#melrin bbc
whydon-twego · 1 year
"I want to court you" Merlin, lying naked beside him, sighs heavily and turns to look at him. "We've been over this, Arthur" Arthur remains silent for a few seconds, his fists closed and his teeth biting his lower lip because Arthur does not want to blurt out on the matter, not this time. "If I could woo you openly the nobles would not be piling like lions on a carcass!" Merlin raises an eyebrow and looks at him with an amused air "Am I a carcass now?" "You know what I mean!" Merlin sighs. "Is it because of Lord Smith?" Arthur does not reply and that is an answer in itself. "Arthur, you know perfectly well that I have no interest in anyone else, in any way, ever. And you know perfectly well that since you made me Court Sorcerer I can say no to anyone I want. So Lord Smith, like all the other Lords before him, got a resounding no for an answer." Arthur now turns to look at him, his eyebrows furrowed in contrition. "But there would be no need for all this if only we could say publicly that we are together" Merlin is tired of this talk, he is tired of Arthur bringing it up at every opportunity, and he is tired of always having to be the one to say no. "You need a queen by your side, Arthur. You need someone who can run a kingdom and help you run it and that someone is not me, more importantly, you need someone to give you an heir, and that someone is certainly not me." Arthur jumps out of bed and Merlin misses his presence, misses the warmth radiating from Arthur's body, his smell.
"You've known this about me for as long as we've known each other, Merlin, I will only marry for love and, above all, I will not have a Favourite, a lover or whatever the hell you want to call them"
Arthur is angry, wandering around the room always in his nudity and seems to have no intention of dressing even for this (umpteenth) speech.
Merlin's heart breaks a little.
"Yes, I know."
Of course Merlin knows, of course he is more than aware.
At that, Arthur's sky-blue eyes rise and go to rest on Merlin and Merlin has never seen him so serious.
"So you… so you think I'm going to get out of that bed one day and wake up a changed man? You think I'm going to wake up one day and think 'well, I'm not in love with Merlin anymore, I can move on'?"
Merlin's throat went dry and his eyes wide.
"Don't you dare, Merlin. You can't make that face, you can't be surprised to hear me say I'm in love with you. What did you think this was all about, a little game?"
"Hearing you say it is still different, alright?"
Arthur raises his arms to the sky and shrugs at him, starting to walk back and forth across the room, Merlin gets up to sit on the bed.
"You've been sleeping in my bed for over a year, Merlin. It's been more than a year that I've made you Lord, it's been more than a year that I've been going on and on asking you to begin a courtship in the light of day. What did you think that meant? Was I supposed to say it out loud? Well, I'll say it out loud: I'm in love with you, Merlin. For over ten years now if memory serves and I don't think it will be such a passing thing, your continued refusal of a courtship will only lead to a King ruling alone, unbelievably unhappy and sad when he has what he desires just a few mere steps away."
Merlin has brought his knees up to his chest as self-defence, because his heart is hammering so hard that he is afraid it might burst out of his ribcage.
Arthur approaches and in a few strides he is back on the bed, next to Merlin who is looking at him with pleading eyes.
"In fact, you know what, Merlin? I am your king and I am an incredibly fed up king, I command you to accept my courtship!"
Merlin stares at him for a few moments, astonished, and then bursts out laughing.
"You know it never did any good to order me anything."
Arthur is lying beside him now, looking at him hopefully.
"I am ready to accept any responsibility for it"
Merlin leans down to kiss him because otherwise he might do something as stupid as cry.
"I love you, too" he whispers.
"I know, because apparently I'm not the dollop-head in this relationship."
Merlin throws a pillow at him.
Arthur gets up and goes to announce to the court that he is about to begin a courtship with his Court Sorcerer.
"Put your clothes on at least, before you go out!"
Arthur does not. Merlin is madly in love with this too.
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the-mother-of-lions · 6 months
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the kindness of strangers
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cattusferoxx · 6 months
Hallo Leute! (Hi guys I'm in German class)
I decided I'll finish writing my Freylin fic which I started, like, in October lol so be ready and check my site! I hope itll be done by the end of this week
See you then!
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pbaintthetb · 1 year
It’s a tragedy that Gwaine and Will never met btw, both would happily die for Merlin, both hate nobles, both chill with magic, and both can get to respecting Arthur (for merlin’s sake)
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urfavcrime · 1 year
i have crippiling second hand embarrassment like it's so bad. if a character says/does something stupid i literally have to get up and leave the room
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star-rie · 6 months
a long rant/idea/rambling of how i want bbc merlin plot to go
Season 1
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General: stays the same (light-hearted season) but merlin starts to question gaius and kilgharrah, empathizes with morgana. Elyan is introduced somewhere between episodes. Gwen father didn’t die. Mordred ISN’T introduced yet. Morgana is gaslighted by merlin + gaius (not forever i swear guys)
Finale: merlin vs nimueh (epic battle this time), merlin is almost close to loosing but gaius helps him, however nimueh survives
Season 2
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General: introduction of mordred on the second ep (merlin hates him), ep 1 is abt balinor (mentor figure for merlin + should meet with hunnith), arthur finds out abt ygraine (and yes merlin lied abt it) + starts questioning uther, we got more arthur’s pov when merlin is at the ‘tavern’ (episodes where merlin is not there and focuses on arthur instead), morgana finds out abt her magic. Freya + gwen romance plotline happened. Percival + Gwaine introduction, merthur kiss but they never acknowledge it (yep they’re in denial)
Finale: kilgharrah lost hope of merlin so he turns to nimueh (in a hidden scene nimueh told arthur the truth abt his birth), nimueh + uther battle (but nimueh lost NOO), balinor DIES, merlin stops kilgharrah, glimpse of morgause (at the ep end). Morgana made a decision to kill uther
Season 3
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General: aithusa is born (morgana + kilgharrah + merlin really likes her), morgana villain arc (she finds out that merlin is gatekeeping magic from her + merlin trying to kill mordred lmao), either morgwen romance or gwencelot (i can’t choose), gwen’s father died, this season = gwen’s arc
Finale: magic reveal, uther’s death, morgouse + morgana attacked the castle, morgana and morgouse fighting + breaking of to their own path (morgana realizes morgause is kind of twisted evil)
Season 4
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General: arthur banning merlin from camelot (merlin runaway arc), arthur + gwen + the knights running the kingdom, morgana redemption arc, morgouse + aggravaine becomes main villain, political shit in camelot (like other kingdom who also despises sorcery/power manipulation, an in-depth look of other kingdoms), GAIUS DIES, hunnith + aithusa + kilgharrah scenes, mordred + merlin + morgana bonding, ygraine scenes, arthur trying to forget merlin but CANT, oh and aggravaine is also a villain here but he actually has personality and pure evil, arthur getting excalibur, arthur is really struggling to find himself here (to be like his father or follows his heart). Btw merlin is there and it shows every time magic related enemies attacks camelot/everytime arthur is about to die really but he’s literally in the shadows now and arthur pretends not to notice
Finale: morgause + aggravaine attacking the kingdom, arthur accepts + forgiving merlin + morgana back and assign them as court sorceress + court physician, hunnith scenes, arthur tolerating magic, adopting mordred (apology for killing his father lol), probably adopting aithusa
Season 5
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General: arthur lifts the ban against magic, marrying merlin, cendred is a villain here (however he is introduced in s4), merlin GETTING A STAFF (also introduced in previous seasons but he’s worthy of it here, arthur made it btw and it’s a power up for melrin)
Finale: morgause + cendred finale attack, a few deaths (they won thoe cuz this is the good ending)
Camelot brings a new era (symbolizing change)
Arthur: King
Merlin: consort/court dragonlord with titles like “king arthur’s shadow”
Gwen: Court Advisor/head of the house
Morgana: Court Sorceress
Aithusa: Court Dragon
Why i think merthur should be canon:
1) they’re gay
2) real reason: so i think its good for the plot too since magic is a euphemism for gay, relates to the theme of arthur bringing change to camelot but other than marrying a servant, he marries a MALE servant who has magic ☺️🫶😘🙏
Series ends with everyone at the roundtable, gathering for a meeting
Okay that’s it let me know what you want to change 🥰
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tiodolma · 1 year
This is utter crack, but I thought you'd have a laugh. Basically, Camelot meets BBC Merlin.
Morgause and Morgana try to do a spell to summon Emrys, but end up bringing the wrong Emrys to their world. Meanwhile, Camelot!Merlin was minding his business in his room and Camelot!Morgan was on the verge of sleeping with her younger half-brother, Arthur; when suddenly both disappear.
Morgan and Morgause are confused at the two strangers, while Merlin is letting out several curses and Morgan is cursing as well because she was so close to getting what she wanted. Then, both notice each other and Merlin just takes one look at her state of undress and is like, "I don't want to know."
Long story short, Merlin the Elder has a headache a mile long by being stuck with three witches that are getting like a house on fire; Merlin the Younger is running around like a headless chicken because how the hell is he supposed to face this new threat against Camelot; and Morgan, Morgana and Morgause are having the time of their lives. The less said about repressed feelings and a ton of UST the better.
The End.
😂 If I could, I'd write this. But just picturing this is hilarious as hell. Hope you like it!
Thank you! I love this!
Morgause, Morgan and Morgana: "My sisters, together we are powerful”
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BBC Merlin: Gotta... Stop them...Must... Save... Camelot... Grrrgrrrgrr
Starz Merlin: Boy. Stay down. Magic has a cost! Let them discover it for themselves!
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BBC Merlin: cost? What cost? There is no cost!
Starz Merlin: Don’t you get hurt when you use your magic?!
BBC Merlin: LoL no.
Starz Melrin: JFC
Starz Merlin (trying to keep BBC Merlin from blasting everyone with a lightning strike): Ladies pls, don’t do this. Magic has a cost!
Morgan: Everything for the throne!
Morgause: Everything for magic!
Morgana (have sparkle eyes to the other two): For our justice!
BBC Merlin: Must...end... this Evil
Starz Merlin: Evil? Where did that come from? what they’re doing is wrong but not necessarily evil. See this is what our Arthur said (conjures memory of Starz Arthur)
Starz Arthur: Maybe sometimes people do wrongs thing for the right reasons.
BBC Merlin: no... the darkness must be filled with light... only love is allowed... no hatred... should exist... only good must prevail... arthur... cannot die... only he will bring back... magic
The Ladies: Camelot will be Ours! Arthur Pendragon will fall! Through us, magic will return!
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Starz Merlin: I am not paid enough for this.
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tracionn · 4 years
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Merlin BBC / Merthuredits (3.12/?) / The Coming Of Arthur I
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Hunith in 1.10 stressing to Merlin how important it is that no one in Camelot finds out about his magic and Merlin being like “obviously mum, I’m subtle as fuck” before immediately casting an obvious spell in the middle of their sleeping area with the king’s ward and a servant of the royal household just to play with the campfire is genuinely such peak humor tho
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This is Merlin's secret twin brother named Merlon
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I would like to introduce you to my plants
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The bigger dracaena in the middle is Clot Pole and as you can see he is man spreading all across the bench. The rubber plant to the left is Idiot.
Clot Pole is constantly all up in Idiot’s space.
(Side note: the dracaena to the left is Ygraine. I want to buy another dracaena and name her Morgana)
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merlin6kingdomcome · 4 years
1-9-21 Update
Happy New Year, Merlin fandom!
We’ve gotten questions regarding our last post where we promised an audiobook recording of the first few chapters of our original novel series. This project has taken a little longer than we expected so there’s been a slight delay. But rest assured we are still en route to delivering those promised chapters for you all to enjoy. When it’s ready (which will be soon), you’ll naturally be the first to know!
Cheers! xx
~The Team
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urfavcrime · 1 year
wow i got my first post over 1k notes on this acc
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vortomorto · 4 years
what was the point of zooming in on arthur melancholically watching merlin laughing....
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18159 · 4 years
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merthur doodles for my art class project.
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acciohanbrough · 4 years
Sometime during merlin :
Arthur : I’ve connected the dots
Merlin: You didn’t connect shit
Arthur : I’ve connected them
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