#middle eastern wars
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Two war mongering idiots who were not only puppets of oligarchs but puppets of the Saudis as well
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Of the 19 hijackers who carried out the Sept 11 attacks:
15 were from Saudi Arabia (a powerful/oil-rich country the U.S. works hard to maintain diplomatic relations with)
2 were from the United Arab Emirates (also a powerful/oil-rich country the U.S. works hard to maintain diplomatic relations with)
1 was from Egypt, 1 from Lebanon.
None of the hijackers were from Iraq.
None of the Sept 11 hijackers were Iraqi.
None of the 9/11 hijackers were from Iraq.
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feluka · 4 months
calling someone (and palestinians no less!!!!!!) fixating on US politics for matters outside the US 'american-centric'... buddy it will be heaven on earth whenever US politics stop affecting matters outside the US. also where the fuck have you been
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louthelost · 2 months
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Lothal is my home
Ezra Bridger, the character that you are...
(progress shots under the cut)
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The UN's Official Mission report on Hamas' Sexual Violence in Israel was published
Please take your time to read this. Israeli \ Jewish victims deserve the same protection as any other women.
The brief version can be read here.
***I am not going to include any graphic detailing.
The pattern of Sexual Violence used by Hamas is very clear:
It was one of their key goals and tactics on October 7th.
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You cannot say "Female Hostages are treated well. you're lying by saying they're raped" anymore!
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Notice how they also said **Children**
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Civilians were in fact burned inside their homes
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This is also clearly a pattern used by Hamas, as this is just one of many examples they detail. -Hamas has also burned soldiers alive in their dorms and offices. That is also further detailed in the report.
This is not fake or propaganda
I can't believe I have to write this but this report is an official report (finally) made by the UN's Sexual Violence Office, as part of their yearly report.
They had a 2-week delegation that toured the actual Kibbutzim (turned crime scenes), interviewed eyewitnesses, spoke to families of victims, etc...
I do have to say I was mistaken in my earlier post, besides their conclusion, they have also written their recommendations:
...." V. Conclusions
Overall, based on the totality of information gathered from multiple and independent sources at the different locations, there are reasonable grounds to believe that conflict-related sexual violence occurred at several locations across the Gaza periphery, including in the form of rape and gang rape, during the 7 October 2023 attacks. Credible circumstantial information, which may be indicative of some forms of sexual violence, including genital mutilation, sexualized torture, or cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment, was also gathered. 22
With regards to the hostages, the mission team found clear and convincing information that some hostages taken to Gaza have been subjected to various forms of conflict-related sexual violence and has reasonable grounds to believe that such violence may be ongoing.
The mission team was unable to establish the prevalence of sexual violence and concludes that the overall magnitude, scope, and specific attribution of these violations would require a fully-fledged investigation. A comprehensive investigation would enable the information base to be expanded in locations which the mission team was not able to visit and to build the required trust with survivors/victims of conflict-related sexual violence who may be reluctant to come forward at this point.
Regarding the occupied Palestinian Territory, while its scope did not extend to verification, the mission team received information from institutional and civil society sources as well as through direct interviews, about some forms of sexual violence against Palestinian men and women in detention settings, during house raids and at checkpoints. Though the mission team did not visit Gaza, the Office of the SRSG-SVC will continue to monitor the situation for any relevant allegations of CRSV in the context of the ongoing hostilities. The relevant UN entities present in the occupied Palestinian Territory will provide UN-verified information for reporting to the Security Council on allegations of CRSV, which will be complemented by the information obtained by the mission team.
VI. Recommendations
The mission team makes the following recommendations: a) Continue to encourage the Government of Israeli to grant, without further delay, access to the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem and Israel, to carry-out fully-fledged investigations into all alleged violations that would deepen the preliminary findings contained in the present report. b) Urge Hamas and other armed groups to immediately and unconditionally release all individuals held in captivity and to ensure their protection including from sexual violence, in line with international law. c) Call on all relevant and competent bodies, national and international, to bring all perpetrators, regardless of rank or affiliation, to justice based on individual, superior and command responsibility, in accordance with due process of law and fair trial standards. d) Encourage the Government of Israel to consider signing a Framework of Cooperation with the Office of the SRSG-SVC to strengthen capacity on justice and accountability for CRSV crimes as well as security sector engagement, training, and oversight to prevent and address CRSV. 23 e) Strengthen the capacity of the United Nations to monitor and report on incidents, patterns and trends of CRSV in both Israel and the occupied Palestinian Territory through the establishment of the Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Arrangements on CRSV (MARA), convened by dedicated technical specialists, namely Women’s Protection Advisors (WPAs), deployed to the region to ensure prevention, protection and coordinated multi-sectoral assistance to survivors/victims. f) Encourage relevant actors to uphold information integrity and ethical, trauma-informed representations of conflict-related sexual violence, including by respecting and safeguarding the dignity and identity of survivors/victims and witnesses of sexual violence, as sensationalizing headlines, media pressure and scrutiny, exposure of identity, political instrumentalization and pressure, and/or fear of reprisal can result in the suppression, silencing and discrediting of survivors/victims and witnesses, further compound trauma and increase the risk of social stigmatization. g) Urge all parties to the conflict to adopt a humanitarian ceasefire, and to ensure that expertise on addressing conflict-related sexual violence informs the design and implementation of all ceasefire and political agreements and that the voices of women and affected communities are heard in all conflict resolution and peacebuilding processes....."
Israelis have been repeatedly saying all of this for months now, while you deny it. I've personally had people tell me it's all "fake propaganda". You should all be ashamed.
I am infuriated at the fact that for 5 months, our evidence and word isn't enough for Anti-Zionists. Here is some undeniable proof for you.
Believe Jewish Women.
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xplore-the-unknwn · 7 months
My roman empire is that people should make more big budgeted musicals about the ancient civilizations. We can have an Epic of Gilgamesh musical, the Trojan War, and any ancient story that was passed down through song for generations.
I wanna hear our ancestors come alive again and hear the beautiful words and stories that they’ve so passionately sang and written about-for us not to forget about them.
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sarroora · 4 months
Turn off the Super Bowl - it’s not important. Go open the news now.
I hope you all understand that Israel has begun attacking Rafah at night while people were asleep.
They are now attacking what few buildings still remain in the south, near the TENTS that contain nearly 2 MILLION starving Palestinians who were forced out of their homes because their city was LEVELLED. By the SAME people now bombing them.
Rafah is where the Zionazis ‘claimed’ is the ✌️ ‘safe zone’✌️ /wink wink for Palestinians (it never was. I warned people about believing this stupid lie for months). And although we were all telling you for months that it’s all a lie, and that Israel’s purpose of Oct 7 has ALWAYS been to erase every Palestinian, the West STILL SUPPORTS ISRAEL. They are STILL GIVING THEM WEAPONS AND MONEY.
Giving them all the resources they need to steal another people’s land. To level their city like the fucking Rumbling, then slowly and methodically kill of its population by locking them in a freezing, waterless desert with no food, water or basic amenities. Then speed it up by blowing up the people in tents. Starving, weakened, dehydrated people, many of which are just 10-year old orphans trying to keep their 5 and 3 and 2-year old siblings alive because every adult in their life is already dead.
This is a catastrophe beyond my comprehension. This is savagery and barbarity beyond nothing I’ve ever imagined. I pray every Zionazi dies a miserable, horrible death. I wish the same to their supporters.
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levelofyoureye · 8 months
eman esfandi—a half-latino, half-middle eastern man—as ezra bridger was truly THE best gift star wars could’ve given me for latino heritage month. i literally couldn’t be happier. this means the world to me 🥹
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German soldiers pose next to hanged Arabs in As-Salt, Jordan, accused of supporting the Arab Revolt
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seizethegay420 · 3 days
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mahoushojoe · 5 months
middle eastern people: israel is a major factor in ruining the middle east
israel: as seen on our state run propaganda and social media, we are proudly ruining the middle east
the us: we use israel to ruin the middle east and if it didn't exist we would make an israel to ruin the middle east
deeply unserious people on this website: why do people love blaming israel for everything it's so unfair and bigoted people are so uninformed its so nuanced
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leezuhh · 1 year
it's crazy to me that there are people out there who still think that media and fiction do not affect how people think at all
#like that whole 'does fiction affect reality?' debate is so stupid to me cuz it's like#i mean just think about it for a second. what is propaganda? what did jaws do for people's perceptions of sharks?#i think studying the effect that popular media and fiction has on people in real life is really interesting#and it's crazy to me that there are people on the internet who think that it genuinely doesn't#like umm shoutout vit sisler for his paper 'digital arabs' i just read it for my game studies class and it's super interesting#about like orientalization how western shooter games' usage of middle eastern/muslim stereotypes as enemies created both a negative -#- stereotype for people who arent in that group and how it negatively affects the mental health and self-image of the people who are#also shoutout stuart hall and richard dyer they're really cool people and also have some super interesting papers on how representation -#- in media affects people's IRL perceptions of certain groups#i know online this focus tends to lean on that whole shipping discussion but i think it's more worthwhile to look at it on a wider scale#because 'does fiction affect reality?' is not just a 'fandom ship war' discussion it's like. the basis for many fields of study#anyways umm#liza post#actually this is more like a#liza ramble#i love tumblr bc i can write a one sentence post and put my body paragraphs in the tags#it's really late and i am tired ‼️ i wish i could be more concise i just adore my game studies class and visual culture studies in general
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hussyknee · 8 months
Keep seeing the videos from Gaza. Blood-curdling, unimaginable horror. Death toll currently at 830. Displaced 187,500, 4000 injured, some of them maimed for life. Hospitals at capacity with no medical aid able to come through. They're now washing injuries with soap because there's no antiseptic.
They're murdering them in cold blood while the world watches.
Westerners, watch the news footage. Remember that half of Gaza is children under 15. That they've not only blockaded them from all sides but they're bombing the Egypt border crossing too. Understand this is what they did in Afghanistan and Iraq, and that your people watched and cheered. Know that this is happening with the full support and aid of your governments and leaders. This is a massacre. This is genocide. And you're watching it happen live.
If any of you murderous freaks still think any of this is justified I hope from the bottom of my heart that your own house falls on top of you.
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thingsarentgreat · 8 months
Beware of propaganda coming from multiple angles.
You Are Not Immune To Propaganda has become a meme, but remember that it's frighteningly true. Read the articles, not just the headlines. Then read between their lines. Carve out some time to do a little research for multiple sources.
Decolonize Palestine is a good source that's been going around lately. There is also a lot of easy-to-access information on Wikipedia regarding broad overviews of wars, their inciting incidents, their outcomes, their treaties, who benefitted from what, etc. If you can go the extra mile, please use it more as a springboard to access the primary sources listed in their "External Links" section. I've linked a lot of Wiki entries in the following paragraph to introduce topics.
Look into the history of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict to at least familiarize yourself with an overview of Palestine's internal and external struggles against Israel's colonialism. Know about the 1948 Palestine War, the 1956 Suez Crisis, the 1967 Six Day War, the 1987 First Intifada, the 1993 and 1995 Oslo Accords, the 2000 Second Intifada. Pay attention to the numbers of civilian casualties listed in each of those war articles, too. Take a minute to learn what Fatah is in comparison to Hamas, when the last time an election between the two was held (2006), and then which of them currently runs Gaza. Try to look both further back and further forward than that. Not everything is in this post. This is one of the world's longest continuing conflicts.
"I don't want to do homework and this is really complicated" ok well it is complicated but it is also required reading for you to participate in the class discussion, even if you just take 30 minutes on your lunch to skim a little more than a headline or Twitter post. You gotta inoculate yourself with knowledge of history. Like I said, the sources linked here are mostly Wikipedia for broad overviews - scroll to the bottom and find their primary sources. Look up these topics on your own and find more sources.
I'm saying ALL of this not only because it's important on its own, but also because as expected, every damn right-winger and conservative war hawk is using the most recent tragedy as a way to ramp up Islamophobia, while white nationalists are using it to ramp up antisemitism. It's the same type of game plan deployed again and again to take advantage of sorrow, fear, and outrage following intense violence. They want to channel it into hatred of an ethnic group instead. They want your support to pursue more violence against that ethnic group while cloaked in the name of retaliatory justice and peace.
Remember that your enemy is not Islam nor Judaism, nor innocent Palestinians trying to live, nor innocent Israelis trying to live - your enemy is and always has been the states which oppress the people trapped under their boots. Making sure you blur the separation is part of the game-plan.
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Ask an Israeli Jew anything
Tldr : I’m opening my asks again.
In light of current events on college campuses and the fact that it seems like people here can’t seem to actually listen to us.
I’m opening my asks in hopes of making conversation and reaching other people. However- I will block and report any slurs/hate comments/ Hamas propaganda. I will not tolerate antisemitism and bullying.
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The situation in Lebanon today is bleak. Carved out of the remains of the Ottoman Empire and subjected to years of colonialism-lite administration by France, its economy and infrastructure have been devastated by a long civil war, overlapping occupations by Syria and Israel, and corruption on a massive scale. Since 2019, Lebanon has been in the midst of a severe financial crisis, with widespread unemployment and hyperinflation. Now 80% of the population is poor and Lebanon is on the brink of becoming a failed state.
And yet, JD Harlock, Poetry Editor at Solarpunk Magazine, who lives in Beirut, believes in solarpunk. Join us for this episode to find out how that can be and what day to day life is like in Beirut right now.
You can find JD on X and Instagram at @JD_Harlock.
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