#might not have as much of a ‘successful’ or got what they wanted ending. at the chance to go back and lose all those memories. to spend
jjungkookislife · 3 days
Shadow [Ch. 6]
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pairing: villain!jungkook x side kick!reader
genre: villain au, fluff, crack, 18+
summary: You think about your life after crime and say goodbye to your penguin pals for now.
wc: 1.5k
warnings: mention of mental health (allusions to depression), mention of death, cum shot mention, shared shower, stolen car, stolen jet, car gets set on fire, taking control of someone else's body, melatonin used to put someone to sleep
date: June 2, 2024
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A smile appears when you hear Jungkook’s soft snores, thankful he's sleeping peacefully. You often worry being a villain might put a strain on him and his mental health and he’s not quick to admit he’s struggling. You know most of his plans fail, but some have been successful and those few keep you motivated to do better and be better. You love Jungkook and you love the life the two of you have built together and while he’s been dreaming of taking over the world, you’ve been saving and working towards your future and your life after crime.
You dream of a remote island, surrounded by nothing but the ocean as far as the eye can see— a safe place to build a home, and a family, and eventually have little villains running around with Jungkook’s bright doe eyes. The thought has your smile growing bright, your hand resting on Jungkook’s back, softly rubbing circles into his skin.
You love him so much. You can’t imagine what your life without him would be like and you know this life can be dangerous. You want him to achieve all his dreams before asking him to settle down. A jet here, a robbery there, a plot to take over the world, steal some jewels, it all fades to nothing because you’d go to the end of the world just to see him smile, and just thinking of losing him makes your heart sink.
Everything had to be perfect tomorrow.
You couldn’t afford anything but perfection.
A soft knock startles you, making you turn your head toward the door as you grip the sheets to your bare chest. P pops his head in, squawking a few times to alert you of someone at the door. You nod, sending him off as you climb out of bed and pull Jungkook’s shirt over your head before grabbing a pair of leggings as you quietly tiptoe out of the room until Jungkook’s snoring is too far to hear.
“Hello?” A voice comes over the speaker as you lean into Penguin Pal, who’s pointing at the screen. “I’m here for some penguins?”
“Come in!” you call, hitting the button to open the door and the man drives in. He’s got a frazzled look in his eyes but does so. After all, he wasn’t one to question anybody; that made him perfect for the job.
You call your penguin minions, helping the man line them up and place a name tag on them. They all know they’ll return to Antarctica, where you will meet them shortly after you’ve procured the jet.
“My babies,” you pout, kissing each of them before they get in their little cages. They squawk their goodbyes and P clings to you.
“My sweet boy,” you coo as you drop to your knees to be at eye level. His flippers move at his side, your eyes pooling with tears that you blink back when you sniffle. “I’ll see you in just a few days. I promise. Nothing will keep me from you, P.”
Your words seem to comfort Penguin Pal. He nods, waiting for one last hug while the delivery man stares blankly. This is definitely not the weirdest pickup he’s done, but this is why he makes the big bucks.
Once everyone is settled, and your card is approved, the delivery man is gone with your minions and you’re left with a pout on your lips. You’d love to mope around the rest of the day but your body is sore from last night and you desperately needed a shower after the final round when Jungkook finished on your chest. Hot in the moment, but sticky right after.
When you’re in the shower, rinsing your hair, you hear the shower curtain get pushed to the side. Jungkook’s careful as he steps into the shower to join you, his sleepy voice murmuring how he missed you.
“Sorry, baby. I had to see the penguins off,” you inform him as his arms wrap around you and his head rests on your shoulder, not caring that the shower head is pelting him.
“I didn’t get to say bye,” he pouts. You smile, “You’ll see them soon enough.”
“You’re right,” Jungkook sighs. “Maybe they’ll like me by then.”
“We can hope,” you tease as you turn to kiss him, your hands resting on his shoulders.
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After your shower, you have a quick breakfast before changing into your sidekick outfit. Jungkook’s busy getting dressed, going over the plans one last time.
Nerves threaten to eat him alive, but he’s done things like this for as long as he can remember. He hopes this will be successful. He’d like it to be his last heist.
“Do we have everything?” You ask as you zip up your backpack. You’ve taken the liberty of stealing a car to buy you some time while you steal the jet. You couldn’t exactly drive your car to a heist.
“I think so,” Jungkook looks into the trunk, checking each bag with the lists you’ve handed him. He grabs an extra bag of snacks just in case and then opens the door to the passenger side for you.
Jungkook gets into the driver’s side as you set up the GPS. He looks it over, mumbling to himself before he nods and starts the car.
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The drive is long. Jungkook sings along to his Villain playlist, smiling when you join in here and there. He holds his hand in yours as he drives down the highway.
Hours fly by and you lose yourself in your thoughts. Stealing a jet is no big deal, but having to steal the gem makes you sweat. You have a vague idea of its location, but getting there on foot would be tedious.
You’re consumed by your thoughts when you arrive at a private airport. You had Omen scope it out beforehand, and now you were abandoning the stolen car after changing into your flight attendant uniform.
Jungkook was disguised as a pilot. It took all your willpower not to jump him right then and there with how ridiculously hot he looked! You would make sure he didn’t ruin the outfit before you got a chance to fuck him in it.
Jungkook is oblivious to your naughty thoughts as he grabs the bags you’ll need before using a gloved hand to wipe your prints and his from everything you’ve touched. You begin walking away from the car, with Jungkook checking you’re at a safe distance before he takes a new lighter out of the plastic wrap to toss into the car’s driver’s seat.
With a quick jog, Jungkook is at your side as the car takes moments to explode, creating a loud bang! And a huge cloud of smoke.
The two of you stick around long enough to make sure the front seats are destroyed as sirens fill the air and the two of you run in the opposite direction.
The night sky cooperates for once, cloudy and dark to hide the both of you in shadows. The airport isn’t too far from the blown-up car, but far enough to make it as unsuspicious as possible. You hope the explosion will keep people occupied long enough to steal the jet Omen had scoped out for you.
A chill passes through you as you press your back against a wall, slowly sticking your head out to peek into the hangar. The jet sits in its spot, but it seems a pilot is sitting in the cockpit.
“Fuck,” you curse. “There’s someone inside. There’s no telling if there’s a crew as well.”
Jungkook curses, looking over his shoulder before dropping the bags at his side. “We’ll just have to play it off until you can take his shadow. We can drop him somewhere and take the jet.”
You nod in agreement, fixing your uniform before plastering a flirtatious smile. You confidently stalk toward the plane, swaying your hips as you go.
Jungkook can barely contain himself from drooling.
“Hello,” you call as you step into the jet. The seats are empty, and no response comes from your greeting. You quickly melt into your shadows, using the seats to get from one side of the plane to the other.
“Just the pilot,” you whisper into your earpiece.
Jungkook grabs the bags and heads to the jet as you open the cockpit, surprising the pilot doing his preflight checks.
“What are you doing here!” The pilot exclaims. “We’re not leaving for an hour at least.”
You smirk. “Change of plans.”
The pilot’s brow furrows in confusion as you melt into a shadow, taking over his and gaining control of his body.
This was almost too easy.
“Jungkook!” you sing as you rise in your new body.
“That’s my girl,” Jungkook praises you as you walk past him and off the jet. You look for a quiet spot to take the pilot to before scarfing down a handful of melatonin gummies.
“That should keep you occupied while I take the jet for a ride,” you cackle as drowsiness overcomes your new body and once you’re on the brink of sleep, you slip out of the pilot’s body and back to your own.
Stretching, you stifle a yawn as you hurry back to the jet.
Jungkook has already finished performing preflight checks and is waiting for you to take your seat once you shut the doors.
A few minutes later, you are in the clouds, heading to your destination.
This truly couldn’t have gone any smoother.
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© jjungkookislife - I do not allow reposts or translations of my work on any platforms, this includes Youtube. 
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ziracona · 2 years
Genuinely Futurama had the most beautiful ending to any show I can remember. The impossible sentiment of “Wanna go around again?” “I do.” Followed immediately by the first episode airing after the finale? I’m crying right now typing this.
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luveline · 22 days
—you meet Spencer again after losing out on the BAU job. he comforts you while you do your best not to flirt. bombshell!reader, 0.9k
You lose out on the BAU job to Elle Greenaway. It drives you crazy.
You work just as hard as Elle does, you’re professional no matter what Jason Gideon has to say about you, and you know you could do it. You have just as many successes as Elle does.
It makes you feel sick. You tried so, so hard.
I’m sorry, Hotch had said, and at least you’d had his support. He was kind enough to tell you in person. I can’t make the decision without Gideon, and if he thinks you aren’t right for it right now, we’ll have to wait.
Wait. As though Jason Gideon was ever going to change his mind about you.
You open your purse and take out the barrel of your sheer lipstick. Your compact is next. You hold the mirror up and angle your face in the sun, popping the lid off of the lipstick, and pressing its flat end to your bottom lip. The line you draw is perfectly precise. Your hand barely trembles.
You drop the mirror down and rub your lips together slowly. No matter what falls out of your control, you can present yourself to your liking. You can be immaculate. You—
You look up from your rumination, startled. You’d been thinking so hard someone actually got the run up on you.
“Hi,” you say, tilting your head gently toward your shoulder.
Dr. Spencer Reid stands a polite three feet away from you. He’s suddenly changed. The last time you met him he was wearing his long hair in a side part. Now it’s split down the middle, just a touch shorter at the sides, and he’s wearing glasses.
(He’s wearing glasses!)
You’d thought he was pretty before.
“Are you okay?”
“I’m good,” you say, tempted to call him baby, maybe sweetheart. He’s a sweet looking boy. His sweater vest makes you wanna hold his hand. “Thank you for asking. Why are you asking?”
You talk to him with no derision nor malice, just curiosity.
He frowns. It gives his eyes a sad shine. “I know you wanted the open position. You would’ve been great at it.”
“You think so?” you ask, surprised.
“I’ve seen some of your write ups. We’ve used your summaries in one of our profiles, do you… remember that?”
You send Hotch anything he wants to see.
“I don’t know why Gideon doesn’t like you… He’s so rarely wrong about people, but you’re…” He licks his lips nervously. “You’re– you’re smart. You’re inquisitive. I think you would be an asset to the team, and it’s a shame you didn’t get your chance.”
You’re making him nervous and it isn’t your intention. You put your hands in your lap and stop giving him the look, swapping your amicable smile for a proper friendly one. “Thank you. Is it okay if I call you Spencer? Dr. Spencer Reid is a lot to say at once.”
He laughs, still nervous. “Yeah. Yeah, of course.”
“Spencer, thank you for caring so much, but I’m okay. I think I might still have a chance one day, but with Elle gone, the sex crimes division is going to need me.” You lift your chin. If he’s sought you out to tell you he’s sorry, your premonitions about him when you met a few weeks ago were correct. He’s as kind as he is pretty. “I love your glasses. Are they for reading?”
“I always wore glasses when I was a kid, and then I started working here, and I thought it might make me seem less… childish, if I wore contacts, but they’re the worst.”
You laugh happily. He says it in such a pained voice. “The glasses suit you so much,” you say, shoving your things into your bag and standing. “Did you wanna go for coffee? I need a pick me up before I go back to the office.”
Spencer touches his wrist. “Are you serious?”
“Why wouldn’t I be serious?” you ask, again, without a drop of malice. You’re not stupid, Spencer has all the nervousness of someone who’s been mistreated before, and heartily, and it’s easy to be soft with him not solely because of it, but because he seems so sweet. You could happily be his friend. “Do you like coffee? We could get those hot donuts from the cafeteria, have you tried those?”
You close the little gap between you both and raise your hand carefully to his face. Gentle, you try to pull a stray hair from the hinge of his glasses leg without snapping it.
“You can tell me all the stuff I’m doing wrong.”
“You’re not doing anything wrong,” Spencer says.
“Come on, there has to be something.”
His mouth gives him away. “It’s not that you’re doing it wrong, you’re just– you– you’re not looking at things the…” Your fingertip brushes his cheek as you drop your hand. “…Right way, sometimes.”
“I wanted your recommendations.” You bump his elbow with yours. “I’ll buy you a coffee and you can write me a list. Cool?”
He cleared his throat. “Yes. Cool.”
You’re thinking it’ll be the start of a good friendship. You and Dr. Reid make quite a pair.
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bumblequinn · 7 months
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hi @sourpatchsquids! thank you for your question.
as an artist with ADHD, i know this struggle very well. unfortunately offering advice on this kind of thing can be tricky, because what works for me may not work for you (and vice versa!). nonetheless, i can try; take whatever works for you, forget the rest, or reshape any part of it as you see fit. :)
but before i offer any actual tools, i have one caveat. i want you to take a moment to reflect and consider if you should be:
changing expectations
the timing of this question seems fated, because just the other day i had a therapy session wherein i expressed my grief and frustration over struggling to work lately due to my seasonal depression. it's not fair that i'm struggling just because it got a little darker outside! i just want the spark i had in the summer! i was so much more consistent!
my therapist's response: nothing about human beings is consistent. we get sick, we get tired, we get hungry and thirsty (and thirsty) and sad and lonely and restless and stressed and overwhelmed. this all gets amplified for folks who are atypical in some way or another.
when my therapist compared our seasonal cycles to those of plants and other animals, who wilt and slow down and hibernate, i protested aloud that i wanted to be a perennial instead. at this she said: even perennials change with the seasons. rose bushes have to be pruned, sometimes down to half their height! it was a dose of perspective i didn't particularly want, but really needed.
so when you're struggling to work through executive dysfunction, burnout, or brain fog, it can help to first check in with yourself about a few things. what do you have the capacity for right now? do you need any accommodation? and if so, what changes you might make to accommodate yourself?
with practice and self reflection, i've learned a handful of specific routines that help me when i'm struggling with creative work, which i'll detail next. note that while your question is specifically about music and i am specifically a musician, i believe that all of these suggestions can apply to most any form of digital creative work.
with that in mind:
#1: work slower
when i'm at the top of my game, i can get a LOT done in a day. but when i'm depressed, fatigued, or distracted, i just can't go full steam. sometimes i'll try to convince myself that i can if i just push harder, but what actually ends up happening is that i'm just fiddling with settings and going in circles rather than moving forward.
instead of that, when i want to work a lot but can't, i try to work slow. how slow? however slow i need to. take four hours to figure out the melody for a single verse. take all day to figure out that drum groove. yeah, i take a lot of breaks in between. who says i have to be my Absolute Most Productive Every Day Or Else? that's the puritan work ethic talking. kill it. be kind to yourself.
i'm reminded of advice i once read about some super successful and prolific author (gaiman? king? pratchett?) who said they wrote only four hundred words every weekday. that's already less than the word count of this post, and i'm only—[travels into the future to check my final word count]... 22.8% of the way through writing it!
now, i don't think i could function that way, because ADHD means some days i'm hyperfocused like crazy, and other days i just have no steam at all (more on that in #4-6). but it seems to me that if even someone highly respected in their profession can achieve what they have with only a little bit of work on a regular basis, maybe i don't have to punish myself for not pumping out a finished work every single week.
doing less work per day means you're much less likely to burn out, which does a lot for working more consistently. if that consistency still doesn't look like a five-day work week, that's okay! as long as it helps you work even a little more often when you want to, it's something worth doing.
however, if you're still feeling truly stuck, all hope isn't lost. you can still try:
#2: switch projects
sometimes the reason i'm moving slow is because of a bad brain day, but sometimes the reason is that i just cannot muster the motivation to do the specific task i'm trying to do right now. ADHD is fueled by novelty and interest, and if i'm not interested in what i'm doing, or it's feeling stale, that's a sign that i need to switch gears.
this is why first it's helpful for me to have more than one project going at a time. this might mean completely unrelated works, or it might just mean related tracks as with the music for a game like SLARPG or susan taxpayer.
the idea here is not to start a dozen different projects and bounce around them like i'm playing whac-a-mole—though i have done that. (i don't recommend it.) the idea here is to have a manageable number of different projects i can be working on so that if i get bored or stuck on something, i have fallback options.
what that number of projects is depends entirely on the week. maybe right now it's two, maybe another time it's three. i would probably be getting carried away if i tried more than that, but that's just my own limit. maybe yours is different. that's something for you to think about.
but it doesn't have to stop there.
#3: switch focus
maybe there is this one project that i just HAVE to work on, but the task i'm trying to do at this stage just isn't coming to me. okay, well, why don't i try working on a different task?
let's say i can't figure out what i want to do with the melody in one part of the song:
what if i try jumping ahead to a different part of the melody? ...no, i'm stumped on melodies today. okay, how about working on the drums instead? ...hmm no, i think i'm just completely tapped out on writing parts right now. alright, what if i organized my tracks, making sure they're all grouped and named in a way that i can work with easily? what if i did a rough volume balance for the mix?
and so on. if that's not enough to shake the off stuckness, i might consider: what can i do to make this project more interesting to me?
what happens if i try using an instrument or effect that i almost never reach for? what if i try sampling something obscure? what if i bang out the drums using my midi keyboard instead of drawing it in on the piano roll?
any approach that breaks me out of my usual habits is bound to get that feeling of novelty and fun back when i need it.
or maybe i can't do any of that right now, and so i take the time to answer a question from a fellow musician instead. i consider that part of my work, too, in a broader sense. check in with yourself and figure out what you can do right now. the rest will still be there later.
but okay, let's say you try switching gears, and switching again, and again, and nothing is moving. you try new approaches, but that wall of awful is insurmountable in this moment. it happens! the next thing you might try is:
#4: learn something new
when you aren't able to make progress on your projects, you can still make progress on your knowledge and craft. i often find this stokes a flame of inspiration in me where there wasn't one before. and even when it doesn't, it still gets my brain out of that feeling of stuckness and dread and into one of thought and action. learning also benefits in the long term because it adds to the well of knowledge from which you draw for all your future works.
for all the awfulness that exists on the internet, it remains an absolute treasure trove of teaching. there's an endless ocean of videos, blog posts, and articles from which you might learn something about your craft. (and if you sail the seven seas, plenty of book PDFs as well. 🦜🏴‍☠️)
it's true that the quality and depth of information out there can vary wildly, but in my experience most resources get at least some things right. and the more you research, practice, and figure out what works for you, the better you will learn to differentiate between the advice worth keeping, and the advice to forget. (that goes for all of what i'm saying here, too!)
that said, since our shared focus is music, a few resources i would highly recommend are:
music theory and composition music matters, 12tone, charles cornell, music with myles, 8-bit music theory, and this introduction by andrew huang
mixing and production dan worrall (especially this series for fabfilter), kush after hours, red means recording, andrew huang, alice yalcin efe, in the mix
general inspiration nahre sol, ben levin, david hilowitz, game score fanfare, posy, jerobeam fenderson, open reel ensemble, and ELECTRONICOS FANTASTICOS!
(if any readers have their own helpful resources for creating music or any other media, feel free to share in the replies & reblogs! 💓)
of course, on an especially bad day, it might be a challenge to seek out information, let alone retain it. that can feel pretty bad, but remember: be kind to yourself. the next thing you might consider trying is:
#5: consume art you love
not just music. books. shows. movies. games. illustration. animation. whatever moves and inspires you.
but do it intentionally. don't just pull up some random thing the algorithm suggested! check in with yourself about what you want (or are able) to engage with right now. choose accordingly. if you get a little way into it and realize it's not scratching that itch, hit the bricks. check in with yourself again. wash, rinse, repeat, until you find whatever it is that speaks to you right now.
and do it actively, if you can. don't just let it go in one eye and out the other! really pay attention to the work. what do you like about it? what are its themes and motifs? what makes it work so well? what are its flaws, and how much do they matter? what might you do differently? you can write notes as you do this if it helps, but even simply noticing and thinking goes a long way.
what you don't want to do is come at this with a lens of shame or envy. you're not here just to say to yourself, "ugh, if only i could do THAT." it's okay if it happens. use that thought as a springboard for curiosity: "well okay, how DID they do that? do i have the resources for it? if so, how could i apply that to my own work? if not, how can i adapt it, or what do i need to learn?" keep your mind open and approach the work with a sense of wonder.
as a creative person, it's very easy to think, "i should be making something right now, not watching a movie!" but that thought forgets something vital: your art is a response in a conversation. of course the "language" you use is your own, and maybe if you're lucky you'll invent a new word. but most of the words you use have been around long before you were born. you're just one voice in a dialogue that spans continents and generations, and that's okay. it's even the whole point.
none of us is an island. we are profoundly social animals. just as we can't live without eating, we can't make without learning. so half of making art is consuming it. consider this part of the process as well.
and finally,
#6: rest, and live your life
let's say you're in really dire straits. you've tried working slower. you tried changing focus, you tried changing projects. you want to take in new information or actively engage with your favorite art, but you're not in the headspace for it. what now?
take a nap. take a walk. take a shower. eat a nice meal, or an okay one. talk to a friend. maybe even do that chore you've been putting off (you know the one).
it's human to always crave making, but you're not a machine—and even if you were, machines need regular maintenance, too! you wouldn't drive a car that's completely out of gas, and you won't do yourself any favors treating your body that way either.
i know that when you take a break it feels as though you're not accomplishing anything, but you are: you're taking care of your animal self. and while you do that, your creative brain doesn't stop working! much like windows, it has countless background processes running at any given moment, with inscrutable names like "cbdhsvc_692da" or "Microsoft Edge Update Service." it's true, i checked.
when you're stuck on a project and you step away to rest, your brain is still chipping away at your ideas unconsciously. i like to tell people, "it's percolating." much like waiting for a pot of water to boil, that idea is still heating up, even when you take a step away. just be sure to check in on it once in a while. the time will pass, and it'll be boiling again before long. :)
before i go, i'll leave you with one last thing to keep in mind as you try all of these strategies:
be kind to yourself.
being human is just about one of the hardest things you can do. let alone being a human trying to survive capitalism while living with disabilities! the last thing you need on top of that is to overwork yourself, talk to yourself negatively, or treat yourself harshly. there are plenty of other people in the world who do that to you—don't be one of them.
i'm not saying that you shouldn't try to challenge yourself, to test your limits and go above and beyond your ambitions, if that's what you want to do. just remember that hard work and self compassion are not mutually exclusive. so be careful not to bully yourself. take pride in the progress you make, even when it seems small. encourage yourself like you would a friend who's going through a hard time. and when you challenge yourself, be your own cheerleader.
i hope you find this advice helpful! remember, this is just what helps me, so don't feel like you have to follow any of it exactly. maybe taking time to learn new information helps break you out of your rut more than working slowly, so you reach for that tool first. maybe having multiple projects going at once is too distracting for you, so you prefer to stick to one at a time. whatever your needs are, feel free to alter and adapt these ideas to fit you.
thank you for reading, and i wish you the best of luck in your creating.
with care, bee 🐦
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obsessivevoidkitten · 10 months
Between A Rock And A Hard Place
Male Yandere Human-like Golem x Gender Neutral Human Reader (CW: Noncon, huge dick, golem man, magic, fatal violence towards bandits, spit used as lube, general yandere behavior) Word Count: 1.8k (Sorry this took forever, was originally going to be a drabble and then kinda got away from me, hope you all enjoy huge dick golem man.)
The small town that you lived in, Somnheim, had been victim to a swathe of horrible luck. Raided by bandits, packs of beasts killing livestock, and enemy soldiers scavenging what they could. Finally the town had enough and sent for a practitioner of the magic arts to aid them in the defense of their village.
This was you.
They didn’t have much but they offered a home and food for your services. You figured you could help them and have a quiet place to conduct your research away from the prying eyes of the council, who liked to hold newer mages under their thumb. It would also just be something nice you could do for your fellow humans, and these folks clearly needed the help.
You didn’t want to stay in this place forever though, so your solution would have to be one that would last long after you were gone.
Given your expertise in summoning and animating the logical choice was a good, old fashioned, golem. A pentagram, some select incense, clay flesh molded to a slate skeleton and imbued with an amethyst heart carrying an artificial soul, some runes carved in, and a scroll inserted that would have him follow his purpose and give him personality.
Then just add in a spell that turned the humanoid clay man into something more human so as not to frighten the villagers too badly and make him able to experience a near human existence.
The ritual was a complete success. Of course it was. You were you after all, young but talented and more importantly utterly dedicated to your craft.
Somnheim now had a mighty protector. An artificial man over 9 feet tall, with huge bulging muscles, shaggy brown hair, stoic brown eyes that gave nothing away, and glowing green runes on his arms and legs. The spell that made him human-like was more than just visual, it gave him nearly all the functions of a human male, he’d be as durable and strong as the hardest metal, never age, and of course he was certainly infertile.
Not one for creative names, you named him Slate.
Eventually bandits came by and decided they would stock up in Somnheim before going on to bigger and better loot.
They did not live to regret that decision.
Slate simply rolled a massive boulder down the hill they approached from and flattened all but a couple. Those he took care of quickly with magically precise throws of average sized stones.
Over the months any threat he couldn’t flatten with a boulder or smack with a stone he would pop open with his mighty fists.
By the end of his first year as the village’s guardian he was beloved by every single townsperson. Even the tiny children, who would climb on him and put flowers in his shaggy hair as he smiled and watched, had no fear of him.
You had enjoyed your time there, but eventually it was time for a change of scenery. You wanted to do more field research and you had saved enough money up with side projects to be able to fund a trip to the other side of the country near The Great Forest.
The villagers were grateful and sad to see you go, but they were much more interested in Slate than you.
But when you packed your bags to leave behind your wattle and daub dwelling once and for all you found yourself blocked by Slate.
He uttered one word in that deep, almost monotone, voice of his.
“What do you mean no? I have to leave.” You tried to squeeze past him but he was not having it.
“I must protect the village… Your presence here makes the village safer… I might need repairs… or reinforcements… And you also tasked me with keeping you safe…”
You fudged the wording. You, breather of life into stone, weaver of clay, and creator of souls, messed up the wording.
He picked you up like a box of luggage and sat you on a chair in your makeshift study before going over to the heaviest bookshelf, picking it up, and placing it in front of the only door so you couldn’t escape.
“I’ll move it when I need to leave… then I will put a rock outside to keep you here…”
And that became your life. A literal prisoner in your own home.
Your magical abilities were useless in this situation, you were not a battlemage that could explode a wall, you couldn’t teleport, you bent earth.
Of course you tried to tunnel your way out by making a hole under your bed, but Slate had walked in and caught you red handed. He had confiscated and locked away all your magical supplies and texts unless you needed them to repair him you were not getting them back.
Slate was tentative enough of your physical needs, bringing you food and water and taking you outside like some sort of pet for sunlight, fresh air, and exercise. You had tried to run away but of course he had inhuman speed. And the villagers refused to help. What if Slate refused to save them if they did that?
It was a fair concern, he was made to protect the village and not villagers, he may even see them as a threat if they assisted you. You were on your own.
Though you were healthy enough physically your mental condition was deteriorating rapidly. How could you not be? Being trapped in the same building, even with trips outside, was awful. The villagers only looked at you with pity if they looked at you at all, and no one would even talk to you anymore.
It got to the point where you barely eat, refused to go outside, and spent all your time laying in bed.
Slate was failing the magical directives that governed his personality and behavior. You were clearly not safe, he was convinced that you would die if this continued, and honestly you likely would… eventually…
But the golem was not incapable of learning. He observed the other humans to find out what he could add to your life to bring you back to your usual self.
One night, when he was sitting in front of the house watching the humans passing by and holding hands, he came to the conclusion that humans had families, they lived together in their dwellings and they loved each other. They coupled together and mated.
Up until this point Slate had only been directed by simple emotion and the unyielding parchment that had imbued him with his goals. But now his task demanded something more of him, it demanded a much more complex emotion. The magic in him allowed this evolution, and now he was much more dangerous because he loved you. But it wasn’t just love he felt for the first time, it was lust.
Slate’s expression became one of someone thinking about the one who they adored infinitely, an expression of a man thinking about the person he wanted to have writhing in pleasure beneath him, even his normally green runes and brown eyes took on an amorous pink glow.
When you heard the boulder blocking the door shift and then heard the bookshelf take its place as what was blocking your way out as Slate came lumbering in with his heavy steps you didn’t even glance up.
Not until he stood in front of you and you noticed his strange pink glow replacing his green one did you stir.
You sat up in bed and when you saw the strange way his normally near emotionless eyes were staring at you, and glowing, you scooted away.
“I know what you need now! I am so sorry for not realizing sooner…” He said in a surprisingly soothing tone, a stark departure from his normally deep monotone.
“What do yo-”
Your words were forgotten as he took off his shirt and pants revealing a sweaty body and a frighteningly large cock.
“You need a partner to be happy, like the other humans, and you need to mate!”
He sounded very eager.
“No! Uh… I don’t need to… mate. I need to lea-” he put a large finger over your lips and shushed you before gripping your pants and peeling them and your underwear away from you carefully.
There was no dissuading him from his chosen course of action, he would make you happy and keep you safe no matter what!
It’s what you needed.
Slate leaned forward and spit all over your hole, thoroughly lubing it with his spit, before pressing his big cock into your hole.
It was so large that you let out a whimper of pain at first, but he was somehow knowledgeable enough about sex to know he needed to let you adjust to the size rather than just ramming himself in.
You gasped and writhed but he held you still with his massive hands running up and down your sides as he slowly pulled you down on his prick.
Slate was in complete heaven, he had never really known much pleasure of any kind, let alone the type that came with burying his cock in someone he was now completely obsessed with.
He had no idea his dick could be used for this at all, but now that he did he would certainly be doing this everyday, maybe even a couple times a day! The perfect blend of heat and softness was amazing.
As he began to thrust slowly, with a blissed out expression as he stared up at nothing with drool coming out of his mouth, you couldn’t help but moan in pleasure as his cock caressed your depths perfectly.
Hearing your breathy moans snapped him back to reality. You were finally happy again~
The treatment was working! That settled it, he would do this every single day no matter what!
Carefully gripping your sides a bit more firmly he moved your entire body back and forth on his cock. You couldn’t help it, your whole body twitched with the force of a massive orgasm. The sensation of your body spasming around his previously virgin dick caused him to slam in deep and cum hard.
He pulled you close, holding your head into his muscular chest as he panted, his dick still firmly impaling your limp body. You hadn’t been eating much and this serious fucking had taken a lot out of you.
Slate cleaned the two of you up, bathing you gently before taking advantage of your compliant state by spoon feeding you some dinner he had brought from a town person.
Mating with you made you so pleasured and too tired to resist him when he took care of you, he almost couldn’t wait until you had enough energy to do it again, his cock strained in his pants with anticipation.
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vivwritesfics · 6 months
Secret Santa - MV1
(just a short one while i work)
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Y/N shook the present. She had a santa hat shoved over the top of her Red Bull cap and a pair of chistmassy earrings dangling from her ears. "I can't even begin to guess," she said as she pulled off the red rapping paper.
Inside was a box. The box itself gave no indication as to what her Christmas present was. So, she pulled the box open.
Y/N's expression dropped. And then she pulled the item out of her box, a wide smile on her face. "Thank you, santa," she said and kissed the side of the mug.
The mug itself had a picture of her teammate on it. Max Verstappen with his face pressed up against the glass. Y/N had been on the other side of that glass laughing as Max pulled faces.
"This is fantastic," she said, holding the mug up beside her own head. She kissed the mug again.
"Who do you think it's from?"
Y/N thought about it. She looked at the mug and ran through all of the drivers in her head. "My first thought is Charles, but it might also be Daniel."
"Who are you going with? Daniel?"
"Definitely Daniel."
It was Daniel. The Australian was pretty smug about it, and all. He hadn't been able to speak to Y/N since he first picked out her name.
"Well, thank you, Daniel. I'll be using this every time I want a drink.
There was a running theme for presents this year, it seemed. Just like Daniel had got Y/N something with Max on it, Charles had gotten Max something with Y/N on it.
That was the problem with the entire paddock knowing your business.
Max wasted no time in tearing off the wrapping paper. Staring back at him was several pictures of his girlfriend, winking as she stood on top of the podium. It was a picture from many years ago, back when she was in Formula 3, coming second place in the championship.
Max grabbed a hold of the item and held it towards the camera. "Oh my god," he said through a laugh.
It was a speedo, a speedo with Y/N printed on it again and again. "Are you going to use it?"
"Not in public," he said and laughed. "Did she get this?"
Max thought about it. Who on earth would get him this as a gift? He had hoped it was Y/N, buying it for him in the 'hopes' of him wearing it to bed.
But it wasn't her, so who could it be? "I seriously have no idea."
"It was Charles."
"Charles? Oh my god," he said again. "Well, thank you, Charles, I think," he said.
Charles just so happened to be walking past as the filming ended, Max still holding the speedo. "Do you like it?" He asked as he came walking over to him.
"Oh, I love it. I'll send you a picture when I try it on," he said and both men laughed.
To bring a short story to a conclusion, Y/N forced Max into a photoshoot in the speedo. Pictures just for her eyes, and maybe for Charles, too.
He posed in the speedo, leaning against the wall and staring into the camera. He didn't smile, but he was trying his best not to. It was no easy task. There were a few times where Y/N got his full, most genuine smile.
Y/N made him pose with the mug, drinking out of it. That she sent to Daniel.
The pictures made their rounds of the group chats, but they didn't go much further. If they ever got leaked, the couple would have been mortified.
All in all, it was a very successful F1 secret santa.
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bunnylovesani · 6 months
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A Birthday Affair
Summary: It's your birthday and your best friend is making you a cake! Too bad she's left you home alone with her boyfriend, Anakin. She should've known you two had a thing for each other, right?
Content warnings: cheating, p in v sex, creampie, daddy kink
WC: 2.6k
“Alright guys, there’s only one shop that sells the buttercream we need and it’s way at the other end of town.” Padme shouts tiredly, grabbing her coat by the door. “Could’ve sworn I’d already picked some up…but anything for the birthday girl. I might be a while so make sure you keep an eye on the cake in the oven!”
“We’re not that incompetent, Padme.” Anakin rolls his eyes.
“Of course, we got it!” You answer as she leaves and turn to face Anakin. “You should really be nicer to her.”
“I’m plenty nice.” He responds. “And you’re the birthday girl, it’s you I need to be nice to.”
“But she’s your girlfriend. You’re obligated to be nice to her all year round.” You put the empty batter bowl into the sink as Anakin stares at you across the kitchen, leaning against the countertops. 
“I’m about as nice to her as she is to me.” He murmurs and you look back in confusion. Were they having issues you didn’t know about? 
“That couldn’t be further from the truth, Padme is the perfect girlfriend and you-“ You paused, looking at him up and down with a light scowl. “-well you’re you.”
“Ah, so you think I’m not good enough for her? How cliche.” He gives you a look of displeasure. “And what is it that makes me so unworthy of her company?”
“You’re not bad per se, you’re just…” You sigh, struggling to put your thoughts into words. “Look at it this way- Padme is one of those rare people. She manages to balance being successful and beautiful with somehow being humble and kind- I know for a fact she wakes up every morning to make you breakfast- and she does things like drive all over the city looking for a specific frosting for her best friend. That’s just the kind of person she is.” You ramble on, walking around the kitchen as Anakin stares at you in fascination.
“And then there’s you, who’s forgotten every anniversary and has been fired from every job because of his inability to control his temper. You see what I’m getting at?” 
Anakin furrows his thick brows as he processes what you’re saying and you think he might get mad at you for a second but to your relief, he cracks a bright smile.
“Don’t get me wrong, I’m just as much of a mess as you are. Just as unworthy.“ You laugh and a puzzling smirk crosses his face. 
“So you’re saying I should be with someone better suited for me?” 
“Yes, exactly.” 
“Someone like…you?” He raises an eyebrow. 
You chuckle nervously and take a step back, suddenly aware of how close he’d gotten. 
“Obviously not. I-I didn’t mean to make it sound like that.” Stuttering, you try to move away from him but he doesn’t budge, tall figure towering over you. That stupid smirk he has plastered over his face increases your heart rate tenfold. 
“What’s the matter, sweetheart? Have I got you flustered?” He sneers.
“Stop playing around.” You push him away by his chest and escape to the sofa, slumping down it with a huff.
“Padme told me about the little crush you had on me.” He stands behind you and you refuse to face him, consumed with embarrassment. 
“Crush is too strong of a word for what that was.” You feel your cheeks burning up at the memory; when you first met Anakin at that bar last Christmas, you’ll admit you initially wanted him all to yourself. But what were you supposed to do when Padme got to him first? You can’t believe she told him. 
“So you don’t find me attractive anymore?” He asks in that provocative tone of his. 
“The outer shell is fine but the inside could do with a little work.” You feign confidence, avoiding the question. To be truthful, you found him incredibly attractive. So much so that you actively avoided him because you felt yourself folding under pressure anytime he was near. 
“Can I let you in on a little secret?” He asked quietly, taking a seat on the footstool across the sofa. 
“No, but I sense you’re going to anyway.” You brace yourself.
“That night I saw you and Padme playing pool at the bar.” He begins. “I wanted to approach you, not her.”
Your breath hitches in your throat.
“But she came up to me first and when I asked her who her friend was, she told me you weren’t interested…in men.” Your mouth widens as his words linger in the air.
“I-I don’t know what to say.” You stutter, feeling a small sense of betrayal run through you. “I don’t know why she’d do that.” 
“Because she knew she wouldn’t stand a chance otherwise.” He gets up to sit next to you and you tense up at his knee lightly brushing past yours.
“I thought you were a lesbian for half the time I’ve known you- until you started dating that loser a few months ago and Padme had to come clean. She thought I’d find it funny.” He curls his lip in disgust.
“And did you?”
“No.” He responds, steely eyes staring right through you. “I’m still mad about it.”
“Anakin…” You cautiously murmur, sensing the direction this could so easily take.
“I’m just saying, remember that next time you want to rant about how great she is. If it wasn’t for her deceit, it could’ve been us together.” He rests his hand on your leg but you swiftly brush it off.
“But it’s not. And it never will be. You’ll always either be her boyfriend or her ex. Either way, you’re off limits.” You try to assert some boundaries before your self-control completely slips away from you.
“And if it weren’t for these limits?” He reaches his hand up, tucking your hair behind your ear. 
“Oh God, the cake! Must go and check on the cake.” You get up, trying to escape his grasp but he pushes you back down. 
“I said what if it weren’t for those limits?” He repeats sternly and you can’t help but fixate on his rosy pink lips. You’d always wondered how they’d feel pressed up against yours.
“In another galaxy where you’d never met her-“ You sigh, walls crumbling down. “then I’d be yours.”
“Is that what you want?” His husky voice mutters, barely above a whisper.
“It doesn’t matter because this isn’t another galaxy. This is reality.” You shuffle back a little in an attempt to impose some distance between you. 
“Fuck reality. I want you.” He pulls you in and you’re hit with a wave of warmth radiating off his firm body. 
“Anakin, no. Padme is my best friend! I’m not a homewrecker.” You cry out, unsure whether you’re trying to convince him or yourself. 
“You can’t wreck something that’s already fallen apart. I don’t care about her— I don’t care about any of it anymore. For God’s sake, I even hid the damn buttercream because I wanted her to leave us alone for a while.” Your mouth gapes open at his revelation.
“I knew it!” You point your finger at him but he grabs you by the wrist and pulls you onto him, faces barely an inch apart. 
“I need you. In every way possible.” His voice is so breathy it makes you squeeze your thighs together. 
“Ugh, Ani I-“
“Do you want me as much as I want you? Please, put me out of my misery.” He whines and you bite your lip over the beautiful desperation in his words. 
“Of course I want you, I’ve always wanted you.” The words barely leave your mouth before he grabs your face with both hands and kisses you sloppily, grip on your jaw a little too strong. He has you gasping for air, stubbornly holding onto you like it was the last kiss he’d ever have. 
“Don’t you worry about her, I’ll take care of everything.” He rubs your cheek with his thumb comfortingly and you feel all your worries melt away; he was here, he would fix it all. 
“I’ve thought about this for so long.” You cry, pawing at him. The sense of elation you felt at finally being able to touch him, inhale him, taste him- after an eternity of forcing every feeling down. You did it all out of respect for Padme, out of respect for Ani who chose her- but now that you’d learned the truth, restraint flew out the window. He should’ve been yours- he is yours.
“Lie down for me sweetheart, I wanna see my pretty girl.” He pushes you down onto the sofa and inches your skirt down, admiring your pretty pink panties. “You wear these just for me?” You nod frantically- it’s true, you wore everything for him. Your best underwear, your prettiest lipstick, your shortest little skirts, it was all for him. He pushes your top up slowly, messy kisses being planted all over your tummy until he reaches your perky tits. 
“Is there a reason you’re not wearing a bra, young lady?” He scolds you playfully. 
“Mhm, it’s fun watching you fight the urge to stare at the way they bounce and jiggle.”
“You noticed that, huh?” You giggle at his honesty as he rips your top off, laughter instantly replaced with breathy moans as he squeezes your boobs harshly, taking turns sucking on the nipples. 
“Best pair of tits I’ve seen in my life.” He mutters into your chest as he continues to kiss and lick all over, making you writhe underneath him. 
“Ani, please.” You buck your hips up towards him, desperately needing more. “Hurry, we don’t know when she’ll be home.” 
“Then it’s a good thing the door bolts shut from the inside.” He grins, hands trailing down between your thighs. 
“Ani, no! We can’t lock her out, what would she think?”
“I don’t care, all I know is if I don’t get enough of this sweet pussy, I’m gonna lose my mind.” He groans as he hooks his arms under your legs and pulls you down, pulling your panties to the side. You bashfully cover your face with your hands as he rubs your clit with his thumb and when you peek through your fingers, you see him biting his lip and curving his eyebrows into a pitiful swoop. Just as you think it can’t get better, he lowers his boxers and frees his cock, heavy length slapping against his stomach. Not wanting to inflate his already engorged ego, you try not to look shocked- but he sees right through you. 
“You tryin’ to make me feel bad, sweetie? No problem, I’ll have you squealing in a minute anyway.” He confidently asserts and you feel him rubbing his tip along your soaking folds; the anticipation alone is enough to make you throw your head back.
With one sudden thrust, he pushes himself into your tight pussy and you sink your teeth into the pillow beside you to conceal some of the noise. Reaching forward and grabbing it from you, he tosses it aside and grabs you by the jaw. 
“I want to hear every little sound you make. Raw and unmuted.” He growls. 
“B-but someone might hear-“
“I don’t give a fuck.” He asserts aggressively. “Let them hear. They might as well start getting used to it now.” You moan at his depraved words, drool forming around your lips. 
“If you want something in your mouth that bad, here.” He offers you his fingers- which you accept gratefully, sucking and biting on them to your heart’s content. Just as you’ve adjusted, he slides the rest of his cock in- filling you so deeply you question how it’s even possible. The mewling that proceeds boosts Anakin’s ego more than is healthy; you pant and whine so fervently that you look like you’re on the verge of passing out. Your pupils are dilated, your hair messed up, your thighs dampened with arousal and sweat. 
“Ani, mm fuck- fill me up, please!” You dig your fingernails into his back as he lowers himself to kiss your wet lips, silencing your sobs and pleading if only for a moment. 
“You want my cum, sweetheart? You wanna be daddy’s cum slut, hm? Let me hear you say it.” His strokes get deeper and sloppier as he hurtles his way to his release. 
“Yes daddy, yes! I wanna be your cum slut so bad, it’s the only thing I want.” You ramble, words barely audible over the loud sounds of smacking and squelching. 
“I could never say no to you.” He whispers, head tucked into the crook of your neck planting open-mouth kisses. 
“I need it, need it noww.” You whine, tits bouncing into circles as he roughly pounds into you, strong hand maintaining a firm grip on your hip as he rams himself into you one last time: cum spilling from his tender cock and filling you up to the brim. Pulling out, the sensation of his cum dribbling out of you doubled with his thumb circling your clit sends you over the edge, orgasm washing over you like a tsunami. He rests his head on your chest as you both catch your breath, running your fingers through his hair. 
“I’m gonna leave her.” He softly speaks. “I’m leaving and I’m telling her about us.” 
Your heart seizes in both panic and excitement. There’s an us?
The familiar thud of footsteps in the hallway has you both scrambling to get dressed- you pull your top down and your skirt back on but can’t find your frilly panties anywhere. Anakin just about finishes zipping up his jeans when Padme walks in to the sight of her very flustered-looking best friend and boyfriend, sitting oddly far apart in unnatural positions on the couch. 
“Hey guys, I had to check several different stores but I finally found the right buttercream, what have you- wait, do I smell something burning?” 
Fuck, you forgot the cake.
Running over to the oven, she scrambles to pull out the smoking tray. Despair takes over her face when she sees the round crust, black as cinder. 
“How did you forget?! What were you doing?” She yells, throwing the ashes straight into the bin and frowning at you. 
“Nothing, Padme. We just got carried away chatting is all. ‘m really sorry.” You walk over to join her in the kitchen but start to feel Ani’s seed leaking out of your stretched-out hole and dribbling down your thighs. Noticing the glistening sticky wetness, Anakin rushes over in front of you to distract Padme. 
“It was my fault, I said I’d keep track of time and I didn’t.” He explains, subtly tossing a kitchen towel your way. 
“Classic Anakin, honestly a monkey would have better time management.” She hisses, barging past him and opening windows to let the smoke out. “No wonder you can’t keep a job.” He takes a shaky breath and you can see how hard he’s trying to restrain himself. 
“Not now.” You think, giving him a knowing glare and he nods reluctantly. Padme stomps over to the bathroom and you quickly wipe the cummy mess off your thighs, giggling a little at the excitement of sneaking around. Anakin rushes over and gives you a feverish kiss, whispering in your ear “She goes to bed early, you know.”
Maybe you wouldn’t tell her just yet. 
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@crazy4hotmen @erinkeifer @mortalheartache @arzua10
Part 2 here
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astralis-ortus · 12 days
placebo effect
✱ boyfriend!bc × fem!reader
— maybe the actual remedy is his smile.
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w.count → 1.2k genre → fluff warnings → reader is sick :(, mild cussing, kissing, cute pet names (baby, love, princess) and generally very much in love it makes me sick >:( heh a.n → based on this request! kinda speeding through this (immediately worked on this after i posted the last fic), but i am in need of just pure fluff so here we are, a few hours later. heh♡
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being sick felt like shit.
growing up, you’ve always been the kid perfect attendance. be it in school or throughout uni, you’ve always made the effort to attend every single one of your classes—and one of the reasons was all because you rarely ever got sick. maybe it’s because of your parents’ good genes, or likely due to how your mom made sure you always took your daily vitamins, but you’re always known as one the healthiest kids in the class.
that record, however, ended after you graduated a few years back.
you’d like to blame it the shift of environment—you know, given that you literally flew thousands of miles away to chase your lifelong dream, but considering you also moved states away from home for uni… that likely wasn’t the case.
“hey there, sleepyhead.”
a soft groan rolled off your lips when you felt your bed dip to your boyfriend’s weight, his fingers gently ran through your surely messy hair. your attempt to crack a peek at chris wasn’t quite a success, considering how even the slightest bleeding light from the gap behind your curtain was quick to trigger the soft throb in your head to return, fetching another set of low whimpers out of you.
“it’s okay, baby. i’m here. how’s your headache?” he hummed; pads of his fingers now gently pressed against the base of your head as he attempted to relief any pain that might still linger.
chris, your angel of a boyfriend, had been taking care of you since your condition started to decline the day prior. despite your stubbornness about still going to work (which didn’t end well, considering you were sent home by lunch anyway), chris didn’t even peep a word and readily picked you up from work, all geared up with your favorite porridge and cold medicine he picked up on the way.
“it’s fine as long as i don’t open my eyes,” you meekly answered, voice still noticeably very different from your usual cheery ones. “which reminds me, we do need a black out curtain, hun.”
his chuckle filled the rather quiet bedroom, involuntarily tugging the corner of your pale lips into a smile. “we’ll get them after you’re all better, baby,” he assured, hand that rested on the back of your neck now pressed against your forehead, “fever’s pretty much gone. think you could sit up for a bit? gotta fill your tummy with food before the meds, love.”
you know he’s right—you do need to eat, but with the way you’re currently feeling, protesting at any request to shift your body was the only available option.
“can i just eat later?” you pursed your lips, attempting to appeal your plea with a dash of cuteness you knew chris have a hard time standing his ground against. “maybe sleeping more will help…”
“nuh uh, no can do, princess,” chris gently tapped his finger on the tip of your nose, “you need the meds. the food too, but most importantly your meds. i don’t want your suffering to prolong just because you didn’t get your meds on time,” he reasoned, pads of his fingers now gently massaging the top of your head and in turn made you sigh in relief. chris always knew what to do whenever you complained about a headache, and you’re grateful for that.
“fiiine,” you exaggerated, reaching out your arms as a signal for chris to help you up. even with your eyes closed, you knew he had that proud grin etched on his lips when he gently pulled you to sit straight. you winced at the ache, but voiced no complaint as chris planted a light kiss on your scrunched forehead.
“a sec, okay? i’ll bring the radish soup for you,” chris left another kiss on the top of your head, grinning at how excitedly you reacted to the kind of food he had prepared before you heard his disappearing footsteps.
you forced a peek around the room, noticing the dim lighting as chris kept the curtains closed for your comfort. after a quick scan of your and chris’ bedroom, one you’ve been spending a little too much time in for the past couple of days, your line of sight then rested upon your locked phone. a single tap on the screen, and the action easily made your brows furrow.
“chris, it’s 10am on a thursday,” you pointed out as soon as you heard his voice from just beyond the slightly ajar door, “didn’t you say things has been hectic lately?”
“well, yeah,” he shrugged, careful footsteps finally returned to your side, followed by the dip on your bed, “but you’re sick. getting you back to health is a lot more important to me than anything else.”
“christopher,” you groaned, pursing your lips in protest, “i told you to not do things like this! you’re important, what you do is important. you can’t let me stop you from doing all that!”
“but i’m not letting you,” he replied nonchalantly, blowing on the spoonful of soup and rice before he feeds you. “it is my decision. i want to take care of you, and nothing is more important for me than you. as simple as that.”
“no more discussion on that matter, baby,” chris warned you, stern gaze immediately shutting off any complaints about to leave your tongue. “it’s on me. you’re my girlfriend, and to take care of you is what i need to do, because i love you and i want all the best for you. okay?”
maybe it’s the fever returning, but you could feel your cheeks warming up.
with his lips blooming into a content smile, his hand returned to the steady flow of bowl-cooling off-feeding you. he’s happy, and it’s apparent through the way his gaze lingers on you every time you take another bite, slowly finishing the bowl of food in his hand.
maybe it’s your head fooling you with some kind of placebo effect, but you do feel better—simply by watching the tenderness in his face every time he looks at you.
“all done,” he cheerily announced after you took your last bite, gently wiping the corners of your lips with the pad of his thumb. “be back with the meds, okay? just a sec.”
his movements immediately ceased when he felt a tug on the t-shirt he’s wearing, eyes immediately returning to you in worry. “yes, love?”
you quietly looked at him, suddenly feeling a little shy—but why would you be?
“huh?” chris blinked, head involuntarily tilted to one side in confusion. “what was that, love?”
oh god.
“i really wanna kiss you,” you reiterated, lips slightly pursed in embarrassment, “but i don’t want you to catch the cold. but like—you’re just so adorable. why are you like this? i’m—"
any thoughts you had immediately vaporized as soon as you felt chris’ soft lips on yours—smile apparent against your lips. his warm hand gently cradled your cheek, and despite it being short, chris successfully left you feeling dazed.
“…wait,” you eventually blinked, face burning in embarrassment when you realized the cheeky grin he’s sporting just inches away from your face. “christopher! you’re gonna get sick!”
“well, what do you expect me to do?” chris shrugged as he walked backwards, away from you,
“my girlfriend said she wanted to kiss me—how could i say no to that?”
©️ astralisortus, 2024. | likes and reblogs are highly appreciated♡
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sunrizef1 · 1 month
What happens in Vegas pt 12
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x fem!driver!reader
Warnings: Cursing, briefly mentioned puke (referenced), panic attacks (referenced), the NFL
Authors note: wanted to get this out before the race tomorrow, I actually quite like this chapter
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📍Austin, TX
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liked by logansargeant charles_leclerc16 and 2,309,099 others
yourusername happy to be back in Austin, ready to recharge 🔋
Tagged: logansargeant, l/nranch
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user1 the speed with which she left china is honestly so funny
user2 the race was two days ago why’s she already in America 😭
user3 why’s she at a farm???
user4 her grandpas family got rich by owning a really successful agricultural company so both her grandparents decided to buy a ranch outside of Austin, which is where y/n grew up
user5 her dad being English always throws me off when I think about her family tbh
user6 her grandpa went to a race once and made the joke that the Americanism skipped a generation lol
user7 wait I’m new to y/n, how’s her dad English but the rest of her family’s American?
user8 her grandparents were based in England when he was born but they ended up really busy so they sent him to a boarding school from the time he was really young, hence the accent
user9 they’re so confusing 😭
user10 my favorite cowgirl
user11 she couldn’t wait till cota to go home???
logansargeant your grandma likes me more than you
yourusername no she doesn’t
user12 I didn’t know Logan went with her
user13 where’s Charles???
yourusername added to their story
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yourusername added to their story
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📍Las Vegas, NV
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liked by killatrav taylorswift13 and 3,980,756 others
yourusername had a great time at the @/patrickmahomes charity golf gala this weekend! Grateful for the opportunity to show all these boys how it’s done out on the green and support charity at the same time! ⛳️
Might have to get you a different hat though 😉 @/killatrav
Tagged: logansargeant, killatrav, patrickmahomes
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user14 are those Porsche golf balls!?!?
logansargeant I 100% beat you
yourusername I was 5 under par. You were 5 over. You lost.
logansargeant ☹️
user16 what a crossover
killatrav don’t hate the player, hate the game 🤷‍♂️
yourusername i dont hate the game, I just hate alpine
pierregasly ???
yourusername see you next week, Frenchie
user17 her and Pierres fake beef is genuinely so funny to me
user18 where's Charlesssss
user19 he liked the post, at least
user20 omg they're in Vegas! Remember what happened last time they were in Vegas…
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📍Bellagio Hotel & Casino, Las Vegas
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liked by charles_leclerc16 donnakelce and 6,989,870 others
yourusername Last night out in Vegas 😵‍💫
I'm, once again, honored to have been invited to the 15 and the Mahomies Charity Gala! Got to auction off a few paddock passes and also got to spend a great night out with friends!
Thanks so much Vegas, you were a lot better this time than you were last time.
Tagged: logansargeant, taylorswift13, killatrav, patrickmahomes, charles_leclerc16
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user22 she seems happier than she has before
user23 Logan and Taylor swift in the same room is not something I’d ever expect tbh
patrickmahomes thanks for coming! ❤️💛
yourusername thanks for inviting us! ❤️🖤
user24 this is just so American
taylorswift13 🫶
yourusername 🫶
user25 more Logan content this week than Williams gives in a month
user26 they’ve been to like three different states already lmao
user27 I need the home field advantage from Miami for these two this weekend
logansargeant I’m so tired
yourusername at least it was fun 🤷‍♀️
logansargeant lol, it definitely was
user28 the first pic is so sibling coded
user29 “Mon ange” CHARLESSS 🥹
user30 the fact he’s tagged on the messages 😭
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629 notes · View notes
rileyslibrary · 1 year
Here’s a rose, now piss off.
Summary: Ghost threw out his back, and the medics forbade him from going on a mission. So he’s been assigned by HR to hand out flowers for Women’s Day.
Relationship: Simon “Ghost” Riley x F!Reader
Word Count: 1,094
I'll keep putting Mr Riley in the most awkward situations possible until I run out of ideas. When will that be? *fist punches the table* NEVAH!
Platonic fluff. 🌸
Want more?
There’s a knock on the door. It’s the 10th time someone has asked to see you since this morning, and it’s not even lunchtime yet. Soldiers are coming in and out of the garage. All. The. Time. They want you to modify their equipment, repair their trucks, replace their firearms, and sync their walkie-talkies. And, as if you’re a genie in a bottle, they expect their wishes to be granted “stat.”
“Come in!” you say, turning towards the door to see your subordinate looking like he was asked to solve world hunger. 
“Boss!” he exclaims, looking down at his clipboard. “Have you seen the Humvee that arrived today?” 
“No, soldier,” you mutter. “What about it?” 
“W-well,” he begins, pausing briefly to look at you. “It’s got holes all over it, boss.”
“Holes?” you ask with raised eyebrows. 
"Y-yeah," he stammers. “Like from bullets and stuff.” 
When you hear the words “and stuff,” a smile forms at the corners of your mouth. It’s not one of amusement. Instead, it’s a tired smile that signals the start of something far more sinister that is about to happen if people continue to bother you with such trivial “stuff.” 
“What do we do in situations like these, soldier?” you sigh and pinch the bridge of your nose, “what did I teach you to do?” 
“Patch’ er up, boss!” He responds with pride. 
“And what happens if that doesn’t work?” 
“Make a pasta strainer with it, boss.”
“But welding always works for patching up holes, boss!” 
“Very well done!” you utter. “Now go and weld the shit out of it,” you shoo him with your hand, “the operators will likely need the car right away for their next mission.” 
He salutes and walks away six feet taller as if he’s figured out how to solve the Collatz conjecture. You must retrain them so they don’t come to you seeking advice for the tiniest “stuff”. 
Another person enters as your subordinate walks out; an American holding an annihilated walkie-talkie. 
“What is it this time, Philip?” you ask, noticeably bored. 
“It got wet,” he says, handing you the equipment piece by piece. “And then it stopped working.” 
“Graves!” you yell, swinging the poor thing by its cables. This one was already dead. Done. Caput. “Is this what you call ‘wet’ in the States?”
He chuckles but then stops when he sees your stunned expression. He gives a shrug. 
You sigh and toss the walkie-talkie on top of a pile of wrecked equipment, wishing your patience was as large as that heap. You choose another that you fixed earlier, synchronise it, and hand it over to him. 
“Please take better care of your belongings,” you beg. “All of you.” 
He nods and leaves the room, waving the small equipment as if to thank you.
As much as you get angry at them, you can’t help but sympathise and understand their situation. They are soldiers. To successfully complete a mission, they must enter dangerous territories and battlefields. They should submerge themselves and everything they hold in water if necessary. They must use that equipment to the best of their capabilities to free prisoners, rescue civilians, and capture terrorists. Your responsibility is to repair and maintain that equipment, so it is always in good working order and ready to use whenever they need them. Your role might not be as critical as that of a medic, but you, too, are required to ensure their missions’ success.
A cough behind you causes you to throw your hands to your sides and lift your head as if praying to God to end this ordeal. 
“What is it n-” you pause and turn to look at Ghost, holding a covered bucket in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other. 
“Let me guess,” you say. “There’s a dead drone in there,” you say, pointing to the bucket, “and you managed to save some of its parts in that cup.” 
But he gives you a threatening stare. He appears to be as fed up as you are. 
He sets the bucket down and lifts up the cover. There is no drone in it. It’s filled with vibrant roses wrapped in pretty paper, standing upright.
“I’m a mechanic, not a botanist, Ghost.” 
“It’s for Women’s Day,” he says, his face as expressionless as when he first entered the room. “I have to distribute these to all the women-” 
You burst out laughing, and he immediately gets angry. He was anticipating that reaction. 
“This isn’t funny, you little shit,” he spits. “I threw my back out, and now HR is making me hand out flowers like I’m fucking Zorro instead of going on the mission.” 
You hold back your laughter and wipe the tears of joy from your cheeks. “At least you have the mask, Lt.,” you try to comfort him, and he turns away in embarrassment. 
“Well, Lt., I’m afraid I’m not a flower person-” 
“I don’t care; you have to choose one.” He says, motioning to the bucket. “And hurry up; I have to go to the ladies at the registrations as well.” 
“No.” You refuse and smirk as you lean against the shelf. “You choose one for me.” 
“Listen up, you motherf-” 
“Hey now, it’s Women’s Day.” You remind him, looking at your nails. 
He sighs as he kneels down with difficulty, shuffling through roses. His hand first grasps a red one, then a pink one, before finally deciding on a yellow rose with red wrapping paper. 
He stands up, supporting his weight on his thigh, that cup still in his hands, and offers you the flower.
“Why yellow?” You ask as you accept the rose. 
“I’m saving the pretty ones for those who actually like flowers,” he explains. 
You widen your eyes and tilt your head to the side. “Is that so, Mr Riley?” You ask.
But he doesn’t give in to your trap. He reaches out his other arm and hands you the cup he held. “Here,” he says, “I know you like coffee.” 
This is far too entertaining for you to give up on. 
“You got me coffee?” You ask with a smile. “You’re such a sweetheart, Simon.” 
He mutters something under his breath, picks up the bucket and begins his way to the ‘registration ladies’.
“Do you need help with that, Lt.?” You ask, and he extends his middle finger without turning around. 
“Thanks for the coffee!” you shout, and you notice his middle finger tucking into his palm, giving way to his thumb as if to say, “you’re welcome.”
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bunji-enthusiast · 4 months
Heya again!! <333 as per tradition, before I put an order, I want to say ty for feeding the PP fandom and I hope you're doing well <333 may whatever you're planning to write, original or fandom, be successful!
May I order a blast in the past, where the Hour of Joy hasn't started, Caretaker! Reader is yet again an employee at Playtime Co. and they happened to find out about the rejected isle and they were overwhelmed by the sheer cuteness and charm of the toys, they do kinda get why some of them were rejected but thought mostly they were fine.
For the sake of the plot, they got to keep the toys and bring them home with permission from the higher ups ( wow reader charisma 💯 ). As they're happily making their way back, Catnap noticed them carrying this unknown toy, giving it affection, and overall just showering it with love from the shadows and gets quite pouty about it. So much so that the rest of the smiling critters had to pry it out of him to tell them what he saw and oh boy, they too were quite pouty.
Dogday tries to reassure them that everything's alright and they agreed to " ask " more like interrogating the reader the next time they come in to work. When that happens, Reader is caught red-handed still giving that rejected toy their love and affection, Dogday sends the rest of the group off so he and Catnap could talk it out with Reader more privately. Ends with them getting the full story and the smiling critters getting their fair share of love and affection, especially Catnap who's by the way still pouting about the whole ordeal 😂
I really just wanna see this sleepy cat having someone else he could actually trust as a parent figure and him just getting worried that his place might be taken away by some rejected toy 🥹 ahhh I'm starting to love him more and more slowly,, the Smiling Critters are such babies and I love themmmm
Signs Of Love
Note || yesss insomnia kitty needs love, all of em need love 💕
WC || 1,931
Sypnosis || Misunderstandings occur, but as quickly as they come, they can also very much leave.
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You were quite the lover of many things, having been assigned to be a caretaker when your superiors saw how well you integrated yourself into the role at your interview. They are quite fond of you and all their other caretakers, since they know you all (you and the rest of the caretakers) are the only ones able to keep all the toys and children in line. 
Though the children were mostly left to the Playcare Attendants as the caretakers were more or less focused on the toys themselves. It was without a hint of a doubt, you certainly had garnered the attention of many toys. Some who liked you, though it really was the Smiling Critters who liked you more than most.
Yet when you found out about the rejected toys, you thought it was really saddening that they were even rejected in the first place – though you understood why – you just wanted to simply take them home with you!
Deciding to try and convince a higher-up to take one home, that is exactly what you did.
“Ma’am, please look at this adorable potato!” You held up the rejected toy in your hands, clearly enough for your superior who shrunk back in surprise against her recliner chair. She let out an exasperated sigh, recollecting herself as she adjusted her position on the seat.
“I am well aware,” She begins, gesturing to the rejected toy. “But by no means are you allowed to take it home, rejected or not–it is still company property.”
You frown as you search your mind for conceivable reasoning to convince your superior, you sigh as the toy falls out of your hands, landing on your lap. “W-well, maybe I could keep it for a little while?” You jump up, your hands landing straightforwardly on her desk. “Like a-a security precaution!” 
A frown adorns her face in return to your earlier one, crossing her arms across the top of the desk as gently as she possibly could. Appearing to be searching your face for any lying or incompetence, her shoulders slump in defeat. “Very well, if you insist.”
“Keep it.”
You let out a yelp of success, almost falling backward as you did so. You grin, an exasperated noise leaving your throat as you cautiously upright yourself, as to not uproot or accidentally change her mind in turn. Your hands make their way to your superiors, shaking them to be polite. “Thank you thank you! You won’t regret this.” You smile at her, then let go of her hand as she is left in befuddlement by the actions that had just happened. 
Normally you weren’t much of an extroverted person, only conversing and confronting social situations when necessary. But you had simply felt joy bursting through your veins at the accomplishment you had achieved, to convince a superior to let you keep the rejected toy! (One of the rejected toys at least, you couldn’t do much else for the rest as much as you wanted too) Now you were making your way back, rejected toy in hand and you had a lot of affection to give it.
Too bad it wasn’t alive as much as the other toys you knew were, but at least it was alive in your own heart.
A familiar figure in the distance resting on a rooftop had taken notice of this quite easily, may it be quite the discovery they had found. CatNap couldn’t let this go unnoticed, a strange pang resided in the depths of his hollow yet dense chest. The giant cat couldn’t pinpoint the feeling he felt, not knowing what name to put to the feeling he felt so strongly, like a parasite it wouldn’t leave him alone.
He felt a strange guise of loneliness, noticing how much you began giving the unknown toy such a sudden bout of affection and hugging. Even nuzzling it as well to boot, CatNap was jealous?
How strange, CatNap wasn’t entirely familiar with the concept of emotions. Even with how certain ones could flare up at times, depending in response to the situation, whatever one he may be in. CatNap got up, stretching his finely tuned legs. CatNap wasn’t prepared for the others to pry the information out of him, trying to figure out what he saw and knew. He almost felt a little intimated, but he was… in the sense very emotional–even beneath his sleepy and quiet demeanor.
Then he could feel himself justified for the guilt of jealousy.
Well, CatNap certainly did expect the outcry, all at the same time he truly didn’t expect it either. The group, he felt rightly justified in their emotions as he had reported it to them, he too was quite in earnest – very jealous of the unknown toy. KickinChicken spoke externally with the whole of his heart, “This sucks! Why does that toy get more love than we do?”
“I wanted a hug!” Bobby cried, sitting on the floor as Crafty had patted her back, trying to gently soothe her. The colorful unicorn too was upset, yet she hid it very well. Picky had remained quiet, just stuffing her face with an apple to conceal her upset, she had big emotions and wasn’t sure on how to deal with them unlike the rest of the Smiling Critters.
Hoppy on the other hand was pounding the ground with her feet, hopping around so as to not completely create noise. She was woefully upset too as it appeared to CatNap, he hadn’t expected any of them to take this information the way they did. But they had pried it out of him, He didn't know what they were expecting to hear anyway.
CatNap’s voice came out short and strained as he made an attempt to comfort any of them, “It’s ok–” His voice fell on deaf ears, CatNap huffed a puff of red air. His tail lapping about, then overlaying to rest upon his left leg.
Bubba was muttering to himself, rapidly tapping his feet. As if his intellect could formulate a reason as to why this had happened, alas CatNap knew the elephant was simply just trying to find reason in coping with his emotion.
Believe it or not, CatNap pays very good attention to all the Smiling Critters. They are his friends after all.
“Guys!--” The group still went on, continuously upset. No means of comfort getting through to them. “GUYS.”
His visibly noticeable purple fur rustled about as he sat down, noticing that DogDay was finally back in leadership mode. CatNap didn’t know what to do to calm them all down anyway, he was pouty and upset as they were. DogDay spoke slowly, “I’ll ask Angel what’s up, maybe we just don’t understand it fully. Okay?”
The group notices, finally relenting in defeat. None of them questioned him as DogDay always had a way with words usually, he wasn’t one to go wrong as he was the leader of the group for a very good reason.
As the group clamored to find you, you weren’t that hard to find surprisingly. Mostly as you were hard to find other times, they could all easily see that you were still found with the rejected toy. Sitting back on your chair that you had found, and giving it all the affection that had made a few members quite pouty.
“Guys, let's take it easy. Me and CatNap will talk with Angel alone,” DogDay motions for them to take their leave, holding out his hands before he elaborated. “Let’s not take it personally, okay? I don’t think it’s that complicated.” 
KickinChicken sighs, as Bobby and the other few do. They all take their leave, showing that Hoppy was still there. She points at DogDay, then CatNap who was confused by the predicament. A silent gesture.
Nothing weird boys, you got that?
DogDay nods at Hoppy, who finally leaves as she hops away to rejoin the rest of the group. CatNap taps DogDay’s shoulder, gesturing that he should take the lead on this chat. His own paw comes up to pat CatNap’s, “I know bud, but let’s not overdo this.”
If the sunny leader were to be honest right about now, he too felt a pang of jealousy at the lack of affection and attention that he hadn’t received like his fellow critters. 
You were aimlessly cooing at the rejected toy, happily partaking in giving it all manners of affection (nothing weird, ahem). It certainly had a charm and adorableness too it that you couldn’t ignore, you have no idea as to why the designers and superiors had rejected this design or any other one in the reject aisle that you saw for that matter. 
Suddenly you felt a creeping chill crawl up your spine, traveling thoroughly all the ways to your shoulders and sides. 
Feeling two taps on your shoulder almost had you jolting, causing you to turn around to see CatNap and DogDay standing right behind you, albeit very menacingly from your perspective. “DogDay? E-eh CatNap?!” 
DogDay waved his hands, trying his best to reassure you, “Sorry we didn’t mean to frighten you like that Angel!” CatNap nodded along with DogDay’s words, doing his best to affirm that fact. You sigh in relief, hand very visibly held to your chest.
“So..” You straighten your posture as DogDay and CatNap came around you and sat down, to really level with you at most. “What’s up? Anything bothering you or the others?” You shrug, jabbing a questioning thumb as you spoke, directly in the general direction. They both knew what you meant, but they had more pressing matters.
DogDay let out a breath, before he spoke as to steel his nerves. CatNap deadpans, directed toward DogDay, emotional expression clearly evident despite the restriction of movement his own mouth has. “Well, we just… uh, wanted to know what was up with you.” DogDay pauses, then pointed at the toy which was unknown to him laying in your lap.
“And that.” He emphasized, wincing as he searched your face for any reaction. Suddenly what had surprised the two was how you began to laugh and giggle, waving your hand as the other clutched your stomach.
“Ah.. I’m sorry.” You shook your head, wiping your face. “Were you boys… perhaps jealous of this?” A small grin plasters on your face, with convoluted happiness as you held up the toy in question.
DogDay felt embarrassed, looking away as to not stutter or speak any words. CatNap sighed in reprieve, laying his head upon his front legs. Those actions alone had answered your question that effortlessly. “I see..” You couldn’t help but try and stifle the giggle, they were simply so adorable.
Them, jealous? It’s so cute. You really couldn’t resist their pouty moods, so you calm them down, proceeding to tell them the whole story so they didn’t have a misinformed perception of the situation.
You happily spread your loving and hugs to all the Smiling Critters and CatNap individually.
Albeit, CatNap was a little embarrassed that he had saw your situation with the rejected toy incorrectly. Feeling as if he might’ve been replaced.
You had reassured him individually as you had taken your time with each of the members, “I would never replace you CatNap! There’s always room for everyone..”
“Even you.”
You grin, booping CatNap’s nose. He recoiled back as he had the set revelation, CatNap slumped as he gave in to your very touchy movements. Feeling your hands thread throughout his fur, CatNap was content that he now knew.
He really had no reason to worry.
He truly was loved.
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lilasturns · 6 months
you finally get a taste of what it's like to be a 'bad girl', all thanks to chris sturniolo.
warnings: fingering, stoner!chris, high school au, driving intoxicated (pls dont do this ever?), NOT EDITED.
Nothing was going to stop you from your plans. School, study, work, and home was on repeat, 7 days a week.
Ever since you started High School, you decided it was time to put all the bullshit aside and focus on what really mattered -- college.
That was your end goal. Your 'self-actualization' as you called it. Nothing was going to get in your way from being successful.
Although you were a busy girl every week, it didn't stop you from having a social life. You knew how to balance it. Hanging out with your friends wasn't something you did much, but you still had them, which was most important, right?
Your friends were finally able to convince you to go to at least one party in your high school career.
You were standing alone in Nate Doe's kitchen, drinking a Coke out of a red solo cup.
"What's in that?" You heard a low-pitched voice from behind you ask, feeling a hand on your shoulder. Your body tensed as an unknown individual had placed a hand on your shoulder. You weren't that welcoming, were you?
"It's a coke." You answered non-chalantly, bringing it up to your lips to take another sip.
"I hate coke." The boy responded, taking his hand off your shoulder. He walked around to the opposite side of the kitchen you were in, playing with a lighter in his hand.
The flickering blue and red lights were giving you a massive headache, and the blasting music ramped through your body so rapidly you thought you might have a heart attack at any moment.
You stared at the boy across from you, studying his features. Sure, you knew who the triplets were, but you didn't know much about them. You could only assume this was Chris, from the lighter he held in his hand.
"Never seen you at one of these." He sighed.
"Friends wanted me to come." You explained.
"Want me to give you something better to drink?" He asked and walked closer to you. "Who knows if you'll ever come to one of these parties again, right?"
He stood next to you with his head tilted, his eyes squinting at you. His tongue ran over his teeth, causing his cheekbones to thin out, showing you his chiseled jaw.
"I don't drink." You said, still facing front, away from him.
"You don't have to drink," he chuckled, "I got something else with me."
You placed down your cup, side-eyeing him. He continued to stare at you, and you could see him studying your own features before you spoke up again:
"Why do you want me to do something so bad?" You asked.
"Maybe I'm just trying to help you have fun." He defended, his hand playing with the ends of your hair. "Come on, leave with me, you wanna have some fun?"
You turned to look at him, his hand moving to cup your cheek in response. "What'd ya say, hm?" You nod, feeling drawn in by his charm.
"Good girl."
So you were here, in the passenger seat of Chris Sturniolo's car, him teaching you how to smoke a blunt.
You release the last bit of smoke of your mouth, swallowing deeply, trying not to cough. He chuckles at your queasy looking face, patting you on the shoulder.
"Just cough." He commands, and you let out a loud cough, turning away from him and covering your mouth with your arm.
You could feel his eyes on you once again, causing you to turn and look at him.
"Come here." He said, tilting his head to the side. Your eyebrows furrow and your eyes wander, unsure of what he meant.
"Come sit on my lap." He beckoned and your eyes widen, looking at him up and down as he leaned back in the drivers seat. You lifted your right leg over the console, placing it on the outside of his left, followed by your left leg lifting over the console and placing it on the outside of his right.
He placed a hand on your lower back, right above your ass. You squirmed, not expecting him to touch you.
"You've never been touched before, huh?" He questions, his hand traveling down to your ass, squeezing it. You shake your head, your hands pressed against his thighs.
"You want me to touch you?" He asks. "All you gotta do is just say the word."
You stared into his eyes, pondering. Were you really about to let Chris Sturniolo do this? You wanted this, though. Deep know you knew you did.
"Yes." You agreed, your voice low. You took in a gulp, still making eye contact with Chris.
“Good girl,” he praises, running up to your waist. “Such a good girl.”
His other handle cups your cheek, with his thumb running over your jawline. You bite your lip in anticipation, tilting your head a bit.
He leans his head up to kiss you, his soft, pink lip slowly gliding against yours. He kissed you slowly, his tongue brushing against the front of your lips ever so gently.
You parted your lips, letting his tongue enter your mouth. He pulls you down so that you're basically laying on his chest. His hands move down to your waist, squeezing your hips. You rest your hand on his chest and the other on his face.
He begins to move quicker, his kissing becoming sloppier and messier. His hands travel lower, grasping your ass, causing you to shiver. You move your hips against his, and he lets out a groan in response.
His hand goes right under your skirt, his index finger running right over your clit and down to your folds. You pull away from the kiss, the new feeling making you tense.
"You're dripping, baby, you feel that?" He asks, running a hand up from your clit and down to your folds, then back up again.
You whimper, nodding, as you can feel your arousal collecting in your panties. He smirks, biting his lip.
"It's okay," he reassures, "I'm gonna help you."
You nod as he moves your panties aside with one hand. His fingers find your clit, your mouth dropping at the pleasure you experience from just his simple touch.
"Have you ever touched yourself before, hm?" He asks, rubbing light circles over your clit.
You shake your head. It's not a complete lie. You've tried, but you've just never been in the mood to do it. But right now, you sure are.
The feeling that you have is indescribable. You feel desperate, as if you are yearning to be touched. You can feel yourself practically dripping, your body feeling warmer and warmer by the second.
Chris fingers start to move faster, circling your clit even quicker. You throw your head back, letting out a light moan. His fingers dip down to your folds as he runs his index finger through, teasing your hole.
"Please, Chris." You beg, gripping onto his white plain t-shirt, staring at him with pleading eyes.
"You don't have to beg, okay?" He responds softly, entering his finger inside you, slowly.
Your eyes flutter shut at the feeling, gripping harder on the front of his shirt. He uses his middle finger only, moving in and out easily, before entering in his ring finger.
You grind your hips down on his fingers, basically riding them. The way you're feeling is like none other. Your feel filled just by his veiny fingers, and you can't help but wonder what his dick must feel like.
He moves faster, his fingers pumping in and out of you. Your moans keep dropping, incapable of keeping them in. His thumb reaches to your clit and he rubs small circles on it, and let out a loud whine, as the pleasure becomes more intense than it was a moment before.
You can feel a knot start to form in your stomach and you lay on his chest, moaning, and your eyes closed completely shut.
"You need'a cum, yeah?" He whispers down to you, his other hand petting your hair. "Tell me how you feel."
"I-I..feels like, good." You respond, unable to get words out as he moves his fingers and thumb, trying to make you come.
"I know, baby," he soothes, "just let it go."
As if on command, you can feel yourself 'let go', as if you released the knot if your stomach. The pleasure feels too much, so you hop off his lap, his fingers pulling out of you. You groan from the loss of contact with your legs lightly shaking as you sit back in the passenger seat.
He looks at you with a smirk on his face,
"God, I can't want to ruin you."
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spideyhexx · 6 months
mdni; tw slapping
Smacking Coriolanus Snow's face so hard his jaw breaks sounded like a great idea to you.
Never mind the fact that you were moaning his name so loud just the other day that you're sure someone overheard. Or that he grabbed your face and kissed you in a hidden corner of the hallway just yesterday morning, smearing your lipstick and walking away with the smuggest grin ever.
You hated him.
You hated the way he lit a fire in you, the way he'd always one up you in class and somehow always be right above you in academics. You'd creep up and overtake him for a mere moment before he's pulling ahead with that same smirk that would embed itself into your thighs when he kissed them. He knew how to push your buttons. Coriolanus teased everything about you, the way you dressed, how you said something in class, your grades (even if they were a point lower than his own). He was relentless and all you could do was give it right back to him.
Sometimes, you're able to get the upper hand outside of the academy. Sometimes, Coriolanus would let his guard down, especially if you were in his bed for hours. He would grow tired, more vulnerable and although he hated letting anyone see that side of him and he hated the way you'd look at him, trouble written all over your face; he welcomed it with open arms.
He let you take control and turn him into a whiny mess underneath you. It would be so easy, and the power you held over him in the bedroom would satisfy your own personal need for control over the Snow boy since he so often has power over you. Your relationship was this giant tug of war, a push and pull that felt never-ending. One moment, you're desperate for one another and the next, you think you might actually kill Coriolanus.
There was a caveat for Coriolanus' vulnerable side. But you weren't even really aware of it until you're taking the brunt of it from him in his room later that day.
You notieced that morning that his appearance was a little disheveled. It didn't look like he got much sleep and despite his crisp white button down being practically perfect on him, the buttons on one of his sleeves was still undone. You approached him and nodded at a secluded corner and he follows. You fixed sleeve, rolling it up just a little before buttoning it, your fingers brushing over the watch on his wrist for just a moment.
Coriolanus complained without you even saying a word, talking about some paper that he was working on and you'd shut him up with a kiss.
He broke away first, trying to fix some of his appearance and your hand, still resting on his shoulder, moved into his soft curls and tugged harshly on them so you can slot your lips back to yours. It was something you always did when you took control over him, and he knew this. He kissed you back, having missed the feeling of your lips on his. Your free hand not tangled in his curls rubbed down his chest to his belt, then below it in quick succession, pressing your palm against his bulge.
Coriolanus bit down on your lip and the glare he gave you when you pulled away, confused, would have been enough to send you to your knees, begging for him to forgive you if you weren't at the academy.
What you didn't know is trying to control Coriolanus in this setting of all places really pissed him off. He was cold to you the rest of the day, not even giving you his usual teasing treatment. That is, until the last hour of class, he pushed a piece of paper into your coat pocket and he had written out in what looked like rushed handwriting something about wanting to study with you at his place.
You were almost scared to go. Almost. But your body still brought you there despite you running laps in your head about what he could possibly be planning to do.
And now, you were laying on your front in his bed, ass up, completely naked. Coriolanus was still dressed in his school attire, but he had taken his suit jacket off, his sleeves rolled up higher. His hand palmed over the small of your back, relishing in the way you shivered at his touch.
He trailed his other fingers up your thigh, almost like he was taunting you and how wet you were. He takes a deep breath, then lets out a heavy sigh, "Okay, sweetheart. Will you take what I give you?"
It's your turn to let out a sigh, your head turned to the side and looking back at him, "what did I do?"
He laughs, two of his fingers prodding at your entrance before he dips them in without much warning. Coriolanus watches your face screw up and he keeps his fingers still. "I don't need to tell you, darling."
He leans down to kiss your hip, rubbing his hand over your ass again before slapping it. Your body jolts forward a little at the sensation. He's slapped you like this before, but never in this position. Never with his fingers pressing deep inside you, unmoving.
You don't even have to look at his face to know he's smirking all the way to hell. "Sweetheart, I'm gonna keep spanking you for a little, okay?"
You nod, not giving him the satisfaction of hearing how strained your voice is and he slaps your other cheek, harder than the first. "You know I don't like when you do that," he says with a tsk emanating from his lips.
"I don't like you, Snow," you sputter out, and he laughs again. You hated when he laughed in these moments. "You sure about that, sweetheart? You're clenching on my fingers right now," his voice is so soft, so unnerving and you realize you have been tightening around him.
"Cause you won't move your fingers, asshole," you whine, pushing back against his fingers, but Coriolanus is quick. Too quick as he delivers two more slaps to one of your cheeks and you whine again.
"Oh, sweetheart. You must not understand, see, they're just resting there," he coos and his tone makes you want to push him away and well; smack his face so hard his jaw breaks.
"And I get the great pleasure of feeling your pussy tighten around my fingers every time I..." he trails and smacks your ass, another whine tumbling from your lips.
"Don't 'Coryo,' me sweetheart, it's not gonna work." His hand comes down again and he tilts his head, watching the way your cunt squeezes his fingers. It's tough for him to keep them still, he admits in his own thoughts, but he knows you're getting mad at him and he likes that a whole lot more.
"Look at you darling, already dripping onto the bed," he teases as his hand and mouth take turns. One moment, the soft allure of his voice is heard and the next, his large hand is smacking down onto your ass.
When your whimpers start to sound painful, he dares to look at your face, painted with pleasure and pain. "You think I'll fuck you, tonight?"
And all he gets is another whimper in response as tears prick at your eyes. You're so desperate for movement, for him to give you something. He curls his fingers ever so slightly and you moan out as if you've been holding it in, but before you can even enjoy the feeling, he's keeping them still again, slapping your ass the hardest he's done it tonight.
"My sweetheart. You're such a slut for pain hm? Who would've thought? Certainly not me," Coriolanus gives you a wicked smirk and you close your eyes to get it out of your head, but you just can't.
"Fuck, you're dripping on my watch," and his hand comes up to swipe some of your wetness and he licks his fingers, but you don't know that.
He's consuming every part of you and it's the worst thing you could ever think of to be happening, but what you would give right now for him to fuck his fingers into you.
let's chat about coryo, here :)
based off of this
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leoascendente · 5 months
PAC/ Major blessings of the new year ✨️
Hi my loves! Welcome back to another pick a card, this time focused into the new year and what will be the major blessings this new year has in store for you. As always, take a deep breath and take a moment to choose your pile, I suggest you to pick the one that makes you smile the most.
I wish you the best year possible, may peace, happiness and love be always by your side every day of this new year ❤️
Decks: Woodland wardens oracle, Raider Waite tarot and astrodices
For private readings click here / 2024 readings are open
My blog in Spanish here
All pics are from pinterest, credits to their owners
Pile 1/ pile 2/ pile 3
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Pile 4/ pile 5/ pile 6
Pile 1:
This new year will be your year of preparation, there's something huge coming into your life at some point but first you need to learn some new skills to get and keep the success you are looking for. Universe is giving you extra time to prepare what you really want to achieve, it's like a period for trying new things and tests what works best for you, especially in matters of career and money because you'll be very lucky in these areas. If you are thinking into opening your own bussiness and be an enterpreneour, this year will be a lucky year for you but the cards wants you to focus on burocracy and legal matters too, you'll have it easy but there are some things you'll need to learn before, like paying taxes on time or investing money wisely
Your areas of luck will be about starting projects and trying new things it's all about taking the lead without fearing risk, whenever you follow your inner compass you'll find yourself attracting more abundance than what you expected. You'll also be very lucky when it comes to gain wealth and what will play the most at your favor is your knowledge about burocracy or legal matters, not only for this year but the years ahead where you'll be managing big amounts of money.
This year will be filled by happiness and meaningful changes, sometimes change can be overwhelming but for you this feels like something you've been waiting for a long time, a desired transformation of your reality. You are the group that got more major arcana, so this 2024 will be an end of a cycle where your life will take a 180-degree turn, there's also this energy of getting out of your head so much and starting focusing on your present moment. With the empress and the magician cards, I see you'll feel a lot more grounded and, for what I'm feeling, this will help you attract money easilly, you'll be a literal money magnet this new year. These two cards are also indicators of a good year of prosperity with work and money, the empress also indicates a huge physical glow up and a boost in your confidence, you'll feel super empowered during 2024 :).
Pile 2:
This new year brings you balance and stability, you'll feel a lot more supported and certain about the path you are taking in life, things will feel more peaceful for you this new year. If you deal with anxiety or something of that sort that involves your mental health, I see a big relief over 2024, you'll be making a lot of progress in this area. The major word I channel is balance, on your outside circumstances but mostly when it comes to yourself and your inner wellbeing, I feel my heart rushing and a knot in my stomach that are slowling relieving, this year might also involve some kind of spiritual or emotional healing too. If you have difficulties dealing with stressful situations this year will also bring you clarity to discern what's best for you and where to invest your precious energy.
You'll be lucky when it comes to find new ways to develop your passion or how you share it with the world, you'll be very lucky if you use some kind of social media or technologies to promote it too, especially if you are an artist. Your intuition will be improving too, if you follow it you'll find sucess at the end of the road, your guides will also be taking relevance in your life. Btw, blue will be your lucky color during the year
This new year will end up some conflicts you were dealing with, the feeling that you needed to constantly fight will dissipate in a very natural way, it will happen progressively in a time where you'll feel like you can finally sit and relax, you might feel extra tired sometimes but it will be because your nervous system will get out of survival mode. You end up a karmic cycle of your life that will allow you to focus on your finances and being productive at work because you got the ace and the 8 of pentacles right after the card of the world, so working and seeing progress will be a major theme of your year ahead, if you are into handcraft of some sort you can get extra income with it. You'll be also getting out of your comfort zone more often to find beautiful things outside of what's known to you, this will be a year of adventures that you'll live with peace in your heart.
Pile 3:
There's an improvement on your energy levels and your home life, you'll feel a lot more healthy and vital during the new year, I don't usually talk about health in any of my readings but your pile deserves it because your body is regenerating positively somehow, whatever you are doing to take care of it just know it's working and will give you proofs of it this new year. There's also a major message about your home life and how it will be taking a more important role in your life, maybe it's something as simple as to be able to decorate it the way you like or it's something more relevant like making a renovation of pipes or fixing leaks, whatever it is, it's something you've been wishing for a long time, It could also be that you'll finally be moving to the house of your dreams.
Your lucky areas talk about health again with virgo in the dices, I see trying to have a healthier habits will help you in this aspect of your wellbeing, maybe create a healthier routine or something that sort (it will be different for each of you reading this), always do what's most aligned with yourself. You also got pluto and the third house so this year will be good for you to transform yourself, maybe stepping out of what's known for you and try new practices, it could also be that you are re-learning some thinigs after an spiritual awakening. For a little amount of you this could mean taking a different approach when it comes to your physical health and needs.
Uhhh things got interesting with your tarot cards! There's a lot of love entering your life my dear :), you got so many beautiful cards that I had to take a minute to channel and summarize all the info. After a period of healing and purification all your dreams will start to come true, the healing process might seem too intense because you'll be getting a lot of channelings in a short period of time but suddently everything will start happening for you, it will happen in the most unexpected way at the mostt unexpected time, you won't see all the happiness coming, even if you receive signs you won't be paying that much attention. You got the star, 10 of cups, ace of cups and the empress, if this is not an omen of your true love entering your life I don't know what it is haha, maybe the message about the home means that you finally meet the person you are going to create a home with because you got the king and knight of pentacles at the bottom of the deck so this person is arriving with commitment, peace and stability. Congratulations my dear, you'll be discovering love in many different aspects of your life during this new year.
Pile 4:
Your major blessing is some kind of dharma, it's something that will make you gain hope in Universe's protection over you, this will come through other people that will communicate things to you that will feel like an eureka moment where everything starts to make sense. Honestly, this feels like making amends with the past, do you know when you see the bully of your high school after 10 years and all the rage dissapears because that person is having a nightmare of a life?, it's not about being happy about other people's suffering, it is more the feeling of there's someone up there watching everything we do and no one leaves without paying their karma.
You area of luck is about the people that will enter your life, I see you reuniting with your soul tribe this year and finding lovely people that will treat you with respect and admiration. If you are someone that has dealt with the worst aspect of human nature, this year will be a proof from Universe of all the good traits humans have, it's like Universe wants to compensate you for the battles you have gone through, you'll find your place and your people in this world.
With the tarot cards I'm seeing that you'll be meeting the most lighthearted and positive aspect of life, there's happiness, support and love entering your life to stay. You'll be moving on from a lot of mental patterns that were holding you back, it's like you have learnt the theory and you are finally dealing with the practice that you thought it would be supper difficult and challenging and will ressult into being the most easy and peacefull process ever, like you don't even have to make any effort because everything will be moving at your same pace. Between all the new positive people entering your life, there are a lot of chances to find a romantic soulmate there, because of the cards you got I see an unblock in your heart chakra that will unblock your love life too, especially for those that have been single for a while. At the bottom of the deck you got the 6 of swords and the wheel of fortune so this new year will be a shift in your luck to the positive aspects of life, you'll also be feeling more hopeful and optimistic.
Pile 5
Your pile is the only one that has one extra oracle card and it's because that card wanted to fly and land on the opposite side of the room, not to give you spoilers but it was the card of romance. This new year will bring you a lot of different blessings, I see 3 major ones at least, romace is very prominent through all your spread so this year you will meet your true love and will start your life together as a couple. Another blessing I see here is some sort of independence (it will be different for each of you so take only what resonates), it can be moving alone to a new place, working by yourself or releasing emotional attachments, whatever independence means to you is what you'll be getting this new year. I also see admiration from people when they look up to you, you'll be receiving adoration from others, like getting a fan club or something like that, it feels like people being devoted to you, so you might viral or achieve some level of fame throught the new year
Your lucky areas will be taking care of yourself and your beauty on the inside and the outside, if you've been thinking about changing your style this year will be very favorable for you in this aspect, also for beauty treatments or anything related to your image and appearance. Another lucky area will be your drive and inner power, you can rely on this aspects whenever you need a boost of confidence, remind yourself your talents and keep moving, you are your most powerful lucky charm <3
Uhhh Divine counterparts energy here in your tarot cards, the magician and the high priestess and the king and queen of cups, so you'll be finding a person so in tune with you that it gives me goosebumps all over my spine, you'll understand what a twin flame connection is after this person enters your life, btw, it's someone completely new, no one from the past. Your overall message about this new year is success and moving on from what no longer serves you, this new year you'll be aligning with your happiest and most successful version and honestly, I feel like you won't have to do that much because Universe is pampering you during the whole year
Pile 6
Your oracle card's literal is happiness, so honey, happy days are here again for you, I see even see you crying of joy a few times during the year. You are my spiritual pile and my dear, this year you'll be having magical moments with your spirituality, you'll see miracles happening in front of you, I'm literally hearing 'a glitch in the matrix' so you'll be seeing and undestanding Universe in such a deeper level. You'll be nourishing your soul during this new year, you'll be more in tune with your inner child and you'll be focused into what's best for you and your happiness, life will also be very gentle with you.
Your lucky areas have something to do with your soul mission, especially if you are the kind of people that loves helping others and would like to dedicate your life into a major service for others. It's something related to healing, it can be your own or this might be more related of a soul mission that involves helping others, whatever it be, you'll be receiving rewards because of this. Another lucky area will be the people that will enter your life, you'll have an amazing support system in the people you will know this year.
You'll be knowing a soul mate this year! You got 2 and 10 of cups and a lot of major arcana, so I see a major connection with a romantic soulmate but also there are a lot of soul mates that will enter your life to align you with your soul mission, every person will come with a lot of knowledge that will make you feel fullfiled on a soul level. There's also a shift in your luck but it will be mostly driven by your own mentality, you'll feel stronger and more confident in whatever your passions are, you'll be also having some sort of realization about what you want to do with your life and will plan how to make it true, Universe will be favoring you in this aspect.
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welcometomyoasis · 5 months
Seventeen's reaction to their s/o crushing it on the water obstacle course
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Synopsis: What would the seventeen members’ reactions be when they see you, their s/o, successfully run across a floating obstacle course like the one during dive into TTT.  Svt x gn! reader | fluff | 0.9k words | warnings: water, leg cramps, overconfident boys | requested by anon
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He screeches and his brain stops functioning
Seungcheol, Dokyeom, Mingyu, Seungkwan
𓆉 All morning, you both watched the rest of the members on the obstacle course. One after the other, all the members wiped out along the bridge made out of circular floats. So when you said you wanted to try, he was skeptical. But oh, he’s never been so happy to be proven wrong. 
𓆉 As soon as he sees you literally flying across the floating obstacle course, he’s screaming his brains out. For being on the unstable floating platforms, your movements are smooth, graceful, balanced. He’s straining his voice cheering for you. There’s a mix between “Go Baby!!!!”, “Show those people how it’s done!!!”, “HOW?”
𓆉 He’s on the edge of his seat. He’s proud of you. He’s terrified that you’re going to wipe out before you complete the whole course since you’ve been doing so well. He’s so excited to watch his baby do something others can’t do. He’s so confused. How the hell are you doing it? You’re doing the impossible? 
𓆉 When you finally complete the course, huffing and puffing from the exertion, you don’t have anytime to rest. He’s screaming about how proud he is, how you’ve done so well. Your eardrums might get blown, and although you successfully avoided splashing into the water, you still end up there anyway because he takes you both over the edge of the float when he whoomps you from the side trying to hug you. 
He watches in awe 
Jeonghan, Joshua, Wonwoo, Jihoon, Minghao, Vernon
𓆉 Before you even attempt the course, he’s cautioning you to be careful. It’s a big obstacle course and you could slip into the water at any given moment. Then, he sends you on your way. What? He’s not going to stop you. He wants to see you crushing the competition succeed. 
𓆉 The countdown begins and then you’re off. So you aren’t the most graceful person on the course. There are still times you almost slip (taking his heart out in the process), but you’re doing better than most people. You haven’t completely fallen into the water yet. And you’re reaching the end of the course soon.
𓆉 He’s watching you in shock and awe. He feels his heart swell with pride seeing you do so well. What? You’re his baby and he adores you. You look so determined, so adorable. He’s cheering for you, wishing you well with cheers like “You’re doing great baby!”, “Just a little more!”, “You can do it!”. Obviously, he’s been recording you this entire time so he can rewatch it and proudly show you off to others. (Jeonghan and Joshua probably did it so they could tease you if you wiped out…)
𓆉 He’s still grinning and staring at you with hearts in his eyes when you gleefully run up to him, cheering that you were successful. He wraps a towel over your shoulders. You didn’t get wet, but still, he’s going to keep you warm. He listens to your endearing babbles, cooing at you to tell you that you’re his pride and joy. When you’re done, it’s his turn to retell the story animatedly about his own feelings when you were out there absolutely crushing the obstacle course. Then, it’s your turn to melt at how much love he has for you. 
He is green with envy
Junhui, Soonyoung, Dino
𓆉 Listen, he’s attempted this course multiple times this morning. The course is just not cooperating. For some reason, he just can’t seem to cross the circular floating bridge. Those things are just too unbalanced. So yea, if he can’t do it, don’t feel bad if you can’t do it. 
𓆉 Still, you know, he got pretty far in the course before wiping out there. He’s definitely smugly watching you. It’s not that he’s undermining you (okay, maybe a little) but it’s a competition to him, duh! Everything is. He wants to see how well you do compared to him. 
𓆉 Well, you know you have this in the bag. You simply give him a little wink before dashing forward confidently. You don’t hesitate, easily flying across the obstacle course with little to no difficulty. In the moments you glance over to your boyfriend’s direction, you laugh when you see him watching you in disbelief. His jaw dropped so low flies might get in. 
𓆉 You skip over to him once you’re done, wriggling your eyebrows to indicate how well you did compared to his many, many wipeouts. He pouts, sulking and whining that there has to be something wrong with the obstacle course. Or you know what? He had a leg cramp which is why he kept failing. 
𓆉 Just roll your eyes at him trying to overcompensate for his failure, and let him be. He’ll tire himself out eventually. When he does, his failures are pushed to the back of his head, and he’s celebrating your win with you. How could he not? You. Absolutely. Crushed. It. 
Bonus: Cheeky cheating little brats Evil twins
Jeonghan and Joshua
𓆉 They are impressed, but they are cheating little brats so they tease you, insisting that they didn’t see anything. Did you actually succeed? They will ask you to redo the whole course again. This time, they will personally guide you to the course instead of watching you from afar. When you begin running, these two evil twins would 100% start rocking the whole floating obstacle course violently, causing you to fall into the water. See? It’s impossible. Oh, and if you do have evidence of you successfully completing the course? Nah, it’s probably a one time fluke. 
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perm taglist: @weird-bookworm @wonijinjin @babyleostuff @wishing-fieshes @kwanienies @mayashu @megseungmin @porridgesblog @haecien @mirxzii @scoupsofcherries @eightlightstar
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taexual · 5 months
sleepwalking ● 17 | jjk
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pairing: jungkook x fem!reader
summary: due to unfortunate circumstances, you ended up managing your ex-boyfriend’s band. you thought you’ve both made peace with it, but suddenly he’s very eager to prove to you that first love never dies.
genre: rockstar!jungkook / exes to lovers
warnings: explicit language and depictions of medical treatment (mentions of an IV, not overly descriptive), fluff (!), angst, A LOT of pent-up emotions, SLOW BURN
words: 15.5k (help)
read from the beginning ○ masterlist
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chapter 17 ► looking sideways when i say i’m okay with the past, but i’m afraid of what i might say if you ask
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When you regained consciousness, it took you a few more minutes to understand what was happening.
In your hazy mind, the first clear thought you could grasp was a memory: Jungkook had gotten into a fight. Instinctively, you imagined yourself standing up and finding him. Not because your job required you to—honestly, you weren’t sure what job you even had at this point, your mind hadn’t sorted itself out yet—but because you wanted to see if he was okay.
You tried to open your eyes, but the room was spinning, and you felt a little queasy from the unexpected vertigo.
You shut your eyes again and tried to focus on your other senses—as best as you could without moving—hoping that this would answer some of the new questions forming in your mind.
You did not know where you were or how you got here, but the room was warm. The lack of proper ventilation made the air feel stuffy.
You didn’t hear any background noise, so you assumed you weren’t at a hospital. But you could hear a lot of shouting in the room. You thought you discerned three different voices, but they were all talking over each other, so it was hard to tell.
You were lying on something soft but scratchy, and a heavy duvet pressed you into the bed. It felt comforting, but you were starting to sweat.
Someone’s hand was on your wrist, their fingers cold.
Reflexively, you squeezed their hand.
“Don’t move,” someone whispered right next to you. Jungkook, you realised. “We’ve called a doctor.”
Your initial reaction was relief. He was here, so he had to be okay.
Your next reaction, however, was pure panic. You didn’t need a doctor. You just needed a minute.
“We should have taken her to a hospital,” another voice argued. “I’ll never forgive you if anything happens to her.”
That had to be Luna, you were sure of it. Your eyes remained closed, but you could envision your friend with her arms crossed over her chest, regarding the boy next to you with a scorching glare.
You didn’t like this mention of a hospital.
You squeezed Jungkook’s hand again, but even as he tried to explain to Luna that you would go on a particularly bloody rampage if he took you to a hospital—he had a point and you would have felt grateful if you hadn’t been so distressed—she still wasn’t hearing him.
You opened your mouth and felt your chapped lips tighten painfully.
“No hospital, please,” you croaked in the voice of someone who had been a successful chain smoker for over fifty years.
You heard Luna whisper-yell, “you’re unbelievable, the both of you!” and you tried to open your eyes again, but nothing had changed. It still felt a bit like gravity had taken a day off as the room and everyone around you continued to float.
You heard a faint voice that you did not recognise, and from the official tone and the immediate chill you felt inside, you deduced that it was the doctor.
“I’m going to administer a very mild sedative,” he said—to whom, you weren’t sure. Your insides felt very heavy. “And set up a drip. Make sure she doesn’t move much or the catheter will—oh, see, like that. That can’t happen.”
Your muscles spasmed involuntarily. Something pricked your arm. You didn’t mind needles, but you did not like IVs. You didn’t need to be sedated.
“I don’t think—” you tried to say when you felt something cold on your arm—the doctor’s hands, presumably, in very unpleasant, squeaky latex gloves. “I don’t think I need this.”
“Can you open your eyes for me, please?” the doctor asked.
“No,” you said with what you hoped was a shake of your head. In reality, you merely wrinkled your nose. “T-that is not something I can do right now. But in a—”
“Your body needs rest,” the doctor explained. Jungkook moved closer until he was clutching your hand with both of his. “It won’t knock you out, but it will relax you, make you a little drowsy. That will likely help you fall asleep naturally. Is that all right?”
You lacked the strength to tell him that you were already very tired—or the strength to tell him that you still had things to do, so you couldn’t just sleep.
The memory of the flooding at the venue in Manchester came back to your mind and your muscles tensed again.
Really, you were about to refuse, but there was hardly anything you disliked more than inconveniencing people. They had invited a doctor for you. He was just doing his job.
“Okay,” you said in quiet defeat.
“Your friends are in the room with you,” the doctor said. You felt a cold sensation on your arm. “They will stay with you and make sure you get plenty of rest. Even after you wake up, you must spend as much time in bed as you possibly can.”
“Don’t phrase it like that,” you heard Jungkook object. “Give us a specific time, or she’ll be out of bed as soon as she wakes up.”
Silence followed. You tried to imagine what was happening. Jungkook must have looked very eager—in his exaggerated manner, which resembled desperation rather than hope. Luna probably nodded in agreement. The doctor, if he was kind enough, smiled at them patiently.
“Two days,” he finally stated. “Today and tomorrow, at the very least. If she has to walk, someone should accompany her. But don’t keep her on her feet for too long. I’ve seen the crowd of people outside this room—don’t tire her out. There should only be one or two people in the room with her, all right? Proper nutrition, sufficient sleep, and a—”
You felt yourself drifting off, and the doctor’s words faded and merged together until you were no longer sure whether you were imagining what a doctor would say in this situation, or if he was actually speaking.
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When you opened your eyes again, Luna and Maggie were seated in the armchairs next to your bed. The room had stabilised, allowing you to take in your surroundings before Luna glanced up from her phone and Maggie pulled out her earpods, noticing that you were awake.
The space around you appeared to be a hotel room. Next to the bed stood a metal bar with bags of faint yellow liquid on it. A catheter was attached to your arm and an intravenous line led to it from the drip. You shivered at the sight of it.
“Oh!” Luna’s gasp drew your attention back to her. She dropped her phone on her seat and straightened up. “How are you feeling?”
Right away, Maggie jumped up and removed her earpods.
“Confused,” you spoke and immediately tried to clear your prickly throat.
Maggie leapt forward and grabbed an empty glass from the bedside table. She poured some water from one of the three bottles on the floor and handed it to you.
You couldn’t remember the last time you had water. It tasted heavenly.
“You’re in a hotel room,” Luna explained as you drank. Maggie sat down on the armrest of her friend’s chair. “In Manchester.”
The mention of the city made you glare at her, and both girls breathed a sigh of relief. At least you knew where you were in a broader sense.
“It’s 7 PM,” Luna said after checking her phone. “The band has a day off tomorrow because the concert’s been postponed—”
“Because of the flooding,” you finished, leaning forward to put the glass back on the table. “I remember, Luna. Thanks. What, um—how come I’m here?”
Luna looked at Maggie for a moment, wordlessly asking her to take over the story.
“Well, you fainted,” Maggie started. She wasn’t usually a woman of many words, and this time was no different, which you found comforting. If Maggie didn’t think it was necessary to talk for hours, then you must not have been doing that bad. “Jungkook found you.”
“Yeah,” Luna had to interject with more details—she was still irked about his decision to book a hotel room instead of a hospital room. “And then he spent half an hour describing your symptoms. It took the doctor all of one second to diagnose you with burnout and put you on a vitamin drip. He told us to keep you on bed rest and watch for any more nosebleeds or fainting spells. If they continue, you’ll need to go into urgent care.”
You wanted to ask questions—where did they find this doctor? Where was this hotel? What was happening at the venue?—but the girls were on a roll.
“Meanwhile, I wasn’t even allowed in the room,” Maggie said, returning to her chair and sitting down properly. She was upset that she had missed what Luna had just summarised for you. “The doctor told us that only one person could stay, but neither Luna, nor Jungkook agreed to leave. So, no one else could come in until you were feeling better.”
“Jungkook was the one who decided on the hotel room, by the way,” Luna remarked, seemingly glad to finally express her frustrations. “I argued. I think you should at least have a blood test done. What if you’re anaemic? But—”
“I’m not anaemic,” you finally interrupted as you settled back on the bed. The mattress quickly adjusted to the shape of your body. Closing your eyes, you had to admit that the bed was really quite comfortable. Perhaps you could stay here for a few more hours. “This has happened to me before. I’ll be fine.”
Luna sighed. Her knowledge of the last time this had happened to you came from Jungkook’s haphazard stream of thought as he tried to explain to the doctor that the two of you had been in this exact situation before—you, unconscious, and he, on the verge of losing his mind.
Honestly, for a moment, Luna thought the doctor had considered sedating Jungkook instead of you.
“I knew you were going to say that,” she muttered after a minute. “Jungkook seemed to believe you’d shoot us all dead if we took you to a hospital.”
Gratitude bubbled up in your chest, but when you saw your friend’s solemn features, you tried to soften your response.
“I wouldn’t have shot you,” you said. “I would have smothered you all with pillows."
Maggie scoffed, and Luna rolled her eyes, but the corners of her lips still turned up.
“Nice to see you haven’t gained a sense of humour while you were out,” Maggie teased.
“Ha,” you responded dryly—but you were smiling, too.
Luna crossed her legs on the armchair to get more comfortable. She glanced at Maggie anxiously. The girls weren’t sure if they were tiring you out with their conversation, but you were looking up at the ceiling, not indicating that you were tired in any way, so they decided to continue.
“So, want to tell us how this happened, then?” Luna asked.
You turned your head to her. “I was hoping you’d tell me. I can’t exactly remember.”
“You fainted,” Maggie reminded you. Luna leaned over and gave her a pat on the arm, thanking her for this valuable reminder.
You smiled gently. “You mentioned that. Where’d the doctor come from?”
“Oh, Jungkook found one,” Maggie said. “There’s a clinic across the street from the venue. And this hotel is right next door.”
A minute passed as you attempted to piece it all together.
You could not remember any of this, but the news that Jungkook had taken care of most things was not calming. He must have really been going out of his mind.
You were curious about where he was, but you didn’t want to ask. Your paranoid mind made you think that any question about Jungkook that was not related to Rated Riot was unnecessary and would, therefore, be misunderstood. Your friends already seemed like they were resisting a few additional comments for the sake of your health.
“So,” Luna started after a quiet minute, “how come you fainted?"
You exhaled and tried to scratch your eyebrow, but the catheter tugged painfully at your skin, and you winced instead.
You dropped your hand back down. “I-I... I guess I overestimated myself.”
Luna pushed the IV stand closer to your bed so you could have more freedom with your limbs. You nodded gratefully.
“You’re going to have to slow down,” Luna said. “It’s no longer negotiable, I’m afraid. If you don’t listen to us, we will take you to a hospital.”
It was the plural pronoun that bothered you the most, but you forced yourself to swallow your discomfort at disrupting the daily routines of your friends.
“I’ll be alright soon,” you said. “And I promise this won’t happen again.”
“It had better not,” Maggie chimed in. “And what’s with this hatred of hospitals? You don’t like that they’re full of people who want to help you feel better?”
“I don’t hate them,” you said, which wasn’t entirely true. Your experiences in hospitals included your mum crying, and you’d rather not relive that—not so soon after your brother broke his leg. “I just don’t have time for them. I’m okay.”
Luna gave you a stern look. Even Maggie, who was usually quite calm when you said you were fine, was glowering a little.
“Fine,” you conceded. “I’ll endure this drip and then I'll be okay. Thank you for being here.”
Luna made a deliberate scene of fixing the bags on the metal stand—clearly intending to emphasise the seriousness of your condition—and then lowered herself back into her armchair.
“You’re welcome,” she said.
Smiling at both of your girls—to distract them from further discussing your health—you said, “I love you.”
“We love you, too,” Maggie said. “And, babe, just so you know, it’s not just us. There was—everyone was here. The concierge nearly fainted when he saw us all in the hallway.”
Your smile quickly fell. “What do you mean, everyone?”
“We took care of it, don’t worry,” Luna interjected, sensing your growing panic. “Maggie and I talked to Seokjin, Jimin, and Namjoon, who then spoke to the rest of the staff and escorted them out. And Jungkook took care of his band.”
The panic lingered. Your job was solving crises, not causing them. You did not like this.
“He took care of them?” you repeated, swallowing.
“Well, they were very worried,” Luna explained, glancing at Maggie for help. Maggie only nodded, indicating her agreement. “And, uh, they were very loud, too. He told them to go and texted them updates every ten minutes.”
“God.” You closed your eyes and carefully tried to prop yourself up into a half-sitting position. “What updates? I was asleep.”
“That’s what he’s been texting them,” Luna explained. “Every ten minutes, on the dot. And then Taehyung texted me, asking why I kicked his best friend out of your room—which is ridiculous because I did not kick him out. But you’re my best friend, so technically, I would have had the right to kick him out if you were uncomfortable.”
You pinched the bridge of your nose with your hand and shook your head, an involuntary smile creeping onto your face at your friend’s protectiveness. “I’m comfortable. Thank you.”
“Are you going to see him?” Maggie asked.
You looked up at her. “Jungkook?”
“Yeah.” She nodded. “He’s right behind the door, you know. Glued to the wall in the hallway.”
Your gaze slid down her dark blue jacket and focused on the mirror on the wall behind her. “Oh.”
“The doctor said he would need to go to the hospital, too, by the way,” Luna said, earning a surprised look from you. “He said the bandages around his head looked very threatening.”
You pressed your lips together. You’d expected that, but you still felt a fleeting twinge of disappointment—you’d covered his wounds to the best of your ability. And the bandages were honestly not the worst part of this.
“The doctor hasn’t even seen what’s underneath,” you said.
“He has now, actually,” Maggie replied. “He went to the emergency room about an hour ago to have them changed.”
You were too taken aback to properly understand her. “Jungkook did?”
“Yeah,” Luna said, pulling her phone out. Your mind tuned out her next few sentences as you struggled to come to terms with the fact that Jungkook had gone to the emergency room on his own accord. “—and he called us from the hospital. Apparently, he pestered the nurses with questions about what else we could do to help you feel better. They told him to leave, but he wanted to hear from us—in case we thought you needed anything. I wouldn’t be surprised if he brought a heart monitor here, just in case.”
Maggie snickered—but caught the serious looks on the faces around her and covered it up with a fractured cough—while you groaned and rubbed your eyes. You wouldn’t have been surprised, either.
You exhaled. “Yeah—I-I’ll see him. If that’s okay with you?”
Both girls nodded and got up from their seats. Before they went, however, they convinced you to accept their help to complete the difficult task—as you pointed out while rolling your eyes—of walking ten steps to the bathroom, and then ten steps back to your bed. Clearly, they were taking the doctor’s orders very seriously.
“We’ll be right outside,” Luna said once you settled back in bed. “Call or text—”
“No,” you protested. “You can’t—you don’t need to stay here. You’ve already done so much.”
“We were just sitting in your room with you,” Maggie said. “It’s hardly anything. Don’t worry about us.”
“It’s not hardly anything,” you disagreed. “At least get something to eat.”
The two girls looked at each other. Maggie shrugged and then looked back at you, still doubtful. You nodded with more conviction.
“We’ll pick up some food for everyone and come back,” Luna finally decided. “Okay?”
You nodded again. “Okay. Thank you.”
As soon as the girls opened the door to your hotel room, you heard shuffling outside—as if someone had been leaning right up against the door and scrambled away before it opened.
“You may come in,” Luna told Jungkook with excessive dramatics as she and Maggie turned to wave at you again.
You gave them another nod and watched as Jungkook tentatively walked inside. He turned to close the door behind him and lingered, for an awkward moment, at the entrance.
His bandages were fresh and none of the scantily wrapped bruises were visible any longer. Perhaps they would heal in time for the concert.
Before you could express your hopes out loud, however, Jungkook took a shaky breath and approached you.
“I’m so sorry,” he whispered. “I’m so fucking sorry, I don’t know what I would have done if—”
“W-why are you sorry?” you cut him off, disturbed by the absolute devastation in his voice.
He was right next to your bed now, barely able to inhale. “It’s—you—you fainted—and—it was because—I shouldn’t—”
It hit you, suddenly, why he was hyperventilating so much. And the shock of this realisation was so great that you could not react immediately, and he proceeded to stutter for another few moments.
“This—it has nothing—this isn’t about you,” you finally said, almost as coherent as he was.
Still, he persisted, “but I—you—I was—I should have—”
“I didn’t faint because of you, Jungkook,” you said more firmly. There were several reasons why he should have felt guilty, of course, but this was definitely not one of them.
He finally stopped speaking, although the rapid process of inhaling and exhaling—which caused his shoulders to hunch and straighten from the intensity of the motions—continued for another minute.
Then he gave you a long, uncertain look. You maintained eye contact and watched as his breathing gradually slowed. You had never seen him panic so much and so suddenly—he had seemed almost perfectly fine when he came in, but it took him all of two seconds to fall apart.
Slowly, he regained control of his breathing and looked you over once more.
“Okay,” he said, shifting his weight to his other leg. “I-I don’t know if that—if it makes me feel better, but—”
“Thank you,” you said.
Lost in his own thoughts, he craned his neck towards you. “Hm?”
“Luna and Maggie told me you’re the one who found me.”
Jungkook looked briefly embarrassed.
“I explicitly asked them not to tell,” he said.
You smiled. “I’m sure this was Force majeure, so don’t blame them. And they’re my best friends anyway.”
“Clearly.” He brought his hands down his face before admitting, “I just—I thought you wouldn’t want to see me.”
A part of you thought he was right to assume that. You shouldn’t want to see him.
But another part of you forced you to lower your gaze and twiddle your thumbs nervously as you linked your hands on your stomach.
“No, uh, see,” you began with a nervous chuckle. “That’s, uh—that’s almost the worst part of this whole thing. My plan, really, was to avoid you.”
Jungkook raised his eyebrows, then politely lowered them. He placed his hand on the back of the armchair and said, profoundly, “very mature.”
“You don’t get to judge,” you warned.
The corner of his lip quirked. “Just making an observation.”
“So, my plan was to avoid you,” you continued. “But we both know how that ended. And then I woke up here, sort of feeling like I was floating in a space station somewhere near Saturn, and you know what my first thought was?”
Jungkook thought he was floating in a space station somewhere near Saturn.
“Wh—um, what?” he asked.
“My first thought was if you were okay.”
You looked at him as you said that, and he thought he saw the rest of his life flash before his eyes—a life that, just a few days ago, he’d deemed meaningless.
Without any proper distractions, it was just him and his thoughts, and they were never good company. They hated him for losing you.
But then you fainted and now that you’ve regained consciousness, your first thought was if he was okay.
He didn’t trust his legs very much anymore.
“Can I sit?” he asked, a little breathless again.
You took a second to reply, and he interpreted it as a sign of hesitation. “You can.”
Suspicious, he asked, “will you try to leave if I sit?”
You gave him a questioning look and nudged your hand, causing the IV bags to wobble. “Does it look like I can move around with this?”
“I don’t know,” he said. “You might still try.”
You snorted and shook your head. “Just sit down, Jungkook.”
He sat down.
The two of you were a peculiar sight like this. If this were a role-playing video game, there would have been exclamation marks over your heads—and if you had been approached, the list of conversation starters the player could choose would have been, simply, endless.
There was so much you wanted to say and ask each other, but the strength of your resistance was absurdly impressive.
One thought, however, overwhelmed everything, and it was very simple: how little everything else mattered compared to your health.
Jungkook took a deep breath and looked at you, taking in your tired, but ceaselessly dreamlike features.
Slowly, he found himself calming down. As long as you were here, as long as you were okay, things would work out one way or another.
“I, um—your mum called, by the way,” Jungkook said. “I have your phone. It fell out of your jacket when I—when I found you.”
Right away, you felt a surge of panic. You and your mum had a deal. She knew you were busy, so she would text sometimes, but never call. Unless something had happened.
“My—she called me?” you repeated with so much concern that Jungkook noticed the drip stand shake a little from the force of your distress. “Did you answer?”
He felt his own hands return to their almost natural trembling. “Uh, well, as it happened—I did.”
“Why did she call? What happened?”
“Well, nothing,” he said. “She said she hadn’t heard from you in a while, and she was worried.”
Mother’s intuition, she had called it when she spoke to you. When you returned to your dorm after your hospital stay six years ago, she had called you because “for some reason” she couldn’t sleep for two nights in a row. She didn’t know you were ill, of course, but it touched you, this maternal feeling that transcended all logic.
It could have been a coincidence, you supposed. Lots of things were.
“What did you say?” you asked.
“I said you had a lot of things to take care of,” Jungkook replied. “But you’d call her when you had a free moment.”
You watched him as he spoke and noticed his eyes widen momentarily, clearly taken aback by what he’d just seen in your expression. You realised you hadn’t expected him to hide this from your mum, and your surprise must have shown.
Blinking, you turned away and gripped the edge of your duvet.
“Thank you,” you said.
“I also told her you’re very stressed,” he added quieter.
“Oh—well, that—you could have kept that to yourself,” you said, less enthusiastic about his thoughtfulness. “She’s going to freak out about it.”
“Let her,” he countered. “You’re her child. She’s worried about you. You have to let people worry about you when there’s a reason to.”
You had a different opinion, of course. But instead of arguing, you chose to find out what conclusions your mum had drawn from this brief exchange. She hadn’t heard from Jungkook directly in years, even though she knew you were working together.
“What did she—was she surprised to hear from you?” you asked.
Your question made Jungkook appear as if he was trying very hard to tap dance while sitting down. He bounced his legs, tapped his feet, and occasionally scratched something under his chin, above his nose, or on the back of his neck.
“Uh, well, we’re, um, you know,” he said. You were almost ready to assume that he was hiding something else. “You and me—w-we’re working together. She wasn’t that surprised.”
“Right, but I mean—”
“I told her not to worry too much, and that you’d love to hear from her,” he finished, skilfully diverting from the topic and speaking even louder so you wouldn’t have a chance to interject with another question. “She said she’d text you, and you should call her when you have a minute. Not right now, though. You’re resting now.”
Again, you tried, “I’m just—”
“She put Kai on the phone, too,” he added. “So, I talked to him for a second. He called you an idiot.”
That took a very unusual turn, you thought in surprise. Your mum hadn’t spoken to Jungkook in years, and now she wanted to put your brother on the phone, too—you were simply confused.
“He—why’d he say that?” you asked, presently more unnerved by the name-calling than your mother’s unexpected choices.
“For forgetting to call your mum, he said. And for working too much,” Jungkook replied. “Which is precisely what I warned you about in Amsterdam, so I honestly can’t believe this happened to you again. We asked you to take it easy, so at least listen to us now, and—”
It was hard to breathe in this still room, with the force of everyone’s concern weighing you down.
Slowly, you kicked one leg out from under the duvet. “I did take it easy.”
“Right,” he said, closing his eyes and mumbling, “you never fucking take it easy.”
You heaved yourself up to your feet, holding onto the IV stand for support. “I was—”
Jungkook looked up and jumped to his feet as soon as he realised what you were doing. “Where are you going? Sit down.”
“I’m fine. I’m just—”
He blocked your way, quickly ensuring that you did not have enough space to take another step.
“See, I told you you’d do this,” he groaned, his chest pressed against yours. “Just sit down.”
You tried not to stagger backwards—which was his intention, of course—and still stood your ground. “I just want to open the window, I’m—”
“Sit down.”
Huffing in angry resignation, you sat back down.
“Okay,” he said, stepping back from the bed to give you more space. “Now lie down.”
You rolled your eyes but settled back into a horizontal position, glaring at him all the while.
“Should I roll over, too?” you bit. “Give you a paw?”
“Not unless you want to.”
You bared your teeth. “Funny.”
“Just lie down, please,” he reiterated. “And just—just rest, okay? For a little while, at least. I’ll open the window.” He saw you open your mouth and added hurriedly, “I know you can do it yourself. But let me.”
Sighing, you surrendered to the warm confines of the duvet. “Okay. Thanks.”
He crossed the room and struggled with the curtains for a moment. He could tell you were watching him, and he felt irrationally nervous—he thought that if he did something wrong, you would try to get up again. Finally, he grabbed the handle of the window, twisted it and pulled. A moment or two later, a welcome breeze finally filled the stuffy room.
Relieved to be able to breathe something other than your discomfort, you watched Jungkook return to his armchair.
“You didn’t tell me if you’re okay,” you reminded him. “How’s your eye?”
He looked confused as he lifted his hand—as if to verify if the eye in question was still there—then paused and dropped it again.
“It’s working,” he said, sitting back down next to your bed.
“And the pain?”
He shrugged. “Bearable.”
“Good,” you said, slipping your hands under the covers and resting them on your stomach. “I’m glad you took out your eyebrow piercing before the whole thing with Sid, by the way. Otherwise, we might have had even more problems.”
Jungkook didn’t want that to be your shared problem—he was determined to carry out his plan, which he boldly referred to as “Getting My Shit Together”—but at the same time, he was glad that he didn’t cause you any additional distress. Honestly, he couldn’t have cared less about his piercings right now.
“I—yeah.” He rubbed his eyebrow absentmindedly. “I hadn’t planned it like that, but it worked out, I guess.”
“Did you get any rest?” you asked then.
The question felt misplaced, and his stomach sank at the sheer wrongness of it. You were always worried about others. And he always gave you reasons to worry.
Really, while he was happy—alright, ecstatic—that you thought of him, he should have been the one asking you this.
“How, uh—how do you mean?” he returned.
“After the flight,” you said.
He looked down at the beige carpet under his boots and shook his head. He couldn’t have slept even if he wanted to—not until he was sure you weren’t on your feet, insisting you were okay.
“I don’t need rest,” he said.
But as you looked at him, it was clear that rest was exactly what he needed. Beneath the imposing bandages, his eyes were bloodshot, and his skin was pale and waxy. He was still beautiful—Maggie would have made a joke about it—but in a way that made your heart ache if you looked at him too long.
“You should go,” you said. “Get some sleep.”
Jungkook gave you a look as if you had just confessed that you enjoyed beheading people in your spare time: incredulous and slightly offended.
“I’m not going anywhere,” he said.
This was going to turn into a childish game, you knew it. But you tapped your thumbs together and still tried.
“What if I want to be alone?” you asked.
“Then I’ll call Luna and Maggie.”
Your arched eyebrows challenged his solution.
“When I said alone,” you clarified, “I didn’t mean not with you.”
For just a split second, he looked almost relieved to hear this. Then he bit his lip and brought a hand over his knee.
“If my presence is not the problem,” he said, “then I’m staying.”
“The problem,” you argued, “is that you’re going to end up in this bed, connected to an IV, if you don’t sleep.”
“Let’s cut to the chase,” he offered. “I’m not leaving you alone. In fact, I’m staying. Unless you explicitly tell me you can’t stand to look at me anymore.”
He gave you an opening to tease, and you enjoyed building up to it as you looked down and ran your tongue over your lips.
“And, uh, you’d leave then?” you asked—taunted, really.
“Begrudgingly,” he replied, as discontented as you were amused.
You nodded. “Alright.”
He raised his eyebrows, slightly dispirited. “You’re going to tell me to go?”
“No,” you said. “Stay.”
So he stayed.
And this moment in the hotel room, as the vitamin drip dribbled quietly into the intravenous tube, did not just feel bizarre. It felt a little like a parallel universe—like you’d lost consciousness in a world where you were very angry and very stressed, and had woken up in a world where only subtle echoes of all the fervent emotions you’d once felt existed.
In this world, all that you were feeling was eclipsed by what really mattered: the people who were in this room with you and had been waiting outside of it.
But you felt another particularly prominent sentiment, which was heightened even more by Jungkook’s relentless focus on you. You did not want to name it, however. To identify it was to give it power over you, and you liked to believe that you had your heartbeat under control right now.
“It’s like—this is just like back then again,” Jungkook said suddenly. “Isn’t it?”
You exhaled, returning to the jagged, uncertain moment.
“Yeah...” you said, stretching the vowels in a frantic attempt to fill the space that would soon turn into an awkward silence. “Thank you for not taking me to a hospital this time. This really isn’t so bad.”
“It is bad,” he disagreed right away. “But I didn’t want you to have another reason to feel stressed. I thought a hotel room would relax you more than a hospital room.”
“It would,” you said. “Thanks.”
He hung his head. “Yeah.”
Not the awkward silence, not the awkward silence, not the—
“Well,” you inhaled, “at least you won’t have to study for any finals this time, right?”
You expected him to smile back at the gentle jab about him failing his exam the last time you were in the hospital. But when Jungkook looked up, he looked crestfallen somehow—almost like he was disappointed that he did not have to study for finals this time.
“Yeah, um, actually—I-I didn’t fail my exam because I didn’t study for it,” he said in a slow, contemplative tone. He wasn’t sure if he could ever admit this to you, but he figured he didn’t have much left to lose. He’d already told you so much. He might as well tell you all the rest. “I failed because your friend texted me about twenty minutes before my final, saying that you left your exam looking very disoriented. She asked if I could check on you.”
Horror descended on your face as you realised what he meant.
“You went to look for me,” you surmised painfully, “and didn’t show up to take your final.”
He nodded and you shook your head with a newfound ferocity.
“Jungkook,” you said, remembering how you reacted when he first told you he had failed—how you immediately blamed his recklessness and his friends. How you brought up all of his mistakes and thought this was another one of them.
“You passed out,” he said. “I don’t regret it.”
“I yelled at you so much!” you continued, lost in your own guilt. “Why didn’t you tell me the truth?”
“You helped me study, too,” he defended, feeling almost uncomfortable. He’d never felt your reaction was inappropriate, even under the circumstances. He had failed the exam, after all—like he’d failed several others before.
You shook your head again. “Yeah, but—”
“It’s fine,” he cut you off.
“It’s not fine!” you refuted immediately. “It was my fault you failed.”
“It wasn’t your—”
“I thought it was your friends again,” you said. “I thought they distracted you, and you didn’t study.”
There it was—this vast precipice between what you thought had happened and what had actually happened. Now that years have passed, Jungkook didn’t even know where to start.
The fact was this: you believed that every time he failed you, it was his friends’ fault—and that belief comforted him. It was so appropriate, so fitting.
And sometimes it was true, but even when it wasn’t—when it was just him, not being good enough—your assumption that it was Sid’s fault didn’t paint Jungkook as desperate; merely reckless. Not hopeless, only a little dumb. He preferred it this way.
But now he took a deep breath.
“My friends did distract me from a lot of things,” he said. “But the truth is, sometimes… I tried too hard, and I didn’t want you to know about it. I couldn’t stand the thought of trying to do something for you and then—just completely fucking everything up and letting you down. Sometimes blaming my friends was a convenient excuse.”
You frowned. “What—what are you talking about?”
“Well,” he wiped his palms on his black cargo pants and stretched out his legs, “remember when we were planning to go on holiday together and I fucked up?”
Your frown deepened.
“Hawaii?” you asked. “When you bought the tickets home for the same day we were flying there?”
“Uh…” He hadn’t realised he’d messed up several times. “No. Different holiday. When I missed the train we were supposed to take to the beach? For our summer break?”
“Oh.” You nodded. “I remember. But I saw Sid’s Instagram videos with you, drinking at his garage. I know you were—”
“Those were old videos. And he posted them at a very bad time, which, honestly,” he chuckled sadly, “it’s nothing new for Sid. He seized every opportunity to make me miserable, and I was—I relied on that sometimes. I think he wanted to start an argument between us on the train, that’s why he posted those videos. The truth is, though, I didn’t even see him that day. I missed the train because I wanted to rent out a car and surprise you.”
The quiet confusion on your face prompted him to keep going.
“I didn’t want just any car,” he explained. “I wanted the same Cadillac convertible I’d rented out for our first anniversary.”
You had fond memories of the convertible. Not of the actual drive, which was, honestly, quite painful—there were bugs and unruly strands of your hair everywhere—but of the laughter you’d shared inside.
“It was summer, finally warm enough outside,” Jungkook recalled. “I thought it would be a nice way to relax after studying. I even, uh—I made decorations and everything. Glittery, silver letters that said, ‘just passed our finals’. It’s a play on ‘just married’, you know? It’s a—a joke.”
Eager to understand where this was going, you remained frozen on the bed, and Jungkook felt himself waver slightly. He was glad you weren’t laughing—he dreaded you’d laugh or find any of this as embarrassing as he did—but he slid his hands under his thighs anyway, as if to warm them.
“The thing is, though,” he continued. “I didn’t take my passport with me. Because you don’t need a passport when you’re taking the fucking train, but you can’t rent a car without one, and those fucking assholes at the rental shop—anyway. I went back to my dorm to pick it up, and by the time I got back, the rental shop had closed for lunch. And I missed the train.”
Your heartbeat was steady—fast, absolutely speeding, but steady nonetheless. It hadn’t slowed since he started speaking.
Your expression, however, was almost painfully concentrated. When he looked at you, it seemed as if you were listening to a séance where a spirit was recounting their death.
You cleared your throat and tried to speak. “I thought—”
“You thought I forgot about our trip and went out with Sid,” Jungkook finished for you.
You didn’t have to confirm it, he knew. The hope that this was what you would assume was his safety blanket—this way, he didn’t have to face the fact that he could never do anything right for you, not even when he tried so hard to.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” you asked.
You weren’t angry at him for this because he’d made it to the beach later that night, after all. He had taken the last train and barged into your cabin just after midnight. You had nearly knocked him out with a bedside lamp, assuming it was an intruder.
But you didn’t understand the point of allowing you to believe—for years—that it was Sid’s fault. Why didn’t he defend himself?
“Because—did you not hear me describe the letters I’d cut out from glittery paper?” Jungkook asked, his voice high-pitched in irritation at himself. “It’s embarrassing. I should have just met you at the train station like I said I would.”
“Well, why didn’t you?” you questioned. “Why put all this effort?”
“Because I love you,” he replied. You tugged on the IV tube again as you squirmed and unconsciously flexed your arm. “And because I saw your friends get picked up by their boyfriends in their cars. I saw those boyfriends bring them massive bouquets of roses. I saw all the grand fucking gestures that I could never do for you, because I didn’t have enough—I wasn’t—it was mortifying. I thought that you deserved the world, and all I could give you was… some fucking wildflowers before our dates.”
The corners of your lips twitched as you tried to speak, “it’s—I loved your wildflowers, though. And I never cared about anything else.”
“I know,” he said. “But I did.”
You looked down at the white duvet. “You and your gestures.”
Jungkook hummed, but did not add anything else. He was thinking—and regretting his silences. You were thinking, too—and wondering if this was the only time he allowed you to assume that his friends were at fault when they weren’t.
The room around you stilled, adapting to the atmosphere of the conversation. Even your drip quieted.
But then someone knocked on the door of the hotel room, and you and Jungkook almost lit up with relief.
“It’s us!” Luna’s voice called out just as Jungkook stood up to check who it was.
Your friends had returned with paper boxes of Thai food—enough to feed at least five people, from what you could see from your bed—and waved at you from the doorway.
A conversation followed—one that you couldn’t quite hear, except for irrelevant snippets, such as “are you sure?” and “well, okay”—and then Jungkook stepped away from the door, allowing the two girls to address you.
“Apparently, we’ll be heading back to the bus for a quick nap,” Luna said. Jungkook gave her a disapproving look that she promptly ignored. “Is that okay with you? Jungkook will stay.”
Your reflexive response was, of course, to try to dismiss their responsibility. “He doesn’t—neither of you have to stay—”
“Someone is staying,” Jungkook stated, his voice strict, final. “And I would like to be the one to do that.”
You weren’t protesting against him specifically, but as you prepared to reply, you realised it might seem that way. Your hesitant silence was a chance for Jungkook to nod at the two girls again. They nodded back, but then glanced back at you.
“Our phones are on,” Maggie said, lifting her device up for you to see. “So, you can still call or text us at any point, and we’ll rush over here right away.”
Jungkook raised his eyebrows. “That certainly does not make it sound like I’m about to torture her.”
You bit back a smile on your bed while Luna said simply, “just a precaution.”
“I get it,” he said. “And I’ll personally call you if I say or do anything that’s over the line.”
Neither Luna, nor Maggie had a response to that, and you looked up to meet three pairs of expectant eyes.
“I—it’s okay,” you said to the girls. “You—yes, get some rest. We’ll be fine here. Thank you.”
“Okay. We’ll be back!” Luna promised, shooting a warning look at Jungkook, while Maggie waved her phone and called out at you, “text us!”
You wanted to give them a small wave, but the thick duvet and the persistent catheter digging into your arm made it difficult to pull your hands out, so all you managed to do was just shuffle around under the covers and nod at them.
The girls left the take-out boxes inside, waved at you again, and walked away.
Jungkook closed the door and slowly returned to his seat, his shoulders hunched, hands in his pockets, and steps unsteady. He looked lost and frightened.
He didn’t want you to misunderstand his intentions. He didn’t want to stay here just to have you to himself, to apologise and to beg for your forgiveness. He wanted to stay because he couldn’t breathe when he didn’t know if you were okay.
As his hesitation hung in the air, memories of your previous hospital stay returned to you again, and you closed your eyes to shake them off.
“You should eat something,” you said.
Jungkook refused.
“When was the last time you ate anything?” you prodded.
Again, he mumbled and hummed under his breath, evading the question and sitting very still—as if he was expecting something. As if something was coming.
And you realised that something was coming. But you had to speak to bring that something here.
“So, then—w-was there anything else?” you finally asked.
Jungkook knew you were referring to the moment he’d just revealed, this deliberate misunderstanding. It was all he could think about. This was the something.
“There was,” he said with a sigh. “But I don’t—”
“Tell me about it.”
He had a lump in his throat that he couldn���t swallow—but not due to his lack of trying—and he suddenly felt like he was standing in front of a jury of his peers.
He didn’t want you to keep thinking that he hadn’t made an effort for you when he had, only it never turned out well. But he was also nervous about you learning how hard—and how impossibly much—he tried. He thought it would only highlight his shortcomings—and there were many of them.
He’d convinced himself that if you didn’t know about them, then he wasn’t letting you down. It was challenging to break out of this conviction now.
“Well—t-that Valentine’s Day,” he stammered. “Our second one—do you remember?”
You remembered right away. Despite your distaste for the commercialisation of the holiday, it still stung that Jungkook had avoided you the whole day. And for several days after that, too—although you’d assumed that to be deliberate. He’d missed Valentine’s Day and didn’t want to see you out of guilt.
“Sure,” you said.
“Well, that wasn’t Sid’s fault, either,” he said. “I know you thought we went on a drinking binge that weekend because Sid happened to conveniently go off the grid right at that time. He had a habit of—”
“But you weren’t with him?” you interjected, impatient.
“No. He was—it was nearly a Weekend at Bernie’s situation. There was some event happening at Jude’s summer house that weekend,” Jungkook said, and you tried to control yourself before you made mocking comments about the idea that people had enough money to own seasonal houses. “And Jude got so high that Sid and some of Jude’s cousins had to pretend he was just not feeling his best whenever his parents asked about him. They mimicked his voice through the door and everything.”
“So, where were you then?”
“I was—well, I—I spent that whole day—ah, no,” he stopped abruptly and brought his palms over his face, lacing his fingers over his mouth as he changed his mind. He couldn’t do this. It was awful. He was such a mess. “You know what? Maybe it’s better if you keep thinking I was at that summer house with them.”
“No,” you opposed in frustration, lunging forward to sit up. You did not listen to him drone on about Sid and Jude just to have him change his mind. “Now you have to tell me.”
Jungkook raised his head when you moved—his concern for you overwhelmed his chagrin.
“Okay, okay, don’t—lie down,” he asked, gesturing at the pillow.
You complied to get him to keep going. He took a breath.
“Just so you know,” he cautioned, “this might finally ruin my bad boy reputation.”
“You never had one.”
He clicked his tongue against his lower teeth. “Okay, ouch.”
You grinned. “Tell me. What really happened?”
He hesitated for another second, bouncing his knee up and down, up and down, and then stilling completely.
“Well, for one thing,” he began finally, “I was going to make dinner. That didn’t go well, because the communal kitchens were—well, you know. But that’s fine, I didn’t worry too much because there’s always take-out.”
You nodded. The communal kitchens in both of your dormitories were typically crowded with people or they smelled so terrible from a failed cooking experiment that it was simply wiser not to set foot in there.
“There was a great pizza place literally two blocks from your dorm,” you pointed out.
“Yeah, exactly.” He nodded in agreement. “But, um, we’d already gone out for a fancy dinner on Valentine’s Day the year before, so I wanted this year to be more… special. I don’t know. Or different, at least. So, I thought I’d cook and make you a slideshow. And—okay, you’ll have to stop smiling if you want me to continue.”
You hadn’t realised you were smiling. You pursed your lips and pulled them to each side to compose yourself.
“Sorry,” you said. “Continue.”
“Right,” he said. “So I made a PowerPoint. Added all of our pictures that I could find in my camera roll, wrote some funny captions. There were going to be at least 200 slides, I’m pretty sure you would have fallen asleep in the middle. I even recorded an acoustic Sleep Token cover to use as background music.”
You told yourself you’d stay quiet, but your disbelief was uncontrollable. “You didn’t!”
“I did,” he said, smiling, but trying not to, for the sake of the story. “It’s gone, though. I erased all traces of that night.”
“Why? What happened?”
“Well, I, uh—I didn’t want just to play you the slides on my laptop,” he said, scratching nervously at his chest over his dark grey hoodie. “I wanted something more.”
You nodded. “Of course.”
He looked away instead of acknowledging your comment.
“Then I remembered something I saw on Instagram that could have been cool. It was one of those aesthetic accounts. They had a picture of this dark, cosy room with a projector screening a film right on this white wall,” he said. “So, I thought, well, shit! I have a white wall behind my wardrobe. And the science lab downstairs has a projector.”
You didn’t like this as you stiffened on the bed, mumbling a dreading, “dear God.”
“Yeah.” He paused to lick his lips. “But it’s probably not what you think. I got the fucking projector.”
He said that with so much grandeur that you couldn’t help but raise your eyebrows—questioning if this was really something to be proud of.
He recapped the story anyway, “I took my roommate’s wrench, and it really didn’t take more than fifteen minutes to open the lab door, unscrew the projector, and bring it back up to my room.”
You shut your eyes and scrunched your nose at the step-by-step description. You wondered if there was a statute of limitations here, and if you would have been considered an accomplice now that you knew about this.
“They have security cameras, though,” you said, glancing at him again. “Don’t they?”
“They do,” Jungkook confirmed. He had a sardonic smile on his face. “Why do you think I was suspended for a month after Valentine’s Day?”
You lost him there. “Wait—they knew you stole the projector?”
“Borrowed,” he corrected. “I returned it two days later. But, yeah, uh—Minjun actually pulled some strings here. His dad went to university with the dean, so he vouched for me. Told him it was all a misunderstanding, and that it would never happen again.”
You looked away, frantically sifting through memories of the month after that particular Valentine’s Day. You remembered not seeing Jungkook for a few days after it, but you saw him fairly regularly later on. He would hang out in your dorm while you had classes, claiming not to have anything better to do.
It took you a full minute to properly recall the explanation he’d given about his suspension.
“Oh,” you said. “Minjun told me that you got suspended because you were caught completely wasted, spray-painting one of the campus buildings.”
Jungkook nodded, his eyes cast low.
“To be fair, I did spray-paint that one,” he admitted. “And I was probably wasted when I did it. But I wasn’t caught.”
You weren’t sure if “spray-painting” was a lesser offence than “stealing a projector from a laboratory” in your eyes, but you didn’t want to question Minjun’s decision now.
“Okay,” you said. “So what happened after you stole the projector?”
“Well, I took the borrowed projector up to my room and set it up,” he replied. “Everything looked great. I was going to give you the best Valentine’s Day dinner this world has ever fucking seen.”
He smacked his palms against his thighs as he spoke, showing off his determination, and you found yourself resisting a smile again. Jungkook had a certain way of telling stories—his changing smiles and small chuckles, his hand gestures and even his tone of voice always made it feel more vivid.
“But, um, I had to move the wardrobe to get a bare wall,” he continued. “And, uh, what I did not foresee was that, earlier that very same day, my roommate’s electric kettle had broken. He went out, purchased a new one. And he put the old one on top of the wardrobe to save space.” Jungkook gave you a moment to think back on this roommate. “You remember the guy, he hoarded everything, all kinds of fucking cables and wires, and—anyway. So, I started to push the wardrobe, and the fucking kettle—it fell and hit me right on the top of my head.”
A surprised gasp left your lips—a stark contrast to the easy, laid-back way he had just spoken.
Jungkook nodded in response to your reaction. “Yeah. My vision sort of darkened and I thought I heard something crack—I, uh, I did think it was my skull, not going to lie.”
He chuckled again—to minimise the impact of his words once more—but you sat up despite his inevitable protests.
“Jungkook!” you scolded. “And you didn’t tell me?!”
“Well, my skull obviously didn’t really crack.”
“I’m not so sure that it didn’t.”
“Anyway,” he stressed. “There wasn’t any blood or anything, so after a few minutes of sitting on the floor, I figured I was good to go. Then I stood up, and, uh—I don’t think you need a visual of what happened then.”
You closed your eyes.
Really, no. You did not need a visual.
About a year ago, at one of the smaller Rated Riot concerts—at a club that seemed harmless at first glance—Jungkook had climbed over to a wooden ceiling beam and swung his arms over it to brachiate across the narrow joist. The beam turned out to be heavily lacquered, and his sweaty palms slid right off, forcing him to crash onto the table below.
He gave himself a concussion, sprained his shoulder, broke $200 worth of bottles and glasses, and frightened the living hell out of the middle-aged couple who were sitting at the table that he’d landed on.
“Yeah,” you said in your quiet hotel room. “I can imagine.”
“Yeah,” Jungkook breathed out. He recalled this exact same moment—and he knew that, once again, the cause of his injury was his own overexertion. “So, I spent the whole night in my dorm room, on the floor—because I couldn’t crawl to my bed—hoping that I wouldn’t die.”
“And it didn’t occur to you to call me?” you asked—not gently. “Or the fucking ambulance, actually?”
“No,” he replied, unfazed by your disapproving tone. “Not if it meant having to explain what I was doing before all of that happened.”
“You’re crazy,” you said, shaking your head. “You clearly got a concussion, and you didn’t do anything about it.”
“To be fair,” he said, “it’s not that I was embarrassed about it or anything. I was just—horrified that I’d let you down. It was Valentine’s Day. I wanted to give you a slideshow and a romantic fucking dinner. Not—not lie on the floor of my room, half passed out.”
You fought against a pensive sadness. It seemed unfair that this night had not gone the way he’d planned.
“W-well, what did your roommate say when he returned?” you asked instead.
Jungkook poked his cheek with his tongue. “He wasn’t very happy that I broke his old kettle.”
“You broke his—Jesus Christ.” Your hands were on your face as you fell back and buried your head into the pillows. “So, he just left you there on the floor?”
“I assume he thought I was drunk.”
“Fucking—what a—and he was valedictorian, wasn’t he? What a fucking moron,” you groaned. “I knew I should have kicked his ass while I had the chance. I never liked him.”
Jungkook felt a warm rush of comfort to hear how agitated you were getting on his behalf.
“Yeah, he didn’t like me very much, either,” he said. “But that’s um—that’s the story. I missed Valentine’s Day, almost died, and got suspended. I couldn’t possibly tell you what happened.”
“No, how could you?” you deadpanned. “Your reputation was at stake.”
He smiled. “Precisely.”
Even though you joked about this, and he was grateful that you did, both of you knew that this was not entirely about upholding some specific “bad boy” image.
You’d already witnessed this side of him – the side that felt anxious and dreaded the thought of not being good enough. Of not meeting expectations. Of letting others down.
In fact, now that you thought about it, your first proper conversation during this tour had been about this very issue.
“The time I was arrested,” Jungkook said, his shaky voice interrupting your thoughts, “that was—it might have been another one of those times.”
“What?” you asked, perplexed again. “How—I was at the police station with you—the officers—”
“I don’t remember a lot of details,” he interrupted. “So, I’m—I’m not really sure. But, uh, apparently, that night we didn’t just spray-paint a building. Or spit at the officers, allegedly, while we ran from them. The police assumed Minjun and I were the “drunk and disorderly” call that they received an hour before they found us.”
Your memories of that night were hazy, too—mostly because you refused to go over the details in your mind. All you could remember was Jungkook calling you from the precinct and asking—in the most resigned voice you’ve ever heard—if you could come pick him up. The story that you were given when you arrived at the police station only came back to your memory in fragments: property damage. Assault of police officers. Resisting arrest.
“You weren’t?” you asked.
“No,” Jungkook said. “We had some drinks at a bar outside of town, and Sid started harassing some bikers across the street. Someone called the police. Jude said he even punched someone there, I don’t know. Minjun and I were already back in the city at that time. I asked him to come with me to keep watch. I wanted to spray-paint these song lyrics for you—”
Your head jerked as your surprise prevented you from shaking it properly. “Wait—you—what? What lyrics?”
“It’s—well, you know what lyrics,” he replied, timid suddenly. “There was only one song we listened to all the time.”
You remembered.
It’s you and me ‘til the end of time.
You swallowed, breathless, and almost completely weightless as you clutched the duvet tighter in an attempt to ground yourself.
“The building I chose was downtown,” Jungkook continued. “Right across the street from the park where we had our first—well, our first date. I wanted that place to have something—something that we both loved. To commemorate all that we had, I don’t know. I haven’t been a very good boyfriend to you at the time, and I wanted to redeem that.”
The unexpected tightness in your stomach worried you for a second, but the sedative must not have fully worn off yet, because you took a deep breath and felt your body wind down a little. The room continued to blur behind Jungkook, but you suspected that your condition or medication had little to do with that.
“And, uh,” you tried to ask, “the police found you there?”
Jungkook nodded.
“I think Sid guided them to us,” he said. “It never made sense to me why the police would even go there. No one patrolled those streets, what was the point? Not to mention, it was dark, we were dressed in black, and—honestly, it wasn’t our first time with graffiti. But what happened was, I got a text from Sid, saying that someone at the bar had called the cops on him. And not five minutes later, he and Jude both showed up downtown, and we heard sirens.”
“So, what did you do?” you asked—uncertain, suddenly, if you’d actually asked him this before. You had talked to one police officer that night and had accepted everything he told you as the truth.
“Well, Minjun and I ran, of course,” Jungkook said.
“And the other two?”
“I can’t remember the exact sequence of—I was—I was drunk,” he said, giving you an apologetic look. He wanted to share the whole story with you, but he wasn’t sure if he knew it himself. “I remember Sid and Jude shouting at us that they would hold the cops back while we ran—and I didn’t even—we didn’t even think that there was anything weird about that. Minjun and I just ran.”
You felt your memories frantically rearrange themselves after every word that he said. Your head had turned into a disorderly, confused mess.
“The, um—the spitting, then?” you asked.
“That had to be Sid and Jude,” Jungkook speculated. “But I guess I might have done that, too. I, uh—I want you to have the full story, so I won’t deny things that I can’t even remember. I’m thinking about it now, and I don’t know which moments were really Minjun and me, and which were actually Sid and Jude. We were all very drunk, and nobody at the police station believed a word we were saying anyway.”
You nodded, urging him to continue, and he did—grateful and a little scared that you were listening to him so intently.
“Minjun and I got a good head start,” he spoke. “I don’t know what Sid and Jude meant by saying they’d hold the police back, because three officers still chased after us. But they were always at least five metres behind—I could tell from the distant sound of their shoes. I remember feeling so disconnected from my feet as I ran, I could sense I was going to trip. I don’t—honestly, I’m not saying this to defend myself—but I don’t know how I would have managed to look at the cops over my shoulder, spit at them from five metres away, and keep running without breaking my neck or falling over.”
“Hmm—yeah. I don’t know, either,” you said, turning away from him. You understood that it was important for him to clear his conscience, especially if he had been held accountable for something he didn’t even do, but you had other questions. “I’m confused about something else, though. If you and Minjun were being chased while Sid and Jude stayed back, why weren’t they brought into the station?”
All Jungkook did was raise his head and give you a look.
“Right,” you realised. “Of course. Money.”
He looked back down and nodded.
Exhaling, you studied the ceiling tiles for a few seconds before admitting, “I’ve always had a feeling that Sid had set you up.”
“Yeah,” he replied with surprising calmness. “I think so, too.”
You ran your fingers over your hair and pulled a strand from the back of your head to toy with it as you tried to think.
In every conversation that you’ve had about Sid using Jungkook as a scapegoat, Jungkook had either insisted that you were misunderstanding, or he simply fell silent (to avoid arguments, you assumed, and not necessarily to indicate his agreement with you).
This felt very new and particularly unusual. He wasn’t feeding into your dislike for his friends. He was doing something else now, but you were hesitant to draw conclusions about what it might be.
He had claimed he was done with Sid right after their fight, but after enduring his insufferable friends for years, you weren’t ready to believe that you wouldn’t have to see Sid’s nauseating mug again.
“But, anyway,” Jungkook said after a quiet minute. “Minjun and I apologised. Minjun paid bail. We signed something—I don’t even know what that was. And I went home with you. That’s the, um—the whole story as I remember it.”
You simmered in your cluttered mind for a moment longer, attempting to form a thought that you could voice. But all you could manage was a question. “Why didn’t you talk to me?”
“Would it have made a difference?” he asked. “I was still caught. You had to come and pick me up.”
“At least I—it would have—okay. I don’t know,” you finished lamely. This was a ‘what if’ that you didn’t have the strength to consider.
He hadn’t lied to you, though, you realised—and you weren’t sure how that made you feel. He allowed you to make assumptions that his friends were to blame, and he went along with it. That wasn’t worse than outright lying to you, but it wasn’t much better, either—it still put an unnecessary strain on your relationship.
Logically then, knowing the whole truth about what was happening with him might have made a significant difference. He had good intentions—yet he did not use them to defend himself.
You felt a little sorry that he only told you now, when you couldn’t go back and see what would have happened if you’d known about this all along.
But you realised you did not feel angry. You couldn’t find a specific point in his revelations that you could point at and say, “this is the one. This will be the reason why I can’t stand to look at you anymore.”
You couldn’t say that his choice to be silent made sense, but you knew him. And you understood why he made that choice. The way you saw it, this was partially his friends’ fault anyway.
All on his own, Jungkook wouldn’t have felt this uncertain, this insecure to admit to you that he loved you and that he wanted to show that to you in unorthodox ways—a lot of which didn’t work out.
“So, you just…” you spoke up again. “You were okay with me assuming that you were out with friends every night? That you chose them over us repeatedly?”
Jungkook sighed. If there was anything he’d learned over the past few days, it was that communication was not his strong suit. But now he’d reached a point of no return. He had to talk.
“Honestly, I thought it was a better alternative,” he said. “I thought I was a miserable try-hard. And I realised after our conversation in Amsterdam that, well... this is part of the reason why I didn't—why I assumed that you broke up with me because you didn’t love me anymore. And not because I kept fucking up.”
Your breaths were shallow as you listened to him.
“I think that it turned against me, this unnecessary secrecy,” Jungkook continued. “I wanted to be the best for you, and when I couldn’t be, Sid became a great excuse. But in my head—for me, he didn’t seem to have that big of a presence in our relationship. But of course, after I blamed my own mistakes on Sid, too, they built up. And, in the end, I think what happened was that…”
He faltered and you finished his sentence for him, “I started to see that all the reasons why you fucked up were Sid. Sid. Sid. Sid.”
“Yeah,” he agreed. “I made you think that if I was given a choice, I’d choose my friends over you. Which I wouldn’t! But, um—I had a very poor way of showing that. Have, actually. Still do. I’m sorry.”
“Hmm.” You turned away. “Do you—you know what else I think this is?”
He looked at you. “What?”
“Sid’s influence,” you said. “You were so scared that he would think you’re hopeless or pathetic that you couldn’t even talk about the things that you did—the things that you wanted to do for me. You thought you were a ‘try-hard’ because your friends convinced you that you were.”
Jungkook felt stunned and a little nauseous.
He didn’t know if this was something he’d implied in his endless attempts to apologise for the bet, but you articulated everything he had struggled to convey.
He was trying to prove to Sid that he wasn’t pathetic—and he was doing it long before Sid suggested the bet. He was doing it every time he went out with his friends. He was doing it every time he allowed you to blame these friends after he missed your dates—just so he wouldn’t have to admit how much he tried to make these dates special, and how miserably he’d failed at that.
Eventually, he began to accept that he was truly pitiful for being so stubbornly in love with you. He hated their pity. He wanted to change it. Make it not so.
But the aftermath of the bet made him realise that all he really did, was prove that he was pathetic—he wanted to get you back in any desperate way possible.
He was okay with that now.
He was okay with being so in love with you that he couldn’t think straight. Couldn’t focus on anything else. Couldn’t stay where he was, repeating the same mistakes, going round and round, because he needed to grow. Needed to become someone who deserved you.
He was okay with it because being pitiful meant being in love with you, and he would never try to fight against that.
And you knew all these things about him. You knew everything.
He didn’t really understand how the world worked and he didn’t know if destiny played favourites. But he remembered writing a line in one of Rated Riot’s earlier songs—you weren't made for me, that much is true / but I was made for you—and he was once again confronted with the weight of this realisation.
He loved you. He’s always been yours so completely and wholeheartedly that you read him without looking at him.
He liked to think he knew you well—but that was extremely presumptuous of him. You were a universe within a universe. Really, it was you who knew him in ways he didn’t know himself.
“I—you’re right,” he said, running his tongue over his chapped lips. “I shouldn’t have given a fuck about what they thought, but I did. And I don’t—I, um—I don’t want this to seem like I am an angel for telling you about all that. No, I fucked up. Many times. We went binge-drinking, drag-racing, we skipped classes, failed tests, spray-painted buildings—”
“Stole projectors,” you interjected.
“—stole projectors,” he repeated reluctantly. “It wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows, while I only pretended to fuck up. No. I took you for granted many times, I know I did. And I’m—I’ll always be sorry about that. But I’m—I’ve kicked him out. Sid. I’m done. Truly done this time. And I don’t even care if Jude stays.”
The way his voice broke off at the last sentence sounded like he cared a little, but you recognised the determination in his eyes when you looked at him. He’d made a decision.
“And Minjun?” you asked.
Jungkook inhaled. “Minjun… said he’d stay.”
“Good,” you said.
“Good—yeah?” he asked, evidently surprised. “You think so?”
Minjun had constantly looked like a kicked puppy when you were in the room. Now that you understood why, you thought you liked him a little more for it.
“Yeah,” you said. “I think he’s the only one of your friends worth keeping.”
“I’m starting to see that, too,” he admitted. “I’m sorry it took me so long.”
You looked down. With half of the vitamin drip gone now, you felt your body start to return to you—and, automatically, the surreal haze inside this hotel room began to clear. You were no longer floating somewhere on the ceiling and only pretending that you were perfectly fine.
You were coming back to yourself. And the return was rugged and painful.
 “You, um—you keep apologising to me like—like you’re obligated to respond to me,” you said. Jungkook didn’t know if you realised it, but your voice changed when you spoke to him as his manager and not as someone he’d known and loved for over seven years. “I’m your manager, but these things—you can—I shouldn’t tell you how to live your life. That’s not my—”
“I want it to be, though,” he cut you off with a sudden boldness that he hadn’t realised he still had in him. “I-I mean, I don’t want you to worry about me like that ever again, but I—I want you to think about me. Sometimes, you’re the only person who truly does.”
You shook your head—not to rid yourself of the responsibility, but to remind him, yet again, that he had people who wanted what was best for him.
And, honestly, he knew he did. He just wanted you.
“You have your grandma,” you said.
“Yeah, of course,” he said, nodding distractedly. “But, um, you know.”
“And you’re loved by thousands,” you continued. “They all want you to stay safe.”
He smiled—appreciative but oddly apologetic.
“I’m grateful for that,” he said. “It’s just that—I want you to be the one who wants that for me. I’ve only ever loved you, I’ve never—never been in a relationship with anyone who wasn’t you. And I don’t want to be, so the next thing that you say better not be about me finding someone else, because—”
“You have been in other relationships, though,” you said despite his warning. You didn't know if this was really true, but you ploughed ahead anyway—just to say something. “I don’t know how long or short, but Sid always bragged about your double dates whenever he called me to pick you up, so—”
“The double dates,” Jungkook said, “meant that Sid was on a date with two girls at the same time. And I was there for decoration.”
You scoffed. “I hardly imagine that to be possible, considering Sid looks like a sewer rat on a good day.”
Jungkook wanted to argue, but he was too amused by this image.
“And, um—what do I look like?” he asked.
You blinked, taken aback by the question, then quickly turned away to gaze out the window instead. “You look… you know what you look like.”
“No,” he said, fully grinning now. “Now that you mention it, I realise I actually have no idea what I look like.”
“There’s a mirror on the wall right behind you.”
“It’s like I’m blind, I don’t know what’s—”
“You’re ridiculous,” you groaned, your face warm. “You look nice. Move on.”
“Oh! That’s high praise coming from you.” He made an effort to bow. “Thank you.”
“Fuck off,” you retorted because you couldn’t smack him on the shoulder. Instead, you motioned with your hand, urging him to keep going. “Sid couldn’t get a date with a personality worse than his looks. Not if you were there.”
“I’m sure the expensive restaurant worked in his favour,” Jungkook remarked.
You threw your head back, realising the significance of money yet again. “Ah.”
“In any case, I don’t care,” he said. He cleared his throat and leaned back in his seat. “I never wanted to be with anyone who wasn’t you anyway. Which—as you’ll be happy to point out—sounds silly because when Sid was in a good mood, he was very dedicated to making sure neither of us left the club alone.”
You shrugged one of your shoulders, trying to come off as casual. “Well, since you brought it up.”
“Yeah, well.” He sighed, not running away from this, because, frankly, there was nowhere to run. “And you’re, uh—you’re my manager. You know what I’ve been doing after hours anyway.”
You didn’t have a better response, because there was something that Luna had said to you the other day that would not leave your mind alone.
He had the option to keep the bet a secret from you.
This evening had been filled with these options.
It would have been easy not to mention his miserable attempts at grand gestures or the people who were there after you. But he was bringing up everything—every little detail from your relationship and after it—and you sat expressionless on the bed, not knowing what to make of any of it.
“I meant what I said, though,” Jungkook said, leaning forward again. He felt restless; as if he could jump out of his skin if he tried hard enough. “You’re the only meaningful relationship I’ve had. It wasn’t fair for me to pretend to be interested in a second date with someone else, when I constantly caught myself thinking about if I’d ever see you again. Or when I’d see you again, after we started to work together.”
Your eyes were focused on the sheets of the bed, but he still didn’t dare to look at you.
“I didn’t want to believe that I could still be in love with you after all this time,” he said. “But—well, the evidence is against me.”
“W-why’d you go with Sid then?” you asked—quickly. Before he said something else that you didn’t know how to respond to. “Clubbing and on these dates?”
He clenched his jaw. “Well, you said it. I was trying to prove to him that I wasn’t pathetic. That I wasn’t in love with you anymore.”
“But why did you care so much about what he thought?” you pushed, and there was a hint of hurt in your voice. Jungkook felt his heart leap over several beats as it pounded against his ribs. “Why did his opinion matter to you more than mine?”
He exhaled so deeply that it was almost a miracle his lungs hadn’t collapsed. His insides were burning with regret. With an urge to turn back time. An urge to make things right.
“Because I was—I was a fucking idiot. For years before I met you, I thought Sid had everything I wanted,” he said—which was equally as simple as it was unfair, and, in retrospect, stupid. “The freedom, the audacity to do whatever the fuck he pleased. No consequences, ever.”
You remembered him saying the same thing to you on the bridge in Stockholm and felt yourself shiver as though the wind from that night had followed you all the way here.
“And the way he treated me when I was single was different, too,” Jungkook continued. “I was single, I was in a band, and it finally felt like he approved of me, like we were actually friends. Like we were equals. And I cared about that so fucking much. It felt like I finally had everything that he had, and I was just—blind.”
“But you didn’t,” you said. “You didn’t have what he has. I don’t think you ever will.”
Jungkook was surprised to realise that hearing this did not sting.
He agreed.
“Yeah,” he said. “I actually—I had so much more than Sid would ever have, because I had you. And that’s—that’s probably why he dragged me around with him. He was determined to make me truly lose you like he always made me lose everything. And I let him—I helped him make that come true. I can’t—I’m not much better than him. I want to believe I am, but I’m—I made the bet.”
You remembered thinking that Jungkook and Sid could never be equals, because Sid always needed Jungkook to have less. And now that you heard Jungkook come to a similar conclusion on his own, you thought you felt the room shift a little.
“Yeah,” you said, distracted. “T-that—the bet was fucked up.”
“I know. I’m—I’m sorry,” he said. “I just—I want you to know that I meant everything I had said. All of it. And I understand why you don’t want to believe me. I, uh—I know your family history. But I’ve got mine, too. My grandpa is almost eighty. He’s only ever loved one person his whole life. So did my dad. So will I. It’s just—regardless of what’s going to happen, you’re—I’ll always love you.”
You cleared your throat once, then once more—louder.
Jungkook was about ready to get up, alarmed suddenly, but you quieted and looked around. He caught a glimpse of your eyes as you scanned the room and he realised—in a paradoxical sense of relief—that you were frightened.
Not angry. Not refusing to believe him. Not disappointed or frustrated.
Just scared.
“It’s uh—it’s really late,” you said, looking back at the window. “Isn’t it? The sky’s completely dark.”
He swallowed. You didn’t want to talk about this. And you shouldn’t. You needed rest.
“Yeah, uh… do you want me to close the curtains?” he asked, swallowing all that was still left unsaid.
It was impossible anyway, he supposed, to pour seven years of misguided decisions into one conversation. He was just relieved you hadn’t asked him to leave.
“No,” you said. “Keep them open. I want to see the sky.”
He’d hoped you would say that, and he felt an almost forgotten lightness in his chest when you did. Lots of things had changed over the past few days, but a lot of things hadn’t—including your love for the night.
“A lot of stars tonight,” he said meaningfully. He was glad he had accidentally picked a hotel room with a view of boring back alleys: there were no lights to cover up the stars now.
“Yeah,” you agreed, much calmer. “They’re beautiful.”
There was a quote in a book his grandmother had once read to him: “are we human because we gaze at the stars, or do we gaze at them because we are human?”
He remembered feeling oddly wistful when he heard it. He imagined the night sky behind his closed eyes and he felt as though he was lacking something crucial—something that would come, but not yet.
He remembered watching the way you watched the stars back in Tilburg—hours before it all fell apart.
The night sky had always reminded him of you—really, even before he met you.
“I could open the window wider,” he suggested.
You closed your eyes.
“Could you?” you asked quietly.
“Yeah.” He stood up and approached the window, pulling the frame until he saw the ends of the curtains lift off the floor. “A distinct smell, isn’t it? The night.”
“It is,” you agreed.
It probably shouldn’t have been possible at this point, but as he turned around and traced your features with his gaze, he thought he fell in love with you a little more at this moment.
“We, um, we have this song,” he found himself saying as he returned to the armchair next to your bed. This song had been buzzing in his head nearly the whole night tonight. You could feel his nervousness as he mumbled, “ah, you probably know it already, it’s so obvious. And I told you in Oslo—okay, anyway. We have this song. It’s a B-side on our second single.”
“Cursed,” you said, recalling the title easily enough because this was your mum’s favourite song.
You always thought that the single—“Haunting,” which was their second title track and the very first Rated Riot song that you’d heard—overshadowed “Cursed.” Perhaps unfairly.
“Yeah.” Jungkook nodded. “Who, um—who do you think inspired it?”
Swallowing, you willed your thoughts to clear, so you wouldn’t have to think about the lyrics, but could not do it.
You remembered the entire chorus with perfect clarity, as though you were listening to Rated Riot perform the song in concert right now—Taehyung heavy on the bass and Jungkook yelling out the lyrics with his whole body leaning over the edge of the stage towards the audience.
You’re for the stars and for the moon to see /
You weren’t made for me /
You’re for the night and for the day to breathe /
You’re everything they want to be /
You're the enchantment that makes planets turn /
You’re more than the entire world /
You weren’t made for me, that much is true /
But I was made for you.
“I have no idea,” you said finally. You hoped, against all odds, this was a song that Yoongi wrote when he was drunk—those tended to be very emotional. “Was this the, um, absinthe one?”
Jungkook snickered humourlessly and shook his head.
“Don’t do this to me,” he asked, looking down for a moment—just until he could count the four loose threads in the carpet. Then he returned his gaze to you.
“It was you,” he said. “Your love for the night sky. I know it’s your favourite thing in the world.”
He said that and suddenly your chest was filled with them—with these stars that you loved to watch and he loved to sing about.
“W-well, that’s—you’re, um,” you struggled, “you’re not wrong about that, I guess.”
“It’s a song about my favourite thing in the world, too,” he added.
“W-what’s that?”
He had a sad smile on his face. “You.”
Your stomach tightened again and you squeezed your eyes shut—a feeble attempt to get away from this situation and from all the thoughts that your head could no longer contain.
“Not tonight,” you whispered. “I can’t—I don’t want to talk about us or about—about anything else tonight.”
“Okay,” he agreed immediately. “We won’t talk about it.”
“Okay,” you echoed, even though his laid-back response did not relax you.
You sensed longing in his words, and anguish. He would have done anything you asked him to—and this power scared you. You didn’t want it. You just wanted—
Exhaling loudly to drown out your thoughts, you turned to a side and glanced at the bandages on his face.
“Tomorrow, we will have to—we’ll have to figure out what to do with your eye,” you said.
Jungkook had not fully returned to this planet yet. “My eye?”
“Yes,” you said, giving him a longer look—as if to check if you hadn’t dreamt him—and then closing your eyes again. “Your black eye.”
He reached up to touch the bandages, perpetually confused about his injuries. “Oh—what do you mean, what to do with it?”
“Well, it’d probably be weird to cut it out, so we’ll have to cover it up.”
“Hmm.” He smiled at the ease in your voice. If everything else was lost, he hoped that he would at least get to keep your banter. “Okay.”
“I’ll think of something,” you promised as the gentle night wind brushed a strand of hair away from your face and fluttered your tired eyelashes.
“Thank you,” Jungkook said in a hush—his courage had finally abandoned him. “I’m sorry that this is another thing that you have to—”
“No,” you cut him off. “It’s not that bad.”
You tried to turn your head towards him, but lying here with your eyes closed felt very pleasant. You thought you’d felt revitalised before, you thought your body had started to feel more like it belonged to you again, but that had been momentary. You couldn’t keep your eyes open long enough to properly look at him.
“Do you mind if I… keep my eyes closed for a minute?” you asked.
“Do you mind if I stay here?” he responded.
“Actually, I don’t care,” he decided. “I’m staying.”
You forced yourself to look at him. “You don’t have to do that. I’m fine.”
“You always say you’re fine,” he reminded you. “Look at where we are now.”
“It was a one-time thing. Look at this.” Lethargically, you raised your arm with the catheter. “I’m being pumped full of vitamins. I’ll be fine.”
“Okay,” he said. “I want to believe that. Really, I do, but you have to stop. You can’t keep going like this. I-I mean—”
You shook your head against the pillow. “Jungkook, this is really nothing.”
“I have a hard time believing that when you’re connected to a—”
“Look, just—” he took a breath and extended his hands, “—p-please—please don’t let this happen again. Please look after yourself. I can’t lose you.”
He knew he might have to keep working with you without ever calling you his again. He’d have to learn how to deal with that.
But he could never deal with being here without you.
“Okay,” you said, your eyelids heavy. “Okay, I’ll be careful.”
“I’m going to need a promise here,” he said, reaching out his hand.
You chuckled weakly and extended your hand to gently graze his palm with the tips of your fingers. “I promise.”
He leaned in closer to fully grasp your hand in his, and saw the gentle—likely unconscious—smile on your lips as you squeezed his fingers. His chest filled with a warmth so big and powerful that, reasonably, there had to be no space left for his heart there anymore.
And yet something kept beating. He felt his own pulse reverberate against your fingers as he clutched your hand in his.
You’d be alright.
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You hadn’t foreseen how calming the gentle dripping of the IV would be. You’d only meant to rest your eyes for a quick moment. You didn’t realise you had dozed off.
Only when your mind sobered up sometime in the early morning hours—you based the time solely on the colour of the sky outside—did you force your eyes open and concluded, with a painful jolt of your exhausted muscles, that you’d fallen asleep.
You looked around and for a moment, the dark, strange room filled your exhausted mind with terror. Then you noticed Jungkook sleeping in the chair next to you, and you felt yourself calm down.
Thank God he was here.
Blinking suddenly, you parted your lips as if preparing to argue with your own thoughts.
He wasn’t supposed to be here. He had a performance tomorrow. And a bandaged black eye that you still hadn’t figured out how to hide.
“I can tell you’re overthinking from all the way over here,” Jungkook said, his voice drowsy, eyes half-open. He must have heard the rustling of your covers and woken up. “Go to sleep.”
“What time is it?” you asked.
He was too tired to note the urgency in your voice as he mumbled, “sleeping time.”
“Jungkook, I’m serious,” you said. Finally, he caught your alarmed tone and his eyes shot open. “What time is it?”
He straightened in his seat and regarded you for a minute while he searched for his phone somewhere on the armchair. You didn’t appear to be in pain, but the emergency in your eyes threw him off.
“It’s three-twenty,” he said after a brief moment of blindness from the bright screen of his phone.
“Shit.” You looked around in the darkness, not sure when you had last seen your phone. You couldn’t remember Jungkook mentioning that he’d picked it up when he found you, and you hadn’t asked for it back. “I have to—”
“No,” he said, getting to his feet.
“No,” you argued back. “I need—”
He leaned over your bed and took hold of your hands right as you tried to throw off your duvet and sit up. You tried to evade him, but Jungkook proved he’d known you long enough to guess every move you were going to make—in complete darkness.
“No,” he said again, struggling with your relentless dedication to flail your limbs around until you stood up. “Lie down, please. I don’t know what you think you must do at three in the morning, but I promise you, it can wait. It’ll be done. I’ll do everything to make sure everything is okay.”
You stopped resisting his hold and allowed him to gently guide you back onto the mattress. He only let go of you when your head hit the pillows.
“You can’t be here. You need rest,” you insisted as he pulled the duvet over you, tucking it under your sides until you were firmly cocooned inside. You couldn’t tell if he did that for your comfort or to make sure you couldn’t escape this bed.
“So do you,” he countered.
“I'm fine—”
“No—for once, just... please stop saying that,” he asked, his eyes bright, but his voice completely spent. “You’re not fine. You’re getting a vitamin drip because you fainted. You need to sleep.”
You kept your eyes on his for another minute, trying to adjust to the thick darkness, so you could make out his silhouette as he towered over your bed. He was watching you and waiting.
“Okay,” you gave in. “I'll sleep.”
“I’ll be here,” he said, finally sitting back down.
You knew that wasn’t right. He needed to get proper rest. He shouldn’t have kept watch over you.
“Okay,” was all you said despite everything. “Thank you.”
He mumbled something unintelligible in response and you didn’t dare to ask him to repeat it. The room gave space to the night as your conversation wound down.
You could hear a faint screech of a lost bird outside the hotel window. Bugs were singing somewhere in the distance, too. And, as you drifted off, you thought you heard Jungkook whisper a weary “I love you.”
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chapter title credits: bad omens, “the grey”
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