#meant to do piper but i got lazy so here's this one
jacobseed · 1 year
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x; end this yearning - hesitant touches and longing looks. (x)
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crow-in-a-teapot · 3 years
tower of nero spoilers
i have just finished the tower of nero. and before i go searching for other people’s thoughts and art and more of the characters i love so much, i want to write down some of my own thoughts because i know as soon as i delve into that ‘ton spoilers’ hashtag there are going to be complaints and criticisms and so much that i don’t want to hear, or essays that’ll make me upset, or things that’ll change my perception on the book (because on this website people really love to hate the trials of apollo).
i want to start with: i loved it. it didn’t feel earth-shattering or huge and momentous like some of my favourite riordanverse books (house of hades, the blood of olympus, the last olympian and maybe some of the magnus chase books take those pedestals for me) but it was satisfying. and i think it was satisfying because it in no way felt like an ending. whether because eventually rick will write that will-and-nico-go-through-tartarus-and-save-bob novella, or because we (or at least i) will continue writing and imagining and creating for this world i don’t know. he didn’t wrap up the story in a perfect little bow like ‘nineteen years later’, he simply put it on pause. gave us a glimpse of where every character was at at the end.
the only thing that makes me so angry and upset is that i did manage to get some spoilers for moments that i know would have been so good to experience for the first time if i hadn’t been spoiled for them. the moment where rachel mentions penguins in a mansion near her house, nico getting mental health advice from mr d, the fact that will and nico were going to be in the book for so much of the story, but the big thing was literally spoiled for me two days ago, it was the reason i sat down to read it as fast as possible because i was terrified of getting more spoiled and not being able to experience the moments for myself, was that piper had a girlfriend. i know that reading that for the first time would have been so cool and surprising, and the fact that when it came up for a moment in the last couple pages all i felt was disappointment because it was spoiled for me and because it was now tinged with whatever that person was saying about her having a girlfriend.
but i still had some warm fuzzy moments, the two parts where apollo thinks he’s going to die but nico comes up behind him - so good. impeccable. 
Leader Guy spat. ‘Now, I kill you.’
He raised his sword... and froze. His face turned pale. His skin began to shrivel. His beard fell out whisker by whisker like dead pine needles. Finally, his skin crumbled away, along with his clothes and flesh, until Leader Guy was nothing but a bleached-white skeleton, holding a sword in his bony hands. 
Standing behind him, his hand on the skeleton’s shoulder, was Nico di Angelo.
Nero raised his hand, ready to give the kill command, when behind me a mighty BOOM! shook the chamber. Half our enemies were thrown off their feet. Cracks sprouted in the windowsand the marble columns. Ceiling tiles broke, raining dust like split bags of flour. 
I turned to see the impenetrable blast doors lying twisted and broken, a strangely emaciated red bull standing in the breach. Behind it stood Nico di Angelo.
gods. poetic brilliance. i can’t believe i’m still a nico di angelo stannie in the year 2021. in five years i have not changed (ever since the tv show announcement last summer i have managed to morph into myself from 2017)
from here i’m not sure where to go next i kind of want to go through everything, except it’ll be more difficult than my tyrant’s tomb reaction because i wasn’t reading on a kindle and thus can’t just do funny little reactions to screenshots of quotes, so i’ll just skim through the book page by page and see what i can comment on (i’m not planning on doing analysis today, no thank you, just enjoying the end of my childhood and trying to squeeze as much out of it as possible)
i have an emotional attachment to mr. snake from the very first chapter, and am very upset that he’ll never get off on his baltimore stop and get to see his wife, lu had no reason to shoot and kill him like that.
that brings me to lu, i liked her, it was interesting to see how rick kind of brought in not only the overarching theme of abuse, but also people who let the abuse happen, i have more i could say on this i’m too lazy to right now, and i promised no analysis - or the fact that Lu had conspired to make the show non-lethal to spare Meg’s feelings rather than - oh, I don’t know - refusing to do Nero’s dirty work in the first place and getting Meg out of that house of horrors. 
And are you any better? taunted a small voice in my brain. How many times have you stood up to Zeus?
Okay, small voice. Fair point. Tyrants are not easy to opppose or walk away from, especially when you depend on them for everything.
the parallels to meg and lester heading to percy’s apartment, and then to camp half blood to the hidden oracle was so cool to read, every callback to the hidden oracle just there to remind us readers exactly how far apollo has come and how he’s changed; the entire chapter with sally, paul and estelle just felt sickly sweet, it just didn’t seem real how wholesome and good that family is, like i get why apollo broke down and just sobbed in that shower.
also rick really saying acab again in toa, i thought he was done after that elf cop chapter in magnus chase (the magnus chase series is a masterpiece) but apparently not, with A ‘good cop’ is still a cop... still a part of the mind game.
the grey sisters, i forgot about them completely but this threw me back into was it the sea of monsters when annabeth summoned them? i’m not sure, it could have been the lightning thief either, they really remind me of the disney hercules movie. the whole ganymede paragraph was gold, i love gods being canonically confirmed lgbt in the riordanverse. i also love the whole eye-tossing part - 
‘He will crush our eye,’ Anger cried, ‘if we don’t recite our verses!’
‘I will not!’
‘We will all die!’ Wasp said. ‘He is crazy!’
‘Fine, you win!’ Tempest howled.
also, the explanation for why dionysus chooses to look the way he does was perfect, because it was something i often wondered about and wasn’t expecting to get an explanation for, and i imagine the whole mythological dionysus to look like.. well like a more feminine apollo i guess, beautiful in a gender non-comforming way.
Other Olympians could never comprehend why Dionysus chose this form when he could look like anything he wanted. In ancient times, he’d been famous for his youthful beauty that defied gender.
In retaliation, Dionysus had decided to look and act as ungodly as possible. He was like a child refusing to tuck in his shirt, comb his hair or brush his teeth, just to show his parents how little he cared.
every scene with nico at camp just BREAKS ME, i would throw in screenshots of every damn quote but unfortunately, as said above, cannot and would rather not type every one; we’ll start with, obviously apollo confirming to him that jason is dead. 
He didn’t look angry exactly. He looked as if he’d been hit in the gut not just once but so many times over the course of so many years that he was beginning to lose perspective on what it meant to be in pain. He swayed on his feet. He blinked. Then he flinched, jerking his hands away from Meg’s as if he’d just remembered his own touch was poison.
ugh then will talking about how nico’s doing, confirming that he’s suffering with ptsd, mr d giving him advice, helping him sort though what voices in his head are real and which ones aren’t, then the paragraph that just recounts every horrific thing poor nico has been through, how will has to reassure him that he’s okay and ‘with friends’ when he wakes up after shadow travel
will’s kindness to apollo, buying him clothes, and apollo finding seymour the leopard’s head in his bed, put there by mr d aaaa AAAA A A A A A THE ORDINARY, EVERYDAY CAMP HALF BLOOD THINGS..
i could go on for years and years about how much i appreciate rachel having a big role in this book, and the visit to her apartment, everything, her art, the fact that she got what she wanted, she’s going to PARIS to study ART, she isn’t forced to be someone she’s not by her dad, and gets to be a big part of a demigod mission and not stand on the sidelines for once.
i love that her landscapes are still visions, that she still paints the quests demigods go on - the burning maze, jason’s funeral pyre, caligula’s ships; and how nico ~appreciates art~
‘And, hey, di Angelo -’ she pushed him playfully away from the canvas he’d been ogling - ‘don’t brush against the art! I don’t care about the paintings, but if you get any colour on you, you’ll ruin that whole black-and-white aesthetic you’ve got going.’
i. love. rachel.
I AM  OBSESSED WITH THE TROGS, I LOVE THEM, THEY ARE GREAT, not gonna lie, i was expecting something more dramatic and spooky with how worried will was and how dionysus was going.. visiting the cavern-runners isn’t ♫ good for your mental health  ♫ but the little hat frog gremlins were a good addition. i like them very much and their funky little soup shenanigans. quoting the ghost king himself: trogs good. nice hats. (IM SORRY I KEEP MENTIONING HIM BUT I JUST) also how apollo starts wishing for breadsticks a s ajoke and theY STRAIGHT UP HAVE BREADSTICKS? HUH? WHERE DID THEY GET THE BREADSTICKS FROM??
yeah, i’m also still very much upset by every mention of jason grace, it’s funny how ever since his death in the burning maze i have grown to love him more and more and that’s not fun for me, for that boy to become one of my main comfort character’s and have his death and sacrifice and nobility mentioned every few chapters. i’m pretty sure i cried when he appeared to talk in apollo’s dreams, and this time the tears weren’t from the effort of keeping my eyes open and working for hours straight reading this book (i remember staying up until 2am to finish the sequel to beautiful, broken things, it was very much worth it)
‘All right, Jason. We miss you, though.’
as @couldnt-think-of-a-funny-name said: ‘thinking about how ghost! Jason didn’t seem to understand why Apollo was so upset about his death because he’s been raised to believe a hero’s sacrifice is noble and his life doesn’t matter in the grand scheme and also if he doesn’t understand why the person who watched him get horrifically killed is so torn up over his death he probably doesn’t even realize his other friends are grieving him..’
the entire python battle was pretty grim, there is a part of me that's like because this is the last book series i would have loved say the magnus chase and kane chronicles gang in a giant battle with everyone like the battle of manhattan but even more dramatic, but even so, i did appreciate that python battle and the whole almost-falling-into-the-depths-of-tartarus thing.
him talking to artemis was cool, but JESUS: 'I turned and strode out of my room, trying to recall how the god Apollo walked.' like that HURTS. it was such a huge culture shock for apollo to go throught this huge character arc and be so human and understand the pain of others, to be around gods again who are so.. apathetic. also, zeus. 'Interesting how he put that: I had done him proud. I had been useful in making him look good. My heart did not melt. I did not feel that this was a warm-and-fuzzy reconciliation with my father. Let's be honest: some fathers don't deserve that. Some aren't capable of it.'
okay quick word on the reunions at the end: funny little elephant visitation program with livia and hannibal. love that for them. calypso and leo's relationship seems rocky and complicated, but that's to be expected, i think even if they do get properly back together again it might not last long, because it does pretty much feel like a teenage relationship where the two aren't very compatible, but we'll see. hazel and frank are so funny with their gold plated necklaces. lavinia - tap-dance icon. almost cried at the mention of jason's temple-extension plan again. percy not being sure about what he wants to do in college is accurate and i like that that's left to be up-for-interpretation (rick does THE MOST for the fanfic writers pfsjsj). i am OBSESSED with aeithales, like i hate deserts so the burning maze setting is not my favourite but GOD that HOUSE, the vibes are off-the-charts. i'd love a house made of living trees that's also a greenhouse filled with dryads. meg gets a unicorn. that is so great.
i kind of wish the book hadn't ended with 'Call on me. I will be there for you.' because every time I imagine the friends theme song and i don't think that's the vibe he was going for, BUT i do love him talking to meg, that was genuinely emotional - 'You'll come back?' she asked. 'Always,' I promised. 'The sun always comes back.' ; i really wish it had ended with that, but i guess apollo does tend to break fourth walls and talk to the readers, like a lot of the protagonists of riordanverse books.
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permian-tropos · 4 years
“Seismic” -- Daniil Dankovsky/Artemy Burakh fic that I just spat out
CW: angst, suicidality
I will post this on AO3 maybe like a normal person but it’s late and I’m lazy
Edit: the AO3 link if you want it there
Two dogs barked in warning — they knew, as they so often did, of the oncoming quake.
The plague itself was growling in the air, unyielding in its final hours, and the black soot flakes soared on suddenly stirred air currents, all aflutter with anticipation.
On the eastern side of the Guzzle crossing came running the man who could always smell blood before it was spilled, because it was by rights his to harvest.
On the south side of town the cannons on the railroad were turning and aiming, ready to belch fire.
The yargachin stood on the bridge looking into the Stone Yard, where the spear would finally be ripped from the heart of the world. There it was; that glittering silhouette in the hazy air, that crystalized twister touching down by the bend in the river.
The Polyhedron’s manic angles had never seemed so alive. She was baring herself to the world, a witch upon the pyre screaming her last wild curse, and in that moment she and the Earth were not enemies but one being, united in defiance against their coming death.
As the ground beneath his boot soles shivered, the Haruspex at last knew what the odonghs meant when they said they could sense the weight of every pair of feet on the streets of the town.
Because he felt footsteps that should not be there, crossing the Bridge Square.
Walking west, to where the sun set, the steps spoke their own rhythmic language, tolling like a warning bell: I am going to see this to the end.
The butcher’s heart gasped like it too had been pierced through. Artemy heaved in a lungful of acrid infected air and sprinted through the Atrium, past the befuddled soldiers. His bad leg hobbled and nearly sent him down to one knee, but he turned a corner and beheld:
The fog in the square cut by the silhouette of a long leather coat — and he’d even brought his trademark bag; it swung at his side.
The Bachelor looked like a man upon the lip of a train platform, impatiently clasping his luggage, awaiting his chance to travel far away —truly far — the next time an engine thundered through the station.
His upturned head spelled out plainly that his eyes were only on the tower. Transfixed upon his beloved.
Artemy staggered across the paved stones, past the row of bodies left behind by the Inquisition, and caught Daniil Dankovsky by his arm.
And swung him around with one sharp pull. The man’s eyes were wide and red-rimmed, and out from them cracked all those furrows of stress that had been pressed into the man’s face over two weeks of squinting, straining, grimacing, scowling, and perhaps, by the looks of it, weeping.
“No,” was all Artemy could gasp with the last air in his lungs, and then he had to pant and recover.
“Don’t you dare stop me!” Dankovsky cried out, thrashing and fighting the grip on his arm.
Artemy clung to the snakeskin on his sleeve with all the strength he had left. He shook the man just as vigorously as the man was struggling, until his efforts stilled. “You’re not going up there.”
“You should have killed me in the Shelter. But you didn’t, so I’m going inside one last time. Maybe, just maybe, there’ll be one more dream left, and it won’t die alone.”
“The cannons!” Artemy choked out. “I delivered the orders! They’re taking aim!”
“I know,” said the Bachelor, tongue heavy, like he wanted the words carved on his grave. His lips shuddered, and then he twisted his arm, wildness flashing in his eyes.
Artemy grabbed his shoulders before he could wrench himself free. And stared at him, trying to vivisect him with a glare. By the way the man was trembling, the Haruspex was indeed cutting deep, through his medrel, his nerves.
Dankovsky was lost to his grief, seduced at his lowest moment by the Pied Piper herself, the temptress who had spirited away the children of the Town.
And now it wanted him to lie down with it in its grave, as its eternal lover. It had called him here with the siren song, there is nothing else but me, without me you are nothing, and I need you.
“What does a man do without a dream? What does mankind do?” Dankovsky dropped his bag and clutched the front of Artemy’s smock, and from the way his fingers clawed and twitched, he was coming close to reaching up and trying to squeeze his throat. But he did not do that. He just clung.
Artemy struggled for words. “We don’t do. We just are. And that’s enough.”
Dankovsky's breath caught on a wet clog in his throat. “I can’t live like this,” he rasped. “I’ll never be free again. I never was. Now let me go. I didn’t think you’d have to see this—”
“I’d see it when they found your body in the wreck. Is that how you want to be remembered, mangled and broken?” His jaw was tight as a bear trap, ready to snap. “Is that what you want to leave behind for someone you called a friend?”
The Bachelor’s cheeks were turning ashen. “Someone I called an idiot. Get out of here, Burakh, before you’re crushed by a chunk of debris. Any moment now, they’ll fire.”
“Then move, you bastard!” Artemy yanked on his arm to pull him away, yet still he fought.
A razor-sharp Line was wound all around Dankovsky’s body, biting through his clothes into his flesh like a garrote, and it was screeching the same discordant tune as the wicked metal frame balanced precariously in the Earth’s flesh.  
“It’s alive,” Dankovsky croaked. “In a way unlike anything in the universe. It’s so alive it makes the noon sun look like a shadow on the wall of a cave.”
Artemy wanted to sob, the way he had when a being shaped like his favorite childhood toy had tottered up to him on tiny hooves and plaintively asked, could it not live too? Was there not a world where it, strange form of life that it was, could be loved?
“I understand,” he said, and he did. “... I refuse to make another sacrifice. Especially not one as meaningless as this.”
“Not everything is about sacrifice!” the Bachelor spat. “My story is, quite simply, over.”
“You love that that tower so much you’d die with it? After two weeks? Barely any time!”
“Enough time to destroy a town and end thousands of lives.” A cruel grimace briefly flashed Dankovsky’s teeth, though it was covering up a flush of mortification. “You’ve known me for those same two weeks, but you’re out here in the open, waiting to be skewered on shrapnel, all over this poor waste of skin. Could it be that you’re—” he clutched a mocking hand to his breast, over his heart — “oh! just as suicidally devoted, my dearest Haruspex—!”
His words had such venom that he must have thought they would shame Artemy into letting go. A blow to his masculinity, or some such stupidity like that.
Artemy’s blood boiled, and then surged without thought. He seized Dankovsky in his arms and bent him over backwards and kissed him.
He tasted the pulse of both of their hearts as a tickle against his lips. Dankovsky flailed and helplessly threw his arms around Artemy’s shoulders, to catch his balance.
And as he did, his body shivered and his back arched into a yearning, yielding shape in Artemy’s tight grasp. Artemy’s own spine tingled from tip to tail, more urgently with every moment that Dankovsky did not pull away.
Artemy’s emboldened hand found the man’s free leg and clutched his thigh, while Dankovsky gasped through his nose and wriggled in embarrassment at the touch, but kept his mouth firmly sealed against Artemy’s.
The Cathedral bore witness; Artemy could feel it rapturously exhale a great gust of seconds into the world. The Crucible’s stately wings shivered and held their breath, scandalized. And the Polyhedron’s needle, jammed into the agonized Earth, vibrated with outrage.
He is mine, the edifice howled.
Not anymore, rumbled the Haruspex’s decree, and he planted his feet and refused to budge. His sympathy for the tower, miracle that it was, had dried up. For this eternal moment, he was the wedge forcing its way down upon those sharp threads tightly binding Daniil Dankovsky to the Polyhedron.
A great crack of gunfire split the sky and rocked the earth.
The scents of metal and blood were indistinguishable from one another, as both exploded into the air as a ruddy mist.
The seismic shudder sent Artemy down to his knees, but he didn’t let Dankovsky go; they sank together, dropping to the flagstones and unsticking their lips as their ears rang from the cacophony.
Artemy unclenched his eyelids. His heart jumped; they were both still alive, and Dankovsky had his gloved — and still very bloodstained — hand clutched over his mouth. But aside from that old gore, there was a faint spray of pink mist on the side of him that faced the river.
Fingers shaking, realizing he was staring at the cure for the Sand Pest splattered against the Bachelor’s pale skin, Artemy traced the droplets across the man’s temple. Magnificent, miraculous, chimeric blood.
“Don’t look so shocked,” he gruffly forced out, as his own mortification got the better of him. “Like I just took your innocence.” The Bachelor slowly lowered his hand from his mouth, and his dark brows dropped low and miserable, as he turned his head towards the river of blood and the jagged bones of the specular tower. “That’s exactly what you’ve done,” he whispered.
Artemy let go of Dankovsky slowly; his joints felt stuck. “Then I will bear the weight of that evil, and you will live to hold it against me.” He rose on trembling feet and pointed. “It’s over. That’s our cure, doctor.”
Dankovsky remained half-sprawled on the ground, lips forming silent words that could have been numb denials.
“It’s,” he finally said. “It’s… over.”
Artemy swallowed and took a rotten, sin-soaked step towards that beautiful red pool. He understood the hollow tones in Dankovsky’s voice. What even were they now, without the frantic running through the streets, without the smoke from signal fires stinging their eyes, without creeping to avoid the pools of light from streetlamps with a half-shattered blade in hand, without obsessive hoards of trinkets and trash filling their pockets?
The Earth’s thrashing and bellowing in pain underneath him was growing stiller, colder, fainter.
“No more of your self-pity,” Artemy finally forced out. “We have work to do. One more task. I need you, oynon.”
Behind him, by the sound of it, Dankovsky was picking himself up off the smooth stones. “You don’t need me,” he said dully. “I barely helped.”
“Spare me that bullshit. What’s left of the town is alive because of you.”
“Then. Everyone who died.”
“Stop it,” said Artemy. He didn’t turn around. “Don’t goad me right now. I won’t kiss you again, if that’s what you’re looking for.”
For an aching moment, the words caused a ripple, like a stone thrown in a pond.
“Then let’s work,” said Dankovsky, and he was quiet and bitter and resigned, but he was still there. To live in the throes of despair took courage, warm courage borne from warm blood, that still assiduously pumped inside his chest. His unthinking blood cherished the brain that struggled to love itself, and that would do for now.
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doodle-zombie · 3 years
Lamia Bonding Drama
Finished RP with @theriverpersonshadow that turned into an absolute monster once we both sat down and started it. I think we finished this in under a week? The final word count is...25,546 (after some editing by me).
The only warnings that may apply are for language. If anyone has any triggers please let me know.
It's so long that it's under the cut.
Caring Coils was having one of its community events this week. While the shop was always open to the public (within business hours), the weather had been nice lately and they’d managed to rent out some outdoor space in a local park. The Lamia were absolutely loving it, in their own ways: a hoard of miniature pygmies were chasing after an RC car “driven” by a bitty Papython and actually driven by a Honeybo, the trees were draped with various Lamia but especially Chains, one of the larger rocks in the area had become a community nap pile for Cornies, and no small number of Kraits (and Oozy) were enjoying the pond as a few Mambas terrorized/were terrorized by the local goose population, thankfully far from the rest.
Nikolai was a mixture of happy and absolutely harried, trying to keep track of everyone who’d come. Some Lamia had opted to stay inside, like Hux, and some were too young (Piper was allowed to come, barely), but the park was absolutely teeming with various Lamia. It made his soul swell to see them so happy, but also, he probably needed to deal with the goose situation on top of general PR.
Keith was hanging out near the edge of the park, draped in a tree and soaking up some sun rays. Trousle was hanging with him - pun intended - and looking at the humans as they passed into the park, chirping out hellos with his little speaker. Piper, meanwhile, had claimed a bird nest as “his” and was enthusiastically showing it off.
“Oh! Look! That human has one like you!” Trousle said, tugging lightly at Keith.
Keith looked over towards Val, giving a wave. “Yo, nice to meet ya. Name’s Keith.”
“Look! I’mma mom!” Piper chirped loudly as his little lungs(?) could manage. This is clearly a child in a bird nest.
“Hello human!!!”
Valerie adored her boys and did whatever she could to make them happy but this was, admittedly, more for her than it was for any of her boys. She had joined tons of different groups geared towards Lamia, including a site that allowed her to see when a center was having any special events, and she stalked those sites when she had a few minutes to herself. It was through her obsessive need to stay on top of all things Lamia related that she heard about a center that was having a community day.
And it was open to the public.
Marmalade watched, so in tune that he picked up on her excitement before any of the other boys, as she prepared for a trip. It wasn't too far but it was enough distance that she was careful to pack a cooler full of snacks and blankets to create a nest in the back of the van. Because it was a given that Currant would be tagging along and Sangria would be the guardian of the property while she was away. His Mamba brother took his duties incredibly serious and he had a prankster Corny to watch over and a recovering Pygmy to take care of. Val left instructions on what to do if she wasn't back within a few days, leaving behind a phone she'd picked up just for them.
None of them liked to be away from her with no means of making sure she was alright, Marmalade didn't blame them.
Despite being the largest in the house, Marmalade had made no secret of his desire to go with Valerie and Currant on their trip. He coiled on the back seat, soaking in the light and enjoying the breeze, while Currant claimed the front seat with a nest carefully crafted. Val filled the trip to this community day with belting along to whatever song played, nudging Currant until he joined in and beaming at Marmalade in the mirror until he went along with their shenanigans.
Stars, he adored his bondmate.
Their arrival was met with little fanfare. Currant wanted to stay in the van, unwilling to risk getting lost or injured by whatever was going on at the park, and the windows were left cracked for his comfort. Val gave his skull a pet and eagerly left the car behind, Marmalade tagging along at her side. It was clear that all the Lamia were enjoying their time outside and he snickered at the sight of a cluster of Mamba trying to assert their dominance over a flock of geese.
Sangria would have been absolutely delighted to show the smaller Mamba how to go about proving their superiority.
Marmalade found his gaze drawn to his fellow Chains, draped across tree branches like, particularly strange vines. Val must have felt his curiosity because her gaze was also drawn towards the trees and she gave a delighted squeak. Her soul pulsed back pure joy at him.
"'sup," he drawled, acknowledging Keith's greeting. "'m marmalade."
"Ohmystars," Val breathed, clutching her chest. "You are just the cutest little thing."
Which Lamia was she talking to? Well, all of them if Marmalade had to guess.
"y'all don' get out often, do ya?"
"Not really! It's big out here!" Trousle said. If he was being honest with himself, it was kind of overwhelming. Thankfully, Keith didn't seem to mind hanging around with him, and it was nice having a familiar face as he tried to get used to it. Mostly he worried about how his speaker would work. It was small enough to be portable... for a normal-sized person, but it'd be a pain trying to carry it around at his size. But there was plenty to do just here! People to talk to, things to climb and play around in, it was all so much and it was great!
"They say 'm too lil. But I'm not! Not a hatchling! Nuh-uh!" Piper said. He grinned down at this human and looked at "his" eggs. He couldn't actually keep these, so... He slithers down to Valerie's level, tail wound around a tree branch while he makes grabby hands her way. The little one looks like he's got some scales stuck to his skull and arms, but a closer look reveals that they seem to be growing there (though might be in a shedding phase right now too, based on the flakiness). He chirped for her, little tongue darting out to catch the taste of the air.
Keith just chuckled at the little one. "Nope. What can I say, I've got my dice inside." He yawned and readjusted himself on the branch, muscles rippling as he found another position. "But it's pretty nice out here honestly. At least right now. It gets dang hot sometimes." Which might explain why there didn't seem to be many Firerings. While they probably would've enjoyed the usual summer heat, it'd be uncomfortable or even possibly deadly to those around them. "Heh, where y’all from anyways? I don't know you." The other Chain's scent was unfamiliar to him, and they were kind of the place to get a well-cared-forlamia in the state. Marmalade might've been a little roughed up from hunting in the woods, but he didn't really have the look of a rescue, and the linger scents were new too.
"nah," Marmalade teased, sockets narrowing as he smirked. "yer jus' small."
And adorable. Marmalade was so accustomed to being around smaller Lamia that he felt an instant need to protect any smaller Lamia around him. Lapis was the smallest at home and Marmalade often kept him safe from predatory birds and other larger creatures that might make a snack of a Lamia. Keith keeping Trousle close was something Marmalade approved of, it was what made Chains so reliable as companions.
"You certainly don't look like a hatchling," Valerie complimented, putting her hands out so he could slither onto her. Honestly, the spattering of scales upon his bones was beautiful. Val found the scales of Lamia to be incredibly pretty. If they didn't turn to dust when they came off, she would be tempted to collect them. "But your scales are really pretty! Currant would love you, he'd think you were a little gem."
Marmalade found Keith to be a little strange, for a Chain, but he figured that they couldn't go out into the woods from their center. It was the part he loved about his territory, there were so many huge trees he could climb and bask on. Plus, the rock that Sangria often showed off on when Valerie was taking a break from work. In fact, all the Lamia around here were pretty immaculate. He didn't see any signs of scars or any hints of lacking care.
"val drove us here," Marmalade shrugged. "we're a coupla states away, middle a nowhere. my home center was in a big city."
Trousle let out a breathy attempt at a "Nyeh", huffing. "That's not my fault! I was born small! I'm a good size for a Papython bitty too!" Though sometimes he did feel a little out of place with most of the DnD group being full-sized, but being small just meant he had more things to look at and slither into! More to explore, and a lot of puzzles just getting around!
Piper enthusiastically wound his way on there, letting out little chittering purrs as he accepted the compliments. "Thank you! You've got pretty too!" He was idly playing with the fabric of her clothing, but his eyes were on her hair. A stray strand caught his eyes and he zoomed up, pouncing for it and squeaking as he overshot, grabbing onto the back of Val's clothes as he fell. "I'm 'kay!" He said, little claws helping him climb up to her neck. With a little purr, he settled in against the warmth. "Smells nice."
Keith was gently stroking Trousle while watching Marmalade, curious about this other Chain. "Really? Huh... you're from far out, ain't ya? I haven't gotten around much myself. What can I say, I'm a bit lazy." That was a lie, partially. Part of him wouldn't mind getting out and about more often, see more of the outside, more of the world. He was old enough that he was pretty sure Nikolai could get some stuff sorted for him if he asked, but leaving would mean not living with Hux anymore, almost certainly. Hux didn't exactly want a human, and he seemed perpetually peeved at Alex...
"How'd you two meet anyways? I mean, like... How do you know?" He'd assumed he'd known, but Alex never said anything, so maybe he was just getting desperate. Could it work that way? Nikolai had assured him it couldn't, but he was too nervous to bring it up. What if she was avoiding it for a reason? "Ya seem pretty happy."
"Keith hasn't found his human yet," Trousle said.
Keith looked to the side, unwilling to dump his anxieties on the little guy. He wasn't leaving. Period. No reason to worry him.
"jus' kiddin', kid," Marmalade laughed. It had been a few months since he'd last been around a Papython, his home center had a high turnover rate for them, and those that were old enough to go tended to get adopted faster than he could learn about them. There was nothing wrong with Trousle, if you asked Marmalade, and he would have liked to talk more with the little guy. But Marmalade was a stranger to these Lamia and he didn't want to cause any fights by climbing into a tree with the Lamia here. "yer decent size. bigger than lapis at home."
Heaven. This must have been heaven. Valerie was very used to having a Lamia slithering on her, Lapis did it all the time, so she wasn't phased in the slightest by the little Pygmy darting around. She laughed as he zoomed, looking over her shoulder and putting a hand under where he was dangling. Affection filled her at his little compliments, her fingers gentle when she rubbed his little skull. "Thank you, sweetie."
Marmalade glanced over to Valerie, blinking as she cuddled with the small Pygmy. He could feel the waves of affection that were rolling off her soul in gentle waves. It wouldn't have surprised him if every Chain around could feel how much she adored the little guy. Well, he should have known she wouldn't be able to resist.
"you'd get along well with Currant then," Marmalade said, studying Keith carefully. Huh, a Chain that just... didn't know how to tell who his human was? At least Marmalade was used to offering advice, usually to his housemates. "she came in for a coral bitty, originally. an i jus' knew she was mine. soon as i saw her. she knew i was hers right after i bonded with her. val's more in touch with her soul now."
He looked at Val, the happy smile on her face as she pet the small Pygmy. "she's the best thing that happened to me. A real gentle soul, patient too. she even adopted the mamba from my brother clutch."
Trousle grinned, typing away. "Yes! And thank you! You seem good-sized yourself! I guess I'm just not used to being places where things aren't all bitty-sized. Well, other than the DnD table! And the humans. Humans tend to be human-sizedfor lamia, though children of course are smaller." All was forgiven, just like that. "It's good to meet you! Have I introduced myself? I'm Trousle! That little one is Piper, and this is Keith."
"You're welcome!" Piper chirped. He grabbed at one of her fingers, holding it to him to nuzzle against it. A few of his loose scales flaked off which was met with little sighs of relief - those had been itchy! "Like you! You like games? One time I got to be a dragon! I was the boss! Rawr!" He tries to roar, but it's squeaky and he devolves into giggles.
"Oh geez, that was sure an interesting session," Keith said, laughing at the memories. It was an absolute mess and it was amazing. "We let him join a DnD game once, he was my little Co-Dm."
"Mm hmm! I was the Boss!"
"He was also the dragon they fought... And the trickster god that our cleric summoned. Who immediately attacked his own follower."
"Was a mouse!"
"That it was." Alex had been playing a Mousefolk cleric and used a mouse toy as a token, so really that was almost set up that way, and it was hysterical.
Keith turned back to Marmalade, "I run a DnD game afterhours for some of my friends. Alex is a new girl, or was I guess? She's been visiting a while, seems pretty nice. Brought us Peanut butter and chocolate no-bake cookies, and wasn't gonna say no to that!"
"They were delicious!" Trousle said. "Liam tried to say he brought them, but he'd just stolen them! Nyeh! He's so silly!"
"He got caught pretty fast. But yeah," Keith said. "She, uh... seems nice. Like, real nice. But I don't think she thinks I'm anything special. Other than a good DM of course, and hey, what else can a nerd ask for?" He was hesitant to outright say it.
Sure, most of his friends were technically special needs in one way or another, but those were just surface level, right? Having a faulty soul-bond meant something was deeply wrong with him, not to mention he hadn't even tried until then.
Keith was idly clawing at the bark, muscles tensing and untensing as he slowly swung there, filling moments where he wasn't talking by humming the same few bars of a song.
If he was going to tell someone, maybe it ought to be them? Marmalade didn't ask for that though, and that's a lot to put on someone. But who else could get it and not have it get back to Hux? Nikolai had enough to deal with...
Nah, he was being silly. Might as well just enjoy the sunshine, if he could. "I'd offer to show you around, but I don't know the place much better. Plus it looks like part of the park is under attack by geese."
In the distance, Nikolai was trying to get some of the younger Mambas to leave the fucking geese alone while Liam tried to scare the geese into leaving the mamba alone. Oozy was making puns about this "fowl situation" while watching and being generally unhelpful.
Well, Trousle certainly made it obvious why Papythons were so popular. His temperament was excellent and things just seemed to roll right off his scales. It was a shame that Marmalade had never really connected with any Papythons when he'd been at the center still because they seemed like he would have gotten along great with them. "nyeh heh, thanks kid."
"Oh stars," Val squeaked, delighted beyond measure. She also took immediate note of his relief when several scales flaked away, revealing pristine blue beneath, and she gave soft scratches to areas that looked like they were ready to come away. "Oh, sweetheart, I love games! I bet you were the biggest, best dragon around!"
She feigned a shocked gasp at his attempt at a roar, grinning down at the little guy. Her heart was gone, he'd stolen it. All of these Lamia were adorable. As much of her attention as Piper had stolen, Val still didn't ignore Keith and Trousle. They were good with Piper, harnessing the chaotic energy of a young Pygmy.
"Every Lamia is special," Val refuted, cuddling Piper closer to her neck. "Maybe you should talk to Alex?"
Marmalade nodded along, giving Keith a curious look. He didn't know what DnD was but he knew about the soul and the bonds that Chains forged with their humans. Keith seemed awfully curious and cautious when it came to those bonds.
"you think you got the wrong human?" was Marmalade's astute observation.
"Oh!" Val perked, wide eyes turning to Keith. "You wanna stay with your friends, don't you? But you want a human too, maybe?"
Inevitably, her gaze was drawn towards the honking of geese. Not a sight that was common at home but nothing she had never seen before, either. It was certainly lively over at that side of the park!
Trousle nodded, “No problem!” He paused and typed more, tongue flicking as he did. “What’s it like where you guys are from? Do they have Papython there too?”
Piper was purring, rubbing against her hand both out of affection and in eagerness to shed some of his scales. He had stars in his eyes as he looked up to her. “Yeah! I love games too! I’m a great dragon! Mweheheh!” I dun hurt you though is ‘kay.” He gave her a little pat of reassurance. “Can only hurt the tokens. But I win good!” Piper made happy purrs and chitters, enjoying the warmth and affection. This was so exciting!!! “I special! You too!”
Keith couldn’t stay buried in his thoughts with that happening. A grin split his face. “Heh, hope you were looking to adopt.”
A twinge of jealousy rose up in Trousle’s soul, bitter and venomous, but he took a deep breath and swallowed it with a smile. He’d find someone one day. It wasn’t fair to hold it against Piper. Besides, he wanted to live closer to his friends anyway. “You can talk to Nikolai when he’s done with the geese if you’re thinking of taking him home! He practically owns the place. He’s the King.”
“Don’t let the fangs fool you. He’s basically a mom,” Keith said. “Gotta love him… Heh. You might get along, or else I need to get better at hiding things. Am I that obvious?”
Trousle looked up at him. “Alex is yours then?” He hadn’t known but wasn’t surprised either.
“I don’t know,” Keith said honestly, shrugging. “Thought I felt something, still do, but she hasn’t said anything, so I ain’t gonna force it. Besides, I’d rather keep hanging with y’all.”
“I appreciate it, but don’t stay just for my sake! You’ve been here longer than me! If you think you’d be happy with her…” Then he’d say goodbye.
“Ain’t my call anyways lil dude, but thanks,” Keith said. He turned back to the others. “I might just live here long as they’ll have the gang and me. Made peace with it a good while ago.”
This time it was Valerie who answered Trousle, happy to soothe the Papython that there was someone out there who would love him and take him home. "Oh, I see Papythons everywhere when I go into town! Everyone loves a Papython. You guys are super helpful."
She was quickly distracted by Piper once again, enthralled by how adorable he was. The point of coming here hadn't been to adopt but she wasn't going to rule it out, not when faced with a Lamia this adorable. Valerie had always assumed Pygmy were too energetic for her but Piper was just perfect. The right amount of energetic and sweet, with a little bit of snuggle tossed in. "A precious dragon," she beamed, "Oh, Admiral and Sangria would love you!"
Valerie laughed at Keith, keeping Piper close to her. "I'm not opposed! I have plenty of space at home... and toys. And I already have the perfect little bandana that would look just adorable on him."
"course ya do," Marmalade huffed, amused. "ya got a lil' bit o' everythin' at home."
"That I do!" Val agreed, smiling at Keith and Trousle. "I even brought a couple things to give out, if you want something Trousle. I think you'd look really cool in this little red scarf I bought. None of the Papythons at the other center were the right size for it."
"don' let val think she'd get along with a king," was the mumbled warning from Marmalade, his gaze mischievous. "she debated on a king or a mamba once. still don' know if she won' bring home a king some day."
Her answering laugh was completely unapologetic.
"Gotta say, Keith, if you feel like she's yours then she probably is. There's a lot of reasons a human wouldn't react. Maybe she doesn't have the space for you and all your friends but she doesn't wanna separate you?"
"don' count yourself stuck, keith. even if ya don' live with her she's still yours. an you're hers."
Trousle beams, puffing out his little chest as much as he can and showing off his scales. He's a bit too busy posing to type right now, but his grin is practically splitting his face. He nods enthusiastically at the idea of a little scarf. Wouldn’t he just look great?! Even greater than now, he wasn’t sure it was even possible!
Keith smiles down at him. "Yer pretty cool, y'know? Can't believe you haven't been scooped up yet. But hey, this way I get to keep ya. Wouldn't be the same without such a cool guy at the gaming table."
Trousle's face was bright orange. He attempted to hide it behind his hands, flustered, but he kept moving his hands to peek out.
Piper purred, too enthralled by Val to pay much attention to Keith and Trousle. "Yeah! 'm the best dragon. They love! And I love! Where they?" He looked over at Marmalade, squinting as he tried to figure out which one he'd be. "Sangria?"
Keith chuckled, "That's Marmalade." With so much happening, he didn't blame Piper for missing a few details.
"No. Sangria."
"That's not how that works...“ Trousle said.
"Sangria," Piper insisted, crossing his arms. Guess Marmalade's been renamed now, sorry dude. "Gonna play toys with Sangria! Mweheheheh! Toys toys toys! Yes yes yes!" He tightened around her neck - not nearly enough to hurt - in enthusiastic cuddles.
"He really likes you!" Trousle said. Feeling a bit bolder, he started winding his way down towards her and Marmalade too. Keith helped by stretching his arm out towards her for him. Dude wants cuddles too it seems like.
Keith's soul ached at the thought of Trousle leaving too, but Val seemed nice, and it sounded like he wouldn't be low on company. It was a bit early to call though. "I hope ya'll're right. I mean, she keeps coming back, so hey, that's a good sign! Just don't wanna come on too strong, y'know?" He turned to look over at the goose situation. Some park administrators had managed to catch and contain most of them, but Liam had the tell-tale sign of a successful hunt around his fangs. Good for him. Nikolai had redirected the younger Mambas towards something less destructive: showing off for humans with posing and play-fights. "If ya wanna keep the kiddo, you can talk to Nikolai or Maia, the old lady. She owns the place, but Nikolai's been keeping it running the last year or two. She's getting too old fer it."
Oh. Oh no. Trousle was adorable too and Val felt awful knowing she would gladly take him home too, away from his friends and so far from what he'd known that he might never be able to visit when they had their sessions. But Keith brought up a good point... why hadn't Trousle been snatched up yet? He was a sweet Papython, perfectly sized for apartment living but also the right size that he could help out around if he wanted.
Her attention was taken by Piper once again, cooing at just how sweet he was. Her poor heart couldn't handle all that adorableness. If she combined him with Admiral... Val would probably collapse from the combined cute of two Pygmy, even if they were different sizes. Her face actually hurt from how much she was smiling.
"I only brought Marmalade and Currant with me, Piper," she gently told him, grinning at Marmalade with waggling brows. "Sangria is my big Mamba, he's protecting the territory and making sure Admiral doesn't get lonely. But Sangria is so awesome I'm sure Marmalade doesn't mind."
Marmalade narrowed his eyes at her but it lacked any real heat. Sangria was a Mamba that defied his species, a far more tolerant creature that was essentially the den mother of all Lamia Valerie had at home. It wouldn't surprise any of them if Sangria was cuddled up, beyond exhausted dealing with Admiral and Lapis, when they got home. Val was good for them, he was somewhat surprised she didn't have a whole hoard of Mamba roaming around.
"I really like him too," Valerie told Trousle, offering a hand so he could join Piper on her. Papython cuddles were the best. And she'd only ever cuddled a few full-size ones! As much as she would have loved to take him home too, Valerie didn't feel like Trousle was destined to stay with her. Someone out there would adopt them all together, she could feel it. But she would never deny a Lamia some cuddles. "I should go get Currant, though. Don't want my grumpy boy to laze away in the car. It's about time to exercise, anyway."
"she probably feels somethin'," Marmalade shrugged. "i bonded with val as soon as i saw her. didn' wait a second."
"It's true," she laughed. "I walked in for a grumpy Coral and wham! Soulbonded to a Chain within minutes. I can kinda feel all my boys, now."
Valerie trailed off, not knowing how to ask Keith if he wanted to go to the car with her so she could get Currant and the things she could give to other Lamia. Marmalade saved her from having to ask, aware of her on a level deeper than anything she'd thought to have.
"wanna come with us to the car, keith? val wants to grab some stuff and trousle an piper are safest if she holds 'em. you can meet currant."
Piper nodded, "Mamba can be mean, but can be nice! Some go hiss, but others like hugs. Like Cobalt!" Cobalt was hatched around the same time. The little mamba could be protective sometimes, especially when some of the meaner mamba or corals teased him about his weird bone-scales. (The fact that Piper was quick to give affection and fawn over him miiiight've helped). "Can I meat Cur-Currant... Curry! Curry!"
Trousle slithered up Val's arm and draped himself across her in one big cuddle, clicking softly in a muted purr.
Keith smiled down at Val, she had such a way with the kiddos. If she ever needed a job, she could probably work here, provided she didn't try to adopt the entire store. And knowing that Alex might know something, well... Maybe he should have a chat with her. Lost in thought, he stretched himself out wordlessly in answer, winding down and placing himself next to Marmalade, ready to go meet Currant. Hopefully he'd be nice to Trousle, or they'd have a problem.
"Sangria is nice," Val assured Piper, knowing it was true. He could bluster and yell insults as much as he wanted but he was the first to investigate any noise, the first to take the others outside without her asking, and she had woke up on a few occasions to already thawing food for her boys. Piper would be adored at her house, she had no doubt. "We're going to meet Currant."
Marmalade was shamelessly snickering over Piper's nickname for the Coral, slithering along as she walked towards the van. It was a dirty thing, big enough to transport her collection of Lamia and the large amount of groceries she got monthly. Some curious Lamia had slithered close, likely to scent the new smells she'd brought around, and Currant could be seen in the front seat. His face was barely visible over the door, just eyes and the dome of his skull. Well, what wasn't covered by the blanket he'd been snuggled in. His deep red eye lights enlarged when he spotted Val.
Before they even got to the van, Currant was bolting out and winding around her legs. Val laughed, petting Trousle and Piper while Currant made himself at home around her ankles and knees. He shamelessly slithered up her legs and wrapped around her torso, clinging in the way he was used to. The fact she had other Lamia didn't bother him in the slightest. His purrs were deep and happy, gloved phalanges kneading in her shirt and sneakily petting Trousle and Piper.
"And this is Currant," she told Keith, completely wrapped in Lamia but loving it. Her current situation was nothing out of the ordinary, after all. "He's still a little anxious but he's such a sweet little gem!"
"spoiled, ya mean."
"jealous?" Currant grinned, both golden fangs on full display. "sup. 'm currant."
Safely riding on a human, Trousle looked around, trying to take in all he could of the big, wide world. And it was definitely big! It was hard to imagine that even this much existed! It was all so exciting! His tongue was flicking in and out, trying to catch every taste he could. Instinctively, he hissed when Currant moved so fast, rearing back, but let out little huffs as he laughed it off. His "voice" came from Keith's pocket as he said, "You startled me!"
Keith similarly had tensed up, not expecting the other to dart out like that, but relaxed just as quickly seeing Val react so well. "Aaaaw. Heh, he really likes ya. Man, he's a world different than Hux. Good to meet ya dude, I'm Keith."
"I'm Trousle! Er, I'm the Papython." Trousle said, leaning his head up to let Currant scratch some of his favorite spots.
"Oooooh! Curry! Curry's a Coral!" Piper gasped. He was partly hiding behind Val's neck, hoping that this Coral at least wouldn't make fun of him. Not that every single Coral did, but it was mostly corals. Still, he was getting pets, so maybe this one was a nicer one? His eyes closed as he let out happy little chirps, occasionally play-nipping at Currant's fingers.
Keith was just internally cooing. "Ya'll too dang cute. How dare. Geez..."
One of the local Cornies was trying to slither into Val's car, seeing a nice blanket and a warm, sunny nap spot, and a random Honeybo was trying to see if he could sneak stickers onto Currant's clothes.
Confined as she was beneath coils, Val couldn't do anything about the other Lamia clustering around. She made a careful mental note about the Corny but didn't attempt to prevent him from sleeping in the blanket pile, Lapis did just that. Before she left she would do a sweep of the van, to make sure she didn't have any tagalongs. Currant was well adjusted, careful work done to make sure he knew how to articulate and that he could always hide if it became too much for him. He was a far cry from the grumpy boy she'd brought home.
"sorry," Currant muttered, butting his nose against Trousle's back. "oh man, val! lapis woulda loved this."
"He would!" she chirped. "All the bitty Papython from his brother clutch got adopted out so I couldn't get one. He would love to have a Papy that would pester him awake, I just know it."
"maybe we can bring 'im next time," Marmalade shrugged. "make a day o' it. let everyone meet everyone."
"it'd be chaos," Currant deadpanned. "imagine sangria bein' around all these mamba? his tail is a lot nicer."
Well, Valerie didn't want to say that but she hadn't seen another Mamba with the same level of iridescence that Sangria had. Currant was drawn to Piper, the little Pygmy hidden from sight until a nip finally registered. Val mentally counted down, smirking with the knowledge that Piper looked like a true prize. Bright blue, even where his scales needed to shed, and so unique that Currant's eye lights swelled huge. He loved pretty, unique things.
"yer scales are pretty," he wheezed, shimmying closer to Piper. His instincts told him Piper was still young and he needed to shed those itchy, dull scales. So Currant just... gave a little lick. Val likened it to a mother cat bathing her young and it was adorable.
"Aren't they just the prettiest!" Val agreed. "All the others must be so jealous of such a handsome boy like Piper!"
Keith was helping that one Honeybo sneak stickers onto Currant. He was gonna be covered in glittery smiley faces and hearts by the time the conversation was over at this rate. Naturally, Keith regrets nothing about this... Okay, maybe he has one regret, but that's that they're stickering Currant like this and not Hux. It'd be hysterical seeing him turn red as he realized what had happened.
Trousle gives him a few little scratches in appreciation. "I might consider it! I'm just not sure about living so far away. Though I'd love to have a person! And it seems like you have quite the troupe!" If it weren't for the distance, he'd be on this faster than Liam was on a bowl of sour candies. "I'd love to meet him!" It was always nice meeting new friends! Or seeing old friends again, in some cases!
Keith chuckled, "I feel that. I wish I could vouch for Liam, but he can get a bit showy around other Mamba. I mean, and in general, but it's worse around his own. Though given that he was the only one to actually beat a goose, he might have a point." Sometimes Mamba and Kings were rented out for pest control... and occasionally Chains, when the pests in question were snakes.
Piper turned yet another gorgeous shade of blue in the face, partly covering his cheekbones as he squealed and chirped, not really sure what to do with all the sheer happy stuffed into his little body. Kid purred like a kitten as some of the scales peeled off, revealing the vibrant, fresh hues underneath. Shedding was always the worst, but also such a relief to get out of his too-small skin.
Keith mentally relaxed. Currant seemed like a pretty cool dude so far. "Dang you're too freaking sweet. Geez. Ya sure you didn't adopt a Papython?"
Currant was aware that he was being covered in stickers, this wasn't the first time he'd been on the recieving end of some shenanigans, but he had long since grown used to things like this. Val had taken great care in making sure he was capable of handling whatever could be thrown at him. She wouldn't let anyone tell her that he was too dangerous to go anywhere, his behavior would guarantee he made anyone that called him a menace eat their words. Grooming the young Pygmy was much more his speed, he tended to do the same with Lapis if he caught him in shed.
"Oh, Trousle, I know there's a human out there for all of you," Valerie assured him. She felt a little sad that she couldn't take every Lamia home... but maybe she could volunteer here, sometimes. "I'll bring Lapis next time. Even if I don't take you home you could always message him and be friends that way."
"ooooooh," Marmalade drawled, feeling the need to talk up his brother. "jus' a goose?"
"Marmalade, hush! They don't have a forest around here, not like Liam could hunt foxes like you and Sangria do. But I bet he'd catch one!" She didn't actually know if that was the case because she didn't know which Mamba was Liam but if he was anything like Sangria he would have a high prey drive. She had many hunted stuffed animals that were displayed around her home. "Piper... are you alright with Currant holding you? I'm going to grab some things."
Marmalade huffed, amused at Keith's comments towards Currant. "nah, he's a gremlin. val jus' hates how people talk shit 'bout currant when we go out so she helped him get better adjusted."
Said gremlin was carefully holding Piper, grooming the Pygmy with loud rumbles in his ribcage. Piper had Coral approval. Val opened the back of the van, grabbing a couple of bags that had some gifts she'd brought along. The whole reason she'd come to the park was to give some things to Lamia that didn't have homes. Marmalade took some of the bags while Val plucked a little red scarf out just for Trousle. It was made of a soft material and the shade of red was bright but not eye burning.
"You can have this, Trousle," Val announced, looping it loosely around him. "And you can help me hand out the other stuff! Maybe I have something for each of your friends."
Piper nodded, "Mm hmm! Like Curry! Is real nice." He was purring back, mostly letting Currant do his thing and thoroughly enjoying the attention, only squirming to give him better access to some of the scales that needed to come off. "Best Coral!"
Keith also felt the need to defend his own brother's honor, standing up and huffing, "I mean, if he hunted a dog, I think he would've gotten in trouble. People love those things! Also, have ya ever fought a goose? Those things will..." Shit there are children present. "They've got more teeth than we do. Some of which are on their freaking tongues. I have questions for whoever thought up geese, 'cause they're nightmare birds. Dude's pretty dang cool if ya ask me."
"Thank you, I'd love to meet him and see you again! But I'm not sure that anyone would want, well... Us. We're kind of weird, honestly. I mean, I'm mute for starters, and, well... But maybe there's a human that lives here, at least who could take me! Then I could visit a lot, probably! Or I guess I could live with Nikolai, but I think he wants to focus more on Maia right now." Trousle said. His head darted up as he caught a familiar scent. "Oh! Alex is here! Hi!"
Keith's soul skipped a beat as he looked over and saw her. "Howdy. Heh, good to see ya."
"Look! I just got a scarf!" Trousle wound the scarf around himself, arcing himself up to show himself off. The scarf fluttered in the breeze; he had stars in his eyes.
"Oh my gosh! That's so cute!" Alex squealed.
"Right? Heh, this is Val. She's from out of town."
"Oh! Good to meet you! I'm Alex. I'm from in town! Or at least from the suburbs."
Keith got a little closer to Alex, not enough to crowd her, but enough to feel close. "Wasn't sure if ya'd make it honestly."
"I've got Fridays off dude. 'Course I came!"
"heh, i like ya too kid," Currant mumbled, taking Piper's directions to heart and moving to a new patch of dull scales. Piper wasn't the first Pygmy that Currant had been around but he was the youngest and he needed to be protected and cared for. He was so invested in his task that he ignored Keith and Marmalade's posturing.
"we've hunted geese before," Marmalade snorted, puffing his chest out. "val don' care what we eat out in the woods. they're bears an stuff out there too."
Not that Sangria or Marmalade had hunted full grown bears but if they had snatched a cub or two from a mother before they ran her off. Well...
"Anyone who judges you for what makes you unique can get punched in the kidney," Val grumbled, momentarily sour over just the thought of anyone thinking ill of Trousle and his friends. "You'll get adopted, I know it. Sweet guy like you? Pfft, you'll find the best human out there."
Valerie was kind of nervous around another person but Alex didn't seem like a very mean person and she had similar taste in what looked adorable on Trousle. Anyone that could enjoy these Lamia as much as Val did wasn't capable of being a bad person. So she gave a little wave, petting Currant's head to soothe her own nerves.
"I'm Valerie," she greeted, tugging on her stretched lobes. "You can call me Val, though. Everyone else does. I was just about to hand out some presents to the Lamia here."
"we're from a few states away," Marmalade supplied. "'m marmalade, the coral is currant.... an it looks like we'll be adopting piper today."
"As soon as I hand out the gifts I'll look for Nikolai."
Piper absolutely beamed up at him, making the task of grooming him slightly harder as he insisted on trying to hug and give little nuzzles and licks to Currant's face. He was trilling in joy, already enamored with this big Coral who had decided he was a cute lil guy. Maybe he was going to get adopted! This was so exciting!
"Have ya ever wrestled a burglar? 'Cause I know Liam has. He ain't supposed to kill, so had to hold back on the venom and everything. Dude had a gun." Or, well, a taser, but Liam didn't find that out until after the police had already taken the guy into custody.
Trousle blushes, signing a quick thank you at her and sinking into the warmth.
"Really? That sounds terrifying," Alex said.
"Eh, you know how Liam is. He's a cool dude," Keith said. "Got him before the rest of us even realized we were in danger, he's just that cool."
"Heck yeah," Alex said. She looked at Piper being groomed by Currant and grinned, "Aaaw, they're really getting along, huh? Guess I won't be casting Divine Intervention anymore."
Keith laughed at the memory, "I don't think it ever actually helped."
"It was cute though!" Alex said. "But I'm glad he's getting someone. Little guy seems pretty happy! Trousle too. You thinking of adopting him?" There was a bit of an edge in her voice. She didn't want to admit that maaaaybe she'd been considering the little guy...
Keith swooped in, "Nah. He'd rather stay local."
Relief washed through Alex alongside guilt at being relieved, "Gotcha. Can't say I blame ya. It's nice being near friends, isn't it?"
Trousle nodded. "Maybe we can all get adopted together?"
"I'm sure someone would try!" Alex said. She was keeping a bit of a distance from Currant, which Keith noticed...
"This is Currant. Dude's a sweetheart to lamia and humans alike." He knew that she wasn't oblivious to Hux's opinions, even if she wanted to hang around the rest of them enough to deal with it.
Alex nodded, "Nice. Good to meet ya then!"
Currant finally seemed to twig to the fact that there was another person around, turning his large eye lights onto Alex for several moments while Piper nuzzled him. His teeth parted and he could smell her nerves, not an unusual occurence whenever someone happened to be around him. It wasn't even Currant's fault. Coral Lamia were known for their tempers and nobody would look at him and think he was different than his species. He made no move to attack, content to keep hold of Piper like Val wanted him to, but he wasn't instantly friendly either.
He just... stared. Gauging her.
"dude," Marmalade droned, looking incredibly done with the posturing already. "there's a reason Sangria is in charge of watching the house."
Which wasn't a lie. Val didn't often get trespassers on her proprty. Not ones that she was aware of, anyway. But there would always be people up to no good deep in the woods, where they thought nobody would find out what they wanted to do. Sangria and Marmalade had chased off their fair share of would-be burglars and wannabe hermits.
"Yeah, I'm gonna grab this little guy and take him home," Val booped Piper as she said it, enamored with his scales and his squeaks. "I would love to take Trousle, he's a sweetheart don't get me wrong, but I just feel that he's not for me. Ya know? I did wanna bring my Corny, Lapis, to meet him sometime! Maybe Admiral and Sangria too."
"'lo," Currant finally muttered.
"He really is a sweetheart, Alex," Valerie insisted, yanking her phone from her pocket and quickly scanning for pictures. She had plenty of snapshots of Currant and her other boys in various stages of absolute cuteness. Currant sleeping on Sangria's glittering scales, the Coral's blushing face when he got to eat his favorite snack, and the one memorable image she had of him dancing with her. "See? Corals are so sweet. Cute grumpy faces and all!"
"not cute," Currant grumbled.
"Cutest," Val sang, smooching his skull.
Keith realized he was going overboard a little and chuckled, “Guess ya got a point. Sorry, just think he’s pretty cool, y’know? Maybe ya’d like to meet him.” His soul twisted in sympathy for Currant. Poor dude… “Corals can be really sweet in general honestly, if ya can get through a layer or two of posturing. Currant seems better about that though.”
Alex grinned at the photos, bouncing a little in place at the cuteness. “Aaaaaw! That’s precious, oh my gosh. My heeeeeart!” She looked over at him, “Mind if I pet you? Sorry. Just not always good with people sometimes…”
Keith gave her a lazy hug from behind her, “Eh, ain’t for everyone.” He’d been around her enough to know that she at least couldn’t get along with Hux. She didn’t mean to, but she tended to rub Hux the wrong way. Though Hux sometimes seemed to be looking for reasons to snap at her. Still, what was he supposed to do? Kick out his soul-bond, or kick out his best friend?
“Yeah, but I just feel bad…”
“Don’t. Hux just ain’t great with humans. Currant is.”
Before Marmalade could comment on how it would be cool to meet another Mamba, Val piped up with an affirmative. "We'd love to meet Liam! He sounds super cool."
Currant puffed up at what he took as praise, knowing he was arguably the best Coral around. He still had his days where he tended to want his space but they were few and far between now. The people that wouldn't give him a chance just because he was a Coral were missing out. Alex had calmed down once she'd seen his general cuteness so he offered his head for a pet, making sure to keep Piper safely tucked against his chest.
"Don't feel bad about not getting along with everyone," Valerie tried to soothe. She didn't know Alex very well but she didn't want any awkwardness between their mismatch group. "I worked a lot with Currant. Maybe you won't ever be best friends with Hux but you can learn when he needs his space! It might not seem like a big step but it's something to keep in mind."
Marmalade nodded along, having plenty of experience with all kinds of Corals. Some were sweet and just couldn't communicate what they wanted but there were others that earned their bad reputation. Unfortunately, that bad reputation was more common than the good because they were such a naturally emotionally constipated Lamia.
"here we go..." Marmalade muttered.
"I have some stuff Hux might like," Val confessed. "If he's the type to enjoy a treasure hoard or blankets and stuff. I have a lot of Lamia stuff that none of my boys wanted so it should get put to good use!"
Keith grinned, “Oh yeah, he’s cool.” Being a lazy bastard who didn’t want to stop this conversation, he just texted Nikolai to send Liam this way.
Alex stroked Currant’s head, smiling. “You’re really good with these guys, aren’t you? I don’t think I have quite the same knack for it, but I like visiting and stuff! Nikolai lets me in the nursery sometimes and it’s absolutely precious! Baby Lamia are adorable!” She was bouncing on her feet again as she scratched underneath Currant’s chin. Piper was also getting in on the affection, giving Currant little pats and purring.
“He does have a little hoard, I bet he’d enjoy it! He can be kinda prickly though. Don’t take it personally,” Keith said. “He’s just like that.”
A Mamba of about average size came over and cleared his throat to announce his presence, splaying out to show off his scales as he set his head on his hands all sassy-like. “I heard I was called~?” He was keeping his good side towards Val and Currant, not that the hole in his skull was particularly noticeable, he was wearing his fitted mold today. It was a bit hard to make out the tacky substance holding it in place through the layer of bone-colored makeup, but he couldn’t hide that one of his eyes were dark.
Keith slithered over to cover Liam’s bad side out of protective instinct and habit. He was fairly certain there was no sneaking up on the dude anyways - he’d gotten crazy good at feeling vibrations in the ground - but it made them both feel a little better. “This is Liam.”
“Good to meet you~”
"I did a lot of research before I decided to adopt," Val admitted, plucking nervously at her sleeves. Currant was basking in the attention he was getting, more tolerant than blatantly loving having someone else patting him. Alex was gentle with her pets so he didn't attempt to pull away. The words coming out of Alex's mouth finally registered and she wished she could have stars in her eyes when she heard about baby Lamia. Her voice was an excited whisper. "Baby Lamia?!"
Marmalade and Currant both rolled their eyes at her glee, knowing that she should never be allowed to see the babies or they would never get her to leave. Valerie already adored bitty sized Lamia but if you added in babies... she would be a goner.
"we got some geodes," Marmalade told Keith. "coupla things that any coral would love to have in their hoard. currant don' collect 'em as much since his hoard got too big to fit 'em all in his nest."
A new arrival pulled Valerie's attention away from talk of babies and she brightened immediately. It might have been biased but she felt like Sangria's scales were a little glossier than Liam's, not that she would tell him that. She didn't react at all to the site of one darkened socket, used to Admiral's darkened socket looking in her direction. Marmalade was careful about how he slithered, not knowing how Liam might react to movement he couldn't see.
"You're a very handsome Mamba, Liam," Val complimented, the words nearly second nature after dealing with Mamba for so long. "The way you hunted was really impressive!"
Alex kept scratching, watching her hands instead of looking to Val as she said, “They’re SO CUTE! I’d offer to show you, but Nikolai might try to kill both of us… Keith took me there to meet him and I thought he’d bite my head off, but he apologized afterwards! He’s really protective of them though, like, murderously protective.”
Keith grinned, “Daaaang. He’s gonna love that! And if he’s pissy about it, I’ll gladly take them instead…” Subtle dude. Subtle.
Liam took good care of himself, but he couldn’t stand up to Sangria in size or shine. That said, he would absolutely try to fight Sangria anyways if given the chance.
Liam stood up, hands on his hips and chest puffed out, moving his tail to make his scales glimmer. “Glad to see someone can recognize a hunter around here.” There was still a bit of blood on his teeth where he’d bitten the goose and hadn’t completely managed (or wanted) to lick it away. “Do I smell another mamba on you? You’ve got good taste, but I bet I could take him.”
Keith sighed, “Liam, don’t…”
“I’m just saying!” Liam huffed.
“It’d a sight to see,” Alex said neutrally.
“How big is he anyways? Four foot?” Oh Liam noooooooo… He’s huge sweetheart.
“I maybe should’ve warned ya that he can be competitive with other mambas,” Keith said.
“It’s not my fault they’re all so spoiled.”
“You literally have plush pillows and a heated blanket in your enclosure,” Alex said.
“And I hunted them myself!” Liam said, arms crossed and grinning. “I can take care of myself just fine, unlike those little pipsqueaks. Losing to a goose, hah!”
Keith was realizing he should’ve let Liam cool down more first. He’d just proved superiority over his breed and wasn’t gonna shut up for a while, was he?
"Oh, I don't want to make Nikolai angry! I'd ask first, of course." She might not have had any experience with Kings but she knew that anyone who was charged with protecting babies would have their instincts dialed up to max. Add on the fact that some Mamba would gladly eat the babies... she didn't blame Nikolai for getting angry that Alex had been brought around the younger Lamia without him approving it beforehand. Piper was close enough to a baby for her, for now, and that was all she needed if she wanted to be able to leave. "I'd never leave if I saw them now."
"if he don' take 'em he's got awful taste in treasure," Currant grumbled, giving Keith a grumpy look. Yeah, he was onto you buddy.
Now Liam had touched on a weakness of Valerie's. She loved to talk about her boys and Sangria was among the prettiest Lamia she had ever seen. Sure, he had knicks and scars from his tousles in the woods but she still adored how he shined in the light. When Liam mentioned smelling another Mamba on her, well, she lit up. Marmalade chuckled, knowing she was almost as bad as he was for bragging about Sangria. Nevermind the fact that Liam was declaring he could fight a Mamba larger than himself. It would be funny to see them posture at each other.
"Oh, don't worry! Sangria, that's my Mamba, is pretty good around other Lamia so I wouldn't worry." She giggled at the guess at Sangria's size, finding the isea of a Mamba that small to be hilarious. Liam was shorter than Val was tall! "Oh no, Sangria is seven feet long. Or there about!"
"maybe a few inches longer," Marmalade tacked on.
"Maybe," was Valerie's agreement. "Sangria protects the house and the property. I live on a couple of acres of forested land and it would really suck if I had wild animals stalking me when I went outside!"
She may or may not have been teasing Liam, just a little, to see how riled she could get him. Just enough he might show off some more!
“Oh definitely,” Alex said. “He probably wouldn’t say yes until he knows you better though.”
“Not gonna lie, that first meeting was me being dumb. Shoulda told him I was bringing her, but still took a few months,” Keith said.
“Oh yeeeeeeah! Nick went HISSSSS!” Piper said. “I was there! Mm hmm!”
“Were you one of the ones curled on him?” Alex asked.
“Mm hmm! Was hiding. Am a sneaky!” Piper said, hands on his hips.
“Ya sure are kiddo,” Liam said, giving the world’s gentlest fistbump to the kid. He moved around a little, getting a look at the car and taking in some of the scents, curious about this new place, aaaaand… “Are these what you were talking about? I might keep them for myself honestly.” Liam had 100% actually stolen the geodes while you were watching him, somehow. He’s the real sneak.
“Liam no,” Keith said, trying to stifle a laugh. “I called them first.”
“Finders keepers~” He held the rocks to his chest, sticking his tongue out at poor Keith. “I bet that Sangria can’t manage that. Maybe he’s bigger, but I could slither circles around him! He wouldn’t even know what hit him! Size isn’t everything, after all.”
Keith couldn’t help himself, “Then why is Nikolai the only one who can tell ya what to do and you listen.”
Even from here, it was plain to see that Nikolai was on the larger end of the spectrum for Kings, a good foot or two larger than even Sangria.
“His bite is worse than his bark, when he chooses. I’m not suicidal,” Liam said. “He’s worse than anything that could possibly be in your woods! Just let me come over one day and I’ll make the whole forest bow to me!”
“Huh, I thought he was playing a Sorcerer, not a Druid,” Alex said.
“… no fireballs irl,” Keith said, secretly a little terrified by sudden mental picture of Liam with fire magic… or a flamethrower.
“Not yet at least!” Liam said, almost certainly unable to actually follow through with that threat. “I just need to trace myself back to a dragon…”
"That's fine, I'm probably gonna come back a few more times!" Considering she was looking to take Piper home, she wouldn't deprive him of coming back to visit the place he'd called home for the start of his life. She may have hated interacting with people in large number but being surrounded by Lamia was leagues better than that. It helped that these guys were all hilarious. Valerie had only passing knowledge of DnD so she kept that to herself, lest they assume she was going to be able to come and join their games. Sure, that would have been fun but...she lived too far away and worked too much for it to be consistent.
Currant was slightly wary when Liam got close to Piper, edging back just a hair, but the little Pygmy didn't seem anxious so he kept his hissing to himself. He did end up scooting backwards a little so his tail could coil around Valerie's legs once again. Unlike his first meeting with Sangria, Currant wasn't mesmerized by the sight of Liam's scales.
"Are you sure you want the geodes?" Val asked, biting her cheek to keep from grinning. She wasn't surprised that Liam had managed to grab the geodes, those had been with Marmalade and her Chain was always weak for the wiles of a Mamba. It was a good thing she had kept the Mamba specific treats. "I mean...I was going to give you a bag of candy."
"warheads," Marmalade tittered, knowing her usual bribe when she wanted to convince Sangria to do something. "she woulda got toxic waste but sangria thinks the package is ugly."
"Sorry, Liam, I think Piper is the only dragon here." Val outright laughed, petting Piper along the length of his spine. "Actually confirmed dragon. The best dragon."
All this talk of Kings was making her want one, deep in her mind, but she knew that Sangria wasn't ready for another large and possibly aggressive Lamia.
"But you guys could come over to see the forest, if you want. So long as you had permission to leave."
"Bring your Corny next time! He was... Azul?" Trousle said, drawing a blank on the name. He remembered it had to do with blue at least? "I'd love to meet him!"
"And I'll gladly settle it on who'd win," Liam said. "It'll be me, of course, but he can certainly try!" He was internally considering the trade... The geodes were gorgeous, of course, but sour candies. His mouth was already salivating, and catching the scent on his tongue didn't help in the slightest. "I think that'd be a fair trade..." Liam said, keeping his eye trained on the delicious candies while he handed back the geodes. The second they were in his hands, he bolted away a few feet, intent on keeping his prize. Immediately he ripped the bag open, sticking a candy in his black-coated mouth and crunching down on it. He took more time with the next candy, letting it dissolve to savor it, but he kept the pack on his good side, just in case any of the smaller upstarts got any funny ideas...
Piper chirped happily, "Yeah! Yeah yeah! I'm the best dragon! RAAAWR!!!" He pretended to breathe fire, wiggling lightly in place.
"Wouldn't mind getting out a little more. Real trees are way better than fake ones," Keith said.
"I'll decimate it," Liam purred. "I'll ask about it. It'd be nice to get to stretch my tail. Rabbits and geese are nice and all, but I've always wanted to go after a wolf. Or maybe a buck!" They wouldn't just let him loose on the countryside to roam free, or he'd try catching one in the state (plus there were laws and legal issues about it), but if he was temporarily under the jurisdiction of another....
"Lapis?" Valerie reminded. It was a point in his favor that Trousle even remmebered that her boys were usually named after colors. Obscure colors were something she took great delight in making into names. "I'll bring him! I would have brought him along this time but he'd have eaten the snacks I brought for the Cornies here."
Although it was looking like Trousle and all his friends were going to be getting everything she'd brought! It was nice to have her presents appreciated. Particularly when Liam made the trade for the candies and she was once more in possession of the geodes. She could see a few Mamba with their tongues flicking, likely already aware of the treats, but Liam seemed intent on keeping them all to himself. Sangria was similar at first, hoarding his sour prize away from anyone else, but now that he was the only one in the house that ate sour candy he was less aggressive about it.
Currant cooed at Piper, nuzzling him. Marmalade made a dramatic attempt at ducking the pretend fire, a hand over his soul and widened eyes. "whoa, kid. watch the fire."
"an then there's the baskin' rock," Currant whispered, giving the coveted rock its due by his hushed tone. "'s right outside val's work window, gets light all the time."
"sangria loves that rock."
"I certainly have a lot of trees," she told Keith. "Caves too, decorated for whenever the boys need some space and wanna sleep outside. And no neighbors so...you could absolutely hunt whatever you wanted, Liam."
Valerie didn't know the particular laws about hunting local wildlife but she'd made sure that her local rangers knew she had Lamia that hunted in her woods. Of course, she also kept plenty of contacts so she could purchase live food if they didn't go hunting.
"Yes, him! I'll get it sometime!" Trousle said. "Understandable too! Leave some for Oozy! I think he's in the lake right now."
That Corny who had previously been napping stirred upon hearing that there were snacks for cornies. "Mine?"
Liam was absolutely keeping these all to himself, just as he always did. One of the younger lamia - not quite at their adult height yet - loudly called him out on it... So he sat on him, cackling and putting another candy in his mouth while the smaller one screeched... But there were multiple mamba in one place. There was no stopping the swarm. They'd smelled candies and saw them in the hands of That Jerk, so it was a matter of seconds before they put aside their differences and all decided to tackle and constrict Liam at once. A dozen or so bony hands all scrabbled for the remaining candies as Liam screeched about dishonor, cheating, and betrayal.
Keith was laughing his ass off and being of absolutely no help whatsoever. Alex was trying to hide it, but she was absolutely laughing too.
Piper saw the action happening and tried to wiggle over, not wanting to be left out of this game.
"I'll tell him all about you," Valerie promised. She gave a delighted little sound, bringing out the little melonpan she normally reserved for Lapis (and herself, she loved the ones with custard inside). They were a little big for bitty sized Corny Lamia but Lapis had never seemed to care about that and she doubted her little stowaway would. "Here you go, a token of confection that's Corny approved."
Marmalade, Currant, and Valerie all turned to the Mamba shenanigans and none of them attempted to hide their amusement. Looks like the pack had decided to overthrow their ruler when it came to the unfair division of the coveted sour candies. She had expected something like this but Sangria had only been convinced to part with one bag of his favorite, all the other sour things she had were less sour. It didn't make them less sought after among Mamba, or so she'd found, so she set the bag down for perusal.
"careful, kid," Currant said but he didn't hold Piper back for long. A Pygmy that wasn't allowed to zoom could become quite the sassy thing. Despite letting Piper go, Currant stayed close by in case he needed to snatch him away from a bad situation.
"guess we should summon the hoards to get their gifts," Marmalade said. "before we get swarmed like liam."
The stowaway very much didn't care! He was a snake, and he'd stuff himself as much as he could! Sometimes. When wanting sweets overcame being lazy at least. Caught up in the treat, he took a minute to notice the pun, but he broke into a grin and started laughing into the treat as he did, falling into a happy, laughing lump. He couldn't even top that! "Like you!"
Liam whined as his rightful treats were stolen from him. He managed to shake some of the mamba off, but it was hard when they were ganging up to beat him! "Not fair!" He could take two, maybe three, but there were at least six!
Piper zoomed over to help tame Liam, making little roars and holding onto his arm, play nipping his clothes. He was being no help whatsoever, but was sure having fun doing it!
Alex nodded, "Oh yeah. I don't wanna get caught in the snake swarm. Or at least not in this way."
Honestly, Valerie felt a flood of warmth in her chest at just how happy the Corny was. He made her miss Lapis, knowing her little prankster would have been punning away at her. Lapis was the whole reason she'd gotten so deep into pun hell in the first place. She couldn't resist petting his little head, expression going soft and fond. "Thanks, bud. I like you too."
Currant huffed, sparing a warning glance towards Val so she didn't get any funny ideas. Lapis was already a massive handful when he got into the mood to dish out chaos, they didn't need him to have a partner in crime. Speaking of pranks... Lapis would likely have a lot of chaos to rain upon the inhabitants of this adoption center.
Marmalade took the initiative to wrap the geodes into his coils so they wouldn't be snatched up. The bags had other shiny things that some of the Lamia might enjoy hoarding but the geodes were going to be offered to Hux first. And if Hux didn't want any then Keith would get to take what he wanted, provided Liam didn't get them first. Once they were safely tucked away in his grip, he nodded at Valerie.
"Hey!" she called, hands cupped around her mouth so she could gain the attention of every Lamia around. "I got some presents! Candy, blankets, and anything you might want."
Then...then she braced for the swarm. And oh, what a swarm it was.
Alex stands a bit away, having fun watching but a little overwhelmed at even the idea of being in the middle of all that... No thanks. Keith cuddles her by the sidelines, content to watch as well. Piper is chirping back at all the lamia, going absolutely nuts trying to catch absolutely everyone. Pygmy or not, he'll definitely need a nap when all this is over. Liam nurses his wounded pride off to the side.
The sheer numbers of the swarm draws over Nikolai, though he hangs back and lets the rest take their picks. He's very well cared for, after all. He just waits until the herd thins to introduce himself. "Good to meet you. I'm Nikolai, vice manager of the company." His eyes dart over to all the happy lamia playing with toys, blankets, snacks, and his soul just absolutely melts. "You've made them quite happy. Thank you. It's good to meet you." He gives a little bow, bringing himself slightly lower than Val's level. Dude's absolutely huge, about twelve and a half foot total, and standing a little over six feet tall.
He'd probably be more intimidating if there weren't a handful of bitty kraits peeking out from his pockets, a mini-corny napping around his neck, a young chain wound around one of his arms, and a full grown honeybo deciding to be a cheeky bastard and flop down right over his tail.
"This would be the local mom-friend," Keith said. "I will say outright, you can't take him home with you. He lives with Maia already."
"That I do. She's having a lovely time really, it's good to see her getting to be out and about like this, and she's having fun seeing everyone else outside too." He spoke warmly of her, body relaxed as he turned to wave at her. She was sitting on a bench with a corny curled up next to her like a scaly house cat.
Valerie was completely prepared for the pure chaos. Toys getting snatched up and tossed around, blankets disappearing and reappearing in suspicious lumps, and the steady stream of content sounds that meant the candy and junk food snacks had been well received. She didn't back away when the swarm hit, used to being in the mix of large crowds. Currant was darting after Piper, keeping the Pygmy in his sights, but he lacked the energy to keep up that pace for very long. Marmalade tolerated the small hoard that had decided he made a good perch to get higher.
Nikolai is slightly intimidating by his sheer size but his tone and expression are both incredibly relaxed. It's easy to forget that he could very easily decide to take a bite out of her or drive her off. As much as she would have loved to fawn over him, Valerie kept her interaction with Nikolai friendly and semi profressional. Keith had already mentioned that Nikolai helped Maia so it had been easy to guess that he must already have a home.
"It's nice to meet you, too. I'm Valerie." She can't resist leaning forward to quietly greet the Kraits that she saw peering from Nikolai's pockets. He certainly looked like a mom, with all sorts clamoring over his bulk. "It's my loss but I don't think Sangria is ready for me to bring another large boy home."
Now she found her nerves kicking in, nails lightly scratching at her left wrist until Marmalade grabbed her hand. Their bond pulsed gently with confidence, his soul telling her that she could do this.
"Keith was telling me that I should talk to you about adopting Piper," she finally rushed out. "Sorry. How could I say no to such an adorable guy?"
The kraits waved back. Mostly. One got shy and hid his face, he seemed younger than the rest, not used to strangers at all yet.
Nikolai spotted the little one and smiled, “I see you’ve adopted before.” His tongue flicked out, but he couldn’t even hope to pick out what all Val had after that swarm. It was a jumbled mess of tastes that felt so very much like home. “And they look to be getting along well too. It’s always for the best when people bring their Lamia and/or pets, that way we can be sure they’ll get along, but I see we’ll have no issues.”
Piper was trying to keep awake, wanting to be part of the fun, but all the excitement was starting to tire him out. He was wrapped loosely around Currant and yawned, doing that thing kittens do when they try to fight sleep. His head bobbed up and down, eyes fighting to stay open, but sleep was intent to steal him.
Nikolai couldn’t help but coo over it, “Aaaaw. Nyeheheh. I knew Piper wouldn’t be staying too long, but he looks pretty happy, and you seem to know what you’re doing.” He wasn’t willing to completely streamline the process, but honestly? She seemed perfectly ideal, provided… “I will say that he might need a bit of extra care for his scale condition. The scales on his bones might shed more frequently or out of synch with the rest, that’s nothing to be concerned about. Likewise, it’s not unheard of for scale patches to flake off entirely, though the area where it was might be softer and more prone to infection or injury for a day or two. But it’s equally likely he might grow more scales over his bones. The areas where bone and scales meet do get irritated sometimes, especially since dirt likes to get stuck there. Clean it carefully with a q-tip and apply ointment and he’ll be fine.” It was his first priority, after all, yo make sure he was cared for. “We have a spare tube of the cream we’ve been using on him. If you’ll come inside, you can have it for free, my treat.”
He turned to look at the honey-bo half-assedly pretending to be asleep (he had one eye peeked open, looking right at him, and was grinning), rolled his eyes, and gently removed him.
Piper had utterly lost the fight against sleep, completely conked out while snuggled with Currant.
Alex took a picture. How could she not?
As adorable as the Kraits were, Val was careful not to overwhelm them with her attention. She didn't want to risk paying one so much attention they got sad if she didn't take them home with her. Besides, Nikolai was talking and it felt more important to hang onto what he was saying.
"Yeah, almost all my boys are adopted from a center but I do have a rescue." Nikolai had a way about him that made her more willing to talk about Admiral than she had before. "My full-size Pygmy, Admiral, was given to me by some kid at a park. His family was using him as a free babysitter and one of the kids cracked his eye open, so his left socket is empty. He's come a long way since then."
Piper's crash came at a perfect time. Currant was also getting tired but far older and capable of resisting passing out after some play. He pet Piper instead, hoping to ease him into sleep easier. Poor guy was likely going to deal with similar crashes for a while once he met Sangria, the Mamba had the most energy out of any Lamia Currant have ever met.
"I figured he would have some special needs," Valerie admitted. She didn't know what the condition was but she had noticed Piper had scales on his bones that seemed itchy but it didn't seem he was in a full shed. The grooming necessary wasn't anything she didn't already do for Sangria, though it would likely take far less time for Piper. "I already have a brush to get dirt from scales, my Mamba insists on being groomed at least twice a week so I have tons of supplies I can use for his scales. I can always message you if I have more questions about how to care for his scales."
Since all the gifts had been handed out she put the bags into the van and closed it up again, grabbing Currant so he could once more settle around her. He was grateful for the reprieve from having to slither after them when he was already tired. If Liam thought Mamba were spoiled he was in for the true spoiled boy of Val's.
Holding onto Currant had the added benefit of allowing her to keep an eye on Piper. "Lead the way."
“How many do you have, if I may ask?” Nikolai said. He asked partly out of curiosity, and partly to make sure she wasn’t getting into more than she could handle.
He hissed under his breath heating about Admiral, “Some people… ugh! I won’t say it’s the worst possible idea, I’m technically a service Lamia myself, but I’m certified, an adult, and, well… I’m well aware that I’m bigger than most people. But even then, there’s a difference between that and being a babysitter!” He did his best to keep his anger in check, well aware that he could be terrifying and not wanting to scare Val or anyone currently present. He sighed, trying to let some tension go, “I’m not mad at you of course. I’m mad at those imbeciles! But it sounds like he’s in better hands now. Do you think he’ll be okay having a little one around after that though? I know Piper isn’t exactly a human child, but…” He had to ask these things, of course.
Nikolai let’s her into the shop. It’s mostly empty, but there’s still a person at the cash register. A few Lamia run around the front, bitty and full-sized alike, but the vast majority are outside. A few chirp hellos at Val, some hide, everyone’s got their own thing.
Nikolai motions to let her further in, past a door saying “Full sized area” and then to a supplies closet. He pulls out a tube of cream and a little pamphlet. “Here. I’d had this prepared for whoever might adopt Piper. It gives a basic overview, some good links, and diagrams.” It’s got the name of the condition on it (whatever that is… names are hard) and is smattered with images of Lamia with scales growing over bones. One extreme case, a Krait apparently, had scales covering his full body.
Meanwhile, that Corny was absolutely still napping in the car. He’d moved away from the blankets, finding a shady, safely enclosed spot to sleep off his food-coma: the glove box.
"I have five boys, currently," she admitted, knowing it might seem like a lot to the casual asker. "But I work from home so I have plenty of time for all of them and a few more."
She was of a similar mind when it came to what a full-sized should do. One as large as Nikolai could be a service Lamia because he was of a size where he wasn't likely to be taken advantage of my humans. But a Pygmy like Admiral was nowhere near large enough to babysit human children, regardless of how much energy he possessed. She could also understand his concerns of whether or not Admiral would be able to handle having a young Lamia in the house but this was one thing she had tested. "Admiral is fine with all Lamia, even young ones. It's just human children he panics around. Piper already has experience with Liam so seeing Admiral with one blank socket shouldn't startle him."
Currant looked around the center, more at ease since he knew that Valerie wouldn't drop him off here, but wasn't overly concerned with anyone who greeted Val. He rather liked that his human was so coveted by other Lamia but had chosen him instead.
"You take such good care of everyone here," she told Nikolai. "It's no wonder everyone respects you... I'm happy to be good enough for Piper, thank you."
Since she has her arms full, Marmalade takes the tube and pamphlet from Nikolai and puts them carefully into one of his jacket pockets. Valerie will obsess over them later.
"anythin' piper might wanna have when we go?" her Chain asked Nikolai. "he's young so a new place might be scary."
Nikolai looked worried at first, but nodded when he heard her situation. “He’ll have company then, that’s good.”
“They live in the woods too, so the bigger, stronger ones have room to hunt,” Keith said.
Nikolai smiled, “Great to hear then. That is one of the downsides of cities, it’s hard to let all of these guys outside as much as they ought to.”
It seemed like she had everything in order then. Admiral would be fine, she had a good track record, Piper seemed to love her and her Lamia already, and even asking for something for him. “I think I know. Give me a minute, I’ve got to go get it.” He slithered off towards the nursery, looking around for one particular toy…
And in the meantime, Hux had caught scent of a human and unfamiliar Lamia. “Heh… Surprised to see you in here. Figured you’d be outside. Like, most of us who ain’t out there are fine staying here y’know.”
Keith bit back a sigh, putting on a lazy smile instead, “And that’d be Hux.”
“Yo,” Hux said. His eyes wandered to Trousle, who was still casually draped on Val, and his soul dropped. He picked up Trousle and stuck Trousle on his own neck instead. “There. Better.”
“I was fine over there too.” Trousle said.
“Yeah, well… Yer with me now.”
"Yeah, I have a lot of space." She rushed to assure Nikolai. "Honestly, I think Sangria wants me to have a gaggle of Lamia sometimes. He acts like he hates when I bring someone new around but he's the biggest mom in my house. Piper won't ever be in danger with all my boys, that's a promise."
"she drove kinda far to get us from our center," Marmalade revealed with a shrug. "plenty of stuff to hunt but we got safe havens set up all over the woods. pretty sure at least a couple of wild lamia have taken refuge in our caves too."
The whole situation was exciting. Piper was adorable and he would encourage Currant into being more active without bribery, since it seemed he'd taken an intense liking to the little Pygmy. Currant's coils tightened around Valerie's waist, his sockets narrowing at the arrival of another fucking Coral. He wasn't threatened, Val didn't seem to notice Hux was there yet, but he did make his displeasure known with a single warning hiss.
"Oh!" Val startled, not expecting Trousle to be suddenly taken off her. She smiled at Hux, figuring he was treating her to the grumpiness she'd heard he was known for. "No, I'm not adopting anyone from inside! I was just getting some stuff for Piper, I'll be taking him home."
Currant narrowed his eyes even further, almost closing his sockets, and carefully situated Piper within his jacket so Hux couldn't grab him too. Marmalade rolled his eye lights towards Hux, keeping an eye on the situation in case he neeeded to diffuse any tension.
"Do you like Trousle's new scarf?" Val asked, turning to give Hux more attention while she adjusted her grip on Currant. "I had gifts for everyone. Liam almost took yours."
Nikolai couldn’t help grinning when he heard that. It sounded like a perfect environment with enough hunting Lamia to keep little and lazy ones safe.
Hux just laughed at Currant’s hiss. “I promise, I ain’t here to steal your bitch. You can keep her.” He was hesitant to take his eyes off the bunch, not sure how to feel about strange Lamia in his home, so he compromised and brought Trousle up to look at him. “Looks good on ya, Trus. Compliments your scales.”
Trousle beamed, hiking himself up to show off, throwing the scarf behind him like he was in a beauty commercial and it was long, flowing hair.
“Nice.” His pride wanted to not accept gifts… but his desire to hoard things won out. “That sounds like Liam alright. He calls himself a hunter, but pretty sure he’s just a fucking thief. Slick fucking bastard, thinking he’s the shit.” He lowered to a mumble as a dusting of red started to glow from his cheeks, “Just ‘cause he’s strong and could kill me with those fangs - thinks he’s so great. I’ll shove it down his throat sometime, but he’d probably just laugh and push me down. Fuckin…”
Keith was not the least bit oblivious to Hux’s crush, but chose not to comment on it… with other people there. In private, he’d gladly tease him mercilessly.
… okay, maaaaybe Keith couldn’t resist. “Dude fought through a flock of geese. Actually caught one or two. You should’ve seen it.”
“Of course he did!” Pause. “Did he save any?”
“Absolutely not, but maybe you can lick the blood off his fangs.”
Hux turned bright red, eyes going huge at the idea, and Keith laughed uproariously.
Desperately wanting to change the subject, Hux yelled out, “OKAY PRESENTS NOW.” But he couldn’t drown out Keith and glared at the traitor. “I hate you.”
Ah, now Alex's wariness made plenty of sense. Hux was one of those Lamia that had high defenses up at all times. Valerie wasn't surprised that he seemed particularly against her, either. She was a stranger and if he already didn't like humans then she was doubly on his shit list. It was a good thing she didn't have a burning need for him to like her, and being insulted wasn't new either.
Currant, on the other hand, never liked to hear her be insulted. He wasn't normally a very confrontational Lamia but he would happily throw his weight around if it meant she wasn't sad. His hidden bastard side came out to play the moment he sensed something that he could pick at, the only reason he didn't let loose on a barrage of verbal hatred was because Piper was there.
"hope ya never have kids with that mouth," Currant hissed, cupping a hand around where Piper's head was. Like that would prevent him from waking and hearing the garbage Hux was spouting.
Marmalade didn't understand the teasing. Of course Hux would want to mate with a Mamba, it just made the most sense. Sure, Liam wasn't as great as Sangria but a Mamba was a great catch as a bondmate. It likely helped that Liam and Hux were closer in size, any larger of a Mamba and Hux would be pining forever. But there was more important things to worry about, other than what some stranger wanted to mate with.
Hux had insulted Valerie.
At any other time, Marmalade might have let it go. He was a gentle Lamia at his core and Val really disliked when they fought but he was more than capable of defending himself and her. Better Marmalade take care of this than Sangria decide that Hux no longer deserved the pleasure of being alive. Should they ever meet, that is.
"dude," Marmalade deadpanned. His tail coiled around Val, a flash of warning in his gaze. "insult whatever human ya fancy but keep yer opinions on our human to yerself, got it?"
The tension was thick enough to cut with a knife... holy shit. "Anyway!" Valerie blurted, pulling one of the geodes out so Hux could see it. Hopefully nipping any fights in the bud. "I have some geodes. Liam seemed to think they were pretty and I'm sure that he would love whatever you didn't want."
Please, she mentally begged. Take them and don't fight.
Hux wasn’t so easily dissuaded, at least not from Marmalade. “Wow, geez. Ya don’t have to be so desperate to suck her lady-“
“HUX! CHILD!” Keith knew too well what was probably about to come from Hux’s mouth. “Also that’s just rude!”
Hux huffed. “Right right, whatever. Soul bonds and whatever, who needs that shit! You don’t, right?” He looked up at Keith, grinning in a fakely laid-back way.
Keith stuffed his hands in his pockets, looking away, “Right.” He was lying through his teeth.
“Bros before hoes,” Hux said. “But geez. That weirdo can’t keep her hands off nobody, huh? How do you guys stand that? She tastes like bug spray and dirt.”
Keith sighed, “She works outside.”
“Do you want the rocks?” Keith said. “No. I know you want the rocks. Are you gonna stop being a butt long enough to take them, or should I keep them forever?” He could take the guy’s vitriol, and he’d rather Hux come at him than the others. That shit could just roll off his scales, and they’d make up when he wasn’t as tense. The others didn’t have that option.
“… yes please,” Hux said, looking aside and blushing. “Oh. And good. I’d be a shit parent, mom or dad. Why have them anyways? Not like they wouldn’t end up being given out… But the rocks will be mine forever!”
Valerie usually had no trouble keeping her own vulgarity in check, because she didn't want any of the boys to pick up on her own foul mouth, but Hux was clearly deserving of a brand new title. It was a lot harder to insult her than it was to piss off her boys. Of course he would cause her filter to fly out the window. "Wow. You're a little shit."
Currant huffed, annoyed but amused at the same time. Hux was obviously no threat, likely all talk, so he was easily dismissed. At least by Currant. Marmalade, however, was giving Keith a peculiar look and making no secret of it. It was obvious that nobody else knew about the bond he shared with Alex and he was lying about it. Badly, at that.
Which, fair. Hux clearly didn't like humans for whatever reason and they did live in the same center. But to deny a soulbond... no Chain should ever want to do anything like that. Marmalade cocked his head, staring at Hux now and occasionally shifting his attention to Keith.
"every chain has a soulbond," Currant huffed, not paying attention to Hux but keeping half a mind on the conversation. "even a baby knows that. an unless yer bonded died they're out there."
Probably not the best thing to say but Val hoped to distract Hux with the geodes. Now it was her turn to be a bit of a little shit because he wasn't getting one unless he took it from her. She was likely just as used to hearing nasty comments from someone as Keith was. Hux kind of reminded her of her brothers, thinking that everyone wanted the same things out of life.
"I don't get the craze about having kids either," Val shrugged, waving a geode. "And they're geodes , not rocks. What kind of idiot do you take me for? Rocks can be found anywhere but geodes are rocks with crystals inside."
“I ain’t denying it,” he huffed. “Keeps the weirdos away.”
Keith couldn’t meet Marmalade’s eyes. He could guess we’ll enough what the other was thinking. Hiding a soul bond, he must be nuts! But he’s not even sure if it’s legit, not if Alex hasn’t said anything, and she hasn’t made any move to adopt either, so why get Hux all worked up?
“Yeah, well, either the fucker’s dead, or ain’t interested,” Hux said, curling protectively around Keith and hugging him insistently. “We’re lifers, right dude?”
“‘Course we are. Twenty-four years and nothing, why would there be…” Maybe it was just sheer desperation making him drawn to Alex. Maybe the cookies, or the dice. Could you be so wanting that you accidentally faked one with the wrong person just fo have something?
Hux went, “Pffft. A Crystal is a rock. It’s just a good rock. I mean, Great Danes are good dogs, but they’re still dogs. And hey, I ain’t above a rock collection…” He was still coiled around Keith, physically insisting on affection from the other (who, indeed, gave him a hug, stroking his skull) as he kept his eyes on the prize. “What do you say dude? Split ‘em best we can? Look like they come in halves, so I take one half and you the other?” It was like a friendship bracelet, but expensive and actually something they both wanted.
“Ya gotta convince her to give you your half first,” Keith said.
“You said you’d get them otherwise! So just give me half.”
“Eeeeh… I’ll consider it.” He was grinning cheekily, tongue flicking out as he leaned his weight against Hux.
“I know ya are, I’m just another victim of gravity,” Keith said.
Hux was getting slowly crushed. “Why are you like this.”
“You looooove me.”
“Shut up… but yeah…”
Hux wasn't wrong. Being a little shit did keep the weirdos away. That was something Valerie knew from experience. She felt that, had things been different, she might have gotten along with Hux and even liked how blunt he was. The way Hux acted about humans and getting adopted made her wonder why he acted that way. Had something happened or had he just been passed up too many times?
Keith should certainly have been wary of meeting Marmalade's gaze because Marmalade was staring even harder. He doubted that the bond between Keith and Alex was fake, he'd never heard of a Chain that couldn't form that bond, so whatever foolish thoughts Keith was having were likely false. Unless... did Keith just not know anything about soulbonds? Humans didn't always feel it, especially if they were a little more on the dense side.
It would be a miracle if Marmalade kept his mouth shut.... and he just couldn't allow Keith to get away with denying it. "or the human jus' don' know what it feels like. ya can' acknowledge a bond without knowin' it's there."
"A crystal is not a rock," Val denied, already having researched this because Sangria hated rocks being in the house. "Crystals are made up of a highly ordered arrangement of atoms that repeat in a three dimensional pattern, they're closer to minerals."
The dedication Hux had for his friendships was admirable but he was still a little shit and he riled Val's inner sass to maximum levels. She still held the geode aloft, fully prepared to offer them to someone else if Hux continued to resist.
"I mean I guess if you're too chicken to grab one," she hummed, pretending to look around for someone else to give it to. "I can always find another Lamia that might want a geode."
Trust Currant to recognize her game, she'd played it with him often enough.
“I guess?” Keith said. “Some people can have trouble with they stuff I guess…”
Trousle looked at Keith, unamused, “It’s not like it’ll change everything. You’re not a slave to it, you know.”
“Really? ‘Cause, uh… honestly, I don’t know how you guys do it,” Hux said, looking at Marmalade, “Or even why. Someone hijacks your soul and makes you feel shit, so you get closer and make it worse. Why deal with that? Why not just run and hope it goes away? ‘Cause it sounds like some kinda fucked up brainwashing to me.”
Keith kept his mouth shut. In the past he’d agreed with Hux to some extent, but now he wasn’t sure… Was that proof that Hux was wrong though, or that he was right and Keith was just falling victim to it?
While Keith was distracted, Hux tried to slither out from under him to grab the geodes, but Keith still had the presence of mind to flop down even harder, quietly delighting in the noises of rage even through his thoughts.
Nikolai finally walked back in - making Hux stiffen up because he was absolutely caught being a dick again - with a light blue teddy bear that looked like it’d been through its paces. The scent of home was soaked into it, and he’d noticed that Piper especially tended to like it. “Here. He likes curling around it when he’s tired or not feeling the best.” He’d gotten oddly protective of the toy at times, fending off those who’d try to hunt it. Best he could tell, he was trying to mimic Cobalt - the little mamba who defended him from teasing - but with Mr. Bluebeary.
“Now then, what exactly’s happening here?” Nikolai followed up.
“Keith’s crushing meeeeee,” Hux whined, making grabby hands for the geodes while trying to wiggle out. Maybe he could get sympathy?
“Hux is being rude.” Trousle said.
Nikolai was not remotely surprised. “Hux. Don’t be a jerk. Especially not if you’re the one seeking out the people!”
“I didn’t!”
“Why are you in the supplies closet then?”
Nikolai sighed. “Sorry about him. Are you all alright?”
"'s nothin' like brainwashin'," Marmalade said, a slight hiss in his tone. The very idea that he would be forced into a bond was insulting to everything that he was. It clearly showed that none of them understood the bond at all. If Keith did, he wasn't showing it. "the human has nothin' to do with the bond. 's all in the chain. we feel the bond an we decide if we forge it or not. 's a matter of feelin' complete, havin' someone that understands."
Trying to explain how right a completed bond felt was not dissimilar to attempting to explain astrophysics to a toddler. Marmalade's gaze was inevitably drawn to his bonded human, the one who had calmed his doubts and made him feel like he had worth beyond his species. He hadn't thought he would ever get a human either but Marmalade had known as soon as she walked in that she was his and that made her perfect.
"yer bonded fills a void you didn' know you had," he settled on. "but tha's not all they do. 's different for every chain. you jus'... you know tha' the human is fer you and that you would make their world brighter."
It was in no way accurate for what the bond was, any Chain would know that, but the soulbond wasn't so easily defined by one Lamia. What the bond meant to Marmalade would likely not be what it meant to Keith, or any other Lamia.
"Aw," Val cooed, tucking the bear into Currant's jacket so Piper could cuddle it in his sleep. "Thank you, Nikolai."
As much of a shithead as Hux was being, he still didn't deserve to be punished for caring about his friends and not wanting to be alone. So Valerie allowed him to try and hide his blunder, even if it didn't work, and didn't even try to hide her snicker. Hux may have been an asshole but he wasn't a complete lost cause.
"Clearly he wanted the geodes he must have smelled," Val countered. She was giving Hux an out, giving him a way so he didn't have to seem like he'd sought out a human and had just been drawn by presents. She did take pity on his woes and gently laid the geodes into his hands, a collection of them ranging in color and size. "He's quite the character, Nikolai. An absolute little shit."
"val," Marmalade laughed.
"I'm fine," she beamed. "Honestly, Hux may be a little shit but Keith seemed to have him well in coils."
Piper subconsciously coiled around Mr. Bluebeary in his sleep (apparently just absolutely exhausted since he slept through this), letting out a sleepy purr.
Keith should theoretically know better, and Nikolai and other Chain have told him better, but… Well, after all those years without one, all those years of him and Hux living together, all those years of watching others leave and clinging to those who’d probably stay…
It hurt less to convince himself that it was brainwashing. Hurt less to say he didn’t need one. Hurt less to pretend to pity those who went off happily with their bond mates instead of being jealous…
And then he found one, and she’s actually pretty sweet and fun and just a bit of a weirdo, just like them. Then he started looking forward to her coming. But the old thoughts still haunted his mind, saying he’d been forced into it, that it wasn’t real, but why not?
Keith kept his mouth shut on the matter.
Hux, thankfully, took the bait this time and decided to keep his mouth shut, instead greedily putting as much of himself as he could over the geodes as he inspected them. “Thanks.” His eyes were starting to go wide like Currant’s as he looked inside, peering at the crystals and the way they shimmered, catching the light. “Changed my mind. I ain’t sharing.” He was absolutely keeping these forever.
Nikolai attempted to stifle his laugh, but a chuckle still slipped through, “An apt description of him.”
“I love you, but yes,” Trousle said. Even he wouldn’t deny it.
“Eh… He’s my buddy,” Keith said. “Just a bit prickly.” He captured Hux further in a big hug. Only Hux’s head was sticking out now, the rest trapped under Keith. “Kinda a goober too.”
Hux pressed his face to the floor to hide the rising blush.
Currant cooed at Piper, delighted and so enthralled with having a young one to watch over that he didn't care about anything else. Didn't care about anyone else. Marmalade finally allowed the conversation about soulbonds to drop, feeling he had made his point. He peeked closer at Piper, the little guy not having been handed to him, and carefully made sure to take in the Pygmy's scent. Piper would be safer if Marmalade made sure he remembered what he smelled like.
Now Hux was starting to sound like Currant, too. Hoarding the geodes beneath his coils. It was always a little strange to see just how similar different Lamia were within their own species. Yet they were so different too. Hux had finally taken his eyes off her and she didn't feel like he was waiting to take a bite out of her if she moved wrong.
"I've found that the little shits are worth the most," Valerie said, agreeing with Keith. "It's the ones you work with, the friends you make that you have to fight for, that are the best you can have. Hux is one of those lifer friends, isn't he?"
"seems that way," Marmalade muttered, eyeing Hux's position on the ground.
But this was also an experience that Valerie couldn't pass up! She whipped out her phone and snapped a quick picture of Hux, trapped beneath Keith's coils, and sent it off to the boys at home with the caption a little shit being taken in coil with an appropriate amount of giggling. The picture she got in return was.... not a picture at all. Loud laughter spilled from her phone.
"LITTLE SHIT," Sangria wheezed in the video and she saw the grin Lapis directed at the phone camera, along with his typical finger guns.
"Why didn't I think of that?" she whisper-yelled. "A video call with my boys at home... ohmystars I feel like an idiot."
"eh," Marmalade grinned. "val's kinda a goober too."
Piper is happily snuggled against his teddy in his new best friend’s pocket with his favorite teddy. That is one blissful bitty bones.
Keith nodded, “Yeah, Hux is a lifer. I ain’t leaving him in to dust for anything or anyone.”
Hux groaned as he realized he was being laughed at, “Just end me now.”
“Nah. You’re trapped in cuddle land,” Keith said lazily, giving him an affectionate squeeze.
“How dare,” Hux said with absolutely no bite, enjoying this but also super embarrassed.
Nikolai chuckled, “These two are quite the pair. Good to hear from you.”
“I’m guessing one of ya is the famed Sangria,” Hux said. “Hey Currant, wanna show ‘em your new lil treasure?” Let the dude show off. It’ll be adorable.
Nikolai had no objections to this. If anything, he was trying to get closer to see Sangria and Lapis’s reactions.
Sangria puffed up in the video, gloves hands upon his hips and grin widening at the fact that people knew his name without having to be introduced. Yes, his malevolence was well known to Lamia all over! He didn't quite know how to ask Val how everything was going but things seemed to be going alright. Lapis was giggling, obviously being the one that was holding the phone.
He was hoping that Valerie wasn't bringing any of the full-sized hooligans into his territory, perking at the mention of a treasure.
"Oh, Sangria, he's adorable!" Val was gushing, pointing the camera towards Piper's sleeping face. "Look at him!"
Everyone was treated to the sight of Sangria's eye lights going huge in his sockets, slit pupils expanding into circles that nearly overtook the color. Lapis peeked around the phone so he could see what had caused that reaction. His grin widened.
"IS THAT A CHILD?" Sangria whispered, looking like he wanted to get closer. "ADMIRAL COME LOOK!"
Within seconds there was a cluster of eyes and skulls looking at Piper, a group of cooing Lamia enthused to see him. Well, Valerie hadn't expected this kind of reaction. They had even ignored Nikolai's introduction!
"HI!" Admiral squealed at them, being the first to notice all the others. His darkened socket and scarred cheek momentarily taking up the screen. "Baby?? BABY, BABY, BABY!!"
Aaaand he was off, distantly screeching.
"'pologies," Lapis drawled lazily. Sangria squeaked, demanding he be released so he could speak to everyone. Looks like Admiral was overcome by the zoomies. "mighta gave the kid a lil' too much caffeine."
Caffeine? A caffeinated Pygmy?
That was terrifying!
At all the noise, Piper started to stir, eyes peeking open as his mouth opened in a yawn. He started stretching out to wake up, but his coils instead tightened around Mr. Bluebeary. His head bobbed up and down as he fought to wake up, squeaking and chirping, but he lost and drifted back to sleep against his fuzzy little friend.
Nikolai chuckled, giving Piper a little head pat, “He got so excited when he found out about our park week that he didn’t sleep for a few days. Between that and all the excitement of being outside and meeting you, I’m sure he’s exhausted himself.” He then turned to Lapis, “And you. What in the vast reaches of the entire universe possessed you to over caffeinate a Pygmy?”
“Dude. You’re braver than me,” Hux said. “The zoomies would be horrifying.”
“Good luck Sangria,” Keith said, not wishing this fate on any. Well, at least they didn’t over-caffeinate a mamba…
The little sounds Piper made as he settled back into sleep were the most adorable thing Valerie had heard in a while and she barely resisted the urge to scoop him up and cuddle him close. He was going to do well with her boys, they'd keep him busy and make sure he was able to sleep through the night. Soon, he would have them all wrapped up in his adorable shenanigans.
"Lapis," she groaned, horrified at the idea of Admiral hyped up on caffeine. "I know you love your pranks but this... I don't see the a peel here."
Lapis beamed, giggling to himself and turning the phone so they could watch Sangria zip around after Admiral. The Pygmy was climbing all over the furniture and babbling too fast at the windows for his words to make any sense. These zoomies were fast-paced and chaotic, Admiral's voice so enthusiastic that Sangria was grinning.
"not brave," Lapis corrected. "jus' need to make sure sangria sleeps tonight. what better way than to have him chase admiral?"
"Its possible Sangria doesn't care," Valerie laughed. "But you had better not caffeinate Piper, Lapis. We don't need two zooming Pygmy."
She had to pause to mentally picture that and it was.... enough to make her nervous. Lapis would absolutely do that to her if he felt like she could handle it and it would be funny.
"thought it'd be funny," the Corny shrugged. "they were both mopin' around."
“He’s too young for it right now anyways,” Nikolai said, always the responsible parent. “And keep in mind, at his size, a little caffeine goes a much longer way. I wouldn’t give him anything stronger than white tea and dark chocolate, even as an adult.”
“That sounds like a way to do it though,” Hux said. “And a hilarious way at that! Why deal with mopes when you can watch ‘em zoom?”
“I almost wanna argue against that, but I can’t,” Keith said.
Even Nikolai had to admit, “I suppose that is a strategy…”
Valerie turned a mildly horrified look to Hux and Keith, knowing it was already too late to stop the monster they'd created. Lapis was a lazy guy, sure, but when it came to pranks and causing chaos he was the best in the house. And they were fueling his fire by the way he grinned at them.
"jus' make sure nothin' breaks," Currant grumbled with narrowed sockets. "they could go outside."
"a great idea," was Lapis' easygoing reply. "more roomie for the zoomie."
"What have you done?" Val groaned, watching the train wreck happening at her home. Lapis had opened the front door and Admiral was off like a rocket, Sangria hot on his tail. She couldn't help but smile at the way they zipped through the grass and trees, Admiral briefly posing on top of the basking rock with a 'MWEH HEH HEH' that was too cute.
"an when three o' them zoom together..." Marmalade shuddered. "stars..."
Nikolai was thinking to himself… partly out loud. “I suppose if Liam gets bored, that’s a way to do it…”
Hux laughed and flashed a devious grin, “I apologize for nothing.”
“I’m guilty as charged,” Keith said. “Agent of chaos, right here. Fear me.”
“Good luck if Piper zooms too,” Hux says. “Kid tried to fight Liam, he might try Sangria too.”
“I am glad they are getting exercise, but there are better ways!” Trousle said, the electronic voice muffled between Hux and Keith. “Like watching Avatar and trying to do the martial arts despite not having legs.”
"Oh stars," Val giggled, so horrified by her own imagination that she had ascended beyond groaning. "Imagine if someone caffeinated all the Mamba and Pygmy, though. It'd be an apocalypse!"
Now that she had said it aloud, Valerie felt like she might have just put pure chaos into the center's future. The only benefit she could find was that caffeine didn't last forever and the Lamia would crash pretty quickly.
"eh, sangria likes a challenger on occasion," Marmalade said with a snicker. "an piper 's already a dragon so sangria 'll be impressed. kid has guts."
"but he's jus' bones."
"Oh, Trousle," Val smiled. "Sweet summer child. My boys are basically feral when it comes to having fun and exercising! Even Lapis, the laziest noodle, has chaotic ways he moves when it's time."
"but val," Lapis cackled, "thought ya liked corny zoomies?"
"you jus' do the worm, though."
"Oh stars," Nikolai gasped in sheer horror at the thought. "I'm putting locks on all the coffees and tea. Staff only."
"Noooooooo...." Hux groaned, "I wanted to do it."
"I take no responsibility whether it does or does not happen," Keith said. He wasn't gonna bring the apocalypse, but wouldn't stop it either...
Trousle grinned, "Well then! We should hang out sometime! I bet I could "worm" better than you! Lazybones! Heart. Heart. Heart." He stuck his tongue out, wiggling playfully.
"That's probably for the best, really." She shuddered a little, cursing her own imagination with every colorful swear she knew. "Better watch the keys too. If you have any Cornies that are even remotely like Lapis, those keys might get stolen. Or the locks picked."
"or you could convince someone on staff tha' you wanted tea an jus' encourage a Mamba an Pygmy hoard to attack the hiding place," Marmalade said with a grin.
"whose side are you even on?" Currant demanded.
"anarchy," was the deadpan response.
"oh," Lapis peered closer to the phone. "hey there, kid. didn't know a papython was around. cool scarf... the worm ain't exactly a papython move, not cool enough, but it'd be fun."
"It's okay, I'm the small one! I understand." Trousle said. "Thank you! Val gave it to me! It looks so great!"
"There's no stopping the apocalypse. Just stock up while you can," Nikolai said.
Hux and Keith were laughing.
"I heard that we're not telling Cornies something?" said a Corny. "Also, pass the water bandages, will ya? Rings got cut on a rock."
"Oozy! My man!" Keith chirped.
Nikolai gave Oozy the bandages.
"Give him a pet, yeah? He likes those," Hux said to Val. The layer of ooze on Oozy was thinner and clearer than usual, water having diluted and washed quite a bit away, but there was still a hard-to-see the layer of slime on him.
Oozy was too wrapped up in what he wasn't supposed to be doing to pay attention to the waterproof wrappings (or Hux) though. "Soooooo... what am I absolutely not supposed to know?"
"yeah, she loves to give gifts. can't wait to meet you, kid."
There was no doubt that Valerie would be going to the center to see Trousle and all of them again. Next time it would be a big thing where everyone would go.
This new side to Hux was a far cry better than him being a little shit. It felt more like the real Hux had made an appearance and Keith was right, he was a huge goober.
"anarchy now," Marmalade declared. "didn' want a corny to know someone was plannin' on caffeinatin' the mamba an pygmy to bring about the apocalypse."
"don' forget the lockpickin'," Lapis delighted in tacking on.
But Val wasn't really listening to them. She was looking at Oozy and trying to decide if Hux was playing a trick on her or not. It wasn't typical for her to just reach out and pet a Lamia without asking first but even if Oozy did bite her, he wasn't venomous and the worst that could happen is it would hurt. It wouldn't even be the worst pain.
So Val reached out and pet Oozy on the back of the skull. The resulting mucus on her hand was disgusting but also very interesting to pet and she became far more invested in petting it than was normal. She made a noise of intrigue, reminded of patting mud pies as a kid.
"gross," was Currant's hiss.
“I look forward to meeting you too!” Trousle said. “Have you ever played DnD? My friends here and I play a few times a week!”
Oozy’s eyes widened, “That sounds like a disaster…” He was totally saving that idea for when he got bored. “Lock Picking Lawyer is pretty cool. I started watching him on one of my YouTube dives. Heh. Learned a lot about locks.”
Oozy’s eyes were on Val’s handy; he was giddy with anticipation, both for the affection and the almost inevitable gross-out. The dude couldn’t help giggling at the face she made, but would never say no to some friendly pets. He shrugged at Currant, used to it, “Eh, it’s life. Slimy, slimy life. Name’s Oozy, good to meet y’all.”
Hux was also laughing at poor Val for falling for it. Keith mentally gave her props for petting him anyways, even if it might’ve been morbid curiosity.
“Mmm… Geez, this has been a good year with girls for me. Might get spoiled at this rate,” Oozy said, longing to capture her in a cuddle, but he got the feeling that would just gross her out. Ah well, someday maybe.
"i've helped val make dnd characters before, when she was feeling like drawing chaos. never played any."
"lapis can pick locks, somehow." And Marmalade was still in awe of that random talent. None of them even knew where he'd picked up that skill from. Val couldn't reliably hide anything from him if he became determined enough to get it.
Currant was staring at Val's hand as she petsOozy. This must have been how people felt when they witnessed a horrible accident, horrified but unable to look away. The more she pet the more interested she became and the most enthusiastic about continuing to pet him. It was gross, yeah, but she was fascinated by the fact he was slimy. Like a frog or a salamander.
"Ohmystars," she breathed, using both hands to pet and probably resembling a kid meeting Santa for the first time. "This is so gross but so cool too! You feel like a salamander, ohmygodwhydidtheynameyouOozywhenyoufeellikethis???"
"oh no..."
“I could teach you if you want! Keith DMs.”
“I’m Keith,” Keith says, trying to keep Lapis up to speed, “The one I’m sitting on is Hux. Our King is Nikolai.”
Oozy’s eyes went starry and he splayed himself out for maximum petting. “Right? Heh. We can’t quite figure out why? But it’s a thicker ooze when I ain’t wet… or haven’t been in water recently, I’m always kinda wet. And, well, there have been worse Corny names. We seem to attract them.”
“Poor Spoon,” Nikolai said. “I should get naming guidelines…”
“Still better than Radish,” Hux said.
“I think Radish was a honeybo though,” Keith said.
“Still kinda respect the hastily renamed Mamba ‘Little Tucker.’” Oozy said with a grin, bearing his throat for some neck-scratches.
“Princess Garbage Lamp thankfully had that name changed,” Nikolai said.
“Didn’t YOU start that nickname?”
“In my defense, you weren’t born yet to witness that fiasco.”
"that'd be great, kid."
The amount of shenanigans that Lapis could inflict upon them is enough to make Currant and Marmalade giggle like schoolgirls. Lapis is still smiling but they can tell he wishes he was the one getting the pets and attention that Oozy is getting. Val was so excited about something different.
"I named my boys after colors," Val's voice was distracted, the feel of Oozy beneath her hands much more interesting. She itched to take pictures so she could draw this later, knowing it would be a huge boon to her visual library. "Color names are the best."
"val's an artist so she likes to name us after stuff she likes an knows." Currant paused, flushing a little. "she also tends to call us gems."
"the truth comes out," Marmalade teased. "nikolai can't name."
"Does it float in the water?" Valerie asked, moving her petting to Oozy's neck and using her nails to scratch lightly at his prompting. "Like, does it come off you and float? Or does your body absorb it, somehow? Does it have a taste? What does it mean for your scales? Do you shed?"
Keith smiled, “That’s adorable actually. Like, it’s freaking precious when someone shares part of what’s special to them with you.”
Nikolai agrees with the sentiment, but is also blushing, “I have many talents. Naming isn’t one of them.”
Oozy purrs deep in his chest, eyes shutting in bliss. “Depends on how thick it’s gotten. Fresher ooze might thin out a little bit, but if I’ve been sleeping in it a while, it’ll probably slough off and dissolve after a while. I’m kinda numb to the taste, but apparently, it’s got a salty and tangy vibe, but gets bitter if it stays there too long. I apparently have really uneven shedding, more like parts of the skin just get really soft until a slight bump tears it off. Usually dusts before it fully leaves the slime. I can’t really feel it when it happens though. From what we can tell, this stuff has ups and downs. Have to be careful about fungi, but I out-ick most other grossness. It seals up any cuts, burns, or whatever I might get and keeps them more or less sterile. Not that I get hurt much…”
"prolly also helps that none of us had names," Marmalade added. "the center we came from didn' give us names, we knew who was being talked to without that. Jus' easier to let adopters name us."
"don' think piper will get a different name though," Currant said, finally having enough and slithering off Val. "'s a cute name."
Valerie was far more interested in what Oozy had going on. She wasn't inclined towards science but she was curious about everything new that she found out. It must have been a little inconvenient to be covered in goop but it was fascinating that he knew so much about it. She was almost tempted to taste it just to see but Valerie wasn't that adventurous when it cameto trying new things. His word that it was salty-tangy was more than enough.
"Shame you didn't use the pun," she finally grumbled. "Coulda said something about how you can't become too much of a fun gi... But it's really cool. Like a protective layer, right?"
“We tried that, but names stick,” Nikolai says. “It’s almost impossible for them NOT to end up called something.”
Oozy’s eyes went wide and he laughed, “Dude. That’s hissterical. You’re really treating me to a good slime here!” He laughed a little more, then went back to explaining, “Maybe? I won’t say I’m entirely unique, but it’s a super rare condition. Ain’t been many chances to study if, so no one’s fully sure what causes it. I’ve had some science dudes and doctors and stuff come look at me. Nothing bad of course. Pretty sure Nikolai would’ve maimed them if they tried to go mad scientist.
“We’ve got a few theories. Some think that my soul is really stubborn in believing that I’m supposed to be an amphibian, or maybe I had an ancestor or two who were part frog or salamander or something. Others think there’s an issue in magic processing, like maybe my body just doesn’t know to slow down, or maybe something in that whole process is just completely borked. Point is, we ain’t sure. We’ve narrowed out a few possibilities, but don’t know why I do this, how to make it stop, or if that’d even be a good idea.
“But eh… whooze worried ‘bout that anyways?”
Oh no, he was a typical Corny all right. Puns, something Valerie had only really started to find funny after getting Lapis, spilling forward so easily she was momentarily stunned. He was slightly better than Lapis was and that feat was impressive enough she would have made sparkle eyes at Oozy if she could.
"Or maybe it's just you being such a slick guy that you can't contain it." She wiggled her eyebrows comically, a wheeze from Marmalade accompanying her words, and wasn't she just the smuggest person ever at that? "I guess you could also come from mixed genetics... maybe you had someone aquatic in your history? Aquatic creatures produce a slime too."
She was trying to resist commenting how he might actually be aslug, a lazy slug, but figured that would be rude. And then she had a sudden epiphany that caused her so much glee it almost physically manifested in a subtle glow from her chest.
"Or maybe..." she bit her lip, fighting back a massive grin. "You're a sea slug."
Oozy didn't even try to stifle his chuckling as a grin split his face, but he absolutely lost it at sea slug, letting out one of those "Pffffft"s of when you're caught off guard, then throwing his head back in laughter with his hand on his face. "Dude. Omg. That's a newt one. Good thing I'm a sea slug though and not a regular one, 'cause I'm being assalted with puns! Eel give you that, you're pretty good."
Hux was audibly groaning, getting more and more exasperated with every passing pun. Keith was laughing along while Nikolai fondly watched.
Valerie lost her battle with laughter, Currant's sockets narrowed in warning while Marmalade nearly collapsed as he wheezed along. She also heard Lapis giggling from the phone, beside himself with the fact he had so thoroughly corrupt her sense of humor with his own shenanigans.
"They just keep coming and I didn't even planet that way. Lapis' humor just seemed to mussel in when I brought him home. I'm not shellfish with the puns, either. Feel free to use 'em anytime."
Marmalade was wheezing so heavily that she was honestly concerned about his health and Lapis had descended into such high pitch giggles that she felt proud of herself. No Corny stood a chance now.
Oozy wasn’t sure he could top that. And he DEFINITELY couldn’t while he was too busy laughing his ass off to breathe. Hux was screaming into the floor in exaggerated anguish. Keith was howling. Even Nikolai was laughing along with the rest. This was the best possible result.
And through it all, a confused Krait awkwardly takes the water bandages from where Oozy sat them down, slithering back to the rest and avoiding whatever all this is.
It was comical, how she sat back with such a smug look on her face while surrounded by hysterical Lamia in various stages of horror or laughter. They were all lucky they wouldn't pass out from laughing so much or she might have been in trouble. Currant had grown used to the insane amount of shenanigans so he wasn't quite screaming but he certainly wasn't amused by the chaos.
Well, Marmalade had declared that it was anarchy now!
"Don't terrier yourself up about this. I'm pawsitive you can pun back. Though all this laughter is a nice jester from you."
Marmalade was on the ground, almost convulsing with laughter and she didn't even know Lamia could do that.
“Hey, hehehe,” Oozy was trying to talk through snorts of laughter, “Oh geez, pffft. Throw me a bone here! You’re doggone good at this, but I’m feline fine!”
“How did we get to cats and dogs? We’re snakes,” Nikolai said with amused befuddlement.
“Eh, she’s petter at some puns than me, but she’s not weaseling her way out of this so easily!”
Hux let out a muffled scream of, “I’M IN HELL.”
Trousle was trying to hide laughter behind an exasperated facepalm.
"Oooh, getting into a tearable pun territory now," she teased. "Well, I have a meowtain of puns. Dog puns are a bit ruff but I'm sure I can mange a few. Don't worry, you'll achieve grapeness if you wine a little."
The puns were all over the place and that was what had Marmalade on the ground, flailing around. Lapis never punned with Val like this and now that he knew she could they were all doomed. Just a little taste and Marmalade was unable to control himself. Lapis was sobbing now and showed no signs of stopping.
"look what you did!" Currant announced with a small screech of dismay.
"no grater way to go," Lapis wheezed.
“These puns are starting to get cheesy, but I’ll brie fine. Cheddar get ready, I can milk this for all it’s worth if ya let me have my curds ‘n way.” Oozy was NOT one to back down from a pun-off.
This was the most effort Nikolai had seen him put in in a while, so he wasn’t going to stop him…
Oozy kept going, “Cheese and crackers, sometimes I can go against the grain. Wheat’re ya gonna do plow?” He has no regrets. “I’ll keep punnin’ till the cows come home, no need to raise the afarm, but y’know, there’s a reason they call me - (snrk) - Corny.”
Oozy was good at this! Val had to pause for just a moment to try and think of a few things she could use. His means of punning was very one track, with a single vein that he went into and kept on, but she tended to like chaotic punnery instead.
A pun battle it would be, then.
"You've goat to wait for gouda puns. Don't pastaway on me now or we'll have a latte problems. Meow you've gone and bun it. Beating you at a pun battle won't be impastable for someone like me. Beclaws I've been practicing."
“I’d say it’s your mewve, but I’ll whisker ya away with these, and cat’s not all I have to say.
“Victory’s fleece-ing, but you can sheep well tonight. Cow about ya keep trying, or are ya chicken?
“‘Cause that won’t cut it. Not to hammer in the point, but I’ve nailed it. You saw it, right? I’ve got the tools to win.”
Val resisted her laughter for all of five seconds before she snorted. It was loud and hurt a little but it heralded the end of her pun game as she then descended into her hysterics. Keeping up with a Corny was difficult but her mind felt good from having to think up all those puns and her soul felt lighter. He'd been a perfect opponent to flex her punning muscle against.
"I don't think I can top that," she giggled, petting him with barely a twitch. "Probably a good thing too because I think Marmalade is having a fit."
Which was only partially true. Marmalade had exhausted himself and was flopped into a pile on the ground, twitching every time he snickered.
"that was a pawesome pun battle," Lapis declared from the phone. "Cornies win again."
Hux was still just screaming into the ground, muffled under a pile of Keith. Keith was coming down from his bout of hysterics (albeit as much from Hux's reaction as the puns themselves), and Oozy grinned. "That was great. Heh, haven't done that in a hot minute. You're dang good at this, y'know? Like, super good."
Hopefully, Hux would realize they weren't punning anymore and calm down. It had felt good to be able to sit back and dish out whatever randomness her brain conjured up, pun battle or not. Valerie was just happy to have not made a complete fool of herself. Shame no other Corny had joined in, it would likely have caused permanent mental damage to someone.
"So it's been a cold minute?" She couldn't prevent the question, grin turning smug once more. "Lapis has ruined my sense of humor for all eternity. Puns were one of those things I used to do without realizing but I notice them a lot now. And they're funny!"
"I think you mean he improved it, heh," Oozy said. "Man, that was great. Thanks, lil corny. Lil popcorn. Nah, popcorn's too energetic. You're a Kernal. Thanks, Kernal."
"Bet you wish you were that good at nicknames," Keith said to Nikolai.
"It was ONE time! And you know good and well what that Corny did with that lamp."
Hux huffed, finally calming, "What did I do to deserve this?"
"Many things," Trousle said. "You might be prickly, but you still deserve Keith’s cuddles!"
"... You can't pull that surprise sweet shit on me like that," Hux said, red-faced.
"I can. You cannot stop me."
"Nikolai, make him stooooop."
"No," Nikolai said, heading towards the door, "I should be getting back now, who knows what's gone on while I was gone. I don't know when you'll be leaving, Val, but if you can, try to wait until Piper wakes up so he knows what's going on and gets a chance to say goodbye. Thank you."
"Depends on who you ask, I guess." Clearly, Hux and Currant thought her sense of humor was ruined, although Currant changed his tune when she was telling him knock, knock jokes. "I'll never hear the end of it. He'll call himself that and Sangria will throw a fit until Lapis says he's waiting to pop into corn."
Which, again, was fair. But Sangria would be equal parts disgusted and horrified. They were lucky he hadn't heard their pun battle or she would never have been able to get away with leaving him out.
"nah, thank you buddy," Lapis said. "clearly I need to come along next time."
"clearly," Currant parroted, a pained look upon his face.
"Puh-lease," Val directed towards Hux. "It was obvious from the start you were secretly a huge softy beneath all the prickles. Just like a cactus."
It was, too. After a while, anyway.
"anarchy," was Marmalade's grave response to what had likely gone on in Nikolai's absence. "pure chaos."
"Oh yes, it was probably a Mamba apocalypse," Valerie agreed. "We'll stick around until Piper wakes up, let him say goodbye, and get numbers so you guys can talk to him until we come back around. I'll be making another donation to the center sometime in the next few weeks."
"I apologize for nothing," Oozy said with a shit-eating grin. "I look forward to seeing ya Kernal. We'll have a good slime. Hehehe."
"I'm glad I ain't the only sane one here. Other Coral. Help me!" He managed to wiggle an arm out, reaching for Currant. He was blushing more as he tried to ignore Val's assessment of him.
Nikolai let out a sigh that turned into a chuckle, "I shouldn't expect anything else. Oh well. I guess I'll go save the world." He went for the door, stopping long enough to say, "Thank you. We all appreciate it. I'm sure he'll be really happy with you." Then he left.
"as marmalade said, anarchy now," Lapis took great delight in repeating. "we'll have a whale of a good time."
Currant's initial assessment of Hux may not have been very nice but he did have some species pride. He huffed, as if aiding Hux was the greatest weight upon his shoulders, but reached out with his magic nonetheless. The fact that he had magic to spare was a matter of pride, his meals were so carefully planned out just for this reason. A crook of his fingers and he yanked Hux forward.
"Go save the day, Nikolai," Val said with a wave. "I'll try and make sure none of these hooligans get into trouble."
Hux whooped and stuck his tongue out at Keith as he managed his great escape… with aid. “Thanks, dude, owe us one.”
Nikolai chuckled, “I appreciate it. And good luck with that.”
Everyone waited for five seconds after he left. Then Oozy immediately said, “Alright, who wants to storm the coffee?”
“NO!” Hux snapped.
“Maaaaybe,” Keith drawled.
“Can I have some?” Trousle had a wide grin, bobbing back and forth in excitement.
“… what have I done,” Oozy said, staring down Trousle.
Now Val might have said she would watch the others but she doubted she'd be able to stop any shenanigans that might occur. Currant and Marmalade wouldn't join the chaos, she hoped, so it came down to watching all the others and making sure they didn't cause trouble. But of course Oozy would be the one that would have pranks on the mind, seeing as Cornies were agents of chaos.
"COFFEE?" She heard from the phone, a battle cry that sent her calm expression diving into horror. Sangria had a very distinct tone and he must have out zoomed Admiral to still be awake. The stamina of a Mamba was no joke. He didn't sound like he was as full of energy as usual but not tired either. "DO NOT GIVE COFFEE!"
"no roomie for the zoomie," Lapis announced sadly. "you're all in the city. too much could happen if ya give everyone coffee."
"like that would stop anyone," Currant huffed, cradling Piper against his chest and wondering how the kid could sleep through this.
"anarchy now," Marmalade agreed solemnly.
This did not discourage Oozy, "I'm gonna give 'em coffee. Just you wait! I'll do the Boston tea party, but in a krait pond with coffee! JUST TRY ME!"
Hux, trying to stop the apocalypse, pounced on Oozy, nose scrunched as he held the other down. "No. Nope. Nope nope nope nope."
"... ya have to get off eventually," Oozy said, not remotely struggling to get free.
"Bold of you to assume you can out-lazy me," Hux said.
Keith was laughing... and slithering off to grab some coffee.
Piper was stirring some now and then, making noises of displeasure at all the noise, but he'd been on and off zoomies for a few days without sleep. His body finally forced him...
Or tried to. "Coffee!" Piper yelled, demanding.
Oh no.
Secretly, or not so secretly, Val doubted Hux could out-lazy a Corny and that the apocalypse wouldn't be happening. She had resolved herself to witnessing the zooms that would be happening, feeling the looks of horror upon her for not stopping this. All she could hope is that it wouldn't be too bad.
And then she heard the little demand and all the terror crashed upon her shoulders. Currant was looking down in shock and Marmalade pressed his face into his coils.
"Oh no," Valerie whispered, scooping Piper up so she could pet him. Even if he wanted coffee she couldn't resist some cuddles from an adorable Pygmy. "I don't know if you'll like coffee, Piper. It's pretty bland."
Please let him be easily convinced by thinking coffee had to be served plain and nothing else.
"UNLESS YOU ADD SUGAR," Sangria muttered from the phone, drawing her stare. "ADMIRAL DRANK THE SWEET STUFF."
"Sangria," She whined but it was too late.
Oh no, indeed.
Keith has found a 12 pack of a certain type of cold-brew coffee in the fridge. He shook some of the snacks from the snack machine in trade, sticking a note on there that he regretted nothing.
Calmly, he went out and started distributing the contraband to Mambas and Pygmies.
“Nnnnn!!! But! Need zoom! Get to play outside but ‘m tired and ‘s not fair! Dun Wanna sleep…” He was getting fussy in the way an over-tired child does when they desperately want to keep having fun, little tears budding in his eyes and hiccuping. “Gimme zoom juice! Wanna play!”
Piper was hitting her right in the underdeveloped, curdled maternal instincts. He sounded like he was on the verge of a full-on tantrum and she didn't want him to get that upset over some coffee. It had been a while since she'd been around a fussy child that didn't make her want to run in the other direction.
It was an awful idea. She knew it was an awful idea. But Valerie couldn't deny Piper a little bit of fun before they left.
"OK," she took a deep breath. "You can have a small sip of zoom juice. Just a little bit. You can play but we do have to say goodbye. Sangria is waiting at home for you."
Piper stared for a moment like he didn’t expect that to work. But once it processed that he had more playtime, he broke into giggles and a grin, trilling happily. “YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY! YA… Yawn AY!”
“Told ya you can’t stop me. I didn’t even have to escape,” Oozy said.
Hux had his jacket hood over his skull and was trying to melt into the ground to escape (ignoring that he could just, like… leave).
Outside, trouble was already brewing as the more energetic Lamia began to ZOOM! One mamba was trying to declare himself king of the entire world, hampered by the Pygmy who had decided to be a superhero all of the sudden and was playfully fighting him. A few bitty mamba were trying to tip over Val’s van (without success, thankfully). Nikolai was holding back swears as he tried to stop one mamba from starting a fire. A Pygmy had somehow trapped himself in a tire swing. It was chaos.
Keith was wondering when he should tell them it was decaf. Placebos are killer sometimes.
Some distant part of Val's brain thought she might have been played but she ignored it. Piper had no way of knowing of her soft spot for cute and small creatures, that the sight of tears would break down her walls faster than a wrecking ball. A sip of coffee wouldn't cause him any harm.
"You gonna come out with us, Hux?" She asked, looking at him from the corner of her eye. "Most of the humans should be gone now that the zoom is happening so you don't have to worry about getting adopted. Plus... won't it be funny to see Nikolai handle this?"
Currant huffed at the blatant manipulation but even he doubted Hux would go out to see what had been brought upon the park. He was keen on watching Piper but just keeping up with his excitement from earlier had tired Currant out and he would have preferred going back into the van to sleep.
"let's get the kid some coffee," Marmalade drawled, slithering out before stopping at the chaos.
"Oh my," was Val's faint response, eyes wide as she stared at the sight of the zoomies. It was frightening. She didn't even want to go out there. "I don't know if I'm scared or impressed..."
In his defense, Piper wasn’t TRYING to be manipulative, he was upset about it. But usually, when he’d get fussy about needing sleep, people took him to bed and tried harder to have him sleep. But now he’s happy! He gets more zoom!!!
Currant could try to sleep in the van, but there were even MORE bitty mamba trying to push it over, some of them pushing from inside. Even with their combined might, it wasn’t happening.
Nikolai had to hiss some very stern warnings at Liam to keep him from helping, all while holding onto a teenaged, full-sized Pygmy that was trying his best to wiggle free.
Keith was coiled up next to Maia, having told her his trick.
And Hux was willing to watch from afar, if only to see the madness.
This only got better/worse when some random dude decided to make an impromptu donation of three dozen beach balls, including two gigantic ones. No one could escape from the park-wide impromptu game of dodgeball… except the pygmies and mamba that were reenacting the boulder scene from Indiana Jones.
Valerie groaned at the hoard gathered around her van, hoping that nothing went missing from inside and holding Currant back from storming it and driving the hoard away. It was just lucky that no larger Mamba or Pygmy were attempting to join in.
"I'll let you go find some coffee to drink but please come back to me when you start getting tired," Valerie fussed, lowering Piper to the ground. "Make sure you tell everyone goodbye too. We'll come back to visit but ask for numbers and bring them to me to save."
She fussed over Piper for a little bit longer before she let him zip off to get himself some zoom juice. The grass was soft enough that she had no shame sitting down, cheek propped on her palm. Currant and Marmalade wrapped around her to keep away the worst of the shenanigans.
"At least everyone is having fun..."
Piper nodded and gave Val a little kiss on her hand before going off. Keith was kind/smart enough to give the kid some Mountain Dew: much better tasting, but with actual caffeine, even if not as much as coffee.
Once it hit his system, Piper started to ZOOM, alternating between playing and excitedly talking about his adoption, hugging all his little playmates, and bringing some over to meet Val, Marmalade, and Currant.
He was explaining to some of the mamba - who had given up tilting Val’s car and were now grumbling about it being full of bricks - that he was gonna go home in that car (while chasing a beach ball in circles) when a particularly young bitty mamba shot out and glomped him.
“NO! No you don’t! Mine!” The mamba screeched.
“But I leaving!”
“No! You stay here! I protect.” Cobalt the mamba pouted, holding Piper to his chest and wrapping around him protectively.
“Isssss ‘kay Cobalt! Val’s nice! And Curry loves! They not hurt me.”
“No no no no no! No! You stay! No leave! Is mine!”
“You gonna get a person too!”
“I wan’ YOU!” Cobalt had worked himself into tears, not wanting to let go of Piper…
Piper wasn’t sure how to handle it, “Sssshhh! Shhhh! No cry! No cry! Is ‘kay! You’re real good! They just jealous! ‘Cause pretty scales!” He was just mimicking some of what Cobalt had said to make him feel better.
“I pretty?” Cobalt said, sniffling. “I miss you…” He thought for a little bit, then went over to Val and slithered on her with Piper in tow, “We go now!”
Even though there were a lot of Lamia zipping and zooming, Valerie tried to keep her attention on Piper instead. He was a ball of energy, making her tired just watching but filling her chest with joy right along with that. She was introduced to so many Lamia that she had no hope of remembering all the names being tossed at her.
She didn't see what was going on but she heard the screeching, the absolute dismay in someone's little scream. Her soul throbbed with pain and she hoped someone would come along to offer assistance because there was no way Valerie would be able to crush someone's feelings. Marmalade tensed beside her, feeling the feedback of pain within his chest.
It was made even worse when the owner of the screech slithered onto her and she was torn by how small the Mamba was. He was the smallest bitty Lamia she had ever seen and there was the hint of tears upon his face that tore her up inside. The little guy had nothing on Sangria's iridescence, few did, but he was such a pretty color.
Valerie looked around, hoping for someone to offer assistance before she gave in and took him home too. Petting his little head as soon as he seemed to have settled.
"Oh, little dragon," she cooed at the Mamba. "What has you so upset?"
Maybe if she stalled...
"You can't have Piper! Is mine! He no go! I keep!" Cobalt hissed. He knew better than to bite, even in the midst of a tantrum, but he was tempted. But then Piper would probably cry...
"But I want go!" Piper said.
"No!" Cobalt said. He clung stubbornly to Piper. "I protect forever! Can't go..."
"You protect good! But I go now."
"Noooooo!" Cobalt sobbed.
Hux couldn't watch any more of this, slithering back inside. It'd been mostly fun watching the others cause chaos, but he knew all too well how Cobalt felt...
Thankfully, the freed Oozy came to the rescue... "Heya kid... why the long face?"
"Piper's LEAVING! But he can't!"
"Sure he can. Yer old enough now. Both of ya."
"But-But..." Cobalt sniffled, nuzzling Piper.
"It ain't like you'll never see him again," Oozy said. "I've had friends get adopted, but they still come back all the time. And I know Val's gonna keep in great touch. He can still call you."
"Not same..." Cobalt said, half holding and half leaning on Piper. "He's friend..."
"I know kiddo... I know. But hey, you'll get someone too one day, y'know?"
"You haven't," Cobalt said with a huff.
"I'm a high-maintenance Corny, you're an awesome little mamba. We're two different things entirely. You'll be loved."
"... I want Piper with me," Cobalt said. "You stay?"
Piper kissed Cobalt's cheek, "Love too! But I go. I come back! And bring toys!"
"And talk! Phone talk!"
Cobalt sniffled, holding Piper close. "... 'kay." He then looked at Val, little stare withering. "Take care! Be extra nice and give treats! Tell him he look good! If you be mean, I bite you!"
"She nice!" Piper insisted.
"Better be..."
Meanwhile, in the background, Nikolai let out a loud shout of, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT WAS DECAF?!"
She knew there was something wrong with her when she found the tantrum to be more adorable than anything. In typical Mamba fashion, his tantrum came down to someone taking what he viewed as his and a lot of yelling. Nikolai must have told them that biting was a very bad thing to do because he didn't try and take a chunk out of her in the midst of his ranting.
Oozy was a gift. Calming down the tantrum and saving her from giving in to the cuteness of the little Mamba's attitude. If he had been full-size she would have been more intimidated than she was but he was adorable before he was frightening.
"If I didn't have Sangria at home I'd take you too." Valerie couldn't hold the words back if she wanted to. "But I know a little dragon-like you will get a good home. Who wouldn't want such a pretty Mamba?"
Hopefully, the compliments helped because she would rather not get bitten.
"don' worry kid," Currant said, calling attention to his own warning stare. "val 'll take good care of piper. he'll have his own rock to bask on, his favorite candy, an' so many toys he'll be able to share with ya that all the other mamba 'll be jealous."
"not ta mention she might let piper bring ya sour candy jus' for you next time," Marmalade added. He heard Nikolai's shout and had a devious idea. "an' we can bring more coffee next time."
Cobalt sniffled again, but wiped his face and smiled up at her, "Yeah... 'M pretty cool! I gonna get good! Mm-hmm!" He giggled and nuzzled Piper. "You get good too. Deserve it. Miss you..."
"Miss you too. But is 'kay! I see again."
"Yes! And bring sour candies! And coffee!"
"Okay! We do!"
"Good!" Cobalt said. That said, he was still reluctant to go just yet... "We go play now."
And they did! The two zoomed around the park together until Piper once more started losing the fight with sleep. Cobalt had to half-drag him back, and even then almost started crying again, but they said one see-you-later, and Piper curled up to sleep on the ride home...
And that Corny, who ate more sweets and has now conked out in the glove box, is apparently coming too.
Disaster averted, Val flopped back against Marmalade and Currant while Piper ran through his caffeine buzz with his friend. It was much better to see a happy Mamba than to see one that was likely contemplating biting. It likely wasn't long enough for the Mamba to come to terms with having to say goodbye but he did. Currant accepted Piper and they all wished everyone a good evening, saying their own see-you-laters.
"Everyone will sleep good tonight," Val mused, helping Currant into the front seat of the van so they could settle into the blankets. She searched around to make sure there weren't any stowaways and Marmalade assured her they'd all left. "We got a long drive ahead of us, I'll stop and get more snacks for the road."
She climbed into the drivers seat, feeling warm and good about how the day had gone. It was one of those perfect days where she made plenty of friends. Once at home she would put numbers into the phones and have Piper call so everyone would know he'd gotten there safe.
Marmalade picked a song for the start of the ride, Val singing along, and they began their journey home. Unaware of the hidden Corny in the glove box.
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mismashedsocks · 4 years
 so riordan made a half assed lame excuse on his lazy/racist writing on piper yesterday and on top of that he made another one on samirah and i’m muslim so i am going to talk about it
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damn i’m so sorry these people have been pushing you past your comfort zone about your wildly popular racist caricatures of minorities that have great impact on your young, impressionable target audience. while its fine that if he takes a break for his mental health he still needs to deal with these problems you can’t just take a break and hope they go away.
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why does he think everyone is bullying him. if they talked in all caps, cussed at you, or didn’t stop bothering you, i’m sorry they’re just trying to get you to realize how racist your books are, which you keep refusing to believe. i can believe that a few of them were doing it for attention, but it couldn’t be the majority. and my god, god forbid people want you to write your books the way you preferred, without racist stereotypes. 🙈
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you can set your boundaries but you keep ignoring the people, you don’t listen. like you put yourself out there as a writer you are open to criticism
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why does he keep doing this to seem like the good guy. you give excuses and don’t do anything and just say that its up to you, you can think whatever you want 🥰🥰. like its such an obvious excuse not to take any action.
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i’m sorry but no matter how many muslims you’ve interacted with you haven’t gotten the full experience and last time i checked teachers aren’t the kids best friends soo uhm. anyways the rest of it is just him telling his experience with muslimah students so its just there.
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so uhm you just said your students ‘unwillingly’ become an ambassador to everyone she knew’. and then you went to talk to them about islam to make sure you were TEACHING THEM YOUR SOURCE MATERIAL CORRECTLY. i’m sorry imagine. these are kids not some scholars you go to consult. there are so many muslims all over the internet and youtube sharing their experiences for you to access on how to ‘represent their experience’ correctly. you’re the teacher here. picture this:as a muslilm, i teach at a public school and while teaching about Christianity in class, no i would double check or some dumb shit with the students. like educate yourself i’m sorry. anyways apparently he blames his mistakes on himself then goes on to deny he ever made any mistakes i can’t.
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so this is a blatant lie. 99% of muslims i’ve met have never read all of sahih bukhari and sahih muslim. usually only scholars do that when they are studying islam for YEARS. and FIVE different interpretations of the quran on top of that. ok so sahih bukhari is 9 books that are over 300 pages each and sahih musilm is 7 volumes with also about 300+ pages each. and then the english versions of the quran are 600 pages. and he claims he read five of them. i’m so sorry but no he didn’t. he writes books so fast and he released mcga around the time toa was being released almost one book per year so he did not have a lot of spare time. the rest ig i can let slide. also and if he did do all of that why does he make so many mistakes in writing samirah. and even IF you accept his excuses reading ALL of this source material is great for teaching your class or whatever but not for writing a modern day muslim. you don’t need to lie to us rick ❤️
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most of this is just describing what she’s like but his writing did also add in the model minority, smart kid trope. like no they don’t have to be a terrorist or a A+ student who is the best at everything. there is a middle ground to their personality. 
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i actually used to love his rep in sam. that’s how i got into the series. i saw a hijabi girl on his website. i got excited and read all of his books. i loved piper, leo, hazel, percy, annabeth, sadie, carter, nico, everyone. now that i look back i was younger and didn’t see anything wrong with it back then. its great that he tried to portray minorities but he did it so badly and now is just denying the faults that his now older readers are trying to tell him.
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hey, uhm didn’t you read all of sahih bukhari and muslim? hmm i didn’t think so. anyways the way he dealt with it honestly wasn’t that bad. but the whole ‘whoops’. like why does he keep portraying himself as the innocent old white man just trying his best.
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honestly how he wrote samirah as a hijabi was the dumbest thing i’ve ever read. its is totally fine if she wasn’t hijabi, many muslim girls aren’t, and that is their choice. but he decided to make her like a weird middle ground. it was so lazy and inconsistent. in the first book she says she wears it when she needs to, like in situations like going to the masjid. this was fine, since many muslim girls do that. then in the next books she wears it all the time except when she’s in valhalla for some reason. hijabi girls take of their scarves when they’re at home or with family, but making her claim the entirety of vallhalla as her family. that was just demeaning and stupid to me. it takes away its value. and i fucking hated that last sentence. for hijabis, their hijab is important and not a toy or weapon or a MAGIC ITEM. and then on top of that she would have to take it of to hide. he could’ve made it anything else. her hijab isn’t some token item istg.
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i love how he admits that they are a big problem and abusive and usually engage with child marriages. i’m relatively he doesn’t understand what the people even meant by it. the practice is a problem that isn’t supposed to be seen in a nice light. the only possible way it could be slightly ok is that if ADULTS agree they 100% do not want to choose who they want to get married to and let their parents choose, and both sides agree. samirah was a child and he decided to make her wedding life decided since the age of 12. and it was ok because amir was conventionally attractive and she loved him. WHAT IF SHE DIDNT. this literally is a dangerous arranged marriage. and arranged marriages are not ok, and mostly perpetuated by victims of it who will end up passing it down their family lines. my parents got an arranged marriage and I HAVE NEVER SEEN THEM DISPLAY ANY SIGNS OF AFFECTION. arranged marriages are not a trope that your can turn around to be a quirky personality trait for your characters.
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i’m sorry that’s not how arranged marriages work. most likely if she said something her grandparents would have shut her done and continued with the marriage, as that is what you usually happens. do not portray the small amount of consented, ‘happy’ arranged marriages as the majority. it is a huge problem that many desi/middle eastern cultures are trying to erase. even on top of that he writes situations where she’s going to be in trouble for acting up and ‘jeopardizing the marriage agreement’ and that her grandparents think she’s ‘lucky that she could get the fadlan family to agree to marry their son to her’. these statements are often used in forced and dangerous marriages, so don’t try and justify your actions. if you wanted to show traditional customs in a positive light, there are so many richer parts of samirah’s culture you could’ve focused on and you chose arranged marriage. 😻 all you’ve done is given parents and authority figures a westernized resource to justify arranged and forced marriages, especially with the minimal explanation on how the marriage isn’t forced in the actual books. and yes, your books do condone child marriage samirah is clearly deemed into this marriage ever since the young age of 12. she lived her life knowing she would marry amir. no one has only one crush throughout their life. imagine how she would’ve grown up. sorry you only consider opinions that align with those in you mind.
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i’m going to be honest i did like that one scene it was written nicely and accurately but the explanation he gives just ruins the entire thing. the way he just if this strikes you as islamophobic, or samirah as a hurtful, uhm no explanation i just disagree 😽. the way you wrote her is a hurtful stereotype sorry you can’t see it.
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oops, you did. too bad you don’t want to do anything about it.
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why do you think people are painting you in a negative light, so many of your characters are written on hurtful and negative stereotypes. people aren’t painting it that way, you need to calm down w your ego and listen. dang i’m sorry your best is giving half-assed excuses and not actually doing anything. i’m even more sorry people are mad that a highly privileged author that has a lot of influence is done talking about his racist depictions of minorities in his books. 
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dang must be lucky to take a break from the social media, imagine what all the minorities you wrote about have to go with everyday weather they are on social media or not. people aren’t bullying you this is valid criticism you refuse to listen to.
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fuck you
obviously these are my opinions do not judge every muslim based on what i’ve said come to me if you have a problem with it
anyways support jewish, muslim, black, brown, asian, hispanic, indigenous, lgbtq+, disabled, and other minority authors and creators.
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Also saw you're doing requests so yay!!. Any chance of jercy bakery au? Love your work sm hope you have a great day ☺☺
My Darling Anon how dare you make me fall more in love with Jercy???????? I squealed when i saw this and then promptly started writing even though i should be studying for my (ironically) Greek Mythology test.
i hope you love it because if i fail at least i know it’ll be worth it :) Also this was honestly supposed to be a quick drabble and it somehow ended up as 1,5K+ words so??? #isanyonesurprisedthough
Jason Grace smiled as the birds beside his head chirped and then swiped his phone to cut off the amusing sound. His fiery friend, and co-worker thought it was hilarious to steal his phone and change his alarm tone every few weeks. Usually it was something inane and silly like a cartoon laugh track or just a repeating “It’s time to get up BakerBoi” that gets increasingly louder. He had arrived to work with a scowl on his face only to see the shit-eating grin of Leo Valdez waiting at the door.
Now Jason stumbles out of bed, letting his limbs loosen as he pads softly to the bathroom, feeling cool tile and a winter breeze on his exposed skin. He loves mornings like this, when the world isn’t quite awake, and the sky hasn’t decided what colour it wants to be for the day. He knows in is baker’s bones that it’ll be cold and rainy, but he has time for a morning jog before the world starts crying.
“Good morning boss,” A bright eyed, fidgeting Leo greets as he steps into the bakery.
Jason had been there at seven thirty, pulling down the café chairs and cleaning the counters. He already had a fresh batch of chocolate chip cookies and about three different types of muffins in the oven. The bread was waiting for the busy hands of Leo and Hazel who somehow always seemed to make heavenly fluffed, soft rolls and the deliciously crusty baguettes. Hazel jokes that it’s the New Orleans blood that flows through her veins. They’re all half inclined to agree.
“Morning Valdez, I like the alarm this week.” He tosses a grin over his shoulder before going back to his icing ritual. Mix, taste, mix, ice.
“I figured you would old man. Even though i much prefer my ASMR food audio from last week. What’s the specialty today?”
“We need to get beignets out and the pain au chocolats before the breakfast crowd. Also the fruit stuffed pastry twists and the honey bread have to be prepped before we open so we can bring them out hot in time for the brunch crowd. Specialty today is a new thing I’ve been working on. Blue blondie doughnuts with Oreo cream filling and sugar glaze.”
“Gods boss, you tryna give people heart failure?”
“Just trying to insert some sweetness into the world,” He winked.
Before Leo could give an undoubted snarky reply a bubbly head of dark brown curls and glittering eyes popped around the door.
“Goooood morning everyone,”
Jason couldn’t help the smile that graced his face at her cheeriness, “Hello Miss Levesque, glad to see a prettier face around here,”
Leo made a strangled noise of indignation from the other side of the kitchen but didn’t get the chance to voice his offense before the last member of their little group walked in.
“Ah there you are Miss McLean, I do wonder how you arrive with Hazel and still manage to get in after her.”
She gave him an exasperated look, “I have to say goodbye to my girlfriend before I come in Boss. You’re the one who banned couple calls in the bakery.”
“Well maybe if we didn’t have to hear you and Annabeth explicitly planning your night’s activities I wouldn’t have had to do that.”
Piper just rolled her eyes and went to grab her apron and a cloth to wipe down the tables.
"Everyone ready?" He asked, from the door of the kitchen an hour later.
"Ready for the storm boss," They all yelled back, as they did each morning.
"Then let's roll like thunder," He grinned, flinging the doors to Ambrosia Bakery open.
"Oh thank the heavens, I could smell the goodness from here and it was a struggle to keep the drool in," One Reyna Avila Ramirez Arellano breathed in deep.
"Good morning my favourite customer," Leo smirked from behind the counter.
"Jason tell your bread boy to stand down before I make him,"
"Is that an invitation?" Dark eyebrows wiggled in amusement.
"That is a threat," She growled.
"Well mark me down as scared and h—"
"Valdez I swear if you finish that sentence I'm putting you on wash-up duty for the next week."
A faint "you got it boss" followed Jason into the kitchen, where he allowed himself to smile. It was an ongoing amusement that Leo flirted with Reyna and in return she came up with increasingly terrifying threats.
"Jason, your sister is here to see you" Hazel said, gently shoving him out the way so she could take over rolling the pastry.
"Get the doughnuts ready for the fryer I'll be back soon, thank you!"
He maneuvered around a blushing Leo who had icing on his nose and a suspicious lipstick stain on his cheek, finally making his way to the confectioners stand.
"What's up loser?" He said by way of greeting.
"Hey you're only allowed to call me that if you come baring nice things." Thalia Grace frowned.
"I am nice things," He pouted.
"Not even on your best day." She snorted, "I want to know if you're coming to the gala this weekend. I need a date to steal extra bread-sticks for me."
"Why can't I just make you bread-sticks and we can sit in your lounge and watch bad reality TV?" He groaned
"Because I have to show face or the sponsors aren't going to sponsor. Besides you need a night out. You're gonna start smelling like bread if you don't take a break."
"It's insulting that you think I wouldn't want to smell like breadsticks."
She laughed at, that ruffling his hair, "Just be ready by seven. You better be wearing a suit."
And with that his sister had grabbed her daily croissant and cappuccino and vanished into the drizzling day.
Before he could make it back to his safe haven beside the ovens and marbled counter-tops a flash of black hair caught his eye.
Turning around he couldn't contain the grin that tugged at his lips; standing by the counter already staring intently at the newest creation was Jason's favourite customer.
"Hello Percy Jackson,"
"Jason," A dazzling smile revealed pearl white teeth and the tiniest dimple on a cheek the color of rich toffee.
"I see you've already found Neptune's Tridoughnut,"
A bright laugh escaped a wickedly beautiful mouth, "Oh I love that. How'd you come up with that one?"
Jason smiled softly, debating whether to tell the owner of the 5-Oceans Conservation Company that he was the muse behind all of his latest creations, hence the variations of green and blue.
Instead, as he did every time Percy asked, he lied, "My sister went to an opening ceremony for a new exhibit at the Education center all about Mythology so I thought I’d offer my services and well, they were a hit."
Piper who was walking past at that exact moment coughed something that sounded suspiciously like "Liar" but with a pointed glare she disappeared behind the counter.
"That sounds great. Guess I'll have to recruit you for all my functions," He winked, a small smirk playing at his lips.
Jason cursed his pale cheeks and hoped the blush he now sported wasn't too noticeable, "What can I get you besides a specialty doughnut?"
"Can I get one banana and walnut muffin, a dozen chic chips, and I'm gonna go see mom this afternoon so maybe a couple of caramel pastry twists and some blueberry muffins?"
"Sure. I guess Estelle is off her carrot cake faze?" He laughed, remembering how Percy had to stop at the bakery twice a week to grab carrot and pecan mini cakes just for his little sister.
"Ugh she's onto wanting fruit in absolutely everything now so my mom has been frantically buying boxes of peaches, strawberries and apples to cut up and send with her for lunch at school." Green eyes rolled in fake annoyance.
"Well if she likes fruit things maybe she should try the raspberry and orange pastry twists?" He pointed to a display stand piled with various pastries coloured by blackberry jam, apricot pieces, kiwi slices and mango syrup.
"I could kiss you right now!" Percy exclaimed rushing towards the display, unaware that the baker was frozen to the spot.
I could kiss you, could kiss you, kiss you, kiss...
Jason's brain had short-circuited, his neurons too busy having a dance party with his hormones to process the world.
I could kiss you.
A lazy, unconscious smile took over his face as he stood there in the middle of his bakery, arms slack, head lolled, and eyes crinkled.
"Jason?" A faraway voice called.
"Jason? Hello?"
And suddenly a hand was waving in front of his vision trying to get his attention.
He pulled himself out of his reverie, blinking back into existence, "Right yes the pastries"
"Didn’t get enough sleep last night?" Percy teased, slugging him softly in the shoulder.
He snorted at the implication, "Unfortunately I'm a bit of a grandfather. Sleep early, rise early."
"Oh guess you like morning activities then,"
He sputtered, head snapping up to stare into twinkling eyes, "N-no, I just meant—"
"I'm kidding Mr BakerMan," That brilliant, bright laugh again, "I know you're a homebody. Your sister likes to tell me how boring you are."
He huffed at that, "We'll see if she gets her pear tarts this weekend."
"Speaking of this weekend," A sly grin played at Percy's mouth, "Are you coming to the gala?"
"Yea," He sighed, "Thalia says she needs me to steal bread-sticks ."
Sea green eyes widened before Percy burst out laughing. In a matter of moments tears were streaming down his face.
If Jason wasn't so smitten with that gorgeous smile and those mischievous eyes he may have been inclined to laugh too. But Percy Jackson was a vision he half believed only his dreams could conjure.
When the laughter had mostly seized Percy wiped his eyes and managed to gasp, "That sounds exactly like something Thalia would ask. When we worked on the marine life project together she always stole the mints from every CEO’s office because she said they had enough money to buy a mint factory, they could afford to replace a single bowl."
"Yep, her life goal is to end capitalism. I swear if it wasn't for Annabeth, Thalia would be walking into office buildings with a sack like some reverse Santa Claus where she steals the office supplies and fruit bowls."
"Well I can't wait to see you stuffing your pockets with bread-sticks on Saturday so I guess I'll see you then," He gave another dazzling smile.
"Yea, and say hello to little Estelle for me. Tell me how she likes the pastries."
"Don't worry I'm sure I'll be back soon with a long list of request."
"Can't wait." He grinned.
Percy chuckled, "Me neither, see you Friday." And then he was gone.
Oh gods, Jason thought, how am I ever gonna survive Percy in a suit?
Spoiler alert past-Jason: you didn't.
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greekgeek21 · 3 years
Percy Jackson & The Avengers: Convergence - percy gets mad
*peaks from behind vibranium shield* Hello? I guess there isn't any excuses- actually no! I do have a good excuse this time (besides laziness). I have a back injury and have kinda been in pain for a while now and when I finally got it checked out professionally, they told me I had developed scoliosis from sleeping on my stomach. So, kids, remember, sleep on your side!
Anyways, this chapter is a kinda short one, but a lot of character growth happens and relationships are formed and...stuff. So, yeah, I hope you guys like it! Comment, like, follow, and reblog! Stay safe and happy reading!
- your author
Ω ♆ Ω
"So what do we know?" Annabeth asked as they reentered the meeting room from before.
Everyone else filed in and sat down before Steve answered her. "Well, the attacks seem to be random, but very damaging. The green fire is practically uncontrollable, and the terrorists have threatened to do something worse, with a lot more power. We have no way of tracking the attacks, and we're clueless on where to start."
Percy noticed that Annabeth had the crinkle between her brows again, which meant that she was thinking hard. So, he sat back in his chair and waited for her to figure this whole thing out.
"So you know nothing?" Jason asked, sitting forward and scanning through the information projected.
Annabeth was studying a map of the attacks, and her brain was on overdrive. She may not be able to throw fire, or fly, but she could figure out just about any pattern. This one didn't take long to find.
She hummed, "Not necessarily. I think I know the pattern of the attacks. Plus, we know how to deal with the green fire. Or, at least, Leo does."
Leo got a crazy grin, making Hazel extremely worried about what was going through his head. With him it could be anything.
"What's the pattern then?" Tony asked, obviously skeptical.
"Oh my gods," Percy muttered, realizing what the pattern was with horror.
"What? What is it?!" Tony exclaimed, clearly not enjoying being left out.
Percy and Annabeth seemed to be the only demigods who had figured it out, so they exchanged another silent conversation with each other. The only way to explain the pattern was to possibly let slip the gods' existence, and that was not an option. Annabeth thought that they should at least TRY to tell them, but Percy was adamant on not saying another word. He still wasn't completely trusting of SHIELD, and he had had even less interaction with the Avengers. He had absolutely no reason to trust them yet.
Finally, with one last chilling glare from Annabeth, Percy relented with a sigh and a nod. Everyone else in the room looked at them with either confused, or exasperated expressions.
"Those locations are all important parts of–our world. Clearly, someone is trying to send us a message, and it's not a nice one," Annabeth said.
"So these attacks...they're targeted at you guys? And the people there are only getting caught in the crossfire?" Natasha clarified, insinuating that this was the demigods' faults.
"We're trying to save them. This is not our fault," Frank said.
Percy's mind had already wandered away from the conversation. He was filled up with guilt. All those people, it was his fault.
His mind went back to that night at the Brooklyn Bridge. Percy had been so distracted saving the bridge that his thoughts slipped right past what Marlin had told him! He remembered what the mortal had been saying...it was so obvious now! They had been threatening the gods, and wanting them to reveal themselves! This really WAS all his fault. He could've stopped this way earlier if he had taken the time to notice everything.
"Percy! Snap out of it!" Jason yelled, breaking him out of his trance.
"Huh?" Percy said.
"Seaweed Brain," Annabeth rolled her eyes in exasperation, "I asked you if you can remember anything from the Brooklyn Bridge?"
He paled and started stuttering, "Oh, well, not really. I mean, it was pretty dark...and loud."
Tony scoffed, "How would the kid know anything about what happened there?"
Annabeth scowled and directed her icy gaze at Tony, "He saved it, you βλάκας."
"Annabeth, it's fine," Percy assured, "I do remember something, anyways. The mor–bomber was talking about how the people were blind to the truth. And it was a normal guy with the bomb."
"Blind to what truth, though?" Bruce sighed, rubbing his forehead.
The demigods shared a look. This investigation was already testing their ability to keep the secret.
"No idea..." Jason lied.
The Avengers didn't look believing, but they kept silent.
Tony clapped his hands, "Welp! Nice chat! Let's revisit this later, m'kay? The kids can go get settled now, anyway."
Piper said, "We're not kids!", at the same time Annabeth protested, "We're not staying here!"
"We're a team, for now. We need to get used to each other if we're gonna be effective in battle. And we don't have any way of contacting you otherwise," Steve pointed out.
"But we have lives!" Percy insisted.
He knew his mom would freak if she found out he was staying with the Avengers. In her eyes, they only brought trouble, and he had enough of that as it was.
"Sorry, kid. This isn't a debate. You're staying here," Clint declared, clapping Percy on the shoulder as he walked out.
Percy got up and was about to protest when Annabeth stood and whispered in his ear, "Perce. Calm down. It's fine. We'll just call Sally and tell her what's going on. We don't want to cause a scene."
She gave him a pointed look before glancing over at the water dispenser in the corner, which was currently shaking around like it was in the center of an earthquake. Percy's shoulders sagged in defeat, and he walked out without another word.
The rest of the demigods followed silently, having been in a situation like this before. None of them knew what had happened down in Tartarus, but they did know it did something to Percy and Annabeth's heads. They weren't the same people when they came back, and that was to be expected, but it was different.
The Seven knew they were keeping a secret from them, but they didn't want to push them, so they never asked. All they could figure out was that it had something to do with Percy's powers. He had avoided using them, when he used to use them for everyday tasks like washing the dishes.
"Where are we going?" Leo asked when he realized nobody knew where they were headed, only that they were following Percy's purposeful strides.
"The pool," Annabeth answered, reading her boyfriend's mood.
The only way to calm him down when he got like this was water. He had sensed the pool and immediately been drawn to it. Plus, with the money Tony Stark had, the pool had to be incredible.
Percy wasn't angry at anyone, though it could be perceived that way. He was mad at himself. In Annabeth's opinion, he had done nothing wrong, but Percy was still disappointed with himself. He had lost control, even in just a small way. That was his fault. It shouldn't have been happening.
Whenever this happened, Annabeth always reminded herself what Posiedon had said all those years ago- "The sea does not like to be restrained."
Percy was fighting his nature, and it was fighting back. He had to accept it, and she knew that. He never wanted Annabeth to watch him lose it again, so he was choosing to not use his powers at all. But that was just going to lead to an explosion when he finally let go, and that isn't any better.
Annabeth had tried to talk to him about this before, but he had always shut the conversation down before she could get any good points in. It had grown futile to try, so she just let him deal with it in his own way, only helping him when he directly asked.
Ω ♆ Ω
"What do you think about them?" Steve asked Natasha as they sat down in the kitchen, "The kids, I mean."
Steve, Natasha, and Clint had all made their way to the kitchen after the meeting had ended. They were sitting down at the kitchen island, discussing their new teammates. It was hard to tell if they should trust them.
"I don't trust them. They're obviously hiding something, and they don't seem like they're planning on telling us what it is," she answered.
"That's true...but everyone's entitled to their secrets. I'm sure you have plenty you keep from us," Steve countered.
The spy didn't seem to have an answer to that. It was true, she kept many secrets from her team, but they weren't her only team. She was an agent of SHIELD, and that meant keeping secrets for a living. Some that were much more important than that of a couple teeangers.
"They're teenagers. What's the biggest thing they could be hiding?" Clint cut in, voicing Natasha's thoughts.
"Exactly," she said, "They need to tell us more than what they are for me to be willing to work with them, especially if it means breaking the law. We're technically putting minors at risk. I, out of everyone, should know not to underestimate people based on age, but these kids' pasts don't show any evidence pointing towards them being trained."
She didn't really care that much about that part, but she figured saying it would turn Steve onto their side. He would be useful in finding out the kids' secrets.
With a sigh, he relented, "You're right. But we'll deal with this later, okay? First, we need the kids to trust us. That means no snooping!"
"Yeah," Clint nodded, "Also, where did the kids go?"
"To get settled," Steve answered.
"Actually, sir, they are currently residing in the pool room. It seems that Mr. Jackson might be drowning," JARVIS spoke, as if he hadn't just revealed the possible-death of one of their newest teammates.
Steve shot up in concern and ran out of the room in the direction of the pool. Clint jogged after him in a slightly more leisurely manner. Natasha stood up as well, but stayed in the room.
"JARVIS, bring up the video footage of the pool room," she ordered.
The AI pulled up the footage in a hologram in front of her, and she saw what he had been talking about. Six of the teenagers were around the pool, with either their feet dipping in or tossing a ball back and forth. The seventh one, Perseus, was at the bottom of the pool, lying down on his back in complete calm. He appeared to be sleeping, or even meditating. Nevertheless, she rushed towards the pool as well. She was interested in what was going to happen.
If he was really dying, his friends were bound to notice, so it had to be something to do with his powers. If he could breathe underwater, he could be a real asset.
She was able to get there just as Steve and Clint were rushing up to the kids out of the water, who seemed shocked by their presence and general panic.
"What are you doing?!" Steve shouted, taking off his coat in preparation of jumping in.
Annabeth caught on to what he thought had happened, and smirked. She wasn't sure whether she should give into the temptation to just let him do it, or to let him know Percy was fine. The former would be way more entertaining.
But also...she wasn't sure if Percy had fully cooled down yet. He could be quite snappy after he lost control.
Before she could come to a conclusion, Clint had walked up to her and repeated Steve's prior exclamation, "What are you doing?!"
"I'm sitting by the pool. Why?" she responded, giving him an innocent look.
"Your boyfriend is DROWNING!" Steve exclaimed, "And you're just sitting there!"
Leo snorted, "Percy? He's fine."
"Yeah, he's fine. Can't you see?" Hazel pointed to Percy's relaxed form.
Steve came to the conclusion that he had already passed out, and that he needed to take action quickly, so he dived in. When he got to where Percy was, he grabbed his arm and was about to pull him up when the teen's eyes snapped open in alarm. He turned to see who had disturbed him and saw it was Steve, causing confusion to lace with his features.
"Captain Rogers?" he asked, his voice coming through surprisingly clear in the water.
Now it was Steve's turn to look bewildered. His oxygen was running out, and Percy seemed to notice it. With a recognition flashing through his eyes, Percy grabbed STEVE'S arm and propelled them up until they burst through the surface, landing on the side of the pool. Steve coughed up some water while Percy looked around at the group of heroes now staring at them.
"What?" he asked, glancing at Clint and Natasha, who were sporting similar looks of confusion and shock.
The rest of the Seven were just standing there, amused. It was always funny to watch new people discover what Percy could do. It happened all the time when a new camper came to camp, and it never got old.
"Seaweed Brain, they didn't know you could breathe underwater," Annabeth answered him with fond exasperation.
"Oooooh!" he said, "Well, I can breathe underwater. That all?"
"Yes. But we're having dinner soon, so clean up and meet us in the kitchen," Steve answered, just realizing that Percy was still fully clothed, and dry.
He didn't even want to ask though. That would just give him an even larger headache that he didn't need.
"You got it, boss," Leo mock-saluted, "We'll be there soon."
The Seven's lips quirked up at their friend's antics, and at the fact that Steve seemed really overwhelmed and confused.
As soon as the adults were gone, the teeangers burst out in laughter for a full minute. It may be hard to get much past the Avengers, but finding humor in odd situations was what demigods did best. They were always in odd situations.
"Come on, guys. Let's see what the mighty Avengers eat for dinner," Annabeth said, leading the group out the door.
Ω ♆ Ω
When they got to the kitchen, the demigods saw that the Avengers had all seated themselves around the kitchen island and were grabbing pieces of pizza from multiple boxes. There appeared to be 10 boxes in total, which was not going to cut it with Leo and Percy's appetites.
"Are there any dairy-free options?" Frank asked, shifting his feet in discomfort.
Annabeth had almost forgotten he was lactose-intolerant. He rarely made a big deal of it, so it had just slipped her mind. Not many demigods liked to talk about any possible weaknesses.
"You're lactose-intolerant?" Clint exclaimed. The way he said it made it seem like it was the craziest thing he'd heard.
"Yes, he is. Now can you answer the question?" Hazel sighed.
She didn't understand why every little thing with these Avengers had to take so long. It was a simple yes or no answer here. They either had something for Frank to eat, or they didn't!
"Uh...sure. In the fridge. We have a salad I think," Steve answered for his team.
"Thanks," Frank muttered before going to the fridge and pulling out a salad kit.
Salads weren't the most filling food, especially for demigods, but they had learned to eat what they got, so Frank quickly made his dinner and moved to stand next to Hazel.
The Avengers had taken all but one of the seats, and that was taken up by Leo so he could try to talk to Tony. The other demigods were either leaning up against the counter or sitting on the countertop.
After everyone had gotten their food and started eating, everything was silent except for the chewing. Nobody knew what to say. Steve had ordered them to all be there so they could try to "bond," but no bonding had been initiated yet. It was only a matter of time, though, because when you put a large group of mostly-ADHD demigods in one room, there's no way it stays quiet for long.
Sure enough, Leo let out a frustrated sigh and started talking, "Can someone talk please? I hate silence."
That made Piper let out a snort, "Understatement of the century."
Instead of being mad at his friend for teasing him, Leo just smiled his mischievous grin and spoke again, "I know what could liven this dinner up a bit."
"Leo, no. Whatever you're planning, just no," Annabeth ordered, but she knew it was futile.
Leo slowly started to lift up a single pepperoni from his pizza, pulling his arm back in a throwing position, aimed, and let it fly. It hit Piper smack-dab in the center of her forehead, sliding down until it was clinging to her shirt, leaving a trail of red, oozing sauce.
If it were possible, Piper had steam coming out her ears, "You're gonna pay for that, metalhead!"
And before anyone could stop her, Piper let her charmspeak go, "Dump that entire pizza over your head and wear it like a hat, Leo."
The way she said it, Percy almost wanted to do it himself. If she had not added Leo's name at the end, he was sure he would've.
Leo got a glazed-over look in his eyes before his limbs performed the task. Piper seemed like she wanted to do more, but the look she got from Jason shut her up. She grumbled something about 'goody-goody sons of Jupiter' under her breath.
The Avengers had been watching the interaction with inquisitive eyes. They had hoped it would lead to more understanding of their new comrades, but no such luck; only more confusion.
"Do you always use your powers for everyday activities?" Natasha asked, going into spy-mode.
She wanted to make these kids squirm, and maybe then they would tell them something. If she had to act like she thought she was above them, then so be it. Lots of the Avengers, used their powers for simple things, anyways.
Piper didn't even bat an eyelash. She had been dealing with stuff like this from police officers and teachers, and many other adults, for a long time, and she knew what Natasha was trying.
"Yes," she answered simply, a sweet smile on her face.
Natasha's fake icy glare turned into a real one. Piper glared right back. They did this without breaking eye contact for two minutes, rebuilding the tension up.
Before it could get too bad, Percy broke in, "Nice pool."
"Oh, yeah! Percy can breathe underwater! Did you know that?" Clint made a spectacle of telling Bruce and Tony.
"You can? How? Do you have gills, or is it a different kind of filtration inside your body? The scientific possibilities ALONE could–" Bruce was cut off by Tony.
"Easy, Big Green. It's cool, but not that cool," Tony said.
Annabeth didn't like someone undermining any of her friend's skills, let alone her boyfriend, so she turned to whisper in Percy's ear, "Do it."
She didn't even have to say what she was referring to. Percy had been watching her, and he saw her glance around the room before her eyes zeroed in on the can of Coke sitting in Tony's hand.
Percy smiled. He may not like doing big things with his powers, but if it was for payback and something small, he was very willing.
Tony didn't know the teens well enough to notice their subtle changes, and that was going to cost him. The rest of the Seven had all shifted until they were on the metaphorical edge of their seats, and Percy had moved so he was sitting up straight.
Natasha and Clint seemed to be the only ones who had noticed any change at all. They were glancing at each other nervously, wondering what the kids could possibly be planning. This might be the thing that made them right about the teenagers having too much power for their maturity level.
With a simple flex of his power, the coke in Tony's bottle exploded from its can and right into his face. The Seven all burst out in uncontrollable laughter.
All of the Avengers had either joined them, or at least smiled.
Tony was sputtering and furiously wiping his face with a napkin while simultaneously glaring at the son of Poseidon, who only smirked in response.
"This is why I hate kids," Tony grumbled as he walked out the room, no doubt to take a shower.
"So you can control more than just water?" Clint asked, voicing both his and Natash's thoughts.
The mood dropped quickly back to awkward, and Percy stood up before answering, "Yeah, I guess. I'm just gonna go...to bed...now. Bye."
Annabeth left with him, and the rest of the Seven trickled out after them.
Steve turned to glare at Clint and Natasha for ruining their plan before leaving, too.
Back with the demigods, they had all stopped in the hallway outside their rooms, which were all next to each other.
"Meet in Percy's room at midnight. We need to talk," Annabeth ordered.
"Got it, boss," Leo saluted before disappearing into his room.
The rest of the group went into their respective room without another word, leaving just Annabeth and Percy standing there. Annabeth took one look at his baby seal eyes, and nodded, following him into his room and onto his bed.
They both cuddled up together, Annabeth tucking her head under Percy's chin as he pulled her close to him. Being together like this was more than just a nice thing for the couple, it helped the nightmares, and eased the effects of bad days like today. She knew they had to meet the others at midnight, but they had a few hours before that, and a little nap never hurt.
Soon, Percy was snoring next to her. Annabeth lay awake for only a few more minutes, her head resting on his chest. The beat of his heart filled her mind, soothing her worry. It acted as her lullaby, assuring her he was alive and well. Despite being in unfamiliar surroundings in an unfamiliar bed, she fell into Morpheus' realm quickly, at home in Percy's arms.
Ω ♆ Ω
Remember, this is also on FF, Ao3, Wattpad, Inkitt, and Webnovel!
other chapters :)
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quickspinner · 4 years
Second Chance - Ch 4 Pay the Piper
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8
Luka groaned into his pillow as his alarm rang shrilly. He’d rather sleep for a few more hours, but he knew he had to get up. He hadn’t meant to stay up half the night working on a new song, just like he hadn’t meant to ditch his dream girl for it practically mid-makeout, but he had and now he had to get his ass out of bed and deal with the consequences.  
He managed to lever himself up enough to look at his phone and found that not only had he overslept, Lucille had texted and she was on her way over to talk to him. Which meant he really needed to get out of bed, like, now. He buried his face back into the pillow. 
There was a knock on his bedroom door. “Luka?” Marinette called uncertainly. “I know you didn’t want me to wake you, but that’s the third time your alarm has gone off. Are you okay?”
He smiled, and rolled over. “‘M fine,” he called roughly, and cleared his throat. “Just lazy. I’m getting up now. Lucille’s coming over, by the way.”
“Oh, sorry, I’ll move my things.”
“No, it’s good, we’ll use the studio for whatever she wants to talk about. Just let her in if she gets here before I’m out, please.”
“Okay, sure.” He heard her footsteps recede, and reluctantly dragged himself out of bed and into the bathroom.
Luka showered and dressed as quickly as he could, though his brain was still moving at half speed at best. He really needed coffee. He frowned as he opened the door of his bedroom. He recognized Lucille’s voice and brisk tone, but something bothered him about it. He walked out towards the living room, catching the tail end of his assistant’s cold, calculated speech.
“Mr. Couffaine is very busy, and I’m sure you both had a delightful time, but it’s time to go. I can call a cab to take you anywhere you need to be.” 
Luka suddenly realized exactly what conclusion she’d jumped to and what she’d thought she needed to do about it. As much as the words Juleka was right pained him, he maybe should have told Lucille about Marinette before now.  
“But I—” Marinette began in a small voice, and Luka snapped out of his morning stupor as if he’d been doused in cold water.
“Lucille.” Luka’s voice was steel and both women cringed. Any other time he would have winced at the echoes in the small space from his too-loud reprimand, but at the moment he was pissed.  Controlling his temper as best he could, he crossed the living room and took his assistant by the arm.   
“Please excuse us for a moment, Marinette,” he said, propelling Lucille back to the entryway. Marinette might still hear them, but at least he wouldn’t be tearing into his assistant in front of her.
He kept his voice low but hard as he spoke to her. “Lucille, you’re a fantastic assistant and I appreciate everything you do. I don’t want to lose you but if you ever speak to a guest in my house like that again I will fire you on the spot, are we clear?”  
“Y-y-yes sir,” she said breathlessly, eyes widening. “I’m sorry, I thought she was just—“
Luka cut her off. “Even if she was ‘just’ I wouldn’t tolerate it. Understand? I know other clients expected you to handle things for them but as my representative I expect you to treat everyone you meet with a minimum level of respect, especially when you are in my house.”  
“Of course, sir, you’re absolutely right,” Lucille whispered, looking at the floor. Luka put a hand on her shoulder and squeezed gently. 
“Okay. Now stop calling me sir, it gives me hives. I’m sorry I didn’t think to tell you about Marinette, I’m not exactly at my best this morning. She’s been my friend for years and she needed a quiet place to work on a project, so I offered to let her work here this week whenever she needed to. Now go on in my studio, Lu, I’ll be with you in a few minutes and we can go over whatever you needed to talk about.”
Lucille nodded and fled back across the living room and through the double doors, closing them behind her. Luka sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, turning back to where Marinette still sat rigid on his couch. He went to her and took her hand, lacing his fingers through hers. “I’m really sorry about that. Lucille’s worked with a couple other artists before me and she’s—“ He cleared his throat. “Well, let’s just say some of her previous clients bought in a little too hard to the rock star stereotype, and getting rid of one night stands was part of her job. I’m not what she’s used to, I don’t really have people over, and I guess when she found you here so early she jumped to conclusions. I’ve had all our dates blocked off my calendar as private so she didn’t realize I was seeing somebody. You, I mean, I’m just seeing you.”
Marinette relaxed slightly, and Luka tilted his head at her. “You didn’t—did you really think I would—“
“No!” Marinette flapped her hands wildly. “I mean—yes? Sort of? I mean I didn’t figure you were bringing random people home every night but you’re talented and famous and hot, and well, I thought...things happen?”
Luka took a deep breath and let it out slowly, not sure how he felt about that. “I mean, I’ve had a few relationships, but honestly, sex is too much work to bother with if it’s not with someone I care about. I just don’t care for one-night stands, and if I did I certainly wouldn’t delegate my assistant to kick them out afterwards.” His brow creased. “Honestly, I think I’m kind of offended that you think I would. It’s just not my style and I guess I assumed you would know that.” 
Marinette winced. “Of course I do. I’m sorry, I just—she caught me off guard and I—I’m really sorry, I’m stupid, of course you wouldn’t.” 
Luka sighed through his nose. “Lucille should be composed by now, I better go see what she wanted to talk about. Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” Marinette smiled at him. “I just wasn’t expecting that and she didn’t give me a chance to explain.”
“It’s my fault, I’ve kind of been keeping you to myself. Juleka told me I needed to tell her but I just...I don’t know, I wasn’t ready to share it with anyone yet. I’ll introduce you once she’s had a chance to calm down, she’s really got a good heart. I’m sure she’ll warm up to you when she’s done being embarrassed about the mistake.” He kissed her forehead. “I’ll check in with you again before I leave for the day, okay?” 
Marinette nodded, and smiled at him, brushing his hair out of his eyes. “I made coffee if you want some. You look like you were up late.”
“You’re a goddess,” he sighed, leaning forward to rest his head on her shoulder for a moment. “Thanks for understanding, Marinette. About this morning, and last night.” He kissed her lightly and went to find the coffee.
He handed a cup to Lucille as he kicked the study doors shut behind him. “Sorry it’s a mess, I know we usually talk in the living room but Marinette has all her stuff in there and I don’t want to make her move. Have a seat.” He cleared off a stool in the small room for Lucille, but she didn’t sit down.
“I’m sorry for jumping to conclusions,” she said softly, looking into her coffee cup. “I should’ve known better, but...” She took a deep breath, and then continued quickly, “I wanted to talk to you today because you just seem awfully distracted lately. It’s not like you to be so spacey, and you’ve been cancelling things a lot, and now you’re suddenly bringing girls home and that’s not like you at all—“
“A girl. One.” Luka corrected, looking at her over the rim of his coffee cup.   
“It doesn’t matter,” Lucille waved him off. “I’m just saying, I’ve been worried. If you’re feeling overworked I can start spacing things out more. It won’t do any good to anyone if you burn out, and I’ve seen artists do some pretty crazy things when the strain starts to get to them. I don’t want that to be you.”
Luka smiled. “Thanks for worrying about me. I’m fine, Lu, really. Never been better, really, creatively or personally, but I would like to make some changes so I can have a little more time for a personal life if you catch my drift.” The look she gave him clearly said that she didn’t. “I’m—” He coughed and set his coffee down, suddenly inexplicably embarrassed. “Marinette and I, like I said, we’ve been friends for years, and since we’ve reconnected—well, we’re seeing each other and it’s only been a few weeks, but it could get serious pretty quickly. I’d like to have a little more time to spend with her before we go back on tour,” he finished, hating that he blushed like a schoolboy as he said it. He was a grown man, he ought to be able to admit he liked a girl without looking like a tomato.
“Oh.” Lucille frowned, and her stance shifted from the stiff posture she’d held since he came into something more like her normal air of slightly exasperated competence. “I wish you’d told me, Luka, it may be the off season but the press will catch on sooner rather than later and I need to be prepared. You should have told me you had a girlfriend right away. We need to agree on a response to any press questions, and we probably should get a security detail set up for her too.”
Luka frowned. “Do you think that’s necessary?”
“In my experience it is. One night stands and groupies are one thing but a steady girlfriend is a threat to the more extreme fans. And you’ve seen how little respect the press has for personal boundaries.”
Luka groaned and put his face in his hands. “I didn’t even think about that,” he muttered.
“Which is why you need to tell me these things,” Lucille said briskly, and despite her annoyance Luka’s shoulders relaxed, because just like that, they were back to normal. “It’s my job to think about it for you.”
“Yeah,” he sighed. “Sorry, Lu. Sorry for blowing up at you too. You’re right, I should have told you about Marinette earlier. I guess I was just…”
“Yeah, yeah,” Lucille rolled her eyes. “Artists. You’re disgusting when you fall in love. I can’t believe you’ve been blowing off your responsibilities to chase a girl.” Luka winced, but Lucille just grinned wickedly. “Thank God, I thought something was really wrong. You’re sensitive and the lifestyle will eat you alive if you let it.” Her expression softened slightly. “So please keep me informed. It’s my job to help you.”  
Luka smiled, then sighed and hung his head. “Okay, I get it. Thanks for worrying about me, Lu. I’ll introduce you properly, and we can talk about some of these things if Marinette has time. But first, tell me what you think about this.” He reached out for the notebook he’d left on top of the amp and handed it to her. He picked up his guitar, playing the melody he’d worked out last night.
“This is new?” Lucille said, adjusting her glasses as she examined his scribbled notes.
“Been working on it all night.” He played it again, this time singing the chorus from his notes along with it. Luka peeked up at Lucille and smiled. He’d worked with her long enough to recognize the repressed excitement in her face. “It’s not finished, obviously,” he added, “I’ve only got lyrics for the chorus and I haven’t even had time to run it by Rose yet. What do you think?”
“I think this isn’t quite enough to earn you forgiveness for ditching work to cozy up with your secret girlfriend,” Lucille said crisply, and then smiled. “But if you keep working on it, it could be.”
Luka chuckled. “I hope Marinette thinks so too,” he murmured, playing the melody again. 
“It was nice to meet you, Marinette, I’m sorry again for jumping to conclusions.” Lucille shook Marinette’s hand and then turned towards Luka. “We’ll discuss your schedule after your recording time today,” she told him firmly. “I’ll go get the car. If you’re not in the lobby in five minutes, I’ll make you regret it.”  
“Thanks Lucille, I’ll see you in a few,” Luka chuckled. He closed the door behind her and turned to Marinette. 
“Which one of you is the boss again?” Marinette giggled.
“Oh I’m the boss,” he grinned. “But Lucille’s the one in charge. Well, I guess I have to go. I hope I didn’t interrupt too much of your work time this morning.”
“I made enough progress yesterday that it’s okay, but I do need to get back to work myself,” Marinette said, tugging on the lapel of his jacket. “So you better make good use of those five minutes.”
Luka leaned in and kissed her, caressing her cheek with his thumb. “Will you stay for dinner tonight too? We can order in so you don’t have to spend time cooking.” 
“I’m spending dinner groveling for your sisters’ forgiveness,” Marinette wrinkled her nose at him playfully. “You’ll be all alone with your music tonight. I wouldn’t want to distract you.”
“You’re not a distraction, you’re an inspiration.” He kissed her again, and this time she returned it, leaning in and slipping her arms around his neck. “I won’t see you until tomorrow, then? You can always come by after dinner, you know I’ll be up.”
“Maybe, but I’m neither a rock star nor a vampire, so I’ll need to be getting back and getting some sleep.” Marinette sighed. “So kiss me like you mean it, and I’ll see you tomorrow.” 
“Like I mean it, huh?” Luka checked his phone. “Three minutes left,” he observed, winding his arms around her waist as he leaned in. “I can work with that.”
Two and a half minutes later he pulled back, smiling at the dazed expression she turned up at him. He kissed her cheek, made sure she was steady on her weak knees, and hightailed it to the elevator, grinning like a loon. 
He smiled again when he got home that night, even though Marinette wasn’t there. Her things were all over the place in the living room and kitchen. 
The first thing he did in the morning was brush his teeth. The second thing he did was to find Marinette, already working, chattering on the phone as she tapped a pencil on one of her sketchbooks. Luka leaned over the back of the couch and nuzzled her cheek, chuckling when she jumped and tried to shoo him away. He waited there until Marinette was off the phone, let her turn around and scold him, and then leaned in to kiss her over the back of the sofa. 
“Jerk,” she muttered, before getting up on her knees to face him and slide her arms around his neck. 
“I waited until you were off the phone,” he protested, sliding his hands up her back. “How’d it go with Jules last night?”
“It was tense at first,” she admitted. “We talked it out, aired a lot of really, really old feelings. We both made some apologies and...I think we’re good now.” 
“Good,” Luka sighed, slumping a little in relief. “Is she okay with us now?” 
“Mmm...I wouldn’t go so far as to say we have her blessing, exactly,” Marinette sighed. “Honestly I think she thinks I still don’t deserve a second chance with you. But I think she’s willing to wait and see what happens as long as you’re happy.” 
“I can live with that,” Luka smiled, squeezing her. “Thanks for talking to her, Marinette.” He tried to kiss her, but she put her hand over his mouth. 
“Oh no,” she told him. “Shave first. I have a strict no-stubble policy. I don’t enjoy kissing sandpaper.”
“Fair,” he chuckled against her hand. “It’s my day to go get yelled at by my trainer, so I’ll deal with all that when I get back. Then I can kiss you?”
“Luka,” she groaned, burying her face in his neck, “I’m working.”   
“You can still work after I kiss you.”
“Do you know how long it took me to get back to work after you left yesterday?” Marinette demanded, and there was nothing remotely like regret or apology in Luka’s grin. Marinette narrowed her eyes and got nose to nose with him. “Don’t get smug with me, Couffaine, we both know I can make things very hard for you and that might make your gym trip a little awkward.”
Luka laughed and dropped his face into her shoulder. “I don’t think I’ll ever get used to you making jokes like that.” 
“Who’s joking?”
“Do you just want me for my body, Marinette?”
All the teasing went out of her expression and he had to swallow hard at the look in her eyes. “No,” she said softly, “I don’t just want you for your body, Luka.”
There was that feeling again, like a suddenly missing stair in the middle of a staircase he’d walked down a hundred times. Luka leaned his forehead against hers, bringing his hand up to cup her cheek. For a moment they just stood silent, breathing each other’s air. He kept expecting reality to set in, for something to tip him off that this fantasy world he was living in had to give way at some point. He kept expecting to feel the shock of the ground and instead he just kept falling.
The phone in his pocket shrilled, and Luka sighed, pulling away. “That’s my ‘quit staring into your coffee and move’ alarm, so I really need to go. I’ll be home afterward, Lucille blocked out my afternoon to work on new music, so I’ll see you when I get back.” He smiled, rubbing his thumb along her cheek. “I promise I’ll let you work, though.”
Marinette smiled and leaned precariously over the back of the couch to kiss his nose. “Bye Luka.” Then she turned around and flopped back down on the couch with a sigh. 
It was a great week. Marinette brought color and clutter and brightness back into his life, and it felt like home. At the same time, she was organized and considerate, careful not to let her chaos overflow into his working space. He felt her presence down to his bones; Marinette brought a creative energy he hadn’t felt since he and Juleka had moved off of their mother’s boat. Anarka wasn’t always the easiest person to live with, but she was an artist in her own way, and always had a frenetic creative drive that Luka hadn’t realized he’d been missing. Even away from home, he found himself jotting down song notes in the margins of his meeting agendas, and he took to carrying his guitar wherever he went, and every little gap in his schedule saw him sitting in some quiet corner, trying different chord progressions and muttering to himself. 
Seeing that he was caught up in a creative surge, Lucille worked some of her special kind of magic, swapping out some of his less urgent business meetings to work more composition time into his schedule. For him, that meant more time when he could just be at home and work while Marinette worked, testing out his melodies and watching through the open door of his studio as Marinette rehearsed her presentation or spun around the room with fabric samples to see how they moved, sometimes humming along with the melodies he kept playing over and over.
To his utter relief, Juleka stopped needling him, other than occasionally teasing him for his distraction. Neither Marinette nor Juleka would give him the details of what they had talked about, and Rose had just shrugged and shaken her head when he asked her. Marinette told him not to worry his pretty head about it, and Juleka was a lot less polite than either. Luka pouted a bit, just for appearances, but as long as his girls were getting along again, he didn’t much care about the details. He did buy Rose’s favorite chocolates as an apology for having to put up with Juleka’s grouchiness the past few weeks. 
When he showed Juleka what he’d been working on, she just smiled and gave him a few words of encouragement. “Your last passion project went platinum,” she told him, when he complained at the lack of feedback. “You don’t need me, just let it flow.”
It was true; for the first few years, he hadn’t had a lot of input on the songs he performed. The label brought him demos to pick and choose from, but it wasn’t until he had been producing hits on the regular that he was finally able to go to his producers with an album proposal and say, “This is what I want to do.” After that album, Regret Nothing, had been so successful (it had been voted best breakup album of the year by Teen Rock, which he’d found endlessly amusing since there was no actual breakup involved), he’d had a lot more creative control over the music he played. Anarka had, surprisingly enough, been his biggest collaborator on that album, and he’d spent several nights on the Liberty when it was in town, passing a guitar back and forth and talking through old feelings, both his and hers.  
It was a bit of a cold shock to come home one night to find Marinette’s things cleaned up, and Marinette herself sitting on the couch with a small carton of ice cream, looking triumphant. Luka hung his keys on the rack and his coat in the closet and came to sit beside her. 
“So, do I take it from the absence of paper all over my living room that some milestone has been reached?” 
“Yes,” Marinette declared, offering him a spoonful of ice cream, which he accepted. “I’ve gotten the hard part done over the last few days, all the writing and outlining and instructions, so starting on Monday I’ll be working with the team at Gabriel to actually start producing the looks for the presentation show. I hereby return your apartment to you.” She held up his key. “No more tiptoeing around your own home.”
Luka took the key and set it on the end table a little reluctantly. “I really didn’t mind it.” He stole the spoon and took another bite of her ice cream.
“Mmm, I know, because you’re awesome that way,” she said comfortably, leaning her head on his shoulder before snatching the spoon back. “You’ve been a lifesaver this week, I can’t thank you enough.”
“No thanks needed. I was happy to help. It actually felt really good, having someone else around. You know, growing up on the boat, not even having my own room really, you’d think I’d be glad for the space, but most of the time it feels empty. I liked having you here.” He liked it a lot, actually. He kind of hated the idea of her being gone. He put his arm around her and tugged her closer against him.
“I did too,” she admitted. “And I’ll probably drive Alya crazy humming all these half-finished songs you’ve been playing all week. Did you decide what to call that piece from this morning? That riff was killer.”
“Lightning on the water,” he told her. “Rose and I did some brainstorming earlier, I think I can work with it.” 
Marinette nodded thoughtfully. “That works, I can see it.” She giggled. “Was that a pun? Lightning? Brainstorming?”
Luka chuckled. “Unintentional, I promise.” He accepted another spoonful of ice cream, and asked, “So what happens now?”
“Now, I go to Gabriel on Monday and they’ll assign me a team and a workspace, and we make these happen.” She indicated her stack of sketches.   
“So you’ll be busy for a while, huh?”
“Yeah,” she sighed, setting the ice cream on the coffee table and turning to face him. “Yeah, I will be. I’m sorry.” 
“I’m sure you’ll find a way to make it up to me.”
“Please don’t say that,” Marinette sighed, sitting back away from him and picking up the ice cream again.  
“I’m sorry,” Luka frowned. He reached for her, catching her hand and tugging lightly. “Is this something we need to talk about?”
“Probably,” Marinette said morosely. 
“I’m listening.”
Marinette took a deep breath and blew it out slowly. “It’s...hard to explain. It’s not just one thing, but...I’m busy, Luka. I’m always going to be busy, it’s who I am.”
“And the people that I dated before, they were busy too. And always there were sacrifices we had to make, things we had to cancel, just—other things we had to deal with. And one of us would always say ‘I’ll make it up to you’ and sometimes it happened and sometimes it didn’t, but...I just started to really hate it.” She looked up at Luka, face earnest. “Why do we have to keep this giant running ledger about who owes who? Things happen, things will always be happening, can’t we just...I don’t know, roll with it? I don’t want the stress of constantly figuring out just how big I screwed up and what would be an equivalent apology gesture, when really it wasn’t that I screwed up at all, life just happened like it always does.” 
She dug viciously into the ice cream, glancing up at him as he thought through what she was saying.
"Okay,” he said finally. “I...think I get it, sort of.”
Marinette sighed. “I can give you an example, but it’s going to involve Adrien, because it was the most obvious with him.” 
“That’s okay,” Luka shrugged. “Don’t feel like you’re not allowed to talk about that, Marinette.” 
She nodded. “Adrien’s dad booked him for a fashion show on my birthday,” Marinette began. “And I know Adrien tried to get out of it, but it just wasn’t optional in his father’s eyes. And it was fine, I was a little sad, but it really wasn’t any big deal. I told him we could celebrate my birthday some other day, just the two of us.” She sighed. “He swore up and down he would make it up to me and he would give me the best late birthday dinner anybody every had. And then he went completely overboard. Everything his romantic little heart could think of. He must have spent a fortune.” 
“And you hated it?”
“I didn’t hate it,” Marinette shrugged. “But I didn’t love it either. I didn’t enjoy it so much that I forgot that he wasn’t there on my actual birthday. So it...kind of seemed like a waste? And I felt horrible that he went to so much trouble and spent so much money and really all I could think was that I would much rather have had him singing happy birthday off key with my parents while they brought out a cake big enough for fifteen people in a room that only held six or seven. I mean, that’s the thing, right, we can’t ever get back those moments, and trying to make another moment twice as good to make up for it, it’s…”  
“Exhausting?” Luka suggested.
“Yes!” Marinette cried. “I mean, if he had done all that stuff for any other reason than because he felt guilty for missing my birthday, I would have enjoyed it way more.” 
“I get it,” Luka took the forgotten ice cream from her hand and set it back on the coffee table. “Come here.” Marinette looked at him, and then, a little reluctantly, slid over into his arms. “So if I’m hearing you right, what you really want me to say is, I accept that you’re going to be busy next week, and I can’t wait until we can be together again.” 
She smiled at him. “And I accept that sometimes you have to work when the inspiration comes, and I’m okay with waiting until you can devote your full attention to me, even though I might be disappointed in the moment.”
“Got it,” Luka smiled, flipping a strand of her hair. “Glad we’re clear.”
Marinette giggled. “So if I kiss you now, are you going to jump up and run off on me again?” she teased.
“No promises,” he grinned. “You’re awfully inspiring.”
“I try.” She nuzzled his neck and kissed it with her cold mouth, making him shiver. “Wasn’t exactly the kind of inspiration I was going for though.”
He sighed. “You’re going to kill me, you know that right?”
Marinette frowned and sat back on the couch. “Too much? I’m just teasing, I don’t mean to pressure you.” 
“I know. I can take it, as long as we’re clear that’s not where this is going tonight.” Luka smiled. “But that absolutely doesn’t mean I want you to leave. Come back over here and kiss me, Marinette.” 
She slid back into his arms and Luka gathered her to him, and despite her teasing, when she kissed him it was soft and tender and unhurried. There was passion in it, the press of her soft body did things to his, the trail of her fingers over his skin and the feel of her silken steel muscles under his hands made his heart pound and his breath catch, but the feelings that threatened to overwhelm him weren’t coming from his body.  Luka tangled his fingers in her hair and pulled her closer, deeper, and let her push him down onto the cushions. 
Marinette pulled back suddenly, and Luka blinked hazily up at her. “Are you okay?” she asked. 
“You’re only using one hand.” 
Luka bit his lip, feeling heat creep up his neck. “I’ve been playing a lot this week and my left hand is pretty roughed up from the guitar,” he admitted, flexing the fingers that rested on her jeans over her hip. “I mean, the calluses are always there, but—anyway, some girls don’t like it.” 
“Well I do,” she whispered huskily, plucking his hand off her hip and placing it against her face. “Touch me, Luka.” 
He did, stroking her cheek and down her jaw, and then down her neck to her collarbone. She arched into his touch and he pulled her back down into another kiss, both hands roaming over her face and neck and shoulders this time. She nearly purred when he ran his callused fingers along the back of her neck, surging against his mouth before breaking away. “Those girls are stupid,” she muttered, giving him no time reply before her mouth was against his again. “You make music with those hands. Idiots.”
Luka laughed into their kiss, and she giggled back at him. He cupped her face in both hands, and for a moment they just looked at each other.
In the back of his mind, he knew he had to hit the ground sometime. He couldn’t fall forever. 
He could feel himself bracing for impact even as he kissed her again.
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orleans-jester · 3 years
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Clopin & Piper HC
Clopin was so used to Esmeralda being a good girl, albeit with a huge sense of justice, that Piper becoming a little dictator was not what he was accustomed to. He should have known, though, with Kuzco’s genes being in her. He was a demanding little shit, and that was thought of in a loving way of course, so it would make sense that Piper could be the same way. And of goddamn course she was magic in the way that he wasn’t, making him all the more isolated in his own family.
One memorable moment was when Piper was four, and said that she wanted to go into town. They could go once in a while, as long as they wore disguises and didn’t bring much attention to themselves. The tourists get ups were ideal, but Clopin did love to bring out the Texas Cowboy that he had dressed as during one of their many departures from New Orleans. However, he was feeling too lazy and hazy to go into town. He’d taken up smoking a bit of the good shit when he felt stressed. Being stuck on this island meant no alone time in the slightest, something that he missed from his bachelor days.
So Clopin had sat down little Piper on his knee, stroked the isolation beard that he had been growing out - putting the cougar in Papa Cougar - and told her very nicely, “We’ll go tomorrow, ma petit, today is not a good day.” And he had thought that was the end of it, which was a very big mistake. She tilted her head at him, as if trying to figure out the best way to burrow in there and get her way. She got a determined look on her face - the same one she made when she had to poop and refused to go to the potty in order to get attention, and said, “But I’ll be sick tomorrow, so we have to go today.” Which of course ended up in Clopin dressing up in his Texan gear and taking Piper out for the rare walk through town, simply because she was too brilliant to say no to.
On top of having a mischevious side, she could also be very assertive. She was a little girl who knew what she wanted, and she always wanted it at that moment. Sometimes she would work around it, as she had when she wanted to go to town, but other times, she told you straight out what she wanted. More than once, he had been tinkering in the basement of their makeshift home, and she stood at the top of the stairs, five years old in total, and shouted down, ‘Come up here a minute, I want to talk to you.’ Other than being trained to be one of Kuzco’s guards, he never had a regular job. Just the jolly jester of the streets. But in that moment, he felt like he was getting called to the Boss’s office and getting yelled at.
There were times when having a daughter put a bit of a strain on his marriage with Kuzco. His husband was so very willing to try to get her everything that she desired, while Clopin - well, he still had his roots. He thought that a ten dollar doll was just as good as one that was five hundred. Hell, he was old fashioned enough to tell his daughter that even a stick could be a toy if she used her imagination enough. He didn’t have much patience for the fancy stuff, especially when Piper would present him with a Christmas list that took up five sheets of construction paper, both front and back written in crayon.
He’d give her stuff he made. He’d always been good with his hands. Just call him Jesus because he would have made a pretty good carpenter if he wasn’t so busy with the miracle of keeping his family alive. She wanted a pony for Christmas - well, he just made her a hobby horse out of some wood around the island and a few other supplies he had to go into town for. Always fun with the disguises. He just went the day before Halloween that year and went in a full Chewbacca costume. One of his favorites because he knew that his husband loved a hairy boy. Even took a couple of pictures with the staff, all of them unknowing who was underneath.
He loved her, of course he did. Nothing in this world would ever stop him from loving his child. He’d kill for her in a heartbeat, and would help to cover up a murder if she ever felt the need to do one. Probably wouldn’t even question it, honestly. After all, she was still her father’s daughter.
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Pied Piper - part 1
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A/N: I initially meant to write this as a oneshot but decided to break it into two because this way I can post it sooner! This is also my first time exploring the realm of member x reader (I always wrote OC’s so…) So I don’t know if it’s any good or if I made any justice. But hey! I hope you all enjoy it.
Summary: After getting spell bounded by your voice, Jungkook begins to frequent the cafe where you worked at. But when his friends, the cafe owners Jimin and Yoongi urge him to talk to you, how will things spiral out?
Pairing: Jungkook x reader (ft. cafe owners Jimin and Yoongi)
Genre: Fluff, AU
Warnings: none
Word count: 2.9 k
Jungkook was floating. He found himself suspended in mid air, as a familiar voice encased him and entwined around him. Slowly he opened his eyes. There was nothing to see, nothing to feel, except the long, long stretch of a blinding white in front of him. He turned around a little. He could now feel the planes of the dimensions lift, shift and drift amongst each other followed by a precision of violins. It all felt surreal and Jungkook asked himself if he was trapped inside of a dream. Melodies echo and multiply. The planes now began to merge into each other as they twisted, distorted and wrapped into themselves. To Jungkook, it felt like they were putting on a show, a show specifically crafted for him and him alone. The voice echoing and reverberating through each and every move they made. And then as if on cue, the sound of a very loud applause filled his ears waking him up from his reverie.  
From across the stage, a little raised platform on which you’re standing, he could see you take a bow to the audience with a decisive smile on your face, shining under the spotlight. 
“Watch me”, Jungkook imagined you say to the onlookers, as a roll of drums is heard in the background, “Watch me, end this show on a glorious note.”
After you’ve finished bowing down to the audience, you retreated into the back room behind the counter. And even moments after you left, Jungkook could still feel your voice linger and echo within his very being. He slowly shifted in his chair and huffed out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. His hot chocolate now gone cold sat in front of him untouched as Jungkook’s mind still struggled to revive out of the trance he was sent into. Still caged in a haze, he pushed himself off the chair, got up, picked up his cup of hot chocolate and made his way to the counter. He then reached into his coat pocket and fiddled around trying to grab his wallet. So lost was he, that he nearly collided into one of the tables on the way. Nearly. 
“I see that you’re still as lost as ever”, the cashier remarks, a cheeky grin plastered across his face. 
“Jimine Hyung”, Jungkook blinks at the small guy.
“Well hello Jungkook”, Jimin smiles at him, his eyes turning into two crescent moons, “Welcome back to reality”.
“Ughhhh, you can’t blame me hyungggg ”, Jungkook huffs in fake annoyance, slouching over the counter, bringing the palms of his hands to cover his face,“She has an amazing voice!”
And as they were talking, a slight movement in the backroom catches Jungkook’s attention interrupting their conversation and his eyes dart towards the said direction in a fraction of seconds. Jimin catches this shift in his eyes and follows Jungkook’s line of sight.
“She’s not in there Kook”, he nonchalantly remarks, his devious eyes fixed on the boy in front of him, “Are you sure it’s just the voice you’re interested in?”
Jungkook scowls at him. Leave it up to Jimin to know everything that ever runs across Jungkook’s mind. Including his crush on you. But Jimin just giggles and holds out a hand in front of him. Jungkook fishes out his wallet and hands him the required amount of money, the grimace not leaving his face. 
“Kook”, Jimin chuckled as he worked to get the bill printed for Jungkook, “You’ve been coming over here everyday, ordering the same shit you don’t even like that much just so you could see her”.
“I like hot chocolate”, Jungkook mumbles glowering at Jimin, finally taking a sip and cringing at how cold it is, “And like I said, she has an amazing voice! Of course, she has me hooked! Doesn’t mean I have a crush on her.”
“I never said anything about a crush kook”, Jimin winked at him, handing him his bill.
“Hyuuunnggg”, Jungkook groaned, shrinking away into himself, his hand timidly accepting the bill from Jimin.
“Kid” Yoongi’s voice echoed from behind him, as he came up to the counter to set down a few empty trays, “I bet no one in this cafe will believe you if you say, you didn’t have a crush on y/n. I’d say take my advice and just admit it already.”
Okay, maybe he does have a small little crush on you. No, scratch that. It’s not any small average crush. It’s a big, huge ass crush. Huge enough to move mountains and oceans.
Jungkook remembers the day he first laid his eyes on you. It was a clear pleasant sunday morning. There was a slight chill in the mid April breeze. He remembers that because despite the hoodie he was wearing, he could still feel the chill nip at his skin. And he didn’t like that very much. That particular day, Jungkook was awake earlier than he was supposed to be. He doesn’t quite remember why. Maybe the reason was not that important enough. However bless his soul for waking up early. Sundays weren’t always the days he really looked forward to. He was mostly free if he didn’t have any university work piled up and when Jungkook was free, he didn’t know what to do with the free time other than playing games or lazing around on his couch. So, when he found himself awake so early, he decided he wanted to take a stroll along the streets for absolutely no reason at all. 
That was when he heard you. A quiet, clear voice ringing through the boulevard. Jungkook stopped for a second and strained his ears trying to listen. The voice came again. This time soothing and slightly deeper than the pitch he heard before. It was mesmerizing. It was enchanting. It pulled him into a haze. He found himself involuntarily carried away by the said voice, like he was listening to the pied piper play his flute. His feet moved quicker than his mind and before it could catch up, he found himself standing in front of a small cafe that stood in a side road, cozily, nestled between the two tall buildings that rose beside it. And Jungkook didn’t need to think twice before he stepped inside the cafe. 
That was when he saw you. You were there, in the cafe, standing on the raised platform, like you were today, singing. Your voice that of a siren. To Jungkook it felt like you were calling his name. Resonating and pulsating throughout his entire body. As if your voice in itself is a being very alive by itself. His entire world came to a standstill as the last note of your song ebbed away, spellbound under your voice. And that was only when Jungkook finally noticed you. Your fingers gripped tight around the microphone, sweat trickling down your forehead, your long silky hair stumbling down your shoulders, your bright eyes eyeing the audience and lastly the cheerful smile on your face as you bowed down to everyone in front of you. It was magical.
At that moment, it was safe to say that you managed to have Jeon Jungkook’s heart and soul wrapped around the tip of your fingers. And, this was also the story of how Jungkook met Jimin and Yoongi, the cafe owners and the ones who became his close friends down the line. 
“Why do you act like it’s a bad thing?” Yoongi asks, “It’s actually a good thing”.
“Yes, y/n is a really nice person kook”, Jimin piped in, leaning from across the counter, his face resting on one of his hands, “She’s a bit on the shy side tho. Takes a long time to warm up to people. Right now, Yoongi hyung and I are the only people she actually talks to.”
“You should try and talk to her Kook” Yoongi says. 
“Wha- “, Jungkook’s mouth falls open in surprise, “No - no way!”
“What? Why?” Jimin and Yoongi question in unison.
“What if she doesn’t like me hyung?” Jungkook asks perturbed. 
“What? Don’t be silly”, Jimin waves him off, “Did you even look at yourself?”
“You’re a nice guy”, Yoongi adds to that, “It’s hard to dislike you”.
“And Yoongi hyung’s saying that”, Jimin snorts to which he receives a playful slap from the elder.
A distant chime interrupts their bickering, as the three of them notice you move past the counter and slip past the door, your long hair swaying behind you, guided by the breeze outside. For a brief moment before you left, your head turned to look at the three men by the counter and Jungkook felt like your eyes met momentarily. But it was so sudden that he could hardly register anything in his mind and before he did, you were already outside. 
“Kook!” Jimin suddenly exclaimed, turning to him, his eyes wide, “Kook this is your chance! Go! Go after her! Talk to her!”
“Wha -”
And before Jungkook could voice any protests, both Yoongi and Jimin collectively ushered him and pushed him out of the cafe. He stumbled out onto the road and at a distance he could see your figure disappear down the lane. He turned to his side to look at his friends, an uneasy and unsettling expression rolling out on his face. 
“Go”, Jimin mouthed through the glass separating them. He made a tiny fist and assertively lifted it up into the air, “Fighting”. Beside him, Yoongi sent him a lazy reassuring smile.
Sighing, Jungkook turned, facing forward. There’s no talking himself or them out of this now. He has to do it. He has to talk to you. Deep inside he knew how long he’d been wanting to do this. He also knew Jimin won’t let him inside the cafe ever again without talking to you. He stood in his place for a while trying to collect himself. After sucking in a deep breath, he straightened his shoulders and began to walk ahead, down the road where you seemed to have taken a turn.
After a few minutes of walking, he spotted you at a distance. You seemed to be engrossed in a conversation with a stranger. For a while Jungkook debated within himself if he should be approaching you right now or if it’s okay to do so. At the back of his mind, his anxiety kept telling him to take this as a chance, turn around and walk away. But then he pictured the smug expression on Jimin’s face calling him a coward. And Yoongi would laugh at him until the next century if he backs away now. That had Jungkook glued to his spot. What should he do? That was when you bowed to the stranger, a sign that your conversation with him had ended. Jungkook sighed in relief, his pace towards you quickening. And with every step he took towards you, his heart felt like a folk of thousand birds struggling to escape their captivity. Slowly massaging his chest, he inhaled a sharp breath. He brought his eyes down, looking at the pavement, his feet playing with the dried leaves that were scattered around. An attempt to calm his nerves. He looked up after a while, the stranger didn’t leave you yet and upon closer inspection he sensed something was wrong. 
Jungkook felt like it all happened in slow motion. He saw the stranger grab your arm by the elbow. He saw you try and struggle out of his grip. Jungkook’s mind went blank. He had to do something. He didn’t have enough time to think or wonder about what to do or how to react. He just dived into the situation. His feet picked up their stride and in moments before anyone could blink he was by your side. 
“Oh! There you are!” He panted bending down and clutching his knees in order to still his breath, “I was looking all over for you!”
You looked at the unexpected visitor, a look of confusion and bewilderment on your face. But Jungkook just sneaks a wink at you, a signal for you to just play along and you take it.
“I’m so sorry!” You say, “I was just about to call you, but it seems like I got lost”.
And in the next moment, without any warning, Jungkook frees your arm away from the strangers hold and encloses his own around your shoulder. The stranger could do nothing but gap at him. 
“It seems you’ve been a great help to my friend,“ he tells the stranger, a smile flashing his way, “Thank you, I shall take it from here.”
Unable to speak a word, either out of embarrassment or disappointment, the stranger just glares at Jungkook before he walks away. You breathe out in ease as you relax yourself in Jungkook’s arms. His hold around you tightens and that was when Jungkook gets painfully aware of your presence. Your body in close proximity to his own. You were so close by, that one sniff and he could smell the vanilla and cinnamon off your skin. Your silky hair flew, blown about by the wind and whipped across his face. He wanted to touch it, smoothen it and tuck it behind your ear. But he was hesitant to do so. He didn’t want to startle you.
“Umm”, You clear your throat. And that seems to have done the trick to shake Jungkook out of his transient stupor. 
“I- I’m so sorry!” He releases you in an instant, shyly scratching the back of his head. If Jungkook wasn’t too busy calming his fluttering heart, he would have noticed the faint blush spread across your face.
“I - I didn’t mean to hold you like that!” He says, speaking rapidly and in a rush, “I was just walking by and then saw that you were in trouble and I had to do something, I really didn’t have any bad intentions or ulterior motives,” Gosh he’s rambling now but couldn’t quite seem to stop himself, “I really didn’t mean to, I’m so sorry!” He then bows deeply in front of you.
“I-it’s okay!” You quickly manage to say, startled by his brisk speech, the last thing you want is to make him feel guilty. He saved you after all, “I’m glad you came in time to help! Thank you!”
“Ah”, Jungkook smiles lifting his head up, his eyes crinkling at the edges, “Don’t mention it, I’m glad I was able to help”.
The guy standing in front of you was undeniably handsome. That was the first thought that ran across your mind. His sun kissed skin, the thin line of his cherry red lips, the locks of his dark velvet hair that fell across his face casting shadows all over and finally his big doe eyes that peeked from under his long lashes. Over all, he was flawless under the scrutiny of the morning sun. 
You were so lost in his galaxies that you forgot you were staring. And when you woke up to your senses, you notice the boy’s eyes awkwardly wandering all over the place. Looking everywhere and anywhere that is not you. You couldn’t tell if he was embarrassed or just over conscious under your gaze. A deep shade of rose coated his cheeks and the sight looked absolutely mesmerizing. But you needed to say something. Something to break the newly surfaced awkwardness and tension between you two.
“Phew”, you sigh, your shoulders hunching, your head turning to look at the direction in which the stranger has disappeared, while internally praying that this will steer the tension away, “Really thank you, I had been trying for days to get him off my shoulders.”
“Oh?” Jungkook finally looks at you. All hints of unease from before disappearing from his demeanour. 
“Anyway”, you continue tucking in a stray hair behind your ear, “ how about a coffee?”
“Huh?” Jungkook blinks at you. Was he hearing things? Did you really just ask him out for a coffee? Is that an invitation to a date? His mind went into overdrive. All sorts of thoughts flooded his mind and Jungkook wasn’t sure how to read into it all. He doesn’t want to get ahead of himself or make a fool out of himself. Especially in front of you.
“As a thank you!” You suddenly blurt out, finally realizing what the situation looked like, “I’m saying I’ll treat you to a coffee as a thank you for saving me!”
Jungkook doesn’t say anything but continues to stare at you, shortly stunned by your sudden invite.
“As a thank you!” You emphasize, the urgency ringing in your voice, your hands flapping in all directions, your cheeks hot and red, “This is definitely not me asking you out on a date!”
Now Jungkook just chuckles. If he thought you were spellbinding on the stage, outside it, you were just endearing. The lightness of your voice, the way everything you think about shows on your face, the reactions, how easily you get embarrassed or how easily your cheeks turn pink at the slightest hint of discomfort. To Jungkook, it was all just endearing. 
“No no,“ he says, hoping to ease you back into comfort, “You don’t have to do anything for me, I wasn’t expecting anything in return. I’m just happy to help.”
“But -”
“But, if you really insist”, he continues further, a hand combing through his frizzly hair and pauses gauging in your reaction, “ How about I take you out?”
It’s your turn to be silent now.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean exactly what it sounds like,” Jungkook says, taking a step closer to you, stopping right before your chests can touch and breaths be felt, “I want to take you out on a date”.
Part 2
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cabinofimagines · 5 years
Young Again (Jason x Piper)
A/N: In this house we ignore canon -Danny.
P.S. You liked the song? You should totally suscribe to the band, just saying, they’re great.
Request: can u make a jasper fic?
Words: 1,312
Warnings: None, fluff all around and bad writing cause I did not proofread (not a surprise ik)
Listen to: Young Again -by Sorry, Peach
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I’ve been searching for someone Like you, for so much time now I know that you can make me Happy if you tried to
Piper wasn’t the romantic type, but she was positively in love with Jason. Sweet, gentle, Jason Grace. He was the one. 
Or maybe she was the romantic type, maybe she unconsciously turned around every corner hoping to find someone good enough to take home, to have a normal life and never feel like she had to fight for a family ever again. 
He could turn any bad situation into an opportunity, with him things were simple, and time was nothing but a way to measure the memories. She was sure, Jason could make her happy almost like he was born for it. 
Blonde hair, blue eyes and oh that Smile, oh I could stay a While, right here in your Arms and, now I'm falling
By the time she and Jason had their third anniversary things were more than amazing. Sure, there were some ups and downs but all she could think of right on that moment, looking at his features reflecting the sun and the way his giggle turned into loud laughter, was that she could spend her forever like this and feel like it’s been just one lazy Sunday.
She fell while Jason held her during the campfires, humming in the lowest voice possible, one that no one but Piper could hear, and it was soft and calming. She fell every time he would laugh at her jokes or look at her for more than a second. Piper fell and kept falling but never let go of his grasp.
For you, you make my heart skip So close, so close I can't miss This love, this love on my lips All I ask is
Jason had a difficult childhood. Not bad, I mean, he had a home and friends and food, it was just... the whole fighting and the heavy responsibility he had to carry around just for being Zeus’ son. He was raised to be a leader, which meant zero fun and tons of homework. That, until the moment he met Piper and Leo. He still had to be the one leading but since his memory was not at its best he found himself finding the beauty in taking a break from time to time.
Jason had lost more than a family, sometimes he’d drown in the what-ifs, wishing for things to be different, hoping that maybe, in another timeline, he could get the whole thing: victory, peace, and happiness. All in one.
Piper was that for him. The dream life was tied to her pinky and Jason found himself tying the loose end around his wrist. Whenever things got messy and Jason didn’t find an answer Piper was there to help, brown eyes that were as welcoming as a newfound home. 
He was so close to happiness when they kissed, it was impossible not to call it love. 
Can we be young again Feel the air in our lungs again Oh my soul wants to fly again Can we be young Can we be young
All was reachable, he could restart in a life where no one asked him to be perfect, he didn’t have to take care of everyone, just him and Pipes. He could be young again and only worry about the little things.
Their fourth anniversary was fun, Piper was wearing a new hat and the wind took it away in a swift motion, it landed at the top of a tree and Jason told her he could get it. She, as stubborn as always, decided that could climb the tree just as fast and spurred into action. Of course, the branch broke in half. 
Obviously, Jason was already prepared to fly up and catch her in time.
Blue skies, your hand in mine I'm fine, staying right by Your side, and when I close My eyes, I'm still breathless
“Stop laughing!”
“I’m sorry,” Jason gasped, still laughing in the middle of the air, keeping her tight against his chest, “I think that’s the loudest I’ve ever heard you scream.”
“Shut up,” She said between giggles, “But I was right. If it wasn’t because of the stupid branch I’d have grabbed my hat already.”
“Yeah, what a bummer,” He smiled, “I can still help you get it?”
Piper sighed in defeat but nodded her head.
“Fine, put me down and I’ll let you do it”
“That’s not what I meant”
“What’d you mea-aHHH WAIT-”
He flew to the top of the tree and close enough so Piper could reach the hat, she extended one arm and her fist closed firmly on the edge of it.
“Alright, let’s go back to earth before I piss myself”
Jason let out a laugh and nodded, quickly going back to the ground.
Nothing, can compare to You love, let me show you My love, nothing can come Between us, we won't regret this
It was late and raining. Jason was brushing his teeth while Piper sat quietly reading a book on her side of the bed. It was a day after Jason had turned twenty-three and the after-party was still running in their veins, they spent most of their afternoon laying around on the couch and eating leftovers while watching their favorite shows. 
“You know, this boy is a total idiot,” Piper commented out loud from the bed, she was talking about the main character of the book, for some reason, this boy pushed all of her buttons.
“Why?” Jason asked, still brushing his teeth but leaning against the bathroom door, putting his attention on his girlfriend. 
“People keep giving him advice to help him complete the mission and he keeps running around in circles because he decided no one can be trusted, well shit. Guess the world has to die for your insecurities...”
“Give him time, he’ll learn...” He turned around to finish brushing his teeth and once he could talk properly again, he added, “hopefully.”
Piper huffed, turning the page and reading with a permanent frown.
“I don’t understand why you keep reading if you hate the guy so much,” He chuckled, walking towards the bed and sitting on his side, “you have other books waiting to be read, just quit this one and get a new one”
“My dad raised no quitter, Jason” She gave him a playful look before going back to the page, “besides, the side characters are good and the story is worth the pain of this dumbass leading it I guess”
Jason was about to answer but he stopped for a moment, the light coming from her lamp gave her profile a golden glow and she never looked as godly as now, tired eyes and slightly red cheeks, messy ponytail and her favorite pj’s. All was her. And he felt breathless.
“Can you answer something for me, Pipes?” 
She looked up again, this time intrigued by his question.
“Will you marry me?”
Piper dropped her book on the floor, few painful and slow as hell second went by before she started to laugh.
“What?” He pouted, “I’m serious!”
“Exactly,” She said, “Jason Grace even when asking me to marry you, somehow you make it sound like you’re asking me to have those files ready by Monday” She snickered, “How formal of you”
“Ugh, get out,” He groaned, falling face down on his pillow.
“No, wait!” Piper kept on laughing, “Don’t get upset!”
“Get out,” He repeated, but let out a muffled laugh, “way to ruin the moment, Piper McLean”
“Don’t kick me out” She replied, then she took a deep breath, ending her laughter, “Don’t you wanna know my answer?”
Jason turned his head slightly to his right so he could look at her, “Yes?”
“Okay then,” She smiled, and it was that smile that caused Jason to melt no matter how hard he tried to keep it cool when he was younger. That smile told him the answer before she could say it out loud. “Yes, I will marry you.”
Jason didn’t reply, he just grabbed her by the waist and trapped her in a hug, she moved until they were face to face and he kissed her all over until their lips found their way into each other, full with bliss he let himself sleep and forget the world outside the room, he didn’t need it, he had his own right there, on his arms.
Piper fell asleep surrounded by him, his scent, his body. His heartbeat next to hers letting her know that this was real and they were together. This was the start of forever and she was taking her time.
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harper-penn-happens · 5 years
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I got an adorable commission from @the-upper-shelf, of my Hunter Jasper and Finn. I even have a little fic to go with it. ;3
“Oh my god! Finn!! Put me down!!” Jasper hissed frantically, the blood rushing to his face for a number of reasons; one of them being that he was now flipped over one of Finn’s broad shoulders like a sack of flour. In the middle of the bloody tavern. The only saving grace here was that it happened to be a slow night for a change, though the sound of Alkar snorting into his drink at the bar alone was enough to make up for that.
“I’m not hearing the magic word.” Came the playful reply from somewhere behind his hips, in a much less embarrassed tone. Actually, it was positively smug. Clearly it was no skin off the vampire’s nose to manhandle Lunaris’ newest Hunter in a decidedly public forum. At least not when said Hunter had the incredibly poor judgement to try and ‘take charge’. And at this point he didn’t dare to point out that this whole thing was absolutely Alkar’s fault.
A few moments ago…
“What do you mean I don’t know how to take charge?” Jasper asked incredulously, turning to look at Alkar seated beside him. Both men were at the bar of the tavern, the wolf well into his third round while Jasper carefully nursed a second. The Hunter had been encouraging his friend to let Omen in more; playing matchmaker Piper probably would have called it and she wouldn’t have been wrong. He liked seeing his friends happy and it was fairly plain to see that the demon and the wolf made each other very happy. Except tonight Alkar had managed to turn the tables on him and ask him what he knew about taking charge romantically.
“Take it easy,” Alkar said, waving a bandaged hand at the redhead, although Jasper hadn’t really raised his voice. “All I mean is, you know, you’re new to things and it’s obvious that’s all. Ezra and Finn clearly have you wrapped around their little fingers; I’ve never seen you taking the reigns Hunter. It’s kinda cute actually.”
Cute?! Jasper could feel himself warming up and it had little to do with his drink or the fire in the taverns hearth. Alkar was currently giving him a grin, bearing those blunt fangs of his, and he could tell that the lycan was just messing with him… but damnit if it wasn’t working.
“I can take charge.” Jasper informed him, though if the shit-eating grin was anything to judge by Alkar didn’t believe a word of it.
“Sure you can.” He snorted at Jasper, taking another sip of his drink.
“I’m fully capable thank you. And I’m not that new to things; I’ve just always been more focused on my job is all.” Jasper added, nearly slipping into a pout but taking a sip of his drink to cover it.
Alkar nodded with a mock sageness, “So what you’re saying is… you can take charge, but you choose not to.” He snickered at Jasper’s sputter as the young man choked instead of swallowing. This was fun.
Fun looked like it was about to come to a halt though, when Finn entered the tavern and came sauntering over. No doubt he had picked up on Jasper’s discomfort or something… or maybe Alkar’s timing just sucked. Regardless, the local vampire didn’t hesitate, stepping up behind Jasper and leaning against the smaller man’s back with an easy smile as his powerful arms penned him in on either side.
“Good evening beautiful.” Finn purred into those auburn curls beside Jasper’s ear, raising a blush and hearing the young man’s heart stutter in that delightful way. His greeting also had the unexpected effect of getting Alkar to snicker, as if he was trying to stifle a laugh. Golden eyes shifted over to his friend curiously, wondering what kind of trouble the wolf was up to now and what it had to do with Jasper.
For his part the Hunter tried to brush off the knowing look he was getting from Alkar, pressing his lips together briefly before turning and giving Finn an easy smile over his shoulder. Instead of melting back into his chest like usual he remained straight in his seat, arching a brow.
“Hello to you too.” He replied warmly, shifting to sit sideways on the barstool and leaning back to look up at the vampire who was still hemming him in with his embrace. “Come in for a drink?”
“Hmm, that depends. Are you on the menu?”
Finn picked up on the difference in his lovers tone but it wasn’t until he found a hand splayed on his mostly bare chest to prevent his leaning in for a kiss that he took note of it. His grin was slowly exchanged for a questioning smile, and Jasper felt his pulse flutter at the way Finn looked slowly down to the hand blocking him before catching his eyes again.
“Not just now.” Jasper managed to say in a very unfamiliar and commanding tone. “But maybe later… if you’re good.” He added, raising Finn’s eyebrows by several degrees. Though the vampire did not lose his smile the Hunter sensed a sort of shift in his demeanor, leaning into his palm as if to test his resolve as he stared Jasper down. Feeling Alkar paying close attention beside him he managed to stay strong and keep his arm firmly in place.
“If I’m good hmm?” Finn hummed, cocking his head before pushing off the bar and taking the seat on Jasper’s left, carefully putting them close together but not close enough to touch.
“That’s usually my line. Any special reason you’re using it tonight?” he asked slyly, leaning to shoot a look Alkar’s way and unsurprised to find his attention being ignored. Oh the wolf had definitely put Jasper up to this. Whatever this was. But as he watched the leather clad Hunter all but squirm at his tone Finn decided abruptly that he was going to play along. After all, who didn’t like a little power-play?
Jasper meanwhile had let out a relieved little breath when Finn took a seat instead of pressing the issue, though naturally he couldn’t just let it go entirely. Tapping into a confidence he didn’t realize he possessed (flirtatiously anyway) the Hunter turned to lean back with his elbows resting on the bar top, looking playful. Instead of flushing several shades of red at his lover’s question he flashed him a cheeky smile.
“What’s the matter Finn? Don’t think you can behave yourself for a little while?” he teased, clearly enjoying himself. Honestly if this was how Ezra and Finn felt whenever they played with him he could see why they took nearly every opportunity. Of course he couldn’t hope to raise a pretty blush on the vampire’s pale cheeks, but the incredulous looks he was getting were pretty damn entertaining.
Oh oh oh… their sweet little Hunter did have teeth after all, Finn thought to himself as Jasper parried his loaded question gracefully. And if his racing pulse and self-satisfied smirk was any indication he was really enjoying testing them out. Was Alkar trying to teach their darling Hunter how to be more of a brat maybe? If so he certainly hoped Jasper was game for what would follow.
“Oh don’t worry,” he told him, “I’m happy to behave.” Finn flashed his fangs and slipped an arm around the Hunter’s shoulders, watching him tense so as not to lean into the touch, those soft lips pressing into a thin line. “For the moment…” he added in an undertone.
“Mhn, ah, G-good!” Jasper managed to say. He turned his attention back to the wolf at his right, finding Alkar watching them both with thinly veiled amusement. He really wasn’t sure if this counted as taking charge anymore, since Finn seemed to be agreeable about the whole thing… at least at the moment. Which was a little unnerving honestly, though he concealed it behind another lazy smile. Dropping a hand down onto Finn’s thigh, giving him a pat. Apparently seeking to ‘help’ him (or just stir things up more) Alkar took another swig of his drink and chuckled.
“Finn behaving himself, now there’s a fucking miracle. I’m sorry I doubted you Hunter, you really can take charge.”
Jasper felt the arm around his shoulders give him a firm squeeze, his smile going from calm to tense in half a heartbeat as he felt the much taller and broader vampire next to him shift in close again.
“Taking charge?” came that low rumble in his ear again, raising goosebumps all over and sending a delicious but dangerous thrill down his spine. “Is that what this is?”
Feeling a certain sense of panic sweep over him Jasper gave Finn’s leg a squeeze too, twisting to free himself from his lover’s arm. Those spheres of molten gold seemed to burn right through him as he met them, like a dare; ‘go on,’ they said, ‘push again one more time’.
“Yes?” Jasper told him, his voice almost a squeak. His assertion was anything but assertive, and although he gave his head a sharp shake and repeated it more firmly something told him he’d just lost the upper hand. (If in fact he’d ever had it.) The iron hand locking around his wrist to make him let go of Finn’s thigh as the vampire’s other hand found the nape of his neck and yanked him into a fierce kiss that left him breathless only reinforced the feeling.
Jasper was blinking and discombobulated in the aftermath of it all, not registering that Finn had let go and gotten up until he felt a thumb and finger give his ear a pinch. He looked up to see his raven haired partner standing over both him and Alkar with a tolerant sort of smirk on his handsome face, folding his arms slowly. The lycan looked untroubled, but the smaller Hunter wore a look peculiar to himself when he got caught at some harmless mischief or fib by either of his partners. It was half shock, half guilt, and laced with a little excitement.
“Have you paid?” Finn asked him, and for a moment Jasper almost asked him what for before registering that he meant their drinks.
“I- well yes of course.” He nodded, but before he could say anything more Finn interjected.
“Good. Because I’d like to go give you some lessons on taking charge little Hunter.” He informed him quietly, having learned quickly that that phrase above most others was sure to set Jasper’s face to burning in an adorable way. His lover did not disappoint. Though he did manage to surprise Finn one more time this night.
“No, thank you.”
Alkar turned to look at Jasper still sitting beside him with real shock on his face. He watched as the slim young man shifted from looking embarrassed and submissive to relatively cocky once more, leaning back again in his seat. Clearly having decided to try again for the upper hand, Jasper managed to collect himself in spite of the dangerous amusement dancing in Finn’s inhuman eyes. Alkar worried briefly if he had somehow made a monster, or whether Jasper really knew what he was getting in for with the funky mosquito.
For a moment Finn just looked uncharacteristically startled, before giving Jasper a little huff of a laugh and politely inquiring, “May I know why?”
It was then that Jasper sealed his fate, smiling playfully and tilting his head as he spread his hands.
“You didn’t say the magic word.”
“Finn, PLEASE put me down right now!!” the mortified young man relented. Anything to be set back on his feet and not stuck up here with a fine view of the floor and Finn’s hand locked over his lower back, ensuring he wasn’t going anywhere. What had he been thinking!? He curled his arms reflexively as Finn shifted his weight under him, the room swaying unnervingly in his almost upside-down perspective while the vampire considered.
“Hmmm… no, I don’t think so. I’m taking charge now. And there are consequences to pay for being as fresh as you’ve decided to be tonight.” Finn purred, his free hand resting at his hip while the iron one held Jasper steady. “Not here though. It wouldn’t be entirely appropriate. We’ll go to my place.”
“Finn please!” Jasper moaned softly, letting his curls curtain his face and forcing himself not to wriggle at that tone. Frankly at the whole predicament. Both his partners had their ways of making him squirm (in the best of ways) but this merciless teasing and physically taking him in hand was definitely the fastest.
“Ah ah, Jas. No begging until I say so.” Finn informed him, still quiet although Alkar snorted again into his drink. Before Jasper had a chance to give the lycan a dirty look for managing to start all of this, Finn went on the move, taking a somewhat mortified Hunter along with him. As soon as the door to the tavern had shut behind them and the cooler wintery air was chilling his hot face Jasper was scrabbling with his palms at the vampire’s back, trying to lever himself up and look back at Finn.
“Finn? Finn you can put me down now, okay?” Jasper told him, trying to shift himself gently and test his lover’s grip without seeming to.
“I’m certainly physically capable of it,” Finn agreed, the hand over his hips unyielding as ever, untroubled by the young man’s movements. “But I won’t be. Consequences Jas, remember? There’s no need to worry though, I’m quite sure you’ll enjoy them. You always do.”
Well that was… not untrue. Jasper huffed and put his face in his hands as they neared the cemetery and the catacombs main entrance beyond it.
“Why did I think trying to top you would come off as anything other than bratting?” he asked plaintively, earning one of those low rumbling chuckles. Feeling it run right through him from where he was slung, sending a brilliant little tickle through his chest and into his belly, as Finn’s right hand came up to pat the back of his thighs.
“Good question. A better one would be why did you let Alkar of all people prod you into it? Did he make you a bet?”
Jasper groaned, feeling Finn’s genuine curiosity over it like a warm prickling at his scalp. He mumbled an answer so low that even the vampire’s sensitive ears couldn’t catch it. In a second they came to a halt in the catacombs entrance, and Jasper yelped as he was bounced a couple of times, the ground looking far away from his unusual perch.
“Sorry, what was that little Hunter?”
“I said he called me cute. That me never taking the reigns was cute.” Jasper repeated in a more audible tone.
Finn laughed out loud at that revelation, and was pleased to hear Jasper join him softly. “Well he isn’t wrong. But you know, I think you’re little attempt backfired because you being feisty was cute as hell. You’ll have to do it more often, but for now…” A sharp clap sounded as that hand left his thigh to swat his perfectly defenseless bottom.
“Consequences.” Jasper finished cheerfully, crossing his ankles and finally relaxing in spite of his position. He bit his lip to try and stifle his grin as Finn gave him another bounce and took them both into the darkened entrance.
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killian-whump · 5 years
OUAT 3x04: Rewatch Liveblog
Hey guys! I'm back again with another rewatch liveblog. Man, I'm kinda storming through S3 so far, due to the lack of Killian whump in a lot of these early episodes. Don't worry, I'm sure I'll make up for that by spending a quarter of a century on the next episode :P
But before THAT episode, we have THIS one! It's episode 3x04, and it's called "Nasty Habits". Unfortunately, none of those habits seem to be torturing pirates, because there's only some Killian angst in this one.
Well, let's watch it anyway... ;)
Neal bondage. Way to start off an episode!
Shame I'm not that into Neal, though :/
Hahaha, and Felix isn't even good at tying people up. Theeeere goes Bae.
Gotta admit, his "I'm not a boy anymore, and I sure ain't lost" is kinda hot XD
Bae: "Papa, I told you: I don't want anymore gifts from the people you terrorize." Ummm. Rumple, that's super fucking creepy. Rumple: "Then what do you want?" LIKE, LITERALLY ANYTHING THAT ISN'T THAT.
Hey, solid question here, but why IS the Dark One still living in a hovel at this point?
Oh, totally unnecessary but kinda awesome warpaint time.
And creepy Belle conjuring time. I mean, kudos to you for maintaining your child-like wonder, Rumple, but having invisible friends at your age IS kinda weird. Just saying.
Although, I mean, it DOES do a solid job of giving Rumple a chance to tell the audience his own inner doubts and fears in a far less creepy way than having him literally talking to himself.
So there's that.
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Wow, that's a really nice little miniature "Pan's Compound" made out of rocks and sticks. Did they all work together to gather the rocks and arrange everything so artfully? Or did one of them just sit there and do this on their own like the world's loneliest middle school art project? And if so, who?
"It's not the sticks you need to worry about. It's the poison they're dipped in." MEANINGFUL OMINOUS CAPTAIN CHARMING LOOK BEHOOOOOOOOLD
Tink: "One nick, and you'll spend the rest of yo-" Dave: "Poison sticks equal death. We got it." No, no, Dave. Let her finish. This sounds relevant to my interests.
Tink looks so cheerful as she says she's ready to go as soon as they tell her the exit plan. Oh, sweet summer child. You're obviously new here.
...ALL of their faces right here. They're all like, "Oh shit, we were hoping you wouldn't ask us that." Except Hook, who looks as vaguely amused by their reactions as we are.
Regina's SO happy to hear of Greg's demise. I FEEL YOU, GIRL. I FEEL YOU.
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David: "what about you, Hook? You got off this island before." Hook: "Yes. Aboard my ship, which would require some form of magic to create a portal, which... I got from Pan, in a deal I don't think he's ready to repeat." TELL US MORE OR I SWEAR TO GOD
He can't even meet anyone's eyes as he says it, either. Just what WAS that deal, Hook? Don't make me imagine it. You won't like what I imagine. Mmmm. I like what I'm imagining...
More angst. Yum.
Ahh... Rumple hears the murmurings of conversation...
BAM! Poppy dust to the face! Why did he use poppy dust, though? I mean, I assume it's poppy dust, since it looked the same as when Tink knocked Regina out last episode - which was pointed out to be done with poppy dust.
Don't act like you've already known that since last season, because that's just gonna make Rumple feel bad for being so behind on the news.
True Story: I meant to do this rewatch post the other day, but when I sat down to watch the episode, it turned out my copy of 3x04 was somehow episode 4 of Once Upon a Time in Wonderland, so I had to go online and re-download the right episode, because of course I’m too lazy to rip my own videos. I just download them like the dirty pirate I am. Yarrrrrr.
Anyway, this episode seems to have slightly longer black breaks where the commercials were. Weird. Anyway...
We've already talked about how creepy it is, giving your kid "gifts" you stole from the people you torment with your dark magic.
Oh, look. Rumple's gone to Hamelin. And the children are missing. And there's a piper. And he wears a pied cloak. THIS SOUNDS FAMILIAR... (and I don't mean from the previous times I've seen this episode, you smart asses.)
Rumple: "Pan is too powerful. You can only beat him if you're willing to die... which I am." Ummm. But you were willing to die to save Henry because Baelfire was dead, and... and... I mean... *gestures vaguely* Neal: "What if I told you there was another way?"
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No, apparently it involves attacking one of Kraken-san's friends and relations. Don't worry, guys, no krakens were harmed in the harvesting of this squid ink. This particular kraken lived long after this, and sired a bunch of tiny kraken babies who went on to plunder pirate butts all along the shores of Neverland after the realms were united in S7.
It's true. I made it up just now.
Hahahahaha, Regina. "What is this supposed to be?" Well, it looks like... a gigantic rock of some kind, but I'm no expert or anything.
Oh, it's the "hot" conversation. I love it XD And the way David snaps the rope away from Hook, like he doesn't need his piddly help. "And I'm plenty hot." Yeah, you sure are, Dave XD
Mmmm... Hook's so intense when he's talking to Dave. "Why don't you?"
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"Oh, if there's one thing I've gleaned from you hero types, it's that there's always hope." <3
"Is there something you're not telling me... mate?" Oh, NOW he's your mate XD
"Alas, hope and reality are most often worlds apart." T_T
Sure, just shove him, Dave. Can't you see he's going through something here? Look how angsty he is. Like an angst burrito wrapped in black leather.
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I love the way Emma calls out Hook’s name. It's so familiar <3
Come on, baby. You can light the torch this time. Just keep trying. You can do i- DAMMIT DAVE. Every time I watch this episode, you shove him out of the way and use your fancy shmancy modern lighter to light the torch. He's just an angsty pirate, trying the best he can with one hand and a hook T_T
Showin' him up in front of Emma and all that... SO MEAN T_T
Hook's face, tho XD
...and Emma's not even paying attention, anyway XD
On a more serious note, these kinds of bestings make me laugh. I love them all <3
Oh, back to Hamelin.
Yeah, follow those kids, Rumple. This is probably the only time saying that wouldn’t be super duper creepy.
Gee, that piper on the other side of the fire looks a bit familiar...
Pan really IS a little shit, though, isn't he? Hahaha. Such absolutely horrible things to say to your own kid. WORST PARENT ON THE SHOW. And there's a LOT of competition for that spot, let me tell you.
NM, I don't need to tell you. You all already know XD
"After all, being abandoned is what you're good at, isn't it?" JFC, dude, chill out or something. This isn't the Cruelty Olympics up in here. I'd know if it was. I'd be taking part... AND STILL SIDE-EYEING YOUR NASTY ASS.
Just kidding. Love you, boo. Keep being the best little shit this side of the sewage plant.
Hey, thanks a lot whichever one of you is responsible for this one. Now I can't watch this scene without thinking they're out of paper towels D:
Henry: "Sorry. I don't hear anything." Pan: "Interesting." I'll say.
Oh, so the sentries were knocked out by a sleeping spell... that looks exactly like a puff of poppy dust. Busy year in the effects department?
Pan: "Now, now, Felix. Where's your sense of adventure?" See, that's why I still love Pan, even though he's a complete piece of shit. He's a fun piece of shit. He really gets into his dastardly and deviant behavior.
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JFC KNOCK IT OUT WITH THE LANTERNS NOW. I can only have so many orgas- OH, HI GUYS.
The way Colin pops those consonants on the word "important" XD I fucking love this man. Why is he so much the way he is?!
Hook: "He got it from his mother." OH GOD, BABY. Somebody hold me. I can't handle the look on his face after he says that. Oh shit. I've revealed feelings. RUN AWAY.
"Yes, because pre-teen Baelfire probably made lots of pasta." Never change, Regina. You’re my boo and you always will be <3
This scene is really pretty, though. I love the soft yellow glow coming out of the coconut and the stars across the ceiling. Pretty <3
Wow. That was a powerful gust of magic. I wonder who could've been responsible for that?
Pan: "We have a guest!" Ummm... Hate to break it to you, but your party literally dropped dead asleep about 2 seconds ago, so nobody's listening XD
Pan: "Who could it be?" I WONDER.
Slick move there, Neal. I might just start to like you again, after all. Hope you don't die in the second half of the season or anything...
Awww. The sad thing is, the viewer knows Rumple actually isn't here to murder Henry, but poor Rumple - Neal doesn't know that :/
I actually hate storylines like this. I'd rather be kept in the dark. It's so frustrating when you know shit that the characters don't know. Key reason why I'm not into S1 very much, actually. But you didn't hear that from me. Remember: I only dislike it 'cos there's no pirates ;)
Neal: "It's Neal!" Wow. Getting really loud there, Bae- sorry, Neal. Oops.
Ahhhhh, Peter Pan, you little shit. Causing more trouble.
Neal: "We're safer without you." Ummm... Are you, though? Are you really?
"Nothing is going to happen to you. Not while I'm here." Oh, Mary Margaret. About that... Heh. Heh heh. Hmm.
Hey, look guys. It's Neal, and he's found the heroes' campsite!
...and now he's been caught by Pan. I hate to say I told you so, Neal, and I hate to say Rumple told you so, as well, but...
Ahahahaha, "Never break in somewhere unless you know the way out." Peter Pan taught him that. Nice one, show. I forgot about that detail.
"I'll remember that for next time." Ummm... Wait. What.
Dammit show. You giveth and you taketh away.
Poor Jared, hahaha. He spends most of this episode being fireman carried by various people. Acting is so glamorous.
Ooooh, a good old-fashioned manhandling right here. Love it.
It still bothers me that Rumple's entire reason for living is Bae. I mean, having (Rumple!)Belle literally saying that now that Neal's alive, Rumple has a reason for living again... It just makes me feel bad about that ship?
What are they even paying you people for?!
Wait. I'm not getting paid. Why are you guys getting paid if I'm not getting paid? Dammit, I quit.
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freedomfighterposts · 6 years
Mornings. Reyna Avila Ramirez-Arellano x Genderless Reader.
Reyna had long ago found that she had a love/hate relationship with mornings. She hated them because it meant that she was forced out of bed to do menial tasks like; allow extra toilet paper for cohort three or break up a fight between a legionnaire and a Huntress of Artemis/Diana. However, Reyna had grown accustomed to forcing herself out of bed for these tasks. She simply loathed this part of the morning, however she hated with a passion the other aspect of the morning. It meant having to leave her precious baby. Yes, the great, unemotional Reyna Avila Ramirez-Arellano had fallen for someone. At first the Roman Praetor had been worried about falling for the dangerous game of love again. But after eleven months of peace, adoration and a surprising amount of surprise kisses, Reyna decided that she had made the right choice. Reyna’s deep seeded hate for mornings appeared one morning as she woke up. Reyna’s eyes fluttered open slowly, a light yawn escaping her plump lips as he legs stretched down to the foot of the bed. The gilded purple covers of her bed felt soft and warm at Reyna’s touch. In this moment, everything was perfect. Birds chirped outside in the warm summer breeze of July. A cloudless sky gave way for Apollo’s sun chariot to spread its rays to the mortal world below. Reyna’s body was warm and lazy, despite her usually ever-present professional exterior, Reyna was often a big teddy bear behind closed doors. A lazy smile formed on the Praetor’s face as she felt someone shuffling beside her. Yes, it had been the first night where Reyna and (Y/n) had decided to sleep together. But the pair wholeheartedly agreed to not perform any extremely intimate acts. The most the two did was kiss… a lot. Reyna felt as if she was addicted to (Y/n)’s kisses. Their full lips felt naturally soft against Reyna’s. Reyna had once tried to slip her tongue inside (Y/n)’s mouth, however this resulted in the Daughter of Bellona receiving the silent treatment for the rest of the week. Reyna didn’t hold it against the child of Hercules though. (Y/n)’s body curled into a fetal position, trying to stay as warm as possible. (Y/n)’s back was pressed against Reyna’s side in an attempt to draw heat from her. Reyna’s smile turned from lazy, into one of adoration as her eyes lingered on (Y/n)’s form. (Y/n) had worm a pair of pajama bottoms with a theme of Lion King. The pair had gotten quite a laugh out of that. (Y/n) also wore a pajama shirt of just plain silver. Reyna however, was more outgoing and comfortable with their relationship. True she had felt guarded and against it at first, but the child of the God of Strength had worn her down. Due to this, Reyna simply wore her undergarments to bed, much to the embarrassment of (Y/n) who wouldn’t stop blushing. But now, in the morning, Reyna wanted nothing more than to simply lay here with (Y/n). However, there were still things that needed to be done. Especially after Gaea’s attack on the camps. Even several months after the seven Heroes of Olympus had defeated the Earth Mother, things were not back to normal. Jason’s incessant badgering for new temples gave Reyna more migraines than Octavian. Usually, Reyna slept next to the edge of the bed so she could quiet literally, roll out of bed in the morning. But she had wanted to be next to (Y/n), and now she was in the middle of the large, king sized bed. (Y/n) turned around, still sleeping. (Y/n) wrapped their arms around Reyna’s waist, a smile tugging at their lips as (Y/n) laid their head against Reyna’s exposed back. Reyna allowed herself a small smile, she bent down and kissed (Y/n)’s forehead gingerly before flinging the covers off herself and stepping from the bed. What Reyna did not prepare for, was (Y/n) waking up. “Reyna?” (Y/n) mumbled sleepily, rubbing their eyes lazily. (Y/n) had felt the disturbance from Reyna flinging the blankets away. “Sorry baby, I didn’t mean to wake you.” Reyna’s soft, melodic voice made (Y/n) feel warm inside. (Y/n) reached out with a hand and clasped Reyna’s hand. “Don’t leave me” (Y/n) whined dramatically. Reyna bubbled out a laugh but silenced herself quickly. “I can’t stay my Flos Pulcherrimus. I have work” Reyna’s heart shattered into a trillion pieces when she saw the tears forming in (Y/n)’s eyes as a pout wobbled on her face. (Y/n) sniffed, trying to keep the tears in. “Fine” (Y/n) spoke, not daring to say more. (Y/n) rolled over so that Reyna was facing (Y/n)’s back. “Flos Pulcherrimus. Don’t be like that” Reyna spoke softly, worried that if she spoke any louder (Y/n) would disappear before her eyes. “Sadness doesn’t look good on you.” But (Y/n) still refused to meet Reyna’s face. Guilt and sadness hit Reyna like one of Jason’s lightning bolts. The pain of making (Y/n) so sad was worse than anything Reyna had felt before. She would gladly face against Orion again if it meant that (Y/n) would be happy. However, Reyna is a duty first love life second kind of girl, so with a bitter sweet kiss to (Y/n)’s cheek, Reyna left the cabin she and (Y/n) shared while at Camp Half-Blood. The Heracles cabin at Camp Half-Blood wasn’t the most loved cabin nor was it the most looked after. Most if not all Demi-gods detested the God of Strength. Even (Y/n), who was normally the sweetest and nicest person around, didn’t like the immortal son of Zeus. Its foundations had been made haphazardly and it was only at the command of Chiron that the children of Vulcan and Hephaestus began reworking the cabin so that (Y/n) wouldn’t nearly be killed by a falling beam in their sleep. Reyna knew what Heracles had done that really ticked (Y/n) off. Usually, the gods and goddesses claimed their children on their thirteenth birthday with a holographic projection of their symbols above the child’s head. Grover had brought (Y/n) to camp when they were fifteen years old and it took the anger of Perseus Jackson and several other key Demi-Gods to finally find out who (Y/n)’s father was. Unfortunately, no one was exactly happy. Especially after (Y/n) learnt from Percy and Annabeth about what Heracles had done to Zoe Nightshade. The temple of Hercules at New Rome also remained deserted. It reminded Reyna of the Neptune temple before Percy had been made Praetor. Old, moldy fruits and nuts sat at the pedestal, cobwebs covered all the corners and pieces of stone crumbled from the lack of attention. Reyna knew it was a sore subject to talk about Heracles in front of (Y/n) so she stayed far away from the subject. Whenever someone talked about how Hercules did something bad, (Y/n) would do nothing to defend him. What Reyna did not know, was that as she left (Y/n) alone in bed that morning Reyna would be in some deep trouble for a long time. Reyna walked into the mess hall at exactly twelve O’clock. After a morning full of paperwork and boring talks with architects and even a talk with Chiron regarding the Mars/Ares inter cabin competition. So, when it was time for lunch. Reyna was more than happy to eat something with (Y/n). However, when Reyna walked over to (Y/n)’s usual spot she found no child of Heracles in sight. Confusion crossed over Reyna’s face as she sat with her friends, the Heroes of Olympus. “Yo, Reyna what’s cracka lacking?” Leo asked cheerfully, Reyna didn’t acknowledge the son of Hephaestus’ childish remark. “Have any of you seen (Y/n) recently?” Reyna as the plate before her filled with sandwiches. “Not that I can think of” Offered Annabeth from beside Percy and Piper. “Oh, I saw (Y/n) at the archery range this morning” Offered Frank. This made sense to the daughter of Bellona, because (Y/n) hated using the naturally inhuman strength gifted by Hercules. Instead (Y/n) favoured the bow, which Reyna knew she disliked because even Jason Grace had been impressed by the way (Y/n) had used an imperial gold combat axe. “Yeah, although (Y/n) did seem really upset. And that’s putting it mildly.” Piper added “Yeah, they just left me hanging this morning.” Percy mumbled as he ate a double decker blue pizza. “Yeah but we all know how… delicate… (Y/n) can be” Hazel defended and her words got Reyna thinking. “Delicate… Oh, by the gods.” Reyna cursed herself silently as she stood, taking her plate of sandwiches with her. “You’ll have to excuse me. I must fix a mistake” With that, Reyna sped walked out of the Mess hall. The Praetor of the Twelfth Legion briskly walked through the newly formed Greek/Roman camp. She passed hundreds of Demi-Gods as she made her way to the beach. Reyna knew that (Y/n) simply adored the ocean. Apparently, (Y/n)’s mother was an open water swimming coach and so (Y/n) and their mortal family often went swimming in the ocean. Reyna’s eyes scanned the golden beach carefully, waves crashed gently across the shore. A evergreen tree grew at the edge of the beach, where grass turned to sand, its branches stretching over the waves. Hidden below the branches, Reyna saw the hunched over form of (Y/n) (L/n). Reyna felt the sand shift beneath her feet as she discarded her sandals. The soft, foaming waves caressed Reyna’s toes as she sat down next to (Y/n). The pair sat in silence, Reyna simply content with being next to (Y/n). “I thought you had work to do” Reyna heard (Y/n) mumble beside her. In response, Reyna scooted closer to the child of Heracles. “I did, I still do. But, I noticed you weren’t at lunch so I brought you some food” (Y/n) looked down at the plate of sandwiches nestled in the sand at her side. The child of Heracles picked a sandwich filled cheese and ham, with only slight hesitation (Y/n) began nibbling on the food. After a while all the sandwiches had been eaten by the pair. “I’m sorry for this morning (Y/n)” Reyna spoke sincerely, not wanting to hurt (Y/n) any more than she already did. “No. It was my fault. I was being selfish and wanted you to myself. I should have known that I couldn’t have the great Reyna Avila Ramirez-Arellano to myself. Especially since you’re Praetor.” Reyna scowled at the use of her full name but said nothing. The pair of demigods just stared across the never-ending, never-beginning ocean, peaceful silence enveloping them both. “You know this is usually the part where you say it isn’t my fault then we kiss and make up” (Y/n) said breaking the silence. Reyna had to bite her tongue hard to force her laughter down. Instead she appeared stoic and serious. “But it is your fault.” Reyna said bluntly, causing (Y/n)’s happiness to drop. “I am a Praetor of the twelfth legion. I oversee the daily routines of over hundreds of demigods, even more now thanks to you Greeks.” Reyna’s heart broke a little as (Y/n) curled into a sitting fetal position, Reyna saw tears threatening to spill from (Y/n)’s eyes. And so, she wrapped her significant other in a tight embrace. Resting her chin on the top of (Y/n)’s head. “However, you are still far more precious to me to leave you alone. Flos Pulcherrimus.” Below Reyna, (Y/n) sniffed a little. “What do you mean?” (Y/n) asked. “I mean… That I think Frank can allow me to sleep in a little later, so long as my baby’s happy” Reyna nuzzled (Y/n)’s neck making the younger demigod blush, (Y/n)’s mouth opened to speak but words quickly turned to moans as Reyna nipped her ear lobe. “Let us finish this in your cabin.” Reyna continued huskily. As Reyna thought back to that fateful day, she couldn’t help but smile. The thought of the huge make out session her and (Y/n) had shared that day was enough to make her extremely happy. So yes, Reyna hated mornings. But she loved them because the look in (Y/n)’s eyes when (Y/n) saw that Reyna was still here was greater than any gift the gods could ever give. Speaking of which, Reyna felt the body next to her shift its position. (Y/n) uncurled from a fetal position and laid their head against Reyna’s covered bosom. Reyna wrapped her toned arms possessively around (Y/n)’s shoulders, letting the sheets fall down into their laps. Reyna’s fingers danced through (Y/n)’s bed hair. (Y/n) could feel the softness of Reyna’s fingers causing their eyes to open slowly. “Good morning Flos Pulcherrimus.” Reyna greeted warmly. A smile graced (Y/n)’s lips, their eyes closing once more. “Good morning to you too αστέρι μου” Although Reyna was not fluent in Greek, (Y/n) and Annabeth had taught her more than enough to know the cute pet names (Y/n) called her. “You have your thinking face on… What were you thinking about?” (Y/n) asked rising from their lying position to sit next to Reyna, both their backs being supported by the wall of Cabin 61. Reyna smiled at the person she adored most. “Nothing kind one. Nothing at all.” She replied sweetly.
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overlooktheworld · 6 years
Women Like Us (CarolxAlex Chapter One)
Hey Tumblr, So Y’all seemed to like the last Carol/Alex Fanfic I did so here is another one.
AU Notes: I can’t get the scenario’s I want with the canon as it is so what I’m going to say is that for whatever reason the kickball game didn’t happen in this AU for whatever reason. I know I know I’m being lazy.
Fog filled Alex’s mind walking back into C Block. The noise melded together into a mess of “loud” and of course the queen of loud and obnoxious just had to greet her.
“Hey-y-y-y Vause,”  Badison called.
“Fuck off Badison, I’m not in the mood.”  retorted Alex
“Aww, Alex doesn’t wanna play with me,” Badison pouted in her signature baby voice.
“Again with the baby voice, just shut the fuck up.” a stern voice called from a nearby table.
“Sorry Carol,” and with that a defeated Badison sulked her way to Carol’s table.
Alex went to an empty table and attempted to read her book to no avail. Her eyes glazed over the pages and her mind raced over the events of her day in court. It was all too much, could have sworn she’d seen Kurbra as the word guilty was called but that could have been her mind playing tricks on her.
20 more years, the extra time felt like a death sentence. She’d be 47 when she got out, she couldn’t ask Piper to wait that long and yet that was all she wanted, for Piper to wait.  
“Get over here.” Carol called and Alex knew she was being summoned.
She made her way, with no haste to Carol’s table.
“Are you any good at Bridge?” asked Carol, her eyes bearing into the younger women, somewhere between curiosity and a threat.
“I can play.” Alex brushed off.
“Already better than half the women here, take a seat your with me.” Ordered Carol while she dealt the hands.
Alex placed her bet, less risky than Carol’s but a good bet none the less. Carol claimed the round. They played on, both women mostly ignoring the players on either side of them, Alex wrapped up in her thoughts and Carol curiously watching the woman who seemed so different without her other half.
The time she had been sentenced to weighed too heavily on her mind, he looked Carol dead in the eyes, she was everything Alex feared becoming over the next 20 years.
“How are you so content,” Alex broke, the thoughts too heavy to contain.
“I’m three bids up on you, that helps.” Carol’s eyes shot up from her cards
“That’s not what I meant, you know what. . .Just forget it.” said Alex, defeated
“Scram losers, you’ve been playing like shit anyway.” Carol said with an irritated wave of her hand.
The two nameless lackeys threw down their cards, used to being dismissed when Carol’s attention wavered. Alex was now alone with Carol, she knew she should feel like a lamb in a lions den but couldn’t bring herself to care.
“How much time did you get?” asked Carol
“A lot of fucking time.” Alex sighed in frustration.
Carol just tilted her head, feigning complete and total disinterest.
“So how the fuck do you do it, because I don’t even feel human right now.” Alex sounded like she was pleading for something Carol didn’t have.
“Listen here, because I won’t say this again and I have zero interest in ending up someones prison mommy. You won’t feel for a few days, maybe you’ll cry and come to some grand revelation. Maybe you won’t, some people are just broken like that.” Conviction oozed out of Carol’s voice.
Alex listened, she didn’t say anything, she couldn’t. But something told her Carol was right, and a lifetime of bullshit told her she was broken.
“Regardless, you did a idiotic thing for a girl who’s free and now your mine. So you’ll play cards, and run your hookups and keep Badison from doing something stupid.” Carol ordered
“That last one is a big ask,” Alex almost laughed and dealt them both another hand.
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douxreviews · 5 years
Charmed - Season Five Review
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"My sister, the demon magnet."
A clear departure from the dark, mature tone of the previous two years, Season Five is where Charmed starts to go downhill. Following some network meddling to avoid the apparent doom and gloom of the previous season, there's a massive shift towards a lighter, and subsequently more banal form of writing. I do feel like I have to defend the first half the season to many, which features a few of Charmed's better hours, but the second half...not so much. Spoilers and, unfortunately, leprechaun discussion ahead.
You can kind of get why there would be an attempt to back track to the light-hearted tone of the early episodes of the series. Season Four was by all rights a bitter pill to swallow. With Prue's untimely death, and the Halliwells’ hard battle to rid themselves of The Source for good, things got pretty dark. Why not change tack and have a bit more fun? Sadly, for Brad Kern et. al, more fun means squeezing Alyssa Milano into the skimpiest costumes possible, and breaking the record for the highest number of irritating magical creatures in a single episode of television. Ugh.
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Initially, the dress-up games aren't all that terrible. Sure, the Mermaid fiasco in the two-part premiere was questionable, but the decision to tie it back to Phoebe's pain and desire to escape the toxicity of her relationship with Cole was oddly affecting. Even the fairy tale absurdity of 'Happily Ever After' feels rooted in similar personal struggles. By episode 5, though, we get our first taste of the tackless dreck that will become signature in the series' later seasons. The results are a mixed bag, to say the least. 'Witches in Tights' is a great title for an hour that serves very little purpose other than to get the girls in a "theme of the week" get-up to liven up the WB promos. This tastelessness carries through to the end of the season with Rose McGowan's pain coming through in spades during 'Nymphs Just Wanna Have Fun', where she spends two thirds of the episode prancing around in rags like some brainless dodo. The costume party even runs into the season finale, where a potentially great idea is squandered by a need to ham up every single angle of the girls' transformation into Greek Goddesses.
The first half of the season does shine in a lot of ways. Julian McMahon's presence is still welcome, though Cole's return feels little redundant in light of the rather conclusive ending his vanquish gave us in Season Four's 'Long Live the Queen'. Regardless, we get some great character beats throughout the first 12 episodes before Cole's humanity is eventually lost and he has to be vanquished for the final time in the 100th episode 'Centennial Charmed'. Despite an unnecessarily extended arc, Cole was still an integral part of the show's growth and maturity and Julian McMahon will be remembered fondly.
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There are some clear high-points elsewhere, too. A great guest spot from Melinda Clarke in 'Siren Song' helps to buoy yet another episode dedicated to the never-ending push and pull of Phoebe and Cole's now defunct marriage. 'A Witch in Time' is one of my personal favorites. With a fun time-travel element at its core, and one hell of a twist mid-way through the hour, it’s one of the rare examples of how smart the writing team could still be this late in the game. The 100th episode toys with the idea of an alternate reality without Paige around to save the Power of Three. It's played well for the most part, and effectively ties a nice bow around Julian McMahon's time of the series. 'Sense and Sense Ability' is also a bright spot in the otherwise depressing haze of nymphs and leprechauns in the second half of the season. Its full of fun gags and is home to a clever idea that ties neatly back to the strength of The Power of Three, an element that's oddly rare at this point.
For the most part, though, Season Five is a big disappointment with some really low lows. 'Lucky Charmed' is one the worst hours of the series, drawing on cliched leprechaun tropes, and tired demon drama. 'The Importance of Being phoebe' is a tacky mess, and is one of those episodes where you question how good the girls are at spotting when there's something clearly wrong with each other. What's so sad about episodes like these is that you have to endure them knowing there's material that’s just as heinous coming up later in the series.
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In the face of some dreadful episodic content, you would usually be able to turn to the sibling dynamics that were almost always well crafted. Unfortunately, Season Five marks a point in the show where the writers begin to favor a more segregated approach to the girls' individual arcs, with lifeless love interests and silly new jobs taking precedent over genuinely effecting drama. Phoebe's time is spent floating from guy to guy and building her career as the city's biggest advice columnist, a career development that makes Prue's quick hire at 415 Magazine seem like a completely feasible move. It's great to see her mature, though. Paige makes a rather questionable choice to leave her job as a social worker, one that causes her to drift for most of the season with very little purpose. Piper's role is probably the better one this season, with her pregnancy, and the subsequent birth of her first child Wyatt, taking up most of her screen time. Unfortunately, her journey this year ends with one of the biggest mistakes the show ever made; the dissolution of her marriage to Leo.
For reasons that stem from lazy writing more than anything else, Piper and Leo are pulled apart in the finale in order to allow Leo to take up a bigger role "up there" with the Elders, and to make room for the time-travelling Chris, who pops up in the season finale and will continue to plague the series next season. It's a move that's just as frustrating as it is contrived, and almost appropriately messy as we enter Charmed's problematic sixth season. There were some attempts to shoe-horn in some martial discord before the finale, notably in clip-show episode 'Cat House', but those small scenes do little to shake the feeling that the writers are now driven more by major story beats, and are far less concerned with the characters that were so well drawn when we started this journey five seasons earlier.
Potions and Notions
Sam makes his first re-appears here since season two, and it marks the first time he comes face-to-face with his daughter, Paige.
There was a lot of build up to Wyatt's birth. The moment itself is actually rather sweet, but the show doesn't really use his abilities to their fullest extent right away.
Phoebe's premonitions start to become more vivid this season, which basically means they're less blurry.
Spells and Chants
Cole: "What happened to us, Phoebe? How'd we get here? We used to be so in love! Even without your sisters, it's not working... Why?" Phoebe: "I don't know... Maybe it just wasn't meant to be."
Piper: "Even if he can handle the demons, he must sense the tension, which means at the very best we end up with a neurotic infant." Leo: "Look on the bright side. Growing up with your sisters, he was bound to be neurotic anyway."
Best Episode: A Witch in Time.
Honorable Mentions: Siren Song, The Eyes Have It, Sympathy for the Demon, Centennial Charmed, Sense and Sense Ability.
Worst Episode: Lucky Charmed.
There are some admittedly strong elements this season, but it's mostly a disappointing year that feels like a disservice to the well written drama that came before it.
5 out of 10 leprechauns.
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