#might as well not fall asleep again and just go do daily stuff
sirthisisa-wendys · 1 year
The way I am EATING up your “Hand Her Over” series ahdkdjaklsdj 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 your Ran parts are so SO spot on, exactly how I envision him dealing with it, we need moreeeeee!!!! (please🥺)
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Hand Her Over I (Part 6): Ran Haitani x Fem!Reader
wc: 1.7k
tw: lots of fluff
Hand Her Over Megapost
It's quiet.
Ran awakens right before dawn, his arms around your body and his face nuzzles your neck. With a deep inhale, he takes in your sweet scent before gently disentangling himself from you.
It's difficult - undoing himself from his protective posture - but somehow, he's able to do it without waking you. You don't even stir, and Ran's feet press against the carpet gently. It isn't until he's unfolded himself and crept into the bathroom that he realizes...
She slept through the night.
The realization doesn't blow him away at first, but then, as he stands in front of the mirror, he feels his entire body un-tense. By some miracle, the weight that used to sag on his shoulders day in and day out has lightened a bit.
Ran racks his brain for any memory of what he did last night before you went to bed. You both read a novel you'd picked out, creating a sort of book club for two. He'd massaged your feet as you told him about your day, and then put on the white noise you love so much as you fell asleep in his embrace. Nothing out of the usual was done. He'd even ordered takeout for dinner, nothing special.
So, maybe... just maybe...
Ran doesn't let his hope bloom too quickly, though. His hands turn the knobs of the tub's faucet, and water trickles out before becoming a more substantial - but quiet - stream. Making a bath for you is a treasured ritual, one that has given Ran a very easy start to the morning.
In a few minutes, the white noise would fade away, and you'd awaken before joining him in the bathroom. You'd give him sleepy kisses and whisper your daily greetings, and he'd repeat them back to you as he helped you out of your clothing.
He remembers the hurried mornings when he was in Bonten; the mornings that were filled with hisses of stubbed toes, stumbling into the kitchen to find something to eat, the urges to leave without kissing you goodbye so he could make it to the never-ending slew of meetings...
But now, he doesn't have to do that anymore. And he's fucking glad.
Your grunts and moans tear Ran away from his thoughts, and he peers at you, stretching and grumbling and perfect. But you're still sleepy. He can see it in the way your head aches to lay back on the pillow, in the way your eyes are still closed and praying for a few more minutes of rest.
"Good morning," Ran murmurs and you turn to him, eyes still closed. "Did you sleep well?"
"I slept so good," you croak, and Ran grins lazily. "Want some more sleep, though."
"I can stop the bath," he offers, then turns to shut the faucet off. That never really mattered anyway. Ran joins you in the bed, letting your head rest on his crease of his elbow. "You slept straight through the night," he notes, and you open your eyes, shocked.
"You're lying."
"Not," he replies, tapping your nose with one finger. "You didn't even wake up when I got out of the bed." Ran can see the hope blooming behind your own eyes, and he tries with all of his might to stuff his back down. This could just be a fluke. You might go back to the crying fits tonight, and then, he'd be right back at square one. Still devastated.
"You think," you begin, but it's cut off by a long yawn. "You think we can go to the bakery downtown for breakfast?"
"Of course," Ran whispers, kissing your forehead and pulling you close. "Whatever you want." You hum and fall back asleep, your hands bunched up in Ran's shirt.
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"You should grow your hair back out." Ran stops mid-bite.
"Your hair," you murmur, pointing your fork at his head. "You should grow it out again." Ran chuckles, trying not to think about himself with long purple hair.
"And have a purple, long-haired husband?" He shakes his head gently, Rindou's hair flashing in his mind. They only had a similar haircut one time for a reason. "I don't think so."
"You don't have to dye it again," you add, shrugging. "Could grow your roots out and cut it like you have it now." When you shrug again, Ran watches the straps of the sundress slide around on your shoulders. And he can't help but think - mid-conversation, no less - how beautiful you'd look if they inched down a little, and--
"Would you two like anything else?" Ran's gaze moves to the waiter, and he looks between the two of you.
"Can I have another strawberry smoothie?" you ask, and the waiter nods before looking at Ran.
"I'm alright, thanks." Once the waiter is gone, Ran looks back over to you, and he watches the way your red lips curl around the straw. It's not sexual in any way but Ran can't help but think about how lucky he is.
"Have I told you lately that I love you?" You look up at Ran in surprise, and your face brightens immediately. And it takes his fucking breath away.
"You tell me all the time, my love," you reply sweetly. "Why? Are you forgetting that you love me?" You're teasing, but Ran's heart still skips a beat.
"No," he breathes, taking your hand in his. "I'm just making sure I tell you often." He kisses your fingers, noting that they're a little cold, then he warms them up with his own fingers. You smile even more.
"Can I tell you something?" you whisper, a mischievous look in your eyes.
"I love secrets," Ran jokes, leaning forward. You lean forward and Ran expects you to whisper something scandalous, but you kiss his lips instead. The waiter comes by right at that moment, but if he hadn't, Ran would have said something absolutely scandalous.
He's still considering it as you both walk out of the bakery hand in hand. "You know what," he begins, looking at the colorful window display in a boutique shop. "We could make a few stops on the way home..."
"Yeah?" You follow his gaze, and smirk. "Shopping?"
Ran's devious plan comes together in the dressing room of the boutique, his hands roaming up your thighs in an exaggerated way. The garters brush against his fingers and he shivers, delighting in this image of you.
“This reminds me of better times.”
“Does it?” You look down at him, and he chuckles, taking in your lusty expression.
"Why don't you do this..." Ran takes his credit card and slips it between the lace of the belt. "Buy this one. Then buy another one that makes you happy. I'll be waiting outside for you."
Goosebumps follow the brush of his fingers across the tender flesh of your ass, and Ran leaves the store, a twinge of excitement settling in his stomach. You emerge minutes later, holding your items with pride.
"Did you get what you wanted?"
"Of course," you answer, kissing his cheek and slipping his card into his pocket. "Would you like to see it?"
"Do I like to breathe?" Ran jokes, and you take his hand, lacing your warm fingers through his.
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"My hair's still wet," Ran answers when you call his name.
"I need you," you call out, and Ran tosses a towel over his head, rubbing it back and forth hurriedly as he leaves the bathroom.
"Coming," he replies, stepping into the dimly lit room and expecting something other than what he's met with. "B-babe?" You're lying in the bed, covered in a blush pink lingerie set Ran's never seen before. It must've been the one you bought when he wasn't in the store, but flashes of your wedding night come back in quick bursts.
"I thought you'd like this since..." You run your hands up the garment and smile coyly. "It might remind you of 'better times'." Ran's towel drops from his head and lands on the floor behind him. "You looked just like that, too. All awed and..." You point a swirling finger at Ran's body. "Aroused." His eyes look down at the towel around his waist, and of course, there's an indication of his enjoyment of the moment. You crook a finger at him and whisper,
"Come and get it; if you dare." Ran's hesitation lasts for longer than it should have. When he doesn't make a hasty path toward you, he knows he has to ask. He knows he has to make sure.
"I..." He pulls himself together, and his brows furrow. "We can take things slow."
"Never said we couldn't," you murmur back, propping your head up on an open hand.
"I don't want to hurt you."
"Never said you would." God, Ran feels so childish saying these things; he knows you know he loves you and wouldn't dare hurt you, but... The breath catches in Ran's throat, and he's unsure of what to say. And for all of the tears he's shed in private, he's not sure why he's crying. Everything's better now, right?
"Oh," you coo, watching Ran tear up and scrub at his face furiously. Ran hears you get up from the bed and feels your hands wrapping around his wrists, leading him toward the comfortable sheets and pillows. When his cheek rests against your skin, Ran can't contain himself. Crying is not his thing, but when he feels you, touches you, and remembers all of the years he's spent by your side, he's overwhelmed.
"I'm... sorry," he hiccups, tucking his face into your body in shame. "I shouldn't be crying."
"That's bullshit," you whisper, stroking his hair lovingly like his mother used to. "Cry whenever you feel like it." Ran doesn't add how he's felt the overpowering need to be strong for you always, but he senses that you understand and you love him despite it.
He finds himself curling into your embrace and lulling himself into a night of sleep he's unable to fight. It's warm, it's comfortable, almost exactly like your wedding night when you both collapsed in the bed, utterly exhausted... but full of joy.
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fallenangelics · 2 months
On The Edge of His Seat
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PAIRING | Angel Dust/Husk
SUMMARY | Things between Angel and Husk have been going slow but steady. It wasn't what Angel was used to but he couldn't say he was upset by it. So when some of his hornier tendencies start to take over he may be a tad bit worried it might ruin things.
RATING | Mature
WARNING/TAG(S) | No Archive Warnings Apply, Established Relationship, Movie Night, Fat Nuggets
A/N | @rubra-wav created the beautiful banner below so go check out their content since they have some amazing stuff.
EVENTS | @eclipsingbingo | Pining | @kinky-things-happen | Accidental Stimulation | @fandombingo | Aroused By A Massage | @fandom-free-bingo | "Well, That Was..." "Yeah" | @multifandom-flash | Stopped Dead In Their Tracks | You Must Be Cold
AO3 LINK | Read Here
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Only recently had Angel Dust and Husk moved to a more physical relationship. Being physically intimate in a non-sexual way was a new learning experience for Angel, though he couldn’t say he wasn’t enjoying it. 
Every morning he woke up to a cat-owl-hybrid wrapped protective around his back, wings splayed out and acting as a second blanket as he had Fat Nuggets occasionally tucked into his own arms. Sometimes Fat Nuggets chose to stay in his own bed so Angel would find his head resting under Husk’s chin and fingers buried in his fur. Groggy, morning-breath kisses were shared in greetings before one of them would have to pull the other away from the bed so they didn’t fall back asleep. 
Throughout the day Angel would be able to steal small moments with Husk when no one was looking. Already spending as much time at the bar as he did, it wasn’t like much of his daily routine had to change to spend more time with Husk, only the amount of affection Husk chose to share varied. Some days he would act as if they weren’t dating, trying to stay professional in case Alastor came barging in, others he couldn’t care less and would practically spend every second ogling Angel. 
When Angel would have to leave for work, Husk would stay up waiting for the spider to return. If Angel wanted to sit and talk for a few hours, Husk didn’t mind staying up a little longer and making a few drinks, but if Angel wanted to turn in for the night, Husk would take him up to bed like he would any other night, the two of them eventually tucking themselves in after their respective routines before laying close and waiting for it all to happen again. 
To say Angel was content would be an understatement. Every day he was filled with overflowing love for the bartender. He couldn’t bring himself to care for the lack of sexual intimacy, he experienced it enough every day at work to not have a raging libido whenever he got back to the hotel no matter how much he joked about it. That and the fact he didn’t want to ruin what he had with Husk. If staying with him meant taking it slow then that was exactly what Angel would do. 
But if that was what Husk wanted to do, he was left to the current predicament that he had gotten himself into. 
Sat originally lounged across the couch, his legs splayed over Husk’s lap. The rest of the hotel’s residents were taking up other pieces of furniture, minus Alastor, watching a movie on the television. Any attention that Angel had been paying towards the movie was lost once Husk had begun trailing his sharp nails along Angel’s legs. 
It didn’t stop there though as Husk’s fingers reached higher and higher, eventually deciding to drag Angel closer so he sat snug against Husk’s side. His tail very quickly then coiled its way around Angel after that, the feather tip wrapping around his midsection and hovering just over his legs. 
Every few moments, Husk’s tail would twitch, the feathers lightly brushing against the tight black shorts that he normally adorned. Though the movement was light, almost nonexistent, Angel could feel every brush of it. It seemed his mind and body zeroed in on the action, not being able to pay attention to anything else as the sensation repeated every few moments whenever Husk’s tail would twitch. 
What was worse was that Husk seemed to have no idea what he was doing. His attention was utterly focused on the movie in front of them, all of the twitches and brushes of his tail being in direct correlation to the reactions he was having while he was watching. 
It was infuriating, and almost intoxicating, as the heat spread throughout his body, being rendered to do nothing and show real constraint so as to not act on any desires to firstly not bring any attention to what Husk was unawarely doing, and secondly, not gross everyone else in the room out since his stomach should definitely not be tying itself into knots due to the heat that was spreading through him. 
With every second that passed by, Angel could feel himself slowly growing hard. How Husk didn’t realise it was beyond him, but he wasn’t about to point it out before he had the chance to sort it out. Angel tried willing it to calm down but it seemed Husk’s tail had a mind of its own and decided that Angel wasn’t going to get a break, edging him unconsciously.
Even as the movie came to an end, Angel had no clue, instead staring intently at the ground as he tried to keep his breathing even. A few times it had spiked into soft gasps, earning a few flicks of Husk’s ears as they pivoted to face him, not yet turning his head in case it was just a false alarm. 
As people began to file out, Angel muttering his good nights when they were due, he could only hope that Husk didn’t plan on sitting and chatting with him for too long. Though it was something that they did every night, making its way into their routine at this point, Angel couldn’t help but wish to be released from Husk’s gentle hold so he could take care of himself in the bathroom.
“Well Husky,” Angel feigned a large yawn, arching his back as he stretched himself out, trying to move Husk’s tail away while also folding his legs over one another to hide himself. With a soft smile, Husk kept his eyes fastened on Angel, running his hands soothingly over him continuously. “I might turn in as well. I think that movie bored me to my second death.”
“Are you sure? Do you want me to make you a drink to take up?” Husk asked, shifting with Angel. The slight movement resulted in Angel’s legs bunching together, a shiver raking through his body as his nerves were lit and light stimulation was sent through his body. Furrowing his bushy brows at Angel’s reaction, Husk asked, “Are you cold?”
“Nah- I’m good,” Angel stuttered out, trying to compose himself as he sat up fully. He tried sitting up properly when Husk’s knee shifted up, connecting directly with his clothed dick and sending a shockwave of pleasure through him. A breathy moan tumbled its way out of Angel’s lips before he could stop himself, putting a stop to any further movements as Husk’s head bolted towards him.
Freezing himself, Angel stared with wide eyes. All he could do was sit still as Husk’s eyes slowly trailed down to where he had been attempting to hide his growing erection. Preparing himself to be ridiculed or see Husk’s disgusted face, he was pleasantly surprised when he instead felt Husk’s hand reaching for his, running a soothing finger over it. 
“Well, that was…” Husk tried to formulate the words.
“Yeah,” Angel himself didn’t even know what to say in this situation. If it had been anyone else he would’ve taken it in stride and asked them back to his room, but after the slow pace he and Husk had been setting, he didn’t know what to do with himself.
“Let’s go up?” Husk then said, keeping his hand in Angel’s as he stood. Unlike what Angel had thought, there wasn’t an ounce of hatred on Husk’s face.
“What?” He blurted out, eyes still bug-wide. “You’re not disgusted?”
“Why would I be?” Husk seemed genuinely beyond himself as he asked the question, as if finding out your boyfriend had a boner just because he was sitting next to you with your tail slightly brushing up against him wasn’t an unusual occurrence. “We can take care of it upstairs.”
“We?” The words were breathless, just like his earlier moan, as Angel was pulled to his feet by Husk.
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thewitcheress2389 · 1 year
Could you write a story where the reader's whole body aches, but reader keeps it secret from Geralt? I personally have a health issue so I've terrible pains especially in the mornings...
I'm sorry to hear that! I hope you enjoy this story then!💖
And sorry for the long wait...I've been feeling down for a while and going through some stuff, so sorry if things ever take a while. I have other stories on other blogs I'm still sorting through as well, but I'm posting this now cause I feel bad. Stay lovely everyone, and I hope you feeling happy and having good times!💖
Body Aches
In hopes to not worry the witcher, you try to keep your body pain to yourself. But you forget that a witcher has such keen senses.
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You woke up the same way every day, with painful aches all over your body. There was no reason that you could entirely pinpoint that would explain it. You've done nothing taxing to make your body do this. It was just something that has become a part of your daily routine.
But you kept it to yourself.
Geralt stayed with you. Your house was a sanctuary that he could come to rest and heal, and because of that, you didn't want to worry him with any health issues that you had. The witcher had enough to deal with when it came to beasts and demons, and you saw how he was when he came back. Tired.
He didn't need to worry about you, especially when your demon couldn't be hunted down and killed.
But no matter how hard you try, keeping it secret wasn't exactly an option.
You woke up that morning, trying your best to not wake Geralt, who was asleep beside you. Your whole body ached to the point that moving even a bit caused you to whimper in pain. In truth, you were quiet enough that you figured that no one would be able to hear you, and you could keep this a secret for a while longer.
However, Geralt was a witcher.
"Alright. I've had it. What's wrong?" Geralt's voice caused you to scream and nearly fall off the bed, making more pain shoot through your body.
Turning around, you noticed that it looked like he just woke up. White hair disheveled, sweat from whatever nightmare or hot dream he had, and he was still shirtless. However, his eyes were clear, like he had been awake for hours.
"W-What do you mean?" You tried to play it cool, keeping your muscles as still as they could possibly be. But it was hard, and Geralt saw right through you.
"For hours now you've been shuffling around, uncomfortable. I could hear you whimpering. And it wasn't just this morning either." Geralt said and you wanted to go and hide yourself in a hole. He's known, and it's been for days.
You forgot about a witcher's super human hearing. You blushed in shame.
"So, I ask you again...what's wrong?" Geralt pressed further, sitting up more to look at you. You played with your hands a bit before sighing.
"It's just...my body aches randomly. I don't know why or how or what to do about it." You confessed, tucking some hair behind your ear. Geralt nodded to himself, remaining calm.
"Why not tell me?" He asked. It was a fair enough question, and you figured you had a fair enough answer. However, with the way his cat-eyes were boring into you, you thought otherwise.
"I didn't want to worry or burden you...you have enough going on." You told him and he fought the urge to tell you otherwise because your feelings were valid. But still, you shouldn't need to keep secrets like this.
"I was going to worry either way, but now that it's out in the open, I can help." Geralt said, moving the subject along so you don't dwell on any guilt or other feelings you might have in this situation.
You gave him a perplexed look.
"No offense Geralt, but you aren't exactly Mister Healing Hands. There's nothing that can be done." You said in defeat, knowing this is exactly what would happen. He would find out and want to help, but there is none. No healer could make it go away, so why could he.
"I can't, but perhaps Triss or Yen can." He offered the assistance of the sorceresses, and you smiled faintly. You didn't want to bring them into this, but perhaps magic would be your answer.
And Geralt looked like he wasn't going to back down.
"Thank you..." Was all you could say at the moment, and that's when Geralt laid back down again.
"Good. Now, let's try to get a bit more sleep. If you can't, please tell me this time." The witcher said, and you agreed before slowly moving to lay beside him.
You thought it was good to keep this to yourself, but you felt such a weight off your shoulders knowing that he not only knew, but that he cared as well.
With his assistance, maybe the pain can finally go away.
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eldritch-spouse · 9 months
pinnie mummy thank you for feeding us on the daily mwah. feel free to ignore this as it's very self indulgent but I've just finished work at 2 am again and I can't stop thinking about sth. Who do you think would like (or at the very least be able to handle) a workaholic partner - and who'd absolutely loathe it? Workaholic as in - 'I need to finish this I can't talk to anyone or get distracted by anything till I get stuff done'.
Would enjoy/get along with a workaholic:
Pinter thinks that's the fucking spirit right there! A good worker is a good partner! Your sheer determination to get things done quickly and to never leave loose ends makes him value you immensely as a person and partner. He'll be right beside you pulling 2 to 3am work shifts.
Patches feels a bit more at home with someone who understands what it's like to have a lot of work in their hands. Whether or not you're passionate about said work is a whole other story, but he's the type of guy that will pull all-nighters without hesitation. The dullahan does worry for your health though, he's undead -It can't get much worse- You're alive.
Morell is a hard worker as well. He gets into he hum drum of routine very easily and he's not fond of distractions, to the point where he might tell others to shut the fuck up while he works. This means that he'll understand when you need focus and won't push much, though there comes a time where he forcibly makes you stop.
Cero works harder than you'd expect. Sure, he's an arrogant cunt, but some of his genuine and well-earned pride comes from the fact that he's a diligent worker. He silently admires your dedication, even if all you hear is an insult about not being able to find a balance.
Rieba and Jayde are hard working imps, they see a lot of themselves in you. And while one is more visibly stressed than the other, both are kind of hot messes and appreciate someone who can empathize with their 2am struggles.
**Hudsyn hopes your all-nighters are born of feverish mania and energetic episodes like his, but that might not be the case, it usually isn't. Still, he's there to make sure you don't pass out. And, if you choose to, he's there to pick you up.
Can "handle it":
Zizz can handle a workaholic, in the sense that he'll set a timer for how long into the night you're allowed to stay awake, then will make his way over to you, put a hand on your head and swiftly make you conk the fuck out for as long as he deems necessary.
Belo and Jonesy love your sense of duty! It's truly a beautiful thing to see in a lesser. You're exemplary and so very determined, they swoon at the sight alone. However, Jonesy is quick to dictate that you can no longer keep working after a set amount of time, and Belo will join in on your task when he notices it's getting too late for a human to be up.
Nebul likes discipline. It's nice to know that you don't have trouble focusing on a specific task for long periods of time, that you don't complain about it. He's filing that way for later, when it's time to train you. That being said, the wraith is very much willing to use his authoritative presence to intimidate you out of exhausting yourself.
Flints, much like Nebul, enjoys someone who can focus easily and isn't so easily swayed out of their responsibilities. But he's going to stand next to you silently at some point, tapping a bat on his palm. It's only a matter of time until he starts heading your way with that bat if you don't go the fuck to sleep.
Hates it:
Roch doesn't like seeing you work that much, it genuinely makes him stress out over you. It's bad, like at least take some naps! He'll go out of his way to get on your lap or fall asleep on your work like a house cat. That's enough for a day, stop it.
Fank-e can't stand seeing you so focused for so long at a time. He gets antsy over not having enough interaction with you and can't stay quiet for too long, so your annoyed outbursts will hurt him. He just doesn't know what to do aside from sit there and fidget, forcing himself to be quiet, or just leave.
Fasma won't quit chastising you over how destructive those habits are for your health. Like, you might as well start smoking kid, the way you want to get a burnout, back problems or a depressive episode- You're too young to be doing that shit to your body, take a fucking breather...
Obie likewise doesn't enjoy seeing you stay up so late over things that, to him, seem trivial. Stuff you could finish later or tomorrow. It reminds him of his mom, how she sometimes had to work much more than most sloth demons tolerate, and it would occasionally show in the way her mood would plummet.
Grimbly will perceive this as being ignored and will immediately hate it. There'll be many petty comments about how you don't even really need to work that specific job anyway. Sure, he likes to be spoiled, but working at The Clergy's Eye means he probably makes a lot more money than you, you know?
**[The ending of our little game with Hudsyn will alter him permanently as a character, meaning that depending on how things go, he'll behave very differently in many scenarios. So, in case things sour and you're reading this in the future thinking "That's not the Hudd I know", just know that we're still mid-game here :7]
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the-kinnie-in-me · 1 year
Okay, well then I hope you don’t mind me returning with yet another request. I can’t help it, I just really love your writing <3
I would love some headcanons for tasm Peter falling in love again for the first time since Gwen (god, just typing that made me tear up lmao)!
Take your time, have fun with it, and have a lovely day/night :)
A/n: This has been in my ask box for so long holy shit- I'm so sorry about that. I was on an intense writer's block and I think the fact that its Valentines' Day where I'm at kinda inspired me. This is not my best work since romantic writing isn't my cup of tea 😭 But I still hope you enjoy this-
𝐓𝐀𝐒𝐌! 𝐏𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐆𝐰𝐞𝐧:
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(I’m basing this off before he met the other Peters btw)
Let's start with some pre-relationship stuff-
I don’t really see it as love at 1st sight
It might take some since yk- his ex died because he couldn’t save her
How much time it would take would depend on how persistent you are in befriending him 1st
 There's definitely some remaining guilt and self-loathing so please be patient with him
He’s still a nice and friendly person so it isn’t that hard to befriend him 
In other words- You’re gonna have to buckle up since you’re about to experience the slowest slow-burn friends-to-lovers in history (Tho the fluff post and pre-relationship make it worth it)
Now onto the relationship itself
Aunt May adores you
She saw how you make her nephew happy after what happened with Gwen and approved of you immediately
“I saw how that boy mourned Gwen. I raised him for most of his life and it was devastating for me to see him like that. Then he met you, it was like it never happened and he was as happy as he was before. And I can’t express how thankful I am to you.”
We all saw how much effort he put into his and Gwen’s relationship- He would do the 1000% same thing with you
This is a bit angsty but- It just doesn’t feel the same?? THO IT DOESN’T HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH HOW MUCH HE LOVES YOU- When he was doing that stuff for Gwen he had a lot more self-esteem if you get what I mean?
There have to be a lot of words of affirmation in this relationship homeboy needs it
After he gains his confidence it's mostly rainbows and sunshine
The reason why I say mostly? The topic of Spiderman.
I mean- He would tell you but he doesn’t want you to get involved 
He is very much persistent about that
He will give you every reason to not  get involved 
There’s honestly no win in this situation
If you don’t get involved you worry about him daily
*Peter enters your bedroom through your window*
“The hell happened this time?”
“They um- got me pretty bad”
You rush to grab the First Aid kit
“Yeah. I can see that.”
“Are you mad at me?”
“I’m not mad.”
“Are you sure…Because your tone kinda says otherwise”
*Sighs* “I’m not mad. Just stressed and worried because of you.”
If you do get involved he worries about you daily
“What are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be out doing Spiderman things?”
“Yeah about that- Whatever I was fighting got away and it seemed pretty pissed. I just wanted to make sure it wasn’t gonna be petty and go after you”
I just realized the majority of this has been angst or about Gwen’s death in some way-
He doesn’t confront people when jealous
Poor boy just wants to leave with you beside him
He tries to hide it but it's kinda obvious
Tease him about it and see how long it takes for him to admit it I wanna test a theory
He is a total softy for you
Why can’t I find a bf like that on E-bay
A sane amount of PDA
Like hand-holding, falling asleep on him (albeit accidentally), and kissing on the cheek
He likes cuddling in private tho
Everything he does for and says to you just seems to be genuine-
A gentleman that was raised well fr
He will do so many things for you that it's concerning how fast he agrees,
“Hey Pete can you-”
“Of course”
This is entirely my opinion/ idea of him- I don’t see him calling you any pet names besides the occasional “babe” 
BUT- the amount of love and emotion traced whenever he just simply says your name makes up for it completely
Before I end this I just want to make 1 thing clear-
You are NOT a rebound 
He will do anything to prove that he never considered you a replacement for Gwen the moment he senses you feel that way
In his eyes, Gwen is his past 
In his eyes, you are his present and future
In his eyes, you are his everything.
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pomplalamoose · 8 months
Hiiiiii sorry to be back again, but I just love your stuff 😅 one more, then I promise I’ll shut up lol headcanons for how luke is in a relationship after that whole feelings drama/confession from the last ask?
Hello back, you are always welcome in my asks!!!🫶🏻 this turned out to be nothing but pure fluff, like, I'm not exaggerating. Hopefully you'll have a blast🤠
• like I mentioned in another ask: I think the romantic relationship between you and Luke would develop slowly
• after a lot of repressed feelings and misunderstandings he is very careful in how he approaches you
• under no circumstances does he want to hurt your feelings again
• so before you present yourselves as a couple or as "officially dating" to the outside world, there is a lot of back and forth
• not in a bad way though
• you have been friends for a long time and now, that your feelings are in the open, it's like you are getting to know each other in a whole new light
• suddenly Luke is endearingly shy around you
• you keep blushing and giggling like a teenager
• it's very funny to watch but you don't mind being the main entertainment of your friend group
• all that matters to you is to discover this newfound dynamic, to simply let it unfold
• Luke in particular really enjoys and welcomes this change of pace
• especially when compared to the stressful years that came before
• for once nobody is urging him to make hard decisions or rushing him along
• finally he can experience what others were able to long ago and what the war took from him: really falling in love for the first time
• together you figure out how you want your relationship to look like, what your respective love languages are, whether you like to go on dates or not, etc.
• as a quick and avid learner Luke soaks up all this new information like a sponge and does his best to immediately implement it in your daily life
• he's especially happy about being able to touch you without worrying you might catch on to his hidden feelings
• he loves to reach out for you whenever he can
• at the beginning only fleetingly to make sure you're not uncomfortable with it
• but slowly he grows bolder, basically buzzing with excitement whenever you are within the range of his arm
• he likes holding your hand
• he likes to hold just a finger of yours with one of his
• he likes playing with your clothes and hair
• he likes resting his hand on your knee, thigh, back, shoulder, arm, hand
• he likes brushing your hair out of your face and to tuck it behind your ears
• he likes to tuck you into his side
• he likes when you lean into him, resting your head on his shoulder
• he likes kissing you
• he likes holding you when he falls asleep and after he wakes up
• just like before he loves spending his time in your presence
• even if it's just to watch you getting ready for the day or an event
• you can always ask him about your outfits and undoubtedly he will give you a nice and reflected answer
• sometimes he asks you to wear a certain dress because he thinks you look extra pretty in it
• (often he asks you to wear his clothes because he likes how cute and small they make you look)
• mesmerized by your hair, he likes to brush and braid it
• if he has the time he joins in on your self care routines; he thinks wearing a face mask and a fluffy bathrobe is hilarious
• you are allowed to practice your make up skills on his face
• he accompanies you on shopping sprees without complaining
• he picks out clothes for you to try on as well and he's over the moon if you like them
• he regularly takes you out on dates
• he likes when you take him out on dates
• he likes receiving flowers just as much as you do
• if you are insecure about your body, personality or abilities/lack there of he'll be very sad
• to him you are wonderful in every way and he always tries his hardest to make you see it too
• he's your biggest fan
• he's the first to support your ideas and plans, whatever they may be about
• he will make sure you know just how beautiful you are to him
• whatever you hate about your body, he loves
• he carries a list with him that he likes to dramatically unfold and read aloud when he catches you talking badly about yourself
• he never stops flirting even after you have been dating for a while
• he likes to lightly smack your ass when he's walking past or behind you on the stairs
• (he likes it when you smack his too but he won't admit to it)
• you can come to him with all your worries and problems and whatever it is you need in that moment, he will give
• he'll make you laugh
• he'll hold you
• he'll simply listen
• he'll talk shit with you about anyone if it makes you feel better
• he definitely gets invested in gossip and secretly enjoys it when you keep him updated
• when you can't spend your time together, he'll make sure to check in on you with the Force
• since he doesn't really care for decoration he lets you go off the rails with it, he's just happy to be there
• he's very emotionally intelligent and not ashamed to cry
• he communicates like a champ
• he's the opposite of toxic masculinity, he's HEALTHY masculinity
• Luke Skywalker is a sweetheart
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dk-wren · 6 months
WIP Wednesday - 12/27
Me: I’ll just write a short little fic for Buddy Daddies’ anniversary.
Also Me: Proceeds to write one of my longest BD fics
Happy WIP Wednesday! I was back to writing for Buddy Daddies and Kazurei this week. Slowly attempting to get ready/finish everything I’ll be posting next week so I don’t fall behind or become overwhelmed with (my planned) daily posts.
Anyways, I hope you enjoy this snippet and I look forward to sharing the finished piece soon!
Realizing neither had moved from the position they fell asleep in, Rei also realizes he probably was pressed against Kazuki’s side the whole night. Wanting to check in with him, Rei asks, “How’s your leg?” Brushing it off, Kazuki responds, “Oh, it’s fine. Still hurts like hell, but I think it stopped bleeding. Just lucky we got the bullet out almost right away. And based on what you said, we’re lucky it didn’t hit anything too important.” “Yep. You might limp for a bit, but in time, it’ll be perfectly fine again.” Kazuki notices that Rei’s smile never falters, concluding that Rei is telling the truth, or at least, they have nothing major to worry about in terms of Kazuki’s injury. “How’s your arm?” Kazuki inquires, thinking how he should be the one asking since Rei took a (self-inflicted as clarified last night) bullet to the arm. For the first time this morning, Rei’s smile truly falls. Kazuki starts to feel bad, but he is also concerned for him and needs to know. “I still can’t feel much…or really move my fingers.” “Oh, Rei…” “It’s fine though. I’d gladly do it again if it means I get to spend the rest of my life with you and Miri,” Rei emphasizes by putting his smile back on, one that Kazuki can tell while a little pained, is genuine. “Well, hopefully, you’ll never have to.” Kazuki isn’t sure if Rei would feel it, but he grabs Rei’s injured arm and brings it up to kiss the top of his hand. After Kazuki releases Rei’s hand, he stares at the spot Kazuki kissed for a few moments while Kazuki looks fondly down at his partner. Rei interrupts their blissful silence, apologizing, “Sorry I won’t be able to help out as much around home anymore. Really, just as I was starting to get the hang of some things. Give me time though and maybe I’ll be able to use my arm again…or I’ll be able to figure out how to do stuff one-handed.” “Rei, you don’t need to worry about that right now. For as much as I nagged you about it before, believe me, that is not my top priority now.” Taking in a sigh, Kazuki continues, “For now, we should be worrying about what we’re gonna do with Miri over the next few days. It's almost Christmas and I have no idea what we’re going to be doing for the festive season.”
Thanks for reading! Any comments or suggestions are appreciated.
-Dakota Wren
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gretakatharinaa · 7 months
everything is wired - about dreaming
What do our dreams actually say about us? Do they have meaning or hidden messages?
I'm sure you have had a rather questionable dream one night and spent the morning with similar questions.
To really understand dreams and what they mean, I dug deep and i'm ready to give you the shortest of summaries.
I know every person has different opinions about where dreams come from and what they mean or even if they mean anything at all.
So, in my digging, i've assembled all sorts of information.
To put it simply, our brain doesn't rest when we do. Once we fall asleep, our brain finally gets to work without our silly little thoughts interfering.
This process is called Memory Consolidation.
Dreams are believed to contribute to the consolidation or memories, organizing and storing information acquired during wakefulness.
- Think of it as a shopping Haul. You've been out all day, shopping god knows what (for god knows how much) and then, once you get back home you unpack everything you've bought, take off the tags and store it somewhere in the depths of your (probably already overflowing) closet.-
Essentially, our brain is having a mega haul with all the experiences since the last time you slept. And with that, when it's deciding what goes from short to long term memory, it also pulls out other stuff, older stuff, older memories and maybe even old dreams that were so memorable that you brain decided, once you rest, to include it in your long term closet haul.
So now, at night, while you entered REM sleep, your brain is sorting through the meals you've had, the people you saw, the names you read on your phone or on a billboard, the colors of the city, the background music at the cafe and everything else you've absorbed, you begin to dream.
So, now you might ask: Why, when my brain is sorting through my very real daily experiences, do i sometimes dream about the most illogical and crazy things that makes absolutely zero sense?
Well, i told you i dug deep, so bear with me:
The Prefrontal Cortex, associated with decision making and logical thinking, shows reduced activity during dreaming, which might explain the illogical nature of (some) dreams.
So last night, when i dreamt about DNA reconstructing glasses that you pull over the back of your head (I wish i were kidding), it wasn't me going mental, it was just about Frontal Lobe Inactivity. Well, maybe both.
From inactivity to above average activity: Your Limbic System, responsible for emotions (and the reason why you might miss your silly ex) is highly active when dreaming, influencing the emotional content of dreams. Some people wake up after a dream and can't shake off the way it made them feel for the whole day.
Studies have shown that there is a small percentage of women who have dreamt of being pregnant -but then waking up only to find out that there is no baby- and felt extremely abandoned and depressed the following day; mourning for a baby that was never real.
So with that being said, yes, dreams aren't real, but then again, what are they, if not real?
You see them, you hear them, you feel them, sometimes even after waking up, so just because it only happened in your head, doesn't mean it's not real at all.
My DNA reconstructing glasses are definitely not in store yet, but as they lived in my brain, they are a part of reality.
So, if i haven't bored you yet, here come the answers to the questions i've asked.
This is what dreams are, what they do:
Reflection of Emotions: Dreams often reflect our emotional state and unresolved feelings.
Subconscious Desires and Fears: They may reveal hidden desires, fears, or concerns stored in the subconscious.
Problem-Solving: Dreams can aid problem-solving by processing information and experiences.
Symbolic Language: Dreams use symbolic language, requiring interpretation to understand their meaning.
Memory Consolidation: They may assist in consolidating and organizing memories from the day.
Creative Inspiration: Dreams can inspire creativity and provide unique insights.
Mind Processing: Dream content may represent the brain's way of processing daily experiences and emotions.
What I'm trying to say is: Do not push your dreams aside with a simple: "It's just a dream, it doesn't mean anything"
It might not mean "text your ex" or "find out if you can actually fly" but it means something.
While at times the meaning is abundantly clear, some dreams leave us with wonder and confusion.
I say, observe your dreams and thought and see if there is a pattern, a motive.
And buy my DNA glasses!
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rendy-a · 2 years
Waking from a nightmare with the first years
This is a tribute fic based on Aurora’s Pet AU.  Her blog is going dark soon, go check out her stuff while you still can. @glass-cage-of-emotion-12
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He is playing a game with his brother.  When he looks up, his brother is walking away into a fog.  He tries to catch up but the more he runs after him, the farther away he gets.  Now he is alone, all alone.  No, he doesn’t want to be left behind! Ace wakes up suddenly with a tight feeling in his throat, like he is on the edge of crying out. 
He manages to clam himself down but cannot shake the feeling of loneliness that lingers.  Laying in bed alone with his thoughts is just too deep for him; he’d rather laugh it off.  Laughing is always more fun when you do it with a loved one, but everyone is asleep.  What’s a pet to do?
Being the mature pet that he is not, Ace will head down the hall to get a glass of water…Loudly! *stomp* *stomp*… Ok, was that one pass not enough to wake you?  Well, maybe he needs to just double check that the window is locked, for YOUR safety master; no other reason.   *stomp* *stomp*…And then that your door is shut very securely *slam* and, oh are you up?
You must have been having a bad dream master, otherwise why would you look so confused?  Don’t worry, you’ve got your reliable pet Ace to keep you company.  Why not let him join you? Two is always better company than one!
In the morning, you’ll be greeted with his signature cheeky grin.  Were you afraid last night? Don’t worry master, anytime you have a bad dream Ace will be happy to tease and laugh with you until you fall back asleep.  Sleeping is great but spending the night playing with him is even better, right master?
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The worst possible nightmare for Deuce is to remember the day his mother was taken away.  Since he was there when it happened, he dreams about it quite often.  No matter how much he yells out and fights against the cage, he can never manage to save his beloved mother.
He awakens with a yelp.  He is a tangled mess in his sheets but also in his emotions.  His heart pounds with fear, but it also constricts with anger.  It’s a lot of emotion for him to process on his own.
Won’t you help him, sweet master?  Sit by his side and pat his head gently.  He might want to talk about his favorite memories with his mother; speaking softly into the night just pretend you don’t notice if a tear or two slip out.  Or some nights he will just lay there quietly as you softly stoke his hair and squeeze his shoulder reassuringly. 
In the morning, he is ready get back to his duties.  He will make both you and his mother proud.  Please praise him, he is doing his best!  I’ll keep trying again today master, let me show you my progress! 
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Jack likes to think of himself as being in charge of your personal safety.  When he has a dream that he is protecting you, his precious master, and he fails in that sacred duty…well the result is rather upsetting to him.  He knows it was just a dream and he shouldn’t dwell on it but he can’t get the image from his mind.
He decides to go to your room, just to satisfy himself that you are resting peacefully.  And not for comfort cuddles…not at all.  After he gently shakes you awake, he will bashfully ask if you are doing ok.  He won’t ask to join you but invite him anyway.  He will be happy sleeping on the other side of the bed or at your feet; just so long as he can be near you to check on your wellbeing. 
Sleeping Jack is worlds apart from awake Jack.  When he is asleep, he is a total cuddler and will absolutely pull you into his arms if he is sleeping beside you.  You can rub his ears like your own real-life plushie.  In the morning, however, its back to tsundere mode.
He has woken up far earlier than you (he is used to it from his daily training) and made you breakfast in bed.  Praise him for keeping you safe at night and you’ll get to see his tail wag as he delivers you a plate of healthy food and juice.  It was nothing master, I was only doing what I should.
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Vil.  Need I say more?  Ok well, when Epel was stuck in that horrible it wasn’t menagerie, he was taken under the wing of a more senior trophy pet.  The menagerie keepers let Vil decide on special “lessons” for Epel; how to walk, talk, eat and even sleep.  Every day was a torment to the poor rambunctious boy.  Is it any wonder that he still dreams of it?
He wakes from his dream spiting mad.  He might have punched his pillow a time or two until it exploded in a cloud of feathers (you won’t punish him for that, will you master?).  Left without an outlet for his feelings, he reluctantly decides to go to your room to see if you are awake. 
He only meant to stay a little to rant to his sympathetic master about things… like the way a pet should be (tough enough to protect his master), what a pet should look like (strong and manly) or how a pet should talk (however he pleases, dagnabit!).  After you’ve given him your ear for a while, he starts to wind down and gets the cutest sleepy eyes.  He’ll still be muttering quietly under his breath as he slowly paces back and forth by your bedside.
Invite him in to lay beside you as you continue in your late-night reading.  He’ll rest his head on your shoulder and mutter occasionally.  Mumble mumble Vil. Mumble mumble tarnation.  (yes it’s so adorable). When you decide to turn out the light for the night, give him a little kiss on the forehead as you walk by.  Just don’t tell him he looks cute when he is all sleepy!  (That can be our little secret). 
In the morning, Epel will probably suggest a list of things he can do to repay you.  Things like helping you move heavy furniture (you wanted to redecorate, right?), watching him play sports (the dirtiest kind he can find) or seeing the latest action movie (nothing but explosions and biceps).  Just let him have his way.  He looks awful cute adorable  dashing when he gets fired up.  I’ll show you today just what kind of a pet I can be!
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Perhaps you are wondering why Sebek is standing over you and attempting to fluff your pillow while you sleep?  How did this happen?  Let’s go back a little.
Sebek has a dream where he has a long list of chores to do (assigned by his beloved master!) but each one he attempts ends in failure.  To fail at his duty, is there any greater shame for a knight pet?  He awakens not scared or sad but with a strange, twisted pit of anxiety in his stomach.
He just can’t get over the feeling, so he must attempt to fulfill his duty…right now.  Ok, now we are caught up!  Sebek once was told that fluffing your pillow 10 times a night was the way to get the best rest.  Being the gullible dutiful pet that he is, he is just trying to help you out! Please don’t tell him to stop. STOP, HE CAN’T STOP! IT’S FOR THE HEALTH OF HIS MASTER! THIS IS ONLY HIS DUTY!  Cats are yowling , babies are crying and lights are turning on all over the neighborhood. 
You best let him finish.  Then invite him to stand quietly and guard you as you sleep, in case of…monsters under the bed.  Oh yes, it is a great duty only the bravest of knights pets can be entrusted with.  Sebek will rigidly stand there the rest of the night but don’t feel sorry for him, he looks extremely satisfied to be given this responsibility.
In the morning, you get quite THE LOOK from your neighbors as you walk out to get the morning paper.  Sebek stands behind you, with a superior and smug expression on his face.  They don’t look well rested at all.  If only they had a loyal pet like him to help them with their nighttime routine, then they might not be such a mess.  How lucky you are to have him master!
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terrence-silver · 2 years
If Terry was on a faraway business trip, what would his loving messages to beloved be? And what about if the phone message was for his snakey son, and if the phone message was for his little princess? (Want some cuteness from the dark serpent showing love to his family🥺)
I can see his messages to beloved being fairly explicit, you know, provided they aren’t together on this business trip, purely for the sake of his company being kept and his bed maintained warm, and in light of that attitude, his texts are shamelessly raunchy. His voice messages more so. Phone sex and video sex? A regular thing. Him ordering beloved to go about recording themselves for him? Yes. Nudes? Underwear shots? Material of the most delectably mature variety? Definitely. He’d send some of his own back, undoubtedly, in the vein of ‘I’m coming home soon. Be ready for me. I’m starved. My plane lands at five. Wait for me.’ Simple and direct. No pussyfooting. But, when Terry isn’t sexual, he wants the whereabouts of beloved’s day down to a tee and reported back to him constantly (isn’t entirely unbelievable he has staff entirely in contact with him leaking back the same intel, just to be safe). He wants to know what they were doing, eating, when they were sleeping, their tasks, chores, their daily activities --- everything. He wants to be in the loop (and in control) ten thousand miles away from home and if he has to spend half of the night on said phone just talking to beloved until words lose meaning and they fall asleep on the other end of the line to this voice, then so be it. Chances are they find mutual pleasure through some vibration device with remote control he can turn on inside of beloved. A state of the art, but Terry can quite literally, edge and deny beloved even when not by their side. He can be fully in control of their pleasure too. But, beloved’s his and he tells them every day or even multiple times a day through variously versatile and cleverly packed wording, so there’s no forgetting.
Terry uses everything in his arsenal to establish that.
Might just be overbearing when he wants to be.
He doesn’t see it that way --- there’s no boundaries. Not when you love.
He could be in a hotel jacuzzi in Tokyo somewhere, chatting away with his partner.
His children are his and he tells them every day too. Shows them, in equal measure, by asking about their day, wanting to know everything, no matter how seemingly mundane. Did their private college tutors give them straight A’s like it was agreed they would or should he give them a call? Did that party they hosted on Sunday have so and so celebrities attending and indeed how many? Did his snakey rough up that one punk in school, and if so, how affectively? Was there blood and tears? Yes, yes, good, good. As it should. Pa’ taught them well. Impossible to get anything past him because he double and triple checks stuff through his own resources --- Terry would be a workaholic, but then again, a shockingly involved father. Over-involved, even. Shockingly,  because he has this reputation, from some individuals, where people assume he wouldn’t be tremendously caring, but he is. He’s too hooked on control not to be. People figure he’s on the phone with some business associate, but really, he’s just on the line with his daughter, asking her what sort of Hanbok he should bring back from Korea, specially commissioned for her from the finest silks and the most skilled of masters and designers. What sort of Dai Katana his son wants from Japan. Or, hey, maybe his daughter wants the excessive weaponry and his son whats the attire but no matter, he gives generously. He’s generously active with everyone his, whenever he genuinely wants to embrace his chosen circle and keep them in it.
When he doesn’t, he can go the other extreme and ignore and ghost select people.
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faerune · 1 year
1, 8, 19 and 37 for claire & joel? 💖
How do they fall asleep? Wake up? Any daily rituals? This ship is All About The Domesticity. As for falling asleep, Joel usually showers first and then reads in bed while Claire has hers. They read, they cuddle, and spooning is usually their go to for falling asleep!! Claire wakes up first and lets Ace out, starts to make coffee while Joel gets ready for the day. They're not usually on a super tight schedule except for patrol days and days where Claire is leaving for a hunting trip so they meander awake around 8 or 9 when everyone else in Jackson gets up. Daily rituals: always a kiss in the morning and before bed!!!, showers get shared quite a bit (they're very conscientious of the water supply ;)) and/or morning sex...
What do the like best about their partner? They both like that the other understands what they've been through. Sure, everyone has gone through loss in this kind of a world but in some ways Joel and Claire fractured in the same places or are at times two sides of the same coin. Joel is fierce about who he loves, will do anything for them, kill maim whatever to defend against the horrible grief of losing again. Claire is the opposite. She runs, hides, avoids. More than once she has admitted being a coward in her own defense.
They never shame the other for the ways they deal with it, admiring what the other has done to survive in some ways. Not only that I just think they feel safe with each other. It's right. It's that quiet kind of love that's like: "Oh, there you are. It makes sense now."
I think Joel likes Claire's kindness, the kind she keeps in her back pocket and how it brings a surprised smile to his face. She's quiet and solid and sturdy no matter how much she has chipped herself down to the bare minimum to survive he can see that warmth at her core.
Claire can see the same for Joel. She's always been attracted to stability and protectiveness and a partner she can stand behind or beside.
What do they fight about? What are their arguments like? How do they make up? Most of the time pretty typical couple bickering: you didn't put the seat down, why's there hair in the drains, etc. etc. They never fight about risks or protective stuff. They're both capable people and know that as well as trusting/respecting that. Claire tends to clam up and isolate when they fight while Joel sometimes lets his anger in the moment get the best of him and he wants to have it out there so he has to learn to let her have her time to get her thoughts together. Once they cool down, they usually just talk it out though Joel can be a bit stubborn sometimes.
How much would they be willing to sacrifice for the other? Any lines they refuse to cross? Everything. No lines they wouldn't cross for each other except Joel puts Ellie first above himself and Claire and Claire understands, loves, and respects that about him. She grows to feel the same about Ellie, if partly because she's so, so important to Joel. Claire cares for her and perhaps Ellie might see a mother in her even if I don't think it goes as far as Ellie labeling Claire as her mother like she does with Joel being her dad.
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ruvviks · 2 years
1 2 13 14 17 22 29 42 for Vincent/Vitali
AAAAAAA thank you so much!!! these are getting long but my shit brain won't allow me to put them under a read more because i haven't done that for any of these asks for ask games yet so i'm. i'm hogh. i am sorry :( lmk if it becomes a problem though because then i'll just get over my shit brain and put them under a read more next time LMFAO
for housekeeping reasons: this pairing is romantic!
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1) how do they fall asleep? wake up? any daily rituals?
they rarely wake up at the same time, so they always make sure they go to bed together :) sometimes this means vincent has to stay up a little longer than he wanted to or vitali goes to bed earlier than usual or the other way round but they're both okay with that, because they just really need that moment together; it's when they talk about their day, or stuff that needs to be talked about, and then they fall asleep in each other's arms :)
vitali wakes up a lot earlier than vincent, usually between 5 and 6am whereas vincent tends to sleep until 9 or 10am. vitali does sometimes wake him up for a moment to give him a goodbye kiss, vincent falls asleep very easily so it's not a big deal <3
2) how’s their team work? do they share well?
vincent and vitali make an AMAZING team together >:) in every sense of the word tbh, whether it is about their relationship or just as friends or about work or whatever. they complement each other well where necessary but also see eye-to-eye on pretty much everything
sharing is a bit of a sensitive topic, because vincent grew up having to fend for himself a lot with four older siblings who were all pretty greedy. he still gets nervous when other people touch his stuff and prefers to keep some things to himself entirely, but vitali is aware of this and it's not a problem at all
13) what do they do for fun? do they have a favorite activity or do they like to switch things up?
answered here!
14) anything they both dread?
they both dread the day something goes wrong and they can't fix it anymore. this mainly refers to the fact they both had something very serious happen to them and it's fixed now, but they're both unsure if it's fixed forever or only temporary :// vincent is stabilized and no longer dying, but what if it doesn't last forever? and vitali was brainwashed but he snapped out of it, but what if he snaps back in one day?
the fact they don't have good answers to these questions is why they're so scared of it to go wrong :( they talk about it on occasion, but can't really comfort each other well because of this
17) what would make them break up? would it be permanent?
i think something very serious would need to happen for them to actually break up. vitali really does NOT want to lose vincent and vincent is someone who believes anything can be talked about and if stuff happens they can figure it out together, so if something Bad were to happen they might be upset about it for a bit but it wouldn't destroy their relationship
if they were to actually break up, though, it's probably a mutual decision that they made to keep their friendship intact; they value their friendship over their romantic relationship and care about each other's wellbeing, and if them no longer being together means that they're both a lot happier that's what they'll do. but that's not going to happen because they love each other oh so much <3
22) does their work ever interfere with the relationship?
in a way, yeah. the type of work they do not so much (they're both mercs, they kill people, it's fine), but vincent HAS been a bit insecure about the fact vitali is also a fixer, and vincent doesn't want to negatively influence his reputation or anything
there's also the fact vitali is a bit of a workaholic and can get caught up in work at times. he's aware of this, though, and when he notices he's falling into that spiral again he immediately makes an effort to get back out <3
29) how do they handle disasters or emergencies? minor injuries? sickness?
answered here!
42) do they let each other get away with things that would normally bother them?
oh absolutely LMFAO vitali for one just lets people get away with a lot of things once he cares about them. his mother used to make everything into a problem and it never resulted into anything good so he tends to swallow his words a lot (not in an unhealthy way but more in like a "this is actually probably not all that bad if i give it three more minutes" kind of way). a good example would be vincent cracking his knuckles; vitali does not like the sound but he also doesn't want to bring it up to vincent every time
there's a few things that would still upset vitali if vincent were to say it to him. can't really think of any good examples right now but if something like that were to happen, vitali would just bring it up normally and vincent would make sure it doesn't happen again. yeah i know, not all too exciting but good communication is sexy to me actually
vincent is mostly unbothered in general i think. the only thing that really bothers him is people touching his stuff without asking, and this also includes vitali; but vitali knows of this and always makes sure to ask so. it's not a problem :) communication sexy :)
pairing asks!
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jade-curtiss · 11 months
Title: Wake up Mr. Neis
Summary: A regular sample exchange.
Genre: Western
Cw: some sort of ego death (unintentional) and implied very highly maxed out credit card with overdraft fees coming straight up. The card probably look metallic, glistening in black, A soft minimalist contrast is observable. It really do look like some centurion. But nah, thing probably got replicated and is linked to some low tier capital one account. Is he even allowed to do that? Well maybe he will have to argue that one and that might cost his job. In context of what happens here it’s not entirely a loss, unless.
The surrounding space was rather eerie, at a close distance it was obvious he was sitting on what must be a bench. Truth to be told no attention was actually being paid at anything. He stared in an indefinite void in silence for what might have been minutes to hours, it was unclear and not particularly relevant. A sharp feminine voice caught him off guard.
“Oh, it’s you!”
He blinks and try to glance in direction of that familiar voice. He knew that voice only too well, too acquainted, only confused to hear the voice come from the front, and yet he clearly feels that the hand on his shoulder is coming from behind. The sudden touch doesn’t make him flinch, it happened too many times before. And yet, he could never get (read: acknowledge) the reason why the path of sound was mismatched every single time. He sighs as suddenly he make sense of the desk in front of him. Suddenly it gets less and less hazy, as usual.
“Where did you put your bag? Oh, did it get stolen again?”
He was never able to make a sound of his own in these situations. Only give himself the vague impression his eyes could shift and roll around, trying to make sense of a scenery that never will.
“Please, don’t be like this, but you know how other kids can be, I know you care about making sure your friend’s sister is happy, but that bag is a bit…”
Ah yes, of course, the casual reminder of Nephry’s left overs. It probably was not out of ill intentions, but for an unexplained reasons she simply couldn’t throw stuff away, but no one ever really wanted it. Out of (let’s make ourselves believe) generosity he accepted to be the receiving end of her questionable charity. There was perks, but the general tackiness of the trinkets were seriously making his social life a constant daily challenge.
“Look, I do understand that you’re doing that to please your friend’s sister, but you can’t just keep doing that. You’re being the target of every other kids, and as much as I’d like to stand by you. I can’t just simply keep letting it go only to stand by you when I have over 30 other kids to attend. I do support you, as much as I can, I do see your potential..”
Despite the crudeness, he could not deny: he was probably a massive toll on the young (skin care can make people believe anything) woman’s morale. He never really cared about what other kids would be thinking of him, the words of people he didn’t inherently approve didn’t required his approval. Normally, in such circumstances the nature of the things would escalate but there was his loophole: what if you only befriend the people at the top, and them only? And there he was, accepting receiptless bad gifts you can’t even return or thrift from hell to make that very thing happen. Which worked, sometimes, sometimes less. Sometimes it is convenient when the person at the top is just as socially inept as you are. Miracle happens.
“I never promised I would protect you. I do get your interest in Jade, he’s an interesting kid in his own way, I do concede, but...hey. Hey? Are you falling asleep?”
These were the times he wished he could simply pull that trick off: sleep out of sleep.
The timing was good, the brutality was something else. But the reassuring thing, the thing that made him feel alive was in place: the sound was coming from the right directions. He was awake. He would have preferred a softer alarm, but as long as he was here on the clock he couldn’t complain about the shattering noise these bulbs made.
“W...What did you do again?” It’s always nice to have your voice again.
“Isn’t it obvious? I thought we knew each other well enough…”
The floor was littered in what could seems like a scatter of diamonds only to be essentially just glass, and perhaps crystal from the exuberant chandelier that used to take an obscenely high ratio of that ceiling. Despite the intimidating act, the whole thing probably looked better on the floor as a reminder that sometimes disasters come with great taste.
“Ah, of course. You shot the lights out and got yourself hiding until sun, but couldn’t stand spending another lonely night. Fair enough. I won’t call you by what should describe you tho”
Jade sighed as he finally paid attention to the predicament he got himself into. Despite circumstances, despite your ranks, despite the person in front of you. It’s always quite uncouth to simply vandalize, not that it doesn’t get you places (back at work, what will you do, call the cops on cops? Well please do yourself a favor here). Anyways, now that his main guest (it’s his room) was up, it was time for him to sit down. Sit down and hope he won’t let him down. Kid was really uncomfortable to hang with from times to times, but he persisted in an admirable way nonetheless. Would it hadn’t been of him he is not exactly sure what would have been of him. He keeps it to himself, but he couldn’t get over the sheer convenience of meeting the only person who’ve been able to keep him on an unsaid leash instead of just allowing him to become what his roots sees him as.
Despite everything that happened, there isn’t a single day that isn’t soaked in regret. Not for his own persistence in facing consequences of his own arrogance, but for quitting. Over what? Ethical concerns? How do you even get convinced into accepting resigning to your own potential only to turn into another dog in the most corrupted field in existence. But it wasn’t as if his host in the moment wasn’t giving him a run for his money when it came to shading his evolution.
“I might not be the most frequentable person, I know. But am I not some sort of improvement given what attention you probably earn normally? Do you really do put up with these leeches? You won’t make me, oh, please, don’t make me believe that you actually could have befriended Mohs...oh. How could that b-”
No flinch, as Jade raised his hand to catch the glass thrown at his face.
“Don’t you fucking start rumors here, but I do admit that I did not fall far from the tree when it comes to business…”
As much as he felt overpowered the moment he walked out from the military industrial complex, it didn’t last that long before he strayed and ended up stumbling into a place where resentment was ruling like a queen could only wish. All that because they couldn’t bring back one, she was no monarch but she was only better.
“I’m not here for mutual wound licking, unless this is what you’re into, could do the bedroom eyes if you asked nicely.”
Out of lane, but worth trying. Sometimes, some people do happen to be so starved and craving for actual human contact, so much, that perhaps just a punch across the jaw could be just enough.
“You’re crossing the line here, friend.”
That stung harder than any kick could have at the moment, and yet, he couldn’t exactly overreact to that one. There’s consequences to bad decisions, and unless resignation is achieved there was probably no opportunity to actually do anything that could salvage the branding of what bounded them together on the same path. As much as he knew he still cared nonetheless, he also knew that his persistence was beyond his amiability. Sacrifices have to be done to let one’s ego survive.
“Who is crossing the line here exactly? Do I have to actually remind you the real reason why I’m here?”
He was seething, the difference between him and Jade is that Jade actually had made the decision (in a rather hazy state and under pressure, let’s not deny ourselves) to follow his own course. On top of the audacity to take for granted he could just carry him on like a dog, yet who was really the one on the leash?
“You know that despite everything, despite it all, especially since Hod, you know who is on the receiving end of all the results of your own bullshit?”
If tabs had to be compared fairly. Nothing was ever.
“Four in the morning, and I'm zonin'. They say I'm possessed, it's an omen. I keep it 300, like the Romans. 300 bitches, where's the Trojans? Baby we livin' in the moment. I've been a menace for the longest. But I ain't finished I'm devoted. And you know it, and you know it...”
“Isn’t that a bit inappropriate for you to claim that one?”
“Shut the fuck up”
Jade stared in silence in complete disregard. He expected him to lay that one out, and more or less wanted it. No need to deny his real intentions any longer now that he spilled himself.
“You know, regarding that, regarding our little trojan pony we made for ourselves. Yes, the one that did end up costing us an entire lifetime of rent free space in our heads. Have you…”
Ah, so that is what it was for: no intention to discuss pitiful failures when we can talk about chaotic success.
“Ah, our golden friend, the only naturally born replica we’ve had I think…”
“I’d rather call her trifling, thanks enough, but yes. That one.”
“Ah, way over town…”
“Do you have any more informations”
“Hm, don’t mess with her. Not to be mean, but, I will admit a little secret: I know your current state of affairs. I know your sin and I know that your credit ain’t shit. She does not mess with people like you these days...I mean..”
That’s when some bitch realized they didn’t need some chair to fly out the window.
0 notes
I’m going to start prozac today.
What are my goals? To feel like I have control over my life again. To feel like I can leave my job, or even leave my apartment, without tremendous anxiety and effort. I want to make the life that I want. I don’t want to feel like a prisoner anymore.
I wake up in the middle of the night and never fall completely back asleep, because of the racing thoughts.
On my days off, I sit at my desk, alone, and think of 100 things I want to do but can’t bring myself to get up and go do them. My thoughts race, nonstop. I spend a lot of my shifts in a negative headspace about how much I can’t stand being around certain people. I have doctors appointments I need to go to, but can’t bring myself to make appointments or go.
I fight with Steven constantly. But at this stage, I am convinced/certain that it’s a result of his poor mental health, his inability to understand much of anything going on/conversation/things I say/mean, that I am being manipulated by him daily simply for existing. I want to feel strong enough to leave this situation. I want to get away from the trauma bond he and I have, because I am certain that he’s the most toxic individual I have in my life. And i’m tired of being a Renfeld. 
I’m convinced he’s messed with my computer when I wasnt home. I noticed an icon on my desktop a week ago that said there was a microphone running, something I had never seen before. I immediately turned off that access. Today I got an alert from my bank that someone accessed my bank, using my password, while I was on shift at work and not accessing my account. I went into the access history and it’s been happening almost daily. I changed my account passwords and had it sign me out of every instance I was logged into. In addition, i’m adding a password to my home desktop and changing the lock on my phone. I have nothing to hide, except a large emergency account for when I leave. But it horrifies me that he might be responsible, though. I am giving benefit of the doubt for now. But I am skeptical. 
Things were going well for us, for about a month. And then he sexually assaulted me one night when I decided to drink at home. To write all about it here would be too awful. I’ve been horrified, confused ever since and all I know for sure is that this person has hurt me hundreds of times and will continue if I don’t find a way out. I have over 10k saved for when the time is right, but I can’t figure out where to go from here. I’m alone. 
I am keeping this journal because on a daily basis, my partner accuses me of things I am not doing. They emotionally abuse and manipulate me. They treat me as though I am only my trauma. They treat me like asking for basic relationship stuff is some trauma response. They overstep every boundary I make and tell me that I earned it. I’ve grown to hate him. Especially now, I just feel like my life will be so much happier when i’m able to get out. But I guess. for now, there’s Prozac.
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servin-up-surveys · 2 years
survey #027
“cowboy, cowboy, he can ride any horse and any bride”
When you have your own house someday, what color Christmas tree do you want and how will you decorate it? I absolutely want a black one with faux frosted tips, maybe some snow on there. What food is so disgusting you could absolutely never eat it? Slimy stuff. Period. Clams/oysters are high up there, like I could NEVER Have you ever made money off of YouTube? Nope. Do you own a Polaroid camera? No. What color was your senior prom dress? Black. I regret deleting like, every picture that was taken with it because of who my date was. It was a beautiful dress and fuck, I looked so happy. What was the first thing you wanted to be when you grew up? Paleontologist. As a kid I confused it with archeologist, but I learned, haha. What was your first favorite color? Red. Have you ever purchased a YouTuber’s merch? Believe it or not, no. Well, Markiplier and jacksepticeye own a clothing brand together, and I DO have a shirt, but I actually own no singular YouTuber's merch because I'm too awkward about asking for it for birthdays 'n' shit, haha. What is your favorite color for bridesmaid dresses? No opinion. Do you ever count sheep to help you fall asleep? No. Do you ever play board games anymore? Not really. It's funny, once upon a time board games were mine and Girt's "thing;" we'd always play something when he was over. Been a very long time. I never enjoyed board games much though, so... I'm fine with that, haha. Have you ever been abused in any way? No. Is there one book you have read over and over again because it’s so good? I only ever re-read Because of Winn-Dixie and Meerkat Manor: Flower of the Kalahari, the latter being many times, ALTHOUGH in subsequent reads, I did skip over Clutton-Brock's absolutely ridiculous amount of tangents in the latter. He would ramble about things that were BAAAAAARELY related to the story for pages upon pages at a time, and I was not re-reading them. I barely got through them the first time. No offense to the guy, they just were not at all what I was there for. Who was your favorite Rugrats character? I was craaaaazy for that show and even had two video games, but I'm not sure I had a favorite kid... Do you watch birth vlogs on youtube? Uh, those are VERY high on the list of the LAST things I want to watch. Do you get heartburn? I have chronic heartburn because of my weight; I have to take a pill for it daily. If I miss even one day, my next one might be hell. Did you want to be famous when you were younger? No. Did you keep your graduation cap? Yeah, it's... somewhere. Did you decorate your graduation cap? I didn't. I shoulda. Do you prefer brownies or cookies? I think brownies. Favorite Girl Scout cookie? Those chocolate-covered peanut butter ones. What was the name of the funniest kid you’ve ever babysat? I've only babysat two kids in my entire life: Topanga and Ryder. Topanga couldn't even talk when I watched her, but Ryder is a trip. Do you enjoy babysitting? Absolutely not. It is WAY too stressful for me. Do you often post about controversial topics on Facebook? Sure do. You can't afford to be quiet about this stuff in the world we live in right now. What was your favorite book you had to read for school? The Outsiders tops the list, but The Handmaid's Tale is right on its ass. Have you ever wanted to be a teacher? No. Would you want to re-live your childhood over again if you could? When it really comes down to it, no. I want to keep going. Did your parents smoke or drink when you were growing up? Dad was an alcoholic and smoked on-and-off. Mom barely ever drank, and she smoked like, once in her life, pretty sure before any of her kids were born. Do you enjoy bonfires? I do. Has anyone ever described you as a trendsetter? Uh, no. Do you know anyone who’s auditioned for American Idol? No. Who do you know who has died of cancer? Both of my grandmothers. Probably others. Have you ever been a victim of racism? No. What’s the worst side effect you’ve experienced for a medication? I turned into a fucking DEMON. My mom would pick me up from school and not even recognize me, like I was MEEEEAAAAN. We dropped that shit so fast. Have you ever been in so much pain you prayed that you would die? No. Well, at least not for physical pain. Are you listening to music right now? Yeah, I have Till Lindemann's "Cowboy" on. Do you have a Magic Bullet? No. If you had to choose one country to live in for a year, what would it be? Probably Germany, if Girt could come with me. I'd have to resesarch certain laws and stuff before really deciding this. Have you seen any of your friends naked? None of my current friends, no. Do you pray out loud? I didn't, back when I was still religious. Has anyone ever told you they were in love with you? Yes. Ever cried while you were on the phone with someone? Yep. Whose Facebook password do you have? Just my own. Are you dating the last person you kissed? Yep. Who was the last person you cried in front of? My mom. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust? One. Maybe two, idfk. Have you had sex in a tent? Oh my god that sounds SO fucking uncomfortable, harrrrrrd pass. How often do you and your significant other argue? Practically never. Known one another over a decade and I still don't think we've had a real argument. Why aren’t you in "love" with your last ex anymore? Because I never really was. You compare what I felt for Sara to Jason and Girt and they're not even in the same ball park. Do you think the last person you kissed is nice? He's one of the nicest people I know. Have you ever been searched by the cops? Yes, but only because it was a mandatory step in getting to the mental hospital. Do you like when people play with your hair? BITCH I love that shit. Who was the last person you said I love you to? My boyfriend before going to bed last night. Could you forgive a boyfriend or friend who physically hurt you? HELL fuckin' no, bye. Who is your favorite person to have a serious conversation with? Girt. Do you think you’re good enough for the person you like? GOD no. Have you ever dated someone in jail? No. Have you ever had a life-threatening injury? No. Are there some songs you can't listen to because they remind you of someone? There's a scary number of those, but the only one I will 120% NOT listen to is "Stairway to Heaven" by Led Zeppelin, like I ACTUALLY think I would throw up. Have you ever fallen asleep in someone’s arms? Mhm. Who has made the biggest sacrifice for you? Oh, absolutely my mom. Do you believe that your first true love can be your only love in life? Certainly not. Do you know how many people your best friend has had sex with? I do. Which one of your exes hates you the most? I am QUITE certain that would be Jason. Do you think your last ex will eventually want to be with you again? That would be very shocking. I'm not the person for her. Are you happier single or in a relationship? It SHOULDN'T be this way, but I know I'm generally happier in a relationship. It registers as validation in my head that someone actually really DOES love, see worth in, and believe in me. Did you flirt with anyone today? No. It's early and Girt's not up yet, lemme bother him later, haha. Do you think you would ever cheat on your future husband/wife? ABSOLUTELY not. I wouldn't even if we weren't, but especially once I MARRY you? I'm not pulling that shit. Have you ever slow danced with someone? Yes. Would you ever have children before you got married? In the hypothetical situation of me actually wanting kids, I would want to be married first. Have you ever dated anyone that had kids with someone else? No, I don't *think* I would be able to. Who was the last person that really pissed you off? So like I never want to see one of my uncles ever again because I sincerely want to fucking kill him. Was your first kiss perfect? To me, it was. Would you be surprised if your most recent ex called you tonight? Her number is blocked, soooo... Does the thought of marriage scare you? No. Has your first ex ever been in jail? He'd never been when we still knew each other. I very, very highly doubt he's been since. What about your last ex? She hasn't been, either. Would you kill someone for 9 million dollars? I wouldn't be spending that money in prison, now, would I? Have you ever fallen out of love? I did, yes. If you had a child right now do you think you could raise it? Absofuckinglutely not. I would unintentionally ruin that kid's life and my own because I'd probably end it. Do you think guys that wear makeup are sexy? I think makeup is capable of being very attractive on anyone, idc about gender.
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fictiophillia · 2 years
Heya! This is the first time I‘m making a request so I hope I‘m doing this right ^^‘
I really like your writing with Mammon and an INTP MC, and I was wondering whether or not it would be ok to ask for Mams with an INFP Mc? And maybe instead of smut there could be some comfort? I‘m just really stressed rn and he‘s my comfort character :‘)
If not it‘s totally ok and I hope you have an amazing day ^^ <3
HEKAMDIAKSBSKSBJA OFCC I'm so happy that y'all like my writing lmao rn it's 05:03 am I just woken up and I couldn't sleep, although I saw it is for comfort and I shall do it now. I couldn't choose a song, there were many good ones (when y'all realize the songs are the same mbti lol) and I'm running out of battery :') sorry if it's short btw
Mammon comforting an INFP reader
Tumblr media
warnings : no horny time in this one 😞 only fluff fluff cuddles and fluff
gender: neutral
You two would definitely be the cutest pair in all Devildom.
It's like you share the same mind.
"What if mayonnaise came in cans??"
"That would suck because you can't microwave metal"
"Good morning to everyone except those two."
He loves how caring you are with him.
He doesn't get why you overthink all the time but he'll be there comforting and reassuring every time it happens.
You two were a match made in heaven *drums*
Han han got it? bc heaven- and he's a demon-
I'm going to shut up now-
Any physical contact such as hugs, holding hands, laying his head on your lap/chest, he loves it all<3
If you're the one for physical contact tho? that's ok too!
He'll be sending you those love-ass crackhead memes at 4am
"Mammon it's 4am"
"Ya saying I can't love ya at 4am???"
"Mammon we literally have to get up in a couple of hours"
Maybe your not the only one overthinking c:
Although he overthinks mainly because of insecurities he has gained from living with his brothers so make sure to comfort him too about that later, as he is always here to comfort you <3
Comfort time wouldn't include much moving, I think you'd stay home and in the literal meaning chilling and Netflix.
(If you're ok with contact) He'd pull you to lay your head on his shoulder, laying his head on top of yours- as much as he'd like to be the only laying on your shoulder.
(If you're not) He'd crack a joke every now and then just to see you smile.
He just loves you so much and he can't help but tell other people about it.
"Mammon it is the 29th time you've said it today, WE WOKEN UP 3 HOURS AGO-"
You can see his eyes shinning when he sees you across the room 🥺❤️
Talking about shinning-
You could be smaller, weaker, even softer than him and he'd still see you as his knight in a shining armor.
He'd also give you anything shinning he took interest in, could be a bracelet, could be a rock, it's really random lmao.
You make him think outside the box, you take out the most creative side of him.
You can see right through his charm when he's trying to get out of situations such as Lucifer's scolding.
You teach him to be more thoughtful and observant, not so be impulsive when doing things.
He takes on adventures and takes you out of your funk of overthinking.
He pushes your limits to help you grow.
He helps you to be more confident in social situations.
You're both very chaotic already and together you're just creating more chaos (in a good way!!!)
"How do I flirt with someone???"
"Throw rocks at them"
"Thanks dude."
You both spend time trying new things as you both hate repetitions.
You both hate being restrained and limited, so you're free around each other, he trust you and you trust him too.
He's your demon and you're his human<3
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