#meets rainbow death the unicorn
muwapsturniolo · 1 month
♱ 𝐁𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐝 𝐆𝐨𝐝, 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐖𝐞’𝐥𝐥 𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐤 ♱
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Pt.01 Pt.02
IN WHICH…A virgin meets the new priest of her church, Father Matt, and her world of all things holy begins to crumble.
WARNINGS… NSFW AHEAD! Religious figures, god is mentioned, Demons, religious abuse, mentions of exorcisms, paranormal activity, making out, fingering, blow jobs, pillow humping, breath play, cum eating, rough sex, virginity mentioned, voyeurism, masturbation, blood, orgasms, death, innocent/nieve!reader, asshole!matt. IF I MISSED ANYTHING PLEASE LET ME KNOW!!!
This is a long one, like I'm talking 5k sum words. I hope y'all enjoy.
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The dark.
It was something many people, both children and adults alike feared
They hated not being able to see their surroundings correctly, to see the color in their life. They hated being alone in what seemed to be an endless descent into a void.
Y/n was the same..
She hated the dark, always has.
However it wasn't the dark that necessarily scared her, it was the fact she knew she wasn't alone in the dark.
When she was younger, she had imaginary friends, they were her only friends. During the day they were nice to her, playing tag with her outside, and holding fun conversations about rainbows and unicorns, but as it got closer to dusk,
They began to change.
Their faces would sink in, and they'd start making clicking noises and whispering. They would creep around her home and tell her to do bad things. She'd beg them to stop, fat tears rolling down her cheeks as she did so.
They wouldn't listen, instead they'd get violent.
When nighttime fell, they would grab her feet in bed, attempting to drag her off the safety of her mattress. They would scratch at the walls, screaming as their talons left marks along the pink wallpaper.
She'd curl into a ball, tears rolling down her face as she prayed for god to stop them, but god didn't listen. Her prayers only seemed to enrage her imaginary friends, their screams getting louder as their actions became more violent.
But the only time they'd stop was at 3 AM.
Their screams would suddenly stop, their violent actions coming to an end.
And it was always because of Matt.
He was a ghastly pale boy, his skin being a stark contrast to her warm soft brown skin. He had a round face and sandy brown hair, his blue eyes were piercing.
And he always had a smile on his face.
He'd crawl into bed with the young girl, wrapping his small arms around her and whispering in her ear.
"It's ok Y/n, you'll understand eventually."
She was confused by his words, not understanding what he was talking about. But she never had time to dwell upon it, her eyes falling shut as sleep overtook her.
She was always able to fall asleep quickly when Matt was there,
He was comforting...He was her savior.
But that was yanked away when her parents held her first communion, crowning the girl a child of god and letting her consume the blood and body of Christ.
Her imaginary friends no longer appeared, Matt was gone.
Oddly, she missed it, the nights in which she used to fear and learned to love were taken away in the blink of an eye and she hated it. She would tell her parents how she missed Matt, how she missed the conversations they held at night.
To say her parents were frightened would be an understatement. They accused her of being promiscuous when she didn't even know what promiscuous meant.
They accused her of being friends with the devil.
Instead of just understanding she was a child with an active imagination,
They locked her in the hallway closet.
They wouldn't let her out for a week, ignoring her screams and pleas to be let out.
She was scared, hurt, confused...She didn't understand why she was being punished this way.
So when she was dragged inside her home, soaking wet from the storm outside, and her mother opened the closet,
She lost it.
She screamed as loud as she could, kicking, screaming, and fighting for them not to lock her in that closet again.
"Please! I'm sorry, it won't happen again!" She pleads helplessly to her father. Her glossy eyes stared into her fathers deep and stern ones, hoping he would have a change of heart.
He didn't.
Her body fell backward as he shoved her into the small space, her head hitting a shelf. Ignoring the pain in the back of her head, she scrambled forward, attempting to stop them from closing the door...But it was no use.
The door slammed shut, trapping her in the dark.
Her fists banged against the door, her screams raw and ear-piercing as she begged them to be let out.
but they don't listen.
Her screams eventually come to a stop, turning into soft and raspy whimpers, still pleading for forgiveness under her breath.
They ignored her, giving each other a look before heading to their bedroom to hopefully get some sleep.
A few hours had gone by, and Y/n managed to curl into a ball on the floor, her fingers dancing in the sliver of light casting from the hallway underneath the door.
Her eyes were dead, her throat sore from all the screaming and shouting she was doing earlier.
Suddenly, she feels a presence.
She tense, her fingers stopping all movement.
She thought that it was one of her parents coming to let her out of the closet, but that thought was thrown out when she heard a clicking noise.
The same clicking noise from her childhood.
She scrambles to sit up, her back touching the door as the hairs on her neck stand up.
Her eyes dart around in the darkness, her pupils straining, trying to find what she was looking for.
But she couldn’t see, it was dark.
Her breathing is harsh, her chest rising and falling rapidly as she tries to figure out if her mind is playing tricks on her. She comes to the conclusion that she was in fact hallucinating, and tries to calm down, but that changes in a split second.
The clicking noise happens a centimeter away from her ear.
She lets out an ear-piercing scream, throwing herself further away from whatever was trapped in the closet with her.
It happens so quickly, the clicking noises and screaming multiplying.
She's instantly brought back to all the times she would lay in bed at a young age, screaming for her imaginary friends to stop torturing her.
"Stop it! Please stop! Let me out!" She sobs.
She curled into a ball, her hands over her ears as her eyes clenched shut.
She looked like a child, a scared child.
The screaming and clicking goes on forever, day and night, not that she could tell the time.
All sense of time had been thrown out the window.
She doesn't know how long she was in the closet, the door never opening until eventually,
It did.
The screams stop immediately, the quietness seeming so loud.
Y/n opens her eyes, blinking profusely as she adjusts to the light she hasn’t seen in days.
Once they do finally adjust, she sees a hand outstretched toward her. She follows the limb upward and her eyes land on Matt.
Her savior.
He has a warm and welcoming look on his face, contradictory to the shadows standing behind him.
“It’s ok Angel-” He voices softly as he sees her frightened eyes and splotchy cheeks.
“Take my hand,” He urges.
Hesitantly, the girl takes his hand, no longer wanting to be in the closet. As she rises to her feet her legs begin to shake, weak from being trapped in the closet with nothing to eat or drink besides a single water bottle and a loaf of bread.
Matt wraps an arm around her waist, a neutral expression on his face as he supports her shaking frame.
“Look at you, so weak and scared. They had you in there for six days.” He coos.
Suddenly her parents appear, making her flinch back in fright. She was scared they were going to put her in the closet again, trapping her with the demons.
“Did you do what I asked?” Matt questions with a straight voice. Both adults nod, their eyes casted on traumatized Y/n.
“Yes, Father…They are in your car.”
Matt hums in thanks and looks down at Y/n, “let’s go Angel.”
Her parents watch as she’s pulled out of the home, mumbling a prayer to themselves that their daughter be saved, and whatever demon inside her banished so she can live a full life.
Matt opens the passenger side door, helping her get situated in the car before walking over to the driver's side.
His eyes land on her parents standing by the door.
As they hold eye contact, they can’t help but feel a chill run down their spine. They watch as an eerie smirk makes its way onto the Father’s face.
Matt watches as her parents are yanked backward, the front door slamming shut.
He chuckles and settles into the car, starting the engine and pulling off down the street.
Y/n sits quietly in the car, her eyes dull and face grim.
Matt side-eyes her but says nothing, continuing the drive to their destination. Midway through the drive, he reaches into the backseat and places a brown paper bag in her lap.
“Eat. You need the energy.”
Y/n stares down at the paper bag full of food, her stomach grumbling at the sight. However, she doesn’t dive in.
“F-for what?”
Her voice is raspy, her throat dry from all the screaming and crying she has done. She lifts her head and looks at Matt who’s already looking at her with a devious smile.
“Your exorcism.”
Her heart dropped along with her head, more tears falling from her eyes. She had completely forgotten that she was supposed to have an exorcism…She didn’t need one. There was no use in trying to beg him to listen, she figured his and everyone else’s mind was made up. Her hands shake as she begins to eat the food, the sandwich tasting rotten as she tries to wrap her head around what her life has come to.
Eventually, they pull into the lot of a rundown motel. The dim and half-lit sign read “ Cameron Motel”.
Weeds were growing all over the parking lot that had a few dirty cars parked. The building itself was baby pink with baby blue trimming that had graffiti all over it. Some of the windows were boarded up and others were broken.
She was so busy staring at the beat up building, she didn’t realize Matt had gotten out the car. She jumps when her door opens, her head turning and looking up at a stoic Matt.
“Get out of the car Angel.”
Her breath hitches but she does as told, hugging herself as she stands in front of him. He grabs her arm, and quickly drags her towards the entrance.
Despite the eerie and dark aura of the motel, she can’t help but find an appeal to it. She knew that if the building was taken care of, it would look beautiful.
Yet, she still finds herself crossing, her index and middle finger drawing a cross that catches her head and chest, to both her shoulders.
As they enter the dingy building, her nostrils immediately begin to burn with the smell of asbestos and formaldehyde.
She coughs a little as she takes in her surroundings. Just like the outside, the inside was decaying right before her eyes.
She’s taken out of her examination by a girl in her bra and underwear running past her, the girl laughing and squealing as a boy chases her in his boxers. She jumps in shock and presses herself closer to Matt, her cheeks warm from seeing the girl so exposed.
Matt ignores her obvious signs of being flustered and keeps walking.
As they walk down the dimly lit hallway, she hears all sorts of things behind closed doors.
Screaming, crying, moaning, and tv static.
The occupants of the motel seemed to have a very different outlook on life.
But who was she to judge? She was the one here for an exorcism, not them.
They approach a door at the end of the hallway, the room number reading 333. Matt pushes the door open and to Y/n's surprise, the room isn't as dirty like she thought it would be.
A king size bed sits in the middle of the room, adorned in clean white sheets. The floor is carpeted with no stains, and there is a tv sitting on a stand across the bed.
Matt gently pushes her inside the room and closes the door, throwing the bag on his arm on a nearby chair. She stands awkwardly in the middle of the room as Matt walks around. Her head is cast downward but she can see him removing his blazer.
He throws it down on the edge of the bed, soon sitting next to it and facing her. He examines her timid frame and hums to himself.
They sit in a pregnant silence before he finally speaks, "Take that bag with you into the bathroom. Get yourself ready."
She eyes the bag on the chair and finally looks back to Matt, "W-whats in there?"
"Just take the bag, and get ready," he demands. She nods and timidly grabs the bag, holding it to her chest as she makes her way into the bathroom. She sets the bag on the counter and unzips it, all her movements stopping when she sees what's inside.
She pulls out a razor and some type of women's shaving cream, shampoo and conditioner, and the final product,
A white dress with a thin pair of white satin underwear.
She takes out the white dress, holding it up by the shoulder straps, and examines it.
It looked like her usual nightgowns, except more provocative.
Her cheeks warm at the thought of seeing herself in the dress, Matt seeing her in the dress. She sets the dress down and looks back at the shaving products. She's a bit confused at the idea of shaving considering her mother and father never let her do so, telling her that children of the lord don't need to shave, and if she does shave she's a Jezebel.
But that's what she is right? That's what her father has deemed her as,
A Jezebel.
With that, she strips herself of her clothing, climbing into the shower, and cleanses herself. With never having shaved before, she takes quite a bit of time getting rid of the hair on her body, especially in other areas.
She climbs out of the shower and dries off, rubbing a vanilla-scented lotion into her skin and slipping on the dress, underwear, and knee highs.
She stares at herself in the mirror and examines herself.
Although she's exposed, looking whorish as her father would put it, she likes what she sees in the mirror. She loves the way her brown skin is a stark contrast to the white dress, and how soft and plump her skin is.
She has a glow...an Angelic glow.
She slowly turns towards the door and hesitates as she reaches for the handle. She's a nervous wreck at the idea of Matt seeing her so exposed, no one has ever seen her in such a state since she was a baby.
She debates on locking herself in the bathroom, but she knows that's not logical. With a fast-beating heart, she slowly opens the door, her left hand clutching the rosary that hangs in the valley of her breasts, tucked into her lingerie.
She steps out of the bathroom, her eyes landing on Matt who's still sitting on the edge of the bed, but now he's smoking a cigarette. He doesn't look at her, keeping his eyes on the TV that's playing nothing but static.
"F-Father?" She addresses shakily.
Matt says nothing as he stands up from the bed, walking over to the window and drawing the curtains shut.
"Sit in the middle of the bed, on your knees, palms turned upward," he demands, loosening his tie. She tenses but does as told, her heart beating wildly as she anticipates what's to come.
Matt ashes out the cigarette, throwing his tie somewhere in the room as he finally turns to her.
She watches as he looks her up and down, his eyes staying on her chest with an unrecognizable look in his eyes. She flinches when he finally makes eye contact with her, her head dropping downward almost instantly.
"What did you see?"
She looks up in confusion, not understanding the question. Matt moves to the foot of the bed, standing tall above her.
"In the closet, what did you see?"
Her breath hitches at the question, scared to tell him the truth.
As if he's reading her mind, he tells her to tell him the truth.
Matt hums, taking a step closer to the bed. "Shadows...and what were the shadows doing?"
"Sometimes they would j-just stand quietly...staring at me. O-other times they are whispering, screaming...clicking."
Matt says nothing for a moment, staring at her with such an intense gaze she feels something in her lower abdomen. "And how long has this been going on?"
"S-since I was five... but it stopped when I was 7, when I first had the body and blood of Christ." Matt's eyes turn into slits, his posture becoming tense.
"Your parents told me about your imaginary friends, how you explained they would go bump in the night but would stop. Why and how would they stop?"
Matt's words become quick, almost as if he's excited, anticipating her answer.
"T-they would stop at 3 AM- The devil's hour." Her heart drops as he cuts her off, her eyes wide in fear.
"The devil's hour, anytime between 3 and 4 AM when demons, ghosts, anything considered hellish are their most powerful. They can cross borders between realms, speak to the living, touch the living." His words hint at something, something Y/n isn't picking up.
"T-they were demons?" She whispers softly, her hands that were still facing upward shaking and beginning to sweat. Matt smiles at her, that devilish smile that she finds herself often thinking and dreaming about.
"I believe so...So tell me, why and how they would stop." He urges once more. "I um...They-they would stop when he appeared..."
"Who's he?"
"Ma-" She stops herself as her mind begins to connect the dots. The boy who she deemed her savior, the one who showed up at 3 AM and made the things that go bump in the night disappear. The boy who would cuddle her at night and hold small conversations with her.
She wasn't sure at first, but as she started to analyze his features, everything from the head down, it was the same person.
He was standing in front of her...In all his glory.
Matt's grin grows tenfold as he sees she's connecting the dots.
"Did you miss me, angel?"
She thought if she ever saw the boy she considered a friend again, she would be jumping for joy, but instead, she crawled backward towards the head of the bed.
She was scared.
Her hands shake as she covers her mouth, the reality setting in.
"Y-you're the Devil!" she accuses softly.
Matt chuckles and turns toward the mirror behind him, still holding eye contact with the frightened girl.
"Devil? No. A product of hell itself? Yes."
Y/n feels her whole world crumbling. She couldn't wrap her head around how her life had come to this, why she was the one picked for this?
What could she have done from the time she was born, to be deemed of this fate? Was this her punishment for what she had done in a past life? Was this punishment for using God's name in vain when she was younger?
"I told you when we were younger that one day you'll understand, that time is now." He grabs a bottle of wine and pours himself a glass, taking a long sip before turning around and leaning against the dresser.
"You see, your mother wanted a baby, and with your father shooting blanks, she was never able to have one. Despite calling herself a woman of god, she made a deal at the crossroads with my father, the devil himself. She was dumb, crying and begging for a child so bad, she didn't care about the repercussions that came with it."
Y/n feels as if she's going to pass out, all this information too much for her to handle.
"So she made the deal, the deal to give her little baby girl to one of the devil's sons. Me."
y/n quickly shakes her head, refusing to believe the truth. "Y-you're lying! You're a liar! She would have never done that!" She shouts, tears running down her face. she begins to pray, hoping that god will listen and make all of this stop, hoping that he will save her. Matt grows angry, throwing the glass of red wine on the floor as he crawls onto the bed. He grips her jaw tightly, getting in her face.
"Stop praying! God can't help you, he was never able to help you!" He bellows, the whole room seeming to shake. She opens her watering eyes and Matt relaxes just the smallest bit. He removes his harsh grip on her jaw and wipes her tears away.
"You're pretty when you cry Angel, so pretty."
He inches closer to her face, his breath fanning softly. " You're mine Angel, you always were-" His hand drops from her face and down to her shoulder, his fingers fiddling with the straps of her dress.
"-You know it's true, I know you feel the connection. I kept you safe when we were younger, making all the bad stop."
Her thighs tense as his other hand grazed the freshly shaved skin, his fingers dancing along the hem of the dress.
"I've only made you feel good, I showed you how good life could be in both your daydreams and at night. I broadened your mind, I gave you pleasure."
She gasps softly at his last words.
"T-that was you....My thoughts a-and the moment in the confessional?"
He nods, a soft smile on his face, "that it was. I knew you'd appreciate it, you never felt a sense of belonging following that path. You knew they were lying, sex isn't bad, touching yourself isn't bad, and reading whatever you want isn't bad. You enjoy those things, I want you to enjoy those things. I want you to be free, I can give it to you. you just have to trust me...Do you trust me?"
She comes to the conclusion that he's right, he never lied to her. he's only ever broadened her mind, gave her what she craved, lusted after.
He was her savior.
He was her god.
"Tell me you trust me Angel, grant me the access to give you freedom." she looks to her right, watching his hand toy with the thin string on her shoulder.
She doesn't know what he means by freedom, but she wants to be free. She knows there's more to life than her small town and the path of God. She wants to experience things, she wants to create memories,
She wants to live.
With dried tears on her cheeks, she looks back up at him.
"I trust you."
That's all Matt needed to hear before his lips crashed against hers, hungry and ready to devour her. Y/n is caught off guard, never having kissed anyone before. She doesn't exactly know what to do so she lets Matt take the lead.
Matt doesn't care, he knows of her innocence, and he loves it. In fact, it's a turn-on for him, knowing that he is the once who's going to ruin her.
He pulls away from the feverish kiss, trailing his lips down her jaw and to her neck. His hands rest on her waist, his knee in between her thighs and lightly rubbing against her core. He grabs her hand and places it on the tent in his pants.
He can feel her tense, he can hear her heart thumping wildly.
It drives him wild.
"You have me so worked up Angel, this is all for you. You did this." He holds her hand as he guides it in an up-and-down motion, moaning softly in her ear, expressing the effect she has on him.
It gets her hot and bothered, that tingly feeling she usually feels in between her legs when she usually thinks of Matt expanding. Matt chuckles, his lips brushing against her ear as he gently ruts into her palm.
"I can smell you Angel...you smell so sweet, delectable, divine even."
Y/n pants heavily, her body feeling electric. It felt just like her dreams, so real, intimate, right.
It felt right.
Every inch of her body that he touches feels hot, her muscles flexing at the soft yet heavy touch.
He leaves multiple hickeys along her neck and collarbone, sucking and biting at the skin in a way to claim her.
He pulls back and and yanks her towards him by her thighs, he stares down at her, appreciating how her curls fan out across the white pillows, adoring the marks he created on her body.
She was Angelic.
He pushes her legs apart and looks down, grinning wildly as he sees the wet patch in the underwear. His finger tickles her inner thighs as he takes his time getting to her core, her chest rising and falling harshly.
"When you touched yourself, did you think of me?"
He chuckles as she turns her head away from him. "I know you did, I know of everything you dreamt of. How you imagined my fingers plunging into your mess of a cunt, how you imagined my tongue lapping at your folds."
He rips the underwear off with ease, her eyes widening in shock from the action and now being exposed. She tries to close her legs but he shoves them apart.
"And my personal favorite, was me fucking you so hard, you kept begging me to keep going. Is that what you want Angel? You want me to be your God and fuck you?"
She nods sluggishly, drunk off of his erotic and intoxicating words.
She gasps softly at the foreign feeling of his fingers trailing through her folds. It was nothing like how her fingers felt, it felt better. Her eyes flutter shut as she relishes in the newfound pleasure, only for them to fly open when two fingers are slipped inside of her.
Matt instantly begins to thrust, curling the slim digits in efforts to break the girl. Her jaw drops as her eyes roll back, the lewd squelching noises make her back arch.
"You're so tight-shit- can barely move my fingers Angel. I can't wait to have you wrapped around me." He grunts out as he watches her walls clamp down on his fingers. She's already making a mess and he has barely done anything.
He takes his fingers out and smears her mess over her lips before slowly pushing them side her mouth.
She does as told and sucks on his fingers, finding herself addicted to her own taste. Matt smirks and slips them out of her mouth, trailing the saliva down her chin to her chest. He wraps his fingers around the rosary and yanks it off, the beads flying all over the bed.
A metaphor for her being stripped of her innocence.
Before she can fix her lips to say something, Matt’s lips crash against hers once more. Her arms wrap around him, her eyes closed as she kisses him back as if her life depended on it.
Matt rips his button-up off, throwing it somewhere in the room before he starts to unbuckle his belt. Once he manages to take his pants off, he pulls away from the kiss and forces her on her knees, a pillow being pushed in between her legs.
He pulls his boxers down making her eyes widen in shock. She's never seen male body parts before, ever. She looks up at Matt, an unsure look in her eyes.
"Go on, put it in your mouth," he persuades, eager to finally feel her mouth on him.
"I-I- don't k-know ho- Yes you do." He cuts her off, his hand wrapped around his own member and jerking himself off. She watches with wide eyes, unintentionally grinding against the pillow in between her legs.
"Put it in your mouth, lick on it like you do your ice cream cones." Matt's mind flashes back to the park, watching her walk away from the ice cream stand licking and sucking on her vanilla cone.
He wanted to claim her that day in the park, taking her under the tree for all to see, but he couldn't, he had to wait.
Y/n hesitantly moves her head forward, giving a small kitten lick to his tip. Matt's whole body shudders, the urge to fuck her mouth too strong.
He snaps.
He fists a handful of her hair and pushes himself in her mouth, groaning loudly as she gags and chokes around him. Her eyes clenched shut as the salty tears streamed down her face. "Fuck-look at me Angel," he grunts as her throat contricts around him.
She manages to open her eyes, her tears flowing even faster.
"Keep em' open," he says beginning to bob her head up and down. She does her best to follow his orders, her mouth opened as wide as it could go. She figures out that she should breathe through her nose instead of her mouth, the air flowing into her lungs easier. However, that was short-lived when Matt pinches her nose, preventing her from breathing. Instead of bobbing her head up and down, he thrusts his hips harshly, enjoying the choking and gargling noises coming from the girl on her knees.
She tries to breathe through her mouth, but it's proven difficult with the speed at which his genitalia is abusing her throat, and yet
She loves it.
She shamelessly ruts against the pillow between her legs, chasing that euphoric feeling she felt not too long ago in the confessional. She knows if her parents saw the ludicrous acts she was performing on a male, they would have a heart attack. But she didn't care, she loved how warm she felt, how safe she felt.
She loved being used.
She looks up at Matt, watching how beautiful he looks with his head thrown back and jaw slacked. It's an image that will forever be burned inside her brain.
Suddenly his thrusts stop, a warm and salty liquid filling up her mouth. He pulls himself out of her mouth, watching as his semen leaks past her lips. Instead of telling her to swallow, he wraps a hand around her throat and kisses her.
He moans into the kiss, lapping his own fluids out of her mouth.
He lifts her back onto the bed with ease, crawling over her panting and dazed form. He settles in between her legs, already lining himself up with her clenching hole.
Y/n doesn't know what's next, she's still trying to catch her breath, but she doesn't have much time to dwell on it once Matt shoves himself inside her. A strangled yelp leaves her throat and her hand flies to his abdomen, attempting to stop him or at least slow him down.
But Matt does neither, instead, he begins to pound into her relentlessly.
"I-It b-burns!" She yelps, trying to stop his brutal pace. He ignores her cries of pain, his eyes trained on the blood seeping out of her cunt, coating his cock and painting the hem of the white lingerie adorning her body. He lets out a deep and animalistic growl, his grip on her thighs tightening at the sight.
"You love it-fuck- you love the burn. It feels so good doesn't it Angel? You love the way my cock stretches you out, the way it fills you up so good you can feel it in your lungs,"
It's as if he's warping her mind, forcing her to believe his words,
and that's because he is.
With each word he speaks, the burning pain becomes pleasurable, her eyes rolling back in ecstasy. Her arms drop to the sides of her head, her body too weak to move on its own.
Small noises and nonsensical babbles exit her throat, her mind dizzy and fogged by the pleasure she's receiving. She couldn't believe that this is what sex feels like. She couldn't understand how something so heavenly could be considered a sin when it's so euphoric.
She begs and pleads for him to give her more, to make her feel alive.
"P-please! Please please ple-Oh God!" She arches her back when a certain spot inside of her is stimulated. Matt lets out an airy laugh, his hips still driving into her at an inhuman pace,
"That's right Angel, beg for me, beg for your God."
In the height of her pleasure, she begins to feel..odd. Almost as if there are people in the room with them. She manages to focus her eyes behind Matt, and what she sees shakes her to her core.
The shadows, the shadows she has become all too familiar with are watching, watching Matt ravage her. There's a bunch of them crowding the room, their bodies blending into each other as their groans of excitement fill the room. Matt can sense her panic, watching her eyes dart around erratically.
"It's ok Angel, they have to watch," he rasps out, his movements never ending.
"Don't look at them, look at me." He demands. However, she doesn't listen. She can't pull her eyes away from the faceless shadows, captured in a trance by their dark aura.
And that's when she starts to notice other things.
The paint on the walls is peeling, deteriorating right before her eyes. The room begins to reek of death, the smell so pungent she finds it harder to breathe. Particles of dust float in the air, a hazy film coating her eyes.
The room becomes scorching hot, suffocating the girl as a thin layer of sweat covers her body.
Y/n heaves as Matt continuously ruts into her, her chest burning as it screams for oxygen. Too much is going on for her to comprehend, the world moving slowly yet spinning so fast.
Her eyes finally avert back to Matt, her mouth open as no sounds leave her mouth. She sees the eerie smile that plants itself on his face, the dark look in his eyes. If she concentrated hard enough, she could even see the small horns coming out of his head and the pointy tail swaying behind him.
She sees the truth, she sees him for what he is.
The spawn of the Devil himself.
She feels as if her soul is leaving her body, every limb and muscle vibrating. Her jaw goes slack as she feels a sharp pain in her chest, as well as a pleasurable feeling in her lower region. Her eyes roll back as her whole body shakes violently, a metallic taste coats her tastebuds as she begins to cough and sputter out blood. The red liquid stains matts face as well as the white lingerie, before eventually coming to a halt.
Matt finds himself experiencing his own release, throwing his head back as he paints her gummy walls a pearlescent white. He groans as he pulls out of her, his dick falling limp as he crawls backward off the bed. His chest rises and falls quickly as he pulls his pants up, buckling his belt.
He pants as he stares down at her lifeless body, analyzing everything about her deadly appearance. He walks over to the side of the bed, brushing one of her curls out of her face, trailing his fingers through the blood splatter on her face.
"So pretty even in death, an angel plucked of it's wings."
he scoops her up bridal style and holds her close to his chest, her arm dangling as her head is draped back. The door to the room opens, revealing a dark abyss that still holds a blinding light.
He walks over to the door looking down at the dead girl in his arms, the shadows in the room whispering amongst themselves eagerly.
"you'll rise like a phoenix from the ashes, in all its beauty. You'll gain new wings that will set you free. You'll finally be mine...My wife."
He kisses her forehead softly and walks through the threshold of the door, into the darkness.
The door slams behind him, leaving the room empty.
The dingy structure of the motel begins to shake in the wake of the door slamming. The lights begin to flicker, cracks appearing in the ceiling. it's not long before the old and moldy building crumbles in on itself, leaving no trace of Matt and Y/n, or the other tenants and their caricatures of intimacy.
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𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨 𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 🍑: @mattslolita @thenickgirl @guccifrog @luverboychris @zayyluvz @mrsmiagreer @chrisssluttywaist @78yaz @freshloveforthefit @3lizaluvs @mattsturniolosgirlfriend @jetaimevous @luxy-nyx @ts-is-my-spirt-animal @iihrtsturniol0 @idontexistman @katw4shereee @madisturn @starlace111 @zivall @adoreindie @imwetforyourmom @sturnsxplr-25 @sturncakez @theyluvme-2315 @moonk1ss3d @@babyalliah-777 @sturniololol @oliviasturniolo21 @ariithereyet @blahbel668
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la-pheacienne · 5 months
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George Martin, 2013: "In a very basic level winter is coming for all of us. I think that’s one of the things that art is concerned with: the awareness of our own mortality. “Valar morghulis” – “All men must die”. That shadow lies over our world and will until medical science gives us all immortality… but I don’t think it makes it necessarily a pessimistic world. Not any more pessimistic than the real world we live in. We’re here for a short time and we should be conscious of our own mortality, but the important thing is that love, compassion and empathy with other human beings is still possible. Laughter is still possible! Even laughter in the face of death… The struggle to make the world a better place… We have things like war, murder and rape… horrible things that still exist, but we don’t have to accept them, we can fight the good fight. The fight to eliminate those things.There is darkness in the world, but I don’t think we necessarily need to give way to despair. One of the great things that Tolkien says in Lord of The Rings is “despair is the ultimate crime”. That’s the ultimate failing of Denethor, the Steward of Gondor, that he despairs of ever being able to defeat Sauron. We should not despair. We should not go gentle into that good night".
JRR Tolkien, 1962 : "One reviewer once said, this is a jolly jolly book, all the right boys come home [...]- this isn't true of course, he can't have read the story. [...] Human stories are practically always about one thing, really, aren't they? Death. The inevitability of death. . . . . . (He quotes Simone de Beauvoir) 'There is no such thing as a natural death. Nothing that ever happens to man is natural, since his presence calls the whole world into question. All men must die, but for every man his death is an accident, and even if he knows it he would sense to it an unjustifiable violation.' Well, you may agree with the words or not, but those are the key spring of The Lord Of The Rings".
"Lotr is all rainbows and unicorns and Asoiaf is nihilistic and grimdark". Wrong, and wrong. In all its hope and radiance, lotr often gets very dark, and despite all the death and suffering, the hopeful moments in asoiaf shine bright. The meeting point of these two is this: having hope while in despair, and even better, refusing to give up because you have to go on despite not having any hope left.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 23 days
What if the Unicorns returned? Not a request, I just think it would be funny that Eri’s human and god family members now have to worry about Unicorns trying to snatch her up if she’s out in the open (Or they dash and snatch Eri up)
-You were laying on your belly, humming a quiet tune, drawing pictures with the crayons Loki had gifted to you, using a rainbow of colors on your picture.
-Adam came over, hearing you humming, and he smiled, bending over lightly, “What are you working on Y/N?” you beamed, quickly rolling to your knees and you held up the drawing, showing him a picture of a unicorn.
-His eyelid twitched lightly, trying hard to force the smile to stay on his lips, “Oh- a unicorn… how nice.” While you didn’t have any trauma from your last meeting with some unicorns, your family sure did- as they had to chase those sparkly bastards all over the forest after they kidnapped you!!
-Raiden was walking by a large window before he froze, doing a double take and his eyes widened in shock before narrowing, “We’ve got a situation!! Y/N keep coloring and stay there!”
-You beamed, hearing your own order, as it made you feel like an adult as everyone gathered around the windows and doors, seeing the house surrounded by the unicorn herd, who fully believed your family had one of their own, you- and they wanted you back.
-You couldn’t go outside at all without at least two of your family members, as the unicorns were crafty, willing to take any opening to snatch you away to take you home.
-Several of your family members stayed inside to hold down the fort while others, mostly all the warriors, went out to deal with the unicorns. Hermes played his violin for you, drowning out the music of the battle outside so you wouldn’t go to investigate.
-These unicorns weren’t leaving without a fight and your family wasn’t going to let them take you- not unless if they were all dead, which wasn’t going to happen- so it was a battle of who was the most stubborn.
-All the while you were drawing a new unicorn, one you had seen out in the forest, that didn’t look like the others, it was mostly black and had white makeup and honestly looked like the loud music bands that Lu Bu and Thor liked to listen to- death metal is what they told you the name of the genre of music was.
-Your death metal unicorn went right onto the fridge, and you looked so proud of it as you and Hermes shared a pudding snack together.
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raina-at · 1 year
Many Happy Returns
The candles flicker gaily as John and Rosie sing Happy Birthday. Sherlock bites down on a smile. He loves both John and Rosie to absolute distraction, but neither of them has a musical bone in their body. What they lack in talent, though, they make up for in unbridled enthusiasm, especially Rosie. The fact that she couldn’t hit a note with a cricket bat even if it was the size of a cow doesn’t stop her from belting at the top of her lungs.
“Happy Birthday, dear Sheeeeerloooooock,” she sings out, John joining her a bit less loudly, but just as falsely.
Sherlock meets John’s eyes over the seventeen candles on his birthday cake, and he can tell that John is trying not to laugh.
John looks younger in candlelight, especially with the suppressed mirth sparkling in his eyes and a smile playing around his lips as he joins his — their — enthusiastic daughter as she tries her best to shatter glass with her voice.
Sherlock applauds when they’re done singing, and not only because he’s relieved that his ears aren’t assaulted any longer, but because the two people who just sang him an awful birthday song could literally have anything from him, down to the very atoms of his being. 
“Blow out the candles!” Rosie yells; she’s always loud when she’s excited, and birthdays are always exciting for Rosie, even when it’s not her own. 
“I have to ask, why seventeen?” Sherlock asks as he surveys the cake. It’s obviously home-made and a tiny bit wonky, and it looks like a unicorn vomited rainbow sprinkles all over it.
“I couldn’t fit any more,” Rosie answers with an adorable death glare at the cake. “I know you’re way, way, way older, but that’s all I had room for on the stupid cake.” She turns to her father. “Daddy, I told you, we should have used the larger tin.” The tone of her voice is both accusatory and a bit uncertain.
“The cake is perfect, Watson,” Sherlock says, running a soothing hand over Rosie’s curls. 
John snorts in disbelief, grinning at Sherlock over Rosie’s head. “I hope you like the unicorn theme.”
“Of course, who doesn’t love unicorns?” 
“Nobody,” Rosie says with full conviction, glaring at John with an arched eyebrow, which makes John laugh.
“Yes, yes, you told me so,” John says, raising his hands in defeat. “I remain the only person in this family who can admit they’re wrong.”
“Occasionally,” Sherlock adds.
“Blow out your candles before they completely ruin your cake, love,” John says affectionately.
“I want to help!” Rosie yells, climbing into Sherlock’s lap. “You need to make a wish first!”
Sherlock looks at John, who’s taking a picture of them with his phone with a fond smile, at Rosie who’s counting down the blowing out of the candles, at the wonky cake, the candles jammed into them with unnecessary force, at the inexpertly wrapped birthday presents, and thinks that he has more than he could ever have wished for because these two chaotic, messy, loud, at times annoying but always brilliant and extraordinary people love him.
Many happy returns, he thinks as he blows out his candles.
For @notjustamumj's May prompt "Candlelight", have some sappy parentlock.
Hm, who hasn't done this... I'm tagging @jrow @totallysilvergirl @inevitably-johnlocked @discordantwords @thetimemoves and whoever else wants to play.
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I made playlist for hazbin hotel characters
charlie, vaggie, alastor, angel dust, husk, niffty, sir pentious (bonus adam)
❤️ Charlie ❤️
❤️ Humility, gorillaz 
❤️ Lights, ellie goulding 
❤️ Gateway to the stars, skeleton staff
❤️ Cry baby, melody martinez  
❤️ Sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows, Lesley gore 
❤️ KK bubblegum, animal crossing 
❤️ Charlie’s inferno, the handsome devil 
❤️ The exorcist, calypso 
❤️ Space unicorns, parry gripp 
❤️ Out of my league, fitz and the tantrums 
❤️ Heathens, 21 pilots 
❤️ Devil town, cavetown 
❤️ Rat, penelope scott 
💜 Vaggie 💜
💜 Saint benard, lincoln 
💜 Angel with a shotgun, the cab 
💜 I wouldn't mind, he is we
💜 Hell’s coming with me, poor man’s poison 
💜 Mary on a cross, ghost
💜 Notion, the rare occasion 
💜 Butch 4 butch, rio romeo 
💜 Training wheels, melody martinez 
💜 All the good girls go to hell, billie eilish 
💜 Soku eye, gorillaz
💜 Spear of justice, toby fox 
💜 Roar, katy perry 
💜 Raincoat, studio killers 
🧡 Alastor 🧡
🧡 Twisted, missio 
🧡 All eyes on me, or3o 
🧡 Our love is god, heathers musical 
🧡 Animals, maroon 5
🧡 Dismemberment song, blue kid
🧡 Animal cannibal, karen skladany 
🧡 We'll meet again, vera lynn 
🧡 Terry's taxidermy, teddy hyde 
🧡 Christmas kids, roar
🧡 Arms tonite, mother mother
🧡 The hunting song, tom lehrer
🧡 Necromancing dancing, bear ghost 
🧡 Happy face, jagwar twin 
🩷 Angel Dust 🩷
🩷 Epoch, the living tombstones
🩷 Say amen (saturday night) panic! At the disco
🩷 Bad romance, lady gaga
🩷 Candy store, heathers musical
🩷 Grrrls, aviva
🩷 Take a hint, victorious cast 
🩷 Bubble gum bit*h, marina and the diamonds
🩷 Baby hotline, jack starbur 
🩷 Weak, AJR
🩷 Bad habits, steve lacy
🩷 Vending machine of love, the stupendium 
🩷 Front street, will wood and the tapeworms
🩷 Control, halsey 
🤎 Husk 🤎
🤎 Let me down slowly, alec benjamin 
🤎 Dirty harry, gorillaz
🤎 Ghosting, mother mother
🤎 Hand me my shovel i am going in, will wood and the tapeworms
🤎 The good, the bad and the dirty, panic! At the disco
🤎 The gambler, kenny rogers
🤎 Let's get this over with, they might be giants 
🤎 Cats, dogs, and rats, rare americans
🤎 Your gonna go far kid, the offsrping
🤎 Pardon me, he is we
🤎 Coffee, jack starbur 
🤎 Look who’s inside again, bo burham 
🤎 Tennessee whiskey, chris stapleton 
🤍 Niffty 🤍
🤍 Girlfriend, hemlock spring 
🤍 Body, mother mother
🤍 Bill waterson, lemon demon
🤍 The masochism tango, tom lehrer
🤍 The red means i love you, madds buckley 
🤍 Cell block tango, Chicago musical
🤍 Runs in the family, amanda palmer 
🤍 Killer queen, queen 
🤍 Hello kitty, avril lavigne 
🤍 Pretty little psycho, theexorcist 
🤍 Cannibal, kesha 
🤍 Barbie girl, aqua 
🤍 Curses, crane wives 
💛 Sir Pentious 💛
💛 Love like you, steven universe 
💛 Give and take, poor man’s poison
💛 Oh klahoma, jack starbar 
💛 I’ll rust with you, steam powered giraffe 
💛 Mr blue sky, electric light orchestra 
💛 Hidden in the sand, tally hall
💛 Egg and soldiers, cosmo sheldrake 
💛 Rhinestone eyes, gorillaz 
💛 Man made objects, lemon demon 
💛 Under my skin, jukebox ghost 
💛 Bang!, AJR
💛 Secrets, one republic 
💛 Savior of the skies, the cog is dead
🩵 Adam 🩵
🩵 Main character, will wood and the tapeworms
🩵 Stick it to the man, school of rock
🩵 Eighth wonder, lemon demon 
🩵 Verbatim, mother mother 
🩵 They’re only human, death note musical 
🩵 American idiot, green day
🩵 5/4, gorillaz 
🩵 Punk tactics, joey valance and brae 
🩵 Kiss me son of god, they might be giants 
🩵 blood//water, grandson
🩵 Another way out, hollywood undead
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@obsessedwithdavrick wanted my top 7 reads of 2023 and I'm a sucker for book recs, so I'll play along ;)
Looking over my list, I read a lot of mediocre shit this year, including some books that get a lot of hype, but fell flat for me. However, there were some highlights. In no particular order:
The Great Alone by Kristin Hannah
Kristin Hannah never fails to evoke emotion and doesn't always give you a happy ending, which is hard, but real.
The Four Winds by Kristin Hannah
See above description. Maybe times two for this book.
Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus
A quick easy read. One of the more popular books that I read that actually lived up to the hype (IMO)
The Book of Lost Names by Kristin Harmel
In a sea of WWII historical fiction, this one stands out.
Why Fish Don't Exist by Lulu Miller
This is a non-fiction book that definitely isn't for everyone. While I didn't love the authors attempts to relate everything to her own life, I loved the rest. Science meets history meets a real life suspicious death.
Now for the MM portion of my recs:
Power Plays and Straight A's by Eden Finley and Saxon James
This is the first of a series of 5 MM hockey romance books. They were just good, easy reads with a nice balance of spice and plot.
How to Say I Do by Tal Bauer
I love almost everything I've read by Tal Bauer. Again, a good balance of sex and investment in characters and storyline.
In progress:
Pictures of You by Leta Blake
I'm cheating and including an 8th one, which is a 3 book series. But actually a series....like it's one continuing story for all 3 books and you won't be able to stop between books. I'm almost done with book 3 and have read them all in the past few days. So, I guess my opinion could change if the ending lets me down, but it's totally sucked me in. It's a queer coming of age book set in the early 90's and it's not all unicorns and rainbows. There's a lot of talk about HIV/AIDS. There's a lot of time spent on dissecting a first love and how it can be all consuming, good and bad and everything in-between. There's secret relationships and coming out and first times and finding your tribe of people; enough sex scenes, but that's not the focus really. It's also fun to revisit a time before cell phones and internet.
I won't tag people, but I'm always up for good book recs! Send them my way!
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lizzylucky · 2 years
Thoughts and Observations From The Movie, Part 1/4
Well, if the title isn’t self explanatory enough, this is a collection of screenshots I took from the Rise Movie that contain neat details or things that I think are silly, or that offer starting points for theories.
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This one isn’t too new, but you can notice in the opening sequence of the movie, particularly during Mikey’s entrance, evidence of both April’s and Big Mama’s downfalls. (It can be hard to tell, but April’s arm and a part of her hairdo are sticking out of the rubble there)
Before I spotted this, I remember thinking it was weird that Leo believed this was the end of the rebellion, like “there’s no way they haven’t had bad battles before”, especially given that Donnie and Raph are both confirmed to have died way before this. But then there’s this… And you can assume anyone else fighting, like Todd, seen not even a minute earlier, was absolutely destroyed if both these legends didn’t make it. And followed pretty immediately by Mikey and Leo himself… Lotta death in the beginning here.
Further content below the cut!
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I loveeee this scene! These guys are so gay! And, frankly, Hypno-potamus is my absolute favourite villain, in both design and personality, in the whole show. 
The main things I liked from this scene were the fact that Warren Stone is sitting in a rainbow-unicorn themed baby seat, and that he and Hypno are sharing a soda with two straws, from Albearto’s, no less.
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I paused here because it seems to be a direct parallel to “Shell in the Cell”, which is the episode where we first meet Ghost Bear. There, it was Leo and Mikey fighting against Raph and Donnie, where Mikey and Donnie were kinda the b plot, naturally. Here though, I like that Mikey and Donnie were trying to stop Leo and Raph from fighting, as opposed to encouraging it. And man, they put some effort in. Bodily pushing back against Leo, in Mikey’s case, and full on jumping up on Raph’s back for Donnie.
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Okay, it can’t be just me. Anyone else look at this and wonder if it’s Karai and her village, as was described after we first meet her? It would make a loooot of sense. Also, really digging the art style here.
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This! is the most sibling interaction ever, I swear. If you have siblings and you don’t occasionally have conversations that consist entirely of dirty looks… Well, idk, but I haven’t met anyone like that yet. Such a foreign idea to me, as the eldest of five.
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Props to Donnie, though. Even after the Grimace Exchange with Leo, he got up to follow after him. Still complaining all the way, like a true sibling does, but up and at ‘em regardless.
Did you know the storyboard art for this scene included Donnie pulling out a bottle of hand sanitizer at the last second and giving it a hard enough squeeze to completely soak himself?
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
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everybody scream and clap for them or im blowing this whole website up
mine and @michaelburnnham's beloved OCs, Somnus and Lemnos, from our dnd campaign. they're a warped bodyguard/bodyguarded dynamic. they are a queerplatonic t4t couple but one of them isn't out and doesn't plan to be. they are codependent disasters. they are causing extreme concern to everybody around them. <3
their three big eras: pre-exile (Dell and Mavis), separation arc (nameless), and present day (Somnus and Lemnos).
after Mavis' life was put in danger by corrupt city officials, Dell faked his death and they fled Silverymoon. the strain of losing their identities caused them to have a fight a few months into exile, resulting in a three-month separation that sent Somnus spiraling into depression and paranoid delusion and Lemnos spiraling up into mania and psychosis. they reunited by chance when Somnus' paranoia-induced fugue state led him to stab Lemnos, with delusions of invincibility, through the chest. they have been inseparable ever since, and four years later still travel together weirding out strangers with their somewhat incomprehensible dynamic.
ID (copied from alt text): Three side-by-side full body drawings of Somnus and Lemnos in different eras. The first, on the right, shows them pre-exile, as Sir Dell and Lord Mavis Fulmine. Dell is a tall, well-built young human with medium brown skin and long dark brown hair tied up in a bun. He has brown-black eyes and is clean shaven. He is wearing silver plate and chain mail, decorated with the Silverymoon unicorn. His cape is light blue with a silver trim at the hem, and he is wearing a silver shield on his back. He has his right hand resting on the ornate scabbard of his longsword. He has an open expression with a slight smile.
Mavis, standing slightly in front of him on the right, is a short, thin half-elf with light brown freckled skin and long black wavy hair, fastened up. His eyes are medium-brown, and his earlobes pierced. He is wearing an all white suit; a sheer button-up shirt with a floral lace pattern, showing his bra underneath, a suit jacket draped over his shoulders, slacks, and white dress shoes. He has his right hand (viewer's left) in his trouser pocket, and his other resting on his leg, showing a couple of rings. He has a French manicure on his nails and some delicate white eye makeup. He is smirking with one eyebrow raised.
The second image shows Somnus and Lemnos in their separation arc. They look dramatically different, are standing slightly further apart, and have contrasting backgrounds; Somnus stands backlit on a dark grey background, while Lemnos is surrounded by a bubbly multi-coloured backdrop. Where the two people meet, the dark grey background cuts into the rainbow bubbles with forks of lightning.
Somnus is wearing the same armour as he did as Dell, but with Silverymoon's unicorn sigil covered up and a darker, plain cape with equally plain scabbard. He is much thinner, his armour and face are covered in dirt and streaks of blood. His hair is loose and tangled, partially covering his face, and he has a short scruffy beard. His right hand (viewer's left) crackles with electricity, and he holds his bloody sword drawn in his left. There is a spark of light in his visible eye, and he scowls out at the viewer with his shoulders drawn up and head tilted down.
Lemnos' hair has been cut dramatically shorter to a messy bob, and he has numerous new piercings in his face and ears, as well as a huge snake tattoo that starts at his clavicle, curls up to his neck and down his arm, and then finishes with the tail at the base of his sternum. He is scantily dressed in a black bra, black leather shorts, spaghetti-strapped high-heeled shoes, and a long flowing red robe with fur trim, which shows off the stretch marks on his belly. He has various jewellery, notably a sun and moon pendant around his neck. He has messy black nail polish and tear-streaks of black makeup down his face. He is smiling, dreamily, looking off to the right, while his hands rest near his waist and hips.
In the third drawing, Somnus and Lemnos are back to the positions they started in, overlapping slightly more. Somnus' hair is cut shorter to a bob that has grown out slightly, hanging loose at his shoulders. He has well-kept stubble and tired lines under his eyes, with a neutral expression. He is only wearing the breastplate of the Knight in Silver armour, over a plain black doublet. He is wearing a dark blue-grey cloak, holding a wooden shield with dark steel spars in his right hand and his sword in his left, crossed over pointing towards his right foot. The sword is engraved with the word "SOMNUS" on the blade.
Lemnos' hair has grown out to reach about his collarbone, now worn loose. He has all the same piercings, including one in his septum, with more understated eyeliner and less visible jewellery. He is wearing a dark blue taffeta shirt with long ribbed sleeves, accessorised with a bolo-type tie that resembles a spine and thin gold chains that resemble ribs. He is wearing black leather pants and heeled leather boots. His nails are painted gold. A curve of the snake tattoo is poking up from the collar of his shirt. He is smiling.
The other three images are the same drawings separated out into individual files.
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meet-the-coffee · 8 months
TF2 Fucked Up-Au (or something)
I once started working on a totally odd as shit au that I forgot about, and I didn't even finish working on what the au's theme was, nor what each merc would be like to make it this a unique au????
DISCLAIMER: i don't agree with any of the weird shit these characters do in this au. But horror exists for a reason :)
Anyway here's what I remember:
Is like a total stoner. Chill as hell. Piercings. Smokes cigarettes too. Fuckin dumbass. Comes to work high all the time. Doesn't give too much of a shit about much. Has ladies over often but never catches any feelings. Thinks Miss Pauling is just an object he wants to smash. He's an asshole. I hate him, he's a lil shit.
Actual serial killer. Tall as shit. Wide... Doesn't talk. Just breathes loudly and axes you to death or sets you on fire. Isn't as much of a "rainbow pyroland of unicorns and sunshine" as it is that he's complete and utter danger. A psycho. Tall and strong enough to michael myers-chokehold you with one hand against a wall.
Made up on a whim:
Total fucking sociopath. He's the crazed gunman with mental sickness that his canon counterpart in Meet the Sniper says he is NOT... yeah this guy doesn't snicker because he shot someone, or that he likes clicking on heads for the funsies, or for money... this guy loves all of that, but is a fucking creep while at it. He freaks people out. He isn't trying to be discrete while stalking people but he is so damn good at his interest - He is silent as death. He will stalk you home. He will watch you sleep through the window, preferrably snap a few photos or just find your breathing nice to listen to. He likes to feel warm blood on his fingers and loves that metallic smell. He's into weird shit. Don't be near him because he's unpredictable as fuck. He's manipulative, seem friendly, and then once you turn your back, you'll wake up two days later high as shit with a pounding headache, bound with your hands behind your back to an iron bar. He probably uses you for aim practice while drunk as hell. Do. Not. Turn your eyes. Away from him.
Spy is anxious and emotional as hell, paranoid as shit and his worst-case scenario is The People finding him, especially if they find out Scout is his son. He does everything to push Scout away only because he doesn't want anything to happen to him. He's on a heavy dosage of medication to deal with it all.
He is so tidy. He's trying to remain composed and watches his friends get fucked up and he can't even do anything about it. He hates it. It tears him to bits when he's trying to sleep. But he likes to help, he listens to their rambles and keeps an ear out to pick up on his friends needs. He was raised by his mom and she taught him to be a kind and sensitive boy.
I can't quite make my mind up on this guy. It's so cliché to just make him an utter lunatic but I don't feel him to be a soft guy either. There's a connection to his friends but I can't quite tell what it would be. It's a huge w.i.p.
Engie, Heavy and Soldier I'm don't know at all yet. And nothing is set in stone anyway.
Miss Pauling might just be an evil and fucked up gal who works like a puppet under the Administrator, idk,,
This is what I've got so far :')
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strandnreyes · 7 months
17 & 22 from the most amazing ask list
17. Assign each of your fics (or selection of them) a cryptid.
I have 66 of them so I will choose a few asdfasdf
as if you were a mythical and meet you after dark are obviously a vampire
to live for the hope of it all is a mermaid
a chain reaction of countermoves is the Loch Ness monster
lost in the labyrinth is a yeti
the rainbow fish is a unicorn
pushing deadlines is a siren
time, curious time is a phoenix
22. If you forgot your WIP in the oven and burned it, what would happen to the characters?
my main wip is the antarctica au so although being warmed in the oven would probably help their current predicament, if I forgot about them, they would most certainly freeze or starve to death because I never sent someone to save them!
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matt0044 · 1 year
The Electric Piper;Kids TV English;Alice In Wonderland Anime;Sean Bodine;hunterkiller1440;Skip Intro;Against The Current;Live Steam;Sodor Snippet;Hot Shots;Bruce Almighty;Evan Almighty;TrainKillers;If Luz only spoke Spanish;True Blue;Thomas Blue;Sean Bodine;A FUSCO;Noddy;Canadian TV Broadcasts;Spongebob Docupants;Mondo World;Pollyanna;Daddy Long Legs;World Masterpiece Theater;Flip Flappers on DVR;Anime on DVR;Are You Afraid of the Dark;look into the Pokemon Anime;Best Wishes episodes for inspiration;Thomas Music Compositions;The Red Engine Theme;Dizzasta;Free Guy;Kids TV English;Frankenstein’s Aunt;BRB Internacional;Pokemon The First Journey;TB76 Returns;SodorBrony;Drawn Together;Columbo Anime;turtleneck Sci-Fi;Just Weebs;Lupin The Third Part 2;Totally Spies Season 6;Marathon Media;The Secret World of Santa Claus;Mythic Warriors;ZeeToons;Jack & The Pack;Power Rangers Funniest Moments;sum;Lil Nas X;That GF FAN;Revive by Mai Kuraki;Sonic Real-Time Fandubs;Sonic Real-Time Fandubs Animated;Thomas & Friends Museum Piece (S6-S7 style);Industrial Steam Productions;KaiserNeko;Monster By Mistake;Lost Media;NickelZickel;Denver the Last Dinosaur;Last Transformation (E196);Thomasfan261;The World According To Me!;Starseed86;RiffTrax;Free RiffTrax Movies;RiffTrax: The Last Shark;THE LIGHTBRINGER;Linkara running;The Treehouse Of Horror YTP Collab;Roxanne;House of Mouse;When you remember Loona and Emira share the same voice actress;Humble Cartoon Archive;Hello Kitty’s Furry Tale Theater;TheNPRRE2;Daniel Wells (BASEDCUBE95);NateFlicks;NatesVlogs;White Rose Dubs;Crane Engine Studios;The Adventures of Tintin;Milo Murphy‘s Law;Rooting For The Enemy;Chop Away At My Heart;Phineas & Ferb;S-I-M-P Squirrels In My Pants;George Garza;Demo Reel;Chibi Maruko-Chan;Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart;Ultra Seven;Ultra Seven Cinar Dub;Ultraman Tiga;Ultraman Tiga 4kids Dub;Ultraman;City Limits;Michael Bradley;The Endings of Death Note: How One Difference Shapes a Series;MasakoX;Welcome To The Space Show;Skysurfer Strike Force;Syy;The Barbarian & The Troll;Seinfeld: Rabid Elaine;Jellystone;Captain Rutlidge;Sprout Dinner - Sagwa’s Stir Fry Surprise;EggFlicker2;Red Dawn Remake;The Treehouse of Horror YTP Collab;Doug Title Card;Disney’s Doug;Kablam!;Prometheus and Bob;Pepper Ann;And how is this Ghostbusters 2?;StanTheTalkingDog;Marvel Mash-Up;R.R.S.I {Jivio};X-Men Japanese Openings;I’m Angry! I’m an Angry Scientist!;Jimquisition Songs;Kong The Animated Series;Kenji Yamamoto’s Music;The MilanToon Channel;Yasuharu Takanashi’s music;Shunsuke Kikuchi’s music;Takanori Arisawa’s music;Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water Soundtrack;Percy And The Beast Productions;yugidmx5;Shonen Kenya;Gurren Laggan Soundtrack;The Blue Monday E'r'ectrical Parade;Sailor Spongebob;Thomas A.I. Narrations;ScottFalco;Milasia;Behl Studios;In The Aftermath: Angels Never Sleep;Warriors of the Wind;New World Pictures;Galaxy Express;Pinocchio and the Emperor of the Night;Godzilla, King of the Monsters!;Godzilla 1985;TurboCharged;Horrible Histories;Milasia;The Whole Plate;Scribbles to Screen;Bootleg Zone;Teon Stevenson TV;KidsWB Crazy Takes;Rasheed Ruley;Mysticons;Nelvana Enterprise, Inc.;Giorno Yoshikage;Riverdude Covers;Ghost In The Machine;Space Warriors 2000;Mew Mew Power Transformation Soundtrack;Mew Mew Power Soundtrack;Mew Renee Transformation Theme;Shin Chan;Shin Chan FUNimation dub;Shin Chan Vitello dub;Shanspeare;Jean Jacques Perrey - Mary France;Annoverse;Doug Music;I HATE THIS PERSON!;The LadyKillers;Rob The Green Engine;Kylie Minogue’s Love Takes Over Me;Sodor Pony Railway Adventures Music Video-Locomotion With Thomas The Tank Engine;DLTBerkshire;Air Anime;Air Abridged;Air Michiru;Anime Eyecatches;Rainbow Butterfly Unicorn Kitty;RBUK!;Amphibia meets The Owl House;KevinLsAccount;101 Dalmation Street Soundtrack;Sauna Music;Invader Zim;Peridot as Invader Zim;My Tallest;Bravo, James Bravo;JorporXx (Mark de Groot);SAO Abridged;MMD;The Trap Door;Kether Donohue;PBS’s Cyberchase;Lay All Your Love On Me scene from Mamma Mia;Kyra Kupetsky;Sukeban Deka;No Way Home 90s;GabeLeth;Seven Little Monsters;The Tigger Movie;Pinkie’s Brew;Mavis M;Risky Business;Retro Rerun;LYnaa_;Glitter Force Galaxy The Movie;The Sarah Jane Adventures;Twisted Lunchbox;Pirate Island TV Show;Connecticut Clark;It wasn’t a Dream | Lumity Animation - The Owl House Anime Fan Animation (TOH);Gordon & Jinty try getting up to 88 mph! | Random Twitter Video;Hunting Palismen DELETED SCENE | The Owl House;One Piece Pirate Rap Pt. 2 (Official) – [Including Robin, Franky, Brook, & Jinbei],Smoke Weed Everyday;Drunk Winry 😖🍸;Waltman13;Pixar’s Out;Turning Red;this totb scene aged horribly;Space Nova;How The Toys Saved Christmas;LBX;Danball Senki;Osomatsu;Zero Hour!;Wunschpunsch;DiC’s Sailor Moon score;Bob Summers;Sailor Moon: Bob Summers’s Unvaulted Lost Cues Collection (Full Album, HQ) (Lost Media Found);Candy Candy;Dino Fury;Kelsey is a wittle lesbian;Slayers English Songs;Jimbo being iconic for 6 minutes straight;Anne is… into frogs? // Amphibia;I TOLD YOU NOT TO TOUCH IT!!;Season 5;ozberk ozen;RWBY: Roman Holiday;X Agent vs Lisa Rental;Sheep In The Big City;Busted;Star Trek Prodigy;Hula Fulla Dance;Never Gonna Give You Up - Japanese Anime Version;Shaggy Rogers;Thomas Audiobook YTP - Thomas Meets Obama…Who Just Appeared Outta Nowhere!;uberduck ai;Chip Da Ripper freestyle (Interior Crocodile Alligator full song);Philip McGhee;CamHead;The Brain Drain of Pooh Saga;Trainz4Days;Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day 1990;WeAreSuperSentai;Bulk and Skull;Victor and Monty;Trash Taste Highlights;Sol Republic Headphones;Equestria Girls;TOMY T&F (aka The Trainlover476 & Missoliverandblossom Crossover Film) [SCRAPED];Reading Rainbow;I Ain’t Got No Body;The Owl House Intro: Amphibia Style;Russel T. Davies;Fancy Turkey Films;Shaman King (2021) Original ENGLISH OP Remake;Sam O'Nella Amelia Bedelia rant but with sound effects;Rkerekes13;Disney’s Adventures In Wonderland;DigiBro;Steam Attack;Times Penelope Pussycat Reciprocates Love Back To Pepe Le Pew;Murray Gold;Series Three Soundtrack;I Can’t Decide;Chowder - No, you’re not in this episode;Wallace & Gromit;The Adventure Begins | Rewritten;The Simpsons - I’ve Been Calling Her Crandall!;Gormiti;Mostly Simpsons;Bianca Hates Dodging;Alan Tam;Psyga315;Wizadora;Vibe Check;Wild Child - Hands Up;CCTV Studios;Peach Fuzz;Slayers Theme Songs English Version;Get along;Power of Infinity;Brave Souls;Fair Wind;Take Your Courage;lg77612;Fancy Turkey Films;Hank Hill in Yu Yu Hakusho 25;Magical Girls Before Sailor Moon;Sodor Pro;Shinji Miyazaki‘s soundtrack;Mad Max: Fury Road | Let Them Up;Theo 54;Ai-chan Meets Rosie | Animal Crossing Reanimated;Mazinger Z;Mazinger Z Infinity;reallyusefultractor;Trevor Jones;Trese;I.N.K. Invisible Network of Kids;G.I. Joe Renegades;Marcy Marvels;Theodore Tugboat;Mr. Conductor Meets;Behl Studios;MasakoX;This Classic UK Band Made A Dragon Ball Song. And It’s AMAZING!;Julia Jekyll and Harriet Hyde;Red Dwarf;Hilarious In Hindsight / Pokémon Adventures;Kung Fu Dino Posse;Look into Super Sentai and Kamen Rider along with other Tokusatsu again;Hikonin Sentai Akibaranger;DCOMs;Zenon;Spin;Rush Hour;TJOmega;Let’s Fix Power Rangers Super Megaforce;Dolly Dalmatian;Brookes Eggleston - Character Design Forge;Sorry To Bother You;The Addams Family Cartoon;Madacascar Movies and TV shows;Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness;M.M. song;Press Gang;Steven Moffat;Anne of Green Gables Anime;World Masterpiece Theater Anime;SandwichAndCereal;Amphibia Meme;Marcy Theme Song Takeover;Urusei Yatsura;Like a She Hulk - Raging Shinobu Compilation - Urusei Yatsura;shinobu lifts all the desks;Unorthodox Individual;Fantomcat;Dragamonz;Hotel Transylvanian;Squid Games;Mary Kate and Ashley In Action;Z-O-M-B-I-E-S;Big City Greens;James Frommeyer;Ernesto Jara;Must… Resist… Stupidity Impulse;Fairly Odd Parents;Power Stone;Harpy Gee;MrA thehedgehog;Dark DJ Productions;Cinder’s Atlas Journey (Volume 8 Movie);“Swiggity swag, what’s in the bag?”;the gang on rainbow road;Legend of the Three Caballeros;The Simpsons - Bill Cipher Cameo;Kosperry;Lochlan O'Neil;Serarel;Garrick Schultz;I Love Wanda;Fairly Odd Parents;Power Mad;The Worst Witch;jah;S.A Music;Fury The High Pressure Engine’s Theme - An S.A Original;[多啦a夢電影-貓狗時空傳] YUME日和|CC字幕lyrics;Muzzy in Gondoland;The Demon Headmaster;Jeffrey Kitsch;LISTEN YOU CRUSTACEOUS CHEAPSKATE;Crashbox;Eddie Bull;BadManoredProductions;What’s With Andy;Charlie Jade;CineGroupe;SicCoyote;蔦助;Buzz Lighthole;Mornal Productions;Lazer Team;2Dswife;Jyxia;Busy Beavers - Kids Learn ABCs 123s & More;NewFoundAbility; Shiinjito;CN100eg;Mushoku Tensei, “Problematic Anime”, and Unique Isekai;Pokémon the Movie: Secrets of the Jungle;Akuma Shogun;Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness;em23;MediaMonster;El SuperBeasto;Txpot;The Tuggster Intensifies;My Hero Acadub;1stAid;Zedd’s Awful Realization;The Fox Railway;Melly Vuong;Lady Lady!!;Hello! Lady Lynn;Artastiq;Scarystar Studios Animations;StealthPornucopia;dillongoo;O Marcus Tokusatsu;Tokusatsu Songs;Generation Rex;Man of Action;as portrayed by vines;The Trek 2002;Lolirock;Lolirock Transformation Theme;Silent Night, Deadly Night;WildBrain Kids;Inspector Gadget;DiC Movies;Gadget and The Gadgetinis;The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy;Loser From The Earth’s Core;Around The World In 79 Days;Tintin;Guzma’s Rap Entrance Pokemon Sun and Moon 115 English Dub Clip;4Kids & DuArt Media Services Entertainment;Pokémon KidsTV | Neko Funjatta-Flea Waltz, Chopsticks | Japanese Children Songs | Nursery Rhyme;TTTE Guy;Unorthodox Individual;Mia & Me;One Tram Band;Back To The Future - The Musical;Rafa Yaga;ThatOneDorkThatDraws;Yuna and Stitch;I told u not to wake me up like that;Hilda;Medabots;Big Hero Six;Disney Channel UK videos;Red Dwarf USA;Stitch & Ai;Yuna & Stitch;clever deeds;Buu Saga Rescore;Vegeta’s Sacrifice;Sylvan;Yakari;Saban’s Adventures of Oliver Twist;Amphibia-Season 3 Opening (Welcome to Amphibia);Darrel of Amphibia;Loyalty Among Worlds;Lilo & Stitch;Power Puff Girls;Power Puff Girls Z;PercyandDuckfan94;The Little Pony Legend;MaggiesHeartLove;The PJs;DomFear of Soundcloud;skeletons;G.I. Joe: Renegades;The Promised Neverland fanwork & crossovers;Perfume Department (Japanese);TheGermanofSodor’s Random Short Videos;Spy and Scout fail to drive a train;Plutoburns;Retrolectro Art XV (Tape Five - Boheme Supreme);Party like it’s 1929//Alastor//AMW;Scribbler Productions;SLUURP;MsMaryMacky;Riverdude Covers;MHA Body Swaps;Bakugan;Toyetic Anime;The Ultimate Showdown;Anime Lost Media Found;TUGS - Sunshine US Dub (Pitch Pilot - Compiled) - Read Description;Heroes on Hot Wheels;Michel Vaillant;The Good Son;TUGS US Dub;Robotech (Macross): Monsters;Why Dark Skinned…;Shirincio;KOATI;Waluigi71;MST3K;MST3k fanwork;MST3K Linkara fan episode;Benzedrex;Get Squirrelly;Tubi;Dragon Booster;Stan Lee dubbing himself in an Avengers anime.;Daniel Clements - Director;Eren’s basement;Gianni Matragrano;Columbo Star Wars;Columbo;CookiesXCream;Hikari Neko;The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Anime;Saban Anime;Wowser Anime;Mon Colle Knight;Slayers Edited Version;Fan- Dumbers;Patrol 03;Ribbit Movie;Doctor Who Rescored;WildBrain - Cartoon Super Heroes;Sonic The Hedgehog;Sonic SATAM; Sonic Underground;Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet;Mobile Suit Gundam series;Real Time Fandub Games;SDT:FP Soundtrack;BurningSwordsmenstudios;AJ Universe;I'mStrange;Huckleberry Finn;Humble Cartoon Archive;Bully Maguire;Red Vs Blue Animatics;Eproth Studios;Driscoll Danders;We’re not anarchist;Older Anime;Older dubs lost to time;Super Pig;Tonde Buurin;Once Upon A Time TV Show;101 Dalmations Live Action Movie;NyahstinaDraws,  Throbbing Gristle;Oingo Boingo;Zenyatta Mondatta;Kim Petras;Seiyo Higuka;PhantomSavage;Sagwa in French;CineGroupe;Montreal Voice Actors;NWR1991;Freddery McMahon;Waltman13;AnimeBoi;The Green Eggs And Ham YTP Collab;Death Note Musical Animatic;O-Dog Kubrick;Hanazuki: Full of Treasures;Phase One;Loyalty Among Worlds;LBT:R;Raymond Burr in Godzilla;KUROMI - Greedy Greedy [ENG Sub];JoBlo Animated Videos;Ferris Bueller’s Day Off video;John Hughes movies;Why ProJared is WRONG About Sonic Adventure 2;The New Adventures of Huckleberry Finn;Huckleberry no Boken;Saban’s Adventures of Pinocchio;Saban’s Gulliver’s Travels;Saban’s Tenko and the Guardians of the Magic;Like i knew that Wendee Lee’s voice fit as Athena’s voice but damn.;draw corn;look into 1980s Movies That Shaped Our Humanity and the titles listed;*batteries not included;Victor and Victoria;Alexander’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day;Batman: TAS What If Episodes;Giancarlo Parimango;Megazone 23;Megazone 23 Part II (1986) - Rare trailer for OVA;‘Thomas and the Magic Railroad’ The Final Chase (Trainz 19 original short);Madagascar;Madagascar: A Little Wild;Mel Brooks;The Producers;Parker Simmons Animation;Brandy & Mr. Whiskers;Deja Vu;Dave The Barbarian;The Loud House;A Loud House Christmas;[JPN, KOR Dub] Doctor Who - The Day of the Doctor - The Three Doctors;Megahedgehogx;That 90s Spider-Man Show;MemeJuice;strong_don_chad;SpeedRacerFluber;Lupin Part 2 Sigla;Combuskenisawesome;The Wiz;Rodgers & Hammerstein’s Cinderella;Edgar and Ellen;Blade Runner;Alternate Cuts;Sequels;Dr. Crafty;HenryNo333;Sagwa The Chinese Siamese Cat Main Theme YT;Invader Zim;Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water;Neon Monkey;FruitPunchMan15;Lupin The Third Part 1 Episode 1;The Blockbuster Buster;Allison Pregler;MarzGurl;Former CA contributors;Jim Button;Little Bear;Red Dwarf;Max Steel;Tenkai Knights;George Carlin Dubbing Thomas the Tank Engine: Vol 1-7 but it’s in episode order. (16A);Obscure KaBlaM! shorts;Jason Sheerin;Shining Time Station Music Videos and Animation;The Green Eggs And Ham YTP Collab;The Brain Drain of Pooh Saga;mera-mera;Sillyrally;Flowmotion;Stars Allign;V-Tuber Drama;Joshua and The Promised Land Reanimated;Blankman;The Tick;Spies in Disguise;Paddington Bear;Little Bear;Gormiti;Sagwa the chinese siamese cat Kids’ WB! Promo;Kids WB! Promos;Emperor Radiation;The Seven Sirens;Violet Evergarden Movie;Raiders Of The Lost Oliver | Indiana Jones/Oliver Theme Mashup;The Country Mouse and City Mouse;Anthony Ant;Anatole;Mona The Vampire;Mummy Nanny;Les Misérables - On My Own (Male Cover);Hex Girls;Scooby Doo VHS Movies;The Alien Invaders;Miami Dubs;The Haunted House Anime;Soul Taker;Komugi;KIDFLIX;The Samurai OVA;Gintama;SD Riders;Hey Missy;Dr Lamington;Iron Castle;Letters Song;Gravity Falls Soundtrack and Full Theme;101 Dalmatian Street Music, Shorts and Videos;SGT Frog;Natsumi and Koyuki;SGT Frog Abridged;Mr. Conductor’s Adventures;Mr. C and The Muppet;Wilkins;Christmas Carol;That Guy Riffs;Linkara Riffs;Cardfight Vanguard;National Lampoon Vacations;Billy & Mandy;same as it ever was;Ranma ½;Aggretsuko OST;Red Dwarf;Backwards;Ultraman;Great;Powered;R/B;Tiger and Bunny;Kaede;Rita Dizzy;Freedom Force;Quartz Animation;R.R.S.I {Jivio};Another Wind Falcon;Second Thought;The Greatest Scene in Movie History.;Wedding Peach Isn’t Cinderella;Dragon Tales;MarkBox;WhiteDixie29;KMB;Panda Go Panda;World Masterpiece Theater Dubs;Doraemon Dub;Bluetooth for ChromeCast;FUNi App;Monster Hunter Stories;The Bush Baby;Hassle;Kitty Cats;Wimzie’s House;Montreal dubs;Theodore Tugboat;Oliver The Vast;Hakaider;No Way Home edits;The Land Before Time movies;LBT:R;Balala;Happy Happy Clover;Star Fleet;X-Bomber;TurboJUK;Totally Not Mark Live Action;Dragons: The Nine Realms;Men In Black The Series;Stocking gets a haircut;Problem Child The Series;Ferris Bueller The Series;Everyone Has Bad Takes.; Jack Pickering;Deadpool Want to be in Japanese Anime;The Mighty Kong;Redakai;Kong: The Animated Series;Browse Tubi;Catnip;Hetalia;Masou;No amount of therapy will make this scene okay;Roxanne in House of Mouse;J.W. Article;Finding Paradiso;Aritz Irazusta;True Blue;Yellowjackets;I May Destroy You;RandomMelon;Alteori;Maya The Bee;Nick Jr. dubs;The Little Twins;Two By Two;Ned Summons Bully Mcgruie;No Way Home Flashbacks;Mad TV;Lost Parodies;T1E2H3;Mumfie;Everything Everywhere;Guardians of the Lost Code;Pink Elephants;Robot Boy;Family Central;Ante-Films;Moonscoop;Taffy Kids;Koati;Halfbaked8;RandomMelon;Ozma;Mr. Conductor’s Thomas Tales;Rupert;Taco - Married;Lion of Oz;Transformers Japanese;Browntable;Shawn Sussman;Me So Bunny;Tiny Toons Music Videos;How I Spent My Vacation;Weeaboo Club;David And The Magic Pearl;Moomin;We Don’t Talk About Havana (mashup) - Encanto Cast + Camila Cabello;Diesel and his DumBots;Martha Speaks;AKB0048;Tender Engines Inc;The Rolling Girls;The Orbital Children;Cybergirl;Princess Gwenevere and the Jewel Riders;Hamon Beat;Dorothy sequels;DiC’s The Wizard of Oz;The Wizard of Oz Anime;Broa Island;Dorothy In The Land Of Oz;JustAcritic;Dallas Franceschini;The Legend of Korra & The Beanstalk Intro;Rahan;OTAKUMEDIATV;Jean Chalopin;Xilam;Dorothy and The Wizard of Oz | Totally Stuck Together | Boomerang UK;The Wonderful Galaxy of Oz (full 1990 film);Ozma of Oz;Attacker You!;Rocco;Gracie Villafana;applecochan;Wee Wendy;Nickcheezy;Thomas/Sagwa parody;Elizabeth Hull;Silver Fang;The Neverending Story;Kevin Hart;Shoko the Gengar;Wildbrain;Kung Fu Dino Posse;Kadam’s Edits;Big Bag Cartoon;Tara Duncan;The Procrastinator;The Amanda Show;Monster Busters Club;Jetix Europe;Swan Princess;Turtle Power;Tabaluga;9. Schlüssel zur Macht;Mister Moose’s Fun Time;Aslan’s Sacrifice;D.W. Riffs;George Shrinks;The Blue Snowplow;【Pokémon Clay Art】Making Oshawott「Life-size」【ポケモン】;MasterMario548;Awesoming;The Lion Guard songs;Sonic Movieverse;Jim Carrey;Now That’s What I Call Polka Animated Collab;Kuromi;Catnip;The Greatest Showman;Fairy Tale Police Department;Sherlock Holmes In The 22nd Century;Evolution: The Animated Series;Lazer Team;Day 5;A Clockwork Orange;Universe;Mahoutsukai;Himitsu No Akko-Chan;Sukeban Deka;Toei Pinky Violence;Liozik;Happy Ness: Secret of the Loch;Little Template;Thai McGrath - Anime Music Covers;SargeStone123;Where’s Wally;Ben Ten;Loonatics Unleashed;OverWims;The Fantastic Voyages Of Sinbad The Sailor;No Way Home With Flashbacks;Weird Al Animatics;Season 5 Rushes;Felix And The Hidden Treasure;Super Mario Love Song;Pokemon: The First Journey;The Truman Show;Smallfoot;Crane Engine Studios;Trash Talk Highlights;Sasso Studios - Sonic Animations;Studio Notes video;Grifball;Sammy Clark;Flight School;Galaxy High;Filmore;Wildbrain;Red Dwarf;Michael Evans VA;SuperThomasEli99;Tara Duncan;George Garza;Collabs;Extreme Dinosaurs;Mattel Action;Austin Kalista;Celebrity Home Entertainment;John Clancy;pikmonwolf;Flea Market Montgomery;National Lampoon’s Men in White;FiW;Bomber Bud Spencer…Fantasy;The Unstoppable;Spark! To The Ocean;ZZ Gundam;Megazone 23;Robotech The Movie;Lost Saban Dubs;As portrayed by Vines;Pinnochio;Peter Pan;Kukaak;Doomkemon;Freddie as F.R.O.7;TheFattHatt;eli_handle_b․wav;Bluey;TheCartoonVault;Mark Hamill as Frieza;Amanda Show;MetaJets;Strange Days at Blake Holsey High;GE999 Remix;Rosie Vision;Winx Club;Wahknight 2003;Once upon a time… The Americas;LBSCS Productions;Brandon Tenold;Larry Bundy Jr;Monkey Magic;Lupin Part 5 Dub;Vines;Future Boy Conan for Christmas;Group Therapy PodCast;Star Coms;IanXPikachu;Swordtee’s 2nd Channel;Sapphire Luna;Spoony Experiment Reuploads;Jabatoons;FoggyMemoryProductions;Mimikyu;Kung Pow MMD;Emirichu;TALES FROM THE NEVERENDING STORY 1 BEGINNING;DJam;Whisker Haven;PPGZ;Chris Thompson;cantalupo television;SmurfyDan;W. Company Animation;TuckerOsman;Banzai Runner;TMS shows;Izenborg;Pingu;NWR Timeline;abbi12881;FoggyMemoryProductions;Joseph The Green B12;A Bout With A Trout;George The Red Engine;ImmaBender;dronicom;Jetcat;6HP;Liozik;HEDGEHOG FAN 2011;DiamondBrickZ;Jacob Fisher;Kane Pixels;FTS Productions;Swallowing Stones;Omori;The Confession Dial;Dragon’s Lair;Abridge Me Princess;Beyond Belief;LivinginEighties;Nadia;Nina Wolmark;Death Tome;James Express;6HP;Mike, Lu & Og;Drunk Oak;sum;Action Man;The Mad Magazine TV Special 1974;Pantheon;The Trouble with Miss Switch;Paddington Bear;MATEO;Dragon Flyz;Night Hood;Kuromi;TheKasl;Ninjala;Epic Crossovers;Haddi Mera Buddi;Bee Gees;Joshua Jones;Postman Pat;Fireman Sam;Snafu;Lensman;Corspe Party;The Twilight Zone Movie;Yitexity;Thomas Deleted Scenes;Son of Columbo;The Trap Door;City Hunter;Big Wolf on Campus;Speed Racer;Edward’s Special Magic;The Electric Company;Solomon’s spot;Camp W;The Demon Headmaster;MonsterCat Studios;tttelrco;Solid jj;Inspector Gadget;Peridot;Stabby;Salty’s Lighthouse;The Caledonian Sleeper;Sagwa Sigla;MaggiesHeartLove;Angry Joe No;Animaleal;Emmet Otter; Markidisciplinary Design Workshop;Timey;TheStarSwitcher;Mad TV;Hunter;RWBY Volumes;Star Wars Movies;Don Perry;The History of Caillou: The Most HATED Cartoon Character;Great Western Redemption;The Testing;Mason Dey;Dieselworks123;JackTheCryogonal;ur mom;Let’s & Go!;The Regent;Rabbits Run;Viewpoint Productions;Lisa Bouvier;He’s Willy;Epic Movie;Chitty Chitty Bang Bang;Bagi;Daniel Pineda;The Little Mermaid (TV Series);Eiviten;CalebTrain;Joker: The Ethics of Making Nuanced Art;The Simpsons Bambi;Tiny Toons;Bosko & Honey;Flea;Huntik;Kuromi;Malec;mindlessgonzo;Rustyredjames;Savin Yeatman;Milan Kymlicka;💛AgustinAntonio62💜;The Ephrommentator;Matthew J Elliott;Toonsite;J.P. Houston;Photon;Sylvannia;Shuki Levy;Stay Tuned;Mega X4;PM Stunt Fan;SmittyG513;Sister Rosa;Fallengang;Rusty: A Dog's Tale 1998 FULL Movie
4 notes · View notes
dark-elf-writes · 1 year
If you're mentally percolating soulmate asks for anything, what about a unicorn level crossover of Harry Potter/Shirakumo Oboro with a Oboro Lives because our boys have been hurt enough. Soulmate countdown timer maybe, if Japan did something England didn't and reached out for international heroes for help with their mess, maybe same forced hero background as your WSTS. Cue meet beat up on the field instead of meet cute. Or toss the soulmate part and let the dorks be awkward.
This is good. This is very good. I’m feeling alive but brainwashed Oboro for this so like some angst but they still get their happy ending.
They had been told the smoldering remnants of the HPSC called for backup in its dying throws. They had been told that heroes all over the world had received the call and would be arriving, sooner or later, to bolster Japan’s dwindling ranks. They had been told that some of them were high level heroes, Top Tens from across the world, and one in particular had been second only to All Might in the world wide rankings before the man had retired.
(The part of him that was still Oboro, the part that screamed against the control band around his throat and the unfamiliar quirk in his blood that had corrupted his clouds into something they were never supposed to be, was thankful.)
Still. The masses had expected All Might Two to be the one to touch down in the no man’s land between the two sides, the two armies, not a twenty something man in a leather jacket and a crop top.
Beside him, one of the villains that he hadn’t bothered learning the names of snorted. “Some cavalry.”
The man, for that tiny slip of a thing was a man and not a boy as some of the others hissed, tipped his head up enough for them to see his glowing green eyes (so much like actual All Might Two currently being held back by a black clad arm at the front of the Heroes’ line) and the lines of glowing green lightning stretching down over his face and toward his throat and smiled.
He hit their lines like a hurricane, splintering their ranks and leaving the fallen in his wake unconscious, wrapped in multi colored ropes, and dyed every color of the rainbow for good measure.
(The part of him that was Oboro cheered.)
He cut a path of destruction (not death. Not agony. But destruction nonetheless) through their lines, flickering from one place to another too fast for the eye to track and alight with glowing orbs that erupted from his hands seemingly without thought.
“Kurogiri! Stop him!” The order set his teeth on end as it always did, behind his veil of mist and shadows, but what else could he do but obey? He lifted his hand, the one with the cracked but still ticking steadily downward. Part of him had dispair Ed a few years ago when, in a moment of weakness, he had dispelled the shadows around his hand to check his Numbers only to find spiderwebbed cracks over his timer and frozen numbers. Then, after a second, the numbers had flicked back into motion.
The shadows on his wrist flickered just long enough for him to see.
A little body slammed into him just as the light cut through the shadows on his wrist. An answering light shone from the hand reaching for his collar for the split second before it, before the control he had been living under for so long, crumbled away.
The shadows cleared. He saw a lopsided smile and shining green eyes behind round black glasses.
“Hold on a mo’, mate. I have unfinished business first.”
“Kill him,” Oboro gasped with a voice hoarse from disuse. His voice after so long. “You have to kill him… but… spare Tomura if you can.”
The man’s head tipped to the side as if he wasn’t clinging like a spider monkey to someone on the wrong side of a war begging him to spare one of the leaders. As if they had all the time in the world to talk in the stunned silence that had taken over both sides of the war. Then he smiled again. Softer. Sadder.
“Not my first genocidal maniac, love. Not my first broken kid either.”
Then, with a crack, he was gone.
Oboro realized he hadn’t even gotten the man’s name.
“Hey idiot!” A voice, quirk boosted and so familiar Oboro could have sobbed, cut through the stunned silence of the battlefield. “Now is the part where you run!”
(Later, on a hospital bed with a kind woman with the biggest mass of curly brown hair he had ever seen smiling at him as she promised the last threads of All For One’s control had been broken, and his stunned friends standing guard just inside his room, he saw the man again. Bruised and blood-flecked but smiling still.
“Ouroboros,” Shouta started, but the man only smiled.
“Just Harry. Something tells me we’re going to be family after all.” One of those green eyes winked at him, and for the first time in fifteen years Oboro Shirakumo laughed.)
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bengiyo · 2 years
Hi, hello, I'll ask 1. for 180° DLPTU and 4. 👀
Let’s continue with the asks!
1. name a drama and I’ll pick my favourite scene in that drama
This isn’t easy, because there are so many moments I really like in 180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us. I think I’ll highlight the scene in Episode 5 where Wang reveals his relationship with another student at his boarding school. The blocking of that shot is probably one of the most subtly impressive things we’ve seen out of Thailand all year. The power in Pond’s performance of that monologue, and Nike’s ability to support him in that moment is truly something I will never forget.
I’m only picking one scene! We’re not even able to mention the story of In and Siam that’s also in the same episode!
4. most ridiculous plot
Oh, god. I’m going to take a while to answer this one because I have to review my entire history and see what I remember.
I think it’s a tie between Great Men Academy and Rainbow Prince.
For Great Men Academy, we have a girl who’s a super fan of the current generation’s most successful boy at an all male school, with nothing resembling a real curriculum, who keeps winning a contest that lets him receive a wish from a unicorn. That girl helps the unicorn once through a chance meet, asks the unicorn to make her happy in love, and then the unicorn turns her into a boy and gives her the ability to change back and for between genders (terms and conditions apply). She then decides to use the time she’s suspended from school to become a student at this boys school to befriend the Super Boy so they can somehow end up in a heterosexual relationship. Complications arise.
Now, to be clear, I liked this show a lot even though I only watched it this year (shout out to @flukenatouch for pushing me to give it a chance), but the conceits around the plot are ridiculous. Everyone is very attractive, and I am still in love with Captain Chonlathorn, and am now in love with James Teeradon.
For Rainbow Prince, it’s basically a fairy tale story. A prince has to flee his own nation after his uncle stages a coup after the death of the king. The prince, his chamberlain, and chief bodyguard escape to Manila, and receive assistance from loyal citizens or family (?) in the Philippines. The end up working at a hotel for cover, and the prince falls in love with the son of the hotel manager. They then don’t work on anything resembling a plan to take back the throne for most of the show as the prince hides his identity from his soon-to-be boyfriend before things escalate towards the end. Instead, they spend most of the show dodging goons, thinking the cousin is a traitor, NOT appreciating the fantastic vocal performance of the ex-boyfriend (or the horniness of the disaffected gay bodyguard), and generally sightseeing around Manila. God, I love Rainbow Prince so much. Again, shout out to @flukenatouch and @liyazaki for their endless appreciation of this fantastic experience with me.
Thanks for the questions!
BL Drama Asks
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steele-soulmate · 11 months
Tattooed Wings, CHAPTER 483, Peter Steele & OFC, Soulmate AU
SUMMARY: Mary Claire Bradley meets her soulmate- literally- the famous Peter Steele of metal group Type O Negative. But will obstacles including trauma, stalkers, and toxic family members get in the way of their life?
WARNING: mentions of child rape (nothing graphic) PTSD, milk kink, soft smut, grinding, assault, fingering, hand jobs, blow jobs, 69, P in V sex, blood, noncon rape, violence, death, vandalism, graffiti, attempted kidnapping, break-ins, wild animal attacks, terrorist attack (sabotage) consensual impregnation, bareback, impregnation kink, creampies, terrorist attacks (shootings) neonatal death
WORDS: 1162
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“Hey sweetheart?” Peter said as he scrolled through the emails on his cell phone. “The band has been scheduled to play for a one night only concert at the King Peter arena in downtown Brooklyn on Halloween Eve in two weeks. Do you want to come and be my good luck charm, or do you want to go trick or treating with the kids?”
“I think I’ll go with you, my love,” I answered him as the two of us did our morning stretches- him using little girl and Baby Tommy as weights and me doing gentle pregnant yoga. “I’m quite honestly at that point of my pregnancy where I don’t want you out of my sight.”
“I don’t blame you one bit sweetheart,” he told me as he lifted little girl up from his hip to his shoulder and lowered her before repeating the same rep with Baby Tommy and then switching back again.
“Papa Pete!” screeched little girl giggled, happy as a bed of clams. “Papa Pete!”
“Dadadadadadadadada!” babbled Baby Tommy, cackling with glee as his father acted as a manly beefcake. “Dadadadadadadadada!”
“Sweet babies!” he cooed with a peaceful smile on his face. “Daddy loves his babies!”
“My love, will you be wearing the babies in a back papoose?” I wondered as I went into a modified tree pose, keeping my breathing evened and paced.
“Of course I will,” he reassured me. “And then Baby Violet Marie is due the following day on November first, right?”
“Hopefully Baby Violet Marie won’t take after her Uncle Gideon and be a ten month baby!” I huffed. “I am ready to have my body back.”
“Sweetheart, you always look so beautiful no matter what,” he pacified me in a deep rumble as he set the babies down to do push up next. Little girl and Baby Tommy scrambled over to climb onto his back and offer him with a bit of extra weight as he did pushups next.
“As flattered as I am at hearing your opinion of myself, that’s not what I was referring too,” I corrected him in a dry tone as I stretched into a gently modified unicorn and then into rainbow. “I’m talking about walking without feeling like I swallowed a watermelon whole, saying bye to the neverending heartburn, being able to sleep on my stomach again…”
“Ah okay then,” he grunted as he raised and lowered himself in slow succession, the babies giggling from the perch on his back. “Well sweetheart, anything that needs doing you can have me and the kids do.”
“And Isabelle?” I asked as I awkwardly rolled into a criss cross applesauce position.
“I consider Isabelle as one of our kids,” he confessed in a sheepish tone of voice.
“My love, how does that work?” I wondered as I set my elbows down behind me and fell into a lazy pose.
“Well my sweetheart, Isabelle never had a positive father figure in her life,” he reminded me as he waited for the babies to get off from him before rolling into a causal sitting position and welcoming them in for some cuddle time. “That plus she had extensive trauma dealt to her from an early age and she likes me well enough.”“No papochka, kogda ty khochesh' yeshche raz trakhnut' yeye khoroshen'kuyu kisku?” I asked him with an innocent flutter of my lips. “Fuk!”
“Oh my goodness, you lot are so adorable!” I laughed as Elizabeth had Baby Tommy try on his Halloween costume.
The kids were getting dressed up as characters from the children’s classic books, Madeline. The girls had blue dresses and yellow hats and Baby Tommy would wear a red onesie and a dark blue bonnet.
Katie was giggling as she sewed trim onto her little coat, which was lined in fleece for extra warmth from the late October promised chill.
“Mommy, Lizz Lizz and I are thinking about a music video for Madeline,” she clued me in with a giggle.
“Oh, how fun!” I told her as I turned from my desk, where I had been getting ready for this year’s NaNoWriMo. “Will you use the music from the 1993 cartoon or the 1998 live action adaptation?”
“An original song,” Elizabeth answered with a grin. “Little girl will play the lead role of Madeline!”
“Oh, how cool!” I smiled.
Elizabeth began to hum the handwritten song and I smiled at the sweet melody.
“Katie will play the piano and I will play mommy’s harp,” Elizabeth informed me.
“What will the babies play, out of curiosity?” I asked her in a teasing tone of voice.
“They will play with little plush mice that Jacob is giving me for the purpose of the music video,” she told me with a smile stretched across her face.
“Ah okay,” I said. “What instruments do you think the babies would play?”
“Baby Tommy will play the cello, just like daddy!” Katie declared with a giggle.
“Baby Kit will play the flute, and little girl would play a drum set of some kind,” Elizabeth explained. “Jacob plays the bagpipes.”
“Ah, that does not surprise me,” I conversed with my children as Baby Violet Marie punched wildly.
“Jacob’s mother is from Scotland originally, she met his father while he was studying at the University of Edinburgh, where he was majoring in music studies,” I continued speaking. “I do believe she was singing at the opera house and he was invited backstage to speak with the performers. But I could be wrong.”
“You’re never wrong, mommy,” Elizabeth reassured me, going to strip Baby Tommy from his Halloween costume. “It’s a cardinal rule with mommies- mommies are never wrong.”
“Well then.”
No papochka, kogda ty khochesh' yeshche raz trakhnut' yeye khoroshen'kuyu kisku, but daddy when do you want to fuck her pretty pussy again, Russain
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somediyprojects · 1 year
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Death by Cross Stitch WIP stitched by Lisa. Pattern (£22.50) designed by Julia Line of Long Dog Samplers.
DEATH BY CROSS STITCH C h a p t e r  O n e 
Once upon a time there was a handsome young unicorn called Douglas who lived in the Champ de Fleurs Jaunes at the end of the Black Rainbow, which he shared with his friend, a red pasta bird Al Dentè ....... to be continued when Lisa gets around to stitching the next chapter.   
Quill and The Great Colin are both looking forward to this as they love a colourful tale.   If Lisa goes to her right we may soon meet the wry-necked Norwegian coverlet birds whose sole mission in life is to protect the young fry who are destined to grow into giant carp and rule the enchanted lands beyond the Black Rainbow.
But if Lisa decides to follow her chart south with her needle guide we'll be visiting the Land of Giant Letters where every alphabet character makes a different sound when spoken out loud; has a different taste when surreptitiously sucked; and a unique perfume when exposed to sunbeams. 
And once they're all stitched in perfect harmony they become a crosstitch choir and sing ancient roundelays while revolving slowly anticlockwise.  A magnificent sight which is only ever witnessed by those who believe in Long Dog magic, Quill, The Great Colin, red pasta birds and a unicorn called Douglas. Hurry up Lisa, we're all on tenterhooks here .....
—Julia Line, designer
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eggplantgirlwonder · 1 year
Tumblr should love this app since it seems to be setting up a season long gag about shoelaces
Like any respectable millennial confronting the harsh, creeping reality of the ever-quickening passage of time, I've recently become more aware of some of life's universal constants: death, taxes, Ticketmaster being a dick, and the sinking suspicion that the implementation of universal healthcare in the US is going to be the world's longest running Shaggy Dog story.
And so post hoc, ergo propter hoc, I've had the thought that maybe if I'm lucky I can avoid the inevitable crush of capitalism-driven-health-care costs by, like, moving my body more regularly? Thankfully, capitalism and popular mass media was ready to help take my money in assisting me with this so-called ~exercise~ endeavor, which is why today I'm going to be reviewing/documenting my experience trying out Six to Star's Marvel Move
Six to Start is the company behind Zombies, Run! which is a story-based running app set during a zombie apocalypse where you run while characters narrate the world/plot in short audio clips. They've since expanded to doing story-based exercise in all manner of genres, and must be doing very well for themselves since they recently were able to get themselves an official Marvel© brand licensing deal. Marvel Move currently has three different Marvel-based stories that you can run to: a Thor (and Loki) story, a Hulk story, and an X-Men story. In the future, there's going to be a Daredevil story (which based on the artwork should have Black Widow as a character) and a Dr. Strange story as well. The world is definitely comic-based, not MCU based, as far as I can tell -- the X-Men story is set in the current comic status quo of Krakoa being a thing, and the Thor story's got Asgard being, like, a space thing again and not a tourist trap in Norway. Helpfully, the Thor (and Loki) story has a couch-to-5k training variation for people like me who last did a run at the behest of a dead president for high school. The couch-to-5k training incrementally lures you into running like you're a wimpy kid scared to jump into a pool, for the first episode there was a 10 minute warm up walk, then an alternating 10-set of 1 minute walks to 15 second runs, and finally another 10 minutes to freestyle run/job/brisk walk as you see fit. The story - so far - is that you're a lucky (?) every-day mortal who joined a running club that turned out to be ... more than that. It's not entirely clear why an Asgardian Valkyerie is moonlighting as a fitness instructor in the human realm, or why she's making humans run through a magical landscape under the guise of it being a visualization meditation (???) but your character and your fellow human runners are given a magical trance playlist that helps you Roll With It. Unfortunately, Shit Happens, and your character's journey goes from rainbows and unicorns to, "Hey, turns out you're important, so I'm kidnapping you to Asgard For Reasons." It's an intriguing set up, and the incorporation of the stop and go run training into the story-line works well. You don't meet Thor (and Loki) until the end, but it's clear you're going to be hanging out with the big names as the story progresses which is nice. Also, the voice actor they have playing Thor is Norwegian but he speaks English with a Scottish accent? Which is just delightful. Anyway, I did episode one yesterday and surprisingly survived? 15 seconds is remarkably quicker than I anticipated. My times are terrible (the ghost of JFK would be very disappointed in me), but I'm hoping to improve and having fun the program so far. I'll probably continue to post updates on this if I wind up committing to, like, not dying young of preventable heart disease.
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