#me: *fingerguns awkwardly*
noonaishere · 4 months
Online/Offline [C.S] - fifty-seven | five yeets deep
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The whole group had Keeho’s stream up on their screens. It was his room, empty, with his chair and microphone set up in front of the camera. You all began humming Pomp and Circumstance, as Keeho entered the room in the background. He opened the door, T-posed awkwardly in the doorway for a moment, walked into the room and closed the door behind him. He stood, purposefully awkwardly for another moment, before walking over to his desk and sitting in the chair and putting his headphones on.
You all cheered.
“It’s our boy!”
“Our boy is back!”
Keeho pretended to shush you in a solemn way.
“Yoon Keeho,” you said, effecting a reporter’s voice, “how do you feel about JUPiTER’s combined seven music show wins from this comeback?”
Keeho pulled one of the Music Bank awards towards him from where it was hidden from the camera and pretended to get choked up.
“He has one!” Yeji shouted and started laughing.
“MuBank!” San yelled.
“Ooooh,” Mick and Bracken said together.
“Show off,” Ryujin laughed.
“If you win, you might as well flaunt,” Keeho said as he dabbed at the no tears he had on his face with an imaginary handkerchief.
You laughed.
“But yeah, it’s actually really cool we won so many. The producers worked really hard in making us some amazing songs, the choreographers and dancers worked really hard making choreos that made us look good, the staff worked really hard with our costumes and hair and makeup and getting us where we needed to be and making sure were taking care of ourselves in the flurry of it all, and we took all that and worked really hard to bring the fans something they would love. And then our fans worked so hard voting and streaming and coming out at 1am to see the recordings and cheer for us… We’re all really proud of all of us and how we did, I think our wins were well deserved and extremely appreciated.”
“Do you get to keep the award Keeho?” Yeji asked.
“No, I have to give it back to my manager tomorrow so they can put it in the case at the company.” He put it back out of the camera’s view.
“They put all the awards in one case?” 
“Yeah, each artist or group has a case and they put any awards you win in it. Our dance team has a huge case actually, since they win so many contests.”
“That’s really cool.”
“Oh yeah, they totally deserve it. They’re called To The Beat and you should check out their youtube channel.” He winked and fingergunned at the camera.
“We’re all super proud of you, big guy.” You said.
“As my oldest and bestest friend, that means a lot, Cat.”
“It better.” 
He laughed. “Now, can you introduce me to the new guy?”
“Oh!” You said. “Keeho, this is Morn. MorningStar. I asked him to stream while you were away during your comeback.”
“It’s nice to meet you,” San said.
“Mhm, mhm.” Keeho nodded. “And what is this, you talk to boys now?”
“I’m talking to you, dumbass.” You said.
“I’m telling your parents that you’re meeting boys.”
“Tell them I met you, stupid.”
“Should I leave the stream?” San asked.
“Don’t pay attention to him, Morn, he’s an idiot.”
Keeho jokingly slammed his hands on his desk. “I don’t care how polite he is, he’s a boy!”
“I’m going to call your mom.”
Keeho’s eyes went wide and the other group members laughed.
“Anyway, so what games do we have lined up?”
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“That’s it. The stream is out of control,” Ryujin said. “We are five minutes into this game and are already five Yeets deep.”
You laughed and hit the button to flip the table again. “Yeet!”
“Stop flipping the table! We’re not getting anywhere!” She yelled.
“I can’t believe you guys planned virtual board games for my return stream.” Keeho said.
“I can’t believe you’d think we’d plan anything else.” Mick retorted.
“Touchy,” Bracken said, flipping the table.
Ryujin’s icon lit up as you heard her sigh loudly.
“Maybe we should take it easy on our lovely hostess, everyone.” San suggested.
“Maybe…” Keeho trailed off as the table reset and then flipped again. You knew he was the one who did it.
You all laughed again.
“Yeji, what are you doing?” Mick asked. “You’ve been quiet for a while.”
“Playing Lost Ark on another screen.” Bracken gasped. “During our game of Cluedo?”
“Clue.” Keeho corrected.
“Stephen, I will not have--”
“Not again.” You said.
“Are we really playing the game, Bracken? Or have you all been flipping the table since we started and we haven’t even handed all the clue cards out yet?” Ryujin asked.
“Cluedo,” Bracken corrected.
“I meant the cards have clues on them--”
“They are clues, Bracken,” Keeho said forcefully. “Not ‘cluedos’.”
You still had the streams of the members who used webcams - Keeho, Mick, and Bracken - up and you laughed as you watched Bracken widen his eyes and sighed incredulously.
“You can’t just just not call the game by its name, Keeho.”
“Umm, I am calling it by its name, Bracken? It’s called Clue.”
“Mate, it’s from the UK and it’s called Cluedo.”
“What about you, Mick? You’re from the US and moved to Australia, which do you call it?”
Dead air for a second and then Mick said, “...No entiendo.”
“Why is it even called ‘Cluedo’ anyway?” San asked. “My English isn’t great, but that’s not a word, right?”
“I’m looking it up,” you said. 
One of the reasons you were thankful to have Keeho in your life is that, as someone who lived in Canada when he was younger, he was invaluable when it came to high school English classes. Teachers thought you put a ton of time into studying when really, it was just that you had a friend who was fluent in English. And that wasn’t a fact that was known to many, since he didn’t want to be bothered by people who wanted to be his friend because they thought he could do their English homework for them, in addition to the people who were already bothering him because they wanted to be friends with an idol trainee. It was easy enough for you to open google and type ‘Why is it called Cluedo’ in english. You opened a link and scrolled for an answer as Keeho and Bracken continued to argue.
“Huh.” You said.
“What?” San asked.
 “I honestly didn’t expect an answer like this: apparently the word ‘Cluedo’ is a portmanteau of ‘clue’ and ‘ludo.’”
“What’s ‘ludo’?” Yeji asked.
“‘Ludo’ is the latin word for ‘play’, and the title ‘Cluedo’ is supposed to mean that you use the clues to play the game and solve the mystery.”
“Huh.” Mick said.
“Or you flip the table a million times and don’t even start.” Ryujin said.
“Or that,” you chuckled.
The table flipped.
“Cat, if that was you--!” Ryujin yelled.
You laughed. “It wasn’t! I was reading the thing! I would have said it if I did it!”
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“Lowkey, kind of want to play Lost Ark with you, Yeji.” Ryujin said.
“Come play.” Yeji responded.
“Do you all mind if we leave to stream that?”
“I don’t mind.” You said.
Everyone else agreed.
“Before you go, Ryujin…”
“I wasn’t the one who flipped the table just then.”
“...I believe you.” She left.
“That’s because it was me,” Mick said and laughed evilly. Two seconds later, he laughed hysterically.
“What are you laughing at?” Bracken asked.
“Ryujin’s cursing me out in my chat.”
“Deserved.” San said.
“Yeah… most of the flips were me. I’m sorry Ryujin. I’ll host the game next time and you can flip the table on me.”
“I like how you avoided the name of the game that time,” Keeho said.
“Speaking of,” Bracken interjected, “I can’t play this game with a man who refuses to call it by its correct name.”
“Uh huh.” Keeho said. “If you look up the game it literally says ‘called Clue in North America’ on every single link. It’s almost like they did it themselves.”
“Do British people speak a lot of Latin that they’d know it’s ‘clue’ and ‘ludo’ together?” San asked innocently.
“Bracken?” You asked. “Thoughts?”
He didn’t say anything for a few moments.
“You’re part of the Commonwealth, did you immediately know those were the words it was made from when you first saw or heard the title?”
“You there?”
“Did he just leave?!” You yelled.
Mick laughed. “He’s going ‘AHH!’ in the other room. I’ve never seen him this worked up about something before.”
“I win.” Keeho said.
“How did you win?” San asked.
“Did he really have a horse in the race for no reason?” You asked no one in particular.
San laughed.
“I’m going to get going, I think,” Mick said. “We actually have to take the dog to the vet tomorrow and that’s always a chore.”
“Shouldn’t have gotten a husky.”
Mick chuckled. “Yeah, I could do without the screaming. From both of them. But we’ll see you guys later.”
You all said bye and Mack left.
“So, what do we do now?” Keeho asked.
“Mmm…” You mused.
“...mmmmmMinecraft?” San asked.
“I can’t believe you started playing Minecraft again,” Keeho said.
“You were so bad at it,” he laughed.
“Hey!” You laughed. “I’ve gotten better.”
“I saw some of your streams, Cat: not by much.”
“Heyyy,” you pouted.
“She hasn’t done too bad,” San interjected. “She built a whole section of our house. Come look at it.”
San invited Keeho to the world the two of you shared and all of you hopped into it. Keeho spawned in a random spot and San sent him the coordinates, and suddenly Keeho was with the two of you in the house.
“Come see,” San’s avatar ran off and you and Keeho followed behind. Once you all made it outside, he ran over to the wing you built all on your own. “See?”
“Oh, wow, that’s actually pretty nice. Did you do it in Creation Mode or regular?”
“I did it in Regular.” You said proudly.
“Wow…” Keeho walked around the building for a bit.
“She worked really hard on it, you need to acknowledge that.” San said as Keeho looked around at the house.
Keeho walked back and looked at him for a second. “Yeah. You did a really good job, Cat.”
“Thank you.” You said.
San’s avatar turned to look at you and you wondered if it meant he was smiling at you. You smiled back reflexively, feeling a little silly as you did so since he couldn’t see it.
“We should find a group of bandits and fight them.” You said.
“Let’s go!” San said and ran off, You and Keeho following behind him.
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@rachs-words • @stayatinykatsy •
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indigosabyss · 1 year
Canon Event Maintenance Pt. 2
The new, sword-carrying Gwen bowed theatrically, doing a little spin.
"Well~ what did you think?" She asked, "Good intro? I've never had to do my own verbal intro before!"
"It was... fine? I guess?" Margo awkwardly scratched at her neck.
Spider-Ham gave her a thumbs-up the size of his head.
"Fine!" She squealed, "That's high praise from Earth-22191's very own Spider Byte! Best. Day. Ever."
The Spider-Band looked between each other, looked at wildly grinning Gwenpool, and then huddled up together.
"Peter? A word, please?" Hobie asked as all the Spiders surrounded him.
"What? Isn't she great?" Peter B grinned.
"Where did you find a deranged version of me?" Their Gwen demanded, "I thought your Gwen Stacy died!"
"She did."
"What is this, a clone?"
"....Uh... not related to you at all?"
"Impossible. We both have the dyed hair and everything. She's copying me, it's obvious."
"Uh, Ghost Spider, let the record show that I had the pink-tipped hair first." The chipper voice interrupted their little huddle, "You only got pink hair during the Marvel Rising cartoon, which snowballed into..." She froze in her tracks.
"Are- are you okay, mate?" Hobie asked, after the silence had stretched on for too long.
Gwenpool was now jumping up and down, smile even bigger than should be possible. "If you're being influenced by the cartoons, this isn't a comic! This is a movie! Ya girl Gwenpool has gotten onto the big screen! Sorry, sorry, fanfic of a big screen. Got ahead of myself there."
"Can we please get to the Canon Event Speech, Gwen?" Peter asked, looking a little nervous, "Because I can see everyone losing faith quickly and that speech was the only thing that got me to put my faith in you."
"Right, right." Gwenpool agreed, stretching her hand out in front of them, "This is a tale of epic highs and lows. One girl's realization of the flimsy fabric holding together this fictional reality. And how meaningless it is to allow yourself to be beholden to such things like archetypes and canon events!"
"Oh boy." Peni whispered.
"This'll be good." Pavitr snorted, settling into listen.
"That's the attitude! You want a popcorn bag to go along with it?" Gwenpool shot fingerguns at him.
(...lots of jokes. not much action. its true that Spider-Gwen didn't have pink hair until Marvel Rising, while Gwenpool has had it before. Poor Gwen S. is so done with all the Gwen clones, she can't comprehend a Gwen who isn't her. Girlie's lost in the plot.)
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fnaffersblog · 1 year
Spoilers Below for ‘Moon RETURNS!? in VRCHAT’
The third one. From June 27th 2023. 
Trigger Warnings Below for: Cursing
I was wondering earlier today how Moon was doing dealing with Lord Monty and Nice Eclipse for a month. I wonder if he’s done any bonding w Nice Eclipse. I’m sure he’s ready to get home. I’m sure Sun’s missin him a lot, but I wonder how receptive he'll be to Sun jumping all about him in excitement.
I love that Lord Monty, despite wielding one of if not the most powerful object in his universe, is seen as like an annoying nuisance at most by the people who are in his universe.
On one hand I see where Eclipse is coming from here in regards to the speed the satellite was built. It's good to be cautious, especially with something so important and I imagine they spent the last month meticulously building this thing.
On the other hand, they're genius super computer animatronics being supported by actual genius super computer AI's. Lol.
"Not to mention I still gotta deal with the amalgam." Uh. Oh. Hm. Moon. Buddy. I got some news for you.
I KNEW that was gonna be a fuckin problem lololololol
Like, I KNOW Jigsaw was never gonna STAY in the arcade room but come on, you know? They really just left him there and went *dusting off hands* 'Job completed! That's a problem for future SaMs!' I'm laughing about it.
The satellite was the easy part. I'm super interested to see how they solve the infinitely more difficult issue of getting Eclipse into this dimension.
I'm... actually a little afraid they're gonna actually kill Eclipse again. Turns out I'm still not ready for it.
The utter look of betrayal on Eclipses's fuckin face as Moon fingergunned his way backwards into the portal. I'm wheezing.
By God he really was losing his mind with out Moon.
He's so excited! He's so excited! I'm so excited!
Sun told Moon he was gonna be pissed and Moon's immediate assumption was Sun thought he'd be mad because he wasn't taking care of himself.
"I assumed that was gonna happen." >:} Oh did you? /j
Bonus: Sun trying to ease Moon into the conversation about how he went off to do some questioning in regards to the whole 'taking care of Eclipse' situation on his own. Making excuses for why he did what he did. Making it sound like it was just a passing silly curiosity tee hee! Awkwardly laughing to try and ease tensions. He assumed Moon would be mad that he did all that.
Okay. So we're getting contrasting information about the star here. I was under the impression the star was a mix between a magical and a technological object which is what made it so powerful. Golden Freddy said it's base was a magical artifact and now Moon is saying it's a piece of technology. Science, not magic. I wouldn't be surprised if the exact nature of the Star was part of the information lost when Old Moon reset.
I do remember there being something said at some point about how there can only be one Star per universe. I swear. There are just SO many lore episodes trying to find one line in several hours worth of footage is nigh impossible. But it sounds like, as of now, they COULD make a new star, it's possible. It's just that THEY, Sun and Moon can't because they don't have the blueprints or whatever because Old Moon deleted them.
It kinda sounds like they're just as confused about Newton Star lore as we are which is very funny. (Moon's shrug. LOL)
Don't misunderstand me! I Fucking Love The Newton Star Shit. They keep making shit up for it and then not giving a fuck. I get very excited every time they mention the NEwton Star.
Newton Star lore boils down to 'do whatever you want forever'. Facts about the Newton Star are concrete all the way up until they aren't. Shrodinger's Newton Star Lore.
On one hand, I think it's very funny that everyone keeps making fun of Eclipse for putting on a very see-through villain persona. Puppet, Sun, Moon, all of them keep pointing out his façade and making fun of him.
On the other hand. Remember that time he trapped Moon in his own body and made any action taken by his possesor cause him terrible pain, dragging Moon clawing back into one of his worst traumas? Remember when he blew up Lunar in cold blood? Like, yes, I agree. Eclipse is kind of pathetic. Eclipse Baby. But I do think they shouldn't be so flippant about him. Eclipse IS capable of doing heinous shit and he's done so before. Like. He's not STUPID.
On the other other hand, the idea that they could just use gun or trick him into getting pushed into the ballpit a la sharptooth from land before time style to defeat Eclipse is terribly funny. Especially if they did so while he was evil dude monologuing.
Sun is really just trying to help here. That doesn't make Moon's silent pantomime of 'bruh' any less funny. That whole silent interaction was great.
On a less funny note, I do appreciate Moon allowing Sun to talk and not straight up calling his ideas stupid. Like, yeah the 'pushin' Eclipse into the pit with a bit of elbow grease' idea was not the best, but it came from a place of sincerity. And when Sun suggested 'Rick Sanchez's portal gun', regardless of Sun's incredulous manner when suggesting it, Moon took that as an ACTUAL idea.
THE AI'S ARE FIGHTING. The SHADE being thrown.
It never occurred to me that they might DISLIKE one another. I always just assumed they were friends, or at the very least they got along since they inhabited the same arcade machine together and both of them 'work' for Moon. AI1 immediately turning on Moon when he got snarky with him. I keep replaying this entire interaction, it's very funny.
Also, Moon refers to the AI's as brothers. I just... thought that was interesting.
"That was the other me. This is the new me." Hmmmmm.
"I don't trust you now."
"WHAT?" Hmmmm??
This right here, Moon allowing Sun to talk about what he was doing instead of just shooting ideas down. Telling him that he recognizes Sun is trying to help, recognizing the effort Sun is putting into this mission. Saying straight out that they'll try and figure things out together. This was so important to me.
Sun ASKED Moon 'Can I say my thing?' and Moon immediately paused, gave the mic to him. And then he LISTENED. ACTIVELY LISTENED.
*Insert Deltarune Explosion mp3*
"Why are we Fallout 4-ing this?"
"He's a God." Lol.
New Moon gettin' reeeeeal stressed out by everything going on right now + Old Moon's shit. He sounded so annoyed when he said 'I can learn'. He's got so much shit on his shoulders. I hope once all this is over, he gets a moment to sit down and sift through all this shit, with Old Moon and his current life and situation.
Sun making a suggestion about Killcode and Moon giving him the floor to speak his part again. It's making my heart hurt. It's so important to me that Sun gets to SPEAK.
"98.5% accur-"
"95%. That's pretty good."
... "98.5%" *Simulates clearing their throat* "This is why you never listen to me."
"I'm sorry. I was talking!"
And then AI2, not one to pass up on an opportunity to both dunk on Sun and show up AI1 pops in to sass Sun. Wonderful.
Fucking love the banter by god. Have I
Have I said that yet?
Sometimes I just feel the need to repeat that.
Haven't heard a bald joke in awhile.
Moon threatening to hit Sun as a joke, and Sun holding up his hand. You can't fucking hide that from me. I saw that shit. I SAW that shit.
I always assumed KC went off to explore the wilds for some reason. Like, became a full time hiker. It never occurred to me he might go get a job. I love the idea that he went for volunteer work.
AI1 suggesting, unprompted, that Moon be the one to go and see Killcode. Their reason is sound, yes. But that was weird.
Wow ok.
This is HUGE. This is MASSIVe. I don't
I can't
This show makes my jaw drop sometimes. Irl. Because something'll happen and it'll just take me so by surprise I go fully Looney Tunes jaw-on-the-floor. Like, Moon and Lunars deaths and the fucking trapping episodes did it...
And... Like. There was no fucking
There was no fucking SNARK. Moon didn't groan and go 'I'm gonna regret this aren't I?' which I can
like, I can HEAR him mumbling some shit like that under his breath before.
the annoyed sigh was because AI1 questioned the decision not because of Sun
He paused to consider his options and came to the conclusion that the best solution to this problem was to LET SUN HELP.
I'm having so many thoughts. Oh MY God.
Moon not knowing the code/ caring enough to break a previous set protocol for the gun but knowing the code to grant Sun admin access.
I watched it a second time. I might cry. Jesus Christ.
It really just was a 'Oh this'll help Sun!' decision. Even Sun was dumbfounded. He really did just go 'here's some extra tools for your disposal' he's so casual about it he WANTS Sun to help him im
I'm having a hard time trying to describe why this was so important because I'm getting emotional over it fuck
Moving on. I'll
Get to that in the future
I think this is the second time it's been insinuated that Sun is the best candidate to find Eclipse because of their shared history. Golden Freddy kinda touched on it in his own cryptic way and now Moon's suggesting the same thing. I saw someone else on here point that out.
Moon's excitement as he's running out the door. "We're gonna do a video later! Go ahead and pick a game! :D "
Sweet. Welcome back Moon, u were missed.
Unprompted, recommending a game again. It's a horror game, a Garten fan game.
I'm trying to tell if it's Eclipse pretending to be AI1 again, which would skew my perspective on the previous interactions in the episode. But I'm also wondering if this is AI1... caring about Sun?
We haven't lost the snark towards Sun lol.
I'm gonna have to go back to that one episode where Sun breaks Moon's computer and listen to what AI1 sounded like because there WAS a subtle difference, to hint that it was Eclipse, that I didn't pick up on until I went back and watched the episodes again later, after everything happened with Killcodes resurgence and the truth of that whole situation being revealed.
He's done this before. Did Old Moon ever tell Sun about that? That that happened? Probably not knowing what I know about Old Moon. So most likely, neither of them have any reason to suspect Eclipse can do that even though he's done it before. We still don't know what his 'false hope' plan is, but now that I'm thinking about it this could be exactly what's happening here.
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mxrp-official-steve · 2 years
ur blog title made me laugh. anyway i just wanna let you know that i think bringing parp back up once you get it is a worthwhile venture; it matters to me and im sure to other ppl as well. thanks for working on this, is what i mean. yea lol [fingerguns awkwardly]
Ayyyyy, thanks random citizen!
I can only hope ill be getting an email from thellere soon.
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qubodeathscreen · 10 months
Sorry did you just drop me from heaven? Because that hurt like hell ow- I-I mean because you're an angel~
He awkwardly did fingerguns
-Not Simp
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Leafy blushed a little bit at his comment. “Was that.. Are you flirting with me right now..?”
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baku-bowl · 3 years
yo, if anyone has some really good Bakugou-centric fic recs, could y'all hit me up? I'm running out of shit to read :(
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medkitmedic · 5 years
👌 I mean......
« kings of neverland » / @nomither​ / meme / accepting
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“Really?”“This isn’t the kinda stuff you can just joke about, David.”“Romantic pursuits come from the heart for me.”
“I’d expect the same from you.”
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laxchra · 4 years
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hadollam · 3 years
me and my cringe interests that no one cares about are back at it again‼️‼️ so sorry irl mutuals,,,,
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heres my nomi design! and a bunch of silly little headcanons for them and randy
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nomi is non-binary/ genderless. they have absolutely no understanding over the concept of gender whatsoever since its something that us humas made up so their pronouns would be he/she/them and anything in between lol
(im gonna use they/them for now but as i said, they really wouldn't care at all)
randy is a visual learner. hes also your average teenager and he gets very easily distracted so to help him learn easier and not make his lessons seem boring, nomi added all those doodles to them you always see throughout the book
randy is japanese! his parents are immigrants and since hes been living in america his whole life he never really got in touch with his culture. along with all the combat and ninja lessons, nomi also taught him a lot about japans culture and a bit of the language too
nomi geniunely tries their best to not speak in riddles or use old outdated words around randy but after all, theyre the personification of whole ass centuries of ancient knowledge so you cant expect much from that ddhsjjd  they also tried to pick up some of randys vocabulary and mannerism (idk but the idea of them very awkwardly using slang or doing fingerguns having no idea what they even mean is so funny to me ,,,yknow,, like a grandpa)
randy always goes inside the nomicon to see nomi whenever he wants to vent since theyre basically the only entity that could possibly understand how much pressure is on him and nomi always sits him down to a cup of matcha tea and listens to him (my god, i HAVE to draw that)
if you didnt pick it up already they have kind of a brotherly relationship in my head and they both REALLY admire and care about eachother despite their constant bickering and "bullying"
they geniunely dread the day theyll have to separate but nomi already got used to losing pupils after getting attached to them.
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and another angsty doodle lol
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I now present this: Imagine if you could tell the companions you love them once you have maxed their affinity.
I don't just mean companions you've romanced, I mean for ALL companions, platonic or otherwise. Just put it in the Talk menu, but you can only use it every so often for consistency sake.
But literally, please, imagine everyone's reactions. It would be so wholesome and sometimes funny because you KNOW a lot of them would be flustered to death.
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If a second gen synth could blush, he would. Instead, he beams at you after a moment of surprise passes. You see the leather-like skin around his eyes crinkle up as he chuckles and touches your arm with his good hand. "You're a good kid, and a hell of a friend. I..." he trails off but smiles again, meeting your eyes, "Feeling's mutual, partner."
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General Atomics didn't install tear-ducts on their Mister Handy model, but if they had, Codsworth would be a blubbering, sobbing mess. He still gets extremely choked up. "Oh, Sir/Mum, you have no idea how much it means to hear you say that! I always saw you, the misses/the hubby, and young Shaun as my family, and I... I know I'm just a robot butler made to serve, but I really do think that I feel the same for you..!"
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Deacon is NOT good at emotions, so when you say those three loaded words to him, you can practically see his mind do a Windows reboot. He gets VERY flustered. "Oh, I uh—well, I mean, of course you do! Who wouldn't love this face? I mean, I had it especially made for that reason! Uh..." He scratches his head and looks away awkwardly. "...you're pretty great yourself, [insert Railroad codename]. Your sentiment is shared!" Fingerguns.
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I could make a "Strong Disliked That" joke, but I won't, even though he probably would. He's more confused than anything! "Human what? Strong don't understand. You good leader! Make Strong proud."
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He... has absolutely no idea how to respond. So he sort of acts like he misheard you, but he definitely heard and even if he doesn't want to admit it, something about that makes his chest feel warm. "You are a respectable leader, Sir/Ma'am. There is no one I would rather defend. It pleases me that you welcome my company."
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Dogmeat doesn't really understand you, but he seems to get the idea! You get a happy bark from him as he attempts to jump up and lick your face. He clearly feels the same!
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If he's romanced, you'll get a happy smile from him as he wraps an arm around your shoulders. "Don't I know it... I love you too, Sunshine."
If just platonic, however, he'll be taken aback for a moment. Such blunt affection among friends is far too uncommon in the Commonwealth. However, his expression soon shifts to a crooked grin, but it has a softness to it that reveals how genuine it truly is. "I wouldn't expect any less, but it sure as hell does feel good to hear you say it, pal. Feeling's mutual."
---- ----
If romanced, Piper will give you a sly smile and interlace her fingers with your own. "How could you not?" She says cheekily, but plants a kiss on your lips and says back, "I love you, too, Blue."
If platonic, on the other hand, she'll be surprised and flustered, but not displeased by any means. She'll stutter for a second, then manage to choke out, "Thaaaat's very straight forward of you, Blue. I... can't say I don't appreciate that, though." She smiles, genuinely. "Love ya too, Blue."
---- ----
When romanced, this boy's smile could light up the commonwealth. He just hugs you. "I love you, too. So much."
If platonic, he's a bit less physically affectionate, but you can see that he clearly feels the same. He goes from mildly surprised, to a somewhat unsure smile as he takes his hat off and scratches the back of his head. "So soft," he chuckles, almost quietly. "You're soft, Boss," he repeats in a normal voice and looks up at you, "But I'd be lying if I didn't admit that I care about you just the same, my friend."
---- ----
Even if she's romanced, you can tell those words have a heavy impact on her. Still, she grins at you over the sincerity in her eyes. "Course ya do, silly!" She kisses you. "I love you too, Darlin'. I mean it."
If platonic, she's a bit more bashful, but she hides it well by chuckling as soon as the surprise wears off and crossing her arms. "Well of course ya do!" She grins. "Such a softie, aren'tcha? I feel the exact same, though, that's for sure. I'm glad'ta have ya as my friend!"
---- ----
No matter how much you've tried to convince Danse that you care for him, those words seem to hit him as if it's the first time he's ever heard them. When romanced, he just looks at you so fondly, so softly. He pulls you into an embrace. "I love you, too," is all he can manage, but you can tell that he means it.
When platonic, he's a bit less choked up, but you can still see the impact. He clears his throat, looks away and scratches the back of his head. "I still don't know why you choose to trust me after... you know. But..." He looks back at you and smiles softly. "...but I appreciate your trust, and I care for you, too. A lot."
---- ----
When romanced, Curie immediately wraps her arms around you with such joy. She says, "You have taught me what love is, and I feel it so strongly for you, as well. Thank you, my love!"
When platonic, she looks incredibly touched as well, and holds her hands over her heart. "You have been such a good friend, and you have allowed me to experience many wonderful things. It makes my chest feel so warm to know you value my company, Monsieur/Madame. I value your company greatly, as well!"
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this is v random but i absolutely love your cloudwalker story and it's just so good and could you add me to the taglist (@thegreathowdini ?) also side note i love all the characters but particularly flint killed me in that first chapter with him and "is that a knife in your pocket or are you just enjoying this?" and also i just want to give Ihuka a giant hug because I dont feel like he gets enough of those but anyway bye *awkwardly fingerguns and leaves*
Wait come baack 😆 Oh my goodness thank you, it's great to know other people like my story. I can definitely add you to the tag list and I'm also glad you like Flint. He won't be coming into the story properly until after this story arc I have going on at the moment, but then ohhohoho good stuff inbound. Ihuka will also be letting lots of hugs very soon. Trust me he's going to need them. 😇
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craftypeaceturtle · 4 years
My True Identity
Summary: Thomas has started university. His lessons haven’t started yet but he agreed to help out and do a YouTube channel about the student experience. And like the true student, he’s already having an identity crisis. 
Note: Not written to be overly shippy but read either way! This series is a little weird, no idea if it’ll translate well. The idea is just Sanders Sides retold. Feedback would be GREATLY appreciated!
Next Episode!
The kitchen was silent. Thomas was completely engulfed in darkness with only the faint glow from the streetlights outside. The floors were already speckled with dirt and the hob was decorated in fine splatters, he noted already knowing he couldn’t be bothered to clean it. They had only all moved in a week ago! But then again four teenagers trying to live independently would always be messy. He groaned loudly before burying his head in his arms. “Oh woah! Oh, Thomas! What are you doing!” Logan’s voice interrupted the stressed silence. 
“Hey...” Thomas muttered back and, without looking, wiggled his laptop mousepad. The screen blasted a harsh blue light against his defeated lump sitting on top of the kitchen stall. Logan paused at the door before actually walking up to him.
“That does not answer my question,” Logan sighed as he leaned against the work surface. Their quest for a glass of water for bed promptly forgotten. 
“I have no idea who I even am...” 
“Yes. Not many people do. The concept of identity is an ongoing struggle. To expect you to have all the answers at the age of 18 for the rest of your life is ridiculous.” They answered with a quiet smile, their shoulders drooped with tiredness but they already knew they were going to do whatever it takes to Thomas through this, “Why, can I ask, is this bothering you?” 
“This stupid YouTube thing I said I’d do,” Thomas actually sat up and explained once he saw Logan’s confusion, “The uni encourages students to creatively express their experience here and essentially promote the university by doing YouTube videos. I thought ‘hey that sounds fun’ and here I am! God, I don’t even know! I thought it’d be a fun idea to do a video about who I am and why I wanted to go to uni. And now I realise I’m not even sure I have a personality.”
“Ah. Well I’d love to help you. That’s a complicated topic when you truly delve into it and well... Believe it or not, I was quite the nerd in school and it’d be fun to help!” Logan smiled and sat themself next to Thomas’ dramatic form. 
“I’m sure that’s a surprise to no one,” Thomas muttered, sounding more harsh than he wanted to. But they were both too tired to really mention it. As he untangled himself and actually sat properly, another of his roommates burst through the kitchen door. 
“Greetings wonderful citizens and you nerds!” Roman winked as he fingergunned Logan, to their immense confusion.
Despite how open and chatty Roman was, they were all still fairly new to each other and some awkward tension flooded the kitchen as well. Already Thomas felt a little squirmy at Logan helping him but this was so much more embarrassing with the actual stereotypical jock flouncing around the kitchen. Not that Roman was bad or anything! Just... Thomas was a true introvert at heart. 
��Hi!” Logan squeaked while Thomas gave a weak salute.
“Now what are we muttering about at 1 in the morning! You’re disturbing my beauty sleep!”
“Oh sorry! We were um... it’s just the YouTube thing again... It’s not important, I’m so sorry!”
“Hey it’s okay! We’re students, what makes you think I was getting any sleep anyway!” 
“Well that just seems unhealthy, why would you del-”
“What’s going on kiddos!” Patton smiled with a giggle as he rose up from the other side of the table. Now, Logan and Roman positively shrieked while Thomas totally remained totally calm thank you very much. Patton was the only one that he had properly warmed up to. The kiddo thing got annoying but he knew that Patton didn’t mean it insultingly. He was the first to move in and so the first one to meet him. He immediately helped him unpack and sat with him when his parents finally left. While he wasn’t sure they had any real shared interest, Thomas was already clinging on to Patton. 
“I’m just trying to get a video done! It’s just a general about me thing and why I chose uni. I just need to have a sit down with myself, figure myself out and maybe come to a better understanding that we could all learn from,” Thomas said strongly, puffing out his chest with a plastic smile. 
“Well maybe they would know you if you’d post YouTube videos more often,” Roman snickered while Patton whooped, Thomas deflated with an embarrassed smile. 
“Hey I have posted! I’ve got two videos so far! That’s not bad for something I only started like two weeks ago.”
“Yeah but you’ve been stressing about it for every second of those two weeks. Plus, people don’t watch uni channels for the person. They just want to avoid going to the open days and find out about the campus,” Roman said while Logan frowned. 
“Wait, if all you’re looking to answer is general information about yourself then that’s easy! You just start with the basics. Introduce yourself,” Logan prompted.
“Well... I am Thomas Sanders. I go by he/him pronouns and am proudly gay. I’m taking English literature...” He trailed off. Feeling that same sense of dread and nothing slowly grip him again. Great, met these roommates only a week ago and he’s having a breakdown in front of them. 
“That’s a promising start! Topics like gender and romance can be a challenge in of themselves to figure out. You could try and answer some light hearted meaningless questions as well. Like... um, something like what’s your greatest fears?” Logan smiled as he twiddled his hands. 
“Oh! Rejection!” Roman gasped and clutched his chest while slowly sinking to his knees. 
“Spiders!” Patton shuddered.
“I always get nervous about the idea of what exactly is at the bottom of the ocean...” 
“Nope! Not doing that! I’m perfectly aware of my greatest fears. I know that’s fun and all, but I want to keep it fairly serious. Like, what are my flaws?” Thomas shrugged them all off, his shoulders tensing again. 
Logan now lit up completely. Pulling a notepad from nowhere (his pyjamas?), he flipped to a previous scribbled page and pointed out a checklist with a pen. “Oh we’re talking flaws. Well, I’ve noticed you procrastinate a lot! I mean, it’s only your first week... Lectures haven’t even started and you’re already behind. I mean why else would you be planning a video at one in the morning!” Logan panted as they spoke all in one breath but the determined shine in their eye refused to let them go without saying this. 
“Do you just... list all our flaws like that... or...” Roman mumbled.
“You can be pretty selfish with your food...” Patton looked away but his mischievous smile remained firm. 
“Really Patton? I’m like 90% sure that milk was expired!” Thomas huffed and threw his head back, his already scruffy hair whipping wildly. 
“Didn’t stop you from drinking from it...” Patton muttered again with his hands held out. As if Thomas couldn’t be sucking any more at university, it was only his first week and lessons hadn’t started yet! But here he was with flatmate drama, a breakdown at 1 in the morning and a growingly filthy flat. 
“You aren’t very adventurous either...” Roman interrupted before any room mate war was launched. He was hoping to at least get past the month mark before any wars. Not that that was saying much for him. 
“Okay, maybe this was a bad idea!” Thomas sighed and slumped back into his ball on top of the kitchen stall. Legs drawn up to his chest and head buried firmly. 
At that, all of the roommates froze. The kitchen seemed so much harsher without any of its lights on. If someone had closed the curtains then the only light would be the oven timer that was flashing the wrong time. They could all hear the faint slamming of doors and whoops from students outside. All of which were actually enjoying their fresher’s week and having fun outside. Patton felt a little mean for joking so much with him. Thomas was still a very new friend and he just criticised him when he clearly wasn’t doing good. Roman looked awkwardly around before busying himself by going to make toast while Logan kept fiddling away. Patton wished, not for the first time, that his parents were here. 
“Well, everyone has flaws. That’s what makes us human,” Patton smiled, hoping his tone made up for the weak childish message. 
“Of course. As long as you’re aware of them and working through them, then I’d even say that flaws are what keeps us improving and doing our best,” Logan happily took over. 
“Yeah! Plus, you have a lot of good in you.” 
“You value your friends above all else,” Roman butted in. It was awkward, but the eye contact and his gentle tone did a lot. Thomas found himself smiling on instinct. 
“You see the good in everyone!” Patton chirped, seemingly bursting from happiness before sending an expecting glance at Logan. Not that they needed it.
“You’re extremely passionate and stick through every project. I mean, look at this YouTube channel. You’ve committed to a project that you understood is difficult. You’re still powering through despite the adversity.”
“Well, that’s very nice, you guys,” Thomas replied, eyeing the clock as it ticked to half past. 
Thomas heaved a deep breath. The blank word document no longer seemed as intimidating but he could feel his standards tutting at the weak script he was thinking through. Yeah, this was all good stuff to talk about but how on earth was this going to connect with people. How was this going to even connect to university? 
“Oh but you should also talk more about why you are filming for the channel!” Patton squeaked, Thomas uncurled and looked on with a sceptical look, “I’m guessing you want this to be a bit more than an intro video. If you talk about why you’re running the channel then people will understand you and your content a lot better. Like, what positive impact did you hope to inevitably bring with this channel?” 
“Woah... Patton that was genuinely deep and exactly what I was lo-”
“Hey! We have the same glasses!” Patton suddenly lurched forward, pointing an accusing finger. Logan blinked sleepily.
“Okay well,” Thomas cleared his throat, “Being able to put out silly light hearted content into the world is kind of a good start, it makes me really happy to do that!” 
“Wait! This is supposed to be happy!” Roman gasped with the bread popping from the toaster soon after. Thomas wilted again under his withering gaze. 
“Just because the topic is serious, doesn’t mean the video has to be serious. I think I would’ve liked to watch a light hearted joking channel when I was looking at unis. Identity is a serious topic but I want to joke about it,” Thomas explained to the table, slowly drawing out of the crumbs a smiley face. Roman melted and turned back to his toast. 
“That’s easy! You don’t even need answers to make that video then. No one watching your videos knows who they are and if you’re making fun of yourself for not knowing, it shows that it’s kinda okay. Y’know to be unsure and stuff.”
“Self deprecating humour is very popular at the moment,” Logan reported. 
“Just as long as you don’t go too far with it! Make sure to keep it light hearted!” 
“Yeah...” Thomas had immediately perked up and starting clicking away at the keys. 
They all sat there for a couple of minutes. All of them taking pride in how quickly Thomas pulled himself together again. The words quickly filled the screen and Roman finally clicked on the light, despite all of them hissing tiredly. 
“See, you’ve got this,” Patton smiled once Thomas took another careful to pause to proof read. “You may not entirely know yourself yet but that’s okay. You know who you are at this moment, even if you just know you’re confused.”
“Yeah, I guess I do know myself better than I think,” Thomas laughed off. 
“Right, Tony?” Patton gasped with Roman and Logan whipping round. 
“Not my name.” Thomas didn’t flinch.
“Then what is it!” Patton collapsed on top of the table with a gritted guilt expression. 
“Thomas! I said it earlier in this conversation!” 
“It’s really late!” Patton winced, feeling extra guilty. 
“He does have a decent point, at the very least, I am going to sleep. Please try not to make much noise,” Logan waved before disappearing from the kitchen. 
Patton joined them shortly after while Roman and Thomas talked quietly. The project also sinking into his mind before he even realised. And now he has to make sure that Thomas even knows about proper lighting and ideal times of the day to record himself! Roman was already stealing his laptop to make amendments to the script while Thomas awkwardly laughed it off. 
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screamingsouls · 4 years
Me: *Is falling asleep*
My brain: *Remembers that time I was wished a good day and I awkwardly gave fingerguns in reply*
Me: *Stares at ceiling wide awake questioning my existence*
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denbrough-byers · 5 years
Perfect For Me 《Stan Uris x Reader》
Requested : For my friend @icannott who requested a Stan Uris fanfiction
Pairing : Stan Uris x Reader ; Platonic!Ben Hanscom x Platonic!Reader ; Ben Hanscom x Beverly Marsh (mentioned)
TW : Cursing
Summary : After an incident that caused you to spend your day talking about soulmates with Ben — something you took interest in — and teasing each other about your respective crushes, you started to wonder about what Stan thought about ‘being made for someone’. When you met Stan you questioned him about his point of view about being made for each other and while his answer was something you expected — logical and not emotional. But what shocked you was his other answer.
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filter credit to @/pclarrs on instagram ; image credit to the people of Pinterest ; edit by me
“Holy fucking shit!”
The door of the clubhouse swung open, causing both you and Ben to scream — while yours were a string of curses, his was a simple yelp. You both weren’t aware of the other and it shocked you both to the core. Upon realization, the two of you laughed as you stepped into the clubhouse.
“You scared me there [Y/N],” the boy laughed.
You grinned sheepishly as you made your way deeper into the clubhouse. Your eyes watched Ben carefully and his eyes widened as he realized what you were looking at. His face flushed as he tried to hide the paper but you had seen it and — thanks to your ability to memorize things quickly — had it in your head
“Eyes like the ocean / Enchanting and dangerous / Beauty lies within it//,” you read out loud. You looked up at the very much embarrassed Ben. “That is a good haiku Ben.”
“Thanks,” Ben mumbled. He turned and shoved the paper into his bag. Looking at you, he was greeted not with a face that was going to laugh at him but rather one deep in thought.
“But I think them would fit better than it,” you pointed out, “Since it’s eyes and not eye.”
Ben pulled the paper out and read it, mumbling under his breath. “Eyes like the ocean / Enchanting and dangerous / Beauty lies within them//”
You look at him expectantly, wondering what he would do next. He stayed silent for a while before nodding and crossing it out, placing them where it used to be. You grinned proudly.
“Thanks [Y/N],” Ben said gratefully.
“Anytime Ben.”
An awkward silence fell between you two once again as you both wrecked your brain, looking for a topic to talk about. Ben and you had never been so good at talking and socializing.
“You never told me you wrote Haikus Ben,” you said, breaking the silence.
Ben shrugged. “It’s nothing much. I just like to get things out of my head. I mean, it’s not like it’s good anyway.”
“They’re brilliant Ben!” You pointed at the paper in his hands. “It’s talent!”
Ben turned and smiled. “You think so?”
“I know so.”
Silence fell once again but this time it wasn’t awkward like the previous silence but rather a peaceful one. A comfortable one.
A thought came to you. “Who was that for Ben?”
Ben turned red and stayed silent. You looked at his face and smiled knowingly. You had suspicions that Ben liked Bev and you knew about the previous Haiku — Bev told you. It didn’t take long before you connect the dots.
“I’m sorry?” Ben stuttered as he looked at the girl who sat next to him.
“It’s for Bev, isn’t it?” you asked. Ben awkwardly stammered out what was supposed to be a lie — and honestly seeing him lie confirmed your suspicion — but seeing the knowing look on your face he just sighed and admitted.
“Yeah,” Ben sighed. “It’s for Bev.”
Ben stayed silent, afraid that you’ll tell Bev and the others or maybe — God forbid — thought of him even more of a loser than he already is. He didn’t want to ruin his friendship with the rest of the Losers — you included.
“Don’t worry Ben,” you said reassuringly. “I won’t tell Bev.” Ben sighed in relief but you weren’t done.
“But…” you drawled, causing Ben to stiffen and feel anxious once again. “I’m going to need you to answer one question. Don’t worry, it’s an easy one. Will you answer?”
Ben gulped but nodded. “S-Sure [Y/N].”
“Do you think some people were made for someone else?”
Ben sighed in relief, causing you to laugh at how nervous he was. You knew that he thought you would ask him about his crush on Bev.
“Well that’s easy,” Ben replied. “I think yeah, like a missing piece you know?”
You nodded. “Like two pieces of a puzzle that fit with each other?”
“Yes, exactly like that.” Ben smiled. “I always believed in soulmates. What about you?”
“Same. I believe that everyone is meant to be with someone.” A smirk slipped onto your lips. “Like you and Bev.”
Ben turned red but did not forfeit. “Like you and Stan.”
Laughter spilled out of his lips as your face turned an embarrassing shade of red. Tears leaked out of his eyes and laughs continued to spill as you turned and looked away.
“That’s not fair!” you whined but Ben just laughed.
“I think it is,” he snorted. “You pulled a Bev card on me, it’s pretty fair if I pulled a Stan card on you.”
You huffed like a child before freezing as a thought flooded into your mind. If Ben knew, do the other Losers possibly know too?
“Who else knows?” you asked, paranoia and anxiety masking your voice. “Who else knows?”
“Just me.” Ben shifted in his seat, shrugging lightly. “Well as far as I know. The others aren’t that observant you know.”
You sighed in relief. “Thank God for that. Honestly you should too or else you’d be dead, Haystack.”
Ben nodded gratefully. “Yeah everyday I’m thankful that I’m friends with are blind when it comes to feelings — except you of course. Couldn’t let me live my life peacefully, can you?”
You laughed and shook your head. “Oh I can. I just don’t want too.”
Laughter erupted in the small clubhouse, giving them both waves of relief. Their secret were out to someone they trusted.
“You’re really cool to hang around with, Hanscom,” you noted as the laughter died.
“Back at you, [Y/L/N].” Ben fingergunned.
Silence fell in between you before you both erupted in laughter once again.
It slipped your notice but you spent five hours in a stuffy clubhouse laughing and talking with Ben. It was Richie and Eddie who found you guys. You always suspected the two come over at night and slept together, — they both liked to cuddle — talked and joked around but this confirmed your suspicion — this was the second time you were proven right in a romantic situation and you felt proud.
After the two — well, Richie — kicked you and Ben out, you and Ben biked home, making inappropriate jokes about the two. You were both pretty sure that they weren’t going to fuck in there but it was fun to joke about it.
You parted ways — you taking a left while Ben went straight. On your way back, you remembered about what Ben had said and started to wonder if everyone felt the same — that everyone were two pieces of a puzzle.
You wondered if Stan felt the same way.
Stopping midway to check the time — you learned that you had half an hour before curfew. Numbers made their way into your mind as your brain set on calculating the time you have. You decided that it wouldn’t take long and you’d be in and out in a flash.
You grinned as you pedalled quickly, taking a left instead of a right. Stan’s house wasn’t that far from yours distance wise but it takes time to get there when riding a bike since you had a tendency to follow the road.
31, 33, 35, 37, 39, 41!
You found his house and grinned as you wheeled over towards his garage. Dropping your bike at the porch, you quickly knocked on the door, harsh and loud — the way you always did. You were greeted by the usual tuff of brown hair as the door swung open.
His expression was annoyed but when he saw you his face lit up. “Hey [Y/N], what’s up? Wait, shouldn’t you be home —?”
“I got fifteen minutes and a really important question to ask you,” you said giddily.
Stan chuckled. “Fire away my overly excited little friend.”
“Hey! I’m just two inches shorter than you!”
“Still smaller,” Stan laughed. His laughter sent a whole new wave of fresh butterflies into your stomach, causing your heart rate to speed up.
“Do you think some people were made for each other?” you asked.
Stan stayed silent for a few seconds. “No. People aren’t made for others. You exist for yourself, and you don’t owe anything to anyone. Even to those you were made for.”
You nodded weakly, trying not to feel sad. You knew that Stan had always been logical and never really thought of things in a mushy emotional way.
“Yeah,” you mumbled. “Thanks for the answer.”
You turned to bike back home when you felt a warm hand on your shoulder. Turning around, you were met by a smirking Stan — and honestly you felt chills down your spine as you notice how hot and dominating he looked and tried your best not to blush. He stepped closer, his hand still on your shoulder.
“[Y/N], you didn’t let me finish.” He leaned in and whispered, “But I think that you, my love, are the one perfect for me.”
Feeling heat rush to your cheeks, you tried to look down but felt a hand on your chin, making you look at Stan. His brown eyes flicked down to your lips before returning to your eyes.
“Do you think so too, [Y/N]?” he whispered. You didn’t reply as you were frozen under his gaze. He leaned forward and captured your lips in his. You were frozen in place and it took you awhile to let it sink.
Stan Uris — your lifetime crush —was kissing you, and you were doing absolutely nothing.
Your lips moved in sync with his, carefully and lovingly. His hands wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer to him. Warmth radiated off of him as you pulled him in by wrapping your arms around his neck.
The two of you pulled away, your breaths short and shallow as you tried to replace the lack of oxygen in your body. Your forehead still against his, you smiled softly as your fingers played with his soft curly hair.
“I might not believe in being made for each other,” Stan whispered, his voice husky from the kiss. “But I do believe that you’re perfect for me. Do you think so too, [Y/N]?”
“I do, Stan Uris. I do.”
— Extra
“Shit, I gotta go home.” You gave a small peck on Stan’s cheek and rushed to your bike.
“Hey, [Y/N],” Stan called out. “Before you go I need to ask you something.”
“Better make it quick, Uris,” you said, looking back. “My mom’s going to murder me.”
Stan flashed his smirk once again. “Want to be my girlfriend, [Y/L/N]?”
You froze. This was your dream ever since you were old enough to know about dating and crushes. Now the moment came and you couldn’t do anything about it.
“What do you say love?” The boy shoved his hands into his pocket, tilting his head backwards slightly as he stepped over to you. “Shall we tell the world how perfect for each other we are?”
You smiled. “With pleasure.”  
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yourdeepestfathoms · 5 years
cool things Bessie could have been scripted to do during the part where Aragon counts her mistresses but the writers were cowards
Count on her fingers, like, “Me...Mary...who’s the third one??”
Point to herself and laugh
Just laugh really loudly one (1) time and then have Aragon snap her head towards her, causing her to shut up
Loudly play a chord on her bass and nod with a smirk
Go 😬😬
Try to high five Anne but it left hanging, making her very awkwardly lower her arm
Actually high five Anne
Have her bow and the other three ladies cheer and clap for her
Dramatic hair flip and wink at Aragon
Have her not realize at first that she was a mistress and so she does body moments that basically say, “Oh, that’s me! Oh. That’s me.”
Hide her face with another 😬😬
Hide behind her bass
Aragon glares at her and she just smirks
Wave like this guy
Flip Aragon off
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iwaisa · 4 years
fun fact: every year i switch the instrument i play because i got used to giving up on things. oh and also, whenever i see the girl i like i just do fingerguns at her and awkwardly start laughing😽
why are you used to giving up though im- 🥺
n e ways.. this whole thing legit gave me lev vibes
i feel like he cannot focus on playing one instrument for a long time he always has to switch things up
also he would ??? so do finger guns at you ?? and be like “isnt that flirting?” whenever kuroo and yaku make fun of him for embarrassing himself in front of you 🥰
i feel like he’d also fall in front of you a lot
whether it’s on purpose or accident is something we’ll never know :))
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send me a fun fact and i’ll ship you with any haikyuu!! or bnha character !
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