#memory-altering stories are just my thing huh?
mac-lilly · 1 year
JATP fic ideas that live rent-free in my head
A compilation post to keep track of all the jatp stories that I will never write ...
Stuff I've actually written
Juke Kitchen
Alone Together
Strumming the Soul
Hotdog and Cold dog
Cross my heart and hope to die (again)
A night to remember:
Just one more night (Luke)
Tomorrow (Reggie)
Snippet 1
Snippet 2
Snippet 3
Canon-Compliant (kinda)
The inevitabilities of (after)life
(Boys coming back to life but without memories - Juke)
After their performance at The Orpheum, the guys suddenly start seeing a magical light, and they figure it's time to cross over. Before they leave, however, Julie and Luke accidentally seal a magical pact with unfathomable consequences. (And they kiss.) And then the boys are gone.
However, a year later, just after coming to terms with the guys' departure, Julie's world is turned upside-down (again) when a very alive Luke suddenly reenters her life. And it's not just him -- Alex and Reggie are back too. But to Julie's horror and agony, all three have lost their memories. (And not just them. With the exception of Bobby, nobody remembers them.)
And so, Julie has to make a decision: Fight to unseal their memories or let them live their new-found lives without her?
It's an easy choice, really. Plus, she has to make her resurrected Phantoms stay alive. Because there's a series of uncanny and nearly fatal accidents that always involve her boys and, weirdly, Nick.
(There are 1.75 chapters of this on my PC.)
Ghost license
(inspired by the movie "Hui Buh" - no focus on romance)
The boys get tasked to obtain a ghost license for the Molina house. Otherwise, they have to leave the place and become wayward ghosts (and have to return to Caleb.) And thus, the Phantoms are forced to attend a school for ghosts -- exams included.
Random character stuff:
Julie's doodling
Luke's room
Songwriting Journal of Fate
(A Kimi no Na Wa AU - Juke)
Part I
Part II
Part III
Snippet 1
Snippet 2
Show me how to be whole again
An arranged marriage/enemies-to-reluctant-allies-to-friends-to-lovers Juke AU
BAM! I'm actually writing this one.
AO3 Link
Image Board
Sweet Home Alabama AU
Yet another enemies-to-friends-to-almost-lovers-to-enemies-to-friends&lovers Juke AU.
First & Last Scene
"Life with Derek"-inspired AU
Rivers of London AU
Julie, a witch in training, and Luke, a ghost
Snippet 1
Snippet 2
Snippet 3
Phantom Thieves
(A Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne AU (without the religious stuff) - Juke)
Julie makes a deal with Caleb: She helps him collect/steal possessed artifacts, and in exchange, he'll grant her a chance to talk to her mom again.
At first, it goes pretty well. She steals the objects and hands them over to Caleb. But soon, she gets a rival. Another thief shows up, who is way too cheeky and attractive, and he starts snatching those items Julie is supposed to steal from under her nose. Julie is not amused by his attitude, and Caleb tells her that he probably wants to use these magical items for evil.
At the same time, Julie makes acquaintance with three guys who just transferred to her school, and she may or may not develop a crush on one of them. (And Julie can't help but see certain similarities between Luke and her new-found thievish rival ... but surely that's just a coincidence, right?)
Mind the Gap
(A Neverwhere AU - Willex & (minor) Juke)
Alex lives a pretty normal life. Sure, after he came out to his parents, he's become an outcast. But he's willing to put up with this shit anyway. (What are the alternatives?)
Then he encounters Willie, an extremely weird but also handsome guy who tells him that he is being hunted. Confused, Alex helps him hide. The next day, Willie is gone, and suddenly his life seems to vanish. His parents, his peers -- everyone seems to forget that he exists.
Determined to set things right, Alex sets out to find Willie, hoping that he (or the person he's running away from) has the power to give him his life back. He enters the World Below -- the place where all the people who've all fallen through the cracks stand. However, as he keeps gathering a group of unlikely and way too cheerful acquaintances who quickly become his friends (and more), he starts questioning his desire to return to the normal world.
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whyiseverynametakenpls · 10 months
Genre : I'm not rlly sure...
Tw : none
Pairing : Hex Haywire x teacher!reader (platonic)
Characters : Hex, you, Doppio (but his name isn't mentioned)
Story : are you proud of me teacher?
Info : (✧) is a timeskip, while (☆) is a change of pov
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The road was dimly lit, the lights flickering as you walked with gloved hands tucked into your coat pockets, shielding yourself from the cold. Little did you know, this simple stroll would alter the course of your life.
A hum escaped your lips, echoing the melody of a recent song. Your voice gradually faded, replaced by the faint sound of a small sniffle. "Ah, it's probably someone's kid crying," you thought to yourself, your indifference reflected in your unwavering expression.
As you proceeded, the cries grew louder, testing your patience. With a sigh, you turned back, retracing your steps toward the origin of the sound. Peeking into the dark alleyway, you asked, "You okay, kid?"
The trembling child, red-eyed from crying, stopped and looked at you. His tears ceased, but uncertainty lingered. Scanning for clues, you noticed the absence of a coat on him. Without hesitation, you removed your coat and tossed it to the child, its size engulfing him. Squirming, he seemed unsure.
Sighing again, you approached and crouched to his height. "You do it like this," you mumbled as you assisted him into the coat. His gaze locked onto you, and in that moment, you finally realized how pretty this child looked. Humming softly, you questioned, "Why are you here in the middle of the night?"
Silence persisted for two minutes before you sighed, standing up and lifting the child with your gloved hands. "What's your name, kid?" you asked as you walked towards home.
"Hex," a mumble caught your attention. "Hex, huh? Nice name."
"Teacher, does my power work on animals too?" the young child in front of you asked, gripping the edge of your shirt with one hand while holding up his ice cream with the other.
"Hm? Animals, huh?" You pondered his question, realizing that both of you possessed different powers. "I don't know... maybe? Do you want to try?" Curiosity flickered in your eyes as you turned to the child.
"I guess," he stated, his words carrying a hint of uncertainty. "You don't have to, but if you do, I can help," you mumbled.
"Mhm, yeah," the child nodded.
"You know I won't be here forever, right? You can't keep depending on me," you mumbled, your chin resting on your palm as your other hand continued to write on a piece of paper.
"I know," came the response from the child beside you. Turning your head to look at him, you realize that he looked noticeably older upon closer inspection.
Noticing the sadness in his expression after your words, you reassured him, "But don't worry. As long as I'm still here, I'll always be here for you." You affectionately ruffled his head, and he allowed it without complaint.
"I'm just worried for you, kid. You gotta go out there and make some friends! If you don't, I might just go and haunt you when I die."
"So, if I don't get friends, I'll keep meeting you?" he looked at you, his expression catching you off guard. Your eyes softened, and a chuckle escaped your throat.
"How about this: if you're good and get some friends, I'll think about haunting you, okay?" A smile crept up on your face. "... Okay," he mumbled in response.
Hex smiled as he reflected on the memory. "Are you proud of me now, teacher? I've found some pretty nice friends," he mumbled, gazing up at the sky.
"Hex! Come on! We'll miss the show!" a male voice shouted to him. Hex turned his head to face the speaker. "Yeah," he replied with a smile.
"Teacher will be proud of me."
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-> I went back and watched hex's lore vid, and this was the first thing I thought of... Sooo 😇😇
-> How do i get ideas help im dying 💀💀
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fountainpenguin · 24 days
Everyone wish "Happy birthday" to the most specialist boy in the world!! SnifferMyFeet is 1 year old! 🎂
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A face many beyond his mother do love!!
Ah, it feels like only yesterday I critically injured Joel in a 'fic chapter and left him in desperate need of grafts from someone with similar biology, not knowing where I'd go from there... and then I woke a few hours later to find THIS GUY dropped in our laps?? sdlkfj, that will never happen to me again... Sniff, my beloved brain-chemistry-altering deus ex machina...
Anyway, I have a multi-chapter 'fic about Sniff being oh so very baby... So baby, in fact, that he's a newborn hybrid who refuses to nurse from his mother dragon. Huh... What's up with that?
Well, never fear! The Fox Dragon and her hybrid son Rhetoric are on the case! Rhetoric's raised hundreds of foxes... Feeding one little endermite should be a breeze!
- Collector's Fee -
🚥 Pixels Imperfect AU
It was only a matter of time before Grian’s off-color soul attracted the wrong attention in the server hub. The thing about foxes is… they like to take. And the Fox Dragon is no exception. Meanwhile, a nurse plots to kidnap a baby. AKA - Grian gets locked in a museum with newborn SnifferMyFeet. Etho and Joel plot to rescue him.
Chapter 1 - Mama Ender - 5,200 words
❤️ Read on AO3
💛 T - Ongoing multichapter
💚 More MCYT 'Fics
This story takes place in the Between dimension, where server hubs lie. It kicks off with a focus on OCs (and SnifferMyFeet), with Etho, Grian, and Joel on deck to show up soon. Enjoy!
“Why aren't you also wishing PiglinMyNose a happy birthday?” -> He's Joel's cam account (LazyBeans26) who changed names; Sniff was new :) Born...
(First 1,000 words under the cut)
💙  🧡  💚
There's really something to be said about flying west on your mother's back, the sun arcing behind you like a phoenix from the dust. Everything's fuzzy in the early light. Morning's reach casts a great, winged shadow over permafrost and pebbles. Endermen scatter, poofing in zigzags. Ohhh, yes… Rhetoric latches his fingers more tightly in his mother's white and ginger neck fur. His tail streams behind in the wind, flapping like the edges of his open jacket. What a rush. It fights against him, threatening to rip him from the dragon like a picked-off scab.
Look at it all. A rosy pink, purple, and orange glow seeps across the hills. Blue shadows paint their undersides in lumpy triangles hundreds of blocks high, like they were painted with a brush too big for precision. The dropped brush itself could've created this waterless valley. Stray goats and wraiths flicker into view with every hill they pass. They dot the sagebrush and glacier chunks… or what's left of them these days. Slithering monsters with rattly bones and three great necks roam these lands now. Rhetoric can't see them even from the air, but the black roses below wave in the whistling breeze.
They're fresh. Someone would've plucked them up for dye.
The flowers stain the ground in rows like memorial stones. Sculk seeps from a deep scour in the earth just beyond them. Some hybrid in a midnight blue hoodie fights the good fight below, striking with a stone hoe. It's a slow and sticky process; the sculk clings in goopy lines like saliva in a yawn. Yikes. Write home and tell me how that turns out for you.
Charlotte beats her wings and flies beyond it. Rhetoric blinks. Her shadow skims the dry valley below. One by one, flowers slip out of render distance behind them.
The Ender Dragon lurks underground, deep within the cave city of Lower Evernight. Charlotte circles the hill twice, then swoops straight towards the sagebrush and ice. Rhetoric clings to her neck like a bur, arms and legs clamped like honey. The ground blocks blur together, then vaporize in a sweep of smoke. Fox Dragon and hybrid rider drop into the depths of the cave. With a twitch of Mother's claws, her world edit commands repair the gash. Rhetoric shifts, peering past her wispy fur as Charlotte glides across the underground city like a fluffy kite.
This isn't his first time visiting the City of Ever-Shifting Blocks. Granted, it… might be his second. But the cave's no less breathtaking than he remembers, and that's saying a lot for a guy immune to drowning. Endflame lanterns gleam far below, lighting the darkness with pricks of purple. Everything's arranged in a circle like a giant chocolate chip cookie. It'd take all 98 of the Between dimension's dragons to devour one of those, and he snorts at the thought. His mother's mane ripples against his cheek and he nestles tighter to her fur.
It's easier, traveling with a dragon in a place like this. The aboveground world's in anarchy and a city filled with enderman never keeps its streets and signposts for long. Everybody wants pretty things. The easiest way to keep things involves taking them when you see them around. In a way, it's no surprise Jean and Charlotte are thick as, well…
(He chuckles at his own joke.)
Jean's nursing cave lies tucked away, high on the underground city's wall, where her children can reach her if they need to, but will probably think twice before making the effort. Beyond triplet endflame lanterns (one to either side of the door, one above) and a small viewing platform encased in a fence, it lacks decoration. Only on the outside, though… What professional thief openly displays her goods in a city of pickpockets? Hm. Rhetoric's last trip to Evernight ended on that viewing platform. Will Jean step out again this time?
Or are we going in? The ever-present itch - the need - to go deeper coils in the backs of his hands.
With a few swishes and swoops, Charlotte lands like a perching parrot in front of the iron door that divides it. She folds in her wings, almost knocking Rhetoric straight off. Not today. Her form blurs, melting in size and color, until she's standing like a hybrid with a swishing ginger tail. And from there, she slides Rhetoric from her arm to the ground. Charlotte wore her fox-eared hoodie and baggy pocket-covered pants for this trip. Out of place? Undignified? Below her status? Perhaps… but Rhetoric can't blame her. Showing up at her mother's door in her usual treasure hunter's garb probably wouldn't go over well. At least this way, she's inconspicuous in a crowd. Only the five glowing dots pulsing on the underside of her left wrist would give her away.
Rhetoric unbuckles the saddle still hanging from her back. Since he has no inventory space himself (Born without it; long story), he goes to set it on the ground… then stops. He glances over the rail at at the violet lights of the city far below. Hmm…
The thing about Evernight is, not only are there thieves lurking here, and not only can they see in the dark, but endermen and endermites alike can teleport. They could be watching him as they speak. And there's a drop straight to the Void down there somewhere. Endermen and endermites can swim in the Void. Fox hybrids can't. He tucks the saddle under his arm instead.
Charlotte keeps her ear pressed to cold iron. "I don't hear babies," she reports. "Let's give this a shot."
"I'll be ready to grab."
Charlotte presses the button beside the door. It pops open, whacking her arm, and they both jump back. No babies scramble for freedom from the nursing cave, but the small hall between them and the next door is filled with water. Clever… Baby enderman probably make one attempt to escape and never again.
They wade over, taking careful steps in their boots. This iron door, though, must have its button on the other side. To be polite, Charlotte takes the stick from the wall and knocks, introducing herself with a call… but the grunt they get in response is as much of a "Let yourself in," as you'll ever get. Fair enough. With a wave of her hand, Charlotte dissolves the neighboring blocks with world edit, then steps around the door in the place they used to stand. Rhetoric follows with the saddle, ducking out just before the blocks rematerialize behind him.
Oh. Hels. Yes. Now, this is the treasure-filled cavern he'd envisioned on his last visit, lying awake in the embassy kicking and squirming, unable to lie still unless his eyes and fingers could caress secret ores and gems. "Kick me, Mother, for I am dreaming," he mutters.
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not-so-rosyyy · 1 year
TCR Episode 4 [initial thoughts]
before anything else, let me just say that this is the most confounding episode so far for me, but it's also the most rewarding in the end.
we start off the episode with Danny going to london, and from there everything was just ??? huh? what is happening right now ?? lol
i think it's hard to follow because it's random and nothing literally makes sense (yet!) so you're always asking yourself every second what's the point of all of it and where the story is going, making it a bit hard to focus on what's transpiring onscreen. (but patience, young padawan! the payoff is worth it.)
Danny's an unreliable narrator so you're also like, "is this even real?" i think it isn't
Tom, Amanda and Jason Isaac were able to carry the entire episode with their performances alone. their interactions, no matter how contrived the dialogues were sometimes, are riveting. i loved every second of their scenes together.
if you've read the book, it's pretty easy to spot who the alters are. Jack is one, no doubt. what i wasn't expecting is him showing up in the interrogation room with Rya in the end.
the reveal was just too good! like when the music suddenly shifted to an upbeat one, with the tracking shot of Rya just power walking to the prison like she's about to go into battle, I KNEW SOMETHING WAS COMING DOWN. the vibe was just different.
and then, boom! Jack appeared. AND RYA'S ENTIRE DEMEANOR CHANGED FROM HOW SHE WAS WITH DANNY. with Jack, she's firm and confrontational. whereas with Danny, she's gentle and careful. and it just blows my mind because you have to remember this is just one person she's actually talking to.
one of my biggest questions since the show started is how Rya seemed to already know what's up with Danny from the get go. how did she figure it out? that ending provided the answer--she's MET the alters (or at the very least, one of them, which is Jack)!
in the book, Arthur (Billy Milligan's alter whom Jack is presumably based on) is the one who's mostly calling the shots in order to "protect" Billy from harm. when the psychiatrists who were treating Billy wanted to inform him of the diagnosis, AKA let him know about the alters, it was Arthur who they were asking permission from. he was very against it at first. just like Jack was when he told Rya it was "a catastrophic idea" to let Danny know the truth.
I guess my biggest question still is how Danny is coming up with all these stories/ memories with the alters. did his mind just come up with all of it to try and make sense of the things happening to him or something? idk...
anyway, again, that ending is the highpoint of the episode because now that we know Rya and Jack has met before, it's fair to assume she's met the other ones, too. the interrogation room scenes will be that much more exciting and interesting from here.
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doodles-with-noodles · 4 months
*I hiss and scamper up a tree and throw rocks with my questions painted on them through your window*
Songs you associate with any of your characters? You know like the thing where you listen to a song and make up an animatic in your head?
What's everyone's favourite colour?
What do the museum archives people do in their free time?
Are any of your characters scared of storms? For no reason in particular.
Opinions on tea? (From the characters) (I mean you can say yours too if you want)
Are there any other metaphors?
What would happen if the main character(s) from all your stories met each other?
Is there anyone in specific the mind burglars are working for or is it just, like, highest bidder?
Similarly, what happens to the stolen memories? Do the victims still have them? How difficult is it do steal a memory? What makes one memory different from the one that happens after it? How many can you steal at once? (This one is like 5 questions badly concealed in a way too small trenchcoat)
AHHHHHH anyways
Some have more soundtrack feel but:
Jules: Mayonaka no Door/ stay with me, Charlie: Murder on the dancefloor by Sophie Ellis-Bextor, Malik: Good-old-fashioned lover boy by Queen
Ed: Got my mind set on you by George Harrison, Anthony: Rocket Man by Elton John, Norna: You’re my best friend by Queen, Cecil: Long Away also by Queen, Maura: Killer Queen ALSO BY Queen, Roscoe: Don’t bring me down by ELO
Mathildis: Rowing, Cavendish Lab, Collapsing Inwards and A Spacetime Singularity by Jóhann Jóhannsson. All have a very nice science feel and kinda follow in the tone how Mathildis changes I think.
Treeve: Restless by Abel Korzeniowski and The Moon Will Sing by the Crane Wives
They both also have a song together ig? which is Your Blood by Aurora
The Kilmoores have I‘m Dying Mother, Cian has a more soundtracky song named QKThr by Aphex Twin which I think kinda fits (although it sounds a little more peaceful) because it sounds kinda disjointed and heavy. I had a really weird thought recently where I thought that sound design from Cian’s pov like in cinematic format would sound super neat.
2. I don’t know everyone‘s. I think Norna likes orange, Cecil blue, Ed purple, Jules like a burgundy red and Mathildis green.
3. They live in a city so. city stuff I guess. But they also hang out with each other and go pet animals at a shelter. Stuff I‘d like to do ig. They also listen to music a lot?
4. Malik maybe because he can’t hear that well when it’s stormy. It’s a little scary to him.
5. Tea‘s good with milk and honey (mine). The museum archive guys are indifferent. Roscoe is trying to push tea because it’s a little less strong than coffee that has his team all jittery (looking at Norna and Cecil). The science guys drink it if they want to be fancy. The Kilmoores drink tea like, all the time even if in crisis it’s only little ugly dried leaves. Maybe with a shot in it or smth.
6. Huh, idk honestly. The mind burglars have kinda this thing about how abuse (even if only emotionally) fucks you up. The museum archives look a lot at death and grief. Baldur‘s death is how people were manipulated and trained by politics during the war and what that leads to. Kilmoore is about how the war fucks people up directly. Yanno.
7. They‘d probably be confused as hell and try to stick together. Especially Cecil, Mathildis and Cian would be puzzled as hell at each other because weren’t they in different situations, they’d probably think the same. Roscoe wouldn’t like Treeve probably. Ed would try to explain communism to the Baldur’s death and the Kilmoore guys which is a bad idea because they’re alternate universe wartime people.
8. The highest bidder. They be doing it for the cash. Usually it’s corporate shitheads.
9. „Steal“ is more like „we remember the information and submit it.” There’s also overwriting, where you alter a memory to influence a person, but if done wrong, it can cause the person’s sense of self to deravel. Victims do still have them. Complete removal is impossible.
It’s difficult as heck, not only do you have to get past the person’s brain and manipulate them without noticing, you also sometimes come across some pretty fucked up shit in their minds and have to get through to get deeper, and you have to go deep a lot of times. A lot of times you need to keep the person unaware and make them feel as if they’re still conscious, which is why you need a team to tweak stuff. It’s not like you’re rifling through records; it’s like you’re in a place. Steal at once is difficult- the distinction between individual memories is not black and white, and as you go through you see and “steal” a lot of stuff. Fun fact: Cecil has trouble with his memories deraveling later in the story. Say Yipeee to traumatizing slow memory loss!
10. Cats are great. Most of them probably lovee cats.
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thatoneluckybee · 6 months
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I think I forgot to show you what I was debating and I don’t remember if you saw it if you did then uh tell me somethin cool and/or threaten my execution if you wanna
If so uh. I have no idea whether I’m encouraging this or not (BUT ALSO $6?? ITS LIKE $50 MOST PLACES HUH) I just watched a playthrough from a youtuber and used the wiki to get what I missed.
Uhm. Okay so objectively a very entertaining game imo. I hyperfixated on it BADLY a couple years ago if that says anything.
Please be warned
That this fandom is Interesting (in good and not so good ways) and the game is. It has some strange elements. Obviously the horror murder game execution aspect. But also under cut some possibly triggering things it does mention without spoilers if possible
The game does hold some importance to me as much as I despise some of it just cause my memory sucks so it’s one of the few ways I can usually trigger my memory of like a solid year or two in Total but it has some. Things. The fandom is better than the game imo of handling tricky subjects (the first game is over 10 years old, so it is very outdated with some stuff and does NOT use the delicacy needed for certain topics. The potentially bad or triggering stuff I’m listing some of it is handled okay or pretty well some not really—
Bullying (severely)
Implied Suicidal Characters (dont remember exactly if it was said aloud or not if so not in the guy I watched’s playthrough)
Incestuous relationship (like. Not During The Course Of The Game but we DO learn someone’s backstory)
Serial Killers
Horrible Representation of “DID” where the only alter is a serial killer
Sexual Assault/Abuse
Abuse in general
Etc Etc
There’s four games and the worst one is Ultra Despair Girls which is a side game (not needed to play or watch if u don’t wanna)
I’m glad I watched this game and it very much influenced a lot with little Bee like my artstyle and how I write stories and characters and fandom and whatnot but it has Many An Issue so use caution
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lucielxbe · 2 months
♫ kainé/salvation - nier ost nier automata au
it’s always been strange to luciel that androids were programmed with personality traits. he knows that siwoo, in particular, was programmed with ‘honesty’. though that somehow came with ‘curiosity’, which could be a good thing since he’s a scanner-type android. he still never quite understood why androids needed such things, but questioning the council of humanity’s decisions never once cross his mind.
he’s just a battler-type android, all he needs to do is to follow instructions and keep an eye on siwoo.
they’ve been assigned as partners for a long time. luciel is good at coordinating with fellow androids, but with siwoo sometimes…. they ran into trouble. one of those troubles had led to their present situation: a freaky head plastered onto a sales vehicle requesting them to find some flowers.
“it sounds suspicious, we should report it it immediately,” luciel told siwoo.
“huh? we should give it a try, hello? it looks fucking weird but it seems… nice?” the other blinked his eyes at him. “this is my duty, let’s just go with it. i need to know more.”
luciel took some time to process a decision, then sighed, “i should also tell headquarters to remove your ‘vulgarity’.”
“what the- fuck you???” siwoo responded, probably on purpose.
nevertheless, they went ahead with it. they had no reason to refuse its requests anyways, perhaps they could discover more information about the machine lifeforms they were fighting to send the data back to headquarters. siwoo made the right decision.
after finding those flowers three times, it brought them to a place underground.
it’s dark, which is natural for an underground place. yet luciel couldn’t help but to remain still for a brief moment to take in the scenery lighted up by a field of glowing white flowers.
the cart lifeform sounded extremely happy and started rambling about its past, how it once had a main body that split into pieces to protect earth. it’s weird, none of this was recorded the library of data. and that is what siwoo said.
“and i thought we knew everything… hey, nii-san, let’s go look around,” siwoo goes head to explore, even though there isn’t actually much other than a bunk bed with a roof right in the middle of the field. according to the cart, a human used to live in it. “that’s weird, this bunk bed feels familiar…” siwoo mumbles, crossing his arms while staring at the bed.
luciel stays silent.
“it’s my first time seeing this flower, but why does it feel so fami-”
“oh! this is a lunar tear!” the cart interrupts abruptly. “these used to grow all over the place, like the desert… but eventually the sand took over the soil and it stopped growing. this was a dear friend’s favourite flower. you can have one though! i’ll give one to you!”
“really? that sounds like a sad story… but thanks. hey, luciel nii-san, why are you so quiet for?”
luciel scoffs at him, “reporting to headquarters about what we discovered, of course.”
yorha no.8 type S has rediscovered lunar tears. he is showing signs of recovering his 32nd life’s memories data. proceed for execution?
memories. no, that’s wrong. how could luciel make that kind of mistake? androids only have data that can be implanted, altered, or deleted; they were nothing like memories.
luciel’s finger hovers over the ‘send’ button. his eyes turn to lay upon siwoo, chatting away happily with the cart. he’s always wondered… what was the personality trait that was programmed into himself? androids shouldn’t feel pain or remorse when they destroy a fellow android, and yet at his core it feels… crushing.
it’s for the sake of humanity, he tells himself in his mind repeatedly.
“hey, what’s up?”
the executioner battler-type android smiled.
“did you know, lunar tears are said to grant wishes?”
“no way, are you serious?!”
report received. execute yorha no.8 type S.
“mmh. you were the one who told me a long time ago.”
luciel never believed that a flower could grant wishes, only god could do that. but once upon a time during the duration of siwoo’s 19th life… he foolishly thought it was possible.
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twilightmalachite · 1 year
Altered - Heaven and Hell 13
Author: Akira
Characters: Kanata, Natsume
Translator: Mika Enstars
"It will be okay, it will be okay, alright? Look, squeeeeze~. ♪"
Season: Autumn
Location: Yumenosaki Academy Student Council Room
⚠️ This is an import from a unproofed Twitter Livetweet!
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Natsume: I might not fully understaND, bUT… That means Kanata-niisan’s mommy passed awAY, hUH? It seems like unpleasant memories were brought back uP.
Kanata: Mommie? No, my “mother” only finished her role. As a “goddess”, she does not die, even after passing away.
She has become one with the vast “sea”, and watches over us even today.
So, even if I cannot swim, I “love” to splash around in the ocean.
It is like I am being held by mother.
It wasn’t all good things, I would even get “reprimanded” from time to time. Because they were a very strict person back when I lived a normal life.
But, she was always right at all times, so if I ever get lost, I splash in the sea. And I’d ask, “let me know the answer”.
Natsume: You knOW, I always think about how uniquely you view the worLD, Kanata-niisan. We’ve been lumped together as the Five Eccentrics, but even among all of uS, you are exceptionally sO.
Kanata: Ehehe~. ♪
Natsume: BuT, that’s also why you’re in dangER, Kanata-niisan. People generally tend to fear those different than thEM, and become hostiLE.
If they think “that person is different from us” in a positive senSE, they can be celebrated as a geniUS, or even hailed as a gOD.
But in a negative senSE, they easily become targets for discrimination and oppressiON.
So, while Rei-niisan deciding “let’s move abroad” might be a bit of an exaggeratiON… Do you think we could lay low for a bIT, Kanata-niisan?
Let’s all evacuate togethER, until things cool oFF.
Kanata: That would be “impossible”, you know~, or rather, “meaningless”.
We can “hide” somewhere, but in the meantime, we will all be declared “losers”. We don’t even put up a fight. If we do not fight, then they would consider it a “loss by default”.
We would lose everything. By “evacuating”, we would end up losing the place that we call home.
It would be better than dying, still… but…
As I said before, I have nowhere to escape to.
I am “god” before I am myself. I must prioritize the “land” and its “people”.
Natsume: So rather than run awAY, you’d rather stay here and be bullied by bastards with a misguided idea of justicE?
Kanata: I have “no choice” but to. If you listen to their “story”, it seems that we have done “terrible things” to them as well.
And so, they are returning that “favor”.
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Natsume: Is that really what you thiNK? All those idiotic rumors everyone is talking about are nothing but conspiracy theories with no basis in faCT!
Why are we to blame for everyone else’s unhappineSS? It’s absolutely ridiculoUS! It’s not our fault they’re miserabLE…!
Kanata: Is that really true?
There is nothing else like “water” in this world. It is all alone. The same “water” can become liquid, then water, and then ice…
It is always circulating around the world. It is all connected.
It is no longer just “water”. It is anything and everything. And so nothing is “completely alone” in this “world”.
So if everyone is “miserable”, it might actually be partly our fault. Though, it is difficult to explain.
Natsume: So you’re sayiNG, even if you’re the one getting accused and bulliED, cry yourself to sleep over iT? The bully has it harder than the bulliED?
Kanata: Hm~… I don’t really understand how you guys “feel”, though.
I do not particularly mind. I “accept” whatever is given to me, whether it be “progress” or “violence”.
It is the reason I was born.
From the very “start”, I was born for the sake of being everyone’s “nourishment”. To offer up my “flesh” for the sake of others to enjoy.
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Natsume: No, but thaTS… You’re so stranGE, I don’t understand yOU.
Ah, shIT. I said something that the public would say to uS.
Kanata: I’m sorry, Nacchan. I’m supposed to be the one “saving” you.
But I’m causing you to be sad, aren’t I?
Natsume: No, I’m making myself distraught all on my oWN…
Kanata: It will be okay, it will be okay, alright? Look, squeeeeze~. ♪
Natsume: WaWA, stop thAT! I’m not a little kID, okAY?
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Kanata: You are a little kid, though. You are the most out of all of us.
That is why, we just all want to protect you.
If you’d like to “escape”, then please do so, Nacchan. We won’t “lecture” you for doing it.
It is normal to not want to get hurt or to die. Yes, that’s right, I am strange.
So, please “escape”, Nacchan.
I will deal with all the “bad things” aimed towards us. I will take care of everything.
For all of you, I will be your “body”.
I will say this as many times as I need; this is the reason I was born.
I wish everyone could be “satisfied” just by devouring me, though… Or is that also too “difficult” to do?
Since the times of “myth” until now, there is no “limit” to what “humans” can do, is there?
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yume-x-hanabi · 2 years
I thought of simply copy/pasting my twitter thread but you know what, we’re on Tumblr, we’re allowed proper paragraphs, so let me just ramble like in the good old days :p
Assorted B²TSM Headcanons pt.1: Worldbuilding
Honestly the funniest thing about this fandom is that the entire canon consists in four skits, two music videos, and a song. That is to say, BARELY FUCKING ANYTHING. Guys, I’m used to a video game with extensive lore developed over several games, eight guidebooks, thirteen Drama CDs, five short story series, and some manga. I cannot begin to tell you how different this experience has been 😂 Anyway, as frustrating it can be to have barely anything concrete to go with, it also means… it’s free real estate, baby 😎
A. The Time Machine
So, I’ve been thinking about the mechanics of the whole time-travelling thing for a bit longer than is healthy, and I’ve developed some potential ways it could go that could be fun to play with.
But first, a crack theory I’ve become very fond of: the "time machine" gave them new young & healthy bodies, but the creation of those bodies was influenced by whoever was operating the machine at the time. That's why they all look vaguely like Brett or Eddy—I mean, Bang YG and his assistant. That would also explain the fact they can all speak modern English (+ the accents).
Now let’s look at a couple ways they could have been brought to the future:
1. Actual, full-fledged time-travel
They were plucked from some point of their lives and dragged to the future with no warning. That opens up a few possibilities:
1.a. Continuity errors. Plucking them from their past lives will alter the timeline, and probably change the world of classical music irrevocably. Basically Bang YG u done goof. You’re gonna need forty Ling Ling stones to fix that mess. Oh boy.
1.b. The timeline is not affected, which means they’re fated to go back to their own time at some point, probably with some very convenient memory loss (this was a common plot in HP time-travel fics when I used to be into it /tangent). This one comes with high angst potential: knowing their time here is limited, having to make the most of it, and the worst is that they won’t even be able to use future knowledge to make their past lives better when they go back. Oh the drama, oh the angst.
1.c. The timeline is not affected, because this basically creates a parallel universe, in which history up to the use of the time machine remains unaffected.
Whichever scenario you go with in this category, this means they were brought over when they were still relatively young, and likely haven’t yet composed some of the great hits they’re known for. Imagine Tchaik and Shosty talking about Beethoven’s 9th symphony, meanwhile he’s like “huh, I have no memory of this piece”. That can lead to some complex feelings, knowing such-and-such famous piece is yours but in a way it’s not (not yet). Or, worse, learning about facts from their personal lives that haven’t happened yet. Momo realizing he’s got about five years left to live when he goes back to his era (in scenario 1.b.)
2. Kind of a reincarnation AU
So this summer I watched Paripi Koumei, which is a very fun and light-hearted anime (highly recommended), and I bring it up here because I really like the concept and think it could apply here. The premise of the anime is that famous strategist Zhuge Liang (Kongming) from the Three Kingdoms is reborn in modern-day Tokyo after he dies. He basically spawns in modern Shibuya with a youthful appearance and all his memories. So, I thought this could be a way to go with how the “time machine” works here: it brings the guys’ consciousness from the point of their deaths and gives them a younger body (a copy of their own, or *see crack theory above*).
That means they know exactly what they did in their past lives. That also means that they remember their own deaths. Very trauma, much angst.
On a brighter note, that means they’re here to stay. They’re basically given a second chance at life, in a world that’s hopefully a bit easier to live in than their past one.
B. The Band’s Concept
I can’t imagine the public being told they’re the real deal. I mean, imagine if people learned that there was a time machine out there that could bring loved ones back to life. That would cause unending chaos. And that’s if they’re believed to begin with—the most likely reaction would be to dismiss it as a prank.
So, the “official” version they’re going with is that it’s simply the band’s concept, that they’re roleplaying the composers (like I think there’s a kpop group whose concept is that the members represent the zodiac signs). So, in essence, they’re pretending to be random guys who’re pretending to be their actual selves XD
Regarding roles, there is much debate about who the maknae is. Is it Shosty, because his birth date is the most recent? Or is it Mozart, who’s the youngest in terms of actual years lived in his previous life? I like to think that the company never confirms either ways and lets the fans argue about it to their hearts’ contents. It’s part of the mystery~
(In truth, the actual members don’t give a damn about “roles”, they’re just there to make music.)
(Maybe that’s part of their unconventional side that makes them popular among some people.)
Also, Pag wasn’t meant to be brought to the future, it’s a result of a time machine mishap. He basically barged his way into their debut because “How dare they form a band without me, greatest violin virtuoso Niccolò Paganini?! Mamma mia…” and now he’s hanging around. Not quite an official member, but often heavily involved (whether they want it or not). Mozart says he’s their mascot. No one is sure how to feel about that statement.
Lastly, since so far they’ve either been using their last names or nicknames to address each other, I’ve developed some headcanon that their last names are their stage names, but also simply the names they go by now in their day-to-day lives. Like they’ve shed their first names, it’s a thing of the past, an identity they can’t truly assume anymore. Maybe that’s why they’re so fond of nicknames, because it gives them a more personal touch (Mozart started the trend, and it caught on very fast after that). They do still use full names from time to time in certain circumstances, and that’s what’s on official documents, but… it’s complicated. I like to think they eventually start reclaiming their full identity between themselves as time passes and they grow more comfortable in their new circumstances and their bond grows closer. (Names as a sign of intimacy, in my fandoms? It’s more likely than you think!)
Anyway that’s it for the worldbuilding side. I have a few more posts planned about different aspects of this universe and their characters.
Feel free to share your thoughts on this, and your own headcanons if you have some!
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sen-no-kotowari · 1 year
PGR S Bianca Alter Character Profile
Good day! Here's the 3rd update of Chara Profiles I promised to post. It's Bianca's Physical S-Class Version! Voyage among Dregs update is a roller coaster ride of emotion for Bianca as a Character and the amount of shivers it sent me whether it was how KuroGe made it eerie or how the patch was released perfectly in time for the 2.5 Anniversary of the JP Server is just chef's kiss. I'll be working on Qu's and hopefully get it done beore Spiral of Chronos update hits in along with one new project listing which is the Birthday Mails you get in game this year. You can read more about Bianca in her A-Class Version's Interlude Story here or on the cut down below!(*‘ω‘ *)
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Voice Line Data
Motion Voice Lines
Lobby Voice 1
Bianca: Even if I can't be the "light" that guides everyone, I believe in taking pride in the role of grasping what the true nature of "darkness" is.
Lobby Voice 2
Bianca: If only, if only our paths had crossed earlier... Oh. I apologize, that was unseemly... Please overlook that slip of the tongue just now. I do not wish for other people to know of this weakness besides you.
Lobby Voice 3
Bianca: Conviction may become a force to move forward, but only one's heart decides what it is at the culmination of their journey. ...My answer is reflected in my eyes right now... Do you understand?
Lobby Voice 4 (B.Alter "Firn Bond" Skin Exclusive Line)
Bianca: For me, this place is where my dream ends. The shining light and blooming flowers now gave me a new memory to remember. Whenever you stand beside me, I... wish that time would just stop at this very moment. The person I care for is right here, at this moment in time.
Raise Affection Level
Bianca: I wonder what kind of present would Commander... Ah, oh. It's nothing. I'm just thinking about what should I gift you. Thinking about what kind of things you might fancy is surprisingly fun.
Repetitive Taps
Bianca: Wha-!? ...That's clearly childish of you to draw my attention like that, Commander.
Log-In Voice 1
Bianca: Oh, (Commander)― ...Ah ...(clears throat) my apologies, Commander. I didn't notice you were here... Please excuse me...!
Log-In Voice 2 (B.Alter "Firn Bond" Skin Exclusive Line)
Bianca: I saw a dream inside one residual data during the time you weren't here, and the ending of that dream has slightly changed. However, what remained the same... was crossing paths with you each time. This no longer is a dream, it is my desire. [4] Audio: I saw a dream inside one residual data during the time you weren't here, and the ending of that dream has slightly changed. However, what remained the same... was crossing paths with you each time. Perhaps this is no longer a dream but a desire of mine.
Online for a Long Time
Bianca: You've done more than enough today. Please, get some rest. ...I'm offering a word of advice, but I could order you to take one if needed.
Bianca: A fatal outcome could be fostered simply because one momentarily loses focus in an unfamiliar situation. I'm sure you're quite fed up with all these scoldings. It's fine to play truant if it's just a while, I'll keep it a secret for you.
Bianca: Wha-!? No, look out! Commander, this way, hurry― ...Huh, oh... ...That's enough...
Offline for a Long Time
Bianca: So you've decided to come then. How long have I been waiting, you ask? I didn't mind waiting for a long time, because I have faith that you'd come back without fail.
Introduction and Formation
Structure Acquired
Bianca: It's been a while, Commander. This isn't something surprising. I simply have undergone a model update. Then, I, Bianca, Captain of the Purification Squad, will be working alongside you from here on.
Level Up
Bianca: We're still ways further from our goals. Let's keep going, Commander.
Bianca: Glory or recognition from others isn't essential for me. But, I'm glad that I've gained your approval.
Model Improvement
Bianca: The model's performance substantially improved. Don't fret, Commander. I'm confident that I'll be able to gain mastery in the strength I yield.
Skill Upgrade
Bianca: I wonder how far will my swordsmanship skills grow... Let's find out the answer together, Commander.
Bianca: A new weapon? Thank you, Commander. I'll show you that I'd meet your expectations with this.
Add in Team
Bianca: It is time to purify our foes. Commander, please give the orders.
Assign as Captain
Bianca: Teamwork with these members? Allow me to take the lead then.
Mission Accomplished
Bianca: We've completed the mission. Let us receive the rewards immediately. It's the fruit of our efforts.
Daily Small Talks
Voice Line 1
Bianca: Did you call for me, Commander?
Voice Line 2
Bianca: Are you unnecessarily pressured when I'm around?
Voice Line 3
Bianca: The other members of the Purification Squad? I could introduce them to you if you're interested. However, there are also several unique people among them so it'd be best if you prepare yourself for anything surprising, just in case.
Voice Line 4
Bianca: "Indecisive," hmm... I believe that there's value in everything you save. We must uphold this principle in its entirety because we are in a position that takes away life.
Voice Line 5
Bianca: A "witch"... While people certainly call me that, this is the path I chose myself. I've never once regretted choosing it.
Voice Line 6
Bianca: Even if I can't be the "light" that guides everyone, I believe in taking pride in the role of grasping what the true nature of "darkness" is.
Voice Line 7
Bianca: Although I've mostly familiarized myself with using a sword, it feels different when I wield the bow... it's an inexplicable feeling fighting side by side with you.
Voice Line 8
Bianca: Seems like the people drawn together around you are slowly increasing. Though their trust and expectations can become your strength, there are times when you'll lose sight of yourself. But I also believe in your resilient mental fortitude, just as you've always placed your faith in me.
Voice Line 9
Bianca: How do I spend my free time? I watch movies, read a book, and sometimes spend some time with Sen... Sounds dull from your perspective. And you? How do you usually spend yours, Commander?
Voice Line 10
Bianca: If, one day, I truly become a "witch" you must defeat, please strike me down. I don't wish for your pity. If you have hesitations about it... you'd only betray me.
Voice Line 11
Bianca: I don't desire in indulging myself in the thought of ending this world's tragedies with my own two hands. As long as you wish for it, I simply wish to continue protecting you with my sword.
Voice Line 12
Bianca: If only, if only our paths had crossed earlier... Oh. I apologize, that was unseemly... Please overlook that slip of the tongue just now. I do not wish for other people to know of this weakness besides you.
Voice Line 13
Bianca: I had spent my childhood in a tundra when I was still on Earth. The snow falling silently was the most beautiful scene in my childhood memories... Commander, once all of this is over, would you like to watch the snow with me if there's a chance?
Voice Line 14
Bianca: Conviction may become a force to move forward, but only one's heart decides what it is at the culmination of their journey. ...My answer is reflected in my eyes right now... Do you understand?
Voice Line 15
Bianca: The Gray Raven Unit is the symbol of hope. Yet hope isn't the only thing born with the light. Can I be the shadow that supports you every step of the way, Commander?
Voice Line 16 (B.Alter "Firn Bond" Skin Exclusive Line)
Bianca: For me, this place is where my dream ends. The shining light and blooming flowers now gave me a new memory to remember. Whenever you stand beside me, I... wish that time would just stop at this very moment. The person I care for is right here, at this moment in time.
Raise Affection Level
Voice Line 1
Bianca: We should refrain from any private interactions. At least until our work is done, Commander.
Voice Line 2
Bianca: Here's a request form for changing my private schedule. I believe we must deepen our relations with one another to make our bonds stronger.
Voice Line 3
Bianca: Our relationship seems to grow with each passing day. Maybe this is something you wish to happen.
Voice Line 4
Bianca: Do you look forward to the time when we're together? I'm glad to hear you say so.
Voice Line 5
Bianca: We must become strong ourselves to face everything that lies ahead of us. Though it used to be my goal, that's no longer the case now. Facing the difficulties that lie ahead of us together with the people I care for, that is what I've gained—true strength.
Voice Line 6
Bianca: I'm talking too formally? My apologies, it's been an old habit... That said, maybe it is a bit too formal when it's just us together. If it's alright with you, can I invite— ...I mean, if you're okay with it... can I ask you to hang out next time?
Voice Line 7
Bianca: If it's just the two of us next time, we can spend more private time together. There are still plenty of things I wish to try with you, Commander.
Voice Line 8
Bianca: If you ever are at a loss and reached a turning point on your path, let me dispel that hesitance you feel. I ask that you'd do the same for me. Of course, you have my word. This is a steadfast oath between us.
Voice Line 9
Bianca: Thank you for your concern, Commander.
Voice Line 10
Bianca: I'm honored to be the recipient of your present filled with sincerity.
Voice Line 11
Bianca: Are you inviting me for an afternoon tea? Okay, I'll get ready so please wait for a couple of minutes.
Voice Line 12
Bianca: Though I've read it in a specialized book, the relationship between people can ostensibly deepen through give and take. And so this time, it's my turn to give back to you, Commander.
Voice Line 13
Bianca: I wonder what kind of present would Commander... Ah, oh. It's nothing. I'm just thinking about what should I gift you. Thinking about what kind of things you might fancy is surprisingly fun.
Voice Line 14
Bianca: Do my feelings properly get across to you, Commander?
Voice Line 15
Bianca: Each and every moment we spend together may have become the reassurance that drives our hearts, Commander.
Voice Line 16
Bianca: I offer you my sword, Commander. This is something precious and invaluable I can give in return.
Voice Line 1
Bianca: Don't relax just yet, Commander. There are missions we still need to accomplish.
Voice Line 2
Bianca: I've heard from Karenina about a way to quickly boost one's ability to focus, but it requires them to repeatedly hammer one spot on their head with something blunt regularly... Hmm, it seems like you've recovered already. That's good.
Voice Line 3
Bianca: It appears your head's up in the clouds. Why not try going out? Of course, I'll always be with you if that's what you want.
Voice Line 4
Bianca: A fatal outcome could be fostered simply because one momentarily loses focus in an unfamiliar situation. I'm sure you're quite fed up with all these scoldings. It's fine to play truant if it's just a while, I'll keep it a secret for you.
Voice Line 5
Bianca: What are you thinking about? Commander. Yes, no need to say it. I immediately understand it just from looking at your eyes.
Online for a Long Time
Voice Line 1
Bianca: Overstraining yourself isn't good for your health, Commander.
Voice Line 2
Bianca: You've done more than enough today. Please, get some rest. ...I'm offering a word of advice, but I could order you to take one if needed.
Voice Line 3
Bianca: If you were to collapse, the people around you would be distressed. But, please don't worry. I won't allow that to happen so long as I'm here.
Voice Line 4
Bianca: There's no need for you to desperately work that hard. I've long known what kind of person you are.
Voice Line 5
Bianca: It's almost time to take a breather. It's all right. Whether it'd be tomorrow, the day after, or even in the distant future, I will always be waiting for you here.
Voice Line 1
Bianca: Strict time adherence is a good habit to have, Commander.
Voice Line 2
Bianca: Good day, Commander. What is this about? As I've said, I'm currently evaluating your conduct. Please don't fret about it. For now, I haven't found any undesirable conduct you've done so far.
Voice Line 3
Bianca: It seems to be that it's necessary to have allies you can trust. Allow me to accompany you, Commander.
Voice Line 4
Bianca: Did you sleep well last night, Commander? I wonder if you've dreamt- ...Rather, I wonder what kind of dream did you have. If you have time, please let me hear all about it.
Voice Line 5
Bianca: You have a good look in your eyes, Commander. I look forward to what kind of endeavors you'll accomplish today as well.
Voice Line 6
Bianca: Oh, (Commander)― ...Ah ...(clears throat) my apologies, Commander. I didn't notice you were here... Please excuse me...!
Voice Line 7
Bianca: Until the day you bring forth a new dawn in this world, please allow me to accompany you on this long, dark night.
Voice Line 8
Bianca: Even if it heralds farewells, even if there comes a day we'd have to part ways with each other, I pray that you'll keep me close to your heart, Commander. No matter how far we're apart from one another, we'll imminently cross paths one day.
Voice Line 9 (B.Alter "Firn Bond" Skin Exclusive Line)
Bianca: I saw a dream inside one residual data during the time you weren't here, and the ending of that dream has slightly changed. However, what remained the same... was crossing paths with you each time. This no longer is a dream, it is my desire. [4] Audio: I saw a dream inside one residual data during the time you weren't here, and the ending of that dream has slightly changed. However, what remained the same... was crossing paths with you each time. Perhaps this is no longer a dream but a desire of mine.
Offline for a Long Time
Bianca: So you've decided to come then. How long have I been waiting, you ask? I didn't mind waiting for a long time, because I have faith that you'd come back without fail.
Voice Line 1
Bianca: A meaningless endeavor, Commander.
Voice Line 2
Bianca: ...If you thought this would make me unnerved then you're quite mistaken, Commander.
Voice Line 3
Bianca: Wha-!? No, look out! Commander, this way, hurry― ...Huh, oh... ...That's enough...
Repetitive Taps
Voice Line 1
Bianca: Wha-!? ...That's clearly childish of you to draw my attention like that, Commander.
Voice Line 2
Bianca: Commander, have you ever heard of a game called the "knife game?"[1]
Voice Line 3
Bianca: ...Commander, sir, would you like to see how angry I could get?
Activity Task Full
Bianca: What a fulfilling day. You've done your best today, Commander.
Battle Dialogues
Battle Start/Character Switch Voice 1
Bianca: Revise, comprehend, evaluate... Commencing purification!
Battle Start/Character Switch Voice 2 (B.Alter "Firn Bond" Skin Exclusive Line)
Bianca: This I pledge to my sword. I will purify these sins.
Voice Line 1
Bianca: Immorality? Unforgivable!
Voice Line 2
Bianca: Consign to your grave!
Voice Line 3
Bianca: Repentance? Too late for it!
Voice Line 4
Bianca: I shall bestow upon you judgment!
Voice Line 5
Bianca: Still wish to resist? It's futile!
Voice Line 6
Bianca: I shall enforce your punishment!
Ultimate Skill 1
Bianca: Now, I shall grant you the light of your demise.
Ultimate Skill 2
Bianca: Here I decree this nightmare will end here!
Light Damage
Bianca: I have to end this swiftly...!
Heavy Damage
Bianca: What a fierce opponent.
Bianca: My conviction... will never die down.
Friend Support
Bianca: I shall stand firm in my volition.
Bianca: I'll create an opening for you.
Battle End Voice 1
Bianca: It's the end... Come, sleep for all eternity.
Battle End Voice 2 (B.Alter "Firn Bond" Skin Exclusive Line)
Bianca: Someday, the blooming flowers will cover these snowy fields.
Structure Documentation
Document Detail 1
A model created based on Eden's collective research results on Specialized Model up to the present time. It was officially used on the exploration mission at the Copperfield Aquatic Museum. The current model was adjusted so that it would be possible for Bianca, who wasn't the first choice, to be compatible with this Specialized Model.
Document Detail 2
In order to contain the shifts in Bianca's Sea of Consciousness from using the Origination Device, it is necessary for her to do Deep Dive Links with a Commander that has a strong Mind Beacon. When they asked Bianca for her opinion, she apparently brought up the Gray Raven's Commander without hesitation.
Document Detail 3
The Club Sword she utilizes operates as a set with the Origination Device, producing an extraordinary energy output. It's a weapon exclusively designed for the Abystigma model, having a unique quality that can't be absolutely used by other Omniframes.
Document Detail 4
Although it's equipped with ultra-light armor that allows easy movement, its sturdiness measures up to even Armored-type Structures as a result of Kurono's cutting-edge technology. In addition, Bianca herself included some adjustments and can now adapt to operations in all extreme environments.
Document Detail 5
Because a base fragment of the Origination Device was installed, Kurono wanted to observe if it'd take a few months for Bianca's Sea of Consciousness to stabilize in her new model. But she completely adapted to the model in just a few days. According to the person in question, this type of "nonstandard" model is something she's familiar with.
Document Detail 6
"Witch"―that is what the people who feared Bianca called her before she became a Structure. But she never thought of it as an insult, because she believes that there are hurdles in this world that only "witches" can settle.
Rumors and Secrets
Secret 1 In an attempt to have a significant difference between the new model's exterior and the specifications of the Zero model, some of the members of the Purification Squad didn't seem to notice that it was their leader the moment Bianca appeared in her Abystigma model for the first time.
Secret 2 Most members of the Purification Squad were displeased when she was appointed as their captain. However, ever since Bianca "politely" invited all the members to spend one whole day in the training room with her, it died down as though nobody complained about her being the leader after that.
Secret 3 She's fond of reading and literary works. She once tried to write a movie script herself, but she ran into an unspeakably massive problem when she was deciding the title so that project is currently put to a halt until today.
Secret 4 According to Sen, Bianca seems to be "hiding her intense hostile behavior." Although Bianca has no idea about it, Sen didn't say why no matter what you ask her in regards to that.
Secret 5 The headgear-type Inverse Device is a special type developed to be used in conjunction with the Origination Device and can assimilate the residual Punishing in her surrounding with utmost precision. Even though the joint part appears rotatable, it can't be rotated.
Secret 6 The Origination Device is equipped with a light function to try and achieve reconciliation by making it feel like a "lamp." However, the base fragment inside the device also emits light alongside the light function, so Bianca has never used this function since she's quite anxious about unforeseen situations.
Secret 7 Her hobby is movie appreciation―she leaves a collection of classic movie titles on a shelf at the dorm and pours most of her paycheck into her hobby. She seemed to start showing interest in fantasy-genre movies from the Golden Age that revolves around knights after she changed into her Abystigma model.
Secret 8 Before the name of her club sword was named "Hecate,"[2] its designated name written on the weapon designer's private file was "Sacred Sword Black Caliburn[3]." It seemed that it wasn't up to Bianca's taste that it was immediately rejected for being an infamous cringe name.
Secret 9 She genuinely got along quite well with Sen. They once went out on their day off together to see a movie. However, they had heated arguments as to whether they should watch romance movies or spy thriller movies.
Secret 10 Sen did everything she could behind the scenes as a means for Bianca, who was ridiculed as a "weak-willed person, to lead the Purification Squad. It seemed that both of them never broached the subject matter.
Secret 11 In fear that the Origination Device would cause irreversible damage to Bianca's Sea of Consciousness, Karenina kept on vehemently demanding Kurono for a thorough investigation regarding the device's stability and configuration. It seems that it took Bianca quite a long time to persuade Karenina.
Secret 12 Both the Purification Squad and Elite Corps work in different fields so for the most part, the times Bianca connects with the Gray Raven's Commander are far and few in between. The Commander felt apprehensive about the Origination Device's stability when they did a Deep Dive Link for the first time, but looking at the results, their synchronization rate with her is exceedingly high and stable each time.
Knife game (also known by other names like pinfinger, stab between the fingers game, and many more) is a game where one places the palm of their hand atop the table with fingers apart and using a sharp object, the player attempts to try not hit one's fingers while stabbing back and forth in between the fingers.
Hecate is a goddess in ancient Greek religion and mythology. She's associated with crossroads, boundaries, transitions, ghosts, necromancy, the New Moon, and magic.
Caliburn is another name for Excalibur.
Spoken dialogue is different from what's written in-game.
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lampmanliveblogs · 2 years
Them's the Breaks, Kid Addendum
So here it is, the long-awaited follow-up post to episode fifteen that I promised you oh so long ago. A whole two days ago. Time sure flies, huh?
To be honest though, I don’t have a whole lot to say here. The only thing of note that I caught while rewatching the episode that I didn’t catch the first time through were Gilbert and Harvey’s first appearances. Harvey can be seen in the establishing shot of the IFWOT and Gilbert can be seen standing in line to get his badge.
There is more stuff I noticed and that I’m going to talk about, but a lot of that was brought up in several asks that I got sent, so I’ll bring those things up there. For now, I’ll talk a bit about my thoughts on the episode overall.
I was quite surprised that we actually got an origin for how Eda and Raine met. I figured they probably met at school, got along, and then things developed from there. Which I would have been fine with it if that was the case, but it was a pleasant surprise to see the Raeda origins (I think that’s the ship name?). I of course enjoy the love story between Eda and Raine and seeing how it all started was nice.
Like I said in the proper liveblog, seeing just how well Eda and Raine clicked with each other really helped cement just how deep that bond of friendship and love was… as well as add to the tragedy of their breakup and the sweetness of their reunion… and then the tragedy of Raine having to keep Eda away because they don’t want to risk her getting hurt.
We also got to see a bit of Hieronymus Bump and what he was like as the vice-principal of Hexside. Even back then he was trying to help his student flourish like some kind of responsible adult or something.
We go to see young Terra and turns out she was always Like That. Way too enthusiastic at the prospect of murder. She’s also held the position of Head Witch of the Plant Coven for over thirty years now, which is pretty impressive. 
We got to see a few new glyph combos Luz has learned… including two in particular that should remind her of a certain tyrant she’s met. And although she’ll definitely refuse to use the petrification combo and probably the hellish hand thing combo, the wind and water fountain combos seem useful. A whirlwind has several uses in battle and while the water fountain might not have many applications in combat, I pointed out that it can be used to supply clean drinkable water if need be. That’s enormously useful. You know, if you’re in a desert or on a hike or something.
Oh, and let’s not forget that we in this episode finally got to that scene my sister has been talking about for so long! The reveal of the traitors! Raine has been using their whistling to cast subtle bard spells to alter Terra’s terrible tea. And they’re working with Darius on a plan to stop the Day of Unity.
Now, during the reveal, I said that I wasn’t sure about Eberwolf if he(?) was in on it. But when I talked to my sister she implied that he is, so I’ll be working under that assumption from now on.
Like I said I would, I went back and rewatched Eda’s Requiem and part of Follies at the Coven Day Parade. Let’s start with Follies.
With the new context of Raine actually not being under mind control, some of their actions and the things they say take on a slightly new meaning. The seeming inconsistencies in their memories that I was confused about for example. Raine telling Eda to leave and maybe travel for a bit also makes a lot of sense; the entire point of all this was to keep her safe. I will say this though, Raine is a really good actor cause they didn’t break character even once, only coming close to it once Eda had left when they teared up a little.
As for Eda’s Requiem… I wanted to see if I could find any hints towards Darius and Eberwolf being the traitors and aside from one little detail I’m going to talk about in the answer to an ask, I found… not much else.
Assuming that I’m right in my suspicion that Eberwolf is in on the whole ”overthrow the Emperor” thing, then it doesn’t really make a whole lot of sense for the two of them to go after Raine to capture them. They’d want to recruit them for the cause. There are a few possibilities.
One possibility is that Belos knew or figured out Raine was a traitor. Thus, they had to make it look like Raine was under mind control in order to get them close to Belos and be of use to their plans again. A bit of a risky gambit, but hey, it worked (hopefully… you never know with these evil Emperor types, this might all be part of his masterplan).
Another possibility is that they were being watched (and knew it) by Kikimora, who did show up soon after they captured Raine. Thus they couldn’t afford to let them escape or the like, lest they draw suspicion upon themselves.
Whatever the case, I’ll probably find out in time. The end of the season is drawing ever nearer. The Day of Unity comes and your world is already lost and all that.
Whatever the case, I’ll probably find out in time. The end of the season is drawing nearer and the Day of Unity fast approaches. Let’s hope our heroes can figure out a plan in time…
Wow, this actually ended up being a bit longer than I thought. Still, like I’ve said multiple times throughout, there are more things to be said and I will say those things in response to some asks and comments I’ve gotten. Which I will get to… tomorrow.
(i should also get around to updating the masterlist and adding all the links and stuff… meh, I’ll do it tomorrow too)
So until next time, take care of the planet Earth and remember that anything can happen in space!
<--Previous Episode: Reaching Out
Next Episode: Hollow Mind-->
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ram-de · 10 months
[read] robbie fontaine my precious
i haven't read lovesong because I'm not ready for grief😔 elizabeth... :( (also partly because of FUCKING THOMAS is there but I will read your short stories queen trust)
um. this one is gonna be another heartwrenching one is it... robbie...😭 WHY IS EVERY GREEN CREEK CHARACTERS TRAUMATIZED...
Wait... Alpha and his witch?? I don't remember robbie recognizing dale in Book 2 tho? Oooooooo ok hi ezra
WAITTT I JUST REALIZED SINCE ROBBIE IS A WOLF... We're gonna get more of cute puppy pov 😭 ox turned into a wolf at the end, gordo is a witch (and just barely several pages of mark's thoughts) BUT NOW?? Robbie's. Yes. Wolf. Wolf. Packpackpack. Read. Love. I am. Reading reading I am book wolf. Wolf I like (love love love). WOLFY CAVEMAN FOR THE WIN
STOPPP i like it so much it's so endearing. robbie. cutie wolf cutie cute glasses. Wolf glasses. fake glasses fake but cute. wolfie chases squirrel squirrel. robbie is. robbie is here.
I'm not gonna be prepared for ezras death hdhsfjs he seems to be the closest thing to father figure robbie had
I can't be calling robbie a son since we're like. Barely years apart. But robbie my son is a diplomat!! (for a scummy alpha society or whatever it's called... good people that works under a corrupt leader... Society...😔)
This seems like a beginning of a horror flick... DEATH GUESSES FOR THIS CHAPTER: EZRA, JOHN.
T-they're gonna kill off brodie... Are they... Why the hell is Robert Livingstone still alive?? The fuck?? Hm. Hmm... I'm Book 1 Thomas said something about how they'd treat human differently from animals. Is it because Robert is an old pal? Thomas WAS the Alpha of all after all. Is he pulling some strings. But. BUT LOOK WHAT HE DID? FUCKING THOMAS BENNETT AGAIN. ALL THAT POWER AND. fucking Thomas Bennet. I will end you. Q
Is Shannon flirting... No of course not💀 ate they asking for robbie to kill of Robert?? Or just help not snitching them out??
Hm... Ezra are you a slime... How can a kid be 'not so innocent'? Wtf did kid joe do except getting kidnapped and tortured tf????
Oh. Oh he is. He is a slime. I will stand by my son robbie (and his future pack the bennets)
Holy shit. Does... So, does it mean that robbie don't really remember his previous packs because. His memory. Altered. UM...
😐 TB
Fuck. Fuck. Elizabeth's letter. Should I read lovesong. I'm not ready to mourn for your grief queen :( but should I. maybe after this one??
😐 fucking Thomas Bennett. Even in his remorse he still made excuses. You made ✨your choices✨ so live and suffer with it. Damn it. Even if the book is trying to show me the other side, flaws, and measly attempts to redeem Thomas Bennett character, I'm way too deep on my resentment lol
The audacity to think that gordo would be his father's pawn... When he. He's the one who pushed his hand to seat an 8-years old gordo being tattoed agaisnt his will despite his mom crying in the back. He's the one who dragged gordo's back to the town when he was about to leave this wolf mess with his mom. He's the one who sided with abel despite Gordo having his whole family taken. He's the one saying gordo shouldn't lead on marks feeling, but also the one who dragged mark out of the town. For years. He dragged gordo to his pack, made him had home, abandon him and said nothing to him for years. And you. You still think it's justifiable? Because he /could/ be danger? Then why tf lead him to your pack in the first place? Thomas reeks of hypocrisy, and no matter how the writer, klune, wants to spin his character in a good light, thomas is still manipulative. Manipulation can be done despite being accompanied with smiles and laughter and affection. And don't get me started on when Thomas returned to green creek.
FUCKING THOMAS BENNETT. I wasn't meant to write all of that I swear. I'm sorry robbie this supposed to be your book😔
It's not just a love story between two broken men, but also a love story between fathers and sons, and how much the weight of their mistakes can pull a person down. It's about finding a light through the anger and grief, and eventually, hopefully, forgiveness.
yeah idk about that tj klune sure gordo may have forgiven Thomas but. Thomas got away way too easily. Its-
fuck me im distracted. I've never hated a character this strongly before so I'm like. It's all the adrenaline. I'm. Fuck me the post is too long. AAGHHH ok. OK. Back to robbie.
Damn having memories altered and taken with is. Like. Is mind horror a thing. Psyche horror. Yeah. That's. Like... A violation.
How come Robert knows robbie is gonna be a Bennet already? Is there some witch time fortune telling stuff going?
WHAT THE FUCK. WHY IS HE DALE. did. Did an old man Robert really kissed mark. Then again mark was old by them. But then Robert was like. Who tf is dale. Does that means Robert is out there? But then. Huh? Book 2 epilogue were. Dale and Robert. Same room.
He wasn’t much older than I was.
It said in wolfsong referring to robbie. Am I misinterpreting something. Is this a grammar thing. He wasn't much older meant he is younger? "he wasn't older than me" younger. "he wasnt much older than me" older? WHAT THE FUCK ENGLISH LANGUAGE I hate it here I'll brush it off as robbie having a young face or something
Ezra using the manipulative tone again hmm
WHAT'S GOING ON am I in a different timeline???
omg... Mark just sat on gordo😭 AGUSGHSH I NEED MORE OF THEM
:-( I don't know if I liked robbie having his mind wiped and having to start over.
Waitt WAITTT SO IT TRACKS. ROBBIE IS 29 NOW. H-. HO. HOW LONG HAS HIS MEMORY BEEN WIPED.??? ox is around 23 when they met. He said robbies not much older. So. Older by a bit. 3 years time skip. By the end of book 1. ox is 26. Robbie would be around. and then book 2 took a year I think? So. OX 27. Robbie around that. H. TWO FUCKING YEARS??? STOP. STOP. THIS CANT BE HAPPENING.
Michelle. MICHELE YOU POWER CRAZED (I don't wanna say swear words let's just say she's a scum) SCUM!! FUCK THE ALPHA SOCIETY. OX FOR THE did I read werewolf jesuis on the chapter list... Um. YES. OVERTHROW THE WOLF GOVERNMENT. WE HAD NO USE FO FCUKI F KICJERL. ok.
I'm starting this book thinking it's gonna be robbie courting Kelly not forgetting him AND THE WHOLE PACK😭
man... This is painful...
KELLY IS ROBBIE'S MATE SHSGSUHDBSJ NOOOOOO OO i missed a lot... I wanna see the courting😔
Elizabeth wearing his husband's clothes😔 my queen I will read lovesong soon
Nooo.... Robbie without his glasses... My son what did they do to you... Even memories of her mom??? Damn... Robbie meeting the pack without his memories is gonna be tough... Also Jessie??😳
😔 More door shenanigans... It felt very. abstract. At times.
AGHHHH THE SPARRING I LOVE TEAM HUMANS!!! Chris and tanner you dorks.... JESSIE IS A BADASS AT FIGHTING YEAASHS I missed the packs dynamics omg packpackpack
who is this timber wolf I love me myself a cute clingy ass wolf another found family is a win tho he's been a wolf for like... 13 months... Also he's a witch-wolf hybrid so... AHHH I WANNA READ CARTERS BOOK NOW
Kelly is a human now??😔
the walls of pictures I'm... The garage crews... Robbie my son you are so loved😭
Carter my love he is dorky and cute
Kelly my love he is sweet and soft
How the hell does people move on if. If he keeps showing up??? THE FUCK OLD MAN. GO AWAY. fucking Thomas benett.
Joe my son he is still playful and cutieful (pls have him play a bigger part other than being ox's pair like in book 2 tj klune)
Ox my son he is responsible and tough (is he hardened by the burden of being alpha of omegas and stuff, he's more gruff and didn't really joke around and do banters outside with joe :( )
Is it me or the story seems to be leaning on... Accepting that lost memories away?? Because that's really sad... I don't mind asspull if my son robbie got his memories back pls
Rico... finally he's ascended from side relief character kinda... Whatever happened must be. Scary. What did you do robbie...
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themculibrary · 10 months
Christmassy Fic Titles Masterlist
All I Want For Christmas Has Been You for More Than Seventy Years (ao3) - Kellyscams steve/bucky E, 9k
Summary: It's Bucky's first Christmas back with Steve in 70 years, just a year since he's come to live with him and the Avengers. Steve's taking him away from the city for the occasion. Bucky assumes it's for his own safety; just in case the hustle and bustle of the New York Christmas Season triggers some of the Winter Soldier tendencies he's been fighting and learning to overcome.
Bucky doesn't mean to take this impromptu trip personally. Doesn't want to be upset. But he's recently recalled and redeveloped his feelings for Steve. Feelings he never shared with him. Feelings he has no idea if Steve shares, so being alone with his super soldier buddy might not be something he's ready for. Only Steve's reasons for taking Bucky away might not be so black and white--or red and green as it may be.
Christmas songs, snowball fights, ugly Christmas sweaters, confessions, and Bucky wrapped up in Christmas lights.
as long as you love me so (let it snow) (ao3) - Word_Addict gamora/peter G, 500
Summary: Just 500-ish words of stand-alone Starmora fluff!
baby, it's cold outside (ao3) - haveufoundwhaturlookingfor clint/sam G, 1k
Summary: Clint, Sam, Natasha and Bucky are staying in a cabin for a few days during the winter holidays. Unfortunately, Clint and Sam get trapped inside due to the blizzard outside. This wouldn't be a problem if Sam didn't have a crush on Clint.
Bucky's Christmas Miracle (ao3) - vanillafluffy bucky/maria G, 3k
Summary: In which Bucky finally remembers Steve and tells Maria Hill the story of how they first met.
christmas elves, carols, and other clichés (ao3) - D_melanogaster steve/bucky T, 5k
Summary: Steve and Bucky and Christmas through the years.
Or: The first time Steve and Bucky met, Bucky thought that Steve was a Christmas elf.
Frosty is Definitely a Snowman (ao3) - ciaconnaa T, 1k
Summary: “Mr. Stark!” Peter squeaks, reaching down to yank the carrot out. He uses it as a pointer in a futile attempt to reprimand him. “There are…” he looks around and sees that a group of middle schoolers already saw the whole thing. They’re giggling. “There are children here!”
“So?” Tony scoffs, still laughing. He grabs the carrot from Peter’s hand and sticks it back at the bottom of Frosty. Peter is mortified. “Frosty’s a boy snowman. People should know.”
Peter just wants to make a snowman. Tony just wants to ruin it.
Ghosts of Christmas Memory (ao3) - scifigrl47 clint/phil, steve/tony T, 11k
Summary: There were three Christmases that Phil Coulson and Clint Barton spent together that altered their relationship. They were tied together by a song, a job, and Clint's ability to become injured in just about any situation.
Christmas is a time of giving, friendship and love.
home with my love (this christmas) (ao3) - kickflaw steve/bucky G, 1k
Summary: Bucky opens his mouth in greeting after Steve hurriedly throws open his door, but gets one look at Steve and stops dead. His eyes travel from the Santa hat atop Steve's head, down over his illuminated Christmas sweater and further still, to his slippers, decorated with little reindeer antlers. Blinking, he reaches out to tap one of the fat red light bulbs decorating Steve's chest.
“Huh," he says.
I'll Be Home For Christmas (ao3) - MarleyMortis steve/bucky G, 3k
Summary: Sergeant Bucky Barnes goes home for Christmas leave.
It's The Great Big Christmas Tree, Mr. Stark! (ao3) - ciaconnaa T, 2k
Summary: Peter and Ned cut down a Christmas tree that's way too big. And they need Iron Man to take it.
Oh, the Weather Outside is Frightful (ao3) - enigma731 gamora/peter G, 832
Summary: Peter teaches Groot how to have a snowball fight. He'll probably regret it for the rest of his life.
Sleigh Bells in the Snow (ao3) - rainblou G, 1k
Summary: Peter is clocking too many internship hours and Tony thinks he needs a break. Snowball shenanigans ensue.
The Battle of the Tree Topper (ao3) - ciaconnaa T, 2k
Summary: Tony can tell something is off. It takes him a moment of him spinning around on his heels and looking around like an idiot but he finally catches the unfamiliar shine out of the corner of his eye, right at the top of his tree.
“Um, what is that?”
“I don’t know what you’re-oh." Rhodey says. "Super Mario Star. Cute.”
Peter keeps swapping out Tony's tree toppers. Tony's only a little mad about it.
The Most Wonderful Time of the Year (ao3) - the_irish_mayhem jane/thor E, 5k
Summary: Jane and Thor do Christmas. (Finally.)
Tis the season for holiday smut.
The Santa Clauses (ao3) - peterparkr G, 3k
Summary: Tony enlists Peter to convince Morgan that Santa is real
this christmas, I'll give you my heart (ao3) - buckyismybicycle sam/bucky T, 6k
Summary: Bucky and Sam draw each other's names for Secret Santa - neither of them know what to get and enlist the help of Nat and Joaquin. Cue a lot of misunderstandings.
Tis the Season (ao3) - NachoDiablo steve/sam, sharon/natasha T, 1k
Summary: Sam and Steve throw a holiday party. Natasha is suspicious.
Unwrapped (ao3) - nightwalker steve/bucky E, 4k
Summary: Tony and Steve each have a surprise for the other. Turns out they were thinking along similar lines.
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richardsphere · 1 year
Rwby Catchup: V8E2
Oh no Jaques is still in the plot. That sucks, i really hoped they wouldnt make him overstay his presence. (but then again, people above are all locked up with Ironwood with no outside help incoming, we’ve got a limited cast so i’ll look the other way). Seriously, why hasnt Captain Despot just executed Watts? I assume they’ll claim he’s “trying to gather information from Watts”, but the scene is not selling it (not nearly enough indications of Watts having been tortured for information Gitmo-style to sell that idea). Also they all share prisons so i guess this is going to be one of those “lets make an uneasy alliance” plotlines that inevitably falls flat on the heroes faces? Jaques still thinks that Captain Despot has a fear of lawyers apparently. how  did you get to be in charge of a global megacorporation with this little sense of how the world works? YES they are going to torture him for intel! Ok his survival is at least semi-justified now. Yang gets a new motorcycle (the old one is still at the bottom of the river) and immediatly does an unnecessary wall-ride flip-stunt thing for no reason, fires her shotgungauntlets for good measure (wasnt it an established plotpoint that James was hoarding all the dust for his plans and that the entirety of Mantle was running low on all supplies? Seems a bit wastefull) Jaune is such a defensively spec’d character, even his grenades are shields. Ozma is talking again, god does he ever stop talking about how “we all need to work together”, its his favourite thing to jabber on about (right after “trust me the secrets i keep are for good reasons and definitly wont bite you in the but again”). Also he says he’s “been regaining his oldest memories”, as if to imply he’s just forgotten most of his history with salem somehow? How has humanity made it this far with this guy at the helm anyway? “all the drones report to the company, not the general”. You mean the company whose owner is now in prison, and whose personal password to everything has been taken by Watts?  Btw, is it me or are they really overplaying the “emotionless robot-voice” on Penny ever since they returned her from the dead?  Wait did she legitimately consider James a friend? I really like sheepgirls power to just “absorb anything into her hands”, it means we get to have a named character who is both combat capable as well as not carrying big-ass weapons everywhere all the time.| Moleman is back for a second scene. (i assume it’ll be his second-to-last. He’s got real “going to be murdered to motivate Oscar energy about him) Huh, moleman is “phi”‘s uncle. I stand corrected, he’ll die to motivate “phi”. (have we gotten a full name yet? Anyway she’s my favourite of the Huntresses. But then again i love myself a heart-of-gold goofball) Congrats Knightboy, you have killed your first actual dragon. (at least im fairly certain i saw one shoot fire in an earlier scene. TBH a lot of these grimm’s abilities start to run through eachother at this point) Sniffygrimm is Biteygrim. Oh so now the grimm can shapeshift themselves at will to alter themselves at-will?  “but grimm arent that smart” Didnt Oobleck tell the girls in like, season one or two that grimm get smarter as they age? This doesnt seem shocking to me. And it can talk, ok maybe it isnt old but probably just a second Tyrian-level-loyal human a grimmsuit.  Why wait until NOW to grow those wings, If you are supposed to be so tactically minded dont you know how adventageous an aerial advantage can be? Have i mentioned how much i hate the “you wouldnt believe me if i told you” cliche, i mean there are definitly stories and places where it has its place but “Phi” is aware of Salem at this point thanks to Jimmy’s Mantle Broadcast. I think a simple “Teammate captured by Supergrim” would not be disbelieved.
0 notes
leviathanspain · 3 years
seven evil exes
frank castle x reader, matt murdock x reader, druig x reader, tony stark x reader, loki x reader, pietro maximoff x reader, doctor strange x reader
synopsis: natasha opened a can of worms asking about your past relationships..
natasha folded your clothes as you hung up your shirts. “so you broke up with stephen?” you nodded, “he was so caught up into the whole ‘im a wizard and i have to lay my life down for this old ass building’ thing that it just reminded me too much of someone i once knew, that i just knew i had to end it.” you chuckled slightly and natasha perked up.
“who?” she questioned, setting a pair of your running shorts down.
you turned, unaware of what you had done, “huh?” you moved another shirt into the closet, organizing it by color.
“don’t play dumb with me, y/n.” natasha now had her arms folded across her chest and a stern, motherly look plastered on her face.
“okay! okay! before i dated stephen, i was dating a lawyer from hell’s kitchen who broke up with me, actually, because he was more dedicated to his vigilante alter ego and-“
natasha snorted, “you dated daredevil?”
you pursed your lips, “pretty much.”
natasha laughed, “you have a thing for heroes, don’t you?”
you closed your closet door and moved to sit on the bed, “i dated a few anti-heroes.”
“a few?!” natasha shrieked and you jumped, startled.
“i need you to start from the beginning.” natasha was sitting at the foot of your bed, snacks poured into bowls as she prepared herself for a long night of your rehashing of relationships.
“i dated loki for two years.”
natasha rolled her eyes, “as if anyone can forget.”
you rolled your eyes, and continued, “he was amazing. in the beginning..” your gaze darkened, “he was just so hellbent on taking over the earth and i had just started my second year in college so obviously i didn’t want him to blow up the earth!” nat nodded intently, “it was an okay relationship, definitely not my favorite just because he was kind of toxic and i was really just trying to finish college. but spring break in asgard is still unbeat and that’s the truth.”
“darling..” loki muttered as he touched your skin, the servants were preparing your bath as the water ran in the background. “you have got to get up..i have a surprise planned for you!” he nudged you roughly and you sprung up, angry of the elbows to your ribs. you followed loki as he opened the bathroom door to show an abundance of blood red rubies in the tub, awaiting you.
the memory faded from natasha’s head and you sat back on your heels, grabbing a chip from the bowl. the feeling you felt overwhelmed natasha, the love and the yearn for loki you had felt those years.
“i love that you can do that!” natasha yelled.
you smiled, “it really is fun, isn’t it?”
natasha waved her hand, “who’s next?” she looked eager to hear the rest of your ex boyfriend stories, her feet were tapping the bedroom floor as she hung off the bed.
you fiddled your fingers, “this one was a secret so you can’t get mad or tell wanda but-“
natasha gasped, a hand going over her mouth, “no! you did not-“
you twisted your face as a rush of emotions hit you, “yeah.. i did. but we realized we were better off as friends than partners.”
natasha nodded, “pietro maximoff..” she chewed a chip, “no wonder he’s always flirting with you, he’s seen the goods and he wants more.”
you shrugged, “its just playful flirting but pretty much.” you lied, knowing damn well pietro was more than just ‘playful flirting’.
“fuck!” your nails dug into pietro’s back as he thrusted into you. his gaze was deep into your eyes as you felt your orgasm approaching.
“you can do it for me, draga..” he cooed, his hand working your clit furiously. “cum for me one more time..”
natasha snapped back to reality, her face a flurry of emotions, mostly anger, but she composed herself, a small smile on her lips, “that was…”
you stifled a laugh, “i know..”
“oh my god..” nat spoke slowly, she chewed on her bottom lip and she thought back to it.
“i know!” you practically squealed in response.
“after that couple months of being a fucktoy for wanda’s brother- i met this man when i was vacationing in brazil. he was peculiar, and even more so when he was aware of my powers without me ever telling him.” natasha gave a small gasp, but you continued, “but it turns out he too had powers and so it wasn’t that bad. but it got weird when i found out he had some estranged mystical family and he had abducted people to start a cult because he ‘hated war’ but didn’t see anything wrong with kidnapping-“ natasha laughed and you laughed too, remembering how crazy it was as you summarized it. “i was with him for two years..” you trailed off as the memory flickered in natasha’s head.
“druig!” you ran to his house as the townspeople started to fight over you, some wanted to take you swimming and the others wanted you to paint with them. you never thought you’d be in a situation like this but it was surreal.
“y/n! what’s wrong?” druig ran out as you called for him, and as he saw the bickering of the people, his eyes glowed gold and you stood, not even able to defend them.
“did they hurt you?” anger rose in his voice and you shook your head, “no! i just wanted to-“
he cut you off and brought you into a hug, “it’s okay, i’ll never let them hurt you.”
natasha didn’t like that memory at all. your feelings weren’t anything but fear in his presence, and she shuddered. she didn’t know what to say so she offered a hand of support.
you smiled bitterly, “it was a dark time in my life but i’m past it. now we can move onto the one who started this all!” you clapped your hands together smiling as you reminisced, “matthew michael murdock.. he was a dreamboat, and he was really something special.”
natasha snorted, “was he?”
you nodded, “yes! and im still mad he broke up with me over hell’s kitchen. it’s hell’s kitchen! if it was brooklyn than i would understand cus they really need some help but-“ natasha raised her eyebrow and you scoffed, continuing, “he was catholic, and he refused to kill anyone in his whole daredevil thing. he is blind, he just has heightened senses and blah blah blah- he was great but yeah, kind of boring cus it was always so tug and push with him.”
“don’t do this to me, matthew!” you screamed, you were elbow deep into his side as blood continued to spurt. you tried to stitch him up but as the door was pushed open, an angry foggy nelson looked at you in disbelief.
“what the actual fuck.”
you groaned, “please, matt..” you cried out as you got the blood under control.
“we need to get him to a hospital!” foggy looked at you, and you shook your head, “no! he wouldn’t go.”
the memory stopped abruptly as showing it to natasha left you with a sick feeling of that night.
“i wasn’t much of a nurse but he’s thankful to be alive.” you remarked with a laugh but natasha offered a smile instead of a response.
you moved onto the next, a smile creeping onto your face as you began to discuss your favorite ex, “the punisher was quite literally, a punisher.”
his rough and calloused hands roamed your body as he thrusted into you. the bed was smacking against the wall roughly. your pictures that you had nailed to the wall were shattered on the floor due to the force and your clothes were tattered and ripped on the floor too.
“you belong to me! say it!” he smacked you as his cock twitched inside of you. you clenched around him as you cried out, “i’m only yours! im yours!”
frank laughed, “that’s right. tell me how i can fuck you better than he did.”
you moaned out loudly, your hair being tugged back as frank fucked you harder, “so much better, you fuck me better than matt, frankie.”
natasha scoffed as the memory faded, “you are something else. what the hell was that? and who was that?!”
“frank castle.” you smirked.
“isn’t he supposed to be dead?” natasha whirled on you but you shrugged out your response, “i prefer not to comment.”
natasha rolled her eyes, “and ‘you fuck me better than matt?’ what did they know each other?”
you nodded, “matt was his lawyer and then they became some sort of enemy-vigilante thing, i don’t even know, men.” you gave a sorry excuse for not understanding whatever the two men did but you were aware of their fight over you.
“girl…” natasha chided and you blushed, “whatever!”
“let’s move onto my drunken mistake..” you waved a hand and natasha was taken to a party at the avengers tower from a few years ago.
“you look so fucking hot in that dress..” you heard a familiar tone from the man next to you and you rolled your eyes, “if you want to fuck me, just say that, tony..” tony laughed. “well, of course i want to fuck you but i was worried that’d come off as too strong. but it got my point across, so how’s it sound? me, you, midnight in my bed while i make love to you while we watch family guy?” you laughed and grabbed his hand, “what about now?”
natasha exclaimed, “no! stop! stop here, jesus!” she rubbed her eyes, “god i do not want to see that old man naked, at all..”
you laughed, “he’s actually really fit but i get it.”
natasha sighed, “and how long did that last?”
you pursed your lips, “honestly, probably a few months but i broke it off because he wanted kids and i didn’t want any so..”
natasha nodded, “that’s what you get for dating older men. also, how did i have no idea that happened?”
you shrugged, “i told him not to tell anyone or else i’d hurt him, really bad.”
natasha nodded intently, grabbing another chip, “i have a feeling there’s more?”
“tony had found out about castle and i and he threatened to tell the cops so i had to keep him quiet so i just erased his memory about castle and i also took the opportunity to erase our entire relationship just because he was going to be so annoying about it in the future.”
natasha laughed, “okay so no wonder he hasn’t made any sexual innuendos.”
“anyway.. after that i thought about frank again and when i found out from a few.. people..”
natasha interrupted, “murdock?”
you ignored her, “frank and i rekindled whatever we had and we enjoyed another year of a relationship before i started to realize that the nonstop life of organized crime wasn’t for me. of course i still go when he wants a booty call but i would say that door to a relationship is closed until he can heal his demons.“ you tried to sound nonchalant but natasha could see right through it.
natasha pursed her lips, “jesus, and then you dated stephen right?”
“correct. and no one needs to see that train wreck again so let’s just speed past that.”
nat nodded, “that was fun! interesting taste in men..so who’s next? steve? bucky? thor?”
you rolled your eyes, and a text message flashed on your phone, a text from one of your exes. you glanced at natasha nervously and then back down at your phone, “i need to get this.” you replied and ran out of the bedroom.
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alpona · 2 years
Self-awareness of BSD narrative:
...or something like that, I'm not even sure of the title. Ahem.
A story with a concept like incorporating real life literary figures as character names, and reference their works, is already meta enough, but it's also topped with more in-story materials too!
I'm probably 10 years too late to talk about this stuff, but, well, I'll just post this anyway.
*possible spoilers for the manga*
This one is pretty obvious , the book with power to re-write reality is a nod to, the bungou stray dogs script itself.
This whole thing is a self aware fiction within fiction 😌.
Every plot point that feels like plot convenience, the 'story like consistency', are because, they're exactly that! Atsushi is special because, yah, he was written as MC! He's got plot armour, because he does ! All the things that sometimes makes us think 'huh, ok, so that happened now', everything that actually does sound storylike, is because, they are!  If anything feels like it came out of nowhere, maybe it's because they did, like the sky casino for example.
This story is knowingly following the story-like consistency. (Stuff that we don't question and became part and parcel of supernatural anime-ness, but doesn't make sense in real context.)
"bound by the book" is also like how sometimes we, the audience/reader get trapped by the story narrative and don't see things from different perspectives. (After years of watching different shows, many of us saw this happening, right?) And then there are the audience who break free and enjoy a story from their own neutral perspective.
The hunting dogs, authorities can't see the detective agency is innocent because they're 'bound by the book's rule' to not believe them, and sometimes it's hard for the readers to see these antagonist's point of view either cuz we're bound by this story's narrative 😏. Again, there are one's who break free!
(Have you ever read/watched something and in the middle of the story, felt with a jolt that you've literally broken out of what the Narrative is saying? Kinda like Tachihara. I had this strange experience)
This is one of the storytelling issues I often ponder about, How brilliantly addressed! "painted as a villain by the narrative'' - Our MCs, detective agency literally faced this. and in turn, some readers might also be getting annoyed at the current antagonists, it's sometimes easy to forget that in their eyes, the ADA members are evil criminals.
What a take on the theme of villainifying (is this a word?) charactes!
Sigma. Just sigma. Yes.
Literally a character who just landed in this universe,  who's "story starts from the middle". In a way, Isn't that true for most fictional characters we get to know? And sometimes he's the clueless, only normal one, perfect as audience avatar 😂
Random theory, The final main villain will be Asagiri Kafka 😉 lol
Random theory 2 : A character we know actually wrote the entire state of BSD universe that we're seeing now 😶. What we're seeing now is an already altered reality.
Maybe the 'book' was already used to change many things, alter most character's memories. Maybe by Natsume Souseki. Or even Dazai! (Kinda like Beast, he was responsible for beast...? I should've read Beast fully before posting this!)
.... And many more I'm not writing or haven't noticed.
Wouldn't be surprised if the 4th wall is completely broken at some point, haha!  Ok, I don't think this will be blatantly addressed, but still, the meta references, how various storytelling trope is being played with, even an alternate universe storyline, everything is already brilliant! I'm absolutely loving this meta-ness!
So, these were my.... thoughts? Some theories? Mostly rant? Basically what I find most intriguing about BSD. This aspect of storytelling is usually my jam, I think of meta references everywhere anyway, so this series is a feast for me!
Excuse my messy writing, my lack of vocabulary in any language to express everything that's been on my mind, me being new in the fandom and not reading the novels yet... And I'm starting to sound like Atsushi.
Let me know if anyone feels the same! And sorry if you hate meta references.
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