#mha comic dub
rose-void-789 · 10 months
Bkdk has actually made it so far to the normies like this comic dubber who years ago would have not touched any bkdk fanart or comics made abfull 13min long compilation of their comic dubs. I'm so proud of how far this ship has made it!
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nightowl1556 · 4 months
The fandom is already going crazy over Bakugo and Midoriya crying in the hospital room together, can you imagine what would happen if this happened too?
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beastalchemistva · 1 year
Thank you to @haptronym for letting me dub this gem! All this for a pun?!
If you enjoyed the video then please leave a like, comment, and subscribe!
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sammyotome · 4 months
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bnha-hfaw · 5 months
This video does not belongs to me!!!!
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mylittles-world · 2 years
Credit to trevoshere
I did voice acting! Sorry if its low please bare with me. Hope you enjoy!
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mossybee-exe · 2 years
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Plenty of roles are still open and fresh! If you're interested come audition!!
Audition Here
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kiisaes · 1 year
hello welcome to my blog :)
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decided to make a pinned post for easier blog navigation !
MAIN INTERESTS ATM: —————————— ꙳ mha (#bnha , #mha) ꙳ omori (#omori) ꙳ hxh(2011) (#hunter x hunter 2011 , #hxh 2011) ꙳ mp100 (#mob psycho 100 , #mp100) and more! (always subject to change) if i post/reblog something i am probably somewhat of a fan, or am at least aware of the series
꙳ feel free to send asks, i will try answering most and will read all! ꙳ i draw both fan art and oc art here ꙳ i do not draw requests unless specifically asking for them ꙳ do not repost my art unless translating/dubbing my work, in which please give credit (you can use my art as a pfp or header with clear credit) ꙳ do not bring pro/anti ship discourse here, i don't care about it, just have a good head on your shoulders and be kind
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꙳ general art tag: #becki draws stuff n stuff ꙳ fan art tag: #fan art ꙳ original art tag: #original art ꙳ rendered tag: #rendered ꙳ chimera kingdom (original comic) tag: #chimera kingdom ꙳ chimera kingdom blog: @chimerakingdom
꙳ asks tag: #asks for becki ꙳ words tag: #becki rambles about stuff ꙳ reblog tag: #reblog omori au masterpost read OUT COLD (original comic) here!
i try to tag everything to make it easier for looking around, so tags on posts are pretty self explanatory
—————————— ꙳ comms are: ON HOLD ꙳ my redbubble shop ——————————
꙳ my carrd
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needtoloveoutloud · 1 month
Just... let people do with fictional characters what they want?
Idk if this is a hot take of mine or something but:
I just saw a TikTok that was like: OMG guys do you remember the dark times of the MHA fandom when the following things were a thing:
Chloe Takami
Bakugo Poster
DabiHawks Video
"How do you feel about your ship with Eri?"
Todoroni and Cheese
"Somebody once told me it's your power, Todoroki"
Deku x All Might
Yagami Yato
Erin Clover
"Hey UA, Bakugo Katsuki is NOT a monster!"
"Todoroki is a real person!"
Angry pomeranian
Ship Wars
Todoroki gives birth series
"Kacchan, we were five"
Smol bean deku/Broccoli boy
"It's bigger than All Might's!"
Layla Todoroki
And, like ????
Okay, first of all, I have no idea what they mean with like half of that stuff, tbh - must have completely went past me
I don't know what DabiHawks video they're referring to, what/who Chloe Takami, Erin Clover, or Layla Todoroki is (I assume they are OCs?). I have no idea what "Todoroki and Cheese" is about or what "Somebody once told me it's your power, Todoroki" is about. Same with the "Kacchan, we were five." Or "It's bigger than All Might's".
The thing I definitely agree with that's crossing a line is when that one person, during a comic con panel, asked the VA of Midoriya what he thinks about "his" ship with Eri. That's involving a REAL person and made the Voice Actor very uncomfortable. That is not okay.
The Bakugo Poster incident is also... yeah, well, very unfortunate.
The thing about Todoroki being a real person was satire in my eyes? But I could be wrong about that lol
So first of all (I'm going on a little rant here, please excuse me):
If people make fun of other people's OCs, that's absolutely appalling. I get that OCs aren't for everybody, that's completely fine. But just let people do and write whatever they want? As long as it doesn't hurt you, literally: what's your problem? Don't like, don't read?! Simple as that. People put in a lot of time and effort for creating content with OCs and coming up with them and literally, they do it for FUN. To COPE. Or simply because they felt like it. What the hell does that have to do with you? Just, like, grow up and chill out?
About the ships: DabiHawks, Dekubowl, TodoBakuDeku, All Might, etc. - again: don't like, don't read?! I get that not every ship is for everyone, but nobody is forcing people to read stories? So, if you don't want to... just... don't? Just look at the tags, think "Oh, mhm yeah that's not my cup of tea" and move tf on? Find a story with a ship that you DO like and be happy people are sharing their thoughts, stories, fanart, content, etc. with you FOR FREE? I truly don't get it. The amount of fanfic authors that leave fandoms because they literally get bullied in the comments (and receive death threats, like ???) is scary. I swear, every other day someone in the AO3 subreddit feels so incredibly disheartened by the vile shit people comment on their stories simply because the commentor doesn't like the ships or think they're wrong? I get it when it makes people uncomfortable when it's a ship that involves, let's say teacher x student relationships or something. But then again: don't like, don't read. Move on with your life. Nobody has to like everything. Also, some stories literally exist to make people uncomfortable. To make them think. To help cope with something that might have happened to them (looking at the dub con/noncon tag here). I mean, has media literacy taken such a downfall in the past few years that people lack critical thinking skills? Some books solely exist for the purpose of giving you an icky feeling — take Lolita for example. It impacts your life in no way whatsoever, that stuff exists that you don't like if it does.not.hurt.you. IT IS FICTION ffs
Same with Yagami Yato. Don't like, don't listen, don't engage. Don't make fun of her/them or the people who like the stuff. Simple as that? Why do people have to shit on things that bring other people joy or a form of escapism? I truly don't get it.
"Hey UA, Bakugo Katsuki is NOT a monster." Okay, we get it. I get if you think that video kinda came out of nowhere (saw it for the first time a few months ago, so I was late to the party) but that creator just had some fun with a story and even created a fan video of it including their OC in the video. People bullying someone simply because they have fun doing something they deem as "cringe" is not okay, and I have no idea when people started thinking it was?
Just... in general. I don't get why people bully people about stuff that literally has NO IMPACT on their own lives. Especially if it's about a fictional story, with fictional characters, in a fictional setting? Just... have some fun, be creative, and have a good time? I can promise you, the people who make fun of others for things they deem "cringe" do plenty of shit others think is "cringe", too.
Sorry for the rant. It just really rubs me the wrong way if people make others feel like crap for things they like. Just let people be, maybe?
And all the comments on that tiktok agreed, too.
If you ask me, making people feel like shit, publicly shaming them, and bullying them out of fandoms (which are supposed to be safe and fun!) is actually what's real "cringe" here.
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pastriibunz · 4 months
have i ever told you all how wild i think it is that Kai has a fandom?
like, the fact that people are consuming my writing and enjoying it and INVESTING themselves in the story?
thats so fucking amazing to me
kai as a concept started when i was around 9, when i listened to my first batim fansong, “gospel of dismay” by DAGames. i attached to the bendy character so much, i created this character that acted as his daughter like the cringe little freak i was.
around the same time, i had listened to “why did i say okie-doki?” by the stupendium, and attached to the monika character in the same way.
as i grew, kai grew with me. her story slowly became an amalgamation of fandoms i enjoyed, all set in the town of unington (which i stole from “peggy suave”, a music series uploaded to youtube by sim gretina). there wasnt really an overarching plot, some angst scattered here and there, but in my head, it was a semi-episodic series that revolved around Kai and her friends, and her adventures as ‘the savior of the multiverse’.
it wasn’t till i started writing ‘showstopper’, a bnha x oc fic, and uploading it to wattpad in 2021 before i started seeing intrigue for kai and her story.
before that, kai only existed as comics in my sketchbook that i showed to friends, or nobody at all. i was into mha, and i didn’t like the insert character’s personality in most x readers, so i decided to write my own. with kai.
people loved kai. i had consistent readers, commenters, and as of now, it sits at 7.5K reads. people felt for her, kinned her, and slandered any characters who didn’t like her.
eventually, my interests faded. and showstopper remains unfinished.
other than showstopper, Kai still didn’t really have a bunch of deep lore. she still was her little fandom amalgam, with her bits of angst.
but that all changed when Hatchetfield came into the mix.
in mid 2023, early 2024, @local-soda-can (and @chillibeanos somewhat) introduced me to the starkid original musical, ‘the guy who didn’t like musicals’. they loved it, and so did chilli, as they had been doing some oc insert stuff with it (btw, go check them out, their character Bean Sprout is so awesome!,).
I, however, wasnt too keen on watching.
I’m a very hard person to get to watch anything with an hour+ runtime. longer time commitments spook me, and with TGWDLM being over an hour, i wasn’t planning on watching.
until we had a sleepover, and i did.
and i fell in LOVE.
immediately, i had me and fizz start rping through The ‘Kai’ Who Didn’t Like Musicals, as i dubbed it.
the rp finished on September 14, 2023 and that was that.
that was all TKWDLM was supposed to be.
that was all Kai In Hatchetfield was supposed to be.
a series of RPs with a friend.
that was, until, one fateful wednesday, September 20th, 2023, i was watching TGWDLM after school.
earlier, i had the RTC script printed out to read, and i had thought: ‘man. i wish i had the script for this show.’
and then i thought, ‘wait, i have a laptop! what if i just typed out/downloaded the script?’
and as i sat there, on my laptop, i had another thought.
‘Wait, i have the rp, that’s practically all in script format, it has almost all the parts, what if i just turned it into an actual script?’
and thus began a two month long journey of transcribing the musical/rp into a script.
when i uploaded TKWDLM to tumblr on November 27 of that year, i honestly wasn’t expecting people to actually read it.
of course, i had hoped people would!
but honestly, she was 130 pages, she was kinda cringe, and she was honestly just meant for me.
I did NOT expect fans.
I did not expect people like @androgynous-sack-of-flesh-3 (hi there!) to go through my blog, scrounging for every last drop of Kai I made
I did not expect people to invest themselves into Kai’s story, and cry at her death during the ending.
Most of all, I did not expect people wanting more.
The Kai in Hatchetfield series was supposed to end at TKWDLM. I wasn’t planning on transcribing the nmt rps I did with my friends. I wasn’t planning on doing more scripts.
Until one anon in my inbox made the brilliant pun:
‘Nightmare Kai-me.’
With that post, I uploaded a poll asking if people wanted to see an actual NMK series.
And to my surprise, people did.
And thus, I started writing.
And that was a catalyst.
From there, I have gained so many followers, so many fans, all wanting more of Kai.
I have people like @raspberrysmoon (hi pooks :3) theorizing about the overarching lore of nmk, and even writing their own fanfic series revolving Kai (shoutout to sotbaw!).
I have people invested.
I have people who want more.
And that is so shocking to me.
I never expected my silly little story to reach so many people.
I never expected people to be touched by it.
I never expected to make people feel.
And, honestly?
I can’t help but say thank you.
You all are the reason I keep writing.
You all are the reason I keep publishing Kai’s story.
Without you, there would be no nmk. There would be nothing more than a script sitting in my google docs, one that I’d eventually forget about.
All I can say is thank you.
Thank you for giving me a space to share my writing.
Thank you for giving Kai a chance.
Thank you for giving me a chance
Thank you for making a silly little 9 year old girl’s dreams come true.
Thank you all so much.
I can’t wait to see where Kai goes next :]
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u-sari · 8 months
A little note... (2/27/24)
Hi guys! I know it's been quite awhile... (maybe about 3 years since i lasted posted something here?) I'm not entirely sure how many of my followers are going to see this (i have no idea if tumblr is a dead platform or not lol), but as you can tell, i completely quit posting my art here... well, MHA overall. I lost interest in the fandom quite a long time ago and even stopped keeping up with it as a whole... Nothing personal, but my interests just shifted and changed. But, I feel like i owed you guys some type of explanation or a 'goodbye'. I'm so, so sorry that it took this long... Basically, I just wanna say that thank you guys for all the fun years on tumblr, and all the mutuals and followers I gained. I will always reminiscence about the good times being on this platform haha. I am going to post all of my MHA art here that I haven't posted very soon! I'm going to keep my tumblr open, so my art remains here :) My instagram is deactivated, and my twitter no longer has any of my old MHA art on it. Since I won't be replying to my inboxes anymore, any of my MHA art is free to be used or reposted (with credit of course). No need to ask me personally anymore. Occasionally, I'll look up the dubs to my comics on youtube and edits you guys make with my art. It makes me feel so special <3
I've tried to make it easier on you guys to find my art on this account. A lot of my reposts have been deleted, so if you scroll down, a majority of it should be together. But, to find ALL of my art, it's tagged under #myart on my profile ! <3
Again, thank you guys for the wonderful years! It's not a full goodbye because if you are interested, I am active on only twitter (@Usari_i). If you guys care for any helluvaboss, hazbin hotel, or any of my original art, you can check out my art there! The only accounts I have are on tumblr and twitter. Any other platforms are fakes. Any who, i love you guys sm and take care! See you tumblr!! <3
Until we meet again, U-sari xx
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What do you think of the ship between izuku and tsuyu?
I think it's cute! They're hella cute and awkward on their own and one of my favorite MHA comic dubs was a Midotsuyuu!
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xuune · 2 years
If you remember, what was your first mha ship and how did you find it?
Mine personally was bkdk, in fact it was how I got into the fandom in the first place 💅🏻✨
Bkdk comic dub on YouTube- my first introduction to the two gays
i watched mha when the show first aired, but i never shipped anyone until i read ch 285 LOL. that chapter and onwards really solidified my growing interest for bkdk
when i first started the series, i was more interested in seeing how dk and bkgs relationship gets repaired, but since its literal slow burn hell i fell in and out of the manga and anime a lot. i wasn't interested in these two as a romantic ship, but more that i wanted to see them becoming better friends. i also didnt see the romantic appeal in them until ch 285 and more so in ch 322 and onward
funny story: 2 yrs ago my older siblings were binging mha and i remember asking them "is bkg nicer to dk yet" and they said "he's getting there" LMAO. last year i asked one of my friends their opinion on mha and it led to a rabbit hole of me finding out that bkg getting great redemption arc and bkdk getting so romantic coded, so that piqued my overall interest in the series again :]
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sphinx-myth · 6 months
TW about horror and tourcher, emotional manipulation and stuff like that
You'd think that when u have a fav character ud want them to live and be silly, but not me. No I scream how much I want them gone and in pain and emotionally broken beyod repair and to see their family's in despair
And I've been wondering where it came from. Then I see a undertale comic dub on my fyp and remember that even as a kid I was like this and actively looked for angst sans ones and same with mha
(People have literally talked about me calling me a that when I'm caught doing it ^^ I love being a that guys didn't you know :>>)
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bnha-hfaw · 5 months
[WARNING!!] This video does not belong to me!!!
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mslovesblog · 8 months
as a black girl who is pansexual i mostly do uhh fandoms and just gacha club and sheet so yeah I like anime like Danganronpa MHA glitter Force etc
And since a lot of kids think I'm straight I'm actually a Pansexual 🩷💛🩵 I like genders and all but mostly I was acting like terrible straightphobic at a gacha post on YouTube I was ashamed and I hate it that people are straightphobic like WTH man I mean it's 2024 can these ppl just grow the flip up and just change a bit I mean why just why dude I don't under freaking stand ntm (not to mention) that in flowering heart
Chess and Ari are like wut 12 and 17 yeah right I used to ship them but not anymore chess is 17 and Ari is 12 I like gichchan x Ari no matter what I love enemies to lovers but trump chess and Ari ppl r like "come on Gabby trump is 13 grow up already" really 13 he doesn't look 13 he looks like a adult who is 20-21 listen I love flowering heart but still it's cringe 😬😬😬😬😬 I wish they make a season 3 of flowering heart
And if they actually did that I would have been so happy they might introduce some new characters and put action in it like glitter Force and glitter Force Doki Doki and Netflix might also make a crossover of Glitter Force glitter Force Doki Doki and flowering heart I think I should called it "Glitter Force: Doki Heart" but no btw I wish they flowering heart was a precure series maybe "Flowering precure" but flowering heart I mean
Yeah that's cool I love anime musical comic dubs Netflix series etc but tbh unlike some kind of series I make/made a OC of FH/Flowering heart named "Nari" who is a rich transgender 5th grader Nari is a 12-13 year old OC of flowering heart and Nari goes by he/she Nari personality is being a funny goofy and zesty character he/she is sometimes tough and pretty strict and kinda serious towards others
So yeah this is what this Tumblr post says after all so bye people
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