#michael afton x gender neutral reader
broken-glass-puppet · 8 months
Going to see the FNAF movie, and I'm sorry, but I love Michael in the movie so....
Specially talking about movie Michael, he has a dad bod, no, nope, you can't fight me on that
He's not really that tall, solid 5'11
He gives the best hugs, he will put his arms around your waist, brushing your lower back and kissing your cheek, if he's really happy he will pick you up
Cuddle king, you on his chest, his hand making shapes and patterns in your back
He will say the most beautiful jaw dropping heart tearing sentence and then blush and say "w-well that's what I think so..."
Mayor puppy in the world, he gets flustered easily, he stutters if you flirt back and more
He had a strong dad bod, chubby but still strong, also, body hair, not too much, the perfect amount
He radiates heat, personal heater in winter, he sleeps in shorts all the year around
Probably will call you something classic like "babe" or "cutie"
He doesn't think you are "hot" or "sexy" he thinks of you as "gorgeous" "mesmerizing" and "out of a dream" corny mf
Hoodie king
Hot cocoa lover, he makes it so nicely, the perfect amount of sweetness, marshmallows and cream
Kiss him without a warning, he will whimper so much
If you have cold hands, put them under his shirt, he will make the cutest reaction, bro be like "g-gah! H-hey!" And look at you blushing
If you pet his hair or cupp his face he will be like "mhhgg" while looking at you with the biggest puppy eyes
161 notes · View notes
sadesluvr · 1 year
PROJECT: Emily (Henry Emily x GN! Reader)
Summary: Moving into a new town, you discover that your new neighbour ticks all the boxes. He’s hot, has an adorable daughter and is, most importantly, single. (Henry Emily x GN!Neighbour!Reader)
Note: Reader is in their late 20′s/early 30′s, and Henry is in his late 30′s/early 40′s, but nothing is specified. Whatever you chose the age gap to be, he’s definitely older than you! Also, Henry does NOT look like how he’s depicted in the books...
A/N: This was a fill from an anon ask! I had free time and I’ve been meaning to write for Henry hence the quick turnaround! (TYSM for sending it <3) Feel free to request things through my ask box :) 
This is also my first Tumblr fic post (it’ll  be crossposted to AO3) so apologies if the format is off!
Word count: 5.5K (I talk too much omfg)
Tags: SMUT,  Fluff, age-gaps, creampies, Henry being a DILF...
It was during the spring when you’d met Henry Emily. You’d moved to a new town, where you could somehow actually afford a decent home at a good price, and so you wanted to do something nice for your neighbours as a ‘Please-accept-me-I’m-new-here’ gift. There were a lot of families in the area, and so you decided that cupcakes were the best option. How could you go wrong?
For starters, it would’ve helped if you’d had sugar.
Needless to say, you weren’t going to make the arduous journey to the store and back in the very middle of baking; and so you found the courage to ask your neighbours. After all, you were going to have to bite the bullet some day, weren’t you? Although people would’ve been more receptive to cupcakes in hand, they would have to respond to you somewhat decently - after all, they were your new ‘community’.
Mr and Mrs Henderson lived next door, and they had gone boating for the day (as you’d come to learn from the agonisingly loud sound of heavy equipment moving at 5AM) so they weren’t an option. Next door to them was a family, of whom you were rather ashamed to admit you didn’t know of yet. How could you knock on the door so brazenly? Were they even home? What would you say?
Your fears were cut short as the door swung open, causing you to immediately blurt out:
“Can I borrow a cup of sugar?”
The man blinked, and you thought he was going to laugh at you, which made you cringe and shrink into a ball internally, which was particularly awful considering the fact that he was quite attractive. He stood at somewhere over six feet, with auburn hair, tanned skin, and a burly build. He had a full, but trimmed beard, and was wearing a blue apron with a loose t-shirt underneath that exposed his large arms. He came across a bit like a bear, and if it wasn’t for a pair of reading glasses that sat atop his head you would’ve been scared of him, but, for some reason, the accessory felt rather comforting and homely.
“Of course,” the man said, with a smile, immediately stepping aside to let you in, which surprised you. Though, what surprised you more was the fact that you so calmly walked in, despite knowing him for all of thirty seconds. What if he was a pervert? A serial killer, even? 
“Although I don’t usually lend things to strangers…” he said knowingly, his voice trailing off.
“Oh!” You gasped, totally startled. “Er - I’m Y/N - I just moved in — I live just after the Henderson’s…”
“Oh of course!” the man exclaimed, rubbing his beard as you both entered the kitchen. “Charlie told me there was a moving van, I've just been so busy that I didn’t get to stop by and introduce myself — Gosh, I’m getting ahead of myself!” he said, stopping to take a breath. “Charlotte is my daughter. I’m Henry - Henry Emily, it’s good to meet you,” he said, his voice clear, confident, and genuine. He seemed like a good man - certainly not one who’d harvest your insides - and so you took a breath, subtly relaxing yourself.
“I’m Y/N…” you said somewhat shyly, hyper-aware as to how much bigger the man was compared to you. “It’s nice to finally meet a neighbour, no one’s really passed by…”
“They can be like that sometimes,” Henry said dismissively, opening the cupboard. “As long as you keep the music down past 9PM, and don’t have any pets that could ruin their flower patches, you’ll get along with them,” he chuckled, and you smiled back. There was an air of homely easiness to him, and, whether it was the house itself or the fact that he smelt like an intoxicating blend of cinnamon and pinewood, you felt warm.
Perhaps it was something else? Something deeper, and primal…
“Here you go!” he announced, drawing you from your thoughts as he slid the item over the counter.  “A cup of sugar. Though, you can’t really borrow it from me because I can’t get it back…”
“Uh - ? Oh… “ you chuckled awkwardly, resisting the urge to facepalm. “Thanks Mr Emily,”
“Mister?”  He gasped. “Surely you’re not that young to have to call me that. Please, just call me Henry,” he said with a smile and you nodded.
“Sure thing…” you said, trailing off. “I’d love to meet Charlotte someday, if she’s up to it…”
“Oh, she always is! She loves making new friends, and I’m sure you’ll be no exception,” he beamed, beginning to move away from the counter and walked you towards the door. He opened it, and as you stopped on the porch he paused and leaned against the door. “Perhaps we’ll have you over for dinner. I can’t remember the last time I cooked for someone that wasn’t myself or Charlie,” he chuckled, his voice slowly trailing off, as if he were remembering something. It was then that you looked down at his folded arms, and realised that there was no wedding ring on his left finger. 
“Thanks Henry,” you smiled again, this time biting your lip. Perhaps you were getting ahead of yourself, but you could definitely see yourself becoming ‘accosted’ with him in the long run…
If he was truly single, that was. 
“Well…You know where I live now, so please don’t be a stranger, Mr Emily,” you said, your demeanour instantly changing to one of easy confidence, and your voice dropping an octave, laced with coyness. The man briefly raised his brows, and his hand adjusted the glasses that sat atop his head. Perhaps you’d made him nervous.
You better hope so! You’d much rather him be nervous than uncomfortable.
Waving, you sauntered back down the porch steps, your legs shaking and heart pounding some kind of a lustful-fluster. 
One thing was for sure: He was certainly hot, but he did seem to be on the older side - perhaps at least a decade older than you? You weren’t a wide eyed, naive spring chicken, but it wasn’t as if you were fully mature, either - would he really fall for you? Could he fall for you? Was their room in his life for another person, considering he seemed wholly devoted to his daughter? 
Only time would tell.
It was two weeks later when Henry had stopped by. Although you’d met Charlie that very weekend, the man had seemingly given you some space to ‘settle in’, and, if it wasn’t for the fact that you were dealing with an absolute asshole of a contractor, you would’ve been freaking out over the thought of alienating yourself from the man with your blatant flirting.
Yet, that didn’t seem to be the case, as you were startled by a knock on your door, and, to no (but a pleasant) surprise, it was the Emily duo. Charlie’s hair was in two tiny pigtails that stuck out above her head, and was wearing her oversized backpack with a yellow t-shirt and lilac shorts and plimsolls, whilst Henry opted for a more low-key look, with a burgundy coloured Henley and loose jeans. The buttons on his shirt were cracked slightly, and you could see that he was wearing a makeshift necklace made out of cereal (courtesy of none other than Charlotte herself), which sat atop his broad chest, where a few hairs peeled out from between the fabric.
Did he know what he was doing, or was he just an oblivious, bumbling dork?
“Y/N!” Charlie said happily as you high fived her, stepping aside to let the girl in as her father followed. He nodded his head in an acknowledging manner, and, just as you closed the door the sunlight caught his brown eyes - within them nothing but a pool of warmth and goodness. He smiled at you before focusing his attention back on Charlie, who was running around the house like a madman.
“Please be careful, okay?” you called out. “There’s still stuff lying around…I don’t want you to get hurt!”“I’ll be extra extra safe, I promise!” She said happily, and you could hear her delving into the couch and slapping the cushions like a drum.Henry chuckled as you both followed the sound of the girl, looking around the house. The walls were still somewhat bare, the flooring was half done and there was a lack of furniture…Anywhere.“We just wanted to come around and see how you’re settling in…” he said ambiguously, and you bit your lip at the very obvious elephant in the room - your house was far from being a home.“…Goodness,” he began. “Everything’s —“
“All over the place? Yeah,” you scoffed, pinching the bridge of your nose. “My contractor is a B-I-T-C-H —“ you spelt out, careful as to not let Charlie hear. “Forgive my language - all of my furniture is delayed or out of stock, and I don’t know how to fix a floor to save my life!”you said, pinching the bridge of your nose. “All I know how to do is paint the walls, and even that’s taking forever!”
“Paint?” Charlie perked up. “I like to paint!” she said, swinging her feet in anticipation. 
“You do, don’t you, Charlie?” Henry said, having his ‘lightbulb’ moment. “Why don’t we help you finish? I know my way around some tools, so I’m not a stranger to home repair…”
“Really?” You gasped, pretending to consider it. Like hell were you going to say no to him tinkering around your house, sweaty, with his muscles rippling as he toyed with and manoeuvred and carved and pounded —
Seems like you’re thinking about something more than housework.
“Thanks Henry!” you exclaimed, pulling him into an unexpected hug, of which he returned. Your arms fit snugly around his thick body, and you felt yourself melt into his comforting scent…Until Charlie joined the circle.
“I want a hug too!” she said, pushing her little body in between, making the two of you chuckle. It was that moment that you made eye contact with Henry - and you realised that he had a little blush on his face. For some reason, it felt like you were both Charlie’s parents.
Maybe you could be one day.
“I guess we’ll be spending more time together,” he said somewhat shyly, as he pulled away and looked around the house. He hadn’t even seen upstairs yet and he knew that it was going to be a long-term project.
Not that he minded, anyway. He’d been meaning to find a way to get to know you better, you were easily the friendliest person on the block, and, most importantly, Charlie adored you. In his mind, her opinion was law.
“It’s nice to get out of the house and go somewhere that isn’t work or school…Even if you’re a door or two away,” he chuckled, and you smiled.
“You’re lucky I don’t live directly next door,” you smirked. “I’d never leave you two alone,”
“There’s always room for one more…Especially if it’s you,” he smiled.
“Oh really?” You said, raising a brow knowingly, your voice barely a whisper. “Why ‘especially’ me?”
“Well, we like you…” he said nervously, diverting his gaze from you. Was he blushing? Oh God, he was blushing! Like a total schoolboy.
“Is that both of the Emily’s speaking, or just Henry?” you pushed, raising a brow.
“Both…” he mumbled. “For sure,” he said, anxiously clearing his throat.
“Well, I can’t wait to have you!” you said, clapping your hands together. “Around, that is. Let’s not worry the children,” you tutted playfully, nodding to Charlie who had zoned out completely, rambling to herself about all of the lovely colours she was going to paint the walls. You smiled down at the girl, giving Henry a moment to compose himself from your comment. 
You just couldn’t help yourself sometimes.
Henry and Charlotte had done just as they said, and their spare afternoons and evenings after work and school were spent helping you around the house. Whilst Charlie happily sploshed paint in the smaller, obscure crevices of the wall, Henry did the harder, grittier jobs - assisting you in moving your fridge, washing machine, and had even managed to fix your car while he was at it! With every movement of his body, every intense twitch of focus on the task you admired him, pretending to paint the skirting boards, whilst you were really imagining what he’d look like from your position on your knees.
Little did you know he was doing the exact same, albeit as respectfully as he could. He’d sneak a glance at you every now and then as he’d change the screws or drills, quickly averting his attention to his daughter or the task at hand when he thought you had noticed him. He couldn’t help it, really, you were quite - as they’d say in his day - the ‘looker’.
One Saturday the duo hadn’t come around, and you found that the house felt rather empty and dreary without them, even though your house was beginning to feel more homely and full by the minute.
Get used to it, sweetheart, they’re not your family.
You decided to turn in early that night, throwing on an oversized t-shirt over your bare torso, and a tiny, barely there pair of shorts. You really needed to go clothes shopping.
Just as you were about to relax, there was a sudden knock on the door, making you jump instantaneously. Who could that be? You weren’t expecting anyone, and your neighbours certainly weren’t going to introduce themselves at 8PM at night. There were no weapons to arm yourself with in case of a robber, and you considered ignoring them...Until you realised who it could be.
Rushing down the stairs, you flung open the door, only to find Henry himself.
“God, I’m so sorry!” you exclaimed, stepping aside to let the man in. “I totally forgot that Charlie was with her aunt, and that you were coming tonight…” you rambled, trying to make sense of it all as you simultaneously tried to pull down your shorts. If someone didn’t know any better, they would’ve thought you were half nude.
“It’s not a big deal,” Henry chuckled awkwardly, removing his jacket and placing it on a peg. “It’s my fault - what sort of a chump comes to fix lighting at 8PM at night?”
Snickering at his vanilla language, you made sure to make him feel better.
“You’re just a generous chump, I suppose,” you laughed. “Well, either that or you’re a chump with not-so-pure intentions…”
“If you’re uncomfortable, I can leave,” he said quickly. “I’ve got all day to myself tomorrow, I can easily come back…”
“No! Please, stay,” you said, your voice low and throaty. “In fact, why don’t you leave the tinkering for tonight? I’ve got some beer in the fridge, how about we get to know each other a little better?”
Henry gulped, and stroked his beard before he spoke up again.
“I suppose we could do with a break…”
“Great!” you exclaimed, pointing to the couch. “I’ll be right back - Don’t get cold feet, okay?”
Henry nodded, and found himself overthinking how to sit on the furniture. Legs spread? Was that too crude? Crossed? Too formal? Hunched into a corner? Was that too rude and uninviting?
He felt like a teenager again, sitting next to his crush in class and unsure of how to make even the smallest bit of conversation without combusting entirely. Was he too old to feel like this? You were at least a decade younger than him, and whilst you were clearly old enough to drink and own your own home, he couldn’t help but feel a little…Uncomfortable?
Yes, you flirted with him, but you were young - it likely came naturally! You could easily just be using him for free food and labour and such, and, once you’d gotten what you’d wanted eventually, turn a blind eye to him. 
What if you were using him to get to Charlie?
He shuddered at the thought. It was a parents worst nightmare, especially if they were a single parent like him. After all, Henry knew he wore his heart on his sleeve, and that he was deeply in tune with his emotions; which made him a rather easy target to many. Surely you weren’t that kind of a person, were you?
You seemed kind, confident and funny; traits that he deeply admired in an individual, not to mention you were extremely attractive to him, especially in those shorts of yours.
He blushed just thinking about it. How long had it been since he’d had deep, emotional human contact? How long since you’d last been able to —
“Hey! You’re still here!” You smiled, handing him a beer with a paper towel around it as you perched on the armrest. “I didn’t know if you wanted it in a glass or not, but I figured you look like a man who chugs it right from the bottle,” you giggled, and he nodded.
“Astute observation, Y/N, though you wouldn’t be the first to liken me to a lumberjack of the sort! I know I look like a very forward and staunch bloke, but I’m as frail as a lamb really,”
“Bloke? Frail as a lamb? What fancy language,” you snorted at the sheer formality of his wording. 
“Forgive me, my work colleague is British,” Henry chuckled, taking a swig of his beer. “I’ve picked up so much from him, it’s unbelievable,”
“Finally!” you exclaimed happily, nudging him. “I’ve learned something about you that isn’t Charlie-based! A British friend, huh? Are you guys close?”
“Thick as thieves…He’s got three kids, and I’m like their Uncle, I suppose,”
“Wow,” you said. “That’s pretty cute,”
“I try,” he said bashfully, his body tensing slightly as you slipped next to him, but giving him enough space so that he was comfortable around you. You rested your back against the armrest, folding your legs to your chest so that your shirt rode up your thigh, your privates somewhat visible through the shorts. 
Was it seduction? A little, but it was your house. You had a right to be comfortable!
“So,” you said, clearing your throat. “What other friends do you have?”
“Not many, really,” Henry said, playing with the bottle. “I know some of Charlie’s friends' parents, but that’s it…”
“Aww, why?” you pouted. “You’re such a great guy!”
“I'm not very sociable…I’ve always been a rather awkward kid,” he said, now strangely relaxing into the cushions. He didn’t look at you, but you could tell that he was starting to feel more comfortable in himself. “I would usually wait until someone else made the first move, just to be sure. Even then, it felt rather unnatural to me…”
“I understand,” you said, placing a sympathetic hand on his shoulder, trying to not get too carried away in the act. How could he simultaneously be soft and homely yet bold and muscly? “I’m like that too…”
“Really?” he said, utterly taken aback. “You seem rather carefree to me,”
“What, just because I’m young? Not all ‘youngins are loud and boisterous, Grandpa,” you snickered, and he shook his head. “I guess we’re similar. We’re both a little shy, but once you break us out of our shells we can get a little…”
“What? Rowdy?” Henry interjected.
“I was going to say freaky…” You giggled, playing with the bottle and stroking it in a fairly suggestive manner.
“I’m not familiar with the newer lingo. What does that mean?”
“Don’t act like you don’t know what it means…”
“I —“ Henry stopped himself, his cheeks turning as red as his hair. “You’re playing a very dangerous game, Y/N,“
“I like it that way,” you said softly, biting your lip. “Besides, it wouldn’t hurt for you to give in just once, would it? You work so hard, you deserve a release…”
Henry sighed, and put down his bottle before turning to look at you. Your eyes were wide with want, and also genuine affection - how could he say no? He knew he wanted it too, and you were offering it to him…It was everything he wanted!
“Y-You know I’m older, right? I’m sure there are people your age who are better than me…” he said nervously.
“Henry, I want this,” you said sincerely, taking his hand in your own. “I want you…Even if it doesn’t amount to anything, we can always go back to being friends!”
Of course you wanted to be more than friends, but Henry was such a sweet person to be around that you couldn’t imagine your days without a friendly wave from him, not to mention Charlie, in her entirety. 
“So…Ahem,” he said somewhat uncomfortably, clearing his throat. “Can I kiss you?”
“I thought you’d never ask,”
You crawled towards each other, and Henry planted a soft kiss on your lips, his beard tickling your cheeks as you cupped his face, allowing yourself to melt into him. There was that all too familiar scent; that earthly, serene yet overpowering musk that you’d come to associate with the man. He didn’t stay on you for long, seemingly not wanting to agitate you, but as he pulled away, you noticed a certain something down below. Perhaps the brief kiss meant more to him than you’d thought.  “Henry,” you sighed, your lips lush and moist with want. “Please don’t be shy…You won’t hurt me, I promise,”
“I just — You’re like poison to me Y/N,” he said nervously. “I haven’t had a partner in so long…And you’re so beautiful — I don’t know if I’ll be able to hold back…”
“Let go,” you said, your voice barely a whisper as you stroked his beard, staring into his warm brown eyes in the process. Whether it was alcohol or lust, his pupils were dilated, and he looked strangely vulnerable, which enticed you even more. “For me…Please,”
Henry nodded, and you crawled into him again, but this time he didn’t hold back. The kiss was still soft, but had a powerful, tender passion to it, leaving you with no choice but to surrender. You’d awoken something within him, and none of you ever wanted to turn back. Your arms wrapped themselves around his neck as your lips moved in tandem, as his ones found your hips, briefly grazing your buttocks, and back to your waist, hoisting you up effortlessly.
“Mmh — Copping a feel there, are we Mr Emily?” you teased, whispering into his mouth as you worked together to position yourself so that you were straddling him. “You can do it a little harder than that…I don’t bite…” you purred, and Henry moaned in response, his large hands massaging your ass. You could feel his erection through your shorts, where you were equally getting hot in yours. 
Slowly, you began to grind your hips against his thighs, and he pulled away from the kiss to stare at you in total admiration.He was panting, his face was glowing and his hair had begun to become unkempt from your excessive rustling. He looked like a pornstar, a far cry from his wholesome dad status that had initially drawn you to him.
“Bedroom?” He said, his voice gravelly, and you were partly stunned at the quickness of his statement.
“Is it done?”
“Does it matter? We’re gonna end up messing it up anyway…”
Henry shook his head, pushed himself up, and began to carry you up the stairs.
“There aren’t any loose nails about, are there? I’ve heard you could get tetanus from one —“
“Henry! Don’t worry about that stuff!” you giggled. “You’re such a dad,”
“I'm getting older, you know —“
“Yes, yes,” you said playfully. “We know. Jeez, you’re not senile!”
“How do you know?”
“Something in your pants is telling me otherwise…”
“Oh!” Henry said, blushing as he lay you on the bed. The room was totally bare (at least it was somewhat done up) “I’m sorry,”
“Don’t apologise! I take it as quite the compliment,” you purred, beginning to peel off your shirt, so that you were topless. Henry took a moment to look down at you, admiring your semi-bare form as he took off his own shirt, remaining in a white vest.
“You’re gorgeous,” he mumbled. “How on Earth did I get so lucky to end up with a neighbour like you?”
“Good things come to those who wait…” you said smugly. “…You’re going to get even luckier soon,”
“Hmm?” he questioned, sitting on the bed and caressing your torso, stroking and kissing your skin in total adoration. His hands were slightly calloused, but were still comforting, and if you had more than a loaf of bread and milk in your house you’d have broken out some baby oils. “What’s that mean…?”
“Lie back, and you’ll see,”
“Okay,” he nodded, beginning to relax himself. “Wait!” He interjected, sitting up to look at you as he realised what was about to happen. “I can’t ask that of you…”
“Let me at least feel it, Hen…” you said, palming his erection through his pants as you began to unzip them. “Just a little?”
“Just a — Oohh,” he hissed, letting out some air through his teeth as your hands came into contact with his cock. Luckily for you, the carpet did indeed match the drapes - he had a wild patch of reddish-brown hair around his base, and he was roughly six inches, with a decent girth. 
No wonder he was so shy and calm, he was totally packing and he knew it.
It was a fresh, peachy shade of pink, and some precum had begun to sprout from the head. Smirking, you gripped it, one hand stabilising the base as the other stroked it up and down; agonisingly slowly. The man’s eyes were shut, and his teeth grazed his bottom lip as he seemed to fixate on his breathing, letting out small, but long moans from his chest.
“Oh, Y/N…That’s —“
“Am I making you feel good, Henry? It feels like you’ve been needing this,” you giggled as his heavy cock twitched. He opened his eyes, staring at you intently as he nodded.
“I’m going to need to hear you say it, I’m afraid…” you teased.
“Mfh — Y/N — I -“ he stumbled, utterly wrapped up in the calming sensation. “You feel so good, I might —“
You immediately pulled your hands away, not wanting to embarrass him, and he ran his hands across his beard in shock, licking his lips as he did. He was about to open his mouth, when you did the work for him.
“How do you want me, Mr Emily?” You said, with a curious head tilt and wide eyes.
“In my lap…Straddle me like you did downstairs,”
You did exactly that, and the man kissed you again as he pulled off your shorts, running the material down your legs so that they pooled at your ankles.
“You’re beautiful, Y/N. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise,” he said sincerely, and you weren’t sure whether it was the glow of the moon, or just a simple nightlight, but it was then that you wanted him to consume you entirely. It was deep, and it was primal, an emotion that you exhibited through your frantic and passionate movements, of which he mirrored, adjusting himself so that his tip lined up with your entrance.
You locked eyes with each other, and with a small nod he entered you, causing your spine to arch in an almost inhuman way, and for the man to groan with relief. It had simply been too long since he’d been inside someone, and he shut his eyes in sheer pleasure as he accosted himself with the warm, squeezing sensation. You gripped onto his broad chest for support, burying your face into his neck as his hands found your waist, slowly moving your hips up and down his shaft.
“Henry — You’re so big— I don’t know if I can take it all…”
“Shh, it’s okay,” he said in an assuring manner, stroking your skin. “I’ll be gentle. You don’t have to take it all — it’s all about making us both feel good…”
“O-Okay,” you nodded, but you desperately wanted to consume him, just to see his face twist and contort with sheer pleasure.
Once you felt comfortable, you began to move up and down his shaft, your hips slowly falling into a gentle rhythm as he thrust up into you. One arm was on your waist, and the other steadying your back, guiding you through the motions as you engulfed his throbbing cock. 
Henry’s moans turned into grunts as you began to circle your hips, making his cock twitch with desire as you took him so eagerly.
“Am I hurting you?” You said, eyes wide and lips pouted.
“The complete opposite, actually,” he chuckled. Even in the heat of the moment he still managed to possess his charming dorkiness.
“You’re so cute,” you giggled, pecking his cheek and throwing your head back in ecstasy.
“Not bad for an old man, huh?” He smirked, caressing your cheeks to stare at you again. He seemed to like doing that.
“Please stop calling yourself old,” you gasped. “You’re easily fucking me like a thirty year old,”
“Twenty five year old,” he bargained.
“Twenty- seven,”
“Deal,” he chuckled, beginning to slam his hips up into yours, creating a clapping sound. His thrusts were becoming more confident with every movement, and as you found yourself slowing down, he was quickening his pace. 
Both his hands steadied your hips, and he leaned forward so that your body lay on the bed, whilst your hips were inverted, resting on his strong thighs. He began to pound you from this angle, admiring the way your body looked all sprawled out below him, leaning down to plant kisses along your chest and neck. 
You, on the other hand, were in a sheer state of bliss, to the point that you could barely see straight. None of your college hookups had been able to fuck you like this, like an animal, but also deeply intuitively and caring.
Henry’s muscles were rippling, and he began to wobble, signalling to you that he was getting close.
“Uh - Mmfh - Y/N…” he moaned. “I’m gonna — Are you close?”
“Mmfh…” you nodded, unable to speak. “Please - Don’t pull out…” you begged, and Henry’s eyes widened, letting out a groan at the very thought of filling you up.
“Oh - I’m gonna — Fuck…” he whispered, cursing for what felt like the first time. His total bliss sent you over the edge, your body wobbling as you came, just as Henry keeled over, stabilising himself with his hands either side of you, panting as his chest rumbled. His eyes were shut, his hair glued to his forehead, and whispered sweet nothings as he pumped loads of his hot seed inside of you, for what felt like forever. He was so pent up that he thought he might’ve burst into millions of segments, like a firework on New Years Eve. Sighing, he tried to catch his breath as he withdrew from you, some of his remains leaking out of your hole as he fell beside you, his arm instinctively wrapping around your body and pulling you closer to him.
You swallowed some saliva, trying to desperately lubricate your throat as you scrambled to find the words for what just happened.
“You’re right…You do fuck like a twenty five year old…”
“It helps when the stimuli looks something like you,” he chuckled, drawing you to his chest as he kissed your forehead. You shut your eyes, drowning yourself in his embrace. Of course the scent was there,  and although it was mixed with sweat and sex hormones, you didn’t mind in the slightest.
It was silent for a few moments until you spoke up.
“Can you stay the night? It’s cold, and the room is bare…”
“I can’t believe you’d assume I’d leave,” he chuckled, rubbing your upper back soothingly. His chest slowly began to drop to its regular levels, and you traced the outline of his pectorals as you did, finding yourself growing weary by the minute. You yawned, and you didn’t know it, but he smiled down at you.
“You know - I really like you…” you said drowsily. “I think we could make great neighbours…”
“Just neighbours?”
“We’ll see…” you teased. “Don’t get too cocky now, you haven’t even taken me out for dinner yet…” you finished with another yawn, your eyes now fluttering shut.
“Goodnight, Y/N,” he chuckled. “Sleep well,” he finished, kissing your forehead once again. As your hearts slowed down from their high, Henry knew that you were the one. Even if it was temporary, he owed it to himself to see where the two of you could go together. 
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whosnearr · 1 year
"flowers" m. afton
summary: you confess your undying love to the dear michael afton
word count: 1072
author's note: i hate this post and i do not blame you if you do too. i just needed something to post because i haven't been able to finish writing anything so i pulled this out of my ass. i hope it is satisfactory.
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“for me?” michael asked curiously as you handed him the bouquet of flowers you had hidden behind your back just a few moments before. judging by the smile on his face, you guessed that he really liked them.
“of course!” you said and ushered michael into his apartment. you had just arrived at his apartment after stopping at the florist. “i got your favorites, speedwells. i also got my favorites, chrysanthemums. i thought they looked pretty together.”
you had recalled michael telling you that he had never received flowers before. you also remembered the sad look on his pretty face. it broke your heart. you had to be the one to give him flowers and make him smile. you wanted to do something special for him and this gave you the perfect opportunity. 
it also gave you a perfect chance to make a move on him. you and michael were close friends whom had shared a kiss. or two. or three. your relationship with him was weird. you had always been friendly but there was no denying the tension between the two of you. you can only kiss your best friend so many times before they start to get the wrong idea. whether or not you were getting the wrong idea was what you were going to find out today.
“they do look pretty together,” he paused and briefly looked around. “oh, i need to put these in water.”
he walked off to his kitchen. there was a wall that divided the kitchen and the living room so you were left alone with just your thoughts. you fidgeted with the sleeves of your sweater and listened to the sounds of tap water filling the vase he had found hidden somewhere in his cabinets. you took off your shoes, just to give yourself something to do so you weren’t standing there idly. you were antsy. your thoughts consumed you and made you anxious. michael had been your friend for a really long time. were you really willing to throw away your friendship for some stupid feelings? you sat down on the couch. your motions were stiff, almost robotic. you smoothed out the wrinkles in your pants and patiently awaited for his return. 
when he did return he was rambling about the flowers, thanking you profusely. he told you how pretty they were. he also said that he thought they would be a nice addition to his home. you weren’t really listening but did catch a few of his words. you were lost in your thoughts. you just nodded and smiled every now and then.
“are you listening?” he asked after he had watched you smile and nod for the umpteenth time. a frown fell upon his face. you weren’t acting like yourself. he read you like a book. he knew you far too well. curse him for being such an amazing friend. 
"yeah of course," you mumbled absentmindedly, very obviously not listening to a word that left his mouth. you could hardly even look at him. 
"what's going on?" he asked with worry clear in his tone.
"nothing,” you lied and looked away from him.
“you’re a bad liar,” he said and chuckled. “c’mon, talk to me. is it about the flowers?” he asked. he was oblivious.
you giggled and shook your head. 
“are you gonna turn this into some sort of guessing game? you know i’m bad at those.”
“no, no,” you paused and slowly turned back to him. “michael, we’ve done things that friends generally don’t do, you know?”
he nodded slowly, the confusion returning to expression. he pondered for a moment, thinking back to the multiple kisses you had shared before and the amount of tension between you two. “yeah. i suppose so,” he cleared his throat awkwardly and looked away from you. his cheeks tinted a light shade of pink as he ran his fingers through his hair. “what about it?”
“i have feelings for you,” you said all in one breath. you just wanted to get it over with. if you didn’t say it now you would just beat around the bush and hope he picked up your hints. you just needed to spit it out. now that you had said it, however, anxiety was beginning to bubble in your chest.
you were both quiet for a long while. so long you were starting to wonder if you had even said anything at all. you looked away from him after staring at each other had begun to grow a bit uncomfortable. you opened your mouth to speak again but michael beat you to it. “i have feelings for you, too,” he said in almost a whisper.
your gaze snapped back towards him. “don’t say what you think i want to hear,” you said and narrowed your eyes at him. 
“what? i’m not. why would i do that? who do you think i am?” he said and scoffed as though he were offended.
“you’re serious?” you asked and felt a smile tug at the corner of your lips.
“c'mon now. i thought you knew me better than that. i wouldn't lie about something like this,” he said and smiled. he was beaming. his smile was contagious and the two of you were smiling like idiots.
neither of you were really sure what to say. you laughed softly and tried to search for something to say. your mind was blank and filled to the brim with thoughts at the same time. you couldn’t think straight. you had never felt such bliss. 
"i don't know what to say!" you exclaimed, trying to control your giggling. you felt like a flustered school girl.
"you don't have to say anything," he sat next to you, gently grabbing your face and turning you towards him. "actions speak louder than words.
your face flushed and you stared at him with your eyes blown wide. "right," you mumbled as he leaned closer to you.
your hands moved on their own and rested on his shoulders. you gently ran your fingers through his hair and hesitantly pressed your lips against his. you let him take the lead and he happily did so. he moved his lips skillfully and almost impatiently. it was clear he had been waiting for this for a long time. he placed his hands on your hips and you melted with his touch.
it happened so perfectly. you wouldn't have it any other way. 
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jiyansthesis · 2 years
x reader (gender neutral)
summary: not only did you and michael have to run in the rain to the nearest hotel after missing the last bus, there was only one bed and one blanket
yall do not know how unbelievably mad I am bc tumblr won't let me reply to your comments smh I SEE THEM N I SWEAR I'D RESPOND IF I COULD
not proofread
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you scowled, water dripping down your hair and creating a small puddle on the floor. shivering, as you paid the person at the front desk.
michael was also in the same boat as you, clearly annoyed as he strung out the rain from his jacket.
"think you could pay faster? I'm not getting sick today," michael scoffed.
"hey, dipshit, tell that to her," you pointed at the woman taking her time looking for a key to give you.
he rolled his eyes, and as soon as the lady held the key out, he snatched it and made his way to the hallway of rooms.
you thanked the attendant and rushed after him.
michael hurridly unlocked the door and swung it open, only to stand there in confusion.
"what's wrong?" you asked, and then you saw it once you made it to the door.
"oh, for fucks sake."
the two of you had took hot showers, but only after arguing who would go first. you had decided you were just going to take the clothes that the hotel had graciously offered you and make a break for the bathroom.
he definitely was pouting by the time you came back, jacket and shirt discarded.
you jumped in surprise at him being shirtless and turned around.
"hurry up and get into the shower," you tried to not look at him as you hung your wet clothes in the closet.
he laughed and only when you heard the door shut did you let out a breath of relief and sink onto the bed.
"man, he really does work out," you said to yourself.
"I heard that!" michael called from the shower.
"heard what?" you yelled back, embarrassed.
he needs to stop laughing.
"I can sleep on the floor," he offered as the two of you sat on opposite sides of the bed.
"as much as I hate you, I'm pretty sure this floor is super dirty." you flung you legs onto the bed, laying down. "we'll just put a pillow in-between us."
"why? can't handle yourself?" he smirked.
you raised an eyebrow. "you wish. I couldn't handle myself when I was with your dad."
you let out a snicker as his eyes widened.
"maybe you should be the one to sleep on the floor." michael grabbed the blanket and pulled it over himself.
"I'll think about it," you said as you took the blanket from him.
he whined and tried taking it back.
"turn off the lights first, and I'll let you have it back." no you weren't.
he furrowed his eyebrows and got up, walking over to the light switch like a kid putting back something they really wanted.
the room turned dark, and michael jumped onto the bed.
"now give me the blanket."
"never," you rolled yourself up in the blanket so he couldn't take it from you.
"I will personally throw you on you the floor," he threatened.
"I bet you-" you let out a screech as michael grabbed onto you and began unrolling you.
"THIS IS MY BLANKET!" you tried getting away from him.
"psh, we both paid for this room. it's whoever keeps it." he kept unraveling the blanket.
you began thrashing around until michael crawled on top of you and straddle you so you wouldn't be able to stop him.
"this is going to be my blanket."
you tried to stop him, but he successfully managed to get the sheet and cheered.
and that's when the two of you noticed the position you were in.
"oh shit, my bad," he scrambled off of you as you felt your face heat up.
"it's alright," you responded, flipping over to look at the wall, back to him.
the next few minutes were silent until michael threw a bit of the blanket onto you, scooting closer.
"you looked cold," he mumbled.
"thanks," you turned over to face him. you didn't realize how close he was. your lips were almost touching, and you could see a few freckles dotting his cheeks.
"think you need that pillow now?" he teased.
you hmmphed, "I think we both know what's about to happen. just kiss me already."
he acted like he was thinking about it.
"and why should I?"
instead of answering him, you closed your eyes and pressed your lips against his for a second before turning back around.
"because now I won't kiss you for longer than that."
"hey, I'm sorryyyy," he shook you, but you were fake snoring.
"pleaseeee," he begged.
you looked towards him to see him giving you puppy dog eyes.
"who could say no to that?"
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fandomwritingbit · 11 months
Hi there cutiepie
Thought I'd jump in to request
I was thinking like Michael Afton X reader after a fighr reader sleeps on the couch (sfw)
Ofcourse if your comfy writing that!! I did read rules so I'm hoping for it to be okay. (Also reader can be either female or gender neutral I don't mind either so I'd leave it up to you to decide with what you prefer writing)
Anyways darling have a nice day and don't forget to eat (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
Ee this request is cute as hell. No one's ever called me cutiepie before, got me blushing over here 😘 Thank you so much for such a lovely ask.
I hope this is alright, I can never judge if this kind of thing is actually decent lol.
Anywhooo, michael x gn reader - Sleeping on the sofa (sfw angst with fluff)
"What do you mean 'no'- it's your turn!" your boyfriend interrogated, he looked more than annoyed, mocking how you spoke the word no.
You snigger as reflex, a little taken aback at how angry he was already, you'd only just walked in the door. You let your shoulder bag slide off and on to the floor, shruging sarcastically, "Mike I called you and said I was going to be late - I've had Hell on at work - you really haven't made plans for dinner?!"
"It's your turn." He reiterates, taking his eyes off you as he realised that he probably was in the wrong, but stubbornness making him double down.
"You could have ordered something- you really expect me to cook right now?!" As you spoke, you approach your boyfriend irritated, holding your watch up for him to see, "It's half ten, Mike. Half fucking ten."
He scoffed, "So what am I-"
Keep reading
"Find something, Mike. I swear to God." you hiss. You have to walk away from him to stop this from escalating because if he keeps talking to you so entitled you're going to snap. Well, snap more than you just did.
Storming upstairs, you go in a shower which does nothing to calm you down. In fact it does the opposite, making you more heated, replaying the look of 'hard-done-by' on Michael's face. By the time you're done and hop out, you decide you can't even look at him, grabbing your pillows and a blanket off the bed.
He appears whilst you’re mid action, opening his mouth to say something but it dies in his throat when you throw him the dirtiest look he's ever seen. "Fine." he mutters, walking straight past you into the bathroom.
You make yourself a nest on the sofa downstairs, hoping Mike knows to keep away right now, and eventually fall asleep with some tv show blaring in the background.
Laid in your usually shared bed upstairs, Michael tosses and turns. He felt guilty. Which he supposed was just, really. You had a long day and he didn’t even ask you how it was, just went off on you, took his stress out on you. And now the hunger-fueled anger had subsided, he was sober to that and the guilt wouldn’t let him drift off. 
So he got up, didn’t bother putting a shirt on and went downstairs as quietly as he could, trying not to disturb your sleeping form snuggled on the sofa. But seeing you there, you looked so sweet, your brows not furrowed like they had been earlier, your mouth not pressed into that tired hard line, he smiled a little just at the view before going into the kitchen and getting a glass of water. 
You woke up to the tap running in the adjacent room, the sound obnoxiously loud in the quiet of the house, you peer over your blanket waiting for him to walk back in, “Really? I was-” you start, but he puts his hands up in surrender, one holding the glass. 
“Look I’m sorry... About waking you up but also… earlier, I don’t know why I-” 
 You cut him off, sitting up to talk properly.“You were being a prick, Mike.” It was hard to keep your tone as mean as you wanted it at seeing the sheepish look on his face. 
“I know, sorry.” 
You crack, his apologetic voice working. And so, you scooch back on the cushions, making some room for him and lifting up the blanket for him to get in. Instead he scoops you and all your belongings off the piece of furniture, somehow making it look easy, and bundles you in his arms. 
You giggle, his arms tickling you. Though to be honest you’re glad to not be arguing anymore, even more glad to be able to sleep in your own bed.
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tiredbonbon · 1 year
Pairing: William Afton x gn! Reader
Summary: You lived in your small, shitty town all your life, with nothing very interesting happening to you, until at least, you catch the eye of one of your dad‘s friends.
Warnings!: age gap (reader is an adult), flirty William bc thats how it is, inappropriate relationships(?)
A.note: soo this is the firt time i write anything on this blog, if the writing in here isn’t the best please excuse me I am trying this kind of stuff for the first time and have to see if I feel comfy with it and what the response is, feel free to offer criticism in my dm‘s or leave requests in my inbox, reader is gender neutral btw.
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Picture creds: Noisx
You had been living in the small town you were born in for all your life, and that meant all your life, you never spent a year abroad, never went to schools outside and even vacations or visits out of town were never longer than a week. You basically knew this place like your right pocket, and everyone there knew you and you and your family as well.
It wasn’t that you particularly hated it, it was more that you were so goddamn bored of it, this place felt like a desert at times, and really, the only thing that even attracted people from outside was the diner down the streets, ‚Freddy Fazbears Pizza‘ a pizzeria ran by two of your fathers friends he met in college. The place was actually a huge hit all around the state, gradually extending its popularity all around the country, which was because of, you guessed, the children’s entertainment animatronics that had always been the face of the franchise.
Despite it easily being the hottest place in town for both children and adults, it wasn’t a place you particularly liked to spend your time at, first of, the animatronics always creeped you out a little bit, secondly, since Henry was particularly close to your dad, should you have run into him at the restaurant, you‘d always have to awkwardly try and chitchat, which was nearly unavoidable with him being at the place like every day anyway. The only time you ever really went down there was when your parents asked you to go and pick up some pizza to eat for lunch or dinner and despite him sometimes being a bit too friendly for your own taste, Henry was a nice man, often times telling you to keep the money your dad gave you and to take the food on the house, that was always a welcomed boost for your wallet.
Right now, you sat on the sidelines of your family’s garden in the shade trying to block out the soldering heat that was a summer in Utah, your family was hosting a barbecue at your house, inviting Henry with his wife and kid, as well as the Aftons from down the block, you never knew them as well as the Emilys, but you were always well aware of their existence.
In the garden, three kids ran around the active sprinklers, Charlotte, Elizabeth and Evan. Out of the bunch, Charlie was the one that you were most comfortable with, she was a nice and respectful kid and most of all knew her boundaries, while on the other hand Elizabeth was just too extroverted and energetic for your taste, and while he was a good kid at heart, Evan always felt like a bit of a time bomb. You never wanted to handle the awkwardness of accidentally making a small child cry that you always felt came with interacting with him.
Both Liz and Evan belonged to the Aftons, they did have another brother called Michael, but just like you, he was long an adult and instead of jumping around the cold sprinklers rather sat in the shade, far away from anyone else.
You looked up to the parents mostly standing out in the middle of the porch, your mum and dad were both next to the active grills, chatting with Henry and his wife, while off on the side a bit away from them, there he was, William.
Honestly, you never spend a lot of time around him, for one, when you were down at the pizzeria, he was apparently working in the back and when you were home, if Michael was telling the truth he was usually in the downstairs basement working on new ‚creations‘. All enough to tell you that he wasn’t very sociable which felt a bit ironic knowing he managed a restaurant chain targeted at kids.
The only times you saw him was when he occasionally chatted with your dad in front of the house, peeking out his office at the pizzeria or that one time he helped your mom fix her car, but really you didn’t remember the last time you saw him like this, in a populated area with his family, standing around in the open.
Visually, you didn’t find him particularly …unappealing, he was a tall, slender guy, with short and messy brown hair and most times in mediocrely formal attire, his eyes were quite cool and most times sunken in with a typical, wide, british grin, which was also mirrored in his accent.
Who were you really kidding here? You didn’t think of your dad‘s friend as unattractive, he was the typical, dilfy, older guy for you, and finding him so appealing was also one of the factors why you didn’t really come around to the pizzeria the last few years. You questioned your tastes a little bit, after all, a lot of the neighborhood kids and even some teens were straight up terrified of William for one reason or another and avoided his mere sight at all costs.
You sighed, trying to brush the thoughts out of your head, you wished you could have just watched this all from your room, but your parents insisted that you stayed outside with them now that you were ‚one of the adults‘.
„Y/n!“ you flinched suddenly realizing your dad was calling out to you, you shifted from the stones you were sitting on as quick as possible as you hurried over to know what he wanted.
„Gosh darling is your hearing okay?“ he shook his head as you tried recovering from your total daze earlier, he sighed, „ugh… would you be so kind and fetch some plates from inside, oh, and some ice pops for the kids?“ he asked.
„Oh uh, yeah sure.“ you replied swiftly, you didn’t mind getting away from the others outside for a little. You quickly walked inside and into the kitchen, leaning over the counter to pull around a recent newspaper, your eyes scanning around the articles for a bit as you slacked down into one of the kitchen island‘s stools and reading trough the texts, losing grasp of what you were even supposed to do.
„Still in here, eh?“ you perked up at the sudden voice in the room, mortified to see William of all standing at the opposite side of the kitchen island, crossing his arms.
Your scrambled up, nearly knocking over the stool you were on with you on it and barely preventing a fall, „Oh uh- Mr. Afton, do you need anything?“ His lips twitched up at your sudden nervousness and loss of composure, „Your fatha‘ told me to go in here to check on you, said‘ he didn’t want you sneaking off to your room.“
You hissed a little, knowing thats the exact type of thing your dad would say, not taking into account if it‘d embarrass you or not. You folded the newspaper back up and quickly pushed past him to go to the kitchen cabinets in which the plates were, almost feeling nervous as his arms barely crossed yours. „Don’t rush, I‘m not gonna blame ya‘ „
You turned back to him raising an eyebrow in confusion, „I‘m not an ‚extrovert‘ myself yknow‘ , Henry‘s usually the one handling the kids down at the diner.“ he leaned against the counter behind him as you pulled out a few plates from the cabinets and set them down, chuckling awkwardly.
You undoubtedly felt embarrassed being completely alone with him, not that it had even happened before anyway. You had no idea what to say, or talk about, but then, one small thing still came to your mind. „So uh, are you building any more of those …robots?“
He chuckled, „oh yeah, plenty, are you interested in that sorta stuff y/n?“ fuck, that was the first time you think you had even heard him say your name at all. „Heh- A little maybe, I was kinda curious I guess.“
„hmhm, well I‘m flattered, you can come down to the diner sometime, I‘d be happy to show you some the endos we use.“ he offered, it did seem sorta interesting… you always kinda wondered how those animatronics looked like without the faux fur covers, although, you weren’t sure if it wouldn’t be equally terrifying.
You turned back to the plates, you weren’t sure how many would be used, so you just got a good stack. You bent down to the cooler, cramming around for any ice pops to keep the children at bay for a while. „So, you got yourself a fit bloke round‘ here?“ you felt yourself a bit startled at the sudden questioning, trying to keep your eyes fixed on the cooler and not up to meet his.
„Eh- no Sir, I‘ve uh.. I‘ve never had a boyfriend before I don’t really like the guys around here.“ you replied, that was actually the truth, most the people your age around here were far from your type, your mom had asked you plenty of times what you thought about Michael, and while he definitely aged better than most around there, you couldn’t see anything like that with him.
„Well, what about the men?“ you nearly choked for a moment, awkwardly laughing as if what he said was just some generic joke, yet you had no real idea what he actually meant by it. You finally scrambled out the ice pops from the freezer, putting them on top of the stacks of plates, „Are ya sure you can carry all that by yourself?“ he asked, you paused, looking at the stack for a moment, but before you could reply he had already pushed himself beside you and picked up half the stack himself.
You smiled awkwardly, „Thank you Mr. Afton…“
You quickly picked up your stack, following him outside as you didn’t want to bother your parents anymore with your reluctance, “there you are y/n, what in the world you took so long?” Your father asked seeing you finally leave the building, you were already prepared for a long lecture and being damned to stand next to him by the grill but to your surprise, before you had to say anything, William answered for you, “Bloody hell Bill give them a rest would you? We were just inside having a chat.”
Your father looked over to William, then to you, before seemingly calming down, “Whatever you say Will…” before you could turn to thank him however, Elizabeth and Charlie were already scrambling to steal the ice pops you had from you. Precious kids.
Quickly after you were done handing out ice pops to the kids, you were urged by your mom to help deck out the table for everyone to eat, while doing so, unwillingly your gaze often wandere back to William, who had taken back the spot at the side of the porch, simply leaning against the wall, on occasion meeting your eyes only to have you scrambling back to deck our plates with napkins to which you swore you could hear him chuckle in the distance, his mere presence was seriously starting to kill you.
After everyone sat down to eat, of course he had to be sat right next to you, and sure maybe the bench you sat on was a little cramped since elizabeth wanted to sit right next to her father, but surely not so cramped that his shoulder had to be constantly pressing against yours right..?
“So y/n, are you still on the lookout for a job? Like I said I’d always offer you a place down at the diner.” Henry mentioned, “Ah no worries, I’m still trying to manage my work from home since its the easiest at the moment.” You replied, your form stiffening even more when William turned his head to you.
It probably didn’t look weird to the others, but for you he was starting to be so close you felt his breath on your neck, his eyes always threatening to meet yours should you just risk the tiniest glance over at him.
“Thats a shame, I’m sure you’d look fantastic in one of our work uniforms.” The comment made most adults at the table chuckle, even Henry, but for you, it split your mind, you felt your emotions make you dizzy
Before he could say anything else, as if your hand moved on its own, you ‘accidentally’ knocked over your glass of lemonade, spilling it all over your top and shorts.
“Oh- Y/n are you okay??” Charlotte peeked up from her side of the table, you quickly stood up, “Oh yeah- please excuse me I’ll go change in my room!” And before your parents or anyone else could say something you rushed back inside and upstairs, sliding down your door as soon as you slammed it shut.
You had absolutely no idea what had just happened to your mind, it was like the pinnacle of tension in your body, not even neccecarily awkwardness but something else. You slowly got back up and took a deep breath before taking off your now very sticky shirt and shorts, ‘ am I letting myself get so tense just because of that man? What is wrong with me??’
You crammed out a new pair of shorts and a tshirt, god previously you didn’t even talk to William and now after so little interaction you were letting him get to you so much? For gods sake he was your dads friend and probably old enough to be your father too, this… this wasn’t becoming more than a silly crush right?
You grabbed a pillow from your bed and hit it atop your own head, trying to quite literally bonk yourself, by now, the sun had gone down, and surely it was time for everyone to leave anyways, you could surely go downstairs now right? Sure your dad would be pissed for you not saying goodbye to your guests, but you’d just have to deal with that.
You slowly made your way back down, it was awfully quiet, ‘huh… maybe they left already?’ It would have been much to your gratitude.
‘Huh… seems like it’ the front porch was empty, only the grills coal slowly burning out, you breathed a sigh of relief slowly backing away to lean against your kitchen island in victory, but ran into something else halfway, immediately flinching back.
Great. Just your fucking luck.
“AH- Mr- Mr. Afton, Im so sorry I thought you and your family were already gone-“ you stuttered, trying to hold composure even though you had just blatantly walked right into his chest, but he once again, merely chuckled.
“Its all right luv, I just wanted to say goodbye to ya, its not even me and you see each other aight?” You felt your face heat up, now it wasn’t just tension, it was straight up making you blush, was he meaning to do this????
“Oh of course- have a good night Mr. Afton, I- I’ll say hello next time in down at the diner!”
“Just visit me in my office, I’d be happy to have you around.” He grinned, one last time, before turning away from you, “Liz, Evan, Michael! Get over here we are going home.
You stood in the kitchen for another few moments, dumbfounded, red and confused.
This was, definitely becoming more than a silly crush.
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mitsvriii · 1 year
TW’s: Mentions of death, William Afton, cursing
Pairings: Michael Afton x reader, Glamrock Freddy x reader?, past Michael Afton x Jeremy Fitzgerald, slight Glamrock Freddy x Glamrock Bonnie
Reader type: Can be any but reader uses gender neutral pronouns
Word Count: 1.3k+
A/N: the urge to write lookalike like look-a-like, i hate putting Michael and William’s names in the same color, Glammike Au, yes William is his own trigger warning even if he’s only mentioned as “father” like once, i screwed with the timeline to fit the story, Michael’s a dumbass but we love him, humanoid animatronics because i can’t describe animatronics for the life of me, Glamrock Bonnie is silly goofy, might make a short series of this if it does good, Glamrock Bonnie’s personality and design is not accurate as he is not in-game, Glamrock Bonnie makes Bugs Bunny references because he’s like that, i wrote this during a hyperactive swing so it’s gonna be quirky
Michael remembers. Something that he’s never been fond of. He remembers his siblings, his parents, friends, old jobs, animatronics, souls, his old lovers. The memories fade in and out, something he blames on the programming in the stupid human form of an animatronic.
Don’t get him wrong, he didn’t hate it. But it was tiring to say the least. Having to put on shows with kids climbing and clinging onto you, it always brought him back to when Elizabeth would clutch onto him. Begging him to convince his father to let her near Circus Baby.
But at least the rest of the animatronics made it manageable. Glamrock Chica always made bubbly jokes, Roxanne gave decent good advice, Monty was…well Monty. And then there was Glamrock Bonnie.
He reminded Michael of Jeremy to an extent, he even gave him the nickname “Bon”. Bon cracked jokes and had the sense of humor that Michael could stand. He gave him cheeky smiles and seemed to beam whenever he showed up near the bowling area. If Michael didn’t know any better he’d assume Bon liked him.
But whenever Michael contemplated asking him of his feelings, his mind traced back to you and Jeremy. Although it was mostly you. Michael had dated Jeremy on and off until he died after being bit by Mangle. He then somehow found comfort in you.
You two had met up somehow when he moved in your neighborhood after he moved away from his birth state. You had lived in the neighborhood for a while, and he learned early on that you were quite a busy bee.
He remembers how you brought him over some cookies as a housewarming gift, apologizing in advance if he didn’t like the flavor. He simply brushed it off and took them anyways.
Your visits got more frequent to the point were you two become close friends. You would stay over at his house to watch “The Immortal and The Restless” with him, not quite understanding why he seemed to be so obsessed with the show.
But despite your jests and teases you always stayed and watched every episode with him. He seemed to enjoy your company, always managing to fall asleep with his head on your shoulder.
He was cute when he sleep, although you never told him that until later on when you two were together. You had a habit with playing with his hair, running your hand through his chocolate locks.
Throughout the numerous compliments and flirts about his appearance, you never said anything about his eyes for some reason. He found that weird but didn’t push it. Maybe it was another quirk of yours.
The rest of the memories of you were blurry. He could never make out a full memory of you two while he was working at Circus Baby’s, nor when you two got together. He does remember how tightly you hugged after he showed up a few days after retching up Ennard. Not caring about the smell or the fact he was a corpse now.
He was evem more surprised when you still stayed with him when he blandly told you about his new condition. He remembers how things seemed to get rougher in your relationship, between his quest to free all of the souls and the frequent night shifts.
He let out a chuckle as he thought back on the face you made when he told you he burned down a building with his dad in it. You didn’t seem to know whether to laugh or scold him.
Burn down a building….
He frowned as the thought crossed his mind. The last fire he started was the one that quite literally turned his life upside down. His soul must have been stuck in some sort of coma because he doesn’t know how long it had been.
One minute he was burning, ready to go see ve with his siblings and mother, leaving his father behind and the next he was being tested for malfunctions. He wondered if you were even still alive. He would go look but it’s not like he could leave.
And god forbid he try to ask around for information about you. If you were dead he’d be seen as a lunatic and if you weren’t nobody would probably know who you were. For all he knew you might not be even living here anymore.
Michael jumped as he felt a finger tap his shoulder, he turned to glance at who poked him. Bon was stood there with furrowed brow, a lip tugged between his teeth as he chewed on it nervously. A pet peeve Michael picked up on his first week as Glamrock Freddy.
“Are you okay? You seemed…off”, Bon spoke, tilting his head a little, “Did you not get your software update done last night?”
Bon’s joke seemed to do little to help with Michael’s mood, causing him to frown. His jokes always helped him, even if it was a little bit, so why not now?
“Fred? You good?”
Good, Michael hadn’t been “good” since he was with you. Bon sighed before shifting closer to Michael, peering at him with curious and worried eyes. “Fred? Anyone in there?”
Michael shifted his eyes back from the floor to Bon’s, a blush of embarrassment covering his face as he realized his lack of response. He shifted back a little, causing the humanoid bunny’s ears to droop a little. Though he quickly covered it up.
”Say Bon…do you know a {name} {last name}?”
“Uh”, Bon chewed on his lip again as he seemed to rack his brain for answers, “Not really? Actually I’m gonna give it to ya straight doc I don’t.”
“Right”, Michael sighed as he leaned against the wall. He looked around the Pizzaplex, his eyes seemed to dim. Bon said nothing as he leaned against the wall beside him, hesitantly grabbing Michael’s hand as an act of comfort.
“Are they uh, are they your friend or?…”
Michael opened his mouth to speak but he couldn’t seem to get the words out. What was he to say anyways? Hey my name’s actually Michael Afton and I’m possessing this humanoid animatronic. My dad’s a serial killer and my family’s dead.
“Bon do you trust me?”
“With my life”, the response was almost immediate and his grip on Michael’s hand seemed to tighten.
“I need to tell you something”, Michael glanced at Bon before releasing his hand, motioning for him to follow, “C’mon, we’ll go to my “room”.”
If someone were to search up a picture to match the word flabbergasted, Glamrock Bonnie’s current face would show up. He was gaping like a fish out of water at him, shifting on the orange couch.
Bon let out a dry laugh, “You uh, you sure are funny doc I’ll give you that. Seems like you really did miss that software update.”
Bon only chuckled nervously at Michael’s blank expression. A low and long sigh leaving him at the sight of it. “Okay Michael…so what do you want me to do with this information?”
“I want you to help me find out about {name}, just anything at all. You could ask Vanessa, you two are close.”
Bon raised an eyebrow as he got off of the couch, stretching, “She hates me. And she’s always looking at me like she wants to kill me or something. It’s weird.”
“I’ll help you the best I can Fred, but it’s only a matter of time before like, you’ll have to spill the beans”, Bon walked over and gave Michael’s shoulder a playful punch, “I’ll report back in a few sergant.”
Bon mock-saluted before leaving the room, leaving Michael alone once again. A sigh left him as he watched Bon almost hop away from the window. He could only hope that he would return with good news.
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divine-knight-hand · 5 months
Such a Whore
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Link to photo: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/722616702723082268
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Michael Masterlist || Full Masterlist || Read on AO3
Pairing: Michael Afton x Gender Neutral Reader
Summary: Being distracted at work almost didn’t end well for Michael, but he was home now. He was safe. He was free to finally indulge in the pleasure that thoughts of you made him crave.
Content Warnings: Mentions of fluff, desperation, masturbation, (self) degradation, pleasure crying, (Michael's just a simp and I love him so much for that <3)
Notes: Sorry if the ending of this seems rushed! I fell into a bit of sadness because my brain thinks I'm being unproductive, and I definitely needed the satisfaction of posting a new fic. That's when I remembered that I had this little gem from summertime, which was almost finished anyways. So, enjoy! Hehehe!
(P.S. I also needed something to get me into the right headspace for those two Michael requests sitting in my inbox. I'm proud to announce that I'm about three paragraphs into the first one! o7)
Word Count: 1,165
Dividers by @saradika
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Michael rushed to the door of his house, post-shift adrenaline still coursing through his veins. Risking his life every night just to keep his job didn’t exactly leave him with the best of nerves. He quickly fumbled with his keys before dropping them on the floor.
“Damnit!” He hissed as he bent over to pick them up.
Tonight’s shift was a long one, especially since his mind was elsewhere for most of it. He had two close calls with Bonnie and Chica almost entering the office because thoughts of you were in the forefront of his mind, taking his focus away from the task of keeping himself alive. 
Ever since you’d started working at the pizzeria as its newest chef, he couldn’t keep his eyes off of you. Sometimes, he would sneak into the kitchen and watch as you cooked, committing his favorite things about you to memory.
The diligent way you used your hands as you rolled and tossed the dough. The way your eyebrow creased just the littlest bit as you focused on remembering what toppings to put on which pizza. The way you wiped your forehead after tossing a pizza into the oven, letting out the smallest of relieved sighs before putting together the next one. He noticed and loved it all.
Then, there was the way you smiled as you served each customer. Michael loved the way you smiled. He could tell you genuinely enjoyed your time in the kitchen, making pizzas that would have anyone’s mouth watering. Your smile was contagious, radiating joy to be felt by anyone who had the privilege of witnessing it.
It was right before his latest shift when you flashed him that same smile as he handed you your favorite flower. He’d told you that he found it on his way to work and thought you might want it, but he actually bought it from a local flower shop and spent the entirety of your shift pacing by the kitchen door, trying to figure out how to give it to you.
“Oh, Michael! It’s beautiful! How did you know this is my favorite? Thank you!” You’d said as you flashed him that smile he loved, and he nearly melted into the floor.
The same happiness you showed to others every day was finally directed at him. He didn’t actually know that the flower he handed to you was your favorite kind. He supposed he just got lucky. It wasn’t like he was ever going to let you in on that little secret, though.
You flashed one of your beautiful smiles to him like a royal figure casting a favor to their devoted knight, and he wasn’t going to let anything keep that moment from being anything less than perfect. Unfortunately, the longer he thought about that moment, the less innocent his feelings toward you became.
His cock twitched, serving as a reminder of the painful way it strained against his jeans for the last hour of his shift. He had managed to take care of his nightly tasks while sparing a hand to occasionally rub at his crotch for a bit of relief. He was grateful that he worked alone when he accidentally let out a small whine of frustration.
He desperately needed to get off…
Finally recovering his keys, Michael rushed into the house, slamming the door behind him. He quickly set his TV set’s VCR to record that night’s episode of The Immortal and the Restless before all but speeding to his bedroom.
He slammed the door behind him and jumped into bed, landing on his back in a starfish position. Breathing heavily, he closed his eyes and basked in the relief of finally being home.
That was, until he was reminded of his predicament by the impatient throbbing of his cock. He fought with his belt–desperate whines of need escaping the back of his throat as his eager hands momentarily forgot how to undo it–before finally getting it open and tossing his pants across the room. The belt buckle loudly hit the wall with a clank! before his pants fell heavily to the floor.
Not wasting a second, Michael began palming the large stain of arousal on his boxers. He let out a soft moan as he shuddered, his hips instinctively bucking up into his hand as a silent plea for more. His skin was aflame, every nerve screaming for your touch.
God, I’m such a whore… The thought slammed into his head as he became overly aware of the situation he was in. He laid on his bed, aroused just by the mere thought of you, to the point where he couldn’t waste time taking off all of his clothes before granting himself some sort of relief. He was just that desperate, and all it took to get him riled up was a smile. 
“Ohhh, I really am a whore…” He whined as he quickened the pace of his hand against his crotch, his hips setting an unsteady rhythm against it.
His eyes squeezed shut and his head dropped back onto his pillow before another idea drifted into his thoughts. He liked it. He liked being a whore, as long as he was your whore. His cock twitched in his boxers to confirm his depraved revelation. Images of you standing outside his door and listening to his moans and cries of desperation began to form in his mind, making his head spin.
Michael imagined that you would eventually open the door, walking inside and looking down at him with a proud smirk before playfully taunting him. “Awww, poor thing. All hot and bothered just for me?”
Tears of frustration sprang to his eyes as he realized that grinding against his hand wasn’t going to be enough. He rushed to take off his boxers, his erect cock springing from its confinement before he took it in hand and began to stroke it. The precum he spread from the tip made it especially easy for his hand to glide along his length, no lube needed.
“Fuck,” He breathed as his hips began bucking into his hand. He hadn’t done that voluntarily.
“Don’t stop… don’t- Ah!” He wasn’t sure who he was asking, since the only motions on his cock were his own, but as he neared his peak, it was harder for him to make sense of anything anymore.
“Please…” He whined as the tears in his eyes spilled over. “Please… Ohhh…”
His eyes squeezed shut as he flicked his thumb over the tip. That was the motion that sent him over the edge.
“Y- Y/N!” He cried out as his free hand gripped the sheets. He came over the fingers of the other, which was still guiding him through his high.Once he was finished, he assessed the mess he made on his hand and sheets. Still panting from the aftermath of his orgasm, his mind was able to put together one coherent thought. I really am a whore…
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darkpeacemusic · 1 year
Rules for my asks/requests
Plz read before asking for requests
Fandoms and characters I will accept (so far):
Stranger Things (Mike, Dustin, Will, Lucas, Max, Eleven, Nancy, Steve, Jonathan)
Slashers (Jason Voorhees, Freddy Krueger, Candyman, pennywise (1990), Ghostface (Stu and Billy), Billy Lenz, Carrie, Chucky, Tiffany, Michael Myers, Bubba Sawyer, Jennifer Check, Norman Bates, Sinclair Brothers, Harry Warden)
Five Nights at Freddy’s (both games and movie) (Michael Afton, Mike Schmidt, Vanessa A., Vanessa Shelley, any animatronics except BB and JJ, Gregory (platonic only), Cassie (platonic only), Abby Schmidt (platonic only), Henry Emily)
Beetlejuice (Lydia Deetz, Beetlejuice)
Final Girls/Guy (Nancy Thompson, Sidney Prescott, Gale Weathers, Ash Williams)
Fullmetal Alchemist (Edward, Al)
Pirates of the Caribbean (Jack Sparrow, Hector Barbossa)
South Park (Kenny, Kyle, Butters)
Creepypasta (Ben Drowned (platonic only), Jeff, Liu, Sully, Jane, Ticci Toby, Masky, Hoodie, Kate the Chaser, Laughing Jack, Eyeless Jack, Slender brothers (platonic only), Sally (platonic only), Dr Smiley, Nurse Ann, Nina, Candy Pop, Jason the Toymaker, The Puppeteer, Clockwork, Rouge, Wilson, Zalgo (platonic only), Nathan, Bloody Painter, Kagekao, Jill, Sadie, Hobo Heart, Cat Hunter, Chris the Revenant, X-Virus, Dollmaker, Frankie the Undead, Judge Angels, Lifeless Lucy (platonic only), Lost Silver (platonic only), Glitchy Red, Dr. Locklear, Lulu (platonic only), Killing Kate)
DCEU (Bruce Wayne)
MHA (Deku, Bakugo, Tokoyami, Kirishima, Denki, Jirou, Iida, Todoroki, Awaiza (platonic only), Mina, Tyusu, Momo)
MCU (Tony Stark (platonic only), Steve Rogers (platonic only) Peter Parker, Natasha Romanoff, Thor, Loki, Bruce Banner)
Harry Potter (Harry, Ron, Hermione, Snape, Dumbledore (platonic only), Nevel, Remus, the Weasley twins (Fred and George), Luna, Ginny, Draco)
What I will write
General headcanons
X reader headcanons
Canon x canon headcanons (as long as it's appropriate)
Gender neutral reader
Child reader (plantonic)
Poly (only if the characters are the same age and are not related to each other)
S/Os with certain mental illnesses (eg anxiety, OCD, depression)
What I will not accept
Any specific gender reader (Cuz I don’t want to offend anyone by accident)
Parent S/O
Trans S/O (again trying not offend anyone by accident)
Pregnant S/O
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outsders · 9 days
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іᥒ𝗍r᥆ძᥙᥴ𝗍і᥆ᥒ ⍴᥆s𝗍
she/they/it ◞ sixteen ◞ dutch ◞ INTP-T
pansexual + aromantic/fictoromantic ◞ asd
main / yume blog : @ aftongf ( if I follow you / interact it's with this account .ᐟ )
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ᥕіᥣᥣ ᥲᥒძ ᥕ᥆ᥒ'𝗍 ᥕrі𝗍ᥱ
will write :
gender neutral & fem reader
wlw/gl & m/f4a
chubby / plus size reader
autistic reader
fluff , crack & angst
scenarios , drabbles , oneshots
etc. might add more
won't write :
male reader & mlm/bl
smut / nsfw
cheating / infidelity themes
oc's or character x character
anything else im uncomfy with I will lyk
requests are always open ,, unless stated so here otherwise. I will get to them asap ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱
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𝖿ᥲᥒძ᥆ms і ᥕrі𝗍ᥱ 𝖿᥆r
Five Night's At Freddy's :
Glamrock Freddy
Glamrock Chica
Roxanne Wolf
Montgomery Gator
Sundrop / Moondrop
William Afton (movie William)
Michael Afton (Mike Schmidt)
Vanessa / Vanny (Vanessa Shelly)
Carlton Burke
Charlotte Emily
Glamrock Bonnie
Gregory (platonic ONLY)
Cassie (platonic ONLY)
Stray :
Obey me! One master to rule them all :
Luke (platonic ONLY)
DC Universe :
Edward Nashton
Harley Quinn
Poison Ivy
Barbara Kean
Jerome Valeska
Jeremiah Valeska
My Hero Academia :
Katsuki Bakugou
Izuku Midoriya
Tamaki Amajiki
Kirishima Eijirou
Denki Kaminari
Ochaco Uraraka
Toga Himiko
Mina Ashido
Sally Face :
Sal Fisher
Larry Johnson
Ashley Campbell
+ possibly other characters / fandoms soon !
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glamrockem · 2 years
Hi ♡ I was wondering if I could request something
I was hoping I could request a fluffy Michael Afton x Male reader
Your writing is really awesome and I love the aesthetic of your blog it's really cute ♡
hi darling!!
unfortunately i don’t write male reader :(( however i’m think of writing some stuff soon with a gender neutral reader!! so look out for that if you want <33
also thank you 🤭 you’re too nice 💞
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pastelbakerymumu · 2 years
Reader x Michael Afton. This is my first One-Shot.
Y/N = Gender Neutral
It was a sunny day, you were at freddy fazbears, you ate pizza as you watched the animatronics perform onstage. It scared you a little, you never went up close to the stage like the other kids did. You had no friends, but you had one, his name was Michael Afton.
You sat on the seat, nervous by all the kids squeezing past you to get close to the animatronics, you had a brother/sister named (Sibling name), they ran past you.
You grabbed their wrist, pulled them back to prevent them tripping and getting walked on by younger and older kids.
You let out a relieved breathe, Michael then walked close to you, he had two drinks in his hand, he had his, he had yours. You took your drink and said, "Thanks Michael" Your sibling was scratching your wrist, you sucked in a breathe and pulled your wrist back to examine it.
Your sibling ran to the stage to get close to the animatronics, as soon as they put one foot on the stage, you got up and dropped your drink on your shirt. You groaned as you stepped up to grab your sibling, finally bringing them down you waltzed over to the table miserably.
Michael judge your shirt, scanning it up and down, your eye twitched as he laughed.
You smacked his armharshly, "Ow, what was that for?" He whined, "That's for laughing!" You huffed, he let out a sheepish chuckle, you crossed your arms over your shirt to prevent anyone from seeing the stain.
Michael let out a sigh, he took of his hoodie and threw it in your face, your let out a faint 'oof' and took the hoodie off your face.
You look at Michael with a teasing smirk, "Just fucking wash it before you give it back, dont want it smelling like sweat and juice" He spoke blushing, you look at him with a unamused expression, he was wearing a hoodie on a sunny day?
You put it over you, and within a few minute you were sweating bullets, you let out tired and quick breathe as you fanned yourself, Michael laughed and pulled you in s headlock, he rubbed a fist on your head. You protested but Michael laughed. You eventually gave up.
You wanted to Enjoy these moments while they lasted.....
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jiyansthesis · 2 years
MICHAEL ☆ AFTON (post scoop)
x reader (gender neutral)
summary: michael finally comes home from his job, but the basket of exotic butters wasn't what surprised you the most.
I am genuinely addicted to writing about michael afton
not proofread
genre: fluff
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it was nearly seven in the morning, and you were starting to get worried about michael. he was always back around six-thirty. maybe he was caught up in some early morning traffic? he'll be back soon.
you knew about how his past jobs were dangerous, him working to survive the entire night. he was always exhausted and shaken everytime he came back.
you never truly knew what he was doing at circus baby's, but you knew that it was a lot different than his previous jobs. you hoped it was a lot safer than having to watch out for bloodthirsty animatronics.
you kept rolling around in bed until you decided you were overthinking it. he was gonna come back and the two of you were going to enjoy the weekend together. he promised that, and he never breaks his promises.
minutes flew by, until you had spent 30 minutes looking up at the ceiling. now it's been an hour since he got off work.
you slipped out the bed, padding your way downstairs and into the living room, plopping onto the sofa. you absently stared at the door, waiting for michael to come through the door. maybe he told you he'd be late before he left and you simply forgot?
you wouldn't be surprised if he went to the gym, since he hasn't had time this entire week. he has to keep those arms in shape somehow. you chuckled to yourself. you were overthinking this.
okay, maybe you weren't.
you shook your thoughts off and turned the tv on. since he's late you might as well watch the new episode of the immortal and the restless without him. you can't wait to see him pouting for starting without him.
then you heard a click come from the door.
he's back!
you scrambled off the couch, throwing off the blanket you pulled over yourself and hurrying to the door.
"mi- michael?" you stood there in shock. "you're looking. . . a bit different."
bit different was an understatement. you weren't even sure if it was michael except for the fact he still had his work uniform peeking out from under a hoodie.
he was surprised, expecting you to still be asleep. he opened his mouth to respond but closed it. he dropped a basket full of something on the floor.
"what happened?" you walked up to him, examining him like a child that got hurt at a park.
he was definitely not thinking that was going to be your reaction.
"babe, I-" he started before you cut him off.
"what happened?" it was less of a question and more of a demand for him to tell you. there was no logical explanation for the blood splattered on him and the purplish tint to his skin.
you dragged him to sit down, and you sat close to him, urging him to spill everything.
he sighed, and started off his story.
by the end, you embraced him and he stifled his sobs into your neck. you patted his back, rocking him back and forth.
"hey, it's alright mikey. you're alive and that's what matters."
"you still love me? even like this?" he glanced up at you.
"you think I loved you for your looks? c'mon, you were a solid 5 when you didn't have skinny jeans on," you joked.
he let out a laugh and embraced you closer.
"you're going to be dating a grape," he mumbled.
"I've always wanted to," you grinned. "wanna watch the new episode?"
"you already started without me," he pouted.
"don't be late then," you countered, draping the blanket forgotten on the floor over the two of you.
"will the basket of exotic butters I got make up for it?" he questioned, snuggling into you.
"exotic butters?" you raised an eyebrow.
"it was either that or some cash, you can guess which one i picked."
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cakepopss · 2 years
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teen michael x reader
reader is gn, but is referred to as a girl in the last sentence
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you found yourself on your last period of the day. friday afternoon and your last class was a free period! what more could you ask for? you were sitting in a free testing room, reading a book in one of the comfiest chairs in the room.
the test room was split into two rooms, when you enter it’s a sort of lounge, that’s where you’re seated. if you go through another door, you find an actual classroom. desks upon desks.
a couple of girls and teacher was in the room with you, no one was in the other room.
you’d conversate with the girls in the room every so often before burring your nose in your book once again. you find yourself getting lost in your book, not paying attention to your surroundings. it’s so easy to get lost in thought with books, almost as if you’re there with the main characters as you read. it’s fascinating, really.
without you knowing, the teacher slipped out of the room for a moment and in slipped your boyfriend!
ahh, your beloved boyfriend michael. the bad boy, the trouble maker, the bully. all of that meant nothing to you. no matter what people say about him, he’s completely different. sure, he is a bully, but behind closed doors? he’s the sweetest guy you’ll ever meet. without the pressure of his friends or father, he’s completely different.
however, you? you’re an angel. straight a student, who is loved by all teachers and almost everyone at school. you’re able to socialize with anyone at anytime without making it awkward! you’re a dream, really.
michael stood in front of you, trying to get your attention. he tried clapping, saying your name, whistling, waving a hand in your face, and nothing worked! he decided to rip the book from your grasp, waving it in front of you as you looked up.
“hey babe.”
the words rolled of his tongue, making it sound like honey. you most likely would’ve smiled at him but he interrupted your reading. michael had his foxy mask on his face. you always found it dumb, and despite all your protests, he never leaves it home.
the couple girls in the room giggled behind michael, making you blush. “michael afton. give me back my book right now! i just got to the best part!” you demanded, standing up. “or what~? what do i get out of it~?” michael teased, bending down to your height. you blow hot air out of your nostrils angered. you tried to snatch the book back, only for mike to stand up tall and hold it just over your head. “haha. very funny mitchell.” you snap back. the amount of times that subs pronounce his name as mitchell or michelle is so funny.
michael raised an eyebrow. he took off his mask, letting it hang on the side of his head. he turned the book around, taking a look at your book. he smirked, realizing what it was.
“the outsiders? really?” mike teased, a hand in his pocket.
you blush, taking this opportunity to swipe the book back. “it’s for an english project.” you answered. technically it wasn’t a lie, but said project wasn’t announced until next month. “lies. we have english together.” michael responded.
you grumble, stuffing your book back into your bag before sitting down. you fixed your skirt by swiping your hands across it after sitting. michael took a seat next to you, manspreading. you crossed your left leg over your right and played with your hair, embarrassed. you felt heat rise to your face as you saw your boyfriends sitting position. the sweatpants he was wearing were not making it any easier.
michael yawned, stretching, and doing that basic arm-over-shoulder thing that guys do. with his arms draped over your shoulders, he pulled you closer. you could smell the bubble gum he was chewing in his breath you were so close.
just about as michael was to make another move, the teacher comes back in.
“hello afton.”
“hello todd.” michael responded, using the teachers first name.
“wait. afton? what are you doing here? don’t have class with mr. moe?” mr. matthews asked michael.
“yeah. but he let me go. said i should go take a walk because i was being ‘to aggressive’—“ michael did air quotes “— and i found myself here.”
“hm. really?” the teacher questioned. placing papers down on his desk.
michael shrugged, pulling you into his chest. “yup. anyway, my partner and i have somewhere to be. so i’ll just take them—“
“oh no you don’t. afton, just because your partner has a free period doesn’t mean you do too. so get back to mr. moe’s class and for fucks sake take that god awful mask off!” mr. matthew’s demanded.
michael grumbled, standing to his feat and dusting his sweatpants.
“come with me? i have gym right now.” michael asked, grabbing your hand that was once laid in your lap. you knew his schedule by heart, four of this six classes you had were with him. the fifth class was home ecc, you had it with one of mikes friends, the one who wears the freddy mask. the sixth class was free for you while michael had gym. “ugh, i hate gym.” you spoke, taking your hand out of his.
“i know you do. but please? i’ll buy you a snack after school.” michael offered, getting down on his knees. “it gets lonely without you.”
you smile at his statement. no matter who he’s around, he still cares for you. sure, there might be times where he yells at you. but that’s how his father treated him and his mother(after he apologizes over and over). what a lovely boyfriend you have. no matter how many times your friends and family tell you “he’s no good” or “he’s just like his dad”, you knew none of that was true. despite how much people say, he’s the opposite of his old man.
“alright. i’ll go. but only if the snack is ice cream!” you answered, standing up. michael did the same, his eyes never leaving yours. his beautiful blue eyes, how often you got lost in them. michael smiled, grabbing your bag and hanging it on his back.
“that’s my girl.”
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sorry if it’s short! it’s my first time writing for michael so let me know what you think! and if you have any suggestions for another x reader of him let me know as well <3
part two here!
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seryueeeee · 2 years
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ʚ ◠◠ syp. YOUR TIME IS running and you don't have much to live. even before death, your boyfriend comforted you, making the pain less hurtful
❑ cw. Heavy angst bcs I'm xtra angsty today<33
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DATING MICHAEL was one of the greatest gifts life had given you. he was sweet and soft when it comes to you but was rough and rocky when it comes to people surrounding him. you noticed how much of a big softie he really was since then. how he tries to deny he's soft when it comes to his siblings and how outright he was protective off of you over nothing.
you once again collapsed for the 3rd time in this month, and your condition is even worse; having to lose huge amount of blood while collapsing headfirst on a hard wood, what surprised you was that you're alive and barely breathing.
noticing how droopy your eyes were, bags forming under because of the endless amount you cried last night. your hands were frail and pale and so was your face.
your body had grown weak. and you couldn't walk without a cane or even a wheelchair. you're stuck inside this hospital once again, the smell was familiar, to be honest this hospital was your second home because you're always confined in.
the doctor and you had the talk, informing you about small chances of living in a month or so, you knew it since the start.
that you'll die in this hospital and leave everyone out. but still it cuts you deep, you don't want to die yet, you still wanted to marry him. Michael Afton.
but you couldn't do anything to prevent it anyway, no matter how much you're trying your best to survive you knew you'll die soon.
you were due by the end of the month. you don't have any guts to tell Michael or even Rephrase it, afraid that he'll go through even worse. you wish you could've told him about it. but you're too weak.
Today was your last day. the sound of the soft 'beeps' and the IV attached on your hand was heavily nostalgic. Michael's head nesting the crook of your neck while saying sweet nothings to your ears.
how he will take care of you and marry you once you're out of the hospital, how he will do anything to keep you alive and safe by his side. you wanted to cry; you don't wanna leave him. deciding to suck it up as you hummed softly.
"I love you N/N. I swear once I'm out that hellhole I will take care of you, and be the best boyfriend you've ever had. I will take care of you and give whatever you want." he said
"I love you too Michael." you whimpered, shifting your hands and clasping it to his. Michael smiled and softly kissed your jawline. holding your hands so gently as if you'll break in his hands.
he had always wanted to marry you considering that you're barely in your 20's. he is 16 and you were 15. 1 year age gap.
Today would be your last day before tomorrow you'll be put down and be set free. it sounds good having to not live in pain anymore, but still. you don't want to let go.
Michael had already gone home, he said his Father will get mad at him for staying up even late, you've always told him to always go home early and take care of himself, but he never listens to you anyway and insist that he'll do just fine.
the moon light filling the whole room, it felt so relaxing and relieving. your eyes had gone heavy and the next thing you knew you were off to sleep.
Sept 14 1985.
your breathing had stopped already. and the last thing you did was smile feebly. today, Michael woke up a bit too late, it wasn't a surprise because he came home quite later than usual.
deciding to stop by at some flower shop to give you some flowers. and like what his friends advised him to do; to be cautious with which flowers to give as each indicates different meanings.
he decided that, Pastel Carnations; both red and white, and a Red Roses he would give. he chuckled proudly as he left the flower shop with a bouquet on his hands.
soon as he stopped at the hospital he couldn't contain himself, knowing that you'll love these and because he had always wanted to give you a gift.
"a-ah...! Michael! I'm glad seeing you here." Mother M/N said, her voice was horse and she looks like a mess, Michael felt quite saddened because of what she had to go through.
"Mother M/N, I'm glad to see you here. how was Y/N?" as soon as Michael mentioned about the recently deceased person, M/N couldn't contain herself and cried. to which Michael looked over at her; puzzled.
"a-are you okay?! here sit here, please calm down for a little bit, everything will be fine." Michael panicked, letting her sit on an empty seat by the hospital lobby.
"y- Y/N .. mY POOR Y/N..!" she weeps.
Michael gently pat her back, letting her cry out every pain and misery she kept hidden inside of her.
however, poor Michael didn't seem to crack the code yet. all he knew was M/N cried because she was worried over Y/N.
"w-what happened Mother M/N? is.. Y/N alright?!" his face tainted with anxiety and trepidation. the bouquet he had bought sat on his lap as he comforts M/N.
"my poor baby..! didn't make it! they were in pain and I c-couldn't do anything.." Michael looked over at her; his heart racing and pumping way too hard. his eyes starting to get even watery.
there's no way you're dead right? you were healthy and doing just fine the past few weeks?!
"Mother M/N, n-now's not the time to be joking around y'know..?" he was smiling as if she was joking. she didn't even replied, loudly weeping. Michael's smile gone into a frown, as tears and tears flowing at the side of his eyes. his eyes fluttered and soon enough he remained silent.
denial, confusion, anger and sadness. all mixed in and diluted with every emotions he was feeling. you're not dead. no, you're still here, just hanging around inside of your room and waiting for him.
his hand on his mouth, muffling every moans and yells he makes. the bouquet had already slipped from his lap to the floor. as he lets himself cry harder and harder.
next thing he knew. he had gone to a very depressive and went into a hiding for 3 days.
your funeral had ended. Michael didn't get to set a glimpse upon your pale looking face. your mom was right. you were dead. and you didn't even bother to tell him that you're gonna die soon.
tears after tears slipped down his flushed cheeks. your dad was standing right beside him. tracing circles on his back while your mother stood behind Michael, still crying.
"Michael. Y/N loved you so much, even after they were put down, you were the last thing they've wanted to see before they die." F/N choked into a sobbing fit, his voice trembling and M/N was crying too.
Michael couldn't talk, his voice was husky and he couldn't think of anything except you. he nodded.
"here. take this, Y/N took their time writing this. and they wanted to give it to you once they're dead." F/N with a box on his hand, handed it over to Michael; he even insisted to get Michael home, but Michael turned them down, saying that he'll be alright.
now he is stuck inside his dark room. with nothing but a box on his hand. the only source of his solace. opening the box as his eyes widened.
pictures of you and him, a bunch of recorders; music and some were recordings of you doing dumb teen stuff. and a tiny handsewn teddy bear that you were so proud of. he knew he's gonna miss you. he wants no one but you.
his eyes were swollen and he couldn't cry anymore. he held the teddy bear close to his chest, as he plays the video recording of you and him.
"why.. why did you leave me..?" he muttered, his body trembling.
now that you're gone, he felt lost. and everything doesn't seem so entertaining to him anymore.
losing you means losing himself.
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[A/N] i am crying real bad. and i'm also not sorry <\3
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qwertyheidi · 2 years
William: I finally figured out a perfect present for Y/N!
Micheal: You say that every year.
*William hands Y/N flowers.*
Y/N: Why do I want to watch money wilt?
*Y/N and William at a restaurant.*
Y/N: Interesting how you'll pay a stranger to cook for us but you expect me to do it for free.
*William gifts Y/N a necklace.*
Y/N: Beautiful, does it also come with a sign that says 'cut my throat and take this?
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