#mentioned cliva
pj-was-here · 7 months
Werewolf poppy and viva for ya'll
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myagamingloveryt · 8 months
My opinions on Cliva (Clay x Viva)
I think Cliva is cute, but I can't see it personally. Even with knowing each other for a long time like their younger siblings, it doesn't seem like they have that same kinda of love like Poppy and Branch do. I'm not saying everyone's romantic love is all the same, but it just doesn't seem like it's there. At least when I see them interact. Maybe it's because they didn't get a lot of screen time together? Idk
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dizzzydancin · 1 month
Suddenly I See- The Luck You Got
Little coming out story that involves both Clay AND Viva, it goes w the Step On Me universe :] ENJOY!
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starzwithapen · 8 months
Cliva makes me feel SICKto my stomach they can't keep doing this to me
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ninjaturtlemaniac · 5 months
Do you think Clay and Viva would have had a big wedding and party afterwards? Or would it be more calm?
Same for Broppy
Cliva - Wedding
I have this headcanon that Clay never actually considered being with Viva like that before. She is 'found family' and their Putt Putt Trolls came first. He would never do anything to jeopardize it and frankly he didn't want to.
After TBT, and the Putt-Putt Trolls are safe from Bergens and they rejoin the Pop Tribe etc. Viva starts talking about settling down, getting married, having kids.
And it kinda just hits him...
Some other Troll will be the one Viva goes to when she's upset and needs comfort, when she needs ideas, laughs, hugs. She'll dance with someone else. Her children will call someone else 'Dada', and it won't be him.
And this upsets Clay more than he ever expected.😔
Haven't thought about their wedding as much. Buuuut.
I think it wouldn't be as big as Poppy and Branch's wedding.
All the Putt-Putt Trolls would attend as well as Brozone, Poppy, Peppy and maybe a handful of Pop Trolls.
They would have the wedding and reception at the Hole n Fun.
So definitely not as big as Broppy but still a lot of fun. 😁 Definitely a lot of dancing.
Broppy- Wedding
Okay so...
This is the first Troll Royal wedding since the alliance of the genres, first Pop Royal wedding since escaping the tree and the first Troll wedding attended by Bergens.
It will also be the coronation of the new King of the Pop Trolls.
At first Poppy is like "No no no Branch doesn't want a big wedding." And she honestly would have been okay with that.
But Branch holds her shoulders and looks deep in her eyes and says "I want you to go FULL Poppy on this wedding." He knows who he is marrying, he's not gonna hold her back from that 😉
And Poppy is unleashed.
Random thoughts: some I've mentioned previously.
Kismet wanted to do a final tour with Branch before he became King so they combine it with wedding prep and the tour becomes the IN PERSON WEDDING INVITATION PERFORMANCE
Every Tribe leader and a handful of their entourage are invited. Plus all of Pop Village, Bridget and Grissle, and Bruce's family.
To accommodate for the many Trolls, Bergens and Vacationers, Bruce offers to have the ceremony and reception on Vacay Island.
Cloud Guy officiates. 😜
Each Troll Tribe offers a performance during the reception as a gift.
John Dory finishes an incomplete song from years ago and Brozone sings it for Poppy's entrance song.
Tada 🎉 😁
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chipmunkfanno1love · 9 months
Headcanon for Cliva romantic moment
In "The Art of Trolls Band Together" book, it's mentioned by Matthew Paulson who is the Location Modelling Supervisor of Trolls Band Together that Viva is really interested in origami (hence why there's a origami swan in her room). This made me think of a headcanon I had in mind for Cliva, which I now wonder could possibly be true if the creators want to make Cliva a canon romantic pair.
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This could be set in a flashback or possibly be present day if Clay and Viva still live and continue to run Putt Putt Village together (only this time they're more welcoming to Bergans).
I imagine that Clay in his spare time in when he gets too bored with boring stuff like accounting, etc, he often does activities in his office to keep himself stimulated. Perhaps one time when Viva is checking up on him she decides to teach him origami.
Despite a rough start, Clay eventually gets pretty good at origami and starts to really enjoy it. One piece of origami that particularly impresses Viva is a paper flower that looks like a poppy flower (which is bittersweet if set in a flashback) . Seeing how much Viva likes it, Clay gives her the flower as a present. There's a tender moment where he places the flower in her hair/behind her ear and he gently brushes her bangs aside while looking deeply into Viva's eyes and her back in his.
The two hold their gaze for longer than they planned and eventually Clay clears his throat awkwardly, saying he better get back to work while Viva says she better either get back on patrol (flashback) or planning a fun day (present day) two share shy chuckles and glances. As Viva leaves the office, she removes the paper flower from her hair and looks down at it with a touched smile. Her eyes soft as they look back where she came from and gives a smitten sigh.
If Cliva *does* become canon, I definitely see hints like this happening between the two of them. 😁🥰
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kittyball23 · 10 months
Effort (a Trolls fanfic)
Summary: Viva knows what she is about to do is risky, but she just HAS to make the effort, if it means seeing them again…
A/N: Taking place before TBT; Viva did mention that she thought many times about leaving, so this was one of those times (also, incoming Cliva 💚💛)
Night had fallen upon Putt Putt Village.
Per the usual proceedings in the town, nightfall meant the curfew was up and enforced. No Troll, young or old, was allowed to be out and about once the sun set. It was sensible, common knowledge, really. For nightfall was a time in which dangerous creatures would lurk about, hidden by the shadows, watching, waiting, listening intently for any unlucky soul who may sweep along their path and end up falling prey to their malicious whims. And no Troll wanted to take that chance when those dangerous creatures were… Bergens.
Even in thought, the awful word sent a shudder down the Putt Putters' spines, and made a scream just barely hold back within their throats. For good reason, too. Nobody wanted to be caught and eaten, suffering an awful fate having their bones crunched underneath the monsters' teeth, and their hopes flushed away in the similar manner that they would be once they were passed from the hideous creature's stomach. In short, the curfew was critical, and thankfully, every Troll was well aware of it. Especially Viva, Putt Putt Village's Queen herself. It would be impossible for her not to know the rule, given that she herself had been the one to write it. She knew curfew meant getting indoors, locking the windows and doors tight and turning the lights out. She knew it meant no one was to go wandering around the village, and definitely not without a chaperone. She knew it meant letting anything extracurricular be saved for the following day, and that safety was the highest priority. So, she also knew that she was breaking the very rule she made.
The Putt Putt Queen had impressively mastered the art of stealth, tucking herself with her hair to camouflage as one of the golf balls. She was silent but fast, swerving her way through the main square, past her people's varying residences, and farther still from the settlement. It was only when she had reached the town’s borders in which she finally came to a stop, unrolling herself and standing to her full height (made even taller-looking with the great stack of wild, golden hair atop her head). Viva beheld the gate that was there, sturdy and firmly in place. It would be crazy to unlatch the padlock that kept it closed, separating the harsh, cruel dark world that lay beyond from their sanctuary. Viva took a deep breath. Well then… call me crazy! Viva leapt up to the lock, undoing it with ease, and hopped back down to the ground. She let out a breath and smiled to herself. Whew! Easy peasy!
Next, the Queen grabbed the edge of the gate and tugged. It was rusty and old, as Putt Putt Village had not been inhabited by its original Bergen residents for ages, and gave an unpleasant crrreeeaaak as she pried it open. The sound didn't last long though. Viva didn't need to open the gate all that much, since Trolls were not too big. She could easily slide by the crack of space she'd made. Viva gave herself a quiet little high-five. Yes! Nailed it! Now, it was time for the most critical step in her plan.
Viva, feeling optimistic, readied herself to step forward, lifting one warmered leg up high and putting on a face of pure determination. Yes! she thought to herself, feeling giddy. Why, with what awaited her at the end of this, she wouldn't even need to give herself a high-five or a thumbs up. And just thinking about it made her heart soar!
Alrighty, here we go!
Viva chinned up. Here she went, bravely into the outside world, full of unknown threats, full of malice and evil, and wrought with towering creatures who'd caused her to be left in this predicament in the first place. There she went anyway, leaving her people behind, leaving her one home in which nothing bad had happened to her, leaving her sanctuary, her place of protection to go off somewhere where she wouldn’t be protected, where she'd be vulnerable, where she could be captured and eaten alive at any given moment and without warning.
Yes… here I go!
Her foot went down, but she was stunned to find that instead of propelling her forward, she had taken a step backwards. Actually, more like ten steps backwards, on wobbly legs that were trembling violently alongside the rest of her body. She'd hardly noticed, however. Her focus was fixated on the world beyond the gate, and Viva was unable to turn away. It was dark and dank, full of forest and mystery and things that she could in truth care less to know about. A black hole ready to devour her…
Viva shook her head, battling her nerve-wracking thoughts with persistence. She did want to know about that world, if it meant finding them. And the Putt Putt Queen would be darned if she, trained in battle and quick-witted, wouldn't be able to set her worries aside and finish what she'd started.
It's just one night, she assured herself. It won't take me long. I'm sure it's not THAT far. It only seemed far because I was little. But I'm NOT little anymore. I'm a grown woman! And I'm GONNA do this! I have to… She's out there, not in here, where it's safe. She's out THERE where it's… it's…
Despite the words being in her head, she still failed to get them out, as though the physical constricting of her throat was preventing it. A loud sound filled her ears, rhythmic, and it was incredulously difficult for her to tell whether it was the pounding of her own heart, or the horrible, ominous footsteps of a Bergen coming right towards her, licking its chops in anticipation of tasting pink Troll flesh. Or perhaps it already got a taste of pink Troll flesh.
Beads of sweat formed upon the Putt Putt Queen’s forehead. She can't be dead. She CAN'T! Viva refused to believe it. It was NOT so! And she was going to prove it, if it was the last thing she did! She willed her body to relax, her feet to move forward, her knees to bend… but it didn't work.  Her mind was stuck, paralyzed, unable to comply with any of the commands she issued to her body. The sounds grew louder, more pronounced, more frightening. Viva felt her breathing get shallow. Her head began to spin, the dark visions around her a blur.  Her eyes were fixed firmly on the gate. She needed to get out. NOW!
I can do this! I can do this! I can - 
 A voice rang out across the night air, making Viva jerk her whole body. Her eyes snapped wide, a gasp escaping her lips, and a horrid vision of the way the dirt and rock had collapsed in front of her - blocking her off from the father and sister she longed to see again - flashing before her eyes. And she couldn't take anymore.
Her legs buckled under her and her vision went black.
Clay wrung out the cold towelette in his hands, water droplets dripping into the sink with a few silent plinks. Silently he moved through his dwelling, past rooms filled with stacks of pending paperwork and beelining it to the couch. Pity filled him at the golden-curled Troll who was strewn there, limp, nearly looking lifeless.
He prevented himself from shuddering. It was something frightening to see her like this. Putt Putt Village’s Queen had never looked so weakened as she did at that moment. The pink in her skin was pale in its hue, her mouth slightly slack. Carefully he bent down next to her, brushing away some of the strands from her face so that he could properly apply the compress to her forehead, previously warm with sweat.
Viva knows better, Clay thought. So what was she doing out there?
As though it were in reply, his eye suddenly caught sight of something peeking out among Viva's wild hair. He raised an eyebrow and, in curiosity, pulled it out. Turned out it was a scrapbook, only a few pages long. The front of it depicted Viva, notable for her pink skin and golden hair. The other two figurines were another pink Troll who looked quite similar to her, only with dark, magenta hair. The other was an orange Troll with the same dark magenta hair. He flipped through a couple of pages, and suddenly understood once he saw the trio depicted doing all sorts of activities, from bad dances to candy necklaces.
This is her family...
She'd told him once, hurriedly, of the events that took place that Trollstice. The escape that divided her from the rest of the group, from her father and her sister, and had turned Putt Putt Village into what it was today - a town of survivors who lived in seclusion, away from the threats of those dreadful Bergens.
Clay shook his head and shut the book. On one hand, her act was foolish. Why would she, Queen of their town, do such a risky thing and leave them high and dry, putting herself in the path of danger at the same time? On the other hand...
At least she's making an effort.
He couldn’t say the same for himself. 
It’d been years since he’d seen his brothers, and thus far he’d been content in not having them be a part of his daily life. But still, he couldn’t help but wonder…
How big IS Baby Branch? His youngest bro probably wouldn’t even be recognizable at this point.
Did Floyd get his solo career kicking? Even before the band had broken up, he could remember the magenta-haired Troll longing to compose his own music one day.
What’s going on with Spruce? He wished he knew. Spruce wasn’t just a brother, but a close friend, and he only hoped that wherever he was that he was doing well.
And then there’s John Dory… Clay frowned. Did he really care about him? I mean, he can’t STILL be the same old ‘perfect-perfect-perfect’ionist that he was back then… could he? Years had changed Clay from being the Fun Boy of the group.
But before he could reason whether or not his oldest brother had changed, he suddenly heard stirring beside him. Viva twitched, her expression contorting to one of worry, her eyebrows furrowing.
“No… no, no!” she began exclaiming in her unconsciousness, her limbs coming to life and starting to thrash. “Dad, I’m still here! Please don’t leave me!”
Clay winced, alarmed, “Hey now! Easy, Veevs!" he tried calling at her.
But Viva continued to writhe.
"Don't LEAVE ME!"
"Viva, wake up!”
He grabbed her by the shoulders and gave her a rough shake. The Putt Putt Queen's eyes flew open,  and she let out a startled cry.
"Viva!" Clay said loudly, "It's okay! You're alright! There's nothing to be afraid of."
For a moment, she was bewildered, not really looking at him. He could tell she was still lost in whatever she'd seen in her nightmare. But then...
"Oh, Clay!" She burst into tears, shooting her arms around his neck and squeezing him tight against her. Clay froze in his spot for a moment, shocked. Viva wasn't like this at all. This was not the chipper, happy go-lucky girl he'd befriended and saw on a day-to-day basis, the one who lived right up to her vivacious namesake. This was a broken Troll, one who was trying desperately hard to put the pain of the past behind her but couldn't, and was crying hysterically because of it. Clay's heart broke just listening to her sobs.
Gently he returned her embrace, rubbing his hand up and down her back and trying his best to soothe her. "It's all right, girl. Nothing to be afraid of. You're still here. I'm still here. We're good, yeah? Everything's fine, you're safe." His voice wavered at the end, betraying the depth of his emotions.  He didn’t want to show Viva the extent of his feelings towards her. This was not the right moment. 
Still sniffling, her head buried in the crook of his neck, Viva nodded slowly. Slowly, her sobs calmed into hiccupy sniffles, until they finally began to die out. It took a while, but Viva eventually leaned back, wiped her cheeks, the makeup around her eyes slightly smeared, and her breaths ragged. Reddened eyes looked into his ocean blue.
"I'm sorry, Clay," she whispered.
Shaking his head, Clay replied softly. "Nah, no need to apologize. Bad dream, right? We all get 'em."
Viva didn't respond. She was looking down, thinking. "You'll never leave me, right? I-I mean... Putt Putt Village," she amended, hiding a blush, and glancing back up at him hesitantly.
Clay didn't know how much that question would affect him until he really started to consider the answer. That was a big promise. How was he to know what would happen in the future? No, he didn't exactly foresee leaving the village... but at the same time, who knew what curveballs life would bring? He could certainly say that if his teen-self had been told he’d become one of the leaders of a clan of survivalists, he probably wouldn’t have believed it. But for now...
"Hey, you can't co-run a place without the 'co' part of it now, can you?" he joked. He reached over and tapped his elbow with her, making her giggle.
"Yeah, I guess you're right." Realizing she was still clutching him close, Viva blushed and quickly released him, sitting up on the couch and rubbing her arm shyly. She peered around suddenly, with a curious look. Clay watched her, a little confused, until he realized that she had had yet to enter his home. "Oh, wow... so this is where you live?" she asked.
He nodded. “Yeah. Didn’t think anyone else would want the admin building, so kinda claimed it. It’s not so bad for me, but… I’m sure it’s kinda boring for others.”
Viva was still looking around as he was talking, taking everything in. The place was much bigger than it looked from the outside. The stony gray walls, the muted green carpet, the dull color scheme. No pictures. Hardly any furniture aside from the couch, a table, and a desk stacked with bills and other finances. It suddenly hit Clay just how very plain and sparsely decorated it all was.
“Okay, not kinda boring… too boring,” Clay took it upon himself to correct.
“No,” Viva said, putting a hand up. “I like it.” She looked around again as if to be sure, and grinned. “Yeah… I really do! Seems like you got it all down-packed and organized, dont’cha?”
Clay shrugged. “Well, yeah I guess…”
“Not like me, that’s for sure. I have candy stashed all over my home. Half the time I can’t even remember where I hid it!” Viva giggled. But then she stopped. Thinking of her home brought another thought in mind. She hated to feel imposing, but the thought of going back out, even if it was just in their village, was making that pit in her stomach return. “Hey, um, Clay? Would it be, um, okay if I… stayed here? Just for tonight? I just, I…” Her hands began to shake and tears pooled in her eyes. This was a silly thing. Clay had other business to attend to than to be dealing with her and her petty fears. This was ridiculous!
But to Clay, it wasn’t. “Make yourself at home,” he said without hesitation. She needed the sense of safety, and if sleeping over for one night was what it would take to get her back to feeling like herself, then so be it. “You can take my bed if you want… without me in it, of course,” Clay said, fumbling in his words. “O-or you can take the couch, but, I know it’s not the most comfortable, so, um… but it’s whatever you wanna do! Whatever makes ya clever,” he finished, trying to sound cool but feeling embarrassed by his babbling.
To his relief, Viva smiled back at him, charmed by his sweet offer. “Thank you,” she said gratefully, standing up and stretching her legs. 
“Uh, yep, of course,” he agreed awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck, and trying not to let her gorgeous smile get to him too much.
"Hey," she said, taking out a string from her hair with one hand and some candy beads with the other. "Wanna make some necklaces in the meantime?" She shook them out at him and grinned slyly. "Or do you want me to braid your hair?"
Clay chuckled and took the first option, sidling up next to her. "Candy necklaces will be good.”
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meadow-hearthfire · 8 months
Cliva Angst Idea
What if Viva and Clay had been trying for a baby for years, but every egg they had turned out to be stillborn?
What if Viva cannot bring herself to leave Hole N' Fun, even after learning the trolls have made peace with the bergens, because she wants to stay near where her babies are buried?
Despite all the heartbreak, Viva and Clay don't drift apart, and Viva still hasn't given up hope that she and Clay will get to have a baby.
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heartfall-syndrome · 8 months
I should probably mention that in Vengeance!au Cliva are together
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partywithoutsmiling · 4 months
favourites trolls ships?
Would you believe I am not much of a shipper actually? XD;;
Being aroace, romance just... isnt the interesting thing to me to look for in media- movies, fanfics, books, games etc
I *can* have favourites, but only after either the canon or fanon itself convinces me
Broppy obviously won me over, because, while not perfect, they gave them plenty emotional background and history to make me invested
Buuut, if I had to think...
Broppy (as mentioned why)
QPR Cliva (I don't know, I just cant see either of them as romantically involved with each other, but definitelly can see them very close in QP relationship)
Delta Dawn/John Dory (Pft I can see them fighting like cats and dogs, annoying the hell out of each other, while becoming sort of frenemies/besties- their relationship would be the slowest of slowburns, with plenty denial on either side XD)
Viva/Barb (With lots of ??? XD; I could see Barb being absolutelly overwhelmed by the nature force that is Viva, alarmed but at the same time into it. Of course, poor Viva completely oblivious)
I see plenty of other ships of course, but they are either not my thing or they use characters from the shows (I watched Beat Goes On maybe once, so Milton/Smidge is acceptable ship for me, but I havent watched anything else, so if I see any ship-centric fics using those, I skip them honestly)
I definitelly don't like any of the incest ships- which there are horrifyingly aplenty in this fandom what is wrong with you- and while I liked Velvet and Veneer as villains, I dont particularly care for them that much to enjoy any ships they are in pff
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creativepot4to · 5 months
I just realised I haven’t done an intro post!
I’m Creativepot4to, you can call me Potato!!!
I am a teen artist (and writer you can find my author-y stuff on @multifandomchaospotato)
I don’t really have too much of a pronoun preference, but I use She/Her just coz it’s easier for everyone
I will take requests if y’all want to ask for something! The request info is down below!!!
Current Fandoms
DreamWorks Trolls
Good Omens
Doctor Who
Sherlock BBC
Hazbin Hotel
Brooklyn 99
Gravity Falls
Teen Titans
Current Favourite Ships 😍
Broppy (Trolls)
Cliva (Trolls)
Aziracrow (Good Omens)
Tenrose (Doctor Who)
Johnlock (Sherlock)
Peraltiago (Brooklyn 99)
Husketdust (Hazbin Hotel)
BBRae (Teen TItans)
Honourable mention: Sonadow (Sonic)
Request Info!
Heyo!! I’ve been getting a lot of questions about my requests, so I thought I’d write them down here!! (Also thanks for asking what I’m okay and not okay with!!!)
First of all, I have a right to refuse anything I’m not comfortable with, I will contact you to inform you that I cannot fulfil the request, and I promise I won’t just leave you on-read!
Fair warning: It may take me some time to draw your requests, but I try to use every bit of my free time to answer/draw the requests! I promise I’m not ignoring your request, my life just gets a little busy at times, so bear with me! Also, any NSFW-type drawings might be drawn traditionally, due to the fact that I have to share my iPad and procreate with many people I’d rather not have to see them.
I will draw:
Fandom drawings
OC drawings
SFW drawings
AU drawings
Slight NSFW drawings (More suggestive than outright nudity and whatnot)
I won’t draw:
100% NSFW drawings
How to request a drawing!
Put your request in via the ask box! Explain what you want or drop in a picture of who you want me to draw!
You can direct message if you really want to, I’d prefer the ask box, but it doesn’t bother me! If you really don’t want you’re requested drawing to be posted to the public then try asking me via private message, (just remember my right to refuse requests), I will ask if I am allowed to post the drawing.
Please don’t use my private messages as a way of trying to contact me for anything other than a request. Sorry! I’d just rather stay safe online!
If you choose to post a drawing that I've sent you through private message make sure you tag me!!! Please don’t steal my art!
Also please remember I can change my mind about private messaging anytime I want, please don't be upset if I find it isn't for me!!
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hostilemuppet · 6 months
Who in Penny’s life knows the truth about their parentage? Obviously Viva and Broppy, and you mentioned Brangelina figured it out… does Penny know?
only viva and broppy know that broppy are pennys real parents. brangelina can tell that cliva arent pennys real parents but they dont know who their real parents are. maybe they also assume that viva cheated on clay (brangelina are very clever for their age). i think we joked once that creek knows who pennys parents are but only bc penny hates him soooo much and keeps attacking him with various clown weapons and acme traps so he put two and two together, but thats not canon. its just really funny. branch and poppys (mostly poppys) hatred of him is so strong that it is genetic
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jessidogg · 6 months
Hi! I wanted to ask if I'm allowed to request something? Can you give me your opinions on what Floyd's and JD's lives were like between the band breaking up and Floyd getting kidnapped, because I feel like they don't explain as much about that as they do with Spruce, Branch, and Clay. Anyway, if you want to do this, thanks, if not, then that's okay too, and could you recommend someone who might be willing to try?
Me Rn: Wait-- someone is ACTUALLY asking me to blab about BroZone for the next 15 minutes?!! YASSSS!! *fistpump*
I was actually just thinking about this a few days ago myself and it's definitely hard to know for sure. John Dory and Floyd are both AMAZING characters, and I don't know what BroZone would be without them, but we just don't know too much about their characters yet to really know what they might have done or been into during their lives outside of the band.
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John Dory did mention living on the Neverglade trail or sumptin' lol, so maybe he liked hikes (wuttt?!! ahsnioefosoj) or maybe there's some hidden meaning in therreee that I'm too dumb to figure out XDDD hellppp 💀💀 I do think John Dory did not find Rhonda until after he left BroZone for sure tho, and that since he didn't have his bros she kind of took their place for entertainment and something to love and such. So there was that. JD does also seem like the type of guy to explore and see what he can find. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he found out about all the other different kinds of trolls before Branch and Poppy did! (who out there rlly loves the new ship DawnDory?!! Omigosh, I don't rlly ship them, but I think they would be HILARIOUS ex's!!)
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Floyd is definitely harder because he seems to be pretty chill. Maybe he traveled for his new solo singing career or something-- I mean, that would make sense to why in the world he would be at Mount Rageous for absolutely no reason :DDD I think he was pretty successful with that career tbh, I MEAN TROYE SIVAN'S VOICE IS SOOOO--- UGH I CANTTTT 😭😭🤩
not as good as JT's. But close.
All I can really tell about Floyd tho is that his style definitely went from classic boyband-ish to emo/punk for some reason sometime during those 20 years 🤣 Good thing he really looks good in that styleeee ♥️♥️♥️
The thing we have to remember is that this is a cartoon movie and that we can't expect all the answers (tho to me it's way more than a cartoon movie and I want ALL THE ANSWERS CUZ TROLLS IS MY LIFE) Heck, DreamWorks seems to be overwhelmed with all of the timelines and such in that movie... I believe it's times like these when we use that amazing blessing that God has lavished upon us:
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I'm sure all of y'all out there in the Trolls Fandom are doin' plenty of that, lol. KEEP IT UP!!
thx for the question tho! I hope I answered it pretty well, and I totally take suggestions!! Love y'all! HEARTS!! ♥️♥️♥️
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the-tharns-speak · 3 years
Hello lady Cliva!
I don't know if you’ve seen the ask I sent to Varen, so I'll give a quick explanation for this ask: I've been meaning to draw a "family portrait" of all 5 of you (Abnur, Sheo, Varen, Reli, and you) and before starting I wanted to check a few things.
What type of clothing would you all wear for a portrait like that? As in a "family" portrait not a "full-on official regalia family of the emperor" portrait... If that makes sense?
Also, I already asked on another message (without mentioning why), but might as well group it here and ignore the earlier question: who's taller, sheogorath or abnur?
Feel free to add anything you think I should know before I start (aaaand... don't expect a result for... a while. I'm slow at drawing and I tend to be away from home often so, it'll probably take around 2 months to finish)
Have fun in Elsweyr and take care!
Apologies, I've been meaning to respond to this request but have found the desert heat a bit too tiring. Had you asked me a year ago what type of clothes I would wear, I would have given you a very detailed description of ornate dresses cinched at the waist. Ever since little Reli has come around, however, i found myself wearing mostly tunics and leggings. Reds and blacks and golds, the Imperial colors. I still tend to wear my hair up in a bun, with my crown of course. I'm still Empress after all.
And is there a place I could toss a few coins to? As a lady and an Empress, it is my duty to give patronage to the arts and support artists.
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hostilemuppet · 7 months
do you think floyd is the only brozone with autism?
first of all, i think floyd being autistic is specific to the tdau. we really dont have enough on canon floyd for me to get a read off him like that
second. clay. i mean fucking... look at him. look at the way he acts. he WANTED to handle the finances. also im sure many autistic people can relate to how he had to be the fun one to be treated with anything resembling respect, and whenever he had an actual problem or wanted to be treated as a person suddenly he was too much, too sensitive, too high maintenance. cliva is autistic4autistic
branch... goes without saying. again. look at him
in the art book they specifically mention jd is really bad with eye contact and i think if he was also autistic clay would fucking hate it and thats really fucking funny
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hostilemuppet · 7 months
i want to say i'm not THAT big of a freak but i didn't question the putt putt cult, angelina being a little biiit weird, creek's abortion or cliva's freaky sex tape. i've been having the tome of my life since i found this fic 💖
the putt putt cult isnt even tdau exclusive its just a fact. have we even mentioned the cult irt tdau. regardless it is real i think they used to kill people for fun and its one of the reasons youre not initially supposed to sympathise with clay (you are now, though. it got away from us and you ARE supposed to feel bad for him)
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