#im sorry if this feels rushed or if the grammar is all over the place
afewproblems · 1 year
agree with steve not forgiving eddie! how do you think it would go when they see each other for the first time after everything? like.. I feel like steve would just tell him it’s over for good but :O
Part one, part two, part three
The record label releases a statement, something to the effect of privacy concerns, not to misconstrue or blow things out of proportion because photos can be manipulated. There is no firm denial, but no confirmation either. It's all wishy washy bullshit.
It's like Steve's heart breaks all over again.
He doesn't speak to the press, despite redoubling their efforts to talk to him, Steve unplugs their home phone permanently, wraps it up in the cord and puts it in the back of the bedroom closet.
Eddie does try calling Steve's cell, but he never leaves a message, as though he knows they would go unheard.
After the initial visit from Wayne he ends up calling his de facto father in-law once a week. It's nice, it's the one good thing that has come out of this whole situation.
And Wayne doesn't seem to mind being their go between, especially since he's a lot less subtle than he thinks, asking pointed questions about how Steve is feeling, how he's handling the LOA.
It's a relief to say the least, talking to Eddie without talking to him, it allows him to breath.
It's quiet for about two weeks, the coverage of the photo and the story has dwindled significantly and the media seem to have moved on from talking about them, finally.
Steve's LOA is almost over, he's confirmed with Liz that he can return to the classroom next week as planned which leaves him in the highest spirits he's been in all month.
But of course it can't last.
The first time Steve sees Eddie is on Conan.
It's a Thursday night, Steve channel surfs absently. He's left the living room dim, the only lights from the television and the Chicago cityscape glowing through the living room window.
He lands on NBC for just a moment and freezes when he hears Gareths familiar voice speaking.
Gareth, Eddie, Jeff, and Grant are all seated on the set couch with Andy Richter. Conan asks a few questions about their tour, their recent resurgence in popularity from the movie, their favorite Marvel characters from the franchise that skyrocketed them back into the public scene.
Its a standard interview, Conan keeps it light, easy-going, not a single mention of the infamous photo.
Logically Steve knows this is most likely a mandate from the band's manager but it doesn't feel that way, it feels like a slap to the face if he's being honest with himself.
Did he imagine it? Had he blown this whole thing out of proportion? Maybe he was overreacting.
His phone buzzes on the coffee table he's left his feet on, Robin's face and 'Thing One', brightens up the room.
Steve moves his feet to sit up properly and he mutes the television with the remote before answering.
"Are you seeing this shit?" she growls on the line.
Steve laughs, "Hello to you too," he leans into the worn cushions of the couch and tries not to think of the second empty divot in the middle next to him, "yeah I'm seeing it".
"And they're not going to talk about it at all? Like what about journalistic integrity and all that shit?"
Steve rolls his eyes and snorts into the receiver, "I don't think Late Night counts as journalism Bobs--"
"Still," she huffs out.
Robin is quiet for a second before she says softly, "you okay?"
"No," he whispers, "but I think I'm the closest I'll be for awhile," he draws a heavy hand through his hair and ignores the cameras which have now panned to Eddie who looks pensive on screen.
He's not speaking, in fact Eddie hasn't said a word the entire interview. He looks tired, his normally pale face has turned sallow and drawn with deep purple bags under his eyes that even the show makeup has not covered.
Steve looks away from the screen and ignores the dull ache in his chest.
"I'm glad that it's not all over the news anymore," he admits after a moment, "but, its almost like it never happened".
Robin hums sympathetically on the line, "Twenty-four hour news cycle, they've probably found some new scandle to follow," she's quiet for another second, "he looks like shit".
Steve barks out a surprised laugh that trails off sharply, he chews his lip for a second, "is it crazy that I'm worried about him? He looks likes he's not sleeping--"
"I know, I know, I'm am angry with him and I don't think that will go away any time soon, but look at him".
The camera angle switches to a wide shot of the whole group and Eddie stands out so starkly amongst the other band members that are put together, smiling, engaged in the conversation.
Verses the silent, pale ghost that Steve doesn't even recognize.
"Do not let that kicked puppy thing let him off the hook Steve," Robin says, the words are sharp but the tone is still gentle, "he hurt you just because you had a fight--"
"Maybe it wasn't that simple!"
"I miss my husband Robin, I can't, I fucking hate that he did this but I miss him so much," he says, his voice wobbles slightly as Conan holds up a large version of Corroded Coffin's latest album on the desk before gesturing to the stage area to reveal their setup to start playing.
"I feel like there's something wrong with me," Steve says, giving voice to the smallest parts of himself that have been festering inside of him the last couple of days.
The longer they're apart, the longer he refuses to speak to Eddie to more these thoughts have been creeping in. Maybe he should just let it go, maybe he can eventually forgive him and they can move forward again.
It's countered again and again by the image, the kiss.
Imagining the two of them together, Eddie with this stranger. Did he call them Honeybee, the way he did Steve? Did he hold them after and whisper other sweet nothings, promises into their ears?
It's enough to turn his stomach.
"I don't know what to do, I can't exist like this much longer, the tour is going to be over soon and then what?"
"I don't know Steve, you're the only one that can make that decision, but," he can hear the small reassuring smile on her face as she speaks, "we'll be here for you no matter what you decide, I promise".
"Thank you".
"Anytime Dingus".
The second time Steve sees Eddie is a month after the Conan interview.
Steve's back at work and the kids seem happy to see him, though they are sad that the 'easy' sub days are done. He's glad for the routine once more, especially with the end of the tour looming on the horizon.
Steve has spent the last week fretting over what to do, he's talked to Robin and Dustin about it, weighing the pros and cons. He's talked to Wayne about contingency plans for the apartment, if he has space for one of them to go there.
Steve is fairly certain Eddie would go stay with Wayne willingly if he asked him to, but both of their names are on the mortgage and he'd rather be prepared for anything.
It's Gareth that calls him, his name lights up the darkened bedroom while the picture of Gareth and Chrissy and Steve and Eddie at their place for Thanksgiving two years ago flashes on the tiny screen.
It's late, almost two in the morning, but Steve is awake. He hesitates before snatching the device with shaking hands and swipes a hesitant thumb across the screen to answer the call.
"Hey Gar," Steve says quietly.
He sits up, letting the covers pool around his waist and stifles a small yawn with his hand.
"Oh, Steve, I...fuck is it good to hear your voice man," Gareth breathes out, he sounds surprised, nervous, "I wasn't expecting you to actually answer this," he trails off and clears his throat.
"I wasn't asleep," Steve shrugs.
There's a pause on the line, Steve can hear Gareth take a deep breath and the hushed words of someone in the background.
"I, God, Steve, I'm so sorry, I hate that we weren't there for you," he continues, and Steve can't help but agree with that sentiment.
It's certainly felt like the only one of his friends from Eddie's circle in his corner was Wayne, he hasn't heard from any of the band members or Chrissy since this happened and he can't say it hasn't stung.
"And I know you must hate us for this--"
"Gareth, I dont--" Steve tries with a small tired voice but Gareth barrels onward, the words getting faster as he speaks.
"I won't make any excuses, we should have done better by you and the fucking label knew exactly what they were doing," he breathes out again and this time its infinitely more pained, "and I hate to do this Steve, I know you already told him that you needed more time--"
"You're coming back?"
"Yeah, we fly in tomorrow actually," Gareth says softly, "and we just, well we wanted you to know".
Steve feels his heartrate quicken, he swallows harshly against the sudden lump in his throat.
Tomorrow? Tomorrow, with no warning, no notice, and suddenly Eddie would be back. He'd be coming home...
"I want to see him," Steve hears himself say before he can clamp his mouth shut, "I...can you tell him that, I need to talk to him?"
"Oh, uh, yeah, uh," Gareth stammers out, then the sound is muffled for a moment as though a hand has been placed over the receiver, lowered voices murmur in the background and Steve feels himself drag in a sudden breath, as though he had forgotten to breath at some point.
"Okay, Steve?"
"Yeah," he whispers into the darkness of his bedroom.
"He'll be there".
The clock ticks slowly by, interrupting the quiet of the apartment and every time Steve looks at the clock face it's still only been forty minutes since Gareth texted to tell him they've landed at O'Hare.
It's like the clock is mocking him, the minute hand holding court over the kitchen where Steve has planted himself with a full cup of, now undrinkable, tepid tea.
He initially debated offering to pick them up from the airport, but the thought of their first meeting being so public, the thought of camera flashes and more people asking questions was enough to turn his stomach.
Even now Steve isn't sure how he'll react when Eddie walks through that door, his hands shake slightly and a flicker of anxiety runs through his chest because what if he's not alone? If he brought Gareth with him, or Jeff as some kind of backup or shield from Steve's anger.
Steve scoffs to himself at the thought, they'd seen a lot of Steve over the years, he's sure this wouldn't phase them. Maybe they'd even stand aside and let Eddie take his verbal lumps.
Steve sighs and grabs the mug from the counter before walking it over to the microwave. He sets it for thirty seconds and waits with his fingers drumming against the door handle. He opens the microwave before it beeps and presses the cancel button to reset the time before he walks back to the counter and stool he had been perched on.
Steve steals another glance at the clock and curses, make that forty-five minutes since Gareths message.
The sudden sound of a key sliding into a lock snatches Steve's attention towards the entryway.
Eddie steps through, wheeling his suitcase in behind him, he lets his backpack fall onto the doormat and softly closes the front door behind him. Eddie looks even more tired than he had during the interview, thinner as well and Steve feels that familiar pang in his chest at the sight.
Neither says anything for a moment. They stare at each other unmoving, and then...
"Hi Honeybee".
That's all it takes for Steve to jump off the stool and stride through the kitchen to the foyer, he stops just in front of Eddie, takes in his shining eyes and the sharp downturn of his normally smiley mouth and Steve's last resolve snaps into pieces.
He launches himself into Eddies arms and tucks his face into his neck, it's the first time he's felt remotely normal in the last two months.
"I'm so fucking angry with you," Steve hisses but the words sound more like a sob than anything else.
"I know, I'm angry with me too," Eddie whispers into his ear, he holds Steve even tighter as he speaks.
"I just, you're the person I talk to, about everything and," Steve bites his lip and curls his fingers into the fabric of Eddie's t-shirt, "I couldn't do that, I didn't have you, you’re my person Eddie and you took that from me, and so much shit happened here, you dont even--".
He's fully crying now, so much that it's harder to speak, but Eddie is holding him so tightly he can't catch his breath.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," Eddie says, his voice wobbles and wanes as the words tangle in Steves hair, "if I could take it back I would, I wish I could take it back Stevie believe me".
"It didn't mean anything, it didn't," he continues, raising one hand to card through Steve's hair as he does, "I don't know how to fix this," he admits so quietly its nearly lost in Steve's sniffles and hitching breaths.
"I don't want to lose you," Steve whispers into Eddies shoulder, the material of his shirt is soaked with tears and snot but he raises his face anyway to meet Eddie's own red rimmed eyes.
"Then you won't," Eddie whispers again, he sniffs and moves his hand to cup Steve's cheek, "we'll fight, we'll fight for it and I won't give up, I won't run this time".
"I promise".
There is so much more to talk about now, so much to apologize for, but for now, they hold each other in the foyer, letting the golden Chicago light morph into the bronze orange of sunset wash over them from the kitchen window.
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leeflms · 9 months
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synopsis: claiming you as his prize for tonight.
warnings: suggestive, kinda NSFW???, making out, racer!wriothesley, user is GENDER NEUTRAL
author's note: as soon as I saw the new art of wriothesley I just knew I had to write about him,, I might make another part of this if I feel like it ^^ IM SO SORRY IF THERES ANY MISTAKES WITH THE GRAMMAR I WROTE THIS AT LIKE 1 AM AND FELT TOO LAZY TO CHECK IF THERE'S ANY ERRORS
-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
Wriothesley was at the garage along with the his team. He had his race suit hanging around his waist, showing off the fireproof top that he has underneath the suit. He watched as his mechanics checked up on his car, to ensure that there won't be any problems once he's on the circuit.
It's clear that he's nervous, he had an anxious frown on his face. And as his lover, of course you'd have to comfort and reassure him before the start of the race. You'd always tell him that if he does well in the race, you'll reward him.. it can be any kind of reward, depends on what he wants. And surprisingly, it always works. Just tell him, "If you place first, I'll reward you." And he will win first place. He reminds you of a dog, the way he's willing to do anything if you mention anything about rewarding him.
"Wrio, what's wrong?" You ask, approaching him.
"Nothing. Just nervous." He muttered.
"Why so nervous? It's just a race, you've done this hundreds of times now."
"I know that.. It's just— anything could happen once I'm on the racetrack."
"Well, how about this," You place a hand on his shoulder, coming close to him to whisper into his ear. "If you win this, then I'm all yours tonight."
As you step back, Wriothesley is left with a flustered expression on his face. He let's out a breathy chuckle. "Archons— All of you? The hair, the lips, the body, it's all mine?"
"All yours, love."
And that was all it took for him to be speeding through the circuit, winning the race with ease. As he drove back to his garage's pitstop, there were already a ton of reporters, journalists, and photographers waiting for him there. He couldn't really care less about how they started to rush over to him, asking him questions as he got out of his car.
Their questions fell on deaf ears, Wriothesley walked back into the garage as he took of his helmet, ruffling his messy hair, ignoring the staff that wanted to congratulate him. Currently, the only thing that was on his mind was you. He wanted to see you, he needed to kiss you, he needed to touch you, he needed you as his reward.
He went inside his waiting room, locking the door behind him while his eyes gaze at you.
It didn't take too long before you found yourself pinned to the door, making out with Wriothesley as he unzips his suit and let's it hang around his waist.
Wriothesley breaks the kiss, leaving the both of you panting. He stays so close to you, forehead pressed against yours, looking into your eyes. "You're driving me so crazy.." He murmured into your mouth.
"Shit— We can't do this here.." You saying that served as a reminder for Wriothesley that the two of you are still in the garage, everyone is outside waiting for him, while he's out here desperately kissing you.
"But I want it here, right now." He pressed his lips against yours again, his rough and calloused hands all over your body.
Surely those reporters outside can wait. Wriothesley is still claiming and enjoying his reward, and he's far from done with you.
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presleyluvschris · 11 months
pairing(s): mcu Peter Parker x fem!reader
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desc peter gets worried for her girl when she won't eat.
waning(s): mentions of anorexia/bulimia, ED reader, language, grammar, fluff, slight angst. THIS WILL BE A SERIES IF YOU WANT IT !!
a/n: please message me if you feel any of this applies to you. i love you so much. this is just a sneak peek there will be a part two if you guys want it!!! let me know!!
requests | open 💌 masterlist
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you hear the door of your apartment open.
it was peter.
"hey! uh- im home!" he tosses the keys on the couch. "i brought leftover pizza from the lab- Mr. Stark was out of pepperoni is that okay?" he smiles at you as he places the square boxes on the dining table, scratching the back of his head.
you look up from staring at the kitchen counter.
"oh um- i ate earlier. sorry."
you bite your lip nervously as he furrows his eyebrows. you hated lying to him but you just couldn't do this right now.
he looked down at your stomach to see you were covering it with one of your arms, sucking it in so hard it looked like your ribs were showing through your work shirt. his senses we're going off but he shrugged turned away shut the front door behind him.
he sets his mask on the chair before taking a paper plate and placing a peice of pizza on it, taking a bite and says it a mouthful; "well if you change your mind its on the counter." he smiles like a chipmunk and goes over to turn the TV on.
you gulp as he sits in the couch, you're stomach growling. You turn to the cabinet to get a glass and fill it with water from the fridge. downing two full of water to drown the feeling.
you sigh and slip a sweatshirt over your head before going over to the couch to snuggle with peter. you two we're watching breaking bad. Peter was a little obsessed with it and you had watched it together a little more than too many times.
later, crickets could be heard chirping outside the window as the two of you had fell asleep with the tv on. You wake up to the sound of your phone buzzing beside you, as you get up from the couch and creep quietly over into the kitchen.
you sigh. why was this so hard?
you take all of the muffins from the fridge and indulge in every. single. one. you keep eating and eating. you couldn't stop and your stomach kept craving it more, but your brain was on fire.
just one more, right? one more time.
and then you could let yourself starve.
you pull away from the food, your cheeks hurt from the stretch of stuffing your face.
worry filled your lower abdomen as tears began to form in the bottom of your eyes. You sweat as your throat begins to form a ball. you sniffle and wipe your eyes, putting the container back in the fridge.
you tiptoe back to your room before shutting the door behind you in the bathroom.
you sat on the cold floor and stared at the toilet.
you take a deep breath and shuffle open the drawers to your vanity.
you found the same wooden popsicle stick you kept since last summer.
you take a deep breath and open your mouth deepening the stick down the end of your throat, choking on tears as liquid rushed to your face, spilling into the toilet. you forced yourself to gag until all of it was up.
you stared at the sunken bile.
the next morning peter woke up from the couch, making himself a cup of coffee.
you jolted awake from the sound of the grinder running. with a groan, you made yourself get up to go back into the kitchen.
you squeeze your stomach in as your press a kiss to peter's cheek.
"hey love." he smiles, pouring the liquid in his favorite mug.
you rest your chin on the back of his shoulder.
"how'd you sleep?"
"fine." you say, pressing your lips together.
"do you want me to make you some breakfast?" he asks gently, rubbing your back.
you shake your head gently. "thats okay, i'm not that hungry." you smile, even though your stomach was burning for some sort of calories.
he raises an eyebrow, and when he turns to look at your face his expression softens.
"okay." he pulls you in a hug and stretches his mask over his head before swinging away.
taglist/and/or idols: @thievin-stealing @elliexmylove @everythingisawayoflife @cafekitsune @thestarvingwriter @spider-stark @bittenbyyou @incorrectmarvelquote
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allicat0 · 5 months
Based on your other Star Wars fics (made me weak in the knees) would you write a Bad Batch oneshot? In honour of the end being so near… either Hunter or Tech (I knowwww he’s not- but he IS) and plot relevance doesn’t matter. If the reader were a little tied up or restricted in a way and talked down to a teensy bit… whatever you would write would be incredible I’m sure. Love your work soooo much
Longing for Love
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ans: Firstly, thank you so much for the request, and I totally agree Tech is a cutie and I adore him just as much as Hunter. I love the idea and I hope I could provide what you were looking for! I know you asked for oneshot but I believe I went a little over board. I got a little carried away
Summary: It had been quite some time since you and Hunter last saw each other.. So when he finally returns back to the Parlor he was quick to get his hands on you. (This also takes place season 2ish)
Content: MDNI!, 18+, afab, Dom Hunter, Restriction, tied up, degrading, praising, submissive reader.
A/N:I am so sad that TBB has officially ended Im so sad but so happy with the ending! Again sorry for any spelling, grammar, or punctuation mistakes. Enjoy!
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They say falling in love can be like a whirlwind, sweeping you off your feet before you even realise what's happening. It's a rush of emotions, a rollercoaster of highs and lows compressed into a short period of time. You find yourself captivated by someone's presence, drawn to their quirks, and enamoured by their essence. In such moments, time seems to blur as you dive headfirst into a new connection. Every conversation feels like a discovery, each shared experience deepens the bond, and before you know it, your heart beats a little faster whenever they're near. Which is exactly how it felt between you and Hunter. It’s said, what makes falling in love so intense is the rawness of emotions, the excitement of something new and uncharted. There's a sense of vulnerability that comes with opening your heart so swiftly, but also a thrilling sense of adventure as you explore this uncharted territory together. While some may caution against rushing into love, there's also a beauty in allowing yourself to be swept away by the magic of connection, even if it happens in the blink of an eye. After all, love doesn't always adhere to timelines or expectations—it simply blooms when two hearts find resonance with each other.
When you were recruited some time ago, it wasn’t an awkward transition, not only were they quick to take you in and treat you like family but you and Hunter’s relationship grew fast. As time passed, you would find yourself noticing the little details that made him so unique—the way he would crinkle his nose when he smiled, the way his eyes would light up when he talked about the future, or the way his touch sent a flutter through your heart. There was a sense of ease and familiarity that came with spending time with Hunter and you were quick to realise you were falling in love with him, little did you know, he was feeling it too. 
When he would arrive back to the Parlor after a mission you would talk to each other for hours. When you’re spending countless hours with someone you're slowly falling in love with, time stops.. It's in the small, seemingly insignificant moments—sharing laughter over inside jokes, engaging in deep conversations that stretch into the night, or simply enjoying each other's company in comfortable silence—that love quietly blossoms and grows. It wasn’t long until you and Hunter made your love for one another official, but when you did it made him leaving ten times harder. 
When circumstances forced the two of you to be apart, whether due to missions or other obligations, you found yourself missing those moments of connection and intimacy that the two of you shared. Simple things like his comforting hand on my shoulder or the way he'd smile in a way that made your heart skip a beat, that became cherished memories that you longed to experience again. The distance highlighted just how much he meant to you and how his presence had become an integral part of your life. It was a test of patience and resilience, learning to navigate the feelings of longing and yearning while finding ways to stay connected despite the physical distance. So to keep yourself busy, you put  your medical field to work tending to the wounds and ailments of those who come seeking help inside Cid’s Parlour as well as keeping the place nice and intact. 
After being apart for seven long months, the reunion with Hunter was a moment you had been eagerly anticipating, like a traveller yearning for home. The anticipation built with each passing day, the thought of finally seeing him again filled you with a mix of excitement and nervousness. Your heart raced with a mixture of emotions—joy, relief, and a deep sense of longing finally about to be fulfilled. 
You heard the Marauder land out on the loading dock outside the Parlor, you rushed outside watching as the ship’s door slowly began to fall. When your eyes met, it was as if time stood still. You started running to him, the world fading away as you made your way over to Hunter. The feeling of his arms wrapping around you, pulling you close. There was an undeniable sense of comfort and belonging in his embrace, as if all the distance and time apart had melted away in that single moment. You held each other tightly, savouring the feeling of being together once again, feeling the warmth of each other's presence after what felt like an eternity. Words were unnecessary as your actions spoke volumes, conveying the depth of emotions you had been holding onto during your time apart.
In your shared moment Hunter eventually broke the silence. “I’ve missed you beautiful” you could hear his smirk, your grip tightened around him, not wanting to let him go afraid he would leave once more. “I’ve missed you too” You said to him faintly. “I’m just gonna help the guys unload. . I’ll be in shortly alright” Hunter said, pulling away looking into your eyes. “Go. .I’ll be right in.” He waved you off and walked back onto the ship. 
Having him gone for as long as he was, put not only a mental toll on you but a sexual one as well. You would be lying if you said you weren’t dying for his touch. Craving the feeling of being held close, melting into Hunter's arms and losing yourself in the moment. Waiting to feel the sensation of his body pressed against your own, the taste of his lips. The desire for Hunter’s touch has become a powerful force, driving you to seek solace in fantasies and secret desires. After the Batch finished their quick little debriefing with Cid, the two of you made your way into your shared room. Hunter wraps you in his arms, his fingers gently caressing your skin as he holds you close. His heart beats in sync with yours, taking everything in a moment to savour the warmth of your body pressed against his. He traces the outline of your features with his fingertips, feeling the texture of your skin beneath his calloused palm. With each stroke, he feels the tension in his body melt away, replaced by a sense of tranquillity and peace. His eyes meet yours as he pushes a piece of your hair behind your ear. 
Hunter inhaled sharply as you looked up at him. “I’m sorry we were gone for so long. . far to long.” he said softly as he cupped your cheek, your face melting into his touch. “Why don’t you make it up to me” his demeanour changed quickly once you struct up the offer. His head tilted ever so slightly to the side as he raised an eyebrow. “Unless you're tired, you can rest inst-EAD!” Your words grew louder when Hunter swiftly picked you up and placed you down on the bed, it was safe to say you got your answer. 
Hunter's lips press against your own and suddenly the world fades away, leaving the two of you in a moment of pure ecstasy. Feeling his lips on your own made you feel complete, and whole once again. Each kiss was laced with passion, each one getting sloppier than the last, being away from each other has been hard and like you said. Now he was gonna make these last seven months up to you. His hands trailed down your sides, firmly gripping onto your hips, pulling you closer. You felt his tongue push its way past your lips lapping with your own, exploring the depths of your mouth. 
Pulling away just enough to catch your breath a trail of saliva breaking from your separation. Your eyes lock, only for a moment. Hunter began trailing kisses along your jaw and down to your neck, sending a shiver down your spine. His lips made their way across your collarbones, lingering for a moment before reaching your chest. He paused, his fingers gripping the bottom of your shirt pulling it  up and off. Hunter took a moment to admire your chest, his fingers brushed along your skin gently. Leaning back down you felt his lips meet your stomach, leaving a trail of kisses that made their way further down. The warmth of his breath teased your skin, making you squirm slightly in anticipation. With each touch, the wetness between your legs grew, leaving you breathless and eager for more. He was teasing you, doing his best to work you up. . and it was working. 
You looked down at him, your eyes pleading with him, he knew that this was what you desired, and he would give it to you. Gently, he lifted himself off the bed, and grabbing his silk rope, he tied your wrists together and attached them to the bedpost, ensuring your comfort while also restraining you. Your eyes never left his, the trust and submission evident between you. As he finished binding your wrists, he traced the rope with his fingers, his eyes never leaving yours. Hunter leaned in and began to kiss his way down your body once again, savouring every inch of your skin, leaving a trail of passion and intensity. Each touch, each kiss, and each breath sent waves of pleasure coursing through you, knowing that you were completely in his control.
Hunter could hear your heart beating faster, the anticipation and excitement building up inside you. He ran his hands down your sides, feeling your muscles tense under his touch. With a knowing smile, he pulled your pants and panties down, discarding them to the side. He reached for another piece of silk rope, spreading your legs and began tying it around your ankles, then to each end of the bed. Still allowing your legs to have some mobility but, you weren't going far. The sensation of being bound sent shivers down your spine, heightening your desire for what was to come. He stood up and admired his handiwork, the sight of you restrained before him driving him wild with lust. He knew what came next would be even more intense, and he couldn't wait to lose himself in you.
"I'm going to make you beg for me, Beg me to take you, and to make you scream my name." His voice was deep and commanding, sending waves of desire through you. As Hunter knelt down between your legs, gently pushing them apart, giving him full access to explore every inch of your body. His hands ran up and down your thighs, leaving trails of fire in their wake. You couldn't help but bite down on your lip holding in your sweet sounds, the combination of the restraints and his touch pushing you closer to the edge. As he reached your most sensitive area, he paused, looking up at you with a smirk, his eyes locked on yours, the power dynamic clear. "Say it," he commanded, his voice low and hypnotising. "Tell me you want it, that you need me." The command sent pleasure racing through you, making it nearly impossible to form coherent thoughts. "Say it, or I'll stop." His eyes were filled with both desire and a hint of playful cruelty. You gasped, your breath catching in your throat as you whispered, "Please."
Hunter raised his eyebrow “you know that isn’t good enough, use your words.” his words were stern once more. “Please touch me” you let out a soft whimper. The power dynamic between the two of you was driving him wild. He took you in deeply, his tongue began lapping over your wet pussy in a well paced manner, pushing you closer to the edge. As he continued, his hands held your legs open holding them in place, bounding you completely. His tongue dipped inside you, exploring every inch, sending waves of pleasure through your entire body. Each touch was deliberate, each flick of his tongue designed to bring you closer. "That's it," he murmured, his voice low and seductive, vibrating against your pussy. "Beg for me, beg for the release I'm about to give you." You could feel yourself getting closer. "Please," you begged, "I need you, please don't stop." His eyes locked on yours, desire burning brightly, as he continued, you could feel the release building, the inevitable climax just moments away.
You felt the knot building up inside, getting ready to release just moments away, but you felt Hunter pull away. Your eyes shot down to look at him. “What are you?” He gave one last kiss to your pussy before lifting his head away from the inbetweens of your legs. “Not yet,” Hunter said sternly as he pulled the lining of his pants down, adjusting himself and freeing his stiff cock. His hand gripped around the base giving it a few pumps. “Mm please Hunter, please let me cum” You cried out to him, a smirk spread across his face. “Such a greedy whore aren’t you. Begging for me to let you cum.” He said as he positioned himself between your thighs, his deep brown eyes locked on yours. His large hands grip your hips, guiding himself into your pussy. The initial thrust is slow and deliberate, letting you adjust to his presence. 
But It wasn’t long before he began to thrust deeper, you moaned softly, revelling in the fullness of his invasion. With each thrust, you pussy wrapped around him tighter causing your head to fall back into your pillows. Without your hands to cover your mouth you did your best to shield your moans into your pillows but failed doing so. Your sweet sounds echoed throughout the room, as Hunter continued to thrust into you having total control over your body. “F-fuckk Hunter” You cried out his name as he picked up the pace, his hands gripping your hips tight as he pounds into you. Your hands squirm trying to break free of the restraint you wanted to hold him, but you knew it wasn’t gonna happen.
You did your best to move your hips in the rhythm of Hunter’s thrust as much as your restraint body would allow you to. “That’s it, fuck you’re such a good slut” he let out in a low groan. His thrusts became more sloppy by the minute, he was growing close and so were you. “Hunter!” you whined out your eyes locking on his. “What is it pretty girl, fuck, tell me what you want” his voice was horse as he spoke, choking back his groans. "You're so close, aren't you? So close to that release." His fingers dug deeper into your sides, making you squirm beneath him. "But you won't get it until I say so. Beg for it, beg to cum." His voice was low and commanding, sending shivers down your spine once more. You whimpered, the desire and need building within you. "Please, please, I need it," you begged, your voice barely above a whisper. "Please let me cum." He smirked, as he continued thrusting his cock into you, pushing you closer to the edge. "Not yet,” 
“Fuck I can’t take it anymore, Hunter please!” he surrendered, allowing you to fall over the edge and into the abyss of pleasure, cumming on his cock. Your legs began to shake as he fucked your through your climax. “Shit, baby.” Hunter let out a low moan, thrusting into you a few more times before, sending his release into you. The two of you fell silent, doing your best to catch your breath. Watching as his chest would rise and fall rapidly trying to catch his breath. He pulled out of you slowly and leaned up, planting a kiss on your lips, before falling next to you. “Don’t ever leave for that long again” you huffed out, catching your breath. Hunter smiled looking over at you “I promise, if I’m ever gone that long again. . I’m taking you with me” 
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@allicat0 . .signing off
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toasty-melons · 1 year
Uhm idk if your request are open so i Hope im not bothering you (also Sorry if my english isnt perfect ) i wanted to ask what about maybe ellie x fem!reader where they're Just Friends and ellie Is stressed out cause She doesnt know if Reader likes her back or not so dina being a good friend ( and Sick of ellie complaining about this situation) sets up a truth or dare night with ellie , dina , Jesse and reader and dina dares ellie to kiss reader and tell her how She feels and yk going on like this( its ok if you dont like this or dont want to do It <3)
You guys could never bother me!!! And I actually really love this request! I adore the friends to lovers trope so this is perfect! Also you’re english is really good so no worries, lovely! <3
TW: cursing, mentions of alcohol
I got kind of carried away but i really loved how it turned out, i hope you like it darling!
If you see any grammar errors ignore them pls :)
Just to kiss you
Ellie Williams x Reader
Ellie Williams has never, ever had trouble with the women she had an interest in. She always knew the perfect words to woo a women until they were buckling in the knees and falling to her feet. But you, oh god. You were her biggest weakness. You were so sweet and kind, and so fucking pretty.
So pretty that she usually had to pinch herself to get her stop staring at you.
So kind with the way you spoke to her, always asking if she’s okay and how her day was.
So sweet that you always put your friends first and were always doing nice things for them.
Like right now for example, you had invited her and Dina out to lunch, which you so kindly offered to pay for too. Dina, a sucker for free food, and Ellie, jumping at the chance to spend time with you.
The sun was warm on her skin, but when you had started laughing at one of Ellie’s stupid jokes, she felt like her whole body had lit on fire. God, you were so pretty. Ellie comes back down to Earth when she feels Dina playfully kick her under the table and give her a knowing look. Causing her face to slowly redden at the fact she had been caught being mesmerized by you.. again.
And what Dina does next would cause Ellie to practically combust with nervousness.
“So y/n..” Dina’s voice was cocky and made the hair on the back of Ellie’s neck stand up. You give Dina your full, undivided attention, smiling at her sweetly to let her know you’re listening. “Me, Ellie, and Jesse are hanging out at my place tonight, you wanna go?” Dina glances at Ellie, and her smug smile on grows at the slightly horrified look plastered on her face.
You’re lack of hesitation has Ellie melting in her seat. The way your eyes light up and your smile brightens as you vigorously nod your head yes.
“Yes! I would love too.” You look over at Ellie with that big smile on your face and Ellie can’t help the smile taking over on her own face. Your phone pings and when you check it, a pout of disappointment settles on your pretty lips. You look up at the two girls and your voice is laced with sadness. “I have to go guys, my boss asked me to come in early. But this was so much fun. I’ll see you guys later.” As you’re grabbing your things Dina is telling you when to be at her place and thanking you for lunch. You, of course, say it’s ‘no problem at all’. Dina gives Ellie a glance and motions her head at you, giving her the signal that it’s her turn to thank you.
Ellie quickly rushes to her feet as you’re coming around the table towards her. You reach out to her with open arms and Ellie gladly welcomes your embrace. You squeeze her tight as you usually do, and the way your perfume takes over Ellie’s senses has her knees buckling. “Thank you, y/n.” You giggle and she feels her heart melt at the pretty sound. You whisper back a ‘anytime, Els.’
Once you’re gone Ellie plops back down into her seat and Dina is looking at her with a smug smile and a snark comment already on the tip of her tongue. “Dude.” Ellie can tell by her tone that she’s gonna be relentless. “When, are you guys going to get together?” Ellie’s gaze finally tears away from the seat you had been sitting and glares daggers over at Dina.
“Well let’s see. Probably never. Because she doesn’t like me.” Ellie leans over and places her forehead on the table in defeat. A sad sigh escaping her lips, causing Dina to gently pat her on the back.
“I guess we’ll just have to see.” Ellie can practically hear the evil grin in Dina’s voice and Ellie can only pray that things go perfect tonight.
Ellie’s leg is bouncing as she sits in the middle of Dina’s couch next to Jesse. He nudges her leg with his knee and she breaks eye contact with the wall to look over at him. “You need to chill.” Ellie scoffs at this and rolls her eyes, now focusing on Dina who walks towards her with three beers balanced in her hands. Ellie gladly snatches the alcohol from her hands and not even a moment later is taking a swig.
You would be here any minute now. Ellie can feel her body start to warm up from the drink and it relaxes her a bit. A soft knock at the door has her whipping her head towards it and climbing over the back of the couch to rush over. Jesse scoff as Ellie’s alcohol is accidentally spilled on him, but chooses not to say anything other than a mumbled, ‘chill out.’
Ellie swings the door open and you’re standing there looking slightly up at her with your pretty eyes and a sweet smile gracing your lips.
“Hi.” It’s the only words Ellie can think of. She internally kicks herself for being awkward again. But the way your smile grows and your eyes slightly crinkle makes her stomach flip.
“Hi.” Your voice is sickly sweet and so soft on Ellie’s ears. Ellie finally takes a step back so that you can come in. As you walk past her to greet Dina and Jesse, your perfume washes over Ellie and she has to bite the inside of her lip to keep from audibly moaning and embarrassing herself.
Two hours and beers later has you and Ellie laughing your asses off at anything and everything. Ellie is relaxed so much that she’s able to talk to you with crumbling and placing little touches on your arm and leg without combusting. Of course Jesse and Dina are all too aware of what’s happening, which is what causes the slightly tipsy Dina to start a game of truth or dare.
After silly truths like ‘describe your first kiss,’ or ‘what’s the worst date you’ve ever been on,’ and stupid dares like ‘prank call your ex,’ or ‘swap clothes with the person next to you,’ it’s finally Dina’s turn again. The look in her eyes has Ellie practically shaking with nerves.
You’re all too unaware of it, not tipsy but bordering on the edge. You’re giggling at the way Jesse has been tugging on your shorts he was dared to wear. The way his clothes hang off your body has Ellie screaming internally, wishing that it was her clothes instead.
“Ellie.. truth or dare?.” Dina’s voice is laced with a smugness and Ellie knows no matter what she picks, it won’t be good. You perk up and point at her accusingly, excitedly announcing to the room that, ‘Ellie hasn’t done a dare yet.’ Dina grins wickedly and leans back into the couch, crossing her arms over her chest. “I dare you to kiss y/n.” The rooms falls silent as Dina’s words settle over. A tension slowly rising between everyone.
When Ellie glances over at you, she surprised to find your face completely flushed red and your wide eyes staring back at her. You glance down at her lips and it has Ellie practically foaming at the mouth. Before anyone can say anything the silence is broken by a phone ringing. Jesses curses under his breath and grabs the phone hopping up. How convenient.
“Shit. It’s my work, I gotta answer this.” He bails out of the room and after a few more moments of tense and awkward silence Dina stands up.
“I’m gonna go get another drink.” She leaves the room just as quickly as Jesse did and now it’s just Ellie and you. You and Ellie. Alone. When Ellie looks back over at you you’re not looking anymore and her heart sinks a bit. Not being able to stand the pressure anymore, Ellie stands up next and she feel your eyes on her again.
“I’m gonna.. get some fresh air.” Her voice is mumbled as she rushes out the side door that leads to Dina’s private patio. It’s small but it’s decorated in lights and plants that has a really warm and homey feeling to it. Ellie takes a seat in one of the chairs and places her head in her hands, elbows resting on her knees. Her heart hurts, she had her chance and she blew it. And for a moment, just a moment, Ellie thought you actually wanted to kiss her and it felt so euphoric.
The sound of the side door opening again has Ellie’s head popping up. She’s surprised to find you sitting down quietly next to her. You don’t look at her, not at first. No, at first you fiddle with your fingers, a nervous habit Ellie noticed you had. You thought you looked so silly right now, hell you felt ridiculous still drowning in Jesse’s clothes.
Neither of you say anything for a while, just allowing the silence to embrace both of you. You shift and Ellie glances at you again, and finds you finally looking at her. You break the silence first, clearing your throat quietly. Before you can say anything Ellie groans and rubs her hands over her face, “Fucking Dina.. always causing trouble.” This makes you giggle.
“She has good intentions.. just awful ways to show them.” At this Ellie gives you a sad chuckle. It makes your heart clench and your brows furrow.
“Kissing me would be awful, huh?” Your eyes widen at the realization and you shake your head frantically.
Ellie watches as your face reddens, a look of fear on your face, so scared that you had offended her. “Oh. No, no, no. It wouldn’t be awful it would be amazing- I mean.. oh gosh.” You cover your face and laugh awkwardly at yourself. Ellie is silent, still hanging onto a thread of hope.
“Ellie.. You’re one of my best friends. I really don’t wanna mess up what we have, but..” You uncover your face and chew on your bottom lip.
“But?” Ellie’s voice is so small, so full of hope that it makes you smile shyly.
“But.. I really really like you Els. And know you don’t like me back and i’m sorry if i’ve ever made you uncomfortable with my flirting, but today with the Dina and the dare to kiss me..” Ellie is stunned at your confession. She honestly feels like she’s dreaming. You like her? And you’ve flirted with her? How could she have not noticed?
“Can I kiss you? Not for the dare.. just to kiss you.” You peer up at her through your eyelashes, face full of nerves. You hesitate but you nod. Ellie leans in slowly, so close to your lips but not quite touching.
“Ellie Williams if this is a joke.. it’s the worst one you’ve ever had.” At your whispered words Ellie chuckles softly. Her lips are on yours not a moment later. The kiss isn’t sweet or soft like Ellie expected it to be. Instead your hands are tangled in her hair tugging her closer. Ellie’s hands find your waist to pull you onto her lap. Her fingers rubbing up your hips and thighs. She feels your breath tremble into the kiss and she pulls away.
“Too much?” You breathily laugh at her question and shake your head, placing sweet kisses along her jaw. Ellie is melting into your touch with the way your hands are sliding around down her neck and chest. You mumble a soft, ‘not enough,’ that has Ellie going feral.
Before Ellie can ravish your lips once again the sound of the side door slamming open has both of you looking over, frozen in place with widen eyes. Dina is standing in the doorway, jaw dropped and stunned.
“Oh.. my.. god..” You’re scrambling out of Ellie’s lap, standing up and shyly looking down. A grin is plastered on Ellie’s face and she can’t tear her gaze away from your shy one. “You guys we’re gonna fuck on my patio.” Ellie watches as you tense up at Dina’s accusation and shake your head waving your hands around you frantically.
You stumble over to Dina and grab her hands in yours. “Dinaaaa.” Your voice is whiney and it causes something deep to stir within Ellie. She can only watch as Dina teases you playfully and you protest with more whines of embarrassment.
“Y/n.” You’re whipping your head back at Ellie when she calls for you. Dina takes the hint and bails once again, shutting the door behind her.
“Yeah?” Ellie reaches out, grabbing your hand and pulling you down onto her lap once again. No other words are spoken as she pulls your lips back onto yours. This time the kiss being much softer than before, a vulnerableness laced into it. “Els.. i love you.”
“Fuck.. you have no idea how much i’m in love with you.”
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builtbybrokenbells · 1 year
Spitfire | v
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A farewell leads to many tears and emotions as Jake departs from his short-lived visit to Maryland. The appearance of the ‘L’ word makes the feelings even more complicated as Jake leaves his witchy woman behind, then beginning their countdown for Atlanta. Little do they know the calm before the storm is rapidly coming to an end.
Read part four here
Read part six here
Pairing: jake kiszka x f!reader
Word count: 8.1k
Warnings: SMUT 18+ (like right under the cut), unprotected sex (wrap it up), fingering (f!receiving), oral (f!receiving), oral (m!receiving), slapping, hair pulling, some begging, dom/sub type shit, overstimulation, slight name calling, mirror sex (idk if there’s a name for that), swearing, sad stuff, a bit of angst, ldr issues, cute brotherly activities, sorry if i miss any!!
i just couldn’t wait to write the smut for any longer 😞 so most of this is just filthy with some fluff at the end. next chapter is a heartbreaker so pre-warning for that. also, sorry if the smut isn’t top notch, I stopped writing it for a really long time and im just recently getting back into it. also thank you all so much for the love you’ve given to this series, you make my heart happy 🫶🏻 as always, enjoy, be kind, and don’t mind any grammar mistakes!
“How long?” You panted, looking across your bed to the alarm clock on your side table. Jakes fingers were fumbling with the button on your jeans, desperate to get you out of them.
“Two hours,” he mumbled, hauling your hips off the mattress. You held the position, making it easier for him to slip your pants off. He tossed them on the ground, hands immediately finding their way back to your body. His fingertips brushed over your bare thighs, sending a shiver down your spine.
“Do we have time?” You questioned. He paused, looking up at you through his hair.
“Do you want me to stop?” The look in his eyes sent a rush of emotion straight to the pit of your stomach. You managed a small shake of your head. “Didn’t think so.” He resumed his earlier work, hooking his fingers through your panties and pulling them off in the same manor as your jeans. You sat up, catching him off guard for a moment. You reached for the bottom of his t-shirt, letting him know you wanted it off. He didn’t move, only watched you. You learned the hard way he was never willing to give you what you wanted so easily. You challenged him, refusing to lay back down and continuing to try and rid him of his t-shirt. He grabbed your wrists in his hands, forcing them away from his body. “Behave,” He warned. Before he returned to touching you, he swiftly took his shirt off. You were well aware that even if you were bratty with him, you were likely to get what you wanted eventually. He had a hard time saying no to you.
You backed down, letting your hands fall on your stomach as you laid back again. “I just want you, Jake.” You whispered, looking up at him with an innocent look in your eyes. He let out a long exhale through his nose, closing his eyes for a moment to contain himself. He bent down over you, pulling you chin up gently, and pressed his lips to yours. You savoured the sweetness, aware that it wouldn’t last for very long. Not that you minded, of course. He slipped his hands under your shirt, pulling it upwards. You lifted your back from the bed, allowing him to slip it over your head. When you were completely naked, he leaned down and placed another kiss on your lips. Before he broke away, he pulled your bottom lip between his teeth, applying just enough pressure to cause a gasp from you, but not enough to hurt you.
It was Jake’s last day in Maryland, and the fear of being alone again was taking hold of you like never before. You both had just returned from your last breakfast date, wasting no time trying to enjoy each other in the most intimate way possible. In the time he spent there, he’d gotten to know all of your siblings and roommates. You were lucky enough to really get to know his brothers, too. More than anything, it felt like a dream come true. You’d all managed to become your own little family within a few short days. You’d even brought Jake to breakfast with your parents, wanting nothing more than for him to meet them, too. He fit in like he was always meant to be a part of your life, and everyone adored him almost as much as you did. The acceptance from your family made it so much easier to love him, but it wasn’t like you had trouble with it in the first place.
After making it official the night he’d arrived, you wasted no time catching up on the weeks you’d missed out on. In short, that really meant that you were glued to the hip with Jake, and that you were having sex any time you got the chance. The first time it was pretty vanilla, both too nervous to overstep any boundaries. It didn’t take long for the dynamic to shift, realizing quickly that both of you wanted more than that. That lead to a long, intense conversation about the do’s and don’ts in the bedroom, which then lead to a lot of experimenting in the little time you had with him. As sad as you were that Jake was leaving, a small part of you was relieved that you’d have a chance to give your body a break. Although you were worn down, you had to admit the sex was fantastic; better than any you’d ever had. He was very selfless, even if he was quite dominant. He wasn’t concerned about himself until you got off, first.
“How many times do you think I can get you off before I go?” There was a smirk adorned on his face, now. Cockiness was radiating from him. You thought it might be fun to play with him a bit.
“If you can get me off at all.” You teased. The joking tone in his features disappeared immediately, replaced with something you couldn’t quite read.
“Watch it, or I won’t fuck you. I’ll get on that plane and leave you here like this.” He taunted, voice low. You felt a rush of arousal run through you, suddenly aware of the aching between your legs, desperate to be touched by him. You knew he didn’t mean it, but you weren’t willing to call his bluff. When you didn’t answer, he traced his fingers over the inside of your thigh, using a small amount of force to push your leg to the side. Your breath caught in your throat as he inched closer to your heat, trying hard to avoid letting him know how eager you were. He noticed the small reaction, a smile creeping on to his lips. He ensured that he studied every intimate detail about you over the last few days, wanting to know you better than anyone else ever had. “You wouldn’t want that, would you?” You shook your head, eyes glued to his face. His jaw clenched slightly, landing a small smack to your thigh. “Use your words.”
“N-no, Jake.” He cocked his head to the side, raising his eyebrow. He lifted his hand, removing his touch from you completely before you realized your mistake. “No, sir.” You said a bit more confidently.
“That’s it, baby.” He sighed, resuming his touch on your thigh. He inched closer to you, on his knees between your legs. His bottom half was still fully clothed, making you believe that the situation was a bit unfair. His erection stood prominently against the fabric of his jeans, begging for attention. You stopped yourself from reaching out for him again, knowing that it wouldn’t get you anywhere. He was nothing if not stubborn in the bedroom. His fingers reached your cunt, running them through your folds and gathering the wetness, clearly pleased at what he was doing to you. “All of this is for me?” He hummed, spreading your arousal to your clit and rubbing feather light, slow circles. The friction was minuscule, but any touch from him was enough to give you satisfaction. You let out a quiet moan, making Jake’s movements stutter. Before, he believed he’d already heard the prettiest sounds in the world. After hearing your moans, he was confident that no sound could ever compare.
He applied a bit more pressure, watching your face for a reaction. When you pulled your bottom lip between your teeth, he was pleased enough to slip a finger in you. It was painfully slow, barely enough to give you any relief, but you kept your mouth shut. All it took was one wrong word and he would stop completely, and that was the last thing you wanted. Eventually, he added another finger, pumping slowly while his thumb brushed over your clit. You let in a sharp breath, finally feeling a bit of alleviation from his movements. He leaned down, mouth ghosting over your exposed collarbones. He landed on a spot he’d become very acquainted with, sucking little marks into the skin. By now, you were already covered in them. He just wanted to leave you with a reminder of his mouth. His teeth grazed over the sensitive surface. The feeling, mixed with the movement of his hands, caused you to buck your hips forward. You tried to stop it but he’d already noticed. Instead of chastising you for it, he let his mouth fall downwards onto your breast, pulling one of your nipples between his teeth. His tongue flicked over it, eliciting another soft sound from your mouth.
You were certain that if he got any harder, the zipper of his jeans would give way. His cock was pressing into your leg, involuntarily searching for a bit of pleasure himself. “Please let me touch you, Jake.” You pleaded. He hummed against your skin, but didn’t stop. Instead, he picked up his pace, distracting you from the fact you spoke at all.
“I’m gonna miss seeing you like this.” His head advanced down your torso, breath tickling your stomach as he spoke. He stopped at your navel, placing a sloppy kiss before he continued. He explored around the area, placing kisses and love bites over your hipbones, teasing you to the breaking point. He moved down further, working at your thighs now. You bit your tongue, not willing to make a noise. He was ready to give in, wanting to taste you almost as badly as he liked teasing you, and you didn’t want to do anything to make him stop. Your breathing was ragged and your body was nearly vibrating with anticipation. “How are you feeling?” He asked, noticing your state. He backed off for a moment, looking up at you.
“Green.” You assured him. His eyes lingered over your face, making sure you were being honest. You gave him a small smile and a slight nod, silently telling him it was okay.
“You’re being s’good for me, baby.” He breathed. “You wanna cum?” He asked. You gave a desperate nod, hoping that his kindness was genuine.
“Yes, please, sir.” You said, voice shaking slightly. You couldn’t believe how easy it was for him to turn you into a mess. He was quick to return to his place between your thighs. He pulled his thumb off your clit, replacing it with his mouth. You gave a gasp of surprise, not expecting him to give in so easily. His fingers curled with every re-entry, hitting such a delicate spot, making it nearly impossible for you to keep yourself quiet. You reached for his head, tangling your hands in his hair as he worked at you. Your hips raised off the bed to meet his mouth, only encouraging him to work harder. “Fuck, Jake.” You cried, feeling your orgasm creeping up on you. He hummed against you, making the sensation of his mouth even more intense.
He pulled back, slipping his thumb up to replace his tongue. His eyes were fixated on your face, desperate to see your expression. When you caught his gaze, the sight alone was enough to send you over the edge. His eyelids were heavy, pupils blown with lust. His chin was glistening with your arousal, and his lips were parted slightly, watching you in awe. Even when he was playing the dominant act, he still looked at you like you were the prettiest he’d ever seen. No, he looked at you like he was the luckiest man on earth. His silent encouragement caused your climax to hit you with full intensity. You stuttered out his name, legs shaking and eyes screwed shut. His breathing was heavy but his expression was stony, almost as if he didn’t want you to know how much you were affecting him. When you started to come down from your high, you noticed that he wasn’t stopping. A touch of panic settled in your chest, beginning to feel the searing sensitivity taking over. “I- Jake,” you stuttered over your words, not being able to focus on what you were saying. He was upright again, one hand working at the buckle on his belt and the other one working at you.
“You’re okay, baby.” He promised. You managed a shake of your head. The pleasure had begun to taper off into pain, and although not completely unbearable, just extremely unpleasant.
“Yellow.” You warned. His motion almost completely stopped, allowing you to catch your breath. His domineering exterior softened, thumb just barely moving over your bundle of nerves. The pumping of his fingers had halted indefinitely. “I’m sorry.” You mustered, finally feeling in control again.
“Don’t be sorry.” He replied. “If you’re not having a good time, neither am I.” The reassurance was nice, calming your anxiety. The circles he’d been tracing into your clit started to feel more pleasant, making the moment of discomfort disappear.
“Okay, green.” You sighed. He didn’t change his movement.
“Not yet, baby. Give yourself a minute.” He said, finally freeing his belt from his jeans. He tossed it to the side. It landed with a thud on the end of the mattress. He leaned down, cupping your cheek in his palm. He placed a sweet kiss to your lips, assuring you that he was still your Jake, and you were in complete control if you wanted to be. It was nice, how aware he was of your boundaries, but you weren’t thrown off enough to want to stop. All you needed was a second to breathe. While he was distracted by your kiss, you took the opportunity to reach out for the bulge in his jeans. You palmed him through the fabric, causing him to buck his hips forward into your hand.
“Please take your clothes off.” You begged, words muffled against his lips. He withdrew his mouth from yours, and a shift in his demeanour was viable.
“You’re so fucking needy.” He spat, sweetness disappearing once again. He pulled back from you, cutting all contact and giving you a hard stare. “Do you really want me to fuck you that bad?” He wasn’t willing to wait for an answer, already unbuttoning his jeans and pulling down his zipper. You sat up, swinging your feet off the side of the bed, practically vibrating with excitement. With a swift motion, his jeans were off and he had kicked them somewhere behind him. “Are you going to answer me?” He grabbed your face, forcing you to look up at him.
“Yes, sir.” You whispered.
“I wanted to give you a good time,” he muttered, grip tightening on your cheeks “to make you cum until you forgot your own name.” He explained, using his other hand to free himself from his boxers. “But it just seems like you’re asking to be punished. Is that what you want?” You didn’t respond, only watched him with the same wide-eyed expression you adorned earlier. This time, it wasn’t doing the trick. He let go of your face, delivering a sharp slap to your cheek. It wasn’t hard enough to hurt you, but enough to leave a lasting sting. “How many times do I have to tell you to use your words?”
“No, sir. I just want you.” You decided obedience was the key to getting what you so badly wanted. He didn’t respond, only delicately traced the red mark he’d left on your face.
“You’re so beautiful,” he whispered, making you believe he’d broken character again. “Even if you are a little whore.” His hand found the back of your head, gripping your hair in his fist. “If you want me so bad, work for it.” He ordered. Your eyes fell on his now exposed cock, mouth watering at the sight. He guided your head forward until you were nearly touching his head with your lips. “Color?” He whispered.
“Green. Very green.” You promised.
“If you want to stop just tap my leg.”
“Okay, I will.” You knew he needed a verbal response when it had anything to do with consent, and you appreciated it. With that, he barely gave you time to open your mouth before he was thrusting forward. You couldn’t stop yourself from gagging when he hit the back of your throat. It seemed like he was almost pleased with the noise, gripping your hair and pushing your head down as he fucked your mouth. You slackened your jaw, trying to take him as best you could, but his size was admittedly a little hard to handle.
He lost himself to the pleasure, his head falling back and his eyes closing in bliss. The moans he allowed to escape his mouth were beautiful motivations. He looked back down, watching himself thrust into you. You eyes caught his, letting out a muffled moan at the frenzied look he adorned. His hips stuttered, pushing you as far down on his cock as you could take him. Your eyes watered, feeling your throat contact around him. He rested there for a moment before pulling back entirely. You let in a gasp for air, spit trailing from your lips down to your chin. You figured he wanted to last longer, so he didn’t want to push his luck. He didn’t say anything before he knelt down before you, settling between your thighs again and throwing one of your legs over his shoulder. He grabbed your hip, pulling you forward on the bed and onto his mouth. You were still trying to catch your breath, dissolving into a fit of desperate moans at the feeling of his mouth again.
He worked fast, not wanting to play with you anymore. He was stroking himself while he licked at your clit. The hand that was holding your leg reached up, pulling your hardened nipple between his fingers, rolling and pinching it gently. You couldn’t help but grind your hips against his tongue, frantic for more. You were embarrassed at how fast he could bring you to an orgasm. He looked up at you, removing his lips from your cunt just for a second. “Do you want to cum in my mouth this time?” You let out a whiny noise, nodding your head. “Beg for it.” He growled.
“Please, Sir. Please let me cum, I want it so bad.” He resumed his pace at your core, driven by your pleas. You were panting, dangerously close to the edge once again. His thumb and forefinger clamped down hard on your nipple, causing you to gasp. He wanted you to keep begging for him. “M’so close, Jake.” You breathed. “Please don’t stop, please.” His tongue remained steady, eager to taste your release when it came.
It only took a few seconds of constant stimulation before you were gripping the bedsheets, crying out his name. He rode you through the orgasm, his previously firm hold on your breast loosening, fingers now gently caressing down your rib cage. When the tension left your body, he ran his tongue through your folds one last time, savouring the feeling. You let out a sigh of relief as he stood, knowing he wasn’t going to test your endurance after the last orgasm. He didn’t coddle you, but instead delivered a slap to your thigh, the sound echoing off the walls. “Up.” He spat, more than ready to fuck you. You did as you were told, although slightly wobbly on your feet when you stood upright. He guided you to the end of the bed, taking a seat on the edge. You weren’t completely sure why he changed spots, but didn’t take long piecing it together. He grabbed your hand and pulled you in front of him. His breathing was heavy, letting you know he was close to his own breaking point. He spun you around and your eyes fell on your full length mirror, sitting directly in front of you. He guided you back carefully by your hips, allowing you to get yourself comfortable before anything else. You placed your legs on either side of him, easing into him. Your back pressed against his chest, the warmth soothing you almost instantly. He lined his cock up with you and pushed you down on him slowly.
His chin rested on your shoulder, eyes locked on the mirror before you. You waited a moment, enjoying the feeling of him inside you. He peppered a few light kisses over your shoulder, appreciating you, too. He slowly guided you back up, silently telling you he didn’t want to wait any longer. You set a steady pace, rolling your hips back on him every time you lowered yourself. He reached around you, fingers making easy work finding your clit. He’d become well acquainted with it over the last few days. You groaned, feeling the tip of his cock press against your cervix with every re-entry. His eyes never left the reflection in the mirror, watching you ride him and storing the image in his mind. He noticed your closed eyes, your head pointed towards the ground.
“Hey,” he caught your attention “look at the mirror.” He ordered. You did as you were told, feeling a bit of a blush dust your cheeks at the sight. You’d never watched yourself have sex before, feeling a bit shy being on such a display for him. “Watch me fuck you. I want you to think about it while I’m gone.” He hissed. The pad of his finger felt painfully good as it circled your bundle of nerves; you weren’t sure how long you could last. Every part of your body was on fire with sensitivity. You did as he said, letting him take control again. He fucked into you while he admired you in the reflection. The expressions you were making, the way your breasts bounced when he pulled you down on him, the noises falling from your lips. All of it was driving him crazy. He was certain there was no better sight in the world.
The look of his face in the mirror was more than enough to drive you crazy. The determined look in his eye that was clouded with pleasure, the furrow of his eyebrows, and the glisten of sweat on his forehead were all an indication that he was close to his own orgasm, but he wasn’t ready to finish yet. He wanted to enjoy you like this for as long as he could before he had to leave. In an attempt to last a little longer, he pulled you off him, standing up quickly. He turned you around so you were facing the bed, grabbing your hair and pushing your head down towards the mattress. He kicked your feet apart slightly, holding you steady so you didn’t fall. You used your arms to support yourself, forearms planted firmly on the mattress.
Just as he was about to push into you, a knock sounded on your bedroom door. He let himself rest on your entrance, giving you a light tap on your ass, telling you he wanted you to answer. “What?” You called out, trying to keep your voice steady.
“Is Jake in there?” You heard Jake give a small chuckle.
“Yeah, why?” You asked, feeling your boyfriends hand caressing over your lower back, gently tickling the skin.
“Oh, Josh just wanted me to make sure he was ready to go. Can I come in?” You now placed the voice to a person, realizing it was Jakes youngest brother. You felt your face burn red, not sure how to answer. He gripped the hair at the base of your skull a bit tighter, getting impatient at your lack of an answer.
“Oh, um, we’re just a bit busy at the moment.” You told him, trailing off at the end, completely unsure of what the best answer would be.
“Oh, it’ll just take a second.” Sam assured you. You let out a nervous laugh, awkwardness eating you alive.
“Busy, Sam.” Jake snapped, hoping he’d get the message.
“O-oh,” you could hear a giggle in his tone. “Sorry to interrupt.” He snickered. You listened to his footsteps disappear down the hall, embarrassment taking over. You turned your head around, looking at Jake over your shoulder and giving him a glare. Jake only smiled, forcing your head back towards the mattress. There was no time for discussion, because he was already burying himself in you again. You were quick to forget about the disturbance, immediately brought back into the intoxicating pleasure of him being inside you.
There was no grace period, this time. His hips were slamming into you harder with every thrust, pushing you to the brink of pain each time. You overlooked it, focusing on the intense feeling of him hitting the spot inside you only he seemed to know how to find. Jake was working hard, pushing you closer to another orgasm with every second that passed. You noticed he was close, too. His breathing was ragged and he wasn’t as collected as he usually was, curses and groans falling from his mouth unprecedented.
“Being so good for me, baby.” The praise sent a rush of emotion through you. “You gonna cum again?”
“Y-yes, sir.” You stuttered, wishing that you could see his face. He leaned down, pulling your head to the side to connect his lips with yours. Your body relaxed, comforted at the familiar feeling. You let out a small moan into his mouth, causing his hips to stutter for a moment. When he pulled back, he kept his head by yours, wanting to be close to you.
“Come on, baby.” He encouraged you. “One more, you can do it.” He almost sounded like he was begging you. You let your eyes flutter closed, letting yourself fall into the pleasure. Not long after, the burning in your belly reached its peak. You let out a slur of swears, clenching around him as you came. He straightened up, finding the energy to keep going, fuelled solely by the noises you were making. When you came down from the high, he was still fucking into you at a relentless pace. You covered your mouth with your hand, muffling the screams that were begging to be let out.
Jake had his jaw clenched, practically feral at the state you were in. He wanted to finish, but the cocky part of him wanted to see how far he could push you. The intensity of the feeling was driving you crazy, but it was much more bearable than before. “J-Jake, Jake,” you cried, trying to keep your voice quiet. “I ca- I don’t think I can…”
“Colour.” He ordered, hips never faltering. His voice was low and gravelly, laced with authority. You couldn’t answer, feeling the familiar knot form in your stomach again. “Colour, y/n.” He repeated, louder this time, needing to hear an answer.
“G-green.” You assured him, starting to lose yourself to the blissfulness again. That was all he needed to hear, any of his hesitation completely disappearing. His hand that had been resting on your hip tightened, fingers driving into the skin so deep that you were anticipating bruises. The thought of it only turned you on more, relieved to know that once he was gone the marks could remind you of him. “Jake, I think I’m gonna-“
“Don’t tell me, just do it.” He barked, cutting you off without caring about your warning. “Give me something to think about when I get to the hotel tonight.” Your teeth clamped down on your lip, holding back your moans. Tears were forming in the corners of your eyes, the intensity of the pleasure completely taking over. Your whole body was on fire, begging for you to let it rest, but the impending orgasm was screaming over it, allowing you to ignore the hesitation.
“Fuck!” You cried, no longer able to contain yourself.
“That’s my girl.” He hummed. The climax was brutally strong, the tears threatening your eyes finally spilling over and your legs wobbling. He could tell you were having a hard time keeping yourself upright, so he slipped his arm under you, holding your hips up so you didn’t have to worry about it. You couldn’t collect yourself, feeling lightheaded and tired. Luckily, Jake caught on pretty fast. He reached his own orgasm only seconds after you, groaning and pulling you back on to him as he spilled into you. He held you there, chest heaving with every breath, completely played out, too. Before pulling out, he gently fucked his release into you a few times, watching himself intently, admiring the sight as he did so.
When he withdrew, he made sure to keep hold of you, not sure if your legs had the strength to keep you standing. You let out a long sigh, skin still tingling with the ghost of pleasure. “Come on, baby.” Jake prompted you to stand, aiding you as you did so. His arm was still tightly wrapped around you as he pulled you into him, his chest hitting your bare back. You shivered at the contact, letting your head fall back and rest on his shoulder. He kept you there for a moment before guiding you to lay on the bed. He searched around the room, trying to find something to clean you off with. Eventually, he gave up and pulled a pair of sweatpants from his bag, slipping them on. He left, making sure the door was closed tightly behind him.
He returned with a washcloth, clicking the lock on the door behind him. He took a seat beside you, making gentle work at wiping away the mess he’d made. Your legs twitched at the contact, making him realize that he might’ve pushed you a little too hard. He threw the cloth on the floor, making a mental note that he’d throw it in your laundry basket later. For the time being, he was only concerned about you. He ran his thumb over your cheek, softly wiping away any trace of the tears that had fallen. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” you breathed, looking up at him hovering over you. “More than okay.” You promised. A small smile appeared on his lips as he leaned down to kiss you.
“You wanna get dressed?” He asked. You gave him a slight nod. He stood again, rummaging around in his bag. He pulled out a sweater for you, knowing the only reason he’d brought it was so he could leave it with you. He set it beside you on the mattress, searching around your room for a more comfortable pair of pants. He found an old pair of sweats in your dresser and a new pair of underwear. He placed them beside you, too, reaching his hand out to help you stand. With his assistance, you got yourself dressed and returned back to the bed.
You nestled in by the pillows, checking the clock again, only to find your time with him was quickly running out. “I don’t want you to go.” You whispered, feeling your stomach sink. He got in next to you, pulling you into his chest.
“I know, baby.” He brushed his fingers through your hair. You listened to the sound of his heartbeat, wishing you could memorize it and keep it in your brain forever. “I don’t want to leave, either.” You both fell into a silence, the ticking of the clock antagonizing you in the background.
“Are you ready to go?” You asked, not daring to move.
“Yeah, everything is packed. Well, except for the clothes on the floor… and you.” He murmured, hand falling to your upper back. He rubbed slow circles into it with his palm, nearly soothing you to sleep. You let your eyes close, enjoying the warmth from his body for as long as you could.
“We’ll see each other soon,” you sounded like you were trying to convince yourself, too.
“If we can make it until you’re finished school, I promise you that I’ll buy you the biggest house you could dream of. We’ll never worry about distance again.” You felt tears stinging your eyes again, but this time they weren’t out of bliss. “It’ll have a big backyard, we’ll get a dog, and I’ll even give you my last name. If you’ll let me, of course.” You couldn’t help but laugh, even though the tears were forcing their way out.
“You’ve got big plans, then, rockstar.”
“Not plans, promises.” He corrected. “I’d give you the whole world, if you asked me to.”
“You already do.” You told him, and you meant it. The whole relationship was a whirlwind, and you had never fallen for someone so fast before. But, he treated you better than anyone ever had, too. He was the exception to your rule about dating, and you were beyond grateful you’d given him a chance. He was the first person who was ever willing to give you the same amount of love you gave him. The hurt from before seemed to make sense, now, because it lead you to him. If the universe wanted you to meet him so badly that it allowed you to cross paths twice out of sheer coincidence, then you were certain you should at least let it run its course.
He held you until an alarm went off on his phone, signalling that it was time to pack their stuff into the car and get to the airport. The tears didn’t stop, and only got worse as you got out of bed and he gathered the last of his stuff together. You had to look away as he slung his bag over his shoulder. You grabbed your car keys from your desk, staring at the worn down wood, trying not to look at him. You knew it would only make it worse. “Hey,” he mumbled, walking behind you and placing his hand on your waist. He pulled you towards him, but didn’t force you to look at him. He rested his cheek on the side of your head, fully wrapping his arms around you now. He snaked his hands under the front of the sweater, resting them above the waistband of the pants, just wanting to feel your skin on him again. You couldn’t help but giggle at the tickle of his fingers on your stomach, even if it was a sad one. “We’re gonna be okay.” He whispered.
“I know.” You brought your hands up to rest them over his. “Doesn’t mean I can’t miss you.” You sniffled, trying to calm yourself down.
“You don’t have to miss me, yet. I’m still here.” You gave a small nod, finally turning to face him. He smiled, looking over your features for a moment. He raised his hand, lifting your chin with his index finger and landing a kiss on your lips. He rested his forehead on yours when he pulled away, pushing your hair from your face. He let his hand rest on the back of your neck, quickly moving down and peppering kisses over your cheeks and nose. You dissolved into a fit of laugher, almost able to forget about the ache in your chest.
“Let’s go, rockstar. I don’t want Josh to think I’m trying to hold you hostage.” He nodded, breaking away from you but taking your hand in his. “Also, Sam is never going to let me live that down, is he?” It was Jakes turn to laugh now.
“He’ll tease you for a while, I’ll tell him to shut up, then he’ll forget about it when something else interesting happens. It’s always been that way.” He explained, leading you to the door. He opened it for you, letting you exit first.
“So that’s a common occurrence for you, then?” You joked. He shook his head.
“No, not at all. But, we have lived together our whole lives, and now instead of having separate rooms to hide away in, there’s a lot of time spent on the tour bus. Privacy between all of us doesn’t really exist.” You nodded along to his words. “Usually, once we clue in that someone’s doing something private, we fuck off and don’t speak about it.” He chuckled.
“It must suck sometimes, doesn’t it?” You questioned.
“Yeah, sometimes, but they’re my best friends. It’s kind of cool getting to hang out and work with them all of the time, even if it does get annoying. We stay in hotels a lot more often, now, so that kind of eases the tension. If we don’t want to talk to each other, we just don’t answer the door.” He laughed.
“Fair enough.” You smiled. You made your way to the living room, seeing everyone crowded around and saying goodbyes. All of Jakes brothers had their bags, ready to head out as soon as you were. They were chatting with your brothers and roommates, too enthralled in conversation to notice that you joined them. “Ready to go?” You asked, catching their attention. Josh’s eyes lit up at the sight of you.
“Excellent! I thought we would have to break down the door to get him out of there.” He joked.
“Not this time.” You assured him. “Maybe next time, though.” Josh studied your face, giving a sympathetic smile at your puffy eyes and red nose. “Everybody get their goodbye’s out. I don’t want you to miss your flight.” You were lying, but they didn’t need to know that. Jake went around the group, giving hugs to your roommates and shaking your brothers hands. You watched, sadness encasing your features. Josh joined you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders.
“You’re coming to Atlanta, right?” He whispered. You gave a small nod, not wanting to think about how far away it was. “Good, because he’s been out of his mind with excitement. He really likes you.”
“I really like him.” You practically scoffed. That was putting it lightly.
“No, I don’t think you get it.” Josh chuckled. “He’s never been this crazy for anyone.” You felt your heart flutter at the statement.
“Me either.” You admitted.
“We’re really excited to have you there with us, too.” He assured you. You wrapped your arm around him now, too, leaning into his touch.
“Thanks for coming, Josh.” You looked over to him, giving him a small smile. “And thank you for being so accepting. I know he’s your twin, but he’s your best friend, too, and you probably hold the girlfriends to pretty high standards.”
“Wasn’t hard, mama. He adores you, and I can see why.” He gave your arm a squeeze. “And if it makes you feel any better, you’ve been my favourite one of his girlfriends by far. That’s not even a question.” You felt the tears prickling your eyes again. “You make him really happy. Way happier than anyone else has, and you’ve only been in his life for a little while. If he’s happy, so are we. He talks about you like you put the stars in the sky.” You didn’t have time to respond, because Jake was making his way back over to you. Josh loosened his grip on you, stepping away from you a bit.
“You trying to steal my girlfriend?” Jake smiled, teasing his brother as he approached.
“Not yet, but you better be careful. I’ll swoop in if you fuck it up.” Josh shot back, causing a small laugh from you.
“Yeah, over my dead body.” He quipped, leaning in and placing a kiss on your forehead. Josh took a respective step away, not wanting to interfere with the time you had left with him. “You ready to go?” Jake asked, looking down at you. You nodded, ready to rip the band-aid off and get this over with.
“Go put your bags in the trunk.” You handed him the keys. He gave you a quick kiss before gathering his brothers and ushering them outside. You watched as Danny closed the main door behind him, feeling an emptiness start to burn it’s way into your chest. Your eldest brother walked over to you, pulling you into a hug.
You didn’t say a word, only made it a point to get the worst of the sobs out before Jake came back to get you. He rubbed your back, soothing you in a way only a sibling could. They were the biggest assholes by times, but they were family, and always knew how to make you feel better. If not better, at least less alone. When you heard the front door open, you pulled back and wiped your face, hoping he may not notice the state you were in. Alex ruffled your hair, the unspoken encouragement from an emotionally inept older brother. You swatted his hand away, both of you getting a chuckle out of it.
“I’ll be back later.” You told him.
“Be safe.” He ordered. You gave him a salute, finally cracking a grin. “Sam has informed me that tonight is a chocolate chip cookie and Harry Potter night.”
“You guys making the cookies?” You joked.
“No, somehow they roped us into doing it.” Ally said, pointing between her and Eve.
“Ah, copy.” You chuckled. “So you must know the importance of a Harry Potter night, then.”
“We’ve been told.” She smiled. When you and your brothers were kids, whenever something bad would happen, or if any one of you were sad, all of your siblings would band together and watch Harry Potter and eat junk food until the feelings were resolved, or you all fell asleep in the living room. It could have been as small as an argument between friends, or a breakup, to losing a loved one. There was always certainty that you’d all be there for each other, and it never changed. Even now, when you lived so far away, the tradition never died. You were grateful that you were so close with your siblings; you couldn’t imagine them not being your best friends.
“I’ll be anticipating it, then.” You promised, making your way to meet Jake at the door. You slipped on a pair of shoes, and he grabbed your hand. You both walked to your car together, not willing to speak a word. When you got in the driver’s seat, you couldn’t help but laugh at the situation in the backseat. Danny and Sam had Josh squished in the middle seat. The taller boys knees were scrunched together, but they looked fairly content for such an unpleasant seating arrangement.
Jake got in and you started the car, your speaker connecting to your phone for music. You handed it to Jake, silently telling him to be the DJ for the short ride. You pulled out of the driveway, stomach in knots as you drive down the street. The drive was filled with small chatter, mostly bickering from the boys in the backseat. Jake had his hand resting on your thigh, thumb rubbing small circles into the fabric of your pants. You focused on the feeling of him touching you, rather than the idea of him leaving. As the last exit before the airport approached, the familiar intro to the Eagles song he’d pegged as his favourite started to sound through the speaker.
“It’s your song, y/n!” Sam exploded from behind you. “Turn it up!” Jake did as he asked, laughter floating through the air as he cranked the volume knob. Sam leaned forward so you could hear him clearly. “Sing it with us.” He pleaded.
“No! I only sing when I’m drunk!” You lied, a grin plastered on your face.
“Liar!” Jake yelled, giving your thigh a squeeze. You rolled your eyes, knowing they wouldn’t let it go. You decided that it wouldn’t be so bad to sing it with them, hoping to leave the trip on a happy note. When the first lyrics hit, you belted them out. The boys joined in, too, making sure you didn’t feel too put on the spot. As you pulled into the drop-off lane of the airport, you were all singing so loud that you could barely hear the music anymore.
The song finished and you were all out of breath, laughing harder than you were singing. Jake turned the speaker down again, leaning back in his seat for a moment. The three boys sitting in the backseat were eager to get out, already stiff from being so cramped together. You put the car in park, now letting your hand rest on top of his. He let his fingers dance with yours, wishing that he didn’t have to leave, or that you could just get on the plane with him. He turned his head to look at you, and you did the same. You both rested for a moment, lost in each others eyes. “I’ll see you soon.” He promised.
“I know. You better be waiting for me in Atlanta.”
“I’ll be holding a big sign with your name on it.” You smiled, leaning over to share a kiss with him. It was soft, full of the emotion both of you were scared to voice. “I better get out there before they drag me out themselves.” He whispered against your lips. You kissed him once more, but let him go. You got out, too, following him to the trunk of your car. While he got his bag out, you made your round of goodbyes with his brothers. You went to Danny first, who picked you up in a hug. Sam next, who had to get a quick quip in about your interaction only an hour before. And then Josh, who was so similar to your boyfriend but a whole world of different. When he hugged you, his hold was so familiar, but not quite as comforting as Jake’s. You promised the three you’d see them in a few weeks, and that you’d talk to them way before then.
Last was Jake, the hardest goodbye. The three boys let him know they’d meet him inside, giving you both a minute alone. “We love you!” Josh yelled as he walked towards the main entrance.
“I love you guys, too!” You shouted back, watching them disappear into a crowd of people. Your gaze fell back on Jake, who was watching you with anticipation. The sadness in his eyes felt like a punch to the stomach. He reached out for you, hand cupping your cheek with utmost gentleness. His thumb brushed away a tear that fell.
“Atlanta.” He reminded.
“Atlanta.” You confirmed. He slipped his hand to the back of your head, softly pulling you into him. You wrapped your arms around him, worried that you may not be able to let him go.
“It’s only a few weeks. I’ll call you every night. Hell, I’ll call you as soon as I get through security, just to say hi before I leave.” You felt a sob begin to grow as he spoke.
“I didn’t think it was going to be this hard. I didn’t think I was going to fall for you this hard.” Your words were muffled, your head buried in his shirt.
“We can make it through. It just makes the next time I get to see you, even better.” He explained, running his fingers through your hair, brushing out any knots. “As for the other thing… I’m glad you did.” You couldn’t help but laugh at him, even while you were crying. He always made the shitty things feel better.
“You’ll call me when you land? Just so I know you’re there safe?” You pulled back, looking up at him.
“Of course I will.” He promised. You leaned up and placed your lips on his, savouring the kiss for as long as you could. When you parted, he gave you another quick peck. He pulled you in for one last hug, holding you as if he’d never get to do it again.
“Thank you for coming.”
“Thank you for letting me.” He gave a soft smile, kissing the top of your head. When he stepped back, his eyes trailed over you from head to toe. He took a deep breath before opening his mouth to speak again. “I love you, witchy woman.” He breathed. “You don’t have to say it back, but I just wanted to tell you. I had to tell you.” You swallowed hard, nervous about his proclamation. In reality, you knew you felt it, too. You were just too scared to say it first.
“I love you, rockstar.” You replied. The smile on his face was wider than any you’d ever seen. “Now go, I’ll see you later.” You blinked away the puddles pooling in your eyelids.
“Okay,” he sighed, taking a step backwards. You blew him a kiss before he turned around. He pretended to catch it, holding it close to his heart. “Bye, baby.”
“Bye, Jake.” You watched him until he disappeared from sight, chest aching and heart heavy. You got back in your car, wondering what he’d done to you. As you drove home in silence, you couldn’t stop thinking about him. For the rest of the night, you tried to keep yourself sane, to distract yourself from him in any way possible, but you knew that Atlanta was the only thing on your mind; the only thing keeping you going.
TAGLIST: @gvfpal @jakesgrapejuice @hellowgoodbye
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neymarcouncil · 2 years
Okay, so hear me out, it's always the jealousy imagines that are out there, but what about an imagine where a girl in the medical team or something keeps flirting with neymar and it has been going on for months or something, even tho he is married (to y/n or oc) and he always just never replies cause like, lady there is a ring on my finger, so she just assumes that he is okay with it and never tells his wife, and during a practice or something y/n decided to visit neymar on the way home and she sees that girl and tells her to stop flirting with her husband and the girl is all smug like "are you afraid he's gonna leave you for me" and y/n's like "no, I'm tired of convincing him to not tell your boss to fire you"
I got the idea from this writing prompt, so if you could please add the link in the fic, thank youu ♥️♥️
2.7k word's
{give me imagine's or ff ideas
A simple story
Tw: grammar, people tryna link up
Y/n pov?
It's been an exact year since Neymar proposed to me our relationship has been quite healthy only arumgemts that lasted a few days but we worked it out and Davi hated to see us in disputes I didn't let our little arumgemts to tare us apart of make Davi feel uncomfortable with me in anyway
His family loved me and brought me in like I was a blood he's sister especially loved me the most she treated me like a real sister
                        Time skip rn
I woke up to Neymar not in bed but I heard noise's in the kitchen
I got out of bed went to the bathroom to wash my face to get my up
I got out of our room and saw Neymar was cooking for the both of us(you and Davi)
"Chef Neymar what are you making today? You said going to kiss him on the check
"F/F for one of the most important people in my life' he said to you with is casual smile
"Why don't I take over? You might be late for practice" you said to him trying to take the pan
"Fuck I forgot about practice thank you meu amor" he said letting go of the pan and quickly going upstairs
You laughed at him and quickly went to the stove to handle what he was cooking
"How does he forget a whole job just for cooking" I mumbled to myself and continuing to finishing what he was making
"Y/n what are you making" you saw a little boy call out to you, it was Davi
"Oh good morning sweetheart, I'm just finishing what your father was making, "F/F" he said out loud looking at what I was cooking
"Yep, do you like F/F?' I said to him
"I do, is it ready?" He asked me happily
"Yes it is may you go get me plate"
"Of course Y/n" he said rushing to get 3 plates for all of us"
As Davi got the plates and began to place them on the table. I dished for all of us
"There you go love" I said giving Davi the plate "Thank you Y/n" he said going to the TV room to watch his shows while eating
"No problem buddy" I said while a smile on my face
As I covered the two other dishes to go upstairs and check up on Neymar
When you opened the door to your and his shared bedroom you both bumped into each other
'Im sorry you apologized" as he did the same
"Foods ready, Come eat before you go" you said to him with a smile
'Thank you Meu amor"
As you both went down stairs you have Neymar his dish and put yours in the microwave
"You're not eating now?" Neymar said to you in confusion "I'll eat later I'm not that hunger
You said quickly going upstairs to take a shower and get ready
"Okay, your still here goodbye tho my love" you said giving him a hug around his neck
Neymar got up from his seat getting ready to go to the car when you stopped him
"Where's Davis baby sitter?, You can't leave him, and I'm about to leave for grocerie shopping? alone security isn't enough"
You said to Neymar leaning in the kitchen table
"Oh yeah she'll be here at around 7am "
"Don't worry" he said as he Heard the baby sitter at the door with a knock
"Hello Mr and Mrs I'm sorry I'm a bit early"
"No problem I'll leave the rules at the table call if anything goes wrong byee" Neymar said quickly taking his kit and rushing outside 
"Bye Sweetheart" you said to him leaving
"Bye papa" Davi waved to him
You were getting ready to leave and buy groceries for everyone, and maybe buy something for yourself"
Neymar arrived at the Psg training private era
As Neymar Parked the car and both of you got out
"Finally you made it" Kylian said to him
"Rin has been nagging us to when you were coming, she's so annoying"
"She still hasn't stopped be so clingy to me? That's getting tiring' Neymar said with a sigh
"Have you told Y/n about her?" Kylian
"Nah I don't wanna worry her to much about"
"Alright man wish you best of luck" kylisn said they both walked to the training yard
"Oh my God, Neymar there you are" Rin yelled running to hug Neymar
"I thought you got hurt, never scare me like that"
"I'm fine Rin, and get off me... please" Neymar said in an annoyed tone
"Hey Ney, let's warm up"
"I have to stay with you, imagine you get hurt I could help you, Ney pleaseeeee" Rin cried out to Neymars shoulders "Yea sure whatever"
"Thank youuu Querido" Rin said taking of her jacket
"I'm sorry for not wearing something pleasant or sporty today to maybe help you guys train" Rin said trying to get Neymar's attention
"Wow a doctor wants to work with the team"  Neymar said sarcastically
"Okay let's go Neyyy" Rin said going to catch up with Neymar
"On my I don't think I can run anymore I'll go sit down Ney" Rin said with her breath hitching
"Wait may I wear I shirt of yours mine looks a bit to reavling if you mind"
She wined to him
"Will you leave me alone? Then yeah whatever"
"Thank you♡" Rin said walking off to get Neymar's bag and Change as she sniffed the shirt and mumbled to herself
"God your perfect"
I walked out of the changing room just to see a random female sitting and where Neymar's seat was
I walked over slowly to her trying to Guess who she was
"Oh hello Ma'am, are you medical team or something?"
"Oh no, I just came back from somewhere and decided to visit someone"
"And that shirt looks like I've seen it who's is it?" Y/n questioned
"The Neymar jùnior let me wear it" Rin said confidently
"He did? Oh Alright" Y/n said tensely
"What's wrong?"Rin was cut of by Neymar walking by to say give you a hello and and a peck on the check he didn't know you we're coming to visit him
"Oh, your the 'Y/n' huh?"
"Yea, if i may ask how do you know me?" You asked her
"Me and Ney are close thanks to this job so he's been acting like he weird for someone named Y/n, and that's you"
"You're an imbosel going after married men" Y/n said blanky
"Why scared I'll take him from you keep thinking that, we all know it's true"
"No, I'm thinking why hasn't we report you and Leave you in fucking bloody hell, it's a real pity your parents aren't child free you know?"
"Someone's scared I'll take him huh? How cute, that ring on a finger cna always be taken off reminder!"
"And sueing can always be free you know that"
"I feel unwanted by you Y/n so I'll leave bye honet!" Rin Said leaving you pissed already
            Later during the day
Narrator pov
Neymar got injured by his ankle so the medical team had to take a inspection though his whole leg to make sure he was fine
You got a little bit worried from seeing his face in complete pain
"You guys can head out I'll take a look at him" Rin said after they placed him down
"Okay Ma'am" the two doctors lead out of the room leaving you alone with Neymar
"Are you okay Ney, don't worry I'll take care of you♡" Rin said with a glowing smile on her face
"It's just my ankle Rin, Nothing that serious" He argued
"Your a very key player Ney, everything's important you have to take of your shirt for testing"
A sudden knock played out to the door
Sigh "Come in Rin answered annoyed by seeing your figure at the door
"I just came to check if he was okay?'
"Y/n, don't worry I'm fine just an ankle problem'
"You know you're distracting me from working on Him'
"Apologies I'm advance we just really have to go"
"Oh then you'll have to wait... Outside.
"No problem, I just need the key's from his bag"
You quickly grabbed his bag and lead out"
"Okay she's gone now, Shirt off examination time"
Examination over bc I don't know what they do.
"All done, Visit me every morning to check perfectly tho"
"Uh alright thanks"
"Are you Alright?" You quickly got out of your seat
"Yeah Rin ran some useless Tests but I'm all fine okay?"
"That's great to hear let's go home Davi's babysitter is about to leave
"Wait Ney" You both heard Rin call out
"Your shirt silly how'd you forget? I'll go change quickly"
Rin Changed and gave him back his shirt
"Thank you for leading it to me"
"Yea No problem" You watched the two blanky just walking out of the era and waiting at the car
"Hey Y/n wait up!" Neymar said quickly catching up with you
"What's up with that girl, and getting so close with you?" You questioned getting into the car as he did the same
"Who Rin?, I don't know she's been like that since she got hired"
"And you're not reporting to her boss?"
"I didn't think about it like it doesn't mean I like her"
"Yea but still, she already on my nerves" you said looking out the window as he drove back home
"Look if it makes you feel any better Meu amor, I'll talk to her boss about it Tomorrow"
You remained silent and just simply nodded to his action
The whole trip was silent you didn't want to talk to him thinking he had been okay with her busy flirting with him
You both got home and Davi rushed to hug his father's leg
"hey buddy missed me?" He crouched down to give him a hug too
As soon as you walked into the house Davi slide away from his father's hug to come hug you
"Hey there Davi, how are you" you questioned him and he simply have you a smile
Neymar stood back to his normal height and held your wrists making making you worried
All Davi did was go back to watching TV
You both went upstairs he went to take a shower and you were getting the bed ready
You saw as He got out of the bathroom with his pajamas on
"Y/n do you wanna talk?" He's face seeming worried and guilty
"He sat at the edge of the bed and you were standing Infront of him
"Look Y/n, I'll report her as soon as Tomorrow"
"Why didn't you sooner" you exclaimed
"Because I never really payed much attention to her, I have you"
"That doesn't make it better but I shouldn't be mad or jealous over small stuff I'm sorry"
"It's okay I'm sorry too, are we good?"
"Yeah we're good" you said with a smile Carling up your face
"I see that smile, Come on let's go make dinner" he said getting up and holding your hand
You and Neymar made dinner for You,Him and Davi as soon as you were all done eating you washed the plates and had to take Davi to bed and you both Also went to your shared bedroom
"I think I gonna sleep now good night my love"
You said resting your head on his chest as he switched off the lights and wished you a goodnight
Morning came and Neymar left early then usual even Davi was still asleep you decide to take a bath and get something ready to eat you woke up Davi and he quickly too a shower you gave him he's food and both you headed out of the house
"Y/n am I also coming to see dad?" Davi questioned in the back seat while you were driving
"Yep, I just need to also give him his food is that Alright?"
Davi just nodded going back to play with his iPad
You both reached The psg era you got out of the car and opened Davis door to unbuckle his safety belt
He got out of the car holding your hand  but still glued to his device
You walk past to see Rin with a box of medical supplies with her and a fuming expression on her face
"This is all your fault you fucking cunt, don't worry none of this is over be warned."
She said fo you storminess out of the Psg era
"Oh she's fired" you mumbled
You and Davi both Walked out of the era looking for Neymar as you found him coming out of an office room
"I see she's fired, here's you lunch to by the way" you said with a closed eye smile
"Yeah she's fired and there isn't practice today so we can have a whole free day!"
"That's perfect we can finally have a night together" you excitedly
Narrator pov
Neymar decided to leave now as he wanted to spend most of the day with you both of you left psg's training era and decided to relax most of th day and go out at around night time
Davi was already asleep in the car drive so he decided to put him in bed and let him sleep
As you both got home you felt a weight getting lifted from you
"Love, do you think we can get take out today I don't feel like cooking today?"
"Of course, you don't always have to cook Meu Amor"
"I know Davi's already fast asleep so I thought you might be hunger"
"Don't worry about it, let's just get ready"
Neymar ended the conversation with a slight peck on the check
You went into your closet to find a dress/suit to wear
(I don't want to pick for you bc it's Y/n u🤷)
As soon as you found your outfit for you a night with your husband he already had gotten ready before you finished, he was already waiting for for you downstairs you went down as a rush
"You look beautiful as always" Neymar complicated you
"Thank you and you look handsome as always" You complicated him back
"Ready to leave?" "Yep let's head off"
Neymar went to lock Davi's door and the house you waited in the car for him busy scrolling on your phone
As he opened th car door and entered "Alrighty then let's head off"
"You still haven't said where we were going too you know?"
"It's a surprise that's why" he said rolling his eyes
As you just continued scrolling through your phone
You both finally arrived at your detention and you were shocked to see "A club?" You questioned
"No a club I helped you in"
"Oh yeah, but if there's paparazzi following us I'm out"
"There won't I promise" he laughed at you word's
"Alright let's go"
You both went Into the club era trying your best not to be spotted and go to a private line at the party
Just after a few minutes you saw bright flashes and some recorded phones around Neymar
"Are you both official?"
"Neymar you've moved on from bruna?'
"How does it feel being in a relationship with one of the best football players?"
You quickly ran away from them holding Neymar wrists
You both hide under the table and sneaked Into the car
You heard Neymar suddenly laugh
"Oh my GOD what a day" he said in between his laugh's
"Just drive"
"Alright" he said teary from laughing
You both went home you were pissed paparazzi ruined you day with him but he made it up to you by watching a movie and cuddling with each other
LMFAO correct any mistake I wrote this at 2am I'm literally dying ong
https://at.tumblr.com/write-it-motherfuvkers /703390114339012608 /f3uscn2aw1g7
Was there promote go check it out bc this story is kinda like it? Ion
I wanna kms I don't know if I'm doing this right I'm usually a Wattpad writer and write w parts so ion about here btw gimme request's
(2 am mfs help(
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lavender-z-love · 1 year
Highway to Heaven
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Mark Lee x Black.FemReader
Genre: Smut, Idol!boyfriend AU, Virgin!Mark AU, SoftDom+Sub!Mark, Switch!Reader Fluff in there♡
Warnings: Seggs and lots of seggs, spelling and grammar errors! (Give me time, to go through a few couple times to make sure everything is good👍. I was rushing to post this 🥲)
A/n: This is the final part of my little 3 part Smut series. I know, the 2nd part was written wayyyyy after the 3rd. I wanted to make sure I felt it was good before posting it. Anyway- have a good read. Im also using Mark's Korean name every now and then in this x reader.
A/N 2– PLEASE READ: If you see the name 'Kaneki' dont be alarmed, I was also wrwriting another X Reader for 'Kaneki' and his name keeps autocorrecing into this x reader. I think ive fixed all the errors, but I could be wrong.
Wordcount: Im thinkin 2500k? I'll count later ♡
Part one: Baby don't like it.
Part two: Here.
Part three: Angel.
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Mark squeezed your thighs as they were wrapped around his thin waist. Slow and steady kisses pressed onto your neck. Your nails dig into Minhyung's shoulders as a soft moan leaves your lips. There was no suprise how Mark felt about you in this moment, so you weren't shocked when you felt his longing pressed against you.
Though Mark stopped kissing you. He pulled away from your neck, smiles wryly "S-Sorry.."
"Don't apologize, it's perfectly fine." Mark's eyes stayed on you, thoughts racing at high speeds—
'How can I please her?'
'Can I make her climax good enough?'
Your back hit the soft mattress with Mark soon to follow. Your heart almost burst out of your chest— thinking of some places where to touch Mark. Thinking where to touch Mark to get him hot. Even though this was your first time together, the both of you were willing to go further and beyond for one another.
Mark unexpected, who seemed to not know anything about sex, knew exactly what buttons to push to turn you on. "Can give you a hickey here?", he softly asks
"Do what you want Kitten", you whispered.
That nervous demeanor of Mark's begins to dissolve, having a confident one replace it. Maybe too confident, you'll see why- "God you smell so nice.." Mark licked and kissed the bite mark he'd left to soothe the sweet pain he had produced.
"Did you put perfume on?", he asked in between kisses.
You nod, holding him close as your fingers run through Mark's hair. So soft you could play in his silky locks for hours.
"Yes of course baby, is it too much?"
Mark pulls away and smiles at you. Leaning in for a quick kiss before answering you. "No, not at all. I love it." The both of your lips tangled together. Heated bodies pressed against one another. Mark's tongue, against parted lips in small licks against. French kisses deepening the passion, your bodies even more molten together.
His hands searched and wondered every inch of your clothed body as he soon began to tug at your top.
"Can I?", he whispers.
"Go for it" ,you say giving him the green light, his lips find their way to your cheek. He kissed you a few times before allowing you to sit up, taking your shirt and lifting it over your head. He set it aside before laying you back down again.
His eyes darted towards your chest. Leaving his face breaking out in a red glow. 'This is so lewd' He was thinking what to do..and how to touch you; not wanting to make you feel uncomfortable or awkward. Still admiring your bronze glazed breasts, you reach out and grasp Mark's hand, bringing him back to reality. You lead his hand to your chest, having his hand cup your clothed breast.
You giggled, "Kitten, you can touch them. I promise I won't bite, unless you want me to." Teasing, winking at him. Mark averted his eyes from your flirtatious gaze.
"I just..Don't want to mess up, or make you feel uncomfortable-"
Mark pulls you close a bit to where he is able to reach around you and fiddle with your bra hook, sliding his delicate fingers underneath it. "Mark, look at me. It's your first time, we are bound to have awkward moments and mistakes. But thats apart of the process. Lets have fun with it, Okay?" Mark presses his forehead against yours, letting out a puff of air.
"Yes. I suppose you're right, Y/n. I wont think about that. I'll just think about loving you." Your hands find their way to his cheeks, pulling his face lower to place a kiss upon his nose. "You're so stunning- I don't know how I managed to control myself around you" ,He confessed
"Well, tonight Mark- you don't have to control yourself. I don't want you to, give me everything." Your boyfriend nodded and gently continued to kiss you. "And you Y/n– dont hide anything from me either", Mark commands in a husky voice.
"Fuck Mark, when you talk like that—", you mumble into his lips hungrily, "I'll show you what a slutty Minx I can be."
Mark breathes heavily at those words, his pants feeling tighter, "Yes Y/n, I'd love that." Your delicate hands feeling on your boyfriend's toned chest, tracing his abs. You tug on Mark's shirt pushing him back, causing him to naively tilt his head in confusion then realized what your goal was.
He the pulled his shirt up and over his head, discarding it into the corner. Admiring his toned body, your cheeks flush as Mark leans back on to you. His actions quite appealing to you— the way he'd done that, he seemed so confident. Though- thinking about it, how could disposing of an clothing item be so enticing?
Minhyung firmly placed his hands on your hips, hoisting you up and further on the bed. "God your skin is gorgeous."
"Mark..." ,You muttered. Feeling his lips kiss your cheek. The his hands still rest on your curvy hips. Caressing your thighs as they compress against his sides. He stopped at the waist band of your pants. "Yes?" ,He asked pulling away from your cleavage. "On the bed-"
You quietly laughed, "Get on the bed." Mark was a little hesitant, he wanted to stay on top of you and do most of the work. Mark got off of you, letting you get up. He was going to just lay down, though you didn't give him a chance to. You pushed him down, climbing on top of him.
"My turn, let me treat you."
Your fingertips, traveling to his neck and caressing his face. Your eyes locked with Mark's lips and his eyes to your lips. Having convinced him you were going to kiss him, you pull away leaving him hungry for a kiss. Making way for his neck, only to hover and breathe against it. Eventually you final gave in nipped at his neck. "Tell me Kitten" ,You spoke between little bites, "Where do you want my lips?"
He lightly moaned, clutching to the bed sheets. "I want your lips on my lips of course-"
You smiled, "In due time, you must be patient. Foreplay is essential, I want to tease you just a bit baby."
Mark smirks, "So, this is what I signed up for?" You nod, "Im afraid so kitty.." , brushing your thumb against his plump lips. Your free hand wandering along his body. Abs toned, like a captivating art piece. Mark's tan skin soft, some spots with scares, each telling a story behind them. However, each making you fall more in love with him and his body. Your hand stopping at his zipper. His voice hitches, your boyfriend now sitting up to see what you were doing. You getting off of him and now placing your hands along his waist. You slowly unbuckled his belt, now watching him as you did so.
Such a sweet angel like him, what a lustful and hungry look he had in his eyes. Now that his belt was on the ground, you tugged at the button on his jeans leaving one last thing to undo. You slide off of Mark and onto your knees. Mark, now under a spell, still watching your movement. What you do next really had him wanting to just throw you down and pound into you. Your body coming closer to his torso, placing small kisses right below his belly button. Mark released a heavy breath..
'Haa.. she's so close to my–' he thinks to himself. He bites the inside of his mouth in attempt to hold back tiny moans. Just the thought of you being close to his cock began to set him off. Feeling up and down his waist, peppering kisses along his lower torso– surprising him by finaly unzipping his pants and pulling them down along with his underwear. Enough to where his member sprung out. Suddenly at the sight of if it you were a bit intimidated.
Mark was a bit embarrassed especially with you staring so much. "Y-Y/n you don't have to. I promise, I can just–"
You quickly press your lips to his, silencing him. "Mm-mm, I am– Im just trying to figure our how you're going to fit inside me" ,you nervously laugh in attempt to lighten the mood. "Even so, I don't mind going down on you Y/n– show me what to do."
"Next time baby boy, this time–".
You pause as you grasp Mark's length. His eyes shut tight, his warm lips part as you extract a moan from him. You begin pumping him, slowy just to get him used to it. You didn't want to drive him crazy, well...at least not yet. "This time, Im in Charge." Back to Mark's length— Slowly and steadly, you licked a stripe starting from the underside of his Cock and up to the tip. He shivers, as his hands grasps the sheets. Giving his head small kitten licks, observing his reactions and how sensitive he was.
Once you got the idea, your nose was soon touching Mark's torso. "Y-Y/n!" So trapped with pleasure, his cries never complete make it out. Tossing his head back in pure ecstasy. His Adam's apple bobing as he attempts to catch his breath.
"S-Slow Down!" You pull away whiping the saliva that began to build up.
"Baby, I am going slow" ,you chuckle. He glares down at you. Such a beautiful view, he'd only seen in dreams with the both of you. Up until now those dreams were made reality. Those siren eyes you return the dangerous gaze up at him. Those nails of your, gripping his thighs enough to make crescent-shaped marks. Licking your plump lips. Mark's face burned deeply and so did his ears. How erotic this was, he'd think to himself. Wanting to hid his face away.
"Here-" ,You grab Minhyung's hand and place it to you side of your face, "You can hold my hair and help control the speed if you want" ,You explain.
Mark noded a little embarrassed to say something, and you began to work your magic again. Once again, introducing that long, slow, Lick along his shaft to ease him back into it again. Both hands gripping him this time. Slowly pumping him, your lips parted as you swirled your tongue around your boyfriend's Tip.
As a reaction his fist grips your hair, hypnotized by your actions he sharply exhales. "S-Sorry you just, caught me off guard-", he explains while releasing your hair. You hummed taking his member fully in your mouth. Like torture to him, it seemed like you were teasing him, though you just wanted to make him feel extraordinary. Adding to the pressure, the pleasure- Slurping and Sucking, with occasional swirlings of your tongue making him see stars. Your head bobbing up and down as your tongue grazed the underside of Mark's Cock. His eyes study you, fingers intertwined with your hair, bundling it all up into a pony tail. Just trying to hold back,"Y/n– You can stop, Im close.."
You hummed, sending electrifying vibrations through him. You unlatch yourself from Mark, strings of saliva connecting from your lips to his Tip. Once he'd examined that, the pressure he'd been holding in his gut was starting to unravel. A burning sensation from him was getting heavier. You began pumping his messy cock in on hand before taking him back in your mouth. Driving him insane, forgetting your hair was still gathered up in his fist— he pulls you further onto his cock, with every tug, your nose touching his bellybutton. Saliva was also building up like thin strands of thread on the underside of his shaft. Your saliva dripping onto the floor, dripping down your neck and even littering on your clothed breasts; glistening in the moonlight.
Letting him guide you at a steady pace. Swear words find themselves falling past his lips. Mark leaning back, dazed. Voice like honey, moans and gasps feeding you. He sounded so good, You wanted to make him sound like this everyday. Mark's sexy orgasm unraveling itself bit by bit.
With one buck of his hips and one last time pushing your head down onto him, "F-Fuck.." ,He purred. As Mark's sweet cum painted your throat white you felt him twitch in your mouth. Finally coming back to his senses. He quickly realized, "Im sorry Y/n! Are you okay?"
You nod, covering up your mouth with your hands. Mark furrows his brows confused, until he realized– "Wait! Y/n– you don't have to.." You swallow all of him, of course he seen it. If Mark's face could turn any reder his head woukd explode from embarrassment.
Mark, helps you up and to your feet, only to push you down onto the bed. Pinning your wrists above you, his breathing was heavy. "You drive me crazy..you know that right?" You smile,"I didn't know until now." Standing up, fully disposing of his pants and underwear. Minhyung pulling you by your legs towards the end of the bed. Tugging at your skirt and panties, disposing of those too. You help by reaching around and uncliping your bra.
"You had your fun, now its my turn". Mark purred, looking down at you. His lips find their way to yours, and his hands once again; exploring every square inch. His hand finding its way between your legs. Your arousal was evident, you were drenched from getting Mark off so bad you were practically dripping. As Mark's fingers running along your drenched folds, he studies your facial expression. You grind against his fingers, signaling you want more.
Mark takes the hint, pressing his thumb against your bud. This coaxing a loud wail from you. After making friction between your grinding and Mark's fingers rubbing against you, he pushes a finger inside you. Once again gaining a sweet sound from you. Your hands shoulders, gripping onto them. The sound you made causing Mark's cock to twitch with excitement. His eye darkening at the sexy sight of his beautiful girlfriend underneath him.
Hypnotized by your beautiful cries, he suddenly acts. Adding another finger, whilst attacking one of the two buds on your chest. His tongue, assaulting your sensitive bud leaving it glistening with his saliva. Truely sending you to heaven and the two of you hadn't even actually fucked yet. With your back now arched, your hands leaving Minhyung's shoulders and sliding up to his head and gently gripping his platinum blue roots.
"M-Mark! W-Wait! Im gonna finish- I don't want to just yet..",You pleaded. How was he so good and this was his first time? You had no idea, and honestly...pretty sure he had no idea. Mark slowly removes his fingers from inside of you, bringing his wet digits into his mouth. Pulling them out with a pop following. Licking his lips, before his eyes dart down to you. "You're so sweet y/n",He mutters.
You bashfuly gazing back at him in an attempt to catch your breath from the delightful foreplay you'd just received. Your boyfriend reachinging into a nightstand, pulling out a pack of condoms.
"You were really planning this out, huh?"
"I told you, Y/n, Im ready to give you my all."
Digging through the small box, he pulls out a few small square packets it his hand. You scoffed, "Baby, do you need so many?"
Mark sheepishly smiles,"Better safe than sorry, you know?"
Your boyfriend, who's now opening the little packed replied chuckling with a slight hue over his cheeks. Mark, now rolling the condom onto his length.
"Do you want to take control Mark?" Mark declined, "Show me how its done first" ,he flirted. You giggled, pushing him down before straddling him. "Get comfortable Kitten." Your boyfriend nodded as he placed his large hands on your thighs. "Feel free to take control when you want, okay?"
He nods and you begin. Gliding your folds against Mark's cock. With anticipation, his nails digging into your soft thighs as he watches your hips swivel. You bite your lip fighting back your cries wanting to hear your boyfriend's voice. Slowly ingulfing him in, though not all of him. You sat there for a bit as the stretch was a little painful.. soon the pain subsides and transforms into pleasure.
You leaned down onto Mark, bare chest to bare chest..rising and falling, his cock twitching already. His hands slightly pushing you down onto his cock.
"Y/n, you're so warm" ,your boyfriend moaned. "And you—" ,you had to take a breath, "You're so fulfilling.." Mark's eyes fixated on the erotic scene in front of him. His hands now on your ass, pushing you down a bit further. He sat up to get a good look at you up close.
"Fuck.. your body is absolutely beautiful" Mark groaned, now pushing you down onto his cock completely. Thus making you cry louder than before. Your arms instinctively wrap around his neck. Mark gazing up at you with his hands still on your ass letting you adjust.
Your boyfriend sprinkles kisses on your chest, before having a field day with your breasts. "How do you feel Y/n?" ,he asked looking at you with a hungry look. "I'm fine Mark." Your boyfriend happily smiles, wrapping his arms around you. "G-Good.."
Your eyes shut tight, finally having the courage to move. Pushing Mark back down, you began with a steady and slow tempo. Satiny coils down to your sides; glued to your beautiful tanned skin because of the sweat. Your face of pleasure; eyes closed and mouth gaping. Mark with one eye shut and the other watching you, his lewd face handsome and on display for you. With every bounce, your breasts follow— giving him something delicious to gawk at if you don't fuck the shit out of him.
Your hands on his chest as support, curling up and scratching your boyfriend in the process. "Fuck...Y-Y/n" ,Mark grunts. Enjoying the feelinging of being sucked in and squeezed, pulled into you was overwhelming. It was taking every ounce not to cum so quickly.
"H-Hm? Is it too much kitten?" ,you teased.
Mark's His hands so hungrily reaching out to you. Finding his way to your clit, rubbing it in circles. Sending shocks of arousal throughout your body. Suddenly feeling Mark's dick burrow deeper into you. You screamed at the action adding on to the pure bliss.
Fucking into you as he gripped your thighs to help him steady his pace. The sound of skin colliding slowly building up becoming louder and louder every couple of thrusts to the point where you couldn't hear it past your moans. Seeing stars as your eyes rolled back into your skull— Thinking of nothing but the feeling of something filling you up over and over again. Mark helping you ride out your orgasm, as well as building up on his.
You were being fucked senseless, so early on into your Valentine's Sex session. "M-Minhyung! W-Wait!!" Were cries that managed to fall past your soft lips as your walls clamp around on your lover before you. Your legs shaking violently, your back archs and head thrown back.
"Oh Baby, You look so P-Pretty like this.." ,Mark Woo's. Massaging your thighs, letting you return to reality. Heavily breathing as you lay against Mark's chest.
"You okay?"
"Yes..I'm Okay.."
Gentle rubs on your back, comforting you.. somewhat lulling you to sleep. You spring up realizing. "Oh my god!"
Your face flushes. You cover your face with your hands, using them as a shield. "What baby? Tell me whats up. Was I not okay?"
"No! It was the opposite! I-..I finished too fast!"
Mark sits up, now eye-level with you still settled on top of him. Gently holding your hands, he peals them away from your pretty face. "Hey, weren't you the one who said It would be awkward? That pur first time together wont be perfect?"
"Yes but..I wanted to hold out for you."
"It's okay if you don't hold out...well, It Just tells me what a good job Im doing", he flirted. Making you giggle with sudden spring of kisses peppered on your neck.
"I guess you are doing well, you've managed to come this far."
"You guess? Want me to do better? I do have one tally for making you 'cum' this far."
You were lifted up and put onto your back, the both of you now in missionary position. Mark held you down against his sheets. Your dark hair was littered everywhere as you looked up at him and Mark, as he looked down at you.
A soft and warm, yet intense gaze– Seemed like nothing would put a hold on the sexual tension between you two. Your chest hot with desire. Leaning in closer to you. The feeling of warm breath heave against eachother—
"Oh..Haha, you've got jokes".
Mark chuckles, pulling your body somewhat onto his lap as he readied himself to fill you up once more.
"Uh-huh, Jokes and galore", he says with a cute smirk. Without warning, you were filled to the brim with Mark's length. Your eyes widened with the sudden feeling and voice so loud you were positive Mark's neighbors could hear everything.
Mark's grip, tugging on one of your hands while the other grips the sheets. His lips nipping, kissing, whispering things into your skin as he watched your pleasured form.
With your free hand you cling to the velvety sheets. "Ngh! Fuck.. Minhyung–"
"Hm? What's that? Kitten got your tongue, Y/n?", Mark Teased. He leans onto you, kissing your chin, and slowly going down your body. Your neck, collar bone..and breasts.
His steady thrusts, speeding up with the sound of skin getting louder too. Marks lips wrapped around your nipple, as he pulled you by the wrist. The combination of his tongue going at it on your breasts + Mark filling you up, quickly sending you over the edge. Your nails now finding solace in Mark's bicep.
His other arm wraps around the arch of your back. Holding you there- after having fun with one nipple he moves on to the next. "Mark! Mm! Oh my g–" a string of cries leave your lips as your boyfriend's pelvis slams into yours.
The feeling, Tension of Minhyung's cock ravage your insides building up, leaving you speechless. Without announcement Mark pulls out, yanking the condom off and planting his seed all over your stomach.
Your orgasm that was just being built up began to die down. You sighed with disappointment feeling the sweet end leave your body. You began to sit up only to be pushed back down onto the bed.
"Hey, where are you going beautiful? I can feel you're on your second orgasm."
"Its not that big of a deal—"
With a sudden motion, your legs pulled apart. Pushed back by the pit of your knees. Mark kneels before you, eagerly looking at your pussy.
"Damn, Look how messy you've gotten. Let me clean you up a bit."
His tongue now licking a long, wet, warm stripe along your slit. Firmly gripping plush thighs, Mark pulls you onto his lips. Making out with your pussy vigorously. Tasting every inch of your cum that had leaked out of you.
Mark stepping back to look at your face, as he found joy in your expressions. Wondering why you were so quiet, to finding you covering your mouth.
He grabs your hand, holding it down to the bed. In a teasing tone,"You can pull my hair if you don't know what to do with them." Like you'd told him before the two of you got busy love making.
"I forbid you to hide your cries Minx. You're loud and expressive earlier. Don't hide now", he mumbles against your pussy. He drags your soft digits to his locks, letting your fingers latch on before continuing to eat you again.
Feeling the need to help that pressure build up again, taking your fingers amd playing with your clit. Mark feeling disappointed that you needed to do it yourself. Mark removed your hand, replacing it with his.
Your hips rolling on Mark's finger and tongue, eventually reaching that sweet end goal. Your legs vibrating around Marks head as you cum. Still Stimulating you as you reached the end.
Your pretty cries so loud, like music to Mark's ears. Felling him smile against your pussy as he laps up your juices. Rubbing your thighs to help soothe the slight aches. "Beautiful Y/n, Such a beautiful Minx."
Mark gently lowers your legs, kissing your calves as your toes point. Allowing you to come down from your high. "Fuck Kitten...You're good. Really good." You slur hungrily.
"Yeah? Good, cause' I'm not done yet gorgeous." Marks says in a low tone; his eyes clouded by love lust. "Not done?" You ask, ready for more. Your boyfriend who'd been a virgin, shy and now confident as ever. Though you weren't complaining, he was so hot like this.
"Could you please turn around for me Y/n?", he asked as he helped you to your feet.
"Since you asked so nicely", you flirted with Mark as he twirled you around. Mark now unwrapping a new condom and preparing himself for you.
On your hands and knees, you wait for Mark to position himself. As he does so, his hands slide up your waist and up your hips. His alluring voice in your ear, "Are you ready?"
His voice melting you, you nod leaning into the sheets. "Minx, don't lean that way– come here.."
Mark helping you up, you stayed on your knees and Mark right behind you. "I wanna try like this–"
His chest against your back.. Sweat making your skin stick together. One hand of his holding your hip and the other holding one of your wrists. He guides your hand over his shoulder and rests it on the back of his head. Gently kissing your shoulder as he slides inside you again. "A-Ah!"
Mark's hand now with a mind of its own making its way to your breast, and fondling it. Your head thrown back onto your boyfriend's shoulder as he grinds against you— thrusts into you.
"Damn...You feel so good, you're so beautiful—", he whispers.
"Mark– I don't think I'll be letting you sleep tonight."
"Me either–" The two of you share a kiss as Marks hips move faster. Your mouth agape more, having lovely noises spill out.
"–I can't seem to get enough of you."
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Written june 28th
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shurisasthmaticgf · 2 years
Hold Me: Shuri x Black! Fem! Reader
tw// spoilers, grief, crying, implied nsfw…ig?, panic attack….kinda
this one is angsty with some hurt + comfort
a/n: i ain’t edit this cuz it’s midnight n im tired as hell so sorry for spelling or grammar errors. i’ll clean it up in the morning. and pls lmk if you all liked this cuz comments or messages motivate me and also help me know if my work sucks 😋🫶🏽
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A rush of cold air hit your torso just to be replaced by your warm sheets and comforter seconds later. However the feeling of your girlfriend’s body against yours was no longer there. The other side of the bed remain empty for minutes as you stirred in and out of sleep repeatedly. Eventually you came to the conclusion that you wouldn’t be falling back asleep until your girlfriend was back in your bed.
You shuffled your slipper clad feet against the palace floors until you reached Shuri’s lab. The sound of your feet dragging against the floor got her attention along with a “Pick up your feet” in your direction. However all you heard were hushed mutters and clinking if different tools in her workspace.
So not to scare her you softly called out, “Shuri?” The queen didn’t reply the first, second, or third time you called her name. You approached her from behind and slipped your arms around her waist, resting your head against her shoulder blade. The sudden touch startled her attention for a split second, but she immediately went back to tinkering with whatever she had in front of her.
Exhaustion was evident in your voice as you hummed, “Come back to bed, baby.” Shuri answered in a monotone, “You can go. I will be back soon.” Your hands fell from her body and you stood beside her, “Shuri.” The queen didn’t reply once again but the tears welling in her eyes and the way she bit her lip were telling enough of what was going through her head. You placed a hand on her wrist and your other lifted her head so her gaze could meet yours. Her eyes flickered back to her hands but you lightly lowered them, letting her put down her things.
Many things could go unsaid between the two of you and your eyes were enough to convey your feelings. Shuri gave you a subtle nod and lowered her head as she let you guide her from her lab and back to her chamber. You closed the bedroom door then turned to walk back to bed but Shuri stopped you before you could take a step. Her hand pushed you lightly back until you hit the door, and she placed a heated kiss to your lips.
For a moment you let her, allowing yourself to get wrapped up in what she was offering. Until you felt her pull at your pajama shirt and you came to your senses. Her actions were more frantic and rushed than usual as she fumbled with the hem of your top. Immediately you pulled away and pushed her lightly, “No. We aren’t doing this right now.” Shuri’s eyes brimmed over with tears and she shook her head, “No please- Y/N I need this.” In another instance you’d easily do whatever she wanted at those words. However you knew her intentions differed greatly from that.
Shaking fingers grasped your top and you held them down, pulling her hands from your clothes and into your own. Your girlfriend anxiously rambled as she started sobbing, somewhere along the way all you managed to understand was “I need you.” Your heart shattered at the sight, hearing the desperation in her voice as she begged you over and over. But you knew this wasn’t the right way to help her because this wasn’t what she actually needed.
You held Shuri’s hands firmly and pushed her against the wall this time. She choked on her sobs as you looked her in the eye, “You’re not in the right state of mind for this Shuri.” The queen refused and insisted, “I am- please I need you.” You told her firmly, “You have me. I’m right here, I’m not going anywhere.” The resistance in her hands slowly decreased and you let them go. You pulled her into your arms cautiously and she sobbed as you held her closer.
Tears soaked through the sleeve of top as you carried Shuri back to bed. Her fingers curled around the fabric of your shirt as she held into you for dear life. You let your hand rub her back soothingly as she cried out for her deceased family members. She begged you, “Hold me- please just don’t let me go.”
You sucked in a deep breath to swallow back the tears that threatened to fall, “I got you, my love. I promise I’m never letting go.”
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blaaaaabh · 2 years
party confessions
pairings: xavier x reader
a/n: this is my first ever fanfic im sorry if it’s bad or there’s grammar errors lol
warnings: drinking, thats pretty much it i think
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word count: 1k
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as the sun began to go down, you finished getting ready for the party. it had been your first ever time going to a party since you moved to nevermore and you weren’t planning on missing it since the tall guy you’ve been crushing on was going to be there.
as you look in the mirror and admire your appearance, you quickly adjust your hair while a knock on your dorm’s door startles you out of your zone.
you rush over to the door and quickly swing it open, it was enid who was just as dressed up and nice as you with a big smile across her face while she looks at you up and down, “you look great!!!”
you pull her in for a hug and return the compliment, “looking good yourself! there’s no way ajax won’t be all over you tonight.” you said with a smirk over your face.
“xavier definitely will be happy to finally get some time with you outside of school” enid said as you closed the door to your dorm and followed her out.
“oh come on. i don’t even think he feels the same..”
she looked over at you and stopped dead in her tracks, “are you kidding me? that man is definitely in love with you.”
you couldn’t help but shake your head, yeah he may seem to enjoy your company and occasionally will flirt with you but “love” is a little excessive.
when you arrive at the party you couldn’t help but get overwhelmed at the insane amount of people everywhere, pretty much everyone at your school was there.
you quickly skimmed the room and looked for the tall boy, which you eventually found over on the couch talking to ajax. his eyes instantly lit up when he noticed you in the room and called you and enid over to the couch with them.
“hey enid and y/n! i’m happy you guys showed up” xavier said with a big smile across his face.
“where can we get drinks around here?” you asked looking around the room.
xavier quickly stood up, “follow me i’ll show you the way” he said while jokingly reaching out for your hand.
you looked over to enid who was already busy talking to ajax and decided she’ll be fine without you being there, it will give them some time to themselves anyway. you thought as you grabbed xavier’s hand as he led the way.
xavier handed you a drink as he grabbed his own and took a sip while admiring you. “have i mentioned yet how good you look, y/n.”
was he flirting with you? or was he just drunk
your eyes met his and your eye contact was strong as you couldn’t help but notice how good he looked himself. “you don’t look too bad yourself” you said as you still kept the eye contact. which xavier clearly got nervous by and looked away as his face turned just the slightest bit red.
the night was getting late and you were becoming tired of the loud crowds and music, which xavier noticed. “do you want to get out of here? i can bring you back to your dorm if you’d like.”
you nodded with your heavy eyes as he helped you up as you quickly said your goodbyes to enid and ajax then began heading back to the dorms with xavier close by.
it was a chilly night and the wind was strong which you weren’t planing on since you didn’t bring a jacket.. luckily xavier came more prepared and realized how cold you were as he took it off and quickly placed it on you.
as you continued walking, you looked over to him with a smile on your face, “thank you. what would i do without you?”
“probably freeze to death” he said laughing, as he looked at you and winked.
you guys finally made it back to your dorms and you felt the relief of not being outside anymore in the cold air.
as you opened the door, xavier let himself in and stood near the front door as you took off his coat and handed it back to him. “i’m really glad i went tonight” you said, as you couldn’t hold back a smile across your face.
“i’m glad you went too. next time we should just hang out - you know, without the entire school.”
you couldn’t help but tease him a little, whether that was from the alcohol or just your overall feelings towards the guy who you’ve had a crush on for months. “are you asking me on a date xavier?” your mouth wide with a fake surprised expression.
he walked closer to you, leaving the space between you two almost completely gone. “and so what if i am? would you be interested in such a thing with a guy like me?”
you got even closer to the tall guy who towered over you with an intense look in his eye, almost wishing you would get even closer.
the alcohol must have given you some sort of confidence because suddenly you got right close and confessed, “you know, i’ve liked you for a while now. incase it wasn’t extremely obvious.”
you didn’t even have enough time to regret what you just said as xavier stood there for a moment, looking at you before a smile came over his face, “i’m in love with you y/n.”
you were left speechless and couldn’t find the words to say, as he searched in your eyes for what you may say next. you suddenly pulled him in and kissed him. he quickly didn’t hesitate to kiss you back.
the feeling of his lips onto yours was all you’ve been wanting ever since you saw him and now it’s finally happening
and you never wanted it to end.
the kiss broke apart for a moment as he stopped, still extremely close to you with a smile still over his face, “so i’m gonna take that as a yes to the date?”
“oh shut up. obviously” you said as you pulled him back in.
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writing-havoc · 2 years
im so glad u take request for inej! i had two scenarios in mind choose whatever you wish with the dialogues u see fit. truthfully i love your writing so i want u to not restrict yourself to my ideas and just write what flows in your mind 🥰
enemies to lovers/friends with the prompts ❝there are some things worse than death. would you like to see them?❞ and ❝i’ve seen what ‘bad’ looks like. you’re one of the good ones, trust me.❞
a scenario where inej and reader are doing a mission together ❝i got blood on my dress. i really like that dress.❞ and ❝i killed him but, now there’s a mess. ❞
♡ Summary: You find a way to be there for Inej after a job goes sideways
♡ Pairing: Inej Ghafa x reader
♡ Fandom: Six of Crows, Grishaverse
♡ Warning: Blood, Death, says the word cock once
♡ WC: 2.7k
Hi hi hi! Sorry this took a while. I had to go back and reread some of Inej's chapters to get a better feel for her character.
This turned out to be less so enemies to friends and more so annoyances to friends? I hope that's okay! I went along the lines of the first prompt you gave me <3
Please excuse and spelling or grammar errors.
Hope you like it <3
The sudden whistling of a Ravkan tune nearly sent Inej's soul hurtling into the arms of her saints. The pitch was nowhere near close to the actual song, the notes either too high or ridiculoudly low. She's surprised she even recognized it against the chaos.
"We're supposed to be watching silently," she hissed, eyes flickering to your figure, "not alerting them to our very position."
"Yeah but it's too quiet up here." You sigh, voice low compared to your brash tune. "Gives me the creeps."
She gritted her teeth. 'The creeps' her ass. That's the entire point. You have to watch and gather information and you can't do that if you're being loud and telling them they're being spied on. Being quiet is Inejs skill, and if that gives you the creeps then you ought to just leave now.
She tells you just as much, to which you respond with. "I'd rather not deal with Kaz" before whistling the tune again, only this time significantly quieter but just that much more inaccurate.
Inej reflects on her life to try and pinpoint the exact moment that she was sent barreling in this direction, doomed to die of annoyance by your bored hand. Every choice effects how you will lead your life, there must have been at least one that landed her here.
Maybe it's a test sent by her saints. If she can just tolerate you for a little longer without sewing your mouth physically shut, then that's a win on her part, a reassurance that she has a chance of taking her place among them by the time her death rolls around.
She begins counting, but it doesn't help as it only makes her more aware that the tune you're now humming is incredibly off beat.
The target she was searching for made himself known, skittering by the windows in almost a rush. He wasn't frantic, no, just a little jittery. He was probably high, now that she watches him wipe at his nose aggressively and click his jaw around. Makes this all the more easier.
"Be quiet. Do we need to go over the plan again?" She asks, well aware of how she sounds. But you just always seem to get under her skin.
You rolled your eyes. "No. I remember." The knife at your hip makes a dull and satisfying scrape sound as you take it out of his sheath. "I take the window you take the emergency roof exit."
"No, I take the window, you take the roof."
"That's what I said." Before she can say anything, you push off the edge of the roof with a force she would like to think is humanely impossible, and you send yourself to the roof. She hears only a singular pebble become displaced before your advancing in a low run to the door.
Why do you have to be like that?
Inej doesn't have a problem with you as a whole, per se. You just always somehow find a way to say exactly what she needs to hear to make her body start boiling. Getting the plan wrong is a serious threat to her safety and yours.
She knows you're joking. You would have asked for further clarification if you were really confused. You're no idiot. But still, why?
Settling herself just to the left of the window, she peeks around and starts cataloging.
The target is behind his desk, lanterns lit in pretty much every corner of the room that it's a wonder there's any shadows at all. The door to the hallway is wife open, and a bathroom directly across from where Inej is sitting is cracked faintly.
Her fingers feel along the bottom of the window. They're unlocked.
Stupid man.
She waits, listening harder than she probably ever has before, for the telling sound of a door opening. Faintly, she hears something unlock, and then rusty gears grind open for no more than a moment before they're shutting again.
The man behind the desk doesn't notice anything amiss, even though the emergency hatch had to have echoed inside the house, and just keeps pacing. He looks a little thin. His cheeks were beginning to sink in and his eyes had very dark bags underneath them. If he opened his mouth his teeth were probably one good tug away from coming out.
Inej waits three, four, five seconds, and then thrusts the window open. At that exact moment you bound in the room soundless, closing the door behind you.
The man is startled shirtless, a scream nearly escaping his throat until she runs up and clamps a hand over her mouth, dagger poking his throat.
"Not a sound." She hisses.
You draw the curtains to the windows, turning down a few of the lanterns to avoid shadows. A few of the windows have drop down blinds that you quickly make use of.
"Do you understand me?"
The man nods, very shaky.
She slowly removes her hand, but keeps the point of the knife directly touching his neck, right over his pulse point. His hands are out to his sides, his boney fingers decorated in rings fit over his knuckles but don't hold to the meat of them
"Wh-whatever you want. Take it. It's all yours. I-I won't tell a soul if you please just let me-" he whimpers as you come up behind him, your own knife dancing along his waist. His suit jacket is tailored for what his body once was, and his button down is puffy at the seam of his pants.
"Oh, we'll take. Don't you worry. But we want some answers as well."
His eyes widened at that, adams apple bobbing as he swallowed his own saliva. "Answers?"
"Your slaves." Inej growled. "Where do you keep them?"
That got him squirming. You moved out of the way, Inej walking forward forcing him into his own office chair. Every breath he exhaled felt like it clung to her skin, creating a layer of filth she'll never wash off. You stroll around the room, sifting through various documents and trinkets.
Kaz has you looking for something while Inej is here for matters a little more personal, but no less important to Kaz. She's thankful that he's as understanding as he is about this.
The man doesn't talk, just breathes heavily with a sort of fearful resignation behind his eyes. She grits her teeth, then pushes her knee into the meat of the man's inner thigh, next to his grossly hard cock. She refuses to touch it, and drives the point of her knee deeper and deeper until he squirms and yells with pain.
She reaches up, holding the man's shoulder down with one hand, driving her thumb into the space above his collarbone and between his shoulder and neck. He winces further, and yelps when her dagger makes a shallow cut across his cheek.
"There are some things worse than death." Her voice is deep and thick with anger. She releases her hold on his neck as she places the dagger back to his artery, and takes out another and holds it just barely against his pants. "Would you like to see them?"
Tears escape his eyes as he begins to cry. "Please. Please! I dont want to die!"
"And these girls and boys don't want to be sold to whoever has the most kruge." She pits just a fraction more pressure on his pants. And he grits his teeth, hands gripping the arms of his chair. "Where, are you keeping them?"
At that moment you find what you're looking for, making a small noise of triumph as you take something made of metal and something made of paper and stow them away.
You walk up to her, and whisper in just barely above the sound of a bees wing flap and say, "Might want to get the answer a little faster. I dont know for how much longer his guests will stay passed out."
When you pull away, there's a cheeky grin on your lips. She gives one back, keeping up the act.
As annoying as you can be, Inej trusts you and your judgement. If you say hurry up, then she ought to do just that.
"Times running out. Tell me the location, or several of your extremities will be taken with me as a prize."
As she says the words she's not sure if they're an empty threat or not.
It's a little scary how his eyes begin to widen, taking on a bit of a mad look. Something in him shifts entirely, and he begins talking with a conviction she hasn't seen in a long time.
"I do as Ghezen wills it, it is within my right under his hand that I satisfy him in whatever way possible. These people are lucky to be serving him, and I will not take away that gift from them!"
He reaches up, grabbing her arm. She goes to push against his neck harder, but not puncture. But, he follows the momentum, and drives the dagger right into his neck.
Shock takes over, as he sinks it just a bit further, and then rips it out. Blood shoots from his neck, spraying her clothes and making crimson freckles across your face.
Chaos ensues, several pairs of footsteps bounding up the hallway and banging on the door. The man grabs at his throat, tearing the hole wider till it pours out of his body in waves.
"Inej, we have to go." You tug at her, helping her as she stumbles for merely a moment before she kicks herself into gear.
She sprint out of the window, feeling as you tail behind her. The sound of wood breaking apart and spraying across the floor resonates in her ears, horrified gasps and shouting following after.
By the time she truly comes to and processes what happened, shes back at Slat, your eyes never leaving her until she drops out of eyesight.
Death is a funny thing. Not actually, but it can become funny when you take into account how people did it.
She recalls stories of how people were killed whilst on the toilet, shit still in the bowl. That's kind of funny. There was this one about a merchant who slipped on the peel of a fruit and cracked his skull open. That's comical, and was something she's sure she's seen in children's stories without the death part. And there's another one about a man who was convinced he could swallow an entire live mouse, and choked on it as it tried to claw its way up his throat. That one's not as funny, but it does give her a disbelieving grin everytime it pops up.
This? Was not funny.
Inej has killed before, obviously, and everytime she does she gets that little voice in the back of her mind that tells her she's never going to take her place with her saints. That she'll never make her penance in time before it's time for her saints to make final judgement on her soul.
The little voice, of course, is always pushed down and away. It has placed its fear rightfully, and that knowledge becomes dangerous if dwelled on for too long.
Tonight? It was louder than ever.
She was used. She was seen as a weapon and used as one, a slaver using the blade in her own hand- no, using the hand that held her blade to slit his own throat.
The smell of blood is still caked to her clothes and skin, the feeling of his filthy breath still plaguing her body even after a thorough wash. She scrubbed her skin until it was angry and red and yet. Yet.
Inej looked behind her, and almost let out an exhausted sob when she saw it was you. She turned her body forward again, electing to ignore you.
She doesn't know why she's acting this way. It's unnecessary and is only going to create conflict but you're just so... you.
You make her want to leap at you and put her hands around your throat. You make her want to braid your hair because it's just so damn messy sometimes and pat down the lose strands with water and pins. You make her want to throw herself off the tallest bridge in Ketterdam and look up to see if you'll smile or follow.
You take a seat next to her, keeping at least a foot of distance. Surprisingly, you say nothing, and just wing your feet.
The smell of blood is strong on you as well. Your skin still has a slight red tint in a few places were the blood splatters had dried and couldn't be taken out off without vigorous scrubbing.
She wants to take a wet rag and wipe you down.
"How are you feeling right now?" You ask.
She takes in a deep breath, hating that you asked that instead of "are you okay?" because now she actually has to think. Has to find a way to put it all together into something that's fluid and measurable.
In the mean time, she hums, staring in front of her at the lights decorating the colorful city. The bell struck twelve not too long ago.
"I feel... conflicted."
You take a moment, and then lean forward. Your elbows touch your knees and you stare at her for answers.
"I made my peace with taking lives a long time ago. Often, it is a necessity. This time its..." She searches the horizon. "It wasnt. And now I dont know where those girls and boys are anymore than I did yesterday."
"He is not the only slaver in Ketterdam. He sure to have a list of suppliers and buyers within his office that could tell us where he keeps them." You lean back a bit, shifting to get a better look at her. "He was a very naïve man, I'm sure someone knows something."
"That's the dilemma. He deserved what came to him. But I didn't do it. And yet my hand was used to achieve his goal. It feels..."
Irredeemable. Like she can't make any sort of penance because she didn't commit the act, yet her hand is drenched in his blood.
She feels a soft poke in her arm, and she turns to you to see the barest of smiles on your cheeks. "I don't know if it's what you need to hear. But I've seen what 'bad' looks like. You're one of the good ones, trust me. Not everyone would have courage to do exactly what it is that you're doing now. Bad people dont care the way that you do."
Courage. What she lacks is not courage but the mental tools required for this.
She was entirely unprepared for his reasoning and the devotion that which he showed. How he fully believed he was giving the kids the ultimate gift.
It's sickening. Truly.
Yet, she cannot help but be a little comforted by your words. Your past is no prettier than anyone's in The Dregs. There's enough bad to go around for three lifetimes and still have some left over.
She wants to give her thanks. She reaches out and touches her pinky to yours.
You truly thought that she was only doing good, and it's hard to think otherwise when you look at her the way you do.
"You will get them all, Inej Ghafa, and I hope to be there the day that this world is rid of a certain kind of evil and can breathe a little bit easier." You curl your pinky around hers, and she does the same.
"I'll be watching for you."
"You won't have to look very far."
And by all the saints above, she believed you.
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onlyjaeyun · 6 months
hiiii omg its been a hot minute since ive been on tumblr (uni just loves to constantly throw curveballs my way🎀) and i saw that you were taking a break. how are u??I hope the break is going well for you!
I was really hoping to be a super active anon, but uni just hates meee and i apologize for not checking up on you these past few days 🤕
i nevernevernever want u to feel rushed or anything especially since i understand how stressful writing can be, but do you think you have an estimate on when you're coming back? don't worry if you dont, we do not mind at all waiting for you!
okay this ask was super random and kind of all over the place but i just wanted to check up on my fav writer!! remember to take care of yourself and your mental health <33
(sorry for the grammar mistakes its like 4 in the morning and im on my 2nd redbull woohoo uni!!!)
i know you sent me this weeks ago and im SO sorry for replying so late, pls bear with me 🤕😷
thank you so much for not only checkinc in with me (i miss u ☹️) but also sending me such dweet and reassuring words, you have no idea how much this means to me 🥺🥺🥺🤍☁️✨
i hope life's been treatinc you well baby!!!!🤍🤍 sending you a big kiss!
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honeystwiggypeach · 2 years
I’m nervous because this is my first time doing a request, but I love your haikyuu dad series and I would like to ask if could you please write some angst about fem!reader having a miscarriage and then breaking up with character because the were in pain for their lost and relationship wasn’t working after that (doesn’t matter who was the one that decides to break up) and then two years later after not seeing each other she finds out that he’s a single father/ or married and then ending up together or as friends (in the case of him being a single father) I was thinking that for character it could be Atsumu or Osamu, Sakusa and Akashi (but you can pick any other characters that you feel more comfortable with if you wish)
I hope you can read this and like the idea, if you don’t feel comfortable writing this I understand so don’t feel pressured 🫶🏻 (Btw, I love absolutely everything you write and apologize if something it’s wrong with my grammar, English it’s not my first language and I’m still trying to learn without using a translator)
Hi hun!!! You did amazing for your first request and it was very easy to understand!!! I get it can be nerve wracking i still haven’t requested anything yet so😭I’m so glad you like them I try to keep them interesting!!I love all those characters you picked too!!(ps. I’ve never written miscarriage situations before so I don’t go into depth because I don’t want to be insensitive or wrong so if I’ve written anything wrong let me know and I can try and fix it!!)anywho tysm for requesting if anyone wants to see anything else pls let me know I love requests sm!!!
Part two!
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Tw- miscarriage, crying, grief, toxic coping mechanisms, single parents, one night stands, breakdowns, jealousy(over someone being able to have children/provide boys with a family, infertility, cursing, absent mother, be very cautious if you’re sensitive to anything affiliated with miscarriages maybe even infant loss, idk let me know if I missed anything it’s very likely that I did but I reread to try and catch everything!!
I think I’m sick rn so I may have accidentally made them short!! Im sorry for that!!
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When you’d met Atsumu it felt perfect, unfortunately a year later that came crashing back down onto the two of you.
You struggled with getting pregnant and it hurt, why couldn’t you do this? Than finally you’d been able to concive after why felt like forever a big wave of relief rushed over the two of you.
Unfortunately that happiness didn’t last for long, you’d lost the baby. Neither of you took it well, you had already planned out a nursery and ordered a few baby things and every time you saw them you wanted to break down, it wasn’t fair. What did you do wrong? You’d tried for so long, done nothing wrong, yet you still weren’t able to have your little baby, it wasn’t fair.
At some point it got to where you two didn’t really talk anymore, you were both grieving and it led to your breakup.
You felt it was best but looking back almost a year later it wasn’t. You see Atsumu sat in a cafe two tiny car seats placed in little high chairs in front of him.
He looks like he’d fit perfectly in a family, it looks like where he belongs and you weren’t able to provide that.
You see Atsumu’s eyes dart around the building, when he spots you it’s obvious, he gives you a soft smile, one after a year of healing you’re able to reciprocate it still deep down hurts, it’s a feeling you never want to experience again.
Before you know it you’re sat beside Atsumu listening to how he rattles on about his twins. You look over at the two little babies to see two sleeping babies, a boy and a girl, they look like they’re his whole world, and you wish you could have provided that.
“I assume you’re happy with your wife now” you’ve got a soft smile contradictory to the words that fall from your lips.
His brows furrow, “…y/n they’re from a one night stand…” you don’t know if that makes you feel better or worse.
Had he really not moved on?
He hadn’t Atsumu felt like shit after that one night stand, it felt wrong and he wanted to undo it immediately but now that he has his precious babies he wouldn’t un do it for the world and he’s just hoping he can get you back as well.
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It hurt, it felt like everything was resulting in an argument lately. Both of you were easily agitated after you’d lost the baby. It hurt both of you and you couldn’t grasp why it was happening and it just felt like you were running in circles constantly chasing the word why but always being just steps behind from understanding.
It resulted in a breakup. It hurt, you won’t lie.
You aren’t sure what compelled you to go into Onigiri miya, maybe it was the fact that you wanted to feel comforted after so much time maybe it was the fact that you weren’t really paying attention as you walked here, maybe it was everything built up onto each other.
When you walk into Onigiri miya you almost forget it’s been so long, long enough for him to have a set of three year old little girls sat on the cabinet, they look just like him when he was little and you can’t help but want to live on them.
You see Osamu’s bright smile when he looks at you face a bit, you look rough. You’re a wreck without him, you practically live in the food provided by your office cause you never really learned how to cook and you’ve got eye bags because Osamu was always the one to stop you from overworking yourself but now you throw yourself into work to hide from the grief of not only loosing your baby but your soulmate, maybe that’s why you’re so eager to go on that date Osamu offers after you learn he’s a single dad.
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Neither of you handled it very well. It was an all around negative experience there was no growth from it, it left you as completely different people and it never really got easier you just got used to it and learned how to function while having all these emotions but the pain never lessened.
And eventually you both decided it was best to take a break. Of course when it resumed your ex-fiancé had the most precious little girl by his side.
She was only a month old, if that and she’d been the product of a one night stand.
Sakusa had always wanted a family, you couldn’t help but feel jealous of the woman who was able to provide him with one. She was able to have the most precious little girl and she didn’t even want her. Of course when Sakusa brought up the fact that he was now a single father, he feared that the love of his life would leave him now because of his daughter, but of course if that would have been your decision he wasn’t going to chose you over his baby.
And you don’t regret your decision to stay with Sakusa anyways, not when your first daughter sits in between you and your husband, you smile softly as your husband eases your baby into her arms she’s got the most precious look of wonder as she stares down at the little girl.
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When it happened he felt the way your relationship began to be ripped apart. He initiated the breakup asking for a break to grieve.
That’s what happened, you both decided for the best to take a break. And a few career changes and years later you’ve met again.
You periodically kept in touch just about the holidays no major things.
You worked at a little daycare now so when you see him drop off the cutest little boy who nervously holds onto Akaashi’s hand you can’t help but let out a little awe.
It was what you wanted to have with him, what you prayed for every night that wouldn’t come no matter how hard you tried.
The sparks where still present with Keiji, almost everyday he’d come in to pick up his little boy and he’d make you giggle softly like you did in highschool and before you know it, he was asking if you’d give your relationship a go again.
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Let me know if you guys want to see anything else because I really love requests!!
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Salesman x Reader
"Rush hour"
Nsfw - Size Kink - Daddy kink - Public sex - Train sex (YES) - grammar mistakes -
You let out a curse under your breath as you were pushed into the train, it was rush hour, meaning a lot of tired people wanting to get home as fast as they could.
The train was full, the jumps and hard stops made it impossible for the trip to be comfortable.
It did not help your short self, most people were bigger than you, and while the size difference would not bother you in other situations...it sure did in this one.
"Sorry!" You shelped as you were pushed against someone.
"Its alright Miss" a deep voice replied.
You looked up (because the male was way taller than you), you could feel yourself blushing under his eyes and playfull smile. His suit looked expensive, his hair was black and a bit out of place, his eyes were dark, they were looking at you knowing full well how much you were checking him out.
He was older than you, still...really handsome.
Not that he was different. He saw you from afar, your small form being pushed around. He found it funny and cute, more when you puted at one interaction.
He was well aware of how aroused he could end being, but he needed to be close to you, he started moving closer and closer, expecting to feel you up, and to his luck the sudden stop from the train had caused you to almost fall over him.
You re positioned yourself besides him, trying your best not to look too much. But this man could be the man from your dreams. He was so tall and big in comparasion to your tiny form. It made you wish to be in other place with this man.
The train took a hard curve, making you move towards the man, he catched you in a swift motion. You looked at him going to say thanks again but the sound of the door opening and new people entering the train stopped you.
Great, now you were pressed hard against this handsome stranger, who did not remove his arm from you.
"I would not like to see a pretty girl fall"
He was really charming.
With the moves of the people around you, you had to adjust yourself, without noticing your body was feeling up the body of the Salesman. He lets out a deep breath, using the arm helping you on your feet to push you against himself. He blous a bit of air into your neck, making you shiver.
"Are you doing this on purpouse?"
The Salesman does not care, the fact if you want it, thats all he wants to know.
You quitly replied with a "no" and a "sorry" but then another harsh move from the train made you be fully pressed against him. You decided to take the risk, no one was looking and by the signals from the man he wanted you too.
To moved against him, slowly, still nervous of someone watching. He kissed you ear and then your neck, and started to feel your leg with one of his hands.
"Thats it, thats a good girl"
The Salesman sucked on your neck, keeping a strong grip on you, his hand moved up to caress your core over your underwear, feeling the bit of arousal from you.
You bite your lip to avoid a whimper, his fingers were big, and he was just touching you, you knew you were getting wet, between the ecximent and the fear of getting caught..
One of his fingers went into you, you had to hold yourself onto him, feeling him smirk.
"Whats that too much for you?"
He did not care, he started to move it in a slow speed.
You needed more, you closed your legs to try and feel him more, but it did not make a big difference. He continued moving his finger in and out, then inserted a second one.
This one made you moan, but luckly most peopoe were too busy with their own things.
He stopped tought, fingers still inside.
"You need to be quiet girl, or we will get caught"
Go, you looked so good, face red, big pupils, he would let you make all the sounds you wanted if you two were in a more private place.
"P-lease Daddy" you said to him, moving a bit, getting a hard bite in response.
"So now im your Daddy? "Then baby girl, can you be quiet till i make you cum?"
You nodded, desesperated for his touch.
He did not wait, bumping his fingers in and out, your juices all over his fingers but he could not care any less. He pulled you closer to him, making you feel his erection, your small back against him made you feel smaller and weter.
"Can you feel what you do to me baby girl? Fuck i bet you would look so good under me, you would take all of me right? All of your daddy"
You let out a deep breath when you felt him finding your G spot. His fingers moved fast inside you, not giving a care for anything else.
"Ah, looks like my baby girl is gonna cum"
He moved faster now, whispering the most nasties things in your ear, the pleassure build up in your lower belly was going to explote soon, you closed your eyes and imagined yourself with him alone, were you could hold onto him, tell him how good his fingers felt. And if this was just his fingers how would his dick feel? Fuck you needed to know.
With a silent scream you came, he moved his fingers a bit more, making sure all your juices were over him.
Once he removed his hand from under you, made you look back at him, he put his two fingers into his mouth and sucked them clean.
"The next one is my stop, would you like to come with me?".
Quickly you nodded, and he smiled a bit.
"Good...i want to know how much noise you can make for me"
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legendaryoikawa · 4 years
haikyuu boys while making out
warnings: nsfw
note: female reader insert
tsukishima kei — his hands are quite large, not to mention his lithe fingers carefully grazing your lower lip, parting them slightly with his thumb and then will slowly devour you; leaving you breathless and whining for more. kei is the type to either tease you because you’re being a good girl for him or dominate you while letting out dirty talks and calling you names; it all depends on his mood. he’ll tower over you, his hands either busy roaming around your body or grasping both of your wrists above your head while looking at you with a smoldering gaze while thrusting his hips at you at a slow and sensual manner with a slow smirk painting his face. he’s not quite fond of leaving big and nasty marks that are visible but would rather place them on places that only you and him knows about; for example on your lower back; and he’s really proud and cocky about it.
kageyama tobio — tobio is quite hard when it comes to making out with you. with his strenous training consuming most of his time, he’ll end up missing you so fucking much that he would spend his limited time with you with the idea in his mind that he has to make you feel good even in a short period of time. it’s rushed. it’s not that you mind him being rough, it’s really hot to be honest. his kisses are quite messy, hot, open-mouthed that will send your mind in an endless swirl of nothingness; just him and his sinful mouth. he’s a setter and he handles the ball with care, so despite his lips being rough, he’ll caress and hold you gently like you’re a valuable piece of porcelain vase, gently cupping your jaw and raising your face up till your eyes are meeting his dark orbs. then after kissing you for like ages, he’ll look at your swollen lips and would slightly get flustered at your current state. his weakness is seeing you look like a hot mess and he couldn’t control himself and would end up ditching his practice at some point lol
oikawa tooru — oikawa is quite playful. “you like that? huh?” “you miss me that much huh?” he’s annoying sometimes but to be frank he couldn’t finish his day without kissing you or seeing you. he’s not that clingy but he just wanted to see his energy booster before getting his ass whipped by iwaizumi. anyways, make-outs are slow, sweet and young. he prefers to make out with you in their locker room. his hands roaming around your body endlessly, slowly cupping your breasts while his mouth is connected to yours. he doesn’t show much but your existence alone is enough to send him a boner and he would just dismiss it by teasing you like the brat he is.
akaashi keiji — he is collected and calm. usually wouldn’t go and push you into making out with him no matter how much he wanted it, if you’re not in the mood for it then he doesn’t. he just knows when to initiate it with just one look. making outs usually happens randomly and when it happens, it’s magical especially with akaashi by your side. it would just start when you are talking to a colleague and akaashi cannot stop looking at you; he’ll just stare at your beautiful lips; how sexy it does look, how tempting it is, the slow movement of it whenever you utter a syllable— and it just happens, he wants you. he wants to capture those lips. but he is collected, he’ll show his hunger ‘subtly’ by placing his hands over you back and dragging it down slowly until he settles on your ass, squeezing it. and you just know it. he’ll push your frame down a counter while slowly, kissing you deeply. his tongue grazing your lower lip. he moans onto your lips while he grinds shamelessly on you. he’ll pant hard while staring at you deeply, and whisper, “you’re so fucking beautiful” or “im so fucking happy that you’re mine” magical indeed.
kuroo tetsurou — the make outs doesn’t happen as much too since he’s busy with practice but when it does happen, it happens so fast, you are already left in your undies and his lips everywhere around you. for an instance, when he visited your place because he had a spare time to offer, he would go straight into your room and announce that both of you go ‘studying’ but after a minute or two, he couldn’t keep his hands to himself and started tackling you out of nowhere. it’s full of giggles and smirks. kuroo would entrap you with his big frame while starting to pepper you with small kisses then it’ll spiral down to a steamy makeout session that’ll leave you breathless and wanting for more. he’s also an avid fan of giving you dark love bites and will intentionally place them to places that are really visible to the public. he’ll go with, “that’s my baby right there” while caressing the marks he left onto the glimmering skin of your neck.
bokuto kotaro — he’s energetic as fuck and won’t stop kissing you till you raise your hand up to stop his sinful mouth. typically his kisses are too soft for you to handle. but when his dark mode is activated, every inch of your skin will be marked and bitten off and you’ll wake up with fresh, dark, marks around your breast like morning glories. he also loves to carry you around and settles on on something higher for him to have a full access to your body. his favorite will always be taking you by surprise when you’re in the kitchen preparing dinner but it’ll lead down to you being his dinner lol. makeouts with him will be so passionate and deep with his hands carresing every bit of your curvature, he’ll be muttering incoherent cusses while admiring your raw beauty that is only for him alone, there are moments where he’ll tell you to look at him while he bits down on the arch of your breast. heavy and ragged breaths. synchronous heartbeats, together yearning for each other’s touch.
iwaizumi hajime — he’s quite aloof but not with you. not fond of making out with you in public but rather in his room, where you are straddling his thick thighs with your lips connected to his. there will be a lot of sighs. not because he’s tired but he’s so ecstatic to see you and he can’t wait to devour you with all his might. might exert dominace as well, biting your lips down until he’ll hear you moan out his name loudly. all your cries for him alone. he’ll love and mutters how well your breasts fit perfectly on his large hands. he loves sliding his hands down your bare back while expertly flicking your bra straps. sometimes, he’ll run his fingertips onto your scalp, grazing down, then tugging it slightly while tilting your face up, for him to admire. he loves it when you leave marks onto him too especially on his chests. overall chill yet rough.
— this got too long, sorry jdhdhd. anyways i apologize for some grammar errors since i just typied this when i woke up a while ago! send in your request!! ily!
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Useless | Kaz Brekker x Sister!Reader
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Requested by @inquistitorebony​ : “Hey could you please do a kaz x Sister reader please where she has some medical issues and is really weak and gets inured on a job with kaz and he get all protective brother mode”
Pairing: Kaz Brekker x sister!reader, Jesper x reader (platonic)
Word Count: 1297 (I havent proof read because its late and im tired so this might change tomorrow)
Warnings: angsty stuff and sibling fluff
A/N: I didn't specify what the readers condition is so you can personalise that as you want. As always, spelling and grammar are not my strongest skills so please be kind :)
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“We’re all clear on the plan?” 
The Crows nod in reply to Kaz and hurry off to prepare for the task ahead, leaving you stood alone with your brother. 
“What about me?” You ask
“What about you?” he replies as he gathers up the floor plans, blueprints and various other papers spread on the table.
“What do you want me to do?” 
“Relax. Read a book. Whatever you want to do while you’ve got this place to yourself” he walks away.
“Place to myself…” you stand up and follow him “No, Kaz, I’m coming with you!”
“Absolutely not. You're staying here and that’s an order”
“An order?” You laugh "Who do you think you are? The General?” 
He stops suddenly, turning to look at you.
“I’m serious Y/N. This job is too dangerous, especially with your condition.”
“My condition? What about you?” You gesture to his cane “If you can do it then so can I”
“You're weak”
“No weaker than you”
You reach a stalemate as the two of you stare at each other, each waiting for the other to back down. He’s stubborn. But so are you. 
“I think she should come” Jesper breaks the silence.
“Stay out of this Jesper” Kaz warns, still not taking his eyes off you.
“Oh come on Kaz!” Jesper continues “You know she’s the best actor here…we could really use her help distracting the guards.”
“I could even use my condition. Guards can’t resist helping a poor sick girl. Please Kaz, let me prove I’m not useless” you flash your puppy eyes at him until eventually he lets out a sigh of defeat.
“Fine! But if your condition gets worse you head straight to the meet up point. Okay?” 
“Yes sir” you salute and he rolls his eyes before heading off to his office. You look over to Jesper, a big grin on your face as you thank him.
— — — — 
 The job had started off smooth. 
The guards completely fell for your ‘poor sick girl’ act and were fully distracted trying to help you. They didn’t notice Jesper sneak past the door or Inej scale the side of the building, effortlessly pulling herself up onto the roof. They did however notice the loud crash as something came smashing through one of the upstairs windows. The three of you jumped as you turn to see what had caused the damage.
Your heart sank as your eyes fell upon a familiar cane laying on the pavement in a pool of broken glass, blood covering the metal crows head.
“KAZ!” You yell as you make a run toward the building entrance but you're stopped by the on of the guards holding you back while the other sprints past you to investigate.
“I cant let you in there”
“Let go of me!” You fight to try and free yourself “I have to find my brother!” 
“You're brother?” The guard asks, holding you even tighter and you curse yourself as you realise what you’ve said “Was this the plan? You distract the guards while he robs the place?”
“Please let me go”
“The only place you're going is jail where you belong”
You fight again but you can feel your strength leaving you at a rapid rate. You swing your legs wildly and manage to kick the guard in just the right place. He yells and throws you down to the floor, your head hitting the pavement with a loud thud. You groan as you roll onto your back, clutching your throbbing head in your hands. Your vision is blurry but you can just about make out the guard looming toward you, gun in hand pointed at you. 
“Assaulting a guard is a crime punishable by death” 
You allow the pain to take over and let your eyes flicker shut as you wait for it all to end. 
The last thing you hear is a gunshot followed by Jesper calling your name.
— — — — 
When your eyes open again you're surprised to find yourself back home in your own bed, bright light pouring in through the window. You squint your eyes from the brightness as you look around the room and realise Jesper is asleep in the chair next to you, his head resting on the edge of your bed. You reach out and gently poke him awake. He yawns as he sits up. It takes him a moment to register that you are also awake. 
“Y/N! Are you okay? How are you feeling?” 
“Like I’ve done a full body workout. Ugh, why does everything ache?!”
“How much do you remember?” Jesper asks
“Fighting with a guard. Falling to the floor. He was going to shoot me…”
“He wasn’t quick enough” Jesper winks as he blows the tip of his gun, spins it around his finger and shoves it in his pocket. You smile at him, but then your eye is drawn to something behind him. A cane resting against the wall. Your memories come flooding back and yo sit up suddenly panicked. 
“Where Kaz?! Is he okay?!”
“Y/N, you need to calm down. You're still weak” 
“Where is he?!” 
“He’s…” Jesper starts but is cut off. 
“Here” Kaz appears at the door “I’m here” 
You jump out of bed quicker than your legs can carry you and stumble into his arms. He grabs you in his gloved hands and Jesper rushes to you, helping Kaz hold you up and lead you back to bed. Once he’s sure your safe he lets go of you, taking a small step back. Jesper sits next to you, arm around your shoulder as you cant stop the tears flooding down your face.
“I thought you were dead” you cry
“I thought YOU were dead” Kaz replies “when I saw Jesper carrying your lifeless body, it took me back to Jor…” he trails off, unable to finish. He takes a steadying breath “I’m glad you're okay” 
“Me too.” You say wiping your face “and I'm sorry. I guess you were right, I was too weak to go on that mission. I’m useless.” 
Kaz looks at you for a moment before looking to Jesper, silently asking him to leave. Jesper gives your shoulder a quick squeeze before getting up and leaving the room. Kaz fills the empty space next to you on the bed, taking a deep breath before placing his hand on yours. 
“You are not useless Y/N. You are brilliant.” He says and you look at him “I was watching you distract those guards and I was so proud. You live with your condition every single day and you never let it hold you back. On my darkest days I look at you and you inspire me to keep going, because if you can do it then so can I.” 
You give him a small, genuine smile which he returns as he squeezes your hand affectionately. 
“Now you go back to sleep, get your strength back up and I’ll check on you later” he releases your hand and moves to the door. 
“Thank you Kaz” you say as you get yourself comfy.
“Don't ever think you are useless Y/N” he says when he stops at the door and turns back to you “that’s an order”
You let out a small laugh as you salute him and he rolls his eyes. But you see the smile creep onto his face before he leaves and you drift back into a peaceful sleep. 
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