#microdosing on marketing
l-e-morgan-author · 5 months
Patience had always read about people who got into accidents passing out. She had not been prepared to not pass out.
Sneak peek from today's chapter, "Baptism"! Catch up on previous chapters on my blog. Also check out my recent blog post, "The Year of the Comfort Reread", previously posted on this blog.
Subscribe to my blog on Wordpress (the link above) to get each chapter in your inbox as they're posted, as well as every other post I make! Except for short serials like this, I'll aim to post about three or four times a month, and won't spam you with unnecessary emails.
Also, stay tuned for the announcement about the novel I am writing, starring the characters you know and hopefully love from The Patience of Hope!
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idsb · 9 months
my flight to Australia includes a 17 hour layover in Shanghai and I'm literally so excited about it my heart starts racing every time I think about it likeeeee I'm kinda scared but what a fucking ADVENTURE it's gonna be
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officialpenisenvy · 6 months
you guys know i have what i can charitably call. Very Complex feelings about my own gender and presentation. but one thing i know and love about this bitch of an earth is that there's cis women with absolute washboards for titties. just nothing going on in the chest department not even a hint of a swell. which sincerely gives me so much hope for my ideal future presentation of "masculine woman with a flat chest who can easily be mistaken/pass for a guy"
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yakamozarda · 1 year
Ngl im just sad that a lot of people dont have the social/financial means to go outside of their social circle or their comfort zone and have to stick with whatever they get online/on media etc etc but like. You need to make sure you are not clinically online and stuck in your echochamber. Pick an essay to read that you dont understand. Idk watch a history documentation. If you can go to a party where you will be exposed to people outside your social circle, listen to their life story while they are drunk and chatty. Im begging you
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paneltechno · 1 year
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Our keyword tool gives you multiple ways to find related, niche relevant keywords in any niche. Just put in a seed keyword and Keysearch will return hundreds of related keywords with search volume, CPC & PPC data. Refine your search with our Related https://bit.ly/3FDxob1
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argumate · 3 months
There's too many sycophants at my workplace. Figures, I own the company. So I visit Tumblr to microdose on vitriol.
This web site's hate game is exquisite. Way better than the cheap mass-market hate you can find on Instagram or X. Really makes a man feel alive, if you know what I'm saying. Thing is, it's just not scratching the itch the way it used to.
Used to be I could tug a few users' goats and their acidic replies would keep me buzzed for weeks. Now even sunsetting the whole site doesn't get enough of a pushback for me to feel anything. I don't know whether it's me or them. My doorman tells me it's an addiction. Textbook, he says. I fire him, of course. There's no way I'm an addict. I'm a rational man, through and through.
But then if the Tumblrinas are going soft on me, why? Is Tumblr falling for me? And if they are... am I falling for them right back?
I think we should auction off tumblr on tumblr
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souryogurt64 · 2 years
ive been thinking about how fall out boy were so successful and then there was this wave of bands like pierce the veil and sleeping with sirens that incorporated like this sort of candy like syrupy very feminine high pitched screaming to like also market hardcore to teen girls however they did not achieve the same level of success as fall out boy because fall out boy were not attempting to alter the screaming itself to appeal to teenyboppers they were microdosing petes actual fucking horrible unlistenably edgy unbelievaly misogynistic chicago hardcore “cold pillows and warm blades” ass screaming voice in combo with this pristine virginal teenagers unbelievably rich soul voice like shit suburban teenage girls would have grown up hearing at vacation bible school and it worked so much better
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"The thing that we used to call AI in sci-fi we now call AGI, or Artificial General Intelligence, because what we now call AI is not actually AI, it's sort of a sophisticated mashup machine that's been sold as the future of technology and humanity by people whose favourite thing is selling the thing they haven't invented yet. So, [Sam Altman has] been hailed as a genius mainly for stuff that he hasn't done yet but says will happen soon, and no one's willing to lose the possibility that he might still do it. So far, I think the market has been very credulous about the claims of these tech bros because the future seems cool and no one wants to miss investing in the next, better mouse trap. The problem is that the tech industry as a whole does not want to build a better mouse trap, they want to pitch a mouse trap app that they dreamed up while microdosing Absinthe in the desert to get VC funding within six months and then retire having built nothing but taking the credit for fundamentally disrupting the mousetrap industry using an AI-enabled crypto-blockchain which you can use to mint unique mouse coins, each coin stably tethered to one individual dead mouse's DNA, and you ask them what the core service of their app is and it turns out it's just a taxi that you call and then they drive by and throw an angry cat in your window, and then you rank the cat by customer service, general fluffiness, and mouse-killing ability, but now the app's only being used by Nazis and incels to throw cats through the windows of women they don't like because the developers did not think through any of the possible ways in which their service could be misused, and now cats with low fluffiness ratings are killing themselves because the app's given them a self-esteem problem. And that's the tech industry right now."
- Alice Fraser, The Bugle episode 4283, November 24, 2023
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laurelhach · 9 months
microdosing walkable cities by going downtown during the farmers market
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l-e-morgan-author · 8 months
Love in Hands Made For Gentleness
One of the themes in this book are the different forms of love, and - like many others - I think about the Greek words to ensure I explore it the way I want to. It's an interesting thing to think about, how each form of love is manifested, and is something I hold very close to my heart, because after all 'these three abide, but the greatest of these is love'. Given that both faith and hope are also crucial elements (hope gets more of a talking-about, but that's inextricably tied into faith as it is for me), it's important that I don't forget about their greater counterpart, love. I wanted to break it down and discuss a bit about how the different forms of love are displayed.
This necessarily involves spoilers, so if you want to scroll right past and remain unspoiled, feel free to! (And yes, I do indeed overanalyse my own works, what of it?) Also note: trigger warnings consistent with the book itself, since some of the topics discussed may be distressing (if you find discussion of topics like suicide distressing, a) please take care of yourself, and b) this probably won't be the book for you).
So in no particular order:
Philia is the love of friends, platonic love. This is really where Vaniah and Anneka start out, in a way - very good friends, very affectionate, and entirely platonic. Before we get into the more complicated feelings as they grow closer after their marriage, one of my aims with this book is to emphasise the importance of platonic love, as well as its depth, and that it absolutely doesn't need to romantic to be very close and extremely important to the people in it. For Vaniah, Anneka is the most important person in his life, even before their marriage.
Eros is the interesting one here to me - the passionate romantic or sexual love. It's definitely important to this story and these characters; Vaniah has some trauma around all of this to work through, but ultimately, they're married, they're going to be doing married people shenanigans. (Not on page, don't worry. There'll be discussions around that topic, as necessary, but since it's not a topic I really want to touch for personal reasons I doubt it'll have a great deal of page time.) It's important, but most of the hints around it will probably be accidental; I know I've shared excerpts that are just them playing around and being silly, and certain people look at them and see sexual undertones I never intended. Ah well.
Agape is the most important love here, I think - the self-sacrificing, selfless love. It's unconditional, and very much represents the bond between Vaniah and Anneka as it heals. Both are willing to do whatever it takes for the other to grow better and closer to God, at least in theory, and over time that translates to wanting their own healing in order to stop grieving the other person (more relevant for Vaniah than Anneka). At a certain point with a lot of mental problems, I feel like one stops caring about healing, and it's a struggle sometimes to remember why you would try, because it's easier to just exist and not try to improve. Over time, though, Vaniah and Anneka help one another to heal from their respective problems. They won't go away completely, of course, but whatever they can do to help, they do, and I love them for it. Anneka, for instance, is very willing to hear about dark, graphic thoughts and see some very graphic things, if it will help Vaniah (like when she helps him to care for self-inflicted wounds, which understandably deeply upsets her). Despite how it may make her feel, she's determined to continue to love him no matter what, and that's something she emphasises, especially when he gets existential and at one point even suggests she should divorce him and let him die by his own hand. (She refuses, reminds him of her love and God's love, and pulls out verses to support her point.)
Storge is the familiar love, love of family. This is one most represented by Anneka's bond with her brother, Ben. While Vaniah has two siblings, one is already dead by the start of the story, and the other, Susan, doesn't get a great deal of page time. Because the story is told from Anneka's point of view, the two most important male characters are Vaniah and Ben. Her relationship with Ben mimics my own bond with my siblings. I wanted him to be her protector, to some extent, until that role is handed more to Vaniah. Though she can stand for herself, Anneka still needs the love and support of her family and friends, just like we all do. For Vaniah and Anneka, the support and protection goes both ways.
Mania is another interesting one, and not one I'd really considered specifically until writing this post. As part of his mental health journey, Vaniah sometimes veers close to obsession, or stumbles into it completely. He is at times violent, but never towards Anneka, only himself. There's a spice of codependency as well, as they both know he would have committed suicide years earlier if it hadn't been for her, and at times, at his lowest, he resents her for it. There are a lot of toxic emotions tied up into this relationship, but together (and with the help of others from their church) they work through it and out the other side.
This is another form of love I hadn't considered until writing this post, but I'm glad I did. It's an integral part of Vaniah and Anneka's relationship, and serves to lighten the admittedly heavy tone of this book. They have a lot of fun together, even despite the terrible darkness that sometimes assails one or both of them, and it's important to remember. It's also tied into the banter between Anneka and Ben, which can sometimes be pretty similar to the way Vaniah and Anneka interact. But they absolutely can't be sad or depressed all the time, because that would be a terrible book to read. I need to work more on putting this in, and the balance between light and dark, so that it doesn't feel jarring or confusing, or different to the tone of the rest of the book.
Pragma is an enduring love, and it's extremely important to their relationship. Both Vaniah and Anneka have to make compromises to make things work, and as they mature and heal from their traumas and disorders, they learn to work together better, and the codependency they previously experienced is transformed into a strong, healthy and abiding bond in Christ.
Oh look, another one I hadn't expressly thought about before this post! Philautia is the love of self. This one is interesting because it ties into my opinion that both 'self love' and 'self hatred' are expressions of self obsession, which isn't really a very good thing, obviously. At the start of the story, Vaniah absolutely can't get past his feelings about himself, his guilt over what he was forced to do or chose to do, and the way he perceives himself at that point. However, as it progresses, he learns to forgive himself (there's one scene in which Anneka argues that God has forgiven him if he has repented, and he bitterly retorts that all he needs to do is forgive himself, for he has repented a thousand times), and finally to move on after years of feeling stuck in one place. This is only really possible after he hits the lowest point and attempts suicide, and finally makes the decision that he will never end his own life, no matter what. He eventually reaches a point at which he is less self-obsessed (tying it in to the development of agape love as well), and is able to look more outwards without obsessing over his own behaviour; he doesn't love himself, but he has learned to accept himself and to largely stop punishing himself for his own existence, which is what is tied into his significant habit of self-harm. (Which he does eventually manage to stop completely; I'm not sure that's entirely possible for some or even most people, at least given how established it is as a coping mechanism for him, but there might be a little bit of wishful thinking helping this one along, and that's okay.)
So those are the different forms of love as expressed in this story! I could probably talk a lot more about them if I sat down and thought about it for even longer, but I really shouldn't. I have an exam to study for. God be with you.
In a slightly edited form, this post will also be available on my website, lemorganauthor.wordpress.com, shortly. (Edit: the post is now available at this link which I hope works because I've never done a hyperlink on tumblr before.)
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trans-jon-rights · 16 hours
Okay I had an idea hear me out.
Vast Avatar that is a Wall Street trader.
Because like. The numbers are so high, and it's so unreal and everything, nothing really matter, the real money is insignificant compared to the sums on the stock market.
And also, the dread of everything crashing down at any instant, the fear of everything.
Jude Perry was like that, but she didn't care about the numbers. This one do, and he is terrified of their sheer height.
Once he'd Become, he microdoses on the fear of his clients that the investment is wrong.
Maybe he Became during the 2001 or 2008 crash ? Suicide rates among traders were kinda high around those times, so that might be when. Or maybe he's even older, way back in the 1929 crisis.
I'm thunking
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giantologist · 1 year
Are there any foods that humans can eat safely but would make a giant sick if ingested? Like how humans can drink coffee but an anmal might not have evolved to safely consume the chemicals?
The only one that comes to mind are the infamous titanfeller berries.
Giants have a wonderfully hardworking liver, to adapt to the fact that toxicity is difficult to avoid if you struggle noticing small plants. That and they practically microdose themselves with such substances over their lifetimes as they hunt and forage. Titanfellers, however, are different. Consumed in certain quantities, they prevent the lungs from absorbing oxygen, the compound responsible being concentrated in the pit, which is approximate to a melon in size. Although not harmful to humans, and tasting beautifully sweet, they aren't as innocent as they seem. Many have died as a result of intentional poisonings, and the plant is near-extinct, with the berries being highly valued on the black market.
Otherwise, I should expect that sharing a favourite snack with a giant to be a riskless venture.
Professor J Finch
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darthkvznblogs · 15 days
Are the Kverse Olympians a lot more stable than the PJO versions? In this universe, is them turning into their game counterparts, a result of the HoO fixing the rift between Greeks and Roman's?
I think just by virtue of being part of a world where they aren't remotely the top dogs (cosmically speaking, at least), they've taken a microdose of humility more than their regular PJO incarnations.
Their shift in looks (not so much in personality) back to their ancient Greek incarnations is kind of a glorified marketing ploy; they know they won't remain a secret for long, so they want to make the biggest splash possible once they are revealed to the world - Zeus wouldn't exactly impress anyone in a suit and tie.
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charmfamily · 10 months
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Transcript Below.
ELIZA: I’ll help, that way we know for sure that we made enough for you, me, Tomax, and maybe Dylan if my brother hasn’t completely screwed up his diet by proxy  – Erwin won’t ingest anything green that isn’t Lime Red Bull or Mountain Dew with sour gummy worms in the bottom and his palate is limited to food that could more than likely survive nuclear fall-out. He eats gas station hot dogs smothered in botulism-waiting-to-happen day-old chili and nacho cheese. 
EMILIA: Not even drunk people eat those, why would he ever?! ELIZA: It’s a long story, but basically he’s always been a walking garbage disposal, it just got worse when he stumbled across some blog on the ass-end of the internet talking about how the roll-out of GMO produce is a plan to slowly introduce toxins into the body that can turn people into mind-controlled zombies and the only way to combat it is to continually microdose artificial chemical compounds and preservatives that can be used to nullify the poisoning agent. Now he’s training his stomach and building up a “toxin resistance” so no one can zombify him with canned veggies and bagged salad– don’t even say the words “farmer’s market” in his presence as an alternative, those are “psy-ops” designed to sneak GMO tomatoes to the unsuspecting sheeple.
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copperbadge · 2 years
What would the romance option be for the psychedelic mushroom growers? (operating under the assumption that it’s all romances in the series)
I'm still kinda deciding that, about whether it's All Romance or not! The further into the stories I get the less sense it makes in some ways, and the more sense it makes in others.
If there is a romance, there are a couple of options I'm mulling. There's two families who work on the illegal "true" Davzda, so it could be a scion of the other family, which would unite them. Could also be someone in palace government who's helping to legalize the mushrooms. (Possibly Esta Jerome, the MP from Infinite Jes -- I want to do more with her at some point.)
The reason Gregory is legalizing, or trying to, is that there are pharmacological applications for the mushrooms; they're a super mild hallucinogen and in real life there are some interesting things being done with psilocybin and LSD microdosing for anti-depression and also in therapy. So there's also the option for Nomi, who has dual degrees in botany (specializing in mycology) and chemistry, to be brought into the pharma side of things and work with a scientist there that she might fall for. That's the strongest option, but not a clear winner yet.
Might also be fun for Eddie, who by this point is full-on co-ruler of the kingdom, to import a molecular gastronomy expert to work with the plant extracts in terms of bioavailability, and Nomi would have a lot to say about that.
Anyway, I was just having fun with this family of bootlegging black-market LSD-peddling plant scientists suddenly having to contend with the bottom falling out of the black market and their backwoods industry going respectable. :D Haven't chosen a profession for the amore, or a sexuality or gender.
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ossifer-bones · 11 months
m/m fanfiction writers should step away from media where the male characters appear onscreen for like 5 minutes and have two personality traits and instead turn to produce markets because i cannot emphasise enough the raw sexual tension extant between the middle-aged, built, painfully masc men who work there. it's like microdosing bears fucking each other raw
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