#might impliment this
thevalleyoftriumph · 4 months
im beginning to think that i am mentally ill and the internet makes my mental illness Worse
#i dont often get personal on this blog but im going to be so honest idc anymore. no one has 2 read this if they dont wanna i promise#but anyway. if *ACCIDENTALLY* rbing a Bad post and deleting it within ~5 seconds of it happening AND blocking the op#is enough to send me into one of my downward spirals of NEEDING to check my notes and inbox#and opening and closing my blog to make sure its Actually deleted and im not just Imagining its deleted#in order to feel even slightly okay#only to immediately remember/realize that blog notifications on mobile not only send INSTANTLY upon a rb happening#but show every detail of the post and dont stack either#therefor sending me even FURTHER into my checking and sending me into a panic#because this means people possibly Wont Know It Was A Mistake and instead might think its a genuine opinion of mine#therefor making me panic MORE#if ALL OF THAT is just because this fucking website cant impliment a proper quick-rb button for desktop#and a mistake happened#then i dont think the internet is good for me at this point and i think i need to smash all of my devices#i already get a lot of those like... needing to do Something to make sure nothing bad happened/happens#like i get that a lot already from my irl life i do NOT need it to happen online too.#because like.. i dont know WHO saw that. so am i making a huge fuss out of nothing/a mistake everyone could have made?#yes! probably! but i cant really stop myself now that ive started so this is going to Legit Haunt Me which is Not Normal!#whatever mannnnn#got so upset over this i cried and then circled back around to just Mildly stressed to apathetic entirely within the span of 4 minutes#still checking my notifs/inbox every two seconds but at this point ive accepted Someones probably gotten a notif and well. nothing i can do#kitkat chitchat
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luimagines · 2 years
Remember that story I mentioned like a month ago? Yeah... ummm.. It's done now! May or may not have used it as motivation for an annoying English essay
No Fis, Twis, or Skys were harmed in the making of this fic. Pure crack, no angst. Promise!
Also not entirely sure why this is Legend’s POV, it just is. 
The group had been walking around in Hyrule’s hyrule for a few days. It had been oddly peaceful. So much so that Legend was beginning to feel on edge. It seemed like they were far overdue for something to go wrong. Unfortunately, in this case, the vet’s instincts are rarely wrong. 
Not ten seconds after Legend had had that thought, Sky tripped and fell into a plant. A strange smoke engulfed him. Legend could feel the power emanating from it. 
“Everyone get back!” Hyrule shouted. The others complied immediately, confused as they were. It was the Traveler’s hyrule after all. 
“What the hell was that?” Legend and Four asked at the same time, the Smithy’s eyes flashing from green to blue and settling on purple. Sky was sitting in the bush, eyes closed, swaying side to side. 
“The pollen from those flowers makes people… a little loopy. It’s not uncommon for them to try to fight everyone and everything in sight.” Hyrule answered, “I think it’ll only last for fifteen minutes or so?”
“Love the certainty,” Warriors replied as Sky stood up and drew the Master Sword. 
Sky let out a primal war cry and charged at the nearest rock. It was a massive thing and completely dwarfed the enraged hero. He started hacking away at the thing. Legend would have laughed, he was going at it like it was his worst enemy after all, if Sky hadn’t obliterated the thing in four swipes. With the rock destroyed, Sky looked quite pleased with himself and turned to face the group fully. The look in his eyes was completely insane. 
For an instant, Legend was reminded of Wild with a fire rod. 
Then Sky was charging again. At Twilight this time. He jumped up, raising his blade high. It looked as though he were thoroughly prepared to slice Twilight’s skull in half. “THIEF!” Sky growled as he swung down. Nobody bothered to move though. Fi would never actually hurt one of her masters. Normally the magic that keeps her from harming one of her master’s would also burn her current master’s hand, although one should not underestimate Fi’s dedication to the chosen hero. 
The master sword was enshrouded in light. The blade connected with Twi’s head. There was no blood or burnt hands. Only confusion. The master sword was… bent? More accurately, it appeared to be made out of foam. 
The holy blade of the chosen hero. The master sword. The weapon passed down from hero to hero throughout Hyrule's history. Had been reduced to foam. A mere child’s toy. 
Sky proceeded to continue jabbing, slashing, hitting, and whatever else he could think of. Shouting all the while.
Legend would have facepalmed, but in truth the sight was so comical that he couldn’t look away. Though he would have to find out what on earth it was that the Rancher had apparently stolen later. Especially because Sky and Twilight had just been chatting and laughing amiably not five minutes earlier. 
As much as Legend and the others were struggling to comprehend what was happening as it was, apparently Sky had decided to take a page out of Wild’s book. The Skyloftian hero turned tail and bolted up a tree. He proceeded to literally hiss at the poor Rancher and drew his slingshot. He then proceeded to pelt Twilight with little foam balls, Fi having managed to pacify all of his weapons with her magic. The attacks bounced uselessly. Legend locked eyes with Four, who’s eyes were red now? No matter. The two came to a silent agreement to convince Wind that he should use those foam balls to play fetch with Wolfie later.  
Legend was ripped from his schemes as his normally gentle friend let out a screech that honestly sounded like some kind of demented imitation of a bird. The next second, Sky was in the air. Apparently having decided that his various projectiles were no good, he opted to yeet himself at his “opponent.” Seven heroes all geared up to try and break his fall, but Twilight just sighed exasperatedly. A defeated, I-guess-this-is-my-life kind of sigh. 
“I got ‘im” the Rancher drawled as he reached up and caught Hylia’s Chosen easily. Sky must’ve drawn his sword at some point while he was in the air because he promptly brought the useless foam instrument down onto Twilight’s head. The larger man didn’t even flinch. He just kept holding Sky, by the armpits, off the ground and at arm's length. 
Sky continued to pummel him with the toy sword as the rest of the group stared. Bug-eyed and jaws on the floor. Out of the corner of his eye, Legend saw Wild and Wind -- almost robotically -- lift up their cameras and take blackmail pictures.
Legend was too flabbergasted to notice the shift in the Skyloftian’s demeanor until Sky was laughing his head off as he continued to bonk Twi with the sword -- albeit much more gently than before. Looking more carefully now, the look in his eye was no longer deranged, just mischievous as he continued to writhe and squirm and hack at his companion. 
“Ya back to yerself yet?” Twilight asked, cocking an eyebrow. 
“Yeah, I’m having a great time over here,” Sky spoke between giggles. 
“Glad ta hear it,” the Rancher spoke as he dropped Sky, a mischievous glint in his own eye.
There was a confused squawk (and the distinctive click of Wild’s camera) as Sky hit the ground. Not seconds after that, Sky’s weapons returned to their rightful, deadly state. 
“Okay, boys. That’s enough of that. Fun’s over, let’s get a move on.” Time spoke and began walking. 
“Buzzkill,” Sky muttered as they all began walking. 
- Glitter ✨
first of all!!!!!
omg, Glitter, I forgot you mentioned this. But you did not disappoint! XD
Love the idea that Legend and Wind are going to try and get Wolfie to play fetch. Is this before or after Wind learns of Twilight's little secret?
Also, what did Twi even do to make feral Sky so angry at him? XD
He completely singled him out for no good reason. Unless he ate the last slice of cake. then that anger is completely justified.
Scheming Legend- his ultimate form!!!
I loved this! Thank you for sharing. <3
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arolesbianism · 1 year
Dude istg if the colab doesn't add one of cotl's actually cool bosses I'm gonna cry
#rat rambles#I get that they very much Have to be inherently lamer just due to dont starve's lack of movement options#but I just want Something I can give a proper shit abt yknow? someone Id want to fight because its cool even if the fight is kinda eh#cotl could just do whatever with adding bosses if they decide to rly theyd probably go more ham than in the original#but Im gonna be honest I doubt that cotl is gonna add any new bosses#mostly because cotl is a much more liniar game and finding a place to fit new bosses would be tricky#like unless they rly wanna commit That hard and add like a whole new area for donr starve bosses but again. I doubt it.#I coulddddd see a sort of pergatory miniboss rush tho if theyre feeling spicy?#like idk maybe there can be a purgatory branch that includes a handful of dont starve bosses and/or enemies where you unlock follower skins#again I just genuinely dont know how this colab is gonna look on the cotl side of things#at worst this rly could just be a skin exchange and nothing else tbh fjdkhskdu#cotl gets a few new follower forms dst gets a few item skins and both parties move on with their lives#I sincierly hope that doesnt happen but it is possible especially considering the very quiet announcements from both parties#idk Im chosing to trust that theyre going to at least add one or two new items#idealy we get a boss or two along with said items but we'll see#my main concern rly is just that the dst animation team would look at cotl bosses and go yeah no thanks#not that cotl bosses are all too complicated or anything but for a colab event it might be a bit much of a workload#but if I had to pick a most likely cotl boss to get to dst Id say barbados probably#not for any real reason it just feels like the most iconic mini boss to me#plus itd probably be easier to impliment into dst gameplay wise#other options could be the very first guy but that would be boring and maybe a witness but that would also be boring#I do think a witness is more likely of the two tho and would be a good potential canidate for a second boss#mostly because I doubt anyone cares enough abt the witnesses that theyd be upset if they completely changed its attacks lol#I hate the witness fight btw I would be the number one dst witness is better truther no matter how lame the fight was#as for dst bosses in cotl deerclopse is an obvious one but I could see them going with dragonfly tbh#mostly because I just feel like shed fit nicer in the cotl artstyle and also could fit easily into several cotl common boss gimics#if I were to go morw unrealistic tho the pugalist would fit wonderfully in cotl tbh#both design and gameplay wise it wouldnt even need to be adjusted that much tbh just throw a few more projectiles on that bitch and ur good#I could also 100% see them doing toadstool honestly thatd be my number 1 pick as far as dst exclusive bosses go I think#like toadstool rly is just so cotl boss coded tbh again just throw a few moee projectiles on that bitch and your good
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nonbinary-morro · 1 year
the urge to classpect all my faves (unstopable force) vs the lack of competancy with classpect analysis/understanding the system both as individual titles and relative to each other (immovable object)
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briarsraven · 6 months
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yinying is a male, he's large, and has quite the personality.
his name means 'shadow' in chinese.
he will tail people for wuya, and, despite the risk there if he's spot- he's a pretty clever bird. hasn't gotten hurt yet.
very food motivated. his favorite treats are apple slices, and blueberries. but he wont hesitate to pick off whatever wuya is eating. much to wuya's frustration sometimes. can't stay mad at him though. u - u
attention whore of a bird...
he will absolutely bite people he doesn't like. hard. and will nip at strangers who get a little too curious.
knows some words, and a lot of commands. yinying speaking is always a surprise tbh, but he really only repeats things wuya's taught him.
doesn't follow wuya everywhere. but always knows how to find him. in an emergency, he will pester someone wuya is familiar with, repeating the same word until he's followed. he can be very very annoying im sorry.
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madqueenmomo · 10 months
Hiya folks. Todays the ffxiv hair contest winers were announced and of of the styles I made won.
The one who will be implimented in game will be Natural curls.
These were made with my friends in mind (because I love them and they deserve more actual natural curls) while taking into consideration the lack of curly hair, the textures I know they would be able to make and how it would look like on non poc wols
The winning hair
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This was the first and more simple one I made. I started out with the base shape then painted it over with a natural curl hair brush.
I wanted to make a texture I felt i’ve seen the devs make in Highlander/Midlander hair but no where else.
I simplified it for the quickly drawn examples … I have a feeling the end product might be closer to those instead of the more curly version. Here is to hoping no.
The ones I made but did not win, so wont get in game
The curly swoop
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This one was actually requested by one of my friends.
She wanted me to try a hair still she wanted to have in real life. Due to the reasons stated on top, i had to loosen up the curls of the swoop to make it work with what i knew was a texture they could pull off and also work with non poc characters.
Old school ponytail
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This one was inspired by nostalgia from when I was in grade school.
I remembered those hail tie balls so well and associated them with fond memories.
Sadly I didn’t think i could do my original idea of the thick cute braids i associated these with in a way that the game would make it not look racist/work with non poc characters so I focused on just the curls. It ended up reminding me of Terra from FF6 but more curly.
In the end. I’m glad Natural curls won. I really hope they get the texture right and curly.
I still feel awkward cause i’m white woman who submitted these. But I did them with love and support for my friends and to yell at SE to add more poc hair (wich i saw a shorter dreads hair and also a really elegant brais with poofy curls won so i guess my plan worked?)
I just hope this will make them make more hair with poc in mind so the players can eat well.
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kurjakani · 8 months
unfort what i tried to do for foley didnt work, it s smth i need hella practice in before i can impliment it to any of my vds :/ i will look into it. bc even tho i sucked at it, figuring the right sounds was fun AF??? so. watever. Anyways i did some small editing for this and overlapped some of the sound so its a bit. More. Creature? :) But yeah finished piece for my audiovisual video part of my photo course. I might redo this one day, id like to do it w a bigger trashbag, so i could film vaster scenes... i love the first clip bc you can see things rising in the bg, but you can also see some of the room and I dont want that :(
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theoperativeif · 9 months
Regarding the January 7th Demo Update
The demo has been updated! The first 001 POV scenes and all of the ball routes are completed. (Small changes will probably roll in alongside feedback) Small changes have also been made throughout the story in preparation for a new way the demo will handle personality.
First we will prioritize working through the Lab and Ari reunion throughout January. This will include new armor options and numerous choices that will influence the soldiers accompanying you. It will also have a ton of interactions between the ro's and might maaaaaaybe start to sprinkle in some poly energy...
After that, I will implement a brand new personality system that I've been developing. Inspired by interactive fiction like "Kingdoms and Empires," it will make the story more immersive. This system aims to address out-of-character moments that occasionally arise and will significantly impact how your Operative navigates the events already available in the demo.
I will need your help to identify parts of the story that require extra attention for proper implementation of this system WHEN IT IS IMPLIMENTED LATER. In the meantime, I hope you all enjoy the update. We have a ton of content just around the corner.
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A sketch of my siren nightmare design for Wine Dark Sea
I I also have a concept sketch for a general reader appearance, but I might redo it to be more.... implimentable on? Idk if I used that right
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rocksanddeadflowers · 6 months
OH OH OH okay I have a silly idea for this AU that I want to start by saying there's no need to impliment it into the actual canon of this AU unless everyone just really likes it, cause it was mostly a silly fun daydream idea I had while I was doing mindless work.
I watched Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarves a while ago out of curiosity (it was super cute and was on a free streaming platform somewhere? maybe Tubi). Thinking specifically about the "dwarves" curse- where they remained like, little green guys? The whole time except for when no one was looking at them (the root of the curse was another "judging looks by their cover" thing so that's why). So I thought it would be funny to impliment that onto the staff of the castle during the curse (idk about Jonny though, I feel like the curse effects him very differently compared to the staff since he's the target etc).
Cons: - might undermine the musical's thing I really like where characters lose themselves in being the object they're cursed as until they lose sentience and become only that object (that's a BIG con for me) - def could change a lot of details that would kinda be hard to remember when writing if that makes sense
Pros: - characters not being limited by their curse only when alone/not in view (being tall again and grabbing something, better at fighting/defense, maybe Lyf can control their magic only in original form, etc) - the comedic value (see above- trying to do something in one form and immedtly shifting into the other form unpromted and having to start over) - drama (can catch glimpses of themselves or others like a faint distant memeory or some shit) - specifically a scene where Marius passes out from sleep deprivation and Aurora catches him and notifies Lyf who comes to check on him but now that no one else is looking Lyf in full human-fae form gets to be near him in their original form eventually resolves to carrying Marius to bed and tucks him in and maybe gets stuck staying with him otherwise his sleep would be restless and useless so now Marius has vague dream like memories of human-fae Lyf and it only solidifies when he feels that form of Lyf snuggled in bed with him as he wakes up but when he actually looks at Lyf they're still a clock so he thinks he made it all up - sorry no more ideas still thinking about lyf and marius
So yeah this is silly and just for funsies :)
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gacha-incels · 3 months
dunno if this is the right blog at all (if not feel free to delete this ask) but considering youve posted about devsisters:
they might be getting sued? korean players werent satisfied enough with what changes they made (which last i heard was the whole ancient+ thing, company being greedy is the tldr) and from what i know there was a law implimented that if there is something with probablilites in a gacha game that they *must* show those probabilities and devsis hasnt acted on that law or something and thats why they might be getting sued, thats the most ive understood out of this situation and i thought itd be interesting to report
Yes failing to show rates is a serious illegal action that will absolutely get you sued, the most recent incident similar to this I can think of was Nexon being fined 11.6 billion won for lowering some of their maplestory lootbox rates as low as 0% and not publishing these numbers anywhere for the players to see
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hopefully the passionate fans going through with all of this can get the misogynist company devsisters for it 🤞it seems from this post they want to bring the issue to the FTC who fined Nexon and they want to keep up the LED truck protests they’ve been doing.
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with some of the comments on their Reddit fan page, you can see how some users see this company as kind of a friend or a central part of their identity, which is similar to the reaction we’ve seen some project moon fans have when defending that company. this is an antifeminist company banking on you becoming a gambling addict for gingerbread man OCs like you don’t have to defend them lol but I’m sure like limbus a lot of these users are probably quite young. I’ll be curious to see how this all pans out.
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thatonethiccracoon · 9 months
Ok but get this, Crowley knows that demons can impliment themselves into media due to Hell comminucating with him that way sometimes.
So imagine him finding out how to hijack the vinyls in Azriaphale's bookshop so he can input random commentary onto them to mess with the angel. So he sneaks into the shop to tamper with all of the vinyls with random commentary that might piss his angel off or make him laugh.
Wether it be blasting Queen's Bohemian Raphsody mid song, dropping cheesy heaven themed pickup lines, randomly inserting an occasional jumpscare, and complimenting the angel's ass in case he's bending over at any point in the record.
Aziraphale acts mad, but he secretly enjoys it and has favorites he'll listen to when he needs a good pick me up.
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saltminerising · 8 months
1. ​In the midst of a lengthy ban explanation, the team member who wrote it confessed that there were several times where I broke the rules and they didn't ban me. (The accounts ended up locked for other reasons.) Was that supposed to make you seem merciful? Because hanging on to all that to trot out at the last minute comes off as petty spite to me. THAT'S why I'm leaving for good, not because I'm "out of second chances". Go take your unevenly applied rules and bother someone else.
2. I wish FR would impliment a thing where you can just ask to have extra accounts closed, without risking your main. That would be nice
Or maybe an, idk, multiaccounter debt system, where all the stuff you've funneled gets given a FR currency value that you then have to pay off before you earn anything new to spend yourself. Probably wouldn't ever happen because it could lead to massive unpayable debts in the case of some things, but it feels unfair that literally any multi activity at any point of your time on the site risks a ban and loss of potential years of progress, even if they barely did anything with the extra accounts at all
Yes I'm aware they let you make a new account after but still. Sucks
3. very respectfully i wish anybody who made multiple accounts without realizing it was against the rules a very get banned idiot. its right there in tos. literally right there. i dont even care if you were a wee lamb of 13. just read the damn rules!
4. the fact that you can get banned for something you did 5-7 years ago is fucking stupid. they run such a tight ass ship for a game thats not even in semi-closed beta anymore.
5. for the person asking about reasons for multi-accounting ; i have a dissociative disorder and often forgot my passwords/logins. these often came back recollected over the next few years. i'd log in to an old account, see i had currency, send it over and never touch it again. maybe not a super crazy reason for "multi-ing" if you can even call it that (and personally i dont even consider it funneling) but i imagine there are a lot of cases like this of just genuine forgetfulness.
6. The multi rules are so ass bc if you ever accidentally break them u might as well double down bc ur getting banned either way
7. when i was 14 i wanted to get rid of some of my dragons but i was still a little attached so i made another account and just sent the dragons to it and now they sit there......hungry forever.....anyway i lost the password and i only started taking this game seriously like a year ago but now im lowkey scared if i will be found guilty of multi-accounting and sentenced to death :)
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arolesbianism · 3 months
Hi guys guess who's literally shaking rn from excitement
#rat rambles#oni posting#beta moments. explodes.#now as expected not everything is fully implemented and I imagine theres going to be more logs and such when the main story trait of this#planetoid is fully implimented in the actual dlc when it releases#but there are still some new logs that can be viewed already and Holy Shit#ok ok so first of all we have confirmation that gossmann is her last name and her first name starts with an e#I also am amazed at my hc of harold being a dad being true like yo I actually nailed it with that hc#however that news is far outshadowed by the fact that pretty much all of my jackie childhood hcs being completely obliterated#and by completely I mean COMPLETELY like its not even like a detailed retelling or anything its just an email#but as I honestly kind of expected my hcs are completely dead and gone in the wind rest in peace jackie hcs#Im honestly completely ok with this tho as while I did like my hcs ot definitely was the sort of thing I did not want to be canon#like honestly the fact that this implies that jackie actually has a decent relationship with her family is perfect to me#I also like how it gives us another bit of insight on jackie's life outside of gravitas without her even saying anything directly#its going to be sad to move away from my old hcs but I am honestly kind of digging the new implications#wait a minute#ok now I need to know what the family tree here looks like jackie are those your parents and are they divorced this is important#WAIT I NOTICED A SECOND THING#ok well first of all one of the presumably jackie relatives is a colonel which like so fucking lines up with how jackie is#but also I think that some of the other new logs might also be abt jackie relatives#one of the new logs in fact directly mentions a colonel#in fact the log in question seems to be a part of another trio of logs that probably are abt different outcomes of the same event#they seem to be about an incident that either resulted in the injury death or successful recovery efforts of a crew of piolets#with the one that ended up being able to be saved being credited to the colonel (telling us they were almost certainly in the air force)#all three end with gravitas showing some form of hostility towards the vertex institute for some reason or another#and in the two where things go wrong stretches out an invitation for those affected to apply at gravitas instead#and the one where things turn out ok theres mention of claims of corporate espionage#which I find Facinating on so many levels in either direction this could go#to be clear these three logs are written in a very broken up manner as they seem to be corrupted radio programs or smth#anyways this is all to say that smth fucked up happened over there and it has the chance to make jackie so So much worse
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zwoelffarben · 2 years
Not derailing this post which is having a very serious conversation about sex, sexnormativity, and such. There's a quote I want to talk about in that @curlicuecal in the conversation says and relate it to the culture surrounding the adoption of new media:
...if you spend some time talking to people with different experiences or learning about even one culture other than your own ... It just opens your eyes to perspectives and options you never even knew existed. And suddenly you have more colors to paint with.
I believe that the major success of homestuck and (unfortunately) harry potter as well as the major failure of Jame Cameron's Avatar, and minor failure of most YA dytopia novels wit harry potter houses correlate to this New Colors Principle: If you give people new colors to paint wit, they will paint with them.
let's skip over homestuck (we'll get back to it) and (unfortunately) talk about harry potter for a moment. The four houses are arguably the biggest part of potterhead culture, and that's more than just marketing. A lot of words have been written on how the houses function in canon, forming the basis for a bad positive feedback loop that ultimately radicalizes snape, voldemort, and other syltherins to bibotry; as well as other problems with their in canon implimentations. But, the thing that made harry potter so fucking popular, aside from the factors of success largely unrelated to the book itself, was that it gave people some fancy new astrology signs by way of the hogwarts houses. They were new colors to paint with, and its unfortunately what makes it so fucking difficult to kill too, because people don't want to lose access to those colors they found meaning in (I still internally identify wit a house, cringing as I do, because I painted myself with that color, and cutting that part of myself away, despite my acceptance of its necessity is a hard and painful process I'm probably never gonna completely manage.)
By contrast, the failure of James Cameron's Avatar to form a cultural splash is because He doesn't spend enough time really rexploring the blue people's culture in a way that's understandable to a human audience. A lot of the blue people's culture exists only as either a plot device or the mystical native trope, which kinda betrays his opinions on the real-life indiginous peoples his blue people are coded as. He had the opprotunity to create some truly fascinating colors, and had he done so by cooperating with the native people he believes are a "dead end society", and all he made was puce blue.
And now back to the other end of the spectrum, to quote myself, "Homestuck is a now concluded long running web comic series written by Andrew Hussie centering around the paradox inducing shenanagains of ten humans, twenty-four trolls, a number of cerebum, and several other species; as they all quest both for personal growth and to herald the birth of a new cosmic frog multiverse which the surviviors of the narative can settle into: It’s a glorious mess." That quote comes from an essay in which I use huusian troll romance to analysize the romantic-sexual attraction of a character from a completely unrelated media.
The popularity of homestuck stems, I argue here in part, from the absolutely unhinged pallette of new colors it created. You've got astrology^2 in the classpects; you've got the trolls with their lexusi, blood heirarchy, and romance quadrants; the leprechaun have their charms (which is itself taking the piss out of troll romance quadrants), the dichotomy of the prospit and derse dreaming, the cherbum, all the various ways to conceptualize the self brought about by shenanagains in paradox spacetime. Homestuck offers some 40+ new colors to fuck around painting wit, and cringe though the execution might have sometimes been, people did enfact fuck around and paint wit 'em.
People love having new colors to play with, and culture is driven by the desire to paint, but also to discover new colors to paint with. What an excellent metaphor, that I should note was made by a person who, at time of writing, has a homestuck icon.
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kerryweaverlesbian · 3 months
The thing with Jack in the Box is. This is more headcanon 'how did Sam possibly get here' than fully backed by canon. Btw. The thing is that Sam learns to outsource his moral compass to Dean (or Mary, with the BMoL plotline) if Dean's not doing Plan Kill Myself for big decisions because he doesn't trust that he can make the right decisions based on. His track record.
He trusted Ruby, the Apocalypse started; he thought Adam would be okay against Michael, he wasn't; he lost his soul and was NOT trustworthy; he tried saving Dean by any means necessary in s3'n'10 and gave up in s8, and all times he was told that was deeply wrong of him; he does the trials and it ends up with Dean installing a security guard in Sam's own head; BMoL blows up in his face; it is not god sending him visions, but the devil.
Part of this is narrative repetition. Dean is almost always intuitively right about who they should trust (which must be infuriating lmao) apart from Gadreel and Castiel going godstiel mode. Sam's big mistakes have far reaching consequences, where Dean's often affect himself personally or mostly just their family unit (again apart from trusting Castiel. LOL). Part of it is Sam believing his inherent taintedness is something that he can scrub clean or at least keep hidden if he just tries hard enough. Part of it is that Dean progressively shuts Sam out of his unilateral decision making more and more as the show goes on (mostly to impliment Plan Kill Myself) so Sam doesn't get the reasoning behind Dean's decisions, and then they work out.
Sam says to Charlie - he likes his life as a Hunter but he cannot do it without Dean.
So then - what happens when your outsourced moral compass is getting rusty? When the guy who is Always Right is saying that something you can see and feel is wrong is the correct thing to do? Well. You've felt that way before and you were wrong. So wrong. And it hurt the whole world. You don't have a better plan yet, and you know this plan IS going to be attempted whether you agree or not. It just might get your brother killed if you don't go along with it. And aren't they all kinda trapped in an eternal prison right now anyway? Isn't that what life is? So you go along with it. And you lock up the kid you project on. And you don't give him a nightlight. Because he doesn't deserve it. Because he's made such a horrible mistake.
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