#meme: who could ask for more
starry-bi-sky · 5 months
more clone^2 memes because i think they're funny
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#dpxdc#dp x dc#dp x dc crossover#dpxdc crossover#dpdc#clone^2#danny fenton is not the ghost king#so canon to clone^2 and clone damian the portal that ends up transporting damian to amity park is left pr ambiguous#so really how he got there could be one of many things whether it be through divine intervention or clockwork's doing or hell#it could've also been quite literally the 1 in 1 millionth chance that a natural portal opened up beneath him and sent him to amity#and was a happy accident#but the idea that the laz pits or another adjacent such entity heard damian wanting an older brother (he meant og damian but oops never-#specified) and then sends him to the one person who could fulfill that wish and make him happy at the same time.#was really funny to me within the context of the lilo and stitch meme. the meme can also be seen the other way around with danny as lilo#and damian as stitch. but danny being stitch was infinitely funnier and ~technically~ more accurate imo#danny technically IS a nice angel but also. he's a developing menace to society (just ask wes) and he's going to make damian one too#danny being from the midwest means he has a midwestern accent and thats not something the bats know how to handle when they finally meet hi#hey look at that! my meme making skills are steadily improving. im no longer making the same joke six different times in different formats#those first two images i made a few days ago the rest i made in the last thirty minutes in a spur of clone^2 induced inspiration#and procrastination of writing the cfau rewrite of the first post. we are 10k words deep folks and just barely got past the 1st gala reunio#dunking on the giw is a god-given right and danny WILL pass it down to damian
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rookflower · 9 months
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ex-kittypet who picked the lock to their front door and ran away
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aseuki · 1 month
🐛💜 for stell yippee
[ask meme]
Yippee! Yay! Here we go!!!
🐛 (Caterpillar) - What are your OC’s greatest fears, and why? How do they act or react when they’re afraid?
Stell certainly likes to say that he is fearless, but he has fears just like any other being, better masked as they may be.
The thing Stell values above all else is agency, his sense of control over a situation. He worked hard to get to where he is now, and anything that threatens to tip the delicate balance he's built will send him scrambling to set things straight. They've clawed their way out of dark days, and they'll do anything to not slip back to the bottom.
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Otherwise, you can also toss dirt at them and watch them freak out hahaha
💜 (Purple Heart) - If they were corrupted by the Jamba Heart, which negative traits of theirs would be amplified?
*looks at them* would there even be any difference asdlkfdjsfnf
If Anything they may end up becoming more proactive in their tendency to look for a challenge, becoming much more easily aggroed and actively seeking out others to challenge rather than simply waiting for them to come to him haha
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bumblingbabooshka · 6 months
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Tuvok’s Kids: Sek, Elieth, Varith & Asil
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emypony · 1 year
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unstoppable force (y2k girlie) vs immovable object (mr anger issues himself)
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katyspersonal · 3 months
I know we don't talk and there's stuff we may not agree with. But I am truly sorry you've dealt with a lot of drama over fictional crap. And I'm sorry if my posts in the past ever contributed to that. Hope you have a better day.
Hey... That's all fine, don't worry! After all, it takes a lot of time and Insight to realise that Gehrman is a very gentle and respectful man and Godrick is an absolute gigachad kdkdkshdffhhgfds /lh /lh
But yeah, on a serious note. It was quite frustrating to find out the real motivation under all that... mess was something so pathetic, but at the same time this is what happens when people make engagement with media and fandoms a moral, political act. Not necessarily a problem, after all, I was the one who concluded that the way a fan judges fictional characters and other fans will very well reveal how cruel they are to real people who do something bad, or how much they will forgive based on personal sympathies. And my mad ravings about caring about female characters! I think the problem comes when a fan is so insecure that they have nothing else besides this defence of ideals through fandomry. If your only way to assert yourself is to be a good guy punishing the bad guys, and that mad raving loredigger discovers there is NO bad guy, what is left of you?
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This is why it is crucial to have passion for nurturing rather than for undermining! I think if you speak like this, you've found this truth too? This is true that I don't know you very much (mutual-in-law thing), but to be honest.. you didn't poison my fandom experience at all? I tend to never be aware about discourse until someone basically calls me for help fhdhgsdgdfs Can't scout the fandom tag regularly!
But not only it actually was a quite long ago I saw a "negative" post from you, but also I've seen through the posts that my friends liked or reblogged from you that you've actually became very eager person to defend people's passion and interests! I think the post that particularly got stuck with me was when you resented seeing someone's light die after some Redditor asshole "well aktualy"'d a thing they were excited about creating (not exact wording but maybe you remember too)? Like... you are fine, man. At that point I realised that you were a good fan and in the end valued people's creativity and passion over personal preferences. That you never wanted to be THAT guy, even if your interpretation could not be further from someone else's. Coming to terms with what actually matters in fandomry is very mature and I am happy to see this attitude!
I am still glad that you messaged me about this though; I did not expect this, but thank you! I think I will continue getting involved in fictional discourse because my autistic senses cannot ignore factually incorrect takes with a clear insidious motive, and.. eh, sooner or later, I'll piss off the wrong guy again. Don't feel bad for me when it inevitably happens :p I've accepted the shortcomings when I decided to be the debate guy. Simply laughing at some gremlin starting a discourse with the girls in DMs and not stressing over it is only funny until I realise that newer fans could get misinformed right off the bat.
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huecycles · 1 year
i always talk about t4t spamvil but never their sexualities, so: spamton is pan while jevil is bi :)
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tallbluelady · 4 months
What compromises are they making in their relationship?
It's not even necessarily with each other, but I think Rowan and Urianger have to compromise their time with each other with the fact that they travel a lot. And they travel to different places.
Though I am seriously considering having someone else fill the WoL's role for Dawntrail and have it be Rowan and Urianger's offical TM honeymoon lmao.
Thanks for the ask!
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blackjackkent · 1 month
Gale, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 19
(Character Ask Meme)
Ooh. I feel like I don't talk about Gale much. :O
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
I think Gale has an interestingly complex series of outcomes in the game (there's a fairly wide range of discrepancy between "college professor" and "god" although I've known some college professors that didn't think so XD ). His characterization is interesting, too, because it's a really tangled mix of hubris and insecurity, arrogance and self-deprecation. And his relationship with Mystra makes me want to put him somewhere safe out of her reach forever.
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
Gale's diction is super fun to listen to and to write. (I've described writing Gale's character as - write what you want him to say, and then go back and add extra words everywhere unnecessarily. XD ) He clearly really enjoys language and his own use of it on a level completely separate from its usage in verbal spellcasting. (This could be also described as enjoying the sound of his own voice, which is also probably true. XD But he likes an elegant turn of phrase and I love that for him.)
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
Mystra. Mystraaaaaa. [shakes fist] Gale has been treated very badly and it really is kind of heart-wrenching to realize how thoroughly he's internalized his relationship with his goddess as a normal thing even when it clearly is not.
(I'm taking "least favorite" here to mean - thing I think was least good for him in-universe. I think his growth around how Mystra treated him and how he can learn (or fail to learn, or overcompensate in trying to learn) how to exist separate from her is a very good story in a Doylist sense.)
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
Hm. Other wizard-related fiction. Let's put him in Ursula LeGuin's Earthsea trilogy. :D I would be interested to see Gale's take on the magic in that realm, its intrinsic ties with the true names of things. Kind of hooks in with his enjoyment of language as mentioned above.
19. How about a relationship they have in canon that you don't like?
Again, taking "don't like" here to mean - in-universe not good for him. I don't think Elminster is actually a good influence on him. (I'm not sure if this is a hot take or not; my mutuals who are more in the Gale sphere than me can weigh in.) Elminster and Gale clearly consider each other friends, but given Elminster's stature there's still a distinct power imbalance there. I think I read (not sure if this is fanon or canon) that Elminster was the one responsible for headhunting Gale into Mystra's service originally; it definitely is canon, too, that Elminster had his own relationship with Mystra and thinks Gale getting back in her good graces is the best thing for him, which I think we can all agree it is not.
(I don't think Elminster's a bad character though; I've mentioned before that I think it's interesting that he's being framed as a more fallible and less omniscient individual than he was in the previous games.)
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heffrondriving · 2 years
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Big Time Rush + textposts [8/?]
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fantomette22 · 2 years
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Alright dear Bloodborne fans who like Gehrman ! Our dear first hunter from the dream. That's us right ?
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townofcadence · 10 days
25. your character
Munday Topics
GOSH I could say a lot about Artair!! He was the first character I ever rped, and he's changed a lot over the years as he became my own more and more. But every way he has has changed has made him more intimate to me, more mine and more unabashedly my own creation. I love all my characters, but there's just something so special about him, the way he thinks is a mindset I can slip into so easily. I know so much about his life and so many major events and how they shaped him, and I've forgotten so many moments on the blogs he's been on. Near as many as I'm sure I remember lol.
I don't even really know how to talk more about him. There's so much I could say that feels like a stack of layers. He's reckless and impulsive and self-sacrificing and sees himself as this corrupted horrific thing undeserving of love, but he pours every drop of himself into others and loving them so deeply. He doesn't want to save himself but he wants his pain to mean something because he can hold more if it means someone else holds less. He's believes himself incapable of being anything other than broken and monstrous, but in the same breath he can see the good in even the darkest of muses and he will reach out his hand for them. For someone who has fallen into so much darkness, he has so much hope and love to share, and he is so freaking kind and silly and tries to make you laugh.
He knows what it's like to be hurt, and chooses every day to be the person he needed. Every day chooses to make someone else's better. the pain and the horrors and the damage too deep to ever undo keeps coming for him, true to at least several of his abilities embodying misfortune, pain, and The End of All Things. He's been taken apart, he's died more times than you can count on both hands in terrible ways, and keeps his own tally of failings or people he's harmed or feels responsible for the death of.
But he always chooses to persevere despite what comes. He fights to keep going, even in the worst situations. If someone else is there, he might do sacrificial, foolish things to save them, but it's because he LOVES them. He loves people, he loves them being happy, finding what makes them feel good and like a person. He loves seeing them grow and smile and flourish. He loves them. He loves them he loves them to pieces and he loves seeing them find love and joy in the world, and he will put himself on a pyre as a willing lamb of sacrifice to protect that.
I don't know, there's something so fascinating by how deep and how gentle and how kind someone who has suffered beyond words can be. So many fall apart, but he desperately crushes his pieces together just so he can give you the hug you need and be there for you with every fiber of his being. It doesn't matter to him if he's okay-- what does is if you are. He still is flawed, imperfect, but he's still doing his best. He's NOT okay, he's twisted up in so many ways, taking what is usually a positive trait and it sometimes being the fatal flaw for him. But he hasn't lost what makes him human.
He's deeply tragic, written though horror after horror in past rps and blog events and M!As and such, but he is still so full of compassion and affection and still fights to be there for everyone, and to bring everyone home to those they love. And I love him so so so much.
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devilfruitdyke · 2 months
seems like you want to be a doctor for the wrong reasons… it shouldn’t be about being able to be “pretentious” someday
this is a one piece blog
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dandyshucks · 3 months
i get slightly annoyed when people make community posts that tell ppl to stop doing xyz and use the phrases "they're a FICTIONAL character, theyre NOT REAL" to justify whatever theyre saying because:
1) everyone knows that already, we're all aware these are blorbos from our media;
2) if someone is genuinely struggling to grasp that because of a delusion or similar, a forceful reality check is only going to cause harm rather than help;
3) it just feels so needlessly patronizing;
4) most of the time whatever I see people complaining about is either smth that I never see anyone doing or if it is smth somebody is doing then the block button is a very quick and effective fix for the issue (or even a quick convo w the person in DMs can resolve issues!)
(granted I keep my following circle very small and probably miss a lot but if i can do that then perhaps... perhaps other people can do it too fhfkdl like just prune back whatever u dont like seeing! unfollow or block as needed!)
#speaking as someone who has experienced and occasionally still experiences delusions!!!#reality checks do not help unless we ask for them directly! it's only going to make things worse if u force one on us!#also yes im aware of the hypocrisy of me making a post complaining abt things#but its often just this one phrase that i will see in otherwise decent posts that go around#and im not about to unfollow ppl just bc of this one phrase being used in a post or two that they might've rbed fhfjdl#also this is a niche thing to know about i think? like i dont think most ppl know a lot about delusions#.... as evidenced by ppl using delulu as a quirky meme word. god that one makes me tired and frustrated fjfkdl#but yeah normally i keep complaints and annoyances to myself but this one i figured might actually be helpful to talk about here#since i know theres probably a lot of ppl who have no idea that this is a thing that can actually make things worse rather than better#and like. theres bigger fish to fry i know that! this is a relatively small thing all things considered#but i feel like perhaps if i can make life a little easier for one other person who struggles w mental health then its worth it#if i can convince one person to be more mindful of their language to make the world slightly safer for fellow mentally ill folks then yay!#and i know the internet doesnt need to cater to us crazies but fhdkdl it'd be cool if ppl could just be a tad kinder or more thoughtful#again! not shaming or blaming and I'm not even upset w anyone#ppl genuinely just do not know abt this stuff unless a loved one or they themselves struggle w delusions or psychosis etc#and even then oftentimes its such a stigmatized topic that even ppl who struggle w it themselves might not know or realize it#anyways. climbing down off my soapbox like a kitten clumsily climbing off of a tall couch SBDJSKL#dandy.cmd
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bitimdrake · 1 year
Jason todd for the blorbo meme
i decided to do this exclusively for the Under the Hood/TTv3 #29/Seeing Red era Jason Todd (and all his potential), who I have ten thousand thoughts and want ten thousand stories. And not for any other version of Jason that I don't care about.
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mishkakagehishka · 4 months
ur a very entertaining person and i hope u keep all ur happiness and keep telling us wonderful gossip :3
^_^ thank you ! Being called entertaining makes me feel like a little jester (positive)
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