spartanguard · 6 months
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look who splashed up for a very special day!
Merman!Killian had to be here to say
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO @cocohook38!!!!!!!!!
To the sweetest, most enthusiastic, supportive, crazy, wonderful coconut out there!!! I hope you're having the most beautiful day and getting all the nice, amazing things you deserve! LOVE YOUUUUU
[original image]
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theartofdreaming1 · 2 months
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My drawing contribution for this year's @cssns !🧜‍♀️
I feel like deep inside my brain there is a coherent story hidden somewhere ... But for now, the main idea is that Killian's working for some swanky marine science lab (I'm partial to Nautilus Inc. or something like that) and he gets assigned to be part of a very hush-hush project which is... this. And there is just something so profundly melancholy about this beautiful specimen that captures Killian completely. After some trial and error, they manage to establish some form of communication and Killian realizes that "Emma" (name derived from project ID? closest human version to her merfolk name? you decide!) has been ripped from her family, so he decides to return her home, no matter what...
Anyway, I just wanted to draw some Mer-related Captain Swan 😉
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mie779 · 2 months
Don't Kiss and Tail
A/N: This is an alternate/what-if version of season 3 episode 17 “The Jolly Roger” where we have Zelena pose as Ariel… What if it was the real Ariel who spoke with Killian, how pissed Ariel would be and go tattle to dear old daddy dearest and have Killian cursed, and not only his lips.
This story is part of CSSNS2024, and I have some peeps I’d like to thank. 
@whatevenisthisbloganymore (on Tumbler) for beta reading this. Without her, this would have looked so messy. 
@iamstartraveller776 , who made the beautiful banner for this story. It was also through a talk with her that the title finally came to be. And that title sparked my muse, (damn it!) so perhaps one day I’ll write some original mermaid story. 
It’s been such a blast being part of this event, (again), and it's sad to see this will be the last year. I love the stories already having been shared, and I can’t wait to read the rest of the stories. 
My inspiration for the theme was several CaptainSwan fan art with a mermaid theme, from Wild-white-werewolf (Julia Volkova) and Svenjaliv. And plotting began and I tried to find a place to do an alternate spin on an episode… On a rewatch I stumbled over the episode “The Jolly Roger” and the whole talk with Zelena posing as Ariel had my muse thinking… so here you are, without further ado, my contribution to the CSSNS24. 
READ ON AO3 if that is your thing (like me) https://archiveofourown.org/works/57458686
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Don’t Kiss and Tail
“You're a monster… “ The following sting of the female hand slapping his cheek still burned as Killian watched the mermaid leap from the dock and dive into the dark water. The flip of her colorful tail was the last thing he saw. 
“Bloody hell. “ He understood the mermaid perfectly as he'd been so bullheaded in that missing year in the enchanted forest. His focus on getting his beloved ship back and this having not helped Ariel find Eric might have been stupid. He paced the docks. The whole town was still in a mighty uproar over the wicked witch. So he wasn’t going to worry about a pissed-off mermaid right now. 
He kept his pacings to the docks, but he staggered back in surprise when Ariel again came striding towards him, this time from behind the old fisherman’s shack. How did she get back there? He shifted his gaze towards the water where she’d vanished moments ago. But before he could contemplate this the mermaid spoke. 
“How am I supposed to trust a man who doesn’t believe in love?” Ariel curled her lips in disgust. 
“I still do,” Killian whispered, his face contorted in agony. 
“Then swear to me on it. This woman broke your heart. Do you still love her?” 
Killian looked down, the word tearing through him like a thousand blades. “Yes.” 
“Then swear to me, on her name.” Ariel lifted her chin in an unspoken challenge. 
“Then I swear on Emma Swan.” Her sweet name was the only easy word falling over his lips. 
A smirk forms over Ariel, “Thank you, captain, that’s exactly what I needed to hear.” She flipped her fingers towards him and something green and warm wrapped around his lips; the sensation confused him and he covered his lips with his hand, “What the hell?” 
He looked back up at the mermaid. But the next second a swirl of green smoke engulfed the girl and in her stead was now the wicked witch. “Zelena it was you.” Killian drew his cutlass, “where’s Ariel?” 
With a quick flick of her wrist, Zelena tore his weapon out of his hand.
“Relax. She wasn’t here right now, I’d imagine she’s gone tattling to her dear ol’ dad, boo hoo, the pirate wouldn’t tell me where my beloved is.” Zelena rolled her eyes and chuckled. 
“I don’t understand why you would pretend to be her?” He frowned.
“To corrupt your love. I have known all about your dirty little secret for some time, and have seen the guilt on your face ever since making that decision that day. I knew it haunted you. I knew I could use it.
“Use it for what?” 
“When you evoked the name of your love, your selfish plea for redemption, I was able to curse you. Or more specifically your kiss - you see the next time your lips touch Emma Swan’s all of her magic will be taken. Everything that makes her special, that makes her powerful, that makes her a threat will be gone.”
“I won’t do it. I’ll tell her, then she’ll defeat you.”
“Then I’ll send the Dark One to kill her before you can.” The self-satisfied smile on her face pissed off Killian even more, but he saw right through her bluster.
“No, you won’t. If you could have killed her you would have. You need her power removed. That is why you didn’t kill her when she came to the town. It’s why your monkey looked after her in New York instead of killing her.” Killian gave her a satisfied smirk. “For some reason, you can’t.” 
Zelena pursed her lips before saying, “It no longer matters, because you’re going to remove her powers. I may not be able to hurt Emma, but I can hurt those around her.” She lifted her eyes briefly as if to contemplate who to put on that list, “Her parents, her friends,” she shifted far too close, “her child.” 
“Do not go near him.” 
Zelena chuckled and grinned knowingly. “Yes you’ve become quite fond of the boy, haven’t you? I will enjoy turning him into a monkey’s breakfast.” 
“I’ll stop you.” Killian sneered.
“No, you won’t. That pointy little hook of yours can scratch a mere mortal but me…” Another chuckle. “You’re out of your depths, pirate. The choice is yours, kiss Emma and remove her power or everyone she loves dies.” The words came out in a hate-filled staccato, baring her teeth as she sneered at him. 
Before Killian could make another retort she was gone in a swirl of green smoke. 
“Bloody hell.” Killian slumped back on the crate behind him, his lips still tingling from the curse Zelena had cast upon his lips. “Bloody hell that woman is crazy as shite.” He shook his head and gazed upon the dark waters, the moored fisherboats swaying on the gently lapping waves. He had no idea how long he’d been sitting there - he wasn’t sure where to go from here, all he knew was that he wouldn’t tell Emma about the curse. He wouldn’t have her worry about another thing in her life. He would attempt to avoid her advances to become closer. He knew they were closer than ever to crossing that line of a real relationship. 
The moored boats started to crash against the dock, the wood scraping against the concrete. Something was stirring up the water and when he rose to his feet he spotted a swirling vortex out in the water. Moments later a white-haired man with a tri fork floated in the water. 
“Bloody hell, now what?” Killian groaned. 
“You’re Killian Jones?” The voice of Triton boomed over the docks, the trident pointed at Killian. 
Killian gulped down and was about to lie his way out of this predicament when a far too familiar mermaid rose from the water. 
“That’s him,” Ariel said and crossed her arms over her chest. 
“What did I do?” Killian wavered. 
“You refused to help my daughter find her love, and now you shall pay.” Triton lifted his weapon and boomed, “Ye shall live a life under the sea. Return to the dry lands will only be possible by a true love kiss.” 
“What the bloody hell…” Killian stepped back but swirling white magic leaped from the trident and within seconds it wrapped around Killian. The magic pulled at his form and he felt pain shoot through his body. “What are you doing to me?” His voice pained and he dropped to the edge of the dock, while his hands grabbed his legs. The magic swirled over his form from head to toe. 
“You’ll have to live your life as a merman.” Ariel huffed. “You didn’t want to help me find my Eric.” 
“Bloody hell, you went and tattled to you dear old…” Killian gritted his teeth, the magic did some crazy ass shite to his body. “... Dear old daddy.” 
“See, father, he’s nothing but a vile and ruthless pirate.” Ariel glared at him. 
“I see, my daughter. And now he will not be able to walk around on dry land and pursue his happiness.” 
“Bloody hell, Emma…” He nearly blacked out from the pain. 
“Yeah, now she won’t be able to find you.” 
When Killian finally opened his eyes again the pain had vanished, but as he inspected himself he quickly saw how his body had changed, his torso now bare, and from the waist down his legs had transformed into that of a merman’s tail. Its dark scales glinted in the streetlights behind him. It would be crazy to try and slither his way into town like this. With a roar of anger, he leaped into the water and headed for where Ariel and her father had been. But the harbour was empty and the king and his daughter were nowhere to be found. 
Killian lifted his head above water and roared, “Bloody hell, what do I do now?” 
Emma was nursing her second mug of cocoa at the diner. It had been two days since she or anyone else had seen Killian and by now she was more than worried. With Zelena on the loose wreaking havoc around them, it was safe to bet she might have had something to do with his disappearance. 
Where the hell are you, Killian? Emma thought, taking another sip, and gave her son a reassuring smile. His observant brown eyes were wrinkled in concern. How was she supposed to share her worries with her son? He had no memory of anything related to magic. 
“Are you okay?” 
“Yeah, you know it’s just my case that has a lot of loose ends.” Emma mused, “I’ll go to the docks and see if I can find any leads.” 
“Will Killian be there?” Henry licked up the remaining crumbs of his breakfast with his finger.
The mention of his name had Emma’s heart skip a beat. “I don’t know kid, I haven’t seen him” 
“His boat is still down in the harbor.” 
Emma blinked in surprise, the Jolly Roger wasn’t there. “Oh yeah, the fishing boat he took you out in.” 
Emma finished her cocoa before she ushered Henry outside, and they walked down to the waterfront. Sure enough, the fishing boat Killian had borrowed was still there. “Look kid, I’m just going to ask around. Why don’t you go to the beach and see if you can find something interesting?”
Henry looked a little put out by this so she added, “Look, this case is not exactly kid friendly so I don’t want you to be part of it. I’ll come for you in half an hour.” 
Henry nodded mutely and trodded towards the nearby beach; she could still watch him from afar if Zelena chose to show up. 
Emma asked the harbor master if he’d seen Killian, but the only answer she could get was that the old man had seen Killian three nights ago talking with a red-haired woman. That could either be Ariel or Zelena so it wasn’t much help. But why would Killian speak with either of them, unless it was Zelena who then had taken him somewhere?
“Moooom.” Henry’s shout startled her and she rushed towards her son who was waving his arms in the air as he rushed towards her. 
“What’s wrong, what happened, are you okay?” 
“Yeah.” Henry waved his arms in front of him taking a few deep breaths, “I’m fine, I just think I saw something out in the waters.” 
“What?” Emma felt a cold shiver run down her spine, and flashes of Killian lying dead in the water shifted through her mind.
“It was some kind of a large fish.” Henry looked a little puzzled, then shrugged, “It had to be a fish, the tail looked like a fish but it was big, like a grown man.” 
“A small whale?” Emma mused, unsure what kind of large sea creatures roamed the coast of Maine. 
“Maybe, but I haven’t seen any whales with scaly shimmering tails.” 
“What did you just say?” 
“It had black shimmering scales.” Henry paused and looked at her with worry. “What's wrong?” 
Emma shook her head and masked her worry with a smile. “Nothing, I don’t know what you saw but it could have been a large fish I guess.” Inside her head, she thought: it could be a mermaid. She had no idea where Ariel was off to, and now that she thought about it she hadn’t seen the red-haired mermaid for a couple of days either. Did Zelena whisk her away too? That crazy-ass wicked witch of the West needed to be stopped in whatever crazy plan she had set up. 
Emma suggested they head back home to Mary Margaret and David, and as they walked along the beach she couldn’t help scanning the water to get a glimpse of whatever creature Henry had seen out there. 
Just as they reached the docks again she looked over the rocks jutting out from the coastline and she could have sworn she’d spotted a dark-haired creature hiding between the rocks, but it was gone in a flash and the last thing she saw was the reflection of the sun in a dark tail. “What the hell?” 
“What is it, did you see it too?” Henry asked excitedly. 
Emma shook her head and waved him off, “No I don’t think it was anything, a seal perhaps.” Or a selkie… oh wasn’t that over in good old England they were legends? Emma wrapped her arm around Henry and urged him to walk to the docks. As they rounded the corner she couldn’t help herself and took another glance over her shoulder. The same dark-haired creature which now looked remarkably like a human was holding onto the rocks but was too far away to see. What the hell is that? she thought to herself, and she couldn’t shake off the uneasy feeling that had settled inside her. Who was out there? 
Emma couldn’t focus on the talk at the dinner table that night and Mary Margaret did ask if she was okay. Emma waved off her mother’s worry and assured her she was merely trying to string together all the loose ends she had in her case. She glanced at Henry who had helped clear the table and then settled onto the couch with his game console. 
Her sleep was filled with strange dreams of sea creatures waving at her from the water, all twirling around in a mismatched chaos of confusion. When the first rays of the sun peeked through the thin curtains she slipped out of bed and left a note for Henry before heading for the beach. 
Killian kept a close eye on the shoreline, still staying out of sight as he wasn’t sure who would spot him. It was infuriating and damn near impossible to figure out what the hell he should do. He knew his main hope was finding Emma, and spotting her with the boy yesterday afternoon he’d damn well nearly jumped up on the rocks and called out for her. But Henry was there and he still had no memory of any fairytales or curses so the lad was sure to be spooked out of his wits seeing a real merman speak with his mother. 
Then there was the whole conundrum with the curse Zelena had placed on his lips. He would never let her willingly give up her magic for him. 
The early morning sunlight glinted behind him as he scanned the beach, he was sure Emma had spotted him the day before so he hoped she would return, this time without Henry. 
A flash of golden hair and a red leather jacket caught his eye, and he swam closer to the beach. It had been a learning curve the past few days navigating underwater and he realized there was a colony of merfolk some miles south of here keeping their existence unknown beside a small island off the coast. They had not exactly been friendly but they had not been hostile either, only made it clear that he had no business there as they somehow had sensed he truly didn’t belong under the sea. 
Emma had walked to the beach and neared the long row of rocks going out from the beach. She pushed away her loose hair from her face as she scanned the water. 
Killian reached the first rock, lifted himself halfway out of the water, and waved, “Emma?” 
Emma nearly stumbled over her feet as she stepped out on the first couple of large boulders. “Killian, is that you?” 
Killian swam closer and he saw how her face contorted into surprise and worry at the same time. “Aye.” 
“How the hell did this happen to you?” She narrowed her eyes as she focused on his tail. “You have a tail.” 
Killian refrained from rolling his eyes, only nodded and with a quick push of his hand, he lifted himself on a low boulder and sat there. 
“What happened?” Emma moved closer cautiously as if trying to gauge if this was some kind of ploy to fool her. 
“It’s me, love. Don’t worry, I won’t bite.” He tilted his head and smirked. 
Emma rolled her eyes and settled on the rock beside her, her knees bent so her boots didn’t get wet. She reached over and touched his arm. “It really is you.” Her eyes scanned over his form and a blush spread over her cheeks. 
He gave her a knowing smile, this might be the most naked he’d been in her presence and the color on her cheek indicated that she didn’t mind. 
Then she frowned, “What happened to you, who did this?” 
“You know how Ariel came to town some days ago.” 
Emma nodded, “Yeah everyone was so surprised to see her.” 
“Well, she was here on a mission.” He looked down at his hand and hook. When he’d transformed he’d been surprised that his hook was still there. 
“What mission?” 
“To find me and avenge me for failing to help her back in the Enchanted Forest.” 
“Why didn’t you help her?” 
“I was so focused on finding my way back to you that I declined to help her find her Eric.” Killian sighed and pushed his wet hair away from his forehead. He looked at her, “I was a fool, I know that.” 
“That was a foolish choice.” Emma’s hand on his arm rubbed up and down, “but seems like a long stretch to curse you into a merman.” 
“That was her father’s doing.” Killian mused. 
“She went and tattled to her father?” Emma exclaimed and turned fully towards him, “Are you serious?” 
“Very much so. The king of the sea, Triton cursed me to be a merman, until…” He paused and closed his eyes. 
“It’s nothing.” Killian brushed it away, how on earth was he ever going to tell her that kissing her might be the only thing bringing him back to his human form? But in doing so he would also remove her magic, giving Zelena a better chance at getting whatever witch wanted. 
“Do you know how to reverse the curse?” Emma asked and leaned closer. He could smell her perfume now and his heart beat a lot faster. Gods she smelled good. 
“I… it’s going to be bloody complicated.” He grimaced, rubbing over his face.
“Tell me, please,” Emma begged. “Whatever it is we can make it happen, we can go get Regina if it’s…” 
“No!” He exclaimed, “No one else needs to see me like this.” 
“Oh, it’s not exactly a bad look you have going here.” Emma mused and her eyes scanned over his form again, the blush on her cheeks darkened. 
Killian tilted his head, getting a better look at her, her eyes sparkled with mischief something that was rarely seen these days with all the stuff going on with Zelena and her son still not remembering anything. 
“So you see something you like here, love?” He lifted an eyebrow. 
“Perhaps.” She looked down at her hand resting on her bent knee, her fingers tracing over the seam in her jeans. 
Killian chuckled, leaned closer, and caught her eyes, “So you’d not mind having a merman as a friend?” 
Emma choked back a laugh, “I can’t believe you’re so at ease about all of this, I’d be in a total panic had it been me turned into a mermaid.” 
“I did panic at first, but I knew you’d come looking for me. I saw you on the beach with your boy yesterday.” 
“Why didn’t you call out then?” 
“Henry doesn't remember anything about magic, so I imagined seeing a real-life merman might be too confusing.” 
“He’d survive I’m sure. He might not remember, but he still has a vivid imagination.” Emma chuckled, then sobered, “But how can we reverse the curse?” 
“Thought you wanted me to stay like this?” 
Emma shook her head, “As much as I like this look I still want the real Killian Jones in my life.” She blinked a few times, “I can’t imagine not having you in my life, Killian.” 
“Oh.” Hope bloomed inside him and he smiled, “I’d very much like that.” He glanced down at his tail and smoothed his hand over the black scales. 
Emma reached over and asked, “May I?” 
He looked up at her in surprise and noticed the curious glint in her eyes as she looked at his tail. “Aye.” 
Emma moved forward and smoothed her hand over the black scales, it was a strange sensation feeling someone else touch his merman tail like this. The warmth of her hand seeped through to his core. 
“This is so strange.” Emma mused and kept her hand on his form, when she looked up at him her eyes were filled with wonder, her lips looking so damn inviting he nearly leaned forward. But when she moved first he pulled back and rubbed over his mouth. 
“I can’t…” Killian looked to the sky, the sun had now fully risen and the sea birds flew over them in circles, their cries echoing over the waters. 
“What?” Emma pulled back and hugged herself. “This… what do you mean you can’t I thought you wanted to… you know kiss me.” 
“Bloody hell I do want to kiss you.” It’s all I’ve been thinking about since we returned to Storybrooke. 
“Then why… “ Her voice trailed off and she gasped, “Did Triton do more to curse you?” 
“What do you mean?” 
“So if you kiss someone they die or something like that?” 
“It wasn’t Triton.” Killian sighed and shifted in his seat. The rock beneath him started to feel uncomfortable. 
“Then who?” 
“Zelena…” Killian whispered. 
“Aye, I’m afraid so, the witch came to me in disguise as Ariel, and since I thought it to be the actual mermaid who’d just jumped into the water I couldn’t have known. The woman was livid and had me swear on the woman I love’s name and she cursed my lips.” 
“She cursed my lips…” 
“Yeah yeah, I heard that… it’s the love part I’m curious about.” Her voice was wary and guarded but when he glanced at her a small smile tugged at the corner of her lips. 
“Aye, you’re the woman I love.” Killian reached over and touched her leg, “It’s always been you.” He looked down, “But if I kiss you now we’ll never defeat Zelena.” 
“The bloody witch cursed my lips so that should you ever kiss me, your magic will be taken from you.” 
“Great.” Emma rolled her eyes and pursed her lips, “Just freaking great.” She looked at his tail, biting her lips.
“I can’t ask that of you, love.” 
“Why not?” Emma exclaimed, “You can’t continue living like a merman.” She tilted her head, “Or do you want to be a merman forever?” 
Killian shook his head. “There’s got to be another way?” 
“And if not?” 
“I will live my life hunting down Triton and defeat him.” 
“That is a fucked up plan. You know that, pirate?” Emma rolled her eyes, “What I know of Triton he is very powerful and you will have every merman hunting for your tail.” 
“You will need your magic to defeat that wicked witch, whatever it is she’s plotting, it can’t be good for anyone in this town.” Killian mused. 
“Look, let me ask around and see if we have a chance to work around this curse.” Emma reached over and cupped his face, his skin burning by her touch. She was so bloody close he could smell her. 
“Don’t make too much of a ruckus just for me, darling.” He placed his hand over hers. 
“Let me be the judge of that, eh?” Emma smiled, her thumb caressing his skin. Then she moved closer wrapping him in a tight hug, “I can’t lose you, Killian.” Her words whispered into his skin and shivers ran down his spine at how close she was now. 
“I’m right here, love.” 
She pressed a small kiss to his neck and whispered, “Good thing it’s only your lips she cursed.” 
“Bloody hell, love, you… gods.” Killian groaned and wrapped his arms around her holding her close. 
They stayed like this for some time and it wasn’t until they heard some of the fishermen shout to each other from the docks that they pulled away.
“I better dive down into the water again,” Killian mumbled, gently untangling himself from Emma’s embrace. 
“Yeah, I’ll come back here tonight, okay?” She looked up, “after sundown.” 
“Aye.” He grabbed her hand and kissed her palm, “Tonight, hope you find a way.” 
Emma rose to her feet and stepped back onto the beach before she turned around and gave him a parting wave, “See you tonight then.” 
Killian waved back and jumped into the shallow waters below him and swam for his usual hangout spot he’d found at the end of the peninsula jutting out into the sea. It was going to be a long day, but hunting for fish would perhaps keep his mind off of things. 
Emma’s head was buzzing with everything she’d learned this morning. Killian was a freaking merman now, long black scaly tale included. Her face heated up when she recalled how damn good he looked sitting there with a bare chest and tail. Damn, she hadn’t known she might have a thing for mermen. Well, this one merman in particular it seemed. 
She sought solace in a cup of hot cocoa and a Bearclaw from the diner and when Ruby placed her order on the counter the brunette asked, “You look a bit off kilter this morning, what happened?” 
“Oh…” Emma pushed away her hair and sighed, “It’s a long story.” 
“I have time, the morning rush is over.” Ruby rested her arms on the counter, “So spill, girl.” 
“I found Killian.” 
“Oh, the elusive pirate has shown his face again, where is he?” 
“In the sea,” Emma mumbled and blew on her cocoa. 
“Well, he’s a pirate.” 
“No I mean, he is IN the sea, two curses included.” Emma sighed. 
“Who cursed him and why?” 
Emma explained what she’d learned from Killian, making sure that no one nearby was eavesdropping. But the diner was mostly deserted so she could share her story with Ruby. 
“That is such a crazy story, even for this place.” Ruby waved her hand around and Emma couldn’t agree more. Even with everything going on right now a man cursed to be a merman and on top of that also with cursed lips so he wasn’t able to kiss her. That last part had Ruby waggle her eyebrows and comment, “So the question is are you willing to pay with your magic so your pirate will have his legs back?” 
“The question is more if he’s willing to let me kiss him.” Emma sighed. 
“What do you mean?” 
“He seemed reluctant to let me just kiss him, he wants me to keep my magic as it will no doubt be useful when we go against Zelena.” Emma mused and shrugged her shoulders, “I need to speak with Regina, perhaps she has another way.” 
Emma enjoyed her breakfast and took off to find Regina, but the mayor had no idea how to reverse a curse that was linked to a true love’s kiss. And she agreed with Emma that she might be the only person Killian loved. But if she kissed Killian she would lose her magic. 
Killian kept a close eye on anything happening at the docks, hoping Emma would come down early. But when he did spot her she was accompanied by Henry so Killian kept his distance and watched Henry drag Emma onboard the small vessel he’d borrowed from the fisherman in the past week. 
“What are you doing, lad?” Killian asked in wonder. Sure he’d taught the boy a thing or two about boats and sailing, but it wasn’t safe for anyone to go out there with so little training. 
“Come on Mom.” Henry’s voice rolled over the water, “I wanted to go fishing, and since Killian is missing I need you with me.” 
“Okay, kid, I don’t know how to sail this thing.” Emma sighed and placed her hands at her hips. 
“It’s easy. See here.” Henry started up the engine and leapt down to release the boat from the docks and jumped back on board. 
Killian contemplated showing himself and warning the pair not to go out there. The skies were getting darker further out and he felt a storm rolling in, but it might be hours before it reached the shoreline. 
Henry sailed the boat out on open waters and stopped the engine, and soon Killian could see him preparing the fishing rods. Emma was still arguing with her son about the safety of this, but Henry eased her worries and soon Emma had settled down on a crate on deck. 
The sun disappeared behind grey clouds and before either Emma or Henry knew what hit them the rain started falling heavily. Henry scurried to get the engine started while Emma struggled to get the fishing rods packed away. In her haste, she stumbled over something on the deck. Her body slammed into the railing and she lost her balance. Killian could only watch in horror as Emma tumbled into the dark waters below. With a quick flip of his tail, he dived towards where Emma was slowly dropping to the bottom.
Henry’s cries for his mother were muffled by the water but they pierced through Killian like knives. He wasn’t about to leave this boy without his mother.
Emma wore her red leather jacket and it had weighed her down so much that she wasn’t able to swim upwards. Her eyes were filled with panic when Killian finally reached her. 
Her body went limp in his arms as he ascended to the surface and broke up into the air. He looked down at the woman in his arms, her eyes closed, lips blue and lifeless. 
“Mom?!” Henry’s frantic voice sounded from above, then “Killian is that you?” 
Killian didn’t pay attention to the lad right now, all he cared about was the woman floating in his arms. Her skin was more and more pale and he leaned closer and realized she wasn’t breathing, her lips turning blue. 
“Emma?” He called out frantically, his hand cradling her face. 
“Give her mouth to mouth,” Henry called from above him. 
Killian swallowed; he knew he had to breathe life into her, “Her magic will be lost.” He called back, his voice breaking, this couldn’t be happening. 
“My lips are cursed.” He looked up and when he spotted the bewilderment in the lad’s eyes he knew he’d screwed it up. Henry had no memory of magic or fairytale characters. There was no time to explain so the decision was all up to him and as he watched Emma lie lifeless in his arms his heart broke. He couldn’t live without this woman in his life, be damned her wrath if her magic was gone, he needed her. 
Pressing his mouth to hers he breathed into her mouth, feeling her chest fill with air. A woosh of magic spread out around them and he felt his tail vanish and turn into a pair of legs again. The motion to keep them afloat changed but he managed to balance himself and Emma above water. He blew more air into her mouth and then Emma violently coughed up seawater.
“Killian?” Her voice was weak and her eyes searched his face, “What did you do?” 
“You were drowning, I couldn’t… I’m sorry, but I couldn’t let you die, not like this. Not in front of your boy.”
“Mom?!” Henry bellowed from above them, “Are you okay?” 
Emma gave her son a weak smile and wave before returning her focus to Killian. “You saved my life.” She cupped his face and he marveled at the feel of her hand against his cheek. 
“Aye.” He swallowed deeply, “But your magic… I’m sorry love.” 
“We’ll find another way to beat Zelena.” Emma soothed and pulled herself closer to him again and kissed him. 
This time it was a real kiss, profound and filled with untold promises of a future together. 
“I have a rope ladder here,” Henry called out and interrupted their kiss, both adults looked sheepishly up at the teenager who rolled his eyes. “Don’t go around doing that too much from now on, okay?” 
“Aye, lad.” 
Emma chuckled and coughed a little, clearly not fully recovered from her near-death experience. 
“Come now love, let’s get us back home.” He maneuvered them both to the rope ladder Henry had dropped over the sides. “Are you okay going up on your own?” 
“I’m fine, Captain.” Emma smiled and hauled herself up the ladder, slow and steady and Killian followed her to the deck where Henry greeted them both with a hug. 
When Killian pulled away to get the boat started Henry stopped him, “Did you just have a tail before you saved my mother?” The lad’s eyebrows were lifted to his hairline. 
“Henry.” Emma interjected and took her son’s arms, “There’s a lot of things that aren’t as they seem.” Emma looked at Killian, “Some things will be a bit hard to understand, but let me tell you why we’re really here in Storybrooke.” She urged him to sit on a crate and turned to Killian, “Get us back home.” 
“Aye.” He saluted her with a grin and let mother and son talk alone on the deck while he took the wheel. The boat wasn’t as majestic as his old lady The Jolly Roger, but it would do for now. He watched Emma speak with her son, who looked more and more confused and sometimes even worried. 
When they reached the dock they were greeted by Mary Margaret, David and Regina, who all looked relieved to see them all. Killian included, which surprised him a bit. But apparently, a lot of people had been worried about his whereabouts in the past few days. 
“Mother.” Henry greeted Regina with a hug and when he pulled back, “Killian was a merman.” 
Everyone gasped in surprise and a load of questions was thrown at him, he lifted his hands and said, “I’m here now in human form and that is what matters.” He grasped Emma’s hand, “We’re ready to fight off that green witch, any ideas what her plans are?” 
Mary Margaret stepped forward and said, “Henry this is for you.” She presented him with a storybook, a very familiar storybook. “You need to believe.” 
“In what?” Henry took the book and a burst of magic swirled around them and he gasped. “I remember.” 
Everyone cheered and no one seemed to ask more about their adventure on the water, not until it became clear that Emma’s magic indeed was gone. But that was a worry for another time as the threat of Zelena still hung over Storybrooke. 
All Killian cared about was having his legs back on dry land again and Emma by his side. He wanted her there for the rest of their lives if he had anything to say about it. 
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mccallhero · 8 months
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favourite ouat scenes: 53/?
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pigeonneaux · 6 months
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Killian Jones as a mermaid. Emma as Captain Rondo. Send twits.
(drawpile collab with @enfoutreur-du-futur , he did the colouring of the mermaid🫡💖)
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33 notes · View notes
albinoratman2200 · 2 months
I need to make a decision! I'm going to be done writing my last HP fic that will be it for that fandom for me
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imahumashipper · 2 months
who are your children (as you like to call them)
well since you asked……….
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First we have Chenry their my baby’s 🥺
(which should have been canon but were not gonna talk about it) they are my second favorite
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Next we have my favorite of them all ✨Huma✨
(yes I pick favorites fight me over it my blog is literally called ‘imahumashipper’ what do you want me to do about it)
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Up 3rd we have rina just cause why not
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Next up they don’t really need an introduction but we have grace and Judd
(They are literally my relationship inspiration cause 😭)
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Emma and Killian the alternate universe version of Huma cause look how they act towards each other
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Eric and Ariel are literally that couple that is just fluff like I can’t even imagine them arguing cause they are to sweet😭 but These are my children and they must be protected at all cost from trolls I will fight over them forever but here’s the ranking of my children
✨Huma ✨ they’re my comfort couple
Chenry they are also my comfort couple but also bestie to lovers
eric and Ariel literally also my comfort couple
grace and Judd literally he’s fire and shes his extinguisher
Emma and Killian are like the definition for enemies to lovers
and as a bonus who come as a runner up to Huma
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Is 🤍Jaele🤍
I literally ship them so fucking hard it’s not a joke I will make them my whole personality and make it everyone else’s problem
and to all the people who COULD have made all these ships that WEREN’T CANON, CANON:
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this was probably my favorite ask I’ve gotten so far so thanks for the ask🤍
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Season three time babes!
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Because my mom is coming to get me. Both of them.
That's right henry they done fucked up.
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Oh shit.
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I love this though.
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Yes Killian, yes it is..because
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Okay but this coat?
On a pirate ship?
Maybe it's a good thing belle stayed behind because she'd be going feral.
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Great this kid is back.
😂😂 they're thr home office. Take that you fuckers!
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Oh dear, oh no, they're dead.
So sad.
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Who the fuck is this kid?
I doubt your ass is really being helpful.
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Yay Neal's alive!!!
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😂 a 45 caliber arrow.
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newvegascowboy · 1 year
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first doodle of the last week of mermay! Tigershark Killian
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ultradude13 · 4 months
Lindy Booth as Cassandra Killian
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fairynook · 2 years
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welcome to my fairy nook located in my very own neverland 🧚🏻
my name is chloé. i’m 23 + love astrology, reading books, practicing tarot, learning herbalism, being in nature and ofcourse everything peter pan related
i have a queue that posts all forms of nature, fantasy, fairies, OUAT/disney/peter pan, and comfort content throughout the day. stay awhile and take a peak around, you never know what you may find in the hidden shadows
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9 notes · View notes
spartanguard · 11 months
cryptid chaos (A Tall Tail)
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Summary: It's almost Halloween, and the recently freed Author has decided to make Storybrooke into the setting of a horror novel. Emma suddenly has actual swan wings; Killian is even more of a mer-creature than usual. But how do they undo all the changes when no one knows how the Author's power works? Can they figure it out--or are they stuck? a/n: Welcome back to the A Tall Tail verse! So I definitely meant to have this done for Halloween, but…it's still spooky season, right? Hope you enjoy some silliniess! rated T | 8.7k words | AO3 | A Tall Tail
Emma let out a long sigh as she stared across the water of the harbor, the full moon’s dappled reflection dancing in the waves. What a freakin’ week. In all the chaos of the so-called Queens of Darkness and locking Gold away, they’d kind of forgotten about one of the bigger things they’d been trying to do: tracking down the mysterious author of Henry’s storybook in search of Regina’s happy ending. 
Once things had settled down a bit, they got back into it—kind of literally; it turned out the Author (whose name was Isaac, apparently) had actually been trapped inside the book. She was becoming more and more used to (or jaded by) magical bullshit, so to see a man emerge from the pages of a gigantic tome from a key inserted to an illustration of a door wasn’t the oddest thing she’d seen, but it was still weird.
Although now it’s just a headache, she complained to herself.
Since his arrival—or, rather, escape—the squirrelly man had been causing all sorts of drama across town; I guess that’s what a writer does, huh? It had all been petty nonsense, or people with bones to pick about how their life had gone (and really with no one to blame for it but themselves), but everyone had been demanding her help in dealing with it and she needed a damn break.
Which was why she was waiting for Killian on the deck of the Jolly Roger; he’d gone out for one of his usual swims to calm his magic, but they had plans to spend the night together. Alone. And very close, with few clothes. (Maybe with some rum in there, too.) Technically, Emma was early, but her little brother was teething and, though she felt bad leaving her parents to deal with that, she’d needed to get away from the chaos of the loft.
Being by the water was definitely calming her down, but she couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off; maybe it was just Isaac, and the psychological upheaval he seemed to be inducing in most of the town; or maybe it was just the fact that it was a full moon and they were a few days away from Halloween—gods only know what kind of trouble that can bring to a town like this.
That was a problem for future Emma, though; current Emma smiled when she heard footsteps fall on the gangplank and began to turn around to greet her True Love. 
“Was wondering when you’d…oh.” Her face fell; it was Isaac. “Can I help you?” (...Get out of town, preferably.)
“Actually, I was hoping it’d be the other way around,” he said, in a way that reminded her of an appliance store salesman.
“Beg your pardon?”
“Have you ever heard of the legend of swan maidens?” he asked, moving closer to her; she wanted to yell at him about setting foot on deck without the captain’s permission, but she was too confused. 
“Uh, some of it, I guess?”
He pulled out a pad of paper and an antique-looking pen from his coat pocket as he went on. “Well, there’s a few, but I’ve always been a fan of some of the Irish stories—the ones where their goddesses choose to take on the form of a swan, only identifiable by a chain around their neck,” he said, nodding at Emma’s own silver necklace. Instinctively, her hand went to it—to hide it, she guessed, even though her old swan pendant was long gone and the necklace she’d fashioned for her magic seashell was made of leather. What the hell is he getting at?
He looked down at his notepad and started to scribble something down. “I imagine that would come with a lot of freedom—especially from some unwanted burdens,” he continued. Oh, like your presence? Emma quipped in her head. “Doesn’t that sound nice?”
“I guess,” she said, unconvinced. Her phone then vibrated in her pocket; hopefully, Isaac was almost done here. 
“Good,” he replied, with a smile on his face that she couldn’t quite read. Then he tore the page off his notebook and handed it to her.
Not thinking, she took it. She tried to read the drying ink on the paper, but only managed to recognize the word “wings” before a blast of magic sent her falling backwards—and over the railing of the ship into the water below. 
Please let Killian be here, she hoped; but no such luck. Instead, she fell into the sea with a splash and the cold water stole her breath. She tried to move her arms up and down to ascend, but it felt like they were made of lead. Still, she pushed through, and finally broke through the surface. 
She gave herself a minute to float and catch her breath before swimming back over to the ship (and punching the crap out of Isaac). 
It was odd, though—usually, she needed more lower-body effort to tread water, but her arms alone were keeping her above surface-level.
So that’s when she looked at her arms—and screamed. “What the fuck? What the FUCK?” She didn’t care who heard her swear—but, on second thought, she did care who saw her. 
Because she now had freaking wings where her arms had been. Not, like, angel wings coming from her back or something—literal long, feathered appendages where her much-shorter arms had been a minute ago. In fact, they looked like…”A swan,” she realized on a breath. Just what the hell did Isaac do?
She glanced around for the piece of paper he’d given her, but it was floating ahead of her, completely soaked—and illegible. But it had to be him, right?
Well, first thing first: she had to get out of the water. Can I fly? She flapped her arms—wings—whatever they were, if only to see what would happen. Astonishingly, she did rise out of the water a bit, before falling back even farther in.
Undeterred (and starting to feel self-conscious), she did again, and again, until, somehow, she was in the air. She had absolutely no idea what she was doing, but some new sort of muscle memory took over and all too soon, she was soaring around the harbor. This is actually kind of cool, she acknowledged, but definitely not something I want permanently.
Isaac was no longer on the ship; she should probably try to track him down, but she had no clue how to counter…whatever it was he was doing. She was still pretty fuzzy on his powers and how they worked. Regina was the most likely person to find, but for some reason, she didn’t want to bother her just yet; nor did she want to terrify her parents by turning up at the loft like this.
And she definitely didn’t want Killian to see her. So she headed to the only place she could think of—the cove; he wouldn’t think to look for her there, and she could stay away from prying eyes. And gods only know what this wind is doing to my hair.
Somehow, she managed to land on her feet on the rocky shore, though she wouldn’t call it graceful. Her wings instinctively folded in on themselves; that’s gonna take some getting used to. And she paced the beach while thinking of what to do—and coming up with no ideas.
She was the Savior and the Sheriff; shouldn’t I be out there trying to stop him? But how could she when she didn’t know how? And was this a targeted attack, or was he going to do this again? Is this why I can’t shake this weird feeling about him?
Her thoughts were interrupted by splashing near Killian’s rock. Oh crap; that better not be him. Cautiously, she stepped closer, but extended her wings in case she needed to make a hasty escape.
Something reached up from the water—but it wasn’t her True Love. It had webbed fingers, and blue-toned skin covered in scales, like some creature out of a horror film. 
Nope. Not dealing with monsters, too. Before whatever-it-was could climb out of the water and terrify her further, she took flight (much faster this time) and flew off into the night. She didn’t know where she was headed, but she was getting as far away from the water as possible.
Killian broke through the surface at the cove to see something flying away. Bloody hell; I bet that was her. Given what had just happened to him—and comments that bloody author fellow had made—he had to assume something similar happened to Emma. And whatever that creature was looked particularly like a swan.
He’d been out for his regular swim, with plans to meet Emma at his ship for a much-needed evening alone. There were times when he was under water that he lost track of time, but tonight was not one of them—not when he knew he’d be having much more fun above the surface. 
But when he ascended to the deck of the Jolly Roger, he was shocked to see Isaac there. Alone. When he asked if he could assist him, the man instead returned the offer, then pointed to Killian’s tail, on full display as he perched on the railing. “What a plot twist,” the man commented. “I never could have anticipated that. Makes for an excellent story.”
“Aye; I suppose,” Killian had responded, confused. Isaac continued on, though, talking about other creatures of the deep; honestly, Killian was distracted, and starting to get worried about Emma, when he mindlessly agreed to something Isaac had said—perhaps about truly embracing his powers? 
The author had written something with a queer-looking quill on a notepad, then tore it off and came closer to Killian. “I’m glad you agree; Emma did, too.” Then he handed the sheet over.
“What did Emma—” Killian started to ask as he took the slip of paper, but he didn’t get to finish his question before a wave of magic came from nowhere and toppled him off his seat.
He was distinctly aware of the way some odd magic was wrapping around him as he fell back into the ocean—it was definitely transformation magic, but unlike the kind he usually felt, which focused on his lower half, this went all over. It’s like when the Dark One cursed me…but at least not painful.
Once he regained his orientation underwater, he gave himself a checkover; for starters, he could see much clearer than he should have been able to at this time of night. He definitely had gills on his neck again—but also a few along his ribcage as well. He ran his fingers over them, which when he noticed that the webbing between them had returned—but rather than his usual pallor, his skin seemed to have taken on a bluish hue and was covered with even more scales. And he took my bloody chest hair again.
The real question was if it had the same effect on his ability to breathe out of the water; thankfully, when he broke the surface, he didn’t suffocate. That will at least make this easier—whatever this is. He hated to make a retreat, but he didn’t want to draw any undue attention by his odd appearance now, so he dove back under and made for the cove; he had to hope Emma would understand—and prayed she wasn’t dealing with a similar transformation of some sort.
But seeing the winged creature fleeing the beach seemed to confirm his fears; and knowing Emma, despite everything, she’d want to deal with it on her own. Like hell I’ll let her, though.
But he’d give her a moment to calm down, and took one of his own to assess if this new spell had altered his powers; thankfully, as a whirlpool formed in the water in front of him where he sat on the edge of the rock, he seemed to be alright on that front. He wasn’t sure what was ahead, but had a feeling those would be necessary.
Then he reached for the shell necklace that always hung around his neck.
Emma was trying to live up to the bird stereotype by perching in a tree in the middle of the forest. Trying being the operative word; oh right—swans are waterfowl. But she eventually managed to find her balance high up in a birch. It was only a temporary solution, but it was the one she felt most confident about right now. She just wished her unexpected dive hadn’t fried her phone so she could let her parents or Killian know she was fine; not like I could really use it now anyway, what with the lack of fingers and all.
Of course, that’s when her other means of communication made itself known. “Swan?”
She cringed for a moment; normally, she loved the way Killian said her chosen surname, but it was a little too on the nose right now. (At least I don’t have a beak too, I guess?)
Taking hold of the shell was a whole other thing, though; it worked best when held in a hand, but she wasn’t sure how it would work with—gods, what even was her bone structure right now? She’d never had an ornithology class like Henry did. 
Regardless, she had to figure out how to get some sort of grip on the shell hanging around her neck; it took a fair amount of fumbling, but she somehow managed to bend her wings just enough to prop the shell on her elbows(?) and bring it closer to her mouth.
“Hey, I’m here,” she finally answered, though her tone was far from casual.
“Are you…okay, love?” He sounded like he already knew the answer; it wasn’t her thing to stand him up without a word.
“I…don’t really know,” she answered.
“Something happened,” he said more than asked.
Uh-oh. “Yeah,” she replied, a bit more confidently. 
“Me too.” He at least sounded less morose than she did, but this—this wasn’t good. “I’m at the cove; meet me here?”
“I, uh,” she stammered. “I don’t know if you’d, ah, want to see me right now.”
“Emma, you know I always want to see you. Besides, I likely have more reason to say that—although I dare say you’ve seen me looking less than ideal before.”
Gods, what had happened to him? He was right, though; he always freaking is. “Yeah, okay; just—give me a few.”
“I can’t wait.” She smiled; regardless of—whatever was going on, she knew he was telling the truth.
Flying was getting easier; she wasn’t sure if that was good or not, but was really just concerned about what kinds of phone calls were coming into the station about some giant bird flying over Storybrooke. Not a problem for tonight though.
Landing, however, was still hit or miss; in this instance, a miss: she didn’t quite slow down enough as she came into the cove and ended up rolling across the pebbled shore. “Owww,” she moaned as she stood and shook the sand from her feathers—then froze when she heard a gasp come from behind her.
She turned—and her own breath stilled. It was definitely Killian seated on the rock (who was definitely the owner of the hand that had scared her earlier, she was embarrassed to admit). His whole upper body was that blue color, made all the more apparent by his lack of body or facial hair (goddammit, Isaac took his beard?)—like when he was under that weird merrow curse, but apparently without the confinement to the water.
Slowly, she moved closer, noticing other new features and—was it just her, or were his eyes an even brighter blue? Or did they just seem like that with how much younger he always looked without his scruff? She wanted to touch his skin, to see what it felt like; she started to reach for him until she remembered—she couldn’t.
Killian, for his part, couldn’t seem to take his eyes off her; his expression was unusually unreadable. “What?” she had to ask, feeling even more self conscious.
He smiled, his dimples even more visible. “Still so beautiful, Swan.”
She scoffed. “Yeah, emphasis on the swan part.”
“I dare say you ‘rock it’, as Henry says.”
Well, that made her laugh. “Okay, fine, but they shouldn’t be here at all,” she complained, her subsequent huff even more visible now.
“Nor should this,” he countered, waving his now-webbed fingers at her. “And we’ll figure out how to get back to normal. But perhaps we'll leave it for tomorrow?” He stroked the edge of her wing with the back of his hand, sending a chill up her spine—a good feeling for the first time since…has it only been an hour? Damn.
She knelt down next to him and, awkwardly, wrapped her wings around him in the best approximation of a hug she could manage. He slipped his arms around her waist to pull her close; he was even colder than usual, but it was the closest she’d felt to normal since this all started, and she rested her head on his shoulder.
It certainly wasn’t how she planned on spending their night, but it’d have to do for now; with any luck, they’d at least be able to go without interruption for a bit.
“Mom? Hook?” Spoke too soon. She didn’t move away from Killian, but she did sit up and look over her shoulder; Henry was standing not far from them, looking confused and concerned. “Something weird is going on.”
“What’s the matter, lad?” It was obvious to Killian that Henry was avoiding eye contact, and he didn’t blame him—he was sure they were quite the sight. But hopefully if he remained somewhat calm, Henry would, too. 
“Well, I…uh, I was going to say that Isaac has been going around and changing things, but I think you might kinda know?”
“What else has he done?” Emma asked, stiffening in Killian’s arms. 
“A bunch of things,” Henry explained. “It started with my mom—I don’t know exactly what he did, but she ran off to her vault, and was covering her face. So I went to see Grandma & Grandpa, but they didn’t answer—I just heard some weird noises behind the door. No one was at Granny’s but I think she’s a wolf again, because there was a big silver one hanging out with Ruby. And I think I saw a swarm of fairies or something? I’ve never seen them small like that.”
Bloody hell; what a mess. It would have been naive to assume he and Emma were Isaac’s only targets, but he’d thought the man was trying to help Regina; why had he attacked her, too?
“What the hell is he doing—making his own little circus sideshow?” Emma complained; that’s certainly what it felt like. “I didn’t think he could even do that.”
“I’ve been working with Belle to figure out how his powers work, but we haven’t gotten very far,” Henry said. “And he won’t say.”
“To the library, then?” Killian posited; one of the best things about regaining his legs was his ability to help out there again. But, speaking of— 
“How can we get you there?” Emma wondered, reading his mind. “I can barely fly myself, let alone both of us.” 
“Maybe my cuff still works? It’s still on the ship.”
“I’ll go get it.”
Watching Emma take flight was somewhat amusing, but also somewhat beautiful, particularly when she opened her wings fully to lift her off the ground. And much like how quickly he adapted to a lack of legs, there was something almost natural about her flying. 
“Wow,” Henry gasped as she took to the air. “That’s…wow.”
“Aye,” Killian sighed. “Obviously none of this is ideal, but I don’t think anyone would complain if you managed to get some pictures with your talking device?”
Henry smirked. “I’ll try.” But his face quickly fell. 
“Hey—we’ll figure this out,” Killian assured him. “We always do.”
“I know,” the boy answered. “It was just—the way my mom looked at me before she left. It was Ike she was scared…of me.”
No wonder he’s shaken; poor kid. “Whatever it was, I’m sure she was just trying to keep you safe; I’ve never known her to have any other motivation,” Killian told him, hoping that comforted him. 
“Yeah; I’m just worried.”
“Understandable. But let’s try to channel that into focus, aye?” He’d had many an anxious deckhand over the years, not to mention his time spent with Henry’s father, so coaching a nervous young man was nothing new. 
Henry nodded just as Emma returned; damn, that was quick. Her land was much more graceful this time around (still far from perfect, but just as endearing). 
She had the cuff in her mouth and nearly spat it at him. “Sorry; wasn’t sure how else to hold it,” she explained, before opening her mouth to stretch her jaw. 
“It’s fine,” he waved off, ignoring the new teeth marks in the leather. “Here’s hoping this works.” He slipped it on and felt the familiar transformation magic take hold; at least it’s welcome this time.
It worked—mostly. “Huh,” was all he could manage to say when he pulled his legs from the water. He had them, at least, but they had the same pallor and texture as the rest of his skin. (At least, for Henry’s sake, my briefs returned, too.)
“Well? How do you feel?” Emma asked as he stood up. 
“Parched,” he answered honestly. Despite being able to breathe out of the water, he immediately felt dehydrated. 
“Yeah, you look a little…dull,” Henry confirmed. 
He mused for a second, then called up some water from the sea. It swirled around his legs and waist, creating a sort of aquatic garment. It likely looked strange, but he immediately felt better. 
“Shall we?”
The three of them surely made an odd sight as they walked through town—of all the weird things Storybrooke had seen, a harpy and a creature from the depths traipsing down Main Street was definitely up there. Despite knowing he wasn’t the only one in a new form tonight, Killian couldn’t help but feel rather like a fish out of water, quite literally; he didn’t often feel self conscious, but the sooner he stopped dripping water down the sidewalk, the better. He just hoped that idiot author hadn't done anything too drastic to anyone else. 
The library was unlocked—unsurprising, given the unusually late hours Belle kept it open (typically for situations just like this)—but the mess that greeted them in the foyer was a shock. What in Poseidon’s name happened here?
“Belle, love? You here?” he called out; the worry in his voice was obvious. It wasn’t like her to leave things like this unless something was wrong.
“Back here,” Belle’s voice said, but—why is she so loud?
The three of them made their way to the back part of the library—he was careful not to drip on any of the strewn books—to where it looked like even more of a disaster area. Shelves were knocked down domino-style and ceiling tiles were scattered over them. A few lights had been knocked out, too, making the farthest part of the library dark—but not so dark they couldn’t still see Belle.
It would be hard for her to hide—she was probably 20 feet tall now, if not more, but she’d somehow managed to curl up along the back wall.
“Well, you’re finally taller than me,” Killian eventually quipped, once he found his voice again. What else was he supposed to say? Emma tried to slap him with the back of her hand, but only ended up smacking his chest with the end of her wing and making him stumble backwards.
Belle chuckled—making the whole building vibrate—but then admonished, “Don’t you dare drip on any of these books?”
I’m bloody trying! Regardless, he acknowledged the order with a salute, but Henry got down to business. “What happened?”
“Isaac,” Belle spat. Now that they were closer to her, though, her voice boomed in the comparatively smaller space, making them all wince. “Oh, sorry,” she said softer—but that just brought her back to normal volume. “Something tells me you lot have seen him too?”
“Yup,” Emma confirmed, concurrent with Killian’s “aye”.
“He was commenting on my height,” she started—throwing a pointed look at Killian— “and how impressive it was that someone so small had such power over the Dark One.” The roll of her eyes was almost audible. “Then he said something about my stature matching my personality; I thought he was joking so I said ‘sure’, then he handed me a piece of paper and—this happened.”
“Yeah, that’s what he did to us, too,” Emma said; evidently, Isaac could alter things by writing them—but how?
“Do you have the paper?” Henry asked.
“Um,” Belle hummed, glancing around at the debris surrounding her. “Yeah, here it is,” she said when she found it, placing her (massive) finger on it and sliding it across the tile to them.
Henry picked it up and read aloud: “A giantess: so your stature matches your spirit.” His brow furrowed. “He’s turning people into cryptids?”
“At least, various kinds of mythical beasts,” Killian concurred; if there were actually any beasts out there that resembled him at the moment, he’d have likely encountered them by now. “But you had to agree with him first, right, Belle?”
“I guess so; was it the same with you?”
“He can only change our fate if we want him to,” Emma concluded; he agreed with the hypothesis. “Isn’t that why he was working with Regina?”
“Yeah,” Henry confirmed. “But he did something to her, too.”
“Do you know anything about how his powers work?” Killian wondered, turning back to Belle.
“Only what I saw firsthand,” she supplied. “It’s definitely connected to writing, but I don’t know yet if it’s his own magic or if there’s a conduit, like the pen or the ink. Regina might; or…” She chewed on her bottom lip and ducked her head. “Or Rumple would.”
Of bloody course he would. But they all cast their eyes downward, knowing the Dark One was still locked up in a cell a hundred feet below them. 
Before he could start to steel himself to face the Crocodile again, Emma decided. “Regina first,” she stated. “Before we go, do you need anything? Like, can we help you get out or anything?”
“No; I’m fine for now; but I might need some food if this goes on much longer.”
“We’ll do our best to get it worked out,” Killian assured her; there was no way he was going to let his best friend essentially become a prisoner in her favorite place. And who’d have thought it’d be an author that put her there?
After saying goodbye, they hustled across town to the cemetery. Along the way, they were startled by the two wolves prowling the patio at Granny’s, and it felt like there was something lurking down every alley, hiding in the shadows. 
A stream of colored, bobbing lights flew overhead—the fairies, in their true form, Emma had to assume. Farther up the street, it looked like the dwarves had gathered together, too. Oh gods—what did he do to them?
Surprisingly: nothing. “That weirdo tried to ‘revert us to normal’ or something, but whatever he did, it didn’t work. Probably because we’re already technically ‘magical’ creatures,” Leroy explained, using plenty of finger quotes. “So we’ve just been patrolling for trouble since it seems like we’re the only ones not dealing with shit.” He heavily glanced at Emma’s wings then. 
“Uh, thanks,” she said, studying the pavement. “If anything happens, text Henry or Regina, okay?”
“Will do, sister; think we filled up the answering machine at the station anyways.” Yeah, that checks out; she sighed and carried on. 
The vault door was open once they got there, but the crypt was closed over the hidden door; that was easy enough to move, though. 
“Mom?” Henry called out as he descended the steps ahead of her. “Are you okay?”
Regina was nowhere to be seen in the first room at the foot of the stairs, so Emma called out for her, too—while being careful to keep her wings tucked in and not knock anything over. 
“You shouldn’t be here!” Regina’s voice came from…somewhere farther back in the vault—a part Emma had never been to.
“Wait here,” she told Henry, then crept off in the direction it sounded like Regina was hiding in. It was dusty and, weirdly, she felt it settle on her feathers in a way that itched. But down a passage and behind some shelves, she saw a huddled form. “Regina? You alright?”
“Why are you here, Miss Swan?” she bit back, hiding in the shadows. “And why did you bring our son?”
“Because he’s worried about you,” she tossed back. “And honestly, I am, too; what’s going on?”
“That stupid author—that’s what,” Regina spat. “Supposedly, this is how he’s helping me get my ‘happy ending’.”
“...By making everyone else something out of a horror movie?”
“And by making me an immortal, apparently.” Regina stepped into what little light there was. She looked a bit pale, but not a lot more than usual. If anything, she was somehow more gorgeous. (Yes, despite their past issues, Emma could still admit that Regina was an impossibly beautiful woman.)
“Immortal how?”
Regina smiled—kind of; more like bared her teeth. But that’s when Emma saw it: she had fangs. Like a… “Vampire?” she whispered.
“Yeah,” Regina said sadly. “I didn’t even know what he was getting at when he started writing it down; he just went on about ‘getting away from my problems someday’. I didn’t think he meant outliving them.”
Who on earth would think that was a good idea? “Is that why you ran away from Henry?”
Regina nodded. “This is going to sound awful, but…his blood smelled amazing.”
“Shit.” I’d run away, too. “Uh, do you need me to leave, too?”
“No; apparently, I don’t have the palate for bird blood.”
“Hopefully you don’t want fish, either,” she quipped back.
Brow furrowing (in a way that absolutely made her look like something out of Buffy), Regina sniffed the air. “Hook? What did he do to him?”
“Did you ever see The Shape of Water?”
“Oh, wow. Well, uh, have fun with that.”
“Do you really want me to answer that?”
“No—and definitely not in front of Henry.”
They both giggled, but it was only a brief moment of levity. “So can you tell me anything about how this happened—like, how the author powers work? So we can undo it?”
“Some, but he hasn’t been very forthcoming with the details,” Regina answered; she confirmed that his powers were tied to his pen and ink, as well as their theory that it has to be something they want. “He can change things but he still needs some level of consent from at least one party. We should be glad he didn’t write us into an entirely new reality.”
Emma shuddered. “So, what—we just track him down and force him to change it?”
“Maybe? It’s a good theory, but Rumpelstiltskin knows far more about this than I do.”
“I was afraid you’d say that.”
“Sorry. Just…don’t bring Henry down there, okay?”
Emma was about to protest—where the hell else am I going to take him to keep him safe from Isaac?—when Regina’s phone rang. 
“Crap—what did he do to them?” the mayor complained when she saw who was calling—Snow. She answered the call with a snarky “And what shape are you in?”
Except—she didn’t get a response. Normally, Snow would huff at Regina’s sass, but the only thing that came across was just a series of grunts and grumbles.
“Snow?” The grunting seemed to make a noise of affirmation. “What is going on over there? This better not be the world’s worst butt dial.” (“They don’t sound like that,” Emma quipped, cringing.) But then crying came over the speaker—definitely Neal.
“He’s still teething?” Regina winced. “That was the worst.”
“Yeah—but who’s there with him?” If her parents were fine, nothing would be stopping them from trying to soothe him; Neal pretty much only wanted to be held by her dad right now. “We better check that out first.”
“Absolutely. And let me know how everything else goes.”
“Will do. Do you need anything before we go?”
Regina chewed on her lip, her fangs even more apparent. “Did you see any squirrels up there? I’m starving.” Emma bit back a giggle. “Don’t laugh! I’m serious. And if you ever bring this up again, I can make sure those wings are permanent.”
Emma definitely laughed to herself all the way to the loft, though. Until she heard the sound of her brother crying and her motherly instincts kicked in. “Wait here; let me see what’s going on first,” she told the boys, then knocked on the door with one of her elbows (or whatever those joints were). The same grunting she heard on the phone came from the other side, but somehow more urgent.
Henry ended up having to turn the knob for her, but then she slipped in—and, yet again, her jaw dropped.
“Well, Mom does always say you have big feet,” she said, once she regained something resembling her faculties.
The sandy-blond sasquatch that had David’s eyes huffed in annoyance. Meanwhile, the snow-white yeti that vaguely looked like her mom wasn’t hesitating to take her by the wing and drag her to the bassinet, where Neal was inconsolable.
“He’s scared of you?” Emma guessed; Snow nodded sadly.
(Seriously—Snow, a yeti? At least Isaac has a sense of humor.)
“Okay, but I can’t do much either,” she said, flapping her wings. “Henry? It’s okay; can you come in?”
She saw his phone come through the door before he did, no doubt taking plenty of photos and videos for them to look back on. “That’s just wrong,” he concluded at the sight of his (much hairier) grandparents; Killian was clearly holding back a quip, no doubt in response to David’s many jokes in the past about his chest hair (especially given the current reversal of that situation). 
“Kid, think you can take care of your uncle while we figure the rest of this out?”
He pocketed his phone and quickly scooped up Neal. “Sure thing. We got this, right, little dude?” Neal quieted for a little bit, but then let out another ear-piercing scream. Everyone cringed.
“Okay; good luck with that—bye!” she called over her shoulder as she shoved Killian ahead of her in a hasty escape. 
“Will they be okay?” Killian asked as they headed back down the stairs.
“Oh yeah, they’ll be fine. My ears will not be, though.” They shared a laugh. “Alright; let’s get this over with.”
“Back again?” Belle greeted them at the library, having moved slightly from her cramped spot in the back to a no more comfortable, but at least larger spot, having shoved the ruined shelves aside and laying across the whole room.
“Aye; into the belly of the beast, as it were,” Killian replied as they headed to the elevator.
“Good luck,” she said, sounding more bored than anything; despite the public’s requests, the library had yet to seriously invest in any large-print books that might help her pass the time.
As they descended in the creaky elevator, he wasn’t sure if the creeping chill he felt slipping up his spine was due to the inherent cool temperature of the caverns below, or his own emotions at facing his longtime foe for the first time in a long while—since Rumple nearly killed him that day on the docks. 
Emma’s feathers brushed against his hand, startling him from his thoughts. “Sorry; I was trying to grab your hand, until I forgot I can’t. You gonna be okay?”
“I will,” he answered, hoping he could convince himself as much as her. There was nothing the Crocodile could do to them, he knew; but despite thinking he’d moved past what he’d experienced at the Dark One’s hands, his anxieties were creeping up.
“I’ll take the lead, though, okay?”
“I appreciate that, love,” he thanked, and squeezed the edge of her wing.
The caves below the library were little changed from his last trip down here, even if he was on the opposite side of things now—with the heroes, rather than against. However, this was the first time he’d seen the cage that had been fabricated to hold the imp. It was set deep into the wall, not unlike the one that had once held him back in the Enchanted Forest, but with solid metal bars clearly from this realm. It wasn’t hard to feel the magic radiating off them, though. 
“Rumple? You there?” Emma called out; this cell went farther back than the light could reach, so it was easy for the man to hide. For the first time, Killian wondered what his mental state might be, given his brief insanity after being held hostage by Zelena (body sharing with his son notwithstanding). 
“No,” the Crocodile’s voice called out from the shadows. “Come back later and I might be, though.”
“Ha. We found the Author.” She stood in front of the far edge of the cell.
She’s wise not to ask for help, he noticed. Handing Rumpelstiltskin any cards was a terrible idea.
“Good for you; what does that have to do with me?” 
Emma had been fiddling with something on the wall with one of the joints of her wings; all of a sudden, light flooded the cell, revealing a rather dusty but otherwise normal-looking Dark One, still wearing the same (stylish, he hated to admit) suit as the day they locked him up.
Rumple blinked his eyes at the sudden brightness, but once his sight had adjusted, he skimmed over Emma and then Killian. “I see,” he said. “I’d be happy to undo it, if you let me out.”
“Nice try, but no. We’ve just been trying to figure out how his powers work. We know his pen and ink are involved. Trying to figure out if it’s worth it to steal it back.”
Killian had to school his features; he was genuinely impressed at Emma’s negotiation tactics here. Obviously, they wouldn’t be here if they didn’t need help, but outright asking would get them nowhere. As such, it was taking more effort than expected to keep a proud (or smug) look off his face.
“It’s not,” Rumple replied. “That’s only half of it.”
“Really? Regina seemed to think that’s all we needed.”
“Regina is wrong. But the only person who can actually help you is currently locked away.”
“Again, you’re not getting out.”
“Not me,” he hissed. “But the pirate knows who.”
Emma turned to Killian, confused. “Huh?”
For a brief second, he was also unsure—until he glanced over at the Dark One, who was smirking—and wiggling the fingers of his left hand. 
Oh, bloody hell. Killian sighed and curled in on himself a bit. “The old man.”
“Otherwise known as the Sorcerer's Apprentice—and a thorn in my side for quite a few years, until I finally had some assistance locking him away.”
Shame flushed hot on Killian’s unusually cold cheeks. “He’s in the hat box, love,” he said quietly. 
“Ah, crap,” she cursed. “Does Regina know how to get anyone else out of there, or was that a one-time thing?”
“I’ll tell you if you let me—” Rumple started, only to be cut off.
“No!” Emma interjected. “C’mon; I bet Belle knows.”
“How…how is she?” the Dark One asked, suddenly sounding rather genuine.
“She’s a bloody giantess and stuck in the library right now, thanks to that idiot author,” Killian jumped in. “But otherwise fine.”
The Crocodile opened his mouth to say something, but then closed it and slumped in on himself. “The fairies,” he said, resigned. “They’ll know how to get him out by now.”
“Thanks,” Killian said quickly, then grabbed Emma by the wingtip and practically dragged her back to the elevator.
What little adrenaline he had faded on the slow ride up, and he simply wrapped himself around Emma. “Hey—this doesn’t feel like okay,” she said softly as she folded her wings around him—a feeling he was coming to quite enjoy, odd as it was.
“Just—being reminded of the man I used to be, even not that long ago,” he admitted. “I’m so sorry, Emma.”
“Hey—we’ll figure it out. And remember: that was way more Rumpelstiltskin than you.”
“I don’t think you’re giving me enough credit, love.”
“This is the one time you should just accept less of the blame, alright?”
He chuckled a bit; she knows my tendency towards self-flagellation well. “I’ll try.”
“Okay. So now, we find the hat, and then the fairies. And then maybe it’ll all be done?”
“Let’s hope.”
Is this night fucking over yet? Emma took a moment to breathe after Killian left to retrieve the Sorcerer’s hat box thing from Gold’s shop, per Belle’s instructions. The fact that their to-do list kept growing was really annoying, and gods only knew what else Isaac had done in the last few hours.
There was a light at the end of the tunnel, but it still seemed like it was incredibly far away.
And she was craving fish sticks. Is that a swan thing? Or is that an I-never-had-dinner thing?
She gave herself one more minute to brood before starting the search for the fairies. On the bright side, they literally were—bright; she just had to be on the look out for a cloud of multicolored lights (giving off far more Christmas vibes than Halloween). But they weren’t in the middle of town, so that meant actually looking, and she did not have the energy to go traipsing around on her own right now. 
Might as well use these while I have them. For hopefully the last time, she took to the sky, hoping a (literal) birds-eye view would help her locate the swarm of fairies faster. Sure enough, once she was fairly high above Main Street, she saw the floating baubles—near the convent, unsurprisingly.
They were a little miffed when she accidentally flew through the middle of them, but when she explained what was going on and what they needed, they practically carried her back downtown on their breeze.
Killian was already standing outside the library with the golden box, looking visibly uncomfortable with it. Don’t blame him. Before she even had a chance to (try to) properly land, Blue was buzzing in front of him, conducting a few other fairies to take the box and hold it in front of her.
She stood next to Killian and watched as the head fairy went to work quickly, waving her wand and muttering something over the cylinder. The starry blue top began to swirl, like it had when they released the fairies, and glowed as it became something more resembling a portal.
All of a sudden, it stopped, and an old man that Emma had seen around town a couple times was seated on the pavement, looking rather bedraggled (though I think he kind of always did).
Killian didn’t hesitate to rush forward and help the man up, no doubt uttering profuse apologies as he did. The Apprentice was trying to get his bearings, it seemed, but was at least appreciative for his freedom. 
“Hi,” Emma jumped in, not wanting to delay things any longer. “I know you just got out of that hellhole, but we were kind of hoping you could help us with something.”
He looked her up and down, and then Killian. “I can see that,” he said gruffly. “I don’t recall the Savior having wings.”
“Uh, yeah, recent addition. What can you tell us about the Author?”
She didn’t think it was possible for the man’s bushy brow to furrow further, but it did. “That blasted fool…this was Isaac’s doing?”
Everyone nodded—and that was a lot of everyones; at some point, more and more townsfolk had converged on the main intersection, and it was apparent that all manner of mythical creature and cryptid were now among its citizens.
The Apprentice looked around at everyone, then tutted. “Shameful, shameful—abusing his powers like that. That’s why I banished him in the first place. Whose brilliant idea was it to free him?”
“Uh, mine,” Regina said, stepping forward (with a scarf wrapped around her face, likely to block the smell of…everyone). 
“Yeah, that checks out,” the Apprentice huffed. “Well, on the bright side, he’s probably ran out of power by now. He can no longer do harm, but he also won’t be able to undo what he’s done.”
“Can’t you just give him a magical eraser or something?” Emma wondered. (Regina smirked, even under the scarf.)
The Apprentice chuckled. “No; I’m afraid it doesn’t work like that. However, if Isaac has lost his powers, then a new Author needs to be chosen, and I have a feeling we’ll find one here.”
“Where?” Killian practically demanded. 
“The Author has to believe in the stories, truly—in their heart,” he said dramatically, placing his hand on his chest.
She and Regina exchanged a look; we know someone who fits that description exactly.
Emma called up to Blue, asking them to find Isaac and bring him there, while she took off in the direction of the loft.
In the time it took her to get her son (and her parents, because they should really be there for whatever was about to happen, too), something resembling chaos broke out in the scene that she had left. An angry mob formed in the crossroad, surrounding Isaac, who lay prone on the pavement, being held down by an irate Regina, baring her fangs.
“You did this to me,” she hissed. “Why shouldn’t I use it against you?”
The man looked terrified; serves him right. The crowd was shouting for him to fix what he’d done (her parents grumbling incoherently in agreement), several voices demanding he undo it.
“I can’t!” he shouted back. “The pen doesn’t work for me anymore!” To underline his point, he tossed the enchanted quill away.
“I warned you not to abuse your power this way,” the Apprentice said, his voice deafening even the most frantic shouts around him. “You deserve everything these people might do to you.”
Isaac glanced at Granny and Ruby, who were snarling at him, and whimpered.
Emma was distracted, though, by Henry. He had something of a faraway look in his eyes, and almost mindlessly passed Neal off to Snow (at least the kid was asleep). His focus narrowed on something ahead of him, on the ground: the pen.
She watched as he carefully moved forward, almost as if he was drawn to it. Emma’s gaze darted briefly, first to Regina, who was also watching; then to the Apprentice, who almost seemed to be smiling where he stood next to Killian. 
The crowd also realized what was going on and a hushed silence fell as Henry neared the object. 
He knelt in front of it, reached out, and carefully picked it up. It glowed as soon as his fingers touched the enchanted instrument. 
“I thought so,” the Apprentice said warmly. Emma couldn’t help but beam with pride and ruffle her feathers; Regina grinned too, not bothering to hide her fangs. 
Henry blinked and stood. “Wait, what?”
“You, young sir, are the new Author,” the Apprentice explained, approaching Henry. From thin air, he produced a vial of ink. “And I dare say far more worthy than your predecessor.” He threw a dirty look at Isaac, who was still cowering. 
Cautiously, Henry took the ink. “Thanks, but…what does that mean?”
The Apprentice chuckled. “I’ll explain it all; don’t worry. But right now, I believe there’s some unnecessary plot twists that need to be straightened. 
“Right!” Henry felt around his pockets for—something, but came up empty. “Crap, I don’t have any paper.”
“Over here!” Belle called out from an open window in the library, her face taking up most of it. “Henry—here!” A few pieces of paper looked no bigger than a Post-it in her fingers as she reached through the window. Henry ran over and grabbed it, but wasn’t sure what to do when he returned. 
“I can help you with this first one,” the Apprentice offered. “Start with the ink.”
A few people chuckled as Henry struggled with getting ink from the bottle to the quill tip, Killian included; assholes—ballpoint pens were invented for a reason. 
“Now, you’re not supposed to change or influence things, but undoing an abuse of power like this—that’s okay. Try writing…this: ‘those whose physical forms had been affected by the previous author’s changes that night were reverted back to their original forms.’”
“To…their…original…forms,” Henry repeated, writing the words, then ended it with a forceful period. No sooner had the pen left the paper than a burst of magic rippled through the crowd. 
Emma curled in on herself as what had been done was undone; she’d been too distracted when Isaac first came after her to really pay attention to the magic happening, but now that it was being reversed—ugh, it’s like my feathers are being plucked. (She wished she’d been standing closer to Killian so she could lean on him, but he’s probably going through something similar.)
Thankfully, it didn’t last long. Once the odd sensation passed, she stood up straight, rolled her shoulders back, and stretched her arms—just arms once more—above her head. “Thank frick,” she sighed. 
Behind her, her parents laughed; she turned to see that they were back to normal (and Neal was clamoring for David). All around, everyone was standing and stretching as they shook off the effects of what they’d just been through. Regina was hugging Henry tightly in the middle of it all. 
To little surprise, Granny and Ruby were still fierce, and were dragging Isaac in the direction of the cells below the hospital. Well, he’s still gonna be a headache—but one that could wait a day or so. 
Across the way, Killian was talking to a normal-sized Belle while standing in a puddle; his skin was back to its normal pallor and the gills were gone. (His beard and chest hair had also returned, thank the gods.)
He caught her gaze and appeared to excuse himself from Belle, then headed her way. “That looks better, Swan.”
“Not literally, thankfully,” she quipped back. “You look much improved yourself,” she added, resting her hands on his chest. 
“Certainly feel more like myself,” he answered. “Although—I’m not generally this exposed around so many people.” He was only wearing his usual swimming briefs—and a blush that was creeping up his cheeks. 
“Mm, then perhaps we should find somewhere private to be half naked.” 
“I like the way you think, love.”
“Too bad I can’t fly us away anymore, though.”
He hummed, then pulled his hand between them, where a white feather was twirling in his fingers. “Maybe you can channel that?”
She giggled, and transported them back to his ship. Placing a kiss against his (scruffy) cheek, she grabbed his hand (finally!) and pulled him toward the stairs. “Let’s get to what we were going to do earlier.”
“Gladly,” he sighed, and followed her to his cabin…
…where they promptly fell asleep. (But got to the fun stuff the next morning.)
Cryptid Night, as it came to be known, went down in Storybrooke legend; and thankfully, no one experienced any long-lasting effects. (Well, other than David complaining about finding fur around the loft for a few weeks after.)
Emma did notice, though, that the pure white feather Killian had picked up was displayed prominently on a shelf in his cabin. As much as she never wished to relive that night, she always smiled when she saw it—and was glad Henry had taken plenty of pictures.
thanks for reading! tagging some mermates: @cocohook38 @kat2609 @mryddinwilt​ @xpumpkindumplingx​ @optomisticgirl @shipsxahoy​ @clockadile​ @kmomof4​ @initiala​ @snowbellewells​ @word-bug​ @idristardis​ @wingedlioness​ @theonceoverthinker​ @annytecture​ and I can’t remember who else was into this 
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piraterefrigerator · 1 year
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All I'm saying is Killian would rock this
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livvyofthelake · 2 years
season three episode one you will always be famous…. imagine being the opener of the greatest season of television of all time….
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percentstardust · 1 year
moved from here | @vyrulent
Some would call him soft for his attachment to the former mermaid. He would shove his dagger into their belly for saying so. He was not soft. Was he not allowed to care for someone other than himself and his son? He does sometimes think giving Ariel a place on his ship was distracting him from getting revenge against the Dark One. He was not any closer to doing so. He would get it one day even if it took years to do so.
Her smile causes his own to turn into a grin. He walks over to where he keeps his hook. Opening the box containing it, he finally puts it in its place.
"I do have time today. We're about to make port. We can find somewhere there to do it."
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theodoresgirl · 1 year
hey I have a request for a Killian jones x female reader where the female reader is Emma’s twin sister (looks more like snow) and has a 3 year old daughter from a past toxic relationship, if you can’t do it that’s fine either way thank you :)
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Killian jones x Emma’s twin sister
Killian jones x Fem!Reader
A/n: I did not forget about this request, Sorry it took me a few days to do! Hope you enjoy<3
Y/n was the daughter of David Nolan and Mary Margaret. She also is the twin sister of the savior Emma Swan. She grew up being bounced between foster homes in New Orleans. When she was 23 she had gotten into a really toxic relationship, at 25 she got pregnant and had a daughter.
She had been stuck in the toxic relationship until she was 28, She had packed up her and some of her daughters things and left in the middle of the night.
She had silky long black hair that was curly, brown eyes and a round face with dimples. She almost looked like a clone of Mary Margaret. Her daughter Edith had long dark brunette hair with emerald eyes.
Killian had met y/n and her daughter Edith one day when she had went to visit her sister and parents for one of the first times.
Thursday June 25th, 12:51pm.
Y/n was sitting on the top deck of the jolly roger with Edith, They were eating some sandwiches from granny’s. They were waiting on Killian to finish cleaning his ship.
Edith was sitting on the edge of the ship walls looking out on the water, Y/n kept her view on her daughter and occasionally if he was in view, glancing at killian. Y/n finishes her sandwich and crumbles up the wrapper putting it into a bag.
Y/n looks around trying to see killian but doesn’t, “can i have your trash princess?” She holds the bag out so Edith can put her trash in it, “and I need you to be on the deck instead of railing so I can go run this up to the dumpster” Edith shakes her head as she puts her trash into the bag.
“I can’t leave you on the railing of the boat- ship? You could fall in the water” “Mermaid” edith looks over the edge. “It doesn’t work that way” She holds Edith back so she doesn’t fall. “I’ll watch her, Don’t worry about it love” Killian came up behind her, startling her. “Oh!- it’s fine- you- You don’t gotta worry about it, Weren’t you cleaning?” she nervously smiled, still not used to someone offering to help her.
“I’m done cleaning, Honestly love we could just head back to your loft if you wanted-“ “i wanna stay” the little one interrupted. Y/n sighed before nodding “i’ll be right back then” she said as she walked down and off the jolly roger.
“Alright then love” Killian smirks and she walks away. He turns towards Edith and leans against the railing of the ship and holds himself up with his elbows. “So what do you like kiddo?” He asked curiously. Edith answered back “Princess, Cartoons, Barbie-“ “I'm gonna have to cut you off there my lady, I have no idea what this ‘barbie’ is, Cartoons too?” Killian admitted. Edith looks at Killian with a confused look, “you don’t know barbie?”. Killian shook his head “what is it?”
“Barbie is movies, some of my favorites” She smiles. “You’ll have to show me one next time I’m over then” Killian pats her head with his hand.
Edith nods and giggles “we can watch a mermaid one” “oh? There’s mermaids?” Killian raises an eyebrow. “yes!! Yes!!” she nods and smiles.
Saturday June 27th, 8:00pm
Y/n was laying in the living room with Killian and Edith. Edith was sitting in front of her mother and the pirate watching Barbie: In a Mermaid Tale 2. Killian was laying on the couch with y/n laying on his chest.
Killian had his focus on the tv, only sometimes asking questions about ‘Barbie’, and either getting an answer from the little brunette in front of him or the pale skinned woman in his arms.
After the movie was over both Y/n and Edith were asleep, Killian carefully slips himself out from under Y/n and picks her up. He carries her to her bedroom and lays her down before going out to the living room again and turning everything off. He picks up little Edith and carries her to her room and lays her down, tucking her in, “Goodnight Kiddo.” He muttered as he walked out of the room going into Y/n.
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