#michael mell x reader x connor murphy
companionjones · 4 years
These Are Battle Scars
Fandoms: Be More Chill, Dear Evan Hansen
Pairing: Connor Murphy x Reader x Michael Mell
Warnings: Self-harm, self-harm scars, a candid discussion about self-harm
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(BIG ‘prech to the artists who did these two masterpieces! @nerdy--hobbit​ @vianerds​)
    “We’re gonna die out here,” you complained. “We definitely shouldn’t have walked.”
    Michael rolled his eyes. “Well, I don’t know what to tell you, Y/n. My cruiser’s in the shop, and walking is our only mode of transport right now.”
    “Whatever,” you grumbled.
    Taking on the role of moderator, an unusual position for him, Connor mumbled, “Come on guys, don’t fight.”
    Simultaneously, you and Michael apologized, “Sorry, Connor.”
    “Babe, aren’t you hot?” Michael wondered aloud. “You wear the same hoodie and pair of jeans almost every day.”
    Connor brushed him off. “I’m fine.”
    “You don’t look fine,” you pointed out, “You’re sweating a lot, Con. Are you sure--”
    “I said I’m fine!” Connor exploded. He picked up his pace.
    You and Michael shared a look.
    Later, the three of you were chilling on your bed. Michael was on his Game Boy, Connor was reading a book, and you were scrolling through Tumblr.
    Or, at least, you were trying to pay attention to what was on your phone. You were finding it very hard to focus on your scree. During one of your many subtle glances at Connor, you caught the eye of Michael. He seemed to be just as concerned as you.
    “Connor, can we ask you something?” You spoke first.
    The boy in question visibly froze.
    Michael continued for you. “You can say no if you want. Me and Y/n, we just, we think we know what’s going on, and we’re...concerned about you.”
    The question didn’t need to be said. Connor swallowed, then lowly answered, “I haven’t done it since the day before I met the two of you. It’s been about two months.”
    Quietly, you inquired, “Can we see them?”
    Connor slowly sat up and on his knees. He didn’t meet either of your eyes when he pulled back his sleeves.
    “Oh, baby,” your heart broke as you gasped.
    Michael’s tone was the same as yours. “Connor...”
    The boy explained, “They’re on my thighs, too. I...didn’t want you guys to know.” He then tried to play down his wounds. “They’re not as bad as they look. They barely hurt anymore.” Seeing you and Michael had no reaction, and that the two of you wouldn’t stop examining his cuts, Connor could only think of one other thing to say. “I’m sorry.”
    “No, don’t apologize,” you pled. “You have nothing to apologize for.”
    Michael nodded, “Baby, we are so glad you told us.”
    “These are not self-harm scars,” you expressed, “These are battle scars. You fought an entire war inside your head. I’m just happy you came out on the other side.”
    Your other boyfriend made eye contact with Connor as he urged, “You gotta tell us if you ever start feeling like this again, okay?”
    “We’re always going to be here for you, no matter what,” you finalized, then went on, “How about you guys sleep over tonight? And Connor, maybe you can change into more comfortable clothes. Maybe shorts and a T-shirt?”
    Connor’s eyes were hesitant as he met yours. But, after thinking about it for a moment, he bit his lip and nodded.
    You kept some of Connor and Michael’s clothes at your house because of how often they slept over. Because all of Connor’s clothes weren’t fit for the summer, Connor ended up in a pair of Michael’s shorts and one of Mell’s T-shirts. The clothes were a little loose on him, but you and Michael both thought he looked adorable. You told Connor that, and Michael told him that you were both happy Connor finally felt comfortable enough to have his scars on full display to you and Michael.
    The night ended in cuddles. Connor was in the middle while you and Michael spooned both sides of him.
    When the three of you had gotten settled in the dark, Michael questioned Connor, “You know we love you, right?”
    You nodded, supporting Michael. You loved Connor. You loved both of them.
    Connor responded. You could hear the smile in his voice. “Yeah, I know. And I love both of you guys, too. So much.” He hugged you and Michael closer.
Author’s Note: Thank you so much for reading this! Fill up that heart and reblog if you liked it! If you would like to read more, I have more fics on Connor Murphy and Michael Mell over on my page. You should check it out, if you’d like. Have a nice day, night, or whatever time it is for you! <3 <3 <3
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connor-murphy-trash · 5 years
It's contest time babies!!
This is very different than what I'm used to doing, but I want to start posting on this blog again so what better way than a contest just in time for the holidays!
All you have to do to enter is reblog/comment on this post or send me an ask off anon. LIKES DONT COUNT! 
On Thursday, December 14th, 2019, at around 12 noon EST (One week from when I'm posting this) I will choose the winners at random by putting everyone's name into a random generator and whichever 2-3 come up first will be the ones who are declared the winners.
Rules and what you will win are under the cut.
You are allowed to enter up to five times and can do so in any way you would like. Wanna make five comments? Go for it. Wanna spam your feed with it? Feel free. Wanna do a mix? I’m not stopping you. This will make your name more likely to pop up because I will put your name into the generator up to five different times.
(Also note that if you don’t want to enter with your main blog, but don't want to reblog to a side blog just include the blog name you want to enter with in either a comment or an ask and I will do that name instead.)
Be understanding with how long it takes for the winners to get their prize. I will try my best to get them done before the 25th, but there are no promises. I am going to be busy this month so I will try my hardest to work on them whenever I can. If they aren’t done by the 25th I will almost definitely get them done before the month is over.
I will make a post once the contest is over saying who the winners are and they are required to contact me within 24 hours to claim their prize (After a little while I will most likely dm them if I can so I can start to work request and whatnot out with them) If I don’t get any response from them within that 24 hour time period I will choose someone else as a winner instead.
All winnings will be made public once they are finished.
The main characters that I write for are;
Dear Evan Hansen (Evan, Connor, Zoe, Jared, Alana) 
Newsies (Jack, Davey, Race, Crutchie, Katherine, Sarah)
Be More Chill (Jeremy, Michael, Rich)
I might do more than this, just let me know if you are interested in anyone else as I am also interested in a few other musicals and could write for them if need be. (These are just the people I'm most comfortable with)
General rules of how I write are;
I will not write smut (I will do implied)
I will not write any topics I am not comfortable with (mainly stuff I find triggering)
I will not write any topics I am not qualified to write for due to lack of knowledge/experience (Certain illness, religions, etc) ((For this because it is a holiday contest I can write very basic religious things, but I most likely won’t go into great detail as I don't feel I'm qualified. This goes for all religions including Christian (even though that's what I know most about as that's how I've been raised)))
All readers will be based on a female, but I’ll try to keep all pronouns gender neutral (I will write for any gender just specify it in your request)
All will be x reader. I don’t do ships
The winners will receive the following;
There will be 2-3 winners (depending on how many people enter or are interested)
First place: Custom x reader headcanons. You choose who it will be with. Then I can create a character similar to you or your appearance (ie plus-size reader, artist reader, deaf reader, Nonbinary reader, etc) but no matter what they will have Y/N as their name just so it's inclusive for others to read as well. The headcanons will be at least 500 words long. Even though this is a holiday contest, I won't write anything too religious (due to my lack of knowledge on the subjects) that being say, holiday and winter stuff is still encouraged but not mandatory.
Second place (only if there is also a 3rd, otherwise I won't be doing this one): A personalized ship. Basically, you tell me which fandom you want a ship from, and tell me a bit about yourself. After I get that info I will choose a person from that fandom that I ship you with. I will explain why I chose them, how you two got together and what everyday life is typically like for you two. I explain it a bit more in this post. Because this is a holiday contest I will also be doing how you two celebrate or just some cute winter things you do together if you don't celebrate the holidays.
Third place: A custom lock screen with the character(s)/lyrics/anything else of your choice. An example of something I could do is these ones I've made before, but really I can make it pretty customizable depending on what you want.
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babyspiderling · 5 years
Possible Hiatus Soon
So guys, I am in the theatre program at my school, and come the new year I only have Wednesdays off, as well as weekends, I am in an AP and College level course, as well as being active in my church. I will continue to try to create and reply to your requests, so send them in, but it may be a little less frequent than I have been during break. 
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pixar-slut · 5 years
Changing Names (Jared Klienman x Reader)
WC: 906
A/N: I know this is terrible, but I’m still going to post it inspite of my anxiety.
"C'mon, (Y/N)! You're my best friend!"
Jared was whining about the same topic that he had been for the last few days. Right now, he was sitting at the end of the couch and you were laying at the other end, your bare feet resting on his lap.
You're (h/c) hair was in a ponytail and you were wearing a (f/b) t-shirt with gym shorts. You were trying to watch Supernatural but you couldn't stand Jared repeating the word 'please' over and over again.
"Jared, for the love of god!" You groan, exasperated. "I am not coming with you to do this."
He looks at me with a tilted head and pleading eyes, "(Y/N), I can't do this without you! Please, please, please-"
"No!" You snap. "If your mom gets mad at me for you doing something stupid like this then I'm gonna lose it."
"C'mon, sweet thing," he says. "Do this for me."
'Sweet thing' was a nickname that he gave you a couple years ago. Hearing it made your crush for him grow larger with each second; you instantly humbled when he called you it.
"I don't know," You muter.
Jared leans closer towards me with his eyebrows raised and says, "I'll lend you Apocalypse of the Damned for your PS4."
You sit up quickly, startling the boy in front of you as your face comes in close to his; neither of you move. His glasses glared slightly but his blue eyes were visible, even the light brown part in the corner of his eye. His eyes flicker to your lips but they quickly shoot back to your own (e/c) eyes as he licks his lips.
"Um, I guess I'll go with you. But I'm not changing mine!"
Jared pulls away, scratches the back of his neck, and nods, "Yeah, uh, that's great! I'll go start the car!"
As he jumps up my feet land on my shaggy carpet and I watch him run to the door and awkwardly step out of the living room.
Was I about to kiss Jared Kleinman?
You don't wonder on the thought too long and slip on some flip flops. I can't believe he's about to do this.
~time skip~
As you pull up to the local courthouse you look over to see Jared smirking. "Let's do this!"
You both get out the car and Jared grabs your hand as you two walk in and make your way up to the front desk. You were still blushing as the old woman hand Jared a clip board as he says, "I would like to legally change me name, please."
There were so many forms to fill out and it took at least thirty minutes to get through all the questions and pages.
"You have the money Michael lended you, right?" You ask, worried. Jared's mom will kill us once she learns her son's new name.
"Relax, (Y/N). It's gonna be fine," He insists grabbing my hand once again and drawing circles with his thumb. "If you're really that worried then here; look at some memes."
He hands you his cellphone and you do as you're told, looking up 'dead dank memes'. You sit in the chair and he goes back towards the desk to pay for his new identity.
He walks back towards you and grins, "IT WORKED. I'M NO LONGER JARED KLEINMAN!"
You couldn't help but giggle at his excitement. You stand up and hand him his phone as he feels the adrenaline of doing something so serious in a stupid way. He runs towards the door and I follow.
"WE GOTTA CELEBRATE! We gotta get stoned in my basement!" He yells out.
I skip up next to him and as our arms touch he snaps around and grips my arms, grinning like a goofball. "I can't believe I just did that! Can you believe I just did that? Can you believe we just did that?!"
You shake your head too, a grin had found its way on your face as well. As he comes down from his rush, you two realize how close you are for the second time today. Both of your smiles fall and you're left to slightly parted lips from the both of you. As Jared breathes in and out the atmosphere around you falls calm.
"Screw it," He whispers as he yanks you foreword, rather harshly, as he pins his lips against yours. They were warm and and the pressure that they had against yours made you melt into him.
His grip releases and he sets his hands down on your hips as you tangle your hands in his hair. It wasn't soft but it wasn't hard, it was kind of fuzzy. You pull on his strands slightly which causes him to moan onto your lips quietly. You pull away before you both get too carried away and Jared sets his forehead on yours.
"I like you, (Y/N) (L/N)." He slurs, the kiss had intoxicated both him and you.
You laugh lightly. "I like you too, Jared Klienman."
"Nuh-uh," He says. "That's not my name anymore."
"Sorry," you smile. "I like you..."
He looks at you expectantly and nods in confirmation for you to say the new impractical but very real name.
"...The Insanely Cool Jared Klienman."
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meangirlmurphy · 5 years
hi! could I get a shippy thing? I'm 5'4, my hair is very very short & the top part is pastel pink. I wear glasses & usually hoodie & black clothes. Im pretty bipolar. I'm a pretty big nerd, I like to play video games when I can. I wear dorky glasses. I'm actually a writer, sadly I have motivation problems and can never finish them. And I love reading. Getting lost in another worlds chaos is much better than focusing on the chaos at home am I right? I've read some of your stuff & ur really good!
Since you didn’t specify, I just did Dear Evan Hansen and Be More Chill!
Dear Evan Hansen!
Romantic Ship: I 100 percent ship you with Connor Murphy! I feel like he would give you a lot of his clothes to wear (he swears it’s just because he wants you to have “more clothes” but it’s actually because you look so tiny and precious in his stuff). He absolutely loves when you read out loud to him, especially when he’s having one of his very rough days, it tends to calm him. Sometimes the arguments you two get into can get pretty explosive, but since you two both deal with mental illnesses you’re able to quickly resolve the issue at hand (after a few hours of the silent treatment from Connors end). You two met in the local library, coincidentally you both finding refuge there after a nasty night at home with your parents. He had commented on how he liked your hair, and the friendship blossomed on from there. He actually asked you out by replacing the book mark in the book you were reading with a sticky note that said “I’m ready for a new chapter, be my girlfriend?” He also takes you out to places you’ve never been to try to give you a new outlook on life to see if it sparks anything for whatever your currently trying to write!
Friendship Ship: I feel like you would be bffs Jared Kleinman. You two would hang out constantly and play video games all the time! Since you two are both “nerds” and wear the dorky glasses, people often mistake you as being in a relationship (which Connor absolutely hates). But when this happens, you both often have the most dramatic reactions (ex: fake gagging, rolling eyes, “what? I hate him, no”).  If you’re having a particularly hard time at home, he makes up some excuse on why you need to come over right at that exact moment, whether it be he needs to study with you or that he just got a new video game in that you just HAVE to try out. He acts as sort of a big brother towards you. Oh, and he totally teases you over the contrast of your hair to the way you dress. “Really? You look like a fairy threw up on the remains of My Chemical Romance”
Enemy Ship: Zoe Murphy would most likely be the person who, for some reason, has a problem with you. You remind her too much of her brother, and she can’t stand to be around anyone that has any relation to him. She’s not mean to you or anything, she just avoids you as much as possible, You’re her brothers girlfriend, and it’s just super odd to her that you see any good in him honestly.
Be More Chill!
Romantic Ship: I ship you with MIchael Mell! If you don’t think that this boy won’t call you at 3 am because they updated Apocalypse of the Damned you’re dead wrong. Be prepared for late night snack hauls as a form of date with him (because lets face it, he’s not the most romantic person). He ADORES your glasses, and his also trying to get you to let them wear them which you then have to explain:
 “MIkey, I can’t see through your prescription, we can’t trade glasses”
“But yours are so much cuter than mine!”
He feels incredibly special when you wear his red hoodie because he knows you don’t wear a lot of colors and it makes him feel like such a proud boyfriend omg. He’s also your biggest fan when it comes to your writing!!! He’s always asking for updates on current books your working on, and BEGS for you to let him read a sneak peak. But he also understands when you lose motivation, and he’s always the first person to reassure you that even the best of authors get writers block, and that it doesn’t make you any less talented (cue the cuddles)
Friendship Ship: You’d totally be best friends with Rich Goranski, I feel like he’s the type of person you’d go to when you wanted to cause a little chaos. You two often dye your hair together (you’re actually the reason he decided to dye his hair red!! He thought you looked so cool he wanted to try it out himself). He’s not much of reader, but he does let you vent about your writing processes when you need someone to talk to. You’re both pretty short which makes you guys even more powerful when you two are together. You’re just both so small and full of fire that it’s honestly quite scary to some of your peers. Oh, and another thing that you and Rich have in common, is that you both have the hots for Michael Mell. 
Enemy Ship: You’d be enemies with Chloe Valentine. You two are just such opposites! She’s never said anything to you before, but she does give you some snarky looks in the hallway or if you share any classes together. One of the main reasons she doesn’t quite get along with you is because of how much attention you get from Rich. She’s afraid that you’ll somehow take over her status of being the most popular girl, so you leave a bad taste in her mouth. (but believe me, Rich and Michael have NEVER let her say an ill world about you) 
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fanficnstuuff · 6 years
Wait for it.
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lefandomimagines · 6 years
musical theatre imagines
there’s a distinct and tragic lack of imagines/oneshots/hc’s etc for my fav musicals so i thought i’d open up my requests to musicals too. i shall leave a list below of musicals i can comfortably write for. i’ll gladly write for any character or cast member x reader.
- be more chill
- dear evan hansen
- hamilton
- heathers
- mean girls
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bubblieywubbliey · 5 years
Taking Requests!
If anybody wants anything written, headcanons, fics, questions, pretty much anything! Send me a request!
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andrewgarfieldslut · 6 years
okay but seeing the deh and bmc universes merged together actually makes me really sad because you know for a FACT that evan would have gotten a squip
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chaoticxgoth · 6 years
So, I'm think about writing fanfics, give me some ideas??? #michae
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imagines requests
I know I do a lot of hc requests, but i’m writing a Michael imagine and I thought I might as well write some others! :)
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soursaiki · 6 years
Double Trouble AU
Requested: eh kinda it was an idea by @bloodynailbat that Jared Kleinman and Jeremy Heere are brothers so I thought it would be cool to do a twin au. (I think we’re the first people to think of this au so if you use it in something credit us!) also she helped with some of the headcannons too! Her hcs are in bold.
So here’s some random headcannons
Jared and Jeremy are identical twins (obvi)
When Michael comes over he has to put a sticker on Jeremy’s forehead because when he comes over Jeremy and Jared like to dress alike to mess with him
Sometimes they switch stickers and Jared carries a conversation with Michael while Mikey doesn’t even realize it
Evan thinks that it’s cool that they’re twins and that it’s funny because they’re polar opposites
Jared and Jeremy steal eachother’s clothes
When they were younger they would try to convince people that one is the other behind each other’s backs and mess around. Nothing major like grades but like, telling embarrassing stories and stuff
They stopped doing it when people started to be able to tell them apart more clearly, However people still mess up so when Michael goes up to Jared or Evan goes up to Jeremy and they start talking like one is the other the brothers just go along with it until Evan or Michael realizes
They changed all their classes to have the same ones to confuse the teachers
Zoe thought she smacked Jared but she smacked Jeremy and she cried for a day and a half cause she felt so bad
The Connor Project and The Squipcident happened at the exact same time. Afterwards they both confessed to everything that happened to each other and tried to help each other fix things
Rich calls them “double trouble”
Christine thinks it’s the cutest thing ever
Jared packs a lunch while Jeremy buys at school
Jeremy is like. Amazing at giving gifts but Jared’s shit at it, so every gift-giving holiday is consisted of Jared trying not to cry and Jeremy trying to make him
They hack each others snapchats and say false information about each other (ex: “Hey, it’s Jeremy and I’ll suck your butt for $5”)
They share a room and they have bunk beds (Jared on the top, Jeremy on the bottom)
Jared has his driver’s license, but Jeremy doesn’t. And Jared being the dick he is, he makes Jeremy pay him when they drive to school. Jeremy just ends up buying Jared sushi every Friday instead of giving him money
Michael’s moms adore the twins
And they obvi ship jeremy with Michael
Jared usually initiates fights between the two of them, Jared being physical and Jeremy using his words.
Alana gets mad when Jared and Jeremy pair up in group projects cause she likes Jared, and Jeremy keeps stealing her mans ;0
Jeremy is a cat person while Jared is a dog person. They compromised and got a bird
Jared taught it cuss words while Jeremy taught it quotes from video games
They named it Pablo (from the backyardigans)(but Jared likes Kanye West so he likes the name Pablo even more)
they both kind of knew what was going on with the other one during the events of their respective musicals, but Jeremy didn’t know how to help. Jared was the one that went over to Michael’s and talked him into forgiving Jeremy and getting him the Mountain Dew Red. Jared convincing Michael was kind of heartfelt and gave off major protective brother vibes but Jared told Michael as soon as he left that “You tell anyone that I did this, I’ll kick your ass”
Jeremy has a bunch of plants in his window and Jared got mad at him one time and poured bleach in most of their pots and they died and then Jeremy cried and he felt bad for a month (and maybe still feels bad)
But the friend group thought it was funny
Both boys had the favorite color blue but it was hard to determine who’s was who’s because of that, so before Mom left she would buy Jeremy light blue and Jared deep blue so they could differentiate, but after mom left, Jared hated anything mom got him and the color blue, so he threw out everything of his and deco died that grey was his new favorite. Jeremy was the opposite, he held onto everything mom gave him and embraced a lot more blue
Jared and Jeremy love Michael’s moms!!! They like to think of them as the moms they “never” had
Evan and Jared bond about their parents. One of their parents left and they understand and respect each other deeply because of that
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connor-murphy-trash · 5 years
DEH, BMC, and Newsies Ships!
Hey guys! So I really need to get back into writing. What better way to do that then writing ships for you guys! I'm only going to be doing this for a short period of time just so I can test it out and see how easily I can do them. I dont have much time to write at the moment so hopefully this will be easy enough that I can do it in my free time without stressing too much about how long they are.
While I dont want them to be too long/time consuming to write, I will try my best to make them as personalized as possible. They will have who I ship you with and why, how you started dating, and what the overall relationship is like in day to day life.
For me to be able to do that, I need to know a bit about you! So send me an ask (or several and just sign it with an emoji or something so I know they go together) telling me the following: what fandom you want a ship from, your sexuality/preference for a male or female character, your hobbies and interests, your personality type, and anything else you feel is necessary to add!
Last but not least, please be patient with these. I have no clue how many requests I will get or how fast I will be able to do them. Once this post is taken down then requests for ships will be closed so I can finish what's in my inbox. Thank you for being so understanding while everything is so hectic in my life right now <3
Sincerely Me,
Edit: I will only be doing one ship per ask just so it's easier for me to write. You are more than welcome to send several asks tho! Thank you for understanding!<3
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Hey y’all!
I’m a new writing blog. I love Brooklyn Nine-Nine and musicals. I write for Dear Evan Hansen and Be More Chill. Requests are open but I might take a while to get to you.
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cleverbroadwayurl · 6 years
Now you don’t have to scroll!! There are trigger warnings listed before each fic begins, but if you have any questions, feel free to shoot me an ask! The fics are listed from most recent to least recent. 
Last Updated: 11/26/2019
Jeremy Heere x Reader 
Author’s Commentary Can’t Help Falling in Love (Part 15 Supplement) Teaser To All of You (Part 1) Fake Happy (Part 2) Santa Monica Dream (Part 3) Youth (Part 4) You Matter to Me (Part 5) Numbers (Part 6) Surround You (Part 7) All I Do is Dream (Part 8) Obstacles (Part 9) Face Down (Acoustic) (Part 10) Skinny Love (Part 11) Distance (Part 12) In My Blood (Part 13) Oh What a Day (Part 14) Alone/With You (Part 15) Mountains (Part 16) Send My Love (To Your New Lover) (Part 17) Nobody Needs to Know (Part 18) She Used to Be Mine (Part 19) Prom Queen (Part 20) Hey #3/Perfect for You (Reprise) (Part 21)  It Only Takes a Taste (Part 22) The Dark I Know Well (Part 23) WHEN I WAS OLDER (Part 24) Conspiracy (Part 25)
Michael Mell x Reader
Compromised Retrograde
A Heinous Night (Part 2) (Part 3)
Worth It
Rich Goranski x Reader
Punk Rock Punches (Part 2)
Jake Dillinger x Reader
Prince Charming
Christine Canigula x Reader
Quiet Destruction
Connor Murphy x Reader
Chiaroscuro Portraiture
Don’t Scare Me Like That Again
The Lady of Shalott
Jared Kleinman x Reader
From Lions to Lambs 
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alphabetatoes · 6 years
requests are open!
please send in requests/headcanons/anything!
thank you!
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