homkamiro · 5 months
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Remember you guys asked me to post full pics from that one valentine's day gif. Yeah
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ghostbsuter · 10 months
"I'll pay you 10 times the amount you were given to take me out." Bruce Wayne is, very out of character, super serious and looking at him so intense.
Danny isn't paid enough to figure out why the supposed himbo isn't acting like it.
"You know what? Yeah. Deal." He fishes his phone out, accepting the money transfer and calls his boss for the day.
"Heyyy big guy– yeah‐ I know... anyway! I'm not killing Bruce Wayne, you should find someone different to do it— bye!" And he hangs up, cutting the shouting with a grin.
"If you ever, and I mean, ever need someone out of the way, call me."
He happily hands his contact information to the billionaire and swoops out of the window.
He is rich! So mega rich!
("Did you just buy the mercenary?"
"He's a kid! I panicked!"
"At least you got a phone number??")
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vaguely-concerned · 3 months
the fact that iron bull opens his recruitment conversation with pretending he doesn't quite remember the name of the the inquisition's ambassador. Jose-what's-her-name-again. he's just a big dumb jock no thoughts head empty mercenary who likes fighting and drinking don't worry about lil old me inquisitor! I'll hit things for you if you'd like as long as you pay me! ],) and then right after he reveals he's a spy he drops that he knows not only the name of your spymaster and how she operates but also her haircolour. (but like in a safely bro-y way tho! make that fighting and drinking and fucking! I'll be useful to you but in a real meathead non-threatening kind of way I'll be too busy bedding chantry sisters to do any real harm ],) continue to not worry about lil old me inquisitor!)
god bull you're so multidimensionally and fine-tunedly full of shit I love you so much fhdksah
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mothcpu · 4 months
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hpysprkl · 6 months
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"Back before I met you, I'd go whole days without massacring a bunch of things. Honest."
I love this man too much. I'd say send help, but it's too late for me. Save yourself.
Ko-fi || Commission info
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nightwonder7 · 6 months
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"How is your head as dense as your body?"
Duo hunter shenanigans.
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corsair-mc-official · 1 month
Not sure where the idea of mech pilots being squishy outside the mech came from. As a handler I think I fear a pilot outside the mech more than one inside. It takes a special kind of crazy to pilot a mech once. It's a complete other kind to pilot it regularly.
Caliaban pilots lose their fear of bigger targets, seen a five foot nothin pilot wrestle one of our biggest meanest enforcers to the ground in less than six seconds. Or a blackbeard pilot who will grapple hold just about anything.
You think a Gorgun pilot is gonna stop being a defensive bastard over whoever they deem as their friends. You think a minotaur pilot is even remotely normal outside?
I'll tell you this. A pilot is dangerous no matter where you put them. I'd just rather they're in the machine they're used to, rather than letting them improvise in a bar fight because some dipshit decided to play grabass with the adrenaline fueled killing machine.
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dduane · 1 year
“In my own first story I had described at length what I thought a rather fine high tea given by a hospitable faun to the little girl who was my heroine. A man, who has children of his own, said, ‘Ah, I see how you got to that. If you want to please grown-up readers you give them sex, so you thought to yourself, “That won’t do for children, what shall I give them instead? I know! The little blighters like plenty of good eating.” In reality, however, I myself like eating and drinking. I put in what I would have liked to read when I was a child and what I still like reading now that I am in my fifties.” —C. S. Lewis, “On Three Ways of Writing for Children”
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ross-hollander · 3 months
The unofficial guide to...
...naming your mercenary company:
You are not a "Legion" unless your actual fighting force is somewhere between one and five thousand, support staff not included.
Similarly, avoid numbered groups. Units listed as the "Dirty Dozen" or "Forty Thieves" may be called upon for a head-count to ensure that they are not guilty of false advertising.
You are not the [Adjective] Wolves, [Proper Noun/Noun's] Wolves, or in general anything related to canis lupus as a whole. There is a queue and until the last generation of units to take those names cycles out, nobody else can get anything wolf-related.
Always try to keep military-related names vague. Do not go with "Sappers" because that is very well-defined and clear. "Grenadiers", on the other hand, is harder to precisely pin down.
Intimidating names look great on the lists, but please note that "Executioners", "Butchers" or "Tyrants" tend to draw more fire than "Free Corps" or "Rangers".
At the same time, please note: the self-effacing, bashful-type names like "The Not Dead Yets" or "Better Than Nothing" are not as funny as you think they are.
No stealing names from mercenary units of better repute. "Stealing" here constitutes any name which, pronounced in casual speech, would be indistinguishable from the original, as in Erry-Danny Light Horse or North Wind Hylanders.
No names with words or slang considered profane on more than two planets. (Exceptions permitted for words used in an inoffensive sense, to the relief of the Slag Makers.)
No trolling search algorithms. Names along the lines of "Best Budget Mercenary Forces Security Solutions Security Manpower PMC" are disallowed.
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haliaiii · 3 months
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can’t believe I’ve never drawn cahara
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crookshallowao3 · 2 months
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This art by @nikkiyan_arts on instagram was hugely inspiring for me back when I first started playing with my fic Antibodies in my head a little over a year ago. It has grown and evolved so much since then, and it's strange how my character designs have diverged since then. I'm so thankful for the fandom and for amazingly talented artists like this who inspire my own creativity.
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chawawanya · 24 days
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they found the lil guys!!
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jinxedeyes · 4 months
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there is no room for hesitation.
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marshiroart · 24 days
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to variate a bit from my usual MLP stuff, I'm currently obsessed with Identity V (and specially this two) so here a princess mononoke trend I made some months ago >:)
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azatas · 8 months
"we need more complex female characters" you couldn't even handle her
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midgetmoth · 2 months
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