#meanwhile harry's over at the gryffindor table like
iamnmbr3 · 8 months
Draco: --and then he said "I think I can tell who the wrong sort are for myself, thanks." Can you believe it? Not that I care. Who would want to be friends with him anyway?
Pansy: Draco. That was FOUR YEARS AGO!
Zabini: *facepalming* Pansy tell me when it's over.
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gamergirl929 · 7 months
The End of the Year (Hermione Granger x Reader)
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A continuation of the multichapter fic, The Durmstrang
It felt like it was only yesterday when you decided to transfer from Durmstrang to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, a transfer that brought you to the woman you were hopelessly in love with, Hermione Granger.
Now however, you had no idea where your relationship stood, or if she felt the same as you did. You could only hope she felt the same way as you did, but would you find the courage to tell her how you felt before she left on the Hogwarts Express and off to her home for the Summer?
Disclaimer: SO, I took a crazy long writing hiatus, my writer's block literally took over, I recently picked up writing again, and realized I forgot to update this fic for a crazy long time, but I'm back and hoping to get this one wrapped up, please let me know what you think and I'm so sorry for such a long delay!
Snogging with Hermione in the Astronomy Tower during your free period had become a regular thing, almost resulting in the two of you being caught.  
What bothered you, and what bothered Hermione as well was not knowing what exactly the two of you were.  
Was it a fling?  
Was it a relationship?  
Neither of you knew, but as the days of the semester grew fewer and fewer, you knew you needed to find out.  
It wasn’t until the last week though that you found the courage you needed to ask Hermione what this was, and if she wanted this to go further.  
Hermione couldn’t believe the year was at its end, couldn’t believe that the year she’d spent with you was coming to an end, but it was, though she had your guarantee that next year, she’d see you at Hogwarts again.  
What wasn’t guaranteed though, was what was going on between the two of you.  
Hermione had wanted to know since it started, wanted to know what the kisses you first shared in the Astronomy Tower meant, though the longer it went on, the more fearful she grew.  
What if you didn’t want what she wanted?  
What if you didn’t want her as much as she wanted you?  
Hermione lets out a soft sigh, drawing the attention of her fellow Gryffindor's sitting around her in The Great Hall.  
“What’s wrong?” Ron asks, shoving as much food in his mouth as he can.  
Ginny rolls her eyes.  
“Honestly Ronald.” She smacks him in the back of the head, eliciting a snigger from those nearby.  
“Oi! I could’ve choked.” He downs his Pumpkin Juice.  
Ginny scoffs.  
“Don’t eat like a troll then, you git.”  
Ron mumbles.  
“You’re a git.”  
Harry shakes his head, turning away from the bickering siblings, his blue eyes landing on the Gryffindor in front of him.  
“Thinking about Y/N?” He asks, smirking when Hermione’s cheeks flush.  
Ron waves a fork at the girl.  
“I seen you two heading to the Astronomy Tower the other day, what was that about?” He asks dumbly, completely missing Hermione’s blood red cheeks, meanwhile Ginny grins, as does Harry.  
“Yeah, what WERE you two doing Hermione?” She teases, earning an eye roll in return.  
“N-Nothing, h-had a free period.” She mumbles, unable to look across the table at her friends.  
Meanwhile, you’re heading down the grand staircase, your face buried in your Charm’s book. 
You blindly make your way towards The Great Hall, somehow making it to the Gryffindor table and taking your seat beside Hermione, unaware that your friends had been discussing what had went on between you and Hermione in the Astronomy Tower.  
“Mione, can you help me?” You ask, not looking away from your book and Hermione nods, leaping up from the table and grabbing your hand, dragging you out of The Great Hall, leaving a smirking Ginny and Harry behind.  
As the days went by, the end of the Semester neared, with exams going on, Hermione and you hadn’t had much time to talk, let alone meet in the Astronomy Tower.  
In reality, while there, you spent a lot of your time just talking, just being alone together without any eyes on you.  
SOMETIMES that alone time included snogging as well, but you’d keep that between you and Hermione, though considering you hadn’t spent much time alone together, you were missing her dearly.  
You yawn, rubbing your face before stretching with a lengthy groan.  
You had ONE day of exams left and you were doing everything to make sure Hogwarts had a REASON to welcome you back with open arms, though you knew for a fact you were coming back.  
“Hey mate.”  
You jump, glancing behind you, smiling when Harry and Ron jump onto the couch, sitting on either side of you.  
“Hey.” You sigh, slamming your book shut.  
“Still studying?” Harry asks and you nod, earning a snort from Ron.  
“Just wing it like I do.”  
Ginny rolls her eyes as she passes by, smacking him in the head with whatever she was holding.  
“Bloody Hell!”  
You slap a hand over your mouth, but are unable to hold back your laughter, tears forming in your eyes as you laugh at Ron’s misery.  
“Quiet you, git.” He growls, though he can’t help but smile as well, Harry’s lips splitting in a grin as well.  
T0he portrait swings open, revealing a disheveled Hermione Granger, the intellect having been in the library until it had closed.   
Hermione feels brief annoyance at the sound of laughter, but as soon as she realizes who it is that’s laughing, that annoyance melts away, the girl instead leaning against the wall to watch you.  
She can’t help but grin when you playfully shove Ron, the boy shoving you back.  
It’s in that moment, seeing you so carefree, so happy makes Hermione realize that she doesn’t just care for you as more than a friend.  
She was completely and utterly in love with you.  
Your eyes finally find Hermione’s, a grin stretching across your face as you wipe the tears from the corner of your eyes.  
Hermione smiles back, hugging her books to her chest.  
She could only hope that you felt the same.  
That hope dwindled away when the final day of the semester came, and you’d remained silent, the courage you THOUGHT you had at the start of the week ebbing away.  
It wasn’t until you were walking to the Platform to see your friends off that you realized you were moments from running out of time.  
It’s only when your feet hit the platform that you realize you have to make your move now, your father and the things he’d taught you be damned.  
You clear your throat, grabbing Hermione’s wrist.  
Hermione turns to you, brows furrowed.  
“Are you alright?” She asks, worriedly and you nod, swallowing hard.  
“Ye-Yeah, I am...” You shuffle nervously from foot to foot, your father’s voice screaming in your head, repeating the same mantra as always.  
You give your head a shake.  
“L-Look.” You clear your throat.  
Hermione’s head cocks to the side in confusion.  
“Hermione, if I didn’t do this, I know I’d regret it for the rest of my life.”  
Hermione’s heart skips a beat as you lean in, her brown orbs widening.  
You stop midway, giving her the chance to close the gap between you, giving her the chance to make the final move.  
If her lips met yours then she felt the same way you did, if your lips met, it meant your father was wrong, and that everything you were told was wrong.  
Though there was a chance she might no- 
Your thoughts fall silent as Hermione’s lips meet yours, the woman’s fingers tangling in the fine hairs at the base of your neck as her lips glide against yours.  
Nearby, Harry, Ron and Ginny as well as a few other Gryffindor's watch the scene gleefully.  
The two of you part, your eyes wide and cheeks flushed as a grin stretches across your face.  
Hermione giggles, leaning in to rest her forehead against yours.  
“I suppose that’s a way of coming out to the school.” She shrugs, cheeks bright red and you chuckle.  
“I suppose it is.” You grin, the same charming smile that you’d directed her way when you sat down beside her in The Great Hall at the beginning of the year.  
Hermione licks her lips.  
“Does that mean...?” She starts and you smile.  
“Maybe I’d like to snog you in more places than the Astronomy Tower.” You shrug, earning a playful slap in the chest.  
You shake your head, wrapping your arms around her.  
“I wanted to do this in 4th year, but Victor got to you first.” You roll your eyes, the girl in your arms giggling.  
“And now?” She whispers hopefully and you smirk, glancing around.  
“Well, I don’t see Victor, do you?” You ask, the girl shaking her head.  
“No, I don’t.”  
You grin, leaning in to press another kiss to her lips, though you’re jumping moments later when the Hogwarts Express’s horn blows loudly.  
Hermione shakes her head with a grin.  
“I have to go.” She frowns, though it passes for a moment, when you kiss her forehead.  
“I’m sure we’ll see each other over Summer. Send me an owl?” You smile, the girl nodding.  
“Of course.”  
Hermione presses another kiss to your lips before she glances over her shoulder and Harry, Ron and Ginny, the three grinning widely.  
“Shut up.” She mumbles, turning to give you another squeeze and a quick peck before she makes her way towards the train, her friend’s in toe.  
“Oi! We’ll see you at the Burrow later this year, yeah?!” Ron yells and you nod, sending the four a wave.  
“You can count on it.”  
Your eyes remain on the group until they disappear into the train, your smile widening when you catch Hermione’s brown orbs behind the glass of one of the many train’s windows.  
You place your fingers to your lips before blowing at the girl, whose blush you can see through the train’s window.  
Your hand rests over your heart as you watch the train pull away, the last thing you see being that of Hermione’s chocolate brown orbs as the train rolls out of the Platform.  
In that moment you knew, transferring to Hogwarts had been the best decision you’d ever made.  
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takeariskao3 · 1 year
written for #SeveralSunlitDaylights & @corneliaavenue-ao3 day 3: speak now
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'But unbidden into his mind came an image of that same deserted corridor with himself kissing Ginny instead…'
It was a new sensation, this urge, and Harry didn’t particularly enjoy it. In fact, he found it quite debilitating at times. For weeks he’d daydreamed away his first period, missing crucial Herbology notes he had to copy from Hermione later. He’d started taking an inordinate amount of bludgers at quidditch practice. So much so that McGonagall had kept him after class once to ask if he was feeling alright. Not to mention, he seemed to have lost any and all authority over certain...extremities.
It was mortifying.
But today was by far his worst bout of brain fog. He’d walked right past the Great Hall at lunch, Ron having to call after him when he was halfway up the marble staircase. Harry had doubled back, his face heating with embarrassment, but Ron seemed to buy whatever excuse Harry had stuttered out.
She’s Ron’s sister.
He chanted the mantra inside his head for what felt like the thousandth time. The problem was, it didn’t seem to stick. An empty space of time, or a lull in the conversation and Harry’s train of thought veered right back to shining copper hair and secret passageways; his hands on her waist and his lips on hers. 
Every. Single. Time.
Harry tossed a handful of chips onto his plate and hoped someone at the Gryffindor table had something mildly interesting to talk about, but he was out of luck it seemed. After a few minutes of chatting shit, his mind started to wander. 
They were in a hidden alcove behind the tapestry of Grimma Mog on the fourth floor. The stone wall was cool against his back and Ginny’s body was warm where she pressed into him. Harry could feel the slight flare of her hips beneath his palms, could feel the hitch of her breath as he swiped her bottom lip with his tongue–
Ron’s sister! He shouted inside his own head, pulling his own traitorous thoughts to a halt. 
Focusing on Hermione across the way, he tried to digest whatever she was talking to Neville about. Something to do with toadstools. 
“This new experiment suggests medicinal properties…”
“Really?” Hermione peeked over to read the academic journal Neville had open on the table. “Raw? Or brewed?”
Ginny pressed into him harder, her fist tugging at his hair. In retaliation, Harry slipped his fingers beneath the hem of her jumper and felt smooth skin at the small of her back–
“I'm bloody starving,” the real life Ginny groaned from behind his right shoulder and Harry nearly jumped out of his skin. 
She plopped into the empty seat next to him, sending a shoot of electricity up his arm as her elbow bumped his. Harry tossed her a grin that he hoped looked normal, but was probably completely deranged, only to see Dean falling onto the bench on her other side. 
The reminder of her complete unattainability sucker punched the monster living inside his chest. 
Not only was she Ron’s sister. She had a sodding boyfriend. He kept forgetting about that particular obstacle. Probably because his brain was too obsessed with kissing her. 
God, he wanted to kiss her. 
Ginny glanced at him sidelong and Harry averted his gaze, realizing too late he’d been staring. He spent the rest of lunch forcing himself to pay attention as Hermione and Neville's conversation shifted from toadstools to the merits of Moroccan Coriander over other varieties. Meanwhile, Ginny ate and laughed and flirted, and overall tortured Harry to the point of madness. 
But his resolve held. He kept his fanciful scenarios in check for the rest of the day. 
Which turned out to be completely futile, because while he was able to hold some semblance of control in his waking hours, this just spurred his imagination to run wild while he slept.
And like a fixation he couldn’t shake, over and over they were pressed up into the wall of the alcove, twisted together in a hushed encounter unbeknownst to the crowded corridor on the other side of the tapestry. 
It made looking Ron in the eye all the more difficult, and in the mornings, Harry had never been more grateful for the curtains surrounding his four-poster bed.
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phoebe-delia · 9 months
For your eight nights of Drarry event, what about “I get drunk on jealousy.”
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Drunk on Jealousy
And for the finale of Eight Drarry Nights 2023, I am honored to write this for @xx-thedarklord-xx. Sam, I hope you know by now just how much I love your work. Apologies that this is so late. It's been a rough week (shoutout to my discord friends for the sweet support! You guys are amazing). But I wanted to give this proper time, which I haven't had until now. So, without further ado, here we go! And, of course, Happy (belated, now) Hanukkah.
Featuring: a secret relationship, possessive!Harry, and a Draco who is determined to drive Harry crazy—in the best way—until he snaps.
At this point, I'm starting to think the pint in your hand is just for show. You've hardly touched it. I'd wager you're entirely sober.
You come to pub nights with our colleagues, every other Friday, yet you hardly drink anymore. Would you be surprised that I've noticed? When have I not noticed you, Potter?
I've seen you watching me. You're not being very subtle; if you want to keep this a secret, you're going to have to tear your eyes away from my arse. Not that I want you to, mind you. I always want your eyes on me.
Have you caught on to my game yet? You're an ex-Auror. Use your talents of deduction. I flit and flirt my way through the pub, talking to everyone but you, but it's always your bed I come back to, isn't it? Meanwhile, you stew and scowl and glare at me from the corner of the pub as if you don't know the foregone conclusion.
Silly Potter. There's an easy way to get me to end this; a quick, surefire solution to this self-inflicted torture. You'd just have to march over here with that big, tough Chosen One bravado, scoop me into your arms, and kiss me the way you usually do when no one's around. No one else would dare touch me again, and we'd finally be free from sneaking around. Win-win.
But you're trying to be a gentleman. You're trying to "give me my space" and let me bring our relationship out of the proverbial closet when I'm ready. It's admirable; very touchy-feely-sweet-Gryffindor of you.
But I've had enough. I'm ready for more. I'm sure you'd say that I could simply tell you. But where's the fun in that? It's much more entertaining for me to see you get all worked up, jaw clenching with every smirk I throw your way as I talk and laugh and flirt with other men.
Tonight, though, I think you've finally realized. Or, at least, you're going to lose it. I'm talking to—what did he say his name was? Greg? Thomas? I'm not sure, but it won't matter in a moment. You're gripping that pint like it's personally offended you; I'm almost afraid it's going to shatter in your hand.
From the corner of my eye, I see you all but slam it on the table, the drink sloshing a bit over the rim. While the rest of the pub is too rowdy to notice, your tablemates startle and look at you with alarm. But you're glaring at me. I just deepen my smirk and raise my eyebrow at you.
You rise from your seat, letting your chair fall over behind you, and stride purposefully over to me.
That's it.
Come and get me.
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So I saw a tumblr post on tiktok about Trevor (Neville's toad) being pulled out of the cup as "Trevor Longbottom" and like a totally sane Percy fan it got me thinking, what if Percy was also involved in this.
We start before the champions are chosen. Barty Crouch Jr manages to mess with the cup that's choosing the champions and puts Harry's name in. Meanwhile, a group of Gryffindor 7th year students joke about putting Trevor into the cup under Trevor Longbottom. Let's just assume that the magic involved in the cup means that it knows what students are in the school at the time the tournament is being hosted. Someone then puts Trevor in as Trevor Longbottom sometime between Harry's name being put in and the champion choosing. Since Trevor is a pet and not a student, it only gets registered as a possibility because of the meddling needed to make Harry's name come out as a 4th champion.
Cut to the champion choosing with Crouch Sr watching Dumbledore read out the champions that got chosen and Bagman in the side chamber that the champions go to. Since Crouch Sr is there, Percy is also watching Dumbledore read out the names the cup chose. Everything is going smoothly. Then the cup chooses a 4th champion, and turning out to be a 2nd Hogwarts champion when Dumbledore reads out the name "Trevor Longbottom". Obviously the teacher are confused and questioning if Alice and Frank had a 2nd boy. Majority of 3rd years and younger don't know who that this and some are curious who that is because the thing to remember is that Percy's to Ginny's years at least is small compared to the usual Hogwarts year size due to the 1st wizarding war so it's a lot easier to remember who's in what year if you really tried. The 4th years and up are either curious as to who it is or having varying reactions to the fact that Neville's toad just got chosen as a champion. The latter's mostly the Gryffindor table but it can be seen on the other tables such as Luna (a 3rd year Neville's friends with) and Penny (a 7th year whose heard about Trevor's antics from Percy) on the Ravenclaw table. Neville's just sat in shock because he's sure he didn't have anything to do with Trevor's name being pulled besides Trevor being his pet but he's going through his memory as quick as possible in case he did have something to do with Trevor being a 4th champion. Percy, meanwhile, very quickly gets over his shock of Tervor being pulled and gets to work trying to convince his boss to move on without mentioning the fact that Trevor is a toad for reasons I don't have the energy to come up with rn before Neville has to bring his toad up to the teachers area of the Great Hall. Crouch Sr having had a son concludes that Trevor is a friend or lover of Percy's that's currently sick because why else would his assistant cover for someone that failed to show up for a mandatory feast. Ultimately, he moves on while entrusting Percy to relay the rules of the tournament and the contents of the magical contract binding the champions to their participation in the tournament (which Percy later offers to share with the 3 human champions chosen) to this Trevor person.
Cue a Percy and Neville centric A-Plot of this au version of GOF featuring a friendship forming between Percy and Neville, Crouch Sr finding out that Trevor is a toad sometime between Rita's interviews and the First Task, sirens going off in someone's head about Percy being put in charge of the tournament and the consequences of Trevor being entered into the tournament for both Percy and Neville. The B-Plot is Harry just having a semi regular school year while Crouch Jr is coming up with ways to get Harry into the graveyard to resurrect He-Who-Only-Feared-Dumbledore. If we want to add shipping for Percy, then I would say the main four options are the champions and Penny. Obviously, there are other options, but I think the champions and Penny are the most obvious. We can maybe even throw Neville having a crush on Percy that could maybe turn into something post-Hogwats depending if we go past GOF into the shipping pot as well
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neonlight2 · 1 year
Marauders Headcanon
The Marauders (including the girls) and the Slytherin Skittles are diehard fans of Princess Diana.
So during the whole drama with Charles and Camilla, they would all be talking about how Diana deserves better.
“I MEAN SHES LITERALLY— LOOK AT HER LOOK AT HER JAMES, SHES FUCKING STUNNING!” - Lily Evans to James, Peter, and Remus who are just trying to eat their breakfast but can’t because she’s shoving a newspaper in their faces
*Sirius, Marlene, and Dorcas walk up*
“Woah there Evans, what’s got her in such a red headed mood.” (Pun intended cause it’s Sirius)
“Prince Charles confirmed his affair to Cunty Camilla.” - Remus as he sips his piping hot coffee
“WHAT?!” - Sirius black, jaw dropped as he almost face plants into the table somehow
“HOW DARE HE CHEAT ON MY WIFE!”- Marlene, snatching the paper away to get a good look
*everyone glances at Dorcas, who is totally unfazed her screaming girlfriend, seemingly sad herself as well due to the news* “has she said anything yet.”
“No,” Remus chimes in with a new grin, “but she’s on every headline because of her—,”
“HOLY SHIT!” - Marlene screams with wide ass eyes
“What?! WHAT,” Sirius scrambles up, peeling himself off Remus who had become his stand in comfort pillow. “let. Me. SEE!”
*sirius screams after seeing the photo, falling back dramatically as if he were fainting*
“I think I’ve died~ Mooney..Prongs… Wormtail be a dear and tell the queen she’s been decommissioned for me. I would’ve myself but Queen Di—
(They all call her that from then on)
— has killed me. Send Charles the bill.”
“THATS WHAT IM SAYING!” - Lily again
“Are you alright Lily flower—?” - James Potter being a sweetheart
“NO— no I’m not alright, our Queen has been hurt! How could I be alright?!”
Remus snorts but nods, “She’s got a point.”
And poor Peter, somehow he knows what’s going on, but simultaneously doesn’t
“But what do you think will happen to William and Harry?” -innocent Peter, who is genuinely concerned and trying to be part of the convo
Everyone stops talking, Remus spits out his drink, Sirius shoots up from the ground, and they all look at him, all with wide eyes.
“Oh no,” James winces, knowing what’s to come.
“THE BABIES” - Marlene and Sirius scream, shaking each other back and forth
“I mean there is no way he can get full custody—,”
“Oh, he won’t.” Remus said with a matter of a fact tone, “The royal family wouldn’t like the bad press.”
“And we all know that there would be a…,”
“Fucking riot.”
Meanwhile over at the Slytherin table:
“That’s it! WE’RE GOING TO WAR EARLY BOYS!” - Barty Crouch Jr
“What have you done?” - an irritated Regulus, who is obviously sleep deprived
“Me? Nothing. I heard your traitor brother and his little friends talking—,”
“Oh dear Merlin, just ignore them Barty it won’t hurt your ego I swear.” - Evan, who literally give zero fucks this early in the morning
“Firstly, it would. Secondly, that’s not what I’m fucking talking about thank you very fucking much.”
*Regulus is massaging his temples because he has a headache now from the noise and feels like dying* “Oh, out with it prick.”
“Charles— as in the Whore, Prince— publicly stated he was cheating on Diana.”
*both regulus and evan slowly looking up at him like he just called them muggle born*
“What the fuck did you just say to me?” - very confused and now angry Regulus, who was only hanging on due to the help of five cups of coffee and two hours of sleep
*Evan, totally ignoring regulus* “What did he say? Nevermind— he probably said something along the lines of time drifted us apart, ‘I’ve always loved Camilla’, or ‘I was forced into this’. I wonder if Queen Elizabeth encouraged or disagreed with all of this. Oh my Merlin— what has Diana said?! Has she done anything?!”
* barty thriving on the drama* “I don’t know for sure, but I heard something about a revenge dress—,”
“Where did they hear this?” Regulus asked, now squinting over at the Gryffindor table. “It looks like they have a muggle newspaper, I don’t see a charm on the pictures.”
“Where can we get one?” - Evan, ready to go steal the paper himself if he has too
“We are not getting one!” Barty screeched, “It’s a muggle paper, probably filthy.”
*Evan scoffs while Regulus rethinks about his friend choices, ‘I’m surrounded by idiots’ vibe*
“You do realize that you are in fact talking about a muggle right?”
“She can’t possibly be that amazing without some magic.” Barty rebuked strongly
“Whatever just go get the bloody pa—,”
*regulus slaps his hands over both their mouths before turning their heads to look over*
*all of them watch as Pandora skips into the room, quickly greeted by the marauders, and starts chatting to them before she is shown the paper*
“Quick!” *barty slaps Evan’s chest* “flag her down so she can bring the paper over.”
“Why do I have to? Your louder.” Evan retorted, slapping him back harder.
“Your her brother!”
“Well Reg is her favorite!”
“Regulus—,” *both of them turn to see regulus is already disappeared, now standing beside a sad looking Pandora, who had been given the paper by the Marauders*
*Regulus quick gives the girls hand small, comforting squeeze before coming back over to the Slytherin table with the paper in hand*
“Well?! What is it???”
“She wore a revenge dress.” - regulus said with a rare smug smirk
*evan snatched the paper and gawked with barty at the photo*
“And you’re really trying to tell me that she is all muggle?”
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letstrythisout4 · 6 months
Chapter 4: Blaise Zabini and the invasion of the library
Series Masterlist
Oh so this is what she meant, is what Blaise concludes as Isabella strolls right up into his secluded corner in the library and sits herself down right in front of him, ruffling through her bag.
She begins to pull out parchment, two quills and a bottle of ink. “Do you have your Charms textbook on you? I forgot mine.” she whispers to Blaise.
Silently handing over his copy, Isabella offers him a grateful smile and gets to work on what Blaise can only assume is the essay Flitwick assigned this week.
Once it became clear that she had no immediate intentions of interrogating him, Blaise returns to Sherlock and Watson’s investigation of the scene of the crime.
Sherlock Holmes approached the body, and, kneeling down, examined it intently. “You are sure that there is no wound?” he asked, pointing to numerous gouts and splashes of blood which lay all round.
Stories like this remind Blaise how stupid blood supremacy is. He has yet to find a wizarding author who captures his attention like Arthur Doyle and yet if he were to ever recommend his books to any of his roommates he would be putting an immense target on his back. Crabbe probably couldn’t even read A Study in Scarlet  not because it was written by a muggle but because…he can’t seem to read at all.
“Is that A Study in Scarlet?” Isabella questioned.
Blaise hummed in agreement, not looking up from its pages. The sound of a zipper opening , parchment and quills being brushed against the wood of the table and a zipper closing meets Blaise’s ears.
“Have you read it before?”
“What did you think?” she urged.
“Well, I’m reading it again aren’t I?” Blaise inquired, placing his bookmark into the novel and setting it aside.
“No need for the attitude. I just didn’t know purebloods had access to muggle fiction.” she bickered.
“Well not all purebloods are idiots so…” He trailed off as he began to question just how much he wanted to tell Isabella, staring at the ceiling as if it would decide for him.
“How’d you get a copy?”
“I bought it.”
“Reyes, why are you here?” Blaise challenged deciding to see how far he would have to push to get her to walk away.
“Because you’re lonely looking and nosey. I can appreciate that.” When Blaise involuntarily dragged his hand down his face, she continued “ I mean I can tell that if you wanted to you could be really popular in your house. But instead you sit here alone instead of bothering the Gryffindor quidditch team like the rest of the Slytherin boys.”
“Oh yes I’m mature enough to not care whenever Potter gets unwanted benefits, how special am I?” he responded with a dramatic stretch.
“Incredibly actually, everyone else likes to be all up in his business. Meanwhile you prefer to be in the business of everyone but Harry.”
“He has enough people involved in his life, he doesn’t need me to add to the numbers.”
“That’s very considerate of you.” Isabella announced to the table, as if there was anyone there other than the two of them .
“Who cares?”
“I care.”
That forces Blaise to look at her for the first time since she sat down. Her hair was pulled into her preferred ponytail with her curls going in every direction and her eyes were so honest that Blaise forgot that he should probably respond. 
Jumping at the opportunity to finally make eye contact she adds,  “Nobody really thinks like that. Again I say, "I can appreciate it.”
Blaise nodded several times as he tried to piece words together to form an appropriate response. And Isabella leaned back in her chair crossing her arms with a smug smile, apparently satisfied that he seemed to finally be listening to her meaning, not just her words.
After a moment Isabella must have decided he was taking too long as she suddenly declared, “And so I have made a decision!”
“A decision?”
“Yes, a decision, we will be friends.” she stated as if it were the most obvious choice in the world.
Blaise raised a brow. “Do I get any say in this decision?” 
“Nope.” and she struts away, once again leaving Blaise confused.
From then on Isabella seemed to just appear. Arriving early to their shared classes and asking him about his day only returning to her seat when the other kids could be heard down the hall. Primarily she would join him in the library. Sometimes to silently do homework and other times to interrogate him about his life.
“What’s your family like?” she questioned, once again indulging in her curiosity. Blaise looked at her and she was in what Blaise had silently dubbed her ‘Tired Stance’; chair pushed far enough back to allow her to rest her elbows near the edge of the table, lying her head on her arms, peering up at him through her eyelashes.
“Small. It’s just my mom and I.” 
Blaise quickly found himself enjoying Isabella’s presence. She fit his standards of people he doesn’t dislike being around. For every “flaw” she had, she had a trait that balanced it. She wasn’t top of class (those positions were consistently taken by Granger, Malfoy and himself) but she worked incredibly hard to maintain good grades. Her questions (well endless) were always genuine. And she wasn’t afraid to sit in silence. 
Blaise really liked that last trait.
“What about extended family?”
“My mom doesn’t have siblings, so it's just my grandparents and I never talk to them…Now that I think about it, I don’t know if they're even alive.
“Oh, what's that like?”
“What do you mean?”
“Well I have five siblings-”
“Yes and-”
“Why?” Blaise pried with a reproachful tone paired with a deep frown.
“I don’t know, my parents wanted six kids I guess, what do you want me to say?” she argued hotly.
“My bad I just, large families like that are really rare in the wizarding world.”
“Hmm, well I guess I should add that they are half siblings. My parents had them while in their previous marriages.”
“I don’t know why you’re acting so shocked Mr. I Enjoy Muggle Culture.”
“Just because I know alot about muggles doesn’t mean when I get reminded about certain things I’m not taken aback.”
“Hmmmmmm fair enough.” she conceded. “Now going back to what I was saying” -she shot him a glare- “before you rudely interrupted me. On both sides of my family I have tons of cousins and aunts and uncles so it's just weird to me that you don’t have…anybody else.”
“Wizarding families tend to stay small, like two to three kids at most. As for what it’s like, I mean I never had anything different so I can’t compare but I know my mom has my back so that’s all that really matters.” She bites her lip at that and Blaise can practically see her weighing the pros and cons of asking her next question. “Just ask, I won’t get offended.”
“Promise.” he assured, despite growing anxious.
“What about your dad?”
The roll of his eyes is immediate.
“I don’t care about my dad.”
“... please elaborate.”
Blaise takes a breath. The kind that fills your lungs to full capacity before blowing it out his mouth quietly. “If you ask anyone at this school about me, they will eventually tell you that my mom allegedly marries and kills men for their money.” 
“Yeah.” And while he is tempted to leave it there, he decides to continue. “I shan’t confirm or deny that rumor, I will say that my father was one of those many dead husbands. And that he wasn’t the first one. Therefore he married my mother despite knowing her history of men she marries mysteriously dying.”
“Uh huh.”
“Ergo he was an idiot. Beyond all of that though, I don’t have a need or desire for a father. My mother is raising me just fine on her own, no nannies, no caretakes just her. She has ensured I have a proper education, manners, and am plenty independent and functional. She takes care of me and most importantly she loves me. So no, I don’t care about my dad.”
Content with his rant, he observes as emotion swells in Isabella's eyes.
“She sounds great.” is all she says, her voice thick.
“She is.” 
Isabella sits up and clears her throat before stating, “I have made a decision.”
A sense of dread fills him, “What now, Reyes?”
“You need more friends.”
Why does everyone say that?
“No thank you, I have plenty of friends.”
“Like who?”
“Hyunwoo, Kira and Obi.”
“And me.” she adds.
A debate commences inside of Blaise, “And you.” Blaise agrees a second later than polite.
Isabella’s face lights up at his words, “Ok great. Four friends, only one of which attends this school. Not looking great. How many”- she tilts her head side to side- “acquaintances do you have?”
“Theo Nott.”
“That’s the boy you always sit with right?”
“That’s him.” Just as Blaise had suspected, Theo had sat next to him in classes and meals as a way to dodge being recruited into Malfoy's entourage. 
“Ok so you have five people your age that you interact with regularly, correct?”
“That’s depressing, Blaise.”
I know she’s not talking about me.
“What about you then, Reyes?” he accused.
“What about me?”
“How many friends do you have?”
“Not many. But, I have lots and lots of acquaintances. Plenty of people who I can rely on and who know they can rely on me.”
“Like who?” He echoed back to her.
“Like almost my whole house.”
That made Blaise pause. “...Liar.”
“Nuh uh.”
“Did you just say “nuh uh”?”
“That-. I-. Ignoring that, I don’t believe you. There is no way you are on good terms with the majority of the house.”
“It's actually pretty easy, not to be a stereotype but most of the people in Hufflepuff are really friendly.”
“Yes I can believe that. But I know that you, Reyes, are not. So I don’t see how this applies.”
Isabella had the nerve to fake a gasp and dramatically clutch her non-existent pearls. “I am a delight.”
Isabella was … lots of things but a delight was not one of them. Blaise would describe her as a menace and danger to society before a delight. She had her moments of kindness, he’ll give her that. But she was blunt like a cleaver, enjoyed bickering and never shied away from confrontation. 
“Whatever you say Reyes.”
“My house loves me. I can talk to almost anyone and have a great conversation.”
A chuckle escaped her,”There are a very small handful of people who aren’t fond of me.”
“Can’t imagine why.” 
With a solid whack upside the head from a rolled up piece of parchment she intended to use for he Potions work she admitted “The point is. That you should meet the rest of my house.”
“No thank you.” Blaise said as he began to pack his bag. 
“Woah woah. Don’t run away.” She had her hands up towards him like she was trying to calm a wild horse. “I just think that if you gave them a chance they’d really like you.”
“While I appreciate the offer I’m not really Hufflepuff material.” he offered to her as he slung his bag over his shoulder. Her words brought him back to just a month ago when he sat in front of the school and listened to the Hat genuinely consider putting him in Hufflepuff. He escaped from the table, ignoring her calls to him. He made it out of the library and down the corridor before a cold hand gripped his shoulder forcing him to turn around.
“Blaise Zabini, you will make more friends.” she vowed, tightening her hold on him to punctuate her words. “ Whether they be Hufflepuufs, Ravenclaws, Slytherins or even-” her face twisted in disgust “ even Gryffindors. You will make more friends. We will start with Hufflepuffs, you’re most likely to have success there. Having friends in Hufflepuff will lead to being introduced to people from other houses, which will lead to having more friends.” She seemed to realize just how tight her hold on his shoulder had become because she swiftly let go of him and began to rub his shoulder in apology. “I understand not wanting a bunch of friends, I really do. But to spend all seven years of school with only one friend and one acquaintance can’t be good for you. You need a group, it doesn’t need to be large, it doesn't even need to make sense. But you need people you can lean on.”
Blaise turned his head to the right and glared at the wall of the corridor.
Isabella sighed and patted his shoulder, “Just sleep on it. We’ll plan it out tomorrow.” With a small smile she added, "It'll make you feel better.” just as she walked away.
Author’s notes: damn I dont know why this chapter feels so long to me but it does. I think it's because it's very Isabella and Blaise dynamic focused and it's my first time writing them interacting beyond isabella lowkey bullying him in the last chapter I don't know. But let me know what yall think, I'd love to hear if their personalities came across as much as I wanted them to. As always, if you enjoy and comment to share any and all thoughts. Thank you for reading
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messers-moony · 2 years
Prefect | A.G
Pairing: Hufflepuff!Aidan Gallagher X Fem!Ravenclaw!Reader
Summary: Prefect rounds go different than they expected.
Alternative Universe: Harry Potter
He was the perfect Hufflepuff. Traits and all. Not to mention he was a Chaser for the Quidditch team. Loyal like a dog. Patience like an elephant. He works like a horse. Aidan Gallagher was nothing but dedicated to everything he did. 
She was a Ravenclaw, a quiet one at that. She was beautiful, quiet, and intelligent. Her wits would put him out of style, and her smarts were to die for. Y/n L/n was often found in the library with her nose in a book, glasses resting on her nose, and near a window. 
They were both prefects, but they never had rounds together. Sometimes Aidan would sneak off to see her in the halls with her partner doing their rounds. He wasn’t very fond of the Gryffindor male that somehow always got partnered with her. 
Rain Francis was a Gryffindor male. He was of average height, about 5’6. His eyes were a deep navy, almost resembling the sapphire tie Y/n always wore. Rain had a mop of dark brown hair, almost black. His hair was curly, and he had the idiotic bravery of a Gryffindor. 
To be frank, Aidan was not fond of this reckless boy. He would’ve instead been the one doing rounds with you and making you laugh. However, he got stuck with a female Slytherin that might as well have hated his guts. Her name was Isabell Davis. 
While she was a Slytherin, she was quite likable. She was sweet and caring, but her ambitious nature outshined that. Her hair was in caramel braids that sat on her shoulders. Her eyes were as brown as almonds. It gave off a sense of warmth that people often confine in. 
She must’ve just hated Hufflepuffs because she was the bane of his existence. Everything Aidan did was awful and wrong to her. Isabell would have a constant scowl on her face while around the brunet boy. 
Meanwhile, Y/n and Rain got along rather swell. They studied together and planned their rounds together. It made Aidan unbearably protective, and Y/n wasn’t even his. He wanted her to be. He’d do anything for her to feel the same. 
Unbeknownst to said male, she did feel the same way. She had been the one to make sure their rounds were never together. Y/n was shy and didn’t want to make a fool of herself. Fortunately for her, she was in close relations with the head boy and head girl. Therefore she never did rounds with Aidan. 
The head boy was her brother, Alex L/n, a fellow Hufflepuff. He had brown eyes and dark brunet hair that got wavy if grown out too long. Alex was around 5’7, and his sister was shorter than him. 
Aidan and Alex never had classes together despite being in the same house. Sometimes they’d see each other in the common room but not for long. Alex would find Aidan staring at his sister across the library room. It became apparent that Aidan was smitten with his little sister. 
So there she was. Another rainy day in Scotland, she was reading against a window with her temple leaning on the glass. Aidan didn’t expect to see her here today. Rumor had it that she was going on a date with a male in Ravenclaw. Perhaps they were wrong because when Aidan saw her, he tripped over his own feet. 
She jumped at the sound and saw the Hufflepuff on the floor, “ Nice one. “ She stated, and he scrambled up, “ Th- Thanks. “ 
“ What’re you doing here? “ He queried, brushing off the dust on his yellow and black robes, “ Reading. “ She answered simply. 
“ I thought you had a date today. “ Aidan murmured, “ That’s interesting information. No one asked me on a date. “ Y/n responded, closing her book softly. 
Her body turned towards him, and her legs hung off the windowsill she sat. Aidan took a quick seat at a table in front of her with a Transfiguration textbook he was going to study. The test was going to be rather tricky, and he wanted to prepare. 
“ Transfiguration? “ She queried, “ Huh- oh! Yeah. Test is next week, and I’m not too great at it. “ Aidan stammered. 
Y/n hummed and grabbed a stack of notecards from her bag tied with a rubber band. Without warning, she tossed it 3 feet to the boy, who caught it without a problem. Makes sense; he’s a Chaser. 
Aidan took the rubber band off and began looking through them, “ They’re study cards. I use them occasionally for tutoring. You can have those. I have plenty of extra sets I give to my other fifth years. “ 
“ Thank you. “ He smiled, and her heart raced, “ No problem. “ 
That was their first interaction. Since then, there had been plentiful of others. She began tutoring him every Friday in Transfiguration. At the same time, he helped her draw the plants and animals for their classes, Care of Magical Creatures, along with Herbology. 
His skill with a quill was mind-blowing. Aidan’s drawings and sketches were beautiful. His handwriting perfect to match. His concentration face was one she learned to love. Every night after their sessions in the library, they’d part ways to complete their prefect rounds. 
Suddenly with no extra warning, they were paired for prefect rounds. Of course, it was Y/n’s doing, but Aidan didn’t know that. It made him very nervous that he’d finally be doing what he dreamed of doing since becoming a prefect. 
Certain days he couldn’t bring himself to talk while she talked his ear off about her days. Mostly ranting about how much Snape’s an asshole during Potions or how Sprout hated her drawings that she tried so hard for. Y/n talked to him every night regardless of his silence. It made him know her more, and he didn’t mind listening. 
The end of fifth year was approaching, and that meant OWLs. Specifically, Aidan’s Transfiguration OWL Y/n had been preparing him for. When the time came, he felt he did relatively decent— hoping for at least an Acceptable. 
Last day of prefect rounds, he spoke. It had been the first time he said in weeks it felt like to her. He preferred to listen. Talking wasn’t really his thing. 
She was in the middle of a rant, “ I swear to Merlin, if Professor Snape fails me on purpose, I might just lose my mind. Perhaps I’ll transfer to Ilvermorny. I like that idea. You see, I’ve always wanted to visit New York. But the travel cost is just- “ 
He kissed her. Hesitantly he kissed her without her noticing. It was soft and smooth. His hand gently grabbed around her waist, and the other cupping her now flushed color cheek. Y/n was shocked. She didn’t get a chance to kiss back before he pulled away. He was utterly washed. 
“ I’m- I'm so sorry. It’s just- I’ve had feelings for you for a long time. “ Aidan confessed, “ And- And if you want. I’ll take you to New York. “ 
“ What? “ Y/n replied in shock, “ I- I happen to be visiting New York this summer holiday for a trip, and I don’t think my parents would mind. I just have to- “ Aidan began speaking extremely fast. 
So she did the same. She kissed him back. Her hands combed through his brunet hair, and he held her close by the waist. It felt like heaven. Typically they’d be giving detentions for kids doing this exact thing. Perhaps they’d have to provide themselves with detention. 
Y/n pulled away, resting her forehead on his, “ New York it is then. “ He muttered. 
“ Indeed, love. “
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mxltifxnd0m · 3 years
"𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐚𝐬𝐤 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐥𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐲!" 𝐇𝐨𝐠𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐀𝐔
Summary: Caspian asks you to the yule ball.
AU: Hogwarts
Pairings: Caspian x fem Slytherin! Reader, platonic Pevensies, golden trio, and the Weasley twins x fem Slytherin! reader
Warnings: Caspian being a tiny bit jealous but all fluff
Words: 2.6k
A/N: I started this over a month ago, but I finally came around to finishing it. Also, the house doesn't really matter but I wanted to slightly do a self-insert but it's still a reader story.
𝘤𝘢𝘴𝘱𝘪𝘢𝘯 𝘹 𝘮𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵
The Triwizard Tournament was the biggest thing that has happened ever since Sirius Black was spotted in Hogwarts. In all honesty, you thought the tournament was stupid, since who would voluntarily sign up for a death tournament when you’re barely 17. Susan and Lucy also agreed with your thoughts on the tournament, but Peter, Caspian, and Edmund would disagree.
But the only positive that the tournament brought was the Yule Ball. You’ve always wanted to go to a ball again ever since the Pevensie’s had invited you to their Christmas Ball the year before.
Now you were in the Great Hall studying with Susan at the Ravenclaw table discussing the ball.
“So, Susan who do you think you’re going to go to the ball with?” you ask.
“Well, I was hoping that maybe George would ask me,” Susan says with a slight blush on her cheeks.
“Wait a minute. You, the Ravenclaw prefect who likes to uphold the rules, want George Weasley, a notorious prankster that likes to break said rules, as your date to the Yule Ball.” You dramatically gasp out at Susan.
“Oh shut up y/n! Says you, you’ve been pining after Caspian for the past 5 years.” Susan exclaims a little too loudly for your liking.
You slap her arm, “Why don’t you say that any louder I don’t think Ilvermorny heard you.” you hiss at her.
“Ow,y/n!” Susan rubs the spot where you hit her. “Plus you know I’m right, so now’s your chance to do something before someone else snatches Caspian as their date,” Susan tells you.
“I know, I know, but I don’t want to ruin our friendship.” You say while looking over at Caspian at the Gryffindor table laughing and messing around with Peter and the Weasley twins. You laugh slightly when he gets hit in the head with Snape’s book. The Pevensies, Caspian, the twins, and the golden trio never minded that you were a Slytherin. The twins usually referred to you as a “good Slytherin”, but you inhabited the best traits of the house and they admired it about you (mainly Caspian).
“You really like him don’t you?” Susan says knowingly. “I really do Susan.” you sigh out.
Meanwhile at the Gryffindor table…
“I need your guys’ help to ask y/n to the ball,” Caspian asks the group frantically.
“Wait y/n? The Slytherin in your and the twin’s year?” Harry asks curiously.
“Yes and I’m afraid she won’t say yes.”
“Mate, trust me she’s head over heels for you,” Peter tells him. “I hear her gush about you to Susan whenever she is over at the manor.” “Oh did you see Caspian at Quidditch practice, his long hair, his enchanting dark eyes.” Peter mocks you with a higher pitch voice. Caspian cheeks flush red but shrugs it off.
“Yeah, anyone can see it Cas, well anyone besides you,” George says, “So my suggestion is to do a grand gesture and she will for sure say yes.”
“Oh Godric, you really don’t know anything about women do you,” Hermione overhears and interjects.
“Well, what’s your suggestion, Granger?” Fred asks her with a raised brow.
Hermione turns to Caspian, “What does she like?” she asks him.
“I know she likes small well thought out gifts, books, flowers, and chocolate?” Caspian answers almost immediately. Everyone looks at Caspian slightly surprised and then gives each other looks like “he’s whipped”.
“Well, there you have it,” Hermione tells him. “Just ask her with some of her favorite flowers and some of her favorite chocolate.”
“But when and where do I ask her?” Caspian asks her.
“Today, I’ve seen a lot of boys eyeing her, and I overheard that Diggory might ask her,” Fred interjects.
Caspian panics a little bit and Peter notices. “Hey, calm down Cas just ask her after dinner down at the Black Lake”. Caspian nods and takes a deep breath to calm himself. Now he just needs to ask you and hope you say yes.
Caspian looks over at the Ravenclaw table where you’re studying with Susan, and he finds you laughing at something Susan said and he can hear your laughter and how you throw your head back slightly.
“God she’s so beautiful,” He thinks to himself with a soft smile on his face. Everyone is looking at Caspian and they all smile because they know that you’ve captured Caspian’s heart. As he is admiring you from across the hall, he notices one of Susan’s housemates, Elliot Hayes, a popular Ravenclaw in 7th year, come up to you and Susan and sit across from you.
Jealousy starts to boil through Caspian’s veins and he grips his quill tightly, almost breaking it as he is thinking back to what Fred had said earlier. Caspian sees Elliot lean forward, no doubt to ask you to the ball and Caspian starts to pray in his head that you decline. He watches the entire thing with a hardened glare and a frown etched into his face. But it softens when he sees you shake your head no and console him, letting him down gently. A spark of hope lights in Caspian, he still has a chance to ask you!
You say sorry to Elliot but he says that he understands and waves goodbye to Susan and you and leaves. Susan has a smirk on her face and you almost want to slap it off of her face. You feel someone’s stare on you and you look over to the Gryffindor table and see Caspian staring at you with a frown on his face. You meet his stare and make eye contact while sending him a soft smile and he sends one back. You slightly flush, break eye contact with Caspian and pull up Susan to turn in your notebook to Professor Snape.
Caspian notices you and Susan leaving the hall so he hurries to scribble some information down in his study books, he stands up abruptly and hurriedly gave Professor Snape his book, picks up his bookbag, and rushes out of the Great Hall to catch you and Susan.
“Wait! Susan and y/n!” Caspian calls out. You both stop and turn around to let Caspian catch up. “Wow, you guys walk fast.”
“Wow, the star chaser of Gryffindor is out of breath.” You tease him.
“ Hey! You know Quidditch was canceled.” Caspian pouts at the thought.
“But you still practice regardless if Quidditch was canceled,” Susan states as if it was obvious.
Caspian rolls his eyes playfully at the fact that both you and Susan teasing him.
“Anyways, I need to ask you something,” Caspian says turning toward you.
Susan notices his hesitation so she decides to remove herself from the equation. “Hey, I’ll meet you back in the library.” She tells you. You slightly panic at the thought of Caspian asking about something (cough cough the yule ball) but you relent and just wave bye to Susan. She sends Caspian a smirk and a look saying “You better do it now”.
After Susan was out of sight, you ask him what he wanted. “Do you want to hang out by the Black Lake tonight after dinner?” Caspian asks you. Hanging out by the Black Lake with just you and Caspian was a daily occurrence, so you thought nothing of it, but you were hoping that he would have asked you to the Yule Ball.
“Of course, Caspian.” You respond to him. “Great well, I’ll see you later!” Caspian says and as he was about to leave, in a burst of confidence he leans in and kisses your cheek. You both flush at his actions and he says another embarrassed goodbye and rushes back to his common room.
You stand in the empty corridor, stunned at his boldness. You snap out of it and start to squeal and jump slightly of excitement until you realize you probably look ridiculous and calm down. You clear your throat and smooth down your robes and with a goofy grin, you make your way down to the library to meet Susan.
You still have that goofy grin on your face when you meet up with Susan. Susan obviously notices your very good mood. “So did he ask you to the ball?” Susan asks you curiously.
“No, he didn’t, he asked if I wanted to hang out with him after dinner at the Black Lake. But he did kiss me on the cheek.” You tell Susan eagerly.
Susan beams at what you just told her. “Wow, I never thought that Caspian would be that bold.” “It must be the Gryffindor in him.” you and Susan start to chuckle at what you said. Madam Pince shushes you and Susan and you both start to stifle your laughter.
After Dinner
You head down to the Black Lake after dinner. You were confused when you’re friends in Gryffindor had left dinner early, but you thought nothing of it.
As you arrive at the tree that you and Caspian usually hang out at, you see the area surrounded by candles, enchanted lights strung through the tree, and Caspian in the middle of them holding a bouquet of your favorite flowers and a little gift basket of chocolates and your favorite sweets from Honeydukes with a nervous smile on his face. Your jaw drops slightly as you take in the sight.
“Caspian, what is all of this about.” You gesture to all of the lights and candles as you’re walking up to him until you’re face to face with him.
Caspian takes a deep breath, “Well, y/n I was wondering if you would like to be my date to the Yule Ball?” He says a bit nervously.
You stand there stunned, Caspian was actually asking you to the ball?
“Like as a friend?” You ask him. “No, I actually like you a lot, and so I wanted to as you to be my date.”
“Yes of course I’ll be your date Caspian, I like you a lot,” You tell him with a grin spreading on your face. You go to accept his gifts and hug him tightly.
“FINALLY!” you hear a group of people shout from behind you. You both jump away from the hug at the sudden shouts and you turn around to see the Pevensies, the twins, and even the Golden trio applauding you guys. “Great, you actually asked her to the ball, I swear if you didn’t ask her sooner my ears would have started to bleed from how much you talk about her,” Peter says.
“Yeah, it was bloody terrible,” the twins say in unison.
You chuckle at their remarks and you turn around to face Caspian. “So you talk about me to your best mates?” you ask him with a cheeky grin plastered on your face.
“Oh, don’t act like you don’t do the same thing,” Susan calls out. “You’re right and I won’t deny it.” You yell back and everyone starts to laugh at your antics.
“We should start to head back before curfew,” Susan tells everyone.
“Aww, can’t we stay a little longer, little miss prefect.” George asks her playfully pouting while wrapping his arm around her shoulders. Susan flushes red and Peter slightly glares at George, and she stammers until she relents, “Oh okay fine, but only 30 mins before curfew. If not I’ll take away points from our houses.” Susan threatens. Everyone agrees. “Except you Lucy, you have to go now.” Lucy pouts and starts to complain but she stops when she sees Susan’s stern glare.
Lucy remains unflinching of her glare and listens to her older sister. “Fine, but Ed, you’re coming with me.” Lucy starts to pull Edmund away from the Golden Trio to whom he was talking with. “Wait, no! Lucy.” Edmund starts to protest and everyone starts to laugh at the sight of the 3rd year Hufflepuff pulling the 4th year Slytherin back up to the castle.
You guys hung out at the Black Lake until it was time to go before Susan took away points. At one point Caspian gave you his robe when he noticed that you were cold. As you guys were heading up to the castle and about to split up to head to your respective common rooms, “I can walk you to your common room.” Caspian tells you. “No, it’s late and you could get in trouble by Filch.” You protest, but Caspian insists. “Alright, but it’s your funeral.” You relent and let Caspian walk you to the Slytherin common room.
George catches on to his fellow Gryffindor’s plan, he asks Susan if he could walk her to the Ravenclaw common room, she blushes at the request but accepts it with a nod. Peter slightly glares at George but rolls his eyes with a smile and leads the rest of the Gryffindors to the common room.
As you and Caspian head to the dungeons, you guys make quiet conversation to fill the silence, and while you are rambling about astronomy class, Caspian admires you and in another act of courage and boldness, he slips his hand into yours and grasps it. You start to grin at his actions and squeeze his bigger hand and continue on your path to the common room. You and Caspian reach the front of the Slytherin common room and you both are reluctant to let this night end. Facing each other, you both say soft goodnights, and you turn to open and enter the common room.
“It’s now or never y/n,” you tell yourself. You turn around and grab Caspian’s wrist before he leaves, turn him around, and place a soft kiss on his lips. Caspian is shocked at first and you pull away before he can kiss back. You are slightly embarrassed and as you go to apologize for it, Caspian pulls you back into a passionate kiss. It seems to last forever and you guys reluctantly pull away but not before Caspian leaves a few pecks on the lips and rests his forehead on yours, slightly out of breath, and you both have smiles mirroring each other.
“Well, I have to go now Cas,” you tell him breathlessly. He pouts and you giggle at his expression and he brightens at the sound of your laugh. “Alright, but go to Hogsmeade me tomorrow.” “Yes Caspian, I’d be delighted to go with you,” you say excitedly.
He gives you one last kiss goodnight and you enter the common room with a dazed and lovesick grin on your face. Edmund was still in the common room and on one of the sofas. He looks up at who came into the room and sees your lovesick expression and smirks. “So did you have a nice night y/n?” Edmund asks with a smug grin on his face.
“Oh shut up Ed.” You say while rolling your eyes with a lingering smile on your face.
“Today was the best day ever.” You think to yourself, and you start to head up to your dorm to get ready for bed. As you get settled in and start to fall asleep, you dream about dancing the night away with your best friend turned lover.
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theresthesnitch · 3 years
A/N: another entry for @harryandginuary BINGO. I had a lot of fun with this one. I hope you do too.
Did you know that Charlie Chaplin once came in third in a look alike contest?
Read it here on AO3.
Prompt: O 73. You've dared me to do this as a joke but there's no way I'm backing out now.
"You don't have to do it."
Harry scoffed. "Of course I do.
"Listen, mate," Ron said. "I realize I'm the one who dared you to do it, but you don't have to actually enter the Harry Potter look alike contest."
"You may have meant it as a joke, but I'm committed now. I'm going to do it."
They stood in line at the registration table, and Harry looked around the room. The costumes were really bad. Did people think he really dressed like that? Looked like that?
The person in front of him moved, and Harry stepped up to the table with a nervous smile. "One entry, please."
"You can't charm your eyes green."
Harry, confused, replied, "I didn't?"
The witch sitting at the registration table narrowed her eyes at him. "It's against the rules of the contest. You can charm the scar; you can't charm the eyes."
"Solid rule. Good catching this one," Ron said from just over his left shoulder.
She pointed her wand at Harry's face, and his hand twitched for his wand before she said, "finite incantatum." Harry stood there staring at her, eyes unchanged. "Fine, whatever, it's not the right color anyway, so it won't help you."
Harry wondered briefly if Ron was going to die of laughter. "Er, right. Okay. Can I enter now?"
The witch rolled her eyes. "Name?"
"Harry Potter."
The witch fixed him with such a glare that he was sure he was going to implode under it. Ron, meanwhile, was struggling to breath.
"Obviously, buddy. But I need your real name to register for the contest."
Harry blanked. "But, my name really… James. James Evans."
"Alright, James. You're going to be number 4. When the time comes, they'll call you on stage."
"Right, thanks."
Harry walked away with Ron wiping tears from under his eyes. "Merlin, I'm glad you did this. It's going to be so fun for me."
Harry smiled. "I've never been so anonymous in my life. No one's even looking at me!"
"Of course not, mate. You don't even look like Harry Potter."
"Yeah, apparently I got the eyes wrong."
Ron looked around the room that was slowly filling up. "I can't believe you let my sister judge this."
"First off, if you think I let Ginny do anything, you are very much mistaken about how our relationship works. And never let Ginny hear you say that I let her do something. Second," Harry shrugged a shoulder, "it's for charity."
"Alright, I guess that's-"
"Your scar is crooked."
Harry turned around to face a slightly short, wiry man wearing a number 6 with blond hair and the most elaborate lightning scar he had ever seen. Do these people even know what I look like? "Excuse me?"
"Your scar is crooked," not-Harry 6 said. "You messed up the charm, and it's not even straight. Sloppy work."
"Huh," Ron said, looking Harry straight on, "your scar is a bit crooked."
Harry chuckled before turning back to not-Harry 6. "Thanks, mate. Good looking out."
"You can't really expect to compete if you don't put in the effort. Better luck next time." Not-Harry 6 walked away and left Harry standing with his mouth hanging open and Ron, once again, dying of laughter next to him.
"Ron, I think I might lose the Harry look-alike contest."
"Harry, your fiancée is judging." Ron clapped Harry on the shoulder. "You're absolutely going to lose the look alike contest."
"Welcome, everyone, to this year's War Orphan Carnival. We're ready to start our Harry Potter Look-Alike Contest. Can I get all the contestants on the stage?"
Harry walked on stage with a handful of other contestants, and lined up next to a witch with a number 3 around her neck. Harry did a double take looking at her. She looked remarkably like him. He looked out to where Ron was standing in the crowd with a dumbfounded expression on his face. He raised an eyebrow in question. It has to be charms, right? Ron shrugged in response.
"Now everyone, we have a very special guest judge for our contest this year," the announcer said. "If anyone can tell us who the true Harry Potter look alike is, it would be her. Let's give a big round of applause for Ginny Weasley!"
Ginny walked on stage and immediately locked eyes with Harry. He shrugged a shoulder, and her eyes glimmered with mischief. She walked to the microphone, said a few words, and then was walking down the line of contestants. She chatted briefly with not-Harry 1, who was a tall wizard wearing Gryffindor robes, and not-Harry 2, who wore red and gold Quidditch robes and carried a broomstick.
Ginny stopped in front of not-Harry 3 and looked her up and down. She looked over at Harry with wide eyes, then back to not-Harry 3. “That’s a really impressive costume. Did you use charms?”
“No,” said not-Harry 3. “I’m Harry Potter.”
“Right, of course,” said Ginny. “It’s very good. Is that your natural hair?”
“Yes.” Not-Harry 3 was not very talkative.
“Great!” Ginny seemed a little lost now. “Well, good luck!”
Ginny stopped in front of Harry and looked him up and down. “Tell me about your Harry costume.”
Harry smiled. “Apparently I got the green eyes wrong and the scar is crooked.”
“Idiot.” Not-Harry 6 was apparently listening in. “You don’t tell the judge how you messed up the costume. Amateur.”
Ginny looked up to Harry’s forehead. “Huh, it is crooked.”
“Told you,” mumbled not-Harry 6.
“Maybe I’ll give you a chance to redeem yourself,” Ginny said with a coy smile.
“Oh?” Harry asked. “What do I have to do?”
“Just answer a few trivia questions.”
“Were we supposed to memorize Harry Potter trivia for this?” asked not-Harry 2 to not-Harry 1. “I don’t remember seeing that in the rules.”
“Anyone can do Harry trivia,” Ginny went on, poorly concealed glee on her face. “I’m going to ask you Ginny trivia - things only the REAL Harry would know.”
“Alright,” Harry said. “Give me your best Ginny trivia.”
“Favorite color?”
“She’ll tell you it’s blue, but it’s really green. Green like a fresh-pickled toad.”
Ginny shook her head. “Favorite food?”
“French toast, but only if it is served with powdered sugar and not syrup.”
“Favorite number?”
“Favorite season?”
“Favorite flower?”
Harry froze and his jaw dropped. Did she have a favorite flower?
“I - uh - Gerbera daisies?”
“What, no. That’s Hermione’s favorite flower.”
“It is?” said Ron’s voice from the audience. An echo of laughter went around the crowd.
“It is,” Ginny said over her shoulder. “One more chance. My fiance would absolutely know my favorite flower.”
Harry racked his brain, but he couldn’t think of a single other flower. “Lily?”
Ginny snorted. “No. Daffodils. Nice try, but you are clearly not a very good Harry Potter.” She winked, and moved down the line to not-Harry 5.
Not-Harry 5 was a little child who barely came up to Harry’s waist. His hair was rumpled, and he wore black robes with a stuffed white snowy owl on his shoulder. Ginny squatted in front of him. “Hi, sweetie. What’s your name?”
“Hi Connor. I like your owl.”
“Thanks. I have a wand, too.” He held up a stick that had tape and glue around the end for a handle.
“Where did you get that wand, Connor?”
“I made it,” he said. “See, I put glue and tape, and it goes swish swish.” He waved the wand around.
“It’s very good. I was afraid I was going to have to tell Harry you had his wand. It looks so much like his!”
“Thank you. Mummy drew a scar on my forehead too. See.” He pointed at his head.
“I see. Your scar is not crooked, Connor.” he nodded his head. “Connor, do you know what Harry Potter’s favorite spell is?”
“Expelli-arms!” Connor waved his wand around when he said it, and Harry’s heart melted.
“Very good! You’re a very convincing Harry.”
“Thank you. He’s my favorite.”
“He’s my favorite, too. I’ll see you later, okay Connor?”
“Bye, Ginny.”
Ginny stood up and moved down to not-Harry 6, who was now sporting a black Harry wig. Not-Harry 6 regaled Ginny with an explanation of how his clothing choice was authentic and how he had done extensive research into the kinds of clothing that was preferred by Harry when he was at Hogwarts. Harry rolled his eyes and hoped no one was taking notes on this.
At last, Ginny walked back up to the podium. “Ready to make your choices?” the announcer asked.
“I am.” Ginny conferred briefly with the announcer, then stood to the side
“In third place, Number 6!” Not-Harry 6 walked forward to accept his medal, and returned to his spot. Harry could hear him grumbling slightly.
“Second place, Number 3!” Not-Harry 3 accepted her award quietly to a smattering of applause from the crowd.
"And finally, our grand winner in our Harry Potter Look-Alike Contest is, drumroll please," The announcer paused everyone in the room drummed their hands on their legs, "Number 5!”
Connor lit up like it was the best day of his life, and walked forward to grab his trophy. He tripped over the edge of his robes a bit, causing not-Hedwig to wobble on his shoulder, and then stood next to Ginny.
“Congratulations, Connor.”
“Thank you, Ginny.”
“Connor, would you like to meet the real Harry Potter?”
Connor’s eyes were as big as saucers, and he nodded emphatically. Ginny turned back to the announcer. “Roger, I happen to know that Harry is here today, and I think I can convince him to come up and say hi.”
The announcer’s face lit up. “Oh, ho ho! A special treat indeed. Mr. Potter, are you here today?”
The crowd went absolutely silent, and Harry waited for a beat before walking forward.
“Not you, you wanker,” not-Harry 6 said. “Get back in line!”
Harry continued forward, and shot a wink over his shoulder. He walked straight up to Ginny, dipped her dramatically and pressed a kiss to her lips. The crowd went wild. He set her upright before breaking the kiss and heard, “Oh merlin. I just called Harry Potter a wanker,” from somewhere over his shoulder.
Harry knelt in front of Connor, who looked like he couldn’t believe what was happening in front of him. “Hi Connor. Congratulations on winning.”
“Thank you, Mr. Potter.” His voice came out at barely a whisper.
“Can you call me Harry, Connor?”
“Yes.” Still a whisper.
“You know, you get to go home and tell all your friends that you beat Harry Potter in a Harry Potter look-alike contest.”
“Yeah,” Harry parroted. “I like your Hedwig.”
“Thank you.” Connor’s voice was a bit louder now. “You’re my hero.”
“Want to know a secret, Connor?” He nodded emphatically. “You are my hero.” An “awww” went up from the audience. Connor’s face lit up and he threw his arms around Harry in a hug. “I bet your mom is here. Do you want to take a picture with Ginny and I?” He nodded again.
A few minutes later, they finished a round of pictures with Connor’s mom, and a few more for the Prophet with all three winners.
“Thank you, everyone,” Roger the announcer said. “Congratulations to our winners, and let’s hear a round of applause for Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley!” The crowd roared, and Harry and Ginny made to leave the stage when they heard a gasp.
“Oh my merlin. I told Harry Potter that his scar was crooked!”
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iamnmbr3 · 5 years
Draco: I can’t believe Potter took Luna Lovegood to Slughorn’s party. Why would anyone want to date some blond haired, silver eyed monstrosity who constantly goes on about their father? 
Pansy: Um. Draco...
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pottersfia · 4 years
putting on an act | hp x reader
part two
part one
part three
a/n: i’m not so proud of this butttt i needed something new out, part 3 is gonna be good tho
warnings: slight angst ? (argument with ced lol), swearing
8: “if i can’t call you honey, what pet names can i call you?”
34: “I was just waiting it out until later when I can crawl into bed and cuddle you.”
6: “how do they expect us to share a bathroom?” “they think we’re dating. couples share bathrooms you moron.”
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you woke up the next morning a little nervous. it was your first day pretending to date harry in front of others. the two of you did mention the new relationship to a few friends so the news somewhat got around. you got dressed and ready for the day, then walked out your dorm to the common room. much to your surprise, you found harry standing there.
“good morning, harry.” you greeted him.
“morning. let’s get on to breakfast, yeah?” he held his hand out to you and you took it.
walking into the great hall was intimidating to say the least. sure it wasn’t as dramatic as a coming of age movie scene where life seemed to go in slowmo as everyone stared and pointed to you two, but it sure felt like it. you turned your eyes to the hufflepuff table and saw cedric staring at you. this gave you a bit of confidence as you remembered why you were doing this in the first place. you smiled at him as you sat next to harry at the gryffindor table.
“good morning.” hermione greeted. you looked at ron and hermione across from you and smiled.
“good morning.” you said back as you began to grab some breakfast.
“you moved on from diggory pretty quick.” ron smirked and raised his eyebrows. you smiled and rolled your eyes.
“yeah well i guess i found someone better.” harry smiled at your words, quietly laughing to himself. hermione looked between the two of you. it was the same look she’d get when trying to think of an answer to a hard question, nonetheless you shook it off as her attention went to the new conversation ron and harry started.
breakfast was over and students were piling out of the great hall. you stood up and followed harry, holding his hand again. 
“hey, did you study for the defense against the dark arts test?” he asked you.
“yeah i did why,” but you were interrupted when you bumped into cedric. 
“oh, sorry about that.” he looked up and saw that it was you. 
“y/n, potter.” he greeted with a forced smile. you smiled back and dragged harry away before he could say anything back. 
“woah, slow down.” he chuckled. 
“he makes me so mad. he acts like nothing happened.” you rolled your eyes.
“he’s not worth your time then, uh, honey?” he questioned. you looked at him and scrunched up your face, visibly cringing.
“never say that again.” you laughed. 
“if i can’t call you honey, what pet names can i call you?” he asked, also with a soft laugh. you thought for a moment, looking forward as you saw the door to the classroom you were walking to approaching you.
“i’ll leave that up to you.” you turned to him and smiled, turning back around to walk into the classroom.
“wait,” he turned you towards him by your hand. you looked up, giving him a questioning look. he smiled and pulled your hand up to his lips, leaving a kiss. 
“alright, see you later.” he winked and was off. you were stunned. to your knowledge all feelings you felt for him were only platonic but there you were, fighting off the faint butterflies that you felt in your stomach. if this developed into anything through your little stunt you’d be in deep shit. so, you made a conscious decision to forget anything even happened. you snapped out of it as you turned to walk into your charms class.
the next few weeks went by smoothly. you and harry successfully convinced everyone you were dating. well, almost everyone. hermione was no fool, she figured it out herself. she didn’t approve of the method but let it go nonetheless.
as for your feelings, you tried your best to conceal them. you noticed how much happier you were around harry, wether you were around others or not. and sometimes you liked to imagine that this whole thing wasn’t so fake. it was such a great feeling to be with him you didn’t want to let that go.
little did you know, harry was going through something similar. he realized he had feelings for you at the most unexpected time.
you were walking with harry in the courtyard, hand in hand. you chatted on and on about any random thing that came to mind. you both stopped and sat down on a bench continuing the conversation. your eyes got distracted as you saw cedric approach you two. you widened your eyes at harry as if to signal to him that he was coming. he got the message. as cedric got closer, you became more attentive to the conversation you carried, planning on ignoring cedric.
“y/n?” you heard cedric’s voice cut you off.
“oh, hi cedric.” you replied looking up at him.
“can we talk?” he looked at harry.
“alone.” you glanced at harry and shrugged.
“sure.” you stood up and made your way a few steps away from harry. he couldn’t keep his eyes off you that day.
harry had always agreed you were attractive, there was no denying that, but in this moment you were glowing. he realized that whenever you were around he was significantly happier. being with you was so easy, and so was this fake relationship. he couldn’t help but admire the way you carried yourself and how effortlessly beautiful you looked even while having an evidently weird conversation with cedric. wait, what were you two talking about?
meanwhile, you stood with your arms crossed.
“what’s your deal, y/n?” cedric asked.
“what do you mean?” you looked at him innocently. “i see what you’re doing with potter. it’s like you’re trying to make me jealous or something.” he questioned you.
“if you’re jealous it’s ok to admit.” you scoffed. “you’re the one that cheated on me, sorry i found someone who treats me better.”
“for godric’s sake, i already apologized for that.” you shook your head at his words.
“i’m sorry, did i miss something? i never spoke to me after i caught you!”
“yeah, because i feel like shit!” he yelled right back. “and now you’re off with harry. i knew something was happening behind my back.”
“if you’re saying i was cheating first then you’re wrong. i never did anything with harry.” you slightly calmed down, not wanting to create a big scene since there were already a few eyes on you.
“sure.” cedric was silent. you were silent right back, staring at each other in disappointment and disbelief.
“whatever, harry!” you broke the silence by calling for him. harry looked over at you and got up.
“sorry i left you hanging.” you said. he shrugged.
“I was just waiting it out until later when I can crawl into bed and cuddle you.” you smiled as you felt butterflies again. “see you later cedric.” harry said and walked away with you.
now of course cedric wasn’t your main concern. the whole idea originated from harry’s crush on cho. harry found it hard to keep this in mind. cho was a pretty girl, nice, kind, smart, but his feelings were slowly fading and being replaced by you. the only thing that gave him a reality check was going from hanging out around others to having alone time. as soon as it was the two of you everything fell back to being platonic. well, kind of.
about two days after the cedric situation, you found yourself in a pretty awkward situation, or should’ve been. muggle studies, one of the few elective classes that mixed students of different years. you were assigned group work with harry, cedric, and cho. they were the closest next to you and harry’s desks so the four of you were partnered together. the energy was tense as you lot wrote your answers down for the question you were given.
“um, so, how are you two doing?” cho spoke up. you looked up at her, slightly surprised and gave a closed mouth smile.
“uh, pretty good, thanks for asking.” you replied. cho nodded.
“i always knew there was something between you two.” cho said. you looked at her.
“you did?” you and harry asked in unison. she nodded. it had seemed like that was all anyone could say. ‘there was always something between y/n and harry.’ it practically haunted you.
“tell me potter, does she let you use her bathroom or is it too early in the relationship for that?” you practically choked as you heard cedric speak.
“what?” harry asked.
“well i only ask because when we were together, and i’d sleep over in her dorm, she rarely let me use her bathroom for anything. i reckon she was scared i’d mess something up.” cedric shrugged with a smile, obviously amused with himself. you could see cho trying to hold in a laugh.
“thank you for that, cedric. very unnecessary, let’s get this work finished, yeah?” you were annoyed. harry and cho nodded instantly going back to writing. you looked over at cedric and glared at him. he smiled right back innocently.
later that day you and harry were ‘studying’ in your room. that studying really turned into you two chatting about and listening to music.
you turned your head to see harry staring at the door to your bathroom.
“how do they expect us to share a bathroom?” he asked, referring to cedric’s words.
“they think we’re dating. couples share bathrooms you moron.” you rolled your eyes and replied. “don’t pay any mind to what cedric said. i noticed cho giving you glances today, like a lot.” you tried to sound excited for him. he nodded.
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Teenagers Part 1
Harry Potter AU 
Summary: Request fic:  Regulus had never noticed you before. You are the opposite of him in almost every way. It also doesn't help that you are the sister of the one person that Regulus is most annoyed by. Now its time to learn if opposites really attract?
Pairings: Regulus Black x Reader 
Rating: M
Song in Chapter: Take it like a man by Cher
A new school year…
You were more than thrilled going back to school. This year was going to be bittersweet. It was James and Sirius’ last year at school. Knowing that your brother and best friend would be leaving soon was enough to make you dread going back but you decided to not think about it. You would think about it the next year when you had to make all new friends. The less you thought about your friends leaving, the better off than you were. In your years at school, you had grown incredibly close to Sirius, Remus, and Lily. You were close to James anyway so not seeing your brother every day was going to be horrible the following year.
I’ll be happy this year.
You muttered to yourself as Sirius and James came running up behind you.
Sirius yelled your name before throwing his arms around you in a bone-crushing hug.
“Sirius, you saw me five minutes ago.”
You coughed as he dramatically patted your head. James, Remus, and Lily finally caught up and was chuckling at the scene. They were so used to Sirius trying to drive you crazy that it was nothing new.
“Pads, can you not crush our sister?”
James asked with a smirk. Lily nodded.
“Yeah, Sirius, she is turning blue. “
Sirius quickly put you back on your feet and petted your cheek. He was giggling hard at the annoyed expression on your face.
“Better now?”
You nodded, rolling your eyes.
“You are going to be the death of me one day. People are going to keep thinking that you are my boyfriend.”
You bent down to pick up the book that Sirius knocked out of your hand. Sirius muttered a quiet apology as he wrapped his arm around your neck.
“It's fine. I’m used to it.”
Sirius smiled again.
“What’s wrong with me as a boyfriend?”
You motioned to Remus.
“Well nothing except if I am dating you I am also dating Remus which makes this one weird love triangle where I feel like I am dating my brothers. We aren’t that creepy are we?”
Sirius and Remus were both dying laughing at that comment while James shook his head.
“No, we aren’t that creepy. I would, for the record, be okay with the three of you in some weird triangle. At least I know my sister would be taken care of.”
Sirius grinned and patted your head again.
“We take care of her plenty enough.”
“He’s right, James. I feel like I have three older brothers. That could be the reason guys are scared to date me.”
You said with a smile as Sirius’ attention went elsewhere.
“Why is my brother staring at us?”
Sirius asked. Your eyes went in the direction of where Sirius was looking. Regulus Black stood with his little band of Slytherin “tyrants” (as James called them). Sure enough, the younger Black brother’s eyes were locked on Sirius and yourself. Evan and Barty leaned forward and whispered something to Regulus.
“He may not be looking at us.”
Sirius frowned. There was no denying that Regulus’ eyes were locked not only on Sirius but you.
“He’s actually looking at Y/n.”
Remus commented. You frowned. Regulus didn’t even know who you were or at least he pretended not to. It didn’t matter that the two of you were in the same year...neither of you spoke to the other. You didn’t really count him telling you to “move” in third year as talking.
“Looks like he’s lost.”
James said. Sirius hadn’t said another word but carefully watched his brother’s face. There was something different about that expression and Sirius wasn’t for sure what it was. Regulus didn’t show many expressions so seeing his brother looking like he had been hit by a book at the sight of you was rather amusing.
“If he had a crush on Y/n I am going to strangle him.”
James growled. You burst out laughing.
“Calm down, James. He doesn’t even know who I am.”
“Oh, I’m sure he does.”
James muttered as Sirius finally gave up and waved at his younger brother. Regulus scowled at Sirius before turning and tugging Evan and Barty with him.
“I guess he doesn’t miss me.”
Sirius said, sounding a little sad. You sighed. Part of you was still furious with the Black family for how they did Sirius. They didn’t realize how wonderful of a boy that he was. You wrapped your arm through his.
“Come on, let's go find a place on the train. Forget them.”
Regulus sat down beside Evan. His mind was stuck on his brother and the girl that was with him. Regulus wasn’t oblivious to the fact that his brother had a bit of a “hoe phase” going on but you, whoever you were, seemed different. There was something about the girl that Sirius had his arm around that really didn’t scream “I am Sirius Black’s type.”
“Who was the girl with my brother?”
Regulus finally asked. Evan looked up with a scowl.
“You know her.”
Regulus crossed his arms over his chest feeling annoyance building. While Evan had been his best friend since childhood, there were times that Regulus wanted nothing more than to punch him.
“Yeah? Well, I wouldn’t be asking you if I had the foggiest idea who she was now would I?”
Barty grinned from his place on the opposite bench.
“She is Y/n Potter. James’ sister...you know that git who stole your brother.”
Regulus’ mouth dropped. The last time that he had really looked at you...you were different...childish. Now you were...Regulus didn’t even know what word to use but the strange feeling in his stomach told him that it was something good.
Evan finally spoke again.
“She’s had one hell of a glow up over the summer. I can’t believe that I am saying this but she is pretty. She used to remind me of a baby squirrel.”
“A squirrel?”
Regulus questioned. Evan nodded.
“She was always so nervous looking. Now...if she wanted to tie my ass to a chair and give me a lap dance. I really wouldn’t mind. She would have to lose the Gryffindor tie and put on one of mine though.”
Evan smirked when he noticed the expression on Regulus’ face. He had never seen Regulus be the least little bit interested in another girl. Now here he was looking like he wanted to fight for your honor.
“I suggest that the three of you just leave Y/n Potter alone. It won’t end well.”
Severus’ monotone voice said as the boy stepped into the compartment. Evan laughed.
“Just because you are scared to stand up to Potter and his goons don’t mean that we aren’t. Come on Sev, even you have to admit that Y/n is a lovely girl now. Have you seen her ass? A perfect handful.”
Severus rolled his eyes and sat down without further comment. Regulus turned back to Evan.
“Maybe you should ask her for a date if you are that desperate for her attention?”
“You saw her first.”
Regulus rolled his eyes.
“Just because I look at her doesn’t mean that I want her.”
The next morning Regulus woke up with a groan. He had tried to keep his mind off of you the whole previous evening but found his eyes glued to you. To his delight and displeasure, your eyes never flickered in his direction one time.
It also didn’t help that you were in his dreams that night. The whole night your sweet smile was locked on him. Even if you didn’t say a word you were looking at him. No one else but Regulus and he loved every bloody second of it!
Getting involved with her would be stupid….wreckless. Mother and father would be furious. She’s a blood traitor. Her whole family is...I don’t need that.
Regulus muttered as he got dressed. It didn’t matter how many times that he repeated that mantra to himself when he closed his eyes...it was your face that he saw.
Sinking into his place at the Slytherin table by Evan, Regulus silently started going through the motions of acting like he wanted to eat. There were plenty of things for him to think about...school, quidditch, tests...but you were the first thing. Was this what a crush was supposed to feel like because Regulus honestly had no clue.
Finally getting brave enough, he looked up at the Gryffindor table where you sat beside Dorcas Meadows laughing over something Marlene Mckinnon was saying.
Merlin, her smile is pretty…
Regulus thought before internally screaming at himself to stop.
“Hey, Reg, look, it's your woman.”
Evan commented with a smile. Regulus immediately elbowed Evan in the ribs.
“Shut up.”
Evan’s attention went back to the Gryffindor table when Sirius plopped down beside you.
“Something tells me that you need to get a move on if you want her before your brother runs off with her. By the rate he’s going, he’s going to try to marry her.”
Evan commented with a sneer. He had little patience with Sirius and now with the knowledge that Regulus had an interest in a girl for once...Evan wanted to make sure that Regulus got what he wanted for once.
Regulus rolled his eyes as you moved your hand over and landed on Sirius’ plate. He watched as you quickly pulled your arm up looking at the sticky syrup from the waffles that his brother was eating. Regulus couldn’t hear the conversation but it looked like you were giving Sirius the “what for” for having his plate so close to you. Sirius gave you a feeble shrug before taking your hand in his and licking your arm.
Regulus thought as you picked up a book and smacked Sirius with it.
That works…
Regulus enjoyed watching you do what he had wanted to do to his brother for ages. When your eyes looked in his direction, Regulus froze. You offered him a small smile before turning back to the conversation with Marlene.
What the hell is going on with me?
You couldn’t help but smile at the expression on Regulus’ face. You had caught him looking at you several times but tried to not let him know that you were aware. It was nice seeing a cold glare on his face. Although you had never spoken a word to Regulus and really had no authority to judge him, he always seemed so cold and angry. You were honestly unsure if he knew how to smile. Now here he was staring at you with a stunned expression on his face.
“He’s a cute boy.”
Marlene commented. You looked up.
Marlene glanced over your shoulder to make sure that James, Sirius, and Remus were locked into a deep conversation about a prank before speaking again.
Dorcas and Lily both smile.
“He’s been watching you all morning.”
Dorcas added. You blushed and found yourself unable to look at the Slytherin table for a moment. Finally getting brave enough, you looked over again. Regulus had taken off his robes and sat in his black jumper talking to Evan. You rolled your eyes at the mere thought of Evan Rosier. The boy was a git!
Regulus, however, couldn’t have been more lovely. You smiled at just how much he and Sirius resemble each other in addition to their subtle differences. For one, you loved Regulus’ curls. He had apparently let it grow out over the summer and with the longer hair, Regulus reminded you a bit more of his brother. Another difference was Regulus’ eyes. His eyes were darker than Sirius and had more of a “James Dean daydream” look where Sirius was all “devil may care.”
“He must be bored.”
You replied, taking a sip of your drink. Dorcas glanced over her shoulder at the boy.
“Regulus always seems so sad and angry. Maybe you could cheer him up?”
“Like he would want anything to do with me. Besides have you all met my brother? James would fall off of his unicorn if I let Regulus within 8 inches of me.”
Lily smiled.
“He is a big boy. He’ll get over it.”
Marlene leaned closer and wrapped her arm through yours. You couldn’t help but look over at Regulus again. He sat tapping his fingers anxiously. Even his hands were nice-looking...you were in a lot of trouble!
“Here’s what you do...you simply tell him that if he wants your heart then he needs to take it like a man.”
Dorcas nodded.
“Oh, that’s a good one, Marlene. She’s right, Y/n. Before he fights for you, he needs to show you that he can.”
You couldn’t help but laugh.
“You two just ripped off a Cher song.”
“She has good advice and clearly Dorcas and I are on the same page.”
Marlene said with a smile. You quickly gathered your things to head off to class.
“Maybe he and I can go on a date to that new skating rink down in hell.”
You said with a laugh. Both Marlene and Dorcas gave you offended gasps.
“Hell doesn't have to freeze over for a Slytherin and a Gryffindor to be compatible.”
“It will for that one.”
You replied before bidding everyone a fair well and leaving the great hall.
Arriving in Potions, you were never more grateful to get to a class that you really had to focus on. The less that you had to sit and think about the morning's conversation with your friends the better off you would be.
“Good morning, Ms. Potter.”
Professor Slughorn said with a cheerful smile as you stepped into the room. He had been adoring you since the year before when you cracked one of his zany puzzles.
“Good morning, Professor. Did you have a nice summer?”
“Oh, yes my dear. I hope you did as well. I saw Lily and she said that the two of you spent a lot of time together.”
You nodded.
“Yes sir, she’s one of my best friends.”
Professor Slughorn nodded with an approving smile. You couldn’t have asked for a better best friend in his eyes.
“That’s wonderful, my dear. If you will just sit down there, please. I am pairing everyone up with a partner this semester. I’m sure yours will come along shortly.”
“Thank you, sir.”
You replied as you dug your new potions book out of your bag. It wasn’t until Slughorn said Regulus’ name did you look up before looking down.
Of course, he’s in this class. Why not? Merlin help me if he gets sat next to…
“Mr. Black if you will sit with Ms. Potter, please. I am pairing the two of you up this semester.”
You screamed in your head, knowing that your face was blushing bright red. Regulus sat down beside you and was dead silent. You peaked at him through your hair. He sat with his hands in front of him on the table. Eventually, you would have to look up at him but right now you didn’t know how quickly that would be.
What if he actually didn’t like you and was just staring because he thought that you were dating Sirius or something? That would be some cruel joke for you. You would be getting all emotionally distraught and downright nervous for no reason.
Dorcas and Marlene’s ripping of Cher lyrics came right back to your head.
Boy, if you want my heart. You gotta take it like a man. Before you fight for us. You gotta show me that you can. So when the lights go dark...I wanna know you understand that if you want my heart you gotta take it like a man...
“You do know how to talk, right?”
Regulus’ voice pulled you from your thoughts. Ah, that’s what his voice sounded like...you loved it already. You couldn’t help but wonder just what the fuck was going on with you? Since when did you get all giddy for some boy that you didn’t know?
You took a deep breath before looking up at Regulus. He looked bored sitting beside you but it looked like his own cheeks were slightly pink.
“Yes, I know how to speak.”
You replied. Regulus anxiously tapped his fingers on the table in front of him.
“Good because it would be one hell of a boring semester if you were mute.”
You automatically frowned.
“I didn’t hear you saying anything.”
Regulus rolled his eyes.
“You’re sassy. Lovely.”
You put your book down in front of you feeling the annoyance build but at the same time, Regulus calling you “sassy” was hilarious.
“You don’t know the half of it.”
You snapped back. A small smile played on his lips. Was he testing your patience or was he trying to get hit with a book the way Sirius did?
“You are friends with my brother aren’t you?”
You nodded.
“We aren’t dating.”
“I wasn’t asking.”
Regulus replied. Internally he was thanking whatever lucky stars that he had shining in his direction. He didn’t have to worry about his older stupid “better looking” brother for once.
“Sorry, that’s usually the first question that most people ask.”
You said, feeling your face flush. Regulus smiled.
“Tell people to mind their own damn business. It works wonders.”
Before you could respond, Professor Slughorn called the class to attention. Both Regulus and yourself turned to face him, ending the conversation that was taking place. You tried to listen to what Slughorn was talking about was busy congratulating yourself on not looking like a total fool.
Boy, will Dorcas and Marlene love this...
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omgbubbletea · 4 years
Dating George Weasley Would Include
Let’s get one thing straight, it doesn't matter what house you're in
Sure, it would be a bonus if you were in Gryffindor because that would mean he wouldn't have to sneak into your common room to be with you 
Blood status also doesn't matter to him
If he loves you, he loves all of you
The reason you and George are together is all thanks to Fred 
He had grown sick and tired of George constantly talking about you 
How pretty you were 
How nice you smelled 
How he felt butterflies every time you smiled at him 
The boy must have been in-love or something
On the other hand, Fred had found out you had feelings for George by constantly bugging you on the subject till you cracked and told him
Being the oblivious pair George and you were, neither of you had realised the others feelings 
This is when Fred decided to take matters into his own hands 
His plan consisted of locking both you and George in a janitors closet until you both confessed your feelings 
He had told you guys to meet him in this particular closet for an emergency meeting
With the two of you being so ignorant, you walked into this closet, wondering where Fred was and why he had chosen such a weird place to meet 
As soon as you guys crossed the line, that’s when Fred had locked the door 
“Fred! what are you doing? Let us out!” (you and George started to yell)
“If you guys want out, then there’s something you should get off your chest first”
You both knew instantly what he was talking about 
Fred’s plan was almost fool-proof except for the fact that both you and George had your wands and could just alohomora your way out 
Oh, wait...
Fred had known you too well and knew you both always left your wands in the dorm during free time before dinner 
“Fred this isn't funny”(George was starting to get on edge)
“Do you hear me laughing?”
The closet was small(but who said you found it a problem(; )
A couple of minutes passed 
“Look (y/n)...”(George began to say slowly)
“I- I like you”
“I like you a lot, more than a friend probably should”(was that his heart pounding in his chest George could hear?)
At that moment your head shot up to meet his gaze 
Did he just confess his feeling to you?
Did he feel the same?
Hope began to form in your heart 
“George...”(he was ready for his heart to be broken)
“I’ve felt that way since I first met you”(a smile began to break on your face)
When I tell you that that boys smile lit up the room 
Nothing more was shared at that moment except for a hungry kiss 
He had been craving your lips for awhile now 
Of-course the moment only lasted so long before Fred swung the door open
“Ew, gross guys!”
The two of you just grinned 
If you are not in Gryffindor, then your days usually consisted of sneaking into the others common room
It’s a usual thing
Cuddling on the couch 
Playing board games 
Your friends(and others in your house) are used to seeing George around 
Surprisingly, you guys have never been caught(thanks to the marauders' map)
He’s always waiting outside of the common room so you guys can walk to breakfast together
You guys always sit next to each other in the great hall
If you are in a different house, he will walk you to your common room at the end of the day and give you a kiss goodnight(which usually gets a bit heated)
Pet names
Darling and gorgeous are his most used
You can’t help but get butterflies every-time those words roll of his tongue
“Well hello gorgeous” 
Small forms of PDA
Hand holding 
Arm around your shoulder 
Arm around your waist 
Temple kisses 
Cheek kisses 
Knuckle kisses 
He LOVES it when you play with his hair and just melts into your touch 
I have a theory that the twins give the BEST hugs
Bear hugs that engulf you
Hugs from behind where he pulls you closer to him
(and he’s always so warm...like what?)
You love wearing his jumpers
Yes, they are always baggy on you
You love the smell of them though(strawberries, vanilla and a bit of a smoky hint)because it’s just like having George there
He gives you one of his jumpers to keep so you would stop stealing all his other ones
It’s your favourite item of clothing and you always wear it to bed
Your first “I love you” came out of nowhere
The two of you were in the common room studying for an upcoming test
You should have been in your bed by now but of-course this test was more important than your exhaustion
With papers strewn across the table and your hand cramping from writing, you continued with your work, although George had stopped
Suddenly, you had become aware of him gazing at you
“Can I help you?”
“It’s nothing, you’re just...so beautiful”
You couldn’t help the blush that bloomed on your cheeks
“I love you”
The phrase was just audible
You had looked up in shock unsure if you had heard right
George was yet to comprehend what he had said when it all hit him
“Oh (y/n), I’m sorry! It just sort of slipt out- I didn’t mean to say it- I mean I want to say it because I love you but not that-”
You just chuckled at his constant rambling
“George, calm down, I love you too”
“I don’t want to make you se- wait, what did you just say?”
“I love you too”(you said it gently)
“Really..?”(he didn't sound too convinced)
In gesture, you gave him a sweet kiss, melting into the moment
It seemed to calm his mind
Spending summer and Christmas at the burrow
Molly loves you 
She knits one of her famous sweaters for you for Christmas  
If you are muggle-born(or even half-blood), Arthur loves when you tell stories about muggle life 
When Ron was younger, he had a BIG crush on you 
Now when he thinks about it, he just gets embarrassed
Ginny looks up to you(and thinks you're a bad bish)
You and Ginny love to have sleepovers together and gossip about all the people in Hogwarts
You also get filled in on all her latest “love life” with Harry  
Fred is one of your best and closest friends 
He is happy that George found someone to make him happy 
You’re Fred’s wing-women(although he doesn't agree because you haven’t done the best of jobs)
You guys love to tease George together 
Although it’s mainly just Fred teasing you and George 
“Can you guys get a room?!”
It was in those moments that Fred may have regretted locking you guys in that closet 
As much as he loves you, he does get a bit tired of hearing George talk about you all-day(nothing changed since he confessed his feelings for you)  
Lee is also a close friend to you 
It was only inevitable for you guys to bond with the twins being best friends with him
Many times have the two of you tried to get back at Fred and George with a prank 
Sadly, the twins somehow always manage to know what you guys are planning 
Let’s just say they prank you guys twice as hard for trying to outdo the masters 
The twins are always playing “light” pranks on you 
From dying your hair bright pink
To slipping a small amount of love potion into your drink 
It’s always a risk being around the two of them 
They love to get you involved in their pranks 
This usually means standing guard though):
You remember this one time in potions when you were first learning about amortentia
There was a fresh batch of it at the front of the class and everyone around the room was trying to get a whiff 
“Do I even have to ask what it smells like to you darling?” 
You closed your eyes and gave a sharp inhale 
“Vanilla, candy apples and amber” (you had said it so innocently)
George’s face was painted in horror 
He was in disbelief because he KNEW he didn’t smell of amber or vanilla 
“CEDRIC?!” (the twins spoke rather loudly in unison)
“But- I- wha-”(George began to stutter on)
At that point, you couldn’t hold in your laughter any longer 
“I’m only joking!”
When I tell you how quick that boy calmed down 
“Oh thank Merlin”
That was revenge for staining your teeth blue for a whole week!
In all honesty, the pained look on George’s face when he realised you may not love him pained your heart 
On the other hand, Fred thought it was hilarious 
(If) you play quidditch for Gryffindor, then you are a chaser, otherwise, you are whatever position you got placed into 
If you are not in Gryffindor, then you are always watching the quidditch game and supporting the twins(unless it’s your house playing)
He loves to find you in the crowd 
You’re his #1 fan 
Steamy kisses after the game
If they win the game then it’s going to be a lot more than kissing(;
He has ended up in the hospital wing a couple of times because of the game
It has never been too serious but you still can’t help but worry for him 
“You know, even with a black eye and bloody face, I’m still the better-looking twin”
Fred just cracked up 
“He must still be a bit loopy from all that pain killer”
If you don’t play quidditch, then George has defiantly tried to teach you
It didn’t go too well
You ended up falling off the broom at only 1 meter off the ground
Face-planted into the grass
Ended with you having a dislocated jaw
George felt guilty for the rest of the month and wouldn't stop apologising
Meanwhile, Fred had fallen on his ass from laughing too hard
Trips to Hogsmeade
Raiding Honeydukes
Dates at the Three Broomsticks
Drinking enough butterbeer to get tipsy 
Lots of puns and dad jokes 
You were once learning how to produce a Patronus in DA when someone had just spelled a deer
You looked over at George to see him struggling a bit with the spell
And that’s when the awful pun left his mouth
“Oh deer, I just can’t seem to produce a Patronus” 
You tried to hold in your laugh 
“Shove off Weasley”
He takes you to the Yule Ball
It’s a magical night 
Full of dancing 
Screaming the lyrics to the songs playing 
Drinking fire whisky that Fred had smuggled in
Drunk snogging to the point where Snape found you guys and took 5 points off each of you 
Dancing around the common room 
Sneaking into the kitchens to steal food 
Tickle fights(I feel like George is very ticklish)
Swimming in the Black Lake on a dare 
Snowball fights in the winter 
He never fails to make you laugh
He is more of the shy, reserved twin 
Sometimes you just have to remind him that he is loved and noticed 
He will compare himself to Fred and it will never be positive 
You will reassure him and hold him for however long he needs
If what he needs is a good vent then you are ready to listen no matter what you are doing 
He is more important 
He is also more of the jealous twin 
Don’t get me wrong, he won't go all psycho boyfriend when he sees another guy talking to you 
He respects you and knows you would never leave him for someone else 
But if there is flirting going on or the guy is trying to make a move 
Let’s just say his temper won't last long 
“Hello darling”
Que passionate kiss between George and you 
“Sorry mate, she’s already taken”
You had never seen a guys face go paler 
Or seen George go so smug 
He always knows what to do when you're sad
He will listen to your every last word if you have to vent 
Or he will hold you in his arms for hours while whispering sweet nothings into your ear if all you want to do is cry it out 
By the end of it, you can't help but feel just a little bit better because of him 
He loves to hear about your day and you can’t deny that he is the best listener
He low key has separation anxiety  
He LOVES to spoon
Definitely the big spoon
Although he can’t help but love to be the little spoon sometimes 
“Hey um...Do you mind if we?...”
“You wanna be the little spoon?”
“Yes please...”
He’s smiling on the inside 
He may be a little shy in public but he’s a freak in the sheets if you know what I mean(;
He’s usually top but it drives him crazy if you switch rolls 
I feel like he’s a hair puller?
Will always make sure you’re comfortable with everything 
Super gentle at times 
But also can be rough... 
Would never do anything that would hurt you 
Lots of cuddling after 
He loves to give you flowers just to see you get all flustered
One time he stole flowers from the school grounds
Little did he know, Mcgonagall had seen the whole thing
“Mr Weasley, are those flowers from Professor Sprout’s greenhouse?”
The look on his face was a dead give away
“Funny story actually Professor...”
Let’s just say it wasn’t the funniest of stories
Braiding his longer hair 
Showers together 
Piggyback rides to class
Studying in the library with Fred(but he usually just gets bored and leaves)
He reads to you 
Basically he is perfect in every way and will love you till the end 
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gamergirl929 · 4 years
The Holiday (Hermione Granger x Reader)
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A continuation of, The Durmstrang. 
Taking place soon after The Departure, the golden trio gathers at The Burrow for the holidays, it there that they learn something that will change everything they ever thought about Y/N Y/L/N.
As every year, Christmas at The Burrow was a big event, Mrs. Weasley out did herself each year cooking even more and more each time. 
Harry and Ron dropped down next to each other at the table while the rest of his family prepared their plates, packing them full of food.  
“When is Hermione supposed to arrive, dears?” Mrs. Weasley asks and Harry smiles.  
“She should be here in a few days.”  
Mrs. Weasley smiles.  
“Hear that Arthur? Hermione will be round in a few days.”  
Mr. Weasley grins.  
“Ah, that’s fantastic. I have a few questions for her about the muggle world.”
Mr. Weasley rambles on to Bill and Fleur Delacour, his wife, about a toilet brush that had been enchanted to make a toilet dirty instead of clean, apparently many had been enchanted within the Muggle World, causing a lot of issues for the Ministry.  
Ron leans towards Harry with a snort.  
“I hope Hermione doesn’t have one of those.” He snickers, and Harry laughs.  
Harry glances around the table, wearing a small smile.  
If it wasn’t for the Weasley’s he wasn’t sure where he’d be throughout the holidays, certainly spending it with the Dursley’s or most likely at home alone in his room. 
Harry grimaces.  
He couldn’t imagine spending another holiday with the Dursley's, he did that enough as a child.  
A frown tugs the corners of his mouth downwards as he thinks of Y/N, wondering what she could be doing over the holidays.  
Ron gives him a nudge.  
“What’s wrong mate?” He asks, as per usual with a mouth full of food.  
Harry shrugs.  
“Just wondering what Y/N may be doing, that’s all.”  
Ron swallows roughly, grimacing.  
“She said she was spending her holiday with Karkaroff and Krum.” Ron grumbles Victor’s last name.  
Harry rolls his eyes with a smile.  
“Yeah, she’s probably doing fine.”
“AH!” Ron screeches when a snowball smacks him hard in the side of the head courtesy of Fred, or George, he isn’t sure which one.  
He lets out an even louder screech, falling back in the snow when a loud pop sounds close by, signifying the arrival of one, Hermione Granger.
“Bloody HELL Hermione!” Ron yells, growling when he’s again smacked in the face with a snowball, this time, by Ginny.  
Harry meanwhile makes his way to his friend, throwing his arms around her, giving her a tight squeeze, earning one in return.  
“I hope you had a Happy Christmas, Hermione.” He pulls back with a smile, taking Hermione’s bags from her and carrying them inside.
“You got here just in time to torture Ron with us.” She giggles, squeaking when Fred, or George hits her with a snowball, the younger girl launching her own assault against them.  
Ron gets up off the snowy ground, giving Hermione a hug of his own, pulling back with a grin.  
“Come on, Mum will be so happy to see you.”  
Hermione follows Ron inside, passing over the threshold.  
Seconds after Hermione is enveloped in a hug by the aforementioned Mrs. Weasley, the woman hugging her tightly, as if she’s one of her own.  
“There you are dear, so good to see you.” Mrs. Weasley smiles, patting Hermione’s arms.  
“Oh! There are you Hermione! I have a question about toilet brushes...”
Mrs. Weasley turns around, giving her husband a look, the man moving to envelope Hermione in a hug of his own.  
“Come dear, I saved you plenty of left overs.” Mrs. Weasley ushers Hermione into the kitchen, though the girl shakes her head.  
“I would love to Mrs. Weasley, but Mum and Dad made sure I ate before I came.” 
Mrs. Weasley shakes her head.  
“Dear, you can never have too much.”  
Hermione glances at Ron out of the corner of her eye, the ginger haired boy shrugging.  
“You know how Mum is.” He whispers as his mother begins making a plate for Hermione.  
Hermione's eyes widen when she sees Mrs. Weasley has pilled so much food on a single plate, way too much food for her to eat.  
“Mrs. Weasley I-
Mrs. Weasley turns around with a smile, placing a biscuit on top of the heap of food.  
“Oh, I’ve also got a present for you dear. I’ll fetch it to you.” She places the plate of food on the table before she hurries off.  
Hermione’s eyes widen in horror as she looks down at the plate full of food.  
Ron points at the plate.  
“You know, Mum will be insulted if you don’t eat all of that.”  
The trio jumps, a loud pop from outside startling them.  
“Oh! That must be Remus and Tonks!” Mr. Weasley smiles as he moves outside, the man shouting the second he steps outside.  
“Fred!” He yells, wiping snow off his face.  
“Wasn’t me! It was George!”  
Mrs. Weasley makes her way back into the kitchen, box in hand, a box Hermione knows all too well.  
“I know it’s not much dear, but I made it myself.” She smiles.  
Hermione opens the box with a smile, grinning down at the jumper that’s neatly folded inside, a jumper with a big HG across the front.  
Hermione places it in the box, wrapping her arms tightly around Mrs. Weasley.  
“I love it Mrs. Weasley, thank you so much.” She whispers, squeezing the older woman tightly.  
“It was my pleasure dear.”  
Mrs. Weasley’s attention turns to the front door where Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks had just entered, Mr. Weasley following close behind.  
Harry, Ron and Hermione take a seat at the table, Hermione taking the biscuit off the top of the massive lump of food.  
“Have you heard from Y/N?” Harry asks, and Hermione frowns.  
“I sent a letter to Victor, and asked about Y/N, but he has yet to reply.” She shrugs, keeping a straight face, though Ron and Harry can tell she’s upset about it.  
Remus gives Harry a pat on the back, leading the boy to move to his feet, wrapping his arms around his old teacher, one of his father figures and friends.  
“Nice to see you again Harry, Ron, Hermione.” He nods to the two, smiling when Tonks slips around him, wrapping her arms around Harry, giving him a tight squeeze.  
“Pleasure as always to see you Harry.” She squeezes him rather hard before moving to Ron, then Hermione, giving them both just as tight of a squeeze.  
“I see Molly’s made you a plate.” She nods to the plate of food and Hermione giggles.
“She did.”
“Oh, Tonks would you like a plate dear?” Molly asks with a grin, the pink haired woman shaking her head.  
“Uhh, no Molly I’m fi-
“I insist.”  
Tonks watches the older woman disappear into the kitchen with wide eyes before she glances at Hermione’s plate, realizing what is in store for her.  
Remus takes a seat beside Harry, Tonks sitting across from him and beside Hermione.  
“How has your time at Hogwarts been this year?” Remus asks with a kind smile, his eyes darting from Harry, to Ron, then Hermione.  
“It’s been going well.” Hermione smiles.  
“Yeah, Hermione fancies our newest transfer.” Ron snickers.
Hermione’s eyes widen as she punches Ron, HARD, in the arm.  
“Ohhh, tell us more.” Tonks grins, only making Hermione’s cheeks flush darker.  
“What’s this I hear about Hermione fancying someone?” Mrs. Weasley asks as she places a plate in front of Tonks, piled with even more food than Hermione’s.  
Hermione shakes her head, covering her face with her hands.  
Suddenly, the door swings open, Fred, George, and Ginny making their way inside, cheeks pink from the cold.  
“I heard Hermione fancies someone?” Fred smiles and George grins.  
“Let’s hear more about this lad.” He flops down in an empty seat, only to be pushed out of it by Fred, before he can sit down though, Ginny does, leaving her brothers on the floor.  
“If it’s who I think it is...” Ginny trails off, and Hermione whines.  
“This is all your fault Ronald.”  
He shrugs.  
“They would’ve heard anyway.”  
Mrs. Weasley pats her back. 
“Tell us about him dear...”  
Hermione glances at Harry fearfully, she hadn’t ever told anyone other than her parents, that she was interested in women and now, she felt she had no choice but to tell those who were staring at her expectantly. 
Hermione takes a deep breath, glancing at Ginny who nods with a grin.  
“Go one Hermione, it’ll be alright.” She urges her and Hermione nods, taking a deep breath.  
“It’s not...” She wiggles nervously in her seat, unable to hold anyone’s gaze.  
Tonks senses her fear and reaches for her hand, giving it a pat. 
“You don’t have to tell us if you aren’t ready.” She smiles kindly.  
Fred and George both scoff.  
“Yes, she does.”
Ginny, who’s closest to them, smacks them both in the back of the head at roughly the same time. 
“Quiet you gits.” She mumbles.  
Hermione exhales loudly.  
“It’s not a boy.” She whispers, covering her face with her hands.  
Behind her hands she doesn’t see that everyone is still smiling softly.  
“Well? Tell us about her dear!” Mrs. Weasley exclaims and Hermione’s eyes widen, her hands leaving her face.  
The fear she had inside entirely dissipates when she sees the smiles directed at her.  
“You...” She starts, only to be silence by a sudden hug from Fred and George.  
“We love you no matter what.” George grins, Fred nodding in agreement.  
“Now tell us about her! The anticipation is KILLING us!”  
Hermione takes a deep breath, glancing at Ginny.  
“The Durmstrang?” She asks and Hermione’s cheeks flush.  
“Hermione was smitten since she came to Hogwarts for the Triwizard Tournament.” Harry smirks, only earning another glare from the bright Gryffindor. 
“She was quiet back then.” She shrugs.  
“And now?” Tonks grins.  
“She’s really sweet, and smart, and protective and-
Hermione stops midsentence, when she sees Ginny giggling at her rambling.  
“She hit Malfoy with a Bludger when he called Hermione a Mudblood.” Harry smirks, causing everyone in the room to laugh.  
“So, what’s her name?”  
Hermione smiles.  
“It’s Y/N Y/L/N.”
The expressions on everyone’s faces abruptly change, Hermione’s brows furrowing in question along with Harry’s, Ron’s, Fred’s, George’s and Ginny’s, Bill and Fleur looking just as confused. 
“Not sure if I’m fond of that look...” Hermione swallows hard, glancing at Harry who shrugs.  
“What’s wrong?” He asks.  
Mrs. Weasley makes her way around the table, moving to stand behind Hermione, a hand on her back, whereas Tonks covers her hand with her own.  
“Dear...” Mrs. Weasley starts, glancing at Lupin who nods.  
“Hermione... Y/N Y/L/N, is the daughter of one of the most feared Death Eaters in the entire Wizarding World.”  
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plant-flwrs · 4 years
I love your writing! Can you do a reader x fred where the reader’s whole family (like siblings) is slytherin except her and she’s in gryffindor and you can do whatever with it thank you!
rivalries as old as time // fred weasley
a/n: omg i’ve never written mean!george this was kind of scary hehe. n e way, hope u like it! thanks for ur request!
summary: Fred and George are usually united on everything, but Fred’s crush on Draco Malfoy’s sister is definitely something they disagree on.
You had never liked red, and as you fidgeted with your red tie for the fifth time, you felt an elbow to your side.
“Stop,” Fred Weasley whispered from beside you, sending a scowl your way, “It’s distracting.”
“Distracting from what? You have no intention of taking notes,” you said, looking at both his and your blank parchments in front of you.
“Distracting from my daydreams,” he said easily, leaning forward on his desk to rest his forearms against the wood, “I need to focus on them, they’re just getting good.”
“What’re they about?” you asked, hoping to sound rude. Fred looked at you in the corner of his eye, and he was regrettably forced to admit that your signature Malfoy smirk was insanely attractive.
“Oh you know,” Fred said, copying your actions to lean back in his chair, “ the usual. Trolls and Gremlins.”
The both of you slouched in your chairs, arms crossed, ignoring the awfully boring lecture Professor Binns was giving.
You rolled your eyes, annoyed by Fred. Your gaze drifted across the room, trying to find something entertaining for your crystal gray eyes to focus on.
Fred, meanwhile, was internally slapping himself. Trolls and Gremlins? That was so stupid!
He watched your blonde hair fall from where it was loosely tucked into a headband, and you brought a mindless finger to put the hair back. He watched your simple movements, entranced by you.
You and Fred didn’t get along. You are a Malfoy, and he’s a Weasley. But still, somehow, you both always found yourselves thinking of the other.
History of Magic was his favorite class, because of you.
You and Draco had crossed paths on the way to lunch, and he walked briskly over to you, dismissing some of his Slytherin friends. You paid no mind to their scowls and figured they felt so angry because Gryffindor was playing Slytherin next week on the pitch.
“Has mum sent an owl to you this week?” Draco asked, craning his neck a little to look at you. His growth spurt hadn’t struck him yet.
“Oh!” you said, beginning to dig through your bag, “Sorry, forgot about it.”
You pulled a small parcel from your bag, handing it to your brother. The two of you were nearing the Great Hall, where you would have to split and go your separate ways.
“What is it?” you asked, feeling an obligation to be nosy in your little brother’s business.
“Some ink,” Draco said lazily, tucking the package into his own bag, “it’s my lucky ink.”
“Why? Is it enchanted?” you asked, and then lowered your voice, “Is that how you get such high marks?”
Draco smiled at your compliment and shook his head no.
“No, I get those because I study,” he said flatly, a dig at the fact that you excelled more on the Quidditch pitch than the academics.
You jokingly narrowed your eyes at him, and just before he walked to the Slytherin table, you reached out and ruffled his gelled hair. His joking stature quickly turned serious, and you broke into a jog to get to the Gryffindor table and away from Draco. You watched him attempt to smooth back his hair, chuckling as you slid down on the bench, a few seats away from Fred and George.
Fred was hunched over a poorly drawn drawing that George pointed to continuously while he talked.
“If we took that one corridor, there's that curtain that leads here,” George said, moving his finger to the right, “and then we can easily get back in time!”
You didn’t bother to ask, knowing George wouldn’t tell you. As much as you and Fred would get into little arguments, George had it out for you. Despite being his housemate, it was a known fact that you were the target of his pranks. Last year, he had snuck into the girl's Quidditch changing rooms and stole your clothes. You had to beg Fred from where he stood on the outside of the tent to make his brother give his clothes back, and when that didn’t work, you waved your wand and said “Accio clothes”. George had never run so fast up a hill, and he still couldn’t escape your wrath.
You pulled a sandwich from the tray in front of you.
“Malfoy,” Oliver Wood said, catching your attention.
“Yeah?” you said, taking a large bite of your sandwich.
“Did you look over that play I sent you?” Oliver asked, referring to the crumpled note he had tossed at the back of your head during Charms.
“Yeah,” you said, chewing and fishing in your bag for the note.
You pulled it out and saw Fred looking towards you. You looked at him before returning to Oliver. You unfolded the paper and Oliver hunched over it as George had done down the table.
Oliver’s hands were all over the simple drawing, his words getting lost in your boredom. You loved Quidditch, but god, could Oliver be boring.
“What are you two talking about?” both of your heads snapped up to see Fred forcing himself between the two first years that sat across you.
Oliver handed him the paper, pointing at all the meanings of the symbols.
“This,” he finally said, catching his breath, “is how we’re gonna beat Slytherin next week.”
Your weeknights were spent with Oliver, both of you ranting on about strategies while also trying to get done some homework. You occupied a wooden table that was usually used for chess, but the board was moved over to the coffee table where Ron and Harry played.
Fred watched, nearly pouting, from his spot on the couch. He watched the way your light eyes would brighten at the words Oliver said to you, and how you would blush every time he offered you a compliment on your playing.
“Ready for practice tonight?” Fred said, sliding up next to you as you waited outside of Binns’ classroom.
“Yeah,” you said absentmindedly, picking at your nails.
“George and I won’t take it easy on you,” Fred said, his veiled attempt at sounding threatening failing.
“Oh, Fred,” you said, faking a shake in your voice, “you don’t mean that.”
Fred rolled his eyes at your teasing, following after you as you walked to your shared desk.
Both of you came down the Gryffindor stairs at the same time, dressed in your practice jerseys and equipment in hand.
You glanced at him and caught his eyes looking you up and down. You chuckled to yourself, and his face flushed red.
You walked through the portrait hole with Oliver, and Fred watched you as he waited for George.
The two of them twisted and tossed their beater bats from hand to hand as they were perched on their brooms. You and Alicia faced off near the ground, hovering stoically. It was no competition, you were a better flyer than Alicia. She nearly had you matched in the power of her arm, but you still had the upper hand.
Fred bit his lip as you extended yourself to reach for the Quaffle. Your legs were the only thing keeping you on the broom, but you didn’t pay any mind to the unsteadiness. The only thing you thought of was the play Oliver had ingrained in your mind the past week. You repeated his critiques in your head and made sure to fix your grip on the Quaffle.
Alicia trailed after you, and you dove under Angelina to avoid her grasp. They were both trailing after you now. Alicia was nearly taken off her broom by a Bludger, and risking a glance upwards, you saw Fred’s triumphant smile. It was lucky that Fred was on your team for this practice because George had a nasty habit of failing to block Bludgers from hitting you.
Nearing near the goal post, you easily wound your arm back and sent the Quaffle right past Oliver. He slapped his gloved hands on his broom and sent you a proud smile.
The practice continued, and you weren’t hit with a Bludger the whole time, no matter how many George sent at you. Fred was always there to send them off, and send you a wink after he did it. You won the practice scrimmage, but Alicia put up a good fight.
“We have this,” Alicia said, beaming at you as she shed her heavy robes in the changing room.
“If we don’t I think Oliver’ll have an aneurism,” you joked, pulling on a loose t-shirt.
Angelina chuckled, and Alicia continued to beam.
“Really lucky Fred saved you from all those Bludgers,” Katie Bell teased from behind you.
“George has got it out for me,” you said nonchalantly, shrugging your shoulders.
“Yeah, but, Fred sure kept you safe,” she continued to hint, but it went over your head.
“Well yeah, we can’t have an injury two days before the match,” you said, closing your locker and shuffling the combination.
Alicia rolled her eyes, and Angelina laughed.
“Yeah, that’s why,” Katie said, giving up.
You walked up the path to the castle and saw a clan of black robes walking down the path. You saw blond hair that matched yours peaking from one of them.
“Draco!” you called to your brother, breaking into a jog to reach him.
“Hey,” he said, breaking off from his Slytherin teammates.
“Are you guys ready for the match?” you asked excitedly.
Draco huffed out a defeated sigh, crossing his arms.
“No,” he admitted, glancing over his shoulder to make sure his housemates couldn’t hear him, “we bloody suck.”
You fought the cheeky smile that crept onto your face.
“Oh, that’s rotten, Draco,” you said, beginning to walk back down the hill with him, “I’m sure you’ll play your best.”
“I’ll try,” he said, beginning to shoo you off, “go do your homework.”
You rolled your eyes at your brother and waved him off, setting back up the castle.
The day of matches was always nerving, but it was even worse when it was against Slytherin. It felt like everyone in the school wanted you, needed you, to beat them.
You and Oliver sat shoulder to shoulder, both trying to get the other to eat something for breakfast. You both claimed to be too nervous, and then the other would say “that’s ridiculous, you have to eat!”.
Walking to the pitch, Harry Potter trailed behind all of you. You watched the twins stop to reach him, each wrapping a comforting and brotherly arm around his shoulders. You smiled to yourself, slipping into the changing room with the rest of the girls.
The crowd was roaring. It had never been this loud. Various chants sounded off, and you soon realized that someone in the Slytherin crowd learned a charm to louden their voice. Hateful words about Harry spouted from the green stands, and boos countered the Slytherin statements from the blue, yellow, and red bannered stands.
Taking the field, you hovered in front of Adrian Pucey as you had hovered in front of Alicia. Alicia was much nicer to look at, you thought, and she was a better player.
Pucey was barely moving before you soared off with the Quaffle tucked under your arm. You avoided the Slytherin chasers easily, twisting and ducking on your broom with the Quaffle on you like it was a third arm attached to your body. Cheers sounded off as you faked out Marcus Flint and Adrian Pucey, making them dive into each other and nearly sending them off their brooms.
You looked back, seeing Alicia wide open behind you. You glanced forward, the Slytherin keeper braced for your shot. You slowed, allowing Alicia to come to your side. You made a seamless pass to her that the keeper hadn’t noticed, and while he looked at you, Alicia came from the left and scored. You met her to high five, your arms outstretched.
Fred dove to you, following a very determined Bludger. His bat was nearly touching it, nearly about to send it off its path towards you. He was just about to reach it when you dove. Fred and the Bludger soared past you, and the Bludger redirected itself. Doing a loop, and seeing that you were no longer there, it went for the next best thing. Alicia barely had time to brace herself before the Bludger knocked her shoulder out of its socket. The painful injury only caused a short interruption, but she had some choice words for Fred and George for failing to hit the Bludger sooner.
After that one incident, the game continued in the same fashion. You and Alicia flew circles around the lacking Slytherin Chasers, and Oliver blocked nearly everything they sent at him.
The cheers from the crowd stayed consistent for the entire match. There was never a silent moment from any house. A renowned gasp fell across the crowd, though, as Draco changed direction quickly. He turned the end of his broom straight up, and with an outstretched hand, Harry was breathing down Draco’s neck. You watched your brother, his blond hair flying off his face, his long arms reaching out into the sky. You didn’t feel bad for rooting for Draco, because even if he caught it, you were so ahead it wouldn’t have mattered.
Draco’s pale fingers eventually did wrap around the snitch, and without thinking, he let go of his broom in the haste of catching the little thing. He began to fall from the sky, and you watched as his legs and arms flailed around him. His broom fell faster than he did, and you flew to him. You were pulling your wand from your boot when someone had beat you to it. Draco hung suspended in mid-air, his body limp. He raised his head, and you saw his ghostly cheeks flushed pink. He looked around, patting his body to check if he was still alive. When he realized he was, he raised his hand into the sky, showing the golden snitch. The green section roared with laughter, but Lee Jordan’s voice halted them.
“Just a reminder! The Gryffindor team still wins!”
Cheers from every other section sounded off, and you felt a pang of guilt in your heart. You could be a Slytherin, you should be a Slytherin, and here you were apart of one of the houses that cheered for your brother's losses.
You flew to Draco, watching as he tucked the snitch into his robe pocket. You hovered, and he climbed onto the back of your broom. You looked around to see who had saved him, only to see Fred’s smug smile above you. George hovered next to his brother, scowling at Fred. You watched Fred tuck his wand back into his robes, giving you a shy wave. You smiled back at him, a silent thanks for the help.
You flew Draco to the ground, where he collected his broom.
“You were great, Dray,” you said, clapping him on the back, “really.”
“We lost,” he spat at you, cringing from your touch.
“Yeah but that’s not your fault.” you consoled him, watching his face soften, “You did your job, you caught the snitch.”
Draco nodded at you, offering you an appreciative smile. You wrapped an arm around his shoulder and squeezed briefly, then sending him off to his sulking Slytherin team captain.
Oliver was already running towards you, arms outstretched.
“Y/n!” he called, and you smiled widely at him.
“You were amazing, Wood,” you called to him, letting him envelop you in a hug.
He pulled you over to the huddle of your teammates, and they were all beaming.
“Wasn’t Potter this time, was it?” Lee Jordan called from his place in the spectator box, “Y/n Malfoy, the best Chaser Gryffindor’s got!”
You blushed wildly at Lee’s exaggerated praise, ducking your head as your teammates all cheered for you.
Fred and George came tumbling from the sky, landing ungracefully on the ground.
“Think this calls for a party?” Fred asked, and everyone’s cheers increased.
The common room was transformed into an even more red and gold haven. Maybe red was growing on you.
You were standing at the center of a huddle, everyone’s glasses raised. Oliver had just made a quite longwinded speech, to which you cut off with:
“Let’s drink to that!”
Cheers came from everyone around you, and you brought your firewhisky to your lips.
“I still don’t get why you did that,” George shouted at his brother, his words slightly slurred. George never could handle his liquor.
“It was her brother, mate!” Fred shouted back.
“He’s a Malfoy! And so is she! Freaks, the lot of them!” George yelled, and the statement trailed over the crowd and to your ears.
You turned to look at the twins, meeting George’s disgusted face.
You pushed through the crowd and put yourself between the brothers, bringing your face to George’s.
“What’s your problem?” you shouted, and he cringed away from the loud noise.
“You!” he shouted back, and you could smell the alcohol on his breath.
“You’re a prick,” you said to him, sounding poisonous, “a drunk prick.”
George scoffed and brought a hand to your shoulder. He shoved you away, and you tumbled into Fred. Fred’s arms were around you before you could lunge at George as if he read your mind.
“Let me go!” you shouted to Fred, thrashing against him. George stood in front of you, taunting you. He waved his drink around, his drunken expression full of arrogance.
“I can’t!” Fred called out to you, then to George, “George, stop!”
George rolled his eyes and tossed back the rest of his drink. He stumbled off to somewhere else, leaving you in Fred’s grasp.
He felt your heavy breathing against his chest, your warm arms in his hands.
“You alright?” Fred spoke into your ear, his mouth moving against your hair.
“Yeah, I’m fine, you can let me go,” you said, wiggling from his grasp.
Fred hadn’t wanted to let you go, but he figured it would be odd if he kept you pulled against him.
“He didn’t mean that,” Fred started, but you waved him off.
“Yes he did,” you said. starting to walk away.
Fred reached out for you, pulling you back.
“I’m sorry,” Fred said, his eyes searching yours.
“Stop, Fred,” you said, pulling your arm from his hand again, “None of you Weasley’s have liked me since the day I was sorted into Gryffindor. It didn’t even matter who I was.”
Fred’s eyebrows furrowed at your statement, but he couldn’t find it in himself to feel anything but sympathy as he looked at your hurt expression.
“That’s not true, Y/n,” he started, but you turned again. He didn’t stop you that time.
Your mood was ruined. You filled your cup with more firewhisky, but at the bottom of each glass, all you could see was George’s disgusted face.
You had never done anything to the Weasleys, but that never stopped the redheads, or their friends, from sending you glares any time they saw you. You felt torn, torn by the unnaturalness of you being in Gryffindor, being away from your brother. You were torn by the fact that you felt weren’t even wanted by Gryffindor. No matter what you did, it was never right.
You remembered watching Draco get sorted, his baby-faced wonder as he sat on the stool with his legs crossed at the ankles. You had hoped, you had even prayed, that Draco would be sorted into Gryffindor. When that house was called out, though, the table of green erupted, and you watched your brother be swept off by your rivaling house.
George would never understand this, he would never see you as anything but a Malfoy, a pure-blood supremacist. You weren’t what your family was, you didn’t care about blood status, but no one cared.
Your anger seethed, watching George having fun, dancing with Angelina. Your grip on your cup tightened, and you wanted more than anything to go up to him and throw what was left of your drink into his face. You started over to him.
Fred intercepted you, having been watching you intently the whole night.
“You don’t want to do this,” Fred said, trying to calm you down as he blocked your path to his brother, “wait ‘till morning, then you can scream at him all you want.”
You could only shake your head, trying to move pasted Fred. You didn’t want to do this in the morning, you wanted to do this now, while the warm anger moved through your blood as fast as the whiskey did.
Fred’s hands gripped your upper arms, holding you in place.
“Let me go, Fred,” you mumbled, teeth gritted.
“I can’t, Y/n,” he said, searching for your eyes like he was begging you to look at him.
“He can’t always get away with it,” you whispered, feeling your anger turn into sadness. You had refused to cry about George or anything he said in your first year, but it seemed that now was your breaking point.
“He won’t, I promise,” Fred whispered back, trying to sound reassuring. He found it hard, his heart hurting at the sight of you so upset.
“He always does!” you exclaimed, your voice breaking. Your eyes were still dry, but the pounding in your chest felt like a heart attack.
“Well, he won’t this time,” Fred replied, bringing his face to yours so you had no choice but to look at him, “I’ll make sure of it.”
You met his eyes, and he saw the hopeful glint in them. He offered you a kind smile, his lips stretched across his face. You nodded at him, relaxing in his grasp. You didn’t try to move from it, and you didn’t want to. You felt safe in Fred’s arms.
“Oi!” George called from behind Fred.
Fred turned, putting you behind his back and himself between you and George. You pushed and pulled, trying to get in front of him and to George, but he was too strong.
“Fred, when are you going to get over this?” George asked his brother, downing the last of his dark drink.
“Shut up, George,” Fred warned, trying to push you and him away from George.
“I’ve told you a million times, mate,” George started, “Malfoys and Weasleys don’t belong together.”
Fred was on top of George in seconds. He was wrestling him to the ground and putting him in a headlock.
You put a hand over your mouth, watching as they fought. You replayed George’s words, “Malfoys and Weasleys don’t belong together”. Was this simple brotherly teasing, or did Fred have feelings for you?
Katie and Alicia found you in the crowd, and you hadn’t even realized what you were doing as they pulled you off of Fred and George. You had grabbed Fred’s shoulders, trying to pull him off his brother, but they thrashed against your grip.
Alicia and Katie were guiding you up the girl's dormitory stairs, pushing you towards the bathroom as your face became green with nausea. Katie held your hair, rubbing your back as you emptied your breakfast and what looked to be an entire bottle of firewhisky.
You groaned, moving to rest your back on the wall in front of the toilet. Katie flushed the vomit, closed the lid, and sat in front of you.
“Are you alright?” she asked, her kind voice inviting you to tell her all about your insecurities and worries.
Alicia came in right at the part of you feeling guilty for not being Slytherin, and Angelina stumbled into the dorms at your conclusion of what George said about Weasleys and Malfoys.
The girls consoled you, assuring you that you had every right to be in Gryffindor and that George was just a prick.
“What’d you think he meant by that?” Katie said, testing your reaction, in reference to what George said.
“I dunno,” you grumbled, moving yourself to lay down on the ground. Alicia moved, grabbing your shoulder and making you stay upright.
“Could it mean Fred,” Alicia spoke like a kindergarten teacher, and your drunken self giggled as she spoke, “likes you?”
You gasped, your head falling back to hit the wall.
“No way,” you mumbled, and when Katie started giggling next to you, you did too.
When Fred finally made his way up the girl's stairs, bypassing the detouring charms, he heard loud and manic giggles coming from your dorm. He opened the door but found the beds empty. The door to the bathroom was open, and the sound came from there.
“Hello?” he said, rasping his knuckles on the door frame.
The four girls on the ground, all looked up at him with bright smiles, all saying at the same time: “Fred!”
Fred’s eyes went to yours immediately. He smiled as his name fell from your drunken lips, admiring the twinkle in your silver eyes.
“Are you alright?” he asked, moving to crouch in front of you.
The other girls got the hint, and filed out of the bathroom, all mumbling something of good luck to you.
“Yeah,” you replied, still smiling.
Your eyes focused on his face, and you saw a nasty cut on his lip. It bled a little to the corner of his mouth and down his jaw, stopping just above his shirt collar.
Your smile dropped, and you brought a hand to his jaw, “Are you alright? You’re bleeding, Fred.”
He brought a hand to his lip, and when he pulled it away he saw blood. You pushed yourself to your feet, wobbling a little as you stood. You got a wad of toilet paper and wet it a little in the sink. You put your hands on Fred’s shoulders, telling him to be still.
He closed his eyes as you dragged the paper over his jaw and dabbed at his lip. Once you got the blood off, you got a dry piece of toilet paper and ran it back over his jaw again. He suppressed the groans he wanted to release, forcing his hands not to reach out and grab your waist. Once the trail of blood was gone, you used a finger to tilt his face up. You ran your fingers over where the blood had been, making sure you got it all. Fred’s mouth opened a little at the touch, and he sighed heavily. You let his face drop back to yours, and looked at him. His mouth still had some blood in the corner. You wet the pad of your thumb with your tongue and cupped Fred’s face. You brought your thumb to the corner of his mouth and swiped your finger across his lip. This time Fred wasn’t able to suppress the moan that came from his chest. Your hand still rested on his shoulder, and your hand still held his jaw.
“Did George do this?” you asked, fearful of his response.
“Must have,” Fred whispered back to you.
“I’m sorry,” you said, dropping your hands from Fred and turning your back to him, “I shouldn’t have gone over to him.”
“Hey,” Fred said, wrapping a hand on your waist and pulling you into him, “George deserved that. You should see the shiner I gave him.”
“I can’t let you fight your brother like that,” you whispered, putting a hand on his chest and feeling his beating heart, “you two don’t fight like that.”
“I don’t care. I’ll fight him every day until he gives you a chance,” Fred replied, bringing a hand from your waist to the back of your neck.
When he began to pull your face closer to his, you pulled back a little, still in his embrace.
“I can’t kiss you,” you said, a teasing smile on your face.
“Why not?” he pouted.
“I just threw up, it’s gross.”
Fred dug in his pocket for a second and pulled out a tin. It was one in the packaging of one of his products, but he assured you they had yet to be charmed to make people’s tongues swell.
“I don’t know,” you dragged, twisting the small mint in your fingers.
“Why would I prank you right now? You have no idea how much I want to kiss you,” he took the mint form your hand and put it in your mouth for you.
He was right, it was just a regular mint. The taste of vomit was gone, and after you chewed it, Fred barely wasted a second before he pulled you into him.
He kissed you hard, despite having a busted lip. When you ran your tongue over it, he winced, and you pulled back.
“Oh, I’m sorry,” you said, bringing your hand up to it and touching his lip. His hand grabbed yours, and he placed gentle kisses to each of your fingertips. His hand moved to your palm, to your wrist, and up your arm. His mouth ran over your shoulder, which he pulled your shirt back from, and up your neck. His lips finally connected with yours again, and you let out a pleased moan.
Fred pushed you against the counter of the sink, and you wrapped your hands in his hair. The feeling of nausea hit you very quickly, and you pulled away from Fred. You doubled over, trying to will yourself from throwing up.
“Oh god,” you started, and Fred rushed to your side, “I’m gonna throw up again.”
“What? Was it the mint? Are you alright?” Fred protested as you pushed him on his back out of the bathroom, closing the door and locking it behind him.
You threw open the toilet seat and emptied what was left in your stomach. Flushing, you closed the lid and sat on it. You pulled your wand from your waistband and unlocked the door. Fred came in hesitantly, and when he saw you were fine, he lifted you off the toilet by the hand.
“Come on,” he said, guiding you out of the dorm.
“I don’t wanna go back to the party,” you mumbled, pulling his arm closer to you as you held onto it.
“You’ve been up there for ages, the party’s long over,” Fred assured, pulling you down the stairs.
Cups littered the ground, and abandoned streamers hung from the ceiling. A banner Dean Thomas had made hung lopsided on one side of the room.
Fred pulled you to the couch, bringing a blanket over you.
“Do you want anything?” he asked, and you laughed at his nurturing actions.
You were about to say no, but the rumbling of your stomach convinced you otherwise. You had emptied everything you had eaten, and you were hungry.
Fred snuck to the kitchens easily, making the same trek he made nearly every other night. He brought you back some sandwiches, but when he slipped through the portrait hole, he found you asleep on the couch.
Your breathing was even, and your mouth hung open a little. You curled into the couch, tucking your legs up to your chest.
He put the sandwiches on the table next to you and moved your body to the left. He curled up next to you, pulling the blanket over the both of you. He spooned you, tucking his face into the crook of your neck. He wrapped his arm around your waist, and your hand found his under the blanket.
For the first time, you felt at home in the Gryffindor common room.
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