#medwhump may 2024
whumpinthepot · 5 months
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@medwhumpmay day 3. “Squeeze my hand”
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autobot2001 · 5 months
Concerning Condition
Author: Autobot2001 Genre: Fanfiction Fandom: Transformers Rating: T warning: None Pairing: None Description: The medics are concerned about Jamie's condition after being stabbed multiple times. Continued from day 7.
@medwhumpmay day 1; anesthesia
A stabbing happening in the N.E.S.T. base is alarming. The medics rush to the scene. Hoping it’s not serious. Everyone is concerned about who the victim is and her condition. Even if she’s awake. “They found her,” Prowl tells Ratchet, pointing to the terror twins, “I can’t believe Sunstreaker isn’t searching for who did this.” “I think he will once he knows Jamie is ok,” Jolt argues, “both brothers worry about how Crosshairs and Drift will be.” The two know Crosshairs and Drift struggle with past trauma watching Jamie come close to death. Taking Jamie to medbay will cause anxiety for Crosshairs and Drift. The twins already restrain the two to allow the medics to look at Jamie’s injuries. Jamie is awake, but not looking good. Sideswipe tells Ratchet he’s been keeping her awake. Admitting he’s uncertain if he could have let Jamie sleep.
The lack of response while moving Jamie onto a stretcher concerns everyone. Crosshairs and Drift are terrified to let Jamie out of their sight, but they’re told to await word on Jamie’s condition before going to the medbay. They worry about her condition and informing Lightning. They know news about this will spread around the base, but they’d rather tell her.
The medics bring Jamie to the critical care room. Careful to remove her clothes, they see how serious her injuries are. Her vitals show that something else is wrong. They worry about internal bleeding. Jamie is moved to the operating room.
“You’ll be ok,” Jasmine assures Jamie as she breathes the anesthesia in the mask Jasmine holds over her mouth and nose. Once Jamie is asleep, the three medics begin surgery. Hoping exploratory surgery doesn’t turn into an emergency.
Continued with day 10.
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whumpitlikeyoumeanit · 4 months
@medwhumpmay Day 29 is "Extended Hospital Stay", which is basically the spirit animal of the first few chapters of this story I have been working on.
It also covers about 30% of the rest of the prompt list, but I won't be greedy =D
This is the recovery sequel to my Whumpcember fic, Saviour.
Whumpee: Draco Malfoy Whump type: Aftermath of torture / aftermath of captivity / medical / traumatised
Fun fact, I've also ransacked @comfortember for this fic, and made my own prompt list by choosing one prompt per day from the last four years of prompt lists. I'm not going to pretend it's official or anything, but that inspiration for the "comfort" part is very helpful.
Did I just namedrop 3 Whump events in one story post? Yes I did.
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astaldis · 5 months
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Chapters: 1/1    Words: 2,668 Rating: Mature    Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Cahir Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach & Gallatin, Cahir Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach/Gallatin Additional Tags: Witcher Monster MAYhem Prompt Event 2024, Necrophage, Ghouls, Friendship, Head Injury, Stitches, Dazed, Friends to Lovers, or not?, Who Knows?, gallatin whump
Summary: Finally spring has come and Gallatin is out hunting. Alone. Not a good idea in these times of contempt ...
Inspired by the Witcher Monster MAYhem prompt 3 "Necrophage", Medwhump May "Head Injury" & "Stitches" and the Whumpay prompt "Dazed".
The monster gives a deafening roar, mouth wide agape, its rotting teeth flashing in the light of his torch. It looks ugly like hell and stinks of death and decay. But he has fought the likes of it before. They seem to be spawning out of the soil like pests these days. Well, they are well fed in these times of contempt, and he himself has provided them with ample dinner. If their mission was not as secret as it is, he would, of course, burn all the corpses of the soldiers and waggoners that accompany the caravans they raid and that end up dead and rotting in the woods. But fires like the ones necessary to cremate a dozen or so dead humans at the same time are too conspicuous and they cannot bury every body deep enough for those corpse eaters not to get to them. At least they try to with their own casualties. Which is more than enough hard work with all the rocks and stones and roots in the forest soil. A pity, these brainless beasts do not appreciate the service they and the Scoia'tael are providing them and keep to a dead-meat-only diet instead of attacking their benefactors.
He swings his sword and brandishes his torch at the ghoul. The beast roars again and charges at him, the elf lying spreadeagled and dazed on the forest ground forgotten. Cahir ducks and spins, then stabs the ghoul in its massive thigh. The monster does not even seem to notice. Despite its natural fear of fire, it lunges at the human. But it is too slow and stupid to do any damage. Cahir evades the monster by jumping to the side at the last moment, then he spins around and sinks his blade into the negrophage's back. This time, the monster does notice. Growling and snarling, it turns around, its ugly face a grimace of deadly fury. Then it pounces at the human again ...
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its-my-whump · 5 months
Medwhump May 2024
Day 1 - Under anasthesia
Day 2 - Running out of time
Day 3 - "Squeeze my hand."
Day 4 - Alt 2 - Flatline
Day 5 - "Stay with me."
Day 6 - Alt 14 - Stitches
Day 7 - Unresponsive
Day 8 - Going into shock
Day 9 - Alt 15 - Broken Bones
Day 10 - Emergency surgery
Day 11 - Passing out
Day 12 - Alt 8 - Unconscious
Day 13 - "You've been really sick."
Day 14 - Alt 6 - Self-inflicted
Day 15 - Warmed blankets
Day 16 - Coma
Day 17 - Forced to stay awake
Day 18 - Alt 10 - Infection
Day 19 - Alt 11 - Exhaustion
Day 20 - Surgery recovery
Day 21 - Nausea
Day 22 - Alt 12 - Shaking
Day 23 - Alt 7 - Scars
Day 24 - Not breathing
My masterlist
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Medwhump May 2024
Day 25 - High fever
Kinda a prequel to Day 11 - Passing out and also Day 13 - "You've been very sick"
TW: minor whumpee (17), illness, fahrenheit, tobacco
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Erick was prone to infections. Between frequent injuries, less than ideal living circumstances, not quite adequate diet, and constant stress, it was nearly a miracle that he wasn't sick all the time. It didn't help either that he had the tendency to ignore any early symptoms, powering through so he wouldn't disappoint Fetch, or anger him. He didn't like to be called lazy or ungrateful, because he wasn't, so he avoided being seen as such.
Until his body forced him to stop.
Fetch looked at the display on the thermometer, frowning a bit.
"A hundred and three," he said, "how long have you been feeling sore?"
"I think...since yesterday?" Erick said, pulling on his shirt a bit as the sweat was making it stick to his chest.
"Why didn't you say anything?"
"It wasn't this bad yesterday," Erick said with a shrug, "I just need a nap..."
"Not so fast," Fetch said, "I want you to drink some water first and take an Advil. Then I'll go out to get you some ice to cool you down."
"Hrm...I'm sorry," Erick said.
"It's okay, I had nothing better to do anyway," Fetch said, "just get into bed, I'll sleep on the couch tonight."
Erick stumbled towards the bedroom while Fetch headed into the kitchen to get a glass of water. He found some b-brand ibuprofen in the drawer and took out a pill before heading towards the bedroom, where Erick was adjusting the pillow in an attempt to get comfortable. He helped the teen take a couple of sips to wash down the pill, before telling him to call if he started feeling worse while he was out.
Luckily it was a short trip to the store, and Erick slept through Fetch's absence. He quietly entered the apartment, putting some of the ice he just bought in a bowl and stuffing the rest in the freezer. He added some water to the ice and let it sit for a bit before finding a clean washcloth in the pile of unfolded laundry that sat on top of the machine.
He carried the bowl into the bedroom, setting it on the nightstand and dunking the cloth into the water, making sure it was nice and cold before squeezing most of the water out before laying the washcloth over Erick's forehead and eyes.
"Oh my god..." he groaned quietly, "thank you."
"You know the drill," Fetch said, "try to flip it or wet it again whenever you wake up."
"Mhm..." Erick just said, seeming to drift off already again.
Fetch just shook his head a bit and headed out, finding something to do to keep him busy, though he still checked on the teen frequent enough, making sure he drank water, or refreshing the wash cloth with a new layer of ice water.
After a couple of hours he checked if his temperature had gone down yet, only to find it had climbed to 104. He sighed, getting up and heading into the bathroom to begin filling up the bathtub. Once he was satisfied with the temperature, he plugged the drain and headed back into the bedroom to wake Erick.
"Hey, come on, sit up. I know you're tired, but we need to get your temperature down, okay?"
"Ow..." Erick groaned while Fetch pulled him into a sitting position.
He tried to lay back down while rubbing his eyes, but Fetch stopped him, grabbing a hold of his jaw to make him look at him.
"Where does it hurt?" he asked.
Erick pulled his head from Fetch's grip, rubbing his eyes again, before pulling his hands through his hair.
"I dunno," he said, "everywhere? My head..."
"It's just fever aches," Fetch said, secretly relieved, "come on, a bath will do you good. Do you need help getting in?"
"No," Erick quickly said, "no, just give me a minute..."
Fetch just nodded, but waited to make sure whether the teen would need a hand at all or not. He managed to make it to the bathroom okay, and then closed the door in his face.
"Don't lock it," Fetch said, "shout if you need me."
"I'm fine," Erick insisted, turning the tap off before the bath would overflow.
He waited until Fetch's footsteps had moved away from the bathroom door, before getting undressed and climbing into the tub. The water wasn't as warm as he'd liked, but the cooling effect was kind of nice too. The fog in his head cleared a bit, and the aches settled a bit as well, allowing him to relax.
When the water got too cold, he got out, draining the tub and finding Fetch had left some clean clothes on the edge of the sink. He dried himself off with a towel before getting dressed, already feeling a lot better. When he left the bathroom Fetch made him sit down and drink some more water, as well as eat some toast, and take his temperature again.
"Did I pick up another flu on the last job?" Erick asked, holding still when Fetch jabbed the thermometer in his ear.
"Something or other," Fetch said, "if it's viral we just gotta wait it out. If you don't improve it can be bacterial instead."
"Back to a hundred and three," Fetch said, "hopefully it doesn't shoot up again."
"Can I...go lie back down?" Erick asked.
"Finish your water first," Fetch said.
Erick nodded, slowly sipping his water until he'd emptied the glass before going back to bed, leaving behind a half-eaten piece of toast.
Unfortunately his fever spiked again during the night, this time accompanied by delirious babbling, keeping Fetch plenty busy as he had to stop the teen from getting up when he was in no state to move around.
Luckily his temperature dropped a bit again after Fetch finally got him to go back to sleep, but they weren't out of the woods yet. He continued to fluctuate the rest of the day between a high fever and a concerningly high fever. And after another restless night, Fetch was beginning to suspect it might not be a viral infection after all.
He contacted one of his associates to try and get his hands on some broad-spectrum antibiotics, hoping they would be enough. At the end of the morning, he finally heard back, getting a location and a price. With a sigh, Fetch got ready to leave, checking on Erick a last time.
"Kid, wake up," he said, taking the damp washcloth off of his forehead and dunking it in the icewater.
Erick groaned a bit in reply, keeping his eyes closed. Fetch sighed, taking the wash cloth and dabbing a bit around his throat and on his chest before laying it back on his forehead.
"Did you hear me?" he asked.
Erick blinked his eyes open, looking over at Fetch, but not really looking at him. Fetch sighed. He couldn't blame him in his current state.
"I'm going to get you some medicine," Fetch said, trying to keep things simple, "try to remember to drink water. I'll grab you a couple of bottles so you don't have to get up for them, okay? You can just stay in bed."
Erick didn't reply. Fetch just sighed and patted his knee before going back to the kitchen and pulling a six pack of plastic water bottles from the fridge. He placed them on the nightstand in the bedroom, taking the plastic wrapping off so Erick could get to them easier in his state. When he headed out, he stopped by the door and turned back to the teen. He was still peering at him, but there didn't seem to be much thought behind his eyes at all.
"I'll be back before dinner," Fetch said, before heading out.
He wasn't. His contact made him wait, then he changed the location, and then he bitched about not getting paid enough. Fetch had to set he record straight, but the whole ordeal caused him to arrive home much later than he had planned.
He was already cranky about all the effort he had to take, he was hungry because he hadn't had dinner yet, and he really hoped Erick's condition wouldn't have worsened, or he'd have more cleaning up to do. With a sigh, he lit himself a cigarette before unlocking the front door and heading inside.
He could tell right away that something was off. The bedroom door was open, and he could see Erick lying in the doorway. Fetch cursed under his breath, throwing his cigarette on the stairs before rushing inside to check on the teen.
He seemed to have passed out, not responding to Fetch shaking him. His breathing was shallow, and he felt hotter than he had before. Fetch cursed as he dragged him back to bed, checking his temperature. It was over 105 again. He did get antibiotics, but he got the oral kind, and if the teen wasn't conscious, he couldn't take them.
"Fuck," Fetch said, pacing the room a moment before making a decision.
With a grunt, he hoisted the teen over his shoulder and carried him out of the room and outside towards his van. He propped him up in the passenger's seat, covering him with his jacket to keep him warm before putting on his seat belt. Whilst he walked around to the driver's side, he pulled out his phone and looked up a number, pressing his phone to his ear while putting on his own seat belt and starting the engine.
"Hey, is this the emergency room? ... Great. I'm bringing in a young man, late teens, spiking a high fever and unresponsive, I'm turning onto the road now, I can be there in twenty or thirty minutes."
He didn't give them any more details. He could think of a cover story on the road. They could worry about police poking around after Erick had been tested and treated.
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I really didn't think I'd serialise any of these, yet here I am
Masterlist Main account
Taglist for the dynamic duo: @lavndvrr
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papercranesong · 5 months
@whumpetywhumpwhump Medwhump May 2024 | Day 8 Alternate prompt: Unconscious
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Fair Game (2621 words) by Paper_Crane_Song Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Trek: Enterprise Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: J. Hayes & Malcolm Reed Characters: Malcolm Reed, J. Hayes (Star Trek) Additional Tags: Episode: s03e15 Harbinger (Star Trek Enterprise), Episode Remix, One Shot, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Developing Friendships, Concussions Summary: What if Malcolm didn’t get back up? An episode remix of the fight scene from Harbinger (Medwhump May Day 8 Alternate prompt: Unconscious)
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sunnydaleherald · 4 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Monday, May 13
SPIKE: Well, not exactly the St. Crispin's Day speech, was it? GILES: We few...we happy few. SPIKE: We band of buggered.
~~The Gift~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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The other secret experiment (Spike/Maggie, E) by desicat
Undead Strangers on a Train (Gen, T) by NilesMilsson
MedWhump May 2024 Day 13: Needles (Gen, M) by MadeInGold
[German] Do mo ghaolta (Angel/Buffy, T) by FlammenHashira
If My Heart Could Beat (gen, G) by missrosehaven
I wouldn't sell the world (Angel&Faith, T) by Ashmaenas
Plus All My Clothes Would Fit (Buffy/Faith, G) by Hecate
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Lightning in a Bottle Chapter 10 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by violettathepiratequeen
Sweet Dreams (Or A Beautiful Nightmare) Chapter 4 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by goodbyetoyou
Love Lives Here Chapter 61 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Passion4Spike
Au-delà de l'objectif de la caméra Chapter 6 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by Miss Kitty
The Kitten That Killed Slayers Chapter 8 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by desicat
A Ripple In Time Chapter 28 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by CheekyKitten
Saving You Chapter 2 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Spikelover4ever
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Coming Through Chapter 67 (Buffy/Spike, Adult only) by hulettwyo
Lie to Me Chapter 26 (Buffy/Spike, Adult only) by In Mortal
Title For Sale Chapter 5 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by desicat
Divine Intervention Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, PG) by Claire
Gargoyle Chapter 7 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by ClowniestLivEver
When the World Went Cold, You Were Brighter than Gold Chapter 3 (Buffy/Spike, R) by Harlow Turner
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork:kendra and faith are buffys shoulder angel/demon by aa-arttss
Artwork:Post series showing up on Dawn’s doorstep like by isevery0nehereverystoned
Artwork:setting myself a fun challenge by artsying-ifer
Artwork:mock buffy dress-up game by samgiddings
Artwork:Angel can only handle hearing too much about the trench warfare of high school by yarboyandy
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Podcast:Episode 27 - Check Out That Sexy Linoleum! (Innocence) by thesunnydalediaries
Podcast:Bonus Episode - We Interviewed a Buffy Background Actor! by thesunnydalediaries
Podcast:Him S7 E6 (Buffy and the Art of Story Podcast) by lisalilly
[Fandom Discussions]
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Spike and Jenny could’ve been besties by boopsterliv
Dare I say we give Giles too much by theredpharaoah
you know what would have been a much more interesting and thematically resonant direction for buffy season 7? by lesbianboyfriend
on fuffy’s dynamic? by coraniaid
The Buffy-Giles-Dawn relationship dynamics in late s5 and early s6 are so funny by nicnacsnonsense
I guess I’m overdue for some analysis by breezybeej
It’s weird that the Buffy & Dawn storyline of s6 ends with Buffy realizing that Dawn is capable... by nicnacsnonsense
God. I am once again thinking of Buffy’s journey in season six by nunyabznsbabes
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Do you think Spike deserves to be seen as heroic for not giving up Dawn? continued by multiple posters
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Dawn deserves more credit by sweetiepie
The First's Plan by NoShip
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It's time for a Angel movie by Walbucks89
I'm getting old by sKullsHavezzz
Wish Jenny Calendar had stuck around for longer by AxelNoir
How would you describe Harmony Kendall to someone who's never watched Buffy or Angel? by InfiniteMehdiLove
Angel's personality on Buffy vs Angel by jogaforacont
Why some Buffy fans apologize for Season 1 when they really shouldn't by the-rules-lawyer
Was Buffy a mean girl before she became the slayer? by ShmuleyCohen
"Storyteller" shooting script by sadhungryandvirgin
Buffy episode fun facts by Sharp-Rest1014
What could have been different in the finale by foreseethefuture
I enjoyed The Girl in Question by thereadingbee
"Welcome to the Hellmouth"; She is the Slayer. What are Your Thoughts on Season 1, Episode 1? by Big-Restaurant-2766
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reallyreal-madeingold · 4 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Angel/Buffy Summers Characters: Buffy Summers, Angel (BtVS), Xander Harris Additional Tags: Canon Temporary Character Death, CPR, Episode: s01e12 Prophecy Girl (Buffy the Vampire Slayer), Double Drabble, Hurt Buffy Summers Series: Part 24 of MadeInGold's MedWhump May 2024 Summary:
Can a dead thing like himself really bring someone back to life?
for @medwhumpmay 2024, not breathing
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the-golden-oath · 4 months
Star Trek Medwump May 2024
AO3 Link Here
Summary: A series of 31 drabbles centered around various Star Trek characters to be updated once a day during the month of May. Chapter notes will have series, prompt, and any applicable romantic pairings. Prompt list from @medwhumpmay on tumblr.
Words: 3,100
Chapters: 31/31
Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M
Fandoms: Star Trek, Star Trek: The Original Series, Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies), Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Lower Decks (Cartoon)
Relationships: Julian Bashir & Odo, Odo & Quark (Star Trek), William Riker/Deanna Troi, Leonard "Bones" McCoy & Spock, Julian Bashir & Jadzia Dax, Brad Boimler & D'Vana Tendi, Julian Bashir & Miles O'Brien, Kira Nerys/Odo, Beverly Crusher & William Riker, Julian Bashir/Elim Garak, Keiko O'Brien/Miles O'Brien, D'Vana Tendi/T'Lyn, Jadzia Dax/Worf
Characters: Beverly Crusher, Sonya Gomez, Leonard "Bones" McCoy, Original Characters, Odo (Star Trek), Julian Bashir, Quark (Star Trek), William Riker, Deanna Troi, Jadzia Dax, Dax Symbiont (Star Trek), Brad Boimler, D'Vana Tendi, Miles O'Brien, Kira Nerys, Beckett Mariner, Elim Garak, Corat Damar, Data (Star Trek), T'Lyn (Star Trek)
Additional Tags: Medwhump May 2024, Whump, Hurt/Comfort, under anesthesia, running out of time, Solid Odo (Star Trek), Bedside Vigils, Away Mission Injuries, Doctor Turned Patient, Unresponsive, Broken Bones, dislocation, emergency surgery, Passing Out, stabbed, Viral Infections, Self-Harm, Warmed Blankets, Flatline, forced to stay awake, Exhaustion, Blood Loss, Surgery recovery, Nausea, not breathing, High fever, Oxygen mask, pain meds, Head Injury, From the Brink of Death, Canonical Character Death, Episode: s02e22 The Wire (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine), Tarsus IV References (Star Trek), Hanahaki Disease
I have successfully completed @medwhumpmay's 31-day prompt list! I wrote a Star Trek drabble every day for the month of May. This was such a fun challenge!
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ao3feed-tedlasso · 4 months
it makes me mad it makes me sad i break in half
https://ift.tt/buWcH2V by jamietarttsnorthernattitude “Jamie?” Roy answered on the third try. There was no answer on the other line, no Mancunian accent to allay his fears. Dread crawled up Roy’s spine when he heard rustling, and then Jamie’s voice reached his ears, though distant and muffled. “Get the fuck out!” Roy hung up the phone, called 999 and prayed he wouldn’t get there too late. For bad things happen bingo - bloodied knuckles For day 23 of Medwhump May - resisting treatment Words: 6620, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English Series: Part 3 of Medwhump May 2024, Part 7 of bad things happen bingo Fandoms: Ted Lasso (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: Gen Characters: Roy Kent, Jamie Tartt, James Tartt Sr., Dr. O'Sullivan | Roy Kent's Sister Relationships: Roy Kent & Jamie Tartt, Roy Kent & Dr. O'Sullivan | Roy Kent's Sister, James Tartt Sr. & Jamie Tartt Additional Tags: Aftermath of Violence, Warning: James Tartt Sr., Abuse of Adult Child, Jamie Tartt Needs a Hug, Injured Jamie Tartt, Hurt Jamie Tartt, Whump, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Actually not a lot of comfort yet but some there will be more, Roy Kent Needs a Hug, medwhump may, Bad Things Happen Bingo source https://archiveofourown.org/works/56226304 May 28, 2024 at 10:32AM
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whumpinthepot · 4 months
@medwhumpmay 2024
26. Oxygen mask
Oxygen mask, but instead of oxygen to help whumpee breathe its full of poison that restricts their breathing and makes it feel like they’re suffocating while they’re strapped down unable to remove it from their face.
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autobot2001 · 4 months
Medwhump May 2024 Masterlist
All Prompts are written in the Transformers fandom
Day 1: Anesthesia Title: Concerning Condition Rating: T warning: None Description: The medics are concerned about Jamie's condition after being stabbed multiple times.
Day 2: Flatline Title: His Reoccurring Nightmare Rating: T Warning: Implied death Description: Due to the past trauma of watching Jamie fight for her life, Drift hates being away from her, even if she's stable. Neither Crosshairs nor Ratchet thought he'd have a nightmare about losing Jamie.
Day 3: "Squeeze my hand." Title: The Wait is Over Rating: E Warning: None Description: Crosshairs, Drift, their three friends, and the medics wait for Jamie to wake from a coma.
Day 4: Sedation Title: It Was An Accident Rating: E Warning: None Description: Jayce causes J.R. intense pain. The decition is to sedate her rather than make her wait for the pain relief medicine to kick in.
Day 5: "Stay with me." Title: Fading Away Rating: E Warning: None Description: Jamie’s friends are concerned about the severity of her injuries while waiting for the medics.
Day 6, alt 3: Bedside vigil Title: Waiting in Silence Rating: E Warning: None Description: Jamie's friends stand by the bed, waiting for her to wake up after surgery.
Day 7: Unresponsive Title: A Terrifying Discovery Rating: E Warning: None Description: Jamie is discovered by the terror twins, lying on the floor, unresponsive and with worrisome injuries.
Day 8: Going into shock Title: Critical Rating: E Warning: None Description: Jamie isn't stable after surgery. Jolt and Ratchet struggle to resolve the problem. Unaware Ironhide is seeing what's going on.
Day 9, alt 4: Vehicular accident Title: Not a Normal Pile-up Rating: T Warning: None Description: The Autobot medics and city paramedics are called to an extraordinary highway pile-up.
Day 10: Emergency Surgery Title: Internal bleeding Rating: T Warning: None Description: Ratchet discovers Jamie has internal bleeding. The three medics do surgery to find the source and fix the issue.
Day 11: Passing Out Title: A Serious Problem Rating: T Warning: terrible eating habits Description: Crosshairs and Drift worry about Jamie's terrible eating habits.
Day 12: Stabbed Title: Targetted Rating: T Warning: None Description: Soldiers target Jamie as she enters the training room.
Day 13: "You've been very sick." Title: On The mend Rating: E Warning: None Description: Jamie is recovering from sickness
Day 14: Seizure Title: Unexpected Discovery Rating: T Warning: None Description: Like everyone else seeing Jamie having a seizure, Optimus worried about the cause.
Day 15: Warmed blankets Title: Infection Rating: T Warning: None Description: The medics find out Jamie has an infection caused by the dirty knife she was stabbed with.
Day 16: Coma Title: When Acting OK Fails Rating: T Warning: None Description: Crosshairs worries about Drift as the two watch Jamie in a coma. His efforts to act ok come crashing down. Continued from
Day 17: Forced to stay awake Title: Not What He Expected Rating: T Warning: none Description: Prowl discovers the situation by
Day 18: Appendicitis Title: Late Night Medical Emergency Rating: T Warning: Implied Rape Description: Lily is rushed into surgery for appendicitis.
Day 19: Blood loss Title: It's Normal Rating: E Warning: None Description: Drift asks why Jamie needs a blood transfusion.
Day 20: Surgery recovery + day 21; Nausea Title: On The Mend Rating: T Warning: Mention of poor eating habits Description: Jamie is recovering from surgery and the infection.
Day 22, alt 8: Self-inflicted Title: She Wasn't Ok Going back Alone Rating: T Warning: Poor mental health, self-harming Description: Crosshairs and Drift couldn't return to Jamie's dimension with her. They thought she'd be ok.
Day 23, alt 7: Scars Title: Scars Rating: T Warning: talk of poor mental health Description: while hoping to prevent scars from the cuts Jamie has, Cro0sshairs ends up thinking about Jamie's mental scars.
Day 24, alt 14: Stitches Title: The Next Step in Jamie's Recovery Rating; E Warning: None Description: Jamie gets most of the stitches removed and is discharged from the medbay.
Day 25: High fever title: Stubborn Sick Mech Rating: T Warning: Mention of poor mental health Description: Drift is not pleased to be sick with the flu during vacation. He struggles to rest and not worry about Jamie.
Day 26: Oxygen Mask Title: Hypothermia Rating: T Warning: None Description: Jamie has stage two hypothermia.
Day 27: Pain meds Title: Ignoring The Pain Rating: E Warning: None Description: Lily hates having a sprained ankle. She ignores the pain to find Sunstreaker.
Day 28, alt 8; unconscious & alt; 18 chronic illness Title: Guilt and Sadness Rating: T Warning: Talk of poor mental health Description: It's not only Crosshairs and Drift struggling this time as Jamie suffers a flare-up.
Day 29, alt 19: Gunshot wound Title: One of Her Fears Rating: T Warning: Gun, implied death Description: Jamie has a nightmare that frightens her.
Day 30, alt 11: exhaustion & alt 12: shaking Title: Avoiding Sleep Rating: E Warning: None Description: Crosshairs and Drfit realize Jamie hasn't slept in two days. They need to help her get to sleep.
Day 31: "I'm so sorry." Title: Ratchet's Guilt Rating: E Warning: None Description: Ratchet blames himself for Jamie getting an infection.
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ao3feed-fratt · 4 months
you feel better (that's the point)
you feel better (that's the point) https://archiveofourown.org/works/56133631 by cannibalisticCorpse medwhump day 11: passing out Matt's been spending a lot of time focused on his casework lately. Frank thinks he needs a distraction. Words: 999, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 11 of george's medwhump 2024 Fandoms: Daredevil (TV), The Punisher (TV 2017) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Matt Murdock, Frank Castle Relationships: Frank Castle/Matt Murdock Additional Tags: Riding, Biting, Rough Sex, Couch Sex, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot via AO3 works tagged 'Frank Castle/Matt Murdock' https://archiveofourown.org May 24, 2024 at 04:35AM
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astaldis · 5 months
A So Not Fun Night (but a slightly better morning)
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@whumpay @medwhumpmay
Chapter 2 of Not A Good Place To Stay The Night
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: Gen
Fandoms: Wiedźmin | The Witcher
Characters: The Hansa | Geralt's Company Members (The Witcher), Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Emiel Regis Rohellec Terzieff-Godefroy, Jaskier | Dandelion, Cahir Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach, Maria Barring | Milva
Additional Tags: Witcher Monster MAYhem 2024, Giant Spiders, Angst with a Happy Ending, Whumpay 2024, Cahir Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach Whump, Paralyzed
Summary: Forced off the main road south by advancing Nilfgaardian troops, Geralt and his weird company find themselves inside a dark, eerie forest, and night is falling soon.
Chapter 2 inspired by the Whumpay prompt "You look awful" and the Medwhump May prompt "Unresponsive"
Words: 5,530; Chapters: 2/2
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ao3feed-ds9 · 5 months
MedWhump May 2024
https://ift.tt/1Jv9At8 by VoiidVagabond A series of 31 drabbles centered around various Star Trek characters to be updated once a day during the month of May. Chapter notes will have series, prompt, and any applicable romantic pairings. Prompt list from @medwhumpmay on tumblr. Words: 100, Chapters: 1/31, Language: English Fandoms: Star Trek, Star Trek: The Original Series, Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies), Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Lower Decks (Cartoon) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M Characters: Beverly Crusher, Sonya Gomez Additional Tags: Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Medwhump May 2024, Whump, Hurt/Comfort, fluff And whump, Most of these are relatively tame, under anesthesia
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