#milkbread ask
callmemerry00 · 1 year
haiii i was just curious. have u ever merged onmyoji and dgs in ur head
Hey there!
Yes, in fact I drew a crossover fanart a few months ago when I started playing Onmyoji xD
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Let's just say that these are both pairs of besties/ p a r t n e r s where one gets "killed" and loses his memories while the other one goes to insane lengths for his sake 🌚 They have fundamentally different stories but it's funny how they both fit this very specific trope.
I posted it on my twitter but I'll soon post it here too ✌️
And thanks for asking. I didn't think people would be interested 😭💕
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albaricomics · 2 months
Hii 💞💗💞💞💗💗💗 I was wondering if you could mayhaps draw Francis and nacha when they first met?? (You don't have to I'm just curious 💗💗💗)
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Happy accident 🥛🍓
Francis was doing his usual delivery but this time at the restaurant where Nacha happened to work at the time, they were minding their stuff untill Nacha rushed into him and well... they clicked 💖
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hellosweetart · 29 days
i want more cute/hot arts with Nacha x Francis❤️
No problemo! I've been hiding this drawing for weeks. ☺️
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thescarletkiller · 2 months
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A disheveled Blood covered Sk Nacha is at your front door
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Honey! You’re back!
*kisses her* mmm, did you have fun?
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What’s your lore between Nacha and Francis? I’m curious to know now that I’ve become a MilkBread shipper myself.
Hi anon! Yippee another Milkbread shipper!
Okay so my lore/backstory headcanon for Francis/Nacha is this-
Nacha was married before she met Francis. Her husband was a decently wealthy man and they had a pretty good relationship, but after a while said husband started cheating on her and Nacha found out through finding other women's hair on his clothes and smelling perfume after he came back home really late. Obviously he refused to admit it and Nacha didn't want to confront him (mainly because she knew there would be nothing good coming out of it), but she was obviously upset and heartbroken.
One day, after work she saw Francis sitting alone at the restaurant she worked at at the time. She noticed Francis was staring at her and went to sit with him. Turns out Francis had asked someone else out for a dinner but she never arrived. After a bit of talking Nacha suggested they go out together. Long story short they had a one-night stand in the same night.
(also sidenote Francis was new to the town and only came there to visit a friend, so he wasn't staying long)
Sometime after that, Nacha realised she was pregnant, and of course the father could only be Francis. Realising she was pregnant with another man's child while still married, Nacha panicked and immediately left her husband. She and Francis didn't exchange any contacts so she couldn't find him even if she tried, so after Anastacha was born she raised her daughter herself and for years she and Ana lived together moving from neighborhood to neighborhood until they finally moved into the apartment where Francis also coincidentally lived.
Nacha and Francis recognized each other, but things were awkward between them at the start. Nacha wasn't sure how to break the news that Anastacha was his, and Francis thought she just didn't want anything to do with him. After some time, Francis put together that Anastacha was his daughter and finally asked her about it. Nacha confessed, and they decided to tell Anastacha the truth.
Even after that things were still awkward and tentative, but they both obviously liked each other and are still attracted to each other. Francis felt guilty that Nacha had to raise Anastacha herself for years so he wanted to be more involved in her life. He and Nacha started seeing each other more and more and started to genuinely felt affection for each other. Francis liked Nacha's sweet and kind nature and Nacha found Francis endearing and helpful.
Nacha started making lunch for Francis everyday and Francis offered to help make dinner and pitch in whenever Nacha needs help with anything. After some time they finally started dating and began a relationship for real.
Their relationship is a tad bit unconventional what with everything that happened between them, but Francis and Nacha genuinely care for each other and formed a genuine bond.
My headcanon/lore aside I honestly dont care how ppl view Milkbread as long as they're SICKENINGLY IN LOVE RAHHHHH
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gmanwhore · 1 month
They are sooooooo so so so so divorced. They still love each other but it can ONLY work if Francis works on himself. Nacha x Francis? No no. Miles x Scarlet. They gotta go through some character arcs.
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ohmeowmy · 1 year
brother id do it all to trade foods with u whats ur fav indian food i wanna try it
ME TOO.... i havent had the chance to try much central + south american food because of life reasons but !!! i Will try it as soon as i can.
i dont eat???? a lot of meat???? so this list will be (MOSTLY) vegetarian but!!! butter chicken, egg curry, aloo parathas, upma, basically any namkeen, curd rice, and daal (red beans) with rice for snacks/main course food - and milkshake ice cream, gulab jamun, rasmalai, and jalebi for sweet food!
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saltpotion · 6 months
the creature from the video seem to be a white sugar glider :3
brb watching sugar gliders on youtube for the next 8 consecutive hours
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chenfleur · 11 months
dreamy nights
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summary. you finally make your grand appearance on jake's subathon.
pairing. streamer!jake x y/n ft twitch chat genre. fluff, twitch streamer au word count. 1.9k released. 10.18.2023 author’s note. i don't know if this requires context but just in case: a subathon is a stream where each time the streamer gets a sub, it adds time to the length of the stream!
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"That's not how the game works, chat!"
Even with a door separating you, Jake's whines still manage to reach your ears. Pushing down a smile, you delicately knock your first against the cold wood before slowly pushing in.
The room is shrouded in darkness, with the only source of light being the two large monitor screens set up; they're terribly blinding, causing you to recoil ever so slightly.
Too invested in the game in front of him, your boyfriend doesn't notice you've entered the room. This realization dawns on you, and instead of making your way towards him like you'd originally planned, you lean your weight against his doorway, simply watching him.
A fond smile dances on your lips.
The subathon's something he's been planning for ages.
It's something he had promised to his viewers, promised to himself that he'd carry out at least once in his streaming career. He's taken practically everything into consideration—what games he'd play, what guests he'd bring onto his stream, what would serve as entertainment while he's asleep. At the end, a chunk of the proceeds would go towards your local children's charity.
"Why?" you'd asked when he initially introduced the idea months ago.
He'd brought it up over some late night takeout—the two of you sharing food with distant sounds of traffic and quiet, curious conversations woven in between.
The plastic bag rustled as Jake pulled it closer to him, reaching in and taking out two bubble teas. As he slid your drink over to you, he had replied softly:
"Because I don't remember a time where I haven't wanted to do this. I've been given the privilege to give back to all of the people who have made my dream come true. I want this."
Jake Sim never fails to amaze you. You can't fathom how someone has been crafted with so much raw kindness—much less that you had managed to land that someone as your better half.
ari_01: look behind you bozo
"Look behind you, bozo- huh?"
Jake hastily spins his chair around. His eyes search through the dark before landing on you, tucked away in the safety of his doorway.
The sight of you eliminates tension in his body that he didn't even realize existed. A soft smile finds its way onto his face at the way your figure is illuminated from the pale blue glow of his monitor screens.
"Hi, beautiful."
It's been years and he still manages to make you reel at the simplest of compliments.
"Hi," you whisper back.
Turning back towards his monitor, Jake pauses his game. "Alright chat, Y/N's here. She's still a bit camera shy, so no monkey business, okay? You'll scare her," he scolds. You have to press a hand to your mouth to contain your laughter.
user1993: jake get out we want y/n
Jake playfully rolls his eyes before beckoning for you to join him. You oblige, pulling out a chair from the side and taking a seat. Habitually your hand reaches for his, fingers intertwining underneath the desk.
"Hi chat," you greet, a smile growing on your face as an influx of enthusiastic greeting messages appear on the screen.
A huff sounds from beside you. "Gosh, they're never this excited to see me."
"Don't dwell on it. I'm just naturally likeable," you tease, casting a brief glance off to the side. You expect a retort, yet it never comes.
Instead, you feel a squeeze of your hand. "How come you're up? It's late."
You purse your lips together, embarrassment filling your body at the thought of being in front of an audience of thousands of people.
"Go on," Jake presses.
"Just... missed you."
Jake swears his entire stream can see the way your words makes him melt into a puddle. He tries to—and fails spectacularly at—keeping his smile at bay.
"Yeah? Missed me?" he whispers. You nod, head lowered.
It's day four of what Jake had predicted to be an around week-long endeavour, but clearly he's underestimated how much his viewers love him (or hate him?) as the timer seems to see no end in sight. The only moments you've really gotten to spend with him over the course of the past few days are when he stumbles into bed late at night.
You've spent longer time periods apart, but you're still stirred by longing.
A small sigh leaves his lips. He runs his tongue over his teeth before lightly tugging you towards him.
"C'mere," he says, motioning towards his lap.
You look at him in bewilderment, reluctance etching itself into each of your facial features. "Jake, you're streaming-"
"Mmm," he hums, shaking his head childishly. "Don't care. They already know how far I'm gone. Besides, I need to prove them wrong—they keep calling me rizzless."
A laugh leaves your lips, but you still don't make any move towards him. Sensing your unwillingness, he places a gentle hand on your shoulder to encourage you.
"It's okay," he cooes. "It's okay, I promise."
The two of you stare at each other for a moment, as if challenging one another. His gaze is heavy on you, and eventually, you find yourself folding.
Carefully, you place yourself into his lap, the warmth emanating off of him instantly making you relax. His arms wrap around you loosely, resting on the curve of your hips.
"Stop subbing, chat. You're making my girlfriend miss me."
h3artz: i will literally gift 20 rn. do not start
minlmn: sounds like smth a PISSBABY would say
user0304: think about the children jake
"Think about the childr- Okay! Okay. Of course, for the kids," he laughs, rolling his eyes before redirecting his attention to you.
"Tired?" he asks, lips brushing the shell of your ear.
You nod, sinking further into his embrace. "Are you gonna start up the mods segment soon?" you mumble into the soft fabric of his sweater.
Whenever it's time for him to go to bed, his moderators take over the stream for the night to ensure that there's always something going on—whether that's playing games or hosting a makeshift podcast.
"Yeah, soon. Via told me she wasn't available until midnight, so just a little longer. Then we can go to bed," he whispers, fingers gently tapping a rhythm on your lower back. When he feels you nod against him, he turns his attention back to his screen.
mi11: u guys r the reason why i believe in love
streetfighter: u literally played league for 8 hours yesterday... what am i doing wrong with my life...
"Chat, stop being annoying. You should be happy for me," Jake grumbles. "And hey, to any league players out there-" he points at his webcam. "This is a sign. Don't lose hope, soldiers."
You erupt into soft laughter, removing your face from the crook of his neck and slapping him on the shoulder.
"Shut the hell up," you groan, eliciting a loud laugh from him.
Eyes scanning the live chat, you point out a message. "Look, Jake. Someone said 'not my streamer'," you snort.
"I'm used to it. I think I was collectively disowned yesterday during Uno."
"I heard about that from Jay. You must really suck at Uno."
He grins, hands travelling up to your waist. "But you still love me right?"
You scoff incredulously. "I loved you when you wore highlighter clothing to school everyday. It's going to take more than sucking at Uno for me to stop loving you, idiot."
Jake affectionately pinches your sides, causing you to yelp. Scowling, you begin to berate your snickering boyfriend before the sound of a notification interrupts you.
Upon reading it, Jake groans. "Oh, lord. Thank you for the twenty gifted."
You watch as the timer instantly shoots up another two hours, making your boyfriend close his eyes in defeat, leaning his head back against the headrest of his chair. Smiling, you brush some hair out of his face.
"They keep subbing," he whines. "It's like they enjoy watching my suffering."
You chuckle. "I don't think you should be badmouthing them. They're the ones who fund your stupid financial decisions, like buying a cardboard cutout of Heeseung. Which, by the way, came in today."
"Oh. You weren't supposed to see that."
"What is that even for?"
"You'll find out soon enough."
The two of you spend some more time talking with chat. You share what you've been doing for the past few days since Jake's been preoccupied with the subathon, recounting the bowling night you did with Jay and Sunghoon the other day. It takes you physically shutting Jake up with your hand to make him stop whining.
Exhaustion finally fully catches up to you, making you yawn. Jake watches you fondly before turning towards his monitor and swiftly muting his microphone.
"Go to bed," he coaxes, a hand smoothing over your hair.
You nod drowsily, slowly peeling yourself up from his hold. "Okay. Bye, chat."
"Mic's muted, baby."
You settle for some waves towards the camera, watching as messages bidding you goodnight flood in with a small smile. You think that you're incredibly lucky to be so well-received by his chat.
Jake's hand lingers on the small of your back. "I'll come join you in a bit, okay? I love you."
"Love you too," you mumble.
You begin to step towards the exit when suddenly, you're jerked backwards. A yell would've escaped you if it weren't for the fact that in a fraction of a second, your lips are on Jake's.
One of his hands is at the back of your neck gently pulling you down towards him, while the other one comes up into your hair.
For a second, you completely forget that you're on camera. The feeling of his plush lips on yours overwhelms you—your mind can't help but go blank.
But when that second is over, your eyes immediately snap open. You push at his shoulders, quickly stepping away from him. A scowl overtakes your face as he snickers at your reaction.
You flush crimson. "Next time, if you're going do that, turn off your webcam," you hiss.
"Mhm. Whatever you say, angel."
When you stumble out the door and frantically close it behind you, Jake turns back towards his stream and unmutes his microphone.
user899: MY EYES
redskies: highway looking so comfy rn
plays101: mom and dad get a fucking ROOM challenge
user555: this guy's asking to be slammed with a ban LMAO
Leaning back in his chair with a slight smirk, Jake's hands rest behind his head.
"Relax, chat. I'm not going to get banned. You know-" he pauses, his bottom lip between his teeth as he fails to contain his smile for the hundredth time since you appeared.
Jake hears you turn on the sink in the bathroom, yet the ghost of your presence still lingers in the way his body is still warm from your touch—the way he can smell the citrusy undertones of your shampoo.
"...that's what love is. Makes you do all sorts of stupid shit."
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lizzy06 · 10 days
Matsukawa Issei x Reader Fic Recs!!(Tumblr/AO3/Wattpad)
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Haikyuu! Fic Rec Masterlist
Aoba Johsai Fic Rec Masterlist
Of Swings and Snakes | Pt.2 ✨✨by @dira333 (oneshot, angst with happy ending) [COMPLETED]
Wingman on crutches✨ by @cottonlemonade (oneshot, HILARIOUS, fluff) “Why is she talking to him?”.[COMPLETED]
Grids in the sky✨ by @myelocin (oneshot, angst, break up, lil comfort) here’s how you let go of seven years’ worth of love, while here’s how Issei’s the first to let go, then hold on to it. in which you love him a little less as the days go by, just as you love you a little more with every new goodbye that’s realized.[COMPLETED]
spare me the details/ tumblr✨✨ by @etherrreal/Dawn (etherrreal) (oneshot, fluff) matsukawa is a good friend, which is why when you ask for his help figuring out what to wear for your date, he agrees without thinking much of it. but the longer he spends watching you get ready, the more he realizes how much he doesn’t want you to go.[COMPLETED]
「Lamplight | 燈光」✨✨ by yuren Lover's Rock (oneshot, college au at start, angst with open ending, hurt/comfort)Just when you think you got the hang of things, life throws you into the wash and puts you on the heaviest spin cycle, and you think to yourself, what the fuck am I doing?[COMPLETED]
positions✨ by strawberricream (oneshot, fluff) issei never knew how much he loved touching you until he was granted unconditional permission to do so.[COMPLETED]
 Crow Series:Matsukawa✨ by thisworthierking  (oneshot, fluff) Your day gets worse when a crow steals your transit pass, luckily a cute middle blocker is there to help you out.[COMPLETED]
truth or truth✨ by fireflew1 (oneshot, fluff, humor) a game that you and your roommate play every friday night takes an unexpected, exciting turn.[COMPLETED]
Lavender Rose ✨by tsumuthestallion (oneshot, fluff) You were just a few minutes away from closing when the funeral director from across the street comes into your flower shop asking for a favor.[COMPLETED]
Run✨ by SolluxWantsMe (oneshot, soulmate au, fluff) soulmate AU in which you and your soulmate both have black birthmarks in the first place that you touch each other.[COMPLETED]
Flirtations✨ by @v4mptsuki (oneshot, fluff) matsukawa is crushing on the reader, and he’s oblivious to her feelings for him despite her being oikawa’s childhood best friend.[COMPLETED]
Fake Dating and then Falling in Love  by @osamiiya (oneshot, fake dating, fluff)Fake dating each other to go to a wedding, falling in love.[COMPLETED]
Matsukawa x reader by @sunatooru (oneshot, fluff) Just an intese game of monopoly with mastsukawa.[COMPLETED]
Symbol of US by @umikawa (oneshot, fluff) “You trust me, don’t you?”.[COMPLETED]
Letter by @box-of-roses (oneshot, fluff) After spending the entire night trying to make the perfect confession letter you get to the end of the day. In your anxious state you find unlikely help.[COMPLETED]
Mayhem at The Festival by @cottonlemonade (oneshot, fluff) fluffy school festival with crush Mattsun.[COMPLETED]
Sleepy Cuddles With Matsukawa by @toru-oikawas-milkbread (oneshot, fluff) When the landlord can’t fix your freezing cold apartment building after the heat goes out just as it’s starting to get cold outside, you get desperate and call your boyfriend to come and help warm you up.[COMPLETED]
Can Not Sleep✨ by liillyliilly (oneshot, soulmate au, fluff) He realized his fault in tying the two of them together, and for a moment he did look apologetic. So he offered words as a condolence, “You’re pretty.” [COMPLETED]
falling back into you by tatesu (oneshot, fluff) After running back into your ex, you discover you weren't as over him as you thought.[COMPLETED]
lamp light by tatesu (oneshot, fluff) Your first night sneaking out with your best friend takes an unexpected turn.[COMPLETED]
Winning you over by Teapots_and_Teacups (oneshot, fluff, suggestive at the end) Despite Matsukawa’s initial protest at your arrival at the room share house they all lived in, you’d settled enough that no one was exactly pushing you to look at new places to live. The four of them had all admitted that they were single and looking. You just happened to be single and in the middle of it all.[COMPLETED]
Be my Boo by abswrites (oneshot, fluff) When you and Lev sneak into a supposedly haunted funeral home, the last thing you were expecting was to meet a hot (ghost?) guy. But hey, you’re not complaining.[COMPLETED]
the sweater(s) by strawberricream (oneshot, fluff) your relationship with his sweater(s) as background background character(s).[COMPLETED]
everyday is everyday by strawberricream (oneshot, fluff)[COMPLETED]
Lover's Rock  by patrocues (oneshot, college au, fluff) Matsukawa is not a smoother talker, which is why he decides to talk about dancing.[COMPLETED]
Say it.✨ by moonmayhem (oneshot, fluff) Requested Prompt: "Don't go on that date." "Why?" "You know why." "Say it."[COMPLETED]
Falling by That_chump (oneshot, angsttt, fluff) When you met Matsukawa for the first time, you were immediately drawn to him. He’s tall, handsome, has a mysterious air to him. The more you got to know him, the more you saw firsthand how caring, loving, and passionate he could be. After getting to know him longer, you also began to see how self-deprecating and hard on himself he could be.[COMPLETED] Million Reasons<KINDA PART @ OF FALLING>  by That_chump (oneshot, angst with happy ending smut) After everything, you know you should let him go, but you can’t help but search for reasons to stay.[COMPLETED]
Seijoh's New Manager by demxnscous (oneshot, fluff) When your good acquaintance, Matsukawa, approaches you to ask if you'd be interested in taking the job of Manager for Seijoh's volley ball team, you're conflicted on whether or not you should even consider the offer…[COMPLETED]
We're Going to Tokyo!? by GoDownWithTheShips (oneshot, fluff) It's not as if every high school couple breaks up, some end up spending forever together. However, as the final whistle blows and surprised silence turns into thunderous roars, (F/N) isn't so sure whether Issei and her will make it past graduation. All she can hope is that the final whistle doesn't blow on their relationship.[COMPLETED]
to be youthfully felt by brokejaw (oneshot, friends with benefits, suggestive themes, fluff) issei's decided he's getting too old to have a fuck buddy.[COMPLETED]
love this rain by dilfmattsun (oneshot, fluff) after the rain started to fall, you cursed yourself for forgetting to bring your umbrella to school. throughout the day the rain didn't let up, but your acquaintance made you think that maybe you just shouldn't bring your umbrella anymore.[COMPLETED]
Consternation by asahiswife (oneshot, comfort, fluff) A rough day at work leads Issei down a dark train of thought. You're there to bring him back.[COMPLETED]
Horror Movie Trope by Kuroba_Nyx (oneshot, fluff) "So…I think a source said that this was based on a true story".[COMPLETED]
Pure White Christmas by kisala10 (oneshot, fluff) It was winter again. It was your second Christmas which you spent with Issei as his lover. It has been more than a year since you started going out with him. It was fun and relaxing around him, so you always enjoyed being at his side and being able to laugh with him.[COMPLETED]
Truth or Dare by h3art_ablaz3 (oneshot, making out, fluff) What happens when the Seijoh 4 end up playing truth or dare and you're dared to make out with your best friend that you've secretly liked for years?[COMPLETED]
Thanks For The Gift by luvissei (oneshot, fluff) Y/N wishes to give a gift to Matsukawa, but Y/N unable to since she's always nervous around Matsukawa ![COMPLETED]
now we're holding hands as not quite friends, but not quite lovers by meloomi (oneshot, fluff) maybe the accidental kiss under-the-influence with your childhood friend isn't so bad after all.[COMPLETED]
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pinktint · 3 months
Can I ask for a Nacha x Francis moodboard again? This time with a 1950s domestic family aesthetic and rag doll cats?
I just think Nacha looks like a human version of a rag doll cat.
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haiii :3
reblogs are encouraged and appreciated! 💚 SPREAD THE PROPAGANDA
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silverflqmes · 1 year
notes. reposted from wp!
genre. fluff + crack
ft. tooru oikawa, ryuunosuke tanaka, osamu miya, yu nishinoya, hajime iwaizumi
female implied reader but no specified pronouns were used so could be gn too
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➫    𝓞𝗜𝗞𝗔𝗪𝗔   𝓣𝗢𝗢𝗥𝗨   ୨୧   ˎˊ˗
⌗ ok the idea of kids for oikawa is just >>
⌗ your kid likes him more because he shares his milkbread with them && spoils them completely with gifts🧍‍♀️
⌗ "y/n-channn it's not my fault they like me more than their own mother😝"
⌗ loves you equally as much as your child && would do anything to keep you both happy; if he finds the father eeeek sorry for that unfortunate soul who bouta receive the wrath of oikawa LMAOOOO
⌗ you asked oikawa to watch your kid for the day while you went for a job interview && he ended up showing them the entire star wars franchise🧍‍♀️ when you came home they were all like "hello there"
⌗ also annoys you 24/7 abt having more kids cuz he wants yours to have a buddy😭 but also cuz he-
⌗ "I SAID NO >:("
➫    𝓣𝗔𝗡𝗔𝗞𝗔   𝓡𝗬𝗨𝗨𝗡𝗢𝗦𝗨𝗞𝗘   ୨୧   ˎˊ˗
⌗  at first- you didn't tell ryu about your kid cuz you were afraid he wouldn't wanna see you anymore, but ofc he found out-
⌗ he wasn't mad or anything, he was just awestruck && uH- tearing up a bit cuz your baby is just so cute🙈
⌗ "can i hold them🥺"
⌗ dhdjksk he's so gentle with you && your kid, always making sure to treat you both so sweetly with extra love && care ❤️
⌗ tanaka can't cook unfortunately- but he makes up for it by playing all the time with your kid && taking them out to the park && stuff, yk?
⌗ definitely picnics together awww
⌗ talks about his volleyball adventures with you guys && how they took down a bunch of "shitty boys"
⌗ you yelled at him for that one when your kid started saying "shwitty boys" LMAOOO
⌗ y'all would totally be a badass family ngl, i can see y'all walkin into the mall w shades n sum kinna dorky matching shirts w the baby in the stroller, shades on n a bottle in one hand LMAOAOAO
➫    𝓜𝗜𝗬𝗔   𝓞𝗦𝗔𝗠𝗨   ୨୧   ˎˊ˗
⌗ ngl 'samu was awkward at first with the idea of kids, so warming up took a bit eeek
⌗ but once he did- my gosh was he so sexy to watch; like girl watching him put the baby to sleep with a story made your heart soar && the way he speaks so softly >>>>
⌗ not that you mind, but damn he makes loads of diff kinds of dishes that are sooo immaculate
⌗  'tsumu comes over every now && then to visit && he's all like 🥺🥺
⌗ "OH! y/n-chan, seems like they like me more than 'samu HAHHAHAHAHA"
⌗ you just laugh at their back to back banters about who was better && the baby just giggles, clapping their hands together which just makes the boys melt ahhh
⌗ "stupid 'tsumu.. y/n, yer seriously not going for that piss head, right?" idk i feel like he'd ask at you at some point if he's feeling a little down
⌗ "why would i when his brother is all i need && what our sweet little one needs as well?" eeek he felt so touched xhsjskks he could almost cry but he didn't ofc👨‍🦽
➫    𝓝𝗜𝗦𝗛𝗜𝗡𝗢𝗬𝗔   𝓨𝗨   ୨୧   ˎˊ˗
⌗ okay when nishinoya saw that you had a kid he was like a kid on christmas day; he was so damn excited he nearly tore down the entire house LMAOOO
⌗ ngl he gives your kid more attention than you sometimes🧍‍♀️there's either two reactions you can have here: either you're giggling at how adorable that is or you're jealous asl LMAOOOO
⌗ good luck in the bedroom later noya🤠
⌗ ANYWAY- although he's always playing with your kid, he always offers for you to join && together you all play cute little games or with toys, depending on their preference && stuff like that yk
⌗ cannot cook && do not allow this man ANYWHERE near the kitchen OR your baby- cuz girl one day you left nishinoya w your kid while you shopped for groceries && you came home to an italian dinner gone wrong😐😐
⌗ "if you didn't eat the last oreo, then i woulda been more forgiving, now hurry up so i can make something edible🙄"
⌗ that entire night both noya n your kid follow you around like lost puppies on sum 🥺🥺
➫    𝓘𝗪𝗔𝗜𝗭𝗨𝗠𝗜   𝓗𝗔𝗝𝗜𝗠𝗘   ୨୧   ˎˊ˗
⌗ you had reason to believe this had to do with his previous affiliations with volleyball🚴‍♀️
⌗ always takes care of both of you, cooks, cleans && just shdjsks he literally does everything to make you feel as if you're both on cloud nine
⌗ oikawa invites himself over a lot to your house to play with the kid eeeek iwa gets annoyed sometimes, but he appreciates the company && your kid's always like "papa, isn't he from tv?? the volleyball player who kicked your team's butt!"
⌗ iwa glares at oikawa cuz he knows he prolly said sumn && oiks jus smirks before giving your kid the sweetest smile && the teary eyes LMAOOOOO
⌗ you laugh at this && just to annoy hajime you allow tooru to join you all for dinner && he goes on abt how iwa used to be as a child && teen, stuff like thatt
⌗ lowkey your boyfie gets embarrassed LMAOO YOU'D CERTAINLY GET IT TONIGHT
⌗ "haj but his stories about you both were so cuteee, please let him come over more! he can even babysit too while you and i do something special.. y'know🥺👉👈"
⌗ "ughhh, fine. but you owe me a lot i hope you know! especially if he gets to hangout with them all day," he's very much attached to your kid && it shows dhjsksksks
notes. single mom headcanons was cool and all.. but single dad hcs sound kinda nice too🤭 maybe after exams..
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albaricomics · 2 months
Who do you think proposed, nacha or Francis? And what do you think the wedding was like?
I think they had gone on for at least two years, but honestly, Francis knew Nacha was the one from the first 2 seconds he glanced at her. He was on his knees for her since 💘
He was never the type to do big extravagant things or gifts for anyone (unlike Izaack), Nacha knew this since their first anniversary was just walking out, watching a movie and having the entire day for them, simple date, and she was fine with it
But for the proposal my DUDE worked his a$$ out to get the shiniest, most pretty-looking ring, and a very unique one because if it was hit by the sun, the reflections would show the colors of Nacha's eyes
Such a pretty ring you'd get lost in if you stared for too long, just like he got lost in her eyes all the time
So there she was, sitting at a table of the restaurant where they met; (1941) she used to work there as one of the chefs, the man in charge of receiving food and supplies didn't show up, so Nacha was assigned to do that too (besides all the cooking, ugh yk). A knock on the door made her rush to open and just get done with this delivery already, or else her soup will boil up. Door opened, and a "mmm, hello-" just stop abruptly, and somehow the very visibly tired man's eyes managed to widen, focused on Nacha's. Francis was used to just have a man pick up the milk bottles into the place and be done in just a couple minutes, so this was a very... pleasant shocking surprise. She also forgot how irritated she was just seconds ago, being honest it was nice to see someone closer to her age around here. And so it all started.
(1943) After some minutes of Nacha making circles at the top of her wine glass with her hand, Francis arrived... different. He wasn't in his usual half-asleep mood, he looked very much awake, happy to see her and even a bit nervous. She had to ask what's up with him, they were just having dinner, right? He was up to something, holding himself from letting whatever the secret was slip, and just said he ordered for both and it should arrive anytime. I the meantime, trying to calm things (and himself) down, they chatted on all the wonderful things they've happened to live together, what they've learned from each other, and before they could go on with thinking about the future, a waiter stopped the music machine to turn on the radio; a familiar voice was reading this very specific, romantic poem that was read to Nacha, in one of her dates with Francis...
As she realized, she turned to Francis, who was on one knee already, and now exposing a big flower bouquet he'd hidden in his back; words coming out of his mouth were just revealing how pure his feelings for her really were. As he was done and getting to say "today, I have something very special to ask you...", same waiter came with a silver platter, she took off the lid, and an opened little box with a diamond ring was there, along with a note that said:
"My sun,
... would you marry me?"
The excitement she felt was undescribable, a frantic YES!! was all she could say through her tears and excited jumps, immediately hugging/kissing him (which was a very moving scene for anyone who was there, clapping and cheering filled the place.
The wedding, ooh! Just as beautiful as you can imagine, her dress was pure white with a long tail, golden hour sunlight framing their first husband/wife kiss perfectly 🧡💕
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hellosweetart · 2 months
Hi! can you please draw some cute doodles with Nacha and Francis? or them with Anastacha 🙏🏼☺️
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They're my favorite, thanks Anon 😚 Toddler Anastacha is my new found favorite
I am actually making more whether its from OG game or AU ❤️
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roxanneslosteyes · 2 months
My little story for Francis and Nacha
I'm going to reference some things that did happen in the past (and sadly still happens today in some cases) So this might have sensitive content to this, please be careful while reading! Thank you! :)
Cw/tw: Brief mentions of war, death, cheating, teenage pregnancy, Nacha being disowned by her family and doppelgangers being doppelgangers.
I couldn't help falling in love with you ~ Milkbread's story.
Nacha was born into a rich family, her father was famous chef in a fancy restaurant that only rich people could afford and her mother had successful family owned fashion business. While Francis was born into a working class family, His mother was a servant for Nacha's family while his father was a factory worker.
Nacha was mostly raised by maids and servants because her parents were too busy with their duties. While Francis was mostly raised by his uncle and auntie due to how busy his parents were to keep their family afloat.
Nacha's mother entrusted two women to look after Nacha while she was busy, She entrusted the maid to look after Nacha with cooking and making sure she didn't hurt herself. And the servant she entrusted her with cleaning Nacha and cleaning Nacha's bedroom. The maid and servant accepted the job. They knew it won't stop them from being mistreated by Nacha's family but they hoped that the mistress would treat them abit better.
The maid's name was "Galina".Galina knew Nacha was an adventurous girl, she always kept her safe and sound. Making sure she didn't hurt herself, she would cook for her and looked after her. The servant's name was "Henriette", Henriette was Francis's mother.
One day in the spring of 1931, Henriette was cleaning Nacha's bedroom when she saw Nacha looking bored out of her mind.
Henriette asked her what was wrong, Nacha told her that she didn't have any friends because her father wouldn't let her socialise with children her age who was poor or in the working class. 6 year old Nacha told her, her papa sees them as low lifes and the kids she should be friends with are kids from middle and upper class.
Henriette told Nacha, She has a son she could be friends with because he was struggling to make friends at school.
Nacha agreed, the next day Nacha met Francis. Nacha and Francis had secret play dates while her parents were gone, Galina kept a eye on them. Making sure other staff members didn't catch the daughter of famous fashion designer and chef playing with a son of a servant and factory worker. Galina knew Nacha needed a education.
So the next year, Galina convinced Nacha's mother to send her daughter to a public school. Lucky for Nacha, She got into the same school as Francis. Francis and Nacha would hanged out in bakeries, shops and parks with the supervision of Henriette or Galina. Francis and Nacha was getting closer to Francis. They soon started to develop feelings over the years.
In 1942, Francis and Nacha was getting too adventurous with their love while a war was going on and Nacha got knocked up with Anastacha.
Nacha was panicked, she was only 17 and Francis was only 16. They were too young to look after a baby especially when a war started three years ago. Nacha knew she was getting to be shamed by the world for being pregnant and unmarried.
Soon her parents found out, her parents was pissed off at their only born daughter. They shamed her for getting knocked up and forced her to choose.
"Give up the child after it's born to adoption or suffer being a unmarried mother and leave the family."
Nacha decided to leave the family, Her parents disowned and kicked her out, Galina found out and tried to convince them to let their pregnant 17 year old daughter to stay with them. But they refused. Galina quited her job after that to support Nacha.
Francis's mother were more supportive of their son then Nacha's parents. Francis's parents knew Nacha's parents never supported their relationship because Francis was a low life in her family's eyes. Francis was also suffering the fact his father was forced to go to war three years ago at age 38 when Francis was only 13.
Nacha soon lived with Galina, Galina helped Nacha with her pregnancy along. While Henriette helped Francis with his worries of being a teen father.
Soon, Nacha gave birth to Anastacha in the home of Galina. Nacha refused to give birth in a hospital due to fear of nurses taking away Anastacha from her just because Nacha is a unmarried mother.
Francis helped looking Anastacha, along side Galina and his mother, Henriette. 2 years later, Fate had a cruel plan to separate the couple. Francis at age 18 was forced to go to this ongoing war due to low on soilders. Nacha was okay looking after Anastacha because she had Galina and Francis's mother to help her.
While Francis was on the warzone, He met his 43 years old father. His 18 years old son told him everything, his father was supportive. However during the year tragedy had creeped into the lives of Francis and Nacha.
Francis lost many friends in the war, witnessing them die in front of his eyes. Even saw his father die in his arms. Galina fell ill with scarlet fever which sadly took her life, Nacha only had Henriette to help her look after Anastacha.It didn't help Anastacha who was only 2 years old wasn't getting enough sleep due to bombs going off in the background. She always came crying to her mother.
Four months after Galina's death, Henriette found out her husband's died through a letter. Henriette soon got broken heart broken heart syndrome. And died in the same year as her friend, Galina and her husband at age 42.
Nacha was a single mother, who was unmarried. Due to the stress of being looked down by society, Nacha went back onto the dating. She met her old classmate who was same age as her called "Albert" She dated him for 1 year before she got married to him.
When Nacha introduced Anastacha to her new husband, her husband asked her why she has a child. Nacha lied to him that Anastacha was her daughter from her last marriage that didn't last long because her ex husband died shortly after Anastacha from a illness. Anastacha was only 3 years old at the time.
Nacha would normally call a man called "Oswald" to see when Francis was coming home or give him a break to see him when her husband was at work. When Francis came back home for a break, He would visit Nacha alot. Causing them to her an affair behind her husband's back.
When in 1945, When Francis was visiting Nacha. Anastacha was in her bedroom alone. Something was creeped into the house, It was in the hallway. It started to mimic Nacha's voice, it wobbled to Anastacha's room, slowly crept into Anastacha's room.
"Honey, Mommy is here. Come to me."
Young Anastacha crawled to imposter Nacha until it violently grabbed Anastacha. Anastacha quickly knew something was wrong. She cried for her parents.
Nacha and Francis rushed to Anastacha and saw the doppelganger. Francis panicked and hit over the head with a crowbar. Over and over again, It released Anastacha. Anastacha rushed to her mummy. Francis tried to kill it, but it wouldn't die. Soon The doppel stopped in its track and ran off.
Francis and Nacha was traumatised by the event. The affair came more and more common after the event.
Soon 5, years later, Albert found out about the affair while And had a massive argument which caused Nacha to get hurt.
Soon Albert and Nacha divorced, Nacha was glad for the divorce. Nacha was free after 6 years of being a housewife. Nacha moved into the apartments as it was cheaper than a house. Nacha got a job as a chef in a local restaurant, Nacha always wanted be a chef after her father but her father didn't believe in her because she was a girl.
Now she can be a chef. Meanwhile Francis moved into the same apartments and got a job as a milkman.
Sadly over the years, Francis's mental health got worse, he was suffering with trauma and something else that was keep him awake. He came distanced to Nacha because of this, He still loves Nacha and he hates himself for leaving Nacha alone being a single mother even though Nacha is suffering with her own demons too.
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You got anymore Milkplane and Milkbread hcs?
Since you asked for both, I'm going to answer this with my polycule headcanons:
- So if you've read my other Milkbread hcs, you already know my backstory for them. Years after that, Francis moved to the apartment where he met Steven, who recently moved in with his dad.
- After a while of getting to know each other, Francis and Steven both caught feelings, but before either of them could come to terms with it (which is especially hard for Francis, since he never had romantic feelings for another man before), Nacha moved in and thus began the Milkbread Arc (tm).
- Francis at this moment is especially confused since he realised he has feelings for *both* Nacha and Steven and didn't know what to do and felt guilty about it.
- Both Nacha and Steven are aware of this weird situation. I'm not entirely sure how but after a while I think all of them finally sat down and come clean about the whole thing. Francis confesses that he's in love with both of them and surprisingly enough both Nacha and Steven are okay with this. Boom polycule formed.
- Whenever Francis and Nacha go on dates together, they leave Anastacha with Steven. Steven really likes Ana and treats her like a little sister/niece and basically acts like the cool uncle.
- (Ana still doesn't fully understand the whole polyamory thing but as long as her mom is okay with it it's whatever. Also, at least she got a cool uncle/older brother out of this)
- Francis: Enough with the milkman jokes and stereotypes already its not funny. I'm not interested in dating.
(after polycule)
- Steven and Nacha both have southern accents and Angus teases Francis about how he has a type.
- The Rudboys family owns a farm/ranch and one time Steven took both Francis and Nacha there and taught them horse riding. Nacha got on well with the horses but Francis was scared of them.
- Vice versa on motorcycle riding though. Francis grew to love them but Nacha refused to get on one after the first time she tried it.
- Steven and Nacha both like dancing. Francis is usually too awkward/shy for dancing so whenever the occasion pops up Steven and Nacha would drag him to the dancefloor.
- Nacha loves giving cheek kisses for Francis and Steven.
- Whenever he has a bad day Francis would often lie his head on Nacha's lap for comfort.
- Whenever Steven goes out on long missions he'd sometime get interviewed on television. Francis and Nacha always make sure to watch his interviews.
- Steven comes up with the corniest pick-up lines ever.
- Steven's favorite dessert is apple pie and Nacha makes the best apple pie ever. McLooy is salty that Steven finds her pies better than his.
- Okay somewhat less nice headcanon: So idk if you remember this but Nacha has an ex-husband that she never officially divorced. One day said ex came over to the apartment to confront Nacha about her leaving.
- Steven wanted to kick his ass the moment he stepped in but Francis held him because Nacha said she wanted to deal with the ex herself so he begrudgingly complied.
- The talk between Nacha and her ex quickly grew ugly and after a nasty comment from the ex it was Francis who lost his patience and decked him.
(don't wanna go too much into this since I have ZERO idea how laws work but after the ex left they went to Alf who agreed to help Nacha sort out the issues with her ex)
- Anyways enough drama, here's a pic I think is perfect for them :
(from left to right: Francis, Nacha and Steven)
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