#meaning to bring up sh because it has been on my mind constantly and it makes me want to smash my head against the wall repeatedly :~)
lovsome · 11 months
i need to vent about SH (tw !!!!!) for a sec in the tags bc i am feeling very overwhelmed sorry
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hii <3
2, 21, 23, 29 and 78 for the ask game. sorry if they're too many ^^'
Thank you so much for the ask @imagineacoolerusername! I apologize for not responding sooner, because I’m really excited someone took me up on the ask game (and it’s never too many, I love thinking more about what/how I’m writing).
2) Where do you get your fic ideas?
I’m similar to a lot of people on this one—my ideas come from things that I see or hear around me. It goes hand in hand with the first question in the ask list, which is “do you daydream a lot before you write” and I am a *huge* daydreamer. I generally do get an idea of a full story realized quickly enough that I don’t spend a lot of time dreaming before I write (haha…she says after literal months of WIP posts from the same unpublished fic, lol). I daydream constantly about my hyperfixations though, and I just let my mind wander wherever it feels like. There are stories in my head I would never actually post because they’ve become OOC and self-indulgent to a comical degree, but I get pleasure out of thinking about them and so I let my thoughts drift there when they want to. I often get some good material that way for stories that I actually do want to share with people.
For my crucible marriage AU, the idea came from a throwaway line in Carry On about Watford having possibly started as a mages’ settlement: I started thinking about an AU where that was still the case, and there would still be the school but it would start for students at a younger age than in canon. Assuming the kids mostly went home in the evenings, the crucible wouldn’t need to assign roommates, and instead could do another job like…magickally determining one’s spouse. That was the thought process, and because I am *feral* for arranged marriage/married-at-first-sight stories, the fic has been living at the front, middle, and back of my brain ever since.
21) Do you prefer writing chaptered fics or one-shots?
I don’t have a strong preference; it just depends on what the story requires. I’ll know when I begin writing if a story is going to be long and plotty enough to require chapters; in this fandom I’ve done entirely one-shots because I’m leaning heavily on soft vibes without enough conflict to need more than one post to tell. The crucible marriage fic will definitely be chaptered, though
23) Is writing the beginning, middle, or end of the story easiest? Hardest?
It depends where it starts in my head, i.e. the part I’m trying to get to. If the idea starts off largely in middle of the story I want to tell, then I need to figure out a beginning that can segue into that. It’s usually not super hard, but then again, I mostly enjoy doing domestic-style fluff and cutesy flirting, so it’s not an enormous exercise to intro that. I’m having a harder time with the current AU’s beginning, especially since at this point I’ve dragged it all out so long that I want it to be just right. The hardest part for me is almost always the ending, by which I don’t mean how it all ends up, but the last sentence. I’m pretty weak with last lines, and the *absolute fucking worst* at titles. I think both feel like high-pressure, sum-your-precious-baby-up-in-very-few-words situations to me. I am flat out disgusted with myself for some of the titles I’ve gone with after throwing up my hands.
29) What’s something about your writing that you’re proud of?
I like my dialogue. I think it flows pretty well and is often cute or funny. And I think I do a decent job with shoehorning my contrived plot points in. The example I’m thinking of is the field trip fic I wrote (I can’t even bring myself to namecheck the title, did I mention how bad I am at them?) where the entire story basically hinged on getting Simon to have to sit on Baz’s lap on the bus. It was easy enough to assign them as seatmates, and spilling something on the seat is a good reason for Simon to not be able to use it, but because it’s a magickal universe there really shouldn’t have been any reason they couldn’t spell the seat dry. Magic had to have been disallowed on the bus, which let me write a nice little bit about how Simon had gotten it banned on an earlier trip (and also to reflect on how few field trips he’s even been on, awwww). Anyway, I thought it was funny and just about killed myself when Baz quipped “here comes the not-so-magic-school bus” to humiliate Simon in front of the class. Pretty much everything that happened after that was just as contrived, and I thought it was hilarious.
78) What motivates you during the writing process?
It’s a compulsion for the flesh to become word. I write even the stories that I would never post because they’re too dirty or too personal or too badly conceived to share, because once they’re described in words it provides a kind of release for me.
There’s a short story by William H. Gass called “In the Heart of the Heart of the Country” and I really recommend it for achingly real and emotive lines, but the one I’m thinking of is this, said of the narrator’s neighbor: “Nevertheless, I keep wondering whether, given time, I might not someday find a figure in our language which would serve him faithfully, and furnish his poverty and loneliness richly out.”
I want that when I write, to find words that will mean something to myself and someone else, that will hold a moment or experience up in the light in such a way that it’s viewed tenderly and with generosity.
Thanks again for asking; I hope my answers weren’t too long winded! If anyone else wants to play you can reblog this post:
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hamliet · 4 years
Dabi’s Missing Heart
So I’ve been seeing two main responses to Dabi’s character as portrayed in BNHA 292, both of which I feel touch on a very surface understanding of his character and role in the story despite seeming like opposite takes.  
Take #1: 
Dabi is an unfeeling monster created to show the redeemability of Shigaraki and Enji in contrast with his true eeeevil villainy! He will never be redeemed! 
Take #2: 
Dabi is a sweet softy who did nothing wrong! He will never be redeemed because of this chapter which is so out-of-character! 
Note how they both have the same endpoint. I’m not actually gonna address the redemption question much because I can’t fathom what this panel foreshadows if not Touya’s salvation (alive): 
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I’m not looking to debate this either; I’m just putting it here because I know it’ll come up if I don’t.
Instead, I wanna address Dabi’s character. He’s my favorite, and I’ve been asked a few different times whether I enjoy him as a villain or as an uwu poor baby, and my answer is always both. 
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Dabi is a villain. This chapter’s rampage is, in my opinion, not remotely out of character for him. But neither is it the summation of his character, and he surely is not meant to make Enji look good by comparison. 
So, who is Dabi? 
Dabi is kind of a flaming jerk, and that’s why I like him. He’s an abuse victim who gets to be angry and crass and sharp. He pushes people away because he doesn’t want to open up to them and get burned (heh). He’s just like Shouto in that, except with a dose of murder. 
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Believe it or not, this is a very realistic response to abuse, and very common too. It’s good to see that representation. If the writing was indeed just “he’s bad get rid of him,” well, that would of course be a terrible representation. But seeing a mean victim get redeemed? Now that’s some good sh*t I’m here for. 
If you want a sweethearted, misunderstood soft victim, there is one in MHA, and that’s Shigaraki. Dabi is not these things, but that does not mean he’s not a victim or that he’s somehow an unfeeling monster.
You see, Shigaraki is a heart character. Dabi’s the mind. (Heart and mind characters are a literary pattern that is utilized in literature across the globe; it’s not an eastern/western cultural thing. It has its roots in alchemy.) The problem is that you can’t have a heart without a mind nor a mind without a heart. If you lack one, you’re missing half the picture, and you won’t accomplish anything. 
We see this with Shigaraki in his quest to look for ideals, something to believe in, purpose to justify/enable acting on his feelings/emotions. 
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Dabi, in contrast, has conviction and ideals, but eschews any kind of personal connection and care. 
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So, both Shigaraki and Dabi struggle to unite heart and mind--but they need to do precisely this. 
It’s not a coincidence that Shigaraki expressly envisions both Dabi and Himiko when musing on what his purpose is. 
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Yet Shigaraki is able to unite more easily with Himiko as opposed to Dabi because Himiko is also a heart character. She claims to be motivated by extreme empathy that warps around to become a lack thereof (wanting to be who she loves).
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Shigaraki’s motivations are basically revenge for hero society not saving him--which encompasses both a deep internal and external (societal) need for empathy and a need for better ideals. Shigaraki needs Himiko and Dabi. They’re a trio, and all of them need each other to grow. But Himiko, being similarly driven expressly by emotions, is easier for Shigaraki to understand and work with. 
The irony is that Dabi is actually a very, very emotional character as well. But what he does (as is typical for a mind character) is repress them, compartmentalize, dissociate. He constantly pushes people away, yet admits privately, to himself, that he’s primarily (and paradoxically) motivated by family. This is emotional, yet Dabi claims he “overthought” and, according to other translations, “snapped” can be actually be read as “went crazy” as a result over overthinking (note: both are mind allusions). 
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Dabi repressing who he is--Todoroki Touya--is symbolic of him repressing his emotional side, because again, family and emotions are tied together for his character. Now his identity is acknowledged, and Dabi claims to be losing his mind (again), claims that he can’t feel, and yet is completely consumed by emotions. Like, does anyone think he’s being methodical and calculating this chapter? 
It’s not just negative emotions (rage, hate) that drive Dabi in response to his family. His seeking belonging and emotional connection is present even in a chapter where he tries to murder two members of his family and laughs off the risk to the life of another. 
See, Dabi first asked Shouto to validate his pain:
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But like, given the circumstances, of course Shouto doesn’t really respond well. How Shouto responds is this: 
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Shouto’s words are triggering. And keep in mind I am not blaming Shouto: he’s in shock and he’s a kid. I’m merely trying to explain how it likely comes across to Dabi. 
You’re crazy. Your feelings don’t matter. You don’t really care about Natsuo! You’re a villain and that’s ALL you are. Not a brother or abuse survivor. Just a villain. 
So, uh, yeah, Dabi then retreats back to being unable to feel, dissociating as has always been his coping mechanism. But that’s not all: Dabi’s been repressing for so long that of course he’s gonna go a little insane in response to the dismissal of everything he’s trying to point out. Why wouldn’t he? His family dismissed his pain back then and now again, and so, without that heart, without those emotions, principle is all Dabi has. This has been present since long before Stain’s ideology came into his life: 
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Now, he answers this question of existence through Stain’s ideology.  Purpose is all he has, and to him, Shouto and Best Jeanist are dismissing that too. Why are they dismissing it? Best Jeanist dismisses him for an ideal: the overall good of hero society. Shouto has a mixture of this ideal and also like, genuine shock and pain. 
Back to Dabi. Dabi’s summation of himself and his purpose is incorrect and harmful to himself and others. I’m not excusing him or justifying, just explaining. It’s a tragic reflection of what Endeavor raised both Touya and Shouto to be (and thereby ironic that BJ uses an ideal to dismiss him): 
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Instead of being raised to be the symbol of hero society--as Endeavor intended--he exists to destroy it. The root is the same: Dabi assumes he exists for hero society, as a tool. He dehumanizes himself, hence why his quirk physically harms him (which also fits his almost religious zeal for Stain’s ideology). But it is not all Dabi is. He’s not a tool, he’s a person, but to acknowledge he’s a person involves acknowledging his heart/emotional desires, and that gets to my next point.
Dabi’s not a reliable narrator about himself. At all. I’ve written about Dabi and dissociation before. So let’s look at Dabi’s devotion to his ideals, the ideals he puts above people and claims he only cares about... because there are moments where Dabi goes against those ideals. 
For one example, Dabi’s gone against those ideals when he’s allowed his personal need for revenge (an emotional/heart motivation) to overcome his longterm plan. Like, he was fully about to get himself killed here, even though that would likely mean no one would know the corruption of the Todoroki family and hero society, just for the chance to prove to his father that he hurt him. 
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In addition, I’ve talked before about how Dabi’s the only character in the entire damn manga to comment that maybe using child soldiers is not okay. While it’s not explicitly stated, it’s reasonable to conclude that Dabi considers the abuse of children in hero training a sin of hero society that ought to be purged (hence, part of his ideals). 
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That said, I have also pointed out that Dabi has gone after children in the past when it benefits his mission (Bakugou would like a word). So let’s look at four examples of Dabi and his principles concerning kids--since, after all, he claims to be motivated by heroes who hurt kids. 
Firstly, Dabi’s “save the cat” when he spared Aoyama. 
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Why did he spare Aoyama? We can only speculate, but it seems quite likely there are two reasons: 1) hurting Aoyama would not add anything to his overall goal of downing hero society, and 2) a terrified, cowering kid might just have been a teeny bit familiar to Dabi. Here, his ideals--destroying hero society--either take a backseat to a reflection of his personal pain (and)/or his ideal of not abusing kids directly contradicted his ideal of bringing down hero society. But the important part is that in this instance, Dabi chose mercy and the goal of bringing down hero society was jeopardized as a result. 
So then why did he attack Tokoyami, Nejire, and Shouto this arc? Well, Dabi does things he knows are wrong for the sake of accomplishing his overall purpose. He does things he knows hurt himself for this purpose. This isn’t new. If he can’t be acknowledged, can’t exist as a person with emotions, then he at least will ensure he still has a purpose.  
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In addition, let’s look at what sets Dabi off in all of these instances. (Again, this isn’t me saying “well actually Dabi’s justified.” He’s not. I’m just pointing to what’s in the text to explain the machinations beyond “bad guy do bad.”)
Dabi tries to reason with Tokoyami, pointing out that Twice was doing essentially what Tokoyami is doing: trying to save his friend(s), but Tokoyami doesn’t listen (also again: not me saying Tokoyami should have listened--realistically, in this situation, it makes sense Tokoyami trusted his mentor!)
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Only after his reasoning was rejected did Dabi go to flames mode. He could have just let Tokoyami save Hawks, but instead he really wanted to kill Hawks and that overrode his other principles. Was this just because of his furthering his goal--killing the #2 hero would help destroy hero society--or because of a sense of personal revenge for Twice? That’s open for interpretation (in my opinion, it’s likely a mixture, because again, it tends to intertwine more than Dabi likes to think it does). His principles and/or emotions are brushed aside, and Dabi Does Not Like That. 
Dabi does this again with Shouto this chapter, asking him where he stands on their family issues, and gets brushed aside, and then Shouto goes into his rage mode and Dabi responds. Again, not saying Shouto is rational here or that he should side with Dabi’s murderous plan, but like, his words really don’t come across well to Dabi. 
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Dabi going after Shouto after explaining things, asking Shouto for help, and then having his pain dismissed is pretty much a repeat of Tokoyami. When Dabi’s pain is dismissed, he says fine, let’s aim for the highest principle possible: making Stain’s will a reality, and damn any emotional ties. 
Dabi’s obsession with ideals, you might say, is a smokescreen to cover his own pain. Far from feeling nothing, he feels very deeply. (I promise I’m getting to Nejire.) 
So what does this indicate? Well, that Dabi does have a heart and a conscience. But when he lets his heart act, when his heart reaches out, he gets burned. His heart jeopardizes his overall purpose, so he most often dissociates himself from it. But by pretending he doesn’t have a heart, he dehumanizes himself, and he projects that dehumanization onto others (see: seeing Shouto as an extension of Endeavor, when that’s actually the precise image Shouto is trying to shed). 
It’s not a coincidence that Shigaraki has been unconscious during the entire confrontation with Endeavor, nor is it a coincidence that Himiko has been MIA. But, Shigaraki wakes up a bit this chapter not only when hearing Dabi spout about how hero society needs to burn, an ideal/the thing Shigaraki lacks, and through a less important but still-ideal-driven character in Spinner asking him to accomplish his supposed ideal of destruction, but when Dabi saves Shigaraki and Spinner. 
Dabi doesn’t burn Nejire for lols (not that this makes it better because it doesn’t) or even for ideals. He burns her to save Shigaraki and Spinner, because they are his links to full humanity right now. 
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(Again, this is also dissociation and projection: Endeavor did this! No, Dabi, you did. You’re perpetuating violence against kids rather than stopping it.)
But anyways, when Dabi calls upon heart, Shigaraki wakes. He lends Gigantomachia and thereby Dabi and the league power. 
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Dabi can only grow and actually accomplish anything related to his ideals (fixing hero society) through accepting a heart--even though that will likely mean some painful surgery to shift his ideals to accommodate said heart, because pure ideals don’t leave much room for humanity. He needs to feel to actually change anything, because right now he’s just making things worse (hence, the need for saving and redemption).
I know the League aren’t the protagonists of the serIes, but their complaints aren’t exactly incorrect either (if anything they’re almost a little too valid). But through growing together, Dabi, Shigaraki, and Himiko might actually be able to accomplish something, and get themselves in a place where they can be reached and saved by Shouto, Deku, and Ochaco. Because to be saved, the kids will have to acknowledge the villains’ pain and complaints, and do something about it. 
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amimimi · 3 years
hii! can i request sugar daddy!cherry blossom x reader? i feel like he'd be a super romantic type of sugar daddy who would totally make the sugar baby fall in love hahahah
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hi! cherry as a sugar daddy is the sexiest thing i’ve heard all week omfg. also! i went light on the nsfw content bc i didn’t know if you wanted to explore that? i apologize in advance for spelling/grammatical errors!
warnings: nsfw (towards the end!) , sugar daddy/baby relationship
pairings: cherry blossom x reader
word count: 977
sugar daddy!cherry
we all know cherry is rich af
he has his own calligraphy company and he has a skateboard that plays lullaby’s for him at night...yea he got that money
i don’t think cherry initially wants or even thinks about having a sugar baby
joe is the one who brings it up to him at their weekly dinners
he’s teasing cherry about the fact that cherry’s romantic life is dead and telling him that AI cannot replicate human affection
and cherry calls joe a whore, and joe’s like “and what about??”
but that whole interaction does have cherry thinking
intimacy...sounds intriguing....
but cherry doesn’t want to date/have a partner, he thinks it’s messy and time consuming
he figures a sugar daddy/baby relationship might be the way to go for him? It requires laying boundaries out on the table beforehand and it just seems less messy in his head
so y’all meet on an arrangement app and congratulations, you now have the most romantic, sexiest sugar daddy in all of okinawa
cherry is canonly romantic af and strategic about it too—like he does not do parked car talks or ask you to come over just because
he’s constantly mapping out your dates with your interests in mind, like full day planned
which is great if you don’t wanna do sh*t
in the beginning, cherry is very formal and while it is romantic, it feels a lil impersonal
he’s just kinda stiff with you and he doesn’t mean to be!
like you’re cute! you’re charming! you’re sweet! it’s just that cherry feels a little out of his depth
he’s only been intimate with carla...a skateboard...so everything feels a lil strained for him in the beginning
but cherry begins to realized how fun it is to woo you
he finds himself planning out beachside picnics (catered of course), he’s trying to figure out what kind of shoes/clothing to buy you (yeah, he could just take you to a mall and let you go crazy, but the challenge of picking out the perfect outfit is just too fun)
so after a month or so, cherry gets into the groove of things and you’re allowed to experience him in his full glory
takes you out to expensive ass restaurants you didn’t even know existed and if you wear the dress he gifted to you, his eyes will twinkle and the most gentle smile will grace his face
no...no because imagine the both of y’all seated across from each other, but you’re both leaning toward each other, whispering over the gentle music of the restaurant.
and he brushes the back of his knuckles across your cheek and YO HE’S WEARING RINGS AND YOU JUST LET YOUR FACE REST THERE
will send flowers to your apartment just to let you know he's thinking of you <3
you send him cute selfies or screenshots of funny tweets you saw and he eats that shit up
when you sneak and take pictures of him, he shakes his head and rolls his eyes—you don’t miss the small smile on his face
he just finds everything you do so endearing
during their weekly dinners, joe catches cherry grinning at his phone several times and he's like "aww, lil kaoru took my advice, huh? >:)"
instantly ruins cherry's mood
but cherry knows it himself that you've gotten to him
he feels lighter since the two of you had met
i feel like cherry is one of those people that thinks they have self-control over their emotions
key word is thinks
even if he does end up developing feelings for you, he won’t cross any of the boundaries the both of you laid out—he’d only speak up if he was sure that you felt the same way
sometimes, though, when he watches you talk about your wacky day or when you look at him with a familiar sense of adoration shimmering in your eyes— he thinks about asking if he could be your boyfriend right then and there
yea yea, but ANWAYS let’s get to the sexy stuff
i feel like it would also take a while for cherry to start to feel comfortable enough to be physically intimate with you
he makes sure that even sex with him is romantic
you know, rose petals, a lil champagne, candles—the whole shebang
atmosphere is key!
he’s thee most unselfish lover
he’ll eat you out until his jaw locks and baby, his mouth is divine. he will purposefully moan and hum against you because the squeals you let out make his brain feel all fuzzy
he just gets off on showering you with love and gets so caught up in ensuring your pleasure, he kinda forgets about his own
he will make you cum multiple times, back to back, and you have to stop him because you wanna make him cum too
when you give him head, he prefers to be laying up against the headboard with you lying between his thighs, ass up
he’ll let his hand rest against the back of your head, gently guiding you and encouraging you
or he’ll push your hair back from your face so he can properly see your face
or he’ll just gently caress your face as he watches you, eye glossed over and full of lust
even if y'all don't do anything "extreme", he just wants to tend to you
"what do you need, love?"-he literally just offers himself up to you
he'll have water ready in one of those sexy ass vase's (?) and will pour you a cup regardless on whether you ask
runs you a warm bath with your choice of essential oil
he'll give you privacy if you'd like, but if you want him close, he'll bathe with you, letting you rest against his chest
you're his baby and he won't let you forget it
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notes: the quarter just started so I apologize for the lag!
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dolliedarlin · 3 years
Hi I’m one of the anons who’s obsessing over the P.A series!!!!! For some reason my brain has been full w diff things that could happen IDKKK! Hope u don’t mind if I dump a few....
TW: this is A bunch of rambling and some grammar errors LMAO sorry
Idk y I c y/n having a stalker💀 this prob sounds rlly weird but hear me out. (To add drama, also I Lowkey wanna c Mina,Sero and kiri get mad idk y-)
Since we all know y/n is the baddest most sophisticated b*tch (sorry idk if I’m allowed to cuss or not LMAO) her Ex lover is still obsessed w her and thinks that they are soulmate even tho they obv aren’t. I feel like y/n knows he stalks her but she ignores it until it gets worst. Like he found out where she lives. (He finds out where she lives while she’s sick which is now loll)
Anyways I feel like Mina would be over at y/ns place and since she’s getting better they are In her living room talking abt who knows what and y/n gets a knock on her door she goes to open it and admittedly closes it looking shocked. Mina being a pro hero is  supposed to be able to read body language. Mina ask her if everything is Alr and y/n OFC (stupid a**) says yes. Mina didn’t want to keep pressing the issue so she dropped it until it became a reoccurring thing with y/n and it’s not just her that noticed. She (y/n) is extremely hesitant to open the door and when she does she opens it a little bit. (And then idk her EX does crazy like breaks into her apt and scares the sh** outa y/n) THIS IS WHERE MY BIG IDEA STOPS 😭😭😭😭😭😭 that was a lotta rambling my apologies
Have a great day dollie!
oh no! please don’t feel bad, it’s always fun for me seeing what you dolls would want to happen next
although i don’t plan on bringing any psycho exes into ‘the p.a’ series, as a writer and an avid daydreamer, i can’t help but play around with this idea 
warning: there are brief mentions of violence ; this is not a part of ‘the p.a’ series but is just a little thought that i just couldn’t help but try my own hand at also ; i didn’t edit this either 😂 so kindly forgive any grammatical/spelling mistakes 
continuing on from your idea...
⏤mina, having the sneaking suspicion that something bad might happen to you that night, notifies the rest of the group later on that day
⏤usually, bakugou was in charge of you during the night and always sat in a chair beside your bed on high alert, ready to serve your every need...
⏤now that mina told them about your suspicious behaviour, all of them were put on high alert. 
⏤they all agreed to keep you unaware of their intentions by having bakugou take care of you like usual but they made sure that when on the night patrol, they were close by with their radios on and constantly being hyper aware of the shortest route to your residence from wherever they were situated - just in case of an emergency 
⏤naturally, they trusted bakugou with keeping you safe but that didn’t mean that they had no worries for you at all 
⏤seeing as you usually feel asleep before bakugou switched with the sero, who took care of you in the late evening, you were under the impression that you were alone at home 
⏤your current condition disallowed you from comfortably staying awake so you were constantly tossing and turning in bed, brows furrowed and sweating more than usual
⏤”what is she dreaming about?” bakugou utters in frustration as he continues to wipe away the vastly accumulating sweat rom your wrinkled brows
⏤he wasn’t frustrated at you no no, he was annoyed at the fact that he couldn’t make you comfortable no matter how many wet towels he uses to cook your forehead or wipe your sweat clean off your skin 
⏤as the night progresses, you eventually fall into a dreamless sleep, far too exhausted to continue stressing over your ex with the added burden of your fever on your body
⏤nevertheless, bakugou continues being on high alert at all times except for when he momentarily leaves to room so as to go to the toilet 
⏤this was the perfect opportunity for your crazy ex to sneak into your room via the window bakugou left ajar so as to help cool you down better 
⏤your ex was a creepy and disgusting man - someone that you had grown to dislike the more you got to know him and naturally left as quickly as you were able to 
⏤what followed was harassment to the highest degree, thankfully you were able to protect yourself due to your self defence training and quirk, however, it didn’t take away the shuddering feeling of being watched constantly
⏤you grew paranoid and extremely fidgety over time and eventually filled for a restraining order. unfortunately, that didn’t work and left you to deal with the situation yourself
⏤you were naive enough to think that you had shaken him after a particularly horrible beating he took from you in self defence. he had come at you with a knife but you were able to disarm him and send him limping home with a dislocated arm, a black eye and a bruised ribcage 
⏤over time, you got busy with work and slowly forgot about him, it wasn’t until today that you were reminded of his crazy obsession with you and were thrown into a panic 
⏤believing that you were alone at night and in your most vulnerable state, you didn’t feel safe and sought to deal with the situation however you could, even in your dreams
⏤all attempts were in vain, however
⏤bakugou, returning from his momentary break to the toilet came back just in time to see your creepy ex hovering over your sleeping figure. as if you sensed the unpleasant existence stalking you, your body stiffened under the blankets and you began to breathe uncomfortably, beginning to sweat bucket-fulls once more
⏤not wanting to disturb your sleep as rest was the top priority for you, bakugou crept up from behind the unknown figure and instantly went for his neck, choking him into silence as he dragged his thrashing figure outside, far away from you all the while sending a emergency signal to the rest of the squad 
⏤in no time at all, the rest of the squad arrived and had your crazy ex cornered. at this time he had already been tied up by bakugou and was ready for a quick chat 
⏤”what the hell were you doing with our yn?” kirishima began, sharp teeth grinding together as he clenched his jaw 
⏤”speak up, we can’t fucking hear you,” bakugou spat as the others glared on from beside him, their eyes piercing through the moonlight and darkness of the night 
⏤”y-yn isn’t yours - that’s the first thing,” your ex finally cracked, giggling creepily in between 
⏤”you’re right,” sero began, “yn doesn’t belong to anyone so why were did you break into her house,” it took everything in sero not to lash out but they needed answers
⏤”wrong again!” your ex sang, “she doesn’t belong to you, she belongs to me! i’m her boyfriend!”
⏤”yn doesn’t have a boyfriend,” kaminari spoke up
⏤”that’s right! and if she did, we would have known,” mina agreed
⏤“that’s because she doesn’t know it yet, we broke up but we’ll get back together again soon” the tied up man giggled to himself, “it’s only a matter of time before she realises her mistake and she comes back to me,” 
⏤the team of heroes didn’t know what to say, they were so shocked and appalled at what they were seeing and hearing that they couldn’t bring themselves to utter a single word of response, they only listened further
⏤”i hoped she’d come back soon, anyway...but i was getting impatient so i had to try and convince her a little more. she’s been ignoring my love for her all this time, she can’t continue rejecting me for long...” he laughs, “i bet she misses it”
⏤“miss what...?” bakugou didn’t want to know but it had to be said
⏤”i bet she misses being with me. she’s so beautiful and so soft to the touch, she always smells good too and she has such a lovely voice - i want her all to myself, she doesn’t deserve to be anybody else’s”
⏤it was then that the team of heroes just about lost their minds. the creep before them didn’t say anything explicit but the madness in his eyes and the harrowing smile he was displaying was off putting. they dread to imagine what a lowlife nasty sob like him put you through but they saw flashes of unforgivable scenes that sent all of them into insanity 
⏤someone so precious to them didn’t deserve any such treatment. you may not have disclosed anything to them strict on being professional but if this man was willing to break into your house...they were fearful to think about what else he was capable of
⏤he deserved a beating from that act alone, actually, and a beating he got
⏤they could’ve killed the guy - they were more than tempted to and it would have been so easy...but he deserved to suffer in jail for his crimes against you so they held back no matter how painful that was for them 
⏤the very next day, under their authority and recommendation, the man was locked up for as many years as they could tally up and seeing as they were heroes, they were able to look into his past documentations and found you had filed a restraining order for him under harassment, assault and a number of other things they grew all the more furious at the more the read
⏤they would prefer it if you didn’t realise what they did that night but the media couldn’t let the story of 5 high class pro heroes sending a singular, beaten man to jail for life
⏤your creepy ex’s battered photos were all over the news and you were so incredibly grateful  
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ijustwant2write · 4 years
The Last Five Years-Fred Weasley x Reader
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(GIF credit to @hp-wizardingtrash-1​)
(I combined two requests which were very similar)
Both Requested by anonymous: ‘Hey! Can you do a Fred Weasley imagine where him and the reader dated in their last year but Fred broke up with her cause he was leaving and he didn’t want to hurt her. But the reader was pregnant so she leaves right after. So no one knows what happened to her. After the war maybe like 5 years later (Fred lives), something happens maybe the kid needs blood from both parents because he’s sick and they need that for surgery, so the reader goes to Fred begging for blood and Fred learns the truth.’
‘Hey! Can I request a Fred Weasley imagine where the reader was pregnant (back when they in school) but Fred dumps her when he’s leaving to start the shop. (But he still loves her) and the reader has twins, a boy and a girl, who are just like him and George. After the war (Fred lives) something happens where he finds out, (up to you). And both Fred and the reader still love each other. Happy cute family ending.‘
Characters: Fred Weasley x Reader, Molly Weasley x Reader (platonic), Arthur Weasley x Reader (platonic)
Meanings: (Y/N)=Your name
(Y/S/N)=Your son’s name
(Y/D/N)=Your daughter’s name
Warnings: Teenage pregnancy, talk about abortions, abandonment, single parenting, separated families, mention of blood, sickness, child sickness, mention of hospitals/blood, fluff
Leaning against a stone pillar, I looked out at the view of the lake and the grounds, crossing my arms across my chest to make myself feel warmer. I resisted touching my stomach, still terrified at the thought of life growing in there. I was only seventeen, I hadn't even finished my studying at Hogwarts and this was happening. This wasn't something Fred and I could joke about, or laugh at to make the situation a little better, this was serious, and I couldn't tell how my boyfriend would react.
Feeling a tap on my shoulder, my head whipped round to look, but no one was there. As my head turned to the other side, Fred towered over me, chuckling to himself. But I couldn't bring myself to even smile, instead rolling my eyes at him.
"Hey, what's wrong? I'm sorry I'm late, George and I were speaking, I've got so much to tell you!" he rambled, not taking offence to my action.
"Something...Fred, I...I don't know what to do!" I suddenly started sobbing, which panicked my boyfriend.
He instantly put his arms around me, holding me tight into his chest. At first he let me cry, probably thinking I was stressed about exams (I definitely was on top of everything) before pushing me away and bending down to look me in the eyes.
"Hey, let's sit down yeah?" he guided me to a bench close by, keeping his arms around me as we took a seat.
I couldn't stop my tears, trying to keep quiet in case anyone heard, or before any professors could intervene.
"Here, let me tell you what George and I have been discussing. It'll take your mind off this for a bit, yeah? OK, so, you know how George and I have always said about owning a joke shop, well, something has come through. And after all this stuff going on with Umbridge, we've decided to leave-"
"I'm pregnant." I blurted out.
Unsurprisingly, his eyes widened, mouth dropping open, I could feel his body tense up. Staring up at him, I silently pleaded for him to say something.
"Fred?" I mumbled.
"(Y/N), please say you're joking."
"This isn't a fucking prank Fred!" I exclaimed, shoving him away from me."I’m serious!"
"W-what...I don't know what to say."
I stood up, not able to sit still."Fred, we're having a baby. What are we going to do? We've still got exams, and then graduation, not to mention having to tell our parents and-"
"(Y/N), I'm not doing my exams."
"What do you mean you're not doing your exams? Fred, it's literally coming to the end of our studies, why would you throw that away?"
"Because I have a plan, I was just about to tell you! George and I are leaving early and we're getting a shop in Diagon Alley."
"Are you crazy?! Fred, what if it doesn't work? You won't have any exam results, you won't be able to apply for jobs-"
"Well thanks for believing in me, that's great to hear from your girlfriend!" he leapt up from the bench.
"You know I support you through everything, but I'm thinking about our futures! If we have a baby on the way, we need to be able to support it."
"We haven't planned for this! This...this wasn't what I envisioned for us, not now!"
"Oh, and you think I did?"
"Well, what are you going to do?"
"What am I going to do? No, it should be what are we going to do? How dare you?! What, are you just going to leave me as well as Hogwarts?"
When he didn't reply, I scoffed, but it wasn't in an angry way, it was more upsetting than that. My mind went into overdrive, not recognising the man in front of me. I had expected shock, of course I had, but what I wasn't expecting was this rudeness, the bluntness coming from him.
"Fred," I was quieter now,"what are you saying right now?"
"You want to keep it?"
"I...I don't really know yet."
"So we're arguing about something that might not even effect us!"
"Even if we got rid of it, it wouldn't be a matter of 'let's just forget about it'. Do you know how hard that is for a woman? And the father?"
He hastily grabbed my hands."Then leave with me! We've always talked about living together after we finish school. What difference does this make?"
"I want to do my exams Fred! Even if I didn't, my parents wouldn't allow it. And that was easier to plan for back then. It would just be us. We could have a small space anywhere. But with a baby? We need somewhere safe, somewhere that is a good place to raise them, and we also need to feed three people, buy nappies, clothes constantly because babies grow a lot-"
"I can't do it." he interrupted.
"Fred, please, I love you. I know we can figure something out-"
"No, I...we're too young, this isn't fair." his eyes were distant, as if he was staring straight through me. 
"What you're saying isn't fair! I couldn't have done this by myself."
"I just...I don't know what else to say I..." 
He said no more as he rushed away from me, and I was too stunned to go after him. As he picked up the pace, he passed Mcgonagall, who glanced between us before she approached me. "I think we should have a word Madam Pomfrey, shouldn't we Miss (Y/L/N)?"
"Mummy!" (Y/S/N) yelled out, just like he did every day.
I sighed as I brought out the kids breakfast, setting it in front of them."Don't worry, you're not going to starve. Here you go darling."
"Thanks." he mumbled, picking up his spoon and eating. He was always more awake in the morning compared to his sister.
"Thank you mummy." (Y/D/N) quietly said, also digging into her food.
I smiled at them both, quietly laughing at their wild hair from their sleep, before grabbing myself a bowl of cereal. Quickly returning, I sat down with them, my smile faltering as I looked at (Y/D/N) pale face.
"Do we have to go hospital today?" she asked. She hated how many times we had to go, the appointments were becoming more and more regular.
I nodded."Yes darling. But (Y/S/N) is coming today, because he's not at school for a while! You can play together whilst we wait for the doctor."
"I'll play with you (Y/D/N)." her brother kindly said.
"I don't want to go." (Y/D/N) frowned.
"We have to. Remember, they're helping you get better." 
"I want to play at home." 
"I promise it won't be very long. We've got our trip soon, haven't we?" 
"How many more days mummy?" (Y/S/N) excitedly asked. 
"Only two! We need to start packing your bags." 
(Y/S/N) started to chat away about this trip he knew nothing about, listing every single item he was bringing, whereas his sister was silent as she finished her breakfast. She had been a sickly child compared to her healthy twin brother. The hospital had diagnosed her, and explained that I needed to ask family members to have blood tests, to see if they matched with her and could help in any way. My side of the family had no luck, and after much deliberation with myself (and my parents), I knew I had to see Fred again, I had to face him. But with my little girl so ill, so weak, I would face down Voldemort himself to make her well again. Though I had a feeling seeing 'He who shall not be named' would be a lot easier than seeing the father of my children. 
The day of the trip came, and the kids were excited. We had packed their tiny suitcases, and I an overnight bag, before setting off. All day I had kept a smile on my face, not wanting to worry them. They thought it was a mini holiday, something we had never been on due to money. For five years it had been the three of us, with me at work, then at school and their grandparents when I had a late shift before cuddling up in bed with a good story together. It was a simple life, but they brought me so much joy, I couldn't express how happy they made me if I tried, it was infinite. And now I was taking them to meet their father I had avoided talking about, I was worried what it would do to our bond. 
"That's a strange house mummy." (Y/D/N) said as we approached the Burrow, a place I had spent much time in. 
"This is where your other grandparents live. It's very nice here. And they are very nice people." I said as we continued walking. 
"We say, we say please and thank you, don't we mummy?" (Y/S/N) added.
I giggled."Yes, we do."
We were now stood outside of the house, right in front of the door, but I still clutched onto my children's hands. They were confused as to why I wasn't knocking, why I was standing still. It was as if I was frozen. So when (Y/S/N) boldly stepped forward and knocked, I was pulled out of my trance. Before I could say anything to him, I heard movement coming from the other side of the door, and pulled him back towards me. There was no turning back now. Molly opened the door, her jaw almost hitting the floor as she set her eyes on me, then the kids, which is when she gasped. I bravely smiled, taking a deep breath to hold back the tears.
"H-Hi Molly. I'm...I'm really S-sorry just showing up out of the b-blue-" I couldn't stop stuttering over my words,"but...but I thought it was time you met your grandchildren."
Molly had immediately ushered me inside, throwing her arms around me as soon as the door closed. Holding my face in her hands, she studied my face, seeing how much I had changed over the years.
"I can't believe you're here!" she quietly exclaimed."It's been so many years."
"I'm sorry Molly. I didn't mean to disappear." I began welling up, trying to hold it back in front of the kids.
"Dear, don't apologise for a thing. We can talk about this later." she comforted me, stepping back to look at her grandchildren."So, these are your children?"
"My twins, ironically. (Y/D/N), (Y/S/N), this is your nan, Molly."
They stayed close to me, only (Y/S/N) letting go of my hand. I gently encouraged them forwards, pushing them towards Molly. She used the table beside her to help her kneel down, slowly extending her arms out to them. I felt overwhelmed as (Y/S/N) cautiously stepped towards her, hugging Molly before leaving her embrace again. It was one of those shy hugs kids gave, when they knew it was the right/polite thing to do but weren't sure of it themselves.
Molly was the only one in the house, and we let the kids play as we sat and caught up on what happened in the last five years. For me, there was a slight awkward tension in the air, but Molly's warm smile made me forget about that. I'm sure she had tons of questions as to why I never brought the twins round, and why I only showed up when I wanted something.
"Why don't you stay the night? I can hardly get Fred to stop by now. But there's plenty of room." Molly offered.
"Oh, only if that's alright with you! That would be very helpful. Um, do you think he’ll even want to see me?”
She kindly smiled as she slowly nodded.“My son is still just as infatuated with you as he was all those years ago.”
I refrained from snapping about how he never sent a letter, checked to even see if I was alright, if I had kept the pregnancy going. But then again, I had also cut off any contact with him, so it wasn’t entirely fair for me to say that. However, I was the one carrying twins by herself, raising them as a single mother (my family helped as much as they could, though no one could replace a father figure). And although the catch up with Molly had been good, it had lifted this tension from my body, I hated how my stomach twisted at the thought of Fred showing up here. Hi reaction was completely unknown. He could have moved on, maybe Molly was just wanting us together again; what if he was seeing someone, someone without children, someone who was free to do what they wanted and more fun than I was? He could easily turn a blind eye to it all. Or perhaps he would want to be a part of the family now. But why should I let him in after all these years? He missed five years of their life, and I understood that he would have no clue where we were, though there were ways of tracking us down. My mind was conflicted, I was here to make (Y/D/N) better, that was the top priority.
When Arthur returned that evening, he wore the same expression Molly had had when I first arrived. Although he was happy to see me, he wasn’t shouting or bouncing off the walls, he was more concerned; asking me all these questions, wanting me to go in depth about (Y/D/N)’s illness and how they could help. Both of them agreed they would help, and that once I spoke with Fred, they would ask the rest of the family also. 
Molly had laid out a full breakfast the next morning, though I really didn’t feel like eating. The kids got stuck right in, eating more food than I think I’ve ever seen them eat. They weren’t used to treats like this, we weren’t extremely poor, but even a fancy cereal was out of the question for us. I shared a smile with Molly and Arthur, thanking them for their hospitality. (Y/S/N) and (Y/D/N) were more comfortable with them, sometimes talking to them, or showing their toys. As we sat at the table, our plate and bowls now empty, Arthur gestured for me to follow him to the other room.
“(Y/N), I just wanted to make sure you were ready for today. I’ve had this same talk with Fred.” he quietly said.
I looked down at my feet, my arms crossing over my chest.“I don’t think I’ll ever be fully ready to see him again.”
“You have been very brave coming here. I can see how difficult this is for you. But I understand wanting to look after your children, it’s a feeling you only ever experience once you have them. Molly and I spoke last night. Even if, for some bizarre reason, Fred doesn’t...he doesn’t....”
“He doesn’t want to be around us.”
Arthur sighed sadly.“We will still help you. And you always have a place here, you always have family here.”
I hugged him, feeling like a child again in his arms. I felt protected, like nothing could hurt me whilst I was here. When we returned to the others, Molly was already clearing everything away, (Y/D/N) and (Y/S/N) talking each others ears off. Molly denied my help as I offered, knowing that I was very nervous and wanted the kids ready, as well as myself before their father arrived. I was happy that they were in a good mood, talking amongst themselves rather than asking lots of questions. But I still needed to sit them down, tell them who they were meeting today.
“You two look amazing!” I beamed, sitting them down on the edge of the bed, me kneeling in front of them.
“Mummy looks...mummy looks like a princess.” (Y/D/N) giggled as she clutched onto her own princess doll.
“Thank you. Do you guys remember why I said we were coming here?” 
“To meet daddy.”
“Yeah.” my voice turned shaky.“So, we need to be really good today OK? You guys were so good yesterday, and I need you to be like that again please. Me and daddy might need to talk for a while, so you two can play together, or with granddad Arthur and grandmother Molly.”
“Where is daddy?” (Y/S/N) asked.
“He’s on his way.”
“No, not, not now. Where has he been? Because all my friends have daddies, they have mummies and daddies, but I don’t.”
“He’s...he’s been....” 
How was I supposed to explain this to a five year old?
“It’s a bit confusing darling. But that doesn’t matter because he’s here now.”
(Y/D/N) looked away from her doll.“Will he come home with us?”
“I don’t know. Just don’t be upset if he doesn’t. We’ve been fine, just the three of us, haven’t we?”
They nodded, and I pulled them in to hug me. Their little arms wound around me where they could, and I could feel their tiny hands grasping at me. Squeezing them tighter, I laughed when they did, exclaiming they I was holding them too hard. Pulling away, I kissed them both on the cheeks, holding their hands to take them downstairs. However, my grin fell as I heard the door open, Fred’s voice ringing out. My body stiffened, heart starting to race quickly. Instinctively, I pulled the twins closer to me, not sure if I should go to Fred or wait here.
“It’s alright dear, I’m here.” Molly calmly said beside me.
All I could do was smile. My throat turned dry, breathing shaky and I could hear my heartbeat in my ears. I heard Arthur speaking to his son, but it was muffled, until footsteps started approaching. And suddenly, there he was, the boy I feel deeply in love with was now a man, standing even taller than before. Although we both looked different, it was as if we were teenagers again.
“(Y/N)...I...I can’t believe...” he couldn’t form a sentence, his gaze now on the twins.
I knelt between my children, hugging them close to me.“This is (Y/S/N), and (Y/D/N). They’re my world. And...your children too.”
The kids curled into me, noticing the tension in the room. They didn’t know this big man, and they could sense that I was on edge. I put on a brave face for them. I was their mother, their protector, I would always ensure that they felt comfortable, safe, happy and loved. 
“M-my children?” he was still looking at them.
“I think you two should talk before...well before a proper meeting, yeah?” Arthur gently suggested.
“Alright.” I agreed.“You two go upstairs and play, you can come down in a bit, OK?”
“Come on you two, let’s go see what toys I’ve got for you. You can show me yours.” Molly said happily, wanting to make the kids relaxed.
They hesitantly went, but I heard them starting to talk about what toys they had and wanted as they climbed the stairs, Molly feigning surprise and interest. 
“I’ll just be in the garden, should you need me.” Arthur said before leaving.
And then there we were. Just us two again. I hadn’t seen him in five years, not since that week of our argument. Multiple emotions rushed through me; I could be angry, upset, frustrated, desperate, loving, relieved...all were pushing their way to the front of my mind, wanting to have their chance to speak.
“Five years.” Fred mumbled.
“Five years.” I repeated.
“I...I can’t speak. I can’t, I can’t think right now. I had so much I wanted to say.”
I didn’t know how to respond.
“Their names...I remember us talking about them.”
“Yeah. I always liked them.”
“Are they...well, do they know...”
“They know you’re their father. I've always avoided this kind of topic as much as I could with them. They've obviously asked in the past, but I guess since they were so used to it just being me, it was normal for them."
"How have you been?"
"Pretty good, for what it's worth. I was able to get on my feet, with the help of family, I gave birth to them with no complications, all by myself until the last minute. Mum had burst into the room, her face bright red as she rushed to my side. It was scary. And from there I managed to get us a small house, just the necessary rooms, and I try and treat them as much as I can, if the budget will allow it."
"Why didn't you contact me sooner?"
"Why didn't you contact me?" I snapped back."You had the means to do so as well. You probably had more time than I had to even think about contacting me!"
He slightly raised his hands, trying to calm me down."OK, I'm sorry. That was a stupid question."
“No, I'm sorry." I sat down at the kitchen table, head in my hands."I'm just feeling a lot of mixed things right now."
I heard him shuffle around before the chair next to mine scraped along the floor, and he sat in it."I know. So am I."
"I came here because (Y/D/N) is sick. An option we have is a transfusion of blood but we have to find the right person. They said the most likely match would come from a family member. All of mine have tried, even distant relatives. That's why I came in the first place."
His face had fallen into a sad expression, eyebrows furrowed."Wait, what does that mean?"
"She won't die, nothing like that. Even with the right treatment, she would have to go to hospital throughout her life. (Y/D/N) will be a sickly person throughout her life."
“Of course I’ll help. I know we all will.”
I smiled through my tears.“Thank you Fred. That means everything to me.”
“But...” he looked down at the table, slowly sliding his hand towards mine. He boldly placed it on top of mine,“I want to look after you too.”
“No, please listen. There has not been a day where I didn’t regret what I said to you the last time we saw each other. I...I thought about you everyday, but I was too selfish, I was too much of a coward to do anything about it. My love for you, it was...it is enormous. I think as a teen, I knew I was in love, I just didn’t realise how painful it would be when I lost you. And it was all my fault.”
“We’re both to blame. Throughout my pregnancy, I tried to hate you. I convinced myself I did, though deep, deep down in my heart, the love was still there. I told myself I could do this without you, and some days it really felt like that. Others, it would have been nice to have someone else around. And not just to help with the kids. To feel...like a normal family. To have someone look after me at the end of a long day.”
“I can’t believe no one else snatched you up.” he smiled.“You’ve become more beautiful over the years, I didn’t think that was possible.”
I blushed, rolling my eyes at his compliment.“Surprisingly, no one wants a woman with two kids, especially young kids.”
“Can’t say I’m too angry about that.”
“What are we doing Fred? It can’t go back to how it used to be. Not...not straight away.”
“You think you could forgive me?”
“And me?”
“You’ve done nothing wrong.”
“I kept you from your children! I could have done this years ago. They...they could have had their father in their lives, we knew how to get to each other.” I used my free hand to cover my eyes as I began crying.
“Hey,” Fred’s other arm wrapped around my shoulders,“you’re here now with me. I will apologise everyday if it means you can look me in the eyes and feel happiness. You deserve that much. And as for (Y/S/N) and (Y/D/N), I would love to get to know them. We can see where it goes, and further down the line...well, we can take baby steps.”
I sniffled.“You really want to do that?”
He smiled and nodded.“I’m going to be here for you all from now on. They’re my kids, and you’re the mother of my children. I’m going to make up for lost time.”
He tenderly embraced me, and how I had missed this feeling with him. I reacted, holding onto him as I continued to silently cry. He rocked us back and forth, but I could tell he was crying when I felt something drip onto my neck. This didn’t mean all was forgiven, it would take a while to mend everything between us, and for the kids to get used to their father again (and vice versa). Although I knew this would be a journey, I had some faith in it, and I prayed and hoped that someone from the Weasley side could help with (Y/D/N).
We were going to work through this. From what Fred had said, he was desperately wanting to reconnect. Perhaps we could be a family, and the last five years would be nothing compared to the rest of our lives.
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lancermylove · 4 years
Teenager MC 4 (HC)
Fandom: Obey Me
Pairing: Platonic hcs with all boys.
Warning: Mentions of depression, self-harm, scars, and insomnia.
Requested by: Anon
Prompt: Can you do an obey me with. A teenage mc who suffers from insomnia, depression and sh(old scars and new cuts) I saw in the last post you said Simeon was well with teenagers so I was wondering if you could do all the boys but if not then the brothers and Simeon? Sorry you don’t have to I’m just looking for some comfort right now
A/N: Sorry for taking so long! Anon and anyone who is depressed and/or self-harms....life is difficult and there are times where it’s too much to handle, but please reach out for help. By no means am I saying this just to say something (or preaching) because I know how you feel as I have been suffering from depression for quite a few years now and also have insomnia. I can’t bring myself to talk to anyone because I feel like I would burden them, and I hate going to the doctor due to multiple negative experiences in the past and because they charge way too much. Recently, I came to a realization that I can’t keep going like this and have been trying to push myself out of the darkness. It is difficult, especially since I have an unhealable chronic injury that gives/has been giving me a lot of pain for years. BUT, I refuse to let the pain win. I have been quietly suffering for a long time, and it’s not a good place to be in, so PLEASE reach out to someone if you can or at least try. You can also find creative outlets to help distract yourself. My outlets are writing and art. 
He noticed that there was something wrong but didn’t give it much thought. Humans are different than demons and angels, so he brushed it off as a human thing. He realized that he may have to look into the issue when he saw you wandering aimlessly at night. Multiple times.
He asked you if something was wrong, but you said everything was fine. He noticed that your mood would change often, and that you weren’t eating properly and weren’t talking much. He once again asked you if something was wrong, but your answer remained the same. 
This went on for a while, until he reached his patience limit. “Will you tell me what’s wrong? I don’t want to hear ‘everything is fine’.”
But you still gave the same answer, much to his annoyance. Then, he grabbed your hand, accidentally pushing your sleeve up. Red, purple, blue, brown, and cream stained your wrist and forearm. You managed to pull away your hand, but he got the answers he was looking for.  
His pride is hurt because he wasn’t able to stop you from hurting yourself; moreover, that it took him so long to figure it out.
Luci takes you to his study and asks why you are doing this to yourself but doesn’t push you to answer. 
If he sees that you’re hesitating, he assures you that he only wants to help you.
The Avatar of Pride sets aside his seemingly aloof personality and opens up a new, softer side to you. A side that not even his brothers have seen.
He tells you that you are not alone, and he’s here for you.
Luci asks you to promise that if you feel like hurting yourself or if you’re sad, you will come talk to him. He even says to come to his room if you can’t sleep or can’t get your mind to calm down.
Lucifer realizes that this is not something he can help you with overnight and is fully prepared to stay by your side as long as you need him to.
Before he sends you to your room, he pulls you into a firm hug and whispers, “I care for you more than you think and seeing you hurt yourself pains me.” 
He is speechless. As the first demon to make a contract with you, he thought he knew you better than anyone else.
It hurt him that you didn’t think of talking to him or even consider coming to him. 
Mammon ends up crying...a lot. 
He wipes his tears and nose with the sleeve of his jacket, “Y-you thought I wou-wouldn’t care, right? Do I have to spell it out that I c-care about you more than anyone e-else.” 
He cups your cheeks in his hands and presses his forehead against yours, “(Y/N), why are you hurting yourself? Are you in that much pain? You know you can talk to me and share your pain with me, right?”
Mammon pulls you into his chest and wraps his arms tightly around you, “Cry if you need to. Hit me if you need to. Yell if you need to. But don’t hurt yourself.” 
He insists on staying in your room, and even if you say no, he’s not going to take no for an answer. The Avatar of Greed has made up his mind that he’s going to help you through this no matter what.
He freezes and starts to feel lightheaded.  
Levi knows what it feels like to be depressed and to have a low self-esteem. He knows what it feels like to be looked down upon. He knows what it feels like for life to be constantly unfair. He knows... 
He knew there were others out there who felt like him, but never once did it crossed his mind that you, the only normie he dearly cares about, would be like him.
Levi takes hold of your hand and takes you to his room. He sits you in his gaming chair and pulls a spare chair next to yours before handing you a controller. 
While the two of you play, he mumbles, “Who knew my normie was just like me? Now, we can be sad together...but normie, know that I will not let you hurt yourself.” 
He glances at you with a small smile, “If something happens to my norm-friend, I don’t know what I would do.”   
He gasps and covers his mouth, “What did you do to your beautiful skin?” 
It takes Asmo a second to realize that his question may have been insensitive. No, that was not his intention, but beauty is very important to him.
He apologizes for his question before taking you to his room. “My dear, what’s wrong? Why are you doing this to yourself? You may not want to talk about such a delicate subject, but I really want to know. Please, tell me.” 
If you choose to tell him, Asmo will lend you an ear, but if you don’t talk, he gently nudges you until you talk. If you cry, he lends you a shoulder and rubs circles on your back.
“No matter what you need, I am here for you. I will gladly listen to you and help you in any way I can. I promise.” He places a hand on top of yours, “Let me take care of you and your health.” 
Asmo places a friendly kiss on the top of your head. “You may not feel like it, but please allow me to pamper you for the day. We can go shopping, get our hair and nails done, and go to the spa. How does that sound?”
He has read so many books that he’s familiar with the ways of humans. It doesn’t take him long to know how and why those scars and cuts got there. 
Satan sighs. He knows he can be scary when he’s angry, being the Avatar of Wrath and all, but is he really that scary? To the point where you wouldn’t be comfortable talking to him about your pain?
He wanted to ask you if you were scared of him, but he knew this was neither the right time nor the right place; instead, Satan places a hand on your shoulder and asks one question, “Would you trust me enough to share your feelings with me?”
Whether you say yes or no, he assures you that he will not judge you in any way. 
He takes you to his room and tells you to wait for him. In a few minutes, he returns with an unusual colored concoction. 
“Drink this. I know you have not been sleeping properly. Let’s worry about everything else tomorrow, but for tonight, drink this and rest.”
He sits in his reading chair and watches you sleep. “I am sorry for not realizing that you were in pain. Starting from tomorrow, I promise to stay by your side.”  
He is extremely confused seeing the scars, new and old alike. 
Beel thinks that one of the lesser demons hurts you and is more than ready to destroy the one responsible.
When he asks you who caused these injures, you reply no one. He pushes you a little to tell him how you got those injures. 
Not answering his question, you walk away, leaving Beel even more puzzled. He decides to ask one of his brothers but leaves your name out. 
After Beel learns the reason, he comes barging into your room, and without thinking one, he bear hugs you. 
“W-why would you hurt yourself?” He asks, tears filling his eyes. “Please don’t...if you’re sad, then tell me what I can do to make you happy.”
Beel looks you in the eyes and says innocently, “I will give you all my food if it makes you happy. You can even use me as a punching bag if you need to get your emotions out. Don’t worry, your punches won’t hurt me.” 
The Avatar of Glutton draws you into another embrace and pleads that you stay in his and Belphie’s room. “We will have fun and eat a lot of good food!” 
The usual sleepiness and fatigue that surrounds him quickly disappears. He has never felt so awake or alert in his life. 
“(Y/N), what’s bothering you to the point where you would go this far?” He waits for you to answer but continues talking when you remain silent, “I know you haven’t known me as long as my brothers and may not trust me fully, but I care for you.” 
Belphie takes a firm hold of your hand and studies your face. “I can tell you haven’t not been sleeping. What do you say we take a nap? Naps always make me feel better, so it may help you too.” 
While taking you to his room, he looks at you, “We can talk about this when you’re ready...but don’t hurt yourself, okay?”
Belphie’s hug and warmth lull you to sleep in no time. 
Various expressions dance across the Demon King’s face - anger, sadness, confusion, and pain.
Anger because he failed to notice earlier, sadness and pain because he dislikes seeing you suffering, and confusion because he can’t understand why you would harm yourself.
In many conversations related to the human world, he has heard that the world of humans can be ruthless. Humans say that demons only dwell in hell, but from what Diavolo has heard, he believes demons also exist in the human world.
“I am not sure what to do as I have never faced such a situation, but please allow me to share my feelings with you.” He places a hand on the top of your head, “Having you hear in Devildom makes me happy. You are far different than what I imagined humans to be like.” 
He studies your expressions before speaking once more, “Many demons in Devildom disagreed with my decision to invite a human to RAD, but despite their protests, I stood firm. Now, I can say I made the right choice by inviting you here.” 
Diavolo gently touches your cheek, “I have found a friend in you, and I hope you have found a friend in me. If you have, then please share your feelings with me, be it happiness, sadness, pain, or confusion. I promise to listen to you and will do anything for you. Even if you ask me for the most difficult thing you can think of, I will bring it for you.” 
This was one of the possibilities he had seen in the many doors in his room.
He dearly hoped that he would never have to encounter this moment, but here it was. 
Barbatos had prepared himself in case it may come true, but all his preparation was for naught. Seeing the cuts had made him forget everything. 
He wasn’t one to take feelings into account, and he wasn’t qualified to handle these situations. In this mind, Simeon, Solomon, and even Lucifer could help you a lot more than he could. 
But, he also couldn’t let this continue.
“I realize that I may not express myself nor do I seem friendly, but if you wish to talk, I shall lend you an ear.” 
His usual stoic expression was nowhere in sight; instead, an unexpected softness found its way on his face. 
“Shall we talk over a cup of tea? I have baked your favorite dessert. I hear that humans believe when one is down, they should consume sugar to brighten their mood.” 
Simeon winces. Even though you pulled your sleeve over the scars and cuts, the image stays in his mind. 
It pains him to learn that you have been suffering...possibly all alone. 
He asks you a series of questions to learn the reason behind harming yourself. Are demons hurting you? Do you not like it in Devildom? Is something bothering you? How long have you been hurting yourself?
Though he wants to ask more, he doesn’t want to overwhelm you. 
Simeon takes you to Purgatory Hall and asks you to stay there with him. 
While making you a cup of calming tea, he says, “You are a strong, beautiful, and kindhearted person. You don’t deserve pain...you deserve all the happiness in the world.” 
He hands you the cup and smiles softly, “Drink this. It will help you. I am not familiar with the human world, but my dear, as your friend, I am here for you.”
Simeon sits next to you and gives you a warm, heartfelt hug. “Think of me as your guardian angel and share your pain with me. In return, I promise to listen to you and always watch over you.”
His first thought is to brew a potion for you to help with your pain, but he stops himself.
Solomon knows that rather than thinking like a sorcerer in this situation, he should think like a human first. 
“If it’s not too much to ask, will you tell me what bothers you?” He asks in a tender voice, “The demons may have told you that I am not trustworthy, but do believe me when I say I care about you.” 
Upon further examining your face, he deduces from your dark circles that you have not been sleeping properly. He also realizes that you may be depressed which would explain sleeplessness and self-harm. 
Sighing quietly, he brings you back to Purgatory Hall and asks Luke to stay with Simeon for the time being. 
If at that time you talk, Solomon listens to you without an ounce of judgment, but if you wish to stay quiet, Solomon decides to try again later.
For the time being, he hands you a potion and explains, “This concoction will help calm your mind and help you sleep. If your insomnia is left unchecked, your health will further decline.” 
He helps you remove your shoes and pulls a blanket over your body. “I will be here for you when you wake up. Rest well and sweet dreams, (Y/N).”
Solomon avoids telling you that he added a special ingredient to the potion - an ingredient that will give you pleasant dreams...happy dreams.   
He is shocked to see the injuries and doesn’t understand; in fact, he’s traumatized. 
Luke doesn’t say anything and just stands there, even after you walk away.
For the next few days, he has trouble sleeping at night and ends up asking Simeon a few questions. 
Luke gets angry at the demons for not taking proper care of you, but for your sake, he doesn’t say anything to them. 
He shows up at your doorstep unannounced with a basket full of baked goods. 
Luke doesn’t ask about your scars/cuts as he assumes it would be rude, instead he asks, “Do you think of me as your friend?” 
Regardless of what you answer, he says, “I am here for you whenever you need you...even if you don’t need me.” 
He takes a tight hold of your hand and looks at you with tears. “I want to be your guardian angel, so please let me be.” 
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balmasedas · 4 years
dearly departed. /
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(gif is not mine).
PAIRING: din djarin x force sensitive!f-reader.
SUMMARY: au of 2x8 where reader exists instead of grogu (i'm sorry, baby).
WARNINGS: very slight description of torture, violence and blood. major angst.
One day felt like a year.
A week onboard the light cruiser was hell and Moff Gideon was proven to be worse than the devil.
You’d barely slept and hunger constantly gripped your belly. You didn’t felt the urge to scream or to even beg for help, those instincts were long dead by now.
They were fascinated. A real Jedi or, at the very least, a live one, still yet to be properly trained (if you managed to survive this). So it wasn’t a surprise that because of their evil nature and in the name of “curiosity” you were obliged to use the Force until you fainted, over and over again. 
It was a tragedy. In search of what would’ve been your home, you had found one with Din Djarin; and now the memories you'd learned to cherish seemed so far away in time that you started to doubt your mind.
Din sat against a rock; while you rested your back against his chest and between his legs. Just the two of you, the sound of the crackling fire and endless stars above your heads. You felt so little and yet, at the same time, that there was nothing that could stop you from conquering the entire galaxy.
“You got this.” his modulated voice came out lower than usual. 
“Sh!” you silenced him with a half-smile. Your hand was extended, just a couple of meters away a small rock floated in the air, slowly approaching you. You’d tried it at least a dozen times and this one, you decided, would be the last. 
Silence crept over you both. Too expectant to breathe for a few seconds. 
You were certain, so confident. Then, fear invaded you. Your hand started to shake and so did the rock. You could feel yourself slowly losing control, anticipating a seemingly inevitable failure. You didn’t trust your power, having always been relegated to abandoning your true identity for your own (and everyone’s) safety. 
Luckily, Din did have hope in you, and although he respected your wishes of quietness during this moment, it didn’t mean he couldn’t try to ease your mind through other means. After all, the Mandalorian felt more comfortable with actions than he felt with words. 
So he snuck his hand beneath your hair and softly rubbed his thumb behind your ear, a soothing caress he often offered when you needed comfort.
It wasn’t a revelation that then, and only then, you felt enough peace to stabilize the Force and finally close your hand around the object.
“Oh!” both your eyes and mouth were wide open. You half turned towards Din — you were drunk in elation, still not wanting to miss the warmness of his body. “I got it!” you burst. You met his visor, but you could sense his eyes on you. 
“What did I say?” he spoke. “You got this.”
You got this. 
You got this.
“I got this,” you mumbled, trying to hold on to comforting words carefully sheltered in your head.
You had been a prisoner of your own body for over a week now. Traveling only from your cell to the room you were currently held and vice versa. Having to extend your arm obediently when you were told so and use your powers as well. 
Truth be told, there was nothing else you could do, except trying to keep your mind busy and start processing the facts: there were no (nor there would be) allies to your cause. You were alone and whatever the remains of the Empire had in store for you was still yet to be revealed. 
Din would come for you, you were sure of that, but some hopeless part of your now broken soul was unsure he’d make it in time.
The door from your cell opened. A couple of troopers marched towards you. Between them, the man in the white coat you’d regularly seen since your arrival. He introduced himself by squeezing your arm, it was supposed to be gentle. 
He wouldn't have done the same if you weren't cuffed and strapped into a stretcher. You thought about breaking free. Your hands around his neck, fear instead of the cockiness his eyes currently harbored. 
The urge was sharp and violent and you enjoyed it while it lasted.
“How are you doing?” Like shit. You remained impassible. 
He opened a case he’d been carrying and laid out the contents on a tray next to the bed. You knew what it was, you wish you didn’t. Needles of different sizes, scalpers, and syringes. 
You winced when he took a needle and fitted it into a large syringe.
He smiled at you. "Be a good girl and stay still, will you?"
Fuck you. “Okay.” Even though you complied, both troopers were ordered to hold you down.
As usual, every movement from that moment was processed in slow motion. The doctor hovering the needle just a few millimeters over your skin, then, the hard cold steel piercing it. First a pinch; as it went deeper, burn; then ache. You wanted to trash but you couldn’t. 
Your vision swam, and your head went thick. “It’s done.” was the last thing you heard before you blacked out. 
“Are you seeing anything? Or are they supposed to see you?” Din queried, looking around.
You were sitting on top of the Seeing stone, drowned in confusion just like him. Still, you couldn’t help but giggle at his obvious deduction from the name of the place where you currently were.
“Yes, I-” you trailed off and furrowed your brows as you watched him thoroughly inspecting the rock. He was quiet, his thoughts were loud. Or maybe you just knew him too well by then. “��� I see you” you tilted your head, reformulating your sentence into a question, “Are you searching for an interrupter, Din?”
He straightened his body and immediately backed away from it “No,” he was quick to deny. You kept your eyes fixated on him, and then a ghost of a smile appeared on your face. Finally, he corrected himself after a defeated sigh, “Yes.” he confessed.
You chuckled. You could’ve kissed him by then, if only you had the chance. 
“I wish Ahsoka Tano would’ve told me more, but that’s not how it works.” 
The Force seemed to be much more complex than you originally thought. And the Jedi you met in Corvus day’s ago should’ve cleared many things —instead, she baffled you, even more, shifting her entire demeanor when she sensed your connection with the Mandalorian. 
Now, you were supposed to make contact with another Jedi without knowing how. 
Din didn’t answer. He had left the previous planet just as frustrated as you, if not more. 
“Well, look at the bright side—” you were cut by the sound of a ship circling the area. Both of you were immediately alarmed by its presence. Din ran to the edge of the mountain and followed it closely with his eyes. An attack craft was no good news. As much as he wished to complete the mission, there was no way he’d risk your safety. Both of you could come back later, he assumed.
He called your name, walking backward. “Time’s up, we gotta go.” he stopped abruptly when he finally turned around and saw you. He’d never seen anything of similar nature. 
Your eyes were shut, strands of your hair floated like feathers in the breeze. Some kind of force shield had been erected around you. He screamed for you again. “Hey! Snap out of it, we gotta get out of here.” but wherever your mind was, it was far away from Tython now.
He even tried to pass through the force shield only to be violently expelled from it.
He grunted. The floor beneath him was hard, the realization he made hit harder: there was no way he could reach you. 
His desperation only could grow when he spotted an unknown subject leaving the craft. “Dank Farrik!” he cursed. His hands were closed in tight fists, his gaze lingered on you. Leaving you was his last preference, he’d promised you he’d never do it until you were safe but it became the only viable option. 
He had no power to interfere in whatever was happening to you up there, but he could take care of the problem on the bottom of that mountain.
Din pulled his blaster from the holder. “I’ll see if I can buy you some time.” he doubted you could hear him, but still he tried. “Can you please hurry up?” there was hesitation in his movement, his steps were slow and uncertain. Walking away from you had never felt so wrong, and yet he had no other choice if he wanted to protect you.
He would later learn that fear, desolation, and regret were very possible and present emotions in him as he could only stand and see the dark troopers taking you away. 
The first thing you noticed when you woke up was your handcuffs.
The second thing was the light reflecting off them. 
Your glance flickered from the Dark saber to Moff Gideon and then to the person he was talking to. 
Until that moment, you weren’t sure if you were awake or hallucinating. But then everything became so real. His armor, his voice. As exhausted as you were, you took your time to caress Din with your eyes. 
He was alive. Whole. Here.
You were in a dream.
He, on the other hand, sensed that his nightmare was far from over. 
“You can keep it, I just want her,” he assured. The object of dispute between Moff Gideon and Bo-Katan had never sparked any interest in him. You were his only priority and his original quest had been long forgotten by then. 
The Moff stood in silence, seemingly analyzing the proposal.
“Very well, I already got what I wanted from her.” he addressed. “All I wanted was to study her blood. You see, the girl is extremely gifted. And has been a blast with rare properties that have the potential to bring order to the galaxy.” 
Din anchored his attention on you. All this talking did nothing but disturb him even more. You were so close and so far. Shut up, he wanted to say. 
Instead, he remained quiet. 
“I see your bond with her.” Din heard it before. Did he also believe what you both had it was dangerous? He didn’t wish or care to know. “Take her. But you will leave my ship immediately and we will go separate ways.”
If Din nodded, you missed it. He took cautious steps towards you. Your heart started to race in anticipation. You could already taste a decent glass of water, the sun kissing your skin, and the end of what was once an endless agony. 
You extended your hand for him to take it. He was only a meter away. 
It seemed so easy.
It would’ve been so easy.
But Moff Gideon bared only greed and darkness in his soul. He surrendered to no one, let alone a Mandalorian.
“No!” your scream ripped through your throat when you saw the Dark saber hovering over Din’s head. He was quick enough to block the hit and the ones that followed after, but the Moff was insatiable and they both disappeared into the hall.
You tugged at the cuffs, trying to get them off but it was impossible. Not when they were neutralizing your power. You were too weak to run, yet you still launched yourself at the door. 
Your legs instantly gave in. You let out a hard groan but didn't stop to recover from the blow. You instantly laid your body on a side and with the own weight of your arms you started dragging yourself on the floor. 
You had no visuals on Gideon and Din, still, the sound of the black saber colliding against beskar outside the room brought you some sense of calm.
They were still fighting, there was still time.
You just had to crawl a little bit more.
But the hallway seemed miles away, you were tired and you'd barely reached the doorframe when all fell silent.
"D–" your voice died before finishing the sentence. The thought of calling him and not receiving an answer infested your mind like a parasite. You wouldn’t survive that memory. 
A rush of adrenaline took over your body, you started moving once again. Frightened, but not hopeless —not yet. 
If Din hadn’t... If Din—
You would make sure to make Gideon pay. Maybe not with your mind, maybe with your own bare hands.
But your revenge would have to wait a few more minutes because someone blocked your path before you could reach the hallway.
Your eyes fixed over the boots in your line of vision. Where those his? You should’ve paid more attention to his clothes. If you did, you wouldn’t be trembling in fear. If you did, you would’ve instantly knew it was him, instead of waiting until he kneeled and reached for you.
He whispered your name. So loving and familiar. So soft it almost went unnoticed. 
Your lips pursed into a tight line, your eyes were filled to the brim with tears. You didn’t want to cry. But your heart felt heavy and all that pain you had accumulated those days had to go somewhere.
It was inevitable to break down. To weep and shake as your thoughts bounced between what could've happened and what didn't.
Din seemed to sense this when he asserted, "I'm here." He quickly took care of the cuffs. You find relief around your wrist, but the pressure didn't seem to budge on your chest. “I’m here.” 
There, on the cold surface of that cell, he hugged you for all the days he couldn’t.
One arm went around your back, his other hand rested against your head, fitting you against his body. You buried your face against his chest. He drew his fingers along the curve of your neck.
The well-known gesture felt completely different. Whereas before the calming effects of it were exclusively destined to you, it seemed that now it was he who needed it the most. He needed to make sure you were there. That you were real, alive, and well.
You vocalized your thoughts once you found the strength to do so, "I thought I lost you."
Din’s arms tightened around you, solid and warm. His heart would’ve broken right there if it weren’t filled with happiness. Your voice was the same. It was home. "No. I'm too stubborn to leave you." had you had the strength to chuckle, you would have. 
You slowly raised your head and, for the first time, observed past his shoulder. You immediately regretted your decision. In the hallway, Moff Gideon laid against the wall, now in shackles, looking straight into your eyes. There was a smirk plastered on his face. 
Din side-glanced the floor. The handcuffs, from which he had freed you, started to shake. Your back, once hunched and languid, was now rigid under his embrace. 
“No,” he muttered. He separated and took your face between his hands. “Look at me.” you ignored him and focused on the man behind him. Gideon’s brow furrowed, his cockiness slowly fading away —the air in his lungs too. "Cyar’ika.” the whisper came out as a plead. His helmet blocked your vision now, his gloved thumbs slid over your cheeks. You blinked the lashes that framed your eyes. They would’ve looked innocent on anyone else. “Don’t. He can’t hurt you no more.” his voice was gentle and reassuring. You believed him. 
He wouldn't hurt you, but he could –and would– hurt Din if given the chance. 
That terrified you, and it was something you couldn't forgive or forget.
Din was waiting for an answer, so you gave him one, “Alright.” Moff Gideon would just have to wait.
You both stared at each other for a moment. You hoped your answer was convincing enough to buy Din's calm. It did, cause he dropped the subject and moved into another, seconds later, “Can you walk?” he asked.
You placed your palm on the floor and held Din's with your other hand. Your legs responded –slowly but steady, you got on your feet.
The Mandalorian held you by the waist, watching with caution until he was sure you could stand by yourself, "We have to go to the bridge" he announced. His voice was low enough to maintain what he was saying between you. “Moff Gideon will go to the front, I’ll stay behind, you can follow me.” you couldn’t tell if it was a proposition or an order. 
“It’s ok. You said it yourself, he can’t hurt me.” Din tittered and shook his head.
“It’s not you who I’m worried about”.
You’d felt at ease once you met the familiar faces that had come to your rescue. Cara didn’t hesitate to hug you when she saw you, while Fennec limited herself to a comradely nod from afar.
Koska and Bo-Katan had been a completely different story. They didn’t take it lightly when they saw Din in possession of the Darksaber. You glanced at Moff Gideon, his victorious grin made much sense then —he knew of the traditions and what gave power to the saber. He also appreciated how Bo-Katan was as obsessed as him with it —purposely sinking his finger in her wounded pride. 
Although Din had yielded, his peace offering was unwelcomed, as well as his intentions to give her the saber. The last thing you needed was internal conflicts, but you were willing to fight anyone if you had to protect the person you'd care about the most.
The rising tension was —luckily or not— shut down by the alarms going off and then Fennec reporting a breach in the ray shields of the ship.
Moff Gideon, with a disgusting proudness in his voice, announced the dark troopers.
Lines formed between your eyebrows, "Dark troopers?"
Fennec took care of your confusion. "Problems." Her answer was vague, but you could deduce from it, at least, the essential: you'd have to fight against them —inhuman killing machines that doubled your size. The chances of winning were minimal, but you couldn't have gotten this far only to surrender.
You approached the screens and took a seat in front of them. The dark troopers kept coming. Din had trouble fighting with one earlier, and now you were six against too many. Five if they didn't count you. You were still weak, no powers, no Force —you were utterly useless.
Someone softly squeezed your shoulder. You looked up and your eyes met with beskar. "I'm gonna get you out of here." He could try. His words had always given you security. You assumed it was your damaged spirit that doubted them for the first time.
You fixed your eyes on the screen again, Din went to the front among the others. The dark troopers marched towards the bridge. They were getting closer and closer and all you could do was prepare yourself and wait.
"Seal the blast doors!" Fennec commanded Koska.
You looked at the cameras.
They were there.
The two dark troopers in the front started pounding on the door. The material they were made of was resistant, but not indestructible. It was only a matter of minutes before they could get through it.
"You have an impressive fireteam protecting you," Moff Gideon spoke. His voice exuberated confidence. He appreciated his upper hand in the situation and wasn't shy about it. "But I think we all know after a valuable stand, everyone in this room will be dead, but me and the girl."
Din didn't turn to look at you. Gideon's statement probably sent him the same eerie sensation as it did to you.
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. The thought of him speaking so lightly of your friends' death almost made you puke.
If only you could've hurt him. You had the will, but not the power.
The alarm went off a second time. All of you looked at your right, throughout the windows: A ship flew past the cruiser. Closer monitoring allowed you to identify it as a lone X-wing fighter. Just one. Cara whispered something about being saved, her voice dripping with sarcasm. 
"Incoming craft, identify yourself." Bo-Katan solicited. Radio silence.
The dark troopers outside stopped pounding at the door. You looked at the cameras outside the bridge. They made a half-way turn on their place and armed themselves. 
Everyone was too baffled to be relieved about it. Everyone but you.
Your eyes were glued to the screen. The hooded figure that disembarked was just a visual confirmation of what you had sensed as soon as the craft had landed in the docking bay. 
There was no more such thing as uneasiness. The air felt lighter —in it, an invisible string pulling you towards the unknown subject.
No. Not unknown. You knew what and who it was —long before he'd displayed his lightsaber. You knew why he was here, as well as his intentions. You just didn't want to acknowledge the consequences of his presence —and what it meant for you. 
You turned around and searched for the Mandalorian, only to find Moff Gideon on his feet and pointing a blaster at Bo Katan.
He fired at her, four or five times, you didn't exactly count —it was enough to knock her out of the way.
There was nothing between you and him now. Whereas he'd expressed before the possibilities of keeping you alive for further studies about the Force, it wasn't a viable option anymore. He would rather kill you than let the Jedi get his hands on you.
You had no way to defend yourself. So you looked at him in the eyes and held your breath, resigned, once again, to a destiny written by foreign hands. 
You waited for the shots but they never came. Instead, the air was knocked out of your chest as you were thrown to the floor by someone. You winced at the harsh contact. At least you didn't have a hole in your body. You had closed your eyes by instinct, blinking felt such a waste of energy by then.
You focused on Din's helmet while he frantically inspected your body for any wounds.
"Are you ok?" he asked.
No, you were not. You were numb, expressionless, stunned, motionless. You felt your throat closing up. To speak would mean abandoning the shelter of your conscious, where you still believed to have more time with him. 
But you didn’t, and Din needed to be aware of this.
Tears welled up in your eyes before you whispered, “It’s time.” 
His posture stiffened above you. Though it was never a serious conversation, he’d recalled both of you touching the subject very on the surface. Always in a light, joking manner. “Oh, what will you do when I’m gone?” you’d ask. Din would follow with a snicker and tease you for the sake of your dynamic. “Get a good night of rest.” Truth be told, you could’ve never fathom to properly rest far from each other.
You wished, or rather begged with your eyes, for him to say something, anything —but he chose silence. Was his nightmare the same as yours? Or had he come to accept, long before you did, your true path? 
He took you gently by the hands and helped you get up. He guided you to the front, slow and steady. 
“Open the door,” the bridge was noiseless. No answer whatsoever to his request. Din insisted, “I said, open the door.”
Fennec raised an eyebrow, aiming at the entrance. “Are you crazy?” all the dark troopers were destroyed, but you couldn’t blame the group for their wariness. It had been a long day, a long journey, too many enemies in your path to trust so easily the person waiting on the other side.
You walked past by Gideon, who laid unconscious on the floor. His attempt to kill you felt so far away in time. Now, you faced something worse and more dreadful than death itself. 
Din ignored the verbal protests and pressed the button himself. The blast doors opened. The green glow of the lightsaber was visible before his body. Everyone waited as he entered the bridge. The sick, anxious feeling in your gut only increased when he withdrew his lightsaber. The memories of your time on the seeing stone came back altogether. You recalled his face, he was in your dream, he was the one who had reached out and —oh, you wished you could retract your cry for help.
“Are you a Jedi?” Din found the courage to ask. 
Yes, he is. You knew his identity before he could tell you so. Luke Skywalker.
“I am,” he confirmed and then looked at you. He reached out a hand, you squeezed Din’s. “Come, please.” you trusted this stranger as if you had known him all your life. The Jedi wasn’t the problem, it was the man standing next to you. 
“She doesn’t want to go with you.” Din’s authoritative tone and firm stand made it clear that he shared the same wishes as you. 
But Luke knew better than to give in to the whims of your hearts. If only they were reason enough to rebel against him, “She is strong with the Force. But talent without training is nothing. I will give my life to protect her, but she will not be safe until she masters her abilities.” 
Your fingers lingered over Din’s as you broke the grip on his hand and took a step forward. For a moment, you considered the option of leaving everything behind without looking back. To spare the pain of goodbye seemed the happiest ending you could get. 
Then you remembered how uncertain and unpleasant the future could be. Very few souls in the galaxy could survive regret, an ‘I should’ve’ was more gut-wrenching than any blast to your chest.
So you turned around and face him one more time. You offered a tremulous smile, drops wet the corner of your lips. 
He, as always, tried to offer some peace of mind you couldn’t find by yourself. “I’ll see you again. I promise.” you hated the bleakness that tainted his voice. Still, you found yourself wordless, nodding at his words. 
You extended your hand, the tip of your fingers brushed his helmet. It was cold, lifeless, so much different from what was inside of it and who you had learned to know. Din’s hand went up and reached for yours, for a moment you thought he’d push it away. Instead, he put it on the helmet and slowly removed it. 
What in the past was deemed unlikely, was now a solid dream.
You lingered on the coffee eyes that studied yours, on the small crease between them above the line of his bold nose. His hair —you wanted to jump in his arms and run your fingers through that hair. Your eyes wandered over his mouth, following its curve and pout, as if he was just about to speak. You wanted to crush your mouth against his lips. 
So you did.
Time stopped in a collision of senses when your lips met his. Your heart pounded in your chest as your knees got weaker. You could only focus on how soft he felt against your mouth, in how addictively he invaded your senses. 
There was raw emotion in the way his fingers closed behind your neck, in how he squeezed you against his body. With your eyes closed, you weren’t sure if your mind had tricked you into a perfect present. 
But then you opened them again and he was there. Closer than ever. 
“We will meet again.” your voice quavered in a whisper. You threw your head back just to take a full picture of his handsome face. Tears fell over his cheeks, you brushed them away with your thumbs. “Someday, somewhere, we’ll get to be together.” you lowered a hand and placed it on his chest. “Until then, keep me here, ok?” 
This time, Din draped both of his arms around your frame and met your lips halfway. It was short, intense, and everything that needed to be said was said with it, “I’ll wait for you as long as I have to, ner runi”. 
You stole him one last kiss before you let him go. 
There was nothing said between you and Luke as you left the bridge side by side. More tears cascaded through your face the further you walked away. You knew this was the way it should be, but never would it hurt so bad. The Mandalorian was supposed to be only an eventuality and ended up being half of your heart. 
You reached the elevator and turned around. It took a massive amount of bravery to look at a loved one in the eyes as you parted ways, so you gathered every cell full of courage in your body and looked at Din. 
You were still crying, so was he. But you had made peace with the past, the present, and the future — both of you knew, one way or another, you were destined to each other, whatever the odds you’d have to face. 
The elevator doors were closing. Your smile grew wider and wider as you realized, not too late, just in time, “I love you, Din Djarin.” he didn’t have to say it back for you to know he felt it too. 
You had promised to find him as soon as you could and you intended to keep your word.
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stargazer-balladeer · 4 years
Comforting S/O [Pokémon Sword & Shield]
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Characters Included: Bede, Hop, Leon & Raihan
Notes: I know I should be doing requests but I’ve been wanting to do a Pokemon hc for awhile now (im also waiting for someone to request something for pokemon but sadly, no one did 😔🥺 please send requests for pokemon). Hope you’ll enjoy it! (Sorry if some of them are OOC)
Reader’s Gender: Neutral
Warnings: none (minor spoilers if you don’t know of the storyline of the game)
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— When you start to cry, Bede would panic. Regardless if he knows the reason or not, he’ll still panic. Even though you two are together for a long time now, he still panics whenever he sees you starting to sob.
— His heart will shatter when he hears you hiccuping in your cries as he awkwardly pulls you into a (awkward) hug. He tries his best, but he isn’t good at comforting. So he’ll just hold you until you calm down.
— He doesn’t mind you staining his jacket (or gym shirt), all he cares about is whether you’re okay or not. Bede would definitely ask what’s wrong, but if you don’t want to talk about it, it’s fine for him. Just expect Bede to be more cautious and observant of you.
— If your reason is someone bullying you— “what’s their name? where do they live? where are they now?—“ yeah, he’ll make sure that person will pay for making you cry. It’s bad enough that he was rude to you back then. If your reason is because of him, he’ll be surprised and hurt. He knows he isn’t the best and perfect guy, but now he felt like the most cruel guy in the world for making you cry. Bede would definitely try to remember what he did to make you cry.
— However, if your reason is stress about Pokémon battles, gym, etc. Bede would understand since being a Champion is hard and stressful, being in the media’s eyes constantly. Bede couldn’t do much since he’s only a Gym Leader in training.
— Bede would drag you to either your homes (but preferably his), and force you to sit down on the couch and rest. He’ll go to the kitchen to prepare some food as he instructs you to put on a movie. Once he’s finished, he’ll go back to the living room with food at hand. From there, you two will have a unplanned movie night.
— Bede might not be the most preferred guy to go to for comfort, but he tries his best. It isn’t his fault that his parents abandoned him, making him an orphan, and raised without love and warmth. He only experienced it with you, and continue experiencing it for the rest of his life. So please don’t hold it against him for being this way ;-;
— When you start to cry, Hop’s first instinct is to pull you close and “shh” you in a comforting way. He rubs his hands on your shoulders as he lets you cry on either his shoulder or chest. For some reason, he knows how to comfort other people, unlike Bede. Probably seen it with how their mother comfort Leon when he lost for the first time.
— Hop’s heart will break when tears started cascading down your cheeks. He hates seeing you cry. He wants you to always be happy, but he knew that seeing you cry is actually important. Since he knew that crying is normal and seeing his s/o cry means you trust him.
— Hop wouldn’t immediately ask what’s wrong. He’ll let a couple of minutes or an hour to pass before asking, making sure you’re already calmed down. He just wants to find out what’s wrong so that he can see that smile of yours that he loves so much.
— If the reason why you’re crying is someone making fun of you, he’ll not say anything at first. But he’ll definitely ask for their name, he wants to know why they decided to pick on his girlfriend and the Champion of Galar. If the reason is him, he’ll be confused and might panic. Did he do something that must’ve upset you?! Oh Arceus, did he?! (The second reason doesn’t come up too often, mostly comes up during fights, though they are rare).
— However, if the reason is stress, Hop definitely understands the stress. He’s already stressed trying to become the next Professor in the lab, if being a Professor is hard, what of being the Champion of the WHOLE Galar Region? That must’ve been so stressful. Hop has mutual respect for you for being so strong under so much peer pressure.
— Hop would probably drag you to his room, where you two can cuddle while laying down. He’ll be the big spoon as he hugs you close to his chest. Hop would remain quiet if you don’t want to talk. The thing with Hop, he knows when to be energetic and when to unwind.
— Hop is much more of an ideal guy to go to for comforting than Bede, but he also has flaws. He sometimes can’t see that you’re already crying due to him being busy studying to become a Professor. He might start to neglect you. Hop is super apologetic if ever this happens. Having raised by a Champion brother and a loving mother, he has love to spare to you. He loves to spoil you very much and constantly showers you with affection.
— When you start to cry, Leon panic but he manage to regain his composure by bringing you to a hug. If he has his cloak, he might cover you by using it as a shield so that no one can see you crying.
— Leon can feel his heart throbbing in pain as you sob in his chest. He immediately wants to know what happened and why are you crying, but he knew better than to ask you right now. Not when you’re still crying your eyes out.
— After crying in his chest for an hour, you finally calmed down. Leon made sure you’ve calmed down. He made you sit on a nearby bench, or lean on a tree, and made you drink water from the bottle he carries always (his mother always made him bring it. in this exact moments, leon is grateful for his mother’s persistence). After all that, Leon will ask all the questions in his head. He doesn’t expect an answer right away but he wants to have an idea on what happened.
— If your reason is someone saying bad things about you, Leon’s face turned into furious then to solemn. As much as Leon wants to beat the crap out of that person, he can’t. Because it’ll affect the reputation that the League has. He’ll just say, “don’t mind them, okay? their opinions don’t matter.” If your reason is because of him, he’ll be so confused like “huh?” “did i do something wrong?” He’s just a confused, lost puppy right then and there.
— If your reason is because of stress, ohhh, Leon can relate to you. He’s been there before, being the previous Unbeatable Champion of Galar Region. He knew the stress of your peers, the challenges, the paperworks and all sorts. He can actually help you! He can help organize your chaotic schedule and stuff like that.
— Leon’s way of comforting is dragging you to your shared house and just pamper you. He’ll cook you a decently-cooked meal (that was, miraculously, not burned). Massage your body, because I can see him being good at massages. And just basically pamper you like royalty.
— Leon is an ideal guy to go to for comfort. He’s basically a huge living teddy bear that you can rely on and cry on. His arms always feels the safest, no matter what.
— When you start to cry, Raihan blinks, his mind not processing before panicking. He’ll quickly rush to you and holds your face in his hands and make you look into his eyes while asking “baby! are you okay?! what happened?!” Which results in you crying much more.
— Raihan had the “oh shit” face on when he realized his mistake and immediately engulf you into a hug. Since his tall as hell, he can pick you up easily by grabbing your thighs and wrapping it around his waist. His heart is already cracking by your cries alone.
— Even though Raihan wants to know immediately why you’re crying, he’ll remain silent. He might not be the best at comforting people, like Bede, but he knows when to speak and not to speak. He’ll let you cry into his chest or shoulder until you can’t anymore.
— After that, he’ll coo at you. Saying things like, “alright, who made my baby cry?” And “tell me their name and i’ll beat them up for you.” This was honestly meant to be a joke but Raihan can make it literally happen..
— If your reason is someone telling you to break up with the Dragon-type Gym Leader, then he’ll be furious. He told his fans that you were his mate and he will not allow them to pick on you. The one thing he asked for his fans, and they broke it. You’ve never seen him so furious before.. If your reason is him though, he’ll have a mixed reaction. Surprised, guilt and confuse. Like “huh?? wut? me??”
— If your reason is stress, Raihan nods in agreement. He already faced through stress when he became a Gym Leader. He might not know what kind of stress the Champion Title brings but he knows its a lot of work. He’ll tell you that stress is normal, just come to him and you’ll be alright.
— Raihan would drag you to a field and lay there. If its night time, then you two can go stargazing. If its day time or noon, you two can go cloud gazing. Anything’s fine with Raihan as long as you’re having fun, then he’s having fun as well. He wishes that your sadness will falter whenever you are with him. Because that’s how he feels for you, he can feel like the thousands of weighs being gone when he sees you. He’s forever grateful for you.
— Raihan likes adventures so much, but he can also use a break. So when you came to the picture, he can finally unwind. He wants you to do the same. You shouldn’t be focused solely on your work and ambition, you should take some time for yourself and your love ones. Raihan might not also be the ideal guy of comforting but his presence alone can calm you down :)
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helnjk · 4 years
Only Us - F.W.
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Fred Weasley x fem!reader
This is for @slytherinsunrise ‘s 1k writing challenge! I’m using the song Only Us from Dear Evan Hansen because it makes my heart go 🥺❤️Congrats on 1k, lovely!! I hope you like it 🧚🏼‍♀️
Word Count: 3k 
Warnings: Mentions of the war, PTSD, angst, non-linear healing, alcohol consumption, hurt/comfort
A/N: The tags make it sound really sad but I promise if you stick with it, it gets better!! Also, listening to the song while reading is: a good idea. 
The war may have ended, but for Fred, healing was nowhere in sight. 
The nightmares were getting consistently worse. Each night he would jolt awake, sweat coating his forehead and clammy hands grasping for any sort of confirmation that he was fine, George was fine, everyone was safe. It was getting to a point where he could barely reach eight hours of sleep a week, and he could tell it was affecting him in everything he did.
His friends and family constantly sent concerned glances his way, taking note of the bruised color his eye bags were sporting, the shake in his hand, and the heaviness he always seemed to drag along with him. 
“I’m worried for you, mate.” George said one morning, as he found his twin staring blankly at the-by then cold-cup of tea clutched in his hands. He could tell that Fred had been up long before the sun rose, “I think you need a break, a change of scenery, anything really.” 
“I haven’t gotten the faintest idea where I could go, though,” Replied Fred.  
“Think about it,” George urged, but said nothing else on the matter. He settled instead on the rest of his plans for today. 
Instead of taking his twin’s advice, Fred took his twin’s advice. 
He figured since he wasn’t going to be able to get hours in to sleep, might as well use them to numb his pain. A change of scenery was what his twin had recommended after all. Often, he would find himself sneaking out of the flat above the shop, once he knew George was fast asleep, and apparating to the nearest muggle club. 
Something about the reckless atmosphere, the knowledge that all of these people knew nothing of the war that ravaged so many lives, called out to Fred. Here, he could be whoever he wanted to be. He wasn’t some insomniac war-hero with anxiety, he was just Fred. 
Clear the slate and start over
The bass pounding in his ears, sending jolts through his body as he waded through the crowded dance floor, bright flashing lights distorting the faces of the bodies around him, Fred felt more free than he had in a long time. 
His mind was numb, almost empty. It was much too loud and too packed for him to think about anything else except the beat of the music and the heat of the crowd. 
When his thirst became too much, he made his way to the equally crowded bar, signalling the bartender and slapping down some muggle money he had stashed away in his pocket. Something, or rather someone, caught his eye as he reached for whatever was placed in front of him, and all of a sudden his drink and his parched throat were forgotten. 
Standing at the far corner of the bar, away from the crowd, you stood nursing your drink and swaying slightly to the music. 
You had been in his year when he was at school and you were partners in a few projects, but he hadn't heard from you since he and George left Hogwarts with a bang. He was so entranced with the sight of you, seemingly glowing in the pulsing light, that he almost didn’t notice the jagged scars running down from your temple to your pulse point when you turned his way. 
Without thinking, he made his way towards you. It was almost like a scene from those muggle movies Hermione went on about, the way your eyes locked and how his heart pounded in his chest, almost in time with the beats of the music.
“Fred Weasley, as I live and breathe!” You exclaimed once he was near enough to hear you, throwing your arms up and wrapping him in a tight hug. 
“Y/N,” He said, eyes dancing with amusement at your enthusiasm which was clearly because of the liquor running through your veins, “It’s been too long.” 
“It has,” You agreed with a smile, “Now what’re you doing all the way here in the muggle world? I’ve heard you’ve got yourself a pretty successful joke shop.” 
He shrugged nonchalantly, trying to hide the fact that you caught his attempt at escapism, “Just needed a breather, and what better way to do that in a muggle club? Perfect place to go when I don’t want to know anyone and I don’t want anyone to know me.”
 “Oh I’m sorry! Did you want to be alone? I can sod off, I don’t mind.” You rushed out, going to gather your things and move so that he could have some privacy.
 “Don’t be daft,” He chuckled, putting his drink down and taking a seat next to you, “I was the one who approached you, wasn’t I? Reckon it would be nice to have a chat with an old friend.”
 You quirked an eyebrow at him but didn’t argue, it was nice to see a familiar face after escaping the wizarding world for so long.
 “Alright then, Weasley.” You smiled, looking into his eyes. 
 After that night, Fred couldn’t seem to get you out of his mind. You had changed since he last saw you in school, well, the war had changed everyone, but still he was intrigued. He didn’t mention anything about the scars on your face and you didn’t speak a word about the bags under his eyes or the tremble of his hands. When you were together, it was just the two of you, everything else seemed to just fade into the background. 
 He asked for your owl address and suddenly, you two were exchanging letters daily. You told him how you worked in the muggle world, taking a break from most things magical in an attempt to clear your head from everything that went down in the war. In return, he told you about his near death experience and how it affected him in his everyday life. 
 George took notice of his twin’s change in demeanour. He could tell that the nightmares still plagued him and sometimes sleep still evaded him, but now it seemed like Fred had a skip in his step. The light in his eyes that faded the day he woke up in the hospital bed was slowly starting to filter back in. 
 You often found yourself smiling giddily to yourself whenever the twins’ large barn owl tapped at your window. These letters from Fred were slowly becoming the highlight of your day. Something about them was just so raw, so real, that you couldn’t help but pour your deepest thoughts and feelings into a parchment in reply. 
 Soon, letters turned into coffee dates and surprise appearances at your job to take you out to lunch. Your days were filled with unending laughter and the pit in your stomach was slowly easing up. 
 The first time Fred kissed you, you were outside the door to your flat. He wore a slightly bashful expression and a blush slowly creeped up his neck. The kiss was sweet and soft and everything you were searching for after the war. You invited him inside after that.  The night was filled with a steady flow of kisses shared on the couch and whispered words of admiration and acceptance. 
��Try to quiet the noises in your head
 “Sometimes I’m afraid that I’ll never be the person I used to be,” Fred spoke up one night as you were wrapped in his arms and he trailed soft touches along your arm. It was a peaceful evening, the both of you content with basking in the presence of the other. 
 You shifted slightly in his arms to get a better look at him. His gaze was unfocused, “What do you mean?” 
 “The war took so much from me and everyone I love,” He elaborated, “I used to be so reckless, act first think later. My main goal in life was to make people laugh, to bring happiness to their days. Now I don’t know if I can ever fully be happy myself. It’s hard when the nightmares and the anxiety are holding me back.” 
 You took a deep breath, “Do you know how I got these scars?” 
 His eyes shifted towards you, running along the white and slightly puckered flesh along the side of your face. He shook his head, no. It hadn’t been a topic he wanted to bring up in fear of offending you, and you hadn’t really acknowledged them either. 
 “I’m muggleborn. The war was tough when basically the whole world was trying to track you down and take you away,” He hummed in agreement, knowing first hand what it felt like to go into hiding, not knowing what the next day would bring, “Greyback and his group found me eventually.” 
 Fred sucked in a breath at the mention of the werewolf, but you shook your head with a small smile gracing your lips, “I’m tough. I got away as quickly as I could, but not before he gave me these to remember him by.” 
 In a flash, Fred had pulled you on top of him, making sure to wrap his arms securely around you. You let out a surprised gasp at the sudden movement, but made no move to escape his grasp. He peppered kisses all along your scars, not leaving one inch of the skin uncovered. 
 You sighed contentedly when he finished, leaning your head against his chest, “The war changed all of us, simple as that. I don’t think we’ll ever be the same people we were before. I still get freaked out when I have to sleep alone at night, and I tend to double and triple check if all the locks and wards are in place, but when I’m with you everything seems to melt away.” 
 The silence was so deafening that you were afraid that he could hear your heart hammering in your chest. You had never really voiced any of these concerns outloud before, and you were afraid that you’d said too much. 
 “The only times I’ve ever been able to quiet my mind after the war are when I’m with you.” He says this so factually, but so quietly that you almost didn’t hear it. He doesn’t wait for you to reply, “I can see a future with you, and I haven’t been able to see a future for myself in a long time.” 
 The two of you lapsed into silence, taking comfort in the presence of the other, and no other words needed to be said. 
 You don't have to be scared you're not enough
'Cause what we've got going is good
 Slowly, things seemed to fall into place. Fred began enjoying once again the creative process that the shop demanded, throwing himself into collaborative work with his twin. You were getting more and more confident integrating magic and the wizarding world back into your life. Of course, you still loved your muggle job but you had missed the thrill and ease that the magical world brought into your life. 
 A routine formed between the two of you as well, slowly incorporating more and more time spent together until you finally decided to move in together. 
 The first time you had woken up because of a garbled shout, your heart almost burst out of your chest. You hadn’t realized you were reaching for your wand until you saw the culprit of the sound. Fred was sat up beside you and you could see his silhouette running a hand through his hair.
 You were quick to notice his stuttering breath and the sheen of sweat coating his forehead. Silently, you sat up and shuffled closer to him, leaning your head against his shoulder. The moonlight filtered through the window, casting a shadow on his face, but you could see the gears turning in his head. 
 “I’m sorry,” He muttered after long minutes of silence.
 “You have nothing to apologize for,” You whispered back, pressing a soft kiss to his neck, “I’m here and I’m not going anywhere.” 
 “I just feel like they’re never going to leave me alone, the nightmares,” You heard him mumble, “And I don’t wanna drag you through this shit with me.” 
 You snake your arms around him, pulling him to you with his head resting on your chest and beginning to rake your fingers through his hair before speaking again, “You’re not making me do anything love. I’m here, you’re okay, we’re okay, and that’s all that needs to matter right now. We’re in this together, remember?” 
 “Together,” He echoed, burying his face in your chest and taking all the reassurance he could get from your body so close to his. 
 The next time you panic as the sun sets and your flat turns dark, he’s there to hold your hand  and reassure you that he’s there and you’re safe. He lets you double and triple check all the windows and doors, and presses a mug of calming tea into your hands when you’ve tired yourself out. 
 You’re found curled up on the couch, grasping the warmth that the cup of tea provides, and he drapes a blanket over your chilly legs. 
 “C’mon then, make some room for me,” He says gently, and you scoot over enough for him to take a seat beside you.
 “Sorry,” You murmur, still clutching at your mug of tea, eyes slightly glazed over, “I know it’s a lot to deal with when I get like this.” 
 “Nonsense, love,” He says, pressing a kiss to your temple, “If I get to wake you up in the middle of the night because of a nightmare, then you have all the right to make sure we’re safe before we settle in for the night.” 
 The two of you sit in silence, Fred’s calming presence slowly easing you out of your stupor and your heart begins to slow. That night, he carries you up to bed and tucks you in once he notices that your eyes have shut and your breath evens out on the couch. 
 You learn each other’s ins and outs, what makes him tick and what makes you laugh. It’s a slow process, but you could see a light at the end of the tunnel. 
 The war and all of its casualties begin to seem further and further away, the more the both of you learn to live with your own demons and eventually let them go. 
 You and me
That's all that we need it to be
And the rest of the world falls away
 “Oi! If it isn’t the bird that’s caught my brother’s fancy!” 
 A smile stretched across your face as you entered the brightly colored shop and heard the familiar baritone of your boyfriend’s twin. You heard him before you saw him, up on the second floor, leaning against the banister with a mischievous twinkle in his eye. 
 “Hey George,” You called up to him, “Fred in?” 
 “Of course you’re only concerned about dear old Freddie, got no time for a chat for little old me?” He teased, making his way down to you and giving you a friendly embrace.
 You laughed lightly as you returned the gesture, “I’ll always have time for you George, but your brother’s supposed to be on his lunch break right now and I wanted to try that new restaurant that’s opened up down the street.” 
 “Oi, Freddie! Your bird’s here to whisk you away from doing any actual work around here!” He called out, which made you laugh even harder, and then turned to face you again, “Don’t forget, because mum won’t let me hear the end of it if you do, but you’re invited to lunch this Sunday! The whole family’s excited to meet you.” 
 You nodded your head just as Fred poked his head out of the door leading to the back office, “Here already love? Give me a mo’ and I’ll be right out.” 
 The moment your feet touched the ground outside of The Burrow on Sunday, your heart began to race. The unique house, held up by mostly magic no doubt, seemed to loom over the pair of you, and suddenly all your fears came rushing back.
 It was a gorgeous day out, the fields surrounding the house seemed to glow in the sunlight. Laughter and conversation flowed through the open windows, and you could see glimpses of silhouettes moving around inside, but you were suddenly unable to take a step forward. 
 Fred was absolutely beaming beside you, it was the first time he had been back at the Burrow since he met you, and he couldn’t wait to introduce you to everyone. They had all been curious about the girl who was able to get him out of his rut and teach him how to live again.
 He noticed your hesitation though, and gently took your hand. 
 “You alright love?” He asked, rich brown eyes locking with yours. 
 “Just nervous,” You admitted, “Don’t know how they’re going to feel about me when they take a look at my face and see that I’m literally and figuratively scarred.” 
 These insecurities had plagued your mind the duration of the week leading up this moment. Fred was loving and kind and looked past all of your imperfections, but old habits die hard and they rear their ugly heads at just the right moment. 
 As if he could read your mind, he took your face gently in his hands, thumbs gliding over skin and reassuring you with his gaze, “I love you, and my family will love you too. We’re in this together, remember? You and me.” 
 Just like when you had first reencountered each other at the dimly lit club, the whole world seemed to fade around you and you leaned into his touch. Here was the man who held your heart in his hands, who bared his soul out to you and learned how to heal with you. Nothing could get in the way of how deeply you felt for him. 
 You took a shuddering breath and nodded your head. It would be okay. You were with Fred, and he was all you needed. 
 Grateful for the most beautiful soul in front of you, you pressed a sweet kiss on his lips, “I love you too. Together.”
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chryzure-archive · 2 years
I was listening to the Beauty and The Beast soundtrack (the animated one because<3 yeah <3) and I was reminded of your Chryzure AU... please tell me more about it they are soulmates <3
so many thoughts abt this au......... jst sad, lonely azure, and chrysi who sees a boy with horns and a tail and thinks "he's rlly pretty, huh? i'm going to kiss him."
i've actually been thinking abt how azure was turned into a beast. he broke up with meredith bc she's, uhhh, not a great person? but she was rlly mad at him for doing so, and, you know, cursed azure. we can assume the rest of that scene.
well, bc azure got soooo cursed, his father essentially went "not my problem you were too weak to stop the curse, you poor excuse of a witch." and he left with the rest of azure's family and most of the servants. basically, once azure figures out how to break the curse, he'll get his family back, and his whole... personhood technically restored.
after azure's family left, meredith suddenly considered the fact that it might've been his family's fault that they couldn't be together, so she fucking killed them. all of them. and she showed up at the castle again, all bloody and deranged, and was like "i've solved the problem! sorry for cursing you, i didn't consider the rest of the situation!" and azure's like "........ you killed my family....? uh, yeah, definitely still not going to date you."
yes, azure's had a messy childhood--he despises his father, and he feels resentment towards his mother since she let his father treat him so poorly, but they were still his parents. and his twin sister may have played cruel tricks on him growing up, but she was still his twin sister. so yeah, he's not happy about the situation.
this makes meredith more enraged, so she turns the remaining servants in the castle into objects (since she also has a thing where she views the "help" as inanimate objects. she's not a very good person, clearly). she continues to visit azure every month to ask if he's changed his mind and he wants to marry her finally. he's been saying a firm no for the last 10 years, though, and she's not very happy about it.
cut to chrysi, who has recently moved to the countryside with her father after her mother died. you know, all things considered, she's holding in there pretty well. the town all thinks she's extremely weird (pretty accurate. she does talk to ghosts) but as long as she can read books and visit the cemetery, she's fine.
her father, on the other hand, worries for her. he wants chrysi to be able to move out and find her own happiness--whether that means finding employment or a lover or anything, he doesn't care. he just is concerned that chrysi's shackling herself down to protecting him.
elias bloom is there to help with those concerns!...... yuck. yeah, typical "elias bloom obsession" is here. chrysi's icked out by him constantly, and she's frequently finding unique ways to escape his affection. (elias bloom is very determined to marry chrysi, and he frequently brings up the fact that she's 24 and nobody will love her and marry her anymore, since she's so old. chrysi has to roll her eyes at this.)
one day, chrysi escapes through the nearby woods and finds herself at an abandoned-looking castle. she remembers that the nobles in charge of this area all died, save for their oldest son, who is presumed missing.
she's a curious person (plus, she can see an angel statue, and she hopes there's a cemetery worthy of an abandoned castle there), so she walks in.
well. um. meredith set up a failsafe--so azure wouldn't escape--where anybody that goes in can't get out. she has cursed wolves prowling around and the statues at the entrance can bar exit, if need be.
azure also has his own magic at the perimeter and he very quickly realizes there's somebody on the castle grounds. that... is not good. so he rushes over and ohhhh no. a girl from the little town nearby. this will not end well.
chrysi doesn't realize azure's a monster when she first sees him. she just sorta sees his silhouette and hears his voice. which azure essentially says, "how... did you get in?" "through the front?" "............huh. well, you can't leave." "excuse me?"
clearly, they don't get off on the right foot. azure jst sorta lets chrysi stay in the wing opposite him, because he doesn't want to deal with her attacking him (she started throwing rocks at him and he didn't like it. no thank you, he will not deal with that). chrysi very quickly figures out that everyone in this castle is super fucking cursed though.
cue the slowburn, awkward running-into-each-other part of living here. chrysi jumps a little whenever she sees azure and his monstrous features, but she slowly begins to wonder what it would look like to draw him. he's not all bad looking.
by nature of her being curious, again, chrysi does eventually go to the west wing. there she finds old portraits of azure and realizes that he used to be a really pretty boy, before all this. still beautiful, but definitely cursed, and definitely cursed in a way that isn't easy on him (she's seen him accidentally cut himself on his claws once or twice ;;;;; )
well, azure isn't happy about her being there. he lashes out a bit, which... doesn't frighten chrysi, but it definitely pushes her over the edge and has her go "fuck it" and she figures she can escape over one of the castle walls.
doesn't end well. azure has to save her from wolves, and now she has to patch him up--which azure doesn't want her to do. she quickly figures out why when she forces him to take off his shirt so she can clean the wound. he's covered in scars from meredith, who gives him a new one whenever he refuses her :(((( they're all dark red and purple, like they never healed, or they were infected, or something.... it makes chrysi feel rlly bad for him.
they strike up an uneasy alliance after that. azure only asks that chrysi stay in her room once a month (during meredith's visits, but chrysi doesn't know that) and that she ask permission before entering his wing. but he shows her the library and he's pretty sure she just fell in love with being here a little bit.
(i should mention that there's small friendship moments happening w/ the servants that r objects, but i'm thinking abt chryzure too hard, so that's why i keep glossing over it ;;;;;; )
anyway, chrysi sneaks out during one of meredith's visits bc... of course (the first visit, since chrysi's been here), and she very quickly figures out that meredith was the one that cursed azure and has been scarring him. she overhears their conversation and her heart breaks a little bit for azure :(( later, when meredith leaves, chrysi manages to corner azure and demand he show her where meredith hurt him. he's mostly concerned that chrysi was right there the entire time, and meredith could've hurt her. but chrysi disregards his concern.
they start falling in love right abt now, i think. whoops, jst tumbled into it.
anyway, azure starts finding reasons to hang out more in the library and the cemetery. what a coincidence that chrysi's there! so crazy,..,,,,... anyway, they kiss about it.
oh yeah, true love won’t break this curse! so they’re definitely in love with each other, which is good for azure since he’s been so lonely and touch-starved, but he’s still beast azure :( but chrysi likes the way his tail will wrap around her, and the way he very very lightly brushes her hair from her face, even though he’s constantly worried abt his claws, and she loves his fangs, and she loves everything about him :) so, consider that, azure.
they have a makeshift ball because they’re head over heels in love w each other at this point (they haven’t, like, put words to it, but it’s generally understood between them) and they want to have a little fun ;;;;
it goes great until meredith shows up. off-schedule. azure, in particular, panics. he pushes chrysi behind him, wraps his tail around her, and he begs meredith to not hurt chrysi at all.
turns out that over the last couple visits, meredith could tell there was something different in the way azure would act. she’d actually been getting close to getting him to agree to being with her, but suddenly he withdrew. she’s not happy about chrysi being here in azure’s arms, instead of her.
but hey, she’s not unfeeling! she won’t kill chrysi like she killed his family, and she won’t turn her into an object like everyone else. meredith says chrysi’s too pretty for that. but she won’t tell azure precisely what she’ll do to chrysi—she just drags chrysi out and away from the castle.
aaaaand shoves her directly in the arms of elias bloom <3 turns out they were in this together! that’s how meredith got the hint that chrysi was with azure at the castle in the first place.
elias traps chrysi with him, getting particularly mad when chrysi refuses to marry him once again. he finally realizes that the reason chrysi keeps turning him down is because of azure (…. that’s not the reason why, but yeah, chrysi would gladly marry azure over elias bloom). so elias ends up turning the townspeople against azure and he swears to march to the castle to kill azure, so that he won’t have to deal with him again.
meredith is obviously not pleased with this development. but she manages to convince elias to only brutalize azure a little bit—she’ll take care of azure from there, assuring that this time, there will be no one to stumble in on azure and his cursed state and fall in love with him. in fact, a large part of the brutalizing is purely to convince chrysi that azure is dead.
they—elias bloom, meredith, and the townspeople—march their way up to the castle in the meantime.
what they didn’t consider was that chrysi was very determined to get back to azure to warn him. with a little help (one of her besties frm the castle 👁 👁), she manages to spring herself out.
the siege is well under way by the time chrysi gets to the castle. everyone is raising hell, which is convenient for chrysi to sneak her way back up to azure’s chambers.
there she finds elias bloom and azure in a scuffle. but when she goes to help, she finds meredith there. meredith attacks chrysi, now thoroughly furious that chrysi’s managed to find a way to ruin every single one of her plans.
she drags chrysi out by her hair once she manages to subdue her and calls the battle between azure and elias to a stop. from there, she says that she will slit chrysi’s throat if azure continues to refuse her—so now better be the moment he agrees to marry meredith, because otherwise his pretty little chryseis will be dead.
so. mild issue with this declaration. elias bloom is there, and he is very, very obsessed with chrysi.
meredith did not consider this aspect. she had tunnel vision on azure.
well, elias bloom replies by launching himself at meredith (trust me, everyone was startled by this development. azure’s like “??????? he was trying to kill me just seconds ago, and now he’s helping me????????” and chrysi’s like “oh good fucking LORD, he truly will not stop at nothing to have me”), which in turn causes meredith to topple off the castle. she doesn’t manage to get a grip on the edge, so she falls to her death.
thing is, she still very much so had chrysi in her grasp. so chrysi goes sailing over the edge as well, to elias bloom’s horror—and to azure’s terror.
he manages to grab chrysi’s wrist before she can fall to her death like meredith though! his claws scratch her up a bit, but he’s willing to overlook this pain he’s causing her on this one occasion, because at least it means that she’s alive.
they both share a moment of relief, before azure realizes that maybe he should pull chrysi up from the precipice before they have their heartfelt reunion.
problem: as soon as azure pulls chrysi up enough for her to grasp the edge, elias bloom stabs him through the ribs, cutting straight into his heart.
azure crumples like a wet paper towel as chrysi screams in horror.
elias bloom hoists chrysi up the rest of the way, even though she’s kicking and biting at him the entire time, screaming and crying for azure.
a scuffle ensues, and one that ends very poorly for elias bloom (read: she stabs him with that same knife and then she conveniently kicks him off the building as well <3). chrysi then scrambles for azure.
she’s trying to stem the blood, but there’s so much of it, and azure already looks so pale. she fears the worst—that she can’t do a thing for him.
azure smiles at her like he can read her thoughts and informs her that she’s already done so much for him—even if he dies right here and now, then at least he was able to experience companionship and love. he thought that he would die as this beast without receiving an ounce of love his entire life.
then he rattles out a final breath and goes very, very still in chrysi’s arms.
uh. this does not go over well for chrysi.
so she’s screaming and crying over his body—crying so hard that she doesn’t notice when her tears go golden and her hand over his heart starts glowing—but very soon it’s clear that chrysi’s doing something magical.
she’s not looking down (can hardly manage to see anything around her golden tears), but if she did, she’d realize that his dark scars were paling, silvering, thinning, until they were barely noticeable, that his fingertips were no longer razor-sharp, that he’d lost the horns and the red, pointed tips of his ears, that he no longer had a tail.
and also—most importantly—that he is alive.
she almost jumps out of her skin when she feels his warm hand on her lower back and his questioning voice. actually, she almost pushes him off the edge of the building in her shock.
but he’s alive! miraculously! azure is also very surprised by this development, but after everything he just went through, he’s not about to argue over it.
it quickly becomes evident that everyone else in the castle has been broken from meredith’s spell as well! this isn’t really due to chrysi, even though i’d love to give her even more of a main character moment—but rather due to the fact that meredith died from her injuries sustained from her fall (she didn’t die on impact, which honestly sounds like a miserable fucking death. good.) that’s also why azure went back to being human.
that said, chrysi definitely did bring him back from death, so there’s her main character moment <3
well, amongst everyone cheering her on, and azure being overwhelmed and in love with her, chrysi passes the fuck out. it takes a lot of energy to bring somebody back from the dead, no matter how recently he’d died, and in addition to that, she just killed the guy that’s been making her life a living hell for the past couple years. give her a moment.
when she wakes up, it’s in azure’s arms in his bed <333 he’s stroking her hair, and chrysi’s realizes that she’ll be able to have a happy ending and that so will azure and :3 it’s neat! anyway. yeah.
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I LOVE LOVE LOVE YOUR BEAUTY AND THE BEAST IDEA. But may I also propose: Magnus cursed from a young age (probably bc of Asmodeus) that anyone who touches him is hurt by a blast of magic he can't control. (This may result in his mother's death). He locks himself away of his own will. Alec teaches then that it's fear that makes him lash out. Featuring: touch starved Magnus.
this idea is GENIUS actually and i love it. tbh me and my friend have a similar idea that we talk to each other about (lol) but it isn't a B&B thing, its more of an adventure AU. anyway, lets go!
so in this universe i guess magnus banished asmodeus like in the original sh verse but asmodeus cursed him with the "everyone you touch will be in indescribable pain" thing. maybe just as revenge, maybe to try and use it as bargaining chip because okay magnus, is it freedom that u want? u want to be able to have ur own friends and ur own life? fine. get me back, and ill leave u alone, and ull be free to have friends again. if not, ull be still isolated just like before. so is it gonna be win-win, or lose-lose?
but magnus doesn't budge because he knows that if he lets asmodeus free things will only get worse not only for him, but for the whole world. he is too dangerous to be out there. so, magnus resigns to his fate
and i guess in this version he wouldnt have a lot of close friends because he had been with asmodeus his whole life before he was cursed, so he was just. alone in his self-imposed isolation with no one to talk to. maybe he enchants the furniture so they gain sentience but they can't really feel pain, so at least he has someone to talk to. god im so fucking sad already
so is the furniture his friends in canon? im not entirely sure how i feel about that but also the idea of ragnor as that clock from the original movie is great. thats my most important thought on the subject ngl
btw its 4 degrees Celsius in here so im typing with gloves on so ull have to excuse my typos i am a mere brazilian and i want death
anyway okay so i guess his friends are like pieces of furniture that he spelled into sentience and they aren't his servants or anything cuz that's gross but they just like, hang out. wow im actually managing to type pretty well all things considered
so at least magnus has people to talk to but he's still touch starved because you know... a clock can't hug you and that'd just be weird. maybe them becoming sentient was an accident? lmao like magnus just wanted to automate some functions like having the clock talk to tell him the time or something and it turned out that they became sentient. possibly his magic is a little fucky because of the curse so that's why that happened? or maybe he just is way more powerful than he realizes and we all know he invented the spells he used to try and automate the things anyway. but if he gets people to talk to, well, he's not complaining
im focusing too much on this. anyway. id also like to note that im making rapha the cook/stove thing because i mean, come on. it's right there
and ok i guess alec comes into this because he uhhhhhh no u know i might go with that izzy thing. so izzy ran away from home because of maryse's bullshit and alec was sent to bring her back. so he was going after her but in the middle of the path there was the whole wolf attack thing that scared off his horse and LUCKILY magnus' house/tower/whatever was right next!!! so of course they take alec and his horse in but also WHOOPS there's a huge snowstorm that lasts for days (par the course for where magnus lives, actually. he DID want somewhere people would avoid. but also i think maybe his magic being fucky has something to do with it) so i guess alec is stuck at magnus' for the foreseeable future
which is HELL for magnus because he is terrified out of his mind that they will accidentally touch and alec will be hurt. and like.... his Constant Crave For Touch is already bad on a regular day, but having someone who could actually hug him in theory just makes it worse, you know? he hasn't interacted with other human beings in so long, just having one there is enough to make his need for touch almost unbearable and just... completely constant. it's hell
so magnus is scared, which means that he keeps to himself. so he tells alec not to go into his room, he tries not to eat at the same time, and other stuff like that, bUT his friends keep sabotaging his plans because they want him to have another friend, jesus christ!! (rapha being like "come on now magnus, you don't want my soup to get cold, do you? i'll be deeply offended. i guess you have no choice but to eat with alec". so magnus goes but the first thing he does is magic his regular table into a gigantic rectangular table with 41908410 seats and seat on on the side opposite to alec. alec just sighs
so like he's constantly coming across as rude because he is trying to avoid alec, alec just doesn't know why
but alec is also a stubborn bitch who goes stir crazy and refuses to just sit around isolated doing nothing while they wait for the stupid storm to finally be over so he can go get his sister. and magnus saved his life, so it's the least he can do to repay him in some way. besides, this is what, the first time that he's been completely away from his mom? for such a long time too? and he's finding that he feels... weirdly free and just relieved and he doesn't want to waste that opportunity with standing idly around alone all day. he had enough of that at home, thank you very much
besides yeah magnus is being rude but alec is used to straight up assholes and abusers (jace. i'm talking about jace. also maryse ofc but mostly jace) and magnus is not that. in fact he makes very polite conversation and is actually pretty fun during dinner, all things considered. he's just.... super private, i guess
AND magnus' friends are all being a nightmare with the making them interact so you know. they end up interacting. and alec makes it a point to help him take care of his house because it is a certified Depression Lair™. magnus can take care of it magically but it's like... so dark and almost suffocating at times and there is stuff like bad painting and piping problems that he never bothered to fix because it isn't affecting the functionality too much but it DOES makes life harder and alec "everything must be at 100% always" lightwood is not here for it so for a few days they are working on fixing the house and... magnus actually feels a lot better when the place has actual sunlight and looks inviting and like a home, he has to admit. when he says that to alec it might be the first time he's given him a real smile and man, is alec smitten
sidenote i guess this means that magnus doesn't exactly... dress well in this au lmaoo i mean it makes sense too because canonically magnus uses dressing up as a way to convey an image of power and untouchability and he doesn't really need that in this AU since he is completely isolated. so i guess he is a bit more like twi magnus - bare-faced and wearing comfortable clothes and the like. this isn't a twi au i'm just saying that it makes more sense for him to dress like that in that context
anyway. after the whole house fixing thing, they officially become friends. it turns out that alec also knows a bit about what it's like to feel isolated and touch-starved (altho he's always had izzy to help in that department, but still) and also what crappy parents are like. magnus shows alec his little mirror that he's enchanted to be able to show him anything he wants and how he uses it to be able to see all the places in the world he'd like to visit - he loves people, he loves culture, and sometimes it's all he can do to watch what's going on in Mumbai and it makes him feel a little better, so, he does that. he also admits that sometimes he catches on some drama happening and uses the mirror to see the people involved and make sure they are okay. kinda like a soap opera of his own but he has the means to interfere and help because of magic, so he will have someone who's struggling with money suddenly find hidden cash or have an "unknown dead relative" give them a lot of money in their will, or something like that. and if he also watches some of their personal drama that unfolds, well. he is lonely and it's not hurting anyone
but magnus doesn't tell him about the curse, and he still makes sure to keep his distance. it stings a little to alec, but it hurts magnus the most because fuck, maybe he just desperately needs someone who will give him the time of day, but he likes this guy and that only makes it harder to keep his distance. he makes it a point to always be at at least two arms length from alec, which alec thankfully respects and doesn't try to get him to breach, but. shit. it's still so hard to not want to just rest his head on his shoulder or get a hug or even fucking touch pinkies like stupid children and he can't. alec even once jokingly suggests that they have a ball since magnus doesn't know how to dance and magnus is actually excited for a second before he remembers that he can't, it would have to mean that alec touches him, and he can't
someone - maybe ragnor - even suggests that maybe he could try gloves and heavy clothing so alec isn't really touching him but magnus refuses to try because he doesn't want to risk it not working and alec getting hurt, because he'd never forgive himself. besides, getting a taste would only make it hurt more. he can't. he can't
but it's alright because at least he has some human company - he loves his friends, he does, fiercely, but it's different when they kind of have no choice but to be with him and also are enchanted creatures. he doesn't even know if they aren't nice to him just because he enchanted them into life, even tho to be fair if he had a choice ragnor wouldn't be that grouchy - and alec makes him laugh and gets him and helped make his place feel more like home, a little bit. and he can pretend that he feels the warmth from alec's body when they are sitting by the fire and feed these crumbs to his desperate need for touch and company
and then the snowstorm ends and it's time for alec to go
honestly, alec himself is kind of heartbroken, but- he loves his sister, and he can't just leave her alone in god knows where, even if he dreads the thought of coming back home now that he's been away from his family for so long. but magnus doesn't want to keep him, and doesn't want alec to feel pity for him, so he's all but pushing alec out of the door (not literally, of course. he can't do that, it would mean touching him) all "go, go, you never know when another storm might start. go see your sister. take my mirror, you can find her more easy". and alec's all "but it's been the only thing-" and magnus waves him off, of course, all "i can always make myself another one. besides, you'll have something to remember me by. now go"
so.... alec goes
and hooo boy magnus is heartbroken and a mess because even tho he knew how much having someone else there helped he had almost forgotten what it was like to be the only human in the house. he just feels extra lonely and even kind of bad about it because hey, his friends are there - not that they begrudge him for it, of course. it's not like they don't also hope for the chance to get out of the house and do other things, but well. they can't. so they understand him. and they know how awful he's feeling right then, but what can they do?
meanwhile alec finds izzy pretty quickly - she's living with this one insufferable villager named clary that alec absolutely can't stand, but- she's happy. and she doesn't want to come back, which alec expected, but he finds that he can't actually insist for her to come back. how could he, when he himself doesn't want to go?
and izzy insists that he stays with her - there's no reason for him to come back. they can stay in the village, and work, and build a life for themselves. alec is the only thing she's been missing ever since she left, and in here the both of them can actually be happy. and do it together, like they're meant to
and when he first gets into the village is the first time since izzy ran away that he was hugged and fuck, it's hard to say no to her
but also... he misses magnus already
and he doesn't know if he can just stay and leave him behind
and of course izzy is like "who is magnus?" so alec tells her the story, how he was attacked by wolves and rescued by this house that miraculously was in the middle of the single most inhospitable placealec had ever seen in his life. and the kind but wary stranger who always keeps his distance but seems so eager for connection, who made alec feel welcome and laugh and feel like he built a life for himself there
and clary tells him that she's heard of the story, but she never knew it was more than a legend - no one really remembers what happened. some say that magnus made a sacrifice to rid the village of a demon, and it turned him into a beast, forever locked in his castle. some say that he himself is the demon, and it's the tower that's containing him and keeping the village safe. some even say that he died battling the demon, and it's his ghost that keeps watch on the tower
she wants alec to explain which one is true, but it's all alec can say that none of these are right and he knows nothing because magnus never told him. all alec knows is that he doesn't want to leave magnus behind
and clary is like... well, if he's not a demon or a ghost, maybe we could bring him to the village too. he has magic, right? he could bring the tower closer. and maybe the other villagers could, you know, visit him and hang out. and he wouldn't be as lonely, and then alec and izzy could both stay
driven by this failproof plan, they decide to go back to magnus and tell him their great idea
except they are IDIOTS and forget about. you know. the damn wolves
and like holy shit is this pack big or what? like no seriously why are there infinite wolves in that one singular pack in beauty and the beast. like holy shit dude there's more wolves near the beast's house than in the whole yellowstone park
anyway there are Many Wolves and while alec is a good archer, izzy is a fantastic fighter, and clary is Fucking Crazy if you give her something stabby, there's only so many wolves they can take on at the same time
good thing magnus is a pining idiot who did in fact make himself another magic mirror and was watching alec with it. so he knows that the dumbass is in trouble and for the first time in years, he uses the portal (his own invention, and he had never gotten to use it before!) to get to them and fight off the wolves
so magnus saves all their lives, at the cost of getting severely injured and passing the fuck out. izzy, who's the one closest, runs to get to him and help put him on one of their horses... and is immediately hit by a blast of magic that almost makes HER pass tf out too
which is when they finally learn that, oh. that is the curse
izzy is fine, of course - the pain ended as soon as she was away from magnus
but it does pose the problem of How The Fuck Are They Getting Him Back To Safety, because they can't exactly wait for magnus to wake up (it's freezing, for starters) but with this amount of pain it won't be physically possible for them to hoist him up and get him on the horse. shit, will the curse work on the horse?
they bring alec's horse (by far the strongest of them because alec is huge buff mcgee) and try to get him to touch magnus and the spell does NOT work on the horse because in order to be dramatic asmodeus was like "you shall never feel human touch again" when he cast the spell, which accidentally gave a LOOPHOLE for non-human animals. so magnus could have had cats the whole time, which he had always dreamed of, but he didnt want to risk testing. besides, his house would be a poor environment for a cat and [self torture noises]
anyway thats one less problem to deal with, 99 to go, so they use some ropes to hoist magnus on top of the horse and bring him back to the tower (it's closer than the village) so they can tend to his wounds. thankfully, as the assigned Big Brother of a very irresponsible izzy, alec has experience with first aid, altho he never really dealt with anything quite this bad. and magnus' friends help, too, as much as they can. inevitably this means that alec ends up touching him even if by accident sometimes, but he knows what to expect so he Powers Through It because he won't let magnus die, damn. and as horrible as that is alec has experience with powering through pain, so. he's gonna bandage him up god damn it
izzy can't stand to see him dealing with that himself tho, so she helps, and clary ends up helping as well because they figure sharing the pain makes it easier and alec doesn't have to be too hurt. minimal touching accidents for alec! good
*narrator voice* And Then Magnus Wakes Up And Alec Hugs Him
full on launches on top of him and brings him into his arms and Magnus screams like NONONO OH MY GOD WHAT ARE YOU DOING ALEC NO GET OFF ME YOU'LL BE HURT and his shock and distress at the whole thing sends another whole blast of magic that explodes that whole mf before it can touch alec and alec feels no pain and magnus is like.............. did i just COUNTER the spell? and everyone's like well! it looks like u did!
which earns him ANOTHER hug (oh my god alec stop he's so stressed out by this) (who knew alec was so touchy?) and this time he's paying attention to that gut reaction and because magnus is a Certified Magic Genius he realizes what it is that he's doing to counter the spell and immediately starts working on a way to turn this into unhexxing himself for good
which he DOES after some time idk how long but alec stays with him meanwhile and maybe izzy and clary do too, because magnus needs all the company he can get and besides, izzy has always wanted adventure and clary has never left the village before, so this is interesting to them at least. and magnus gets to meet new ppl which is nice
eventually the Begone Spell spell is performed and it works and turns out that when it does that it also unfucks magnus' magic and perfects his sentience spell turning all of his friends into humans WOW WHOD HAVE THOUGHT. so all of them are free to leave the tower as ppl at the same time and GROUP HUG!! and magnus cries like a baby in the group hug because holy shit hes been needing something like this so bad for so long and he never expected to have that with his friends but here he is :)
and then yeah they all move to the village to live a simple but fulfilling life and Magnus and Alec start living together in a little cottage and become husbands the end <3 this is so long too rip me
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dianapana · 3 years
SH Day 1: The Beginning of us
(Modern AU, OOC most likely)
“Kids, don’t forget to be very nice to Grandma today, it’s a difficult day for her” Hikari said once again, only to be met with silence. The woman sighed deeply and looked into the rearview mirror at her two teens, both with earphones in, typing away on their phones.
“They both love your mom; I know they’ve been in awful mood swings lately but they haven’t seen Hinata in a couple weeks.” Yuuta, Hikari’s husband tried to reassure her.
“I know, but this would have been dad’s birthday, and she always gets so sad around this time of the year. It’s been almost 10 years since dad died, but it still breaks my heart every time to see her cry”
Just as she finished talking the car stopped, Hikari did not have the time to turn around and ask her kids to be well-behaved because they were both out of their seats and running towards the house.
“These kids, I swear…” Hikari murmured to herself as she was putting her phone into her purse getting ready to get out of the car as well. She was just about to complain some more but was cut off.
That was it, the sentence that made her skin crawl, she froze in place. Hinata always waited for them by the window and would come outside when the car park, no matter how down she was that day, she would always be outside, but she wasn’t, the door was locked.
“Kids come back here,” Yuuta said softly while taking her purse. The kids got back into the car with wide eyes, confused but also scared. Hikari could not move, she stayed still and silent looking at her own hands as Yuuta went to unlock the door and then went deeper into the house. The few minutes he was gone felt both like a few seconds and an eternity.
He came out of the house with a deep frown on, he didn’t even have to say the words, they all knew. The kids cried Hikari fought against tears and Yuuta called his brother-in-law to tell him the sad news. Hinata had passed away in her sleep.
The week to come was a blur of phone calls and planning intertwined with crying, mourning and comforting. The funeral came and ended in a blink of an eye. Most of Hinata’s friends and generation had already passed, thus most of the people attending were distant family or kids of her friends. Regardless the room was filled with sobs and condolences. Just a few days prior Hikari complained about her kids growing up too fast, becoming adults that no longer needed her, but during the funeral, both of them held her hand as they cried throughout the ceremony.
Hinata was buried next to Sasuke, after 10 years of making him wait she decided to leave them and join him in heaven, part of Hikari was happy the two of them would meet again in the afterlife, but the other half of her was stubbornly missing her mother, needing her even in her adult life.
The last step of the process was cleaning out the house. It almost felt like blasphemy when they decided to sell the house. Sasuke built that house for Hinata, they started their family there. Even after Sasuke passed Hinata refused to move in with either of her kids because the house itself held importance to her. Two months passed since the funeral, but it still felt too soon, yet Yuuta and her elder brother were moving the furniture seeming not to understand the gravity of the matter.
Hikari on the other hand was on the floor of Hinata and Sasuke’s bedroom looking through photo albums of their childhood. She was reminiscing all the happy memories she had in the house, being in deep thought she didn’t hear her kids walking in until one of them affirmed loudly. “Wow Grandma and Grandpa look so young here”
Hikari looked over to see which photo they were referring to. It was a black and white shot of the two smiling, they were 19 at the time, Hikari knew the picture well, much like the story behind it.
“That was taken on their first date,” she said and the two kids looked up at her, waiting, expecting more, willing to hear the story. “Mom told me the story about a million times when I was a teen ‘If he doesn’t treat you like Sasuke treated me here, don’t bother he’s not worth your time Hikari’ she’d say”
Looking at the photo for a moment longer she could almost hear Hinata’s soothing voice as she was telling the story.
“The two of us met when we were small kids, our mothers were friends but we moved from Konoha after I entered elementary school. At the time the move was devastating, but as years went by, he slowly became a passing thought until finally I completely forgot about him and our friendship. Years later after, I returned to Konoha because I was assigned a kindergarten teacher post here. The first few days here were awful, I knew nobody and the other teacher was so rude and mean. I cried myself to sleep the first two weeks. I hated the apartment I stayed in as well; looking back, the apartment was lovely, but I hated being alone, I had never been alone before, and at the time being a single young girl in the city by yourself was frowned upon, and that mentality was so deeply rooted In my mind as well, I felt shame at times to come home to silence. I barely managed to get used to the job when I met Sasuke again, he was a young, handsome man; and he knew it too, if you think his ego is bad now you should have seen him back then. He came by the kindergarten to pick up his niece. He claims he remembered me and that’s why he kept approaching me, but I don’t believe that; I am telling you he fell in love at first sight.
I didn’t want to do anything with him, I was still having a tough time and a relationship would be too difficult to start at the time, but he insisted almost daily. It started out in a self-centred manner; he really believed himself to be the best catch out there, and he was, but still, it wasn’t very attractive at the time how he approached me in that way. So, after a few tries, he realized he should change how he tried to get my attention, he would bring me one flower every day when he came to pick up his niece; he apparently begged his sister-in-law to allow him to pick her up daily. Then, all of a sudden, he stopped coming, I didn’t ask about him because why would I, but his disappearance made me feel sad and disappointed; it made me realize how our small interactions actually meant so much to me and how much I basked in his attention.
A month passed and I had not seen him since, this time his memory was much stronger and harder to forget, but I was starting to lose hope of ever seeing him again. And just as I started accepting that fact, he returned with 31 flowers, one for each day he was absent, and a picture; a picture of the two of us as kids holding hands in the backyard of my old house. He looked so lovely, he was wearing a suit; it was the first time I saw him in one; he had just gotten an important job and couldn’t stop by due to the training program he needed to complete.
Before I could even get a word out, tell him I had missed him or that I was happy to see him, or how utterly surprising it was that we had met before; he started talking about fate and destiny, it was a lovely speech that painted us to be the one and only option for the other, it was very sweet. But once again he didn’t allow me to reply before asking me to wait. ‘Wait for a month’ he said ‘I will come and ask you on a proper date, one that I will be able to pay for with my first salary.’ I thought that was charming of him so I agreed.
Little did I know that a month later he’d show up once again with 31 roses and on a motorcycle. I had never dreamt of seeing one of those at the time, they were still so new and almost frightening. But I had waited for that date for such a long time so I decided to do things his way. He took me to the most expensive restaurant in the city.
The date itself is such a fun story too when he had to order he asked for the beef tartare, but he had never had it before and thought the condiments that came on the side were pre-portioned so he dumped everything in, it was so disgusting he couldn’t even take two bites out of it, so we ended up splitting my pasta. After the ‘dinner fiasco’ as Sasuke still refers to it, we continued our drive, he took me outside Konoha grounds to a small river bank where it was rumoured that you could see the most stars in the sky. That’s where we took the picture. We actually took about a dozen but we were both nervous, so either I had my eyes closed or his hands were shaking and the photo was blurred.
We leaned against the bike and looked at the sky for a while until he took my hand and held it, my heart was beating so fast I was certain he could hear it. I had never been on a date before, and the month of not seeing him made me realize my feelings, add to that a full month of waiting and expectations and I was a ball of stress, especially now that we were all alone in a secluded area. I had been fine at the restaurant, I was calm and collected while he had been the anxious one, but now the roles were reversed, he appeared to be so sure of himself and I was shaking all over. I thought the silence would be awkward, but it wasn’t, it was comfortable. I can’t even remember how long we looked at the starts and occasionally talked a bit, but I do remember the cool summer wind and his warm hand, I remember the mischievous glint in his eye, I was sure he’d kiss me, but he only looked at me and called me beautiful.
We only had our first kiss on date number six about three weeks and a half later, when I asked why he waited so long, he told me that Itachi gave him some advice, that at times waiting builds up suspense and makes the other person constantly think of you; which was true, all my thoughts would somehow lead up to him; and Sasuke said that he wanted me thinking of him as much as possible so I’d catch up to him; so, I’d like him just as much as he liked me. Poor him, not knowing I had already fallen deeply in love.
Don’t settle for less Hikari, they have to have an elaborate and intricate plan to get to you, and if it’s you doing the chasing follow your dad’s lead because I thought he was so charming.”
The story would forever be in Hikari’s mind, she would forever remember her parents as being deeply in love from their beginning until their last moments. The house was filled with memories, but so was she, she carried around all of the stories and moments of her parent’s love story throughout the years, and it was a beautiful tale.
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cakebeam · 3 years
Thoughts on RNM 3x08 - In two parts. First part will be everything outside of Malex.
Hip-hip-hurray, Malex finally happened!
Now let’s cut to all the other sh*t.
First off I just want to say, this is going to be very much a downer about 3x08 (and season 3 as a whole) so if you’re still wanting to just ride the Malex kiss high- best to just pass on this.
Where to begin. How about with Liz Ortecho, the still currently demoted main character that’s barely been involved in the storylines this season because someone else has taken her place. The wishy-washy concern Liz is giving to her other friends (outside of Maria), giving no mention or care about Kyle, and she’s barely showing any concern about Max after finding out Jones is in his F*CKING BODY and his mind is probably trapped in there as well with him. It becomes really apparent when compared to her overwhelming concern for Maria. Like, they're not this close as friends. But here’s Liz trying to create a rescue serum for Maria, going above and beyond for Maria, talking to Maria about her issues when she’s in a coma- WHAT ABOUT MAX??? The guy she’s supposed to be in love with?? Why wasn’t she seen talking to him, even if it was to his hat or something? ANYTHING. Or Rosa, her sister she’s only had back for 2 years? Instead all of Liz’s concerns and care is being given to only Maria- her ultimate best friend apparently who she didn’t speak to at all for a whole f*cking decade and didn’t want to clue in about Rosa coming back from the dead… Yeah ok.
Then we have the science-y hogwash scene in the barn of Isobel and Rosa inquiring about if they will make it while being in the mind vortex and Liz says “according to evidence you will die”. LOL WHAT?! What evidence?! You have evidence on alien mind visiting relating to death? Bitch where?!?! I don’t even pay attention to the science of this show but that one was so stupid it caught my attention. And then the unbelievable full minute scene of Liz to revved up background music heating up some horseshoes so Maria’s temp stays up.. Wow. You brought a patient into a drafty barn with the door open and didn’t think to bring some hot water bottles? Or a non-electric heating pad? Or I don’t know, NOT use a barn? They could have used the Wild Pony, I mean literally anywhere else.
Let’s get to some unfavorable scenes shall we? Isobel and Rosa taking the time to prop up Maria and calling her brave for reliving her grandmother’s disturbing memories while waiting outside of the room where she’s injecting people was really not the moment to do so. Is Rosa ever brave for having to constantly hang out in a bar this season because everyone refuses to go anywhere else? Or Kyle for standing up to a racist, almost dying, and consistently helping this group at the stake of losing his job and is now comatose? Is anyone else ever allowed to be given some praise on this show? The writer’s had 7 episodes of every character being up Maria’s ass, maybe cool it for this one?
Then there’s Alex’s moment of talking about Omar. Oh sweet jesus. I honestly did not see them going down this route for his story on his leg. I mean, we are all aware of the horrors that the U.S. military does to innocent people overseas, if this is the story they wanted to give to Alex, it shouldn’t have been, “because the Taliban killed a little boy who was his friend and so he avenged him”. This is a made up story in a fantasy show, the writer’s didn’t need to feed the audience some military/saviorism bullsh*t. What happened to Alex being aware he was part of the problem when he was in the army? What about the burning villages? The people screaming? “That the evil is YOU”? What about all of that? Instead we’re gonna bring up the Taliban now??? No sis, that’s not it. I am really disappointed with the writer’s with this. Alex’s loss of his leg could have been 100 other situations, not this.
Extra bad bits:
Isobel’s very tone deaf line of, “can I force one on you?” in reference to getting Liz to drink some wine. The writer’s should have known why Iz saying this would be distasteful. Also, it’s just a gross saying, why write it at all?
Kyle is basically not spoken of at all in this episode. While he is in a coma (in some other barn apparently) and also been injected with god knows what. No one in the group seems to give a sh*t because Maria needs everyone’s attention all of the time. Un-f*cking-believable. 
This Maria worship of season 3, when her actions from last season still have not been criticized or condemned by the writer’s, shows me that the homophobic narratives of last season will not be addressed and that the messaging of this show has OK’d Alex’s mistreatment last season. And I am not here for it.
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ceoofanticatradora · 4 years
We need more anti C//A who are Adora stans (like you seem to be) so that people can understand that C///A is bad for Adora. Heck C//A is bad for Catra too, but the shippers don't seem to realize it. If Catra had been able to let Adora go maybe she could have healed instead of her festering and the abuse may have ended instead of escalated.
Hello Dear, welcome on my Blog and a big thank you for your message! Firstly I wanna apologize that this response is reaching you more than three full days, almost four later. Just real life getting into the way of my online presence (at least I got my A-Levels admission!) but I assure you that replying to you was on my To Do List the entire time. And while I could've typed something quick, I thought you deserved a full length response just as much as the person before you received. That goes for anyone really to ask/write me anything in the future.
Adora is a character that has flaws, her own interests, things she struggles with/is insecure about etc. but she also still works on being better (up to Season 5). This makes her relatable, fleshed out and overall three dimensional. Overall for me that makes Adora very likeable. Which is funny because when I first watched the show I thought of her as too goofy and felt like she as a character was overall just flat. Her character design did not speak to me either, the ponytail with the weird hair poof and these pointy shoulders of her jacket just really were not my taste. Isn't it amazing how perceptions can change?
As you can guess from that description I did not always stan Adora and she's probably still not my favorite character but over the almost two years I've been in this fandom I've grown rather fond of her. Other important characters to me are Kyle (a very relatable comfort character of mine, he learned to stand up for himself and others and I support that, f*ck Season 5 for barely acknowledging his existence), Lonnie (apart from treating Kyle badly (which I really do NOT support or excuse) I really love her, man, some women just do me like that, I mean she really stood up to Catra like that), Entrapta (I'm autistic too! It's great to have some representation, seeing the ableism/treatment she experiences in the show is not so much though), Seahawk (I don't even know why, I have some issues with his behavior towards Mermista at times but overall I love this dork), Scorpia (she reminds me of myself so much and I really wanna give her hugs, I'm so glad she chose to no longer let Catra treat her like that even though I will be forever salty she just immediately forgave her), Peekablue (I can explain this even less than Seahawk, especially since it was not even really him in the end but his existence somehow helped me cope with Season 5, without him I probably would've left this fandom ... and also my favorite color is blue) and Double Trouble (now there's enough people already critcizing how they're not exactly great Non-binary representation but this dramatic lizard will forever be in my heart, that reality check they gave Catra, basically slapping her in the face with facts was satisfying as h*ck, also I like lizards overall).
Now there's plenty of characters I like, dislike (or even hate) or am simply indifferent about but after all this is not a tier list but me talking about Adora, Catra and Catradora. Adora started off as this girl that was so sure what she was doing is right but once she was taught differently she was willing to leave everything she knew (except Catra, because she valued her despite everything) behind. And not only that, she broke out of the abuse cycle that Catra tried so hard to keep upright. And that is exactly what makes Adora such a good role model. She teaches children (or people) that:
Your past doesn't define what/who you are or what/who you can become
-> Adora used to be a Horde soldier and did not know where she came from, but nonetheless she found herself a family and became a hero that saved thousands of people
You can always change your mind and start a new life if you feel disappointed in what you are doing/who you are as a person
-> Basically the exact same point, Adora started a new life as she saw what the Horde really was and changed her mind about who to fight for
You deserve love too, be it platonic or romantic (or se*ual???) (If you're aro and/or ace just ignore the part that does not work for you)
-> While Adora for various reasons thought her only use was to please others and meet their needs and expectations (mostly due to Shadow Weaver and Catra) she learned to accept that she too deserves love and validation (if the love aspect would not have been focused on it being romantic love so she could smooch Catra in the finale this would've been a billion times better because she got love from her friends that showed her her real value)
You can walk away from something/someone, that does not make you egoistic/selfish
-> Adora walked away from the Horde, after Catra stubbornly refused to come with her despite many offers (basically Catra broke the promise, not Adora) from her too and that did not make her a "traitor" or "selfish", h*ck, Adora in the end did this for a bigger purpose too, even if part of it was her not wanting to live with such wrong morals
Your opinions, feelings etc. about a person/something can change and that is perfectly fine and valid, being able to change is part of what makes someone human
-> Adora's views on many things changed throughout the show: The Horde and the Rebellion, the First Ones, Catra, being She-Ra, herself, her priorities and so on ... she actually makes use of her brain, which is why Catra saying "Don't you ge it?" or calling her an idiot and dumb never sat right with me, she's a realistic character for shifting with her thoughts, feelings etc. and sometimes just does not fully think things through
You don't have to let other people treat you like sh*t (just because they have some issues they never worked through does not give them any right to let it out on you)
-> This point is obviously centered mostly around Catra and her abusing Adora almost every chance she gets, which is why Adora standing up for herself and not letting Catra blame her for her own decisions and mistakes is so important, "You made your choice, now live with it" is one of the most powerful lines throughout all the five Seasons
Now I'm sure there is still more to Adora's character than what I just listed and unfortunately almost all the points basically got pushed aside, well, Adora as a character got pushed aside in Season 5. All her growth, the things that made me love her, see her as great role model for so many people robbed of their value for the sake of making everything revolve around Catra. That brings me to her and how you are absolutely right that Catradora is harmful to both characters. Of course Adora is affected most by it in the end but Catra too is obviously suffering under the fandoms obsession and just the overall idea of them being romantically involved.
Just like with Adora the stans make almost everything about Catra over her relationship with Adora. She too can barely exist outside of it and if she wasn't the fan favorite she'd most likely would too be mostly in Fanarts that include Adora and not just her (if you google "Catra Fanart" most content is still Catra and Catra only but here and there Catradora still peaks through). But for whatever reason the fandom still views her more as her own person as the other ones? Catrouble and Scorptra Shippers might actually still get less hate than Glimmadora Shippers (I'm not denying they don't get any, they most certaintly do) which is just plain hypocricy and favorism. Kinda like the: A woman needs to be loyal to her husband and her husband only but if the husband wants to be active with other women that is perfectly fine because "that is just how men are" or how i like to call it ... sexism. Now in this case they are both women so it's not sexism but yo do get my point.
But much more importantly, Catra has an unhealthy obsession with Adora. Signs of that are for example:
Constantly talking about Adora, even when said person is not around (to Shadow Weaver, Scorpia etc.)
Obsessing over having control over Adora like in that one Episode "Are you kidding? I finally got control over Adora, I'm not giving that up!"
Building her entire character and her actions around Adora "We need to take Adora down", "Adora left me", "I'd rather see the whole world end than see you win!", also shown in Season 5 where she states she does save Glimmer only for Adora and not for Glimmer or to do the right thing
Getting aggressive or very emotional over Adora like clawing the wall, having nightmares etc. (destructive behavior towards herself and others)
Having no or barely any characteristics outside of her relationship with Adora like, we don't know her interests or likes and dislikes outside of being evil, obsessed with Adora, being abused by Shadow Weaver ...
Trying to force Adora to meet her needs and expectations regardless of Adora's owns
Sacrificing her oppurtunity to be happy in the Crimson Waste for the sake of her Adora obsession and being better than her at all costs
So yes, you were very right with saying that not putting Catra in a relationship with Adora would've benefited both characters. Catra could've learned to exist on her own, develop interests and a life outside of Adora. Learn to accept herself and eventually come to terms with her childhood abuse. She could've been free and not "the abusive cat girl that ended up with the person she unhealthily obsessed over to the point of no return" she kinda is now. Even if we ignore the whole "dating your long term abuser" part from Adora's side and "being rewarded" for horrible behavior, Catra alone is not giving a good example to people watching. As much as I dislike Catra, disdain her even, an ending where she is dependent on Adora, unable to stand on her own two legs after she led armies in war is not what I would wish for her, even with a decent redemption arc (that she did not get).
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moral-turpitudes · 4 years
Mending Hearts:
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Trigger Warnings: Angst, Blood, Mentions/Descriptions of War and PTSD, Lil bit of Fluff and stuff.
Word Count: 3,296
Characters: Arthur Shelby x Reader
+ Ada, John, Finn, and Polly.
Request: (I got this super detailed request on my Wattpad: @jetblackheartsx but I loved it so much I wanted to post it on here :) For the sake of this one, it’s taking place around the first season-ish where Billy Kimber has become the Peaky Blinders’ current headache.
Paraphrased: “...Reader is new to Small Heath and makes friends with Ada. One day she invites reader to come to one of her brothers mansions. As they drive out there she tells reader about her family, and upon arrival they find blood and two men around the corner. They check to see if they’re alive and Ada calls an ambulance while reader figures out how to save them. After she manages to save them, the ambulance crew arrives and takes them to the hospital and the reader brings Ada home. The next day Ada and Arthur come to thank her and bring her flowers. Then Arthur asks the reader if she’d like to come for dinner one night to meet the rest of the Shelby family. Reader blushes and agrees to meet them after a couple days in order for them to recuperate. When there, she meets Finn who is sweet and charming, and then she’s led to the drawing room of the mansion where she meets Polly and John. And as typical Shelby’s they are a bit flirtatious and so as she sits down with them she wonders what on earth the future could hold.” 
Requested by: Wattpad Reader
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Y/n walked out of her apartment ready to meet her new friend Ada and her family. She had just moved to Small Heath a week prior and it wasn’t long before she’d gotten herself in a rut. She had just been rejected from a seamstress job, roaming the dark colored town and heading towards the Garrison to drink away her current feelings. When she arrived, she saw a brunette standing at the bar with a disgruntled look on her face. She smiled and walked towards her, not paying any mind to the ogling stares from the groups of men drunkenly hanging around during the day.
“What will you have miss?” The bartender asked.
“Oh, just a bottle of whiskey....thank you.” She said as he handed her a shot glass and a bottle. She slipped him the cash and he smiled as he went to tend to the other customers.
“You don’t sound like you’re from here...what’s your name?” Ada asked, staring at her glass of wine as Y/n took a seat.
“Y/n...and you’re right...I’m not from here. Just moved from London.” She said.
“Well...welcome to Small Heath then, Y/n. I’m Ada...Ada Shelby.” She said hesitantly.
“What brings you here?” She asked.
“Planning to drink away my sadness for the night, it’s lonely here. Job rejections and such...” Y/n said before taking a shot.
“I see...well I may be able to help you out with that if you’d like. I have some pull in this town.” Ada said winking.
“Really? You’d help me out? You barely know me.” She said taking another shot.
“I know...I just want to help for a change. You seem nice so I’m willing to take the chance. And....let’s just say my family is always looking for ways to expand their business. What do you do exactly?” She asked.
“Well I was a nurse back in London for a couple years, but then I got sent out to help in the war, stitching soldiers, mending wounds, repairing uniforms, things like that.” She said nonchalantly. She never opened up much about her experience, seeing wounded soldiers everyday, but she managed to integrate back into civilian life just fine, but it was the nights when she’d sit at home alone that worried her the most.
“Oh really? All of my brothers except for my youngest got sent to France...I’m glad they and you got back. It’s changed them though...” She said sipping her wine.
“War does that, yeah.” Y/n said looking down at her third shot. Remembering all the men she saw and helped mend.
“Are you wanting to drink that whole thing?” Ada asked smirking.
“Only if you‘d want to help me.” She said, pushing the bottle towards Ada.
They continued on like that for the day, becoming best friends by the end of the night.
“You...you’d like my brothers. Maybe I’ll let you meet them tomorrow?” She asked, slurring her words a bit. Y/n could see the poor woman was desperate for some kind of human interaction that wasn’t with her family, so she smiled, agreeing to meet them and looking forward to hanging out with her again.
“I’ll pick you up at noon tomorrow. What’s your address?” Ada asked.
Y/n wrote it down quickly, hoping it was legible in her current state.
“I’ll have my driver take you back, here come with me.” She said taking her arm as they both hobbled out. She paid no mind to the men whistling at them as they walked to the car.
Once in, Y/n looked around hazily and drunkenly talked with Ada as they both watched the dreary night blow by them as the driver made his way to her apartment, Ada only slightly more sober than her, helping her to her door.
“Noon tomorrow alright? Thanks for keeping me company tonight. You’re a good friend Y/n.” She said before giving Y/n a hug. Y/n smiled and waved her off, quickly going inside and heading for her scarcely furnished bedroom.
During the war she learned to live with next to nothing, as she constantly had to share stuff with her nurse mates and only had a few clothing items She could bring. Necessities were pretty much it for her, keeping her style in both clothing and furnishings to a minimum.
The next day, Y/n awoke with an all-too-familiar headache and so she took a quick shower and put on a white dress-shirt and beige skirt. Tying her hair up into a tight bun with a ribbon and some pins, just as she did years ago. It had to be done so often that she did it out of habit now.
Grabbing her coat, she walked out, seeing Ada parked outside.
“Hey Y/n! Nice to see you! How are you feeling?” She asked, her sunglasses hiding her own tired look.
“Hungover, but I’ve been through worse.” She said smirking. Ada laughed and continued on, driving down the road.
“So tell me about this family of yours? They have a business I may be of use to you said?” Y/n asked.
Ada gulped and smiled, trying to hide the uneasiness in her voice as she spoke.
“Well, they’re pretty well known here as am I. The Shelbys that is....my brothers mainly...are known as the Peaky Blinders...rigging the books, going to horse races, taking bets, smuggling drugs, weapons, the lot...” Ada paused, waiting for y/n’s reaction.
“Oh my...You know I think I’ve heard of them before, they got in quite the scuffle in London about a year ago.” Y/n said.
“Does that scare you? What my family does?” She asked, knowing many of her friends left her due to her status.
“Not really. They sound quite interesting. That or I’m insane...” Y/n said jokingly.
“Well Y/n you might be. But in that case I think you’ll fit right in.” She said.
“I don’t mean to barge in or anything though, to their business that is, I don’t want to seem desperate for a job...” Y/n said, fiddling nervously with her hands as they pulled into her brother Thomas’ driveway.
“They don’t mind. I’ve already talked with them. Tommy needs a new nurse and a seamstress if I’m honest. The bastard gets in dangerous fights and rips holes in almost all his suits at some point. Not to mention, the old nurse almost gave him an overdose of morphine once because she couldn’t see the dosage markers.” She said chuckling.
“Oh my. Well I’d be glad to help, thanks for putting a word in for me.” Y/n said before getting out of Ada’s car.
“No problem.” She said smiling and leading her into Thomas’ estate.
As they walked along the hallway, Y/n saw a trail of blood and Ada gasped.
“Walk to the side of it.” Y/n said sternly, walking down the long hall and towards the kitchen. The blood was fresh and a dark crimson, the light glinting off it as it led down into the cellar.
Groaning was heard from two dark haired men. Ada suddenly screamed and ran away from her to call an ambulance.
“Hello! Yes come to Thomas Shelby’s estate quickly. He’s been hurt again and so has Arthur.” Y/n heard her say urgently from upstairs.
Without thinking, Y/n carefully dodged the blood and ran towards them, seeing the man with blue eyes drifting in and out.
“Hey, stay with me. Focus on my voice. I’m going to put pressure on your abdomen okay?” He nodded and looked at her from bloodied eyes, he’d been beaten and stabbed badly.
“What’s your name aye?” Y/n asked as he winced.
“Thomas...Thomas Shelby.” He said quietly.
“Ada get me a first aid kit! Now!” She yelled from the cellar loudly, causing the other man to cover his ears as he bled from his arm profusely.
Ada came running down, a look of fear and disgust as she got blood on her heels.
“Here, I found some whiskey, a needle and thread, and some pliers. Oh and the former nurses morphine.” She said handing her the box with all of it and the bottle of whiskey.
“Ada I know you don’t want to do this but I’m going to need you to wrap your brothers arm in gauze and squeeze it. Talk to him. Don’t let him fade out.” Y/n ordered. Ada shakily went over to her brother Arthur and did as instructed.
“Oi! Ada who’s that?” He asked, panting as he held his hand over his stomach which was also bleeding.
“Sh-she’s my new friend, the one I told you about. I figured she’d be able to be of some use.” She said sloppily wrapping the gauze and squeezing his arm as he yelled out.
“Thomas? Hey. Hey! No don’t look up look at me.” Y/n said shaking her head a bit as she looked on the syringe and loaded the correct amount of morphine into it, administering it carefully into his arm. She could feel his eyes on her as she poured whiskey in the wound. His eyes opened wide and he bit his lip trying not to scream as she worked.
“A piece of the knife broke off and I have to extract it, bite down on this.” She said, putting his loose tie in his mouth.
She cleaned her hands with whiskey and then carefully extracted the piece of metal from his wound, causing it to bleed more. Then she quickly threaded the needle and put pressure on him to stop the bleeding before stitching him up just as she was instructed in the medical ward.
It seemed as if it took her forever but really it only took her about 10 minutes.
Ada gagged as she held the now saturated gauze, watching Y/n put the final touches on Tommy’s gauze before wiping the blood from his face and putting ointment on the cuts near his eye.
Thomas watched her as she ran towards Arthur who was losing blood more quickly. She didn’t think, just acted, as she undid Arthur’s belt causing Ada to give her a questioning look.
“Tourniquet.” She said sharply before yanking the remainder of it from under him.
“You did great Ada. Put his tie in his mouth now please.“ Y/n said, and Ada did as instructed.
“So I hear your names Arthur. Keep your eyes on me. I’m going to tie this alright? Bite down.” Y/n said as he weakly bit down.
He groaned and she saw tears escape his eyes as he looked at her, frantic and nervous as he was losing blood rapidly.
Y/n averted her gaze and pulled the belt as tight as she could, getting the bleeding under control gradually as she assessed his wounds.
He was stabbed like Tommy but not as deeply and not with a piece of metal embedded in his side, as his arm was what took the brunt of it.
Y/n unwrapped the gauze and flushed both wounds out as he yelled through the tie. Ada walked over to Tommy after she saw Y/n had Arthur under control and asked him about what happened, Y/n listening in as she worked.
“Kimber’s men...they came in here after we got back from the races. It was just me and Arthur here as we were going to go to the shop. They came here to get me Ada. They came here to kill me after what went down.” He said weakly.
“Well they failed miserably.” Ada said half smiling. Tommy took his sisters hand and held it as she watched Y/n work, waiting for the ambulance.
Y/n got the bleeding in his arm to fully stop for now and so she administered another correct dose of morphine and then stitched Arthur’s arm up and wrapped it, doing the same to the wound on his stomach, blushing a bit as his eyes caught hers as she shyly checked him out, his abs prominent as he tensed up from the pain.
As Y/n finished cleaning him up, he looked up at her and smiled weakly.
“Where did you learn all this? You’re a way better nurse than that old hag... isn’t she Tommy?” He said looking over at him. Tommy’s blue eyes darted over to him as he nodded, he itched to get back to business, to hunt down Kimber’s men, but he knew he couldn’t right now, no matter how much he wanted to.
“I uh...was sent off to France during the war. I helped take care of the soldiers.” She said hesitantly, remembering one of the nights when she had to rush into the field and help one of the men near the tunnels. He had the shakes and was doubled over in pain from the heat and an injury he had came into the infirmary for a few days prior.
Her heart raced as she remembered trying to help him out of the tunnel as a bomb went off near one of the trenches they were stumbling towards, killing the other soldiers near them instantly. The dirt, debris, and blood of her fellow nurses and soldiers raining down on her as she hit the ground, her ears ringing for what felt like forever as the man helped her hide despite his shaky and weakened state. He had brought her down near a dirt hole that was much less deep compared to the other trenches, urging her to hide as he looked around for more bombs. She tried her best to help him when he came back, giving him her canteen and helping him cool off as they hid. But he later died in front of her as he succumbed to the shock and from sepsis due to the injury he had gotten.
She sat there with tears in her eyes, snapping back to reality at Arthur’s voice as she remembered hiding with the mans corpse until sunrise.
“Y/n are you alright?” He asked. He must’ve said something before but she hadn’t heard him due to her flashing back to that night.
“Oh! Right, sorry. I just have memories...I’m sure you both know what that’s like...” She said, as he nodded and took her hand. She wiped her tears away as she heard the ambulance blaring in the distance and immediately went to help Tommy and Arthur up and out of the cellar, desperately shoving the memories away to focus.
After they’re swept off to the hospital, Y/n looked as Ada watched them leave, leaving her to clean up the mess scattered through Tommy’s house.
“Here I can help Ada. I’m great with washing blood out of things.” Y/n said smirking.
“You have a morbid sense of humor, truly.” Ada said as they both worked their way down to the cellar, cleaning every inch of the flooring with mops, soap, a pail of water, and some bleach.
When all was done, it was around 5pm, and Y/n could tell Ada was tired. Y/n was used to the stress and violence keeping her going, but Ada on the other hand was worried and exhausted.
“Here I’ll take you home. I’ll drive and then walk home.” She said.
“Oh no I’ll have a driver come pick you up, no friend of mine will be walking alone.” She said.
“Alright, well I’ll still drive you home though, no use tiring yourself more than you already are.” She said patting Ada on the back as she grabbed the keys.
“I guess. Just don’t speed too much.” She said jokingly.
“No promises.” Y/n said and then got in the car, driving off to Ada’s lavish apartment.
By the time they got there, a car was waiting for her and so she said her goodbyes and received a million thanks from Ada, and then tiredly got in the car and headed home, watching the lavish building fade into the night.
The next day she awoke to a loud knock on her door, and so she sprung up and slipped on a robe as her hair fell down around her shoulders. She sighed as she took in her tired appearance, but nevertheless walked to the door.
She was greeted with a tall man hiding behind a bright bouquet of flowers and a smiling Ada.
“Put the flowers down you doofus. She can’t see your face.” She said before forcing him to give Y/n the flowers. Once she placed them inside, she saw it was Arthur.
“Oi, hiya Y/n. We just wanted to say thank you. You uh saved my brother and I‘s lives back there and I wanted to tell you in person.” He said as he looked at his fresh bandage on his arm.
Y/n blushed as she glanced at him and the flowers.
“It was no problem really.” She said looking at him again as she blushed slightly.
“I know you’ve been through a lot, but would you like to come over to meet the rest of the family for dinner in a couple days? They’re keeping Tommy over In the hospital for a day or two so that they can get some things sorted and make sure he doesn’t run out like he did in the past.” He said smirking to Ada who rolled her eyes at the memory.
“Sure! I’d love to meet my new colleagues and....patients...should the need arise.” She said.
“Alright I’ll see you at Thomas’ estate then.”
“Sounds like a plan. Ada will you be there?” Y/n asked.
“Of course! I’ll pick you up at noon.” She said.
“Alright, see you both very soon.” Y/n said before closing the door, blushing like a madwoman as she took in what just happened. She smelled the flowers before bringing them to her table near the window, finally having a bit of color to brighten up the place.
A few days had passed and she got ready in her long green dress, putting her hair up as she looked in the mirror. She added makeup and then heard Ada’s car as if on cue.
She quickly pulled on her coat and dashed out the door, excited to meet the rest of the notorious Shelby family.
Upon entering, Ada introduced Y/n to her youngest brother Finn, who politely greeted her and directed her to the others.
They were all in the drawing room, discussing what happened when Ada and Y/n walked in.
“There she is! The woman of the hour!” Arthur said excitedly, pointing at Y/n, causing her to blush.
Polly and their other brother John came over and hugged her. Polly telling her how grateful they are for Y/n being their new nurse, and John eyeing her up and down and winking as she walked past him, advancing towards Arthur to give him a hug. John frowned, wondering why she’d go for someone that wasn’t him, but he soon sat back down, wiping the expression off his face when Polly came near.
“How are you doing Tommy?” Y/n asked making her way over to him, patting him lightly on the shoulder.
He put his hand over hers and looked up at her smiling slightly.
“I’m doing better. Thanks to you of course.” He said and she smiled.
“Hey I was there too you know!” Ada said slumping down in her seat by John and Polly.
“You did great too, holding my arm and all Ada. But nothing beats a badass military nurse aye?” Arthur asked winking at Y/n as he raised his glass.
“I’ll drink to that.” Y/n said, smiling and raising her glass at him as she took in her new friends and colleagues.
She never thought she’d end up here but she knew it was where she was meant to be. Coming from nothing in London, to finding some semblance of a normal life in Small Heath, eager to leave some parts of the past behind but reluctant to let go of others. She knew that this was better than where she had been before. And that despite her brief flirtatious interactions with the tall, short-haired man, she couldn’t shake the feeling that maybe he wanted something more, and that maybe it was fate that she’d moved here after all, but only time can tell.
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Tag List:
@flysafepapi, @inglourious-imagines, @peakysabrina, @blinder-secrets, @ta-ka-shi-ma
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