#minato this is all your fault
lesbiankoby · 1 year
Kakashi's too depressed to adopt as a teen and young adult, but god damn, if he really wanted to he could just walk in and leave-- like a Doordasher. Just fucking picks up baby Naruto from whatever crib they've got him in like "mine now", and the nurse's like "aight 😐". Like damn, Konoha just leaves orphaned children in an apartment alone at age 5, there's LITTLE that could stop ppl from snatching children no consequence if they rlly wanna
nrjdjrjrjr i mean i’m sure hiruzen would have opinions about kakashi just taking the kid apropos of nothing i just think kakashi is on his list of approved caretakers if they ever bothered to ask him about it (for instance i think jiraiya COULD just up and grab naruto for various reasons though he is incredibly incredibly unsuitable as a guardian on all fronts)
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ichatake · 4 months
do yandere kakashi and Obito reacing to reader replacing Rin when she dies. lets say obito gets saved by minato so he knows why exactly kakashi got Rin killed. So when reader joins the team theyre really mean to her and everything becus they cant believe she tried to replace rin. They become yandere after she heals them (she can have medical ninjutsu?) so they really start to like her
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Yandere Kakashi and Yandere Obito with the same S/O
Request open! (Request Rules)
A/N: thank you for requesting!! I hope you enjoy!
⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅
No one can be prepared to lose a close friend, and neither Kaashi or Obito were ready to lose Rin. It had been a dark day for them, Obito had been crushed by a boulder, which Minaro thankfully got there in time to help him. Then Rin sacrificed herself to save them and herself from the wrath of the three tailed beast.
Since Obito was present for most of the situation, he understood that Kakashi never meant to hurt Rin. Their friendship grew stronger as they both grieved the loss of their teammate. Of course, they were shocked when Minato mentioned they’d be joined by a new member. They couldn’t believe it! The audacity of replacing Rin in such a short amount of time was unbelievable.
Your presence was, of course, unwelcomed. You were a replacement, nothing else. You could never replace Rin, so they didn’t bother with you. There was no point. It wasn’t your fault you’d been placed with them, but they couldn’t help but hold it against you.
Kakashi was monotone when it came to you. You could never tell what he was thinking, and that bothered you a lot. When you tried speaking to him, he’d only listen, but never answer. That was the part that scared you the most. He was simply uninterested in being with you. You could waste your time asking him something, but that didn’t mean he’d actually answer you. You’d simply be harshly ignored by him.
Obito was a whole different case. Kakashi, although straight out ignoring you, never blatantly showed you just how much he disliked you, but Obito? This boy was the definition of obvious. He was the most affected by Rin’s passing, in his mind. She was his everything. How could he replace her?
When I say he was mean, I mean it. He yelled at you, scolded you, berated you, and simply treated you outright badly. He was condescending when you failed and you couldn’t get him to like you no matter how hard you tried. He hated you. You believe that wholeheartedly.
Now, you understood everyone grieves differently, but this was too much. You felt unwanted and unwelcomed. Minato had reassured you several times that everything would be fine, and to just give them some time, but you felt horrible! The only person that treated you nicely was your sensei… it was you against them.
When you trained, you were surprised to see how well they worked together. The loss of Rin has managed to mend their friendship, even if she had died at Kakashi's hands. Obito understood that the reason Rin died was not because Kakashi wanted to kill her, but because she’d rather die than live as a weapon for the rest of her life. Obito forgave Kakashi, and they promised each other they would never hold anything against each other, for Rin. They moved at an amazing rhythm; in perfect sync. They knew where to be and what to do without uttering a single word.
Their teamwork was off the charts, and you were slightly jealous. Why? Oh you know, it’s not like they thought you were a burden or anything. Yeah, every time the three of you had to work together, it would always end up in an argument.
“Jeez, are you slow?! Can’t you see I’m supposed to come from the right?!”
“Get out of the way! You’re messing things up!”
If Rin were here, we wouldn’t have to be dealing with all your mess!”
These were just some of the few things Obito would throw at you whenever you messed up their momentum. You were never good enough for them. You were too slow yet too quick. Too dumb, yet too smart. If you had to jump and you’d jump, they’d somehow find a way to let you know that you jumped the ‘wrong way’. You could never be good enough. You could never win.
You tried, you really did, but nothing worked. You’d be blamed for everything, and they’d say you were ‘dragging them down.’ Of course, they would complain to Minato, mostly Obito, but Kakashi would nod his head in agreement from time to time. Minato would scold them or brush them off. “She’s your teammate, like it or not. You better start treating her as one or else you two will be the ones getting in trouble,” this made them resent you even more.
You got used to everything. It had been a few months since you first got there, so you knew how to handle them. You trained so much and watched them train that when you were in the field once again, you didn’t fall behind. You were predicting their moves to be able to move in sync with them. You had studied them—your obsession of being at the same level finally paying off.
You didn’t understand why, but you expected some sort of praise. For once, you hadn’t been insulted or made fun off. You did everything right; you had caught up to them. So, as the three of you huffed and tried to gain your breath, Minato congratulated you. You couldn’t help the big smile that played on your lips, excited that you had finally gotten some praise. However, the boys never muttered a word. For you, it was a win! They weren’t insulting you or angry at you!
Once Minato saw your progress, he decided it was time for the three of you to go out on a mission alone. You, of course, were nervous. You weren’t sure of how things would play out. Would you mess up again? Would you be left behind? Would the mission even be completed? You didn’t know, but you calmed yourself down and convinced yourself that everything would be fine.
Thankfully, you had completed the mission. You only had to go back to the village. Miraculously enough, the three of you hadn’t gotten into an argument, you had yet to mess up, and things were going just great.
However, all three of you found yourselves in trouble. Rogue ninjas were happy to see three hidden leaf kids, and they were planning on sending a message. They had recognized Kakashi as the strongest one, so they wasted no time in getting him first.
Although wearing a mask, the sudden mist that clouded him had knocked him unconscious. No, it wasn’t mist, it was some sort of pollen one of the ninjas had thrown at Kakashi.
Obito had no idea what to do, but you weren’t going to leave Kakashi. There was a big chance that you would get hit by the pollen as well, but your limbs moved on their own. Soon, you were running full speed towards Kakashi’s unconscious body, lifting his weight over your shoulder. You weren’t going to leave him behind, never. No matter how badly he treated you, you would never leave teammates behind.
As you lifted Kakashi, you hadn’t noticed the kunais coming at you at full speed. They would’ve hit you in the head if it weren’t for Obito. He took the hit for you, and it stabbed him in the shoulder. “Let’s go!” He yells, helping you carry Kakashi as you escape.
Once you were far away and clear of any danger, you set Kakashi down on the ground. You check his pulse and sigh, relieved that he was still alive. “He’s still breathing, he’s just unconscious,” you smile, looking at Obito.
Your eyes widen as you see two kunais on his shoulders, “crap! You’re hurt, Obito!” You stand up and walk towards him, “sit down, I’ll help you,” you pull him down, much to his distaste.
“I’m telling you, I’m fine!” He tries to convince you, but you shush him.
“Don’t be an idiot! You’re not fine. I’ll pull them out—it’ll hurt for a little while, but I promise I’ll make you feel better,” you say, pulling out the knives and apologizing as he hissed in pain.
While helping him, you were gentle. He had never expected this from you. He had been nothing but horrible to you, and yet you treated him as if he were fragile.
You place your hands over his wound and close your eyes, focusing your chakra and beginning to heal the open wounds. It felt… familiar to Obito. He felt taken care of—cared for. It reminded him of… Rin. He gulps and looks at you, your eyes gentle and caring.
He couldn’t help how he felt. His heart started beating quickly as he felt you so close. He had never noticed how cute you were—no, he never noticed how nice you were. How kind and beautiful. You reminded him so much of Rin. Could you have been sent by Rin? Were you an angel he had been neglecting this whole time?
“Obito?” You look at him worriedly, “are you okay? You look a little—“
“I’m okay. Thanks to you,” he smiles, rubbing his neck, “I uh… Just, thank you,”
You were taken aback by this, but quickly give him a gentle smile, “you’re welcome. It was the least I could do after you saved my life. You were basically my hero back there,”
His stomach fluttered at your words, “your hero..?” He chuckles, “no, you’re the hero… if it weren’t for you, Kakashi would’ve been attacked… you’re the real hero,”
You enjoyed his praises. After being treated so poorly by him, it was nice to finally see him smile and compliment you. When you finish healing him, you walk towards Kakashi, placing a hand on his forehead. You wanted to make sure he wasn’t getting a fever because of the polen, “We should get going, I want to make sure Kakashi gets treated quickly. Who knows what was in that polen. It must’ve been really thick if it penetrated his mask,” you frown, pushing his hair out of his face.
Obito agrees, taking kakashi over the shoulder and waiting for you, “Hey uh… (Y/N),” he says, locking eyes with you before looking away, “I’m… sorry, for the way I’ve treated you… I real—,”
“It’s okay, Obito. As long as you don’t keep doing it, I forgive you,” you’d didn’t have hatred in your heart, and you knew how to forgive… Oh gosh, you were so much like her. Obito nods, shamefully smiling, “I promise you, I’ll never be dumb again. Well, dumb enough to treat you like I did…,”
Once you got to the village, you took Kakashi to the infirmary. You waited outside for any news with Obito, and you were relieved when the nurses told you he’d be okay. You didn’t get the chance to see him in the hospital, since you already had to go home. You needed rest, and with a little convincing from Obito, he walked you home.
After that day, Obito was so much nicer. He was a completely different person around you. He treated you so nicely, and never insulted you in any way. He complimented you in everything you did and he even offered to train with you more often.
Even kakashi seemed different. He’d actually speak to you, and nicely. He’d look for conversations and would often stay close to you. Their attitudes had taken a complete 180! You were… happy. You were glad that you finally got along. You were working together, and you were never failing. They made sure to make you feel like a part of their team!
Yeah, you were so distracted by how nice they were treating you, that you didn’t notice how they’d keep an eye on you at all times. How they would often want to take you home. How they would hurt themselves just to get you to take care of them. No, you were too busy basking on their kindness.
Whoops, Kakashi suddenly left his water bottle! Wait, maybe you could share yours with him. You know what they say, drinking from the same water bottle was like an indirect kiss.
Oh no! Obito left his food? Huh, I guess there was no harm in sharing your lunch with him. You’d eat from the same chopsticks, and it thrilled him.
For some reason, you had become their favorite obsession. You were their favorite pastime, favorite topic, favorite person. You clouded their minds at all times, and they didn’t know why. Your kindness got to them, and filled their hearts with some wicked obsession.
Yeah… you were stuck with them for who knows how long. If only you knew that they’d become unbearable as they grow older… and their obsession would become even stronger.
I mean, they were going to become men soon, with new desires and fantasies that only you could fulfill, but for now, you simply thought this was an innocent friendship.
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yellowocaballero · 2 months
i very much enjoy the extremely scientific analysis of the naruto verse in which there are three genders, aka naruto, sasuke, and Woman.
AM I WRONG? AM I WRONG? pulls down projection screen and plays powerpoint
Obviously let's give room for nuance. A ton of Naruto characters don't fall into these gender norms. This does predominantly apply to the rampant proliferation of the three-person dynamics that were assigned by the government and dictate your entire life. And, like, society. It does not end. Gender isn't a biological factor in Naruto, it's a social dynamic constructed entirely by your homoerotic tension with other men. And there are so many.
Madara (S), Hashirama (N), Mito (W). Izuna (N) and Tobirama (S) - tragically, Izuna died before women could be invented. Sarutobi (N), Danzo (S, horrifically) - see above about women not being invented yet. Jiraiya (N), Orochimaru (S), Tsunade (W). Yahiko (N), Nagato (S), Konan (W). Obito (N), Kakashi (S), Rin (W). Shisui (N), Itachi (S), that little deeply unimportant girlfriend (W). Um, fucking, Naruto (N), Sasuke (S), Sakura (W). Even - even, fuckin, Rock Lee (N), Neiji (S), Tenten (W).
And what do they all have in common????
(OT3. They're all OT3s. Is what I'm saying).
There is some room for alternative gender expressions here, like being butch or femme. Naruto gender expressions: teacher, otouto, woman who you can't even tell is woman gendered because she has no backstory but you just have to kinda assume that she has a polycule-based backstory where she was Woman Gender. I feel almost as if 2/3rds of the Rookie 9 are liberated from this. InoShikaCho just doesn't fit (their chaotic cousin energy is just too strong and Ino's too much of a lesbian). Hinata's too busy being defined entirely by a different throuple's N to have codependent dynamics with her own N and S (and I'm hesitant to even say that, since I actually don't know if Kiba and Shino have a codependent rivalry - do they?).
I get, like, the reason for all of this. Curse of Hatred. Cycles. N and S Genders being sourced from demigods or something. Narrative parallelism. Sympathy points. It's not the bad guy's fault he's evil, his N and W gendered counterparts died :(. But an extremely strange side-effect of this is that all of the male characters are, like, Just Naruto or Just Sasuke. But the vast majority of the female characters are - like, completely defined by the men in their lives - but also they are more likely to be a unique person. Mito, Sakura, and Rin have actually nothing in common. Writing so sexist it creates more interesting characters?!?!
Unironically, this is why I'm always saying that Sasunaru is the ship of all time, nothing will ever top it, you will NEVER do it like Sasunaru, etc. Every important relationship in the series is meant to evoke Sasunaru. (Notably, none of the explicitly romantic ones. But we're beyond such paltry understandings of the most iconic pairing of all time as fundamentally based in romance. We're operating on a higher level than that). This unbroken chain of toxic yaoi has culminated at the end point of Sasunaru, and it exists to parallel Sasunaru and define their relationship by the dysfunction of generations of tragedy. That's why Naruto has to consciously break the cycle and free them from the generational hate - it was the only way to save Sasuke. This is also why I'm always saying that Sasunaru is the point of Naruto, and that the entirety of Naruto is about Sasunaru. Come back to me when your work has invented new genders in the all-encompassing pursuit of toxic yaoi.
This also means that the only truly gender non-conforming individuals in Naruto are its mightiest heterosexuals: Minato (W) and Kushina (N). Truly insane. The N/S/W configuration is the societal norm, it's bonkers to make a major good-aligned male character a wifeguy. By Naruto standards Minato and Kushina are the only queer couple.
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cinnoasch · 7 months
Valentine's Day: SEES Edition
A/N: Happy Valentine's Day! I didn't have time to make any for the girls but I might post some later! This was also my first-time writing Shinji so hopefully he's not too out of character. Enjoy!
Word Count: 2886
Minato Arisato
You sigh slightly, turning a box of chocolates over in your hands. You were definitely making this out to be more of a big deal than it was. The school day had ended and you were still sitting there in the classroom. Yukari and Junpei had already left to go back to the dorms and Minato had wandered off somewhere as per usual. 
You were planning to give this box of chocolates to Minato, just to show your appreciation for everything he’s done for SEES. But your nerves got the best of you. This morning, you had walked to school with him and when you tried to give him the box, you immediately went silent when he looked at you. And at lunchtime when you saw him in the hallway, you had turned on your heel when your eyes met. 
You lay your head on your desk sighing once again. “Darn it…”
“Who’s that for?”
Your head shoots up from your desk as you look to see Minato standing next to you. You didn’t even hear him come in.
“Minato! You’re still here. O-oh, um…” You stammer. You look away, tilting the box towards him. “...They’re for you, actually. Just as a thank you for everything you’ve done with SEES and all.”
“Oh. Thanks.” He takes the box and you let out a sigh of relief.
“ …you were really nervous, huh?”
You look at Minato, seeing a slight smirk on his face. “You noticed…?”
“Kinda hard not to. You avoided me all day.”
“Not my fault…”
He chuckles, “Thanks anyways. I appreciate it. Next year though, it’d be nice to see your face when you hand these to me.”
Your eyes widen and your face flushes as Minato grins. “Wanna head back to the dorms? We can share these.”
You laugh slightly as you stand up. “You’re really something sometimes… yeah, let’s head back.”
You follow Minato out of the classroom, the two of you chatting quietly. Maybe things didn’t go as planned, but in one way they worked out. Next year, you definitely would face him with a smile.
Junpei Iori
“Dude, did Y/N give you chocolates?” Junpei asks as he sits on the couch next to Minato. Akihiko was also present, sitting on the couch across from them.
“Yeah.” Minato replies, “Why?”
“I also got some too.” Akihiko adds, looking up from his boxing gloves. “What? They didn’t give you any?”
Junpei groans. “No… I mean Yuka-tan, Fuuka and Mitsuru-senpai gave me some, but that’s more of a teammate thing right? I dunno, I feel like Y/N and I are… more than that, or something.”
Neither Akihiko or Minato respond and Junpei groans again. “Oh c’mon, you guys have nothing to say?”
Minato shrugs. “Did you ask them out?”
“...no. I mean not yet at least.”
“There’s your answer then.”
“Dude, you're no help at all.” Junpei sighs, leaning his head back on the couch. “Did I do something wrong?”
“Maybe you just need to be patient. I don’t even think Y/N came back to the dorms yet.” Akihiko says.
“But the day’s almost over! …Okay, I’m going to look for them!”
Junpei gets up and heads out the door without another word. Meanwhile Mitsuru and Yukari enter the lounge from upstairs.
“He has a bit too much energy don’t you think? Should he really be worried about whether Y/N is giving him chocolates or not?” Yukari says with a sigh.
“Hey, let him be. He’s gotta put that energy to use somehow.” Akihiko replies.
Mitsuru sighs. “If only he’d have that amount of energy when it comes to his studies.”
“Huh? My package hasn’t arrived yet? But I got an email saying it arrived today…” You say to the mail carrier.
“I’m sorry. It was expected to arrive today, but due to unforeseen conditions, it’s been delayed.”
You sigh. “I see… Well, thank you then. Could you give me an estimated arrival date?”
“It should arrive in about 2 days.”
“Great… thank you again.”
You exit the post office sighing once again as you start walking back towards the monorail. Well, there went your plans for the rest of the day. You wanted to surprise a certain someone with a co-op game the two of you mentioned playing together a while ago. You should’ve known there was no way that the game would actually arrive on the day of. Sure, it could have been better planning on your part, but the whole thing had slipped your mind up until last week.
Suddenly you hear a familiar voice call your name.
“Y/N! Finally, I found you!”
You look up and see Junpei running towards you.
“Junpei? What are you doing here?”
“I’ve been looking for you. Damn, I had no idea where to look so I’ve been running around all over the place.”
“Oh, I was on my way back to the dorms anyways. Were you worried about me or something?”
He chuckles a bit nervously. “Uh, yeah something like that.” Then he looks behind you. “The post office, huh? Picking up something?”
“Ah, yeah I was, but it turns out it’s not here yet.” You smile slightly. “I meant to order it way earlier, but I forgot. Kind of silly of me to think that it would actually arrive today.”
“Was it something for Valentine’s Day?”
“Yeah actually… wait, why are you asking so many questions?”  
“N-no reason… Why are you getting so defensive?” 
You cross your arms, looking at Junpei with a smirk. “Ohh, I see. You were looking for me because you were expecting a Valentine’s Day gift, right?”
Junpei scoffs. “No, why would I be expecting something? Valentine’s isn’t even that big of a deal.”
“Uh-huh… so I guess you don’t want your gift when it arrives then.”
His face lights up. “Wait, you got me something? For real?”
“And here I thought you were worried about little ol’ me.”
“Hey, who says I wasn’t?”
You laugh. “I’m just teasing. I appreciate you coming to look for me, even if it was only to get your gift.”
“And if my gift is right in front of me?”
A beat of silence passes and Junpei laughs nervously. “That was lame, forget I said anything.”
“It was a little lame… but I don’t mind it.” You say, whispering the last part. “Anyways, let’s head back to the dorms.”
“Did you say something? Something along the lines of ‘ I don’t mind it’?”
You don’t say anything as you start to walk past him.
“Hey c’mon! I’m just playin’!”
Akihiko Sanada
“Hey guys,” You say walking downstairs into the lounge. “What are you up to?”
“Oh, hey Senpai.” Junpei says with a grin. He and Minato were sitting at the table with a large pile of small boxes in front of them. They were all wrapped nicely with ribbons. “We’re just going through Akihiko-senpai’s Valentine’s Day gifts.”
“Uh, isn’t that an invasion of privacy?” 
“Not necessarily. He gave us permission to look through them. You should’ve seen him when he came back to the dorms. He had no clue what to do with all of it. He said we could take some if we wanted. Man, getting all of this from girls and he just gives it away?”
“Well, it’s not like he’d eat it all anyway.” You say, then you look over at Minato. “I didn’t think you’d be taking some.”
Minato shrugs. “Free SP items, I’m not complaining.”
“Right…so where’d Akihiko head off to?”
“I think he said something about going for a run towards the shrine. He left not long ago so you could probably catch up to him.” Junpei replies. 
“Thanks, see you guys later.”
You set off towards the shrine hoping to find Akihiko. When you arrived, the sun was setting, the pink and orange hue gently enveloping the area. You spot Akihiko sitting on top of the jungle gym, looking at the sky.
“Hey there Mr. Popular.” You say walking up. “You look worn out.”
“Y/N? What are you doing here?” Akihiko asks, a surprised look on his face.
“I heard from Minato and Junpei that you might be here. Mind if I join you?”
“Yeah, come on up.”
You climb up the jungle gym and Akihiko gives you a hand to lift you up. You sit next to him, looking up at the sky. “So, you had quite a day, huh? I saw Junpei and Minato with your gifts in  the lounge.”
Akihiko lets out a sigh. “Yeah. You wouldn't believe the amount of people in my classroom during lunch. Even the teacher had trouble getting them out of there.”
“Heh, I bet. I could hear those girls from down the hallway. ‘Sanada-senpai, these are for you!’ ‘Happy Valentine’s Day Sanada-san, please accept these!’ And so on and so forth.”
He hums in reply, chuckling slightly at your impression. Silence settles between the two of you as you continue to watch the sunset on the horizon. Then Akihiko speaks up.
“So, what brought you all the way over here? You weren't looking for me were you?”
“I was actually.” You say, handing two small boxes over. “You're probably tired of hearing this, but Happy Valentine's Day, Aki.” 
Akihiko freezes when he hears the nickname and his face flushes, his ears are tinted red. You laugh a bit when you see his expression. “Sorry, it slipped out. I must've picked it up from Shinjiro. I’ll be more careful.”
“N-no! I mean…” Akihiko clears his throat, taking the boxes. “It's fine. You can call me Aki… if you want.”
You smile. “Maybe I will. It's pretty funny to see you like this.”
“Hey, don't tease me.” He sighs. Then he starts to open one of the boxes. “Hm, dark chocolate?”
“Yeah, you don't like sweets that much right? I figured you might like it better than milk chocolate.”
Akihiko nods as he takes a piece out, popping it into his mouth. “It’s good. Not too sweet, and it has some bitterness to it. This is something I wouldn’t mind having every once in a while.”
“Good, cause I know how to make them.”
“You made these?”
“I asked Shinjiro for help… which is probably where I picked up calling you Aki.” You chuckle nervously. “If you want I can give you the recipe.”
“Hm, how about we make it together then? It’d probably be good for me to learn how to make something more complex anyways.”
“Sure. We can get Shinjiro to join in as well.”
“Heh, he’d probably just yell at me whenever I do something wrong.”
The two of you laugh as Akihiko goes to open the other box. He unwraps it, revealing a small keychain, a pair of boxing gloves to be exact. He looks at you, holding it up. “You got these for me?”
You nod. “I saw it at Paulownia Mall one day and you came to mind. Sorry, it’s a bit cheesy, isn’t it?”
Akihiko shakes his head, a small smile appears on his face. “No, I don’t think so at least. Hearing you say that you thought of me… it’s a nice feeling. I’ll have to put this on my bag so that way I can think of you when I see it.”
This time you freeze at Akihiko’s words, you can feel your face flush as you try to come up with a response. You weren’t even sure if he realized the effect of his words.
“Hm? What’s wrong? Your face got all red…  well it is getting a bit chilly, huh? Do you want to head back to the dorms?”
“Ah… yeah, let’s head back.” You say with a smile. You climb down the jungle gym and Akihiko follows you down.
“Hey actually,  how about we get some beef bowls? It’ll be the perfect thing to warm you up.”
“Okay,” You say, winking playfully before you take off running. “Last one there is paying!”
“H-hey! You got a head start, that’s cheating!” 
Shinjiro Aragaki
“Okay, and now we wait…” You mumble quietly, putting a tray of chocolates into the fridge.
You’re currently in the kitchen, attempting to make a batch of chocolate for Valentine’s Day. Well, before the end of the day that is. Yes, you were a bit late, but for good reasons. Shinjiro was always away from the dorms so you couldn’t really ask for his preferences in sweets. At this point, it wasn’t any secret who you were making these for since you had to ask the other SEES members for information. Interestingly enough, there was no one in the dorms so you figured they all had plans for today. 
You let out a sigh as you lean against the counter. To be honest, you weren’t exactly sure what led you to make chocolates for him. Maybe curiosity? Despite having been a part of the team  for a while, you barely knew anything about him. You weren’t the most stealthy person; so when you tried to follow Shinjiro once, he immediately caught you and told you to go back to the dorms. You did try to follow him again a few times after that, but of course failed. He didn’t seem much for conversation either so you never really talked to him, but you suppose you should have tried harder if you were really curious about him.
Just then the dorm doors open and you step out of the kitchen to see who it is.
“Oh, you’re back early today.” You say, seeing Shinjiro walk inside.
He looks up at you then averts his gaze. “Yeah.” He glances around. “...it’s quiet today. Guess you’re the only one here?”
“Mhm, looks like everyone has plans.”
Shinjiro stays quiet for a moment then looks at you again. “Are you making chocolate? I smelled it when I came in.”
You nod. “I’m just waiting for it to harden. Want to wait with me? I could use the company, and you could be my taste tester.”
He lets out a sigh, stuffing his hands in his jacket pockets. “I might as well. Not like I got anything better to do.”
You turn on your heel, walking back into the kitchen as Shinjiro joins you. Once he steps into the kitchen, his attention is drawn to the bowls on the counter. “You added filling?”
“Yeah, it’s dark chocolate so I figured it would be a nice contrast. You aren’t allergic to raspberries are you?”
After that curt response, silence fills the space. Well, this was more awkward than you wanted it to be. Your gaze falls onto the bowls and you walk over, picking one up and bringing it to the sink.
“Uh, do you want to dry these after I wash them?”
Shinjiro only nods as he picks up a drying cloth and you start washing the bowls. It's only when you hand him a bowl to dry that he says something. 
“...So, I heard you've been asking about me.”
You freeze slightly, then you chuckle. “Yeah, I have. Let me guess… Junpei?”
“Yeah.” Shinjiro sighs. “Y’know, if you wanted to know about me… you could’ve just asked.”
“I know. I just didn’t want to bother you.”
“You could just say you were intimidated.”
“No-no! I wasn’t. I’m not…well, maybe a little, but I was only asking the other members for good reasons.” You say handing him the last bowl. You turn off the faucet and dry your hands. “Those chocolates in the fridge are for you.”
Shinjiro looks at you in surprise. “Me?
“Yeah, I guess you can consider them as… friendship chocolates? I was wondering what you liked in terms of sweets so I was asking around. I guess I went with raspberry filling since it's close to the color of your jacket.”
He looks at his jacket. “...I guess.” He sets the bowl down along with the towel and leans against the counter. “Well, next time, you can just ask me. We’re teammates right? You don’t have to be scared to ask me stuff. It’s not like I’ll bite or anything.”
You laugh a bit. “Right, I’ll keep that in mind.” Your gaze turns towards the clock and you walk towards the fridge. “I think they might be done now.”
You take the tray out and set it on the table, touching one of the chocolates to see if it’s solid. You nod happily and pick one up to give to Shinjiro. “Here!”
Instead of taking it with his hand, he leans his head down to pick it up with his mouth. You freeze once again when his gaze meets yours, then he raises his head, chewing the chocolate.
“Hm, not bad. This is your first time making it right?”
“O-oh, um yes.” You say, glancing away from him. 
“Next time, you should try to add more cocoa powder for the bitterness. You were going for dark chocolate, yeah?”
“Yeah, I wasn’t sure how much to add.”
You feel his hand fall on top of your head as he ruffles your hair. “We can make them together next time then. Don’t look so down.” 
You smile, “I look forward to it then.”
363 notes · View notes
erimeows · 5 months
To Be Selfish (NSFW)
Kakashi Hatake stands at the village gates with a ratty binder in his hands, flipping between multiple pages as the cool morning air blows through his silvery locks. 
A map, blurry pictures of the two men he’s been ordered to kill, descriptions of their jutsu, and a note with their most recent location following an encounter with another one of Konoha’s Anbu, who was found just over a night ago. 
It should be enough information for the two of you to succeed.
The time on his watch shows that it’s just past six in the morning. The sun is rising and painting the sky blue, purple, yellow, and orange in its wake. It’s cool, but not cold, though the incessant breeze in the air makes goosebumps raise on Kakashi’s arms while he waits for you.
Kakashi was ordered to meet you here at five thirty. Supposedly, the Hokage informed you of the rendezvous location as well. Kakashi was late due to him stopping to see Obito, Rin, Minato, Kushina, Might Dai, and his own father at the cemetery. Now, it’s half an hour past the time you were supposed to meet him and you still aren’t there.
Kakashi isn’t sure if you’re ditching him or if you’re going to show up late on purpose to piss him off. As the captain of Team Ro, he’s always tried to maintain decent relationships with his subordinates; you, Itachi, and Tenzo. However, the moment you were added to the team, it was clear that you had a bit of a crush on Kakashi. You were getting too close, trying to coddle him on missions, making him food, bringing him gifts, and constantly putting yourself in harm’s way for him. 
Though you’re much different than Rin, your behavior wasn’t. Kakashi still has nightmares about his old friend impaling herself on his chidori almost every time he tries to sleep for his sake, for the village’s sake- and he knows that, if something like that happens to him again, he’ll fall into the darkness and be unable to get himself out of it. 
He can’t lose someone again. He’s too damaged to do it again.
Admittedly, his solution to the problem may not have been the best one he could’ve come up with. Instead of having a genuine conversation with you about his past and telling you that he isn’t in the mental space to get attached to another person right now, let alone one who’s constantly in danger while working in Anbu, he did what was easy and pushed you away. He chewed you out for defending him during missions, belittled your abilities, avoided you at all costs, and rejected anything you tried to give or do for him- and rather than the cold indifference he’s so used to pushing people away with, he did it in the most hateful way possible, just to make sure it worked.
And it did. His plan worked better than he ever wanted it to. Now, instead of the puppy-like crush you had on him before, you hate him. Kakashi is fully aware that it’s his fault, but he’s too embarrassed to come clean to you. He also knows that he doesn’t deserve your forgiveness for how he’s hurt your feelings. So, he continues to pretend to hate you. Neither Itachi nor Tenzo have dared to ask about it, but it has negatively affected the team dynamic during training and missions.
Kakashi starts to assume that you aren’t coming and turns to leave, but right then, he hears slow and quiet footsteps approaching. He looks over his shoulder to see you in full armor, (h/l) (h/c) hair pulled back and your (e/c) eyes sparkling under the rising sun. If Kakashi’s body goes hot, he blames it on the impending sunlight, rather than on his love for you. 
It’s not you that makes him burn bright red from the top of his forehead, to the tips of his ears, to his neck, to the top of his chest…
Okay, maybe it is.
But you don’t need to know that.
“It’s not like those two to be late… They’re not late, are they? Why is it just us?” You ask, looking around as if you’re waiting for Itachi and Tenzo to appear. Kakashi can’t help but be disappointed by how bothered you seem that it’s just him. “I’d rather really not be stuck alone with you. The other two are much more personable.”
“Seems like Tenzo and Itachi are still in recovery after the last mission, so they couldn’t come along. Honestly, though, this shouldn’t require too much manpower. I don’t know why the Hokage is having me take you,” Kakashi coldly replies, even though the Hokage told him whether or not he made you come on this mission was up to his discretion since he’s the captain of Team Ro. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You huff.
“It’s supposed to mean that I could do it by myself.”
“Then why am I here if I could be in bed right now, you fucker?”
“Just in case.”
“See, you’re not nearly as confident as you say you are.”
“Don’t question me. I am your captain.”
And, as always, you immediately question him.
“What are we doing, anyway?”
“We’ve got a couple of B-rank assassins on our hands from Kusa. Our job is to take them out and dispose of their bodies.”
“There’s only two and they’re both B-rank? Why are they sending us?” You scoff, rolling your eyes. “That’s honestly a little insulting considering we both have S-ranks in their bingo books over there.”
“While neither of them are particularly talented, their combo ability is dangerous,” Kakashi says. When you open your mouth to ask yet another question, Kakashi interrupts by rambling on, mostly because he’s skirting around explaining the enemies’ jutsu to you… It’s rather lewd and uncomfortable, to say the least. “That’s why S-rank shinobi are required to take them down. Don’t underestimate your opponent just because of their bingo book ranking. They could always be downplaying their strength.”
“Well? Spill; what is it that these guys do?”
Kakashi freezes. In order to succeed in this mission, you have to be aware of what your enemies are capable of. Still- it’s awkward to actually have to talk about something sexual, especially with you. 
“It’s, uh… Sex pollen,” He stammers out after a little too long.
“Sex pollen?” You tilt your head back and laugh, pointing a finger at him as if he’s joking- no, as if you’re making fun of him- even when you can clearly see the embarrassment that’s painted on his face. “Like in those weird fucking books you read?”
“Oh, shut up,” Kakashi turns his body to avoid your gaze. Honestly, he prefers the way you were before- sweet and considerate of his feelings- but he also knows that your constant teasing makes him want you even more than he did before for whatever reason. He continues to avoid your eyes, but hands you the binder full of information about the shinobi you have to assassinate and their location so you can read through it. “Anyway… Yeah. The jutsu caster releases a type of pollen into the air from nearby plants that acts as an intense aphrodisiac. It’s apparently so intense that, once you’ve inhaled it, it takes effect within half an hour and leaves you unable to do anything until you find relief.”
You quirk a brow up at that, confusion lacing your expression.
“Find relief?”
Kakashi sighs.
“Are you really going to make me say it?”
“I need all the details I can get if we’re going to fight these people, Kakashi. Don’t be such a prude.”
“Relief as in… Orgasm with another person. Pretty much, you’re left without the ability to fight, so the enemy has an opening to kill you while you’re vulnerable. If you somehow manage to escape them before it takes effect, but don’t find the ‘relief’ you need to break the jutsu, it’ll put so much pressure on your heart from the increased blood flow that you’ll die after a few hours- that is, if you can resist the urge to screw whoever’s closest. It’s much different than natural human arousal, or even anything that any medications could cause.” 
“It’s strong enough that even skilled shinobi can’t resist it? And why can’t you just masturbate to get rid of it?”
“Apparently even strong shinobi are vulnerable- it just takes longer for it to take affect. If you try to make it go away by masturbating, it won’t work. One of our guys was found dead from it recently because he went solo and tried to take care of himself after inhaling it, and they managed to get a sample of the pollen from his lungs and nasal passageways to take for testing, but the medical core hasn’t been able to come up with an antidote just yet. They said it’s very complicated and that they’ve never seen any other pollen like it. In the meantime, they want us to take care of the two; they’ve gone rogue from their village and been using this ability to kill any shinobi who try to capture them, and they’ve even used it to rob innocent civilians so they can afford whatever lifestyle it is they’re living as rogues.”
“Wait, you said there were two of them. If there’s one using this pollen jutsu, what does the other one do that’s so dangerous?”
“While the first is from a clan that can use this pollen-based jutsu, the other is from a neighboring clan that has a natural immunity to the released pollen. In Kusa, the two clans are known to work together for missions frequently,” Kakashi explains. “So the jutsu user would be able to inhibit us with the pollen, while the shinobi with the immunity would strike immediately after and remain unaffected, as to allow the jutsu user to focus on keeping us under the influence of the pollen.”
“Sounds tricky.”
“Precisely. It seems that they’ve been blessed with these kekkai genkai but are still relatively unskilled and have been wounded by shinobi unaware of their abilities. Even though they killed him in the end, the last ninja we sent out apparently wounded them both really badly before he went down,” Kakashi finishes. He takes the binder from your hands and returns it to where it was in his backpack. “So if we can find them in time and strike while they’re vulnerable, we’ll be able to take them down without an issue.”
“And that’s why you brought me, right?”
“Yes,” Kakashi answers. You were born with a rare kekkai genkai that not only allows you to sense chakra from a much further range than the average sensory type, but also allows you to sense whether the person’s primary chakra is wind, lightning, earth, fire, or water. “As talented as I am, I’m no sensory type.”
“So, really, you couldn’t do this by yourself,” You grin, playfully smacking Kakashi’s shoulder.
“I could use my hounds and do it by myself just fine,” He argues. “You, however, require less chakra use from me since I don’t have to summon you.”
“I bet you wish you could.”
“I’m glad I can’t. It’s not like we need to be any closer than we’re made to be,” Kakashi sighs, but he finds that all he wants is to be close to you. Still, there’s no making amends for how he’s treated you lately- all in a fucked up attempt to push you away just because of his own issues. “Last I heard, they were on the border between here and Kusa, on the north side. That’s around where they found the Anbu they killed, and with how injured they supposedly are, there’s no way they’ll make it too far without running into us. If we make good time, we’ll be able to find them.”
“You really trust in my tracking abilities that much?” You question.
You’re looking for validation. Kakashi can tell. Lately, he’d tell you ‘no’ or that you’re just more convenient than any alternatives, but even if it feels impossible, he wants to fix things. So, he tries to choose his words carefully.
“As much as I hate to admit it…” Kakashi pauses, then responds. “Yes, I do, but don’t let that get to your head.”
“Fine,” You huff and walk ahead with your arms crossed over your chest. “Let’s go, then.”
As much as you love Kakashi Hatake, you also despise him.
The two of you arrive on the south side of the border between Konoha and Kusa after a long, awkward, silent journey. Kakashi didn’t utter so much as a word to you during the multi-hour walk. 
When the two of you arrive at the cabin, you thank whatever god is out there for the fact that Tenzo exists. Shortly after you were assigned to Team Ro, the brunette started using his jutsu to build small cabins for you all to stay in, particularly on certain borders or in certain cities that the four of you frequent often for missions. With Kusa being a developing ninja nation compared to the major five, Konoha ninja are sent there frequently to assist them- and, behind the scenes- to keep them under control, lest they upset the balance between the ninja nations that has only just now started to settle after decades of war. 
The cabin is good, but still one of the worst ones. You don’t mind it much as you’re mostly just excited that you don’t have to sleep outside in a tent.
Being on a mission with Kakashi is stressful enough.
When you walk in, you’re reminded that there’s only one large bed. It wouldn’t be unusual for you and your three teammates to share it, but now that it’s just Kakashi here… Your heart flutters in excitement.
Much to your disappointment, however, as you shut the door behind you and set your bag down, Kakashi starts to complain about the arrangement.
“Only one bed. Of course, the one time we get landed in a place with one bed, it’s when I’m on a mission with you instead of one of the others,” Kakashi shakes his head and carelessly drops his bag to the floor. He doesn’t even spare you a glance as he sits on the edge of the bed and pulls out his stupid book. It’s crazy to you that he reads romance novels all the time, yet ignores your obvious feelings for him. “And the thing’s big enough for four people… I’m going to ask Tenzo to start making more beds when he assembles these mission cabins for us.”
“Oh, please, Kakashi,” You reply and sit on the back of the bed. “I’ll be sure not to lay anywhere near you. Hell, I’ll sleep on the floor if you want.”
“No, don’t,” Kakashi quickly objects. The tiny bit of his cheeks that peeks out from beneath his mask is dyed bright red with a blush. “Your uh… Your back will hurt.”
You blink at him, then ask-
“Are you fucking serious?”
“Yes,” Kakashi answers as if he’s not being weird about this. You just continue to give him the most incredulous, judgmental stare you can possibly muster. “Our mission could be compromised if you’re in pain.”
“Okay, great! You’ll sleep on the floor, then,” You respond with a shit-eating grin that you know pisses Kakashi off more than anything.
“No, I won’t.”
You shrug.
“Then I’ll sleep in the floor and compromise our mission.”
“Just get in the bed,” Kakashi grumbles and strips down. You watch before you can think better of it, but if Kakashi notices, he doesn’t say anything. Your mouth waters at the sight of his bare back, muscles and pale skin covered in a flurry of scars. The defined muscles he has shift underneath his arms and shoulders as he- disappointingly- moves to the very edge of the bed and lies on his side with a blanket dragged on top of him to cover up his body. His mask remains on his neck, which bothers you, but you know better than to pry about why he wears the damn thing 24/7. “I promise I won’t touch you unless you want me to.”
At that, your heart skips a beat. Unless you want him to? Does that mean that he wants to? You struggle to speak, stuttering over the words you’re trying to force out. The worst part of you wants to make fun of him, but all you can do is ask him to clarify what he meant.
“Unless I want you to?”
“That came out wrong,” Kakashi quickly mutters and squeezes his eyes shut so he doesn’t have to look at you. “Just… Lay down. I’ll sleep on the edge. Pakkun will keep watch for us outside and wake us up when enemies come or when eight hours have passed- whichever comes first.”
“Fine,” You sigh and strip down to your underclothes as well. You swear that you feel Kakashi’s eyes on you, if only for a second, but when you check to see if he’s peeking, his eyes are still screwed shut. You lie on the side of the bed opposite to Kakashi, facing away from him and staring at the wall to save you the embarrassment of getting scolded or told to go away like he would’ve done back when you made your feelings for him obvious. “Goodnight, Kakashi.”
“Goodnight, (y/n).”
Kakashi wakes up in the middle of the bed. He’s always moved a lot in his sleep, but he’s still surprised to find himself turned onto his other side with his arms wrapped around…
Yes, you. You’re fast asleep, snuggled into Kakashi’s chest as he holds you in his arms. Your face appears so peaceful like this, your lashes fluttering against your cheeks and your sleep-rustled hair framing your face. You’re only in a tank top and the shorts you wear under your uniform, so your warm (s/c) skin is pressed up against Kakashi’s. He notices the soft peaks of your breast squished against his chest and decides that enough is enough. He’d hate for you to wake up and see him holding you like this, especially when it wasn’t intentional.
He pulls away from you and checks the time on his watch. It’s only been six hours since the two of you went to sleep, but that should be more than enough. He’s stayed up for days at a time for missions before and he doesn’t want to waste so much time sleeping that the enemy manages to get away. 
Careful not to wake you up, Kakashi showers in the bathroom, changes his clothes, and goes outside to talk to Pakkun, who he had keeping watch overnight.
“Pakkun, anything to report?”
“I sent Biscuit to scout everything nearby. Seems like animals can’t sense this pollen from the reports you showed me before,” Pakkun answers. “But he sniffed out a couple ninja close by. They’re north of here, staying in a small shack. He said they smelled nervous but that he didn’t know if they were aware of you being nearby or not. Need us to guide you to where they are?”
“No, thank you. You’ve been working for more than six hours straight now, so you’ve done enough,” Right as Kakashi says that, he hears your footsteps. You stand in the doorway just a couple feet behind, listening in. “Plus, I’ve got (y/n) here to help me pinpoint them now that you’ve given us a general direction to work with. Please, go rest.”
“Stop acting like I’m old and need to rest all the time, Kakashi. It’s not like I’m on death’s door,” Pakkun huffs, scratching his paws against the dirt floor. “Not that I don’t appreciate the extra naps…”
Pakkun disappears in a cloud of smoke. Kakashi looks at you over his shoulder. Your hair is damp and the pleasant scents of perfume, soap, shampoo, and conditioner waft off of you in gentle waves. He assumes you must’ve showered right after he finished and went outside to communicate with Pakkun.
“Let’s go,” He says.
You silently nod. The two of you pack up, erase any traces of your shared presence from the cabin, and head out. 
Once again, the journey is silent. 
You and Kakashi travel up north by foot, staying in the trees of the forest so you can’t get ambushed from above or below. Neither of you talk, even as you get close to where the enemies are supposed to be. Kakashi still feels awkward about how he woke up this morning, and he isn’t sure whether or not you cuddled into him last night on purpose- or if you even know that it happened. You seem like you’re still mad about the spat the two of you had about the sleeping arrangements.
“I’m sensing two strong chakra sources up ahead… About half a mile,” You pause, stopping on a random branch and closing your eyes so you can focus on sensing the chakra signature. Kakashi listens and places a firm hand on one of your shoulders to keep you steady. “They’re high Chunin level, maybe low Jonin if they’re injured or trying to mask their chakra. I’m sensing water and earth in one of them… And the other is totally unfamiliar. I’ve never felt anything like it before.”
“Wood style is a combination of water and earth, so it wouldn’t be crazy to assume that someone who uses a plant-based kekkai genkai would use a combination of water and earth style. The other one is immune to the pollen as well as various types of poison but hasn’t been sighted yet using any elemental jutsu, so who knows what kind of chakra they have… These must be our guys. The jutsu has a range of about thirteen hundred feet, so we can’t alert them of our presence or we’re done for.”
“What should we do?”
“I’m surprised you’re consulting me,” Kakashi responds, to which you open your eyes and shoot him a sharp glare. “Hide your chakra and be as quiet as you can. We’ll stake out to see what they’re up to and get the drop on them.”
The two of you eventually locate the shack you were told the enemies would be in. There’s a small window that you can see through as the two of you hide on the branch of a tree, seemingly out of sight from the two men. One of them is a brunette who sits at the table with his back facing the window. The other is a blond who stands across from the other, facing the window. Both are in standard Kusa ninja uniforms, and the blond has a standard Kusa forehead protector with a slash cut through it.
“We’ll wait until they move to do something or start talking to each other. Then I’ll use my chidori, break through the window, and kill them both,” Kakashi strategizes. “Your job is to follow close behind me. When I hit the first one, there will be a split second for the other to try and escape or counter me if he’s skilled enough. If he tries anything, kill him or find a way to keep him in the path of my chidori without getting yourself hurt.”
“So, what, you get to do everything and I’m just here as your contingency plan?”
Kakashi rolls his eyes at that. 
“Pretty much, so get over it.”
Just then, the blond shinobi starts to talk to his partner. His face changes. He appears paranoid and panicked. Is there any way he could have sensed you and Kakashi? …No, if that were the case, they would’ve moved to attack by now.
Everything seems to be going well enough, and the two men seem distracted. He makes eye contact with you and gives you a nod to let you know that you should ready yourself for combat.
You nod back. 
Kakashi channels his chakra to his hand to activate the chidori. With how fast it is, neither enemy should be able to do much of anything in retaliation- at least not in time to cast the pollen jutsu on him, especially with you acting as back up. 
Kakashi takes a deep breath and looks over at you. His heart starts to beat harder in his chest. Arousal shoots throughout his body like electricity. For a moment, he assumes it’s because of your presence, but then he catches a scent that’s… Sweet, just like how that pollen has been described to smell.
Kakashi looks at the enemy again. The one sitting with his back to the table seems relaxed, as the one standing upright a few feet in front of him is holding a hand sign; casting a jutsu.
“Shit,” He whispers.
“What is it?”
“Are you stupid? Or can you just not smell anything? We inhaled it, it’s sickeningly sweet,” Kakashi hisses, shaking his head to try to get the smell out of his nostrils. It doesn’t work. Just then, you slap your hands over your nose, seeming to have gotten a whiff of it too. “The enemy must have been using his jutsu as a precaution!”
“What do we do?” You demand, panic lacing your expression.
“Kill them now before they have the chance to take advantage of our weakened state,” Kakashi orders, and knowing the dire situation, you don’t argue with him.
The two of you continue with the original plan. When Kakashi charges through the window with a ball of lightning attached to his hand, the two men look incredibly shocked to see that he’s even standing, and don’t have the time to counter him. Within a minute, both are dead on the floor of the shack, but the effects of the pollen don’t subside. Kakashi rushes to wash the blood off of his hands in the sink while you sit on the floor with your (s/c) cheeks flushed and pathetic little pants falling from in between your lips.
“This is bad…” Kakashi covers his masked nose with his hand, but it doesn’t help in the slightest.
“What does it matter? They’re both dead now! Shouldn’t it wear off?”
“That doesn’t mean anything- just because they’re dead doesn’t mean that the jutsu doesn’t have any effect. That’s like saying a fire style jutsu won’t burn a forest down after being shot at a tree just because you killed the user afterwards,” Kakashi scoffs, but he’s barely even able to form logical thoughts, let alone get the words out. Any normal civilian would’ve fully succumbed to this pollen by now and either had sex with the closest person or died. “Go look and see if you can find an antidote on him or the other one.”
“Why do I have to do it?” You complain with a pouty lip.
“Just do it! The pollen’s already starting to get to the both of us, and if we don’t figure something out soon, you know what’s going to happen.”
“Shit,” You gasp. You’ve quickly searched both men’s weapon pouches and bags, but based on the defeat in your voice, Kakashi assumes you didn’t find anything. “There’s nothing but kunai and paper bombs!”
“What about in their pockets?”
You quickly search the mens’ pockets.
“God dammit,” Kakashi straightens his back, then roughly grabs you by the bicep and drags you up so you’re standing on your feet. “We have to get out of here, now.”
“Shouldn’t we split up?”
“Are you insane? If they have any back up coming and they catch us alone with the state we’re about to be in, we’ll be killed. You know it’s not uncommon for rogue ninja to work together in large bands. This could be a hideout, and if more of them come back and find these ones dead, we’re done for!”
“What, like an enemy catching us fucking nearby instead of alone would be any better for us?” You shoot back. Kakashi can’t help but be angry that, regardless of your previous feelings for him, you’d literally rather split up and risk both of you dying than dare to have sex with him. “At least if we’re alone, we die with some dignity!”
“Why does dignity even matter at this point if we’re like-” Kakashi groans and gestures wildly to himself; his head, which is fuzzy with lust, and his dick, which is hard as a fucking rock- then to you. “Like this? I refuse to compromise our lives to save your pride!”
“So, what?” You yell back, throwing your hands up in frustration. “We have to do it or we die?”
“I can’t reasonably violate your consent, but if it’s what we have to do to stay alive, and you’d let me,” Kakashi breathes out. He’s so ashamed of himself for letting this happen to the two of you that he can’t even meet your eyes. “Yes.”
“Look, Kakashi,” You gather your composure for just long enough to form rational thoughts and tell him- “I know you don’t like me, but we have to figure something out. Let’s get back to camp and resolve it from there.”
At that, Kakashi sighs. 
“Who ever said I didn’t like you?”
Unsurprisingly, you don’t respond. Your mind is so clouded that all you can do is focus on getting back to the cabin without tackling Kakashi to the ground and taking him for yourself right then and there.
Worst of all, Kakashi can’t say that he’s doing much better.
When the two of you return to your hideout, you find yourself sitting hunched up in the corner. Meanwhile, Kakashi is restless, suggesting alternative solutions that both of you know won’t work.
“It’s getting worse,” Kakashi murmurs, frazzled and aroused. You’ve never seen him in either state let alone both at the same time. Kakashi is your captain, the rock of your team. As much as you act like you hate him, and as much as you boast about your own power, his consistent strength and talent at getting your team out of bad situations is what keeps you from spiraling in circumstances such as this. Now that he’s spiraling, you’re even more panicked, knowing that there’s no way out of this. “I can barely think.”
“I can see that,” You say the words as condescendingly as you can, but if you’re being honest, the sight of Kakashi’s length straining against his already tight pants is enough to make your situation worse. Even with the thick black cloth of the Anbu uniform, you swear you see all seven- or maybe six?- inches of it twitch. You force yourself to roll your eyes and look away from the man, who frantically paces the room. “If your dick gets any harder, it might burst through your pants. Seriously, looks like you could cut fucking diamonds with that thing.”
“Doesn’t seem like you’re doing much better,” Kakashi snaps back at you. 
You offer nothing but a sardonic sort of cackle in return regardless of the fact that his words are true. You were so hot that you stripped yourself of your shoes, socks, pants, and armor as soon as you made it through the door of the cabin- Kakashi’s presence and your dignity be damned. You wore the stupid ‘sexy’ (f/c) bra and panties that you keep in your underwear drawer at home, on the off chance that you’d act on your feelings during this mission and get the chance to have sex with your captain.
You laugh even harder at the thought of that- if only you’d known just yesterday what would happen. Now, the two of you are in this cabin together, hormones going crazy, drenched in sweat, in desperate need of relief, with you in your soaked panties and Kakashi’s clothes soaked in blood. 
“Thanks, I hadn’t noticed.”
Kakashi sits on the floor in front of you. He’s close- too close. It takes everything in you not to climb on top of him and rock his world. 
“Why do you think I don’t like you?”
Of all things… Of all things, in the situation the two of you are in, horny out of your goddamn minds and using what little restraint you have left to keep from jumping each other’s bones without consent, Kakashi is asking about your feelings. 
You thought you were easy enough to read.  
You thought that, eventually, Kakashi would look at you and figure out that you’d loved him from the start and still do, even after everything the two of you have said and done to each other.
Apparently not.
“That doesn’t matter right now,” You snarl, gritting your teeth and clenching your legs together in hopes that it’ll put an end to the arousal pooling between them. If anything, the friction makes it worse, as even the slightest pressure on your clit has you biting your lip to keep from letting out any noise. “It’s not like you care.”
“Of course I fucking care,” Kakashi yells. You’ve seen him angry, sure, but you’ve never heard him yell. You snap your head around to look at him so quickly that your neck hurts as your (e/c) eyes go wide at his words. “Why do you think I had you come with me on this mission in the first place?”
“The hell’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means I love you,” Kakashi suddenly confesses. He holds his head in his hands as he pulls his knees up to his chest. Your ears start to ring so loud that you don’t hear the rest of what he says. “And I thought I could do it by myself, but I knew Itachi and Tenzo were still in the hospital, so I dragged you with me anyways because I was selfish and wanted to spend time with you alone for once- and now we’re like this, and it’s my fault.”
“You shouldn’t love me,” You object, cheeks red and mind racing. You’re not sure if it’s the confession or the pollen that’s causing it, but you find that your heart is beating so hard and fast against your chest that you can’t even swallow because you can feel it in your throat. “That’s not right- it can’t be! Why would you be so cold to me all this time if you loved me?”
“Because I was stupid and didn’t know how to handle my feelings. I was scared of losing you like I’ve lost everyone else I’ve gotten close to, so I pushed you away… But I promise you, (y/n), I love you more than anything.”
“It… It can’t be.”
“It can’t? Then tell me how to stop, (y/n). Tell me how to stop loving you,” Kakashi demands. He pauses, carefully waiting for a response. He pulls his forehead protector off and tosses it across the room. It hits the wall then falls to the floor with a clatter. Briefly you wonder what it would be like for him to use that sort of brute force on you, but you’re distracted by Kakashi’s ungloved hands on the sides of your face and his eyes peering into yours; one a deep charcoal and one a brilliant ruby red that you swear glows against the darkness of the house under the night sky. “No, seriously. Spare me.”
“I thought you hated me,” You whisper, closing your eyes to avoid Kakashi’s.
“I don’t.”
“What, so you brought me back here instead of having us split up so you could fuck me? Because you love me? Is that what you want?”
“You’re kidding me,” Kakashi shakes his head at you and jerks his hands away from your skin like you’re poison. He turns his back to you, groaning. “This is the opposite of what I want. I…”
“You what?”
“I never thought you’d return my feelings again after how I treated you. I still don’t expect you to,” Kakashi sighs. His gaze flickers from the wooden floor to your face. Finally, when his eyes meet yours, you see the genuine emotion in his face- and you’re able to swallow your pride. “But if you did, I wanted our first time together to be…”
“What, romantic? Sweet?”
“Yeah,” Kakashi answers, then scoffs. “This must be hilarious to you.”
At Kakashi’s apparent defeat, you soften. Even after everything that’s happened… You can admit that the two of you have been meaner to each other than what was ever necessary.
“A little bit. I can’t say I didn’t expect it, though. I’ve seen the books you read,” You offer an awkward sort of half smile and scoot forward so you can rest a reassuring hand on Kakashi’s shoulder from behind. Unsurprisingly, he flinches at the touch. Thankfully, though, he doesn’t move away or tell you to stop. “But I’d lie if I said I didn’t want the same thing.”
“You mean you…?” Kakashi trails off and looks back at you from over his shoulder.
“Mhm,” You nod.
Kakashi hurriedly turns around to face you again, putting both of his hands on your shoulders and gripping them tight.
“I don’t want you to have sex with me just because of- of this,” He says, frustration lacing his voice, to which you offer a half-hearted shrug.
“We don’t have much of a choice, unless you want to die here,” You climb into Kakashi’s lap and yank his mask down before he can object. The garment hangs loosely around his neck. You continue as you take in the sight of his face; so beautiful, with scarred porcelain skin, red cheeks, and soft-looking lips. At this point, most shinobi- and every average civilian- would’ve broken and given in to the urges of the sex pollen jutsu by now. You’re also desperate to get some sort of relief- and more so, desperate for Kakashi himself after having waited so long for this. “The quicker we get it over with, the quicker we can go home, and the higher chance we have for survival.”
“Fuck, you’re right,” Kakashi grumbles and carries you to the bed, where he sits with his back against the bedframe and your body still in his lap. You flinch when he reaches into his weapons pouch at lightning speed, only to be pleasantly surprised when he flicks a kunai upwards to cut your armor, shirt, and bra into pieces. The garments fall onto the floor and leave you exposed to his lust-glazed eyes. “Let’s get started, then.”
“You owe me a new lingerie set, asshole. You better buy me one when we get back, because that was expensive, and I wore it for you,” You scold at the sight of your bra, undershirt, and armor cut to shreds and being thrown to the floor by one of Kakashi’s large hands. “Armor, too.”
Kakashi doesn’t even dignify your orders with a response- instead choosing to focus on your other comment
“You wore them for me, did you?” He hums You stare in awe at the sight of his exposed face. “That’s… Actually really sweet, (y/n).”
“Don’t be such a sap,” You scold and move so you can take your underwear off and toss them to the floor. “And while we’re at it, it’s unfair that I have all my clothes off while you’re still fully dressed.”
“Then help me get my clothes off before this pollen makes me lose my mind. I don’t think I can wait any longer.”
You do as told and help Kakashi strip off his socks, pants, and boxers. Your eyes go slightly wide at the size when his hard dick springs out from underneath his clothing. 
You climb back into his lap and pause. 
“I never thought I’d see you like this.”
“I never thought I’d get to see you like this either,” Kakashi smiles. You realize that, even after this, you would like to see his smile more. Seeing his face without that stupid mask on it is refreshing after so long of only receiving that cold one-eyed stare of his. “Can I touch you?”
“Sure, just do it slowly to start with.”
“I can do that.”
Slowly, just as he promises, Kakashi touches you. He starts with squeezing your thighs and your ass. When you shudder at the motions, he continues by running his hands up and down the length of your waist, then moving them back up to cup your tits and fondle them tightly. His lips are on you seconds later; on your belly, up to the center of your chest, peppering your (s/c) skin in kisses before one of them is wrapped around your nipple. He sucks the bud to full hardness and pinches the other between two of his fingers, then alternates until both are fully stiff under the cool air. 
The effects of the pollen are starting to get to you. You were the one who instructed him to take it slow, but waiting for him to give you the relief you so desperately need is killing you. You can feel the thoughts in your head becoming less coherent.
Kakashi pulls his mouth away from you and reaches between your legs. At first, he simply touches your folds and playfully explores the area as if he’s teasing you. Just as you’re about to scold him for doing so, two fingers are being thrusted in and out of your soaked entrance. You groan and curl forward. You’re so, so relieved that you’re finally being touched, but so frustrated that you still need to cum for the pollen to wear off. Kakashi uses his thumb to toy with your clit and watches his drenched fingers disappear into you with intent.
“A-Ah… Don’t look at me like that,” You pout, glancing at the wall past Kakashi’s shoulders. “You’re making me self-conscious.”
“There’s nothing for you to be self-conscious about, especially compared to me,” Kakashi responds in a low tone. Your eyes snap back to him. What does he mean, compared to him? Regardless of his hand palming you and his deft fingers teasing your clit between your slick folds, you find yourself staring at Kakashi’s body. What could he have to be self-conscious about…? He has a perfectly sculpted body, beautiful porcelain skin, soft silver hair, dainty thin lips, and sharp eyes. The only things you could think of would be the infinite amount of scars he has, but you’ve never thought anything of them. “You’re beautiful, always, but especially like this.”
“You don’t have anything to be self-conscious about either, you idiot.”
Kakashi doesn’t say anything to that, instead looking at where he’s thrusting his fingers in and out of your cunt, and then up at your sweat-dampened face. 
“You ready?” Kakashi asks, to which you nod your head. 
Kakashi gently pulls his fingers from you and lines the head of his cock up with your entrance. It’s large enough that your eyes widen at the sight of your hips being pulled down onto it. You’re so wet that he gets it in without much trouble, but the tightness and the friction of it has both of you letting out a choked sort of noise and melting into each other. 
“Kakashi,” You cry out as you struggle to take his length all at once. Even with the slight amount of prep he did mixed with the pre-existing slickness from the pollen, it’s so large and thick that the stretch borders on painful. “Kakashi, I can’t-”
“What, you can’t handle me?”
“I can-” You start, then gasp when Kakashi’s hands on your hips shift your lower body closer to him. Your tits are pressed flush against his upper chest, your belly brushes against his shredded abs, and you’re filled to the brim with his cock. When he bucks his hips up into you to meet the bounces of yours, he slips a hand between your legs and massages your clit. With a sharp inhale, you manage to force out the following words as you dig your nails into his shoulders. “I can handle you.”
“Typical (y/n). You’ve always loved to challenge me,” Kakashi whispers, nipping at the shell of your ear as he does. “Fuck…”
Kakashi pulls back to look you in the eye. In the darkness of the cabin, the two of you are only slightly illuminated by the moonlight that pours in through the window. The one other light source is the ruby red glow of Kakashi’s sharingan. It feels like it’s piercing through you as you watch the tomoe swirl. You realize that he’s recording this moment, this love, for himself.
Maybe he’s loved you for longer than you thought. 
That love is evident in the way he stares at you like he’s obsessed, evident in the way he touches your body like it’s a masterpiece, evident in the way he fucks up into your body like he’s been waiting forever for this, evident in the way he whispers sweet nothings to you like you’re something to be cherished instead of just a teammate or even just a friend. 
Kakashi wraps his arm around you and holds you close so he can fuck you hard. It’s been a bit since you’ve done anything with anyone- Anbu is a cold, hardening organization and most of the time, at the end of the day, you just want to collapse onto your bed and cry yourself to sleep. On the occasions that you’ve dated or slept around, however, it’s been with civilians. It’s always been that way, just because it’s easier to not see them after everything inevitably falls apart. So, you’re not used to being flush against chiseled muscles covered in scar-mapped skin, nor are you used to being fucked with the strength and energy of a shinobi such as Kakashi.
Most importantly, though, you’re not used to someone who loves you fucking you. Pollen aside, this is more like making love than fucking with how Kakashi rushes to press your lips together and kiss you until you feel like you’re drowning on it. He pulls back, just briefly, to nip at your neck with his fangs and suck hickeys into the skin along your shoulder and the side of your neck, before pushing his lips back against yours. It’s so messy and desperate that a dribble of spit drips down the side of both of your mouths, but neither of you care enough to pull back and wipe it away. 
Kakashi shudders and sighs into you when the walls of your hot, wet cunt tighten around his cock. He takes that as encouragement to help you along and keeps pistoning up into you in rhythm with his thumb circling your clit until your ears are ringing and stars light up behind your eyes. Pleasure tears through you.
“I love you,” You moan against his lips as you finish, too relieved by the electric feeling of release that courses through your veins to be embarrassed.
Meanwhile, Kakashi seems to revel in it; your vulnerability, your presence, your body, your overstimulation.
“Sorry, what was that?” Kakashi teases. “I couldn’t quite hear you over all the noise you’re making.”
“I said I love you,” You murmur and rest your forehead against Kakashi’s while holding his face in your hands. “I really do mean that.”
You slump into Kakashi, weakly continuing to grind down onto him so he can finish, too. He moves his hand away from your clit to let you recover to some extent, but keeps thrusting up into you. You reach up to wipe the drool on the corners of your lip that comes from how Kakashi is making your mouth water. You’re overstimulated and you’re not sure if Kakashi’s hardness lingering inside of you is painful or pleasant or both.
“I love you, too,” Kakashi breathes out. “You look like you’re doing better, but I’m not quite done yet. Do you need me to move us?”
“Y-Yeah, I think so,” You nod. Your orgasm knocked the wind out of you and your legs and arms are shaking like crazy with the strain of riding Kakashi’s large cock while strung out on this pollen. You slow to a stop with Kakashi still throbbing inside of you, in need of release. You don’t know if it’s been five minutes or five hours. “Please, take over.”
“On your knees,”Kakashi slides out of you with a slick noise and grabs you by the hips to flip you around. He bends you over and pushes you onto your arms and knees before pushing his length back into you. You cry out at the sudden intrusion and blush at the slow trickle of your wet arousal dripping down your inner thighs. “There you go, you’re taking it so good… Fuck, I’m close…!”
“Then cum so we can leave already,” You grunt. Your head is spinning so fast that you’re barely able to get the words out. At first, you were at least able to muster the strength to stay on your hands and knees. Now, with Kakashi’s hips slamming against your ass at an increasing pace, you can’t keep it up. You drop to your forearms. The pleasure and pain is all so overwhelming with the pollen coursing through your body that your arms give out and have you stuck with your face buried in the bedsheets and your ass held up in the air by Kakashi’s rough grip on your waist. “Seriously, I’m about to cum again, so hurry up and finish before I pass out or something…!”
“Don’t act like you don’t want it, (y/n),” Kakashi growls and reaches up with one hand to thread grab you by the hair and twist your head just enough to make you look back at him. “If I weren’t so desperate for you, I’d make you beg for it.”
You let out a loud, breathy whine, but you don’t dare to argue with him- lest he actually make you beg. That’ll have to wait for next time.
Hopefully, there is a next time.
Kakashi’s thrusts finally start to become more rough and haphazard, signaling to you that he’s getting close. You muster your last bit of energy to throw your hips back against his. Pathetic little cries leave your throat and echo through the night air of the dark, lonely cabin as Kakashi’s fingers and thumb dig into your hips so hard that you’re sure you’re going to have a hand-shaped bruise come morning. 
Kakashi suddenly lets out a loud groan and stills with his cock buried in you as deep as possible. That last thrust mixed with him coating the walls of your cunt with his cum drags you over the edge once more. He pulls his hand from your hair and lets go of your hip so he can put his hands on the bed on either side of you and bend forward to rest his cheek against the middle of your back. 
“Kakashi…” You start, but you’re unsure of what you want to say.
After that- after everything- what could you say?
“(y/n)...” Kakashi whispers and presses a kiss into the skin of your back before pulling out and laying down on the bed.
You flip over as well, lying on your back, just as Kakashi does. The two of you catch your breaths while staring at the ceiling. You turn to your side to face your lover (?), who you rush to touch once more.
“Do you feel any better?” You ask while tracing a finger up and down Kakashi’s bare, sweaty chest.
“Yeah, I think the effects are wearing off. Sorry if I was a little rough with you, I was just… Under the influence of the pollen. Not that it’s any excuse. I’m a little embarrassed now, thinking about the things I said,” Kakashi takes a deep breath, exhales, and turns to check on you. “How are you feeling?”
“Fine. We should be good now, I think.”
Weirdly enough, you can’t bring yourself to snap at him like you would’ve just hours ago. You try to stand from the bed so you can get dressed, only to stumble from the strain that was put on your body. Kakashi rushes to catch you by the arm and pull you back down to sit on the edge of the bed.
“Want some help?” He offers, moving to sit next to you on the bed and putting a hand on your shoulder. 
“Um, sure…”
Slowly, Kakashi cleans the two of you up, helps dress you in clean and comfortable clothes from your bag, fixes your hair, puts your forehead protector on over your head, and gets himself dressed and ready to go. He stands and puts both of your bags over one shoulder to carry them. You remain sitting on the bed, simply watching his every move.
“You’re quiet,” Kakashi points out.
“Not much to say after all that,” You mutter. “Except… I do love you back, if you really meant what you said. If it was just the pollen talking, then you can pretend I’m joking and we can go back to hating each other, and-”
“I meant it. I really do love you,” Kakashi interjects. Then, he steps forward and tenderly pushes a stray lock of hair away from your eyes. “I wanted to talk about this more, but we should go dispose of those bodies back at enemy grounds and make sure that there’s not any more of them. The pollen that was released back there should’ve worn off by now.”
“Fuck, I forgot about that entirely…” You sigh and scratch the back of your neck. “Do we have to include what just happened to us on the mission report?”
“I think I’d literally rather die than tell anyone back in Konoha that we fucked because of sex pollen,” Kakashi laughs, shaking his head. “Now, let’s get going before the Hokage starts getting suspicious about why it’s taken us so long…”
With that, the two of you leave the cabin, your head on Kakashi’s shoulder and your hand in Kakashi’s hand.
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tossawary · 4 months
Thinking about two (three?) different "Rin Lives" AUs for "Naruto" in very different styles.
The first (Option 1A) is, of course, the classic where Rin survives having the Sanbi sealed inside her instead of having Kakashi kill her (while Obito watches). I can't exactly call Zetsu's sinister plan here unreasonable, but it does still rely heavily on a bunch of relatively unpredictable elements.
With Obito as a hostage, Zetsu has relatively intimate information on Rin, Kakashi, and Minato, but by that point, it's like a year out of date. What if Rin, Kakashi, and Minato have all been significantly changed by Obito's apparent death and have adjusted their techniques and procedures? The plan relies on 1) neither of Namikaze Minato's students (who also know Uzumaki Kushina and Jiraiya of the Sannin) having sufficient sealing knowledge to hold out long enough for help to arrive, 2) the YELLOW FLASH to be fully distracted and occupied while this is happening, and 3) Rin dying in such a way that it looks like Kakashi's fault. (Also, 4) no other Kiri nin catching on and having issues with all of this.)
Again, it's not exactly unreasonable that all of these elements came together in a tragedy, but also still too reliant for my liking on all of these different moving pieces who could potentially pull out skills and escape plans that Zetsu hasn't foreseen. I'll need to reread that part to figure out why clones / genjutsu weren't just used to fool Obito, who wasn't exactly in a good state to resist that kind of manipulation. (Itachi used Tsukuyomi on Kakashi at least once. Obito is under severe physical, mental, and emotional strain and only awakened his Sharingan directly before his kidnapping. He's so vulnerable.)
Option 1B for this AU, a twist on the classic, is that nothing about this mission was real. The Sanbi was never put inside Rin. Zetsu or Madara fooled a vulnerable Obito with a trick / gaslighting, and Zetsu has been desperately struggling to kill Nohara Rin for years to get her out of the way before a grieving / vengeful Obito notices that Rin isn't actually dead. This AU probably takes place before Minato's death. Kakashi and Minato have caught on to some attempted murder mystery going on here and they are SO overprotective.
OPTION 2 for a "Rin Lives" AU is actually a "Rin gets resurrected" AU. Obito catches on earlier that Madara and Zetsu are full of shit, but Obito still isn't exactly sane after everything, so while Obito has Rinnegan superpowers in the middle of the final fight, he throws Madara and Zetsu's plan out the window and somehow uses a stolen / modified version of Orochimaru's Edo Tensai technique to bring Nohara Rin fully back from the dead. Obito says a big "FUCK YOU" to all of those long conspiracies and wastes all of that ultimate power on fully resurrecting some random nobody girl he loved as a young teenager.
So, it's like: "Your name is Nohara Rin and you are no longer dead. You were turned into a bomb and killed yourself when you were 14 to save your village, and now you've been resurrected as though you never died; you're not exactly 14 anymore after the dreamy time you spent watching the world of the living, but you are definitely not actually 31. It's weird.
"The teammate you once thought was dead was actually kidnapped by two different madmen and has spent the past 15 years with them molding his body and whispering in his ears, only to betray them anyway. His hands are covered in so much blood and he's started a war and it was all apparently a trick to bring you back. So everyone is looking at you, shocked, and confused, because you're not special. All of that? For you? For some random dead girl? They were ready for the world to end. Obito is looking at you, satisfied, expectant, like you're supposed to have any answers or any kind of comfort for him.
"Minato-Sensei is here too, undead in a different way, not alive again like you are (at least, like you think you are), and so is Kakashi, all grown up the hard way. They are looking at you like a miracle and also like you're breaking their hearts all over again. And oh, no, Uchiha Madara and Zetsu are very, VERY mad right now, there's no time for any of this, is there? You died in one war and it's right back into another."
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Decaying Godhood- Prologue
Chapter 1 ->
Spoiler warning for P3! Also a content warning for mild violence/gore!
“…I’m sorry, I could’ve done something… both of you, I could have saved you…”
The gentle voice rang through her ears once again. Of course, she knew these words were not meant for her. Though she couldn’t see, she gathered from the sounds of his movements that whoever he was talking to were on either side of her.
This moment seemed different, though. She felt something. Something cold around her neck and wrists.
“This… is all your fault.”
Now she knew his words were directed at her.
“Why is it that you now have skin, hair… while they had their humanity stripped away from them? Now they’re just stone cold husks…”
Then he started to cry.
What was this feeling now, though? She had heard him cry time and time again, feeling nothing. But now this unfamiliar sensation in her chest made her uncomfortable.
It was odd. She knew what he went through, yet she never understood why it caused him to act out the way he was now. After all, living as a human was a farce, right?
She reflected for a moment. That’s right, she had felt this pain before. It wasn’t her pain though, it was his.
January 31st, the date he had put in her mind. The melding of their forms, their minds. That night, she had taken Ryoji Mochizuki’s freedom, turning him against those he loved.
At first, she found it weird. Why would Thanatos willingly leave behind his godhood to live with the humans he was meant to destroy?
She pondered the night some more. She knew what he appeared as, an avatar of herself, an entity far from human. Yet despite the frightening appearance, the group still referred to him as Ryoji, the name of their friend.
She recalled the longing and harmed gaze of the one with blue hair. Minato was his name, right? The girl next to him, Minako, her eyes were less forgiving. Yet she, too, promised Ryoji they would help him.
Static abruptly infiltrated her mind. It was painful, she wasn’t used to thinking, or feeling guilt. Yet for some reason, she felt it was justified. She did cause a lot of pain.
Her eyes began to water. She quickly brought her hand to her eyes to wipe them away, blinking aggressively to cease the crying.
 “Wait…” she gasped.
She could move. She could see too, albeit her surroundings were nothing but a white void… and her son.
Nyx turned around, nearly stumbling. Though her vision was blurry, she could make out two marble statues. She barely recognized them, but knew it was the twins who had sacrificed herself to seal her away.
She followed the chains being held  by the twins, quickly realizing that she was shackled to them. But the chains weren’t always this long, were they? From the sound of Ryoji’s voice, she would have assumed she was right next to the heroes.
Nyx gently pulled on the chains, wincing upon making a sound. She turned her head just in time to see the young man snap his head in her direction. Her vision cleared as he approached her. To say he appeared mad was an understatement.
Nyx attempted to speak, only to be met with a sharp blade to the face.
Nyx blinked, slowly putting her hands up, “listen, I-“
“What did you do?”
“I didn’t do anything,” she coughed, “I just… was able to move.”
Ryoji narrowed his eyes, drawing back his sword. “You look different.”
“Do I?”
“I’m going to hope that you looking like a human means you also feel like one.” He folded his arms, “how did you do it, then? Did you steal what humanity they had left?”
“No, Thanatos-“
“It’s Ryoji.” He sighed angrily, “but honestly I don’t even think you have the right to call me that either.”
Ryoji moved next to the statues, placing a hand on Minato’s face.
“I heard everything you’ve said.” Nyx said, keeping her distance. She watched Ryoji place a hand on the hilt of his sword again.
“Good!” He hissed, “you do understand then, right? You ruined so many lives. You killed these two.” He laid his head against Minato. “I should be talking to them, not you.”
“I… agree…”
Ryoji laughed, shaking his head, “maybe you being in this form is the kind of punishment fate had in store for you.”
Nyx remained quiet. In her mind, she was insulted that Ryoji would talk down to her, but she felt guilty for even thinking that way. Her mind became fuzzy again, so she sat down.
“I’m… I’m sorry.”
“Well I don’t forgive you.”
What was her problem? She was a god, right? Sure, this Ryoji Mochizuki was one as well, but he should be taking orders from her… right? Nyx shook her head. Why did she suddenly care so much? Why did seeing him so upset and angry at her cause her so much pain? Thanatos had betrayed her once before, yet she simply raised her sword against him. Now she couldn’t even look him in the eyes. 
She stood up, walking towards Minako. She could feel Ryoji’s blade next to her face as she stared up at the lifeless stone face.
“I’m sorry.” Nyx said.
“They’re gone.” Ryoji hissed, his voice cracking. “They’re gone and it’s your fault.”
“Why do you care so much about them?” Nyx blurted before she could stop herself.
Ryoji stood upright, moving closer to her. He drove his sword through her chest without hesitation, narrowly missing where a heart would be. “You wouldn’t get it. I loved them.”
Nyx fell to the ground, gasping.
“I’m supposed to be the god of death, yet I couldn’t stop you from taking the lives of these two.” He laughed sadly, “I don’t care that I’m not supposed to be so involved with humans on a personal level.” He pulled the sword from her chest, “that would’ve killed a human. You’ll heal, you’ll live, and that’s not fair.”
“Ryoji please,” Nyx coughed, holding the open wound, “you don’t have to forgive me, I know I was wrong but can you at least understand… I wasn’t aware of anything then. I only knew my objective.”
“That’s not-“
“An excuse, I know. But you know what it’s like. Mindlessly doing something because it’s the only thing you know. We were simply forces of nature, yet you broke that rule restricting you, you became your own person.” Nyx pulled her knees up, “now that I can feel things too, I think that’s amazing that you were able to achieve that.”
Ryoji rolled his eyes, “I hate you. You made me feel so helpless.”
“I take responsibility for everything I’ve done.”
“That isn’t enough, though! That’s not going to solve anything!”
“But it’s a start?”
Ryoji exhaled loudly. “Start to what? You think you’re going to get out of this?” He turned away, “I promised them that I would never let you out of here. Even if it means I’m trapped here forever too.”
Nyx slowly nodded, looking up at Minako. “Don’t you find it odd though… we’ve been here for a really long time… why haven’t you lost your humanity? And why have I gained mine?”
Ryoji didn’t answer, but she could tell he was thinking.
An uncomfortable silence lingered, only interrupted by Nyx shifting slightly. She leaned her head back against the statue, closing her eyes.
A small droplet splashed on her forehead, causing Nyx to spring up. She clutched her rapidly healing wound. It was no longer bleeding.
“You… shouldn’t stab your mom, Ryoji.”
Nyx stared as Minako’s head moved up to face her. Tears were seeping from the stone.
Ryoji dropped his blade. His mouth was open, but didn’t say anything.
“Your stories are similar…” the stone of Minako’s face began to move as if she were still human. She smiled briefly, “don’t get me wrong, I’m not… pleased with you either…” Minako said weakly, “but… I understand you didn’t know any better. This is a chance to learn now.”
“Minako…” Ryoji softly hugged her, “I’m sorry I should’ve…”
“No. This is what had to be done.” Energy began returning to her voice, “but…”
“It’s a little alarming that we can talk.”
Nyx flicked her eyes to Minato, who was now facing them. Ryoji threw himself into his arms, crying softly.
“I don’t understand…” Nyx said.
“You’re more human,” Minako said, “you’re feeling things.”
“I get that but… why so suddenly? Why am I suddenly like this? Why are these,” she gestured to the chains, “so long all of the sudden? Why are you two…”
Minako frowned, “I’m no god, but… something feels off.”
That’s when it clicked. She was right. Things were not as they should be. 
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dulcibella-dreams · 6 months
It’s exam time and SO is super serious about her exams. Studies, late nights, the anxiety is crazy. It was during one intense group study date were Minato tries to lighten up the situation by tickles and holding hands.
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P3 protag and academically stressed S.O.!
𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔 A/N: (SO SORRY THIS TOOK 90 BILLION YEARS) I got such a cuteness aggression reading this request that was so embarrassing.....This sounds very much like a story type beat! There is just one more thing I think I misunderstood. When you said 'group date' I wasn't sure if you meant everyone or just you and Minato. Given the intimacy of the request, I opted for just you two. Hope that was the right call 😭Either way, I hope you enjoy anon!!!
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Its been on your mind for weeks now. 'I can't fail. I'm going to fail. No, I can't fail.' It cycled remorselessly, invading your peace. You couldn't relax without guilt spearing through you. Your nights were study filled, falling asleep at your desk. Not to mention the stress headaches, breaks used only for studying, and being very restrictive with your leisure time. You were serious about these exams, but to a fault.
About 3 days before the exam, you came home to the dorm and had the intention to immediately retreat to your room, only to be stopped by your boyfriend. You felt a little guilty- you hadn't made much time for him. He tucked back a strand of dark blue hair, before retreating his hands into his pockets. "Do you want to study together?" You thought about it for a moment. His being there could either horribly distract you or completely motivate you to get everything done. You weren't about to pass up time with him though. "Sure. My room?" He gave you a small smile and a nod, and you both made your way up to your room. You looked at your small, crowded desk. While the floor was a somewhat...unorthodox place to study, it would have to do. Immediately, you set up your books and got started. So immersed in your work, you wouldn't have noticed that while Minato definitely was studying, the subject wasn't the upcoming exams. It was your furrowed brow, your nervous fidgeting, and your chapped lips. You were being absolutely ruthless to yourself. The air was almost viscous, not unlike honey. Heavy and muffling, it didn't feel like a study session- it felt like detention. As you took a deep breath, Minato reached for your hands. You were caught off guard, having retreated into your own stress induced world. "Take a break." Your rebuttal was instantly bubbling out of your lips, but he interrupted you. "You won't actually get anything from studying like this, you know." You just looked forlornly at the floor. You knew he was right, but allowing yourself this break felt like the key to your downfall. Your gaze laid on Minato's hands as he shut your workbook. "Come on, cheer up." You crossed your arms. "Minato, I can't afford to fail. I don't want to waste the time I have." Your tone wasn't harsh- but you were more than anything looking for a way to express your dismay. Minato shuffled over to you. Before you had enough time to look up his his way, he had playfully pushed you over. As he quickly straddled you, you yelped. He waggled his fingers, and you immediately laughed, crossing your arms around your waist. "Not an all out attack!!" His eyes sparkled with laughter. "I'm sorry, it's the only way." A smile played on your boyfriends lips as he trapped both of your wrists over your head with one hand. "Don't you dare!!! I swear to god-" You shrieked as he burrowed his free hand into your waist, begging for him to stop. Your yelps and laughs resounded through the dorm, and when he finally granted you mercy, your eyes were glazed with tears. "What was that even for!!" You playfully yell at him, bolting upright and grinning. Ever so gently, his index finger traced your upturned lips. "For this." His hands fall to yours, gently holding them as he set them in his lap. "For you."
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pachu09 · 6 months
Harry Potter AU
" What do you mean you're going to the Muggle world?. "
Tobirama ignored Izuna's whining. Its not his fault that the other boy is ignorant when it comes to normal Humans. But today is not the day he lectures the Uchiha what Muggles are up to in today's Era.
" I know you didn't misheard me Izuna. I'm going to the Muggle's world with Minato. We're going to do activities much more fun than you who just wants to roam around the same damn Wizarding Villages. "
Izuna huffed angrily. " What's more fun than visiting a Muggle society?. Last I check most of them still doesn't know how to take a shower even!. "
Tobirama pauses with his packing, stares at his friend/rival and then he promptly burst out laughing.
Izuna scowled at him.
If Tobirama is another half blood who Izuna insulted. The damn Uchiha would have found himself with a mouth sewed shut.
" I'm sorry, Izuna?. But you think Muggles don't have a technology to even bathe themselves properly?. " Tobirama is still cackling and he ignored Izuna pouting at him.
" Why is it more fun with Namikaze though?!. Come on Tobirama. You know coming with me and Aniki is surely more fun! Cause we always give you gifts! Unlike that broke Namikaze. "
Tobirama narrowed his eyes at Izuna. " Shut it Izuna. Stop being rude to Minato. He's a perfectly great person and he doesn't deserve your frankly misplaced animosity. "
" Besides I don't want to endure your Brother’s creepy staring whenever I go with you. "
Izuna’s scowl and subsequent silence about his Brother’s unnatural staring made Tobirama internally confused. Surely, Izuna had an inkling why his Brother always stares at him whenever they crosses paths but the other boy refuses to even hint to him why his Brother act like a creepy lunatic around him.
Also, one of these days he'll find out the truth why Izuna treats Minato as if his friend is a Dementor out to get his precious Uchiha eyeballs.
Tobirama exasperatedly sigh and came to a decision that he hopes won't bite him in the ass later.
" Well, why don't you come along with us anyway?. "
Izuna stared at him in surprise.
" Aren't you gonna be offended that I'll be basically third wheeling your date?. "
Tobirama burst into another loud guffaws again.
He had a hard time catching his breath as he tried to explain to an offended Izuna.
" Minato isn't my boyfriend you idiot. I only accompany him cause I just want to visit the Muggle cities and its hilarious watching him stalk his crush. "
( Tobirama noted how Izuna suddenly perked up that information. )
Izuna gape at him. " Who the hell is Namikaze's crush then?. "
Tobirama smirk at the confused Uchiha. " Why don't you come with us and you'll be in first row seat to see how Minato acts like an idiot around his crush. "
Izuna grinning toothily back at him made Tobirama hope that this time, Izuna’s animosity towards Minato will lessen. " Of course I'm in Senju!. "
Seven hours later, Tobirama had to drag away Izuna from every store in the Shibuya district.
( After they witnessed Minato's frankly embarrassing moments of stalking one Uzumaki Kushina. Izuna was wheezing with laughter at finding out who Minato's crush was and blessing the blond boy with all the luck in the world for daring to go after an Uzumaki. )
The boy had looked stupidly shocked when they arrived at Tokyo and all he saw were tall glasses buildings that are much more taller than the Hokage Mountains at Konoha.
Or that the Muggles are too populous nowadays.
Or that they had carriages that don't need animals or magic to make it work.
Or that they have a Flue Network but much more efficient and cool looking. Tobirama even had a hard time in making Izuna get off of his phone. The other boy was too enamoured of his personal gadget when he introduced the Uchiha to it.
In the end no matter how much Tobirama explains that Muggle gadgets don't work in Wizarding Society...he couldn't convince Izuna not to buy a cellphone.
And so within thirty minutes, Tobirama found himself standing inside a posh looking gadget store that probably cost the entire eight generations of Senju Clan monies and properties.
Tobirama twitches uncomfortably as he witnesses Izuna bought a fucking diamond crusted phone. He wasn't even sure if that's an Apple Brand anymore.
He's also stupidly surprised that Izuna even owned a damn Muggle golden credit card. He had to ask Izuna how he even got it.
The other boy nonchalantly replied that it was given to him by his Father's Secretary and was only told to use it if he went into any store in the Muggle World.
Tobirama deadpan, of course. The Uchiha would have monies in the Muggle World what did he expect?.
The moment they got out of the exclusive store. Tobirama had to force Izuna to make a new vow not to use the Gadget in their school. Or else they'll be punish for even illegally owning and bringing it.
Izuna solemly swears he won't use it while at school and Tobirama breathed a sigh of relief.
A second later he felt guilty that Izuna will technically cover for him. Tobirama made Izuna another binding vow not to reveal that he already knew how to enchanted his gadgets to by pass the Wizarding Society's magical interruption.
Izuna was mildly offended that he could have been texting and calling Tobirama all this time if he had told him of his genius invention.
Tobirama only rolled his eyes and told Izuna to use it only when they're at Summer or Winter break.
Izuna only blink his eyes at him and the flash of his phone taking a picture of Tobirama’s exasperated face made the Albino thought he might be regretting later for giving Izuna a chance to annoy him every time he can.
A week later, his Anija had came barreling inside his Seiryu Dormitory ( early in the morning ) wailing at the top of his lungs about how could his innocent baby Brother give his sleeping picture to his Bestfriend!.
Tobirama was thankful that he's the Head boy this year and had his own room. So no one can see the embarrassment that is his brother groveling at the foot of his bed.
He glared with bleary eyes at his loud Brother and smacked him with a water whip he conjured out of thin air. Hashirama wasn't even phased by his hit, the older boy only wailed louder and started his spiel about he'll kill anyone who dares to touch him–
Tobirama massages his aching temples and cuts off his Brother's unintelligible mutterings. " Anija! Get ahold of yourself. Why are you making a racket this early in the mornings?! "
Instead of answering him. Hashirama shoved a glossy picture in front of his face and Tobirama went bug eyed as he saw his own face featured on it. Only the picture shows he was peacefully sleeping on his own bed in the Senju House at Tokyo. He slowly looks up at his suddenly solemn looking Brother.
" Tell Anija, Tobi. Who dared to take a picture of you and give it to Madara?. "
Tobirama twitches in annoyance. That Izuna. Why would he give his picture to his older Brother? And an embarrassing one at that?. Also, why the hell did Madara even kept it?.
He avoided Hashirama's eyes and carefully answered in a calm tone. " I don't really know, Anija. "
The sudden rush of heavy oppressive Magical Aura pressing down on him made Tobirama froze in fear.
" Oh, so it's Izuna—kun then! Might as well kill him alongside his pervert of a Brother!. " and with that statement Hashirama apparated out of his room without a sound. Tobirama for a second was left reeling at his Brother's mood and the Magical Aura leaving his space as quickly as his Brother’s departure.
Upon finally realizing what his Brother words meant, he quickly jump out of the bed and attempted to follow wherever his Brother will go to.
It wouldn't do if Hashirama and Madara fought. They are literally powerhouses and the entire school would be demolish if they fight on its grounds.
He'll try to kill Izuna later after he averted this upcoming major crisis.
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mixelation · 1 year
Tori going to cons with various shinobi is soo funny to me. i love the idea of kakashi and minato getting mistaken for cosplayers and then turning around and mistaking sasori for a cosplayer sdkfskdf. Would sasori still be minato's type in the reborn au?
i was debating this
see, i like the idea of COMBINING the scenarios where sasori and minato show up to the same con. but im not sure how i'd play it??
team 4 "officially" meets sasori on a mission gone wrong. im not sure what the details are but sasori isn't, like, an antagonist to the mission. like the mission going wrong has nothing to do with him-- he's just there and annoyed about it. so everyone is aware tori and sasori have met. and maybe they run into each other more, because sasori like bothering them? idk.
either, the ~adults~ mostly think tori's ssori rpf fixation is a very weird way to deal with some sort of trauma. so while kakashi is fully confident in tori's ability to lay a civilian man on his ass, a random adult sasori cosplayer charming her is TAKING ADVANTAGE OF HIS CUTE FAKE SISTER'S EMOTIONS. so if we ADD minato to the commotion, then yeah his reaction might be similar?? like, in the context of tori talking to a man at a gd con, he's like: oh yeah, cosplayer. it's not like kakashi or minato have seen him in person! why would tori be all chatty and calm if it were him!!!
the thing is idk how the confrontation last for more than like two minutes without kakashi OR minato Realizing that' a whole ass ninja. also idk why sasori would approach tori in general if the hokage was around fhdjsfhjd. maybe minato leaves for a few hours to do hokage things and so sasori isn't aware h's been attending and when he sees him approach and he's like. are you fucking kidding me. tori is this YOUR fault
ANYWAY, i do like the idea of minato being kind into fictional!sasori in reborn au, but i'm not sure how he'd react to actual sasori. i want them to meet so minato can Realize but.... is this how......? tori is staring at her shoes wondering if she can reverse engineer hiriaishin in the next three nanoseconds so she can FLEE VERY FAR AWAY before she bursts into flames, and minato very slow inclines his head and looks thoughtful. you THINK it's because he's realizing he's talking to the actual akasuna no sasori but ACTUALLY it's that he's realizing this is the actual akasuna no sasori AND he's kind of into him
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Tobirama for the ask game plss
Yayyy comin' right up!
favorite thing about them
His intelligence & skillset. Also his self-control & discipline. It commands respect. His voice too, whew it's so authoritative. I also think his character design is so cool! The blue wardrobe against his pale skin and hair (I support the headcanon that he's albino, I think it adds so much depth) with his red eyes and face marks. How prettily his eyes are shaped too. His sarcasm and dry humor. And (last thing I promise) when he gets so indignant after Nart mistakes his jutsus for Minato's. (i literally named almost everything whoops)
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Cont. below cut:
least favorite thing about them
His stubbornness & huge ego. The man will never admit he is wrong out loud even when he knows he is.
favorite line
"First you must take a hard look at yourself and come to understand who you are objectively."
This speaks to who he is as a person. Look at yourself unbiased, with all of your shortcomings, your flaws, and your weaknesses as well as your strengths, know your limits and know what you're willing to do to lessen your faults. It's how he came to be who he is, and man if it isn't good advice.
HashiTobi obvs. I think their brotherly relationship is cute. Hashirama is the older sibling and yet the one who is more responsible and level-headed is Tobirama. Also the fact that Tobirama lived his life to realize Hashirama's dream of his village--as he knew Hashirama was a visionary but lacked the concrete know-how to actually execute his vision.
I have two.
TobiIzu in the way that they were true equals and I headcanon the idea that while Tobirama harbored the generational mentality that Uchiha were evil, he was also very fascinated by the Uchiha in general because of their traditions/prowess, and Izuna's strength and abilities in particular were so intricate, it was his favorite thing to study. Izuna got under his skin (which amused Izuna) and Tobirama couldn't help but be interested and in awe of him despite his pesky beliefs about the Uchiha. I believe he felt heavy guilt when he killed him.
TobiKaga in the way that Kagami was the only Uchiha ever to gain Tobirama's utmost trust. I want to know so badly how Kagami was able to obtain it. I believe Kagami was a very sunny-personality-type, who inherently understood where Tobirama was coming from and had unwavering respect for him. The beautiful "you are my exception" trope. I support the headcanon that Kagami got his Mangekyo after Tobirama left to be the decoy.
I do enjoy me some MadaTobi/TobiMada, after all they are very similar and they butt heads to it's always fun to read fics where they're stubborn in admitting they're attracted to each other.
TobiMito, I just don't see it. Mito is Hashi's wife &...why would they be attracted to each other?
TobiSaku...I see so many Sakura-self-insert ships that make no sense and this is one of them.
Just bc I don't ship/understand doesn't mean I judge you if you like it tho, by all means ship what u ship
random headcanon
I have SO many
the lines on Tobi's face each represent a fallen loved one, and the last line for Hashi is on his forehead underneath the protector
he created the Reanimation Jutsu to bring Izuna back
He hadn't meant to kill Izuna, he believed he would counter his Flying Raijin slice and was shocked & horrified when it actually worked
That he is albino & autistic (I love these hcs)
unpopular opinion
I don't believe he is prejudice against the Uchiha, I believe his misgivings about them are so ingrained (from growing up as Butsuma's son, having to view them as enemies all his young life) in his mentality that he refuses to give them up because that would mean admitting he's wrong which he never does.
I believe he did his very best to make sure Konoha would be successful and strong (creating the ANBU, delegating roles to clans, etc.) and the fact that some backfired was not his fault. He's only a person and did the best he could with what he had.
song i associate with them
R.I.P 2 My Youth - The Neighbourhood
favorite picture of them
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Pretty, pretty, and pretty.
Ask me here!
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"Out of the Shadows"
Aizawa and Class 1a x ftm!bullied!student!reader
Angst with a happy ending
This may turn into a two/three part series
This is quite long so buckle up!
This is also set when the dorms were placed
Tw: Bullying, injuries and swearing
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It all started when you were openly trans in UA, everyone was supportive or just couldn't give a shit about anyone's identity. Or so you thought.
There was this one group of kids in another class that would keep picking on you, first it was just the occasional teasing but when they realised you couldn't give a fuck, they got more serious.
Blood was pouring down your mouth and nose, as your bruised body lay in the hands of Iida and deku, running towards your classroom, shouting for aizawa or any teacher that was there. You laid there, barely able to stay conscious, unable to say anything from the lack of strength and energy you had in your bones, you wondered, what did you do so wrong to deserve this? As your mind slipped into unconscious, you heard very, very shallow footsteps coming towards you.
---Flashback to the day it started---
You were walking down the empty corridors of U.A, as the evening settled in, the sunset poured through the big glass windows, casting a warm and golden glow across the almost empty corridors.
Everything was peaceful until it got interrupted by some boys laughing down the corridor. You looked towards them to see 5 of the most disobedient and troublesome boys in the entire school.
Minato, he was their leader. Always intimidating people by his "awsome" quirk or stealing peoples phones or jewellery to keep for himself.
Haruki, he would manipulate people to think his actions were their fault and spread rumors about people and it would go around the whole school
Riku, he would mock people's physical appearances and call them names, which was detrimental to their mental health and harass and be violent towards his victims.
Asahi, he would force people to do bad things for him, stealing, bullying and giving him mercy ect. And he would always blame it on the victim
Then there was Kyou, he wouldn't do anything he would just stand behind the rest when doing there antics, everyone thought that he was forced into this and other thought that he wanted to be an actual hero but never knew how to become a proper one.
You snapped out of your thoughts and walked down through corridor, every step you took got faster and faster, when they passed you, they just looked at you and continued they're day. You sighed in relief as they passed you, unnoticed by the intimidating group.
Just as you thought you were free from them, Minato stopped in his tracks and turned around, you were a few feet away from them, keeping your distance and not turning back in case of any trouble.
"Hey you, turn around" Minato demanded, your heart sunk into your stomach as your heard his words, you turned around and looked at the group, staring you down like you were some sort of insane creature.
"Your that disgusting wanna-be-boy from class 1a aren't you" Minato laughed and all his friends chuckled in the background.
You huffed and started walking down the corridor again, knowing they were only going to continue throwing slurs at you for the evening.
"OI, WHERE DO YOU THINK YOUR GOING?!" Haruki shouted at you but you ignored them until your heard multiple running steps coming your way.
You felt a shot of adrenaline pump through your veins and you ran as fast as you could, you ran so fast that you felt your shoes getting hot. You bolted out of the school gates and quickly got your bike from the bike station and unlocked the lock with the key and quickly biked off into the distance.
Just then, the boys got to the exit but you were already gone
"Don't worry boys, we'll get em' tomorrow. Let's go." Minato told his friends and they went on.
As for you, you cycled all the way into your neighbourhood, you definitely got your cardio in for the day. Though all your thoughts were surrounded by Minato and his friends, all you had to do was avoid the kids, how hard could that be.
Luckily, your patents were supportive so you didn't have two problems on your hand.
The second you walked into U.A the next day you felt heavily on edge, like someone was watching you or observing you, though it was the early hours of 7:45 and class started at 8:25 so almost no-one would be here at this time.
Suddenly a hand was put on your shoulder and you zipped around in an instant, fear having the tightest grip on you, enclosing slowly but surely though when you turned you were only met with the worried look on Izuku's face.
"Hey Y/n, you look scared, what's up" Izuku asked worriedly as you relaxed under his touch.
"I'm fine Midoriya, I'm just a bit tense," You say as you turn to him and smile "what did you come and ask me for anyways" You say taking your bag off your back.
"Oh uhm its just that Iida saw you yesterday with Minato and his friends and we were wondering if you were hurt or anything" Midoriya asked quietly
"I'm fine really, I got away in time but no need to worry about me, I'll be fine. It was just a little dispute." You say knowing it was much more than that.
Midoriya grew skeptical by the second but let it go and said his goodbyes, you said you'd see him at the start off homeroom with the rest of the class.
You continued to get things out of your locker until another hand made its way onto your shoulder, you thought Midoriya or another one of your classmates wanted to ask you something but when you turned around you were with 5 boys surrounding you.
Without hesitation, Haruki forcefully seized your bag, flinging it aside, while Riku plucked your phone from your pocket, promptly passing it to Minato.
"Give it back, I'm not in the mood" You say, anger bubbling inside of you like a volcano ready to erupt.
"The freak isn't in the mood, just admit it, you're not a real man and you can have all your shitty stuff back." Minato challenged.
That did it, you grabbed Minato by the shirt and slammed him into the locker.
"I'm not fucking doing this shit today, give me my phone back and my stuff" You say, not up for the nonsense of the 5 boys.
"Alright, Alright. Boys give him back his stuff, here's your phone" He says while you let him down and he gives you back your phone and your bag is placed on the ground and they walk off like nothing even happened.
You were about to question it to yourself but then the bell went, you were going to be late for homeroom with Mr Aizawa
That'll be it for Part 1, the more action things happen on part 2 so stay for that. :D
I hope you liked it. If you did, drop me a like and remember..
Drink some water and eat something today, you deserve it ❤️ :D
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minevn · 1 month
fan of ur blog <3 big tw for this but how would your ocs deal with an s/o that has dealt with self harm/ struggles w relapses?
My blog will ALWAYS be a safe space for anyone who is struggling with anything, that said I'm no professional, so if you can, please talk to professional :3
Minato: Minato gets it. He's never actually gone through with self harm, but he's thought about it before. He tries to use a lot of the same methods he used on himself, filling up his schedule to distract himself! He tries to plan things with you, that way you have other stuff to do, and it also helps him keep a closer eye on you. He also makes sure to check up on you more often. If he feels like Hoshi and Habiki are making it worse, then he gets you out of your workplace, no matter what. He doesn't ever push you to talk, knowing that it doesn't help and will just add stress onto you, when you do decide to talk he'll ALWAYS be there to listen to you and offer input if you want any. He does make sure to let you know that he's there if you wanna talk. He'll never be upset with you or disappointed with you for self harm or relapsing, he just wants to help you in any way he can.
Haruto: When Haruto found out you were self harming at first, he was really upset, not at you or anything! He was more so blaming himself for not being able to stop you or to see the signs more clearly, he felt unreliable and questioned if he'd actually be a good partner for you. These are all things he keeps to himself as he's more concerned about you cutting yourself. Much like Minato, he makes sure to check up on you more frequently. He asks if there's anything you wanna talk about more often and if he notices that he's putting more pressure on you, he gifts you a journal, he asks you to write down all your thoughts and feelings. When you're angry, write in the journal, when you're sad, write in the journal, if you're happy, write in the journal. He gets you a therapist as soon as possible, the most expensive one. Haruto also plans more sleepovers, even inviting Aki, Kage, and Jun, knowing you need all the support you can get.
Jun: Jun starts crying, not that she wants to. She doesn't feel like SHE'S the one who should be crying, she just also hates the idea of you being sad and hurt and alone. She hugs you tightly and tells you that she will always be there for you, that you can talk to her if you need and want to. Jun has thought about self harm before, but she's never done it, not wanting to "ruin" her body. She already struggles with her self image, she didn't want scars to make her hate herself more. She def gets more clingy when she finds out. When you cuts are healed enough, she'll gently run her fingers over them and kiss them, making sure you know she still loves and adores you no matter what. If you're embarrassed about your scars and prefer hiding them, she'll design outfits for you that cover your scars but still allow you to dress like how you did before. She also takes away any objects that you can hurt yourself with, and takes you out on lots of cafe dates(especially cat and sheep cafes, really anywhere with cute animals she likes to take you)
Hoshi: When Hoshi finds out he kinda...laughs...in disbelief. Like, huh?! Why?! He doesn't really understand, he's never had any suicidal thoughts. Like of course he's been depressed before, but never to the point where he's thought about hurting himself or ending his life. He stops you before you get the wrong idea and think he's laughing AT you, his laugh was out of nervousness cause he doesn't know what to do in this situation. "You're...gonna need to explain everything to me in order for me to understand. Can you do that? Just say everything that upset you and made you do this, even if it's my fault." He wants to understand, and he really tries hard to. No matter if you say he had anything to do with it or not, he's a lot more gentle with you. He's more observant too, he tries to take you out on dates more and makes you a lot of delicious food every day.
Habiki: Habiki notices, even if you don't tell him, and even if he just got a glimpse. He isn't sure how to handle this situation though, so he just kinda stares at your arms. He goes home and looks into how to confront you. Being so straightforward might put a lot of pressure on you and just make you more closed off, so he has to be obvious but in a roundabout way. The next day he'll approach you "Uhm, if there's anything you need or want to talk about...I'm here for you..." He's very awkward, not sure if he's doing everything properly. He's relieved if you tell him you've been self harming, not that he's happy about it, it's just easier for him to try and help you in any way he can now. He'll offer you to stay with him, at least for a few days, he thinks it'd be beneficial if you were around people(and also he can keep a closer eye on you). He'll def fight Hoshi if Hoshi says anything upsetting to you. He plays music to help keep you calm, he'll even try to teach you how to play a few of his instruments, give your mind and body something else to do and think about.
Kage: Yeah, they probably understand the most out of anyone. Having a body littered in self harm wounds, and having more suicide attempts then you could count on both hands. Kage didn't have anyone to rely on, but now they can be there for you when you need them. Kage doesn't want you to suffer alone like how they have, they grab both of your hands with their own shaky hands as they tell you they still love you and will always be there for you. If the cuts are fresh then Kage has a whole supply of first aid materials and know how to take care of deeper wounds. Has an entire google doc of self harm care that they use when helping you treat your wounds, although at this point they've remembered everything they need to. They also send you the google doc in case Kage isn't there for you, which is like never since Kage always has free time especially for you. They're very gentle with your wounds and by the time they're finished patching you up, the ramen they made for you is done. Through their embarrassment and shaky hands, they feed you, declaring that you should just rest your arms.
Kei: Why? He wants to know why you self harmed, genuinely he's just very curious. He wants to understand the inner workings of your brain, he doesn't ask why out loud though, that wouldn't be very perfect of him. He already knows, he's known since the first time, having watched you through cameras and whatnot. Of course he patches you up perfectly though. He thinks you're a lot more weak and frail then you actually are and handcuffs you, not wanting you to hurt yourself anymore. You self harming just makes him feel like you need him even more, because he will make sure that you don't self harm again, he will make you feel all better again.
Yani: Yani gets it as they also self harm, still they'll be really happy and honored if you come to them for help and rely of them. She holds your arm gently in her hands before leaning down to lick the blood off. She makes sure you know that your blood is very delicious to her. It disinfects your cuts and patches them up nicely, kissing all of them and giving them all love. Yani cares and doesn't want to see you hurt of course, but at this point you already cut yourself, she can't go back in time and stop you from doing so, so she just accepts it. He'll stop you from cutting if he can, but if he's too late then he just makes sure to love the new wounds just as much as he loves the previous ones. Might give you a little "scolding", you can't see any anger on it's face or in it's voice, it just tells you to take your sadness and anger out on it instead. Yani shows you her cuts and says you two are matching, and that's why she can find it in herself to be a little happy. Yani will kiss your wounds wherever, whenever, smiling up at you after every kiss.
Aki: Aki notices that you've been more distant, not wearing your usual clothes, and hiding your arms, it's enough to convince her that you're either self harming or in some kind of abusive relationship that she somehow doesn't know about. Having been friends with you for a long time, she confronts you then and there, not wanting this to continue any longer. She's not upset with you, she'll never be upset with you, she just doesn't want you to suffer alone if you don't have to. She gently strokes your knuckles as you explain you've been self harming. She makes sure you're patching it up properly and taking care of it, she does her own research into the topic as well, getting you steri strips as it's not something most people just have in their household(at least I don't??) She makes sure that she's the one that patches you up, she teaches you how to just in case there's a time she really CAN'T be there for you, but she always tries to be there for you, so you can trust her and rely on her. You mean so much to her and she just wants to be there for you and make you happy.
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yellowocaballero · 3 months
“I’m afraid I must call you out of retirement for a final mission.”
Cold ice shot through Tobi’s chest. Fuck.
Did he know? He couldn’t. If he knew, he wouldn’t show it like this. His visit with T&I would be a lot less cheerful, that’s for sure. Was he prodding Tobi, watching for his reaction? Did Sarutobi honestly think he’d slip up? Tobi was incapable of slipping up. He couldn’t tell the truth with a kunai to his throat at this point.
“What sort of mission is it?” Tobi asked excitedly, ripping open the folder. He held the paper up and slowly mouthed the words on the page, fighting to get through the page. Look at him, he filled out his mission reports in crayon and could barely read. “Mission report…assignment duration, promotion or release…pay…oh, ew…assignment…jounin sensei…”
Tobi trailed off.
Distantly, he heard himself say, “Um. Maybe this is a mistake?”
As promised in last post. Kakashi & Obito roleswap. Barely. It's complicated. Please pay no attention to how many roleswaps I have written. Just ignore it. Do me a favor and do not think about it. OK? Thank you.
Snippet from a much longer, much messier document. This part was the very first part writiten and very much a proof of concept. I'm trying to figure out if I should overhaul the thing and turn this into an actual story, so let me know.
Short beginning scene of Tobito's Wild Ride under the cut.
“Tobi. Thank you for coming.”
Obviously, Tobi didn’t bow or kneel. That wasn’t the sort of person Tobi was. He just grinned broadly, waving so broadly that his body swayed with the motion. “Gramps! Hello! Wow, you’ve gotten old since I’ve seen you!”
Sarutobi chuckled, raising a pipe to his mouth. The pipe - either ‘I’m thinking hard’, ‘I want to pretend I’m thinking hard and giving due consideration to your idea when I don’t really care’, or ‘I’ve already decided and I’m pretending that you have a say in this’. What was the point of the last one? This was a literal military dictatorship. Tobi forgot how exhausting this man could be. 
“It has been a while,” Sarutobi said indulgently. “Since…the T&I incident, I believe?”
Tobi giggled, high and childish. “Inoichi-san got sooo mad. But Tobi said he was real, real, real sorry, so I hope he’s not still mad…oh, no.” Tobi gasped, face falling in desolation. “Is Inoichi-san still mad at me? Oh, Tobi can go apologize again -”
“It’s water under the bridge.” Tobi exhaled gustily, wiping the back of his hand against his brow. It wasn’t his fault Inoichi hated him. Apparently his mind was absolutely impenetrable. Something about constant children’s lullabies just playing full blast in his head. Or songs regarding a specific time of day someplace in the world. “I have to apologize, Tobi. I always feel as if I should keep a better eye on you. There’s never enough time in the day for all of the people we care about. Please forgive me for my inattention to you.”
Manipulative old fuck. Tobi panicked, embarrassed by the attention and affection. He waved his hands quickly, almost jumping up and down. “Gramps! It’s okay! Tobi’s not lonely or sad! He still has Sasuke-chan! Sasuke-chan wasn’t brutally murdered, so Tobi’s A-OK!” Tobi had to tell himself that a lot. Every morning after a nightmare, which meant every morning period. “And I met a really nice old lady yesterday and helped her down the street. She gave me an apple sweet. It was delicious! So there’s nothing to forgive, Gramps!”
“I’m glad,” Sarutobi said warmly. Ugh. Tobi knew objectively that Minato-sensei had tried to imitate that tone, but he still liked to convince himself that Sarutobi was mimicking Minato-sensei. That was a good one, he’d have to use it. “Sasuke-kun is actually why I called you here today.” 
That kid. Tobi sighed. “Tobi is sorry that Tobi cannot control Sasuke-chan. I’ve told him that punching Naruto-kun is bad, but he just doesn’t listen…”
“I’m sure you’ll find a method somehow.” Sarutobi pushed a thin file folder across the desk, and Tobi curiously stepped forward and picked it up. He’d know a file like that anywhere. It was a mission assignment folder. “I’m afraid I must call you out of retirement for a final mission.”
Cold ice shot through Tobi’s chest. Fuck.
Did he know? He couldn’t. If he knew, he wouldn’t show it like this. His visit with T&I would be a lot less cheerful, that’s for sure. Was he prodding Tobi, watching for his reaction? Did Sarutobi honestly think he’d slip up? Tobi was incapable of slipping up. He couldn’t tell the truth with a kunai to his throat at this point.
How did Tobi feel about this? Tobi sure as hell knew how Obito felt - desperately wondering if a T&I visit was in his future. Tobi was scared of the missions, sure. But he was a five year old. How would a five year old react to these things? 
Well. Tobi knew how he would have reacted. He would have sighed and rolled his eyes about yet another mission. Pretty impressive when you were burned out of your career at five years old. He blamed the two month graduation for years before he learned of Rin and Kakashi’s hell and eventually concluded that it could have been worse. At least Tobi was paid for his war zone. 
“A mission?” Tobi gushed. He clenched on the folder far too tightly, like a child clutching a wheezing frog. “I’m going on missions again?” He jumped a little, his usual little show of excitement. Kept his energy up. “Does that mean Gramps isn’t mad at me anymore?”
Tobi carefully snuck a glance up from the folder, checking Sarutobi’s expression. Sarutobi’s face was impassive stone, as usual, but he looked a little worn too. “We were never angry with you.”
Tobi fully looked up, tilting his head and frowning. “Nuh-uh. Tobi remembers. Everybody was so mad at Tobi. Just because his hand slipped…it wasn’t Tobi’s fault.”
“We know,” Sarutobi said gently. “Minato didn’t retire you because he was angry with you. He was only looking out for you.”
Well, Tobi didn’t want to be out of fucking retirement. It was objectively insane to put him on any mission. Tobi had gotten sabotaging every attempt to make him a useful member of society down to a fucking art. He had a shitton of inheritance to blow and a nice long civilian life to blow it on. Maybe he was too stubborn about it - Iruka was definitely convinced that he was the second laziest person in the village and sabotaged his assigned jobs on purpose, which Tobi would have resented if it wasn’t absolutely true - but spite was important. Spite woke him up in the morning. 
The only thing that helped him tolerate this stupid village was his hate for it. Ain’t that just the way.
“What sort of mission is it?” Tobi asked excitedly, ripping open the folder. He held the paper up and slowly mouthed the words on the page, fighting to get through the page. Look at him, he filled out his mission reports in crayon and could barely read. “Mission report…assignment duration, promotion or release…pay…oh, ew…assignment…jounin sensei…”
Tobi trailed off.
Distantly, he heard himself say, “Um. Maybe this is a mistake?”
“Trust me. You’re hardly our first choice.” Finally, they agreed on something. “But you’re the only one in this village with a Sharingan, Tobi. You’re the only one who can teach Sasuke how to use his power.”
“Nuh-uh. Um. This is a mistake. Ha ha.” Tobi ripped the paper from the folder, crumpling it into a ball and tossing it over his shoulder. “Because, um, I can’t use my Sharingan. Did Gramps maybe forget that? Ha ha?”
“But you still remember how to use it. Even if you can’t use it yourself, you can still walk Sasuke-kun through using his.” Sarutobi eyed Tobi knowingly, the dim glowing embers of his pipe reflecting a soft light in his eyes. “You were once a genius with the Sharingan, Tobi. They said you were the best since Madara.”
Yeah! Yeah, they did say that, old man! That was the whole fucking problem!
Mention of the Sharingan or Tobi’s old talents always upset him, so this was a great springboard into nipping this in the bud. He’d throw a hissy fit if he had to. Tobi had killer hissy fits. That was how Sasuke was given a seat as head of house in the Clan Council. Tobi’s wail could pierce eardrums and Sasuke had deserved that fucking seat. 
“Tobi doesn’t like the Sharingan anymore!” Tobi exclaimed. “Tobi wants to help Sasuke-chan, Gramps, cross Tobi’s heart! But Tobi doesn’t like the Sharingan and the Sharingan don’t like Tobi. And that’s just the truth.” Tobi crossed his arms, sniffling and scrunching his nose. “And don’t say what you’re gonna say. Tobi knows what’s up. Minato-sensei’s little boy is on that team too, isn’t he?”
He absolutely was. Tobi had speed-read the entire document while he was reading it out loud. But even the remnant of Obito’s genius was still considerable, and Tobi’s moments of keen insight were useful for pushing the enemy into a corner. 
“I thought you might appreciate the chance to look after your sensei’s son,” Sarutobi said mildly, removing a silver lighter from his pocket. Engraved, a gift from Biwako. Was that on purpose? A mind game on Tobi, an unconscious memory on his part, or a purposeful evocation of a memory just for him? Was he trying to remind Tobi of something or corner Obito? Damn this man. “Help him like your sensei helped you.”
The really great thing about Tobi was that he could get away with saying this. It was only to the left of cathartic, but at least it was in the zone. “I’m not stupid, Gramps!” Tobi yelled. The ANBU in the corners twitched, but when Sarutobi’s fingernail clicked on the silver lighter they subsided. “You’re giving Minato-sensei and Kushina-neechan’s little baby and his fox to the last Sharingan because you want the Sharingan to eat the Fox! Why are you doing what you want when you know it won’t work? Tobi’s tried, he can’t - he can’t, Gramps.”
It wasn’t the sort of thing any self-respecting Uchiha would admit. Half of them would kill themselves if they lost their Sharingan. Uchiha Obito, whose Sharingan was the pride and joy of the clan - who was the Uchiha’s Uchiha before Itachi-kun was even a twinkle in his mother’s eye - would never abandon his one point of value. 
And everybody knew how prideful the Uchiha were. There was no Uchiha alive who would pretend to be Tobi. Could you imagine? What Uchiha would humiliate themselves like this with a goofy smile on their face? A regular human being could barely do it. An Uchiha? Forget it. Impossible.
But Kushina-neechan’s favorite shinobi was always the most surprising of all. And Obito cared about that more than all the rest. 
The only ninja who would have ferreted him out was Kakashi. Kakashi and his dopey, stupid smile. His ridiculous porn books and his clumsy pratfalls. His laziness, lateness, and utter underachiever lifestyle. Only Kakashi ever said those words, with a wink and a smile: a true shinobi looked underneath the underneath. So save your energy and watch the clouds with me, Uchiha-kun. No? Maybe next time…
The next time never came. Being a good Uchiha had always meant something, and the useless son of a disgraced clan meant nothing at all. Nothing to anybody but Minato and Kushina and Rin and Obito.
“You’re better than nothing.” In that second, Sarutobi really did look very tired. He didn’t look like he was lying at all. “You’re the best we have, Tobi.”
Tobi was silent. Sarutobi knew it wasn’t much of a compliment. Even somebody like Tobi would know that. 
“As a favor to Sasuke-kun and Naruto-kun,” Sarutobi said, “and as a favor to me. Please give these children the help you can. Don’t worry - I’ll ask the other jounin to pitch in and help.” 
Tobi lowered his voice, and he allowed his tone to grow a little more serious. “I’m not strong. I’m not good at molding chakra and I haven’t really fought anyone in a long time. I can’t protect the children.” 
“We’ll be careful,” Sarutobi allowed. But there was something in his eye… “You may be rusty, but I doubt you’re out of the ring yet. Have a little faith in yourself.” The look in his eyes glinted and grew, and for the first time he stared right at Tobi. “You did hold your own against Uchiha Itachi.”
They stared at each other for a long second, two. A little too late, Tobi laughed and scrubbed the back of his neck. “Silly Gramps! I said a billion times. Tobi hid. I don’t think Itachi-kun thought it was worth it to kill me…I don’t think Itachi-kun ever thought I was a real Uchiha. But we’ve showed him, huh?” Tobi grinned, jabbing a finger at his chest. “Now there’s three whole Uchiha in the whole wide world! One third’s a serial killer, one third’s twelve, and one third is…drumroll please…Tobi! Konoha’s in good hands, ne?”
Tobi smiled at the man who ordered Uchiha Itachi to kill their entire family.
Sarutobi smiled back at the man who was currently pulling the most intricate and improbable lying campaign in a village of ninjas. In Obito’s defense, it was to save his own life. Sarutobi had murdered his family to - well, save the village, but Tobi didn’t have to like it. 
“Thank you for accepting the mission. I trust you’ll do splendidly.”
“Uh. Tobi didn’t -”
“The children ought to be waiting for you in the schoolroom at 1000 hours. You ought to head over - I expect you’re already late.”
Tobi squealed, looking at the unwound watch on his wrist and slapping his head. “Oh no! I’m late, I’m late, I’m late! Bye, Gramps! You promise-promise to get back-up for Tobi, right?”
Pleasantly, Sarutobi said, “I would not trust you alone with those children, no.”
“Yay! Okay, gotta goooo!”
When he left Sarutobi’s office, he was about ten minutes late to his meeting with the children. By the time he arrived at the school he was over an hour late. Lost on the road of life and all that. It didn’t matter - venting about this ridiculousness to Kakashi was way more important than meeting the brats on time.
This would be a disaster. There was no way this would end well. Tobi was a brain damaged, traumatized moron who couldn’t use his one skill and who hadn’t been on active duty since he whoopsie-daisy’d his sword into his best friend’s heart. If Sarutobi didn’t keep up his promise and drag in the other jounin to take up his slack then he’d riot. Did he want Tobi to do work? Tobi? He had resigned from capitalism and the military industrial complex. Pulling him into this shit again - as if he hadn’t suffered enough -
As if Sasuke and Naruto hadn’t. Maybe one of Sarutobi’s stupid-ass motivations was because he knew that only Tobi would be nice to Sasuke and Naruto. Damn Naruto especially. For that, at least…if only as a favor to Minato-sensei…
To make up for it…maybe a little bit of real work would be the least he could do.
Ugh. Hopefully not that much.
Tobi finally touched down at the school, following the Academy hallways to Sasuke’s classroom by route memory. He dropped off Sasuke’s lunch a lot. It embarrassed him so much. It was classic.
Tobi walked into the classroom and allowed a large basket of glitter to fall on top of his head.
A peal of laughter squealed throughout the room, and Tobi opened his eyes to see Uzumaki Naruto clutching his sides and laughing his ass off. Quite rudely, Sasuke had his feet propped up on a desk. That third girl was sitting primly in her seat, terrified. 
“What an idiot! Our new sensei actually fell for - wait.” Naruto straightened, squinting at Tobi. He yelled, jabbing a finger at him. “Hey! Number Two Ramen Fan! What the hell are you doing here?”
Sasuke almost fell out of his seat. He scrambled to his feet, panicked in his special Sasuke way - that was, eyes a little wider than usual. “Tobi? Did I forget my lunch?”
“Um?” Sakura Haruno hunched her shoulders in her seat, picking at the corner of a scroll. “Uchiha Obito’s our sensei. I thought you knew. Did you…not know?”
“Is this a joke?” Sasuke cried. “Who the hell thought this was funny? Tobi couldn’t fight his way out of a paper bag! If they’re bullying us again, I swear to god I’ll strangle whoever -”
“Whoah,” Naruto cried, impressed. “Violent!”
“Everybody’s always bullying Tobi,” Sasuke snapped. “I’m an Uchiha. What sort of Uchiha would I be if I tolerated that?”
Glitter dripped down Tobi’s hair and sprinkled onto his clothing. He smiled, big and bright, and clapped his hands together. Sasuke was groaning, but Naruto and Sakura just leaned in closer - caught in a morbid curiosity, desperate to meet their own fate. Signed and sealed. “Tobi’s first impression of you all is…you’re so funny! Tobi likes you!”
The kids paled. 
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a-ghost-that-writes · 2 years
Hi! Is it ok if I ask to prank naruto's Boys With: Madara, Naruto, Hashirama, Kakashi, Itachi, Shisui and Minato With Yours pranking Them by saying I love you to them but Saying Someone Else's name .
So just to make sure, this is a prank Naruto boys by saying I love you but say someone else's name. Aight. I can make it happen!
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Madara was confused by it, but recognizes the prank and was able to get a little chuckle out of it. 
He warns that if it happens again, Y/N would be “punished”~
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- Naturally Naruto got confused and concerned all at the same time! 
- He worries if it was his fault or that they did something wrong, but Y/N assures them that nothing’s wrong and that it was just a prank. He’s able to laugh a bit because he loves a good prank.
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- Hashirama is rather gullible and with this prank he took it seriously.
- Thankfully Y/N quickly tells him that it was all in good fun. He feels silly for behaving the way that he did.
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- Kakashi is a good sport when it comes to pranks.
- When Y/N pranks them, he decided to do his own little prank in retaliation. 
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- Most would not think Itachi is a fan of silly things like pranks, but he actually is.
- Y/N was actually surprised with how he took the little prank. He followed it up by pulling the same prank on Y/N
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- Now Shisui is actually a big fan of pranks but most don’t know this including Y/N.
- So when Shisui responded in the same manner, it really threw Y/N for a loop but in a good way.
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- Minato finds it a little silly that Y/N would try to prank him but he didn’t mind.
- He knows it was joke and plays along all in good fun of course.
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extinct-fish · 3 months
As I'm rewriting Chapter 2 of Confidante, I can't help but just give y'all a bit of dialogue.
Junpei picked up the cards and hastily put them into the box. The four of them made their way up the stairs, mostly in silence aside from Minato chatting with Orpheus. “What did you mean by you forgetting how much being a persona fucks with your perception?” “Well, I was mortal, like you. In life, I was gifted this lyre by Apollo, and I could even get animals to dance to my melodies.” “Huh.” That's funny, I can do the same thing, except with my voice. “When I lost my wife, I was so heartbroken that even the gods cried. I still regret looking back before leaving the underworld, but…” Orpheus sighed, “regrets come and go, but what matters is moving on.” “What was your wife’s name?” “Eurydice. I remained loyal to my death to her, but by Apollo’s name, did being ripped apart by those damned Dionysian Maenads hurt like a bitch! I still feel phantom pains of my limbs being torn every now and then.” “Was that how you died?” “Yes, and all because I refused to join their bloody orgies. Drunken bastards.” “You sound like you hold a grudge against Dionysus.” “I don’t like most gods because of their faults. The only exceptions were Hades and Persephone because they bring the seasons, and they usually like to keep to themselves, and Apollo because he gave me my lyre.” “I mean, valid, considering that one god gave you something that you love, and the other two let you take your wife back.” “I didn’t mention that part, how did you know?” “Greek Mythology.” “I see. My life became a story with a lesson.” “Not really a lesson, more like a story about how people are flawed.” “I mean- what myth is not?” “True.” “Nerd,” Ryoji teased. “Shut up, son of Nyx and Erebus,” Orpheus spat. “You’re an ass.” “And you aren't?” “Can you two stop bickering?!” Junpei scolded, “If you two wake up Mitsuru, I’ll kick both your asses!” “Wow, Junpei Iori being responsible? Who would’ve thought!” Minato sarcastically teased. “I hope you step on a lego.”
How to tell if it's written by me: look for threats of great annoyances!
I also had to do a bit of research for both Thanatos and Orpheus
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