
“Well, Sam and I are technically dead if that makes you feel any better.” Dean said.
“No, it doesn’t really but thank you for trying Dean.”
“Look, we know it’s not ideal but you will be helping so many people.” Sam added.
Ophelia sat in silence for a while. She would be doing good work but it still felt wrong. It really didn’t sit right with her that she would be able to get away with this so easily.
She ran her fingers through her hair and rubbed the slight tension headache that was forming around her temples. Ophelia dropped her hands to her neck and stretched her neck, trying to relieve some tension.
The day passed slowly as Ophelia fell in and out of thoughts. She was going through some of the things in her room. Old clothes, notes from school and little items she had collected over her life in this room.
She was sat in front of her wardrobe on the floor as this was where all her things had been put when Brad still lived here.
Sam and Dean said they travelled light, so she shouldn’t take much with her. Obviously a good portion of her clothes could stay in England. Kansas was much warmer even in the winter so she wouldn’t need all her jumpers and coats.
What sort of room would she have? Was there any room for decoration? So many questions went through her head as she went through her things.
Dean stood at the entrance of Ophelia’s room. He watched as she spread items around her in a way that only made sense to her. He hadn’t announced himself when a floorboard creeked beneath him as he adjusted his weight. Ophelia turned round to check out the noise.
“Oh, hi kiddo. Just wanted to come and see how you were doing. What have you got there? Dean asked quickly once he had been noticed.
Ophelia sighed and said “Nothing really, just old memories and things. School photos and things like that.” She handed one of the photos to Dean who had planted himself next to her on the floor.
The photo was of a young Ophelia, probably not older than six years old. Her hair was wild and her green eyes looked too big for her small face. She wore a blue and white checkered dress that had a school logo on it. Dean smiled as he studied the photos. Although Ophelia had grown into her eyes, she still looked exactly the same as she did in the photo.
“I’m just thinking about what stuff I should leave here and what I should take with me.” She said.
“Yeah, it can be hard to know what to take when you are always moving around. But, you won’t be. You’ll be at the bunker so you can bring whatever you want.”
“Oh, really?”
“Yeah kiddo, obviously you’ll have to be able to carry it otherwise we can’t get it there but bring what you like.” Dean replied.
Ophelia stood up with energy that didn’t quite match the mood of the conversation.
She pulled out a suitcase, which was much bigger than the one Dean had seen previously, and began filling it with different coloured shirts, skirts and shorts and a few dresses. After the clothing followed the books, a mixture of textbooks and fiction and autobiographies.
Ophelia spent probably twenty minutes filling this extra suitcase while Dean sat quietly watching her.
Photos and other decoration was the last thing to go into the case before Ophelia sat on top of it to close it.
Finally Ophelia stood up and announced that she was all packed.
“That’s it? You don’t need anything else?” Dean asked.
“Nope, everything else is either in my tote bag or my other case. Oh I do need to get the photo out of my car though. I can’t go without that.”
“Alright then, well I’ll take that downstairs as it must be a little heavy.”
Dean took the suitcase from Ophelia and headed out the door. The girl cleared up the items all over the floor before heading downstairs to her family.
Her bags were by the door. Her mum was trying her best to not cry and her brothers were talking with Cas.
“Are you sure this is what you want to do? It’s not too late to back out.” Sandra said.
“Mum, don’t worry about it. I’ll email you every day. Don’t text otherwise we both will be billed horrendously.” Ophelia replied with a giggle.
“Okay so this is how it’s going to work.” Dean interrupted. “Cas will take Sammy and I home first so we can be there for when you arrive and then he will come back for you Ophelia.”
Ophelia nodded. They had been over this a few times but Dean was probably saying it more for the benefit of Sandra.
“I put the photo of you and your grandad in your tote bag Ophelia.” Sam said with a smile “We will see you in a bit.”
Both boys moved over to where Cas was standing. They grabbed his hand, picked up their bags and with a flash of light they were gone.
It was probably five or so minutes later when Cas was back again in the hallway with another flash of light.
“Is there anything you need before we go, Ophelia? I do not want to have to come back if you have left something. It is very draining.” Castiel said.
“No, I’m all ready to go Cas. Just one moment.” She turned to her mum and gave her a deep hug. “I’ll be okay mum, I promise.” She whispered into her ear.
“I know. I love you.” Sandra whispered back.
“I love you too mum.”
The two women broke apart. Ophelia carried her bags from the door to where Cas stood and sighed. The angel took the larger bag in one hand and Ophelia’s hand in his other. Ophelia held tightly onto the angel as she had no idea what was going to happen next.
“Are you ready to go, Ophelia? Cas asked one last time.
“Yes.” Was her reply.
Ophelia saw her mum cry a little as the room turned bright for what seemed to be forever.
When Ophelia’s feet finally felt like they were on solid ground again and the brightness died down she was greeted by the faces of her brothers in a very unfamiliar room.
“Welcome home Ophelia.” Cas said to the girl as she dropped her bags onto the hard wooden floors.
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thematthewscrew · 8 months
(A/N Just been thinking since we have been talking about the arrival of the new baby and AK, here is a a throwback to when Audrey was born☺️)
Warnings: fluff, mentions childbirth,childbirth inaccuracies
Little Caboose
July 13th, 2039
It was Colin's birthday one very hot July day. We had everyone over his sisters, nieces, nephews, parents, all of our friends and their kids. I was making sure everything was ready and prepped to have everyone over. I was reaching up for a bowl for the fruit when " Hey give me back my Barbie Abbie!" I heard Gracie yell then I felt whoosh behind me. I got the bowl down from the cabinet just in time to turn around and pluck the Barbie away from Abbie. " Hey!" She said " Don't you hey me you know you're not suppose to steal from your sister." I scolded " But Mama she has the cool mermaid one!" She whined " Remember when Daddy and I both took you all to the store and you got to pick out one thing you wanted for doing well in school?" She nodded " What did we say to you?" I asked her " You get what you get and you don't pitch a fit." She said " That's right. Instead of taking it from your sister how about you ask your sister to play with it?" " Okay Mama." She said. I handed the Barbie back and then I watched as Abbie huffed as she went to go give her sister back her toy. After, I turned back around smiling to myself to finish putting the fruit in the bowl. Just then I felt a sharp pain I supported myself with counter top and rubbed my back soothingly. Just then Colin came in from the back from grilling with Lydia. " Hey Lydia is a great grill master you should- are you okay?!" He gave Lydia the meat and rushed over to me " Yea I'm fine I just I had this pain in my back." " Are you sure? You know you're about to pop any moment." He asked rubbing my back affectionately. Yep we were having our fourth and final baby. Also our fourth girl as luck would have it. I swear this time it was going to be a boy.
" Wow you really know how to whoo me babe." I smiled " I'm sorry I just mean are you sure it's not labor? You know your due date is like a few days away." " My back has been this way since this Morning. I used the heating pad earlier it helped. Don't worry." " You know I worry when you're like this." Colin said wrapping his arms around me. " I think my body is just getting ready that's all." I said leaning into him. " Are you sure you're okay Mama?" Lydia finally spoke up after observing Colin and I " I'm sure baby. Hand your Daddy that meat and we'll put it on the warmer." Colin let me go and grabbed the meat from Lydia. Then he gave her a kiss on the forehead.
" Now go start getting ready for everyone and try to help your sisters too please." I told her " Yes ma'm." She said walking off. Colin put the meat on the warmer and turned back to me " You would tell me right if it was time?" " Of course! This just doesn't feel like this it." " I just want to make sure you know since the twins and all the medical complications I just want be careful." He said looking at me lovingly. " I know. Believe me I know what it feels like and this isn't it. I mean I've had natural births with all of them after all. Of course Lydia's was an accident since the epidural didn't work. After that I was scared to try to get one again when we had the twins." " I know I remember." He replied hugging me. " If you weren't so calm and our midwife and doctor with the twins I would've been freaking out." " That's what I'm here for." He said kissing the top of my head. Just then I felt another pain in my back and I ceased. Colin felt me tense up and rubbed my back. " We don't have to celebrate my birthday." He told me " Uh yes we do there's no way we aren't. You only turn 39 once." " We don't have to celebrate with everyone over though and don't remind me. It's only one more till I'm 40." He whined releasing us from the hug. " We are celebrating and that's it. And hey look at it this way you make a great DILF." I smirked while he turned around to get ready. " Yea but only for you." He smirked. I rolled my eyes and smacked his butt playfully " Go get ready." I told him. He laughed and went on his way.
Later everyone was over and I was placing things on the table. " You should really let us help you." Harper said. " No it's okay I got it. You are our guests." I replied smiling. " Yea but you're 9 months pregnant and should be taking it easy. Go sit down." Colin's mom said taking the plates from me. " You sure?" I asked. " Yes. Now go." I smiled at her and rubbed my back and slowly sat myself down on one of the chairs. I smiled as I watched all the kids play together and all the dads together by the cornhole game I waved at Colin and he smiled at me.
A little while later we had cake and Colin blew out his candles. Then he opened his presents. After, I watched as Colin's sisters and mom washed the dishes. " Are you sure I can't help anyway?" I asked them again "No I don't want you lifting a finger. You're about to have a baby any moment." Colin's mom replied " " Yes ma'm" I chuckled " So have you decided on a name yet?" Penelope asked " I think so but we are waiting till she's born." I grinned " It shouldn't be long now." Ava smiled. " Believe me I know." I said rubbing my belly. " What are you lovely girls talking about?" I heard Colin ask as he wrapped his arms around my shoulders kissing the top of my head " What the baby's name is going to be." I replied " Ah." He said. " I have an idea what if your dad and I take the girls tonight so you and her can have at least one more night to yourselves before the baby is born?" Colin's mom suggested nodding to Colin and I " That actually sounds amazing!" I said " Are you sure Ma?" Colin asked
" Absolutely! " she exclaimed.
Just as if on cue we heard three pairs of feet. We turned and the twins and Lydia were staring. " Were you talking about us?" Gracie asked cheekily " Maybe." I teased squishing her cheeks with my hand. Gracie couldn't help but giggle. " How would you girls like to spend the night with Oma and Opa tonight?" Colin asked " Yay!!" The girls cheered. " I can help them with a bag, you just sit back and relax." Penelope told me. " Thank you so much." I smiled at her gratefully. " They are growing up too fast." Colin said watching them go " I know. " I sighed.
Before we knew it the girls and everyone were gone. So I went up to Colin's and I room to take a shower. While getting ready to wash my hair I heard " Can I join Mrs. Matthews?" I heard Colin ask " Of course Mr. Matthews." I giggled. Colin came in and started helping me shampoo something that he did with each of my pregnancies when I began to get too big. He kissed my shoulder and said " Thank you." " For what honey?" " This life, the girls, everything." " Oh honey you don't need to thank me it was a joint effort." I said " I know but I just wanted you know I'm thankful and I had a great birthday." He said kissing me more. " I'm glad." After the shower I was brushing my teeth when I got yet another pain I sucked a breath in " Are sure you're okay?" He asked again putting his pjs on. " I'm fine I promise." I assured " I think we should go to the hospital." " Honey I love you but I'm okay." I said rubbing his cheek. Knowing he couldn't win he just sighed and shook his head " So stubborn." " You know it." I winked putting on one of his tees. While getting into bed I put the heating pad on to relieve some pain. " It's so quiet." Colin whispered turning to me " I know pretty soon it won't be , it'll be actually even more loud." I replied looking at my belly. " I know then there will be 4 of them." He said putting a hand on my stomach. " Yep. Think you can handle it?" I asked " Pshh I did grow up with 5 sisters you know." " True. You are surrounded by girls." I giggled. "I know. " I paused for a second before replying . " Are you ever sad we didn't have a boy?" I asked him " No. not for a second." " Are you sure?" Yes, you and the girls are more than I could have dreamed of. I wouldn't change a thing." He said. " I love you." " I love you." He said and kissed me.
As the night went on I tossed and turned and still could not get comfortable. The pain in my back wasn't getting better. That's when I realized that it was probably time. As I slowly got up to get Colin I felt a gush. " Oh boy." I said. That's when I really got Colin " Colin! Colin!" I said shaking him " Mhm what?" He asked groggy. " you wanted me to let you know when it was time. Well it's time." I told him " It's time?" " yes." " Like right now?" He asked more alert " Yes!" I yelled as contraction peaked. " Okay, sparkles okay." He said throwing off the covers. I was breathing through the contraction and then it ceased. " We need to call your mom , my mom, and tell them what's going on and the midwife and hospital." I told him while putting my hair up " Got it on it." He said going to get his phone " I'm going to go change and make sure to time the contract-" I stopped mid sentence as I felt another. Colin rushed over and kneaded my back. " That's it, Just breathe baby." He coached. That contraction ended and Colin looked at me as if he was looking for an okay. I nodded and he went to call. I waddled my way to our walk in closet to get another pair of pants. As I was in the process of changing the contractions just kept coming. That's when I knew we weren't going to make it. I forgot all about the pants and just focused on the contractions. When Colin came back he saw how I was kneeling over the bench in our closet. " We aren't going to make it to the hospital." I groaned " What do you mean?!" " I mean that we aren't going to make it." I said trying to stay calm. " I mean are you sure?!" Colin asked trying to keep his panic at bay. " Remember all that back pain? Looking back I think it was back labor." I yelled as a contraction came. Colin took a moment closed his eyes so he wounding panick too and took a big breath. " okay, I'm gonna call the midwife your mom and my mom just to keep them up to date alright?" He said calmly kissing my head. All I could was nod as the contractions kept coming. Then before I knew it he was back with towels and with the midwife talking to him. " Okay, baby the midwife said she could meet us her but she may not make it so she's going to talk us through it or well me. " He said kinda nervously " Ok." I said trying not to cry because of panic " Hey don't cry we've been here before okay we've got this baby. You've got this." He said eye level to me " I got this. " I confirmed. " That's my girl." He smiled kissing me. Then I heard our midwife on the phone " Hey Mama how we feeling?" She asked " Hey Shelia I could be better if I was at the hospital." I said Kind of panicky " I know honey but you got this okay? I'm on route and then I have an ambulance coming soon as well okay?" " Okay." " Great now are you feeling pushy at all?" " A little..." " Okay Colin do you see you see anything?" Colin looked " Not anything yet." He told her " It won't be that way for long because based on what you told me her contractions are three minutes apart which means we are about to have a baby any moment, So Colin when she has her next contraction instruct her to push okay? I'll be here to help . " Got it." He nodded rubbing my back. " Here it comes!!" I yelled. " Okay baby push you got it!" Colin coached. I pushed while screaming and groaning in the process. I could her my midwife instructing and Colin cheering me on. It only took two to three more pushes just like that and baby girl was out. She cried a loud cry. " Is she okay?" I asked crying while turning around. " Hey sweet pea," Colin cooed " oh baby she's perfect. You did it!" Colin said sniffling while wiping her off and putting her in a towel. Colin placed her on my chest and went back to the phone. " She's here at," Colin stopped to looked at the clock on his phone 12 am on July 14th." Colin told the midwife " " She's so chunky." I said laughed out of breath. " She is. She's defiantly bigger than her sisters were. I'm so proud of you honey. " Colin said smiling kissing me. " Thank you for not passing out." I said out of breathe smiling.
Then we heard Shelia on the phone. " Congratulations!! Is her color good and pink?" " Yes." "Perfect! Just in time too because I just pulled up."
When Shelia came the paramedics did to. After a little bit Shelia came back over from talking to the paramedics " Alright mama we are having you go to the hospital now okay?" She said looking over the baby once more. I just nodded not caring because our baby girl was here. " She's perfect." Colin said again with tears in his eyes " She is. Happy Birthday Audrey Kate Matthews , our little caboose." I said kissing her forehead.
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your-ghoul-pal · 2 years
Shining Brightly (Chapter 1/?)
Tags: transfem!terzo, fluff, coming out, accidental coming out(?), Copia is a shithead little brother, (Terzo and Copia are siblings) Wordcount: 3k
A/N: idk if I will write more for it, mostly since writers block is bugging me Read on AO3
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Her heart beat high in her chest while she slipped on her only dress. A cute pinkish red dress with flowers on the skirt. She loved this dress so dearly and wished she could show everyone but she was mortified, mortified for the reactions. She was to be the next papa, she had to be a man even when she wasn't one. A knock on the door brought her back, "Don't come in" she says, panic setting out through her whole body. "Why not?" She recognized the voice of her little brother, Copia. "Ehm, because I'm changing?" she answers.
She took off the dress as quickly as she could but Copia had already entered the room holding one of his rats, "What a cool dress." "I told you to not come in" her voice was shaky.
"I'm sorry" Copia says, facing the floor.
She can hear his voice break a little. "Hey, don't worry. Just don't tell anyone about the dress" She says while quickly throwing on trousers and a t-shirt, the dress laying in a small pile on the bed.
"What dress?" Secondo says entering the room. Her cheeks flustered up in embarrassment "nothing, just don't tell any more people. Please" she said with pleading eyes.
"My mouth is sealed" she recognized Primo's voice. "Can't you leave your sister alone for one moment" once she realised what she said her eyes widened in fear. "Sister?" Secondo asked, confused.
Carefully Terzo looked up to face her brothers, none of them looked angry, their faces rather read as empathetic.
"Yes" she mumbled, her body flooding with shame.
"I've always wanted a sister" Copia broke the silence after a moment "and now I've got one of the coolest ones as well!"
Terzo felt tears burn in her eyes and a soft sob leaves her lips. Copia carefully puts the rat on his shoulder and wraps his arms around his sister.
Primo and Secondo look at each other, unsure of what to do. All they knew was that they had to protect their sister from their parents, since they were rather old fashioned. But that was a problem they would tackle later.
“Hey, Terzo?” Primo started, Terzo softly nodded “Terzo” she answered whispering. “Terzo, you know we love you, even if we don’t show it as much. But we will make shit go down if anyone dares to be mean about this. Understood?” he continued on a demanding tone that always scared Terzo a bit but she answered him with a soft nod.
“Do you want to keep this between us, just us as broth- ehm. siblings having a little secret?” Secondo chimed in. “Yes, please,” Terzo said, feeling like a weight was taken off her shoulders. However, another weight was added. Her older brothers would pose no real threat, but her little brother could be horrible at secrets. She just hoped he could keep one, for once.
Primo and Secondo left the room to go back to their tasks. Primo went back to the gardens and Secondo went to pass by the library. Copia looked at Terzo, unsure if he also had to leave. “Can I stay?” he asked with a small voice. Terzo wasn't sure, she likes hanging out with her little brother sometimes, but also often he could be a first class asshole. “Sure, just promise you won’t tell anyone, and I mean ANYONE about this.” She said after thinking about it for a moment.
Copia smiled and tried to get his rat out of his sleeve before sitting down on the bed. Terzo’s room was on the small side, plus it wasn’t very personal to her. Her mattress that laid atop of some pallets was dressed in the boring sheets from the church, plain black with some white and gold details here and there. The dresser that held her clothes was painted a dark purple, her signature colour. The colour that already dressed the cloths in front of the window. In a way she was glad her signature colour was more on the feminine side, but she wished it had been brighter.
She is pulled from her thoughts from a squeak from a rat, “Sorry” Copia murmured directly afterwards. “She had something in her fur, I tried getting it out, she is not a fan.” “Don’t worry,” Terzo says, turning to her brother. Who is holding his rat and softly pets it, his eyes are filled with questions.
“What do you want to know little one?” she says sitting down next to him. She knows he is often not the one to dare to ask anything, not wanting to be an inconvenience. “Ehm, nothing. Don’t worry about it.” he stumbles out.
“I know you want to know something, just ask it. Just let it out. I won’t be upset. I promise” Terzo said, placing her hand on Copia’s shoulder. He turns his head to her and she stares right into his little puppy eyes, on the verge of tears, “really?”
“Really” she smiles at him.
“I-I-I was wondering if, if, if. I wanted to know if.” Copia stumbles. “Take your time,” Terzo reassures him. Copia takes a deep breath and continues “I wanted to know if it is okay if I could take you to the yule celebrations as my big sister, or if we have to still go as brothers?” his voice breaking of nervousness.
“I don’t know, Yule is still many months away. Let’s first deal with the other stuff this year brings. My pappacy coming up worries me more.” Terzo responds with sorrow in her voice.
“I don’t think it should be a problem” Copia responds, hopping off the bed. “Maybe you can try and grow your hair out and make yourself more like you subtly” he adds half twirling through the small open space in the room, “Like I can help you paint your nails!” Copia adds, excited. “Maybe we can paint my nails, maybe also yours, if you want to? We can make it a kind of girls night.” Terzo said with a smile “I think there are some siblings who are okay with lending some?”
“Shall I go and ask?” Copia was practically jumping around from joy. Terzo just watched him with a smile, “Sure, just don’t tell anyone about your cool and awesome big sister.” She says. Copia turns to face her and just flips her off before running off. Terzo just scuffs at her brother's reaction, she stepped off the bed and looked at the little bundle of her dress. She picked it up and held it in front of her, turning to the mirror on the door. This dress is so fucking nice, I wish I could wear one on stage once I am pappa, or would my title be mama? She shrugs, that will discussed later she hoped.
She folds the dress up and stuffs it back into the back of the dresser, behind her “normal” clothes. Maybe someday
She sits back onto her bed and fiddles with her hands, anxious about everything that her little brother could be causing. She just hopes he tells whoever he is talking with that the nail polish he is trying to get is for him and not his big sister. She tries to keep herself from biting her nails again, knowing it will only make her upset. Short bitten off nails gave her an odd feeling of hatred, she loved her nails on the short side but well kept.
After what felt like hours, when it was maybe twenty minutes at maximum, Copia stormed into her room again. He held out his fist and opened it to show Terzo a bottle of deep blue purple ish nail polish. “Unholy Satanas, that is fucking beautiful” Terzo exclaimed picking over the bottle.
She scooted a bit to the side and petted the now empty spot next to her, inviting Copia to sit next to her. Carefully she unscrews the bottle and streaks the excess nail polish of the brush and puts the bottle on her nightstand. She takes the brush and hands it to Copia. “Can you paint them for me?” Terzo asked in a small voice. “Sure, but be warned, I am probably pretty bad at it” he answered with a cheeky smile.
“Probably better than if I did it myself.”
Copia took the little brush in his hand and Terzo’s hand in his other, carefully he began to paint her nails. One by one they got a thin coat of nail polish.
Terzo noticed tears rolling down her cheeks, she had tried to stop them but it was a hopeless attempt. However they didn’t feel like tears of sadness or anything bad. It were tears that held hands with her while skipping through the high grass and flowers, forgetting all worries and problems. She wished this feeling to stay forever.
After the first coat of nail polish was on Copia screwed the bottle close again, waiting for the coat to dry before applying the second one. They both looked at the work Copia had done so far, surely it didn’t look amazing but Terzo didn’t care, it made her feel alive.
“Have you done this before?” Terzo asked, breaking the silence and Copia’s concentration. Copia turned to her, shaking his head. “Nope, never really done it myself, but I have seen siblings paint each other's nails a lot so I just copied what they did” he shrugs.
The silence returns, Copia let himself fall back onto the bed with a deep sigh. Terzo turns slightly to look at him, raising her eyebrow. “What the fuck was that needed for?” she says.
“What was what needed for” Copia says, slightly annoyed, propping himself up on his elbows. “There was no need to throw yourself back that hard, you know you could have very possibly hit the wall with your head. You know what happened last time, you don't want that again, do you?” Terzo says with a serious tone.
“Ugh”, Copia grunted as he threw himself on the bed again.
After a few minutes of tense silence Copia sits up again and reaches for the nail polish. “I think the first coat is dry, let’s add the second one” he says, twisting the cap off. Terzo gave him her hand and Copia carefully adds a second coat of polish. Terzo looks at him working carefully, his tongue pushed out a little bit as a sign of his concentration.
“And… done.” he says sitting up and loosening his grip on her hand, Terzo looks at her hands. The nail polish was not as neat, little blobs of it sitting around her finger nails, but she didn’t care. “I am sorry it is so messy, I truly tried” Copia says in a small voice, letting his head hang. “Don’t worry little one, I love it.” Terzo reassured him, “really” Copia softly said, turning his head a bit to face her. “Yes,” Terzo answered.
“Now we wait for it to dry, but I think I will first bring this back to the sibling I lend it from.” Copia says, standing up and grabbing the bottle. “Don’t you want to paint your nails too?” Terzo asked him, confused. “I’d want to but I think it gets in the way of handling my rats so I will skip out on this one” he said hopping off the bed. “Oh, okay”, she responded with slight disappointment.
Terzo felt glad no one really mentioned the nail polish, and the one sibling who had asked about it was nice about it. Only Imperator and Nihil had been mean about it, but her brothers had stood up for her. However when she noticed that the nail polish began to chip away she felt a dread in her chest, her painted nails brought her so much joy. She didn’t understand why but who cares, sometimes things don’t need to make sense.
The one response she will never forget is from a sister who had pulled her to the side. Which already didn’t happen often, and when it did there was a lot of flirting going on beforehand. But this time, there hadn’t been any flirting, hell there had never been a conversation between the two of them, or at least for as far as Terzo remembered.
“I am sorry, but I just need to talk to you, under four eyes” the sister said, in a voice familiar to Terzo but she couldn’t place it. “No reason to be sorry, Sister…. What is your name?” She carefully asked. “I am sister Agnes, well you don’t know me as that, but it is who I truly am.” Sister Agnes responded. Terzo raised her eyebrow,
“What do you mean?”
Agnes took a deep breath, “What I am trying to say is that I joined the church as a brother, and well now I am here, as me, a sister of sin. Living a happy and sinful life.” “Well I am happy you found yourself sister, but may I ask what this has to do with me?” Terzo asked, trying to avoid the topic shifting to her.
“I know something is bothering you, you are scared to admit it, or at least show it. I can see it in your eyes. It may be invisible to others but I see it in you, everything you do tells me something about you. Would you be okay with talking about it with me?” Agnes says, her hand holding Terzo’s chin and forcing her to keep eye contact. Terzo flashes her eyes between Agnes’ eyes, terrified. FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK HOW DID I NOT KEEP MY GUARD UP ENOUGH, SOMEONE SAW RIGHT TROUGH IT. I AM SUCH A FUCKING IDIOT.
“Hey, back to earth.” Agnes snapped her fingers in front of Terzo’s face. “Would you be okay with talking about it with me, cause I feel it is an issue I have a bit more knowledge on than the average person.” she said with a small laugh, gesturing at herself. “I-I-I don’t know what you are talking about, why would you make such assumptions about your future leader,” Terzo responded, trying to sound big and strong but instead she sounded weak, frail and scared. She knew that Agnes was aware, she knew she could help, but she was too scared to admit it. “Are you serious?” Agnes said, almost teasingly.
Terzo tried to let her head hang but Agnes quickly grabbed her chin and made her look up to her again, “Let me try again. Would. You. Be. Okay. To. Talk. About. It. With. Me.” she said, putting emphasis on every word. Terzo looked down and let her shoulders hang, she could let her head hang since Agnes moved her hands to lay on Terzo’s shoulders. “Anyways, if you want to talk you know how to find me” she smiled at her before leaving. Terzo stayed behind, in utter shock. She wasn’t sure what happened, but she knew she should talk to her. She knew she would need to set herself over her fears and pride and just get help answering her questions.
After a few minutes of staring at the floor, lost in thoughts she also left and returned to her room. Once she closed the door the tears started to flood her eyes, spilling over her cheeks and onto the floor. She let herself slide down the door to the floor, her head leaning against her knees that she had pulled up to her chest. She didn’t hear the soft squeaking from a rat, Copia’s rat, so when she felt soft fur against her leg she was startled.
She carefully picked up the rat, “What are you doing here little fella? Do you like me more than my annoying little brother?” she asks the rat in a playful tone. The rat squeaks back at her, causing her to smile a bit. “Come let’s bring you back to where you belong.” She stands up and puts the rat on her shoulder and wipes her face clean off the tears.
She walks down the hallways to her brother's room, the rat happily squeaking on her shoulder. She doesn’t knock before entering his room, she is met by Copia, sitting on the floor. His shoulders softly shaking, indicating that he is crying. “Hey, little bro, I found your rat,” she says, carefully approaching him. “Thank you” he softly sobs, taking over the rat Terzo hands him. “What’s the matter little guy?” Terzo asks, sitting down next to him on the floor. “Nothing,” Copia shrugged, his head turned to the floor.
“Don’t try and act all tough,” Terzo says softly, nudging him. Copia smiles a bit and scoffs at her, “I am not trying to act tough, I am though.” “Yeah and the moon is square” Terzo jokes at him. Copia scuffs and gives Terzo a shove, “You are still such an ass, you know that right?” She laughs “Well, I am still your big sibling, it is my big sibling duty. Doesn’t matter if I’m your big sister or your big brother.” Copia rolls his eyes and stands up to put the rat back into its cage.
Terzo stands up and joins him by the cage, 2 rats are now seem curled up against each other in the little hangmat. Terzo leans her head against Copia’s shoulder, since he is a bit taller. “Is this part of having a sister? Having some emotional wreckage leaning against me?” Copia says playfully, softly shoving Terzo away from him. Terzo lifts her head up and turns to face him just to roll her eyes at him and scuff.
“Anyway, I have to get going, I have work to do. Keep your rats to yourself little one” Terzo says turning to the door, she can hear Copia murmur “I am literally fucking taller than you, stop calling me little.” Before she slips out the door she adds “You are younger, you will always be my teeny tiny little brother”. All Terzo hears while she walks away from her brother's room is an annoyed grunt and she softly laughs to herself.
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tiger85 · 1 year
Omegle Chat
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say STAND WITH THE CHINESE PEOPLE AGAINST THE CCP!
You both like Ask Me Anything.
You: hi
Stranger: Hi
You: How are you?
Stranger: Good n u
You: fine thanks
You: You prefer asking or answering
Stranger: Answering
You: Cool, anything off limits?
Stranger: Not really
Stranger: No fun that way
You: Very true
You: I'll start easy asl?
Stranger: Oh boy, ok im 18 f us but im mature for 18
You: Good to know
You: I like that
Stranger: Cool are you a guy? Just asking doesn't matter
You: yes I am
Stranger: Ok usually when i say 18 they leave
You: 18 is fine by me.
Stranger: Cool
You: I'm gonna get a bit dirty though now hope you don't mind
Stranger: I dont, at all
You: What age did you lose your virginity?
Stranger: 13
You: How old was the guy?
Stranger: 16
You: A bf from school?
Stranger: Well a boy i had a crush on, yes from school
You: Oh so he wasn't your boyfriend
Stranger: No he had a gf
You: Mind telling me how it happened then since he was dating a different girl?
You: Long response or something didn't show up
Stranger: He hit on me at a football game when she wasn't around and asked me if i wanted to pass by his house on the weekend
You: Oh, & of course since you had a crush on him you said yes
Stranger: Yes
Stranger: I asked about her he said she was going out of town
You: Did you spend all weekend with him?
Stranger: No just the day it happened his parents were out
You: Did he call you once they left & told you to come over?
Stranger: He texted me when to come
You: You knew you were going to lose your virginity as soon as you got to his house didn't you,
Stranger: Yea
Stranger: Part of why i went
You: How did it go down once you got there?
Stranger: He kissed me when i went inside and we made out, then he took me to his bedroom
You: How was the make out sess?
Stranger: Hot very i felt his cock rubbing me it was hard
You: what was he wearing?
Stranger: Jeans and a tee-shirt
You: same for you? Or something else?
Stranger: I had on leggings and a shirt
You: Not that its too relevent, but were did your parents think you had gone?
Stranger: I told them i was going to my gfs house and i talked my sister into taking me to his house she knew i was going to see him
You: Ah so older sis knew you were going to get laid
Stranger: Well she asked me any i said maybe she just said ok but use protection
You: Aw how cute.
Stranger: Shes super cool
You: Anyway he took you into his bedroom, then?
You: Thats good
Stranger: We made out more and then he stood up and took his jeans and shirt off asked me if i wanted to do the same and i did
Stranger: I kept my panties and bra on
You: He didn't have any underwear on?
Stranger: Yes he kept them on also
You: okay, was kissing him as good as you had always dreamt it would be?
Stranger: Yes
You: In a way you didn't want that to end did you
Stranger: No i wouldve been happy just making out lol
You: Even though you could see he was very hard inside those underwear?
Stranger: Yes very and ngl i was a little scared cause it looked really big
You: Oh okay, so there you are in your bra & panties and there's your 16 yo crush in just his underwear, now what?
Stranger: We made out some more then he got up grabbed my hand and sat me at the edge of the bed and he stood in front of me and lowered his underwear and put his hand on my head
Stranger: I knew what he wanted
Stranger: It was so big
You: He wanted you to give him head
Stranger: Yes
You: Was he cut or uncut?
Stranger: Cut
You: He had his hand on your head & moved it to his cock, or did you do it willingly?
Stranger: I grabbed it by the shaft and opened my mouth at the same time he gently pulled me towards his cock, i closed my eyes and felt it in my mouth
You: Just the tip at first I'm sure
Stranger: Yes
Stranger: I heard him moan
Stranger: So i guess it felt good lol
You: which had to make you feel good
Stranger: Yes it did
You: then you started taking more?
Stranger: Yes as much as i could, i had seen a few how to vids on youtube and i saw a real bj instructional vid on a adult web site
You: ah nice, so you were semi- prepared, just didn't expect him to be so big
Stranger: But i couldnt go that far down his shaft cause it made me gag
Stranger: Exactly
Stranger: I had the basics lol
You: Did he try to make you go down further?
Stranger: Yes but i gaged
You: I'm sure he liked hearing that though as well
Stranger: Im sure lol
Stranger: He did it a few more times and id gag and push away but he would say its ok just keep sucking me it feels so good
You: Nice
Stranger: My eyes would tear up
You: Did you look up at him as you sucked it?
Stranger: A few times yes but mostly i kept my eyes closed
You: He did that for a bit, then?
Stranger: Yes
You: Then what happened next? He have you take off your bra & panties?
Stranger: Basically yes after a while he stopped me and got in bed with me and pulled my panties off and told me to take my bra off
You: He didn't cum I'm sure from the bj
Stranger: No he didnt idk if i wasnt good enough yet or if he didnt want to yet
You: May have been a little bit of both
Stranger: Maybe
You: Now you are both naked in his bed together
Stranger: Yes
Stranger: Hes on top making out
You: Was he also feeling you up at all?
Stranger: Yes fingering me, more like rubbing me then i felt his legs push my legs open and i felt like this was it
You: okay
Stranger: But instead he went down on me
You: He ate out your pussy, I am surprised
Stranger: Yes he said oh wow, i guess since i had shaven smooth lol
You: nice, good on you,
Stranger: It felt amazing
You: His tongue felt great?
Stranger: 100 times better than i thought
Stranger: Yes
You: He probably had plenty of experience with his gf and maybe other girls
Stranger: Yes im sure but at that moment it was just him i didnt even think about his gf or anything
You: I would imagine not, sorry please continue from him eating out your pussy & it feeling so amazing
Stranger: He did it for a long time too, and i came for the first time in a guys mouth
You: Damn he must have been really good then
Stranger: I think he wanted me to cum
You: probably
Stranger: He didnt stop until i came
You: I bet you were shaking quite a bit by then
Stranger: Then he came up and kissed me which ngl kinda yuked me a little i never tasted my own pussy before lol
You: Still having it be him do it, must have felt somewhat good
Stranger: Yes it did
You: and then?
Stranger: Then it happened, he got between my legs and i saw him reach down and grab his cock and put it at the entrance and i took a deep breath and i felt him push
You: Had he put on a condom?
Stranger: Nope!
You: oh okay, please continue
Stranger: The pressure was intense and then the pain hit me, and i pulled away a little but he grabbed me and shhhh me and kept pushing the burning feeling intensified and then i felt him pop in i screamed a little and he stood still
You: He had popped your cherry
Stranger: Yes that was the burning i felt
You: right
Stranger: He asked me if i was ok should he go on, i just nodded my head
You: good girl
Stranger: He started fucking me
You: slow?
Stranger: The pain was incredible but it was also pleasurable at the same time
Stranger: Yes he went very slow because i was gasping when he would thrust
You: Did he eventually pick up the pace though?
Stranger: Yes after a few minutes he started to go faster and thats when it really started to feel really good
Stranger: I was moan and he was grunting
You: He was just laying on top of you?
Stranger: He went faster and faster and he was moaning louder and louder and then he all of a sudden pulled out and jerked his cock and he came all over my stomach
You: What did that feel like
Stranger: I looked down and omg his cock was covered in blood and his hand also from his cock and it was pools and pools of his cum on me
You: But yet you felt so good as well
Stranger: Yes like i had accomplished a feat lol
Stranger: Then he got up and said dont move !
You: oh
Stranger: He ran to the bathroom and came back with the roll of toilet paper and he gave it to me and said here so you can clean up and he took some of it and helped me clean also and he cleaned his cock too
You: Very sweet of him
Stranger: Yes and his sheets omg his sheets got so dirty lol
You: I bet they were
Stranger: We got dressed and i helped him take his sheets off and we took them to his laundry room and i was the one who put then to wash lol he didnt know how to do laundry lol
You: It happens
You: He didn't offer to let you shower?
Stranger: He said listen you know i have a gf, are we cool? And i said yeah we're cool
You: Of course you were cool with it, you got what you wanted lol
Stranger: No but looking back idk if i would of lol
Stranger: I think we both got something we wanted
You: What exactly do you think he wanted? Just to be the one to pop your cherry?
Stranger: He asked if he could give me a ride but i said its ok and called my sister
You: Told your sister about it all on the way home didn't you
Stranger: Yeah most likely add another notch to his belt lol
Stranger: Yeah i had to do my first walk of shame lol
You: But was it so much of a walk of shame to her?
You: since she already knew pretty much
Stranger: And of course my sister being my sister was fist pumping and wooop woopp as i walked to the car all i could do was lower my head i was so embarrassed lol
You: lol
You: Was she disappointed that you didn't use protection?
Stranger: I kinda lied to her and said i did
You: Shame on you
Stranger: Lol yeah i know but oh well lol
You: At least he pulled out though
Stranger: Yes!!!!
You: Did you ever make any more advances towards him or ever talk to him about it again?
Stranger: You know at that very moment i actually freaked out for a second thinking omg hes gonna cum in me and im gonna get pregnant all those thoughts in like 3 sec lol
You: I bet you did
You: Especially only being 13
Stranger: But i think he knew also thats why he pulled out
You: Well he probably didn't want any kids at 16 either
Stranger: I did see him at school a lot but kept my distance i think we both knew it was best
You: Part of you had to want to talk to him at least a little at times though
Stranger: Until the next time she went out of town lol
You: Wait, then what?
Stranger: We fucked again lol
You: How much later was that?
Stranger: I was his official side piece
Stranger: Like close to summer she went on fam vac
Stranger: We fucked a lot lol
You: What'd he do just text you the next time she was out of town & asked you to come over for a fuck?
Stranger: Yes pretty much
You: He fucked you a lot that summer as she was out of town?
You: Or that was just before summer
Stranger: We fucked, yes we fucked a lot and i did anal for the first time also with him
You: Everytime bareback?
Stranger: Yes but by then i was on the pill but he would still pull out
You: why were you on the pill? Had you told your parents?
Stranger: Only time he didnt pull out was during anal
You: Bet that was an odd sensation
Stranger: No at school the school nurse could give pills
You: oh okay
Stranger has disconnected.
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crimsun-n-clover · 1 year
i went to dollar tree today
i was going for craft shit. i keep getting rejected for all the delivery jobs i want so i’m trying to make silly little things that i could sell.
i like dollar tree because it makes me feel like there’s hope. i see things and design my trailer in my head. i pick which mugs i’ll use with my coffee maker, which wildflowers i’d plant outside, and which little trinkets i’d get for the kiddos.
i have a whole family of stray cats that i love ever so dearly. usually i can’t get close to them, but i feed them, bring them water, and talk to them in the hope that it improves their lives.
when i left dollar tree, i went around the back of the building because of where i was parked.
(this isn’t the dollar tree i went to last time, because at that one i dealt with the HORROR of seeing sugar’s sister employed there. by horrid chance i had just gotten a utility knife off the shelf there to carry with me in my battle vest, so if any rumors go around about homicidal intent that’s where that shit came from.)
when i went to the back i found a scrawny little black cat and threw out a handful of treats. he ate them up and i parked to get a can of the good wet food. the cat straight up walked over to me like we were friends. i gave him the food and he let me pet him, talk to him, play with him, all that. he has a scratchy little meow and he’s so fun. he was weaving between my legs and climbing all over me, purring and making biscuits. if i walked away, he would follow me. it was amazing. i made a new friend. he had bald spots and scars, as well as an ear notch, but he wasn’t neutered so it was definitely from a fight. he’s such a sweetheart and would roll over and lay on his back and paw at me.
i felt like a monster leaving him.
his name is ronnie and i will now dedicate myself to moving out so i can bring him home. he looks so sick and sad, but he’s so sweet and full of life. he only ate half of the can of tuna and gravy i gave him he’s so LITTLE. i can’t stand to leave him out there in the florida heat and constant floods, but i know i can’t bring him home.
my mom would absolutely kill me, my dad would question how i got him (and hanging out behind buildings is apparently not good), my bastard quarantine dog would eat him alive, and my spoiled sweet baby cat would be so jealous that he’d lose his absolute shit.
so instead of having four things in the way, i’m cool with just the one. i think ronnie and my boy would get along fine. they both are weirdly shaped black cats with green eyes that i found as baby ferals. they’re both affectionate and have silly little meows. i’m sure they’d be fine eventually.
ronnie being a stray is a bit of a problem. he’s not safe and i want him to be safe, but he’s in a really scary part of town for an animal or human. bears n heroin n all that mess. he’s probably covered in fleas and has ringworm or some shit, so i’d have to get him vet care before i could take him home, and there’s no way i can convince my parents. well, maybe my dad, but i’m not going through him for shit. and he’s so over protective of me that he’ll lose his mind about me trying to socialize ferals in bad areas.
my dad got one of his cats the same way. he was playing a bar show and met a stray in the parking lot that let him pet it and weaved between his legs, and he told his band that if the cat was still there after the set, he’d take it home. he was kinda joking, but when the cat was still there, he took it in.
hell, my dad was selling drugs at my age. get over yourself steven. your carbon copy lesbian bastard child is entitled to a little bit of tomfuckery. i’m not even doing anything wrong by normal person standards, my parents are just strict.
sometimes i’ll say something about being a bad person, but then my last remaining best friend will remind me that i found two baby raccoons in a walmart parking lot, fed them, named them, and now try to go check on them regularly. it’s just what i do.
i’m sure i’m the reincarnated motherfucker that found a wolf and just decided “yeah okay you can bite me a little bit because we’re besties now. what do you wanna eat sweetheart i have chicken and all that. yes you can have my entire bed. i sleep on the floor sometimes anyway.”
241 more days of lying, planning, suffering, and waiting to bring ronnie home.
0 notes
writingjjfics · 3 years
Jealous confessions
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Pairing: JJ Maybank x reader, Platonic!Pogues x reader
Summary: A night with the Pogues lead to much laughter, jealousy, and love confessions.
Warnings: nothing much, maybe some cursing
Requested?: yesss
Word count: 2.6k
A/N: Sarah is not a part of this (sad, I know) because we needed a jealous JJ. Sorry this fic took me so long but I have so much work to do for school and each time I try to write my inspiration is just gone so I also apologize for any mistakes and stupid jokes.
A/N(2): JJ looks so hot in this gif I can't🙃 (not my gif)
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It was one of those perfect evenings. You and the Pogues were having a movie night at JJ's and John B's small but cozy apartment. They moved in together a while ago after they both saved up enough money. Since you, Kie, and Pope still live at home with your parents, the three of you come over often and probably spend even more time in their apartment than at home.
After a long discussion about what movie to watch, because you and Kie wanted something romantic and the boys wanted a movie with loads of action, you agreed to watch both movies starting with the one you and Kie picked out.
It was a classic Rom-Com about a boy and a girl who started as friends through an accidental encounter and then they slowly fall in love. The movie was cute but you and Kie mostly wanted to watch it because of the good-looking lead actor. You both made loads of comments during the movie even if it was just to annoy the boys.
"Oh my god, he is so hot"
"He could run me over with that car and I'll thank him anyway"
"I would pay money just so I could touch those abs"
With each comment, you could feel the glances and hear the scoffs coming from the boys. It made you and Kie giggle every time.
You were seated in between Kie and John B. Usually, you always sat next to JJ but you have been avoiding close contact with him lately.
You've known JJ since you were 6 years old. You were at the beach with your family while he was there all by himself. He was playing with some rocks and branches when he accidentally tripped. There was nobody around to help him and you felt sad so you went to check upon him. He damaged his knee so you brought him with you to your parents. After they took care of his knee you played with him for the rest of the day.
"I want to make you my best friend now. To thank you for today and the fact that you are really cool. Well- best 'girl' friend since I already have a best friend called John B" JJ told you at the end of the day.
Since that day you were inseparable from him. He came to your house almost every day and your parents treated him like their own child. He soon also introduced you to John B, which you could also quickly get along with. Later you three met Pope and Kie which was the beginning of your friend group.
Kie is the sister you never had. You two share everything together being the only girls in the group of friends. John B and Pope are like brothers to you. You always prank and tease each other as siblings do.
But your relationship with JJ is a different story. Since the moment you were old enough to understand what feelings are, you felt that weird feeling in your stomach every time you looked or thought about JJ. You tried to brush it off as just a stupid crush since he is a good-looking boy giving you a lot of attention but the constant flirting with each other and the tension between the two of you doesn't help at all.
You promised yourself that you would never start a romantic relationship with a friend because of all the drama that could happen if things didn't work out and besides there's that rule, that stupid rule, that Kiara made up a few years ago. The "no Pogue on Pogue Mackin' rule".
While you always hold a glimmer of hope that things would work out with JJ someday, you also know that you need to stop doing that. You know JJ is more into casual hookups and doesn't want to be in a relationship, at least not for now.
With this in mind and your feelings for JJ growing every day, it's getting harder for you to see him at every Kegger flirting and kissing with other girls. Each time you see him walk away with some pretty girl to probably have sex with you die a little on the inside. You tried to give your attention to other boys, going on a few dates, or hooking up with random Tourons, but no one makes you feel the same way JJ does.
So a few weeks ago you decided to distance yourself a little from JJ, not in a way you are not talking or hanging out with him anymore, but just less touching and flirting with each other. You are hopeful that this will help to lose your crush.
Little did you know, JJ's feelings are exactly the same as yours. He always felt different with you, in a good way, he feels butterflies in his stomach when he is close to you. But he also noticed you distanced from him lately and at the same time you became closer with John B. Always sneaking away together, or whispering and giggling.
The thing was that John B recently came to you for girls' advice. There is this new girl in his Science class that he caught feelings for. And John B, being the stupid boy that he is, doesn't know how to get her attention so he asked for your help since he didn't know who else to go to. You decided to help him and took him out for lunches and fake dates to share experiences and tips.
So today you also sat next to John B instead of JJ. You noticed JJ glancing in your direction a lot. But you didn't think much of it. It was probably because you were talking a lot during the movie and it was annoying him.
You were watching the action movie for the boys now. You and Kie thought it was quite boring so you made loads of jokes about the plot.
"Can you guys please shut up, I'm trying to watch this movie in peace!" Pope snapped at us.
"Wow, rare outburst of emotions but okay sorry. We'll stop" you chuckled.
"I think it's time for more snacks" John B spoke up.
"I thought you were the snack here Routledge" you joked.
John B mockingly repeated your words. "Very funny Y/L/N" He walked to the kitchen with the empty trays to refill the bowls on them.
John B thought it would be fun to test out his new 'girl skills' so he added some flowers to one of the trays and handed it to you and Kie.
"For my beautiful ladies" he said while giving you a wink.
You knew exactly what he was doing. "Oh my god, girls would be so lucky to date you. Can't believe you don't have a girlfriend yet." you teased him.
JJ clenched his jaw, obviously feeling very jealous of the scene in front of him.
"Can we just continue watching the movie please?" JJ snapped.
"Can you have some humor please?" you mumbled softly, rolling your eyes.
John B chuckled at your comment.
JJ stared at you unamused. You could honestly die from how hot he looked at you. You gave him a small smile as some sort of peace offer. He didn't respond, raised his eyebrows, and looked back at the tv.
Weird... You thought. JJ usually laugh the hardest at these kinds of jokes or make a brilliant comeback.
It was currently 1 am and everyone was pretty tired from the long day and the movies we watched.
"Can we just sleep here tonight?" Kie spoke up
"Yeah sure, you three can figure out who sleeps where right? I'm going to bed now. Goodnight!" John B spoke while walking towards his bedroom.
You looked in the direction of Pope and Kie. JJ stood up as well and said goodbye while walking to his room. Pope mumbled something about you sleeping in JJ's bed like usual. You locked eyes with Kie.
Kie knows about your crush on JJ and you also told her that you've been trying to keep some distance from him lately. But she shrugs her shoulders and mouthed a sorry. You got up with a sigh and walked in the direction of JJ's room. What's one more night in his bed going to change anyway.
You knocked on his bedroom door and heard some mumbling so you slowly opened the door and stepped in.
"Hey Jay, can I sleep in your bed tonight?"
"Why don't you go sleep in John B's bed huh" he replied in a mean almost mocking way.
"Ew, why would I want to sleep in his stinking bed?" you laughed
"Idk so you two could continue with the lovebird's act"
You were confused at what he was saying, "Wtf JJ, what's wrong with you?"
He gave you a humorless laugh. "What's wrong with me? Because I can ask you the same. You ignore me for the entire night, no, not only this night but the entire time, and now you want to sleep in my bed?" he almost shouted
"I'm sorry, but I've just had a lot on my mind lately"
"Yeah, about John B probably?" he rolled his eyes and looked away from you
"What the fuck does any of this have to do with John B!?" you raised your voice, clearly confused and annoyed. You were tired and not in the mood to argue right now.
"You don't think I haven't noticed the two of you flirting all the time?"
"Flirting- Wha-?? I don't know what you are talking about?"
"Y/N, Oh my god- you are with him continuously, giggling and whispering stuff to each other. Don't act stupid and just tell me how it is!" JJ was shouting at this moment.
"My god- You can be so dumb sometimes! It's none of your business, but if you really must know. John B has a crush on a girl in his science class and asked me for advice. I've been giving him tips and helping with his courage to ask her out."
"Why are you acting so jealous anyway?" you asked confused and slightly mad.
JJ immediately looked guilty for shouting and his fiery eyes instantly softened "Sorry, I just miss hanging out with you, you know, like we used to"
"Don't you have your many hookups with random girls to fulfill that?" you said sarcastically
JJ stepped away from you and went to sit on his bed. "That's not the same.."
"What’s not the same?" you asked confused again
The fact that you were really tired and basically could fall asleep in an instant did not help with the conversation.
"What I feel for you" he mumbled softly
The moment JJ said what he said he immediately regretted it. He never meant to slip it out like this, if he ever had the courage to tell you.
"Wait- What- what did you say?" you heard it right the first time, you just didn't understand what was going on.
"Y/N can we please just drop this and go to bed. I'm sorry okay. Shouldn't have acted so stupid."
"No Jay, I want to know now. What's going on?" you insisted.
You went to sit on the bed beside JJ. There was this awkward silence. Both of you didn't know what to say next. Finally, after some very long seconds of silence, JJ spoke up.
"Listen, if I'm going to tell you, I want you to listen to me and wait for me to finish talking, okay?"
"Yeah, okay" you nodded. Your heart was beating fast by now. Could JJ possibly like you back?
"Uh- So- You know- I-" JJ was stuttering and couldn't find his words so you took his hand and held it to make him feel safe.
'Okay, I'm just going to say it" he chuckled nervously "I like you, as in, a lot, and more than just friends. For a very long time now. Each time I'm close to you I just want to kiss you and hold you and call you my girl and I know you probably don't see me like that, and that's okay, and then there is also that stupid no Pogue on Pogue Mackin rule-" JJ rambled on.
You were shocked, to say the least, and didn't even hear the rest of what he was saying. You never expected JJ to see you like this let alone think of you as a couple together. It was cute tho, seeing JJ this nervous. You don't think you've ever seen him like this before.
You noticed JJ had stopped talking and was waiting nervously for a response. The only right response you could think of at the moment was kissing him, so you did.
You moved closer to JJ, your eyes drifting from his ocean blue eyes to his lips. You leaned in to kiss him. The kiss surprised JJ a little, but before he knew it, he was returning it hungrily. He pulled your waist closer to him while you moved your hands to ran it through his hair.
The kiss was passionate. You both waited years to kiss each other and it felt even better than either of you could have imagined.
You pull apart to catch your breath, both of you having the biggest smiles on your faces.
"So, I guess you feel the same?" JJ smirked.
"I liked you for years now Jay" you confessed.
JJ brought your face close and kissed your forehead before pulling you in a tight hug. Both of you let out a huge breath of relief.
"Let's go to sleep now babygirl, we'll talk more tomorrow" he whispered.
You nodded and stripped out of your clothes. JJ handed you one of his shirts and he laid down in his bed. You climbed up the bed beside him and he wrapped you in his arms, pulling you close to his chest. He gave you kisses on your shoulder and head.
"Goodnight pretty girl"
"Goodnight handsome"
The morning came. You opened your eyes and heard small breaths coming from beside you.
JJ had one of his arms rested on your waist. You turned your body so you could look at him. He was still sleeping looking very peaceful.
You laid on his chest and slowly traced your fingers on his chest and face, giving him small kisses as well. That woke JJ up.
"Hey, good morning beautiful" he said with his deep morning voice.
His voice sounded even sexier and you could honestly just melt.
"Good morning baby" you whispered while kissing JJ on the lips.
JJ smiled "I'm awake right because this still feels very surreal?" you both chuckled.
"Well thank god it's real, I can't go back to normal now"
"So that means I can officially call you my girlfriend?" JJ looked at you hopefully.
"I wouldn't want it any other way" you smiled and leaned in to kiss JJ.
After some more talking, cuddling, and kissing you decided to have breakfast and join the other Pogues.
You proudly walked into the living room with intertwined hands.
The Pogues looked surprised. You looked at Kie and nodded your head.
"FUCKING FINALLY" Kie shouted. "I've been waiting for years for one of you to make a move"
"Congrats guys, I guess you giving me advice for that girl helped you too" John B said while giving you a wink.
"Yeah, you have no idea" you giggled and looked at JJ who rolled his eyes before giving you a sweet kiss on your forehead.
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chippedaxe · 3 years
yessss for karl?! omg yess please pleas please can you write a dom step sis! reader ruining innocent stepbro! karl!!
like she teases him and he just isn’t experienced at all and she just fucking destroys him, wanking him until the sensitive little bunny is crying and begging to stop from overstimulation
Title: Silly Boy
Warnings: !TW: STEPCEST!, NSFW (Minors DNI), cursing, corruption ig, blackmail, degrading, teasing, humiliation, penis degrading, small penis, overstimulation
Pronouns: She/her Afab
Synopsis: The reader dominates Karl and knocks him down a peg.
Word count: 2k
Note: If this type of content offends you in any way then please just ignore it, I have tons of other content on my page that isn't stepcest content and you're able to blockout any stepcest content by blocking the 'tw sepcest' or 'stepcest cw' tag <3
- This prolly isn't what u wanted but I thought of this and wanted to write it! also this hasn't been proofread and it hasn't been edited at all!
*Btw Veruca Salt is a spoiled kid that gets everything she wants, from Charlie and the chocolate factory.
Your eyes glared down at the younger boy, towering over him to show dominance "S-sis, what're you doing?" Karl asked "Trying to scare you, is it working?" you leaned down and kept eye contact with the stammering boy "u-um not really.." he stuttered out "then why're you stuttering over your words? You're obviously intimidated." you placed your hands on your hips.
"Well why're you trying to intimidate me? I'm just trying to read this book!" he groaned "Because someone has to knock you down a peg, you think just because you're younger that you can get everything you want? Well not if I can help it!" you were furious by the boy.
"What're you on about? What've I done to you?" Karl asked worriedly "You've been asking for a whole lot this week, veruca salt!" you threw your arms in the air and started pacing around him and his chair "What? Like what?" Karl was utterly confused "You've been asking for non-stop rides to your friends houses, and you've been leaving your laundry around for mother to do!" you cross your arms.
"You're overreacting!" Karl complained "Oh I'm not done! You've also been taking money from mom's purse!" you called him out "What- how did you know about that??" Karl immediately became tense "Oh you look so stressed dear brother, just relax- don't worry... I'm not gonna tell her-" Karl sighed in relief "Oh thank god" and got cut off by you finishing your sentence "-If you promise to be a good brother and listen to what your stepsister says!" you finished.
"WHAT? No way! I'm telling mom and dad!" He began to stand up but you pushed him back down "Oh no no no, you're gonna tell them what? That you stole the $200 that mom presumed was stolen by a thief? You gonna explain that to her after she already called authorities and had someone sent to jail?" you spat venom at him.
"You're evil!" Karl shouted "Me? Evil? I'm not the thief here" you grinned mischievously "Although I could be- if you don't wanna have to do everything I say then just give me something precious you own" you held your hand out expectantly "What am I supposed to give you? My soul?" Karl questioned "If you can bare to part with it then yes" you gave a mean smile in response to his sarcasm.
"I have literally nothing!" Karl exclaimed "You have your phone" you suggested "Dad would kill me if he found out I'd given it away!" He shouted "he'd kill you if he found out about that money too" you reminded him "I- I could give you... I'll let you date one of my friends!" Karl smiled nervously as he hoped you'd agree "What friends? You're a nerd, no one would want to be friends with you" snickered.
"S-Sapnap! He's strong, he loves animals, he has big muscles!" Karl said "The brute with dark hair? He's cute but not my type" you yawned "U-m.. Quackity?" a bead of sweat dropped down his face "He's super cool, really funny!" Karl was starting to worry as he was already running out of friends to pair you with "No.. My type is nerdy boys that I can dominate, ones that get nervous a lot and stutter over their sentences" you hinted.
"Oh- like Wilbur? I'm not really his friend but I can try something!!" Karl wasn't getting the hint "No, I was thinking more specifically towards someone like you." you finally told him "M-me? But I'm your brother!" Karl was in disbelief "Step-brother. And I don't really like you, I just think that you're pitiful and if you're gonna be selling someone's body to me in exchange to keep your secrets safe than it may as well be yours." you explained.
"But- Well- I've never done that before!" he put his hands up defensively "Well obviously, who would want to touch a greasy nerd like you?" you sighed. "Well- No, that's wrong!" he shook his head "Well I'm not gonna make you, just give me something else then and I'll be on my way" you told him. Karl looked down at his feet for a moment as he mulled over what was happening and what decision he was gonna make.
Karl lifted his head and made eye contact with you "Okay." he replied "Okay what? Okay you're gonna give me something?" you asked "No- I mean- okay I'm gonna give you my body" he mumbled quietly "Gonna need to speak up, can't hear you over the sound of our parents crying over having such a disappointing child" you ridiculed him.
"I'll give you my body, damnit!" he yelled "hey- quiet down, our parents are only just down stairs!" you made him shut up. "Whatever" he leaned back in his chair and slumped down "Karl. You need to give me your full consent, you can't just go 'yea whatever' and expect me to be fine with that!" you furrowed your eyebrows "Why?? What- do you need me to beg you for it?!" he was getting aggravated.
"Actually yes, I do" you decided to torment him a little bit "Big sis, please please please fuck this desperate loser" he put his hands together to make a praying gesture as he mocked you "That's more like it, runt." you grabbed his chin and forced him to face you "We can stop at any time, if you choose not to speak up then that'll be your fault" you made sure he was fully aware that he had a say even though he wasn't in control.
"Thanks. Now- how do we?" Karl was now confused on what you were gonna do, and he was having some type of delusion that he was gonna be the one in charge dominating you. "I think I'm just gonna have some fun by jerking you off, is that okay bunny?" you teased "W-what do you mean you're gonna jerk me off?" Karl asked nervously "I'm gonna stroke your dick, never done that before?" you bullied him.
"N-no, never even thought about it.." his face became red and flushed, you slowly slid onto his lap and straddled his leg "No? You haven't? Are you lying to your big sister? That's not very nice you know, Mom always told me that you shouldn't lie (Unless it's to your dad) " Karl glanced away from you and tried to hide his face "Aw you can tell me the truth, I'm a good listener after all!" you encouraged him "I haven't.." he persisted.
"Well then let me introduce you to the pleasure that is being jerked off, slide your pants down" you instructed "What? Do I have to.." he was clearly embarrassed "No. I guess I could just palm you through your pants" you shrugged. Karl sighed in relief and let out a small breath, tilting his head back in the chair and waiting for you to do what you wanted.
Your hand dipped between his legs, your palm rubbing his growing bulge "H-Hey that feels weird" he told you "So what? You want me to stop?" he shut his mouth, encouraging you to keep palming him. "This would feel a lot better if you let your cock free, instead your trapping it in your tight pants and strangling it.." you frowned "F-fine.." Karl blushed as he slowly pulled his pants down.
You watched in delight as he released his penis "Oh is this what you were worried about?" you stared down at it "O-Oh god-" Karl felt humiliated and went to put it away but you stopped him "It's cute.. I wouldn't expect a nerd's penis to be big anyways" you told him. Karl's little cock twitched at your words, moving slightly on its own "oh. my. god. You LIKE when I'm mean to you! That's why you never argue back! It all makes sense now.." Karl looked down to avert eye contact.
"That's perfect Karl, you love when I'm mean to you- and I love to make fun of you! Win Win!" you felt a small rush of excitement. Your hand wrapped around his cock which forced a choked out moan from him, his hands moving to cover his face "you're acting quite rude Karl. Look at your big sister when she's talking to you!" you ordered.
Karl slowly revealed his face, revealing how much pleasure he was having. "F-Feel's weird, let go!" he ushered you to let go of his penis, even though his body disagreed; his hips bucking up into your hand to help finish him off "Trust your big sister." you said as you continued to pump your hand around his cock. "Fuck! Fuck you!" Karl's whole body shuddered as he was having an orgasm, his penis twitching in your hand.
"Wow Karl, that was rude." you huffed and narrowed your eyes, your hand still lingering on his crotch "A-are you done now?" Karl panted as he was trying to catch his breath "Done? I've barely even started!" you laughed maniacally as you began to slowly stroke him again "Ah- no no no, that's too much!" Karl whined. "You want me to stop?" you asked him "Yes!" he exclaimed so you let go and pulled away "What?" Karl was confused and a bit upset "Hm? What is it?" you asked "You're just.. done?" he looked saddened.
"You told me to stop!" you explained "yeah but.. I didn't really mean it.." Karl's cheeks were dusted red "Well come back here then" you grabbed his hips and forced him back down onto his chair. Karl was already eager and bucking his hips up against you, your hand grabbed him again and started to jerk him off "Ah!- Ah-" Karl tried to keep quiet but couldn't help the escaped noises that came out.
You placed your free hand over his mouth to try and muffle his moans, his voice vibrating against your hand "You can never be quiet! Always have something to say, don't you?" you rolled your eyes at him. Karl clenched his eyes shut and tapped the chair repeatedly with his hand to let you know he was ready to cum again, you let him release his load yet again but you didn't remove your hand.
"A-Again?? I can only take so much.." Karl whimpered and whined "You're feeling this way already? But I've only just started!" You frowned "Well I guess I can give you a break now but there won't be any breaks later on when our parents go out to dinner." you stood up and got off him. "T-Thanks.." Karl huffed "For what?" you asked "Thanks for um- pleasuring me?" you scoffed and walked back to your room, ready to return at night time when you had Karl all to yourself.
*guys lemme know if u want a part 2 bc I could certainly make one of the reader x karl at night time after their parents have left.
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