dipstar1489 · 5 months
Why Omega has a High M-Count
I suspect the reason why Omega has a much higher M-count than your typical clone trooper is because of her age rate is much slower than the clones.
Think about it, she and Boba are two of the only clones that have a normalish aging rate (not fully certain if they age slightly faster than non-cloned humans, but they are definitely slower than most clones), with Boba made to be Jango’s son as payment for being the clone donor, so the opportunity to check Boba for a high m-count would be unlikely.
Now, if the human body in Star Wars work roughly the same as real life, the cells either die or stop working with age. Keeping this in mind, because the average clone ages faster, the body also breaks down faster, thus decreasing or destroying the amount of midiclorian cells in the body.
If you want a good example of this, take a look at Yoda and Grogu. Their species are extremely high in midiclorians while living for HUNDREDS OF YEARS, and Grogu, who was around during order 66, is still a baby when the New Republic took over!
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tetralea · 2 years
What vague-vague idea? I’m Just curious but I don’t want to make you uncomfortable 🥲
Hah no worries, it’s with magic and packs and forest living hahah Like Max drinks from a magic fountain he doesn’t know is magic wishing he could find a future mate for himself, because he can’t find any in his pack, and he gets knocked out a little and when he wakes up he is in front of a tree, picking up on only one scent, and he follows it, and it’s a small cave under the tree with a small, skinny, young omega who is asleep until he senses Max. He is not afraid and Max is still a bit dizzy and not really knowing what is going on other than the little omega smelling something special and he has an overwhelming urge to touch him.
Charles pull Max into his little nest to cuddle and purr at him until Max is finally feeling better, and they are so close and the omega is not pulling away, he is not really afraid. He doesn’t belong to a pack either, he seems to be alone and it’s all very confusing, until Max can’t resist to kiss him. Charles kisses back and he doesn’t seem to have done it a lot but he is eager and willing.
They end up sleeping together of course, Charles finding his voice in the process, calling Max his alpha, like he always knew Max would come for him, that this would happen. And suddenly it all feels all more natural and okay to Max, after all he was asking for a mate and it seems like the forest spirits gifted him this young omega. He is lanky and clumsy but he has the spirit, and all Max wants it to love and protect him from then on.
The sex is pretty much a lot of exploring and soft and Charles is very enthusiastic and eager and willing and everything Max does to him feels incredible, he knows that is his alpha, he was waiting for him so there is not a single doubt in him when he sleeps with Max. He knows his alpha will take good care of him.
He is the son of a forest spirit, who were not supposed to have pups, but his mom did that is why he was all alone and getting by because the spirits protected him until his alpha came for him. A little bit Anakin Skywalkerish if you will hahah and a bit of a jungles book as well and forest magic, but it think it would be lovely and their differences because of deaging Charles could be very obvious yet he is still an adult, just fairly young.
This is it 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
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rlyehcityplanner · 1 year
Really enjoyed the Mortis arc and it’s greater implications on what came to transpire in the greater Star Wars lore.
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Also was Ahsoka being ‘held’ by the Son supposed to imply her proximity to Anakin is dragging her closer to the Dark Side? If so, that’s a really neat way to show her ‘breaking free’ and choosing her own path of sorts.
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cobbbvanth · 5 months
dave filoni is actually so funny for dedicating a whole season to maybe explaining "somehow palpatine returned" only for it to not go anywhere. they spent all of season 3 telling us that omega is so important to hemlock's research and project necromancer. they teased a force sensitive clone and experimented with the zillo beast. they name dropped midiclorians for the first time in 25 years. and it meant nothing agsbdks. sure, we can infer that it was proof of concept for clone palpatine but in no way do they tell us what or when or how or why. they just blow up the lab. none of the research was salvageable. tarkin says rip hemlock sucks to suck and gives the order to redirect all funding to building the death star. filoni said you will NOT catch me cleaning up the mess of the sequels. it's so iconic
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master-jarrus · 5 months
Ninjago Star Wars Au species list
I will not debate anyone over these
Starting up:
Jay, half human, half twi'lek, his mother is the twi'lek. When he was born he was shipped to the Huts on Tatooine but his little carriage pod dropped and was picked up by Jawas. He has mechanical wings he made himself and specializes in marketing for the Jawas because he's adorable
Force sensitive
Ed and Edna: Jawas who find Jay are the main ones who raise him but I'm fairly certain jawas take the whole village approach.
Cole: Togurta. Togurta's are very strong and agile but people always seem surprised when they actually show case their strength. This seemed very fitting for Cole.
Force sensitive
Kai and Nya: human nautolan hybrids but it has been so long since the nautolan was introduced they don't have many traits other than large dark eyes and Nya is able to breathe under water. (They don't know its nautolan, which is kit fistos species for those who don't know)
Force sensitive
Nya is stronger in the force but she uses chants to help her focus (like the og dathomirian witches)
Zane: zane is a kyber crystal powering a droid. He more specifically the crystal then the body because kyber crystals are sentient
Force sensitive
Pixal: same deal as zane but her crystal faced torture (from the mining process) zane heals her later but she still struggles (fun fact ahsoka's kyber crystals were corrupted and tortured but she rescued and healed them and that is why they are white)
Force sensitive can only manipulate it through the dark side
Garmadon and Wu: Diathim (also referred to as angels) and part zabrak (i went back and forth on that because beskalisks have four arms but then I drew it and just fit well for them) angels are considered the most beautiful creatures while zebraks tend to be considered evil. Both are capable of good and evil.
Very force sensitive
Garmadon isn't strictly a sith. More of just acts as he sees is needed. He does tend to use the dark side a lot though
Garmadon is missing his lower wings and has mutated arms with cyber supports
Misako: Chiss, intellectual tend to try to logic their emotions away (think a blue spock) the Diathim have prophecies. She wanted to study them. She and Garmadon fall in love
Lloyd: Diathim, zabrak and chiss. Very tall. Blue skin, red eyes, has all of his wings but also has a set of lower arms that do not have cyber supports.
Force sensitive, just dripping midiclorians to the point he boosts the sensitivity of those he is around
Struggles with acting in anger and will accidentally hurt his lightsabers original kyber crystals that he will wear on a necklace and pours into whenever he meditates
Rei: human, mandalorian black smith
Force sensitive
Maya: human nautolan hybrid also unaware of the nautolan she just thinks it's the force she is trained like the og dathomirian witches
Force sensitive
Lily: Togruta
Force sensitive
Lou: Togruta dancer and singer, gets paid for it
Harumi: human, not force sensitive but will later inject midiclorians to try be able to use the force and will become dependent on them
Cyrus: human, tries to create kyber crystal droids like zane but the mining process corrupted all of them including the prosthetics he tried to make that were powered by crystals. He chooses to be wheel chair bound after the incident but he is ambulatory with regular prosthetics he just finds it exhausting
Morro: zabrak, becomes a malevolent ghost but will later settle down into a regular force ghost who follows wu around
Force sensitive
Serpentine: sub species of hutt. Made them native to dathomir and the moons
Let me know who else you want to know
You will for sure get art of Garmadon. We will see about the others
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sunlightandsuffering · 6 months
Jedi AU
Mikasa comes to Eren at sixteen, prim and shy, but ever eager to please. Eren is twenty-one, and he is not at all impressed with the assignment. 
Everyone else heralds it as an honour, what a big achievement to have your own padawan learner when he’s barely an adult himself. 
Eren on the other hand sees the ‘honour’ for what it really is: babysitting. And not just for him, but for Mikasa as well.
Because his own master had been drawn away on other assignments, missions that Eren couldn’t go on. And the Jedi Order couldn’t have their most rebellious young master running around the galaxy unsupervised. So, they’d given him Mikasa and said here, teach her. They’d successfully saddled him with more responsibility than he’d ever wanted and effectively knee-capped him from doing anything too crazy… Not that the things he did were ever really that crazy, they just weren’t so perfectly in line with the Jedi Order’s world philosophy. She’d stepped off the ship in a blaze of barely contained excitement, he could tell, even as quiet as she was that she was practically bursting with energy, but she’d been raised by the order, so what could he really expect? Orphaned at a young age and found miraculously on the burning remains of her planet, Mikasa had been taken in by a wandering Jedi and raised at the temple. 
For all intents and purposes, she was the perfect specimen, everything a Jedi should be and so not who Eren had wanted to teach. 
She’d looked up at him dutifully, waiting to be spoken to, eager to receive orders and Eren knew immediately she was going to be a problem. They were so diametrically opposed it was laughable, and he thinks the Order probably is laughing at him, payback for causing them so much trouble over the years. Eren sighs, reaching his hand out for a shake, “I’m Eren Yeager, I’ll be your new Master.” “I’m Mikasa,” she tells him sweetly, finally letting a small smile overtake her lips, “I look forward to working with you.” Oh, this was going to be a struggle of epic proportions, he can already tell.
The longer Eren spends with Mikasa, the more sure he is that the Jedi Temple moulded her to be everything he isn’t, to be his worst nightmare personified. 
Because that’s exactly what she is. 
“Well, Master I think we should follow Jedi protocol, and it says to call –” “Mikasa,” He tells her warningly, and she shuts up, her mouth pursing shut, she’s used to it at this point. 
This is how 90 percent of their discussions go these days. “The other masters will be mad,” she sing songs as Eren drags a droid away from the wreckage of the ship he’s trying to access. 
Eren sends her an unimpressed glare over his shoulder, grunting as he hefts the droid out of the way, “Yeah, well the Jedi Order can stuff it, there’s a lot of things they get mad at me about.” “Why do you insist on doing everything incorrectly? Maybe if you did things the right way like I tell you to, then you wouldn’t get in so much trouble.” “Who’s the Master here, Mikasa?” She shuts up again, huffing in irritation and Eren has to remind himself it’s him, he’s literally the master here, their very small age gap and her immense knowledge of Jedi principles blurs the line sometimes. He’s only five years older, sometimes it’s a little hard to boss her around so much, especially when to top it all off she’s almost as good of a fighter as him. He curses away to himself as he steps into the abandoned ship, because of course, he had to be paired with the most gifted Jedi of the new generation, topping even him in her midiclorian count and with the uncanny natural ability to simply kick ass. Her fighting skills are amazing, almost on par with his own, her only fatal flaw is perhaps that she’s such a rule follower. It blinds her in other aspects, makes her too trusting, too sweet. 
Something that could one day get her killed. Eren looks back sharply at the thought, his pain-in-the-ass little padawan nowhere to be found, standing guard until she’s given another order, proving his point. Eren sighs, “Mikasa, get over here brat.” He hears her make a little noise of affront at being called a brat, she gets all cute when she’s huffy, like an angry kitten, and then there are footsteps as she enters the ship. She’s hurrying so fast she runs right into him and Eren grunts as her little body collides with his at full speed, but he’s quick to steady her, firmly grasping her shoulders. 
“Mika,” he chides softly, “Be careful okay, and remember to follow me okay, what if there were still enemies out there, what if something happened to you?” There’s a pretty blush staining her cheeks, but still, she protests, “I can take care of myself!” Eren quirks an eyebrow up at her, his hands rubbing softly up and down her biceps, “And what did I say about that?” Her cheeks puff up as she repeats his words back to him, “I can’t say that until I can beat you in a spar three times in a row.” “And have you?” He questions, because yeah, sometimes being her Master is a little bit fun. “No,” she grumbles out in irritation and he smirks, giving her a playful love tap to her cheek before letting her go, and she gasps in response, “Eren!” 
“Master,” he corrects easily, already slipping further into the ship to investigate, and now he’s really pissed her off, her usually sweet, quiet presence raging behind him. She’s stomping around the ship, showcasing her rage at being spoken down to, and Eren can’t help his smile as he inspects the engine controls, trying to grasp what exactly went wrong here. He hears something fall but doesn’t look back, engrossed in attempting to revive part of the ship, maybe he can find an old flight path if he gets it going. 
His fingers fiddle with buttons and wires, all the while Mikasa seems to be making a lot of noise behind him, a lot more noise than he thinks he’s ever heard her make before. Mikasa really is the perfect padawan, or well she probably would be for any other Jedi – intelligent, kind, brilliant fighting skills, quick on her feet – all qualities necessary in a great Jedi. 
Eren would have preferred someone more flawed, an orphan with maybe a bit more emotional damage he could counsel, someone more similar to him. Not quite such a rule follower, someone he could really bond with, who might look up to him. 
Mikasa isn’t any of those things. Except for right now, it seems as Eren turns around finally after something else goes crashing to the ground. His padawan is glaring at him from where she’d very obviously knocked something over, sweet, docile Mikasa who never allows her emotions to get the better of her is evidently, very displeased with him. 
And most interestingly, demanding his attention, even more as she stares him down, those quicksilver eyes raging, purposefully knocking something else right off the shelf next to her. She’s exactly like a cat, a displeased little creature that gets what it wants. Eren can barely repress his smile, maybe there’s still hope for him yet, some fire in those pretty silver eyes of hers. 
He’s almost giddy at the thought because maybe she’s not a completely lost cause, maybe he can still corrupt her just a little, mould her into being a truly great Jedi instead of a standard foot soldier, someone who thinks for themselves, assesses the situation and decides the next course of action instead of consulting the damn Jedi temple on everything. “Miki,” Eren hums, and she perks right up at the name, it’s one she favours and something he doesn’t call her often, reserves it for special circumstances. “Are you mad at me?” “What gave you that idea?” “Miki,” he chides, beckoning her forwards, and she stomps towards him angrily. 
She stops just before him, glaring up at his tall frame, evergreen locked with silver and Eren smiles, full and genuine at the cute little expression of rage on her face, eyebrows knitted together in irritation. “Tell me what’s wrong?” “Master, you always dismiss me! And you rarely let me fight, even though I can. At the temple I was the best, I beat all the other kids, and I- I was so excited when I found out I’d be training under you, but you never let me show off, never let me fight.” She deflates towards the end of her monologue and Eren hums in acknowledgement, “It’s not because I don’t trust you Mikasa, I’d just rather watch you fight in more controlled environments first. It’s only been a few months, I don’t want to throw you head first into battle.” “But-” He tuts her, his hand slipping up into the tangles of her hair, pushing her bangs back behind her ears, he’s always had a fascination with that sleek pretty black hair of hers, how soft it is, how it feels under his fingertips, “Don’t worry I’m going to let you fight Mikasa, but once you can beat me three times in a row, which I know you will do.” He gives a soft little yank at one of the dark strands of her hair, “You’re a great fighter Mikasa, brilliant, especially with your lightsaber, but you fight predictably. Just like the Order teaches, the same spar you’ve done a hundred times. That’s not how real enemies fight, that’s not how I fight.” Eren smirks, his hand combing out her hair now, something Mikasa leans into, has always enjoyed the rare time he shows her affection.
“I fight dirty, and I always win. There’s a reason I’m so revered at the temple, that my missions are always successes, albeit with perhaps more damage than I’d usually like. It’s because my methods differ from the Jedi temple, and I think that’s something you need.” 
“Oh,” she murmurs softly, eyes now shut, like a cat, as he continues to finger his hands through her hair, his other one slipping up to join in the soft thick strands. She makes a little noise of contentment as he gathers the thick dark mop of her hair in his hands, leaning in as he styles it into a makeshift bun, using his own hair elastic to fasten it at the base of her head. He presses a soft kiss to her temple as he finishes, affection she’s never had, that Eren can’t help but give, something the Jedi Order frowns upon but Mikasa needs more than anything, such a touch-starved child. 
His hands skim down now, settling over her shoulders, “Do you understand now? It’s not because I don’t trust you, it’s because we’re already training Mikasa, and if I have my way you’ll be the best Jedi the order has ever seen.” “Even better than you?” She breathes curiously, her eyes soft and warm now, pliant, heather grey. He chuckles, “Of course, you’re my padawan after all, you’ll have to be better than me.” Mikasa smiles, such a full and beautiful smile, so bright he almost has to look away, “I have to train all those bad Jedi habits out of you though, I think they sent me the worst recruit they could find.” At this, she smacks him and Eren cackles, pinching her side. 
“At least I know how to cook.” Eren guffaws, “Barely!” “I’m better than you!” “Not by much.”
Sometimes, Mikasa wonders how Eren ever thought she wouldn’t fall in love with him. 
Force, how the Jedi Order had thought she wouldn’t fall in love with him? It’s like they were hoping for it. Even when she was younger, she could remember hearing about the trouble-making padawan that no matter how he went against the Jedi temple rules, never had an unsuccessful mission. She had been enamoured, who was this boy, this legend in the making? And then as she’d gotten older, moved up the ranks herself, set to become a padawan, she’d seen him in action and she’d been star-struck. Only once in battle before she’d been ushered away to safety, only a glimpse, but the way his hair had stuck to his forehead, slick with sweat, blood spattering his tunic, forearms pulled taut as he held his light-saber. He’d looked like a vengeful God, and for reasons unknown to her, she hadn’t been able to get him out of her head ever since. He’d appear in her dreams, always standing over her, shirtless, saving her life, the lines of his back cut like there should be wings there. 
She’d seen him only once more before she’d become his padawan, and it had only elevated him further in her mind, up high on that pedestal she could never reach, never even hope to touch. He’d been in the middle of the council, and she’d been sneakily walking by, only to hear the voices of the council. And Mikasa, ever the dutiful student, hadn’t been able to help her curiosity. What she saw had been the dressing down of a lifetime, as Eren stood in the middle of the council, being utterly ripped apart for his most recent mission. She’d been nodding her head along, agreeing, until Eren had finally defended himself, speaking of all the lives he’d saved. 
That had shut them up rather promptly, and Eren had been smirking when she’d finally disappeared down the hall, her heart beating with far more than just the adrenaline of listening in on a top-secret meeting. 
Because Eren had looked particularly handsome that day, his hair windswept against his cheeks, the long cloak the Jedi typically wore conspicuously absent to display lean muscle instead. 
And now, at sixteen, the peak age for puberty, when hormones are running high, especially in battle, the Jedi Order had thought it was a great idea to pair her off with a handsome rebellious twenty-one-year-old? It was cruel, to be honest. Everyone else she knew had older men with beards for masters, shrivelled up and half dead. And here she was with probably the best-looking boy she’d ever seen in her life, and he was around her all the time. Mikasa knew she would be a good Jedi, it was what she was born and raised for after all, she’d spent countless hours sparring, mastering her use of the force, everything to be the best she could possibly be. But lately, she finds what is thwarting her the most is the whole ‘no attachment’ part of being a Jedi. 
Because it’s becoming really hard for her not to get attached. 
Eren steps out of the bathroom, clad in only a towel, his other hand occupied in drying his long hair, water dripping down the divots of his abs. Her mouth suddenly feels very dry, and he sends her a wink as she eats her soup. Yeah, it’s becoming really, really hard for her not to get attached. He disappears down the hall to his quarters, and Mikasa spends ten minutes fanning herself, chanting the Jedi Code over and over again. 
No attachment, absolutely none, not allowed!
But really in hindsight how did they expect her not to fall in love? 
Eren is passionate, almost to a fault, and since she’s joined him on his missions as his padawan she’s realized that he’s particularly passionate about her safety. 
In a way, it’s kind of flattering, and in other ways, it makes her heart almost beat out of her chest. 
He’s always saving her, even when she doesn’t need saving, he’s always there. And afterwards, he’s scolding her for ever being in danger in the first place, as if it isn’t part of both of their jobs. 
But it’s afterwards, that’s the part she adores the most, after the lecture and the yelling when he’s tucking her into his chest and whispering into her hair how much she scared him, that she shouldn’t go out and be so reckless. To which she always replies cheekily, “Isn’t that what you trained me to do?” He always pinches her side for that particular comment, but it never gets old, being wrapped in the warmth and safety of his arms, it feels like coming home, like safety in a way the Jedi temple never has. 
“Mikasa,” Eren chastises her from the head of the ship where he’s piloting them off towards some faraway planet for their next mission, ready to shoot them into hyperdrive, “What are you doing?” He can tell she’s up to no good just by the sound of her footsteps, how she tries to soften them just slightly, her breathing clipped as she tries not to let him hear her. He spins in his chair to find her slipping out of his room, and he quirks an eyebrow curiously, repeating his question, “What are you doing?” She winces as she’s found out, slumping in place. She’s cute, adorably messy all dolled up in her pyjamas, hair tucked up behind her in a messy bun that he aches to pull into a proper one. Always her damn hair. 
“I had a nightmare,” she murmurs, “I was gonna go sleep in your bed.” “C’mere,” he beckons her, his hands just itching to properly tie up that silky hair of hers and almost as soon as she’s within reach he’s dragging her to his lap, turning her around. She shuts her eyes blissfully as she leans back into him, her head tilted against his shoulder as he massages her scalp, gathering the sleek strands into a soft bun at the base of her skull, one that won’t come out so easily like hers did. “What was the nightmare about?” He murmurs as he ties it up with her pretty red ribbon. “Losing my parents.” She doesn’t miss a beat, and Eren sighs as he turns her in his lap, her hair now secured properly. “Are you scared?” She shakes her head, grey eyes tearing up, “I just miss them.” And before she can stop herself, the tears are rushing down her cheeks in hot streaks, more than Eren is equipped to deal with. He sighs, rough hands coming up to wipe at her tears tenderly, “I’m not going to bed anytime soon I have to pilot us to the next planet, but why don’t you sit with me? You can keep me company.” “Okay,” she murmurs through her tears and Eren settles her in the chair next to him, piling her up high with a soft fuzzy blanket as he tucks her into the large swivel chair. “Better?” He asks, and she nods, wiping the rest of her tears into the blanket and Eren smiles, his hand finding her knee to lovingly stroke, “You’ve got me now, I’m here, and I’ll never leave you.” “What about,” she sniffles slightly, “What about when I become a master in my own right?” Eren chuckles, “We’ve got a few more years but even then I think I’ll keep you around Miki, you’re not so bad.” She smiles through her tears, resting her head on her knees as she looks at him, “Would you have stayed with your master if you could?” 
Eren shrugs, his hand still resting on her knee comfortingly, and Mikasa shivers as he strokes over sensitive skin not covered by her blanket, his hands so big and warm. 
“Probably if I could have, but you know the council wanted me doing my own thing, cause less chaos that way, you know how it is.” It’s quiet for a moment and Eren smiles at her softly, squeezing her knee, “But I’m happy how things turned out, I got you instead and that’s not bad at all.” Her breath hitches and she feels like she can’t breathe, her eyes drawn towards his lips and the chiselled cut of his jaw, so brutally beautiful, the harsh angles of his face contrasted with the soft length of his eyelashes, those brilliant green eyes. He’s stunning, and she just wants to lean across the controls and kiss him, has to grip the arms of her chair just to stop herself. 
That night she falls asleep encased in his arms, even better than his bed, warm and protected. She’s only mildly upset the next morning when she wakes up in her own bed, devoid of her master, no evidence it had ever happened at all. Except when she glimpses her reflection in her bedroom mirror and where she expects to find bedhead sticking up at all angles, she finds only perfectly smooth plaits, meticulously woven and expertly banded together. 
Mikasa is not oblivious to the fact that Eren has needs, more carnal needs, it’s something she’d discovered a few months into her apprenticeship. She’d seen a pretty girl leaving his rooms as she reported, bright and early, ready to start the day. Eren hadn’t exactly been thrilled to see her, looking a little worse for wear. He’d grumpily told her to come back in an hour. 
She’d left wondering what this awful feeling in her gut was, this painful sorrow she didn’t understand. 
The feeling had only grown with every subsequent girl she saw him with, how he’d pick them up in different worlds between missions, shooing her off to her quarters and telling her not to knock on his door that night. The deep selfish part of her always wondered what he’d do if she did knock, if she claimed to have a nightmare, would he drop everything for her, push the girl out the door to tuck her into his arms instead? The only thing stopping her from testing the theory was her Jedi training, and her strict promise to herself not to get attached. 
She’s not attached already, she’s absolutely not! Well… maybe she is, just a little bit. 
And as she teeters on the edge of seventeen, a few months until her eighteenth birthday, her attachment becomes more and more apparent. She’s been with Eren for almost two years now, watching him, learning from him. She’s intimately familiar with him, his every quirk, every preference, how he likes his breakfast, how to beat him in a spar. 
It’s becoming dangerous, just how well she knows him, because she’s starting to notice things… things she has no business noticing.
Like his obsession with her hair, how he can never seem to pass up the opportunity to touch the long sleek strands, or how he fusses when she leaves it loose sometimes. He always claims it’s unacceptable for battle, too much of a liability, but Mikasa thinks he just likes to touch it, and she won’t complain. She’s grown to love it, the feeling of his hands in her hair, battle-calloused hands working at her scalp so gently, plaiting her hair with expert precision. 
Mikasa absolutely refuses to admit that she ruffles her bedhead up a little more than she should, that she enjoys how he fusses over her in the morning when it’s particularly wild. Mikasa has noticed this obsession with her hair also seems to extend to his overnight guest preferences. At first, it had pained her to see all these beautiful women slip from Eren’s quarters, long sleek dark hair, always a shade of dark brown or raven as her own, and always long and silky. Temptresses, Mikasa thought of them, beautiful women with perfect bodies, and long flowing hair, styled in a way Eren would never allow her to even think of. To leave her hair loose was to be killed in battle, and it was something her master adamantly refused, always pulled the pretty dark strands taut against the back of her head in some sort of twist. 
She tugs on her long strands self-consciously as she sips her morning tea, awaiting the exit of Eren’s visitor from last night. She’s thought about cutting the strands short, but she thinks Master would have even more of a conniption about that, and if nothing else she loves how he touches her, can’t help but finger the strands, comb his hands through the silky locks. 
Mikasa prides herself on how perfectly taken care of it is, always smelling of lavender and sage, preening when Eren notices the scent. There is the click of a door and Mikasa’s head snaps up, torn from her daydreams and she spots her, a blonde today, the golden colour more bronze, so dark it almost borders on brunette. And as they lock eyes, Mikasa’s mouth twists up in disgust, because she’s discovered another preference of her master’s, one she hadn’t been sure of, but today confirms it. 
He prefers Jedi women, to anyone else. 
She’s not sure when he picked up this proclivity, probably only in the last few months, but recently it feels like every girl she sees exiting his room she’s also seen around Jedi headquarters. 
It’s awkward, but at least they don’t linger. 
Because Jedi don’t form attachments… Thus, Mikasa cannot be forming an attachment. And there is, therefore, zero reason for her to be excited about the prospect of Eren preferring Jedi women, hopeful even. Why should she be excited about that? Why would she? She’s not attached, not at all. 
She’s also not jealous of the pretty blonde Jedi she’s seen around Jedi headquarters, that she’s seen Eren talk to more than she’d like. Mikasa does not fume silently as she watches the woman slip out of Eren’s bedroom, Jedi robes askew and with a slightly guilty look on her face. “Mikasa,” She whispers, shocked as she stands in the main lobby, a stand-off as she notices Mikasa seated at the ship’s helm, glaring miserably at Eren’s door. “Misha,” Mikasa responds coldly. 
Internally, she chastises herself, the ever-present voice of the order in her ear, urging her to call this woman ‘master’, to give her the respect she is owed. Mikasa takes a cue from Eren for once and continues to simply glare at the woman instead, the petty part of her refusing to even stand to greet her. “What are you doing up dear? I umm I hope we didn’t wake you –” “You didn’t,” Mikasa retorts, cutting her off, “But you should head out, Master and I have to leave soon.”
“Oh,” Misha mumbles, looking slightly put out, “Well could you pass along a message for me?” No, no she will not, but Misha doesn’t have to know that. “Tell him I’m around here a lot if he ever wants to…” Misha trails off and Mikasa wants to growl at her, how inappropriate the request is. The Jedi Order trained part of her kicking and screaming in her head about propriety and attachments and the fact that this is her fucking superior, asking her to proposition her own master on her behalf. But instead of saying anything, Mikasa forces a smile, just the smallest twitch of her lips, snuggling further back into her chair, “I’ll be sure to relay the message.” Misha smiles, “Thanks Mikasa, you’re a promising padawan I know you’ll do great things.” Yes, yes she will, but she doesn’t need this woman to tell her that. “Goodbye Misha,” Is Mikasa’s only response, a dismissal, and she can’t resist the cruel smile of triumph at how Misha deflates. The woman linger for another moment, glances back towards Eren’s door one more time as she leaves, looking slightly put out by the entire interaction. 
It is a small consolation to Mikasa, especially when Eren asks about her a few hours later, looking glum.  “Did you see Misha when she left this morning?”
“No,” Mikasa tells him primly, “But when we were fuelling up I saw her laughing with Master Reiner, they seem quite close.”
“Oh,” Eren replies, looking slightly put out, “I umm didn’t realize they knew each other so well.”
“Neither did I,” Mikasa comments casually, beginning to steer the ship out of the port, a responsibility Eren has finally allowed her again after the meteor incident.
“But they must be quite close,” She continues nonchalantly, “She was touching his arm, they seemed so comfortable together.”
Eren says nothing and Mikasa presses her lips together to repress her pleased smile as Eren drops down into the seat next to her, a hand slipping up to affectionately tug at her bangs, “Don’t crash the ship again please.”
She beams at him, “I’m only as good as my teacher, Master.”
“That’s it, give me the wheel, brat.”
Life is good.
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classicanalyzer · 4 months
The Acolyte - Destiny Thoughts
"Destiny is not decided for you by an anonymous Force. You get to make a choice, Osha. If you want to pull the Thread, then pull it." Mother Aniseya
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I love how the logo of the show matches the colors of a small part of the skies, especially when the Ascension was happening with the orange and light blue converging together. I do love how we get further humanization of this witch coven. However, I have a feeling we might have our view of them subverted since we see them from their POV.
Mae (her full name being Mae-Ho) was incredibly messed up as a child. With how Mae used the Force on the butterflies, as my friend said it best, those are serial killer signs (it also reminds me of Momin). I was incredibly surprised at how she thought killing her own sister would stop her from leaving. No wonder she became an Acolyte.
I like how Osha (her full name being Verosha) shows her desire to be more and explore the galaxy. It's hard for her and for anyone who is in her shoes to speak out for herself than others expect you to be. I also like the parallels to TPM Anakin which is even more apparent with no they were born with no father.
This leads to a major reveal of how Osha and Mae were conceived by the Force (or the Thread) by Mother Aniseya and Mother Koril. I hope we get to know more of the specifics behind this since the Force might not have liked this (in Legends, I believe Plagueis tried to manipulate the Midiclorians using the Force for immortality and the Force not liking being manipulated reacted back to this by creating Anakin) I do love this unique direction and exploration and I hope we get to learn more.
I really like Mother Aniseya. She was incredibly understanding towards Osha's well-being despite her preferring Osha to stay. It humanizes this group of witches despite the implications that the witches might've done something bad to warrant Jedi's caution. Since the Jedi did tolerate other Dark Side groups that weren't Sith, it makes one question what's up with this group in particular. I also like how her relationship with Mother Koril is shown. They both love each other but they clearly have different views on how to raise their children. It's also understandable of why the group doesn't want to give up their children given their trauma but they also have to respect that Osha wants to be more than a witch.
The HR Jedi are also portrayed well here. They're doing their best (understandably cautious towards the coven given the implied past of the group being not so great) and wanting to protect Force-sensitive children (the possession thing and what we know happened to Force-sensitive children). Sol continues to be one of the best Jedi of the HR Era and in general. His kindness and understanding of Osha stand out and show why Osha thinks so fondly of him. How he sympathizes with Osha about feeling scared just like her and comforts her that she isn't alone in this is great to see. You can feel the weight of his guilt when he had to tell her that none of her family survived.
The entire witch coven definitely didn't die in the fire (their bodies aren't charred). There's something much more going on and perhaps the Jedi are involved in it though I highly doubt they went out of their way to kill them if they did (I highly doubt Sol was a part of it if that's the case). Perhaps even the Sith or an Acolyte (the mysterious Dark Side user) was responsible for the explosion. However, I definitely think the fire was the first domino that led to the tragedy. Mae's irrational and disturbing behavior had inadvertently resulted in the loss of everything.
Episode 3 continues Acolyte's greatness and I hope Episode 4 continues this streak. Kogonada, a South Korean-born American, directed this episode and I can't for his work in Episode 7.
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wetsocksinbed · 7 months
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pinyeti · 4 months
Episode 1: The Phantom Menace
Man can they stop infodumping in the beginning wf is a supreme chancellor
Ik this is a prequel so its ?? the empire?
Who are these 2
Oh this is the jedi killing spree
QUEEN AMIDALA IS GORGEOUS Is this natalie portman
My god this guys rat tail is so funny i just know people thought it was the coolest thing
Its giving the shire 
Omg r2
Ooo darth isnt a name its a title 
Why is Padme also natalie portman? do all the women in this country have the same face its obvious shes the queen
huh does she split herself into different women is that it
Shut the fuck uP
This is by far the coolest star wars movie
Ugh jabba the butt
This reminds me of f1
Obiwan calling anakin a pathetic life form
Im sad, this is so heartwarming 
Ohh i get it he’s the chancellor now cuz he;s still getting power 
“Quigon sir i dont want to be a problem” proceeds to become the biggest problem ever made - is he the phantom menace?
Midiclorians - the voice in your head?
Is quigon gonna die and then obiwan trains anakin
Obiwans teenage dirtbag phaseis killing me
…why did qui gon caress obiwan’s lip oh so tenderly right before his death hello???
Haha yoda hated him and luke from the start
Padmes so pretty
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noeasyisnoisy · 7 months
js more of my thoughts, except this time i was typing as i was watching instead of after
ep 6:
the operator again EEE
WAS THAT TECH??? (it was not)
i love the animation sm. have i mentioned that i love the animation? i love the animation.
ok the guy we all think is tech does not sound like tech bc tech has a slightly more british accent than the other clones and THIS GUYS DOESNT HAVE THAT so i’m a little skeptical 
WAS THAT OMEGA WITH A TOOTHPICK???? i thought that crosshair’s toothpick was supposed to be a substitute for a cigarette WHY DOES SHE HAVE ONE THEN?? 😭
evil clone having a tracker in him is wild THIS IS WHY U DONT TAKE THE ENEMY TO UR BASE
he didn’t shoot.. ITS FUCKING TECH
hearing him speak again, it COULD be tech but idkkkkkkk
ep 7:
robotic arm? or is it some “controlled shock 😀”(yes that was a fnaf reference i’m sorry) type shit?
crosshair’s hand :((
“you’re as bad as hunter!” “oh, i’m much worse.” ILL CRY RIGHT NOW
“i’ll deal with him later” WOLFFE IS SICK AND TIRED BYE
“i’ll draw his fire, get to the rendezvous.” “i don’t like that idea-“ “too bad 🙂” PLEASE HE DIDNT HESITATE
ok so i was wrong
also can maybe-tech SHUT UP OMLLLLLLL
“you chose the wrong side 👹” FUCK OFF
i think i’m supposed to think maybe-tech is dead but i highly doubt it 
“wolffe?” “rex?” i don’t think i was supposed to cry but i did
“i am a soldier of the empire.” NO YOURE NOT
“stand down.” YAAAAAAAAAAAA
ok wait hear me out: maybe it’s cody and not tech- it’s possible but i’m still pretty solid on it being tech bc I NEED HIM
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marvelstars · 9 months
Anakin and the Force Lore
There´s a strong belief in fandom which takes for granted that Anakin was some violence inclined jock who only cared for lightsaber training without caring or getting deep into the lore of Jedi beliefs but I belive this take is wrong because canon doesn´t support this.
EP I Anakin asks Qui-Gon what a midiclorian is, how the force works, he asks Yoda what it means to be afraid and it´s interested in knowing what a chosen one is supposed to be.
In the Obi-Wan and Anakin comics he explains to Obi-Wan he sees the Jedi and the Sith as two parts or clans of the force because of their mutual origin and that they have the same problem of comunication as the people the were trying to help get along, "the open and the close" who had been fighting the same war for so many centuries that they didn´t remember why they were fighting in the first place but there was a lot of hurt for them to stop.
This may sound naive but makes sense for the jedi the sith are dead people walking with no hope of getting back to life but what the story shows us in the end is that there´s a possibility even for sith to get back if they chose to do so. The Sith are shown in some cases like Maul or Vader and even Sidious as the result of generational trauma and grooming that do evil but even them can come back.
We see Anakin talking with Padme about Jedi philosophy on EP II and actually give his own take about compassion being unconditional love which is his way of mixing his Mother guidance with Jedi beliefs.
He teaches Ahsoka the meaning of Yoda sayings and how to complement their Jedi formation with the natural worry for their men and fellow Jedi in a war. Searching to help the most people they could.
When he married Padme he knew he had to leave the Jedi Order after the war was done because they didn´t allow marriage and he wasn´t going to ask them to change this rule for his marriage and he truly wanted a life with Padme, be her husband and built a family with her.
In ROTS he wasn´t interested in the master and council post, he told Palpatine the Jedi were tired of his reforms but Palpatine imposed it on him and the Council.
What he didn´t like was the way the Council rejected him once again, showing that no matter what he did in the war for the Order or the Republic, they didn´t trust him. He tells Padmé "The Jedi Council doesn´t trust me" which is a call back to the time he was 9 and was rejected, not "The Jedi Council didnt make me a Master" his only interest in becoming a Master was getting access to the Jedi library to see if there was something there to help save Padmé.
Imo fandom listens too much to Obi-Wan´s expressions about Anakin only "thinking with his lightsaber" Obi-Wan loves Anakin but he also teased him a lot and sometimes he was also a jerk to him, Anakin was a person who honestly got into the lore of Jedi knownledge to learn their ways and understand their pov´s and even as Vader he didn´t believe the Jedi Order beliefs were wrong, he believes they betrayed their own beliefs but this doesn´t mean he doesn´t accept at least to himself, that he betrayed them.
As Vader he went so deep into the lore of the Sith he could travel in time and learned to use elemental forces as well as the link between life and death. He learned the relationship between master and apprentice and actually told Palpatine he didn´t see the need to keep the rule of Bane if that meant he had to kill him. He also developed a closer relationship with the force because he needed it to live and breathe.
No matter the side of the pendulum, Anakin simply wasn´t some brute who cared about knowing how to fight and nothing more, that´s a bad read on his character, he was very intellectually involved in matters that excited him or he felt he had a responsibility to learn.
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omorales81 · 8 months
Dang. All the feels—and gets me wondering about Shmi’s midiclorian count. 🦠🧬 #StarWars #DarthVader #AnakinSkywalker #ROTS #Prequels #ShmiSkywalker @starwars
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Dang. All the feels—and gets me wondering about Shmi’s midiclorian count. 🦠🧬 #StarWars #DarthVader #AnakinSkywalker #ROTS #Prequels #ShmiSkywalker @starwars
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deewithani · 7 months
So I had an idea after yesterday's episodes, regarding what it means to be "unaltered" and why Omega is so important.
Nala Se knew, without testing, what would be found with Omega's blood.
Rewind to Season 2, when she was talking with Lama Su. Notice they're talking about Jango's original genetic material and creating a "superior" clone. Also note that Nala Se says she needs a "direct source".
They're not talking about Gen 1 clones, they likely still have several Gen 1 clones that they could access. They're specifically talking about Jango and the unaltered clones, Boba and Omega.
They're special specifically because they're unaltered.
But unaltered is special because I believe they discovered Jango himself was special.
It wasn't ever necessary for her to test Omega's blood. She knew exactly what they would find because they tested Jango.
And if Jango wasn't special himself then there was no need to mention that his original genetic material was degrading.
I suspect that the Kaminoans already knew that it was possible to clone people with high midiclorian counts, you just did it like any other cloning. The test for them was removing high midiclorian counts from the resulting clones.
The next problem is "degraded genetic material". They couldn't use Jango's anymore. The problem is degradation. You know who else is probably actively degrading since being crispy fried by Mace Windu?
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This could also be because he's getting old as balls too, but it still stands.
We don't see who is in the clone tanks on Tantiss, but I've seen a couple of different theories. Whether it's dead Jedi or Palpatine clones, it doesn't really matter. What matters is that whatever or whoever it is, is degrading, and they're trying to find a suitable genetic host to allow those degraded midichlorians to grow and replicate.
(Personally I think it's Palpatine clones, since dead Jedi are shown in both 'Rebels' and 'Obi-Wan Kenobi'.)
And what about Boba? How does he end up working for the Empire so long but no one tried to come after him for his DNA? This is a fairly easy loophole, tbh. The only ones who really knew that he was a clone were the Kaminoans, the Jedi, and the othet clones, and how many of them knew he was unaltered, and if none of them said anything then how would the Empire ever know he was anything other than a natural born son of Jango?
And would Vader even know that Palpatine was looking for an unaltered clone of Jango? Could just be a case of the right hand not knowing what the left hand was up to.
My big question now is what made them so special. It's not like Palpatine didn't have access to living people with the Force. I think that there is 2 different issues at play. The first is degradation, but the second is the dark side itself. Midichlorians from a degraded sample won't replicate in a dark side host. The Force is living, after all. I think there is some sentience here that the Empire is trying to fool.
If they could have used Inquisitors to do this, then they would have.
This is also why there were attempts to abduct force sensitive children in TCW and in Rebels. This is also why they're desperate to get Grogu in The Mandalorian.
Notice that they're all children. Too young to be tainted by the dark side and evil.
And there you have it. Omega is force sensitive, but so is Boba, and so was Jango.
It also means that probably every clone could have been force sensitive, and that it is genetic (I argued that on a previous post), but removing force sensitivity was part of their modification and was knowingly held back by Kamino until they thought that a "superior" clone was needed.
Also, Glitch is correct.
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midiclorians are like so dumb. How come everyone can't just use the force?
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You think that Palpatine had tried to kill Anakin if he Will not accept to join the dark side
That´s a great question.
In the movies I think he was 100 % sure Anakin will not refuse joining him. However if that wasn´t the case, I don´t think he would have killed him. He was too valuable. His midiclorian count was too good to throw it away.
So I would imagine he would have defeated Anakin and make him his prisioner. Assuming Padmé fled with Obi wan and both are in hiding. Palps would have extracted some Anakin reproductive cells and used them to get some random slaves or whatever pregnant with them.
He would have fertilized several women just to obtain the best possible offspring. The discarded ones would probably end up as inquisitors.
Meanwhile He would have contacted Maul, and rehired him as an apprentice/ part time baby sitter until the chosen baby was old enough to kick ass.
Of course he would indulge every now and then in some Anakin touching.
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sunlightandsuffering · 11 months
Also for the pple who ARE wondering about Jedi AU!!!
I started it! It's very cute, I will give u the intro lol!!! I would love to see it, see the light of day!! :D :D
Mikasa comes to Eren at sixteen, prim and shy, but ever eager to please. Eren is twenty-one and he is not at all impressed with the assignment. 
Everyone else heralds it as an honour, what a big achievement to have your own padawan learner when he’s barely an adult himself. 
Eren on the other hand sees the ‘honour’ for what it really is: babysitting. And not just for him, but for Mikasa as well.
Because his own master had been drawn away on other assignments, missions that Eren couldn’t go on. And the Jedi Order couldn’t have their most rebellious young master running around the galaxy unsupervised. So, they’d given him Mikasa and said here, teach her. They’d successfully saddled him with more responsibility than he’d ever wanted and effectively knee-capped him from doing anything too crazy… Not that the things he did were ever really that crazy, they just weren’t so perfectly in line with the Jedi Order’s world philosophy. She’d stepped off the ship in a blaze of barely contained excitement, he could tell, even as quiet as she was that she was practically bursting with energy, but she’d been raised by the order, so what could he really expect? Orphaned at a young age and found miraculously on the burning remains of her planet, Mikasa had been taken in by a wandering Jedi and raised at the temple. 
For all intents and purposes, she was the perfect specimen, everything a Jedi should be and so not who Eren had wanted to teach. 
She’d looked up at him dutifully, waiting to be spoken to, eager to receive orders and Eren knew immediately she was going to be a problem. They were so diametrically opposed it was laughable, and he thinks the Order probably is laughing at him, payback for causing them so much trouble over the years. Eren sighs, reaching his hand out for a shake, “I’m Eren Yeager, I’ll be your new Master.” “I’m Mikasa,” she tells him sweetly, finally letting a small smile overtake her lips, “I look forward to working with you.” Oh, this was going to be a struggle of epic proportions, he can already tell.
The longer Eren spends with Mikasa, the more sure he is that the Jedi Temple moulded her to be everything he isn’t, to be his worst nightmare personified. 
Because that’s exactly what she is. 
“Well, Master I think we should follow Jedi protocol and it says to call –” “Mikasa,” He tells her warningly and she shuts up, her mouth pursing shut, she’s used to it at this point. 
This is how 90 percent of their discussions go these days. “The other masters will be mad,” she sing songs as Eren drags a dead droid away from the wreckage of the ship he’s trying to access. 
Eren sends her an unimpressed glare over his shoulder, grunting as he hefts the droid out of the way, “Yeah, well the Jedi Order can stuff it, there’s a lot of things they get mad at me about.” “Why do you insist on doing everything incorrectly? Maybe if you did things the right way like I tell you to, then you wouldn’t get in so much trouble.” “Who’s the Master here, Mikasa?” She shuts up again, huffing in irritation and Eren has to remind himself it’s him, he’s literally the master here, their very small age gap and her immense knowledge of Jedi principles blurs the line sometimes. He’s only five years older, sometimes it’s a little hard to boss her around so much, especially when to top it all off she’s almost as good of a fighter as him. He curses away to himself as he steps into the abandoned ship, because of course, he had to be paired with the most gifted Jedi of the new generation, topping even him in her midiclorian count and with the uncanny natural ability to simply kick ass. Her fighting skills are amazing, almost on par with his own, her only fatal flaw is perhaps that she’s such a rule follower. It blinds her in other aspects, makes her too trusting, too sweet. 
Something that could one day get her killed. Eren looks back sharply at the thought, his pain-in-the-ass little padawan nowhere to be found, standing guard until she’s given another order, proving his point. Eren sighs, “Mikasa get over here brat.” He hears her make a little noise of affront at being called a brat, she gets all cute when she’s huffy, like an angry kitten, and then there are footsteps as she enters the ship. She’s hurrying so fast she runs right into him and Eren grunts as her little body collides with his at full speed, but he’s quick to steady her, firmly grasping her shoulders. 
“Mika,” he chides softly, “Be careful okay, and remember to follow me okay, what if there were still enemies out there, what if something happened to you?” There’s a pretty blush staining her cheeks, but still, she protests, “I can take care of myself!” Eren quirks an eyebrow up at her, his hands rubbing softly up and down her biceps, “And what did I say about that?” Her cheeks puff up as she repeats his words back to him, “I can’t say that until I can beat you in a spar three times in a row.” “And have you?” He questions, because yeah, sometimes being her Master is a little bit fun. “No,” she grumbles out in irritation and he smirks, giving her a playful love tap to her cheek before letting her go and she gasps in response, “Eren!” 
“Master,” he corrects easily, already slipping further into the ship to investigate and now he’s really pissed her off, her usually sweet, quiet presence raging behind him. She’s stomping around the ship, showcasing her rage at being spoken down to, and Eren can’t help his smile as he inspects the engine controls, trying to grasp what exactly went wrong here. He hears something fall but doesn’t look back, engrossed in attempting to revive part of the ship, maybe he can find an old flight path if he gets it going. 
His fingers fiddle with buttons and wires, all the while Mikasa seems to be making a lot of noise behind him, a lot more noise than he thinks he’s ever heard her make before. Mikasa really is the perfect padawan, or well she probably would be for any other Jedi, intelligent, kind, brilliant fighting skills, quick on her feet, all qualities necessary in a great Jedi. 
Eren would have preferred someone more flawed, an orphan with maybe a bit more emotional damage he could counsel, someone more similar to him. Not quite such a rule follower, someone who he could really bond with, who might look up to him. 
Mikasa isn’t any of those things. Except for right now it seems as Eren turns around finally after something else goes crashing to the ground. His padawan is glaring at him from where she’d very obviously knocked something over, sweet, docile Mikasa who never allows her emotions to get the better of her is evidently, very displeased with him. 
And most interestingly, demanding his attention, even more as she stares him down, those quicksilver eyes raging, purposefully knocking something else right off the shelf next to her. She’s exactly like a cat, a displeased little creature that gets what it wants. Eren can barely repress his smile, maybe there’s still hope for him yet, some fire in those pretty silver eyes of hers. 
He’s almost giddy at the thought because maybe she’s not a completely lost cause, maybe he can still corrupt her just a little, mould her into being a truly great Jedi instead of a standard foot soldier, someone who thinks for themselves, assesses the situation and decides the next course of action instead of consulting the damn Jedi temple on everything. “Miki,” Eren hums and she perks right up at the name, it’s one she favours and something he doesn’t call her often, reserves it for special circumstances. “Are you mad at me?” “What gave you that idea?” “Miki,” he chides, beckoning her forwards and she stomps towards him angrily. 
She stops just before him, glaring up at his tall frame, evergreen locked with silver and Eren smiles, full and genuine at the cute little expression of rage on her face, eyebrows knit together in irritation. “Tell me what’s wrong?” “Master, you always dismiss me! And you rarely let me fight, even though I can. At the temple I was the best, I beat all the other kids, and I- I was so excited when I found out I’d be training under you, but you never let me show off, never let me fight.” She deflates towards the end of her monologue and Eren hums in acknowledgement, “It’s not because I don’t trust you Mikasa, I’d just rather watch you fight in more controlled environments first. It’s only been a few months, I don’t want to throw you head first into battle.” “But-” He tuts her, his hand slipping up into the tangles of her hair, pushing her bangs back behind her ears, he’s always had a fascination with that sleek pretty black hair of hers, how soft it is, how it feels under his fingertips, “Don’t worry I’m going to let you fight Mikasa, but once you can beat me three times in a row, which I know you will do.” He gives a soft little yank at one of the dark strands of her hair, “You’re a great fighter Mikasa, brilliant, especially with your lightsaber, but you fight predictably. Just like the Order teaches, the same spar you’ve done a hundred times. That’s not how real enemies fight, that’s not how I fight.” Eren smirks, his hand combing out her hair now, something Mikasa leans into, has always enjoyed the rare time he shows her affection.
“I fight dirty, and I always win. There’s a reason I’m so revered at the temple, that my missions are always successes, albeit with perhaps more damage than I’d usually like. It’s because my methods differ from the Jedi temple, and I think that’s something you need.” 
“Oh,” she murmurs softly, eyes now shut, like a cat, as he continues to finger his hands through her hair, his other one slipping up to join in the soft thick strands. She makes a little noise of contentment as he gathers the thick dark mop of her hair in his hands, leaning in as he styles it into a makeshift bun, using his own hair elastic to fasten it at the base of her head. He presses a soft kiss to her temple as he finishes, affection she’s never had, that Eren can’t help but give, something the Jedi Order frowns upon but Mikasa needs more than anything, such a touch-starved child. 
His hands skim down now, settling over her shoulders, “Do you understand now? It’s not because I don’t trust you, it’s because we’re already training Mikasa, and if I have my way you’ll be the best Jedi the order has ever seen.” “Even better than you?” She breathes curiously, her eyes soft and warm now, pliant, heather grey. He chuckles, “Of course, you’re my padawan after all, you’ll have to be better than me.” Mikasa smiles, such a full and beautiful smile, so bright he almost has to look away, “I have to train all those bad Jedi habits out of you though, I think they sent me the worst recruit they could find.” At this, she smacks him and Eren cackles, pinching her side. 
“At least I know how to cook.” Eren guffaws, “Barely!” “I’m better than you!” “Not by much.”
Sometimes, Mikasa wonders how Eren ever thought she wouldn’t fall in love with him. 
Force, how the Jedi Order had thought she wouldn’t fall in love with him? It’s like they were hoping for it. Even when she was little, she could remember hearing about the trouble-making padawan that no matter how he went against the Jedi temple rules, never had an unsuccessful mission. She had been enamoured, who was this boy, this legend in the making? And then as she’d gotten older, moved up the ranks herself, set to become a padawan, she’d seen him in action and she’d been star-struck. Only once in battle before she’d been ushered away to safety, only a glimpse, but the way his hair had stuck to his forehead, slick with sweat, blood spattering his tunic, forearms pulled taut as he held his light-saber. He’d looked like a vengeful God, and for reasons unknown to her, she hadn’t been able to get him out of her head ever since. He’d appear in her dreams, always standing over her, shirtless, saving her life, the lines of his back cut like there should be wings there. 
She’d seen him only once more before she’d become his padawan and it had only elevated him further in her mind, up high on that pedestal she could never reach, never even hope to touch. He’d been in the middle of the council, and she’d been sneakily walking by only to hear the voices of the council. And Mikasa, ever the dutiful student, hadn’t been able to help her curiosity. What she saw had been the dressing down of a lifetime as Eren stood in the middle of the council, being utterly ripped apart for his most recent mission. She’d been nodding her head along, agreeing, until Eren had finally defended himself, speaking of all the lives he’d saved. 
That had shut them up rather promptly and Eren had been smirking when she’d finally disappeared down the hall, her heart beating with far more than just the adrenaline of listening in on a top secret meeting. 
Because Eren had looked particularly handsome that day, his hair windswept against his cheeks, the long cloak the Jedi typically wore conspicuously absent to display lean muscle instead. 
And now, at sixteen, the peak age for puberty, when hormones are running high, especially in battle, the Jedi Order had thought it was a great idea to pair her off with a handsome rebellious twenty-one-year-old? It was cruel, to be honest. Everyone else she knew had older men with beards for masters, shrivelled up and half dead. And here she was with probably the best-looking boy she’d ever seen in her life, and he was around her all the time. Mikasa knew she would be a good Jedi, it was what she was born and raised for after all, she’d spent countless hours sparring, mastering her use of the force, everything to be the best she could possibly be. But lately, she finds what is thwarting her the most is the whole ‘no attachment’ part of being a Jedi. 
Because it’s becoming really hard for her not to get attached. 
Eren steps out of the bathroom, clad in only a towel, his other hand occupied in drying his long hair, water dripping down the divots of his abs. Her mouth suddenly feels very dry and he sends her a wink as she eats her soup. Yeah, it’s becoming really, really hard for her not to get attached. He disappears down the hall to his quarters and Mikasa spends ten minutes fanning herself, chanting the Jedi Code over and over again. 
No attachment, absolutely none, not allowed!
But really in hindsight how did they expect her not to fall in love? 
Eren is passionate, almost to a fault, and since she’s joined him on his missions as his padawan she’s realized that he’s particularly passionate about her safety. 
In a way, it’s kind of flattering, and in other ways, it makes her heart almost beat out of chest. 
He’s always saving her, even when she doesn’t need saving, he’s always there. And afterwards, he’s scolding her for ever being in danger in the first place, as if it isn’t part of both of their jobs. 
But it’s afterwards, that’s the part she adores the most, after the lecture and the yelling when he’s tucking her into his chest and whispering into her hair how much she scared him, that she shouldn’t go out and be so reckless. To which she always replies cheekily, “Isn’t that what you trained me to do?” He always pinches her side for that particular comment but it never gets old, being wrapped in the warmth and safety of his arms, it feels like coming home, like safety in a way the Jedi temple never has. 
“Mikasa,” Eren chastises her from the head of the ship where he’s piloting them off towards some faraway planet for their next mission, ready to shoot them into hyperdrive, “What are you doing?” He can tell she’s up to no good just by the sound of her footsteps, how she tries to soften them just slightly, her breathing clipped as she tries not to let him hear her. He spins in his chair to find her slipping out of his room and he quirks an eyebrow curiously, repeating his question, “What are you doing?” She winces as she’s found out, slumping in place. She’s cute, adorably messy all dolled up in her pyjamas, hair tucked up behind her in a messy bun that he aches to pull into a proper one. Always her damn hair. 
“I had a nightmare,” she murmurs, “I was gonna go sleep in your bed.” “C’mere,” he beckons her, his hands just itching to properly tie up that silky hair of hers and almost as soon as she’s within reach he’s dragging her to his lap, turning her around. She shuts her eyes blissfully as she leans back into him, her head tilted against his shoulder as he massages her scalp, gathering the sleek strands into a soft bun at the base of her skull, one that won’t come out so easily like hers did. “What was the nightmare about?” He murmurs as he ties it up with her pretty red ribbon. “Losing my parents.” She doesn’t miss a beat, and Eren sighs as he turns her in his lap, her hair now secured properly. “Are you scared?” She shakes her head, grey eyes tearing up, “I just miss them.” And before she can stop herself the tears are rushing down her cheeks in hot streaks, more than Eren is equipped to deal with. He sighs, rough hands coming up to wipe at her tears tenderly, “I’m not going to bed anytime soon I have to pilot us to the next planet, but why don’t you sit with me? You can keep me company.” “Okay,” she murmurs through her tears and Eren settles her in the chair next to him, piling her up high with a soft fuzzy blanket as he tucks her into the large swivel chair. “Better?” He asks and she nods, wiping the rest of her tears into the blanket and Eren smiles, his hand finding her knee to lovingly stroke, “You’ve got me now, I’m here and I’ll never leave you.” “What about,” she sniffles slightly, “What about when I become a master in my own right?” Eren chuckles, “We’ve got a few more years but even then I think I’ll keep you around Miki, you’re not so bad.” She smiles through her tears, resting her head on her knees as she looks at him, “Would you have stayed with your master if you could?” 
Eren shrugs, his hand still resting on her knee comfortingly, and Mikasa shivers as he strokes over sensitive skin not covered by her blanket, his hands so big and warm.  “Probably if I could have, but you know the council wanted me doing my own thing, cause less chaos that way, you know how it is.”
It’s quiet for a moment and Eren smiles at her softly, squeezing her knee, “But I’m happy how things turned out, I got you instead and that’s not bad at all.”
Her breath hitches and she feels like she can’t breathe, her eyes drawn towards his lips and the chiselled cut of his jaw, so brutally beautiful, the harsh angles of his face contrasted with the soft length of his eyelashes, those brilliant green eyes.
He’s stunning, and she just wants to lean across the controls and kiss him, has to grip the arms of her chair just to stop herself.
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