#medicated coffee
shitpostingkats · 9 months
I'm sorry I'm still not over Riz taking the High Fantasy Equivalent Of Speed except no one remembers he weighs 25 pounds soaking wet so instead of Calming The Hell Down like we all know in our heart of hearts Riz would do if he actually took properly dosed stimulants he just sprints through all 9 phases of hyperfocus and ascends to neurodivergent godhood and starts solving mysteries you've never heard of and then becomes paranoid that someone's gonna take his memories so he goes up to a pirate and asks them to tattoo his red string conspiracy board on his flesh
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likeshestoleit · 1 month
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gotta romanticize the med school struggle ✨
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coffeeandbatboys · 5 months
The Clones reacting to you smushing their cheeks
Idk I had this idea and thought it’d be cute. Since the clones are supposed to have round cheeks, visualize live action and not animated 😂
Warnings: none, just fluff.
Fives, Wrecker, Hardcase, & Tup: Loving it so much, will lean into your hands and give you heart eyes. Maybe even press a few kisses to your hand.
Cody, Jesse, Kix, Echo, Vaughn & Mayday: Will blush profusely and look side to side for a second, before giving in and flashing you a tiny smile.
Rex, Hunter, Tech, & Fox: Not sure what to do, just give an awkward smile and internally scream because they secretly find it super cute.
Crosshair, Wolffe & Dogma: Not understanding any of it. Don’t know what you’re doing, not sure that they like it, 3/10 do not recommend.
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studymoons · 8 months
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life lately is gloomy days and early mornings. studying for boards is a bit more stressful than i’d imagined, not because of all the material i need to review, but more because im struggling to build up the stamina for an 8 hour exam (it’s been years since i last took one and im significantly more exhausted at this point in my life than i was then). but nothing i can do but continue working! still making time for art and friends to keep myself in a good mental space and continuing to try my best :-)
my etsy
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redcrowncafe · 9 months
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studyblr-med · 6 months
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i love gloomy weather☁️
song of the day 🎧 : reflecting light by sam phillips
reminder to be grateful for today (remember that a while ago you were praying to be where you are now)
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triptychofvoids · 9 months
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kaffeeklatsch. une petite pause if you will. theyre gossiping for sure
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saintmalosunsets · 4 months
Band of Brothers but it's just Gene's medic scenes (pt. 1/4)
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mikadll · 6 months
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stream of consciousness doodling, or the first actual draft on paper of the oc-fication of medic tf2 featuring Hermine
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notesbyallie · 1 year
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24.09.2023 // All I need to make a study session good (or at the very least bearable) is some good music, a coffee and a calming environment (ideally a cafe or library). I've been trying to get through some haematology revision, which I'm really enjoying even though it's really complicated.
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es-r-aa7 · 22 days
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أعلم أني لستُ أمتلك الرقة المفرطة كباقي الفتيات، وأني أصبح عدوانية بعض الشيء، نبرة صوتي حادة وعالية، يضيق صدري بشدة، ولكن إن شعرت أن من أمامي يُحبني، أصبح كالفراشة، خفيفة، رقيقة، هادئة ملونة، جميلة ،محبة بقلب رقيق لا يتمني لك سوي الخير، ويمنحك كل الحب.
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likeshestoleit · 8 months
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a very low maintenance study set up 🙃
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coffeeandbatboys · 6 months
ok but hear me out
Kix in glasses
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studymoons · 6 months
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more of life lately!
i’m still in my dedicated study period for my board exams. i think as the exam gets nearer, my IBS gets worse but that’s life i suppose. i’m still spending my mornings working and sneaking some fun in by doing coffee study dates with friends at a favorite local spot of mine (i’m very nearly a regular!) and relaxing with some crafting, baking, and exercising in the evening! personally, i think going to the gym is very fun but maybe it’s bc i think of all the machines as a sort of playground. whatever works i guess! in terms of reading, im reading the white album by joan didion on my own and the man who died twice (sequel to the thursday murder club) by richard osman with my boyfriend and enjoying both of them so far. if anyone has any books they’d like to recommend, please let me know! my fave genres are lighthearted classics, gothic literature, and whatever genre my year of rest and relaxation is (if you enjoyed rest and relaxation, then i’d highly recommend berlin by bea setton - i was previously recommended bunny by mona awad in the same vein and it did not impress me)
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meet-the-coffee · 8 months
Tf2 McDonalds Headcanons: Coffee edition...
So, somebody posted a template thingy and I replied to that post. Here's my full thing with my own template made lmao,,
Link to inspiriational and original post here
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So, my headcanons are like this:
I view Heavy as a pretty serious guy so I think he can go a little further up with Medic, yet not all the way still. He can once in a while "oke oke. Heavy could go for burger. Let's eat burger." And then chuckle. But he's very much born and raised with responsibility with his mom and sisters. He's responsible and nurturing. That is his nature behind that solid mountain of a man. (Read: official comics) This man starts ordering and he doesn't stop ordering /hj,, no but fr I think like, he, alone, orders for 3 people to eat for himself. The rest stares in horror and/or awe.
Medic is peak "ve havf food at home. Quiet down nowv, QUIEEET."
Engie should be middle between "we have food at home" and the chanting. I think he's the mom of the group a lot of the times (cooks and bakes for the team in my hc) but I think he would very much also like to bring the "kids" to mcdonalds sometimes because why not!! So mid right it is. Probably orders some burger and a coffee. Sometimes a water or sooometimes some soda.
Demoman is a drunk. Drunks love fat food. Him and Soldier are dumbasses and I view them as being quite child-like like this. Demo and Soldier are absolutely chanting for burgers. But also, I think Demo is just a sliiight bit more responsible (he's mama's boy!!) Demo orders a wholeass meal ok. Something with lots of meat and bacon and cheese. Drink? Bro drinks beer. He tries to order a beer. He does not get a beer. He shrugs and chugs the beer in his hand.
On that note, I see Soldier as a sliiight bit more possible to go HELL YEA BURGERS, drive the fking bus in via drive-through and go "FIVE CHEESEBURGERS AND A COKE. A REEAAL AMERICAN COKE... YEAHAH." And then eat all of the burgers for himself. He's not rude he's just oblivious lmao,, not many braincells scrambling around in there.
Scout and Pyro are absolutely screaming for mcDonk. Pyro wants happy meal. He fucking loves the toys. He collects them, even. Keeps him occupied in the car lmao... he always orders a milkshake. Maybe strawberry flavour.
Scout orders a 20-box of chicken nuggets (like me!!) Or the big McShare-box with different stuff like chili cheese tops, nuggets and chicken clubs, (also like me. We both audhd as hell ok) and always a coke and/or a milkshake. (Sometimes he wants both!!)
Spy doesn't give a fuck, he gets a coffee. He just needs a coffee to be able to withstand the drive home with the bunch of toddlers in the backseat. Only chance they get to order something is if Scout bounces in (after experience from first or second time) to go "AAAND AY UHHHHHH--". Spy scoffs in annoyance and tells him to sit down and shut up. Scout does neither. He wants chicken nuggets. But first few times, Spy really just sighs at the chanting, throws his finished cig out of the crack in the window, and exits the highway for mcdonalds. And then he just goes "one black coffee please." And they go "anything else?" And he just goes "Mercí, that'll be all." And start driving for the next window before they even tell him to (more to do so before anyone interrupts and protests).
Sniper is below middle on the left line - between . On occasion he's like "fk sake." And goes for a coffee and probably elbows Scout in his possessions before he can do what he does to Spy. And then after paying and driving off with his coffee, he just coldly goes "Like I said. We have food at home." Like Spy, he just needs a coffee to survive the drive home. And not get an impulse to drive straight off the road into the cliffside.
[Bows bows]
Thankuthanku, that'll be all !!
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studyblr-med · 1 year
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