#middle FTW!
kuni-kuun · 2 months
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kndz royalty
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trekscribbles · 9 months
I said "for the love of Camelot" in exasperation the other day and one of my students asked "What's Camelot?" and anyway I think it's time to reintroduce my 5th graders to the Knight's Code.
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its-been-rose · 2 months
If there’s any character in Killer Frequency who is gay, it’s Jason.
Hear me out.
He is out walking in the middle of the night with a friend. Bit of an odd thing for someone with a girlfriend to be doing, but not impossible I guess. If he was walking because he couldn’t sleep because it’s the night of the anniversary, wouldn’t his girlfriend/wife be more of a comfort?
Second thing.
When he is stabbed, Casey doesn’t call his girlfriend/wife. When he’s at the hospital in the endgame, his girlfriend/wife is not there. When he DIES, he does not say “tell my girlfriend/wife I love her.”
Now in the modern day, you’re thinking to yourself “ok rose so what” but I mean. He’s 36-38. Almost 40. While being single at this age isn’t uncommon, it was socially expected back in his day and age for him to be settled down. Heck, it still is today to some degree.
And what better reason to not be settled down than to be one of the few older queer people in such a small, middle of nowhere town, during the 80’s when there was a huge stigma around being gay (especially for men)? (I don’t think Teddy is gay via this logic, I just think he’s so insufferable no one in town wants to date him).
Thanks for reading.
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papa-evershed · 2 years
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Saul Silva, Fate: The Winx Saga S01EP02
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marigoldwriter · 1 year
Beatrix: Can't we fall in love and date without worrying about politics and your mother!?
Stella: Unfortunately not, honey, unfortunately we can't.
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tecchan · 2 months
What do you MEAN Ebizome is voiced by Fujiwara Yuuki???
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funakounasoul · 1 year
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We will have to agree to disagree because my best couple of all time are my own ladies~
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halcyon-girls · 2 years
Stellatrix - Stella's Crocs Paradise
This is just an absolutely chaotic Hallmark idea. Beatrix owns a shoe store but a new shoe store selling 'crocs' opens across the road. So starts their rivalry and relationship as they fall in love in crocs paradise --------------------- Beatrix ties the apron around her waist as she heads into the backroom where her designer loafer shoes were being created. The front shelf was getting empty and needed a restock.
Selling shoes wasn’t a particularly difficult market. She sold shoes at a price and comfort range few could ignore. With no other competitors in the neighbourhood, she quickly earnt enough to expand her store into a second building.
They sold in droves and she was all the more wealthy for it.
Yet today was painfully silent. She walks past Riven where he sits hammering on the heel of a loafer. She raises her brow at him but all he does is shrug, returning to his work.
What in Alfea is going on?
She picks up a few boxes and carries them out to the main floor. It was painfully desolate, there wasn’t even a single customer. She considers checking the news to see if some sort of event had occurred, driving people away from the street.
As she walks toward the front window, she finds her answer in sparkling dresses and extremely loud cheering. She rapidly blinks her eyes in an attempt to recover from the assault on her eyes and ears.
She supposes she ought to find out what the commotion was for. Beatrix places the shoes onto their rack and heads out the front door
There’s a line full of people wrapping around the corner of the block. It becomes painfully evident from the canvas sign swaying in the breeze that it was a store opening. Based on all the bright colours and the strange name ‘Stella’s Crocs Paradise’ she highly doubts they’ll be her competitor. Still, she needs to know.
She pushes through the crowd and forces herself to the front of the line, glaring at those that dared to talk back at her. Once she’s sure the crowd isn’t going to fight her, she walks up to the door. A girl covered in glittery clothes opens the door and greets her.
She struggles to contain her laughter once she’s inside, a loud snort escaping her instead. It was a shoe store but these were the most hideous shoes she had ever seen. There was absolutely no way they’d compete with hers.
The one girl working and not dressed in glitter walks up to her side. ‘Does anything interest you?’
Beatrix rubs her hand on her chin. ‘Not particularly.’
The girl doesn’t leave her side, staring at the shoe rack with her. ‘I call them crocs and they’re some of the most comfortable and convenient shoes you’ll wear.’
Beatrix reaches for the shoe, feeling the material squish under the pressure of her thumb. ‘They don’t seem very,’ she pauses, squishing them again. ‘Durable.’
The girl shrugs. ‘If you try them on I’m sure your mind will change.’
Try on her competitor’s shoes? She would never in her life do such a thing.
Competitor? No. No. Not at all. Beatrix’s shoes were classy, durable, and incredibly fashionable. These were hideous monstrosities. She expects it’ll be a week before this whole store crumbles and returns to the obscurity it belongs in.
She turns on her heel, her eyes flicking down to the ‘crocs’ the other girl was wearing. ‘I’d rather not.’
An amused smile crosses the other girl's face. She offers out her hand to Beatrix. ‘I’m Stella, the owner and creator of these shoes.’
Beatrix looks her up and down, shaking her hand loosely before letting Stella’s hand fall. ‘Beatrix. Just cross the road if you want to find out what real comfort looks like.’
That seems to get a smirk out of Stella. ‘You won’t know if my shoes are comfortable unless you try them.’
Beatrix starts walking away, waving her hand in the vague direction of Stella. She turns her head for just a moment, her smirk matching Stella’s. ‘Neither will you.’
So begins a humble competition. Once the opening day has passed, Beatrix’s store returns to normalcy save for a few of her less loyal customers turning over to the dreaded croc side. They would not be missed. She didn’t need fashion disasters entering her store.
She has a discount day, and Stella matches it.
She offers a two-for-one deal, and Stella offers a three-for-one deal, a cheerful smile always on her face as she places the sign out front of her shop.
It was becoming an unbearable competition with the insufferable girl.
This is why she considers firing Dane when he walks in from his lunch break.
Beatrix cuts him off from walking further in. ‘What. Are. Those.’
Dane looks down at the box in his hands. ‘My crocs.’
‘Your crocs,’ she repeats. ‘Your crocs. In my store. She’s our competitor, Dane,’ she hisses, smacking her hand against the box. 
Wait, since when did she consider Stella, not that she memorised her name or anything, as her real competitor? Her customers just had poor taste. Competition? From that woman? Absolutely not. 
Dane clutches the crocs closer to his chest. ‘They’re comfortable and the staff are nice, just ask Riven.’
She hears a loud, ‘Oi!’ from behind her. 
You’ve got to be kidding. Her own staff going behind her back for mediocre fashion? What has the world come to? She walks over to Riven standing behind the checkout counter, a thin smile on her face. ‘Do you have anything to say, Riven?’
Riven resolutely looks at the wall and across towards the door leading into the warehouse. ‘Do you hear that? It sounds like one of the machines broke down. I better have a look.’
Just as he stands to make a hasty escape, Beatrix catches him by the back of his shirt. ‘You’re not leaving without answering.’
She tugs once more and realising she was, in fact, his boss, he turns back around. ‘Well Musa, she’s alright, don’t you think?’
Beatrix crosses her arms. ‘I don’t know of a Musa.’
A goofy smile crosses Riven’s face. ‘She works in the customisation section, she’s-’ he coughs, the smile turning sheepish. ‘She’s alright, or whatever.’
Beatrix places her hands on the counter, processing Riven’s words. ‘You know the floor staff.’
She points at Dane as he makes his escape, crocs still firmly in hand. ‘Ah!’ He stops his movement. ‘Do you?’
Dane just grins, leaning against the wall. ‘We all do, but it seems you seem to know the owner pretty well.’
Beatrix slams her hand against the counter, sending an apologetic smile to the customers milling around the other half of the store. ‘I have barely entered that store. How could I be familiar with her?’
Dane nods his head, pulling the handle to the warehouse door. ‘Uh-huh, keep telling yourself that.’
Beatrix returns her gaze back to Riven who throws his hands up in surrender.
She sighs. With customers to serve and money to make, dwelling on whether she did or did not know the owner of the disaster across the road was very low on the agenda.
Beatrix tells herself that for a few more weeks. A few more weeks of her customers dwindling, and a few more weeks of Riven and Dane gossiping about what happened on their daily lunch break visits. 
She needed a solution and the only way she was going to get that was to enter the enemy's domain. She stares through the front window of her store. Those crocs won’t know what hit them.
She throws off her apron, hanging it up behind the counter. ‘I’m taking lunch.’
Riven salutes, a grin on his face. ‘Sure, boss.’
She rolls her eyes. No time to fight him. She had a real fight to attend. 
Beatrix walks across the store and opens the door leading to her small office. With a quick shuffle through the locker pressed against the right wall, she grabs a large jacket and a hat. If she was going to enter that store, it would not be as herself.
With a wave and a clenched jaw as she ignores Riven’s snickering, she walks out the front door and begins her walk across the road. The only walk she’d take here, she tells herself.
‘Hi! Welcome to Stella’s Crocs Paradise,’ one of the floor staff greets. Beatrix squints at the name tag. Bloom. 
Well, Bloom, consider this one of your last days as I tear apart the secrets of this store and show the customers what fools they have been.
Where to start? She finds herself more than a little overwhelmed at the number of racks in the store, aisles and aisles of those shoes in almost every colour. She will admit she’s particularly amused by the shoes lined up like a rainbow in the far left of the store.
‘Can I he-’ she hears someone say. 
She raises her hand before they can finish. ‘No.’
Beatrix walks down the middle where the least ostentatious coloured shoes seemed to be situated. 
She’d simply try a pair on, confirm what she already knows is true, that their comfort was no match to her shoes. Afterwards, she’d run a brilliant campaign to have the store removed from the street.
It was a flawless plan.
Until she met the fatal flaw.
She walks down the aisle until she finds her size in a black pair and carefully toes off her shoes, preparing to try them on.
She jumps at the voice behind her. ‘So you’ve finally come to try a pair on.’
Beatrix keeps her back turned. ‘We’ve never met.’
A laugh. ‘We’ve certainly met. I believe we have met multiple times and not just from the glances I catch of you in your store’s window.’
Beatrix turns, crocs in hand. ‘You, ah, watch me?’
Stella seems to flush, waving her hand in front of her. ‘No, no, I just happen to be restocking when you are. On occasion. Not often.’
Beatrix feels a smirk form on her face. She rests an elbow on the shoe rack. ‘All that watching and you haven’t come to try on a pair of my shoes, but ask it of me?’
Stella seems to flush brighter at that, clearing her throat as she looks away. ‘I, um, have tried them, actually.’
Beatrix tilts her head, amusement in her voice. ‘I believe I would have remembered your face if you had entered my store.’
She watches as Stella seems to pick at her sweater, rubbing it between her thumbs. ‘I got one of my floor staff to pick up a pair.’
That explains the glittery girl she’d caught the eye of in her store a few times. She’d just boldly assumed the girl had got a better taste in fashion. It was a surprising delight that it instead appeared to be Stella delegating the task.
‘How did you find them?’ Beatrix finds herself asking, flipping over the shoes in her hands with mild interest.
Stella releases her sweater from her grip, lifting up her head to look at Beatrix. ‘Comfortable, and rather fashionable.’
Perhaps she should just try on these hideous shoes to make Stella happy and reconsider her plan when the girl wasn’t hovering. It was very difficult to tear apart the company of someone as not unpleasant as her.
Stella smiles, reaching for the crocs. ‘Black, understated, and our best-seller, you have quite the eye.’
‘Thank you,’ Beatrix finds herself saying with a smile before she realises there are words coming out of her mouth. Is she really going to be wooed by the hideous shoe store owner? Beatrix catches Stella’s eyes as Stella hands the crocs back over to her. Perhaps.
‘Very well, I’ll try them on.’
She pulls each ‘croc’ onto her feet and stands there. She stands there, surprisingly not in discomfort. Maybe she is just tricking herself into enjoying them because she didn’t want to upset Stella.
She watches Stella and those hopeful eyes. Yes, that was certainly at least fifty per cent of her reasoning. The other fifty might be because her feet were not aching and after taking a few steps, she didn’t mind them.
But, she was not supporting her competitor. She slides them off and places them carefully back on the shelf.
Stella places her hand on the crocs, grazing Beatrix’s fingers for just a moment before she pulls away. ‘You didn’t enjoy them?’
Beatrix bites the inside of her cheek. ‘I didn’t,’ she watches Stella pout. ‘I didn’t mind them.’
When Stella smiles, she almost considers pulling those crocs off the shelf and buying them just to see if it would get any brighter. It made her sound like a love-sick teenager. She was anything but.
She bows her head and promptly leaves the store before she could do anything irrational. 
Like buying crocs.
She avoids the store for a week, only catching glances of Stella through the store window. She shouldn’t go any further than that. They had separate stores and neither of their shoes are completely terrible, especially not her own.
A week later, she’s standing in the store again, looking at those crocs.
She does the same the next day, and the next, and so on. She found herself there every day on her lunch break. She’d stand in the aisle for a while and Stella would find her. They’d talk, not about shoes but about their lives, about their wants, about the fact that they both loved the same trashy drama show.
After weeks of this, Beatrix could admit that she may have been wrong. She stands at the register holding a black pair of crocs and waits for the shop assistant to ring her up.
The shop assistant hangs up her apron and is replaced with Stella. No. She didn’t want her to actually know-
She feels herself nudged in the line and before she knows it, she’s standing in front of a wide-eyed Stella with her crocs in hand.
She schools her features and pushes the crocs onto the counter. ‘How much?’
Stella doesn’t respond, her mouth is slightly agape.
Beatrix bites her lip, reaching over the counter to tap Stella’s hand. ‘How much?’
‘Fifty,’ Stella eventually responds, tapping at the till to take Beatrix’s money.
Beatrix smirks, handing over the money. ‘Sixty.’
Stella moves to hand the extra ten back. ‘But-’
‘But nothing.’ She curls Stella’s fingers over the money. ‘Looks like sixty to me.’
Stella slides her new shoes into a paper bag and hands them over to Beatrix.
She takes the bag from Stella’s hands. ‘See you around, princess.’
Seeing the way Stella flushes from those words has her considering coming back to the store.
So she does. A week later she walks in after hours at Stella’s invite wearing those crocs. It was a crime against all senses of fashion but she couldn’t bring herself to care.
Stella walks up to her with a smile, her rainbow crocs absolutely blinding Beatrix’s eyes. 
She shrugs when Beatrix sends her a questioning gaze. ‘Our new line. I’m modelling them.’
Stella smiles as she looks down at Beatrix’s feet. ‘I see you’re wearing our sleek and classic line.’
Beatrix snorts. ‘Surely you’re joking.’
Stella laughs with her. ‘Maybe a little bit.’
With no customers and only a few floor staff milling around as they gather their belongings to leave,  Stella takes her on a tour. ‘So, here’s our new rainbow line I’m modelling.’
Beatrix runs her hands over a few of them and turns. ‘Do they have any relation to you?’
Stella picks a pair up and lifts them to her face, seeming to analyse them. Beatrix can see her flushed cheeks between them. 
‘They may have some relevancy.’
Beatrix moves closer to Stella, pulling the crocs out of Stella’s hands and dropping them to the floor. ‘Clean up in the rainbow aisle.’
Stella takes a step forward, her hands reaching for Beatrix’s waist. ‘I think the customer who caused the mess should clean it.’
Beatrix reaches for Stella’s cheek, angling her head down. ‘Make me.’
Stella answers with her lips. Beatrix is more than happy to respond. She keeps their pace slow, grazing her lips over Stella’s before tugging at her bottom lip and enjoying the way Stella gasps.
Stella pushes her backwards into the rack, a few pairs of crocs falling from it. Beatrix was definitely not cleaning that. 
She moves one of her hands to the back of Stella’s neck and deepens the kiss, her own sighs falling from her lips. All that competition and debate seemed irrelevant when Stella’s lips were on hers.
She slides her spare hand down Stella’s side, holding her gently by the waist. Stella smiles into the kiss, her breathing coming out sharply.
She never imagined herself kissing her rival in a ‘croc’ aisle, but could hardly bring herself to complain.
Stella pulls back with a question. ‘What does this mean?’
Beatrix feels herself smile as she rubs her thumb against Stella’s cheek. ‘It means I’ll be visiting far more often.’
She kisses Stella again and perhaps the word girlfriend is shared between them. It’s awfully cliche to fall in love with your rival store owner and all that, but she can hardly bring herself to care. 
She’d fall in love again and again in hideous stores if it meant she’d get to be with Stella.
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binthm · 1 year
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no but imagine... hunter with highlights 😳
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hisapyon · 1 year
Sunday morning is the best time reading allxie fics on bed, i love how the author describe wu xie as pretty and beautiful with long white legs and a good butt shape, huggable waist, fragile, and for the same time being called as little buddha who destroy the wangs
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pigeonneaux · 1 year
Sobs th there party outside. Me wants to partt abd dance and drink . But but no friends to go with
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elvensorceress · 2 years
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Happy Birthday again!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS THE CUTEST THING! You’re so sweet! 😭😭😭😭😭 Thank you so so much! 🌈💖💛💚💙💜🌈
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trekscribbles · 9 months
Middle School Classroom Management Tip: A Step by Step Guide to Shocking/Scaring Your Class into Mostly Listening to You from Now on, Courtesy of the Merlin Fandom
Step 1: Accidentally find this video.
Step 2: Watch it obsessively until you figure out how Bradley James does the sword flip (around the 4 minute mark).
Step 3: Find the plastic sword you bought at Target during Halloween season a few years before. Practice in your living room until you can also do the sword flip.
Step 4: Completely forget about all of this for 10 years.
Step 5: Become a middle school teacher. Encounter a difficult class who won't work for you unless they like you. This especially works if it's a class full of rowdy boys and you've spent most of the year wearing floral dresses and talking about poetry.
Step 6: Find your plastic sword while cleaning out old boxes. Suddenly remember the sword flip. Wonder if you can still do it.
Step 7: You can.
Step 8: Wonder if it works with yardsticks.
Step 9: It does.
Step 10: Wait for a day when your class is extra obnoxious. Silently walk across the room to get a yardstick. Bring it to the front of the room and place the yardstick across your foot. Make a bet with the class: if you can pick up the yardstick without bending down to get it, they have to work quietly for the rest of the period. If you fail, they can have free time for the rest of the period.
Step 11: They're intrigued. They're quiet. It's a miracle.
Step 12: Flip up the yardstick with your foot and catch it like a badass. Twirl it for good measure. Enjoy the absolute pandemonium that follows.
Step 13: Silently return the yardstick to the back of the room. Remind the class that they are bound by honor to abide by their word. Enjoy 10 minutes of silent work time.
Bonus: The class thinks you're cool now. They're still loud and difficult, but they mostly rein it in when you tell them to knock it off. You push it and try to get them into medieval poetry. It doesn't work. You'll try again in a few weeks.
The moral: No knowledge is useless, and Bradley James is awesome.
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wp100 · 7 months
diablo 2 is actually creepy as hell
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Music taste from middle school coming back with a vengeance? More likely than you think
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fox-guardian · 2 months
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[ID: The metronome meme. One side of the dial says "teehee sam and celia are so cute together i hope they're happy forever" and the other side reads "oh she is definitely manipulating his darling ass into helping her research and this may very well End Badly For Him". The metronome rapidly swinging from side to side reads "me". end ID]
I made another one. I figure the truth will be somewhere in the middle, nuance and whatnot (please fall in love) (and let alice hop in too) (protocule ftw)
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