#miki 13
pilot-boi · 11 months
For the palette swaps; how about Ruby and Penny?
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Ruby looks like a leprechaun
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tumblezwei · 1 year
RWBY is shonen playing 4D chess.
rwby is actually the answer to several long running gripes the anime community has but they're too busy being obnoxious about the 3D animation to pay attention
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frapajapa · 3 months
Utena men if they were your boyfriend ❤️
• he slaps you whenever you have a minor disagreement 💚
• he writes letters to you in the exchange diary but he keeps spelling your name as Touga by accident 💚
• he helps you fry eggs with his hair grease 💚
• he makes you put on a red wig before he hugs you 💚
• Tuba asks you to help him put on his wig every morning ❤️
• Tissue takes you to throw rocks at people at Pride ❤️
• Toucan likes to beat up kangaroos with you ❤️
• sometimes when you call Topaz on the phone he makes out with another woman while you talk ❤️
• he has posters of Master Hand from smashy bros all over his room pointing to various objects 🩷
• he gives free therapy to students and even gives them a pretty flower after they're finished 🩷 so dentist-core 🩷
• he asks you and Mamiya if you guys think he's a sigma male 🩷
• while baking you cake he finds he's out of eggs so he uses his blood instead. nerds are so cute 🩷
• he's drives you and Toupee to Pride to throw rocks at people 💜
• he mansplains incorrect astronomy to you💜
• when you argue he shouts "yeah well I fucked your mom" and the worst part is it might actually be true 💜
• he has an account on Amino 💜
• he dies 💙
• hold on guys someone's at the door
• huh this girl has blue hair
• oh God she's holding a sword
• ok so I'm hiding in the closet
• god I think she came inside I can hear her.
• who is singing about a time machine??
• she's coming up the stairs
• guys please tell my parents I love t
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transmascutena · 6 months
most annoying (not really but you know) type of rgu fan are the people who are like "all the men in this show suck 😔 EXCEPT for miki 😊" no!!! he sucks too!!!!!
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nottheeconomy · 8 months
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It’s them!!! The cybernetic ahoge duo!
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Alternate version!
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candidateofloyalty · 4 months
Miki: well someone must possess Anthy so it should be me because I'll be nice about it
Utena: you can't be talking like that Japanese Baby
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youkaigakkou-tl · 1 year
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Volume 1-14 Shikishi (+ Yoseito Volume 1)
(minus vol 3, because vol 3 didn't have a shikishi afaik)
(all of them numbered under the cut)
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oceandiagonale · 6 months
Speaking of OCs, I've actually got one from my Nuzlock runs that's similar to Generic in terms of journeys in Kalos and Hoenn: Reine Sagorsky, Sky Trainer. She moved to Kalos from Hoenn and eventually becomes Yeltal's Scion/ Hero. Just from that lens, it'd be interesting to see them interact in that sense.
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(originally sent in April 30, 2023,,, good lort,,, 😳😨)
hang on I have to go look something up
[one search of the Mórrigan later where I realize I know very little about Celtic mythology] oh!!! I really like that, having Yveltal as the main legendary works exceptionally well in a Nuzlocke, where battles are literally life or death. also calling them Boss is very funny, like it's accurate and very cavalier fsdlfsdfdskfskdhfs
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no no, don't worry, they don't have to have title names!! reine already has a full name so she's all set with her character tag!
anyone can be any legendary's hero (like red being mew's/mewtwo's hero, but still having his own name, and the same thing with white/reshiram and ruby/latios!) the whole "protagonist" thing mainly applies to like... characters who were just spontaneously generated to protect their world lol (for example, kyogre and KK, or the Unown and Cream "WIP protagonist")
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strqyr · 1 year
Honestly, Ruby changing eye color would be so cool! And from the opening showing the silver light coming from Ruby's chest/ heart, it's clear that her power won't fade even if her eyes are no longer silver or even not there anymore. Also, heterochromia Ruby anyone?
ruby changing her eye color (with or without losing her powers) is honestly the only option that i would get hyped for. okay, sure, new outfit / different emblem / reforged crescent rose would be fine, but those are also things ruby could do without a magic tree's help, so like. if you're going to get a magic tree to change you, ya gotta make it count.
ruby with blue eyes but keeping her powers would also make sense. if you really want to go back, then this all started for ruby bc ozpin looked at her and the very first thing he said to her was "you have silver eyes"; it's not so much about the powers being a curse, it's that everyone who knows about them can just look at her eyes and know. there's no hiding them like, say, the maidens can, without a mask; ruby changing the color of her eyes would 'level the playing field', so to speak.
(and her eyes could still turn silver for the moment she uses her powers, same as yang's eyes turn red when she's angry / using her semblance)
i have no doubt ruby with heterochromia would look great (doing the edits i went through few color options and there were only few that i didn't like / felt like they didn't work), but if the purpose of the color change is to not be perceived as a silver-eyed warrior, then it wouldn't work (unless both her eyes were still non-silver)
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local-lamppost · 1 year
Miki and Kozue: Two ends of different spectrums?
So a rewatch ago I had an idea about the Kaoru's that I haven't really seen brought up and I'd be curious to see if anyone might agree.
I've started reading Miki as ace and Kozue as aro, with Kozue being sex positive and Miki being sex repulsed.
Kozue is never shown to ever hold romantic feelings for anyone. She loves her brother and maybe her friends, but that's platonic/filial love. Now, because it's Utena, you could read her feelings towards her brother as romantic, that she is jealous of anyone who steals his attention away from her, but I have a hard time believing someone who is desperate for their brother's affection would go out of their way to repulse him like Kozue does. Her moments of jealousy aren't even really there. If anything Kozue just worries about Miki and is curious about his sudden passion/romantic interest in Anthy. The only time she goes out of her way to negate a supposedly 'romantic' relationship for her brother is when that teacher was groping Miki, which is honestly a situation where she was completely in the right to push that scum down a flight of endless stairs.
To put it simply, Kozue's misunderstanding or lack of knowledge when it comes to romantic love leads her to believe that-once Miki finds a romantic partner-she will no longer have a place in his life.
With Miki it's difficult to judge if he is actually ace, but he definitely has a negative opinion of sex and doesn't seem to equate sensuality to romance. Miki's most 'exposed' when he's playing piano, his playing is how other characters judge his state of mind. It's a reflection of his heart and to him there is nothing more intimate. Miki's problems come when he tries to emulate characters like Touga and Akio, two characters known for their 'proclivities' with others, and he tends to fail whenever he isn't being himself. Juri for one is all for Miki getting out of his head and putting some stock into just being, he does well when not forcing himself to use sex like Touga or Akio. His love for Anthy doesn't stem from her appearance, but her piano ability and given how music is Miki's way of expressing himself it makes sense for him to love the person whose song seems to match his own. His longing for the sunlit garden, for when Kozue played with him, is built on the misunderstanding that his sister was actually able to play the song that expressed how Miki felt.
Miki doesn't see/understand the need for a physical connection with people, as what it more intimate than bearing your mind? Kozue's sexual proclivities confound him, frustrate him, as what's the point of physically expressing a relationship? Miki only sees people like Touga use sex as a way to lay claim unto others, namely women, so from his perspective he would just see Kozue being controlling or controlled. Perhaps even seeing her insistence on being a 'wild animal' her way of rebelling against this perceived yoke of intimacy he sees her in.
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pilot-boi · 11 months
Jaune already has range options.
Nora, Ren, and those cool grenades that make shields.
Yes exactly
Jaune’s ranged weapons are physically yeeting his friends at the enemy
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tumblezwei · 1 year
God but thinking of modern aus where Blacksmith is Ruby's therapist (who she meets after a failed suicide attempt) and just imagining each chapter working on her issues and sometimes bringing in the other characters (like how you can bring someone into a therapy session) is making me very emotional. And Little-> Somewhat is her therapy mouse
How did you get into my head and read my thoughts like this?
I would actually kill to read a slice of life story about team RWBY. Honestly I would kill to just have more team RWBY.
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Chase Stokes and Katherine Langford
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guitarnacle · 1 month
why is miki obsessed with having a demure woman 😭 ALSO he did not care at all about the autonomy of the rose bride before he heard utena mention it. and then quoted her exactly about it in order to get engaged to anthy. is what it seems like. his 'i'll save your music' thing is ridiculous, utena doesnt want a wife slave and she says so often and loudly!!! shes not going to stop anthy from playing the piano!!! why dont they talk to each other they literally have the same goal in wanting to give anthy autonomy
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anthurak · 1 year
Given how the maiden powers seemingly transfer on death, has anyone just… thought of stopping their heart and then defibrillate them back to life? With Amber, the powers transferred to Cinder the moment she died, so it's pretty instantaneous.
So the thing is, I'm pretty sure that transferring maiden powers to a new host actually REQUIRES the outright death of the previous host. Because if we read between the lines, I think it becomes fairly clear that Maiden Transference is in fact a highly degraded form of Oz's own reincarnation. I mean, the powers DO come from him originally.
Whereas Oz is able to retain his personality and memories upon being transferred to a new host, Maiden reincarnation can only transfer the raw magic Oz gave them, with any memories, personality or other form of identity of the previous host being lost in the transfer.
It's also why I think Penny is so special and why/how she'll be coming back: Penny has already shown herself able to retain her personality/memories/identity WITHOUT an aura, as seen post-Volume 3. So I have a feeling she managed to piggyback her consciousness onto the Winter Maiden powers when they transferred to Winter. And how she'll later be able to be extracted into her own body without danger to Winter. Because again, unlike Oz or any of the other Maidens, Penny doesn't need an aura to maintain her consciousness.
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agentxthirteen · 1 year
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Sharon-A-Day, Day 575 (7/29/23)
Ultimate Six 1. On sale 9/17/03. "(Chapter 1)"
Writer: Brian Michael Bendis
Penciller: Trevor Hairsine
Inker: Danny K. Miki
Letterer: Christopher P. Eliopoulos
Colorist: David Stewart
Editor: Ralph Macchio
Sharon introduces the new prisoner.
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