#meh oh well
nosebleed-inglishera · 11 months
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an art stuff i posted in one of the server im in
just a lil killer design
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afewproblems · 1 year
agree with steve not forgiving eddie! how do you think it would go when they see each other for the first time after everything? like.. I feel like steve would just tell him it’s over for good but :O
Part one, part two, part three
The record label releases a statement, something to the effect of privacy concerns, not to misconstrue or blow things out of proportion because photos can be manipulated. There is no firm denial, but no confirmation either. It's all wishy washy bullshit.
It's like Steve's heart breaks all over again.
He doesn't speak to the press, despite redoubling their efforts to talk to him, Steve unplugs their home phone permanently, wraps it up in the cord and puts it in the back of the bedroom closet.
Eddie does try calling Steve's cell, but he never leaves a message, as though he knows they would go unheard.
After the initial visit from Wayne he ends up calling his de facto father in-law once a week. It's nice, it's the one good thing that has come out of this whole situation.
And Wayne doesn't seem to mind being their go between, especially since he's a lot less subtle than he thinks, asking pointed questions about how Steve is feeling, how he's handling the LOA.
It's a relief to say the least, talking to Eddie without talking to him, it allows him to breath.
It's quiet for about two weeks, the coverage of the photo and the story has dwindled significantly and the media seem to have moved on from talking about them, finally.
Steve's LOA is almost over, he's confirmed with Liz that he can return to the classroom next week as planned which leaves him in the highest spirits he's been in all month.
But of course it can't last.
The first time Steve sees Eddie is on Conan.
It's a Thursday night, Steve channel surfs absently. He's left the living room dim, the only lights from the television and the Chicago cityscape glowing through the living room window.
He lands on NBC for just a moment and freezes when he hears Gareths familiar voice speaking.
Gareth, Eddie, Jeff, and Grant are all seated on the set couch with Andy Richter. Conan asks a few questions about their tour, their recent resurgence in popularity from the movie, their favorite Marvel characters from the franchise that skyrocketed them back into the public scene.
Its a standard interview, Conan keeps it light, easy-going, not a single mention of the infamous photo.
Logically Steve knows this is most likely a mandate from the band's manager but it doesn't feel that way, it feels like a slap to the face if he's being honest with himself.
Did he imagine it? Had he blown this whole thing out of proportion? Maybe he was overreacting.
His phone buzzes on the coffee table he's left his feet on, Robin's face and 'Thing One', brightens up the room.
Steve moves his feet to sit up properly and he mutes the television with the remote before answering.
"Are you seeing this shit?" she growls on the line.
Steve laughs, "Hello to you too," he leans into the worn cushions of the couch and tries not to think of the second empty divot in the middle next to him, "yeah I'm seeing it".
"And they're not going to talk about it at all? Like what about journalistic integrity and all that shit?"
Steve rolls his eyes and snorts into the receiver, "I don't think Late Night counts as journalism Bobs--"
"Still," she huffs out.
Robin is quiet for a second before she says softly, "you okay?"
"No," he whispers, "but I think I'm the closest I'll be for awhile," he draws a heavy hand through his hair and ignores the cameras which have now panned to Eddie who looks pensive on screen.
He's not speaking, in fact Eddie hasn't said a word the entire interview. He looks tired, his normally pale face has turned sallow and drawn with deep purple bags under his eyes that even the show makeup has not covered.
Steve looks away from the screen and ignores the dull ache in his chest.
"I'm glad that it's not all over the news anymore," he admits after a moment, "but, its almost like it never happened".
Robin hums sympathetically on the line, "Twenty-four hour news cycle, they've probably found some new scandle to follow," she's quiet for another second, "he looks like shit".
Steve barks out a surprised laugh that trails off sharply, he chews his lip for a second, "is it crazy that I'm worried about him? He looks likes he's not sleeping--"
"I know, I know, I'm am angry with him and I don't think that will go away any time soon, but look at him".
The camera angle switches to a wide shot of the whole group and Eddie stands out so starkly amongst the other band members that are put together, smiling, engaged in the conversation.
Verses the silent, pale ghost that Steve doesn't even recognize.
"Do not let that kicked puppy thing let him off the hook Steve," Robin says, the words are sharp but the tone is still gentle, "he hurt you just because you had a fight--"
"Maybe it wasn't that simple!"
"I miss my husband Robin, I can't, I fucking hate that he did this but I miss him so much," he says, his voice wobbles slightly as Conan holds up a large version of Corroded Coffin's latest album on the desk before gesturing to the stage area to reveal their setup to start playing.
"I feel like there's something wrong with me," Steve says, giving voice to the smallest parts of himself that have been festering inside of him the last couple of days.
The longer they're apart, the longer he refuses to speak to Eddie to more these thoughts have been creeping in. Maybe he should just let it go, maybe he can eventually forgive him and they can move forward again.
It's countered again and again by the image, the kiss.
Imagining the two of them together, Eddie with this stranger. Did he call them Honeybee, the way he did Steve? Did he hold them after and whisper other sweet nothings, promises into their ears?
It's enough to turn his stomach.
"I don't know what to do, I can't exist like this much longer, the tour is going to be over soon and then what?"
"I don't know Steve, you're the only one that can make that decision, but," he can hear the small reassuring smile on her face as she speaks, "we'll be here for you no matter what you decide, I promise".
"Thank you".
"Anytime Dingus".
The second time Steve sees Eddie is a month after the Conan interview.
Steve's back at work and the kids seem happy to see him, though they are sad that the 'easy' sub days are done. He's glad for the routine once more, especially with the end of the tour looming on the horizon.
Steve has spent the last week fretting over what to do, he's talked to Robin and Dustin about it, weighing the pros and cons. He's talked to Wayne about contingency plans for the apartment, if he has space for one of them to go there.
Steve is fairly certain Eddie would go stay with Wayne willingly if he asked him to, but both of their names are on the mortgage and he'd rather be prepared for anything.
It's Gareth that calls him, his name lights up the darkened bedroom while the picture of Gareth and Chrissy and Steve and Eddie at their place for Thanksgiving two years ago flashes on the tiny screen.
It's late, almost two in the morning, but Steve is awake. He hesitates before snatching the device with shaking hands and swipes a hesitant thumb across the screen to answer the call.
"Hey Gar," Steve says quietly.
He sits up, letting the covers pool around his waist and stifles a small yawn with his hand.
"Oh, Steve, I...fuck is it good to hear your voice man," Gareth breathes out, he sounds surprised, nervous, "I wasn't expecting you to actually answer this," he trails off and clears his throat.
"I wasn't asleep," Steve shrugs.
There's a pause on the line, Steve can hear Gareth take a deep breath and the hushed words of someone in the background.
"I, God, Steve, I'm so sorry, I hate that we weren't there for you," he continues, and Steve can't help but agree with that sentiment.
It's certainly felt like the only one of his friends from Eddie's circle in his corner was Wayne, he hasn't heard from any of the band members or Chrissy since this happened and he can't say it hasn't stung.
"And I know you must hate us for this--"
"Gareth, I dont--" Steve tries with a small tired voice but Gareth barrels onward, the words getting faster as he speaks.
"I won't make any excuses, we should have done better by you and the fucking label knew exactly what they were doing," he breathes out again and this time its infinitely more pained, "and I hate to do this Steve, I know you already told him that you needed more time--"
"You're coming back?"
"Yeah, we fly in tomorrow actually," Gareth says softly, "and we just, well we wanted you to know".
Steve feels his heartrate quicken, he swallows harshly against the sudden lump in his throat.
Tomorrow? Tomorrow, with no warning, no notice, and suddenly Eddie would be back. He'd be coming home...
"I want to see him," Steve hears himself say before he can clamp his mouth shut, "I...can you tell him that, I need to talk to him?"
"Oh, uh, yeah, uh," Gareth stammers out, then the sound is muffled for a moment as though a hand has been placed over the receiver, lowered voices murmur in the background and Steve feels himself drag in a sudden breath, as though he had forgotten to breath at some point.
"Okay, Steve?"
"Yeah," he whispers into the darkness of his bedroom.
"He'll be there".
The clock ticks slowly by, interrupting the quiet of the apartment and every time Steve looks at the clock face it's still only been forty minutes since Gareth texted to tell him they've landed at O'Hare.
It's like the clock is mocking him, the minute hand holding court over the kitchen where Steve has planted himself with a full cup of, now undrinkable, tepid tea.
He initially debated offering to pick them up from the airport, but the thought of their first meeting being so public, the thought of camera flashes and more people asking questions was enough to turn his stomach.
Even now Steve isn't sure how he'll react when Eddie walks through that door, his hands shake slightly and a flicker of anxiety runs through his chest because what if he's not alone? If he brought Gareth with him, or Jeff as some kind of backup or shield from Steve's anger.
Steve scoffs to himself at the thought, they'd seen a lot of Steve over the years, he's sure this wouldn't phase them. Maybe they'd even stand aside and let Eddie take his verbal lumps.
Steve sighs and grabs the mug from the counter before walking it over to the microwave. He sets it for thirty seconds and waits with his fingers drumming against the door handle. He opens the microwave before it beeps and presses the cancel button to reset the time before he walks back to the counter and stool he had been perched on.
Steve steals another glance at the clock and curses, make that forty-five minutes since Gareths message.
The sudden sound of a key sliding into a lock snatches Steve's attention towards the entryway.
Eddie steps through, wheeling his suitcase in behind him, he lets his backpack fall onto the doormat and softly closes the front door behind him. Eddie looks even more tired than he had during the interview, thinner as well and Steve feels that familiar pang in his chest at the sight.
Neither says anything for a moment. They stare at each other unmoving, and then...
"Hi Honeybee".
That's all it takes for Steve to jump off the stool and stride through the kitchen to the foyer, he stops just in front of Eddie, takes in his shining eyes and the sharp downturn of his normally smiley mouth and Steve's last resolve snaps into pieces.
He launches himself into Eddies arms and tucks his face into his neck, it's the first time he's felt remotely normal in the last two months.
"I'm so fucking angry with you," Steve hisses but the words sound more like a sob than anything else.
"I know, I'm angry with me too," Eddie whispers into his ear, he holds Steve even tighter as he speaks.
"I just, you're the person I talk to, about everything and," Steve bites his lip and curls his fingers into the fabric of Eddie's t-shirt, "I couldn't do that, I didn't have you, you’re my person Eddie and you took that from me, and so much shit happened here, you dont even--".
He's fully crying now, so much that it's harder to speak, but Eddie is holding him so tightly he can't catch his breath.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," Eddie says, his voice wobbles and wanes as the words tangle in Steves hair, "if I could take it back I would, I wish I could take it back Stevie believe me".
"It didn't mean anything, it didn't," he continues, raising one hand to card through Steve's hair as he does, "I don't know how to fix this," he admits so quietly its nearly lost in Steve's sniffles and hitching breaths.
"I don't want to lose you," Steve whispers into Eddies shoulder, the material of his shirt is soaked with tears and snot but he raises his face anyway to meet Eddie's own red rimmed eyes.
"Then you won't," Eddie whispers again, he sniffs and moves his hand to cup Steve's cheek, "we'll fight, we'll fight for it and I won't give up, I won't run this time".
"I promise".
There is so much more to talk about now, so much to apologize for, but for now, they hold each other in the foyer, letting the golden Chicago light morph into the bronze orange of sunset wash over them from the kitchen window.
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blackgatesys · 1 month
wanted to talk about some of our struggles on using the label of traumaendo, and how we kinda feel strange even if we know we aren’t using it incorrectly.
part of this is due to Sysmeds Instilling Fear In Us which causes us to question if we should be using the traumaendo label at all. we don’t have DID or OSDD or UDD or anything, but we are still a traumatized endogenic system.
we originally had a more detailed post on how we formed, but we weren’t comfortable exposing those old wounds. we’ll leave it at, fall/winter of 2021 our host was a singlet going through depressive episodes and depersonalization/dissociation. after that, Talion introjected due in part to a hyperfixation on Shadow of Mordor/War as a coping mechanism and to protect Tyelpe. (yes he also was temporarily a persecutor and we put him as recovering as one but atp he’s essentially dropped that role entirely.)
it’s a bit hard to explain but we still feel a bit wrong calling ourselves traumaendo. we think it’s due in part to others automatically thinking traumagenic = OSDDID, and by sysmed standards yeah they’re one in the same. but so is OSDDID and being a system.
guess that’s part of why we have so many labels other than the ones in our pinned post lmao. a number of us were formed due to avpd, anxiety, loneliness, depression, coping mechanisms, but some also formed due to hyperfixations or pure spontaneity. our initial formation was trauma related, just not from dissociative disorders. and even if we are partly endogenic, we do experience dissociation still.
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quadrantadvisor · 3 months
What if I scripted Stephanie Meyer's "The Host" into a TV show, and I kept all the rad as fuck sci-fi concepts and the messaging about human love and resilience, but I removed all the nasty bioessentialism and openly advocating for teen girls to date adult men. What then?
Probably would keep the focus on Wanda and Melanie's relationship, rather than the love square/jealousy plot. I never liked how after Melanie started "fading" in the book she basically became a nothing character. Also the way she completely lost all sense of self and/or rationality whenever her dude was around was uh. Dumb.
Also the cast of the human survivors are so potentially interesting, but we never spend any time with them. They could have sub-plots! We could get to know them! The funeral scene of that one guy would be way more emotionally effective if he like. Actually had a character before dying.
We're keeping all the alien species as they were described, like the telepathic underwater plants, or the polar bears with hand blades, or the bats who communicate entirely by singing. Also benevolent parasitic communism. That's good as is.
But yeah every scene with Jared or Ian needs to be at least slightly reworked, so we can get them to the level of "flawed yet compelling" instead of "irredeemable assholes". And we're aging Melanie up a few years, that's going to solve a lot of our problems from the get go.
Uncle Jeb and Jamie are mostly good, they can stay. And the basic plotline of the human characters being rightfully terrified of Wanderer because of what her species has done to the human race, but as a result mistreating her, since there's no way for her to adequately communicate she's not a threat to them, and then slowly learning to accept and to trust. Honestly that slaps. I love when characters get the shit beat out of them because of Circumstances. I love when people who think that they have to be enemies, because they have every reason to be, because not only are they on opposing sides but they have actively harmed one another already, decide to become family instead. Favorite storyline, has the same vibes as that one ATLA fanfic where Zuko's taken captive on a water tribe ship, y'all know what I'm talking about [you likely do not know what I am talking about].
Basically The Host would be one of my favorite books ever if it didn't suck so bad. Also no one ever cared about the movie adaptation. A TV show could be so kickass. Thank you for attending my ted talk.
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The fact that we cannot change out body parts to suit ourselves like a Mr. Potato head doll is really an evolutionary annoyance. That bug should have been fixed the minute our fish ancestors popped onto land.
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8dayrain · 7 months
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first day of school
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jasminebythebay · 5 months
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thank you for your help 💎
By popular demand, this piece is now available as a print! https://jasminebythebay.etsy.com/listing/1707594190
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arcanegifs · 16 days
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ARCANE LEAGUE OF LEGENDS Season 2 Teaser: ↳ Piltover’s finest, on the case.
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strawberryblackcrown · 10 months
hey so why tf did the kid i tutor's mom tell me that he got a mosquito bite at my place the other day? literally what did i have to do with him getting a bug bite? we live near a forest ma'am, if the mosquitoes find their way in i don't know what to tell ya, they're built to bite
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ohemaa-warrior · 1 year
I've seen a lot of anti-blackness recently... But like this desperate 'black people please argue with me' anti-blackness. And I just want to say I wish I was that desperate for attention
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i have a paper due in four hours that i haven't even started but i am too busy reworking playlists to care :)
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mi-coal · 2 years
I really just reblog everything I see huh?
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puppetmaster13u · 2 months
Prompt 293
Jason takes a deep breath. He takes a deep breath, in for ten seconds, out for eight, and just takes a minute before looking again. Nope, there’s still the strange quartet of orbs in the box of what should be stolen weapons (What, the government had enough, honestly) that gave his workers the heebie-jeebies. 
Which is not the vibe he gets from them. In fact, he’s actually kind of concerned with how much he has to beat the Pit back with how quickly it lurches to latch onto the… Well they’re not gems, and he’s a little wary about touching them at first, but the Pit does seem to settle when he does.
Alright, he can deal with this. It’s not like he has several heads in a duffel bag that needs to be delivered or a tiny assassin child back in his safehouse (Seriously Talia, why was he the preferred babysitter?) or an entire gang in Crime Alley to deal with. It’ll be fine. 
He would like to curse out his past self, because there’s now four babies in his safehouse that appeared to have fucking hatched from the orbs. Goddamnit. 
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slyther-bi · 2 years
-. .. -.-. . ....... .--. . .-. ... --- -. .-.-.- ....... -- ..- -.-. .... ....... ..-. .-. .. . -. -.. .-.. -.-- .-.-.- ....... ...- . .-. -.-- ....... -.-. --- --- .-.. .-.-.-
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h-f-k · 6 months
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orange & purple requested by anon ♡
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thornrings · 4 months
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rain world art month 2 - submerged superstructure
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