#metal fox church
shiut · 1 year
Spoilers for Rain Code.
I can't help but wonder what relation, if at all, [Zilch] has to do with the Metal Fox Church.
Of course like anyone else, I noticed the obvious similarity between [Zilch] and the Nun's animal ear hats.
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Wow Komatsuzaki must've been really feeling the furry design element enough to use for two different characters.
Not to mention, he has a similar black, red, and white color scheme as the church officials.
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Now, the animal ears could just be for him to disguise himself as "the animal themed guy", but if so he certainly didn't take into account that an animal advocate probably wouldn't wear real fur and leather, so I'm leaning on the impression that (besides the detective uniform underneath his coat) he's not completely disguising himself as Zilch and this is his regular outfit for the most part. It's not like he needs to try very hard to disguise himself considering no one on that train has ever seen each other before, so a WDO uniform and fake Master Detective deed will do just fine.
Aphex even describes him as a "fox detective". So at the very least, we know that the in-game characters think that the ears on his hat look fox-like rather than just some other critter.
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But even beyond that, the Nun with which he shares his animal ear look with makes some interesting comments.
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Her dad works as a higher-up at Amaterasu. And she is very liberal with leveraging him as a threat towards people who annoy her.
It's no exception when she, for some reason, acts defensive at Yuma's reaction to her mentioning a hitman, saying that if he has a problem then it should be taken up with her Papa. Perhaps said Papa has some sort of certain opinion or insight about hitmen.
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Not only do we know [Zilch] as a hitman hired by Yomi to kill any Master Detective trying to enter Kanai Ward at the beginning of the story, we later find out from [Zilch]'s own mouth that he used to be Yomi's close advisor within the Peacekeepers and handled most of the murder work, which included shooting dissenters on sight.
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Now, there are some questionable points of this theory. He doesn't particularly come off as someone who's a dad, or even old enough to be one, but it's not like we can know his age for sure just from looking at him. He doesn't even remotely have any similar physical features as the Nun either, but hey it's possible to more heavily take after one parent.
The people we see associated with the church exclusively have red face markings, while [Zilch]'s are blue.
And lastly, while the logos on their outfits are similarly styled, his is obviously not a fox.
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However, the dog could just be his own personal outfit logo that some of the Peacekeepers tend to have, like Seth's wolf and Swank's yen sign.
Regardless, if any of this does happen to connect this way, that would mean that the Nun seems to have no idea that her father is dead during the course of the game. It would be awfully sad, but I wouldn't put it past the Peacekeepers to keep her in the dark.
Or it doesn't connect at all and I'm just having fun pinning red strings to a bunch of coincidences. :^)
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raincode-archives · 11 months
Chapter 1 Loading Screen Trivia
Note: Currently, I do not know which of these trivia may be general game trivia or Chapter 1 exclusives (if there is any). And there may be trivia I'm currently missing that I will add later on, if I find any more.
World Detective Organization (WDO) An extra-legal, extra-privileged organization devoted to eradicating the world's unsolved mysteries.
Detective Deed An identification card. These are granted by the World Detective Organization.
Master Detective Among the detectives belonging to the World Detective Organization, this is a detective with a specialized power called Forensic Forte that aids in their investigative activities.
Forensic Forte Those exhibiting innate talent for special powers like clairvoyance or mind-reading are trained by the WDO to develop a supernatural investigative ability called Forensic Forte or simply, Forte.
Amaterasu Corporation Many products are in development, some of which cannot be made public.
Amaterasu Peacekeepers A department of Amaterasu Corporation. They serve as a sort of police force within Kanai Ward.
Kamasaki Underground Passages A number of passages form a grid beneath Kamasaki District. First-timers tend to get lost, but with some acclimating, it's easy to get around quickly.
Riverbank Due to polluted waters, fish are rarely caught.
Kanai Station The only train station in Kanai Ward. It's a magnificent building, but seldom has customers because of the city's isolation.
Ginma District The high-class commercial area of Kanai Ward. There are cafes and restaurants, as well as a large art gallery and clocktower.
Art Gallery The premier art museum in Kanai Ward, located in Ginma District. The space in front of the art gallery is decorated with a giant dinosaur fossil (replica).
Detective in Training A person currently being trained by the World Detective Organization to become a detective.
Nocturnal Detective Agency Inside this detective agency are a kitchen and shower. Yakou lives here.
Kamasaki District The liveliest, most bustling area in Kanai Ward. Many people reside here, and a variety of shops and stalls line the streets.
Kamasaki District Crime generally isn't bad here, unless you venture deeper inside, that is.
Church The priest hears out the residents' worries, offering guidance toward the path of righteousness.
Sun & Moon Hotel A hotel located in Kamasaki District. Since Kanai Ward's isolation from the world three years ago, the number of guests has dramatically decreased.
Secret Club An illegal, members-only casino located in Kamasaki District. One can enjoy slots, roulettes, and card games, but many games have obscene rates and cheating is rampant.
Ginma District Security tends to be pretty tight, likely on account of the frequent patronage by Amaterasu Corporation executives and other wealthy individuals.
Art Gallery There were many visitors prior to the isolation of Kanai Ward, but current attendance is not stellar.
Clocktower A long-beloved landmark among local residents, many of whom are strongly attached to it.
Clocktower The giant clocktower looming over Ginma District. There are clocks set in all four of its sides, so the time of day can be seen from anywhere.
Mansion A mansion located in the high-class residential district on Montclair Street.
Shien The currency used in Kanai Ward. A luxury car can be purchased for five million shien.
Meat Bun A specialty of Kanai Ward and comfort food to the locals. It's loved by children and adults alike.
"Mantou" A popular meat bun shop in Kamasaki District. Operation out of a street stall, the location changes daily. Very reasonably priced at 100 shien apiece.
"Dragon Palace" A popular meat bun shop in Ginma District. They sell at the higher-than-usual price of 500 shien apiece, but the owner insists it's due to superior seasoning.
"29/0" A meat bun shop in Kamasaki District. Relatively new compared to the other shops, they're struggling to attract new customers. The cheese meat buns are most popular, priced at 250 shien apiece.
Metal Fox The religion practiced at the church in Kanai Ward. Its symbol is a spear piercing a crescent moon. Its core doctrine is, "Thou shall not bear old prejudices."
Rumors About the Secret Club Credible rumors suggest there's a behind-the-scenes connection to Amaterasu Corporation.
Kanai Bus System A bus service running throughout Kanai Ward. The bus fee is fixed at 200 shien. Amaterasu Corporation employees ride free.
Kanai Ward Living Condition Perhaps because of the daily rainfall, some people in Kanai Ward don't mind getting wet.
Dronebrella An umbrella developed in the perpetually rainy Kanai Ward. It automatically tracks an authenticated user, shielding them from rain.
TV Programs Nearly all the TV programs broadcasted in Kanai Ward are sponsored by Amaterasu Corporation.
Popular Sports Parkour is popular among the young men of Kamasaki District. New problems have arisen however, what will all the trespassing and running across the top of food stalls.
Crosswalks The crosswalks in Kanai ward detect pedestrians and stop traffic for them. As such, it's fairly uncommon to see people waiting for the signal to change.
Means of Communication Most communications to people outside of Kanai Ward are tapped and monitored by Amaterasu. The phone at the Nocturnal Detective Agency uses a different type of line to prevent eavesdropping.
Treatment of Criminals Criminals captured by the Peacekeepers are sent to detention facilities where they are interrogated until they admit guilt; that is, if they're not disposed of on the spot.
Nail Man The culprit behind the serial murders occurring in Kanai Ward. The Nail Man's crime scenes area always locked rooms filled with nails.
Boy Kei Colan is his name. When his father has time off work, they always play catch together.
Jiel Colan's Apron A work apron made by camera manufacturer WhiteCross. The pockets are durable enough to hold heavy objects without losing shape.
Priest's Eyes Few people have seen the priest's eyes because he's always squinting. As a result, there's a rumor among clergy members that anyone who see his eyes will either become blessed or vanish.
Nun's Stockings All of the nun's red stockings have a thickness of 120 denier or higher. Sh's sensitive to the cold and seeks extra warmth.
Servant's Facial Markings The Metal Fox markings are simply makeup, not tattoos. They're painted on every morning.
Worshipper's Pastime He smokes at least once every hour. Gitan is his preferred brand.
Owner of the Mansion The owner of the mansion made a sizeable amount of money through real estate dealings. A man around the age of 30, an endless sea of rumours surrounds him.
Halara's Coin Halara attacks with a 1-shien coin. Where it lands is carefully calculated for later retrieval.
Flavor of Halara's Candy Depends on the mood. The worse the mood, the sweeter the taste; the better the mood, the lighter the taste.
Desuhiko's Bangs Desuhiko is particular about how his bangs look; it takes about an hour a day to style.
Desuhiko's Beanie Desuhiko's custom-made, designer beanie is waterproof, and cost him several months' pay.
Fubuki's Accessories Fubuki's necklace has a clock motif. The choker is decorated with video playback control symbols.
Vivia's Book Catalog Novels, columns, essays, all sorts of things. There's no particular preference for genre; he reads just to pass time.
Vivia's Garments There are just bandage-like wrappings beneath his coat, so it wouldn't be accurate to call it clothing.
Yakou's Lifestyle A complete night owl, he typically sleeps in until noon, even when there's work to be done. This nocturnal lifestyle was the norm until the Master Detectives arrived.
Seth's Creed The Burroughs family motto is, "Silence is golden." To this day, Seth mumbles in adherence to that creed.
Electrowave Detective A Master Detective with a Forte that can intercept and comprehend radio waves. This detective was not summoned to Kanai Ward.
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loremaster · 10 months
CHAPTER 1 - Man Door Hand Nail Fur Door (Comic)
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...aka the Zilara manifesto.
(tw: strangulation, suggestive themes) BOBA AU MASTERPOST: [link]
Yakou tells Yuma to go to the hotel and corral all the other detectives who have been sleeping soundly in the nice fancy rooms over there. Yuma, who got 3 hours of sleep on Yakou's creaky couch, says "Okay, sure thing, Dad." ((side note - wouldn't the train detectives have had rooms reserved at the hotel? Couldn't Yuma have had one of those?))
Instead of agreeing to meet up, they all send poor little Kokohead around the city doing side quests.
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Pucci wants to know if Kanai Ward has any good symphonies; recordings of classical music are all well and good, but it's no substitute for the acoustics of a live concert hall. Closest thing Yuma can find is Aetheria Academy's chamber orchestra program. Musicians in Kanai Ward used to be part of a larger regional symphonic orchestra, but since Amaterasu locked off the city, they've had to resort to busking. Pucci seems disappointed, but resigns herself to checking out the high school girls' next concert anyway.
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Aphex is cruisin' for a bruisin'. He spotted some suspicious movement in one of the districts on his radar (drug deals?), but every time he goes to check it out, he can't find out which people in the crowd are the suspicious ones. They must be afraid of Aphex's intimidating appearance, so Yuma goes in his stead to grill the people hanging around the square. Turns out they weren't dealing drugs, they were passing around anti-Amaterasu propaganda. They beg Yuma not to tell Aphex. Yuma goes back to the hotel to tell Aphex... who thinks anti-fascist action is cool, actually, so no need to do anything about those guys.
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Melami wants to know about the local fashion scene, and is very curious about the dronebrellas she's seen around Kanai Ward. She sends Yuma to see what the big deal about them is, and once there, he gets roped into a long winding sales pitch for technology he can't afford. He relays as much of this as he can remember back to Melami, but once she hears they only come in one color, she decides she's not interested. What's the point if you can't customize it? Just get a regular umbrella. Or a rain coat. That's a much better way to show off your personality! Yuma tries not to scream about how much time he just wasted.
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Zange shows Yuma a picture he took (with his mind) of a specific location in Kanai Ward, but can't quite remember where it was. Yuma has to go on a scavenger hunt to find the place that matches the picture and tell Zange how to get there. Zange assigns Yuma a numerical score based on how long it took him complete the quest (which is always too slow). This will be a repeatable quest/minigame with different locations every time.
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As Yuma is about to leave the hotel, Zilch stops him. He offers a more formal introduction (since, you know, they didn't actually meet aboard the train) and volunteers (insists) to accompany the poor useless trainee as a senior detective, to show him how it's done.
Zilch has four animal companions with him at the moment: three caged mice and a dog named Bosch.
He doesn't seem to treat them very kindly, though. He isn't careful handling the mice's cage, and he orders Bosch around like one would speak to Alexa.
Anyway, Zilch and Yuma go look for the last remaining detective, Halara Nightmare. Canon ensues.
They run into The Boy and accept the quest to investigate the Nail Man murders. Halara needs some convincing.
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At the church, Zilch makes a new friend, or so he thinks.
Zilch tactlessly asks the nun if her ears are natural or not, and starts bragging about how well his own surgery went. For the ears and tail, that is. The Nun doesn't like Zilch's attitude one bit. She watches him use his mice for spying and gets freaked out. The nun threatens to kill Zilch but he doesn't think she's serious.
Zilch says that he didn’t expect there to be a Metal Fox Church here, of all places. Yuma asks him to elaborate, and he says they’re a denomination that exists elsewhere in the world. The church near where he grew up was much larger and more spectacular than this one. The Metal Fox is a deity known for its fortitude and cunning, that offers protection from “hunters,” or persecution of any kind. Zilch doesn’t seem to believe in its teachings at all. #atheistpride
Meanwhile, the dog, Bosch, sniffs around and seems agitated by something. He can place the smells of all the church NPCs around the scene, but there's something else, too. Zilch barks the order - literally - for Bosch to track whichever scent doesn't belong, and the dog goes off on a solo mission.
Zilch has a plan to catch the Nail Man red-handed, but he won't tell what it is yet. He needs to prepare some stuff. So in the meantime, Yuma and Halara hold hands at several different crime scenes.
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While Shinigami keeps blabbing about stripping detectives, Halara fucks off to who knows where and Yuma returns to the church to meet with Zilch. Zilch leads Yuma to the nearby woods and reveals his master plan to lure out the Nail Man by taking a doll with a slip of paper on it to the forest, and writing the name of someone for the Nail Man to kill...
"Yuma Kokohead," of course.
Yuma is terrified of being used as bait, but Zilch promises he'll intervene before the Nail Man can actually kill him, it'll be fine. So Yuma the pushover gets tied to a tree...
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Halara unmasks the cloaked figure to reveal the priest of the Metal Fox Church, as they suspected. The priest begs for mercy - he was only trying to protect the people of Kanai Ward by purging it of corruption (and letting an innocent man take the fall for it)...!
Yuma thinks he might not have to rely on Shinigami's powers this time, but then...
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Bosch leads them back to the church where Seth and his Peacekeepers are threatening Yakou.
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And with that… it’s Mystery Labyrinth time!
Zilch’s voice is back to normal inside the Labyrinth. He seems oddly relaxed around Shinigami - because he insists this is not real and actually a dream. #atheist4lyfe
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Yuma deduces that Zilch's name was written in the woods by the nun. She witnessed Zilch’s mistreatment of his animal companions and tactless assholery - but the thing that pushed it into murder territory was actually her recognizing the crest of the Alexander family on his fur coat. The full truth comes to light - the Alexanders have been known for generations as prolific trophy hunters. They “live alongside nature,” sure, but it’s a heavily controlled and subdued “nature.” This is antithetical to everything the Metal Fox Church stands for, so the nun, devout to her faith, believed Zilch to be an invasive threat to their way of life, and the peace of Kanai Ward.
And, since this revelation is taking place in the Mystery Labyrinth, of COURSE she gets a cool Mystery Phantom.
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The gang also, like, solves the actual mystery.
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Then once they find all the evidence they unmask the true culprit and his copycat, and the Priest's and Worshipper's souls are reaped.
Zilch is horrified. Somehow he didn't expect this was actually going to affect reality. Shinigami assures him that he won't remember any of the Mystery Labyrinth anyway, so...
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Aaaaand eventually they do leave the Labyrinth. Halara is back to their usual steely exterior.
The masked priest in front of them drops to the floor dead. A scream from the church can be heard, presumably because the worshipper has just done the same. They go to check it out.
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Then… Yomi shows up. He intimidates the group and doesn’t seem to deem any of the detectives worth his attention… until he notices Zilch.
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Shinigami wonders if he recognized the Alexander family crest... but Yuma makes the connection and realizes Yomi might have had some sort of connection to the impostor on the train. That's pretty scary to think about. Was this the guy who tried to kill off all the Master Detectives coming into Kanai Ward? He seems dangerous...
Good thing Yomi has a devoted right hand to play around with. In front of everyone.
But anyway, regarding the Nail Man situation, Yomi decides to throw Seth under the bus, and punish him accordingly.
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Bye Seth! Or should I say... Steve. :noes:
After his near-death experience, Zilch has a change of heart and decides he doesn't need a fur coat after all (seeing as it almost got him killed). Halara accepts it as payment for their services solving the case.... at least Zilch's half of it - Yuma still owes them a small fortune.
And with that the day is saved. Yuma plays a bit of baseball. Halara has a comfy new bed for their beloved strays. And Zilch... has a lot to think about.
HELLO BOBA FANS!!! Thanks for your patience waiting for this update! I hope you can tell I've been working on this very hard (in between assignments for cartoon college)! The post didn't even fit all the images I made for this chapter - I'll be sure to post the other ones separately. At some point.
This chapter was an interesting challenge to write, trying to hammer down Zilch's character - how to make him distinct from his impersonator, but similar enough to lend credit to the impersonator. It took a while but I think I've finally landed on a solid backstory. I'll be posting more about him in the next installment of Boba AU - Zilch's Gumshoe Gabs. Then after that will be Chapter 2! Super excited to rub my gay little hands all over that one.
If you've made it this far, thank you so much for reading! If you liked this, then please... I beg of you... draw me some Zilara ;_;
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first-edition · 4 months
Fox and the Hound
Sum-Joffrey wants to send a message to your family after your brother embarrasses him, so he marries you off to his most unwanted man in his court, the hound. But will this marriage truly be a statement for an eyesore, or will it grow into something more. 
Cw for chapter- 18+ words and themes overall, cussing, graphic deptiction of killing, mention of death, mention of sandors death, Family reunion, joss and Podrick being little gay cutie pies, y/n being a gay ally (HAPPY PRIDE MONTH)
// A/N: just wanted to apologize for the broken links at the beginning of the book since i changed my username they haven’t been working but i assure you I’ll get to fixing them. I will also end up making a goggle docs with the entire book for downloading when this series ends//
Previous chapter here
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A blood curdling scream can be heard from sandors plot in the forest as he chops up bits of wood. The scream comes from the same pathway he just headed through. 
“Shit.” he huffs before running  as fast as he can back to the village. The sight is gruesome, as the premade homes are engulfed in flames and some even already burnt out. The bodies amongst the mud, horse slaughtered and food supply turned over. But the sight that holds Sandor in his clutches is brother Ray, hanging from the structure that was supposed to be the church once finished. His skin purplish gray his black dark red his eyes bulging. 
Sandor grumbles looking around at everyone dead on the ground before he sees the horse hoof markings that lead into the side path of the forest. With an anger filled rage he picks up the ax he’d dropped and speeds after the men that did this. The only thought was to get back at them and do much worse than what they did. 
It's not long before Sandor comes up to them, easily hacking one down. The man's head rolling in the leaves and mud going to the next cutting his chest open as he swings the ax. He ducks and takes the third swinging the ax up as it slices into the man's crotch pushing up before Sandor pulls it out and back. The man falls to his knees begging for mercy. 
“Where the fuck is the other one? The one with the yellow cloak?” Sandor asks, holding the ax to his neck. 
“FUCK YOU!” the man yells. Sandor angrily grunts before taking the man's head off.
You watch as Sansa plays with your son. She holds him in her lap and makes babbling noises with silly expressions. It's been six months since everything and you and your others have become virtually one with a cold. Being able to stay out longer, your fingertips and ear no longer freezing on impact. 
This winter will be long and hard and with all the preparations for fighting the night king and asking the dragon queen for her help it is too much for some to handle. Sana has unfortunately left most of the work to you so she can spend time with you son although joss takes him away from her to bring him back to his rightful mother she will always whine a bit before understanding. 
The sound of metal clinking horse hooves pounding and people chatting is a lively sound you could only hear outside the gates of king's landing, as people work on sorting supplies and gathering for the possible fight to occur. 
“How much food does winterfell have?” you ask the head supplier. 
“Enough for a year your grace, with the wool, and steel there should be enough possibly over than that.. A-at least for those who are in the castle now” he says 
“Hmm. you're telling me there isn't enough food, especially not when the armies from the dragon queen will be brought back to winterfell.” you say as you begin your walk down the steps to your son who begins to fuss in Sansa’s arms. 
“N-no my lady.” he answers “Most likely not.” he ends 
“I’ll have my share of militia head out in a cart to bring back more supplies as we cannot have the other guests starve now can we.” you say he shakes his head. 
“Come here. I've got you” you say picking up your son from her arms holding him close to you fixing his furs so he's warm against you. He snuggles into your chest holding onto you before popping his thumb in his mouth. 
“The little prince is growing fast, your grace.” lord baelish says as he approaches. 
“Thank you.” You reluctantly want nothing more to do with him as you find him to be a weasel that could manipulate those for his pleasure. 
“M-my lady!” joss comes running up to you and sansa taking a few puffs of breath before standing straight and speaking. 
“Y-your sister has arrived..lady arya..st-stark.” he huffs which makes you giggle a bit at how out of breath he is.
“Where..” Sansa says standing up. 
“I dont i want to come and get you but when I turned around she was gone and said s-somthing about your mother and father and v-visiting them.” he sighs nodding. 
“Come with me.” sansa sansa says taking your hand leading you to the entrance of the castle. Joss follows. She leads you to the entrance of the catacombs where all the Stark family are buried. You've visited as Sansa has an honorary burriel for Sandor down there despite not being a member of the family. 
He basically pulls you anxious to see her sister. But she soon lets up as she sees Arya standing there looking up at Sandors statue. Sansa looks at her for a few seconds before ayra takes notice and smiles a bit. 
“Do i have to call you lady stark now? I never really wanted to.” she says. Sansa smiles and hurries to her sister giving her a much deserved hug. The hug is broken by your son's babbling. 
“Your grace.” ayra says giving you a small bow. 
“No need for formality.” you say walking twords them both joss following behind you. 
She gives you a hug as well. Even though you've spent the least amount of time together she still feels ecstatic you have you around. 
“Whos this?” she asks about the child in your arms. 
“This is Joss Dortain Clegane.” you say turning him slightly to face her. She holds her hand out and extends a finger he grips it and begins to bring it to his mouth. 
“oh..no no.” you both laugh as she pulls her hand away. 
“The little prince.” she smiles. You nod. 
“His last name, clegane. Like Sandor or Gregor clegane?” she asks. You take a breath before nodding. Your eyes divert to the statue they all stand under. 
“His father, sandor. Brienne told me what she did, fought him for you, she pushed him.” you say looking up at the stone carving still. 
“If it's any consolation, he fought hard, like...extremely hard. I've never had someone fight that hard for my protection, ransom or not.” she says. You look at her and nod.
“Thank you. For keeping him company. I know he's not the best to hang about with but-” you begin. 
“He was fun. He talked about you. Last he mentioned you was of your pregnancy, he hated traveling in the opposite direction made him ancy, angry, he would always mutter thing about volantis. I asked him if he loved you, and he said yes with no hesitation, then I teased him that he was technically a prince." Arya laughs, making you laugh as well. 
“I remember on our wedding night I said the same thing to him; he didn't like it.” you say
“He didn't like it when I mentioned it...from my time with him. He adored you; he killed a man for speaking ill of your likeness. He really did love you.” she says a twinge in your heart forces a lump to hit your throat that your force back down. You nod in compliance for fear if you speak you'll start crying. 
“You must be hungry, I'll have the cook prepare you a proper meal.” Sansa breaks the sadness before you all gather and exit the crypts. 
Podrick and Brienne spar. They play swords clinging against each other as he's gotten…somewhat better at his sword play. He lunges forward at Brienne allowing her to kick his ankle tripping him into the mudded ground and walks around him smacking his butt with the side of the sword. 
“Don't lunge.'' She sighs, turning around as Podrick bets up and grabs the sword he drops before raging at her and begging again. But as per the round he makes a wrong move and she rides him backwards. Granted she did it on purpose. 
“Don't go where your enemy leads you.” she says walking around him chuckling at his failure. 
He gets up once again wiping the mud from his cheek about to go to attack once more but is stopped by familiar words. 
“Don't fight someone like her in the first place, it’ll get you nowhere.” joss speaks his hands behind his back as he walks up the two dueling. 
“Joss.” Brienne. 
“My lady.” he replies, bowing a bit before holding out his hand for the sword. 
“Be my guest.” she chuckles. Handing it to him before nodding to podrick and walking off the inside to get a drink. 
“You have to keep your knees bent, your eyes at half looks, and your free arm tucked for fear you might get cut off if you are not careful.” joss says podrick scoffs and rolls his eyes before taking his stance brienne taught him. 
“When did you learn so much about the sword?” podrick asks. 
“Unlike you who knows of fine things, I was a king's guard squire fighting in the description.” 
Joss huffs in a laugh at the way he stands. But nonetheless begin the fight. Easily joss maneuvered the sword around as podrick is slightly confused as he follows the sword with his eyes. This leads to joss bopping him on the backside like brienne. 
“Eyes at half look doesn't mean follow the entire sword, you have to watch your opponents moves as well, predict them.” joss replies. Podrick nods before they both begin again, sparing this time it lasts a bit longer than a few seconds. But ultimately a hit on the ass is what seals the deal. 
“That was good. Could be better,” joss says, running his fingers through his own hair pushing it back and out of his face. To their surprise they last much longer now join for a minute or two and podrick even takes down his first opponent leaving him to straddle joss with the sword held to his neck. Joss chuckles, smiling at podrick both proud and enthralled. 
Joss pushes Podrick off of him and switches positions holding his dagger to his other neck before leaning close to him. 
“Don't let your guard down..no matter who you're fighting.” joss speaks. Podrick chuckles back before the space between them closes, their lips connecting. It consumes the moment for a brief time only for joss’s name to be put to air as you call him. 
He pulls off his partner and stands up looking toward the sound to see you at the side. A smirk on your face. 
“The others need your help in unloading the carts. You can speak to your boyfriend later tonight.” you say looking down to podrick who quickly gets up and bows to you. 
“Yes, your grace.” joss says, sheathing his dagger before handing the sword back to podrick their fingers brushing against each other before the other man hurries off the the carts you turn to podrick, 
“This is for you. John has requested your presence at castle black he needs you to meet him by the shore of the wall.” you say handing him a raven scroll. 
John was supposed to be back only a few weeks after the last scroll he sent about getting Daenerys' approval. But under certain circumstances he had to stay and collect the resources before returning which has taken longer than expected. Podrick nods. You turn to follow joss to oversee the cart supplies but you stop and turn back to podrick. 
“Please, come back alive, you're good to joss, he needs you.” you smile at him before turning around and going to the carts. 
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honey-flustered · 2 years
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Eddie Had A Little Lamb (MDNI +18)
Summary: Eddie is trying to be good and with your help, he could be exactly that. But Kas, on the other hand, thrives in all that is unholy and he’ll stop at nothing to bring you and Eddie to the dark side.
Kas!Eddie Munson x Virgin!Religious!Reader
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A/N: This is a spicy piece of work. I hope I did this concept justice as this was a request. Please let me know what you guys think since it’s my first time writing kas!eddie. Thank you for reading and please enjoy!
Word Count: 8.7k+
Warnings/Tags: Dub con elements, religious themes, extreme blasphemy, possessive!kas and eddie, innocent!reader, whole big bag of (fluff, smut, angst) mentions of mental health, dom!kas, dom!eddie, use of “daddy” and “master”, corruption/innocence kink, finger sucking, drooling, dumbification, belly bulge, blood kink/drinking, p in v (unprotected), loss of virginity, minor monsterfucking elements, mention of traffic light bdsm system, biting, scratching, face fucking, spit kink, dacryphilia, oral sex (m & f recieving), small breeding kink, creampie, cum eating, doggystyle, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, fingering, use of fox tail butt plug, anal play, reader referred to as “lamb” “bunny” “angel” , some violence, mentions of minor character death/disappearance
There’s a reason why lambs are considered a symbol of innocence. The poor things nary a clue when they’re brought to the offering table, gloriously prepared to be slaughtered for the pleasure of man.
Kas pities you. For that was exactly what you were in his eyes: A poor little lamb. Eddie hadn’t realize that he was currently wrapping you up prettily—with a bow on top—to be presented before the beast. Nonetheless, Kas will happily accept this offering. For now, he will wait. He’ll let you come closer until it’s too late to turn and run.
“Eddie,” You say, taking his hands in yours with a sincere smile. “I’m glad you’ve decided to come to Bible study. What’s brought you here tonight?”
Aside from atoning for my sins, you mean?
“I wanna keep trying with this religion thing. Maybe become a better person. I don’t know if I’ll ever believe in God, to be honest with ya,” He admits. “But I’m hoping to prove everyone wrong about me. I’m more than what’s on the surface.”
Eddie’s consumed with guilt. He’s not been himself lately. A few nights ago, Eddie walked home from Gareth’s home, considering it was not much far from where he live. He was randomly attacked by a rabid bat. Bitten and disoriented, he soon blacked out. When he awoke, he found himself covered blood, the metallic taste in his mouth. Then, the missing reports came in about a missing elderly man. Although Eddie was not certain, he believed to be responsible for the disappearance of that man.
Ever since then, he’s been doing all he could to suppress the appetite and that godforsaken voice. It wasn’t him. It couldn’t be him. He was depraved, sick and twisted! That part of him was so far removed, he had a name for himself: Kas.
Usually, staying awake and alert was one way of stopping this undiscovered being within him. Of course, Eddie couldn’t always stay awake. So the next big thing was to sign up for the local church’s mentorship program in which young adult church members assisted the ‘lost’.
“You’re just misunderstood. Sometimes people are afraid of things they don’t understand,” You smile. “Like you must be terrified coming to a place like this. I’m sure everything you heard today sounded a bit foolish to you. I get that everyone outside the congregation thinks we’re all ‘Jesus freaks’ but we’re all just trying to understand things, ya know.”
“If it’s any consolation, I’ve been called a freak, too. That never stop me from wanting to join the program. Although, I can admit that this bible study thing’s not my style.”
“I’m really happy you did come though. You usually say you’ll come when I invite you but don’t turn up,” You began.
Well, it’s not like he actively tried to avoid. He’d come every day if it meant that he got to look at you. When he was partnered up with you for the mentorship program, it was as if he’s one the lottery. But of course, Kas took a liking to you as well only his desires for you were beyond inappropriate. Kas planned to ruin you. So Eddie avoids you as much as he can all so that he can protect you.
“It’s just really nice to see the effort you make towards this.” You finish, cleaning up the desk of books and placing them on the shelf.
“I get cold feet sometimes,” Eddie explains, stacking the chairs away. “Crowds and events also aren’t my thing. But I figured it would make you happy and since you’ve worked so hard steering me in the right direction…all I can do is try.”
You nod. “So are going to do prayer at your place or mine?”
“Yours, I guess.” Eddie says.
Let her come over to our place, idiot.
No, we’re going to her place that way you won’t be able to try any tricks while her parents are there.
“Oh, umm, I was kinda hoping you’d say your place? I know I suggested mine but my father is little overbearing and I didn’t want to just invite myself to your place.”
“I’m fine if your father’s a little overbearing. My Uncle Wayne was at one point of my life.”
“No, you don’t understand. I love my father but he is ‘spy-level crazy’ overbearing. You’d probably never show up again or would ever like to speak with me either. I would know. It’s happened plenty times before.”
“O-okay. We can do it at my place. Just a little warning, Wayne’s working a late shift so…we’ll be alone.”
“Oh…t-that’s okay. We’ll be on our best behavior.” You laugh nervously.
“Exactly.” He joins in on the awkward laugh.
After cleaning up the church library, the two of you got in his van and head to his home. Eddie’s never been to your home and vice versa but he knew you came from an affluent community. He could only imagine what you must think seeing the trailer park.
“Well, um, this is my home.” Eddie says, holding open the door for you. He’s never self-conscious about showing off his place. Couldn’t give a shit about materialism. But he wanted to impress you.
“It’s lovely,” You smile, having a seat on the couch when you recognized that some pillows and a comforter. “Oh, I’m sorry. Is this where you sleep? I didn’t mean to—“
“Oh no, no. You’re fine. Sit wherever you like. My Uncle actually sleeps there. My room’s down the hall,” He clears his throat. “W-we could go in there and do the session there. T-the prayer session.”
“Yeah, t-that sounds good.” You follow his lead.
Eddie thanks the imaginary man in the sky for reminding him to clean his room today. He nervous shifts on his feet while your eyes scanned the room, smiling.
“Your room’s really cool.” You compliment.
“Really? I’m sure your room way cooler.” And bigger.
You look at his red electric guitar hanging up on the dresser. “Whoa, I’ve never seen it up close before.”
“You’ve seen me play it?”
“Oh yeah, I watched you perform one time. My parents don’t allow me to listen to that kind of music but…my friend and I snuck into a show one time after you put the fliers all over the school. You did really great.”
The lamb’s got a naughty side.
Eddie disregards him. “Thanks. The band and I have been working on those songs for years.”
“I’d like to hear more music like that sometime. All my cassettes are of gospel music.” You say, almost sounding annoyed.
“I can fix you a mixtape of all the songs I like. Then, you could tell me all about the songs you do and don’t like during community service.”
“That would be great! But I’m not sure if I can bring it home with me. I don’t even own my own walkman. I share it with my sister and she loves to hog it.”
“Sure you can. You can even borrow mine. We could keep it as our little secret.” Eddie says, putting a finger to his lips.
You laugh. “Okay. Why not? I can live on the edge sometimes.”
Eddie sits on the edge of the bed, patting the seat beside him. You sit, a small gap between the two of you. He could tell that you were uncomfortable, you hands crushed between your thighs as you avoided his stare.
Why don’t you get a little closer to her? She wants you to. I can feel it.
You’re full of shit, man.
“Should we pray now? Or would you like to talk about the study’s topic?” You asked.
“Not even sure what tonight’s topic was even about?” Eddie admitted.
“It was about repentance. How sincere we are in regretting our wrongdoings. We can do a prayer where we apologize for our sins. It doesn’t have to be out loud if you don’t feel comfortable.”
“I’m not sure how to do that.”
“You mean, prayer?”
“Yeah, like do I just talk?”
“Exactly,” You giggle, sliding off his bed to lower onto your knees before him. Eddie’s breath hitches at the sight. This was going to do wonders for his late night fantasies. You, being on your knees and looking up at him through your long lashes was going to do wonders for his late night fantasies. Fuckkkk. Was he really going to pop a boner right now? In front of your fine ass. “You clasp your hands together like your high-fiving yourself and you just talk to him as if you were talking with me. Don’t hold back either say everything. Then, at the end you say ‘amen’. It’s kind of like hanging up the call.”
“Should I keep my eyes open?”
“It’s preferably better if they’re closed,” You lay a hand on his thigh. “You’re probably shy. Not a problem. I’ll just pray for the both of us. Then, next time, you’ll join me.” You squeeze your eyes shut and whisper a prayer.
A lust for a taste. Just one taste.
His legs move on their own accord, standing up so that he’s towering over your small frame. You smelled so fucking incredible. Just…one…taste.
Eddie’s heart beats rapidly, vision blurring as he began to see double. You were oblivious to his inner turmoil, peacefully praying away.And just like that it felt like Eddie had taken the backseat in his own mind.
“Amen,” You finish, looking up at him in surprise. “Oh, I didn’t feel your presence in front of me. You move as swift as a mouse.”
“And you as gentle as a lamb.” He smirks.
This wasn’t Eddie speaking. No! The being known as Kas has taken over. Eddie being so sleep deprived, he didn’t have a fighting chance against him.
You stand on your feet, checking your watch.“Oh, no. How is it already time to go? We hardly got anything done. I’ll have to go. My parents are probably anticipating my arrival by now.”
“It’s only 7 pm, bunny. Is it your bedtime?”
“I can assure you I’m a big girl who sleeps at anytime I please,” You chuckle. “It’s supper time. My family always eats together.
“You should call your parents. Tell them you’ll be staying for a bit. I’m sure they wouldn’t want to keep you from a lost soul who’s eager to learn about the Lord.”
“I-I…I’m not sure if they’d be okay with that. My father was on the fence about me even coming here. Mother had to defend me.”
“Mama does know best. She knows her little girl wouldn’t do anything Jesus wouldn’t do,” Kas winks before holding out the house phone. “Go on. Let make the call. It’ll only be for one more hour.”
No, Kas! Fuck you! Let her go home!
“O-okay,” You take the phone from his hands. “I’ll just take it in the living room in case the conversation needs to be said in private.”
“Do whatever you wish.” He bows, holding open the bedroom door for her. She exits.
If Kas weren’t so proud, he’d laugh. The game of chess has been set in motion. Striding over to his bedroom’s dresser, he looks at the reflection in the mirror.
“You rang?” He smiles a toothy grin, his top canines extended.
“Stay away from her,” Eddie hisses. “She doesn’t deserve to be treated like your meal.”
“Then, you shouldn’t have starved me,” Kas grunts angrily. “Besides…she looks good enough to sink my teeth into.”
“I won’t let you hurt her.”
“I’m not gonna hurt her. At least…not in a way she wouldn’t like.”
“Good luck with that. There’s no way her parents will let her stay.”
You walk in, prompting Kas to turn and face you. A smile on your face as you too your seat back in his bed.
“After a some convincing, my father says that I can stay for just one more hour.”
“That’s fantastic.” Kas says in feigned excitement, silently gloating in his head.
“Although,” You play with your thumbs. “I kind of told a little white lie. I told my father that we weren’t left unsupervised.”
“Probably for the best.”
“I feel so guilty, though. I rarely lie to my Father unless it’s reasonable and even then I still end up telling him. I told him I snuck out to see your concert. It’s probably why he doesn’t…” You quiet down.
“Doesn’t…like me?” Kas finishes.
“I wouldn’t say that.”
“No, I understand, bunny,” He sits down, scooting closer to you. “Your father’s justified in wanting to protect you from me.”
You smile. “Why would I possibly need to be protected from you? You’re sweet, funny, and interesting. You couldn’t hurt a fly.”
Kas smiles at her cluelessness. “Think about it, bunny. Why do you think your father would be worried you being alone with me?”
“Because it’s late?” You say, softly.
“Because he was once my age. Because he could only imagine that i’ll be doing exactly the things he used to do with your mother before they were married.”
“Y-you mean fornication. But that’s a sin.”
“Sinning’s a part of human nature. It says so in the bible: We’re all born sinners and what not.”
“You’re right about that. B-but church folk say that marriage is important first to enjoy things of that nature.”
“What if I told you, you don’t have to marry…to fuck?”
The emphasis on the swear word sends chills down your spine. You bite your lip to keep him from hearing your heavy breathing.
“I mean, come on. Would you really wanna marry a bad lay? With each new generation, sex is more liberating, raunchier and nastier. It doesn’t always have to come with strings attached. That’s what makes it sooo fascinating. You get to fuck whoever and whenever. Why enforce these principles on yourself when there’s always something new to learn about it. Don’t you like fun?”
You swallow hard. “I do but lots of things could be fun aside from…sinning.”
“What could be more fun than feeling the best pleasure you could ever imagine?”
“Going to church could be just as pleasurable.”You try smiling again to keep him from thinking he’s affecting you.
“It could…but you wouldn’t know that for sure unless you’ve been fucked? But not just regular fucking. Hard, fast. The kind that takes your breath away and makes you feel like you’re dying a little.”
“I experience that above worldly pleasures and the physical. That’s why this mentorship program is out in place, Eddie. It shows us how to seek happiness outside of those things. It’s like a spiritual awakening.”
“I can give you that with just my fingers alone, bunny. You don’t need to talk to some imaginary man in the sky when you’ve got one right here willing to show you things that’ll rock your world.”
“Like what?” You weren’t sure why you kept this conversation going. It was supposed to be about God. About today’s bible study topic. Not…this! But your curiosity got the best of you. You were like a scientist poking and prodding for your latest discovery.
“Have you ever played with yourself?” Kas asks, eyes ruby red. You being so lost in his trance, you couldn’t bother to realize that you were staring into the eyes of a monster.
“You mean, touch myself… down there?”
“Yes,” You breathe. Somehow, you don’t feel embarrassed to admit this to a guy you’ve had a crush on since the 9th grade, never acting on your feelings because your world had never aligned up until this point. “But not directly.”
“What do you mean, bunny?”
“I’ve never put a finger inside or touch there at all when I’m pleasuring myself because I’d feel too guilty if it were by my own hand. So I…” You look away and trail off, afraid to continue.
“Go on. Don’t be shy.” Kas encourages, a hand on your knee.
“I…shove my pillow between my legs and rub against it.”
“That sounds hot as fuck.” He shift closer to you, his knee touching yours.
“It’s shameful.” You whisper.
“It’s natural. I get that feeling, too. You just want some release. You deserve that. Don’t you, bunny?”
“I’m not sure.” You clamp your thighs together, bringing his attention to the hand that’s rested on your knee.
He slithers a hand up your soft, supple thighs and squeezes. You let out a quiet squeak. “I think you do. You’ve been such a good girl.”
His hand move further up before wedging between your inner thigh. “Tell ya what…maybe I can teach you some things, too. It could be my gift of appreciation to you.”
Kas stalks over you, eyes staring into yours while you gradually fell against Eddie’s pillow.
Don’t you fucking dare, Kas!
You’re shaking and Kas places a hand over your heart, feeling it pound against his palm. It was so delicious. You are just so full of life. And blood. Innocent, pure blood.
“So you’re a virgin?”
You nod.
“I can change that.”
He’s being weirdly crass! You thought to yourself.
And yet, you throbbed for him. Your hands have the sudden urge to pull his face down to yours for a passionate kiss.
But Kas makes the first move, lowering his face above yours. The guitar pick necklace dangling above you slots itself between your breasts when his lips are just inches away from yours. You close your eyes, feeling the lightest of touch only to quickly dissipate before you could even register its presence. You hear a pained groan, opening your eyes to see him rubbing his temple, eyes screwed shut.
“Sorry about that, bunny. Got a real pain in my head head just now,” Kas laughs. “I’m ready to continue if you are.”
“Actually, do you think you could take me home,” You reach for your bag beside you, standing on your unsteady feet. “This was…a night.”
Kas exhales deeply. “Why not?”
He sluggishly reaches for the keys of the van, leading you out the door to his van. The rest of the car ride was quiet but the exchanging spoke loud enough. When Kas arrived to your home, you gathered your things slowly almost like you were thinking of saying something.
“Umm, I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“Maybe.” Kas says, nonchalantly.
“Okay,” You say, discouraged. “Goodnight.”
You pull the door handle but it wouldn’t budge. After couple of tries, Kas leans across your seat.
“Sometimes, you gotta give it a little shake.” He strongarms the handle, popping the door open.
He could here your breathing above him, you really were inexperienced. The slightest touch or breeching of your personal space and you’re flustered.
Kas decides to have fun with this, making sure you can feel his breath ghosting over you skin as he gradually looks up at you. When you felt it tickle against your neck, you shudder. Just as he’d hoped: goosebumps light up your skin.
“Goodnight.” Kas finally says.
“Mm, yeah.” You rush out, going up to the front door. He waits for you to enter and he’s off, cursing himself. You were a lot harder of a catch.
But it wasn’t lost on him that you’d been rubbing your thighs together. You probably couldn’t wait to get back to back to your room to hump your pillow until sunset. Kas prides himself in this thought.
“Thanks to you she thinks I’m some perv.” Eddie complaints.
Kas groans. “Don’t you have an off switch? Besides a pervert is exactly what you are. Don’t pretend you weren’t thinking of fucking her, too? I didn’t hear you once complain when I asked her about playing with herself.”
“You won’t be coming near her again, Kas. I fucking swear it. From now on, I’ll be serious with my avoidance of her.”
“We’ll see how long that’ll last. Hell, she’ll probably come looking for us first after the time I just gave her.” Kas winks through the rearview mirror.
Eddie could feel himself slipping into his own mind, trying to find solid ground. If he didn’t figure out a way to find the balance within himself, Kas will take full control. And who knows how many people’s lives could be at risk.
Eddie’s ashamed. After your confessions last night, he touched himself, imagining the way you’d sound moaning as your wet pussy dragged along your pillow. He imagined what words you’d say when you climax. Would you call for God? Would you swear? Would you call out for his name?
The next thing he knew, his hands were down his boxers, stroking his cock and sniffing the parts of the sheets where you were lain against. It was pathetic. Desperate. He hated to admit that Kas had been right. Eddie wanted to fuck you hard and deep, making you take every inch of him.
The next day—as Kas predicted—you were actively searching for him. Eddie made sure that whenever you were entering a room, he was exiting.
He’s been successful for the most part. The occasional times where he would run into you, he’d quickly rush off explaining to you how he’s needed in a different department of the church. But despite that, he was at ease knowing that you’d be safe from him.
That was up until he was reminded of bible study. In which, Eddie had to sit in a room of close proximity to you. You’d try to sit next to him and he’d pounce at the very moment the hear your body radiates against his skin.
He needed to think fast. So when the meeting begun, Eddie made sure to sit in a chair with the seats around him filled. Every now and then, he’d catch your stare. Especially, when the two of you shared a momentary smile at one another when the lead went on about the “devil worshipping game of Dungeons and Dragons”. Once the meeting concluded, Eddie’s attempts to walk out the door when the lead begs him to stay to clean up again along with You like the other day.
He reluctantly agrees, starting in a corner of the room far from you. Every now and then, he’d catch himself staring. Did you have to dress goddamn stunning today? Like a goddamn angel. It wasn’t fair.
You pretend as if you needed something in the section he was hiding in, casually walking around him. “Hey! I was looking to speak with you today.”
“Really? Oh man, I’m sorry.” Eddie wasn’t much of an actor.
“You seem like you’re very busy today. It’s nice to see that you being so active here.”
To avoid all my problems, of course.
“Everyone’s been talking about it,” You continue. “Nobody could have seen it coming. Eddie Munson, church goer.”
“Well, no one’s as shocked as my friends. They still don’t believe it, pictures and all,” Eddie laughs before clearing his throat for a more serious topic. “I’m sorry about yesterday. I was being a dick—sorry I mean, jerk.”
You look at him strange.
“Did I say something wrong?” Eddie asks.
“No. It’s just funny that you’re apologizing for cursing,” You giggle. “Yesterday…you were sort of a sailor mouth.”
“Oh, right. I’m not sure what came over me.“
“To be quite honest, I kinda liked it,” You smile, looking down in your lap. “Everyone’s so formal and proper all the time. It’s nice to hear something…different.”
“Oh…” Eddie’s floored.
“Anyway, how’d you like today’s study?”
“Not my favorite, honestly. They talked so much shit about D’n’D being ‘demonic’.” Eddie says, putting on a gravelly demon voice.
“I’m really sorry about that. I know it’s a sensitive. It was very admirable of you not to interject your points even though you could have very well done so with no judgment. In my opinion, it’s only a harmless game. I’ve been curious to play it.”
“You should come by my club sometime, then. I can teach you all that I know.”
“I’d love for you to teach me.” Your smile fades when you’re reminded of the implications of your statement. Eddie catches this, nervously twirling the rings on his fingers. Neither of you meeting each other’s gaze.
You clear your throat, breaking the silence. “Eddie…I have a few questions.”
“Sure, angel. What’s up?”
“Is there something you’re hiding from me? I want you to know that whatever it is that you feel you can’t tell me…you really could tell me. I may not be a great liar but I can keep secrets.”
Yes, actually. I have a lust for blood because I’m a vampire with an alter personality that attacks humans for their blood and now we’re competing to claim you. : Is what he wished to say… instead he simply puts it at a, “It’s complicated. But I don’t think I have much to say.”
“It’s just that you’ve been so different lately. I’ve never know you to remotely care what people think of you. Or go to church meetings and want to learn about the Bible.”
“People aren’t born religious, they find their way. I did.”
“Yeah but it’s like you’re doing it to make up for something. Whatever it is…you should know that you don’t have to deal with it on your own. You don’t have to avoid me. And if it feels like I’m not forcing you into doing this program in anyway—.”
“I chose to sign up for this. None of this is because I’m force to do this. If anything I like being around you, I’m just going through a lot of stress. It’s hard learning to be more responsible and in control.”
“I know what you mean,” You laugh. “I feel like I nearly lose control all the time. Especially…when I’m with you.”
His eyes widen at your bold admittance.
“Yesterday, I was on the edge, waiting to go over. It’s like that whenever I’m near you. Like, I’m hanging on by a thread that just gets keeps getting thinner and thinner, anticipating the moment it snaps.”
“That’s exactly how I feel.” Eddie says, feeling as if a weight’s been lifted off his shoulders.
“Is it wrong that I wish for you to teach me those things you said you would? To think such sinful thoughts right here on church grounds?”
He swallows audibly, adam’s apple bobbing. “I wouldn’t think so.”
“I’ve always liked you, Eddie. I like you. Not whatever constructed version of you that you’re trying to build to appease the masses. I’m interested in you and the things you like and how excited you are when you get to share them with someone,” You close the space between your bodies. “When I think about you…I can’t stop the ache I feel between my legs. No matter how many times I touch myself at night.”
“Oh, angel,” Eddie breathes. “You’re gonna break me down.”
“What I feel is so intense that all I could do is touch myself to get some release. You were right. I don’t want to deny myself of what I need. I need you.”
“I need you, too. So fucking bad. I could never get you out of my head.”
Your eyes light up. “Really?”
“How can I? You’re amazing. And you’re really pretty and nice and you smell like a dream. Whenever I look at you, I just wanna hold you and kiss you.”
“I can’t stand it. I want you now.” You whine, grabbing the collar of his jacket to press your lips to his.
He’s more confident in his kiss with you, tongue running over your bottom lip. You grant him the permission to explore your mouth, deepening the kiss. You even tasted incredible, too.
Eddie feels as if he’s on top of the world and he hopes Kas could see him now.
That’s checkmate, asshole.
You break the kiss, a line of spit connecting your lips before you lap at it with your tongue. A heat creeping up on your lips when you remembered exactly where you were.
“I hope these old cameras don’t work.” Although, something within you says the opposite.
“Come on.” Eddie takes your hand, leading you to the back corner of the library.
He turns you over, your back against the bookshelf as he starts off by kissing your neck. He, then, resumes moving his lips over your pouty ones, his skillful tongue works its wonders. When his hands reach your butt, he cups it and uses the leverage to glide your clothed core over his denim-covered thigh.
“First lesson in pleasuring yourself, if you’ve got a partner…use ‘em.” Eddie says, grinding you down against him causing you to moan out.
You cover a hand over your mouth afraid that you’re being too loud. He quickly removes your hand away.
“It’s just us, angel. I wanna hear you.”
“But what if someone walks in?”
“Don’t care. Show me how you play with that pussy when your at home. Ride my thigh.” His hand collides hard on your ass, the sting hurts so good.
“Please.” You rasp, rutting against his leg like a dog in heat while he sucked on your neck.
He wanted to taste you so badly. Drink of your nectar as if you were the very source of life itself. So, once he felt like he’d gotten his fill, he drops down to his knees before you. You were confused at first until you felt his hands creep up your dress, finding the band of your panties.
It was a blessing you decided to wear nice underwear today.
He slides your pink thong down your legs, hiking the skirt of your dress around your hips. The look on his face was enough to make you feel like a goddess. His hooded eyes, fluttering as he watch your honeyed arousal seep from your puffy lips.
“It so damn perfect.” Eddie groans. Not wasting a second longer, he dives in. His tongue licks a long stripe up and down your slit before taking in the sensitive nub between his pursed lips.
Your knees begin to buckle underneath you, the only thing keeping you up is his hand on your abdomen.
“Ngh..ooo please! Eddieee.” You whine, biting your lip to keep from screaming. In that moment, there was no turning back for you. You’ve now experienced the kind of pleasure your pillow could never compare to.
You almost felt sorry for denying yourself this kind of bliss. But it was worth the wait because now you get to indulge. And indulge you did, grinding your sodden cunt against his face. His arms wrap around your thick thighs, pulling you into him as if you weren’t close enough.
Eddie kisses your pussy like does when he kissing the lips on your face, savoring the feeling against his. He collects your juices on his tongue then spits back onto your throbbing pussy before sucking it off again. It was absolutely filthy. Something you’d never seen which was enough to make you cum hard at the sight alone.
Your walls clench and unclench within you, desperately needing to be filled. As if he’d read your mind, he slips in a thick digit into you. Then, another. You gasp at the sensation. It was foreign but it intensified your orgasm to the point where you reached for the books behind you to ground yourself into reality, knocking them to the ground.
You were like a work of Michelangelo. He watches intensely as you cry out and writhe against his mouth and fingers. The sounds of his moans combined with the suction noises would have anyone fooled that he was currently eating a 5-star cuisine.
“Oh, yess, daddy.” You let out a guttural groan, the whites of your eyes shown.
Eddie liked the sound of that, laughing wickedly against your thigh. He knew he’s won, taking you down piece by piece until you crumbled. He rubs your clit until your shaking from overstimulation, pulling his hand away to breathe again.
He smirks. The little tease. You smile back, panting. Your hair’s probably a mess from all the thrashing.
You expected him to slide your underwear back up your legs. Instead, he sniffs them and groans, pocketing them.
“Mine now.” He claims with a smile.
“You’ve definitely rocked my world.” You praise, now that you could form a coherent sentence.
He chuckles, helping you straighten yourself out. “So did you. I’ve never been so turned eating pussy. Nearly came in my pants like some prepubescent kid.”
“I want more.” You jump him, kissing with tongue and tasting yourself.
He pulls away, cradling you in his arms. “Whoa, whoa. Let me take you out on a date first. Let’s take things a little slow.”
He was no better than Kas. Eddie was just as thirsty for you. Just as much to credit for your corruption. There was no slowing down between the two of you. Ever since you’d began dating, things have been intense.
There was lots of kissing for sure and Eddie loved going down on you every chance he got. He was a addicted to your taste and the way you sounded, determined to make you scream his name whenever the two of you were alone.
You’d asked Eddie to go to the sex shop with you because tonight was the night. You and Eddie have talked about it for these past few weeks now. He was going to take your virginity. Like you’d always dreamed about.
You were looking for your first time to be somewhat experimental but also as loving as possible. You knew Eddie would provide that. But there wasn’t just Eddie Munson who’d partake in your christening…Kas would soon make his entrance.
“You should buy that,” The little devil in Eddie’s mind says, drawing Eddie’s attention to the foxtail anal plug hung up on display. “It’ll train her ass just right for what I plan on doing to her tonight.”
“Fuck off. I’m not letting you get in on this,” Eddie bites. “She’s mine.”
“Did you really think I wouldn’t come out to play when our girl’s begging for our cock?” Kas says, smugly.
“Get the fuck out of my head, Kas. You’ve caused enough trouble in my life.”
“You can deny me all you wish but it changes nothing. I am your most primal desires and truest of nature. I am you,” Eddie could feel himself weakening. Kas growing in his awareness. “I have you to thank, though. You prepared the little lamb nice and ready for me to partake. Maybe I’ll let you take the reigns…eventually.” Kas chuckles, darkly.
“Eddie,” You skipped giddily over to him. “I think I’m ready to go now. I didn’t get much other than some condoms and lubricant like you said.”
“What do you think of this?” Kas says, picking up the foxtail, curling it around your neck as you look in the mirror.
You giggle. “What is that?”
“Oh, you’ll find out.”
You made it to Eddie’s trailer and your nerves manifested into butterflies aimlessly fluttering in your tummy. This was going to happen. You were going to lose your virginity to Eddie Munson. But as excited as you were…you couldn’t bring yourself to step out of his van.
A part of you felt guilty. Like you wanted to call it off in that moment. You’ve been saving yourself for marriage but all your views and moral values were slowly unraveling. Was God looking down at you right now?
“Hey, bunny?” He says warmly, pulling you out of your thoughts. “Something wrong?”
Your eyes look into his and suddenly you’re skeptical of the man before you. His pale skin contrasted with the darkening around his eyes which in return highlights the ruby red of his irises. “H-hey, um, Eddie?”
You say the name itself in the form of a question, which prompts him to catch onto your suspicion. And yet he smiles. “Yeah?”
“What if I were to say that I’m having second thoughts about this?”
“That’s normal. But that’ll pass. I promise I’ll make this enjoyable for you.”
You grip the edges of your skirt. “It’s just that…it feels so different. Y-you feel different again.”
The moonlight over his faces leaves one side lit brightly against his skin while the other half of his face was shaded in the dark.
“What makes you say that?”
“There’s something about your energy that’s… shifted. And your eyes—It’s like that night all over again. The night we almost….” You swallow the hard lump in your throat. “You’re not Eddie, are you? W-who are you?”
The corners of his lips curl. “You’re a clever little lamb, aren’t you? That explains why you ran off that night. Do you always run from danger?”
You frigid in your seat, watching his every move.
“My name is Kas. Think of me as an enhanced version of lover boy who’s, by the way, watching us through these eyes. Right now. Tonight…I’ll be filling in for him by filling in you.”
“You,” You whisper, pointing at him. “You’re the one that’s been influencing me and Eddie to do these unholy things. You’re possessing him.”
“Bunny, you’ve gotta stop reading that fairytale crap. It rots your brain. I’m no demon,” His fangs extend and you’re scared shitless. “I have no part in controlling Eddie’s emotions or yours. He’s been wanting to fuck you since he saw you. I couldn’t blame him. You’re so sexy.” He growls, leaning in.
You hold up the rosemary around your neck. “I’m protected by God.”
He smirks, reaching out to squeeze the pendant between his index and thumb. He bends the copper in half. You’re shocked to see that he was able to hold it without it negatively affecting him in some way. “Your God can’t save you. No one can. And with my cock down your throat, no one’ll hear you scream either.”
“What do you want?” You hiccup, a tear trickling down your face.
“To fornicate.” He mocks.
You try pulling at the door handle but to know avail, resorting to climbing into the back of the van. His manic cackling is a form of torment.
“You’re exactly where I want you, bunny.” Kas chortles, hopping out the driver’s side to yank open the double doors of the van. “I’ve always wanted to pop your cherry under the stars.”
You kick at him but he’s quicker than you, catching your legs and pulling you towards him. He forces your legs open for his body to stand in between. Climbing over you, he crashes his mouth over yours, teeth knocking in the impact. Your mouth opens at the force, allowing him bite down on your tongue and draw blood. You yelp out in pain, which dissipates into pleasure as he suckles on it.
You’re grinding your core into his hardening erection. He pulls away, looking between your bodies.
“Would you look at that? Looks like our girl wants me, too, Eddie.”
“Eddie?” You stopped rolling your hips in embarrassment, prompting him to slap the side of your thigh.
“Hey! Did I tell you to stop?”
“But Eddie…” You whimper.
“Awww, you scared he’s gonna be mad your humping my leg like a desperate little whore? He’ll be a lot more pissed at me for the things I’ll be doing to you.”
He thrusts his hips against you, pressing his erection into you. You whine out. “I’m sorry, Eddie.”
“Don’t be. He’s right here with us. He’ll feel every part of this. I just get to take the lead,” He pulls himself up on his knees. “Would you like to see what’ll be splitting you apart?”
You nod. You’re not sure why you’re flooding in your underwear at such graphic language but the thought of being impaled by him forcefully was more than inciting.
His shirt is the first to go, chest and abdomen riddled with large scars that made you question his survival of whatever attacked him. You follow his happy trail, his hands just above it before they find their way to his belt. The metal clanking of his belt fills the silence then the quiet zip of the zipper.
He straddles your upper body, the crotch area close enough to your face. “Pull ‘em down.” Kas demands.
With shaky hands, your fingers hook around the waistband of his boxers and pants, lowering them slowly until his cock springs out and hovers over your face with a bounce. You eyes widened in pure horror and fascination. Not only was it huge but it was freakish. Two toned with a rose pink tip, it jumped and wiggled as if it had a mind of its own. As if it were a tendril-like entity.
“Oh my god.” You squeak in shock.
“He looks happy to see you,” Kas smiles. “Why don’t you have a taste?”
You reluctantly stick your tongue out, licking a small strip up the tip. You taste the saltiness of his precum on your tongue then rest your head back against the layers of comforters.
“What was that? Suck on it.” He demands, growing impatient.
“But I don’t know how.”
“I’ve seen the way you eat popsicles, sweetheart. You’ll do just fine. Here, I’ll even help you,” Gripping your hair forward, he sheaths himself down your throat. The entity of a cock, wriggling inside your throat and forcing you to gag. “Oh yeah, that’s it.” He moans.
Kas forces your head down on him over and over. Your trapped between his legs so there was no running. The gurgling sound beneath him eggs him on as he fuck your face roughly. He yanks your hair back for a moment, a thick glob of spit dripping from the tip. You take in as much as air as you could.
“Look how pretty.” He pulls down on your hair, forcing your mouth up and open. Sticking his tongue out, he lets the saliva trail down onto your awaiting tongue.
You aren’t given enough time to compose yourself. Kas shoves his length down your throat once more, adamant on choking you with it. At one point he pinches your nose, using his handle around it to push and pull you down around him. You could hardly breathe but you would not allow yourself to tap out, wanting to please him.
He lets go of his hold around your nose and you learn to breathe through your nostrils, bobbing your head back and forth.
“Now, you’re getting the hang of it,” He says, breathlessly. “Here’s your reward.”
He collects the mass of spit drip between your mouth and his cock. You feel your panties push to the side and then that familiar pressure within you. You clamp around his fingers immediately.
“Ooo, yes please.” Your eyes roll back into your skull like always.
“Fuck, you’re tight,” He groans, pounding his finger into you so deep that you could feel the band of his rings tap against your clit. “What do you say, bunny?”
“Thank you, Master.” Your hips lift up to meet his thrusting fingers, your hand curled around his thick length as much as you could fit to jerk him off.
He circles his finger around something inside you that you hadn’t known you’ve possessed, flicking the trigger repeatedly until the sounds of your wetness echo in the vacuum space.
“I’m close…gonna cum.” Your legs are shaking as you pant for dear life. The pressure building more and more. “Oh god.”
“Not god, bunny. God couldn’t give you this much pleasure.”
You whine and babble, tears running down your face. Then, you’re gasping, eyes fluttering. This was going to be an intense one. One that scared you so much that you nearly ruined it on your own trying to suppress but Kas’s fingers knew how to draw your orgasm when you begged for it to retreat. No way could you handle this and come out sane.
“Unnh, mmm.” Now your toes are curling, arousal seeping and just before you snap…he pulls his fingers.
You’re hyperventilating. You hated him. You wanted to stop this. To give up. How could he be so evil?!
You cry out your frustration and he’s amused, studying features while you threw a tantrum beneath him.
“I was going to let you finish but then I remembered you tried running away from me…again,” He chides. Yet, now you cry and beg for me. So what is it? Are you mine or not?”
Your chest rises and falls, hot and angry tears streaming down your cheeks. “You said I deserve release.”
“Then, prove yourself worthy. Move me.” He smirks.
“I wanna cum,” You groan, throwing your head back in frustration. “Wanna cum on your fingers, Master. Please. I belong to you. I’m yours.”
“Alright, bunny.” He coos, shoving his fingers into you again. And It’s like he’d never left. The pressure is there again and somehow there’s layers upon layers of it. One push of a beckoning finger against the pearl within you and you’re gushing endlessly.
You’re wetting the comforter beneath you, calling out into the night without a worry or care in mind as if he didn’t have neighbors. He doesn’t stop his ministrations and your convinced he’s trying to keep the trend of you screaming loud enough for people to think you’re being murdered.
“Just one more.” He says, wriggling against it again and you’re so sensitive that it feels like he’s broken something in you so that all you can do is leak out your arousal.
You tremble and jolt, eyes glossed over. Unaware of him sliding himself off you, it wasn’t until your legs are pried open again that brought you back. You look up at him, his pants fully removed.
“Take off your clothes. I’m done waiting.” He commands.
You oblige, shyly removing your clothing and garments until you lay bare before him. He looks you up and down, the entity-like cock stiffening in your direction.
You expected him to roll on a condom. Instead, he flip you around on your stomach.
“What about wearing a condom?” You panic.
“I’ll be filling you up with my cum. Think I could get your belly all round and swollen for me?”
You shook your head. “No, please.”
“You know how to end this. Say it and I’ll stop right now.”
He was right. Eddie had taught you the colors in case you needed things to stop or go slow. But you didn’t want any of that. You craved the full experience. You silently lift yourself on all fours, pushing your ass against him to show how badly you need him. It was going to hurt going in this way your first time but you weren’t a quitter.
“That’s my girl.” His hands squeezed around your waist, fingertips digging into your belly. The fat tip his cock at the entrance of your core.
You exhale, feeling the pressure and then just as he said…you’re being split apart. “Oh, ffff-“
“What’s that?” He teases, inching into you some more before snapping his hips forward. He’s officially fed you the entire length, stretching you beyond comprehension.
The wind is knocked out of you, your hand searching for something to grip. “Oh, fuck.” You squeak.
“Feels so fucking good ruining you.” He laughs, hitting sharp thrusts into you. Pound for pound, he elicits a noise out of you each time.
Kas smells the familiar scent of blood on his length and his bloodlust spikes. He fucks into you hard and your knees give out, now laying flat on your stomach.
“Oh, fuck, Master. Thank you.” You whine, biting into the sheet below you.
He’s relentless taking you as if you’ve been through this times before. No mercy. Your breath and words snatched away with each nudge of his tip teasing you g-spot. He pulls you up on your knees again and you feel a cool gel ooze onto your puckered hole. His thumb teases the entrance, circling around it until it’s replaced with a cold metal object that breaches through your anal cavity fully.
“Your ass looks so yummy, bunny.” Kas moans, spanking your ass roughly, yanking on the tail.
“Oh my god. Oh my god.” You chant, overwhelmed by the feeling of both your holes being filled.
“Howl for me.” He says, slapping your ass again.
You don’t even have to try. You were doing that exact kind of noise. His neighbors would for sure voice their complaints.
You feel his cock doing something to your walls that seemed near impossible as it suctions itself to your walls, keeping him snug within you while it searched for its main target.
Kas grunts with every thrust going deeper and deeper into your channel until reached your cervix. You began to salivate, mind numb. Was he in your stomach? You didn’t have to wonder long, feeling him apply pressure near your belly button. Oh yeah, he’s deep in your guts. Rearrange them for a permanent indentation. He’s officially broken you and you’re not understanding your reality at this point.
“You’re squeezing me tight, bunny. You gonna come?”
“Uh-huh.” You pant, eyes crossed.
“Then, fucking ask for permission!”
“Please make me cum, Master. Please. I’ve been a good girl. I wanna cum!”
His fingers find your swollen nub, rubbing it back and forth . Your legs give out once again but he doesn’t miss a beat, stroking long and deep into your squelching core. Skin slapping against skin as your ass jiggled at the force.
“I’m cumming!” You cry out, squirting your juices at anything in within range. Kas takes this opportunity to bite into your neck and feed. It all felt so overwhelming. Now you’ve understood it why the french call it ‘a little death’. You’re positive that your heart’s stopped momentarily during your convulsions.
“Shit, shit, shit.” You bite down on your finger, he’s still drinking of your blood.
Kas’s warm seed shoots through your warm channel. He unsheathing his sharp fangs from your neck, mouth bloodied as he pumped away in your clenching core. His moans enough to make you whine again at the sound even though you’re pretty much spent.
Once, he’s sure he’s pushed his cum far enough into the deepest parts of you, he stills and slides out of you slowly. His dick is covered in a mixture of cum and blood. You mourn the loss of him as if his place was meant to be inside you. He collapses in the space next to you, caressing your backside and playing with the tail thats still plugged in you.
“How do you feel?” He asks.
You turn over on your back, panting. “I feel…like I just had a spiritual awakening.”
“Didn’t I tell ya.” He chuckles.
“I’m also really lightheaded.”
“That’s both the orgasm and the blood loss. You’ll need some food to replenish.”
You hum your understanding.
Kas curls into your side, pressing kisses into your shoulder. “Do you like me, too? I know you like Eddie but do you like me?”
“I do,” You nodded. “I like every part of you.”
“Even if there were some…darker parts that you don’t get to see.”
You had to think about that one, piecing together Eddie’s arrival to the church along with the very idea of Kas. “I think that because I like you…I’m willing learn to understand you. But I don’t want anyone to get hurt. So, if you ever need to feed, I am yours.”
He nudged his head into the crook of your neck. Kas choose not to tell you about the missing man, wanting to start a new clean slate with you. Maybe you had influenced him just as much as he did you.
“Hey, Bunny. Lover boy’s looking to cut into our time. So if I go, just remember that I fucked you better.”
You giggle, playing in his hair. Kas shuts eyes and reopens them and they’re the familiar brown cow eyes.
“Eddie?” You place soft kisses all over his face when you notice his glare. “Are you mad at me?”
“I’m not mad, angel. But I won’t be so nice either.” He captures a hardened nipple between his teeth and bites down, making you scratch angry lines down his back. His mouth latches onto your creamy pussy, drinking of its essence. You were sensitive but you sigh in delight, hands in his hair as you arched off the van floor.
Should you be a lamb, then you shall serve yourself as a precious offering to your kings?
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wackpedion · 7 months
Headcanon/Observation: Seth is Religious
Heyy so I saw someone being confused about this so Im gonna make a tumblr post about it now, basically based off things you see in the game, mostly the imagery shared by Seth and the church, you can make the interpretation that Seth is religious
For one, the church follows the Metal Fox religion (as stated in a loading screen), and you can see the church uses the fox not only in name but as a symbol as they have fox statues in their front yard. This is interesting because Seth shares this symbol, having a fox on the back of his poncho.
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And while this sure is something, theres even more ties to be made between Seth and the church and its religion.
Seth has alooot of eye imagery between his regular and mystery phantom forms. He has an eye on the top of his hood, and in his phantom form its both on his front and back AND a necklace of the eye symbol
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I found this perplexing for the longest time because there is eye imagery in the game but in every case I could think of its used in relation to the detectives, with the exception being Shinigami and her book of death but she is a mystery centred death god and has ties to detectives through our protagonist, as opposed to Seth who sure is an investigator but still not a detective and was very much on the enemy side and doesn't have a personal tie to detectives either
However you look at the church more closely and what do you see? Eye imagery, specifically in the windows and iron gates
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This makes Seths ties to eye imagery make infinitely more sense if you are to assume hes religious, plus the fact his phantom form is wearing a necklace of it is reminiscent of Christians who might wear crosses
Now, for some additional notable mentions which I feel are less solid but have some basis and help strengthen my argument:
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This dialogue could be interpreted that Seth has some sort of faith, an agnostic or athiestic person probably wouldn't defend someone on the basis of their religious status. However this could also be interpreted as some last ditch or desperate effort to defend the priest, as per his motives and also his role as a mystery phantom.
Another thing would be the fact all members of the church have tattoos/markings, usually tied to their eyes. Seth also happens to have one himself
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however this could be a stretch as many characters in the game have face markings/tattoos, and Seths is green as opposed to the red sported by the church's members.
Also, Seth's profile mentions he likes 'Wind instruments',
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I am not familiar with church or religious music so I can't say much, but from what I gather they play some part in church music? And the one most associated with churches, the organ, is a wind instrument.
And now, the biggest leap of all: He wears a monocle, which btw is completely unique to him in the game. This draws attention to his one visible eye, and as established earlier eyes are associated with the church
Anyway thats the end!! I hope you liked my post and normal level of digging for a character with like no screentime and now understand the idea that he is religious :3
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burningexeter · 8 months
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Gargoyles: The Curse Of Hunter's Moon
Demona's Introduction
The following is an entire sequence that I'm sharing to give you a definitive idea and a great taste to show what I'm going for with this:
It's the middle of the night and a bright red car with a white top on it that looks to be almost 1950s-ish pulls up right in front of the derelict church. Coming out of the front seat, Elisa Maza looks down at the location map that Fox, the mysterious women who was now disfigured on her right eye in the hospital, had drawn and given to her in secret. This was indeed the place, something that looks like Dracula would live in. When entering through the front door, Elisa is surprised at how grand the inside of it is and cracks a dryly sarcastic joke at the Queen Of England having her royal wedding here.
She makes her way to the basement as instructed and uses the golden key that Fox slipped to her as well to open the entrance. Entering and making her way down the hard stone staircase, she finds that it isn't a basement but instead is a large crypt with a black sarcophagus right in the middle across a metal mini-bridge over water. Elisa remembers what Fox had told her and that what was inside in the middle would be the evidence to nail Dominique Destine on these recent events for good. Opening it, she finds the body of a woman encased in cement and clutched in her hands to Elisa's shock is exactly what she needs to prove that Destine was involved in this. Carefully removing it from this body's cold, dead hands, Elisa gets too cocky for her own good and boasts to herself how all of this was a piece of cake in a smug way.
Only for her to stop when she begins to look at the body more closely and notices that she looks strangely familiar as if she's seen her before. It's when Elisa squints and gets just a little too close that the body in cement.... moves.
A shocked Elisa ends tripping over and horrifyingly comes not just face-to-face but nose-to-nose with the woman. Screaming in terror as the cement cracks, Elisa gets herself up and said cement completely breaks apart entirely to reveal that not only is this woman and well and not happy but also that she had blue skin, spiky, red hair, wore a white loincloth with a matching single strap top, a golden tiara on her head, an armband on her upper left arm, a leg band on her lower left leg, had sharp knife-like claws on her hands and feet and finally glowing pitch red eyes full of hard rage staring directly at Elisa, the human intruder in her lair.
After an intense scuffle where Elisa's gun is crushed by Demona's bare foot, the piece of evidence falls right into the water and as Elisa realizes she has to go in after it, several of the coffins burst open, arms smash through the walls, clawed feet push through the ceiling and out of them comes all of these creature women just like Demona with glowing red eyes, sharp fangs and equally pissed.
Jumping in as fast as she can, she scrambles around to find the main evidence in this disgusting and murky water on a terrifying time limit when she finally finds it but when she immediately grabs hold of it, a rotting head pops out from underneath it. A horrified Elisa looks around to see all these underwater skeletons and decomposing bodies around her, she screams in terror with bubbles coming up. And that guttural scream is carried over when she instantly comes back up and sees Demona is right at her who lets out a bone-chilling and nightmarish roar at her as the camera goes full-on Sam Raimi and goes into Demona's large open mouth to reveal that her uvula is a grotesque deformity that instead of being round at the bottom, it's a crooked sharp point.
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A truly horrified Elisa screams in absolute terror only for the camera to pull another Sam Raimi and go into her just as wide open mouth to reveal that she too has the exact same grotesque and deformed uvula with the same sharp crooked point bottom.
The sight of this shocks and takes back Demona as Elisa runs out of the water with the other women in hot pursuit only for Demona to signal them to stop and marches forward with a twisted smirk on her face and taking her sweet time with Elisa running back up the stairway, basically saying without a line of dialogue that "she's mine".
Reaching the "basement" door and about to be free of this horrific nightmare happening in real life, it slams shut in her face. Elisa desperately tries to open it as she sees Demona's shadow approaching her which leads her to remember in the moment, the key! She pulls it out and puts it in the lock, only for her hope and relief to be instantaneously dashed when it breaks off.
Having no other choice as Demona is now dangerously close to her, Elisa uses a hole at the bottom of the door as her escape. Throwing the evidence that got her into this in the first place out through first, she goes straight through next.... but gets stuck when her ass and hips aren't big enough and as Elisa struggles more than ever, it's way too late. Demona has already reached her, for the first time here speaks by taunting Elisa as she's still trying to get through and then comments that this human's bottom is a thing of beauty on par with hers.
Demona lunges forward and sinks her teeth straight into the right side of Elisa's ass cheek as the latter screams in pain on the outside.
The camera hard cuts to the outside of St. Damien's Cathedral to show that Elisa's screams are just simple mere faints amongst the noises in New York.
The End (it isn't, it's just a scene in the middle but you get the point or what I'm saying)
What's the "evidence"?
Who are the other creature women?
How does their deformed uvula tie into this?
You'll just have to see for yourself if this idea I have for a flat-out Gargoyles animated reboot film ever happens and sees the light of day cause where's the fun in just telling you or anyone else who reads it everything about it?
Top it all off even though this is her introduction, Demona isn't the main antagonist of the movie. She's the TRITAGONIST.
I can honestly picture Salli Richardson and Marina Sirtis loving what they're reading with this in the actual fucking script.
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cambion-companion · 11 months
The Priest A Devil
One upon a dusky twilight, a lone mortal treads upon hallowed ground defiled by a devil.
A tender heart stricken by guilt bleeds so easily when in the wrong hands.
Yes, I did the deed. Happy Halloween!
Raphael x reader (gn)
Ao3 Link : Raphael's Diaries - Chapter 1 - MysticAwareness - Baldur's Gate (Video Games) [Archive of Our Own]
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The gloam of early twilight settled upon misty moors rising purple against the dusky sky.  A chill ran down your spine, the biting cold of approaching winter dewing upon your clothing as you walked through the mist.  
Up ahead candlelight glimmered through the chapel’s stained-glass windows, casting a dance of light and shadow upon the frozen ground. Each of your footsteps crunched, hastening toward the promise of the warmth and restful refuge of your church.  
An owl swooped low overhead on silent wings, hooting a doleful warning. Not for the first time on your journey the hairs on the back of your neck rose, alerting you to an unseen presence watching as you scurried like a church mouse up the sloping hill.
At last, your numb fingers brushed against the splintered wood of the chapel door, and it swung inward with a groan.  You had expected to be greeted by the usual gathering of villagers, welcoming and warming you into the cozy and expected ritual of every weekend evening.
Instead, stillness and silence invaded your ears, though the flickering sputter of the candles next to the confession booth drew your gaze.
You frowned.
The pews were empty. Had they gathered earlier today and just forgotten to tell you?  The bell that rang clear and loud hung motionless by the far wall. You touched the cold metal, and a layer of dust came away upon your finger. Within your bosom you felt the sudden heaviness of an unexplained dread. Somewhere from afar outside a piercing cry rose up, unlike any nighttime creature you’d before heard. It cut off abruptly, and the following silence was fraught with tension.
Your muscles were tense as a frozen deer under a hunter’s gaze. They slowly eased when no new noises followed the unexpected cry.
“May have been a fox.”  You muttered, the sound of your whispered voice too loud inside the stone walls. “Or a night hawk.”
The door where you had left it open crashed closed in what must’ve been a sudden breeze. The bombastic sound nearly sent you leaping out of your skin as you spun around and tripped over your own feet, your weight careening back against the wooden confession box, knocking the wind from your lungs.
“My apologies.”  A disembodied voice spoke at your back, seemingly coming from all around and nowhere.
A shriek tore from your throat, again your muscles twitching at the whim of your fear. You realized the voice was coming from inside the booth. It also gained a face as a middle-aged man ducked out and stood tall before you, smiling slightly as if suppressing mirth at your flighty reactions.
“Calm yourself.” His voice was rich and gravelly, decadent even.  
You recognized his priestly garb and sucked in lungfuls of air, holding a calming hand against your hammering heart. “Father.”  You said with some relief. “You gave me quite a start.”
“Have you come to confess your sins? I was just finishing with another client of mine.”  The priest motioned toward the dark entrance to the box, and you peered inside, not seeing evidence of another person inside.
Your brow furrowed as you glanced back at him. “Client?  No, no I came for the Saturday gathering.”
“Saturday?”  The priest chuckled low through closed lips. “Nay, my child.  You are a whole day early, in fact.”
“That’s not…possible.”  You shook your head, trying to rid yourself of the irksome buzzing you heard, like the murmur of a hundred flies. Your eyes again found the unfamiliar priest. “Who are you? Where is Father Mors?”
The candles upon the altar crackled and danced violently as if in a sudden breeze. Though all the doors were closed. You glanced behind you, that unnerving prickle tingling against the nape of your neck.
“My name is Raphael.”  His black robes rustled against the rough stone floor as he bent politely at the waist, touching a hand to his chest. “My dear, you look positively blanched.  Come. Sit.”  Father Raphael moved to your side, the flickering candlelight throwing his form into a twisting and distorted shadow upon the wall behind. “I’m certain there is much we can discuss, you and I.”
His hand found the small of your back and practically pushed you into the confession box.  The dim light of the chapel dimmed into semi-blackness within the enclosed space, and you settled down uncertainly, hearing Father Raphael do the same beside you. A thin wooden wall and a small rectangular metal grate separated you from the unfamiliar priest.
There was silence, unprecedented as the only sound you heard was your own breathing echoed back at you.  From beyond the confines of the confession booth and the cobbled chapel you heard again a short wailing cry.  It sent a spike of cold fear through your heart.
“Bless me, Father, for I have sinned.”  Your throat was nearly too tight to speak properly, dread coiling like a twisting vine inside your soul.  You cleared your voice and continued. “My last confession was two weeks ago.”
No answer.
The sound of your breathing continued, growing heavier and shorter as the unease within your chest mounted.
Then Raphael spoke at last, the dim orange glow from the candles reflecting through the metal grate like two flaming eyes. “My condolences about your late husband.”  His words sent your heart into your throat. “What a truly tragic affair.”
“How did you-”
“Know?” Raphael interrupted, chuckling again. The sound reverberating against the metal grate. “It is, quite literally, my business.  My bread and bloody butter.  But don’t allow me to interrupt, you have a confession to make.”
All warmth had drained from your face, your eyes staring wide into the darkness of the booth. You licked your lips, mouth suddenly dry.
You squeezed your hands together upon your lap until your fingers hurt, trying to block out the memories that had followed you like ghosts since that dreadful day.
“Come now.”  The priest’s voice sharpened sternly. “Cat got your tongue?  You came all this way to play the part of the penitent sinner. Well then.  Play.”
Hot tears began rolling down your clammy cheeks. “It wasn’t an accident.”  You spoke into the abyss, willing the words to take your torment with them into the void. “It was my fault.  My anger.”
“You killed him?”  Raphael spoke and his tone rang mocking against your ears. “Shocking.  Would you like to know where his soul is right now?  What torment he suffers that you will soon take part in?”
“I…what?”  Your voice rasped with shock and alarm, the feeling of impending doom rearing like a snake about to strike. You fumbled in the box, striking your head against the wooden frame as you burst through the opening back into the chill chapel air.
You threw aside the adjoining curtain and fell back with another strangled cry, your eyes wide upon the empty bench.
“Oh my god!”  You stifled your cry against your shaking hand, stumbling back until you found the wall to lean against, your horrified gaze still fixed upon the vacant booth.
Slowly lowering your hand, you looked around the chapel, every flicker of shadow sending a jolt of alarm through you.
“’Bless you’?”  His breath was hot upon your ear, sharp nails digging into the back of your neck before you could flee. “For you have sinned.”  Raphael towered over you now, his visage changed into a creature from beyond the scope of your most dreadful nightmare.
Firelight sparked within black eyes, horns sprouted from crimson skin, sharp teeth grinning down at you.  Batlike wings spread wide, caging you against the wall and muting the firelight beyond into a red glow.
You closed your eyes, tears streaking down your face, and muttered a rapid prayer to your god.
Raphael listened, amused, with a cocked head.  His glowing eyes roved over your tear-stained face. “No god will deign to help you now, little pet.  You killed your husband.”
You gasped, the edges of your vision dimming as you fought to stay conscious. “It was self-defense!”
“A paltry excuse!”  The devil laughed at you. “I am no impartial judge!  Your blundering resulted in the premature end of a most beneficial contract.”  His hand moved to tangle in your hair and tightened, arching your neck back. “And I always exact what I am owed.”
With a sneer of disgust, the creature released you and stepped back, his wings flaring wide before nestling against his back. A long tail whipped in agitation, drumming against the confessional booth as Raphael considered your quaking form. “Thwarted after decades of painstaking planning. And by such a wilting flower too.”
That rankled. “He got what he deserved!”  You spat out, your fear beginning to morph into desperate anger.
Raphael raised an eyebrow. “Perhaps.  The only justice I care about, however, is mine.”  His eyes traveled the length of your body before once again meeting your eyes. “And my ledger states you now owe me a great debt. Come.”  He strode forward and seized your wrist, only smirking when you fought to break free. “We have business to attend to. Together.”
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seth-burroughs · 3 months
i appreciate how seth just showed up in chapter 1 unannounced asserted himself as legitimately one of the most cool and interesting characters in the whole game especially concerning the entirety of his interactions with Yakou/the agency (as well as some really strong implifications of him being religious in the context of the metal fox church) all in just a few scenes in a single chapter and then he just got taken out back to get shot by the director couple at the end of it and we literally never even hear anything about him again. and even then they even fucking. put in the extra detail that he was actually very likely to have survived as his picture isn't crossed off and he never appears in the restricted area. and he is the only peacekeeper aside from yomi & martina to ever get this kind of focus and. what the actual fuck is going on with seth rain code
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Witch of Penchant
Prologue: Part 1/4
Shingen x MC (Mai)
the thread of INSPIRATION | Next
Logline - A women in nuns clothes, with an unsettling resemblance to a fox, the witch of Honno-ji, has traveled back in time to an era she has already lived through. She accidentally saved the life of Nobunaga Oda, but now she wonders how else the past has changed.
2200-ish words
Nobunaga scolded him. “Let her be. Her name is Mizusaki Mai. Oh yes and she saved my life.”
Mitsuhide looked surprised, wide eyes, “You saved Oda-sama’s life…?” snakey smile, “And you’re such a slender thing. but it appears your courage makes up for it.” Mai rolled her eyes, returned an equally disturbing, but unusually toothy smile, scoffed, then continued scanning the scene.
This starts as you would expect it, a woman and man find themself at a lonely stone monument as the rain starts suddenly. Although, this is not an unusual spot for the woman to be; witches like her throughout time and space have been the protector of rifts, weak spots in the fabrics of reality. Mai sighed as the undergrad fell through the wormhole before she dived in after him. She would have liked to return him to his time more immediately, but he apparently distracted her enough that she appeared 4 years after him. Oh well…
Mai soon found her vision to be quickly obscured with streams of billowing hot smoke. The Honno-ji shrine came into view around her, currently in flames. An armor suited man sat asleep amidst the chaos. In the year 1582, betrayed by Akechi Mitsuhide, Oda Nobunaga committed seppuku amidst the fiery wreckage of Honno-ji. Or that was how the past played out when she successfully protected the rift from mortals. With the young man nowhere in sight, she infrured he fell into some time before, and the effects of such meant it was nothing like the first time she lived through it. 
A man (presumably Oda Nomunaga) dressed in a suit of ancient Japanese armor was sitting on the floor, head tilted down in sleep. Another man holding some kind of walking stick approached the unconscious man. As Mai’s watery eyes squinted in the smoke, she recognised the gleam as that of a sword. Sparks from the flaming paper walls illuminated the sharp edge of the raised metal blade.
With a sharp intake of the oxygenless air, the witch bellowed a wordless cry at the armored man. Typhoon force winds suddenly blew from her mouth, and the man slammed through the paper walls out of sight. The sword clattered to the ground in a cruel imitation of church bells. Mai heard him scramble for the blade before fleeing.
She hurried over to and crouched beside the unconscious man and shook him urgently. He finally woke, eyelids lifting lazily, ”Who are you?” he sputtered out into the smoke.
“No time for introductions. Come on, let’s get you out of here!” Mai said with a chuckling tone. Mortals were always so confident in their self importance.
"Take my hand!” He obeyed, grabbing her hand. She shifted her weight before hauling him to his feet.
Concerning shapes flitted by in the edges of the pair's vision. They were ignored in favor of an exit. The wooden stairs won’t hold much longer.
The exit came into view! The pair burst through the door, into the refreshing, blessed cool night air and barreled down the path, far from the smoke and flames.
The temple was being engulfed by uncontrollable flames. The man glanced at the destruction before his eyes came to rest on the women in front of him. “Someone tried to do away with me while I slept,” he began, “Audacious but foolish. Killing my guards and getting that close to me is another matter.” 
So those shapes had been guards-Mai sighed, she had been too distracted, if she didn’t cut this chain of distractions from her mind or the rift would fall to desecration and mortals would fall to harm.
The samurai (presumably Oda Nomunaga) meets her eyes, “You there. Woman. Let go of me.”
Mai chuckles, “Oh sorry.” She let go and pulled back. The man looked over her thoughtfully. He stared at her rakusu overtop a brightly colored kimono, the religious garment indicating her servitude to Buddhism. 
“You saved my life. You may be some girl the monks snuck in for amusement but I owe you my thanks.”
“The amusement of others is neither my intention nor my job, but you are welcome.”
Mai surveyed him for injury, but found none. His pale red eyes were unsettling, proud and brutal, hair a solid black. His clothes were finely made, he stood in black armor, with red tassels and a white under-haroi. As fine as the sword and as deadly as tanegashima hanging from his belt.
“What are you staring at? Surely you know who I am.”
“I really don’t.” And Mai really didn’t, it was best not to assume in this unfamiliar past.
“You saved me without knowing who I am? Not expecting reward or favor? … So be it I shall tell you my name. I am the man who rule all under the sun -”
Definitely Oda Nobunaga. “Actually, you don’t really need to tell me.” Mai started approaching the temple. She wanted to stabilize the rift before the fire watch came.
The samurai smirked, “You’re a curious woman. No one’s ever spoken so impudently to me before.” He let out a loud amused laugh that echoed far into the night before continuing, “You intrigue me, which is almost as worthy of praise as saving my life. I am the lord of Azuchi Castle and Daimyo of Owari, Oda Nobunaga.”
Devil King of the Sixth Heaven, Nobunaga Oda-and he was just in the burning Honno-ji temple-meaning…
“Pardon me for asking something strange but what year is it?”
Oda Nobunaga looked confused at the question, “It is 1582. Why?” Because in the year 1582 betrayed by Akechi Mitsuhide, Oda Nobunaga committed seppuku amidst the fiery wreckage of Honno-ji. Mai signed.
“I’ve given my name; now it’s your turn.”
Oda Nobunaga took a full step forward and took her chin in his hand, forcing her to meet his eyes. “Oof!”
That surprised her. Nobunaga’s face was almost touching Mai’s as he smirked.
“Give me your name.”
“Mizusaki. Mizusaki Mai.”
“A good name.”
“Glad you approve. Now let go of me.”
Mai brushed off his hand and would have continued walking towards the burning temple if she hadn't heard a large group coming their way.
A finely dressed samurai, with grey hair in a white coat, a black chest piece and long lavender hakamas,  ran to Nobunaga crying “Oyakata-sama, you’re safe!”
The man arrived at the front of a unit of soldiers, rushing toward the two.
“Mitsunari? Why are you here? Where is Hideyoshi?” Nobunaga said.
“Hideyoshi-sama sent me ahead. He should be here shortly.” He took in the sight of the burning temple with a frown.  “We received information about an assassination attempt. It appears to have been true. I had my men search the grounds but whoever it was had already fled.“ Mitsunari glanced at the women beside him, "If I may ask who is this? I saw the two of you leave the temple together.”
"Mai, present yourself to my subordinate." Nobunaga indicated Mitsunari with a nod and then waited. 
“I’m sorry, did I miss the part where I became a subordinate too? I don't have to follow your orders." 
Nobunaga glared, “Then you’re choosing to disobey me?”
“It seems to be hard not too when one is so set on things going his way.”
Mitsunari coughed before chiming in, “Please this is on me. It was rude of me not to introduce myself first. My name is Ishida Mitsunari. I serve at the side of Toyotomi Hideyoshi-sama, Oyakata-sama’s right hand man.”
"Nice to meet you. I’m Mizusaki Mai."
Nobunaga gestured to Mai once again, "I don’t know who she is, but she roused me and saw me to safety.”
“She did! I can’t thank you enough for protecting our lord’s life.“ Mistunari bowed enthusiastically deep in a show of thanks.
“But what brought you here tonight?” Mitunari continued his questions, “You dress like a nun, but your attire is quite unusual. Are you from abroad?”
“It was the gods’ lightning that guided me here. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a fire to be dealt with and a fox to strangle.”
“What?” “What?!” was the response from both men.
They stared in shock and then disbelief.
“You poor thing. The smoke from the fire was very disorientating, I'm sure.” Mitsunari grabbed her shoulder and began guiding her away from the smokey temple grounds.
Nobunaga laughed, “Are you claiming it was a kitsune who tried to kill me?”
“I never implied that is what the kitsune was plotting, only that I know he is involved.” One of them is referring to a wily bastard of a man, the other is referring to an actual mythical being.
Mistunari interrupted,  pushing the two further away, “Sit down over there and get some fresh air. Someone will bring you a change of clothes.” Mai’s sleeves were black with soot, and the hemline was burned several inches higher.
“Once you’re freshened up, you’ll feel much better.”
“Thank you.” Mai quickly bowed as a soldier approached with a bundle in his hands.
Mitsunari said, “Now let’s get you into these shall we, Ojou-sama? Prepare a tent!” before walking off to conduct the soldiers. Mai redressed in the yellow kimono, white obi, and orange haori. She changed into the clean white tabi before putting on her old geta again. Her hair clung to her back, the two braids at her temples not unwinding. Once she stepped out of the tent, Ishida-san guided her to the center of the hastily assembled camp.
“Wait, right here.“ he said, ”I’ll bring you a cup of good clean water to clear your throat. “ With him gone the only other person nearby was Nobunaga.
"You clean up well”
Mai glared as his eyes lingered in return. She turned and kept her gaze on the entrance waiting for Ishida-san to return. The smoke from the Temple started to clear. Ishida-san’s troops must have put out the fire. As she breathed the clearing air, someone parted the curtain and entered camp but it wasn’t Ishida-san.
A fox-like man, and Mai knew fox-like, approached, “Oyakata-sama. I see you are well.”
“Mitsuhide?” Nobunaga questioned his surprise appearance.
Him? The person who started this whole incident, no—the history is different this time, but how?
“I hurried when I heard about the attack,” Mitsuhide seemed not in the least bit hurried, “but it seems there was nothing for me to worry about.”
“You worry?” Nobunaga smirked, ”Don’t make me laugh. I’ve never even seen you sweat.”
Yet another person entered the camp. This, this was a man in a hurry. “Oyakata-sama! Are you injured?” He cried!
“The only injury I suffered is my pride in letting my assailant escape.” Nobunaga responded.
“I see.”
“And now Toyotomi Hideyoshi shows up!” Mai said offhandedly, she continued to study the temple ground from a distance.
“Aren’t we outspoken? Have we met?” the correctly assumed Hideyoshi said this pointedly.
Nobunaga scolded him. “Let her be. Her name is Mizusaki Mai. Oh yes and she saved my life.”
Mitsuhide looked surprised, wide eyes, “You saved Oda-sama’s life…?” snakey smile, “And you’re such a slender thing. but it appears your courage makes up for it.” Mai rolled her eyes, returned an equally disturbing, but unusually toothy smile, scoffed, then continued scanning the scene.
Hideyoshi asked, “Akechi-san, what are you doing here?”
And Mitsuhide returned a, “ I was wondering the same thing. I didn’t know you were in Kyoto. What about the campaign?”
“When I heard about the threat to our lord’s life I dropped everything to come here. But I never heard anything about you being in Kyoto.”
Mitsuhide frowned, “Are you implying something?”
“Can you swear before our daimyo that you weren’t plotting anything?” Hideyoshi barked out.
Mitsuhide didn’t answer him. The two locked eyes, tension filling the space between them. Hideyoshi is already suspicious that he is responsible for the attack.
Finally, Mitsuhide said, “All men have secrets in chaotic times. Are you saying you act with no ambition of your own?”
“Stop being evasive! Confess!” Hideyoshi said, his eyes flared. He gripped his sword, ready to draw. “If I find that you played any part in this attack on our lord, Akechi-san, I’ll show you no mercy.”
“It wasn’t him…” Mai said, still facing away, she began untangling her hair.
Mai looked back and said, "I caught a glimpse of the man who attacked Nobu—um, Oda-sama, but the drape of his clothes was all wrong. And Mitsuhide is spotless.” The bells the man wore also reminded her of monks. “And we were both covered in soot.” He still smelled of soot actually.
"Mizusaki-san, was it? Stay out of this.” Hideyoshi said rudely, “We’ll settle things with you later and learn why you’ve schemed to get so close to Oyakata-sama.”
“Excuse you,” Mai snarked,“I’m a nun with no interest in scheming-” A lie. Two actually, she hasn’t been a nun in a long while.
Nobunaga said, “Enough, Hideyoshi. Regardless of what brings Mitsuhide here, I am alive and well.”
Hideyoshi bowed his head, "My apologies, Oyakata-sama.” He immediately let go of his sword, his hand relaxing somewhat.
Nobunaga turned to Mai, “Hideyoshi, Mitsuhide. Leave us. I have something to discuss with Mai-gozen.”
"With me?“ Gozen?
They stepped outside as Nobunaga approached. "Your discourteous manners aside, you saved my life. I’m intrigued by you. You’re a woman who carries fortune’s favor of that I’m certain.”
Mai’s eyes widened. Nobunaga had slipped one arm around her waist, pulling her possessively toward him, his voice close, “How would you like to rule the world at my side?”
“Apologies, but I really must go; I have my duties, and you have your nation to unite…” And with that prediction for the man, she fled towards the edges of camp. “What did you say to Me!” Nobunaga called after her. Toyotomi-san and Akechi-san called on her but she fled the small camp, racing into the forest.
tags: @ginshoujo, @gloriouspiratenacho,
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raincode-archives · 10 months
Chapter 1 Character Profile Descriptions
Yuma Kokohead A Trainee Detective with amnesia. His small build is unsuitable for physical confrontation. A lack of self-confidence results in a tendency to frequently complain. However, he posses a strong sense of justice and selflessly tries to help anyone in need.
Though framed by the fake Zilch as the culprit of the Amaterasu Express Massacre, Yuma joined forces with Shinigami and exposed the truth by entering the Mystery Labyrinth.
Shinigami (Spirit Form) A death god contracted to haunt Yuma. Only visible to Yuma, Shinigami is constantly floating and bobbing along at his side. though cheerful and chatty, this death god's sense of morality is quite far removed from that of humans.
Shinigami can open a path to the Mystery labyrinth, which is the manifestation of mysteries from the real world. The truth behind the mystery is revealed by solving the Mystery labyrinth. Dispelling it requires reaping the true culprit's soul, which results in their death in the real world.
Shinigami (Human Form) Shinigami's true form. Her personality is no different from when she's in her spirit form, so she continues to enjoy teasing Yuma.
She can open a path to the Mystery Labyrinth, which is the manifestation of mysteries from the real world. She has many special abilities inside the Mystery Labyrinth that can aid Yuma in solving it.
The Mystery Labyrinth can be dispelled by reaping the soul of the culprit from whom it was made, resulting in the culprit's death.
Yakou Furio A Kanai Ward native and head of the Nocturnal Detective Agency. He lives in an unhealthy, unkempt, and unsanitary lifestyle. He understands the thread the Amaterasu Corporation Peacekeepers pose, but only thinks of how to avoid them. Even so, he cares a great deal for his companions.
Halara Nightmare A Master Detective dispatched to the Nocturnal Detective Agency by the World Detective Organization. The sharp-witted and attractive detective has no specified gender.
Halara's Forte is Postcognition, the ability to see how a crime scene appeared at the time it was first discovered.
Seth Burroughs Section chief of the Amaterasu Corporation Peacekeepers Investigations team. A mumbling, unhealthy-looking man with a decidedly nervous demeanor. His words are polite, but any underling that makes a mistake is brutally rebuked. He habitually speaks through a megaphone to makeup for his feeble voice.
Boy A boy Yuma met in Kanai Ward. He respects and cares for his father, a watch maker, above anyone else. Also quite fond of baseball, he spends almost all of his free time practicing and playing.
He is desperately trying to find a way to rescue his father who has been arrested for the Nail Man murders.
Jiei Colan The father of the boy Yuma met in Kanai Ward. He runs watch shop and takes pride in his work. His skills and high standard of professionalism have earned him the trust of the local residents. He loves his son dearly and hopes the boy will take over the family business one day.
Priest A priest at a church in Kanai Ward. Brimming with paternal affection, he feels it is his calling to help all those in need. He is popular among the woshippers for his gentle and thoughtful nature, and many people come to him to ask for advice.
Servant A man who does odd jobs at a church in Kanai Ward.His colleague, the nun, bosses him around on a daily basis. He's terrible at socializing, sometimes appearing suspicious when talking with others. While he's concerned about his weight, he's too weak-willed to do anything about it.
Nun A nun at a church in Kanai Ward. often abusive and unwilling to listen to others, her personality is far  from the image of a typical nun. Her father works in upper management at Amaterasu Corporation, something she occasionally leverages to full effect. Craftiness aside, she is fairly diligent with her work.
Worshipper A pious worshipper at a church in Kanai Ward. An occult enthusiast, he chases after all kinds of unusual phenomena and urban legends. His obsession with the topic can sometimes put his life in danger.
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kamiitsubakii · 4 months
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I'm in a mental better state to start talking about this so I will. My post about RAMCOA was posted on Systemscringe and I am being fakeclaimed to hell and back. And this person is pissing me off and proving my point about people thinking RAMCOA is some satanic panic bs. Also they're just lying about what I said and putting words in my mouth. TW for RAMCOA talk and mentions of CSA and horrific child abuse in general under the cut.
RAMCOA stands for Ritual Abuse, Mind Control, and Organized Abuse. The ritual abuse gets mistaken for satanic cult stuff constantly when in reality it's abusing someone in the same exact way on certain days and times. Like "we do this on this day/everyday, at this time, the same exact way everytime". That is what Ritual Abuse is. It can include elements of cult stuff (most commonly cults that use Christianity like certain churches) but it's not really cult stuff. And I am NOT a victim of that, I don't see what I went through as that. I'm a victim of Mind Control and Organized Abuse.
For the Mind Control it's the process of TBMC (Trauma Based Mind Control) where you INTENTIONALLY traumatize a child enough to make them dissociate and develop a dissociative disorder. It's not the sci-fi fantasy stuff that you guys see on TV.
And for the Organized Abuse it's just two or more perpetrators working together to abuse one or more people. An example of that would be a trafficking ring and CSEM (I am a victim of both).
These are very real things. And I never said I was abused by a super secret SATANIC cult. Y'all just assumed that because that's what YOU think it is. I was abused by an organization/trafficking ring of some kind that trafficked children and produced CSEM and snuff like films. I was regularly taken to a building to be drugged through injections that would make me dissociate and tortured in horrific ways and sometimes it was recorded. And other than this organization my aunt also trafficked me to friends of hers and people she knew that wasn't even connected to the org. One of them recorded his instance with me where he almost took my life and ran off with the material. And my aunt proceeded to severely beat me afterwards for being "too loud". I almost died that night and still get horrific flashbacks to it.
Also someone in the comments said if I want to claim to be a victim of this I should be able to list the organization. First of all, THAT IS DANGEROUS. There are organizations/cults that will hunt down their victims and harm them if they ever came out. Second of all, a lot of victims don't remember the organization's name. Which is me, I don't remember the name (if it even had one). It's not like my maternal aunt and grandfather sat me down and told me the names of the people, organization/ring, and what would happen. All I remember is them taking me to the building with NO WARNING that the abuse would take place in. And because of the intentional development of DID through torture I remember almost nothing about the building besides of two rooms. An all white room with concrete or tiled floor that was very cold along with a metal table with straps on them and a bedroom with a child's bed (it looked like a bunk bed of some kind). The abuse happened in both rooms. This is all I can remember about the building. I was only 4 to 8-11 years old when I was actively being abused by this org. And no it did not happen EVERYDAY but it happened on a regular basis (lets say a weekly basis for now because I really don't remember how often it happened).
What happened to me is not some conspiracy theory bs. It is real. I deal with flashbacks to these events everyday. And the people in the comments are just proving the points I made. Y'all know JACK FUCKING SHIT about RAMCOA. You prefer to believe what you hear on shit like Fox News. You prefer to believe the organizations that often use lies to cover themselves up. You guys often cite an organization (*cough* gray faction *cough*) that commits RAMCOA acts and spreads lies about the reality of RAMCOA. As if it's a valid source. RAMCOA isn't some antisemitic satanic panic conspiracy bs, it is real. And if you bothered to do basic research on it you would know that, but I guess your brains are too tiny for that.
Anyways if you want to read this and post me again and fakeclaim me, fine. But you'll be proving my points. And karma will bite all of you in the arse for spreading misinformation and basically protecting these abusers. Call me insane idfc anymore. My own psychiatrist and therapists believes me and even gave me resources and help for RAMCOA victims. Which proves that it's a real thing.
Also I never claimed my job making me carry boxes and my mom drinking was satanic abuse. I don't remember talking about my mom's alcoholism and I was just venting about my job. Because I have a physically demanding job that I'm struggling to keep because of my physical disabilities getting worse. Y'all are putting words in my mouth.
Also for ANYONE reading this, if you see that I'm posted on these subreddits DON'T BRING IT UP TO ME. I actively avoid them for a reason. This is the type of shit that makes me relapse and nearly harm myself. I was close to doing that this morning just from this post. I don't want to see this shit anymore so please leave me alone if you ever see that I'm posted on these subreddits. I already expect it but I don't like digging for it for this reason. Let me ignore these people please stop showing them to me.
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plaindangan · 4 months
Miu’s older sister comes to visit her and it turns out she’s the Nun from raincode.
Kaede and Shuichi then quickly figure out who influenced Miu’s behavior
Disclaimer: R18 material! If not to your liking then please do not view!
"Big biiiiiiitch~"
"Hell yeah, little bitch! C'mere!!!" Well, that one way way to greet your sister! Kaede and Shuichi watched the, ah, 'touching' reunione between the Irumas as they hugged each other. By request of Miu to 'act as her friends', they met...a suprising figure at the train station. When Miu mentioned she had an older sister, both Kaede and Shuichi expected a similar 'bitchy inventory' type like Miu.
So to see a crass nun of all things instead a bit of a shock. Still, seems like their personalities were fairly similar. Upon noticing both Kaede and Shuichi, the nun grinned and waved to them.
"Oh? See these are the two you got hooked around your finger? Name's Mui Iruma of the Metal Fox Church. Though everyone calls me Sister Vixen, soon to be manager of the first ever Death Metal Choir!!" Death Metal Choir? Before they could really ask, Vixen walked up to Kaede with a puzzled look on her face.
"O-oh? Um...hi? I'm Kaede Akamatsu and I att-"
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, shut it for a quick sec." Turning to Miu, Vixen pointed at Kaede's chest and shouted accusingly.
"Hey, what gives?! You said this bitch had mosquito tits! These clearly ain't mosquito sized! Hell, they'll give your udders a run for their money!"
"H-heeeeeeey!!! U-untrueeeee!!!!" Miu complained, looking very flushed from the insult...all while Kaede wished that she had just opted to say no to Miu. Shuichi started to give her a pat on the back to calm her down, only to flinch back from Vixen suddenly looking at him.
"A-ah? I'm Shuichi? Good to meet you?" A sly, foxy, smile came onto Vixen's face.
"Damn, and this must be the little bitchboy you brag about milking on the 'reg....nice~" Walking up to Shuichi, she started to stroke his chin. "Say, baby, forget her saggy shits and spend the night with me! I'm no priest but I'd love to hear your confessions all night~" As the detective began to babble and blush from how forward she was, Vixen waved her hand and began to chuckle.
"Yeah, right! Sike!! You're cute as shit, but I ain't opening Heaven's gates so easily...least not without dinner first~ Kyahahahahaaha~" As Vixen lost herself in a roar of laughter, both Shuichi and Kaede turned to glare at a shrinking Miu, who was still reeling from the saggy tits comments.
Yeah, this was gonna be a long day.
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worst-t4t-couple · 1 year
ALL Pairings are out! Long post, so look under the cut!
Round 1 1/4
Sweep, cap’n, k_k VS Jay Walker, Nya
Vee, Marsha VS Bruce Wayne, Selina Kyle
Cherry Blossom Joe VS Doofinsmerch, His Ex-Wife
Percy jackson, Annabeth Chase VS Jack O Valentine, Sol Badguy
Josuke Higashikata, Yasuho Hirose VS Lug, Anode
leorio, kurapika VS Nepeta Leijon, Equius Zahhak
Luz Noceda, Marcy Wu VS Varian, Hugo
Swap, Neo VS Queen Roger and Fly Minetti
Daffy, Bugs VS Vash, Wolfwood
Ren Amamiya and Goro Akechi VS Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson
Sam, Max VS Hunter, Willow
Stepan trofimovich, Varvara Petrovnad VS Rex Salazar, Noah Nixon
nellie lovett, sweeney todd VS Tim Drake, Bernard Dowd
bubby, dr coomer VS Neku, Beat
Dave Miller, Jack Kennedy VS Kermit, Mrs. Piggy
Cleo, Etho VS Zelda, Link (Rip)
Chip, Gillion VS X, Zero
kagayama shigeo, hanazawa teruki VS Kris, Berdly 
Caranthir, Haleth VS Jonathan Sims, Martin Blackwood
Marc Anciel, Nathaniel Kurtzberg VS Miyamoto Uran, Sapphire
Texas, Church VS Solid Snake, Otacon
Gundham Tanaka, Sonia Nevermind VS Phillip Carlyle,Anne Wheeler
Soos, Melody VS Red, Blue
Jungleberry Cookie, Royal Berry Cookie VS Blaze, Sonic
LDshadowlady, Smallishbeans VS Mr. Neighbor, Wegg
clark kent, lois lane VS Popeye, Olive Oyl
Round 1 2/4
Brandon Quark,  Doctor Robotnik VS Elrond, Celebrian
Yoo Joonghyuk, Kim Dokja VS stanford pines, fiddleford mcgucket
Pepa & Félix Madrigal VS Duskie & Hibiscus
Emu Otori, Rui Kamishiro VS momoe and kaoru
C!fundy and c!hbomb VS Anne Boonchuy, Sasha Waybright and Marcy Wu
Agent 3 and Agent 8 VS c!schlatt & c!connor
Zoro Roronoa and Sanji Vinsmoke (Black leg Sanji) VS Miles Morales and Gwen Stacy
Herbert West & Daniel Cain VS Snorkmaiden & Mymble Jr 
charles "trip" tucker and t'pol VS Mytho & Princess Tutu (NOT duck; just her princess form)
Gregory House and James Wilson VS luz and amity
Paintbrush and Lightbulb VS Vriska Serket & June Egbert
geordi and data VS peter sqloint and rumi sqloint
Q!ElMariana and Q!Slimecicle VS Poor Boy and Love Interest
Scar and Grian VS Jolyne/Anasui
Kian Stone, Rolan Deep and Timothy Rand VS Dr. Boris Habit and Kamal Bora
red guy and duck VS MK & Red Son
jonathan harker and mina murray harker VS Zagreus/Thanatos/Megaera
Crowley and Aziraphale VS Denki Kaminari and Kyoka Jiro
Tuor and Idril Celebrindal VS Snorpy and Chadlo
jack harkness x the tardis VS Mizuki akiyama and mafuyu
Jackieboyman and Marvin the Magnificent VS Arashi Narukami and Mika Kagehara
Barbie, Ken VS ron and desiree delite
Steven Universe & Connie Maheswaran VS Magnus Burnsides and Julia Burnsides
Kanan Jarrus and Hera Syndulla VS castiel and dean winchester 
Eda and Luz’s mom VS Jadzia Dax & Kira Nerys
c!Tubbo and c!Ranboo VS Rex Salazar & Circe 
Round 1 3/4
Pixal + Zane VS Apollo Justice + Klavier Gavin 
The Monarch and Dr. Ms Monarch VS Juno Steel and Peter Nureyev
Kaito and Meiko VS Kamille Bidan & Fa Yuiry
Sun Wukong and Six-Eared Macaque VS Skwydd & Cricket
Sasha Nein and Milla Vodello VS Wade Ripple & Ember
Byakuren Hiijri and Toyosatomimi no Miko VS Cosmo, Wanda
Roboky and Venom VS Cellbit and Roier
Numerous BFDI ships VS Hiccup, Astrid
Beatrix and Casey VS anakin skywalker and captain rex
Raven and Beast Boy VS Neo and Trinity
Mario, Princess Peach VS Rashmi Jamil and Amelie Maçon
Denji, Asa Mitaka VS Vivi Yukino and Lewis Pepper
Benrey and Gordon VS Lace and Hornet
Beren and Luthien VS neku sakuraba, joshua kiryu
Shin and Noi VS Morticia and Gomez Addams
Paul Matthews and Emma Perkins VS Moomin, Snufkin
james t kirk + s'chnn t'gai spock VS  Nico Robin and Franky
Dave Strider and John/June Egbert VS Moominmamma & Moominpappa
Edward Nygma and Oswald Cobblepot VS shaun riley and liz
louis and lestat VS Spamton, Jevil
fox mulder and dana scully VS will t riker + deanna troi [+ worf rozhenko]
Amy Rose, Metal Sonic VS Quackity and Slimecicle
Diego Brando & Hot Pants VS Elrond and Celebrian and Gil-Galad
mia fey & diego armando/godot VS Luigi and Prince Peasly
C!Quackity, C!Karl, and C!Sapnap VS Sonic, Shadow
Drey Ferin and Finn Tidestrider VS Edward Elric and Winry Rockbell
Round 1 4/4
Shaggy and velma VS Surge the Tenrec and Amy Rose
Yamato/Portgas D. Ace VS audrey & seymour
Randy Jade and Oliver Swift VS Tsukishima Kei and Yamaguchi Tadashi
Lup and Barry Bluejeans VS Reimu and Marissa
Mizuki Akiyama & Rui Kamishiro VS Jimmy The Robot and Mc Bat Commander
C!Quackity and C!wilbur VS Espresso cookie and Eclair cookie
Junpei, Akane Kurashiki VS Obi-Wan Kenobi & Satine Kryze
Raine Whispers and Eda Clawthorne VS Danny Zuko and Sandy Olsen
Maxwell 'William' Carter and Charlie W. VS Mothwing and Leafpool
Naruto Uzumaki & Sasuke VS Baxter Stockman and The Alien Computer 
Keith Kogane and Lance McClain VS Wood Man and Robbie Rotten
Scott and Barda Free (Mister Miracle and Big Barda) VS John Notwoodman + Nick Lushwood
Caranthir and Haleth VS Susie and Noelle
orpheus and eurydice VS The doctor, Rose
luke skywalker and mara jade VS Princess Daisy and Luigi 
time and malon VS Simon (Scissor) and Spoon
Dave strider, Karkat Vantas VS Miles “moles,” Edgar, and Madeline
Mary Anta and Reginald Tetra VS Koichi Haimawari and Kazuho Haneyama
Yoshi and Birdo VS lazlo & nadia
Celebrimbor and Annatar VS Rendog and DocM77
Jesse + Jane VS Adira Tal and Gray Tal
Matt Murdock, Foggy Nelson VS Dazai Osamu and Nakahara
Jessie and James VS jeff and britta
Anji Mito and Baiken VS Shiver and Frye
ALL of MLP* VS ALL of TF2*
*Minus any familial relationships
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cynical-tuba · 1 year
Hi! I sort of fell in love with that Leo the Toreador ghoul that keeps popping up on my feed because I'm hopelessly browsing VtM content. He looks like he's so done with life, but I also like his design. His hair is very pretty.
Could you tell me more about him? (or point me to where more content resides? I haven't had the time to dig deeper)
Oh wow firstly thank you so much for your ask! This is the first one I've had actually, and super thrilled it's about Leo!
I don't have a master post about him but I suppose now is a good of a time is any so let's go!
(Tw: Abuse mention)
Our Dark Ages game takes place in Oxford England in 1348. The game started in October.
Leo, (Pantaleo) is from Florence, Italy, what is now considered Santo Spirito. He has a love for music, good Tuscan wine, and Italian bread. He and his Domitor along with five other Apprentices traveled to Oxford to escape the Pestilence that was ravaging all of Europe at the time.
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He came to meet his future Domitor, Dante at an orgy. Leo's best friend Marco told him it would be good money so they both found themselves caught up in this world. Let me note, he was an attendant pouring wine, handing out towels and snacks when he witnessed Dante feed from a vessel. He struck up an interesting conversation and Dante was impressed. Leo kept coming back to him, impressed by his art and personality. Eventually he came to study arts under his wing. He ran away from home and responsibilities to serve this Toreador.
( below Cotarie member 1# Emir Muzaka and Dante having a tiff. Art by @spell-fox )
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He is in charge of 5 other artists under Dante all of whom are older than him so it was quite a bit of a march to earn their respect. Marco included. He enjoys painting Lucifer, admiring how he was able to break free from god and slip away from his control. He loves painting flowers as well.
He loves to play the lute and if the metal Genre existed back then he'd be a death screamer. The man carries a lot of stress and it feels like I'm playing a 40 year old man.
(picture by @spell-fox )
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Leo in his opinion had a normal life, a normal upbringing but I feel it was hardly anything but. He would be that kind of person to tell a story about his mother drinking all day instead of parenting because it's "funny" and the entire room would go silent, feeling sorry for him.
His Domitor Dante is demanding, flakey and depends on Leo to help him organise, make decisions but Leo also challenges him, having the bravery to tell Dante what he truly thinks about the world. Dante is controlling of him emotionally manipulative. He is abusive at times. All except physically. Leo wants to break free of him by any means and in the Chronicle has been trying to impress Cainites with his bravery, wanting to be embraced into their world by any other means than Dante.
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Then there's the second Cotarie member, Emir, (played by @urbanknightart ) the man who followed him around the first night Leo came to Oxford like a lost sheep. Wouldn't you know it he's a Malkavian priest! He "hears the voice of God" as a derangement of his and Leo is doubling down on his views of "god's not real you have free will" perspective. Emir has the power to see visions and can hear god when he touched the cross on his belt.
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Emir has adopted the abused and mistreated ghoul, taking care of him, offering him food, insisting Leo hangs out with his own ghoul, Æthelfrid. Emir has protected Leo from a woman giving him a magical drink, wing manned for Leo and the Sheriff (Picture Below), took him on errands so he had an excuse not to go back to his Terrible domitor, and made Leo tell him all about his feelings in the church's confession booth.
Some of my posts have included a Suit of armour. That suit of armour contains a Nosferatu Sheriff named Hengist.
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Leo met him when he arrived in Oxford, expressing to him how much be hates England, how it was so cold and he hadn't seen any flowers. The knight kindly pointed him in the direction of a garden where he could see amarth flowers. Leo visited them to paint them and returned the knights gesture by offering him the painting in return. Amarth, as be came to learn later has the meaning of undying love.
They then made love in a closet without Leo ever seeing his face. Leo also let him feed on him, offering his blood, "Dantes blood" to the knight. He accepted.
He offered to teach Leo how to protect himself and did a day of training, taking him to a field of flowers. They discussed the idea of Leo wanting to be embraced, this giving the Nosferatu the courage to carry through with the courtship.
So that's how he started dating the sheriff.
Oh he's also dating the ghoul of Hengist's brother, (The Prince of Oxford, Horsa.)
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That's a thing. (both parties are aware of this) This lovely ghoul in mention is an anxiety ridden info dumping nerdy lad named Godwin who was the first NPC that greeted him in the game. They are also very cute. But I've made this post long enough and fear making it go on for ages longer.
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I was considering sharing this Chronicle (with the agreement of the story teller and the other player but it does contain adult themes and situations that all three of us have discussed about before hand but I'm noooot sure to be honest maybe some day we will! As we log every session in a synopsis)
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ghoulcaclulator64 · 11 months
posting a few more of my finished pathfinder x rain code doodles on here for funsies. this is for two of the ch1 church crew!
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first with the nun, who i've decided to give the name sister shizuka (many kanji representations of the name seem to signify silence, so since id want to focus more on her heavy metal interests it makes for good irony) i wanted to do a bit more with her fox ears without making her a kitsune or catfolk or what have you, so for this au the ears actually beling to her familiar! her fox isnt always around, but when it is, its usually sitting comfy under her headdress. she studied a bit at the aetheria academy under its musical tracks but most of the instrument-playing shes learned is completely unrelated to her occult magic. shes still very interested in death metal choir as a genre though, which her access to sonic spells supports well. shes a bit more interested in fulfilling her dreams of becoming a death metal star than following either the metal fox deity or her mysterious patron, but the unknown figure that bestowed her magic is far from everpresent in her life anyways, and her familiar is willing to support her regardless of which path she takes
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for the servant, or brother kojiro, i was honestly a little less interested in making him more "medieval fantasy," and more intetested in making his depiction look less like its done in a different artstyle from everyone else while still keeping everything important recognizeable. as to why hes thinking about undertale, video games are listed in his entry and i wanted to carry some of that through into an au where video games obviously dont exist. yes, that does mean im canonizing undertale as a piece of media within the au. its what inspired him to get his current haircut, actually (frisk recieves way more characterization in undertale the book and its theater adaptation, and he relates to their pacifism and their ability to dodge monster bullets with great speed)
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