#mellan's trying
precarious-hermit · 8 months
Bus to Nowhere memes while I dream about my blorbos
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i just love my fics a normal amount, and every word i write is a love letter to myself
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stealingyourbones · 10 months
Have you ever not had the extra reasoning seasoning to spare before you throw yourself into a situation that could get your dumbass killed? No? Yeah, Dani neither. She's definitely never consumed any Martian parasite from a lab, what? No. Never. The Justice league doesn't believe her. J'onn Jones is way less inclined to seek out the truth. As far as he is concerned, Danielle Fenton-Masters is a war hero of the highest honour. (hi bones :>)
Dani unintentionally destroying (consuming) a parasite is honestly iconic and I love that for her. J’onn says that her mind is too loud to parse any thoughts together, fully lying because ghosts are a race built upon emotion so he can read her thoughts like she’s using a speakerphone.
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almostawinchester · 3 months
ooh I am really intrigued about that young royals trailer! are there a lot of differences from the subtitles to what they are actually saying? I have seen a few people say something similar but haven't seen anything written out.
File this under "Things I didn't know I needed: Explaining all the subtle differences between what's being said in Swedish in the Young Royals Season 3 trailer, and what the subtitles say."
It's similar, but there are just some small changes that give a different *vibe*, you know?
For example in the opening scene, what Simon literally says is "Hur har du drömt att det ska vara?", a.k.a. "How have you dreamed it should be?" It's not a super common way of phrasing it in Swedish either, so I'd probably go with, "In your dream, what did you think/hope it would/should be like?"
When Wille says "Jag vill bara att vi ska kunna ha ett privatliv" (lit. "I just want for us to be able to have a private life"), to me, there's a slight difference between "privatliv" (privacy in one's personal life) and "ett privat liv" (a private life). I'd go with, "I just want us to be able to have some privacy in our personal lives."
And then there are the small filler words, which I know are left out of subs, always. But they add nuance!
When the blonde girl says "Vem skriver du med, då?" (lit. "Who are you writing with, then?"), it's more like, "So, who are you texting?"
And then Felice answers "Wille kommer tillbaks idag, ba(ra)" (lit. "Wille comes back today, just/only"), which is more like, "It's just that Wille is coming back today". Both "ba" and "tillbaks" are informal versions of "bara" and "tillbaka", which adds to the *shrug, no big deal* vibe.
And then the blonde answers, "Vadå, det är ju en så stor grej ju!" (lit. "What, that is such a big thing!"). But! There's no way of translating "ju" – it's a filler word that means "as you/we already know/are aware of". It's not even grammatically correct to add it twice, but it happens in speech when you REALLY want to emphasize the "girl, what are you talking about, we KNOW this" part. I'd translate it as "What? But that's huge!" The "ju" comes back when the blonde woman says, "Jag vet ju att det är lite spänt mellan dig och August" (lit. "I know (as we both do) that it's a bit tense between you and August").
Then we jump to a very long sentence that I understand they had to shorten – Wille saying, "Om du tror att jag kommer låta dig ta över så kan du glömma det!" (Lit. "If you think that I will let you take over, so can you forget it" – this isn't a question, Swedish word order in subordinate clauses is just very different from English). If we had enough space, I'd go with "If you think I'm going to let you take over, you can forget about it!"
Then it's just super small differences. Simon says, "Vad är det som du tycker är så bra med monarkin?" ("What is it that you think is so good with the monarchy?"); the principal (I think) says, "Hela skolans framtid hänger på den här utredningen" ("The whole school's future hangs on this investigation"); the blonde woman says "Hillerska kan tvingas stänga, med omedelbar verkan" ("Hillerska might be forced to close down, effective immediately"); and Wille says, "Vad händer om jag inte vill det?" (lit. "What happens if I don't want that?")
Then I've only just realized Swedes tend to start sentences with "but", which sometimes is more like a filler word, to "soften" the sentence. For example, the queen says "Men vi kan inte ha såna här skandaler mer!" ("But we can't have these types of scandals anymore"). (That is followed by her saying, "Så ska du kunna ta över efter mig", ("So you should be able to take over after me") which is a subordinate clause, which means there was something that came before/after that wasn't included in the trailer.) And Simon says "Men jag försöker att alltid finnas där för honom, men vad jag än gör så, ah, så blir det fel" ("But I always try to be there for him, but whatever I do, then, yeah, then it turns out wrong").
And then there's the "Hur kommer man över sin bästa vän?" ("How do you get over your best friend?") In Swedish, we use "man" (lit. "man") instead of "you", so it's more like a less formal way of saying "How does one get over one's best friend?" – I'd still translate it as "you", though.
August swears! "Jag har saknat dig så jävla mycket att det gör ont." ("I've missed you so fucking much that it hurts!") Swearing in general is a lot more okay in Swedish society, than in for example England or the US, based on my own experiences – it's done at all levels of society, by everyone (especially kids/teenagers, even in school), except for maybe at work or in very formal situations.
Simon says "Kan vi inte ba skita i allt som har hänt?" ("Can't we just ignore everything that's happened?") "Skita i" literally means "to shit in", is pretty informal and could be translated with "to not give a shit about", "to ignore" or "to skip", depending on the circumstances. Wiktionary claims it's vulgar, but I'd use it with family and friends, no problem.
So yeah! There's just more life in the actual dialogue, I think :) And I know that that's always the case, and that the translator doing the subs has limited space and time, and they need to make it work in English without adding explanations, etc., etc. So overall, I think they've done a good job – but I'm still glad I speak Swedish :)
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hussyknee · 1 year
Regular reminder that if you don't live in the Global North, nothing they have to say applies to the rest of us. Actually most things they say have little value anyway since the Global South and Eastern folks are afterthoughts to them, much less center us in their social justice.
- The USAmerican cultural hegemony has fuck all to do with us. Be aware of what they're trying to peddle you, but they have more power to harm and radicalise you than you have ever could to harm them. This applies to both the Western left and right wing. They are both equally racist, colonial and imperialist.
- Global North issues around capitalism, exploitation and piracy have nothing to do with us. Consumer activism might work to some extent over there idk, but if anyone brings it up over in the lands of the Black and brown people, you can laugh them out of the country.
- Their queer history is not ours. Congrats to Stonewall and all but that's just some shit that happened in the US. We need to dig past 18 different strata of cultural genocide and colonial garbage to mine our queer histories back into the light, and designing microlabel flags and fighting over colonizer language acronyms have fuck all to do with that either.
- Always pirate everything within reach. Save up and buy from authors and creators you really like (that's what I do – esp when it's a BIPOC creator), but people who can't afford to buy shit in the first place ain't stealing food out of anybody's mouths. Pirating is praxis and always has been since the days of the East India Company.
- Don't buy into the USAmerican theories of race. They aren't universal. "BIPOC" especially is a USAmerican specific term, it is not used in the UK or other settler colonies. Constructs of race and the tribal Other far predated European colonization; race as a colour system that exists today is simply one variation of it. The global apartheid against the mellanated takes many forms, histories and terminology. There are especially no "people of colour" in Asia, Africa, Caribbean and Polynesia. There are only people who live there, and "people of white".
Race is a fake, made-up conceptualization imposed by whoever has power within each region. It's ethnic, cultural and casteist, with no biological basis whatsoever. There is no uniformity, no universalism, no rhyme nor reason to any of it; the only people who know exactly who doesn't belong are the oppressors. I'm seeing concepts like "unambiguously black" floating around the terminally online Western left; any dark-skinned person of the Global South should split their sides laughing at it. Whites have no ambiguity on who the darkies are.
- Read, watch, listen to, play whatever the hell you want, just have the sense to pirate it, and to be very conscious about the narratives they try to smuggle.
- When the US and UK speak, listen with compassionate interest, offer what solidarity you can spare for their downtrodden, and then go back to reading and following your own fucking news. Focus on our own women's and reproductive rights, trans rights, queer histories, rise of fascism, militarisation, anti-blackness, class warfare, nationalist violence, imperialism etc. That is decolonization, that is emancipation from the Western cultural hegemony. Everything else is the bread and circuses of empire, in which both the left and right wing of the West are complicit.
We owe the Global North nothing more than we can each individually afford to extend to them on grounds of common human decency and compassion. Which is a lot more than they will ever reciprocate.
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gremlin-bot · 10 months
That Ain't Happening Thursday
I realized I missed wip Wednesday and mellan came up with a name for Thursday.
So, Welcome to my wip Wednesday alternate!
The wip of this week is for "Corpses in the garden" (name may change) an all corpses AU, where Danny uses his corpse as fertilizer for his flower shop that is in Gotham.
The cool night breeze swipes in from the open window behind him. It was nice against his sweat slick skin, even though he knows he should have closed it by now. He didn't need any bats or birds getting in, not with his unique work. 
One more push of the shovel and then we flower bed will be ready. He already made sure that hole was wide enough to hide his next body, it's just a matter of getting it just a bit deeper. 
Danny sighed only slightly bemoaning this particular side effect of his Halfa condition. Trying to hide one corpse is hard but multiple identical ones is worse. Vlad is a lucky bastard and didn't have to deal with that. No, he just pays to make them go away.  
At this point he's just happy Sam got him into gardening. It was calming compared to the ghost fights he had to deal with nearly daily in his past. It also had the added benefits of its own. Hiding his bodies has never been easier and he's making money off of it! Take that Vlad!
Danny lets his musings drift away from him, focusing on finishing the flower bed in front of him. He's almost automatic in the way he handles the corpse of his own making. Fast but precise hands unwrap it from the blue tarp, keeping it steady in the process. Carefully He picks up the slightly decaying sack of meat and bones, slinging it over his shoulder.
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thefanficdragon · 8 months
I got to stop thinking of new book ideas ;-;
At least 20 unfinished, unpublished, and unwritten books are just sitting in my drafts. I want to write them so badddddd. But I have to focus on my unfinished oneshots and Darcel X Mellan, AAAAAAAAAAAAA.
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Due to new ideas, I'll give out some books that will probably be written in the future sometime. Cause teasers:
- Vaporeon X Umbreon book ( Male Vaporeon and Female Umbreon )
- Shiny! Sylveon X Espeon book ( Both Female )
- Espeon X Glaceon book ( Male Espeon and Female Glaceon )
- Another Pokémon X Pokémon one-shots book. All Pokémon now, eeveelutions are obviously still allowed. ( No humans still, I like my escapism, thank you. )
- Speed X Black fanfic ( After getting back the lore from canon ES and for someone )
- Espeon X Umbreon book which is just " Dogs in Love" ( Espeon is a merciful king, while his boyfriend, Umbreon, commits crimes. They have a Jolteon son afterwards )
- Spyro and Cynder X Dragon! Reader ( two separate books ) ( As there are no fanfics that I could read, I'm making my own. It's based on the original Spyro games and not Skylanders. Used to love Skylanders, but I would like the originals, please. Also, the reader is either Gender-neutral or Male. Idk. )
- Toothless X Skrill! reader ( The reader is FINALLY gender-neutral, plus, isn't a night fury or light fury. Almost all the other Toothless X readers have the reader as Female. Which is rude. )
- Rimworld X WoF crossover? ( I've never played, or heard of it until someone asked to do a collab with it. Everything is still being planned. Also, I totally didn't mistake Rimworld and Rain-World at first. I love Rain World tho, heccing three moons. Hehe * slugcat noises * )
- Powered! Starflight AU ( Most recent idea, based on an awesome pmv )
- Hybrid! Peril and Sky AU ( Sky/Rain time )
- Darkstalker! Sunny AU ( Is she evil? Maybe, maybe not. We don't know. )
- Pokémon Mystery Dungeon inspired! Umbreon X Jolteon book ( Both Male )
- AU! Carnelian X Female! SkyWing! Reader book ( The reader saves her in Moon Rising, oooooooo )
- Edgy 2013/2014 inspired! Scourge X Ashfur jokefic ( Hehe gay emo cats )
- Whiteout X Gender-neutral! RainWing! Reader book? ( The reader honestly loves how different she is and adores her just the way she is. Plus, I need to know what the RainWings used to be like in Darkstalker's time, at least before they forgor how to. I crave this knowledge )
- Possible Adorabat X Child! Reader???? ( I used to be SOOOOO into Mao Mao. And there are no cute fanfics, so yes. Plus, it would be VERY wholesome, lots of fluff. I still wish they had a second season, used to be my favorite show. Still kinda salty, ngl. )
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Also, I'll try to work on my Evil! Moonwatcher sometime soon, I really want to get back into that book.
The life of a writer where your brain loves so many ideas at once is hard. One second, I'm chilling while writing Mellan X Darcel or a WoF X reader request, and then BOOM, I get an amazing idea for a whole new book like EXCUSE ME?!?
Also, I am even now remembering making an alt, so I could write even more fanfics. Almost all of them are WoF related- oops- Maybe I'll remember it in like a couple of months or something, idek. I have too many ideas, can someone tell my brain to chill, please?
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mewintheflesh-2 · 4 months
Ghost Mikey but it isn’t a Mikey that died or anything, it’s just a ghost that took a liking to his likeness tries to replicate him. It ends up looking super glitchy physically and sounding very uncanny. It doesn’t speak it own sentences, instead stealing words Mikey has said in his own sentences. He doesn’t completely copy his appearance for character-designs sake, but they still share that similar hairstyle and facial hair most of the other Mikey’s have. His skin is pale, it’s eyes are glazed over and colourless with dark, dark circles under them, and their body is very skinny, damn near skeletal.
Likes to phase through walls and dissapear/reappear to scare people.
It/they/him pronouns :)
Scares the capital s Shit out of Michael and actively enjoys terrifying him, but it’s all in good fun for them :) (Michael does not feel the same)
Acquaintances with Magnus as is expected with both of their supernatural natures/abilities.
Likes Moro but doesn’t bother him too much. Moro likes to keep his distance, but doesn’t mind talking to him.
Likes to scare the shit out of Maharth and Marigold a lot. Maharth would get over the initial scare fairly quickly, meanwhile Marigold is just like “dnaojdosjdoajsosjsoajofhfishri OUT!!! GET OUT!!!!!!” very scared and angrily.
Marco keeps trying to fight them and it is very entertained by his attempts at harm them.
Mud is ALSO scared of him but tries his hardest to pretend he isn’t. Same with Mantis, just, not as scared.
Fuse is unfazed, he’s already haunted by too many ghosts to count.
I think Mikey is the type to say he doesn’t believe in ghosts when he very much does subconsciously so when Ghost Mikey shows up he’s hole “Ndiansksjwojddo GET AWAY FROM ME-“
Meanwhile Nightsky, who has had to deal with Nightmare!Mikey (remember him? Wow I haven’t brought him up in a while) is just unnerved by him, but is more upset by the unpleasant memories of his long-familiar nightmarish fiend.
I think Mellan is a combination of Mud and Mikey. Used to not believe in ghosts, but now that he’s met Ghost Mikey, he tries to pretend he’s not scared of them.
Darklord would, I think, be pretty fascinated by them. I mean. A real life ghost. Just in his shared house. How cool is that?
Moss would be a little unnerved by them, but would get over that initial feeling eventually. He’s a little upset he can’t make them food they can actually eat. Ghost Mikey does enjoy scaring off pests that get pasts Moss’s garden’s (nature friendly!) reinforcements, of which Moss is very grateful for. What’s more nature friendly than just leaving the pests traumatised with no physical injuries? :)
I think Mrithun is also scared of him and as a result just pretends they’re not there in the room with him until he’s absolutely forced to acknowledge it’s presence.
Same with Marius, except instead of being scared of them, he’s just unnerved more than anything.
I think Marvin is very curious about him and likes to ask them questions about their past. Sometimes maybe goes overboard with questions and scares them off. Leaves them little offerings of small gadgets he builds as apologies.
Mirri enjoys playing childish games with Ghost Mikey quite a lot. Ghost Mikey cannot leave Earth, so Mirri cannot bring him to their home or to any places out in space that Mirri wants him to visit. Which is unfortunate! As they’ve gotten very close.
Merryweather! Very scared. Ghost Mikey loves to mess with him and torment him.
Vamps is no stranger to ghosts and thinks they’re kind of fucking annoying. Will get very upset if they start messing with/scaring Merrs’ and will absolutely try to fight them.
Mallory is too high off his ass to care, he’s always seeing ghosts all the time anyways. Was actually the first one to notice Ghost Mikey
AND GB!!!!!!!! Is not scared of him at all. Very familiar with ghosts/supernatural beings. It’s kind of his job to deal with this shit. Will occasionally lose patience and get very frustrated with him when he’s trying to do his job and they won’t let him. But most other times he’s completely okay with them and considers them an acquaintance.
I think his name would be Moyo!! But other suggestions are absolutely open
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thebookworm0001 · 1 year
Featuring @little-lightning-lavellan's Mellan for the 2023 OC Exchange
Summary: When Ellana runs into Mellan in Skyhold's basement library, she has the chance to try and cultivate a friendship. Of course, making friends is hard. Especially when you don't want to scare them off.
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I understand that its technically Six Sentence Sunday... but, consider...
Consider... new full chapter instead? Is that cool with y’all?
Chapter 25: A Fool’s Errand
“‘When the Wolf failed, or won, we lost the People to war.’” Mellan leaned her torso over the great book, reading the text upside down - clearly the best way of going about it - and shaking her head. “Well, which is it? It would be wonderful if they made up their minds…”
Her body seemed alight with nervous magnetism, almost manic in the way she practically twitched with every movement. It settled into Solas’ skin even through the nostalgic ease of their refuge, and he worried that even the usually calming touch of his hand to her shoulder would electrocute them both.
She was… avoiding something, but what, he could not tell. Yet, all other signs pointed towards a person near crawling out of their skin to distract themselves from whatever else it was they were truly thinking of.
“Ma heart? Let the Dread Wolf wallow in failure for a moment longer,” Solas placed careful hands over the book as he, too, tilted himself forward. “He has dealt with it for dozens of years, I think he can handle it for a moment more.”
Though his smile disarmed her long enough to shift her ire to a pout, Mellan still let her hands dig into the fabric of her trousers. They did not hold the same dust as her usuals did; her ability to charm the Fade to her will was improving.
“I-I don’t,” She gnawed away at the insides of her cheeks, toes tangling into the plush ground. Not grass, ferns. She knew now what they stood for: enchantments, fascination. Magic. The secret bonds of love. She tried not to think on the last of that charming list. “I don’t see why we’re stopping. I’m just reading.”
Dark brow raised, Solas could feel his bones creak as he held himself together as to not shake the woman by the shoulders.
“Ma heart, I think we should, perhaps, turn our attention to a different book for the evening.”
“What?” Mellan blinked, face pink in the pale light as Solas began to close the book in front of her. “I was just trying to help,”
“Perhaps I do not need your help in this area,” He shrugged calmly, before any sense of control he held flew out the window as Mellan placed a hand on either side of the book to keep it open.
“I was not helping you, specifically?” The redhead scoffed, taken a bit aback, as she held her weight on those sides of the book, and consequently, Solas’ thighs. Rendered unable to move, unless he intended to shove the woman off with anything but politeness, the apostate was forced to stare back at her as she grilled into him. “I was under the impression that we were working together, ma fen.”
‘Ma fen.’ That weighty term all over again. “We are, ma heart, why wouldn’t we--”
“Then may we go to Skyhold?” Why did her eyes hold both hope and anger, and something else, all in a sickening mix? Why did he have to feel the same, and know by the heat engulfing his face that surely his own eyes reflected it back to her. “I’m ready, Solas, I know it’ll be safe, I want to learn--”
“We cannot, ma--”
“Why not?!”
When had she gotten so close? When had she trapped him this night? When her bitten fingernails clawed at the edges of the book, or from the moment she’d walked into the clearing?
She held a part of his anchor, but he felt the one captured by the creature.
“Mellan, I,” He held a hand to her face, the other desperately bracing the ground for balance, and her eyes shot open to show emotions now much clearer than before. It felt like looking into the finest sieve, its contents bare before him.
He should not have examined it, he should not have done many things with the Dalish woman, and it was all too late now. He saw frustration, and fear, and hope, and worst of all? A captivation which he mirrored, and had almost been wishing was a trick of the light.
A darting flush, a lingering look. A proper kiss goodbye. All tokens that could have been exchanged between nothing more than friends, and they were, and they could remain such, yet?
‘What is happening?’
Read the rest here on AO3!
This chapter took a LOT of work, and is pretty lengthy. There’s a loooot of tension, a lot of mystery, ust, and tension in general. I really hope you all enjoy!
Tagging the usual feral suspects, who I love and appreciate so much (please let me know if you’d no longer like to be tagged, btw!): @pikapeppa​ @because-im-hap-hap​ @emerald-amidst-gold​ @oxygenforthewicked​ @varric-tethras-editor​ @the-dreadful-canine​ @smashingpigeons​ @blueheaded​ @best-of-the-vein​ @reonerra​ @dungeons-and-dragon-age​ @layalu​ @dreadfutures​ @darethshirl​  @fiadhaisteach​ @bogunicorn​ @ashalle-art​ @kantrips​ @rosella-writes​ @whataboutbugs-art​ @shift-shaping​ @noire-pandora​ @palepinkycat​ @debgall​ @malewifezevran​ @1000generations​ @drag-on-age​ @siennamain​ @dalish-spectre​ @raflesia65​ @katalyna-rose​ @thevikingwoman​ @kumaronoa​ @midorimaddie​ @sassyseeker​ @musetta3​ @rivainisomniari​ @in-arlathan​  @melisusthewee​ @jellydishes​ @effelants​ @potatowitch​
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snyrtch · 2 years
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my two pieces I did for the solavellan hell exchange!! absolutely loved working on this exchange!!!
art piece with mellan trying to evoke kay nielsen for the lovely @little-lightning-lavellan & a 5k fic with ameridan/telana solavellan subtext w/ terys for @siennadraws
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precarious-hermit · 2 months
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anyways, i'm having a time
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stealingyourbones · 11 months
Fuck You, *Stealing Your Facets*
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Hello! I’m Isla, a 22 year old reporter and Pokémon foster currently living in Kalos, but originally from Unova!
Since I foster I don’t have a traditional team of Pokémon, in fact my own pokemon are more than six, but you will see little faces come and go time to time as I help them!
Feel free to ask questions or ask for stories! I have more than enough to share.
My Pokémon!
Percival | herdier (shiny) ♂ acts tough and grumpy, but secret ol softy (don’t tell him I told you). i rescued him and his siblings as a young girl.
Mellan | luxray ♀still has the mind of a little shinx, my troublemaker.
Lich | foongus ♂ flair for the dramatics and a wanderer, found a cluster behind my parents house in Unova and he followed me.
Cyra | lycanroc (dusk form) ♀a foster fail but that’s a story for later. definitely has a mind of her own, but protective over the others.
Blaze | talonflame ♂ another foster fail, a quiet boy but he is very content with watching the other pokémon.
Scallop | oshawott ♂ a gift from my brother before I left home, his Samurott had a few eggs! Scallop is… trying his best
Glop | goomy ♂now this little guy just found his way into my house and decided to stay, so now i find him hiding into places that seem too small for him to fit.
And there’s a few more, because I live on a small ranch I inherited from my great-aunt, but these are the ones you will be seeing most of on my page!
And I haven’t even started on my current fosters! This is gonna be fun.
Hope you stick around! And ask some questions if you like!
[OOC: hello! I haven’t roleplayed on Tumblr since high school, now in my 20s I found these pokémon ones and it brought back all the nostalgia. All OOC content will be labeled as such! I go by she/her]
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dizzy-days · 2 years
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"𝐈 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐟𝐞𝐥𝐭 𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐭 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧 𝐢𝐧𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧."
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Hello!! You can call me Dizzy, you can also call me Ace or Vi (my actual names lolol)! My blog is mostly fanning over Lilia twst!!
I use they/them, he/she is ok as well!! I’m trans and still trying to figure stuff out lol, but I know I’m non-binary!!
CST time zone, I only speak English fluently thought I am trying to learn more languages!!
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Lots of joke content will be made, it’s mainly all jokes and stuff lol
Also a lot of reblogs and stuff
So many reblogs
I also try to interact with people I follow/ I think are cool (・・;)
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OC List
Mellan (twst, McQueen)
Maren (twst, Blue Ring)
Maverick (twst)
Bolt (twst)
Esme (twst)
Tempest (twst)
Fintan (twst)
Umbra (twst)
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Last edited on July 30, 2022!
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fenix-alv · 2 months
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Hi~~, I've made this little comic of Adkian talking to his elemental invocation, Mellan~. he´s talking in Primordial, so it´s difficult to read if you talk english (because i wrote the translation, but to spanish fkhgksgh). if you want to read it (or try), you can do it left to right.
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jonksi · 3 months
Okay don't mind me I'm just trying to voice recording to text thing on my phone see if it doesn't work
Jag är fan för trött för det här men tala då jävlar beskriv ner någon jävla gång för helvete nu har nu kom det okej Jag valde att jag ser bits slow notic Ta inte så jävla bra på att växla mellan svenska engelska verkar det som jävla skit fucking Google how are you good not any period something they have to sorted out myself and I think so lalala
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