#mermaid luffy
shirecorn · 4 months
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A kid came on my stream from the mermay tag on twitch, saw the word "requests" and immediately asked for Luffy One Piece.
Now, normally you have to buy a request, and you submit a fish, not a person. But it was so sudden and so far removed from my mermaids, that the funniest thing to do would be to draw it.
I've been wanting to do a banded pipefish after all.
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hellaspirateship · 5 months
mermaid!luffy au is so funny to me. A literal fish outta water and having his devil fruit is the only thing that makes him human. its so funny to me.
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bridgekc · 6 months
did anyone order a luffy mermaid au?
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in this universe, he’s usually a person with legs cuz of the human-human fruit, but he also falls in the water all the goddamn time and reverts back to fish.
he still gets all weak in the water cuz of the devil fruit, so he’s kinda just a useless floppy fish sometimes 😅
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ford-owner · 4 months
Can u draw them as fish 🎣 🐟 🏊‍♂️
spent WAY too much time on this
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sunniiiiii · 3 months
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A promise is a promise
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gatitties · 6 months
Beyond the sea
─Luffy x mermaid!reader
─Summary: Venturing outside the established limits made you meet what could be your soulmate, you are completely grateful for having disobeyed your father a little.
─Warnings: inspired by the movie ponyo.
SOOOO, this is a wonderful collab with @alicedash2, who had the idea, if you liked the topic you can check out her post too!! and Here is her Wattpad account in case you want content in portuguese! :p
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Luffy took firm steps across the uneven terrain, a frown lingering on his face as he huffed angrily, Ace and Sabo didn't let him go up to the treehouse, so he decided to go to the beach to see the ships that came and went from Foosha Village port, he swung his arms until he finally reached a small cliff, he went down a clear path where the rocks were more worn until he reached the shore and kicked the water, still a little annoyed with his brothers.
His eyes scanned the sea, seeing how Shanks' ship was near the port, he smiled when thinking about the redhead, he waited impatiently for him to tell him more stories about his adventures, and he would also ask him again to be part of his crew.
His gaze stopped at something floating near his, childish curiosity urged him to get closer, regardless of whether his clothes got wet, he cringed because of how cold the water was but he continued until the water reached up to his thighs, looking sideways, he found a stick floating next to him, he used it to poke the floating thing until it turned over, it was a fish.
"What a strange fish, it has human face… will it be edible?"
He continued poking until he saw how the fish's eyes opened, while his gaze shone, yours darkened as you noticed how he woke you up from your nap, sipping some salt water, you spit it right in Luffy's face with impeccable aim.
You laughed internally as you saw his change of mood, using his stick to get away from you, you bit it preventing him from hitting you, he began to shake it up and down, making you dizzy as you were still chewing on the wood, Luffy ended up falling to the ground, the water level already on his chest, you swam in circles around him studying the human while he wiped the water off his face, he laughed as he watched you do some tricks in the water, forgetting his previous anger with his brothers, he spent the afternoon next to you on the shore.
You had ventured out of the depths of the sea, in a moment of confusion on the part of your father, you managed to escape to be able to see what was beyond the depths of the oceans, you had always been warned that you should not go up, but curiosity of a child is much stronger.
You really liked listening to what the human said about everything he did on the surface, and he seemed to be entertained by the way you swam and played with some crustaceans that were nearby, you didn't even realize that night was falling until Luffy sneezed because the cold settled on his body.
Neither of you seemed to want to separate now that you had begun to enjoy each other's company, so the boy quickly went to look for a bucket where he could carry you. You waited patiently on the shore until you saw him appear with a big smile and a green bucket, balancing it in his hands, he filled it with water and you jumped into it, a little uneasy at the reduction in space.
"I'm sure Ace and Sabo will be so jealous that I found you first, I'll rub it in their faces for not letting me go up to the treehouse! Oh, and you have to splash them when you see them, that will be fun."
You listened in silence as he ranted about his family, attentive to every anecdote and fact, you smiled when you saw his house in the distance, the wood on the walls was a little splintered, the interior didn't have the best decoration either and everyone seemed to have already started eating dinner without wait for Luffy.
"Why is everyone eating without me!? I'm going to starve because Ace will eat everything!"
"Stop complaining kiddo, we left a separate plate for you, what do you have there, boy?" Dandan leaned over to see you swimming in circles in the bucket "Did you bring fish for us to cook?"
"No way! She is not food!"
Ace raised his face from the plate on which he had crashed, Sabo sighed, passing a napkin over his brother's stained cheeks, both looked curiously at what Luffy had in his hands and approached.
"What is-?"
When both brought their faces closer to the bucket, a stream of water soaked them completely, Luffy laughed at their surprised expressions while you jumped, hitting his hand in a weird “high five” for the joke. They calmed down a bit after that as hunger won out for now, your mouth watering and delighting at the meat that ─somewhat reluctantly─ Luffy shared with you, although he probably stole some from Sabo to give to you.
You returned to the surface often after that day, your father became suspicious of your disappearances, but your mother was a little more permissive, over time, you developed powers that allowed you to transform, you could become a human or a combination of human and fish, with legs and arms but being parts of an amphibian, your relationship with Luffy became closer to the point that you did nothing if not together, you were rarely separated from the boy unless you were in the depths of the sea.
Your relationship with Ace and Sabo also grew closer, you enjoyed their company, you appreciated the things they taught you, Ace gave you some self-defense lessons while Sabo helped you understand some concepts and provided you with valuable information about the terrestrial world.
Normally you would rather watch them do their fighting tournaments, because you weren't that interested, plus they didn't like it either because you always won, even though you defended yourself by saying that using your mermaid magic wasn't cheating, you didn't care enough and you decided to observe in silence and write down each one's victories.
You competed with Ace on which of the two of you fainted more times a day, the use of your powers drained every ounce of your being, and Ace's narcolepsy was in competition, Sabo kept track of how many times you fell asleep during a day, while the blonde protects his brother's head from being hit, Luffy usually holds your body close to him when you start to rub your eyes drowsily.
Like this time, you were both on the same cliff as the first time you met, Luffy hugged you, your head rested against his shoulder while your eyes struggled not to close, the sunset was very beautiful, although at first you were just here to flee from his brothers for playing a joke on them, the moment seemed to be perfect to watch how the sky was stained with warm tones.
Luffy mumbled your name as he saw you closed your eyes, shaking a little, he said something you weren't aware of, giving a lazy yawn, you rubbed your eyes, opening them to look at him.
"Can you… can you repeat what you said?"
He chuckled as he saw your almost passed out form in his arms, nodding.
"I said I would be the king of the pirates and I asked you if you wanted to be part of my crew, I bet not all pirates have mermaids as companions! Shanks at least doesn't have one on board…"
As if Luffy's excitement had awakened your consciousness a little and gotten rid of the tiredness in your mind, you lifted your head from his shoulder like an owl, gave him your best smile, nodding effusively, you grabbed his hands with a new glow in your eyes, you had always heard the three brothers arguing about pirates, thinking that Luffy would include you in his plans delighted you.
"Of course! I will crush the sea creatures that try to break our ship, I will help you be the pirate king Luffy!"
Luffy laughed vigorously, tightening the grip he still had on your hands, both of you shaking them in some kind of weird greeting, like an agreed promise.
It was something you planned to accomplish, although you didn't expect that time would pass so quickly, with some setbacks and incidents that you preferred not to remember, you looked at the cliff with big eyes until an older version of Luffy snapped his fingers at you to snap you out of your daydream.
"Are you ready to go? Many adventures await us, I'm sure!"
You smiled softly at your companion's enthusiasm, nodding, you climbed onto the small boat with your own suitcase, rolling your eyes at the sight of Luffy's backpack only filled with food, you untied the knot that ran the ship aground in the harbor, raising the sail so that the wind will guide your first destination.
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dykelizard · 7 months
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asl fry cuddle pile
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sinning-23 · 11 months
To Breathe Underwater (Luffy x Mermaid!Reader)
Okay yall this is the first of many in a mermaid/siren series I decided to WRITE LIKE AN IDIOT LOL sorey I fell off and haven’t been active I feel like I’m going to crumble- like a strong breeze could take me outta this point.
Anyway I hope you enjoy!
Warnings: None
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Water fills his lungs are he struggles against the still waters. This was the price to pay for his abilities. the ocean consuming him, weighing him down, pulling him into her cold embrace. It burns his nose and throat as he cough the last of his air into bubbles.
His eyes are begingin to close as he falls unconscious, flashes of light swirl around him. Though muffled from the water, he can hear what sounds like metal pieces clinking quietly. Warmth envelops him, arms wrapped around his body as he's pulled up.
What was this...Who was this. He forced his eyes open, the water making it a blurry sight but, it was definitely a who. And a very pretty who at that.
They were calm, eyes scanning his rapidly as her webbed fingers and iridescent hands twinkled in the light. She hold his face, his consciousness fading faster then ever, and with a single connection to lips she preaches air into him, swapping the water that filled with lungs for oxygen. Again and again and again, she breathes into him, slowly but surely swimming him up to the surface, to shore.
You can’t help but trace his face, the sun making his hair look shinier, and his face so much brighter. You try counting the freckles there, its seemingly impossible. He breaths slow, chest rising and falling and you trace the scar there. You’d never been this close to a human before....they're so delicate.
He coughs, the last remnants of water spilling from his lips as you gasp and flinch back. You can hear voices from afar but you don't move, far too worried about the human in front of you to care. You crawl back to him, pushing the wet hair from his face and cupping his cheeks after. He's missing something...
"Who are you?" His voice is raspy, yet concerned.
You shake your head, looking back to the water to see his hat floating. Bingo! You grab it, and set it over his face, leaning close to his ear before letting your name roll off your glossy lips.
He repeats it, a slow mantra of your name drips off his tongue as you slither back to the water.
"That was a mermaid! Luffy got saved by a mermaid!" Usopp gasps, pulling his captain up with a smile.
Of course, Luffy was still a bit delierous form the deamn near death experience, but he made a note to remember than name so he could properly thank the thing that saved his life.
_6.5 months later_
Winter draws in and your tail was shed for a pair of limbs longer than your arms. It wasn't the first time you'd had this happen and it certainly would be the last. Every winter, a mermaid sheds their tail to seek warmth on land during the cold and snowy months. Then, in spring, when the first few flowers bloom and the tempurature rises, you return to sea.
Now, you were sitting in one of this villages many taverns, well, one of which mermaids like yourself have come for shelter for decades. The current owner had given you a nice room and some fresh clothes for the winter months and in return for giving you that you would provide entertainment.
So there you are, hair flowing over your shoulders, voice ringing sweetly across the space as customers, pirate or otherwise, indulge.
You hadn't realized that the table at the far left of the eatery had been occupied, and one of the guest simply couldn't tear his eyes away from you. You were so...familiar.
"Luffy you look like you’re burning holes through her, calm down. " Nami speaks, a smirk forming over he features seeing her Captains current state.
Luffy wasn’t very well versed in just etiquette but then again you didn’t really need that when you were a pirate. The content of his character was far more important than idk maybe not standing on a rich ladies table and requesting a boat from her.
Anyway, he snaps his gaze away from you and back to Nami. There you were, glittering under this mellow spotlight as your voice carried over sweet, diabetes inducing melodies and his heart can’t help but squeeze.
You’d saved his life, that’s something he’ll never let go, somehow feeling a pinch in debt to you. His eyes trail from the top of your head to the shoes on your feet. Usopp might have an answer for that….
“I swear she was a mermaid when she saved me. Usopp, you know a lot about those things, why is it that she has legs now?” He questions, leaning forward with a wide smile.
The man in question stammers for a moment trying to find the words but before he can even get some outlandish explanation out, the waitress just so happened to cut in.
“This has been a rest spot for mermaid for years. They get legs in the winter to stay warm on land among the people. Then, in spring, they return to sea, we’ll if they do choose. The longer they stay on land, the harder it is to go back to their tails.” She explains, setting down drinks, tucking the tray under her arm.
“Some merfolk opt to stay human and they just, unadapt I suppose. They lose their tails forever.”
Luffy draws back to the stage to realize you’re not there and a panic shoots through him. He grabs the waitresses arm, wondering where you’d gone and she only points to an empty staircase. That’s all it takes for him to jump out his seat and leave his crew behind. He needed to see you. He needed to hear your voice. Feel your hands over his face, tracing his freckles and over his lips.
He wanted his heart to feel as if it somehow spring out his chest when you spoke. Is this what a crush feels like???? He did it know anything about you accept that you’d been kind enough to save him, you were a mermaid, and god were you absolutely beautiful. But, he found himself wanting to know you, and when he wants something, he’s determined to get it.
The light creeking of your door makes you flinch but you turn to see that same man you'd though tof nonstop for the past 6 months. The silence is deafening, your heartbeat ringing n your ears and his does the same.
You swallow dryly, trying to think of something to say but...what is there to say? He steps in, pausing for a moment to search your eyes for protest, but you only encourage it with a step forward.
"You look different when you’re not drowning." You joke poorly, seeing him slile.
"So do you when im not busy trying to breathe underwater.” He laughs, seeing you smile in response.
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raspberryteabag · 3 months
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happy birthday to the amazing @miamibice !!! here’s some kobylu for you :]
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swamp-teeth · 10 months
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*starts collecting them like marbles*
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dreamcatcheratdawn · 3 months
Luffy x mermaid reader please
I'm so happy to see this I've set the story as the Fishman Island arc, for an equally obvious reason. In advance, I hope you enjoy the story ( ꈍᴗꈍ). And, I don't know who made this amazing fanart one, but if you do, please let me know immediately so that I can give due credit.
"Like Ocean"
Luffy x Fem!Reader
Warning: nothing, just fluffy.
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You were living another monotonous day on Fish Man Island, trying to find any crumb or spark of adventure to give you a good laugh and a bit of adrenaline. Pappag and Camie tried to cheer you up with the idea of shopping and eating Hachi's takoyakis, but you had done the same thing three days ago.
It wasn't a certainty, it was a pure fact that nothing interesting was happening on this island for you. Until you, exhausted by boredom, went to Camie's house to see if she had any news. And that was a great idea, a really great idea.
As soon as you entered her house after a couple of knocks, you saw that there were three people and a strange being, apparently new to the area. On closer inspection, there was a blond man with elegant hair, who, as soon as he saw you, came running towards you, blood gushing from his nose. Speaking of noses, there was a big-nosed man next to a boy in a straw hat. But none of them interested you. What really caught your attention was the tiny creature that you had no idea what animal it was.
-Is that even an animal? - you asked yourself, your thoughts speaking aloud as you deliberately poked at the creature's antlers.
-I'm a reindeer! - the reindeer exclaimed, backing away from you angrily, covering its antlers with its fluffy paws.
-Y/N, I want you to meet my friends. This is Sanji," Camie approached you, pointing at the blond with the heart eyes.
-Oh, miss, I've never seen beauty as fascinating as yours. When can we get married? - the blond in question asked, kneeling down in front of you and holding out his hand to you.
Camie just laughed, ignoring the whole show, while you followed his finger-pointing.
-That's Chopper over there, isn't he cute? - you went over to the so-called Chopper, pulling his cheeks and feeling his soft fur.
-So cute… - you blushed, pulling Chopper into a hug, to which he responded not very pleasantly.
-That's Ussop, he's got great adventure stories. - the word "adventure" rang an alarm bell in your head, making you turn your head so quickly that anyone watching would be afraid you'd break your neck.
-Ho ho, people keep coming after the great Captain Ussop to hear his fantastic stories. - Ussop struck a superhero pose, as if he were looking towards the horizon.
-Captain Ussop, can you tell me about your adventures? - you asked, hoping to get a positive response from the big nose.
-Oh, but of course, I'll always be available to tell you all sorts of stories about my adventures! - he thickened his voice, nodding outrageously to say the least.
You were delighted, excitement electrifying every part of your body.
-Finally, this is Luffy, the captain of the gang. - Camie concluded, pointing to the boy who was looking at you, grinning from ear to ear.
On closer inspection, you found the brunette attractive, not to mention handsome, right off the bat.
-And I'm going to be king of the pirates! - Luffy concluded, his smile widening, his eyes closed tightly, making him cuter by the second. "So they're pirates," you concluded, thinking. Incredibly, that line moved you, burned you up inside, but you didn't know why or how. It was the first time you'd felt your heart beat so fast in so long. Oh, and that wasn't adrenaline. It wasn't the fear of being caught. It wasn't any of those things. It was something different, quite different from the usual. And from that moment on you silently decreed that you would find out what that strange feeling was, your eyes focused only on Luffy, who never tired of smiling at you.
-Nice to meet you - you smiled, Chopper kicking you in the face begging you to let go while sparks flew from his eyes from staring at Luffy.
-Hihihihi - Luffy just found the situation amusing, always smiling as long as he could.
-What about walking around? There's a lot of cool stuff you need to see! - Camie decreed, already tugging at her colleagues' hands, you going along out of sheer instinct for fun.
You all visited Pappag's clothing store, and you even met other members of Luffy's gang, who were just as kind. As you looked around, Luffy made a point of always catching your eye in any way, with anything. From some stuffed animal that, according to him, looked like you, to how the food was prepared, and even though you knew all this, you lent yourself to learning it all over again, just for Luffy.
-Look, it suits you. - Luffy came up behind you, putting on a straw hat with a purple scarf adorning the hat. - Now we're matching - he said, standing behind you and putting his hands on your shoulders, smiling as you looked at yourselves in the mirror in front of you. - Isn't it?
You agreed slowly, fascinated by Luffy's pure beauty. And it didn't stop there. Everywhere you went, Luffy always kept those warm hands on your shoulders, clinging to you like a tick. Did he… Liked you? Or was it just a figment of your mind?
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After a whirlwind of confusion that you unfortunately didn't take part in because you were "investigating" the sudden disappearance of your mermaid friends, you were directed by your pet seahorse to where Camie and the others were.
Your eyes popped out of their sockets at the sight of a giant mermaid, or rather, the princess of the Ryugu Kingdom, Shirahoshi.
She and Luffy were laughing together, like old friends seeing each other after so long. That unsettled you, and strangely your heart squeezed. What could it be? Were you ill? Something you ate or drank for breakfast?
-Oi, Y/N, over here! - Luffy's voice caught your attention, making your heart pound. It made you recall a vague memory of something Pappag told you.
"If your heart races when you interact with someone, it's because you like them."
Of course, you were inexperienced in this field, you'd never even considered dating. But you didn't give up easily. Oh no, you'd figure it out on your own.
Swimming over to Luffy quickly, you sat there, next to him. He was in a bubble to make sure he didn't drown, and quickly slung his arms over your shoulders, resting right there. He introduced you to the princess, to whom she was delighted to meet you, and you felt the same.
Looking around, you saw that you were in the sea forest, and it soon became clear that both Luffy's boat was there, and also the princess wanted to see her dead mother, to make up for the time she hadn't been able to see her.
Meanwhile, Luffy was already snoring on her lap. It was adorable to see him so vulnerable around you. Until his pet seahorse started to catch his eye, heading towards the pile of coral.
-What is it, Koryu? - you asked him, watching him point frantically at the pile of coral.
Koryu gave up and started pulling you towards it, waking Luffy up in the process. Koryu only let go of your arm when you could see a dolphin calf with its tail all bruised to the point where it could no longer swim. Perhaps the dolphin had run into predators and narrowly escaped.
You carefully picked up the dolphin and put it on your lap, and thought of a way to take care of it. You were so caught up in your thoughts that you didn't even see Luffy coming.
-Huh, a dolphin? - he asked, right next to your ear. You turned abruptly, so that your faces were right next to each other. Your lips were millimeters away from meeting, and your breaths danced together. Let's pretend there isn't a bubble separating you. You turned your attention to the dolphin, your heart almost bursting out of your mouth and your face turning into a blushing mess.
-A-ah, yes it's a…dolphin. He's hurt, so he needs to be looked after.
There was a moment of silent tension between you, and you wouldn't dare look at Luffy's face now, you felt like you could die from an attack if you did.
-If you keep avoiding looking at me like that, you'll never know if you really like me. - Luffy said, catching your eye. You widened your eyes, and turned to him, shocked.
-How did you know? - you asked, your stomach churning with that familiar feeling.
-Well, it's easy to tell when you keep saying your thoughts out loud. - he shrugged, smiling.
You closed your mouth, cursing internally. That was your weakest point, speaking your thoughts out loud without even realizing it. You must have done it at some point when the two of you were together and he must have heard it. Lucky you.
-Well, I like you. - Luffy said without blinking, giving you a quick kiss right after he declared himself.
It caught you off guard, and he just smiled, leaving the pile of coral and going back to where the others were. After your brain short-circuited for a few seconds, you smiled, bringing your fingers to your lips, where seconds ago they were being kissed by the first boy you ever liked.
Feeling his lips was the thing that gave you the most adrenaline in your entire life. And yes, it was addictive. And yes, you wanted more.
The truth is, Luffy, from the first moment he met you, he liked you. No, that's incorrect. He fell in love with you from the very first moment. Of course, he didn't know the first thing about love, God, hours ago he just wanted to be king of the pirates. Now he has another goal, and that goal is to love you until the day he die.
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(At some point I was even going to describe the color of the tail, but I left it to your imagination)
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ellery-six · 5 months
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Shirahoshi (and Luffy!) for Mermay!
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nextcastle · 4 months
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I didn’t want to leave mermay without my contribution (something Lunami as usual lol)
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hazemaru24 · 1 year
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Mermaid's ice cream time🍦🍦🍦☀️
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deuces-sunglasses · 7 months
Usopp: *in the crows nest* land ahoy!
Luffy: woah… ZORO! LOOK! *stretches his arm out to point at something blue and glittery in the water*
Zoro: *reaches for his swords*
Luffy: it’s a mermaid! shall we invite her onboard?
Nami: *appears* no! you’d scare her, idiot!
Zoro: *watching the figure as they effortlessly travel through the waves, blond hair shining even under the water* Him. Look at those scales. That’s a merman.
Nami: since when do you know so much about creatures of the deep? you didn’t hunt them as well as pirates… did you?
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tourturestarradio · 22 days
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☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆
Pairing: Luffy, Zoro, Sanji (more added later) x Mermaid reader!
Prompt: After your family jewels were stolen you were determined to get them back joining you closest friend Monkey D. Luffy on his adventure to become the king of the pirates.
Warnings: none, this follows the live action!!
☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆☆ ★ ✮
⋆。°✩ ┊         ┊       ┊   ┊    ┊        ┊               ┊         ┊       ┊   ┊   ˚★⋆。˚  ⋆ ┊         ┊       ┊   ⋆                                                                                                         ┊         ┊       ★⋆ ┊ ◦ ★⋆      ┊ .  ˚            ˚★
𝐌𝐘 𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 was very strict about who I placed myself around, who I befriend, what part of the sea I'm on. It was so stressful sometimes, all the rules and regulations were annoying. I just wanted to swim around the ocean and make friends.
But I had none. Not a single one until today. One of the biggest rules was to never. EVER. Go to the surface, under any circumstances. But being the air head I was I went up anyway, I wanted to see what it was like!
Seeing the sunlight peel through the seawater I gulped nervously hearing loud voices, I carefully and slowly peeked up out of the water, the first thing I noticed was the odd smell, it was like nothing like what I smelled before.
I looked around hearing laughing "Luffy for the last time you aren't prepared enough to be a pirate yet." I looked at the two humans who talked, one was a tall man with red hair, a straw hat, and three scars on his eye.
There was a shorter boy with curly black hair and brown skin "yes I am!" I watched the two talk. well more like argue...
Until I saw the shorter boy turn and walk towards me I jumped and ducked my head under the water as the boy stormed over sitting down with a pout and his arms crossed.
Fun fact about me, my fins tend to glow when I'm flustered, shy, or scared/nervous. So even if i'm hiding most likely you'll still be able to spot me, so you can guess to my surprise when I peeked through my webbed fingers and saw the black haired boy staring dead at me.
I jumped and swam away. A human boy saw me! I'm so done for! He had called out to me "hey wait up!" I guess my fins were still glowing because he followed me down the dock.
I stopped and looked back poking my head out the water "how did you swim that fast!" I was too nervous to speak "u-um...I-I..." I gulped out of nervousness.
His eyes sparkled with curiosity "hey why are you glowing so bright?" I glanced at my fins "I..don't know" he backed up as bit pointing his thumb at his chest "wait. wait. wait let me introduce myself! I'm Monkey D. Luffy! And i'm gonna be king of the pirates!"
I giggled a bit at his behavior "I-I'm Y/n L/n...nice to meet you Luffy!" I smiled at him, his face to turn pink "h-hey you glow like me!" I smiled wider lightly pulling myself up out of the water "wah! you have gills!" He pointed out.
I nodded my head excitedly "mhm!"
I liked this boy Luffy he was very fun. And he didn't seem weirded out by my fish-like appearance. I mean if I hid my gills and covered my fins people wouldn't be able to tell I was half fish.
Well the way my eyes blinked would probably give it away and my (f/c) skin would look odd...and my tail. If only I had legs...
I stayed talking to Luffy for a long while "so what's your dream?" he asked me, staring at me with unblinking eyes and a big smile. I thought for a moment "hmm...maybe...no...ah!...uh no..." I shrugged "I don't know..." Luffy laid on his stomach his legs kicked up behind him.
"Well maybe you'll think of something" he hummed.
"Hm maybe you'll figure it out later..." I nodded in agreement, Luffy stared at me for a moment "so what are you?" he asked, "I'm a mermaid" Luffy peeked his head over into the water. I lifted my tail high enough for him to see it.
"Oo wah~ so cool!" he reached his hands out and touched it gliding his fingers along my scales. I shivered and pulled my tail back into the water "m'sorry my tail is sensitive" I stated.
Looking out at the sky Y/n noticed how it was now sundown "o-oh I gotta go! It was great talking to you Luffy!" ducking my head under the water I swam away hearing Luffy yelling out a loud "Goodbye!! I hope we see each other again!"
A smile grew on my face as I swam home.
The black haired boy ran over "Shanks! Shanks!" a red haired male looked over at Luffy with a raised brow "what's got you all pumped up huh?" Luffy pointed behind himself at the docks "there wassa girl! she-she had gills! and-and fins! she had a really cool tail!" one of Shanks crew mates heard him.
He laughed "does little Luffy got a crush?" Luffy lightly blushed while yelling "No! I-I've just never seen something like her before!" Shanks took a mental note of her description.
Shanks crew mates teased Luffy about the girl for the next couple of days, but he didn't care he still decided to visit his new friend. Y/n would swim to the surface both becoming close with each other.
A friendship blooming between the two.
Asking each other about their lives on land and in the sea, "so would you ever be able to come on land?" he asked.
Y/n's tail swayed back and forth "hm..well probably not for a long time." Y/n stated tapping her chin, Luffy frowned "why not?" Y/n rested her head on her palms "well there is a special necklace that merfolk are gifted. and it lets tails turn to legs or in some rare cases some merfolk can just turn their tail to legs on their own"
Luffy smiled "so cool!" Y/n tilted her head "so who was that red haired guy with the scars" Luffy glanced back at the girl "That's Shanks! He's a pirate too! and he's the captain" speak of the devil, the red haired male came over "Luffy! who're you chatting with?"
Luffy smiled and pointed to where his new fish friend was supposed to be, "to Y/n!" Y/n quickly ducked her head under the water out of fright, but sadly her fins began to glow. Shanks smirked "oi no need to be frightened" he stated, squatting down to where the mermaid was.
Y/n slowly peeked her head up muttering a small "hi..." Shanks smiled at her "hello so you're this Y/n Luffy has been yapping on about" her fins started to glow brighter, she nodded her head.
Suddenly she remembered she had a gift for Luffy, "oh Luffy! I got you a gift, m-my grandpa said it's always good to give a friend a gift."
Luffy perked up "is it food?" he asked, Y/n frowned "did you...did you want food?" "yeah!-" "he'll take the gift" Shanks interrupted Luffy.
Lifting her hand out of the water Y/n placed a closed oyster next to Luffy who eagarly snatched it up opening it.
Y/n grew nervous as Luffy didn't say anything, quickly she spoke "i-it's a b-bracelet. i-if you don't l-like it I can take it back. u-unless you do like it! I mean i-it's not all that g-great. ya'know what nevermind.I-" the rambling girl was hushed when she felt the boy hug her tightly while laughing.
His body almost fell into the water by how far he was leaning off the edge, Shanks picked up the gorgeous bracelet staring at it.
Luffy yanked it back putting it on excitedly, he lightly shook it around the soft clinks of the charms and sea glass making his smile grow wider.
Y/n looked up at the two "so do you like it?" he nodded his head "I love it!"
Shanks smiled at the two "looks like someone has a crush..." he laughed loudly, Y/n glowed "o-oh look at the time!" Luffy cheeks grew pink as he denied what Shanks said.
Y/n pulled herself up enough to sit on the docks most of her tail still in the water, she hugged the black haired boy "bye Luffy" he hugged her back his arms around her torso squeezing her tightly. Letting go Luffy waved goodbye "bye bye Y/n!" she sent one last smile to him and swam away.
✰ ✰ ✰
Swimming past other sea creatures I saw a shark swimming by, I giggled and swam over to it circling around it. It nudged me I smiled and swam away the shark following me. As I went deeper into the water the shark swam away, I saw my siblings swim up to me quickly "where have you been?" they asked me.
I blinked "um just swimming around, ya'know" my oldest brother swam up to me eyeing me his arms crossed,  gulped feel my fins glow.
I started to sweat. Even if you couldn't tell. My other siblings swam closer looking at me with curiosity, "I-I...was just-"
Without thinking I blurted out "I went to the surface!" all of them froze in place "you. did. What?!" my oldest brother shouted, I gulped "I-I went to the surface..." he pitched the bridge of his nose.
"Is that why you've been gone all those hours?" I slowly nodded, my other brothers smiled "so cool! I've never been to the surface!"
"I heard it was scary!"
"I heard the people smell weird"
"I heard-"
"Enough! If father finds out about this"
"Finds out about what?"
All of us hushed turning around to see our father, he looked at us with a raised brow. Thinking quickly one of my brothers spoke "your surprise gift!" all of us sighed with fake disappointment "oops..."
My father shook his head "alright, Y/n come follow me." I gulped nervously and followed after him. I tried to keep my fins from glowing, "is there something you need father?" he nodded but didn't say a word.
I followed him through our home far past any of our rooms. He put his hand up to the door a light purple glow emitting from his palm, I 'awed' at the sight the door opened. The room we entered was softly "Y/n i've never told your older brothers about this but....i'm trust you with this Y/n." pulling open a clam mouth he grabbed something.
Turning around I saw a beautiful light green necklace I reached out to touch it but my father pulled it away. "All of your brothers have one but they aren't to use them until they are ready." he stated I tilted my head in confusion "this necklace holds the power to turn your tail to legs" my eyes lit up as I smiled "r-really I thought-" "once you are old enough you may wear it as you please."
I was so giddy about wearing the necklace I started to space out but my father snapped his fingers in front of my face "Y/n listen to me. This necklace is important, it was your mothers. It is very important to our family" I frowned at the mention of the woman.
"One day you will get to wear it just as she did. she would be proud" I smiled and looked down "alright let's go, I don't want the boys getting suspicious about their gifts" I giggled and swam out the room my father follow close behind me before seemingly locking it again.
As the night went on I stayed awake wanting to go to that room again. An idea popping into my mind, maybe I could surprise Luffy tomorrow. Closing my eyes I fell asleep a warm feeling wrapping around my body.
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A/n: this uploaded from my account on Wattpad/quotev!
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